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Mechanical free energy devices => RomeroUK pulse motor Muller generator => Topic started by: Schpankme on December 31, 2007, 10:48:41 PM

Title: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Schpankme on December 31, 2007, 10:48:41 PM
A search of the internet shows very few replications (2) of the Muller Dynamo.  So why isn't more people building the Muller Dynamo ?

Technical Summary

The Muller Dynamo is a brushless generator composed of one moving part, the rotor.  The rotor is mounted on a shaft, which revolves around inside of the stator shell.  Super-magnets are mounted around the periphery of the rotor.  Super-magnets are used, one more rotor magnet than generator coils.  Inside of the stator shell, several generator coils are mounted, wound around an amorphous ferrite core.

Amorphous metals are used for the core material inside the coils.  These cores exhibit practically zero hysteresis loss.  The cores have no magnetic memory and cannot sustain any current flow even though they will polarize magnetically nearly as well as iron and other alloys used for cores.  Consequently, they do not heat up.

The generator contains an odd-number/even-number configuration of poles/magnets so that a magnetic balance occurs which eliminates the work required to move one pole from the other no matter how large or strong the magnetic surface would be.  This concept allows the flywheel to turn easily and efficiently despite the inherent powerful holding force of the magnets.

The rotor of the Muller R&D model contains 16 NdFeB permanent magnets which are set 22.5 degrees apart and the stator contains 15 field coils which are set approximately 24 degrees apart.

The rotor is turned by a motor, rotor magnets revolve past the coils, the magnetic field induces a pulsating electrical current which can be used for any purpose.  However, first the generated electricity must flow through a solid state switching circuit.

The switching circuit turns the stator coils "on" and "off" at the appropriate times to "clip" and channel the current flow.  This prevents the buildup of forces which "buck" (back emf) the generator and reduces its output.  This switching circuit gives the Muller Dynamo virtually zero rotor drag and virtually all of the motive force is turned directly into usable electrical energy. - Bill Muller

- Schpankme

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: IronHead on December 31, 2007, 10:53:42 PM
Because to many people screwed up this very complex and expensive Dynamo and gave it a bad name.
But it works
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Schpankme on December 31, 2007, 11:04:53 PM
Quote from: IronHead on December 31, 2007, 10:53:42 PM
Because to many people screwed up this very complex and expensive Dynamo and gave it a bad name.
But it works


You make a very good point.  I've personally tried to find "detailed information" for re-creating the Muller Dynamo and nothing "seems to exist".

- Schpankme
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: IronHead on December 31, 2007, 11:17:30 PM
The hardcore builders were pretty efficient when it came to pulling all the info and study down. There were only a few really. Few new people have worked with this as time is a big factor to build this devise and as you said little to no info is remaining.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on January 01, 2008, 09:26:04 AM
   Just for reference, when contacted why the files were removed, she said that they would be reposted at a later time. Guess that she is going through a divorce right now and getting things back in order. Hang in there.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Schpankme on January 01, 2008, 07:54:50 PM
Quote from: Thaelin on January 01, 2008, 09:26:04 AM
Just for reference, when contacted why the files were removed, she said that they would be reposted at a later time ... Hang in there.

Muller Power Inc  -  "Advancing the Legacy of Bill Muller"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 03, 2011, 07:08:19 PM
Here is my replication of a Muller Dynamo with few addons.




(edited by Admin): The videos were removed from Youtube.

The 3 videos of RomeroUK are now here on my Youtube account:


(added by admin):
Hi All,
I just compiled Version 1.1 of the PDF file describing the RomeroUK selfrunning device
in detail.


or also available at:


or here at these mirrors:






Enjoy !

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 03, 2011, 07:36:31 PM
Hi Romero,

Very impressive. Congrats.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scianto on May 04, 2011, 03:51:40 AM
Would you, please, be willing to post more technical data of your setup, like the circuit, coils data etc.?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 04, 2011, 05:08:54 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 03, 2011, 07:08:19 PM
Here is my replication of a Muller Dynamo with few addons.

Hi Romero,

CONGRATULATIONS!  You seem to have a COP=2 setup!  Very good.

For any naysayers a possible looping should be practical by using a DC/DC converter, such off the shelf units have at least a COP of 0.8 i.e. a 80% efficiency (or higher), this means the resultant COP still remains around 1.6 (0.8*2) and because you showed 12V output at 2A current (24Watt) the remaining available extra power (beyond the output taken for selfrunning) is at least 5-6Watt:
you can win the overunity price right now!

Here is a possible DC/DC converter I think would be good for looping back your output to input:

Of course there should be many other products like this or you can surely build a simple one from switch mode integrated circuits. The requirement is the converter should have a regulated 12V output voltage to prevent run away situation.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 04, 2011, 05:51:09 AM
Hi romerouk, nice work on the generator. It seems as though you're using principals from your 'overunity 2' video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lYTr16vdOM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lYTr16vdOM)
And on top of that you're using the odd/even setup like Muller, good ideas.

So with the example of your video 'overunity 2', where you show 2 magnets at opposite end repulsively interacting and nullifying that repulsion by using the ferro core attraction at the coil/core.
It seems possible one can get extra shaft power from that alone, though the odd/even is probably an extra bonus.

I'm going to test the principles in the 'overunity 2' video, i have everything here from other projects to easily replicate it. Was that coil intended to be pulsed or is it driven by a separate motor.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 06:14:25 AM
Quote from: SkyWatcher123 on May 04, 2011, 05:51:09 AM
Hi romerouk, nice work on the generator. It seems as though you're using principals from your 'overunity 2' video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lYTr16vdOM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lYTr16vdOM)
And on top of that you're using the odd/even setup like Muller, good ideas.

So with the example of your video 'overunity 2', where you show 2 magnets at opposite end repulsively interacting and nullifying that repulsion by using the ferro core attraction at the coil/core.
It seems possible one can get extra shaft power from that alone, though the odd/even is probably an extra bonus.

I'm going to test the principles in the 'overunity 2' video, i have everything here from other projects to easily replicate it. Was that coil intended to be pulsed or is it driven by a separate motor.
peace love light
That setup can be used in both configurations, having a coil to drive it or with a motor attached to the shaft.Testing must be done with the load connected then adjust the magnets
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 06:22:42 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on May 04, 2011, 05:08:54 AM
Hi Romero,

CONGRATULATIONS!  You seem to have a COP=2 setup!  Very good.

For any naysayers a possible looping should be practical by using a DC/DC converter, such off the shelf units have at least a COP of 0.8 i.e. a 80% efficiency (or higher), this means the resultant COP still remains around 1.6 (0.8*2) and because you showed 12V output at 2A current (24Watt) the remaining available extra power (beyond the output taken for selfrunning) is at least 5-6Watt:
you can win the overunity price right now!

Here is a possible DC/DC converter I think would be good for looping back your output to input:

Of course there should be many other products like this or you can surely build a simple one from switch mode integrated circuits. The requirement is the converter should have a regulated 12V output voltage to prevent run away situation.

rgds,  Gyula
Hi Gyula,
good ideea to use a DC to DC converter. Ofcourse I have tried to self loop starting with the battery to get up the speed then disconectig and leaving a 47000uf/40v capacitor.That almost destroyed my driving coils, they are melted a bit but still working.With the battery connected and the bulb in parallel it works good and charging the battery too.I did't think of a DC converter but now I realise that I must have one. I will order one and see the results... as for the overunity price we shall get the most of this setup then look for it. I think that a solid state device (no moving parts)  will win that price, it is what everyone is looking for.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 04, 2011, 07:32:55 AM
Hi Romero,

May I ask, what provides the trigger for the drive coils, please?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 08:06:48 AM
Quote from: penno64 on May 04, 2011, 07:32:55 AM
Hi Romero,

May I ask, what provides the trigger for the drive coils, please?

hall effect sensor
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 04, 2011, 08:12:18 AM
One more -

are you calling a top and bottom pair, one coil?

Thanks, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 08:52:05 AM
Quote from: penno64 on May 04, 2011, 08:12:18 AM
One more -

are you calling a top and bottom pair, one coil?

Thanks, Penno
the coils are conencted in pairs, top with the bottom but when i am talking about coils I am refering to each individual one.
The current setup works with the driving coils in attraction to the magnets. I have originally tried in repulsion but this one works better.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 04, 2011, 12:29:31 PM
Very interesting device. I searched in Peswiki and found that another one made this device with a COP of 1.7. I wonder why this device is not used more widely in industry? The circuits I found look quite complicated though. Definitely not something for the average sixpack Joe...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 04, 2011, 12:55:14 PM
@romero uk .The device that you have built could be far more important than you are aware .One key question is , how complex are the electronics . If you are certain of your measurement techniques , then you have a proven COP of nearly 2 . Even if this can not be looped , look at the significance in small scale wind power . Imagine DOUBLING the output of a small scale wind plant . Or a solar array . Applications are suitable for both suburbia and third world villages . In a solar set up ,you can double the energy the solar panel put into the battery . And Double it again as it leaves the battery to feed the load ! Hows that for compound interest ! If the tech is scaleable , you could run machines in series , so that the energy increases in an exponential manner . Given enough info , I would definitely replicate this one .So back to the electronics . How about a schematic . Or why don't you sell detailed plans , and ultimately Kits?If this is real why are we wasting time on less attainable technologies?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 04, 2011, 01:23:55 PM
Wowww!! Romerouk :o

fantastic work.

Can't wait to prepare a replication. Your electronic seems much simpler than the one we can see at peswiki.

Have you a shematic?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 01:45:18 PM
This is the parts arrangement in my Muller setup.
I had few questions from the 'replicators' here about voltage on the battery going down when the load is on.
The reason for that is that from the output bridge rectifier I am using one diode to send power back to the battery to keep it charged.When the 20watt bulb is connected the power going back to the battery is reduced resulting that slight voltage drop.
This setup was built for about 25watt load, if the load is increased then all setup must be changed.
The gap from the coils to the rotor must be changed and some other things ...
If anyone is trying to replicate this please remember to do the testing with the load on and compensate the drag with the magnets on top of the coilsI hope this helps.

All the best,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 04, 2011, 02:25:02 PM
@Romerouk . Thanks for that info . There are many more questions that need to be asked .
1What is the total number of coil and magnets
2 Is each coil used as a drive coil and a generator coil in turn .
3 If each coil serves only one purpose , how many drive coils and how many generator coils 4 You show a drive circuit for a coil . How many of these are needed?
5 Assuming that the output is derived from coils that act only as generator coils , how is the output configured , for example , is a separate bridge rectifier used for each generator coil , and the rectifier outputs connected in parallel? or series?
6 In a basic setup , what electronics are needed beside the driver circuit you show and bridge rectifier
This info would give us a start .Many thanks , also could you give a rough rpm of the rotor in tests you have done? Also , on your youtube vid , please confirm that the Magnacoaster apparatus in not part of , or connected to , the Muller Generator .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 04, 2011, 03:26:55 PM
Further to my last post . It looks like you have 2 dedicated driver coils . The inputs to those coils are triggered by hall effect sensors , So the input to the device is pulsed .The big question is , does that ,or does it not , cause problems in measuring the input current .In other words , can the multimeter that you use to measure input current give a true reading on a pulsed DC Waveform.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 04, 2011, 04:43:38 PM
Hi Neptune,

If you watch the video more closely, you will see -

9 coils pairs - 2 of which are drive coils and 7 gen coils
8 magnets on the rotor

all gen cols series to achieve 12v

A more interseting question would have been for some detail on the coils -

turn, core and wire gauge ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: pese on May 04, 2011, 04:49:30 PM

i remember that all or most "overunity, the guys have find because wrong "metering" !!

Think about that ALL mesurements  from NON-DC  as also NONSINUS-odial-WAVES  are with wrong / failed results.

As "unprofessional, you have only ONE WAY to see and result.
To have more output that the Input need:

Use 2 packs 12v 2,2Amp Lead-gel batteries
or 2 packs with 10pcs 1,2 AA NiMh AA batiers.

One to drive the INPUT  another to charge
if possible also lightning your bulb.

Use an switch to swap the 2 battery packs
In to out,  so  if that is running and lightning some
days.. THAN (only than) your circuit is UNEFULLY

Gustav Pese
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 04, 2011, 05:04:18 PM

Hello Gustav,

Yet another way to prove the extra output is to loop it back by using a DC-DC converter which has a 12V regulated output. Regulated output is a must to prevent the runaway / self-destruction moments.

Here is another such converter (in the previous page I have shown another link on DC-DC converter) for looping his output back to the input:

This way any pulsed current measurement problems or any benefit from battery chemical (de-sulphation) effect can be avoided.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 05:25:33 PM
Answers to your questions:
Only 2 coils (pairs) are driving.
All other coils are connected to bridge rectifiers, each set of coils goes to a rectifier then all are connected in parallel not in series as someone said before.
Each coil has 300 turns of 0.8mm multistrand, one set of coils is 600 turns in total.
The core is ferrite 6mm diameter 15mm long.
Lately I had some messages saying that this is a fake, some kind of trick I do... what can I say?
...wait until I will have it self running then who knows what else will come.
I finished this project about one month ago and I had it tested then I decided to post the video.
I had it working for days without any recharge to the battery.
So, my friends, if you think that this is a fake please ignore my posts.

All the best,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 04, 2011, 05:37:08 PM
Hi Romero,

Sorry about the assumption of series for gen coils - my mistake.

Thanks for all that information.

Kindest Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 05:58:49 PM
I am going to buy that regulator from Maplins tommorow.

Thank you,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 04, 2011, 06:09:44 PM
hi Romero

thanks for the driver coil shematic ( i use it since some times on my shorting coil experiment and it works great,, thanks )

So everything seems very easy to replicate. And so far, you do not use  "shorting"  on the generative coils. Only paralelling those coils, rectified  to the load-

So the main effect seems to come from the odd / even coil to magnet arrangement coupled with your addition of external magnet.

woww so simple genius


Will begin the replication ASAP

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 06:24:44 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 04, 2011, 06:09:44 PM
hi Romero

thanks for the driver coil shematic ( i use it since some times on my shorting coil experiment and it works great,, thanks )

So everything seems very easy to replicate. And so far, you do not use  "shorting"  on the generative coils. Only paralelling those coils, rectified  to the load-

So the main effect seems to come from the odd / even coil to magnet arrangement coupled with your addition of external magnet.

woww so simple genius


Will begin the replication ASAP

good luck at all

before spending lots of money and time try to replicate my old example from the folowing link
Use any number of magnets but make sure that at anyone time you have a magnet in position to compensate the drag created by the coil.
use a motor to drive the rotor and make sure you start testing with a load connected then adjust the magnet up and down to eliminate the drag as much is possible and get best output. More easier than this is not possible and I have posted that info long time back.
Please keep me updated with your progress.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 04, 2011, 08:01:49 PM
Hi folks, Hi romerouk, thanks for all the additional information. A couple years ago, I built just about the exact setup, minus the permanent magnets in stator and used repulsion, not attraction.
Though I used dual magnet rotors sandwiching a stator plate with steel washers as cores, in odd/even arrangement.

And just like your setup, I only used 1 drive coil, then 2 drive coils, though when just using the 1 drive coil, it took off like a rocket as if all the other coil/cores were not there.
If it were not an odd/even setup, my rotors would never have accelerated in that manner and would have had low rpm.
So since you're using the permanent magnets to cancel the attraction effect of the core, so you can use attraction mode of your coil, you don't need to use repulsion.
In a way, it's somewhat similar to the kawai motor, in that when pulsed to attract, you're attracting a powerful neo magnet and not needing any input to negate any drag back to ferromagnetic core issues.
Though I wonder if the odd/even geometry is even needed when using the permanent magnets to cancel ferro core attraction, though it probably helps.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 05, 2011, 01:59:20 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 05:25:33 PM
Only 2 coils (pairs) are driving.
All other coils are connected to bridge rectifiers, each set of coils goes to a rectifier then all are connected in parallel

hi Romero

excellent build - thanks for sharing!

apologies, another couple questions:

- what is approx weight of rotor (without mags) - or what material/object did you use?

- is there any waveform factoring or smoothing involved in the output measurements as shown in video?
  eg. Capacitor smoothing of combined parallel FWBR o/ps, or using 'moving-iron' type Volt & Amp meters?

someone suggested charging 2nd battery pack with o/p & swapping with i/p to see if operation continues longterm (sorry, can't see who whilst posting this reply - maybe Gustav?)

...just a thought - from my experiments with charging NiMHs, NiCds etc, that process is only around 50% efficient, so you'd need a bigger margin than just COP=2 to be sure of achieving sufficient i/p back from charged batteries (don't know about charging efficiency of LBAs tho')

...could this margin also apply to an attempt to loop back the existing o/p to the i/p battery (ie. would you need to supply more than**  2x the existing battery draw to keep it recharged?  i don't know)

(** 'more than' because the DC/DC conv. also has 10-20% losses)

anyway, hope the feedback development goes smoothly, whatever method you go for


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 03:33:58 AM
I am not sure exactly about the weight but is about 2kg with the magnets on.
The rotor is made of Acrilyc 1.2cm thick. No smoothing in the video shown but yesterday I have added a capacitor to the load and I've got better results.
I had it running for days without loosing the charge.I have even started from 8volts in the battery and that charged and was running ok.No need to change batteries, I will try to have it running without battery just capacitors, today I will have the answer... I must get that dc/dc converter first.Even looping back I should still be able to lit a 5w bulb at the same time.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 05, 2011, 05:18:19 AM
thanks for the info, Romero

sounds good about the smoothing cap - what capacity did you use & what did the Vout & Iout change to?

i guess with a little more windings on the gen coils that it would be possible to generate sufficient o/p voltage headroom to use for charging the i/p battery directly, without conversion (apart from rectification, of course)

a technique that i'm finding useful (with a different experiment) is to supply a load circuit direct from a battery as usual - then connect the feedback o/p buffer capacitor to the battery via an inductor which is large enough to block switching transients between cap & battery

the cap would be ok to receive any transients from the o/p and it can develop a slight voltage increase above the battery voltage to keep a constant 'trickle' charge into the battery thro' the inductor


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

[Edited to clarify feedback of o/p]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 06:39:23 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 05, 2011, 05:18:19 AM
thanks for the info, Romero

sounds good about the smoothing cap - what capacity did you use & what did the Vout & Iout change to?

i guess with a little more windings on the gen coils that it would be possible to generate sufficient o/p voltage headroom to use for charging the i/p battery directly, without conversion (apart from rectification, of course)

a technique that i'm finding useful (with a different experiment) is to supply a load circuit direct from a battery as usual - then connect the o/p buffer capacitor to the battery via an inductor which is large enough to block switching transients between cap & battery

the cap would be ok to receive any transients from the o/p and it can develop a slight voltage increase above the battery voltage to keep a constant 'trickle' charge into the battery thro' the inductor


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
I have used a 4700uf/25v and the voltage increased to 13.8 with the load
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 05, 2011, 07:01:42 AM
@Romero UK . Thanks for answering my questions . I am not sure why you are using multistrand wire in your coils . How many strands? or is this litz wire . Surely multistrand is used for high frequency AC? To the best of my knowledge , the charge/discharge efficiency of lead acid batteries is about 80% . I s the charge discharge efficiency of caps 100% ? I think it was nul-points who suggested some coil rewinding to remove the necessity of a DC-DC converter . A simpler solution would be to rewind only the drive coils to work on a lower voltage . If you do this , include taps in the winding to optimise things .
        There is a simple way to measure complex waveforms . I think it was originally Gustav`s idea .Make a box with 2 compartments and a lid of frosted glass or greaseproof paper . Inside , fit 2 identical bulbs . Feed one from the waveform , and one from a variable voltage DC power supply .Adjust supply until both bulbs are equally bright . Read the amps and volts from the meters of your power supply . That will give you the watts . An added refinement is to use a homemade light meter consisting of a small solar cell and a milliamp meter .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 05, 2011, 07:16:51 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 06:39:23 AM
I have used a 4700uf/25v and the voltage increased to 13.8 with the load

excellent! -  thanks, Romero

13.8V (on-load) sounds like it would sustain some feedback from your smoothed o/p to your battery

maybe you could try a couple of diodes (say 1N4007 or similar?) in series to get a forward volt drop approx equal to the difference between 13.8V and the  i/p battery voltage (approx 12.3V on-load iirc?)  -

try first with lamp load switched in - monitoring DC current thro' feedback diode(s) (starting on high Amp range & working down, of course)

if you have any schottky diodes (eg 1N5817 or similar) you could try different arrangements of 1N4007 (approx 0.7V) & schottky (approx 0.4V) to get different forward Vdrop between buffer cap & battery

if you can't sustain 13.8V or near, with lamp load, try without lamp - but start with higher diode Vforward values first

you must be very excited about this?  (your generator build)

In bocca al lupo!  :)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

[Edit: add clarifications]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 05, 2011, 07:37:36 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 05, 2011, 07:01:42 AM
To the best of my knowledge , the charge/discharge efficiency of lead acid batteries is about 80%.
Is the charge discharge efficiency of caps 100% ?
I think it was nul-points who suggested some coil rewinding to remove the necessity of a DC-DC converter . A simpler solution would be to rewind only the drive coils to work on a lower voltage . If you do this , include taps in the winding to optimise things.

thanks for the LAB efficiency, Neptune

cap discharge *should* approach 100% (if cap/cct has low leakage, low internal series R, and you don't cause significant heat loss by the discharge currents)

however, there are losses associated with trying to get charge-separation into a cap in the first place (i had a whole thread going on this issue a couple of years back - confirming experimentally that around 50% of the supplied energy was getting dissipated in external resistance of supply load + wiring) - even when using a series inductor

some academic experiments have shown that increasing the number of pulses to switch current into a cap tends to reduce the losses

[oops - late edit!]  good idea about modding 2 driver coils, rather than 8 gen coils!   this might help if you used a stack of NiMH cells to give 8.4V or 9.6V, say, rather than the existing 12V i/p battery

if you keep the 12V i/p battery then you'd really need to bump up the output voltage  to get sufficient feedback volts - but Romero has achieved this anyway by adding the buffer cap, so no need to alter any coils - neat!

hope your cycling's been less eventful recently - bet it's been great weather to be out on a bike!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 05, 2011, 08:58:14 AM
@Romerouk .Can you please tell us more about your magnets . Size , grade , source of supply ? and could you please comment on my question re multistrand wire . Re the coil cores . Are these just pieces of ferrite rod from an old radio , or are they commercial cores ? Sorry about all these questions , but we need as much info as possible to replicate .It would seem from the video that your battery is 17 Amp hour . So if you dispensed with the machine, and connected that lamp directly to the battery , one could reasonably expect a run time of about 9 hours until the battery voltage drops to ,say , 11volts . That is if the battery is in good condition . However you say that the machine has run for several days without substantially discharging the battery .If this is the case ,you can forget about analysing complex waveforms .In my book , this shows indisputable proof of overunity .
@nul-points . Yes fine cycling weather , thanks but very windy . On the flat lands of Lincolnshire , the winds are our mountains ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 10:22:05 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 05, 2011, 08:58:14 AM
@Romerouk .Can you please tell us more about your magnets . Size , grade , source of supply ? and could you please comment on my question re multistrand wire . Re the coil cores . Are these just pieces of ferrite rod from an old radio , or are they commercial cores ? Sorry about all these questions , but we need as much info as possible to replicate .It would seem from the video that your battery is 17 Amp hour . So if you dispensed with the machine, and connected that lamp directly to the battery , one could reasonably expect a run time of about 9 hours until the battery voltage drops to ,say , 11volts . That is if the battery is in good condition . However you say that the machine has run for several days without substantially discharging the battery .If this is the case ,you can forget about analysing complex waveforms .In my book , this shows indisputable proof of overunity .
@nul-points . Yes fine cycling weather , thanks but very windy . On the flat lands of Lincolnshire , the winds are our mountains ...
The magnets are 2cm diameter with 1cm thick, not very sure about the grade, I think are N38, I have bought them long time ago.
The reason to use multistrand is that most of my devices I built I used multistrand.
Some tests from other projects before showed me that using multistrand wire I get better results.
Another reason is the type of wire I had when I started the project adn also much easier to build the coils when the wire is more flexible. I think there are 7 wires in(I am not home now to check).
The ferrite rods are recovered from computer PSU, used as filters with copper wire on them. I do work with computers and all PSU I need to replace I get the goodies out before disposal, free source for many useful components.
The battery is 17 amp but it is about 5 years old, not very good but still works.
Regarding changing the driving coils... I prefer to keep it as is, I am happy enough with the results, no need to proove anything, I know it works. I started this project not to get super power but to see how it works and if it works, so far results are good enough. I bought a DC/DC converter today and this evening I will try self looping...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 10:57:34 AM
Something similar with my setup but a bigger scale

"Perpetual motion is stored in the magnets.
The Magnets ARE the Motor."

"By cleverly counter-balancing their equal and opposite reactions to each other, in space and in time, partly by mechanics, partly by timing, partly by circuitry, and partly by material science, Mechanical / Electrical work can be extracted from them sufficient to show so-called Over-Unity production of Net Energy."

"That means, efficiency greater than 100%,
an actual amplification of the available energy
as opposed to a net consumption of the energy."

...... Bill Muller
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 05, 2011, 12:47:04 PM

Hi Romero

Thanks for advice and sharing.

I hope all the best for the LOOPING

I am gathering the matos to replicate (have to make some ordering)
Can't wait for your result

Good luck


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 05, 2011, 12:58:30 PM
@Romerouk. Thanks for your additional info , much appreciated . I would like to work on a replication , but am a bit limited financially , and have very poor eyesight . I was actually wondering if it would work with ceramic magnets from microwave ovens , as I have lots of these.I built a 50 watt wind generator with these . I ultimately would like to build an OU machine with at least 100 watts out .Could I use old radio ferrite rods as core material?When it ran for several days without discharging the battery, did it have a load , or not?
       This machine consists of two parts , a motor and a generator . Which one is OU ? My money is on the generator . So we need to drive it with the most efficient motor available .Is a pulse motor the best choice? I don't know , I am just asking . Maybe a conventional permanent brush motor is more efficient, or a brushless ? Whatever motor we use , it needs to be direct drive , to eliminate transmission losses . Also someone on another thread quoted a mathematical formula to calculate the ideal coil-magnet ratio to reduce drag. I will post it later if I can find it .An afterthought .The pulse motor could of course be made more efficient by recycling the back EMF .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 05, 2011, 02:30:07 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 05, 2011, 12:58:30 PM
we need to drive it with the most efficient motor available .Is a pulse motor the best choice? I don't know , I am just asking . Maybe a conventional permanent brush motor is more efficient, or a brushless ? Whatever motor we use , it needs to be direct drive , to eliminate transmission losses

hi Neptune

have you seen any of Prof Kanarev's work?

he recently claimed to have created a self-running hybrid fluid/electromag motor/generator - details on PESwiki (& here on OU.com, somewhere)

not much detail forthcoming yet (in English, anyway) - but there was *one* short paper where he outlined something of his theories

he suggests that once a motor has been run up to speed then the most efficient way to continue driving it is by applying pulses

so it *could* be that you should hedge those bets on the generator...

...and also get one of Kanarev's motors installed on your bike - for when you meet one of them there Lincolnshire 'Mountains'!  ;)

worth checking out? 

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 03:18:55 PM
I am going to upload the video, is almost 20 minutes of self running.
The skeptics should prepare the arsenal..... :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 05, 2011, 03:32:52 PM
Hi Romero,

CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kindest Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 05, 2011, 03:36:43 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 05, 2011, 03:48:50 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 03:18:55 PM
I am going to upload the video, is almost 20 minutes of self running.
The skeptics should prepare the arsenal..... :)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 05, 2011, 03:57:47 PM
@romerouk/ Congratulations , and watch out for the MIBs.Am I dreaming , or is this just what we have been looking for .Fairly simple , open source , looped. get those plans sorted , sit back and count the money . I personally feel that optimisation will eliminate the need for the DC-DC converter. All hail the mighty romerouk!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 04:10:32 PM
Thank you Gyula for your sugestion with the DC/DC converter .
The one from Maplins is what I used and it worked just fine .
The upload is in progress but is 1.35gb file and it takes some time
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 05, 2011, 04:16:53 PM

Hi Romero,

you are welcome and I am very pleased for your looping success!
Later, when you have some more time, try to place some further load to the 12V output of the converter, just to see how much extra 'reserve' energy is still hidden in the setup.
I do believe that further improvements are possible, like getting rid of the diode bridge and use controlled MOSFETs as rectifiers and so on.

rgds,  Gyula

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 05, 2011, 04:20:21 PM
 ;) :D ;D :D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

yeepee !!

video video video

thanks for sharing

good luck and take care

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 04:28:18 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on May 05, 2011, 04:16:53 PM
Hi Romero,

you are welcome and I am very pleased for your looping success!
Later, when you have some more time, try to place some further load to the 12V output of the converter, just to see how much extra 'reserve' energy is still hidden in the setup.
I do believe that further improvements are possible, like getting rid of the diode bridge and use controlled MOSFETs as rectifiers and so on.

rgds,  Gyula
At one time durring the test I have added the 20w bulb too and it worked. The voltage dropped a little under 12 volts.You will understand more when u watch the video.Before recording the video I tried with a 20w bulb plus a 5w bulb and that was a bit too much, the voltage dropped to 10.1v .The converter is not that strong too.A better setup with bigger magnets and bigger coils will do better.That is the next step now.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 05, 2011, 04:29:23 PM

Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 03:18:55 PM

Omg, this will be amazing!! Can't wait for it!

I'm quoting woopy's post to express my feelings:

Quote from: woopy on May 05, 2011, 04:20:21 PM
;) :D ;D :D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

yeepee !!

video video video

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 05, 2011, 04:30:16 PM
While we wait for the video , here is a thought  .I assume that all the magnets in the rotor have the same pole facing up . So therefore , am I right in thinking that the output from a given pair of coils is NOT AC , but pulsed DC ? If I am right , we can replace all the bridge rectifiers with single diodes . This would cut losses and improve the voltage of the out put .Can someone tell me if I am right or wrong ? Meanwhile , this is much more exiting [and of more benefit to mankind] than the first man on the moon .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 05, 2011, 04:36:02 PM
Very well done sir.

As I suspected last night, now after re-reading the thread and seeing your new post...

We are in a 'Drop Everything you are doing and come here' situation.

I will be ordering All the parts required for this replication this weekend.

Thank you Romerouk, I am looking forward to this!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 04:36:39 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 05, 2011, 04:30:16 PM
While we wait for the video , here is a thought  .I assume that all the magnets in the rotor have the same pole facing up . So therefore , am I right in thinking that the output from a given pair of coils is NOT AC , but pulsed DC ? If I am right , we can replace all the bridge rectifiers with single diodes . This would cut losses and improve the voltage of the out put .Can someone tell me if I am right or wrong ? Meanwhile , this is much more exiting [and of more benefit to mankind] than the first man on the moon .
all magnets are same pole facing up. I have a spare rotor with magnets NSNS but I have never tried it but I will...
I am looking forward to bulid a proper one now.
I think now that we know it works people should try to replicate a bigger size.
Biggest problem I had was to get the rotor made.The core is very important
The picture below shows the core i am looking to use in the next setup.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 04:45:33 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 05, 2011, 04:51:54 PM


I can't believe what I'm seeing.

Again, CONGRATULATIONS and THANKYOU so much for sharing.

Kindest Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DreamThinkBuild on May 05, 2011, 05:08:43 PM
Hi Romerouk,

Excellent job.

I got a really giddy feeling when you removed the battery completely and it was still running even with the load of the light. Wow!  :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 05, 2011, 05:10:18 PM
Very well done Sir!

I watched witch amazing,

Speeding up, slowing down at will, pulling a load !

Excellent!   Tighten your shoes!

Good luck!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: cubalibre on May 05, 2011, 05:11:41 PM
Wonderful, amazing, thank you.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 05, 2011, 05:16:32 PM

I am smiling in anticipation of what is to come of this!!

great video RomeroUK, dare I say utterly ground-breaking video?

I think I will.

We All have work to do, good luck everyone.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Nali2001 on May 05, 2011, 05:17:21 PM
Hi Romero,
Great build and results.
Now I have a couple of questions if you don't mind lol:

- What is the core material?
- You use 2 drive coils and 7 output coils?
- So, you take the output from each output coil > rectify and smooth that > that power is than via dc-to-dc converted back into the input coils?
- The magnets on top of the coils, are then really needed?
- How many rotor magnets do you use?
- Can you please post some good pictures as well?

Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 05, 2011, 05:24:05 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 04:36:39 PM
all magnets are same pole facing up. I have a spare rotor with magnets NSNS but I have never tried it but I will...
I am looking forward to bulid a proper one now.
I think now that we know it works people should try to replicate a bigger size.
Biggest problem I had was to get the rotor made.The core is very important
The picture below shows the core i am looking to use in the next setup.

Thank you! You should win the O.U prize! Stephan should look into this.
Excellent job!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 05:30:35 PM
Quote from: Nali2001 on May 05, 2011, 05:17:21 PM
Hi Romero,
Great build and results.
Now I have a couple of questions if you don't mind lol:

- What is the core material?
- You use 2 drive coils and 7 output coils?
- So, you take the output from each output coil > rectify and smooth that > that power is than via dc-to-dc converted back into the input coils?
- The magnets on top of the coils, are then really needed?
- How many rotor magnets do you use?
- Can you please post some good pictures as well?

Thanks for sharing!
The output from each output coil > rectify and smooth that > that power is than via dc-to-dc converted back into the input coils = Correct
Without the magnets on top the self running will not be possible, al least up to now.
The core is ferrite rod 6mm. the picture below shows metal screws as core but I  replaced them after initial testings
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 05, 2011, 05:38:00 PM
This is a night we shall remember all our lives , for sure . I hope romerouk does not get overwhelmed and go into hiding , and that someone collates all the info into one place . Guess it will bbe on Peswiki by tomorrow . Mainstream news ? in about 10 years . going to try to sleep . see you all later .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 05, 2011, 05:40:48 PM
10 000 STARS....






Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 05, 2011, 05:43:12 PM
@Free Energy , see reply 57 page 4 . It would seem it does not matter as long as all mags same pole up .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Nali2001 on May 05, 2011, 05:44:14 PM
Hi Romero,
Great! Yes I am wondering about the rotor magnet orientation as well.
I notice not all input coils have a magnet on top, you ran out of magnets or was this needed?
Why are there diodes on the full wave rectifiers, more power handling?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 05:50:03 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 05, 2011, 05:38:00 PM
This is a night we shall remember all our lives , for sure . I hope romerouk does not get overwhelmed and go into hiding , and that someone collates all the info into one place . Guess it will bbe on Peswiki by tomorrow . Mainstream news ? in about 10 years . going to try to sleep . see you all later .
Don't worry I am not running away.I don't care if i am on different sites or if I am not. I prefer not to be.This is not my invention, I have only replicated the work from this great man, Bill Muller.
This is smal comparing with many other discoveries that are already available but sometimes even small is good enough to keep us going.
Now I am waiting other people to replicate then I will be more happy. I have a friend here on this forum that I talked with in private sometimes and this friend already thinks that yesterday video is a fake.I am waiting to see what is going to say today.
I might need to hang the generator with a piece of wire and have it running suspended...
People replicating this should double all my details, bigger coils, magnets and most important a heavy rotor with even number of magnets on it and uneven number of coils.
Make sure that spacing betwen the coils or betwen the magnets on the rotor is equally spaced.
The distance betwen the coils and the rotor  must be adjusted depending on the magnets used, core... Too close is not neccesary good.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 05, 2011, 05:58:19 PM
hi Romero

you make it all look so easy - what has everyone been doing for the last 10 years or so?

nice work!

i can see that the DC/DC convertor voltage switch allows you to control the drive - but i'm interested to know if it is possible to replace the converter altogether by just connecting the buffer cap to the i/p using one or more diodes in series

would you be able to try that at some point?

PS i guess you'll be hearing from Steorn pretty soon, asking how you do it!  ;)

many thanks - and well done!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 05, 2011, 06:02:04 PM

nothing to add

but let's replicate at full speed ... a good night and large dream is needed

giant BRAVO Romero and Bill Muller

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: knovos on May 05, 2011, 06:10:45 PM
This must be the break trough where we all have waited for. The year 2011 is the year of the free energy. We don't need no mystery's anymore from Don Smith or Tariel Kapandeze. It is here to catch for all of us and lets spread it out over the world! Thank you very much Romero, for your replication skills and most of all your open source mind. Congratulations!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 05, 2011, 06:11:47 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 05, 2011, 05:58:19 PM

i can see that the DC/DC convertor voltage switch allows you to control the drive - but i'm interested to know if it is possible to replace the converter altogether by just connecting the buffer cap to the i/p using one or more diodes in series

would you be able to try that at some point?

Hi nul-points,

I apologize for 'chiming' in, I do think a kind of regulator for voltage or current should be included in the feedback loop, otherwise either slowly or suddenly a runaway situation develops in the loop. A battery is an excellent such regulator and you can even abuse it to an extent but the moment you remove it from the setup and you do not care on some regulation, your setup becomes unstable for sure. This is why the input voltage (which is the output voltage from such a regulator) is to be kept under control.

rgds, Gyula

EDIT:  Yes, series diodes sound good to use but they are non-linear and allow a small but steady increase in the output voltage, this increase then brings gradually the RPM up and up, hence output power increases too so the setup finally runs into self destruction. For testing purposes they are good limiters I agree.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 06:12:58 PM
I don't want to hear from anyone, steorn or others like them.This info is for all people and free too.
I have no intentions to be asociated with people who are just trying to rip us off.
All I want now is someone to replicate it to take this presure from me.I have more to show but at this moment this is HOT.
Running without the converter almost killed this generator melting the coils.... Must have something to keep the output stable.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 06:18:22 PM
Quote from: Nali2001 on May 05, 2011, 05:44:14 PM
Hi Romero,
Great! Yes I am wondering about the rotor magnet orientation as well.
I notice not all input coils have a magnet on top, you ran out of magnets or was this needed?
Why are there diodes on the full wave rectifiers, more power handling?

In this setup all magnets are the same orientation.
Yes, those extra diodes on top will add almost 2 volts to the total output and that is a lot.Proper rectifiers might work better but as usual, I used what I had already.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 05, 2011, 06:20:01 PM
Hi Romero,

I still can't believe IT WORKS !!! Its AMAZING !!!!!!

In the pic of the stators and rotor, you showed the nuts and bolts used to secure a I guess,
aid the magnetic field into the coil. May I ask how you secured the coils to the rotor when you replaced the bolts/screws and nuts withe ferrite.

Also, you mentioned multistrand mag wire for the cores. Can you be more specific, please.

Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 06:21:36 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on May 05, 2011, 05:40:48 PM
10 000 STARS....






has anyone replicated the schematic you presented here? Drawings looks nice but I will like to see it real.

All the best,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 05, 2011, 06:23:07 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on May 05, 2011, 06:11:47 PM
Hi nul-points,

I apologize for 'chiming' in, I do think a kind of regulator for voltage or current should be included in the feedback loop, otherwise either slowly or suddenly a runaway situation develops in the loop. A battery is an excellent such regulator and you can even abuse it to an extent but the moment you remove it from the setup and you do not care on some regulation, your setup becomes unstable for sure. This is why the input voltage (which is the output voltage from such a regulator) is to be kept under control.

rgds, Gyula

hi Gyula

no problem - i agree with you

when i first suggested trying diodes a few posts above i wasn't expecting that Romero would be able to remove the battery altogether

i'm not suggesting that it should be a permanent replacement without either a battery or some other regulator - just trying it as a go/no-go test would be sufficient because it would confirm if the 'feedback to source via diode' method, which we see so often in other designs, is an equally valid approach for looping the energy


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 05, 2011, 06:27:05 PM
The linked pictures posted by FreeEnergyInfo are confusing me. I would rather like to see the circuit made by RomeroUK :) or at least which pictures/circuits are really necessary to construct the device.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 06:27:50 PM
Quote from: penno64 on May 05, 2011, 06:20:01 PM
Hi Romero,

I still can't believe IT WORKS !!! Its AMAZING !!!!!!

In the pic of the stators and rotor, you showed the nuts and bolts used to secure a I guess,
aid the magnetic field into the coil. May I ask how you secured the coils to the rotor when you replaced the bolts/screws and nuts withe ferrite.

Also, you mentioned multistrand mag wire for the cores. Can you be more specific, please.

Regards, Penno
oh my god ... :) a lot to answer tonight.
The coils are made of acrylic and all parts are acrylic - I used dichloromethane to glue them all.
Multistrand made of 7 wires totaling  0.8mm or 0.82mm, not 100% sure.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 05, 2011, 06:29:24 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 06:12:58 PM

I don't want to hear from anyone, steorn or others like them.This info is for all people and free too.

hi Romero

yes - i was just joking that Steorn will contact you because you have shown us what they have been *promising* us for years - and never delivering, it seems!  so maybe they need to ask *you* how to do it  :)

thanks for the feedback about the converter & stability
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 05, 2011, 06:42:29 PM
Quote from: gauschor on May 05, 2011, 06:27:05 PM
The linked pictures posted by FreeEnergyInfo are confusing me. I would rather like to see the circuit made by RomeroUK :) or at least which pictures/circuits are really necessary to construct the device.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 05, 2011, 06:52:00 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 06:27:50 PM
oh my god ... :) a lot to answer tonight.
The coils are made of acrylic and all parts are acrylic - I used dichloromethane to glue them all.
Multistrand made of 7 wires totaling  0.8mm or 0.82mm, not 100% sure.

Congratulations! romero, excellent work

Will add my questions later, lol

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 07:03:48 PM
you should have left the pictures attached to your post too, any info is welcome. People should appreciate it and most of it is based on Muller's design.
Do you have a link to a video showing it working?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 05, 2011, 07:12:31 PM

Great work.

What is the type of Hall switch you are using?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 07:26:33 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 05, 2011, 07:12:31 PM

Great work.

What is the type of Hall switch you are using?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 05, 2011, 07:45:43 PM
I have asked this before but if got missed in the exitement . All the rotor magnets are same pole face up . I feel that this may mean that from a given generator coil , the out put will be not AC , but pulsed DC . If this is true , then a BRIDGE RECTIFIER IS NOT NEEDED.It can be replaced by a single diode . Can anybody confirn or deny this please? Single diode equals less volts drop and higher output .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 05, 2011, 07:47:21 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 07:26:33 PM


Back a few pages you posted a drawing of your switch.
The switching transistor inside the A3144 is a NPN
capable of switching 25mA. In your drawing you did
use a 100 Ohm resistor. Did you use this resistor
as a pull up from pin 3 (collector inside A3144) to
the positive rail?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 08:03:04 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 05, 2011, 07:47:21 PM

Back a few pages you posted a drawing of your switch.
The switching transistor inside the A3144 is a NPN
capable of switching 25mA. In your drawing you did
use a 100 Ohm resistor. Did you use this resistor
as a pull up from pin 3 (collector inside A3144) to
the positive rail?

I call it pin 1 the voltage in, from plus goes to pin 1 thru a 100ohm resistor.
This schematic was used by many others in the shorting coil experiments.It is simple and works great.For my next build I am going to use proper mosfets with dedicated driver circuits...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 05, 2011, 08:07:27 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on May 04, 2011, 05:08:54 AM
Hi Romero,

CONGRATULATIONS!  You seem to have a COP=2 setup!  Very good.

For any naysayers a possible looping should be practical by using a DC/DC converter, such off the shelf units have at least a COP of 0.8 i.e. a 80% efficiency (or higher), this means the resultant COP still remains around 1.6 (0.8*2) and because you showed 12V output at 2A current (24Watt) the remaining available extra power (beyond the output taken for selfrunning) is at least 5-6Watt:
you can win the overunity price right now!

Here is a possible DC/DC converter I think would be good for looping back your output to input:

rgds,  Gyula
Looping or using a scope to measure the output power will tell the true story.

The input power (~ 11.3W) is going to be fairly accurate because of the DC source. However Gyula, you should be aware that multiplying an average current by an average voltage of an output produced by induced currents in a coil, is not going to have a power factor of 1, and therefore the simple product of 24W will not be accurate.

Judging by the intensity of the bulb and assuming the efficiency to be 80%, the true output power is likely closer to 8W or 9W.

Nice job on the build R. :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 05, 2011, 09:02:42 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 05, 2011, 07:45:43 PM
I have asked this before but if got missed in the exitement . All the rotor magnets are same pole face up . I feel that this may mean that from a given generator coil , the out put will be not AC , but pulsed DC . If this is true , then a BRIDGE RECTIFIER IS NOT NEEDED.It can be replaced by a single diode . Can anybody confirn or deny this please? Single diode equals less volts drop and higher output .


A single magnet passing a single coil makes AC You do not need NSNS to make AC. What controls the wave form is the direction of motion.

As the magnet approaches the coil it generate say a positive pulse. At TDC there is zero induction, As the magnet recedes from the coil it generates a negative pulse (depending on the magnet pole and the hand of the coil)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 05, 2011, 09:03:56 PM
Hi folks, Hi romerouk, thanks again for all the information and videos.

I recall reading something from Muller about hardened steel ball bearings and also tubular steel cores could be used instead of the magnetite that he used.
Though I don't have any of the above, nor do i have a sufficient supply of ferrite cores.
All I have are steel bolts, so i will use those for the time being.
I have 1" diameter neos I'll be using, with 6 neo magnet rotor from another project.
peace love light
tyson :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 05, 2011, 09:19:39 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 08:03:04 PM
I call it pin 1 the voltage in, from plus goes to pin 1 thru a 100ohm resistor.
This schematic was used by many others in the shorting coil experiments.It is simple and works great.For my next build I am going to use proper mosfets with dedicated driver circuits...

Not wishing to detract from your achievement but it is my understanding that the A3144 has a built in voltage regulator so no resistor is needed in the supply to pin 1. However, as Ground loop pointed out there should be a 5 to 10K resistor from pin 3 to + supply as a pullup for the open collector.
Normally this resistor can go from pin 1 to pin 3.

If this sketch came from EV Grey, then a word of caution, several circuits are incorrectly presented.


Fig 11


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 06, 2011, 03:34:54 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on May 05, 2011, 08:07:27 PM
Looping or using a scope to measure the output power will tell the true story.

The input power (~ 11.3W) is going to be fairly accurate because of the DC source. However Gyula, you should be aware that multiplying an average current by an average voltage of an output produced by induced currents in a coil, is not going to have a power factor of 1, and therefore the simple product of 24W will not be accurate.

Judging by the intensity of the bulb and assuming the efficiency to be 80%, the true output power is likely closer to 8W or 9W.

Nice job on the build R. :)


Hi poynt99,

In general you are right. But in this setup there should be an anomaly in the induction process because actually the looping works and your estimation of the 8-9W output would certainly be NOT enough to create the needed 11.3W.

As you surely noticed Romero used a full wave diode bridge at each coil output and although in his last but one video he did not use a puffer capacitor (later in the looping video he did) the moving coil current and voltage meters shown at the output did the averaging job pretty well. What really shows the anomaly, it is the input current: when Romero loads the output with the bulb, the 0.93A input current changes but a very little, it is like the action-reaction part would be at a minimum.

So it is the anomaly which is to be understood / explained.   :)

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 03:36:18 AM
Quote from: i_ron on May 05, 2011, 09:19:39 PM
Not wishing to detract from your achievement but it is my understanding that the A3144 has a built in voltage regulator so no resistor is needed in the supply to pin 1. However, as Ground loop pointed out there should be a 5 to 10K resistor from pin 3 to + supply as a pullup for the open collector.
Normally this resistor can go from pin 1 to pin 3.

If this sketch came from EV Grey, then a word of caution, several circuits are incorrectly presented.


Fig 11

I understand what you are saying but this is exactly how I used the circuit and it works just fine.As I said before, other people here have replicated that circuit and worked perfec, I think woopy is one of them.I had it running as is from 3.5 volt input to 18v input.
That resistor has a role in my understanding, I don't care in general about the info presented about a product, I am always trying to see it my way and in general I was right.
As I said it works as is.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 06, 2011, 03:41:13 AM
@I-ron . Thanks for clearing up that point about AC or DC output . @poynt99 .what you say about measurement and power factor is a point I brought up earlier .However , this argument becomes irrelevant in view of the fact that the machine has been looped AND feeds a load at the same time .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 06, 2011, 03:47:55 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 06, 2011, 03:41:13 AM
@I-ron . Thanks for clearing up that point about AC or DC output . @poynt99 .what you say about measurement and power factor is a point I brought up earlier .However , this argument becomes irrelevant in view of the fact that the machine has been looped AND feeds a load at the same time .

Hi Neptune,

As an addition to Ron's answer, here is a link you can read on the induced waveforms:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 06, 2011, 04:51:06 AM
Hi folks, well I'm working on a replication, though I will be using 5/16" diameter steel bolts with 24 gauge wire, had 6 already made from previous project, just need to make 4 more and am using 6 - 1" diameter neo magnets on 3/4" mdf rotor, 6" center to center of magnets.
Will be using 10 coils total or 5 per side.
Will use hall effect with TIP42. Will start with one coil pair drive.
Will use same 1" diameter neo magnets at back of coil/cores to reduce drag.

I've built similar setups previously, so this will be no problem, just have some drilling and coiling to do yet.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 06, 2011, 07:09:12 AM
I am trying to get a team together to replicate this . One problem with replication can be , do you try to exactly copy  the working example or do you use materials to hand to save money . I plan to compromise by building a good shaft and rotor and then experimenting with the other bits .
           Here is an important question . What is the orientation of the magnets on top of the coils? If we assume that all rotor magnets are north pole up , are the magnets on top of the coils north pole up or south pole up . Also I need to learn more about Hall effect switches .Obviously , the motor drive coil needs to be energised as a magnet approaches it , and switched off as the magnet comes to its closest point to the coil . I am not quite clear at the moment what causes it to switch off at this point .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 06, 2011, 08:02:57 AM
Hi folks, here's information from the Muller web site.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 06, 2011, 08:15:44 AM
Guys, is it only me who doesn't understand or am I simply stupid:

I have currently a lot of trouble to estimate and guess which parts are needed to replicate this device, I don't even know where the circuit need to be attached, which coils are connected to where, where is the driver coil, how is it controlled, where are the rectifiers, whats the size of the magnets, how should they be aligned, how many magnets? is it only 8 magnets in the rotor, or is it 2x9(magnets below and on top of the 2 discs)+8 magnets(rotor) etc.

- to keep it short: I miss some organisation in here and I can't even start a replication without this information. And I'm asking myself how can any of you?

The only things I can guess is now:
"Ok, we have a different number of coils and magnets.
Somehow coils are coupled with one another through a rectifier.
Somehow a circuit with a transistor and a hall sensor is attached which does something.
Somewhere also is a capacitor with 4700µF and 20-40V which in the end will allow the selfrunner".

This allows too much juggling... :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 06, 2011, 08:22:19 AM
Sorry guys,

I had not yet seen the "Muller Generator - self running - Test1" looping video before I posted.

Good stuff Romero! I can't say I see any "problems" there. :)

Why isn't Stefan all over this yet? Has he seen the thread and video?

Reminds me of the Mike Window Motor a few years back.


PS. I've started a new thread on this at OUR.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 06, 2011, 08:28:09 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 06, 2011, 07:09:12 AM
I am trying to get a team together to replicate this . One problem with replication can be , do you try to exactly copy  the working example or do you use materials to hand to save money . I plan to compromise by building a good shaft and rotor and then experimenting with the other bits .
           Here is an important question . What is the orientation of the magnets on top of the coils? If we assume that all rotor magnets are north pole up , are the magnets on top of the coils north pole up or south pole up . Also I need to learn more about Hall effect switches .Obviously , the motor drive coil needs to be energised as a magnet approaches it , and switched off as the magnet comes to its closest point to the coil . I am not quite clear at the moment what causes it to switch off at this point .

hi Neptune

sounds like a good approach

this is the first time that i've been seriously tempted to build a motor, rather than a solid-state device

wrt the static mags, since their purpose is to 'null' the attraction between rotor mags & coil cores, then it seems likely that the upper mags are opposing the rotor mag orientation - does that seem sensible?

i think i noticed that Romero has what appear to be steel washers (glued?) to the upper frame above the coil positions, so that the upper mags hold themselves in place but can be moved easily (neat?)

when you get a larger one of these powering your bike i'm going to get on a train and come up to Lincolnshire and cheer you on!  :)

hope this helps (...er, i don't mean the cheering bit)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 08:29:49 AM
Quote from: SkyWatcher123 on May 06, 2011, 04:51:06 AM
Hi folks, well I'm working on a replication, though I will be using 5/16" diameter steel bolts with 24 gauge wire, had 6 already made from previous project, just need to make 4 more and am using 6 - 1" diameter neo magnets on 3/4" mdf rotor, 6" center to center of magnets.
Will be using 10 coils total or 5 per side.
Will use hall effect with TIP42. Will start with one coil pair drive.
Will use same 1" diameter neo magnets at back of coil/cores to reduce drag.

I've built similar setups previously, so this will be no problem, just have some drilling and coiling to do yet.
peace love light
I am not sure about the steel bolts, I tried in my first attempts with steel screw and that was a total failure.If you insist using it make sure u have enough gap betwen the coil and the rotor.
5 coils each side  might not be enough because you'll have a big distance betwen the coils that can affect the system. I have never tried it like that but in the end we will learn from all this.
Ultra important is to have the magnets spaced equally and the coils too.Failing in this arangement will cause system not to work properly. Leave the hall sensor to the ned to be able to find the right position and do it separately for each coil, not having both powered.
Initial tests must start with a load connected, at least a 5w but 10w will be better.
Don't connect all rectifiers togheter from the beginning, test and do the magnets adjustments individually.

I wish you luck.

PS: I already have a lot of offers to sell my device:) I have no intention to do that.
First I need to replicate myself then we shall see. I need to be able to do it again but this time at a bigger scale.
I have another small device in testing, a bit different than this one but I might get some extra output if it is going to confirm my thoughts but not yet.
I have most of the parts for the new build but not the rotor and bigger magnets.The magnets I am going to order today but the rotor is a pain.
I am not sure if building the coils as Bill suggested is of any advantage, that must be tested before comparing with a standard coil.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 06, 2011, 08:51:07 AM
Hi Nul-points . I would agree that your theory on the coil-top magnets sounds most likely .But it would be nice to hear cofirmation from the man . I am still wondering about using old ferrite rod from old radios as cores ,because I have some . I know not all ferrites are equal .Based on a rotor speed of 5000RPM and 9 coils ,AC frequency in the coils would be about 45 Khz ., a much lower frequency than the ferrite sees in the radio .Criticism of this theory invited .
        For a pensioner like me ,Neo magnets are expensive , so I face 3 choices
1. choose the exact magnets Romerouk uses
2. Choose larger Neos in the hope of building a bigger machine .
3.Experiment initially with ceramic magnets from microwave ovens , which I have already.
Again criticism welcome .
@Romerouk . What is your longest looped run to date please?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 06, 2011, 08:53:10 AM
Hi romerouk, thanks for the tips and info.
I've built Muller odd/even setups like this in the past, though It may in the end need ferrite cores or equivalent to prevent all the losses.
At least I'll have it all setup to use ferrite, etc. later on.
I'm going to use a separate timing rotor that has smaller ferrite magnets, that way I can easily adjust the hall sensors using that.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 06, 2011, 08:56:46 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 08:29:49 AM

PS: I already have a lot of offers to sell my device:) I have no intention to do that.
First I need to replicate myself then we shall see.

hi Romero

your achievement** here could be a 'tipping point' for the future direction of small-scale to medium-scale energy supply

if that becomes true, then that prototype could well become a part of history - i'd either hang on to it, or donate it to a museum at some point

it's not that a particular device is the key thing here - it's just showing the world that this is a feasible means of using energy

** i know that you've followed on from Bill Muller's lead here, but your system may be the step which moves everything forward

good luck for the future

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 06, 2011, 09:05:43 AM
the 'all-N' mag setup on the rotor here may be a 'departure' from usual, but the benefit is obviously that Romero has been able to 'tune' the anti-cogging of the rotor with the coil cores

an N-S-N-S.. mag rotor setup wouldn't work with this anti-cogging arrangement

the static mags here are doing work 'for free' which is often achieved by a more complicated powered electromagnetic setup

i think Romero has achieved a very 'minimalistic' design where everything is working together in synergy - definitely greater than the sum of it's parts

...hmmm, that could equally well be a definition of 'Overunity' !  ;)

cheers all

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

[Edit to clarify magnet scheme]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 09:25:11 AM
What is your longest looped run to date please?
Well the longest is the one I have recorded yesterday(about 20 min), after that I had no patience to sit and just look at it.I have some other projects in progress but this weekend I will have it running over night.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 06, 2011, 10:08:19 AM
@Romerouk .First can you please definitely confirm the number of magnets and the number of coil pairs as I am trying to collate a list of essential facts to help everyone . I understand you getting bored after 20 minutes . If it had been me , they would probably have to drag me away several weeks later before I starved to death! Sorry , I realise that you have life and a family .
,But to me it would be more exiting than the Royal Wedding , The Cup final , the Olympics and the first Mars Landing , all rolled into one!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 10:52:17 AM

What is the diameter of you rotor?
Also, what is the distance from the rotor outer rim and to the Neo magnets?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 06, 2011, 11:18:38 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 06, 2011, 07:09:12 AM
I am trying to get a team together to replicate this . One problem with replication can be , do you try to exactly copy  the working example or do you use materials to hand to save money .

I'm in neptune, If you still need anyone. PM me and I will send you my email address.

I have a busy evening with work, but I have dedicated the whole weekend to this and have monday as holiday.

Time to revive my RS account.

Good to see everyone so busy since I last logged in.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 06, 2011, 11:37:30 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 03:36:18 AM
I understand what you are saying but this is exactly how I used the circuit and it works just fine.As I said before, other people here have replicated that circuit and worked perfec, I think woopy is one of them.I had it running as is from 3.5 volt input to 18v input.
That resistor has a role in my understanding, I don't care in general about the info presented about a product, I am always trying to see it my way and in general I was right.
As I said it works as is.

LOL, I didn't say it didn't work, just that it may not be "good engineering"

Lots of people will be getting their first taste of electronics here now this is out and as a first step it would be best to present the hall in a manner that they can build on latter. As it is this works only on a PNP transistor. When you come to advance to the next level this simplification will not work.

It is working simply by taking the base to ground on activation then letting "leakage" currents take it back to a positive potential to turn off the transistor. All I was suggesting was that this could lead to sloppy imprecise timing.

But again, thank you for sharing the fruits of your research here, it is much appreciated.  One question... is the 'helper' magnet separated from the back of the coil by the full thickness of the acrylic? Would you confirm that the switching is to attract in?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: void109 on May 06, 2011, 11:50:02 AM
Found this video on youtube:


This guy looks to have built a working muller device as well, just on a larger scale

Here's his website, he's logged what he's done


So it looks like this Muller dynamo has been independently replicated!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:02:28 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 06, 2011, 11:37:30 AM
LOL, I didn't say it didn't work, just that it may not be "good engineering"

Lots of people will be getting their first taste of electronics here now this is out and as a first step it would be best to present the hall in a manner that they can build on latter. As it is this works only on a PNP transistor. When you come to advance to the next level this simplification will not work.

It is working simply by taking the base to ground on activation then letting "leakage" currents take it back to a positive potential to turn off the transistor. All I was suggesting was that this could lead to sloppy imprecise timing.

But again, thank you for sharing the fruits of your research here, it is much appreciated.  One question... is the 'helper' magnet separated from the back of the coil by the full thickness of the acrylic? Would you confirm that the switching is to attract in?


I understand now.I know there is a lot of improvement that can be done on driving circuit.I used something I tested and used many times before. Any driver circuit will do, even simple bedini if the driving coils are made that way.
The 'helper magnet' is separated from the coil by the thickness of the acrylic (1cm).On the acrylic is glued  a 1mm/20mm washer then the magnet on top.
I am driving in attraction mode. I have started the project in repulsion then tried attraction. I get much better torque in attraction.
I have spent about one month to do all this testings and adjustments. Small things can make a huge difference, like my extra diodes on top of the rectifier.The gap from the rotor to the coil I had it increased and decreased hundreds of times to get it right.

All the best,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 06, 2011, 12:11:03 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:02:28 PM

Small things can make a huge difference, like my extra diodes on top of the rectifier

All the best,

hi Romero

is it possible to provide a simple sketch for the connection of the 'extra diodes'?

many thanks

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:25:20 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 06, 2011, 12:11:03 PM
hi Romero

is it possible to provide a simple sketch for the connection of the 'extra diodes'?

many thanks

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
no need for a sketch, they are in parallel with the one inside the rectifier
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 06, 2011, 12:35:19 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:02:28 PM
I understand now.I know
I have spent about one month to do all this testings and adjustments. Small things can make a huge difference, like my extra diodes on top of the rectifier.The gap from the rotor to the coil I had it increased and decreased hundreds of times to get it right.

All the best,


Thanks, I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot... ;)

The multi strand... is it from computer monitor degaussing coils?

I hope not as I just recycled a whole bunch...lol

Rgds, Ron
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 12:43:11 PM

You probably did miss my questions.

What is the diameter of you rotor?
Also, what is the distance from the rotor outer rim and to the Neo magnets?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:47:15 PM
I get many questions about How I started this project, where the ideea came from:Turnigy SK3542-1250 Brushless Motor - is made on the same principle uneven magnets/coils.
This is where I started , I was playing with a small airoplane... then I studied Muller info...
This type of motors are using neos and should be very hard to turn them with your fingers but having Mullers arangement they turn very easy.
One of this motors can be turned very easy in an overunity generator.
They are cheap to buy on ebay.Since then, I bought  different types and re done the windings, the only problem is that they are quite small to work with also removing the existing windings is not easy.
I also have a large DC motor that is underconstruction transforming it in this type of generator. I removed the existing large magnets and added one smaller magnet for each section in the rotor, remaking the coils just like in Muller design.
I hope this helps in understanding a bit more about how to build and how it works.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 06, 2011, 12:47:25 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:25:20 PM
no need for a sketch, they are in parallel with the one inside the rectifier

great, thanks, Romero

so we could just use 4 schottkys as a FWBR to minimise volts drop
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:50:20 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 12:43:11 PM

You probably did miss my questions.

What is the diameter of you rotor?
Also, what is the distance from the rotor outer rim and to the Neo magnets?

Sorry, diameter is 25cm and distance from the rotor to the coils is about 3.5-4mm.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:56:42 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 06, 2011, 12:35:19 PM

Thanks, I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot... ;)

The multi strand... is it from computer monitor degaussing coils?

I hope not as I just recycled a whole bunch...lol

Rgds, Ron
Well you saw something but not quite right. The 2 driver coils are using multistrand from the monitor deflection coils, all others are from the folowing link:http://wires.co.uk/acatalog/st_wire.html
Ref: ST01250007-500
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 12:56:53 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:50:20 PM
Sorry, diameter is 25cm and distance from the rotor to the coils is about 3.5-4mm.


I have compiled your information into this drawing. If I got anything wrong,
please let me know. Great work you are doing. :-)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 01:04:38 PM
Excellent job, well done!
After looking at the website I bought the wires I realised that is 7 X 0.125MM SOLDERABLE STRAND EN.Cu that makes a bit more than 0.8 mm, all other info is OK.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 01:25:26 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 01:04:38 PM
Excellent job, well done!
After looking at the website I bought the wires I realised that is 7 X 0.125MM SOLDERABLE STRAND EN.Cu that makes a bit more than 0.8 mm, all other info is OK.


I have updated the drawing with your new wire information.

Attached is a proposal to a mosfet switch for coil driving.
(Other PNP, NPN and N-Type mosfet can be used.)
Have not built this switch yet but I think it will work OK.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Staffman on May 06, 2011, 01:33:31 PM

Could you clear up one little detail? There are eight magnets on the rotor and nine stationary coils correct? I just want to be sure this detail is clear.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 06, 2011, 01:36:20 PM
Wow, thanks a lot for this nice compilation. That's about the thing I was looking for. I got some questions left though:

edit: sorry, my questions are already answered in the schematic :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 06, 2011, 01:37:31 PM
@ Staffman . That is our best guess so far , see info on diagram of Groundloops last post .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 06, 2011, 01:40:34 PM
@bourne . Thanks for your offer of help. what part of the UK are you in please?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 01:46:13 PM
Quote from: Staffman on May 06, 2011, 01:33:31 PM

Could you clear up one little detail? There are eight magnets on the rotor and nine stationary coils correct? I just want to be sure this detail is clear.

Correct! nine coils on each side
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 02:42:49 PM

Attached is how I think you looped the circuit for self run.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 06, 2011, 02:46:17 PM
Probably the biggest problem in this build is the rotor ,shaft and bearings . If you are going to spin 4 Kg at 5000 Rpm , you need good mechanicals .I hope to get mine custom made . One "bodge" idea is to use a washing machine motor with the pulley and brushes removed , and then get your local model engineer or latheman to make a mounting flange for the rotor .Visit your local scrapyard/recycling centre . Large ceramic magnets are obtainable from the magnetron in a microwave oven , but discharge the high voltage cap first .These caps can hold a charge for weeks . Also inside the magnetron are 2 ferrite core , similar to the ones recommended . Wire . I shall probably use magnet wire initially as I have large stocks . Copper wire sizes refer to the bare wire before it is varnished .A rough way to measure wire without a micrometer  is to close wind 10 turns on a nail , measure with a ruler and divide by ten . All replicators beware . Do not move machine when running at high revs . The gyroscopic forces could remove your head .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 06, 2011, 02:48:43 PM
Hi Groundloop, I am not clear in the following things:

1) How are the 4 driving coils (2 pairs) connected to each other, because the hall circuit shows only one (+) and one (-), but in fact we have 4x2 = 8 wires to connect?

2) The remaining 7 coil pairs: where exactly is the rectifier placed? And which parts are connected in series?
Is it that way: each coilpair (upper+lower) leads into a shared rectifier and from this rectifier the wires are connected in series to the other rectifiers? Or is it different like: each single coil has its own full bridge rectifier which then is connected in...*guessing* ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 02:58:21 PM
Quote from: gauschor on May 06, 2011, 02:48:43 PM
Hi Groundloop, I am not clear in the following things:

1) How are the 4 driving coils (2 pairs) connected to each other, because the hall circuit shows only one (+) and one (-), but in fact we have 4x2 = 8 wires to connect?

2) The remaining 7 coil pairs: where exactly is the rectifier placed? And which parts are connected in series?
Is it that way: each coilpair (upper+lower) leads into a shared rectifier and from this rectifier the wires are connected in series to the other rectifiers? Or is it different like: each single coil has its own full bridge rectifier which then is connected in...*guessing* ???


There are 9 coils on each side of the rotor. You connect two coils (directly opposite to each other top and bottom) in series.
Now you have 9 pairs of wires. You select two pairs of wires to be motor coils. Those wires connects to two
switch electronic that uses Hall sensors to detect a magnet passing. You connect the input of those two
switches together (plus to plus and minus to minus). You now have two wires input for motor control.

Each of the remaining generator coils is connected to a diode bridge. The plus out put of each diode bridge
connects to the plus of a 47000uF 25 Volt electrolytic capacitor. The minus of each diode bridge connects to
the minus of the 47000uF capacitor. You now have one pair of generator wires going out from the setup.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 06, 2011, 03:28:08 PM
Thanks for the schematic this really helps :)

edit: Uh wait, u have 2 caps with different capacity? Is this the big monster cap from the video? but why 2 of them

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 03:37:01 PM
Quote from: gauschor on May 06, 2011, 03:28:08 PM
Thanks for the schematic this really helps :)

edit: Uh wait, u have 2 caps with different capacity? Is this the big monster cap from the video? but why 2 of them


I think @romerouk did say in one of his posts that he did use the small capacitor
on the output from the diode bridges. I may be wrong, but it can't do any harm in any case.
Also not shown in the above drawing is the four 1N4007 diodes soldered in parallel on each diode bridge.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 06, 2011, 03:38:31 PM
I have just been pricing up some 20mm x10 mm thick neo  magnets . These cost about £5 each , so that means nearly £100 on magnets . 29mm x 5 mm are quite a bit cheaper . I would be interested to hear any opinions on using the 5mm magnets , or ceramic magnets or a cheaper source of magnets .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 03:45:59 PM
Quote from: gauschor on May 06, 2011, 02:48:43 PM
Hi Groundloop, I am not clear in the following things:

1) How are the 4 driving coils (2 pairs) connected to each other, because the hall circuit shows only one (+) and one (-), but in fact we have 4x2 = 8 wires to connect?

2) The remaining 7 coil pairs: where exactly is the rectifier placed? And which parts are connected in series?
Is it that way: each coilpair (upper+lower) leads into a shared rectifier and from this rectifier the wires are connected in series to the other rectifiers? Or is it different like: each single coil has its own full bridge rectifier which then is connected in...*guessing* ???
the top and the bottom coils makes one coil, both in series +-+- the the 2 ends left connect to the circuit, the same for the other set of 2 coils. look at the picture below
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: cap100nf on May 06, 2011, 03:48:14 PM

I bought from first4magnets.com F646 20mm dia x 10mm thick N42 Neodymium Magnet. Qty 50 and payed £1.80 per magnet.



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 06, 2011, 03:49:14 PM
@Groundloop: Ah, i think its then for smoothing purpose only. The 47000 µF is a typo I assume, one "0" too much.
At least, I know how to solder the each of the 4 diode rectifiers :)

uh sorry to ask again: the last picture confuses me: you show a diode bridge, but it looks like you have 2 diode bridges. Isn't the box in the middle obsolete, i thought the rectifier should onl ylook like that: http://www.sunrom.com/images/media/3523.jpg
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 03:53:56 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 03:37:01 PM

I think @romerouk did say in one of his posts that he did use the small capacitor
on the output from the diode bridges. I may be wrong, but it can't do any harm in any case.
Also not shown in the above drawing is the four 1N4007 diodes soldered in parallel on each diode bridge.

The capacitor u see in the video is connected before the DC/DC regulator, direct to the bridge rectifier.I had one at the output but it does not make any difference with the regulator in place
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 06, 2011, 04:05:13 PM
Quote from: penno64 on May 05, 2011, 06:20:01 PM
Hi Romero,

I still can't believe IT WORKS !!! Its AMAZING !!!!!!

In the pic of the stators and rotor, you showed the nuts and bolts used to secure a I guess,
aid the magnetic field into the coil. May I ask how you secured the coils to the rotor when you replaced the bolts/screws and nuts withe ferrite.

Also, you mentioned multistrand mag wire for the cores. Can you be more specific, please.

Regards, Penno

this is to important to pass up
I am going to build one, I am not stopping my current project as it will work
as well. will have two motors on the go.
keep every body posted
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 04:10:12 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 03:53:56 PM
The capacitor u see in the video is connected before the DC/DC regulator, direct to the bridge rectifier.I had one at the output but it does not make any difference with the regulator in place


What was the uF value and voltage rating of you BIG electrolytic capacitor?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 04:23:50 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 04:10:12 PM

What was the uF value and voltage rating of you BIG electrolytic capacitor?

The capacitor used is 47000uf/25volts.
I just had it started manually, no battery.
I turned the rotor few times with my hand to get some charge to the capacitor then switched the converter on.It started ok, no problem.The advantage here is that the circuit starts working from about 3.5 volts.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 04:28:33 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 04:23:50 PM
The capacitor used is 47000uf/25volts.
I just had it started manually, no battery.
I turned the rotor few times with my hand to get some charge to the capacitor then switched the converter on.It started ok, no problem.The advantage here is that the circuit starts working from about 3.5 volts.

Thanks, I have updated the drawing.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 06, 2011, 04:37:48 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 03:53:56 PM
The capacitor u see in the video is connected before the DC/DC regulator, direct to the bridge rectifier.I had one at the output but it does not make any difference with the regulator in place

are the coils wound with Litz wire? you said a multi strand wire?
thanks for this great post
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 04:52:29 PM
What are you using to do the drawings?
The on/off switch is before the converter just after the 47000uf capacitor.If I start with the converter on it is more difficult.
We can have a switch at the input and at the output.
The generator is on continous run for the last 3.15 hours.
I'll leave it running until neighbours will complain about the noise.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Nali2001 on May 06, 2011, 04:54:37 PM
Hi Romero,
Do you know if the multi-stranded litz wire is really necessary?
I know it handles high frequency better but have you tried normal wire as well?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 04:56:23 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 04:52:29 PM
What are you using to do the drawings?


Microsoft Windows Paint. :-)

I have updated the on/off switch position on the drawing a few pages back.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 06, 2011, 05:00:24 PM
Yeppeeeeeee :D :D :D

hi all

so good i am at the weekend and deliciously drinking a pure malt whiskey.     SANTE A TOUS     it's not every day we have something like this yeep!!

Thanks Romero for sharing. And yes i use and reuse your very simple driver circuit exactly as it is presented here and it works great. Just have a look to what i-ron sayd and the proposed FET driver circuit (from GL) for more powerfull next evolution, there is full of helpfull impulse

Thanks of course to Groundloop for its really fantastic works and shematic proposals (for the futures and probably inombrable replications)

Thank's I-ron for the very interesting link to the HALL-effect sensor. Wow !!those small things can be used very differently, i will surely profit of this in my future experiment.

I Tyson (skywatcher ) i should propose that you use only 4 magnet rotor with your 10 coils (5 pairs) so you will not have too much distance to overcome between odd and even. And good luck every experiment is usefull.Thanks

I was almost sure that Toranarod would  come here ---Bienvenue to you---. Yes with your great experience you will surely help here.

And of course thank's to all other contributers. Every idea is necessary and can help

OK i am in front of my order list and my small lab desorder , looking in the drawers what is missing    and strong thinking how i will do it .Probably i will follow step by step the GL (Romero ) shematic to be sure to get the result -.

My question is the stranded wire.  Romero has alredy answered this question , but is there somebody who  can explain what is the electrical advantage of the standed wire . I say this because i have plenty of plain wire here , and no stranded wire. But of course for this exceptional replication i will not hesitate to order strande wire, (and will do anyway ) Any suggestion ?

  and very happy to be with you ---the power is there and concentrating

and another time YEEEEEPEEEEE :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 05:01:50 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 04:56:23 PM

Microsoft Windows Paint. :-)

:) I tought u use something more professional.
I call myself an IT engineer and I don't recognize something simple like that... bad for me :)
I have edited the previous post to you
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 05:13:42 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 05:01:50 PM
:) I tought u use something more professional.
I call myself an IT engineer and I don't recognize something simple like that... bad for me :)
I have edited the previous post to you

I do use other design programs also. But the Paint program is good enough for small and simple circuit designs.
Once you master the copy/paste and zoom in/out then you can make drawings very fast. :-)

I have moved the switch and updated the drawing with a 47000uF 25V cap.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 05:14:12 PM
good to see you arround.
Regarding the stranded wire:
Some time ago in a Bedini project I have built 2 identical coils but one with normal wire and another with stranded wire.I was using this coils to collect the power from the rotor powered with a Bedini standard circuit.Same core same wire diameter, all the same...
The results at that time(no load):   normal wire output was 9.2 volts
                                                stranded wire output was 12.3
since then I have always used stranded for most of my coils
it is easy to do the same experiment like me, actually it would be nice if someone else will confirm this.
I always try everything myself, I don't take all info I found as granted.
If I was wrong I would like someone to tell me.

one more change to the drawing: input cap 47000uf
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 06, 2011, 06:15:57 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 05:14:12 PM
good to see you arround.
Regarding the stranded wire:
Some time ago in a Bedini project I have built 2 identical coils but one with normal wire and another with stranded wire.I was using this coils to collect the power from the rotor powered with a Bedini standard circuit.Same core same wire diameter, all the same...
The results at that time(no load):   normal wire output was 9.2 volts
                                                stranded wire output was 12.3
since then I have always used stranded for most of my coils
it is easy to do the same experiment like me, actually it would be nice if someone else will confirm this.
I always try everything myself, I don't take all info I found as granted.
If I was wrong I would like someone to tell me.

one more change to the drawing: input cap 47000uf

Thanks for the info on the wire
thats all I need to know that is a good reason
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 06, 2011, 06:23:45 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 06, 2011, 04:05:13 PM
this is to important to pass up
I am going to build one, I am not stopping my current project as it will work
as well. will have two motors on the go.
keep every body posted

Me too!


Excellent work man. I will replicate this too.

Would be possible to take good close up pictures of your motor of every detail and post it? sometimes pictures can answer a million questions and also helps with documentation.

Many thanks,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 06, 2011, 06:24:23 PM
Hi all,

How wonderful it is to see so many going for it.

I dont know if you are religeous Romero but, GOD BLESS YOU!

Regards, Penno

p.s. Rod, I thought you would like this.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 06, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 05:14:12 PM
good to see you arround.
Regarding the stranded wire:
Some time ago in a Bedini project I have built 2 identical coils but one with normal wire and another with stranded wire.I was using this coils to collect the power from the rotor powered with a Bedini standard circuit.Same core same wire diameter, all the same...
The results at that time(no load):   normal wire output was 9.2 volts
                                                stranded wire output was 12.3
since then I have always used stranded for most of my coils
it is easy to do the same experiment like me, actually it would be nice if someone else will confirm this.
I always try everything myself, I don't take all info I found as granted.
If I was wrong I would like someone to tell me.

one more change to the drawing: input cap 47000uf

This is what Bruce Tpu says also with stranded wire. If the freq of operation is high, there will be more skin for skin effect to travel in a stranded wire than a solid of the same awg.  What freq? dunno.

Bruce is using litz. I believe its when each strand is coated or insulated from other strands in the same wire casing.

I suppose the insulation whether it be enamel or something like telephone wire, possibly the separation electrically from each other helps in some way.

Good job Romero.  ;]   

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 06:51:57 PM
Quote from: penno64 on May 06, 2011, 06:24:23 PM
Hi all,

How wonderful it is to see so many going for it.

I dont know if you are religeous Romero but, GOD BLESS YOU!

Regards, Penno

p.s. Rod, I thought you would like this.
Hi penno,
Yes I am religious, Christian Orthodox, God helpped me many times in life.
I am curious to see how many will actually do anything, many are just waiting and waiting... don't know what.
Do not use shortcuts, if built like I said, reffering to the coils and magnets arrangement then everything else is easy if not will fail. I will show you how many rotors I have made before this one worked, all others looked perfect but small diferences.
Can you believe that I have ordered 2 of the acrylic rotors to a local company who uses laser cutting and I was expected to get a perfect rotor but... the centre hole is not centered and the spacing betwen the magnets on the rotor was not equal... I went crazy.I paid a lot of money for that operation to be done perfect and their excuse was that I was no very specific that it must be acurrate... what will I expect fron a laser cutting...
The one used now was ordered to another company that makes clock parts but the max thicknes they worked with was 3mm. I have ordered 4 and glued them togheter. The actual rotor u see is made from 4 rotors 3mm thick each.The rotor must be strong and not bend.
Today I have ordered the magnets for the next build and what is left is again the stupid rotor.
I have to go again thru the same pain, oh nooo...

All the best,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 06:58:40 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on May 06, 2011, 06:37:34 PM
This is what Bruce Tpu says also with stranded wire. If the freq of operation is high, there will be more skin for skin effect to travel in a stranded wire than a solid of the same awg.  What freq? dunno.

Bruce is using litz. I believe its when each strand is coated or insulated from other strands in the same wire casing.

I suppose the insulation whether it be enamel or something like telephone wire, possibly the separation electrically from each other helps in some way.

Good job Romero.  ;]   

People should understand that when I am talking about stranded wire I am reffering to a bunch of wires isolated from each other.
In my understanding litz wire is a bunch of wires unisolated like in a normal power cord.
I am specifying this just to make sure everyone understands.
English is not my first language, sometimes might have some mistakes...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AlphaTech on May 06, 2011, 07:07:31 PM
moderator: content removed by request of original poster AlphaTech.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 07:13:03 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 06:58:40 PM
People should understand that when I am talking about stranded wire I am reffering to a bunch of wires isolated from each other.
In my understanding litz wire is a bunch of wires unisolated like in a normal power cord.
I am specifying this just to make sure everyone understands.
English is not my first language, sometimes might have some mistakes...



Litz wire has many enameled copper wires slightly twisted together.
(All wires are insulated from each other.)

I think you meant to say that you are using Litz wire on your coils.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 07:44:43 PM
Quote from: AlphaTech on May 06, 2011, 07:07:31 PM
Hi Romero,

great work you have done. I have a question about the Muller motor generator:

I just want to be sure about the magnet configuration of the stator-rotor-stator.

From top to bottom, is it really like this???: NS-coil SN coil-NS      or     SN-coil NS coil-SN     so the rotor magnet is in repulsion with stator

Or it is like this confiuration which is what John BEDINI have done (patent 6392370) like this???:
NS-coil NS coil-NS      or      SN-coil SN coil-SN       


If you look at page one you will find a picture that shows it all. - SN-coil NS coil-SN
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 06, 2011, 07:48:28 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 06:51:57 PM

I am curious to see how many will actually do anything, many are just waiting and waiting... don't know what.

All the best,

Well I have started, does that count? lol

Rgds Ron

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 07:50:29 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 06, 2011, 07:13:03 PM

Litz wire has many enameled copper wires slightly twisted together.
(All wires are insulated from each other.)

I think you meant to say that you are using Litz wire on your coils.

well, whatever :) call it litz, in UK is called Stranded Enamelled Copper -
Bunched copper conductors each strand individually enamelled
Ref: ST01250007-500

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 07:52:43 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 06, 2011, 07:48:28 PM
Well I have started, does that count? lol

Rgds Ron
well done, first one that shows some progress.
who is next? :)
what is the rotor diameter, thickness?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 06, 2011, 08:06:16 PM

Very well done sir.  This is amazing!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energy1234hope on May 06, 2011, 08:16:22 PM
Brilliant Romerouk well done sir. Its experimentors like you that change the world. I am a newbe here from the land down under and been following overunity.com for a few years now as a guest. Joined a couple of days ago. well done again. :D  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 06, 2011, 08:55:05 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 07:52:43 PM
well done, first one that shows some progress.
who is next? :)
what is the rotor diameter, thickness?

Thank you, just a cutting from the plastic shop, only 225mm by12.5mm, but was as big as they had.

In scaling up your picture I think your magnets are spaced two magnet diameters apart?  Can you say what the ohms are for a single coil?

What RPM does it turn? Pardon me If you have already said all of this, lol

Rgds Ron
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 06, 2011, 10:15:04 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 06, 2011, 08:55:05 PM
Thank you, just a cutting from the plastic shop, only 225mm by12.5mm, but was as big as they had.

In scaling up your picture I think your magnets are spaced two magnet diameters apart?  Can you say what the ohms are for a single coil?

What RPM does it turn? Pardon me If you have already said all of this, lol

Rgds Ron

The coils are the most in important part. as much information as possible will be better.

the rest I can make all looks very clever because it keep as simple as possible very cleaver Well done.

what are there OHMs ? what are there Henrie's? turns I think you have already stated. and so on?   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 06, 2011, 10:33:51 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 07:50:29 PM
well, whatever :) call it litz, in UK is called Stranded Enamelled Copper -
Bunched copper conductors each strand individually enamelled
Ref: ST01250007-500

Hi Romero

I know two people myself and my good friend in AU that will be experimenting and building as time goes by this device.
Congratulations on your motor/generator.  Sometime can you elaborate on the tuning you do by moving the magnets on the
washers around and setting the distance of coils from rotor magnet?. 

Do you look for max RPM (hence minimum drag on rotor) with a fixed load on the generator coil you are "tuning"?  Does this occur with maximum voltage/current output from that particular pair or is there a strong interaction between neighboring coil sets and it is a slow process getting them all at a minimum drag/maximum output condition.  I am super impressed in that I can hear no speed change in the rotor with load applied, or even a slight increase.   It will take a few days or couple weeks to get the Disc and magnets in.  I have the Litz wire, coil forms, electronic parts, etc., that is no problem.  Work space is a major problem but....I will prevail!.  Will be back when I have relevant questions.  Thanks again for your openness, Those videos said so much.!!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 06, 2011, 11:07:32 PM
Hi Romero,
many thanks for this wonderful device you have built
and for showing this openly in the public !

This will really be a candidate for the overunity Prize.
Please don´t change anything on this device and try to rebuild a second unit.

Let me know, if I could come and have a look at it.
Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 06, 2011, 11:40:25 PM
Hi folks, Hi woopy, thanks for the suggestion, though while rotating the 4 magnet and 6 magnet rotor in cad, it appears a 6 magnet rotor will work just fine when using 5 stator coils per side.
I'm still working on my setup and will not post pictures, to not clutter thread, until it's done.
I thought about trying a Bedini style trigger coil as well, for whoever it was that suggested it.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 06, 2011, 11:57:53 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 03:18:55 PM
I am going to upload the video, is almost 20 minutes of self running.
The skeptics should prepare the arsenal..... :)
Hoooyahhh!  Great Romero!  You really do great work and am so glad to see you have found success with this.   

I'm going to suggest everyone save every page of this message thread along with any video's and pictures.  This will preserve all the details no matter what and will also insure protection of Romerouk.  Although at this point I don't think there is any concern I think it is a good plan to follow. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 12:43:25 AM
There has been a lot of talk about the DC to DC converter.
What was its main function. Stepping up the voltage, isolation, both.
Where in this thread is it discussed?   
I have a few in my supply box have tried them on other motors but the efficiency was in question what switching chip did you use
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 07, 2011, 01:07:52 AM
Hi Rod

The DC-DC was to required to avoid burning up the driving coils - see back on early pages/posts.

This ensures 12v or wahtever to drive circuits.

Has the F&P crossed your mind in all of this. What a boom that would be eh!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 01:28:51 AM
Quote from: penno64 on May 07, 2011, 01:07:52 AM
Hi Rod

The DC-DC was to required to avoid burning up the driving coils - see back on early pages/posts.

This ensures 12v or wahtever to drive circuits.

Has the F&P crossed your mind in all of this. What a boom that would be eh!

Oh yes. The F&P is very important.  I am only going to add this to the project I am not dropping our current project what ever we learn from one will help the
other. I feel over all the years in this business we have seen many OU devices come and go I think a few of them where very real. this maybe one of them.I hope.
All the data that can be recoded from this thread should be. so its not lost and can be verified at a later date.
I have already started construction of this one.   

So you are Penno64 I kind a missed that. lol
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on May 07, 2011, 01:37:41 AM
Hi everyone. I always believed in Muller  odd / even type design.  I include my solution of this type of generator. I think it could be more efficient.
It is based on a monolithic toroid with columns type core made from magnetite/powdered iron mix with resin. Precise timing with micro controller could make it run better as well. The idea is to incorporate coil shortening at TDC of a pole vs core column only to turn a 'drag' into a 'repelling pulse'...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 07, 2011, 03:46:29 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 12:43:25 AM
There has been a lot of talk about the DC to DC converter.
What was its main function. Stepping up the voltage, isolation, both.
Where in this thread is it discussed?   
I have a few in my supply box have tried them on other motors but the efficiency was in question what switching chip did you use

Just in case it wasn't clear in penno64's answer the main function was to loop the output to the input with isolation and regulation thus eliminating the battery and proving OVERUNITY :) :) :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 03:56:28 AM
with most of the design its a pulse motor of a kind. the one thing i am very interested in is the use of the Litz wire. having seen the wire in old style CRT TVs
most of my life. I was always wondering what it may be like in a pulse motor setup. very cleaver use of this wire.
I have no doubt the hole design is relevant to its function but I would not leave out the coil configuration as a major part of its parameters.
having trouble getting the wire here in Aus. the main industrial supplier don't carry it.
How much wire did you buy as an average to build the motor. how much should i order?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 05:39:34 AM
Sorry to ask again, but this looks not clear to me: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284616#msg284616 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284616#msg284616)

I thought you'd only need to use 4 diodes like this: http://static.electro-tech-online.com/imgcache/1674-4_diodes_bridge_rectifier.jpg (http://static.electro-tech-online.com/imgcache/1674-4_diodes_bridge_rectifier.jpg) , therfore I dont understand what this square shaped box in the middle is  ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 07, 2011, 05:44:06 AM
Very interesting stuff!!! This should be the device of the year!

I think with the contribution and information sharing here, it is quite possible to replicate. I read thru all the posts here, I have a few remaining questions:

1) are the driving coils as far apart from each other as possible? or are they arbitrarily chosen?

2) when the driving coil fires up, does it strengthen the magnetism in the ferrite core or rather weaken instead?

3) any advice on tuning? what are the tuning parameters (my guess is: gaps between the rotor and stator, and # of washers between the magnet and the stator)? what are the general guidelines? what are you looking for?

I also got this wild conjecture somehow, might be totally wrong -- might help my understanding: can you use odd # of magnets on the roter and even # of coils on each of the stator?

Also, it seems to me, this device differs from Adams Motor mainly in the auxillary magnets that are attached to the stators.

Thanks to RomeroUK who shares this with all mankind -- this technology should definitely change the future of mankind if it is easily replicable and broadly applied. Thanks to all who facilitate the replication and spreading of this technology~!

cheers, lanenal
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 07, 2011, 05:52:30 AM
Quote from: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 05:39:34 AM
Sorry to ask again, but this looks not clear to me: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284616#msg284616 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284616#msg284616)

I thought you'd only need to use 4 diodes like this: http://static.electro-tech-online.com/imgcache/1674-4_diodes_bridge_rectifier.jpg (http://static.electro-tech-online.com/imgcache/1674-4_diodes_bridge_rectifier.jpg) , therfore I dont understand what this square shaped box in the middle is  ???

The square shaped box symbolizes the 4 diodes you refer to in your second link.  You can clearly identify the AC inputs (~)  and DC outputs, just the diode symbols are not shown inside the box.  Clear?
It all shows that Romero used 4 more diodes, beside a full wave bridge, and the 4 diodes are connected parallel with the inside diodes.
This way a small decrease in forward voltage drop can be achieved for the 'compound' diode bridge so the power loss is decreased and mor power can reach the load.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 05:54:05 AM
Quote from: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 05:39:34 AM
Sorry to ask again, but this looks not clear to me: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284616#msg284616 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284616#msg284616)

I thought you'd only need to use 4 diodes like this: http://static.electro-tech-online.com/imgcache/1674-4_diodes_bridge_rectifier.jpg (http://static.electro-tech-online.com/imgcache/1674-4_diodes_bridge_rectifier.jpg) , therfore I dont understand what this square shaped box in the middle is  ???
The square is a bridge rectifier and diodes are making another rectifier in parallel.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 07, 2011, 05:54:06 AM
Quote from: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 05:39:34 AM
Sorry to ask again, but this looks not clear to me: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284616#msg284616 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284616#msg284616)

I thought you'd only need to use 4 diodes like this: http://static.electro-tech-online.com/imgcache/1674-4_diodes_bridge_rectifier.jpg (http://static.electro-tech-online.com/imgcache/1674-4_diodes_bridge_rectifier.jpg) , therfore I dont understand what this square shaped box in the middle is  ???


I think he first did use only the diode bridge. Then later on he added four 1N4007 to get two
diode bridges in parallel. He got more output that way. You can probably take both the bridge
and the 1N4007 away and use some fast Schottky diodes instead.

[Edit] Sorry, I did not see that there was posted answers to this already.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 05:57:46 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 03:56:28 AM
with most of the design its a pulse motor of a kind. the one thing i am very interested in is the use of the Litz wire. having seen the wire in old style CRT TVs
most of my life. I was always wondering what it may be like in a pulse motor setup. very cleaver use of this wire.
I have no doubt the hole design is relevant to its function but I would not leave out the coil configuration as a major part of its parameters.
having trouble getting the wire here in Aus. the main industrial supplier don't carry it.
How much wire did you buy as an average to build the motor. how much should i order?
I had one kg reel.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 06:04:08 AM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 07, 2011, 05:54:06 AM

I think he first did use only the diode bridge. Then later on he added four 1N4007 to get two
diode bridges in parallel. He got more output that way. You can probably take both the bridge
and the 1N4007 away and use some fast Schottky diodes instead.

[Edit] Sorry, I did not see that there was posted answers to this already.


One great idea leads to another.
I have built a few Adams motors in my time But i must try this as a immediate response to this great discovery. It will be a few days while i get the materials together But I am keen to start Now so I thought I would test the 9 coils and 8 magnets ASAP so I am modifying one of my Adams motors. doing this now.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 07, 2011, 06:35:53 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 05:54:05 AM
The square is a bridge rectifier and diodes are making another rectifier in parallel.

I wonder if just two bridge rectifiers doubled together would be the same?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 06:41:37 AM
Hmmm... ok, I think I understand now, thanks, gyulasun, RomeroUK, Groundloop
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 06:53:29 AM
This one is much easier to build. I tested it with very good results.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 07, 2011, 07:03:57 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:02:28 PM
The 'helper magnet' is separated from the coil by the thickness of the acrylic (1cm).On the acrylic is glued  a 1mm/20mm washer then the magnet on top.
I am driving in attraction mode. I have started the project in repulsion then tried attraction. I get much better torque in attraction.

Does the attraction mode work this way: the driving coil is switched on when the rotor magnet is approaching and then the driving coil is switched off at the TDC?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 07, 2011, 07:07:51 AM

My old Muller motor/dynamo has been collecting dust for 8 years now.

Now I have cleaned the motor and is wiring up the coils. I have
eight 32mm dia x 20mm Neo magnets in the rotor arranged NSNSNSNS.
(Can't make all the magnets the same side out. The magnets are
glued to the rotor.) I have 7 coils pairs. All coils are air core, so
no clogging. I use one coil pair as motor and 6 coil pairs as
dynamo. I have 30000uF 25 Volt capacitors. (Three 10000uF in parallel.)
My Muller is made of Bakelite (paper phenol).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 07:10:27 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 06, 2011, 11:07:32 PM
Hi Romero,
many thanks for this wonderful device you have built
and for showing this openly in the public !

This will really be a candidate for the overunity Prize.
Please don´t change anything on this device and try to rebuild a second unit.

Let me know, if I could come and have a look at it.
Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Hi Stefan,
I am not planning to change it, I have already started building a new but bigger one.
I should be able to replicate my own work then expect others to do it.
Regarding comming to see it, personally I have no problem with that.
In the last few days I had so many requests from people to come and see it also someone said that it comes to buy it... without any previous discussions. This person calls himself Gary and somehow he's got my email. I don't remember posting my email anywhere here. I had a lot of discussions with my wife regarding this visits,... she is scared and she wants me to sell it and stop working on any device... I don't want to sell it and I have no intentions to do that.
After having my second unit working I might donate this one.
With you I think I have no problem comming here but let me talk with my wife first, the last think I need is a divorce. :)

Best regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CTG Labs on May 07, 2011, 07:20:47 AM
Hi RomeroUK and congratulations!

I believe we only live few miles apart on opposite sides of the River Thames in London :)  I know you have had lots of interested parties requesting visits already but if you require any assistance, or a second person to test or validate then my self and my equipment are at your disposal :)

I was already talking to my buddy about replication.

Keep up the good work and best regards,


PS. Yes do be careful, I ruined a relationship over this stuff many years ago and whats the point if you loose everything...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 07:33:18 AM
@romerouk: when you post something here there is a small "Email" icon just below your name on the left side. Anyone can send you emails clicking that icon, however your real email address is still hidden, but the form will send it to your email address. You can however disable this icon completely in your profile settings.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 07:37:50 AM
Quote from: CTG Labs on May 07, 2011, 07:20:47 AM
Hi RomeroUK and congratulations!

I believe we only live few miles apart on opposite sides of the River Thames in London :)  I know you have had lots of interested parties requesting visits already but if you require any assistance, or a second person to test or validate then my self and my equipment are at your disposal :)

I was already talking to my buddy about replication.

Keep up the good work and best regards,

Hi David,
What I would prefer is that someone, anyone, will replicate it and do as many presentations he wants.
I didn't think too much when I posted the video... this pressure is not what I want, I don't make this info public to achieve some merits or anything.Many people have only money in their heads... what about life, a good and simple life.
I believe that it should be free especially because I am not the inventor, I have only replicate it.
As I said before, all merits to Bill Muller.
No need for any assistance or validation, I know that now people having the information will make their results public and I can guarantee that in max one month at least one other person will confirm it.
Some time ago I was saying to myself that when I will have something working generating any OU value I will leave UK and go back to my origins, replicate it many times and get enough income to support me and my familly.Unfortunately this one is not my own Ideea and I cannot sell it, and believe me, I will leave UK tommorow.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: sigis on May 07, 2011, 07:37:59 AM
Hello Romero,
Thank you for your work and sharing information. I and my friends will start to make replica of unit ASAP. I think best protection for you is to share all information by internet, what you are doing now. If everybody will have all information, there is no sense to stop your job.
If you need some support and help please write to me.
Best Regards.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 07:56:16 AM
Quote from: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 07:33:18 AM
@romerouk: when you post something here there is a small "Email" icon just below your name on the left side. Anyone can send you emails clicking that icon, however your real email address is still hidden, but the form will send it to your email address. You can however disable this icon completely in your profile settings.
I know that but I think if someone is sending an email from the forum I will show that was sent from here, in my case It was sent direct. No problem anyway, there are many places I have my email
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 07:56:20 AM
come to Australia. no one out here gives a #hit. They are not interested. We cannot get a bit of funding for jack.
you all talk about knowing each other I have never met a single person like my self.
you luck luck bastards. LOL
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 07, 2011, 08:08:34 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 01:45:18 PM
If anyone is trying to replicate this please remember to do the testing with the load on and compensate the drag with the magnets on top of the coils

Can we say that the drag made by the driving coil is definitely greater than the repulsion caused by the helper magnet? It seems even if the drag is smaller than the repulsion (that is, the net result is a weaker repulsion), the device could still work?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 08:22:45 AM
Quote from: Chef on May 07, 2011, 07:46:04 AM
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=7394.0 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=7394.0)  ::)
What are you trying to say with this link? ...that I am a hoaxer too and I am hiding behind MIB reason...
It is so easy to stay and watch but just try to be in my position for a second or so... what will you do?
Will you fill your house with people? will you expose your family to unknown situations? if you do then probably you have no family yet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 08:25:56 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 06:58:40 PM
People should understand that when I am talking about stranded wire I am reffering to a bunch of wires isolated from each other.
In my understanding litz wire is a bunch of wires unisolated like in a normal power cord.
I am specifying this just to make sure everyone understands.
English is not my first language, sometimes might have some mistakes...


Hi Romero,
so you are using the wires normally found in AM radio coils ?
These stranded wires that are isolated to each other by candle wax ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 07, 2011, 08:28:54 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 08:22:45 AM
What are you trying to say with this link? ...that I am a hoaxer too and I am hiding behind MIB reason...
It is so easy to stay and watch but just try to be in my position for a second or so... what will you do?
Will you fill your house with people? will you expose your family to unknown situations? if you do then probably you have no family yet.

Romero, just ignore such posts. That's the only attack-profile these guys have really.

Could you maybe also elaborate a bit on your Kromrey-based device you mentioned a page earlier?
There is some threads on it, but you also seem to be the first man who built that one successfully then.

Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 08:35:21 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 08:22:45 AM
What are you trying to say with this link? ...that I am a hoaxer too and I am hiding behind MIB reason...
It is so easy to stay and watch but just try to be in my position for a second or so... what will you do?
Will you fill your house with people? will you expose your family to unknown situations? if you do then probably you have no family yet.

Romero ,
you are right.

I have set user Chef onto moderation.

please posts a few more pictures of your device,
if it is possible.
I am currently compiling all your answers into a single file and
will also translate them into German language for the overunity.de

I will also add all the posted pics to the first page of this thread.

Many thanks for your hard successful work.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 08:37:15 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 08:25:56 AM
Hi Romero,
so you are using the wires normally found in AM radio coils ?
These stranded wires that are isolated to each other by candle wax ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
I think we have a confusion with the wires. probably because i call it different that others.I have posted on the previous page the exact type of wire(model, reference number, source) I used for the recovery coils. The driving coils are using wire recovered from the deflection coil in monitors, many wires there, never counted but still totals about 0.8 - 0.9mm
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 07, 2011, 08:40:11 AM
Congratulations and well done Romero
As this is now your thread and you want it to be for people replicating your device,I have started another thread for general discussions about this ground breaking device of yours.
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10700.new#new (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10700.new#new)

I hope members will respect those who are replicating and give them the space they need.
Ps I hope nobody minds, it can easily be deleted.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 08:46:10 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 07, 2011, 08:28:54 AM
Romero, just ignore such posts. That's the only attack-profile these guys have really.

Could you maybe also elaborate a bit on your Kromrey-based device you mentioned a page earlier?
There is some threads on it, but you also seem to be the first man who built that one successfully then.

Keep up the good work!
I am not the only one who tested and confirmed Kromrey design.
In my setup I have no moving coils, the magnets are turning.No rings, less friction....
the second video people should pay attention and understand ....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 08:48:43 AM
If I manage replicate it I am going to stick it to the establishment. I am open source all the way. I have been screwed by the electric company's long enough
It worked for Bill gates it will work for us.  Why is the IBM pc the only computer platform? Open architecture. remember. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 07, 2011, 08:49:50 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 08:22:45 AM
What are you trying to say with this link? ...that I am a hoaxer too and I am hiding behind MIB reason...
It is so easy to stay and watch but just try to be in my position for a second or so... what will you do?
Will you fill your house with people? will you expose your family to unknown situations? if you do then probably you have no family yet.

Safety first. There is really no point visiting your house except for proving that you are not faking something -- I think the information shared here is good enough for replications -- keep helping real replicators by sharing information here if you can. If nobody can't replicate it, just let people call it a hoax or a fake, it is OK. That's what I would do in this situation. Because we are all aware that thre are dangerous people out there!!! I would even suggest stefan not to visit but wait till replications coming out, because this could expose his address and identity.

Edit: Finally, the whole point of doing this is that we can have it shared and spread out WITHOUT physical contact, but only through this virtual reality. And this will make it possible to educate people and mass replicate the "KNOWLEDGE", not just the device.

With that ultimate goal in mind, you should only let people visit you when you feel you are unable to communicate the technical details and specs without the help of others -- which is highly unlikely.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 09:00:13 AM
I had an email from 'skycollection' , people should know him for all his nice and tidy devices he posted on youtube.
In my opinion this guy is going to be the first to replicate it, I like his work, million times more tidier than me and other persons.
I wish him good luck!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 09:11:55 AM
where are the hall sensors?

is the hall sensor detecting the drive magnets or are there small individual magnets mounted els where?
is there only one sensor. do the drive coils pulse on every magnet as it passes.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 09:14:27 AM
2 hall sensors. I will take some closer pictures to see them.The side of the rotor has small magnets with south pointing out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on May 07, 2011, 09:14:27 AM
Hi romerouk

Have two questions:

1) Why is the 8 magnets- 9 coil, In accordance with the muller generator structure, seems 9 magnets- 8 coil More reasonable?

2) Core diameter of the coil you use 6mm, Diameter of the core diameter and the magnet seems rather, the effect will be even better?

I'm ready to replicate, The above issues should I choose?

Thank you for your answer
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 09:17:37 AM
magnets for hall sensors
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 09:19:50 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 09:14:27 AM
2 hall sensors. I will take some closer pictures to see them.The side of the rotor has small magnets with south pointing out.
what is the size of the trigger magnets as that determines the pulse width is that a correct assumption.
thank you for your attention I am documenting every peace of info I can get from this blog.
have made the disc and installing the magnets at the moment.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 09:21:00 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 09:17:37 AM
magnets for hall sensors
you are a legend. you should be remembered with Tesla.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 09:24:35 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 09:17:37 AM
magnets for hall sensors

how many trigger around the disc ? I assume 8
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 09:27:09 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 07:10:27 AM
Hi Stefan,
I am not planning to change it, I have already started building a new but bigger one.
I should be able to replicate my own work then expect others to do it.
Regarding comming to see it, personally I have no problem with that.
In the last few days I had so many requests from people to come and see it also someone said that it comes to buy it... without any previous discussions. This person calls himself Gary and somehow he's got my email. I don't remember posting my email anywhere here. I had a lot of discussions with my wife regarding this visits,... she is scared and she wants me to sell it and stop working on any device... I don't want to sell it and I have no intentions to do that.
After having my second unit working I might donate this one.
With you I think I have no problem comming here but let me talk with my wife first, the last think I need is a divorce. :)

Best regards,

Hi Romero,
no problem,
just don´t rush anything.

Better first document it all and rebuild a second protype and then
you can decide yourself.

I don´t want to be your wife to be mad at you.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 07, 2011, 09:29:03 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 09:24:35 AM
how many trigger around the disc ? I assume 8

I suppose it is the same # of neo magnets on the rotor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on May 07, 2011, 09:29:49 AM
Hello romerouk and all

My congratulations romerouk on your dedication and hard work towards the research of free energy solutions.

I have a concern on your previous video to the self runner.

Below are frames taken from your video before and after the bulb is turned on. I can see that the amp meter doesn't change however, there is a large drop in your Battery voltage every time the bulb is turned on. Then when the bulb is turned off the battery voltage recovers from the load.

Can you explain. Sorry if this has been explained before.

Thank you for sharing your excellent research.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 09:30:13 AM
Hi Romero,

does your wire look like this,
but just all strands isolated ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 09:36:06 AM
Hi Romero,
what is the spacing from the 2 driver coil pairs to the
pickup coil pairs ?

What is the interleaving there ?
Do you have the 2 driving coil pairs next to each other
or are they like:

1 driver coilpair,
4 pickup coil pairs
1 driver coilpair,
3 pickup coil pairs


Do you have an magnet polarity measurement device ?

Can you exactly say, if all the magnets inside the rotor
pointing up, when you have the device standing on your table,
are north or are all magnets inside the rotor pointing up
have south pole ?

It might be interesting to know this.
Maybe if you turn around your device on the
head (180 degrees turn),
will it still selfrun ?

So this could be an easy test to see, if your local
earth magnet field has anything to do with it and the devices direction
to it.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 07, 2011, 09:36:12 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on May 07, 2011, 09:29:49 AM
Hello romerouk and all

My congratulations romerouk on your dedication and hard work towards the research of free energy solutions.

I have a concern on your previous video to the self runner.

Below are frames taken from your video before and after the bulb is turned on. I can see that the amp meter doesn't change however, there is a large drop in your Battery voltage every time the bulb is turned on. Then when the bulb is turned off the battery voltage recovers from the load.

Can you explain. Sorry if this has been explained before.

Thank you for sharing your excellent research.


Yeah, this one is ansswered already, see below:

I had few questions from the 'replicators' here about voltage on the battery going down when the load is on.
The reason for that is that from the output bridge rectifier I am using one diode to send power back to the battery to keep it charged.When the 20watt bulb is connected the power going back to the battery is reduced resulting that slight voltage drop.
This setup was built for about 25watt load, if the load is increased then all setup must be changed.
The gap from the coils to the rotor must be changed and some other things ...

Basically from my understanding, the 20w bulb is too heavy a load for the system...if it were a 5w bulb, you should see no voltage drop at all.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 07, 2011, 09:41:37 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 09:36:06 AM
Hi Romero,
what is the spacing from the 2 driver coil pairs to the
pickup coil pairs ?

What is the interleaving there ?
Do you have the 2 driving coil pairs next to each other
or are they like:

1 driver coilpair,
4 pickup coil pairs
1 driver coilpair,
3 pickup coil pairs


Do you have an magnet polarity measurement device ?

Can you exactly say, if all the magnets inside the rotor
pointing up, when you have the device standing on your table,
are north or are all magnets inside the rotor pointing up
have south pole ?

It might be interesting to know this.
Maybe if you turn around your device on the
head (180 degrees turn),
will it still selfrun ?

So this could be an easy test to see, if your local
earth magnet field has anything to do with it and the devices direction
to it.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

I also asked about the coil spacing before...

Note that this is actually different from the original Muller device: on the Muller device, ALL coils serve as driving coil AND power generation coil, but in turn. RomeroUK has made this much simpler by using dedecated driving coils and generation coils. This is a great simplification.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on May 07, 2011, 10:09:28 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 07, 2011, 09:36:12 AM
Yeah, this one is ansswered already, see below:

Basically from my understanding, the 20w bulb is too heavy a load for the system...if it were a 5w bulb, you should see no voltage drop at all.

So Romero has gone from a large voltage drop with battery connected when the bulb is on to a self runner using the same load with no battery connected?

These are amazing improvements!!!

@Romero, can you please redo a continuous sound video with your Muller on a glass (away from the legs) showing it running the load with no battery. Please do a view under the glass and all around as it is running.

Thanks for sharing and your time.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 07, 2011, 10:24:15 AM
@ Romero:

Thanks for the links, i have not been aware of the youtube replicators concerning the Kromrey device.

Does your Muller device also run cold at some points? Have you tested that?

For anyone interested in more information on this, Energy from the Vacuum Part 10 shows Bedini running a Kromrey Converter and explaining the principle.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 10:26:37 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 09:36:06 AM
Hi Romero,
what is the spacing from the 2 driver coil pairs to the
pickup coil pairs ?

What is the interleaving there ?
Do you have the 2 driving coil pairs next to each other
or are they like:

1 driver coilpair,
4 pickup coil pairs
1 driver coilpair,
3 pickup coil pairs


Do you have an magnet polarity measurement device ?

Can you exactly say, if all the magnets inside the rotor
pointing up, when you have the device standing on your table,
are north or are all magnets inside the rotor pointing up
have south pole ?

It might be interesting to know this.
Maybe if you turn around your device on the
head (180 degrees turn),
will it still selfrun ?

So this could be an easy test to see, if your local
earth magnet field has anything to do with it and the devices direction
to it.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
what is the spacing from the 2 driver coil pairs to the
pickup coil pairs ?
I don't understand this question.
The 2 driver coils are not next to each other, one coil is on one side and the other exactly on the other side.
All magnets on the rotor are all pointing same direction, as you look at the device all magnets are with South up. I have never tried to run it upside down because of the dirving circuits but I will try it having it on one side.
I don't have a  magnet polarity measurement device. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 10:30:12 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on May 07, 2011, 10:09:28 AM
So Romero has gone from a large voltage drop with battery connected when the bulb is on to a self runner using the same load with no battery connected?

These are amazing improvements!!!

@Romero, can you please redo a continuous sound video with your Muller on a glass (away from the legs) showing it running the load with no battery. Please do a view under the glass and all around as it is running.

Thanks for sharing and your time.

I don't have a glass that size but I will organise something like having it hanging with a piece of string, maybe that is even better.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 10:36:08 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 10:26:37 AM
what is the spacing from the 2 driver coil pairs to the
pickup coil pairs ?
I don't understand this question.
The 2 driver coils are not next to each other, one coil is on one side and the other exactly on the other side.
All magnets on the rotor are all pointing same direction, as you look at the device all magnets are with South up. I have never tried to run it upside down because of the dirving circuits but I will try it having it on one side.
I don't have a  magnet polarity measurement device.

now I don´t understand your answer.

You say you have 9 coil pairs.

Which coil pairs are the 2 drivers and which coil pairs
are the pickup coil pairs ?

Maybe you can number them like a clock.
1 o´clock driver pair,
2 o´clock pickup coil pair
3 o´clock pickup coil pair
4 o´clock pickup coil pair
5 o´clock pickup coil pair
etc... ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 07, 2011, 10:39:44 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 10:26:37 AM
what is the spacing from the 2 driver coil pairs to the pickup coil pairs ? I don't understand this question.

If I understood correctly, stefan is asking about the relative position of the driving coils. Namely you have 2 pairs for driving purpose, and 7 pairs for power generation. Those pairs are evenly fixed on the stator plates. If we number the pairs clockwise from 1 through 9, and let the first pair be a driving coil pair, the question is, what is the number for the other driving pair?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 10:47:53 AM
coil 1 and 6 are the driving coils from the left to the right.
I will go back to some more work now, I'll answer other questions later.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 07, 2011, 10:48:36 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 07, 2011, 10:39:44 AM
If I understood correctly, stefan is asking about the relative position of the driving coils. Namely you have 2 pairs for driving purpose, and 7 pairs for power generation. Those pairs are evenly fixed on the stator plates. If we number the pairs clockwise from 1 through 9, and let the first pair be a driving coil pair, the question is, what is the number for the other driving pair?

Number five...three gen coils between the drive coils on one side four gen coils on the other side because 9 doesn't divide evenly

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: dutchy1966 on May 07, 2011, 10:50:04 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 10:36:08 AM
now I don´t understand your answer.

You say you have 9 coil pairs.

Which coil pairs are the 2 drivers and which coil pairs
are the pickup coil pairs ?

Just look at the pictures he supplied you can easily see it on there:

driving coil 1 --- 4x generator coils --- driver coil 2 --- 3x generator coil

Hope that helps.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 10:59:49 AM
Parts left from my previous attempts. I might be able to use some towards the new build.
I am thinking to double the number of coils and magnets too. 3 driving coils will be better.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 07, 2011, 11:00:06 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on May 07, 2011, 10:09:28 AM
So Romero has gone from a large voltage drop with battery connected when the bulb is on to a self runner using the same load with no battery connected?

These are amazing improvements!!!

@Romero, can you please redo a continuous sound video with your Muller on a glass (away from the legs) showing it running the load with no battery. Please do a view under the glass and all around as it is running.

Thanks for sharing and your time.


Good to see you here Gotoluc, I have followed romero's work for a long time and can tell you straight out there is no hanky panky going on. You and Harti need to read the thread and just replicate, that is all he asks.

Lets all respect romero's privacy and patience.

Regards, Ron

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on May 07, 2011, 11:21:12 AM
Hi romerouk

Have two questions:

1) Why is the 8 magnets- 9 coil, In accordance with the muller generator structure, seems 9 magnets- 8 coil More reasonable?

2) Core diameter of the coil you use 6mm, Diameter of the core diameter and the magnet seems rather, the effect will be even better?

I'm ready to replicate, The above issues should I choose?

Thank you for your answer
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 11:22:21 AM
First picture shows 2 motors that are almost OU when comming from factory.They come with Muller arangements inside already.I have left info about them but looks that it was missed.
This is probably the easiest way for people to try Muller's config.You don't get a lot out but more than in.I have tested it with another normal dc motor to drive the shaft.Come on people, this one is cheap, search on ebay for it.You need to redo the windings again to have sections of 2 coils next to each other forming one set, coil up and coil down from my larger device.I used 0.3mm single wire.

Second pic shows more parts that are going to be used to the next device.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on May 07, 2011, 11:40:00 AM
Hi Romero

Total use of several small magnets?
All are uniformly placed in the top of the rotor circle?

Thank you
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 07, 2011, 12:18:00 PM
@Arthurs . Please respect that Romerouk is under pressure . Please read through all the thread and that will answer 99% of your questions . There are 8 equally spaced magnets on the rotor .Hope that helps .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 07, 2011, 12:34:56 PM
Hi Romero

how a lot of question and thank's so much to have this patience.

I am at my shop and doing the rotor. I would like to be very near from your config.

So I have a small problem. If i take some measurement on your set up and my CAD drawing, it seems that the spacing between magnets arround the disk  is not correct if i use 20mm diameter magnet on a 25 cm rotor disk.

On my CAD design or the rotor is 25 cm and in this case the magnet should be 25 mm diameter, or the rotor is 20 cm diameter and the magnet are 20 mm diameter

Can you please remeasure your rotor disk diameter and 20 mm magnet diameter.

( on the pix the black circle are the magnet 20 mm and the red circle are the coil with the 6 mm ferrite core  the rotor is 20 cm diameter. the wood rotor bottom is 25 cm and you see the 20 mm diameter magnet seems very small on this disk)

Many thanks

Good luck for the future ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on May 07, 2011, 12:38:07 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 07, 2011, 12:18:00 PM
@Arthurs . Please respect that Romerouk is under pressure . Please read through all the thread and that will answer 99% of your questions . There are 8 equally spaced magnets on the rotor .Hope that helps .
I'm sorry, and thank you for answers!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: void109 on May 07, 2011, 12:56:56 PM
I believe I read that he is using two hall sensors.  I also believe I read that we are trying to activate the pickup coils at TDC of the magnet.

Which of those two statements are incorrect?  Or both?  With a 9/8 ratio of magnets to coils, and only two hall sensors to set trigger points, I don't see how it is possible for each of the coils to activate at the same relative position to the nearest approaching magnet.  Looking at the CAD drawing woopy took a photo of illustrates this.

Wouldn't it be the case that each coil would need its own hall sensor?

Thanks Rom!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 12:58:54 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 07, 2011, 12:34:56 PM
Hi Romero

how a lot of question and thank's so much to have this patience.

I am at my shop and doing the rotor. I would like to be very near from your config.

So I have a small problem. If i take some measurement on your set up and my CAD drawing, it seems that the spacing between magnets arround the disk  is not correct if i use 20mm diameter magnet on a 25 cm rotor disk.

On my CAD design or the rotor is 25 cm and in this case the magnet should be 25 mm diameter, or the rotor is 20 cm diameter and the magnet are 20 mm diameter

Can you please remeasure your rotor disk diameter and 20 mm magnet diameter.

( on the pix the black circle are the magnet 20 mm and the red circle are the coil with the 6 mm ferrite core  the rotor is 20 cm diameter. the wood rotor bottom is 25 cm and you see the 20 mm diameter magnet seems very small on this disk)

Many thanks

Good luck for the future ;)

I have measured the rotor and it is 20cm, sorry. I had so many changes and I also had a 25cm and a 35 cm rotor in another setup.
Diameter has nothing to do with the results if u space the magnets equally.
Based on previous tests larger diameter  = better results.
All other dimensions are 100% correct.
I have just tried to have the device running on the side and even upside down.
On the side looks the same but upside down slows down a lot.It might be nothing, maybe the way the bearings are behaving in contact with the shaft, I am not sure yet.
I am trying now to have it suspended with a piece of cotton string and do a video.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 01:02:45 PM
Quote from: void109 on May 07, 2011, 12:56:56 PM
I believe I read that he is using two hall sensors.  I also believe I read that we are trying to activate the pickup coils at TDC of the magnet.

Which of those two statements are incorrect?  Or both?  With a 9/8 ratio of magnets to coils, and only two hall sensors to set trigger points, I don't see how it is possible for each of the coils to activate at the same relative position to the nearest approaching magnet.  Looking at the CAD drawing woopy took a photo of illustrates this.

Wouldn't it be the case that each coil would need its own hall sensor?

Thanks Rom!
The 2 driving coils are running independently, not activating at the same time, that is what I need, to have the second coil activating when the other one is completely off
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 07, 2011, 01:18:57 PM
Thank's a lot Romero

and now lets go drilling

yepeee ;D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on May 07, 2011, 01:33:56 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 10:30:12 AM
I don't have a glass that size but I will organise something like having it hanging with a piece of string, maybe that is even better.

Hi romerouk,

thank you for the reply and offer. I would not want you to waste your valuable time at this point.

Using wires to hold it up would only bring more questions as they could be used as conductors.

The best way would be to use a glass but the generator needs to be away from the supports. You also need to replace that large Capacitor. It looks like it's much higher voltage value than you need. Replace it with the same uF value but in the voltage range your generator is working in, then it would be much smaller so people couldn't say you have Laptop batteries in there.

If you cannot do the above then don't spend time on it as it would not help.

Thanks for your time.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 07, 2011, 01:34:58 PM
A plea to all computer wizz kids . I would not know a cad if it jumped up and bit me . Could someone post a diagram of two circles ,with lines radiating from the centre to the circumference . One circle to have 8 spokes and one 7 spokes . Then one could print these , stick them to discs , and use them as a drilling guide for rotor and stator . Just a thought .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 07, 2011, 01:52:03 PM
Maybe it would help to know the math for the angles between coils and also magnets.  Easy enough to calculate at 45° for 8 equally spaced in a circle and 40° for 9 equally spaced in the circle.  A couple basic drafting tools (even school kids type should work) and you can do the layout.  Just put coils and magnets same exact distance from center on these angles and you've got it.  That way you don't even need to know the distance between them as long as the angles are correct and the distance from absolute center is the same. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 07, 2011, 01:56:23 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 07, 2011, 01:34:58 PM
A plea to all computer wizz kids . I would not know a cad if it jumped up and bit me . Could someone post a diagram of two circles ,with lines radiating from the centre to the circumference . One circle to have 8 spokes and one 7 spokes . Then one could print these , stick them to discs , and use them as a drilling guide for rotor and stator . Just a thought .

Did you mean 9 spokes rather than 7 ?  You do have a good idea there and if it's done as a .jpg most programs can easily resize it for any other rotor sizes being built.  What I mentioned above should cover it too and can be easily adjust for different magnet sizes by centering the magnet over your angle lines. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 07, 2011, 01:57:45 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 07, 2011, 01:52:03 PM
Maybe it would help to know the math for the angles between coils and also magnets.  Easy enough to calculate at 45° for 8 equally spaced in a circle and 40° for 9 equally spaced in the circle.  A couple basic drafting tools (even school kids type should work) and you can do the layout.  Just put coils and magnets same exact distance from center on these angles and you've got it.  That way you don't even need to know the distance between them as long as the angles are correct and the distance from absolute center is the same.


I normally do this in Excel, using doughnut graphs.
I've attached a zipped Excel file example of one you can use.
The excel example contains 3 donuts, 7, 8 and 9 segments.

The thickness of the doughnuts can be adjusted by rightclick on the doughnut graph and then click 'Format data series'. You will get a window that looks like the one below.
Play around with the sliders to get the appearance you want.
Don't use the picture of the doughnut, it's just for example, use the zip file just above the slider picture.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 07, 2011, 02:08:15 PM
Hi Romero,
Congratulations!  Very well done, indeed.  Thank you for publicly showing your working replication of the Muller device.

Hi Groundloop,

Your drawing, showed the magnets between the coil ends and the rotor, in repulsion, but Romero, says he is driving them in attraction, yet approved your drawing.  I would just like clarification, and if it is attraction, to readjust the picture perhaps..   ;)  Aside from that, the picture is awesome, and a big help.  Thank you!

The individually stranded wire, in Romero's setup is simply reducing the resistance of the wire, allowing for greater output.  Often, coils are engineered with large diameter wire, for low resistance, but often, this results in lower number of turns, thus less inductance per coil.  This is easily overcome, by using individually insulated wire, for even less resistance, and also a greater number of turns per coil resulting in greater inductance, less resistance and greater output.  Take the resistance of the wire, for said number of feet (length) and divide that by the number of wires you are running in parallel, and this will give you the new resistance of said stranded wire.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 07, 2011, 02:18:18 PM
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on May 07, 2011, 02:08:15 PM
Hi Romero,
Congratulations!  Very well done, indeed.  Thank you for publicly showing your working replication of the Muller device.

Hi Groundloop,

Your drawing, showed the magnets between the coil ends and the rotor, in repulsion, but Romero, says he is driving them in attraction, yet approved your drawing.  I would just like clarification, and if it is attraction, to readjust the picture perhaps..   ;)  Aside from that, the picture is awesome, and a big help.  Thank you!

The individually stranded wire, in Romero's setup is simply reducing the resistance of the wire, allowing for greater output.  Often, coils are engineered with large diameter wire, for low resistance, but often, this results in lower number of turns, thus less inductance per coil.  This is easily overcome, by using individually insulated wire, for even less resistance, and also a greater number of turns per coil resulting in greater inductance, less resistance and greater output.  Take the resistance of the wire, for said number of feet (length) and divide that by the number of wires you are running in parallel, and this will give you the new resistance of said stranded wire.



Hi Bruce,

The magnets and rotor was the only part of my drawing that I did not draw. :-)
It was a copy from Romero's drawing, so you must ask him.

Attached is the updated drawing.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 07, 2011, 02:34:13 PM
Hi Groundloop,

I see now, he is showing the ferrite core of each coil magnatized and thus being magnatized, it is indeed in attraction mode to the rotor magnets.  Perhaps that is what he meant.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 07, 2011, 02:44:03 PM
Further to Bruce`s post above . How to make your own Litz wire for these coils . Get some enamelled wire with a diameter of 0.125 mm . Your local electric motor rewind shop is a good source .This wire is very thin so work carefully . First and hardest part is estimating the length of wire needed for each coil .Let us guess , an average length of one inch per turn . So 300 turns would be 300 inches or 25 feet . If your workshop is less than 25 feet long , work outside . Mount 2 hooks 25 feet apart facing each other , on wall bench clothes posts etc . Attach the loose end of your wire to a hook , walk to the other hook , loop the wire round it and walk back . Walk back and forth 7 times , looping at each hook until you have made 7 trips .Tie off the wire at the hook and cut the wire . Bind the 7 strands together with tape near each hook . Now slip one end of the bundle off a hook andput a screwdriver through the loop where the hook fitted . Use the screwdriver to twist the strands together loosely . Cut off the loop at one end and carefully remove the enamel and solder the wires together . Use this end to start winding your coil , and wind the desired number of turns .You will then probably find your bundle was too long .cut off the excess and measure it .   Subtract its length from 25 feet , and adjust your hooks for the next performance . Finally strip and solder the ends together .Hope this will help someone .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 02:44:33 PM
Hi Groundloop.
thanks for the updated picture, but this
could be a bit misleading, as the core of the driver coils are still
ferrite and no magnets.
So maybe you can change it this way, that you just only paint North and Soutpole
by letters there and write beside it, that these are the generated fields from the transistor driver ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 02:58:17 PM
Hi All,
here are now the backups of the RomeroUK Videos:



Romero, how many times per revolution of the rotor disc is each
driver coil pair energized ?

8 times ?

But each driver coil pair is out of sync to the other driver
coil pair, right ?
So there are 8 + 8 = 16  driver coil pulses per revolution
of the rotor disc ?

Do you have a scope , so you could show the waveform on
one of the pickup coil pairs ?
That would really help to analyze it.
Many thanks.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 07, 2011, 03:05:14 PM
Estimates for coil wire length

my cores are 15mm x 10mm

15mm (ferrite core) / 0.6mm(wire diameter) = 25 (turns per layer)

300(turns) / 25(turns) = 12 (number of layers)

Layer 1; 10mm dia x pi = 31.4mm (per turn) x 25 (total turns for layer) = 785mm

Increase core dia by 1.2mm for each of the 12 layers

I calculate for 12 layers of 0.6 wire on a 10mm core will total 15.637metres

I hope this helps
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on May 07, 2011, 03:09:26 PM
Hi Romerouk
As neptune suggested with ceramic magnets from microwave ovens
Im interested with the output  wattage it can produce????? ???
Also instead of the driver coils ,   i will try  the rotor from a vacuum machine  with carbon contacts  direct dc  to rotate the magnets
Trying to replicate the set up on a low budget
cheers  and regards to Groundloop ::) ::)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 07, 2011, 03:14:37 PM
@bourne. many thanks for that calculation . With home made multistrand  it will never wind as neat as you expect . I recomend adding 40 to50% to the calculation for the first try . Then you can refine the length as  I previously said .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 07, 2011, 03:32:15 PM

Thanks, It's an 'ideal world' calculation and of course does not include tails and imperfections.

I thought I would post it because the difference between layer1 (785mm) and layer12 (1821mm) is quite large and may lead to underestimating the length needed to complete 300 turns.

This is a great thread.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 03:40:15 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 07, 2011, 02:44:03 PM
Further to Bruce`s post above . How to make your own Litz wire for these coils . Get some enamelled wire with a diameter of 0.125 mm . Your local electric motor rewind shop is a good source .This wire is very thin so work carefully . First and hardest part is estimating the length of wire needed for each coil .Let us guess , an average length of one inch per turn . So 300 turns would be 300 inches or 25 feet . If your workshop is less than 25 feet long , work outside . Mount 2 hooks 25 feet apart facing each other , on wall bench clothes posts etc . Attach the loose end of your wire to a hook , walk to the other hook , loop the wire round it and walk back . Walk back and forth 7 times , looping at each hook until you have made 7 trips .Tie off the wire at the hook and cut the wire . Bind the 7 strands together with tape near each hook . Now slip one end of the bundle off a hook andput a screwdriver through the loop where the hook fitted . Use the screwdriver to twist the strands together loosely . Cut off the loop at one end and carefully remove the enamel and solder the wires together . Use this end to start winding your coil , and wind the desired number of turns .You will then probably find your bundle was too long .cut off the excess and measure it .   Subtract its length from 25 feet , and adjust your hooks for the next performance . Finally strip and solder the ends together .Hope this will help someone .

thanks thats a great idea
I have the wire never accrued to me to wind my own.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 07, 2011, 03:45:32 PM
Hi All,
here are now the backups of the RomeroUK Videos:

RomeroUK + Muller generator = 10 W free energy HD


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 07, 2011, 03:45:44 PM
@toranarod .Poverty is a great educator ! Pleased to be of service ,but thats what these threads are for .If we all put something in , the net result will be wonderful .Thanks for posting the rotor diagram . Do you plan to one for the stator please .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 03:57:02 PM
(Hi, I am still not 100% clear on the electric circuit in how the remaining things are connected, in which order and where to. I have now drawn a picture, can someone look at it and correct it if its wrong and clear up the few points )

EDITED: picture corrected, after schematic from Groundloop, and tipp from gyulasun
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 04:03:35 PM

If the wire comes in 500g rolls anybody know how much we would need to make all the coils in the motor?
any ideas Please?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 04:06:13 PM
Quote from: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 03:57:02 PM
Hi, I am still not 100% clear on the electric circuit in how the remaining things are connected, in which order and where to. I have now drawn a picture, can someone look at it and correct it if its wrong and clear up the few points where I added a question mark?

can i say this is very helpful it would be very close if not correct
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 04:10:36 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 07, 2011, 03:45:44 PM
@toranarod .Poverty is a great educator ! Pleased to be of service ,but thats what these threads are for .If we all put something in , the net result will be wonderful .Thanks for posting the rotor diagram . Do you plan to one for the stator please .
thank you
we are all working around the clock I have not slept yet more to come
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 07, 2011, 04:12:40 PM
Quote from: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 03:57:02 PM
Hi, I am still not 100% clear on the electric circuit in how the remaining things are connected, in which order and where to. I have now drawn a picture, can someone look at it and correct it if its wrong and clear up the few points where I added a question mark?

I believe it is ok, no need for the question marks, and yes the output from the DC-DC converter goes back to the two Hall switch circuits.

EDIT: The place of the bulb: if I recall correctly Romery connected it across the output of the DC-DC converter. It is a user choice, the main generator output is across the big puffer capacitor i.e. the input to the DC-DC converter.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 07, 2011, 04:45:07 PM
@groundloop and our other EE wizzkids

I can't remember if this has been mentioned before

I have been searching around for the Hall effect sensors and have found the A3144uea has been discontinued.

One of the manufacturers suggests the A1120EUA-T as an alternative

http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=searchProducts&searchTerm=A1120EUA-T&x=20&y=6 (http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=searchProducts&searchTerm=A1120EUA-T&x=20&y=6)

would you agree this is what we need?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 04:47:33 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 03:40:15 PM
thanks thats a great idea
I have the wire never accrued to me to wind my own.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 04:49:23 PM
Quote from: bourne on May 07, 2011, 04:45:07 PM
@groundloop and our other EE wizzkids

I can't remember if this has been mentioned before

I have been searching around for the Hall effect sensors and have found the A3144uea has been discontinued.

One of the manufacturers suggests the A1120EUA-T as an alternative

http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=searchProducts&searchTerm=A1120EUA-T&x=20&y=6 (http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=searchProducts&searchTerm=A1120EUA-T&x=20&y=6)

would you agree this is what we need?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 04:56:15 PM
Thanks gyulasun, and thanks to Groundloop drawings, I have updated the picture from last post with the correct order, hopefully it's correct now.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 07, 2011, 05:00:36 PM
Quote from: bourne on May 07, 2011, 04:45:07 PM
@groundloop and our other EE wizzkids

I can't remember if this has been mentioned before

I have been searching around for the Hall effect sensors and have found the A3144uea has been discontinued.

One of the manufacturers suggests the A1120EUA-T as an alternative

http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=searchProducts&searchTerm=A1120EUA-T&x=20&y=6 (http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=searchProducts&searchTerm=A1120EUA-T&x=20&y=6)

would you agree this is what we need?

Here is the manufacturer recommendation on replacement:

so it is type A1104 which is available as replacement.

EDIT type A1120 is a more precise (chopper stabilized) type, probably more expensive, with the same voltage and 25mA output current ratings. So not really needed once the A1104 would do. Of course prices are to be compared, I do not know by heart...  :)   ALSO: any such type should work like toranarod suggests above

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 05:05:15 PM
You made your last correction for the magnet fields wrong inside the ferrite cores.

As red is North you just made the wrong polarity, so the magnet rotor will not be pulled into the core !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Mem on May 07, 2011, 05:12:13 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 03, 2011, 07:08:19 PM
Here is my replication of a Muller Dynamo with few addons.

Muller generator magnets and coils were odd and even numbers. Like 17 magnets and 16 coils (or something like that) Looks like you created your own version.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 07, 2011, 05:21:06 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on May 07, 2011, 05:00:36 PM
Here is the manufacturer recommendation on replacement:

so it is type A1104 which is available as replacement.

EDIT type A1120 is a more precise (chopper stabilized) type, probably more expensive, with the same voltage and 25mA output current ratings. So not really needed once the A1104 would do. Of course prices are to be compared, I do not know by heart...  :)   ALSO: any such type should work like toranarod suggests above


Its only a minor detail but thanks for clearing that up Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 07, 2011, 05:57:56 PM
Voili voila

thanks Romero another time , so i made my rotor at 20 cm diameter 1 cm thick in POM ( polyacetal ) and please in a green color. just for fun ! ;)

The magnets are 20 mm diameter and 10 mm thick,

For the interested , the CAD program is TURBOCAD. Very easy to use

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 06:03:57 PM
Hi All,
I compiled a PDF file with all the important informations and graphics:


Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 07, 2011, 06:06:28 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 09:25:11 AM
What is your longest looped run to date please?
Well the longest is the one I have recorded yesterday(about 20 min), after that I had no patience to sit and just look at it.I have some other projects in progress but this weekend I will have it running over night.

Hi RomeroUK

Were you successful in running the device overnight? Last time you said it ran 'looped' for 3.5 hrs. but was trying to run it longer until the neighbors complain? Can you update us please? Thanks.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 06:10:32 PM
Oh man, I can't express how amazing this all is, this really is a great thread. Much Much thanks to RomeroUK for showing us this gift!!! and all the people in here, working out the details together and helping each other... *shnieef*   :) :D :o :)

May I quote powercat from the other topic:
QuoteI hope we are witnessing the beginning of an energy revolution.
Which  will lead to Being able to grow food anywhere any time of day,Travel as  far as you want as often as you want, we all dream of it, is now the  time when the dream becomes true ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 06:14:37 PM
Here is the updated setup picture from Groundloop with the
right magnetfield polarisation inside the ferrite cores, when the coils are energized
and the rotor magnets are attracted into the core gap.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 06:17:13 PM
the picture you posted is 100% to what I have used.The circuits have some 0.1uf capacitors just for filtering... but that is not important.

This generator can be driven by many other circuits or from an external motor connected to the shaft.Don't concentrate too much on the circuit used to drive the coils, that is simple.
People replicating this should have a little bit more big coils (size and windings).
Each coil in my setup has an output of 11.1 -11.6DC after the bridge, not all the same as I have small diferences or misscount some turns during the making of the coils.Having them in parallel I get about 15volts at full speed.The amperage is good but I would prefer to have a bit more voltage.
Diodes on top of the bridge rectifiers are not 1n4007,  are 1n4001. I am sure I can get better rectifiers but this is what i had.The voltage drop is quite high and nothing works as it should.

I will connect a coil to the o-scope to get waveform...
I will have to do it tommorow as I have stopped working now, I am too tired now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 06:23:40 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 07, 2011, 06:06:28 PM
Hi RomeroUK

Were you successful in running the device overnight? Last time you said it ran 'looped' for 3.5 hrs. but was trying to run it longer until the neighbors complain? Can you update us please? Thanks.

I had it running almost 5.5 hours without complaints from the neighbours
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 07, 2011, 06:28:44 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 06:23:40 PM
I had it running almost 5.5 hours without complaints from the neighbours

That's great news Romero. ;)

How much load (presumably a bulb) did you have on it during this time?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 06:49:00 PM
Ah I still got a question about the 2 Hall sensors (I didn't find the exact info the previous pages):

First of all I assume that the 8 small magnets (the ones pointing outwards on the side of the rotor) are in line with the 8 larger magnets. Is this correct?

Then the final question is: at which positions are the 2 Hall sensors placed: are both hall sensors just placed "before" each one of the driver coils? With "before" I mean in rotation direction before the driver coil)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 06:52:30 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on May 07, 2011, 06:28:44 PM
That's great news Romero. ;)

How much load (presumably a bulb) did you have on it during this time?

I had only a 5w bulb as with the 20w bulb the dc converter gets hot after some time.
I tried to add the bulb before the dc convertor but there is more than 12 volts and the bulb will not last.
This DC converter is max 3amp but I am very happy about it plus the price was very low. Nice device and I think that all people should have one, it helps a lot in any other builds where people are trying self looping.I has even load protection and thermal protection too.I have tried for a second a 50w bulb as load and it switched off imediately.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 06:53:19 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 07, 2011, 06:03:57 PM
Hi All,
I compiled a PDF file with all the important informations and graphics:


Regards, Stefan.

nice work on the pdf the more this is documented the harder it will be to cover it up. They will try if history is anything to go by.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 07:04:24 PM
Quote from: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 06:49:00 PM
Ah I still got a question about the 2 Hall sensors (I didn't find the exact info the previous pages):

First of all I assume that the 8 small magnets (the ones pointing outwards on the side of the rotor) are in line with the 8 larger magnets. Is this correct?

Then the final question is: at which positions are the 2 Hall sensors placed: are both hall sensors just placed "before" each one of the driver coils? With "before" I mean in rotation direction before the driver coil)
Let's clarify some points regarding the sensors:
not both of them are using the small magnets.I started originally with both using the small magnets to switch then I tried to move one to get max results.
The second one is facing the big magnets from the top.This one from the top is activated after the magnet passed, the other one on the side of the rotor is activated like 1mm after the magnet passed the center coil.
This is difficult to explain, testing yourself will get you there but do the testing separate not both of then at the same time.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 07:09:11 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 06:52:30 PM
I had only a 5w bulb as with the 20w bulb the dc converter gets hot after some time.
I tried to add the bulb before the dc convertor but there is more than 12 volts and the bulb will not last.
This DC converter is max 3amp but I am very happy about it plus the price was very low. Nice device and I think that all people should have one, it helps a lot in any other builds where people are trying self looping.I has even load protection and thermal protection too.I have tried for a second a 50w bulb as load and it switched off imediately.

what is type is your DC to DC converter

this is what I have
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 07, 2011, 07:10:08 PM
If you want to make a powerful version consider carefully using a 3 phase motor into RV mode. When prepared properly degreased bearings and no fan etc RV will turn a very large rotor with as  little as 10 watts.  The motor also has your center bearing and the motor flange can be used to bolt directly the stator head.  See Kones construction details as he has been making these for well over a decade. This makes construction much faster, cheaper and stronger.

As Romero stated the pulse driving of this generator is not important at all. That is only a method to turn the rotor.  So no need to worry about the hall devices and timing to drive it. Just rotate the damn thing! But make sure you use like >95% efficient motor.

Its only the construction and detail to the generator CORES and MAGNETS which provides the OU.  Driven by RV and using 2 inch neo magnets and 2 inch cores these can produce typical 25 volts at about 2 amp on 3000 rpm rotor each coil.  BUT when peak sine shorted these cores can produce 250/300 V each around 500mA = 125 watts per coil.  All 11 coils can now be generator coils and the o/p can be dumped into 2 off 750 Watt Computer power supplies to provide OU 1KW at 12v DC 85 amps! or 24v at 40 amps and use a battery charge controller.

Although these can run on DC they work even better HF AC or take out the first FWBR and mains filter and connect direct to cap bank for DC.

These can charge deep cycle batteries and inverter is used to convert 12v to 240 to run the RV 3 phase motor. Now you have 1kw average with peak handling only limited by your inverter and battery bank size.  This is competitive to huge solar systems or wind power neither of which is available 24/7. In this instance power is 24/7 and the total system cost could easy be 1/10th of any other pre-existing technology watt for watt.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DreamThinkBuild on May 07, 2011, 07:26:40 PM
Hi Romero, Bolt,

Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 06:17:13 PM
This generator can be driven by many other circuits or from an external motor connected to the shaft.Don't concentrate too much on the circuit used to drive the coils, that is simple.

Quote from: bolt
As Romero stated the pulse driving of this generator is not important at all. That is only a method to turn the rotor. Its only the construction and detail to the generator CORES and MAGNETS which provides the OU.

This means that coil and magnet spacing are the key and not the switching circuit? Ok, so if we drive the rotor with a <5Watt DC motor we should be able to self run the motor without the drive coils. That would simplify the design greatly.

Thanks again for all your time and input.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 07, 2011, 07:40:08 PM
A standard DC brushed motor is CRAP they are only about 60% efficient.  If you want to loop first you must make sure you minimise ALL losses. This is always the first step. Remember you got to get a COP>2 PLUS losses to loop. If you go cheap on this and try  a make a toy version using 6v model motor and bit of ply wood for the rotor it will not work i guarantee it! Its the very reason for so many bedini failures is due to very bad construction.

The bigger and stronger you make this thing the better it works. That why i gave you the heads up on using 3 phase mains induction motor and RotoVertor it.  Most efficient  off the shelf motor in the world often found in the trash or cheap off ebay.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 07, 2011, 08:04:21 PM
Edit: hmmm...must be considered
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 07, 2011, 08:24:23 PM
Yes first there is an odd number of coils to magnets this helps prevent no load cogging as each field is overlapped. But under load it begins to bog down again UNLESS the cores are Re-gauged.  By adding another magnet to the back side of each coil the coil once pulsed becomes latched in north or south pole state. Lets say the coil is latching South it approaches a South facing magnet and tries to repel against the coil. Normally the greater the current from the last magnet pass the greater the latching as it approaches a new magnet so the lugging increases.  The Re-gauging RESETS the coil by forcing back the flux in the opposite direction but it actually over shoots! This creates a north biased coil attracted fast to a south pole magnet and provides free acceleration energy into the system.

The solid state version of this is called ....wait for it = MAGNACOASTER. :) This is why magnacoaster has 5 neos one end and one the other with a measured tuned GAP. Yes its OU.

More abrupt the process is Bloch wall modulation where the return or re-gauging bias is an over shoot of energy from the back end magnet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 08:38:05 PM
Quote from: bolt on May 07, 2011, 08:24:23 PM
Yes first there is an odd number of coils to magnets this helps prevent no load cogging as each field is overlapped. But under load it begins to bog down again UNLESS the cores are Re-gauged.  By adding another magnet to the back side of each coil the coil once pulsed becomes latched in north or south pole state. Lets say the coil is latching South it approaches a South facing magnet and tries to repel against the coil. Normally the greater the current from the last magnet pass the greater the latching as it approaches a new magnet so the lugging increases.  The Re-gauging RESETS the coil by forcing back the flux in the opposite direction but it actually over shoots! This creates a north biased coil attracted fast to a south pole magnet and provides free acceleration energy into the system.

The solid state version of this is called ....wait for it = MAGNACOASTER. :) This is why magnacoaster has 5 neos one end and one the other with a measured tuned GAP. Yes its OU.

More abrupt the process is Bloch wall modulation where the return or re-gauging bias is an over shoot of energy from the back end magnet.
:) the magnets on top of the coils ideea came from Magnacoasters, I am working on that too but nothing like OU there yet. I am using the computer to generate the pulses.I do believe that Magnacoasters is genuine.
The rotovertor versions I tried about one year ago had about 33w minimum, in my case nothing like 10w or so but I did not oped the bearings to clean them.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 08:44:06 PM
I had an ideea and went back to the generator.
I was adding small ferrite magnets 20mm diam/0.5mm thick on top of the existing coils and the input now is reduced to 0.78amp and the speed is increased a bit.
I will play a bit more tommorow.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 07, 2011, 08:53:13 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 08:38:05 PM
:) the magnets on top of the coils ideea came from Magnacoasters, I am working on that too but nothing like OU there yet. I am using the computer to generate the pulses.I do believe that Magnacoasters is genuine.
The rotovertor versions I tried about one year ago had about 33w minimum, in my case nothing like 10w or so but I did not oped the bearings to clean them.

Well i made a good guess then (educated one) LOL  Of course solid state is the goal and you will get there very soon. I think everyone has to go through the learning curve of OU machines first then later solid state.  Like you i KNOW magnacoaster is real and you have just proven it beyond any doubt with your generator. It just opens a new can of worms in controlling the HUGE amount of OU power. Plenty of burnt coils and blown fets.

Well when you make your big machine go get that old RV out the shed take off the fan, clean the bearings in petrol and  WD40 and just add one drop of sewing machine oil. It should spin by hand for 40 seconds very easy. Now you got a very efficient motor that can run on 10 watts and use ALL the coils as genheads. A small 250w inverter will run the RV motor easy and just retune the run cap to match the rotor at full rpm and load.

BTW you should get some sleep its 2 am:)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 09:10:58 PM
@bolt - BTW you should get some sleep its 2 am:)
a bit more thant 2 am now and I am going to bed soon. This is the time I always go to bed even during the week

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 07, 2011, 09:24:44 PM
Thanks for all your hard work romerouk, this is really appreciated, today's video made my day :) (my week even lol:)

Keep it up,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 07, 2011, 09:34:16 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 06:52:30 PM
I had only a 5w bulb as with the 20w bulb the dc converter gets hot after some time.
I tried to add the bulb before the dc convertor but there is more than 12 volts and the bulb will not last.
This DC converter is max 3amp but I am very happy about it plus the price was very low. Nice device and I think that all people should have one, it helps a lot in any other builds where people are trying self looping.I has even load protection and thermal protection too.I have tried for a second a 50w bulb as load and it switched off imediately.
Got one just like that DC-DC conveter in a garage sale for 50 cents  :D
Hope all is well with the family and wife.  'Tis Saturday so you officially need to take the rest of the day off and get lots of rest.  We'll all still be here tomorrow :)
Thanks again for all you are contributing here!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 07, 2011, 09:48:40 PM
Quote from: bourne on May 07, 2011, 04:45:07 PM
@groundloop and our other EE wizzkids

I can't remember if this has been mentioned before

I have been searching around for the Hall effect sensors and have found the A3144uea has been discontinued.

One of the manufacturers suggests the A1120EUA-T as an alternative

http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=searchProducts&searchTerm=A1120EUA-T&x=20&y=6 (http://uk.rs-online.com/web/search/searchBrowseAction.html?method=searchProducts&searchTerm=A1120EUA-T&x=20&y=6)

would you agree this is what we need?

I was seeing some A3144 Hall sensors on eBay from Chinese sellers.  They usually ship world wide and good prices too.  Not sure on the quality.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 07, 2011, 09:48:54 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 07, 2011, 04:03:35 PM

If the wire comes in 500g rolls anybody know how much we would need to make all the coils in the motor?
any ideas Please?

I believe I read somewhere Romerouk used 2 kg. of that wire so I guess 4 rolls of the 500 gram wire.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 07, 2011, 09:56:19 PM
You are likely going to hear about it and what will be said in the coming days or hours or weeks who knows they will talk about the following things.

The fact that the table is plastic and has nice big hollow legs.

And the fact that you have a 12v lithium drill with a 1/8" drill bit under your table at 17:18 on this video... Sitting right next to them big hollow legs of that table.

I think yes the best test would be for you to do a suspension test I can see all of the shit slinging trolls coming out of the closet here soon might as well put them to rest as soon as possible imho . Seems it always happens even when people are not conclusively I believe proved wrong something just dies out because of the replication process being a bit more advanced then most have the time money or mental capacity to complete a strong proving series of there own ever since cold fusion it has been this way probably even long before this even Tesla with wardencliff ... He was made a mockery and we first finally now start to acknowledge his achievements in the time of "peak oil" which is another false term imho that I would prefer to believe there is no peak yet I believe with all the shale and other things oil abundance could still keep us rolling for over a century at our current rate of growth but with everything getting greener I estimate it would even last much longer.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: EMdevices on May 07, 2011, 09:56:54 PM
Congratulations  RomeroUK,   

I'm very pleased with your success in looping the output back to the input and demonstrating a self-running  Over Unity device, and even lighting a 12 V light bulb, as well as demonstrating different motor speed operations by changing the voltage output on the DC/DC converter.    I watched the videos and I'm so impressed, good for you.  I'll try to replicate as soon as I can.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 07, 2011, 10:39:32 PM
If this is replicated by a couple credible people I have some huge neos with 130lb pull force and some nice thick copper wire and would possibly be willing to scale this thing up. To see what kind of power we can really kick out of this thing but I will be waiting for a couple small scale confirmations before I waste my Wind Turbine stuff on this.

I would like to thank Muller for his design.
RomeroUK for his hard work and the open sourcing of a possible OU device.
The replicators in advance for possible verification of the said OU device.

All in advance.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rst on May 07, 2011, 10:45:37 PM
Hi all,

Where can buy litz wire (7 X 0.125MM SOLDERABLE STRAND) in Canada or usa

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 07, 2011, 10:50:19 PM
Ready made circular plastics for stators or rotor - Tab Plastics make a series of circular acrylic plates of varying diameters and thickness. Saves a bunch of time!


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 07, 2011, 11:46:51 PM
Quote from: bolt on May 07, 2011, 08:24:23 PM
Yes first there is an odd number of coils to magnets this helps prevent no load cogging as each field is overlapped. But under load it begins to bog down again UNLESS the cores are Re-gauged.  By adding another magnet to the back side of each coil the coil once pulsed becomes latched in north or south pole state. Lets say the coil is latching South it approaches a South facing magnet and tries to repel against the coil. Normally the greater the current from the last magnet pass the greater the latching as it approaches a new magnet so the lugging increases.  The Re-gauging RESETS the coil by forcing back the flux in the opposite direction but it actually over shoots! This creates a north biased coil attracted fast to a south pole magnet and provides free acceleration energy into the system.

The solid state version of this is called ....wait for it = MAGNACOASTER. :) This is why magnacoaster has 5 neos one end and one the other with a measured tuned GAP. Yes its OU.

More abrupt the process is Bloch wall modulation where the return or re-gauging bias is an over shoot of energy from the back end magnet.


this is (I think) the second time I read something from you and I must say: It is very logic what you are saying and brilliant observation and conclusions of yours. The overshooting of the magnetic field, "viscosity", seems to really explain what we are seeing here. I think another guy in this forum was talking about this to be the key also for the mystery of Orbo device.

I had to read your post really slow a few times in slow motion to "see" the phenomena you explained. Just like waves in a pond, just a bit late and the magnetic field "forces" the ferrite core to retard the instantaneous reaction it would have into a profitable event where it attracts the next magnet, therefore, re-gauging.

Brilliant and it took a brilliant experimentalist to make it happen into a real device (really thank you Romero).

Today I purchased the neo-magnets, 13/16" x 3/8" N42 (about 25 of those), plus a 12mm shaft and its mounted flanged bearings. Also I ordered 2 of 20" x 20" plexiglass sheet and MDF for the disk. Dying to have it delivered to start building.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: EMdevices on May 07, 2011, 11:58:51 PM
I'm taking all this information in as fast as I can and I have a few suggestions for RomeroUK.

1)  make sure you document everything, it's very important.
2)  continue to explore why you got the results you did and what are the critical factors, we need to determine the fundamental principle so we can duplicate easily and also scale up the design.

It sounds like the Muller arrangement of having one more coil on the stator than magnets on the rotor, i.e.  8 to 9 ratio, is a primary factor of importance, along with the fact that magnets are biasing the ferrite cores.   The biasing is critical in eliminating the hysteresis losses, and the motor pulsing arrangement is another very low loss mechanism,  so I second what bolt was saying,  don't build some cheap setup, go for perfection and eliminate as many losses as possible.

An interesting observation I made is that the ferrite is biased and the rotor magnets are in opposition.   This means the B-H curve is traversed from high H values to low H values and then back, as a magnet on the rotor approaches a stator coil, passes under it, and then departs away.  I think this cycling of the B-H curve from high-to-low and then back is very significant!  Romero, you might want to experiment and reverse all the polarities of the magnets only on the stators, and see if it still works.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 08, 2011, 12:21:15 AM
just finished the rotor stage PVC disc with 8 Magnet Neodymium Disc N45 Rare Earth 22mm x 10mm fitted and center bearing.
I have two projects on the go today. I am still modifying My Adams motor to incorporate as many of the Muller Dynamo Techniques as I can.
I am interested in some of the electrical fundamentals. I want to test theses while I complete my replication.   

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: sigis on May 08, 2011, 01:46:03 AM
We have bad experience with MAGNACOASTER. My friend made money transfer 2 years ago and ordered device, but still not have it. And no money back. No answers to telephone calls, etc.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on May 08, 2011, 01:48:37 AM
romerouk and Hello everybody:

    Because my English is not good, A lot of content can only guess, On the multi-strand wire:

1) a recommended 0.8mm multistrand,
2) Another way of saying they recommended 7x0.125mm litz wire,

    But: accurate mapping from the actual point of view, 7x0.125mm litz wire of the total cross section diameter of 0.375mm, And 0.8mm diameter cross section a lot of difference.
    I understand wrong? What is correct?

PS: multi-strand wire in the end is the option of using multi-strand bare copper wire? or choose to use multiple Enameled wire?

Thanks for helping
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on May 08, 2011, 02:40:24 AM
Quote from: bolt on May 07, 2011, 08:53:13 PM
Well i made a good guess then (educated one) LOL  Of course solid state is the goal and you will get there very soon. I think everyone has to go through the learning curve of OU machines first then later solid state.  Like you i KNOW magnacoaster is real and you have just proven it beyond any doubt with your generator. It just opens a new can of worms in controlling the HUGE amount of OU power. Plenty of burnt coils and blown fets.

Well when you make your big machine go get that old RV out the shed take off the fan, clean the bearings in petrol and  WD40 and just add one drop of sewing machine oil. It should spin by hand for 40 seconds very easy. Now you got a very efficient motor that can run on 10 watts and use ALL the coils as genheads. A small 250w inverter will run the RV motor easy and just retune the run cap to match the rotor at full rpm and load.

BTW you should get some sleep its 2 am:)

If i may speak is BEST everyone to refrain from theories and old unproved concepts and focus on what Romero has ended up with.
First replicate, with all the meaning of the word i.e. not major changes (anyway, every one likes replicas), and then once successfully done, investigate yourself.



regarding RV it maybe work at extremely high electric to mechanic energy conversion in comparison to pulsed motors etc but the effect Romero shows that with load application (i.e. bulb and pulse motor) not affecting even slightly the device is outstanding at least and cannot be seen anywhere! (especially if there is not any considerable cogging torque present)

This is the discovered secret IMO thanks to Romero's experimenting skill and will to share.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 08, 2011, 03:30:40 AM
Quote from: baroutologos on May 08, 2011, 02:40:24 AM
If i may speak is BEST everyone to refrain from theories and old unproved concepts and focus on what Romero has ended up with.
First replicate, with all the meaning of the word i.e. not major changes (anyway, every one likes replicas), and then once successfully done, investigate yourself.


This is the discovered secret IMO thanks to Romero's experimenting skill.

Good advice Baroutologos.

Also @ Romero - great stuff and thanks for sharing !

Cheers from Hoptoad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 08, 2011, 03:49:22 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 08, 2011, 04:10:51 AM
Wow, just got in from work and had to catch up a lot.  Excellent work here everyone.

I submit that Romero has made enough changes and improvements to the Muller device that it is now essentially a new device.  I mean, a car is still a car but there is a big difference between a Model T and a 2011 Corvette.  (Romero's device being the Corvette)

This is astounding work here and exciting times.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 08, 2011, 04:35:25 AM
Quote from: baroutologos on May 08, 2011, 02:40:24 AM
If i may speak is BEST everyone to refrain from theories and old unproved concepts and focus on what Romero has ended up with.
First replicate, with all the meaning of the word i.e. not major changes (anyway, every one likes replicas), and then once successfully done, investigate yourself.

Very well said. We must first know by replication what it is.
Then only after knowing what can we start considering why.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 08, 2011, 04:48:59 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 07:04:24 PM
Let's clarify some points regarding the sensors:
not both of them are using the small magnets.I started originally with both using the small magnets to switch then I tried to move one to get max results.
The second one is facing the big magnets from the top.This one from the top is activated after the magnet passed, the other one on the side of the rotor is activated like 1mm after the magnet passed the center coil.
This is difficult to explain, testing yourself will get you there but do the testing separate not both of then at the same time.

Can somebody who understood the timing please help.

If the driving coil is activated AFTER the neo magnet on the rotor passed TDC,
then the driving coil must be PUSHING the neo magnet away
in order to accelerate the rotor.

Then we are actually using repulsion, not attraction, is this correct?
To use attraction, the driving coil should be activated BEFORE the
neo magnet on the rotor passed TDC.

Another perplexing point in the above post is this:
why different arrangement of the hall sensors give better results?
if moving the second sensor to face the big magnets from the top
will improve performance, why not move the first one in similar fashion?
If so, then we don't need those small magnets anymore.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on May 08, 2011, 04:50:45 AM
Romerouk and Hello everybody:

    Because my English is not good, A lot of content can only guess, On the multi-strand wire:

1) a recommended 0.8mm multistrand,
2) Another way of saying they recommended 7x0.125mm litz wire,

    But: accurate mapping from the actual point of view, 7x0.125mm litz wire of the total cross section diameter of 0.375mm, And 0.8mm diameter cross section a lot of difference.
    I understand wrong? What is correct?

PS: multi-strand wire in the end is the option of using multi-strand copper wire? or choose to use multiple Enameled wire?

Thanks for helping
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: aircore on May 08, 2011, 04:55:47 AM
Romerouk and Hello everybody:

    Because my English is not good, A lot of content can only guess, On the multi-strand wire:

1) a recommended 0.8mm multistrand,
2) Another way of saying they recommended 7x0.125mm litz wire,

    But: accurate mapping from the actual point of view, 7x0.125mm litz wire of the total cross section diameter of 0.375mm, And 0.8mm diameter cross section a lot of difference.
    I understand wrong? What is correct?

PS: multi-strand wire in the end is the option of using multi-strand bare copper wire? or choose to use multiple Enameled wire?

Thanks for helping
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 08, 2011, 04:58:55 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 10:59:49 AM
I am thinking to double the number of coils and magnets too. 3 driving coils will be better.

3 driving coils will allow for a symmetric configuration of the driving coils.
the 6 pickup coils may have more turns to have higher voltage pickups.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: sigis on May 08, 2011, 05:11:28 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 07:04:24 PM
Let's clarify some points regarding the sensors:
not both of them are using the small magnets.I started originally with both using the small magnets to switch then I tried to move one to get max results.
The second one is facing the big magnets from the top.This one from the top is activated after the magnet passed, the other one on the side of the rotor is activated like 1mm after the magnet passed the center coil.
This is difficult to explain, testing yourself will get you there but do the testing separate not both of then at the same time.
Hello Romero,
I would like to ask what is exactly position, dimensions, type and polarity of small magnets?
thank you!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 08, 2011, 05:16:13 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 08, 2011, 04:10:51 AM
Wow, just got in from work and had to catch up a lot.  Excellent work here everyone.

I submit that Romero has made enough changes and improvements to the Muller device that it is now essentially a new device.  I mean, a car is still a car but there is a big difference between a Model T and a 2011 Corvette.  (Romero's device being the Corvette)

This is astounding work here and exciting times.


Surely this design of RomeroUK is a lot more simpler to build and test...
I think we can also give a component list here. I'll start by:

1. 1 rotor plate and 2 stator plates.

2. 8 + 2 X 9 = 26 neomagnets, 20mm dia, 10mm thick, N38 rating.

3. 2 X 9 = 18 ( coils + ferrite rods + soft iron washers)

4. circuit components...

You are welcome to make corrections or add more details.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 08, 2011, 05:23:32 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 08, 2011, 05:16:13 AM
Surely this design of RomeroUK is a lot more simpler to build and test...
I think we can also give a component list here. I'll start by:

1. 1 rotor plate and 2 stator plates.

2. 8 + 2 X 9 = 26 neomagnets, 20mm dia, 10mm thick, N38 rating.

3. 2 X 9 = 18 ( coils + ferrite rods + soft iron washers)

4. circuit components...

You are welcome to make corrections or add more details.

I'm not sure of the total # of neomagnets...the picture of
romerouk's build shows that not all coils have neomagnets.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 06:14:45 AM
Below is a picture with the scope connected at the AC point before bridge.

Answer: I run out of neo magnets. I am sure that more magnets will increase the output. I have ordered more togheter with the magnets for the new setup.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 06:21:33 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 07, 2011, 09:48:40 PM
I was seeing some A3144 Hall sensors on eBay from Chinese sellers.  They usually ship world wide and good prices too.  Not sure on the quality.
I bought my sensors on ebay, from China. I  bought 40, I always buy more than I need, just in case... :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 06:23:13 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 07, 2011, 09:48:54 PM
I believe I read somewhere Romerouk used 2 kg. of that wire so I guess 4 rolls of the 500 gram wire.
I had a big reel but not used all, I am not sure how much I used.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 06:30:23 AM
Quote from: infringer on May 07, 2011, 09:56:19 PM
You are likely going to hear about it and what will be said in the coming days or hours or weeks who knows they will talk about the following things.

The fact that the table is plastic and has nice big hollow legs.

And the fact that you have a 12v lithium drill with a 1/8" drill bit under your table at 17:18 on this video... Sitting right next to them big hollow legs of that table.

I think yes the best test would be for you to do a suspension test I can see all of the shit slinging trolls coming out of the closet here soon might as well put them to rest as soon as possible imho . Seems it always happens even when people are not conclusively I believe proved wrong something just dies out because of the replication process being a bit more advanced then most have the time money or mental capacity to complete a strong proving series of there own ever since cold fusion it has been this way probably even long before this even Tesla with wardencliff ... He was made a mockery and we first finally now start to acknowledge his achievements in the time of "peak oil" which is another false term imho that I would prefer to believe there is no peak yet I believe with all the shale and other things oil abundance could still keep us rolling for over a century at our current rate of growth but with everything getting greener I estimate it would even last much longer.
I tried to do a hanging video yesterday but all device started to rotate and going crazy... after that gotoluc said that if don't do it properly then better don't.
I will do it anyway, I migh be able to keep it in the air with one hand and record with the other or... we'll see
That drill has nothing to do ... :) I didn't even think about removing it from there.
I will also try to use another capacitor, smaller, as gotoluc sugested, people might think I have batteries inside ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 08, 2011, 06:39:03 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 06:30:23 AM
I tried to do a hanging video yesterday but all device started to rotate and going crazy... after that gotoluc said that if don't do it properly then better don't.
I will do it anyway, I migh be able to keep it in the air with one hand and record with the other or... we'll see
That drill has nothing to do ... :) I didn't even think about removing it from there.
I will also try to use another capacitor, smaller, as gotoluc sugested, people might think I have batteries inside ...

VIEV ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on May 08, 2011, 06:43:36 AM
First I like to thanks RomeroUK for great work and all details he posted on this forum.
He said that he will build bigger machine with more magnets and coils.
I have had already my plans made for a motor generator which uses coil shorting for more voltage output.

Now I adapted my plans to use 16x 20mm diameter 10mm thick magnets and 17x 20mm diameter core coils config.
I will be using rear gokart parts for axle and holders for rotor for easy adjustment of rotor.
I will be using opto triggering for coil shorting with help of arduino microcontroller.
The plans are made in SketchUP pro and exported to dxf and jpg format.
Please look at the plans if you have some suggestions before my machine shop start cutting the parts.

Here is the link to complete plans:
http://www.filedropper.com/plan16magnets17coilsoptocoilshorting (http://www.filedropper.com/plan16magnets17coilsoptocoilshorting)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 06:51:55 AM
Quote from: EMdevices on May 07, 2011, 11:58:51 PM
I'm taking all this information in as fast as I can and I have a few suggestions for RomeroUK.

1)  make sure you document everything, it's very important.
2)  continue to explore why you got the results you did and what are the critical factors, we need to determine the fundamental principle so we can duplicate easily and also scale up the design.

It sounds like the Muller arrangement of having one more coil on the stator than magnets on the rotor, i.e.  8 to 9 ratio, is a primary factor of importance, along with the fact that magnets are biasing the ferrite cores.   The biasing is critical in eliminating the hysteresis losses, and the motor pulsing arrangement is another very low loss mechanism,  so I second what bolt was saying,  don't build some cheap setup, go for perfection and eliminate as many losses as possible.

An interesting observation I made is that the ferrite is biased and the rotor magnets are in opposition.   This means the B-H curve is traversed from high H values to low H values and then back, as a magnet on the rotor approaches a stator coil, passes under it, and then departs away.  I think this cycling of the B-H curve from high-to-low and then back is very significant!  Romero, you might want to experiment and reverse all the polarities of the magnets only on the stators, and see if it still works.

I think that if I have 8 magnets on the rotor and any other greater uneven numbers of coils will work even better.
What I found durings some tests is that we need to have good spacing betwen the magnets on the rotor.The OFF time for the coils must be much greater than the ON time, possible because of the  core I use.Better material for the core will improve substantially.
People should pay attention for the core material, that is one of the most important keys in this setup togheter with the spacing arangement.
I will try different configurations, now that I made note of everything I can do any changes and still able to go back to the curent setup.
Something I discovered yesterday is that if I lift the magnet on top of the coil just a little bit then the output is increased. That shows me that I need to take every magnet and check, lifting up and down and add some spacers if required.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 08, 2011, 06:54:53 AM

In my humble opinion, i would not risk hanging your device on a string.
Better yet, i would not risk anything at all with it.
Most of us believe your intentions and observations.

Better to focus on a replication first.

Not that I wanna tell you how to handle, i trust your judgment. Keep up the good work!

PS. It seems like corematerial and the power of the magnet are related.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 06:57:37 AM
What are those rotor holders you show in the picture? How do you call them?
They look great.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on May 08, 2011, 07:04:35 AM
Hi RomeroUK

Here is the link to online shop where I buy all the parts on the picture:

Sprocket Carrier 30mm
https://www.kart-schuette.de/karts_en/sprocket-carrier-30mm-1.html (https://www.kart-schuette.de/karts_en/sprocket-carrier-30mm-1.html)

They are aluminium and very well made. On the site bellow is the picture with all measures.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 07:11:33 AM
Quote from: Cherryman on May 08, 2011, 06:54:53 AM

In my humble opinion, i would not risk hanging your device on a string.
Better yet, i would not risk anything at all with it.
Most of us believe your intentions and observations.

Better to focus on a replication first.

Not that I wanna tell you how to handle, i trust your judgment. Keep up the good work!
I am making sure I don't risk brakeing it, I would die...
I know that  if I show all of it then people will have more confidence in replicating it.
I have a friend here on the forum that I shared info for some time and he is saying that it is not possible to have such success with my devices and all others don't. :) I uderstand him and others but my answer is very simple: Put your heart in what you do, in all work you do and believe you can do anything, never give up.
I know it sounds stupid for many but this is my belief. Even if I cook something (soemtimes) I am doing it with great pleasure.
I think that people with bad heart and black soul will never succeed in anything.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 07:12:53 AM
Quote from: joefr on May 08, 2011, 07:04:35 AM
Hi RomeroUK

Here is the link to online shop where I buy all the parts on the picture:

Sprocket Carrier 30mm
https://www.kart-schuette.de/karts_en/sprocket-carrier-30mm-1.html (https://www.kart-schuette.de/karts_en/sprocket-carrier-30mm-1.html)

They are aluminium and very well made. On the site bellow is the picture with all measures.

Thank you Joe,
That is a big help for me.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 08, 2011, 07:20:23 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 07:11:33 AM
I am making sure I don't risk brakeing it, I would die...
I know that  if I show all of it then people will have more confidence in replicating it.
I have a friend here on the forum that I shared info for some time and he is saying that it is not possible to have such success with my devices and all others don't. :) I uderstand him and others but my answer is very simple: Put your heart in what you do, in all work you do and believe you can do anything, never give up.
I know it sounds stupid for many but this is my belief. Even if I cook something (soemtimes) I am doing it with great pleasure.
I think that people with bad heart and black soul will never succeed in anything.


Haha  good thinking, I think more or less the same. But since i recently had a metal lid blown a hole in my ceiling, due to some HHO experimenting, I'm a bit more careful, but still not giving up!  ;-)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 08, 2011, 07:32:28 AM
Congratulations Romeruk with this achievement and thank u for sharing all the info.

I'm really impressed and have to replicate this one for sure :)
Ordered some parts already and will keep you updated.

I wish you and your wife all the best in future and hope you can fulfill your dreams.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rosphere on May 08, 2011, 07:38:45 AM

Nice work.  Thank you for sharing.

Stop risking a floor crash, keep it on a table!  Some will simply say that you could have thin wire routed along with your cotton string, (just out of focus of your camera,) powering your device externally.  What have we gained?

I agree with you: get more successful-replications running.

I agree with EMdevices: document the details and try to discover the fundamentals.

We would appreciate some more graphic details, maybe arrows and lines on top of actual photo images, showing these timing adjustment ranges that you wrote of earlier.  Please include some 'if-then' situations from your experience.

Stop and review some of your replies here and elaborate upon those those not yet covered in your original document.  The more detail that you provide in one document, the better chance you have of achieving your goal of sharing the stage.

Thanks again, man!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 08, 2011, 07:54:18 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 06:51:55 AM
Better material for the core will improve substantially.
People should pay attention for the core material, that is one of the most important keys in this setup togheter with the spacing arangement.

After reading what EMdevices posted about the h curves, and what Bill Muller said about the 'amorphous polycrystalline ferrite' used in his cores (from Muller.doc posted by skywatcher123 reply102) I also think this is very important.

@romerouk Am I correct in thinking you acquired the cores from inductors/chokes salvaged from a computer power supply? Can you remember the component? I would like to start to identify the ferrite used by you so we can compare it to other materials of known values of operation. With lots of replications about to come together we could possibly all try different materials and compare the results, to find a better replacement, if you think this part could be improved upon.

I have started to cut some 10mm dia. ferrite rods I have (typical AM radio ferrites the ones with flats on either side to prevent rolling off your desk). I would like everyone's opinion as to whether these will be suitable?

Kindest regards

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 08, 2011, 08:01:59 AM
@Romerouk .Some of us are having problems finding suitable ferrite cores. The use of pieces cut from ferrite rods from old radios has been suggested . These are usually 10mm diameter .What is your opinion on using these . Also there will be millions of old CRT televisions dumped as the analogue transmitters are switched off . Would the multistrand wire from these degaussing coils be suitable ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 08, 2011, 08:02:11 AM
Quote from: i_ron on May 06, 2011, 07:48:28 PM
Well I have started, does that count? lol

Rgds Ron

It sure does Ron!
I'm looking forward to seeing your build. I've seen previous results of your mechanical skills
so I know you'll do good.

Looking forward to (hopefully) some more positive results and the ensuing lively discussion.

Heres something Romero said back on page 5.

"The distance between the coils and the rotor must be adjusted depending on the magnets used, core... Too close is not neccesary good."

Sound familiar to you Ron ?. Someone I know has mentioned this in detail before, on another site?.
It may have even been me !! LOL.

P.S. - Thinking aloud ... Open Magnetic Sytems. They're full of surprises!  LOL

Cheers all .... KneeDeep
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on May 08, 2011, 08:20:03 AM
Hi Romero

Congratulations on a fantastic build and project. 

Question.  What type of bearings did you use on you rotor?
I switched to high speed ceramic bearings on a pulse motor project a while back and gained over a 50% improvement in speed of my rotor.   Ceramic bearings also are not subject to magnetic effects.

Maybe by switching to better bearings you could get more output?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 08:29:47 AM
Quote from: Rosphere on May 08, 2011, 07:38:45 AM

Nice work.  Thank you for sharing.

Stop risking a floor crash, keep it on a table!  Some will simply say that you could have thin wire routed along with your cotton string, (just out of focus of your camera,) powering your device externally.  What have we gained?

I agree with you: get more successful-replications running.

I agree with EMdevices: document the details and try to discover the fundamentals.

We would appreciate some more graphic details, maybe arrows and lines on top of actual photo images, showing these timing adjustment ranges that you wrote of earlier.  Please include some 'if-then' situations from your experience.

Stop and review some of your replies here and elaborate upon those those not yet covered in your original document.  The more detail that you provide in one document, the better chance you have of achieving your goal of sharing the stage.

Thanks again, man!
I am busy with so many things going and it is much easier to answer questions than having all answers in one document. There are many people ou there who can do that if they wish and I can do corrections after that.
I had a question about why is one sensor on the side and another one on top of the big magnets:
After trying all different positions I got is running like that and I have not tried again to have them using the same spot. It worked then I moved on,... thinking to go back but later having nice results I didn't care anymore.
It works in attraction mode... maybe the bictures below will help.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 08, 2011, 09:08:04 AM
Quote from: baroutologos on May 08, 2011, 02:40:24 AM
If i may speak is BEST everyone to refrain from theories and old unproved concepts and focus on what Romero has ended up with.
First replicate, with all the meaning of the word i.e. not major changes (anyway, every one likes replicas), and then once successfully done, investigate yourself.



regarding RV it maybe work at extremely high electric to mechanic energy conversion in comparison to pulsed motors etc but the effect Romero shows that with load application (i.e. bulb and pulse motor) not affecting even slightly the device is outstanding at least and cannot be seen anywhere! (especially if there is not any considerable cogging torque present)

This is the discovered secret IMO thanks to Romero's experimenting skill and will to share.

I think you completely missed the point of what i was saying.  First it is not the replication that is important it is understanding the method and using Re-gauging on the back end of the coils to null out the lugging. This is a magnacoaster method and something some of us have discussed for a long time.

The drive of the rotor is not important as the pulse motor is only used to provide rotation. Any method of rotation can be used so long as its very efficient.  Already you will see no two devices will be the same as everyone will use the materials they have available to them. The magnets will be different strengths, the cores wound different, different core materials, the number of coils and magnets are probably going to be different BUT they all have a good chance of working if the re-gauging back end magnet is carefully selected to null the BEMF.

And Indeed Romero has suggested others try bigger coils and rotors to get more power. Alike the Joule Thief no two are the same yet most of them work!

For using 3 phase RV provides cheap method of construction with professional bearing and platform to mount a rotor. The perspex doesn’t come cheap either. A3 sheets of the stuff 12mm thick cost a small fortune!! RV provides an extremely efficient drive motor which can spin a very large rotor down to a few watts.


Now bolt the genhead stator and rotor direct to the motor shaft and you got your muller without using pulse drive and ALL the coils then become generator coils.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 08, 2011, 09:21:45 AM
Not trying to jump ahead too fast, but does anyone see the possibility of a non-rotational version?

Bolt, are you saying the key is that the generator coils experience no or little cemf?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 08, 2011, 09:23:04 AM
Quote from: Microcontroller on May 08, 2011, 08:46:35 AM
Why do you stress so much about the no battery's inside??

Did you ever turn a generator by hand to lite up a 12 volt 20 Watt bulb?
It needs alot of kinetic energy to do that.

Which is why i can tell your device is a fraud.
That rotor is spinning way too slow to burn that lightbulb but it seems i am the only one that sees that.

Maybe that is because I actually used a lot of hand driven generators...whilst the rest of the members never did since they can just plug things in.

When I was a young telco technician in the uniselector to crossbar era, cranking at the handle of a 50 volt telephony gen to substitute as the battery was indeed a very difficult task when there was a significant load on it.

I did it regularly during pre-commission of installations for small businesses to verify each telephone working wire path integrity before connecting it to the switchboard systems.

But changes in modern conventional hand-gens make the task a little more efficient and a little less arduous.

However, the counter emf always opposes the effort in closed systems, thus requiring continued extra energy input to facilitate not just the transfer of mechanical to electrical energy, but also to maintain the rotation that is required to produce it against the natural breaking of the counter emf that arises for doing so.

Open Magnetic Systems seem to obey a unique set of energy transfer rules. My personal experimental observation on these systems in recent years points the finger towards the manipulation of the transition and block walls of interactive magnetic solids.

There is a very fine crossover point with magnet distance, where the decreasing strength of the field due to distance from the magnet changes from a root x distance squared to a decrease of root x distance cubed.

In this very fine area of crossover in the magnet to core interface distance, maximum flux change per unit of energy spent can occur. In other words, the right distance, or tuning of the gap makes a great difference to efficiency.

OU ? -  well, I dunno, But those who have the ability (and means) to replicate will either verify it for themselves or not. I'll just see what happens next, I think, since I have the ability but not the means.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 09:29:06 AM
Just uploaded a new video with the generator suspended.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 08, 2011, 09:37:42 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on May 08, 2011, 09:21:45 AM
Not trying to jump ahead too fast, but does anyone see the possibility of a non-rotational version?

Bolt, are you saying the key is that the generator coils experience no or little cemf?


"Not trying to jump ahead too fast, but does anyone see the possibility of a non-rotational version?"

Of course that is called Magnacoster but not quite a simple as it seems. I think we all agree lets see some nice mullers working first then we go Solid State later.

The key is in the re-gauging of the back end magnets.  This been discussed in this thread several times already. Normally once a coil has passed a magnet its left biased with a core that is clashes head on to the next oncoming magnet. The effect gets worse the more current that as produced from the last magnet pass as both polarities are the same ie 2 norths or 2 south.  The back-end re-gauges the coil and the core actually overshoots MORE than a neutral correction it becomes strong opposite polarity and thus is attracted to the next magnet without lugging.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 09:46:02 AM
The generator coils experience cemf depending on the load but at some point the speed goes up now down.
People should see the whole picture, don't look at a single coil, look at the other coils too at the same time.
Looks that we have a member(Microcontroller) that is 100% sure that this is a fraud, ha, ha, well u got me :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 08, 2011, 09:46:29 AM
@Romerouk . please when you get a minute , can you give your opinion on the 10mm ferrite rods from old radio .I know several people are thinking of using these .
@everyone . suggestions wanted for a small efficient 12 volt drive motor for initial testing ..I wonder if a motor from an old video player might work .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 08, 2011, 09:55:37 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 09:46:02 AM
The generator coils experience cemf depending on the load but at some point the speed goes up now down.
People should see the whole picture, don't look at a single coil, look at the other coils too at the same time.
Looks that we have a member(Microcontroller) that is 100% sure that this is a fraud, ha, ha, well u got me :)

Romero Please don't waste too much time on these people. There is only so much you can do in a video demonstration. Even if you tried to make everything as clean as possible some will suggest you are using microwaves, tapping the power lines, oh yes do you have a power line over head hint hint,  hidden batteries, even specially edited video!  The same thing has always happened from the TPU, Kapanadze, Sweet VTA, Muller, Moray etc apparently these are ALL fakes according to the hardcore elite debunkers LOL  Same thing last Xmas with looped HHO genset. That has to be fake right? no way can something be looped and run by itself.:)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 09:56:02 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 08, 2011, 09:46:29 AM
@Romerouk . please when you get a minute , can you give your opinion on the 10mm ferrite rods from old radio .I know several people are thinking of using these .
@everyone . suggestions wanted for a small efficient 12 volt drive motor for initial testing ..I wonder if a motor from an old video player might work .
I have used them in some other projects and worked good. Best will be mumetal or simmilar but the price is huge.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 08, 2011, 09:57:27 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 09:57:48 AM
Quote from: bolt on May 08, 2011, 09:55:37 AM
Romero Please don't waste too much time on these people. There is only so much you can do in a video demonstration. Even if you tried to make everything as clean as possible some will suggest you are using microwaves, tapping the power lines, oh yes do you have a power line over head hint hint,  hidden batteries, even specially edited video!  The same thing has always happened from the TPU, Kapanadze, Sweet VTA, Muller, Moray etc apparently these are ALL fakes according to the hardcore elite debunkers LOL  Same thing last Xmas with looped HHO genset. That has to be fake right? no way can something be looped and run by itself.:)
Thank you for your support!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 10:05:04 AM
People should watch this, it applies here too.
Excellent job Bruce!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 08, 2011, 10:12:15 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 09:56:02 AM
I have used them in some other projects and worked good. Best will be mumetal or simmilar but the price is huge.

Thanks Romerouk


Am I correct in thinking Muller used magnetite powder at one point?

Lots of things to try out at some point :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 08, 2011, 10:14:55 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 09:46:02 AM
The generator coils experience cemf depending on the load but at some point the speed goes up now down.
People should see the whole picture, don't look at a single coil, look at the other coils too at the same time.
Looks that we have a member(Microcontroller) that is 100% sure that this is a fraud, ha, ha, well u got me :)

Hi Romero,

Microcontroller and others like him are trolls.  They never have anything constructive to add, and they never build, nor test anything.
He and his buddies are best left ignored.

I am with you, all things are possible... 

And I would have to add, that you are correct about looking at the interaction of all of the coils, vs. magnets, and not just one.  I posted some time ago, in EM's thread, that I had found a patent that showed that the best coil to magnet layout to remove cogging was 1.5    - In other words, 12 coils and 6 magnets would be no good, because 12/6 is 2.  But 12 coils to 8 magnets is 1.5 ratio.  1.5, 2.5, 3.5 all work.  This is another reason, that with my coil discovery, I am not overly concerned with cogging, but I of course still need to test and prove it.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 08, 2011, 10:43:06 AM
I ordered the magnets.

Next step are the coils.

As I'm an electrical noob i have a few silly questions:

I'm i correct i can use a (in this case 0.125 ) wire , take 7 strings connect the endings and wind those all at the same time 300 times around the coil ?

I could not quite see how the coil is connected to the stationary disc. 

Could someone tell me if it would be A, B, C or D?  Or Else?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 11:01:47 AM
Quote from: Cherryman on May 08, 2011, 10:43:06 AM
I ordered the magnets.

Next step are the coils.

As I'm an electrical noob i have a few silly questions:

I'm i correct i can use a (in this case 0.125 ) wire , take 7 strings connect the endings and wind those all at the same time 300 times around the coil ?

I could not quite see how the coil is connected to the stationary disc. 

Could someone tell me if it would be A, B, C or D?  Or Else?
The answer is B, the core is not in contact with the magnet but goes half way
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 08, 2011, 11:04:07 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 09:29:06 AM
Just uploaded a new video with the generator suspended.

THANKS ......
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 08, 2011, 11:08:27 AM
Quote from: hoptoad on May 08, 2011, 08:02:11 AM
It sure does Ron!
I'm looking forward to seeing your build. I've seen previous results of your mechanical skills
so I know you'll do good.

Looking forward to (hopefully) some more positive results and the ensuing lively discussion.

Heres something Romero said back on page 5.

"The distance between the coils and the rotor must be adjusted depending on the magnets used, core... Too close is not neccesary good."

Sound familiar to you Ron ?. Someone I know has mentioned this in detail before, on another site?.
It may have even been me !! LOL.

P.S. - Thinking aloud ... Open Magnetic Sytems. They're full of surprises!  LOL

Cheers all .... KneeDeep

Hi Hop!

Thanks, but boy, we are in some good company, you, Ben, Luc, nali, Gyula, and some other names I recognize...all the big guns....

Plus a few agenda workers, looks like the same bunch that worked so hard to derail Rosemary's various forums.

Interesting correlation here in the ratio of core size to magnet diameter, as in the Adams motor.

New ideas also on the multi strand. I always stayed away from it because of the cleaning to solder task... but I see it advertised as "solderable" ...so I took an old CRT coil and tried it, sure enough it solders like a charm!  Couldn't unwind it though as it was too well glued together and broke.

Yep,rotor up and running, to the point of doing some coil tests next

Take care


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 08, 2011, 11:24:12 AM
@ Cherry man . See also my reply number257 on page18 .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 08, 2011, 11:26:24 AM
Quote from: bolt on May 08, 2011, 09:08:04 AM
I think you completely missed the point of what i was saying.  First it is not the replication that is important it is understanding the method and using Re-gauging on the back end of the coils to null out the lugging. This is a magnacoaster method and something some of us have discussed for a long time.

The drive of the rotor is not important as the pulse motor is only used to provide rotation. Any method of rotation can be used so long as its very efficient.  Already you will see no two devices will be the same as everyone will use the materials they have available to them. The magnets will be different strengths, the cores wound different, different core materials, the number of coils and magnets are probably going to be different BUT they all have a good chance of working if the re-gauging back end magnet is carefully selected to null the BEMF.

And Indeed Romero has suggested others try bigger coils and rotors to get more power. Alike the Joule Thief no two are the same yet most of them work!

For using 3 phase RV provides cheap method of construction with professional bearing and platform to mount a rotor. The perspex doesn’t come cheap either. A3 sheets of the stuff 12mm thick cost a small fortune!! RV provides an extremely efficient drive motor which can spin a very large rotor down to a few watts.


Now bolt the genhead stator and rotor direct to the motor shaft and you got your muller without using pulse drive and ALL the coils then become generator coils.

I second baroutologos.

The regauging theory was put forward to quickly. The key to romero's device is the tuning of the coil under load. This indicates a reaction with either EMF or BEMF as the principle cause. Regauging may play a part but how can you put this out with no data?

The RV is a great toy, I use mine for all sorts of data gathering but i know it doesn't have any use at 20 watts, the slightest load and the draw goes sky high.

It is the replication that is important... then comes understanding, from why some will work and some won't.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on May 08, 2011, 11:42:37 AM
Hey I_ROn,

Its nice to see you involved in this. Great machinist skills with right guidance will end up to the desired replication, God willing.

i have not the slightest intention at developing any theory or hearing others'. In the end of the day, the real things are that stay and make a difference.

If you track the way ROmero has always worked, he listens to everything and experiments with everything in his own way.
Personally it was beyond my powers to do that. Since i lack resources and imagination to do so.

Lets keep this great thing going, and anyone makes a positive contribution.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 08, 2011, 11:58:58 AM
Would it be possible to create litz wire from normal multistrand wire by maybe spraying some insulation or taking it trough a bath? Maybe someone tried this?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on May 08, 2011, 12:00:18 PM
Regarding The "Nasty" Posts!
Looks Like Stefan Is Keeping The Vibes Positive over here! [deletes the "nasty"]
Just the Way Romero Likes it!

History In the making!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: aircore on May 08, 2011, 12:18:41 PM
Hi Romerouk:

    Because my English is not good, A lot of content can only guess, On the multi-strand wire, This issue is really important to me, please answer:

1) a recommended 0.8mm multistrand,
2) Another way of saying they recommended 7x0.125mm litz wire,

    But: accurate mapping from the actual point of view, 7x0.125mm litz wire of the total cross section diameter of 0.375mm, And 0.8mm diameter cross section a lot of difference.
    I understand wrong? What is the right choice?

PS: multi-strand wire in the end is the option of using multi-strand bare copper wire? or choose to use multiple Enameled wire?

Thanks you helping
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 12:21:12 PM
Quote from: ramset on May 08, 2011, 12:00:18 PM
Regarding The "Nasty" Posts!
Looks Like Stefan Is Keeping The Vibes Positive over here! [deletes the "nasty"]
Just the Way Romero Likes it!

History In the making!!

I am not worried about the 'nasty' posts, they should be left posted.
If I like them or not makes no difference to me, sometimes is good to have them, world is made of good and bad, black and white,...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hhobrian on May 08, 2011, 12:21:50 PM
Still kind of new to this forum, seems I joined at a great time.

I have been studying this and trying to gather the correct parts, etc. I have a half way decent machine shop at my disposal and will start on mine next week...

If anyone (USA based) has been finding good sources on this stuff, please share here. A lot of this is new to me. I have never made my own coils before, but willing to try. When wrapping them, does it matter in how they are wound? Clockwise, counter clock wise when placed? Maybe how the strands are placed? Sorry if "noob" questions, but i am. Thank for the patience..Good luck all
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 12:26:37 PM
Quote from: aircore on May 08, 2011, 12:18:41 PM
Hi Romerouk:

    Because my English is not good, A lot of content can only guess, On the multi-strand wire, This issue is really important to me, please answer:

1) a recommended 0.8mm multistrand,
2) Another way of saying they recommended 7x0.125mm litz wire,

    But: accurate mapping from the actual point of view, 7x0.125mm litz wire of the total cross section diameter of 0.375mm, And 0.8mm diameter cross section a lot of difference.
    I understand wrong? What is the right choice?

PS: multi-strand wire in the end is the option of using multi-strand bare copper wire? or choose to use multiple Enameled wire?

Thanks you helping
I am using 7x0.125mm wire, the same with multiple Enameled wire.Maybe untwisted wires might do better as Bruce is saying in the TPU replication.It is worth testing all small things to get the best of it.
Before I will start putting togheter the new setup I will do all this testings.
I am still ordering parts.I hate waiting... but I found all parts in UK so that should not take that long.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 08, 2011, 12:27:55 PM
hi all

please excuse if this is a DFQ**

(i've just looked thro' thread again and can't see this addressed previously, but with *my* eyesight you never know!)

in GL's diag, ok'd by Romero, the load (lamp) is shown as AFTER the DC-DC Converter

surely, it should be BEFORE the converter? (ie across the 47000uF buffer cap)

since the converter is, say, 80% efficient then 20% of all energy which enters it gets dissipated mostly as heat (ie. wasted)

if we put the load on the cap side then none of its energy gets wasted by the converter, am i right?

of course the converter is used to keep the voltage stable for the drive coils, so we have to accept the 20% (say) loss for their energy

but the convertor only NEEDS to stop any EXCESS energy going to the drive coils

so ALL additional excess is available to power any external load(s)

any comments? (or should i just start taking my meds again?)

great teamwork all !

(DFQ** = Damn Fool Question)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energia9 on May 08, 2011, 12:28:26 PM
Well Done! Keep the nice work up! this is a new age for sure, The age of no lies start from here RIGHT NOW!!!!  SCREW THE GOVERNMENT!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 08, 2011, 12:31:23 PM
Quote from: energia9 on May 08, 2011, 12:28:26 PM


...clockwise ...or anticlockwise?  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 08, 2011, 12:36:29 PM

For constant power to a given load, post DC-DC works best.

But I agree, for the best efficiency of power transfer to the load, it should be placed pre DC-DC, as long as the load can handle the worst-case power surge possible going into it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 08, 2011, 12:45:36 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on May 08, 2011, 12:36:29 PM

For constant power to a given load, post DC-DC works best.

But I agree, for the best efficiency of power transfer to the load, it should be placed pre DC-DC, as long as the load can handle the worst-case power surge possible going into it.


yep, i agree completely

in the device as shown, any 'power surges' are most likely to come from instability in the input drive to the coils

since we're using a DC-DC convertor to prevent instability in the drive 'motor' we are significantly reducing the chances of power surges to the load

therefore i believe that in this case we can re-position the load before the converter -and improve the COP!

hopefully i've given a fair summary of the situation


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 08, 2011, 12:53:12 PM
Yeah, this kind of experiments I like,
Especially when well done mechanics, no cheesy and krooked shafts, no flapping and fluttering rotors.
When you like to use smaller bearings for less friction then you need to turn shaft ends, where bearings are, for this smaller diameter,  shaft itself must to be adequate for large rotor.
Some comments about posts I did read:
Pole/slot (coils) combination is far not Muller´s invention, for motor builders  this is well known trick to reduce cogging torque, this principle is known more than 20 years, mostly for 3-phase motors, but also for one phase generators.
I wonder  you are fearfully stucked on  9 coil / 8 magnets arrangement … you can use any combination like  - 9/10, 11/10, 11/12 … 19/18, 19/20 … 25/24, 25/26 … 39/38, 39/40 … 79/80 … 111/112 â€" what ever ...

Litz wire (stranded enamelled copper) …  like for every wire -  the cross are is decisive,
When Litz wire then sum of kross areas of all strands.
I added  chart (Hr. Dr. Ralph Okon, www.powercroco.de)  you can find diameter of wire, cross area, … and maximun current for this wire, This  is for „normal motor” builders  ;) , most of all for RC motors, where not so much turns (read it: wire lenght) and where is very good air cooling because huge air flow from propeller ... As I see you have 300 turns ... oh dear, you must to use bit thicker wire as on this chart.
About Litz (stranded wire) there have been long time discussion about by motor builders, many good motor builders does not like it, but myself I do, I use near everywhere Litz because lower losses and because easier to wind. In principle Litz or multistranded wire  is strongly necessary only when air-cap motors(generators) where magnets direct act to WIRE, where no iron core - there moving magnet causes huge Eddy losses when thick wire  :o (maximum diameter of wire for air-cap motors(generators) where no detectable eddy losses is 0.2mm).
You have iron core machine, so ... Litz is good but not by all means necessary.

Im not here to discuss about works this Muller as real OU or not ...
There is one more similar  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70E0Q_pCB-4&feature=related
this one yopu do not like ?  ::)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 08, 2011, 12:55:21 PM
Hi Romerouk,

Just a curiosity how much power you actually have available there.  You can't load down your switcher power supply/regulator due to its current capabilities, but you could put a load across the Cap ahead of the supply (I think you mentioned a 50 watt load at one time)  and keep loading it down till you had it down to about 6-7 volts at 12VDC into the motor from the switcher and it would show how much power is really available!  I suspect more than you think.  Monitor motor current, load current ahead of cap and system voltage at cap and motor, load it till the voltage at cap starts falling off, if that is possible.  Just a suggestion but don't burn out your gen. coils or bridge diodes.

Working like heck, getting parts that I don't have ordered, going through my junk box looking for a good quiet low power drive motor, of course, pulse driver is always an option but as you stated, probably not needed.  I'm a slow builder, think a lot, doodle a lot on paper, put everything I see into it, then build.  Again congratulations again for giving the world of OU builders something to really think about.

There are some great builders out there, I look forward to their efforts!!!!!

Just looked at my post and above and realized 3-4 people are thinking the same thing........this list is moving FAST!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 08, 2011, 01:05:04 PM
You can also build your own DC to DC regulator.
LM338 can handle 5 Ampere if on a heat sink.

Look at the LM338 data sheet. There are application examples
for 10 Ampere and 15 Ampere regulators also.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 08, 2011, 01:05:54 PM
I agree with Ben.

A comprehensive load test would determine what it's capable of. If the output is capable of double or triple the input power, replication could be greatly simplified.

Driven with a relatively-efficient DC motor, all the stator coils could be dedicated as output coils, and their combined outputs looped back to the drive motor, either directly, or through some type of regulator such as a DC-DC converter.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 08, 2011, 01:19:59 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 08, 2011, 01:05:04 PM
You can also build your own DC to DC regulator.
LM338 can handle 5 Ampere if on a heat sink.



As this is a linear regulator, it can become quite inefficient if the input voltage exceeds the output voltage by a degree.

Although a linear regulator is an option, a much better one is probably to stay with a switching DC-DC converter, as the efficiency is relatively constant over the entire output voltage range. I believe the Maplin converter Romero is using is in fact a SMPS (switched-mode power supply, "buck-mode") variety. P/N: SDR-3000 by VANSON.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aedini on May 08, 2011, 01:21:08 PM
Hi Romero:
    I really want to know you are using the DC - DC converter is what the internal structure?
    I am very worried about hidden inside a battery.
    Very much hope that you can use facts to eliminate my doubts.

    If you have offended, please forgive, because so far no one has successfully copied.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 01:24:59 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 08, 2011, 12:27:55 PM
hi all

please excuse if this is a DFQ**

(i've just looked thro' thread again and can't see this addressed previously, but with *my* eyesight you never know!)

in GL's diag, ok'd by Romero, the load (lamp) is shown as AFTER the DC-DC Converter

surely, it should be BEFORE the converter? (ie across the 47000uF buffer cap)

since the converter is, say, 80% efficient then 20% of all energy which enters it gets dissipated mostly as heat (ie. wasted)

if we put the load on the cap side then none of its energy gets wasted by the converter, am i right?

of course the converter is used to keep the voltage stable for the drive coils, so we have to accept the 20% (say) loss for their energy

but the convertor only NEEDS to stop any EXCESS energy going to the drive coils

so ALL additional excess is available to power any external load(s)

any comments? (or should i just start taking my meds again?)

great teamwork all !

(DFQ** = Damn Fool Question)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
I am using the bulb at dc regulator output only because before the regulator I have about 15 volts, but I could use 2 10w bulbs in series there.
I have tried adding a 50w bulb and everything stopped.The most I can take out is about 25w, after that even if I add just 2-3 watts more the system slows down a lot going to a stop.
I have done the testing and all coils/magnet arrangements with a 20w bulb loaded all the time.
It looks that the system is tuned for this load. The coils should have been larger a bit.Next build I will do better.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 01:32:35 PM
Quote from: Aedini on May 08, 2011, 01:21:08 PM
Hi Romero:
    I really want to know the DC-DC converter which is what?
    I am very worried about hidden inside a battery.
    Very much hope that you can use facts to eliminate my doubts.

    If you have offended, please forgive, because so far no one has successfully copied.

do you really think that a battery that size will run the system for that time?
I understand you and all others having doubts but soon you will see more comming, not from me.
I have a friend who is about to finish a replication but bigger size, he started building about the same time I did. He is looking to get more than 100w out.I am curious too but confident that he will succeed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: eastcoastwilly on May 08, 2011, 01:34:05 PM
Quote from: bourne on May 08, 2011, 10:12:15 AM
Thanks Romerouk


Am I correct in thinking Muller used magnetite powder at one point?

Lots of things to try out at some point :)

From Energetic forum from Dr. Peter Lindemann on making your own magnetite cores. Hope it helps.


http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/7468-how-can-i-make-good-magnetic-sand-cores.html#post131820 (http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/7468-how-can-i-make-good-magnetic-sand-cores.html#post131820)[/QUOTE]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: EMdevices on May 08, 2011, 01:55:30 PM

thank you for your previous answers and new video. 

One question I have is:  does the device operate with the stator magnets reversed?  Have you tried that in the past?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 01:59:45 PM
Quote from: bourne on May 08, 2011, 10:12:15 AM
Thanks Romerouk


Am I correct in thinking Muller used magnetite powder at one point?

Lots of things to try out at some point :)
Bill Muller stated that he was using magnetite powder. I have never tried but I do have about 1kg of magnetite powder and I will have to build a core and compare with ferrite.
Too much things to do, maybe some others will contribute and do some of this work.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 02:04:04 PM
Quote from: EMdevices on May 08, 2011, 01:55:30 PM

thank you for your previous answers and new video. 

One question I have is:  does the device operate with the stator magnets reversed?  Have you tried that in the past?

Does not operate with them in reverse, even if I turn one the system goes crazy.
As I said before they all work togheter.
Now I am wondering if I will add the missing magnets not to affect the system and make it worse than better. I should receive the ordered magnets day after tommorow and try them out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 08, 2011, 02:12:51 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 08, 2011, 12:27:55 PM

the convertor only NEEDS to stop any EXCESS energy going to the drive coils

so ALL additional excess is available to power any external load(s)

Quote from: poynt99 on May 08, 2011, 12:36:29 PM
But I agree, for the best efficiency of power transfer to the load, it should be placed pre DC-DC, as long as the load can handle the worst-case power surge possible going into it.

Quote from: k4zep on May 08, 2011, 12:55:21 PM
but you could put a load across the Cap ahead of the supply (I think you mentioned a 50 watt load at one time)  and keep loading it down till you had it down to about 6-7 volts at 12VDC into the motor from the switcher and it would show how much power is really available!  I suspect more than you think.

Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 01:24:59 PM
before the regulator I have about 15 volts, but I could use 2 10w bulbs in series there.

so that seems to be a concensus then...

1) the DC regulation only needs to transmit, & consume, sufficent energy to maintain the motor at a stable drive level

2) ALL *available* extra energy produced by the system can be made available to a load BEFORE the converter/regulator - as long as this doesn't compromise (1)

as Alexandyr would say: "Simples"  ;)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: EMdevices on May 08, 2011, 02:16:36 PM
thanks for the answer Romero,

the systems is definitely a fine balanced one and it's not just one thing that makes it work,  that's clear to me now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 08, 2011, 02:30:44 PM
Excellent suspension test RomeroUK!

You could easily see that nothing is hidden in this device.

Finally you will want to record with maximum audio all sounds around you you may be heard.
This is to be done to prove that you are not overlaying another audio track to protect the fact that you are not trying to hide noise of someone off screen trying to hide behind you that is making this spin with an air hose.

If you could I would record this with a nice big mirror in front of you and to hide your identity I would wear a mask if you are worried about this. This would prove that you have no help of any sort other then possibly a camera man with a camera!

To totally prove this works there are two more things required in Suspension test two and I would call it suspension test final undeniable 100% evidence of overunity.

Do the supension test 1 more time.

Without cutting away pop open the DC to DC converter.

Then Discharge and Tear open the capacitor showing that it is impossible to have hidden any battery.

Also show the underside of the device as I believe this has not been shown yet! with the black rotor you could have a motor and a battery underneath it without anyone knowing.

If you complete all of these things without cutting away which you may need some help from a camera man to complete this task you have proved overunity and it will nearly be undeniable.

With the exceptions of:

The few who are just here to make life hard on you they will say anything to disprove your discovery. They are all getting payed money to constantly refute claims and put people off the path of enlightenment.

They may say that you are somehow transmitting wireless electric or whatever but most people here will know better because you do not have the correct parts wired in to make this happen.

RomeroUK this is indeed your device and once we all get it replicated and are generating energy you will be handsomely rewarded with Donations coming in from around the globe! I have with me an electronics engineer that I live with and he will be a great help with the replication process once I see some solid replications built.

Thank You so much for sharing a possible solution to a world wide crisis.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on May 08, 2011, 02:37:06 PM
Hello everybody!
This is very exiting, I have been following this thread since first posting, and I must say, You guys are doing some great work here. Of course specially to RomeroUK!
I thought I should throw in a suggestion for testing, what about adding another switching powersupply, parallel to the one hooked up. (same kind) And see if you can load that one any harder than the one you are using now? Kind of separating "motor circuit" from " load circuit"
Just a thought, but might be on the wrong field here  ;)
Greetings from Norway to all!  ;D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energia9 on May 08, 2011, 02:37:42 PM
How many Magnets are there exactly on the outer body of the motor? I have seen some pictures where on some coil there were no magnet, Can somebody clarify this? Thank you

i would like to replicate this device and it would be perfect if someone would make a separate website for construction of this device in full detail with parts lists, Tips etc
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: albert on May 08, 2011, 02:41:10 PM
Congratulations this seems to be the real mc coy! I think there are good chances of a replication since many of us might have some of the ingredients on their workbenches already! Thank you also for being so open.

Suggestions: don't change anything....let this run for at least 24 hours, measure rpm before and after...I wonder if the magnets will degauss in time...? The energy must come from them in this setup. Is anything getting hot/cold during a longer run?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 08, 2011, 02:51:35 PM
It is plain to me that it is self evident that no matter how much time and money you spend on making a video , it will fall short of actual proof . After all there are people out there who believe that "Jurassic Park "was real . Even if you went to Romero`s house and he demonstrated it in front of your eyes ,for all you know he could be a brilliant conjurer .The only proof that would be close to 100% would be if you build one yourself  from parts you obtain yourself .But then of course you might be dreaming or under hypnosis . It is all about the balance of probabilities . My approach is to hope for the best until the worst is proved .Thank goodness for the people who have sufficient faith and hope to build their own .
@Em devices .You say it is a finely balanced machine . It clearly is not because it shows excess energy . I would also like to know how the efficiency of a pulse motor compares to that of , say , a permanent magnet DC motor , or even a brushless one .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 08, 2011, 02:52:43 PM

what is the correct core dimensions please? I see 10mm x 15mm and also on the PDF compiled by Hartberlin being 6mm x 15mm??

Also the PDF says the copper wire to be 0.8mm but another thread (with a nice picture) shows 7 wires of 0.125mm each totaling 0.375mm (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284990#msg284990). What is the correct final dimensions?

Today I orderd the Magnetite powder to make my own ferrites too. Today I will start coiling the coils BUT I need the correct dimension.

Many thanks,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 08, 2011, 03:03:05 PM
The ferrite cores seem to be very difficult to get . I have tried cutting a 10 mm ferrite rod into lengths but its a bit like cutting glass .I know we must try to replicate the original as closely as possible , but for some of us there are budget constraints , and obtainability issues . The shortest rod commonly available is 60 mm . One could make a long thin coil , but then that is unknown territory . Any theories or suggestions ? @plengo , I believe original cores were 6mm x15mm .
@Romerouk .You have small magnets above most of the upper coils . Do you also have small magnets below the bottom coils . If not , have you tried this ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: u2btchr on May 08, 2011, 03:20:48 PM

A big thankyou for open sourcing your project and for  the drawings that are worth a 1000 comments of 'how to'.

I have some clear acrylic plastic sewing machine bobbins (approx 20mm wide x 10 mm deep w. 6 mm hole) and wound #34 wire tri-filar on them but they heated up quickly and I melted the bobbins [bummer], but did not use a ferrite core, nor any washer and magnets on top/bottom. - - - Would you explain more about the size and coil bobbins you use? -- Also, is a single wire wind (i.e.#28) worth winding on the bobbins next? [will be approx. 200 winds each].

Last question on Muller coils. He wound coils which resembled a cone-shape when done right, and the wire was not wound 'back and forth' but one direction to the top, and then started from the bottom up again, each time. -- Is this type of coil wind beneficial in your type of build or is the back 'n forth wind acceptable for efficiency for thinner wire guage?

Again..... I rate your project 10+ !!!! I look forward to more as you experiment.

An old wood shop tchr of 39+ years teaching.

PS  -- I have a couple kids at school wanting to replicate your project based on your video's!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 08, 2011, 03:36:50 PM
Hi, like some others I want to point out importance of the core material.

Attempts to use solid metal cores or even laminations will likely be futile.
With low power system good RF ferrite with low eddy loss should work but
for full sized system getting proper core material is very problematic.
So if people here have magnetite on hands then it would be good time
to try this out:

To make it more visual there is video:

This is my litte test device for trying this and that. Basically
pulse motor. At first I did drive coil average Joe style, on steel
bolt. Minimal possible drive voltage was then 0.5V. After that
I constructed drive coil on oversized RF ferrite core. Minimal
possible drive voltage settled at 0.1V and it got a lot more
efficent overall.

Now what I do in the video is just remove totally unused and
unshorted old drive coil from the system (running on new coil at 0.2V).
Pretty dramatic acceleration of rotor occurs.

So to sum it up... Presence of any conductive material in the
rotor field besides windings severly degrades performance.
Electricity has no reason whatsoever to form in windings if
it has alternative paths... be it core, frame details etc.

BTW romerouk, have you tried it with air coils. Maybe it is not critical
to have cores? I say this because current cores are rather undersized for given magnets/coils
and likely get totally saturated. Do they really play significant role at all... ?
Or maybe it is the role... sort of saturable reactor?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 08, 2011, 03:49:56 PM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 08, 2011, 03:36:50 PM
Hi, like some others I want to point out importance of the core material.

Attempts to use solid metal cores or even laminations will likely be futile.
With low power system good RF ferrite with low eddy loss should work but
for full sized system getting proper core material is very problematic.
So if people here have magnetite on hands then it would be good time
to try this out:

To make it more visual there is video:

This is my litte test device for trying this and that. Basically
pulse motor. At first I did drive coil average Joe style, on steel
bolt. Minimal possible drive voltage was then 0.5V. After that
I constructed drive coil on oversized RF ferrite core. Minimal
possible drive voltage settled at 0.1V and it got a lot more
efficent overall.

Now what I do in the video is just remove totally unused and
unshorted old drive coil from the system (running on new coil at 0.2V).
Pretty dramatic acceleration of rotor occurs.

So to sum it up... Presence of any conductive material in the
rotor field besides windings severly degrades performance.
Electricity has no reason whatsoever to form in windings if
it has alternative paths... be it core, frame details etc.

BTW romerouk, have you tried it with air coils. Maybe it is not critical
to have cores? I say this because current cores are rather undersized for given magnets/coils
and likely get totally saturated. Do they really play significant role at all... ?
Or maybe it is the role... sort of saturable reactor?

I have air core coils in my Muller and it does NOT give out any free energy.
I think the smartest thing to do is to replicate romerouk's setup.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on May 08, 2011, 03:53:27 PM

Nice video. I like it.

Now imagine that magnet wheel was twice the diameter keeping the magnet/coils you have now in place but having a wheel that goes further out beyond where the magnet/coils are now. On the outer edge of the wheel you put more magnets and only drive coils. Now imagine what will happen when this wheel not only takes advantage of the dioded pick-up coils expelling their energy at every input state, but now the outer most drive coils can take advantage of more leverage then the pickup coils will ever be able to drag backwards.

Right now, with the magnets and coils on the same circumference, like 99% of all these types of builds, you cannot take advantage of any leverage. Leverage is the free force you can use to counter drag thus increase your output without increasing your input.

I put an explanation of this here some time ago.

Very good job indeed and thank you for sharing your works.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 08, 2011, 04:01:51 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on May 08, 2011, 12:36:29 PM

For constant power to a given load, post DC-DC works best.

But I agree, for the best efficiency of power transfer to the load, it should be placed pre DC-DC, as long as the load can handle the worst-case power surge possible going into it.


Agree with nul-points and you but I think Romero said (although I might be dreaming) that the only reason it was after was the voltage coming off the coils (I think about 15 volts) would likely have blown the 12 volt lamp or overheated it and shortened it's life - something along that line was said I believe. 
Ooops, I see Romero confirmed this back a page or so sorry for duplicate info as I had not read that far. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 08, 2011, 04:04:37 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 08, 2011, 03:49:56 PMI have air core coils in my Muller and it does NOT give out any free energy. I think the smartest thing to do is to replicate romerouk's setup.

Ok, good to know. Of course first thing would be 1:1 replications not to mess things up. If it should work I would go for same diameter cores/magnets and big core material volume. I have seen pretty crazy scope shots and stuff with my pulse motor with massively oversized ferrite core (compared to neo magnets on the rotor) so it may be indeed that core material is "the source" when handled in clever ways.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 08, 2011, 04:09:25 PM

Hi Romero,

I think you can reduce the input current draw for the Hall switch + the TIP42C by inserting a series resistor between Pin 3 of the Hall and the base of the TIP42.  As it is shown in the schematic
( http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=3842.0;attach=52576 )
Pin 3 is an open collector and directly connected to the +12V via the base-emitter junction of the transistor, there is no any current limiting for the junction and for the inside Hall switching transistor.

I do realize that your circuit works as it is shown  but I guess at least a 30 - 40mA current draw could be saved per one TIP42C by inserting a 680 Ohm to 1 kOhm resistor between Pin 3 and the base electrode while the switching would take place still safely, for both TIP42s.

What do you think? perhaps you have considered and tried this?

Thanks,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 04:17:58 PM
most of the questions have answers already, please read all posts... I am tired to just answer same questions hundreds of times.
The coils are 1cm usable, the inside between the ends, in total 1.2cm and diameter 2.2cm
the core ferrite 1.5cm/6mm diameter.
I have tried without cores but less performance, higher speed but low output.

I will not do other videos, this way, everyday I will find someone to suggest something else.
For all replicators.

After some tests today and changed one pair of coils, same type of wire but 1.5cm diameter ferrite core, 1.5cm long.
Still 1cm winding space on the coil on 3.5cm diameter coil.I have doubled the number of turns to 600 for each coil.
This was done just for one pair of coils, recovery not driver coils.
The output is increased  but for more I will need to change them all to balance the system but  I wont do that, is to much unnecessary work, I wanted to check and apply to the new system.
Don't even think of using metal or laminations for the cores.

I had another request to sell it. I HAVE NO INTENTIONS TO SELL IT. - please no more.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 04:20:46 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on May 08, 2011, 04:09:25 PM

Hi Romero,

I think you can reduce the input current draw for the Hall switch + the TIP42C by inserting a series resistor between Pin 3 of the Hall and the base of the TIP42.  As it is shown in the schematic
( http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=3842.0;attach=52576 )
Pin 3 is an open collector and directly connected to the +12V via the base-emitter junction of the transistor, there is no any current limiting for the junction and for the inside Hall switching transistor.

I do realize that your circuit works as it is shown  but I guess at least a 30 - 40mA current draw could be saved per one TIP42C by inserting a 680 Ohm to 1 kOhm resistor between Pin 3 and the base electrode while the switching would take place still safely, for both TIP42s.

What do you think? perhaps you have considered and tried this?

Thanks,  Gyula
Hi Gyula,
I have analysed some other circuits using mosfets and I will consider your sugestion too but for my next build.This one can stay as is.

Thank you,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 08, 2011, 04:22:24 PM
Thank you FOTO ,
Romero UK  !!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Free.Energy on May 08, 2011, 04:26:44 PM
Great work Romero!

Does the rotor spin up a little faster after you have run it for a little time?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 08, 2011, 04:36:25 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 04:17:58 PM
most of the questions have answers already, please read all posts... I am tired to just answer same questions hundreds of times.
The coils are 1cm usable, the inside between the ends, in total 1.2cm and diameter 2.2cm
the core ferrite 1.5cm/6mm diameter.
I have tried without cores but less performance, higher speed but low output.

I will not do other videos, this way, everyday I will find someone to suggest something else.
For all replicators.

After some tests today and changed one pair of coils, same type of wire but 1.5cm diameter ferrite core, 1.5cm long.
Still 1cm winding space on the coil on 3.5cm diameter coil.I have doubled the number of turns to 600 for each coil.
This was done just for one pair of coils, recovery not driver coils.
The output is increased  but for more I will need to change them all to balance the system but  I wont do that, is to much unnecessary work, I wanted to check and apply to the new system.
Don't even think of using metal or laminations for the cores.

I had another request to sell it. I HAVE NO INTENTIONS TO SELL IT. - please no more.
Romero,  I totally agree with you on those requesting more video's for proof like disassembling the DC converter.  You will never satisfy such people and they are just wasting your time.  Don't let them drag you down with this nonsense.  Those who know your work know you are not trying to fool anyone.  And anyone with common sense would know that since you are not asking for money and won't even consider selling your motor as well as the fact you are doing everything possible to help everyone replicate this that there is no possible reason you would be fooling people.  If you were it would only make you look bad and would accomplish nothing positive for you or anyone.  So people please consider all that has been given and know that the only real proof will be you building a replication and doing the work of tuning it properly if it does not work the first time you fire it up. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 08, 2011, 04:44:23 PM
Romerouk has revealed that cores with a 15 mm diameter not only work but work better . There is hope for us radio ferrite boys .Note extra turns .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 04:47:57 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 08, 2011, 03:49:56 PM
I have air core coils in my Muller and it does NOT give out any free energy.
I think the smartest thing to do is to replicate romerouk's setup.

Special for Groundloop and the others helping with drawings and info 
To get to the point where you will get even a little bit out than in requires a lot of time and work. Check every part of the system, part by part, then when you think is tuned start again.
Let me give u an example:
If u have 10 parts in your system and after jumping from testing  the first then second up to 10, when u finished you start again. It can be that part 3 is not as before after u adjusted any other part after. Once you retried everything and got best of all adjustments then you are nearly there.
Do all this testings without having the rectifiers connected together.Measure every coil separately. Even if you don't get too much out from the coils, don't worry, when all are connected things will go magic.
A DC/DC Converter is a must.
Don't rush, I have spent about a month to get here.
Once u past the point and for 1 you get even 1.1 then things are easy

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 08, 2011, 05:04:39 PM
As of limited resources and tools
i came up with a simplified version of the construction

Although i fully understand it is not an exact replication, i will use it as the basic starting plan for my built.

I share it, not sure if it would distract, if so, it can be replaced by a mod.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 08, 2011, 05:08:57 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 04:47:57 PM
Special for Groundloop and the others helping with drawings and info 
To get to the point where you will get even a little bit out than in requires a lot of time and work. Check every part of the system, part by part, then when you think is tuned start again.
Let me give u an example:
If u have 10 parts in your system and after jumping from testing  the first then second up to 10, when u finished you start again. It can be that part 3 is not as before after u adjusted any other part after. Once you retried everything and got best of all adjustments then you are nearly there.
Do all this testings without having the rectifiers connected together.Measure every coil separately. Even if you don't get too much out from the coils, don't worry, when all are connected things will go magic.
A DC/DC Converter is a must.
Don't rush, I have spent about a month to get here.
Once u past the point and for 1 you get even 1.1 then things are easy



Thank you for the tips. I have had my Muller for 8 years. I have tried several 100th of variations
for motor driving and generator outputs. My Muller is made in a CNC machine. All the coils are
factory made. So there is not much I can tune. All I can do is trying to add Ferrite cores to
my coils. There is no way I can get my magnets out of the rotor to try all the same pole out.
The magnets are glued to the rotor with a strong Epoxy. So I'm stuck with the NSNSNSNS configuration.
I have no spare time to build a new Muller now. But I will get time next winter. Then I will build
an Acrylic one and make as a close replica to your Muller as possible.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 08, 2011, 05:14:55 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 08, 2011, 05:08:57 PM

Thank you for the tips. I have had my Muller for 8 years. I have tried several 100th of variations
for motor driving and generator outputs. My Muller is made in a CNC machine. All the coils are
factory made. So there is not much I can tune. All I can do is trying to add Ferrite cores to
my coils. There is no way I can get my magnets out of the rotor to try all the same pole out.
The magnets are glued to the rotor with a strong Epoxy. So I'm stuck with the NSNSNSNS configuration.
I have no spare time to build a new Muller now. But I will get time next winter. Then I will build
an Acrylic one and make as a close replica to your Muller as possible.



Depending upon your rotor material, a little heat will remove your magnets easily.  Of course, it will probably be above the Curie temp. for the magnets so you would have to replace them, but at least they would be off of your rotor.  Heat will work no matter what type of epoxy was used.

I hope this helps.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 08, 2011, 05:30:28 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 08, 2011, 05:14:55 PM

Depending upon your rotor material, a little heat will remove your magnets easily.  Of course, it will probably be above the Curie temp. for the magnets so you would have to replace them, but at least they would be off of your rotor.  Heat will work no matter what type of epoxy was used.

I hope this helps.



Thank you. Did not know that heat will dissolve Epoxy.

Still, I think it will be less costly to keep the magnets and destroy the rotor.
My magnets is 32mm in diameter and 20mm thick. I do not know what the
cost is today for such big magnets.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 08, 2011, 05:41:39 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 08, 2011, 03:49:56 PM
I have air core coils in my Muller and it does NOT give out any free energy.
I think the smartest thing to do is to replicate romerouk's setup.


Looks like you forgot Right and Left hand rules and Lorentz law, the air core (air gap) motor/generator principle,
Accurate is to say that there is no coils at all, there are only wires (conductors)  in a magnetic field.
When magnet moves over (round wound) COIL then at first one side of coil induces positive pulse and another side of coil indudes negative pulse ... summary NOTHING, especially when magnet does cover all the coil. When to wind this coil sides more widely, then we get sequentially plus and minus -  sinus, but what you will do with this full wave sinus when N-pole Muller machine ::) Must to be noted that when axial machine then magnets acts only to wires what are radially, wires (part of coil) what have  rotor rotation direction are just like ballast, they do nothing instead of losses (resistivity).
In principle it is possible to arrange wires and to get only positive pulse or only negative pulse, you just need to wind this coil dissimilarly, other side will be hidden on to back side, it means again longer wire and more losses.
Thats because common ferrous core wound coil is the best for actual story - all the copper will be spent usefully.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hhobrian on May 08, 2011, 05:47:52 PM
Thanks to this thread, I know how this works now! Thanks!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 08, 2011, 06:29:17 PM
Cherryman and other replicators,  I understand your desire to do this with the least expense possible.  However consider the wood versus acrylic as a possible important point.  I don't remember if it was mentioned here but I've seen some reference to the static electric nature acrylic has.  Maybe it can be a source of electrons.  I wouldn't exclude it as one of the possible reasons why this is able to work.  BTW Cherryman thanks for taking time to make up the drawings for those who are thinking of trying a less expensive plan.  But there is a saying I learned in a former construction job that stuck with me: "the high cost of cheap construction".  That of course means when you first cheap attempt fails it will cost you those materials plus a new set of quality materials to fix it. 
Title: Correct interpretation of the Rumerouk screen Output Shot at reply 328
Post by: ltseung888 on May 08, 2011, 06:29:42 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 06:14:45 AM
Below is a picture with the scope connected at the AC point before bridge.

Correct interpretation of the Rumerouk screen Output Shot at reply 328

Most people will interpret the displayed waveform as some kind of AC waveform.  Another (correct) interpretation is that there are two Pulsed DC waves travelling in opposite directions with a pause in the middle.

That particular displayed wave is just the voltage output.  If Rumerouk had done the full thing â€" Instantaneous Voltage, Instantaneous Current and Instantaneous Power for both Input and Output, the picture will be much clearer.

But I shall focus on the “correct” interpretation.  Power comes out (positive waveform) but there is brought-in energy coming back (negative waveform).  We only have the voltage waveform at present but it should not take Rumerouk or other replicators too long to do the full measurements.  The actual energy should be the total area under the Instantaneous Power Curve.  That should be the numeric sum of the positive area + the numeric sum of the negative area. 

If Rumerouk had taken the Input Voltage, Current and Power measurements, the waveform for the Power Curve for the drive coils (INPUT) should also show a positive and negative area.  That should not be interpreted as AC energy going to the drive coils.  The above correct explanation applies.

I learned this the hard way with the Tong Wheel and FLEET.  I had the misfortune of debating with Poynt99 with Harvey as the Moderator.  Instead of relying on the waveform, the debate ended with “using the mean value” of the Instantaneous Power as the “recommended” method.

Please learn from my mistake and trust the waveforms.  The voltage waveform is NOT a simple AC.  It is two waves â€" a pulsed DC in the forward direction and a pulsed DC in the backward direction.  That is why the battery can be recharged without any loopback circuits!

After looking at the output voltage waveform reply 328, I am more certain that the Muller/Rumerouk device is an example of the second Divine Revelation.  Amen.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: eisnad karm on May 08, 2011, 06:58:44 PM
@hho Brian
Lutec has never been able to close loop there's...no doubt they will be building one of these now. After 10 years what have they to show for all the investors money.
This I feel is a great demo and many thanks to RomeroUK for open sourcing it
Kind Regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 08, 2011, 07:07:41 PM
I have started a parts and source listing need help completing it made a new thread just for this.

Any help would be greatly apprciated

We need a complete 100% parts listing as well as a source to make all the parts that are needed nothing left out.

We need a part quantity and a place to purchase them online in the form of a link.

100% complete no BS no guess work we need 100% proper measurments for parts that need to be made like the stator and the rotor.

I know someone I could contact with a laser cutter locally but without 100% fool proof dimensions to give this guy I cannot get him to make them the reasons are obvious.

That maplin DC to DC converter is a hard to find piece as well.

I could wind up spending thousands of dollars and many iterations and still not accomplish this task as you seem to believe...

This is not possible for the average human being you need more info while you say all the questions have been answered and your not doing
another video I don't think you will have a successful build replication without being more specific.

Maybe share with us the CAD files used for making the stator and rotor and any and every part used with measurements and specifics.

if we want replication we need more specifications its that simple.

You said it yourself this thing wont work until everything is perfect we need to know what perfect is for this device in order to achieve such a standard!

There is no way to replicate something without having a place to purchase all of the parts needed I am sorry to sound rude but it will not happen if you make it impossible to source parts.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 08, 2011, 07:07:52 PM

what is the ohmic resistance of one of your generator coils and the driving coil, please? And if you could even measure the inductance it would be wonderful but if not it is ok.

No where I found a reference to it.

I dismantled one of my relays purchased at RadioShack and it is a tiny coil with probably 32awg gage and it is around 150ohms. A thought that it may be way too high for this setup but never know. This way I don't have to make them myself and make it easier for others to replicate too.

Many thanks,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 08, 2011, 07:30:02 PM
AWG 36   is 0.127 mm, square area is 0.0127 mm2,    136 ohm per 100 m ( I think that 100m per coil have been spent),
There are 7 strands, means 136/7 ... appr. 20 ohm.
7 * 0.0127 mm2 = 0.0889 mm2 total  ... means something like 0.25mm solid wire what is able for 6...7 amps in common (low turn) motor,

AWG 32 = 0.202 mm , 0.032 mm2, and  538 ohm per km ... if you coil has 300 ohm then there is 0.55 km of wire  :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 07:46:03 PM
I don't understand why people are finding difficult to understand the type of wire I used.
I posted the link to my source of wires many times before.
Below is the source I bought the wire from, and the reference too:


7 X 0.125MM SOLDERABLE STRAND EN.Cu = 0.875mm
Ref: ST01250007-500

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 07:49:06 PM
Parts I have ordered so far for the new build.


I got it 30mm diameter so I can put it on my lathe and cut it to make sure it fits perfect on the bearings and SPROCKET CARRIERS.

I bought 16 and I will have them 2 togheter to make the same 8 in total.

Bearings I already have

I bought 3 so I can glue them together to make 3cm thick.

Mosfets are going to be used now, not sure what type yet. I have about 50 irfz44 but that is the last to worry.
Mosfets drivers - I have about 8 TC4422

Cores and coils are going to be built here. Not ordered yet but I bought parts here before.

people can also buy existing stock coils just to use the cores, check different types and u get different cores.

More to come...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 08, 2011, 08:19:43 PM
This is why I am trying to compile a list for you so you can eliminate these types of redundant questions by saying look at this list.

Here is a list of everything and where to get it.

I am trying to help lessen the burden of these questions I see you are slowly getting upset with the repeated questions it happens in every thread takes a lots of patience to deal with it.

I think you should have Made this list a long time ago I know I would have.

Name and type of part
How many you need
Link for online purchase on where to buy it.

Otherwise you will continue to have these questions.

I suggest that you do this for your second build! It will have people replicating your device very fast!

And it will save you a lot of time answering repeat questions! It is everyones goal here to prove your device works!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 08, 2011, 08:31:51 PM
Many thanks Romero for all the new infos.

Yes, a measurement of the coil resistance would be great.

What is about your peak to peak voltage on that scope shot ?

I am pondering about the function principle of your
coils-cores and magnet motion, how it can induce such a voltage envelope.

Seems it could maybe violate Lenz law due to the reversal in repolarizing the
ferrite cores, when the rotor magnet goes through the ferrite core
Would be interesting to see the added voltage from all coils after the
full wave bridge rectifiers before the big capacitor.
(if you disconnect the the big cap and take a scopeshot there without
the DC to DC converter.... just the added voltages without a load and a
turning rotor)
Probably simular to a car alternator DC output with AC ripple  on it.

Is somebody here who works regularly with FEMM and LUA ?

I would like to see this magnetic gate simulated with it,
so we can see, how the magnetic flux changes inside the ferrite rod cores,
so we can see the induction voltage.

As EMdevices said, it is probably important to get the right
working point on the BH curve on the ferrite rod cores for maximum
If the ferrite rods are not remagnetized when the rotor magnet goes
through this magnetic gate, there will be no such sin^2 type spike
induction voltage.
So you have to be carefull, what disctances you choose to get the premagnetisation
right from the stator magnets ontop the ferrite cores.
ALso the washer can really play a role, as it can concentrate or block the fields into the direction
of the ferrite rods, so this has to be all very carefully adjusted.

No wonder that it took RomeroUK a full month to adjust it all for
maximum efficiency and OU operation.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: My Do It Energy on May 08, 2011, 08:42:37 PM
Hi Romero congratulation on your achivement, really remarkble

for those having problems with Litz wire

Litz wire is a type of cable used in electronics to carry alternating current. The wire is designed to reduce the skin effect and proximity effect losses in conductors used at frequencies up to about 1 MHz.It consists of many thin wires strands, individually insulated and twisted or woven together, following one of several carefully prescribed patterns often involving several levels (groups of twisted wires are twisted together, etc.). This winding pattern equalizes the proportion of the overall length over which each strand is at the outside of the conductor.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 08:43:50 PM

Hi, I would do all this measurements tommorow, then I will go back to do some work instead answering unlimited questions, this will never end.
I understand that people needs every detail but they are many and I am only one.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 08, 2011, 08:55:29 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 08:43:50 PM

Hi, I would do all this measurements tommorow, then I will go back to do some work instead answering unlimited questions, this will never end.
I understand that people needs every detail but they are many and I am only one.

Best regards,

forgive me for asking those final questions Romero. I understand your point of view. Unfortunately nowhere has been said the ohmic value of the two kind of coils you have. I think so far you have given ALL the necessary measurements that are necessary for replicating your work.

I know for a fact that ohmic value is of extreme importance since I played with Adams motor many times and He advices coils of very low ohmic value. So one can have complete different aspects of similar devices with such simple things like coil resistance.

I think the ohmic value and possibly the inductance will be last parts that allows a good range of variance for me to replicate and others.

Replications now is the most important thing in the world and saving time by simple measurements will save us all a great amount of time and money.

Everything else for this motor I already ordered to the best of my capacity close to your design and it is not cheap at all. The coils are the first ones I can build now and start testing but without a good range of the value of your coils I will be simply blind.

The physical aspects now can be simply guessed based on the videos and pictures available and already given info by you.

Please, forgive me for asking that. I did search this thread and nowhere it is mention.

And remember my friend, have fun with this because you ARE changing the world for good.

Many thanks,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rosphere on May 08, 2011, 09:50:51 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 08:43:50 PM
...I would do all this measurements tommorow, then I will go back to do some work instead answering unlimited questions, this will never end.
I understand that people needs every detail but they are many and I am only one.

and forgive me... LOL!  You laugh or you cry, romerouk.  Take the bad with the good.
So you posted your success before the manufacturing prints were complete. 
Who can blame you.

It was exciting, ...until you found yourself stuck behind a keyboard answering redundant
questions all day.  Yes, return to your bench.  Give the serious replicators enough time to
acquire materials, machine parts, and get to the tuning phase before you return. 
They may need your help then.

You are under no obligation to answer redundant or irrelevant questions. 
You'll burn yourself up and then start missing the key questions that will help someone
tune or repair their replication to success.  Please save your energy for these folks.

Please excuse me if I am wrong, but it seems like there is enough material here already
to get lots of folks to the tuning stage.  Maybe take a break from here for a week or two. 
Some may be ready to tune by then.

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 08, 2011, 10:07:27 PM
Hi folks, just remembered I had these large ferrite beads that I could use. They are 3/4" diameter X 1-1/8" long X 3/16" wall thickness. They grab my neo magnets pretty good.
Maybe I'll try these as cores, they are really cheap from the surplus store, only $3.15 for 9 of them and I already have 4 on hand.
What do you folks think of these.

peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 08, 2011, 10:10:03 PM
Hi All,
I just compiled Version 1.1 of the PDF file describing the RomeroUK selfrunning device
in detail.


Enjoy !

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on May 08, 2011, 10:30:54 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 08, 2011, 10:10:03 PM
Hi All,
I just compiled Version 1.1 of the PDF file describing the RomeroUK selfrunning device
in detail.


Enjoy !

Regards, Stefan.


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Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 08, 2011, 10:45:49 PM
Thanks Stefan!  That will help a lot of people.  I know this thing about the Litz wire keeps coming up so I really really hate to ask this.  Not being in the U.K. I would not want to buy from Romero's source so I was looking at other places BUT I keep seeing that diagram someone uploaded and it's in your PDF compilation of the 7 x 0.125 mm wire.  Here is the problem and to me it looks like a typo.  Seven 0.125 mm wires in a bundle as shown in that diagram would have an overall diameter of 0.375 mm but the diagram shows an overall of 0.875 mm.  A 3 and 8 look a lot alike at a glance so I'm fairly sure that what you have there as 0.875 mm should actually be 0.375 mm overall diameter which for U.S. people is about 27 or 26 guage wire.  Otherwise we are looking at about 19 or 20 guage wire which is a big difference in size.  I'm fairly sure at this point it should be the 0.375mm or about 26 guage for U.S. builders. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 08, 2011, 10:47:05 PM
duff,  do you have cookies on and do you choose 'login forever'?  If not try that.  I just downloaded it no problems. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mikestocks2006 on May 08, 2011, 11:06:25 PM
Just a quick comment on using an external high efficiency motor vs the two drive coils.

While the external motor idea sounds great and it may actually work, at this point we do not know if the two drive coils also contribute to the overall system power generating performance. It is a fully dynamic system with fixed strength fields (magnets), rising and collapsing induced fields (power generation coils), and impulse externally driven fields (drive coils) all those are happening at high speed and with close proximity to each other, most likely superimposing and effecting each other.

I’ll echo what many have already written: a true replica should be as close if not identical to the original. Establish a working base line, and work from there. Because if it doesn’t work, how would you know if it is the principle or the modification/deviation from the original setup shown by romerouk?
As romerouk noted many times, small things seem to make a huge difference.

@ romerouk and all involved, great work
Thanks for taking the time to post and answer so many questions.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 08, 2011, 11:35:10 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 06:14:45 AM
Below is a picture with the scope connected at the AC point before bridge.

Answer: I run out of neo magnets. I am sure that more magnets will increase the output. I have ordered more togheter with the magnets for the new setup.


I have read through all the new posts before posting.

Thanks for answering my questions by taking closeup pictures and giving reasons why the setup is in current shape. Meanwhile, I also realize that your current build left a lot room for improvement, clearly the potential is amazing and the condition of obtaining selfrunning does not seem to be too demanding, therefore successful replication should be quite possible given the skillfulness of the people here.

Yes, I agree with you that no more demo video need be made to convince those suspicious, because that is simply impossible! Just wait until replications come out. We can all keep doubting, but no more demo helps any more. Replication is the only way to drive out all suspicions. Therefore I think it is wise to concentrate on replications, but no more persuations!

At this moment, I am still struggling with the timing. I am not sure when the hall sensor activates the driving coil yet -- even with the help of your closeup pictures. Neomagnets are quite strong, it could be the case that the hall senser is activated well before it is above the big neomagnet on the rotor. Another possibility is that the drive coil is activated when it is approaching the neomagnet next to the one that is activating the hall sensor.

With scope shots we might resolve this issue for good. I wonder if you have a scope with two pairs of probes. Then one pair of probes is fixed to the generator coil immediately before or after the driving coil, the other pair of probes is fixed to measure the voltage drop across the driving coils. This way we should be able to see for sure when the driving coil is activated in relation to its relative position to the neomagnet on the rotor. If possible, please do this for both driving coils.

Thanks a lot!


Edit: We need a simultaneous measurement of the voltage on the generator coils immediately before or after the driving coil to determine the relatvie position.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 08, 2011, 11:49:11 PM
I am about to get another rotor manufactured. as you know the cost is in the tooling so I pay for one is expensive.
so i can have more than one made. If any body is interested please say as I will just get them to do a few more. you will get them for the cost of what they cost me. and  postage.

this is for a rotor the dimensions are on the drawing 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 09, 2011, 12:08:40 AM
@toranarod, how much will they cost you?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 12:15:54 AM
Several of our guru's have mentioned using Schottky diodes.  I think that's an excellent idea and I can't see how it would effect anything in a bad way (99% sure).  Can anyone recommend a particular number that would work well in this replication?  Most are cheap enough that even using all Schottky's to make FWBR's should not add that much to the cost but what model number might be best here? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 12:18:51 AM
Quote from: scratchrobot on May 09, 2011, 12:08:40 AM
@toranarod, how much will they cost you?

this why I am put out expressions of interest the company is going to ring me today will a quote.
I know the bearing center may be different for others but its based on a very ready available old hard drive size. trying to make it possible for the most basic novice to have a go.  cheaper the better. the Drive is WD caviar. this is the most common.

looks like the ferrite cores are going to be 10mm they are the cheaps and easiest to get.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 12:21:41 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 12:15:54 AM
Several of our guru's have mentioned using Schottky diodes.  I think that's an excellent idea and I can't see how it would effect anything in a bad way (99% sure).  Can anyone recommend a particular number that would work well in this replication?  Most are cheap enough that even using all Schottky's to make FWBR's should not add that much to the cost but what model number might be best here?

I use them on the bridge in my Adams motor the voltage drop is very low. as a full bridge hard to get.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 09, 2011, 12:25:17 AM
Hi folks, so does anyone foresee an issue with using those large ferrite beads i posted a pic of at top of page, thanks. Right now I'm preparing the steel bolt versions, though I doubt it will work well, that's why I'm thinking about the ferrite beads, at $3.15 for 9 is a deal.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 12:37:44 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 12:21:41 AM
I use them on the bridge in my Adams motor the voltage drop is very low. as a full bridge hard to get.
Yes I know it's not common in FWBR but very easy to make the FWBR from 4 Schottky's as I know you know that.  I just would like to know what model number might be best since I'm thinking of ordering some. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 09, 2011, 12:38:34 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 08, 2011, 10:10:03 PM
Hi All,
I just compiled Version 1.1 of the PDF file describing the RomeroUK selfrunning device
in detail.


Enjoy !

Regards, Stefan.

Thanks Stefan.

I wonder if overunity can also backup some of the important videos as well. Youtube might find reasons to close those. Also, in some countries (like mine), youtube is masked and can't be visited.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 12:40:52 AM
Quote from: SkyWatcher123 on May 09, 2011, 12:25:17 AM
Hi folks, so does anyone foresee an issue with using those large ferrite beads i posted a pic of at top of page, thanks. Right now I'm preparing the steel bolt versions, though I doubt it will work well, that's why I'm thinking about the ferrite beads, at $3.15 for 9 is a deal.
peace love light
Just guessing here but it seems they would not have the same flux pattern and probably not as strong as a solid ferrite rod.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 09, 2011, 12:47:17 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 08, 2011, 11:49:11 PM
I am about to get another rotor manufactured. as you know the cost is in the tooling so I pay for one is expensive.
so i can have more than one made. If any body is interested please say as I will just get them to do a few more. you will get them for the cost of what they cost me. and  postage.

this is for a rotor the dimensions are on the drawing

Hi toranarod.

If you're in the U.S, I will be interested in your rotor build. Does it come with the bearings & rod too? Please let us know what the set up costs. Thanks.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 09, 2011, 01:17:20 AM
Hi e2matrix ,thanks for the reply.
I tested one from a previous joule thief and it doesn't have enough turns, though it seems to repel or attract my neos fairly well.
Once i get the rotor finished up, I'm gong to pick up some more of these and start winding them, in the meantime i'll try the steel bolt version.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 01:33:15 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 12:15:54 AM
Several of our guru's have mentioned using Schottky diodes.  I think that's an excellent idea and I can't see how it would effect anything in a bad way (99% sure).  Can anyone recommend a particular number that would work well in this replication?  Most are cheap enough that even using all Schottky's to make FWBR's should not add that much to the cost but what model number might be best here?

the gurus appear to have left the building temporarily  :)

this is the next highest amperage rating i could find in Farnell at a first pass, above Romero's existing level of current draw:

(SB1240: 12A,  40V rev,  0.45V fwd)

i would have thought that a 6A (30V rev, 0.45V fwd) rating would be sufficient for a system operating at around 50Watt (motor + load), if you can find some in your usual suppliers

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: sigis on May 09, 2011, 01:37:58 AM
there is some misunderstanding about rotor construction: according information in forum rotor thickness is 12mm, and magnets are 10mm high, But according pictures presented Romero it looks that magnet high is more then 12mm? Can somebody explain that?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 02:44:00 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 01:33:15 AM
the gurus appear to have left the building temporarily  :)

this is the next highest amperage rating i could find in Farnell at a first pass, above Romero's existing level of current draw:

(SB1240: 12A,  40V rev,  0.45V fwd)

i would have thought that a 6A (30V rev, 0.45V fwd) rating would be sufficient for a system operating at around 50Watt (motor + load), if you can find some in your usual suppliers

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Well actually you are one of the guru's I was hoping might answer so I guess they haven't all left :)   Thanks so much for the info! 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 09, 2011, 02:44:08 AM
Hi Romero.

I've noticed from the schematic of your circuit that you are not directly taking advantage
of the collapsing magnetic field of your drive coils when thay are in off mode.

Now there may be a good reason for this, as the introduction of feedback diodes to collect power
from the drive coils during the collapsing field event, may significantly alter the tuning of the machine. ??

But, then again, maybe you haven't tried this ??
If you have'nt already tried this, then perhaps you'd like to.

If your current operating duty cycle (on time) is lower than 30 %, then there is a very high probability that adding feedback diodes and a battery to collect the CEMF may also result in an increase in total motor torque - free of charge. This in turn may increase your total output from the gen coils?

It's an easy experiment for you to try, as it requires no tricky changes to any aspect of your current build.

Just a couple of diodes and a battery hooked up the way I've shown in a modified version of your schematic attached below ..... Perhaps you've already tried this.?

I am very curious to know how this slight addition will affect your setup. Thanks in advance if
you choose to experiment and report on the result. Understanding, if not.

Cheers from Hoptoad ..... KneeDeep
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 03:08:21 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 01:33:15 AM
the gurus appear to have left the building temporarily  :)

this is the next highest amperage rating i could find in Farnell at a first pass, above Romero's existing level of current draw:

(SB1240: 12A,  40V rev,  0.45V fwd)

i would have thought that a 6A (30V rev, 0.45V fwd) rating would be sufficient for a system operating at around 50Watt (motor + load), if you can find some in your usual suppliers

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Now that I think about the current rating suggested I'm wondering if you knew I was planning these for each coil (using 4 as FWBR) as the current rating seems higher than what I would have imagined.  But I'm mostly guessing and I know you understand this better but my plan for these is not at the output of all coils just for each one.  Knowing that RomeroUK's 1N4007's are only rated 1.0 amp does it sound right to need 12 amp?  Although I'm not sure what his FWBR's current rating was he paralled these on so .... I'm lost in the Amperage jungle.  lol
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 09, 2011, 03:20:43 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 07:46:03 PM
I don't understand why people are finding difficult to understand the type of wire I used.
I posted the link to my source of wires many times before.
Below is the source I bought the wire from, and the reference too:


7 X 0.125MM SOLDERABLE STRAND EN.Cu = 0.875mm
Ref: ST01250007-500

7 X 0.125MM SOLDERABLE STRAND EN.Cu it  IS NEVER the same like 0.875mm wire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Square area = 3.14 * r2
0.875 mm wire  ->  0.6      mm2
0.125mm wire   ->  0.0122 mm2

To handle at least near the same amperage you neerd to use at least 47 strands,
Perhaps now you will tell us that you do not need 25A max amperage what 0.875mm wire is able in normal motor ... (where just few meters of wire used per phase).

Then lets think about resistivity:

0.875 mm wire  ->   3 ohm per 100m
0.125mm wire   -> 136 ohm per 100m

If you do not like to think about wire square area, then about resistivity you must to think earnestly,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 09, 2011, 03:29:19 AM
Quote from: SkyWatcher123 on May 09, 2011, 01:17:20 AMin the meantime i'll try the steel bolt version.

Steel bolt is basically one phat shorted turn. Do not waste time...

Dunno about EMI supression beads. In general they have pretty horrible hysteresis curve and low saturation point. Also large part of the flux will loop thru hole and not cross windings (?). But in terms of eddy currents they should be better.

One possible semi-cheap source of ferrite would be separately sold I parts of the EI transformer cores. They still have low saturation but there are ones with at least good hysteresis curve. Look for ones meant for flyback transformers.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 03:33:07 AM
I believe someone said they were having trouble finding the DC-DC converter.  this one is 3 amp and while it has the name 'Vanson'  it looks the same and is on sale from Maplin for Euro buyers: Universal 3A DC Power Supply Was £21.99 Save £9.00 only £12.99
On promotion until 17/05/2011   here:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 09, 2011, 03:33:43 AM
Either you are replicating OR you are up-scaling and using bigger better coils and magnets. In which case get the best Schottky diodes you can afford. Excess amps now wont go a miss later. With 10A diodes in a bridge you got like an easy 50w per coil with 10 very large generator coils collectively 500w system.

Is this what you are building? :)

Also one other point. Once you built this some of you will want to use coil shorting to give an extreme boost of power and volts. You get 300-400v when the coil is shorted. If you plan on doing this you need like 500v diodes. At 350v and 0.5 amp you now have 175 watt per coil = 1.7Kw system. No its not too far fetched the wind power guys make these muller style systems at that power rating.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 09, 2011, 03:33:55 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 03:08:21 AM
Now that I think about the current rating suggested I'm wondering if you knew I was planning these for each coil (using 4 as FWBR) as the current rating seems higher than what I would have imagined.  But I'm mostly guessing and I know you understand this better but my plan for these is not at the output of all coils just for each one.  Knowing that RomeroUK's 1N4007's are only rated 1.0 amp does it sound right to need 12 amp?  Although I'm not sure what his FWBR's current rating was he paralled these on so .... I'm lost in the Amperage jungle.  lol

Most of the time the old adage, bigger is better is true LOL.

After all, a higher current rated diode will withstand a greater current than a lower one and therefore is less likely to be damaged, when and if, a large transient current spike occurs during operation.

The main difference in a diode's performance in a given circuit is not so much their power rating (if it is not exceeded), but their forward voltage threshold.

The forward voltage threshold will determine the power loss within the diode. The higher the threshold the greater the loss.

To give an (approximate values) example:

A. Silicon power diode: = .6 V forward voltage = .6 V  multiplied by X amount current = .6X power loss
B. Germanium power diode: = .4 V forward voltage = .4 V  multiplied by X amount current = .4X power loss

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 03:37:01 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 03:08:21 AM
Now that I think about the current rating suggested I'm wondering if you knew I was planning these for each coil (using 4 as FWBR) as the current rating seems higher than what I would have imagined.

hi e2m

i'm no guru here, sadly!

as mentioned above, this part was the nearest one i could find at Farnell at the moment, with a current rating  above the sort of current being handled in Romero's circuit

i mentioned looking for a lower rating (eg. 6A) in your usual suppliers (eg., Digikey, perhaps, in the US?) which should still give plenty safety margin

my very approximate estimate of Romero's system was that it's operating around the 50 Watt level (including motor + spare capacity for load)

it might appear that it's possible just to divide the current rating between the generator coils

whilst it's true that there is overlap between coil outputs, each coil could be capable of providing several amps at full load

at the moment we don't have too much detail of the performance data for the system

a couple of members have suggested that some more comprehensive load tests be carried out to 'characterise' the device's generating capacity

until we have more info, i'd suggest the minimum current rating needs to be in the region of at least 5-6A so that the diodes aren't being operated near their limit

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Mem on May 09, 2011, 03:37:47 AM
Quote from: hoptoad on May 09, 2011, 02:44:08 AM
Hi Romero.

I've noticed from the schematic of your circuit that you are not directly taking advantage
of the collapsing magnetic field of your drive coils when thay are in off mode.

Now there may be a good reason for this, as the introduction of feedback diodes to collect power
from the drive coils during the collapsing field event, may significantly alter the tuning of the machine. ??

But, then again, maybe you haven't tried this ??
If you have'nt already tried this, then perhaps you'd like to.

If your current operating duty cycle (on time) is lower than 30 %, then there is a very high probability that adding feedback diodes and a battery to collect the CEMF may also result in an increase in total motor torque - free of charge. This in turn may increase your total output from the gen coils?

It's an easy experiment for you to try, as it requires no tricky changes to any aspect of your current build.

Just a couple of diodes and a battery hooked up the way I've shown in a modified version of your schematic attached below ..... Perhaps you've already tried this.?

I am very curious to know how this slight addition will affect your setup. Thanks in advance if
you choose to experiment and report on the result. Understanding, if not.

Cheers from Hoptoad ..... KneeDeep
Your idea is good. However, these is no battery in the circuit so why bother charging a battery?  But, yes collecting the  back emf from driver transistors can cool the off. It's may be an optional idea that can be useful.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 03:43:22 AM
while we are on the subject of coils
I have a come up with this. here is a 15 mm litz wire coil on a ferrite former.
what is the inductance of the coils in RomeroUK motor? any body have even a close idea?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 09, 2011, 03:47:09 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 03:33:07 AM
I believe someone said they were having trouble finding the DC-DC converter.  this one is 3 amp and while it has the name 'Vanson'  it looks the same and is on sale from Maplin for Euro buyers: Universal 3A DC Power Supply Was £21.99 Save £9.00 only £12.99
On promotion until 17/05/2011   here:

This website has a few options:

http://www.voltcraft.nl/notebook-netvoedingen#auto (http://www.voltcraft.nl/notebook-netvoedingen#auto)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 03:47:30 AM
Quote from: hoptoad on May 09, 2011, 02:44:08 AM
Hi Romero.

I've noticed from the schematic of your circuit that you are not directly taking advantage of the collapsing magnetic field of your drive coils when thay are in off mode.
I am very curious to know how this slight addition will affect your setup. Thanks in advance if you choose to experiment and report on the result.

Understanding, if not.

Cheers from Hoptoad ..... KneeDeep

hi Hoptoad

if Romero hasn't already tried this but doesn't wish to, i'm intending to include feedback of coil-collapse energy in my build attempt, although in my case i'm planning to feedback to the buffer cap - so you should get a report back from someone  :)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 09, 2011, 03:50:04 AM
Quote from: bolt on May 09, 2011, 03:33:43 AM
Either you are replicating OR you are up-scaling and using bigger better coils and magnets. In which case get the best Schottky diodes you can afford. Excess amps now wont go a miss later. With 10A diodes in a bridge you got like an easy 50w per coil with 10 very large generator coils collectively 500w system.

Is this what you are building? :)

Also one other point. Once you built this some of you will want to use coil shorting to give an extreme boost of power and volts. You get 300-400v when the coil is shorted. If you plan on doing this you need like 500v diodes. At 350v and 0.5 amp you now have 175 watt per coil = 1.7Kw system. No its not too far fetched the wind power guys make these muller style systems at that power rating.

bolt, hoptoad and nul-points,  Thanks all for your help!  I was not clear on the threshold rating but knew high amp regular diodes have bigger losses.  Now I've got a much better picture and it sounds like going for a higher rating is the best idea especially if I end up scaling up.  Not real sure what I'm doing at this time but will be happy with any OU replication and go from there.  I tend to have an open design philosophy that  develops itself with the ebb and flow of ideas and play $$ available :) 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 03:54:35 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 03:43:22 AM
while we are on the subject of coils
I have a come up with this. here is a 15 mm litz wire coil on a ferrite former.
what is the inductance of the coils in RomeroUK motor? any body have even a close idea?

has any body wound a coil?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 09, 2011, 03:56:20 AM
Quote from: Cherryman on May 09, 2011, 03:47:09 AM
This website has a few options:

http://www.voltcraft.nl/notebook-netvoedingen#auto (http://www.voltcraft.nl/notebook-netvoedingen#auto)

Look on ebay for universal 12v car adaptor they are sold from China all over the world!

Its just a switch mode PSU just pick one with a voltage selector and good wattage.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 03:58:54 AM
Romerouk what are the diameter of you coils when wound?
I have been winding coils they seem larger than the one is your photo?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 09, 2011, 04:05:15 AM
He said he is not answering any more questions that already been answered. The only new questions is the inductance value and the resistance to be answered later when he gets time. Everything else is in the thread.

Guys you must realise no one is going to get the same bits all over the world. Just build it with what you have available its no different to making a joule thief and everyone of those is different and most of them work. Everyone is going to wind coils a bit different with different cores. So long as the re-gauging back end neo is carefully tuned it should work.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 04:09:35 AM
Quote from: bolt on May 09, 2011, 04:05:15 AM
He said he is not answering any more questions that already been answered. The only new questions is the inductance value and the resistance to be answered later when he gets time. Everything else is in the thread.

Guys you must realise no one is going to get the same bits all over the world. Just build it with what you have available its no different to making a joule thief and everyone of those is different and most of them work. Everyone is going to wind coils a bit different with different cores. So long as the re-gauging back end neo is carefully tuned it should work.

OK you go a point
I will go with what i have built.

I will let you know what the inductance is very soon.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 09, 2011, 04:13:58 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 03:43:22 AMI have a come up with this. here is a 15 mm litz wire coil on a ferrite former.

Ferrite discs on both sides of the former will act as shields to external magnetic fields parallel to axis.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: sigis on May 09, 2011, 04:18:41 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 09, 2011, 04:13:58 AM
Ferrite discs on both sides of the former will act as shields to external magnetic fields parallel to axis.
Hi there is nice pictures!
What computer program you are used to get it?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 09, 2011, 04:23:23 AM
Quote from: sigis on May 09, 2011, 04:18:41 AMHi there is nice pictures!
What computer program you are used to get it?

Hehe, nice - not :D useful - yes. It is ViziMag. Good tool for 1-minute concept checks - very easy to use.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 09, 2011, 04:24:24 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 09, 2011, 04:13:58 AM
Ferrite discs on both sides of the former will act as shields to external magnetic fields parallel to axis.

Glad to see that there is at least one person understanding about magnetism ;)

But there is second magnet on the top side, you need to reckon with as well,

When someone speaks about saturation then ... look at huge air gap between coil and  10...12 mm thick magnet - about what kind of saturation we are speaking? ::)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 09, 2011, 04:36:08 AM
Quote from: Mem on May 09, 2011, 03:37:47 AM

snip ... these is no battery in the circuit so why bother charging a battery?


Charging the battery is an incidental bonus. The circuit as shown produces a unidirectional current through the coils from their own collapsing field which extends the duration of the applied power pulse within them.

Provided the duration of the extended pulse does not exceed 50 % duty cycle, this will cause an increase in rotor speed and torque, thus giving rise to the expectation of an even greater gen coil output.

If the drive coils are very low impedance, the battery does not need to be in the feedback circuit, and the diodes can connect directly to the positive rail, resulting in a beneficial effect on rotor torque.

If, however the coils have too much impedance, the battery's capacitance properties, in the feedback collector circuit, ensures that the timing constant of the whole feedback circuit is low, and wont cause the extended applied power (as opposed to supplied) to the coils to exceed 50 % duty cycle.

Impedance and duty cycle play a great role in whether the feedback circuit is a benefit or a constraint to rotor torque and speed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 09, 2011, 04:38:09 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 03:47:30 AM
hi Hoptoad

if Romero hasn't already tried this but doesn't wish to, i'm intending to include feedback of coil-collapse energy in my build attempt, although in my case i'm planning to feedback to the buffer cap - so you should get a report back from someone  :)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Great.  Curious as always.   :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 09, 2011, 04:52:04 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 09, 2011, 04:24:24 AMBut there is second magnet on the top side, you need to reckon with as well,

And that magnet is actually somewhat shielded by metal washer. Rendered sketch to show entire picture as I understand it.

Quote from: khabe on May 09, 2011, 04:24:24 AMabout what kind of saturation we are speaking?

Eventually would be nice to make airgap smaller. I'm not going for exact replica, so my mistake - was thinking rather of my own project.

PS. Besides washer there are eddys running around in the magnets coatings, which are btw highly conductive :) It almost seems like conspiracy, strongest magnets are provided with conducting coating to degrade their performance in dynamic systems :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 05:35:13 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 06, 2011, 07:09:12 AM
I am trying to get a team together to replicate this . One problem with replication can be , do you try to exactly copy  the working example or do you use materials to hand to save money . I plan to compromise by building a good shaft and rotor and then experimenting with the other bits .
           Here is an important question . What is the orientation of the magnets on top of the coils? If we assume that all rotor magnets are north pole up , are the magnets on top of the coils north pole up or south pole up . Also I need to learn more about Hall effect switches .Obviously , the motor drive coil needs to be energised as a magnet approaches it , and switched off as the magnet comes to its closest point to the coil . I am not quite clear at the moment what causes it to switch off at this point .

I am doing both
for speed and diversity i am building with what i have in stock. and I almost have all the materials anyway. left for dozens of other projects.
will also replicate to the exact specification, thats a longer term project it will take a week or so to get stuff made and shipped in.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 06:26:49 AM
just trying to get an idea of the wire required to wind the coils. this is based on 7 strands of .2  so .125 will be inside this figure.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 06:38:41 AM
Hi all,

I see there are questions about the rotor being smaller that the magnets lenght.
I am not at home now to recheck but I know for sure that the rotor was made from 4  0.3mm discs.
During the initial building and testings I have changed the rotor, changed the magnets,... It might be a 1cm + 0.5mm magnets togheter, I remember having that on the rotor at one point, but I am not sure, I must check later.
I had to use the heat gun to take the magnets off, initially I dan them in NSNS configuration.
I had measured the inductance and it is 1.203mH plus and minus, not all coils are exact value but with the magnets on the rotor being close to them that might not be exact.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alan on May 09, 2011, 06:40:18 AM
What's the secret? The even/odd arrangement?
Is it really necessary to use litz wire?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: sigis on May 09, 2011, 06:51:12 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 06:38:41 AM
Hi all,

I see there are questions about the rotor being smaller that the magnets lenght.
I am not at home now to recheck but I know for sure that the rotor was made from 4  0.3mm discs.
During the initial building and testings I have changed the rotor, changed the magnets,... It might be a 1cm + 0.5mm magnets togheter, I remember having that on the rotor at one point, but I am not sure, I must check later.
I had to use the heat gun to take the magnets off, initially I dan them in NSNS configuration.
I had measured the inductance and it is 1.203mH plus and minus, not all coils are exact value but with the magnets on the rotor being close to them that might not be exact.
Thank you RomeoUK,
I will wait for answer. Just be careful do not destroy working unit.
May I ask make oscillograms from motor coils to, also from couple of generator coils, and to measure amplitude and period of pulses. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 06:51:17 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 06:26:49 AM
just trying to get an idea of the wire required to wind the coils. this is based on 7 strands of .2  so .125 will be inside this figure.
the winding space is only 1cm. the core left goes thru a hole into the top and bottom supports but not touching the magnets.

I got almost 400 emails since yesterday, ...oh my god, what should I do?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 06:53:46 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 06:38:41 AM
Hi all,

I see there are questions about the rotor being smaller that the magnets lenght.
I am not at home now to recheck but I know for sure that the rotor was made from 4  0.3mm discs.
During the initial building and testings I have changed the rotor, changed the magnets,... It might be a 1cm + 0.5mm magnets togheter, I remember having that on the rotor at one point, but I am not sure, I must check later.
I had to use the heat gun to take the magnets off, initially I dan them in NSNS configuration.
I had measured the inductance and it is 1.203mH plus and minus, not all coils are exact value but with the magnets on the rotor being close to them that might not be exact.

Thank you for you time The Henrie's can be a good guide in coil design.
working on coils all day so i have a good starting point now. If you are still there what sort of former did you use on ether end of the ferrite rod to hold the wire in place and is it still stuck on the end of the coil looks like a plastic washer. or is it?
one of the biggest problems I have always had is find a good bobbin to winding the wire around.     
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: sigis on May 09, 2011, 06:54:45 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 06:26:49 AM
just trying to get an idea of the wire required to wind the coils. this is based on 7 strands of .2  so .125 will be inside this figure.
From photos looks, that high of that coil is about 10mm. It looks that not enough space to place 300 windings?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 09, 2011, 06:57:47 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 06:51:17 AMI got almost 400 emails since yesterday, ...oh my god, what should I do?

Do like I do at my workplace, when there are more than 100 unread e-mails just mark them "read" and continue with business as usual :) Usually ones life does not get worse when doing that :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 06:59:20 AM
Quote from: sigis on May 09, 2011, 06:54:45 AM
From photos looks, that high of that coil is about 10mm. It looks that not enough space to place 300 windings?

Thats what I thought, but i think it fits now i have done some calculations. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Overunityguide on May 09, 2011, 07:06:02 AM
Hi romerouk great work on this Muller motor generator setup.

Is it possible to show some extra video footage where you switch the dc to dc converter gradually from 12V back to 4.5V and hereby showing the input voltage for the dc to dc converter (rectified output of the generator) for each single step?
I already know that you showed earlier that for the 12.05V out of the dc to dc converter the input was about 15 volts

Good luck to all replicators and with Kind Regards JdR.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 07:06:18 AM
Quote from: sigis on May 09, 2011, 06:54:45 AM
From photos looks, that high of that coil is about 10mm. It looks that not enough space to place 300 windings?
As you can see in the pictures  the windings are beyond the  coil size, I should have used bigger coils but I didn't have, finding coils bobbins is a pain.The coils bobbins are one of the weakest points in my design, now I will have them custom made but I need to get the system togheter do some testings, trying different dimensions for the coils, must try  Iron Powder cores then I will decide to the right dimensions.I am thinking to 4 cm/2cm not sure yet for the core size, still testing.
Maybe people who knows a good source should place a link for all others to know.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alan on May 09, 2011, 07:11:14 AM
You could try to put a 12V DC to 110/220V AC convertor on the coils to form a usable signal and see how much it can draw.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 09, 2011, 07:14:01 AM
@Alan . It is too early to ask what is the secret , until there are several replications . The use of multistrand wire seems to give a 2 volt increase in out put .Replicate first and then experiment .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 09, 2011, 07:14:10 AM

I can only imagine your world is getting a little upside down.

I suspect while the word is going around like fire, your e-mail box will get even more full.

I suggest you make a choice of your own.

I can not think for you, but if you have the intention to not sell, and keep the open source replications and improvements here on the forum, i suggest you use an email filter to filter out all post related to your device to a separate folder, and indeed just ignore them, erase them, or take a beer and have a good LAUGH! 

Do not forget to keep smiling, and work in your own pace, style and comfort. If you can manage that, and keep us around here a little informed and guided, you better simply ignore and not read the e-mail, because they will confuse, irritate or tempt you one way ore the other.

When you need some help, don't hesitate to ask around in the forum, i'm sure people around here are willing and capable of help.
I for one could, if you are interested,  i could make a total 3d drawing replication of your device, just let me know.

Good luck, trust your instincts, and keep those magnets spinning!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: norman6538 on May 09, 2011, 07:29:03 AM
Harti - the pdf document you uploaded seems to be encrypted.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 09, 2011, 07:39:40 AM
@ RomeroUK

I suggest you post in 'Big Letters' to read the Whole thread and you will not be answering any more emails. Just delete them all.
I have resisted PM'ing you because of exactly what you have said recently; Too many emails!!!

I am coming along nicely with my parts acquisition and have all my cores cut and ready to glue to the end-cheeks, magnets in the post and various sundries on order from other places.

@everyone                      Most of the questions have been asked

Several of the UK replicators have a blog that is being updated continually with information collated from this site and other places about Bill Muller's device and RomeroUK's replication, as well as information about our individual replication attempts.

After several days of reading this is starting to become understood.

Patience my friends, much more to come

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 07:39:40 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 07:06:18 AM
As you can see in the pictures  the windings are beyond the  coil size, I should have used bigger coils but I didn't have, finding coils bobbins is a pain.The coils bobbins are one of the weakest points in my design, now I will have them custom made but I need to get the system togheter do some testings, trying different dimensions for the coils, must try  Iron Powder cores then I will decide to the right dimensions.I am thinking to 4 cm/2cm not sure yet for the core size, still testing.
Maybe people who knows a good source should place a link for all others to know.
I know you are very much in demand. you have answered lots of questions. Thank you so much I hope you and your family are safe.
good luck.     
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 07:54:55 AM
Hi all, I have deleted all my emails     by mistake...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Overunityguide on May 09, 2011, 08:00:59 AM
Hi romerouk great work on this Muller motor generator setup.

Is it possible to show some extra video footage where you switch the dc to dc converter gradually from 12V back to 4.5V and hereby showing the input voltage for the dc to dc converter (rectified output of the generator) for each single step?
I already know that you showed earlier that for the 12.05V out of the dc to dc converter the input was about 15 volts

Good luck to all replicators and with Kind Regards JdR.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on May 09, 2011, 08:11:50 AM
Can you post a link to the Blog,or any replicator sites ?
@ Romero
Keep those Positive Vibes Going!
There is Power in the Positive..............[O.U even:=}

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 09, 2011, 08:38:37 AM
Hi Romerouk,

Congratulations on this replication + improvement!  I want to thank you for sharing so many specific details with all of us.  I am looking forward seeing if I can replicate your results.  I have all the parts on order now.  Regardless of the results I achieve this is going to be a fun build.

I have a little experience with being overloaded with e-mail and the same questions being asked over and over again.  My recommendation is to not try and answer each question individually, but let them accumulate and then answer the most asked questions.  Of course, if a question is actually crucial to the design then it might need a specific answer.  Also, do not worry about proving it is not fake.  The only way to prove that it’s real is for us to all replicate the device.

Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 08:44:27 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 07:54:55 AM
Hi all, I have deleted all my emails     by mistake...

as my young cousin used to say:

    "oh dear!  what a shame!  ....never mind!"    ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 09:01:14 AM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 09, 2011, 08:38:37 AM
Hi Romerouk,

Congratulations on this replication + improvement!  I want to thank you for sharing so many specific details with all of us.  I am looking forward seeing if I can replicate your results.  I have all the parts on order now.  Regardless of the results I achieve this is going to be a fun build.

I have a little experience with being overloaded with e-mail and the same questions being asked over and over again.  My recommendation is to not try and answer each question individually, but let them accumulate and then answer the most asked questions.  Of course, if a question is actually crucial to the design then it might need a specific answer.  Also, do not worry about proving it is not fake.  The only way to prove that it’s real is for us to all replicate the device.

Best regards
I hope someone here is going to replicate it soon and have all this questions addressed to him.

To all:
Don't ask me to do more videos, and measure every inch of it, this is taking all my time, instead of working and doing something productive.
I know skycollection - jorge sent me an email earlier but was deleted.
If you see this message please send it again, I would answer to you.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 09, 2011, 09:05:02 AM
Inexpensive buck/boost power supplies on Ebay.




Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 09, 2011, 09:10:56 AM
An even better supply.  Voltage and current regulation if needed.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 09:19:30 AM
After answering to jorge message I realised that I need to post the answer to his question.
Can i use power supply?
Actually for the preliminary tests it is a must to use a power supply that stays stable and you know that the voltage is not going down and nothing is changing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 09, 2011, 09:37:38 AM
Quote from: duff on May 08, 2011, 10:30:54 PM

There seems to be a problem here.

I am logged in and in spite of that when I click on the link it presents me with a login dialogue box.

You are not allowed to view the Downloads
Please login below or register an account ::)

Just clear your cache and cookies and please log on again,
so you have a cookie on your harddrive.

Also I did it with the normal open Office Writer Default settings
to export to PDF, so I did not "Encrypt" anything...

Use FoxIT PDF reader, it is much faster than Adobe PDF Reader.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 09, 2011, 09:40:14 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 08, 2011, 10:45:49 PM
Thanks Stefan!  That will help a lot of people.  I know this thing about the Litz wire keeps coming up so I really really hate to ask this.  Not being in the U.K. I would not want to buy from Romero's source so I was looking at other places BUT I keep seeing that diagram someone uploaded and it's in your PDF compilation of the 7 x 0.125 mm wire.  Here is the problem and to me it looks like a typo.  Seven 0.125 mm wires in a bundle as shown in that diagram would have an overall diameter of 0.375 mm but the diagram shows an overall of 0.875 mm.  A 3 and 8 look a lot alike at a glance so I'm fairly sure that what you have there as 0.875 mm should actually be 0.375 mm overall diameter which for U.S. people is about 27 or 26 guage wire.  Otherwise we are looking at about 19 or 20 guage wire which is a big difference in size.  I'm fairly sure at this point it should be the 0.375mm or about 26 guage for U.S. builders.

I edited the posted wire size picture from User Arthus,
as RomeroUK said his total wire diameter was 0.875 mm.
Also you can see on his coil-rotor pictures, that the wire is almost a 1 mm
in diameter just from the look and comparison on these photos...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: merlynmetal on May 09, 2011, 09:59:11 AM

Reading the thread with great interest. Wonderful job Romero! Everybody is waiting for such a breakthrough. Keep the good work going!
Concerning the ferrite rods there is a variety of sizes at Farnell including 6mm and 8mm in diameter:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 09, 2011, 09:59:52 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 01:33:15 AM
the gurus appear to have left the building temporarily  :)

this is the next highest amperage rating i could find in Farnell at a first pass, above Romero's existing level of current draw:

(SB1240: 12A,  40V rev,  0.45V fwd)

i would have thought that a 6A (30V rev, 0.45V fwd) rating would be sufficient for a system operating at around 50Watt (motor + load), if you can find some in your usual suppliers

hope this helps

Also quite nice:

MBR 1645
Schottky 16A 45V TO220 about 0.70 Euros so about 1 US$ per pice.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: pese on May 09, 2011, 10:23:55 AM
also look in your old or scrap PC-Power-Supplies.

30 amp and
2way 50Amp (100) Amp
devices inside

To-220 and TO216 = To-3P

cost (mostly) nothing
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 10:38:51 AM
Quote from: pese on May 09, 2011, 10:23:55 AM
also look in your old or scrap PC-Power-Supplies.

30 amp and
2way 50Amp (100) Amp
devices inside

To-220 and TO216 = To-3P

cost (mostly) nothing
I have lots of them, a big box full of S30D45CS ; SBL1640CT; STPS3045CW; STPR1620CT,SB3045ST; S20C10CC,....
I have tested those and performance was lower than existing ones 1n4001. Maybe they do work good but at higher frequency BUT not in my current setup.
Maybe someone can explain and help me decide what to use in the next setup.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 09, 2011, 10:47:41 AM
For those who have problems to download the latest PDF file,
go here:


Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aedini on May 09, 2011, 10:56:34 AM
Hi Romerouk:
   I was able to get amorphous alloys, But also in accordance with the requirements and the size of my production, If I use it to make the coil core, Will get better effect?

   The following are commonly used in magnetic parameters of comparison:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 11:05:21 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 10:38:51 AM

S30D45CS ; SBL1640CT;.....[etc]

I have tested those and performance was lower than existing ones 1n4001. [...]

Maybe someone can explain and help me decide what to use in the next setup.

hi Romero

when you tested these other diodes and found they weren't as good as 1N4001, did you test them in parallel to the FWBR, or just 4 separate of these diodes (making a FWBR at each coil)?


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 09, 2011, 11:13:27 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 07:54:55 AM
Hi all, I have deleted all my emails     by mistake...

Hehe made me laugh. I am having trouble keeping up with reading all the posts (about 10 pages per day so far) and a few PM's.
I would not like waking up to 400 emails!

@ramset the link is the little globe under my name, to the left   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 11:40:37 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 11:05:21 AM
hi Romero

when you tested these other diodes and found they weren't as good as 1N4001, did you test them in parallel to the FWBR, or just 4 separate of these diodes (making a FWBR at each coil)?


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
I have tested them separate, before having this messy diodes on top of the bridge recifier.

The test was done for a single coil pair, not all togheter.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 09, 2011, 11:52:35 AM
This might be helpfull for those who cannot find the specified DC/DC supply.

Rhino 3000mA DC/DC Car Adapter:  http://www.walmart.com/ip/Rhino-3000mA-DC-DC-Car-Adapter/16318456?findingMethod=rr
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 09, 2011, 12:23:50 PM
Quote from: Aedini on May 09, 2011, 10:56:34 AMI was able to get amorphous alloys, But also in accordance with the requirements and the size of my production, If I use it to make the coil core, Will get better effect?

Should be superior to ferrite, for example you can make much more narrow gaps w/o saturating cores => more output. If it works at all :D
From where did you get the stuff?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 12:27:23 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 11:40:37 AM
I have tested them separate, before having this messy diodes on top of the bridge recifier.

The test was done for a single coil pair, not all togheter.

ok, thanks for the info Romero

not all type of schottky diodes have a low forward voltage drop - and also, the voltage drop may be higher if the current flow is near to the max current rating - so is it possible that the particular diodes which you tried were not suitable for the current from the coil?

the 1N4001 only has a current rating of 1A, and a max voltage drop of approx 1V - do you happen to know off-hand what the rating of your bridge recitifiers are?

the SB1240 example i posted earlier has a forward voltage of 0.45V and a current handling of 12A, so a schottky like this should still give a low voltage drop at the current levels in your dynamo


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 09, 2011, 12:57:33 PM
 A few thoughts on winding coils . Today I got 3 degaussing coils from the scrapyard . All three were wound with normal wire , not multistrand , so that idea is out . In Romereo`s  design , the core only protrudes a short distance beyond the bobbin . This is a shame because it is probably not quite long enough to grip the protrusion in a drill chuck  , which would make the winding quicker and easier . If you are using cut down ferrite rods , you could make it longer , but this might spoil the magnetic properties .I f you "roll your own" multistrand ,do not twist it too tight . indeed it will wind better if you do not twist it at all .If you can mount the coil in a hand cranked drill fixed in the vice just let the coil pick up the wire from the floor like a winch . If , instead of using a bobbin you glue the coil cheeks direct to the ferrite , make sure they are firm .Winding wire creates a lot of pressure , As in wire tension x number of turns .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mikestocks2006 on May 09, 2011, 01:07:58 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 10:38:51 AM
I have lots of them, a big box full of S30D45CS ; SBL1640CT; STPS3045CW; STPR1620CT,SB3045ST; S20C10CC,....
I have tested those and performance was lower than existing ones 1n4001. Maybe they do work good but at higher frequency BUT not in my current setup.
Maybe someone can explain and help me decide what to use in the next setup.
This maybe of relevance ,
"The most evident limitations of Schottky diodes are the relatively low reverse voltage rating for silicon-metal Schottky diodes, 50 V and below, and a relatively high reverse leakage current. Diode designs have been improving over time. Voltage ratings now can reach 200 V. Reverse leakage current, because it increases with temperature, leads to a thermal instability issue. This often limits the useful reverse voltage to well below the actual rating."

While the forward voltage drop is typically lower about 50% less, for example S30D45CS vs 1N4001 , the reverse leakage current is much higher, 5miliAmps at 25C all the way up to 80 miliAmps at 100C vs 5 to 50 microAmps.
This can be a noticeable issue especially if the rectifiers are heating up.
I hope this helps

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 09, 2011, 01:33:58 PM
Well, maybe it is better to put all outputs coils then in series
for higher voltage outputs and only have a normal
silicon diode bridge rectifier then at the end.
Then you could also use a DC to DC converter with high efficiency to transform
the violtage down again.
This way you will only loose power in the ONE bridge rectifier and not
in all rectifiers... This could also save a lot of wasted power in the circuit
and it is cheaper as you don´t need so many rectifiers....
If you make the coils much bigger also a higher current should be possible at
the higher series voltage.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alan on May 09, 2011, 01:37:15 PM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 09, 2011, 12:23:50 PM
Should be superior to ferrite, for example you can make much more narrow gaps w/o saturating cores => more output. If it works at all :D
From where did you get the stuff?
I found this supplier:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 09, 2011, 01:47:26 PM
@ Hartiberlin. Anything is worth a try but perhaps you would have problems . As the number of magnets is different to the number of coils , the coils would be out of phase with each other .Some would be "pushing" while some were "pulling" if you understand what i mean . That is my opinion .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 09, 2011, 01:53:27 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 09, 2011, 11:52:35 AM
This might be helpfull for those who cannot find the specified DC/DC supply.

Rhino 3000mA DC/DC Car Adapter:  http://www.walmart.com/ip/Rhino-3000mA-DC-DC-Car-Adapter/16318456?findingMethod=rr

Hi Lasersaber,

They also have a 2500 mA (2.5 amp) available for half the price of the 3 amp one!


Boy I wish I could build this economically!   Already have over $200 parts on order for my build.  Whew....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 09, 2011, 02:20:24 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 09, 2011, 01:47:26 PM
@ Hartiberlin. Anything is worth a try but perhaps you would have problems . As the number of magnets is different to the number of coils , the coils would be out of phase with each other .Some would be "pushing" while some were "pulling" if you understand what i mean . That is my opinion .

Okay, you are right,
this could lead to avoidable problems so some coils might break then the rotation.
So it is best first to try the original setup, you are right !

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 09, 2011, 02:25:39 PM
Quote from: alan on May 09, 2011, 01:37:15 PM
I found this supplier:

"Material:Ni-Zn DN85H DN100H"

Look the specs:

Seems just rather crappy NiZn ferrite :(

Since most ppl seem to be from Europe, and here is hardest to get proper stuff. Maybe try group buy if someone finds right stuff.... ? Of course it would be very messy unless someone organizes it properly...

For example these guys have high-end stuff:
But would be pointless to try to order 10 cores :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 09, 2011, 02:30:14 PM
This one is in the Netherlands and accepts paypal


FAT35    35 x  6.4 mm  Ferrietstaaf                                         0.41
FAT59    59 x  10  mm  Ferrietstaaf, bewikkeld 250 µH
                       //120pF>1MHz  //2n7>130kHz grotere spoelen voorr.    1.14
FAT120  120 x   8  mm  Ferrite (Fairite mix 43)                             3.90
FAT175  175 x  10  mm  Ferrietstaaf                                         5.40
FAT180  180 x  15  mm  Ferrietstaaf                                         6.78
FAT200  200 x  10  mm  Ferrietstaaf                                         4.90

Nog langere staven zijn extreem duur, het verdient daarom aanbeveling ze
samen te stellen uit onze voorraadtypen; dit gaat eenvoudig door verlijmen,
eventueel in combinatie met een kunststof of kartonnen kokertje over de

18x3           Ferrietstaafje                                              0.23

Prices in Euro

Source: http://www.xs4all.nl/~barendh/Indexned.htm (http://www.xs4all.nl/~barendh/Indexned.htm)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Collapsingfield on May 09, 2011, 02:32:33 PM
Just for fun: three similar magnets + two ferrite rods
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 09, 2011, 02:43:45 PM
Many thanks for the flux animation.
I wonder what would happen, if your used
a iron backplate from the upper top stator
magnet to the lower stator magnet to close the
magnetic fields.

Would indeed concentrate much more flux into the airgap
where the rotor magnet goes through.

Also pretty interesting to see, that in the center of the
coil´s ferrite rods there are opposing fields, when the
rotor magnet goes through.

Interesting would be to set it up that the
ferrite rod would then have a reversed flux field.
This would need the stator magnets to be further away from
the ferrite rod cores.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 09, 2011, 02:46:07 PM
@Collapsing field .That was a very interesting and relevant simulation . Now can you [or anyone] answer this question . What would ne the effect if the ferrite core was lengthened by [a] 25% and 100% . the reason I ask is that i am trying to find out if the length of the core is critical . The main reason is that some people are anxious to work with materials they have easily available .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 09, 2011, 02:49:23 PM
SNIP Don Smith

Magnetic permeability is the counterpart of negative
resistance. Resonating with negative magnetic resistance, it pumps energy from the Earth's ambient
background. Magnetic permeability is the ratio of flux density (Earth's B field) to the magnetizing force
(H) in oersteds.
Magnetostrictive materials are piezoelectric in character, and have a very high resistance to electrical
current flow. Examples are:
1. Permealloy Negative Magnetic Permeability
> 80,000
2. Sendust Negative Magnetic Permeability
30,000 -120,000
3. Metglas Negative Magnetic Permeability
> 200,000
4. Iron with ( 34% ) Cobalt Magnetic Permeability 13,000
5. New Technology Magnetic Permeability
> 1,000,000

Look for high Permeability cores Metglass and above. See scope shot taken off coils shows not AC but pulsed Alternating DC with resting time.  This rest period is the ZERO POINT its where the core undergoes negative entropy and put energy into the system. Be interesting to see current at this point i would expect to see current at max when the voltage is at zero point thus for a moment the VSWR is max for a standing wave condition.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 09, 2011, 03:35:38 PM
@all. I previously asked Romero if he had tried stationary magnets on the coils down below [lower deck] He is likely under too much pressure to answer me . HE MUST HAVE TRIED THIS , AS OTHERWISE , THE LOWER COILS COULD BE DOING LITTLE EXCEPT WASTE ENERGY . Has he discussed this with anyone else please ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 03:36:26 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 09, 2011, 02:46:07 PM
@Collapsing field .That was a very interesting and relevant simulation . Now can you [or anyone] answer this question . What would ne the effect if the ferrite core was lengthened by [a] 25% and 100% . the reason I ask is that i am trying to find out if the length of the core is critical . The main reason is that some people are anxious to work with materials they have easily available .

good question, neptune
(and good point earlier about the possible 'cancelling' effect of trying the coils in series)

i'm planning to mount my coils 'inside-out' which means that my cores will need to pass right thro' the stator 'decks' (and obviously the stator decks will now need to be close to the rotor) to maintain a short gap between core & rotor-mag

some spare core will be used in passing thro the stator deck, any remaining spare will be at the end where the stator mags are placed, so i'm hoping that i won't need to cut off this excess part of the core, since

a) it's away from the coil-rotor interaction;
b) the stator mag adjustment can be used to compensate for the extra 'unused' core at the outer ends

if these assumptions hold, then the the core length becomes less of an issue

it seems like this approach at least gives us another option to dealing with extra core lengths, possibly up to 100% of Romero's


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 09, 2011, 03:49:29 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 09, 2011, 03:35:38 PM
@all. I previously asked Romero if he had tried stationary magnets on the coils down below [lower deck] He is likely under too much pressure to answer me . HE MUST HAVE TRIED THIS , AS OTHERWISE , THE LOWER COILS COULD BE DOING LITTLE EXCEPT WASTE ENERGY . Has he discussed this with anyone else please ?

If you will look at all the videos, especially the one where he suspends it, you will see the lower coils do have the bias magnets on them.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 09, 2011, 03:52:16 PM

Thanks for the inductance.

Can you, pleaae, measure the resistance?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 03:53:11 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 09, 2011, 03:35:38 PM
@all. I previously asked Romero if he had tried stationary magnets on the coils down below [lower deck] He is likely under too much pressure to answer me

hi again

yes, at 09:38m into the pre-self-running video you can clearly see mags on the lower deck in a low view thro' the side of the rig

hope this helps

[EDIT ** apologies for the duplicated answer, Ben - our posts clashed ** ]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Collapsingfield on May 09, 2011, 03:57:20 PM
Other config with stronger rotor magnet.

Best Regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 09, 2011, 04:04:53 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 03:53:11 PM
hi again

yes, at 09:38m into the pre-self-running video you can clearly see mags on the lower deck in a low view thro' the side of the rig

hope this helps

[EDIT ** apologies for the duplicated answer, Ben - our posts clashed ** ]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Hi NP,

No problem, happened to me too.  I seemed to have missed where Romoro gave the inductance.  Has he ever said the resistance?  I'm assuming about 6 ohms per coil based on current in motor side of the coils X 2 in series.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 09, 2011, 04:11:21 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 09, 2011, 03:35:38 PM
@all. I previously asked Romero if he had tried stationary magnets on the coils down below [lower deck] He is likely under too much pressure to answer me . HE MUST HAVE TRIED THIS , AS OTHERWISE , THE LOWER COILS COULD BE DOING LITTLE EXCEPT WASTE ENERGY . Has he discussed this with anyone else please ?


page 5 reply66 from RomeroUK, 2nd picture shows magnets and iron washers on the 'lower deck' coils.


Nice simulations, it would be good to see that in 3D. A single rotor magnet sliding through the torus of fields created by the upper and lower magnet/core combinations.

I am finding the magnetic 'tuning' of this easier and easier to understand. I can't wait to get something together to tinker with.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 09, 2011, 04:14:35 PM
Quote from: k4zep on May 09, 2011, 04:04:53 PM

Hi NP,

No problem, happened to me too.  I seemed to have missed where Romoro gave the inductance.  Has he ever said the resistance?  I'm assuming about 6 ohms per coil based on current in motor side of the coils X 2 in series.


yeah, things are moving so fast round here you're afraid to blink  :)

i haven't seen Romero quote a resistance yet but this is his comment bout the inductance:

"I had measured the inductance and it is 1.203mH plus and minus, not all coils are exact value but with the magnets on the rotor being close to them that might not be exact."



http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 09, 2011, 04:23:20 PM
Hi Romero:
   Well, I will be hounding on your back door shortly. I was out today and found 2 16"X5/8" plywood rounds and a 12"X3/4 press board round. This saved me all the time to make them. I have only now to drill the coil mount holes and the magnet holes. For mounting I used two 6" alu cast pulleys and a 1/2" stainless shaft into two precision bearings. I will use another pulley outside to mount the hall magnets to for the motor part. Coils next on 3/4" ferrite slugs using #30 wire that I have.
   Just couldn't resist this as I had most all the parts already. Transistors will be IRFZ40 power NMOS fets since I have a bunch. Switch mode regulator soon as I can run one down.

All in all, not much left to get.


Edit:  I see that wally mart has the regulators so that done too.. thanks guys

Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 09:01:14 AM
I hope someone here is going to replicate it soon and have all this questions addressed to him.

To all:
Don't ask me to do more videos, and measure every inch of it, this is taking all my time, instead of working and doing something productive.
I know skycollection - jorge sent me an email earlier but was deleted.
If you see this message please send it again, I would answer to you.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 04:58:00 PM
I cannot find reference to the gape between the magnets and the coils?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: excessAlex on May 09, 2011, 05:00:59 PM
Hello everyone, I'm one another (yet another) new user in this thread :D

many thanks to RomeroUK for his work and for sharing valuable information, thank you all for your cooperation, I follow in silence from now on.

this can be useful in order to build suitable cores?


There are many sites where you can buy powder for each type of requirement ( I do not mean drugs! :D) .. just look around with google

Alex ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 09, 2011, 05:02:59 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 09, 2011, 03:35:38 PM
@all. I previously asked Romero if he had tried stationary magnets on the coils down below [lower deck] He is likely under too much pressure to answer me . HE MUST HAVE TRIED THIS , AS OTHERWISE , THE LOWER COILS COULD BE DOING LITTLE EXCEPT WASTE ENERGY . Has he discussed this with anyone else please ?

Even if he did not have the lower magnet(s), the lower coils would still not be wasting energy, they would simply not be as efficient. The stator magnets are simply establishing a magnetic bias, so when the rotor magnet comes through, you get the best possible rotation of the magnetic field in the coil.

I don't think Muller's original implementation used those magnets; he reversed every other rotor magnet to produce the same result. It is well possible to make it work that way I'm sure, it may simply be easier to get it right doing it the way RomeroUK did it. The challenge to Muller's approach would likely be to get the rotor magnet's field to push all the way up the stator coil, rather than wrapping back to the next rotor magnet. Not hard, but you have to plan for it. Failure to do so would result in a serious reduction in output performance and project failure.

Looking forward to the first wave of replicators! We'd love to jump in with our own, after you guys have paved the way. ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 09, 2011, 05:13:25 PM
Was thinking a little about the drive circuit. Don't know for sure, but this design may give a maximum theoretical output of 200%. I saw some suggestion to that effect in some of Muller's stuff, and that appears to be where RomeroUK is once losses are accounted for. In order to get the output power levels to meaningful levels then, the drive levels are going to have to be raised as the output load is increased. Probably only two good ways to do that: 1) increase drive voltage, and/or 2) increase drive pulse width.

This looks like a super candidate for a micro-controller, which might also simplify the drive pulse management. Rather than hall effect sensors and trigger magnets, it might make sense to move to an encoder and quadrature input. With sufficient encoder resolution, you could very accurately control drive pulses to increase power. Could also use the micro to control supply voltage, allowing the supply voltage to increase when you needed more output.

Yeah, that's raising the level of difficultly to a 9.9...but I am licking my chops to jump into that. :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 09, 2011, 05:15:56 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 09, 2011, 01:33:58 PM
Well, maybe it is better to put all outputs coils then in series
for higher voltage outputs and only have a normal
silicon diode bridge rectifier then at the end.
Then you could also use a DC to DC converter with high efficiency to transform
the violtage down again.
This way you will only loose power in the ONE bridge rectifier and not
in all rectifiers... This could also save a lot of wasted power in the circuit
and it is cheaper as you don´t need so many rectifiers....
If you make the coils much bigger also a higher current should be possible at
the higher series voltage.

Regards, Stefan.


In case the output coils are connected in series, the output current flows through all the coils all the time and this could cause a much different situation with respect to the present case where each output coil is 'isolated' from each other by the FWBs so the load current cannot flow through all of them all the time: This can be an benefit inherently utilized in the present setup. 

Would be good to know Romero's understanding on this, especially if he already tested the output coils in series connection.  I guess he did  not choose the trouble of using as many diode bridges as the number of output coils without good reason.

IF your series coil suggestion does not cause any negative effect on the output power, then I do agree with it. Even the relatively cheap PC supply 'boxes' could be used for accepting the much higher AC output voltage for the series coils and would convert it down the DC 12V, 5V etc.

rgds, Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 09, 2011, 05:30:23 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 04:58:00 PM
I cannot find reference to the gap between the magnets and the coils?

I think 3mm-4mm has been mentioned. But this is the magnetic tuning gap along with the gap between core and fixed magnets.
all these gaps should be adjusted to allow magnetic interaction without being over-powering and locking the rotor down to 1 particular position.

Like Romerouk said, tune it then go back and tune it again, and keep tuning it until it is perfect.

Fine pitch threaded rods are a must for easy tuning IMO.

I hope this helps

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 09, 2011, 05:32:13 PM
Working principle in my mind is this:

When signal A is modulated with signal B one can load the signal B without loading the signal A or vice versa.

All it takes is low or high pass filer. I have done this with coil shorting setup - loading the system with zero reflection on input. In coil shorting A is low freq and B is high freq. And B is extracted using high pass filter w/o loading the signal A (input).

Now in this case signal A is signals from single coils (freq is 9*rpm), and signal B is interference picture from all the coils combined (freq is 1*rpm). There forms a rotating wavefront with same frequency as device rpm. So the A is high freq and B is low freq. Low pass filter is applied and signal is loaded w/o reflection on the signal A (input).

Low pass filter is that huge cap romerouk is using.

PS. F-finger to tech suppression "community" ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 09, 2011, 05:32:54 PM
They cannot be in series, as the gen coils are not all generating 1 polarity at the same time.   Wont work.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 05:41:28 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on May 09, 2011, 05:13:25 PM
Was thinking a little about the drive circuit. Don't know for sure, but this design may give a maximum theoretical output of 200%. I saw some suggestion to that effect in some of Muller's stuff, and that appears to be where RomeroUK is once losses are accounted for. In order to get the output power levels to meaningful levels then, the drive levels are going to have to be raised as the output load is increased. Probably only two good ways to do that: 1) increase drive voltage, and/or 2) increase drive pulse width.

This looks like a super candidate for a micro-controller, which might also simplify the drive pulse management. Rather than hall effect sensors and trigger magnets, it might make sense to move to an encoder and quadrature input. With sufficient encoder resolution, you could very accurately control drive pulses to increase power. Could also use the micro to control supply voltage, allowing the supply voltage to increase when you needed more output.

Yeah, that's raising the level of difficultly to a 9.9...but I am licking my chops to jump into that. :D

I developed this micro controller for my pulse motors and I am going to use it for this one too. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Ren on May 09, 2011, 05:47:44 PM
Good stuff guys.

Romero, love your work. Look forward to tinkering with a similar setup soon.

Forgive me if this has been asked before, but have you tried bridge rectifiers over your drive circuits, instead of the diode back to source?

Thanks for all your info.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 09, 2011, 05:47:53 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 05:41:28 PM
I developed this micro controller for my pulse motors and I am going to use it for this one too.

PIC? That should do nicely.

By bringing the Hall effect sensor into a discrete input on the PIC, you can use it as a simple reference and synthesize the actual drive pulses anywhere you want to put them. That should give you a big advantage when tuning.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on May 09, 2011, 06:01:04 PM
Here are some calculators for litz wires:

http://www.elektrisola.com/litz-wire/technical-data/formulas.html (http://www.elektrisola.com/litz-wire/technical-data/formulas.html)

http://www.hmwire.com/calculations.html (http://www.hmwire.com/calculations.html)

http://www.litz-wire.com/wirediminsions.html (http://www.litz-wire.com/wirediminsions.html)

and coils:
http://www.daycounter.com/Calculators/Coil-Physical-Properties-Calculator.phtml (http://www.daycounter.com/Calculators/Coil-Physical-Properties-Calculator.phtml)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 09, 2011, 06:10:49 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on May 09, 2011, 05:47:53 PM
PIC? That should do nicely.

By bringing the Hall effect sensor into a discrete input on the PIC, you can use it as a simple reference and synthesize the actual drive pulses anywhere you want to put them. That should give you a big advantage when tuning.

if I can supply more info on this please email me. It works very well at fine tunning any pulse motor. I have a pdf description of it function. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 07:01:46 PM
Hi all,
i see that many questions are about the resistance of the coil.
I don't have the generator at home but as I remember I maeasured it few day ago it was arround 1.7-2 ohms.I have removed one of the pair coils and replaced with a larger one and that has improved the system.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on May 09, 2011, 07:40:20 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 08, 2011, 11:49:11 PM
I am about to get another rotor manufactured. as you know the cost is in the tooling so I pay for one is expensive.
so i can have more than one made. If any body is interested please say as I will just get them to do a few more. you will get them for the cost of what they cost me. and  postage.

this is for a rotor the dimensions are on the drawing

how much are these rotors going to cost?
let me know when you find out
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 09, 2011, 07:54:36 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 07:01:46 PM
Hi all,
i see that many questions are about the resistance of the coil.
I don't have the generator at home but as I remember I maeasured it few day ago it was arround 1.7-2 ohms.I have removed one of the pair coils and replaced with a larger one and that has improved the system.

I have removed one of the pair coils and replaced with a larger one and that has improved the system.

Very important statement as i have reiterated many times too many people getting hung up on precise replication of the coils when its the METHOD that is important not the replication.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 09, 2011, 07:56:47 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 07:01:46 PM
Hi all,
i see that many questions are about the resistance of the coil.
I don't have the generator at home but as I remember I maeasured it few day ago it was arround 1.7-2 ohms.I have removed one of the pair coils and replaced with a larger one and that has improved the system.

THANK YOU. Right here I stopped my replication direction and I am going to another direction. My current coil is 150mh and 156ohms while yours is 1.2mh and 2ohm. What a great difference.

Definitely the multi-strand coil reduces both values tremendously.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 09, 2011, 08:12:08 PM
Quote from: REDCAR1957 on May 09, 2011, 07:40:20 PM
how much are these rotors going to cost?
let me know when you find out

Each disk in perspex or Acrylic going to  set you back about 50 euro/pounds/dollars so for 3 piece construction going to be around 150 plus all the other hardware, electronics and magnets looking at about 250/300 to build something similar. I am sure Romero has spent thousands in getting to this point.

I cant build this yet i got too much other stuff on the go with HHO etc but when i get around to it i will use 1HP 3 phase motor in RV mode, and bolt the rotor assembly direct to motor flange using all coils as  generator coils. Then i got precision bearing and mount already in place.

BTW i already seen a looped RV using this type of muller construction about 4 years ago over private skype call. I watched it for a couple of hours while it was being tuned and powering a few hundred watts of bulbs. I mentioned it on here many times but 99% didn’t believe such thing could exist.  Im pleased this is finally out in the open as for me it is not  a shock or surprise to see this OU device as i sure it is for most people here.

Check out Konehead he has been making these style motors for years. He met up with Muller many times before he died and has a lot of construction hints that will come in useful.

Oh wouldn’t you just love to go back thru the forum now to all those that said none of this is possible and tell em to stick it where the sun don't shine!! LOL
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: My Do It Energy on May 09, 2011, 08:21:24 PM
keep going, please don’t stop, the price of gas is going up another 6 cents as of midnight, the reason ? None, as usually.

“I have removed one of the pair coils and replaced with a larger one and that has improved the system.”

Did you also substitute the 6mm core with a larger one?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 09, 2011, 08:31:17 PM
Quote from: joefr on May 09, 2011, 06:01:04 PM
Here are some calculators for litz wires:

http://www.elektrisola.com/litz-wire/technical-data/formulas.html (http://www.elektrisola.com/litz-wire/technical-data/formulas.html)

http://www.hmwire.com/calculations.html (http://www.hmwire.com/calculations.html)

http://www.litz-wire.com/wirediminsions.html (http://www.litz-wire.com/wirediminsions.html)

and coils:
http://www.daycounter.com/Calculators/Coil-Physical-Properties-Calculator.phtml (http://www.daycounter.com/Calculators/Coil-Physical-Properties-Calculator.phtml)

This is excellent. Thank you. I am using it big time now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 08:52:20 PM
Quote from: My Do It Energy on May 09, 2011, 08:21:24 PM
keep going, please don’t stop, the price of gas is going up another 6 cents as of midnight, the reason ? None, as usually.

“I have removed one of the pair coils and replaced with a larger one and that has improved the system.”

Did you also substitute the 6mm core with a larger one?


replaced the core with 10mm but just for one set of coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 09, 2011, 08:57:16 PM

Do you or anybody else here have a sense of what the simple description of the actual OU operation is? RomeroUK's system doesn't appear to be resonant, so this apparently isn't a standing wave phenomenon. It appears that the mechanical input is about half of what the electrical output is. So the RV motor doesn't have to be OU in itself, just very efficient to drive the Muller configuration. But what in the Muller configuration is OU exactly?

The question is significant in that if we can understand where the conventional math is not correctly modeling reality, we can predictably design these things, rather than experimenting blindly. That will be required to scale this up to useful levels.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 09, 2011, 09:37:01 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on May 09, 2011, 08:57:16 PM

Do you or anybody else here have a sense of what the simple description of the actual OU operation is? RomeroUK's system doesn't appear to be resonant, so this apparently isn't a standing wave phenomenon. It appears that the mechanical input is about half of what the electrical output is. So the RV motor doesn't have to be OU in itself, just very efficient to drive the Muller configuration. But what in the Muller configuration is OU exactly?

The question is significant in that if we can understand where the conventional math is not correctly modeling reality, we can predictably design these things, rather than experimenting blindly. That will be required to scale this up to useful levels.

Yes and the system is resonate but its not obvious at first.  The pulse motor drive section is only a means to push the rotor around that is all. No OU here just any efficient drive will work. Ask Romero to push around by hand it will start generating immediately even without the pulse coils running. This is why RV will drive this and no im not guessing this has been done for YEARS not just so much in public.

The 1.5 coils to magnet ratio just allows for anti clogging again there is no OU in this part either as wind-power people have known for years to build with odd number coils to prevent clogging.  But it helps as all the coils and magnets act as a collective event on the rotor. The OU all happens within the cores.  They are inductors which cause the current to lag in two pulse directions with zero point in the centre.  There is a moment where all the coils are sequential setting up momentary standing waves between the inductor coils L and the dump cap C. When the current is a max within the coil the voltage is zero at the dump cap. However the core itself undergoes transformation as it is biased into the non linear region due to the back end re-gauging magnets. This is the moment where when the voltage is zero the core becomes magnetoconstrictive and reverses entropy. The capacitor sees a real Joule Charge at this moment.

However this power can not be taken back to the source directly as it has not been powered factor corrected. This is the job of the DC converter is correcting the PF.  Without this is can not loop. The backend re-gauging  magnets and tuning to a specific load is critical. There is a sweet spot to tune for each load to correct the core B H bias. This is something magnacoaster see years ago but i doubt he found it for himself someone must have clued him up. This is why magnacoaster uses like 5 neo on one end and 1 the other to give a slightly different method as everything is stationary.  So you must use Asymmetric Bloch Wall Modulation to pulse the coil while the core is in the non linear region AND must be balanced offset over the Bloch wall.

So how does this help construction? Well understanding where the OU comes into play this is still RLC =OU where the inductor should "APPEAR" to be as large as possible using very high density permeability materials like metglass cores etc. You want the largest mHenries in the smallest area without resorting to thousands of turns of wire.

The coil winding should be as low ohms as possible as this increase the Q and allows more current to flow so practically bigger is better. Its important NOT to oversaturate the cores or you leave the non linear region of the BH curve you are no longer in OZ.:) The signal will fall into phase which creates watts = heat death. So don’t use 2 inch neos on a 1/4 inch cores!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hhobrian on May 09, 2011, 10:22:38 PM
Quote from: YourLow on May 09, 2011, 09:30:23 PM
Great Work Romero!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNcZAZBC7cs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNcZAZBC7cs)

LOL, u got me.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 09, 2011, 11:02:39 PM

is this the spool you used for your coils?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powerunlimited on May 10, 2011, 01:12:44 AM
@Romerouk,your build is unusual,don't take this in a wrong way,the big cap could hide a battery or a series of batteries could you replace this with much smaller capacitors in parallel to eliminate this possibility and make another video.This issue will
come up if it hasn't already,thanks
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on May 10, 2011, 01:40:10 AM
Hi there, this is my first post on this site and I want to suggest a better schematic for romerouk muller dynamo driving coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 10, 2011, 02:25:29 AM
Congrats for everyone and mostly RomeroUK for the amazing development of the generator.
At this point a bit sceptic( I know nobody needs sceptics ). As i read on muller generator site : A generator converts mechanical energy into electricity. Muller generator removed most of the energy conversion losses making it close to a 1:1 ratio. This is awesome as is. In case romerouk managed to get this up to a 1:0.99999999999.... ratio then the wheel storing the initial inertia would make it run for a very long duration. => The bigger your wheel, the better results you will get with or without capacitors/dead batteries/other components that can store energy.
In the videos seen on youtube, the lightbulb (energy consumer) is only used for a short duration. I tried to read at least half of all the posts, at some point as i understood the "generator" was able to run for 3-5 hours with the ligthbulb. What happened after that ?

The simple fact that the device slowed down then speeded up when DC/DC voltage was adjusted keeps me breathless. Crossing fingers there is some hidden mistery in this device nobody noticed until now.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aedini on May 10, 2011, 02:44:39 AM
    The device structure is not complicated,
    And: RMR on the details have detailed instructions
    But: until now no one announced the successful replication.
    I very much hope that this is true miracle
     However: it is indeed possible: in the DC-DC converters and large electrolytic capacitors inside the battery may be completely hidden.

    Very much like to be able to explain and clarify the evidence.
I hope there is sufficient evidence that the RMR is the person I admire!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Overunityguide on May 10, 2011, 03:13:33 AM
This is exactly why I have asked the following question yesterday:

[ Is it possible to show some extra video footage where you switch the dc to dc converter gradually from 12V back to 4.5V and hereby showing the input voltage for the dc to dc converter (rectified output of the generator) for each single step?
I already know that you showed earlier that for the 12.05V out of the dc to dc converter the input was about 15 volts ]

Romerouk reaction to this was:

[ To all:
Don't ask me to do more videos, and measure every inch of it, this is taking all my time, instead of working and doing something productive. ]

My question for now is: what is the "something productive" he is talking about? He already managed to get a working OU setup right?!

So to come back to my earlier question:
If he is able to show that when he lowers the dc to dc converter output voltage will result in a lower input voltage into the dc to dc converter. (this in the closed loop configuration of course) Then he is able to show that this input voltage (as a result of lowering the rpm) is not always a steady 15 volts. (or read: that there is no hidden energy source)

Sorry for being rude, but I really hate it when people are giving false hope to others. And let them replicate their failures as a result of their own frustration. And spending time and money for nothing. So please answer my previous question and show that this is one is not another fake setup...

Kind Regards JdR.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 10, 2011, 03:43:43 AM
Hi overunityguide, you said,
QuoteSo please answer my previous question and show that this is one is not another fake setup...
please think about your questions before you ask them.
Can anyone in this universe show or prove that something is not real.

For example, 'I did not wash the dishes'. It is impossible to prove that you didn't do something, such as wash the dishes.
It is only possible to prove or show that the dishes were washed, just as it is only possible to show or prove that the romerouk's device works.
Nobody in this universe can ever prove something does not work as that is contradictory and self defeating from the start. 

In other words you ask a question that can never be answered.
A more fruitful question would be, how does it work.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 10, 2011, 03:44:15 AM
Quote from: keykhin on May 10, 2011, 01:40:10 AM
Hi there, this is my first post on this site and I want to suggest a better schematic for romerouk muller dynamo driving coils.

this is another variation this is better for complete isolation
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Overunityguide on May 10, 2011, 03:57:54 AM
Quote from: SkyWatcher123 on May 10, 2011, 03:43:43 AM
Hi overunityguide, you said,please think about your questions before you ask them.
Can anyone in this universe show or prove that something is not real.

For example, 'I did not wash the dishes'. It is impossible to prove that you didn't do something, such as wash the dishes.
It is only possible to prove or show that the dishes were washed, just as it is only possible to show or prove that the romerouk's device works.
Nobody in this universe can ever prove something does not work as that is contradictory and self defeating from the start. 

In other words you ask a question that can never be answered.
A more fruitful question would be, how does it work.
peace love light

That's true for sure, but Romerouk can answer my simple question and in this way show that it's not likely that he has used a hidden energy source. “Only trying to investigate before I replicate.”

Wishing everyone the best, JdR
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 03:59:49 AM

...and anyone else who might be even thinking about making the same requests...

ok, let's get this straight guys

Romero has done ALL he needs to do at this point (much more in fact)

he's shown other people in forums like this, who have some understanding of the possibilities and behaviour of the various parts of his device (ie. people who are reasonably 'skilled in the art'), just one example of how to use magnets, coils, rotation and inertia to convert ambient energy into useful work

the 'unusual' thing at the moment (because this is NEW, as far as conventional science is concerned) is that he has made an ELECTRICAL system which only needs 12 Watts to convert 24W from the environment - ie., it has a CoP of 2

BUT - in general, a system which uses X Watts to convert >X W from the environment is NOT NEW - heat pumps regularly operate with CoP > 3

so - the way ahead is NOT to have Romero spend all his time making more and more complicated videos - you see, lots of small capacitors on a video are not better than one big capacitor because there MIGHT be lots of small batteries in them, etc - there is always ONE more objection

no, HERE is the way that science has progressed: --> not just by making a believable video (although the videos that Romero has made ARE helpful to those who will follow on) - no, science progresses by OTHER people taking the necessary details and REPLICATING it for themselves

the inventor cannot 'believe' for somebody else - each person has to 'believe' for themselves

when enough people of integrity & understanding 'believe' THEN science can be expanded to include the new knowledge

from what i've seen from the evidence which Romero has shown about this device - and from the evidence of other things he has made - and the obvious love he has for doing this work - and for the fact that Bill Muller and several other people have ALL shown the same achievement and the same integrity - i BELIEVE that what we've been shown here is all true

and now it is the job of people who have the same approach as Romero to duplicate what he has done and tell the people - who are sitting on their @rses in ivory towers, telling everybody that this is NOT POSSIBLE - to stop wasting our money spending billions of dollars/pounds/euros etc, just to discover 'how many angels can dance on the tip of a needle'

THEY are getting paid for US to do THEIR work!

if you didn't bother trying to read & think about everything i just said above, then the short answer is:

Romero will NOT be making any more videos JUST TO DISPROVE A FAKE

if you can't be bothered - or don't have the skills or resources - to make a replication attempt, then you will just have to be patient and watch as many others repeat what Romero has done
(while you're waiting, why not read carefully through the earlier 576 posts, like most of the rest of us have done, and watch Romero's 3 'Muller Dynamo' videos to get at least some idea of his integrity, achievement and dedication - not to mention the personal pressures on his family and on him)

the 'writing is on the wall' for the 2nd so-called Law of Thermodynamics

and was it our fantastically clever and knowledgeable 'scientists' who discovered this for humanity and opened the door to a new era of energy independence?

no, it was a few members of the public working on their kitchen and garden tables

SHAME on the scientific community! 

...sorry, did someone mention something about Romero making some MORE videos?  ;)

have a nice day

[Edited - to add and clarify the rant a bit :)]
[2nd Edit to remove Tudi from the reply list, with apologies]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 10, 2011, 04:32:04 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 03:59:49 AM

the inventor cannot 'believe' for somebody else - each person has to 'believe' for themselves

when enough people of integrity & understanding 'believe' THEN science can be expanded to include the new knowledge


I love what you have said! There is so much truth in it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Brother22 on May 10, 2011, 05:33:15 AM
Another simple, but very well working hall-driver would be this one
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on May 10, 2011, 06:05:42 AM
Another variant of bridge rectifier by Jonny   from  JT a

The efficient rectifier circuit spins the motor on less input to the slayer circuit than a bridge rectifier made from 4148 diodes but the single transistor rectifier will spin the motor on the least input to the slayer exciter.
If you try the efficient rectifier circuit.Make sure you use two 4148 diodes and one 5408 diodes.I have uploaded the circuit diagrams to my previous post for easier reference.Cheers.Jonny

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 06:12:32 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 10, 2011, 04:32:04 AM
I love what you have said! There is so much truth in it.

thanks lanenal

apologies for the rant, everyone

maybe we get back to our replication attempts now
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 10, 2011, 06:33:03 AM
@nul-points thanks for showing everyones opinion. I tried to NOT divert the discussion in the wrong way. That is why i tried to write in bold my point. I'm trying to extract this new theory you are talking about, the ambiant energy that is absorbed. I could not find any post about speculations in what form does this ambiant energy comes from ( i know every second topic is about vacum and null point energy, but there is no vacum here to create null-point energy). Ofc as this theory is intended to be new, i do not expect that most speculation would even be close to the real reason. Things need to start at some point.
I could use your same speach for the sake of the development of the theoretical part. This even misunderstood theoretical part might help people improve their practical devices at some point.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 10, 2011, 06:49:43 AM
@toranarod . Hi there . I believe you are in the process of coil winding . You could help us all here . Can you tell us exactly what wire you are using [ off the shelf multistrand or roll your own ] .The most vital thing you can do is to weigh an empty bobbin  and a wound bobbin and thus tell us the weight of wire per coil . This will be important for people buying wire .
         Cheaper neo`S in the UK . I bought 22 of 20mm x 10 mm mags for about £42 . magnetsuk.com
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 10, 2011, 07:05:35 AM
I was asked this in an email today. I thought it was very interesting.
just an observation. 
Notice how close this technology is to the Adams and the Bedini technology. They should be paying equal attention to the dynamics of their transistor. They might find out that another transistor might not work as well â€" if at all.      Consider that a focused and serious inventor can make his machines work through the sheer power of his mind â€" and not know it. He can make his setup work, but nobody else can. That guy in Canada, Hutchenson, and Hendershot are good examples. If They are not in the room the equipment operated by someone else just doesn’t work. This is a problem that comes up now and then â€" and something to keep in mind.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 10, 2011, 07:19:11 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 10, 2011, 06:33:03 AM
( i know every second topic is about vacum and null point energy, but there is no vacum here to create null-point energy).

This is where you draw the wrong conclusion.
The vacuum is underlying everything and is present all the time.
Try reading about the "Casimir Effect" or more illustrative watch
Bearden's "Energy from the vacuum".
Just a suggestion.

@powerunlimited: You might wanna make yourself aware of the Terms and conditions of using this website.

Quote5.1 defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of other users or any third parties;
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 07:21:04 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 10, 2011, 06:33:03 AM
@nul-points thanks for showing everyones opinion. I tried to NOT divert the discussion in the wrong way. That is why i tried to write in bold my point. I'm trying to extract this new theory you are talking about, the ambiant energy that is absorbed. I could not find any post about speculations in what form does this ambiant energy comes from ( i know every second topic is about vacum and null point energy, but there is no vacum here to create null-point energy). Ofc as this theory is intended to be new, i do not expect that most speculation would even be close to the real reason. Things need to start at some point.
I could use your same speach for the sake of the development of the theoretical part. This even misunderstood theoretical part might help people improve their practical devices at some point.

hi Tudi

firstly, let me apologise for including your name in the reply list (i'll try to edit it out) - i misunderstood your final comment to mean that you hoped it could be shown that there was a 'hidden' trick which would explain the 'mistery'
(>>"Crossing fingers there is some hidden mistery in this device nobody noticed until now")

firstly let me say that it is not a 'theory' that the extra energy is coming from the ambient environment - if there is no energy being supplied by the operator to the system (which for 5 hours, there wasn't) then the only place for the energy to be coming from is the very substance of physical matter and the space (or 'vacuum') it occupies around the experiment

fact - not theory!

i'm using the word 'vacuum' here to mean the fundamental properties of the universe when you remove all the 'coarser' substance which we are currently capable of measuring - not 'vacuum' meaning 'extremely low pressure' in an evacuated container

when we're all talking about zero-point energy it's to the first of those two 'vacuums' that we're referring

you asked what happened after the self-run tests ran for 3 & 5 hours - Romero switched it off so that he could go to bed! (the device creates some noise and i guess he was being considerate to his family & neighbours)

Romero achieved better than 1:0.9999999 - he achieved better than 1:2 - he supplies 12W approx; it self runs, so it is obviously generating at least 12W - and he can also power 10-20W of load in addition

Bill Muller (and at least one other replicator) have achieved similar results

i agree that it is important to reduce the losses in the system so that the mechanical operation is as close to 100% as possible - this is just the starting point to go beyond that 'perceived' limit

i'm glad that you found the speed decrease/increase with adjustment of the converter voltage to be breathtaking - that was a defining moment for me too (as was the shock when he removed the battery and it just kept going!)

i will try to look out some 'new theory' for you - i agree it is important - but i hope you see that in the past it is 'theory' which has been used to convince us that what Romero has achieved is impossible

people have been actively discouraged from doing this sort of experiment in mainstream science because they lose credibility, research finance, even jobs

so - things have come to a 'poor pass' when the general public have to take matters into their own hand - and without theory - prove that some scientific thinking is badly wrong by doing the experiment in their back garden (without a Science Engineering Research Council grant - horrors!)

maybe the scientists will wake up & correct the theory now?

don't hold your breath ;)

good to meet you Tudi - i hope i'm forgiven?

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 10, 2011, 07:26:08 AM
@bolt: are you sure it would work without the pulses? I have my doubts, because what if the pulses caused by the hall sensors and therefore the manipulated polarity of the ferrite cores influence each one of the passing rotor magnets? Then the pulsing would be crucial to the system and it wouldn't be only the "driving" purpose. In that case a "replication" with a motor at the rotor axis instead of the driving coils wouldn't succeed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 07:36:20 AM
Quote from: powerunlimited on May 10, 2011, 07:05:31 AM
@nul-points,if this problem and it is a big problem, of a hidden power
source then its a 50/50 chance of doing a successfull replication.
If theres a hidden power source you will never replicate it.And I understand that
Romerouk has a life and may not want to make any  more video's,however he has the
skill level to pull off a fraud
easily,remember the mylow motor fraud and I'm weary of something like that so are a lot of people.
If you believe,without resolving the issue of a hidden power source your a fool.
Like people that believe Steve mark of the tpu fame can't lie there fools too.
Where is your working replication!!, fool, I bet theres none,arm chair mechanic. :o

hi powerunlimited

you've obviously spent a great deal of time studying the evidence of all that Bill Muller, Romero and other successful replicators of this effect have posted on the web over many years

you've carefully weighed the reasons for them spending so much time, effort and money in making these experiments and then sharing them with other like-minded members of the general public

i see that you've also earnestly inquired into my activities in the few short days since Romero showed us all what he's achieved - to make a considered conclusion such as this:

Quote from: powerunlimited on May 10, 2011, 07:05:31 AM

Where is your working replication!!, fool, I bet theres none,arm chair mechanic. :o

are you, by any chance,  a scientist?

ciao bella  ;)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 10, 2011, 07:48:32 AM
To all those speculating that this device is a fraud without any evidence.

Now is not the time.

Wait and see some replications.

Romero might well become one of the most famous man in history, this is not the way to treat him.

Let's wait and see what happens, time will tell.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 10, 2011, 07:51:51 AM
Quote from: gauschor on May 10, 2011, 07:26:08 AM
@bolt: are you sure it would work without the pulses? I have my doubts, because what if the pulses caused by the hall sensors and therefore the manipulated polarity of the ferrite cores influence each one of the passing rotor magnets? Then the pulsing would be crucial to the system and it wouldn't be only the "driving" purpose. In that case a "replication" with a motor at the rotor axis instead of the driving coils wouldn't succeed.

The pulses are ONLY connected to the drive coils to provide rotation. They have nothing to do with the generator coils. This is not speculation but a fact as i know and have seen similar devices working years ago. I seen RV loop setups and RV's driving muller style generators generating HUNDREDS of watts OU. SO therefore any efficient method to provide rotation and convert ALL the coils to generator coils will work but please don't try a standard DC model motor they are only about 65% efficient.  For a powerful setup with say 2" hockey puck coils and neos producing 100 watts each coil for a 1kw system use 3 phase RV to drive it.  Also the rotor doesn’t have to be 100% lug free. Its actually beneficial to have very SLIGHT drag on each coil at full load as it means the system is tuned to the peak. So the rotor might take 30w to spin it but who cares when you are making in excess of a Kw.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 10, 2011, 07:53:26 AM
Right now I don't give a darn about theory. Too much BS and not enough building.   Romero has shown us a working machine.  He has been as straightforward as any builder I have run across in many years.  So I have only one more question.

Romero, define "Tuning"  in stages.  Are you first tuning for minimum drag on the wheel using the bias magnets and spacing between coils and magnets?  Then do you tune for maximum output, that is maximum peak to peak on the pulses from a core/coil combination, or is it constantly a combination of the two?  Do you tune first without the cap, watching speed of rotor, etc.  And or, do you tune for maximum voltage and current availability on the cap using the rectified DC into a load?  I assume you always have a load on the output wheel and or the individual single coils/magnet assemblies during this process.

Very shortly there will be many different version of this device running!  I  have built many pulse motors over the years and seen the exact
same waveform before rectification many times and never came up with them being OU, But my pulses were NOT offset  from each other
by the even/odd coil system (more Bedini like or variations)  and I did not use the external bias magnets or the ferrite core's.  This is the last question I will ask. Being a old time diddle stick twiddler, I know this can be difficult.

Please explain your description of Tuning if possible  in general terms from start to finish
.  Please!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 10, 2011, 07:54:07 AM
To all sceptics and naysayers .This thread is for replicators . There is another thread for discussion of the Muller dynamo .Why not go there .If you disbelieve in this technology , just leave us alone .|You may feel that we are wasting time and money . It is ours to waste . There are worse hobbbies we could have , like beating up old ladies , or collecting child pornography .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 10, 2011, 08:04:18 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 10, 2011, 07:54:07 AM
To all sceptics and naysayers .This thread is for replicators . There is another thread for discussion of the Muller dynamo .Why not go there .If you disbelieve in this technology , just leave us alone .|You may feel that we are wasting time and money . It is ours to waste . There are worse hobbbies we could have , like beating up old ladies , or collecting child pornography .

Here is a link to the other thread.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 08:16:17 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 10, 2011, 07:53:26 AM
Romero, define "Tuning"  in stages.
Please explain your description of Tuning if possible  in general terms from start to finish.  Please!


hi Ben

we've scavenged this whole thread for Romero's build tips and they're collected in a few separate pages at our blog, if that's any help

the section on testing is at:
   http://mullerlite.blogspot.com/p/romerouk-testing-tips.html (http://mullerlite.blogspot.com/p/romerouk-testing-tips.html)

apologies that they're just raw quotes at the moment - may be a bit of overlap in some of his statements

hope this helps!
(armchair mechanic)  ;)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on May 10, 2011, 08:20:54 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on May 10, 2011, 08:47:08 AM
At this point we need working replicators and replicas to pop-up. No theories, not improvements, not suggestions.

If you are short of skill or resources, its ok. There is a number of skilled people involved that with Romero's guidance will get to the goal.

If you are like me, and have the experimenting virus and like tinkering by all means do proceed. But please, build per specs, see, tune, play, live with it, and the theorize or express oppinion.

Regarding the noone has done this before.. I will partially agree, to the fact that there is not a widely available (at least) of any OU device around. That's a fact.
On the other hand, how have you imagined any working OU device to be released in a site like this? If you think it cannot be, then anyone should go play elsewhere. No bad feelings.

I know Romero some time now, and although we had our differences in the OU approach, he is always positive and enthusiastic whereas me for example i am his "dark" counter-part in this field as hopeless skeptic, but experimenter also. Furthermore I can testify that he is very decent, good intentioned and never wanted to fool anyone.

I believe him, and i am replicating his device!
In the bottom line if he was anyone else, he would not make this public for you to speak today, and leave you just wondering after endless and pointless theories and discussions.

A plea to zealot critics. Please, restrain yourselves.

ps: Please, keep this thread focused as much as possible. Not need everyone of the thousand viewers to drop by to say a hello or their opinion.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 10, 2011, 08:55:21 AM
@powerunlimited .This technology came on the web one week ago . No replications ? So to please you someone has to replicate this in a WEEK? We are told that he tuning process takes a month . If I had known you were so impatient , and I would have made one the same day .And after tea , a couple of Rossi`s cold fusion reactors . Be reasonable / Please pop back again around Christmas and take a look .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 09:05:45 AM
I have received some parts for the new build.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 09:06:34 AM
that was bad ideea....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on May 10, 2011, 09:10:04 AM
You have right. Error corrected. I hope..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powerunlimited on May 10, 2011, 09:17:00 AM
@neptune,sounds reasonable, ok,time will tell if its real or fake.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 10, 2011, 09:39:38 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 08:16:17 AM
hi Ben

we've scavenged this whole thread for Romero's build tips and they're collected in a few separate pages at our blog, if that's any help

the section on testing is at:
   http://mullerlite.blogspot.com/p/romerouk-testing-tips.html (http://mullerlite.blogspot.com/p/romerouk-testing-tips.html)

apologies that they're just raw quotes at the moment - may be a bit of overlap in some of his statements

hope this helps!
(armchair mechanic)  ;)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Thanks a lot NP,

That is pretty close to what I imagine  the process will be.  I was hoping just for a bit more from the horses mouth, but I think
that is pretty good.  If my build does not go OU, I will still have fun!!!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 09:44:39 AM
Quote from: powerunlimited on May 10, 2011, 08:22:46 AM
@ nul-points,so are you romerouk playing games as happens in here,
you seem to act like you speak for him or are him

{{ the 'Force' is weak in this one, Luke, he is easily fooled }} :)

Romero has asked for other members on the forum to help field the interest in the current device, to give him some space to continue with his ongoing experiments

There are no working replications of any alleged over unity devices

really?  you must have missed this one then...
   http://home.mchsi.com/~actt2/index.html (http://home.mchsi.com/~actt2/index.html)

From time to time I investigate other devices

well - be sure to keep us informed with what you find, eh?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 09:48:00 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 10, 2011, 09:39:38 AM
Thanks a lot NP,
I was hoping just for a bit more from the horses mouth, but I think
that is pretty good

very welcome

...you don't get any closer to the horses mouth than quotes of Romero's own words   ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: msurg on May 10, 2011, 10:17:07 AM
Magnets arriving tomorrow, raided computer psu`s for ferrites, litz wire should be here in a week or so, have the rest of the components bar the stator/rotor which is due to be watercut next week (once i figure out the stator template), have lab gear for testing so ill post results if wanted :), really looking forward to this build, just going to take my time and learn, thanks romeroUK.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: abdlquadri on May 10, 2011, 10:24:50 AM
I thought by now someone should have banned @powerunlimited . He is definitely with the Oil companies. He has said enough to show that he is biased.

People are asking questions that have been answered in the pdf in the download section. I hope the pdf will be updated

Also you replicators should try to stick to what @romerouk did exactly - people change specs and claim it is not working. There are many ideas to experiment later - john bedini and adams motor (these three look very much alike)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alan on May 10, 2011, 10:27:46 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 09:05:45 AM
I have received some parts for the new build.
What are those black items?
Are these magnets for the stator or rotor, or both?

Looking forward to your new build.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 10:44:35 AM
Quote from: powerunlimited on May 10, 2011, 01:12:44 AM
@Romerouk,your build is unusual,don't take this in a wrong way,the big cap could hide a battery or a series of batteries could you replace this with much smaller capacitors in parallel to eliminate this possibility and make another video.This issue will
come up if it hasn't already,thanks
I will do one more video without the big capacitor, I will change it with smaller ones in or even one small .I need to check to see what is the minimum I can have and still have it working ok.
I have no access to the generator today, I dont have it at home but I will try for tomorow.
I will try to open the  dc/dc converter and leave it without the plastic case.
There are invisible batteries invented but only I have access to them :)
I hope this will end after that.
I think that its much easier to consider it fake than trying to do one yourself.
I am not addressing this to you but to all who thinks like that.
People having low financial resources should wait for others to replicate then decide if it is worth doing it or not.It is not cheap to build it, the new build will cost me more than £1000. Only the coils is going to cost £30 each, custom made with self-bonding wire.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 10, 2011, 10:51:38 AM
I just finished making my rotor.  I easily made it using smooth-on products.  I have been using their stuff for years in my projects.  You all may want to check them out.  I have nothing to do with the company so this is not spam.


Here is a video showing the process:  http://www.smooth-on.com/video_play.php?video_id=iu7vpoIolJ8&autoplay=1
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 11:00:49 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 10, 2011, 06:33:03 AM
I'm trying to extract this new theory you are talking about, the ambiant energy that is absorbed. I could not find any post about speculations in what form does this ambiant energy comes from ( i know every second topic is about vacum and null point energy, but there is no vacum here to create null-point energy). Ofc as this theory is intended to be new, i do not expect that most speculation would even be close to the real reason. Things need to start at some point.

hi again Tudi

since you were asking about theory here, i'm attaching something i promised you earlier- its by a physicist named Leon Dragone (now sadly deceased)

i'm not saying that it is directly explaining what we are seeing here, but it is dealing with a re-evaluation of the interaction between coils and magnets, particularly the cooling effect he observed in his motor components which he attributed to energy being supplied to the device from the environment

in the paper, Dragone was trying to persuade his academic colleagues to investigate his own results further

i suspect that his penultimate paragraph was the end of any discussion, as far as the other academics was concerned:

"The "black box" device was my attempt to do away
with the moving armature of the motor, as I
mentioned, this device had an over unity efficiency for
the two tests I performed."

i apologise for the manual typescript in the PDF - there are newer transcriptions available on the net now - but this one appears to contain Dragone's own typing & diagram sketches (and hopefully is a small enough file to upload here)

perhaps you'd like to share any comments about it with us here, after you've read it?

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powerunlimited on May 10, 2011, 11:02:10 AM
@Romerouk,thanks it will settle this.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 11:09:26 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 10:44:35 AM
There are invisible batteries invented but only I have access to them :)

glad you mentioned them, Romero...

could you give us an eBay link for them, please

we're obviously going to need some for our own replications!  ;)

hang in there, man
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 10, 2011, 11:37:55 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 10, 2011, 03:59:49 AM

...and anyone else who might be even thinking about making the same requests...

ok, let's get this straight guys

Romero has done ALL he needs to do at this point (much more in fact)

he's shown other people in forums like this, who have some understanding of the possibilities and behaviour of the various parts of his device (ie. people who are reasonably 'skilled in the art'), just one example of how to use magnets, coils, rotation and inertia to convert ambient energy into useful work

the 'unusual' thing at the moment (because this is NEW, as far as conventional science is concerned) is that he has made an ELECTRICAL system which only needs 12 Watts to convert 24W from the environment - ie., it has a CoP of 2

BUT - in general, a system which uses X Watts to convert >X W from the environment is NOT NEW - heat pumps regularly operate with CoP > 3

so - the way ahead is NOT to have Romero spend all his time making more and more complicated videos - you see, lots of small capacitors on a video are not better than one big capacitor because there MIGHT be lots of small batteries in them, etc - there is always ONE more objection

no, HERE is the way that science has progressed: --> not just by making a believable video (although the videos that Romero has made ARE helpful to those who will follow on) - no, science progresses by OTHER people taking the necessary details and REPLICATING it for themselves

the inventor cannot 'believe' for somebody else - each person has to 'believe' for themselves

when enough people of integrity & understanding 'believe' THEN science can be expanded to include the new knowledge

from what i've seen from the evidence which Romero has shown about this device - and from the evidence of other things he has made - and the obvious love he has for doing this work - and for the fact that Bill Muller and several other people have ALL shown the same achievement and the same integrity - i BELIEVE that what we've been shown here is all true

and now it is the job of people who have the same approach as Romero to duplicate what he has done and tell the people - who are sitting on their @rses in ivory towers, telling everybody that this is NOT POSSIBLE - to stop wasting our money spending billions of dollars/pounds/euros etc, just to discover 'how many angels can dance on the tip of a needle'

THEY are getting paid for US to do THEIR work!

if you didn't bother trying to read & think about everything i just said above, then the short answer is:

Romero will NOT be making any more videos JUST TO DISPROVE A FAKE

if you can't be bothered - or don't have the skills or resources - to make a replication attempt, then you will just have to be patient and watch as many others repeat what Romero has done
(while you're waiting, why not read carefully through the earlier 576 posts, like most of the rest of us have done, and watch Romero's 3 'Muller Dynamo' videos to get at least some idea of his integrity, achievement and dedication - not to mention the personal pressures on his family and on him)

the 'writing is on the wall' for the 2nd so-called Law of Thermodynamics

and was it our fantastically clever and knowledgeable 'scientists' who discovered this for humanity and opened the door to a new era of energy independence?

no, it was a few members of the public working on their kitchen and garden tables

SHAME on the scientific community! 

...sorry, did someone mention something about Romero making some MORE videos?  ;)

have a nice day

[Edited - to add and clarify the rant a bit :)]
[2nd Edit to remove Tudi from the reply list, with apologies]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
nul-points,  I haven't read past your post at the moment but I TOTALLY AGREE 100% !!!!!!!!!!!!  It seems this has brought a lot of low post count and newbies out of the woodwork.  I won't speculate on their motives but only ask them to allow the serious research to continue without diverting Romerouk and others by tons of requests that are irrelevant to people here doing real work. 

   And everything you said was well worth quoting here so it can be seen by any people just jumping in the end of this thread. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 10, 2011, 11:56:59 AM
No like rain cats and dogs there is coming differnent OUs   :o
Look at Hoppy´s TPU Replication  http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10710.msg285458#new   :o

But OK, when Romero´s - Muller dynamo really works, then why to use rotor with magnets at all  ???

Just take two ferros core coils, set it up exact like one Romero´s unit with two coils and instead of moving magnet just use third ferros coil between these two coils - but this third is pulse driven,


Yes, this is very similar to well known units from other threads, but you must have all the same air gaps like Romero and top and bottom magnets - you must replicate all this like opened magnetic circuit, like Romero did.
Benefit of this experiment is you do not need so much different part. At that you will get solid state OU (if at all)
If it works - then you can be sure that Romero´s device works as well,
If it does not work - then ...  >:(  ... oh dear  8)

Why I do not try myself?
Because I have tried looooong time ago - no way  ;)
I just looked Romero´s video and wonder why he is holding hes machine by hand, why not just by string or something like that?
What is behind holding hand, we do not see. Why there are so much wires? Like always - lot of wires, shabby imaging, failure cameraman ...
Was no time to make order, to short all wires for correct length? .... Come on, guys  ;)
He did what he did --- few days like shooting star, but now is coming a thinking time, to think about results and ... about reputation  :(
But anyway I wish good success,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 10, 2011, 12:01:02 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 10, 2011, 10:51:38 AM
I just finished making my rotor.  I easily made it using smooth-on products.  I have been using their stuff for years in my projects.  You all may want to check them out.  I have nothing to do with the company so this is not spam.


Here is a video showing the process:  http://www.smooth-on.com/video_play.php?video_id=iu7vpoIolJ8&autoplay=1
Interesting product.  Can you say about how much it cost to make the rotor for example?  Once it is dry does it tend to have a surface prone to static electricity like acrylic?  I'm still thinking the acrylic and similar plastics may play a role in how this works. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 10, 2011, 12:03:56 PM
I tore apart 2 monitors last night looking for parts.  One actually appears to have Litz wire in the deflector coil but I'm not sure I can get it off without damage. 

Has anyone found a good U.S. source or maybe even China source for the size Litz wire Romero is using?  My experience ordering from U.K. is it takes longer than even China and is much more expensive than anywhere (especially with the dollar low now vs. Euro).

Actually had quite a score yesterday - 2 monitors, one computer and a microwave oven for free :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 10, 2011, 12:14:18 PM
Ah, about collecting parts, I also need quite a lot to buy, thats why I'm still hesitating for construction. Regarding the Litz wire, I will use this method posted http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284800#msg284800 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284800#msg284800) because I got 2 kilometers 0.15mm insulated copper wire at home which I could combine to a 7-stranded wire.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 10, 2011, 12:14:46 PM
@ e2matrix

I used about $7.00 worth of Smooth-Cast 300.  Time well tell how well it works for this application.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 10, 2011, 12:18:57 PM
QuoteHas anyone found a good U.S. source or maybe even China source for the size Litz wire Romero is using?  My experience ordering from U.K. is it takes longer than even China and is much more expensive than anywhere (especially with the dollar low now vs. Euro).

I have ordered some from here:  http://www.surplussales.com/wire-cable/LitzWire.html  I was going to wait and see what it looked like in person before I posted anything about it.  I spent $30.00 for two pounds.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 12:34:14 PM
Why is nobody thinking I have drilled the metal rods and filled them up with batteries?That will do I think... :)
I made a mistake in doing the last video. I should I left it on the floor first, do a video to my hands, then lift it up.
I was about to do it hanging with a cotton string but people suggested already that I can have wires going along with the string,.... this never ends, same like in the SM TPU, must be some batteries there, how can we get that power otherwise.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 10, 2011, 12:44:36 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 10, 2011, 12:18:57 PM

I have ordered some from here:  http://www.surplussales.com/wire-cable/LitzWire.html  I was going to wait and see what it looked like in person before I posted anything about it.  I spent $30.00 for two pounds.
Thanks lasersaber!  on both items.  I had not been aware of the smooth-on products.  Looks like it could be really useful for a number of projects but I think I'll wait to hear how yours goes with this.  I know you are one of the really good builders and I have confidence you can get this replicated with OU assuming the acrylic is not part of the OU formula.  Best of luck!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 10, 2011, 12:44:44 PM
@Khabe . I am sure that you are sincere about the experiment you describe but in my opinion it is not the same . Look at earlier magnetic simulations in this thread and notice how the flux moves in the coil cores . I do not think you could duplicate that with a stationary electromagnet as you describe .
      Regarding the video . Why did he hold it in his hand and not suspend it on two strings ? Precisely because as has been pointed out by another sceptic , the two strings could be wires disguised as strings .So unless he has mastered levitation as well as overunity , it is pointless to suspend it at all . However many videos are made , someone will always object to something . I would respectfully ask that you either replicate it or wait until someone else does .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 10, 2011, 12:51:43 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 09:05:45 AM
I have received some parts for the new build.


Thats great man. I ordered many things too. Magnets, wires, rods, ferrites, bearings and so on. Dying to have them here.

Now, in your opnion Romero, do you think that coils at high resitance as 150+ohm and 150+mH would not work? have you tried it?

The reason I ask is because readily available small coils are very cheap, precision made and small. For example relays from RadioShack in US.

Your input would be highly appreciated since all I am doing is trying to replicate your work.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 10, 2011, 12:52:21 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 12:34:14 PM
Why is nobody thinking I have drilled the metal rods and filled them up with batteries?That will do I think... :)
I made a mistake in doing the last video. I should I left it on the floor first, do a video to my hands, then lift it up.
I was about to do it hanging with a cotton string but people suggested already that I can have wires going along with the string,.... this never ends, same like in the SM TPU, must be some batteries there, how can we get that power otherwise.
Best to just ignore people like that at this point.  At least don't waste a lot of time on trying to prove anything to them.  A long time ago I came to the conclusion there are two types of people in this world: the believers and the skeptics.  It's almost impossible to convince a skeptic to be a believer.  So when I know I have something good to share I try to find out first which type I'm talking to and won't waste time on skeptics.  With as many of the top builders that I've seen in this thread I'm sure there will be successful replications within a month or so.  So don't sweat the skeptics and trolls.  Anyone with a clue about human nature can see you are an honest builder with only good intentions and real OU. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 10, 2011, 12:53:46 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 10, 2011, 11:56:59 AM
No like rain cats and dogs there is coming differnent OUs   :o
Look at Hoppy´s TPU Replication  http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10710.msg285458#new   :o

But OK, when Romero´s - Muller dynamo really works, then why to use rotor with magnets at all  ???

Just take two ferros core coils, set it up exact like one Romero´s unit with two coils and instead of moving magnet just use third ferros coil between these two coils - but this third is pulse driven,


Yes, this is very similar to well known units from other threads, but you must have all the same air gaps like Romero and top and bottom magnets - you must replicate all this like opened magnetic circuit, like Romero did.
Benefit of this experiment is you do not need so much different part. At that you will get solid state OU (if at all)
If it works - then you can be sure that Romero´s device works as well,
If it does not work - then ...  >:(  ... oh dear  8)

Why I do not try myself?
Because I have tried looooong time ago - no way  ;)
I just looked Romero´s video and wonder why he is holding hes machine by hand, why not just by string or something like that?
What is behind holding hand, we do not see. Why there are so much wires? Like always - lot of wires, shabby imaging, failure cameraman ...
Was no time to make order, to short all wires for correct length? .... Come on, guys  ;)
He did what he did --- few days like shooting star, but now is coming a thinking time, to think about results and ... about reputation  :(
But anyway I wish good success,

Actually, there is quite a difference between your solid state version vs Romeros.
There are changing angles involved in Romeros setup, yours not, it is stationary.
Seems most dont get that the field lines need to pass through the windings to produce current, not just the core.

Think, how could a wire come in contact with the field if its all in the core. It cant. The wire does not have feelers around it to come in contact with the field in the core. Same as a transformer. An E core transformer has lines of force expanding from the center core and cut the other windings on the way to the outer part of the core.
Read he pdf attached.

I have seen a solid state version that seems it may imitate Romeros function. It had 2 driver coils off center to the pickup coil. I believe the driver coils alternated the fields produced on each side of the pickup.
This will enable the field lines to pass through the windings much better than an inline driver.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 10, 2011, 12:55:28 PM
@ e2matrix

I will try arcylic as well if this first rotor fails to work.  I do not give up easly on anything.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 10, 2011, 01:01:49 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 10, 2011, 12:55:28 PM
@ e2matrix

I will try arcylic as well if this first rotor fails to work.  I do not give up easly on anything.

Tab Plastics sell several 5" to 14" ready made circular plates that can be used for stators and rotors for this replication. Check them out. It's less than $10.

Oh, here's the link:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 10, 2011, 01:02:41 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 10, 2011, 12:52:21 PM
Best to just ignore people like that at this point.  At least don't waste a lot of time on trying to prove anything to them.  A long time ago I came to the conclusion there are two types of people in this world: the believers and the sceptics.  It's almost impossible to convince a sceptic to be a believer.  So when I know I have something good to share I try to find out first which type I'm talking to and won't waste time on skeptics.  With as many of the top builders that I've seen in this thread I'm sure there will be successful replications within a month or so.  So don't sweat the skeptics and trolls.  Anyone with a clue about human nature can see you are an honest builder with only good intentions and real OU.

I agree.  Dont worry about nay sayers. You know what you have. Their bickering will end when replications come about. Just concentrate on that. Thats all that matters.

Even if there are 50 good replications, the bad words will still come. So what. lol  Let them stick with $5 a gallon gas.  At $10, they will be on their knees next to their Ford Excursions, in tears.  ;]

Your doing fine Romero.  Its hard to ignore. But it is the best policy.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 10, 2011, 01:26:46 PM
Romero if you are still around just one question on what you used for spools or bobbins to wind your coils.  Were they sewing type bobbins?  I see some on ebay with these sizes: SIZE:    3/4 inches (20.5 mm) wide & 7/16 inches (11.5 mm) thick and  1/4 inches (6.4 mm) hole diameter.  Sound close? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 02:30:07 PM
Quote from: abdlquadri on May 10, 2011, 10:24:50 AM
I thought by now someone should have banned @powerunlimited . He is definitely with the Oil companies. He has said enough to show that he is biased.

I have set him on moderated now and all the professional skeptics will also be set on moderated.
They can go to a different skeptics forum, if they wish so...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 02:45:39 PM
T H I S  W A S   A   B I G    F A K E,      S T O P  R E P L I C A T I N G
World will be the same

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alan on May 10, 2011, 02:49:19 PM

I don't believe it, otherwise you wouldn't buy components for a new build.
Don't stop replicating yet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 10, 2011, 02:51:26 PM
WOT?? Has someone hacked your account? OR have you had a bang on the door and a warning? WTF!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 10, 2011, 02:52:47 PM
His videos are now off youtube.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 10, 2011, 02:53:58 PM
Youtube account gone too.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 10, 2011, 03:00:22 PM
Quote from: Cherryman on May 10, 2011, 02:53:58 PM
Youtube account gone too.

Bummer! Maybe someone forced his hand? I hope he comes back.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mscoffman on May 10, 2011, 03:03:39 PM

One way this could work is by generating and capturing excess
static electricity. (It wouldn't be the first motor to work this way BTW).
If this true, then a precise replication including the circuit should
yield nearly similar results. This precision is necessary because
the static electric capture and drive mechanism, in this case, is
heuristic. With a number of overunity devices coming up - skeptics
should at least begin practicing a little disembling and groveling while
saying: "I didn't know you could do that".  :D  History won't be repeating
itself any time soon.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 10, 2011, 03:05:01 PM
Quote from: mscoffman on May 10, 2011, 03:03:39 PM
............  History won't be repeating
itself any time soon.


It just did.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 10, 2011, 03:09:49 PM
Anyone that got copies of his stuff on youtube make sure it is copied to other servers NOW! Youtube may pull all accounts hosting his vids we need this backed up everywhere. Something VERY serious has happened.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hacko on May 10, 2011, 03:12:54 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 10, 2011, 02:52:47 PM
His videos are now off youtube.
This is in some case is good, that means that this device is overunity. I think in this forum there are some "agents" that read and wait to see some overunity and after that you see what happen.
If anyone have downloaded some of the youtube videos will be good to share.
/Sorry about my English/
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 10, 2011, 03:13:18 PM
Hey Guys,

Is Romero being sincere with this admission, or is he just tired of all the questions and ridicule?  :-\

I hope it is the latter, and his device really is authentic. It can't be easy being in his situation, and it appears he was trying his best to accommodate all the questions...much better than others I know of.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on May 10, 2011, 03:15:47 PM
His forum is gone also.

http://underservice.org/index.php (http://underservice.org/index.php)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rosphere on May 10, 2011, 03:23:14 PM
I bet he finally got an offer worth turning his back on everyone.  At least it was a swift end, without first having to drag us to the inventors grave site to cry, or ride in his ambulance overcome by fumes.  Thank you, romerouk.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 10, 2011, 03:24:10 PM
+1 to visit by agents.
It doesn't make sense that someone sais "Sorry" when he intended to fool people. Thus loosing a hobby and a forum credibility  that he seemed to do with lots of enjoyment and passion. It does not add up.

Romero, i understand your move, you gave in to intimidation, because you care about the safety of you and your family.
They will also try to defame him here in this thread to discredit his work and try to discourage replicators with destructive posts. Their MO is always the same.
To all other replicators , keep replicating, obfuscate your identities/locations and spread/mirror the documentation. Don't give up.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alan on May 10, 2011, 03:27:44 PM
Looks like he's online on yahoo IM:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 10, 2011, 03:28:52 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: dutchy1966 on May 10, 2011, 03:29:39 PM
Stefan's backup copies of his video's are still online..... guess no MIB intervention....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rosphere on May 10, 2011, 03:33:30 PM
Quote from: alan on May 10, 2011, 03:27:44 PM
Looks like he's online on yahoo IM:

Oh, quick, let's all mob him over there now!

400 emails in one day, you should all be ashamed.

Guess what, he will not be around to assist replicators with tuning.

Nice work everyone. (/sarcasm)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 03:50:24 PM
I think it all got over his head..
I still think from all the communications we had with him
and his history of other youtube projects
with the coil shortening success, etc,
that it was real and no fake.

He might have just fallen for an offer he received.

He told me 2 days ago, that he had at least 2 serious offers
worth of millions of US$...and also that he has his wife on his back and
that she did not want him to release it all for free...

So he probably pulled the plug and
removed his youtube channel now when he accepted an offer from
one of the companies...

Now I am glad he gave me the permission to copy his videos
to my youtube channeel:


There they still are there.

So I would advise to the members who already ordered the parts to
keep at it and try to replicate it and post as much infos as you can including
videos and scope shots.

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 10, 2011, 03:52:53 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 03:50:24 PM
I think it all got over his head..
I still think from all the communications we had with him
and his history of other youtube projects
with teh coil shortening success, etc,
that it was realk and no fake.

He might have just fallen for an offer he received.

He told me 2 days ago, that he had at least 2 serious offers
worth of millions US$...and also that he has his wife on his back and
that she did not want him to release it all for free...

So he probably pulled the plug and
removed his youtube channel now.

Now I am glad he gave me the permission to copy his videos
to my youtube channeel:


There they still are there.

So I would advise to the members who already ordered the parts to
keep at it and try to replicate it and post as much infos as you can including
videos and scope shots.

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Stefan.

Thanks Stefan. I'll download and backup the videos for my own future replication. Many thanks. I hope he comes back.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 10, 2011, 03:53:54 PM
I could see this coming a mile away . Just surprised that it happened so soon .If this is real , and personally I believe it is , the truth will out . Replication will continue here , and elsewhere I do not doubt . Is it too much to hope the naysayers will now leave us alone
     @Stefan , last time I addressed you personally , we had a polite disagreement over a technical matter . This time , I agree with you 100% . What guy , no matter what his priciples can afford to refuse millions of dollars . And even if he could , once his wife knows , its a done deal .Do not misunderstand me here . I have always had a high opinion of Romerouk , and that has not changed . The cat is alredy out of the bag,
so hopefully it will still be available to everyone , and Romero will get his money as well . Many of us are too financially commited to stop work on it now . Here`s to the Future .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rosphere on May 10, 2011, 04:07:36 PM
This reminds me of the destroyer from Atlas Shrugged.  Romerouk is off to Galt's Gulch and we shall speak with him no more.

I just wished that he would have hung around long enough for the tuning of replications.  Prepare for a parade of numerous un-tuned devices not working and I hope to be wrong about this point.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 10, 2011, 04:07:55 PM
Yes he may indeed have received and accepted a good offer.

Which raises a question; if Romero's device was real, and he accepted a very lucrative offer, what happens if someone else achieves the same success with the device?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 10, 2011, 04:13:50 PM
I have a good handle on what he did so if it is working machine I will find out when I replicate and research the device.

like the rest of you we want it to be real and its a cover up.
we know from years in this business lots of inventions are made to dissipater sometimes with the inventor to.
lets just hope no harm comes to him. hoax or not. what ever happened Romeouk put your family first and be safe.
I understand how hard it is this work building device after device and no results. then it all blows up in your face.   

I am even more fired up now to continue the work.   

I will post my results here in this thread. I love this industry don't you?
who is going to keep working on this?   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 10, 2011, 04:19:30 PM
@taranarod . Did you get around to weighing the wire on one coil please
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 10, 2011, 04:40:22 PM
@poynt 99. Remember that this device is not patented . Nor can it be . So name your own price? LOL
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 10, 2011, 04:41:28 PM
Well here we go again.  I have all my stuff on order. I need to get my plastic working skills up again anyway and I like to build pulse motors.
I like to make them a work of art, so what the heck.  It's all in fun!

If he got a lotta bucks, more power to him.  IF he finally just got tired of the BS, repeating questions from folk who didn't watch his orginal videos, well so be it. 

This is my hobby, I do this for fun but I sure wish he had posted a basic step by step of the tuning method.......but who knows.  If it was real, there are a dozen or so of us that will build it and maybe one or two of us will make it work.  If not............I got this slab of crow, I prefer it fried, blackened and with a light dusting of acrylic.

I remain eternally optimistic,

Ben K4ZEP   8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 10, 2011, 04:42:51 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on May 10, 2011, 04:07:55 PM
Which raises a question; if Romero's device was real, and he accepted a very lucrative offer, what happens if someone else achieves the same success with the device?

The cracks are forming in the wall. The flood is coming. The money will eventually be in building, selling, and supporting the products...not in owning the intellectual property.

Xerox did pretty well on copiers, but ironically, today companies virtually give away the printer/copier/fax and make money on the consumables. Once the world realizes that there "is no spoon", there will be a rush to build power products in 100s of forms. The intellectual property will be worthless.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 10, 2011, 04:50:06 PM
Was he speaking with someone who wanted verification on his device,
before they gave him an amount of money ?  he did say recently that he didn't have the device at home.

Quote from: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 10:44:35 AM
I will do one more video without the big capacitor, I will change it with smaller ones in or even one small .I need to check to see what is the minimum I can have and still have it working ok.
I have no access to the generator today, I dont have it at home but I will try for tomorow.
I will try to open the  dc/dc converter and leave it without the plastic case.
There are invisible batteries invented but only I have access to them :)
I hope this will end after that.
I think that its much easier to consider it fake than trying to do one yourself.
I am not addressing this to you but to all who thinks like that.
People having low financial resources should wait for others to replicate then decide if it is worth doing it or not.It is not cheap to build it, the new build will cost me more than £1000. Only the coils is going to cost £30 each, custom made with self-bonding wire.

The replications will prove this either way.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TheCell on May 10, 2011, 04:53:20 PM
which device do you use for winding your coils?
Has anyone bought this one :

I have bought I-cores , the type used like in transformers and planed to build a adams motor with the following design :
1,76 Watts in / 3,44 Watts out. Or maybe this Muller Design in a smaller scale.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinu on May 10, 2011, 05:00:43 PM
It was fake all along but I did not want to spoil your excitement. Few would have heard me anyway.

Look again at the first “OU video” (lol!) and by the end of it ask yourself why is the power led (DC-DC converter) still on after he turns the switch off. Huh?!
Moreover, why is the same led flashing in sync with the RPM of the rotor when it should be disconnected from stator coils?!!!
Or to put it simpler…What does he switches off then if not the DC converter?!!!
Hint: the other power source? 15V, 1-2A, 2 thin wires… Go figure!

I know, I’m MIB, oil-man, skeptic and a few dozen more…

Before leaving, greetings to the old friends still remembering me. 
See you on the next one, folks!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on May 10, 2011, 05:32:49 PM
Quote from: alan on May 10, 2011, 02:49:19 PM

I don't believe it, otherwise you wouldn't buy components for a new build.
Don't stop replicating yet.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 10, 2011, 05:53:38 PM
re: naysayers will now leave us alone  >:(
Come on, guys, this is open discussion, forum for wide area of people, not only for fervent believers, hysterics, naives, amateurishes, habitual gobemouches.
I really hope this forum is not only for who despire education but also for people who have been in school ... at least a little bid  ::)
All these paranoia like sayings as "naysayers will now leave us alone" ... "at the peril of one's life" ..."danger to his family"  ...
besides different kind of conspiracy theories and waffle about mysterious millionaires  ... there is good likeness with tragicomical Selfrunning Waterpump-generator device runs 60 Watts lamp ...   Why you do not caterwaul today: "I was ardent believer !!!" ???
There is urgent need of to consider all odds and ends,
I have designed and built electric machines very many years, now and then when got some good idea I have realized this in one night.
Wonder that up till today none replicated this simplest motor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: norman6538 on May 10, 2011, 06:11:02 PM
I am curious about the coil and magnet design and a technique that my OU
colleague and I used to test coils is to put them on a pendulum and operate them that way and count the swings and you can pick up very small differences. With today's announcement I'd like to use that technique to see if there is anyting unique to the physical arrangement. Powering the rotor is nothing new and backemf/FWBR is not new either.

Time will flush this out because there are some great guys here who are really onto this.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 10, 2011, 06:11:14 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 10, 2011, 04:19:30 PM
@taranarod . Did you get around to weighing the wire on one coil please
I will do this and post the value today will other details
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 10, 2011, 06:13:59 PM
Quote from: tinu on May 10, 2011, 05:00:43 PM
It was fake all along but I did not want to spoil your excitement. Few would have heard me anyway.

Look again at the first “OU video” (lol!) and by the end of it ask yourself why is the power led (DC-DC converter) still on after he turns the switch off. Huh?!
Moreover, why is the same led flashing in sync with the RPM of the rotor when it should be disconnected from stator coils?!!!
Or to put it simpler…What does he switches off then if not the DC converter?!!!
Hint: the other power source? 15V, 1-2A, 2 thin wires… Go figure!

The switch only controlled the drive coils. The stator coils are still happily converting the kinetic energy of the rotor into plenty enough energy to keep the DC to DC happy with no load. No magic there.

RomeroUK doesn't remotely seem like the scammer type to me. Something happened...either good or bad...and he bailed. Simple. The information required the replicate the device is here. Follow through.

The Dragone paper referenced earlier does provide a very interesting glimpse into how a coil and PM can interact to produce significant OU, and could easily explain this device, Magnacoaster, and a host of other devices.

It takes faith to see what others cannot and strength to follow that to reality. Any blind weakling can be a snarking skeptic. It takes a special person to defy them.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 06:17:53 PM
Okay, I analyzed the first Video of him:



I have followed all cables in single frame mode with
a local flash player on my PC with the HD version of
the movie and this machine is in my opinion for real.

He has all bridge rectifiers in parallel and at the switch, where
he switches on the bulb lamp, he just puts the 12 Volts
DC from all the parallel rectifier outputs onto the single red wire.
From there it goes first into the analog ampmeter and then to the analog voltmeter.
So the ampmeter is before the voltmeter.
From the voltmeter only the one yello cable goes to the bulb and at the bulb
the second yellow cable goes away to a "Y" connection where it meets the
black cable going to the analog voltmeter and the scond black cable going
up again to the black cable going to the minus pole of ALL
So this output circuit is for real and it shows 12 Volts at 2 amps= 24 Watts.

Also there is no capacitor and this is probably pulsed DC where every
of the 7 coilpairs gives 2 x 12 Volts sin^2 pulse as shown in the scope shot.
As this is bridge rectified every coilpair gives 2 of these pulses and all
superimpose over time and as the rotor is spinng pretty fast these
analog meters show steady averaged values.

Also when he starts the device you can see for a blink of a second, that
the digital ampmeter shows 2.60 amps input current.
That is, when all 2 series coilpairs conduct from the 12.64 Volts battery voltage.

So one driver coilpair then has 2.6 / 2 = 1.3 amps running through the 2 series coils.
12.64 Volts / 1.3 amps= 9.72 Ohm for 2 coils in series.

So every single coil has about 4.86 Ohms of DC resistance.

I guess this could be for real, if you take the diameter of the 7 wires in parallel
and the 300 turns.

So this video is in my eyes, for real.

Also all his prior videos and the fact that he is also working on the
Magnacoster device also on his table are really very convincing,
that he did not do any fake...

Regards, Stefan.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 10, 2011, 06:19:23 PM
Quote from: TheCell on May 10, 2011, 04:53:20 PM
which device do you use for winding your coils?
Has anyone bought this one :

I have bought I-cores , the type used like in transformers and planed to build a adams motor with the following design :
1,76 Watts in / 3,44 Watts out. Or maybe this Muller Design in a smaller scale.

here is the same data

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 10, 2011, 06:22:39 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 06:17:53 PM
Okay, I analyzed the first Video of him:



I have followed all cables in single frame mode with
a local flash player on my PC with the HD version of
the movie and this machine is in my opinion for real.

He has all bridge rectifiers in parallel and at the switch, where
he switches on the bulb lamp, he just puts the 12 Volts
DC from all the parallel rectifier outputs onto the single red wire.
From there it goes first into the analog ampmeter and then to the analog voltmeter.
So the ampmeter is before the voltmeter.
From the voltmeter only the one yello cable goes to the bulb and at the bulb
the second yellow cable goes away to a "Y" connection where it meets the
black cable going to the analog voltmeter and the scond black cable going
up again to the black cable going to the minus pole of ALL
So this output circuit is for real and it shows 12 Volts at 2 amps= 24 Watts.

Also there is no capacitor and this is probably pulsed DC where every
of the 7 coilpairs gives 2 x 12 Volts sin^2 pulse as shown in the scope shot.
As this is bridge rectified every coilpair gives 2 of these pulses and all
superimpose over time and as the rotor is spinng pretty fast these
analog meters show steady averaged values.

Also when he starts the device you can see for a blink of a second, that
the digital ampmeter shows 2.60 amps input current.
That is, when all 2 series coilpairs conduct from the 12.64 Volts battery voltage.

So one driver coilpair then has 2.6 / 2 = 1.3 amps running through the 2 series coils.
12.64 Volts / 1.3 amps= 9.72 Ohm for 2 coils in series.

So every single coil has about 4.86 Ohms of DC resistance.

I guess this could be for real, if you take the diameter of the 7 wires in parallel
and the 300 turns.

So this video is in my eyes, for real.

Also all his prior videos and the fact that he is also working on the
Magnacoster device also on his table are really very convincing,
that he did not do any fake...

Regards, Stefan.

good work Stefan
this is good confirmation.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 10, 2011, 06:29:53 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on May 10, 2011, 06:13:59 PM
The switch only controlled the drive coils. The stator coils are still happily converting the kinetic energy of the rotor into plenty enough energy to keep the DC to DC happy with no load. No magic there.

RomeroUK doesn't remotely seem like the scammer type to me. Something happened...either good or bad...and he bailed. Simple. The information required the replicate the device is here. Follow through.

The Dragone paper referenced earlier does provide a very interesting glimpse into how a coil and PM can interact to produce significant OU, and could easily explain this device, Magnacoaster, and a host of other devices.

It takes faith to see what others cannot and strength to follow that to reality. Any blind weakling can be a snarking skeptic. It takes a special person to defy them.

Exactly and on top of it, you can see the LED turn off when the rotor has significantly slowed down and the output of the pickup coils falls under the minimal input current for the DC converter to work.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 10, 2011, 06:30:24 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 03:50:24 PM
I think it all got over his head..
I still think from all the communications we had with him
and his history of other youtube projects
with the coil shortening success, etc,
that it was real and no fake.

He might have just fallen for an offer he received.

He told me 2 days ago, that he had at least 2 serious offers
worth of millions of US$...and also that he has his wife on his back and
that she did not want him to release it all for free...

So he probably pulled the plug and
removed his youtube channel now when he accepted an offer from
one of the companies...

Now I am glad he gave me the permission to copy his videos
to my youtube channeel:


There they still are there.

So I would advise to the members who already ordered the parts to
keep at it and try to replicate it and post as much infos as you can including
videos and scope shots.

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Stefan.

No problem. I ordered about $500 or more worthy of materials, so I guess I will build it and share the failures or may the successes.

Only one thing was very strange about the second "self-running video" where when he connects the second cable to the positive of the battery, where the other one was already there, and he removes both at the same time and shows the machine running in self-mode without the battery.

One can noticed that the second cable IS connected to the negative of the battery too. At 12 volts 7 amp battery it would easily melt that cable for the 3 seconds he was holding it on his hand. I have to revisit that video again, I could be wrong, but It looked like it was a dead short and not heating or burning his hands.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 06:53:48 PM
Quote from: tinu on May 10, 2011, 05:00:43 PM
It was fake all along but I did not want to spoil your excitement. Few would have heard me anyway.

Look again at the first “OU video” (lol!) and by the end of it ask yourself why is the power led (DC-DC converter) still on after he turns the switch off. Huh?!

Look again:

Because the 47.000 uF cap is still in parallel with the DC2DC converter !
Man, look again at the video in detail ! I just did it again.

Moreover, why is the same led flashing in sync with the RPM of the rotor when it should be disconnected from stator coils?!!!
Or to put it simpler…What does he switches off then if not the DC converter?!!!
Hint: the other power source? 15V, 1-2A, 2 thin wires… Go figure!

It does not flash at all...
I just watched it again in HD directly from the FLV file on my PC.

The 47.000 uF cap is charged up at 15.07 Volts from all the coil voltage spikes
and when he switches off, only the cap powers still the DC2DC converter for
a while and then the cap discharges and also the LED goes dim and the rotor stops.
That is all what could be seen !

Very normal for such a circuit with 47.000 uF cap charged to 15.07 Volts at the input
of a DC2DC converter and just discharging.

I know, I’m MIB, oil-man, skeptic and a few dozen more…

Before leaving, greetings to the old friends still remembering me. 
See you on the next one, folks!

Probably you did not watch the movie correctly.
I can now see all cables exactly in the HD version and all
is well and no extra cables are seen.

I can recognize every cable which is there.
There are so many cables, cause he needs to bring up the
connections for the lower coils up to the top.
But all is exactly so, as the circuit diagrams have shown.

I think it is really genuine and no fake.

He was just bought out by one of the 2 companies I told you about.
I will reveal their names, if he will not answer my email in a few days.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 10, 2011, 06:58:48 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 10, 2011, 06:30:24 PM
No problem. I ordered about $500 or more worthy of materials, so I guess I will build it and share the failures or may the successes.

Only one thing was very strange about the second "self-running video" where when he connects the second cable to the positive of the battery, where the other one was already there, and he removes both at the same time and shows the machine running in self-mode without the battery.

One can noticed that the second cable IS connected to the negative of the battery too. At 12 volts 7 amp battery it would easily melt that cable for the 3 seconds he was holding it on his hand. I have to revisit that video again, I could be wrong, but It looked like it was a dead short and not heating or burning his hands.


Look again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Overunityguide on May 10, 2011, 07:04:24 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 10, 2011, 12:52:21 PM
Best to just ignore people like that at this point...
Anyone with a clue about human nature can see you are an honest builder with only good intentions and real OU.

Told you so, "honest builder" yeah right
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 10, 2011, 07:07:10 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 10, 2011, 06:30:24 PM
No problem. I ordered about $500 or more worthy of materials, so I guess I will build it and share the failures or may the successes.

Only one thing was very strange about the second "self-running video" where when he connects the second cable to the positive of the battery, where the other one was already there, and he removes both at the same time and shows the machine running in self-mode without the battery.

One can noticed that the second cable IS connected to the negative of the battery too. At 12 volts 7 amp battery it would easily melt that cable for the 3 seconds he was holding it on his hand. I have to revisit that video again, I could be wrong, but It looked like it was a dead short and not heating or burning his hands.


I did read the same somewhere in Russian forums  -  this no shit short circuit made funny for guys, they concluded that battery must to be totally dead up and this short discussion about this wonder machine ended on the spot the same way.
To be fair then I have not seen it myself, dont know what exact video it is  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 10, 2011, 07:14:22 PM
Hi Stefan.
any chance of a link to that final schematic, the last one I got was posted by Groundloop, maybe it is still the up-to-date one.
Also maybe you could post it on the home page for all to see, without having to trawl through the whole thread.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: abdlquadri on May 10, 2011, 07:16:50 PM
I was praying this does not happen! The offer he got was not money is Life or Death! The last post was not him that is so clear. My advice to everyone: 1. Fake all your details online 2. Switch off GPS on your phone 3. Browse from any anonymizer site if possible 4. Continue replication

Advice to admin: zero tolerance to sceptics. They could not get people to stop replication so they had to get the source.

My 2cents.
Goodluck. Be safe. We have also heard little from John bedini lately
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 10, 2011, 07:18:14 PM
Hi folks, lol. A TRILLION dollar funny money industry a year called energy and people think for even a millisecond that there is not a conspiracy to keep people dependent on others for energy.
All I have to say to that is, wake up. This is exactly their MO, they always try to kill the idea, that is impossible.
The idea or energy that comes up with all these ideas, can never be extinguished.
Alas, we are the ones we have been waiting for. Keep building, I AM. And if romero did take funny money for his silence, he will learn one day of this error.
Fear is like a party popper compared to the POWER OF LOVE.
peace love light

edit: So even if he was threatened with life or death, living in fear and tyranny is already death, some are learning what life or living truly is.
The few manipulating this world can never in a million years do this without our fear and help. Let me share an example with you.
I was in court and I asked the bailiff, you took an oath to uphold the law and the truth and do you know what he said, " I TOOK THE OATH FOR A JOB".
folks, do you know see what the main problem is. People in fear of their survival is the problem. Ask yourselves, what are people like this willing to do for a paycheck and i think history speaks clearly as to this.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 07:19:30 PM
Quote from: powercat on May 10, 2011, 07:14:22 PM
Hi Stefan.
any chance of a link to that final schematic, the last one I got was posted by Groundloop, maybe it is still the up-to-date one.
Also maybe you could post it on the home page for all to see, without having to trawl through the whole thread.

Just get the version 1.1 of my PDF file here:


There it is all in there.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Poit on May 10, 2011, 07:30:24 PM
thanks stefan for the pdf :)

quick question (sorry if it has been asked before):
what is the longest you have seen this device self run for?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: citfta on May 10, 2011, 07:31:30 PM
Are you guys talking about the black wire that seems to be divided into two white wires with a larger white wire going to the red wire on the left and the smaller part of the white wire going to the negative post of the battery?  What you are looking at is a piece of shielded cable.  The white wire going to the left is the insulation around the center conductor which is copper which you can see is twisted with the end of the red wire.  The other smaller white wire is probably not really white but silver and is the shield part of the cable.  I have made hundred of connections that looked just like that.  RomerUK is already gone so why are you guys still trying to beat a dead horse?  You should have realized by now most of the people reading this thread believe this is real and you are not going to change our minds with your silly accusations.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 10, 2011, 07:32:41 PM
Yeah, very grievous,  brings to tears ... but why these rich millionaires want to give big money to Romero but never gave any cent to Muller and Bedini   ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 07:44:10 PM
Here is the exact on-off switch location.
I just updated these 2 diagrams, that were still wrong in the 1.1 PDF file.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 10, 2011, 07:45:13 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 07:19:30 PM
Just get the version 1.1 of my PDF file here:


There it is all in there.

Regards, Stefan.

Thank's Stefan I finally got it, those not familiar with this website remember only click on the  "direct download"  otherwise you will get unwanted software
anyway that's what happened to me.

okay just seen that update thanks again
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 07:51:39 PM
I just see,
that in the
the start voltage position from the battery is still wrong.
In the video it was on the other side of the DC2DC converter...
but that is not so important, as the unit starts also itsself
when turning without any battery, RomeroUk said.

And the analog input ampmeter is also still missing,
but this is only a minor detail.
It is directly behind the Dc2DC converter output,
so it will also register the current going through the 20 Watts bulb.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: eisnad karm on May 10, 2011, 08:06:19 PM
The reality is thst no compsny would be offering millions of dollars on an open source project as their only protection is IP. Given his full dislosure and details it would be impossible to get one through now without being challenged..and what exactly is the IP. Many other experimentors could lay claims to the different aspects of these deigns.
However removoing all trace of everything was proberbly a request if he did have a real offer..too late many have backed it up.
You should contact the so called companies Stefan to confirm that...i would be very suprised if it was a reputable one as there are many claiming to have millions and they do not.
email me privately if you like or call me and i will tell you if they would be authentic. If not do your own homework.
Is it real or not, I do not know but given the information availabe you would expect one replicator to have success at least. Then what happens then? The replicator might discover further improvements. This is a real pandoras box.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 10, 2011, 08:09:04 PM

People let this be a big lesson if you ever achieve overunity make dam sure you have every detail down to the type of epoxy you used and how much and every measurement!

And if you can afford the time even share a link on where you purchased every part from.

It will save you much headache then you drop this in there lap it will be purchased and built lickity split.

There will be no questions just replication make it with everything purchase ready! So its just a matter of slapping it together if you do not do this it will give people time to stop affording you the short window of belief that you have!

I am a little at fault for the whole deal and I do apologize to all of you out there who have stuff on the way... But I knew the questions would start pouring in so I tried to get them out of the way right away to prove there are no batteries or trickery...

Aside from all of this if he did pop open the DC converter it would likely run cooler and have a slightly better efficiency so why he was so against this is beyond me????

And as far as the cap goes if you visit www.badcaps.net you will find out that even caps were being pirated back in the days people were using cheap caps and putting them inside caps with a good name and the wrong specifications this is how some of the orientals got rid of all there bad capacitor stock.

Would you not want to verify this is not the case with the capacitor you are using????

Finally you just built an overunity device would you not want to go out of your way to prove that it is in fact overunity???

If he was really christian I would say that he is lacking of some of the morals of a christian the lord was very forgiving according to the bible and he sacrificed so much even his life so he could die for the sins of man and yet this guy cannot forgive a simple question or sacrifice ten more minutes to make a video with the capacitor being torn apart after the running of the device I do not understand?

Anyhow he can leave and give up that is his choice just remember when it comes time for judgement and you are waiting at the pearly gates and you did not make just a little more sacrifice to possibly save the billions of people headed for starvation and homelessness around the globe if your name is not on the list you will know why. There is a reason you were given this gift while the millions of others may have missed it... At the end it is all about what you have done to make the world a better more fair and equal place it aint about how many cars you had or whatever you don't take them with you and that is what a true christian believes no matter what!

Finally as far as the guy being rich if we were able to replicate this thing he would have received many more millions in donations then he ever would have gotten from some oil company or the DOE plus he would also go on to live for ever even after he was dead and gone.

Just some things I believe he should really consider if it is real cause if I were him I know it would be on my mind.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 10, 2011, 08:19:44 PM
Looking at the schematic above I see 2 1n4007 recovery diodes.When the switch is off  is possible to have the LED lit by them while the rotor still turns.Is the big capacitor connected before or after the switch?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 10, 2011, 08:20:11 PM
Hi folks, As the old saying goes, 'you can't burn the candle at both ends' and expect to be free, money is all illusion, as is much else.
Here is what I have so far, using 5/16" diameter steel bolts, for now, though ferrite cores can be easily be attached to this setup later.
The reed switch is only temporary, to see how the motor function works and I'm waiting for glue to dry on other 5 coils, polyurethane glue takes awhile to dry.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: dole on May 10, 2011, 08:24:07 PM
What a story!!
Eight days and nights. Little bit to short but I think we all really enjoy it, so do I.
Actually the lie or the truth, It does not matter, It myth be that just belief is enough.
I post this link somewhere before and apologize if you all ready read this,
another short story and I think it is completely the truth.


So I hope you may like it and then back to work and wind some coils.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: abdlquadri on May 10, 2011, 08:48:18 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 10, 2011, 07:32:41 PM
Yeah, very grievous,  brings to tears ... but why these rich millionaires want to give big money to Romero but never gave any cent to Muller and Bedini   ???

I see you are senior member. You should check up on bedini's history. He stopped developing devices that produce energy but only battery chargers - he was wise. Bedini already had a selfrunner since the 80's
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: abdlquadri on May 10, 2011, 08:54:43 PM
Quote from: infringer on May 10, 2011, 08:09:04 PM

People let this be a big lesson if you ever achieve overunity make dam sure you have every detail down to the type of epoxy you used and how much and every measurement!

And if you can afford the time even share a link on where you purchased every part from.

It will save you much headache then you drop this in there lap it will be purchased and built lickity split.

There will be no questions just replication make it with everything purchase ready! So its just a matter of slapping it together if you do not do this it will give people time to stop affording you the short window of belief that you have!

I am a little at fault for the whole deal and I do apologize to all of you out there who have stuff on the way... But I knew the questions would start pouring in so I tried to get them out of the way right away to prove there are no batteries or trickery...

Aside from all of this if he did pop open the DC converter it would likely run cooler and have a slightly better efficiency so why he was so against this is beyond me????

And as far as the cap goes if you visit www.badcaps.net you will find out that even caps were being pirated back in the days people were using cheap caps and putting them inside caps with a good name and the wrong specifications this is how some of the orientals got rid of all there bad capacitor stock.

Would you not want to verify this is not the case with the capacitor you are using????

Finally you just built an overunity device would you not want to go out of your way to prove that it is in fact overunity???

If he was really christian I would say that he is lacking of some of the morals of a christian the lord was very forgiving according to the bible and he sacrificed so much even his life so he could die for the sins of man and yet this guy cannot forgive a simple question or sacrifice ten more minutes to make a video with the capacitor being torn apart after the running of the device I do not understand?

Anyhow he can leave and give up that is his choice just remember when it comes time for judgement and you are waiting at the pearly gates and you did not make just a little more sacrifice to possibly save the billions of people headed for starvation and homelessness around the globe if your name is not on the list you will know why. There is a reason you were given this gift while the millions of others may have missed it... At the end it is all about what you have done to make the world a better more fair and equal place it aint about how many cars you had or whatever you don't take them with you and that is what a true christian believes no matter what!

Finally as far as the guy being rich if we were able to replicate this thing he would have received many more millions in donations then he ever would have gotten from some oil company or the DOE plus he would also go on to live for ever even after he was dead and gone.

Just some things I believe he should really consider if it is real cause if I were him I know it would be on my mind.
If it was fraud all he needed to say was I am sorry I made a mistake in connection or reading(anybody can make mistake) NOT take down his youtube account; take down his forum he has being building for years and tell us the world would remain the same.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 10, 2011, 09:00:55 PM
Quote from: SkyWatcher123 on May 10, 2011, 08:20:11 PM
Hi folks, As the old saying goes, 'you can't burn the candle at both ends' and expect to be free, money is all illusion, as is much else.
Here is what I have so far, using 5/16" diameter steel bolts, for now, though ferrite cores can be easily be attached to this setup later.
The reed switch is only temporary, to see how the motor function works and I'm waiting for glue to dry on other 5 coils, polyurethane glue takes awhile to dry.
peace love light

Key to making this work is absolute essential to use ferrite cores as minimum standard. BUT its much better to use metglas or other extreme high permeability cores because this is the OU transform component. Expect to spend as much if not more on the cores as the neo magnets as they work in harmony.

Next is minimise all losses. bearings, build quality etc must be precision made. Unless you have several hundred dollars to spend on doing this properly then you are wasting your time and money.

Many people still doubt this device. Clearly never done any homework to see Muller made dozens and dozens of OU self looping generators. He sold quite a few i imagine they are still powering someone's houses today. Many people went to see him and his generators before he died.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Liberty on May 10, 2011, 09:04:07 PM
Quote from: eisnad karm on May 10, 2011, 08:06:19 PM
The reality is thst no compsny would be offering millions of dollars on an open source project as their only protection is IP. Given his full dislosure and details it would be impossible to get one through now without being challenged..and what exactly is the IP. Many other experimentors could lay claims to the different aspects of these deigns.
However removoing all trace of everything was proberbly a request if he did have a real offer..too late many have backed it up.
You should contact the so called companies Stefan to confirm that...i would be very suprised if it was a reputable one as there are many claiming to have millions and they do not.
email me privately if you like or call me and i will tell you if they would be authentic. If not do your own homework.
Is it real or not, I do not know but given the information availabe you would expect one replicator to have success at least. Then what happens then? The replicator might discover further improvements. This is a real pandoras box.

Hi Mark,

If you get time, check out the first movie.  The device starts out at v=12.61 and then firms up at 12.57 volts with current at about .94 amp.  When the light is turned on at time 2:53 into the movie, the voltage drops to 12.29 volts (barely seen in the side of the screen) and the amp meter drops also to .92A.  Then just after the light is turned off, at time 2:58, the volt meter jumps up and reads 12.48 volts and the amp meter reads .93A.  It appears that the light is running right off the battery but the current is not being read through the digital meter.  It has been fun to watch though.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 09:14:29 PM
Quote from: Liberty on May 10, 2011, 09:04:07 PM
Hi Mark,

If you get time, check out the first movie.  The device starts out at v=12.61 and then firms up at 12.57 volts with current at about .94 amp.  When the light is turned on at time 2:53 into the movie, the voltage drops to 12.29 volts (barely seen in the side of the screen) and the amp meter drops also to .92A.  Then just after the light is turned off, at time 2:58, the volt meter jumps up and reads 12.48 volts and the amp meter reads .93A.  It appears that the light is running right off the battery but the current is not being read through the digital meter.  It has been fun to watch though.


if you look carefully you see, that the cables come from the rectifiers and not from the battery.
so the lamp is powered by the generator.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 10, 2011, 09:26:46 PM
QuoteAside from all of this if he did pop open the DC converter it would likely run cooler and have a slightly better efficiency so why he was so against this is beyond me????

Sorry folks but if he did take apart the "DC converter", all you'd see is the 9v battery that made his pulse motor go.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 09:32:59 PM
Quote from: ZeroFossilFuel on May 10, 2011, 09:26:46 PM
Sorry folks but if he did take apart the "DC converter", all you'd see is the 9v battery that made his pulse motor go.

cause you see exactly that the generator supplies the current,
Cause as he switches off you see exactly that the cap discharges into the
DC2DC converter and the LED lights still this long...
and then gets dimmer as the cap gets discharged...

If there would have been a battery inside the DC2DC converter,
it would have still run,
as the DC2DC converter was NOT switched off... !
Only the charging of the cap from the generator was switched off !

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on May 10, 2011, 09:35:51 PM
Quote from: ZeroFossilFuel on May 10, 2011, 09:26:46 PM
Sorry folks but if he did take apart the "DC converter", all you'd see is the 9v battery that made his pulse motor go.
Oh man ya'll what about the genie? ???
look at and study what he has given you here  ::)
it feels like I have gone back 2000 years and looking  :'(
for a cross guys just have faith not doubt ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 10, 2011, 09:41:22 PM
Hi folks, Hi bolt, you said,
QuoteKey to making this work is absolute essential to use ferrite cores as minimum standard.
How can you know this for a fact, though you're probably correct.
I will be getting ferrite cores after I test this out first.
Ya no kidding zerofossilfuel, doubt is not part of the scientific process and doubt has never created anything.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energy1234hope on May 10, 2011, 09:42:36 PM
Stefan can you do us all a favour you have broke his device down into lots of frame photos to prove that in theory the device will work. could you post them all in a pdf file. Showing every little detail of device for easier replication thanks
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on May 10, 2011, 10:12:55 PM
well being that the rotor was driven predominantly by a special PM to PM arrangement and not a drive coil, in my opinion, hell regardless how it was driven we can conclude it was a special magnet arrangement. so we already know its not overunity, its using the magnets which are just super efficient batteries.  since designs that utilize this system are still high in demand by those who wish to extend their life behind curtains im sure he WAS given some nice offers, assuming his motor was genuine.

BUT, its more likely he just got pissed off and tired of a bajillion pricks contacting him in every way insulting and threatening him for making them look stupid, from students, to professors, to physicists, to govt officials, to big power henchmen.
mixing that with the thought of trying to filter all that crap out of all the positive messages is a headache, easily. the guy had obviously taken a lot of time for it to be a hoax that he gathers so little spotlight for so short a time before vanishing. doesn't make sense.

sorry i lied, now "$#@& off", is a quick fix to get rid of the haters.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 10, 2011, 10:23:42 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on May 10, 2011, 06:58:48 PM
Look again.

No, you look again... The black cable is coming form the output of the dc/dc convertor, It contains 2 conductors. the white wire is the positive and the other wire that looks white is  silver and it is the bare shielding twisted and connected to the ground side of the battery where it should be. This is not a fake!
John  :-*
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 10:26:23 PM
Quote from: TEKTRON on May 10, 2011, 10:23:42 PM

No, you look again... The black cable is coming form the output of the dc/dc convertor, It contains 2 conductors. the white wire is the positive and the other wire that looks white is  silver and it is the bare shielding twisted and connected to the ground side of the battery where it should be. This is not a fake!
John  :-*

That is correct.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 10, 2011, 10:34:51 PM
I still have faith in this device...

But lets not get ahead of ourselves some of the most elaborate hoaxes have cost much time and money there is always a possibility that what you are seeing is not 100% correct if so magicians would not have a job. And some of them hoaxes like the alien abduction video sent off to tons and tons of people at the time this was all on a fairly expensive VHS tape and the video which was made over in the UK or whatever was funded by some wealthy guy it was a lot of time and money to pull that hoax off believe it!

There are complete seasons of shows all dedicated to busting hoaxes and myths it is for good reason.

Do I believe the guy was hoaxing us well actually at the time of him being cooperative absolutely not my main stay was to fend off the later comments about there being magical batteries latter as my room mate an electrical engineer that is the first thing he said that thing could be using some batteries in the DC to DC converter. I quickly opted to tell him we should build it replicate it so we know for sure and that was the plan to build it and if it worked we then would upscale it and throw the info back onto the net. If not we would seek help for what we may have wrong... So to cut to the chase when someone tells you that they pulled a prank on you its not real that kills the drive to investigate something further I have projects to work on which I know will work... So with that said do I believe that this device works now well only if the guy comes back and verifies one way or another and until then I likely will not shell out a dollar or ounce of sweat to this project unless I hear of a successful replication.

And whats going to happen is we will not hear of a successful replication without all the specifications and there are sure a many of people out there thinking this same way shame I really wanted this thing to work and it may but for now I"ll place it on the back burner in its place there are a many more projects to take care of.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 10, 2011, 10:50:21 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on May 10, 2011, 06:58:48 PM
Look again.

I just watched again and indeed at 2:52 to 2:55 where he connects the red cable, which is ALSO connected to the negative, to the positive of the battery for about 8 seconds (which should definitely melt the cable). See pics.

I don't know what this means. I am not saying it is a fake, actually I think it is for real, but something is wrong here.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 10, 2011, 10:50:31 PM
And yet again more doubt being spread.
I think it's plainly obvious for anyone with two braincells to rub together that romero has been suppressed in some manner.
Anyone, tell me where in the scientific method is doubt and casting doubt and this without a shred of evidence to support such doubt.
Science is based on experiments and replication, now leave the people to their constructive activities.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 10, 2011, 10:50:57 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 06:17:53 PM
Okay, I analyzed the first Video of him:



I have followed all cables in single frame mode with
a local flash player on my PC with the HD version of
the movie and this machine is in my opinion for real.

He has all bridge rectifiers in parallel and at the switch, where
he switches on the bulb lamp, he just puts the 12 Volts
DC from all the parallel rectifier outputs onto the single red wire.
From there it goes first into the analog ampmeter and then to the analog voltmeter.
So the ampmeter is before the voltmeter.
From the voltmeter only the one yello cable goes to the bulb and at the bulb
the second yellow cable goes away to a "Y" connection where it meets the
black cable going to the analog voltmeter and the scond black cable going
up again to the black cable going to the minus pole of ALL
So this output circuit is for real and it shows 12 Volts at 2 amps= 24 Watts.

Also there is no capacitor and this is probably pulsed DC where every
of the 7 coilpairs gives 2 x 12 Volts sin^2 pulse as shown in the scope shot.
As this is bridge rectified every coilpair gives 2 of these pulses and all
superimpose over time and as the rotor is spinng pretty fast these
analog meters show steady averaged values.

Also when he starts the device you can see for a blink of a second, that
the digital ampmeter shows 2.60 amps input current.
That is, when all 2 series coilpairs conduct from the 12.64 Volts battery voltage.

So one driver coilpair then has 2.6 / 2 = 1.3 amps running through the 2 series coils.
12.64 Volts / 1.3 amps= 9.72 Ohm for 2 coils in series.

So every single coil has about 4.86 Ohms of DC resistance.

I guess this could be for real, if you take the diameter of the 7 wires in parallel
and the 300 turns.

So this video is in my eyes, for real.

Also all his prior videos and the fact that he is also working on the
Magnacoster device also on his table are really very convincing,
that he did not do any fake...

Regards, Stefan.

Nice work Stefan.  Thanks for going through that video so thoroughly.  Sometime back maybe 6 months to a year ago I had some PM's with Romero.  He has been intimidated or threatened in the past on some thing he was building.  Hopefully that didn't happen here but on the other hand the timing of him announcing that followed shortly after you halted some trolls so I'm somewhat wondering if one of those trolls or whoever they are decided to take revenge by sending Romero some threat to look like a MIB or something that Romero took as a real threat and bailed - which I couldn't blame him as he's got a family to worry about.  Either way like most here I think he was onto something as it would make absolutely no sense for him to shoot himself in the foot by faking something and taking it this far and then saying it was fake.  Only two scenario's would cause that and we know both of them are possible.  For his sake I hope it turned into some money and security for his family but depending on the situation they could well be watching him the rest of his life as I know someone in this situation. 
  I don't really think this can be stopped at this point if it's valid and I think there is every reason to believe it is.  There are way too many very sharp researcher/builders here with a tenacious mindset to stop this. 

   BUILD ON .....

P.S.  I had not yet finished reading the last several pages and see now it looks like a buyout was more likely.  Hopefully if that's the case it is a 'safe' group to deal with. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 10, 2011, 10:58:30 PM
I dont know what happened to Romero. I believe him and I wish him well.

If he did sell, what would most choose, the pain in the ass the past week has been, or a new life?  I hope he has a good new life if thats the case. We have enough to move on. And even if he has a deal going on, then THEY must fully know of us and what is presented, and staying presented. Thats the odd part.  I think a big co. if interested in making money with it, would probably think twice due to massive disclosure that already exists.  If it was BIG co. then they could care less other than to eliminate the target device to not let it in the open.

But Romero probably did not accept first offerings and continued to disclose.  Thats the scary senario, as it may help us assume what really went down.  :(

Either way, if the big co. took it, well knowing of the disclosure so far, or if BIG co. took it, I believe Romero is still anticipating us to continue on  ;D , as he is out of the loop now.

Good luck Romero!!  Thanks for everything. Really. You are the man.  ;)

Here are some things I think on the device.....

In that scope shot. Is that the combined output of all coils in succession, or is it of just 1 coil pair?

Either way, I see the larger flat spot as if the rotor mag is in between coils. And the peaks are showing when the mag is on top of the approaching edge of the coil or close and just after passing the core. The short flat spots are when the mag is over the core.

When the mag approaches the coil, it is concentrated on just one side of the coil, producing a positive or negative peak, and on the exit we see the opposite polarity peak.

As the mag approaches, the mags field is attracted to the side of the coils core, where the windings are, causing current to flow in one direction through the coil. And when the mag passes the core, the field lines will be attracted to the exit side of the core, causing current to flow the other way.

I think if we analyze the wave form, I believe we can see a difference in the attack and decay of the peaks, as it should be, because of where the mag filelds begin and end in the attack, and where they begin and end in the decay.

Like in an alternator stator core,( you can search pics to see) its not the armature field just jumping from core section to core section that causes the current in the stator windings, its the fields being dragged along the stator core and flowing into the winding gaps that creates the currents in the windings.  ;]  The fields need to CUT the windings to produce current in the wire. Period.  ;]

Now we have another ingredient. The Bias mags.  ;]

Are they just biasing the coils?

I see it this way.....

Lets just picture 1 set of coils, top and bottom, no rotor.

I think that being the top and bottom are in attraction to each other, when the rotor mag is not over the coils, but in between coils, that this attraction happens and helps to create a flux field band between top and bottom coils. Not necessarily tight, but a band of moderate concentration.

Now we will just look at the top coil and assume the bottom will mirror the tops actions.  ;]

When the rotor mag approaches the coil, we might think that the mag is not attracted to the coil core. It may not, being the core is biased in repulsion to the approaching mag pole. This approach of the rotor mag will most likely push the bias field to the opposite side of the coil core. Now we have the bias mags field cutting the exit side of the coil, and we have the entry side of the coil being cut by the rotor mag.  ;)

This combination could be doubling the amount of flux cutting the coil at that time. Instead of just cutting on the approaching side, and just the exit side when the mag passes the coil.  This may be key to his amount of generation, for such an open and seemingly sparse generator construction, say as compared to any production model considered.

More later....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on May 10, 2011, 10:59:31 PM
@ plengo i noticed that too i thought i saw it wrong and didnt doubletake =)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 11:01:23 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 10, 2011, 10:50:21 PM
I just watched again and indeed at 2:52 to 2:55 where he connects the red cable, which is ALSO connected to the negative, to the positive of the battery for about 8 seconds (which should definitely melt the cable). See pics.

I don't know what this means. I am not saying it is a fake, actually I think it is for real, but something is wrong here.


No, Fausto,
have a better look !
The red cable 2 that you declared is just only connected to the white positive output lead of the DC2DC converter.
The other "White colored" or "better silver colored cable" from the DC2DC converter is the "ground cable" of the DC2DC converter
connected to the minus pole of the battery.

Hope you see it now.
The black output cable of the DC2DC converter has of course 2 different leads, not one !

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 10, 2011, 11:07:53 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 10, 2011, 10:50:21 PM
I just watched again and indeed at 2:52 to 2:55 where he connects the red cable, which is ALSO connected to the negative, to the positive of the battery for about 8 seconds (which should definitely melt the cable). See pics.

I don't know what this means. I am not saying it is a fake, actually I think it is for real, but something is wrong here.



Edit sorry can't draw worth a darn ..please fix and I will remove this one
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 10, 2011, 11:09:15 PM
Guys, lets drop the drama and get busy.  ;D

If Romero is rich or shaking scared, I think he would be thrilled to see us finish this and gitter dun.   ;)

Lets here some theories. Lets help each other and ignore the crappers.
They are not worth it. Ignore Ignore Ignore. they will feel unimportant soon enough to not even waste the time any further.  ;)

I am going to do some investigating on my theory above. We need to understand this.

Keep on keepin on

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 11:11:02 PM
Hi Fausto,
here is a picture for you to better explain it.
Hope you see it now, that your last posting was wrong...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 10, 2011, 11:16:54 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 11:11:02 PM
Hi Fausto,
here is a picture for you to better explain it.
Hope you see it now, that your last posting was wrong...

THANK YOU Stefan, I new something was wrong and it was me. I am soooooo glad.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: abdlquadri on May 10, 2011, 11:22:01 PM
Go on guys... we are almost there...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 11:23:15 PM
Yes, now you are right, Fausto.

The left white cable from the black DC2DC converter cable is the positive voltage output of the DC2DC converter
and the right more silvery colored cable is the ground cable of the DC2DC converter output ( minus pole).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 10, 2011, 11:28:21 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 11:23:15 PM
Yes, now you are right, Fausto.

The left white cable from the black DC2DC converter cable is the positive voltage output of the DC2DC converter
and the right more silvery colored cable is the ground cable of the DC2DC converter output ( minus pole).

I am pretty convinced this is for real too. That was the only thing I could spot looking very closely to the videos that was strange (as I said before).

Everything on the video, the voltage fluctuations, the cables, the way the motor spins and current changes, the voltage variations of the DC and the motor reaction, the non-Lenz effect when the lamp is connected and the speed did not change.

If this was a fake is a dam good fake of tremendous details. Details of the level of one guy that should KNOW how it should behave in those conditions. Which is only possible for people that really experiment with this stuff.

I am glad I am doing the investment on the parts and I tell you they ARE NOT CHEAP at all and I will probably still buy more to make this correct.

I put my money where my mouth is!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 10, 2011, 11:34:45 PM
Quote from: bolt on May 10, 2011, 09:00:55 PM
Key to making this work is absolute essential to use ferrite cores as minimum standard. BUT its much better to use metglas or other extreme high permeability cores because this is the OU transform component. Expect to spend as much if not more on the cores as the neo magnets as they work in harmony.

Next is minimise all losses. bearings, build quality etc must be precision made. Unless you have several hundred dollars to spend on doing this properly then you are wasting your time and money.

Many people still doubt this device. Clearly never done any homework to see Muller made dozens and dozens of OU self looping generators. He sold quite a few i imagine they are still powering someone's houses today. Many people went to see him and his generators before he died.

bolt,  any ideas where one can find some small metglas or similar rods?  I was looking for some but so far no luck.  Not sure I can afford but will consider it if I can find some.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 10, 2011, 11:42:01 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 10, 2011, 11:28:21 PM
I am pretty convinced this is for real too. That was the only thing I could spot looking very closely to the videos that was strange (as I said before).

Everything on the video, the voltage fluctuations, the cables, the way the motor spins and current changes, the voltage variations of the DC and the motor reaction, the non-Lenz effect when the lamp is connected and the speed did not change.

If this was a fake is a dam good fake of tremendous details. Details of the level of one guy that should KNOW how it should behave in those conditions. Which is only possible for people that really experiment with this stuff.

I am glad I am doing the investment on the parts and I tell you they ARE NOT CHEAP at all and I will probably still buy more to make this correct.

I put my money where my mouth is!


Romero was going out of his way planning to get another video out to prove it's real -- despite of his complaints of such unproductive work and of his word not to do such video again (with many of us expressing our agreement and support on his decision) -- he is a nice guy. Then all in a sudden it is all interrupted, and he is seen no more here...What happened? I hope he is still alive...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 10, 2011, 11:42:18 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 11:11:02 PM
Hi Fausto,
here is a picture for you to better explain it.
Hope you see it now, that your last posting was wrong...

Gang, I'll give you my take on it.  It is very simple, he started the generator on the battery at around 12.6VDC, the DC/DC converter started running on the 15+DC output of the generator with 12.6 VDC out,give or take to fold back but not connected to start. He then paralleled the output of the DC converter with the battery, then took the battery out of the circuit and it was then running on the converter!  Why are all the doubters making it so hard.  The differential current between the converter and battery was almost nill as voltage was basically the same and was a simple and nifty way to show how he eliminated the battery!!!!!  No more, no less.  Lordy, so much BS about nothing. 

Now quit BSing and start building! I'm tired of seeing the same thing beat to death again and again and again! What has happened is so un-characteristic of the man that I prefer to think it was the real deal. Everything else is just like the "National Enquirer" IF anyone comes up with something negative, first explain it to their wife or girlfriend, when she agrees, post it!  Ha.   

So lets build, have fun, and hope someone hits on it!  If not, life will go on!  I'll post pictures good, bad or ugly in a couple weeks when parts come together!  I'm fully convinced that building is not the problem if done with some degree of precision, getting the correct spacing between all the magnets and cores with maximum output, maximum RPM, with minimum input, is where the work will be.  Lets see, 18 separate bias magnet adjustments, 16 coil/core to magnet adjustments, two Hall effect sensors to adjust for maximum speed.  That should keep even the most avid tinker/builder busy for a few days!!!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on May 10, 2011, 11:48:33 PM
Just a quick word on rotors. I cut mine out of "cutting board" plastic that can be bought at any restaurant supply house. They are 1/2 inch thick, which is the same thickness as the neos I am using. I drill a 1/2 inch hole in the center on my drill press, so that once it is rough cut on the ban saw, jig saw, or whatever saw I happen to feel like using that day, I can slide it onto the shaft of my bench grinder after the grinding wheel is removed. Then I can spin it up to high rpm's and use any one of a number of word working rasps, files, etc., to smooth it down to its final shape and assure that it is ROUND. Then I stick it back on the drill press, using the 1/2 inch bit through the existing hole to center it. I clamp it into place, and then remove the 1/2 inch drill bit and drill whatever size center hole I want. I usually cut two at once and make them all the same. Then I use a template to mark the center holes for the positions of the magnets, and drill the holes for them. Here are two I made today with 1" neos fro this project.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 10, 2011, 11:50:33 PM
Quote from: k4zep on May 10, 2011, 11:42:18 PM
Gang, I'll give you my take on it.  It is very simple, he started the generator on the battery at around 12.6VDC, the DC/DC converter started running on the 15+DC output of the generator with 12.6 VDC out,give or take to fold back but not connected to start. He then paralleled the output of the DC converter with the battery, then took the battery out of the circuit and it was then running on the converter!  Why are all the doubters making it so hard.  The differential current between the converter and battery was almost nill as voltage was basically the same and was a simple and nifty way to show how he eliminated the battery!!!!!  No more, no less.  Lordy, so much BS about nothing. 

Now quit BSing and start building! I'm tired of seeing the same thing beat to death again and again and again! What has happened is so un-characteristic of the man that I prefer to think it was the real deal. Everything else is just like the "National Enquirer" IF anyone comes up with something negative, first explain it to their wife or girlfriend, when she agrees, post it!  Ha.   

So lets build, have fun, and hope someone hits on it!  If not, life will go on!  I'll post pictures good, bad or ugly in a couple weeks when parts come together!  I'm fully convinced that building is not the problem if done with some degree of precision, getting the correct spacing between all the magnets and cores with maximum output, maximum RPM, with minimum input, is where the work will be.  Lets see, 18 separate bias magnet adjustments, 16 coil/core to magnet adjustments, two Hall effect sensors to adjust for maximum speed.  That should keep even the most avid tinker/builder busy for a few days!!!!!


Your're right. Please, read my post before this one. I am with you. Let's build. My parts are on the way.

We need ALSO to look at every detail of this video and evidence presented. We will dissect it many times since it is not an easy thing to come up with an OU device. So, with that being said, I will probably show many more pictures and ask more questions about it.

Not to be skeptical at all, after all you can see my videos on Youtube and easily see I am crazy believer in OU and a experimentalist. It is simply necessary to honestly discuss ALL the parameters and eliminate doubt. It is through this process that we learn.

In my case, I raised an issue and Now I learned how the DC is connected back to the battery which I was not able to see before, BUT it took my honest open criticism of the my not understanding of the problem to get it solved.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 11, 2011, 12:00:44 AM
Quote from: plengo on May 10, 2011, 11:28:21 PM
I am pretty convinced this is for real too. That was the only thing I could spot looking very closely to the videos that was strange (as I said before).

Everything on the video, the voltage fluctuations, the cables, the way the motor spins and current changes, the voltage variations of the DC and the motor reaction, the non-Lenz effect when the lamp is connected and the speed did not change.

If this was a fake is a dam good fake of tremendous details. Details of the level of one guy that should KNOW how it should behave in those conditions. Which is only possible for people that really experiment with this stuff.

I am glad I am doing the investment on the parts and I tell you they ARE NOT CHEAP at all and I will probably still buy more to make this correct.

I put my money where my mouth is!

Good deal plengo.  I'm glad you see it now.  Have you stripped coax cable before?  I've done plenty and it was obvious for me and hopefully for others too now. 

build on ....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 11, 2011, 12:14:48 AM
Quote from: Dbowling on May 10, 2011, 11:48:33 PM
Just a quick word on rotors. I cut mine out of "cutting board" plastic that can be bought at any restaurant supply house. They are 1/2 inch thick, which is the same thickness as the neos I am using. I drill a 1/2 inch hole in the center on my drill press, so that once it is rough cut on the ban saw, jig saw, or whatever saw I happen to feel like using that day, I can slide it onto the shaft of my bench grinder after the grinding wheel is removed. Then I can spin it up to high rpm's and use any one of a number of word working rasps, files, etc., to smooth it down to its final shape and assure that it is ROUND. Then I stick it back on the drill press, using the 1/2 inch bit through the existing hole to center it. I clamp it into place, and then remove the 1/2 inch drill bit and drill whatever size center hole I want. I usually cut two at once and make them all the same. Then I use a template to mark the center holes for the positions of the magnets, and drill the holes for them. Here are two I made today with 1" neos fro this project.

Dbowling,  Nice suggestions and just what we need at this point as some may hesitate to spend a lot more at this point so money saving ideas are great.  Seeing as many new people here I have a feeling there are a whole lot more replications going on than we can even guess.  In general I think most forums have 10 to 20% of the people actually making posts and 80 to 90% just reading and building while being quiet.  Some people are just shy and some are just quiet types but I think this device is going VIRAL ! 

Sorry Romero I hope this doesn't effect you in any negative way but unless it was a buyout that's going to end up in Walmart in 6 months I gotta say the world needs this NOW and not stuffed away in some underground facility or shelved or in R & D for 20 years or any of the other nonsense that seems to always happen. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 11, 2011, 12:17:27 AM
Its a clear as day the  battery lead is the coax supply from the DC inverter.  If you ever stripped back a laptop supply you see the same wire. Its SHIELDED coax because its a switching inverter and is RF noisy and there are inline chokes fitted near the inverter also.

Oh wait that might be an AA battery with some black tape around it...oh bugger.:)

PS make sure you find some nice cores otherwise this ain't going to work. Its the very reason Muller went in search of special black Amorphous sand. However in recent years high power Switching PSU's require very high permeability cores some are 100 or 1000 times better than standard ferrite so no need to go looking for black sand.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 11, 2011, 12:41:13 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 10, 2011, 11:34:45 PM
bolt,  any ideas where one can find some small metglas or similar rods?  I was looking for some but so far no luck.  Not sure I can afford but will consider it if I can find some.

i did spot some yesterday on a google search they are not easy to find you need specialist core company. None on ebay either only standard ferrite stuff.

I don’t know how well it would work but try 2 or 3 rings toroidal cores made of metglas or better and glue them together. Plenty of those things everywhere compared to tube cores especially if you go over 1/4".  Wrap a piece of card around them then wind on to that instead. If you see the SR Kapandze replication he used about 12 off metglass toroidal cores. Im only mentioning this because everything is related in this game. He almost certainly used counter wound opposing coils instead of magnets to create the backend flux re-gauging then forced the cores into the non linear BH region. The modulated HT provides the cores excitation without spinning magnets. Sorry to detract but when you "join the dots" in these systems makes it a lot easier to understand what it happening here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: eisnad karm on May 11, 2011, 12:48:16 AM
I am hoping someone does replicate this. well at worst you will a few extra parts for future projects. To the MIB and big oil fans...go read up on Rossi. He has a device that puts out kilowatts of power while only consuming a gram of Hydrogen and nickle and an unknown catylist. Is very small and the greek government is supporting it and investors are funding it. They are planning to start with 300,000 units per year plus lincence other companies. It costs all up less than 1c  kilowatt to run. He is involving Universities in verifying it and they are signing licence deals world wide. So where is the MIB and big oil. He has demonstrated publically and to the press out puts 40 times the input...may not be overunity exactly but is simplistic and spectatcular.
So for all the conspiracy theorists please go explain how he has managed to do that.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElectricGoose on May 11, 2011, 01:32:22 AM
Quote from: OscarMeyer on May 11, 2011, 01:09:33 AM
I thought you guys were smarter than this  ::)

REALLY???  You thought that??  LOL  :D

When the people wanna believe....they wanna believe enmasse....TESTIFY!!!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Poit on May 11, 2011, 01:55:32 AM
I too thought he was shorting the battery out, but after further examination I concluded (what others here have pointed out too) that the black wire is split into a white and a grey...

All in all, this project looks very promising..... my only wish is to build it my self .. but i feel my skills and experience just isn't enough to get my head around it (technically) :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: steeltpu on May 11, 2011, 02:03:10 AM
trolls are still trying.  This may seem off topic.  However I hope all of you can see how appropriate it is at this time as it is the same situation or close to it.  It is time to stop putting up with this bullshit.  Stop looking over your shoulder if you have something.  Time to turn the tables and become the pursuers instead of the pursued.
Look at this and tell me this isn't maddening and much the same as what is happening here.  This just came out today:

Kill Order #?

I have just learned from a highly reliable source that the FBI now has a kill order on Jim Humble.  That’s me.  I wish I could say that the Government source isn’t very reliable, but this source has proven to be very reliable up to this time.  Several plans were to be considered including having me invited to a country in Asia and there I would have an accident.  The other possibility was that I could have an accident here in the Dominican Republic, but that would be a less likely plan.  But remember, when Obama says kill, that's what they do.  It doesn't matter if they are guilty or not.   

Why not?  They kidnapped my friend, Greg Caton, from Ecuador and brought him back to prison after Ecuador had given him political asylum.   It was in the newspaper about a year ago.  Check it out for yourself. Search for "Greg Canton Kidnapped" in Google search.   I have another friend in prison for healing people and another one, with his legs blown off for healing people.   There is a list of 160 scientists who have made inventions that would aid mankind in one way or another who have died violent deaths in the past 20 years.  That isn’t my idea.  Check it out on the internet.   I don’t care if you believe in conspiracy theories or not; just be willing to read.  It’s all there.

The reason I am telling you this is, so that when I come up missing or come up dead you will know what has really happened.  And of course, you probably already know that should my death occur, all my books and other materials on MMS become public domain. That is already written into my copyright.  Hopefully then, people who knew me or of me will print my books, mainly the last one, and hand them out wholesale until everyone on the planet has one.

I know that there are many of you that are not accustomed to this sort of thing, but on the other hand I have gotten letters from time to time that show that there are many people who do know the score.  And the score is, that there are people in this world who are beginning to lose money because of MMS.  That, of course is, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, clinics, doctors, and a host of related industries.  They aren’t too worried about a few million dollars of losses now, but they are looking at the huge loss that will soon be happening when MMS becomes popular. We all know that, “the love of money”, is one of the main reasons for the world’s problems.

Of course, it is a little late for them to do anything now with more than 8 million people having used MMS and with thousands of web sites and with thousands of MMS success stories posted all over the world. But still, if they could say I disappeared and then if they put some poisoned MMS out without me to oppose them they might make some of their lies stick.  Remember, for every cancer patient that they convince that MMS doesn’t work they make $800,000 dollars for the cancer industry. A similar story exists for malaria the worst disease of mankind and many other diseases."

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 11, 2011, 02:58:02 AM
yesterday it was all about the fun of assembling things. Let's try to keep that way. Maybe we learn some things in the process. It does not really matter what kind of conspiracy theory is true regarding romerouk, he gave all the info he had, all he asked is a confirmation for the process. In the end it was not him claiming anything, he only tried to replicate other's claims. I see no point for him to disappear without a reason(whatever that would be)

ps: I wonder why bill muller was not shot
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wopwops on May 11, 2011, 03:07:29 AM
I wonder why Sterling Allen wasn't all over this one? Does anyone else find that weird?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 11, 2011, 03:26:10 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 11, 2011, 02:58:02 AM
Maybe we learn some things in the process

hi Tudi, welcome back

what did you make of the Dragone paper i posted for you?


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 11, 2011, 03:53:58 AM
Hi nul-points

In the first line of dragone document it states : ...the current in the coil is turned on, the coil fields can aid or cancel the PM field.
That means you are sacrificing power from a source to cancel out an electromagenetic field. There is only loss here and absolutly no gain. He might be right about harnesing the "comback of the EMF" which in absolut theoretical values would give you a total 0 energy cycle ( you spent energy to cancel out the EMF, then your harnessed the resonant circuit to get back that same energy).
They say that a permanent magnet creates a magnetic field that is considered a STATE and not energy. You cannot harness a state. Yes, moving metals close to a magnet will also try to align their state to their neighbour thanks to the mechanical energy you sacrifice to force them move closer or leave the field.
Yes, the document is right about the fenomenon of thermal energy gain loss when fields get created or colapsed. This is documented on wikipedia. Permanent magnets are created at high temperature and high magnetic field when the structure of the material gets rearanged. This magnetic property will be lost if one of the above conditions are met to cancel out the rearangement. This is important to know to understand why the core of a coil heats up. As you move a permanent magnet close to the ferite core, you sacrifice mechanical energy to rearange the structure of the ferite core to inherit the magnetic state of the permanent magnet. As the magnet leaves the vecinity of the core the ferite gets rearanged again. Due to the 2 state changes, the mechanical energy gets converted into heat.
Yes, there are theories this heat can be converted back to another form of energy.

short version: muller generator is about having balance. The idea is to not convert mechanical energy into heat by changing the ferite core. It is also about avoiding the trap of the backemf.
Imagine you breath through a pipe. The air is electron flow. You try to inhale using the pipe ( PM getting close to coil) but you take your mouth away when breathing out ( the colapsing field will try to obtain energy from other forms ). There are theories that this colapsing field will take much longer to get to a 0 point then the amount of time it takes to build up, some say that in case the circuit separation is not mechanical + strong enough a virtual capacitor will get created at the separation point and slowly discharging ( the discharge gap of many devices i see around ).

Why i think this circuit might work :
- there are states of this machine when electromagnetic fields are getting created and colapsed. EMF is a state, it is not energy ! State changes come from mechanical energy in this device.
- there is a smart circuit to try to separate the back EMF from the EMF buildup
- the positioning of the magnets ABOVE the coils that are trying to balance the magnetic state of the machine

how i imagine this circuit could be improved :
- achieve the perfect magnetic balance. This is as i imagine a state when the rotating plate in the middle will not try to stick in to a certain position. It will continuesly rotate without having a very strong lockdown position. This will ensure a close to 1:1 mechanical to electrical conversion if the ferite rods will not try to change magnetic state( heat up ).
- improve the back EMF separation circuit. Try to do some math for the breakpoint of diodes and transistors. Make sure you will manage to break the resonant circuit (R L C )
- make sure you give enough time for the coils to demagnetize. Not sure where this energy will be drawn from. Your best case is heat ( i just read documents ) maybe switching to a new source (like ground grounding )
- the ferite core details might be important. If this gets heated then it is not good at all.

The devil is in the details. The number of coils / magnets, there should be no state 0 of this device, it should be in perfect balance, the spacing between magnets, coils needs to get close to perfection. One coil will always build up EMF while the other will try to deplete.

But note that a perfect balanced device will run for quite a while from the initial input energy. Think about a pendulum clock that can run for a day or so from 1 kick. So, to test out the gain, you should have a strong as possible consumer (lightbulb) that will not kill the looping device.

PS : i'm a programer that spends all day debugging issues. My job is to be an analist and not a physician. I try to see the multiple aproaches and try to get the common part of the circuits described on this forum. Try to eliminate the nonsense parts and get the main idea.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scotty1 on May 11, 2011, 03:59:29 AM
Hi all. Just a note on the DC2DC converter.
It was someone on this thread who told Romero to get the DC converter!!!
He didn't have it in his earlier tests...it was suggested to him by us!

I wish the latest events didn't happen.....but I think I will make a rep as well.
Another thing to note is that there is no real need for any driving coils. Any prime mover would do because the output is regulated, so i think builders should make the rotor/stators and  gen coils first and make some running tests. It will save lots of time.
All we need to do is tune the machine so that we get output under load without acting on the prime mover.
The tinkering will be in setting the coil spacing and the biasing magnets....a little sigh when thinking about that.  ;D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 11, 2011, 04:24:04 AM
Quote from: wopwops on May 11, 2011, 03:07:29 AM
I wonder why Sterling Allen wasn't all over this one? Does anyone else find that weird?
Maybe Sterling Allen could see something we don't.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aedini on May 11, 2011, 04:24:10 AM
Quote from: bolt on May 11, 2011, 12:17:27 AM
Its a clear as day the  battery lead is the coax supply from the DC inverter.  If you ever stripped back a laptop supply you see the same wire. Its SHIELDED coax because its a switching inverter and is RF noisy and there are inline chokes fitted near the inverter also.

Oh wait that might be an AA battery with some black tape around it...oh bugger.:)

PS make sure you find some nice cores otherwise this ain't going to work. Its the very reason Muller went in search of special black Amorphous sand. However in recent years high power Switching PSU's require very high permeability cores some are 100 or 1000 times better than standard ferrite so no need to go looking for black sand.
I was able to get amorphous metals,
And can be the size of the data produced by my heart
But I can not determine: the effect of amorphous metal is indeed beyond the ferrite.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: pese on May 11, 2011, 04:36:40 AM
@ Tudi,
that was an very fine analysis of the problems ... and give to think about this.. tks

This DC/DC Converter to use is fully NONSENSE and to complicated, also with minimus 10 % losts.

It give more and EASIER WAYs, to regulate the input and putput voltages, drive up and to hold the optimum of rotating speed.

Possibly: No inverters . no semiconductors needs

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 11, 2011, 04:47:38 AM
There is problem with getting cores, in Europe.
Those average Joe's ferrite rods that everyone offers are crap, they are not meant for high flux operation.
I'm not into combo-core from toroids also because hole in the middle would offer "parasitic" flux path.
I guess best option is try to localize I parts from EI or other core types that are made from proper material, for example Sendust.
If anyone has had success with getting proper stuff in Europe please tell.

Possible shapes in order of preference:
rod (at least 10mm diam, 20mm length)
plate (can be stacked to form a block)

Materials in order of preference:
- Sendust or other high saturation point,
low eddy loss material
- ferrite meant for power applications,
with low eddy loss

And again, tinkering with steel bolts and laminations is *pointless*. Seems it cannot be said enough times :)


Request for admins to really try to cut the crap on this thread.
Also everyone, please learn to reply without including whole original post...
We have extremely poor Signal To Noise ratio here :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 11, 2011, 04:48:14 AM
Hi folks, I fired up my setup with just the 5 coil/cores, only one driving coil in repulsion, just to see if it would spin up to a decent rpm.
At 12 volts it's probably around 500 rpm, though with using the reed switch, the pulse on time may be too long or the 24 gauge wire may be drawing too much amperage as the coil/core is getting rather hot.
Of course it could be the steel bolt, though I've had similar steel bolts run cold to the touch in other pulse motors.
So my guess is too much amps for this coil.
It was drawing 700 milliamps no load, and when I shorted one coil it only rose about 50 milliamps.
Anyway, this was just to see if it would even spin up properly.
Though of course, eventually I will get get ferrite cores or equivalent.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: aircore on May 11, 2011, 05:01:12 AM
Hi bolt
You talking: "make sure you find some nice cores otherwise this ain't going to work. Its the very reason Muller went in search of special black Amorphous sand. However in recent years high power Switching PSU's require very high permeability cores some are 100 or 1000 times better than standard ferrite so no need to go looking for black sand"

Here: amorphous alloy core
If the use of amorphous alloy core material, the effect can be completely beyond the ferrite does it?

Quote from: Aedini on May 09, 2011, 10:56:34 AM
Hi Romerouk:
   I was able to get amorphous alloys, But also in accordance with the requirements and the size of my production, If I use it to make the coil core, Will get better effect?

   The following are commonly used in magnetic parameters of comparison:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 11, 2011, 05:14:25 AM
BTW Aedini did NOT get amorphous stuff, I explained it here:
Seems that chinese just have problem with terminology.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 11, 2011, 05:27:42 AM
I just bought that DC converter from Maplin and opened. The circuit takes all space inside, leaves no room for a battery.If the circuit is removed will be removed with the voltage switch too as is soldered direct on the board. If there is a battery is not there.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 11, 2011, 05:35:16 AM
Im not speaking about what Romero did, but there is many ways for "replicators",
For example with Supercapacitor 58.33 Farads with a maximum voltage of 15V and maximum energy storage of 5133 Joules at a cutoff voltage of 7.0V ... this allows the SC to power a hypothetical 5W load for 17.11 minutes or a 20W load for 4.28 minutes. When combined with power supply like the HESC104, HESC-SER, or HPSC104-SER, the result is a “no Battery” uninterrupted power supply (UPS) complete with 4A charger and power management features capable of supplying short term power to a system for a set period of time until a proper shutdown is completed and/or main power is restored.
Is it difficult to change the cover of CAP???
May be  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 11, 2011, 05:40:12 AM
thanks Tudi, that was a very comprehensive and considered reply

maybe you have now started the 'ball rolling' (or the 'rotor turning'?) with the input of some theory into this thread?

to advance theory we need more facts

we've had so little actual performance data from Romero (just one unscaled scope shot of a single genr. coil response, and some meter shots) that it's very difficult to get a feel for the characteristics of the device, so far

i think this will change as people start to make progress with their builds and can feed back more comprehensive data

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: pese on May 11, 2011, 05:43:14 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 11, 2011, 05:35:16 AM
Im not speaking about what Romero did, but there is many ways for "replicators",
For example with Supercapacitor 58.33 Farads with a maximum voltage of 15V and maximum energy storage of 5133 Joules at a cutoff voltage of 7.0V ... this allows the SC to power a hypothetical 5W load for 17.11 minutes or a 20W load for 4.28 minutes. When combined with power supply like the HESC104, HESC-SER, or HPSC104-SER, the result is a “no Battery” uninterrupted power supply (UPS) complete with 4A charger and power management features capable of supplying short term power to a system for a set period of time until a proper shutdown is completed and/or main power is restored.
Is it difficult to change the cover of CAP???
May be  ::)
what is the size of such a cap ??

IT IS BIGGER than an battery  holding same capacity. .
it is sure that no things loke this, must be used fpr running over long time
(because less than 100% efficency)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 11, 2011, 05:48:45 AM
Size is similar to this big cap on the video, as well as two bolt connectors on the top  ::)
Only coverage is different,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 11, 2011, 05:51:58 AM
Quote from: OscarMeyer on May 11, 2011, 01:09:33 AMIf this guy was for real, don't you think he would have posted the plans on a site like this before showing the entire world?

That's exactly what I would do too. I'd present my invention (if I had anything) on this website first, like many others because it's internationally one of the most well known pages for alternative energy. Good day, Mr. Troll.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 11, 2011, 06:09:47 AM
I do not see any problem to use SUPERCAPs, even when low voltage, what are much cheaper, you can only speak that there are 300 turns and appr. 12V output, but in reality you have just 3V and you use step-up, switch-mode DC/DC converter. Now when you need to rebuild it for "small capacitors", you will buy really small size ones from sellers from China  ::) Why to spend a big money for goofy believers  8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 11, 2011, 06:12:06 AM
are this supercapacitors 15volts? can you show a link?
that link before is for 2.5 volts
Diameter 1.3 inches (33 mm)
Length 2.44 inches (62 mm)
Tab width .25 inches (6.4 mm)
Tab height .23 inches (5.9 mm)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 11, 2011, 06:20:35 AM

FUL INFO RomeroUK  HD VIDEO , FOTO  my syte ....

free dowload ,save,copy...



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 11, 2011, 06:24:23 AM
Here is what I have so far.  Now I am waiting UPS and the mail service.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 11, 2011, 06:31:14 AM
Quote from: plengo on May 10, 2011, 10:50:21 PM
I just watched again and indeed at 2:52 to 2:55 where he connects the red cable, which is ALSO connected to the negative, to the positive of the battery for about 8 seconds (which should definitely melt the cable). See pics.

I don't know what this means. I am not saying it is a fake, actually I think it is for real, but something is wrong here.


Plengo, it looks to me simply that the output cable of the DC convertor is co-ax type. The outer black sheath has been removed for a couple of inches to reveal the outer wrap (made of aluminium foil or tin coated copper) conductor and the inner insulated conducter.

The outer wrap conducter has been unferled from surrounding the inner conductor and then retwisted and connected to a common negative on the battery.

It's colour is almost the same in the photo as the insulation on the inner conductor so it it gives the misleading impression that, from the red wire to the battery negative there is a direct connection via the white wire.

As both wires exit the black cable sheath, the whitish looking wire on the left connecting to the red wire is the inner conductor (still in it's insulated coating) and the whitish/greyish looking wire on the right is the twisted outer conductor connected to the negative.

Left and right are two separate conductors emerging from inside the single black cable from the DC converter output.

The inner conductor has been connected to the red wire shown which is only sitting on top of the black probe. It is not connected to the negative of the battery.

Cheers ..... at the least that's the way my bad eyes see it.

P.S. - Just been reading back through some posts and it looks like this had already been answered.
I hope I'm just as late keeping up when it comes to my own funeral !!  :P

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 11, 2011, 06:38:16 AM
Quote from: David70 on May 11, 2011, 06:12:06 AM
are this supercapacitors 15volts? can you show a link?
that link before is for 2.5 volts
Diameter 1.3 inches (33 mm)
Length 2.44 inches (62 mm)
Tab width .25 inches (6.4 mm)
Tab height .23 inches (5.9 mm)

You even do not need 16 or 24 volts, the only thing you need is the tommyrot talking,
And of course you can change one big supercap to number of smaller sizes  - rersult will be the same or even better ;)
In reality your coil (pair of) unit gives out only few volts and you use DC-DC step up converter to get 12v,
Others will buy a lot of stuff, will spend the last family money for superalloy, for Metglas and for etc ... and everyone will wonder "why my replication does not work?"  >:(
And of course you need to be very resentful when someone surmise about hidden batteries or about invisible wires ... you must to be good actor, bringed to tears and after that you need to to blab out to someone from forum, that "two men visited you and offered ... millions ... oh sorry, I have no rights anymore to continue with public discussion.

NB !!!
I do not accuse anyone - I just abridge one of scenario how it could be done, the OU  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 11, 2011, 06:52:50 AM
To be honest Im not familiar with Supercaps (or Ultracapacitors, does not matter how you call it) - I have none  :-[
if not open then just Google -> Supercapacitors Replace Batteries with Help of 3mm × 3mm Charger
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 11, 2011, 07:11:02 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 11, 2011, 06:52:50 AM
To be honest Im not familiar with Supercaps (or Ultracapacitors, does not matter how you call it) - I have none  :-[
if not open then just Google -> Supercapacitors Replace Batteries with Help of 3mm × 3mm Charger

Interesting and pertinent article.   Link didn't work but search did.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on May 11, 2011, 07:39:30 AM
Anybody have observed the speed on this thing is much slower in the video where he is running it "suspended" compared to the other videos?

Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 11, 2011, 07:40:15 AM
Quote from: plengo on May 10, 2011, 11:50:33 PM
Your're right. Please, read my post before this one. I am with you. Let's build. My parts are on the way.

We need ALSO to look at every detail of this video and evidence presented. We will dissect it many times since it is not an easy thing to come up with an OU device. So, with that being said, I will probably show many more pictures and ask more questions about it.

Not to be skeptical at all, after all you can see my videos on Youtube and easily see I am crazy believer in OU and a experimentalist. It is simply necessary to honestly discuss ALL the parameters and eliminate doubt. It is through this process that we learn.

In my case, I raised an issue and Now I learned how the DC is connected back to the battery which I was not able to see before, BUT it took my honest open criticism of the my not understanding of the problem to get it solved.



And peace be to you Fausto, NO Problem.  Keep at it!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 11, 2011, 07:44:44 AM
Today i opened 2 computer power supply's and in one of them i found 4 of the ferrite cores romero was using, 6mm x 15mm. The other supply had 2 cores of 6mm x 30mm, don't know if i can cut them in half?
So if you want the same cores he was using find some old computer power supply.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 08:09:07 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 11, 2011, 06:38:16 AM
You even do not need 16 or 24 volts, the only thing you need is the tommyrot talking,
And of course you can change one big supercap to number of smaller sizes  - rersult will be the same or even better ;)
In reality your coil (pair of) unit gives out only few volts and you use DC-DC step up converter to get 12v,
Others will buy a lot of stuff, will spend the last family money for superalloy, for Metglas and for etc ... and everyone will wonder "why my replication does not work?"  >:(
And of course you need to be very resentful when someone surmise about hidden batteries or about invisible wires ... you must to be good actor, bringed to tears and after that you need to to blab out to someone from forum, that "two men visited you and offered ... millions ... oh sorry, I have no rights anymore to continue with public discussion.

NB !!!
I do not accuse anyone - I just abridge one of scenario how it could be done, the OU  ::)

stop the discussion with the supercapacitor.
There was no one.
ALso in the first video he has only the coils output directly via the bridge rectifiers to the lamp
and it was also 24 Watts out and only about 11 Watts input
with NO capacitor !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 11, 2011, 08:12:45 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 07:50:29 PM
well, whatever :) call it litz, in UK is called Stranded Enamelled Copper -
Bunched copper conductors each strand individually enamelled
Ref: ST01250007-500

No more 7 X 0.125MM SOLDERABLE STRAND EN.Cu Ref: ST01250007-500 on http://wires.co.uk/acatalog/st_wire.html

Did they sold out already ? It was there a few days back when i checked  ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 11, 2011, 08:13:13 AM
Hi David70,

Would you mind taking a close-up picture of the opened converter, please?
Would like to see it, not because I do not believe you but to see how big heat sink is involved (I suppose it is a switch-mode converter).
(You can attach max file individual size of 500kB here, it is more than enough for a closeup, I think.)

Thanks,  Gyula

Quote from: David70 on May 11, 2011, 05:27:42 AM
I just bought that DC converter from Maplin and opened. The circuit takes all space inside, leaves no room for a battery.If the circuit is removed will be removed with the voltage switch too as is soldered direct on the board. If there is a battery is not there.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 11, 2011, 08:22:15 AM
greetings pop-pickers!

(... a little bit of nostalgia there, for sad old Brits like myself  ;)  )

the main supply switch is NOT at the position shown in the schematic!
(page 1 this thread, as at 12:33 GMT 11 May '11)

when Romero switches off the device at the end of the "self-run test 1" vid (18:48), the DC converter is no longer connected to the joint output of the FWBRs - but it is STILL CONNECTED to the buffer cap

IF there was a battery in the cap then it would be STILL CONNECTED to the motor drive when Romero disconnects the FWBRs!

yet, instantly he disconnects the FWBRs (at 18:48) you can hear the rotor start to spin down

the FWBR o/p is across the only 2 connections on the buffer cap, so IF there was a battery inside the cap, then we'd then have to claim that Romero has also hidden an extra circuit into the cap which detects that the battery terminal voltage has dropped slightly (because no i/p now from FWBRs) and therefore disconnects the battery from those same 2 terminals

of course, at start-up, such a circuit would then need to be able to detect that the FWBRs have just been connected and connect the battery to those same 2 terminals again

so to avoid extra sensing complexity, our 'Cap-Spoofing' circuit would probably need to be continuously connected to the 'hidden' battery (or have a 2nd battery available) so that it could re-connect the main battery to the terminals again

got to admire this Romero guy's ingenuity & dedication to spoof...

we can see there's already plenty of work gone into building the Dynamo - but just look at what he's had to achieve to make a battery look like a cap, eh?  ;)

the whole 'battery-in-cap' objection starts to look just a tad, shall we say, 'far-fetched'?!?

OK, so getting back to reality...

the DC Conv was switched to 12V at ~18:10 (DVM shows 12V)

Romero states that at 12V DC conv setting he reads ~15V at buffer cap

energy for 15V in 47000uF cap (at switch-off, 18:48) ~= 5.3 Joules = 5.3 Watt-seconds

at 12V i/p the motor draws 12W

so - at switch-off, with 5.3 Watt-seconds in the cap, and even IF the DC converter could convert it all (which it can't!) then the cap can only supply enough energy to drive the motor for less than HALF a second!

it's pretty clear, therefore, that the ONLY function of the buffer cap is to filter the FWBR o/p waveform and provide steady, smoothed DC

ie. when Romero disconnects the FWBRs - that baby is just going to spin down
(taking about 100 seconds - replicators please note - good bearings - low cogging - nice work Romero!)

this same argument applies to a SuperCap - IF there was a SuperCap hidden inside the 47000uF case, then it would have to get disconnected by the same sort of circuit i just described - otherwise the rotor would NOT spin down in 100 seconds

my conclusion?

Romero's self-run motor is ONLY getting rotated by the energy obtained from the 7 generator coil-pairs

let the replications continue!

...my drink's a Guinness, thanks - Slainthe!  :)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 11, 2011, 08:47:00 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 09:06:34 AM
that was bad ideea....
I was reading all posts for yesterday and I am finding this one strange, bad ideea what?
I am looking before this post and I can see Baroutologos post talking nice there, nothing bad, the post is edited too, maybe there was something before and removed after.
Strange is that before Romero's last post he had some other posts, I think like 2 hours difference, and no sign of leaving, even showing picture with components for the next build.
I think something happend in between this 2 hours that made him change everything.

I need to find the cable to connect the phone to the pc, I have taken pictures already but no cable.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 11, 2011, 08:50:09 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on May 11, 2011, 08:13:13 AM
Hi David70,

Would you mind taking a close-up picture of the opened converter, please?
Would like to see it, not because I do not believe you but to see how big heat sink is involved (I suppose it is a switch-mode converter).
(You can attach max file individual size of 500kB here, it is more than enough for a closeup, I think.)

Thanks,  Gyula

Hi Gyula and David70
it's okay I can do it now, I have one to,  I just need to get past the security screws ???
why would you put security screws on a DC converter  >:(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 11, 2011, 08:54:52 AM
Quote from: David70 on May 11, 2011, 08:47:00 AM
I was reading all posts for yesterday and I am finding this one strange, bad ideea what?
I am looking before this post and I can see Baroutologos post talking nice there, nothing bad, the post is edited too, maybe there was something before and removed after.

hi David

Romero & Baroutologos were in regular contact on Romero's forum (apparently now pulled) - so maybe Romero was replying to something which Baroutologos had mentioned via another channel?

just an idea

[EDIT - apologies - just seen that my post co-incided with Chef's!]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 11, 2011, 08:57:47 AM
Ok powercat and David70, thanks.


I can recall what you noticed because I saw the unedited text from Baroutologus.  He included the link to RomeroUK's own forum and at that time point Romero had already too many mails to handle so this is why Romero said it was a bad idea. Then Baroutologus editied out the link in his post.


I just noticed Chef also answered this, ok.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 11, 2011, 09:05:35 AM
Okay for those who want to look inside Pandora's box  ;D  I mean the DC to DC converter.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 11, 2011, 09:13:08 AM
Dear powercat,

Thank you, though this is not the exact type Romero used I do believe his type is very similar inside because of the mechanical sizes. His type was adjustable from 1.5V to up 12V, your type is designed for upconverting, for running laptops for instance from the car battery.

rgds,  Gyula

EDIT here is the link I gave to Romero to buy the converter for looping:

I suggested this to him here
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284263#msg284263  and Romero answered
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 11, 2011, 09:14:17 AM
I think yours is another model going to 24volts, the one I bought today is going upto 12volts
Title: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: sterlinga on May 11, 2011, 09:28:08 AM
It has been brought to my attention that this demonstration was a hoax.

Question, could the perpetrator be criminally charged?  Or would this be a civil matter?  What would be the charge?  Who would /could bring the charge?

If you know the answer, would you mind Cc'ing me to my email via sterlingda {at} pureenergysystems.com

We're working up a story for this for PESN and want to include that information to help deter any future hoaxes.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 11, 2011, 09:31:55 AM
Sorry about the size issue, I always get bigger than I need,
I learned a long time ago that inverters and converters are much more efficient when they don't get hot and stressed out.
My mains inverter is 1000 W but I never draw more than 300 W, the inverter only gets warm and the fan never comes on, since I have been doing this my batteries last much longer ;D
(I live on solar power most of the time)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 11, 2011, 09:35:36 AM
There is no proof this is a hoax. Do you have proof?

For civil claim there must be a breach of contract. Did you have a performance contract with him?

For criminal claim  there must be an injured party. Are you injured or suffered harm?

Stop wasting people time with this hoax stuff. Its real enough to be replicated then you can see for you self. All the information was given freely and open source. Take it or leave it.
Title: Re: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: citfta on May 11, 2011, 09:38:11 AM
Wouldn't you have to prove it was a hoax or at least have some evidence it was a hoax?  Other than some wild speculations on this thread do you have any real evidence this was a hoax?  I think you are wasting your time.

Quote from: sterlinga on May 11, 2011, 09:28:08 AM
It has been brought to my attention that this demonstration was a hoax.

Question, could the perpetrator be criminally charged?  Or would this be a civil matter?  What would be the charge?  Who would /could bring the charge?

If you know the answer, would you mind Cc'ing me to my email via sterlingda {at} pureenergysystems.com

We're working up a story for this for PESN and want to include that information to help deter any future hoaxes.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 11, 2011, 09:47:56 AM
according to Mr. Alan we shall all be all have criminal charges. At one point in time many people posted their results and findings, good or bad. No one is forced to replicate or do anything.
Muller and others had lots of people replycating their devices, and never succeeded, that means criminal penalties against them?
Can we force someone to disclose all findings? Yes/No ?
This way we will better stop posting anything before someone takes this ideea seriously.
Personally I tought that Mr Alan is for progress and freedom not against it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on May 11, 2011, 09:55:23 AM
Companies and corporation fight each other to hire the TALENT that are the experts in the fields of intelect and technology that they offer for sale in their products and services.  So an entity that wished to capitalize on Romerouk's find would not want to purchase the device.  They would want to hire HIM.  It is through his expertise that they would have the best chance to be first to market with devices that utilize the technology he has harnessed.

If you assume also that Romerouk is the upstanding fellow he appears to be, working with such a company would be the fastest way to HELP the people that need the benefits of this technology.  Helping us "nutters" to have personal generators on our workbenches is a nice validation, but only a delay in getting this into products that can help the world.  So by joining a reputable company he could get financial security and further his desires to pursue inventing and propagating his visions.  Who wouldn't jump on that?

I hope the reality is more like this scenario, or that he has just stepped off the stage for now for his own peace of mind.  He has definitely given enough information to the public to ensure it is not lost.  So no "buyout" scenarios with intentions to suppress makes sense.

Now, back to work, all of you.  The replicators have my admiration and gratitude.  Please post everything you learn, including the failures.


Title: Re: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: teslaalset on May 11, 2011, 10:01:31 AM
Quote from: sterlinga on May 11, 2011, 09:28:08 AM
It has been brought to my attention that this demonstration was a hoax.

Question, could the perpetrator be criminally charged?  Or would this be a civil matter?  What would be the charge?  Who would /could bring the charge?

If you know the answer, would you mind Cc'ing me to my email via sterlingda {at} pureenergysystems.com

We're working up a story for this for PESN and want to include that information to help deter any future hoaxes.


Sterlinga, don't rush with your conclusions this is a hoax.
It's not clear what happened. Hold your horses for a while.
It could be RomeroUK was put under pressure to declare this is a fake.
Replicators here have sufficient data to replicate.
A few weeks from now will clear up the fog on this probably.

b.t.w. you made a misspelling on your e-mail address
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 11, 2011, 10:11:57 AM
Deleted by Teslaalset
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: abdlquadri on May 11, 2011, 10:16:48 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on May 11, 2011, 09:55:23 AM
Companies and corporation fight each other to hire the TALENT that are the experts in the fields of intelect and technology that they offer for sale in their products and services.  So an entity that wished to capitalize on Romerouk's find would not want to purchase the device.  They would want to hire HIM.  It is through his expertise that they would have the best chance to be first to market with devices that utilize the technology he has harnessed.

If you assume also that Romerouk is the upstanding fellow he appears to be, working with such a company would be the fastest way to HELP the people that need the benefits of this technology.  Helping us "nutters" to have personal generators on our workbenches is a nice validation, but only a delay in getting this into products that can help the world.  So by joining a reputable company he could get financial security and further his desires to pursue inventing and propagating his visions.  Who wouldn't jump on that?

I hope the reality is more like this scenario, or that he has just stepped off the stage for now for his own peace of mind.  He has definitely given enough information to the public to ensure it is not lost.  So no "buyout" scenarios with intentions to suppress makes sense.

Now, back to work, all of you.  The replicators have my admiration and gratitude.  Please post everything you learn, including the failures.



Can u give an example of one free energy device that has gotten this financial security. I can give up to 10 that have been surpressed thru this model u r proposing.
Title: Re: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: abdlquadri on May 11, 2011, 10:17:03 AM
Quote from: sterlinga on May 11, 2011, 09:28:08 AM
It has been brought to my attention that this demonstration was a hoax.

Question, could the perpetrator be criminally charged?  Or would this be a civil matter?  What would be the charge?  Who would /could bring the charge?

If you know the answer, would you mind Cc'ing me to my email via sterlingda {at} pureenergysystems.com

We're working up a story for this for PESN and want to include that information to help deter any future hoaxes.

Title: Re: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: teslaalset on May 11, 2011, 10:19:30 AM
Quote from: abdlquadri on May 11, 2011, 10:17:03 AM

Sterlinga is the owner of a quite influencial and informative website on new energy technology.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 11, 2011, 10:20:49 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 08:09:07 AM
stop the discussion with the supercapacitor.
There was no one.
ALso in the first video he has only the coils output directly via the bridge rectifiers to the lamp
and it was also 24 Watts out and only about 11 Watts input
with NO capacitor !

Why to anger, Stefan  :o
I did repeat several times I do not speak about Romero, I just thought about how its possible to fake,
just need to change the label (the name and  figures)  and SuperCap looks like common electrolytic cap  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 10:22:53 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 11, 2011, 10:20:49 AM
Why to anger, Stefan  :o
I did repeat several times I do not speak about Romero, I just thought about how its possible to fake,
just need to change the label (the name and  figures)  and SuperCap looks like common electrolytic cap  ::)

Then figure out how he did the first video with the lamp directly connected to the rectifier
output without any DC2DC converter...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 11, 2011, 10:41:59 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 11, 2011, 10:20:49 AM
I do not speak about Romero, I just thought about how its possible to fake,
just need to change the label (the name and  figures)  and SuperCap looks like common electrolytic cap  ::)

i disagree, khabe:

Quote from: nul-points on May 11, 2011, 08:22:15 AM
the main supply switch is NOT at the position shown in the schematic!
(page 1 this thread, as at 12:33 GMT 11 May '11)

when Romero switches off the device at the end of the "self-run test 1" vid (18:48), the DC converter is no longer connected to the joint output of the FWBRs - but it is STILL CONNECTED to the buffer cap

IF there was a battery in the cap then it would be STILL CONNECTED to the motor drive when Romero disconnects the FWBRs!

yet, instantly he disconnects the FWBRs (at 18:48) you can hear the rotor start to spin down

the FWBR o/p is across the only 2 connections on the buffer cap, so IF there was a battery inside the cap, then we'd then have to claim that Romero has also hidden an extra circuit into the cap which detects that the battery terminal voltage has dropped slightly (because no i/p now from FWBRs) and therefore disconnects the battery from those same 2 terminals

of course, at start-up, such a circuit would then need to be able to detect that the FWBRs have just been connected and connect the battery to those same 2 terminals again

so to avoid extra sensing complexity, our 'Cap-Spoofing' circuit would probably need to be continuously connected to the 'hidden' battery (or have a 2nd battery available) so that it could re-connect the main battery to the terminals again
the whole 'battery-in-cap' objection starts to look just a tad, shall we say, 'far-fetched'?!?
the DC Conv was switched to 12V at ~18:10 (DVM shows 12V)

Romero states that at 12V DC conv setting he reads ~15V at buffer cap

energy for 15V in 47000uF cap (at switch-off, 18:48) ~= 5.3 Joules = 5.3 Watt-seconds

at 12V i/p the motor draws 12W

so - at switch-off, with 5.3 Watt-seconds in the cap, and even IF the DC converter could convert it all (which it can't!) then the cap can only supply enough energy to drive the motor for less than HALF a second!

it's pretty clear, therefore, that the ONLY function of the buffer cap is to filter the FWBR o/p waveform and provide steady, smoothed DC

ie. when Romero disconnects the FWBRs - that baby is just going to spin down
(taking about 100 seconds - replicators please note - good bearings - low cogging - nice work Romero!)

this same argument applies to a SuperCap - IF there was a SuperCap hidden inside the 47000uF case, then it would have to get disconnected by the same sort of circuit i just described - otherwise the rotor would NOT spin down in 100 seconds

from  link -->  http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg285674#msg285674 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg285674#msg285674)

enough distractions - let's get back to work, eh?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 11, 2011, 10:42:36 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on May 11, 2011, 09:55:23 AM
Companies and corporation fight each other to hire the TALENT that are the experts in the fields of intelect and technology that they offer for sale in their products and services.  So an entity that wished to capitalize on Romerouk's find would not want to purchase the device.  They would want to hire HIM.  It is through his expertise that they would have the best chance to be first to market with devices that utilize the technology he has harnessed.

If you assume also that Romerouk is the upstanding fellow he appears to be, working with such a company would be the fastest way to HELP the people that need the benefits of this technology.  Helping us "nutters" to have personal generators on our workbenches is a nice validation, but only a delay in getting this into products that can help the world.  So by joining a reputable company he could get financial security and further his desires to pursue inventing and propagating his visions.  Who wouldn't jump on that?

I hope the reality is more like this scenario, or that he has just stepped off the stage for now for his own peace of mind.  He has definitely given enough information to the public to ensure it is not lost.  So no "buyout" scenarios with intentions to suppress makes sense.

Now, back to work, all of you.  The replicators have my admiration and gratitude.  Please post everything you learn, including the failures.



Are you serious or is it some kind of excentric humor  ::)
When you are serious, then ... oh dear ... need to be hurry and ask doctor to give some pills :o
Talent ... experts ... intelect ... technology ... oh boy, what kind of bathos!!! .... mhh, this is very serious case,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on May 11, 2011, 10:48:26 AM
on a negative note, in the video where its running suspended it looks to me as if its going entirely too slow to be working in self-run the same way it was displayed before being suspended.

on a positive note, in the original video he has an insane amount of excess if you factor in obvious losses. the information he has already provided should be more than enough to create a replication if someone can afford the parts.
with the info hes given id think this replication would at least show a unity if done correctly, assuming it was poorly replicated. seems like his results are far too efficient for at least a "ballpark" to not easily be reached with a few tries.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on May 11, 2011, 10:51:10 AM
Quote from: abdlquadri on May 11, 2011, 10:16:48 AM
Can u give an example of one free energy device that has gotten this financial security.
I have not seen one device that was ever shown to be "free energy" where enough details were disclosed so that successful and demonstrated replications were produced.
Quote from: abdlquadri on May 11, 2011, 10:16:48 AM
I can give up to 10 that have been surpressed thru this model u r proposing.
Go ahead and try to back that statement up with facts.  Name any 10 where enough details were disclosed so that successful and demonstrated replications were produced, that were then successfully suppressed.

The suppression theories can only be a reality if the device/technology to be suppressed is NOT disclosed to a large enough audience.  RomeroUK made sure to disclose that level of detail before he "disappeared".  I, for one, hope he has been offered the chance to bring the technology to market sooner, or just is waiting for the replicators to catch up.  You can believe whatever you want.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 11, 2011, 10:53:05 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 10:22:53 AM
Then figure out how he did the first video with the lamp directly connected to the rectifier
output with any DC2DC converter...

I have to hash over one time more:
I did not speak about Romero and hes device,
I just did fantasise how it could be done - to build any such kind of UO device and present on the video as successful performance :o
with due respect,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on May 11, 2011, 10:56:55 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 11, 2011, 10:42:36 AM
Are you serious or is it some kind of excentric humor  ::)
When you are serious, then ... oh dear ... need to be hurry and ask doctor to give some pills :o
Talent ... experts ... intelect ... technology ... oh boy, what kind of bathos!!! .... mhh, this is very serious case,
Quite serious.  I work for a high tech company in a field with relatively few competitors.  We guard our talent against competitors.  We will not post a company organization chart for this reason:  Recruiting firms would use it to try and convince our talent to go to the competition.

And when anyone does leave, they usually end up working for the competition.  We hire from our competitors all the time.
Title: Re: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: i_ron on May 11, 2011, 10:58:04 AM
Quote from: abdlquadri on May 11, 2011, 10:17:03 AM

Sterling got badly burned on the mylow thing and so is just trying to cover his ass here with this stupid remark.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 11, 2011, 11:01:26 AM
I just finished reading every post in this thread and as hard as it is to believe a real OU device to exist, I believe RomeroUK's device is real. The design may be different enough from the Muller Dynamo because of the increase in output that it can be Patented. In view of this, it is more than likely that someone with money (the rich get richer) made an offer that he accepted. I hope he first gets a good lawyer since a device like this sold outright would be worth trillions a year! Royalties or limited use along with hundreds of millions up front may also be an option. Romero needs to look out for Romero first!

In any case, enough was posted to build this for yourself as hobbyists without any future patent infringement.
I hope everyone continues on their projects to duplicate the device. Unless something different comes up, I plan to start my build this weekend.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 11, 2011, 11:10:46 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on May 11, 2011, 10:56:55 AM
Quite serious.  I work for a high tech company in a field with relatively few competitors.  We guard our talent against competitors.  We will not post a company organization chart for this reason:  Recruiting firms would use it to try and convince our talent to go to the competition.

And when anyone does leave, they usually end up working for the competition.  We hire from our competitors all the time.

Yeah, now it is more understandable at least for me
and no bathoses anymore  ::)
Surelly I was not to offend you , just my style of joke   ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 11, 2011, 11:11:25 AM
  I know Sterling Allan personally.  Decent fellow, but I did not like his post claiming a hoax by RomeroUK --without a shred of evidence presented.  And it almost sounded like a threat of "civil" or "criminal penalties", ie. a Lawsuit.  And he spoke of an embarassing article at his website -- but who will be embarrassed in the end?

Such talk by Sterling unfortunately puts a damper on efforts to pursue alternative energy and I don't like it.

I sent Sterling an email, will let you know what he responds.

Posting at OUResearch this morning:
"OMG Stirling is talking about going after him in the courts for wasting peoples time to deter similar future hoaxes, and they have his address, what a mess"
In response to Sterling's post here...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 11, 2011, 11:14:53 AM
Quote from: Magneticitist on May 11, 2011, 10:48:26 AM
on a negative note, in the video where its running suspended it looks to me as if its going entirely too slow to be working in self-run the same way it was displayed before being suspended.

hi Magneticist

iirc Romero first tried to video his device suspended from a cord - he reported that it swung about too wildly to make a reasonable video so he ended up trying to video it in his hand

another member (neptune?) made an unconnected comment much earlier, i believe, giving a warning to replicators about possible dangers when trying to move a reasonably heavy spinning disc because of gyroscopic forces

i also thought it sounded like the motor was running slower, but i'm thinking perhaps Romero switched the DC converter to a lower voltage purposefully to make it easier to hold the device steady with one hand whilst trying to video it with the other

seem reasonable?

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 11, 2011, 11:20:39 AM
@lumen . In my opinion this device can not be patented as it has already been open sourced and the details published .
Title: Re: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: abdlquadri on May 11, 2011, 11:37:42 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on May 11, 2011, 10:19:30 AM
Sterlinga is the owner of a quite influencial and informative website on new energy technology.
Thats why I am worried about his post
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 11, 2011, 11:43:40 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 11, 2011, 11:20:39 AM
In my opinion this device can not be patented as it has already been open sourced and the details published .

I wish that were true, but just because you show your device and how it works in public does not mean you forfeit your property or intellectual rights. Unless he makes claim that he gives this to the people the forum only works as proof as the actual inventor.

I'm not a Lawyer but I'm sure the money this would be worth could buy new laws!
(like the rest of them we have)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: merlynmetal on May 11, 2011, 11:57:59 AM
Earlier in the thread I posted a link to ferrite rods available from Farnell:



Please someone advise if these are OK for the replication and what is the difference with those pulled from a PC PSU used by Romero.
I found a source for 9x0.10mm and 12x0.10mm Litz wire which I hope will do the job.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 12:09:20 PM
Quote from: merlynmetal on May 11, 2011, 11:57:59 AM
Earlier in the thread I posted a link to ferrite rods available from Farnell:



Please someone advise if these are OK for the replication and what is the difference with those pulled from a PC PSU used by Romero.
I found a source for 9x0.10mm and 12x0.10mm Litz wire which I hope will do the job.

About the wire, just go with coils, that have about 5 Ohms DC resistance with 300 windings.

I wonder, if one could not just use loudspeaker lowpass or highpassfilter coils
on ferrite cores...
These are probably much easier to get preassembled.

I think the only tuning required is to get the magnetic flux to
switch back and forth inside the ferrite rods of the coils.

So I guess also a solid state design could be made.

We only have to fiqure out what needs the lowest
energy input to switch back and forth the magnetic flux
inside a ferrite rod core of a big coil
from 2 or more stator magnets
attached with small airgaps to the ferrite core.

Maybe something like 2 torroidal cores in series
180 degrees out of polarity as in the ORBO design
will do the trick as BackEMF or CounterEMF induction into them will just cancel out...??

Regards, Stefan.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 12:13:10 PM
By the way,
I found the complete name, adress and telephone numbers and a picture
of RomeroUK via a little Internet searching.

I tried to call him,
but he does not answer the phone.
Maybe he is still on work and not yet home.
I will try again this evening .

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: sterlinga on May 11, 2011, 12:22:39 PM
Quote from: sterlinga on May 11, 2011, 09:28:08 AM
It has been brought to my attention that this demonstration was a hoax.

Question, could the perpetrator be criminally charged?  Or would this be a civil matter?  What would be the charge?  Who would /could bring the charge?

If you know the answer, would you mind Cc'ing me to my email via sterlingda {at} pureenergysystems.com

We're working up a story for this for PESN and want to include that information to help deter any future hoaxes.


I've been asked where I got that info.  It came from Romero himself in this message: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg285496#msg285496

As follows:

Quote from: romerouk on May 10, 2011, 02:45:39 PM
T H I S  W A S   A   B I G    F A K E,      S T O P  R E P L I C A T I N G
World will be the same


Also, I got the following email from Romero:

From: RomeroUK
To: sterlingda...
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 8:37 AM
Subject: RomeroUK

Dear Mr Sterling,

I am sending this email after I saw your opinion on the forum.

First of all I do not have that device anymore, probably is destroyed, I have no idea and I don’t care anymore.

I have spent years in trying to do different things, replicating all sort of devices and spent lots of money for that.

This last week was a nightmare for me, you have no idea under what pressure I have been and how many people contacted me, warnings that I should keep quiet, people saying they run multimillion companies and want be to build for Africa,… and in the end, yesterday, I had a personal visit after leaving my day to day job.

I had the impression that I live in a free country but it was demonstrated that anything is possible, we will never move forward.

I am an IT guy and I thought that I have a good brain but now after that I even forgot simple passwords and things I use every day, this is how scared I am.

I have a family, kids and they are most important for me. I had a lot of problems home with my wife because this too, she never wanted me to publish any of my work, but I did, and it looks that I should have listen to her. Well, now I learned my lesson.

I have never asked anyone for money or invited them to do a copy of the device I built, I have only showed my results, no intention to harm anyone in any way.

All I want now is to enjoy the life I had before and forget about doing any more research, I don’t have the power to do that anymore.

I am not good for this kind of pressure, I already have hearth problems, it is not worth it.

I just hope that one day someone better than me will have the strength to go thru all this.

I have always stated that I have no intention to sell or do any public demonstrations, please check my posts on overunity forum.

This is the end I hope, I don’t want be contacted by any other people, I have no more info to share. All I had I posted free and it is better to be considered as not working.

Best Regards,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 11, 2011, 12:29:43 PM
Quote from: merlynmetal on May 11, 2011, 11:57:59 AMEarlier in the thread I posted a link to ferrite rods available from Farnell:

I would pick these:

Material: 4B1

Looking at the specs it very good in terms of Eddy currents.
Saturation is low like it is always with ferrites. But if romerouk succeeded with "random" ferrite I guess these will do at least as good, just dont molest them with too powerful magnets and small airgap.

In any case much better than "cat in the bag" from PSUs. Maybe I'll order these too if no luck with Sendust etc.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: pese on May 11, 2011, 12:29:46 PM
Ãœbersetzung von Deutsch nach Englisch

Which way do I take to regulate the Muller generator?

The generator produces more power after this high
Speed ​​is reached. An increase in output voltage (and power) will rotate the drive motor even faster, so this speed increase dangerous.

DC works with a regulation loss (mon. 10% and is an electronic device that will eventually be corrupted.

A simple rule is mechanically possible by the level of the coils.
(input or output, or both, of the magnetic disk
further away, as soon as this is spinning faster.
(Change in distance coils to spinning magnets)

In this way, it's easy to mechanically possible
the output voltage down, or the
Putting the drive motor speed, because the drive coil can be further from the magnet.

GOOGLE translating have help me. German source here:

POSSIBLY (?) it is an easy way to minimize some problems

Welchen Weg nehme ich zum regulieren des Muller Generator ?

Der Generator erzeugt mehr Power, nachdem dieser hohe
Geschwindigkeit erreicht. Ein Ansteigen der Ausgangsspannung (und leistung) wird den Antriebsmotor noch schneller drehen lassen, sodass sich diese Geschwindigkeit gefährlich erhöht.

Eine DC Regulierung arbeitet mit Verlust  (mon. 10% und ist ein elektronisches device, das irgendwann fehlerhaft sein wird.

Eine EINFACHE REGELUNG, ist mechanisch möglich, indem man die Ebene die Spulen.
(Input oder Output, oder Beide, von der Magnetplatte
weiter entfernt, sobald diese sich schneller dreht.
(Change in distance coils to spinning magnets)

Auf diese Art ist es ganz einfach, mechanisch, möglich
die Ausgangsspannung down, oder die
Drehzahl des Antriebsmotors herunterzunehmen, weil die Antrieb-Spulen, weiter vom Magnet entfernt werden können.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 12:30:55 PM
Here are a few useful ferrite rods I found on Ebay,
follow this link:

Title: Re: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 11, 2011, 12:36:46 PM
Quote from: sterlinga on May 11, 2011, 12:22:39 PM
I've been asked where I got that info.  It came from Romero himself in this message: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg285496#msg285496

As follows:

Also, I got the following email from Romero:

From: RomeroUK   [snip]

Thanks for responding, Sterling.  RomeroUK sounds sincere to me, but very frightened.  Very.

"yesterday, I had a personal visit after leaving my day to day job.

I had the impression that I live in a free country but it was demonstrated that anything is possible, we will never move forward.

I am an IT guy and I thought that I have a good brain but now after that I even forgot simple passwords and things I use every day, this is how scared I am.

I have a family, kids and they are most important for me. I had a lot of problems home with my wife because this too, she never wanted me to publish any of my work, but I did, and it looks that I should have listen to her. Well, now I learned my lesson."

I think this is why he said "fake" in his final parting post, don't you?  because he had a visit to his home and is now intimidated and frightened?  We are inventors, engineers -- not used to intimidation at our homes.

This is "coerced" testimony, not admissible as hard evidence.
But if you have REAL evidence that the device is a fake, I'd like to hear it.

Meanwhile, if you publish on your website that it is a fake without such firm evidence -- that would be unfair, my friend.  Also, pls note that replications  will come forth.  I'm hoping you will wait and see what the replications bring.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 11, 2011, 12:51:59 PM
@pese .I can see many ways to regulate this device . One way would be to use a suitable light bulb in series with the motor feed .I believe the resistance of a lightbulb increases with temperature , so it would regulate the motor current . A FUSE would also help in the motor circuit . Another simple way for home builders is a centrifugal governor [like steam engine] to switch motor on and off . Pese , I would like to ask you if you think this device works .
       The information from Stirlinga is very revealing . Saying that a thing should be considered as non working, is not the same thing as saying it does not work . Looks like the guy got scared off and maybe bought as well . Patenting will not stop us "rolling our own".Also a quote from Romerouk in his email to stirling ." I only showed my results ." We all saw what he showed . He showed a working machine .Note that he said this AFTER his claim it was a fake .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wopwops on May 11, 2011, 01:09:02 PM
Mylo, is that you?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 11, 2011, 01:11:16 PM
Quote from: wopwops on May 11, 2011, 01:09:02 PM
Mylo, is that you?

MyLow is a low class cockroach. He does not know Electronics. He only knows bar magnets and fishing lines. Oh, some bird species too...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: pese on May 11, 2011, 01:11:44 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 11, 2011, 12:51:59 PM
@pese .I can see many ways to regulate this device . One war would be to use a suitable light bulb in series with the motor feed .I believe the resistance of a lightbulb increases with temperature , so it would regulate the motor current . A FUSE would also help in the motor circuit . Another simple way for home builders is a centrifugal governor [like steam engine] to switch motor on and off . Pese , I would like to ask you if you think this device works .
       The information from Stirlinga is very revealing . Saying that a thing should be considered as non working, is not the same thing as saying it does not work . Looks like the guy got scared off and maybe bought as well . Patenting will not stop uws "rolling our own".
Yes neptune. Look in my Profil  (=sended messages)

2 or 3 days behind i have even given this idea to take an 12V 1 Amo (12W bulb in serie to the input (=motor).  Als let the knowledhe for the negative Temp Coeffizient,, and some more ...

No ONE have given attention to THIS easy way.

Also this "mechanocal way, ist better and more effective to use, can be work without steps "slightly" fine tuning...

tks for your response



I will give more attention for this development now, BECAUSE,
if some "free energy people" ist working withh fully efforts for NO-SAYING !
Than he can be interested (for himself) to modify this item. (!?)

I am sorry if romeruk and others are coming (or feeling) under pressure.  IT is better to OPEN ALL, so no Pressure can be follow.
Gustav Pese

Take replications, if not working, try another way! Most details are unknow.
As the direction /clock CW CCW of winding the coils enz) also little details can change that an device work or not ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: merlynmetal on May 11, 2011, 01:14:26 PM
What I noticed in Romero's email to Sterling he never stated explicitly and or directly that it was a hoax/fraud etc. Maybe after all that noise around him they will make him soon do so but they can't stop others trying to replicate it.
Maybe it will be a good idea for those able to replicate the device successfully in the future to use some sort of internet annonimity tools like Freenet and/or Tor which are guaranteed to work and even banned in some countries because they cannot be controlled.
Or maybe create/transfer the forum to such annonimous environment in order to avoid personal visits...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 11, 2011, 01:25:15 PM
ADAMS MOTOR +1  ???? ...
Title: Re: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: i_ron on May 11, 2011, 01:37:12 PM
Quote from: sterlinga on May 11, 2011, 12:22:39 PM
I've been asked where I got that info.  It came from Romero himself in this message: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg285496#msg285496

As follows:

Also, I got the following email from Romero:

From: RomeroUK
To: sterlingda...
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 8:37 AM
Subject: RomeroUK

Dear Mr Sterling,

I am sending this email after I saw your opinion on the forum.

First of all I do not have that device anymore, probably is destroyed, I have no idea and I don’t care anymore.

I have spent years in trying to do different things, replicating all sort of devices and spent lots of money for that.

This last week was a nightmare for me, you have no idea under what pressure I have been and how many people contacted me, warnings that I should keep quiet, people saying they run multimillion companies and want be to build for Africa,… and in the end, yesterday, I had a personal visit after leaving my day to day job.

I had the impression that I live in a free country but it was demonstrated that anything is possible, we will never move forward.

I am an IT guy and I thought that I have a good brain but now after that I even forgot simple passwords and things I use every day, this is how scared I am.

I have a family, kids and they are most important for me. I had a lot of problems home with my wife because this too, she never wanted me to publish any of my work, but I did, and it looks that I should have listen to her. Well, now I learned my lesson.

I have never asked anyone for money or invited them to do a copy of the device I built, I have only showed my results, no intention to harm anyone in any way.

All I want now is to enjoy the life I had before and forget about doing any more research, I don’t have the power to do that anymore.

I am not good for this kind of pressure, I already have hearth problems, it is not worth it.

I just hope that one day someone better than me will have the strength to go thru all this.

I have always stated that I have no intention to sell or do any public demonstrations, please check my posts on overunity forum.

This is the end I hope, I don’t want be contacted by any other people, I have no more info to share. All I had I posted free and it is better to be considered as not working.

Best Regards,



Thank you for posting that letter from Romero.
The "system" strikes again. His device has been taken away and destroyed. He is not to do research anymore.

There is only one conclusion.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: steeltpu on May 11, 2011, 01:40:43 PM
some news from your friendly steeltpu rumor mill.  i was told that Sterling is See I Aye.  say that out loud if you don't get it.  i have seen some supporting evidence of that.  supposedly to keep a pulse on free energy and then send in the goon squad if anything real or threatening in their mind to the economy.  either that or he is trying to badger romerouk into getting back on here and finishing what he started. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 11, 2011, 01:44:59 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on May 11, 2011, 01:25:15 PM

Okay that's how it looks like WHAT? Could you elaborate on what this video is supposed to illustrate?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 11, 2011, 01:47:53 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 11, 2011, 01:44:59 PM
Okay that's how it looks like WHAT? Could you elaborate on what this video is supposed to illustrate?
viev next video author....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alan on May 11, 2011, 01:58:22 PM
Feel a bit bad for Romero, hopefully someday he'll  post his full story.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaedison on May 11, 2011, 02:14:32 PM
Hello Guys that are doing a great work but I would love to put my two sense into the pot if I may because I did an experiment with just distilled water by itself with the use of Paper clip and stainless steel spoon so if you are interested in how I did it by Tesla's AC with Edison's DC working together please contact me any time about this at:
309-660-4627 ask for me Thomas

PS : Here is a video showing white pure H2 and O2 white cloud gases below
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaedison on May 11, 2011, 02:18:01 PM
Hello Guys that are doing a great work but I would love to put my two sense into the pot if I may because I did an experiment with just distilled water by itself with the use of Paper clip and stainless steel spoon so if you are interested in how I did it by Tesla's AC with Edison's DC working together please contact me any time about this at:
309-660-4627 ask for me Thomas

PS : Here is a video showing white pure H2 and O2 white cloud gases below
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aphasiac on May 11, 2011, 02:18:05 PM
Quote from: steeltpu on May 11, 2011, 01:40:43 PM
some news from your friendly steeltpu rumor mill.  Sterling is . . .  trying to badger romerouk into getting back on here and finishing what he started.

Remember that in commonwealth countries anyone can be charged for any crime.  There may exist some compelling argument, for some, that by threatening Romerouk with criminal action, he will be compelled to further prove the authenticity of his own device in defence of himself. Perhaps this is why Sterling was inquiring.

This, of course, is ethically reprehensible.  We're bigger than that.

Let us build with integrity.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 11, 2011, 02:18:12 PM
@Steeltpu . If sterlinga works for the See Aye Ay , he will not be getting his bonus this year because of letting Rossi`s cold fusion device escape! LOL
@Pese .I seemed to have missed your information on controlling the muller Dynamo . This is a shame because I always value your opinion . I can not find it in your profile pages either . Could you [or someone] please provide a link .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 11, 2011, 02:41:16 PM
Romerouk site dead 3 days ago:


but with WB :

Title: Re: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: i_ron on May 11, 2011, 02:41:49 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 11, 2011, 01:37:12 PM

Thank you for posting that letter from Romero.
The "system" strikes again. His device has been taken away and destroyed. He is not to do research anymore.

There is only one conclusion.



I hope you can still read here?  Just wanted to say thank you (again) and that we will do our best to vindicate you by carrying on this great work.

"They" may have waited to long to suppress this, the genie is out of the bag. Anyway, we will do our best.

We understand fully. what you said, why you had to do what you did. We are with you in spirit.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on May 11, 2011, 02:54:15 PM
heres a thought... not to ridicule the whole idea because i believe it...

BUT we seem to always have this understanding that there are powerful forces out there intent on silencing or discrediting whoever should come across and attempt to share these energy miracles. from a logical perspective this does seem very real and likely.

But knowing this, we continue to provide our experience in a manner that simply invites these powers right to us.
doing this over and over and expecting these powers to just skip over or ignore us through luck can be called insanity by some people.

it seems we are in need of a better medium with which to share out information that offers an even greater deal of anonymity than this forum.
i like the fact that Stefan is able to backup and store all deleted youtube vids, but thats just a start.

the CIA coming to snatch you away is not only something we should consciously make an effort to avoid, but it provides far too easy of an excuse for would-be hoax starters..

if i was Romero i would not been so open as he was.. i would have shared the same information but not so publicly, and definitely not in a way where my personal information could be tracked down. that is ludicrous.

Anyone who yet again finds themselves traveling down this all too familiar road should consider sharing their information in a completely anonymous manner, which hopefully some of us can create in some type of way. some type of venue where OU info can be shared and the poster has total confidentiality regarding his or her personal life. fight the urge to receive personal praise. its not all about you.

are going to have to go through this yet again?

if we are indeed "rebels" against a governmental oppression then maybe we should start acting like it and move accordingly to work against this oppression rather than just bending right over in front of uncle sam asking him to give us a swift kick in the reality ass
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaedison on May 11, 2011, 02:55:49 PM
Hello Guys,
     That are doing a great work but I would love to put my two sense into the pot if I may because I did an experiment with just distilled water by itself with the use of Paper clip and stainless steel spoon so if you are interested in how I did it by Tesla's AC with Edison's DC working together please contact me below at bottom of this message.

PS : Here is a video showing white pure H2 and O2 white cloud gases below


Also more information below too.
      You are not giving the totall account of Dr. Randell Mills processes which he says that the electrons are round shape disks when it comes to a positive proton that the electron wraps around it as a bubble so go check his explanation to what I totally believe is true web site below:

PS if you have any questions about this to please contact me at any time so I can explain his processes which will evidently become the new wave of energy for the future of all of mankind !! 
Thomas C.
Cell Number: 309-660-4627
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 11, 2011, 03:01:56 PM
For all the conspiracy theorists

Come on it's not brain Surgery
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: pese on May 11, 2011, 03:39:38 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 11, 2011, 02:18:12 PM

@Pese .I seemed to have missed your information on controlling the muller Dynamo . This is a shame because I always value your opinion . I can not find it in your profile pages either . Could you [or someone] please provide a link .

you have right. (and i failed, i am wrong)

4 days past i write only in forum that i give easier ways.
(No one ask)
I have changed  some Personal Messages, with
"nul-poinzs" , and written  exactly "same" as your idea".
to him...

Its the easyest way to split this "overvoltages (up to 24v) in to 12V loads that are in series.

Because one load is the "filament bulb" .and the output is "only" 18 volt /for example)
so the motor wir receive more than the half of 18 volts - and the bulb (lamp) less.


If this MULLER DYNAMO REPLICATION can speed up from himself ...

IF it is so. Than it is overunity within !!

BUT it is possibel, that it coudnt replicate againe.

I will wait  and see.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 11, 2011, 03:55:02 PM
Quote from: powercat on May 11, 2011, 03:01:56 PM
For all the conspiracy theorists

LOL .Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaedison on May 11, 2011, 03:55:34 PM
I also figured out with the use of a 100 watt incandescent light bulb which acted like a fuse with the high voltages from a microwave of AC with a light bulb fixture that the light bulb did not turn on or destroyed the fillament inside this 100 watt light bulb and if you have any questions about this please ask away seriously !!  This is part to what I found out with the use of AC and DC from Tesla work and Edison work together !!!

if you want to contact me about this I can if you want to phone me at: 309-660-4627   I am an ex US Navy MOS was TQ Radar Sonar Tech.  my name is Thomas
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on May 11, 2011, 03:57:02 PM
I still feel shocked of what happened since i feel repsonsible somehow for that swift suppression Romero undergone..

I have the impression that my eagerness to rally support from skilled replicators (and not noob theorizers) turned as boomerang by "exposing" Romero's site in an "inspirational" post of mine few pages ago. I readily realized my mistake and post was soon after modified.

But it seems i turned undersired attention to the forum he was administrator and i was a member, to people that are not useful at all. Romero and i exchanged private emails saying (politely) that was a most bad idea since from his forum, the DNS entries are registred (as he explained) to his real name and address etc.
I am not a computer guy and did not know this.

Less than 20min from my last post, our forum hacked and Romero replied privately that he will try to change his details so as not unsolicited contact be achieved.
From then and on, you know as much I know.


underservice.org, was a forum that Romero, I and (sometimes) dlbarre were posting. The forum had hardly 10 people registered and most others were spammers. i was invited there by Romero one year (more or less) ago. I was very interested in his Kapanadze style experiments and mostly back then in his Kapagen replica.

Stefan (our admin) knows that, since I exchanged with him private mails that i said back then Romero has some nice results out of his device.

Anyway, the forum was not secret at all (just google the name RomeroUK or Baroutologos). Romero's work there and mine's was in public view and in my youtube account i have posted videos that were attached to forum's posts and i have told to many people so.  (e.g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hlhg3Fi2Doc )
We have also some half year now exhanged msn and some noons and nights we were chating about our devices.

As i said, i did not shared always same beliefs with Romero but i respect him (although i considered him optimistic in his evaluations sometimes) and have learn a LOT from his advices in respect to the electromechanical tinkering. (i feel like his student)

This is why, I BELIEVE Romero's device is genuine and i will replicate it, be the last thing i will do in this hobby.

For historical (and commemorating) reasons i saved last few pages of the forum to my HDD since i somehow expected this kind of attack sooner or later to manifest. (was sooner btw)

Nothing more to say. This is our chance to take this thing a step further. Each one of you believing in Romero or my sayings, should keep on and take your time for the perfection of the suggested device.


Romero be you and your family safe my friend.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on May 11, 2011, 03:59:44 PM
Quote from: teslaedison on May 11, 2011, 03:55:34 PM
I also figured out with the use of a 100 watt incandescent light bulb which acted like a fuse with the high voltages from a microwave of AC with a light bulb fixture that the light bulb did not turn on or destroyed the fillament inside this 100 watt light bulb and if you have any questions about this please ask away seriously !!  This is part to what I found out with the use of AC and DC from Tesla work and Edison work together !!!

if you want to contact me about this I can if you want to phone me at: 309-660-4627   I am an ex US Navy MOS was TQ Radar Sonar Tech.  my name is Thomas
All this is very interesting, but not relevant to this Muller Dynamo discussion.  I would recommend that you start a new thread for these new items.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: pese on May 11, 2011, 04:09:44 PM
Quote from: teslaedison on May 11, 2011, 03:55:34 PM
I also figured out with the use of a 100 watt incandescent light bulb which acted like a fuse with the high voltages from a microwave of AC with a light bulb fixture that the light bulb did not turn on or destroyed the fillament inside this 100 watt light bulb and if you have any questions about this please ask away seriously !!  This is part to what I found out with the use of AC and DC from Tesla work and Edison work together !!!

if you want to contact me about this I can if you want to phone me at: 309-660-4627   I am an ex US Navy MOS was TQ Radar Sonar Tech.  my name is Thomas
It is in anyway better to use ohm-ic loads.
With instant Neon or led, you can not find the ouput powr, becaise also RF (High frequencies will "irritade" al mesurements...

To protect the filaments for overload (experimental(  use shunt resistors first (parallel to the lamp
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: merlynmetal on May 11, 2011, 04:21:24 PM
Quoteit seems we are in need of a better medium with which to share out information that offers an even greater deal of anonymity than this forum.

That's what I was suggesting earlier. Most people think that a nickname and password offer protection but in fact it's not very difficult for the skilled to track you down if they want to.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 11, 2011, 04:30:12 PM
Quote from: teslaedison on May 11, 2011, 03:55:34 PM
I also figured out with the use of a 100 watt incandescent light bulb which acted like a fuse with the high voltages from a microwave of AC with a light bulb fixture that the light bulb did not turn on or destroyed the fillament inside this 100 watt light bulb and if you have any questions about this please ask away seriously !!  This is part to what I found out with the use of AC and DC from Tesla work and Edison work together !!!

if you want to contact me about this I can if you want to phone me at: 309-660-4627   I am an ex US Navy MOS was TQ Radar Sonar Tech.  my name is Thomas

Thomas you really should NOT post your phone number and email etc in public forum (a mixture of nice people, crackpots, hitmen and saboteurs)  unless you want a ton of spam mail and crank phone calls at 3 am plus cellphone numbers will get text messages for gambling and titty sites sent hundred times a day. Some text messages actually can take credit off your phone.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 11, 2011, 04:33:32 PM
scaled up ?:



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 11, 2011, 04:52:44 PM
Quote from: Magneticitist on May 11, 2011, 02:54:15 PM
heres a thought... not to ridicule the whole idea because i believe it...

BUT we seem to always have this understanding that there are powerful forces out there intent on silencing or discrediting whoever should come across and attempt to share these energy miracles. from a logical perspective this does seem very real and likely.

But knowing this, we continue to provide our experience in a manner that simply invites these powers right to us.
doing this over and over and expecting these powers to just skip over or ignore us through luck can be called insanity by some people.

it seems we are in need of a better medium with which to share out information that offers an even greater deal of anonymity than this forum.
i like the fact that Stefan is able to backup and store all deleted youtube vids, but thats just a start.

the CIA coming to snatch you away is not only something we should consciously make an effort to avoid, but it provides far too easy of an excuse for would-be hoax starters..

if i was Romero i would not been so open as he was.. i would have shared the same information but not so publicly, and definitely not in a way where my personal information could be tracked down. that is ludicrous.

Anyone who yet again finds themselves traveling down this all too familiar road should consider sharing their information in a completely anonymous manner,
which hopefully some of us can create in some type of way. some type of venue where OU info can be shared and the poster has total confidentiality regarding his or her personal life. fight the urge to receive personal praise. its not all about you.

are going to have to go through this yet again?

if we are indeed "rebels" against a governmental oppression then maybe we should start acting like it and move accordingly to work against this oppression rather than just bending right over in front of uncle sam asking him to give us a swift kick in the reality ass

I've been thinking along the same lines. Totally agree.  But how to share without being squashed? again?  I have a great deal of sympathy for RomeroUK -- I've been there in a rather similar situation, and in my case, it cost me my job.  I hope Romero keeps his, for his family's sake especially.

  I suspect that none of you know who I am, except perhaps one. 
Does it matter?  except that I'm working on alt-energy devices quietly, I've posted mostly on another forum, but far from everything, and I have a good oscilloscope on my home bench and access to state-of-the-art DSO's.

  Let's say a friend has a device, that appears using state-of-the-art DSO's to determine Pin and Pout -- clearly is overunity.  Where could he post the schematic, anonymously? (so the Sea Aye Ay/En Ess Ay/BigOil would not know no who posted it - not easy, I think)  and if he did, would you believe it enough to try it?

  But if you can think of another way to communicate privately, I'd like to hear it, and then maybe my brilliant friend will share his circuit with you.  He'd like to so that it could be checked, but is intimidated.  Yes, its has been replicated and looks good... but I expect you'll want to try it yourself.  One transistor, bifilar winding, brilliant IMO.  How can he communicate it to serious (and non-black-suit) types?

  What I've thought of is this -- we have a meeting where qualified guys bring their "best" devices and we listen and TEST on the spot.  No cell phones around.  VERY careful about who is invited and confidentiality AT the meeting.  Then, we replicate and get the word out all at once around the world via internet when we have a number of working devices.   BIG guys don't get all the money and control of energy.  Humanity benefits.

In the present case with the Muller device , the schematic and details are already out there and folks are replicating.  That's great, and with enough replicators we might be able to get this out to humanity without the invention being squashed or bought up by BIG corps/in bed with/BIG guv-mint.  This may be the best way we've got. 

I'd recommend that at least 3 replicators privately agree to announce their results at the SAME MOMENT, wherever in the world they are.  This MOMENT could be pre-determined here without the replicators identifying themselves further until that time where the results (and build details) are actually disclosed, all at once. 

Somehow, we've got to stop playing on the chessboard that THEY control.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Staffman on May 11, 2011, 05:04:54 PM

Cool find. It sure looks like a scaled up Muller motor. I did a little research. The website for the company is no longer in service, and not on Archive.org. [http://www.newspacetechnology.co.th/] The only other mentions that I could find were from Searl's page- it just mentions that they(NST) were helping him manufacture some components for him.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 11, 2011, 05:10:59 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 11, 2011, 04:52:44 PM
I've been thinking along the same lines. Totally agree.  But how to share without being squashed? again?  I have a great deal of sympathy for RomeroUK -- I've been there in a rather similar situation, and in my case, it cost me my job.  I hope Romero keeps his, for his family's sake especially.

  I suspect that none of you know who I am, except perhaps one. 
Does it matter?  except that I'm working on alt-energy devices quietly, I've posted mostly on another forum, but far from everything, and I have a good oscilloscope on my home bench and access to state-of-the-art DSO's.

  Let's say a friend has a device, that appears using state-of-the-art DSO's to determine Pin and Pout -- clearly is overunity.  Where could he post the schematic, anonymously? (so the Sea Aye Ay/En Ess Ay/BigOil would not know no who posted it - not easy, I think)  and if he did, would you believe it enough to try it?

  But if you can think of another way to communicate privately, I'd like to hear it, and then maybe my brilliant friend will share his circuit with you.  He'd like to so that it could be checked, but is intimidated.  Yes, its has been replicated and looks good... but I expect you'll want to try it yourself.  One transistor, bifilar winding, brilliant IMO.  How can he communicate it to serious (and non-black-suit) types?

  What I've thought of is this -- we have a meeting where qualified guys bring their "best" devices and we listen and TEST on the spot.  No cell phones around.  VERY careful about who is invited and confidentiality AT the meeting.  Then, we replicate and get the word out all at once around the world via internet when we have a number of working devices.   BIG guys don't get all the money and control of energy.  Humanity benefits.

In the present case with the Muller device , the schematic and details are already out there and folks are replicating.  That's great, and with enough replicators we might be able to get this out to humanity without the invention being squashed or bought up by BIG corps/in bed with/BIG guv-mint.  This may be the best way we've got. 

I'd recommend that at least 3 replicators privately agree to announce their results at the SAME MOMENT, wherever in the world they are.  This MOMENT could be pre-determined here without the replicators identifying themselves further until that time where the results (and build details) are actually disclosed, all at once. 

Somehow, we've got to stop playing on the chessboard that THEY control.

I am in
what a good idea.
how do we get this off the ground?

who else?

I am in
what a good idea.
how do we get this off the ground?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hhobrian on May 11, 2011, 05:20:25 PM
Quote from: merlynmetal on May 11, 2011, 04:21:24 PM
That's what I was suggesting earlier. Most people think that a nickname and password offer protection but in fact it's not very difficult for the skilled to track you down if they want to.

Especially since they log our IP on this forum...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 11, 2011, 05:23:02 PM
RomeroUK admired this guy's work very much
Before playing the blame game, give some time for the replications
Title: Re: Criminal penalties for perpetrator?
Post by: sterlinga on May 11, 2011, 05:32:08 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 11, 2011, 12:36:46 PM
Thanks for responding, Sterling.  RomeroUK sounds sincere to me, but very frightened.  Very.


I think this is why he said "fake" in his final parting post, don't you?  because he had a visit to his home and is now intimidated and frightened?  We are inventors, engineers -- not used to intimidation at our homes.

This is "coerced" testimony, not admissible as hard evidence.
But if you have REAL evidence that the device is a fake, I'd like to hear it.

Meanwhile, if you publish on your website that it is a fake without such firm evidence -- that would be unfair, my friend.  Also, pls note that replications  will come forth.  I'm hoping you will wait and see what the replications bring.

Okay, here's the link to our story: http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/ (http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 05:36:57 PM
Quote from: hhobrian on May 11, 2011, 05:20:25 PM
Especially since they log our IP on this forum...

This is only to block and ban spammers.

Okay, maybe the secret services can hack this site also
or have a back door to my hoster...who knows ???

But you still can use proxies to upload stuff here.

Then you are anonymous.

Or just put it out as torrent file downloads or use

Then it could not be deleted so easily.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 05:47:12 PM
Well I just spoke to Romero on the phone and
I have promised him , not to publically tell what he said.

The only thing I can say is, that I still have trust in him.

But he has stopped now the work and must care about his family.

I hope that the replications will prove the case.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 11, 2011, 05:50:10 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 05:47:12 PM
Well I just spoke to Romero on the phone and
I have promised him , not to publically tell what he said.

The only thing I can say is, that I still have trust in him.

But he has stopped now the work and must care about his family.

I hope that the replications will prove the case.

Regards, Stefan.

Thanks Stefan. Even though you can't disclose the gist of your conversation, I take it that the stuff is REAL! So, we will continue to replicate...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: merlynmetal on May 11, 2011, 06:03:13 PM
QuoteBut you still can use proxies to upload stuff here.

Then you are anonymous.

More on Freenet and Tor:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 06:05:15 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 11, 2011, 05:50:10 PM
Thanks Stefan. Even though you can't disclose the gist of your conversation, I take it that the stuff is REAL! So, we will continue to replicate...


Yes, please continue to replicate.

P.S: That is my personal opinion.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 11, 2011, 06:07:25 PM
Quote from: baroutologos on May 11, 2011, 03:57:02 PM
I still feel shocked of what happened since i feel repsonsible somehow for that swift suppression Romero undergone..


Do not blame yourself.  "They" know who all of us are.  It was just something they were a little lax (from their point of view) in putting the damper on... hence the apparent sudden decent of the ax.

If by chance you have further contact with romero, do tell him that the agreement with 'them' is not binding. No contract made under duress is legal, or lawful, they know this. So when the time is right romero can simply declare said contract null and void.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 11, 2011, 06:19:41 PM
Quote from: teslaedison on May 11, 2011, 02:14:32 PM
Hello Guys that are doing a great work but I would love to put my two sense into the pot if I may because I did an experiment with just distilled water by itself with the use of Paper clip and stainless steel spoon so if you are interested in how I did it by Tesla's AC with Edison's DC working together please contact me any time about this at:
309-660-4627 ask for me Thomas

PS : Here is a video showing white pure H2 and O2 white cloud gases below

Guys, I suggest not responding to posts such as this, all things considered here.  It could be bait to get in contact with people on this thread.
And this post does not belong here. Its odd that it is posted here the day after YESTERDAY.  ;)  Dont get caught up in that. Stick with the program. ;]

Im dropping other projects to do some work here. I dont have the funds at this time to order prescribed parts. So I am scaling the size down for what I already have available. And maybe, if things work, it will show that some variations can work and better to prove workability. I have a rotor with mags on a base already and Im going to make the coils in modules that mount to the base. It eliminates a lot of framing work.  ;] And each module can be worked on easier I believe, and allows more ways of tuning by being able to adjust the module position on the base.

There was a post here about figuring a way for people to be able to get together safely on these things.  That would be good. We should all think of ideas like this.
And ideas to help defend your self some way if you do get a visit.
Like hidden closed circuit cam and sound recording, etc.
The more minds that are on these ideas, the better it can be worked out.  just thoughts.
Its just all a shame. 

How about a huge petition site, or even here. Petition these rules or laws.  There has to be something that can be done. Has to be.

A friend of mine had heard of a story a while back about Texaco and Shell coming together. He had told his long time social friend that worked for a news station of it, and said he would tell his boss of this, that it might be a good story to report.
It ended up that his friend contacted him and told him he could no longer talk to him, and to stay away from his family and to leave him alone forever.   :o   What?    So this means the media is already in the know of deep secrets to veer away from. Just how big is Charlot's web?

God, Let me come home. I dont like this plac much any more.  One day.  ;]


Keep on Keepin on.  Be careful and be safe. ;]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 11, 2011, 06:47:53 PM
I wrote:

QuoteWhat I've thought of is this -- we have a meeting where qualified guys bring their "best" devices and we listen and TEST on the spot.  No cell phones around.  VERY careful about who is invited and confidentiality AT the meeting.  Then, we replicate and get the word out all at once around the world via internet when we have a number of working devices.   BIG guys don't get all the money and control of energy.  Humanity benefits.

In the present case with the Muller device , the schematic and details are already out there and folks are replicating.  That's great, and with enough replicators we might be able to get this out to humanity without the invention being squashed or bought up by BIG corps/in bed with/BIG guv-mint.  This may be the best way we've got.

I'd recommend that at least 3 replicators privately agree to announce their results at the SAME MOMENT, wherever in the world they are.  This MOMENT could be pre-determined here without the replicators identifying themselves further until that time where the results (and build details) are actually disclosed, all at once.

Somehow, we've got to stop playing on the chessboard that THEY control.

And Rod, one of the chief replicators, responded:

Quote from: toranarod on May 11, 2011, 05:10:59 PM

I am in
what a good idea.
how do we get this off the ground?

  Rod, you probably know the other replicators or most of them.  Be sure to include the good guys you know, lasersaber, Skywatcher...  If you are willing, have them contact you, and between you agree on a time in the (hopefully) near future when you will all PUBLICLY POST results, simultaneously.   Post on all the forums you can think of, I'd suggest.   You might consider dropping a "classified ad" in some major news papers to appear on the same day, referring to a web site, or some other ways to publicize.  The idea is to get the word out fast and with multiple confirmations at the same time, so you reach the PEOPLE around the globe rather than the BIG-OYL corps.

Then, if you guys can, keep things quiet/between yourselves until that moment of announcement. Keep the black suits off your backs.  No videos till then.  But a couple of self-running devices posted simultaneously on youtube would be great, at that moment.
Others may have some ideas to expand or refine this approach.

I admire you for your willingness to get this out to people.   I keep thinking how the folks in Japan need such an energy source as do other countries -- I have numerous friends in Japan.  But we don't want to have Big-Oyl crush the nascent science, OK, in my opinion!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 11, 2011, 06:56:00 PM
Quote from: teslaedison on May 11, 2011, 03:55:34 PM
I also figured out with the use of a 100 watt incandescent light bulb which acted like a fuse with the high voltages from a microwave of AC with a light bulb fixture that the light bulb did not turn on or destroyed the fillament inside this 100 watt light bulb and if you have any questions about this please ask away seriously !!  This is part to what I found out with the use of AC and DC from Tesla work and Edison work together !!!

if you want to contact me about this I can if you want to phone me at: 309-660-4627   I am an ex US Navy MOS was TQ Radar Sonar Tech.  my name is Thomas

I have to quote Rosemary on this, "Golly" 

This is just too obvious to be good.  Ex navy?   Ask Bob Boyce what he would do. 

Just another warning, dont fall for that crap. 

Every one of his posts, his cell no.  How peculier and out of the ordinary. Heck, Im surprised he doesnt put up a pic of his family and put up his home address.  Why all this? Just post the idea dude.
Is he fishing?  Dont be that fish guys.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 11, 2011, 07:02:24 PM
Hi all,

Has anyone had any joy with coils/core ?

No matter what I try, I cannot seem to get anywhere near the 12 or so volts on a single coil.

I have tried many arrangements.

Any suggetions are welcome

Kind Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 11, 2011, 07:03:21 PM
PS -- here's dreaming, but if others can then replicate in short order following the announcement, this could go viral in both you-tube and the press.  You should have at least one "major" guy like a Professor(?) in the wings...

I was living when the "cold fusion" claims hit the presses -- world wide.   That was energy, also, but replications were, well, not forthcoming.  The media/public attention span is short UNLESS you can keep the ball rolling -- lots of replications and local newspaper articles and TV news, things like that.

Here, you will be MUCH better prepared with replicators in place at various spots in the world (hopefully).  If you could get some in the US, AND in Germany, Japan, UK, etc. -- and push to get into the media -- this could go viral.  And out of the reach of the guys who think we are mere pawns in THEIR game.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 11, 2011, 07:21:02 PM
Quote from: penno64 on May 11, 2011, 07:02:24 PM
Hi all,

Has anyone had any joy with coils/core ?

No matter what I try, I cannot seem to get anywhere near the 12 or so volts on a single coil.

I have tried many arrangements.

Any suggetions are welcome

Kind Regards, Penno

what is your RPM of the rotor and what are the air gap widths in Millimeter ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 11, 2011, 07:31:11 PM
Hey Guys I was little skeptical at the beginning but I'm getting tugged over to your side based on the respect you have for your friend. I had a thought that might add something if you don't mind. Romero mentioned he was working with a model airplane motor and seemed to give an indication that it would work but was two small to work with. He also said he employed the principle in the replication. It looked like Romeo had 9 poles as the stator or 9 coils on the top and 9 0n the bottom. Never the less the proper amount of magnets for a 9 leg stator motor is 12 and it looks like he had 12 magnets. OK unlike having the same amount of coils and magnets the cogging goes way down. Instead of 9 heavy holding points per revolution you go to 36 lighter cogs per revolution. The typical wind for a 9 coil 12 magnet configuration is to have all coils wound in the same direction but the magnets are nsnsn etc. (not saying his is) This combination is optimal for 3 phase operation. I doubt, however, that his coils where connected like a standard three phase motor. Just food for though. There's a lot of things there to sort out. I'm probably out of place putting my two cents in. I haven't done a lot of reading on the invention.
DadHav (John H)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 11, 2011, 07:32:12 PM
I have a web forum somewhere on the net which has had 0 zero visitors except people I implicitly know there has not been one post there for a couple years... And the implicit people are myself with different names for forum testing as I have never got the forum off the ground nor have I advertised it.

I could set up accounts and a forum with specific permissions but I refuse to say the name of the forum name in public...

If you would like to give that a shot...

Too bad you hear this all the time about MIB type shit and it always seems to happen the same way either a 100% of claimed OU inventors all try to sell the same bullshit story or maybe there just may be some real truth behind this it is odd how it always seems to be that sterling is the one to break the MIB story after a hoax or whatever and Hartiberlin seems to draw the original posts yes to some it may appear this way but really this is how a network works to find and scout out real possible stories the whole FE network works together...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: onthecuttingedge2010 on May 11, 2011, 07:35:34 PM
It is not the Government that owns all the Oil, they just tax it., Oil is owned mostly in the private sector. this private sector is what you need to be concerned about.

ad a bit of paranoia and pinch of schizophrenia and you got a good conspirator.

I have a cousin in the C.I.A and they (the foundation) could really give a crap about this site, nor any invention and or theory on this site. unless you are a criminal of course.

but hey, if you like living a mentally chaotic life then go right ahead. please indulge.

Jerry 8) 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 11, 2011, 07:50:12 PM
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2010 on May 11, 2011, 07:35:34 PM
It is not the Government that owns all the Oil, they just tax it., Oil is owned mostly in the private sector. this private sector is what you need to be concerned about.

ad a bit of paranoia and pinch of schizophrenia and you got a good conspirator.

I have a cousin in the C.I.A and they (the foundation) could really give a crap about this site, nor any invention and or theory on this site. unless you are a criminal of course.

but hey, if you like living a mentally chaotic life then go right ahead. please indulge.

Jerry 8)

Maybe not the CIA, but I have read the NSA is involved. I read that they intervened in how 3 phase motors are made as some out there were modifying them for ou. Rotoverter? And involved with how some transformers are made.

As for Govt and tax, you betcha.  I was told today of a town that many of the people there had windmills and eventually they are being taxed for each one, as revenues were reduced because of it.
And now I have also heard of plans to add tax to gas by miles used, and its added at the pump.  I dont recall how, some device, but will tell when I speak to him again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 11, 2011, 08:00:58 PM
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2010 on May 11, 2011, 07:35:34 PM
It is not the Government that owns all the Oil, they just tax it., Oil is owned mostly in the private sector. this private sector is what you need to be concerned about.

ad a bit of paranoia and pinch of schizophrenia and you got a good conspirator.

I have a cousin in the C.I.A and they (the foundation) could really give a crap about this site, nor any invention and or theory on this site. unless you are a criminal of course.

but hey, if you like living a mentally chaotic life then go right ahead. please indulge.

Jerry 8)

So it's a conspiracy theory that the Bushes had stocks in Harken Energy
and Cheney and Rumsfeld have any connection with Halliburton ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 11, 2011, 08:04:13 PM
Hi Stefan,

I am only checking with a single coil/core - trying everything I have available.

My rpms can be changed as I am drving the rotor with a DC motor using a PWM.

I am not concerned yet with the drive side of things.

Wanting to prove the generator side of the device first.

Kindest Regards, Penno

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: onthecuttingedge2010 on May 11, 2011, 08:12:09 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 11, 2011, 08:00:58 PM
So it's a conspiracy theory that Cheney and Rumsfeld have any connection with Halliburton ...

Hi Xeno.

I'll let you answer that for yourself for now, I never followed it so I know nothing about it, I would however like to see you post some news about it so that I could make a discussion based upon your suspicion. could you do that for me please?

the human race will always have wolves in the sheep. in fact, Humans are better at being a wolf than the wolf itself. meaning we have more sheep to be slaughtered than the wolf itself. Humans are the only known perfect predator. not perfect exactly but struggling to be is more the phrase.

so yes, I do agree that a deal of suspicion is adequate so long as there is hard facts and not mere speculation conjured by paranoid schizophrenic people.

trust is the 'center' of all emotions, hell, I even developed this into my A.I bot. all emotions branch out from trust.

trust is thee prime emotion.

Jerry 8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 11, 2011, 08:16:19 PM
Quote from: penno64 on May 11, 2011, 08:04:13 PM
Hi Stefan,

I am only checking with a single coil/core - trying everything I have available.

My rpms can be changed as I am drving the rotor with a DC motor using a PWM.

I am not concerned yet with the drive side of things.

Wanting to prove the generator side of the device first.

Kindest Regards, Penno

Its very possible that the top and bottom coil/bias mags need to be complete in the magnetic circuit. I would at least complete a bottom and top set for testing. It may make a difference. 
One alternate way i was thinking of was just to have the rotor mags aim outwards from the rotor and pickup coils on the perimeter aiming in, but then I reconsidered due to what I stated in my first sentence above.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 11, 2011, 08:17:36 PM
FYI. Today I got my magnets N42 7/8" x 1/2" x 20.20mm  Strong NdFeB Neodymium Disk Magnetsand my Ferrite powder to make my own ferrite rods.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: onthecuttingedge2010 on May 11, 2011, 08:41:38 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 11, 2011, 08:00:58 PM
So it's a conspiracy theory that the Bushes had stocks in Harken Energy
and Cheney and Rumsfeld have any connection with Halliburton ...

Hi xeno.

please refer to post #858 as I had posted.

Jerry 8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: onthecuttingedge2010 on May 11, 2011, 09:04:36 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on May 11, 2011, 07:50:12 PM
Maybe not the CIA, but I have read the NSA is involved. I read that they intervened in how 3 phase motors are made as some out there were modifying them for ou. Rotoverter? And involved with how some transformers are made.

As for Govt and tax, you betcha.  I was told today of a town that many of the people there had windmills and eventually they are being taxed for each one, as revenues were reduced because of it.
And now I have also heard of plans to add tax to gas by miles used, and its added at the pump.  I dont recall how, some device, but will tell when I speak to him again.

I am not fluent with the N.S.A but I believe that they (the foundation) would not be so different than the C.I.A, I just have no relatives in the N.S.A to resolve this discussion. that I know of for certain. anyways.

Jerry 8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 11, 2011, 09:11:19 PM
Quote from: penno64 on May 11, 2011, 07:02:24 PM
Hi all,

Has anyone had any joy with coils/core ?

No matter what I try, I cannot seem to get anywhere near the 12 or so volts on a single coil.

I have tried many arrangements.

Any suggetions are welcome

Kind Regards, Penno

I tried using the coil from a relay from RadioShack (http://www.datasheetcatalog.org/datasheets2/44/449350_1.pdf) and easily will generate 12 or more volts by spinning a wheel with magnets at a mere 100rpm.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 11, 2011, 09:31:54 PM
I thought about an idea how this could work.

Take the rotor Romero did and its coils. There is one less magnet than coil. Cogging is there. Imagine now that we balance things so that cogging is even in every step, magnet approaching coil and passing by with net energy equal 0.

Now, if you spin the rotor fast enough it will somehow spin for a long time with zero energy loss caused by the cogging and only resistance losses. The energy necessary to pass the cogging is gained back as soon as it pass the coil, if repulsion is used as the mechanism. Such as Romero's design.

So far nothing new, no OU. Now, connect the coils to loads, such as 10 ohms resistors and again, balance the wheel by using distance of the magnets and coils and other ways so that cogging is again there but net zero with one difference now, we have a load and heat is created on the resistors. No OU yet, only more losses because of Lenz-laws.

Now, let's imagine that if the closed path of the whole wheel is balanced, as the rotor spins we generate electricity by the coils and the counter-EMF that increases the resistance of the cogging therefore causing greater losses.

How to fix that, imagine that if the closed magnetic path is very balanced in every step of the magnets passing by the coils will always have equal forces on all the points (magnets and coils) but what would happen if in one point we either loose some of the balance via making a magnet flux less intense, would not that cause the rotor to spin one revolution and cog at that unbalanced point?

Would be possible to now unbalance the opposing magnet/coil and restore the current magnet/coil balance causing the rotor to spin again with zero net loss/gain only paying for the unbalancing energy cost?

Would be possible to use the loads on the coils to be elements that cause that unbalance while using the energy generated when the rotor spins because the unbalance magnetic closed path flux?

I remember Romero saying that was very important to tune the motor with the proper load already connected so that the balancing would be specific to that load?

It sounds to me that one could create a very balanced closed path magnetic flux rotor where the coils are the pulsating unbalancing actors for causing the rotor to spin indefinitely only paying for the unbalancing cost which is NOT proportional to the strength of the rotation of the rotor. The rotor will spin proportional to the total magnetic energy in place, stronger magnets stronger spins and therefore more energy generated and less energy necessary to cause unbalance.

Please, shoot my idea.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: pese on May 11, 2011, 09:40:50 PM
Quote from: wings on May 11, 2011, 04:33:32 PM
scaled up ?:



Say nothing
Show nothing
only confusing tangle wire
not comprehensible
Meters ads.


(RomeroUK  YTubes are better to "over-view"


German: see also http://overunity.de 

Link collection of alternative energies and more:
german/englisch, simply htm collected
unprofessional, non-business! kists:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: onthecuttingedge2010 on May 11, 2011, 09:42:08 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 11, 2011, 09:31:54 PM
I thought about an idea how this could work.

Take the rotor Romero did and its coils. There is one less magnet than coil. Cogging is there. Imagine now that we balance things so that cogging is even in every step, magnet approaching coil and passing by with net energy equal 0.

Now, if you spin the rotor fast enough it will somehow spin for a long time with zero energy loss caused by the cogging and only resistance losses. The energy necessary to pass the cogging is gained back as soon as it pass the coil, if repulsion is used as the mechanism. Such as Romero's design.

So far nothing new, no OU. Now, connect the coils to loads, such as 10 ohms resistors and again, balance the wheel by using distance of the magnets and coils and other ways so that cogging is again there but net zero with one difference now, we have a load and heat is created on the resistors. No OU yet, only more losses because of Lenz-laws.

Now, let's imagine that if the closed path of the whole wheel is balanced, as the rotor spins we generate electricity by the coils and the counter-EMF that increases the resistance of the cogging therefore causing greater losses.

How to fix that, imagine that if the closed magnetic path is very balanced in every step of the magnets passing by the coils will always have equal forces on all the points (magnets and coils) but what would happen if in one point we either loose some of the balance via making a magnet flux less intense, would not that cause the rotor to spin one revolution and cog at that unbalanced point?

Would be possible to now unbalance the opposing magnet/coil and restore the current magnet/coil balance causing the rotor to spin again with zero net loss/gain only paying for the unbalancing energy cost?

Would be possible to use the loads on the coils to be elements that cause that unbalance while using the energy generated when the rotor spins because the unbalance magnetic closed path flux?

I remember Romero saying that was very important to tune the motor with the proper load already connected so that the balancing would be specific to that load?

It sounds to me that one could create a very balanced closed path magnetic flux rotor where the coils are the pulsating unbalancing actors for causing the rotor to spin indefinitely only paying for the unbalancing cost which is NOT proportional to the strength of the rotation of the rotor. The rotor will spin proportional to the total magnetic energy in place, stronger magnets stronger spins and therefore more energy generated and less energy necessary to cause unbalance.

Please, shoot my idea.


simply, you are not using 'enough' energy to gain energy. in fact, nobody on this site is using enough energy to gain energy 'if' you can catch my previous drift.

Just being myself.
Jerry 8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wopwops on May 11, 2011, 10:31:57 PM
If you guys want to take your privacy seriously, what I'm reading so far won't cut it. See this:


High-Traffic Colluding Tor Routers in Washington, D.C., and the Ugly Truth About Online Anonymity

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: steeltpu on May 11, 2011, 10:45:47 PM
How to safely release your OU device and get it out to thousands of people and dozens of web sites: 

first you buy a laptop or netbook with WiFi.  pay cash for it and make sure you can't be traced to it in any way.  computers had unique ID's which can be traced online in some cases.  get one off craigslist or similar.  maybe even have a friend pick it up for you.  we're talking paranoid level V here.  but it will be peace of mind. 

next you totally document how to build and tune your device down to the most minute detail so any one who can read would be able to replicate it.  have a complete parts source list and multiple places to get thing would be best. 

get a wifi extender antenna or one of several devices to give you a little more range.  if you know about wifi war-driving than i don't need to say much more but that will not be necessary unless you choose to try it that way.  just pick a nice rainy day if possible and take a drive an hour or two from where you live.  add more time as needed for the truly paranoid.  you have already picked a spot in another city that has free Wifi like a starbucks, mcdonalds or coffee shop or whatever.  you can find free wifi hot spots on the internet.  use a proxy when searching for them. 

  you've already got your complete document in pdf ready to upload.  you may even have a keystroke recorder or similar program that once you start it will fire off your document to many sites and forums.  done right it could take only a minute or two.  but if you are not into keystroke recorders than just have it all planned out ahead where you are uploading and posting.  email people also like stefan and others you know will gladly share it.  at the most you should be able to do all this from your car in 10 minutes.  you have your wifi extender so you don't even need to go in the place.  many places you would not even need an extender as i've used many wifi hot spots from out in the parking lot. 

you've done it!  the world will have free energy!!!!!   if you think you want to include something unique in a separate document so you could claim your fame some day then make a separate document with a brief encrypted message and use something like AES.  Then take that document and encrypt it with Triple Blowfish or some other uncrackable encryption.  Only you will know the message so some day if you choose you release the passwords (very long ones) and the world will know who to thank.  by then big oil and big energy are out of business largely except for lubricating the machines every one now has thanks to you !
  if anyone would like to add any improvements to this plan fire away as this is just off the top of my head.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Staffman on May 11, 2011, 10:56:27 PM
steeltpu is right. Also, if your really paranoid, look up proxy chaining and proxy lists. Be sure to use anonymous and/or high anonymous servers around the globe in multiple countries. Some proxy servers will only work for a short period of time, so test before using. Oh, one more thing... Just so your aware, speeds suck doing proxy chaining, so plan your time accordingly. Just sayin...  8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: onthecuttingedge2010 on May 11, 2011, 11:12:47 PM
Quote from: wopwops on May 11, 2011, 10:31:57 PM
If you guys want to take your privacy seriously, what I'm reading so far won't cut it. See this:


High-Traffic Colluding Tor Routers in Washington, D.C., and the Ugly Truth About Online Anonymity

Simply, turn it off. will your illusions disappear? I really don't think so, the Government has public guidelines that it 'must' follow. are you really running and hiding from the U.S Government? why! if you feel they are tracking "you" down then maybe you do have something to hide and it is not O.U.

there are people who are purely criminal minded but are perfectly normal in society, sometimes not. these are those who get caught. I can even go into lie theory if I need to discuss lie theory in a court of law.

I bet 'most of you never knew there was a 'Lie' Theory did you?

jerry 8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 11, 2011, 11:14:03 PM
Quote from: Loner on May 11, 2011, 09:58:47 PM
Working on replication.  Deleted my post.  Will post failure as me or success as an unknown "New User" from remote computer through ANON site.

That handles security and fun at the same time, no?  Good Luck to all.

Some very good ideas coming forth here.  Can anyone see anything amiss with Loner's suggestion of posting "failures" rather freely, and in that way getting some help/feedback?  I can't see a problem with that.  No need to hide "failures", I agree.  This is where we help each other -- hopefully!

i also like his posting "success as an unknown "New User" from remote computer through ANON site", although through another person's computer (a public library might work, if they don't record YOUR name) and server.  Again, I highly recommend that you replicators agree privately on an exact time when you will all post your successes and details, "en masse" and on several forums, and then the rest of us will be here to help disseminate the information rapidly worldwide. 

I agree with the idea of preserving some record so that you can get due credit later, after the "cat is out of the bag".  Mailing yourself (or lawyer friend) a sealed letter with your detailed posting is another way to do this.

And perhaps keep your device at a friend's house for a day or two after the announcement -- recalling that RomeroUK had his device "taken" and probably (as he said) destroyed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: steeltpu on May 11, 2011, 11:35:28 PM
forget libraries and anon servers.  libraries are one of the most monitored.  read what is posted in most all libraries on using internet.  scary.  read the cryptogon article wopwops posted.  it's good and a lot is just like what i said above.  i did forget to say to use a linux live cd or live usb flash disk.  yes you can have live usb flash disks and they are cheap enough you can throw it away if needed.  4gig flash will cover everything u need and that is less than $10 about anywhere. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 11, 2011, 11:35:53 PM
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2010 on May 11, 2011, 11:12:47 PM
Simply, turn it off. will your illusions disappear? I really don't think so, the Government has public guidelines that it 'must' follow. are you really running and hiding from the U.S Government? why! if you feel they are tracking "you" down then maybe you do have something to hide.

jerry 8)

Jerry, several of us are concerned because of the treatment that Romero reported, and that other inventors have evidently received. It seems that there is a coordination of the government to help big business maintain their control.  A clear example is provided by Monsanto's patenting of seeds and suing farmers who did not plant Monsanto seeds, for somehow picking up pollen or traces from patented seeds.  And winning, with government support for all this.  There are other examples.

In the case of energy inventions, the US Patent Office has guidelines that are unfavorable to "free energy" devices.  I attach a USPTO -- Special document which delineates "free energy" and "perpetual motion" machines as ones that will be held or canned, if they are found out.  It's not a "conspiracy theory", it's in their guidelines.  I invite you to read this. 

I must admit, after seeing the bank bailouts under the last two Presidents, contrary to the wishes of approximately 90% of the US population -- that there does appear evidence for the government working to favor banks (and businesses like Monsanto) over the public wishes.

So we are trying to legally use our Freedom of Speech (see first Amendment, Bill of Rights) and go DIRECT to the public, for the benefit of humanity around the world.

If you ask me, yes I will admit that I don't trust the US or UK (or most other) governments to honor the wishes and benefit of the people over the wishes and profits of corporations and banks.   It is not a matter of legality, for they can pass laws which give enormous bail-outs to banks and favor Monsanto, Halliburton, etc. It is a matter of using our Freedom of Speech to speak directly to our fellow man.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 12, 2011, 12:02:55 AM
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2010 on May 11, 2011, 11:12:47 PM
Simply, turn it off. will your illusions disappear? I really don't think so, the Government has public guidelines that it 'must' follow. are you really running and hiding from the U.S Government? why! if you feel they are tracking "you" down then maybe you do have something to hide and it is not O.U.

there are people who are purely criminal minded but are perfectly normal in society, sometimes not. these are those who get caught. I can even go into lie theory if I need to discuss lie theory in a court of law.

I bet 'most of you never knew there was a 'Lie' Theory did you?

jerry 8)
the government's main prerogative is to invade my privacy...  ::) that and to ensure there is a certain amount of fecal matter in my drinking water. the RIGHT to anonymity is a basic tenet of "freedom". whether or not i (or anyone else) have something to hide is irrelevant.

grift someone's wireless if you are concerned. if you're really concerned, use multiple access points and rotate them randomly like i do. and for the love of the flying spaghetti monster, don't use windows or macintosh operating systems. live linux (i am using a live boot cd right now), learn it. live it.

p.s. i don't have a bank account. ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 12, 2011, 12:15:42 AM
This is all great stuff guys.  Thanks for all of it. We should make a new thread for it, as I think there will be more to come.

Was thinking about encryption soft.  For people a long distance away, how can you safely get the code to the end user for encrypted docs?

Loner has a good way. But the upload would need to be complete.
It seems reasonable for the purpose. As for recognition for the builder, I think most will be on the same page, fugitaboutit.  ;]

Is anyone interested in a new thread for this stuff, or are we all good?

Was thinking, if possible for anyone, that we each should maybe at least have someone here as as a personal friendly contact, just in case someone has a problem like this, or just disappeared, so others can be made aware of the issue.  Say if 7 of us replicators just never show up again, next week even, it would be good for the others to be aware of the reaping being done. Sounds bad, but I think anything is possible considering this experience. Dunno.
Im sure everyone wants to keep going, but are also thinking of these other things and taking it a bit more seriously now. The game is on.

My setup is going to have a 10 mag  6in. rotor as I already have that. Probably 9 coil sets. the mags are 3/8x1/4 disks N52. 

I know most are trying to get exact parts if possible, but RS has a universal plugin car adapter thats 4.5 to 12v. Looks smaller, but may work here.  $40

Im making my own multi strand conductors.

Good luck all


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Charlie_V on May 12, 2011, 01:58:43 AM
How many coils is he using to drive the device versus how many coils he is using as a generator? 

I would think when you engage the coils, the magnetic field needed to cancel out the stationary permanent magnets (PMs) above and below would take the same energy (if not a little more) because you have to cancel the stationary PM field with the coils.

Of course when the rotor spins it would negate the current in the coils until you connected a load.  The load would drag on the rotor and cause current to increase in the driving coils (like a standard motor).  The coils there are just acting the same as if you made the top and bottom permanent magnets moveable perpendicular to the rotor.  You are still going to have to push the flux of those magnets away (whether you physically move the stator magnets or use coils). 

I don't know maybe I'm missing something here?  The only way I could see access energy is if the stationary PMs pushed more on the rotor than what it took to neutralize the field between the stationary PMs and rotor PMs.  What would cause that, is the core material of the coils really special or something?


PS I'm not trying to be an ass here, since after reading my post it sorta comes off that way.  My statements are just how I would logically think and should be viewed more as questions.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 12, 2011, 02:53:14 AM
Well, It looks like Sterling couldn't wait.
I haven't had a chance to read it yet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 12, 2011, 03:35:58 AM
Having seen the same old sad story a number of times in this forum, I list some telltale signs of a hoax or illusion:

1.) I only have one working OU-device:

A honest, mentally sane and intelligent person would build more than one device, just to be sure it works. Even a poor person can do that, it just would take more time than for a person having some income.

2.) I do not tell all secrets of my OU-device because I have worked so hard and therefore I want to become rich:

There are only two directions an inventor can go, either he gives it away for free or he shuts up and only talks to possible investors. Once we have a whiner and wincer, he has nothing, just a hoax, illusions or fraud. Usually it is a mental flaw, because fraudsters are much more clever, they rip off investors with an elaborate scam.

3.) Strange people threaten me:

The only real pressure is having no working OU-device. One has to make it mysterious and strange to hide that fact. And there will be real pressure in case relatives or friends have given money for an impossible project. In case money was borrowed from banks or investors, legal hassles will start. Also enterprises who have invested effort and money into the OU-device (presented by the inventor as working) will become extremely pissed when nothing comes out of it after a while.

4) There always is the straight forward scam (which is legal): write a book or make a DVD about possible OU-devices repeating mysterious tales and rumors based on strange theories never proven.

The best way of handling a working OU-device:

First you must have a few working models. This is the one and only condition, the rest can be done in many ways.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 12, 2011, 04:01:07 AM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 12, 2011, 03:35:58 AM
Having seen the same old sad story a number of times in this forum, I list some telltale signs of a hoax or illusion:

1.) I only have one working OU-device:

A honest, mentally sane and intelligent person would build more than one device, just to be sure it works. Even a poor person can do that, it just would take more time than for a person having some income.

2.) I do not tell all secrets of my OU-device because I have worked so hard and therefore I want to become rich:

There are only two directions an inventor can go, either he gives it away for free or he shuts up and only talks to possible investors. Once we have a whiner and wincer, he has nothing, just a hoax, illusions or fraud. Usually it is a mental flaw, because fraudsters are much more clever, they rip off investors with an elaborate scam.

3.) Strange people threaten me:

The only real pressure is having no working OU-device. One has to make it mysterious and strange to hide that fact. And there will be real pressure in case relatives or friends have given money for an impossible project. In case money was borrowed from banks or investors, legal hassles will start. Also enterprises who have invested effort and money into the OU-device (presented by the inventor as working) will become extremely pissed when nothing comes out of it after a while.

4) There always is the straight forward scam (which is legal): write a book or make a DVD about possible OU-devices repeating mysterious tales and rumors based on strange theories never proven.

The best way of handling a working OU-device:

First you must have a few working models. This is the one and only condition, the rest can be done in many ways.

Greetings, Conrad

Impossible to disagree, be to someone liking or not,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 12, 2011, 04:22:33 AM
@Penno64. Re coil winding and voltage problems . Wind a coil with just 10 turns , and measure the output volts . Divide that by 10 to give you VOLTS PER TURN .Now you can easily calculate how many turns are needed to give a given output voltage . With the 10 turn coil running , experiment with other parameters to get the best output .
     @ All . There is a lot of fear and paranoia here . Anyone can put a black suit on . Could it be that "Gary" , disappointed that he could not buy it , just went to the pub on the council estate and hired some guys with a Ford Transit and baseball bats? To me , that sounds a lot more likely than guv-mint suits .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 12, 2011, 04:37:19 AM
@Conradelectro .Romero`s device does not tick all your boxes . Assuming you built an OU device , could you contain yourself long enough to build several more . I can not recall Romero hiding any information , he answered all questions . Is it not possible that he complained of "strange people threatening him " because strange people were threatening him?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 12, 2011, 05:14:11 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 12, 2011, 04:22:33 AM
     @ All . There is a lot of fear and paranoia here . Anyone can put a black suit on . Could it be that "Gary" , disappointed that he could not buy it , just went to the pub on the council estate and hired some guys with a Ford Transit and baseball bats? To me , that sounds a lot more likely than guv-mint suits .

Yes,  it is likely that a certain "Gary" might have been in the background of the events, see Romero's post here:

There happens to be at least two "Gary"s on this forum and it is far from me to accuse anybody. One of the "Gary"s  (Deepcut) happens to live in London, UK.  Again, I do not wish to accuse him of course, it would be good to read his opinion on this.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 12, 2011, 05:27:39 AM


Results are getting exceptionally Better - so is my understanding.

Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 12, 2011, 05:28:02 AM
Hello to all
Been reading all your comments. Some very interesting points raised. I am keeping notes on all things so when I come across this I have a reference its been noticed before.
I am trying to get supplies together to create an exact replication.
I started this project with what ever I could scrounge up from other left over
Projects but as I have moved along its taking on a very serous important
Nature of its own. Every day I go to a bit more effort to get things just right.

The more we study the layout he presented the more we see specific techniques and if you take into account his back ground and previous builds and the expense he went to get to the one he said was OU you start to see some very interesting designs that cannot be ignored.

He changed the disc size twice. This would suggest there is a very important reason for the time intervals between the magnets and the over lap of the surface face of the coils.
This also suggests the gap between the magnets and the coils is related to the duration of the pulse. With my own research on other pulse motors the gap becomes criteria for tuning to improve efficacy.

Then there is the Litz wire that has a major difference to single strand wire. When I was an audio visual technician almost ever TV and Plasma screen had some Litz wire in it some ware. I can also say magnets on coils is nothing new manufactures have been doing it for years tuning coils by place an ferrite magnet on them.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 12, 2011, 05:37:21 AM
Dear Rod,

Sterling included this letter on this forum too, 2 pages back or so.


EDIT:  The letter was that of Sterling but Rod since wrote another text what is above now.  No problem of course.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hhobrian on May 12, 2011, 05:41:38 AM
Sterling really posted an email to himself from someone who seems he wanted to be off the radar? wow. I would think an email would suggest he wanted privacy, kind of lame to print that...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 12, 2011, 05:55:05 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 12, 2011, 04:37:19 AM
@Conradelectro .Romero`s device does not tick all your boxes . Assuming you built an OU device , could you contain yourself long enough to build several more . I can not recall Romero hiding any information , he answered all questions . Is it not possible that he complained of "strange people threatening him " because strange people were threatening him?

Could you contain yourself long enough to build several more? I do not know, I hope so. Usually people can not live with failure, therefore they start dreaming things up. Wishful thinking can afflict everyone.

Because strange people were threatening him? Everything is possible. But being threatened is no proof of a OU-device. When you make strange claims, strange things happen to you. Claiming one has a OU-device should not be done lightly. One could say "please build this (with exact specifications), it seems to be very efficient". Unless other people can replicate it, all bets are off anyway. It is also very helpful with investors if an independent lab can reproduce it. And one can do it with non-disclosure agreements in case one wants to become rich.

A golden rule: It is very difficult to sell a device or to make people believe in a device that does not work as claimed.

Sorry, these type of discussion is not helpful. Over and out, we should replicate not talk. A few people have already build such a device and no results have come forward till now (only rumors and bold claims).

My excuses, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 06:26:15 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 12, 2011, 04:22:33 AM
@Penno64. Re coil winding and voltage problems . Wind a coil with just 10 turns , and measure the output volts . Divide that by 10 to give you VOLTS PER TURN .Now you can easily calculate how many turns are needed to give a given output voltage . With the 10 turn coil running , experiment with other parameters to get the best output .

thanks for that tip, neptune

do you mean to just read the 'raw' AC on a meter or scope?

presumably it gives you a 'ball-park' value as a guide?

when calculating for the final wind you'd then need to include a factor for the FWBR action and losses, and also the effect of the load


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 12, 2011, 07:25:42 AM
@nul-points .Yes I would read the raw AC on a meter . I do not have a scope . I had one that was old and simple , but the "magic smoke" escapes and it has not worked since .Re the bridge rectifier .the techniques I described for coil winding were developed years ago when i was into wind turbines .If you are using a bridge rectifier to charge a lead acid battery , the bridge actually seems to increase the voltage . Probably due to the capacitance of the battery .Don't ask me about mathematical queries , I am more a practical man who graduated at the University of hard knocks .Thus I am qualified to do anything with next to nothing . Think of me as an Idiot Savant with more emphasis on the former than the latter .
        As regards the naysayers , all I will say is this . You may be right . Statistics are on your side . However let us not discourage the guys who are spending loads of time and money on this . The standard of workmanship of some of you guys is truly amazing .If the magic is out there these guys will find it .Alternatively we can say nothing will ever work lets forget about it and carry on in our ignorance and slavery .
@Loner . Agree with most of what you say ,but remembber that the output is not simple AC but 7 sinewaves , sperated by about 50 degrees of phase shift . Not sure if you can therefore use a Cockcroft Multiplier type voltage doubler .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 12, 2011, 09:07:17 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 12, 2011, 07:25:42 AM
        As regards the naysayers , all I will say is this ...

Well, I am here to show my support of the builders. If I were more experienced or got some good amount of spare time, I would definitely join the builders right now.

I studied the theories of Adams motor, and it seems to me Romero's variant of Muller Dynamo works on similar OU principal. It is said that one should better go with ferrite magnets when building Adams motor, but Muller's design of odd/even magnet arrangements on the rotor and stator overcomes the strong cogging effects of neomagnets. Once that strong cogging is subdued, Adams motor build with strong magnets can MAGNIFY the OU effect to produce a lot of usable free energy. One of Romero's great contributions in my assessment is this: he arranged all magnets on the rotor in the same polarity, thus greatly simplified the control circuitry, making it so easy to replicate.

Plus, Romero's dynamo is operating in a sub-optimal condition, and it seems to me there is a lot of room for improvement, and that the device probably allows a wide range of component parameters to function in OU mode. Therefore I am very optimistic that the replicators here would succeed. That said, I think I agree with many of you here that we should stick to a good replication as close as we can to increase our chance of success.

T H E  W O R L D  W O N ' T  B E  T H E  S A M E

because of Romero and his kind of people!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 09:20:26 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 12, 2011, 07:25:42 AM
but the "magic smoke" escapes and it has not worked since
@Loner . Agree with most of what you say ,but remember that the output is not simple AC but 7 sinewaves , separated by about 50 degrees of phase shift . Not sure if you can therefore use a Cockcroft Multiplier type voltage doubler .

LOL at thoughts of all the magic smoke I'VE ever set free from components!

BUT - did you know that you can now get magic smoke in cans?!?

it's true - i've seen guys wandering around with them in offices at work, testing smoke detectors

now if we could only spray that smoke back into the bl..dy components...!

we should adopt your saying as the motto for Free Energy experimenters everywhere: "Qualified to Do Anything with Nothing"

i can't find Loners post relating to the Cockcroft circuit?!? is that the post he deleted?

i do know (from experience) that the CVM is VERY inefficient - was originally invented just to achieve v high voltages, not as a voltage-boost power supply - the amount of i/p energy it required wasn't an issue for the High-Voltage research to which it was first applied

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 12, 2011, 09:30:40 AM
Hi nul-point. Loner does not call it a Cockroft multiplier he just calls it a voltage doubler .Come to think of it , the term probably died out before World War 2 .That is what happens when as a kid with no money you educate yourself from books found in rubbish skips .We know it better today as a simple voltage doubler circuit , of the type used in microwave ovens . It consists of just diodes and capacitors ,the number of each depending on how much voltage multiplication you need .I like the canned magic smoke !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 09:47:24 AM
I think the original origin of doing something with nothing is actully " I've done so much with so little for so long, that now I can do almost anything with nothing"
Why not start a data base that everyone can refer to which is a gathering of known to be facts, or at least best guess data about the Romero project. As example: How many magnet poles; coils; polarity; wind direction. number of turns on the coils; wire gauge; core materials; circuits; suggestions etc. In looking at the video again. Yes it looks like Rom had 9 coils and 8 magnets. This is a good choice for less cogging but I think if you look into the matter you might find the more cogging points the less drag. Not to sure about that but winding calculators for generators show 72 cogging points for the 9/8 combo and 90 for a combination of 9 coils and 10 magnets. I think basically the more cogging points you have, the smoother the rotation. I could be wrong. I guess what I'm saing is I agree with those who say the Rom project might not have been optimzed as well as it could have been. I think using strong magnets can be compensated for by moving them away from the cores to find the right amount of saturation for the application.
Just a couple thoughts.
John H (DadHav)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 12, 2011, 10:01:05 AM
Quote from: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 09:47:24 AM
...I guess what I'm saing is I agree with those who say the Rom project might not have been optimzed as well as it could have been.
John H (DadHav)

Maybe it is worthwhile to point out that Romero posted a few more changes to his videoed self-running dynamo with improved results.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 10:01:31 AM
Quote from: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 09:47:24 AM
Why not start a data base that everyone can refer to which is a gathering of known to be facts
John H (DadHav)

hi John

Stefan has compiled a PDF & diags into the 1st page of this thread

most info okayed by Romero up til his departure

interesting info about the cogging,  some replication variations might give more data for that


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 10:04:51 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 12, 2011, 10:01:05 AM
Maybe it is worthwhile to point out that Romero posted a few more changes to his videoed self-running dynamo with improved results.


good point

for the benefit of John & other new arrivals, Romero's last few updates were to increase coil & core size and add ferrite mags on top of the stator neos - all of which he reported as improvements

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 12, 2011, 10:09:12 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 08:46:10 AM
I am not the only one who tested and confirmed Kromrey design.
In my setup I have no moving coils, the magnets are turning.No rings, less friction....
the second video people should pay attention and understand ....
I have been looking again to the posts from the begining and I found this one regarding the second link.
What if that applies here to one coil or more?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 12, 2011, 10:20:35 AM
Could someone here do me a favor? I can't watch those youtube videos in China. If somebody could download the video and upload it somewhere for me or email to me? I will upload it to a video website within China (such as www.tudou.com and www.youku.com, as they are in Chinese) so that even if Stefan's backup on youtube is removed someday, you can still have access to it from those sites in China.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 12, 2011, 10:35:01 AM
Quote from: IronHead on December 31, 2007, 11:17:30 PM
The hardcore builders were pretty efficient when it came to pulling all the info and study down. There were only a few really. Few new people have worked with this as time is a big factor to build this devise and as you said little to no info is remaining.

Regretfully, Romero didn't provide a scope shot showing the exact timing of his working device as I have asked of him...it just happened way too soon. But the bright side is, we have close-up pictures taken of the sensors position, which Romero kindly provided for us.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on May 12, 2011, 11:07:16 AM
bueno estoy haciendo un mini montaje para hacer las pruebas para comprobar por mi mismo los resultados de romero asi no estar devariando como muchos aqui en este foro y quejandose

tanto analizar he visto que el esquema es como un ciclo lunar dejo el archivo de excell con el que estoy trabajando en el montaje  de los imanes lo estoy haciendo de dos formas a la vez

con rotor de 8 imanes y en los estatores de 9 bobinas y otro que estoy montando a la vez con rotor 8 imanes y en los estatores de 11 bobinas espero que por las cargas que ejerce la luna en los ciclos de los resultados positivos dando asi la veracidad que plantea romero

agradezco a los que creen en un cambio de vidas en general y las apreciaciones de romero y sus amigos



clave del archivo

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 12, 2011, 11:11:49 AM
RomeoUK + Muller = 10w / 12v free energy !!!    Full VIDEO , HD video
FREE ENERGY = FREE INFO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on May 12, 2011, 11:29:11 AM
Hmmmmm. By the looks of it, I was convinced this thread would have hit 500 pages before the TK thread. lol

Whoever is replicating this device just know that you do not require to have the exact build for this to work. There are some main principles to adhere to and that's all.

I am very happy that @romerouk took it upon himself to bring this forward. I don't believe the fake story. This is simply a guy that does not want the limelight and surely does not want to hear from f&*kheads or Men in Bra's, so I just thank him for what he brought forward and respect his wishes to remain out of it.

I takes someone with a concrete gut, a will and resolve of steel all mixed with the intellect and sensitivities required to work in OU. Someone who will not panic at the first signs of adversity, and who even feeds off the fear mongering of others.

But it is really preparation. Don't just make a damn youtube claiming OU and then expect a cool quiet response. Make the video yes, but keep it in your pocket while you prepare your FULL DISCLOSURE, including video, photos, diagrams, specifications and build specs, the whole shebang has to be ready to be published all at once. That way, you will not have to answer any questions because it will all be in the information provided. Then put on your Rhino suit because you will need some thicker skin to pass the first month or so.

The main point in disclosing is to get everything out in ONE SHOT into several medium points that cannot be removed. If you leave any opening at all for further required KEY information to be published, then you are setting yourself up for others to try and stop you before this is accomplished. If you publish completely, then the Men in Bra's will have no power, interest or ability to stop you.

The idea of making more then one device is good but only when practical. Once it is published, you can always send the device to a known public person in the OU field as this will again reinforce your disclosure and let the BraHeads know the device is no longer in your hands but in someones who is publicly more visible and apt to not be impressed by potential threats.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 12, 2011, 11:31:23 AM
Quote from: David70 on May 12, 2011, 10:09:12 AM
I have been looking again to the posts from the begining and I found this one regarding the second link.
What if that applies here to one coil or more?

Hi David
what a great post, I have posted it on the new thread  ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 12, 2011, 11:34:33 AM
A Better Driver:

In a shoot out of the posted driver circuit and a Mosfet with gate driver I obtained the following results...(with one double coil drive)

Posted circuit with A1103 Hall and a TIP34a...288 RPM

FET circuit...380 RPM

If anyone wishes to duplicate this, to test my results go right ahead...


R1 = 20 ohms

R2 = 6K8

How it works:  The output from the Hall device is inverted logic. That is when the magnet is over the hall the output goes to zero (logic 0)

The TC4421 is an inverting driver which then inverts this to a logic 1 for the gate of the mosfet. A TC4426 would also be suitable (double driver)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 12, 2011, 11:43:49 AM
@nul-points . You said that romero made improvements after making the videos . You mentioned that he tested one new coil with a larger diameter core and more turns . He also tried cardboard shims between the stator magnets and the cores working on one coil at a time and thus made a significant reduction in the input power . I noticed on re reading a previous post that you say the Cockcroft circuit is inefficient .Duly noted . There have been various methods suggested to do away with the DC-Dc converter . The simplest one to try is the Pese idea of a 12 watt bulb in series with the drive motor . Loner has some excellent ideas too . In my opinion , the ultimate is to reduce the number of turns on the coils to give the correct motor voltage . So when you wind your coils , do the VOLTS PER TURN test as I described earlier . Put on more turns that you need initially . Keep a note of how many turns you use . It is then easy to calculate how many turns to remove to arrive at a desired voltage . Re model aircraft motors of the Turnigy type . These motors are likely to be very efficient , as electric propulsion systems are trying hard to compete with IC engines . However , they are designed to work with a speed controller module which plugs into the plane`s radio controll reciever . They are not cheap . so do not invest unless you know what you are doing . If you plan to rewind one as an OU generator , try contacting your local model aircraft club . You might beg a burnt out one .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 12, 2011, 11:51:46 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wopwops on May 12, 2011, 12:08:05 PM
Do you guys know that DadHav is an extremely skilled builder? Check out his YouTube channel:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 12, 2011, 12:30:38 PM
Quote from: caccr2000 on May 12, 2011, 11:07:16 AM
bueno estoy haciendo un mini montaje para hacer las pruebas para comprobar por mi mismo los resultados de romero asi no estar devariando como muchos aqui en este foro y quejandose

tanto analizar he visto que el esquema es como un ciclo lunar dejo el archivo de excell con el que estoy trabajando en el montaje  de los imanes lo estoy haciendo de dos formas a la vez

con rotor de 8 imanes y en los estatores de 9 bobinas y otro que estoy montando a la vez con rotor 8 imanes y en los estatores de 11 bobinas espero que por las cargas que ejerce la luna en los ciclos de los resultados positivos dando asi la veracidad que plantea romero

agradezco a los que creen en un cambio de vidas en general y las apreciaciones de romero y sus amigos



clave del archivo


Translated per Google translate:

well I'm doing a mini assembly for testing to see for myself the results of rosemary so Devaria not be as many here in this forum and complaining

I therefore determine that the scheme is seen as a lunar cycle left the excel file with which I am working on the assembly of the magnets I'm doing in two ways at once

8-magnet rotor and the stator coils 9 and one I'm riding at a time with 8 rotor magnets and the stator windings 11 I hope that loads exerted by the moon cycles thus giving positive results veracity raised rosemary

thank those who believe in a change of life in general and the findings of rosemary and friends



key file

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 12, 2011, 12:51:44 PM
Quote from: lanenal on May 12, 2011, 10:20:35 AM
Could someone here do me a favor? I can't watch those youtube videos in China. If somebody could download the video and upload it somewhere for me or email to me? I will upload it to a video website within China (such as www.tudou.com and www.youku.com, as they are in Chinese) so that even if Stefan's backup on youtube is removed someday, you can still have access to it from those sites in China.


lanenal,  Here you go from a file sharing service (it's an .flv):  http://www.sendspace.com/file/n370ix

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on May 12, 2011, 01:04:47 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 01:06:40 PM
Thank's WopWop. I should have introduced myself and invited everyone to my channel but I didn't want anyone to think I was drumming up viewers. Fact of the mater is I've done a lot of experiments with stator motors which are a larger version of the popular R/C airplane motor. One of them particularly became very controversial because I couldn't explain things well enough in a 10 minute video. If you are interested in seeing one of these larger motors you are certainly welcome: http://www.youtube.com/user/DadHav#p/u/2/nlO8UDsc-Fc
Back to the subject. I'm sorry it takes me a long time to catch up (I'm old) I read the PDF at the beginning of the thread. It's more complete than most instructions I've seen on similar projects. It was easy to see Rom was loosing his patients a little by the end of the document. I don't blame him. The place I'm still lost is everything on the PDF shows a driver circuit and coils on the generator. At some point did Rom switch to the DC motor I see in the video? I see no way to get a radiant event out of the standard generator coils, wether the rotor is driven by the four coils on the motor or a separate motor. The generator itself is very similar to many Axial Flux generators used for wind power. Some of these use a metal flux plate behind the coils much like the washer used in Rom's motor. I can't remember ever seeing an additional magnet behind the flux plate/ring though. So I'm wondering if Rom stumbled on something just a little different that doesn't require a radiant event or collapsing Bloch wall in a core to bring a device to unity or over. Am I missing the point there also? The PDF looks like it's plenty enough to get started on something.
Thank you
John H (DadHav)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 01:14:39 PM
...i don't think much was made of this earlier, before Romero's exit, but here's a couple of nuggets from the man himself (in happier days):-

a) a "DC-DC converter is a must"

b) he reported trying to loopback his device (just before getting a DC converter) and he said that the voltage started to increase and the coils began to overheat
(resulting in converter recommendation from Gyula)

what R was experiencing was 'runaway' - this is another v. strong indicator for OU

i know that those of us attempting to replicate his achievement don't need any additional motivation

but there are others who have jumped on Romero's 'confession' with glee, claiming it as proof of a fake

i say that the evidence is still good that Romero achieved exactly what he presented originally in his "Muller Dynamo self-running test 1" video

may the Force (x Distance) be with you

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 12, 2011, 01:35:11 PM
DadHav,  Very very nice builds and craftsmanship.  While there are some good and I think valid theories on why Romero's device is OU we may not know for sure until some more replications are done.  The more builds done with slight variations in builds the more likely we can see what actually produces the results from both the successes and failures.  Judging form the quality I see in your builds I think you could be a very valuable asset in this investigation of OU.  Thanks for joining in here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 12, 2011, 01:49:20 PM
Quote from: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 01:06:40 PM
Thank's WopWop. I should have introduced myself and invited everyone to my channel but I didn't want anyone to think I was drumming up viewers. Fact of the mater is I've done a lot of experiments with stator motors which are a larger version of the popular R/C airplane motor. One of them particularly became very controversial because I couldn't explain things well enough in a 10 minute video. If you are interested in seeing one of these larger motors you are certainly welcome: http://www.youtube.com/user/DadHav#p/u/2/nlO8UDsc-Fc
Back to the subject. I'm sorry it takes me a long time to catch up (I'm old) I read the PDF at the beginning of the thread. It's more complete than most instructions I've seen on similar projects. It was easy to see Rom was loosing his patients a little by the end of the document. I don't blame him. The place I'm still lost is everything on the PDF shows a driver circuit and coils on the generator. At some point did Rom switch to the DC motor I see in the video? I see no way to get a radiant event out of the standard generator coils, wether the rotor is driven by the four coils on the motor or a separate motor. The generator itself is very similar to many Axial Flux generators used for wind power. Some of these use a metal flux plate behind the coils much like the washer used in Rom's motor. I can't remember ever seeing an additional magnet behind the flux plate/ring though. So I'm wondering if Rom stumbled on something just a little different that doesn't require a radiant event or collapsing Bloch wall in a core to bring a device to unity or over. Am I missing the point there also? The PDF looks like it's plenty enough to get started on something.
Thank you
John H (DadHav)

Thanks John for introducing us to your many experiments and hands-on ability on youTube. Blessed with the mind, spirit and equipment, I think you're a perfect candidate to try replicate Romero's setup. Looking forward to your participation if you have the interest - maybe Romero may have just discovered an anomaly not previously discovered?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 12, 2011, 01:49:38 PM
 Welcome Dadhav . the machine has 8 magnets and 9 coil pairs . 2 coil pairs form the motor . 7 pairs are generator coils . Apart from initial tuning the gen is not driven by an external motor .The gen differs from axial flux turbine gen as follows . The number of magnets is different from the number of coils . coil cores are ferrite . The magnetic circuits are open not closed . Each coil pair has its own bridge rectifier , the outputs of these bridge rectifiers being connected in parallel Feedback is regulated by a DC-DC converter.Hope this helps .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 01:52:47 PM
Thanks e2. I'm ready to prototype a hybrid R/C aero motor then I'll be clear to try something else. God gave two eyes, two ears and a big brain but we don't use that part very much. I'll do some watching, listening and thinking for a while. Who knows. Maybe I'll end up being a Hero member some day.
Thank you.
John H (DadHav)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 02:06:42 PM
Quote from: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 01:52:47 PM
Who knows. Maybe I'll end up being a Hero member some day.
Thank you.
John H (DadHav)

welcome John,

as i'm sure you're well aware,  you don't need a lot of stars, in the army, to be a hero!  ;)

that's an impressive and interesting video (much like your lab!)

thanks for sharing - hope you find something to interest you here

Romero was quick to point out that he was just replicating earlier work by Bill Muller (and possibly other replicators)

that's not to detract from what he achieved - that just speaks to the sort of person he was

whoever kicked it all off - let's hope that you're right about it being a previously unknown (or unrecognised) effect

all the best guys

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 12, 2011, 02:23:59 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 01:14:39 PM

what R was experiencing was 'runaway' - this is another v. strong indicator for OU



"what Romero was experiencing was 'runaway' - this is another v. strong indicator for OU"

To the point that his coils started to melt!

Thanks nul-points... so many of us missed that.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 02:49:48 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 12, 2011, 02:23:59 PM
Thanks nul-points... so many of us missed that.


i don't think people missed it

when i said "not much was made of it" it was because we then saw Romero's video of the self-run and all other evidence at that time was subsiduary

however, we've since been subjected to a succession of people insisting that there were batteries hidden in Romero's underpants

hence my re-iteration of something else Romero reported early on which supports the view that this wasn't a fake - and which hasn't been pointed out (AFAIK) to all the kind souls who came to cheer at Romero's departure
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 12, 2011, 02:56:56 PM
At some stage during initial testing you will need to drive this with an external motor . It is also quite possible that if you can find an efficient enough drive motor , Looping will be possible . If it is just for testing , transmission losses are not important and a belt drive may suffice .This has the advantage of allowing different speed ratios . Small DC motors can be efficient , but in some applications efficiency has been sacrificed to reduce initial costs . Brushed DC permanent magnet motors are capable of efficiencies between75 and 80% . Brushless DC motors can Be 80 to90% efficient and above , but at the cost of added complexity and expense .They are effectively a 3 phase motor , and have to include a module to covert DC to 3 phase AC .Apparently they can be found inCD and CD Rom drives , some office fans ,laser printers and photo copiers . If you try to obtain them from scrap be sure to get the module as well . Main source -The WIKIpedia article entitled Electric Motor .
@I-ron . Caution . Smoking can seriously damage your drive coils !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: starcruiser on May 12, 2011, 03:07:23 PM
I play with model aircraft and use similar motors to the Turnigy series. the ESC or Electronic Speed Controller, can be found for less than $50 usd. cost is dependent on the current rating of the ESC. I can locate some at hobbyking.com for like $30, look there for some drives and motors (brushed and brushless) if you are interested.

Most of these brushless motors are really efficient 80+ % and can be run on battery voltages of <4v to over 50v. they usually link them to lithium polymer (LIPO) batteries due to their small footprint and high current sourcing abilities.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 03:16:43 PM
Guys. I can be some help here. It is easy and less expensive than you think to drive an R/C airplane motor or any other three phase motor of that type. You may have to deal with China if you want the best prices. If you check a site like HobbyCity you can find hudreds of motors, and speed controls. Yes, they are three phase and require the speed control. Normally the speed control needs to plug into a receiver for drive control, but you can buy what is called a servo tester for less than $10 and drive the speed control right from that. I have an 80 amp speed control that I only paid $17 for but you can buy something like 20 amp controls for again $10. I'd be surprised if you if you couldnt find a complete setupf for $40-50. Wait. maybe that's to expensive. If you want to see how the setup works without being in an airlplane you can see it on this video. http://www.youtube.com/user/DadHav#p/u/1/e0q8DDtjvMY
Hope this might help
John H (DadHav)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 03:30:27 PM
Quote from: starcruiser on May 12, 2011, 03:07:23 PM
I play with model aircraft and use similar motors to the Turnigy series. the ESC or Electronic Speed Controller, can be found for less than $50 usd. cost is dependent on the current rating of the ESC. I can locate some at hobbyking.com for like $30, look there for some drives and motors (brushed and brushless) if you are interested.

Most of these brushless motors are really efficient 80+ % and can be run on battery voltages of <4v to over 50v. they usually link them to lithium polymer (LIPO) batteries due to their small footprint and high current sourcing abilities.

Sorry Star. Your post must have went up while I was writing mine. I wouldn't have barged in if I saw yours first. Nice of you to help out if people are interested. You might have to take a close look at the KV rating of the motor right? It looked like Rom's motor wasn't running real high RPM's. Does anyone know about what range the target would be?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 03:37:22 PM
Quote from: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 03:16:43 PM
If you want to see how the setup works without being in an airlplane you can see it on this video. http://www.youtube.com/user/DadHav#p/u/1/e0q8DDtjvMY
Hope this might help
John H (DadHav)

blimey - you don't want to be the wrong end of the runway, with one of those puppys approaching!!

wrt Romero's device, iirc someone mentioned in the region of 3000rpm

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: libra_spirit on May 12, 2011, 03:38:53 PM
I have only read through about 1/3 of these posts, but I did not see anyone studying the vibrational characteristics of this motor/generator.

9 stator coils   8 magnets on the rotor

One rotation will produce

Coil pulses 8

Magnet pulses 9

Total pulses 72

At 5000 RPM which is 83.3 Hz, there will be a frequency of 6000 Hz generated on the rotor. Half the magnets will be retarding and half will be pulling and two will be neutral.

Each coil will receive 8 pulses, and each magnet will receive 9 pulses per rotation.

Coil pulse frequency will be 666.6 Hz

Magnet pulse frequency 750 Hz

The strong magnetic field will be moving in the reverse direction of the rotor at 8 times the RPM. It will also be moving along the coils at 9x the rpm, in the reverse direction of the rotors motion.

Are my numbers correct?

Dave L

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: phoneboy on May 12, 2011, 03:56:29 PM
Just a thought regarding the posts stating the runaway problem, didn't Muller also work on a thermo electric gen? Some of the replicators were speaking of using hollow ferrite bullets, if the bullets work, you could loop water or oil through them to cool the coils and at worst just use the heat for heating??
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 03:57:53 PM
Quote from: libra_spirit on May 12, 2011, 03:38:53 PM
I have only read through about 1/3 of these posts, but I did not see anyone studying the vibrational characteristics of this motor/generator.
Are my numbers correct?

Dave L

hi Dave

as one Libra to another, some of us have been attempting to get to grips with this, although i have to 'fess up and say that my contribution to the off-thread discussions has been with my hands over my eyes, under a paper bag over my head

however, one of the more intellectually gifted members of the team had started on the long and (coil) winding road of explaining (to me, at least) that there was even such a thing as a 'rotating magnetic field'

he did mention that 8X rpm ratio but shortly afterwards my other brain cell overheated and i started dreaming of a cold beer, i believe

tell us more about these things please


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 04:01:01 PM
Quote from: libra_spirit on May 12, 2011, 03:38:53 PM
I have only read through about 1/3 of these posts, but I did not see anyone studying the vibrational characteristics of this motor/generator.

9 stator coils   8 magnets on the rotor

One rotation will produce

Coil pulses 8

Magnet pulses 9

Total pulses 72

At 5000 RPM which is 83.3 Hz, there will be a frequency of 6000 Hz generated on the rotor. Half the magnets will be retarding and half will be pulling and two will be neutral.

Each coil will receive 8 pulses, and each magnet will receive 9 pulses per rotation.

Coil pulse frequency will be 666.6 Hz

Magnet pulse frequency 750 Hz

The strong magnetic field will be moving in the reverse direction of the rotor at 8 times the RPM. It will also be moving along the coils at 9x the rpm, in the reverse direction of the rotors motion.

Are my numbers correct?

Dave L

72 is correct I think and coralates directly to the number or cogs per revelution. With 10 magnets you would have 90, but is that good or bad?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on May 12, 2011, 04:08:04 PM
As we experiment with different magnet configurations on the coils, it is important that we be able to rotate the motor using a dc motor and controller at a fixed voltage, so that we can see if different magnet configurations on the coils increase or decrease the rpms of the motor. Has anyone any info on which coils had magnets, and how many? It is impossible to tell from the pictures I have seen so far, but as I locate more pictures, I accumulate more information. At some point we need to put together a diagram of the top and bottom coils and start talking about which ones have magnets on them and how many, and which ones have no magnets. You can see ALL the top coils in one of the pictures, but not the bottom coils. Perhaps they are a reversed mirror image, as in the coils that have two agnets on the top coil have no magnets on the bottom coil. I suppose tie will tell.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 12, 2011, 04:26:47 PM
@Dbowling . As far as i know , Romero did not fit magnets to all coils as he ran out of magnets . No magnets are fitted to drive coils either top or bottom . So he intended that all top and bottom generator coils should have magnets . Note that either through necessity or design , some of these coil magnets are only half thickness , that is , 29mm x 5mm . someone correct me if I am wrong .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 12, 2011, 04:29:38 PM
@Libra-spirit . Three of us have been considering a theory close to yours in private ,And as it was not my original idea I will leave the disclosure to others . I think this is very significant .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 12, 2011, 04:35:00 PM
This picture shows magnets on top of (some) of the coils, is this part of tuning?
How many magnets on top of coils are they on the underside ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on May 12, 2011, 04:41:42 PM
e pensado en utilizar este circuito como prueba en cada bobina para ver su comportamiento

Convertidor DC-DC de 1.5V a 15V

Este circuito es esencialmente un convertidor DC-DC elevador (step up), permite obtener 15 voltios de salida a partir de una simple pila de 1.5 voltios (B1) sin necesidad de utilizar transformadores ni circuitos integrados especializados. El corazón del circuito es un oscilador, desarrollado alrededor de dos transistores complementarios (Q1 y Q2), que gobierna una bobina (L1).

Al conectar B1, circula inicialmente una corriente a través de R2 y R1, causando que Q1 y Q2 conduzcan. Como resultado, L1 es atravesada por una corriente que magnetiza progresivamente su núcleo hasta saturarlo. Cuando esto sucede, cesa interiormente el flujo de corriente y el campo magnético que rodea la bobina colapsa, generándose una fuerza contraelectromotriz (fcem) que polariza inversamente la base de Q1. Como resultado, Q1 y Q2 dejan de conducir. El proceso se repite indefinidamente.

La energía de la fcem generada por L1 se rectifica mediante un diodo Schottky (D1) y se almacena en un condensador electrolítico (C1) como un voltaje D.C. Puesto que este voltaje es relativamente alto, mayor de 20V, cualquier voltaje de salida por debajo de este valor puede ser fácilmente obtenido utilizando un diodo zener o un regulador de tres terminales. En este caso se emplea un zener de 15V(D2), pero se puede utilizar otra tensión de referencia dependiendo de las necesidades particulares.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 12, 2011, 04:45:51 PM
@Powercat . I dont think we know exactly how many magnets are on the underside . Watch the video with the device suspended in the air , thats your best bet .And yes , remember each coil pair needs individual tuning . That may involve cardboard shims bbetween magnet and coil .
        Just a cryptic thought . Perhaps there is no new phenomenon or priciple behind all this .New discoveries are usually made up of known devices and processes assembled in a never-before tried combination .A unique arrangement .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 12, 2011, 04:49:08 PM
hi all

2 cents for the interested replicators

i got  those small  plastic reel from sewing machine, which has exactly 20 mm outer diameter and the 6 mm hole for a ferrite rod.

i found also that some ferrite inductors has exactly a 6 mm  diameter core, the one on the pix is 25 mm length.

i wound one of those small reel with 0.3 mm plain copper wire and could get 450 turns

the  DC resistance is  6.2 ohms and the naked ( without core )  is 2 mH  with the core centered 6.8 mH   and the weight is about 15 grams

hope this helps

Good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on May 12, 2011, 04:53:14 PM
Thanks for the info. I have one small problem. It doesn't matter what RomerUK INTENDED to build, because what he actually BUILT is what worked. That's kinda like saying I "Intended" to build a five wheeled car, but I only had four wheels so that's what I ended up with, but YOU should build the five wheeled car I "intended" to build.

Right now we need to duplicate the build as exactly as possible. THEN we play around with adding magnets to all the coils and see if that improves it any.  That is unless you know something we don't know. If we went ahead and built with magnets on all the coils and it doesn't work, is that because it was a fake or because we didn't duplicate the build? That is the situation we find ourselves in.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 12, 2011, 04:53:18 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 12, 2011, 04:45:51 PM
@Powercat . I dont think we know exactly how many magnets are on the underside . Watch the video with the device suspended in the air , thats your best bet .And yes , remember each coil pair needs individual tuning . That may involve cardboard shims bbetween magnet and coil .
        Just a cryptic thought . Perhaps there is no new phenomenon or priciple behind all this .New discoveries are usually made up of known devices and processes assembled in a never-before tried combination .A unique arrangement .

;D Now that last bit sounds very logical and a lot of technologies came into being that way  8)
I will see if I can get a good screenshot of the underside.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 12, 2011, 05:01:43 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 12, 2011, 04:49:08 PM
hi all

2 cents for the interested replicators

i got  those small  plastic reel from sewing machine, which has exactly 20 mm outer diameter and the 6 mm hole for a ferrite rod.

i found also that some ferrite inductors has exactly a 6 mm  diameter core, the one on the pix is 25 mm length.

i wound one of those small reel with 0.3 mm plain copper wire and could get 450 turns

the  DC resistance is  6.2 ohms and the naked ( without core )  is 2 mH  with the core centered 6.8 mH   and the weight is about 15 grams

hope this helps

Good luck at all


Nice to know the sewing machine plastic reel yield about the right sizes. Thanks Laurent.

btw, anyone knows what bearing contraption Romero used for his rotor/spindle and where to find one in the U.S? Thanks.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 12, 2011, 05:04:42 PM
Quote from: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 03:16:43 PM
Guys. I can be some help here. It is easy and less expensive than you think to drive an R/C airplane motor or any other three phase motor of that type. You may have to deal with China if you want the best prices. If you check a site like HobbyCity you can find hudreds of motors, and speed controls. Yes, they are three phase and require the speed control. Normally the speed control needs to plug into a receiver for drive control, but you can buy what is called a servo tester for less than $10 and drive the speed control right from that. I have an 80 amp speed control that I only paid $17 for but you can buy something like 20 amp controls for again $10. I'd be surprised if you if you couldnt find a complete setupf for $40-50. Wait. maybe that's to expensive. If you want to see how the setup works without being in an airlplane you can see it on this video. http://www.youtube.com/user/DadHav#p/u/1/e0q8DDtjvMY
Hope this might help
John H (DadHav)
John,  thanks for that info and link.  Can you provide links to any other favorite motor sources or do you think HobbyCity is best?  Do you have links to something like that $10 servo tester and maybe the 20 amp speed controller for around $10?  Thanks again for your help here!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 12, 2011, 05:06:56 PM
Quote from: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 03:30:27 PM
Sorry Star. Your post must have went up while I was writing mine. I wouldn't have barged in if I saw yours first. Nice of you to help out if people are interested. You might have to take a close look at the KV rating of the motor right? It looked like Rom's motor wasn't running real high RPM's. Does anyone know about what range the target would be?


With just the one double coil set I only get 380 RPM. Pulse a bit wide at this time but I doubt it was much over 1000 RPM. I would think acrylic is only safe up to 1500 RPM?  if that...3000 and up is in the realm of orbiting magnets.

I run 280mm rotors at 2000 RPM but that is with the Delrin firmly bolted to a steel back plate.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: starcruiser on May 12, 2011, 05:10:15 PM

No problem. You are right, there are several sources for the less expensive motors and ESC's, the Current rating of the motor and ESC needs to be considered as well as the KV rating. The KV rating is the RPM per volt and the motors are rated to a max voltage and have a max current draw rating, the max current draw is what you want to size the ESC on as well as the rated voltage the motor should run on. The ESC's us MOSFET's in them to switch the legs on the brushless motors and the motors use NEO magnets for the rotor and are either in-runner or out-runner types. The out runner types are where the motor can turns, the top of the motor is where you mount it from. Basically the in runner vs out runner is how the magnets are mounted.

The ones I play with (helicopters :)) are out runners and run about 35000 RPM at WOT (wide open throttle). I also have a servo tester and seen them from $15 and up.

You can get low KV rating motors that run on 3.7volts and up, the bigger low KV motors are usually for large high torque applications but these use higher voltages too. you will want a motor that is around 1000 kv and is rated for 1s or 2s LiPo packs (3.7 to 7.4v) these motors can draw several amps too.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 12, 2011, 05:12:46 PM
@Dbowling . I understand exactly what you are saying However I can only give you the best info I have . The run-out-of-magnets bit came from the horses mouth .
@ Woopy . Brilliant bobbins . where did you buy your cores please?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 12, 2011, 05:13:47 PM
hi chris

i would recomand to use as much as possible  ( better sayd only ) all bolts and screws and axel   - . in plastic  or INOX = Stainless steel ,  to avoid magnetic interaction with the rotor.

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: starcruiser on May 12, 2011, 05:17:31 PM
try this link for a complete package deal just need a servo tester, the next link


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 12, 2011, 05:23:23 PM
Quote from: starcruiser on May 12, 2011, 05:17:31 PM
try this link for a complete package deal just need a servo tester, the next link



@starcruiser - Great! Thanks also to woopy too.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 12, 2011, 05:24:05 PM

@ Woopy . Brilliant bobbins . where did you buy your cores please?

in germany at "conrad electronic"  part n0   501 633

hope this helps

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 12, 2011, 05:24:54 PM
Good find with the sewing machine bobines.
@All replicators,
good work so far.
Hope to see soon some first data.
Also a 3D magnetic flux simulation is coming from one member.

I am just uploading the RomeroUK HD movies to some sites so
also our Chinese friends without Youtube can enjoy them.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 12, 2011, 05:27:14 PM
Okay, the selfrunning video from RomeroUK is up now at:


It is about 350 MB big and is ZIPed.
Unzip and you get an MP4 movie file in HD format.

Hope this helps the people around the world, who have no access to youtube.

I am going to upload now the other 2 movies.
Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 12, 2011, 05:28:20 PM
The first picture shows  a close-up of sum magnets on the top side.
The second picture is of the underside, sorry it's the best one I could find.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 12, 2011, 05:36:44 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 12, 2011, 05:24:05 PM
@ Woopy . Brilliant bobbins . where did you buy your cores please?

in germany at "conrad electronic"  part n0   501 633

hope this helps

Go to any sewing center that  your wife likes to go to for fabric and thread, cloth you will find all kinds of sewing bobbins, I have used them for many projects.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 12, 2011, 05:42:49 PM
Seeing as though Neptune & Nul-points have separately mentioned my recent video, I will post it here for you to see.

The effect I am seeing is 'Presessional'

Each rotor magnet forms a segment of the circle, for each segment rotated CW you get 8 'events' on all the coils in sequence CCW.

So for each full rotation of the rotor, lets assume it has 8 magnets, you get 8x8=64 magnet/coil interactions each creating an overlapping weave of pos/neg peaks opposite to the direction of travel.

http://youtu.be/Gw652NrIFM4 (http://youtu.be/Gw652NrIFM4)

I also know some of the things I say in the video are WRONG, part 2 will correct it and more
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: starcruiser on May 12, 2011, 05:44:06 PM
from what I saw in the prior video it was a standard radial bearing (skate board), IMO those would be best used with the rig on its side since the bearings used are not designed for that type of load, you would require thrust bearings to have it work long term as it sits. This orientation will provide additional drag/friction.

I use both types in my RC helicopters, typical RPM 3000 on the main rotor and 12k rpm on the tail and I use ceramics too, ABEC 3 or better. I go through bearings and can tell you they will not stand up well as shown. Build it as is but expect the bearings to get notchy and bind after awhile.

I would get some good skate board bearings to start, they are cheap enough
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 05:58:49 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 12, 2011, 05:04:42 PM
John,  thanks for that info and link.  Can you provide links to any other favorite motor sources or do you think HobbyCity is best?  Do you have links to something like that $10 servo tester and maybe the 20 amp speed controller for around $10?  Thanks again for your help here!

Hello.  I didn't look to far but just tagged a couple items on HK. I'm in no way recommending these exact parts but they are typical of the inexpensive choices. You can spend 10 times the price for guaranteed quality motors and drivers. I gotta ask this. Do you really want the excess baggage of the electronics just to have a motor for testing alignment and tuning? There should be some really good surplus DC motors as well.
You know if you do a search for servo driver circuits, you will find some simple 555 timer circuits you can build yourself.

Servo Tester

Typical Speed Control

Typical inexpensive outrunner.

John H
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: starcruiser on May 12, 2011, 06:02:21 PM
try a castle creations ICE 50 :)

OR a Scorpion out runner, that will set you back a few bucks. try a Kontronix ESC ($400) ouch!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: excessAlex on May 12, 2011, 06:03:58 PM
I think that to get a real benefit from the unbalanced design  ( 9 coils / 8 magnets ), the core of the coils should be of the same section ( diameter ) of the magnets (round magnets and cores ).. then you should work with magnets that grow in height rather than width. that's just my feeling..
It would also reduce the refining operations of the setup .. you think might be right? ( sorry for my bad english )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 06:11:20 PM
Quote from: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 03:30:27 PM
It looked like Rom's motor wasn't running real high RPM's. Does anyone know about what range the target would be?


from a frequency analysis of Romero's video when running without battery,

the spectrum shows a broad peak (of several hundred Hz width) centred on 188Hz
(over a 1 second snapshot)

however, if that was the rotor audio component then that would make it around 11000 rpm

i understand Ron to say that acrylic wouldn't cope much above 1000 without some re-inforcement

it should be noted that this rotor was apparently constructed from 3 or 4 layers glued together

iirc the run-down period is approx 100s

hope this helps

[Edit: if 188Hz represents the 8x magnetic field rotation then rotor rpm would be approx 1370]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 12, 2011, 06:18:52 PM
Okay, the first video from RomeroUK is now online here:


It is about 216 MBytes big ,
again a ZIPed MP4 movie file.

It shows his first step in getting more output on a lamp
load than putting into the motor part.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: libra_spirit on May 12, 2011, 06:20:41 PM
Is it true that the magnetic field density off the end of an N44 is the same for all thicknesses of that magnet type?

Stack a bunch of neo disc magnets. Now if you cut the stack in half the pulling power off the end will not change. N44 has the same flux density no matter its stack thickness.

Diameter will increase or decrease the flux present, but thickness will have little effect.

Also on the pulses 8 x 8  = 64 is not correct. There must be even magnets on the rotor and odd number on the stator. Each coil will feel one less pulse then each magnet feels on one rotation.

8 magnets each passing 9 coils will recieve 72 pulses total not 64.
9 coils each having 8 magnets pass it will recieve 72 pulses.

The vibrational frequency on each ring will be different however. This is because each coil will recieve one less pulse then each magnet per rotational time peroid. There will be a frequency split between rotor and stator for each component present.

The rotor having even number of platonic form pattern will down shift to lower harmonics of vibration.
The stator having odd or prime count will not downshift frequency but will upshift it due to cancellation of vibration as it moves around the rings. Phase shifts on an odd count loop will tend to cancel as they start the second trip around the loop. This is a scalar energy amplification on the vibrational side.

Cancelling vibration, is a technique found in Slim Spurlings work. It is also found in JC type systems on cars. The path where vibrations cancel, causes a smoothing out of the vibration overall.

Dave L

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 12, 2011, 06:23:55 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 06:11:20 PM

from a frequency analysis of Romero's video when running without battery,

the spectrum shows a broad peak (of several hundred Hz width) centred on 188Hz
(over a 1 second snapshot)

however, if that was the rotor audio component then that would make it around 11000 rpm

i understand Ron to say that acrylic wouldn't cope much above 1000 without some re-inforcement

it should be noted that this rotor was apparently constructed from 3 or 4 layers glued together

iirc the run-down period is approx 100s

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Come on, nul, dont like you´ll kill somebody, 11.000 rpm ... have you any idea what it means ::)
It is not so hard to understand that Romeros rotor spins somewhere between 1250 ...1350 rpm,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on May 12, 2011, 06:28:35 PM
ciclo lunar
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 12, 2011, 06:42:23 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 12, 2011, 05:13:47 PMi would recomand to use as much as possible  ( better sayd only ) all bolts and screws and axel   - . in plastic  or INOX = Stainless steel ,  to avoid magnetic interaction with the rotor.

Plastic = yes
Stainless & aluminum or any other CONDUCTOR = NO

Just take big chunk of either and bring close to rotor. Watch rpm / amp draw ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 12, 2011, 06:44:20 PM
Okay, here is the last movie,
where RomeroUK suspended his generator in one hand and
ran through his house.


Again ZIPed MP4 movie file about 34 MB size.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DreamThinkBuild on May 12, 2011, 06:55:10 PM
Hi Caccr2000,

Interesting correlation.  :)

Thank you for sharing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 12, 2011, 07:09:07 PM
I have no idea who is this guy (or these guys) but building description is much better ::)
http://wn.com/FreeEnergyLT  ... perhaps they accidentally visited London ...like unfair competition :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 07:10:32 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 12, 2011, 06:23:55 PM
Come on, nul, dont like you´ll kill somebody, 11.000 rpm ... have you any idea what it means ::)
It is not so hard to understand that Romeros rotor spins somewhere between 1250 ...1350 rpm,

you were a little quick to reply there Khabe - you missed my edit:

Quote from: nul-points on May 12, 2011, 06:11:20 PM
however, if that was the rotor audio component then that would make it around 11000 rpm

i understand Ron to say that acrylic wouldn't cope much above 1000 without some re-inforcement
[Edit: if 188Hz represents the 8x magnetic field rotation then rotor rpm would be approx 1370]

(emphasis added here)

so - NOT  quite "between 1250 ...1350 rpm" - but close

so you still get a cigar - because i like you  ;)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 12, 2011, 07:37:26 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 12, 2011, 06:44:20 PM
Okay, here is the last movie,
where RomeroUK suspended his generator in one hand and
ran through his house.


Again ZIPed MP4 movie file about 34 MB size.

Regards, Stefan.

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for putting all the HD's on line.  Do you have the short video where Romero showed a 2 magnet, one coil and one magnet 180 opposite in a demonstration of cancellation video.  Somewhere he said to watch it as it was important.  I think it was a animation.  40-50 seconds long.

Parts slowly coming in, chomping at the bit but simply can't build till all is here.  Received the DC/DC converter, amazed that the idle current
is only 20 ma.  Very efficient.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 12, 2011, 07:40:14 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 12, 2011, 07:09:07 PM
I have no idea who is this guy (or these guys) but building description is much better ::)
http://wn.com/FreeEnergyLT  ... perhaps they accidentally visited London ...like unfair competition :o

The NeoGen structure is Bill Muller's company and his daughter(?) is continuing his work and this is their R&D efforts to date (I think).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on May 12, 2011, 08:04:28 PM
tenga cuidado con esta pagina http://overunity.ifrance.com/ tiene un troyano que puede ver todo lo de su equipo

para los que no tienen esa informacion yo la recopile hace un año en este archivo

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 12, 2011, 08:04:53 PM
Quote from: k4zep on May 12, 2011, 07:37:26 PM
Hi Stefan,

Thanks for putting all the HD's on line.  Do you have the short video where Romero showed a 2 magnet, one coil and one magnet 180 opposite in a demonstration of cancellation video.  Somewhere he said to watch it as it was important.  I think it was a animation.  40-50 seconds long.

No sorry, I only downloaded these last 3 of his movies.

Maybe someone else still has it and can post it again ?

He also had many other pretty good videos out there with his coil
shorting, so too bad that he deleted all his youtube channel...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 12, 2011, 08:45:56 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 12, 2011, 07:40:14 PM
The NeoGen structure is Bill Muller's company and his daughter(?) is continuing his work and this is their R&D efforts to date (I think).


I know it,
I had fairly tight contact with in nineties,
I just fantasized ... perhaps some new person, presumes himself as keeper of all rights  >:(
Of course not, it is my weird humor.
I have built Muller machine very many years ago,
Surely it was not a OU, cant to be, just funny machine for School,
I dont believe that N pole and flux canceling gives any miracle effect.
I wonder when someone speaks about "coil comes hot" ... "melts" .. oh dear, just few amperes ;)
When something goes hot with tiny power then question is about losses not about high efficiency and far not about over unity.
OK, it does not matter,
Im awaiting impatiently when at least one machine is ready and video uploaded,
Week is over and nothing happened, just talking and specious reasoning with "scholarly " terms  ::)
But anyway I hope success,
cheers and good night,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 08:50:23 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 12, 2011, 07:40:14 PM
The NeoGen structure is Bill Muller's company and his daughter(?) is continuing his work and this is their R&D efforts to date (I think).


I've seen the Neogen video before and it's impressive no matter how many times I look at it, but I figured it was just a beautiful build that is under unity. There's plenty enough information on that video to build one like it. I'm not sure what Rom hit on that wasn't covered in Neogen build. Maybe they got to complicated. I sure wish them luck. I'd love to see that thing work.
John H (DadHav)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 12, 2011, 09:00:38 PM
Quote from: k4zep on May 12, 2011, 07:37:26 PM
Hi Stefan,

Thanks for putting all the HD's on line.  Do you have the short video where Romero showed a 2 magnet, one coil and one magnet 180 opposite in a demonstration of cancellation video.  Somewhere he said to watch it as it was important.  I think it was a animation.  40-50 seconds long.

Parts slowly coming in, chomping at the bit but simply can't build till all is here.  Received the DC/DC converter, amazed that the idle current
is only 20 ma.  Very efficient.



If this is the one you are thinking of... it wasn't even animated, just a still,
I made a pencil sketch of it... sorry no download


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: eastcoastwilly on May 12, 2011, 09:22:33 PM
Lidmotor over at the Energetic Forum has posted a video of his early replication. Here's a link for you guys.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 12, 2011, 09:40:29 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 12, 2011, 09:00:38 PM

If this is the one you are thinking of... it wasn't even animated, just a still,
I made a pencil sketch of it... sorry no download


Thanks, thats the way I remembered it, just wanted to be sure. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 12, 2011, 09:43:15 PM
OK I have a stupid question
I have seen some conflicting data.
I am sure Romerouk said it was a push pule motor? 
Yes or No ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wopwops on May 12, 2011, 10:15:23 PM
@ eastcoastwilly

What are we seeing there? Does he have it working only partially built, or is it just running off the cap?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 12, 2011, 10:18:25 PM
Quote from: eastcoastwilly on May 12, 2011, 09:22:33 PM
Lidmotor over at the Energetic Forum has posted a video of his early replication. Here's a link for you guys.



Oooohhh - that's very encouraging.  Lidmotor is a good builder and well known and he does not scam things.  That's very good news and his device was not even close to complete nor did he have nearly as many coils as Romero.  Not sure but it didn't even appear he had Litz wire on them. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 12, 2011, 10:23:16 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 12, 2011, 09:43:15 PM
OK I have a stupid question
I have seen some conflicting data.
I am sure Romerouk said it was a push pule motor? 
Yes or No ?

Not totally sure I understand your question but I'm going to take a guess that you are asking if it was based on attraction or repulsion.  If so I believe he said it was based on attraction. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 12, 2011, 10:41:28 PM
Those are the bobbins I ordered this weekend:


also rods


bearings and shaft




black iron oxide powder (DIY ferrite rods)


The rotor disk is just regular MDF 1/2" wood and the acrylic to make the disks from



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on May 12, 2011, 10:58:15 PM
Here are the possible frequencies / voltages of RomeroUK scope shot wave form.

Possible timebase settings / Frequency:
1ms  = 500Hz
.5ms = 769.23Hz
.2ms = 1.92KHz
.1ms = 3.85KHz
50us = 7.69KHz
20u  = 19.23KHz

Peak To Peak Possibilities:
Range / Volts
.1 = 263mV
.2 = 520mV
.5 = 1.3V
1  = 2.6V
2  = 5.2V
5  = 13V
10 = 26V
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on May 12, 2011, 10:58:42 PM

Audio Spectrum  Analysis of RomeroUK "Suspended In Air" Video
(first 20 seconds of sound)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 12, 2011, 11:21:20 PM
Rotated version, helpers

*edit* uploaded the image twice it looks... can't edit attachments ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: eastcoastwilly on May 12, 2011, 11:47:54 PM
Quote from: wopwops on May 12, 2011, 10:15:23 PM
@ eastcoastwilly

What are we seeing there? Does he have it working only partially built, or is it just running off the cap?

He has pre-charged the capacitor to 1.5 volts to run the motor and demoing the power output via the Joule Thief circuit. It's not self running just showing that it is generating some power.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 13, 2011, 12:06:07 AM
Hi Khabe:
   This design has been around for a few years. I even conversed with him a bit. He did a hell of a build and then went silent. His coils were small and heavy wire size. I did have all the build info but lost it to a HD crash.


Edit:   Should have waited a few more messages as they said the same. Interesting that I conversed with Bill and didn't even realize it.

Quote from: khabe on May 12, 2011, 07:09:07 PM
I have no idea who is this guy (or these guys) but building description is much better ::)
http://wn.com/FreeEnergyLT  ... perhaps they accidentally visited London ...like unfair competition :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 13, 2011, 12:21:52 AM
Looks like there are mags on the bottom coils.  But not mirrored.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 13, 2011, 12:41:18 AM
Hi redrichie,  good to see you over here too on this one.  Sorry to have to ask but just trying to understand all info that comes up on this.  When you said they aren't mirrored I'm not sure what that means.  Is it that the bottom ones are not totally in line with top or that not all top coils have magnets?  Romero did say he had run out of magnets and didn't have enough for all the coils. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Charlie_V on May 13, 2011, 01:07:32 AM
Hi Guys,

So I watched Lidmotor's video and I also find it interesting.  After thinking about it, isn't this the reverse of how a cargo train works?  In trains, a diesel engine powers a generator which charges batteries which then run the motors in the wheels.  Here a source (in case of Lid's video it was a super cap) powers a motor which turns a generator which powers a light source.

Electric machine cogging isn't our problem though because you can use an air core (which has zero cogging) and you still have back torque which puts a drag on the rotor.  In Lid's video he's using LED's which require extremely small amounts of energy to light up.  It would be interesting to load the output to a variable resistor and plot the power versus load.

I think my biggest beef with this motor in general is how it is negating the back torque of the generating coils.  I don't see how back torque is negated at all.  Sure you can put coils between magnets and use expensive core materials.  Sure you can reduce cogging by having an uneven coil/magnet ratio.  None of that will help if the generating coil's put a drag on the rotor (which they will most definitely do in this arrangement). 

If I'm understanding the logic in the design, the driving coil acts to reduce a stationary magnetic field which repels against the rotor.  You turn on the drive coil, stationary PM field goes away, rotor moves into position, you turn the drive coil off and the stationary PM pushes the rotor away.  Assuming I got this right, the only way I see the machine working is if the pushing the of stationary PM is greater than the energy it takes to neutralize its field (aka the coil can negate the stationary PM with less energy than the stationary PM's push). 

I guess the current thinking is that with the right permeability (and reduced cogging) this may be possible?  However, it has always been my experience that to reduce a PM's flux requires a magnetic field of equal intensity.  So the coil would have to generate a field of the same magnitude (and these are neodymium mangets which are really strong).  Most ferrous materials have a hysteresis loop so its going to take a little more energy to reverse that field (otherwise a large air coil with a lot of current).  I know that some ferrofluids have almost a linear hysteresis curve - but their permeability is crappy.  I'm not trying to be a naysayer here, I'm just trying to think about the system from a logical standpoint.  I really hope it works.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 13, 2011, 01:38:06 AM
Charlie_V,  It is good to use logic.  However if you are basing your logical conclusions on traditional education in magnetic and motor theory than it may not apply unless you assume we already know everything about this world and physics that can possibly be known.  I don't think we are there yet.  In fact a long way from being there.  So things can occur that we don't yet understand and that's why experimenters and tinkerer's like RomeroUK and Bill Muller just to name a few will stumble on something that just does not yet fit what we currently know. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 13, 2011, 02:15:52 AM
Hi folks, Hi charlie. Not sure if you folks have heard of the Kawai motor, though this motor may have similar attributes to the Muller/romero device.
The kawai motor principle was used in an off the shelf motor that got something like COP>1.8.
It does this by not requiring any input energy to re-gauge, meaning no input is required to remove the rotor pole, which has magnets embedded, from the stator.
And so, this means that all the input into the stator coil/cores, interacting with the rotor magnet field, can be efficiently converted into shaft torque.

Now one might say, then just use an air coil, though with this, you would not get the extra output of the ferromagnetic material in providing greater magnetic fields for shaft torque.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 02:17:08 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 12, 2011, 12:51:44 PM
lanenal,  Here you go from a file sharing service (it's an .flv):  http://www.sendspace.com/file/n370ix


Thank you both so much for the upload. At least for some other countries, they can have access to those HD video now. I didn't realize that in China, even multiupload and sendspace are blocked...I will just live with those pictures and other materials you guys already kindly shared here. They are good enough even for starting a replication I think. Thanks my friend, don't waste too much time on this upload business, let's focus on more productive things...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 13, 2011, 02:29:15 AM
lanenal,  don't give up yet :)  Just tell us which file sharing servers you can see.  The Multiupload Stefan did put it on a bunch of file share sites like rapidshare.com, hotfile.com, megaupload.com, depositfiles.com, zshare.net and uploading.com.  So if you can see any of those just use a search engine for them and search 'Romero' or Romerouk and you'll probably find it.  If not I'll look tomorrow to find one you can get it on.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 13, 2011, 02:58:55 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 13, 2011, 02:29:15 AM
lanenal,  don't give up yet :)  Just tell us which file sharing servers you can see.  The Multiupload Stefan did put it on a bunch of file share sites like rapidshare.com, hotfile.com, megaupload.com, depositfiles.com, zshare.net and uploading.com.  So if you can see any of those just use a search engine for them and search 'Romero' or Romerouk and you'll probably find it.  If not I'll look tomorrow to find one you can get it on.

Matrix, Why not split the vid file into .part files and upload here as it seems they can see this site?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 03:08:35 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 13, 2011, 02:29:15 AM
lanenal,  don't give up yet :)  Just tell us which file sharing servers you can see.  The Multiupload Stefan did put it on a bunch of file share sites like rapidshare.com, hotfile.com, megaupload.com, depositfiles.com, zshare.net and uploading.com.  So if you can see any of those just use a search engine for them and search 'Romero' or Romerouk and you'll probably find it.  If not I'll look tomorrow to find one you can get it on.

e2matrix, thanks that's great to know! I tested the upload sites you listed above and they ALL works here! I just don't know how to search for the download link. I tried to google romerouk + download, and got about 4,340 results (clearly this is spreading out quickly on the net), but didn't find what I need in the first few pages. any suggestions? Thanks a lot!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 03:43:15 AM
really nice videos DadHav. I think this particulary is important to see by most of the guys here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHJRWL42rCU Just skip to minute 15:25 and watch it for 15 seconds. The motor is eating up 0.00001 Volts ( don't care about amps, it's to measure time) per second from 2 volts. that means this device might run for 2 days aprox just on the CAP. So, in case you do manage to make a replication of RomeroUK device, do put a lightbulb or something that you know it should deplete the CAP in a measurable amount of time ( minutes ? )

@Charlie_V : nice analysis, We are searching for some unknown effect here. Let's try to dump what we already know it will not work. What seems to be unique about Romero's work is that he put PM's on top of the coils, maybe these get converted somehow into push power when the coils are not generating electricity. They will probably help in the aid of the magnetic field through the coils also, but this is a known effect. Another interesting thing about Romero's connecting each of the coils. When coil 1 is generating power, coil 2 is supposed to draw power from coil 1, so there should be no power in the wires at all, but he limited the back EMF so coil 1 is not feeding coil 2.
Maybe, i really hope, that the collision of the feed / generate cycles represent some mistery that may lead to some results. Apart from that, it's a very efficient generator / motor design.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ehsanco1962 on May 13, 2011, 04:50:06 AM
Hi all,
my question may be stupid, but it is very important as I argued with one of my friends in the interpretation of the meaning of free energy and overunity and what is the different between them from the scientific point of view term in brief?

thank you
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: albert on May 13, 2011, 04:50:24 AM
The efficiency of his generator is enormous. Also if you listen to the motor sound when he connects the lamp in the video where he did not loop the system, there is no speed change. So he eliminated drag completely.

Eliminate cogging
Eliminate drag
Core material ferrite for possible pumping effect of the bloch wall
Odd even arrangement of magnets and coils
Trigger drive coils separately at the appropriate moment
Bias the coils and the cores with additional magnets

Look at the behavior of the motor before he starts it up but when he connects the battery. The rotor starts to vibrate back and forth. This might give us a cue to where the triggering occurs.

Perhaps one should look at "magnetic viscosity" - do a google search on it . It could be related to the phenomena in this machine. Steorn claims that effect is driving their stuff...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 13, 2011, 05:27:06 AM

Some replication progress by a user called Lidmotor on YouTube:
I am not sure this was posted before, I haven't had time to catch up. Sorry if it was.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 13, 2011, 06:36:03 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on May 13, 2011, 05:27:06 AM

Some replication progress by a user called Lidmotor on YouTube:
I am not sure this was posted before, I haven't had time to catch up. Sorry if it was.

WOW he hasn't even finished making it  and it looks like it's trying to self-run  :o

Thank's for posting that Teslaalset, it is the first time I've seen it and it's the first replication I have seen working,and it's not even finished  ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 06:51:41 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 06:12:58 PM
I don't want to hear from anyone, steorn or others like them.This info is for all people and free too.
I have no intentions to be asociated with people who are just trying to rip us off.
All I want now is someone to replicate it to take this presure from me.I have more to show but at this moment this is HOT.
Running without the converter almost killed this generator melting the coils.... Must have something to keep the output stable.

Folks, I read this post again and think it is kind of important. Can we conclude that Romero has already announced publicly that whatever information released here belongs to the public domain?


Hooray Romero, you are the man!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: abdlquadri on May 13, 2011, 06:59:39 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 06:51:41 AM
Folks, I read this post again and think it is kind of important. Can we conclude that Romero has already announced publicly that whatever information released here belongs to the public domain?


Hooray Romero, you are the man!


Pls the co-ordinator of this project should put a Linux-style license on this project(GPL I think version 2). In brief; no one can patent it; any modifications must be published; you can charge for it. The Law only recognizes license not statements.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 13, 2011, 06:59:56 AM
Quote from: Chef on May 13, 2011, 06:44:05 AM

Energy stored in a capacitor converted to light and motion! Amazing!!  :o

You forgot to mention,  energy being generated back into the capacitor  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 07:04:32 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 03:43:15 AM
I think this [DadHav's video]  particulary is important to see by most of the guys here
the motor is eating up 0.00001 Volts [...] per second from 2 volts. that means this device might run for 2 days aprox just on the CAP
in case you do manage to make a replication of RomeroUK device, do put a lightbulb or something that you know it should deplete the CAP in a measurable amount of time

@Charlie_V : nice analysis
When coil 1 is generating power, coil 2 is supposed to draw power from coil 1, so there should be no power in the wires at all, but he limited the back EMF so coil 1 is not feeding coil 2.


a couple of  points for you to consider:

1) in his 'device self-running' video, Romero demonstrated the device powering an additional load - and also responding with a speed drop and then increase when he changed the drive level to the motor using the DC converter to around 4V and then back to 12V

towards the end of the video, Romero powers down the device by disconnecting the circuit at the o/p from the FWBRs

there is an immediate change of pitch as the rotor begins its run down

the rotor takes approximately 100s to run down
(video ends, a few seconds probably, before absolute stop)

what's the significance of where Romero disconnects the circuit?

this:  the 47000uF and DC converter are still connected to the motor drive whilst the rotor is running down - and yet they're not capable of extending the rotor run down any longer than 100 seconds

2) when running with 12V i/p the motor was measured to consume 12 Watts and generated 15V to the buffer capacitor

it needs 12W continuously, every second, every minute, every hour, etc just to keep running and generating that 15V into the buffer cap

at 15V the 47000uF buffer cap stores 5.3 Watt-seconds - ie. the TOTAL ENERGY in the cap is less than enough to maintain the motor at the same drive for 0.5 second

if the motor self-runs at 12V i/p in the video for let's say at least 10 mins - that would require at least 12 * 10 * 60 = 7200 Watt-seconds

at the start of those 10 minutes (600s), when Romero disconnects the battery, there is only 5.3 Watt-seconds in the cap

but we've already seen in point (1) that with only 5.3 Watt-seconds in the cap the rotor runs downs and stops in 1min 40sec (100s)

where did the other 7194.7 Watt-seconds come from to keep it running for another 9 minutes and 59.5 seconds?

so whilst it may or may not be interesting to watch a video where a motor could run for two days on a cap, what "particularly is important", for "most of the guys here", is to look carefully at the actual available evidence for this device and draw what conclusions we can from that

in your reply to Charlie_V you refer to coils 1 & 2

please clarify the coils in your reference -
  ie. are coils 1 & 2 the two halves of a coil pair at one stator location?  OR/

      are coils 1 & 2 the full pairs at stator positions 1 & 2?

i'd like to understand what you're saying about:
  "coil 2 is supposed to draw power from coil 1, so there should be no power in the wires at all, but he limited the back EMF so coil 1 is not feeding coil 2."


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 07:04:42 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 05:50:03 PM
Don't worry I am not running away.I don't care if i am on different sites or if I am not. I prefer not to be.This is not my invention, I have only replicated the work from this great man, Bill Muller.
This is smal comparing with many other discoveries that are already available but sometimes even small is good enough to keep us going.
Now I am waiting other people to replicate then I will be more happy. I have a friend here on this forum that I talked with in private sometimes and this friend already thinks that yesterday video is a fake.I am waiting to see what is going to say today.
I might need to hang the generator with a piece of wire and have it running suspended...
People replicating this should double all my details, bigger coils, magnets and most important a heavy rotor with even number of magnets on it and uneven number of coils.
Make sure that spacing betwen the coils or betwen the magnets on the rotor is equally spaced.
The distance betwen the coils and the rotor  must be adjusted depending on the magnets used, core... Too close is not neccesary good.

Read this again (emphasis mine), folks!

This is not my invention, I have only replicated the work from this great man, Bill Muller.

What a humble spirit! What a noble man!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 13, 2011, 07:07:33 AM
Lidmotor is a very good experimenter and replicator.  His videos are clear and well explained.  Give him a little time and he will get this I am sure.  He is very innovative and resourceful too.

As my old patent attorney once told me, once you disclose your idea to the general public, the idea is no longer patentable.  Removing videos and posts does not "un-ring the bell".  This does not mean he, or whomever buys it, can not obtain a patent but, it will be ruled null and void at first challenge due to the public disclosure.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: abdlquadri on May 13, 2011, 07:08:09 AM
Quote from: ehsanco1962 on May 13, 2011, 04:50:06 AM
Hi all,
my question may be stupid, but it is very important as I argued with one of my friends in the interpretation of the meaning of free energy and overunity and what is the different between them from the scientific point of view term in brief?

thank you

Overunity means you have a COP(energy output energy divided by input by operator)  more than 1(unity); hence overunity. The extra is coming from the environment. Note all system have efficiency less than 100%.
Like John Bedini says there is no free energy (We are tapping into energy from the environment - No school is teaching how to do that presently). Tom Bearden says  "when we say free, we mean free for the taking - we dont expend any energy to get it apart from contruction work etc" - qoute is not exact. Read Tom Beardens wesite: http://www.cheniere.org/ (warning technical stuff ahead)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 13, 2011, 07:19:00 AM
Some thoughts about today readings:
Any load for generator will cause feelable drag for driver (does not matter is the driver integrated, some other motor or your own hand),
You just connect any electrical load with - instantly reduces speed and current of driving motor crows.
To get back the same speed you must to "crack the whip" what one more time causes urgent needs for more energy.
At that it is not like 1W/1W, surely will be added all losses from both sides.
If it works not like that ... means something is not correct ::) You have no losses ??? Come on, guys ::)
It does not matter is it iron core or air core type generator or motor, It does not matter you have cogging reduced by this very old trick with
pole/tooth combination, by skewing or by what ever, you have large air gap or thin gap - it does not matter. It is like that you like it or not.
It does not matter you are using "traditional education in magnetic and motor theory" or some kind of mystical terms  8)
Neodymium magnet must to be at least twice as thick as air cap (as weaker magnet as thicker it must to be) this is rule of thumb for good motors/generators -  air gap not larger than half thickness of magnets.
Yes, always we have exceptions  -  good sample about impressive assiduity wheres low current and thin magnets vs relatively large air cap, are PC hd-storage voice coil motors.

Cogging is literally not a drag, cogging impedes to start generator, but when it already rotates then it does not act like that.
When maximum load then generator cogging disappears at all even when hard cogging style iron core machine (when it is rightly built).
Cogging is like compression when gas or diesel engines. Cogging causes noise, especially when weak built, loose shaft and bearings.
Of course when ultra-fine-high-tech-over-unity-experiments, then cogging causes lot of problems  ::)
In real life cogging causes problem for wind generators because wont start with low wind.
Also problems for servo motors, especially for precision servo motors, but there must to be noted that what ever trick to use to reduce iron core machine cogging it does act to efficiency. Surely not much , but it does.

Ferrofluid is almost thin oil + printer black,
Printer black is finest dust of "black sand" aka Magnetite,
far no the best magnetic material for high efficient electric machines.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 07:30:53 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 05:14:12 PM
good to see you arround.
Regarding the stranded wire:
Some time ago in a Bedini project I have built 2 identical coils but one with normal wire and another with stranded wire.I was using this coils to collect the power from the rotor powered with a Bedini standard circuit.Same core same wire diameter, all the same...
The results at that time(no load):   normal wire output was 9.2 volts
                                                stranded wire output was 12.3
since then I have always used stranded for most of my coils
it is easy to do the same experiment like me, actually it would be nice if someone else will confirm this.
I always try everything myself, I don't take all info I found as granted.
If I was wrong I would like someone to tell me.

I am still trying to understand Romero's reason for choosing multi-strand wire.
After some study I figured out that 7-strand in parallel doesn't increase inductance, only decrease resistance (possibly increase Q-factor by 150%-200% at very high frequencies like 500KHz-2000KHz if a Litz wire is used). Could his experiment cited above simply be explained by the smaller resistance (actually, should 7 times smaller if 7 strands of the same diameter wire were used)?

However, no conclusion can be made yet about the role of the 7-strand En.Cu used in his working device. Tentatively, we might put forward an experiment proposal:

1. Repeat Remero's original experiment, but test with coil leads open (so no current), then one should get the same voltage.

2. When coils are hooked up to a load, different readings shall arise.

3. we may substitute the 0.125 X 7 stranded wire with a single wire of diameter 0.125 X sqrt(7) = 0.33 (to obtain the same resistance) and see if we can get similar pickup voltages with whatever load we wish to put on.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 13, 2011, 07:35:05 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 03:43:15 AM
really nice videos DadHav. I think this particulary is important to see by most of the guys here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHJRWL42rCU Just skip to minute 15:25 and watch it for 15 seconds. The motor is eating up 0.00001 Volts ( don't care about amps, it's to measure time) per second from 2 volts. that means this device might run for 2 days aprox just on the CAP. So, in case you do manage to make a replication of RomeroUK device, do put a lightbulb or something that you know it should deplete the CAP in a measurable amount of time ( minutes ? )

@Charlie_V : nice analysis, We are searching for some unknown effect here. Let's try to dump what we already know it will not work. What seems to be unique about Romero's work is that he put PM's on top of the coils, maybe these get converted somehow into push power when the coils are not generating electricity. They will probably help in the aid of the magnetic field through the coils also, but this is a known effect. Another interesting thing about Romero's connecting each of the coils. When coil 1 is generating power, coil 2 is supposed to draw power from coil 1, so there should be no power in the wires at all, but he limited the back EMF so coil 1 is not feeding coil 2.
Maybe, i really hope, that the collision of the feed / generate cycles represent some mistery that may lead to some results. Apart from that, it's a very efficient generator / motor design.

Tudi. That's a point that I've been trying to make for a long time. The motor in the video at last test set up was dropping .001 volt every 15 minutes. It's no problem getting a 4 day run off the capacitor. So OK if I use a 3 or 4 digit meter, it's real easy to get tricked and think you're at unity It takes more than the length of a video to have a digit change. It's also simple to confuse others. If I put my finger on the capacitor the voltage goes up. That's why I found a 6 digit meter on E-bay for $87.00 USD. I don't like tricks and I don't pull any. Thanks for visiting my channel. I'm proud that it gets referenced once and a while.
Take care.
John H (DadHav)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 07:36:28 AM
Quote from: DadHav on May 12, 2011, 08:50:23 PM
I've seen the Neogen video before and it's impressive no matter how many times I look at it, but I figured it was just a beautiful build that is under unity. There's plenty enough information on that video to build one like it. I'm not sure what Rom hit on that wasn't covered in Neogen build. Maybe they got to complicated. I sure wish them luck. I'd love to see that thing work.
John H (DadHav)


you may be interested to see this Muller Gen replication - iirc claimed Cop is around 1.7 - some serious engineering has gone into this build!

  link --> http://home.mchsi.com/~actt2/index.html (http://home.mchsi.com/~actt2/index.html)

photo of R. Classen's build below

[Edit: PS  please see my reply, above, to Tudi's comments about your video example re: motor running from cap, thanks]


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 13, 2011, 07:38:46 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 07:30:53 AM

3. we may substitute the 0.125 X 7 stranded wire with a single wire of diameter 0.125 X sqrt(7) = 0.33 (to obtain the same resistance) and see if we can get similar pickup voltages with whatever load we wish to put on.


According to Romero, the pickup voltage does increase when using stranded wire, he has pointed out that on the first pages of this thread , when being asked why he decided to use stranded wire at all.
But it cannot hurt to try it out yourself.

His quote:

QuoteRegarding the stranded wire:
Some time ago in a Bedini project I have built 2 identical coils but one with normal wire and another with stranded wire.I was using this coils to collect the power from the rotor powered with a Bedini standard circuit.Same core same wire diameter, all the same...
The results at that time(no load):   normal wire output was 9.2 volts
                                                stranded wire output was 12.3
since then I have always used stranded for most of my coils
it is easy to do the same experiment like me, actually it would be nice if someone else will confirm this.
I always try everything myself, I don't take all info I found as granted.
If I was wrong I would like someone to tell me.

i have to add that he might have had a calculation error creep up on him doing that particular experiment, as in his mind the total diameter of 7 strands of 0.125mm amounts to 0.8mm (see his quote) instead of 0.375mm (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284903#msg284903)

His words:
QuoteAfter looking at the website I bought the wires I realised that is 7 X 0.125MM SOLDERABLE STRAND EN.Cu that makes a bit more than 0.8 mm, all other info is OK.

So if he did compare 7 stranded of 0.125mm wire to a single strand of 0.8mm he has of course seen a higher voltage on the stranded wire than if he had used a single 0.375mm strand to compare to.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 13, 2011, 07:51:17 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 13, 2011, 07:07:33 AM
Lidmotor is a very good experimenter and replicator.  His videos are clear and well explained.  Give him a little time and he will get this I am sure.  He is very innovative and resourceful too.

As my old patent attorney once told me, once you disclose your idea to the general public, the idea is no longer patentable.  Removing videos and posts does not "un-ring the bell".  This does not mean he, or whomever buys it, can not obtain a patent but, it will be ruled null and void at first challenge due to the public disclosure.


This technology is in such an early stage, there will be plenty of room for design patents. (MHO) Let me ask this question? Who will grant patent other than design when no one knows why the machine is over unity. I could have missed something but if I did, please mention what event is taking place that makes the device over unity? Is there something other than radiant energy, because there isn't any radiant in the generator circuit right? I think we need a theory as to why the machine works. Like I said maybe it's as obvious as the PDF file that I didn't see at the beginning of the thread, but if I missed something let me know.
John H
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 07:52:45 AM
thanks null-points, feel really stupid for not observing those. You seem to be perfectly right about the energy gain / draw regarding the CAP. Which makes me think, the caps play a huge role in setup. In some way most of the "new" devices use a spark gap, which is just a capacitor that breaks under the load( converted into a resistance ? )

Regarding coils, i think i was mistaking there also. Reviewed the drawings and i seen in the video that coil 1 is connected in series with coils 2, but in the PDF they are in paralel. Connecting them in series would have flatten the output signal more instead of a half way cut AC ? or maybe not give any output at all without the diode bridge ? I wish i could afford to experiment without opening my mouth :( ( 12 hours workslave in IT )

PS : regarding privacy. That is a myth to fool morrons. When it's about national security, there is no privacy, your phone is listened and recorded, your internet routing is recorded and can be backtraced. Your publicly available encryption software by law can be broken if required....Just as there is no 101% antivirus software :P
ps2: GPU license ? Nothing can kill the masses. Laws are made based on common "demand". We just need to want something enough. And something like this is what we ALL want
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 07:54:26 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 13, 2011, 07:38:46 AM
According to Romero, the pickup voltage does increase when using stranded wire, he has pointed out that on the first pages of this thread , when being asked why he decided to use stranded wire at all.
But it cannot hurt to try it out yourself.

You are correct. Thanks for pointing this out. Now I read it more carefully. He did it without load (so no current and therefore resistance does not matter) and got different voltages...very strange indeed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 08:11:12 AM
In the worst case, even if something is patented, one can still make it for his own use -- just don't sell it -- this is what I thought about patent. Correct me if this is not the case.

OK, someone might control the neomagnet and put an exorbitant high price on it. But energy just can't be more expensive than now. Even if it is as expensive, at least this is clean. It can't be worse.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 08:11:28 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 07:52:45 AM
In some way most of the "new" devices use a spark gap, which is just a capacitor that breaks under the load( converted into a resistance ? )

Reviewed the drawings and i seen in the video that coil 1 is connected in series with coils 2, but in the PDF they are in paralel.
( 12 hours workslave in IT )

ok, i understand your coil ref now, thanks

interesting comment about spark gaps - caused me to question their effect:  possibly with some 'zener'-like characteristic - the current (spark) doesn't flow until the voltage has reached a certain level

so the result is 'all or nothing' getting transferred - no gradual build up, or decay, of current

amazing what guys around Tesla's & Marconi's time managed to achieve with a few bits of wires & magnets - considering all the 'junk' we have to hook together these days!  :)

...sentenced to 12 hours a day doing IT, eh?

you must have been a baaaaaad boy!  ;)

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 08:16:58 AM
yes, the spark gaps, and the finetuning message from romerouk. If you finetune enough a spark gap it will break exactly at the top of the sine wave, causing the disturbance tesla was talking about, that noise type of thing. The type of thing ismael was trying to explain at some point about he's device. Harnessing only that perturbance would in theory leave you with an extra power ( in case you manage to convert back the sine wave from the output to input ). Ofc, this is just speculation.

about the spark gap : it's known to have a cooling effect around it. It's known to produce radiant energy. Radiant energy can build up a momentum according to testla. Romerouk's field buildup / colapse + radiant energy...let's make a SCIFI movie :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 13, 2011, 08:20:12 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 08:11:12 AM
In the worst case, even if something is patented, one can still make it for his own use -- just don't sell it -- this is what I thought about patent. Correct me if this is not the case.

OK, someone might control the neomagnet and put an exorbitant high price on it. But energy just can't be more expensive than now. Even if it is as expensive, at least this is clean. It can't be worse.

Just as a sidenote, my local magnet supplier has just told me that the prices for raw neodymium have already drastically increased and that he soon must raise his end-prices by 300-400% (!!!) to adapt to that market increase.
But your argument is right, it can't be worse.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 13, 2011, 08:25:06 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 07:36:28 AM

you may be interested to see this Muller Gen replication - iirc claimed Cop is around 1.7 - some serious engineering has gone into this build!

  link --> http://home.mchsi.com/~actt2/index.html (http://home.mchsi.com/~actt2/index.html)

photo of R. Classen's build below

[Edit: PS  please see my reply, above, to Tudi's comments about your video example re: motor running from cap, thanks]


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Wow, Yes I've seen things like this. Sometimes I think of them when I sit down at my little table in the basment and play around with magnets and coils. How lucky can you be to stumble on something they missed?
John H
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 08:42:03 AM
@DadHav : It's called luck :) We are searching for something that is out of order / law. Just don't try to replicate something out of the book. Don't try to give too much understanding to the things. Make something, observer it, improve it...the advantages to not know physics( not to mention the joy of the fairy tale part )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 09:07:08 AM
Quote from: DadHav on May 13, 2011, 08:25:06 AM
How lucky can you be to stumble on something they missed?
John H

apologies for my slow-wittedness, John

what did they miss?

did you mean that Classen missed something that Romero stumbled on?

Classen's device appears to claim a CoP similar to Romero's

maybe it's me that missed something? (wouldn't be the first time - or the last!)

any clarification welcome!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: merlynmetal on May 13, 2011, 09:18:24 AM
QuotePS : regarding privacy. That is a myth to fool morrons. When it's about national security, there is no privacy, your phone is listened and recorded, your internet routing is recorded and can be backtraced. Your publicly available encryption software by law can be broken if required....Just as there is no 101% antivirus software

At least we can try making it somewhat more difficult for other non national security subjects.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 09:20:12 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 13, 2011, 08:20:12 AM
Just as a sidenote, my local magnet supplier has just told me that the prices for raw neodymium have already drastically increased and that he soon must raise his end-prices by 300-400% (!!!) to adapt to that market increase.
But your argument is right, it can't be worse.

Man, that's huge. I'd say this increase can't sustain...soon much more people will start producing it -- the profit would be too high to refuse.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 13, 2011, 09:21:01 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 08:42:03 AM
@DadHav : It's called luck :) We are searching for something that is out of order / law. Just don't try to replicate something out of the book. Don't try to give too much understanding to the things. Make something, observer it, improve it...the advantages to not know physics( not to mention the joy of the fairy tale part )

Yes, Indeed. Luck with a little SWAG (Sophisticated Wild Ass Guess) Listen. I hope all will catch this comment. It has been mentioned previously that Rusty (LidMotor) is working on this project. Naturally it's in his own mode of operation but that's what will be good about it. I hope he is following this. This is what I learned from his video: There might be several options that will produce similar results. Notice he is using air cores. This has no cogging but the timing of uneven Poles remains in the formula. A reed switch uses no current but can produce drag so that might null itself out. A Joule Thief uses very low potential to light a diode. The one I use will light an LED with less than .7 V and less than 3 ma. Also enter the project the super capacitor. I'm excited to see Rusty working on the generator and I'm watching everything he has to offer. At the first sign of him being past the state of equilibrium, I'm dropping everything but until then I need to catch up on projects. Watch what he comes up with he's the most innovative guy I know.
John H. (DadHav)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 13, 2011, 09:26:42 AM
Not to mention LIdmotor is one of the most persistent experimenter I have seen.  He dont give up until he succeeds or the project is bunk.  Then he his innovative and works with a couple different things and comes up with something fantastic.  NOt only that everything he does is small and table top size.  Which I find incredibly difficult to do in most cases.  Usually when it gets his attention there is a good deal to learn from him.  Glad to know his name though.  He never volunteered it so I never asked.  LOL
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 13, 2011, 10:03:11 AM
I see others are pondering the operation of this device also, and why it would be OU when it's operation is typically the same as any other generator.  Is it possible that it's operation simply inverts the same laws that prevent generators from achieving OU?
Is it possible the real energy in not made when the magnet passes the coils, but when the magnets are leaving the coils. With the magnet at the coil, the coil is in netural flux, then as the magnet moves away, the field actually aligns with the magnet on the back of the coil and increases the field through the core.
If the increase in flux is resisted because of load on the coil it also affects the approaching magnet and rotation is still balanced.
If the coil is pushing or resisting the approaching magnet then it is also pushing on the exiting magnet. 

If you go back and look at the field animation on a previous post you can see this effect with one magnet. It would have been clearer with two magnets.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LightRider on May 13, 2011, 10:15:41 AM
Quote from: duff on May 12, 2011, 10:58:42 PM
Audio Spectrum  Analysis of RomeroUK "Suspended In Air" Video
(first 20 seconds of sound)

The Audio Analysis of RomeroUK "Suspended In Air" Video seem to show no sign of slowing down:
first haft :Green
last haft :Red
Full video :Blue

We see little change (slow down) from 165.5 hz to 159 hz [but no harmonic to confirm that.] edit...no true

53 hz Red and 55 hz Green
165.5 hz Red to 159 hz Green

Other analytical technique will be studied for more solid results.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on May 13, 2011, 10:16:28 AM
If you want to understand what kind of a difference adding a magnet to the end of a coil can make, take a look at this video of a solenoid I took out of a sprinkler valve just to play around with.


I wanted to see what the effects of the magnet would be on the coil inside the valve and how electricity would affect the magnetic field. If you consider that once a coil is fired in RomeroUK's machine with the magnet on the end of it, the coil is disconnected from and isolated from the circuit, and becomes much like this sprinkler valve coil. The magnet on the coil MAY be causing a similar reaction in RomeroUK's machine, which is to say, allowing the coil to remain in a specific state of magnetic attraction without the presence of applied voltage. Do we know whether the magnet on the end of the coil gives the coil the same polarity as the pm on the rotor, or is it opposite? I have been wondering if by giving it the opposite polarity from the applied voltage it is used to regauge the coil. There are a lot of possibilities here, and those of you who think there is nothing special about sticking a magnet on the end of a coil may want to think again. This is similar to what Ed Leedskalnin did with his Permanent Magnet Holder. If you're looking for WHY this machine may be different, here is a reasonable explanation, since what I show in my video "cannot be done" according to the laws we "supposedly" operate by in the world of electrical engineering. Just MY 2 cents worth.

David Bowling
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 13, 2011, 10:16:32 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 09:20:12 AM
Man, that's huge. I'd say this increase can't sustain...soon much more people will start producing it -- the profit would be too high to refuse.

Problem is China controls/owns about 90% of all materials used to produce Neo's.  and is using almost all of it for internal use.   US is starting back up a mine/production facility in California I think, but as they say, 'Houston, we have a problem. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: starcruiser on May 13, 2011, 10:19:09 AM

Inductance is increased in the coils by using a Ferrite core of some type (Magnetite etc...)

Multi-stranded, isolated (magnet or litz wire) strands. At least 7 strands in parallel to provide less resistance and more voltage. (Skin effect?)

Back EMF is utilized on the generator side by using FWBR to capture all output

Magnets are used to increase flux strength in the coils and cores.

Magnet strength is adjusted by inserting spacers

Magnets field is adjusted by offsetting its location on the coil seat (focusing the field?), is this needed because of how the field is propagated from the NEO mag material? inconsistency in manufacture?

He mentioned that he inserted ferrite magnets, did this smooth the field, i.e. refocus it?

Ferrite cores are selected due to B/H curve and magnets bias the ferrite into the knee area for best response?

Large capacitor is used for capture/conversion of generator output.

regulator is used to isolate the generator form the drive section.

It is kind of a summary and some stuff that may need confirmation thru experimentation. Just wanting to summarize some of the key points as I see them.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on May 13, 2011, 10:23:57 AM
para descargar videos o cualquier archivo sin tener problemas de corte usen este programa


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 10:38:33 AM
@Dbowling : Interesting. Now why did romerouk say that it might take a month to finetune the device ? Maybe there is a distance when he observed this lockdown effect ? Depending on the power usage he did mention you will need to finetune it. This power usage drains the coil thus removing the lockdown effect, or not ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on May 13, 2011, 10:52:36 AM
I've tried "sparking" the magnet again, but that does not release it. I didn't try draining the coil with a load, nor was I able to spin a magnet past the other end of the coil as RomeroUK would have done. All I was trying to point out here is that there may be something unexplained by our modern notions of how electricity and magnetism work and/or affect each other that RomeroUK came to understand which makes something that shouldn't be COP>1 actually work. And that it MAY be the magnet on the coil. Don't discount it just because it seems to be such a simple thing. It has effects that are not "normal" by current laws of electricity and magnetism.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 13, 2011, 11:03:14 AM
At about one minute 47 seconds into the video  the rotor can be seen rocking When the battery is connected,/ before looping.

Is there a way to measure this by video analysis ?  distance of the rocking and timing of rocking
This could be matched in replications ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 13, 2011, 11:13:35 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 10:38:33 AM
@Dbowling : Interesting. Now why did romerouk say that it might take a month to finetune the device ? Maybe there is a distance when he observed this lockdown effect ? Depending on the power usage he did mention you will need to finetune it. This power usage drains the coil thus removing the lockdown effect, or not ?

Mostly because the 'identical' magnets will all have different strengths due to tolerances.
If you fine tune for one rotor position, you can start over again for the next rotor position.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 13, 2011, 11:59:42 AM
Dont want to distract from the thread but I have been tying this to ED also.  ED described how to make a magnet and make a magnet stonger.  I have a feeling his PMH if used as a stator was magnetized and not just a bar.  and the coils were there to cancel out the magnetic field that was there.  Like the Radus boots and magnetic memory.  CAncel the magnetic field for a brief pulse let magnet suck in.  release pulse, let nature flow back in and repel magnet away. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: starcruiser on May 13, 2011, 12:07:10 PM
what about the PM field from the nearby magnacoaster device, would that PM field have any influence on the setup?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 13, 2011, 12:17:49 PM
Just had an odd thought . Look at the diagram on page 2 , romero`s reply numbber 20 . Notice that the magnets on the stator are in repell mode to the rotor magnets . The distance at the closest point between rotor and stator magnets is probably about 25 mm .My question is , what stops the stator magnets flying off . does the washer play a apart . Has anyone got far enough in replication to know the answer?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 12:36:04 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 13, 2011, 12:17:49 PM
Just had an odd thought . Look at the diagram on page 2 , romero`s reply numbber 20 . Notice that the magnets on the stator are in repell mode to the rotor magnets . The distance at the closest point between rotor and stator magnets is probably about 25 mm .My question is , what stops the stator magnets flying off . does the washer play a apart . Has anyone got far enough in replication to know the answer?

hi neptune

yes, i seem to remember that R glued the washers down to the acrylic

the attraction to both the washer & the end of the core just beyond means that the magnet stays in place

hope this helps

have we met before?  :)  (LOL @ your new house name!)

[Edit: just tried it with two neos & some ferrite - works even without washer]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 13, 2011, 01:38:05 PM
Strange video on a Romanian web site:

Looking around for Muller Dynamo replications I found a strange video claiming a self-runner with a DC-motor (output from generator coils drives DC motor). Only coils on one side of the disk carrying the magnets. The speaker claims the coils are taken from relays.

http://freeenergylt.narod2.ru/muller_dynamo/     Look at the fifth video from the top down, at minute 4:30. The contraption is hanging on a thin thread in the air and the speaker claims it is self-running.

I also found the video on YouTube :



I do not know anything about it, all attempts to find the details promised in the video failed.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 01:43:45 PM
Quote from: duff on May 12, 2011, 10:58:42 PM
Audio Spectrum  Analysis of RomeroUK "Suspended In Air" Video
(first 20 seconds of sound)

hi duff

looks like your data from the 'suspended in air' video ties in with the 'slowest/lowest freq' component (~190Hz) i saw in the spectral data from the 'self-run' video, possibly magnetic events, so 8x or 9x the rotor rpm

  link --> http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg286040#msg286040 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg286040#msg286040)

it looks like member 'tanakat' was trying to point out about the variation of the scope shot peaks as the trace crosses the scope

this is likely to be the modulating effect of 50 Hz utility power pickup by the unshielded coils on the device - so the trace width period will be a reasonable proportion of 20ms...

a trace width probably less than 5ms - because it's less than 1 half-cycle (10ms) and also it hasn't yet passed the peak halfway thro the 10ms

if that was true, then the timebase would be 0.5ms or less

however, if Romero's scope trace shows a close relation to the ~190Hz audio signal then each full +/- pulse cycle shown will be approx 5.25ms - they take about 2 major divisions on the scope axis which would put the nearest scope timebase at 2ms

so - somethings out very approximately by a factor of 5 or more

if it was out by a factor of 8 then the 190Hz signal doesn't represent a magnet/core event

we need to get some early feed back from replicators who are in a position to get us some scope shots from their Gen coil test setups!


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bluesky on May 13, 2011, 01:45:36 PM
This was done by Rod5157


Back in 2008
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 13, 2011, 01:49:55 PM
Quote from: bluesky on May 13, 2011, 01:45:36 PM
This was done by Rod5157


Back in 2008

In this video one sees batteries at the back of the motor. Obviously he is using one set of batteries to charge the other set. May be that is always the case with this replication. That would not be very exciting.

I found this web site from the builder: http://rod45103.tripod.com/index.html  (He needs a job. It seems to be difficult to become rich from a self-runner.)

An other video by the builder: http://www.youtube.com/user/Rod5157#p/u/2/SOyPEiPb9Zw (he was looking for investors back in 2009)

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 13, 2011, 02:08:40 PM
If we were to think of this in terms of the Leedskalnin device. With the PMH being a U shaped magnet.  The fly wheel has  a N and S per "V".  If the N of the Vee were coming around to the north of the PMH a south would be about to interact with the south of the PMH, and a reverse polarity pulse was supplied to negate the poles then the inertia from the large flywheel would start to carry it through the normal magnetic attraction to the core of the PMH, just enough for the pulse to stop and release the negated poles and repel the N/S sides of the V magnet.  The fly wheel would then continue to carry it to the opposite poles of the PMH and attract them in.  Again a pulse is supplied to negate the poles and let the flywheel move through the magnetic field. 
     ED also described how to make the perfect generator coil.  A coil with a core with a metal pipe on the outside bonded together by a metal cap.  Right next to the flywheel is a pipe with a flange that could fit a cap. On his tool board is a long coil that will fit right down into that pipe.  A perfect generating coil.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 13, 2011, 02:28:27 PM
@Conradelectro .This video is disappointing in that no measurements are shown . He does say something about needing regulation to prevent the charged battery overcharging . He talks about  a version that automatically swaps the batteries  but does not discuss run times . It would be very interesting if it could only self sustain without a load . The design looks very simple , and uses an off the shelf motor of not very high efficiency . No mention of stator magnets . Not enough info to draw definite conclusions . I am left wondering if it would self run with a DC-DC converter .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 13, 2011, 03:13:56 PM
Quote from: redrichie on May 13, 2011, 02:08:40 PM
If we were to think of this in terms of the Leedskalnin device. With the PMH being a U shaped magnet.  The fly wheel has  a N and S per "V".  If the N of the Vee were coming around to the north of the PMH a south would be about to interact with the south of the PMH, and a reverse polarity pulse was supplied to negate the poles then the inertia from the large flywheel would start to carry it through the normal magnetic attraction to the core of the PMH, just enough for the pulse to stop and release the negated poles and repel the N/S sides of the V magnet.  The fly wheel would then continue to carry it to the opposite poles of the PMH and attract them in.  Again a pulse is supplied to negate the poles and let the flywheel move through the magnetic field. 
     ED also described how to make the perfect generator coil.  A coil with a core with a metal pipe on the outside bonded together by a metal cap.  Right next to the flywheel is a pipe with a flange that could fit a cap. On his tool board is a long coil that will fit right down into that pipe.  A perfect generating coil.

very clever. It totally makes sense. It  is a perfect mechanism to make the whole rotor become out of balance when he triggers the coil and helps the rotor to spin more seeking for balance again. It kind of fits what I described on my other thread ( http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10716.msg286049#msg286049).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 13, 2011, 03:21:18 PM
If we look at Romero`s reply number 122 page 9 , he tells us that he started making OU generators from model aircraft motors . He states that it is very easy to make an OU generator from such a motor . He talks about rewinding the motor , but no mention of changing the magnet arrangements . He does not give us info on the new winding arrangements . These are very high RPM motors , and if you want to operate it as a generator at lower RPM , you would use thinner wire and more turns . Does  anybody know of a larger motor of this type [3 phase permanent magnet] ? Notice that there is no mention of using opposing stater magnets , [Muller style] nor IMO would it be possible .So he is saying indirectly that an overunity Generator is possible without this trick . He gives us not quite enough info to try it .
Romero , Romero , wherefore art thou Romero...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 13, 2011, 03:48:16 PM

I have one of theses it was for a large scale plane
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 13, 2011, 03:56:14 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 01:43:45 PM
hi duff

looks like your data from the 'suspended in air' video ties in with the 'slowest/lowest freq' component (~190Hz) i saw in the spectral data from the 'self-run' video, possibly magnetic events, so 8x or 9x the rotor rpm

  link --> http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg286040#msg286040 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg286040#msg286040)

it looks like member 'tanakat' was trying to point out about the variation of the scope shot peaks as the trace crosses the scope

this is likely to be the modulating effect of 50 Hz utility power pickup by the unshielded coils on the device - so the trace width period will be a reasonable proportion of 20ms...

a trace width probably less than 5ms - because it's less than 1 half-cycle (10ms) and also it hasn't yet passed the peak halfway thro the 10ms

if that was true, then the timebase would be 0.5ms or less

however, if Romero's scope trace shows a close relation to the ~190Hz audio signal then each full +/- pulse cycle shown will be approx 5.25ms - they take about 2 major divisions on the scope axis which would put the nearest scope timebase at 2ms

so - somethings out very approximately by a factor of 5 or more

if it was out by a factor of 8 then the 190Hz signal doesn't represent a magnet/core event

we need to get some early feed back from replicators who are in a position to get us some scope shots from their Gen coil test setups!


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

The neo magnet on the back of the ferrite core is very important we can see why he used them now. Once again it was too complicated to be a hoax.

The polarity of the magnet can increase motor speed and out put amplitude or decrease output amplitude. Dependent on magnet pole
As with all pulse motor design timing is every thing. The only thing that concerns me is the output voltage amplitude the CRO is set on 2 volt divisions. This will double when both coils are in series but I don’t know at this stage how it got to 12 volts. I still think he had the DC to DC converter for a good reason.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: starcruiser on May 13, 2011, 04:04:03 PM
looks like 16vpp on the scope shot, double that and you got the pulsed 15 to 16v dc output after the FWBR.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 04:05:23 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 13, 2011, 03:56:14 PM

The neo magnet on the back of the ferrite core is very important we can see why he used them now. Once again it was too complicated to be a hoax.

The polarity of the magnet can increase motor speed and out put amplitude or decrease output amplitude. Dependent on magnet pole
As with all pulse motor design timing is every thing. The only thing that concerns me is the output voltage amplitude the CRO is set on 2 volt divisions. This will double when both coils are in series but I don’t know at this stage how it got to 12 volts. I still think he had the DC to DC converter for a good reason.

thanks toranarod, that's great feedback

greater revs will give you more volts out, as will closer gap between core and rotor mag

you may find that a full complement of Gen coils helps too

Romero said that bigger coils/cores + extra ferrite mags on the stator mags helped - and if you haven't tried this yet, neptune pointed out that Romero got improvements by using non-magnetic 'shims' as spacers for the stator mags

many thanks

[Edit: oops, forgot to say - he *had* to use the DC converter after already looping without it - the voltage started to rise without control and started to over heat his coils - so Gyula suggested the converter to 'clamp' the motor drive & therefore keep the o/p stable.   it's not necessary for any other effect]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 13, 2011, 04:17:51 PM
Of course no needs for one polarity magnet poles. When coil ends are A/a, then you need to connect coils parallel just as A/a=a/A=A/a=a/A ... and to use alternate poles. Then pulse driver must to be full bridge push-pull of course ...  Also all these additional opposite magnets and  flux canceling were just a raving.
And about RC 3-phase PM motors - these are not something like distinguished, especially when windings will be removed. Where you can make this "open magnetic circuit" when there is rotor back iron and stator also has flux returning ring  ::) all is closed as much as possible, at that there is maximum 0.5mm airgap. 
So, when he told he will make selfrunners from these motors, then it means that all "sciential talking"  was just a blether.
He just found out how this US "home loan" guy made his trick, is it SuperCap or UltraCap or hidden battery, it does not matter,
because  ... tragicomedy is that several hundred believers around the world running by Shops trying to buy and order every kind of stuff , included expensive today neo magnets and ... oh dear ... sewing machine bobbins  :o
You did like to see big rc motor? This is German made Plettenberg, yeah costs under 1k $,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 13, 2011, 04:38:32 PM
@ khabe Can I ask you three simple questions .
1. Do you believe that Overunity is possible .
2 Do you believe that overunity has been achieved.
3 Do you believe that it can or will be achieved in the home workshop .
If you please answer these questions , I will be able to understand your point of view better .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 13, 2011, 04:47:25 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 09:07:08 AM
apologies for my slow-wittedness, John

what did they miss?

did you mean that Classen missed something that Romero stumbled on?

Classen's device appears to claim a CoP similar to Romero's

maybe it's me that missed something? (wouldn't be the first time - or the last!)

any clarification welcome!


It's just me, I haven't read enough to see that some of these other awsome builds are over unity. Maybe I'll eventually catch up on things.
John H
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 13, 2011, 04:55:10 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 13, 2011, 04:38:32 PM
@ khabe Can I ask you three simple questions .
1. Do you believe that Overunity is possible .
2 Do you believe that overunity has been achieved.
3 Do you believe that it can or will be achieved in the home workshop .
If you please answer these questions , I will be able to understand your point of view better .

1.) I do very hope this is possible, sooner or later. But one is sure - this is not possible with bluff.
     Every kind of baloney with using "scholarly" terms, when talker himself has no idea what it means - it does not help to find out nothing, especially OU.
     First requirement is to be honest.

2.) No.

3.) Yes.

with due respect,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 04:58:59 PM
Quote from: DadHav on May 13, 2011, 04:47:25 PM
It's just me, I haven't read enough to see that some of these other awsome builds are over unity. Maybe I'll eventually catch up on things.
John H

no problem, thanks for clarifying, John - hope all goes smoothly with your hybrid
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 13, 2011, 05:06:59 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 13, 2011, 03:21:18 PM
If we look at Romero`s reply number 122 page 9 , he tells us that he started making OU generators from model aircraft motors . He states that it is very easy to make an OU generator from such a motor . He talks about rewinding the motor , but no mention of changing the magnet arrangements . He does not give us info on the new winding arrangements . These are very high RPM motors , and if you want to operate it as a generator at lower RPM , you would use thinner wire and more turns . Does  anybody know of a larger motor of this type [3 phase permanent magnet] ? Notice that there is no mention of using opposing stater magnets , [Muller style] nor IMO would it be possible .So he is saying indirectly that an overunity Generator is possible without this trick . He gives us not quite enough info to try it .
Romero , Romero , wherefore art thou Romero...

Hello, There are tons of larger motors just like the R/C outrunner. I have some that are fairly large on my channel running from SSG circuits. These are from office printers and copiers. Larger are found in some ceiling fans. If you really want to see a cool one check out the 36 and 42 leg stator motors used on washing machines. Some are called Smart Drives. I already show a stator motor on my videos that has 2 of the 12 legs as triggers and the other 10 drivers. It would be easy to make two legs bifiler as drivers and the other 10 as strickly generator coils with seperate rectifiers. With these R/C brushless outrunners all working combinations are uneven but some have less cogging than others. The question would be in the magnets and coil winding direction. All same poles might have some adverse effects on the stator as it pertains to edddy currents. I would think yuo'd have to use a standard wind and magnet configuration but just use the coils individually. See this video if you're interested.
You'll notice some similarity to what we're doing now.
John H. (DadHav)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 13, 2011, 05:07:41 PM
@khabe . Thanks for an honest answer . I agree that honesty is very important . I sometimes like to imagine what the world would be like if mankind had never learned to tell lies . Mankind is divided into sheep and goats . Sheep believe everthing they are told . Goats refuse to believe anything they are told without visible proof . Most of us are a bit sheep and a bit goat . If we were all goats , research would nearly stop because there could be little optimism . I am a lot more sheep like than you , and I need to be to give me the strength to experiment . The world needs sheep AND goats . That is how I see it .
with respect , neptune .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 05:13:58 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 13, 2011, 04:55:10 PM
1.) I do very hope this is possible, sooner or later. But one is sure - this is not possible with bluff.
     Every kind of baloney with using "scholarly" terms, when talker himself has no idea what it means - it does not help to find out nothing, especially OU.
     First requirement is to be honest.

2.) No.

3.) Yes.

with due respect,

i think you made your point a long time ago, khabe

either you have something new to contribute, or you don't

if you don't have something new, then keep your peace, man

please don't insult our ability to remember what you said yesterday, and last week, and last month by repeating it incessantly

now i also have a question for you

if what you say in 1) & 3) is true, then please prove it

otherwise you will be guilty of your own high principles - ie. you're appearing to speak with authority, but as far as we know,
it is all - as you yourself say - just bluff

have you heard of the expression "put up, or shut up"?

well, now i am challenging you to show that what you say is not bluff

where is the evidence that you yourself are experienced in experimenting with some area in which you "do very hope this [OU] is possible"?

please show us all - we'd all be very interested to see it

hopefully, we will be genuinely interested and ask you intelligent (and maybe some not so intelligent, in my case) questions about it  :)

let's sincerely hope  that no-one 'rubbishes' your freetime interests in the same way that you persistently 'rubbish' theirs

i await your careful and considered reply with interest


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 05:25:08 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 13, 2011, 05:07:41 PM
I am a lot more sheep like than you

don't believe him, khabe

i happen to know that if people upset neptune, then he kidnaps them off the street, using a bicycle with a wheeled-cage on the back

...and then he staples them to a railroad track  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 05:27:10 PM
...has anyone upset neptune recently? 8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 05:37:10 PM
Quote from: webby1 on May 13, 2011, 05:22:51 PM

Observation:  It is not the RPM that induces the voltage it is the rate of change of flux.

Question:  Is there a way of having the rotor magnet move closer to the core of an induction coil without the core seeing a large percentage of the field.

What I did a long time ago was to use a like pole on one side of the core, a washer on the other side that faced the moving magnet and allowed for a small load to be taken from the coil  while the magnet was moving closer.  The effect of the washer was to give a small rise in induction which would drive the field up in the core, or pulling more of the fixed magnets field down and through the core, as well as the washer had a larger hole in it and I have noticed that magnetic fields tend to bend around the hole, all of this, in my thoughts, were hiding the core from the moving magnet until the distance was very close and then the field from the moving magnet would burst into the core.

What I was thinking with all this was that when the coil started to produce the current flow almost all of the flux lines would now be parallel to the core and when the burst field hit it would snap the flux lines perpendicular to the core giving a very fast flux change and therefore more voltage as well as if I could ever get the core values and timing just right the the burst would help to repel the moving magnet from the core in the direction of rotation.  I called this one my peek-a-boo generator, it kind of worked most of the time and some of the time it ran itself for a while but nothing as good as what R achieved.

the field-snapping sounds good - why not blow the dust off it for old-times sake?

good question about the rotor mag/ core gap - i intend to find out

also to see what Romero found when he experimented with washers and extra mags on the stator

here's my observation:  no rpm - no rate of change of flux

do you not think that the change of flux is happening because the rotor mag is driving past?

is it not possible that if the rotor mag put the pedal to the metal then the flux change might happen more quickly?

fortunately we can discover the answers to these questions ourselves, as we build


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 05:42:57 PM
someone mentioned about the best way to direct the magnetic fields. i thought i make a picture for that.
The idea is to put the coil in a ferite tube, put on top of it a magnet and put a ferite tube inside of it. At least acording to the simulator :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 05:58:42 PM
Quote from: Tudi on May 13, 2011, 05:42:57 PM
someone mentioned about the best way to direct the magnetic fields. i thought i make a picture for that.
The idea is to put the coil in a ferite tube, put on top of it a magnet and put a ferite tube inside of it. At least acording to the simulator :)

(https://overunityarchives.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg850.imageshack.us%2Fimg850%2F3549%2Fmagnetiffields.jpg&hash=1e237d646082248aff220f11fc22c33ba085a7e6) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/magnetiffields.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

interesting that both you and webby are think about different ways to achieve something similar

spookily i have in front of me, as i type,  a Litz coil wound on a ferrite rod with a ferrite tube enclosing it - and it has a (smallish) neo at each end from where i was trying manual passes across the core end

however my inner core extends beyond the tube

when my parts arrive for the Muller rep, i will dig out my PC scope box again and try some of these ideas using my rotor/stator setup

shame about the scavaging, webby - sounds promising

having seen what Romero achieved i'm now thinking should i revisit some of my old experiments and see if i can apply anything we're seeing here

right - i'm off to bed

khabe - you have the kon' - keep a sharp lookout!

g'night all
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 13, 2011, 06:39:37 PM
PM 3-phase machines are my bred and butter, near every day, years to years.  I do order high grade high temp. special shape magnets from Germany, photo-etching gut stator laminations 0.18mm from UK, 7075 aluminium from Holland  - all the rest I do myself ... oh yes, anodizinds I do order from local shop.  I have great workshop wheres all what I need, included cnc machines, two plane precision balancing machine, test stands ... legal and paid soft, all tools and instruments, meters ... huge lot of stuff at screws to electronics ... all, all, all ... no needs to visit any shops for years.
For one thing I wind motors and generators, I hope you understood. Someone is speaking that stranded wire gives out more Volts than solid  :o
Oh boy  8)  I use solid wire, stranded, different brands of Litz ... I can wind with solid or with Litz - only number of turns does matter - this is fact. Number of turns gives Voltage, wire diameter gives Amperage. The same outer diameter Litz handles less current than the same diameter solid wire - this is also fact.
Litz or stranded wire is inescapable when air core motor. When iron core motor then you can use Litz or stranded but not necessarily. Litz and stranded are easier to wind - this is also fact and this is because most of RC motors are wound with stranded wire or some use even Litz, like Plettenberg. You can use Litz when hoping top of top efficiency, but about high efficiency we can speak after all other conditions are accomplished, for example core material and perfect shape, magnets ... large solid magnet causes losses, better to be shaped and segmented, perfect well-founded air gap ... in some case we have higher motor speed ... like >50.000 RPM  and high freq. switchings speed control ... ... so, after all mentioned we can speak we use Litz because higher efficient, otherwise we use Litz because we just have this Litz and this is easy to wind ... or just horse around, playing big polymath  ::)
I need to test my machines. I have two special test stands with driving motor. Driving motors are verified - 92% efficiency. I have measured  in-out voltages, amperages to be bored. Now this is is computerised but manually I do it as well. I can measure like this or like that, I have perhaps hundred DC/DC converters, I can control RPM by what ever graphs ...  but ... I never find even smallest possibilities for honest selfrun :-[

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 13, 2011, 06:57:18 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 13, 2011, 06:39:37 PM
PM 3-phase machines are my bred and butter, near every day, years to years.  I do order high grade high temp. special shape magnets from Germany, photo-etching gut stator laminations 0.18mm from UK, 7075 aluminium from Holland  - all the rest I do myself ... oh yes, anodizinds I do order from local shop.  I have great workshop wheres all what I need, included cnc machines, two plane precision balancing machine, test stands ... legal and paid soft, all tools and instruments, meters ... huge lot of stuff at screws to electronics ... all, all, all ... no needs to visit any shops for years.
For one thing I wind motors and generators, I hope you understood. Someone is speaking that stranded wire gives out more Volts than solid  :o
Oh boy  8)  I use solid wire, stranded, different brands of Litz ... I can wind with solid or with Litz - only number of turns does matter - this is fact. Number of turns gives Voltage, wire diameter gives Amperage. The same outer diameter Litz handles less current than the same diameter solid wire - this is also fact.
Litz or stranded wire is inescapable when air core motor. When iron core motor then you can use Litz or stranded but not necessarily. Litz and stranded are easier to wind - this is also fact and this is because most of RC motors are wound with stranded wire or some use even Litz, like Plettenberg. You can use Litz when hoping top of top efficiency, but about high efficiency we can speak after all other conditions are accomplished, for example core material and perfect shape, magnets ... large solid magnet causes losses, better to be shaped and segmented, perfect well-founded air gap ... in some case we have higher motor speed ... like >50.000 RPM  and high freq. switchings speed control ... ... so, after all mentioned we can speak we use Litz because higher efficient, otherwise we use Litz because we just have this Litz and this is easy to wind ... or just horse around, playing big polymath  ::)
I need to test my machines. I have two special test stands with driving motor. Driving motors are verified - 92% efficiency. I have measured  in-out voltages, amperages to be bored. Now this is is computerised but manually I do it as well. I can measure like this or like that, I have perhaps hundred DC/DC converters, I can control RPM by what ever graphs ...  but ... I never find even smallest possibilities for honest selfrun :-[
ur never too old to learn  :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 13, 2011, 07:02:10 PM
Quote from: webby1 on May 13, 2011, 05:22:51 PM

Observation:  It is not the RPM that induces the voltage it is the rate of change of flux.

Question:  Is there a way of having the rotor magnet move closer to the core of an induction coil without the core seeing a large percentage of the field.

What I did a long time ago was to use a like pole on one side of the core, a washer on the other side that faced the moving magnet and allowed for a small load to be taken from the coil  while the magnet was moving closer.  The effect of the washer was to give a small rise in induction which would drive the field up in the core, or pulling more of the fixed magnets field down and through the core, as well as the washer had a larger hole in it and I have noticed that magnetic fields tend to bend around the hole, all of this, in my thoughts, were hiding the core from the moving magnet until the distance was very close and then the field from the moving magnet would burst into the core.

What I was thinking with all this was that when the coil started to produce the current flow almost all of the flux lines would now be parallel to the core and when the burst field hit it would snap the flux lines perpendicular to the core giving a very fast flux change and therefore more voltage as well as if I could ever get the core values and timing just right the the burst would help to repel the moving magnet from the core in the direction of rotation.  I called this one my peek-a-boo generator, it kind of worked most of the time and some of the time it ran itself for a while but nothing as good as what R achieved.


please, post more like this. Very observant of you. So your conclusions were based on the final detail of the law's of induction? So you concentrated not only the flux but also the total TIME? Very clever.

More we study this thing more it corroborate what Romero has done. In every detail.

Thank you,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on May 13, 2011, 07:53:46 PM
See the following two videos regarding magnetic attraction


and the following YouTube videos

As Matt would say:
Simple is Better

David Bowling
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aphasiac on May 13, 2011, 10:01:48 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 12, 2011, 08:04:53 PM
No sorry, I only downloaded these last 3 of his movies.

Maybe someone else still has it and can post it again ?

I have the one he called something like "10x OU". Tried to post it back up on YT, and they blocked it because they say it's too long. Odd, since that's where I grabbed it from.

Do you have that one? Let me know if it's one of the missing vids and where I should upload it to. 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 13, 2011, 10:02:52 PM
Quote from: webby1 on May 13, 2011, 05:22:51 PM

Observation:  It is not the RPM that induces the voltage it is the rate of change of flux.



The greater the RPM, the greater the rate of change of flux between the rotor magnets and the stationery cores.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 13, 2011, 10:26:43 PM
Quote from: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 03:08:35 AM
e2matrix, thanks that's great to know! I tested the upload sites you listed above and they ALL works here! I just don't know how to search for the download link. I tried to google romerouk + download, and got about 4,340 results (clearly this is spreading out quickly on the net), but didn't find what I need in the first few pages. any suggestions? Thanks a lot!

I'm a few pages behind but in case no one put this up here's the link for the big video at megaupload:
or depositfiles.com:
or hotfile.com (but I had trouble there yesterday):

Here is Romero's first video available from any of the four below:





And this is the last one where he is carrying it around.  Available from any of the sites below:





Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 13, 2011, 10:34:41 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 13, 2011, 10:26:43 PM
I'm a few pages behind but in case no one put this up here's the link for the big video at megaupload:
or depositfiles.com:
or hotfile.com (but I had trouble there yesterday):

That should get you the big one.  I'll post the others a little later tonight.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on May 13, 2011, 10:35:51 PM
Quote from: Aphasiac on May 13, 2011, 10:01:48 PM
I have the one he called something like "10x OU". Tried to post it back up on YT, and they blocked it because they say it's too long. Odd, since that's where I grabbed it from.

Do you have that one? Let me know if it's one of the missing vids and where I should upload it to. 


Aphasiac, what is the length of the video?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 13, 2011, 10:41:09 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on May 13, 2011, 10:34:41 PM

lanenal is blocked from youtube and multiupload from his location so I gave him the uploads Stefan did. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 13, 2011, 10:45:07 PM
Quote from: Aphasiac on May 13, 2011, 10:01:48 PM
I have the one he called something like "10x OU". Tried to post it back up on YT, and they blocked it because they say it's too long. Odd, since that's where I grabbed it from.

Do you have that one? Let me know if it's one of the missing vids and where I should upload it to. 



I for one would love to see it. TIA  :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mrock on May 13, 2011, 10:49:51 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 12, 2011, 08:04:53 PM
No sorry, I only downloaded these last 3 of his movies.

Maybe someone else still has it and can post it again ?


Hi Guys,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aphasiac on May 13, 2011, 11:11:06 PM
Quote from: REDCAR1957 on May 13, 2011, 10:35:51 PM
Aphasiac, what is the length of the video?

I'm not at home now... so I can't tell you exactly. it's got to be right about the 15min limit though, because I took it off his YT account. I don't know the exact time. I could crop a bit off and try to repost to youtube, or let me know where else to send it.

Either way, I will re-post it. At worst, it's a duplicate.  I'll be home in 10 hours. Will figure out how to post it then.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aphasiac on May 13, 2011, 11:12:41 PM
Quote from: mrock on May 13, 2011, 10:49:51 PM
Hi Guys,

Is this the 10xOU vid? I can't see it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Staffman on May 13, 2011, 11:31:48 PM

This is the video that Ben (K4ZEP) was referring to. The video isn't really a video... it just shows a pic. I_ron posted a drawing of it page 66, post#978.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 13, 2011, 11:31:58 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 13, 2011, 10:26:43 PM
I'm a few pages behind but in case no one put this up ...

e2matrix, this is awesome! thanks a million!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on May 13, 2011, 11:35:33 PM

This is bigger than you know.

A few more tests, then I will confirm.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 13, 2011, 11:36:10 PM
Quote from: Aphasiac on May 13, 2011, 11:11:06 PM
I'm not at home now... so I can't tell you exactly. it's got to be right about the 15min limit though, because I took it off his YT account. I don't know the exact time. I could crop a bit off and try to repost to youtube, or let me know where else to send it.

Either way, I will re-post it. At worst, it's a duplicate.  I'll be home in 10 hours. Will figure out how to post it then.
OK cool thanks
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 13, 2011, 11:46:11 PM
Quote from: penno64 on May 13, 2011, 11:35:33 PM

This is bigger than you know.

A few more tests, then I will confirm.


You have a replication? Love to hear about it!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mrock on May 13, 2011, 11:48:08 PM
Quote from: k4zep on May 12, 2011, 07:37:26 PM
Hi Stefan,

Thanks for putting all the HD's on line.  Do you have the short video where Romero showed a 2 magnet, one coil and one magnet 180 opposite in a demonstration of cancellation video.  Somewhere he said to watch it as it was important.  I think it was a animation.  40-50 seconds long.

Parts slowly coming in, chomping at the bit but simply can't build till all is here.  Received the DC/DC converter, amazed that the idle current
is only 20 ma.  Very efficient.


Here's the short video from youtube,
same as above post.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 13, 2011, 11:57:44 PM
Quote from: penno64 on May 13, 2011, 11:35:33 PM

This is bigger than you know.

A few more tests, then I will confirm.


Penno, I'm on pins and needles here! Will we know to tonight? 9 pm here. Should I stay up? I cant sleep NOW anyway! LOL can't wait!!!! :o ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 14, 2011, 12:26:21 AM
Is it possible that we may be harnessing the power of superlight?


I find this to be rather interesting...

The 1000000G superlight Droid909 with 10GHZ 20 core intel quantum coming to go on sale June 20th 2395 :P
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 14, 2011, 12:56:08 AM
Quote from: penno64 on May 13, 2011, 11:35:33 PM

This is bigger than you know.

A few more tests, then I will confirm.


Moment of truth...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 14, 2011, 01:20:46 AM
I know it hope the truth is stranger then fiction it will turn science on its head and reveal to us a world of possibles and let us exit the age of everything is impossible.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energy1234hope on May 14, 2011, 01:58:36 AM
Quote from: penno64 on May 13, 2011, 11:35:33 PM

This is bigger than you know.

A few more tests, then I will confirm.


Can't wait to here from you best of luck. Please let us know your opinions on what you have. Waiting patiently
:o 8) 8) 8) 8) :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 14, 2011, 03:27:51 AM
hi all

well this is a turn up for the books!....

i believe that the unfortunate gentleman in that Neo Gen video, Rod, cracked it several years ago!

no-one told him that he had to do what Romero did,
so Rod used:

- only one stator level
- no stator mags
- rotor mags N S N S
- no odd/even coil/core ratio (8 coils / 16 mags) & (also a 6/16 ?)
- no neos
(he used 'other' mags - thank-you, khabe!)
- no pulse drive (he used 12V DC motor from VCR)
- no Litz (he salvaged solenoid coils from relays)
- small rotor (probably 5")

what WAS the same:
- coils each into FWBR
- all FWBRs in parallel

i fully believe he achieved CoP > 1 - but probably only just over

so, he may not have had enough extra energy to run an extra load & use a DC converter to stabilise his motor drive

i'm not saying that this is the only way ahead - or that what Romero did was 'unnecessary'

i believe that Romero discovered how to overcome the limitations which left Rod with an extremely interesting Proof of Principle, but which in Rod's case, didn't really show that this technique can generate sufficient excess to completely take the battery out of the equation and also provide some useful additional load power

the work which both Rod & Romero have done, gives us great confidence that the original work of Bill Muller was entirely valid and that much more powerful machines can be built using this same effect (eg, R. Classen's rep; Thailand rep, etc)

it seems to me at this moment that the 2nd 'so-called' Law of Thermodynamics is very close to getting a major overhaul - and severe 'surgery'

as the character Sherlock Holmes liked to say, when quoting William Shakespeare:

Ladies and Gentlemen - "the game's afoot!"

Romero, God bless you, mate!


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 14, 2011, 03:35:19 AM
@nul-points : yes, but that video only posted voltage ? There are hundereds of DC-DC converters. We need to measure Wats not Volts or just AMPs
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 14, 2011, 03:45:07 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 14, 2011, 03:35:19 AM
@nul-points : yes, but that video only posted voltage ? There are hundereds of DC-DC converters. We need to measure Wats not Volts or just AMPs

yes Tudi

but the point is - he only NEEDs to measure voltage for his simple demo because he is using two similar batteries - running from one and charging the other

he is not trying to give a definitive proof - in the space of  a 'short' video he is only trying to demonstrate that he can charge one battery at the same time as the other battery is running the machine

i agree that more careful and rigorous proof is necessary - but basically he is giving more or less the same 'proof' that Romero did - ie. here is a method which enables a machine to both run itself and provide some extra energy to a load

it's now up to us to take these methods forward, discover the variations, get an idea of the underlying effect(s) - and provide that more rigorous proof

the 2 battery method is not Rod's only version - he later uses only 1 battery and re-charges that whilst running just like Romero's video JUST BEFORE the self-run

i'm saying that Rod couldn't get as far as the Romero magic & whip the battery out AS IT RAN - because Romero learnt how to overcome the limitations which were holding Rod back

i think this shows that the underlying effect is a lot less 'complex' than we thought (eg. look at the 'what was different' list in my previous post)

the complexity comes in scaling up the effect and generating higher levels of power - as Romero did compared to Rod

hope this answers your comments?


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 14, 2011, 04:22:09 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 14, 2011, 04:35:40 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on May 14, 2011, 04:22:09 AM

LOL FreeEnergyInfo has been trying to indicate this to us for some time, quietly compiling a set of videos & images of devices which have successfully used some aspect of this effect

greetings FEI
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 14, 2011, 04:50:54 AM
...just a quick thought, all

i suspect that the underlying 'principle' behind what we're seeing in this and other rotary devices, is the 'mechanical advantage' we can achieve by 'sliding' magnets (or energised coils) sideways into an aligned axis position, where we can then benefit from the rapid flux change event provided by the close & rapid location of a magnet and a core/coil

the inherent force of the magnet is able to provide work through the flux change event - all we have to do is to make sure that we minimise the work 'we' do in getting the magnet into & out of position

look at Rod's device - much of Romero's device is stripped away - Rod is only moving magnets past coil/core units

i believe both Rod & Romero are honestly presenting what they've found

Romero has shown us how to take it to a new level

if my thoughts here are correct, then we can find plenty other ways to do this

gotta run - give my love to khabe!  ;)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 14, 2011, 05:22:38 AM
I was thinking that possibly using a true earth ground, like Kapanadze, might allow other energy to enter the system and make self-running easier to obtain?  This is just an observation on my part, I know that Romero did not do this.  I was just thinking that this might help in jumping over the COP=1 barrier a little easier.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 05:45:57 AM
Wheres different between Bedini and Ron´s machines? One is radial, another is axial, question about architecture, gives not any supernormal excellence.
You like you can built Bedini radial as outer rotor.
Muller built axial, just easy to have two row coils, more output coils with volumetric economy. Rectifiers after each coil or coils are grouped and then rectifiers ... matter of taste. Once rotor rotates cogging does not interfere anymore, especially when to look at Rom´s large air gaps. At that 9 coils vs 8 magnets is far not the only low cogging choice.
Someone offers to have outer ferrite tube additionally to inner ferrite rod?
Yeah ... when the same direction magnetic flux from outer and from inner side then what you´ll get from coil is zero  ::)
Elementary school physics  :o

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 14, 2011, 06:11:25 AM
@ khabe . in your last reply , It is not clear if you believe that Bedini technology is OU .Or not OU .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 06:24:54 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 14, 2011, 06:11:25 AM
@ khabe . in your last reply , It is not clear if you believe that Bedini technology is OU .Or not OU .

Of course not OU,
Bedini is honest man,
he does not claim this is OU,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 14, 2011, 06:43:48 AM
Bedini did however claim that his Kromrey Converter Replication IS OU !
COP 1.8 to 3.5.
Source: Energy from the Vacuum 10 : Kromrey Converter (with Explanations of principle by Bedini)

Romerouk has pointed out in post #192 (which has obviously gone unnoticed)


that the Kromrey Converter is an even simpler build than his device.
The Principle is all about breaking the magnetic lock achieved with PMs.

The Kromrey speeds up under load and runs cold, which is a clear sign of negative entropy.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 06:44:40 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 14, 2011, 03:27:51 AM

no-one told him that he had to do what Romero did,
so Rod used:

- only one stator level
- no stator mags
- rotor mags N S N S
- no odd/even coil/core ratio (8 coils / 16 mags) & (also a 6/16 ?)
- no neos (he used rare earth mags)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Dear nul,

Neodymium  is rare earth element, rare earth metal.
Neodymium magnet is rare-earth magnet.
Another well known  rare-earth magnet is Samarium-cobalt,

Hoping success ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 07:17:20 AM
Bill Muller about Even/Odd Passive Anticogging:

"If Im not mistaken, this method dates into the late 1800´s but I´ve no idea who to credit it to."


As you can see Bill Muller was honest man,
Did not adorn himself with appropriated hackles.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 14, 2011, 07:25:10 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 14, 2011, 06:44:40 AM
Dear nul,

Neodymium  is rare earth element, rare earth metal.
Neodymium magnet is rare-earth magnet.
Another well known  rare-earth magnet is Samarium-cobalt,

Hoping success ::)

dear khabe

i feel we are making progress...

...with you, i mean!  ;)

thank you for the correction, i'll pass that info on to Rod, too, so he can correct his website

maybe you can do something useful while you're here, instead of just standing there getting in the way

...the door could do with a new coat of paint - and i see that neptune has left an oil-spill on that bench over there, near you - maybe you could just wipe that up for him?

oh, and a cup of tea would be nice, too, if you're not busy...  :)

have fun, be well

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 07:38:07 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 14, 2011, 07:25:10 AM
dear khabe

i feel we are making progress...

...with you, i mean!  ;)

thank you for the correction, i'll pass that info on to Rod, too, so he can correct his website

maybe you can do something useful while you're here, instead of just standing there getting in the way

...the door could do with a new coat of paint - and i see that neptune has left an oil-spill on that bench over there, near you - maybe you could just wipe that up for him?

oh, and a cup of tea would be nice, too, if you're not busy...  :)

have fun, be well

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Dont worry, my young friend,
I do a lot and read a lot,
Have built my house where I living with my family,
You can sleep and be sure all is in great order, included doors.
Saturday night is coming, please do not drink too much  ::)
Be happy,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 14, 2011, 08:03:29 AM
You two should get a room  ;)

Anyway Lidmotor is not there yet.

my Muller Dynamo with all the coils.ASF
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 14, 2011, 08:03:46 AM
So the neogen youtube channel was interesting.  They talk of a bifilar coil and how it is more efficient.  They show it in the traditional manner as you would expect when winding a bedini coil.  But then when they wind the actual coil for the Neogen it a single layer. But it is connected with the end of the first going into the beginning of the second.  Just Like ED's PMH coils and your standard bifilar coil. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 08:23:25 AM
Quote from: redrichie on May 14, 2011, 08:03:46 AM
So the neogen youtube channel was interesting.  They talk of a bifilar coil and how it is more efficient.  They show it in the traditional manner as you would expect when winding a bedini coil.  But then when they wind the actual coil for the Neogen it a single layer. But it is connected with the end of the first going into the beginning of the second.  Just Like ED's PMH coils and your standard bifilar coil. 

You can see the same pictures via http://overunity.ifrance.com/  just await a little and roll down, pictures are much more sharper,

I have no idea why there is not possible with mouse click copy-paste anything ???
To be honest then IT is not my strong side  :(
Perhaps someone can explain.

Yeah, already found out how it need to be done  8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 14, 2011, 08:30:43 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 14, 2011, 08:23:25 AM
You can see the same pictures via http://overunity.ifrance.com/  just await a little and roll down, pictures are much more sharper,

I have no idea why there is not possible with mouse click copy-paste anything ???
To be honest then IT is not my strong side  :(
Perhaps someone can explain.



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 08:33:05 AM
Seems to be mixed ideas on the Capacitor.
Some diagrams show 4700uf 35V and some show 47000uf 25V and some 4700uf 25V

Which is it :)

4700uf or 47000uf ??


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 14, 2011, 08:34:29 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 14, 2011, 08:23:25 AM
I have no idea why there is not possible with mouse click copy-paste anything ???
To be honest then IT is not my strong side  :(
Perhaps someone can explain.

right clicks are blocked by javascript. hope that helps.

edit: just saw your edit. for anyone else wanting the pics from that site, use the 'no script' browser add-on and you can right click them and save to wherever.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 14, 2011, 08:49:00 AM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 08:33:05 AM
Seems to be mixed ideas on the Capacitor.
Some diagrams show 4700uf 35V and some show 47000uf 25V and some 4700uf 25V

Which is it :)

4700uf or 47000uf ??



I have watched now the first 30 seconds of the video multiple times and in slow motion, and I can recognize:

47000 µF
25 VDC
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 08:50:21 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 14, 2011, 08:34:29 AM
right clicks are blocked by javascript. hope that helps.

edit: just saw your edit. for anyone else wanting the pics from that site, use the 'no script' browser add-on and you can right click them and save to wherever.

Many thanks, WilbyInebriated,

When someone like me does not know IT terms well, then just with browser restore (upright corner)  make half of screen visible, then click to the picture and hold,  with holding carry this picture out to the desktop. Now you have new icon on the desktop. Open it and then you can easily with mouse click save this jpg to the wished address.

You see - many things what I do not know,
And glad like child when success  ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 14, 2011, 08:52:32 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 14, 2011, 08:50:21 AM
When someone like me does not know IT terms erll, then just with browser restore (upright corner)  make half of screen visible, then click to the picture and hold,  with holding carry this picture out to the desktop. Now you have new icon on the desktop. Open it and then you can easily with mouse click save this jpg to the wished address.

You see - many things what I do not know,
And glad like child when success  ;D
nice workaround. you made it a local file so the javascript doesn't apply.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 14, 2011, 08:56:47 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 14, 2011, 07:38:07 AM
Dont worry, my young friend,
I do a lot and read a lot,
Have built my house where I living with my family,
You can sleep and be sure all is in great order, included doors.
Saturday night is coming, please do not drink too much  ::)
Be happy,

LOL @ powercat's suggestion about me & my doppelganger, khabe, getting a room together...

yeah, we tried that but the pre-nup was getting way out of hand, so now we just share the dog, alternate weekends, and we're still real good friends - no really!!

khabe, you old smooth talker you, it's been many decades since ANYBODY called me "my young friend" - even Yoda's stopped calling me that!

i'm pleased to hear that your house is in good order - i'm just asking you to do some useful work around HERE, rather than getting in the way of all our play-activity

saturday night is indeed coming, thank you for your well-wishes - i'd LIKE to think that there will be happiness but, since my band has a pub-gig tonight i'm not expecting to see many smiling faces  when WE start playing!  ;)

i'll be driving, so no drinking for me - but as you clearly already know, it's not necessary to drink in order have a really fun time, is it?

khabe - i'm leaving you in charge here while i'm gone - please make sure to correct every mistaken idea that gets mentioned , no matter how small or insignificant it may seem

and i want you to be especially diligent about making sure all visitors have an honesty-check on their way in to the thread

can you do that for me? - i know it's asking a lot, but i get the feeling that you're an accommodating sort of guy, and i'm sure that it will give you great pleasure to give others great pleasure

ok - have fun everyone - oh, and by the way,  khabe asked me to say that the drinks are on him!


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 08:59:40 AM
Quote from: gauschor on May 14, 2011, 08:49:00 AM
I have watched now the first 30 seconds of the video multiple times and in slow motion, and I can recognize:

47000 µF
25 VDC

Thanks Gauschor

Have watched the same 30 seconds on Youtube on full screen, but blurry as hell to me, must be my eyes LOL !

Also have read the PDF that Stefan put together and in Romero's notes it states

I have used a 4700uf/25v and the voltage increased to 13.8 with the load

But I take it the original was 47000uf then?

All parts ordered this end (apart from capacitor), probably the only difference will be the bridge rectifiers I will use, apart from that should be nearly identical.
Will knock it up next weekend.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 14, 2011, 09:09:45 AM
 ;D It's not your eyes. The video is really blurry, and I had a hard time recognizing it either. But there is also another indicator that makes me quite sure it's 47.000 and not 4.700 which is the huge size of the cap. A 4700µF is probably the size of your thumb only. (I got some 1000µF 25V caps at home for comparison).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 09:38:48 AM
Fun with ultracapacitors,

I have none,
Time is to buy and try  8)

No needs to be insulted ::)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 14, 2011, 09:48:46 AM
@khabe .Congratulations on building your own house . That must have been a very difficult job . And painting all the doors too . The only thing spoiling it is that your neighbours tell me that your house is still connected to the grid . Can you put this right as soon as possible and then show us how you did it , with plans  and circuit diagram . Only Joking ,neptune .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 14, 2011, 10:01:46 AM
cap is indeed 47000uf, 25 VDC, reference # ALS30A473DF025
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 14, 2011, 10:15:33 AM
This is very important, please take time and think the following thru, I would like some feedback from local pros :)

Was there information about the inductance of single coilset in romerouk setup?
Anyway, considering physical dimensions, small core, biasing magnets and other variables
I would say it was ~1.2mH ;)

Now the capacitor was 47000uF

rpm was likely 1250.

Does it all click together somehow? IT DOES!




8) 21Hz = 21Hz  8)

Capacitor was in parallel RLC resonance (or very close to one) with single coil pair.

Now how this all combined together (multiple pairs and FWBRs) is another question. But this is too close match
the be just a coincidence... If there is not a very large mistake in the inductance estimate.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 10:18:12 AM
You correct, Neptune,
Im still connected with  ::)
But neighbors could not know, my property is ca one hectare and there is subsurface feeder cable to my house.
I have 50A 3ph main fuse, perhaps too much ... but just in case  8)  When hard winter then I pay 500...550 EUR per month >:(
I dont think you believe I wont to reduce my monthly bills ::) Yes I want but coil winding does not help, have wound near all my life - nothing happened.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 14, 2011, 10:25:25 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 14, 2011, 10:15:33 AM
This is very important, please take time and think the following thru, I would like some feedback from local pros :)

Was there information about the inductance of single coilset in romerouk setup?
Anyway, considering physical dimensions, small core, biasing magnets and other variables
I would say it was ~1.2mH ;)

Now the capacitor was 47000uF

He did mention his driving coil to be 1.2mh or so.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 14, 2011, 10:32:42 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 14, 2011, 10:18:12 AM
have wound near all my life - nothing happened.

maybe you just need to unwind a little, khabe?   ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 10:40:54 AM
About resonance,
Wonder when people hope to get something free from resonance.
I was younger I made some extra money with electronics,
Not always oscillograph was near at hand.
How to tune LC to resonance when just Multimeter ???
When LC is tuned to resonance then current grows up to maximum 8)
Current comes from?
From power source and other end of this source locates always in your pocket  :o

Today please ask nothing about electronics,
have not acted with somewhat 30 years  :'(

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 14, 2011, 10:41:03 AM
Quote from: plengo on May 14, 2011, 10:25:25 AMHe did mention his driving coil to be 1.2mh or so.

Well well well... I did not know that, at least conciously.
By most of the computing work my brain does "in background process" so maybe it was stored there.

The next key concept is, when freq A is modulated with freq B... then when one harvests freq B with system tuned out of resonance with freq A then there is no effect on freq A.

The key is to modulate freq A with freq B "for free".

In this case there naturally forms rotating wavefront (freq B) (because of different coil/magnet number), out of sync with mentioned 21Hz freq (freq A).

Out of resonance input/output is the key to electric machine where output "has nothing" on input...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 14, 2011, 10:51:21 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 14, 2011, 10:40:54 AMWonder when people hope to get something free from resonance.

Using resonance you create large stored power circulation in system, applying only small amount of additional input, to keep system resonating. Now when you somehow succeed to harvest from resonating system without breaking resonance (harvesting on another frequency!) then things should get interesting.

Remember Kapanadze talking about resonance in resonance?

Remember this?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 11:04:24 AM
hi yssuraxu_697,
When honestly then something like that I want to believe  ::)
Unfortunately cruel actuality speaks us quite the contrary  8)

OK, may be some kind of unknown amplitudes rounding us ... I really hope so,
But surely you cant to fish for with some childish electric motor >:(
Please dont take offense, this is just my opinion,

You are very seldom man who remembers Kapanadze,
All the gang is dissolved, got off in all directions from Kapanadze forums around the world,
Very sad >:(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on May 14, 2011, 11:08:23 AM
Magnet on pick up Relay   reaction
just an observation

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on May 14, 2011, 11:12:24 AM

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: excessAlex on May 14, 2011, 11:18:42 AM
The debunkers have realized that in order to discourage the researchers, they must discourage researchers to make their own mistakes ... The debunkers act to highlight the mistakes or perceived mistakes of others, and (strangest thing) the "possible" future mistakes.

Human beings act when they have a particular need,

what is the need for debunkers in the context of free-energy? ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 14, 2011, 11:21:13 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 14, 2011, 11:04:24 AMUnfortunately cruel actuality speaks us quite the contrary  8)

I have done quite many of fully controlled experiments with every single aspect calculated and measured with good quality instruments.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 11:29:17 AM
Thanks for the info on the Caps !

Started drawing up the Cad for the CNC machine.

200m diameter x 12mm thick rotor with 8 x 20mm holes spaced at 45 degrees.
Also 5mm slots for smaller magnets.


Top and bottom Stator plates 10mm thick. 9 x 6mm holes for mounting coils and 20mm x 1mm indent for washes to sit.
I have put curved slots, inside set for hall sensor that gets triggered by the rotor magnet top ends.
Outside curved slots for the hall sensor that gets triggered by small 5mm magnets


Out of interest the rotor magnets overlayed on coils.


Now just got to wait for the parts to arrive :)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 11:36:08 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 14, 2011, 10:51:21 AM
Using resonance you create large stored power circulation in system, applying only small amount of additional input, to keep system resonating. Now when you somehow succeed to harvest from resonating system without breaking resonance (harvesting on another frequency!) then things should get interesting.

Remember Kapanadze talking about resonance in resonance?

Remember this?

Remember Veljko Milkovic two stage (dual frequency) oscillator with harvesting asyc with input?

Hope understanding the this Fundamental Principle will help you all with tuning your replicas.

Yes, interesting,
Wonder that I do understand such  English 110%  ::)
Sometimes some pure Englishman speaks I it is much heavier to got that,
And *I do enjoy this kind well composed and clear videos !!!*
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 14, 2011, 11:52:11 AM
There has been concerns from many members that such small coil would not be able to produce more than 2 or 3 volts when used as a generator.

In this video, I am demonstrating a very simple experiment that it is very possible and indeed very simple.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aphasiac on May 14, 2011, 12:06:26 PM
http://www.stickam.com/viewMedia.do?mId=191436737 (http://www.stickam.com/viewMedia.do?mId=191436737)

This is the video Romero had called "10W OU", or something like that. It was one of the earliest videos on the Muller Device.

And I think it's also already posted here: http://freeenergylt.narod2.ru/muller_dynamo/

Looks like already a duplicate of the ones you have. If so, my apologies.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 14, 2011, 12:24:43 PM
@plengo: thanks a lot, this demonstration video is very interesting.

Might this be the major key for the Romero device? That it simply needs less power for rotation because of less cogging?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 14, 2011, 12:49:39 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 14, 2011, 11:52:11 AM
There has been concerns from many members that such small coil would not be able to produce more than 2 or 3 volts when used as a generator.

In this video, I am demonstrating a very simple experiment that it is very possible and indeed very simple.



excellent demo, Fausto - nice work

looked to me like those are the same coils (from Radio Shack relays) used in the small self-runner by Rod, which i reviewed here earlier


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on May 14, 2011, 12:59:35 PM

You might want to rethink the small magnets right outside the big magnets, it might become a very weak spot. As it spins, the big neos get very heavy... dont think you would want them come flying around. Besides, the small ones might disturb the magnetic field of the big ones.
As long as the small ones are 45 degrees apart it dont matter where you put them. You just move the hallsensors accordingly.
Just my 2 cents.
Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 14, 2011, 01:07:01 PM
Quote from: gauschor on May 14, 2011, 12:24:43 PM
@plengo: thanks a lot, this demonstration video is very interesting.

Might this be the major key for the Romero device? That it simply needs less power for rotation because of less cogging?

I think this is only demonstrating one of the thing his motor has. This will definitely help with the cogging and easy the rotation. It will not eliminate cogging specially when using the energy generated by the generating coil BUT there is a very fine line where the generation of energy and the cogging is balanced to its best.

So this technique will help fine tunning, as Romero said, the position of each individual magnet/coil arrangement while pursuing the most energy.

Now the biggest problem to overcome is still Lenz's law where once using that energy there will always be less energy generated than user inputed.

I think for this next problem the solution lies in the magnetic tri-gate of Howard Johnson.

You see, when the coil is creating energy because of the passing by magnet on the rotor and this coils has a load it will create an proportional and counter EMF, therefore another polarity magnetic field, that opposes the coming rotor magnet. This is in fact, at least to me, a 3 poles arrangement seen in the tri-gate concept.

Look at the picture and try to see where is in Romero's one "cell" (generator coil / biasing magnet / moving rotor magnet) is each one in the tri-gate concept!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 14, 2011, 01:25:27 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 14, 2011, 11:52:11 AMIn this video, I am demonstrating a very simple experiment that it is very possible and indeed very simple.

Very relevant. Did a pic to illustrate.
Guess it will work fine when both magnets are roughly same strength/distance.
(forget the conducting washers romerouk had at first)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 01:28:31 PM
Quote from: erikbuch on May 14, 2011, 12:59:35 PM

You might want to rethink the small magnets right outside the big magnets, it might become a very weak spot. As it spins, the big neos get very heavy... dont think you would want them come flying around. Besides, the small ones might disturb the magnetic field of the big ones.
As long as the small ones are 45 degrees apart it dont matter where you put them. You just move the hallsensors accordingly.

Hi Erik

Romero had his hall trigger magnets in line with the main rotor magnets as per picture attached.

The reason I have gone for slots is just to make it easier to cutout, rather than mounting on a turntable and drilling every 45 degrees.

The magnets I am using are 5mm x 2mm discs and the slots are going to be 8.5mm deep into the 12mm rotor and about 1mm from the edge, they will have to be press fitted in anyway, so now way will come out.

Thanks for the input/feedback, appreciatted as usual.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aphasiac on May 14, 2011, 01:37:31 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 13, 2011, 10:26:43 PM
I'm a few pages behind but in case no one put this up here's the link for the big video at megaupload:
. . .

Here is Romero's first video available from any of the four below:
. . .

And this is the last one where he is carrying it around.  Available from any of the sites below:

. . .

@ E2M:  Thank you! I just noticed you did this now. :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Staffman on May 14, 2011, 01:49:27 PM
At one point Romero said that he went through several rotors to find one that worked. Since some replicators will undoubtedly use different magnet sizes and numbers of EM's, I thought it would be necessary to find an equation that could scale Romero's design with these changing parameters. So, I did an analysis of Romero's setup and came up with an equation that anyone can use to calculate the rotor size for different size magnets (or different number of electromagnets).

Radius of Rotor = ((3 * Magnet Diameter * Number of Electromagnets) / (2 * Pi)) + Magnet Radius + 4mm

Radius to Centers of Magnets or Electromagnets = ((3 * Magnet Diameter * Number of Electromagnets) / (2 * Pi))

Be aware that the 4mm at the edge of the disk may be too small for large diameter rotors or rotors of a different material.

If anyone is interested how I came up with this equation let me know, I'll put together a PDF explaining.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on May 14, 2011, 01:51:27 PM
tengo una inquietud romero utilizo 2 hallsensors y en las foto veo  el 1 hallsensors esta a un lado del rotor dando enteender que el motor esta en repulsion y 2 hallsensor encima del rotor casi al final del iman como dando entender que ese motor esta en atraccion, teniendo dos eventos muy diferentes o me equivoco coloco las imagenes teniendo en cuenta que el rotor gira al sentido de las manesillas del relog

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on May 14, 2011, 01:59:02 PM
subo fotos con la duda
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 02:10:21 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 14, 2011, 01:07:01 PM
I think this is only demonstrating one of the thing his motor has. This will definitely help with the cogging and easy the rotation. It will not eliminate cogging specially when using the energy generated by the generating coil BUT there is a very fine line where the generation of energy and the cogging is balanced to its best.
So this technique will help fine tunning, as Romero said, the position of each individual magnet/coil arrangement while pursuing the most energy.
Now the biggest problem to overcome is still Lenz's law where once using that energy there will always be less energy generated than user inputed.
I think for this next problem the solution lies in the magnetic tri-gate of Howard Johnson.
You see, when the coil is creating energy because of the passing by magnet on the rotor and this coils has a load it will create an proportional and counter EMF, therefore another polarity magnetic field, that opposes the coming rotor magnet. This is in fact, at least to me, a 3 poles arrangement seen in the tri-gate concept.
Look at the picture and try to see where is in Romero's one "cell" (generator coil / biasing magnet / moving rotor magnet) is each one in the tri-gate concept!!!


What you hoped there must to be or come, Fausto  ???
Are 13.5 x 100 mm, N50,
its boring to find steel balls, somewhere I have but cant find, because took M12 nuts.
Set up is correct, you can see small red marks.
NS corner  and to the SN corner - both pulls this separate magnet, no matter from what side to start.
And it does not matter what directon to use - corner nut pulls N as well as pulls S ,
polarity does not matter ... direction does not matter.
Dont want to try without rails,  will brake surely ... I have rails but why ...  what I will see ... or you do not know yourself  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 14, 2011, 02:26:28 PM
I don't think it's a good idea to overcomplicate and confuse the design with "magnetic gates" at this stage - afaik the "gates" from Howard Johnson never worked (and neither did his linear accelerator track, it could be seen in his own video). Let's keep to what we have, which is: the magnets on the backside of the coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 14, 2011, 02:26:58 PM
Atraction and repulsion  ???
How there this "push-pull"?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on May 14, 2011, 02:27:16 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 01:28:31 PM
Hi Erik

Romero had his hall trigger magnets in line with the main rotor magnets as per picture attached.

The reason I have gone for slots is just to make it easier to cutout, rather than mounting on a turntable and drilling every 45 degrees.

The magnets I am using are 5mm x 2mm discs and the slots are going to be 8.5mm deep into the 12mm rotor and about 1mm from the edge, they will have to be press fitted in anyway, so now way will come out.

Thanks for the input/feedback, appreciatted as usual.



Ok, now I see. That will be strong enough!
Great work with the cad drawings by the way!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 14, 2011, 03:02:38 PM
@khabe .Just a quick question . You know the type of magnets used in microwave oven. I call them ceramic magnets . Are they in fact rare earth magnets ? What I want to know is this . If China stops all exports of rare earth magnets and materials , what will be the strongest magnets we can then get ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 14, 2011, 03:46:40 PM
Quote from: gauschor on May 14, 2011, 02:26:28 PM
I don't think it's a good idea to overcomplicate and confuse the design with "magnetic gates" at this stage - afaik the "gates" from Howard Johnson never worked (and neither did his linear accelerator track, it could be seen in his own video). Let's keep to what we have, which is: the magnets on the backside of the coils.

I am not trying to over complicate anything. It is what I can see in this motor. The cogging effect reduced by the biasing magnet. Once load is used the counter EMF will create a counter manetic field similar to the tri-gate and that will help the rotor magnet to pass by even easier.

I know that those tri-gate motor never worked, at least that I have seen, but indeed they do pass by on the first gate pretty well although on longer ranges they fail. The dynamics of the interaction of the rotor magnets, coils and biasing magnets are not easy to understand neither envision.

I am only trying to explain what I see as part of those dynamics.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: porteran on May 14, 2011, 04:00:07 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 14, 2011, 01:07:01 PM


Now the biggest problem to overcome is still Lenz's law where once using that energy there will always be less energy generated than user inputed.



...There is research that overcome Lenz's Law...


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 14, 2011, 04:02:24 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 14, 2011, 02:10:21 PM
What you hoped there must to be or come, Fausto  ???
Are 13.5 x 100 mm, N50,
its boring to find steel balls, somewhere I have but cant find, because took M12 nuts.
Set up is correct, you can see small red marks.
NS corner  and to the SN corner - both pulls this separate magnet, no matter from what side to start.
And it does not matter what directon to use - corner nut pulls N as well as pulls S ,
polarity does not matter ... direction does not matter.
Dont want to try without rails,  will brake surely ... I have rails but why ...  what I will see ... or you do not know yourself  ::)

forgive me but I could not really understand your point. Thanks for the try. Can you, please, re write your point so that I could follow?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 14, 2011, 04:11:11 PM
Quote from: porteran on May 14, 2011, 04:00:07 PM
...There is research that overcome Lenz's Law...


YES, I was exactly thinking about Thane too. I just don't know yet how Romero's motor does the same (if it indeed does).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 14, 2011, 04:19:55 PM
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.To change something , build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete ." R Buckminster Fuller .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: merlynmetal on May 14, 2011, 04:30:57 PM
Wasn't the Orbo able to cancel BEMF? Also wasn't it's rotor levitating on magnets or something?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 14, 2011, 04:39:13 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 14, 2011, 04:19:55 PM
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.To change something , build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete ." R Buckminster Fuller .

So true.

I seem to remember Bucky was good at making people stand in awe of simple 3D solutions to 'impossible' problems.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 04:42:19 PM
Quote from: merlynmetal on May 14, 2011, 04:30:57 PM
Wasn't the Orbo able to cancel BEMF? Also wasn't it's rotor levitating on magnets or something?

E-Orbo did cancel BEMF with it's arrangement, but you literaly had to be within 1mm to get flat lines on the current and voltage.
I spent alot and I mean alot of time on it. Was very difficult to publish the results of tests though, because of Steorns NDA, but yep you could get rid of BEMF.

But since then the Rodin Starship coil actually gives better results than the E-Orbo. Check out the video where I demonstrate a near perfect flat line on the current and voltage.


Looking forward to getting the scope connected to this muller generator and seeing how it looks.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 05:01:36 PM
Okay doing what I can, until all the other parts arrive, so getting some fiddly bits are out of the way.

Cut out the Bobbin ends and glued to 6mm ferrite. Picture attached.

I was going to mount them on the stator plates and wind in situ like I did with the Rodin coil

But have decided after some calculations that maybe it is better to wind them the traditional way, so will drag out the old stepper motors tomorrow, cut out 18 more bobbins end and glue them in place.

Here is video of homemade coil winder.

Ferrite was cut down, by modifying CNC machine as video below




Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 05:12:40 PM
Was calculating the windings and if using a accurate winding machine with tight tolerences, I came up with the following:

10mm / 0.875mm = aprox 11.42 turns

So 300/11.42 = 26.62 layers

26.62 layers * 0.875 = 23.29 mm

Now add the 6mm ferrite.

Yet Romero coils look about 20mm and they were hand wound?

Did romero ever post the resistance of those coils? be interesting to compare when I have wound one, before doing all 18 of them.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 14, 2011, 05:24:30 PM
@ Clanzer

Hi, Not sure if you noticed, but Rom used a 25cm disc. I noticed your drawing has 20cm. 

Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:50:20 PM
Sorry, diameter is 25cm and distance from the rotor to the coils is about 3.5-4mm.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on May 14, 2011, 05:26:12 PM
I think it was 4.86 ohm pr coil.
Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Staffman on May 14, 2011, 05:27:36 PM
@ Clanzer

I think he said it was close to 2 Ohms (between 1.5 and 2), although I can't find the post. If I remember correctly, he said that each coil was different because they were hand wound with twisted litz. His wire (7 x 0.125) would be closer to 0.375 diameter if you bunch the 7 wires together....

Edit... i'm probably wrong about the ohms. Still can't find the post.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 05:29:50 PM
Quote from: Cherryman on May 14, 2011, 05:24:30 PM
@ Clanzer

Hi, Not sure if you noticed, but Rom used a 25cm disc. I noticed your drawing has 20cm. 


Hi Cherryman

Yep and later then he corrected himself saying:

I have measured the rotor and it is 20cm, sorry. I had so many changes and I also had a 25cm and a
35 cm rotor in another setup.

I spent about 4 hours today reading every post in this thread, before I started to draw up, so hope it is right :)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 14, 2011, 05:32:29 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 05:29:50 PM
Hi Cherryman

Yep and later then he corrected himself saying:

I have measured the rotor and it is 20cm, sorry. I had so many changes and I also had a 25cm and a
35 cm rotor in another setup.

I spent about 4 hours today reading every post in this thread, before I started to draw up, so hope it is right :)



Oops, now am I sorry

Happy building. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 05:32:45 PM
Quote from: Staffman on May 14, 2011, 05:27:36 PM
@ Clanzer

I think he said it was close to 2 Ohms (between 1.5 and 2), although I can't find the post. If I remember correctly, he said that each coil was different because they were hand wound with twisted litz. His wire (7 x 0.125) would be closer to 0.375 diameter if you bunch the 7 wires together....

Hi Staffman

I have ordered the stuff Romero quoted

7 X 0.125MM SOLDERABLE STRAND EN.Cu = 0.875mm
Ref: ST01250007-500

So he does seem to state it is 0.875mm overall.

Thanks mate


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 05:35:08 PM
Quote from: Cherryman on May 14, 2011, 05:32:29 PM
Oops, now am I sorry

Happy building.

hehehe never be sorry, good to have a sanity check in all areas, so appreciatted mate


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on May 14, 2011, 05:37:36 PM
Here is the post from R.
Hi all,
i see that many questions are about the resistance of the coil.
I don't have the generator at home but as I remember I maeasured it few day ago it was arround 1.7-2 ohms.I have removed one of the pair coils and replaced with a larger one and that has improved the system.

Best Regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 05:44:44 PM
Quote from: erikbuch on May 14, 2011, 05:37:36 PM
Here is the post from R.
Hi all,
i see that many questions are about the resistance of the coil.
I don't have the generator at home but as I remember I maeasured it few day ago it was arround 1.7-2 ohms.I have removed one of the pair coils and replaced with a larger one and that has improved the system.

Cool , thanks Erik

Be good to compare the first coil and see how close we are.

So if running 2 coils at say 2 ohms each in series and 12 volt supply we would be pulling 3amps or 36 watts if fully turned on, but we are pulsing so the RMS would be lower.

I understand we are pulsing two sets at different stages, so be interesting to see the power pulled on the scope when it is up and running.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on May 14, 2011, 05:54:10 PM
Then you should be spot on, I remember someone calculated that the machine was using 12 watts, and giving back 24 watt.
Looking forward to the first scopeshots ;-)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 06:32:32 PM
Double checking things here and some things do not add up.

The rotor is 12mm thick.
The rotor magnets are 10mm thick????

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on May 14, 2011, 06:35:36 PM
First test from Skycollection using 12v batt

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on May 14, 2011, 06:40:42 PM
This was posted by R while he was still here!

Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 06:38:41 AM
Hi all,

I see there are questions about the rotor being smaller that the magnets lenght.
I am not at home now to recheck but I know for sure that the rotor was made from 4  0.3mm discs.
During the initial building and testings I have changed the rotor, changed the magnets,... It might be a 1cm + 0.5mm magnets togheter, I remember having that on the rotor at one point, but I am not sure, I must check later.
I had to use the heat gun to take the magnets off, initially I dan them in NSNS configuration.
I had measured the inductance and it is 1.203mH plus and minus, not all coils are exact value but with the magnets on the rotor being close to them that might not be exact.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 14, 2011, 07:34:09 PM
Hey guys im looking for a good rotor bearing anyone have any ideas or maybe link to order, been holding back but its time, got to play with this myself.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 14, 2011, 08:47:30 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 05:32:45 PM
Hi Staffman

I have ordered the stuff Romero quoted

7 X 0.125MM SOLDERABLE STRAND EN.Cu = 0.875mm
Ref: ST01250007-500

So he does seem to state it is 0.875mm overall.

Thanks mate



Romero has made a calculation mistake as has been pointed out several times in this thread. But if you got thicker wire it will yield more current.
You might wanna re-calculate your coil dimensions though with 0.375mm instead of 0.875mm  though before you start to wind if you got 7 strands of 0.125mm wire.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 14, 2011, 09:27:37 PM
what was the over all size of the wound coil?
if his wire is thicker you cannot get 300 turns in that space. this is the size? can this be confirmed?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 14, 2011, 09:31:35 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 14, 2011, 09:27:37 PM
what was the over all size of the wound coil?
if his wire is thicker you cannot get 300 turns in that space. this is the size? can this be confirmed?

the thing is all the coils are in parallel.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 14, 2011, 09:39:08 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 14, 2011, 09:31:35 PM
the thing is all the coils are in parallel.

No, not in parallel, all the output pairs are in series, then full wave rectified then paralleled into the 47,000 Cap.
So you have two coils/pair in series in boost configuration, rectified,  output of all rectifiers into one Cap.  A very important difference.
Look at the schematics posted earlier on the list.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 14, 2011, 10:01:12 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 14, 2011, 05:32:45 PM
Hi Staffman

I have ordered the stuff Romero quoted

7 X 0.125MM SOLDERABLE STRAND EN.Cu = 0.875mm
Ref: ST01250007-500

So he does seem to state it is 0.875mm overall.

Thanks mate



Sean, great to see you on this rep also.  The 0.875 mm mentioned is I'm sure a type that should be 0.375 mm the 3 and 8 looking a lot alike if in a hurry.  I'm not sure if this type originated from the site Romero got his wire from originally or if it was something he copied by mistake but quite a way back in this thread you can find enough refernces on the guage of the individual Litz wires and total wire guage size to be fairly certain that it was intended to be 0.375 mm overall which is close to 26 guage wire.  Otherwise it would be closer to 20 guage which is quite thick and I seriously doubt you'd get 300 turns of that on those bobbin size spools.  I've pointed this error out a number of times and someone even posted a diagram verifying that it would be 0.375 mm but the error continues to slip in since it was never edited in the initial posts and I think it even was in the PDF Stefan did.  Any doubts just think for a minute of seven 0.125 mm wires arranged in a circle (viewed from end) and you'll see there is no way the diameter would be anywhere close to 0.875 mm as you basically have 3 x 0.125 mm maximum across the diameter at any point. 


  Ah Geezzzz if I had read to the end of this thread I'd have seen xenomorphlabs beat me to it ...   LOL
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on May 14, 2011, 10:06:29 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on May 14, 2011, 07:34:09 PM
Hey guys im looking for a good rotor bearing anyone have any ideas or maybe link to order, been holding back but its time, got to play with this myself.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on May 15, 2011, 12:50:50 AM
Quote from: Dave45 on May 14, 2011, 07:34:09 PM
Hey guys im looking for a good rotor bearing anyone have any ideas or maybe link to order, been holding back but its time, got to play with this myself.

The best available

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 15, 2011, 01:59:43 AM
I think that is the best bearing for skating.  And maybe a vertical rotor but will it handle high RPM?   I read that skate bearings may not be best though for a horizontal rotor like this build Romero did.  A thrust bearing was mentioned as a good choice.  I also think any VCR head bearings as tysb3 mentioned would be a very good choice.  You can probably pick up a used VCR for a lot less than the cost of one of those skate bearings and then you can scavenge a pile of other good electronic parts too ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 15, 2011, 02:38:34 AM
Quote from: tysb3 on May 14, 2011, 10:06:29 PM

@ tysb3
good choice but you have to manage the non horizontal fixing point!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 15, 2011, 02:42:18 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 15, 2011, 01:59:43 AM
I think that is the best bearing for skating.  And maybe a vertical rotor but will it handle high RPM?   I read that skate bearings may not be best though for a horizontal rotor like this build Romero did.  A thrust bearing was mentioned as a good choice.  I also think any VCR head bearings as tysb3 mentioned would be a very good choice.  You can probably pick up a used VCR for a lot less than the cost of one of those skate bearings and then you can scavenge a pile of other good electronic parts too ;)

Well with the type of pressures a skateboard endures, I would sat that these bearings could be champions here.

Boca Bearing has ceramics. Last I looked was back in the time of the Whipmag. They have a lube called dry lube for them.

I had not gotten any for the project, but was interested at the time.

I used bearings from a hobby shop. I thoroughly cleaned out the grease and worked in graphite powder.  I had gotten rundown times of over 14 min from 1000rpms.  I have vids on YT, 2 in a row as there was the 10 min time limit.  It ended up much better than dry or any oils I had tried.



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on May 15, 2011, 02:47:39 AM
Romero has made a calculation mistake as has been pointed out several times in this thread. But if you got thicker wire it will yield more current.
You might wanna re-calculate your coil dimensions though with 0.375mm instead of 0.875mm  though before you start to wind if you got 7 strands of 0.125mm wire.

Hey Xeno,

Gathering parts for my replica, i stumbled at wire also. yes indeed Romero gave the 0.125*7  enameled wire specs with ref code, but as you pointed out this makes a 0.4mm diam more or less. Romero also said that his wire was 0.6 mm diam or so in his forum and perhaps he mentioned the 0.8mm figure.

I suppose he was not critical about wire's diam but he was to be it a Litz one (strands isolated). By the way, in my eyes from his rotor pics, the wire seems bigger than 0.375mm, much closer to 0.6mm or 0.8mm

Anyway, i will stick to the ref code he gave. I do not believe that the thinner and somehow more resistance litz wire will considerably affect the device at those power levels for 7 pick up coils.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 15, 2011, 02:47:47 AM
Also this vid showing the bearing not installed in the rotor.


Ceramics are not cheap.  But the hobby bearings can give great results if treated properly.  The graphite has to be worked in as if to crush it in while working it in under pressure.

The bearing will sound a bit sandy and noisy as you work in the graphite.
But you will be very happy with the results. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Mem on May 15, 2011, 04:04:08 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 15, 2011, 01:59:43 AM
I think that is the best bearing for skating.  And maybe a vertical rotor but will it handle high RPM?   I read that skate bearings may not be best though for a horizontal rotor like this build Romero did.  A thrust bearing was mentioned as a good choice.  I also think any VCR head bearings as tysb3 mentioned would be a very good choice.  You can probably pick up a used VCR for a lot less than the cost of one of those skate bearings and then you can scavenge a pile of other good electronic parts too ;)
I agree with you, VCR head bearings are quite good for this project, plus their low friction and it's free to get it. All it will take 30 min. of labor to salvage it.  Mounting it here is a drawing for you guys.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 15, 2011, 04:29:08 AM
   If you use vcr heads, be sure to add a keeper of some kind to the end shaft so it will not lift up. Side travel for the rotor will allow hitting the coils. Depends on how big a rotor you are running too. I cant use these as my mags are 3/4"X3/4" and the shaft is 1/2" with a 12" rotor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 15, 2011, 04:35:28 AM
Quote from: baroutologos on May 15, 2011, 02:47:39 AM
Hey Xeno,

Gathering parts for my replica, i stumbled at wire also. yes indeed Romero gave the 0.125*7  enameled wire specs with ref code, but as you pointed out this makes a 0.4mm diam more or less. Romero also said that his wire was 0.6 mm diam or so in his forum and perhaps he mentioned the 0.8mm figure.

I suppose he was not critical about wire's diam but he was to be it a Litz one (strands isolated). By the way, in my eyes from his rotor pics, the wire seems bigger than 0.375mm, much closer to 0.6mm or 0.8mm

Anyway, i will stick to the ref code he gave. I do not believe that the thinner and somehow more resistance litz wire will considerably affect the device at those power levels for 7 pick up coils.

I have been going over the wire figure's  We are all wondering about the Dia of the wire and keep coming up with the wrong answer.
the other point is we also cannot figure out the voltage is low if we go by his coil specifications.
I have been going over the figures time and time again.  What if its the turns that are wrong.
the coil dimension and the voltage out and the wire used would imply the turns are wrong.  I calculate the tunes to be around the 700 mark to fill the coils how they look in the photo's if he used 7 X .125.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Mem on May 15, 2011, 05:20:12 AM
Here is interesting replication
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdxMbCU7O8c (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdxMbCU7O8c)

This is a good replication, once he installs more power pick up coils, I believe he will be able to close the loop. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on May 15, 2011, 06:54:08 AM

I have been going over the wire figure's  We are all wondering about the Dia of the wire and keep coming up with the wrong answer.
the other point is we also cannot figure out the voltage is low if we go by his coil specifications.
I have been going over the figures time and time again.  What if its the turns that are wrong.
the coil dimension and the voltage out and the wire used would imply the turns are wrong.  I calculate the tunes to be around the 700 mark to fill the coils how they look in the photo's if he used 7 X .125.

How u managed to calculate voltage? Romero's device has some considerable RPM,...  Anyway, regarding wire, i have already ordered the sewing bobbins (have i told you that Romero used sewing bobbins?) and i will fill one with various AWG wires and see myself what to put so as to match the illustration. (litz will be put finally ofc)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 15, 2011, 07:14:51 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 15, 2011, 04:35:28 AM

I have been going over the wire figure's  We are all wondering about the Dia of the wire and keep coming up with the wrong answer.
the other point is we also cannot figure out the voltage is low if we go by his coil specifications.
I have been going over the figures time and time again.  What if its the turns that are wrong.
the coil dimension and the voltage out and the wire used would imply the turns are wrong.  I calculate the tunes to be around the 700 mark to fill the coils how they look in the photo's if he used 7 X .125.

Basically pretty much all values stated by Romero seem to be unfortunately
off from what they really are in his device. Maybe he wasn't going over groundloop's and Stefan`s diagrams with the necessary attention to be able to correct the values or he just built away and later on couldn't remember what
sizes of components he did indeed use for the device.
From my analysis of the coil close-ups, i am pretty convinced that he used
sewing bobbins. I base that conclusion on measurements i have taken on the image assuming that he did at least make not a mistake by stating that his core diameter is 6mm. If that is so then the length of the bobbin amounts to 11.5 mm
I have personally not been able to fit more than around 250 turns of 0.375mm wire on such a sewing bobbin without the wire falling off.
EDIT: i tried different Litzes to somehow reach a similar diameter, just realized that i did use a bit bigger diameter than that at first for the 250 turns, so 300 might indeed be possible. Needs to be confirmed though.
It seems even likely that like all other values for the device the 300 turns are a guess rather than a verified value.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 15, 2011, 07:18:40 AM
Thanks for all the help, and great vids Mags
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 15, 2011, 07:46:15 AM
I agree about the VCR head bearings as I have used those on my Bedini replications and can hit over 10,000 rpm easily with no problems.

The other option I believe Romero mentioned was used hard drive bearings and they are pretty good also.  I have used those in several projects as well.

Just a note, true ceramic bearings require no lubrication.  We used to make those for prototypes 20 years ago.  As long as it is ceramic on ceramic no lube needed.  That was one of the main advantages as well as a very low coefficient of friction. We used partially stabilized, transformation toughened zirconium oxide but you can also use silicon nitride as well.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 15, 2011, 08:07:13 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 15, 2011, 07:14:51 AMI have personally not been able to fit more than around 250 turns of 0.375mm wire on such a sewing bobbin without the wire falling off.

Single strand? Multistranded wire will deform when winding and make a bit more solid winding plus romerouk has "overfilled" the bobbin plus these 300 turns were likely wild guess.

My 2 cents how the wire mess started. Maybe it has been told but anyway. It is easy to confuse wire diam and area in this case. If you take 0.125mm2 for area then 7x0.125mm2=0.875mm2 total area which btw makes ~0.8mm diameter. That's the closest match in the table so it is easy to confuse.

What I'm not so sure of is using bobbin at all. Certainly it makes job easier but it will keep inner windings somewhat away from the core. 6mm diam core is a joke anyway. rom reported that had better results with larger core. In my experiments I also recently moved from tiny ferrite cores to oversized ones and results got better.

Also pay attention to ferrite material electrical resistance, "cat in the bag" core would not do, you need to know exact material specs. Some types are not much better than using bolts or laminations. And that is dead end.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 15, 2011, 08:08:48 AM
At that when to look closely this wire and to try compare sizes in proportion, then it looks like not 0.125mm wire but somewhere twice thicker and there are not seven strands, looks like two or three 8)
OK, this is not what does get me back up because anyway it does not matter ::)
Theere is one thing what does matter very much ... you have to be very careful with spinning your rotors - do not try  all together at the same time - earth axis could be shifted away, this is clear and present danger for existence of human race :o

I took covertly one sewing machine bobbin from box where my wife keeps this kind of stuff and tried to wind this bobbin with 0.5 mm wire as correct as possible without glasses  ::) - result was 150 turns, wire lenght somewhat five meters  ::)

Perhaps he wound two strands by 150 turns and then these strands connected like "bifilar" need to be done (one end with other start) ... summary 300 turns 8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 15, 2011, 08:14:34 AM
Quote from: Mem on May 15, 2011, 05:20:12 AM
Here is interesting replication
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdxMbCU7O8c (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdxMbCU7O8c)

This is a good replication, once he installs more power pick up coils, I believe he will be able to close the loop.

i believe that he already has closed the loop, feeding back the generator output to a 52000uF buffer capacitor

look at his initial on-screen comment,  "this is my first run and observe with care what happens"

halfway thro' he disconnects the battery, the rotor starts to decrease revs

however, it appears to me that it starts to approach a new lower rpm

unfortunately he then stops the video, so we don't get to see if it just continued running or if it was just slowly discharging his 52000uF buffer cap

the DVM that was in the camera shot appeared to be on the 200 volt range, and showed that he was able to generate 42V+, which is pretty impressive

he has a very smooth bearing & rotor assembly which enables him to get very high rpm, which would certainly help to get the o/p up to 40V+

42V on 52000uF would provide about 46 Watt-seconds

i don't think he's shown what is the drive requirement for his compressed 'star' coils

Romero's two drive coils drew 12W

let's say SkyCollection's drive pair was a lot more efficient - just hypothetical here - and only needed 3W

If the drive required as little as 3W then the MAXIMUM time which that cap could sustain the drive, alone, would be 46/3 = approx 15 seconds

the battery was disconnected at 2:45

at 3:22 the voltage on the cap appeared to be still as high as 32V - ie. it now contained 26 Watt-seconds of energy

in 37 seconds the motor had only used used 20 Watt seconds

an average power of 0.54 Watts

with our hypothetical draw of 3W, in 37 seconds the motor SHOULD have used 111W

so - either this motor is already EXTREMELY efficient (with ONLY TWO pickup coil pairs, so far) or it is ALREADY generating more power than it is using

as you can see, with only 26 Watt-seconds of TOTAL energy  left in the buffer cap (and not all can be used by the drive cct) the motor continued to run for at least another 20 seconds (whilst the video was still running)

obviously an efficient bearing will have a long run down time, and we don't yet know what that is for this device - but the information we have so far from the video looks VERY promising, in terms of confirming Romero's own achievements

i can now see why Romero said that he thought that SkyCollection would be one of the first to replicate Romero's success

it also points to the fact that our replications do NOT need to be so close to Romero's

good luck with the builds everyone!


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 15, 2011, 08:15:39 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 15, 2011, 07:14:51 AM
Basically pretty much all values stated by Romero seem to be unfortunately
off from what they really are in his device. Maybe he wasn't going over groundloop's and Stefan`s diagrams with the necessary attention to be able to correct the values or he just built away and later on couldn't remember what
sizes of components he did indeed use for the device.
From my analysis of the coil close-ups, i am pretty convinced that he used
sewing bobbins. I base that conclusion on measurements i have taken on the image assuming that he did at least make not a mistake by stating that his core diameter is 6mm. If that is so then the length of the bobbin amounts to 11.5 mm
I have personally not been able to fit more than around 250 turns of 0.375mm wire on such a sewing bobbin without the wire falling off.
It seems even likely that like all other values for the device the 300 turns are a guess rather than a verified value.

I agree.  Yesterday, Just fiddling around waiting for parts in spare time between "Honeydoooos", I found I could not get more than 250 turns of #27/48 litz wire measuring .36mm actual diameter X about 30 feet (not measured, just a guess) on a sewing bobbin. Asking myself why, I measured the bobbin which is:  Internal core of 6.37 mm, external core plastic of 7.77 mm, 8.50 mm deep internal to bobbin, 10.55 overall and 19.89 mm overall diameter.  If you take account the material thickness, it is considerably smaller than the 6X10X20 mm nominally stated in core and depth on these pages.  I haven't tried my 4/30 litz wire which is .53 mm in diameter but suspect not more than 200 turns.  Of course the 4/30 could be wired bifilar and end up with up to 800 turns if I need more voltage.  In looking at the wound cores of M, I don't think there ever were 300 turns on them and as you say, a guess.  More likely 250 or so turns with the bulging coils and he did say he did not count the turns.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 15, 2011, 08:27:02 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 15, 2011, 08:08:48 AM
you have to be very careful with spinning your rotors - do not try  all together at the same time - earth axis could be shifted away,
I took covertly one sewing machine bobbin from box where my wife keeps this kind of stuff and tried to wind this bobbin with 0.5 mm wire

sounds like you've just put NASA out of a job, khabe!

who needs spacecraft when we can just navigate the earth through the solar system using our Muller Dynamos?

i like your thinking!

PS  better unwind that wire from your wife's sewing bobbin now - you might end up with an overunity patch, on your old trousers  ;)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 15, 2011, 08:29:45 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 15, 2011, 08:08:48 AMPerhaps he wound two strands by 150 turns and then these strands connected like "bifilar" need to be done (one end with other start) ... summary 300 turns 8)

I guess that is the case. Two litz wires in Tesla bifilar configuration. It is better option than "classical" winding for drive coils because of lower inductance, that I know for a fact. Have not done definitive tests with gen coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 15, 2011, 08:34:31 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 15, 2011, 08:15:39 AM
I measured the bobbin which is:  Internal core of 6.37 mm, external core plastic of 7.77 mm, 8.50 mm deep internal to bobbin, 10.55 overall and 19.89 mm overall diameter.  If you take account the material thickness, it is considerably smaller than the 6X10X20 mm nominally stated in core and depth on these pages

just a thought, guys...

it looked to me like Romero used the stator plate as the former for one end of his coil

if that is the case, it's possible that his coil construction method was to insert & glue one end of the ferrite into the stator plate, cut & glue only one end disc from a bobbin and glue that on the other end of his ferrite, then wind the wire directly onto the ferrite, in situ on the stator plate

i realise that this wouldn't provide a heap more wire volume, but it would account for some

just my 2c

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 15, 2011, 08:38:34 AM
hi nul,
Looks like you did not drink much Saturday night - you can think today 8)
And so it means that my capacitor fantasying was not insult, even if there was not supercap or ultracap - was just adequate capacitor  ::)
How you did read this is 52.000 cap ??? can be what ever when labels exuviated.

like this:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 15, 2011, 09:15:33 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 15, 2011, 08:08:48 AM

Theere is one thing what does matter very much ... you have to be very careful with spinning your rotors - do not try  all together at the same time - earth axis could be shifted away, this is clear and present danger for existence of human race :o

What a legend this guy is.

Not only is building this extremely enjoyable but the side-show entertainment is brilliant.

Bravo, bravo.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 15, 2011, 09:16:40 AM
Quick update.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 15, 2011, 09:19:03 AM
Xenomorphlabs posted a pic of the coil  There are 2 coil former ends. Does not mean he didnt glue those ends onto the ferrite and wind there.  But there are 2 former ends to be sure.  Now sometimes I feel like we are play a game called telephone.  Any one remember it?  Person at the beginning of the line whispers something to someone and by the end of the line it is all jacked up.  Well somewhere someone posted that Romero glued those ends onto the ferrite. There was no talk of the bobbins till later.  And he did say that a bigger coil and core yeilded better results. 
    In the end while I feel it is needed that someone do an exact replication It also needs to be stated that RomeroUK did a fantastic job of BASING HIS MOTOR ON THE MULLER GENERATOR.  Not a direct replication of the muller itself.  Use the theory.  Use the Videos you have seen. Use the stuff Romero said.  Exact freaking wire diameter Litzed together is not what made his motor special.  It was Mullers theory of the balancing of the magnetic fields.  IF anyone remembers the HUGE Bedini Ferris Wheel. I think that that motor is based on the theory of Muller.  At least his 3 bottom coils are.  A magnetic balancing act.  John called it a magamp.  One coil prebiased the other and so on.  There were ALOT of other things going on to be sure, John put a lot of thought into his new machine.  I believe ED also figured out the same process.  And that is why John said the Ferris was based on the work of ED  Leedskalnin.  Why?  BECAUSE THE THEORY IS THE SAME!!.  Dont miss the forrest for the tree here guys.  Why is Jorges/skycollection likely to get it?  because he makes fantastic builds using the theories he has learned.
  Now I am not saying throw a bunch of stuff together haphazardly.  But if you have to increase core size increase coil size also. and magnet size and rotor size proportionately.  I feel the magnets to total coil ratio is imporatant here.  The eclipsing action is important.  That is why ED had the moon procession sculptures.  BALANCE!  If this is real we will soon know and the world will change.  Then people are gonna be pissed, when they realize that many people have done this in the past and our way of life could have changed years ago.  This may spark a revolution in more ways than one.  So really be prepared.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 15, 2011, 09:20:31 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 15, 2011, 08:38:34 AM
hi nul,
Looks like you did not drink much Saturday night - you can think today 8)
And so it means that my capacitor fantasying was not insult, even if there was not supercap or ultracap - was just adequate capacitor  ::)
How you did read this is 52.000 cap ??? can be what ever when labels exuviated.

hi khabe

some people say that i can ONLY think when i drink...

but last night it was just bottled water because i had to drive

we dedicated our final song last night to you:  "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who  ;)

it got the most applause of the evening - but that COULD be because everybody knew we weren't going to play any more songs

i think that SkyCollection mentions the cap value in an onscreen comment near the beginning of the video

his cap is not very much greater than the 47000uF cap on Romero's device

in self-run mode, when Romero's drive i/p is regulated at 12V then his cap has 15V

15V on 47000uF is approx 5.3 Watt-seconds

Romero's drive draws 12W

the maximum time which Romero's cap can drive just the motor is approx 0.5 second

in his self-run video, after the battery is disconnected, the motor is run at different drive levels for testing the effect of the DC converter, but the length of time which the motor is driven at 12V is at least 10 minutes (600s)

to power the motor for this long would require 12 x 600 Watt-seconds = 7200 Watt-seconds

when Romero disconnects the battery at the beginning there is 15V in the 47000uF cap - equal to 0.53 Watt seconds of energy

where did the remaining 7194.7 Watt-seconds come from?

gotta run - have some errands!

see you later

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 15, 2011, 09:21:01 AM
Quote from: bourne on May 15, 2011, 09:15:33 AM

What a legend this guy is.

Not only is building this extremely enjoyable but the side-show entertainment is brilliant.

Bravo, bravo.

Someones have sense of humor, someones not  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 15, 2011, 09:27:38 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 15, 2011, 09:20:31 AM
hi khabe

some people say that i can ONLY think when i drink...

but last night it was just bottled water because i had to drive

we dedicated our final song last night to you:  "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who  ;)

it got the most applause of the evening - but that COULD be because everybody knew we weren't going to play any more songs

i think that SkyCollection mentions the cap value in an onscreen comment near the beginning of the video

his cap is not very much greater than the 47000uF cap on Romero's device

in self-run mode, when Romero's drive i/p is regulated at 12V then his cap has 15V

15V on 47000uF is approx 5.3 Watt-seconds

Romero's drive draws 12W

the maximum time which Romero's cap can drive just the motor is approx 0.5 second

in his self-run video, after the battery is disconnected, the motor is run at different drive levels for testing the effect of the DC converter, but the length of time which the motor is driven at 12V is at least 10 minutes (600s)

to power the motor for this long would require 12 x 600 Watt-seconds = 7200 Watt-seconds

when Romero disconnects the battery at the beginning there is 15V in the 47000uF cap - equal to 0.53 Watt seconds of energy

where did the remaining 7194.7 Watt-seconds come from?

gotta run - have some errands!

see you later

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

hi nul,
Yeah, cap may be not faked, may be just forged ...
Perhaps you do not reckon with energy what simultaneously still comes from generator side  - perhaps run time will come longer than you calculated,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 15, 2011, 09:59:06 AM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 15, 2011, 09:16:40 AM
Quick update.

Nice build, looking forward to seeing more.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 15, 2011, 10:01:03 AM
Quote from: redrichie on May 15, 2011, 09:19:03 AMUse the theory.

Well I sort of tried to start discussion about possible theoretical explanation but no interest. Also there is no real interest in core material properties etc "deep" questions.
Maybe the guys who have interest in these things do not speak so much as others :)
Actually if thing works at all then it is already replicated by many well equipped parties, but I doubt they will share the findings :P

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 15, 2011, 10:12:18 AM
hi nul,
Was in workshop for few minutes and tried my small drilling machine,
AC/DC Switching power supply 24V  -> Speed control (24V/40A) -> 3-phase brushless direct drive motor (outer rotor 56mm diameter),  full throttle speed 5000 rpm and current just 1.4 amperes when no load (max amperage 20A).
Commonly I do never switch off via AC plug  -   now I tried:
I start the motor by full throttle and after few seconds I switch of 240V AC .... it runs more than 1 second until  motors stops and led on the speed control  dies of.
Motor speed control has two capacitors on the power wires - just 2 x 220uF - can not act.
AC/DC convertor, there are several electrolytes on the DC side, most are smallers, two are per 4700uF.
But it runs more than one second for "free"  :o

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 15, 2011, 10:12:52 AM
Quote from: penno64 on May 13, 2011, 11:35:33 PM

This is bigger than you know.

A few more tests, then I will confirm.


Penno, any interesting news to share ? :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 15, 2011, 10:24:27 AM
   For what its worth, now wouldn't it have been better to have let him take us along for the ride. But no, it like always turned into a shark feed. He didn't even make it a week before leaving. Along with him went the truth.
   Now all we have is speculations of what might have been. I shudder at what his pm's looked like. Anyhow, on with it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 15, 2011, 10:27:00 AM
@lasersaber: pretty nice and clean construction, you're main build is almost finished I assume :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 15, 2011, 10:29:04 AM
Wow Lasersaber

Some electronic and lets go ;)

Are your coils wounded with  litze or plain copper wire ?,

I think next week will be very interesting      GOOD , VERY GOOD OR TERRIBLY DESAPPOINTING  YUP!!

Some pictures of update too

The axel is made with a high hand DC motor with ball bearing perhaps later i will use it as prime mover.  The motor is movable up and down to tune the spacing between rotor and stator easily. the holder of the motor is a gokart brake plate holder.

The triggering will be in the center of the rotor  ( see the 8 small magnet) and the Hall sensor will be through the 2 big holes in the upper plate stator,

The bridge rectifier are single Superfast shottky diode BYV 26 D

The coil you can see (sewing machine spool) is wounded with 0.3 mm and 450 turns of plain wire , but i am waiting for the litze wire

Voili voila  :)

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on May 15, 2011, 10:29:18 AM
@ all
there is maybe some useful ideas:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ehsanco1962 on May 15, 2011, 10:39:59 AM
Quote from: abdlquadri on May 13, 2011, 07:08:09 AM
Overunity means you have a COP(energy output energy divided by input by operator)  more than 1(unity); hence overunity. The extra is coming from the environment. Note all system have efficiency less than 100%.
Like John Bedini says there is no free energy (We are tapping into energy from the environment - No school is teaching how to do that presently). Tom Bearden says  "when we say free, we mean free for the taking - we dont expend any energy to get it apart from contruction work etc" - qoute is not exact. Read Tom Beardens wesite: http://www.cheniere.org/ (warning technical stuff ahead)

Thank you very much
This was useful, but does free energy means energy produced by the device   without consumption any energy  on it such as   a wind power, water power, telluric power, and solar power
And if so, why we  don't consider self running devices ,such as  Romero generator a free energy device because the generator does not consum pt any energy  and why John Beading don't consider  radiant energy as free energy.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 15, 2011, 11:33:42 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 15, 2011, 10:01:03 AM
Well I sort of tried to start discussion about possible theoretical explanation but no interest. Also there is no real interest in core material properties etc "deep" questions.
Maybe the guys who have interest in these things do not speak so much as others :)
Actually if thing works at all then it is already replicated by many well equipped parties, but I doubt they will share the findings :P

Your comments are always 'on the mark' based on actual experiments, so appreciated and registered... even if not commented on, here is a work in progress...

This is as per R's recommendation of three drive coils (3 phase drive) so there are three drive and 6 gen coils (sets).

Drive electronics as previously posted.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 15, 2011, 11:35:17 AM
I can not speak for John Bedini , if that is who you mean . As I understand it "Free Energy " is not a scientific term and may mean different things to different people . To me , the output of Romero`s machine would mean free energy . To others , it might mean bypassing the electricity meter . Please do not try this at home .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 15, 2011, 11:47:26 AM

That is beautiful!!  Very well constructed, I wish you the best.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 15, 2011, 11:54:24 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on May 15, 2011, 02:42:18 AM

Well with the type of pressures a skateboard endures, I would sat that these bearings could be champions here.

Boca Bearing has ceramics. Last I looked was back in the time of the Whipmag. They have a lube called dry lube for them.

I had not gotten any for the project, but was interested at the time.

I used bearings from a hobby shop. I thoroughly cleaned out the grease and worked in graphite powder.  I had gotten rundown times of over 14 min from 1000rpms.  I have vids on YT, 2 in a row as there was the 10 min time limit.  It ended up much better than dry or any oils I had tried.



That's impressive Mags!  What specific bearing is that?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 15, 2011, 12:00:19 PM
I personally feel that hall effect switching is not the best way to fire the drive coils on this motor . For one thing , there are bound to be loads of stray magnetic fields in this device . This is a field of which I know very little . I think the answer is an opto coupler or opto isolator whatever the correct name is . So basically it is an LED and a photo transistor or similar . All we need is a cardboard disk  with holes in it mounted on the same shaft as the rotor  . Ok it will need a small battery initially to drive the switching . The big advantage is total control of pulse width and timing , and can be reprogrammed simply by making a new disk . Can anyone suggest a SIMPLE circuit for this , preferably using the same TIP42c transistor as before .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 15, 2011, 12:19:39 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 15, 2011, 11:47:26 AM

That is beautiful!!  Very well constructed, I wish you the best.


Thanks Bill, of course I should add that it is just for the mantle piece as an ornament...LOL, as a kid we used to have one of those clocks with the dodad that would spin up one way then reverse and spin up the other way, fascinating. But here with that thick base plate i can carve out many many pockets for batteries....I checked first and it will hide lap top bats like a charm.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 15, 2011, 12:34:10 PM
i_ron, that's an impressive build.  Have you given it a run yet?  I'm sure you are aware of this but I've got to ask as it looks like you are on an aluminum or steel base plate and from the size of your magnets I'm wondering if there isn't some drag from Lenz effect happening? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 15, 2011, 12:38:41 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 15, 2011, 12:00:19 PM
I personally feel that hall effect switching is not the best way to fire the drive coils on this motor . For one thing , there are bound to be loads of stray magnetic fields in this device . This is a field of which I know very little . I think the answer is an opto coupler or opto isolator whatever the correct name is . So basically it is an LED and a photo transistor or similar . All we need is a cardboard disk  with holes in it mounted on the same shaft as the rotor  . Ok it will need a small battery initially to drive the switching . The big advantage is total control of pulse width and timing , and can be reprogrammed simply by making a new disk . Can anyone suggest a SIMPLE circuit for this , preferably using the same TIP42c transistor as before .


I usually go that route myself. But Halls are more efficient, mA wise. The average slotted opto can use 10 to 20 mA, times as many as you are using.

Whereas the hall sensor is one or two mA.

One has a rough pulse width range with the distance between the sensor and magnet and the dia of the magnet used. With a 1/4 inch magnet, .153 gap @400 RPM  on a 3.7 dia wheel, one has a 'about' a 5 mS pulse width.

If you check my shoot out between the TIP43 and a IRF3205 fet the fet is better. The published TIP circuit is crap. It is poorly designed. stay away. The TIP can easily put out 2 amps OR MORE on the base pin and the Hall will comfortably handle 20 mA. It is not rocket science. [With the load on the bottom of the transistor, as is standard practice, shorting the base to ground can flow 17 amps through the ammeter] Yet when you put the proper base series resistor in place the circuit doesn't work... yeck, run, as fast as yur little feets will carry you.

The fet works best, especially when used with a good gate driver. What you will find with the two series coils being driven from a FET with the built in body diode will be interesting...

I am using the TC4421 in the 5 pin TO-220 package (it was cheaper) if you wonder why it looks like two fets in the picture...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 15, 2011, 12:56:59 PM
I found the timing of this interesting and fascinating to even see this on the main page of cnn.com today.  I wonder if the people that messed with Romero will be visiting this rather high profile guy.  He's got a bunch of unpublished Michael Jackson photo's he's going to sell to finance his 'overunity motor' !!  Article:

"Reginald Garcia just rediscovered his March 1978 photos of the Jackson 5
The images show Michael Jackson in an "awkward teenage stage," a collector says
Garcia is selling the photos to raise money for an energy-efficient motor invention
His "self-generating" motor creates more electricity than it uses, Garcia claims

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A Los Angeles inventor who photographed Michael Jackson 33 years ago hopes those images will now help launch an electric motor he claims could solve the world's energy problems.

Reginald Garcia will use cash from the sale of 130 unpublished Jackson photos to fund testing of the motor, which he claims generates more electricity than it uses. Garcia is in the process of getting the photos appraised and prepared for sale.

The photos show a 19-year-old Jackson and his brothers during a video shoot at a Hollywood studio in March 1978, before he began changing his appearance with surgery.

The Afro hair style and 1970s clothing show "a rare glance" of Jackson in an "awkward teenage stage," an image that he personally tried to bury in later years, according to a collector who sold photographs to the singer.

"If it was an image he didn't like, he was more likely to buy them than if they were images he did like," said Keya Morgan. "Were he alive now, I would definitely go to him and I'm sure he would want to buy them."

With Jackson gone, Morgan's Keya Gallery is buying the image copyrights and helping Reginald Garcia sell the original slides, prints and contact sheets that have been forgotten on his shelf for decades.

Garcia pulled the box of photos out of his closet last month when he was looking for ways to finance testing of his "self-generating" motor, Garcia said in a CNN interview this week.

"He was the greatest guy you could ever talk to," Garcia said of his day with Jackson.

Garcia was a student at California Tech and a freelance photographer when a friend of his sister's, who worked for CBS Records, asked him to take pictures of the Jacksons at Gower Studios in Hollywood, he said.

The color photos show the Jackson 5 dressed in blue tuxedos, singing on a soundstage.

The black-and-white images were taken during breaks in the video shoot, Garcia said.

"I sat him in front of a mirror and shot some photos, and I said 'act like you're reading a letter like you just got from your girl,'" he said. The result was a photo showing Jackson and his reflection in a dressing room mirror. Garcia said he only recently realized it echoes the singer's later hit "Man in the Mirror."

Garcia and business partner David Marohnic brought his photos and the prototype of his invention to CNN's Los Angeles bureau to demonstrate the engine and talk about their plans.

"What we're essentially looking for is trying to take the photos that Reggie took of Michael Jackson, his legacy, use those funds to try to take our prototype to the market and ultimately clean up the environment and use less greenhouse gases as a result of a motor that's very highly efficient," Mahronic said.

The motor buzzed as two voltage meters measured the energy going in and the power flowing out, back to the battery.

"It's generating more energy recharging the battery than it actually draws from the battery," Marohnic said.

Garcia reconfigured the brushes and rewound the copper in a standard motor "so it captures the negative electromagnetic field as it collapses, sends energy to a capacitor and recharges the battery," he said.

The sale of the Jackson photographs will allow them "to certify that the prototype does everything that we say it's going to do," Marohnic said.

"It's written in the stars," Garcia said. "We have a destiny of a greener earth, a door opening today that should lead us to this clean earth." "
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 15, 2011, 01:05:14 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 15, 2011, 11:54:24 AM
That's impressive Mags!  What specific bearing is that?

Thanks e

I dont have the specs as it was a bit ago that I did this. But I have the rotor in front of me and my micrometer. ;]

inner dia  reads 7.9mm   outer dia  13.9mm  plus a flanged lip for leveling 15.2mm   thickness  3.7mm

You can choose a bearing that fits your needs.

I used 2, top and bottom for axial support.

All of my plexi parts are hand made. Jigsaw with fine cut laminate blades. Cordless drill starting with very small bit for pilot and unibit to finish.   

RC Hobbies  has a large selection used for rc cars.

This is the rotor Im using for this project.

I had made it for my magnet motor design that I had made an incredible mistake on. My new setup for it is much larger and corrected for mistakes. Still working on it in the background. ;]


Maybe some day soon to finish. ;D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 15, 2011, 01:20:24 PM
Impressive work guys!

I'm confident you'll soon have some important insights.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 15, 2011, 01:30:12 PM
I would need some ideas how to fix a bearing to the center of a Plexiglas disk:

Sometimes I see in nice builds (e.g. in Lasersaber's latest Muller Generator replication) that a bearing has been fitted to the middle of a disk.

I always have problems when I try this.

So, master builders, how does one fit a bearing to the center of a disk?

When I do it, the bearing always slips off eventually. In case a glue is used, which one?

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 15, 2011, 01:45:50 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 15, 2011, 09:21:01 AM
Someones have sense of humor, someones not  ::)

Excuse me Mr. Khabe. Are you by any chance the Herbert who I may of had conversations with on the LRK TorqueMax forum?
John H
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 15, 2011, 01:52:07 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 15, 2011, 12:34:10 PM
i_ron, that's an impressive build.  Have you given it a run yet?  I'm sure you are aware of this but I've got to ask as it looks like you are on an aluminum or steel base plate and from the size of your magnets I'm wondering if there isn't some drag from Lenz effect happening?


The aluminum base plate is 60mm clear of the rotor magnets but is a factor that will be considered when I get to fine tuning.

JB uses aluminum for the rotor itself, so how much this effects things is hard to say

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 15, 2011, 02:03:41 PM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 15, 2011, 01:30:12 PM
I would need some ideas how to fix a bearing to the center of a Plexiglas disk:

Sometimes I see in nice builds (e.g. in Lasersaber's latest Muller Generator replication) that a bearing has been fitted to the middle of a disk.

I always have problems when I try this.

So, master builders, how does one fit a bearing to the center of a disk?

When I do it, the bearing always slips off eventually. In case a glue is used, which one?

Greetings, Conrad

If your center hole is accurate to press fit, this would be best. But if snug but can wiggle loose, I suggest a bearing as I have stated above, has a flange lip, this should keep it level and you can get a plastic washer (home depot hardware) and use small screws to hold the bearing in place.  I have used tiny screws on the edge of the flange, but it is tedious to get a mint setting due to the small screw holes can possibly break into the bearing hole as they would be very close. This can cause a bit of off level issues.

Glue would be last to try as the bearing replacement, for what ever reason wont be so easy.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 15, 2011, 02:29:19 PM
@ conradelectro . Another idea is to make a large plexiglass "washer" , The hole in the middle to be a bit smaller than the bearing . You could use two , top and  bottom , then drill through the washers and the disc and fit 3 or 4 bolts .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 15, 2011, 02:43:27 PM
@Magluvin, neptune: Thank you, that helps.

@all: may be there are more ideas out there?

Greetings, Conrade
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 15, 2011, 03:28:15 PM
Quote from: Mem on May 15, 2011, 05:20:12 AM
Here is interesting replication
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdxMbCU7O8c (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdxMbCU7O8c)

This is a good replication, once he installs more power pick up coils, I believe he will be able to close the loop.

Thanks, Mem -- what I found particularly interesting is that this replication provided this information:

QuoteUploaded by bedinireplication on Feb 15, 2007

This Motor is build by Mike and is a replication of John Bedinis FE-Motors. It is a selfrunner and gets runs with Energy from the Vacuum.

Explanations and discussions:
see the thread in the overunity.com forum at http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,1988.0.html

So I went to that thread, and found this post from 2007:

QuoteHi ALL,

user Mike  ( HMM) from the gn0sis forum has built a modified
Bedini Cole Window motor which he can run without batteries for
hours and can charge up empty capacitors !

Here is his video which is really amazing !

This is what we have been looking for all the time.
It is a classic Lenz law violation !

Here attached is the video of his motor in action.

It is a Windows Media Video WMV File and you need Windows Media Player
or Media Player Classic to view it.

Mike has also documented all the things of his motor.

I will post this and all the pics in the next replies !

Regards, Stefan.

But that was back about FOUR YEARS ago -- a working motor-generator that, according to folks at the time,
"which he can run without batteries for
hours and can charge up empty capacitors "

Well -- was it a self-runner, or not?
I don't ask this to be rude, I just don't understand why a self-runner four years ago is now neglected and everyone is focussing on this "new" device by RomeroUK?  Can someone explain?

Also, there was a post about a self-runner by "Rod", here is one of these:

This youtube goes back to 2008.  Again,  I just don't understand why a self-runner nearly three years ago is now neglected and everyone is focussing on this "new" device by RomeroUK?  Can someone explain?

Do these previous devices, which were claimed to be working OU or self-running, not actually work?  or was there some other reason to "Drop" these devices and turn our attention now to the RomeroUK device?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 15, 2011, 03:38:52 PM
Just my guesses:
All these people did not post good instructions. In comparison to that RomeroUK was present to answer any questions, he was *here*. That doesn't mean the other devices wouldn't work, but it helps no one if you are left with too much speculation. You can see how much speculation still is here with Romero's device, although he gave much info before he vanished (that said, I hope he and his family are doing well...). And this info is probably enough to replicate. I can't find that much info on the quoted devices though.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 15, 2011, 03:42:19 PM

Did you actually read the whole thread about Mike?

There is quite a few self-runner concepts out there, but they are hidden under the forum noise to be noticed for what they are or to be successfully replicated.

The probable reason people like Romero's device, is that it appears to be relatively easy to build.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 15, 2011, 03:55:51 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 15, 2011, 03:28:15 PM
Thanks, Mem -- what I found particularly interesting is that this replication provided this information:

So I went to that thread, and found this post from 2007:

But that was back about FOUR YEARS ago -- a working motor-generator that, according to folks at the time,
"which he can run without batteries for
hours and can charge up empty capacitors "

Well -- was it a self-runner, or not?
I don't ask this to be rude, I just don't understand why a self-runner four years ago is now neglected and everyone is focussing on this "new" device by RomeroUK?  Can someone explain?

Also, there was a post about a self-runner by "Rod", here is one of these:

This youtube goes back to 2008.  Again,  I just don't understand why a self-runner nearly three years ago is now neglected and everyone is focussing on this "new" device by RomeroUK?  Can someone explain?

Do these previous devices, which were claimed to be working OU or self-running, not actually work?  or was there some other reason to "Drop" these devices and turn our attention now to the RomeroUK device?

Another hoax, Joe A. did a good expose on this showing wires going to wrong pins on devices etc...  The window motor is very close to 1:1, so not much potential there unless you are a TB fan.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 15, 2011, 03:58:13 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 15, 2011, 03:28:15 PM
Thanks, Mem -- what I found particularly interesting is that this replication provided this information:

So I went to that thread, and found this post from 2007:

But that was back about FOUR YEARS ago -- a working motor-generator that, according to folks at the time,
"which he can run without batteries for
hours and can charge up empty capacitors "

Well -- was it a self-runner, or not?
I don't ask this to be rude, I just don't understand why a self-runner four years ago is now neglected and everyone is focussing on this "new" device by RomeroUK?  Can someone explain?

Also, there was a post about a self-runner by "Rod", here is one of these:

This youtube goes back to 2008.  Again,  I just don't understand why a self-runner nearly three years ago is now neglected and everyone is focussing on this "new" device by RomeroUK?  Can someone explain?

Do these previous devices, which were claimed to be working OU or self-running, not actually work?  or was there some other reason to "Drop" these devices and turn our attention now to the RomeroUK device?

what Romweo did different was supply full detail of the device. I have seen plenty of OU devices but the inventors will not tell you how to build them.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 15, 2011, 04:03:02 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 15, 2011, 03:58:13 PM
what Romweo did different was supply full detail of the deign. I have seen plenty of OU devices but the inventors will not tell you how to build them.

OK -- I appreciate the responses, and the fact that Romero provided detail on how to build.  I wish Romero well also! 

@Ron, would like to follow-up on this:
Another hoax, Joe A. did a good expose on this showing wires going to wrong pins on devices etc...  The window motor is very close to 1:1, so not much potential there unless you are a TB fan.


Which one was the hoax? - the one by 'Mike' or the one by 'Rod' ?   (And no, I didn't go back and read the whole thread regarding Mike's device.)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 15, 2011, 04:03:26 PM
My guess is that the Romero device became a self runner in the thread so is more likely to be real and not just a hoax. It is too easy to build something that appears to be self running and have something hidden in almost any place in the device.
Because the Romero device became a self runner in the thread and because of his willingness to help everyone he could, it is more likely to be believable!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 15, 2011, 04:06:07 PM
Quote from: DadHav on May 15, 2011, 01:45:50 PM
Excuse me Mr. Khabe. Are you by any chance the Herbert who I may of had conversations with [..]?
John H

John - i love you - will you have my babies?  :D

[...only thing that's missing is the word spotty]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 15, 2011, 04:07:56 PM
Okay adapted the Automated PM-Orbo Rig with a few addons to be my Coil winder for the Muller Coils.


Now just got to wait for the Litz wire and calibrate it. Should save some time though.

Also cutout the 18 other bobbin lids.

Used 10mm magnets for spacing and 6mm ones on top to hold it in place while the glue sets.
Squares them off niceley.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 15, 2011, 04:13:15 PM
My bobbins are ready waiting for the wire to arrive.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 15, 2011, 04:16:12 PM
@Woopy and  i_ron, really cool looking builds.

Good stuff

@Mags Really nice video and rundown.
I also have used Ceramic Skate bearing in the past, but they soon knacker up when you hit over 10'000 RPM LOL. Good for low revs though.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 15, 2011, 04:21:37 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 15, 2011, 04:13:15 PM
My bobbins are ready waiting for the wire to arrive.

Hi Toranarod

How thick is the skin on the inside?

Best to get the wire as close as you can to the ferrite.

Nice looking bobbin though


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 15, 2011, 04:27:43 PM
We have seen self runners come and go . there have indubitably been hoaxes . The notorious Mylow . and likely Mike as well . As time goes on , more experienced people are using ever more sophisticated techniques to analyse these videos , using methods that James Bond would envy .There are people who come on these forums that refuse to entertain the faintest possibility that OU exists . I can never understand why they spend their time here . As it happens , I don`t believe in Fairies . But I don't spend all my working hours searching pro-fairy forums debunking the believers . Every day we get a little nearer to the truth . Look how long it took man to learn to fly . We have reason to hope that this will not take as long .
PS every time people show pictures of coils . I think of my little grandson`s favourite nursery ryme , "Wind the bobbin up "
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 15, 2011, 04:31:37 PM
American Made muller might be using these things:

http://www.magnet4less.com/popup_image.php?pID=91I=0  1/8 by 1/8 magnet for hall on side.

http://www.magnet4less.com/popup_image.php?pID=236I=0 3/4 by 1/4 magnet for top and bottom

Since it appears that people are not really replicating but instead making there own design now I to find some equivalent to the litz wire here in the US...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 15, 2011, 04:37:27 PM
Sorry if this has been covered before, but so many posts on this.

Trying to get straight in my head the firing sequence here.

We have two Hall sensors, one fires Coil Pair A and the other fire Coil Pair B.

I take it the coils repulse the rotor magnets, so what are the best positions?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 15, 2011, 04:39:35 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 15, 2011, 12:56:59 PM
I found the timing of this interesting and fascinating to even see this on the main page of cnn.com today.  I wonder if the people that messed with Romero will be visiting this rather high profile guy.  He's got a bunch of unpublished Michael Jackson photo's he's going to sell to finance his 'overunity motor' !!  Article:


I posted a comment reply there with the adress of this thread.
As the comments are moderated there I am interested to see, if the
moderator will let my post go through...

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 15, 2011, 04:40:30 PM
@CLaNZer. The drive motor works by attraction not repulsion .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 15, 2011, 04:42:31 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 15, 2011, 04:27:43 PM
We have seen self runners come and go . there have indubitably been hoaxes . The notorious Mylow . and likely Mike as well . As time goes on , more experienced people are using ever more sophisticated techniques to analyse these videos , using methods that James Bond would envy .There are people who come on these forums that refuse to entertain the faintest possibility that OU exists . I can never understand why they spend their time here . As it happens , I don`t believe in Fairies . But I don't spend all my working hours searching pro-fairy forums debunking the believers . Every day we get a little nearer to the truth . Look how long it took man to learn to fly . We have reason to hope that this will not take as long .

For the record, I totally agree with you, Neptune.  I have seen enough with little bifilar/one transistor circuits I've worked on and tinkered with to see that there is something going on.  Solid state, no moving parts.

I look at the POWER waveforms, in and output, using two DSO scopes.  And then I've done the computer-calculations on these.  I should note that  I have seen Poutput >Pinput consistently on one design, but I don't feel ready to post it yet until I can scale it up.  I'm down in the ten-milliWatt range still.

Self-running has got to be the gold standard for OU.  That's why I'm impressed by RomeroUK's build.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 15, 2011, 04:47:49 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 15, 2011, 04:40:30 PM
@CLaNZer. The drive motor works by attraction not repulsion .

Thanks Neptune for that improtant snippet mate.

So how about the config below then?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 15, 2011, 05:13:17 PM
yes CLanzer

You are right on your last drawing for the trigering. (the green dots are at the correct place, and it will probably be to be fine tuned , so must be tunable at will ,so not fixeds ;)

The 2 driving coils  works best in attraction (as per Romero ) and also per my own testing.

So the driving circuitery is made but i wonder if those "lab board  "will sustain the load,  or do i have to separate the MOSFET  drain and source on a separate stronger plate ?

And always waiting for my litze. Hope they come this week or i will anyway wound with 0.3 mm copper i have at home.

Good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 15, 2011, 05:16:17 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 15, 2011, 04:40:30 PM
@CLaNZer. The drive motor works by attraction not repulsion .

I understood it was by repulsion. If the rotor is north, for example, and the biasing magnet is also north, so north against north with the coil in between, the only way that the rotor magnet can pass by is by the coil counter act the biasing north so that there will be an attraction of the rotor magnet to the coils core. Than let the coil off which should bring the biasing north repulse the rotor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 15, 2011, 05:26:19 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 15, 2011, 05:16:17 PM
I understood it was by repulsion. If the rotor is north, for example, and the biasing magnet is also north, so north against north with the coil in between, the only way that the rotor magnet can pass by is by the coil counter act the biasing north so that there will be an attraction of the rotor magnet to the coils core. Than let the coil off which should bring the biasing north repulse the rotor.


Hi Fausto

Easy enough to try both configurations and see what gives best results.

Just one thing to remember for driving coils is to make sure when we wire top and bottom coils in series to swap the wire taps around so we get the opposite polarity from top coils to bottom coils.

If in attraction top coils need to be wired to give a South pole and bottom to give a North.
If in repulsion top coils need to be wired to give a North Pole and bottom to give a South.

Have to think on the biasing magnets..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 15, 2011, 05:27:18 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 15, 2011, 04:03:02 PM
OK -- I appreciate the responses, and the fact that Romero provided detail on how to build.  I wish Romero well also! 

@Ron, would like to follow-up on this:
Another hoax, Joe A. did a good expose on this showing wires going to wrong pins on devices etc...  The window motor is very close to 1:1, so not much potential there unless you are a TB fan.


Which one was the hoax? - the one by 'Mike' or the one by 'Rod' ?   (And no, I didn't go back and read the whole thread regarding Mike's device.)

Be serious, Rod is a serious experimenter, read his Adam's work for example.

Mike was a flash in the pan, from out of nowhere. A guy named Joe had a Yahoo group called "Scam or no Scam", long since gone, so just going on memory what discrepancies he posted that he found.

Not too many OU running Mike's window motors running today, running a 5 watt bulb... should answer your questions


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 15, 2011, 05:28:28 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 15, 2011, 05:16:17 PM
I understood it was by repulsion. If the rotor is north, for example, and the biasing magnet is also north, so north against north with the coil in between, the only way that the rotor magnet can pass by is by the coil counter act the biasing north so that there will be an attraction of the rotor magnet to the coils core. Than let the coil off which should bring the biasing north repulse the rotor.


i believe neptune is correct

iirc Romero said that he added the stator magnets later, to assist in anti-cogging of his already built rotor + stator system

his description of the stator/rotor system is that it works in attraction mode

ie. if the rotor mags are N up, then the top stator coil is driven S down
(and the inverse for the lower side ofc)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 15, 2011, 05:35:38 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 15, 2011, 05:13:17 PMThe 2 driving coils  works best in attraction (as per Romero ) and also per my own testing.

And that's why:

Magnet flux only = 1x force
Coil flux only = 1x force
Magnet flux + Coil flux = 4x force (2x amplification)

You don't get that in repulsion.

Actually if one thinks about that long enough then it's quite an achievement for mankind do NOT to have COP>1 PM motors in general use :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 15, 2011, 05:41:31 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 15, 2011, 04:27:43 PM
We have seen self runners come and go . there have indubitably been hoaxes . The notorious Mylow . and likely Mike as well . As time goes on , more experienced people are using ever more sophisticated techniques to analyse these videos , using methods that James Bond would envy .There are people who come on these forums that refuse to entertain the faintest possibility that OU exists . I can never understand why they spend their time here . As it happens , I don`t believe in Fairies . But I don't spend all my working hours searching pro-fairy forums debunking the believers . Every day we get a little nearer to the truth . Look how long it took man to learn to fly . We have reason to hope that this will not take as long .
PS every time people show pictures of coils . I think of my little grandson`s favourite nursery ryme , "Wind the bobbin up "

Here is a small snippet from an email I received a few weeks ago. I have edited out the names. I thought this was very telling.

I know a man xxxxxxxx He made it big in the xxxxx business. He sold out to some international conglomerate and is set for life. As part of his humanitarian contribution to the world he decided to search for a true free energy technology and do what it takes to finance it and develop it into something workable, hoping to do an end run around the MIB. He doesn’t do all his work on the Internet. For the last two years he has traveled to the prospective inventors with about $50,000 in Tektronix energy analyzers and other support equipment (including the FET probes). When I talked to him last, about 4 months ago at xxx here in xxxx, he said he had personally interview 118 individuals in 10 different countries. He said:

4% are outright Fraud (I thought that number was low)
48% have instrumentation errors and 80% of those are with current analysis â€" especially pulsed current.
48% are delusional about their accomplishments and the manner in which they evaluate their results

It’s those last 48% that clog up the forums and discussion groups. You can show them with the latest equipment that their setup is only running at 70% efficiency and they will continue to think they have made a breakthrough and want you to provide them a research grant and buy stock in their company. So far he has found two legitimate OU devices one that operated at the 1 watt power level and another at 1000 watts. He attempted to get the second one together with a prince in Europe that was ready to finance a manufacturing effort, but the inventor wanted 60 million Euros up front. So far the people with the working inventions are impossible to do business with. No wonder so many inventors go to the grave with their secret. This is the same problem that Stan myers had.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 15, 2011, 05:52:19 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 15, 2011, 04:21:37 PM
Hi Toranarod

How thick is the skin on the inside?

Best to get the wire as close as you can to the ferrite.

Nice looking bobbin though



My machine guy got them down to 0.4 mm
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 15, 2011, 05:58:46 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 15, 2011, 09:27:38 AM
Yeah, cap may be not faked, may be just forged ...

yeah, and Elvis may not be dead ;)

i think we dealt with Romero's 'fake/forged cap' several times

when the generator gets disconnected from the cap/converter/motor system this so-called 'fake cap' is unable to prevent the rotor from running down to a stop in 100 seconds

please don't clog the thread with this again, unless you have evidence or something new to say, thanks

Quote from: khabe
Perhaps you do not reckon with energy what simultaneously still comes from generator side  - perhaps run time will come longer than you calculated,

i didn't have to 'calculate' the run time - i observed it in the video

when the generator IS connected to the cap/converter/motor system, and the BATTERY gets disconnected, then the device runs until switched off (ie. for at least 10 minutes at 12V, plus some minutes at other volts)

at battery disconnect there are 5.3 Watt-seconds of energy in the cap

the motor needs 7200 Watt-seconds of energy to run for 10 minutes (600s)

we know from my point above that the cap on its own is incapable of keeping the rotor running any longer than 100s - and all that time the rotor is running down, not maintaining speed

you have not explained where the excess 7194.7 Watt-seconds comes from, to keep the motor running, overcome the DC converter losses and occasionally light a filament bulb

please do not say "from the generator side" , because the generator will only transmit energy if the motor is performing work

what gives the motor at least 7200 Watt-seconds of energy to keep running for more than 600 seconds?

we've already seen that it is NOT the 5.3 Watt-seconds of energy in the 'fake/forged' cap

and it is NOT the 100 seconds worth of 'inertial' energy in the spinning rotor

Quote from: khabe
tried my small drilling machine,
I start the motor by full throttle and after few seconds I switch of 240V AC .... it runs more than 1 second until  motors stops

i'm pleased to see that you keep all your equipment well lubricated

MY wife has to keep REMINDING me!  ;)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 15, 2011, 07:09:51 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 15, 2011, 05:27:18 PM
Be serious, Rod is a serious experimenter, read his Adam's work for example.

Mike was a flash in the pan, from out of nowhere. A guy named Joe had a Yahoo group called "Scam or no Scam", long since gone, so just going on memory what discrepancies he posted that he found.

Not too many OU running Mike's window motors running today, running a 5 watt bulb... should answer your questions


   Thanks for this clarification, I-ron.   As I looked at a few of his videos, I thought Rod was a serious -- and very creative -- inventor.  Glad you found the same.

Thanks for posting that email, nul-points.  I found that informative and helpful -- encouraging.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 15, 2011, 07:42:51 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 15, 2011, 05:28:28 PM
i believe neptune is correct

iirc Romero said that he added the stator magnets later, to assist in anti-cogging of his already built rotor + stator system

his description of the stator/rotor system is that it works in attraction mode

ie. if the rotor mags are N up, then the top stator coil is driven S down
(and the inverse for the lower side ofc)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
I'm fairly sure that is what I read either here or on Romero's forum before it got pulled down.  IIRC he said it was by attraction.  Just adding to the consensus here as this has come up before in this thread. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 15, 2011, 09:18:57 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 15, 2011, 11:47:26 AM

That is beautiful!!  Very well constructed, I wish you the best.



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 15, 2011, 09:58:40 PM
Quote from: Loner on May 15, 2011, 08:27:40 PM
Just as a Quick Note, it could easily be both attraction AND repulsion.  I thought that was obvious?  If the Bias magnet would "Cause" the repulsion, and the coil is used to counteract that into attraction?

Or is the lack of magnets seen on the pictures fully accepted?
(I haven't seen the bottom of the "Drive" coils, so for me this is undecided.)

Only seemed to be common sense to me.  Or am I just a little slow...

This agrees with Romero's statement of attraction, but could add in a little more torque.  This also relates to the "High Flux Reversal" situation as well.  Or am I to assume that the operation "HOWs" are still undecided?

(Just playing with "Micro" unit until larger magnets arrive.)

I asked Romero specifically about the magnets and he said the device works better in attraction mode, but if you look at the drawing, including the one in Stefan's pdf, the stator magnets are in repulsion to the rotor magnets, and it shows the coil in attraction.  The Coil MUST be in attraction for best results! 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 15, 2011, 10:05:41 PM
Quote from: hoptoad on May 15, 2011, 09:18:57 PM

That is beautiful!!  Very well constructed, I wish you the best.




Thanks, guys!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 15, 2011, 10:12:47 PM
rotor material


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 15, 2011, 10:43:09 PM
Quote from: Loner on May 15, 2011, 10:27:48 PM
I must reply to you, Bruce.

But First, the replications I have seen here, names not needed, are so good that words cannot express my appreciation.  Fantastic work. 

Bruce, I have a question, that "May" be important, as it directly relates to this.  Your pic shows the stator coils, but this is in reference to the "Generation" coils, not the "Drive" coils.  IF there were a magnet on the drive coils, then what I stated applies very well.  I do not see one in the video's, which is why I noted that I could not see the bottom.  Without or with magnets, attraction will always be better, due to flux concentration, but I am sure others with motor design experience could explain that much better.  Of course the "Gen" coils will be in repulsion, as far as the magnets go.   My Question, "Do you think there are magnets on the "Drive" coils?"   If yes, then both are in use, and if no then just attraction.  I am assuming no for now, and ignoring the old method of reversing the coil current flow from the collapse, as that would be too much at this stage.  (The circuitry wasn't in video, either, and this is all still replication, right?)

So, what this all comes down to is, if Romero stated it works better in attraction, this implies he tried repulsion.  This would be possible just by flipping the magnets on the stator drive coils to opposite way for repulsion, or the same way as the "Gen" coils for attraction mode.  I doubt he would have wanted to reverse the magnets polarity for the drive coils to be in repulsion, as the attraction caused during coil off might be a problem.  (Might help to start, too.  I have not gotten that far, but the washers could allow for more than tuning, in this very low probability case.)

I think there are NO magnets on the drive coils, and if there are, then they are in repulsion mode with the coil(s) in attraction mode.  Either way the motor uses attraction force during the coil drive time.  Does this sound reasonable?

(Note: this operation can be accomplished without a rotor, but that is another story.  Working on that until mags come in...)

Hi Loner,

To answer your question, no, I don't think he used magnets on the drive coils at all.  And the picture I posted came from much earlier in this thread and was posted by Romero, and later placed into Stefans .pdf.  It will work either way, but he stated attraction and I asked him very specifially, and he stated that it worked "better" in attraction.  At first I had thought he was speaking of the magnets, but he was not, for I mentioned to him that his picture showed the magnets in repulsion.  The Coil must be in attraction to the rotor magnet.  I hope that helps!


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 15, 2011, 11:19:19 PM
I wonder what Latitude Romero lives at? Didn't he say he tried to run it on edge but it didn't work well?
Is it possible he lives around 45 degrees north and the Earths magnetic field plays into this somehow? Maybe it directs the Earths field through the cores for the added energy gain?
I guess if someone gets it working it could always be tested in a magnetic free environment.
Just something to think about for those building with a vertical rotation plane.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Crapola on May 15, 2011, 11:27:40 PM
Hello Everyone,

I've never built a motor of any kind before, but I was so intrigued by the dynamo that Romero built, I feel I need to give it a go. I read the first few pages and the past dozen or so. Can anyone point me to the page where the parts list is. I'd appreciate the help.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 16, 2011, 12:11:03 AM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 15, 2011, 01:30:12 PM
I would need some ideas how to fix a bearing to the center of a Plexiglas disk:

Sometimes I see in nice builds (e.g. in Lasersaber's latest Muller Generator replication) that a bearing has been fitted to the middle of a disk.

I always have problems when I try this.

So, master builders, how does one fit a bearing to the center of a disk?

When I do it, the bearing always slips off eventually. In case a glue is used, which one?

Greetings, Conrad

One way to ensure a tight fit is to machine the ID of the plexi as close to the OD of your bearing as possible.  Then, slightly heat up the plexi using an oven but, do not get it hot enough to distort in any way.  I am thinking maybe 100-120 F.  Before heating the plexi, place your bearing in the freezer for a few hours.

The bearing should slide into the plexi fairly easily and when the bearing heats back to room temp. and the plexi drops to room temp. it should be a very tight fit indeed.  This way you are using the coefficient of expansion of the materials to your advantage.

Just an idea from stuff we used to do.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 01:36:31 AM
Quote from: Crapola on May 15, 2011, 11:27:40 PM
Hello Everyone,

I've never built a motor of any kind before, but I was so intrigued by the dynamo that Romero built, I feel I need to give it a go. I read the first few pages and the past dozen or so. Can anyone point me to the page where the parts list is. I'd appreciate the help.  Thanks.

Crapola, as far as I know, there is no parts list per se. But there is a link on page 1 for pdf, detailed enough info for replication. Please read this whole thread as there is much info to be gleaned by doing so.
Welcome ;D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 16, 2011, 03:14:49 AM
Quote from: lumen on May 15, 2011, 11:19:19 PM
I wonder what Latitude Romero lives at? Didn't he say he tried to run it on edge but it didn't work well?
Is it possible he lives around 45 degrees north and the Earths magnetic field plays into this somehow? Maybe it directs the Earths field through the cores for the added energy gain?
I guess if someone gets it working it could always be tested in a magnetic free environment.
Just something to think about for those building with a vertical rotation plane.


RomeroUK lives in London.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 03:19:28 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on May 16, 2011, 03:14:49 AM

RomeroUK lives in London.

51.5 deg n.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 03:28:15 AM
Quote from: lumen on May 15, 2011, 11:19:19 PM
I wonder what Latitude Romero lives at? Didn't he say he tried to run it on edge but it didn't work well?
Is it possible he lives around 45 degrees north and the Earths magnetic field plays into this somehow? Maybe it directs the Earths field through the cores for the added energy gain?
I guess if someone gets it working it could always be tested in a magnetic free environment.
Just something to think about for those building with a vertical rotation plane.

Lumen, The way I took Romero's comment was that his bearing arrangement relied on gravity for proper alignment or in other words, the shaft was not captive? I think ??? ??? ???   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Collapsingfield on May 16, 2011, 03:28:52 AM
It could help understand the role of the parts.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 16, 2011, 04:21:54 AM
Quote from: Collapsingfield on May 16, 2011, 03:28:52 AMIt could help understand the role of the parts.

Note the rotating field vortex forming in the coil cores. "Regauging" with stator magnets rocks.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 16, 2011, 05:11:47 AM
Magnet biasing a pick up coil could reduce cogging but changes inductance factor.

The performance of a pick up coil (generator coil) depends on

- the number of wire turns (more turns need thinner wire, less amperage),

- the size of the coil (its dimensions also influence the possible number of turns),

- the core material (its inductance factor, its dimensions),

- the gap in between the passing magnet and the core of the coil

- the strength of the passing magnet

- the speed of the passing magnet

If all this is chosen right, some optimum of performance will be achieve.

Putting a magnet near the coil (at the outside) will change the inductance factor of the core. If the inductance factor was right (i.e. achieved an optimum) the performance will drop. If the inductance factor was not optimal, the magnet could cause a performance gain (by correcting the inductance factor).

The more tricky effect is the cogging: more cogging needs a higher force to drive the generator. So, if the magnet reduces cogging there could be a gain in the sense, that less force is needed to drive the generator for the optimum output of the coil.

In short: the benefit of the magnet could be the reduction of cogging as long as the change of inductance is towards the optimal inductance and not away from it.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 16, 2011, 05:15:47 AM
Many thanks to e2matrix and stefan, now I have obtained the three videos and uploaded them to a video website in China -- it might be helpful for those who can't watch from youtube. Here are the links:

Muller type generator with extra magnets.

Muller Generator - self running - Test1

Muller Generator Suspended

It may have a few seconds of Ads in the beginning by the website policy.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 16, 2011, 05:24:31 AM
Quote from: Loner on May 15, 2011, 10:27:48 PM
I must reply to you, Bruce.
But First, the replications I have seen here, names not needed, are so good that words cannot express my appreciation.  Fantastic work. 
Bruce, I have a question, that "May" be important, as it directly relates to this.  Your pic shows the stator coils, but this is in reference to the "Generation" coils, not the "Drive" coils.  IF there were a magnet on the drive coils, then what I stated applies very well.  I do not see one in the video's, which is why I noted that I could not see the bottom.  Without or with magnets, attraction will always be better, due to flux concentration, but I am sure others with motor design experience could explain that much better.  Of course the "Gen" coils will be in repulsion, as far as the magnets go.   My Question, "Do you think there are magnets on the "Drive" coils?"   If yes, then both are in use, and if no then just attraction.  I am assuming no for now, and ignoring the old method of reversing the coil current flow from the collapse, as that would be too much at this stage.  (The circuitry wasn't in video, either, and this is all still replication, right?)
So, what this all comes down to is, if Romero stated it works better in attraction, this implies he tried repulsion.  This would be possible just by flipping the magnets on the stator drive coils to opposite way for repulsion, or the same way as the "Gen" coils for attraction mode.  I doubt he would have wanted to reverse the magnets polarity for the drive coils to be in repulsion, as the attraction caused during coil off might be a problem.  (Might help to start, too.  I have not gotten that far, but the washers could allow for more than tuning, in this very low probability case.)
I think there are NO magnets on the drive coils, and if there are, then they are in repulsion mode with the coil(s) in attraction mode.  Either way the motor uses attraction force during the coil drive time.  Does this sound reasonable?
(Note: this operation can be accomplished without a rotor, but that is another story.  Working on that until mags come in...)

attraction / repulsion,
When to look the Rom chosen position of  driving coils then when one of rotor magnet will approach to the first drive coil, then from second drive coil the magnet will already back away. It means that one coil need to work as push, second one as pull - first in attraction when second in repulsion mode  - (or conversely) this is feasible with just choice the  right choice coil wire ends (Aa or aA).
And of course upper and lower coils need to be likewisely contrary polarized.
First drive coil upper Aa, lower aA, second drive coil upper aA, lower aA (just simple figuring about wire start and wire end when all coils wound in one direction).
Now when driving pulse comes, then first driving coil works like push, second driving coil works like pull (or just the opposite)
Figuratively there is no classical push-pull cycle for driving, but anyway when first driving coil is in attraction then second driving coil works in repulsion.
My English is really poor, but hopefully my opinions are comprehensible,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 16, 2011, 05:49:32 AM
Look at these ferrite cores/bobbins - all in one, no needs for sewing machine bobbins, no needs to make the fur fly with wife, no mamas cry  ::)
eBay item 220660230192  (ebay.de),
OK, perhaps not for to replicate Rom´s dynamo but for own design surely,
Already wound with 1mm wire, and only for 1 EUR  :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 16, 2011, 06:22:42 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 16, 2011, 05:49:32 AM
Look at these ferrite cores/bobbins - all in one, no needs for sewing machine bobbins, no needs to make the fur fly with wife, no mamas cry  ::)
eBay item 220660230192  (ebay.de),
OK, perhaps not for to replicate Rom´s dynamo but for own design surely,
Already wound with 1mm wire, and only for 1 EUR  :o
Mundorf M-Coil ARONIT-core coils litz (baked varnished)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 16, 2011, 06:37:22 AM
Coreless Adams,
more precisely
wonder why called as coreless ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 16, 2011, 06:39:19 AM
I did some thinking and simulations on the driving coils.
It seems there are two interesting options:
1) connect them in series
2) connect them in anti-series

Option 1, series:
BEMF, induced by the rotor magnet, adds up for each driving coil.
The pulse source needs to compentate for the BEMF, or even over drive the BEMF to get some effect.
The cores will likely stay out of saturation, causing both cores to be attracted by the rotor magnet.

Option 2, anti-series:
BEMF is cancelled out.
The upper coil core will stay out of saturation
The bottom coil core will get into saturation.
Causing only one core to have a clear attraction by the rotor magnet.

So, either use the setup in attraction or repelling, each of this will have benifit if the right coil connection is chosen.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 16, 2011, 06:47:57 AM
  I subscribe to Lidmotor's videos at Youtube.  I think he does some good work and is an honest man.

  He has just posted at Youtube a partial replication:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdDFVUfX5jg&feature=uploademail

He explains the problem he is having...  keep going, Lidmotor!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 16, 2011, 06:48:24 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on May 16, 2011, 06:39:19 AM
I did some thinking and simulations on the driving coils.
It seems there are two interesting options:
1) connect them in series
2) connect them in anti-series

Option 1, series:
BEMF, induced by the rotor magnet, adds up for each driving coil.
The pulse source needs to compentate for the BEMF, or even over drive the BEMF to get some
The cores will likely stay out of saturation, causing both attraction by the rotor magnet.

Option 2, anti-series:
BEMF is cancelled out.
The upper coil core will get into saturation
The bottom coil core will stay out of saturation.
Causing only one core to have a clear attraction by the rotor magnet.

So, either use the setup in attraction or repelling, each of this will have benifit if the right coil connection is chosen.

Option 2 surely does not work because rotor magnet is N up and S down (or contrary), means that when upper side pushes then lower side pulls and wht is  result we´ll get  -  ZERO  -  just losses  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rosphere on May 16, 2011, 07:00:54 AM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 16, 2011, 06:47:57 AM
  I subscribe to Lidmotor's videos at Youtube.  I think he does some good work and is an honest man.

  He has just posted at Youtube a partial replication:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdDFVUfX5jg&feature=uploademail

He explains the problem he is having...  keep going, Lidmotor!

His magnets are about a tenth the size; one order of magnitude too small.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 07:10:55 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 16, 2011, 06:37:22 AM
Coreless Adams,
more precisely
wonder why called as coreless ::)

Not looped though :'(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 16, 2011, 07:11:12 AM
Here is a little theory created jointly by myself and nul-points .We suspect that the Guvmint has a secret detention centre on an island in the Outer Hebrides . Its purpose is to detain successful overunity inventors .Officially it does not exist , and has no name , only a number .However , the inmates have a name for it . They call it "Want Dynamo Bay " .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 07:14:09 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 16, 2011, 05:49:32 AM
Look at these ferrite cores/bobbins - all in one, no needs for sewing machine bobbins, no needs to make the fur fly with wife, no mamas cry  ::)
eBay item 220660230192  (ebay.de),
OK, perhaps not for to replicate Rom´s dynamo but for own design surely,
Already wound with 1mm wire, and only for 1 EUR  :o

WTF!!!!!!!!!! Wont ship to USA!!!!!! or Switzerland!!!!!!! WTF does THIS mean????? ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 07:20:55 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 16, 2011, 07:11:12 AM
Here is a little theory created jointly by myself and nul-points .We suspect that the Guvmint has a secret detention centre on an island in the Outer Hebrides . Its purpose is to detain successful overunity inventors .Officially it does not exist , and has no name , only a number .However , the inmates have a name for it . They call it "Want Dynamo Bay " .

Yea, No ship!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: abdlquadri on May 16, 2011, 07:23:31 AM
Quote from: ehsanco1962 on May 15, 2011, 10:39:59 AM
Thank you very much
This was useful, but does free energy means energy produced by the device   without consumption any energy  on it such as   a wind power, water power, telluric power, and solar power
And if so, why we  don't consider self running devices ,such as  Romero generator a free energy device because the generator does not consum pt any energy  and why John Beading don't consider  radiant energy as free energy.

We basically create a system in the device that allows energy from the environment to flow into the system. The energy that flow into the system is the free energy. Which means we are not paying to convert energy from one form to another - that is why it is free for the taking. The system is doing it for us.

An OU device definitely must capture free energy or else it wont be OU. So Romero gen uses free energy and bedini systems also.

What John meant was that at least you have pay for construction, experimentation etc.
The Romero generator
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 07:23:44 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 16, 2011, 07:11:12 AM
Here is a little theory created jointly by myself and nul-points .We suspect that the Guvmint has a secret detention centre on an island in the Outer Hebrides . Its purpose is to detain successful overunity inventors .Officially it does not exist , and has no name , only a number .However , the inmates have a name for it . They call it "Want Dynamo Bay " .

yep, and it's looking like Penno has joined Romero there  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 07:24:29 AM
it seems that some folks want to argue from what they 'know must be correct', rather than from looking at the evidence

this is WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING in the 'self-run' video BASED ON THE EVIDENCE that we can see there:-

when Romero starts the device and then disconnects the battery, the motor drive i/p is clamped at 12V by the DC converter (the o/p voltage on the cap is 15V)

the rotor will also store some inertial energy (it has momentum)

There are now effectively ONLY TWO STORES OF SUSTAINING ENERGY in the system
1) the buffer cap 
2) the rotor

Lets call the total energy they contain at this point: Ea

later in the video, Romero switches the DC converter to a lower voltage (4.5V, i believe)

at this voltage, the rotor slows down to a much lower rpm than it was at 12V
(there was not enough inertial energy in the rotor to maintain the same speed, and the rpm immediately started to decrease to a lower speed)

the rotor has lost some momentum - so the energy stored in the rotor has DECREASED

since the rotor rpm has decreased, the o/p voltage from the generator, on the cap, will now be much lower (say, 5.5V approx) - so the energy stored in the cap has DECREASED

therefore the TOTAL ENERGY stored in the system has DECREASED

let's call this new, lower energy: Eb

the energy lost was mainly dissipated as heat by the DC converter: (Ea - Eb)

then Romero switches voltage selection on the DC converter back to 12V, the motor drive is no longer clamped at 4.5V and the rotor starts to increase in rpm

- the device RETURNS to its original 12V motor i/p drive,
- the cap voltage from generator o/p returns to 15V - an INCREASE in stored energy
- the rotor speed returns to its higher rpm - an INCREASE in stored energy

NOW there is the previous HIGHER TOTAL ENERGY in the system again, Ea

QUESTION: FROM WHERE did the extra energy come???

it didn't come from the cap

it didn't come from the rotor

i agree that Romero's experiment results did not conform to conventional theory

i am just stating what the EVIDENCE shows

if you disagree with my interpretation of the evidence, then please use the same source of evidence to answer my question above


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 16, 2011, 07:30:07 AM
   Thats easy, its called over taxation. When you do international shipments, you incur all kinds of added taxes. Both your country and the destination. Some just will not pay them.


Quote from: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 07:14:09 AM

WTF!!!!!!!!!! Wont ship to USA!!!!!! or Switzerland!!!!!!! WTF does THIS mean????? ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 07:32:54 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 07:24:29 AM
it seems that some folks want to argue from what they 'know must be correct', rather than from looking at the evidence

this is WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING in the 'self-run' video BASED ON THE EVIDENCE that we can see there:-

when Romero starts the device and then disconnects the battery, the motor drive i/p is clamped at 12V by the DC converter (the o/p voltage on the cap is 15V)

the rotor will also store some inertial energy (it has momentum)

There are now effectively ONLY TWO STORES OF SUSTAINING ENERGY in the system
1) the buffer cap 
2) the rotor

Lets call this total energy: Ea

later in the video, Romero switches the DC converter to a lower voltage (4.5V, i believe)

at this voltage, the rotor slows down to a much lower rpm than it was at 12V
(there was not enough inertial energy in the rotor to maintain the same speed, and the rpm immediately started to decrease to a lower speed)

the rotor has lost some momentum - so the energy stored in the rotor has DECREASED

since the rotor rpm has decreased, the o/p voltage from the generator, on the cap, will now be much lower (say, 5.5V approx) - so the energy stored in the cap has DECREASED

therefore the TOTAL ENERGY stored in the system has DECREASED

let's call this new, lower energy: Eb

the energy lost was mainly dissipated as heat by the DC converter: (Ea - Eb)

then Romero switches voltage selection on the DC converter back to 12V, the motor drive is no longer clamped at 4.5V and the rotor starts to increase in rpm

- the device RETURNS to its original 12V motor i/p drive,
- the cap voltage from generator o/p returns to 15V - an INCREASE in stored energy
- the rotor speed returns to its higher rpm - an INCREASE in stored energy

NOW there is the previous HIGHER TOTAL ENERGY in the system again, Ea

QUESTION: FROM WHERE did the extra energy come???

it didn't come from the cap

it didn't come from the rotor

i agree that Romero's experiment did not conform to conventional theory

i am just stating what the EVIDENCE shows

if you disagree with my interpretation of the evidence, then please use the same source of evidence to answer my question above


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Null, I totally agree with you. R. is not a fake. I wanted to order the 33 ferrite spools mentioned above, but no glory to USA.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 16, 2011, 07:40:12 AM
Quote from: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 07:14:09 AM

WTF!!!!!!!!!! Wont ship to USA!!!!!! or Switzerland!!!!!!! WTF does THIS mean????? ??? ??? ??? ???

Yeah, some Sellers are like that, but what we can do ??? Nothing  >:(
90% US ebay Sellers never ship to oversea  ::)
There is one more H-kern seller in ebay-de
unfortunately cost is 10 or 15 times higher  :o
Perhaps you have some companion in Germany or neighbourhood,
he buy http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220660230192&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
and then post it to you,
Herr Hartmann will surely help  ::)

For this time 2 items sold,

I wonder this Seller declares SHIP TO WORLDWIDE ,

Artikelstandort: Stralsund, Deutschland
Versand nach: Weltweit

And then ... Excluded ... ALL THE WORLD  :o

Ausgeschlossen: Afrika, Asien, Mittelamerika und Karibik, Naher Osten, Nordamerika, Ozeanien, Südostasien, Südamerika, Albanien, Andorra, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Gibraltar, Griechenland, Großbritannien, Guernsey, Irland, Island, Italien, Jersey, Kroatien, Lettland, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Malta, Mazedonien, Moldawien, Monaco, Montenegro, Norwegen, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, San Marino, Schweden, Schweiz, Serbien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Tschechische Republik, Ukraine, Ungarn, Vatikanstadt (Heiliger Stuhl), Weißrussland, Zypern

Much easier to tell that Ship to Germany ...
Or what? ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 16, 2011, 07:49:43 AM
Got quick reply from this H-kerne man,

Weltweit ( worldwide ) geht für einige Artikel nur per Paket da die Ware sehr zerbrechlich und sehr schwer ist
können wir den Versandpreis nur für Deutschland und die Nachbarländer ( Belgien Niederlände Luxemburg Österreich )
günstig anbieten das hat nichts mit - nicht mögen - oder - bevorzugen zu tun
Es ist genau so schwer nach Frankreich Schweiz Tschechien Dänemark Schweden und Polen zu versenden

Everyone has his own logic and understanding about what it means - WORLDWIDE ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 16, 2011, 07:52:09 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 16, 2011, 07:49:43 AM
Got quick reply from this H-kerne man,

Weltweit ( worldwide ) geht für einige Artikel nur per Paket da die Ware sehr zerbrechlich und sehr schwer ist
können wir den Versandpreis nur für Deutschland und die Nachbarländer ( Belgien Niederlände Luxemburg Österreich )
günstig anbieten das hat nichts mit - nicht mögen - oder - bevorzugen zu tun
Es ist genau so schwer nach Frankreich Schweiz Tschechien Dänemark Schweden und Polen zu versenden

Everyone has his own logic and understanding about what it means - WORLDWIDE ::)

Worldwide (worldwide) is for some items only per package since the product is very fragile and very difficult
we can dispatch price for Germany and neighboring countries (Belgium Netherlands Luxembourg Austria)
This has nothing to offer cheap - prefer to do - not like - or
It's just so hard to send to France Denmark Sweden Switzerland Czech Republic and Poland

Everyone has his own logic and understanding about what it mean - WORLDWIDE::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 07:56:37 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 16, 2011, 07:40:12 AM
Yeah, some Sellers are like that, but what we can do ??? Nothing  >:(
90% US ebay Sellers never ship to oversea  ::)
There is one more H-kern seller in ebay-de
unfortunately cost is 10 or 15 times higher  :o
Perhaps you have some companion in Germany or neighbourhood,
he buy http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220660230192&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
and then post it to you,
Herr Hartmann will surely help  ::)

For this time 2 items sold,

I wonder this Seller declares SHIP TO WORLDWIDE ,

Artikelstandort: Stralsund, Deutschland
Versand nach: Weltweit

And then ... Excluded ... ALL THE WORLD  :o

Ausgeschlossen: Afrika, Asien, Mittelamerika und Karibik, Naher Osten, Nordamerika, Ozeanien, Südostasien, Südamerika, Albanien, Andorra, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Gibraltar, Griechenland, Großbritannien, Guernsey, Irland, Island, Italien, Jersey, Kroatien, Lettland, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Malta, Mazedonien, Moldawien, Monaco, Montenegro, Norwegen, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien, San Marino, Schweden, Schweiz, Serbien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Tschechische Republik, Ukraine, Ungarn, Vatikanstadt (Heiliger Stuhl), Weißrussland, Zypern

Much easier to tell that Ship to Germany ...
Or what? ::)

@khabe OMG you are correct!!! That is highway robbery!!!   I have left a EM at the other Ebay link to contact me. lets see what comes of it .
Thanks for your efforts, John
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 16, 2011, 07:57:04 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 16, 2011, 05:49:32 AM
Look at these ferrite cores/bobbins - all in one, no needs for sewing machine bobbins, no needs to make the fur fly with wife, no mamas cry  ::)
eBay item 220660230192  (ebay.de),
OK, perhaps not for to replicate Rom´s dynamo but for own design surely,
Already wound with 1mm wire, and only for 1 EUR  :o


I ordered 20 to play with :-)

Happy Building.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Crapola on May 16, 2011, 08:04:17 AM
Thanks, Much appreciated...

Quote from: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 01:36:31 AM

Crapola, as far as I know, there is no parts list per se. But there is a link on page 1 for pdf, detailed enough info for replication. Please read this whole thread as there is much info to be gleaned by doing so.
Welcome ;D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 16, 2011, 08:06:33 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 07:23:44 AM
yep, and it's looking like Penno has joined Romero there  ;)

Made me laugh, I was telling the same thing to myself :) Hope he's well though :)

Penno, everything's fine ? ;p
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 08:09:52 AM
Quote from: tanakat on May 16, 2011, 08:06:33 AM
Made me laugh, I was telling the same thing to myself :) Hope he's well though :)

Penno, everything's fine ? ;p

If it pays, I'll go for a short stint...  ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 08:17:47 AM
Quote from: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 08:09:52 AM

If it pays, I'll go for a short stint...  ???

if your's works, you'll go for a long stint!!  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 16, 2011, 08:19:16 AM
Quote from: Cherryman on May 16, 2011, 07:57:04 AM

I ordered 20 to play with :-)

Happy Building.

Of course,
Could be used for what ever  ::)
I have 50 of theses,

I already have brought back my wifes sewing machine bobbin I took yesterday very secretly  8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 08:20:50 AM
Quote from: Cherryman on May 16, 2011, 07:57:04 AM

I ordered 20 to play with :-)

Happy Building.

OK no problem bro, leaves 13 for me. LOL. I was thinking to use shavings from a brake shop and epoxy, as I have a couple hundred pounds of shavings.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 08:26:49 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 16, 2011, 05:15:47 AM
Many thanks to e2matrix and stefan, now I have obtained the three videos and uploaded them to a video website in China -- it might be helpful for those who can't watch from youtube. Here are the links:

Muller type generator with extra magnets.

Muller Generator - self running - Test1

Muller Generator Suspended

It may have a few seconds of Ads in the beginning by the website policy.


Just looking at details, I noticed at 2:54 into the FIRST video right after he had turned on the load, Output meters read about 12 VDC and 2A.

But has any one noticed the input voltage.  Just a few seconds before it was 12.57 VDC @ .92 Amps.  When he turned on the output lamp,
the voltage was 12.29 and dropping fast, input current had not changed but battery was showing as if another load was on the battery!  As I recall, RomeroUK was asked this same question by another person and there was no answer.

I in no way want this to be negative question, just something I noticed, in light of the self running, maybe does not need to be answered.

Ben K4ZEP. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 16, 2011, 08:35:47 AM
Quote from: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 07:14:09 AMWTF!!!!!!!!!! Wont ship to USA!!!!!! or Switzerland!!!!!!! WTF does THIS mean????? ??? ??? ??? ???

Dont worry. Once you run it thru sim and see the flux map you would not want to use such spools. It has been talked about already.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 16, 2011, 08:40:05 AM
I pm"d you again.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 16, 2011, 08:41:03 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 16, 2011, 08:19:16 AM
Of course,
Could be used for what ever  ::)
I have 50 of theses,

I already have brought back my wifes sewing machine bobbin I took yesterday very secretly  8)


Hey, for $50 US your wife will never hear about it from us.  Ha ha.  This is a joke and is supposed to be funny.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 08:52:36 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 08:26:49 AM
Just looking at details, I noticed at 2:54 into the FIRST video right after he had turned on the load, Output meters read about 12 VDC and 2A.

But has any one noticed the input voltage.  Just a few seconds before it was 12.57 VDC @ .92 Amps.  When he turned on the output lamp,
the voltage was 12.29 and dropping fast, input current had not changed but battery was showing as if another load was on the battery!  As I recall, RomeroUK was asked this same question by another person and there was no answer.

I in no way want this to be negative question, just something I noticed, in light of the self running, maybe does not need to be answered.

Ben K4ZEP.

We have seen this many times. for some reason the current draw goes down under load. Multiply it out. some 300 ma difference. This effect has been shown in the shorting coil thread I believe??? ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 16, 2011, 09:03:44 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 08:26:49 AM
Just looking at details, I noticed at 2:54 into the FIRST video right after he had turned on the load, Output meters read about 12 VDC and 2A.

But has any one noticed the input voltage.  Just a few seconds before it was 12.57 VDC @ .92 Amps.  When he turned on the output lamp,
the voltage was 12.29 and dropping fast, input current had not changed but battery was showing as if another load was on the battery!  As I recall, RomeroUK was asked this same question by another person and there was no answer.

I in no way want this to be negative question, just something I noticed, in light of the self running, maybe does not need to be answered.

Ben K4ZEP.

Romero said there was a diode from the dynamo to keep the battery charged, adding the load reduced the output voltage enough where the battery was no longer charging so the battery voltage dropped.
Same voltage drop you would see by simply removing a battery charger from the battery.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 09:04:49 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 08:26:49 AM
Just looking at details, I noticed at 2:54 into the FIRST video right after he had turned on the load, Output meters read about 12 VDC and 2A.

But has any one noticed the input voltage.  Just a few seconds before it was 12.57 VDC @ .92 Amps.  When he turned on the output lamp,
the voltage was 12.29 and dropping fast, input current had not changed but battery was showing as if another load was on the battery!  As I recall, RomeroUK was asked this same question by another person and there was no answer.

Ben K4ZEP.

hi Ben

Romero did answer, iirc he explained that in the first video he had his o/p looped back to his i/p via a diode

when off-load the diode was lifting the i/p volts

when he connected an extra load the feedback was reduced and the i/p volts fell a little

seemed reasonable to me


[EDIT: oops, sorry for the reply clash, lumen!]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 16, 2011, 09:07:56 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 16, 2011, 08:35:47 AM
Dont worry. Once you run it thru sim and see the flux map you would not want to use such spools. It has been talked about already.

Really? But if you do not have  "such spools", then flux from moving(!) magnets acts direct to coil wire, in coil turns will be induced opposite currents, half of coil turns produce negative, opposite half produces opposite emf,  there is conflict between Lorentz force and Faraday's law.
"Such spool", you said, this is the best 8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 09:19:47 AM
Quote from: lumen on May 16, 2011, 09:03:44 AM
Romero said there was a diode from the dynamo to keep the battery charged, adding the load reduced the output voltage enough where the battery was no longer charging so the battery voltage dropped.
Same voltage drop you would see by simply removing a battery charger from the battery.

Is this from a personal conversation with him or a email or message number, I didn't read it, seemed to be silent on that question.
I understand the rational of the answer and what is going on.  Somewhere around 12VDC, it would have possibly stabilized with the 2.9A load assuming rotor speed stayed the same or close.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 09:21:06 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 09:04:49 AM
hi Ben

Romero did answer, iirc he explained that in the first video he had his o/p looped back to his i/p via a diode

when off-load the diode was lifting the i/p volts

when he connected an extra load the feedback was reduced and the i/p volts fell a little

seemed reasonable to me


[EDIT: oops, sorry for the reply clash, lumen!]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Thanks for both the answers, clear now!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on May 16, 2011, 09:22:58 AM
Just looking at details, I noticed at 2:54 into the FIRST video right after he had turned on the load, Output meters read about 12 VDC and 2A.

But has any one noticed the input voltage.  Just a few seconds before it was 12.57 VDC @ .92 Amps.  When he turned on the output lamp,
the voltage was 12.29 and dropping fast, input current had not changed but battery was showing as if another load was on the battery!  As I recall, RomeroUK was asked this same question by another person and there was no answer.

I in no way want this to be negative question, just something I noticed, in light of the self running, maybe does not need to be answered.

Ben K4ZEP.

Hello Ben,

i know Romero more than anyone here i guess so i feel that i somehow should answer that question.
I have replicated more than 3 or 4 OU promising devices conceived by Romero, being all of them short of OU. Afterwards, indeed, he admitted his inspirations were not OU but close to it. (not selfrunning or anything promised or claimed to had achieved by them)

This observation, you made i made during posting his 1st video. i told him so, and he somehow got angry with me. (I am a sceptic still being an experimenter).
Then when he assembled his self runner it was specially made for me.
They were not few the times that i had strong disagreement with  Romero regarding his observations and measuring techniques since he refrained far from any contemporary scientific approach that despises a bit. He is guided from an inner inspiration and an untiring mood and for new experiments.

This is very well demonstrated in his forum that we had this post-exchange. (i have posted back ben forum's last 2 pages in zip. download and see yourself)
In my accusations, :)  Romero replied that his motor had an energy re-cycle procedure (flyback harvest i suppose) that is not depicted in any diagram so far put forth. This flyback energy collection goes to common power rails as the FWBRs after the pick up coils.

So, for a given battery (that must be partially depleted) when idle voltage is 12.65, when running with flyback on, (since motor underunity and pickup coils should output less than 12,3 volts) then voltage declines below 12.45 (as per video). When load on, (on the common power rails) voltage should decline to a level that is suitably supported by the battery and pickup coils.
In anyway, this video is totally inconclusive of the OU potential of this device.

Personally, i am not motivated to make a replica because of a self-running video, rather than because i know Romero and respect him.
My advice is try to replicate the device as closely as possible, suppressing your urge to "grab a concept" and improvise.

I will do this way, myself.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 16, 2011, 09:28:38 AM
Timing seems to be very important when running the Muller Generator:

Look at this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af8fDeZC4Pc&feature=youtube_gdata_player (Carmen Miller- NEMCA talk on Muller Magnetic Motor) starting at minute 48:00. (The whole video might be worth viewing. To understand my point, just watch a few minutes starting with minute 48:00).

The speaker explaining the latest version of the Muller Generator (an effort led by his daughter Carmen, in winter 2010) stresses the importance of timing. An encoder and a microprocessor are employed to get it right. Each coil can be used as a motor coil or a generator coil (in order to test all possibilities). So, more or less coils can drive the motor and the rest is generating power. They also can define the polarity of the current going into the drive coils.

No OU is claimed at this point. But they hint at it, by saying that the motor starts to run with an input voltage of 0.6 Volt. With the extremely strong magnets built in one can imagine a high Voltage at the generator coils even at very low rotary speed (of course one would need to know amperage at 0.6 Volt to judge efficiency).

For the replicators it means, that timing should not be underestimated, it is probably the key to success.

One should first create a very flexible timing scheme (rotary encoder of high precision and microprocessor) driven by its own battery. And only later, when some considerable power comes out of the generator coils, one could try to harvest the power for the control circuit as well.

As I see it, some sophisticated control means should not need more power than about 0.5 Watt (100 mA at 5 Volt).

This encoder needs about 70 mA at 5 Volt (a microprocessor can be run with a few mA at 5 Volt):


The encoder gives "angles", therefore all timing would be independent of "rotary speed". The hall sensors are then obsolete. The only "sensor" would be the rotary encoder (which also gives a zero position signal at each revolution allowing for compensation of all errors accumulated during one revolution).

Greetings, Conrad

P.S.: I have got the encoder mentioned above and various microprocessors. The big hurdle for me are the mechanics. (The pulse motors I built wobbled a lot and suffered from high friction.) I might go for it, once the first test results from the replicators are in. Near unity would be enough for me to become a believer.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 09:47:16 AM
hi Conrad

while i agree with you re: control aspects on a system like Bill Muller's, you only have to look at Romero's minimal design to see that he (R) didn't need anything of the sort

reading further into details about Muller's developments you can find that Muller had a variable drive scheme which adapted to the power level it had reached

his system started up with all or most coils as both drive & gen, with a 'rolling' switching scheme - but then at cruising speed it switched to use only 3 coils for the drive


i believe that his larger more massive machines needed extra relative energy input to get them started, and then once they had achieved some momentum it was possible to continue the drive with significantly less power in

i believe that Romero's design was able to get sufficient drive from the 'get go' with only the two drive pairs, and that's all he needed throughout

although it appears rather 'roughly' lashed together (as Romero himself would admit , by comparison, say, with SkyCollection's builds) there is no denying that Romero's solution is elegantly 'minimal'

and it gets the job done

this is Proof-of-Principle engineering to be proud of - i salute his achievement!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 16, 2011, 09:56:23 AM
Okay, boys and girls. I watched the videos that Stephan archived, read through the PDF he compiled and read through the first 40 pages or so of this thread. I must first say thank you to Stephan for making sure the information Romero published survives. Very well done. I too have kept archives of them all.

Secondly, despite my earlier criticism, the evidence is most compelling. After reading a post from Romero where he lamented 400+ email in one day, all I could think to myself was "welcome to my world". It must have been overwhelming and THAT is probably the reason he bailed.

I want everyone to know that I am throwing my hat into the ring also. To that end I just ordered 26 3/4"x3/8" N42s from a supplier that Larry Newell turned me on to, Applied Magnets http://www.magnet4less.com/  I still need to find bobbins, ferrite cores and Litz wire. It may be covered in this thread somewhere but it takes a long time to find. If anyone can steer me to some good sources it would be appreciated.

Stephan, a compilation of recommended vendors sifted out from this thread might be good to add to the PDF as well as pin to the first page.

This is going to be our topic for the Smart Scarecrow Show on Justin.tv http://justin.tv/smartscarecrow , Thursday night May 19 at 9pm EST. I hope most of you will join us. Romero, if you're seeing this, I hope you will consider being part of our Skype conference. I know that will keep you up between 1-2 am your time. Just take a nap after dinner!  ;D

Best to all,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 16, 2011, 10:02:59 AM
Quote from: ZeroFossilFuel on May 16, 2011, 09:56:23 AM
Okay, boys and girls. I watched the videos that Stephan archived, read through the PDF he compiled and read through the first 40 pages or so of this thread. I must first say thank you to Stephan for making sure the information Romero published survives. Very well done. I too have kept archives of them all.

Secondly, despite my earlier criticism, the evidence is most compelling. After reading a post from Romero where he lamented 400+ email in one day, all I could think to myself was "welcome to my world". It must have been overwhelming and THAT is probably the reason he bailed.

I want everyone to know that I am throwing my hat into the ring also. To that end I just ordered 26 3/4"x3/8" N42s from a supplier that Larry Newell turned me on to, Applied Magnets http://www.magnet4less.com/ (http://www.magnet4less.com/)  I still need to find bobbins, ferrite cores and Litz wire. It may be covered in this thread somewhere but it takes a long time to find. If anyone can steer me to some good sources it would be appreciated.

Stephan, a compilation of recommended vendors sifted out from this thread might be good to add to the PDF as well as pin to the first page.

This is going to be our topic for the Smart Scarecrow Show on Justin.tv http://justin.tv/smartscarecrow (http://justin.tv/smartscarecrow) , Thursday night May 19 at 9pm EST. I hope most of you will join us. Romero, if you're seeing this, I hope you will consider being part of our Skype conference. I know that will keep you up between 1-2 am your time. Just take a nap after dinner!  ;D

Best to all,

I have followed your work and watched many of your videos on youtube and I am happy to see you are getting into this.  With all of the smart guys we have here, I believe we can get this replication completed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 10:21:40 AM
Quote from: baroutologos on May 16, 2011, 09:22:58 AM

Hello Ben,

i know Romero more than anyone here i guess so i feel that i somehow should answer that question.
I have replicated more than 3 or 4 OU promising devices conceived by Romero, being all of them short of OU. Afterwards, indeed, he admitted his inspirations were not OU but close to it. (not selfrunning or anything promised or claimed to had achieved by them)

This observation, you made i made during posting his 1st video. i told him so, and he somehow got angry with me. (I am a sceptic still being an experimenter).
Then when he assembled his self runner it was specially made for me.
They were not few the times that i had strong disagreement with  Romero regarding his observations and measuring techniques since he refrained far from any contemporary scientific approach that despises a bit. He is guided from an inner inspiration and an untiring mood and for new experiments.

This is very well demonstrated in his forum that we had this post-exchange. (i have posted back ben forum's last 2 pages in zip. download and see yourself)
In my accusations, :)  Romero replied that his motor had an energy re-cycle procedure (flyback harvest i suppose) that is not depicted in any diagram so far put forth. This flyback energy collection goes to common power rails as the FWBRs after the pick up coils.

So, for a given battery (that must be partially depleted) when idle voltage is 12.65, when running with flyback on, (since motor underunity and pickup coils should output less than 12,3 volts) then voltage declines below 12.45 (as per video). When load on, (on the common power rails) voltage should decline to a level that is suitably supported by the battery and pickup coils.
In anyway, this video is totally inconclusive of the OU potential of this device.

Personally, i am not motivated to make a replica because of a self-running video, rather than because i know Romero and respect him.
My advice is try to replicate the device as closely as possible, suppressing your urge to "grab a concept" and improvise.

I will do this way, myself.

A word of reason and conviviality in the midst is refreshing.  Thank you for your insight into the overall time line of Romero's creative
inner self.  My device will be as close to his as I can make it.  It is not something that I can not do fast with my limited workspace but it
will happen. 

Do you have any idea what the real RPM's of his rotor was?  The 1000 or so RPM tossed around sounds very low to my "Musical" ear and
experience in listing to those pulse motors hammer along.  The fact that I can hear absolutely no rpm change with load is a puzzle and
can only be attributed to excellent balance of a loaded generator with perfect cancellation.

Again, thanks for the excellent post.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 16, 2011, 10:29:11 AM
been reading this document for a while http://www.ostfalia.de/export/sites/default/de/pws/turtur/DownloadVerzeichnis/Series-english-5Articles.pdf
If he is right in there, then timing and finer details are very important. Even if 10 people replicate romerouk device, there is a chance that none will obtain same result. Maybe by accident romerouk did manage to make an OU device. How hard will it be to replicate the effect is a good question.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 10:37:59 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 10:21:40 AM
Do you have any idea what the real RPM's of his rotor was?  The 1000 or so RPM tossed around sounds very low to my "Musical" ear and
experience in listing to those pulse motors hammer along.  The fact that I can hear absolutely no rpm change with load is a puzzle and
can only be attributed to excellent balance of a loaded generator with perfect cancellation.


my spectral analysis of audio from Romero's self-run video gave the base peak freq. at 190Hz approx

for a single item revolving this freq represents around 11000rpm - too fast for a stable acrylic rotor with mags

so that freq probably represents either the mags or, say, nearest core/mag events

if core/mag then rpm =~ 11000/9 =~ 1220rpm

if just mag noise (as they passed) -~11000/8 =~ 1380rpm

the pitch probably didn't change load/off-load because of the DC converter adjusting in response - the device would have had enough overhead to accommodate an extra load of approx 20W from Romero's report


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 16, 2011, 10:43:41 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 10:21:40 AM
A word of reason and conviviality in the midst is refreshing.  Thank you for your insight into the overall time line of Romero's creative
inner self.  My device will be as close to his as I can make it.  It is not something that I can not do fast with my limited workspace but it
will happen. 

Do you have any idea what the real RPM's of his rotor was?  The 1000 or so RPM tossed around sounds very low to my "Musical" ear and
experience in listing to those pulse motors hammer along.  The fact that I can hear absolutely no rpm change with load is a puzzle and
can only be attributed to excellent balance of a loaded generator with perfect cancellation.

Again, thanks for the excellent post.

With 7 electromagnets acting as generator coils, there are 112 pulses per revolution of the rotor (8 magnets x 7 pickup coils x 2 for the FWB rectification). There are two drive coils creating a total of 16 drive pulses per rev.  Dividing the audible frequency by 16 should give you RPS, x60 for RPM.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on May 16, 2011, 10:50:59 AM
bueno sigo con la inquietud en las fotos del half sensor y en el comienzo del video cuando arranca se ve que el rotor no gira de una como si revotara de una lado a otro dando a entender que dos bobinas estan en repulsion y las otras dos estan en atraccion
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 16, 2011, 10:55:34 AM
Hi all replicators

i did not received the litze today but i did some experiments with my setup

1- i installed all the ferrite core (without the coil) in theyre place on the stator and the magnet in the rotor.

2- i tried to spin the rotor with the center motor but with only 1 stator to see the anticogging = very low cogging but tremendous vibration, due to the assymetry of attraction between one stator and the rotor.

3 - i installed the upper stator and super smooth rotation , no more vibration  . I speed up the rotor to 1280 RPM  really smooth.

4- i installed my small coil which is 450 turns of plain 0.3 mm wire , on one core.

  some datas :  the coil naked (without core ) is 5.6 Ohm DC resistance and 2.04 mH inductance
  once installed on the core in the stator  the inductance is 5.5 mH when the coil is between 2 rotor magnet and the inductance fall to about 2 mH when at TDC    with a rotor magnet. If i add a stator neo mag at the end of the ferrite core the inductance lowers a bit.

5- I speed up the rotor to 1280 rpm , the power is 2.7 volt at 180 mA  = 0.486 Watt (  for info,the motor is rated at 12 volt so at only 2.7 volt it works at a very low efficiency)

6- take some scope shot with different stator position and see the result in the pix.

No doubt at 1280 rpm the small coil can reach 10 voltpeak with the small neo in a repelling position.

Hope this helps

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 16, 2011, 11:08:35 AM
looks that your magnet/coil gap is too large. What is it in reality?
are you talking about one single coil output or 2 coils connected top and bottom?
this will help me  and others to continue or not.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 11:12:08 AM
Hi Laurent,well done.
Please put a 5 Ohm Resistor as a load across your coil and please show a scopeshot of it at the same RPM.
This way we can see how much output power we can expect.
Many thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 16, 2011, 11:13:42 AM
Quote from: woopy on May 16, 2011, 10:55:34 AM
Hi all replicators

i did not received the litze today but i did some experiments with my setup

1- i installed all the ferrite core (without the coil) in theyre place on the stator and the magnet in the rotor.

2- i tried to spin the rotor with the center motor but with only 1 stator to see the anticogging = very low cogging but tremendous vibration, due to the assymetry of attraction between one stator and the rotor.

3 - i installed the upper stator and super smooth rotation , no more vibration  . I speed up the rotor to 1280 RPM  really smooth.

4- i installed my small coil which is 450 turns of plain 0.3 mm wire , on one core.

  some datas :  the coil naked (without core ) is 5.6 Ohm DC resistance and 2.04 mH inductance
  once installed on the core in the stator  the inductance is 5.5 mH when the coil is between 2 rotor magnet and the inductance fall to about 2 mH when at TDC    with a rotor magnet. If i add a stator neo mag at the end of the ferrite core the inductance lowers a bit.

5- I speed up the rotor to 1280 rpm , the power is 2.7 volt at 180 mA  = 0.486 Watt (  for info,the motor is rated at 12 volt so at only 2.7 volt it works at a very low efficiency)

6- take some scope shot with different stator position and see the result in the pix.

No doubt at 1280 rpm the small coil can reach 10 voltpeak with the small neo in a repelling position.

Hope this helps

good luck at all


Hi Woopy,

You want the stator magnets in REPULSION to the rotor magnets.  You want the b field of your coil in ATTRACTION to the rotor magnets.

I hope that helps!


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 11:17:59 AM
Quote from: woopy on May 16, 2011, 10:55:34 AM
6- take some scope shot with different stator position and see the result in the pix.

No doubt at 1280 rpm the small coil can reach 10 voltpeak with the small neo in a repelling position.

way to go woopy!

thanks for the great feedback from the basis of an actual build - just what we need

- stator mag in attraction ~12.5V pk-pk AC
- no stator mag ~15V  pk-pk AC
  - stator mag in opposition ~20V pk-pk AC

this supports what both Romero and Fausto reported as the best config

iirc Romero said he achieved approx 11.5V DC across single gen coil pair & then approx 15V DC when all o/ps joined (& with buffer cap?)

looks like you're getting pretty close, even before doing any tuning


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 16, 2011, 11:18:08 AM
@Tudi .Romero himself said that it was likely that there would be many more replications than successes .I am reminded of a sick experiment that was shown on a TV Documentary . Basically a rat was put into a water tank that it could not escape from . The object was to see how long it took to exhaust itself and drown [isn`t science wonderful] . It was discovered that if a rat was rescued just before it drowned ,and given time to recover , it would struggle to survive far longer  before giving up the next time . The difference was , it believed in the possibility of success [rescue ] . My point here is that people will struggle for longer , knowing that success is a distinct possibility . I just hope they don`t have "rat tanks" at Want Dynamo Bay .
   Can someone educate me about Hall effect switches please . Presumably , they switch on as they approach a magnetic pole .Does it matter if that is a north or a south pole .And do they switch off as soon as that pole recedes from the switch? Assuming the motor works on attraction , how is the coil switched off at top dead centre so to speak .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 11:22:41 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 16, 2011, 11:18:08 AM
And do they switch off as soon as that pole recedes from the switch? Assuming the motor works on attraction , how is the coil switched off at top dead centre so to speak .

hi neptune

might be helpful initially to think of them as a solid-state reed switch

position them relative to the mag 'fly-by' in the same way**, such that they switch on/off at the required time

all the rest is electronics - they have circuits for that

i'm told  ;)

fellow Want Dynamo Bay applicant

[** selecting appropriate side for pole polarity, of course]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 11:31:16 AM
Now Laurent,if you could wind just a second
equal coil and make these tests just on this COIL PAIR as Romero did,
this would really help to see the basic effects.

With 2 coils in series your output voltage should reach about 20 volts peak, so this would be a great test to nail down the effects.
Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinu on May 16, 2011, 11:34:32 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 15, 2011, 05:58:46 PM
yeah, and Elvis may not be dead ;)

i think we dealt with Romero's 'fake/forged cap' several times

when the generator gets disconnected from the cap/converter/motor system this so-called 'fake cap' is unable to prevent the rotor from running down to a stop in 100 seconds

please don't clog the thread with this again, unless you have evidence or something new to say, thanks

i didn't have to 'calculate' the run time - i observed it in the video

when the generator IS connected to the cap/converter/motor system, and the BATTERY gets disconnected, then the device runs until switched off (ie. for at least 10 minutes at 12V, plus some minutes at other volts)

at battery disconnect there are 5.3 Watt-seconds of energy in the cap

the motor needs 7200 Watt-seconds of energy to run for 10 minutes (600s)

we know from my point above that the cap on its own is incapable of keeping the rotor running any longer than 100s - and all that time the rotor is running down, not maintaining speed

you have not explained where the excess 7194.7 Watt-seconds comes from, to keep the motor running, overcome the DC converter losses and occasionally light a filament bulb

please do not say "from the generator side" , because the generator will only transmit energy if the motor is performing work

what gives the motor at least 7200 Watt-seconds of energy to keep running for more than 600 seconds?

we've already seen that it is NOT the 5.3 Watt-seconds of energy in the 'fake/forged' cap

and it is NOT the 100 seconds worth of 'inertial' energy in the spinning rotor

i'm pleased to see that you keep all your equipment well lubricated

MY wife has to keep REMINDING me!  ;)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)


I know you’ve dealt the capacitor and stored energy issue several times but imho you are wrong because you want so much to believe the setup is real.

My main question is why the DC2DC converter is still powered for >40 long seconds (first OU movie), from switch off time (18m49s) to rotor spin down (19m30s)?!!!

Here is a relevant quote on that, quote taken from one of your former posts:

at 12V i/p the motor draws 12W

so - at switch-off, with 5.3 Watt-seconds in the cap, and even IF the DC converter could convert it all (which it can't!) then the cap can only supply enough energy to drive the motor for less than HALF a second!”

Excellent post but later on you’ve (unfortunately and mistakenly imho) slightly changed your mind so the main issue is not longer addressed.
Again: if there is not enough energy in the cap to run the motor but for half a second AND the output of the DC converter is still connected to the drive coils AND the motor is on (because nothing else has been disconnected except the generator coils from the input of the DC converter) WHY, WHY is the LED of the DC converter on (and quite bright) for >40 long seconds, like I said before?!!!

Please consider that DC2DC converter is ON LOAD AT ALL TIMES, load is taking about 1A at 12VDC, and time constant for 47mF/15V on that load is hundreds of ms at best so the capacitor shall get discharged and the LED shall exponentially dim in maximum 1-2s…

So, “Houston, we have a problem”.
Apart from the above, you try further on explaining the behavior in terms of OU but it seems to me that the only possible explanation is that, unfortunately, 2 wires leading to a 15V external power supply are hidden in the setup. The switch turns the external power on and off. And the generator coils are (most probably) connected at all times with the 47mF/15V (otherwise the LED would go dark in no time after switch-off). Anything else would not explain all the facts imho.
It wouldn’t be too hard to conceal two wires in both setups (fixed and hung-up). In the second case, the external power source is not 15V but significantly lower, maybe 4-6V. I’m saying that because, to be fair for all the parties involved, one possible explanation for the “LED anomaly” that I’ve got on PM is that the DC2DC converter might have an internal protection that shuts it down in case input voltage falls bellow a certain threshold. I can not agree with that mainly because of the suspended setup. It is clear that generator coils can not possibly generate much voltage at such low RPM and yet the DC2DC converter in on and happy. So, the only possible explanation I’ve got is contradicted by the second movie…

Please refute me but based on facts. I would love too this device be real.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 11:55:12 AM
Hi Tinu,
you have a valid point here,
But you and we don´t know, how the DC2DC converter behaves.

At the end it was set to 9 Volts output voltage I guess.

So what happens then, when the DC2DC converter gets less input voltage
than 9 Volts ?

I guess it will shut off and will not use any current anymore and the LED might
be still on for a few more seconds due to an internal cap maybe ?

So maybe the rotor is then freewheeling to just run down its inertial
energy and runs this down until the friction has eaten up all RPMs ?

I think, somebody who has the exact type DC2DC converter should
do a test to see, how this converter will behave if the input voltage
is lower than the set output voltage.

Many thanks.

Regards, STefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 16, 2011, 11:55:22 AM
@Laurent (woopy)

What I see from your and Lidmotor's tests: The coils need a lot more windings to produce a decent Voltage.

Only Fausto (Plengo) could get about 12 Volt with his relays coil which has very many windings, 156 ohm and 155 mH.

See his video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pHLKPciCGM

Fausto's video agrees very much with your finding that a stator magnet in repellent mode reduces cogging and does not hurt Voltage.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 16, 2011, 12:00:40 PM
Quote from: tinu on May 16, 2011, 11:34:32 AM


I know you’ve dealt the capacitor and stored energy issue several times but imho you are wrong because you want so much to believe the setup is real.

My main question is why the DC2DC converter is still powered for >40 long seconds (first OU movie), from switch off time (18m49s) to rotor spin down (19m30s)?!!!

Here is a relevant quote on that, quote taken from one of your former posts:

at 12V i/p the motor draws 12W

so - at switch-off, with 5.3 Watt-seconds in the cap, and even IF the DC converter could convert it all (which it can't!) then the cap can only supply enough energy to drive the motor for less than HALF a second!”

Excellent post but later on you’ve (unfortunately and mistakenly imho) slightly changed your mind so the main issue is not longer addressed.
Again: if there is not enough energy in the cap to run the motor but for half a second AND the output of the DC converter is still connected to the drive coils AND the motor is on (because nothing else has been disconnected except the generator coils from the input of the DC converter) WHY, WHY is the LED of the DC converter on (and quite bright) for >40 long seconds, like I said before?!!!

Please consider that DC2DC converter is ON LOAD AT ALL TIMES, load is taking about 1A at 12VDC, and time constant for 47mF/15V on that load is hundreds of ms at best so the capacitor shall get discharged and the LED shall exponentially dim in maximum 1-2s…

So, “Houston, we have a problem”.
Apart from the above, you try further on explaining the behavior in terms of OU but it seems to me that the only possible explanation is that, unfortunately, 2 wires leading to a 15V external power supply are hidden in the setup. The switch turns the external power on and off. And the generator coils are (most probably) connected at all times with the 47mF/15V (otherwise the LED would go dark in no time after switch-off). Anything else would not explain all the facts imho.
It wouldn’t be too hard to conceal two wires in both setups (fixed and hung-up). In the second case, the external power source is not 15V but significantly lower, maybe 4-6V. I’m saying that because, to be fair for all the parties involved, one possible explanation for the “LED anomaly” that I’ve got on PM is that the DC2DC converter might have an internal protection that shuts it down in case input voltage falls bellow a certain threshold. I can not agree with that mainly because of the suspended setup. It is clear that generator coils can not possibly generate much voltage at such low RPM and yet the DC2DC converter in on and happy. So, the only possible explanation I’ve got is contradicted by the second movie…

Please refute me but based on facts. I would love too this device be real.

what about the recovery diodes, can those send power back to the dc/dc converter?
is the LED at the input or output of the converter? I have a converter like that and the LED is at the the output.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 12:01:07 PM
Hi Conrad,
have another Look,
Laurent is already getting a peak amplitude of around 10 to 11 Volts
with his single coil in the one scopescope with the repelling stator magnet.
He is on the right track.
Now if he adds a second coil above and puts these 2 in series he should
have a peak amplitude of about 20 Volts with the same RPM.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinu on May 16, 2011, 12:05:03 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 11:55:12 AM
Hi Tinu,
you have a valid point here,
But you and we don´t know, how the DC2DC converter behaves.

At the end it was set to 9 Volts output voltage I guess.

So what happens then, when the DC2DC converter gets less input voltage
than 9 Volts ?

I guess it will shut off and will not use any current anymore and the LED might
be still on for a few more seconds due to an internal cap maybe ?

So maybe the rotor is then freewheeling to just run down its inertial
energy and runs this down until the friction has eaten up all RPMs ?

I think, somebody who has the exact type DC2DC converter should
do a test to see, how this converter will behave if the input voltage
is lower than the set output voltage.

Many thanks.

Regards, STefan.

Hi Stefan,

That would be an interesting check; I hope someone will do it in short time and post the outcome.
I have several 56mF caps laying around but surely the question is about that particular model of DC2DC converter, which I don’t have.

Many thanks,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 16, 2011, 12:21:05 PM
   Question on the DC-DC converter. It basicly has to keep the operation voltage of the motor coils at set limit. I have seen many types and voltage setings available. Would it not be wise to use one that can handle say 35v input and that way have a buffer for the input side? So what if my coils put out 30v. The one I have now is 2.5 A rated and input of 12. Not sure where the cut off point for input is tho.

edit:  OK, says it will take up to 24v input so safe there.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 12:24:58 PM
Hello all, I don't know if the real stranded wire diameter 'issue' has been cleared up yet. But I happen to still have a spool of the same wire Romero used. Same wire from the same shop. So I measured it:

In reality this "7x 0.125 stranded wire" has a diameter of 0.45mm.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 12:31:01 PM
I had another look.
In this video:


RomeroUK has set at last the voltage slider of his DC2DC converter
back to 12 Volts and show this on his Digital meter
and then switches off the Capcharging at 18:47 minutes into the
Then the LED of the DC2DC converter stays on up until about 19:30 .

So this is about 43 seconds.

As the cap charge only has about 5.3 Watts-Seconds,
the question is, what will the DC2DC converter do,
when the 47.000 uF cap voltage goes below about 13 volts ?

Will the DC2DC converter then switch off automatically the output
and the rotor will freewheel down its RPM and only
the LED is still on for 43 seconds due to an internal cap
of the Dc2DC converter or has it anything
to do maybe with an another diode maybe
powering some feedback as has been posted on RomeroUK´s
private forum, what user baroutologos said here:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 16, 2011, 12:35:34 PM
I just finished the two driver boards.  I powered the unit up to do a quick test. I have only tested voltage on one set of coils.  I get just over 16 volts.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 16, 2011, 12:36:08 PM
Hi Stephan

i made a quick test with a 10 ohm resistor

see the pix for the result.

If we crudely accept a RMS voltage (through the 10 ohms resistor) of 3 volt for one coil the wattage could be about 0.9 watt = for a set of 2 coil in serie =1.8 watt and as there is 7 sets =12.6 watt, is it correct ? Das ist knapp !!! but perhaps with some more speed at 1400 RPM ??

And this coil is not with litze perhaps it is better with litze  of course we have to use high quality FWBR ( i will use ultrafast shotky diode ).

Will try to wound another coil to check. wow still a lot to experiment. Where are the others ?? Any results ?

@Bruce   yes the stator magnet is in repulsion with the passing rotor magnet. For the second point i make a generative coil and not a motor coil here.

for interested, i have a spacing of 6 mm between the core anf the rotor magnet , i have noticed it is a good efficient position , look at the Romero's spacing it is also about 5 to 6 mm

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 12:36:41 PM
Quote from: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 12:24:58 PM
Hello all, I don't know if the real stranded wire diameter 'issue' has been cleared up yet. But I happen to still have a spool of the same wire Romero used. Same wire from the same shop. So I measured it:

In reality this "7x 0.125 stranded wire" has a diameter of 0.45mm.


Hi Steven,
nice find.

Could you please post a clear shot of the wire, so get the spool open and show the wires from
a few sides ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 12:40:37 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 16, 2011, 12:35:34 PM
I just finished the two driver boards.  I powered the unit up to do a quick test. I have only tested voltage on one set of coils.  I get just over 16 volts.

Well done Lasersaber.
Looking forward to a few more tests of you.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 16, 2011, 12:45:02 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 16, 2011, 09:07:56 AMReally? But if you do not have  "such spools", then flux from moving(!) magnets acts direct to coil wire, in coil turns will be induced opposite currents, half of coil turns produce negative, opposite half produces opposite emf,

Ok then add thick layer of 1,000,000,000 permeability material in addition, between coils and magnets. Then there will be no problem with currents at all :D

After that, when successfully lighting 1 red led (with 10W of total input power to system), go read original Muller papers about how the coils should be constructed ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 16, 2011, 12:45:53 PM
that 7 strand wire in photo is SOLDERABLE that means it is not proper motor-rated magnet wire, and is really only "hook up" wire with very thin coat of low-temperature varnish that a soldering iron can melt right through it.
Not a good idea for generator coils getting slammed with rotating meo magnets - the wire will chaff off its varnish pretty quick from the vibrations and any heat build-up in coils will melt wires together.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 12:47:41 PM
Quote from: tinu on May 16, 2011, 11:34:32 AM

I know you’ve dealt the capacitor and stored energy issue several times but imho you are wrong because you want so much to believe the setup is real.

>> My main question is why the DC2DC converter is still powered for >40 long seconds (first OU movie), from switch off time (18m49s) to rotor spin down (19m30s)?!!!

ask someone who bought such a converter, to do a test with decreasing i/p if you'd rather believe it's a fake than what we've seen in the video - and the history behind this device - and all other Romero's work

ask them to report back to us blow the whistle IF / WHEN you find that your theory is correct

here's a couple of points for you to consider:-

1) Romero used the voltage switch on the DC converter to change the motor drive volts down to approx 4.5V then after a while back up to 12V - the rotor speed decreased, settled & then returned to previous in synch with his voltage selection

how the far canal did he do that, if his 15V supply was coming in on two wires hidden down his underpants?!?

2) if you follow the wiring from the video carefully (and Stefan, bless him actually had the perseverance to do this for the whole circuit - you don't remember? - or you haven't studied the thread fully?), you can clearly see that the switch which Romero uses to disconnect the generator from the cap/converter/motor system is connected between the combined generator FWBR o/p line & the capacitor (which is in parallel to the DC converter)

how do i know? - because i took the time to try & get my facts straight
(i don't always manage it - but i do try)

the reason why the information seems to change, which i try & share with people who seem to want to waste seriously interested members time, is because different people come up with different 'bl..dy stupid' ideas about why Romero has faked this

some of the same people seem to ask the same 'bl..dy stupid' question repeatedly, so i try & approach the answer from a different point of view, to see if that helps

3) my reference to the total energy in the cap really relates to the maximum amount of time which that energy COULD drive the motor AT THAT VOLTAGE - ie. to give the appearance of SUSTAINED operation

when the generator gets disconnected, the voltage on the cap just discharges as it gets used by whatever control the DC converter still retains

i don't suppose you looked closely enough at Romero's drive circuit to observe that IT ALSO CAN GENERATE VOLTAGE from the rotor magnets?  It may not be sufficient to make a big difference to the Drive action, but do YOU know what effect that generated voltage will have on the LED path in the DC converter?

do you know what the LED circuit IS insdide the DC generator?

do you think it might be a good idea to KNOW what the LED circuit is, before saying that Romero's device is probably a fake because the LED is on for 40 seconds?

4) you're obviously unhappy with the evidence of the 'suspended' device video

have you considered that Romero might have switched the DC converter to, say, the 4.5V setting just for that video to make it easier for him to carry the device around by one hand whilst he uses his other hand to carry both the camera and that 4-6V power supply (must be batteries!) which you think is powering the whole setup?

>> please refute me but based on facts

let me see if i've got the rules of this game straight:

you dream up the loopiest screnario for a fake i've ever heard, based entirely on an LED singing along to 40 seconds of the BeeGees 'Stayin Alive' and the different sound from the generator when Romero tries to walk around with it

and then you ask me to use facts to refute you?

nah - i don't think i'll bother ...oops, too late!

i hope you don't mind being teased?  ;)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 16, 2011, 12:51:03 PM
Hi Stephan:
   Just did a test on my adapter. From a 12.5v batt, I get 11.92 out for the 12v seting, 9.06 for the 9.
When I use a batt reading 11.6 then I get a 11.02 output. From the look of it, the adapter will fall off even step with the input voltage minus its internal loss.

Hope that helps. No coils yet to play test with. Rotor done and finishing stator plates. Next to insert ferrite slugs and glue. Then wind the coils in place.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 16, 2011, 12:52:00 PM
Quote from: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 10:21:40 AMThe fact that I can hear absolutely no rpm change with load is a puzzle and can only be attributed to excellent balance of a loaded generator with perfect cancellation.

Should there be something untold by romerouk then one of the topologies exibiting zero reaction to load is coil shorting. This was line of his previous experiments. But seems to me still that technique is not used in this setup.

...just to make point that there is nothing unseen in zero change of input.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 16, 2011, 12:52:52 PM
Quote from: Thaelin on May 16, 2011, 12:21:05 PM
   Question on the DC-DC converter. It basicly has to keep the operation voltage of the motor coils at set limit. I have seen many types and voltage setings available. Would it not be wise to use one that can handle say 35v input and that way have a buffer for the input side? So what if my coils put out 30v. The one I have now is 2.5 A rated and input of 12. Not sure where the cut off point for input is tho.

edit:  OK, says it will take up to 24v input so safe there.

With so many replications, and maybe not exact replica's I like to suggest for those not having a dc/dc converter yet it might be wise to first build the main device, testdrive it a disired RPM,  measure the output voltage (under a load) and buy a suitable converter to that voltage.

Noted should be:
- Preferable for exact replication use the same one as R.
- Patience isn't a strong part of most people ;-)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 12:54:22 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 12:31:01 PM

Will the DC2DC converter then switch off automatically the output

Hello Stefan,
I also have the same dc to dc convertor and I did a test for you. Up to 12v input, the dc to dc convertor puts out what you put in. So if you put in 5v it puts out 5v. Only up until 12v input, it starts regulating it to a fixed 12v output. So if you put in 14v it will put out 12v. So there is no "under voltage cutoff"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 01:07:28 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 12:36:41 PM

Could you please post a clear shot of the wire, so get the spool open and show the wires from
a few sides ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

Here it is:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 16, 2011, 01:12:17 PM
Quote from: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 12:54:22 PM
Hello Stefan,
I also have the same dc to dc convertor and I did a test for you. Up to 12v input, the dc to dc convertor puts out what you put in. So if you put in 5v it puts out 5v. Only up until 12v input, it starts regulating it to a fixed 12v output. So if you put in 14v it will put out 12v. So there is no "under voltage cutoff"

Probably it will have a minimum current switch-off. Unfortunately there is no
mention of it in the manual. I found it for Similar models to be around 100 mA.
Nice Test, also valuable to finally clear that wire diameter confusion!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on May 16, 2011, 01:32:02 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 11:55:12 AM
Hi Tinu,
you have a valid point here,
But you and we don´t know, how the DC2DC converter behaves.

At the end it was set to 9 Volts output voltage I guess.

So what happens then, when the DC2DC converter gets less input voltage
than 9 Volts ?

I guess it will shut off and will not use any current anymore and the LED might
be still on for a few more seconds due to an internal cap maybe ?

So maybe the rotor is then freewheeling to just run down its inertial
energy and runs this down until the friction has eaten up all RPMs ?

I think, somebody who has the exact type DC2DC converter should
do a test to see, how this converter will behave if the input voltage
is lower than the set output voltage.

Many thanks.

Regards, STefan.

Hi Stefan, Tinu,

I have the exact same DC-DC converter and the LED is bright from 3-9V DC with output open circuit. Current draw open circuit is around 18mA.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 01:32:18 PM
Quote from: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 12:54:22 PM
Hello Stefan,
I also have the same dc to dc convertor and I did a test for you. Up to 12v input, the dc to dc convertor puts out what you put in. So if you put in 5v it puts out 5v. Only up until 12v input, it starts regulating it to a fixed 12v output. So if you put in 14v it will put out 12v. So there is no "under voltage cutoff"

Hi Nali2001,
many thanks for the test.
COuld you maybe do another test by putting around 10 Ohms as a load resistor
to the output and then use a 47000 uF cap charged to 15 Volts at the input as
the input of this DC2DC converter and let us know, how long the LED will be
on and how the voltage at the 10 Ohm resistor goes down ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 16, 2011, 01:47:45 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on May 16, 2011, 06:39:19 AM
I did some thinking and simulations on the driving coils.
It seems there are two interesting options:
1) connect them in series
2) connect them in anti-series

Option 1, series:
BEMF, induced by the rotor magnet, adds up for each driving coil.
The pulse source needs to compentate for the BEMF, or even over drive the BEMF to get some effect.
The cores will likely stay out of saturation, causing both cores to be attracted by the rotor magnet.

Option 2, anti-series:
BEMF is cancelled out.
The upper coil core will stay out of saturation
The bottom coil core will get into saturation.
Causing only one core to have a clear attraction by the rotor magnet.

So, either use the setup in attraction or repelling, each of this will have benifit if the right coil connection is chosen.


Edit: deleted, no interest

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 01:59:12 PM
Quote from: Hoppy on May 16, 2011, 01:32:02 PM
Hi Stefan, Tinu,

I have the exact same DC-DC converter and the LED is bright from 3-9V DC with output open circuit. Current draw open circuit is around 18mA.

Hope this helps.

Many thanks.

So the question is now, what does this DC2DC converter do,
when it has about 13 to 20 Ohms load on it.?

As RomeroUK had at 12 Volts 0.9 amps draw into his driver coils,
that means that it was a load of about 13 Ohms at this RPM he used.

in his last video:

at minute 0:14 you see that also the DC2Dc converter LED is on
although the RPM is pretty low.
So  that means, that the LED is still on down to 3 Volts as Hoppy

So does it take about 43 seconds that the DC2DC converter
will drain the 15 Volts charged 47000uF cap to 3 Volts down ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 16, 2011, 02:02:28 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 01:32:18 PM
Hi Nali2001,
many thanks for the test.
COuld you maybe do another test by putting around 10 Ohms as a load resistor
to the output and then use a 47000 uF cap charged to 15 Volts at the input as
the input of this DC2DC converter and let us know, how long the LED will be
on and how the voltage at the 10 Ohm resistor goes down ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

I believe the battery charging diode may have also been left in place, so some of the rotor generation would continue to feed back into the output of the DC/DC converter until the rotor stops spinning possibly keeping the LED on.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 02:05:10 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 01:32:18 PM
Hi Nali2001,
many thanks for the test.
COuld you maybe do another test by putting around 10 Ohms as a load resistor
to the output and then use a 47000 uF cap charged to 15 Volts at the input as
the input of this DC2DC converter and let us know, how long the LED will be
on and how the voltage at the 10 Ohm resistor goes down ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

Hi Stefan,
I only had a 440000 uf cap.
So I charged it to 15v and with 10ohm on the dc to dc (set to 12v)
The led stayed on for 3 seconds. (resistor was smoking)

Without the resistor it takes about 26 seconds for the led to die down.

This is what the dc to dc output wire looks like btw.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 16, 2011, 02:15:44 PM
Quote from: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 02:05:10 PM
Hi Stefan,
I only had a 440000 uf cap.
So I charged it to 15v and with 10ohm on the dc to dc (set to 12v)
The led stayed on for 3 seconds. (resistor was smoking)

Without the resistor it takes about 26 seconds for the led to die down.

This is what the dc to dc output wire looks like btw.

Thanks Nali2001. It does look like the time constant for the capacitor discharge is about right; for a larger 47K and a larger input resistance! So I think the DC-DC converter is just doing the job correctly and 40 something seconds is real. Comments?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 02:24:30 PM
Yes seems about right.
Plus I wonder how real "12 Volts 0.9 amps" really is. I mean these dvm's might be off due to the very short duty cycle and multi Khz system frequency.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinu on May 16, 2011, 02:34:21 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 16, 2011, 02:15:44 PM
Thanks Nali2001. It does look like the time constant for the capacitor discharge is about right; for a larger 47K and a larger input resistance! So I think the DC-DC converter is just doing the job correctly and 40 something seconds is real. Comments?


I understand Nali2001 used a 440K cap which is almost 10 times larger (not smaller!) than 47K and resistance at 10Ohms compared to 12Ohms is pretty close (within 25% error margin) .
Was the cap 440000uF or it was a typo?

@ Nali2001,
@ Hoppy,

Many, many thanks!

One more question if you are kind to answer: Is the LED on the output or is it on the input-side of the DC2DC converter’s circuit?
Only if the led is on the output side, could you check if it goes on when a small voltage (3V or so shall do it) is applied to the OUTPUT side? (This issue was raised by nul-points).

I really appreciate your prompt help!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 16, 2011, 02:36:41 PM
Quote from: tinu on May 16, 2011, 02:34:21 PM
I understand Nali2001 used a 440K cap which is almost 10 times larger (not smaller!) than 47K and resistance at 10Ohms compared to 12Ohms is pretty close (within 25% error margin) .
Was the cap 440000uF or it was a typo?

@ Nali2001,
@ Hoppy,

Many, many thanks!

One more question if you are kind to answer: Is the LED on the output or is it on the input-side of the DC2DC converter’s circuit?
Only if the led is on the output side, could you check if it goes on when a small voltage (3V or so shall do it) is applied to the OUTPUT side? (This issue was raised by nul-points).

I really appreciate your prompt help!
Oh, I read 44000 uF! Maybe Nali will clear it up for us. Sorry....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 02:38:46 PM
...anybody get a feeling of Deja Vu about all this?  ;)

from this thread, May 10...

Quote from: tinu on May 10, 2011, 05:00:43 PM
It was fake all along but I did not want to spoil your excitement. Few would have heard me anyway.

Look again at the first “OU video” (lol!) and by the end of it ask yourself why is the power led (DC-DC converter) still on after he turns the switch off. Huh?!
Moreover, why is the same led flashing in sync with the RPM of the rotor when it should be disconnected from stator coils?!!!
Or to put it simpler…What does he switches off then if not the DC converter?!!!
Hint: the other power source? 15V, 1-2A, 2 thin wires… Go figure!

I know, I’m MIB, oil-man, skeptic and a few dozen more…

Before leaving, greetings to the old friends still remembering me. 
See you on the next one, folks!

Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 10, 2011, 06:29:53 PM
you can see the LED turn off when the rotor has significantly slowed down and the output of the pickup coils falls under the minimal input current for the DC converter to work.

Quote from: hartiberlin on May 10, 2011, 06:53:48 PM
Look again:

Because the 47.000 uF cap is still in parallel with the DC2DC converter !
Man, look again at the video in detail ! I just did it again.

It does not flash at all...
I just watched it again in HD directly from the FLV file on my PC.

The 47.000 uF cap is charged up at 15.07 Volts from all the coil voltage spikes
and when he switches off, only the cap powers still the DC2DC converter for
a while and then the cap discharges and also the LED goes dim and the rotor stops.
That is all what could be seen !

Very normal for such a circuit with 47.000 uF cap charged to 15.07 Volts at the input
of a DC2DC converter and just discharging.

Probably you did not watch the movie correctly.
I can now see all cables exactly in the HD version and all
is well and no extra cables are seen.

I can recognize every cable which is there.
There are so many cables, cause he needs to bring up the
connections for the lower coils up to the top.
But all is exactly so, as the circuit diagrams have shown.

I think it is really genuine and no fake.
Regards, Stefan.




shall we ask all naysayers to come back every 7 days and ask the same old, same old?

and then we can jump through the hoops all over again

after all, we have plenty of time to waste, don't we?  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 02:42:00 PM
WHOOPS I meant 44k (44000uf)

Quote from: tinu on May 16, 2011, 02:34:21 PM
I understand Nali2001 used a 440K cap which is almost 10 times larger (not smaller!) than 47K and resistance at 10Ohms compared to 12Ohms is pretty close (within 25% error margin) .
Was the cap 440000uF or it was a typo?

@ Nali2001,
@ Hoppy,

Many, many thanks!

One more question if you are kind to answer: Is the LED on the output or is it on the input-side of the DC2DC converter’s circuit?
Only if the led is on the output side, could you check if it goes on when a small voltage (3V or so shall do it) is applied to the OUTPUT side? (This issue was raised by nul-points).

I really appreciate your prompt help!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 16, 2011, 02:43:28 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 02:38:46 PM
...anybody get a feeling of Deja Vu about all this?  ;)

from this thread, May 10...




shall we ask all naysayers to come back every 7 days and ask the same old, same old?

and then we can jump through the hoops all over again

after all, we have plenty of time to waste, don't we?  ;)


I think Tinu has seen many instances of fakes and he is just trying to do his best to make sure we're not going on a wild goose chase like in MyLow's low-class act! This capacitor discharge if inline will help disprove but the final successful replications will really leave no doubt.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 16, 2011, 02:45:51 PM
Guys, just my 2 cents, remember RomeroUK mentioned he ran it for a few hours
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mscoffman on May 16, 2011, 02:54:30 PM

Someone with access to the DC2DC Converter should do an efficiency
chart of power-in vs power-out, using various resistive loads at
the 15VDC input specified. The DC2DC converter is a good idea for
regulating voltage. I'd like to cautiously suggest that if there is a
toroid in the converter circuit that it itself might be overunity.
This would be for a switching regulator. A linear regulator is much
less efficient.

When I suggest closing the the loop with commercial devices I suggest
knowing, even if approximate, the power efficiency of any device
in the loop, so you can factor that into your calcs. Also it somewhat
disingenuous assuming that a device is not itself overunity when
you are trying to build a system yourselves. Don't forget, you can't
meaningfully measure power with pulses present - you must use
capacitors so that the voltage and current values remain within error
bars for the one second instrument gating period of inexpensive DVM's.
Then milliamps time volts equals milliwatts

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 16, 2011, 02:55:51 PM
My laptop power supply has a led indicator light.  sometimes it stays on for up to a minute after I unplug it.   
My laptop must be a fake. It is good to be a skeptic.  Science needs it.  But do not debunk without a try.
Also lid motors first video with his incomplete setup is lighting an led full bright by just spinning the rotor with fingers from the flyback of the reed..  imagine that at a few thousand rpm's.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 02:58:02 PM
Quote from: mscoffman on May 16, 2011, 02:54:30 PM
I'd like to cautiously suggest that if there is a
toroid in the converter circuit that it itself might be overunity.

Romero closed the loop & had the device self-running (with runaway) BEFORE Gyula suggested adding the DC converter to stabilise the motor drive
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 03:01:04 PM
Quote from: tinu on May 16, 2011, 02:34:21 PM
e more question if you are kind to answer: Is the LED on the output or is it on the input-side of the DC2DC converter’s circuit?
Only if the led is on the output side, could you check if it goes on when a small voltage (3V or so shall do it) is applied to the OUTPUT side? (This issue was raised by nul-points).

I really appreciate your prompt help!

Hi Tinu,
Well looking at the board, the led is on the input side.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on May 16, 2011, 03:07:47 PM
shall we ask all naysayers to come back every 7 days and ask the same old, same old?

Actually I believe the World is scheduled to end on Saturday at 6 pm?
7 Days just isn't going to Cut it! [Big Schedule Problem !!]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 16, 2011, 03:19:14 PM
the led should not be directly on the input or it would fry on 12V input or more. The convertor has at least 2 coils WHICH ARE KNOWN AS ENERGY STORAGE DEVICES. Most of these circtuits also have at least a few caps, which also store energy. Leds consume xtremely small amount of energy...3 seconds of bright led without power for me it says nothing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 03:22:05 PM
so the LED is directly at the input of the DC2DC converter and it has R1 in series with the LED which is
102= 10^2 Ohms= 100 Ohms.

This means it should still light up down to around 1.7 Volts or so.

You said in your test your 10 Ohm resistor smoked and after a few seconds
the 44.000 uF cap was discharged...

now the question is, how much input current the RomeroUK´s Muller motor draws
when the voltage goes down.
As the voltage goes down  , the input current will also fall exponentially.
So also the load  resistance for the DC2DC converter will go up, so he has to supply
less current to the motor when its output voltage falls.

So it is not the constant about 13 Ohms we see which it was at the beginning...
It will go up exponentially.

So maybe this way the 15 Volts charged 47.000 uF cap of RomeroUK´s
device can discharge up to 1.7 Volts level until the LED goes off
and this takes 43 seconds ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 03:32:00 PM
Quote from: ramset on May 16, 2011, 03:07:47 PM
Actually I believe the World is scheduled to end on Saturday at 6 pm?

LOL  ...not according to the naysayers tho'!  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 03:33:47 PM
the pre-resistor for the LED can not be 100 Ohms.
This is a much too low value.
I just calculated it,
at 15 Volts there would be already flowing 150 Milliamps which would
be more than 2 Watts at this small resistor and it would smoke
and also the LED would smoke at this large current...

So could this be 1000 or 10K Ohm ?
What does 102 or 1D2 mean ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 03:35:57 PM
please could you do as a favour and mesaure the value
of R1 in the DC2DC converter with your Ohm meter ?

(Of course, when the DC2Dc converter is switched off...)

Many thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 16, 2011, 03:36:12 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 03:33:47 PM
the pre-resistor for the LED can not be 100 Ohms.
This is a much too low value.
I just calculated it,
at 15 Volts there would be already flowing 150 Milliamps which would
be more than 2 Watts at this small resistor and it would smoke
and also the LED would smoke at this large current...

So could this be 1000 or 10K Ohm ?
What does 102 or 1D2 mean ?

I think 102 means 1000 ohms.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 16, 2011, 03:37:38 PM
Hi all,

I have been looking arround here and folowing most of the attempts to replicate the device I have presented and all I can see is that most of you are going in the wrong direction.
In my previous posts I have really told you all but beople can see only what they are familiar with.
You all see magnets rotating in front of the coils... , at 1240rpm we get too low voltage...maybe at 1034 we get better... that is just an ordinary alternator/dynamo but this one was a bit more than that.
If you are considering to build a very efficient dynamo then you are on the right track if you want to investigate more then use your brains.
Here are many people very clever but I think that is their handicap (not all but some)
'My friend' Baroutologos (who started all my current problems) was always in conflict with me regarding my simple way to approach every device I started, but he was going arround in circles because the law of physics are not permiting,...  many...
There is a lot more to be discovered and maybe change or add to the existing laws of physics.
For all who are not really seeing a bit more in here is no point to spend your time and money, wait until those few will manage to understand and you will have more details.
I wont be here to guide anyone as I am considered a master of 'magic (hoax) and maybe I am.
I am already in a lot of .... I don't need anymore.

Best regards to all,


PS: don't wast time with that LED, it is powered back from the driving coils via the recovery diodes too simple to be seen and  understood...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 16, 2011, 03:44:45 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 16, 2011, 03:37:38 PM
Hi all,

I have been looking arround here and folowing most of the attempts to replicate the device I have presented and all I can see is that most of you are going in the wrong direction.
In my previous posts I have really told you all but beople can see only what they are familiar with.
You all see magnets rotating in front of the coils... , at 1240rpm we get too low voltage...maybe at 1034 we get better... that is just an ordinary alternator/dynamo but this one was a bit more than that.
If you are considering to build a very efficient dynamo then you are on the right track if you want to investigate more then use your brains.
Here are many people very clever but I think that is their handicap (not all but some)
'My friend' Baroutologos (who started all my current problems) was always in conflict with me regarding my simple way to approach every device I started, but he was going arround in circles because the law of physics are not permiting,...  many...
There is a lot more to be discovered and maybe change or add to the existing laws of physics.
For all who are not really seeing a bit more in here is no point to spend your time and money, wait until those few will manage to understand and you will have more details.
I wont be here to guide anyone as I am considered a master of 'magic (hoax) and maybe I am.
I am already in a lot of .... I don't need anymore.

Best regards to all,


PS: don't wast time with that LED, it is powered back from the driving coils via the recovery diodes too simple to be seen and  understood...

Thank you for posting again. Much as we would like your direct help would you mind telling us which builders we should pay attention to? Thank you.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElektroBaba on May 16, 2011, 03:48:05 PM
For me it seems that the strength of the "stator magnets" is important.

If you see the picture, strength is increasing or decreasing (do not know the rotation direction)

I assume that the silver magnet is "stronger" than the black one.

1. one small silver magnet and one black
2. one small silver magnet and two black (stronger than one)
3. one big silver magnet and one black (stronger than two)

Has RomeroUK build a "electrical" SMOT - without mention or knowing it?

I would make sense for me:
The disk is accelerating with the array of static coils and the "engine" coil (additionally) cuts the magnetic static field array -  and pulling a little bit...

@Collapsingfield: nice simulation, can you simulate the different strength of magnets (increasing or decreasing), too?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 16, 2011, 03:49:24 PM

Thanks for stopping by!
We will persevere....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 03:49:38 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 03:35:57 PM
please could you do as a favour and mesaure the value
of R1 in the DC2DC converter with your Ohm meter ?

(Of course, when the DC2Dc converter is switched off...)

Many thanks in advance.

994ohm (so probably one K)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 16, 2011, 03:51:01 PM
Quote from: ElektroBaba on May 16, 2011, 03:48:05 PM
For me it seems that the strength of the "stator magnets" is important.

If you see the picture, strength is increasing or decreasing (do not know the rotation direction)

I assume that the silver magnet is "stronger" than the black one.

1. one small silver magnet and one black
2. one small silver magnet and two black (stronger than one)
3. one big silver magnet and one black (stronger than two)

Has RomeroUK build a "electrical" SMOT - without mention or knowing it?

I would make sense for me:
The disk is accelerating with the array of static coils and the "engine" coil (additionally) cuts the magnetic static field array -  and pulling a little bit...

@Collapsingfield: nice simulation, can you simulate the different strength of magnets (increasing or decreasing), too?

Good thinking,

That's my approach as well, therefore i put my stator magnets on plastic screws so fine-tuning should be easier.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 03:51:55 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 16, 2011, 03:37:38 PM
Best regards to all,


PS: don't wast time with that LED, it is powered back from the driving coils via the recovery diodes too simple to be seen and  understood...

so there is a recovery diode !

So our already posted schematics are not correct yet and this diode
is missing !

could you please point out exactly where you had this recovery diode connected ?
Is this somewhere hidden at the bridge rectifiers and goes with a cable to the +12 Volt  battery
pole in your first video ?
And in the selfrunner video, where is it located ? I don´t see an additional
cable going to the input of the DC2DC converter.

Or is it hidden somewhere there below the white positive input cable
of the DC2DC converter there at your switch ?

As the video is of pretty good resolution one should be able to see this
cable or this diode there... Hmm....
Anyway, nice to see you back...

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 16, 2011, 03:53:41 PM

QuoteYou all see magnets rotating in front of the coils... , at 1240rpm we get too low voltage...maybe at 1034 we get better... that is just an ordinary alternator/dynamo but this one was a bit more than that.
If you are considering to build a very efficient dynamo then you are on the right track if you want to investigate more then use your brains.

Thanks for taking the time to share this.  At this point my only concern is getting this to operate as an efficient dynamo.  I already have 16 volts out with a input of 12 volts.  It's just now a matter of making the load seem invisible to the system as a whole.  I imagine that this is actually  the most tricky part on this setup.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 04:00:01 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 16, 2011, 03:37:38 PM
Hi all,

Best regards to all,


PS: don't wast time with that LED, it is powered back from the driving coils via the recovery diodes too simple to be seen and  understood...


thanks for sharing 'the Dynamo' with us - really sorry how it turned for you  :(

be well, take care, man

Quote from: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 12:47:41 PM
[...answering tinu...]
i don't suppose you looked closely enough at Romero's drive circuit to observe that IT ALSO CAN GENERATE VOLTAGE from the rotor magnets?  It may not be sufficient to make a big difference to the Drive action, but do YOU know what effect that generated voltage will have on the LED path in the DC converter?

there you go, tinu

far canal, what a complete waste of everybody's time  ...twice   :)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElektroBaba on May 16, 2011, 04:02:30 PM
Quote from: Cherryman on May 16, 2011, 03:51:01 PM
Good thinking,

That's my approach as well, therefore i put my stator magnets on plastic screws so fine-tuning should be easier.

Hmm, I assume an "air gap" between coil a magnet waste too much of the "magnetic power".
The coil should have contact with the magnet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 16, 2011, 04:06:11 PM
Quote from: ElektroBaba on May 16, 2011, 04:02:30 PM
Hmm, I assume an "air gap" between coil a magnet waste too much of the "magnetic power".
The coil should have contact with the magnet.

Actually the way i got it, in Romero's setup the coil contacted bottom stationary plate, the coil core was half way in, other half air thén a soft iron washer.

Later fine-tuned with another nylon washer and more less different magnets.

That's how i got it.

Happy Building
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 16, 2011, 04:08:20 PM
@Romerouk . Welcome back , even if it is just one visit ,
@All . Please no shark feeding frenzy this time . Give the guy room to breathe .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on May 16, 2011, 04:14:29 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 03:22:05 PM

so the LED is directly at the input of the DC2DC converter and it has R1 in series with the LED which is
102= 10^2 Ohms= 100 Ohms.

A resistor marked 102 is 1000 ohms !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 16, 2011, 04:15:47 PM
Thanks romero for dropping by and mostly thanks for the strength that you managed to publish what most of others were not able to do before you. You are a great man.

@stefan : I think the diodes are the end of the coils ? the current rectifiers ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on May 16, 2011, 04:33:20 PM
Hi all,

I have been looking arround here and folowing most of the attempts to replicate the device I have presented and all I can see is that most of you are going in the wrong direction.
In my previous posts I have really told you all but beople can see only what they are familiar with.
You all see magnets rotating in front of the coils... , at 1240rpm we get too low voltage...maybe at 1034 we get better... that is just an ordinary alternator/dynamo but this one was a bit more than that.
If you are considering to build a very efficient dynamo then you are on the right track if you want to investigate more then use your brains.
Here are many people very clever but I think that is their handicap (not all but some)
'My friend' Baroutologos (who started all my current problems) was always in conflict with me regarding my simple way to approach every device I started, but he was going arround in circles because the law of physics are not permiting,...  many...
There is a lot more to be discovered and maybe change or add to the existing laws of physics.
For all who are not really seeing a bit more in here is no point to spend your time and money, wait until those few will manage to understand and you will have more details.
I wont be here to guide anyone as I am considered a master of 'magic (hoax) and maybe I am.
I am already in a lot of .... I don't need anymore.

Best regards to all,

PS: don't wast time with that LED, it is powered back from the driving coils via the recovery diodes too simple to be seen and  understood...

Hey Romero,

i have said that i am sorry for the trouble caused to you regarding our forum. This was not intentional and i understand your frustration... Nothing more really to say. Just i am sorry.

Regarding the experiments, perhaps you are right about me, but it is not an easy task to replicate something that it is supposed not to have be done before and specially if i have never have done it. Right? It is not a thing that happens everyday, so i ask to be excused.

Anyway, perhaps you think that i will waste resources, but i will replicate your device as closely as possible and be helped by others experimenters here.
I hope you do not mind... :P Anyway, glad to have you back.


ps: perhaps i should refrain from replication attempts a bit
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 04:39:18 PM
so where is this recovery diode exactly ?

Is it D1 or is it D2 ?

As the LED need to light up it should be D2,
but then the switch would have no effect...


If it is these 2 freewheel diodes of the 2 driver coilpairs,
then this also will not light up the LED at the input of the
DC2DC converter ?

Okay resistor is almost 1000 Ohms,
so the LED light should light up until
about 2 to 3 Volts.
depending at which LED current it still shows light.

When the input LED of the DC2DC converter still has
1 mA, the 1000 Ohm resistor will have 1 Volts on it
and the LED will have the threshold voltage of about 1.7 Volts, so
it adds up to 2.7 Volts at 1 mA.
So with 2.7 Volts of input voltage the LED will still light
up with a brightness of 1 mA current through it.

The real question is now,
where exactly is this mysterious recovery diode...
See the circuit diagram below...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinu on May 16, 2011, 04:40:33 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 04:00:01 PM

there you go, tinu

far canal, what a complete waste of everybody's time  ...twice   :)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

No so fast, please. The LED is on the INPUT side of the DC2DC converter, as Nali2001 was so kind to show us all. Thanks again Nali2001! Therefore, the LED can not be powered by the driving circuit (Yes, I was aware of the protection diode; I’ve pretty much did my homeworks, have entirely read all thread and carefully followed it in real time but until now I was simply silent, except for the older post you found where I could not be clear enough due to time constraints and language barrier.)

To save everyone’s time, I’ll use this post to clear another other issue too:
The motor consumes  about 1A at 12V and full speed; Stefan pointed out that input current is maybe decaying exponentially. I’m not certain it decays at all because the start-up current is around 2.2A so maybe it does the opposite, increasing at low RPM. However, even if current decreases, the exponential is in respect with actual RPM alone (and nothing else, for the given setup, but RPM) and because in about 3s (time the capacitor discharge time on 10ohm load, which is in good fit with my initial estimate of 1-2s that I derived from the RC time constant,) the rotor does not slow down considerable, the exponential decay of current would be very slow (almost negligible). In short, a gap of more than30-35s remains unexplained and unexplainable imho.

I’m glad Romero is back. Maybe he can enlighten us but so far please don’t accuse me because I was right so far.

Best regards,

PS I apologize for the members who could not follow; please see the last post of redrichie, namely the following quote: “My laptop power supply has a led indicator light.  sometimes it stays on for up to a minute after I unplug it.  My laptop must be a fake.”
For how long stays the same led on if you turn on your laptop, with your power supply unplugged?!
Same issue here. I wasn’t talking about 47mF/15V cap discharge on a LED and 1K resistor; that’s indeed tenths of minutes, maybe hours…
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: markdansie on May 16, 2011, 04:47:35 PM
I think many understand your situation, however many people are attempting to replicate your device including others who do not post here but observe. There seems to be a lot of confusion and debate about how many of the components are wired. I know you have indicated (and I am sure everyone understands why) you do not wish to further contribute, but perhaps you may be kind enough to do a simple hand drawn wiring diagram with all the components (like the feedback diode). This may assist many from blindly feeling in the dark and through application gain some of the understanding you have that will not be restrained by normal physics. This is a real paradigm shift for many.

PS Chris C..can you email me..I am in the USA next week.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 16, 2011, 05:00:54 PM
hi Romero

happy that you are well

OK for me the work goes on

And having wounded a second coil with exact same quality as the first one, i can situate the voltage at about 24 volts for a binome coil under no load at 1280 RPM

And also confirm that this binome of coil can produce about 2 Watts , so 7 time 2 watts could be a 14 watt. I hope the litze will bring more, but waiting for my delivery.

Something to further check is that , under load, the voltage comes very fast up to arround 1200 rpm and than very slowly . I pushed up to 1600 rpm without a lot of gain.  ?? Seems to be a threshold at some point depending of each config.!!

OK good luck and fun to experimenting at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 16, 2011, 05:04:06 PM
Quote from: tinu on May 16, 2011, 04:40:33 PM
No so fast, please. The LED is on the INPUT side of the DC2DC converter, as Nali2001 was so kind to show us all. Thanks again Nali2001! Therefore, the LED can not be powered by the driving circuit (Yes, I was aware of the protection diode; I’ve pretty much did my homeworks, have entirely read all thread and carefully followed it in real time but until now I was simply silent, except for the older post you found where I could not be clear enough due to time constraints and language barrier.)

To save everyone’s time, I’ll use this post to clear another other issue too:
The motor consumes  about 1A at 12V and full speed; Stefan pointed out that input current is maybe decaying exponentially. I’m not certain it decays at all because the start-up current is around 2.2A so maybe it does the opposite, increasing at low RPM. However, even if current decreases, the exponential is in respect with actual RPM alone (and nothing else, for the given setup, but RPM) and because in about 3s (time the capacitor discharge time on 10ohm load, which is in good fit with my initial estimate of 1-2s that I derived from the RC time constant,) the rotor does not slow down considerable, the exponential decay of current would be very slow (almost negligible). In short, a gap of more than30-35s remains unexplained and unexplainable imho.

I’m glad Romero is back. Maybe he can enlighten us but so far please don’t accuse me because I was right so far.

Best regards,

PS I apologize for the members who could not follow; please see the last post of redrichie, namely the following quote: “My laptop power supply has a led indicator light.  sometimes it stays on for up to a minute after I unplug it.  My laptop must be a fake.”
For how long stays the same led on if you turn on your laptop, with your power supply unplugged?!
Same issue here. I wasn’t talking about 47mF/15V cap discharge on a LED and 1K resistor; that’s indeed tenths of minutes, maybe hours…

What is it you just don't get!
Once the power to the coil drivers are switched off, the output of the DC/DC converter goes to 12v or higher because of the recovery diode.
With no load on the DC/DC converter but with 12v still provided from the large 47,000uf capacitor the only draw is the LED.
How long could a 47,000uf capacitor keep an LED lit?
D.A just give it up!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 16, 2011, 05:06:04 PM
@tinu, maybe you miss 50% point of this thread and romerouk point (not talking about the LED ).
1) we are searching for an undocumented effect, so there might be no logic about it, just a simple observation result
2) people here like to build and analize things
3) romero asked the guys who know what they are doing to ivestigate this interesting setup and share their conclusion

So, sit back and enjoy the ride ? Even if this proves to be "fake", i think there are interesting parts of this circuit that are worth at least investigating by most of us. If i could afford the time i would not care 1% if this is fake or not, would build it myself just for fun.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 05:10:34 PM
Hi Romero,

Just remember the strongest tree on a mountaintop is the one buffeted by the strongest winds.  My best creative work in life always occurred when I was pissed off and said "I'll show them/her/it and myself".  I might not make it work but will give it a hell of a try over time.  Sometimes I am so dense I just can't see my nose in front of me, but eventually I understand.  At some time during the process, perhaps I will "see the light" of understanding as to what is really going on here.  I'm sure it is subtle but right in plain sight,  It obviously is not just a plain motor/generator/converter interface..........I just wish I had a clear understanding of what to look for when I "tune" the device.  I understand the speed, max output, distance, bias magnets, core diameter/coil turns, etc. but the magic to look for to tune for maximum effect, what the heck is it, what am I looking for?  Again, just me thinking out loud.  Glad you are hanging around.  Take care.  I"m a old retired Electronic Tec,. have a daughter who is a IT specialists, etc. and I actually do this for fun.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 16, 2011, 05:17:12 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 16, 2011, 03:37:38 PM
Hi all,

I have been looking arround here and folowing most of the attempts to replicate the device I have presented and all I can see is that most of you are going in the wrong direction.
In my previous posts I have really told you all but beople can see only what they are familiar with.
You all see magnets rotating in front of the coils... , at 1240rpm we get too low voltage...maybe at 1034 we get better... that is just an ordinary alternator/dynamo but this one was a bit more than that.
If you are considering to build a very efficient dynamo then you are on the right track if you want to investigate more then use your brains.
Here are many people very clever but I think that is their handicap (not all but some)
'My friend' Baroutologos (who started all my current problems) was always in conflict with me regarding my simple way to approach every device I started, but he was going arround in circles because the law of physics are not permiting,...  many...
There is a lot more to be discovered and maybe change or add to the existing laws of physics.
For all who are not really seeing a bit more in here is no point to spend your time and money, wait until those few will manage to understand and you will have more details.
I wont be here to guide anyone as I am considered a master of 'magic (hoax) and maybe I am.
I am already in a lot of .... I don't need anymore.

Best regards to all,


PS: don't wast time with that LED, it is powered back from the driving coils via the recovery diodes too simple to be seen and  understood...

Romero, I hope to be taking some pressure off you soon. Only changes to my model are 9.5mm ferrite dia and Schottky diodes in place of the "enhanced bridges" for half the voltage drop loss.

So I guess this means you won't be joining us for the Smart Scarecrow show this Thursday?  :-\
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 05:20:58 PM
Quote from: lumen on May 16, 2011, 05:04:06 PM

What is it you just don't get!
Once the power to the coil drivers are switched off, the output of the DC/DC converter goes to 12v or higher because of the recovery diode.
With no load on the DC/DC converter but with 12v still provided from the large 47,000uf capacitor the only draw is the LED.
How long could a 47,000uf capacitor keep an LED lit?
D.A just give it up!

I must admit, that Tinu is IMHO right in his critique.

Have another look at the circuit drawing at:


There you can see, that the switch RomeroUK is switching
off only cuts off the voltage from the cap and the input of the DC2DC
Nothing else is switched off...
So how can the LED really stay lit for 43 seconds is a real question
when we don´t know, where this additional recovery diode is ?

For the LED to be lit it should be D2, but then the switch
does not work as the recovery diode would just short it out...
If it is D1, then DC2DC converter would be obsolete or redundant
and the 15 Volts DC would directly go to the driver input and we would
have a runaway...!

So the question is really important, where is this recovery diode and
what does it exactly do !

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinu on May 16, 2011, 05:33:42 PM
Quote from: lumen on May 16, 2011, 05:04:06 PM

What is it you just don't get!
Once the power to the coil drivers are switched off, the output of the DC/DC converter goes to 12v or higher because of the recovery diode.
With no load on the DC/DC converter but with 12v still provided from the large 47,000uf capacitor the only draw is the LED.
How long could a 47,000uf capacitor keep an LED lit?
D.A just give it up!

The recovery diodeS (two of them) are there and working at all times, not just when you think they are needed to raise one voltage or another.
The power to the coil drivers is NOT switched off. NEVER.
I think it’s either my English or you don’t get it.

I’ve got that 50% part for the last many years. I still enjoy it when there is something solid to investigate and build. So far, I expect Romero stands up like a man and shows us how wrong I am and then he shows you the real ‘missing secret’ or else you will build a mere dynamo like he said you will…

Many, many thanks. I now go silent until something changes.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 05:35:53 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 03:33:47 PM
the pre-resistor for the LED can not be 100 Ohms.
This is a much too low value.
I just calculated it,
at 15 Volts there would be already flowing 150 Milliamps which would
be more than 2 Watts at this small resistor and it would smoke
and also the LED would smoke at this large current...

So could this be 1000 or 10K Ohm ?
What does 102 or 1D2 mean ?

102= 10 + 00= 1000 or 1k
101= 10 + 0  = 100
103= 10 + 000=10000 or 10 k
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 05:37:07 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 16, 2011, 05:00:54 PM

Something to further check is that , under load, the voltage comes very fast up to arround 1200 rpm and than very slowly . I pushed up to 1600 rpm without a lot of gain.  ?? Seems to be a threshold at some point depending of each config.!!


Hi Laurent.
Well done !

Well, maybe that the induction voltage in your coil pair
is not much rising over 1200 RPM does
depend on the distance of the magnets on the rotor and that
the Ferrite core might not be fast enough to switch faster ?

Maybe the magnetic flux does not turn so fast inside the ferrite cores ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 05:41:04 PM
Quote from: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 05:35:53 PM
102= 10 + 00= 1000 or 1k
101= 10 + 0  = 100
103= 10 + 000=10000 or 10 k

Okay, thanks for clearing this up.

Have not worked yet with SMD parts, only normal resistors ! ;)

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 16, 2011, 06:18:34 PM
@woopy . You remark that the output voltage does not rise with RPM as you would expect ..Now look at Romero`s post this evening . He says " At1240rpm we get too low voltage , maybe at 1034 we get better, this is just an ordinary dynamo , but this Machine is so much more " or words to that effect . Notice that as he has written this , it is not quite right . The bit I question is the number 1034 , which is lower than 1240 . I suspect instead he means 1340 . I think what he is saying is , This is not a normal machine . Do not expect the voltage/rpm curve to be like a normal machine . Read Romero`s post again and see if you understand then .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on May 16, 2011, 06:20:14 PM
The LED will also light with 3V plus on the output leads with the input leads open circuit.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 16, 2011, 06:26:38 PM
RomeroUK thanks for taking the time to drop a line.

Now you mentioned that everyone is going about the build all wrong what exactly are the builders missing hate to bring you back into this but if you know something is wrong about the way things are being built it is helpful to state what that is rather then taking all of your problems and frustrations out on the decent human beings on this forum why not just keep it between you and your buddy burlogious or whatever his nickname is you cannot continue to blame everybody for the actions of this one guy well you can but it is not the way you should conduct yourself. I know you are better then that there is a since of pride you take in your work otherwise you  would not have been back here at all. You  will come back and give  some pointers and  yes  I will have to say so far  you are doing a great job with aiding people. And it wont be long and we will all  be  back  on the same track with  you to properly preparing the tests for the  RomeroUK's version of the Muller Generator.

Whatever is missing we can try to figure out tell us whatever but obviously it appears  you seem to know a fundamental flaw in the design being used and  you  will share  at least that much with us a step the the right direction.

Forgive the spelling here I kind of typed this fast noticed I spelled a thing or two wrong might be more grammar mistakes but  you get the picture.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 06:32:45 PM
Hi all,

Has there been any research that when you induce into a coil, a voltage with the coil at X inductance, and magnetically change the properties of the core during TDC in a generator, hence lower/or increase the inductance, does the core will give up a burst of extra energy.  That is you induce a voltage into a coil, then you change the inductance of the coil, does the output voltage change........some old article I read years ago alluded to this.......any ideas?  Very poor way of expressing it, but it is an idea and my terminology is lousy too.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 06:36:29 PM
Quote from: Hoppy on May 16, 2011, 06:20:14 PM
The LED will also light with 3V plus on the output leads with the input leads open circuit.


Wow, this is interesting !

Now it would be really cool,
if someone could find the circuit diagramm of this DC2DC converter,
so we could have a look how it works and why this is the case.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 16, 2011, 06:37:00 PM
RomeroUK is pushing away from discussions that most are having (wire specs, coils specs, etc), and suggesting this is about efficiency. Obviously 99.999% is not going to get it, so it is obviously more than that.

There are many aspects of efficiency that can apply here. Drive coil efficiency is obviously important, and so is generator coil efficiency, but neither of those directly answer the question of OU. Conventional theory won't answer that question for obvious reasons, but that does beg the question of what part of the system is OU. It would seem that the answer lies in the magnet/coil interaction, and the answer isn't in our books.

When the stator coil is energized by the passing rotor magnet, what does its field look like? Is it in opposition? Attraction? What about the ferrite core? Does it attract or repel the rotor? How does the stator magnet effect that? Does the stator coil conduct for its entire interaction with the magnet? There is a lot going on here, and I think you end up with some conflicting forces. The tuning RomeroUK talked about will have everything to do with which forces are dominant when.

A few observations come to mind...

The ferrite is naturally attracted to the rotor magnets, however the stator magnets will fight that.

The stator coil will probably be producing a repulsive field on rotor magnet's approach, but the ferrite will likely still favor the strong neo, perhaps more than be repulsed by the coil. Obviously a function of the coil's field strength plus the stator magnet.

On rotor magnet departure, the coil will switch to an attractive field, which will be fighting the stator magnet, and supporting the ferrite's affinity for the strong rotor magnet.

The diode bridge will prevent the coil from passing current until its voltage exceeds that of the cap. That gets very complicated.

The cycle *may* look something like this:
1. Rotor magnet attracts to the stator coil ferrite pulling it in...maybe...depending on how strong the stator magnet pushes back.
2. The rotor magnet starts inducing a voltage in the stator coil, but initially current does not flow due to the bridge remaining reverse biased.
3. Eventually coil current starts flowing, creating a repulsive field which fights the rotor magnet. The stator magnet is assisting the coil.
4. As the rotor magnet passes over the center of the coil and starts pulling away, the stator coil begins reversing its field. While it does so, it stops conducting while below the cap voltage. The ferrite possibly returns to attraction, fighting the pull out.
5. The stator coil gets to a high enough reversed voltage that it forward biases the bridge and current flows. This will be an attracting field at this point, and will add to the ferrite's attraction, but be in opposition to the stator magnet.
6. The coil stops conducting, ferrite is clear of rotor magnet's field.

Pretty messy. Just for fun, overlap the cycles of 7 coils at different phases. Don't even think about tossing in the drive coil interaction...you'll go mad.

The actual forces at work will vary greatly based on spacing, magnet strength, RPM, operating voltage, operating current, etc. Meaning, build it and tune it for efficiency...tune some more...and tune some more...and if you lucked into designing the components so that their operating point coincides with the point where the magic occurs, you might make it work. Not knowing where the magic is to begin with will make this much, much harder. Would be real nice to have a theory...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 16, 2011, 06:41:20 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 05:20:58 PM
I must admit, that Tinu is IMHO right in his critique.

Have another look at the circuit drawing at:


There you can see, that the switch RomeroUK is switching
off only cuts off the voltage from the cap and the input of the DC2DC
Nothing else is switched off...
So how can the LED really stay lit for 43 seconds is a real question
when we don´t know, where this additional recovery diode is ?

For the LED to be lit it should be D2, but then the switch
does not work as the recovery diode would just short it out...
If it is D1, then DC2DC converter would be obsolete or redundant
and the 15 Volts DC would directly go to the driver input and we would
have a runaway...!

So the question is really important, where is this recovery diode and
what does it exactly do !

Regards, Stefan.

Romero said that the recovery diode was from just one coil and only for charging up the battery.
So this configuration would not provide the full output current back into the input for a runaway condition. It could provide enough to keep the charge on the battery and could also raise the output of the DC/DC converter once the drive coils are disconnected. If this is true, then the input current to the DC/DC converter that is provided by the 47,000uf capacitor would never be used since the output is already higher than 12v. It's only use at this point would be to keep the LED lit until the rotor slowed enough to output less than 12v or the LED consumes the charge on the capacitor.

@Tinu, Sorry I should snap back at your inquisitiveness.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 16, 2011, 06:42:59 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 16, 2011, 06:18:34 PM
@woopy . You remark that the output voltage does not rise with RPM as you would expect ..Now look at Romero`s post this evening . He says " At1240rpm we get too low voltage , maybe at 1034 we get better, this is just an ordinary dynamo , but this Machine is so much more " or words to that effect . Notice that as he has written this , it is not quite right . The bit I question is the number 1034 , which is lower than 1240 . I suspect instead he means 1340 . I think what he is saying is , This is not a normal machine . Do not expect the voltage/rpm curve to be like a normal machine . Read Romero`s post again and see if you understand then .

Or, perhaps Romero really meant what he wrote, and the 1034 RPM's is the best operating speed, for this rpm which would be related to it's operational frequency.  So, is there resonance at work somewhere in here with these coils?

@ woopy,
I would suggest SLOWING DOWN the rotor, the the aforementioned rpm, and see what you see! 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 16, 2011, 06:55:12 PM
That's an interesting analysis but there may be even more to it after that.
When the rotor magnets have moved to their furthest point from the coils and are at equal distance from the coil, the stator magnets push through both coils and the rotor magnets compress the field in the gap between the coils. This further directs the field from the stator magnets and increases the field through the coils. This is where something special must be occurring because everything else appears to be a normal generator.

It's all just theory at this point.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 07:03:59 PM
Quote from: tinu on May 16, 2011, 04:40:33 PM
I was right so far.

Best regards,

you must be thinking of some other thread?

Quote from: tinu
it seems to me that the only possible explanation is that, unfortunately, 2 wires leading to a 15V external power supply are hidden in the setup

Quote from: tinu
And the generator coils are (most probably) connected at all times with the 47mF/15V (otherwise the LED would go dark in no time after switch-off)

Quote from: tinu
It wouldn’t be too hard to conceal two wires in both setups (fixed and hung-up). In the second case, the external power source is not 15V but significantly lower, maybe 4-6V

Quote from: tinu
It is clear that generator coils can not possibly generate much voltage at such low RPM and yet the DC2DC converter in on and happy

Quote from: tinu on May 16, 2011, 04:40:33 PM
until now I was simply silent, except for the older post you found where I could not be clear enough due to time constraints and language barrier.

you're too modest - your English looks good to me  :)

Quote from: tinu on May 10, 2011, 05:00:43 PM
It was fake all along but I did not want to spoil your excitement.
See you on the next one, folks!

not if we see you coming  ;)

...just teasing, we love you really, man

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 07:12:00 PM
Quote from: lumen on May 16, 2011, 06:41:20 PM

Romero said that the recovery diode was from just one coil and only for charging up the battery.
So this configuration would not provide the full output current back into the input for a runaway condition. It could provide enough to keep the charge on the battery and could also raise the output of the DC/DC converter once the drive coils are disconnected. If this is true, then the input current to the DC/DC converter that is provided by the 47,000uf capacitor would never be used since the output is already higher than 12v. It's only use at this point would be to keep the LED lit until the rotor slowed enough to output less than 12v or the LED consumes the charge on the capacitor.

@Tinu, Sorry I should snap back at your inquisitiveness.

Okay, let´s just hold back on this recovery diode and LED lighting
until we see a circuit diagramm of this DC2DC converter.

So for now we are looking forward to see more measurements
from the replication devices.

Woopy is already pretty far and already confirms the waveforms
we have seen from RomeroUK.

So maybe Woopy can also wind all the other coils with the
normal wire he has now and when the Litz wire will
come in compare this to these coils ?

So to have 2 sets of coils would be good,
so one could compare the output of the Litz wire coils
versus the normal wire coils.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: smartscarecrow on May 16, 2011, 07:40:28 PM

I am looking for an individual or perhaps a panel of individuals who have at least some personal knowledge of these developments to join me in a Skype video conference next Thursday evening on my live internet broadcast.  Examples of previous shows are available for on demand review at either http://www.youtube.com/user/SmartScarecrow or http://smartscarecrow.blogspot.com .

I am not interested in causing this person Romero any problems and would prefer his name not be referenced directly.  But many seem to think the technology presented did indeed function and I understand that quite a few are replicating the device regardless of recent developments.  That is really what I am in interested in featuring on my live broadcast.

I am not in the habit of spamming folks so if this message is considered unwanted or an intrusion, my apologies.  It is my hope that the original sender of this message had a pretty focused group of folks in mind and that within this group of people, I might find a few that would be willing to discuss this project in public and on the record.

To participate, you will need an Internet capable computer, the Skype communications software and an inexpensive web camera.  My system is able to handle a conference with up to six parties so I will have to limit my “panel” to not more than six.

Please advise if interested in participating and let me know what bullet points you consider of interesting to the discussion.  Email me at smartscarecrow@gmail.com or contact me via Skype as “smartscarecrow”.


Gary G. Hendershot
AKA:  SmartScarecrow

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rogla on May 16, 2011, 07:50:50 PM

I do think it is an minor error in the setup diagram.
I have also tried to trace all the wires and components in the videos.

The 12V battery is connected on the output side of the DCDC converter (input to driver).
The long cable from DCDC is the output and the short the input (connected to on/off switch).

Also, he starts the dynamo with the on/off switch open, so to be at any help as a start battery, it has to be on the other side of the switch.

Edit: I now see that you already have corrected this in the image posted at page 95.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 07:51:18 PM
Quote from: smartscarecrow on May 16, 2011, 07:40:28 PM


Gary G. Hendershot

blimey - 'Hendershot' - as in the 'Hendershot Coil'?!?

same family?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joao.andrade on May 16, 2011, 08:04:24 PM
Hi Stefan,

Both 1N4007 that are connected from the drivers emitters to ground, (TIP42C), will act as a half wave rectifier for the driver coils, as far as the rotor keeps rotating. So, as one removes the battery, the driver coil will now become a pick-up coil and the referred diodes will rectify the AC from the coils, charging the 47000uF capacitor.( or at least, increasing its discharging time.).
I think this may explain why the led keeps lit that long.



Quote from: hartiberlin on May 16, 2011, 04:39:18 PM
so where is this recovery diode exactly ?

Is it D1 or is it D2 ?

As the LED need to light up it should be D2,
but then the switch would have no effect...


If it is these 2 freewheel diodes of the 2 driver coilpairs,
then this also will not light up the LED at the input of the
DC2DC converter ?

Okay resistor is almost 1000 Ohms,
so the LED light should light up until
about 2 to 3 Volts.
depending at which LED current it still shows light.

When the input LED of the DC2DC converter still has
1 mA, the 1000 Ohm resistor will have 1 Volts on it
and the LED will have the threshold voltage of about 1.7 Volts, so
it adds up to 2.7 Volts at 1 mA.
So with 2.7 Volts of input voltage the LED will still light
up with a brightness of 1 mA current through it.

The real question is now,
where exactly is this mysterious recovery diode...
See the circuit diagram below...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: smartscarecrow on May 16, 2011, 08:04:42 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 07:51:18 PM
blimey - 'Hendershot' - as in the 'Hendershot Coil'?!?

same family?

a distant relation ...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 16, 2011, 08:23:21 PM
Quote from: joao.andrade on May 16, 2011, 08:04:24 PM
Hi Stefan,

Both 1N4007 that are connected from the drivers emitters to ground, (TIP42C), will act as a half wave rectifier for the driver coils, as far as the rotor keeps rotating. So, as one removes the battery, the driver coil will now become a pick-up coil and the referred diodes will rectify the AC from the coils, charging the 47000uF capacitor.( or at least, increasing its discharging time.).
I think this may explain why the led keeps lit that long.



@Joao. I think you're correct. The B-E junction becomes a forward biased junction diode when the rotor is still rotating and until the rotor speed drops significantly, the coils will still half sustain the big Cap? Thanks. Seemed like no mystery and Rom is correct.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 16, 2011, 08:29:32 PM
Quote from: smartscarecrow on May 16, 2011, 07:40:28 PM
I am looking for an individual or perhaps a panel of individuals who have at least some personal knowledge of these developments to join me in a Skype video conference next Thursday evening on my live internet broadcast.  Examples of previous shows are available for on demand review at either http://www.youtube.com/user/SmartScarecrow or http://smartscarecrow.blogspot.com .

I am not interested in causing this person Romero any problems and would prefer his name not be referenced directly.  But many seem to think the technology presented did indeed function and I understand that quite a few are replicating the device regardless of recent developments.  That is really what I am in interested in featuring on my live broadcast.

I am not in the habit of spamming folks so if this message is considered unwanted or an intrusion, my apologies.  It is my hope that the original sender of this message had a pretty focused group of folks in mind and that within this group of people, I might find a few that would be willing to discuss this project in public and on the record.

To participate, you will need an Internet capable computer, the Skype communications software and an inexpensive web camera.  My system is able to handle a conference with up to six parties so I will have to limit my “panel” to not more than six.

Please advise if interested in participating and let me know what bullet points you consider of interesting to the discussion.  Email me at smartscarecrow@gmail.com or contact me via Skype as “smartscarecrow”.


Gary G. Hendershot
AKA:  SmartScarecrow

Maybe if you really want OU , freedom for the people  we should let this fly under the radar as much as possible at least until the replications come in.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: smartscarecrow on May 16, 2011, 08:34:52 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on May 16, 2011, 08:29:32 PM
Maybe if you really want OU , freedom for the people  we should let this fly under the radar as much as possible at least until the replications come in.

you are of course entitled to your opinion ... I disagree ...

if one person knows something, they are easily silenced ...

if one THOUSAND people know something, the chorus is deafening ...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 16, 2011, 08:42:34 PM
Quote from: smartscarecrow on May 16, 2011, 08:04:42 PM

a distant relation ...

cool !

hope the discussion is a success


(BTW  if the family still has any more inside history on the development of the coil, we'd be interested to hear it here)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 16, 2011, 08:55:32 PM
Quote from: smartscarecrow on May 16, 2011, 08:34:52 PM

you are of course entitled to your opinion ... I disagree ...

if one person knows something, they are easily silenced ...

if one THOUSAND people know something, the chorus is deafening ...

hmm I see your point as well, I just hope Romero and his family are well, we salute you Ramero, you are a friend to the people a true humanitarian.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rogla on May 16, 2011, 08:57:05 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on May 16, 2011, 06:37:00 PM
The diode bridge will prevent the coil from passing current until its voltage exceeds that of the cap. That gets very complicated.

The cycle *may* look something like this:
1. Rotor magnet attracts to the stator coil ferrite pulling it in...maybe...depending on how strong the stator magnet pushes back.
2. The rotor magnet starts inducing a voltage in the stator coil, but initially current does not flow due to the bridge remaining reverse biased.
3. Eventually coil current starts flowing, creating a repulsive field which fights the rotor magnet. The stator magnet is assisting the coil.
4. As the rotor magnet passes over the center of the coil and starts pulling away, the stator coil begins reversing its field. While it does so, it stops conducting while below the cap voltage. The ferrite possibly returns to attraction, fighting the pull out.
5. The stator coil gets to a high enough reversed voltage that it forward biases the bridge and current flows. This will be an attracting field at this point, and will add to the ferrite's attraction, but be in opposition to the stator magnet.
6. The coil stops conducting, ferrite is clear of rotor magnet's field.

Pretty messy. Just for fun, overlap the cycles of 7 coils at different phases. Don't even think about tossing in the drive coil interaction...you'll go mad.

I like your post very much LtBolo, very intresting!

This can explain why the coil top magnets is placed a little bit aside from the core center (one of the tunings). Another tuning is to match the coil voltage to the selected cap voltage, maybe the goal is to get the coil to conduct when the coil switches polarity. Then the top magnet should cancel out as much as possible of the drag from the coil and core (without causing drag on approach). Just some speculations...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joao.andrade on May 16, 2011, 09:24:49 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 16, 2011, 08:23:21 PM
@Joao. I think you're correct. The B-E junction becomes a forward biased junction diode when the rotor is still rotating and until the rotor speed drops significantly, the coils will still half sustain the big Cap? Thanks. Seemed like no mystery and Rom is correct.


Hi chrisC

Also, you can see in the video that at the very moment he turns the switch off, the amperemeter goes to zero or almost zero indication. This means that no power is being fed by the dc2dc converter anymore, meaning that the voltage might have dropped to a certain value that shuts off the driver circuit. But it could be still enough voltage to keep the led on. This would then turn into a 47000uF cap discharging through a 1K resistor in series with a LED. It would take a lot of time to the LED to go off. I did a simple simulation using Circuit Maker and the 47KuF initially charged with 15V took 50S to reach 6V, what still allows a 4.6mA current, enough to keep the led very bright.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 16, 2011, 09:58:07 PM
Question on the halls positions if it hasnt been covered.  If it has just point me to the page.  But ive been watching the generator with extra magnets video over and over again.  And of course it will be the same for the other vids as well.
     One hall is on the periphery of the disk with a very short pulse width.  the other is on top of the large rotor magnet.  This will make a long pulse.  And it would also depend on the angle of the dwell of the disk.  OR the ark of the circular magnet if some are not familiar with the large bedini motor that used halls for triggering. IT seems like the large magnets hall is switched on and right as it ends or right before it ends (very important to distinguish I feel) the other smaller pulse is fired.   Is this to cancel the Lenz that is about to occur in the first drive pulse. and then the generator magnets finish off the lenz from the second smaller pulse as they are now driven into position to break free from their magnetic lock? 
    ring twice?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 16, 2011, 10:24:03 PM
Quote from: redrichie on May 16, 2011, 09:58:07 PM
Question on the halls positions if it hasnt been covered.  If it has just point me to the page.  But ive been watching the generator with extra magnets video over and over again.  And of course it will be the same for the other vids as well.
     One hall is on the periphery of the disk with a very short pulse width.  the other is on top of the large rotor magnet.  This will make a long pulse.  And it would also depend on the angle of the dwell of the disk.  OR the ark of the circular magnet if some are not familiar with the large bedini motor that used halls for triggering. IT seems like the large magnets hall is switched on and right as it ends or right before it ends (very important to distinguish I feel) the other smaller pulse is fired.   Is this to cancel the Lenz that is about to occur in the first drive pulse. and then the generator magnets finish off the lenz from the second smaller pulse as they are now driven into position to break free from their magnetic lock? 
    ring twice?
I am so glad you asked that question because I was wondering the same thing! Why not trigger both hall sensors from the peripheral magnets? or both from the disk magnets?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 16, 2011, 10:29:01 PM
OK so this hasnt been covered?  thought i was reading too much these last couple days.  I do know R said to worry about halls last.  I just started re-reading the thread.  Even though its last I think the theory with the different pulses is important.  Also to everyone.  I would say dont give up.. R also stated he moved his coil and rotor dimensions hundreds of times. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 16, 2011, 10:30:35 PM
I have been doing some test?

Remember he said a few time he would test it until the people next door complained. I think this is a very big clue.
how could a little pulse motor make so much noise? Well it can

and I believe now it is an attraction motor .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scotty1 on May 16, 2011, 10:30:39 PM
hi all.
I charged up a 49k cap to 15v and discharged into a similar dc/dc converter and the led (green) took 38 secs to fully go out.
The led stays lit until there is about 1.8v in the cap, then goes out fairly quick. (i did that before i read Romero's post)
So if there was some recovery it could take longer.
I also did some tests with a coil and biasing magnet, and noticed the same as others. With the bias magnet in repulsion, and a rotor spinning, the coil (directly shorted) still felt in my hand like it was in repulsion, with little vibrations. ..with the bias magnet in attraction there was big vibrations ect ect.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 16, 2011, 10:34:19 PM
Quote from: ZeroFossilFuel on May 16, 2011, 10:24:03 PM
I am so glad you asked that question because I was wondering the same thing! Why not trigger both hall sensors from the peripheral magnets? or both from the disk magnets?

Z, I think originally both halls were on the peripheral mags. one was moved and the performance was greatly increased, Shortly after it was looped and it worked. no further testing was done as to not destroy the only working model.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 16, 2011, 10:45:43 PM
In attraction mode the motor cannot pass TDC if the pulse duration exceeds TDC it collides with the magnetic force on the way out.
its important to pull the magnets into the coils right up to TDC. this is how we get the torque and why the gap is important. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 16, 2011, 10:57:16 PM
As it was said this is a basic generator yes the halls do seem to work in that manner this is really not out of the ordinary there is something else we are missing aside from the halls and such I believe in the end if it works as proposed we will find it works not because of just one said thing but a number of things. I mean think about it for any device to run there needs to be at least two sources of energy. Electric and Fuel for most things but even lets say a hydroelectric damn there is water and gravity a wind turbine wind and gravity. All things that I can think of take two forms of energy. Even a steam engine uses heat and pressurized water vapor as a fuel the sterling engine uses heat and pressurized air. There is at least two sources of energy in everything I know of and more then that in many I am sure I have missed some factors in even what I have mentioned. Any way they were just examples from where I form my theory upon.

I think people need to really take the warning from RomeroUK serious and really try to replicate rather then design something it seems as if he is pointing out the hard obvious facts and everything I have seen so far is nothing like what romerouk has built it has all been attempts to replicate the device but not true replication not even a scale replica for that matter. I think we need to completely copy his work in order to achieve what we seek and while I have tried to point this out without being rude just waiting and talking rather then building but I must admit I am aware of the fact how easy it can be to play arm chair quarterback and will tell you sometimes some of the most hitting home comments on improvement in different areas while piercing in annoyance was actually in the end good advice to follow right from the arm chairs mouth.

I wish everyone success possibly even more success may come out of a different design but I don't think the idea should be thrown out until we have true replication is all.

End of rambling:

Come on Romero be a sport throw in your 10 dollars cause it will surely be better then my 2 cents.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on May 17, 2011, 12:48:49 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 06:32:45 PM
research that when you induce into a coil, a voltage with the coil at X inductance, and magnetically change the properties of the core during TDC in a generator, hence lower/or increase the inductance, does the core will give up a burst of extra energy.  That is you induce a voltage into a coil, then you change the inductance of the coil, does the output voltage change........some old article I read years ago alluded to this.......any ideas?  Very poor way of expressing it, but it is an idea and my terminology is lousy too.
Lousy posting dealing with similar thoughts here:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 17, 2011, 12:56:11 AM
Hi loner, you said,
QuoteI hate to say it, but it seems there is a "Key" here that certain people figure out, and that is when all their problems start.

Well the thing is, most of the world already has a problem and that problem is called 'involuntary servitude' or slavery.
So then it would seem that something else is needed to lift this oppression from humanity and it sure isn't one little excess energy device, as helpful as it would be.
That something else is LOVE.
love would never suppress anything that benefits the well being of people, nor would love cower in fear.
So people can play these fear games all they want, I will not play along.

Though I am still tinkering with this setup, I know it is not the real answer to our issues of self empowerment. Love is.
peace love light
tyson ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 02:56:47 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 16, 2011, 06:32:45 PM
Hi all,

Has there been any research that when you induce into a coil, a voltage with the coil at X inductance, and magnetically change the properties of the core during TDC in a generator, hence lower/or increase the inductance, does the core will give up a burst of extra energy.  That is you induce a voltage into a coil, then you change the inductance of the coil, does the output voltage change........some old article I read years ago alluded to this.......any ideas?  Very poor way of expressing it, but it is an idea and my terminology is lousy too.



maybe you're thinking of the "parametric conversion" experiments reported by Naudin?

    link--> http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/paraconv.htm (http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/paraconv.htm)

some members here had also started discussing this as a technique, but i think interest has probably been diverted at the moment by something closer to hand!  ;)

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 17, 2011, 03:07:34 AM
@LtBolo : nice, now let's not forget that the whole stup is balanced. That means the ferite cores atract each other in a way that the sum of pulling vectors is 0. That leaves back to the adjustment of the strength of the fields as key finetuning setting. The smaller the MF the smaller the drag will be, the longer the device will loop for a specific load.

In case, by accident Romerouk device setup was something similar like this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCr3lOhMJCg = non balanced setup !, where the merging point is actually the drive coil. Maybe he managed to finetune it to actually loop ?
( each magnet get attracted to the next ferite core a bit more then to the previous one. Though some say entering and leaving the attraction leaves you with nothing. Not sure about repulsion mode. if there was no washer and ferite i would say that the PMs on top of the coils were pushing the rotor magnets )

Not sure how many places romerouk stated this is a OU device, he did mention it runs for a few hours. That means it is very efficient dynamo ? I don't really care if it is OU, i like the whole experiment :P And i do learn quite a bit from it :)

About those rectifiers at the end of each coil series, if they would be only 1 way rectifiers ( half of the sine wave ), would that help the coil escape the drag ? Would it make the coil to become an open circuit thus not letting it build up a magnetif field in the coil to opose the PM leaving the coil + ferite ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 17, 2011, 04:14:08 AM
offtopic, but still cool news : http://www.physorg.com/print224784470.html
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: cap100nf on May 17, 2011, 04:48:46 AM

Can you please measure conductivity on the DC2DC converter input to output. I would like to know
if it is galvanic isolated or not.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 17, 2011, 05:26:22 AM
@nul-points .You beat me to it on the subject of parasitic oscillation . If you refer back to the thread I started , called" Overunity Parasitic Oscillator?" you will see that most of the designs mention use abrupt parameter changing by switching . If this device is using parametric oscillation . it is closer to an ideal design , in that the parameter in question , inductance , is changed in a "dynamic" or sinewave like manner .Hope that makes sense .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 05:46:00 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 17, 2011, 05:26:22 AM
@nul-points .You beat me to it on the subject of parasitic oscillation . If you refer back to the thread I started , called" Overunity Parasitic Oscillator?" you will see that most of the designs mention use abrupt parameter changing by switching . If this device is using parametric oscillation . it is closer to an ideal design , in that the parameter in question , inductance , is changed in a "dynamic" or sinewave like manner .Hope that makes sense .

yes - i just looked back to try & find a scope trace which i though might be relevant to this & it seems to have been removed  :(

the conversion you guys were discussing involved two frequencies 'f' & '2f' which doesn't on the face of it seem immediately applicable here - but that's not to say that a parameter change on a regular basis within a pulse event may not exhibit something of the same effects

let's see if this strikes a chord for whatever Ben was remembering?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 05:56:22 AM
Quote from: i_ron on May 16, 2011, 01:47:45 PM
Edit: deleted, no interest



sorry to find that you removed your post

i don't think it's a case of 'no interest' - more a question of a large number of people getting dragged into bl..dy stupid wild-goose chases

would you reconsider your edit & repost for us please?

maybe today we can regain focus on the issues at hand


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 17, 2011, 07:08:58 AM
Sorry if that bring some noise to the discussion, but I don't understand why the scope shot Romero posted is slowly translating down through time ? is it supposed to be a voltage scope ? what does that mean ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AbbaRue on May 17, 2011, 07:17:57 AM
I have seen this type of scope display many times.
If you set the scope to a much lower freq. you will often see a low freq. sign wave,
that's being modulated by the higher freq.
So this means there are 2 freq. at play here. 
Maybe Romero can give us a much lower freq. scope shot
so we can get a look at that much lower wave as well. 
At a different time you will see the signal slowly translating upwards at the same rate.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 17, 2011, 07:25:20 AM
Quote from: AbbaRue on May 17, 2011, 07:17:57 AM
I have seen this type of scope display many times.
If you set the scope to a much lower freq. you will often see a low freq. sign wave,
that's being modulated by the higher freq.
So this means there are 2 freq. at play here. 
Maybe Romero can give us a much lower freq. scope shot
so we can get a look at that much lower wave as well. 
At a different time you will see the signal moving upwards at the same rate.
... or his trace rotation is off.  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 17, 2011, 07:32:17 AM
Quote from: infringer on May 16, 2011, 10:57:16 PM
As it was said this is a basic generator yes the halls do seem to work in that manner this is really not out of the ordinary there is something else we are missing aside from the halls and such I believe in the end if it works as proposed we will find it works not because of just one said thing but a number of things. I mean think about it for any device to run there needs to be at least two sources of energy. Electric and Fuel for most things but even lets say a hydroelectric damn there is water and gravity a wind turbine wind and gravity. All things that I can think of take two forms of energy. Even a steam engine uses heat and pressurized water vapor as a fuel the sterling engine uses heat and pressurized air. There is at least two sources of energy in everything I know of and more then that in many I am sure I have missed some factors in even what I have mentioned. Any way they were just examples from where I form my theory upon.

I think people need to really take the warning from RomeroUK serious and really try to replicate rather then design something it seems as if he is pointing out the hard obvious facts and everything I have seen so far is nothing like what romerouk has built it has all been attempts to replicate the device but not true replication not even a scale replica for that matter. I think we need to completely copy his work in order to achieve what we seek and while I have tried to point this out without being rude just waiting and talking rather then building but I must admit I am aware of the fact how easy it can be to play arm chair quarterback and will tell you sometimes some of the most hitting home comments on improvement in different areas while piercing in annoyance was actually in the end good advice to follow right from the arm chairs mouth.

I wish everyone success possibly even more success may come out of a different design but I don't think the idea should be thrown out until we have true replication is all.

End of rambling:

Come on Romero be a sport throw in your 10 dollars cause it will surely be better then my 2 cents.
Keep in mind that he said scale is of less importance and that if he had to do it over again he would have used bigger diameter cores. Also, IMHO, not only do you need to balance the PM fields for as close to zero cogging as possible, you also need to balance the field strength of each coil pair.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 17, 2011, 07:52:28 AM
analizing that scope i would say that at pull the voltage increases almost lineary, at "drag", it is almost completly eliminated, the voltage drops quickly, there is a "silent" phase, probably exactly when the magnet is escaping the holding field.
About the OU gain, the scope is supposed to slowly crawl upwards instead downwards ? After all, the device is supposed to store more and more energy ( unless regulated by the darn DC2DC converter :) ) in "itself"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 07:58:28 AM
Quote from: tanakat on May 17, 2011, 07:08:58 AM
Sorry if that bring some noise to the discussion, but I don't understand why the scope shot Romero posted is slowly translating down through time ? is it supposed to be a voltage scope ? what does that mean ?

hi tanakat

i think you had some problems posting this trace before, a few days ago?

anyway i left an answer near that post to what i guessed was going to be your question:

Quote from: nul-points on May 13, 2011, 01:43:45 PM
it looks like member 'tanakat' was trying to point out about the variation of the scope shot peaks as the trace crosses the scope

this is likely to be the modulating effect of 50 Hz utility power pickup by the unshielded coils on the device - so the trace width period will be a reasonable proportion of 20ms...

a trace width probably less than 5ms - because it's less than 1 half-cycle (10ms) and also it hasn't yet passed the peak halfway thro the 10ms

if that was true, then the timebase would be 0.5ms or less

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 17, 2011, 08:09:19 AM
Quote from: oscar on May 17, 2011, 12:48:49 AM
Lousy posting dealing with similar thoughts here:
Thanks Oscar, Most helpful.  Ben K4ZEP
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 08:17:04 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 17, 2011, 08:09:19 AM
Thanks Oscar, Most helpful.  Ben K4ZEP

hi Ben

did you catch the earlier posts & link from neptune & me, re: Parametric Conversion (changing inductance)?


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energy1234hope on May 17, 2011, 08:55:04 AM
Just a thought, don't know much about coils. What if romerouk was right in saying skycollection will be the one to get it working. Is it because he seems to have the drive coil and pick up coil in the one as such?????? Litz wire has say seven strands could he use 4 as pick upos and the other three as generators.. What would that do to the coil setup?????
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 17, 2011, 09:05:18 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 08:17:04 AM
hi Ben

did you catch the earlier posts & link from neptune & me, re: Parametric Conversion (changing inductance)?


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Hi NP,

Yes, thanks, went over to Energeticsforum and read all the post there too.  Just something to think about.
The scope shot by R is most revealing as far as bias magnets go!  I received all my plastic disc, etc. yesterday, still waiting for my
dye so I can do a accurate layout on it as its been awhile since I did something to close tolerances. 
Try to keep everything to .001". Tedious as I do all by hand, the old fashioned way.
Oh for the shops that several of the folks on this list has, but where there is a will, there is a way, just takes time!.   

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 17, 2011, 09:40:35 AM
  Does anyone know how to reach Rod Clark, a clever inventor of the OHIO area?

His motor-generator was discussed briefly on this thread as one that looks like a Muller-type generator and evidently worked OU from the youtube video that he displayed.  I was impressed.  This man may have some good ideas of how to get things working, based on his experience.  Plus I think he deserves some credit for getting his device working a few years back.

Does anyone know how to reach Rod?  On his website, he has a phone number and an email.  I've tried the phone number several times -- always getting the message "inbox is full".  No response from my email...   I hope Rod is alright.  He was trying to sell his house in Ohio and may have moved.

If anyone has his plans for his device, that would be great to know about, too!  He was selling the plans a while back.
Thanks, if anyone has any input regarding Rod.  I would like to thank him for his work, and learn more from him!   Please  PM me if the info is of a sensitive nature.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Poit on May 17, 2011, 09:41:27 AM
I love that everyone is jumping in building replications (I mean that sincerely), but I feel a more important task would be inventing a tamper proof clear perspex box to test devices like this - just initial thoughts.

For example, a clear perspex box that has the device in question (i.e the Muller Dynamo) running in a self looped fashion that is powering a timer (that has digits for Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds) that when closed (the box that is) can not be opened again with out breaking the tamper proof seal. Thus (attempting) to prove the device/s longevity of self looping over unity.

THIS is the real challenge.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 17, 2011, 10:06:54 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 17, 2011, 03:07:34 AM
Not sure how many places romerouk stated this is a OU device, he did mention it runs for a few hours. That means it is very efficient dynamo ? I don't really care if it is OU, i like the whole experiment :P And i do learn quite a bit from it :)

This is no Joule Thief. You aren't going to run a motor on 10 watts for 3 hours recirculating stored energy. It is OU.

Quote from: Tudi on May 17, 2011, 03:07:34 AM
About those rectifiers at the end of each coil series, if they would be only 1 way rectifiers ( half of the sine wave ), would that help the coil escape the drag ? Would it make the coil to become an open circuit thus not letting it build up a magnetif field in the coil to opose the PM leaving the coil + ferite ?

And since it is OU, the answer to the question doesn't come from a traditional understanding of the problem.

RomeroUK said that he approached the problem as one of efficiency. To me that suggests that he was trying to minimize loading while maximizing output. Somewhere in the process of balancing those two he found a window into the magnet/coil interaction that worked. It might be a special case of parametric excitation, it might be a special case of Dragone's experiments, it might be a special case of Howard Johnson's magnetic gate, or it could be something else entirely. What it isn't, is a conventional dynamo.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 17, 2011, 10:16:34 AM
@ltBolo : right, 10 wats motor for 3 hours. With this presumption your finetuning has a small meaning also. Once we would understand the reason why this OU exists, we could concentrate on the scaling of this particular part only.  Then the whole finetuning of the parts might get not important at all.
OU on a graph is supposed to have an ascending wave form, maybe due to some broken mirror cycle. Like a perfect magnet approach / leave the coil would be a sine wave. But here we want that some part of this wave to be non perfect / mirrored that would leave to a non 0 integral result.
I guess if you have a wave analyzer it might help you a lot to finetune your device = make it break the perfect repeating loop cycles.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on May 17, 2011, 10:22:38 AM
The following is a list of input voltage and current readings at the closing stages (12:19) of the first video: -

12.25V, 0.92A - Bulb on.
12.45V, 0.94A - Bulb off.
12.47V, 0.94A - Bulb off.
5.86V, zero A  - Bulb off.

Question: Why do we see the voltage rise from 12.45V to 12.47V, then fall to 5.86V a split second after. It looks to me as if something is switched off at the instant of time between 12.47V and 5.86V.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 17, 2011, 10:28:26 AM
Quote from: lumen on May 16, 2011, 06:55:12 PM
That's an interesting analysis but there may be even more to it after that.

I'll guarantee there is. I was just trying to plant the seed that this isn't about building a good dynamo, it is about finding the same sweet spot in a very complex interaction of coils and magnets that RomeroUK did. Still haven't convinced myself specifically what the device is doing, I am certain that you can build many, many COP < 1 versions of it before finding the combination that yields COP > 1.

In playing with Howard Johnson magnetic arrangements in FEMM, to the extent that FEMM is properly modeling reality, there are definitely repulsion configurations that yield a net directional bias. With the stator magnets providing a repulsive bias, this may just be a special case of what HJ was doing, where the net directional bias is yielding a reduced rotor loading that can be translated into usable electricity. If that is the case, it should be possible to put together a configuration like this with just PMs where when the distance is just right, it self turns. That was what I noticed in FEMM, it was when the fields were fairly weak that the bias showed up. Interestingly enough, HJ pointed that out in his patent, and Mylow notwithstanding, I had no problem demonstrating in FEMM what HJ claimed.

So maybe this is just a HJ-inspired reduced-drag Muller Dynamo, that when built efficiently and looped properly, produces marginal OU. It would be great for that to be true. If so, it would be far easier to design the components since you could simulate the magnetic interactions to find the optimal parameters.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 17, 2011, 10:36:26 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 05:56:22 AM

sorry to find that you removed your post

i don't think it's a case of 'no interest' - more a question of a large number of people getting dragged into bl..dy stupid wild-goose chases

would you reconsider your edit & repost for us please?

maybe today we can regain focus on the issues at hand



Well I said that, but... I was not sure my 'conclusions' were correct. So not wishing to post unproven material I took the expedient of waiting for awhile.

Maybe later, I need more information. I thought this was something simple but it is turning into a John Bedini "nothing is hidden, I have told you everything", when in actual fact the operation is hidden and will only be found by six very smart people who's lips will be sealed, whhhhaaaaaa


PS: it was just about the efficiency of the series drive coils and how they extend the drive pulse.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 17, 2011, 11:25:30 AM
Quote from: Poit on May 17, 2011, 09:41:27 AM
I love that everyone is jumping in building replications (I mean that sincerely), but I feel a more important task would be inventing a tamper proof clear perspex box to test devices like this - just initial thoughts.

For example, a clear perspex box that has the device in question (i.e the Muller Dynamo) running in a self looped fashion that is powering a timer (that has digits for Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds) that when closed (the box that is) can not be opened again with out breaking the tamper proof seal. Thus (attempting) to prove the device/s longevity of self looping over unity.

THIS is the real challenge.

Good Luck, post pics when you have done it.
Just be prepared that after your effort to build it, some critic will then tell you that you beamed microwaves inside or coupled to powerlines etc.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 17, 2011, 12:07:07 PM
Is it just me or does anyone else think the rotor increases in RPM when Romero switches the DC/DC converter output from 12v down to 9v?
It looks to operate even better with 9v input to the driving coils. Possible the timing could be off some or the pulse width too long or me just seeing things.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 17, 2011, 12:17:33 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 06:21:36 PM
has anyone replicated the schematic you presented here? Drawings looks nice but I will like to see it real.

All the best,
YES ...
Muller Magnetic Motor / NEOGEN 2008 ....
WIEV  NEW  VIDEO INFO ............

PEACE RomeroUK ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 17, 2011, 12:22:26 PM
i would laugh my ass off if the answer to OU would be simple as number of generators > motor coils ( was watching skycollection video )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 17, 2011, 12:25:48 PM
From Muller Dynamo for experimentalists

Quote from: EMdevices on May 17, 2011, 01:12:24 AM
Romero's generator produced 12 v loaded and 15 v unloaded (at 12 v input) which means one pair of coils has about 3 ohms resistance given a 2 amp load current.    As we know, best power transfer occurs when load is also about 3 ohms, assuming the speed stays constant.

Here's a crucial insight into Romero's generator:

Same coils are used for motor and generator functions, so both will have the same induced voltage.  However, his input voltage is 12 V and output 15 volts.  This tells us he is pulsing way before max peak voltage, and the motor function stops and reverses into generator action as the voltage increases.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 12:51:04 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 17, 2011, 10:36:26 AM
Well I said that, but... I was not sure my 'conclusions' were correct.
Maybe later

PS: it was just about the efficiency of the series drive coils and how they extend the drive pulse.

thanks Ron, no problem, in your own time is fine

yes, it was about the drive characteristics that i was interested - iirc seem to remember what looked like a double, squarish positive pulse, with very slight spike between


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: void109 on May 17, 2011, 02:05:45 PM
My novice understanding of electronics is begging the question: If the even/odd configuration of pickup coils to rotor magnets eliminates the cogging effect, would the configuration also eliminate the induced CEMF that is generated as you pull current from the pickup coils?

I'm believe this notion is deeply flawed, I'm just having issues identifying the problem with it.  Would someone mind explaining why this isn't rational?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nvisser on May 17, 2011, 02:14:07 PM
Quote from: Nali2001 on May 16, 2011, 03:01:04 PM
Hi Tinu,
Well looking at the board, the led is on the input side.
Hi Nali2001
Can you please check if that is an isolated dc dc inverter. Looking at your photos it could be.
The one I purchased today has the earths connected on both sides and I think total isolation could be important
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 17, 2011, 02:16:07 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on May 17, 2011, 12:17:33 PM
YES ...
Muller Magnetic Motor / NEOGEN 2008 ....
WIEV  NEW  VIDEO INFO ............


PEACE RomeroUK ...

I really like the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70E0Q_pCB-4 (a series of drawings and photos), nothing is held back, one could replicate it (in case one is able and wants to spend that amount of money).

What makes me wounder is the silence around this build? I guess one would hear some claims in case it were OU?

Does anyone have some recent news about this very elaborate machine as depicted in the video? It is hard to imagine a better replication of Muller's ideas?

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: dole on May 17, 2011, 02:30:55 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on May 17, 2011, 02:31:05 PM
Quote from: nvisser on May 17, 2011, 02:14:07 PM
Hi Nali2001
Can you please check if that is an isolated dc dc inverter. Looking at your photos it could be.
The one I purchased today has the earths connected on both sides and I think total isolation could be important

My Maplin converter which is the same as Romer's has a common earth.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on May 17, 2011, 02:36:25 PM
Quote from: dole on May 17, 2011, 02:30:55 PM

Nice one!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nvisser on May 17, 2011, 02:38:53 PM
Thank you Hoppy for clearing that up.
I suppose it still acts like a open switch , not reflecting output to input.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on May 17, 2011, 02:47:05 PM
Quote from: nvisser on May 17, 2011, 02:38:53 PM
Thank you Hoppy for clearing that up.
I suppose it still acts like a open switch , not reflecting output to input.

Yes, single pole style.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 17, 2011, 02:49:37 PM
@conradelectro .What a find ! Essential reading I would say for any serious student /replicator . I have only watched it once but there is an awful lot of info in this video . Is it overunity? The video title implies that it is , but that is all we have to go on . I can see no other purpose for it , but we get some pretty strange stuff on youtube .The standard of workmanship is very high .
Things it has in common with Romero .
1 Even number of magnets [16] odd number of coils ,15
2 Ferrite cores
3 separate drive and gen coils .
4 general layout
Things that are different
1 No stator magnets
2 Drive coils fired by opto couplers
3 No reference to self looping .
     This is a first glance appraisal . there is a load more info on the vid .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 17, 2011, 03:07:10 PM
Further to my last post . Interestingly the cores seem to made from a 70/30 mix of iron oxide and resin . It would seem that transformers are used on the output to step up the voltage .On the whole this machine would be more complicated and expensive to replicate than Romero`s . Don`t take my word for anything , check the video . For some reason I find it amusing that it has wheels on the base . Tow it behind your bike ?
Edit .Although no stator magnets are used ,notice the use of flux rings where those magnets would be . No material is specified but they are shown as the same colour as the cores , and thus probably the same material .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 17, 2011, 03:08:40 PM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 17, 2011, 02:16:07 PM
I really like the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70E0Q_pCB-4 (a series of drawings and photos), nothing is held back, one could replicate it (in case one is able and wants to spend that amount of money).

What makes me wounder is the silence around this build? I guess one would hear some claims in case it were OU?

Does anyone have some recent news about this very elaborate machine as depicted in the video? It is hard to imagine a better replication of Muller's ideas?

Greetings, Conrad

It's not just a replication.
The company is run by Muller's daughter and supposed to be an advancement of Muller's design. This has been pointed out already in this thread.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 17, 2011, 03:15:29 PM
ZeroFossilFuel is joining the replication race
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 17, 2011, 03:17:53 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 17, 2011, 03:07:10 PM
Further to my last post . Interestingly the cores seem to made from a 70/30 mix of iron oxide and resin . It would seem that transformers are used on the output to step up the voltage .On the whole this machine would be more complicated and expensive to replicate than Romero`s . Don`t take my word for anything , check the video . For some reason I find it amusing that it has wheels on the base . Tow it behind your bike ?
That reminded me of a thought I had to use a DC-DC step up converter on the output.  Of course that might lead to an even quicker runaway state depending on how the output is adjusted.  Any thoughts on that?  These are cheap and easy to find. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on May 17, 2011, 03:24:16 PM
So Muller's Daughter is running a company that has advanced designs of his work?
Got an address or phone Number?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 17, 2011, 03:40:47 PM
there are bit higher quality images about,
be patient when roll down - page looks like frozen,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 17, 2011, 03:51:03 PM
Quote from: ramset on May 17, 2011, 03:24:16 PM
So Muller's Daughter is running a company that has advanced designs of his work?
Got an address or phone Number?

marriage proposal ?  8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 17, 2011, 03:55:37 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 17, 2011, 03:40:47 PM
there are bit higher quality images about,
be patient when roll down - page looks like frozen,

I get below message from my virus scanner while entering that site.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 17, 2011, 04:00:55 PM
all these pages
when to use gray matter of brain then guides to
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: smartscarecrow on May 17, 2011, 04:01:11 PM
Quote from: powercat on May 17, 2011, 03:15:29 PM
ZeroFossilFuel is joining the replication race

I had hoped that at least two additional experimenters who are interested in this technology would join in a Skype conference with ZeroFossilFuel and myself on my live show this Thursday evening - so far I am not getting any takers ...

Zero is quite positive about the technology while I remain skeptical ... I think Zero and I can probably offer a pretty good analysis of the technology but would be great to have at least a couple other points of view represented ...

my silly little internet show typically reaches 10k - 20k people ... my audience is made up of people who have the motivation and often the skills to get their hands dirty ... a good solid presentation could get many more people working on this project ...

any takers out there ???  contact me at smartscarecrow@gmail.com ...  I really want to hear your opinions and want to provide those who watch the show as complete a presentation on the technology as I can ...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 17, 2011, 04:04:26 PM
Quote from: smartscarecrow on May 17, 2011, 04:01:11 PM
I had hoped that at least two additional experimenters who are interested in this technology would join in a Skype conference with ZeroFossilFuel and myself on my live show this Thursday evening - so far I am not getting any takers ...

Zero is quite positive about the technology while I remain skeptical ... I think Zero and I can probably offer a pretty good analysis of the technology but would be great to have at least a couple other points of view represented ...

my silly little internet show typically reaches 10k - 20k people ... my audience is made up of people who have the motivation and often the skills to get their hands dirty ... a good solid presentation could get many more people working on this project ...

any takers out there ???  contact me at smartscarecrow@gmail.com ...  I really want to hear your opinions and want to provide those who watch the show as complete a presentation on the technology as I can ...

Well, for UK and in general Europe it's not a very convenient time.
Have a good show though.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 17, 2011, 04:07:37 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on May 17, 2011, 03:55:37 PM
I get below message from my virus scanner while entering that site.

Hm? May be, I have not met,
I use Kaspersky IS  ::) 
there is no way to click to any window on http://overunity.ifrance.com/
This page is in the progress or frozen,
just go down using mouse roller
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: smartscarecrow on May 17, 2011, 04:12:53 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on May 17, 2011, 04:04:26 PM
Well, for UK and in general Europe it's not a very convenient time.
Have a good show though.

I understand time zones - show time is GMT about 1am in the morning on Friday

the show is always recorded and posted to YouTube and about half dozen other locations so you will be able to catch the rerun if you are interested ...

hope we are able to do this technology justice ...

if you have what you think are relevant points that should be covered, send me an email with your bullet points and I will do my best to cover the issues people consider relevant ... email is smartscarecrow@gmail.com ...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on May 17, 2011, 05:22:56 PM
marriage proposal ? 
A Very beautiful woman!!
I got the Number to late [no answer after 5 here].
I will call again in the AM and report back.
Thanks Bud.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tcanuth on May 17, 2011, 05:23:41 PM
Anyone have a rough estimate on how much one of these would cost to replicate to the same scale that Romero's video exhibits?

Halfway tempted to attempt to replicate and see if i can atleast learn something from it if not more.

I just dont want to sink alot of money into it and find out that i still have alot more to do and abandon it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 17, 2011, 05:29:02 PM
Quote from: Tcanuth on May 17, 2011, 05:23:41 PM
Anyone have a rough estimate on how much one of these would cost to replicate to the same scale that Romero's video exhibits?

Halfway tempted to attempt to replicate and see if i can atleast learn something from it if not more.

I just dont want to sink alot of money into it and find out that i still have alot more to do and abandon it.
Numbers of around $300 to $400 have been tossed around I believe.  I think with some scounging and careful resourcing if you don't get in a hurry that you can do it for less. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 17, 2011, 05:42:36 PM
Quote from: Hoppy on May 17, 2011, 10:22:38 AM
The following is a list of input voltage and current readings at the closing stages (12:19) of the first video: -

12.25V, 0.92A - Bulb on.
12.45V, 0.94A - Bulb off.
12.47V, 0.94A - Bulb off.
5.86V, zero A  - Bulb off.

Question: Why do we see the voltage rise from 12.45V to 12.47V, then fall to 5.86V a split second after. It looks to me as if something is switched off at the instant of time between 12.47V and 5.86V.


Hi Hoppy,
you are right.

I just watched it carefully again.

at minute 10:05
he pulls off the battery powering the motor coils.

Then you see the voltmeter directly go to about 5.88 Volts.

As he has connected still the driver coils to the voltmeter via the freewheel
diodes 1N4007 now we can see, what at nearly full speed the driver coils
BackEMF puts out.

At about minute 10:34 you can see the voltmeter again having only about 2.20 Volts and then going down
the next seconds to 1.72 and 1.45 until the RPM stops.

So we know now, that the recovery diode is(are) not the 2 freewheel diodes 1N4007
as they are producing to low voltage....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 17, 2011, 05:52:21 PM
Hi all

always no litze so going on the testing on the 2 coils.  very very interesting.

so i can say that the stator magnet seems to have better efficiency in a ATTRACTING  position to the rotor magnet and not in repelling as i stated earlier.

In fact in repelling position you get more volts but in sharper wave, so the RMS voltage is not so impressive , but the cost for this sharp voltage is much input power.

So my best result today is always with attracting stator magnet. Will go on the test, but i really need litze to compare those result. (i made dozens tests today with different config and each time is different and a  true  lecture  )

Last for today i tested the Proposal of Dole some post above with the double-inverted FWBR and see the result in comparison wth a single FWBR in same config.

It seems that a complete wave simply desappears !! where does it go ?? :o

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 17, 2011, 06:17:35 PM
In the photo below you can see his rotor and my rotor and a cotton bobbin and the bobbins I had made in relation to the rotor.

if the wire is correct the turns are not going on a sewing machine bobbin
If the output of his coils are 12 volts this has created some concerns.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 17, 2011, 06:27:09 PM
What still puzzles me is,
that in the first video:

the RPM is almost the same as the in the second video


but in the first video the output voltage is only 12 Volts under load,
but on the second video it is 15 Volts under load.
(before the DC2DC converter)

Also in the first video, as he switches on the Bulb load the motor does not decrease the slightest bit in RPM. ( at least you can not hear anything..)
but the battery voltage decrease a lot...
So is the bulb in the first video just powered by the battery ?
Is there a hidden cable from the plus pole of the battery to the rectifiers ?

This could only be explained otherwise,
that if there is really somewhere an additional recovery diode going to the plus pole of the battery, that when the bulb load is switched on,
this recovery voltage goes down also and the battery will not get any recovery voltage...
But one should at least hear any RPM change, don´t we ?

What is your opion on this ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on May 17, 2011, 06:32:42 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 17, 2011, 05:42:36 PM
Hi Hoppy,
you are right.

I just watched it carefully again.

at minute 10:05
he pulls off the battery powering the motor coils.

Then you see the voltmeter directly go to about 5.88 Volts.

As he has connected still the driver coils to the voltmeter via the freewheel
diodes 1N4007 now we can see, what at nearly full speed the driver coils
BackEMF puts out.

At about minute 10:34 you can see the voltmeter again having only about 2.20 Volts and then going down
the next seconds to 1.72 and 1.45 until the RPM stops.

So we know now, that the recovery diode is(are) not the 2 freewheel diodes 1N4007
as they are producing to low voltage....

I agree Stefan. So I wonder what could produce all that extra energy for self running. Any suggestions anyone?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 06:36:48 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 17, 2011, 06:27:09 PM
What still puzzles me is,
that in the first video:

the RPM is almost the same as the in the second video


but in the first video the output voltage is only 12 Volts under load,
but on the second video it is 15 Volts under load.
(before the DC2DC converter)

Also in the first video, as he switches on the Bulb load the motor does not decrease the slightest bit in RPM. ( at least you can not hear anything..)
but the battery voltage decrease a lot...
So is the bulb in the first video just powered by the battery ?
Is there a hidden cable from the plus pole of the battery to the rectifiers ?

This could only be explained otherwise,
that if there is really somewhere an additional recovery diode going to the plus pole of the battery, that when the bulb load is switched on,
this recovery voltage goes down also and the battery will not get any recovery voltage...
But one should at least hear any RPM change, don´t we ?

What is your opion on this ?


i believe that Romero did not connect his 47000uF buffer capacitor until the 2nd video (just a small one perhaps in the 1st)

i think he may have mentioned that the output improved

but in any case, the battery would have been a better clamp of the motor drive, able to sustain higher current (for reasonable time) compared to the DC converter (which can only work up to 36W before it's o/p will be affected)

also, in the first video, he had looped the o/p back to the battery via diode, which would have clamped the 'o/p' at battery voltage + say 0.7V

he did say that the o/p voltage fell back to 12.3V in the 1st video because the lamp reduced the available feedback, & so the diode wasn't able to hold the voltage up to say 12.6V

i don't think we need to start looking for hidden wires again yet!  ;)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 06:50:58 PM
Quote from: powercat on May 17, 2011, 03:15:29 PM
ZeroFossilFuel is joining the replication race

as with the 'human race', i would have have thought that the achievement is to complete the course...

...NOT to be the 1st person to arrive at the finish !  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 07:03:18 PM
Quote from: dole on May 17, 2011, 02:30:55 PM

in the schematic shown in this referenced  post earlier, some of the diodes are connected 'anti-parallel'

is this intentional? 

woopy, did you copy the schematic - or did you make each external diode have the same polarity as each internal diode inside te FWBR?


[EDIT: *** OK, i believe the FWBR has been drawn rotated by 90 degrees by mistake  - hope no-one's copied this in their cct!  ;)  *** ]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 17, 2011, 07:09:33 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 17, 2011, 05:52:21 PM

It seems that a complete wave simply desappears !! where does it go ?? :o

good luck at all


Hi Laurent,
well done tests.

I guess you have at least one diode wrong.
Put them only so that you have 2 bridge rectifiers in parallel.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 17, 2011, 07:13:14 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 17, 2011, 05:42:36 PM
Hi Hoppy,
you are right.

I just watched it carefully again.

at minute 10:05
he pulls off the battery powering the motor coils.

Then you see the voltmeter directly go to about 5.88 Volts.

As he has connected still the driver coils to the voltmeter via the freewheel
diodes 1N4007 now we can see, what at nearly full speed the driver coils
BackEMF puts out.

At about minute 10:34 you can see the voltmeter again having only about 2.20 Volts and then going down
the next seconds to 1.72 and 1.45 until the RPM stops.

So we know now, that the recovery diode is(are) not the 2 freewheel diodes 1N4007
as they are producing to low voltage....

In the end of this video one can for sure see how the manets are arranged. You can see that the rotor will stop with one magnet locked right under a coil WITHOUT a biasing manet while all coils with biasing magnets are forcing the rotor magnets to stay in between two other coils clearly showing that the biasing magnets are repelling the rotor magnets.

I would go further to say that the coil where it has a rotor magnet locked under it  is a trigger coil.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 17, 2011, 07:17:49 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 17, 2011, 05:42:36 PM
Hi Hoppy,
you are right.

I just watched it carefully again.

at minute 10:05
he pulls off the battery powering the motor coils.

Then you see the voltmeter directly go to about 5.88 Volts.

As he has connected still the driver coils to the voltmeter via the freewheel
diodes 1N4007 now we can see, what at nearly full speed the driver coils
BackEMF puts out.

At about minute 10:34 you can see the voltmeter again having only about 2.20 Volts and then going down
the next seconds to 1.72 and 1.45 until the RPM stops.

So we know now, that the recovery diode is(are) not the 2 freewheel diodes 1N4007
as they are producing to low voltage....

Okay, now we know, that the LED of the DC2DC converter can really be on this long.
Okay the 5.3 Wattsseconds of the stored energy inside the 47.000 uF cap will
be used up in about 3 seconds, but then the DC2DC converter will not produce any more voltage,
and then the 2 x 1N4007 freewheel diodes of the 2 drivercoil pairs will generate at least still a few
seconds longer the voltage for the LED inside the DC2DC converter.
As Hoppy has told us, that the LED also lights up,
when you put 3 Volts across the output from outside then the still
running rotor will induce the voltage for the LED inside the DC2DC converter and
feed it from the 2 x 1N4007 freewheel diodes to the output of the DC2DC converter.

I guess this is the only logical explanation, if there is no  hidden power source.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 17, 2011, 07:20:44 PM
I agree with your observation short of the trigger coil.  please explain the need of the trigger coil.  I feel that the coil without the magnet is the only place that a magnet can positively rest due to the repelling of the bias magnets.  It is attracted to the ferrite, and on the other side it has no place to go but centered.  I have thought that maybe the generator coils feed themselves and aid in the repulsion with the reverse emf induced in the coil. Sort of like a flyback or magneto action.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 07:24:13 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 17, 2011, 03:08:40 PM
It's not just a replication.
The company is run by Muller's daughter and supposed to be an advancement of Muller's design. This has been pointed out already in this thread.

someone was asking earlier today about what happened to the guy Rod who had a simpler (1 stator plate), DC motor driven device - not heard of since around his 2008/9 build

iirc he called his 'company' NeoGen

i notice that the new Muller gen company is also called NeoGen

was there a buy out perhaps?

or did poor old Rod (no job, heavy mortgage) get an 'unscheduled  visit from the Muller company lawyer to stop him selling his plans for a 'Muller Generator'?

does this scenario sound familiar?

maybe the Muller company heard, like we all did here, that Romero had been approached with an offer

the lawyers can't object to someone making a copy for 'research purposes' - but they won't sit around for long if they think that the design of a device, which has clearly been stated as based on the 'Muller Generator', is about to be sold to a company (who will obviously want to get a return for their investment)

just an idea

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 17, 2011, 07:30:21 PM
Quote from: redrichie on May 17, 2011, 07:20:44 PM
I agree with your observation short of the trigger coil.  please explain the need of the trigger coil.  I feel that the coil without the magnet is the only place that a magnet can positively rest due to the repelling of the bias magnets.  It is attracted to the ferrite, and on the other side it has no place to go but centered.  I have thought that maybe the generator coils feed themselves and aid in the repulsion with the reverse emf induced in the coil. Sort of like a flyback or magneto action.

I would think that all the biasing magnets were positioned so that they would FORCe the rotor to be centered on the trigger coil. This would be the most optimal way of putting the whole magnetic closed flux balanced path to be out of balance for the least amount of input energy and causing a 1/2 rotation so the next trigger coil can repeat the process.

This is why i also think that the tri-gate part plays a role.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 17, 2011, 07:34:57 PM
Not trying to be dense here Fausto.  But what is it triggering?  Not the driver circuit right?  they have Halls. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 17, 2011, 07:37:29 PM
Quote from: redrichie on May 17, 2011, 07:34:57 PM
Not trying to be dense here Fausto.  But what is it triggering?  Not the driver circuit right?  they have Halls.

I am using the name triggering because i don't think they are really driving the rotor but more like triggering a lock of the compressed spring, the magets in balance.

But yes, trigger = driver coils.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AbbaRue on May 17, 2011, 07:39:29 PM
Because of all the references made to an LED staying on for a long time
I thought these videos would help answer the question:

In this first video Dr. Stiffler lights an LED using 3 coils just connected to a ground.

And in this 2nd video he lights up 48 LEDs using just a ground connection, no power source.

Romero's coils use Litz wire as well which make them ideal for a DR. Stiffler type of coil.
So I don't see anything odd about an LED staying on for an extended period of time. 
I wouldn't be the least surprised if the LED stayed on permanently.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 17, 2011, 07:56:07 PM
Quote from: Hoppy on May 17, 2011, 06:32:42 PM
I agree Stefan. So I wonder what could produce all that extra energy for self running. Any suggestions anyone?


Hi Hoppy, this is only the induction via one recovery diode,
NOT a Fullwave bridge rectifier, so only one amplitude wave is
rectified via these 1N4007 diodes from the driver coil pairs.

This does only apply, when the battery or DC2DC voltage is off
and the rotor runs down.

When the battery voltage is on there will only be BackEMF from these driver coils.

It would be also good to know, how high the voltage spikes will be then, that will be generated via
the BackEMF and will be fed back to the battery voltage line.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 17, 2011, 08:26:16 PM
OK.  I looked at both vids beginning and end.  A magnet always stops on the same coil right before the driver with the periphery hall.  I would say this is lead magnet in the precession. always magnet 1.  The sticking point.  If you rotated past this point I bet it sets off a chain reaction and the rotor will spin around back to this point.  You have to generate enough voltage/current  in one rotation to be able to pulse past this point.  The trigger. 
   HARTIBERLIN I feel the BEMF is recycled back into the system.  USed or redirected like in Romeros coil shorting experiments.  Maybe to the second drivers cap and vice versa  as a load on a bifilar coil pair and once shorted to the load causes consumption to decrease because the BEMF has a place to go instead of in reverse to rotation.  I am nowhere near as versed as you guys but seems like he would use the effect he had been experimenting with for some time that showed real promise.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aphasiac on May 17, 2011, 08:31:18 PM
Quote from: Hoppy on May 17, 2011, 06:32:42 PM
I agree Stefan. So I wonder what could produce all that extra energy for self running. Any suggestions anyone?

I'm a bit out of my league here, but I do hope this is helpful...

Woopy, Lumen, NP... et al. have all suggested there's something else going on that you don't see. Romero stated several times that timing is everything.

AbbaRue said he'd like to see low freq scope shot of Rom's device.

And if you check out the attached PDF, which I took from Muller's website on the theory behind their device, they also point to timing and some kind of mating of unmeasurable forces/frequencies.
I'm posting it here so that you may have a look at it, if you haven't already, and see if it offers some hints. 

Here's an excerpt:

"What Bill Muller found out through experiments was that the field intensity of a magnet indicated
that density difference even though experimentally it was not possible to find it out. He found
another aspect, as shown earlier in the analogy; the greater the density difference the smaller
was the time in which the work had to be extracted. Magnets are just the coherent container in
which the wave-rollers as charges have been stored during its formation.
. . .
In Physics an electric charge or a photon has no mass, hence no density. Yet a magnetic field
comprising 10 E + 18 unit charges in motion at maximum velocity provides a potential to move
objects that have mass or density. Nowhere in Physics is there a connection to show how the
huge number of mass-less charges interact to move charge-less masses, with tremendous
acceleration as seen in practice. Moreover, no one has really cared to see this gross deficiency in
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 17, 2011, 09:03:40 PM
Quote from: redrichie on May 17, 2011, 08:26:16 PM
OK.  I looked at both vids beginning and end.  A magnet always stops on the same coil right before the driver with the periphery hall.  I would say this is lead magnet in the precession. always magnet 1.  The sticking point.  If you rotated past this point I bet it sets off a chain reaction and the rotor will spin around back to this point.  You have to generate enough voltage/current  in one rotation to be able to pulse past this point.  The trigger. 
   HARTIBERLIN I feel the BEMF is recycled back into the system.  USed or redirected like in Romeros coil shorting experiments.  Maybe to the second drivers cap and vice versa  as a load on a bifilar coil pair and once shorted to the load causes consumption to decrease because the BEMF has a place to go instead of in reverse to rotation.  I am nowhere near as versed as you guys but seems like he would use the effect he had been experimenting with for some time that showed real promise.

Besides showing the normal person Romero is, no scientist or (I am assuming here) no serious Electronic Engineer (he works on IT?!!! - like me). So must be thinking out of the box here (hold on, just like he said...).

I would think in those terms when I look at this motor and actually I would even build one in those terms if this was my insight :).

As he said again: too simple for complicated engineer minds! (or something like that).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Staffman on May 17, 2011, 09:39:33 PM
I think there is something that 'some' may be missing. On page 18, post 265, there is a Gif file of the 8 x 9 setup. If you watch carefully, as one magnet moves from EM1 to EM2 (just pick a spot- it's kind of hard to see), all the other magnets move past an EM during this time. It's almost like there is a complete rotation, during PART of a turn. Now I have been trying to wrap my mind around calculating the force that it would take to pulse an EM to push(or pull) a magnet between EM1 and EM2, all while under load. Some of you may know how to calculate this. It may just be me, but I think that this is what we are all trying to figure out. No?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 09:59:33 PM
Quote from: Staffman on May 17, 2011, 09:39:33 PM
It may just be me, but I think that this is what we are all trying to figure out. No?

yep, member 'bourne' posted a link a while back to a video he made analysing exactly that effect


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 10:21:22 PM
Quote from: redrichie on May 17, 2011, 08:26:16 PM
HARTIBERLIN I feel the BEMF is recycled back into the system.  USed or redirected like in Romeros coil shorting experiments.  Maybe to the second drivers cap and vice versa  as a load on a bifilar coil pair and once shorted to the load causes consumption to decrease because the BEMF has a place to go instead of in reverse to rotation

i mentioned in passing in a previous post that Romero's drive circuits are able to generate voltage as well as to drive the motor (because there is a series path through the 1N4007, the drive coil & the on-board filter cap which can provide Half-wave rectification, as others have since discussed)

as i mentioned previously, the amount of benefit from that generation will be relatively little, when it comes to assisting the next driving pulse, because the smoothing caps are only 100uF, but there will obviously be some effect and the voltage could still be quite significant, even though the caps won't contain much energy

however, i don't see that circuit as providing a good path for BEMF capture, because although the voltage rises at the emitter of his TIP42 when it switches off, the action of BEMF is to sustain the current in the same direction as when the coil was energised

the 1N4007 is in opposition to this 'same direction' of the current, so there is no low impedance path for the BEMF to be 'harvested' in any significant amount

Romero's circuit, like his whole design is extremely 'lean'

the overall design works - there aren't a great many 'parts' to it - the parts look conventional
(except to some extent the stator mags, but even this technique is used in industry, apparently)

it seems to me that the 'extra' comes either from the 'synergy' of those parts - or from the 'tuning' of those parts - or both

hope this makes sense

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 17, 2011, 10:41:09 PM

Yes, there are many many coil crossings in 1 full rotation of the rotor. I believe 72. Only if all coils were gen coils.
Sooo, 56 gen charges per rotor rotation for 7 gen coils. 8 rotor mags times 7 gen coil sets.

I had the same thing with the MMM magnet motor I had linked to earlier. I had 10 mags on the rotor and 9 stators, which gave me 90 times that a rotor mag passed a stator mag switch, all in succession. that was a lot of mechanical switching.
Did Romero show a scope shot of the output of the gen as a whole?  It should look like a fairly solid output of dc with a hair of ripple, even without the cap.

But as the motor coils(2) consumed from the cap, the trace would only show depletion's of 16 times during 1 rotation. So there should be 3.5 gen coil charges per each motor coil discharge.

This is where the alignments would become critical.  If 1 coils set is not close to identical as all others, we might loose some of those 3.5 charges per motor discharge.

Dunno, just thinkin.

So if there were an external motor to drive the rotor, then per rotation, there would be 72 gen cycles per rotation of the rotor and drive motor, if the drive motor were directly turning the rotor at the shaft. So for every 1/8 turn of an external motor, directly driving the rotor there would be 4.5 charges to the cap to refresh. Sounds good to me. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 17, 2011, 10:46:08 PM
I really have heard no one talk about the specifics displayed in Harti's  PDF.


About the magnets in the manual why do they look so different the magnets look different in the amount of thickness?

About the plastic washer between the washer and the magnet is this not a part of the replication needed?

About the Ferrite Magnets on top of the Neo's some of them have 2 some have one it appears is this not important to replicate?

Also the washer what material is the washer is it zinc plated or chrome plated or is it an aluminum washer there are many different variations of washers... which is it?

This according to romerouk is needed for "proper flux adjustments"... Now tell me why this has took a back seat in all of the replications. The words proper flux adjustments sound like it may be a key to the operation of the device? Unless this was just a random attempt to explain why something works without really knowing why or how it works...

Can anyone answer some of the questions or share some information on this subject matter it seems as if there is almost an exclamation mark on this particular area yet not one person has spoke about it to me it appears as if this would make the wheel unbalanced from the photos in the PDF if there is more weight in one spot on the wheel wouldn't this wear the bearings out faster or uneven?

I guess before I will build I need to understand what I am replicating to make a true replication. And there is a lot left out and not talked of I may have been even hard on RomeroUK with the specifics but hey do you want a replication or a variation?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 17, 2011, 10:56:01 PM
As for the voltage he did reference a video that showed rectification of strands of wire to increase the overall voltage this could be something that he was playing with in one video or the other and did point to this as being another key part in the working so I dunno again if this was just an attempt to try and explain what is happening without fully understanding or what. But either way many specifics of the device elude us when you really start to put this thing under the microscope.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 17, 2011, 11:02:39 PM
Quote from: Tcanuth on May 17, 2011, 05:23:41 PM
Anyone have a rough estimate on how much one of these would cost to replicate to the same scale that Romero's video exhibits?

Halfway tempted to attempt to replicate and see if i can atleast learn something from it if not more.

I just dont want to sink alot of money into it and find out that i still have alot more to do and abandon it.

I posted a reply to you earlier but for some reason it never registered on the O.U server, maybe the photo. was too large. Anyway, the pic. shows 2 stator and a rotor plate made from acrylic. It costs me all of $25 for the 3 pieces and $30 extra for labor in machining the rotor magnet holes by Tab Plastics personnel. The nuts and bolts are from Home Depot and costs $5.00 The VCR motor drive is free from surplus (I'm only using the bearings to spin the rotor).
The Ne magnets (26) will cost about $50 and the other electronics parts will amount to no more than another $130. So, that's your answer.
Much as I would like to replicate this fascinating device, it's time I don't have much! Hope all those master builders will be successful soon.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 17, 2011, 11:04:35 PM
Hi All,

I think a 10 ohm resistor might be to much a load on a individual coil set.  If you have 9 coil sets providing about  2.5 amps, each coil would need about a 39 or 43 ohm standard 1/2 wat carbon resistor as a test load as all 9 coils share the total load.  This is not exact as I am not including the diode bridge in the series circuit.  Probably a 39 or 43 ohm 1/2 watt carbon resistor would be a good place to start testing a one coil dual pair set. I believe you will find more useful results/voltage/current with this load.

I received my cores and dye for layout today, time to get to work tomorrow.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 11:05:44 PM
Quote from: infringer on May 17, 2011, 10:46:08 PM
Also the washer what material is the washer is it zinc plated or chrome plated or is it an aluminum washer there are many different variations of washers... which is it?

This according to romerouk is needed for "proper flux adjustments"... Now tell me why this has took a back seat in all of the replications. The words proper flux adjustments sound like it may be a key to the operation of the device? Unless this was just a random attempt to explain why something works without really knowing why or how it works...

Can anyone answer some of the questions or share some information on this subject matter it seems as if there is almost an exclamation mark on this particular area yet not one person has spoke about it to me

hi Infringer

this has been discussed early on

it seems likely that the washers were magnetic, since they assist in keeping the stator mags in place, after 'tuning' (and also allow the mag to be slid for best 'tune')

Romero said the washers were glued above the cores

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 17, 2011, 11:10:11 PM

The washer is odd to me here.  We used them in the Whipmag stators to provide a bridge(attractive core material) under the diametric mags, between the mag and the ball bearings, as, if the washer were not there, the bearing would tighten up and not spin well. Even though the bearings were suppose to be stainless, it was an issue that the washer cured.

In this case, and this is me thinking blind to previous explanation, maybe it was used to weaken the field of the bias mag to the coil/core, by directing some of the field back toward the other pole?  Would the hole in the washer allow only so much to the ferrite core?

Woopy.  You have the magnetic film. Can you look to compare between just the surface of the magnet, and then with the washer?  I dont have washers at the moment to try, but Im wanting to.

The surface of the mag should show a light ring at the edge of the mags pole face outer edge.  But what of the washer added?  Also raise and lower the film from the surface to get kind of a 3d idea.  The lighter areas of the film will be more of a horizontal field to the surface of the film, and dark areas are more prerpendicular or vertical to the film surface.

Just ideas.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 17, 2011, 11:12:20 PM
You bet that is a great start thanks null points...

OK so they are magnetic washers ...

Now for the ferrite mags on top of the NEO cores why are there two on some and a thicker neo with a single ferrite mag on another does this play a role in everything as well?

ChrisC looks like you are getting somewhere with your variation of the romerouk device I wish you good luck.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 11:13:14 PM
Quote from: k4zep on May 17, 2011, 11:04:35 PM
I think a 10 ohm resistor might be to much a load on a individual coil set.
Probably a 39 or 43 ohm 1/2 watt carbon resistor would be a good place to start testing a one coil dual pair set.
I received my cores and dye for layout today, time to get to work tomorrow.

thanks Ben, useful info

do i remember correctly that you sign off your videos with "from the World's smallest lab"?    in which case, as they say: "small - but perfectly formed!"  ;)

hope the build continues well
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 17, 2011, 11:18:32 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 17, 2011, 11:02:39 PM
I posted a reply to you earlier but for some reason it never registered on the O.U server, maybe the photo. was too large. Anyway, the pic. shows 2 stator and a rotor plate made from acrylic. It costs me all of $25 for the 3 pieces and $30 extra for labor in machining the rotor magnet holes by Tab Plastics personnel. The nuts and bolts are from Home Depot and costs $5.00 The VCR motor drive is free from surplus (I'm only using the bearings to spin the rotor).
The Ne magnets (26) will cost about $50 and the other electronics parts will amount to no more than another $130. So, that's your answer.
Much as I would like to replicate this fascinating device, it's time I don't have much! Hope all those master builders will be successful soon.


Hey chrisC,

that's a beautiful work. If costed you so little, would you share your sources? Just my 2 sheets of acrylic cost about $65. The magnets were very expensive, around $200. The bearings I agree that using a old VCR is excellent, which I've done in the past and it is free.

If you would be even willing to get me a perfect copy of yours for me I will pay you for that. Let me know please.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 17, 2011, 11:18:57 PM
Hello Guy's Listen if you think there is anything new about the coil / magnet combination of these generators you're probably wrong. People have been computing results of different combinations for years. Here is a calculator that proves the point.
I have been using calculators like this one since I've been building motors. If you put in the 9 coil 8 pole combination you will see 72 for the cogging points, and 90 if you use 10 magnets. There's something that bothers me so I'd appreciate input. If the poles where even. 9 coils 9 magnets and the coils are in parallel right? So all coils would fire at one time. We all know coils, capacitors and batteries in parallel give or accept more current right? So this (The Romero Build) is not like a normal parallel coil set up. One coil fires at a time doesn't it. So on any given pulse, or can I say standard generated sine wave, from a magnet passing a coil comes from one individual coil at a time not the sum of all the coils. Does the frequency of generated pulses go from 9 to 72 or 90? when you change configurations? Even if it does don't you still have only one coil at a time delivering potential? It's really possible I have no idea what I'm talking about but I'd like to know before I think about it any further. I'll probably still be thinking when everyone is fighting off the Bad Guys because they have OU.
John H (DadHav)

Quote from: Magluvin on May 17, 2011, 10:41:09 PM

Yes, there are many many coil crossings in 1 full rotation of the rotor. I believe 72. Only if all coils were gen coils.
Sooo, 56 gen charges per rotor rotation for 7 gen coils. 8 rotor mags times 7 gen coil sets.

I had the same thing with the MMM magnet motor I had linked to earlier. I had 10 mags on the rotor and 9 stators, which gave me 90 times that a rotor mag passed a stator mag switch, all in succession. that was a lot of mechanical switching.
Did Romero show a scope shot of the output of the gen as a whole?  It should look like a fairly solid output of dc with a hair of ripple, even without the cap.

But as the motor coils(2) consumed from the cap, the trace would only show depletion's of 16 times during 1 rotation. So there should be 3.5 gen coil charges per each motor coil discharge.

This is where the alignments would become critical.  If 1 coils set is not close to identical as all others, we might loose some of those 3.5 charges per motor discharge.

Dunno, just thinkin.

So if there were an external motor to drive the rotor, then per rotation, there would be 72 gen cycles per rotation of the rotor and drive motor, if the drive motor were directly turning the rotor at the shaft. So for every 1/8 turn of an external motor, directly driving the rotor there would be 4.5 charges to the cap to refresh. Sounds good to me. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 11:21:50 PM
Quote from: infringer on May 17, 2011, 11:12:20 PM
Now for the ferrite mags on top of the NEO cores why are there two on some and a thicker neo with a single ferrite mag on another does this play a role in everything as well?

the ferrite mags were a late addition (after the self-run video)

Romero reported that he'd tried various things like - larger coil/cores - plastic spacers - extra mags (ferrite) on the stator mags & they all made an improvement

i think you should consider the actual number of mags on any core position to be a matter of tuning



hi chrisC

nice mechs!

i'm glad to see someone else going for a tripod strut scheme - that's my plan also

my nylon studding arrived today & seems rather too flexible for long sections, but i'm hoping that my close stator/rotor arrangement will still be stable!


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 11:38:01 PM
Quote from: DadHav on May 17, 2011, 11:18:57 PM
One coil fires at a time doesn't it. So on any given pulse, or can I say standard generated sine wave, from a magnet passing a coil comes from one individual coil at a time not the sum of all the coils. Does the frequency of generated pulses go from 9 to 72 or 90? when you change configurations?
John H (DadHav)


thanks for the background on the coil/mag design

i think you're right when it comes to individual coil positions

the situation may change with some kind of circular interaction around the whole assembly but we have little real data to go on yet

Romero gave us but one (ungraduated) trace of a single coil o/p (pre FWBR)

a few guys now have got as far as showing us hard data from single coil pairs - it's 'possible' that aspects of Romero's config may cause the coil o/p to deviate from a cleaner 'sine' profile

but we've still yet to see how the combined o/p looks and whether anything 'funky' happens when you fire up this kind of beast on all cylinders
(LOL - i know that going overunity IS funky - but i mean whether the TOTAL coil/mag behaviour can no longer be completely extrapolated from conventional behaviour)

i picture the o/p as a kind of 'poly-phase' generator type waveform, approaching DC in its average level - each gen coil 'firing' in turn as you say, and overlapping with the o/p from its adjacent coils

not sure if this goes any way to answering your question but i know we're all really glad to have someone with your solid experience of motor builds involved


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 17, 2011, 11:43:13 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 17, 2011, 11:18:32 PM
Hey chrisC,

that's a beautiful work. If costed you so little, would you share your sources? Just my 2 sheets of acrylic cost about $65. The magnets were very expensive, around $200. The bearings I agree that using a old VCR is excellent, which I've done in the past and it is free.

If you would be even willing to get me a perfect copy of yours for me I will pay you for that. Let me know please.



The rotor plate is 8" and the stator plates 11". From Tab Plastics. These are precut circular acrylic plates used for wedding cakes tiers and that's why they are much cheaper. see: http://www.tapplastics.com/shop/product.php?pid=140&PHPSESSID=20110517203131322248093

I had to drill the tripod holes as they are not critical but took 4 hours; all I had to do is to make sure it's close to 120 degrees. The 8 magnet holes on the rotor are cut by Tab plastics from the stencil someone generated right at the beginning of the thread. Those holes cost $30, I think. It's NOT CNC and they have 1/8 or 1/16 tolerances(?)

Magnets I've ordered from http://www.Magnets4Less.com.
30 Neodymium Magnets Disc 3/4 in x 1/4 in Strong N42 (ND045-1) - $46.50
7 Neodymium Magnets 3/4 in x 3/8 in Rare Earth Disc (ND046) -       $20.23
Shipping                                                                                     $12.18

Hope that helps. Tab Plastics will do online orders and you can give them all your requirements (assuming you're in the U.S).


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 18, 2011, 12:26:47 AM
Quote from: DadHav on May 17, 2011, 11:18:57 PM
Hello Guy's Listen if you think there is anything new about the coil / magnet combination of these generators you're probably wrong. People have been computing results of different combinations for years. Here is a calculator that proves the point.
I have been using calculators like this one since I've been building motors. If you put in the 9 coil 8 pole combination you will see 72 for the cogging points, and 90 if you use 10 magnets. There's something that bothers me so I'd appreciate input. If the poles where even. 9 coils 9 magnets and the coils are in parallel right? So all coils would fire at one time. We all know coils, capacitors and batteries in parallel give or accept more current right? So this (The Romero Build) is not like a normal parallel coil set up. One coil fires at a time doesn't it. So on any given pulse, or can I say standard generated sine wave, from a magnet passing a coil comes from one individual coil at a time not the sum of all the coils. Does the frequency of generated pulses go from 9 to 72 or 90? when you change configurations? Even if it does don't you still have only one coil at a time delivering potential? It's really possible I have no idea what I'm talking about but I'd like to know before I think about it any further. I'll probably still be thinking when everyone is fighting off the Bad Guys because they have OU.
John H (DadHav)

Hey Dadhav

If 2 coil sets are used for motor then there are only 7 sets left for the gen side. 7x8=56 coil pulses per rotation.

I know, it seems like, eh, can it do it.  Dunno.  But if there is a function, unseen or not imagined, as to what, yet, then we cannot assume as experimenters or testers till we have it on the table. =[

I had this even/odd thing in a magnet motor idea, but never thought of it for a gen. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 18, 2011, 12:40:20 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on May 17, 2011, 03:55:37 PM
I get below message from my virus scanner while entering that site.
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Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 18, 2011, 12:47:38 AM

Thanks np. I can't figure out what a scope reading of one coil can tell you, except it looked exactly like what I've seen a hundred times, but a reading over the whole gang may give some answers. We need to see if there is any reaction in the parallel system other than one coil firing at a time. I'll bet there might be something unexpected. I hope someone posts on that pretty soon.


thanks for the background on the coil/mag design

i think you're right when it comes to individual coil positions

the situation may change with some kind of circular interaction around the whole assembly but we have little real data to go on yet

Romero gave us but one (ungraduated) trace of a single coil o/p (pre FWBR)

a few guys now have got as far as showing us hard data from single coil pairs - it's 'possible' that aspects of Romero's config may cause the coil o/p to deviate from a cleaner 'sine' profile

but we've still yet to see how the combined o/p looks and whether anything 'funky' happens when you fire up this kind of beast on all cylinders
(LOL - i know that going overunity IS funky - but i mean whether the TOTAL coil/mag behaviour can no longer be completely extrapolated from conventional behaviour)

i picture the o/p as a kind of 'poly-phase' generator type waveform, approaching DC in its average level - each gen coil 'firing' in turn as you say, and overlapping with the o/p from its adjacent coils

not sure if this goes any way to answering your question but i know we're all really glad to have someone with your solid experience of motor builds involved


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 18, 2011, 02:34:13 AM
the wire arrived today. ;D
Has anybody else taken current measurements of the drive coils?
I would be very interested if you would share any insight.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on May 18, 2011, 06:23:50 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 17, 2011, 07:56:07 PM
Hi Hoppy, this is only the induction via one recovery diode,
NOT a Fullwave bridge rectifier, so only one amplitude wave is
rectified via these 1N4007 diodes from the driver coil pairs.

This does only apply, when the battery or DC2DC voltage is off
and the rotor runs down.

When the battery voltage is on there will only be BackEMF from these driver coils.

It would be also good to know, how high the voltage spikes will be then, that will be generated via
the BackEMF and will be fed back to the battery voltage line.


As we know, the voltage level is governed by the number of of coil turns but even if it were possible to generate 15V from each pair of generator coils, it would not be possible to pull over 2 Amps from these small coil sets in parallel and maintain that voltage as it appears in the video, with normal generation. The drive coil discharge spikes will be quite low level in power and add little to the output, so we are clearly looking for something out of the ordinary to account for the high power output. The concerning thing IMO is that we catch a glimpse of the supply battery voltage falling off considerably when the load is switched on. If the device was self running with the lamp load, this should no be the case. There are some great looking builds comming along, so hopefully someone will discover the secret if its down to coil configuration.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 18, 2011, 06:30:25 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 18, 2011, 02:34:13 AM
the wire arrived today. ;D
Has anybody else taken current measurements of the drive coils?
I would be very interested if you would share any insight.

toranarod, looking forward to your replication -- your extensive experience in building Adams motor might help a lot. If what I remembered is correct, Romero's original video had measurements of input current, which is about 1Apms (for the two driving coils as I understood it). The output current is about 2Amps. Input and output voltages are similar, about 12Volts.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 18, 2011, 06:44:58 AM
Hi DadHav and Magluvin and all

If i follow you well,  the MOON EFFECT ( page 18 reply 265 from Freeenergyinfo ) of odd versus even provide a  very high  quantity of switching  (stroke) per revolution.

It seems that there is a kind of a second " passing " very fast per revolution ??  Probably an optic illusion but make me think of this, As DadHav suggested also .

As the coil sets are pulsing one after the other , but are connected in parallel, could it be that the pulse of each stroke could  "affect" other coil through the bridge rectifier (eventually double bridge rectifier ). So all the other coil "feel" the pulse of the others.
So each coil would be activated not only 8 time per revolution by the passing rotor magnet, but also by th 8 time of the 6 other coil, that is to say 48 + 8 = 56 time per revolution  :o :o :o yup i am totaly deliring here. Forgive me ;D

so let's go on the delire,  as per this second "passing", for example if we consider 7 coils (2 are left for motorising ) with 8 rotor magnets it is 56 stroke per revolution, so at 1034 RPM  (as  Romero suggests in his last post) we get = 57904 stroke per minute or 965 herz frequency per coil.

Now go to this video of our Thane Heinz that Porteran posted on page 78 at reply 1162


So you can see that the rotor has (probably 30 magnets facing one single set of coil.

And the "REGENERATIVE ACCELERATION " occures at about 1850 RPM

So 1850 * 30 =55500 stroke per minute or 925 herz.

HOHO !! what do you think ?.

I think i have to stop testing on one coil set and wait for my litze to work on the full beast, because even at 2000 rpm and more i can only reach about 266 herz, (verified on my scope ).
far too low frequency to get a chance of observing the effect of Thane, and i am testing in pure conventional generator
It seems that this secon "passing works only with all coil and rotor together :

Hi Lasersaber where are you in your testing?

Just an idea to try understanding the beast. Hope not be considered as a fool here ;)

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 18, 2011, 06:47:40 AM
ZeroFossilFuel second video shows him making his own coil bobbins  ;D
Who will be the first to successfully replicate a device that can match Romero's self-running  results ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 18, 2011, 07:19:59 AM
hi All,
I just got a reply from RomeroUK about the Recovery diode.

He wrote to me:

"One diode is on the PCB of one of the driving circuits, not the closest one,
the other one
Used just in the first movie."


I will make a new circuit diagramm for this first movie and update the PDF soon.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 18, 2011, 07:36:21 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 17, 2011, 11:13:14 PM
thanks Ben, useful info

do i remember correctly that you sign off your videos with "from the World's smallest lab"?    in which case, as they say: "small - but perfectly formed!"  ;)

hope the build continues well

Hi Nul-Points,

Yes, that's me.  I'll start putting more on YouTube as time goes along.  I love the R&D of this, and it is a CHALLENGE to do it!  As I am 68 today, it keeps me young puttering along.

The diversity in thought, the levels of knowledge and abilities on this list astounds me.  In reading all the post, I find that the least and the most gifted have something to offer here.  As a picture is worth a thousand words, R's video was worth a million! All the other pictures, the ideas, I just go "wow"......and keep pushing! I'll eventually show my humble contribution to this as time goes along.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 08:06:08 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 18, 2011, 07:36:21 AM
Hi Nul-Points,

Yes, that's me.  I'll start putting more on YouTube as time goes along.  I love the R&D of this, and it is a CHALLENGE to do it!  As I am 68 today, it keeps me young puttering along.

The diversity in thought, the levels of knowledge and abilities on this list astounds me.  In reading all the post, I find that the least and the most gifted have something to offer here.  As a picture is worth a thousand words, R's video was worth a million! All the other pictures, the ideas, I just go "wow"......and keep pushing! I'll eventually show my humble contribution to this as time goes along.


Nice to meet at least some graybeards amongst schoolboys, luftmensches, popinjays and whipper-snappers  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 18, 2011, 08:23:59 AM
I cant seem to find the moon phase reference that was posted at the beginning of this thread  ???
did it get removed. it would seem that if the rotor stator combinations match the the moon phases that would be very very interesting.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Crapola on May 18, 2011, 08:26:27 AM
ChrisC, I remember Romero saying that it is important that the rotor should be thick enough so that it should not bend. Do you think your rotor will be stiff enough after the magnets are added? Thanks for the info so far.



The rotor plate is 8" and the stator plates 11". From Tab Plastics. These are precut circular acrylic plates used for wedding cakes tiers and that's why they are much cheaper. see: http://www.tapplastics.com/shop/product.php?pid=140&PHPSESSID=20110517203131322248093

I had to drill the tripod holes as they are not critical but took 4 hours; all I had to do is to make sure it's close to 120 degrees. The 8 magnet holes on the rotor are cut by Tab plastics from the stencil someone generated right at the beginning of the thread. Those holes cost $30, I think. It's NOT CNC and they have 1/8 or 1/16 tolerances(?)

Magnets I've ordered from http://www.Magnets4Less.com.
30 Neodymium Magnets Disc 3/4 in x 1/4 in Strong N42 (ND045-1) - $46.50
7 Neodymium Magnets 3/4 in x 3/8 in Rare Earth Disc (ND046) -       $20.23
Shipping                                                                                     $12.18

Hope that helps. Tab Plastics will do online orders and you can give them all your requirements (assuming you're in the U.S).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 18, 2011, 08:34:25 AM
@woopy : what is the sampling rate of a "low budget" multi meter ? And how strong is the interpolation "function" in them ? Is it possible due to the value update feature a simple multi meter fails at measuring the correct values at 950 Hz ? Probably not relevant to the issue, but as some smart guy once said : 98% of the so called OU devices are simply a missinterpretation of the measured results.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 18, 2011, 08:37:08 AM
@dave45 : ofc it should be the moon phases. That is how the muller generator achieves that balance to not get a lockdown position.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 18, 2011, 08:40:31 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 18, 2011, 07:36:21 AM
As I am 68 today, it keeps me young puttering along.
I'll eventually show my humble contribution to this as time goes along.

Congratulations Ben - 68 years young!

i'm starting to catch up  :)

looking forward to your build videos - we need more people with your keen ability and humility
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 08:41:59 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 18, 2011, 08:34:25 AM
@woopy : what is the sampling rate of a "low budget" multi meter ? And how strong is the interpolation "function" in them ? Is it possible due to the value update feature a simple multi meter fails at measuring the correct values at 950 Hz ? Probably not relevant to the issue, but as some smart guy once said : 98% of the so called OU devices are simply a missinterpretation of the measured results.

yeah, you correct, Tudi, at least one True RMS Multimeter among others is minimum before talking out ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 18, 2011, 08:43:17 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 18, 2011, 08:34:25 AM

but as some smart guy once said : 98% of the so called OU devices are simply a missinterpretation of the measured results.

...didn't he say 48% - or was that just another measurement error? 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 18, 2011, 08:49:49 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 18, 2011, 08:40:31 AM
Congratulations Ben - 68 years young!

i'm starting to catch up  :)

looking forward to your build videos - we need more people with your keen ability and humility

Hi Nul-Points,

Getting "older" aint all it is cracked up to be but the alternative sucks.  Do each day as if it the last and DON'T look in the mirror and
if you do, keep smiling!.
Using a variable speed drill to wind all those bobbins helps!!  Lets see, count to 300, 18 times..........arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  What we do for science!


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on May 18, 2011, 09:13:10 AM
Thanks for the number!
I just hung up the phone with Carmen Miller[Muller]
Very pleasant woman ! She asked me to call back in 3 hrs.
I will be inviting her here!

Happy birthday Ben
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 09:24:29 AM
Quote from: ramset on May 18, 2011, 09:13:10 AM
Thanks for the number!
I just hung up the phone with Carmen Miller[Muller]
Very pleasant woman ! She asked me to call back in 3 hrs.
I will be inviting her here!

Happy birthday Ben

Yes, she is,
Very pleasant.
And Im joining with greetings to Ben ::)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DadHav on May 18, 2011, 10:08:58 AM

Hi mags. There are a lot of wind generators built like the Romero generator. The combination is different but uses the low cogging benefits of three phase coil / pole combinations. For a long time I've been thinking about experimenting with a large stator motor and running it three phase with pulse circuits on each phase. On my videos I have a 12 leg stator with two driver coils and 10 generator coils. Maybe I should change the magnets to 13 and put a separate bridge rectifier on each of the 10 coils. That would be pretty close to what Romero was talking about when he said any R/C motor could work. I've even driven these stator motors with a window motor which is extremely efficient compared to most standard DC motors. Hanging around here has given me some new ideas. I really appreciate it.

Quote from: Magluvin on May 18, 2011, 12:26:47 AM
Hey Dadhav

If 2 coil sets are used for motor then there are only 7 sets left for the gen side. 7x8=56 coil pulses per rotation.

I know, it seems like, eh, can it do it.  Dunno.  But if there is a function, unseen or not imagined, as to what, yet, then we cannot assume as experimenters or testers till we have it on the table. =[

I had this even/odd thing in a magnet motor idea, but never thought of it for a gen. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinu on May 18, 2011, 10:13:02 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 18, 2011, 07:19:59 AM
hi All,
I just got a reply from RomeroUK about the Recovery diode.

He wrote to me:

"One diode is on the PCB of one of the driving circuits, not the closest one,
the other one
Used just in the first movie."


I will make a new circuit diagramm for this first movie and update the PDF soon.

Regards, Stefan.

Hi Stefan,

If you are still in contact with Romero, please kindly ask him to state that the cordless drill (probably a DeWalt, judging by colors) that can be seen at 15’56” (in the main OU video) and it’s charger has nothing to do with the setup.

I’m sorry but for me to feel confident without clearing this issue would be very difficult because the drill is placed way too close to the motor and it has a convenient voltage and power rating. Besides, usually those plastic tables have a hollow leg (for umbrella) terminating with a removable plastic lid, so it is very easy for anyone to be suspicious, especially because the under setup can not be inspected in the movie neither the multitudes of wires leading there.

You can call me paranoid but not the others ;)
Oh, nul-points can tease me more; I started to like it. :)

Many thanks,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 18, 2011, 10:28:37 AM
Quote from: Crapola on May 18, 2011, 08:26:27 AM
ChrisC, I remember Romero saying that it is important that the rotor should be thick enough so that it should not bend. Do you think your rotor will be stiff enough after the magnets are added? Thanks for the info so far.


Tabplastics have 2 thickness size for their precut circular acrylic plates. I use the thicker ones and they are solid enough. My problem is not with the plates, it is with trying to mount the VCR drive/bearings to sit flat because of two protruding screws just 1mm beyond the bottom surface and I don't have the correct screwdrivers to remove them!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 18, 2011, 10:29:05 AM
@woopy : already posted this : http://www.ostfalia.de/export/sites/default/de/pws/turtur/DownloadVerzeichnis/Series-english-5Articles.pdf
page 24 : "In any case we see, that zero-point-energy converters improve their efficiency and power, as soon as the resonance frequency of the oscillating fields is increased." + "In order to convert zero-point-energy into any classical type of energy, there must be an oscillating (electric, magnetic or gravitational) field inside the converter ". + "Power can only be extracted from a motor, if there is some (mechanical) resistor, and not as long as it is running without any force" + "the zone of maximum power-extraction from the quantum vacuum has some certain width. If a zero-point-energy motor can be operated within this range, friction will be just a little bit too weak to stop the engine" + " a capacitor and a coil have to be adjusted in a way, that the frequency of an electromagnetic oscillation corresponds to the frequency of a mechanical oscillation. It depends on the precision of this adjustment, whether zero-point-energy is converted or not."
Ofc this is just some random theory. "New theory", but we did observer as romerouk device speeded up as load increased = increased frequency. And this device is indeed about colapsed / created magnetic + electric fields at increased frequency.
Title: who threatened Romero?
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 18, 2011, 10:37:07 AM
Quote from: i_ron on May 11, 2011, 02:41:49 PM

I hope you can still read here?  Just wanted to say thank you (again) and that we will do our best to vindicate you by carrying on this great work.

"They" may have waited too long to suppress this, the genie is out of the bag. Anyway, we will do our best.

We understand fully. what you said, why you had to do what you did. We are with you in spirit.

Another from Ron:

Thank you for posting that letter from Romero.
The "system" strikes again. His device has been taken away and destroyed. He is not to do research anymore.

There is only one conclusion.


I agree with Ron -- we support you, Romero.

If you can let us know somehow WHO it was that threatened you, as specific as you dare, this would be of help to the rest of us who may face similar threats.

Thanks so much for your work -- hope you are still reading this thread and can contribute from time to time.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 18, 2011, 10:37:47 AM
   Just out of wanting to know, if someone does replicate, are we going to see another shark feed?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 11:07:56 AM
Quote from: DadHav on May 18, 2011, 10:08:58 AM
Hi mags. There are a lot of wind generators built like the Romero generator. The combination is different but uses the low cogging benefits of three phase coil / pole combinations. For a long time I've been thinking about experimenting with a large stator motor and running it three phase with pulse circuits on each phase. On my videos I have a 12 leg stator with two driver coils and 10 generator coils. Maybe I should change the magnets to 13 and put a separate bridge rectifier on each of the 10 coils. That would be pretty close to what Romero was talking about when he said any R/C motor could work. I've even driven these stator motors with a window motor which is extremely efficient compared to most standard DC motors. Hanging around here has given me some new ideas. I really appreciate it.

Wonder you see something similar with RC motors where you have both side closed magnetic flux  -   rotor magnets  back iron from one side and stator flux ring from other side, also used thin laminations from special steel and ... as small air gap as 0.5mm :o 
All mentioned above are as foundations for high efficient iron core motors but ... unfortunately in deep conflict with principles of OU and understandings about high efficiency in our honourable forum ::)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 18, 2011, 11:34:17 AM
Quote from: tinu on May 18, 2011, 10:13:02 AM
If you are still in contact with Romero, please kindly ask him to state that the cordless drill (probably a DeWalt, judging by colors) that can be seen at 15’56” (in the main OU video) and it’s charger has nothing to do with the setup.
usually those plastic tables have a hollow leg (for umbrella) terminating with a removable plastic lid, so it is very easy for anyone to be suspicious, especially because the under setup can not be inspected in the movie neither the multitudes of wires leading there.
Oh, nul-points can tease me more; I started to like it. :)

iirc Romero already answered this objection about the drill

i believe he also mentioned slipping some batteries into the table legs, too  :)

Quote from: tinu
Oh, nul-points can tease me more; I started to like it. :)

is that a battery in your pocket?   ...or are you just pleased to see me?  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 18, 2011, 11:52:53 AM
ZeroFossilFuels third video is made while he is driving the car  8)

Muller motor update & Call to action
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on May 18, 2011, 11:54:07 AM
Quote from: ramset on May 18, 2011, 09:13:10 AM
Thanks for the number!
I just hung up the phone with Carmen Miller[Muller]
Very pleasant woman ! She asked me to call back in 3 hrs.
I will be inviting her here!

Happy birthday Ben

Can you ask if all the specs from the new muller /neogen concept video are acurate? Would like to know if all that info is officially from them! Thanks.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 18, 2011, 12:39:15 PM
Quote from: webby1 on May 18, 2011, 12:28:01 PM
Don't know if this helps, but this site has a pic of the R\C motor stator and the first link goes to a diagram to rewire the stator.  I do not speak whatever language it is written in but Romerouk stated that you need to rewind this stator with two sections one up one down next to each other to make a unit,, not a coil pair but a unit and when you look at the pic he posted of this motor you will see 6 wires coming out of it.

page 17 reply 240


Try "German" in google translator or the translator of your choice. :)
Not sure if this really shows exactly how Romero did it though.
One up one down is different.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 18, 2011, 01:15:20 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 18, 2011, 06:44:58 AM
Hi DadHav and Magluvin and all

If i follow you well,  the MOON EFFECT ( page 18 reply 265 from Freeenergyinfo ) of odd versus even provide a  very high  quantity of switching  (stroke) per revolution.

It seems that there is a kind of a second " passing " very fast per revolution ??  Probably an optic illusion but make me think of this, As DadHav suggested also .

As the coil sets are pulsing one after the other , but are connected in parallel, could it be that the pulse of each stroke could  "affect" other coil through the bridge rectifier (eventually double bridge rectifier ). So all the other coil "feel" the pulse of the others.
So each coil would be activated not only 8 time per revolution by the passing rotor magnet, but also by th 8 time of the 6 other coil, that is to say 48 + 8 = 56 time per revolution  :o :o :o yup i am totaly deliring here. Forgive me ;D

so let's go on the delire,  as per this second "passing", for example if we consider 7 coils (2 are left for motorising ) with 8 rotor magnets it is 56 stroke per revolution, so at 1034 RPM  (as  Romero suggests in his last post) we get = 57904 stroke per minute or 965 herz frequency per coil.

Now go to this video of our Thane Heinz that Porteran posted on page 78 at reply 1162


So you can see that the rotor has (probably 30 magnets facing one single set of coil.

And the "REGENERATIVE ACCELERATION " occures at about 1850 RPM

So 1850 * 30 =55500 stroke per minute or 925 herz.

HOHO !! what do you think ?.

I think i have to stop testing on one coil set and wait for my litze to work on the full beast, because even at 2000 rpm and more i can only reach about 266 herz, (verified on my scope ).
far too low frequency to get a chance of observing the effect of Thane, and i am testing in pure conventional generator
It seems that this secon "passing works only with all coil and rotor together :

Hi Lasersaber where are you in your testing?

Just an idea to try understanding the beast. Hope not be considered as a fool here ;)

good luck at all


That's brilliant woopy!  You may have found the secret here.  Replication successes and failures will be able to eventually verify if this is correct. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 01:18:47 PM
Quote from: webby1 on May 18, 2011, 12:28:01 PM
Don't know if this helps, but this site has a pic of the R\C motor stator and the first link goes to a diagram to rewire the stator.  I do not speak whatever language it is written in but Romerouk stated that you need to rewind this stator with two sections one up one down next to each other to make a unit,, not a coil pair but a unit and when you look at the pic he posted of this motor you will see 6 wires coming out of it.

page 17 reply 240


Perhaps you do not know that RC motors exist as 18 tooth and 16 or 20 rotor magnets as well, this is more close to ::)
I do understand very well what means "one up one down by two sections" but
1.) where to get as large air gap what OU people describe - lessens "drag"  - of course it does , but in the same way it lessens efficiency and performance, power will be lessened and  kV heighten.
2.) What to do with closed magnetic flux (with rotor back iron and with stator flux ring)??? This against OU postulates. When closed then no aether, no vacuum - nothing from where "welcome overunity" can come ::)
4.) Where to put additional magnets? How? To cut this stator to the pieces ???

Yes, Romero spoke he can do with RC motors the same ... and exact this is because I cant believe this story not for one, not for two cent.
Because there are two totally different principles. When he speaks it is possible with RC motors as well - then all speakings about "wonder design", flux cancelling  ... ferrite or black sand, sewing machine bobbins .. or what ever before this or after that -  all is just a clownade - it does not work and finito  8)

any successfully replicated ::)
Oh dear - two weeks!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 18, 2011, 02:04:12 PM
@khabe ,oh dear two weeks you say . Between Kennedy announcing the "man on the moon" program and its realisation took about ten years . We are dealing here with something far more important for the future of mankind . Perhaps your doors need another coat of paint ?
       Here is something I find strange . Page 13 reply number 192 . Here romero describes a simple machine by Raymond Kromrey . He says he has built it and it works very well .It looks like a generator . Is it supposed to be OU . There are 2 diagrams and I find it difficult to relate the two together . My interpretation is this . We have a rotor with 4 magnets .There are 4 coils and 4 ferrite bars . anyone agree? From the link provided I could not find relevant info on coil winding and connection . Comments please /
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 18, 2011, 02:28:17 PM
Quote from: Tcanuth on May 17, 2011, 05:23:41 PM
Anyone have a rough estimate on how much one of these would cost to replicate to the same scale that Romero's video exhibits?

Halfway tempted to attempt to replicate and see if i can atleast learn something from it if not more.

I just dont want to sink alot of money into it and find out that i still have alot more to do and abandon it.

Much of this stuff I already had. If you must buy everything...

26 N42 3/8"x3/4" Neos from Applied Magnets  $95 delivered
5 12x96mm ferrite rods from ebay $21 delivered
100 1A/40V Schottky diodes from ebay $8 delivered
3/32" acrylic and 5'x1/2" PEX pipe for bobbins $10
Transistors, Hall effect sensors etc about $10
Universal DC/DC switching converter ~$20
3sq-ft of 3/8" Lexan about $45
1Kg of enamel copper wire about $50
3' of 5/16" threaded rod about $5
Bearing(s) about $10-$20
Misc hardware $10

Making history?  Priceless!   ;D

Call it $280-ish. Hopefully I haven't forgotten anything.

Minimum tools needed,

Compass and protractor
Electric hand saw
Drill Press
various drill bits (I use unibits quite a lot)
Hole saw (only if you make your own bobbins like I am)
Analog ammeter(s) and volt meters for testing

Optional equipment:

Oscilloscope for viewing waveforms (not critical if all you're doing is replicating)
Band saw to make cutting easier
Large lathe or average mill with rotary table for perfect rounding of the rotor disk.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 18, 2011, 02:36:01 PM
Quote from: webby1 on May 18, 2011, 12:28:01 PM
Don't know if this helps, but this site has a pic of the R\C motor stator and the first link goes to a diagram to rewire the stator.  I do not speak whatever language it is written in but Romerouk stated that you need to rewind this stator with two sections one up one down next to each other to make a unit,, not a coil pair but a unit and when you look at the pic he posted of this motor you will see 6 wires coming out of it.

page 17 reply 240


similar to fisher-paykel,
may be that he was referring to:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 02:41:59 PM
there is nothing to do with Rom´s machine at that even when very much to try you cant put it in to RC motor  ::)

My English is not good, agreed, but nevertheless I like you will understand my purport:

Rom said he can do the same with RC motors - means that all these additional opposite magnets on the coil tops, all these strange air gaps, unipolar rotor and etc - all this is absurd and pointless.
When to speak about RC or just common motor-generator ... you can rewind your motor ten times or free hundred times, you can make it from three phase to one phase or two phase or what ever. You can rectify each tooth coil or you can do it by group you can fill rectifier bridges even in to your own  ...ss :o
- it does not matter, it does not work 8)  - to drive this generator costs always more than what you get from (power meant).
OK,  somebody will surely speak again and again - Romero´s  Muller replica has "very unique design" ... 
Yes, my friends, MAY BE POSSIBLE, but at least for me he did nullify this "possibility" himself when said that he can do the same with RC motors. - in to RC motor you cant fill nothing from this "very unique design", Im very sorry, but unfortunately this is like that.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 18, 2011, 02:51:03 PM
Ah, sorry to break in, but there is something which prevented me from ordering parts yet:

I went over the given construction infos again and thought we have all infos available, but we have not unfortunately. I can't recall the posts anymore but on 2 or 3 posts it was about:

The device needs to be tuned in order to achieve a selfrunner and if we doesn't get this right we'll end up with a relative efficient dynamo, but nothing more. There was also a hint telling that not all magnets on top of the coils are placed centric to the ferrite core, instead some are placed on the edge of the washer, some others halfway to the center, some others centric though. Additionally by looking at the video you can see that some magnets are missing completely.

These circumstances makes the overall tuning process rather difficult, and regarding the missing information we can't make an exact replication. What we can replicate though is the base construction odd/even amount of magnets/coils washers on top of ferrite cores, and additional magnets (18 pieces) on top of the coils - and then: trying to "tune".

However the theory behind is not so nice, if you go pure mathematics then the amount of permutations of magnets/washers on 18 coils = 18! = 6402373705728000. This obviously isn't fun to experiment with, but "using our brain" - one probably won't need to check each variation.

I don't get why I didn't realize this missing info while RomeroUK still was here, so I could have asked about these exact magnet positions on the upside and on the downside of his device. The fact that Romero himself stated he needed at least 1 month to tune the device will make this probably more time consuming then expected and might even fail although I am pretty sure that Romeros device worked. Just a small consideration for those who expect it to be working "out of the box" (which I initially thought too, until I realized which information was missing).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 18, 2011, 03:00:37 PM
I was asked privately where I got my 12mm ferrite rods from. I'll post the link publicly here.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 03:06:30 PM
fisher-paykel is washing machine motor, when magnets changed to Neos and stator rewound you can have good enough windmill or just motor.
Unfortunately this is mass-product and due to cost of there not used good materials for stator laminations, well and good these lams are thick, so you cant get any high efficient machine from. At that very hard to get it cheap excepted Australia or NZ, in US ebay I have seldom met. But this stator is very desired item anyway, also has another version wheres 36 tooths.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 18, 2011, 03:21:31 PM
@gauschor . If you tried to tune it by going through the mathematical computations it would likely be impossible .I f Romero gave you exact positions of his magnets it would still be impossible .You have to tune it one generator coil at a time , loaded with about 40 ohms resistor .Tune for max output and minimum input . Components vary and each machine has to be individually tuned .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 18, 2011, 03:26:08 PM
Here's an update showing my current progress.

Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KaVcmXyktw
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tak22 on May 18, 2011, 03:34:03 PM
from the Neosid website:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 18, 2011, 03:50:07 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 18, 2011, 10:28:37 AM
Tabplastics have 2 thickness size for their precut circular acrylic plates. I use the thicker ones and they are solid enough. My problem is not with the plates, it is with trying to mount the VCR drive/bearings to sit flat because of two protruding screws just 1mm beyond the bottom surface and I don't have the correct screwdrivers to remove them!!

Hi ChrisC,

Hey, we are all having fun. 

Spent 8 hours today (measure 5 times, drill once) so far drilling, match drilling, progressive drilling to size, 5 disc from Tap Plastic.  The fun part was when I test spun my Rotor.   It is 35 thousands out of round and it is NOT a center shaft placement mistake. Runs just fine at 3600 rpm using the drill press, with low vibration but I don't like to see the slight wobble horozontally there. Did someone say these were use for cake work....that might explain the "close tolerances! Ha" .  The top and bottom coil mounting plates, the top and bottom magnet adjustment pltes, etc., are fine as the match drilling takes care of errors and they don't rotate, but now have to figure out how to true up that darn rotor as I don't have a nice big lathe so will do it some how in the small drill press I have (slowly).....It is only time and I have lots of it! 

Having Fun

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 03:52:48 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 18, 2011, 03:26:08 PM
Here's an update showing my current progress.

Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KaVcmXyktw

Nice test, lasersaber,
You are venturesome man - what is rotor material? - you do not be afraid to get with magnets by your balls :o
How you will do with these top magnets?
Perhaps at first you can try with just one coil.
Try at first when top magnets placed as Rom described and then otherwise - top magnets series to rotor magnets.
To compare output voltages  ::)
Just for interest,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Staffman on May 18, 2011, 03:55:37 PM
lasersaber great work!!! Just to reiterate, that load you put on that coil did not change the rpm? Way cool.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 04:00:50 PM
Quote from: Staffman on May 18, 2011, 03:55:37 PM
lasersaber great work!!! Just to reiterate, that load you put on that coil did not change the rpm? Way cool.

About what kind of load you are speaking? Amperage, please ::)
Bulb just merely glows,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on May 18, 2011, 04:05:10 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 18, 2011, 02:41:59 PM

but at least for me he did nullify this "possibility" himself when said that he can do the same with RC motors. - in to RC motor you cant fill nothing from this "very unique design", Im very sorry, but unfortunately this is like that.
Hi khabe

My understanding of the words of Rom concerning the RC engines is not that he could produce OU with the engine on its own.

I understood that they could be used as a driver for the setup, so you do not need the driver coils. 

In other words. Due to the efficiency and RPM/power of those motors , they are suitable to connect to the "dynamo" as the driving engine. 

Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 11:22:21 AM
First picture shows 2 motors that are almost OU when comming from factory.They come with Muller arangements inside already.I have left info about them but looks that it was missed.
This is probably the easiest way for people to try Muller's config.You don't get a lot out but more than in.I have tested it with another normal dc motor to drive the shaft.Come on people, this one is cheap, search on ebay for it.You need to redo the windings again to have sections of 2 coils next to each other forming one set, coil up and coil down from my larger device.I used 0.3mm single wire.

Second pic shows more parts that are going to be used to the next device.

Edit:  Oh wait...  it seems the other way around...  Damn.. this beats Sudoku  8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on May 18, 2011, 04:09:25 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 18, 2011, 03:26:08 PM
Here's an update showing my current progress.

Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KaVcmXyktw

Hat off! You surely know how to make a replica!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 18, 2011, 04:10:56 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 18, 2011, 03:26:08 PM
Here's an update showing my current progress.

Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KaVcmXyktw

Excellent work Lasersaber!!!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 18, 2011, 04:19:07 PM
Quote from: Cherryman on May 18, 2011, 04:05:10 PM
I understood that they could be used as a driver for the setup, so you do not need the driver coils. 

In other words. Due to the efficiency and RPM/power of those motors , they are suitable to connect to the "dynamo" as the driving engine.

yes, that's true - but Romero also hinted at modifying the contents of the motor to make it more like a Muller config

this would have involved inverting alternate coils to become say the "top" half of a pair whilst the unchanged coil would become the "lower" of the pair

of course the rotor mags rotate around the periphery, so they bridge the gap between the "top" & "lower" on the outside of both coils, not inside/between as in his own device

...and of course, as khabe will tell you, (only the once, if you're lucky) it can't be done! (hi khabe)   ;)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 18, 2011, 04:22:34 PM

Good work. :-)

If you measure 345Hz at one coil then multiply by 60 and divide by number of magnets (8)
to get the RPM. (345 * 60) / 8 = 2587 RPM.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 18, 2011, 04:33:24 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 18, 2011, 02:04:12 PM
@khabe ,oh dear two weeks you say . Between Kennedy announcing the "man on the moon" program and its realisation took about ten years . We are dealing here with something far more important for the future of mankind . Perhaps your doors need another coat of paint ?
       Here is something I find strange . Page 13 reply number 192 . Here romero describes a simple machine by Raymond Kromrey . He says he has built it and it works very well .It looks like a generator . Is it supposed to be OU . There are 2 diagrams and I find it difficult to relate the two together . My interpretation is this . We have a rotor with 4 magnets .There are 4 coils and 4 ferrite bars . anyone agree? From the link provided I could not find relevant info on coil winding and connection . Comments please /

If Romero is convinced that the Kromrey Converter operates on the same principle like his Muller Dynamo, then the OU part comes from pumping the Bloch Wall. The Rotor breaks the magnetic lock between the 2 outer PMs lead through the ferrites.
After all the reason for putting the magnets the way he did, is still not totally agreed on.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 18, 2011, 04:43:42 PM
nice work laser!  another lean build

pretty fast, too, even without stator mags & washers - maybe on the next one you should use a tripod arrangement?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 18, 2011, 04:44:53 PM
I'm not sure that you need to make all the 8! combinations to get to a working version. My theory is that he only used the magnets on top of the coils to finetune the device. He had manually made coils. Which probably had different resistance/inductance...other details. So he used the magnets to simply strengthen the magnetic field in some coils to be able to adjust the balance = reduce the coging. You could do this finetuning pretty quickly, just rotate it a bit and see the lock position of your rotor, try to put a magnet on the oposite side (the rotor magnet should be between two stator coils) to increase the coging on that side = balance it overall.
But reducing coging might not get the device to OU, just a very efficient dynamo.
The washers show in magnetic field simulations that simply aid the magnetif field better.
The large gaps reduce the strength of the magnetic field, but he had a very aided field ( from 1 magnet to another through the ferite core and washer ) I guess this is what romerouk ment by finetune to the "lightbulb". But this just makes it convert less mechanical energy to electrical energy = run more before it slows down != OU.
We all know these effects and hardly expect the magic from these, so no need to insist on most of them. Maybe the roation speed ? The frequency of the magnetic field colapse buildup. Very sensible device parameters and parameter combinations ? Now those might be the key. If so, the chances to reproduce this might be really small.
Another strange thing on the waveform he posted is that he almost completly eliminated the pull-back force of the magnets. Like he did not use the magnets when they were leaving the coils at all. But on the circuit draw we have, he uses no special circuit to do this ? Coging happens on the magnet aproaching the coil and leaving the coil. How did he kill the "leave" part ?
Nice work lightsaber. how could you not measure the amps at the output of the coil ? :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 04:59:06 PM
Quote from: Cherryman on May 18, 2011, 04:05:10 PM
Hi khabe

My understanding of the words of Rom concerning the RC engines is not that he could produce OU with the engine on its own.

I understood that they could be used as a driver for the setup, so you do not need the driver coils. 
In other words. Due to the efficiency and RPM/power of those motors , they are suitable to connect to the "dynamo" as the driving engine. 
Edit:  Oh wait...  it seems the other way around...  Damn.. this beats Sudoku  8)

Yeah, but facts are speaking otherwise,
I did read first 20 pages, got splitting headache from,
This guy does not understand about motors ... sorry, but this is true,
And it looks like he forgetting  what he spoke in previous post and what did prate few days or week before, differnt figures ... already did, done ... will do ...
Bu OK, it does not matter anymore,
The only thing we can do is await a new Messiah arises  ::)

Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 12:47:15 PM
I get many questions about How I started this project, where the ideea came from:Turnigy SK3542-1250 Brushless Motor - is made on the same principle uneven magnets/coils.
This is where I started , I was playing with a small airoplane... then I studied Muller info...
This type of motors are using neos and should be very hard to turn them with your fingers but having Mullers arangement they turn very easy.
One of this motors can be turned very easy in an overunity generator.
They are cheap to buy on ebay.Since then, I bought  different types and re done the windings, the only problem is that they are quite small to work with also removing the existing windings is not easy.
I also have a large DC motor that is underconstruction transforming it in this type of generator. I removed the existing large magnets and added one smaller magnet for each section in the rotor, remaking the coils just like in Muller design.
I hope this helps in understanding a bit more about how to build and how it works.

Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 05:14:12 PM
good to see you arround.
Regarding the stranded wire:
Some time ago in a Bedini project I have built 2 identical coils but one with normal wire and another with stranded wire.I was using this coils to collect the power from the rotor powered with a Bedini standard circuit.Same core same wire diameter, all the same...
The results at that time(no load):   normal wire output was 9.2 volts
                                                stranded wire output was 12.3
since then I have always used stranded for most of my coils
it is easy to do the same experiment like me, actually it would be nice if someone else will confirm this.
I always try everything myself, I don't take all info I found as granted.
If I was wrong I would like someone to tell me.

one more change to the drawing: input cap 47000uf

"Regarding the stranded wire" I hope you believe that there is no voltage difference when Litz wound or solid wire wound - this is fact 8)

Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 11:22:21 AM
First picture shows 2 motors that are almost OU when comming from factory.They come with Muller arangements inside already.I have left info about them but looks that it was missed.
This is probably the easiest way for people to try Muller's config.You don't get a lot out but more than in.I have tested it with another normal dc motor to drive the shaft.Come on people, this one is cheap, search on ebay for it.You need to redo the windings again to have sections of 2 coils next to each other forming one set, coil up and coil down from my larger device.I used 0.3mm single wire.

Second pic shows more parts that are going to be used to the next device.

"First picture shows motors that are almost OU when comming from factory.They come with Muller arangements inside already ..."
Chiese made OU motors :o
And Muller arangements inside ... oh dear ...
Note that even Muller speaks this is more than hundred years old trick and discovered who knows by 8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 18, 2011, 05:02:23 PM
Quote from: Tudi on May 18, 2011, 04:44:53 PM
I'm not sure that you need to make all the 8! combinations to get to a working version. My theory is that he only used the magnets on top of the coils to finetune the device. He had manually made coils. Which probably had different resistance/inductance...other details. So he used the magnets to simply strengthen the magnetic field in some coils to be able to adjust the balance = reduce the coging. You could do this finetuning pretty quickly, just rotate it a bit and see the lock position of your rotor, try to put a magnet on the oposite side (the rotor magnet should be between two stator coils) to increase the coging on that side = balance it overall.
But reducing coging might not get the device to OU, just a very efficient dynamo.
The washers show in magnetic field simulations that simply aid the magnetif field better.
The large gaps reduce the strength of the magnetic field, but he had a very aided field ( from 1 magnet to another through the ferite core and washer ) I guess this is what romerouk ment by finetune to the "lightbulb". But this just makes it convert less mechanical energy to electrical energy = run more before it slows down != OU.
We all know these effects and hardly expect the magic from these, so no need to insist on most of them. Maybe the roation speed ? The frequency of the magnetic field colapse buildup. Very sensible device parameters and parameter combinations ? Now those might be the key. If so, the chances to reproduce this might be really small.
Another strange thing on the waveform he posted is that he almost completly eliminated the pull-back force of the magnets. Like he did not use the magnets when they were leaving the coils at all. But on the circuit draw we have, he uses no special circuit to do this ? Coging happens on the magnet aproaching the coil and leaving the coil. How did he kill the "leave" part ?
Nice work lightsaber. how could you not measure the amps at the output of the coil ? :(

Maybe the 2nd hall is used for that. It creates the sharp pulse needed to overcome the "leave" part as you call it. Howard Johnson was talking about that, being the principle of how his magnet trains worked and also the Kawai engine (if i remember correctly).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 18, 2011, 05:05:55 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 18, 2011, 05:02:23 PM
Maybe the 2nd hall is used for that. It creates the sharp pulse needed to overcome the "leave" part as you call it. Howard Johnson was talking about that, being the principle of how his magnet trains worked.
I donno what to say about that effect. As a dynamo it is not a good effect. It reduces the overall conversion of mechanical to electric energy conversion. Instead full sign wave, small spikes are produced. As a signal generator these spikes might be great for something though.
The actual electric energy is the integral of the wave function. Best is to have square blocks if you really want conversion.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 18, 2011, 05:09:45 PM
yes Lasersaber

well done ;D

If i can give an advice , do not try only one set of coil test with the top magnet as Khabe suggested, because you will retrieve the cogging effect, which will probably  bias the result. Now i am strongly thinking that the beast can't be separated in pieces, it must work as a unity to be stronger than the unity

In your video, due to the noise, i am not sure but , i think that you utilise wire litze is it OK ?

Another time bravo for your replication it is very encouraging.

@ Tudi thanks for the link to Prof Turtur very intreresting for the future improvement if we manage our basic replication. And for the RMS instrument i don't know the lost in low Voltmeter because at the moment i do not use this fonction, i only read the line on my scope and make estimations, to approximate if we are totally out of the "plate " as in bon français or if there is something to examine.

@ e2matrix

Thanks for the comment it was simply an idea.

I rewatched the video  of Thane and could see that hes rotor is probably fitted with 30 magnet but divised in 2 rotor plates so it only 15 magnet per rotor

so at 1840 rpm  = 1840 * 15 =27600   that is about 460 herz    which can explain why Romero could go so deep in the rpm at 4.5 volt in hes second video.

just a think

@ Khabe

can you please stay on the thread, i know that Romero spoke of modifying  R/C motor  but i think that he was trying to make a diversion when he saw the pressure comming.
I think it could be very interesting to investigate those R/C modifications but on a dedicated thread.  Because this thread is already very immense and if we divert too much we will be lost in a pletore of undedicated post .  That' my proposal.

good luck at all


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 18, 2011, 05:17:16 PM
To throw some literature explanations in :

QuoteIdeally, in the regauging jump region itself, the fields remain unchanged and therefore unused. However, the fields between the regauging region itself and outside regions will change. Adroit timing of these latter fields may be freely utilized to assist the stator rotation since fields experience no Newtonian third law reaction force. Regauging thus can provide work-free stored EM energy "refueling" of an electrical or magnetic system â€" a Maxwell's Demon of special kind. The gauge freedom axiom of quantum field theory already assumes that a system’s potential energy can be freely changed at will.

In the real world, magnetic domains and moving electrical charges occupy finite volumes rather than the "point unit magnetic north pole" and "point positive coulomb of charge" assumed by conventional EM field theory. Particularly in a magnetic system, a highly nonlinear single-valued potential with radical magnitude changes in a stator region smaller than the finite domains of the rotor can be utilized as a "pseudo MVP," since a rotor domain will experience this rapid alteration of the magnetostatic scalar potential in a single domain as a nearly instantaneous "jump". Even over many domains, a sharply changed single-valued potential with a finite rise time can be used if the resulting field is radially oriented so that no tangential drag results on the rotor. The jump time dt can be made sufficiently small so that the overall ò F(t)dt "back impulse" becomes negligible or vanishes. The jumped potential can be appreciably higher than that of the next forward tangential stator region. In that case a strong tangential force results which accelerates the rotor and adds energy to it. Consequently, immediately after the jump the rotor can experience a substantial net overall boost out of the pseudo MVP jump region, as formally proven by Johnson's magnetic gates in actual laboratory force-time measurements every 0.01 sec.

Explanations of the magnetic Wankel and Kawai engines are presented from the viewpoint of the potentials and regauging. The explanations and the overunity mechanism are straightforward once the pseudo-MVP jump mechanism is understood.

Source : http://www.cheniere.org/techpapers/jap/masterprinciple.htm (http://www.cheniere.org/techpapers/jap/masterprinciple.htm)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on May 18, 2011, 05:23:37 PM
I took the liberty of Calling Carmen {Mr.Muller's daughter}.
Spoke with her for quite some time,She is a true Humanitarian
involved in some very amazing Work,And Carrys forward her Fathers Legacy with great pride!
As this thread is a little Hard to Keep up with and a bit Fiesty sometimes.I sent her the link to Fausto's [plengo]moderated thread.


She is a kindred Spirit,and strives to make this world a better place!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 18, 2011, 05:24:35 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 18, 2011, 04:59:06 PM
The only thing we can do is await a new Messiah arises  ::)

Hail King Khabe, the omniscient!!   ;)

(can i be your court jester?  pretty-please?)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 05:26:58 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 18, 2011, 05:09:45 PM
yes Lasersaber

well done ;D

If i can give an advice , do not try only one set of coil test with the top magnet as Khabe suggested, because you will retrieve the cogging effect, which will èrobably  bias the result. Now i am strongly thinking that the beast can't be separated in pieces, it must work as a unity to be stronger than the unity

In your video, due to the noise, i am not sure but , i think that you utilise wire litze is it OK ?

Another time bravo for your replication it is very encouraging.

@ Tudi thanks for the link to Prof Turtur very intreresting for the future improvement if we manage our basic replication. And for the RMS instrument i don't know the lost in low Voltmeter because at the moment i do not use this fonction, i only read the line on my scope and make estimations, to approximate if we are totally out of the "plate " as in bon français or if there is something to examine.

@ e2matrix

Thanks for the comment it was simply an idea.

I rewatched the video  of Thane and could see that hes rotor

@ Khabe

can you please stay on the thread, i know that Romero spoke of modifying  R/C motor  but i think that he was trying to make a diversion when he saw the pressure comming.
I think it could be very interesting to investigate those R/C modifications but on a dedicated thread.  Because this thread is alrewady very immense and if we divert too much we will be lost in a pletore of undedicated post .  That' my proposal.

I stay on the thread - this is about Rom´s replication and there is very necessary to follow all what he has spoken.
I can be  quiet, no problem, but cogging is already reduced with 8 pole/9 coils configuration, about what cogging you are speaking "will retrieve the cogging effect"  ??? Coil top magnet locates as far as 35mm from rotor magnets, dear woopy ::)
Diversion ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 18, 2011, 05:33:44 PM
hi Laser

if you're still around at the moment, could you say a quick few words about the drive arrangement?

did you follow Romero's setup for the two sensor positions, use basically the same circuit, etc?

many thanks

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 05:34:38 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 18, 2011, 05:24:35 PM
Hail King Khabe, the omniscient!!   ;)
(can i be your court jester?  pretty-please?)

Hail does not insult me, my dear friend.
Take a break and read one time more all Rom´s posts, at least 20 pages but carefully,
And think,
Have a nice time,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 18, 2011, 05:41:33 PM

'Hail' is not intended to insult you - lighten up, dude

the blog some of us mentioned a week or so back contains every practical build tip by Romero up to his 'exit', sorted into relevant sections

i didn't get those tips by continually 'reminding' people why they're wrong - instead i did something constructive for the thread, on that particular occasion when i read back through the whole thread
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 18, 2011, 05:56:31 PM
Ho !


if Lasersaber is 8 to 9 config , he will have the smallest cogging possible.so far as you sayd and as we all know. the system in this case , is balanced.

But if you  add a single magnet  on the top ferrite core of "one part " of this config ,  you simply imbalance the system, and the cogging comes back. yes or not ?

It is what i can experiment on my bench ,in front of me, on my real replication attempt, Don't you have the same on your replication test bench h ?

all the best ::)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Ren on May 18, 2011, 06:16:31 PM
Quote from: k4zep on May 18, 2011, 03:50:07 PM
Hi ChrisC,

Hey, we are all having fun. 

Spent 8 hours today (measure 5 times, drill once) so far drilling, match drilling, progressive drilling to size, 5 disc from Tap Plastic.  The fun part was when I test spun my Rotor.   It is 35 thousands out of round and it is NOT a center shaft placement mistake. Runs just fine at 3600 rpm using the drill press, with low vibration but I don't like to see the slight wobble horozontally there. Did someone say these were use for cake work....that might explain the "close tolerances! Ha" .  The top and bottom coil mounting plates, the top and bottom magnet adjustment pltes, etc., are fine as the match drilling takes care of errors and they don't rotate, but now have to figure out how to true up that darn rotor as I don't have a nice big lathe so will do it some how in the small drill press I have (slowly).....It is only time and I have lots of it! 

Having Fun


Hi Ben,

I have run into this problem with acrylic before. Ive found that one of the faces is usually true and the other can be out by a whisker. I think there is just a slight difference in the thicknesses from side to side.

Ive run into this with multiple pieces of varying thickness of acrylic, its a pain, because the only way to fix it is to true up the face on the lathe, and you lose your nice finish.


Good luck.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 18, 2011, 06:48:06 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 18, 2011, 05:56:31 PM
Ho !


if Lasersaber is 8 to 9 config , he will have the smallest cogging possible.so far as you sayd and as we all know. the system in this case , is balanced.

But if you  add a single magnet  on the top ferrite core of "one part " of this config ,  you simply imbalance the system, and the cogging comes back. yes or not ?

It is what i can experiment on my bench ,in front of me, on my real replication attempt, Don't you have the same on your replication test bench h ?

all the best ::)


Short answer is - NO,
This "you simply imbalance the system, and the cogging comes back"  just shows you do not understand the point from what cogging comes and why it will be reduced when  9_8 or 9_10 or what ever such kind combination used. Imbalance will come when some of coil top magnets are missed and even then this is not a problem because very large air gaps, if not to say - implausibly large gaps :o
When all coil top magnets are NS or all coil top magnets are SN - there is  no act to cogging when unipolar rotor magnets.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 18, 2011, 08:10:12 PM
Quote from: Ren on May 18, 2011, 06:16:31 PM
Hi Ben,

I have run into this problem with acrylic before. Ive found that one of the faces is usually true and the other can be out by a whisker. I think there is just a slight difference in the thicknesses from side to side.

Ive run into this with multiple pieces of varying thickness of acrylic, its a pain, because the only way to fix it is to true up the face on the lathe, and you lose your nice finish.


Good luck.


Thanks Ren,

About 2 hours slow work with a coarse file then a fine file around the circumference and I got it within +2 -0 thousandts, good enough for now.  Not worrying about face, just diameter, my kingdom for a good lathe!.  To do this thing, rotor needs to be turned totally from a piece of solid stock or a built up work piece, then turned down, Indexing head, etc.etc. but it can be done within reason by hand......for me, time is not money, just time...and this is definitely a "one of" device, if it works, lots of ideas, if it doesn't for me, sit it on the shelf and say "WOW"!  Win loose or draw, we all are having fun!  Now to enlarge the 1/4" magnet holes to 1/2" without trashing rotor., My motor/gen is slightly smaller than R's, just want to self run................LaserSaber has greatly encouraged me!!!!!

My Hall effects came in from China today and my PNP's from HongKong, faster than some USA providers!!!! Now do I make a PC board or do
I simply breadboard.........

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 18, 2011, 08:33:16 PM
Hi Guys

Not sure if this has been 'gone over' before but I will post it anyway. It is a struggle keeping up with the posting during the week.

I have been busy with scissors and sheets of paper waiting for parts to arrive.

I have something to show regarding the 'event' travel. The 'event' being the single passing of a magnet and coil,


which has been shown to be magnified by the odd even arrangement of magnets/coils (number of magnets times segments of rotor)

Muller Dynamo. Comparison between numbers of coils and magnets

http://youtu.be/BaqRXKRSFOc (http://youtu.be/BaqRXKRSFOc)

It does not matter if you have an odd or even number of rotor magnets, if you want 'Events' to travel 'with' the rotor direction you must have a lower number of stator coils.

I have a pdf of the sheets I used if anyone wants to play with the combinations.

All the best
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 18, 2011, 08:44:54 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 18, 2011, 03:26:08 PM
Here's an update showing my current progress.

Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KaVcmXyktw

That's great lasersaber!  That's very encouraging to see those results at the stage you are at with your build.  Sounds like it is really spinning fast but 20K RPM is scary stuff.  Did someone put a digital tach on it?  I guess I'm wondering if it's really going that fast since Romero's was apparently running around 1200 to 1300 RPM at 12 volts.  What are you using for bearings?  I know you do top notch builds but just trying to understand why or how it's going that fast.   

There must be some fair current in your output coil voltage also to be able to even get a glow out of a 40 watt AC light bulb.  Sounds like you're well on your way to an OU unit when all the coils and magnets are in place and tuned. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mikestocks2006 on May 18, 2011, 08:52:52 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 18, 2011, 04:22:34 PM

Good work. :-)

If you measure 345Hz at one coil then multiply by 60 and divide by number of magnets (8)
to get the RPM. (345 * 60) / 8 = 2587 RPM.

It sure sounds more than 2600 rpm

But even at that speed, should any of the mags get dislodged, it would fly out in excess of 150 fps… with its high-density it packs a lot of energy, and it may cause some serious damage.
A couple vertical Lexan panels, or at least full face shield may be warranted.
Great work as always.
Thanks for posting
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 18, 2011, 08:54:10 PM
Quote from: Groundloop on May 18, 2011, 04:22:34 PM

Good work. :-)

If you measure 345Hz at one coil then multiply by 60 and divide by number of magnets (8)
to get the RPM. (345 * 60) / 8 = 2587 RPM.

That sounds safer and I'll be relieved if that is the actual speed as I could almost feel that unit exploding at 20,000 rpm despite lasersaber's quality builds.  That sort of rpm takes extreme precision balancing for an 8 inch diameter device.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 18, 2011, 09:12:12 PM
Quote from: bourne on May 18, 2011, 08:33:16 PM
Hi Guys

Not sure if this has been 'gone over' before but I will post it anyway. It is a struggle keeping up with the posting during the week.

I have been busy with scissors and sheets of paper waiting for parts to arrive.

I have something to show regarding the 'event' travel. The 'event' being the single passing of a magnet and coil,


which has been shown to be magnified by the odd even arrangement of magnets/coils (number of magnets times segments of rotor)

Muller Dynamo. Comparison between numbers of coils and magnets

http://youtu.be/BaqRXKRSFOc (http://youtu.be/BaqRXKRSFOc)

It does not matter if you have an odd or even number of rotor magnets, if you want 'Events' to travel 'with' the rotor direction you must have a lower number of stator coils.

I have a pdf of the sheets I used if anyone wants to play with the combinations.

All the best

Interesting Bourne, I would like to have the pdf to play with the patterns
Thanks, John  ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on May 18, 2011, 09:14:42 PM
Quote from: bourne on May 18, 2011, 08:33:16 PM
Hi Guys

Not sure if this has been 'gone over' before but I will post it anyway. It is a struggle keeping up with the posting during the week.

I have been busy with scissors and sheets of paper waiting for parts to arrive.

I have something to show regarding the 'event' travel. The 'event' being the single passing of a magnet and coil,


which has been shown to be magnified by the odd even arrangement of magnets/coils (number of magnets times segments of rotor)

Muller Dynamo. Comparison between numbers of coils and magnets

http://youtu.be/BaqRXKRSFOc (http://youtu.be/BaqRXKRSFOc)

It does not matter if you have an odd or even number of rotor magnets, if you want 'Events' to travel 'with' the rotor direction you must have a lower number of stator coils.

I have a pdf of the sheets I used if anyone wants to play with the combinations.

All the best

Thats very interesting. Good observation. Maybe thats part of the key here, "events" happening opposite the direction of rotor travel.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 18, 2011, 09:38:18 PM
Quote from: k4zep on May 18, 2011, 07:36:21 AM
Hi Nul-Points,

Yes, that's me.  I'll start putting more on YouTube as time goes along.  I love the R&D of this, and it is a CHALLENGE to do it!  As I am 68 today, it keeps me young puttering along.

The diversity in thought, the levels of knowledge and abilities on this list astounds me.  In reading all the post, I find that the least and the most gifted have something to offer here.  As a picture is worth a thousand words, R's video was worth a million! All the other pictures, the ideas, I just go "wow"......and keep pushing! I'll eventually show my humble contribution to this as time goes along.


Happy birthday Ben !
May you have a happy and haelthy new year !

Best regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AbbaRue on May 18, 2011, 09:41:02 PM
Post removed by AbbaRue, useless to the subject.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Staffman on May 18, 2011, 09:52:42 PM
I know it's too early to theorize, so I'll delete this post if this is unnecessary.

As Bourne pointed out, when you have more EM's than magnets on the rotor, there is a counter rotation opposite of
the direction of the rotor. When current is used from all the generator coils, lenz law typically pushes against the rotation of the rotor. In this case of counter rotation, is lens law helping the rotor in this case, instead of hindering it? I don't know, just a though.... :-\
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 18, 2011, 10:09:12 PM
Quote from: Staffman on May 18, 2011, 09:52:42 PM
I know it's too early to theorize, so I'll delete this post if this is unnecessary.

As Bourne pointed out, when you have more EM's than magnets on the rotor, there is a counter rotation opposite of
the direction of the rotor. When current is used from all the generator coils, lenz law typically pushes against the rotation of the rotor. In this case of counter rotation, is lens law helping the rotor in this case, instead of hindering it? I don't know, just a though.... :-\

That just might be it!!!! :o :o :o 8) 8) 8) 8)

Very good theory!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 18, 2011, 11:26:03 PM
Great work Lasersaber !

Also Lidmotor did a new video:


So let me recap this.

You are using 2 series coil pairs and each coil pair has its own

bridge rectifier.

One is putting out 1.7 Volts chopped DC and the other is putting out about 1.8 Volts chopped DC..

Now if you put both of these chopped DC outputs in parallel they are putting out 2.5 Volts chopped DC ?

Is this correct ?

Did you use a scope to watch the exact pulses, so you can see, what is going on and why the voltages add up ? Scope shots would really help..

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 19, 2011, 12:05:19 AM
Impressive work LaserSaber. Congratulations!

Would you be able to share how you made the coils? Measure the resistance and the inductance please?

Also it would be really good if you in black and white (a hand diagram is fine) of where exactly you have the driving coil or coils and if the driving circuit is the one on the pdf.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 19, 2011, 12:10:47 AM
An important observation. With those high speeds I think it is important for ALL to remember safety first. Magnets that heavy at those speeds are simply lethal. No matter how perfect is the build, all one needs is a loose part such as a coil or anything at all and it would be a total disaster.

So a note of caution to all.

This also corroborates what Romero said that it bothered his neighbors when he left it running for days.

I would like to also ask our lovely members to, please, focus the discussion to only the real necessary issues and sometimes to short lovely jokes but seriously let's focus and eliminate the burden of having to read 1000 pages of posts while only 50% is useful.

I will start deleting posts, as much as I hate that, but it may become necessary for the benefit of all.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on May 19, 2011, 02:20:56 AM
Quote from: AbbaRue on May 18, 2011, 09:41:02 PM
I read that Romero's generator was taken from him. 
What country is he from for that to happen?

He is from Romania but now he lives in UK
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on May 19, 2011, 02:56:42 AM
Quote from: plengo on May 19, 2011, 12:10:47 AM
I will start deleting posts, as much as I hate that, but it may become necessary for the benefit of all.


Maybe staff or someone with good knowledge of the device could everyday compile the useful posts into a PDF.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 19, 2011, 03:02:55 AM
Okay, I worked now on RomeroUK´s first video circuit diagram.
Here it is including the recovery diode.

The recovery diode clamps all voltage higher than about 12.65 Volts down to
the battery voltage plus the 0.7 Volts diode voltage.

The question to me still is, why the battery voltage is still decreasing,
when  the lamp is not switched on ?
Normally the about 15 Volts open circuit voltage after all the rectifiers
should charge up the battery via the recovery diode, but the battery voltage
is still falling shortly after startup...

P.S: the recovery diode was only there in the first video !
In the 2nd and 3rd video ( the selfrunning videos with the DC2DC converter) it was not anymore there !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 03:41:21 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 18, 2011, 11:26:03 PM
Also Lidmotor did a new video:
So let me recap this.

You are using 2 series coil pairs and each coil pair has its own bridge rectifier.

One is putting out 1.7 Volts chopped DC and the other is putting out about 1.8 Volts chopped DC..

Now if you put both of these chopped DC outputs in parallel they are putting out 2.5 Volts chopped DC ?

Is this correct ?

Regards, Stefan.

yes, that's what Romero said

Quote from: romeroUK
Each coil in my setup has an output of 11.1 -11.6DC after the bridge, not all the same as I have small diferences or misscount some turns during the making of the coils.Having them in parallel I get about 15volts at full speed

Quote from: romeroUK
Do all this testings without having the rectifiers connected together.Measure every coil separately. Even if you don't get too much out from the coils, don't worry, when all are connected things will go magic

this is some of the info i compiled a week or so back, from going through all Romero's tips in the thread
(we posted the tips to a blog - and linked here for reference)

looks like khabe could do with following a bit of his own advice!  ;)

Quote from: khabe on May 18, 2011, 05:34:38 PM
[addressed to nul-points...]

read one time more all Rom´s posts, at least 20 pages but carefully,
And think,

maybe sometime a few of us will show you the 'thinking' we've been doing about the 8x rpm magnetic wave travelling around the whole rotor

we mentioned it a week or so ago, and only now are people beginning to 'discover' it all over again

you are perfectly entitled to disbelieve that all of this effort on this thread is just a chasing after the wind, but we've heard your opinion now and it is not necessary to repeatedly offer negative comments every time people try to make sense of some very obvious anomaly that defies conventional 'knowledge'

it sounds like you have a wealth of practical experience to offer, so you could do something constructive in this thread, like i've suggested before  - i know you are capable of doing this, as you have made useful suggestions from time to time 

the alternative is to hold your peace and see if we fail in our attempt - and then we can get a true measure of your character by seeing whether you commiserate with us all and say "better luck next time" or whether you gloat (as some already have) and say "i told you so"

can you do one of those suggestions above?

i'd just like to say how encouraged i am with the general teamwork and 'esprit de corps' shown in this thread by the majority of members - including Romero who shared this with us all

i'm sure that there are a lot of 'silent' watchers out there, just picking the bones, making a build, and not contributing, but i personally am very grateful for all the constructive feedback and mutual encouragement in evidence here

it makes a big difference to get you through the 'stumbling blocks' when you know that you can ask for advice, or clarification, or data from people with more experience, a better memory, or who are just further down the road with a build

thanks all, i appreciate it - keep those replications rolling!

[Edit: clarified question to khabe]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 03:57:24 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 19, 2011, 03:02:55 AM
Okay, I worked now on RomeroUK´s first video circuit diagram.
Here it is including the recovery diode.

The recovery diode clamps all voltage higher than about 12.65 Volts down to
the battery voltage plus the 0.7 Volts diode voltage.

The question to me still is, why the battery voltage is still decreasing,
when  the lamp is not switched on ?
Normally the about 15 Volts open circuit voltage after all the rectifiers
should charge up the battery via the recovery diode, but the battery voltage
is still falling shortly after startup...


i believe Romero also mentioned that he had a small buffer capacitor in his first video, before he connected the 47000uF for the 'self-run' video

i think it may be the silver cased component we see on the table

if it is connected, then it's maybe not providing much buffer action on the FWBR outputs

there won't be 15V on the output, obviously  (even without lamp load) in this circuit, because the diode will clamp the o/p to be approx Vbattery + 0.7V

i would think that the battery has a slightly higher 'resting' voltage than when under load

when you start the system the battery still has to provide the start up energy - the voltage may fall initially due to this

Romero said that the battery was charging with this config, so maybe he saw a net voltage rise on the battery with longer runs?

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 19, 2011, 04:04:23 AM
Good Morning, nul,
Many thanks for homily and reprimands,
May I ask some questions, please believe me - cap in hand ::)
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 18, 2011, 11:26:03 PM
One is putting out 1.7 Volts chopped DC and the other is putting out about 1.8 Volts chopped DC..
Now if you put both of these chopped DC outputs in parallel they are putting out 2.5 Volts chopped DC ?
then what will  total V when all coil pairs connected parallel after rectifier bridges ???
cheers (humbly),

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 04:08:12 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 19, 2011, 04:04:23 AM
Good Morning, nul,
Many thanks for homily and reprimands,
May I ask some questions, please believe me - cap in hand ::)
Whenthen what will  total V when all coil pairs connected parallel after rectifier bridges ???
cheers (humbly),

you need to ask Lidmotor that question - he is getting >2V when combining two bridges with only approx 1.8V each

see my quote from Romero above (although obviously you've already seen it when you read through the whole thread) for the change between individual bridge o/p (approx 11.5V DC) to the final combined o/p from 7 bridges (15V DC)

does that answer your question?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 19, 2011, 04:18:01 AM
Quote from: bourne on May 18, 2011, 08:33:16 PM
Muller Dynamo. Comparison between numbers of coils and magnets

http://youtu.be/BaqRXKRSFOc (http://youtu.be/BaqRXKRSFOc)


It does not matter if you have an odd or even number of rotor magnets, if you want 'Events' to travel 'with' the rotor direction you must have a lower number of stator coils.

@bourne: Very nice thinking and very clear demonstration. The systematic nature of the "travelling occultations" depending on the number of magnets (on the rotor) and the number of coils (on the stators) and the direction of the apparent movement of the "occultations" (with the rotor movement or against it) is a very important insight.

Question: Does the direction of the occultations (with the rotor movement or against it) have any real effect?
Answer (just a speculation): Since the coils (their cores) attract the magnets, the occultations should move with the rotor in order to assist its rotation.

Question: Is it better to have more occultations? (More occultations ->more energy created?)
Answer (just a speculation): Since it is (generally speaking) better to build a dynamo with more magnets and more coils (than with less) it should be better to have more magnets and more coils on this type of generator as well.

@all: Please post your speculations concerning the optimal number of magnets and coils and the direction in which the occultations should move.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 19, 2011, 04:25:22 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 03:57:24 AM

there won't be 15V on the output, obviously  (even without lamp load) in this circuit, because the diode will clamp the o/p to be approx Vbattery + 0.7V

Yes, but image for a moment you would not yet connect the recovery diode.
Then you would have 15 Volt at the rectifier output and the battery would
have maybe 12.20 Volts.
Then when you connect the recovery diode, the voltage on the battery should rise,
as the output now charges only the battery back.
But the voltage of the battery is falling.
So what is going on there ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 19, 2011, 04:36:26 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 04:08:12 AM
you need to ask Lidmotor that question - he is getting >2V when combining two bridges with only approx 1.8V each

see my quote from Romero above (although obviously you've already seen it when you read through the whole thread) for the change between individual bridge o/p (approx 11.5V DC) to the final combined o/p from 7 bridges (15V DC)

does that answer your question?

Yes, nul, we all know about pm generators that first thing what uplifts output voltage is rectifier and second what acts for is Capacitor ::) but never met before that two paralleled dc sources give double voltage ...  ::) perhaps question is about top most peaks and current?  When side by side peaks then for result comes sufficient width of for multimeter ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 05:34:57 AM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 19, 2011, 04:18:01 AM
@bourne: Very nice thinking and very clear demonstration. The systematic nature of the "travelling occultations" depending on the number of magnets (on the rotor) and the number of coils (on the stators) and the direction of the apparent movement of the "occultations" (with the rotor movement or against it) is a very important insight.

Question: Does the direction of the occultations (with the rotor movement or against it) have any real effect?
Answer (just a speculation): Since the coils (their cores) attract the magnets, the occultations should move with the rotor in order to assist its rotation.

Greetings, Conrad

hi Conrad

these are good questions - wish we had more of these!

bourne was good enough to share these insights into a possible 'travelling magnetic wave' with in this kind of odd/even coil/mag config and a few of us have discussed some possibilities together with him
(we pictured it as a kind of 'Mexican Wave' travelling around the stator)

i wouldn't say that we have any solid answers yet

bourne pointed out that the 'wave' would rotate either 'with' or 'against' the rotor direction depending on the ratio conditions

we don't have enough real data of a full rotor/stator interaction yet - only Romero's video demonstration of the net result!

so we can't be sure yet if there IS a physical outcome of this 'wave' - it's possible that it is only a kind of 'optical illusion', like the 'Moiré Pattern' effect, say

at first, i thought that the wave ought to travel 'with' the rotor, to be of benefit - but now i'm thinking that since magnetic induction occurs as a result of rate of change, then maybe it doesn't matter so much which direction the 'wave' travels

bourne's analysis has shown that this 'wave' rotates in different directions in Romero's device compared to (at least one of) Muller's - yet they bothreport overunity results

we tend to think mechanically, and say "in order to assist, it MUST travel WITH" - but - IF this is an ELECTRICAL benefit, not a mechanical one, then it may just be additive to the sum o/p, rather than be contributing to the 'motor' effect driving the rotor

ie. the 'unexpected' action might be in the generator, rather than the motor
(dayyum, i think neptune just won his bet!!! LOL)

i hope i'm making some kind of sense here?

wrt your other question, about increasing the number of 'occultations' - if you mean this 'travelling wave', then my initial feeling is that there is always just ONE such 'wave', regardless of the coil/mag ratio

bourne's analysis is showing that altering the ratio can change the rotation direction - and also possibly the 'sharpness' (like 'Q' graph?) of the wave profile

[EDIT: iirc bourne also showed that the rotational 'speed' of the 'wave', relative to the rotor, is proportional to the number of magnets;
it travels 'faster' than the rotor, in the same way that a water-skier zig-zags with faster surface speed than the speed-boat pulling it]

hope this helps

[2nd EDIT: i hope i've given a fair review of bourne's analysis, and our subsequent 'small-group' discussions with neptune]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 05:38:17 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 19, 2011, 04:36:26 AM
Yes, nul, we all know about pm generators that first thing what uplifts output voltage is rectifier and second what acts for is Capacitor ::) but never met before that two paralleled dc sources give double voltage ...  ::) perhaps question is about top most peaks and current?  When side by side peaks then for result comes sufficient width of for multimeter ::)

hopefully lidmotor will give us a more complete report soon, khabe

lasersaber also must be close to giving us this sort of operational data - and i think woopy (and some others?) must be nearly at the combined o/p stage too
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CompuTutor on May 19, 2011, 05:42:21 AM
I've read from page one to page 15 so far,
but I am posting this in case no one else noticed this.

There was a misunderstanding about a pair of cables at the battery,
what you are looking at is inexpensive production techniques at work.

Look again carefully,
the lead shown is nothing more than standard coaxial wire,
the braid goes to the battery post...


Sorry, I see bolt was right on top of it:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rosphere on May 19, 2011, 06:42:17 AM
These recent replications share one thing in common with Muller's original:

I remember the noise in Muller's video.   I had always assumed that it was a balance issue or a bearing issue.

The noise is a sort-of knocking or tapping sound.

When I first saw, and heard, the romerouk video, I noticed the same type of sound.

Again, that sound, with the lasersabre video.  He said something needing tightening down, but I am starting to wonder how successful he will be to quiet this beast.

The sound almost reminds me of the crackle of the pistol shrimp.

Anyone else notice?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 19, 2011, 07:08:52 AM
The 'knocking' may be caused by slight difference between upper and lower driving coil 'pushing' a rotor magnet. The rotor will move slightly vertical due to that.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 19, 2011, 07:17:13 AM
There are large and comparably thin rotor disc and stator plates what act like music instruments (sonance), like bandstand  ::)
Rotor/stator mutuality amplified acoustically through mentioned disc and plates.
At that none has dynamically balanced his rotor  ::) surely gives lot of noise, especially when cheesy shaft and loose bearings.
But dont worry about, its hard to make it very silent, needs precise work, additionally to good building materials also damping materials and will take a lot of time and money. Just try to static balance as much as possible.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 07:26:38 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 19, 2011, 07:17:13 AM
There are large and comparably thin rotor disc and stator plates what act like music instruments (sonance), like bandstand  ::)
But dont worry about, its hard to make it very silent, needs precise work, additionally to good building materials also damping materials and will take a lot of time and money. Just try to static balance as much as possible.

good advice, khabe, thanks



http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 19, 2011, 07:34:43 AM
Quote from: Rosphere on May 19, 2011, 06:42:17 AM
These recent replications share one thing in common with Muller's original:

I remember the noise in Muller's video.   I had always assumed that it was a balance issue or a bearing issue.

The noise is a sort-of knocking or tapping sound.

When I first saw, and heard, the romerouk video, I noticed the same type of sound.

Again, that sound, with the lasersabre video.  He said something needing tightening down, but I am starting to wonder how successful he will be to quiet this beast.

The sound almost reminds me of the crackle of the pistol shrimp.

Anyone else notice?

I brought this up back a page 97 of this post

I have been doing some test?

Remember he said a few time he would test it until the people next door complained. I think this is a very big clue.
how could a little pulse motor make so much noise? Well it can
and I believe now it is an attraction motor .
in attraction mode the motor cannot pass TDC if the pulse duration exceeds TDC it collides with the magnetic force on the way out.
its important to pull the magnets into the coils right up to TDC. this is how we get the torque and why the gap is important.
Also have any of you looked at the Robert Adams cold current reversal.
when ever the timing is correct they Knock so bad they jump of the bench. Only when it is doing this are you near ware Over Unity.

I was sure we where on to something when Romero said it disturbed the people next door.

this is my motor in attraction mode. see how close the last pulse is to the TDC point.

one other thing.  in this wave form the coils resistance is 0.5 OHM and it is running on 24 volts The current it is drawing in RMS at 1200 RPM is 180Milli amps
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 19, 2011, 07:36:46 AM
Here is a video from WaxingRadiance that shows magnet coil relationships

Muller Dynamo. Comparison between numbers of coils and magnets
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 19, 2011, 07:41:51 AM
I don't think there is any relation to the event propagation direction. The output of the coils do not benefit the next event coil. However, the magnet getting closer to the next event coil ( generator) induces a current, that generates a field, that might interract with the previous event coil. Sadly my magnetic field simulator is NOT able to simulate this amplification / elimination of new magnetic field and the NEW interrcation with the neighbour coils.
Considering the large gap RomeoroUK had between the coils, i would expect it to not have a considerable impact. HOWEVER, he did mention that he tried both pull / push motor configuration, and the pull one seemed to work better, maybe because of this event propagation effect ?
If this is so, then the distance between the coils (coil sizes + magnet sizes ) might also play a key factor in the whole device.
Title: Auto-balance a Muller Dynamo rotor
Post by: teslaalset on May 19, 2011, 07:44:29 AM

Nice way to auto-balance a rotor is a trick I learned from dismanteling a PC CD-DVD -drive.
Sony patented a very simpel auto-balancer that is often mounted in a clamping mechanism of a PC CD drive, due to the high speed recording options these drive have (up to 10.000 rpm and higher!)

The construction basically consists of a hollow track centric to the rotation axis that is filled with metal balls. The track is only filled partially.

If this is mounted on a unbalanced rotor the balls will tangentially position itself such that unbalance is compensated when rotating.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on May 19, 2011, 08:05:33 AM
I used my test setup to test the double diode bridge setup like in the video demo from Lidmotor. My test setup currently has just a single coil with a neo magnet rotor driven from a fan motor. With no core in the coil and a red LED as load, I could see the marked rise in voltage effect reported by Lidmotor when I connected the additional diodes (which were silicon type) to the bridge rectifier. With a ferrite core inserted, the effect substantially reduced and with a 1K resistor as load, with and without the core, no rise in voltage was observed. This effect varies considerably with load and coil core type and in all my test configurations, the loaded output voltage was always a lot less than the open circuit voltage, which does not appear to be the case with Romero's setup.

I applaud Lidmotor for taking a step by step approach to gain an understanding of the likely operation of Romero's device, before attempting full replication.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 19, 2011, 08:46:19 AM
hi everyone,
Before to start with mass of serious experiments using high spinning wheel with heavy magnets ...
please take a break and make at least some acquaintance with common physics,

Centripetal Force Calculation

G Force / RPM Calculator

to be honest I do not care so much about your balls ... oh dear, of course very bitter  :o
I do care about your younger brother or son surely wide-eyed looking near the table ::)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 19, 2011, 09:34:06 AM
Hi Tudi  Nul-Poits and all

perhaps this can help


Good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 09:56:31 AM
Quote from: woopy on May 19, 2011, 09:34:06 AM
Hi Tudi  Nul-Poits and all

perhaps this can help


Good luck at all


thanks for doing that test Laurent - fascinating to 'see' the field fluctuating around each core

so far, in the thread, we've tended to concentrate on the vertical effect of the field as the rotor mags pass through the Gen coil-pair gaps

your test, however, shows that there is significant horizontal fluctuation around the core also, which must all add to the overall induction in the coils

the magnetic viewing material only gives a certain level of detail - and of course, it didn't cover the whole circle of the cores - so it wasn't easy to see anything of this 'travelling wave' of magnetic alignment

it would be interesting to view the device again later, possibly driven at slow speed, and with the stator mags in place (if they don't overwhelm the viewing material)

thanks again

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Auto-balance a Muller Dynamo rotor
Post by: conradelektro on May 19, 2011, 09:57:34 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on May 19, 2011, 07:44:29 AM
Nice way to auto-balance a rotor is a trick I learned from dismanteling a PC CD-DVD -drive.
Sony patented a very simpel auto-balancer that is often mounted in a clamping mechanism of a PC CD drive, due to the high speed recording options these drive have (up to 10.000 rpm and higher!)

The construction basically consists of a hollow track centric to the rotation axis that is filled with metal balls. The track is only filled partially.

If this is mounted on a unbalanced rotor the balls will tangentially position itself such that unbalance is compensated when rotating.

@teslaalset: thank you for posting this great idea, since I long time I try to balance my pulse motors (which make tremendous noise and seem to fly appart).

This is why I like this forum, one always learns about great ideas which would be hard to find otherwise.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 19, 2011, 11:06:34 AM
Hello All,

If you look carefully at Laurents paper template, of course you see that ONLY 1 magnet is over any given coil at any ONE time....

So, how does that help us?  Now, I have been thinking about this for sometime and playing with my own little rotor, and I would like you to consider the workings of the magnetic fields as I describe them...

With the B field of the COIL in attraction, initially, to the rotor magnet, and the inner ferrite biased with magnets, in repulsion to the rotor magnet in the CENTER of the coil, if it is biased correctly, if will for a bloch wall for an instant of time, that is toroidally shaped, around the bloch wall, that will neither be in attraction nor repulsion, but is simply a bloch wall.....

NOW, as lenz takes effect, and the B field goes from attraction to repulsion, it JOINS the flux, for an added boost, from the center ferrite biased piece, and repels the rotor magnet away with 1+1 repulsion.  One magnet then goes to another bloch wall, and the cycle continues.

To me, to tune each coil, one at a time, underload, (the rest of the coils would not have a load) and while biasing the ferrite with weak magnets, look for the least amount of power draw to the two pulse coils.  I would then call this the "sweet spot", or where the bloch wall is the best, and the 1+1 boost is also the best.  This can only be seen as you watch the power input side, tuning 1 coil at a time.  As we know, not all magnet are created equal, and some coils may require more ceramics, etc, to find that sweet spot then others.

This is my suggestion and how I am going to be tuning, when I get to that point, with my own little setup..


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 19, 2011, 11:36:29 AM
Romero had a picture posted then he removed it. Looks very similar with what Bruce is doing.
I managed to save it to the computer before was removed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 19, 2011, 11:47:25 AM
it apears that the diodes were connected wrong, maybe this was the reason to have it removed
the numbers on the right hand side should start from the right to the left, I think..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 12:05:02 PM
Quote from: David70 on May 19, 2011, 11:36:29 AM
Romero had a picture posted then he removed it. Looks very similar with what Bruce is doing.
I managed to save it to the computer before was removed.

thanks for posting this, David - on which thread did Romero post this, before removing it again?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 19, 2011, 12:23:47 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 12:05:02 PM
thanks for posting this, David - on which thread did Romero post this, before removing it again?
here on this thread
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 12:45:55 PM
Quote from: David70 on May 19, 2011, 12:23:47 PM
here on this thread

thanks, can you recall if it was in response to something particular?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 19, 2011, 12:53:42 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 09:56:31 AM
thanks for doing that test Laurent - fascinating to 'see' the field fluctuating around each core

so far, in the thread, we've tended to concentrate on the vertical effect of the field as the rotor mags pass through the Gen coil-pair gaps

your test, however, shows that there is significant horizontal fluctuation around the core also, which must all add to the overall induction in the coils

the magnetic viewing material only gives a certain level of detail - and of course, it didn't cover the whole circle of the cores - so it wasn't easy to see anything of this 'travelling wave' of magnetic alignment

it would be interesting to view the device again later, possibly driven at slow speed, and with the stator mags in place (if they don't overwhelm the viewing material)

thanks again

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

What Woopy is showing is natural for the lone core to attract the magnets field, as we see the flux is not much expanded. But with the bias mags, I have a theory that I posted earlier.....

I see it this way.....

Lets just picture 1 set of coils, top and bottom, no rotor.

I think that being the top and bottom are in attraction to each other, when the rotor mag is not over the coils, but in between coils, that this attraction happens and helps to create a flux field band between top and bottom coils. Not necessarily tight, but a band of moderate concentration.

Now we will just look at the top coil and assume the bottom will mirror the tops actions.  ;]

When the rotor mag approaches the coil, we might think that the mag is not attracted to the coil core. It may not, being the core is biased in repulsion to the approaching mag pole. This approach of the rotor mag will most likely push the bias field to the opposite side of the coil core. Now we have the bias mags field cutting the exit side of the coil, and we have the entry side of the coil being cut by the rotor mag.  ;)

This combination could be doubling the amount of flux cutting the coil at that time. Instead of just cutting on the approaching side, and just the exit side when the mag passes the coil.  This may be key to his amount of generation, for such an open and seemingly sparse generator construction, say as compared to any production model considered.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 19, 2011, 12:55:31 PM
I think David 70 is right . As illustrated it could not work because each wire has a diode on each end of it , and could not therefore pass current in either direction . If it is redrawn as David says , Then it is like the secondary of the HT transformer of a valve [tube] Radio , where the secondary is centre tapped , and each half only conducts on alternate half cycles .. However if it works that way only one of the sets of diodes would be necessary . In that case it would have the advantage of lower losses than using a bridge rectifier .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 01:00:28 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on May 19, 2011, 12:53:42 PM
This combination could be doubling the amount of flux cutting the coil at that time. Instead of just cutting on the approaching side, and just the exit side when the mag passes the coil.  This may be key to his amount of generation, for such an open and seemingly sparse generator construction, say as compared to any production model considered.


hi Mags

yep, i see what you're saying

how would that fit in with Romero's device apparently giving a power ratio of approximately 3 Watts out per every 1 Watt in?


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 19, 2011, 01:05:26 PM
I love this new job. I removed so far a total of 10 useless posts without even felling guilty!

Please, again lovely members, let's focus because my delete key is very hot this days :)

Even this message will self-destroy in a few days  :) Jokes are allowed to spirit the mood if small enough.

Khabe, please my friend, focus with us. If you have objections make a point towards it with facts or experiments. All others don't be offended that I also deleted your posts as they were related to useless posts too.

Great progress guys! We are changing the world.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 01:14:07 PM
hi neptune

i'm guessing that R posted this in relation to his multi-strand ref. - possibly to show a potential improvement to the device - but pulled it because, as you guys say, he realised the diode config was wrong

maybe it was early days with that idea for him, because as you point out it wouldn't be very efficient, either from the num. of diodes - or the unipolar operation
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 19, 2011, 01:18:13 PM
Quote from: David70 on May 19, 2011, 11:36:29 AM
Romero had a picture posted then he removed it. Looks very similar with what Bruce is doing.
I managed to save it to the computer before was removed.

RomeroUK has these strands wired in PARALLEL.  I have done the same thing, but without the diodes on the positive rail.

This would bump the amperage for this coil x7.

Run some strands in the coils, in series, and get 7 times the voltage.

Run some strands in the coils, in parallel and get 7 times the amperage.

I'm NOT playing with ohms law, but this is 7 times the total output wattage per coil, aprox.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: starcruiser on May 19, 2011, 01:21:25 PM
connect that coil david mentions as a quad filar arrangement perhaps? It kind of looks that way but the numbering on one end looks reversed. Just a thought.

Bruce beat me to it :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 01:23:17 PM
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on May 19, 2011, 01:18:13 PM
RomeroUK has these strands wired in PARALLEL.  I have done the same thing, but without the diodes on the positive rail.


hi Bruce, yes, i think Romero might have posted this in reference to your multi-strand work
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 19, 2011, 01:25:51 PM
@Bruce-TPU .I ask this question with respect . You say that we get 7 times the WATTAGE using this technique , is that based on irrefutable experimental work , or just theory .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 19, 2011, 01:34:36 PM

The pdf is to big to post below I will sort that out soon and post elsewhere and edit this with a link

Here is the link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CBEF8HUU (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CBEF8HUU) someone let me know when it stops working and I will repost it


Thanks I am sure it is only a small part of the puzzle but I felt it was worth pointing out. Irrelevant to the replications because most, including myself, will be using 8 rotor magnets and 9 stator coils

@ Staffman

Very good point about Lenz law and the counter rotation but how does that tie-in with Bill Muller's 15M/14EM configuration that will travel with the rotation. It could be just a nice pretty pattern and the effect is elsewhere


You are correct it is just speculation at the moment, until someone has a good enough test bed to try all these combinations to find which works best (if any)
But remember the 'events' as I call them are just the mid-point of a larger event, that being;

the approach of the single magnet towards the single core

the momentary blip of 0v as the magnet centres on the core (at 1000rpm the time frame is very tiny)

the receding of the single magnet away from the single core

This is all happening to every magnet and core simultaneously, just at differing points on their approach.

Also more magnets than coils would suggest that each coil is being affected by more than 1 magnet, for a 9M/8EM would be 1.125 magnets per coil


Beautifully put, far better than the semi-coherent ramble I usually come out with.

@powercat     bourne=Waxingradiance. One and the same.

@woopy, nice video


has anyone tried to calculate the difference between N38 (type Romero allegedly used) and N42 (my own and I know of a few others using) Grade of Neos.

I used one of the Gauss calc's from the magnet supplier websites and found a difference of 2.5%

Does anyone think this number (if correct) is significant enough to warrant an increase in rotor circumference to compensate for the slightly more compressed field lines that would be a result of stronger magnets placed at the places designed for the slightly weaker magnets?

I have done a quick video showing the distance my neos interact with each other on a flat plane http://youtu.be/_bv4cnTYb4k (http://youtu.be/_bv4cnTYb4k) can anyone do the same for N38 20mmx10mm?

Apologies for the long post and multiple replies all-in-one style

Keep smiling

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: norman6538 on May 19, 2011, 02:05:51 PM
subject : magnet and coil polarity.
I am concerned about builders getting the coil made and wired correctly. Awhile back there was a discussion about whether magnets should be attracting or repeling and I think the outcome of that was less cogging if repeling but romerouk said attracting.
When you assemble the coil set wiring you much get the wire polarity right or
they will cancel each other out. For example if the top coil is would clockwise away
and that wire is on top and a north magnet approches the other end of the coil a sign wave of AC will be produced with one polarity as it approaches and another polarity as the magnet leaves the coil. Now think about the bottom coil if it is likewise placed up like the top coil then the magnet passing it will induce the opposite electrical polarities as it passes it because the other magnet pole passes the coil so that wire needs to go to the other side of the FWBR. or the AC sine waves will cancel each other out.

I could not find the brother bobbins at Walmart and Jo-Ann fabrics had none either but the clerk told me how to tell which is which and they have a class on the package which will determine the proper one. I bought the class 15 which seemed to have some extra thickness at the ends toward the center but thinned down near the circumferance. Can anyone verifiy which class the brother bobbins are from the package?

Oh - I just realized that if each coil has its own FWBR on the top and the bottom
it will be ok but I thought that the coils pairs were to be wired in series to get more
volts in which case my point is important and correct if there is only 1 FWBR for
a coil pair.

This stuff is VERY EXCITING.
I read the forum 3 times a day. And can't wait till we nail the real secret to this
generator's performance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 19, 2011, 02:06:00 PM
Hi Magluvin and all

Perhaps this one is more speaking with attracting biasing magnets

Good luck at all


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 02:06:48 PM
Quote from: bourne on May 19, 2011, 01:34:36 PM
@ Staffman
@woopy, nice video

Apologies for the long post and multiple replies all-in-one style

Keep smiling

Phew - Wham-Bang-Thank-You-Ma'am!  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 19, 2011, 02:31:04 PM
   Just for fun. ;D

18 coils @ 300 turns for 62 feet of 3X #30 wire. Half way but have to sleep now.

couple of pics

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 19, 2011, 02:34:53 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 19, 2011, 02:06:00 PM
Hi Magluvin and all

Perhaps this one is more speaking with attracting biasing magnets

Good luck at all



Hi Woopy could you do the same (with stator magnets) but holding the sheet vertically against an edge?

Iwannasee Iwannasee!

Thank you in advance.

@NP did I miss anyone?  ;) I would hate to leave anyone out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 02:44:40 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 19, 2011, 02:06:00 PM
Perhaps this one is more speaking with attracting biasing magnets

thanks again, Laurent - interesting to see the effect of a stator mag, even if it was attracting rather than opposing the rotor

have you read the Sherlock Holmes story: "The Interesting Case of the Dog That Barked in the Night"?

the interesting thing in the story was that the dog DIDN'T bark in the night, when it would have been expected to

if i understand your comment correctly, you've just showed us the "Interesting Case of the Repelling Stator Field"  :)

interesting because you said there was nothing to see!  does this mean that all the fields cancel?


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 19, 2011, 02:48:45 PM
Hi Gang,

I sure won't win any race but I'm learning from watching Lidmotor, Lasersaber and a couple others. Everyone has great ideas, I use the ones I think are good, and sit on the ones that are not so good.

I made a quick trip to Harbor Freight and got a nice little drill press this morning for 74.99 @ a good chuck, I don't know how they sell stuff for what they do but it works and does what I need.  Put in another 8 hours today already, Rotor and plates are basically done except for mounting, gluing, etc.  Picked up bobbins from Wall Mart, bigger than the one I had for a singer, got the "brother" ones, thanks Lidmotor.  Going to take a break, back worn out leaning over lathe, drill presses, whew..  For the "Worlds Smallest Lab" folk, picture of me doing you know what to the platters.  Other, obvious.  If I can build it in my closet, anyone can! 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 19, 2011, 02:49:18 PM

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 02:50:31 PM
Quote from: Thaelin on May 19, 2011, 02:31:04 PM
   Just for fun. ;D
couple of pics


yay - let's hear it for the wood builders!! 

good progress Thay
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 02:56:59 PM
Quote from: k4zep on May 19, 2011, 02:48:45 PM
Hi Gang,
If I can build it in my closet, anyone can! 

got to be the best-equipped closet in the universe!   

all these quality builds are going to make my 'scrap-heap challenge' look like a ...

well, like a 'scrap-heap challenge'

nice one ben
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 19, 2011, 03:05:21 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 19, 2011, 02:56:59 PM
got to be the best-equipped closet in the universe!   

all these quality builds are going to make my 'scrap-heap challenge' look like a ...

well, like a 'scrap-heap challenge'

nice one ben

Hi Nul-Point

Every build is a GOOD build and you learn too! Every time you build, you do the next one better!  Keep at it!
Next question is how much do I want to polish/clean that plastic before I assemble it.  Waiting on 1/4-20 plastic from Granger's,
hystersis and all that, max. efficiency if possible.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 19, 2011, 03:19:39 PM
   But what Ben isn't tell us all is the view he has too.   :o

Ofcourse, I'll never tell......


   And by the way, thoes are pre-cut pieces. I have no way to do that so have to go with however I can. Cheap too.  ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 19, 2011, 03:46:41 PM
Just a thought about the direction of rotor rotation vs direction of magnetic engagement and even/odd vs odd/even...

Don't underestimate the potential importance of a CCW magnetic flow and/or counter-rotation. We don't really *know* why this worked for RomeroUK. I think I remember some blurb somewhere about it working horizontally and vertically, but not upside down. May mean nothing...perhaps the bearing generated too much friction...but...there could be some kind of unseen vortex behavior that might be depending on the CCW propagation and/or counter-rotation.

The generator coils will generate a field that opposes the rotor field, and as the current comes up in the generator coils, you will get increasing amounts of rotor field cancellation. There have been many discussions about the resulting scalar effects when magnetic fields cancel, and many discussions about rotating magnetic fields. Aspden was very big on such phenomena.

Not suggesting that any of this is important, just suggesting that until you know for sure what is important that you consider coloring inside the lines.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 19, 2011, 05:14:01 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 19, 2011, 01:25:51 PM
@Bruce-TPU .I ask this question with respect . You say that we get 7 times the WATTAGE using this technique , is that based on irrefutable experimental work , or just theory .

Experimental fact.  You are welcome to read the last few pages of my own thread.

Wind a coil with 7 strands of litz, and the same voltage/amperage is on each strand.  Wire them in series, without diodes, and you have just increased your power x7.  Wire them in parallel (a doable but more "complex" doing) and you have increased your amperage.  OR, do both, as I am with my 10,000 foot of wire coil. 

For parallel, keep the negatives all together and the positives all together, then FWBR with smoothing cap (PI filter is even better) then combine with series which is also through FWBR, so that you are connecting DC to DC.

Using diodes for series, with such small coils is unneeded.  With my coil, because of extreme length, and wanting to keep each strand ohm to 38.8 ohms, I have opted for diodes in series.

Wind a litz coil with seven strands, as RomeroUK did, it is easy to experiment with!  Why settle for x1 when  you can have x7.  But then again that is just my simplistic thinking...  ;)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 19, 2011, 05:17:46 PM
@Bruce . Could you provide a link please?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 19, 2011, 05:38:09 PM
Hi Bourne

just demand and you get (Exceptionaly)

Last but not least


good luck at all


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 19, 2011, 06:02:24 PM
Thank you Laurent.  The film looks just like the scope shot. 
I havent seen this many people jumping on board and actually replicating like this before.  From any of the forums.  Good luck to all.  I have my bearings, stator plates, coil bobbins, magnet wire (that I need to litz myself), magnets on the way, will be using radio shack choke cores for now.  We have 3 shacks in this city and I i am waiting for more. Each had 2 and I bought all those.  See if they work well enough.  Attempt to cut my rotor soon also. 
Thanks again.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 19, 2011, 06:10:01 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 19, 2011, 05:38:09 PM
Hi Bourne

just demand and you get (Exceptionaly)

Last but not least


good luck at all



Thank you Sir for taking the time to put that little gem together, you are a star!

It certainly looks very interesting.

I can see myself watching your video quite a few times.

All the best
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on May 19, 2011, 06:15:49 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 19, 2011, 05:17:46 PM
@Bruce . Could you provide a link please?

Here is a link to Bruce's thread..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hope on May 19, 2011, 06:18:15 PM
Please give us those Radio Shack part numbers for the cores.  On the island we have ONLY Radio Shack so that will help unify our parts list. Also if you have ANY parts numbers from ANY source on the litz wire please link us if possible if not at least the part numbers.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 19, 2011, 07:38:27 PM

Bourne, Updated With download link for patterns from his demo. ;D
« Reply #1680 on: Today at 10:34:36 AM »

    Reply with quoteQuote


The pdf is to big to post below I will sort that out soon and post elsewhere and edit this with a link

Here is the link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CBEF8HUU someone let me know when it stops working and I will repost it
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Super God on May 19, 2011, 07:55:58 PM
I suspect that this device is doing what Professor Turtur explained in his Zero Point Energy accumulator.  Keeping a "beneficial phase shift" between the electrical system and the mechanical system.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 19, 2011, 08:05:27 PM
@ Bourne
Thank You
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 19, 2011, 08:07:45 PM
Hi all,
in one hour at 3 am European GMT+1 the

The SmartScarecrow Show
starts at:


I will be also there via SKYPE audio only and will
be in the Chat.

Come on and join.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 19, 2011, 08:24:59 PM
I am litzing my own wire from solenoid coils I have.  This wire is larger than romeros. 5 stands gave me .8mm by my caliper.  I gave it about 24 twists to a foot.  Will wind a few from these and see how they do. dont think I can get anywhere near enough wire on those little #15 spools.  good for test and see if larger wire is any better or worse.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 19, 2011, 08:34:23 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 19, 2011, 05:38:09 PM



well done,
but could you please try again with this bend sheet configuration
and show all stator magnets in Repelling mode as Romero´s unit is also built ?

Are you also having repelling Stator magnets at the underside of it already ?

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 19, 2011, 08:52:17 PM
Still 5 minutes until the show begins:


See you there !

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 19, 2011, 09:05:48 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 19, 2011, 01:05:26 PM
I love this new job. I removed so far a total of 10 useless posts without even felling guilty!

Please, again lovely members, let's focus because my delete key is very hot this days :)

Even this message will self-destroy in a few days  :) Jokes are allowed to spirit the mood if small enough.

Khabe, please my friend, focus with us. If you have objections make a point towards it with facts or experiments. All others don't be offended that I also deleted your posts as they were related to useless posts too.

Great progress guys! We are changing the world.


Don't get too carried away all that deleting POWER might go to your head.:)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 19, 2011, 10:27:44 PM
suspicion confirmed.  Only got about 50 turns on the bobbin.  This wire would be great if I were using a coil that was intended to be about and inch or so long.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on May 19, 2011, 10:39:08 PM
Thanks Stefan for talking tonight on the scarecrow show.
I have been reading this from day one and have most of the devise built on paper, some of the parts on hand and hope to get one going soon. Thanks to all the others here as well for sharing there findings. Peace
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 19, 2011, 10:59:58 PM
Too bad, at the end of the show my Internet connection crashed...

So maybe somebody hacked my router or my ISP
had the nightly IP number disconnect dropping...
Had also problems to reboot my PC and then the show was already over....
Too bad...

Anyway, was fun talking to you all who joined. Good Nite !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AbbaRue on May 19, 2011, 11:04:19 PM
I wanted to make a quick point here.
I used to work for a sign company and was told by the owner that Lexan is so dense that it can stop a .22 bullet.
Because of the high speeds involved with this motor, might I suggest builders buy a sheet of Lexan and
place it loosely around the outside of the unit.   
This way you can still watch the machine run and the Lexan may save your life if a part of the machine flies off. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on May 19, 2011, 11:48:30 PM
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on May 19, 2011, 01:18:13 PM
RomeroUK has these strands wired in PARALLEL.  I have done the same thing, but without the diodes on the positive rail.

This would bump the amperage for this coil x7.

Run some strands in the coils, in series, and get 7 times the voltage.

Run some strands in the coils, in parallel and get 7 times the amperage.

I'm NOT playing with ohms law, but this is 7 times the total output wattage per coil, aprox.



This claim is an outrageous falsehood! Any attempt to join those two sets of wires, would result in a huge spark, not seven times the power! These values would first have to be transformed to be recombined. Then you would wind up with the original input minus resistance loss. Bruce just made a simple error in multiplying his values straight across.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 19, 2011, 11:56:48 PM
Quote from: AbbaRue on May 19, 2011, 11:04:19 PM
I wanted to make a quick point here.
I used to work for a sign company and was told by the owner that Lexan is so dense that it can stop a .22 bullet.
Because of the high speeds involved with this motor, might I suggest builders buy a sheet of Lexan and
place it loosely around the outside of the unit.   
This way you can still watch the machine run and the Lexan may save your life if a part of the machine flies off.

Better still is to make the rotor from Lexan...or Delrin... or reinforced nylon.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 19, 2011, 11:57:24 PM
Hey Woopy

Awesome work with the film. ;]  I have had some people in the past say that the film is an inaccurate representation and other things. Well, you have taken it to some next level stuff.  =]

I bought the Radio Shack voltage converter for $42. I ripped it out of the package and immediately pried it apart. Ya should have seen me at Christmas as a child. =0  ;]

Here is a couple pics.

I measured the idle current for the 4.5v and 12v setting with an input voltage of 13.17v

4.5v    11.7ma
12v     23.6ma

The input cap is 450uf 16v  and the output is 220uf 25v.

Should work eh? 

Well soon we may have working Gabriel and Romero devices going. Its a beautiful thing. ;]

Ill be showing some multi core stuff soon also. It seems that Mav has posted today  things that indicate that the Gabriel transformer is just a multi core inductor and the function is the same as having an extra core on a secondary winding.

Well how does everyone feel today, about where we are in the quest for ou?  ;]

You all are doing great. ;D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 19, 2011, 11:59:37 PM
Oops  heres the pics. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 20, 2011, 12:04:27 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on May 19, 2011, 11:59:37 PM
Oops  heres the pics. ;]


Hey Mags:
What is the RS part number or model number? Thank you.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 20, 2011, 12:15:30 AM
lol  sorry.  Cat. No. 273 366   its rated at 2.5A

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 20, 2011, 12:32:41 AM
Looked up the ICs and found this lil bugger. H34063AS
Here is the spec pdf and it shows a simple circuit and you can roll your own.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 20, 2011, 12:42:01 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on May 20, 2011, 12:15:30 AM
lol  sorry.  Cat. No. 273 366   its rated at 2.5A


Many thanks! Keep going!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 20, 2011, 12:49:12 AM
The dc-dc IC is the one on the right in the pic above.
Took a bit to read the others.

The middle onE is a 4435d 30v mosfet  data sheet below
the other is a LM358  Op amp

Some may want custom voltages for fine tuning.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 20, 2011, 01:05:12 AM
Hey Webby

Well, if it works and the values are true, we can assume that maybe the wave or resonating function, we are reading the low end of a standing wave. ;]  Sounds good doesnt it?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: albert on May 20, 2011, 01:53:59 AM
The point here is that Romero might have hit upon a one in a million combination of materials, geometry and electrical connections without knowing exactly why this thing would perform where x others of the same kind did not perform. The fact that the muller motor was not ou or has not been documented as being ou is no hindrance here. Its this one specific machine romero had on his work table that did the trick.
I think Woopy is the closest to the truth. There is a kind of rippling wave thru the coils, they all influence each other and the geometry creates this strange kind of precessional movement. Remember that a coil in an lc or tank circuit stores energy as well as a capacitor. I think that maybe the
coils function like buckets in a bucket chain where you pour water from one bucket into the next one.
Could it be that romero had one of his added diodes over the fwbrs in reverse by accident? What would that do?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 20, 2011, 02:20:48 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on May 19, 2011, 11:57:24 PM
Hey Woopy

Awesome work with the film. ;]  I have had some people in the past say that the film is an inaccurate representation and other things. Well, you have taken it to some next level stuff.  =]

I bought the Radio Shack voltage converter for $42. I ripped it out of the package and immediately pried it apart. Ya should have seen me at Christmas as a child. =0  ;]

Here is a couple pics.

I measured the idle current for the 4.5v and 12v setting with an input voltage of 13.17v

4.5v    11.7ma
12v     23.6ma

The input cap is 450uf 16v  and the output is 220uf 25v.

Should work eh? 

Well soon we may have working Gabriel and Romero devices going. Its a beautiful thing. ;]

Ill be showing some multi core stuff soon also. It seems that Mav has posted today  things that indicate that the Gabriel transformer is just a multi core inductor and the function is the same as having an extra core on a secondary winding.

Well how does everyone feel today, about where we are in the quest for ou?  ;]

You all are doing great. ;D


You donated $42 to Rat Shack for that ?  C'mon Mags have you got too much money?  Okay, just had to tease a bit but I think they over rated that if they are claiming 2.5 amps since the DC-DC converter chips is rated max at 1.6 amps and nothing in those pics looks like it would handle much more than that. 

  I think what would be better is one of the DC-DC converters with an LM2596 in it and there are a bunch of them on fleaBay for around $5 to $10 and fully adjustable.  They are components just on a PCB so not in a box but then neither is yours ... now.  :D   The LM2596 is rated either 3 Amps but it is definitely beefier than the H34063AP.  There's another LM259x something that I think is 5 Amps but don't remember the last number. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 20, 2011, 02:20:48 AM
@skeptics: it is always advisable to be skeptic, but soon there will be replications by builders who always tell the truth and many questions will be answered.

Therefore it is of no use to speculate endlessly about Romero's device. Only he might know what he did and may be, once there are replications, he will join the discussion again.

My impression from what I have seen so far:

Lidmotor's observation, that the coil pairs add up and therefore produce a higher Voltage than one pair of coils alone, seems to be very important. This would also explain what the travelling occultations are all about (they lift the voltage of the generated electricity while reducing cogging).

I am not so sure about the biasing magnets. May be trying to find the right "induction factor" for the coils would be better (core material, number of windings, dimensions of the coils in relation to the magnets on the rotor).

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 20, 2011, 02:30:48 AM
Quote from: webby1 on May 20, 2011, 12:59:37 AM
I will preface this with that I have enough to drink to be honest with my feelings.... and concerns.

I have a problem, the problem is that in the first video from R when he disconnected the battery, the volt meter and amp meter were showing some kind of value,

now this would, for almost everybody, say *fake*, but I have SEEN a one legged reading just like this, and this is what gives me great discomfort.  I can NOT explain these readings.

I have been trying very hard to see if R was faking it, maybe too skeptical but I NEED to be that way or else there is something that I am missing.

Franken Motor gives me these readings when I have it tuned to the ALMOST self run, that is, it self runs with no appearant depletion from the caps for about 3 minutes and then it cyclically depletes the caps until stop, and this is by far NOT what I have been taught<sp>.

Franken motor takes a few "experts" values and turns them 90 degrees.  I know this because I had an expert look at it first and THEN I turned it on,,,, silence,,,, that said enough, and here I see R getting those same funny readings on his meter.

It seems there are two strange things happened: 1) the input current reading remained above 0.9A a little while after it turned off; 2) the input voltage was first halved, then gradually dropped to zero in a time interval of about 40 seconds.

I will try to give my explanation.

The reading of the input current drops to zero with a time lag, which can be explained by the way digital multimeters respond to changes (the A/D converter is not working in a continuous mode). If you watch at time 1:21, you will see that the voltage rises with a time lag after the battery is connected. Remember that the measured voltage and current were not flat, but rather fluctuates constantly, there is probably a built-in smoother in the digital multimeter as well to obtain a stable reading.

At 10:00 the input voltage reading is 5.95 and falling. I noticed even into 10:28, the input voltage reading is 2.12V, and still dropping. At 10:33, reading is 1.72, dropping. I think that's because the rotor is still rotating, but decelerating...the induced voltage is picked up by the driving coils, and that's what was measured there I think.

Hopefully this explains the reading anomalies discovered by you.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 20, 2011, 02:46:20 AM
Quote from: albert on May 20, 2011, 01:53:59 AM
The point here is that Romero might have hit upon a one in a million combination of materials, geometry and electrical connections without knowing exactly why this thing would perform where x others of the same kind did not perform. The fact that the muller motor was not ou or has not been documented as being ou is no hindrance here. Its this one specific machine romero had on his work table that did the trick.
I think Woopy is the closest to the truth. There is a kind of rippling wave thru the coils, they all influence each other and the geometry creates this strange kind of precessional movement. Remember that a coil in an lc or tank circuit stores energy as well as a capacitor. I think that maybe the
coils function like buckets in a bucket chain where you pour water from one bucket into the next one.
Could it be that romero had one of his added diodes over the fwbrs in reverse by accident? What would that do?

I don't think there is too much coincidence there...because Romero clearly showed us there are still lots of ways to make it work, and work better...keep going people, freeing us from energy slavery!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 20, 2011, 02:51:21 AM
Quote from: webby1 on May 20, 2011, 02:42:19 AM
It went straight to .27A and 6V then dropped to 0A and like 5.9V with the voltage dropping quickly but the with the red lead hanging?

This is a one probe reading, aka one legged, not possible except with high EM values\pulses.

I have had these exact kind of readings from Franken Motor, AND I went and tested my meter against another cap and a battery,,, no such readings until I went back to Franken Motors drive cap, discharge cap for 2 minutes and the readings on my meter went to zero.  I could not get any current from the cap but the voltage showed potential,, very uncomfortable.

Red lead hanging? I am not sure if we are talking about the same video anymore...For the video I am watching, it makes perfect sense: decelerating rotor, dropping reading of the induced voltage picked up by the driving coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 20, 2011, 03:31:52 AM
Quote from: webby1 on May 20, 2011, 03:15:45 AM
I do not like what I have seen, it means those things that I thought I knew are not correct and I need to bring them into a new understanding and just maybe R figured some of them out so if I figure out what he did it will help me.

I think we are watching the same video, but I don't see any red lead hanging...at least the measured voltage dropping is apparently matching the decelerating rotor, the explanation I have offered might help you establish some links between the measurement and what's going on I hope...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 20, 2011, 05:06:28 AM
It has been said that the most important thing is to achieve efficiency from all aspects of the motor.
If you look at the wave form below you can see the voltage on arrow 1 the switch on time of the coil. At the beginning of the pulse the amplitude is at max indicating the coil is at its highest resistance or should I say impedance.
As time move on the amplitude drops of as the coils impedance drops quickly. Arrow 2. Then it switches off and you see the voltage returning back to the source battery indicated by arrow 3

The best way to make the motor as efficient as possible is to keep the pulse as short as possible.

But this then leaves us with the problem of not enough magnetic filed to drive the motor?     
I have had a solution to this and it works as well as providing more drive energy for nothing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 20, 2011, 05:57:36 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 20, 2011, 05:06:28 AM
It has been said that the most important thing is to achieve efficiency from all aspects of the motor.
If you look at the wave form below you can see the voltage on arrow 1 the switch on time of the coil. At the beginning of the pulse the amplitude is at max indicating the coil is at its highest resistance or should I say impedance.
As time move on the amplitude drops of as the coils impedance drops quickly. Arrow 2. Then it switches off and you see the voltage returning back to the source battery indicated by arrow 3

The best way to make the motor as efficient as possible is to keep the pulse as short as possible.

But this then leaves us with the problem of not enough magnetic filed to drive the motor?     
I have had a solution to this and it works as well as providing more drive energy for nothing.

Let us try to verify the following postulations by more measurements:

P1. Arrow 1 is the point of time when the hall sensor is activated, and the current in the driving coil is climbing up from zero Amps.
P2. Arrow 2 is the point of time when the hall sensor is off, the current in the driving coil is at its climax -- so it starts to fall at that very moment.
P3. Arrow 3 is the point of time when the driving coil's current drops to zero.

If the above postulation are correct, then I would further put a conjecture:

C1: the voltage drop from Arrow 1 to Arrow 2 is due to the current increase, which caused a bigger voltage drop (considered a waste) in between the battery and the coil.

C2: one crucial timing to make it efficient is this: Arrow 3 is at TDC (assuming it is in attraction mode).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 20, 2011, 05:58:13 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 20, 2011, 05:06:28 AM
It has been said that the most important thing is to achieve efficiency from all aspects of the motor.
If you look at the wave form below you can see the voltage on arrow 1 the switch on time of the coil. At the beginning of the pulse the amplitude is at max indicating the coil is at its highest resistance or should I say impedance.
As time move on the amplitude drops of as the coils impedance drops quickly. Arrow 2. Then it switches off and you see the voltage returning back to the source battery indicated by arrow 3

The best way to make the motor as efficient as possible is to keep the pulse as short as possible.

But this then leaves us with the problem of not enough magnetic filed to drive the motor?     
I have had a solution to this and it works as well as providing more drive energy for nothing.

I have made some simple solid-state version of this set-up and
minimal pulse-width makes it run also most efficient with lowest input-side amp-draw (as to be expected).
At minimal pulse-width the output to the cap was in the same range as with higher pulse-widths. Keeping the signal on the flanks just
dissipates energy, but the generation part only cares for the differential.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 20, 2011, 06:04:38 AM
@webby1: no idea what a Franken Motor is and how it works. But you issue is very similar as described in zero point energy theory. Since you need to have an energy cycle : start from 0 take N forms  get back to 0 again, you can only define the length of the path of the energy until it gets back to 0. The idea is to break the chain at some point and hope that the time you can use this energy in your desired form is as long as possible.
A simple example to this issue is demonstrated using a motor having it's physiscal resonance tuned to the magnetic resonance. As long as you manage to keep this resonance, you are building up energy, BUT if you do not use this energy then at some point the conversion chain will get inversed and you will convert it back to mechanical energy again.
Translation to that : you have a spinning rotor at 1000 Hz ( this number is obtained from a lot of parameters like wire length, size, resistance...), you have a functioning window up to ex 1200 HZ. In this interval your setup will try to generate energy, which if you loop it back, will make your motor run faster, get passed the 1200 Hz barrier and will start sucking up all the built up energy just to be able to keep himself running. When it is slowing down from the 1200 Hz it's already too late for him to get enough energy to enter a new loop state.
This is why the DC2DC converter (or other load) is esential, to be able to chop your extra power that is looping back to the system to not go over your dead barrier.

Ofc, this is all just according to some theory.

This is why most replication will probably fail. Because people demand a looping system without enrgy storage. Instead of simply doing a proper measurement of the input and the output. If you have a stable input and a bigger output without the loop, you might be able to keep the thing working for a much longer period.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 20, 2011, 06:12:43 AM
Quote from: webby1 on May 20, 2011, 12:59:37 AM
I will preface this with that I have enough to drink to be honest with my feelings.... and concerns.

Quote from: webby1 on May 20, 2011, 02:42:19 AM
It went straight to .27A and 6V then dropped to 0A and like 5.9V with the voltage dropping quickly but the with the red lead hanging?

This is a one probe reading, aka one legged, not possible except with high EM values\pulses.

hi webby

man, you ought to either DRINK or POST but NOT BOTH!!!!  :)

the spurious, single probe readings on the input V & A at switch-off will be the results of the integrator processing in the meters winding down

salut!  ;)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 20, 2011, 06:47:22 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 20, 2011, 05:57:36 AM
Let us try to verify the following postulations by more measurements:

P1. Arrow 1 is the point of time when the hall sensor is activated, and the current in the driving coil is climbing up from zero Amps.
P2. Arrow 2 is the point of time when the hall sensor is off, the current in the driving coil is at its climax -- so it starts to fall at that very moment.
P3. Arrow 3 is the point of time when the driving coil's current drops to zero.

If the above postulation are correct, then I would further put a conjecture:

C1: the voltage drop from Arrow 1 to Arrow 2 is due to the current increase, which caused a bigger voltage drop (considered a waste) in between the battery and the coil.

C2: one crucial timing to make it efficient is this: Arrow 3 is at TDC (assuming it is in attraction mode).

C1: the voltage drop from Arrow 1 to Arrow 2 is due to the current increase, YES. As the coils resistance deceases with time until it reaches point 2 Time constant like capacitors. (considered a waste) in between the battery and the coil.

If the coil was a resistor in series with another resistor we would have a voltage divider? Yes. and the largest amplitude of voltage is always across the point of greatest resistance? what Arrow 1 and 2 show is the coil changing its resistance with time. The time on the CRO between Arrow 1 and 2 is 1.8 mill Seconds

the longer the coil is on the lower its resistance will go and the more current it will draw. Until it reaches saturation. what we want to do is control the point of saturation so we can control the motors speed and efficacy.   but still supplying a drive magnetic field.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 20, 2011, 07:32:51 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 20, 2011, 06:47:22 AM
C1: the voltage drop from Arrow 1 to Arrow 2 is due to the current increase, YES. As the coils resistance deceases with time until it reaches point 2 Time constant like capacitors. (considered a waste) in between the battery and the coil.

If the coil was a resistor in series with another resistor we would have a voltage divider? Yes. and the largest amplitude of voltage is always across the point of greatest resistance? what Arrow 1 and 2 show is the coil changing its resistance with time. The time on the CRO between Arrow 1 and 2 is 1.8 mill Seconds

the longer the coil is on the lower its resistance will go and the more current it will draw. Until it reaches saturation. what we want to do is control the point of saturation so we can control the motors speed and efficacy.   but still supplying a drive magnetic field.

Thanks toranarod for sharing your opinion on C1. What do you think about P1-3, do you have any data validating or invalidating them?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 20, 2011, 07:49:50 AM
Quote from: AbbaRue on May 19, 2011, 11:04:19 PM
I wanted to make a quick point here.
I used to work for a sign company and was told by the owner that Lexan is so dense that it can stop a .22 bullet.
Because of the high speeds involved with this motor, might I suggest builders buy a sheet of Lexan and
place it loosely around the outside of the unit.   
This way you can still watch the machine run and the Lexan may save your life if a part of the machine flies off.

Please note that for Lexan to be bullet proof it needs to be a minumum of 1.250" thick.

http://k-mac-plastics.com/bullet-proof-acrylic.htm (http://k-mac-plastics.com/bullet-proof-acrylic.htm)

Very expensive too.  The above link shows many materials based on Lexan.  The thinner sheets we can afford are liable to shatter and release shards/shrapnel and the neos will most likely shatter as well.  I lost a neo from a rotor at about 10,000 rpm, it was not pretty.

I am not sure how thick a sheet we would need for an effective guard for the flying neos, but I think it would need to be more than 3/4".

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 20, 2011, 08:20:22 AM
Quote from: happyfunball on May 20, 2011, 01:32:52 AM

Does anyone find it strange that the 'updated' Mulller device shown on http://mullerpower.com/index2.php links to a pitifully bad testing video of testing said device? I highly doubt their updated generator is OU, and it was done by his daughter, will full access to her father's plans patents and insights. What could Romero know that they don't?
Not sure if he knew or just stumbled onto the answer in Mullers design the magnetic field rotates with the gen but in Ramero's design you have two rotating fields like in Walter Russel's diagrams.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 20, 2011, 09:41:28 AM
Today, after many attempts to call to speak to Romero he finally answered me.
First he said that I should not reposted the picture he removed previously but didn't say why.
Now about the muller setup:
Very important is that at voltage lower than 6 volts the device worked for a while then slowly looses rpm, with or without load. He also mentioned that the generator has a low and a high limit in rpm where it behaves good. He said that muller replication started few years back but only recently after learning and understanding more tricks he went back to it and tried to improve it.
When I asked him about the secret in his design he said that even himself could not understand it all. The person that scared him reffered to this Muller design only and didn't care about other type of devices he might build in the future, but not this design. Why???
He also asked me not to call again.
Now, I don't know what to say is it real or not?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 20, 2011, 09:59:41 AM
Quote from: David70 on May 20, 2011, 09:41:28 AM
The person that scared him reffered to this Muller design only and didn't care about other type of devices he might build in the future, but not this design. Why???

Because it worked...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 20, 2011, 10:26:21 AM
Quote from: David70 on May 20, 2011, 09:41:28 AM
Today, after many attempts to call to speak to Romero he finally answered me.
First he said that I should not reposted the picture he removed previously but didn't say why.
Now about the muller setup:
Very important is that at voltage lower than 6 volts the device worked for a while then slowly looses rpm, with or without load. He also mentioned that the generator has a low and a high limit in rpm where it behaves good. He said that muller replication started few years back but only recently after learning and understanding more tricks he went back to it and tried to improve it.
When I asked him about the secret in his design he said that even himself could not understand it all. The person that scared him reffered to this Muller design only and didn't care about other type of devices he might build in the future, but not this design. Why???
He also asked me not to call again.
Now, I don't know what to say is it real or not?

Thanks for sharing. If Romero said he understood it all I would immediately say that's a lie. He learned more tricks, put them together, and it worked, but he might never understood why! Humans are having xes (read it backwards) for all history, but who can understand exactly why? Sure there are theories, but how do you know which one is correct?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 20, 2011, 10:45:16 AM
Hi Gang,

There are enough theories around to float the Titanic, I hope all are building as much as they are theorizing!. 

But..The more I work on my unit, the more I realize there is an incredible
amount of work to bring this motor/generator on line if you want to have a presentable unit.  I probably won't finish mine before the
end of June.  Whether it works or not, I want to be able to put it on a shelf and say, wow. 

Anyway I guess I'm a puddle futz as I'm making my own diode bridges encapsulated, building an encapsulated driver circuit that is adjustable in a presentable fashion. Then I must make a vertical stand so rotors can operate with side loading on bearings as I'm not using thrust bearings but very good ceramic high speed bearings and it goes on and on.

Just to build the coils, I have to epoxy glue the cores in the 18 bobbins, turn the bobbin center down for maximum wire on the bobbin, precision cut all the cores to the same length,  Turn and thread the 18 axu. bias magnet holders to fit the 1/4-20 nylon adjusting screws.  Thread all those holes, Putter, Putter, Putter!  Anyway, having fun.

Now back to work.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 20, 2011, 10:46:53 AM
Quote from: David70 on May 20, 2011, 09:41:28 AM
Today, after many attempts to call to speak to Romero he finally answered me.
First he said that I should not reposted the picture he removed previously but didn't say why.
Now about the muller setup:
Very important is that at voltage lower than 6 volts the device worked for a while then slowly looses rpm, with or without load. He also mentioned that the generator has a low and a high limit in rpm where it behaves good. He said that muller replication started few years back but only recently after learning and understanding more tricks he went back to it and tried to improve it.
When I asked him about the secret in his design he said that even himself could not understand it all. The person that scared him reffered to this Muller design only and didn't care about other type of devices he might build in the future, but not this design. Why???
He also asked me not to call again.
Now, I don't know what to say is it real or not?
Well, i posted some info why there is a low and high operation RPM, there is a min and max load the device can take. At this point i'm so convinced that this device might work that i actually ordered the magnets( 500$ :( ( 200$ the shipment ) ). I hope that the pro guys will be enough motivated to be able to come up with a version they can fully describe so others may reproduce it ( there is an insane amount of parameters here, but it sounds doable for me )
Been reading different theories all week ( as my time permits ) and the most common thing in them is the frequency of the magnetic field resonance that must be tuned to your load. All the rest are just for the sake of reducing the losses.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 20, 2011, 11:27:24 AM
just another quote from turtur : " the energy in the coil must go back to zero within every revolution, because there has to be a moment in every turn of the magnet, during which the coil does not produce any magnetic field. This is necessary, because  the magnetic field has to be switched on and off periodically, otherwise it would not be possible to convert zero-point energy "
Translation : the distance between the coils needs to be large enough that your "very strong" PM magnetic field does not reach from 1 coil to another. As in romerouk strange large distance between the coils and the magnets trying to compensate the lack of distance between the coils by forcing the coils to be more distant to the magnets.

Ofc, based on theory and not practice !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 20, 2011, 12:02:55 PM
Here is the swedish entry,
from oglundasotarn

Lidmotor / muller dynamo with Reed. five 10mm neodymium magnets and four pairs of coils, the generator coils yields about 2.5 v. but the LED lights up probably most of the flyback. this is interesting enough to continue with, so now some hallefect will be purchased.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 20, 2011, 12:19:47 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 20, 2011, 02:20:48 AM
You donated $42 to Rat Shack for that ?  C'mon Mags have you got too much money?  Okay, just had to tease a bit but I think they over rated that if they are claiming 2.5 amps since the DC-DC converter chips is rated max at 1.6 amps and nothing in those pics looks like it would handle much more than that. 

  I think what would be better is one of the DC-DC converters with an LM2596 in it and there are a bunch of them on fleaBay for around $5 to $10 and fully adjustable.  They are components just on a PCB so not in a box but then neither is yours ... now.  :D   The LM2596 is rated either 3 Amps but it is definitely beefier than the H34063AP.  There's another LM259x something that I think is 5 Amps but don't remember the last number.

hey E

Well in a later post I stated there is a mosfet smd. I had to find my eye piece to read it. The dc to dc drives the fet.
So the 2.5A is correct.

Has Romero measured the current of the output of the dc-dc while in self run?  It may only need the dc-dc ic for our purposes.

I was at the shack last night before closing to get some cable for a job I was working on, and when asked, "do you need anything else" it clicked and I looked and I bought.
Its just an alternative. And you can get it TODAY, no shipping.

And maybe if the dc-dc chip is enough to work here, eliminating all the other parts in the RS unit, it may lower the idle currents more.  Dunno. Just ideas.

I had realized that this was something that I could have used on previous projects that may have been useful in conversions.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 20, 2011, 01:30:14 PM
Hey Mags,  I understand and I didn't realize it had an FET to handle the higher current.  I just take real issue with Radio Shack as I had internal dealings with them and know some things about how they do business and as a result strongly resist buying anything from them.  But they do serve a purpose for some occasions. 
   Good luck with the build!  At the rate I'm going it'll probably be a year before I get all the parts together ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 20, 2011, 02:03:21 PM
Quote from: David70 on May 20, 2011, 09:41:28 AM
The person that scared him reffered to this Muller design only and didn't care about other type of devices he might build in the future, but not this design

...everybody repeat after "3"...  1...  2.... 3....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 20, 2011, 02:12:58 PM
Okay, back home for the weekend and lots of little parcels waiting for me :)

2 sheets of 10mm thick 500mm x 500mm Acrylic for top and bottom stator plates.
1 Sheet of 300mm x 300mm 12mm Polycarbonate for the Rotor.
1 Rotor M10 mounting bolt with 6mm hole.
1 length of 6mm bar for shaft, that will be cut and lathed down to fit bearings
20mm washers
20mm x 10mm rod magnets
M4 threaded brass inserts
M3 threaded brass inserts
2 Pole connector block for each coil
M8 threaded rod
M8 Brass Nuts for threaded rod
2 500g litz wire
47000uf 25v Capacitor
2mm Black and Red cable
Ring Connectors.
Tip42C Transistors
DPDT switches for bottom coils. This will allow me to switch the configuration where needed.

Only thing that did not arrive is the Hall Sensor, but maybe tomorrow.

All other parts such as Rectifier's power supplies etc etc are here already

Will double check measurements in my artwork tonight, create the toolpaths and get cutting tomorrow.

Oh forgot the 3A DC converter that also arrived.

Gonna be a busy weekend !!!


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 20, 2011, 03:52:31 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 20, 2011, 02:12:58 PM
Okay, back home for the weekend and lots of little parcels waiting for me :)

2 sheets of 10mm thick 500mm x 500mm Acrylic for top and bottom stator plates.
1 Sheet of 300mm x 300mm 12mm Polycarbonate for the Rotor.
1 Rotor M10 mounting bolt with 6mm hole.
1 length of 6mm bar for shaft, that will be cut and lathed down to fit bearings
20mm washers
20mm x 10mm rod magnets
M4 threaded brass inserts
M3 threaded brass inserts
2 Pole connector block for each coil
M8 threaded rod
M8 Brass Nuts for threaded rod
2 500g litz wire
47000uf 25v Capacitor
2mm Black and Red cable
Ring Connectors.
Tip42C Transistors
DPDT switches for bottom coils. This will allow me to switch the configuration where needed.

Only thing that did not arrive is the Hall Sensor, but maybe tomorrow.

All other parts such as Rectifier's power supplies etc etc are here already

Will double check measurements in my artwork tonight, create the toolpaths and get cutting tomorrow.

Oh forgot the 3A DC converter that also arrived.

Gonna be a busy weekend !!!



Helllo CLaNZeR

very nice equipment
look s like you will be demonstrating soon. I am at about the same stage working all the spare time I have to assemble my motor I keep checking to see if we have a replica.

good luck with your build.

My progress so far
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 20, 2011, 04:10:18 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 20, 2011, 03:52:31 PM

good luck with your build.

My progress so far

Hi toranarod

Loving the Grey and looking good that end, well done mate

Hoping I can get most of it done, will set the coil winder off first thing and get the CNC machine working as they are winding.
Alot of multitasking to do as only got two days and then back off away to work for the week.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 20, 2011, 04:21:11 PM
in the   ROMERO-UK   self-running device,


thanks in advance

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 20, 2011, 04:30:26 PM
Hi All,

List is alive!  Just received a motor today.

Link for info is:


Hell of a inexpensive motor, at 13K RPM @ 12VDC, 12 watt (give or take) no load, Don't know whether to re-engineer my unit or not.  Ball Bearing Shaft end, don't know for sure on the other.

Probably stick with original design,but I feel this would make a great second unit, motor about 1.2K RPM/volt it appears but has torque out the yazoo.  Could gear down 8/1 and it would push my car or drive a humongous wheel.  Just for thought.  Fast shipping too!

Keep at it all!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on May 20, 2011, 05:38:57 PM
Hi Toranarod
Can you please identify the parts on the driver coil circuit on your post 1761

thanks and happy  building

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 20, 2011, 05:41:29 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 19, 2011, 10:59:58 PM
Too bad, at the end of the show my Internet connection crashed...

So maybe somebody hacked my router or my ISP
had the nightly IP number disconnect dropping...
Had also problems to reboot my PC and then the show was already over....
Too bad...

Anyway, was fun talking to you all who joined. Good Nite !

Well the show is now archieved at:


Too bad the other guy on the line when I spoke had a train running by
producing all this noise, or was this noise done on purpose ?

Did anyone know the other guy calling in ?

Anyway, I have installed now a completely new firmware for my router,
but there was also a bigger ISP outage yeasterday night and still today over here...

Murphy´s law always hits at the most badest time....
Well that´s live...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 20, 2011, 05:44:04 PM
Hi Toranarod,
where did you exactly take the scopeshot ?

Please post a circuit diagramm and more informations, so we can follow you.
Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 20, 2011, 06:06:57 PM
hi folks,
I was quiet few days as requested,
Perhaps some results or any good news?

hello nul,
Now I did read all 118 pages,
and what I nowhere cant see is your replication,
I guess you spent not any cent, you bought even not sewing bobbins  >:(
Are you just a supporter-talker ???

Weekend again, what you doing in band, is it Bayan  ::)
have nice jamboree ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 20, 2011, 06:16:02 PM
Hi all

The litze wire are probably trying to cross the Chanel by swimming. 10 days ordered and nothing in my box this day and we speak of progress yup ! >:(

So no time to wait and i was very surprised that i could wind my 18 coils in less than 2 hours with my lathe, I did not count the turns but i put so much wire as i could on the "Brother " sewing spool , and i was not so much surprised that all the coil are at about 5.5 ohm each. with my 0.3 mm copper wire-

OK this building is not very difficult to do but i have to say that a certain handaccuracy is needed. so to speak.

But CLANZER is at work and will probably do all this staff so easily with its CNC machine,

OK so far i will not make a video as Stephan asked me because there is simply nothing to film when the Biasing magnet are in repelling position. This does not mean that this config is not accurate, but if it is , i can not see it on the magnetic screan, so not filmable.

OK my progress today in pix

Good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 20, 2011, 06:33:50 PM
you have very tiny repellent magnets ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AbbaRue on May 20, 2011, 06:39:33 PM
The link you gave is for Acrylic plastic. 
The sign company I worked for used Lexan because it will not shatter like Acrylic does. 
You can pound on it with a hammer and it just dents, but it does scratch a lot easier then Acrylic. 
We used it because kids can't smash it by throwing rocks at it like they can with other plastics. 
The fact that Lexan doesn't shatter is it's strongest point.
When it was delivered to us, it was always rolled up in a large roll. I don't think you could roll up Acrylic. 
If you look it up Acrylic's chemical name is Polymethyl methacrylate  and Lexan's chemical name is Polycarbonate.
They are totally different items. 
The following link gives more detail:
If a piece flies off the motor and hits the Lexan there's a good chance it will become embedded in it, and not pass through.  In any case it is much safer then leaving the motor wide open, that is why I mentioned it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 20, 2011, 06:46:59 PM
Hi Kahbe ::)

that is a very interesting notice, which is surely and certainly  very helfull at this point of the replication. ::)

How big are your repellent magnet on your's ::)

Bythe way .have you perhaps also a good definition of "trolling" ? ::)

thanks ::)

Laurent ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 20, 2011, 06:53:42 PM
I hope this helps.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 20, 2011, 06:54:32 PM
Quote from: khabe on May 20, 2011, 06:06:57 PM
hello nul,
Now I did read all 118 pages,
and what I nowhere cant see is your replication,
I guess you spent not any cent, you bought even not sewing bobbins  >:(
Are you just a supporter-talker ???

Weekend again, what you doing in band, is it Bayan  ::)
have nice jamboree ;)

hi khabe

you read all 118 pages you say? and you haven't seen any evidence of my build?

it seems you've mislaid your glasses again, old friend!  would you like to borrow mine?

i guess when you read all 118 pages you didn't follow all the links which people provided, which point to additional information relevant to the thread

but amazingly, you are correct about ONE thing...

i didn't buy any sewing bobbins!

my band isn't playing now until June - i'm so old that i need at least a months rest between gigs

have a good weekend with your family

rock steady

[HINT: when you find the right link, my build details are on the page listed as "nul-point's corner"]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 20, 2011, 06:57:54 PM
Lexan / Polycarbonate not so expensive in ebay,
when not a large sheet,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 20, 2011, 06:58:37 PM
Quote from: totoalas on May 20, 2011, 05:38:57 PM
Hi Toranarod
Can you please identify the parts on the driver coil circuit on your post 1761

thanks and happy  building

I hope this helps.

the MCP1407 MOSFET driver requires a stable Voltage. you could leave it out.   You could also use the Hall device recommended by Romerouk.

If you need any more help email or Post?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: citfta on May 20, 2011, 07:04:53 PM

I know for a fact you do not need a very thick piece of Lexan to stop a flying object.  In the late 1960's probably about 68 or 69 a sales rep gave my company a few pieces to test.  We were going to use them as safety guards around machines so we could still see the machines and not worry about the guards getting broken.  The boss gave me a piece about 5" by 5" and about 1/4" inch thick and asked me if I had a good way to test it.  I took it home and sat it against the base of a large tree.  I then fired a shot at it from my 38 S&W pistol.  As I heard the slug whiz past my ear on the way back I realized I had done something very stupid.  There was a very tiny dimple in the Lexan where the slug had hit it and that was all the damage we could find.  Even 1/8" Lexan would probably be all we would need around our rotors as a precaution.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 20, 2011, 07:19:52 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 20, 2011, 05:41:29 PM
Well the show is now archieved at:


Just watched it after fast forwarding the first part!!!

I think the guy who posted about placing a resistive load on the output had a valid point and yep a lamp is pretty when lit up, but not exactly measurement.

The Input power is simple, measure the voltage and measure the current going in.
Use good old Ohms Law V xI

V x I we are talking Power=(Voltage*Current)
So if we had 10 Volts and 1 amp
10 X 1 = 10 Watts

Now on the external load place a rheostat (Variable resistor) of say 0-50 ohms.
Whack it to 10 ohms and then measure the current again and the voltage.
If we are getting the same voltage and current out, or a combination that using Ohms law gives us the same Watts. (For this example lets say we did get the same voltage and current readings out.)

The the next step, trim the rheostat to 9 ohms and voltage stays at 10 volt, current jumps upto say 1.111amps then we are now getting 11.11 Watts out and welcome to OU :)

Now you can measure current with your Digital Meters but you are only going to get an average, current reading, so better off popping either a current probe connected to the scope, or a Shunt resistor and place your probe across them, to get true current and the voltage. Then do the calculations over a time period.

Another point, regards speeds and flying magnets http://vimeo.com/18812966 :)

Nice show though !



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AbbaRue on May 20, 2011, 08:03:19 PM
I'm getting a strong erg to join in and build one of these my self. 

Here is a link for a place to get magnets in Ontario, Canada.
25mmx5mm are 5.50 each 25mmx10mm are 11.00 each. 
I was contemplating getting the 5mm thickness,
but don't know if the plastic disk being less then 5mm thick would be strong enough.

An excellent place for other electronic parts is here:
(I have ordered parts from here and got them by the very next day, wow!)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 20, 2011, 10:21:56 PM
Hi Guys

I have finished watching the smartscarecrow show dated 20110519 http://youtu.be/N-slq2USPC0 (http://youtu.be/N-slq2USPC0)

Certainly was interesting, in an interesting kind of way.


This is directed at Zerofossilfuels regarding the 'skin effect'

I will quote you from the above video at 27:54 seconds onwards

Quote"when Romero says....you know....gives the explanation as to why he used litz wire, he Says, well it's to reduce the skin effect of the high frequencies in the coil

You also mention litz wire in relation to 'skin effect' at 1:09:22 seconds.

I would like to draw your attention to post #40 from this very thread which is a direct answer to Neptune's questions from the previous post (#39)

Quote from: romerouk on May 05, 2011, 10:22:05 AM
The magnets are 2cm diameter with 1cm thick, not very sure about the grade, I think are N38, I have bought them long time ago.
The reason to use multistrand is that most of my devices I built I used multistrand.
Some tests from other projects before showed me that using multistrand wire I get better results.
Another reason is the type of wire I had when I started the project adn also much easier to build the coils when the wire is more flexible. I think there are 7 wires in(I am not home now to check).
The ferrite rods are recovered from computer PSU, used as filters with copper wire on them. I do work with computers and all PSU I need to replace I get the goodies out before disposal, free source for many useful components.
The battery is 17 amp but it is about 5 years old, not very good but still works.
Regarding changing the driving coils... I prefer to keep it as is, I am happy enough with the results, no need to proove anything, I know it works. I started this project not to get super power but to see how it works and if it works, so far results are good enough. I bought a DC/DC converter today and this evening I will try self looping...

From this I can only conclude Romerouk found a benefit from using litz over single stranded.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: retrod on May 20, 2011, 11:01:18 PM
Sorry if this was mentioned before.

A Litz source  http://www.surplussales.com/Wire-Cable/LitzWire.html

The "Brother" plastic bobbins can be found at Wal-Mart on a card of eight and are marked SAbobbin. This equates to a generic part SA156 and can be found on ebay or Amazon.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skycollection on May 21, 2011, 01:01:44 AM
i am not an expert in electronics but i try to do the best i can...!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 21, 2011, 01:35:27 AM
The circuit toranorod just put up is pretty much exactly how Bill Muller told me they switched their motor coils too...
while I was up there visiting, he even called up on phone his "tech-guy" to confirm that is way they do it for sure at that time when I asked him just to be nice to me since I really wanted to know for sure....

He said they put a switch (of some sort) at the HI of the coil and at the LO of the coil and switched coils on-off with simultatnous timing of the two switches...just like tornaorods circuit

He said advantage of this method is you catch the backemf "both ways"
so you get more power stored up in your bakcemf/recoil recovery caps...

So what is not shown in the circuit IS the backemf/recoil recovery part of it....

Bill told me they put a FWBR's AC legs "across" the HI switch, and another FWBR's AC legs across the LO swtich too, and each FWBR has its own cap...so this is how they collected the backemf too if anyone wants to know..he said they didnt swtihc it out or anything - the FWBRs filled their caps "all the time"

So Fill up some caps from DC side of the two FWBRS, and hit a load with the caps when caps are disconnected from "source"  (a "two stage" or "flip flop" output circuit like also you need to do with coil shorting circuits too)

It might be good idea to slam the cap the gencoils fill,  first with this backemf/recoil power recovered into those caps - so it would be sort of priming the cap first up in voltage so the gencoils have much easier job...or else charge 2nd battery or some sort of load and give it another power output from the recovery caps...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 21, 2011, 02:15:06 AM
konehead,  thanks for adding your expertise to this work in progress also.  You ARE the motor master.  I'm guessing you have built some similar devices or maybe one like the original Muller?  Are you doing a build like Romerouk's version? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 21, 2011, 02:56:33 AM
Quote from: skycollection on May 21, 2011, 01:01:44 AM
i am not an expert in electronics but i try to do the best i can...!

hi Jorge - welcome to the thread!

you have some very nice quality builds - very interesting ideas and achievements with unusual designs

i'm sure we can learn a lot from your experience - and hope your dynamotor build continues to give good results

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 21, 2011, 03:33:36 AM
Quote from: konehead on May 21, 2011, 01:35:27 AM
The circuit toranorod just put up is pretty much exactly how Bill Muller told me they switched their motor coils too...
while I was up there visiting, he even called up on phone his "tech-guy" to confirm that is way they do it for sure at that time when I asked him just to be nice to me since I really wanted to know for sure....

He said they put a switch (of some sort) at the HI of the coil and at the LO of the coil and switched coils on-off with simultatnous timing of the two switches...just like tornaorods circuit

He said advantage of this method is you catch the backemf "both ways"
so you get more power stored up in your bakcemf/recoil recovery caps...

So what is not shown in the circuit IS the backemf/recoil recovery part of it....

Bill told me they put a FWBR's AC legs "across" the HI switch, and another FWBR's AC legs across the LO swtich too, and each FWBR has its own cap...so this is how they collected the backemf too if anyone wants to know..he said they didnt swtihc it out or anything - the FWBRs filled their caps "all the time"

So Fill up some caps from DC side of the two FWBRS, and hit a load with the caps when caps are disconnected from "source"  (a "two stage" or "flip flop" output circuit like also you need to do with coil shorting circuits too)

It might be good idea to slam the cap the gencoils fill,  first with this backemf/recoil power recovered into those caps - so it would be sort of priming the cap first up in voltage so the gencoils have much easier job...or else charge 2nd battery or some sort of load and give it another power output from the recovery caps...
Thanks konehead
I take that as compliment. 
I simplified it for the use here on the forum and so it was compatible to Romerouk circuit.  The Idea is to completely isolate the coils when they switch there
energy back into the circuit. 

My version that I will be using looks more like this

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 21, 2011, 04:13:59 AM
Todays progress
We Its time to wind the coils. Oh fun and joy. 18 coils  :o :'(

when its all assembled I will present a full specification list and we will see how close to Romerosuk I have been able to build it.
there where some parts I cloud not get. hope its close enough.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 21, 2011, 04:26:15 AM
My version that I will be using looks more like this

toranarod ...

pliz , edit post , paste HD circuit * H_sw_1.gif
rar , pdf ,jpg  HD circuit...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 21, 2011, 05:29:10 AM
Hi all, I have done a little research on the ferrite rod. Clearly, the ferrite rod taken from computer psu are for filtering out EMI/RFI. Those rods are of grades F13 - FF1 (with permeability ranging from 650-1500). Please see attached pdf for a list of materials. I hope this info is of some use. Also please correct me if this info is not accurate.

Note: The use of those ferrite rods to suppress EMI/RFI agrees with Romero's statement.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 21, 2011, 06:44:36 AM
@lanenal / Thanks for that very useful information . It does show that those of us using ferrite rods from AM radios are working with a very different material . But note that Romero said he had used in other experiments successfully .I wonder how home made cores of Fe3O4 and resin would fit into this table ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rosphere on May 21, 2011, 06:50:51 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 21, 2011, 05:29:10 AM
Hi all, I have done a little research on the ferrite rod.
Clearly, the ferrite rod taken from computer psu are for filtering out EMI/RFI.
Those rods are of grades F13 - FF1 (with permeability ranging from 650-1500). ...

Quote from: neptune on May 21, 2011, 06:44:36 AM
...It does show that those of us using ferrite rods from AM radios are working with a very different material.
But note that Romero said he had used in other experiments successfully. ...

Various rod sources may explain the variability in the placement of romerouk's stator magnets and why he needed to adjust them independently. 
Consistent core material may yield a more uniform post tuning arrangement.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 21, 2011, 08:09:59 AM
Here is the Macao entry,from imtotob  /Macao is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China.
If anyone can advise please post a reply on his YouTube channel,maybe he can't see the forum

Quote from imtotob
Cant decide yet on magnets to use on the rotor
ferrite ring magnets from microwave top and bottom / coil with top and bottom ring magnets to levitate the rotor s n n s s n and egg magnet as cores
The neodyne magnets from pc hard disk has n s on one side and the bottom part is reverse if i will use this
But my observation by hand rotation a combination of the ring magnet and neodyne provide more revolution than rng magnets alone
Bottom coil is bifilar a la Tesla 14 ga wire with top and bottom ring magnets and egg magnet as cores Top coil in series is Neogen winding 14 ga with top and bottom ring magnets n s bottom n s s n rotor s n n s top coil n s
The purpose is to levitate the rotor plate as Neogen is using magnetic bearingsAny advise on my ideas are welcome
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 21, 2011, 08:26:33 AM
Quote from: skycollection on May 21, 2011, 01:01:44 AM
i am not an expert in electronics but i try to do the best i can...!

Hum... If you're the skycollection from youtube, let me tell you that your builds are awesome :) :) :) very good to see you in this forum !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MasterPlaster on May 21, 2011, 09:04:06 AM
Quote from: powercat on May 21, 2011, 08:09:59 AM
Here is the Macao entry,from imtotob  /Macao is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China.
If anyone can advise please post a reply on his YouTube channel,maybe he can't see the forum


I watched the video. Where he is going, he doesn't need magnets!
There is vast differences between a time machine and the Muller generrator.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on May 21, 2011, 09:08:41 AM
Thanks Toranarod for the circuit
Maybe Ill just order one  from you  lol  Ive had difficulties with such high tech circuits
Powercat   thanks for the support
Ive been passing by the energetic forum and Ou  to extract more juice  out of these great threads   includin the links to Muller's  Neogen  dont want to be left behind by daily 10 page update
Ive already decided  on the hard disk magnets  and see where it will go
Efficiency is next to OU  so  please  guide me  on all the help I can get
Another update on my you tube channel   tonight on the progress   

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 21, 2011, 09:34:53 AM
Not all of us are in a position to have the best materials and equipment available to us.
some of us do it with what is lying around and can be salvaged.
I have great admiration for those people trying to replicate.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 21, 2011, 10:18:43 AM
Hi Tom
Even you must see merit in investigation of a self-runner, no one needs to worry about measurements, either it self-runs or it doesn't
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 21, 2011, 11:57:31 AM
Quote from: skycollection on May 21, 2011, 01:01:44 AM
i am not an expert in electronics but i try to do the best i can...!

Hello skycollection. I am very glad you are around. You do great work.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on May 21, 2011, 12:23:12 PM
Here's a DC to DC converter I build. Maybe some of you will find it interesting. You may see a video about it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqW2mbV3aDs and the schematic below
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 21, 2011, 12:43:56 PM
I have deleted probably 20 or more posts besides created (by mistake) 2 more thread so that all the TommyLReed rants and all that want to fill that thread are welcome.

http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10781.0  and

please, again, I ask to focus on the topic "Muller Dynamo". Not rants, not "science is correct and OU is impossible". There are other threads for that.

After reading 120+ pages I am more than willing to keep deleting unnecessary posts.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 21, 2011, 01:08:43 PM
Plengo = MOD of the year


Great work plengo it is about time we got rid of the useless rhetorical crap that always takes away the driving force to push people to perspire. Inspiration is a much needed tool to exceed COP >1.

Without the question we have no drive if we start believing all these people who say this is foolish and impossible and we all do after it is constantly rammed down our throats we will never succeed. Believe no more let the question drive you.

"I think overunity is possible and everyone here does but, has romeroUK achieved overunity with his shared machine?"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 21, 2011, 01:52:02 PM
Bill Muller also told me is that "all the amps is made on the first couple of layers of the coil against the core" whihc is pretty intersting...

and he went on to explain that when he winds his coils against his  blacksand cores, he does it while the special low-hysterisis amorphous  blacksand/epoxy mix he uses is still "wet" and so he squishes the firsl layer of wires into the blacksand, and gets more surface area this way and gets more amperage....
reason I am posting this is those sewing bobbins or whatever they are, that RomeroUK uses make it so you have a plastic-tube space between the ferrite core and the first layer of coil winds - so there must be a huge loss in amperage doing it like this.
I read here that one guy here building had that space machined down, but still there is no reason for anythign at all to be between the coil winds and the ferrite cores. Ferrite is electrically non-conductive, so best thign is tow wind right on top of it... put a small bit of super glue on the surface before winding too. (the super glue doesnt eat through the varnish so dont worry) also grind down a small groove (circumcision) near front of ferrite core to help prevent the coil winds from sliding off from the pull of attracive firing againt the rotor magnets to....also no reaosn for plastic between the coils and magnets either - drip some super-glue down the face of coil when through winding, let that dry (dont worry doesnt short anythign out) and then finally put coat of epoxy on surface of face of coil that faces towards the magnets....look for 1mm or 1.5mm airgap is good.
When you "pull back" the coil from tip of core as happens when you use those sewing bobbins you lose alot of power too since you want the coils to be right up ther next to the magnets....expecially when using coils as motor-coils the airgap between magnet sand coils is really important as being 1/2mm closer and you might have say 300rpm faster motor....so anyways I just dont like those sewing bobbins too much but if they work they work and probalby is best to totally replicate what Romero has done then imporve things after that...pretty soon it will not be argument if things are really overunity or if loopers are all elaborate fakes or not, but a freindly competions to make loopers the most effecint with most power outputs...

Also mentioned before that "solderable" litz wire is NO GOOD from motors and generators. it is really only "HOOK UP" wire and over time the very thin varnish will chaff from vibrations like you get in motors and generators and the coils will short and you will wonder what went wrong. USE "MOTOR RATED" wire - double coated, and the kind that regular soldering iron cannot penetrate the varnish coating.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 21, 2011, 01:54:20 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 21, 2011, 04:13:59 AM
Todays progress
We Its time to wind the coils. Oh fun and joy. 18 coils  :o :'(

when its all assembled I will present a full specification list and we will see how close to Romerosuk I have been able to build it.
there where some parts I cloud not get. hope its close enough.

@toranarod: I admire your build and would like to know where you got the nice bearing?

See the attached copy from your photo where I marked the bearings I am interested in. May be you have time to explain how you intend to mount your disk (carrying the magnets).

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 21, 2011, 02:11:03 PM
@plengo,  you are messing with my scheme of saving all the pages here as they keep changing and numbers change.  :D   Oh well good riddance to tommy troll. 

@all using solderable Litz wire as most of us probably have got if we ordered Litz.  Based on koneheads good info I'd suggest if you already have solderable Litz to put extra effort into making a solid build as vibration free as possible.  I'm sure most replicators at this point are not looking to build a long term power solution out of this first build but rather a proof of concept so it may not be that important but it would be nice to make it last. 

@conradelektro,  I can't say for toranarod but it looks to me like either a hard drive bearing or CD drive bearing.  Those are fiairly low friction but I have had some concern if they will hold up under the much heavier weight of the acrylic rotor and magnets.  I think Romero said he used a hard drive bearing. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 21, 2011, 02:20:44 PM
Quote from: keykhin on May 21, 2011, 12:23:12 PM
Here's a DC to DC converter I build. Maybe some of you will find it interesting. You may see a video about it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqW2mbV3aDs and the schematic below

Yes this is much better for a power supply
there is more control over something like this.
looks like a good circuit.

here is one I use and will try on the Muller.
I used this on an Adams motor I built.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on May 21, 2011, 02:31:04 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 21, 2011, 02:20:44 PM

Yes this is much better for a power supply
there is more control over something like this.
looks like a good circuit.

here is one I use and will try on the Muller.
I used this on an Adams motor I built.

That`s pretty cool. I use this configuration as an inverter in my bike & scooter ignition I build. It raises voltage from 12 V to 250 V needed for capacitor discharging ignition.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 21, 2011, 02:34:26 PM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 21, 2011, 01:54:20 PM
@toranarod: I admire your build and would like to know where you got the nice bearing?

See the attached copy from your photo where I marked the bearings I am interested in. May be you have time to explain how you intend to mount your disk (carrying the magnets).

Greetings, Conrad

The bearing is from a WD hard drive. Old hard drive bearings are not normally not strong enough.  This one I found in a WD as in the photo below  has a very robust construction. I am always looking for this type at old computer junk sales. 
easy to get out and very easy to use. I have used this particular type from the WD model On much bigger pulse motors before with no problems. 

I will post the serial number?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 21, 2011, 02:56:00 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 21, 2011, 02:11:03 PM
@plengo,  you are messing with my scheme of saving all the pages here as they keep changing and numbers change.  :D   Oh well good riddance to tommy troll. 

Sorry about that  :-[. I am learning how to work with this moderator's new job. It is pretty cool and difficult to be honest with you, but I like it. I am TRYING to keep it clean and focused. May be next time I will only remove the content of the post and leave the link.

I guess one can see how much is not in focus by simply looking the other 2 threads i created trying to be honest to this thread and the members points of view (which are vary valuable).

I am NOT trying to be bias or discriminative at all. So, please guys, be patient with my mistakes as I learn this thing. I really respect everyone's opinions even when they are in way out of line. We learn from each other. Now enough of my own "not in focus".

Today I am building my stators and the stable set. I have the rotor with very good bearings and a 12mm rod. This can handle easily 20000rpm (if it happens). I will be using for the first cut relay coils as I explained on my other thread (Muller for experimentalist). I bought enough to build two machines.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 21, 2011, 03:07:42 PM
@toranarod: thank you for the instant answer and the educational photo. I just had a look at eBay. It seems one can have Western Digital hard disk drives starting at 15.-- Euro (from Germany). Now I know what to look for.

Do you do anything special for balancing your rotor (besides trying to be precise when placing the magnets)? I guess you turned the rotor with a lathe?

Please excuse my stupid questions. I try to learn how to build a decent mechanical set up.

(I am already looking for an old VCR, because some builders used a rotor from a VCR for mounting a fast turning disk, e.g. in a Bedini motor.)

I have got this encoder plus disk
Farnell Order Code 1161089
and want to use it to control a Muller Generator replication with a TI Launch Pad.

Your PIC schematics for driving a pair of drive coils helps me a lot.

Unfortunately I only got a rather small lathe which only allows to turn objects with a diameter of less than 75 mm (to small for 200 mm disks). But I can turn a good axis with a 5mm end for the encoder disk.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 21, 2011, 03:22:09 PM
I am double posting this same info over at my forums on the following thread

Will try to keep both upto date :)


Well I started and finished the coils today.

The wire that arrived was 7 x 0.250 and not 7 x 0.125

But I wound them anyway and will just have to wind some new ones when the correct wire turns up.

The rig is designed so the coils can be easly swapped out, so not a problem and be good to compare.

Ended up doing 120 turns and each coil came out at 0.8ohms each.

CNC machine is cutting out base plate as I type.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 21, 2011, 03:38:35 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 21, 2011, 03:39:38 PM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 21, 2011, 03:07:42 PM
@toranarod: thank you for the instant answer and the educational photo. I just had a look at eBay. It seems one can have Western Digital hard disk drives starting at 15.-- Euro (from Germany). Now I know what to look for.

Do you do anything special for balancing your rotor (besides trying to be precise when placing the magnets)? I guess you turned the rotor with a lathe?

Please excuse my stupid questions. I try to learn how to build a decent mechanical set up.

(I am already looking for an old VCR, because some builders used a rotor from a VCR for mounting a fast turning disk, e.g. in a Bedini motor.)

I have got this encoder plus disk
Farnell Order Code 1161089
and want to use it to control a Muller Generator replication with a TI Launch Pad.

Your PIC schematics for driving a pair of drive coils helps me a lot.

Unfortunately I only got a rather small lathe which only allows to turn objects with a diameter of less than 75 mm (to small for 200 mm disks). But I can turn a good axis with a 5mm end for the encoder disk.

Greetings, Conrad

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 21, 2011, 03:44:28 PM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 21, 2011, 03:07:42 PM
@toranarod: thank you for the instant answer and the educational photo. I just had a look at eBay. It seems one can have Western Digital hard disk drives starting at 15.-- Euro (from Germany). Now I know what to look for.

Do you do anything special for balancing your rotor (besides trying to be precise when placing the magnets)? I guess you turned the rotor with a lathe?

Please excuse my stupid questions. I try to learn how to build a decent mechanical set up.

(I am already looking for an old VCR, because some builders used a rotor from a VCR for mounting a fast turning disk, e.g. in a Bedini motor.)

I have got this encoder plus disk
Farnell Order Code 1161089
and want to use it to control a Muller Generator replication with a TI Launch Pad.

Your PIC schematics for driving a pair of drive coils helps me a lot.

Unfortunately I only got a rather small lathe which only allows to turn objects with a diameter of less than 75 mm (to small for 200 mm disks). But I can turn a good axis with a 5mm end for the encoder disk.

Greetings, Conrad

For balancing? All you can do on a budget is machine them the best you can and try to make it uniform.
I don't think the high RPM that is discussed here all the time is possible or necessary when you are trying for efficacy. Romerouk was only working at 1200 RPM.
so balancing is not a problem.
I only have a drill press. I ask a friend to make some of my machined parts.

looking forward to seeing your builds. We need more experimenters to get new energy to move forward. if any of us here can help don't hesitate to post or email.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 21, 2011, 03:52:01 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 21, 2011, 03:22:09 PM
I am double posting this same info over at my forums on the following thread

Will try to keep both upto date :)


Well I started and finished the coils today.

The wire that arrived was 7 x 0.250 and not 7 x 0.125

But I wound them anyway and will just have to wind some new ones when the correct wire turns up.

The rig is designed so the coils can be easly swapped out, so not a problem and be good to compare.

Ended up doing 120 turns and each coil came out at 0.8ohms each.

CNC machine is cutting out base plate as I type.

Wow I am very envious.
looks fantastic. I am really looking forward to your results I would like to know what voltage your coils put out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 21, 2011, 04:00:18 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 21, 2011, 03:52:01 PM
looks fantastic. I am really looking forward to your results I would like to know what voltage your coils put out.

I think they will be lower because as they say, more windings, the higher the voltage.

But hopefully the RPM of the motor may help to keep it up there.

Also because of the resistance of the coils, we now have more current being pulled at higher voltages when driving, but more flux as such.

So all a trade off in many ways.

I think we will be safe with whatever configuration, as the effect seems to be the uneven magnet/coil arrangment.

We will see.

I was going to use 10mm Acrylic for the top and bottom stators, but the Acrylic I received is awfull, it melts as soon a you look at it. So now using 15mm but having down to 10mm around rotor area. So still in line with Remero spec.
Will make more sense when bottom base is cut out and I post a picture.
8 hour on the CNC machine so far, but getting there LOL


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 21, 2011, 04:22:42 PM
Hi Sean,

If you happen to have an L meter at hand, would you measure the self inductance of some of your coils?  Just for the record.

Thanks,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 21, 2011, 05:13:23 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on May 21, 2011, 04:22:42 PM
If you happen to have an L meter at hand, would you measure the self inductance of some of your coils?  Just for the record.

Hi Gyula

Got most test/measurement meters this end, but a LC Meter is one thing I have not yet invested in.

Sorry mate


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tcanuth on May 21, 2011, 07:30:30 PM
Ive read through as best i could and i didnt see anything in the PDF but,

im looking into replicating Romeros original design and i am unable to come up with the type of drive motor he used.

Reading through, i can see he said he used parts he had on hand and said he used computer parts quite a bit.

Anyone recall or know what exactly was used?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 21, 2011, 07:34:57 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 21, 2011, 02:56:00 PM
Sorry about that  :-[. I am learning how to work with this moderator's new job. It is pretty cool and difficult to be honest with you, but I like it. I am TRYING to keep it clean and focused. May be next time I will only remove the content of the post and leave the link.

I guess one can see how much is not in focus by simply looking the other 2 threads i created trying to be honest to this thread and the members points of view (which are vary valuable).

I am NOT trying to be bias or discriminative at all. So, please guys, be patient with my mistakes as I learn this thing. I really respect everyone's opinions even when they are in way out of line. We learn from each other. Now enough of my own "not in focus".

Today I am building my stators and the stable set. I have the rotor with very good bearings and a 12mm rod. This can handle easily 20000rpm (if it happens). I will be using for the first cut relay coils as I explained on my other thread (Muller for experimentalist). I bought enough to build two machines.

Fausto,  no problem as I was just teasing a bit.  You are doing a good job. 

What have you found to use for bearings?  I think this can be an important factor and the smoother and stronger the better.  Under consideration: ceramic but needs to be able to lay flat, VCR parts, hard drive bearings, small thrust bearing.  I tore apart an old Apple laser printer but didn't find anything good for a bearing but found lots of other great parts.  They really went all out on quality in early 90's laser printers as I believe those were selling in the thousand dollar plus range IIRC.  I even found a ferrite coil in it exactly the right size for this build - basically same as the sewing bobbin coils but entire spool is ferrite in shape of a bobbin.  Wish I had another 17 of those.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on May 21, 2011, 07:42:14 PM

it's great to read your comments and reccommendations here. Your reputation preceeds you, anywhere you go.  :D

You wrote: Bill Muller also told me is that "all the amps is made on the first couple of layers of the coil against the core" which is pretty intersting...

If we were to extend this reasoning further, would it mean that a larger diameter core with less wire (and hence shorter coil) would be more efficient ?

And regarding the use of magnetite powder & fiberglas resin to make cores, how do you think the resultant core magnetic parameters compare with say, ferrite or iron dust cores ?
I mean, is it worth the trouble to cast our own cores, or would we get better performance from off-the-shelf standard ferrites or similar ?

Thanks for your advise !

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on May 21, 2011, 08:34:25 PM
I know this may be a stupid question to some of you but I have to ask.  Please help me understand all this AC to DC and back again stuff. 

My understanding is the design of the generator goes from AC to DC with the FWBR's.  Then the DC to DC converter is used to control the amount of power to the driver cores so the motor can be a self runner (with power left over).   

My question is this,  if there is all this excess (OU) power coming from the motor/generator why not just use one of those AC to DC power supplies like the selectable DC out supply I have for one my laptop computers and eliminate all the FWBRs?

Second question,  does anyone know if a Forstner drill bit is ok to use on acrylic?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on May 21, 2011, 08:36:20 PM
Quote from: Tcanuth on May 21, 2011, 07:30:30 PM
Ive read through as best i could and i didnt see anything in the PDF but,

im looking into replicating Romeros original design and i am unable to come up with the type of drive motor he used.

Reading through, i can see he said he used parts he had on hand and said he used computer parts quite a bit.

Anyone recall or know what exactly was used?

You need to go back to the beginning of this thread the motor
is the coils he used to generate and also power the rotor
with the litz wire
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tcanuth on May 21, 2011, 08:48:02 PM
im sorry, my terminology is off. I was referring to the bearing that the rotor sits on that allows it to spin.

I know there has been discussion on whats best to use but i dont remember him saying which he had actually used
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on May 21, 2011, 09:07:37 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 21, 2011, 05:13:23 PM
Hi Gyula

Got most test/measurement meters this end, but a LC Meter is one thing I have not yet invested in.

Sorry mate



Hi Sean,

excellent work mate :D

Here's an LCR Meter for $17. delivered: http://cgi.ebay.com/LCR-RCL-INDUCTANCE-CAPACITANCE-RESISTANCE-METER-W-Leads-/260749773429?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb5e5ca75

It's not worth doing without at this price.

Thanks for sharing mate ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on May 21, 2011, 09:13:09 PM
Quote from: Tcanuth on May 21, 2011, 08:48:02 PM
im sorry, my terminology is off. I was referring to the bearing that the rotor sits on that allows it to spin.

I know there has been discussion on whats best to use but i dont remember him saying which he had actually used

Use something like this  http://www.bocabearings.com/bearing-inventory/Radial-Bearings/2318/SR8ZZ7-05000x11250x03125

his still had a good bit of drag in them
if you blow up the pix of the shaft and bearing
you will see. these will be even better for output
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 21, 2011, 09:40:00 PM
Quote from: REDCAR1957 on May 21, 2011, 09:13:09 PM
Use something like this  http://www.bocabearings.com/bearing-inventory/Radial-Bearings/2318/SR8ZZ7-05000x11250x03125

his still had a good bit of drag in them
if you blow up the pix of the shaft and bearing
you will see. these will be even better for output
I would pay attention to the thickness to match your rotor, what bothers me is there's no way to keep the bearing from floating up or down the shaft it needs a set screw I believe when everyone starts tuning their rigs the bearing and its adjustment will be a problem if not address at the start of the build.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on May 21, 2011, 09:55:53 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on May 21, 2011, 09:40:00 PM
I would pay attention to the thickness to match your rotor, what bothers me is there's no way to keep the bearing from floating up or down the shaft it needs a set screw I believe when everyone starts tuning their rigs the bearing and its adjustment will be a problem if not address at the start of the build.
You are correct Dave45 ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 21, 2011, 09:59:44 PM
Quote from: REDCAR1957 on May 21, 2011, 09:55:53 PM
You are correct Dave45 ;D

That's why I ordered those:


They are very robust. I will have to clean the bearings and replace the oil inside because they have a little bit of friction, but they will endure the 20000rpm very easily.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 21, 2011, 10:03:11 PM
Just wanted to pop in and state:

I may have learned all I can from Bedini energizers and decided I do not want to build a huge machine and basement full of batteries.
I have just finishing reading through 122 pages here and saved lots of files and references. (Thank you.)
I believe there is a major potential for this thing to work.
I am going to attempt this replication and have ordered a pile of parts. (Wish there to be a comprehensive parts list including sources.)
I am "ScorchGD" on youtube.

May peace be with you all.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 21, 2011, 10:09:19 PM
"You wrote: Bill Muller also told me is that "all the amps is made on the first couple of layers of the coil against the core" which is pretty intersting...

If we were to extend this reasoning further, would it mean that a larger diameter core with less wire (and hence shorter coil) would be more efficient ?

And regarding the use of magnetite powder & fiberglas resin to make cores, how do you think the resultant core magnetic parameters compare with say, ferrite or iron dust cores ?
I mean, is it worth the trouble to cast our own cores, or would we get better performance from off-the-shelf standard ferrites or similar ?"

Kone reply:
Bill M also said that all amps is made on the first couple of layers next to the core, and all the rest of the power that the coil make sis voltage...forgot to mention the voltage part.

Also Bill M said to have cores the same width as the magnets which makes sense since then the fields would mesh better and no waste of flux....the length of the coil/core would depend on the strength of the rotor magnets - maybe do a paper-clip test and see how far the fields extend and then it is personal preference thing about jsut how far you want to make the core, according to how strong the flux is at certain distance....if it can pickup paper clip might be good test as good as any.

right now with the RomeroUK replications, I would stick with ferrite cores, since that is what he used, and as far as I know, Bill Muller didnt have those magnets behind the cores "regauging" magnets I call them...so what worked good core-wise for Bill Muller might not works so well when you have magnets behind the cores...Bill also had very special and secret-source blacksand cores too so its not something you can even buy anywhere anyways....ferrite powder mixed with epoxy might be fun to try but probalby not worth the hassle right now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 21, 2011, 10:11:38 PM
Quote from: Scorch on May 21, 2011, 10:03:11 PM
Just wanted to pop in and state:

I may have learned all I can from Bedini energizers and decided I do not want to build a huge machine and basement full of batteries.
I have just finishing reading through 122 pages here and saved lots of files and references. (Thank you.)
I believe there is a major potential for this thing to work.
I am going to attempt this replication and have ordered a pile of parts. (Wish there to be a comprehensive parts list including sources.)
I am "ScorchGD" on youtube.

May peace be with you all.


Welcome Scorch. There is here http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10716.msg286098#msg286098.

If anyone has different parts let me know I can keep adding to my thread.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Crapola on May 21, 2011, 11:13:02 PM
For those of you that are using the Tapplastic discs as rotors, what thickness magnet are you using?

@plengo, thanks for weeding out all the unnecessary posts, it makes it easier to get the good info.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gsurgy on May 22, 2011, 12:18:24 AM
The amount of current generated is related to the area of the coils. Why do replicas only put coils on the perimeter.  Wouldn't coils placed in the same fashion but in rows towards the center of the disk really up the output without adding much to the input.   Why not make the disk thick and place the switching magnets elsewere and place magnets arount the rim facing perpendicular to the other magnets and then place more coils laterally perpendicular to the top and bottom coils.
Has anyone tried running the unit on a vacuum?  I bet at high velocities the drag may be using up lots of the input energy.

Keep up the good work all!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 22, 2011, 01:27:26 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on May 21, 2011, 09:07:37 PM
Hi Sean,

excellent work mate :D

Here's an LCR Meter for $17. delivered: http://cgi.ebay.com/LCR-RCL-INDUCTANCE-CAPACITANCE-RESISTANCE-METER-W-Leads-/260749773429?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb5e5ca75

It's not worth doing without at this price.

Thanks for sharing mate ;)


I picked up one of these meters also -- $17 bucks and free shipping!

The same company had this -- which I also picked up to get a quick way to measure RPM's of Muller and Bedini-type devices:

eBay item #260775773831 Digital LED Laser Tachometer Engine Handheld RPM Gauge

Thanks, Luc; may "the force" be with us all in this endeavor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 22, 2011, 01:32:46 AM
Clanzer there was a speed for the rotor that was too high and a speed for the rotor which is too slow to exhibit the same effect "supposedly" a sweet spot of sorts and without the proper voltage or current I am afraid you may not hit that spot as per romeroUK proposed. So it may just matter?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chessnyt on May 22, 2011, 01:37:10 AM
What I am yet to figure out is why some of the best replicators are already substituting parts and materials instead of building the motor to specs as relayed by RomeroUK?  I already am aware that Romero was mistaken concerning the skin effect but it just may be that the Litz wire has a hidden advantage that Romero just happened to stumble upon. 

To those doing the build verbetim; my hat is off to you guys.  Follow the build to ROMERO's specs and don't listen to the naysayers.  After all, do the naysayers have a working device?  No.  Only Romero did.

Peace to all,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 22, 2011, 01:58:43 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 21, 2011, 06:44:36 AM
@lanenal / Thanks for that very useful information . It does show that those of us using ferrite rods from AM radios are working with a very different material . But note that Romero said he had used in other experiments successfully .I wonder how home made cores of Fe3O4 and resin would fit into this table ?

We probably need to strike a balance between permeability and resistance when it comes to choose the ferrite rod. And it seems to me permeability has the priority, since with the device we are not dealing with high frequencies (like 500MHz) -- the current in the driving coil is probably composed of sawtooth shapes of a frequency like 200Hz. Anyway, if your homemade core material has a good permeability (ferrite cores usually have good enough resistance), then it might work as well. I never experimented with those materials, so I don't know for sure.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 22, 2011, 03:01:59 AM

This is a simular replication . It seems to run very long time on this supercap.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 22, 2011, 03:13:51 AM
For those of you that want to build an "old fashion" 7 segment LED
based RPM counter to your Muller project.

All HW and SW files here: http://home.no/ufoufoufoufo/RPM.rar

Attached is a image of my built and tested first prototype version.
The printed circuit board can be cut in two to get a more easy
mounting of the display part.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 22, 2011, 03:30:35 AM
about litz. I think what romerouk wanted to say is that using he's home made coils made the wire coupling a lot more loose then using normal wire( just see a screenshot of he's coils ). Since the paralel wires in a core WILL generate an oposing magnetic force on each other and will try to cancel out each other ( thus the oscilating circuit definition ), having a loose wires will allow the coil to store more energy ( less loss / slower oscilations inside the coil )

Skin effect = larger distance between wires = less loss

Ofc, this has a specific formula at what distance you start to loose mor ethen gain. The magnetic field drops faster then with a linear formual depending on the material it propagates. You have a magnetic field from the permanent magnet, and you want to use this as much as possible. So you have a goal to put as much wires in this field as possible. But you also want to use loose coupling to reduce the "skin effect" => you see there is a middle way.

Since these days using uber magnets is something you can aford, I think it would be more advised to use a "flat and loose" coil instead of a long and close winded.

Yes i know there is a skin effect definition that relates to current strength versus voltage. I'm just trying to translate what romero might have wanted to say.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 22, 2011, 03:38:24 AM
Quote from: Rosphere on May 21, 2011, 06:50:51 AM
Various rod sources may explain the variability in the placement of romerouk's stator magnets and why he needed to adjust them independently. 
Consistent core material may yield a more uniform post tuning arrangement.

Good observation. From the rod material, it might also explain why attraction mode is better: because the rod is probably near saturation with the helper magnet on the stator, and repulsion needs the driving coil to further strengthen the magnetic field but clearly the strengthened magnetic field will be clipped/plateaued by the saturation effect, therefore the efficiency won't be good. But with attraction, the magnetic field in the rod will need be reduced by the driving coil, there is no problem of clipping by saturation, the efficiency will be good. However, caution must be paid: even under the attraction mode, the rod should not be saturated when the driving coil is activated, otherwise the efficiency won't be good because the driving coil will spend some of its induced field to counteract the part of the magnetic field that is above the saturation point (the clipped part must be neutralized first). This probably explains why Romero says when the "helper mags" are too close it will be less efficient too.

In summary: the magnetically biased ferrite rod should not be saturated. If it is near the point of saturation, then the driving coil should work in attraction mode. If the ferrite rod is way below saturation, repulsion mode might work just as well as attraction mode.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 22, 2011, 04:03:15 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 22, 2011, 03:38:24 AM
In summary: the magnetically biased ferrite rod should not be saturated. If it is near the point of saturation, then the driving coil should work in attraction mode. If the ferrite rod is way below saturation, repulsion mode might work just as well as attraction mode.

About magnetically biasing the rod: people here still remember the Flynn Motor? Basically, the principle one can learn from there is this: when magnetic field were "added" together, the magnetic force usually are not just "added" together, the total effect will be much larger. Then by biasing the rod, it is like magnifying the magnetic force resulted from the driving coil (as an electromagnet) by a multiplier greater than 1. This could be a factor that contributes to the overall COP. Of course, there are other possible factors, as many here have already been discussing. It is too early, but with those ideas it might direct us towards tuning...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 22, 2011, 04:12:33 AM
Quote from: plengo on May 21, 2011, 09:59:44 PM
That's why I ordered those:


They are very robust. I will have to clean the bearings and replace the oil inside because they have a little bit of friction, but they will endure the 20000rpm very easily.


@Fausto: I am also thinking about two flanged bearings (one on each stator plate), an axis and two flange blocks holding the disk on the axis (one block below the disk and one above). The axis could be turned down to 5 mm at one end to carry an encoder wheel.

One can get flanged bearings for a 10 mm axis and also blocks for a 10 mm axis. But a 12 mm axis as you suggest is also very good.

I also observed that the bearings for a 10 mm axis or thicker have quite a high friction.

(This way of mounting the disk was chosen for the "The Muller Mark II".)

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 22, 2011, 04:28:30 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 22, 2011, 03:01:59 AM

This is a simular replication . It seems to run very long time on this supercap.

My speculation:

The basic idea is to drive a disk with the "pulse motor principle" (because it needs little energy) and then to place many "generator coils" around the spinning disk (which carries magnets) to harvest electricity.

The principal speculation being that the "pulse motor principle" needs less electricity than can be harvested by generator coils.

If this is true in some way, many different designs are possible.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 22, 2011, 04:28:31 AM
Hi folks, Hi conrad, I'm using flange bearings and I had to remove the dust covers and clean out all the heavy grease in them to get them to spin freely. They are way better this way and spin for a long time.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: electr0n on May 22, 2011, 04:33:02 AM
Hi, someone mentioned rotor height adjustment earlier, heres what i did.
A s/steel bolt with the top machined to move the rotor shaft up and down.

Awesome work you guys, some amazing constructing/testing your doing :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 22, 2011, 05:27:04 AM
   Maiden motor run with one motor coil pair and one gen coil pair.

  Output is 13.5v after the FWBR. Coils are 3 strands of #30 for
300 turns for about 4.5 ohms total.

Found some D-FW79 SMC sensors that put out high going signal
and operate from 5v to 24v dc. Output voltage depends on input.
Triggers the Fet directly without additional circuit.

Soon as the tach gets here, will be able to give a rpm of it. Will
have all the coils and motor running then. Then I start the bias
part of it. Running right now in repulse mode but will switch when

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 22, 2011, 06:20:31 AM
Quote from: Thaelin on May 22, 2011, 05:27:04 AM
Found some D-FW79 SMC sensors that put out high going signal
and operate from 5v to 24v dc. Output voltage depends on input.
Triggers the Fet directly without additional circuit.


@thay: I could not find the sensors you mentioned, could you please state a source?

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on May 22, 2011, 08:14:53 AM
Quote from: electr0n on May 22, 2011, 04:33:02 AM
Hi, someone mentioned rotor height adjustment earlier, heres what i did.
A s/steel bolt with the top machined to move the rotor shaft up and down.

Awesome work you guys, some amazing constructing/testing your doing :)

Very nice looking rig.   What are you using for those nice looking bearings?  How well does is spin?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 22, 2011, 08:21:35 AM
What is the point of iron washers between coils and magnets on the stator plates  ???
Part of brilliant flash of concept idea  ::) or ...  unfortunately these washers give nothing besides losses  >:(
I guess that provisionally was matter of economy - just money saving - it is easy to try coil top magnets without glue, no needs to colly expensive today magnets ::)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 22, 2011, 08:25:42 AM
@khabe, though you have a point. This whole device has quite a few very non optimal or controvertial design parts. Neverthless, in case you manage to obtain a COP 100x ( just a random large number) you do not really care how unoptimal your design is, mostly if you break the functionality by changing it.

Since the coils will have a switching matnetic field ( pull / push ) cycle, if you do not put the washers there to shield the top magnets from bottom ones. At some point they would "fly" away. Having a shielding between the coil and the magnet makes you wonder how do they even influence the output of the device ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 22, 2011, 08:27:11 AM
Quote from: maw2432 on May 21, 2011, 08:34:25 PM
I know this may be a stupid question to some of you but I have to ask.  Please help me understand all this AC to DC and back again stuff. 

My understanding is the design of the generator goes from AC to DC with the FWBR's.  Then the DC to DC converter is used to control the amount of power to the driver cores so the motor can be a self runner (with power left over).   

My question is this,  if there is all this excess (OU) power coming from the motor/generator why not just use one of those AC to DC power supplies like the selectable DC out supply I have for one my laptop computers and eliminate all the FWBRs?

Second question,  does anyone know if a Forstner drill bit is ok to use on acrylic?


Hi Bill,

Trying to answer your first question.  Romero used a separate diode bridge for each of his generator coils, ok.  He did not connect the gen coils directly in groups like in series or parallel but he connected all the DC outputs of the individual diode bridges in parallel.  This is surely important once he did so and then this would involve as many AC-DC converters to use as the number gen coils dictate. 
Using the many diode bridges surely costs some loss in useful output power because of the forward voltage drops of the diodes and your idea to simplify sounds good of course.  However, if you study the input circuit topology of most AC-DC converters you would find their AC input includes diode bridges... in 99% of the cases I think. It is true that then it would involve only one (common) diode bridge.
Another issue to consider when trying to connect directly in series the generator coils (to use a single AC-DC converter for all of them) is the phase differences between the individual output voltages, it should be studied, otherwise you may have even bigger power loss than the diode bridges otherwise involve.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 22, 2011, 08:33:23 AM
Quote from: Thaelin on May 22, 2011, 05:27:04 AM
   Maiden motor run with one motor coil pair and one gen coil pair.

  Output is 13.5v after the FWBR. Coils are 3 strands of #30 for
300 turns for about 4.5 ohms total.

Found some D-FW79 SMC sensors that put out high going signal
and operate from 5v to 24v dc. Output voltage depends on input.
Triggers the Fet directly without additional circuit.

Soon as the tach gets here, will be able to give a rpm of it. Will
have all the coils and motor running then. Then I start the bias
part of it. Running right now in repulse mode but will switch when


Hi thay,

Is 13.5 volts open circuit or with a load?



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 22, 2011, 08:45:31 AM
Quote from: electr0n on May 22, 2011, 04:33:02 AM
Hi, someone mentioned rotor height adjustment earlier, heres what i did.
A s/steel bolt with the top machined to move the rotor shaft up and down.

Awesome work you guys, some amazing constructing/testing your doing :)

Awesome work indeed!  I'm looking at a mirror of mine except for the height adjustment!!!!  Wow.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on May 22, 2011, 08:57:59 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on May 22, 2011, 08:27:11 AM
Hi Bill,

Trying to answer your first question.  Romero used a separate diode bridge for each of his generator coils, ok.  He did not connect the gen coils directly in groups like in series or parallel but he connected all the DC outputs of the individual diode bridges in parallel.  This is surely important once he did so and then this would involve as many AC-DC converters to use as the number gen coils dictate. 
Using the many diode bridges surely costs some loss in useful output power because of the forward voltage drops of the diodes and your idea to simplify sounds good of course.  However, if you study the input circuit topology of most AC-DC converters you would find their AC input includes diode bridges... in 99% of the cases I think. It is true that then it would involve only one (common) diode bridge.
Another issue to consider when trying to connect directly in series the generator coils (to use a single AC-DC converter for all of them) is the phase differences between the individual output voltages, it should be studied, otherwise you may have even bigger power loss than the diode bridges otherwise involve.

rgds,  Gyula
Gyula,   thanks for your answer.   So we need the FWBR's because the phase differences of each AC generator coil needs to be considered in capturing all of the AC power.  I guess a common diode bridge would not be able to handle the phase differences.   Is there a phase difference in the coil pairs that Romeo uses? (I believe the top and bottom coil pairs are in a series).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 22, 2011, 09:02:01 AM
OOPS!   ::)

D-F79W is the right part number........
   They certainly work good too.  Just ran up a single motor coil and output 20.7 volts. That is from a batt at 12.5v.

Quote from: conradelektro on May 22, 2011, 06:20:31 AM
@thay: I could not find the sensors you mentioned, could you please state a source?

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 22, 2011, 09:06:33 AM
    Well now its 20.7 but yes with no load yet. Just woke up the neighbors upstairs so have to mellow out a bit. Need to find my car bulb and see what it does with that. 12v  .9a is its norm.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 22, 2011, 09:06:49 AM
I would like to offer some help by saying Look very closely at the timing
the timing is so important and its very sensitive. 1 mill second ether way is going to mean the difference between success or failure.

900 to 1500 rpm while drawing 5.3 mill amps. This is more complex than than Romero could explain in a post on a forum. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 22, 2011, 09:18:14 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 22, 2011, 08:25:42 AM
@khabe, though you have a point. This whole device has quite a few very non optimal or controvertial design parts. Neverthless, in case you manage to obtain a COP 100x ( just a random large number) you do not really care how unoptimal your design is, mostly if you break the functionality by changing it.

Since the coils will have a switching matnetic field ( pull / push ) cycle, if you do not put the washers there to shield the top magnets from bottom ones. At some point they would "fly" away. Having a shielding between the coil and the magnet makes you wonder how do they even influence the output of the device ?

Of course magnets can fly away and on the R´s video we can see that some magnets are already left - missed at all,
nonetheless this fact did not interfere to achieve success - self run  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 22, 2011, 09:22:58 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 22, 2011, 08:21:35 AM
What is the point of iron washers between coils and magnets on the stator plates  ???
Part of brilliant flash of concept idea  ::) or ...  unfortunately these washers give nothing besides losses  >:(
I guess that provisionally was matter of economy - just money saving - it is easy to try coil top magnets without glue, no needs to colly expensive today magnets ::)

@khabe, I agree with you those washers give nothing besides losses. I remember Romero mentioned somewhere that when the biasing mags are too close it becomes less efficient. My conjecture is that the ferrite rods should not work under saturation.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: albert on May 22, 2011, 09:44:47 AM
I have learned from my Bedini machines that sometimes these things work better when the rotor speed is limited or braked down. ( mecahnical loads-remember Bedini used fan blades on some of his machines)---
If you are concerned about overspeeds or want to keep the rotor to a certain rpm window I suggest an eddy current brake in the form of some piece of aluminum next to the rotor. This might also help to keep the speed within the limits of the dc to dc converter. Perhaps one could do away with this entirely and use the eddy current brake to avoid a runaway situation where the thing jumps off the table at ridiculous rotor speeds!
I keep my fingers crossed and hope that some of you might get this to run soon!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Groundloop on May 22, 2011, 09:52:55 AM
Quote from: albert on May 22, 2011, 09:44:47 AM
I have learned from my Bedini machines that sometimes these things work better when the rotor speed is limited or braked down. ( mecahnical loads-remember Bedini used fan blades on some of his machines)---
If you are concerned about overspeeds or want to keep the rotor to a certain rpm window I suggest an eddy current brake in the form of some piece of aluminum next to the rotor. This might also help to keep the speed within the limits of the dc to dc converter. Perhaps one could do away with this entirely and use the eddy current brake to avoid a runaway situation where the thing jumps off the table at ridiculous rotor speeds!
I keep my fingers crossed and hope that some of you might get this to run soon!

Hi Albert,

Eddy current brake will only waste energy. The generator coils will act as a brake when you load them.
Tests I have done on my Muller motor/generator did show me that a load is enough to keep the RPM down.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 22, 2011, 09:54:57 AM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 22, 2011, 04:12:33 AM
@Fausto: I am also thinking about two flanged bearings (one on each stator plate), an axis and two flange blocks holding the disk on the axis (one block below the disk and one above). The axis could be turned down to 5 mm at one end to carry an encoder wheel.

One can get flanged bearings for a 10 mm axis and also blocks for a 10 mm axis. But a 12 mm axis as you suggest is also very good.

I also observed that the bearings for a 10 mm axis or thicker have quite a high friction.

(This way of mounting the disk was chosen for the "The Muller Mark II".)

Greetings, Conrad

You're right about the friction. They are big too. I bought the 12mm more for future projects too but for this project i think even a 7mm shaft will be fine.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 22, 2011, 10:49:46 AM
Quote from: lanenal on May 22, 2011, 09:22:58 AM
@khabe, I agree with you those washers give nothing besides losses. I remember Romero mentioned somewhere that when the biasing mags are too close it becomes less efficient. My conjecture is that the ferrite rods should not work under saturation.

You correct, two opposite magnets, distance between ca 35mm, what kind of saturation, what will be saturated? This tiny 6mm x 15mm ferrite rod? Why the hell it must to be come saturated? Flux concentrates out of coil, out from 35mm gap between two magnets and so what, who is waiting there - none 8)
Someone can just walk around his room, one magnet in left hand another in right and make serial pushings between until Monday morning when needs to go to school ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 22, 2011, 11:25:51 AM
Quote from: electr0n on May 22, 2011, 04:33:02 AM
Hi, someone mentioned rotor height adjustment earlier, heres what i did.
A s/steel bolt with the top machined to move the rotor shaft up and down.

Awesome work you guys, some amazing constructing/testing your doing :)
Nice job! What bearings are you using and do they feel smooth?
I'm still trying to find the best ones to do the job. My VCR bearings does not have a good way to screw the assembly to the rotor for stability although the bearings are real smooth!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElectronManipulator on May 22, 2011, 11:36:36 AM
I posted part of this in another area, but I think it is relevant, and could help.

Also, I see many folks over-using diode bridges (bridge rectifiers).  When you are dealing with such low power generation, why THROW AWAY a volt and a half on each bridge??

Read up on capacitive rectification, and using MOSFETs as IDEAL (no drop) diodes.

I am by no means a know-it-all, but I see simple errors all over that could help push people a little closer to their goals on this site.

Another thing to look into would be small signal power harvesting.  It would allow you to charge caps with VERY LOW power.

You can then use a switch (optical or HALL effect) to activate a pair electro-magnets to get the boosts you need to overcome magnetic cogging.

If you have a few mA and mV to spare in this dynamo, you can charge a capacitor.  Use a XLP PIC to monitor the cap voltage and when at proper levels, attach the load, and pulse the electromagnets.  After a few cycles, disconnect the load and continue along your battery switching routing (using the PIC to handle this also) and charging the capacitor for the next cycle.

Doing this will give you MINIMAL cogging.

If you are going to continue using diodes,  use germanium diodes instead of silicon, you will gain .2v instantly on your system.  They have a lower diode drop than silicon.  This will give you what you need to use the harvesting technique.

A vibrating piezo can charge a large cap over time with these harvesting circuits.

You should really look into this.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 22, 2011, 11:56:38 AM

Quote from: lanenal on May 22, 2011, 09:22:58 AM
@khabe, I agree with you those washers give nothing besides losses. I remember Romero mentioned somewhere that when the biasing mags are too close it becomes less efficient. My conjecture is that the ferrite rods should not work under saturation.

The washers might be very important because they guide the flux
into the right direction and to finetune the distance of the magnets and the ferrite cores, so the ferrites do not get saturated from thr stator magnets.

You know you want the the flux to be switched back and forth inside the ferrite cores when the magnet rotor is passing by !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 22, 2011, 12:34:10 PM
"quest for OU" XI -- "COP over 1"


(but no worries yet, not for long - only for couple hours)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElectronManipulator on May 22, 2011, 12:58:18 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on May 22, 2011, 12:34:10 PM
"quest for OU" XI -- "COP over 1"


to make sure the meters're showing right readings in previous video have changed the motor's design -- coils-magnets arrangement and heavier light, but on the same principle; meters still showing cop^1 readings and motor's running on supercap with power source disconnected
(but no worries yet, not for long - only for couple hours)

If you are confident of your findings, you really need to beg, borrow, or buy a oscilloscope.  Your meters are not keeping up with the sinusoids.  You are therefore getting unreliable readings.

A reading in DC mode requires a longer sample time than an AC-TrueRMS mode.

You really need to get proper readings.  If your meters are not HIGH-IMPEDANCE input meters, you are not getting proper readings anyhow.

At least you are doing SOMETHING, but with improper data, you may be chasing the wrong thing.

You will get a map of where to go next with an o'scope.

If you cannot afford one, ask around to borrow one.

Being able to tune a circuit can only be done marginally without seeing the waveform.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 22, 2011, 01:14:33 PM
Quote from: bourne on May 18, 2011, 08:33:16 PM
Hi Guys

Not sure if this has been 'gone over' before but I will post it anyway. It is a struggle keeping up with the posting during the week.

I have been busy with scissors and sheets of paper waiting for parts to arrive.

I have something to show regarding the 'event' travel. The 'event' being the single passing of a magnet and coil,


which has been shown to be magnified by the odd even arrangement of magnets/coils (number of magnets times segments of rotor)

Muller Dynamo. Comparison between numbers of coils and magnets

http://youtu.be/BaqRXKRSFOc (http://youtu.be/BaqRXKRSFOc)

It does not matter if you have an odd or even number of rotor magnets, if you want 'Events' to travel 'with' the rotor direction you must have a lower number of stator coils.

I have a pdf of the sheets I used if anyone wants to play with the combinations.

All the best
Personally, I believe having the events travel in the opposite direction of rotation are part of the key to unlocking this potential.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 22, 2011, 01:15:41 PM
Balancing rotors can save you LOTS of input amps even if it is not completey necessary like if the rpms is 5000rpm os so...
Its not that hard to balance a rotor just time-consuming:
Get some bearings with grease cleaned completely out of them - carburetor clearner is good to clean beaings and they should spin super easy and fast when very clean.
mount your muller-rotor HORIZONTAL in a stand with bearings and axle with nothing ferrouns nearby.

spin it and let it settle...it will probably settle in same place everytime it stops, and what you want to acheive when it is totally balanced is for it to not settle in one spot all the time, (thats it) then it is balanced as good as you can get.

so get some masking tape and tape some weights to the opposite (top) half of rotor when it does settle,  untl it doesnt want to settle in same place anymore...then when you getthe right amount of weight at certain points in rotor using masking tape , then drill out holes and epoxy or super glue the weights into rotor...to fine-tume, drill out holes into the rotor at the heavy area....you might not want to ruin the looks of your rotor however so use smaller weights etc.
ITs all very basic and should take you about 2 or 3hrs or so to get a rotor really balanced like this.
I like to use lead weights made from car-wheel balancing weights, or lead cut from from battery terminals for cars... then pound the lead into round rods that I can press into rotor after holed is drilled but you can use anything for weight you want.
An badly unbalanced rotor might draw for an example 500ma at 1000rpm and when it is balanced, youmight get it down to 200 or 300ma dependig on how bad it was at first.
you can do jsut as good job as a balancer at a machine shop doing this balance technique no problem.

have fun everyone keep going  and dont stop (double meaning eh)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 22, 2011, 01:35:43 PM
Quote from: k4zep on May 19, 2011, 02:48:45 PM
Hi Gang,

I sure won't win any race but I'm learning from watching Lidmotor, Lasersaber and a couple others. Everyone has great ideas, I use the ones I think are good, and sit on the ones that are not so good.

I made a quick trip to Harbor Freight and got a nice little drill press this morning for 74.99 @ a good chuck, I don't know how they sell stuff for what they do but it works and does what I need.  Put in another 8 hours today already, Rotor and plates are basically done except for mounting, gluing, etc.  Picked up bobbins from Wall Mart, bigger than the one I had for a singer, got the "brother" ones, thanks Lidmotor.  Going to take a break, back worn out leaning over lathe, drill presses, whew..  For the "Worlds Smallest Lab" folk, picture of me doing you know what to the platters.  Other, obvious.  If I can build it in my closet, anyone can! 


Nice work, sir. I feel your pain re: cramped working quarters.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on May 22, 2011, 01:47:52 PM
I've still got about 10 more pages to read before I'm caught up again but there's something nagging me that I haven't seen discussed here yet. Did anyone notice that the Gen II version of the Muller motor alternates rotor magnet polarity? I've got a feeling that by doing this there will be a speed or frequency at which the generator coils become self resonant, ESPECIALLY if they are bifilar wound. Should that occur, power outputs should fly off the map!  :o

Just an observation.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on May 22, 2011, 01:47:54 PM
Quote from: konehead on May 22, 2011, 01:15:41 PM
Balancing rotors can save you LOTS of input amps even if it is not completey necessary like if the rpms is 5000rpm os so...
they should spin super easy and fast when very clean.
mount your muller-rotor HORIZONTAL in a stand with bearings and axle with nothing ferrouns nearby.
Hi Konehead
You made our build much easier

To have a decent output just like in 3 phase motors conventional
star delta start    connections ....High rpm does matter?????
As for wind gen   low speed   and high speed
or just stick to Muller configuration to achieve the best result

totoalas :) :) :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on May 22, 2011, 02:05:32 PM
6.  Think about Ohms law!  Use it to your advantage!  30 volts .010, add a strand for amperage, to 30 volts .020 and you have just DOUBLED your wattage.  Treat the strands like little batteries."

Double your strand, double your wattage and double the drag on your magnet rotor!

Bruce TPU's false inference is that you can double your power for free. This just amounts to "FLUMMOXING".

"Ohm's law states that the current through A CONDUCTOR between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points, and inversely proportional to the resistance between them."

A CONDUCTOR means A SINGLE CONDUCTOR! Not a relationship between two or more wires. You can't "use Ohms law to this advantage'". This is where Bruce TPU has violated Ohms law. I want him to admit he's wrong and I want my status returned to normalcy.

Does anyone think there'd be any advantage to wrapping Muller dynamo output coils with wires of different gauges, then coupling the outputs of different strengths so that 2 times 2 equaled 22?  Imagine two output coils: One with thin wire of many turns for high voltage and another with thicker wire of fewer turns for more amperage. Both the same watts. How can it be possible to use Ohm's law to multiply the high voltage from one coil times the high amperage of the other to calculate actual output? This is delusory! The output can't equal more than the combined watts of the two coils!

This misguided approach would merely add to overall system entropy, not a gain in power! Ohm's law applies to current and voltage in a single wire ONLY, not together from seperate wires. That kind of mistake is extremely childish, and should not be pampered!

Splitting, seperating and coupleing Litz wires to diodes for the same reason only adds increased loss to resistance along with the increased system entropy. This simply amounts to backwards engineering!

How would one begin to FACTOR OUT system loss from first view?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 22, 2011, 02:09:57 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 22, 2011, 11:56:38 AM
The washers might be very important because they guide the flux
into the right direction and to finetune the distance of the magnets and the ferrite cores, so the ferrites do not get saturated from thr stator magnets.

You know you want the the flux to be switched back and forth inside the ferrite cores when the magnet rotor is passing by !

When the flux "switched back and forth inside the ferrite cores when the magnet rotor is passing by"  ... then distance between ends of upper and lower ferrite cores is ... oh dear ... visually  30mm, means that:
Upper magnet-> gap 10mm -> ferrite 15mm -> gap 10mm -> rotor thickness 10mm -> gap 10mm -> ferrite 15mm -> gap 10mm -> lower magnet
For what is able this flux what comes from upper magnet to lower through large air gaps and through 6mm uncnown ferrites?  Near nothing. Speaking about of saturation or about some kind of miracular energy bursts ... this is not serious ::)  Why to mess with pulse motor, why not to set focus to generator ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 22, 2011, 02:10:44 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on May 22, 2011, 08:57:59 AM
Gyula,   thanks for your answer.   So we need the FWBR's because the phase differences of each AC generator coil needs to be considered in capturing all of the AC power.  I guess a common diode bridge would not be able to handle the phase differences.   Is there a phase difference in the coil pairs that Romeo uses? (I believe the top and bottom coil pairs are in a series).

Yes in a single coil pair (consisting of one coil at the top and one coil at the bottom) the two coils are in series (the induced voltages add) and there is no or negligible phase difference between such two coils so that they can be connected in series without any phase loss. 
BUT there are 7 coil pairs (i.e. 14 generator coils) and they 'see' the approaching and leaving rotor magnets at different times: this is what makes the individual output voltage of any randomly chosen coil pair differ in phase with respect to any other coil pair.
You can see how the coils and the magnets are positioned in a given moment with respect to each other either in Page 9 or in Page 17 of the PDF file Stefan collected from members contributions:

So there is the need for using individual diode bridges for any one coil pair as Romero had and join the DC outputs of the diode bridges into a common positive and common negative point to charge a common puffer capacitor.

To reduce power loss due to the bridges, perhaps the output voltage levels induced could be increased so that the relative loss gets less or find diodes with smaller forward voltage losses like power Germanium types from the past (Schottky types were found bad performers! as Romero noticed) and ultimately MOSFETs as syncronous rectifiers could be used. HOWEVER, working on all such fine details to improve the setup should come AFTER a succesfull replication, this is what I think.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 22, 2011, 02:21:59 PM
Quote from: electr0n on May 22, 2011, 04:33:02 AM
Hi, someone mentioned rotor height adjustment earlier, heres what i did.
A s/steel bolt with the top machined to move the rotor shaft up and down.

Awesome work you guys, some amazing constructing/testing your doing :)
Hi electr0n,  welcome to OU.  Very nice build there.  May I ask what diameter are your plastic bolts and where you might get those?  I've considered plastic bolts or the other option is to have larger top and bottom plates so the steel bolts can be further out but that might lead to flexing without also increasing the thickness of them. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: electr0n on May 22, 2011, 02:28:46 PM
@chrisC & maw2432, the bearing size is OD 18.92, ID 6.77 and height 5.86mm. They were raided from a stepper motor which i thought looked similar to romeroUK`s, a standard sealed bearing.
Im not an engineer... and have trouble sawing wood straight, so i wont comment on the best solution for bearings.
@K4zep The last lot of photos you posted with your workshop & replication, inspire alot of people, including me.
@toranarod nice job :)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 22, 2011, 02:38:20 PM
Quote from: ZeroFossilFuel on May 22, 2011, 01:47:52 PM
I've still got about 10 more pages to read before I'm caught up again but there's something nagging me that I haven't seen discussed here yet. Did anyone notice that the Gen II version of the Muller motor alternates rotor magnet polarity? I've got a feeling that by doing this there will be a speed or frequency at which the generator coils become self resonant, ESPECIALLY if they are bifilar wound. Should that occur, power outputs should fly off the map!  :o

Just an observation.



the all one polarity magnets in R's machine are necessary because  alternating polarity would require an H bridge to switch the two power coils.

also the polarity of the helper magnets would only be correct 50% of the time, so scratch that one...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: electr0n on May 22, 2011, 02:41:57 PM
@e2matrix, Thanks:), the threaded rod, bolts and washers wore bought from
threaded rod M12 X 1M 08-PNS12-100 (12mm)
nylon nuts M12 09-PNN12C.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 22, 2011, 02:50:35 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on May 22, 2011, 02:10:44 PM
Yes in a single coil pair (consisting of one coil at the top and one coil at the bottom) the two coils are in series (the induced voltages add) and there is no or negligible phase difference between such two coils so that they can be connected in series without any phase loss. 
BUT there are 7 coil pairs (i.e. 14 generator coils) and they 'see' the approaching and leaving rotor magnets at different times: this is what makes the individual output voltage of any randomly chosen coil pair differ in phase with respect to any other coil pair.
You can see how the coils and the magnets are positioned in a given moment with respect to each other either in Page 9 or in Page 17 of the PDF file Stefan collected from members contributions:

So there is the need for using individual diode bridges for any one coil pair as Romero had and join the DC outputs of the diode bridges into a common positive and common negative point to charge a common puffer capacitor.

To reduce power loss due to the bridges, perhaps the output voltage levels induced could be increased so that the relative loss gets less or find diodes with smaller forward voltage losses like power Germanium types from the past (Schottky types were found bad performers! as Romero noticed) and ultimately MOSFETs as syncronous rectifiers could be used. HOWEVER, working on all such fine details to improve the setup should come AFTER a succesfull replication, this is what I think.


OH NO - regarding the Schottky diodes!  I've read every page since page 1.  There was mention by a couple members that Schottky diodes would likely produce a lower voltage drop.  I guess I missed or forgot? Romero saying they didn't work well.  Or maybe this was higher power Schottky bridges? (which seem rare).  Anyway I was planning on using a bunch of small Schottky diodes to make bridges and even parallel a bunch to get a higher current rating.  I was thinking 16 or 20 per coil.  This would actually cost less than buying higher current Schottky diodes.  Can you think of a reason why the Schottky's would not work as well? 
  I think it may be good to build this device in a modular way so things can be easily swapped out to try all variables eventually for maximum output. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 22, 2011, 02:52:01 PM
Hard drive bearings are not rated for the weight of these rotors I would suspect they will not have that long of an operational life. I could be totally wrong though but from what I recall from previous projects I have seen people do cd rom bearings, hard drive bearings, and VCR all seem to have a quick failure rate cause of the weight they were trying to handle and they were not built for that excess ....

Anyhow I wish you all luck but for a final build I would suspect it will take a bit more durable hardware to run at these speeds for durations of hours or maybe even weeks or years depending on how we can further improve this design maybe we could make a digital battery disconnect circuit to charge up the cap once it it at a certain level then recharge the battery when that is at a certain level as well.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 22, 2011, 02:52:10 PM
Thanks Jim!  Looks like you are well on your way to a very nice build. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 22, 2011, 03:05:23 PM
Picture Bottom Stator plate eventually cutout, took a lot of hours and Top Stator plate on the machine now.

Here is a picture of it cutout and M4/M3 threaded brass inserts press fitted.
The channels are to run the wires in.

Picture attached of Coil side populated.
Switches will swap polarity of coils.

And picture Connection side with washers for the biasing magnets.

Just got to run the wires now

There is no way the top plate will be finished tonight, so will have to wait till next weekend.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 22, 2011, 03:08:42 PM
Quote from: infringer on May 22, 2011, 02:52:01 PM
Hard drive bearings are not rated for the weight of these rotors I would suspect they will not have that long of an operational life. I could be totally wrong though but from what I recall from previous projects I have seen people do cd rom bearings, hard drive bearings, and VCR all seem to have a quick failure rate cause of the weight they were trying to handle and they were not built for that excess ....

Anyhow I wish you all luck but for a final build I would suspect it will take a bit more durable hardware to run at these speeds for durations of hours or maybe even weeks or years depending on how we can further improve this design maybe we could make a digital battery disconnect circuit to charge up the cap once it it at a certain level then recharge the battery when that is at a certain level as well.

I think you may be right about HD bearings and such although it's a cheap and easy way to put together a proof of concept.  I do have a hard drive with about ten 14" diameter platters so that would probably handle the weight ;)   That hard drive weighs about 45 pounds.  Just don't think it will quite fit this project but I'll bet some of the much older 5 1/4" full height hard drives would handle this if you can still find any of them. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 22, 2011, 03:11:25 PM
Quote from: albert on May 22, 2011, 09:44:47 AM
I have learned from my Bedini machines that sometimes these things work better when the rotor speed is limited or braked down. ( mecahnical loads-remember Bedini used fan blades on some of his machines)---
If you are concerned about overspeeds or want to keep the rotor to a certain rpm window I suggest an eddy current brake in the form of some piece of aluminum next to the rotor. This might also help to keep the speed within the limits of the dc to dc converter. Perhaps one could do away with this entirely and use the eddy current brake to avoid a runaway situation where the thing jumps off the table at ridiculous rotor speeds!
I keep my fingers crossed and hope that some of you might get this to run soon!

You are correct.  Romero mentioned a "lower" RPM output to use and everyone thought it is a "typo".  but I now believe from my own tests, that I know the reason why...

With ALL SAME polarity magnets, facing their coils at any one given time, the following becomes the problem....

It is a changing field, that the coil must see.  Because of the polarity being identical, what the coil sees is the following... North, time, North, time, North, Time, and on the other side, the coils see, South, time, South, time, etc.  Now, herein lies the dillemma, as the RPM's pick up speed, you can actually see the power go DOWN on each coil, because, the coil will stop seeing a changing field, but will only see North, North, North, etc.  So.o.o, a word to all of the builders, because the polarities are not South,North, South, North, etc, but all the same, there WILL be a tuning needed to find the BEST RPM to operate the machine for maximum induction.  My guess, is that it will be close to the RPM's quoted by Romero.

My problem on my rig, was using a giant coil, and added 4 more magnets, all with the same polarity facing the coil, as the first four.  Instead of seeing an increase in power, I saw a sharp decline in power, due to the reason above.  I was able to switch my mags to N,S,N,S, etc and it is NOT a replication of Romero's device, but only a test bed.

Anywho, I hope this helps someone replicating!


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 22, 2011, 03:11:33 PM
As always way nice work Clanzer!  Do I see individual switches mounted for each coil set?  Purpose?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 22, 2011, 03:15:18 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 22, 2011, 03:11:33 PM
As always way nice work Clanzer!  Do I see individual switches mounted for each coil set?  Purpose?

Yep one switch per coil on the bottom plate and on the top plate there is one for each of the driving coils.

They are there to simply allow me to switch polarity on each coil pair and also if I want to switch the setup from attraction to repulsion I can flick a couple of switches instead of re-wiring it.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 22, 2011, 03:23:39 PM
Two notes on construction:

It has been my experience that typical ball bearings are not designed for thrust loads.
By building your replication to sit flat on a table (vertical axis) as RomeroUK did, you are asking your bearings to operate in a thrust configuration.
You will discover an increased RPM by simply operating as a horizontal axis as opposed to vertical.

ZeroFossilFuel is correct in stating there is an inherent DANGER in building and operating a high RPM rotor disk.

I plan to use phenolic board for my rotor but I'm finding many sources are very PROUD of their phenolic products.
Then I discovered a wood working site that has 1/2" X 11" X 15" phenolic boards for only $23 each.

See:  http://www.highlandwoodworking.com/phenolicboard12x11x15.aspx

Hope this helps.
Please work safely.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 22, 2011, 03:32:31 PM
Thought I would share this video that RomeroUK sent me before the Muller Replication.

He managed to get motors to speed up before when applying a load, but the Muller Design enabled it to go to the next level and be self sustaining.


Do not ask me too much on this setup, but it uses the same circuit and same feedback circuit for harvesting the output of the PU.
The core in this pickup coil is MU-Metal.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 22, 2011, 03:53:43 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 22, 2011, 03:32:31 PM
Thought I would share this video that RomeroUK sent me before the Muller Replication.

He managed to get motors to speed up before when applying a load, but the Muller Design enabled it to go to the next level and be self sustaining.


Do not ask me too much on this setup, but it uses the same circuit and same feedback circuit for harvesting the output of the PU.
The core in this pickup coil is MU-Metal.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aphasiac on May 22, 2011, 03:58:17 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 21, 2011, 02:11:03 PM
@plengo,  you are messing with my scheme of saving all the pages here as they keep changing and numbers change.  :D   Oh well good riddance to tommy troll. 


I do agree with this. One of the advantages to leaving the pages fully intact is that when someone says "Where in this thread did someone say...," then it is easy for me or EM2 to do a quick text search of the pages and direct people.

I did a test of this yesterday, and with the missing posts, it becomes much less effective.

I also agree that it's nice to get rid of the junk. Maybe, Fausto, if you could agree not to go back more than 10 pages from the current one, we could save up to the the most recent 10 pages and know they will remain constant?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 22, 2011, 04:12:14 PM
As far as diodes go, there are two places you are going to use them, and one place is recovering the backemf/recoil from the motor coil's pulsing and for this shottkys should have an advantage not so much because of any voltage-drop but because of fact they operate so much faster than regular diodes and so will catch more of the instantaneous backward spikes/backemf that happens at motor-coil switch turn-off.
But for the  genrator coil diodes, just regular FWBRs should work fine however Romero did trick I've never seen or heard of before wher he "rings" the standard FWBR with some 4001 diodes also in FWBR configurationand he said he got a couple more volts that way which is alot so definely try that out see what happens.
Hector gave me great idea long ago and that is put a single shottky diode on just one of the AC lines from the gernator coils to the FWBR and this will give you some more volts in the cap too (for some reason dont know why for sure) sometimes it works great sometimes no difference at all so this might work well too in some of your builds......
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 22, 2011, 04:41:48 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 22, 2011, 03:05:23 PM
Picture Bottom Stator plate eventually cutout, took a lot of hours and Top Stator plate on the machine now.

Here is a picture of it cutout and M4/M3 threaded brass inserts press fitted.
The channels are to run the wires in.

Picture attached of Coil side populated.
Switches will swap polarity of coils.

And picture Connection side with washers for the biasing magnets.

Just got to run the wires now

There is no way the top plate will be finished tonight, so will have to wait till next weekend.



Hello CLaNZeR
are you still there do you have a processor to control the system. I would like to talk to about the timing of the pulse and duration.
I have recored some very interesting figures. I have already seen an ou output just from the recovery system.
I know you have the electronics back ground     
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 22, 2011, 04:45:10 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 22, 2011, 03:32:31 PM
Thought I would share this video that RomeroUK sent me before the Muller Replication.

He managed to get motors to speed up before when applying a load, but the Muller Design enabled it to go to the next level and be self sustaining.


Do not ask me too much on this setup, but it uses the same circuit and same feedback circuit for harvesting the output of the PU.
The core in this pickup coil is MU-Metal.



Clanzer, as the usual, BEAUTIFUL man. Thank you. Great work too and you did not miss anything. Keep up the great work you are doing.

That video makes me really confirm one of Thains Heins therory presented on the 'Muller for Experimentatlists'. It is indeed a coil with high number of turns of very small diameter wire that causes that effect as well explained by Thains (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10716.msg286635#msg286635). This only corroborates RomeroUK validity.

Guys, no more insults please. If you have a question about someone personality (out of the context of this thread) use the Personal Message for it.

I will not go back from 10 pages and remove anything only from now on. Too late and it is for history that ALL can see that noise is a nuance and not good. So will keep deleting anything that is not in the context. I already created threads for other kind of discussions.

Feel free to complain to Stefan if you think I am not doing a good moderation. :)


edit: I will only remove the content of the "non-compliant post". A nice member explained to me the problem with removing the links and breaking references. Now I got. So though to be dumb!! :P
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 22, 2011, 04:47:05 PM
whenever I build a mullergenerator type of thing (have built lots of them for 9yrs) the most problematic things is that rotor to be spinning absolutely flat with no wobble - so that you couldnt see it spin at all if it was a totally flat disc -
and othe thing farily difficult to get right is  the tightness of the airgap betweenteh coils/cores and the rotor magnets.

Almost always the plastic you buy will not be perfectly flat from the store, so if you have a planer, run it through that a few times before making the cut out for the disc.
What i do however (since I dont have a planer),  is mount the magnets in rotor so that they stick out a few millimeters, and the magnets are not flush with the face of the rotor surface.
Then when you get the chassis together, and you spin the rotor by hand against the coils and cores already mounted, you can check one by one the air-gap distance between each of the rotor magnets, and pick a specific coil/core to check each magnet;s airgap distance against.
Then keep track, like magnet no1 is 1/mm to low, and the magnet no5 magnet is 1/4mm to high etc etc  and then take out rotor and knock with plastic block the rotor magnet a bit deeper or higher in the rotor and keep doing this until its perfectly perfect and then finally glue the magnet in with some super glue and maybe put a coat of epoxy over the rotor and magnets to lock it all in place or some other method you can think of.
Anyways doing it with magnets sticking out a little bit makes it so you can compensate for the rotor not being perfeclty flat in first place, and youwill be able to have a perfect arigap between all magnets.
Romero said he adjsuted airgap hundreds of times and it is really important thing...also in these flat-rotor Muller type of designs its a nice feature just to be be able to adjsut the airgap - its not possible in "radial" type of motors and generators.
Usually 1.5mm airgap is good one but that isnt set in stone.
Also when I mount rotor into chassis of the upper and lower coil-plates, I have block that holds upper magnet, and farily large hole that axle goes through cut out into the upper coil plate.
dont mount the block holdien bearing in at first, and in fact hold it in with a couple bolts through some larger-than normal holes through the bearing-holder block, so you can move the bearing holding the axle of the rotor in forward and backward and sideways a 1/2mm this way or that way then tighten the bolts up fairly snug holding the bearing-block in and spin the rotor by hand and check to makde sure the airgap on the right and the airgap on the left is exactly the same between the coil/cores and rotor magnets - then when you get it perfect, then lock that bearing-block in place with some screws or bolts. This saves lots of time and does a good job of making that rotor spin absoultuely flat.
If you are using threaded rod as your axles, they will make noise and clatter with the bearing mounted around them. Easy trick  is to wrap some teflon plumbing tape around the threads where the axle goes through, and push bearing in, this compressing the teflon tape into the threads.... then pull out bearing and wrap some more, and compress again with the bearing. Do this about 5 times or so unitl that bearing is  really tight and no more clatter and you will have tight bearing but obviously we-machined rotor-axle is better way to do it.
Also dont have bearigns "tight" against the beaing-holder/blocks...leave a bit of clearance - say 1/2mm
if beaings press too hard, you will really have a high amps draw you sill see what I mean - and no reason to tighten anything against bearing on outside of the bearing -  the insides of bearings is all you need - so leave the axle "free" on outside.
the best lubircant in the world is "protecta" its teflon based lube and if you have ceramic bearings (the best bearings in the world except for magnetic ones) this is the only typt of lubricant they reccomend....Clanzer reported the ceramics fizzing out above 10K rpms but maybe with some of this lube they would of done alright jsut google protecta to see their site and they will give you free sampel if you are nice to them.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 22, 2011, 04:55:48 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 22, 2011, 04:41:48 PM
Hello CLaNZeR
are you still there do you have a processor to control the system. I would like to talk to about the timing of the pulse and duration.
I have recored some very interesting figures. I have already seen an ou output just from the recovery system.
I know you have the electronics back ground   

Hi Toranarod

On this replication I am using the same circuit as Romero

But you are correct that on the Steorn Automated PM rig I am using a encoder disk and Pic Circut I designed to log data, but no reason it cannot be used for pulsing.

I have used a Pic Chip before on many Rigs in the past and a sensor that trigger the pulse.
The Pulse Width is then determined and adjusted by the Pic Chip.
Had some very interesting results also with this method, but never made them public as it was being used on one of the original E-Orbo Rigs I built over 2 years ago now.

So with you on using Embedded controllers for varying the pulse width and duty time. But will stick to the original circuit for this one (For Now!!)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Aphasiac on May 22, 2011, 04:58:27 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 22, 2011, 04:45:10 PM

I will not go back from 10 pages and remove anything only from now on...

Feel free to complain to Stefan if you think I am not doing a good moderation. :)


You're doing great. Thank you!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: albert on May 22, 2011, 05:30:27 PM
My own bedini replication has a recovery coil showing the same effects as in the video from Clanzer. The rotor speeds up when the coil is shorted and depending on the impedance of the load slows down or not.
As you could see in the video the small lamp just barely lights up. On the same coil you could probably run a hundred leds because its a high impedance load.
Once the generator is up and running it must be impedance matched to the driver system if this is to be running as self runner. This way nothing gets lost or slows the rotor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 22, 2011, 05:41:52 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 22, 2011, 03:15:18 PM
Yep one switch per coil on the bottom plate and on the top plate there is one for each of the driving coils.

They are there to simply allow me to switch polarity on each coil pair and also if I want to switch the setup from attraction to repulsion I can flick a couple of switches instead of re-wiring it.



Awesome job, as always ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 22, 2011, 05:48:46 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 22, 2011, 02:50:35 PM
OH NO - regarding the Schottky diodes!  I've read every page since page 1.  There was mention by a couple members that Schottky diodes would likely produce a lower voltage drop.  I guess I missed or forgot? Romero saying they didn't work well.  Or maybe this was higher power Schottky bridges? (which seem rare).  Anyway I was planning on using a bunch of small Schottky diodes to make bridges and even parallel a bunch to get a higher current rating.  I was thinking 16 or 20 per coil.  This would actually cost less than buying higher current Schottky diodes.  Can you think of a reason why the Schottky's would not work as well? 
  I think it may be good to build this device in a modular way so things can be easily swapped out to try all variables eventually for maximum output.


Here is a link to Romero tests on Schottky diodes (because those types he refers to as tested are mainly of Schottky types taken out from PC power supplies):

Member mikesstocks2006 already gave a possible explanation here:

I can agree with this and wish add to it that the type STPR1620CT Romero included also as inferior is NOT a Schottky type, see data sheet:

So for this type the reverse current rating seems quite acceptable (50uA maximum at 25°C and 0.6mA maximum at 100°C)  and its forward voltage drop at 1-2A current is about 0.8V for one diode (this type is a double diode integrated into a single package).  In my opinion this type should have worked (connected as 4 single diode to form a full wave bridge from them) at least as good as the normal Si diode bridges Romero finally used and paralleled with the 1N4001 types.
Here is two other link on this diode topic:
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg285237#msg285237 and

Unfortunately Romero has not returned to the diode issue since the above links.

Just noticed Doug Konzen wrote on the diodes too and I agree Schottky diodes with their 'faster operation' vs normal Si diodes would not be an advantage here. He mentioned the parallel connection trick Romero used and the explanation for the resulting less diode loss for parallel diodes is that they mutually shunt each other when forward biased so the voltage drop across them is reduced hence the loss too. Years ago I had access to a transistor curve tracer and saw the improvement in forward V-I curves when paralleled some diodes, parallelling 2 1N4001 for instance gave a 0.86-0.87V (or so from memory) drop instead of the 1V at 1A forward current, paralleling 4 of them however gave 0.78-0.79V drop, very nonlinear shunting effect and you cannot increase this to 'no end' of course.
Normally the paralleled usage of power rectifier diodes is not recommended because in case of any one of the individual diodes in the paralleled pair fails and becomes an open circuit then the other diode should handle the full current, so for any one diode the current ratings have to be picked according to the total current, this may make the cost higher. BUT in our case this is not an issue, for we know that free energy is not free... LOL

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 22, 2011, 06:02:31 PM
Thanks very much Konehead

for all your info and very apreciated knowledge transfer very helpfull ;)

Hi Clanzer

do not worry for those probably too much sensitive post from people who have not taken the time to  simply study your magnifique design. But there is a lot like this  in this forum and   sometimes it is disturbing to say the less.


OK for today

I am probably beginning a very serious hard job here,

So as i sayd, i wound my 18 coils with 0.3 mm plain copper wire. So i got about 450 turns per coils with an average DC resistance of 5.5 ohms.

So for the new commer , i have 7 sets of 2 coils wounded in serie (that is to say about 11 ohms DC resistance per set ), for generation of  the output power.

Those  7 sets are powered by 2 sets of coils ,wounded in serie and powered by the ROMERO's circuit as described in the Stephan PDF.

The trigger magnet are positionned near the center of the rotor, (not at the periphery ) see pix

I tried 3 different size of stator magnets in attracting and repelling position ( as per rotor magnet)  All cores  on both (upper and bottom stator) were covered by those biasing magnets

The best result , concerning  the stator magnets above the generative coils, is for me and my setup without any doubt  , in REPELLING position to the rotor magnet is far the best , I know i am very surprised by this result but as i sayd , this machine has to be understood as a whole  and not as an addition of separated parts. My 2 cents.

The powering cores and coils are not biased at all by stator magnet,

I could get from  no stator magnet up to the best config ( 20 mm diameter  by 10 mm thikness disc N42 magnet) SO FAR , from 15 volt  to 27 volts.(open circuit)

This means that the Stator magnets are really important.

In the pix annexed, you see that i could get 27 volts with an input  of around 12 volts for about 118 ma.

But no chance to loop at the present.

Another thing , i measured the DC / DC converter and at 12 volt input and set to 12 volts output,it draws 52 ma.  = 0.6 watt ouch !! :P

So first result

input    11.7 volts at 117 ma   produce   on a single set of coil arrounf 24 volts at 1225 RPM (open circuit )

input    11.7 volts at 117 ma produce, on all parrallel connected 7 sets of coils ,arround 26 volts at 1225 RPM ( open circuit )

A lot of work is remaining for me to get what Romero got.

good luck at all


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElectronManipulator on May 22, 2011, 06:12:18 PM
My pushes in the right direction seems to have gone unnoticed.

If you would like to know where the engineering I speak of comes from:

The guys I have worked with over the years spent 8 hours or more a day doing what you are doing with one exception; a huge budget.

I laugh when I hear "It wont work! Because if it COULD work, it would already have been built!"

Yes.  That is correct..Except for the first part.

Zero Power consumption is not allowed in industry.

But 10 watts for a typical hundred watt pump(or more) is allowed. {wink, wink}

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 22, 2011, 06:28:48 PM
Quote from: ElectronManipulator on May 22, 2011, 06:12:18 PM
My pushes in the right direction seems to have gone unnoticed.

If the COP is 10, efficiency is somewhat moot. If COP is 1.1 it is of paramount importance.

You are pushing for improvements in efficiency, and well you should. I think that most folks here are still in a mode of trying to prove that COP > 1 is possible, and once that is proven, efficiency starts to matter a great deal more. If you want to get everyone's attention, offer an experiment that demonstrates COP > 1...you'll have their undivided attention.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 22, 2011, 06:36:09 PM
Gyula and konehead - Thank you once again!  All great info and thanks gyula for so much info on the diodes.  I'm still reading all the links.  I ordered a boat load of Schottky's but at a small cost so I'll probably try my plan with them and if they won't cut it I'll try what Romero used.  Other than paralleling the 1N4001's onto his bridge rectifiers I don't recall ever seeing what exact bridge rectifier he was using.  They looked small so maybe 2A @ 100 volt or somewhere in that range. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 22, 2011, 06:42:26 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 22, 2011, 06:02:31 PM
So as i sayd, i wound my 18 coils with 0.3 mm plain copper wire. So i got about 450 turns per coils with an average DC resistance of 5.5 ohms.

Laurent, do you plan to experiment with litz wire too, at one point ? (It's still unclear to me if Romero used it or not on the self looping video, he said so at least).

Anyways, congrats for the job and information sharing so far ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 22, 2011, 06:48:50 PM
Hi Laurent,

My questions lol

What load do you use at the DC output? (please use either a light bulb Romero used BEFORE the looping or use a 15-20 Ohm high wattage resistor if you have no lamp at hand)

Do you have 7 individual diode bridges that terminate in a common puffer capacitor?

HEre is some info from Romero earlier posts:

This is for now, must finish.  Do not loop yet, use a load and measure DC output current and voltage and compare it to the input power. (Beware, your higher than 16V DC output may ruin the DC-DC converter input circuits as an overvoltage for them)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElectronManipulator on May 22, 2011, 06:55:42 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on May 22, 2011, 06:28:48 PM
If the COP is 10, efficiency is somewhat moot. If COP is 1.1 it is of paramount importance.

You are pushing for improvements in efficiency, and well you should. I think that most folks here are still in a mode of trying to prove that COP > 1 is possible, and once that is proven, efficiency starts to matter a great deal more. If you want to get everyone's attention, offer an experiment that demonstrates COP > 1...you'll have their undivided attention.

If the COP is .9 and you are going for 1.1, it is of substantial importance.

Ceramic, non-lubed, bearings are very close to "friction-less" as most folks can get.
QuoteCeramic balls are >60% lighter, >50% stiffer, >70% smoother, and much, much harder than steel balls. Ceramic balls have >100X better rolling contact fatigue life in comparison to Vacuum Melt 52100 Steel.
from http://www.spsspindle.com/quantum/ceramic_steel.php

Using a plastic pyramid with a magnetic bearing-in-cup at the tip (Far enough away from the magnetically controlled rotational function) you can get zero contact friction.  With all I have seen this group build, that should at least be a standard "tool-box" part

If you are just (just) looking for proof of concept, an air bearing would be of great help.

It can handle substantial weight, and can be done quite effectively with a laser cutting device.

However, as I have also read, there has been trouble balancing.  The "cheat" around this is to use mechanical bearings to an extent.

Thicker, heaver materials can help with this significantly.  It COSTS to build bigger, and building on a small scale as a proof of concept is very attractive.  Access to proper tools and tooling is very important for functional accuracy.  Especially when dealing with magnetics.

I understand the feeling of not wanting to "use power" to float the device, BUT, once you can afford proper bearings, that is a write-off.  You KNOW with more money comes greater accuracy and less friction.

A great education can be had by spending the time spacing and balancing your magnetics, as many on here apparently can attest to.

Any off balancing IS RESISTANCE and thus requires more power (P=IR)

Resistance can be to your advantage in many cases. During power generation for example.

I have not built Mr. Mullers dynamo, but one thing stands true. Any recovered losses should be used.

Capture and charge a cap with WHATEVER you have available. This is as close to free as you can get.

Only load the dynamo when you can afford to.  If a designed load is cogging the magnetics, you only have two choices.  Reduce load or add power.

The cap can be discharged as soon as the load is set, in pulses (like the human heart), and the load is disconnected when the cap charge reaches a cutoff point.  (A point where the load would start excessive cogging).

Simple semiconductor switches can be employed to do this.

If anyone needs help with microprocessor coding, I would be glad to offer a hand.

I mentioned, as did another member, germanium diodes.  There is no reason not to use them.

There is NO REASON to use a per-manufactured bridge! NONE!  You are incurring losses you can avoid instantly! As they tend to use diodes rated much higher than seen circuit requirements.  The higher the rating, the worse the losses at lower currents.

Why use a 10 amp (or more) rated bridge if your circuit will not see more than half an ampere?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on May 22, 2011, 07:10:58 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 22, 2011, 03:32:31 PM
Thought I would share this video that RomeroUK sent me before the Muller Replication.

He managed to get motors to speed up before when applying a load, but the Muller Design enabled it to go to the next level and be self sustaining.


Do not ask me too much on this setup, but it uses the same circuit and same feedback circuit for harvesting the output of the PU.
The core in this pickup coil is MU-Metal.



   Open circuit coil acts as a load appereantly. However dead shorted circuit coil acts more like magnetic flux capacitor (or mechanical spring) and has little losses  and unloads prime mover so one can see acceleration.  Now in your video you might tend to think that shorted coil provides acceleration. This is just illusion. Its easy to figure this out by measureing rpm with shorted coil and then measuring rpm with coil removed all together. Removal of the coil will provided greater acceleration or increase in rpm then the one shorted. So no free lunch there. And why would open circuit coil act as a much greater load than shorted I am not sure (oversaturates?). All this I have observed with my thane heins replication. As far as I am concerned his theories were wrong. Just my opinion.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 22, 2011, 07:45:28 PM
ElectronManipulator,  Thanks for all your tips here.  Lots of good info.  You have mentioned some things I have not seen like a magnetic pyramid for a bearing (although I can somewhat picture it).  Do you have any pictures or links to these?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 22, 2011, 07:57:47 PM
Quote from: minde4000 on May 22, 2011, 07:10:58 PM

   Open circuit coil acts as a load appereantly. However dead shorted circuit coil acts more like magnetic flux capacitor (or mechanical spring) and has little losses  and unloads prime mover so one can see acceleration.  Now in your video you might tend to think that shorted coil provides acceleration. This is just illusion. Its easy to figure this out by measureing rpm with shorted coil and then measuring rpm with coil removed all together. Removal of the coil will provided greater acceleration or increase in rpm then the one shorted. So no free lunch there. And why would open circuit coil act as a much greater load than shorted I am not sure (oversaturates?). All this I have observed with my thane heins replication. As far as I am concerned his theories were wrong. Just my opinion.


Well spoken, yes, remove the coil and establish a base line first. Then the acceleration illusion becomes readily apparent.

My opinion too!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElectronManipulator on May 22, 2011, 08:08:42 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 22, 2011, 07:45:28 PM
ElectronManipulator,  Thanks for all your tips here.  Lots of good info.  You have mentioned some things I have not seen like a magnetic pyramid for a bearing (although I can somewhat picture it).  Do you have any pictures or links to these?

I have no images in my stock, and I did a quick google, thinking they were more popular than they apparently are!

The only thing I could find close is an image from a Mr. Hamel. 

Oddly enough he was involved with a free-energy movement.


The theory is the same.  The point of the pyramid is in a cup, levitated as much as possible.

The tip should be as sharp as possible as if it does come in contact, it will have minimal effect on friction.

Where I first saw this bearing was on an desk toy.

I did a search for the toy, to no avail. However there is an upside-down version:

A very interesting home-made bearing is to use a center punch and a sewing needle.

A drop of oil in the detent made by the pointed center-punch will keep it operational longer. as it heats, the point dulls, but very good for testing minimal friction theory.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TommeyLReed on May 22, 2011, 09:07:44 PM
We'll looking at this motor, it has 16 fields, that also mean the each field will not allow the rotor to spin, acting as a brake with the ferrite cores pulling the magnet into the core. This would have to be counter with a off set of each 2 set of fields or magnet arrangements. Like the pulse Adam motor. These magnet are very powerful, and will produce a great power output, but it also means it will take energy to spin this disk away from the field too. This is why generator don't use magnets for this reason.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TommeyLReed on May 22, 2011, 09:11:10 PM
I have been working on the Vapor carb system at this time, but I will be willing to study this basic system. And give some basic tips if needed.....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: no disclaimer on May 22, 2011, 09:18:37 PM
Whew that's a lotta pages. Did I accidentally miss the page that stated the size and quality of the magnets used in the rotor to trigger the hall.
I'm slow moving but I'd like to replicate as exact as possible so I don't get myself into the what if scenario. Lots of newbies like myself gettin in
hope I can offer some benefit along the way.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 22, 2011, 09:20:27 PM
Lidmotor has posted a new vid. Looks like he is getting close ;D
oops ....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElectronManipulator on May 22, 2011, 09:29:59 PM
Quote from: TommeyLReed on May 22, 2011, 09:11:10 PM
I have been working on the Vapor carb system at this time, but I will be willing to study this basic system. And give some basic tips if needed.....


Do you have a discussion thread set up to talk about this?

Are you using an evaporative or acoustic vapor production method?

I dont want to take the thread off topic, but it is a great energy conversion.  You can run a vaporizor off a simple set of AA batteries.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 22, 2011, 09:51:29 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 22, 2011, 04:55:48 PM
Hi Toranarod

On this replication I am using the same circuit as Romero

But you are correct that on the Steorn Automated PM rig I am using a encoder disk and Pic Circut I designed to log data, but no reason it cannot be used for pulsing.

I have used a Pic Chip before on many Rigs in the past and a sensor that trigger the pulse.
The Pulse Width is then determined and adjusted by the Pic Chip.
Had some very interesting results also with this method, but never made them public as it was being used on one of the original E-Orbo Rigs I built over 2 years ago now.

So with you on using Embedded controllers for varying the pulse width and duty time. But will stick to the original circuit for this one (For Now!!)



I would like to bounce a few ideas off you and get your opinion.
I thought you had used Pic processors before to control pulse motors. Its not about the processor but about how you may have experimented with the control
systems. I have noticed that it is possible to increase the speed of a motor by incrementing the PWN time and TDC in stages.
Its a bit like changing gear in your car. You can start at one time duty cycle and get it to RPM stage ONE. once there it is possible to go to the next RPM
speed rise. with out consuming any more current. accentually if done right current decreases with RPM speed increase.   
It becomes a combination of retarding the Timing and controlling the duty cycle. I also have developed the use of a multistage pule. this is amazing to see how it affects the return current and improves drive COP 

It should be possible to write a program that automatically can control the Muller motor to optimise's its out put. under different load conditions.
from a few test i have already conducted this is what Romero was doing with the magnets on the ferrite cores. its he was doing basically timing control mechanically.

you appear to one of the few that work on this stuff enough to have insight into what I am proposing.
I would like to set up a video to show you the function in progress and how the load and timing control output.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 22, 2011, 09:59:17 PM
Quote from: no disclaimer on May 22, 2011, 09:18:37 PM
Whew that's a lotta pages. Did I accidentally miss the page that stated the size and quality of the magnets used in the rotor to trigger the hall.
I'm slow moving but I'd like to replicate as exact as possible so I don't get myself into the what if scenario. Lots of newbies like myself gettin in
hope I can offer some benefit along the way.

Took a little to find it..

Quote from Romero:

Let's clarify some points regarding the sensors:
not both of them are using the small magnets.I started originally with both using the small magnets to switch then I tried to move one to get max results.
The second one is facing the big magnets from the top.This one from the top is activated after the magnet passed, the other one on the side of the rotor is activated like 1mm after the magnet passed the center coil.
This is difficult to explain, testing yourself will get you there but do the testing separate not both of then at the same time.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElectronManipulator on May 22, 2011, 10:05:12 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 22, 2011, 09:51:29 PM
I would like to bounce a few ideas off you and get your opinion.
I thought you had used Pic processors before to control pulse motors. Its not about the processor but about how you may have experimented with the control
systems. I have noticed that it is possible to increase the speed of a motor by incrementing the PWN time and TDC in stages.
Its a bit like changing gear in your car. You can start at one time duty cycle and get it to RPM stage ONE. once there it is possible to go to the next RPM
speed rise. with out consuming any more current. accentually if done right current decreases with RPM speed increase.   
It becomes a combination of retarding the Timing and controlling the duty cycle. I also have developed the use of a multistage pule. this is amazing to see how it affects the return current and improves drive COP 

It should be possible to write a program that automatically can control the Muller motor to optimise's its out put. under different load conditions.
from a few test i have already conducted this is what Romero was doing with the magnets on the ferrite cores. its he was doing basically timing control mechanically.

you appear to one of the few that work on this stuff enough to have insight into what I am proposing.
I would like to set up a video to show you the function in progress and how the load and timing control output.

Please do not limit yourselves to only PWM.  PFM is quite important in dealing with dynamic motors.

You are correct in your assertion that you can increase speed with no additional current draw, however you will loose torque proportionately.

Remember that frequency is as important.

The pulses, timed properly, controlled by a feedback loop will allow you varying frequency over the entire RPM range and torque/load changes of a motor/generator.

TI makes a very good set of power supply ICs that handle every aspect. PWM, PFM, and feedback of high speed switched supplies.

Maybe something to look into.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 22, 2011, 10:25:16 PM
Quote from: ElectronManipulator on May 22, 2011, 06:55:42 PM
If the COP is .9 and you are going for 1.1, it is of substantial importance.

I think that somewhat misses the point. I wasn't referring so much to actual COP as much as maximum theoretical COP for the design in question. Achieving 0.99999 out of a possible 1.0 is interesting, but not terribly useful. I have yet to see anything in my lab that demonstrated a potential greater than 1.0, although I have seen many at 0.95 or better.

Which is not to say that I disagree with your points...I don't...I noticed the monster bridge too, which is clearly ill-advised for both switch rate and power dissipation. I do think it is somewhat academic though until anomalous power has been demonstrated. Using a micro-controller to control both the drive coils and the generator coils makes great sense, but it is not the easiest thing for most experimenters. My company designs and manufactures industrial controls...we would be all over automating the controls for this...but not until I can demonstrate more out than in.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 22, 2011, 10:30:54 PM
Quote from: minde4000 on May 22, 2011, 07:10:58 PM

   Open circuit coil acts as a load appereantly. However dead shorted circuit coil acts more like magnetic flux capacitor (or mechanical spring) and has little losses  and unloads prime mover so one can see acceleration.  Now in your video you might tend to think that shorted coil provides acceleration. This is just illusion. Its easy to figure this out by measureing rpm with shorted coil and then measuring rpm with coil removed all together. Removal of the coil will provided greater acceleration or increase in rpm then the one shorted. So no free lunch there. And why would open circuit coil act as a much greater load than shorted I am not sure (oversaturates?). All this I have observed with my thane heins replication. As far as I am concerned his theories were wrong. Just my opinion.


Quote from: i_ron on May 22, 2011, 07:57:47 PM
Well spoken, yes, remove the coil and establish a base line first. Then the acceleration illusion becomes readily apparent.

My opinion too!


Agreed ... KneeDeep

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 22, 2011, 10:52:09 PM
Quote from: Aphasiac on May 22, 2011, 03:58:17 PM

I do agree with this. One of the advantages to leaving the pages fully intact is that when someone says "Where in this thread did someone say...," then it is easy for me or EM2 to do a quick text search of the pages and direct people.

I did a test of this yesterday, and with the missing posts, it becomes much less effective.

I also agree that it's nice to get rid of the junk. Maybe, Fausto, if you could agree not to go back more than 10 pages from the current one, we could save up to the the most recent 10 pages and know they will remain constant?



As Moderator on the JT topic as well as a few others, I found the best thing to preserve posting numbers is to use the "Modify" option and remove the offending post and in its place type something like "***Post Removed by the Moderator***".

This should solve the problem.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElectronManipulator on May 22, 2011, 10:56:38 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on May 22, 2011, 10:25:16 PM
I think that somewhat misses the point. I wasn't referring so much to actual COP as much as maximum theoretical COP for the design in question. Achieving 0.99999 out of a possible 1.0 is interesting, but not terribly useful. I have yet to see anything in my lab that demonstrated a potential greater than 1.0, although I have seen many at 0.95 or better.

Which is not to say that I disagree with your points...I don't...I noticed the monster bridge too, which is clearly ill-advised for both switch rate and power dissipation. I do think it is somewhat academic though until anomalous power has been demonstrated. Using a micro-controller to control both the drive coils and the generator coils makes great sense, but it is not the easiest thing for most experimenters. My company designs and manufactures industrial controls...we would be all over automating the controls for this...but not until I can demonstrate more out than in.

I agree fully with the COP point.

About the uC point, I do not.

Even if your control signals are external, (ie external triggering) that is irrelevant to theory.

For fine tuning your timing and creating a device, you should use prototyping tools.  Use a PC as a function generator, ect.

That way you can adjust your timing on the fly, and use complicated algorithms.  Once you find the trigger points, you may no longer need them.   You can revert to properly placed optical or hall sensors and logic circuits.

BUT, with 3.3v tens of uA microcontrollers that can run months off of a coin cell, the use is trivial.

As for prototyping, they should be used.

Microcontrollers are cheap.  There is no need for the projects I have seen to have to use more than a 10f20x PIC. 4MHz is fine for all of this work. 10bit ADC and a built-in capacitive touch option which can be used in place or with a HALL effect sensor.

I know it is out of grasp of many builders, but there is no reason people should not work together.  If you can wire up a 555 circuit, then you can wire up a PIC that a friend sends you.

I am willing to offer code help.

Im sure if you were to use a "send me a new chip, and I will send you a programed chip" type program, designs could happen much faster.

Also, for all of the folks who do not have o'scopes there are PC based soundcard scopes that will work fine at these speeds.

They are free.

You can get a USB based sound card from Deal Extreme for $2.20, so you need not worry about overloading your soundcard.

EVERYONE building should have a dozen of them on-hand.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 22, 2011, 11:03:41 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 22, 2011, 06:02:31 PM
Thanks very much Konehead

for all your info and very apreciated knowledge transfer very helpfull ;)

Hi Clanzer

do not worry for those probably too much sensitive post from people who have not taken the time to  simply study your magnifique design. But there is a lot like this  in this forum and   sometimes it is disturbing to say the less.


OK for today

I am probably beginning a very serious hard job here,

So as i sayd, i wound my 18 coils with 0.3 mm plain copper wire. So i got about 450 turns per coils with an average DC resistance of 5.5 ohms.

So for the new commer , i have 7 sets of 2 coils wounded in serie (that is to say about 11 ohms DC resistance per set ), for generation of  the output power.

Those  7 sets are powered by 2 sets of coils ,wounded in serie and powered by the ROMERO's circuit as described in the Stephan PDF.

The trigger magnet are positionned near the center of the rotor, (not at the periphery ) see pix

I tried 3 different size of stator magnets in attracting and repelling position ( as per rotor magnet)  All cores  on both (upper and bottom stator) were covered by those biasing magnets

The best result , concerning  the stator magnets above the generative coils, is for me and my setup without any doubt  , in REPELLING position to the rotor magnet is far the best , I know i am very surprised by this result but as i sayd , this machine has to be understood as a whole  and not as an addition of separated parts. My 2 cents.

The powering cores and coils are not biased at all by stator magnet,

I could get from  no stator magnet up to the best config ( 20 mm diameter  by 10 mm thikness disc N42 magnet) SO FAR , from 15 volt  to 27 volts.(open circuit)

This means that the Stator magnets are really important.

In the pix annexed, you see that i could get 27 volts with an input  of around 12 volts for about 118 ma.

But no chance to loop at the present.

Another thing , i measured the DC / DC converter and at 12 volt input and set to 12 volts output,it draws 52 ma.  = 0.6 watt ouch !! :P

So first result

input    11.7 volts at 117 ma   produce   on a single set of coil arrounf 24 volts at `(open circuit )

input    11.7 volts at 117 ma produce, on all parrallel connected 7 sets of coils ,arround 26 volts at 1225 RPM ( open circuit )

A lot of work is remaining for me to get what Romero got.

good luck at all


To all the builders,
well done !

Especially to Laurent:

Can you please try to put a 1.5 Ohm resistor across your 25 Volts capacitor
and measure then the voltage at your 1225 RPM  at the capacitor and load resistor ?

It seems that you have about 11 Ohm /7 = 1.5 Ohms DC resistance of ALL your coils in parallel,
is this right ?

Then please also try a few more resistors as a load like 10, 50 and 100  ohms and let us
please know the DC voltage at it at the same RPM.

This will let us be able to calculate the available output power.

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Stefan.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 22, 2011, 11:10:18 PM
To Lidmotor:

Great Progress Lidmotor !

Well, dont let you bug down from the other comments.

You will get there also with your small CD parts.

Just keep working on it and optimize it.

With your small size you really need to minimize your losses,

as when you build it small, every 0.8 Volts losses or so on the diodes counts...

Lets see, what will come up, when you have all your coils connected.

Many thanks for your hard work.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 22, 2011, 11:12:37 PM
Great build also from Clanzer.
Looking forward to see your first test results.

Many thanks in advance.

Also to the other builders. Great work so far.
Keep up the faith and let us know your progress !

Many thanks to all the guys who are involved.

Have to do my tax papers the next few days, so I
can not be so frequently here, but I wish you good luck !

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 22, 2011, 11:58:56 PM
Quote from: ElectronManipulator on May 22, 2011, 10:56:38 PM
I agree fully with the COP point.

About the uC point, I do not.

Even if your control signals are external, (ie external triggering) that is irrelevant to theory.

For fine tuning your timing and creating a device, you should use prototyping tools.  Use a PC as a function generator, ect.

That way you can adjust your timing on the fly, and use complicated algorithms.  Once you find the trigger points, you may no longer need them.   You can revert to properly placed optical or hall sensors and logic circuits.

BUT, with 3.3v tens of uA microcontrollers that can run months off of a coin cell, the use is trivial.

As for prototyping, they should be used.

Microcontrollers are cheap.  There is no need for the projects I have seen to have to use more than a 10f20x PIC. 4MHz is fine for all of this work. 10bit ADC and a built-in capacitive touch option which can be used in place or with a HALL effect sensor.

I know it is out of grasp of many builders, but there is no reason people should not work together.  If you can wire up a 555 circuit, then you can wire up a PIC that a friend sends you.

I am willing to offer code help.

Im sure if you were to use a "send me a new chip, and I will send you a programed chip" type program, designs could happen much faster.

Also, for all of the folks who do not have o'scopes there are PC based soundcard scopes that will work fine at these speeds.

They are free.

You can get a USB based sound card from Deal Extreme for $2.20, so you need not worry about overloading your soundcard.

EVERYONE building should have a dozen of them on-hand.

I'll add that dealextreme is a pretty cool place with great deals and all shipping is always free but expect to wait 3 to 4 weeks and sometimes a bit longer to get something in the U.S. from them.  Also they have a DC-DC converter similar to the one mentioned by Romerouk.  It's only $6.10 but it's 2000 ma instead of 3000 ma so it may be marginal but if you're on a budget it might get you looped for a little while.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 23, 2011, 12:03:18 AM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 22, 2011, 10:52:09 PM
As Moderator on the JT topic as well as a few others, I found the best thing to preserve posting numbers is to use the "Modify" option and remove the offending post and in its place type something like "***Post Removed by the Moderator***".

This should solve the problem.


I agree Bill but i don't that have option available. So i have to do the only thing i can: delete.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 23, 2011, 02:14:46 AM
Quote from: khabe on May 22, 2011, 10:49:46 AM
You correct, two opposite magnets, distance between ca 35mm, what kind of saturation, what will be saturated? This tiny 6mm x 15mm ferrite rod? Why the hell it must to be come saturated? Flux concentrates out of coil, out from 35mm gap between two magnets and so what, who is waiting there - none 8)
Someone can just walk around his room, one magnet in left hand another in right and make serial pushings between until Monday morning when needs to go to school ::)

khabe, surely there is a point in your post. The opposing magnets case is harder to tell. Imagine you have two very strong men fighting in a small room (there is little room left there), and have a third person to intervene. That's a hard case anyway.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 23, 2011, 02:18:42 AM
Quote from: Loner on May 23, 2011, 01:28:04 AM

I will say right now, there are more things going on between the magnet and the coils than is easily measurable, as the "Sound" and the "Feel" changes more than the signals, and power drain isn't affected as much as I expected from the loading of the external coils???


My bold highlight added to above.

Welcome to the world of wonderfully unexpected results from open magnetic systems.
Non linear or unexpected results are common and really frustate Design EE's

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 23, 2011, 04:03:00 AM
Quote from: konehead on May 22, 2011, 04:47:05 PM
whenever I build a mullergenerator type of thing (have built lots of them for 9yrs) the most problematic things is that rotor to be spinning absolutely flat with no wobble - so that you couldnt see it spin at all if it was a totally flat disc -
and othe thing farily difficult to get right is  the tightness of the airgap betweenteh coils/cores and the rotor magnets. Etc. Etc.

Regarding disc wobble:
You might have a look at a posting I made on the experimenters thread:
the seconde halve of replay # 97 http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10716.msg287935#new

The tolerances in vertical forces should be nicely compensated to get a nice and flat rotation.
Once it gets up to speed you will have the effect of a gyroscope though, so the disc will flatten out anyway due to speed.

B.t.w. I proposed a nice and relative cheap magnetic bearing construction in reply #96 of that thread as well.
Something to consider for improved models after succesful replicating the present one.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 23, 2011, 04:15:38 AM
Another thing to include in the motor-coil circuit is a "run cap" that fires the motor coils, and have the motor coils "never see" the battery.

So for an example, you can pulse say once a revolution of the Mullergen through a halleffect or whatever, the battery into the run cap, and fill it up to 12V or so.
Do this IN BETWEEN the timing of the motor coil pulsing so it doesnt happen at same time as a motor pulse...

Now you have the motor coils running off a capacitor-only, and if you can just keep that "run-cap" filled up, then you have a looper simple as that.

The way to keep that run-cap filled up, from all those genrator coils, is via a "two stage' ouput circuit which is also fairly simple to do and there are different ways to do it but basically you need two switches;
switch #1 would be  normally ON switches OFF - this swtich #1 goes between the generator coil output and a DC type capacitor that is filled up by the gernator coil output after the FWBRs ...so this switch being normolly ON type, will connect gencoils to the "collector cap' lets call it.

Now you want to dump the collector cap into the run-cap that is running the motor, also perhaps once a revolution of the motor....

This is done by swtich #2 which is normall OFF and swtiches ON type of switch.
Now time both swtihces to switch at same time, and you have a "two stage" output circuit where the cap when it hits load, is disconnected from the "source" so that there is no "refleciton" or "lug" to the motor-draw during  this event.

In this case the source is generator coils on the Mullergen, and the load is the run cap running the motor.

one way to do this if you use mosfet drivers, and a NPN type of mosfet, is 4422 driver chip as the normallyON swticher and a 4421 driver chip as the normallyOFF switcher then two mosfets and a single halleffect controlling both driver chips but lots of other ways to do this two-stage output circuit  too.

If you find  you need (as an example0, a 2000uf size cap at 12V  for your run cap to keep it running being swtihced into battery once a revolution,
then you will need the collector cap to be approx 2200uf (to cover losses) and have 24V in the collector cap too, because when you dump a capacitor into another capacitor it becomes half the voltage in each capacitor.

Anyways there is way to loop one of these Mullergens pretty easy if you have enough power, and dont use too much power making that power!

Title: Understanding shortening of coils
Post by: teslaalset on May 23, 2011, 04:26:00 AM
A nice intro of understanding what kind of effect shortening of a coil has, is following lession from MIT on Eddy Currents, although it's a rather long video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpO6t00bPb8

If you want to skip the formula part, the central interesting part comes in from time = 40:03 where the phase lag of the current in a shortened coil is demonstrated and calculated.
In short: the phase delay of current is easily calculated by tangens phi= wL/R, where w = omega = frequency x 2 x pi.
The smaller the R, the bigger the current delay.
In theory the current delay can be max. 90 degrees.

A delayed current in a shortened coil in a generator setup can generate a 'magnetic kick' after the magnet has passed the shortened coil, due to the phase delay of the current.
The smaller the resistance relative to the coil value, the bigger the delay in magnetic kick, due to bigger delay in current.
Critical factors: speed of the magnet (determining omega), R of the coil, and L, the coil value, where R is extremely important.
This is why litze wire is used in critical setups.
The right combination will cause the desired magnetic kick.

Understanding the above also points to the optimum timing of shortening a coil in a generator setup.

If you read this, maybe this is a substitude theory towards the magnetic viscosity idea that may play a role here according to you and some other valuable contributors here. If you want to discuss that, let's do this at the 'experimenters' thread, ok?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 23, 2011, 06:12:06 AM
Quote from: TEKTRON on May 22, 2011, 09:59:17 PM
Took a little to find it..

Quote from Romero:

Let's clarify some points regarding the sensors:
not both of them are using the small magnets.I started originally with both using the small magnets to switch then I tried to move one to get max results.
The second one is facing the big magnets from the top.This one from the top is activated after the magnet passed, the other one on the side of the rotor is activated like 1mm after the magnet passed the center coil.
This is difficult to explain, testing yourself will get you there but do the testing separate not both of then at the same time.

Sorry to quote my own post but person that asked did not respond and I think I need to expand...

In the looped under load vid, the mags around the circumference of the rotor trigger half of the motor timing. The strength or the size does not matter. It is half of the timing for the Hall circuit.
The rotor appears to be 12mm thick. The mag appears to be 1/3 that thick. So 4mm diameter. As far as the length, The rotor magnets appear to be approx. 4mm from the edge of the rotor.  So I would say The circumference mags are 1.5 mm thick or less.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 23, 2011, 06:55:23 AM
I found this interesting video this morning, sorry I do not have any more info.

Shop update Neo-Gen Dynamo
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 23, 2011, 07:08:41 AM
People with replication should have a close to 1 COP. You are using the same size generator coil as motor coil. If you are doing it right, you are circling the same power in the circuit. If you are not close to this COP=1 then you are doing something wrong. Most probably your motor part is doing both a pull + push where one of them is bigger then the other, but it still consumes power to do both. There is also mechanical loss (friction ) which at low RPM should be max 30% power consumption ?... Considering you are using 7 generator coils of the same size of the motor coil, you should have a really minimal resistance loss, get even closer to COP = 1
Having a cop 1.1 might sound a measurment error in this motor generator setup.
BUT some people manage to make runaway setups, that is way different then a 1.1 COP. Like romerouk switching to low RPM and then device speeds up again. Now that is magic for me.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on May 23, 2011, 07:13:11 AM
Hi all,


Quote from Romero:

Let's clarify some points regarding the sensors:
not both of them are using the small magnets.I started originally with both using the small magnets to switch then I tried to move one to get max results.
The second one is facing the big magnets from the top.This one from the top is activated after the magnet passed, the other one on the side of the rotor is activated like 1mm after the magnet passed the center coil.
This is difficult to explain, testing yourself will get you there but do the testing separate not both of then at the same time.

Does this statement from Romero (see highlighted part by me) not imply that the motor coils are working in repulsion?

Regards Itsu

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 23, 2011, 07:26:28 AM
Quote from: itsu on May 23, 2011, 07:13:11 AM
Hi all,

Does this statement from Romero (see highlighted part by me) not imply that the motor coils are working in repulsion?

Regards Itsu

Hi Itsu,

That statement has bothered me too.  Is the wide pulse on one coil, acting in attraction, and the short pulse to the other coil acting in
attraction or repulsion?  That it makes such a hammering sound, makes me think that the short pule is also attractive and after TDC......doesn't make sense though.........but could it be to kick that rotating field around?  Winding coils/making bobbins/thinking.

It was good to hear that others have small work spaces, keep at it gang.  This motor/gen is like baking, it is the small things that
will mess with us.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TommeyLReed on May 23, 2011, 07:35:31 AM
We'll looking at this Muller design, their is no way you can get 100% efficient, even if you can, this would stop turnning any way. You would need more then 100% to spin the motor at a constant rpm, you cant just spin a motor without extra power. No different then any generator at a 60hz, the rpm is the wasted energy before you pull and load from it...
I would say the best way to prove the efficiency is to use two capacitors, one as the primary(battery), and the other as the output storage. If this unit need 12v@1a(12w) to run, then you will need a big capacitor in farads to do testing.
Title: Re: Understanding shortening of coils
Post by: Tudi on May 23, 2011, 09:03:57 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on May 23, 2011, 04:26:00 AM
A nice intro of understanding what kind of effect shortening of a coil has, is following lession from MIT on Eddy Currents, although it's a rather long video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpO6t00bPb8

watched the video. Really nice and educational ( at least for me ). Sounds like there is a way to time the coils to repel/push the magnets instead pull, just need to make some math for it.
Title: Re: Understanding shortening of coils
Post by: teslaalset on May 23, 2011, 09:33:24 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 23, 2011, 09:03:57 AM
watched the video. Really nice and educational ( at least for me ). Sounds like there is a way to time the coils to repel/push the magnets instead pull, just need to make some math for it.

Something to add to this:
The coil value L in the setup we are trying to replicate changes due to the external magnets, due to saturation effects.
This in combination with the optional current delay might be an interesting thing to look into.
One thing is clear from this: the coil resistance is a key parameter.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: no disclaimer on May 23, 2011, 09:45:31 AM
Quote from: TEKTRON on May 23, 2011, 06:12:06 AM
Sorry to quote my own post but person that asked did not respond and I think I need to expand...

In the looped under load vid, the mags around the circumference of the rotor trigger half of the motor timing. The strength or the size does not matter. It is half of the timing for the Hall circuit.
The rotor appears to be 12mm thick. The mag appears to be 1/3 that thick. So 4mm diameter. As far as the length, The rotor magnets appear to be approx. 4mm from the edge of the rotor.  So I would say The circumference mags are 1.5 mm thick or less.
Thanks that's what I was looking for. I noticed in the PDF south poles were facing out. If small neos they add lines of flux and I'm trying to get my head around all of the different magnetic flux lines associated with this thing. Thanks
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 23, 2011, 09:50:24 AM
Quote from: LtBolo on May 22, 2011, 06:28:48 PM

You are pushing for improvements in efficiency, and well you should. I think that most folks here are still in a mode of trying to prove that COP > 1 is possible, and once that is proven, efficiency starts to matter a great deal more. If you want to get everyone's attention, offer an experiment that demonstrates COP > 1...you'll have their undivided attention.

I have offered such an experiment, over at OUResearch with one replication so far that worked and also showed COP > 5, where COP is defined as Pout / Pin.  It's a relatively simple device, entirely solid state.  Pout and Pin measured using a Tektronix 3032 DPO @ 300 MHz, a fine instrument.  Les Kraut built the replication, and it also showed COP > 5, on the same Tek 3032.  Both "current sensing resistors" (CSR) are 1-ohm.   (I would appreciate more feedback on my little circuit, which is similar to others I think.)

I don't mean to detract in any way from the work on the RomeroUK/Muller device, just wanted to share these results with you briefly given the "challenge" above by LtBolo.  And indeed, to challenge folks here to try a replication (schematic attached). Note that the SPICE simulation does not even give the right frequency, so far...  the simulation can't explain the results.

DETAILS and results offered freely here:  http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=853.msg14164#msg14164
(where I go by "PhysicsProf" because I'm a retired physics prof... with a keen interest in these devices that may benefit humanity greatly.)

Good luck in your work on RomeroUK/Muller and other promising electrodynamic devices!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 23, 2011, 09:52:38 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on May 23, 2011, 09:33:24 AM
Something to add to this:
The coil value L in the setup we are trying to replicate changes due to the external magnets, due to saturation effects.
This in combination with the optional current delay might be an interesting thing to look into.
One thing is clear from this: the coil resistance is a key parameter.

see :

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 23, 2011, 10:38:57 AM
This one is from Magneticitist

Muller type motor, drive part
Quote from Magneticitist
a work in progress.. satisfied with the general arrangement as i have determined in the past this being one of the most efficient if not the most.
went closer to the Muller design by using an odd number of magnets and even number of drive coils. the gen coils however will be 8 total, maybe 7 havent decided. still brainstorming.
the coils im using are sewing bobbins with cores a little bigger than the other replications i have seen. im also using thicker gauge with all coils in series.
some are pushing some are pulling all triggered with one reed switch. i also have a tuning magnet but i will get rid of all that once i have a hall sensor.
i tried all possible coil arrangements as far as how ti series them and what not, and it turns out some of the better setups were some i would have thought would not work so well. sometimes this magnetic field business is tricky and slight "friction" in certain areas actually helps the momentum process.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 23, 2011, 10:55:55 AM
I think dumping caps into each other just via switches only is not such a good idea, as you loose HALF OF THE ENERGY IN EACH DUMP!

BETTER use IMPEDANCE MATCHING,  so the easiest way would be to use the RIGHT pickup coils.These have to have the right impeance to get the most output power out.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 23, 2011, 11:01:09 AM
might be complete BS, but here is how i imagine the magnetic field propagation might help this whole thing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 23, 2011, 11:21:33 AM

With your 0.8 Volts DC Voltage, are you sure it is not from the magnets deflecting the electron scope trace?

Or do you have a newer scope with an LCD Screen?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 23, 2011, 11:27:19 AM
Regarding the 2 Hall sensors Romero used and what Ben just mentioned:

It still puzzles me, why in the world did Romero use 2 Hall sensors and not just one to control the switching of both driver coil pairs?

Normally one Hall sensor should be enough to control this,right?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 23, 2011, 11:28:45 AM
Quote from: itsu on May 23, 2011, 07:13:11 AM
Hi all,

Does this statement from Romero (see highlighted part by me) not imply that the motor coils are working in repulsion?

Regards Itsu

I think this is very inline with what Loner said here (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg287979#msg287979). If the extra kick of the magnets interaction happens as MIT professor says and Thains has shown in his video, it could mean that Romero does not understand (or may be he does) why he needs the extra trigger at "1 mm" apart because one can not see that extra kick.

IF the extra "magnetic kick" comes at after TDC (which sounds logical) it will be a few millimeters from TDC where the other radial small sensor magnets (that trigger the hall) would trigger the hall too early.

With the extra HALL on the top of the main magnets would be the next best place to position the second hall.

I think things are starting to make more sense as we learn this thing.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on May 23, 2011, 11:43:13 AM
   On the question of the hall sensors, you need to have two. Each coil pair is in a different area when using 9 coils. If it were eight, you could but you would have to have even coil/magnet pairs and lots of cogging. I have 9 coils and 8 mags and if I hook up one hall and both driving pairs to the same transistor, it stops.


Tach here and have 750 rpm with one coils set driving. Getting ready to switch over to fet pairs for the drive. My cap will give me aprox 5 seconds of unloaded dc-dc regulator. Not good enough yet. Also getting ready to loop the flyback of the coils to the input side cap via dual diodes.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on May 23, 2011, 12:00:58 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 23, 2011, 11:27:19 AM
Regarding the 2 Hall sensors Romero used and what Ben just mentioned:

It still puzzles me, why in the world did Romero use 2 Hall sensors and not just one to control the switching of both driver coil pairs?

Normally one Hall sensor should be enough to control this,right?

You see, the motoring coils are nr.1 and nr.6 The angle between those coils are 200 degrees. (360/9=40. There are 5 spaces between each coil, each space has 40 degrees, equals 200 degrees) On the rotor he got 8 little timing magnets each has a 45 degrees angle between them. We got 180 degrees between timing magnet nr.1 and timing magnet nr.5. So, when a timing magnet is in front of hall sensor that drives coil nr.1, the angle between the hall sensor that drives coil nr. 6 and the nearest timing magnet is 20 degrees. The conclusion: the motoring coils never fire in the same time due to the odd-even configuration between number of coils and number of magnets of Muller dynamo. Excuse my empirical math and my poor english. Hope it helps.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 23, 2011, 12:12:59 PM
generator coils :

"Below is a picture with the scope connected at the AC point before bridge.
Answer: I run out of neo magnets. I am sure that more magnets will increase the output. I have ordered more togheter with the magnets for the new setup."

I think that if I have 8 magnets on the rotor and any other greater uneven numbers of coils will work even better.
What I found durings some tests is that we need to have good spacing betwen the magnets on the rotor.

Motor coil
The OFF time for the coils must be much greater than the ON time, possible because of the  core I use.Better material for the core will improve substantially.
People should pay attention for the core material, that is one of the most important keys in this setup togheter with the spacing arangement.
I will try different configurations, now that I made note of everything I can do any changes and still able to go back to the curent setup.

Generator coil
Something I discovered yesterday is that if I lift the magnet on top of the coil just a little bit then the output is increased. That shows me that I need to take every magnet and check, lifting up and down and add some spacers if required."

"I am busy with so many things going and it is much easier to answer questions than having all answers in one document. There are many people ou there who can do that if they wish and I can do corrections after that.
I had a question about why is one sensor on the side and another one on top of the big magnets:
After trying all different positions I got is running like that and I have not tried again to have them using the same spot. It worked then I moved on,... thinking to go back but later having nice results I didn't care anymore.
It works in attraction mode... maybe the bictures below will help."

"The generator coils experience cemf depending on the load but at some point the speed goes up now down.
People should see the whole picture, don't look at a single coil, look at the other coils too at the same time.
Looks that we have a member(Microcontroller) that is 100% sure that this is a fraud, ha, ha, well u got me "

"I have used them in some other projects and worked good. Best will be mumetal or simmilar but the price is huge."

most of the questions have answers already, please read all posts... I am tired to just answer same questions hundreds of times.
The coils are 1cm usable, the inside between the ends, in total 1.2cm and diameter 2.2cm
the core ferrite 1.5cm/6mm diameter.
I have tried without cores but less performance, higher speed but low output.

I will not do other videos, this way, everyday I will find someone to suggest something else.
For all replicators.

After some tests today and changed one pair of coils, same type of wire but 1.5cm diameter ferrite core, 1.5cm long.
Still 1cm winding space on the coil on 3.5cm diameter coil.I have doubled the number of turns to 600 for each coil.
This was done just for one pair of coils, recovery not driver coils.
The output is increased  but for more I will need to change them all to balance the system but  I wont do that, is to much unnecessary work, I wanted to check and apply to the new system.
Don't even think of using metal or laminations for the cores.

I had another request to sell it. I HAVE NO INTENTIONS TO SELL IT. - please no more."
“To get to the point where you will get even a little bit out than in requires a lot of time and work. Check every part of the system, part by part, then when you think is tuned start again.
Let me give u an example:
If u have 10 parts in your system and after jumping from testing  the first then second up to 10, when u finished you start again. It can be that part 3 is not as before after u adjusted any other part after. Once you retried everything and got best of all adjustments then you are nearly there.
Do all this testings without having the rectifiers connected together.Measure every coil separately. Even if you don't get too much out from the coils, don't worry, when all are connected things will go magic.
A DC/DC Converter is a must.
Don't rush, I have spent about a month to get here.
Once u past the point and for 1 you get even 1.1 then things are easy
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on May 23, 2011, 12:23:26 PM
Quote from: minde4000 on May 22, 2011, 07:10:58 PM

   Open circuit coil acts as a load appereantly. However dead shorted circuit coil acts more like magnetic flux capacitor (or mechanical spring) and has little losses  and unloads prime mover so one can see acceleration.  Now in your video you might tend to think that shorted coil provides acceleration. This is just illusion. Its easy to figure this out by measureing rpm with shorted coil and then measuring rpm with coil removed all together. Removal of the coil will provided greater acceleration or increase in rpm then the one shorted. So no free lunch there. And why would open circuit coil act as a much greater load than shorted I am not sure (oversaturates?). All this I have observed with my thane heins replication. As far as I am concerned his theories were wrong. Just my opinion.


My first thought was also, "this is Thane Heins effect"

I know this effect well as I personally work with Thane.

The only way we could take advantage of this effect is if we could somehow get the magnet rotor turning freely as if there was no generator stator core there.

If anyone can solve this one then you will produce OU free energy.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 23, 2011, 12:27:50 PM
Okay, thanks for clearing this hall sensor timing up.

Would like to see a scopeshot from a dualtrace scope of both hall sensor pulses over time over a few cycles.
This way one could see better the relationship between these fire pulses and when they exactly occur and how they could be tune better.

If you have a 4 trace scope please also include output DC Voltage and loopback output current on a shunt so with these 4 traces on a scope you can probably tune the hall sensor positions optimally for maximum output.

So I guess it really needs at least a 2 to 4 trace scope to optimize this device more easily.....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 23, 2011, 01:14:29 PM
Quote from: gotoluc on May 23, 2011, 12:23:26 PM
My first thought was also, "this is Thane Heins effect"

I know this effect well as I personally work with Thane.

The only way we could take advantage of this effect is if we could somehow get the magnet rotor turning freely as if there was no generator stator core there.

If anyone can solve this one then you will produce OU free energy.


Something similar to this has been successfully done by Takahachi.
It is so-to-say a Lorentz asymmetrical Regauging.
Tom Bearden explains this in Energy from the Vacuum Part 16 : "Equilibrium, Entropy and Energy defining Moments. (Something TommyLReed should urgently watch too, but he prefers to continually post his antique views here 10 times a day, just to find them deleted an hour later).

Source: http://www.cheniere.org/misc/wankel.htm

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 23, 2011, 01:44:19 PM
Just a reminder on the correct setup for coils with the ferrite rod or other material.  The ferrite needs to go half way through the acrylic. This is per Romerouk.  I was reminded of this when thinking about how to order acrylic.  Depending on your abilities and shop equipment or if you have someone else do this it may be difficult to get a hole only half way through the acrylic as is needed for the sheets that hold the coils.  So as a result it may be better to glue two half thickness sheets together as Romeruk did.  See the pic below that I borrowed from earlier in this thread and added a little detail to the blowup.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 23, 2011, 01:57:38 PM
@e2matrix . What you say is important , but as the acrylic plays no part in the working of the machine , as far as we know , it will do no harm to have a hole drilled right through . The important thing is that the ferrite only fits half way through . In other words , maintain a gap between the ferrite and the steel washer .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 23, 2011, 02:05:14 PM
Quote from: TommeyLReed on May 23, 2011, 12:26:57 PM
The problem is there is no free lunch, you cant get more energy out then what you put in this Muller motor. Why can't anyone see this?

Tommey, I am very surprised at you to take this stance. From many others yes its understandable but i seen your work and i know you been making stuff for years. What has happened to you? Have the goons been to your ranch and paid you off to stop working on OU?  Have you not seen Ismael has a MEG on electric car with a COP of 2.7 tested by DOE and DOT government engineers? Have you not seen the German HHO Genset Looped? Now you see RomeoUK muller. Not even to mention the TPU, VTA, Kapandze and 100 other devices. For me I not at all surprised you will see more with any luck soon. I seen looped RV motors 4 years ago over skype.

You know its damn funny to read back thru old posts and see the "flat world" people and there claims of "ITS IMPOSSIBLE" and "you can not loop because it breaks the law of physics?" Really and who's LAW are we talking about?

FYI all devices have losses but by converting the losses to gains with a COP>2 you can loop. It takes a high level of consciousness  to see how to tune the system. Out of all the replications on here only a couple will succeed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 23, 2011, 02:15:54 PM
Hi Gyula and Stephan

So i made some testing with a load on the machine

For the load i hooked a small DC 12 volts motor with  a propeller. between the cap and the small motor i put an amperemeter.

So after the first test, i got a very low efficiency , Only about 25 %. And than i tried to remove all biasing magnets to redo everything from the beginning. And by doing this i noticed that i fergot to reconnect the 6 coils set  to the first coil set ,when i made the voltage test from yesterday.  Arrgghhh.

So i was more happy by thinking that when i reconnect the 6 other sets it will be really interesting.

But the efficiency did not go up. only about 30 %. (testing without biaising magnets)

I use FWBR on each coil set, and those FWBR are connected in parall to the cap and the load. The diodes are BYV 26 d.

I checked all the coils under load and all of them are producing a steady sine wave (pix 1).

I am investigating why i get 0.52 watt on one coil and why i do not get 7 time those 0.52watt when all the coils sets are connected??

Is there a problem with the FWBR ?  Any idea ?, do i have to double the FWBR ?

Any other replicator with such problem?.

For info ,the trace of the one coil set after the bridge (pix 2) and the trace of all the coil after the bridge (no load)

Just before making this post i could get batter timing with the Hall under load. The timing is really sensitive.

OK always waiting for my litze.

Good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 23, 2011, 02:18:17 PM
for the looping-ideas with the collector and run cap I posted  few pages back,
Actually I made mistake, you wont be losing 1/2 the power (voltage in cap without load actually not so much power), as Stefan mentions, since the collector cap wont be at "zero volts", it will be at the voltage that the generator coils fill it up to during the time period between pulsing the collector cap to run cap...and this time period can be variable to fit the performance of the genrator coils output and the draw of the motor....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 23, 2011, 02:24:10 PM

From your loaded scope shot, it appears you are getting about +/- 12V across your output coil?

Adding the coils in parallel will only lower the output impedance of the total output. If you want more power output, you will either have to use a lower impedance load, OR run some or all the coils in series to increase the output voltage.

I do not know what you are using for a load, so I may be off in my assessment here. I've not been following along closely here, so apologies if this is not applicable.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 23, 2011, 02:44:15 PM
sorry more mistakes in last post I wrote this:

"Actually I made mistake, you wont be losing 1/2 the power (voltage in cap without load actually not so much power), as Stefan mentions, since the collector cap wont be at "zero volts", it will be at the voltage that the generator coils fill it up to during the time period between pulsing the collector cap to run cap...and this time period can be variable to fit the performance of the genrator coils output and the draw of the motor"

what I meant to say is that the RUN CAP will not be at 0 voltage, which collector cap dumps into....the run cap will be at the "voltage dropped"-level of whatever the motor coils will drain it to, during the time-period between pulses...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 23, 2011, 02:51:51 PM
"I am investigating why i get 0.52 watt on one coil and why i do not get 7 time those 0.52watt when all the coils sets are connected??"

Impedance mismatch!  You need to tune each coil individually to start with to make sure they all perform the same. Then you need to calculate an average load value for each coil based on the final load you expect to see on the dump cap and retune with dummy load. The remove dummy load and make sure dump capacitor is charging. When impedance matching is correct the dump cap voltage will go UP when a small load is applied.

All this circuit is doing is POWER FACTOR CORRECTION of out of phase signals from coils forming  incremental standing waves hitting the cap. The load is critical tuning will be really twitchy as hell. Your scope shot has rounded loaded tops and bottoms you are not tuned its over coupled. Bottom trace jagged all over the place each coil should be making same size incremental increasing voltages as rising saw tooth.

System needs balancing like car injectors must be matched to perfection.

Requires RF engineer eyes where RLC leads to OU.

Coil shorting and switched capacitor o/p circuits can increase overall power by TEN times.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 23, 2011, 03:25:04 PM
Hi Laurent,it could really help, if you could post a video.
I think one or two coil pairs have better inductions as the other coil pairs.

Have you tried different load resistors instead of the DC Motor?

Many thanks.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TommeyLReed on May 23, 2011, 03:30:10 PM
Sorry for being so nagative, I will try to help. I have built many types of motors like this before, this is really a simple motor. No different then the Adam pulse motor, and Bedini theory too. I will be a positive for now on.......
Just how much will this project cost? What are the plans, there are so many of them now?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TommeyLReed on May 23, 2011, 03:41:03 PM
So is this the diagram on page 1?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 23, 2011, 03:44:46 PM
Quote from: TommeyLReed on May 23, 2011, 03:30:10 PM
Sorry for being so nagative, I will try to help. I have built many types of motors like this before, this is really a simple motor. No different then the Adam pulse motor, and Bedini theory too. I will be a positive for now on.......
Just how much will this project cost? What are the plans, there are so many of them now?

This is not only about money spend.
Everybody buiding these devices gains knowledge.
Besides, it's fun too.
Have an example on GlanZer, he's building rigs for years now and still going strong...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 23, 2011, 03:48:17 PM
Quote from: wings on May 23, 2011, 09:52:38 AM
see :


Thank you for that link wings. seems to fit neatly with rotor speed being critical as well as coil specs.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 23, 2011, 04:01:52 PM
First run of my replica  :)

http://youtu.be/rKayqJDs4b8 (http://youtu.be/rKayqJDs4b8)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on May 23, 2011, 04:19:11 PM
Quote from: TommeyLReed on May 23, 2011, 03:41:03 PM
So is this the diagram on page 1?

Yes - Page 1, Post #6
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 23, 2011, 04:32:21 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on May 23, 2011, 04:01:52 PM
First run of my replica  :)

http://youtu.be/rKayqJDs4b8 (http://youtu.be/rKayqJDs4b8)


Very nice! Slight wobble but not bad at all. It sounds the same and power consumption well within spec so you are well on the way to looped running.;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElectronManipulator on May 23, 2011, 04:33:16 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on May 23, 2011, 04:01:52 PM
First run of my replica  :)

http://youtu.be/rKayqJDs4b8 (http://youtu.be/rKayqJDs4b8)


You have to move your meter with a d'Arsonval movement off of the motor, and away from the magnetic field.

The way the meter works is by an induced magnetic field, so you are getting unreliable results in its current(pun) location.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TommeyLReed on May 23, 2011, 04:50:47 PM
Looking at the design, one problem I do see, is these coil are not separate from each other, too many kick back effect in the coils as they are producing energy.
Would it be best to use a cap on each coil, and adding a 339 quad comparator to dump each bank into the source after it reaches the voltage need?
I understand that when each coil act alone, it will perform much better then in Parallel, if the magnets are not arrange to hit each coil at the same time. This is asking alot but I found this to work much better then trying to pull all the power from all the coil at the same time....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 23, 2011, 04:57:17 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 23, 2011, 01:57:38 PM
@e2matrix . What you say is important , but as the acrylic plays no part in the working of the machine , as far as we know , it will do no harm to have a hole drilled right through . The important thing is that the ferrite only fits half way through . In other words , maintain a gap between the ferrite and the steel washer .
That's a good point to consider.  I was concerned the magnets might pull the ferrite out of the bobbin unless it had some acrylic stopping but I guess you could epoxy it in good.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 23, 2011, 05:09:07 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on May 23, 2011, 04:01:52 PM
First run of my replica  :)

http://youtu.be/rKayqJDs4b8 (http://youtu.be/rKayqJDs4b8)


Looking good there other than the slight wobble in the rotor.  Couple questions - Is that some type of Acrylic or plastic you are using?  You don't have magnets yet on the other side of the coils?  Are your driver circuits basically same as Romero's?   Wish I was that far along - best of luck with it!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 23, 2011, 05:41:21 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 23, 2011, 05:09:07 PM
Looking good there other than the slight wobble in the rotor.  Couple questions - Is that some type of Acrylic or plastic you are using?  You don't have magnets yet on the other side of the coils?  Are your driver circuits basically same as Romero's?   Wish I was that far along - best of luck with it!

Thank you, yes having a hard time with the rotor  >:(
No magnets yet, also missing ferrite in generator coils. I used mdf board to build and painted it.
I think it's better to build it with acrylic or plastic, this was not a good choice.
For driver i used mjl21194 and bd140 transistor from other project so it is not the same.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 23, 2011, 05:56:27 PM
for those of you who are looking for easy electronics
get more dedicated hall sensors
see photo
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 23, 2011, 06:04:53 PM
Hi Laurent,

1)  I guess you use the DC motor as a load to see and hear output power change...   still I would use a 15-22 Ohm  1-2 Watt normal resistor and a LED with a series 2-5KOhm resistor to see its brightness indicating change in output power. (the LED with its series resistor is connected across the load resistor,  i.e. in parallel with the puffer cap)
2) What is your puffer capacitor value now? 4700 or 47000uF?  From your third scope shot  (7 coil unloaded after FWBR.jpg) when you mean no load at the DC output i.e. no load across the output capacitor, you should have a clean DC voltage (flat line in the trace) but you have a 'mixed' waveform of even 7V peaks riding on the DC level,  why is this?  Try to disconnect all the gen coils except any one of them and check for the output while you add one by one the gen coils.
3) your diodes sound good by their type, earlier you wrote they are Schottky but they are NOT Schottky and I believe they should be good for this job...  though Romero listed also a fast recovery type he found not good.
4) on your scope shot  in i-coil-after-bridge-1.jpg again suggest you do not use output puffer capacitor? IF you see such waveform acros a diode bridge DC output, you do not have puffer cap or if have then something is wrong with say the diodes bridge connections or the capacitor...

Must finish, just take it easy and double check everything.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 23, 2011, 06:12:56 PM
Quote from: bourne on May 23, 2011, 03:48:17 PM
Thank you for that link wings. seems to fit neatly with rotor speed being critical as well as coil specs.

good link

this is a photo of my motor drive coil from the scope you can see the time constant



this is why we need to look at the coil energy to go beyond the 63% is a wast of energy I switch of my coils just after the 70% drive and re switch.
the load is return back to the source and in turn provides magnetic force to increase the drive.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 23, 2011, 06:42:13 PM
I have a question

Has any body thought about building a center taping coil. Like a multi taping transformer?

we are all worried about what to the coil resistance should be verses the  Inductance. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on May 23, 2011, 07:20:43 PM
Quote from: konehead on May 23, 2011, 02:44:15 PM
sorry more mistakes in last post I wrote this:

"Actually I made mistake, you wont be losing 1/2 the power (voltage in cap without load actually not so much power), as Stefan mentions, since the collector cap wont be at "zero volts", it will be at the voltage that the generator coils fill it up to during the time period between pulsing the collector cap to run cap...and this time period can be variable to fit the performance of the genrator coils output and the draw of the motor"

what I meant to say is that the RUN CAP will not be at 0 voltage, which collector cap dumps into....the run cap will be at the "voltage dropped"-level of whatever the motor coils will drain it to, during the time-period between pulses...

I was going to post about Stephan's reply, but I just realized that you made the corrections.

So, to recap, if you have 2 equal capacitors, one fully charged and one discharged, when you connect both together, you end up with 2 half-charged capacitors. There has not been any loss of of energy in the conversion. You can then recharge the first (collector) cap with half the energy, as it is already half-charged. To be able to charge the Run capacitor to (almost) full voltage of the Collector cap, the collector cap would need to be much larger than the Run cap.

I hesitate between two schemes to drive the coils:
1-  This one we're talking about where a capacitor is discharged into the drive coil.
2-  The "standard" direct voltage drive where a transistor switches the supply into the coil.  The advantage I see here is that we can recuperate the back-EMF pulse at the end of the drive duration. According to Joseph Newman, the back-EMF pulse contains TWICE the energy that was used to magnetize the coil in the first place. So wouldn't it be better to try to drive with very short pulses that just magnetize the coil to (almost) saturation, and then immediately recuperate the spent energy ?  I think he said that the more copper there was in the coil, the more effective this technique was.

Thanks for your comments,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on May 23, 2011, 07:31:20 PM
I just found this interesting site that examines the effects of adding a magnet on top of a core & coil. Nice graphics.

http://www.koremag.com/ (http://www.koremag.com/)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 23, 2011, 07:45:42 PM
Quote from: altair on May 23, 2011, 07:20:43 PM
I was going to post about Stephan's reply, but I just realized that you made the corrections.

So, to recap, if you have 2 equal capacitors, one fully charged and one discharged, when you connect both together, you end up with 2 half-charged capacitors. There has not been any loss of of energy in the conversion.

This is wrong!

You have then actually lost half of the energy  !!!

Very important error!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on May 23, 2011, 08:14:27 PM
Oh right !
Forgot about the voltage.
Then, this makes me think about a way to gain energy by combining capacitors together...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 23, 2011, 08:14:28 PM
Quote from: altair on May 23, 2011, 07:31:20 PM
I just found this interesting site that examines the effects of adding a magnet on top of a core & coil. Nice graphics.

http://www.koremag.com/ (http://www.koremag.com/)

Good ideas, but the basic principle has a flaw.

You need to overcome the induction voltage inside the electromagnets there.

This will only work if you use 2 toroidal coils 180 degrees out  of phase in series like in the Orbo to cancel out the induction from the approaching magnets.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 23, 2011, 09:34:49 PM
does anyone knows a good place on the net to order coils to spec with good prices and quality?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Staffman on May 23, 2011, 09:48:34 PM

Quality and Price? Not sure, but they do have offices in the States, Europe, and Asia.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on May 23, 2011, 10:16:45 PM
What is the purpose of the centertap? nice coils though.  Are you using a winding jig?  Would you show it if you are?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 23, 2011, 11:22:11 PM
Quote from: plengo on May 23, 2011, 09:34:49 PM
does anyone knows a good place on the net to order coils to spec with good prices and quality?


Mundorf M-Coil ARONIT-core coils litz (baked varnished)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 24, 2011, 12:32:14 AM
Quote from: redrichie on May 23, 2011, 10:16:45 PM
What is the purpose of the centertap? nice coils though.  Are you using a winding jig?  Would you show it if you are?

My home made winding setup. its a cut up old cordless drill with a counter glued to the side.

Oh the center tap ?
I am trying to get as much testing off the one setup as possible. I want to set the 300 turn setup and compare it to what I considered is better winding.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 24, 2011, 01:05:22 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 23, 2011, 07:45:42 PM
This is wrong!

You have then actually lost half of the energy  !!!

Very important error!

Stefan is correct:  CHARGE is conserved when a charged cap is connected to another cap, voltages are the same across the caps after connecting, and using E=1/2CV**2, you can determine that half the energy E is lost (in the wires, sparking, etc.)  (Take C1 = C2 for the two caps.)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElektroBaba on May 24, 2011, 03:19:51 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 23, 2011, 12:27:50 PM
Okay, thanks for clearing this hall sensor timing up.

I think that RomeroUK has really luck with his timing.
It is not better to use a simple light sensor (forked light barrier and a little hole, instead of hall sensor) and a simple electronic to control delay, width and height of the pulse?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 24, 2011, 03:38:59 AM
hi Scratchrobot

your rig sounds really great! it really screams...very nice...

Looks good too except for that rotor eh...I bet you could cut the draw in half if you could get better airgap clearance between rotor magnets and cores liek 1.5mm....looks around 7 or 8mm or so right now judging from the video.

since its made of MDF (I assume rotor too) I would suggest using felt pen, and mark on rotor as it spins, a band on the outisde rim of rotor, so you can see exaclty where the rotor's "center-of-rim" or "centerline" is.....

then pop magnets out, and belt-sand that MDF rotor down and get out the wobble-ness...using the felt-pen marking as guide.
you dont have to get it perfect, but if you make the rotor thinner, letting the matgnet stick out a bit,  then you can play with each  magnet moving them up or down in rotor, until the magnets thenselves have the the perfect airgap and if rotor is little bit wobbly doesnt matter the magnets will be perfect....

anyways looks cool and goes great...i agree with bolt yours is going to be a looper judging by the way it goes already.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 24, 2011, 03:57:55 AM
Quote from: keykhin on May 23, 2011, 12:00:58 PM
You see, the motoring coils are nr.1 and nr.6 The angle between those coils are 200 degrees. (360/9=40. There are 5 spaces between each coil, each space has 40 degrees, equals 200 degrees) On the rotor he got 8 little timing magnets each has a 45 degrees angle between them. We got 180 degrees between timing magnet nr.1 and timing magnet nr.5. So, when a timing magnet is in front of hall sensor that drives coil nr.1, the angle between the hall sensor that drives coil nr. 6 and the nearest timing magnet is 20 degrees. The conclusion: the motoring coils never fire in the same time due to the odd-even configuration between number of coils and number of magnets of Muller dynamo. Excuse my empirical math and my poor english. Hope it helps.

Hall sensors are not a very good switching means:

- As keykhin pointed out, one needs two hall sensors if one wants to switch two pairs of drive coils (e.g. coils pair 1 and 6), because the switching of coil pair 6 has to happen 20 degrees "later" than the switching of of coil pair 1.

- This clarifies when the drive coil pairs 1 and 6 have to be switched on. But when is a good moment to switch the drive coil pairs off?

Using hall sensors (or reed switches) allows to set "the switch on point" fairly accurately by placing them at a certain spot on the stator plate near each drive coil pair.

But the "the switch off point" is almost impossible to control, it depends on the size of the passing magnet and the sensitivity of the hall sensor (or reed switch). The release magnetic force is always different to the engage magnetic force in these sensors or switches.

Therefore I advocate switching by "angle" employing an encoder wheel (e.g. with 500 slits and a reset slit at 0 degrees). Unfortunately this implies microprocessor control.

The smaller the "switch on angle (= switch on time)" the less energy is needed for driving the motor. Of course, if the "switch on angle" is too small, the drive becomes inefficient. This needs careful calibration (which is not possible with a hall sensor or reed switch).

RomeroUK showed that it is somehow possible with hall sensors, but some "efficiency" might have been lost (because the drive coils are switched on too long). This might also explain why he needed a certain number of revolutions (and not a higher one). The switch on time of a reed sensor is only "just right" for a certain number of revolutions (rotor speed).

@ElektroBaba: the "switch on time" has to be defined by "angle" not by "time" if one wants to stay independent of rotor speed.

To make it even more complicated: due to delays in coil magnetization it might be necessary to even vary the "switch on angle" dependent on rotor speed. But as long as rotor speed is small in comparison to magnetization time a constant "switch on angle" might be sufficient.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 24, 2011, 05:24:23 AM
It could also be a question how the 2 drive pulses from the 2 drive coil pairs interact to each other, e.g. if the ON- time overlaps somehow which could have some kind of generator effect on the other drive coil pair and lower its input current.

Too bad that Romero did not post a dual trace scopeshot of the drive coil currents.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 24, 2011, 05:32:07 AM
if you are worried about the ON time then use a hall into a 555 and set the pulse width adjustable from like 1mS to 100ms. Now you will get perfect ON and OFF time.

Then while you at it may as well short the coils on the sine peaks and get 10 times more volts out of each coil for less i/p lugging. Oh go the full hog and use switched o/p caps and load timing!  Now its easier to use a processor... too many things to be turned on and off:)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 24, 2011, 06:54:48 AM
Separating driver and generator:

Having two drive coil pairs in Romero's generator introduces a lot of complexities as some pointed out (timing, overlapping of on time, how many drive coil pairs, back EMF harvesting, and os on).

Therefore I am thinking about separating the drive mechanism from the generator mechanism (as many others have done, also Romero, in earlier designs).

- The drive mechanism could be a simple DC-motor controlled by pulse-width modulation (just more ore less pulses of the same length per second to keep it simple). The number of pulses per second will define the power consumption of the DC-motor and its torque.

- On the axis of the DC-motor a disk with 8 evenly spaced magnets (a disk like in Romeros`s motor) is placed and rigidly fixed.

- Two stator plates (on each side of the rotating disk) hold 9 pairs of generator coils. Biasing magnets can be placed on the outside of the coils if wanted.

This design will have the same advantages concerning the strange occultations of the generator coil pairs by the magnets (which is supposed to reduce cogging and to give an elevated Voltage when all coil pairs work together). But driving the DC-motor at various speeds and power inputs (by varying the pulses) will be rather simple.

A MOSFET and a NE555 (or a modern equivalent or best a microprocessor) can easily drive the DC-motor and no sensors will be necessary.

Only one variable has to be altered, and this is the number of pulses per second (with a fixed pulse width) driving the DC-motor. One can then monitor the output of the 9 generator coils for an optimum (power fed into the DC-motor versus combined output of the 9 generator coil pairs).

I know, this is not a new idea, but it is much simpler to build than what was discussed and done so far:

- fixing a disk to the shaft of a DC-motor is simpler than mounting a disk with a bearing or two bearings

- no sensors

- it is very simple to drive a DC-motor with pulse width modulation

- true separation of driver and generator

My speculation: The uneven relationship between magnets and generator coil pairs is the "trick" to have a generator which needs less torque to get a certain output than a conventional generator. If this is true, it should not matter which driver one uses. Mixing "driver coils" and "generator coils" around the same rotor will introduce complexities which are hard to analyse and hard to solve and should be avoided in a proof of principle attempt.

I see only two possibilities for OU in the Muller motor:

1.) The uneven relationship between magnets and generator coil pairs is more efficient than any conventional generator (and therefore leads to OU). ---> use any convenient drive

2.) The pulses motor type drive coil pairs are more efficient than conventional motor principles (and therefore lead to OU). --> use any convenient generator

Either 1) or 2) should lead to OU. If both lead to OU one could build a machine which is even more OU.

That 1) and 2) are necessary in the same machine to make it OU is hard to imagine because the two principles seem to be independent from each other (one is a generator principle and the other is a motor principle). And even if 1) and 2) are absolutely necessary one should have two disks, one with the generator coils around it and an other disk with driver coils around it, just to have less interference. The two driver coil pairs seem to hinder a "balanced flow of energy" through the seven generator coil pairs and vice versa in the Romero design. It is also hard to justify why coil pairs 1 and 6 should be drivers and not any other two pairs.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 24, 2011, 07:10:02 AM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 24, 2011, 06:54:48 AM
Separating driver and generator:

Having two drive coil pairs in Romero's generator introduces a lot of complexities as some pointed out (timing, overlapping of on time, how many drive coil pairs, back EMF harvesting, and os on).

Therefore I am thinking about separating the drive mechanism from the generator mechanism (as many others have done, also Romero, in earlier designs).

Romero himself told us that one could focus on the generator part, and don't spend too much time on the pulsing part. It's somewhere in the first posts if I remember correctly
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 24, 2011, 07:19:50 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 06:17:13 PM
This generator can be driven by many other circuits or from an external motor connected to the shaft.Don't concentrate too much on the circuit used to drive the coils, that is simple.
People replicating this should have a little bit more big coils (size and windings).
Each coil in my setup has an output of 11.1 -11.6DC after the bridge, not all the same as I have small diferences or misscount some turns during the making of the coils.Having them in parallel I get about 15volts at full speed.The amperage is good but I would prefer to have a bit more voltage.
Diodes on top of the bridge rectifiers are not 1n4007,  are 1n4001. I am sure I can get better rectifiers but this is what i had.The voltage drop is quite high and nothing works as it should.
e to do it tommorow as I have stopped working now, I am too tired now.

That's the message I was referring to.

He also said in another message :

"After answering to jorge message I realised that I need to post the answer to his question.
Can i use power supply?
Actually for the preliminary tests it is a must to use a power supply that stays stable and you know that the voltage is not going down and nothing is changing."

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 24, 2011, 07:42:05 AM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 24, 2011, 06:54:48 AM
Separating driver and generator:

Having two drive coil pairs in Romero's generator introduces a lot of complexities as some pointed out (timing, overlapping of on time, how many drive coil pairs, back EMF harvesting, and os on).

Therefore I am thinking about separating the drive mechanism from the generator mechanism (as many others have done, also Romero, in earlier designs).

- The drive mechanism could be a simple DC-motor controlled by pulse-width modulation (just more ore less pulses of the same length per second to keep it simple). The number of pulses per second will define the power consumption of the DC-motor and its torque.

- On the axis of the DC-motor a disk with 8 evenly spaced magnets (a disk like in Romeros`s motor) is placed and rigidly fixed.

- Two stator plates (on each side of the rotating disk) hold 9 pairs of generator coils. Biasing magnets can be placed on the outside of the coils if wanted.

This design will have the same advantages concerning the strange occultations of the generator coil pairs by the magnets (which is supposed to reduce cogging and to give an elevated Voltage when all coil pairs work together). But driving the DC-motor at various speeds and power inputs (by varying the pulses) will be rather simple.

A MOSFET and a NE555 (or a modern equivalent or best a microprocessor) can easily drive the DC-motor and no sensors will be necessary.

Only one variable has to be altered, and this is the number of pulses per second (with a fixed pulse width) driving the DC-motor. One can then monitor the output of the 9 generator coils for an optimum (power fed into the DC-motor versus combined output of the 9 generator coil pairs).

I know, this is not a new idea, but it is much simpler to build than what was discussed and done so far:

- fixing a disk to the shaft of a DC-motor is simpler than mounting a disk with a bearing or two bearings

- no sensors

- it is very simple to drive a DC-motor with pulse width modulation

- true separation of driver and generator

My speculation: The uneven relationship between magnets and generator coil pairs is the "trick" to have a generator which needs less torque to get a certain output than a conventional generator. If this is true, it should not matter which driver one uses. Mixing "driver coils" and "generator coils" around the same rotor will introduce complexities which are hard to analyse and hard to solve and should be avoided in a proof of principle attempt.

I see only two possibilities for OU in the Muller motor:

1.) The uneven relationship between magnets and generator coil pairs is more efficient than any conventional generator (and therefore leads to OU). ---> use any convenient drive

2.) The pulses motor type drive coil pairs are more efficient than conventional motor principles (and therefore lead to OU). --> use any convenient generator

Either 1) or 2) should lead to OU. If both lead to OU one could build a machine which is even more OU.

That 1) and 2) are necessary in the same machine to make it OU is hard to imagine because the two principles seem to be independent from each other (one is a generator principle and the other is a motor principle). And even if 1) and 2) are absolutely necessary one should have two disks, one with the generator coils around it and an other disk with driver coils around it, just to have less interference. The two driver coil pairs seem to hinder a "balanced flow of energy" through the seven generator coil pairs and vice versa in the Romero design. It is also hard to justify why coil pairs 1 and 6 should be drivers and not any other two pairs.

Greetings, Conrad
Here's a vid Im sure youv seen, of the design you are considering, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbF63Gzvtd4
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 24, 2011, 07:56:28 AM
Quote from: tanakat on May 24, 2011, 07:10:02 AM
Romero himself told us that one could focus on the generator part, and don't spend too much time on the pulsing part. It's somewhere in the first posts if I remember correctly

@tanakat: Thank you for posting Romero's remarks (I overlooked them).

@Dave45: Thank you for posting the video. I am not sure I should believe what the person claims, but that is about what I want to do.

So far I was very confused about what to test and what to build. Now I want to go for the DC-motor idea (which is not my idea, many have tried before).

Attached see a drive circuit with a TI Launch Pad and a DC motor I just happen to have. It all can be run from a 2.4 - 3 Volt power supply (two AAA rechargeable batteries in series).


Fixing a disk to this DC-motor also solves my "bearings" and "sensor" concerns (no extra bearings, they are in the DC-motor, and no sensors).

Coils salvaged from 12 Volt relays will serve as generator coils, which should be more "identical" than self-wound coils.

I just want to see whether an uneven coil-magnet arrangement really has some advantages as far as reducing cogging and giving a decent output.

For harvesting the electricity from the generator coil pairs I will do as Romero did (independent full bridge rectifiers).

For closing the loop I have no idea yet, we will see, may be a 3 Volt Zener diode to clamp excess voltage down to 3 Volt (instead of the DC-DC converter Romeo used).

It will take some time, but at least I now have a plan (suitable to my skills and the stuff I already have).

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 24, 2011, 08:18:43 AM
About hall sensor reaction speed : I'm not sure you need to worry much about it as long as you try to adjust it experimentally and not mathematically. Even if it will have such a lag that the rotor makes 1 full circle without the motor pulsing, you are using the recovery diode to use the motor as generator just as any other coil. There should be specific RPM window this whole device will function "good" for a specific load.
I'm not sure you will have a perfect effect if using an external motor to drive the rotor. Something about the motor driving coil switching to recovery coil might ( just might ) be a key factor also ( at specific frequency ).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 24, 2011, 08:22:05 AM
I see no reason not to believe Rod5157 his setup is just a variation of Romero's
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElektroBaba on May 24, 2011, 08:55:01 AM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 24, 2011, 06:54:48 AM
I see only two possibilities for OU in the Muller motor:

1.) The uneven relationship between magnets and generator coil pairs is more efficient than any conventional generator (and therefore leads to OU). ---> use any convenient drive

2.) The pulses motor type drive coil pairs are more efficient than conventional motor principles (and therefore lead to OU). --> use any convenient generator

Either 1) or 2) should lead to OU. If both lead to OU one could build a machine which is even more OU.

Greetings, Conrad


and maybe 3) an "electrical" SMOT?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 24, 2011, 09:03:39 AM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 24, 2011, 07:56:28 AM
Fixing a disk to this DC-motor also solves my "bearings" and "sensor" concerns (no extra bearings, they are in the DC-motor, and no sensors).
For harvesting the electricity from the generator coil pairs I will do as Romero did (independent full bridge rectifiers).

For closing the loop I have no idea yet, we will see, may be a 3 Volt Zener diode to clamp excess voltage down to 3 Volt (instead of the DC-DC converter Romeo used).

It will take some time, but at least I now have a plan (suitable to my skills and the stuff I already have).

Greetings, Conrad

hi Conrad

i decided on the same route for similar reasons

i have a rotor made, Neos loaded & running up with a 3V DC motor (with claimed 80% approx Eff. at 1A)

drawing 1.6A at start, then dropping to approx 0.9A, using two AAA primary batteries for a trial run-up

i'm going for a smaller physical build, though - 12cm Diam rotor, 6 mags, 7 coils

similar idea on replacing DC converter, using LEDs as both load & regulation

i don't have access to a good toolset, and my mech skills pretty poor, so struggling to arrange a robust motor block within limited space amongst coils at the moment! (quite strong motor vibration due to rotor imperfections)

next steps for me are to get stator plates cut out & mounted on a base with motor, wind a trial coil pair to get an idea of min turns required, then make an initial 2 coil pair + FWBR + Cap test to observe relative action of single & double coil/FWBR operation (with all cores + stator mags in place to give worst case load, before tuning full system later)

WRT your points 1) & 2) above:

Romero reported preliminary results elsewhere, before releasing the looped and self-run videos, which indicated that before adding any stator magnets, he had achieved approx 105% Eff.

Adding stator magnets to 5 coil positions took him to approx 200% Eff.

so the bulk of the OU is either due to anti-cogging reducing drag, or to some intensive flux interaction between the rotor mags and the mag-biased stator coil/core assemblies

glad to see another 'DC motor' builder - good luck with the build!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 24, 2011, 09:24:56 AM
Everyone seems to be overly concerned with the drive coils, trying to build something to be highly efficient, but the device Romero showed had an abundance of excess energy and some loss should not be a problem.

If it is difficult to get the generator side to output this excess energy then doesn't this appear like a red flag?
Not trying to be negative but first things first.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 24, 2011, 09:50:10 AM
I have done a test using only one set of two coils to collect the power and only one coil set to drive  the rotor. I can get 16.1v ac without the magnets on top but having the magnets in repulsion I get 19.3v ac. Looks that the magnets are adding some power and reduces some of the drag.I need to do all other coils now.Each coil I have is 450 turns single 23awg
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 24, 2011, 10:15:35 AM
Quote from: konehead on May 24, 2011, 03:38:59 AM
hi Scratchrobot

your rig sounds really great! it really screams...very nice...

Looks good too except for that rotor eh...I bet you could cut the draw in half if you could get better airgap clearance between rotor magnets and cores liek 1.5mm....looks around 7 or 8mm or so right now judging from the video.

since its made of MDF (I assume rotor too) I would suggest using felt pen, and mark on rotor as it spins, a band on the outisde rim of rotor, so you can see exaclty where the rotor's "center-of-rim" or "centerline" is.....

then pop magnets out, and belt-sand that MDF rotor down and get out the wobble-ness...using the felt-pen marking as guide.
you dont have to get it perfect, but if you make the rotor thinner, letting the matgnet stick out a bit,  then you can play with each  magnet moving them up or down in rotor, until the magnets thenselves have the the perfect airgap and if rotor is little bit wobbly doesnt matter the magnets will be perfect....

anyways looks cool and goes great...i agree with bolt yours is going to be a looper judging by the way it goes already.

You are right the gap is too big and varies because of the wobble. Thank you for the good tips, i will try them. Today i tried with magnets and a small bulb as load on one coil, now it doesn't scream anymore but sounds more like a generator  :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on May 24, 2011, 10:54:21 AM
Quote from: ElektroBaba on May 24, 2011, 03:19:51 AM
I think that RomeroUK has really luck with his timing.
It is not better to use a simple light sensor (forked light barrier and a little hole, instead of hall sensor) and a simple electronic to control delay, width and height of the pulse?
VIEV ....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on May 24, 2011, 10:59:11 AM

Quote from: David70 on May 24, 2011, 09:50:10 AM
I have done a test using only one set of two coils to collect the power and only one coil set to drive  the rotor. I can get 16.1v ac without the magnets on top but having the magnets in repulsion I get 19.3v ac. Looks that the magnets are adding some power and reduces some of the drag.I need to do all other coils now.Each coil I have is 450 turns single 23awg

Great results David70!
What are you using for core and bobbinsize?

Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 24, 2011, 11:19:12 AM
Quote from: erikbuch on May 24, 2011, 10:59:11 AM

Great results David70!
What are you using for core and bobbinsize?

Best regards
I have made myself a bobbin actually just the ends for a bobbing having 8mm/20mm ferrite rod. the wire is wound directly onto the ferrite core.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 24, 2011, 11:25:26 AM
anyone here who knows how to trigger a 555 with a hall sensor? schematic...?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 24, 2011, 12:27:19 PM
With magnets and small 12v 4w bulb as load on two coils.

http://youtu.be/zF7d2cBevBg (http://youtu.be/zF7d2cBevBg)

I don't have cores in all coils and my rotor wobbles so there is no balance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TommeyLReed on May 24, 2011, 12:30:42 PM
You can trigger the 555 timer using a basic on/off switching with a transistor, in other words, the transistor is used to allow the pulse to go to its source....
You can also allow the transistor to turn on/off the 555 timer too, this does the same thing while the transistor is control by the  hall sensor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TommeyLReed on May 24, 2011, 12:37:02 PM
The tc4421 will need a resistor going to the mosfets, or you will aloow too much power going into the gate........
tc4421 is a mosfet driver, with high output, resistor are needed for each mosfet, check data on mosfet resistor gate.....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 24, 2011, 12:37:54 PM
Quote from: TommeyLReed on May 24, 2011, 12:30:42 PM
You can trigger the 555 timer using a basic on/off switching with a transistor, in other words, the transistor is used to allow the pulse to go to its source....
You can also allow the transistor to turn on/off the 555 timer too, this does the same thing while the transistor is control by the  hall sensor.
I am also sure that is a way to connect the hall to the 555 then the 555 to a mosfet that drives the coil with many pulses every time. I have done it with a reed and the output is better.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on May 24, 2011, 12:44:43 PM
Quote from: David70 on May 24, 2011, 12:37:54 PM
I am also sure that is a way to connect the hall to the 555 then the 555 to a mosfet that drives the coil with many pulses every time. I have done it with a reed and the output is better.

you would send the output of the hall which usually is low to trigger of 555 (pin 2) then set the timer up in a one-shot fashion, this will allow hall triggered turn on time, and adjustable stay on time. Hope this helps. Peace
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 24, 2011, 12:46:55 PM
I find this video very controvertial : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5q47JJJAww . If this is true( and i read it in other places also). Then in theory if you have a pull motor and a push dynamo, you get over unity. You need to invest less energy to speed it up in motor mode then you consume as in dynamo mode.
I was thought that a magnet has a complete magnetic field, it takes equal amount of energy to get close or leave it's vecinity.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 24, 2011, 12:49:09 PM
Google images  555 Astable. You will see about 10,000 of them. Connect the hall to the i/p trigger it pulls low when the hall is active with a magnet. Pull it up with 4k7.   Make the timing cap like 10nF and the timing R 100k pot then you can adjust the pulse window when the hall triggers. TO be honest with you at full speed rotor its going to be tiny pulse anyhow its really not worth the hassle of trying to trim it down smaller.

555 o/p it totem driver its plenty powerful enough to drive fets at low frequencies <50Khz. Over 50Khz you will benefit greatly using Fet driver.

OH BTW make sure you find the correct Hall!! They are all vastly different. Some are latching, some active on North pole only, some active south pole. Some require opposite pole to turn OFF, Some don't care, some are linear and some are digital high low with digital filter.

I use Allegro A1121 in my circuits. They are probably the best.

Each device includes on a single silicon chip a voltage regulator,
Hall-voltage generator, small-signal amplifier, chopper
stabilization, Schmitt trigger, and a short-circuit protected
open-drain output to sink up to 25 mA.
An on-board regulator permits operation with supply voltages
of 3 to 24 V. The advantage of operating down to 3 V is that
the device can be used in 3 V applications or with additional
external resistance in series with the supply pin for greater
protection against high voltage transient events.
3-pin SOT23W (suffix LH)
3-pin SIP (suffix UA)
For the A1120, A1121, and A1122, a south pole of sufficient
strength turns the output on. Removal of the magnetic field
turns the output off.

I use these FET drivers for almost everything. =TC4428

Its a dual driver one direct one inverted.  It has inbuilt crossover filter so you can use for inverter and it will not latch up. Also if something turns ON and you want OFF just change a pin!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 24, 2011, 12:56:32 PM
Quote from: Tudi on May 24, 2011, 12:46:55 PM
I find this video very controvertial : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5q47JJJAww (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5q47JJJAww) . If this is true( and i read it in other places also). Then in theory if you have a pull motor and a push dynamo, you get over unity. You need to invest less energy to speed it up in motor mode then you consume as in dynamo mode.
I was thought that a magnet has a complete magnetic field, it takes equal amount of energy to get close or leave it's vecinity.

That video goes against my own experience and what I THINK I know.  Possibly it was the difference in the magnets themselves due to manufacturing tolerances?
Hard to find 2 magnets exactly the same.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 24, 2011, 01:11:02 PM
Scarecrow and zerofossilfuels -- I very much enjoyed your discussion on Romero/Muller devices last week. 
The RomeroUK/Muller dynamo is a particularly interesting approach, given the videos of the device self-running.

There are reasons why a corporatist state would resist innovative developments; explained here:

"The corporatist state not only destroys free enterprise but it also expands enormously the corrupt influences of government and destroys individual rights to life, liberty, and property on a selective basis. While it ensures prosperity for corporate leaders, it simultaneously ensures the destruction of innovation. By reducing competition and making industry far more dependent on planned growth dictated by federal bureaucrats, it miscalculates consumer demand leading to avoidance of the best and highest uses, reduces the standard of living, and increases the cost of all goods and services. In short, it reduces everything that is above and fails to raise anything that is below. It stultifies the economy by encumbering the functioning of engines of innovation and by insulating leading firms, reducing the necessity for their investment in research and investment."

So one needs an innovative approach in releasing the invention to humanity in addition to engineering innovations. 
IOW, its not enough to enjoy developing an invention, if that innovation is soon suppressed in favor of BigOyl.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 24, 2011, 01:16:43 PM
Attraction is always stronger in nature.  Unless you make a Gay Hamster Wheel:)

In attraction mode is Yin and Yang, North and South or male and female. The magnets do not lose there magnetism. In repulsion mode magnets lose their strength especially under extreme high frequency banging. You can kill a Neo within weeks or months in banging repulsion mode.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 24, 2011, 01:26:51 PM
Quote from: bolt on May 24, 2011, 01:16:43 PM
Attraction is always stronger in nature.  Unless you make a Gay Hamster Wheel:)

In attraction mode is Yin and Yang, North and South or male and female. The magnets do not lose there magnetism. In repulsion mode magnets lose their strength especially under extreme high frequency banging. You can kill a Neo within weeks or months in banging repulsion mode.

yes :



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 24, 2011, 01:55:43 PM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 24, 2011, 07:56:28 AM
@tanakat: Thank you for posting Romero's remarks (I overlooked them).

@Dave45: Thank you for posting the video. I am not sure I should believe what the person claims, but that is about what I want to do.

So far I was very confused about what to test and what to build. Now I want to go for the DC-motor idea (which is not my idea, many have tried before).

Attached see a drive circuit with a TI Launch Pad and a DC motor I just happen to have. It all can be run from a 2.4 - 3 Volt power supply (two AAA rechargeable batteries in series).


Fixing a disk to this DC-motor also solves my "bearings" and "sensor" concerns (no extra bearings, they are in the DC-motor, and no sensors).

Coils salvaged from 12 Volt relays will serve as generator coils, which should be more "identical" than self-wound coils.

I just want to see whether an uneven coil-magnet arrangement really has some advantages as far as reducing cogging and giving a decent output.

For harvesting the electricity from the generator coil pairs I will do as Romero did (independent full bridge rectifiers).

For closing the loop I have no idea yet, we will see, may be a 3 Volt Zener diode to clamp excess voltage down to 3 Volt (instead of the DC-DC converter Romeo used).

It will take some time, but at least I now have a plan (suitable to my skills and the stuff I already have).

Greetings, Conrad
Conrad,  I like your ideas and that Launchpad looks very cool especially for less than $5 but that 650 page user manual looks a bit daunting if you need to know all that to program it.  How difficult do you think it would be to program for the motor setup you propose? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 24, 2011, 02:03:21 PM
Let me try to ilustrate visually how important it is to state a magnet pull is stronger then push :
(https://overunityarchives.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg62.imageshack.us%2Fimg62%2F2315%2Fcontrovertial.png&hash=cb043f9afed91b9c8ee9264bbc253dee3dc1b73a) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/62/controvertial.png/)
Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

This "power difference" is actually an over unity quantity( Each time a magnet passes by a coil). At 1000 Hz that is a considerable amount no matter how small it might be. Let's suppowe it is 0.001 wats OU, which is small enough to be beleavable. at 1000HZ the device produces 1 watt excess energy per second ? This perfectly explains also why device speeds up under heavier load.

I'm probably wrong, but the magnet on top of the coil unbalances the push / pull ratio ? Event at that huge range it is ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: albert on May 24, 2011, 02:25:31 PM
I wonder why it should not be possible to run the generator part as a simple Bedini motor? You got litz coils, perhaps the neos work well with the ferrite core and a larger gap, and its efficient, too. Of course the emphasis here would be on the driving power and not so much on the energy recovery aspect of the Bedini.
A switch even if its a Hall switch is always kinda cumbersome and will it last in this kind of application?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 24, 2011, 03:05:17 PM
Quote from: TommeyLReed on May 24, 2011, 01:59:58 PM
This is my pulse generator, that works even better the the muller wheel

Would you care to add some part specs to you diagram and give us an idea why this is better than the Muller type motor here?  Are you saying your circuit is overunity?  I'm all for solid state OU but I haven't seen it and would welcome any real info that can lead to that. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 24, 2011, 03:40:53 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on May 24, 2011, 12:27:19 PM
With magnets and small 12v 4w bulb as load on two coils.

http://youtu.be/zF7d2cBevBg (http://youtu.be/zF7d2cBevBg)

I don't have cores in all coils and my rotor wobbles so there is no balance.

Well done.
I wonder why Romero's unit did not slow down when he lifted his stator magnet?

Maybe your stator magnets are too near to the cores?

You have about 6 WATTs of input power.
How much power does your lamp put out?

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 24, 2011, 04:44:15 PM
Quote from: TommeyLReed on May 24, 2011, 04:04:13 PM
Not OU, just like the muller motor.
I show everything unlike the muller motor showing what you want to see. I would have to say that none of you are that bright when you can't even see though this simple scam.
I would just like to call all of you out that thinks he or she thinks they know better them common sense, your ego is off the charts and someone like my self needs to put you all in your place.
You all just show how you waste time and money to try to push this scam, we'll wake up it's a scam and it won't work!
Prove me wrong, PLEASE!


simple is it? please explain.

...in my place.....


Chill out man!

Here, watch All this http://youtu.be/oaMTSOI1Zk4 (http://youtu.be/oaMTSOI1Zk4)

Click 720hd - Full screen - sit back and enjoy what Man can do when he wants to have fun.

we are all having fun, shout all you want, it's funny !!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tombrid2000 on May 24, 2011, 04:54:53 PM
Aviso seems to explain the principle quite well here


from about the 30minute mark.. though all of it is interesting
apart from the bird... we use one hall to trigger the rotor drive
and one to short the coil at precise moment
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 24, 2011, 05:40:29 PM
The  ambulance was at Tommy's place and have set him on moderated...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 24, 2011, 05:57:20 PM
Sad news I blew up my dynamo :'(
Most of the coils are gone but I am happy nothing hit me. I don't have time to rebuild right now but maybe later.

I wish I had it on camera, lots of energy ;D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 24, 2011, 06:07:43 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on May 24, 2011, 05:57:20 PM
Sad news I blew up my dynamo :'(
Most of the coils are gone but I am happy nothing hit me. I don't have time to rebuild right now but maybe later.

I wish I had it on camera, lots of energy ;D


Wow! Please be careful. This stuff is no toy and at the few hundred to a few thousand RPM with the mass, the magnets can seriously injure. When my setup is ready, I will make sure to power it low enough to allow the disc to spin and making sure everything is tied down good, especially the rotor!
Good to know you're OK.

ps: oh, here's my current setup with the rotor freely spinning (manual) on smooth VCR bearings with magnets on it! Another 1 or 2 weeks I will hopefully update more.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on May 24, 2011, 06:17:41 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on May 24, 2011, 05:57:20 PM
Sad news I blew up my dynamo :'(
Most of the coils are gone but I am happy nothing hit me. I don't have time to rebuild right now but maybe later.

I wish I had it on camera, lots of energy ;D



Did it get going fast enough to yank the magnets out?

I was thinking of  looking for some Kevlar thread to bond to the  outer edge of the rotor......just one layer of Kevlar would allow MUCH higher speed
Carbon fiber could do the job too.......but sense it is conductive it would have lots of eddy currents.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 24, 2011, 06:35:03 PM
The rotor was no good and hit the coils, the magnets did not come off but the coils are a mess. I was lucky because it was not running at speed but I can imagine it can be very dangerous! If I build a new one I want to use another material.

@CrisC, nice build
@All, be carefull

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 24, 2011, 06:40:09 PM
Quote from: David70 on May 24, 2011, 11:25:26 AM
anyone here who knows how to trigger a 555 with a hall sensor? schematic...?


here is a link, I mean to use the third schematic where there is a BC547 or 2N2222 shown: just connect the HAll output (which is an open collector) to Pin 2 of 555 (where the BC547 collector goes now, of course you omit this transistor and use the Hall's built-in transistor instead). Also change the 1 MOhm resistor to a lower value like 5-10 kOhm shown between Pin 2 and the input positive supply line. And the Hall's negative supply pin goes to the 555's negative supply line Pin 1 and the Hall's positive supply pin goes to the the 555's positive supply line too.
This is the simplest circuit for your question.

The link is http://www.555-timer-circuits.com/touch-switch.html 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on May 24, 2011, 06:49:17 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on May 24, 2011, 06:35:03 PM
The rotor was no good and hit the coils, the magnets did not come off but the coils are a mess. I was lucky because it was not running at speed but I can imagine it can be very dangerous! If I build a new one I want to use another material.

@CrisC, nice build
@All, be carefull



I am guessing that your center shaft was not quite square........ I have did that a few times.

I bought some polycarbonate a  while back for rotors......It costs more than acrylic but it is not as brittle......it will usually deform rather than crack and break.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 24, 2011, 08:39:42 PM
Quote from: chrisC on May 24, 2011, 06:07:43 PM
Wow! Please be careful. This stuff is no toy and at the few hundred to a few thousand RPM with the mass, the magnets can seriously injure. When my setup is ready, I will make sure to power it low enough to allow the disc to spin and making sure everything is tied down good, especially the rotor!
Good to know you're OK.

ps: oh, here's my current setup with the rotor freely spinning (manual) on smooth VCR bearings with magnets on it! Another 1 or 2 weeks I will hopefully update more.

Nice!  Looks just like the VCR motor I pulled yesterday out of an old VCR.  I was trying to figure out how to get the motor to spin but with about 10 wires coming out of it I don't have much knowledge about how to do that or if it's even a DC motor.  I tried somethings that got it to jump a second but no spin up.  But it looks like it will work fine for a bearing for now. 

  Are your rotor and plates from TAP?  What thickness are you using ? 

@scratchrobot, sorry to hear about the problem.  Wobble + pressed fibre board was probably the combination that blew it apart.  Pressed fibre board is just not a good structurally sound material for this project IMO.  Don't give up though.  If you're on a budget you can probably find some scrap wood at construction sites either plywood or solid pine board will be better than what you had. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 24, 2011, 08:44:04 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 24, 2011, 03:05:17 PM
I'm all for solid state OU but I haven't seen it and would welcome any real info that can lead to that.

E2Matrix, pls look here -- http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=853.0 

Data I've taken with a Tektronix 3032 shows Pout/Pin ~ 7.   We would welcome replications or any input or questions you wish to provide.   (Are folks allergic to that other forum?)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 24, 2011, 09:11:35 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 24, 2011, 08:44:04 PM
E2Matrix, pls look here -- http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=853.0 

Data I've taken with a Tektronix 3032 shows Pout/Pin ~ 7.   We would welcome replications or any input or questions you wish to provide.   (Are folks allergic to that other forum?)

Allergic???  try "that other forum is run by egotistical, power and control people" who have banned me. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.


EDIT: well, the fine folk over there have reinstated me... just like that! LOL


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 24, 2011, 09:22:16 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 24, 2011, 08:44:04 PM
E2Matrix, pls look here -- http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=853.0 

Data I've taken with a Tektronix 3032 shows Pout/Pin ~ 7.   We would welcome replications or any input or questions you wish to provide.   (Are folks allergic to that other forum?)

Hello professor,

I do go to that site and it is though to see the "OU does not exist" ALL THE TIME. I like MileHigh's comments and dissertations about how wrong things are and how in a illusion we are but it is ok, at least he has been polite to me. I know he does not say good things about Stefan (which I think is totaly wrong).

He also asked me to post some of his comments (when he formulate a nice one for this Muller experiment) and I agreed to post so we also have another point of view from someone that claims to be an EE by profession. I know some here hate that but it is healthy some of the counter-arguments once in a while, not all the time like TommyL non stop thingy but sometimes is ok when it is well versed.

I have to confess that I don't understand some people coming here and "vomiting" their disprove of our "faith" and "believe" in OU and our efforts in helping the world, but, there are people of all kinds in the world.

I again, would like to ask ALL to be focused. Not for me, but for all the other ones that will come and read this thread and see how we are changing the world one step at the time.

I will continue deleting non-sense and non-related posts with the exception of the ones that are small jokes and uprising of our efforts and great videos like that guy flying in the mountains. We are just like that guy flying, we can't fly but we still do, don't we?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on May 24, 2011, 09:40:54 PM

While there are a couple of folks that are hard-lined "OU is impossible" on OUR, the majority of us are there are open-minded, and even hopeful that someone some day will come up with something amazing....like Romero has apparently shown us.

Please also note that sometimes the skeptics are the most vocal, so that's most likely why it seems you are hearing skepticism ALL THE TIME. Read between the skeptic posts at OUR and here, and you'll realize that there are more supporters or 'neutrals' than there are skeptics.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 24, 2011, 09:43:26 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 24, 2011, 08:44:04 PM
E2Matrix, pls look here -- http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=853.0 

Data I've taken with a Tektronix 3032 shows Pout/Pin ~ 7.   We would welcome replications or any input or questions you wish to provide.   (Are folks allergic to that other forum?)

I was somewhat oversimplifying when I said I was unaware of any solid state OU as I do know about your work on the JT style circuit.  That's great you are investigating that but I was trying to get tommy to respond about his circuit.  I think he's a troll or a lost cause to the skeptic side though.  While I find JT's somewhat interesting I've never seen anyone scale one up to useful levels unless you call lighting a bunch of LED's useful.  Lighting LED's doesn't impress me a lot since I've got a stock flashlight from over 10 years ago that's still running on the same AA's and it can run about 5 months 24/7 on it's lowest setting.  Also have a light that ran 3 years solid in blinking mode before the single CR123 battery died.  However I haven't kept up totally on your work but if you are at COP ~ 7 then getting abundant energy should be easy at that point by looping it and scaling up.  Have you tried looping yet? 

I think Romero's / Muller's device gives us a shot at making some real world useful energy. 

@i_ron   yep know what you are saying ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 24, 2011, 10:01:34 PM
Quote from: lumen on May 24, 2011, 09:24:56 AM
Everyone seems to be overly concerned with the drive coils, trying to build something to be highly efficient, but the device Romero showed had an abundance of excess energy and some loss should not be a problem.

If it is difficult to get the generator side to output this excess energy then doesn't this appear like a red flag?
Not trying to be negative but first things first.

This is the kind of reasoning that will keep us missing a possible overunity event.

Just because one wind turbine the same size generates 1000watts does not mean the the next one that is almost the same will generate the same amount of power. Even with simple generation like this the amount of captured energy has many many factors that come into play and wire for distribution and coils play a huge role!

These kinds of blanket statements I believe will only teach us not to be investigators but instead just go with the status quo. In order to achieve OU or anything grand we have to learn to be better investigators rather then continually working with the same mindset or framework in mind we need to expand our horizons a bit further to open up to a many things that may be in plain sight which we are missing. If you insist that that thing is batteries hidden so be it I think it is fair to have such a thought. But if we sit back and do nothing and claim everything is impossible I dunno what exactly one could gain from such actions or statements really?

While I do not entirely object to physics I do object to there not being some form of abundant energy through out the universe that we are not aware of. I object to the fact that we are using the best forms of wireless communications that there is. I object to the fact that nothing moves faster then the speed of light.

Is it easy to discover any one of these things? Absolutely not?

Does it mean that it is impossible well I think there may be physical evidence in our reality that points to the answer of no. We are indeed missing something big I believe. And it may be a multitude of little things. Who knows for sure.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 24, 2011, 10:20:47 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 24, 2011, 08:39:42 PM
Nice!  Looks just like the VCR motor I pulled yesterday out of an old VCR.  I was trying to figure out how to get the motor to spin but with about 10 wires coming out of it I don't have much knowledge about how to do that or if it's even a DC motor.  I tried somethings that got it to jump a second but no spin up.  But it looks like it will work fine for a bearing for now. 

  Are your rotor and plates from TAP?  What thickness are you using ? 

@scratchrobot, sorry to hear about the problem.  Wobble + pressed fibre board was probably the combination that blew it apart.  Pressed fibre board is just not a good structurally sound material for this project IMO.  Don't give up though.  If you're on a budget you can probably find some scrap wood at construction sites either plywood or solid pine board will be better than what you had.


My TabPlastic plates are 1/4" thick. Regarding the VCR drive, I would not try to figure out the motor controls, just use the bearings and the assembly - that's what I did. But you must find the right screws to secure the bottom of the VCR drive to the rotor and it's not very easy. You must remove the bottom for screws. Hope that helps.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 24, 2011, 10:27:49 PM
think about it anything we've ever done was through the study of creation, if you want to do something look at how God does it.

Study the thunderstorm

before we could fly it seemed so magical, but in actuality it was simple , the shape of the birds wing causes lift.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 24, 2011, 10:30:56 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on May 24, 2011, 10:27:49 PM
think about it anything we've ever done was through the study of creation, if you want to do something look at how God does it.

Study the thunderstorm

Of topic but totally agree. Amen to that brother!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xee2 on May 24, 2011, 10:34:05 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 24, 2011, 08:44:04 PM
E2Matrix, pls look here -- http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=853.0 

Data I've taken with a Tektronix 3032 shows Pout/Pin ~ 7.   We would welcome replications or any input or questions you wish to provide.   (Are folks allergic to that other forum?)

Wow. Seven times more power out than in. How long has it been running without any external power source? I was unable to find it at the given link. Can you provide more information on where to find the circuit?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 24, 2011, 10:51:57 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 24, 2011, 09:43:26 PM
I was somewhat oversimplifying when I said I was unaware of any solid state OU as I do know about your work on the JT style circuit.  That's great you are investigating that but I was trying to get tommy to respond about his circuit.  I think he's a troll or a lost cause to the skeptic side though.  While I find JT's somewhat interesting I've never seen anyone scale one up to useful levels unless you call lighting a bunch of LED's useful.  Lighting LED's doesn't impress me a lot since I've got a stock flashlight from over 10 years ago that's still running on the same AA's and it can run about 5 months 24/7 on it's lowest setting.  Also have a light that ran 3 years solid in blinking mode before the single CR123 battery died.  However I haven't kept up totally on your work but if you are at COP ~ 7 then getting abundant energy should be easy at that point by looping it and scaling up.  Have you tried looping yet? 

I think Romero's / Muller's device gives us a shot at making some real world useful energy. 

Thanks, E2m... The circuit I'm working on is more like a REVERSE -JT, and it charges a cap quickly on the output leg... but we haven't tried looping yet.  Would have to step down the output voltage from about 8V (pulsed) down to 2.5-3V input .  Same sort of issue that RomeroUK faced, and solved with his DC-DC converter.  Mine runs at 1.4 MHz, however... anyway, thanks for pushing me a bit on looping.

And I agree with you that "Romero's / Muller's device gives us a shot at making some real world useful energy. "   I would like to ask folks here, as a colleague and I are thinking of ONE replication for now -- which would be better to replicate --
1.  Romero/Muller device?
2.  Gabriel Device ?

Both look promising to me, and evidently operate at "real world useful" power...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 24, 2011, 11:05:34 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 24, 2011, 10:51:57 PM
Thanks, E2m... The circuit I'm working on is more like a REVERSE -JT, and it charges a cap quickly on the output leg... but we haven't tried looping yet.  Would have to step down the output voltage from about 8V (pulsed) down to 2.5-3V input .  Same sort of issue that RomeroUK faced, and solved with his DC-DC converter.  Mine runs at 1.4 MHz, however... anyway, thanks for pushing me a bit on looping.

And I agree with you that "Romero's / Muller's device gives us a shot at making some real world useful energy. "   I would like to ask folks here, as a colleague and I are thinking of ONE replication for now -- which would be better to replicate --
1.  Romero/Muller device?
2.  Gabriel Device ?

Both look promising to me, and evidently operate at "real world useful" power...

Go for #1 ;D
It has more promise :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 24, 2011, 11:07:01 PM
Quote from: infringer on May 24, 2011, 10:01:34 PM
This is the kind of reasoning that will keep us missing a possible overunity event.

Just because one wind turbine the same size generates 1000watts does not mean the the next one that is almost the same will generate the same amount of power. Even with simple generation like this the amount of captured energy has many many factors that come into play and wire for distribution and coils play a huge role!

These kinds of blanket statements I believe will only teach us not to be investigators but instead just go with the status quo. In order to achieve OU or anything grand we have to learn to be better investigators rather then continually working with the same mindset or framework in mind we need to expand our horizons a bit further to open up to a many things that may be in plain sight which we are missing. If you insist that that thing is batteries hidden so be it I think it is fair to have such a thought. But if we sit back and do nothing and claim everything is impossible I dunno what exactly one could gain from such actions or statements really?

While I do not entirely object to physics I do object to there not being some form of abundant energy through out the universe that we are not aware of. I object to the fact that we are using the best forms of wireless communications that there is. I object to the fact that nothing moves faster then the speed of light.

Is it easy to discover any one of these things? Absolutely not?

Does it mean that it is impossible well I think there may be physical evidence in our reality that points to the answer of no. We are indeed missing something big I believe. And it may be a multitude of little things. Who knows for sure.

I think you are riding too heavy on that comment, the intent of the statement is simply to bring to light that there are endless possible ways to trigger a pulse motor with some better than others because they may have better control and are more efficient, but the fact is the one Romero used was very simple and worked!
In the end when your Muller setup does not work, will you not wonder if it could be the trigger method you used? Then in the end just build the same trigger setup as Romero anyway?

I mean, why spin off on a tangent thinking something is better? You are already working on the impossible, everything counts. Make improvements after it works!
(this is only a suggestion, you still can build it anyway you like!)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 25, 2011, 03:52:11 AM
Marine supply stores sell stainless steel "trolling wire" in spools that is used for deep-water fishing...its  very strong and thin lightwieght wire and mabye only .75 mm thick or so (26GA?) and the stainless steel seems to be the 99% non-magnetic type too...what I do sometimes if planning on lots of rpms, is to wrap a couple of turns of this wire around each of the "exposed" magnets (sticking out a bit from the surface of the flat rotor) super glue it down, then let the glue dry and cover with epoxy coating... not that pretty but it works...so itsone long length of wire looped around each magnet to make sure they wont fly out.

Also you can wrap a few layers of this SSwire around hte outside rim of the rotor itsef, so no you have "stainless steel rim" to the rotor and no way will the rotor explode on you from centrifugal force.

also important thing to know, is if you happen to be using SS threaded-rod as your axle, and then you bolt a hub to each side, or jsut one side of the rotor, with nuts above and below the rotor and hub as is normal way to go -
and  IF you tighten those nuts too tight, it will actually distort the rotor a bit in the "90 degree flatness" you are looking for.
you can have perfect 90 degrees to the axle and hub, and hub perfectly flat with rotor surface eveything is squared up nice and well built, but then you tighten those nuts too much, and the rotor will assume the angle of the threads in the axle...and now you have like 5 or 10mm mm wobble to the rotor spin out at the edge of the rotor.

Best solution is cut a straight channel/slot down the middle of your axle lengthwise with a dremel tool or metal cutting circular saw blade (if thick axle) then cut a slot in the hub of the rotor too, and make a key out of metal to fit into the slot of the hub, and into the channel in the axle that was cut out...its just like most off-shelf motors will have on their shaft to mount pulleys and stuff - a "keyway" (channel) and a key....
so this will lock the hub and rotor onto the axle very good, and then the nuts each side of the rotor and hub jsut need to be tightened "snug' and not overly tight and now your rotor will spin very flat...   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 25, 2011, 06:45:08 AM
Lidmotors great new driver circuit

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 25, 2011, 08:22:56 AM
Quote from: chrisC on May 24, 2011, 10:20:47 PM

My TabPlastic plates are 1/4" thick. Regarding the VCR drive, I would not try to figure out the motor controls, just use the bearings and the assembly - that's what I did. But you must find the right screws to secure the bottom of the VCR drive to the rotor and it's not very easy. You must remove the bottom for screws. Hope that helps.


After excessive wobble, shimmy, shake rattle and roll in my "home made" rotor, I have taken a back up and punt attitude and will be essentially starting over after my vacation next week.  IF you do not have a true running rotor, you simply will never tune it for max output with minimum drag.  That was a lot of work thrown away!  Pictures of VCR rotor/stator/bearing assembly that I might use on next mechanical try!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 25, 2011, 10:11:30 AM
k4zep,  sounds like a good plan.  Looks like the one I just scavenged.   I was also considering ceiling fan bearings or the whole motor if needed as a bearing since those seem to spin a long time and are obviously made to be horizontal as well as support considerable weight.  I've got a couple extra I've picked up at garage sales so most should be able to find one cheap.  Any one have any thoughts on that?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 25, 2011, 10:17:05 AM
Quote from: TEKTRON on May 24, 2011, 11:05:34 PM

Go for #1 ;D
It has more promise :o
Thanks, Tektron -- I'll discuss this today with my colleague in this effort.  Especially after seeing Lidmotor's latest vid -- he writes:
"Uploaded by Lidmotor on May 24, 2011

This is my Muller Dynamo testing unit using two paralleled Joule Thief circuits as drivers. Instead of using the standard Joule Thief coil I simple used the paired up diver coils on the Muller. This arrangement runs on very low power only. I did this to experiment to try out a different way to run the dynamo besides the Hall sensor circuit."

I like JT circuits also, have built a lot of them, several with the coils AFTER the transistor ("reverse JT").  I found this arrangement to have higher efficiency. (See:
http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=853.0 )

Lidmotor uses JT circuits INSTEAD OF Hall sensors -- very clever.  And shows a very efficient M-G (motor-generator), although not OU yet. 
I hope his wife let's him add ferrite cores!  ;)  And magnets. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 25, 2011, 10:45:44 AM
 I would like to ask what people think of Rod Clark's M-G, video'd back in July 2008:
With a "final version" the same month:

Rod uses a DC-driver motor, then the generator part looks a LOT LIKE Muller/RomeroUK.  He shows it self-running nearly 3 years ago!  where were we then?  And where the heck is this guy, Rod?  I've tried email and phone -- no luck reaching him over a couple of weeks trying. If anyone can reach him, or has a copy of his notes which one could have bought cheap (in 2008) please let me know!

I'm inclined to try Rod's approach for my first build of Muller, that is, an efficient DC motor to start with.  (Does anyone have a source for a small EFFICIENT DC motor?)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 25, 2011, 10:58:08 AM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 24, 2011, 10:51:57 PM
Thanks, E2m... The circuit I'm working on is more like a REVERSE -JT, and it charges a cap quickly on the output leg... but we haven't tried looping yet.  Would have to step down the output voltage from about 8V (pulsed) down to 2.5-3V input .  Same sort of issue that RomeroUK faced, and solved with his DC-DC converter.  Mine runs at 1.4 MHz, however... anyway, thanks for pushing me a bit on looping.

And I agree with you that "Romero's / Muller's device gives us a shot at making some real world useful energy. "   I would like to ask folks here, as a colleague and I are thinking of ONE replication for now -- which would be better to replicate --
1.  Romero/Muller device?
2.  Gabriel Device ?

Both look promising to me, and evidently operate at "real world useful" power...

I think in general motors especially pulse motors have proven to have good promise in OU.  The Gabriel device while it sounded great is still in my 'iffy' category and I'm not so sure it is a valid OU device at the moment.  I'd like to think it is but this could be measurement errors and the Gabriel device is far from being looped as it needs a lot of power to run initially.  The Romero / Muller device however has I believe been successfully looped and can be scaled up.  If one even gets it fine tuned enough with the current size you might get 30 or 40 watts out (I can hope) and if that's running continuously with a well built rotor and bearings then you are on your way to some real world useful power. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 25, 2011, 10:58:54 AM
@JouleSeeker : I'm not sure a normal man can fully comprehend the significance of an OU device that converts 0 point energy to electricity ( if that is the case ). You can do anything with energy, even create matter. Now if you are "smart" or lucky enough to really do an OU device. You will probably not look for a job for years and years. The simplest example i could come up to synthetise diamonds( Which is made even in our days ). I understand this guy of not having the funds to build devices like these. But is really that hard to convince your neighbour you can fuel he's corn tractor to work for "infinity" ?

Now let me give you idiot( really idiot) examples if something goes wrong what might happen : you create so much matter that the size of the planet increases and eventually falls into the sun (lol), unbalance the magnetic field of the earth and cosmic death rays burn the lazy rednecks, create earth wide weather changes and chicks will walk around topless all day, Illuminate the whole earth just so do not need to have a flashlight in your pocket ever. Put so much electricity in earth to electrocute Osama in he's cave. Create worldwide economic crash because most of the jobs will become useless( Why work when you can create food and rest at home) . My favorite one, convert so much space to energy so that a galactic scale implosion happens xD. People out of boredom will finally initiate the singularity and robots will not beg/need food slaves (unless people get so fat and lazy they will not ever get up from playing old nintendo games and all humanity dies off after a few decades).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 25, 2011, 11:02:18 AM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 25, 2011, 10:45:44 AM
I would like to ask what people think of Rod Clark's M-G, video'd back in July 2008:
With a "final version" the same month:

Rod uses a DC-driver motor, then the generator part looks a LOT LIKE Muller/RomeroUK.  He shows it self-running nearly 3 years ago!  where were we then?  And where the heck is this guy, Rod?  I've tried email and phone -- no luck reaching him over a couple of weeks trying. If anyone can reach him, or has a copy of his notes which one could have bought cheap (in 2008) please let me know!

I'm inclined to try Rod's approach for my first build of Muller, that is, an efficient DC motor to start with.  (Does anyone have a source for a small EFFICIENT DC motor?)

I've seen it before and it's been mentioned here but AFAIK he was not on the forum so no one to ask about construction details etc.  Looks real and I found no reason to suspect fakery.  Seems like a good confirmation that this concept is valid.  MIA by MIB's ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 25, 2011, 11:29:58 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 25, 2011, 11:02:18 AM
I've seen it before and it's been mentioned here but AFAIK he was not on the forum so no one to ask about construction details etc.  Looks real and I found no reason to suspect fakery.  Seems like a good confirmation that this concept is valid.  MIA by MIB's ?

Maybe so; hope not.  But the guy (Rod Clark) seems to have disappeared from the planet AFAIK...
Thanks for your input -- I'll go with the Muller type for the build (my colleague agrees; we're in this project together).

@tudi -- I do not think that OU necessarily means that energy is extracted from ZPE.  But good MEASUREMENTS of Power in and out are crucial in this development, IMHO.  Let me explain a little.

I recall as a child wondering what would happen if a guy hooked up a generator to an electric motor, then took the output of the generator and fed it back into the motor.  Could you get it to keep running?
   That's what we're talking about here really -- correct me if I'm wrong -- with the Muller, RomeroUK, Bedini etc. devices.  Even if they somehow want to combine the motor with the generator (MG) with a single rotor, it's still such a combination.

   Later when I studied Physics, I learned that this is IMPOSSIBLE to keep running, due to something called the Second Law of Thermodynamics...  Entropy and all that.  Graduate school, PhD in Physics -- they drilled this in.  Heck, I drilled it in after I received my PhD.

  But of course, if there is an OUTSIDE SOURCE of ENERGY, then the combo can keep running as long as the OSE continues, with no violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  Like gasoline added to the motor/generator.

   Fast forward to the present and find inventors claiming they've GOT IT -- a self-running moto-generator (MG) combo.  OK -- once this is EXPERIMENTALLY VERIFIED and replicated and verified again, THEN we can do experiments to determine the nature of the OSE.

It really doesn't help to make progress if someone says IN ADVANCE of experiments, that it is IMPOSSIBLE.  Really, that is just a statement that there is NO other source of energy than those already currently known. 

I'm not willing to take such an arrogant Lord-Kelvin attitude.  I'm willing to let experiments take the first step, does it work?  Make the measurements carefully THEN we can worry about determining the OSE.  (And at that stage, I predict finding the OSE will be relatively easy through carefully-designed experiments.)

SO -- my question has to do with HOW to make rigorous MEASUREMENTS of a moto-gen (MG) combo.  Help me on this, I know how to do measurements of V and I using a Tek 3032 DPOscilloscope, for example.  Is that the best way to do rigorous measurements with an M-G?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 25, 2011, 11:42:06 AM
don't get me wrong JoulSeeker, i'm here trying to do what you are explaining to me. Yes, not everything is ZPE. Yes i agree about making something working in loop already means OU even if the reason is hard to explain. If i would not beleave it is possible i would not be here :)

Yes, i beleave Rod might have made such a device as Romero did. Watched ismael new video today. At some point the tried to use 10 transistors in parallel to reduce the resistance to be able to obtain "some" gain at every loop. Exactly what Romero was saying about the : try to optimize your device ( parallel diodes for bridge rectifier to reduce resistance ? )
There are many people that claim that made devices that others are not able to reproduce. We ALL seem to look the wrong way in order to reproduce these devices. Maybe ALL generators produce some OU but due to no #care we never observed them or we simply counted them as measurement errors.
People like tommyLreed or khabe comming in and stating : this is just a dynamo, why not buy a regular one at the store ? But those dynamos are not optimized for a specific RPM and load ! Every darn piece of this device will function non optimal unless made for a specific load. Even a tranzistor gives you the option to be fast or to consume more...The wire diameter, the wire length, the magnet strength ...

About measurement. It's all about power. Measure power. Not Volt, not Amps. There is a reason why people say : how much time it loops ? This is one of the most precise measurement in most cases. Even though the device has some initial stored energy, most of the time this is small enough to be neglectable and measurable. Charge a CAP and measure the amount of time it takes your device will fully consume it. Divide the power over time and you know your Watt / hour usage. Just like your regular home electric power meter. You can even measure in money how much it will cost you to run this device forever (unless OU )

ps(offtopic): Did bedini ever state he has a OU device or as simple pulse battery charger ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 25, 2011, 01:03:24 PM
Quote from: Tudi on May 25, 2011, 11:42:06 AM
don't get me wrong JoulSeeker, i'm here trying to do what you are explaining to me. Yes, not everything is ZPE. Yes i agree about making something working in loop already means OU even if the reason is hard to explain. If i would not beleave it is possible i would not be here :)

Yes, i beleave Rod might have made such a device as Romero did. [snip]

About measurement. It's all about power. Measure power.

Thanks for clarifying, Tudi..  Seems we are on the same page (above).
Just got off the phone with Sterling Allan...  Lots of developments in this research field.  It seems to me, gut feeling, that the truth about the reality of alt-energy is about to break free.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on May 25, 2011, 02:20:48 PM
Hi Stefan,

Do you recall your testing of the below picture?  Curiouse if you think it may have any bearing?  Something some of the replicators may be interested in tryiing....


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ElektroBaba on May 25, 2011, 03:02:04 PM
Remember JNL

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 25, 2011, 04:01:17 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 25, 2011, 10:45:44 AM
I would like to ask what people think of Rod Clark's M-G, video'd back in July 2008:
With a "final version" the same month:

There again there are a number of factors that don't add up.

If you go to his site you will find its all taken down and in storage. He claims to have a Free Energy device that outputs 500 volts "DAC" (sic) at 100 amps. OK?

Yet here he is selling his truck and house on line.

Interesting here though is the forerunner of Romero's device... the big square FWBs, hanging it up by one string to show it self running, etc

So many parallels that I wonder if Rod's device was Romero's inspiration?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on May 25, 2011, 04:09:05 PM

Quote Re Rod Clark:

" Yet here he is selling his truck and house on line. "

I know a lot of people are moving to higher ground due to to massive flooding predicted for the north american coasts.

If I had a free energy device myself, I would find a nice big cave in the mountains to renovate...maybe thats what his plans are ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on May 25, 2011, 06:09:37 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 25, 2011, 11:29:58 AM
Maybe so; hope not.  But the guy (Rod Clark) seems to have disappeared from the planet AFAIK...
Thanks for your input -- I'll go with the Muller type for the build (my colleague agrees; we're in this project together).

@tudi -- I do not think that OU necessarily means that energy is extracted from ZPE.  But good MEASUREMENTS of Power in and out are crucial in this development, IMHO.  Let me explain a little.

I recall as a child wondering what would happen if a guy hooked up a generator to an electric motor, then took the output of the generator and fed it back into the motor.  Could you get it to keep running?
   That's what we're talking about here really -- correct me if I'm wrong -- with the Muller, RomeroUK, Bedini etc. devices.  Even if they somehow want to combine the motor with the generator (MG) with a single rotor, it's still such a combination.

   Later when I studied Physics, I learned that this is IMPOSSIBLE to keep running, due to something called the Second Law of Thermodynamics...  Entropy and all that.  Graduate school, PhD in Physics -- they drilled this in.  Heck, I drilled it in after I received my PhD.

  But of course, if there is an OUTSIDE SOURCE of ENERGY, then the combo can keep running as long as the OSE continues, with no violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  Like gasoline added to the motor/generator.

   Fast forward to the present and find inventors claiming they've GOT IT -- a self-running moto-generator (MG) combo.  OK -- once this is EXPERIMENTALLY VERIFIED and replicated and verified again, THEN we can do experiments to determine the nature of the OSE.

It really doesn't help to make progress if someone says IN ADVANCE of experiments, that it is IMPOSSIBLE.  Really, that is just a statement that there is NO other source of energy than those already currently known. 

I'm not willing to take such an arrogant Lord-Kelvin attitude.  I'm willing to let experiments take the first step, does it work?  Make the measurements carefully THEN we can worry about determining the OSE.  (And at that stage, I predict finding the OSE will be relatively easy through carefully-designed experiments.)

SO -- my question has to do with HOW to make rigorous MEASUREMENTS of a moto-gen (MG) combo.  Help me on this, I know how to do measurements of V and I using a Tek 3032 DPOscilloscope, for example.  Is that the best way to do rigorous measurements with an M-G?

Maybe it is really an Inside Source of Energy  (ISE)   with the spin of the electrons providing the energy of magnets in a timed varience reaction.    Consider.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 25, 2011, 06:32:30 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on May 25, 2011, 04:09:05 PM
Quote Re Rod Clark:

" Yet here he is selling his truck and house on line. "

I know a lot of people are moving to higher ground due to to massive flooding predicted for the north american coasts.

If I had a free energy device myself, I would find a nice big cave in the mountains to renovate...maybe thats what his plans are ?


Not too likely Cap,

Quote:  "To make it Easy to Understand I am Giving this house to anyone who can get a Loan for the Balance left.

I have been Unemplyed for 14 months and my Unemployment is about to expire now that I am on my 3rd extention

My ARM on the house is due to ReNew  in June 2010 I no longer Qualify to live in my house without and actual income."

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinu on May 25, 2011, 06:42:11 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 25, 2011, 11:29:58 AM
SO -- my question has to do with HOW to make rigorous MEASUREMENTS of a moto-gen (MG) combo.  Help me on this, I know how to do measurements of V and I using a Tek 3032 DPOscilloscope, for example.  Is that the best way to do rigorous measurements with an M-G?


IMHO the best way to do measurements would be to reduce it to pure DC in and DC out. Use appropriate RC filters (big caps, rheostats where needed) to isolate the mot-gen setup or otherwise the “black-box” and measure pure DC input and output power. Calibration is incomparable easier&cheaper and errors may be set below an arbitrary small level; still, joule and EM radiative loses need to be properly accounted for but in comparative experiments which are set up conveniently, those can be eliminated altogether for a conclusive analysis regarding the “OU factor”.

If you have the patience to search through my former posts, I think you’ll find a more detailed discussion on the above. The subject was detailed by other members too.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 25, 2011, 06:45:42 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on May 25, 2011, 06:09:37 PM
Maybe it is really an Inside Source of Energy  (ISE)   with the spin of the electrons providing the energy of magnets in a timed varience reaction.    Consider.


OK -- this is possible also; EXPERIMENTS should provide the answer, once we get the device up and running so we can test for the source of the incoming energy.  Fun stuff!

@I-ron -- all I can say is -- I wish we could FIND this guy Rod Clark, so we could ask him about all this.  AND one of his devices for testing!  or at least the plans. 
I think he genuinely needed money in July 2008 when these vids were posted; I do not judge him a fraud at all, but await further data regarding his device and his whereabouts. 
Indeed, this is an interesting device IMO.  Very much like Muller, Watson, Romero, etc...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on May 25, 2011, 07:19:53 PM

Quote iron:

" Not too likely Cap,

Quote:  "To make it Easy to Understand I am Giving this house to anyone who can get a Loan for the Balance left.

I have been Unemplyed for 14 months and my Unemployment is about to expire now that I am on my 3rd extention

My ARM on the house is due to ReNew  in June 2010 I no longer Qualify to live in my house without and actual income."

Ron "

Gee, I dunno Ron,

If I wanted to get away to the mountains on the QT with a free energy device, I probably run a very similar advert...you just never know.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on May 25, 2011, 07:58:59 PM
Can someone help me understand the adjustments that can be made with the Romero  design?
Is there a way to adjust the driver coils separately?  vs. the pick-up coils.  This seems to be important to me. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on May 25, 2011, 08:26:08 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on May 25, 2011, 07:58:59 PM
Can someone help me understand the adjustments that can be made with the Romero  design?
Is there a way to adjust the driver coils separately?  vs. the pick-up coils.  This seems to be important to me. 


Romero said to run the motor from an outside source, not from the coils maybe a dc motor that you can control the rpm's with a belt run to the rotor, disconnect your coils from the fwbrs an tune to peak ac, tune each coil then reconnect, when you have tuned everything a hundred times the magic happens  :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 25, 2011, 09:06:00 PM
That is great video Stefan jsut put up of Lidmotor running his air-cored Mullergen on a joule-theif (something like 2V and 5ma input)

Anyways I have great suggestion for Lidmotor - He can make the rotor so it runs on AC sgnal and perhaps the oscillations from the Jule-theif will work like AC signal, then his rotor magnets will "lock-in" much better to the frequency of the Jule Theif, since he says he is running on a frequency already (no hall effect or timign sensor needed)

I have done this AC-fed motor method alot and it is great fun to run a "flat rotor hockey puck magnet" Muller-type machine off the grid or invertor or transformer...
Simply space the rotor magnets so their DIAMETER is the same as the DISTANCE BETWEEN THEM MEASURED EDGE TO EDGE.
Face all magnets same polartiy too. Thats it!!
Lets say you are building a 4-magnet flat-rotor with hockeypuck magnets 20mm wide.
So get some 20mm washers, 8 of them, and space them out in perfect circle with all edges touching.
Take out every-other washer and there will be 4 washers left and that will ibe the spacing of magnet-positioning you would want to to run on AC signal.
A four-magnet motor like this will run at 3600rpn on a 60hz signal (two magnet motor is 1800rpm from 60hz etc etc)
I think right now Lidmotors motor is not 100% locked in to the frequency from his joule thief - it not heitting every magnet with pulse at the perfect timeing as it is now.
The perfect timing is when the edge of magnet is cenetered on the middle of the coil.
The AC pos(pull) and neg(push) phases will ride right on top of the leading, and trialing edges of the magnets...look at my site at his link for more explantion (migh make it mroe confusing actually)

anyways I thinkn Lid motor migh have a looper rif he tries this _ I dont really know him but know iof him alot maybe someone can relay him this info
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 25, 2011, 09:17:38 PM
another thought is I wonder if with AIRCORES, like Lidmotors test-rig, if there is any advantage from having the 8 vs 9 spacing of magnets vs coils -You dont get any lock-up in "rotational"-latch with aircores if for example you have 8 coils and 8 magnets and the rotor spins past like nothign is there at all
all you have to worry about is eddy currents and that isnt too much drag to wrooy about, and it seems like eddy currents with 8 vs 9 would be same resistance to rotation too sinc I dont think eddy current have a "direction" to them, just an electrical-field is manifest and it slows down stuff (not sure however)...
last couple years I have build lots of aircored mullergens with stuff like coil-shorting and pickup/secondary winds around motor coils and some other features and went "away" from the odd vs even classic Mulelr method too,  so I can hook things up in phase and save lots of swtiching and diodes etc.
I dont know though, maybe this is wrong road I went down, and during LOADING, or "a specific resistive" loading of all the coils at once, then there is big advantage with aircores having the odd vs even configurations.
MAYBE this is part of reaons for ROmeroUK's success - you got to do all the coisl at once into load or you dont get the good effect -
So what I am thinking of the "rotational latch" is for sure nearly cancelled, when using cores and the odd vs even, but the "resistive loaded" latch (lenz lug) - is that really cancelled out as well, or are those helper magnets doing it for Romero?? Or is it combination of both?
cant say for sure about anythign until you test it and try it but good test would be if you had a motor like Lidmotors, and put in same niumber of coils as magnets and see what happens if you load all coils the same as compared to 9 coils vs 8 magnets
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: d3x0r on May 25, 2011, 11:51:47 PM
Quote from: konehead on May 25, 2011, 09:17:38 PM
another thought is I wonder if with AIRCORES, like Lidmotors test-rig, if there is any advantage from having the 8 vs 9 spacing of magnets vs coils -You dont get any lock-up in "rotational"-latch with aircores if for example you have 8 coils and 8 magnets and the rotor spins past like nothign is there at all
all you have to worry about is eddy currents and that isnt too much drag to wrooy about, and it seems like eddy currents with 8 vs 9 would be same resistance to rotation too sinc I dont think eddy current have a "direction" to them, just an electrical-field is manifest and it slows down stuff (not sure however)...
last couple years I have build lots of aircored mullergens with stuff like coil-shorting and pickup/secondary winds around motor coils and some other features and went "away" from the odd vs even classic Mulelr method too,  so I can hook things up in phase and save lots of swtiching and diodes etc.
I dont know though, maybe this is wrong road I went down, and during LOADING, or "a specific resistive" loading of all the coils at once, then there is big advantage with aircores having the odd vs even configurations.
MAYBE this is part of reaons for ROmeroUK's success - you got to do all the coisl at once into load or you dont get the good effect -
So what I am thinking of the "rotational latch" is for sure nearly cancelled, when using cores and the odd vs even, but the "resistive loaded" latch (lenz lug) - is that really cancelled out as well, or are those helper magnets doing it for Romero?? Or is it combination of both?
cant say for sure about anythign until you test it and try it but good test would be if you had a motor like Lidmotors, and put in same niumber of coils as magnets and see what happens if you load all coils the same as compared to 9 coils vs 8 magnets

I Agree.

Okay but; the inducted voltage from a solid core in a coil is more than (as measured on an oscilloscope with just a cap connected across the coil) an air core.  And more than the stranded core I first attempted; and I *think* it's more with an opposing magnet, so there is a general saturation of flux to be picked up as the rotor magnet moves - I would really use some magnetic viewing film and get a rough idea of where they intersect; putting a solid core also elongates the field, changing the balance point; plus in the center you do get an entire reversal (I'm using magnets barely larger than my core), so as it reaches the solid core, it is attracted to the core itself; which causes more of a motion of flux, which is really what stimulates a current is moving flux or changing gradients.  But; I have no scientific method to claim this - I just have a coil that I was passing a magnet by with various things with a scope and getting on my most-length singer bobbin coil  250mv p-p passing about 2mm from the coil with... and if the magnet collides with and skids across the core, a very high spike at least double what I get being almost touching.

Oh, I'm also not sure that a specific geometry of coil (tapered as muller had) really matters a whole log, while it would be defined by the enveloping field and the interfering field of the magnetic repulsion... I have one that is tapered, and one end definatly has more effect than the other - but a similarly wound coil with similar lengths just layered over itself picks up as much signal from the magnet.  (mv)...

Okay Then there is this thing called magnetic viscosity - which would be present in a vortex(spin at least) in the end of each core, as its polarity changes N-S and back from the biasing magnet... moreso because the magnet approaches ... hmm maybe that current is counter productive, muller used black sand which certainly wouldn't circulate very well...

I tried to apply a current to my coils to see a magnetic effect to see which were best for the drive coils... but I can't see anything - should be able to use like a resister in parallel with a power supply DC right?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 26, 2011, 12:45:43 AM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 25, 2011, 06:45:42 PM
OK -- this is possible also; EXPERIMENTS should provide the answer, once we get the device up and running so we can test for the source of the incoming energy.  Fun stuff!

@I-ron -- all I can say is -- I wish we could FIND this guy Rod Clark, so we could ask him about all this.  AND one of his devices for testing!  or at least the plans. 
I think he genuinely needed money in July 2008 when these vids were posted; I do not judge him a fraud at all, but await further data regarding his device and his whereabouts. 
Indeed, this is an interesting device IMO.  Very much like Muller, Watson, Romero, etc...

@JouleSeeker,  Rod Clark phone number is 513-479-0011  as per his craigslist ad for the Mercedes which is dated 5-17-2011.  It would be interesting to have him on here to get a feel for what he had (or has). 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 26, 2011, 01:07:41 AM
Here is 10yr old video below of Bill Muller lighting up a 300W bulb in left hand, with single coil held in right hand next to the 16 NS-magnet rotor with magnets the size of hockey pucks
The coils are sort of "barrel-shaped" I never saw coils like the wedge-shaped 3-layered coils in the pictures on the "neogen motor" link posted here last week - those are a very recent design - I think the reason for that shape is that when you get to very high power being made, and there is very strong attraction-conditon, coils of that shape, being mounted into the coil plates  holding the coils facing against the rotor magnets, would for sure never pull themselves out of their "sockets" especially when the  smaller-diameter side of the wedge-shaped coils is facing the rotor magnets....and it would be easy to drill three differnt diameters holes into the coil-plate material too,  so I think that is what that coil design is about might be something else to it too, like you want the backend of coil to be more powerful than front end so coil-polarity flips over easier - similar to the helper magnets behind cores in Romeouk looper and the way thos magnets behind cores snap cores back to reverse polarity and so the cores will push the magnets away when they pass by, instead of wanting to drag them back as is normal (rotational lenz-lug).
Bill Muller was proud of his amorphous low hysteris blacksand material he used for cores - he said that looking with scope, the voltage and current both peaked at same time, so was no time lag of current after the voltage... so it could change polarities very fast, and also the magnets didnt like to stick to them too bad, because fo the "random polarities" within the black sand itself (cyrsalinne structures encasing ferrites)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 26, 2011, 02:32:01 AM
Quote from: konehead on May 26, 2011, 01:07:41 AM
Here is 10yr old video below of Bill Muller lighting up a 300W bulb in left hand, with single coil held in right hand next to the 16 NS-magnet rotor with magnets the size of hockey pucks
The coils are sort of "barrel-shaped" I never saw coils like the wedge-shaped 3-layered coils in the pictures on the "neogen motor" link posted here last week - those are a very recent design - I think the reason for that shape is that when you get to very high power being made, and there is very strong attraction-conditon, coils of that shape, being mounted into the coil plates  holding the coils facing against the rotor magnets, would for sure never pull themselves out of their "sockets" especially when the  smaller-diameter side of the wedge-shaped coils is facing the rotor magnets....and it would be easy to drill three differnt diameters holes into the coil-plate material too,  so I think that is what that coil design is about might be something else to it too, like you want the backend of coil to be more powerful than front end so coil-polarity flips over easier - similar to the helper magnets behind cores in Romeouk looper and the way thos magnets behind cores snap cores back to reverse polarity and so the cores will push the magnets away when they pass by, instead of wanting to drag them back as is normal (rotational lenz-lug).
Bill Muller was proud of his amorphous low hysteris blacksand material he used for cores - he said that looking with scope, the voltage and current both peaked at same time, so was no time lag of current after the voltage... so it could change polarities very fast, and also the magnets didnt like to stick to them too bad, because fo the "random polarities" within the black sand itself (cyrsalinne structures encasing ferrites)

The vid audio in my ears, reviles at !:10.."I may have to come down here. I would have to do it with my left hand...wheel... coil...an inch away...see that?..now I'll go closer...1/2 inch away...1/4 inch away... The machine doesn't slow down "

But in fact it does slow down. If you listen carefully you will here it. At the end of the vid, when the test ends, at the last seconds and the coil is removed, the RPM S pick up.

I believe Romero's device is completely different to Muller. Romero's did not seem to change speed under load, as well it was looped. I believe it has to do with the magnetic precession direction.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ausev on May 26, 2011, 04:07:43 AM
Here is a video from 2008 showing someone elses muller replication:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbF63Gzvtd4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbF63Gzvtd4)

Don't know if they frequent the overunity forum and could make comment?

> Sorry its hard to keep up with this thread JouleRinger already posted this my apologies for double posting this.
> In answer to his question about how to contact him I found Rod Clarkes website at:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on May 26, 2011, 04:17:08 AM
Quote from: ausev on May 26, 2011, 04:07:43 AM
Here is a video from 2008 showing someone elses muller replication:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbF63Gzvtd4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbF63Gzvtd4)

Don't know if they frequent the overunity forum and could make comment?

This video link has been posted and related to that person Rod, whose whereabouts are being discussed on the previous page.
Since he has a highly commercial interest, there is near zero chance that he
will give any free information about his device.

This thread is getting too long, suffers the same fate like the Kapanadze thread
where on page 200,300 and 400 the same video links that have been already posted on page 100 get repeatedly posted. :/
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: moli53 on May 26, 2011, 05:27:39 AM
Quote from: 4Tesla on May 26, 2011, 02:26:24 AM
For those of you in the US looking for litz wire.. I have found 10/44 on ebay.. I looked everywhere and can't find 7/44 anywhere in the US.

.125mm = .005in = 44 AWG


Make it self!?!
Take a .125 mm wire, parts of 7 smaller colis and twist together to a Lizt-Wire
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 26, 2011, 06:06:46 AM
Quote from: moli53 on May 26, 2011, 05:27:39 AM
Make it self!?!
Take a .125 mm wire, parts of 7 smaller colis and twist together to a Lizt-Wire

Good man!!! ;D

I see how it works.

Cool, Thanks 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 26, 2011, 06:15:36 AM
Quote from: Loner on May 26, 2011, 05:25:43 AM
Just a Quick Info Post.  Drew up Rotor in Inch measurements, in case it hadn't been posted.  (I couldn't find it.  Hope this isn't a repeat.

Also Ran toolpaths through Post Processor, Generic FANUC G-Code, in three parts.  Mount Part on edges, on wood, etc.  Run Drill with 1/4 Inch Drill, then run Pockets.  Mount via center hole and run Outside to cut out rotor.

If you understand that, it should be enough.  If more info is desired, just ask and I'll try to reply ASAP.  (Day or two, I'm slow.)

Hope this is useful to someone.

Thanks Loner, I know it will be, I have a long time friend with a shop that can use this info and zip them out. 8) 8) 8) ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 10:56:30 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on May 26, 2011, 04:17:08 AM
This video link has been posted and related to that person Rod, whose whereabouts are being discussed on the previous page.
Since he has a highly commercial interest, there is near zero chance that he
will give any free information about his device.

This thread is getting too long, suffers the same fate like the Kapanadze thread
where on page 200,300 and 400 the same video links that have been already posted on page 100 get repeatedly posted. :/

I have to agree!

Here we are 3 weeks into the build and all sorts of theories and diversions but the basic build criteria not addressed.

The first observation is that the RPM does not alter when the device is run in it's rather narrow load window. In fact the only time the RPM changes is when the voltage to the drive coils is lowered, or an out of range load connected.

For this to happen means that the generator portion is lenzless!

Until we find out how to build a lenzless generator (dynamo) we are all "up the creek"

I have not achieved this in my build. If those of you who know how to do this would post their results it would certainly further this forum.

I speak of agamendon, Ben maybe?, Peter L, who say such things as, "when half the load moves back into the generator..."  etc etc

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 26, 2011, 11:13:30 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 26, 2011, 12:45:43 AM
@JouleSeeker,  Rod Clark phone number is 513-479-0011  as per his craigslist ad for the Mercedes which is dated 5-17-2011.  It would be interesting to have him on here to get a feel for what he had (or has).

  Thanks, E2M -- I called that number, and its phone-box is full... Apparently others are trying to call him also.
But I'll keep on trying to reach him.
Meanwhile, my colleague and I are starting a build inspired by both Rod and RomeroUK. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 26, 2011, 12:23:35 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 10:56:30 AM
Here we are 3 weeks into the build and all sorts of theories and diversions but the basic build criteria not addressed.

hi Ron

which build criteria do you believe have not been addressed by the video and the questions answered by Romero?

Quote from: i_ron
The first observation is that the RPM does not alter when the device is run in it's rather narrow load window. In fact the only time the RPM changes is when the voltage to the drive coils is lowered, or an out of range load connected.

the motor drive is stabilised by the DC converter -  if the load is increased or decreased, within limits, then the converter will compensate for the change and attempt to keep the drive level constant (& therefore the speed unchanged)

Quote from: i_ron
Until we find out how to build a lenzless generator (dynamo) we are all "up the creek"

hasn't Romero just shown us how to build such a generator?

he hasn't given us much detail on tuning the device - but that's a different issue!

Romero reported an Efficiency of 105% with all FWBR o/ps paralled into the buffer cap (and no stator mags)

his data showed that adding the stator mags increased the Efficiency to 200%

i think these two facts alone tell us where we need to focus our attention in order to achieve similar results to him

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 26, 2011, 12:35:34 PM
I was holding off on my own build for just that very information! What about this generator could make it Lenzless?

Everyone seems to think that just pushing a magnet close to the coils causes some type of magic, but this is simply a normal generator configuration. To reduce the lenz effect somehow the load needs to be applied from the stationary magnet to reduce the drag on the rotor.
At the point where the coil is centered between two rotor magnets, the stator magnet will push thru to the opposing coil because the field between the two rotor magnets flows in the same direction as the stator magnets at this point.
It may be required to raise the stator coils away from the rotor and then raise or lower the stator magnet to get the correct response.
I can really see no other effect to reduce the lenz forces since just moving closer to the rotor increases output be also increases the lenz drag.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 26, 2011, 12:39:46 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 10:56:30 AM
I have to agree!

Here we are 3 weeks into the build and all sorts of theories and diversions but the basic build criteria not addressed.

The first observation is that the RPM does not alter when the device is run in it's rather narrow load window. In fact the only time the RPM changes is when the voltage to the drive coils is lowered, or an out of range load connected.

For this to happen means that the generator portion is lenzless!

Until we find out how to build a lenzless generator (dynamo) we are all "up the creek"

I have not achieved this in my build. If those of you who know how to do this would post their results it would certainly further this forum.

I speak of agamendon, Ben maybe?, Peter L, who say such things as, "when half the load moves back into the generator..."  etc etc

While I think you've probably thought out your build quite well maybe if you post a picture or short video someone else here might see something you missed.  Or maybe it's just a matter of that extensive tuning Romero referred to.  What kind of results have you gotten?  Scope shots?   I have a feeling this build will take a tenacious mindset.... 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 26, 2011, 01:11:55 PM
In the Romero build and looper in my mind, its ALL ABOUT THE MAGNETS BEHIND THE CORES everything else in the design and build are good, but those magnets are what is the key to it all to get it to loop lenz-free...

he said himself he had no chance to loop unitl he had those magnets there...so plan on spending lots of hours tuning the distance and strength of those magnets and how they will make the ferrite cores react.

I finally got increase in speed in small and and not very pretty test 5 coil-positon test rig I made already with magnets behind the ferrite cores so it is confirmed for me at least already it works as described....took me three different tries, and mabye 5 or 6 hrs of tunign the magnets, and findige right magnets behind cores  to  finally getting  it right o its so its confirmed (not condemned) in my mind...

heres how it works to make "lenz-free" rotation:

normally  when you pass a magnet past a  core and coil, the magnet will polarize the core/coil like this:

NmagnetS > Ncore/coilS

everyone should agree to this I think.

now when the rotor magnet passes past the core,  the rotor magent wants to be pulled back to the core since it was polarized into attraction-mode to the rotor magnet - an dmore power you make in coil, more the rotor magnet want to pull back to the core...(rotational lenz-lug)

what the proper tuning of those magnets in back of cores can do (through the distance and strength of them compared power of the "polarity-strength" of the core), is make it so the core will create power normally in the coil upon approach-of-magnet but when the magnet pulls away, suddenly that magnet will flip the polarity of the core backwards and give a shove to the rotor magnet, in the proper direction, and not pull it back...

so you need to find the perfect balance of magnet-strength and distance of magnet behind the core - so not too much "opposite polarity" to it, or on approach the rotor magnet will have to shove itself hard through the opposite-polarity magnetic flux field created vby the
helper" magnets and you get lots of extra draw....and too much distance between helper magnet and core, and the core will not change polarity at all when rotor magnet starts to pass by and so the more power you make in coil, the more it wants to pull the rotor magnets back to the core and the more "rotational lenz llug" you will get with the more power you make.

Another way around all this is to use aircores, and short the coil at the peak period, when rotormagnet is right on top (TDC) of coil and stuff the voltage (not power at this stage) into collectro-cap and knock collector cap into load later on (now power at this stage #2); when coil is disconnected from this collector cap.....you could do this with Romeros thing too - each of the 9 coil positions would have its own coil-shorting circuit into caps....(another story)


Does anyone know if Romero had hlepr-agnet BEHIND his drive coil cores????

I cant find this info anywhere about that.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 26, 2011, 01:51:20 PM
I tried a magnet behind the coil in an SSG and noticed a speed up at a certain point with the magnet there also. 

konehead,  While Romero did say he was short some magnets from checking the video again just now I don't see any magnets on top of what appears to be the two drive coils (based on location of the driver boards). 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nvisser on May 26, 2011, 01:58:49 PM
Quote from: konehead on May 26, 2011, 01:11:55 PM
Another way around all this is to use aircores, and short the coil at the peak period, when rotormagnet is right on top (TDC) of coil and stuff the voltage (not power at this stage) into collectro-cap and knock collector cap into load later on (now power at this stage #2); when coil is disconnected from this collector cap.....you could do this with Romeros thing too - each of the 9 coil positions would have its own coil-shorting circuit into caps....(another story)
Hi Kone
Is it not so that the sine wave peaks of a generator coil appears just before and after TDC and that the sine wave cross through the 0V line at TDC.  So the way I see it it must be shorted at that peaks and not at TDC.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: d3x0r on May 26, 2011, 04:00:12 PM

Quote from: lumen on May 26, 2011, 12:35:34 PM
At the point where the coil is centered between two rotor magnets, the stator magnet will push thru to the opposing coil because the field between the two rotor magnets flows in the same direction as the stator magnets at this point.
That's not true... the core near the rotor magnet becomes more like the rotor than like the stator's polarity.  The stator plates both oppose the rotor. 

Actually after rereading that I'm entirely confused by what you mean.

Quote from: lumen on May 26, 2011, 12:35:34 PM
It may be required to raise the stator coils away from the rotor and then raise or lower the stator magnet to get the correct response.

Sure would be handy if we had cool goggles that could see the fields to measure this other than by feel.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on May 26, 2011, 04:29:29 PM
If you want to see how adding magnets to the coils effects motors just try this simple experiment if you have one of those battery powered tooth brushes.   Place one of your Neo magnets on the case of the tooth brush motor while on and notice the speed difference.   You may have to move the magnet around on the case to get it near the coil inside but you will truly notice a speed-up.   When my battery is low I can get and extra few days out my tooth brush just by using a magnet.   I saw this on utube a few years back but could not find it anymore. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on May 26, 2011, 04:57:14 PM
Question,   would it not be better to have the motor drive coils adjustable different than the generator coils?   I can see where making adjustments to the distance of the stator generator coils to the rotor would also affect generator coils in the current Romero design... sorry if I missed this as being discussed before. 

I am slowly get my build parts in.  I received a huge spoil of Litz wire 7 strands 36AWG.   More than I could ever use.. Cost was 15 dollars per LB  and  received over 2 LB from Surplus Sales of Nebraska.  Way to much for this project..haha   I hope I can use it for other projects.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 05:11:39 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 26, 2011, 12:23:35 PM
hi Ron

which build criteria do you believe have not been addressed by the video and the questions answered by Romero?

the motor drive is stabilised by the DC converter -  if the load is increased or decreased, within limits, then the converter will compensate for the change and attempt to keep the drive level constant (& therefore the speed unchanged)

hasn't Romero just shown us how to build such a generator?

he hasn't given us much detail on tuning the device - but that's a different issue!

Romero reported an Efficiency of 105% with all FWBR o/ps paralled into the buffer cap (and no stator mags)

his data showed that adding the stator mags increased the Efficiency to 200%

i think these two facts alone tell us where we need to focus our attention in order to achieve similar results to him

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Be that as it may... when you get to this point I will be watching closely.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 26, 2011, 05:27:59 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 10:56:30 AM
I have to agree!

Here we are 3 weeks into the build and all sorts of theories and diversions but the basic build criteria not addressed.

The first observation is that the RPM does not alter when the device is run in it's rather narrow load window. In fact the only time the RPM changes is when the voltage to the drive coils is lowered, or an out of range load connected.

For this to happen means that the generator portion is lenzless!

Until we find out how to build a lenzless generator (dynamo) we are all "up the creek"

I have not achieved this in my build. If those of you who know how to do this would post their results it would certainly further this forum.

I speak of agamendon, Ben maybe?, Peter L, who say such things as, "when half the load moves back into the generator..."  etc etc


this is the important information. How do we build a generator that runs faster when you apply load.
putting the magnets on top of the coils does have a positive affect when you find the right combination.
my output when up by an extra 11.5 volts under load. to 31 volts after the capacitor.
but the extra force destroyed my little bearing.

here is some photos of the motor

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on May 26, 2011, 05:32:08 PM
Quote from Konehead:

"In the Romero build and looper in my mind, its ALL ABOUT THE MAGNETS BEHIND THE CORES everything else in the design and build are good, but those magnets are what is the key to it all to get it to loop lenz-free..."

I am hoping someone will try and replicate the OU results I achieved by placing diametricly magnatized ring tubes, coupled end to end inside the cores of the output coils connected to rectifiers as in the Muller design. I succeded in looping a 32 awg wrapped output coil back to source through a capacitor and high speed Shottky diode, to charge the run battery with tremendous force.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 05:59:21 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 26, 2011, 12:23:35 PM
hi Ron

which build criteria do you believe have not been addressed by the video and the questions answered by Romero?

the motor drive is stabilised by the DC converter -  if the load is increased or decreased, within limits, then the converter will compensate for the change and attempt to keep the drive level constant (& therefore the speed unchanged)

hasn't Romero just shown us how to build such a generator?

he hasn't given us much detail on tuning the device - but that's a different issue!

Romero reported an Efficiency of 105% with all FWBR o/ps paralled into the buffer cap (and no stator mags)

his data showed that adding the stator mags increased the Efficiency to 200%

i think these two facts alone tell us where we need to focus our attention in order to achieve similar results to him

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Time to take the rose colored glasses off and address my question. What is the "bit more"?

Romero did not tell us what makes it lenzless

Read again what he said about our efforts....

"Only a few will understand!"

QuoteRomero, post 1398

I have been looking arround here and folowing most of the attempts to replicate the device I have presented and all I can see is that most of you are going in the wrong direction.

In my previous posts I have really told you all but beople can see only what they are familiar with.
You all see magnets rotating in front of the coils... , at 1240rpm we get too low voltage...maybe at 1034 we get better... that is just an ordinary alternator/dynamo but this one was a bit more than that.
If you are considering to build a very efficient dynamo then you are on the right track if you want to investigate more then use your brains.
Here are many people very clever but I think that is their handicap (not all but some)

There is a lot more to be discovered and maybe change or add to the existing laws of physics.
For all who are not really seeing a bit more in here is no point to spend your time and money, wait until those few will manage to understand and you will have more details.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on May 26, 2011, 06:08:19 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 26, 2011, 05:27:59 PM
...but the extra force destroyed my little bearing.

Great work Rod. I posted on the other thread my findings about the bearings from hard drive or VCR. They will not work with those magnets and the necessary distance from the cores. While I was playing with my rotor and trying to position it to the correct place I noticed the tremendous forces involved and only a real shaft with 2 points of stable support will handle, specially when this start spinning at 2000+ rpm.

In the beginning it may looks like it is working but eventually the rotor will wobble and break everything. Not worthy. Go for the a real shaft and strong bearings.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 06:23:34 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 26, 2011, 12:39:46 PM
While I think you've probably thought out your build quite well maybe if you post a picture or short video someone else here might see something you missed.  Or maybe it's just a matter of that extensive tuning Romero referred to.  What kind of results have you gotten?  Scope shots?   I have a feeling this build will take a tenacious mindset....

E2, this is not the coils used in the 'build' but a couple of test coils, the ferrite one from way back, the somaloy one fresh made.

Like everybody i thought the magnet on the end of the core was the be all to end all. But I suspect that the magnet is just compensating for the inefficiencies of ferrite.

The big ferrite coil is 28 X36 mm. It is using the "core should extend out the back" principle.


Around page 4 or 5

I get 1 watt from this coil. With a stack equal to the rotor stack length the output goes up to 1.8 watts...nearly double, right?

But have a look at the new somaloy coil...it is machined from a piece of 1 1/2 PVC. The coil is only 12 mm wide, 240 turns, the part under the red tape. With the same gap, rotor, RPM, I get 4.68 watts. With one 1/8 thick magnet I get 5 watts.  The effect seems to go away with better cores.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 26, 2011, 07:17:30 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 05:59:21 PM
Time to take the rose colored glasses off and address my question. What is the "bit more"?

Romero did not tell us what makes it lenzless

Read again what he said about our efforts....

"Only a few will understand!"



i've honestly attempted to answer your question with those 2 sentences i highlighted in bold, earlier

could you honestly answer my question (about what more build info you need)? - it's not a trick question

i wouldn't place any store on any information which Romero has felt constrained to release since the evening of May 10

we're on our own now - build to all the info that we can see - or that has been given in answer to our early questions

after that, we're into the murky world of 'tuning'

i believe that not only are there very few people with real experience of what Romero discovered - i also believe that Romero himself just 'stumbled' upon this achievement

i'll be happy to be proved wrong

i'd also be more than happy to have such an elegant build as you - but then as khabe would be the first to point out, i'm just a hopeless incompetent, so my device won't even reach the starting line!  ;)

all the best

[EDIT: BTW  Ron, have you tested with multi-turn or Litz winds on more than one stator coil position fed thro' separate FWBRs into the o/p cap?]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 07:46:23 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 26, 2011, 07:17:30 PM

i've honestly attempted to answer your question with those 2 sentences i highlighted in bold, earlier

all the best

[EDIT: BTW  Ron, have you tested with multi-turn or Litz winds on more than one stator coil position fed thro' separate FWBRs into the o/p cap?]

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)


No I haven't tried Litz wire ...yet I will put that on the to do list,



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 26, 2011, 07:58:55 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 26, 2011, 07:17:30 PM
i'd also be more than happy to have such an elegant build as you
all the best

oops - i hope it's clear that i'm referring to your replication of Romero's generator - and not that i'm comparing our manly physiques!!!!  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 08:49:51 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 26, 2011, 07:58:55 PM
oops - i hope it's clear that i'm referring to your replication of Romero's generator - and not that i'm comparing our manly physiques!!!!  :)

LOL, now you tell me... I was just going to ask you if you were doing anything later on?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 26, 2011, 10:35:19 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 07:46:23 PM

No I haven't tried Litz wire ...yet I will put that on the to do list,



For those of you who are looking at the Nebraska surplus place for Litz wire, let me tell you that's the perfect Litz wire source! Just look at my photo. I wound a 200 winds on a 28AWG wire and it filled my whole bobbin. Then I tried the Litz wire and I did 500 turns and it took just 2/3 of the same bobbin space. More windings with less space! Way to go.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on May 26, 2011, 11:16:06 PM

"I wound a 200 winds on a 28AWG wire and it filled my whole bobbin. Then I tried the Litz wire and I did 500 turns and it took just 2/3 of the same bobbin space. More windings with less space! Way to go".

Your Litz guage looks smaller then the solid wire. It should be a little thicker if it's the same gauge. What size is it? In order to compare the Litz to the 28 guage you have to measure the Ohmic resistance per foot in each. I bet from looking at the Litz that you'll read less Ohms per foot, and that explains the smaller wrap. The Ohms have to be equal per foot to match the guage.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 27, 2011, 12:07:40 AM
Quote from: plengo on May 26, 2011, 06:08:19 PM
Great work Rod. I posted on the other thread my findings about the bearings from hard drive or VCR. They will not work with those magnets and the necessary distance from the cores. While I was playing with my rotor and trying to position it to the correct place I noticed the tremendous forces involved and only a real shaft with 2 points of stable support will handle, specially when this start spinning at 2000+ rpm.

In the beginning it may looks like it is working but eventually the rotor will wobble and break everything. Not worthy. Go for the a real shaft and strong bearings.


Yes.. You are absolutely correct. I was just trying to save a bit of time and money on that part.
So now its cost me more time and I was just getting to the interesting part.

lots of force going in the direction the bearing not made for. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 27, 2011, 12:16:41 AM
Quote from: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 06:23:34 PM
E2, this is not the coils used in the 'build' but a couple of test coils, the ferrite one from way back, the somaloy one fresh made.

Like everybody i thought the magnet on the end of the core was the be all to end all. But I suspect that the magnet is just compensating for the inefficiencies of ferrite.

The big ferrite coil is 28 X36 mm. It is using the "core should extend out the back" principle.


Around page 4 or 5

I get 1 watt from this coil. With a stack equal to the rotor stack length the output goes up to 1.8 watts...nearly double, right?

But have a look at the new somaloy coil...it is machined from a piece of 1 1/2 PVC. The coil is only 12 mm wide, 240 turns, the part under the red tape. With the same gap, rotor, RPM, I get 4.68 watts. With one 1/8 thick magnet I get 5 watts.  The effect seems to go away with better cores.


That totallyamped link has some nice info.  Is the somaloy a high perm material?  I've been looking all over for some small rods in high permeability material like metglas or similar but can't seem to find any. 

   You are getting 5 watts out of one somaloy coil?  That sounds great.  Not sure what speed you are using or how much power to get that but if it's anywhere close to Romero's build it would seem you could loop it?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 27, 2011, 12:26:00 AM
Quote from: synchro1 on May 26, 2011, 05:32:08 PM
Quote from Konehead:

"In the Romero build and looper in my mind, its ALL ABOUT THE MAGNETS BEHIND THE CORES everything else in the design and build are good, but those magnets are what is the key to it all to get it to loop lenz-free..."

I am hoping someone will try and replicate the OU results I achieved by placing diametricly magnatized ring tubes, coupled end to end inside the cores of the output coils connected to rectifiers as in the Muller design. I succeded in looping a 32 awg wrapped output coil back to source through a capacitor and high speed Shottky diode, to charge the run battery with tremendous force.

Can you expand on this a bit?  Maybe with a picture.  I understand diametrically magnetized but I'm not too clear on what this looks like : "ring tubes, coupled end to end" unless you mean something like this? :
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chessnyt on May 27, 2011, 12:47:49 AM
Quote from: chrisC on May 26, 2011, 10:35:19 PM
For those of you who are looking at the Nebraska surplus place for Litz wire, let me tell you that's the perfect Litz wire source! Just look at my photo. I wound a 200 winds on a 28AWG wire and it filled my whole bobbin. Then I tried the Litz wire and I did 500 turns and it took just 2/3 of the same bobbin space. More windings with less space! Way to go.


My hat is off to you, Chris.  I have been noticing the very same people who ALWAYS preach to others (about keeping EVERYTHING and every part original in the beginning and ONLY substituting after you have achieved success with the original specs first) were the first ones to break their own rules and substitute parts right at the get go.  The people who substitute parts before getting it to self run can not legitimately claim the motor doesn't work when it doesn't work for you. 

I understand the skin effect so spare me that argument.  I understand voltage drop using certain bridge rectifiers (as opposed to more efficient diodes for the bridge) but if the motor REALLY worked for RomeroUK as a self runner, (and by the way, this is why you are ALL replicating this thing) then it will work for you using the original parts he used also. 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on May 27, 2011, 12:50:57 AM

                 That's the ticket! Those are the puppies. They link end to end, but of course this arrangement alters the fields, I think reducing the force field protruding from the ends. That's how they worked for me. They are linked side to side to form a bundle in the picture and also end to end. You don't want to increase the width, just the length, so the diameter of the linked magnets is the same as a single one and twice the length.

These diametric magnet core coils have to be adjusted for maximum output, which requires reading voltage. The beauty of the Muller dynamo is the platform, so adjustment for one should be good for all. Anticipate an enormous increase in output over Romero's ferrite core's, along with a drop in input coupled with acceleration of the rotor. Tape stuck back to back, should keep the sticky part off the magnet, and wraped around should be enough to keep the magnets in place top and bottem. I think the coupled magnets may bounce a tiny almost imperceptable amount, perhaps half a millimeter, inside the core. Enough to produce a mild vibration. We should X-Ray the field of these coupled tubes! I call the effect "Lenz Propulsion".

I predict a very large increase in output, on an order of maybe so much as 50x, so be prepared to deal with the incredible amount of extra output power! Follow this simple math to understand why the output's so large:

20,000 rpm's times 8 magnets divided by 60 seconds, times 1/2 millimeter twice equals over 2666 mm per sec or the distance the two diametric magnets would travel in 1 second through an output coil 7 feet in length! Imagine the power those 2 coupled magnets would generate traveling 7 feet per second up and down inside the core of an output coil that length! Multiply that times 14, add the sum to the rotor flux and it should  surpass nuclear fission in COP. Perhaps non-magnetic metal or plastic clips would work better then tape over the long run to provide spring action. It might also help to reverse half the rotor magnets for a N S N S arrangement to balance and sustaion magnet strength.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo - Red Pill or Blue Pill ?
Post by: e2matrix on May 27, 2011, 01:01:40 AM
Opinions please.  The Red Pill or the Blue Pill?  :)
Two DC-DC converters that seem a good value since I know I'm going to loop this eventually ;)
And even if it didn't loop right away who couldn't use a regulated fully adjustable 3 Amp DC supply
for under $6 shipped (or around $10 for the blue one)?

Pictured below - the Red PCB board
Input range 5-30v
Stable & High efficient up to 93%
Powerful max.3A / Adjustable output 3-27v
USD $3.99
Flat Rate of Worldwide Delivery for USD $2
Dimension:                    31(L)x17(W)x13mm(H)
Input voltage:                  DC 5-30V
Output Voltage:               DC 3-27V (adjustable, O/P Voltage < I/P Voltage by 1.5v, the default is 5V when delivery)
Output current:               Rated current 2.5A, max up to 3A(heat sink is required)
Minimum Voltage difference: 2V
Conversion efficiency:           Up to 93% (O/P voltage higher, the higher the efficiency)
Potentiometer adjustment direction: Clockwise (increase), counterclockwise (decrease)
Operating temperature: Industrial grade (-40 â,,ƒ to 85 â,,ƒ)
Static power consumption is only about 6mA.
Dynamic response speed: 5% 200uS
Load regulation: ± 1%
Voltage regulation: ± 0.5%

Pictured below - the Blue PCB board
DC-DC Converter Module   $7.50 + $2.95 shipping
Description: Compact DC-DC Step-Down* Converter Module. The output voltage is adjustable via the blue trimmer. Ideal for any electronics project.
Input Voltage: 3-30VDC
Output voltage: 1.3-18VDC
Max output current: 3A
Built in LM2596S-adj
Dimensions: 45mm x 38mm
Package includes:
1 x DC-DC converter module
2 x 2-pin connection cables

fleaBay items if you want to try one.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 27, 2011, 01:53:39 AM
Quote from: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 06:23:34 PM
E2, this is not the coils used in the 'build' but a couple of test coils, the ferrite one from way back, the somaloy one fresh made.

Like everybody i thought the magnet on the end of the core was the be all to end all. But I suspect that the magnet is just compensating for the inefficiencies of ferrite.

The big ferrite coil is 28 X36 mm. It is using the "core should extend out the back" principle.


Around page 4 or 5

I get 1 watt from this coil. With a stack equal to the rotor stack length the output goes up to 1.8 watts...nearly double, right?

But have a look at the new somaloy coil...it is machined from a piece of 1 1/2 PVC. The coil is only 12 mm wide, 240 turns, the part under the red tape. With the same gap, rotor, RPM, I get 4.68 watts. With one 1/8 thick magnet I get 5 watts.  The effect seems to go away with better cores.


Great observations and feedback Ron.

Out of curiosity, have you tried a heel end core using the somaloy as core material?
Just wondering if the same effect of increasing output applies, or whether the heel end only improves the output when the core material used is not as efficient as the somaloy.

Cheers, keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 27, 2011, 02:39:58 AM

did you get those somally cores from Phil Wood a few years ago?
He sent me a couple dozen and am thinking of trying them out later on -I have some neo magnets that slip right into the insides of them too...

Dont pass over what a "regauging" magnet will do to GENERATOR COILS (and drive coils too)
I really think this is the key to Romero's success  - he got those magnets to cancel out the evil lenz-lug pullback in all his generator coils by finding the right balance. People do it with motor/drive coils (like in Bedini patent he ahs slinding magnet in back of motor-coil core) but Romero is first person I have heard of to do the regauging-magnet trick to generator coils induced by neomagnets and look what happened.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on May 27, 2011, 02:50:25 AM
Nvisser wrote;

"Is it not so that the sine wave peaks of a generator coil appears just before and after TDC and that the sine wave cross through the 0V line at TDC.  So the way I see it it must be shorted at that peaks and not at TDC"

Kone reply:
yes with AIRCORES, you will get sort of double-sinewave peaks, with leading edge of magnet then trailing edge of magnet making their repspecive peaks and the exact middle of the manget actually is like the eye of hurricane - hwoever with N-S magnets going past, you can experiment with coil size and widths and rpms and you can get the sinewave to be flat throughout peak (square wave) and then shorting during that entire period in clusters of pulses is something to do - similar to Ismael's trick of 5 times at peak coil shorting.
with ferrous-cores in coils however, then you will usually get a nice looking sinewave pretty easy with N-S magnets going past, just because the core is doing its thing to the coils via the magnets, while in aircores the magnets are "doing it" directly to the coils
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 27, 2011, 03:41:16 AM
Quote from: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 08:49:51 PM
LOL, now you tell me... I was just going to ask you if you were doing anything later on?


dayyum - i logged off too soon... and i'd just had my weekly wash AND cleaned BOTH my teeth, too!

are you saying that you can get 5W from just one coil pair when using the somaloy core?

if so, that's a problem which i'd be happy to have! (using a 3W DC motor drive)

i'm not sure why in your post #2091 it reads that you're not seeing good results so far

i guess i missed something (..and not just a hot date!)

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 27, 2011, 04:15:34 AM
@konehead : I like the fact this thing is more complex to imagine how it works. The washer helps the magnet on top to stick without flying away, so it is shielding it. If it is shielded then it should not affect the rotor at all. Obviously it is affecting it. So maybe the whole in the washer is guiding the magnetic flux through the coil core. But then the cogging should increase (more flux = more generated electricity = more coging ). So why is it making the rotor speed up ? You might be right about a few things in your post. There might be some magnetic field kickback effect that due to some momentum has a good impact on the rotor speed. Bigger then the negative effect of it's presence. Like Ismael said that the key of shorting is right at the peak to get the maximum + something ( due to hazard ) without interfering to much
@i_ron : it might not be about just the amps, get a lenz-less motor with 1 amp that you run for hours is better then get 5 amps and you get huge coging
Title: Cores
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 27, 2011, 05:07:00 AM
There has been debates about core materials and now this hollow core thing makes things even more complicated. My 2 sents on the subject:

- ferrite cores can be made of dramatically dfferent materials so by using random material without knowing the specs is total gambling

-- resistivity, this is very important. MnZn ferrites usually have very low resistivity and thus prone to eddy currents. NiZn ferrites have resistivity of 4-5 orders of magnitude (!) higher

-- saturation, in general ferrites range from 300 to 500mT. I doubt that anyone succeeds saturating even 300mT ferrite but for example at 250mT it is out of efficent band (look hysteresis curve)

-- permeability, this can also vary by orders of magnitude, what is unclear - is there any advantage in using high permeability material

This is the point where hollow cores come in. I wonder... when using relatively weak generator winding and large high permeability core... does center portion help with generation at all? Or it just diverts some flux away from "core-winding interaction zone" and reduces output? On the other hand hollow core "focuses" all the flux in the "interaction zone". There surely are equations for that :)  Wild guess is that higher the permeability - thinner the hollow core wall can be while providing same (or more?) output?

Heres pics also about that "focusing" effect. Especially interesting when core and magnet are "offset".
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 27, 2011, 07:09:02 AM
@yssuraxu_697: nice pics, but guiding flux does not mean more flux through coils ? What it actually gets things going is the strength of the flux ?
In Romerouk design the magnet on top of the coil could be pushing the the flux close to the rotor magnet, more concentrated flux at the end of the coil and less flux in upper part. Considering this is an oscilating circuit that should make the propagation of the coil MF more slow in the coil. Which is not a beneficial effect at all ? Why are those darn magnets in repelling mode helping at all ? When rotor PM is getting closer to the coil both the coil and the magnet on top is trying to push the rotor PM away -> bad effect. When rotor PM is trying to leave the coil the coil is trying to pull while the magnet is trying to push it ways, helping to kill the coil field = generated energy -> somewhat bad effect.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 27, 2011, 07:21:06 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 27, 2011, 07:09:02 AM@yssuraxu_697: nice pics, but guiding flux does not mean more flux through coils ? What it actually gets things going is the strength of the flux ?

And looking at the "offset" pic, in which case coil has more flux to interact with? When it sitting on object that has 4000 gauss "strength of the flux" in it or on object that has 2000 gauss in it?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 27, 2011, 07:23:31 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 27, 2011, 05:07:00 AM
There has been debates about core materials and now this hollow core thing makes things even more complicated. My 2 sents on the subject:

- ferrite cores can be made of dramatically dfferent materials so by using random material without knowing the specs is total gambling

-- resistivity, this is very important. MnZn ferrites usually have very low resistivity and thus prone to eddy currents. NiZn ferrites have resistivity of 4-5 orders of magnitude (!) higher

-- saturation, in general ferrites range from 300 to 500mT. I doubt that anyone succeeds saturating even 300mT ferrite but for example at 250mT it is out of efficent band (look hysteresis curve)

-- permeability, this can also vary by orders of magnitude, what is unclear - is there any advantage in using high permeability material

This is the point where hollow cores come in. I wonder... when using relatively weak generator winding and large high permeability core... does center portion help with generation at all? Or it just diverts some flux away from "core-winding interaction zone" and reduces output? On the other hand hollow core "focuses" all the flux in the "interaction zone". There surely are equations for that :)  Wild guess is that higher the permeability - thinner the hollow core wall can be while providing same (or more?) output?

Heres pics also about that "focusing" effect. Especially interesting when core and magnet are "offset".

try a C ferrite with two coil on the vertical line you catch the the effect
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 27, 2011, 07:42:52 AM
i'm not that pro in these stuff. As i see it the amount of flux that passes through the coil is the same over the PM move period, just at different points, with or without special core setup. In reality core does matter, so i'm probably wrong.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 27, 2011, 07:43:30 AM
Quote from: wings on May 27, 2011, 07:23:31 AMtry a C ferrite with two coil on the vertical line you catch the teffect

Hm, could you draw it please?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 27, 2011, 07:48:08 AM
Quote from: Tudi on May 27, 2011, 07:42:52 AMi'm not that pro in these stuff. As i see it the amount of flux that passes through the coil is the same over the PM move period, just at different points, with or without special core setup.

Well I'm just digging around too. Need more tests. Basically what matters is where exactly that flux goes and what is the rate of change. Seems to me that different non standard configurations can significantly increase rate of change and intensify interaction with coil.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 27, 2011, 08:06:16 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 27, 2011, 07:43:30 AM
Hm, could you draw it please?

like this
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 27, 2011, 08:11:35 AM
Quote from: wings on May 27, 2011, 08:06:16 AMlike this

Thanks, very interesting. When one adds second C core below the flux on the left side would link up also.
Have you tried this physically and with what results?
Title: Magnetite cores ...
Post by: DeepCut on May 27, 2011, 08:17:59 AM
For superior cores, make your own magnetite :


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 27, 2011, 08:23:29 AM
Quote from: i_ron on May 26, 2011, 06:23:34 PM
E2, this is not the coils used in the 'build' but a couple of test coils, the ferrite one from way back, the somaloy one fresh made.

Like everybody i thought the magnet on the end of the core was the be all to end all. But I suspect that the magnet is just compensating for the inefficiencies of ferrite.

The big ferrite coil is 28 X36 mm. It is using the "core should extend out the back" principle.


Around page 4 or 5

I get 1 watt from this coil. With a stack equal to the rotor stack length the output goes up to 1.8 watts...nearly double, right?

But have a look at the new somaloy coil...it is machined from a piece of 1 1/2 PVC. The coil is only 12 mm wide, 240 turns, the part under the red tape. With the same gap, rotor, RPM, I get 4.68 watts. With one 1/8 thick magnet I get 5 watts.  The effect seems to go away with better cores.


Hi Ron,

To quote you"But have a look at the new somaloy coil...it is machined from a piece of 1 1/2 PVC. The coil is only 12 mm wide, 240 turns, the part under the red tape. With the same gap, rotor, RPM, I get 4.68 watts. With one 1/8 thick magnet I get 5 watts.  The effect seems to go away with better cores."

Is that a hollow core of somaloy and if so, which type.  I know they started off with the 500 series, then the 700 series, then the 1000 series and it continues.  Is the gray cover material under the red tape just part of the machined PVC?  When you say 4-5 watts, what is the rectified voltage and current, gap, picture of your generator?  I apologize for all the questions but just need to know as I go along.  Also, your source for the somaloy?  When you say effect goes away with better cores, what type of cores are you referring to?  What effect, I haven't had much coffee this morning so a bit dense.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on May 27, 2011, 08:58:18 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 26, 2011, 05:27:59 PM
this is the important information. How do we build a generator that runs faster when you apply load.
putting the magnets on top of the coils does have a positive affect when you find the right combination.
my output when up by an extra 11.5 volts under load. to 31 volts after the capacitor.
but the extra force destroyed my little bearing.

here is some photos of the motor

I notice you have 8 fwbr, what is the eighth fwbr for? Are you only driving with 1 coil set?

So, do you recommend we dont use hard drive bearings?  Because i was about to use the same one you've used here. Should i just use an axle and a stronger bearing to save the trouble of bearing failure from the hard drive bearing? Thanks, and nice build here!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 27, 2011, 10:25:03 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 27, 2011, 12:16:41 AM
That totallyamped link has some nice info.  Is the somaloy a high perm material?  I've been looking all over for some small rods in high permeability material like metglas or similar but can't seem to find any. 

   You are getting 5 watts out of one somaloy coil?  That sounds great.  Not sure what speed you are using or how much power to get that but if it's anywhere close to Romero's build it would seem you could loop it?

That was with an RV belt drive test setup running about 1140 RPM. But the draw goes up with the coil under load.

I was aiming for 1034 RPM but missed the mark, lol

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 27, 2011, 10:38:53 AM
Quote from: hoptoad on May 27, 2011, 01:53:39 AM
Great observations and feedback Ron.

Out of curiosity, have you tried a heel end core using the somaloy as core material?
Just wondering if the same effect of increasing output applies, or whether the heel end only improves the output when the core material used is not as efficient as the somaloy.

Cheers, keep up the good work.


Hi HT,

yup, the somaloy coil is a heel design, the core is 24.9 mm long, the winding is 12 mm long. There is a 12 mm (approx) plain portion of PVC that I was going to use for three tapped holes to mount the finished coil if the test was a success.

Yes I believe the heel design works regardless of the core material.

In this case, with the magnet on a 2 mm plastic spacer, it does improve the output, whereas separated by the stator plate thickness,as R suggested, doesn't work.

Kind regards

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 27, 2011, 10:48:13 AM
Quote from: konehead on May 27, 2011, 02:39:58 AM

did you get those somally cores from Phil Wood a few years ago?
He sent me a couple dozen and am thinking of trying them out later on -I have some neo magnets that slip right into the insides of them too...

Dont pass over what a "regauging" magnet will do to GENERATOR COILS (and drive coils too)
I really think this is the key to Romero's success  - he got those magnets to cancel out the evil lenz-lug pullback in all his generator coils by finding the right balance. People do it with motor/drive coils (like in Bedini patent he ahs slinding magnet in back of motor-coil core) but Romero is first person I have heard of to do the regauging-magnet trick to generator coils induced by neomagnets and look what happened.

Hi Doug,

Not passing over the "regauging" thing, just reporting my results. The output goes up with them but also the draw goes up the exact amount too.

Doing as R suggested and running it from a motor, one of my RV's, easy to see what the draw is then. What I said was with the somaloy core the bias magnet has little or no effect when spaced out the thickness of the 1/4 inch side plate, as R said to do (he said 10mm). With the new coil design there is a minimal effect on the output but a nearly invisible drag with only one 1/8" neo on a 1/16 plastic spacer on the somaloy core.

Static drag with the ferrite using a 200mm arm is 370 grams to break free.
With FOUR magnets on the end of the ferrite this is reduced to 270 grams.
So most of the drag is still there... looking for the coil load interaction but haven't found any yet.

With a set of 9 double coils the output was within one watt of being equal with the input rise, no bias magnets as I said because of that side plate design.

The things not tried are coil hand and Litz wire...

Yep, the somaloy cores are from Phil, most times about twice the output, half the drag.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 27, 2011, 11:12:47 AM
Quote from: i_ron on May 27, 2011, 10:48:13 AM.. The output goes up with them but also the draw goes up the exact amount too...

I think this is the point of the DC2DC converter ( or any other limitation ) to break this chain at some point. No matter how much you put out it is directly eaten up by input. Mechanical friction will eventually overcome to whatever gain you might manage to get from the generator at a specific RPM.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 27, 2011, 11:22:16 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 27, 2011, 03:41:16 AM
dayyum - i logged off too soon... and i'd just had my weekly wash AND cleaned BOTH my teeth, too!

are you saying that you can get 5W from just one coil pair when using the somaloy core?

if so, that's a problem which i'd be happy to have! (using a 3W DC motor drive)

i'm not sure why in your post #2091 it reads that you're not seeing good results so far

i guess i missed something (..and not just a hot date!)

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Ah well, my wife thinks my free energy hobby is for the birds anyway so probably this wouldn't have been a good idea... besides travelling time would probably have killed it, lol

OK, on the "don't do it this way again" list is I only used 6mm side plates and the forces here are extreme... so they just vibrated in and out like a drum.

But the main complaint is input equals output. What is it that R was doing to get Lenz manageable and how to do it?


Edit: not one coil pair!  one coil
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo - What If?
Post by: b_rads on May 27, 2011, 11:30:49 AM
Moderator: please feel free to remove this post if not applicable to this thread.  For all trying to perform exact replications of Romero’s setup â€" something about this setup has been bothering me for a while and while reviewing this thread last night I realized what it was. 
Let’s play the what if game!
Notice in the picture below that I attempted to draw vertical lines to line up the cores on the coil pair.  They do not line up exact.  If when making the stators, one would think that the first stator would be the template for the second stator and the coils would match better than shown in the picture.  What if this misalignment is intentional?
Let’s say the misalignment is intentional â€" what would be the purpose?  Imagine the top coil rolling up to the rotor magnet and generates current, then stops.  The lower coil would still be generating current and dumping into the top coil.  For a brief moment the top generating coil becomes a drive coil and skips past the rotor magnet.  When the bottom coil stops generating current the top coil core changes to reflect the tuning magnet.  Did Romero figure out a way to bounce current into the top coil multiple times for a single rotor magnet pass while also skipping pass the sticky spot? 
Rotor speed and tuning appear to be major concerns in making this thing work.  The tuning magnet was shown to be sensitive to both vertical and horizontal alignment.  Is that to set the timing between the two coils?  When powering a load, would not the drive portion of the generating coil be stronger? 

What if?
Brad S  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: retrod on May 27, 2011, 11:45:58 AM
What if indeed! Brad makes a very good point and a stator design should incorporate some precision adjustment in case it's needed for fine tuning. Also, if anyone is as lost as I was about "Somaloy" and such here is a good page describing how it was used in earlier motor designs. Makes it easier to wrap your mind around the coil design process for this project.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on May 27, 2011, 11:53:47 AM
I think the framing of the picture is just a bit off.  I drew a line along the main shaft first and it was not straight up and down.  Copied and pasted that line to the coil cores and they line up pretty good.  So the whole picture is tilted just a bit and drawing straight up and down reference lines is misleading.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 27, 2011, 11:55:23 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 27, 2011, 08:23:29 AM
Hi Ron,

To quote you"But have a look at the new somaloy coil...it is machined from a piece of 1 1/2 PVC. The coil is only 12 mm wide, 240 turns, the part under the red tape. With the same gap, rotor, RPM, I get 4.68 watts. With one 1/8 thick magnet I get 5 watts.  The effect seems to go away with better cores."

Is that a hollow core of somaloy and if so, which type.  I know they started off with the 500 series, then the 700 series, then the 1000 series and it continues.  Is the gray cover material under the red tape just part of the machined PVC?  When you say 4-5 watts, what is the rectified voltage and current, gap, picture of your generator?  I apologize for all the questions but just need to know as I go along.  Also, your source for the somaloy?  When you say effect goes away with better cores, what type of cores are you referring to?  What effect, I haven't had much coffee this morning so a bit dense.


Thanks for the interest Ben,

I peeled the tape back, it keeps the wire on but also hides the fact that it was just scramble wound, lol

Numbers for just this coil and the R rotor at 1140 RPM and 1.5 mm gap are:

1) no bias magnet...9.77 volts @ .48 amps  (FWB, 1000 mfd)

2) one 3mm thick neo, 1,5 mm plastic spacer, 10 volts @ ,5 amps

Sorry, I no idea what the Somaloy grade is. I worked closely with Phil Woods for many years and the somaloy cores were a gift.


Edit: no mag numbers corrected to both the same gap
       note too that there is a 1mm ledge holding the core in...so add that to    the gap number... total gap = 2.5 mm
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 27, 2011, 11:58:44 AM
i was also thinking about this top bottom coil alignment + the way the coils are put in series.
The picture is not perfectly vertical ( see the rotor axe ) and your lines are not proper.
There was a post here that if you connect 2 coils properly you can eliminate some of the coil magnetization effects. What if the coils are not connected as any electrician would do it ( shorted ) ? what if by accident the current is supposed to cancel in the 2 coils but for some reason there is some leftover ( some peak signal type, it was not present in romeroUK oscilator shot though)?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on May 27, 2011, 12:06:59 PM
anyone tried to wire the coils in paralllel?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 27, 2011, 12:36:48 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 27, 2011, 11:55:23 AM
Thanks for the interest Ben,

I peeled the tape back, it keeps the wire on but also hides the fact that it was just scramble wound, lol

Numbers for just this coil and the R rotor at 1140 RPM and 1.5 mm gap are:

1) no bias magnet...9.77 volts @ .48 amps  (FWB, 1000 mfd)

2) one 3mm thick neo, 1,5 mm plastic spacer, 10 volts @ ,5 amps

Sorry, I no idea what the Somaloy grade is. I worked closely with Phil Woods for many years and the somaloy cores were a gift.


Edit: no mag numbers corrected to both the same gap
       note too that there is a 1mm ledge holding the core in...so add that to    the gap number... total gap = 2.5 mm

Impressive output, thanks Ron!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 27, 2011, 12:55:51 PM
Quote from: synchro1 on May 27, 2011, 12:50:57 AM

                 That's the ticket! Those are the puppies. They link end to end, but of course this arrangement alters the fields, I think reducing the force field protruding from the ends. That's how they worked for me. They are linked side to side to form a bundle in the picture and also end to end. You don't want to increase the width, just the length, so the diameter of the linked magnets is the same as a single one and twice the length.

These diametric magnet core coils have to be adjusted for maximum output, which requires reading voltage. The beauty of the Muller dynamo is the platform, so adjustment for one should be good for all. Anticipate an enormous increase in output over Romero's ferrite core's, along with a drop in input coupled with acceleration of the rotor. Tape stuck back to back, should keep the sticky part off the magnet, and wraped around should be enough to keep the magnets in place top and bottem. I think the coupled magnets may bounce a tiny almost imperceptable amount, perhaps half a millimeter, inside the core. Enough to produce a mild vibration. We should X-Ray the field of these coupled tubes! I call the effect "Lenz Propulsion".

I predict a very large increase in output, on an order of maybe so much as 50x, so be prepared to deal with the incredible amount of extra output power! Follow this simple math to understand why the output's so large:

20,000 rpm's times 8 magnets divided by 60 seconds, times 1/2 millimeter twice equals over 2666 mm per sec or the distance the two diametric magnets would travel in 1 second through an output coil the same size would equal around 8 feet! Imagine the power those 2 coupled magnets would generate traveling 8 feet per second up and down an output coil that length! Multiply that times 14, and calculate the output. It's superior to nuclear fission. Perhaps a metal clip would work better then tape over the long run. It might also help to reverse half the rotor magnets for a N S N S arrangement.

This sounds great!  But I'm not that sharp on all this like some people here.  What I don't understand if you have this looped and it's putting out a lot more power this way why NO ONE else here has even responded about this.  Has everyone missed your post?  Do you have this built and tested and this is not just theory?  Those diametric magnets small enough to fit in the cores are cheap and easy enough to get. 
     Can you post a pic or vid of your setup?  Is the rest of it the same 9 coil 8 magnet setup? 
    ANYONE?   Does what synchro1 is saying not sound important?  LOOPED.  Up to 50 times more power?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 27, 2011, 01:03:53 PM
Important update from ZeroFossilFuel   8)

Muller Magnet Motor update 10
Testing opposing fields through the ferrite cores
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on May 27, 2011, 01:15:42 PM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 27, 2011, 08:11:35 AM
Thanks, very interesting. When one adds second C core below the flux on the left side would link up also.
Have you tried this physically and with what results?

no, just an idea viewing your post

RCL meter for coil matching using the PC soundcard and description of optimum Q coils


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 27, 2011, 01:31:06 PM
@powercat .Thanks for drawing attention to the video from zero fossil fuel . Everyone must see this , as IMO it goes to the very root of the low drag generator idea .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 27, 2011, 01:33:01 PM
Quote from: synchro1 on May 27, 2011, 12:50:57 AM
20,000 rpm's

20.000 RPM... Seriously? Do you know how dangerous that is? The object will be utterly shredded if you have the slightest imbalance or wobbling. Not to talk about the lethal danger involved...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on May 27, 2011, 01:33:09 PM

I published extensively about this accomplishment on the "Single magnet no bearing Bedini" thread hosted by Jonny Davro over at the Energetic Forum.

I stumbled accross this effect when I held the end of a magnet core Cook battery up to a Bedini driven diametric spinner, just for the heck of it because both projects wound up next to each other on my work bench. What I noticed right away was an increased acceleration of the main 2" diametric spinner, which I verified with a handy laser tach. That was the start of my discovery. My only tests were on a 2" diameter diametric tube Bedini driven spinner. I percieve the Muller dynamo as an excellent platform for testing this type of output coil. I'm currently on holiday in Costa Rica, too far from my shop to build my own dynamo. I'm asking someone with a working dynamo to help and see if this type of output coil will work on the Muller dynamo rotor. This does not amount to alot of work. All it would take would be to drop a couple of tubes in the air core of a mounted coil. The output wireing and adjustment positioner are as good a design as possible. The only modification I can imagine would be to alternate the rotor magnet polarities, to match the action of the 2" diametric prime mover that it worked on in the first place.


I chose that factor because the speed was reported by a recent youtube replicator. Any rpm would work in direct proportion, lets say 10,000 rpm would equal a one second transit through an output coil 3 1/2 feet in length and so forth. This is merely a rough estimate to demonstrate and get a feel for the large amount of power available from a small 1/2 mm long vibratory oscillation of high frequency. Imagine the power that those very powerful  coupled diametric neo tube magnets would generate traveling back and forth through a thickly wound output coil of that length at one second intervals. Compare that to the output of an aircore coil powered by the magnet rotor flux alone. That rotor flux would add on anyway along with the decreased strain on the magnet rotor, compared to the aircore alone for the rough 50x the output. I believe that just one of these diametric core magnet output coils would be enough to self run the Muller dynamo with it's two power coils.

Try and log in over there at the Forum and pick up on "Synchro". Same handle, towards the end of the thread.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hope on May 27, 2011, 02:45:48 PM
If we use slotted ferrite cores we should be able to tune the coils easier instead of spacing changes.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 27, 2011, 05:59:42 PM
Quote from: powercat on May 27, 2011, 01:03:53 PM
Important update from ZeroFossilFuel   8)

Muller Magnet Motor update 10
Testing opposing fields through the ferrite cores

ZeroFossilFuel is doing a great job and even though he has mentioned my name in his videos, stating that you do not need expensive machinery, he has to remember that I started out years ago, exactly where he is, having to use whatever hand tools I had to hand to build the best I could.

Over the years and after spending nearly every spare penny I have on tools that would allow me to do more accurate job, I have indeed built up some handy gadgets, but that does not mean it cannot still be done by hand.
Some call this hobby madness/obsession, some call it dedication. But using the tools I have to hand to do a more accurate job and I will adapt them and use them to do any job, if it makes it easier and more accurate.

I am confused though whether ZeroFossilFuel is doing the Muller replication or Romero's version of the Muller machine?

If it is the Romero version then why is he getting jumpy on the video, putting people down for straying from the specs, when his replication is also away from the specs?.

If it is the Muller replication then I am looking forward to the way he will wind his coils and also the way he will do the complicated switching that Muller used.

If it is the Romero replication then, yep we are all off a little here and there, but also so is he.

I pointed out on a thread over on my forums

Mullers original had the following differences to Romero's:

Muller: Rotor magnets were set N/S facing up.
Romero's: All the same way.

Muller: Every Coil was used as a pulse and pickup coil which was controlled via a rotary switch system.
Romero's: Two coils are used for driving then rest always connected as Pickups.

You could easly configure the Romero version to do the same switching as Muller, by using a Encoder disk and a Pic Chip.

Muller: Had amorphous cores
Romero's: Has ferrite cores.

Muller: Used 2 different wires and wound in cone shapes.
Romero's: Standard back and forth using multi strand litz wire.

Apart from that, they are pretty close. The Muller is a bit more hassle to get right and if Romero's config does work then why not replicate that and make life easier !

I personaly do not care how people choose to replicate it, because it is the effect we are trying to replicate and there are probably many paths to the same effect.

It is the taking part that counts and if just one person hits upon an anomaly, with whatever configuration, then it becomes interesting.

There is no manual for this stuff as taught physics tell you, it will not work.

I think all the guys in here replicating are doing a great job and their skills are shining through.

Even if your rotors are not 100% wobble free, it does not matter. You are building a machine to find an effect that Romero claims to of found. You do not need Nasa/Military accuracy here, if the effect does infact exist.

I try to get my rigs as balanced and accurate as I can, but you will still see wobble, you will still see uneven cuts. But it does the job for what I need it for.

You do not need to build a rig that will run for 10 years, that is not your goal. Your goal is to build a rig that will last long enough for you to find the effect you are searching for.

So replicators, if you got a bit of a wobble or if a Cereal box is all you had to hand at the time, then please use it and notice that the people critising your builds, do not even try to build and are the last people that have the right to judge your rig.

Getting off the soap box :)



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on May 27, 2011, 06:20:39 PM

              I saw a short video of yours wherein you held a magnet close to a spinner to demonstrate the increase in acceleration effect. I searched high and low for it in vain. Can you post a link to it?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 27, 2011, 06:44:12 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 27, 2011, 05:59:42 PM
ZeroFossilFuel is doing a great job and even though he has mentioned my name in his videos, stating that you do not need expensive machinery,

I have watched the video 4 times and have not once heard him mention your name, could you let me know at what minutes into the video he uses your name ?
I don't believe any of his statement at the beginning of the video was aimed at you in a negative way.

I felt the most Important bit in the video was about (opposing fields through the ferrite cores)
I would love to hear your thoughts on his theories on this subject  ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 27, 2011, 07:08:34 PM
Quote from: powercat on May 27, 2011, 06:44:12 PM
I have watched the video 4 times and have not once heard him mention your name, could you let me know at what minutes into the video he uses your name ?
I don't believe any of his statement at the beginning of the video was aimed at you in a negative way.

I felt the most Important bit in the video was about (opposing fields through the ferrite cores)
I would love to hear your thoughts on his theories on this subject  ;D

Hi PowerCat

I did not say it was in that video LOL

Think it was the ferrite cutting one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZD5FLEkFKY&feature=channel_video_title

And a really good tip by the way, have scored many bits of ferrite and tapped them. Not a clean cut, but more than good enough for what we are doing here.

You can also cut a ferrite with a magnet, just get the strength right and the angle you drop it from :)


His theory is good and right along the Wesley Gary Neutral point in one way

If you take a piece of ferrite and a magnet, you are biasing it.
In other words by placing the magnet up the ass of the ferrite you are pushing up the ferrites MH curve and if the magnet is strong enough you will saturate it.

Now bring the rotor magnet towards it and you push the MH curve back the other way.

Do you get a Neutral point?

Does that Neutral point exit when the magnet is passing by it?

By gaining a Neutral point on the core of the ferrite is the Pickup Coil now less efficent?

Try it and see :)



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 27, 2011, 07:09:13 PM
ZeroFossilFuel meant TommeyLReed,
who tries to debunk the Romero device with his builds
and also negatively critizied ZeroFossilFuel.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 27, 2011, 07:11:40 PM
Quote from: synchro1 on May 27, 2011, 06:20:39 PM

              I saw a short video of yours wherein you held a magnet close to a spinner to demonstrate the increase in acceleration effect. I searched high and low for it in vain. Can you post a link to it?

Hi Syncro1

I struggle myself to remember all the experiments I have tried.
I know I removed alot of old videos back at Xmas, but the originals are still on my forums, scattered around.

Do you remember what experiment it was about?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 27, 2011, 07:20:46 PM

This is Tommey L. Reeds´s Youtube channel.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 27, 2011, 07:23:27 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 27, 2011, 07:20:46 PM

This is Tommey L. Reeds´s Youtube channel.

Thanks Stefan

Will check it out.

Back home for the weekend, so hope to have the motor atleast running in the next couple of days.

Also had the correct wire 7x0.125 wire arrive. So will re-wind some new coils.
But will try the 7 x 0.250 ones I have wound first.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 27, 2011, 07:41:00 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 27, 2011, 07:23:27 PM
Thanks Stefan

Will check it out.

Back home for the weekend, so hope to have the motor atleast running in the next couple of days.

Also had the correct wire 7x0.125 wire arrive. So will re-wind some new coils.
But will try the 7 x 0.250 ones I have wound first.



Hello CLaNZeR

I am keen to discuss the speed increase under load. I have my motor running and I am very impressed with the way it works as Romero pointed out.
the magnets and washers do improve things about 70%.

I was able to get my out put voltage up to 48 volts from my drive coils at 1300 RPM.

Is it possible  the washers and magnets on top of Romeros motor
focus the magnetic field like a magnifying glass focuses the sun to a spot to increase its intensity. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 27, 2011, 07:53:49 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 27, 2011, 07:41:00 PM
Hello CLaNZeR

I am keen to discuss the speed increase under load. I have my motor running and I am very impressed with the way it works as Romero pointed out.
the magnets and washers do improve things about 70%.

I was able to get my out put voltage up to 48 volts from my drive coils at 1300 RPM.

Is it possible  the washers and magnets on top of Romeros motor
focus the magnetic field like a magnifying glass focuses the sun to a spot to increase its intensity. 


Hi toranarod

The Biasing magnets will increase the speed of the rotor, but they will also cause the driving coils to pull more current and hence more power.

But if you get the gap correct between the biasing magnet and the ferrite, the speed stays the same and the current pull stays the same them, you are onto a winner and a helping hand. This is why I think the washers are there, to allow you to move the magnets sideways, which will also effect how the drive coil behaves.

You really need to connect a current meter (even if just a cheap multimeter that reads current) in line with your supply and see if you can adjust/tweak your rig to get the best config.

Also a Tachometer.

Using these simple and cheap tools will tell you whether the biasing magnets are doing good or bad and allow you to adjust to the bet position.

The same goes for the output. Do one output at a time and get the best result, before moving onto the next.

If I get the rig finished this weekend, I will step through these tests.

If you are finding that your rotor is speeding up when you place a resistive load acros the pickup coils, then you are already on a really good path mate.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 27, 2011, 09:22:09 PM
Some of you might be interested in this.

If you are going to replicate RomeroUK's original build, and are using sewing bobbins, you might be able to use this portable bobbin winder that hobby lobby sells for $30.


I figure I can just use my sewing machine to wind bobbins but this portable winder might be a good solution for those who don't have access to a sewing machine.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 27, 2011, 09:25:44 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 27, 2011, 07:41:00 PM
Hello CLaNZeR

I am keen to discuss the speed increase under load. I have my motor running and I am very impressed with the way it works as Romero pointed out.
the magnets and washers do improve things about 70%.

I was able to get my out put voltage up to 48 volts from my drive coils at 1300 RPM.

Is it possible  the washers and magnets on top of Romeros motor
focus the magnetic field like a magnifying glass focuses the sun to a spot to increase its intensity. 


Sounds great toranarod,
could you please post a video of your device, if it is possible ?

Many thanks in advance.
Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 27, 2011, 09:39:06 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 27, 2011, 05:59:42 PM
ZeroFossilFuel is doing a great job and even though he has mentioned my name in his videos, stating that you do not need expensive machinery, he has to remember that I started out years ago, exactly where he is, having to use whatever hand tools I had to hand to build the best I could.

Over the years and after spending nearly every spare penny I have on tools that would allow me to do more accurate job, I have indeed built up some handy gadgets, but that does not mean it cannot still be done by hand.
Some call this hobby madness/obsession, some call it dedication. But using the tools I have to hand to do a more accurate job and I will adapt them and use them to do any job, if it makes it easier and more accurate.

I am confused though whether ZeroFossilFuel is doing the Muller replication or Romero's version of the Muller machine?

If it is the Romero version then why is he getting jumpy on the video, putting people down for straying from the specs, when his replication is also away from the specs?.

If it is the Muller replication then I am looking forward to the way he will wind his coils and also the way he will do the complicated switching that Muller used.

If it is the Romero replication then, yep we are all off a little here and there, but also so is he.

I pointed out on a thread over on my forums

Mullers original had the following differences to Romero's:

Muller: Rotor magnets were set N/S facing up.
Romero's: All the same way.

Muller: Every Coil was used as a pulse and pickup coil which was controlled via a rotary switch system.
Romero's: Two coils are used for driving then rest always connected as Pickups.

You could easly configure the Romero version to do the same switching as Muller, by using a Encoder disk and a Pic Chip.

Muller: Had amorphous cores
Romero's: Has ferrite cores.

Muller: Used 2 different wires and wound in cone shapes.
Romero's: Standard back and forth using multi strand litz wire.

Apart from that, they are pretty close. The Muller is a bit more hassle to get right and if Romero's config does work then why not replicate that and make life easier !

I personaly do not care how people choose to replicate it, because it is the effect we are trying to replicate and there are probably many paths to the same effect.

It is the taking part that counts and if just one person hits upon an anomaly, with whatever configuration, then it becomes interesting.

There is no manual for this stuff as taught physics tell you, it will not work.

I think all the guys in here replicating are doing a great job and their skills are shining through.

Even if your rotors are not 100% wobble free, it does not matter. You are building a machine to find an effect that Romero claims to of found. You do not need Nasa/Military accuracy here, if the effect does infact exist.

I try to get my rigs as balanced and accurate as I can, but you will still see wobble, you will still see uneven cuts. But it does the job for what I need it for.

You do not need to build a rig that will run for 10 years, that is not your goal. Your goal is to build a rig that will last long enough for you to find the effect you are searching for.

So replicators, if you got a bit of a wobble or if a Cereal box is all you had to hand at the time, then please use it and notice that the people critising your builds, do not even try to build and are the last people that have the right to judge your rig.

Getting off the soap box :)



He is doing Romero's n_n_n with Muller step wound coils. 12 mm ferrite 1inX1in coils, step wound.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on May 27, 2011, 09:58:50 PM
It is easy to pick the serious from the non serious.

ZeroFossilFuel has, and is doing an excellent job. I have a few different projects on the go, but think RomeroUK's work is superb and he is genuine all the way. Anyone that doubts RomeroUK's Work, has not done their home work as we know. I plan to replicate RomeroUK's work after some of my current projects are out of the way.

Everyone is doing a good job. Remember to keep the same principals and ideas, keep it in-line with RomeroUK's work to get the best result. Get it working first. Then play around with it to try to improve it. The Wire is the one place I see most are not inline. Multipal Filar Wire (Litz Wire) is important. Each Filar in Litz Wire has unique properties that a single Filar Wire does not. Make your own Litz Wire if needed.

Test: Take a spool of Litz Wire, Measure one Filars DC Resistance, Then Measure two Filars, together, and so on. See what you get. The DC Resistance will drop by half, for each Filar that is added. Plus with a single Filar there are more problems with self inductance between the windings and so on.

Thumbs up from me everyone. Dont pay any attention to the nae sayers. They dont warrant any time and resources. Everyone is doing an excellent job.

Keep up the good work for the good Fight!

All the Best


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 27, 2011, 10:28:30 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 27, 2011, 10:38:53 AM
Hi HT,

yup, the somaloy coil is a heel design, the core is 24.9 mm long, the winding is 12 mm long. There is a 12 mm (approx) plain portion of PVC that I was going to use for three tapped holes to mount the finished coil if the test was a success.

Yes I believe the heel design works regardless of the core material.

In this case, with the magnet on a 2 mm plastic spacer, it does improve the output, whereas separated by the stator plate thickness,as R suggested, doesn't work.

Kind regards

Thanks for the feedback Ron.

Cheers and KneeDeep
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wopwops on May 27, 2011, 11:20:00 PM
Off Topic: Mods, please delete if necessary

Dr. Steven E. Jones demonstrates 8x overunity circuit


Professor Jones has developed a variation of the 'Joule Thief' circuit and has shown that its output is eight times greater than the input as measured by a state-of-the-art oscilloscope. He is open sourcing his solid state design to help speed its development and implementation, as well as to answer the scientific question of where the energy is coming from.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 28, 2011, 03:41:40 AM
Quote from: wopwops on May 27, 2011, 11:20:00 PM
Off Topic: Mods, please delete if necessary

Dr. Steven E. Jones demonstrates 8x overunity circuit

http://pesn.com/2011/05/27/9501835_Steven_E_Jones_demonstrates_overunity_circuit/ (http://pesn.com/2011/05/27/9501835_Steven_E_Jones_demonstrates_overunity_circuit/)

Professor Jones has developed a variation of the 'Joule Thief' circuit and has shown that its output is eight times greater than the input as measured by a state-of-the-art oscilloscope. He is open sourcing his solid state design to help speed its development and implementation, as well as to answer the scientific question of where the energy is coming from.

For those interested, that is being discussed over on the JT topic.  There are some problems with Sterling's article as have been pointed out over there. That will keep this discussion on topic over here.


PS  Moderator feel free to remove this post as well.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 28, 2011, 04:18:25 AM
Quote from: hyiq on May 27, 2011, 09:58:50 PM
It is easy to pick the serious from the non serious.

ZeroFossilFuel has, and is doing an excellent job. I have a few different projects on the go, but think RomeroUK's work is superb and he is genuine all the way. Anyone that doubts RomeroUK's Work, has not done their home work as we know. I plan to replicate RomeroUK's work after some of my current projects are out of the way.

Everyone is doing a good job. Remember to keep the same principals and ideas, keep it in-line with RomeroUK's work to get the best result. Get it working first. Then play around with it to try to improve it. The Wire is the one place I see most are not inline. Multipal Filar Wire (Litz Wire) is important. Each Filar in Litz Wire has unique properties that a single Filar Wire does not. Make your own Litz Wire if needed.

Test: Take a spool of Litz Wire, Measure one Filars DC Resistance, Then Measure two Filars, together, and so on. See what you get. The DC Resistance will drop by half, for each Filar that is added. Plus with a single Filar there are more problems with self inductance between the windings and so on.

Thumbs up from me everyone. Dont pay any attention to the nae sayers. They dont warrant any time and resources. Everyone is doing an excellent job.

Keep up the good work for the good Fight!

All the Best


I fully support the above statement.

I was hoping that we could start post results by now. any results are all important.
If you don,t get OU that doesn't matter we all need feed back to guide us in the right direction.
I would like to read what we are discovering about the Romero replication Good or bad. all that matters is the truth be found.

I will post a full report on what I have documented so far.  based on my motor. as stated we have not all been able or willing to replicate to the letter.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 28, 2011, 09:38:35 AM
Quote from: wopwops on May 27, 2011, 11:20:00 PM
Off Topic: Mods, please delete if necessary

Dr. Steven E. Jones demonstrates 8x overunity circuit


Professor Jones has developed a variation of the 'Joule Thief' circuit and has shown that its output is eight times greater than the input as measured by a state-of-the-art oscilloscope. He is open sourcing his solid state design to help speed its development and implementation, as well as to answer the scientific question of where the energy is coming from.

Hi, this is Prof Steven Jones.  Glad to be here.
  I actually began a thread on this "reverse-JT" circuit here at OU on May 20th:

I invite replications and further testing!!
Also, I have asked Sterling Allan to make a few corrections to his article -- thanks Pirate for your input.
--Steven J
Moderator:  feel free to delete this post if necessary; just a follow-up to a comment on this thread.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 28, 2011, 09:56:53 AM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 28, 2011, 09:38:35 AM
Hi, this is Prof Steven Jones.  Glad to be here.
  I actually began a thread on this "reverse-JT" circuit here at OU on May 20th:

I invite replications and further testing!!
Also, I have asked Sterling Allan to make a few corrections to his article -- thanks Pirate for your input.
--Steven J
Moderator:  feel free to delete this post if necessary; just a follow-up to a comment on this thread.

hi Prof

not quite so off-topic, now that Lidmotor has used a dual JT type circuit to drive his Muller rep!

maybe you could advise him if he could adapt your circuit to drive his rig instead - not sure of the resonant frequency implications tho'

would be an interesting development if BOTH motor AND generator sections were OU!

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 28, 2011, 10:08:10 AM
Quote from: nul-points on May 28, 2011, 09:56:53 AM
hi Prof

not quite so off-topic, now that Lidmotor has used a dual JT type circuit to drive his Muller rep!

maybe you could advise him if he could adapt your circuit to drive his rig instead - not sure of the resonant frequency implications tho'

would be an interesting development if BOTH motor AND generator sections were OU!

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Excellent point, nul-pts.  I appreciate your encouragement also.  Not everyone likes to have a Physics Prof. jumping into this research (evidently).   I have been following the work by Lidmotor (and LaserSaber and others) with great interest.

I should add also that my colleague and I are now building a replication of the Romero/Muller device.  I'm very interested in learning about these devices -- and in making careful measurements of input Power and output Power for them. 
  Finally, I would like to determine just where the energy comes from -- I do not think that the laws of physics are being violated here, but rather, that there is an "anomalous" source of incoming energy, a source that needs to be identified. 
(PS -- my bias, after having taught quantum mechanics for many years, is that this energy source is NOT zero-point energy {ZPE} from atoms themselves.  I have a few ideas relating to theory, but I feel that experimental verification needs to precede theoretical stuff.)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on May 28, 2011, 10:58:03 AM
Speaking of LaserSaber, He was really on top of this early on and now he seems to have went silent!
I hope everything is ok.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on May 28, 2011, 11:14:22 AM

I don't know anything more about the video, but the effect is more important. Toranarod reprorts a 70% gain in efficiency with the help of his core magnets and washers. Now follow me on this: If coil core magnts increase gain is there possible increased gain from increased magnet strength? The ansewer is yes.

Imagine a coil core with a snug fitting diametricly magnatized neo tube inside, mounted over a  N/S magnet rotor. When the north pole passes under the core magnet, the rotor magnet bends the field from the attracting side of the core magnet, by pulling it down through the wire coil wraps to generate current. When it passes, the field retracts back through the wraps and generates another current. The same goes for the opposite rotor pole magnet and the other field from the diametric neo coil core. This is coupled with repulsive field compression. The core fields see saw this way, back and forth through the copper wire wraps, and REVERSE Lenz effect at the same time by propelling the rotor with a Hatem effect, while remaining neutral along the sheer plane. This approach increases output by double and triple amounts not just fractionaly. This charging effect involves no vibration.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 28, 2011, 11:41:02 AM
what about woopy being silent, he had an almost colmpelte rig and now he is also gone ? Most of the people who were capable of building such a device went silent since a while. Maybe it's just the incomming summer.
Joulseeker, i'm really excited about sucha simple circuit of yours. Will try to visit a hardware store to see what i can do to confirm or not your results. Have really small practical knowledge, but that is why i'm here :) ( failed physics class 3 years in a row xD )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rogla on May 28, 2011, 12:06:16 PM
My be a silly question, but I have to ask.

In the replication description pdf http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=downfile&id=471 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=downfile&id=471), it  states at page 2 that the rotor thickens is 12 mm and the magnets are 10 mm thick. But on page 11 in the same pdf, the pictures shows that the magnets protrudes from the rotor.

Is this an error in the pdf?
Must be 12mm magnets and the rotor 10 mm?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on May 28, 2011, 01:26:29 PM
Quote from: Tudi on May 28, 2011, 11:41:02 AM
what about woopy being silent, he had an almost colmpelte rig and now he is also gone ? Most of the people who were capable of building such a device went silent since a while. Maybe it's just the incomming summer.
Joulseeker, i'm really excited about sucha simple circuit of yours. Will try to visit a hardware store to see what i can do to confirm or not your results. Have really small practical knowledge, but that is why i'm here :) ( failed physics class 3 years in a row xD )

Actually, I'm concerned also about Penno64, he was like "guys, it's bigger than you think, need to do more measurements", and then he vanished... Hope it's to do a massive disclosure, as some guys planned to do that one point... hope they are all well
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 28, 2011, 02:27:35 PM
Well this not good news.  Woopy, where are ya? ???

Penno too. 

Ive seen where some dont post for a while and I wonder. But they come back.  Hopefully this is the case.

What can we do though?  Maybe when it is a sensitive project, most should agree to at least post something at least every couple days, or something.

Any ideas?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 28, 2011, 02:49:45 PM
Hi Tudi

I am somehow silent because i am trying hard to get what Romero showed us in his video.

But so far i am sitting in front of the machine trying every possibility, tuning the biasing magnets,  the spacing, the Hall sensor etc..

It is a long work, because you have to bolt than debolt to fine tune, and as the system is wired between the top and bottom stator, sometime you really get nervous.

I also reread all the post of romero and of course review the 3 video to detect some details i could missed.

I have also made a template with the sine wave distribution all arround the track to see how the electrical path is working.

I am always puuzzled by the circular paralleled wired FWBR. I don't like how it works.

Now i have suppressed the DC motor as a load and i use a variable resistor (4 watts) and no capacitor, so i can see and regulate much finer the output power.

I also tried to spin the rotor with the central DC motor .

As you can see this device is really immensely tunable. But no OU at all until now. My best result is about 35 % efficiency. Very poor in comparison with Romero :P. And my machine works mecanically really well.

So i think i have to think really out of the box to find the trick, because in a conventionnal thinking i don't see how to traverse the wall.

Just for info i did not receive my Litz (they are comming from England probably by swimming and than by walking arrghhh) >:(

Perhaps the solution is effectively in the litz ?

But i go on the testing i learn so much

Yes if Penno 64 or Lasersaber could perhaps say where they are in there testing. And Clanzer will probably very soon be ready. And also Zerofossil and Lidmotor etc

OK now back to the bench and tune

Good luck at all :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on May 28, 2011, 02:49:54 PM

Hi all,

i just put together a small rig (don't laugh   >:( , its the principle that counts) to do some measurements on the coils of the muller/romero MG.
I have a rotor (cd) with 8 small neo's facing north up triggered by a hall (SS411A).
Both driver coils are made of the "brother sewing bobbins" (11.3mm high) with ferrite core (6mm od, 15mm long) from a PC PS.
Wire is single stranded AWG24 (0.5mm) about 220 turns which gives me 1.27mH/1.7Ohm

RPM is about 1500, and fiddling with magnets on top of the ferrite core gives only negative results.
When using a ferrite bar on top of the drive coil cores, gives me more RPM, and less input current.

I made another coil, now i removed the bobbin flanges, and glued them directly on the 15mm long ferrite core, giving me more room for winding, and also the first windings are more closer to the core.
It has the same awg24, and i was able to put on 300 turns.
This resulted into 2.81mH/2.5Ohm.

When i use this coil as a generator coil (by hand for now), and putting again the ferrite bar on top of it, the generated voltage increases.

So what i want to point out is that not only experimenting with magnets will get results, but you might also try to play with extra ferrite onto the cores.
It could be that this is caused by my small magnets compared to the coils, so anyone scaling up the coils could give it a try.

A short video of the setup and tests can be found here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjt0pbruhCE

Regards Itsu

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on May 28, 2011, 02:54:50 PM
I've been reading back through Romero's posts and pondering...the group may be missing some clues.

Why Litz wire? Why 1N4007s on the bridge? Those two things are very big clues that I don't really see anybody latching on to.

Why are they important? They both point to high frequency response, much higher frequency than would make sense for something operating at a couple of hundred hertz.

Why high frequency?

I can think of a few things that have nothing to do with pulse motors or axial generators. Romero himself made the comment that there was more here than just a generator. I think that until you answer the question of why high frequency response is critical, you will miss the real energy source.

Just food for thought.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on May 28, 2011, 03:10:51 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 28, 2011, 02:49:45 PM
Hi Tudi

I am somehow silent because i am trying hard to get what Romero showed us in his video.

But so far i am sitting in front of the machine trying every possibility, tuning the biasing magnets,  the spacing, the Hall sensor etc..

It is a long work, because you have to bolt than debolt to fine tune, and as the system is wired between the top and bottom stator, sometime you really get nervous.

I also reread all the post of romero and of course review the 3 video to detect some details i could missed.

I have also made a template with the sine wave distribution all arround the track to see how the electrical path is working.

I am always puuzzled by the circular paralleled wired FWBR. I don't like how it works.

Now i have suppressed the DC motor as a load and i use a variable resistor (4 watts) and no capacitor, so i can see and regulate much finer the output power.

I also tried to spin the rotor with the central DC motor .

As you can see this device is really immensely tunable. But no OU at all until now. My best result is about 35 % efficiency. Very poor in comparison with Romero :P. And my machine works mecanically really well.

So i think i have to think really out of the box to find the trick, because in a conventionnal thinking i don't see how to traverse the wall.

Just for info i did not receive my Litz (they are comming from England probably by swimming and than by walking arrghhh) >:(

Perhaps the solution is effectively in the litz ?

But i go on the testing i learn so much

Yes if Penno 64 or Lasersaber could perhaps say where they are in there testing. And Clanzer will probably very soon be ready. And also Zerofossil and Lidmotor etc

OK now back to the bench and tune

Good luck at all :)

Do you have some pix of your works yet?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 28, 2011, 03:11:18 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on May 28, 2011, 02:54:50 PM
I've been reading back through Romero's posts and pondering...the group may be missing some clues.

Why Litz wire? Why 1N4007s on the bridge? Those two things are very big clues that I don't really see anybody latching on to.

Why are they important? They both point to high frequency response, much higher frequency than would make sense for something operating at a couple of hundred hertz.

Why high frequency?

I can think of a few things that have nothing to do with pulse motors or axial generators. Romero himself made the comment that there was more here than just a generator. I think that until you answer the question of why high frequency response is critical, you will miss the real energy source.

Just food for thought.
Good points.  One other thing too,  Romero later said that the diodes added were NOT 1N4007's but were rather 1N4001's. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 28, 2011, 03:13:04 PM
Quick update as been a busy day and pictures attached.

Bottom Base all wired up.

Top Plate all cut out and just need to wire up.

Rotor cutout and magnet press fitted in at exactly 11mm deep. Small side magnets pressed in.

Picture of the rotor layed on the base for comparision.

Off to lathe down the axle now and get the wiring finished for the top plate.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on May 28, 2011, 03:13:31 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on May 28, 2011, 02:54:50 PM
I've been reading back through Romero's posts and pondering...the group may be missing some clues.

Why Litz wire? Why 1N4007s on the bridge? Those two things are very big clues that I don't really see anybody latching on to.

Why are they important? They both point to high frequency response, much higher frequency than would make sense for something operating at a couple of hundred hertz.

Why high frequency?

I can think of a few things that have nothing to do with pulse motors or axial generators. Romero himself made the comment that there was more here than just a generator. I think that until you answer the question of why high frequency response is critical, you will miss the real energy source.

Just food for thought.
Very good point LtBolo
replicate means in detail as original
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on May 28, 2011, 03:26:34 PM
@Clanzer: wow, this is helluva clean and professional setup you posted here. Hats off  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on May 28, 2011, 03:26:57 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 28, 2011, 03:13:04 PM
Quick update as been a busy day and pictures attached.

Bottom Base all wired up.

Top Plate all cut out and just need to wire up.

Rotor cutout and magnet press fitted in at exactly 11mm deep. Small side magnets pressed in.

Picture of the rotor layed on the base for comparision.

Off to lathe down the axle now and get the wiring finished for the top plate.


Awesome design setup ;D
I am looking forward to seeing the results from
your EXCELLENT work ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on May 28, 2011, 03:53:50 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 28, 2011, 03:13:04 PM
Quick update as been a busy day and pictures attached.

Bottom Base all wired up.

Top Plate all cut out and just need to wire up.

Rotor cutout and magnet press fitted in at exactly 11mm deep. Small side magnets pressed in.

Picture of the rotor layed on the base for comparision.

Off to lathe down the axle now and get the wiring finished for the top plate.



Very nice design and yes Awesome setup - one of your best!
Could you take some time and share your bearing setup for the Rotor?
Many replicators are having some trouble in this area.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 28, 2011, 04:15:21 PM
Very nice looking forward to you results.

here is some of m work

The magnets fitted to the cores.
Current specifications

The motor has one drive coil as seen in photo below.
8 generator coils paired. All fitted top and bottom with 10 x 10 neo magnets.
Each pair outputs 50 volts .at 1500 RPM
Drive coil consumes 60 mill amps RMS on 24 volt supply on a 1.2 mill sec drive pulse per magnet switch time.

all Mag ten

green wave form is generator after bridge rectifier

Yellow drive pulse
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 28, 2011, 05:16:33 PM
thanks all for the updates. For a sec i thought something happened.
@toranarod : your generator seems like a common generator. I mean a really common one. Almost perfect sine wave. No spikes, no back EMF elimination... :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 28, 2011, 05:29:02 PM
wowww !! Clanzer

As usual fantastic work :o

Something very clever is your switch to separate each coils set.

Because i tried to separate for instance 3 coils sets from the others (that is to say almost 43 % of the generative production)  and the output result was not 43 % lost at all, On my youtube chanel under "romero test 3 " a participant (USER 127---)made lot of informations regarding the splitting of the charge on all the coils.

So increasing the number of coils also increases the Lenz braking and do not increase a lot or at least in proportion, the output power. That sayd in a very conventional thinking. And of course for this reason it is not possible to crack the wall in conventional physic.

And in fact when i retire 3 from the 7 generative coils the speed of the rotor slightly increases  and the output power slightly decreases. Perfectly in accordance with conventional physic.

The repartition odd / even produce a circular electrical production, as if it is a multitude of "one pulse" coils working as a wave all arround the circular parallel wiring. Just for info you can completely close the + and _ parallel circle wire ,it works also. As you can get your power probes everywhere arround the paralle circle wire.  That's is true and that's disturbs me .

@ Mag

if i remember well the coils set are inductors. And so far i remember the inductors can exibit some increase in voltage !! ::)

yep good night at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 28, 2011, 06:11:34 PM
Quote from: Tudi on May 28, 2011, 05:16:33 PM
thanks all for the updates. For a sec i thought something happened.
@toranarod : your generator seems like a common generator. I mean a really common one. Almost perfect sine wave. No spikes, no back EMF elimination... :(

you need to see the schematic to understand the spikes.  then you could read the wave form diagram.
there is 1500 volts of emf coming out of this motor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on May 28, 2011, 06:24:09 PM
Wow 147 pages already.

Guys making this build, please keep one thing in mind.

Make your drive coils so they can be turned around. Do not mount them permanently.

When you wind a coil, you have the starting wire and first layer that must be as tight as possible so that no layer afterwards can sink through and touch the core. Only the first layer must touch the core. Also this first layer wire is the one that should receive the pulse. If the pulse polarity is not the right one to react against the rotor magnets, then turn the complete coil to face the other way around and DO NOT SIMPLY REVERSE THE DRIVE COIL CONNECTIONS.

So you have the pulse, then the first drive coil gets the pulse on the first layer wire, then from the other end it goes to the second drive coil that again is connected to the first layer wire then from the other end of that second coil go back to the pulsing circuit. On the other drive coil pair, make it so the pulse hits the first layer of the coil that is on the other side of the rotor. This way the pulse hits one coil per rotor side.

There are other methods for pulsing two drive coils...
1) A center tap on each drive coil will give you some great variation possibilities.
2) Connect first drive coil then to a capacitor and a zenor diode to the second drive coil will give you a delayed second pulse off the second drive coil.
but none of these are related to this replication.

The same care should be given to the pick-up coils, especially the first several layers should not push through previous layers otherwise this can cause transfer bottlenecks. These coils should also be physically reversible. Do not connect these in series before you have the rotor turning and you can confirm polarity of each coil wire before making a connection strategy that should be in series + to - to + to - and so on.

During your experimenting, it is good to keep a record of how all the connections are made and the output results so that you can replicate any configuration afterwards. Always identify the coils 1st layer connection point. There are two many potential variables to try and keep track with simple memory.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 28, 2011, 06:28:57 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on May 28, 2011, 03:53:50 PM
Could you take some time and share your bearing setup for the Rotor?
Many replicators are having some trouble in this area.

Hi Bill

I am using the good old faithfull RC miniature flange bearings.
These are tough little buggers that are good for 30'000 RPM and take the weight of a rotor brilliantly.
Really low friction and long wind down times.

I go down to as small as 1mm internal size for smaller rotors. But with this one I went bigger to 3mm.

All that is needed is a 6mm hole to mount then bearings in and a shaft lathed down to 3mm on the ends to fit.

I use a Gear shaft to mount the rotor on and again i has a perfect tight 6mm hole for a 6mm shaft.

Here are some pictures, that show how simple it is.



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 28, 2011, 06:38:47 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 28, 2011, 05:29:02 PM

Something very clever is your switch to separate each coils set.

Hi Laurent

The switches do not isolate the coils, they simple switch the polarity for each coil.
This way I do not have to disconnect wires to try attraction vs repulsion mode.
Also the drive coils have switches to do this.

I was planning on putting isolation switches on each bridge rectifier, to knock off the load on each coil.

This way we can try many configurations.

It gets messy when trying to de-solder wires after you have built it, so lessons learnt from previous replications, I add what I can, just in case to make life easier :)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 28, 2011, 06:58:18 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 28, 2011, 06:11:34 PM
you need to see the schematic to understand the spikes.  then you could read the wave form diagram.
there is 1500 volts of emf coming out of this motor.


where in your circuit do you measure exactly the green and the yellow waveform ?
Could you please explain it in more detail please ?

Do you also have a video of your motor already ?

Many thanks in advance.

@Clanzer :
Fantastic build ! Well done !

Looking forward to see the first run tests.

@Woopy ( Laurent)

Could you please post a new video with many scopeshots across
the parts, so we can have a look into your device what is going on ?
Why is the voltage of one coilpair much bigger in your
device than the other coilpairs ?

I would first optimize for one coilpair output and find there the optimal
output so you know the distances of the rotor versus stator and versus
stator magnets and washers, etc.. and only then switch in the other
As Romero said, it took him almost one month to finetune
this thing, so you have to have a lot of patience.

Also a Gaussmeter would probably help very much to see,
where you are in your BH curve working point inside the airgaps.

So it is great that Clanzer made all the coils reverse switchable to
see, how they will behave with a different polarity.

Good luck.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 28, 2011, 07:12:06 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 28, 2011, 05:29:02 PM
On my youtube chanel under "romero test 3 " a participant (USER 127---)made lot of informations regarding the splitting of the charge on all the coils.

Here are the things this user posted.
Please read it from bottom to top, as his last postings are at the top.

Laurent, thank you for having taken my advice about using a variable load resistor and removing the capacitor so that you could see the waveforms from the generator coils + FWBRs properly. The paradox about this pulse motor + generator is that it is all conventional and your testing, and everyone else's results will show the same thing. That still doesn't mean that you all can't have fun. However, there is a darker issue related to Romero's motivations but not to discuss here.
User2718218 vor 44 Minuten

2nd: You said that you got about 35% efficiency and that sounds about right. Just for fun let's look at how we can improve efficiency.

Let's start by looking at K1, the efficiency of the transferring of the electrical power you pump into the drive coils becoming the mechanical power that is pumped into the rotor.

The way to maximize the value for K1 is to pulse the coils at the perfect "sweet spot" where you get the maximum torque on the rotor when current flows in the drive coils.
User2718218 vor 39 Minuten

3rd: Perhaps you have already experimented with the position of the Hall sensor to find the best sweet spot? My assumption is that the further the hall sensor is away from the rotor magnet the shorter the ON time for the pulse. And of course the angle of the Hall sensor relative to the rotor disk will advance or delay the start of the pulse. For the sweet spot, there is one specific angle between your drive coil and the rotor mag that is the best. So you energize before and after that angle.
User2718218 vor 27 Minuten

4th: I can suggest a simple manual test for getting a feel for where your sweet spot is:  Just energize your drive coil with DC power. Then with your hand hold onto the rotor and manually change the position (angle) of the rotor magnet relative to the drive coil. Simply feel what the torque is like at different angles. You should be able to easily feel where the sweet spot is and by eye know what the start and stop angles are to center your pulse around the sweet spot.
User2718218 vor 25 Minuten

5th: Once you know where the sweet spot is you could temporarily put a LED in parallel with your drive coil and use that as a strobe. Then mark a white line on the edge of the rotor. Then run the motor and move the hall sensor around while observing the strobe illumination of the white line.

Of course there is Plan B:Move the hall sensor around and listen for the maximum RPMs and at same time monitor the current.

CAUTION: When energizing the coil with DC make sure it doesn't overheat.
User2718218 vor 24 Minuten

6th: So Laurent, you could find the sweet spot for each of your two drive coils. Do separate tests for each drive coil. You can do it with the fancy LED strobe illumination and the white line. Like I said just listening to the RPMs and monitoring the current consumption would work also. The wider you make the pulse for each coil (centered around the sweet spot angle) the more power you put into the rotor and the higher the RPMs.
User2718218 vor 21 Minuten

7th: You have to decide how much power you want to put into the rotor. If you make the sweet spot pulse too wide then your efficiency starts togo down. Don't forget, there is only one angle that is the sweet spot angle. The wider your pulse the farther the starting and ending edges of the pulse are away from that ultimate sweet spot angle.

The bottom line is that making careful experiments with the positions of your Hall sensors will maximize the K1 value for your motor. K2 for another day
User2718218 vor 17 Minuten

2nd: I suspect that when you removed 3 coils that the RPMs went up a bit. This means that the 4 remaining output coils outputted a higher voltage into your load, therefore more output power per coil. I am assuming that you are using a resistive load with a true-RMS multimeter. Your power output power measurement is your true-RMS voltage squared divided by the value of your resistor load. So why are you measuring almost the same power?
User2718218 vor 1 Tag

3rd: Part of the answer is understanding how the power actually flows in the motor-generator. Your two drive coils pulse energy and that makes the rotor speed up. The rotor stores the electrical pulse energy in the form of mechanical rotational energy. Here is the key: Suppose in Case A the rotor is turning at 500 RPM and in Case B the rotor is spinning at 1000 RPM. In both cases the drive coils might be on 20% of the time and off 80% of the time.
User2718218 vor 1 Tag

4th: So, if the coils are on 20% of the time for 500 RPM and 20% of the time for 1000 RPM, what can you conclude? The conclusion is that the average power that the drive coils can put into the rotor is almost independent of RPM. That's interesting in itself.

Now look at the pick-up coils. We now know that the power available to draw from the spinning rotor is fixed.  If you have 7, 6, 5, or 4, or 3 pick-up coils, you know that the rotor power that you can transfer into the coils is fixed.
User2718218 vor 1 Tag

5th: So with 7 coils you have 7 instances or Lens drag as you drive the load. With 4 coils at first you only have 4 instances of Lenz drag as you drive the load. That less drag and the rotor speeds up until the 4 instances of Lenz drag draw the same amount of power from the spinning rotor as the 7 instances of Lenz drag.

With 4 pick-up coils the motor establishes a new balance point where the drive coil power source is equal to pick-up coil power drain. It always finds a balance.
User2718218 vor 1 Tag

6th: Finally, what else can you say when the rotor speeds up to the new balance point? You know that the air friction and the bearing friction increases. Therefore the increased friction "steals" some of the available power that would normally go into your output coils and that's part of the explanation for why you measure slightly less output power when you have 4 pick-up coils.

The key to understanding is there is always balance: the drive coil power = the output coil power + friction
User2718218 vor 1 Tag

7th: I also must clarify one important thing here:

Rotor power = (drive coil power x K1) where K1 is the efficiency factor for the coupling of the coils to the spinning rotor. In the REAL WORLD K1 is always less than 1.

Output coil power = (Rotor power x K2) where K2 is the efficiency factor for the coupling of the spinning rotor to the output coils. In the REAL WORLD K2 is always less than 1.

So, its more like: output coil power = (((drive coil power x K1) x K2) - friction power)
User2718218 vor 1 Tag

8th: Laurent: Let me bring it all home for you now with just a hypothetical example:

A really good Romerouk replication might consume 12 watts of input power and with the best possible tweaking and adjusting you will be lucky if you can get 8 watts of output power from the drive coils into the best possible value for the load resistor. You cannot escape the K1 and K2 coupling factors and you can "tweak" forever and you will never make K1 and K2 greater than one. The REAL WORLD.
User2718218 vor 1 Tag

"i get some output on the 7 gen coil all together, and then if i disconnect for instance 3 of those coils (that is to say about 43 % of the generative power ) , i see only a very small decrease of the output power and almost nothing in the input power"

Look at what I said below: "as you add generator coils the available power starts go get shared between the coils." The same thing applies if you remove generator coils.

What happened to your RPM when you went from 7 coils to 4 coils?
User2718218 vor 1 Tag

5th: For you Litz wire do a basic test. Compare one of your current coils made with regular wire and rewind just one coil with Litz wire. If the number of turns are different then that will affect the voltage (or EMF) generated by the coils. Otherwise you will observe no difference in the outputs. You would be making a big mistake if you just blindly rewire all of the coils with Litz wire without making the test I just described.
User2718218 vor 5 Tagen

6th: The simple fact is that the only reason you would want to use Litz wire is if you had very high frequencies in your generator circuit. But the truth is that there are only very low frequencies in your generator circuit. Therefore there is no reason to use Litz wire. You and all of the members on OU have to use your critical thinking skills and stop just blindly believing something because somebody told you. Do the test YOURSELF and prove it to YOURSELF, don't take my word for it.
User2718218 vor 5 Tagen

@User2718218 Yes there is no reason for the use of Litz wire. There is a downside also....to make a Litz bundle to be the same resistance as the solid wire, the overall dia. will be larger and thus less turns possible on the form. On our Muller model, one drive coil gives us 700+ rpm with a current draw of 1.35 amps.

hhoforvolts vor 2 Tagen

Ok Laurent, I saw your scope shots. You are making slow progress. Permit me to help you.

For starters I have to talk tough about Bolt. He said, "Impedance mismatch!" and "POWER FACTOR CORRECTION" and "incremental standing waves" and "increase overall power by TEN times." This is all ridiculous nonsense and you should ignore it. Bolt doesn't know what he is talking about and he does more harm than goo. Ignore him.
User2718218 vor 5 Tagen

2nd: You put a small DC electric motor as a load on your generator output. This was a big mistake. A DC motor is a non-linear and very complicated load to be testing with. You have to start with the basics and learn from very simple tests. One more time, you should try to understand how your setup works with a basic resistive load, NO FILTERING CAP. You want to see the undisturbed waveforms from the generator FWBR outputs. No filtering capacitor, no DC motor, KEEP IT SIMPLE.
User2718218 vor 5 Tagen

3rd: Try different resistors and look at the waveform. Do not makes any measurements with no load at all, you need the resistor load to "pull down" the voltage when the voltage output from the FWBRs drops. You absolutely must have a simple resistive load.

If you did a god build you should see a regular waveform with spikes that are almost all the same amplitude less the "missing teeth." You want to confirm that your generator output is working properly before you do anything else.
User2718218 vor 5 Tagen

4th: "I am investigating why i get 0.52 watt on one coil and why i do not get 7 time those 0.52watt when all the coils sets are connected??"

You are making an incorrect assumption. In very simple terms, as you add generator coils the available power starts go get shared between the coils. Think about it. Each coil creates Lenz dragon the rotor. You can't keep in adding coils and adding up the output power. It doesn't make sense, the Lenz drag increases as you add coils.
User2718218 vor 5 Tagen

great idea very cool. i need to find some of that magnetic screen.
Magneticitist vor 5 Tagen

Stefan also asked you to try different load resistors across the FWBR but with the capacitor in place. You can also do this but it is not a "pure" measurement like you can get without the capacitor.

Here is the reason why: Let's imagine that your spikes have a peak value of 10 volts and with the filter capacitor and a load resistor you measure 8 volts.

That means that the output from the coil is only active for when the voltage is above 8 volts + the diode voltage drop.
User2718218 vor 5 Tagen

2nd: Can you see this in your mind? If the capacitor is at 8 volts then the voltage spike from the coil only starts to conduct into the load when the voltage is 8.6 volts (including diode drop). Therefore about 80% of the time the coils is "locked out" and it is not driving the load, the charged capacitor is driving the load. Do the test with your scope and you will see what I mean.

If you remove the filter capacitor then the coil starts driving the load when the voltage > 0.6 volts.
User2718218 vor 5 Tagen

The other thing Laurent is that all of the replications are going to fail to self-run. I know this ahead of time, I used to be an electrical engineer and I know what I am talking about.

After all of the self-running tests fail I have a deal with Fausto/Plengo and he is going to post my recommendations for what tests to make on OU after everybody discovers that they can't make a self-runner. The tests will help everybody understand how their replications work and why they don't work.
User2718218 vor 5 Tagen

Congratulations Woopy, you are one of the first ones to have completed your replication. Permit me to give you some advice. In your pictures it looks like you have the filtering capacitor connected to the outputs of your FWBRs. When you make measurements with no load, all that you are doing is looking at the peak voltage because you have effectively made a "peak detector." In other words your FWBRs charge up the capacitor and you only see a DC voltage, you miss seeing the waveform.
User2718218 vor 6 Tagen

2nd: The first thing you want to do is make a basic measurement with a small load like a 1K resistor WITHOUT the filter capacitor. You will then see the actual voltage waveform being produced by the output of the FWBRs. You can check if all of the pulses are about the same amplitude and the same shape, and also see the "missing teeth" where there are missing pulses because of the two drive coils. Try switching the 1K resistor for a 500 ohm resistor or perhaps a 100 ohm resistor.
User2718218 vor 6 Tagen

3rd: So, when you chance resistors (again NO FILTER CAPACITOR) do you see the amplitude of the spikes change? Does the RPM change? What if you use a 20-ohm resistor, what happens then? You do this to understand how your generator operates with different resistive loads.

You said, "This means that the Stator magnets are really important" However, I assume you did this with no load and filter capacitor. Therefore you have almost no information, just a peak detector again.
User2718218 vor 6 Tagen

4th: Please repeat the test where you try with the extra stator magnets in place and without the stator magnets in place, NO FILTER CAP, and with a 1K load resistor. How do the waveforms look with the extra stator magnets in place and without the stator magnets in place? Can you see where the high-voltage pulse is that was responsible for charging up the capacitor to 27 volts? Are the waveforms almost the same or are they very different? A good test you might want to post the results.
User2718218 vor 6 Tagen

5th: Laurent, these are logical tests to do. You say that the the stator magnets are really important. I challenge you and I don't believe that the stator magnets are important at all. The stator magnets can have some influence on the cogging. However, for a constant rotor RPM, with or without stator magnets in place, the output waveform from the FWBRs should be approximately the same. I can't explain how you got a 27-volt peak but I am quite sure that the output waveforms should be the same
User2718218 vor 6 Tagen

The only thing that matters here Woopy is to know which coil produces the most EMF as the rotor turns. The coil that produces the most EMF is the coil that is seeing the highest rate of change of magnetic flux with respect to time. Which coil that is depends on the speed and the angle of the rotor. When one coil is producing the most EMF all of the other coils are 'locked out' and no current flows through them. At any given time only one coil is driving the load.
User2718218 vor 1 Woche

2nd: And that's the whole story. There is no "backwards rotating" patten to study and analyze. You saw with your paper demo how the pattern changes. On the paper demo it's the coil that sees the highest rate of change of the area of the black half-moon shape that is equivalent to the coil that is seeing the highest rate of change of magnetic flux with respect to time.

To repeat, the coil that generates the highest EMF "wins" and drives the load and all of the other coils are "locked out."
User2718218 vor 1 Woche

3rd: There are nine coils where two are drive coils and seven are pick-up coil. Each coil produces two spikes for a magnet pass after the output passes through the FWBR. So you have 14 spikes for seven coils and four "missing teeth" non-spikes because of the two drive coils.

All of you forget about the "pattern" and connect up your scope to the output of all of the FWBRs connected together. Use a 1K resistor as a load and look at scope waveform.
User2718218 vor 1 Woche

4th: Again, to repeat, the 8/9 magnet/coil arrangement is just a way of making the timing of the coils fire one after another where each coil has a time slice (and there are two coils that represent the "missing teeth" in the waveform)

THAT'S WHERE THE ACTION IS - ON YOUR SCOPE. There is no "magical pattern" for over unity associated with the 8/9 configuration, that's all bullshit. Use a 1K resistor as a load and look for the "missing teeth" on your scope.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 28, 2011, 07:16:31 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 28, 2011, 06:28:57 PM
Hi Bill

I am using the good old faithfull RC miniature flange bearings.
These are tough little buggers that are good for 30'000 RPM and take the weight of a rotor brilliantly.
Really low friction and long wind down times.

I go down to as small as 1mm internal size for smaller rotors. But with this one I went bigger to 3mm.

All that is needed is a 6mm hole to mount then bearings in and a shaft lathed down to 3mm on the ends to fit.

I use a Gear shaft to mount the rotor on and again i has a perfect tight 6mm hole for a 6mm shaft.

Here are some pictures, that show how simple it is.



@Sean: I am following your excellent build with great interest because my mechanical skills are limited.

When looking at the photos in your latest post I wounder why the bottom bearing does not slip of the bottom plate when the rotor is pressing down on it (via the shaft which is lathed down to 3 mm)?

I understand that the bearing fits tightly into the 6 mm hole, but when vibrations start it eventually could fall off the plate nevertheless?

I always think that I have to fix the bearings somehow to the top and bottom plate (more tightly than just pressing them into a hole)?

I like the idea of making the shaft slimmer for the bearings (and having it thicker where the rotor is fixed). But still, what keeps the shaft from sliding a bit up and down? The shaft could "sit" on the lower bearing because it becomes thicker, but at the top bearing it must have a longer slim part, otherwise one can not adjust the distance between the plates?

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 28, 2011, 07:36:00 PM
ZeroFF has a new update video:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on May 28, 2011, 07:57:59 PM
Concerning the teachings of User2718218:

User2718218 can teach us a lot about careful measurements.

But if one denies flatly that the "backwards rotating" occultation pattern, the biasing magnets on the generator coils and the "pulse driving" have any effect, one misunderstands the purpose of all the replications.

The purpose of the replications is to find out by experiment (and not by words)

- whether the unequal number of coil pairs and magnets,

- whether the biasing magnets and

- whether the "pulse-drive-method"

have an unexpected effect or not.

One could discuss this for ages, but only a real experiment can show what will happen.

Conventional theory allows to "speculate" that nothing special will happen, but only an experiment can "proof" that nothing special will happen.

All new things were found because the inventor/discoverer/tinkerer did not heed the advice of specialists concerning a crucial aspect or detail.

Specialists like to extrapolate their knowledge to areas were one can not be sure that conventional knowledge still applies. Most often they are right, but not always.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: WilbyInebriated on May 28, 2011, 08:10:20 PM
to whom it may concern: User2718218 is the former ou.com member 'milehigh'.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 28, 2011, 08:30:05 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 28, 2011, 08:10:20 PM
to whom it may concern: User2718218 is the former ou.com member 'milehigh'.

Sounds about right since Milehigh seems to only see conventional physics and EE theory and anything outside of that realm is firmly put down as impossible. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 28, 2011, 08:44:19 PM
Quote from: conradelektro on May 28, 2011, 07:16:31 PM
When looking at the photos in your latest post I wounder why the bottom bearing does not slip of the bottom plate when the rotor is pressing down on it (via the shaft which is lathed down to 3 mm)?

I understand that the bearing fits tightly into the 6 mm hole, but when vibrations start it eventually could fall off the plate nevertheless?

Hi Conrad

The bearings will not go anywhere as they are flange bearings.
So the diameter of the bearing shell is 6mm but the top of the bearing casing is about 8mm diameter.

Bottom bearing has flange facing towards shaft and top bearing also has flange facing towards shaft.
So no up and down movement at all, I have used these for many years on many rigs and all good :)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on May 28, 2011, 08:48:14 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on May 28, 2011, 02:54:50 PM

Why are they important? They both point to high frequency response, much higher frequency than would make sense for something operating at a couple of hundred hertz.

Why high frequency?

I can think of a few things that have nothing to do with pulse motors or axial generators. Romero himself made the comment that there was more here than just a generator. I think that until you answer the question of why high frequency response is critical, you will miss the real energy source.

Just food for thought.


I agree that the modified bridge is about the real energy that made it OU.
To me it points to using the energy of the BEMF pulses.
In the Joule thief thread it is suggested  that bridges be modified to collect energy better......they do it a little different.......by adding fast diodes in series  with the inputs to thbe wothe bridge.......It seems that the standard bridges are just not fast enough to deal with the speed of the spikes

It might be an idea to just build your own bridges with ultra fast diodes.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 28, 2011, 08:54:16 PM
Dang. Clanzer.  It just doesnt get any better than that. ;]

I like Zero Fossil Fuels way of doing vids. Just open and in the vids himself.  Maybe this is the way to go.  And let all your family and friends and many YTers know who that person is. This way more people, hopefully in some cases, would question what happened.  :o  Would it be less likely to get visits this way?

When we are all "invisible"  hardly anyone knows you, the person presenting the vid, at all, making it easier to cover up.

Im just happy everyone is around an no visits.  ;]

Super work by all of you guys.  Its a wonderful thing. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 28, 2011, 09:16:35 PM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on May 28, 2011, 08:10:20 PM
to whom it may concern: User2718218 is the former ou.com member 'milehigh'.

Thanks Wilby. That explains a lot. The guy just wouldn't quit. It's all about measurements and how things just can't work any other way. See the other forum.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skycollection on May 28, 2011, 10:00:16 PM
Thanks for your commentaries, i admit that I've made many mistakes because I have no knowledge of electronics, but I'm trying to "no copy" what others do, I always try to do something different. I made one big mistake in the construction of my bobins, and now I'm making them again ...! (Sewing Bobins) i am making the new coils TRI-FILAR THIN WIRE...! I hope this coils produce more output current.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skycollection on May 28, 2011, 10:19:07 PM
I would like to post a photo but i don`t know how...! i have the problem of my language, i don`t speak english, i am learning...!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 28, 2011, 10:32:37 PM
Quote from: skycollection on May 28, 2011, 10:19:07 PM
I would like to post a photo but i don`t know how...! i have the problem of my language, i don`t speak english, i am learning...!

Sky collection below where you type your message, says"Attach:          Browse        (more attachments)"

click browse. Then this will open a folder on your computer, go to where you have the file and put name in that box. and hit post.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skycollection on May 28, 2011, 11:45:06 PM
sewing bobbins
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 29, 2011, 12:56:18 AM
Quote from: skycollection on May 28, 2011, 11:45:06 PM
sewing bobbins

Skycollection, Nice coils ;D. How do you make the large ones?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: callanan on May 29, 2011, 12:58:17 AM
It's not to hard to DO SOMETHING...


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 29, 2011, 01:32:08 AM

Video shows a siuperfluid-helium fountain, that will go PERPETUALLY (as long as the helium flask is kept cold -- so put it on the back side of Mercury and it becomes a "perpetual motion machine", evidently.
It won't stop as long as it stays in a cold environment.   

This "helium fountain" was a huge surprise when first observed during the race for the coldest temp, the race to reach liquid helium first.

Here we are helping each other (for the most part) in the race to OU.   As seen historically -- we may anticipate a few surprises along the path! 
--Steve (PS -- more of interest here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10773.msg288732#msg288732 )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 29, 2011, 04:52:06 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 28, 2011, 06:58:18 PM

where in your circuit do you measure exactly the green and the yellow waveform ?
Could you please explain it in more detail please ?

Do you also have a video of your motor already ?

Many thanks in advance.

@Clanzer :
Fantastic build ! Well done !

Looking forward to see the first run tests.

@Woopy ( Laurent)

Could you please post a new video with many scopeshots across
the parts, so we can have a look into your device what is going on ?
Why is the voltage of one coilpair much bigger in your
device than the other coilpairs ?

I would first optimize for one coilpair output and find there the optimal
output so you know the distances of the rotor versus stator and versus
stator magnets and washers, etc.. and only then switch in the other
As Romero said, it took him almost one month to finetune
this thing, so you have to have a lot of patience.

Also a Gaussmeter would probably help very much to see,
where you are in your BH curve working point inside the airgaps.

So it is great that Clanzer made all the coils reverse switchable to
see, how they will behave with a different polarity.

Good luck.

Regards, Stefan.

Hello  hartiberlin

here is the explanation of my wave forms.
I was ask to explain the wave form and schematic below you will see
My Muller drives circuit.

I use a micro processor to control every aspect of the Muller motor drive system.

By controlling the frequency and the duty cycle and the number of pulses per trigger even
I can control current flow RPM and timing. I can break the motor if it gets to fast. Speed it up. I do not need to touch the Hall sensor once it is locked into place. 

Here are some of the specs.

Output Voltage.    75 volts
RPM                     2300
Pulse per trigger event     2 
Duty Cycle    476 uSec
PWM            527  uSec

Change any of the parameters and you can control the motor right down to the last
Volt and amp.

you can also see a six pulse drive. The advantages in this are many.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on May 29, 2011, 05:08:12 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 29, 2011, 04:52:06 AM

Hello  hartiberlin

here is the explanation of my wave forms.
I was ask to explain the wave form and schematic below you will see
My Muller drives circuit.

I use a micro processor to control every aspect of the Muller motor drive system.

By controlling the frequency and the duty cycle and the number of pulses per trigger even
I can control current flow RPM and timing. I can break the motor if it gets to fast. Speed it up. I do not need to touch the Hall sensor once it is locked into place. 

Here are some of the specs.

Output Voltage.    75 volts
RPM                     2300
Pulse per trigger event     2 
Duty Cycle    476 uSec
PWM            527  uSec

Change any of the parameters and you can control the motor right down to the last
Volt and amp.

you can also see a six pulse drive. The advantages in this are many.

In the 2 pulse circuit, anyone else notice the "ringing" right after the second pulse, that is a heck of a lot longer series of pulses
that could be rectified, fairly high frequency too.  Just thinking.  Nice Microprocessor drive circuit!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 29, 2011, 07:26:04 AM
Quote from: k4zep on May 29, 2011, 05:08:12 AM
In the 2 pulse circuit, anyone else notice the "ringing" right after the second pulse, that is a heck of a lot longer series of pulses
that could be rectified, fairly high frequency too.  Just thinking.  Nice Microprocessor drive circuit!!!!!!!


too your comment about fairly high frequency too.

the magnets I have in the drive coils are suffering from induction coil heating. I pulled the magnet out today to test it with a bigger one and it was hot.
the problem is of course they demagnetize with heat.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 29, 2011, 07:33:00 AM
So it appears that Milehigh got in through the back door . His comments , quoted by Hartiberlin give valuable information from a conventional physics perspective . However , consider this . The Royal Society held an annual general meeting , about the year 1890 .
The Chairman proposed a motion that the Royal Society be disbanded on the grounds that all the important discoveries in science had been made . and that there was nothing new to discover . That was before television , radio , the airplane , the list is endless .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 29, 2011, 07:38:27 AM
Quote from: callanan on May 29, 2011, 12:58:17 AM
It's not to hard to DO SOMETHING...


Hi Ossie,

Thank you for showing this really simple setup to start going.
Maybe you wish to continue...  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 29, 2011, 07:42:25 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 29, 2011, 07:33:00 AM
So it appears that Milehigh got in through the back door . His comments , quoted by Hartiberlin give valuable information from a conventional physics perspective . However , consider this . The Royal Society held an annual general meeting , about the year 1890 .
The Chairman proposed a motion that the Royal Society be disbanded on the grounds that all the important discoveries in science had been made . and that there was nothing new to discover . That was before television , radio , the airplane , the list is endless .


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on May 29, 2011, 08:00:26 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 29, 2011, 07:26:04 AM
the magnets I have in the drive coils are suffering from induction coil heating. I pulled the magnet out today to test it with a bigger one and it was hot.
the problem is of course they demagnetize with heat.

Hot you say! Not good

Would that be to do with the nickel/copper/nickel coating nearly all Neo's have?


The arrogance of Man is frightening sometimes.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 29, 2011, 08:07:47 AM
Heat is no good.  I have soldered neos and destroyed them.  I am not sure what the Curie temp. is for them but, it is not all that hot.  Lower than my soldering iron with a few seconds of contact.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on May 29, 2011, 08:51:38 AM
Curie Temperature and Max. Operating Temperature are bit different things  ::)
for example: http://www.magnaworkstechnology.com/sintered_neodymium.shtml
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 29, 2011, 09:46:20 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 29, 2011, 07:26:04 AM
too your comment about fairly high frequency too.

the magnets I have in the drive coils are suffering from induction coil heating. I pulled the magnet out today to test it with a bigger one and it was hot.
the problem is of course they demagnetize with heat.

Magnets in the drive coil?

I don't get it why do you have magnets in your drive coil? Are you talking about the ferrite rods in the center of the coil or the magnets on top of coils which should be separated by a washer and a plastic shim I could not see these getting to hot really when I think about it but I could be wrong and if they are might I suggest using a simple heat sync to disperse some of the excess heat. I am sure there is a way around any heat issues we may encounter with this device.

While I do recall romeroUK talking about heat issues of his own I think they could likely be overcame by energy free means if we exercise a little creative thinking....

By the way callhan or callnan errr I forget sorry ...

Is that a DC 12v fan that you are trying to use? Very cheap very small scale I love it its genius reminds me much of what Excommon would do when trying to attempt builds I am kinda shocked that he has not reared his head at all in this thread I was looking for a build idea like this for a cheap small scale testbed and I think you found it great job!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 29, 2011, 09:57:00 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 29, 2011, 07:26:04 AMthe magnets I have in the drive coils are suffering from induction coil heating. I pulled the magnet out today to test it with a bigger one and it was hot. the problem is of course they demagnetize with heat.

Finally someone noticed :D

Actually demagetizing is not the biggest problem with that.
In my mind biggest problem is that the damn NEO IS MADE FROM HIGHLY CONDUCTIVE MATERIAL in mass.
Now think extreme eddy currents and what the efficency of the system would be if magnet was not conductive.

With i_ron's latest developments with ultra high output coils one way would be substituting neos
with non conducting ferrite magnets and eliminate those losses while still having reasonable output.

Here are people capable of calculations. Could you make a rough estimate how much
energy burns there? I guess a lot because it takes lots of energy to heat aircooled neo in such system,
especially if system is as efficent as toranarod's is.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 29, 2011, 10:31:08 AM
Quote from: callanan on May 29, 2011, 12:58:17 AM
It's not to hard to DO SOMETHING...


Excellent idea! great build, thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 29, 2011, 10:36:27 AM
@toranarod . Looking at Romero`s videos we do not see magnets on top of the drive coils ,or inside the drive coils .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 29, 2011, 10:41:20 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on May 28, 2011, 06:58:18 PM
Good luck.

Regards, Stefan.


There is a readability problem when people post over size photos.

Page 149, for example is a pain as you have to scroll twice the page width to read all of the posts.

Would it be possible to automatically not accept photos over 800 X 600?
or at least post a notice that photos should be 800 x 600 or under?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 29, 2011, 10:55:52 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on May 29, 2011, 09:57:00 AM
With i_ron's latest developments with ultra high output coils one way would be substituting neos
with non conducting ferrite magnets and eliminate those losses while still having reasonable output.

Thanks for the acknowledgement!

Just a further report on that... I wound a second one with Litz wire (monitor salvage) and the output was not as good, only 4.68 watts.

However the two coils together, in series, produce 15 watts. (1.5 mm gap)

Nu math, 5 + 5 = 15.... go figure, lol

But in reply to ZF's 1/4" gap suggestion, at 1/4" the out put (for one coil) was 1/2 a watt.  So it might 'skate' on by but the output will be seriously compromised.

However with high output coils, this allows me to open up the gap (3mm) use a 100 ohm (from 20 ohm) load resistor and, discounting the RV drive motor draw for a moment, realize in/out numbers close to 1:1.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on May 29, 2011, 12:49:50 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 29, 2011, 10:36:27 AM
@toranarod . Looking at Romero`s videos we do not see magnets on top of the drive coils ,or inside the drive coils .

Toranarod has demonstrated that coil core magnets increase output over the Muller design. Orthodox criticisem of innovative improvement has questionable worth.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 29, 2011, 12:58:07 PM

are you running your motor just with drive coils and no pickup coils ?

If not, do you also have scopeshots of your pickup coils WITH and WITHOUT the
cap after the bridge and a load resistor across them ?

Many thanks.

P.S: A video showing your motor would be also good to see...

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 29, 2011, 02:34:34 PM
@Synchro1 . My intention was not to criticise , I just thought toranarod may have missed this .
Look at reply2193 page147 by toranarod .Look at the scope shot . The green line shows that as the coil is passed by a rotor magnet , we get a positive half cycle followed by a negative one and another positive one . However notice that as the coil waits for the next magnet we get a long negative half cycle . Judged by area , this is a significant amount of energy . What this says to me , is that whilst a test rig with one coil can be useful it will not show the whole picture .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 29, 2011, 03:17:58 PM
I am in the process of trying to replicate some of Romero`s earlier work , but still relevant here .I need to be able to control the drive coil of a rotor using an opto isolator type circuit .The device I favour is the SY-CR102 . This works by reflected light , so borrowing an idea from nul-points . one can trigger the drive by sticking bits of reflective tape on the rotor .My problem is that I need the photo transistor to trigger the base of an output transistor , perhaps a 2N3055 [npn] . Could anyone come up with a simple circuit to do this please?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 29, 2011, 03:52:34 PM
Rectifier plates in place.

Just a few more wires to run and then mount the switching plates.

Got a extra day off in the UK this weekend, so should have it running tomorrow and will do a video.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on May 29, 2011, 03:54:20 PM
My replication:
Romero`s device in accordance with 1.5 times magnification,
Rotor, Magnets, coils and core size of 1.5 times the simultaneous amplification, Rotor diameter 300mm, Magnet diameter 30mm, 15mm high.
Strands wire use 0.18x10
Use of ceramic bearings and amorphous core.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 29, 2011, 04:02:21 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 29, 2011, 03:52:34 PM
Rectifier plates in place.

Just a few more wires to run and then mount the switching plates.

Got a extra day off in the UK this weekend, so should have it running tomorrow and will do a video.

Wow! you are a master builder. Awesome stuff! Looking forward to your results. Thanks for sharing.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 29, 2011, 04:07:57 PM
Quote from: Arthurs on May 29, 2011, 03:54:20 PM
My replication:
Romero`s device in accordance with 1.5 times magnification,
Strands wire use 0.18x10
Use of ceramic bearings and amorphous core.

Really nice build Arthurs, look forward to seeing it run.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on May 29, 2011, 04:25:37 PM

Nice build - How did you make the inset for the coil placement??
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chessnyt on May 29, 2011, 04:32:38 PM
Quote from: Arthurs on May 29, 2011, 03:54:20 PM
My replication:
Romero`s device in accordance with 1.5 times magnification,
Strands wire use 0.18x10
Use of ceramic bearings and amorphous core.

I am very impressed with your build!  You do great work!!!  I am looking forward to your video as well, Arthurs.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 29, 2011, 04:41:02 PM
@Arthurs: congrats, really nice start. I know it's probably just me, but just maybe Muller had a point stating to remove as much metalic as possible pieces in the generator to reduce unwanted eddy currents appearing in random parts.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on May 29, 2011, 05:16:38 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 29, 2011, 04:07:57 PM
Really nice build Arthurs, look forward to seeing it run.


Hi Sean:
You are my role model, Very looking forward to your progress.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 29, 2011, 05:38:02 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 29, 2011, 03:17:58 PM
Could anyone come up with a simple circuit to do this please?

hi neptune

i've emailed a sample schematic with an outline of how to customise values to suit

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 29, 2011, 06:09:59 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 29, 2011, 10:36:27 AM
@toranarod . Looking at Romero`s videos we do not see magnets on top of the drive coils ,or inside the drive coils .

Hello neptune

you are correct I was just trying different things. my ferrite cores are 10mm and I had some 10 mm rod magnets they fitted nicely inside the core hole in the bobbin. I was something I was trying out of interest. just noticed they where heating up. had never come across this before.

going back to the washers and magnets on top today.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 29, 2011, 07:10:59 PM
Video Part 1

More tomorrow


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on May 29, 2011, 07:24:10 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 29, 2011, 03:52:34 PM
Rectifier plates in place.

Just a few more wires to run and then mount the switching plates.

Got a extra day off in the UK this weekend, so should have it running tomorrow and will do a video.


This is your best ever.... You must believe in this design!!!!

One thing I have always wondered about this design is if it would be better that the motor driver coils be separately adjustable with respect to adjusting distance to the rotor with the generator pickup coils?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on May 29, 2011, 07:54:22 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 29, 2011, 07:10:59 PM
Video Part 1

More tomorrow



If anyone in interested, I have built a few simple Excel Spreadsheets to help with documentation. Maybe if those building Motors want to use the SpreadSheets and repost with data?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on May 29, 2011, 07:55:30 PM
Quote from: hyiq on May 29, 2011, 07:54:22 PM

If anyone in interested, I have built a few simple Excel Spreadsheets to help with documentation. Maybe if those building Motors want to use the SpreadSheets and repost with data?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 29, 2011, 08:10:07 PM
Clanzer is almost there!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcL-EeIeG6s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcL-EeIeG6s)

Talk about beautiful work this guy has got a knack for this stuff I know when he sets up his custom milling I will be ordering from him a time or two.

Great work Clanzer! The whole community really benefits from your hard work and I cannot say myself how many times you have made fine builds to try to prove or disprove a technology. Dunno how else to do it so I will say it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on May 29, 2011, 09:48:59 PM

It will be interesting to see how the rotor magnets spinning at 2700+ RPMs affect the wiring you have in the channels  parallel to the rotating magnets.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 29, 2011, 11:50:39 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 29, 2011, 10:55:52 AM
Thanks for the acknowledgement!

Just a further report on that... I wound a second one with Litz wire (monitor salvage) and the output was not as good, only 4.68 watts.

However the two coils together, in series, produce 15 watts. (1.5 mm gap)

Nu math, 5 + 5 = 15.... go figure, lol

But in reply to ZF's 1/4" gap suggestion, at 1/4" the out put (for one coil) was 1/2 a watt.  So it might 'skate' on by but the output will be seriously compromised.

However with high output coils, this allows me to open up the gap (3mm) use a 100 ohm (from 20 ohm) load resistor and, discounting the RV drive motor draw for a moment, realize in/out numbers close to 1:1.

My highlight to quote above.

As always, Ron, it's good to see your builds and read your results.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 30, 2011, 01:07:49 AM
Quote from: duff on May 29, 2011, 09:48:59 PM

It will be interesting to see how the rotor magnets spinning at 2700+ RPMs affect the wiring you have in the channels  parallel to the rotating magnets.

Likely little to no effect will be observed beyond what romeroUK would have observed I presume due to the thickness of his stator plates top and bottom I believe this would be a non issue if you observe romerouk's thickness vs clanzers he even went as far as to etch the washers down far enough to where they were in spec with the distance of romerouk's device so I believe this is a fairly concrete replication and if it does not work there are adjustments and a few additional things to try but beyond that I would personally consider it near debunked.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nexuses on May 30, 2011, 01:17:22 AM
Greetings from an interested onlooker!

A acquaintance of mine is a very experienced electrical engineer with a broad knowledge in many other areas including physics. If I point him at unusual material on the internet that challenges his views of the universe, I usually get back short blunt "explanations". He always, however, remains open to the possibilities and would be happy to be off petroleum! So I keep sending them.

I sent him romeroUK's videos, pdf and the article written Sterling Allen and Hank Mills.

This was his reply, a distinct improvement from the usual..

"If this works I suspect that it's not 'free' energy.... I suspect that it's working from the earth's motion (Coriolis effect) somehow. Meaning that if lots of people made these things, it would start to slow the earth's rotation. Not sure I'd want to be responsible for that! Someone should do the physics.

Please ask them to do load tests with the Muller unit oriented as follows:

1) Horizontally (as per the original Romero configuration)
2) Exactly as per (1) except 180 degrees inverted
3) 90degrees (Vertically oriented plane of rotation) with the Muller axis pointing geographic SOUTH
4) As per (3) with the Muller axis pointing geographic NORTH
5) As per (3) with with the Muller axis pointing geographic EAST
6) As per (3) with with the Muller axis pointing geographic WEST
7) Repeat (1)..(6) with the generator rotating in the reverse direction.
8) If you compare an AUSTRALIAN replication with a UK replication then there should be some kind of direct or inverse correlation in the way power output varies.

If this is the Coriolis effect, there should be significant changes in power in the different orientations.

For example, it may fail to 'start' when vertical.
It's a relatively straightforward test to perform and would be really interesting.
If this is the Coriolis effect then the generator will be taking energy out of the earth's spin.

If somebody near the equator has one they should get a markedly different power output.... maybe someone could fly to Indonesia or something?

Of course...if there's anyone with enough resources...take one of them up into space and see if it still works....maybe give one to Virgin Galactic?"

Well, that was the best response ever.
;D  Thanks for that guys!

All jokes aside, it was a serious request from hard core electrical engineer.

If the replications go well (and we all hope they do) then at some point
"somebody should do the physics". That will definitely help the up-scaling process.
That is what comes next.

If there are two very similar performing builds in different hemispheres
that would be a good enough starting point. Hopefully a few weeks
will see us all in that place.

My best wishes to all the replicators!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on May 30, 2011, 01:24:23 AM
Quote from: infringer on May 30, 2011, 01:07:49 AM
Likely little to no effect will be observed beyond what romeroUK would have observed I presume due to the thickness of his stator plates top and bottom I believe this would be a non issue if you observe romerouk's thickness vs clanzers he even went as far as to etch the washers down far enough to where they were in spec with the distance of romerouk's device so I believe this is a fairly concrete replication and if it does not work there are adjustments and a few additional things to try but beyond that I would personally consider it near debunked.

Debunked by just one failed replication when there is no way to verify that the replication is close enough? We don't even know the permeability parameter of the ferrite core in Romero's build.

No real success does not take patience and a lot of failed trials.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on May 30, 2011, 03:55:01 AM
Hi. I'm on this as well, I'm just a little short of money for the components so it goes slow. I would like to put some thoughts on the matter.
From what I know RomeroUK had been working for a while with coil shorting and in my opinion it is somehow incorporated in his design.
From recent disclosure of Ismael Aviso coil shorting technique as the main overunity factor I think it must be true and if not, some of You builders must try this.

So the generator coils should be 'open circuits' until a magnet reaches TDC, then you short the coil for a fraction of second and you open it again and then collect BEMF.  The coils should be wound bifilar, in series (Tesla) because such winding has much bigger energy capacity in comparison to a standard coil. In coil shorting it will be far superior as it is in a sense a coilpacitor of sorts. So for those of you using Litz wire it is just a matter of doing some soldering and proper timing.

I think Romero might be using those tiny magnets for timing of this process...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaY17NeK_I (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaY17NeK_I)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on May 30, 2011, 04:29:11 AM
Coriolis effect ? Isn't that so small / slow that it should be invisible to an 1000 RPM motor ? Slowing down the earth rotation ? Thanks god the mass of gases (atmosphere) did not do that over a few thousand years due to inertia ( or it did ? ).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on May 30, 2011, 05:16:07 AM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on May 30, 2011, 03:55:01 AM
From what I know RomeroUK had been working for a while with coil shorting and in my opinion it is somehow incorporated in his design.
I think Romero might be using those tiny magnets for timing of this process...

hi kEhYo77

it's true that Coil Shorting was one of Romero's main experimental interests just up to, and around the time of building his Muller replication

he did mention on his forum that he was intending to include coil shorting in the Muller rep

however, soon after he presented his preliminary results (April 03, iirc) and photos of his Muller build, his friend commented that there was no coil shorting included and Romero did not say his friend was mistaken (although he corrected his friend about some other statements which he felt were incorrect)

it is also evident that the Muller rep. device he used for his preliminary results at the beginning of April was unchanged from the device he presented here and in his videos, at the beginning of May (including the stator magnets on 5 generator coil positions)

the generator coils connect directly to the 7 FWBRs and these are parallel-connected into the buffer cap - no switching

the small magnets at the side of the rotor are only used to trigger one of the drive coils

i agree that later it might be worth trying to add coil shorting techniques to this build - but first it is important to see if we can replicate what Romero presented, before we start changing the target

good luck with your build!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 30, 2011, 06:11:05 AM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 29, 2011, 07:10:59 PM
Video Part 1

More tomorrow


hello CLaNZer

very nice Video
I am really looking forward to your results

you are still using the 120 turn coils. I would like to know what there voltage out put will be.
Can you get an inductance reading of the coils with in the magnetic field and out side the magnetic  field

are you going to wind coils to 300 turns 7 x .125 I measure an inductance of .9 mH  on the ones I have wound

I was able to get the out put voltage to 160 volts today by adding a capacitor of the correct value to create an LC tank circuit. this was interesting because
as you know the resonance changes as the magnets pass the coil.

What ever you max RPM is I would like to know your frequency out put. I understand this can already be determined but I would like to see what you come up with. I have observed an anomaly with this.

One more question in all your experience Have you ever seen OU in person in front of you? 
I ask this of many inventors who have built lots of devices. most of the time I never get an answer.


OH yes the soldering I was over that.LOL

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 30, 2011, 08:24:43 AM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on May 30, 2011, 03:55:01 AM
Hi. I'm on this as well, I'm just a little short of money for the components so it goes slow. I would like to put some thoughts on the matter.
From what I know RomeroUK had been working for a while with coil shorting and in my opinion it is somehow incorporated in his design.
From recent disclosure of Ismael Aviso coil shorting technique as the main overunity factor I think it must be true and if not, some of You builders must try this.

So the generator coils should be 'open circuits' until a magnet reaches TDC, then you short the coil for a fraction of second and you open it again and then collect BEMF.  The coils should be wound bifilar, in series (Tesla) because such winding has much bigger energy capacity in comparison to a standard coil. In coil shorting it will be far superior as it is in a sense a coilpacitor of sorts. So for those of you using Litz wire it is just a matter of doing some soldering and proper timing.

I think Romero might be using those tiny magnets for timing of this process...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaY17NeK_I (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaY17NeK_I)

So the generator coils should be 'open circuits' until a magnet reaches TDC, then you short the coil for a fraction of second and you open it again and then collect BEMF.

This is important information. I have observed this.
thank for your Post  How do you know this is correct? have you tried to test this?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 30, 2011, 09:20:45 AM
@Toranarad . If you have not already done so , read the first 4 pages of the thread "Shorting coil gives back more power " by Romerouk .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on May 30, 2011, 10:07:56 AM
Rotor disk and magnet thickness:

The rotor disk that RomeroUK used was made up of (4) disks that were each 3mm thick.  So the total thickness was 12mm.  (Please note that in a clarifying post RomeroUK got his units of cm and mm mixed up a bit.)

RomeroUK originally stated that the rotor magnets were 10mm thick.  But this did not appear to be correct per the videos since we can see that the magnets are thicker than the rotor disk.  When asked about this discrepancy, I believe RomeroUK said something about maybe he had added some 5mm thick magnets that he also had on hand (he couldn't exactly remember).  I believe that he did double up magnets and the correct thickness of the rotor magnets is 15mm:  (1) 10mm thick magnet + (1) 5mm thick magnet. Or maybe even (3) 5mm thick magnets.

While this difference is small in dimensions and may not change the magnetic field strengths much at all, it would have a huge affect in the mass and therefore rotational inertia of the spinning rotor.

The replication documents say the magnets are only 10mm thick.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 30, 2011, 12:46:50 PM
Quote from: nexuses on May 30, 2011, 01:17:22 AM
Greetings from an interested onlooker!

A acquaintance of mine is a very experienced electrical engineer with a broad knowledge in many other areas including physics. If I point him at unusual material on the internet that challenges his views of the universe, I usually get back short blunt "explanations". He always, however, remains open to the possibilities and would be happy to be off petroleum! So I keep sending them.

I sent him romeroUK's videos, pdf and the article written Sterling Allen and Hank Mills.

This was his reply, a distinct improvement from the usual..

"If this works I suspect that it's not 'free' energy.... I suspect that it's working from the earth's motion (Coriolis effect) somehow. Meaning that if lots of people made these things, it would start to slow the earth's rotation. Not sure I'd want to be responsible for that! Someone should do the physics.

If the replications go well (and we all hope they do) then at some point
"somebody should do the physics". That will definitely help the up-scaling process.
That is what comes next.

Greetings, nexus.  Perhaps I can help in doing the physics, since I'm an Emeritus Professor of Physics myself! with publications in Scientific American, Nature, Physical Review Letters, etc.   
http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/  is my web site.
Not trying to brag, at all-- I have a lot to be humble about  ;)   I agree with you and your friend regarding the next step "do the physics"! 

I would very much like to contribute to the physics understanding, once a device is demonstrated. Understanding the physics should indeed help in "scaling up" and I share in these goals.
I also offer to help with power/energy measurements, as needed.  I retired early and I'm very interested in freedom energy.  Some comments regarding "Dark Energy" later...

--Dr. Steven Jones
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 30, 2011, 12:48:21 PM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on May 30, 2011, 03:55:01 AM
Hi. I'm on this as well, I'm just a little short of money for the components so it goes slow. I would like to put some thoughts on the matter.
From what I know RomeroUK had been working for a while with coil shorting and in my opinion it is somehow incorporated in his design.
From recent disclosure of Ismael Aviso coil shorting technique as the main overunity factor I think it must be true and if not, some of You builders must try this.

So the generator coils should be 'open circuits' until a magnet reaches TDC, then you short the coil for a fraction of second and you open it again and then collect BEMF.  The coils should be wound bifilar, in series (Tesla) because such winding has much bigger energy capacity in comparison to a standard coil. In coil shorting it will be far superior as it is in a sense a coilpacitor of sorts. So for those of you using Litz wire it is just a matter of doing some soldering and proper timing.

I think Romero might be using those tiny magnets for timing of this process...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaY17NeK_I (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaY17NeK_I)

Many theories about how it works but I think this video shows the effect we need to create a selfrunner.
Any body knows what circuit he used in this video? I don't see shortening the coil for a fraction of a second but just shortening the coil continuously and the speed increases!

@CLaNZeR, very nice build, I can't wait to see it run. Maybe you know what circuit Romerouk used in the video?

Good to see so many people replicating.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: The Observer on May 30, 2011, 01:09:18 PM

Thank you for your post.

You say your friend says...
QuoteIf this works I suspect that it's not 'free' energy....
I suspect that it's working from the earth's motion (Coriolis effect) somehow.
Meaning that if lots of people made these things, it would start to slow the earth's rotation.
Not sure I'd want to be responsible for that!
Someone should do the physics.

You can tell him that there is no such thing as an Overunity Device.
There are however, Unrecognized Sources of Energy.. that I term as USEs.

In the case of the Muller Dynamo,
the Unrecognized Source of Energy is that of Unpaired Electrons Present in Ferro Magnetic materials.
These Electrons Move without being hooked up to a voltage potential that was "paid for."

It turns out that Soft  FerroMagnetic Materials can amplify the magnetic field of a coil by 1000 to 1,000,000 times.
This is without using any extra current !
This parameter is called Magnetic Permeability.

The reason that a FerroMagentic Material can do this is because it is composed of freely rotating Atomic sized Magnetic Dipoles.
These dipoles randomly orient themselves in the absence of an external magnetic field.
However, when in the presence of an external field, THEY LINE UP AND ADD TO THE EXTERNAL FIELD.
--- THUS AMPLIFYING THE EXTERNAL FIELD. --- (effectively 1000's of times amplification !!!!!)

...see diagram below...

Forrmula for a Magnetic Field inside a Coil.

                                                            B = (μ0 * μr * N * i) / l    -->    B =   Î¼r * (μ0 * N * i) / l
                                                    - μ0, N, i and L are constants for any given coil with a constant current.
                                                   - μr is the Magnetic Permeability of the material within the solenoid.
                                                   - (99.9 % of all substances have a  μr ~ 1,      Ferros have a μr  ~ 500 to 1 Million)

There is no way this motor would work if it were composed of just coils to produce the magnetic fields.
You need the FREE UNPAIRED ELECTRON SPIN present in the Magnets and Cores for this to work.

If your friend wants to contemplate the earth slowing down,
I would ask him to consider the amount of work tides do on the earth... without the moon moving closer or the earth slowing down !

Best Regards,
                  The Observer
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on May 30, 2011, 01:11:54 PM
I cant agree with this statement from the so called EE.

"If this works I suspect that it's not 'free' energy.... I suspect that it's working from the earth's motion (Coriolis effect) somehow. Meaning that if lots of people made these things, it would start to slow the earth's rotation. Not sure I'd want to be responsible for that! Someone should do the physics.

Romero had shown that it works vetical, horizontal, and swinging on a string, this way and that way.  Its funny how some come to seemingly solid conclusions at a glance.

I have faith in Prof  here to find some truth in it all.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 30, 2011, 01:20:24 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on May 30, 2011, 01:11:54 PM
I cant agree with this statement from the so called EE.

"If this works I suspect that it's not 'free' energy.... I suspect that it's working from the earth's motion (Coriolis effect) somehow. Meaning that if lots of people made these things, it would start to slow the earth's rotation. Not sure I'd want to be responsible for that! Someone should do the physics.

Romero had shown that it works vetical, horizontal, and swinging on a string, this way and that way.  Its funny how some come to seemingly solid conclusions at a glance.

I have faith in Prof  here to find some truth in it all.  ;]


Thanks, Mags -- we're in this together.

I agree it's not the Coriolis effect involved here. (!)
A brief comment on a possible source of anomalous energy that we know very little about (except for its existence)  -- from a NASA website:

"What Is Dark Energy?

More is unknown than is known. We know how much dark energy there is because we know how it affects the Universe's expansion. Other than that, it is a complete mystery. But it is an important mystery. It turns out that roughly 70% of the Universe is dark energy.
Dark matter makes up about 25%. The rest - everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the Universe. Come to think of it, maybe it shouldn't be called "normal" matter at all, since it is such a small fraction of the Universe. "...

"Another explanation for dark energy is that it is a new kind of dynamical energy fluid or field, something that fills all of space but something whose effect on the expansion of the Universe is the opposite of that of matter and normal energy. Some theorists have named this "quintessence," after the fifth element of the Greek philosophers. But, if quintessence is the answer, we still don't know what it is like, what it interacts with, or why it exists. So the mystery continues. "

Read more:  http://science.nasa.gov/astrophysics/focus-areas/what-is-dark-energy/

Gosh, is it possible there is a source of energy we don't already know about?  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 30, 2011, 01:41:36 PM
What is up with that so called EE claiming it is not FREE energy when it runs closed loop?  Hello?  I guess it might be a semantics issue but really, no power in, power out....sounds like free energy to me.  How do we know there is power out?  Because it is running!!!

Some of these so-called experts really scare me.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 30, 2011, 02:03:12 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on May 30, 2011, 01:41:36 PM
What is up with that so called EE claiming it is not FREE energy when it runs closed loop?  Hello?  I guess it might be a semantics issue but really, no power in, power out....sounds like free energy to me.  How do we know there is power out?  Because it is running!!!

Some of these so-called experts really scare me.


I agree Bill. We seemed to have many 'experts' and their theories are enough to keep the Titanic afloat. Please keep your theories to yourself and start a new thread if you want, please don't junk this replication efforts. There is enough pages to make newbies swoon without more unnecessary stuff.

Mr. Moderator please delete the unnecessary expert theories! Thank you.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 30, 2011, 02:38:18 PM
But for now, taking a break after completing the wiring.

Just the Hall Sensors left to wire in and she is ready to go.

Both Drive circuits have switches to turn them off, this will allow me to tune each one individually and alter each Hall sensor to get the best position.

A few more pictures and will try and get all the test equipment out and do a Video tonight, but I am running out of time and it may have to wait till next weekend.

Variable wire wound 0-100 ohms Rheostat is connected to the bridge rectifiers. This will be used to place a load on the output.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 30, 2011, 02:40:56 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 30, 2011, 06:11:05 AMI was able to get the out put voltage to 160 volts today by adding a capacitor of the correct value to create an LC tank circuit. this was interesting because as you know the resonance changes as the magnets pass the coil.

Couple of days ago did the same. Output wattage increased 2x, but sadly the drag also. How was it in your case?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 30, 2011, 02:45:36 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 30, 2011, 08:24:43 AMSo the generator coils should be 'open circuits' until a magnet reaches TDC, then you short the coil for a fraction of second and you open it again and then collect BEMF. /.../ How do you know this is correct? have you tried to test this?

I have done it and observed absence of reaction to flyback spike collection. However there was reaction to shorting event. System was too crude to give exact numbers and efficency vs classical generator mode. But it was interesting enough to have 500V DC output from tiny generator running on 0.5V and 5mA :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 30, 2011, 02:53:51 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on May 30, 2011, 12:46:50 PMI would very much like to contribute to the physics understanding,

Hi, thanks for offering help. I think there is a problem with systems using neodymium magnets.
Toranarod reported heating of magnets blocked from aerodynamic cooling.
I think that all the magnets are in fact heating, both rotor and stator, but they have good
cooling and this goes unnoticed.

Reason for heating is the fact that neo magnets are made from highly conductive material,
not only their coating but magnets themselves.

So there are calculations needed how much power goes to eddy current loss in
these magnets (induced by stator coils under load, and mutual induction of
stator and rotor magnets).

Maybe someone having 90% efficiency is in reality crossed the border because for
example 20% burns in magnets.

Solution would be using good ferrite magnets. But if loss is too small then net result
will be negative from change (increased mass, decreased output).

Please help determining the loss percentage. Replicators could provide you with
the data (size of magnets, geometry, rpm, load wattage etc).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on May 30, 2011, 03:25:51 PM

There is outside influence on even the most closed of systems.

You could put this thing in a solid steel bunker and still easily observe the effects of gravity.

The higgs field is also present it seems.

And there is yet other undiscovered and theorized forces that I also believe are present that we are not aware of as well.

There are so many unknowns in science that I don't even understand how we could consider anything a law in science it is crazy we cant explain so much stuff yet we claim to have laws that always hold true and there is no way to violate a law such rubbish.

It is possible that an outside energy source could easily provide excess energy in a system that is properly configured to receive this energy weather this energy is observable or not and weather it is a "closed" and I use that term loosely or not. How could we not stay open to this possibility? We don't know everything people we don't !

To the person yelling at me for saying this is debunked if it don't work for clanzer notice that I did say there are a few things he could do and he could consider it almost debunked I guess I need to specify further for you almost debunked means that even with all his adjustments he cannot fully disprove this thing did not work. Everything on this forum that has been discussed has a good possibility that when missed something look at Bruce DePalma and the N machine everyone says no way yet there was an Indian guy who said he got 231% output from a replication that he made. The people that paid him to replicate the device told him to stop because the numbers were too high and seemed fictional ... Really if you want to get into it I believe in things being possible in general and in that good belief I have to believe also in the possibility of things being faked or things being presented in an improper manner leaving key elements out on purpose to protect the inventors knowledge of the working device.

Finally to address the guy saying something about it being driven by the earth what proofs do you have of things generating power from the earth via the effect you speak of show us some of these if possible also I would like to say that RomeroUK did do the suspended in air test and the thing seemed to stay running fairly well even on an angle it did not seem to purge or crap out... Maybe you should look into this video and see if you believe this is still a theoretical possibility.

I think it may be time for science to start sharpening there pencils and taking notes from the FE community. It is the largest field of open source information and one of the biggest pushes to understand more about science then we already know!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 30, 2011, 04:19:13 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 30, 2011, 02:38:18 PM
But for now, taking a break after completing the wiring.

Just the Hall Sensors left to wire in and she is ready to go.

Both Drive circuits have switches to turn them off, this will allow me to tune each one individually and alter each Hall sensor to get the best position.

A few more pictures and will try and get all the test equipment out and do a Video tonight, but I am running out of time and it may have to wait till next weekend.

Variable wire wound 0-100 ohms Rheostat is connected to the bridge rectifiers. This will be used to place a load on the output.

OMG I hope this works for you. We need it to.

It going to take weeks of testing and configuring to even get the smallest insight into what Romero was doing.

the more i work on this the more I see potential for more research. I am hoping somebody shouts out I have done it.
I fear if there is one replication already working they have decided not to post it on any forum. lets face it why would you.
look what happened to Romero.

to all replicators what are your best figures.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on May 30, 2011, 04:22:12 PM
Quote from: infringer on May 30, 2011, 03:25:51 PM

There is outside influence on even the most closed of systems.

I agree totally.  But, and again semantics may come into play here, to me, free energy is anything that I do not have to pay for.  I am not saying it is magic but, of course, there is an energy source or it would/could not work.  Maybe we know what that source is, maybe we don't but if it puts out more than required to run, that HAS to be free energy.  At least to me.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on May 30, 2011, 07:17:31 PM
Quick update.

Right now my rig is waiting on new bearings.  I did notice some very strange effects while tweaking this motor.  I will post a video showing the effects once my new bearings arrive.

Based on something that I just noticed on my smaller test rig I would like to suggest folks try connecting the drive coils in parallel.  Based on what I saw it may have a very positive effect.  I can not wait to get my new bearings.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 30, 2011, 07:23:03 PM
Okay it is alive, so second video


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on May 30, 2011, 07:24:05 PM
I went through all 152 pages to see if I could find some scope shots.
These are all the images that I found.

Page 94

Page 101

Page 111

Page 117

Page 121
Clanzers coils - really nice.

Page 134
Electrobaba comment on how lucky to get timing right.

Page 148

Page 152
Clanzers build all done. What a tremendous job well done.

But the question remains.

We know with one pick up coil and a mag rotor with alternating polarities will produce a nice sine wave.

But now you have one polarity of magnets per side of the rotor and both polarities pass simultaneously across two pick-up coils, one per side that are in series. So for me, the sine wave should be two sinewaves, one going up from the zero mark while the other is going down from the zero mark and both meet again at the zero mark, and so on. Would that be considered double AC. A standard FWBR will take the two and make one because the two sides happen one after the other. But what happens in a FWBR when it is supplied simultaneous AC that is off  by 180 degrees. Something seems wrong here. Is it possible that Romeros' rotor magnets were not placed all the same side but alternating field and he got it wrong. I don't know but something tells me there is something really weird about it. If that is not the case, then....

It seems to me that there must be a way to arrange the pick-up coil directions that are facing the magnets so you will only and always get a positive wave or a negative wave, hence no FWBR would be required, just a diode per pair.

I will repeat this other point again about drive coils. The drive coil has to be pulsed on the side that is closest the core. There is no point pulsing the other side of the drive coil because the impress will have to travel across all the winds to hit the core. The energy will be strongest at the pulse point and degrade as it enters the core so you will wind up having the least impress on the core if the pulse is not on the closest side to the core. Please make sure this is so, and if it goes against the polarity of the magnets then you HAVE TO FLIP THE COIL OVER and not just switch the wires. This is of the greatest importance at this initial stage.

Once your drive coils are working and the wheel is turning, then is the time to take each pick-up coil pair and test them one by one for polarity given the clockwise motion of the mag wheel.

But all in all there is some damn nice work going on here and some great new toys to play around with. @Clanzers' build includes all the ifs-ands-or buts that one would have to anticipate so good work. Now all you need is to match this build skill with some great patience, not jumping to quick conclusions because obviously with so many variables, some being pretty weird indeed, patience will be required.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 30, 2011, 07:25:29 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 30, 2011, 07:17:31 PM
Quick update.

Right now my rig is waiting on new bearings.  I did notice some very strange effects while tweaking this motor.  I will post a video showing the effects once my new bearings arrive.

Based on something that I just noticed on my smaller test rig I would like to suggest folks try connecting the drive coils in parallel.  Based on what I saw it may have a very positive effect.  I can not wait to get my new bearings.

@ lasersaber

I've been following your build and thank you for sharing. I'm at the stage where I have my rotor stated just around 3.5V and it runs fairly smoothly with one generator pair and one collector coil pair.
Don't have a tacho and don't know what rev/minute though. However, I can only get like 4V (straight forward diode bridge without additional parallel diodes) after the bridge at about 9V DC in. I see reports like yourself getting 16V output from one coil pair? Can you please confirm whether your 16V output is from (one generator pair and one collector pair) or from (one generator pair and seven collector pairs)?

What am I doing wrong if I'm only picking up like 4V? Any idea or suggestions? Thanks.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on May 30, 2011, 09:01:33 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 30, 2011, 07:23:03 PM
Okay it is alive, so second video


Very cool!  3000rpm!  Can't wait till next weekend to see the power in, power out readings.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on May 30, 2011, 09:01:52 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 30, 2011, 07:23:03 PM
Okay it is alive, so second video


Congratulations!  Good run, beautiful construction!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 30, 2011, 10:20:31 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on May 30, 2011, 07:17:31 PM
Quick update.

Right now my rig is waiting on new bearings.  I did notice some very strange effects while tweaking this motor.  I will post a video showing the effects once my new bearings arrive.

Based on something that I just noticed on my smaller test rig I would like to suggest folks try connecting the drive coils in parallel.  Based on what I saw it may have a very positive effect.  I can not wait to get my new bearings.

Thanks for the tip lasersaber as that sounds important.  I'll look forward to your info when the new bearings arrive.  Is that one drive circuit running 2 coils in parallel or 2 drive circuits running 2 in parallel ?  Running from one or two hall sensors ? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on May 30, 2011, 10:23:53 PM
Lots of great replications.
I am very impressed


Just wondering..... has anyone tried using the ferrite from flyback transformers for cores for these kinds of motors.... ?

I am not sure of the best way to cut them to length ....maybe a cutter designed for ceramic floor tile

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 30, 2011, 10:32:30 PM
Quote from: wattsup on May 30, 2011, 07:24:05 PM
Page 152
Clanzers build all done. What a tremendous job well done.


Yes that's a fantastic build Clanzer.  Zero wobble at 3K RPM.   Very nice! 
wattsup - I didn't see any magnets on the backside of the coils in Clanzer's unit so I had the impression he was not quite totally done with the mechanicals yet.  Did I miss them or is that yet to be installed in tuning?
Thanks for your summary of some important points here also.  I'm trying to think of a way to make the coils so they could easily be detached and flipped over if needed.  Possibly an open sided and open topped acrylic box with a nylon bolt through the sides to hold the coil in place? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on May 30, 2011, 10:38:33 PM
Quote from: i_ron on May 30, 2011, 09:01:52 PM
Congratulations!  Good run, beautiful construction!

Ditto....  Cheers
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on May 30, 2011, 11:38:48 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on May 30, 2011, 10:32:30 PM
Yes that's a fantastic build Clanzer.  Zero wobble at 3K RPM.   Very nice! 
wattsup - I didn't see any magnets on the backside of the coils in Clanzer's unit so I had the impression he was not quite totally done with the mechanicals yet.  Did I miss them or is that yet to be installed in tuning?
Thanks for your summary of some important points here also.  I'm trying to think of a way to make the coils so they could easily be detached and flipped over if needed.  Possibly an open sided and open topped acrylic box with a nylon bolt through the sides to hold the coil in place?

He has it ready for magnets.. he said that is what the washers are for.  Probably he'll put them on next weekend.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on May 31, 2011, 02:12:36 AM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 30, 2011, 07:23:03 PM
Okay it is alive, so second video


Let me ask you please how much you spent on that beast? For the benefit of others that want to build this would be interesting to get  final quality build cost including all sundry items. I  will also assume that most people only have access to a few basic tools so specialist cutting, milling and press drilling would have to be factored in.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on May 31, 2011, 02:31:03 AM
Okay it is alive, so second video


OMG... This is the sexier assembly i have ever seen all over the net. :)
I hope you get there soon enough.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on May 31, 2011, 02:31:16 AM
@CLaNZeR -- congratulations!  looking forward to your results (also Lasersaber and others).

  I would like to present part of your youtube video to others, including in a talk I have coming up in June -- if there are no objections.  I will speak very favorably of your work.  Pls let me know.  Again, I am very supportive of this research and "doing the physics" when the device is up and running. (Dr Jones)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 31, 2011, 03:10:55 AM
Quote from: baroutologos on May 31, 2011, 02:31:03 AM
OMG... This is the sexier assembly i have ever seen all over the net. :)
I hope you get there soon enough.

YEA!!! I HOPE SHE PUTS OUT :P :-*  :P :-*  :P :-* LOL
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 31, 2011, 04:44:58 AM
I was reading the coil shortening thread and this is a quote from Romerouk:

"I have tried a solid state switching but it is not working as the reed does.
I have discovered a new way to do the switching without the reed, it is with only one extra component
that  does the switching... it is amazing... I have to understand it a bit more then I will talk abut it more."

What extra component was he talking about?? I have read the whole thread but he doesn't mention it again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on May 31, 2011, 08:04:01 AM
Very well done. Looks like a real smooth drive without any wobbling.
Looking forward to your next weekends tests.

Let us please know more what you already have tested with your device(s) ?
Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on May 31, 2011, 08:29:51 AM
@scratchrobot . You are not the only one thinking about Romero`s switching method .Why not drop him a line care of Want Dynamo Bay ? And while you are at it ask about Penno . I dont have lot of luck with reed switches . Does anyone know if they are available in different sizes and current ratings ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on May 31, 2011, 08:44:36 AM
Quote from: neptune on May 31, 2011, 08:29:51 AMI dont have lot of luck with reed switches . Does anyone know if they are available in different sizes and current ratings ?

I started with small reed switches and they worked just brilliant - until burned. Reaching same performance on small system is impossible with solid state stuff. Record was that I had motor drive running on 0.1V and output was 500V directly from the gen windings. It tried to move to larger reeds but they are slower and do not work so good - and in the end burn also.

So finding something that does work as good as reed but does not burn would really breathe new life into this shorting business.

On thing he did was wind a coil directly on the reed, but it would not solve the problems entirely.

I remember strange comment from rom about output voltage of gen windings. If he was using some clever/hidden shorting method then really - output voltage would be not tied so directly to inductance or resistance of windings. But of course that's just a speculation.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on May 31, 2011, 08:55:13 AM
Maybe this has something to do with shortening coils at the right current moment instead of choosing the 'right' voltage moment.
I noticed most of you indicate to use the voltage curve and indicating the right moment of shortening is at peak voltage.

But, please remember that current and voltage are mostly out of phase, depending on the load, between 0 and 90 degrees, so not necessarily always 90 degrees.
Shortening of coils at the moment where current is crossing zero value is interesting to look into.
This means not always the peak of the voltage is the best moment, but probably in most cases somewhat earlier in time.

Remember: a coil holds energy equal to 0.5*L*I^2.
At my proposed switch moment when I^2 is zero (energy in the coils is momentary zero!), but there is still voltage over the coil.
But there will be less of a voltage spike over the (mechanical) switch when switching at I = 0 rather than I is not zero. The extra voltage spike that will be introduced when I is not zero is U=LdI/dt,  and since dI/dt is very large due to sudden current swich off, voltage peak will be much larger than the voltage over the coil at I = 0. The extra voltage spike causes wear and tear of e.g. reed switches.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on May 31, 2011, 09:26:53 AM
Hi everyone,

Concerning shorting of generator coils

I have found some years back that when you add a magnet between the contacts (switch) of a coil it seems to give it a Bigger Kick

Could it be possible that Romero was testing shorting of generator coils with reed switches but by accident one of his coils was shorting itself (at the ideal location with a magnetic spark gap) because of inferior or cracked wire varnish which could of made that coil work much better and much longer than the other coils using a reed switch.

Could it be this that Richard Willis (Magnacoaster) has also accidentally found ???

To all, please explore and experiment with this possibility

Please also share your findings as I am freely sharing.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on May 31, 2011, 12:12:50 PM
teslaalset Sorry mate, but I see this situation in a different light. Maybe because I see electric current a 'bit' more like this:
Electric current:
If we have a wire and we apply a voltage potential to its ends, at this moment conventionally understood current doesn't flow yet but the wire somehow emits a magnetic spike. The higher the voltage potential difference the stronger this effect gets. Tesla noticed this when in a power house an operator was closing the main switch to connect a big dynamo to a transmission line. At the exact moment of the switch closure  there always was a 'shock wave' coming out of the transmission line that could be sensed on the skin of people standing nearby. This Radiant Energy is responsible for magnetic field around a wire, not the flow of free electrons. So what could be happening inside the wire is this: The electric potential difference polarizes free electrons and valence electrons as well the same way a magnetic potential polarizes magnetic domains in a core. Spintronics says that an electron has N-S field an that it can rotate to align those magnetic spins to an outside flux field. So my thinking is that those valence electrons of copper atoms ar responsible for the strenght of magnetic field around a wire. The field created then acts on the free floating electrons making them move in direction of this magnetic vector.

So at the moment when on a generator coil we have the maximum potential difference, it is the best moment to do the shorting. The polarization vector is the strongest and it will cause the most of the free electrons to flow although with a delay...

This is how I visualize this situation in my mind. What do you guyz think about it?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minoly on May 31, 2011, 12:15:01 PM
found this shorting method as alternate to reed in my limited experiments it produced consistent results:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on May 31, 2011, 12:24:06 PM
Ismael Avisio talks about the importance of doing the shorting with a mosfet. He recommends the resistance Rds as low as one can go. 0,005 Ohm max for the effect to be effective. So the solution is to use few mosfets in parallel to get this low...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on May 31, 2011, 12:31:11 PM
Quote from: neptune on May 31, 2011, 08:29:51 AM
@scratchrobot . You are not the only one thinking about Romero`s switching method .Why not drop him a line care of Want Dynamo Bay ? And while you are at it ask about Penno . I dont have lot of luck with reed switches . Does anyone know if they are available in different sizes and current ratings ?
I wonder if he somehow figured out how to trigger a small relay without using a lot of current for it's coil.  Maybe instead of putting voltage on the coil it was induced so as to pull in the relay to do the shorting?  Just thinking out loud here and not sure if that's reasonable but if it was only one component more it fits in that way. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on May 31, 2011, 02:13:31 PM
Thanks for the kind words, but I am confused a little here.

Do people not listen to the sound in the video?

My email box is full of advise, full of crytics and full of people that even think what they see on the video is a self runner ???

So can we please get this straight.

That video was a test run, I had just spent 3 days finishing the Top Plate, Rotor, Axle and wiring it all up. It was getting on towards midnight and I wanted to do a test run and simply post a video showing it run.

It is not a self runner, there is a bloody big battery on the video and a current meter connected to it?
And yep it is a multimeter but it was not showing the voltage of 33 volts or even 600 volts like someone suggested, are some people mad??? Multimeters can do more than measure just voltage.

The Hall sensors are not on their adjusters and have no way been tuned to get the best performance as well as the best position so they pull minimum current on the lowest voltage I can get away with.

The washers are washers to mount the biasing magnets on, they are not ring magnets. This was a test run and after the rig is tuned (which it is not at the moment) then I will add the biasing magnets.

The Rheostat is more than man enough to be a test load, it is wire wound and rated at 25 watts.

So in simple terms if by some miracle the output coils do put out 12 Volts after being rectified and with a load on it, we could still pull over 2 amps.
If as I suspect we will be lucky to get 5 volts out then we are safe to pull upto 5 amps out.
Lets put it this way, if I managed to burn out the Rheostat I will be jumping for joy :)

I have used the switching circuit that Romero used, I am sure there are better switching circuits and I personaly would rather use mosfets rather than transistors as we then either have a full on or a full off as such.
But I am using the same circuit as Romero's because this is meant to be a replication.

The coils as I have stated from day one are not exactly the same as Romero's as I had 7x0.250 wire arrive instead of the 7x0.125.
I have stated since winding the coils that they are not the same, but I am going to try them for now and re-wind some new coils, when I get time.
I think I even pointed this out on one of the videos?

I agree you can use two current meters to measure in and out, but you are getting an average current out.
Using a scope will allow us to take one or a number of pulses, with the true voltage and true current being measured for the time of that pulse.
We can then plot that and get a true figure of power over time.
The same for the output measurement, we snapshot the same time frame measuring the voltage and current and simply do a VxI to get power and plot over the time frame.

There are other things, but enough bleeting from me, just please will people read the forums.

Again thanks for all the support and sorry if I have not answered all the emails and PM's. It bad enough trying to find time to replicate, let alone anything else and also normal life gets in the way  ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on May 31, 2011, 02:35:54 PM
That's what happened to Romero, he got way too much attention and even feared for the safety of his family, so he got out quickly.
I guess if you make it self-run they will want to have your babies and make you emperor of the universe.
Good luck with your testing,  the quality of your engineering is A1
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 31, 2011, 03:22:15 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on May 31, 2011, 02:13:31 PM
Thanks for the kind words, but I am confused a little here.

Do people not listen to the sound in the video?

My email box is full of advise, full of crytics and full of people that even think what they see on the video is a self runner ???

So can we please get this straight.

That video was a test run, I had just spent 3 days finishing the Top Plate, Rotor, Axle and wiring it all up. It was getting on towards midnight and I wanted to do a test run and simply post a video showing it run.

It is not a self runner, there is a bloody big battery on the video and a current meter connected to it?
And yep it is a multimeter but it was not showing the voltage of 33 volts or even 600 volts like someone suggested, are some people mad??? Multimeters can do more than measure just voltage.

The Hall sensors are not on their adjusters and have no way been tuned to get the best performance as well as the best position so they pull minimum current on the lowest voltage I can get away with.

The washers are washers to mount the biasing magnets on, they are not ring magnets. This was a test run and after the rig is tuned (which it is not at the moment) then I will add the biasing magnets.

The Rheostat is more than man enough to be a test load, it is wire wound and rated at 25 watts.

So in simple terms if by some miracle the output coils do put out 12 Volts after being rectified and with a load on it, we could still pull over 2 amps.
If as I suspect we will be lucky to get 5 volts out then we are safe to pull upto 5 amps out.
Lets put it this way, if I managed to burn out the Rheostat I will be jumping for joy :)

I have used the switching circuit that Romero used, I am sure there are better switching circuits and I personaly would rather use mosfets rather than transistors as we then either have a full on or a full off as such.
But I am using the same circuit as Romero's because this is meant to be a replication.

The coils as I have stated from day one are not exactly the same as Romero's as I had 7x0.250 wire arrive instead of the 7x0.125.
I have stated since winding the coils that they are not the same, but I am going to try them for now and re-wind some new coils, when I get time.
I think I even pointed this out on one of the videos?

I agree you can use two current meters to measure in and out, but you are getting an average current out.
Using a scope will allow us to take one or a number of pulses, with the true voltage and true current being measured for the time of that pulse.
We can then plot that and get a true figure of power over time.
The same for the output measurement, we snapshot the same time frame measuring the voltage and current and simply do a VxI to get power and plot over the time frame.

There are other things, but enough bleeting from me, just please will people read the forums.

Again thanks for all the support and sorry if I have not answered all the emails and PM's. It bad enough trying to find time to replicate, let alone anything else and also normal life gets in the way  ;D ;D ;D



Real nice job. Thank you. Just ignore those bloody stupid bums who can't read nor understand what you wrote and explained. Oh, also ignore that User2718218 who is a mile too high from reality. Looking forward to next week's episode.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 31, 2011, 05:08:16 PM
Quote from: powercat on May 31, 2011, 02:35:54 PM
That's what happened to Romero, he got way too much attention and even feared for the safety of his family, so he got out quickly.
I guess if you make it self-run they will want to have your babies and make you emperor of the universe.
Good luck with your testing,  the quality of your engineering is A1

Good point! What to do if it can run itself?

@Neptune, You are right :(
@GLaNZeR, Nice build, even if it will not run itself to me it's a piece of art  ;)

I'm experimenting with the coil shortening with reed switch but no success so far.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on May 31, 2011, 06:04:55 PM
Hi everybody

Romero sayd that the MOST IMPORTANT THING FIRST IS TO GET A GOOD GENERATOR  and not too much concentrate on the  driver.

The driver can be anything with good enough efficiency to be overcome by the GENERATOR POSSIBILITY.

So far i can see, Romero did not spoke of any shorting of the coils or in the generator or in the driver coils.

So please stay on topic .

We are searching  the aim of improving the GENERATOR possibility and probably with biasing magnet- or other means but not in a shorting of any coil ( so far i can see in the presented Romero's video )

And if you want to short the coils of the driver coils ,that is other and very interesting  threads to study this events.

So please lets stay on the basic problem here

How Romero seems to get a decrease in  INPUT AMPS when it adds a load on his system. ??

And of course the answer will surely not stand in conventional physic.  Very open solutions are available from  pure fake ( as Romero himself claimed ) to really amazing future ??

good luck at all


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on May 31, 2011, 06:36:36 PM
Quote from: woopy on May 31, 2011, 06:04:55 PM
Hi everybody

Romero sayd that the MOST IMPORTANT THING FIRST IS TO GET A GOOD GENERATOR  and not too much concentrate on the  driver.

The driver can be anything with good enough efficiency to be overcome by the GENERATOR POSSIBILITY.

So far i can see, Romero did not spoke of any shorting of the coils or in the generator or in the driver coils.

So please stay on topic .

We are searching  the aim of improving the GENERATOR possibility and probably with biasing magnet- or other means but not in a shorting of any coil ( so far i can see in the presented Romero's video )

And if you want to short the coils of the driver coils ,that is other and very interesting  threads to study this events.

So please lets stay on the basic problem here

How Romero seems to get a decrease in  INPUT AMPS when it adds a load on his system. ??

And of course the answer will surely not stand in conventional physic.  Very open solutions are available from  pure fake ( as Romero himself claimed ) to really amazing future ??

good luck at all


I brought this up because of that basic problem! In his coil shortening video he shorts a generator coil completely and the rotor speeds up and that is our problem. On the other hand he also says that this was an invention by muller, maybe a combination of events and then there is the tuning.

Maybe you are right and it has nothing to do with this device.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on May 31, 2011, 06:53:52 PM
Hello all
I have many measurements watts current
I will share all measurement. I need some time to put them into a comprehensive format.

I have run the motor on 1 coil and 2 coils. On 50 volts, 12 volts 24 volts.
collected back emf. tried PWM timing, tried diffident coils may types of magnets on top under neath.
have seen some amazing results watched it do things I did not expect. I will make a video very soon.
after watching  CLaNZeR video I could see the RPM and Currents and volts. It was a very similar sight.  The High currents at those voltages are a worry.
if output can pass input it doesn't matter.

It has something to do with phase shift under load. I moved the phase by few  degrease by adding capacitance. this increase the output voltage by 35%
but the timing is still an issue I need to construct more electronics to run more test on this subject.  I think pulling current out at this right moment will
be an interesting experiment.     

the other point is there are still many test to do and configurations to try. its not over by any means. I work on.

I would like to hear from others with there results. Not theory and conjecturer black and white
recoded information.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on May 31, 2011, 07:11:41 PM
Quote from: toranarod on May 31, 2011, 06:53:52 PM
Hello all
I have many measurements watts current
I will share all measurement. I need some time to put them into a comprehensive format.

I have run the motor on 1 coil and 2 coils. On 50 volts, 12 volts 24 volts.
collected back emf. tried PWM timing, tried diffident coils may types of magnets on top under neath.
have seen some amazing results watched it do things I did not expect. I will make a video very soon.
after watching  CLaNZeR video I could see the RPM and Currents and volts. It was a very similar sight.  The High currents at those voltages are a worry.
if output can pass input it doesn't matter.

It has something to do with phase shift under load. I moved the phase by few  degrease by adding capacitance. this increase the output voltage by 35%
but the timing is still an issue I need to construct more electronics to run more test on this subject.  I think pulling current out at this right moment will
be an interesting experiment.     

the other point is there are still many test to do and configurations to try. its not over by any means. I work on.

I would like to hear from others with there results. Not theory and conjecturer black and white
recoded information.


Hi Rod:
Thanks for sharing your results. Looking forward to your comprehensive data. btw, when you run with one generator and one pickup coil pair using one hall sensor, say at 12V input what voltage did you get out at the rectified output? Can you let me know. I'm just about wired to test the coil pairs and I need some points of reference.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on May 31, 2011, 08:40:52 PM
Just thought I would put in my opinion of what Romero might have been doing

The coil shorting video showed no extra parts.

Romeros email said he found one part that worked well for coil shorting.

After Romero left Stephan traced all the wires in his self run video and stated it looked authentic .......as I remember the only parts connected to output coils were bridges......modified bridges.

Could  a simple bridge be the part he talked about  in his email?

If I understand what goes on with a bridge....... it seems to me that it could be used to tune the overall impedance of the output.

If your coils are putting out 100 V and your bridge is connected to a 1.5 V battery you will have a very low impedance circuit.

If you connect the same bridge to a cap charged to 95 V you will have a very high impedance circuit

The bridge will act like an open switch until the pulse voltage passes the voltage on the output of the bridge......at that point any additional voltage will be "shorted" through the bridge

What I am saying is that the coil output voltage and the battery voltage have to be matched for best power transfer.



I forgot about the power supply he used to close the loop...
I thought he mentioned an input voltage but I do not remember what it was.
I do remember that the power supply was stepping down the voltage.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on May 31, 2011, 10:06:12 PM
Quote from: Loner on May 31, 2011, 09:48:17 PM
Resonanceman, That is a very good observation, and very correct, in theory.

This should show how "Tuning" must be matched to load, in order to get that "Switching" to occur correctly.  View the current through a diode to a cap from any "AC" or Pulsed DC source, and that situation becomes obvious.  This is where my "Fun" has been leading me, as I'm testing the coil arrangement without a moving rotor.  Far too confusing for me to make any definitive statements about what the heck is really going on.

To put it simply, "I don't know a thing!", Yet.  (Still working on it.   Paralleled diodes reduces the "Shorting Resistance", doesn't it?  How about reverse switching time?  See, lots to test, for me at least.)

With the excellent builds here, I am far too, well just say I can't begin to compete.  This prevents me from putting any of my garbage out for comparison.  I'll stick with MEG type work until someone proves anything either way.  (Yeah, I'm still caught up in building a "Replica", but am not nearly as far, nor near the quality of what's already here.   Fantastic work, guys.)


I cant compete with the building skills of most of the people here either...........but hopefully I can add a little insite  here or there.


My questions about why Romero did things the way he did  is leading me in another direction.....away from a Muller type motor
If I turn out to be right about a few things I may have to start a new thread.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on May 31, 2011, 10:10:35 PM
Resonanceman, The video DID show those extra parts for coil shorting hanging under the table... @ 3:16...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on May 31, 2011, 10:36:27 PM
Quote from: resonanceman

My questions about why Romero did things the way he did  is leading me in another direction.....away from a Muller type motor
If I turn out to be right about a few things I may have to start a new thread.

Just thought I would throw out there one of the questions I have been thinking about.

Romeros Muller motor is N N

Someone else here has an older Muller motor that is N S

A     N S rotor should be better for use as a generator .....but it prevents you from using the magnets to reduce the sticky spot.

WHat if you used a N S rotor and added 2 extra rotors ....(.also N S) and timed them so that the magnets on them would come into play AT the sticky point.?
It seems to me that if timing was also used the size of the magnets would not be as critical ........and it looks like it might  be possible with strong tuning magnets and stubby cores to actually switch the mode of the core from attraction to actually repelling a little bit.

The timing would be important....... the dwell time would be important too.
If you are running in attraction or repulsion mode you want the same mode until the magnet hits the center of the coil (top dead center )......at that point it needs to change modes
Romero used 1 magnet on the edge of the rotor.....it looked like about 1/4 inch ......to small in my opinion.....dwell time about half what I think would be right.
He also used one of his main rotor magnets to  trigger his other coil..... to much dwell time in my opinion........but together they averaged out .

I say the timing magnets should  be half your   rotor magnets diameter

This is just theory.........but it makes sense to me.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on May 31, 2011, 10:46:28 PM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on May 31, 2011, 10:10:35 PM
Resonanceman, The video DID show those extra parts for coil shorting hanging under the table... @ 3:16...


Sense you say that the stuff in your picture are the extra parts for coil shorting ...... identify each part  and explain how they work.

ALSO  explain how he hid these parts in the videp with his motor hanging by a string.........

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on May 31, 2011, 11:08:55 PM
Resonanceman, the parts are visible only in this coil shorting video. The Muller videos don't seem to indicate using this technique though.
There must be some low Rds mosfet or two in this circuit, a mosfet driver and a buffer cap for driving the gates an a recovery diode, it looks much like that...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on May 31, 2011, 11:29:42 PM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on May 31, 2011, 11:08:55 PM
Resonanceman, the parts are visible only in this coil shorting video. The Muller videos don't seem to indicate using this technique though.
There must be some low Rds mosfet or two in this circuit, a mosfet driver and a buffer cap for driving the gates an a recovery diode, it looks much like that...

I agree, looks like a mosfet on a heat sink and a cap. the wires go to hall sensor and coil he was shorting manually. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minoly on June 01, 2011, 12:16:29 AM
I thought Romero's rotor is NSNS "we're" just not seeing what is hidden in plain view. This is how SSG genny coil puts out AC...
Looking at Romero's rotor, it looks as though the "invisible" south's conjoin interferometerly.
also, on Romero's build, one coil is on N and the other is on S. didn't I read there is a near perfect SIN wave at the output there on someones scope?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chessnyt on June 01, 2011, 12:41:17 AM
Quote from: toranarod on May 31, 2011, 06:53:52 PM
Hello all
I have many measurements watts current
I will share all measurement. I need some time to put them into a comprehensive format.

I have run the motor on 1 coil and 2 coils. On 50 volts, 12 volts 24 volts.
collected back emf. tried PWM timing, tried diffident coils may types of magnets on top under neath.
have seen some amazing results watched it do things I did not expect. I will make a video very soon.
after watching  CLaNZeR video I could see the RPM and Currents and volts. It was a very similar sight.  The High currents at those voltages are a worry.
if output can pass input it doesn't matter.

It has something to do with phase shift under load. I moved the phase by few  degrease by adding capacitance. this increase the output voltage by 35%
but the timing is still an issue I need to construct more electronics to run more test on this subject.  I think pulling current out at this right moment will
be an interesting experiment.     

the other point is there are still many test to do and configurations to try. its not over by any means. I work on.

I would like to hear from others with there results. Not theory and conjecturer black and white
recoded information.


Nice work, Rod.  Thank you for sharing your results with all of us.  This is becoming a very nice collected effort.  I look forward to seeing your hard data which you are assembling currently for release.  I'm very glad to see so many doers as you are listed among the many here on Stefan's forum. 

Outstanding effort!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 01, 2011, 04:11:14 AM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on May 31, 2011, 10:10:35 PM
Resonanceman, The video DID show those extra parts for coil shorting hanging under the table... @ 3:16...

What you see there is one of the coil SWITCHERS for the driver its not a shorter otherwise you will see two fets on each coil. In any case if there was ANY coil shorting going on anyway number one Romero would have told you about it as there is no point disclosing 75% of the circuit and second the dump cap would be charged to around 300-400v and not 15v. This rules out using a Maplin 12v DC switcher you must use a Laptop charger/adaptor 90 watts to 19.v then feed with 350VDC off the dump cap which then has the capability to run in excess of a 60watt OU load.

Remember coil shorting was what Romero was going to do NEXT so nothing to stop you making larger coils, bigger magnets with shorting and go for >60 watt looper. Then you have power of practical use which can provide deep cell battery charging and compete with a small solar power system and mains inverter instead of a TOY.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 01, 2011, 05:16:33 AM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on May 31, 2011, 10:10:35 PM
Resonanceman, The video DID show those extra parts for coil shorting hanging under the table... @ 3:16...

which video?  'pre-self-runner', 'self-runner' or 'suspended-in-air self-runner'?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on June 01, 2011, 05:39:24 AM

This video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaY17NeK_I (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaY17NeK_I)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 01, 2011, 06:55:21 AM
During recent tests I was pondering the possibility of using two paired sets of drive coils all wired in series configuration to be driven from the one pick up sensor. 
As seen in the picture below, drive coils pair 1 is magnetically aligned to attract the magnets on the rotor disk. Drive coils pair 2 is magnetically aligned to repel the magnets on the rotor disk. This meant drive coils 1 and 2 would be wired in series to double overall inductance and coil resistance, consequently halving their power consumption. In turn this would give us the opportunity to create a repelling and attracting force simultaneously to the rotor disk.
The only technical issue with this configuration was working out the phase of the two coil pairs, so that when they engaged they did not electrically oppose each other in circuit.
This is where it got interesting…I experimented with the coils in phase with each other and out of phase with each other. When the two drive coil pairs generated a charge induced by the magnets and the polarity of the charge was in opposition to itself, drive current dropped to 25 m Amps.  Motor RPM was 1250. When I reversed the phase of the two coils motor RPM increased to 2200, drive current escalated to 180 m Amps.
I found this to be a very interesting result and something that needs a lot more work. I am posting this result in the hope that others may replicate this experiment and refine the technique.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 01, 2011, 07:35:31 AM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on June 01, 2011, 05:39:24 AM

This video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaY17NeK_I (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaY17NeK_I)

it's not surprising if you can see some coil-shorting circuitry in that video - that's a video of Romero's Coil-shorting experiment - NOT his Muller Dynamo!

although Romero stated March 9th that he INTENDED to use coil shorting in his Muller rep, by the time he reported first results on April 7th he was getting COP = 2 already with no coil shorting

his device hadn't changed by May 3rd when he reported his first video of the device here

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: polkin poka on June 01, 2011, 07:50:39 AM

i think the key is the hall effect sensor....

just read the selfrunning_free_energy_device_muller_motor_generator_romerouk_version1_1-1.pdf and see the photos     
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: polkin poka on June 01, 2011, 07:57:38 AM
also here http://www.msextra.com/doc/ms1extra/MS_Extra_Ignition_Hardware_Manual.htm  i found some info....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 01, 2011, 08:35:24 AM
hi all

Romero reported that originally he used both drive coils in repulsion mode, but then he changed to attraction mode because it gave him better torque

looking carefully at the still shots of Romero's device it appears that he only changed ONE drive coil to attraction mode and left the OTHER drive coil in repulsion mode

the sequence, looking from above, is 1st drive coil in repulsion mode, then 1st Hall sensor, then 4 gen coils, then 2nd Hall sensor, then 2nd drive coil in attraction mode

you can still see the hole in the top stator plate where the 2nd Hall sensor used to be and it is AFTER the 2nd drive coil (exactly like the 1st Hall sensor is AFTER the 1st drive coil)

originally both sensors would have been able to use the small mags on the rotor rim, because the relative position of each sensor was the same to its connected drive coil -AFTER TDC

but when Romero changed the 2nd drive to attraction he needed the sensor to fire BEFORE TDC, so he moved the 2nd sensor over the top of the rotor mag path, BEFORE the 2nd coil

so - this COULD mean that the two drive coils were firing either simultaneously, or at least very close in time

need to check on something like bourne's precess-O-meter!

hope this helps the folks going the pulse motor route!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 01, 2011, 11:17:54 AM
Quote from: nul-points on June 01, 2011, 08:35:24 AM
hi all

Romero reported that originally he used both drive coils in repulsion mode, but then he changed to attraction mode because it gave him better torque

looking carefully at the still shots of Romero's device it appears that he only changed ONE drive coil to attraction mode and left the OTHER drive coil in repulsion mode

the sequence, looking from above, is 1st drive coil in repulsion mode, then 1st Hall sensor, then 4 gen coils, then 2nd Hall sensor, then 2nd drive coil in attraction mode

you can still see the hole in the top stator plate where the 2nd Hall sensor used to be and it is AFTER the 2nd drive coil (exactly like the 1st Hall sensor is AFTER the 1st drive coil)

originally both sensors would have been able to use the small mags on the rotor rim, because the relative position of each sensor was the same to its connected drive coil -AFTER TDC

but when Romero changed the 2nd drive to attraction he needed the sensor to fire BEFORE TDC, so he moved the 2nd sensor over the top of the rotor mag path, BEFORE the 2nd coil

so - this COULD mean that the two drive coils were firing either simultaneously, or at least very close in time

need to check on something like bourne's precess-O-meter!

hope this helps the folks going the pulse motor route!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)


I disagree. I'm pretty sure somewhere at the beginning of these posts, R clearly stated that the gen. coils do NOT fire together, one is on, other is off. No?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 01, 2011, 11:46:27 AM
Hi all

I have redo all my device more precisely , but no chance to get better results as earlier.

But today i review fo the 3 or for time the complete video of Romero, with my minds in mode "out of the box"

And here what i have seen in the video.

Romero in fact seems to use one of the driving circuit to not only drive the driving coils, but also TO SHORT ALL THE GENERATIVE COILS TOGETHER.

So he sayd that he is not shorting the driving coils (he will do it later), but what he did not say, is that he shorts all the other coils (petit futé ce Romero)

So see on the pix 1 the red arrow shows the wiring.

I tried it on my device and here is a scope shot ( probes are at the end of the FWBR rails) , with a load on the gen coils. See the strong spike.

Until now i have to find the sweet spot and what i can say is that the noise of the device is completely different.

Please rewatch the video to confirm what i have seen (the pix is in the video "selfrunning" at the beginning.

So  now i see where to search ;)

hope this helps

Good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on June 01, 2011, 11:48:53 AM
Here are a couple of Romero's Posts regarding firing.
Why is it some of you guys want to start making stuff up?  ???

Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 01:02:45 PM
The 2 driving coils are running independently, not activating at the same time, that is what I need, to have the second coil activating when the other one is completely off

Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 07:04:24 PM
Let's clarify some points regarding the sensors:
not both of them are using the small magnets.I started originally with both using the small magnets to switch then I tried to move one to get max results.
The second one is facing the big magnets from the top.This one from the top is activated after the magnet passed, the other one on the side of the rotor is activated like 1mm after the magnet passed the center coil.
This is difficult to explain, testing yourself will get you there but do the testing separate not both of then at the same time.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on June 01, 2011, 11:54:23 AM

excellent, can you see what the voltage is the spike after the shorting? are you shorthing direct the bridge output or using something else in between?

Well done!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on June 01, 2011, 11:56:32 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 08, 2011, 06:14:45 AM
Below is a picture with the scope connected at the AC point before bridge.

Answer: I run out of neo magnets. I am sure that more magnets will increase the output. I have ordered more togheter with the magnets for the new setup.

There is no evidence of shorting in the scope shot Romero provide.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 01, 2011, 12:12:47 PM
Quote from: chrisC on June 01, 2011, 11:17:54 AM

I disagree. I'm pretty sure somewhere at the beginning of these posts, R clearly stated that the gen. coils do NOT fire together, one is on, other is off. No?


Quote from: duff on June 01, 2011, 11:48:53 AM
Here are a couple of Romero's Posts regarding firing.
Why is it some of you guys want to start making stuff up?  ???

LOL  i'm not making stuff up

use your eyes, guys - 1st sensor is AFTER the 1st drive coil, 2nd sensor is BEFORE the 2nd drive coil

one drive coil HAS been changed to attraction, as Romero said (you can see the mod)

the other drive coil is STILL in REPULSION mode  (no mods)

that's a fact

i stated that it's POSSIBLE that the two coils could be firing together, or close

if so, this would be because of the relative positions of the two magnets - one just leaving the first drive coil position - and the other just approaching the second drive position

that's why i said we should look at bourne's paper 'precession model' to see how the mags are positioned when one has just passed the first drive coil

Romero said many things that he obviously recalled incorrectly (because of changes he made)

the two drive circuits were not connected electrically, so as far as he was concerned, he would describe them as not firing together

however, if the mags are in a 'suitable' position relative to each other, then the 2 drive circuits WILL fire together

if we want to copy this device correctly then we need to inspect the evidence

we're not able to ask Romero for further help - but we can still look at the videos & photos

maybe some folks don't want to get the best knowledge that they can about this system - i'm just trying to help the folks that do


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 01, 2011, 12:16:15 PM
Laurent ,
do you mean this video:


at minute 1:58 ?

Also at 2:42 the front driver coil circuit is good to see.
It seems to have less red wires than the one in the background.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 01, 2011, 12:20:10 PM
Hi Laurent,
it woould really help if you could post a video with many scopeshots,
so we see, what is going on in your motor.
Maybe you can show the different setups and how the scopeshots
change then ?

That would really help to nail down the effects and maybe we can help you
then to further explore it.

Many thanks in advance.
Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 01, 2011, 12:41:58 PM
Hi Stephan

yes this video

betrween 2.14 and 2.24

at 2.24 you clearly see the red wire going from the FWBR positive to somewhere under the device .

And if you follow the Romero driver shematic it is clear that if you want to short the gen coils,  you have to connect the positive of the parallel FWBR to the emitter of the PNP transistor (that is to say to the driving coil of the bottom stator) and the negative rail to the collector ,that is to say the input negative.

I have tested and the shorting works. Now the tuning of all this is another story and is to be made.

Will go on this way to see what happens, because without this possibility i am stopped ,as i have tried almost all what was available without succes(always no litze wire arrived yet)

As a remainder, i got max 35 % efficiency, And Romero shows a cop 2 and more(because the lost in the DC-DC converter) . So something giant must happen here or it is a fake.

As i am only at the beginning of this road, please don't ask me too much scope shot. I need some reflexion here.

Perhaps other replicator could try this ,in order to see if it is OK

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 01, 2011, 01:04:27 PM
Quote from: woopy on June 01, 2011, 12:41:58 PM
Hi Stephan

yes this video

betrween 2.14 and 2.24

at 2.24 you clearly see the red wire going from the FWBR positive to somewhere under the device .

And if you follow the Romero driver shematic it is clear that if you want to short the gen coils,  you have to connect the positive of the parallel FWBR to the emitter of the PNP transistor (that is to say to the driving coil of the bottom stator) and the negative rail to the collector ,that is to say the input negative.

Hi Laurent,
I think this is not possible, because if you look closely at the circuit diagram you will
then short out the 15 Volts at the cap directly via the PNP transistor to ground.
This way your transistor will die very quickly cause there is no preload resistor, just a total
short !

So I don´t think that he used it this way..

I have tested and the shorting works. Now the tuning of all this is another story and is to be made.

Will go on this way to see what happens, because without this possibility i am stopped ,as i have tried almost all what was available without succes(always no litze wire arrived yet)

As a remainder, i got max 35 % efficiency, And Romero shows a cop 2 and more(because the lost in the DC-DC converter) . So something giant must happen here or it is a fake.

As i am only at the beginning of this road, please don't ask me too much scope shot. I need some reflexion here.

Perhaps other replicator could try this ,in order to see if it is OK

good luck at all


Hmm, if you can´t show us your motor in action, too bad...
I still wonder, why you had one coilpair produce more voltage than the others
from your last scopeshots...
Maybe you should also put switches into your coils like Clanzer
has done it, so you can invert the coil polarisation just with a simple
Then it will be easier to tune for maximum output.

Maybe also the Litz wire really helps or will have a new effect we have not seen

Would be really cool, if you could at least show your motor on video.
Also from failure we could learn a lot.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 01, 2011, 01:20:58 PM

If you want to try coil shorting with your device,
it would be a better idea to use just a multivibrator
and use this to shortout all coils constantly on/off
all the time maybe with around 1 to 10 Khz frequency.
This will give nice induction spikes as in the Newman motor.

Therefore you would only need 1 square wave generator and
7 MOSFETs (for each coil pair one MOSFET).

( You don´t need to shortout the coils only at maximum peak,
this will also work at all other amplitudes as Newman has shown
in his motors...!)

To do the coil shorting just after the FWBR would be probably
not too good for the diodes as you shortout then the full
generator voltage to ground and the shortout current goes
fully through the diodes of the FWBR , so lost energy.
Also you would shortout then the collector cap.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 01, 2011, 01:21:18 PM
I've built a lot of Mullergenrators and done a lot of coil shorting on them too
before I get into how to do it, I think you guys should first copy the Romero mcahine as it is, and really take a close look at those helper/biasing/regauaing magnets behind the cores.
See if you can get the geneators coils to hit a load wihtout "reflecting" extra draw to the mtoor part of it (or make motor run on lower draw when coils hit load even) using only those magnets behind the cores first..

Anyways, with coil-shorting subject, you sould use BIDIRECTIONAL mosfets, since these switch AC (thanks Gyuala) ....simply hook the gate and source together with two mosfets, and the swtiching occurs between drain #1 and drain #2.
If you dont do this, you will catach only half the possible energy when coil shorting.
Also your mosfets must be high-amperage, very low resistance type or the extra resistance kills everything - using a solid state relay, or a SCR, are a couple of swtiches that will not work with coil-shorting since their resistance is too high...put mosfets in paralell to lower resistance even more if you want (Ismael trick)
this is why using a reed switch to do coil shoritng works so easy - they will swtihc AC, and they have very low resistance....but they also will blow up very easily too, so stick with bidirectional mosfets.
Also important thing, is to not put the extra-power/voltafge you make with coil shorting "directly" into the load...this will also kill all the big gains in power/voltage -

instead put what is made from coil-shoritng into a DC "collector" cap, after going through a FWBR....AC legs of FWBR across the coil-leads being shorted.
Then knock theis DC cap into you load - but do it at the same time the "source" (the coil bieng shorted) is disconnected from the DC collector cap - so there is no way the cap hitting load will affect draw to the primary.
this is called a two-stage output, and also this is confirmed with Ismael too, that this is way to extract power from coil-shorting.

Finally, you "should" have the short occur at the peak period - if AC, then peaks of pos an neg sine, if DC pulsed, at the peak of that DC peak you see on scope.
Woopy brings up very interesting idea - why not short all those out-of-phase gernator coils "at once" and forget about having each one have its own bidirectional mosfet and halleffect and bridge and cap - just treat all the those 18 out-ot-phase gernator coils like one big coil and short it see what happens - sounds like a lot of fun to me - this coil shorting thing is something I discovered by accident many years ago using reed swtich on 32 magnet mullergen and voltage in coil would go up from 20 to 240V in bilnk of eye so I knew it was something important,  but I couldnt do it "soild state" for years until Ismael told me to use very low resistance mosfets, and maybe 4 or 5 in paralell too - THEN it worked for me (that was last summer) I know Woopy and Romero did some youtube videos using reed switches and also Ovi has really nice reliable shorting-coil solid state circuit that he uses in motorcycle ignitions and did great video of getting 900V or so into cap and so Ovi knows all about it too (and has known for years too)...but really its all new-territorym the coil-shorting, and  nothing is set in stone - for example Ovi doesnt worry about the peak pereiods to short in his circuit while Ismale and I think its veryimportant...and now woopy talks about shoring 9 out of phase coils at once....so try eveything you think up - Laurents idea of shorting all coils at once sounds like great idea its simple might work excellent. 
In the past, I have run all out-of-phase coilsin series and used them as "one big motor coil" before and it worked very great making a mullergen into a motor (my "boat motor") - and pulling backemf made the motor run twice as fast too...very strange...
also you can run all those genratorcoils in series, and take out power like one big coil too why not and forget about all those rectifiers - another route of experiments!...and so might as well short them all at once too see what happens like Woopy did.
Romero is rectiffying them all at once, and also "regaugning" theire cores all at once with magnets behind the cores all at once too...

What is trying to be acheived here is a "no lenz" generator"  - get power out from it without affecting draw to motor...coil-shorting is one way to do it - lets see if those magnets behind the cores will do it too first... and then combine the techs later make gobs of power from nothing and lets get Romero back on the ball too once he has an army of looper-mechanics behind him to protect him and everyone else working on free energy machines...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 01, 2011, 01:45:24 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 01, 2011, 01:21:18 PM
I've built a lot of Mullergenrators and done a lot of coil shorting on them too
before I get into how to do it, I think you guys should first copy the Romero mcahine as it is, and really take a close look at those helper/biasing/regauaing magnets behind the cores.
See if you can get the geneators coils to hit a load wihtout "reflecting" extra draw to the mtoor part of it (or make motor run on lower draw when coils hit load even) using only those magnets behind the cores first..

Anyways, with coil-shorting subject, you sould use BIDIRECTIONAL mosfets, since these switch AC (thanks Gyuala) ....simply hook the gate and source together with two mosfets, and the swtiching occurs between drain #1 and drain #2.
If you dont do this, you will catach only half the possible energy when coil shorting.
Also your mosfets must be high-amperage, very low resistance type or the extra resistance kills everything - using a solid state relay, or a SCR, are a couple of swtiches that will not work with coil-shorting since their resistance is too high...put mosfets in paralell to lower resistance even more if you want (Ismael trick)
this is why using a reed switch to do coil shoritng works so easy - they will swtihc AC, and they have very low resistance....but they also will blow up very easily too, so stick with bidirectional mosfets.
Also important thing, is to not put the extra-power/voltafge you make with coil shorting "directly" into the load...this will also kill all the big gains in power/voltage -

instead put what is made from coil-shoritng into a DC "collector" cap, after going through a FWBR....AC legs of FWBR across the coil-leads being shorted.
Then knock theis DC cap into you load - but do it at the same time the "source" (the coil bieng shorted) is disconnected from the DC collector cap - so there is no way the cap hitting load will affect draw to the primary.
this is called a two-stage output, and also this is confirmed with Ismael too, that this is way to extract power from coil-shorting.

Finally, you "should" have the short occur at the peak period - if AC, then peaks of pos an neg sine, if DC pulsed, at the peak of that DC peak you see on scope.
Woopy brings up very interesting idea - why not short all those out-of-phase gernator coils "at once" and forget about having each one have its own bidirectional mosfet and halleffect and bridge and cap - just treat all the those 18 out-ot-phase gernator coils like one big coil and short it see what happens - sounds like a lot of fun to me - this coil shorting thing is something I discovered by accident many years ago using reed swtich on 32 magnet mullergen and voltage in coil would go up from 20 to 240V in bilnk of eye so I knew it was something important,  but I couldnt do it "soild state" for years until Ismael told me to use very low resistance mosfets, and maybe 4 or 5 in paralell too - THEN it worked for me (that was last summer) I know Woopy and Romero did some youtube videos using reed switches and also Ovi has really nice reliable shorting-coil solid state circuit that he uses in motorcycle ignitions and did great video of getting 900V or so into cap and so Ovi knows all about it too (and has known for years too)...but really its all new-territorym the coil-shorting, and  nothing is set in stone - for example Ovi doesnt worry about the peak pereiods to short in his circuit while Ismale and I think its veryimportant...and now woopy talks about shoring 9 out of phase coils at once....so try eveything you think up - Laurents idea of shorting all coils at once sounds like great idea its simple might work excellent. 
In the past, I have run all out-of-phase coilsin series and used them as "one big motor coil" before and it worked very great making a mullergen into a motor (my "boat motor") - and pulling backemf made the motor run twice as fast too...very strange...
also you can run all those genratorcoils in series, and take out power like one big coil too why not and forget about all those rectifiers - another route of experiments!...and so might as well short them all at once too see what happens like Woopy did.
Romero is rectiffying them all at once, and also "regaugning" theire cores all at once with magnets behind the cores all at once too...

What is trying to be acheived here is a "no lenz" generator"  - get power out from it without affecting draw to motor...coil-shorting is one way to do it - lets see if those magnets behind the cores will do it too first... and then combine the techs later make gobs of power from nothing and lets get Romero back on the ball too once he has an army of looper-mechanics behind him to protect him and everyone else working on free energy machines...

Thank you konehead

this is information we can use this is what this forum is for. Well done.
I will give this a good try. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 01, 2011, 01:53:34 PM
Quote from: woopy on June 01, 2011, 12:41:58 PM
Hi Stephan

yes this video

betrween 2.14 and 2.24

at 2.24 you clearly see the red wire going from the FWBR positive to somewhere under the device .

And if you follow the Romero driver shematic it is clear that if you want to short the gen coils,  you have to connect the positive of the parallel FWBR to the emitter of the PNP transistor (that is to say to the driving coil of the bottom stator) and the negative rail to the collector ,that is to say the input negative.

I have tested and the shorting works. Now the tuning of all this is another story and is to be made.

Will go on this way to see what happens, because without this possibility i am stopped ,as i have tried almost all what was available without succes(always no litze wire arrived yet)

As a remainder, i got max 35 % efficiency, And Romero shows a cop 2 and more(because the lost in the DC-DC converter) . So something giant must happen here or it is a fake.

As i am only at the beginning of this road, please don't ask me too much scope shot. I need some reflexion here.

Perhaps other replicator could try this ,in order to see if it is OK

good luck at all

Sorry to hear no success so far but don't give up Laurent.  It's all in the details.  At this point you may want to ask yourself what details are different in your setup from Romero's.  Since we are dealing with something 'out of the box' here and not traditional EE we can't know for sure at this point what might be the one detail that makes it or breaks it in terms of success.  I know you already know this.  I just don't like to see the word 'fake' being thrown around because success has not found it's way into your build yet.  It may be the Litz wire you have yet to try or some other tiny detail.  As Stefan said the coil directions may be a big deal and I don't think we had much discussion on that with Romero before he left.  We do know if the flood of questions he didn't get every detail 100% correct.  There are lots of variables still to try.  Best of luck!

  BTW for the best price I've seen yet on acrylic sheets (on sale now even!) is www.freckleface.com  - silly name but good prices.  12" x 12" x 3/8" = $7.95 and 12" x 12" x 1.2" = $9.88.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minoly on June 01, 2011, 02:02:04 PM
Quote from: duff on June 01, 2011, 11:48:53 AM
Here are a couple of Romero's Posts regarding firing.
Why is it some of you guys want to start making stuff up?  ???

my apologizes if this has already been noted, I've only read this thread once through.

on the timing of the hall on top.
Romero's rotor has the magnets on the rotor facing north up, yet his hall is south firing. this must mean the hall is firing in interferometer mode yes.
so just as Romero mentions, this one fires after the magnet passes.
because of this invisible south, the hall could also be firing/triggering more than once before the next magnet.
Those w/ a working model must already be noticing this.
when taking the interferometry into account, the magnet strength and proximity to one another as well as the location of the hall (toward center of rotor or toward outer edge of rotor) plays a big role in the tunning.
the other thing that will play a big part is the location of the biasing magnet closest to the top Hall sensor.
these will bias the hall as well. you can strengthen or weaken the signal to the transistors base this way.
there is also a lag time from when the hall passes and when the power coil receives its juice.
these are just small points, but can be frustrating when tunning if they are unknown.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 01, 2011, 02:10:34 PM
this is my drive circuit.

I think this is a form of coil shorting you are talking about just the effect takes place as well in the drive circuit.
I have alway notice the motor runs faster when switch 1 is closed. remember I use a multi stage pulse.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 01, 2011, 02:26:09 PM
OMG I get it ?

the answer has been there all the time.

will post if I am right or wrong 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on June 01, 2011, 02:35:40 PM
Quote from: toranarod on June 01, 2011, 02:26:09 PM
OMG I get it ?

the answer has been there all the time.

will post if I am right or wrong
I appreciate your enthusiasm, toranarod, and @all for following the data, where ever it leads.  I'm also an experimentalist and I have great respect for those who build and test -- and then post the data whatever it turns out to be.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 01, 2011, 02:59:58 PM
from what do you get this oscillation after the second yellow pulse
in your green output voltage ?

Do you also use Pickup coils only or are all your coils
like this driver circuit ?

Many thanks.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on June 01, 2011, 03:37:12 PM
Quote from: minoly on June 01, 2011, 02:02:04 PM
Romero's rotor has the magnets on the rotor facing north up, yet his hall is south firing. this must mean the hall is firing in interferometer mode yes.


Here's RomeroUK's post related to magnet orientation.

Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 10:26:37 AM
what is the spacing from the 2 driver coil pairs to the
pickup coil pairs ?
I don't understand this question.
The 2 driver coils are not next to each other, one coil is on one side and the other exactly on the other side.
All magnets on the rotor are all pointing same direction, as you look at the device all magnets are with South up. I have never tried to run it upside down because of the dirving circuits but I will try it having it on one side.
I don't have a  magnet polarity measurement device.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 01, 2011, 03:47:42 PM

Given that the majority of all discoveries are made while looking for something else, always keep in mine that your "misbuild" may very well be just a tweak or 2 away from another great find.

Great effort everyone.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 01, 2011, 04:06:23 PM
Wat does Romero mean when he says he does not have a magnet polarity measuring device ? All he needs to do is hang a magnet on a thread and let it settle , and see which side faces geographical North . Mark that side , and use it to test the remaining magnets .
It`s not rocket science...So as a matter of fact then , his south facing up magnets could be north facing up ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minoly on June 01, 2011, 04:20:43 PM
well phooey to me :(
thanks for posting that, I still won't rule it out though... :-)
I do believe Romero knows how to find south on a magnet, since the magnets on the outside must be south out to trigger that hall.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 01, 2011, 04:24:05 PM

*lays compass on table near magnet*

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 01, 2011, 05:18:58 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 01, 2011, 04:06:23 PM
Wat does Romero mean when he says he does not have a magnet polarity measuring device ? All he needs to do is hang a magnet on a thread and let it settle , and see which side faces geographical North . Mark that side , and use it to test the remaining magnets .
It`s not rocket science...So as a matter of fact then , his south facing up magnets could be north facing up ?

hi neptune

iirc Romero said he didn't own a 'magnet polarity measuring device' because someone had just specifically asked if he did have one

i don't think he meant to imply that he didn't know which way the poles were arranged in his build

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 01, 2011, 05:55:53 PM
Hi all

thanks to all for your patience and verygood input

i am now waiting for my litze and in the meantime i will go totally "out of the box"., and try anything which cross my head.

Sorry if this disturb but anyway it could be interesting.

So for example i did a third circuit to short the global generative coil with an independant Hall sensor and  Romero circuit (PNP transistor)

and look at the trace

Probably will test some Konehead circuitery or bipolar circuitery to isolate the short

good luck at all


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on June 01, 2011, 09:10:38 PM
From Magneticitist

romero's magnet "biasing".. sort of
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 01, 2011, 09:47:07 PM

I have looked through a lot of posts and the guide, but have not seen a specification yet for the bridge rectifier. Does anyone know what the original was that RomeroUK was using? Voltage and amps, etc? 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on June 01, 2011, 09:51:28 PM
Well that is a nice demonstration.

With the speed increase your generating coils should be grabbing more power then when its slower in all reality so I don't get how you say your generating more when your rotor is slowing the simple answer is you are not.

The more speed the more power your throwing into the generation coils.

Anyhow this is basics of a generator I'm sure your well aware of this fact but either way it sounded as if you were explaining it backwards in the video I might have to watch it again to confirm maybe I have video dyslexia a temporary case either way I enjoyed the demo.

And the ferrite ...

Simple way to test out some of these theories floating around is just like you did.

I am curious though powercat... what type of wire were you using for your coils I presume it was not the litz wire.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on June 01, 2011, 11:10:10 PM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on June 01, 2011, 09:47:07 PM

I have looked through a lot of posts and the guide, but have not seen a specification yet for the bridge rectifier. Does anyone know what the original was that RomeroUK was using? Voltage and amps, etc? 


He never specified the bridge he was using however he did say he used 1N4001  in parallel with each of the bridge diodes.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 02, 2011, 12:14:39 AM
Infringer you are correct more speed more power but the point was that the speed can only do so much depending on the inductance of the coil. the cores ability to "switch" changes with the addition of the magnet.

but what i am saying is pretty simple..
i had a shorted generator coil.. the rotor slowed tremendously.. the main reason being lenz of course. by adding the magnet to the core the rotor increased in speed.. but that does not mean the coil was "generating" MORE, it was because it was getting LESS. yes.. potentially the speed the rotor was going would have generated a higher potential in an UNloaded coil. you are right. but in that particular coil, it was not "allowed" to induct as much BECAUSE of the magnet. as i said in the video this could be seen in another experiment using a bulb as the load... as the magnet was placed, and speed increased, the bulb got dimmer. plain and simple. it did this on every occasion i tried it. as i said i could also use the magnet in the opposite polarity to get the bulb even brighter, even more current.. by influencing the core.. but that slowed the rotor even more of course because it just brought more lenz.

get it?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DimaWari on June 02, 2011, 12:24:29 AM
I guess this is why he used washer as magnetic shield.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 02, 2011, 12:43:26 AM
^ maybe.. still some definite questions i cant answer yet and need to tinker more..

but the addition of washers.. i cant really see how that would make a difference so much, especially if they are shaped like the magnet.. if the magnet is directly attached to the washer it might as well be part of the magnet.
i think he used the washers more as a simple way of adding and removing the biasing magnets when he wanted so they would stay in place.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DimaWari on June 02, 2011, 01:15:01 AM

I think this simple test will do...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on June 02, 2011, 01:31:22 AM
A washer with a hole in the center might change the shape of the magnetic field, especially if it is insulated from the core of the coil by the insulation around the windings on the wire of the coil.  I don't have the instruments to see that, but I know that metal will change the shape of a magnetic field as well as its interaction with other magnets, so when you have a magnet and an electromagnet separated from each other by a washer with a hole in the center, and they are insulated from each other, it might be possible that the hole in the center somehow focuses the field. Or not. LOL
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 02, 2011, 02:14:04 AM
Quote from: nul-points on June 01, 2011, 05:18:58 PM
hi neptune

iirc Romero said he didn't own a 'magnet polarity measuring device' because someone had just specifically asked if he did have one

i don't think he meant to imply that he didn't know which way the poles were arranged in his build

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Yep all you need is a traditional compass and you can tell the magnet's polarity.  As much as he was into all this I'm fairly sure he knew what polarity his magnets were. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 02, 2011, 03:40:40 AM
the reason you want to short at the peaks is two: you will get more volts into your cap, since the votlage "starts out' at the highest it will be, and 2nd reason (the good one) is that it will make the shorting "non-reflective" to the motor draw since it happens at the peak and the rotor "doesnt care" what happens at that point in its rotation...as its "eye of the tornado" point to the rotor-magnets neither push nor pull....make sure shorting pulse width is very short or you will get lug.
If you do get lug, then add an AC cap in series on one of the AC legs of the FWBR - it will work as a "high bypass filter" allowing the high end frequencees to pass through, while blocking the lenz-lugging low end stuff... you will need to experiment with different cap sizes;  for example 6uf will make it absolutely lenz-less as caps fill,  BIT lots of the power will be blocked byt the AC cap, and the cap will fill very slow.....and then for example a 90uf cap will hardly block any power and cap will fill up super fast but then you might get some lug, so search for best cap size for whatever your system happens to be doing - try to not have to use an AC cap in circuit if possible through accurate peak-timing and shortest pulse width possible on the coil-short...just enough to collapse the field and no more/no less is probably what to shoot for in the coil-shorting pulse-width.
Ismael chops his shorting-pulse into a cluster of 5 very quick pulses....he says it doesnt reflect and makes 5 times the power...

Also if any of you want to go crazy (like Woopy will be) with some Mullergen experiments try connecting all coils in series, and then rectify with a single FWBR at end of it all...(saves a few diodes eh) do it while rotor is spinning, amd hook one coil to the next one in series, and see if there is gain in volts or drop in volts...
hook it up in gain in voltage polarity obviously,  then go all the way around the coils, hooking up one coil to next.. there are good reasons "not" to do it like this, such as the coils are all out of phase (!)  buy what it does is confuse the rotor magnets into not "applying" lenz-lug like they would want to and you can take out power without killing  the rotation as it would be if they were all in phase.
you can do the same thing with the motor-coil pulsing too - fire all the coils in series....and the way you have it hooked up for generator-action is the same polarities as it will be for the motor pulsing....

Once you get all the coils like that, then give the string of coils a "short" into a cap and see what happens... (I dont know never tried it but I think woopy is going this direction)...I have tried bringing out backemf in "swtiched" fashion - thei by swtihcing one of the AC legs of a FWBR with AC legs over the swticghing to extract the backef/recoil and this worked really great beyond "belief" since it would raise rpms to motor X2 when backemf came out staight to a load)

the simplest way to beat lenz lug in any gernator is to fill caps-ONLY with the generator coils, then the only thing the coils of the generator ever have to do for its work is to fill caps.....
then dump caps to load, and be sure that you have the generator coils disconnected from caps when they hit load... ("two stage"" ouptut circuit)
Two stage output circuit is necessary when doing coil shorting - one way to do it is say have a 4421 driver and a 4422 driver each with their own bidirectional mosfets....one driver will make its mosfets normally on switchies off, the other driver will makes its mosfets normalyl off swtiched on then fire both with same halleffect...other ways to do this too...

another experimental route to go is to in the RomeroUK machine, have 9 hall effects surrounding the rotor, on efore each coil-position,  so that the 8 magnet-postions, will fire for example an attracive-pulse 9 X 8 = 72 times a rotation....now its going to have some real torque!...
if you want,  have another nine hall effects, this to sense the "repulsive' timing of the coil to magnet, and fire another 72 pulses per revolution....so 144 pulses in one revolution....now we are talking really big power here torque-wise.......

Then what you do is time a "coil short" to occur the same time that you would time a switch to extact the backemf;  say approx 5 degrees delayed to the motor pulse....and fill up a cap and hit the load with the cap in "twostage" output circuit....I think when Ismqael talks about "shoritng the backemf" that is what he does: first the motor-pulse of a coil, then right after that, the shorting-pulse of the same coil, into caps....

If you make two identical motors, it might tbe easiest to loop by simply running one motor off anothers output and vice versa....

in the Romerouk machine, what you can do with this two-motor idea,  is to treat the top coils like "one motor" and the bottom coils like 2nd motor, and run plate of coil's output that goes into cap, into the other....you could also run say the bootm plate cf coils "attractive, and the upper coils "repulsive" so they dont fire a pulse at same time....

Bunch of ideas to chew on eh...

in meantime, lets see for sure if those magnets behind the cores make a big gain in power on the motor-side of it, (apparently RomeroUK didnt do that in his looper) and lets see when you put the magnets behind the generator coils, does that make the thinng lenz-free or not and cam make it loop like Romero's video showed....

I built a small 4 magnets against 5 coils on top and 5 coils on bottom test rig (from stuff lying around on shelf for years)....you dont want to see it but it has 16-srtand very thin wire 36gauge litz coils and ferrite cores... and I did get a speed-up with two large neomagnets behind the cores on top plate, (without coils loaded)but oredered some proper magnets and am waiting for them to arrive so I can test behind each individual core....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 02, 2011, 06:35:53 AM
Quote from: Dbowling on June 02, 2011, 01:31:22 AM
A washer with a hole in the center might change the shape of the magnetic field, especially if it is insulated from the core of the coil by the insulation around the windings on the wire of the coil.  (snipped)

I was wondering about the washers...RomeroUK said in one post I think that they were common 'iron' washers, but is that right? Or was he speaking somewhat generically? Not sure what the metal is in the ones that Home Depot and other places sell...would not want to use the wrong type since that whole external magnet thing is said to be key.

@thread  I don't know if the coil shorting is a correct vector

Would be nice if RomeroUK would come back here and for any given speculation that *is correct* (posted by say Hartiberlin to keep the focus clearer), and reply simply: "Sorry, but I am already in a lot of .... I don't need any more!"  :-X

And if the speculation is *wrong*: "I am still in a lot of .... but I feel better now."  8)

@duff, thanks for the reply, saw the note on the diodes. Affordable options on the rectifiers are 100V @2A, 200V @4A or 600V @4A.

Not sure which would be closest to the originals he used, am guessing the 200v @4A would survive a longer time. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 02, 2011, 06:48:12 AM
Quote from: toranarod on June 01, 2011, 02:26:09 PM
OMG I get it ?

the answer has been there all the time.

will post if I am right or wrong

What did you discover?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 02, 2011, 08:30:08 AM
Quote from: toranarod on June 01, 2011, 02:26:09 PM
OMG I get it ?

the answer has been there all the time.

will post if I am right or wrong

for some reason, i can hear that 'Queen' song playing quietly in the background:  "...And another one gone and another one gone. Another one bites the dust..."

BTW   has anyone seen Penno recently, since May 14:  "This is bigger than you know. A few more tests, then I will confirm" ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: futuristic on June 02, 2011, 08:40:06 AM
According to the forum stats Penno is still on forum:
Last Active: June 01, 2011, 01:47:57 AM

I hope that toranarod doesn't go quiet to.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 02, 2011, 09:22:10 AM
Quote from: nul-points on June 02, 2011, 08:30:08 AM

for some reason, i can hear that 'Queen' song playing quietly in the background:  "...And another one gone and another one gone. Another one bites the dust..."

BTW   has anyone seen Penno recently, since May 14:  "This is bigger than you know. A few more tests, then I will confirm" ?

I was thinking the same thing I hope they will be back soon.
I'm building a mini dynamo just to do some experimenting, I hope this rotor will hold :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 02, 2011, 02:01:59 PM
BiDa!! whats up brother =)

ok i just wanted to say something.. im not a "doubter" or "naysayer" but just what i feel to be a logical thinker.. i am as intrigued as everyone else about the Muller design..

BUT i fail to see any comprehensive explanation as to how Lenz is being "beaten". i have not seen one single comment that makes sense regarding the Lenz.  this is the enemy.. reduce the cogging between the cores and magnets only does so much...

spin a rotor 10krpm and hold a strong magnet near it.. no it will not slow down that much.. lenz is another story. lenz grabs hands rather than slapping them.

so.. how the hell is lenz being beaten? so far i only see lenz being reduced via biasing magnets because less load is being drawn from the coils, so less lenz..

of course experimentation in all possible aspects is the right way to do it, and not just fore-go testing because of pre-established inconsistency. make it, and test it. thats the way to go sure..
but so far all the tests ive seen share the same results.. Lenz is once again the "Overunity Killer".

does anyone have any ideas as to how Romero's or any other replication truly gets around this?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 02, 2011, 02:18:45 PM
free,  nice motor builds there.  Glad to see you are interested in this one. 

Magneticitist, IMO just one word - tuning.  I think there will be a fine point where one hits the 'sweet spot' as Romero hinted at that will bring the results we seek.  It's a thin line to find and why he said it took so long to tune. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 02, 2011, 02:51:42 PM
^ ok i can agree thats somewhat of an acceptable ideology.. i mean "sweet spots" and "resonance" are certainly factors that can raise eyebrows.. offer very distinct and precise changes to a circuit.. sometimes very hard to find these spots..

BUT.. what does that really mean? what is really being envisioned here when one locates this spot? at the end of the day i look at friction and force, no matter the form, being counterparts to a necessary existence.
to say that lenz does not occur is to say no current is being induced, from what i have seen.

so if we are indeed finding some type of Spot.. what is happening there?
do poles get flipped? poles are "not seen" i mean what?

in the past i have noticed that i could gather small amounts of current from gen coils without any slowing of the rotor, but it was so little it would take way too many of the same coils to equal a unity. not enough space.
but i think maybe we can use the same idea and with the help of some magnets "get a little more" without any of the lenz kicking in. this really makes no sense to me because at any level current should equal lenz, but ive seen it.. so i dont know..

at any rate i just feel like if we are confident what we are seeing is real and accurate, then maybe its time to really start thinking "WHY" that is. so far its all been talks of cogging and anti cogging of the cores. i dont get that.
if romeros motor was absent of gen coils i dont he would be having too many problems regarding the core cogging. it wouldnt matter so much i dont think.. may make a little noise.. wont spin down for as long, but once reaching high speeds it should have no problem turning. its the lenz that he needed to get around just like everyone else.

so is he using an arrangement where his gen coils are being shorted with a switch? is he not? how are the magnets actually allowing him to generate 3A worth of current without Lenz slowing it down?

as i said i tried a lot of arrangements trying to figure this out and all i could see is a reduction or increase in the rate at which the coil can induct in relation to the spinning rotor. it makes sense.
its just like tuning your bedini or joule thief by adding a magnet to the core. depending on the polarity u are using to influence you are changing the core (inductance?, permeability?, hysteresis?) so that it either allows more or less current through it during a pulse.

so even if you are influencing a gen coil so that it does not slow the rotor under heavy load, that load as it turns out may not be so heavy.. rather, the load is present but not "being loaded" to the extent that it would had the magnet not been there to influence it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 02, 2011, 05:12:13 PM
maybe those huge gaps between rotor magnets and the coil shorting combination ? Huge gap should reduce the amount of generated power = reduce cogging + reduce lenz drag. More like the rotor is only a signal generator and then take the coil shorting tehnique to boost the gain considerably ? ( i'm new so i can only imagine coil shorting tehnique )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 02, 2011, 06:08:10 PM
I have been following this thread from the beginning, and although I'm not making a replication, I follow your progress with great attention.
I just want to mention that in the interest of preventing suppression of knowledge, if some of you are able to create a self-runner, please refrain from posting immediately "the great news" for all the world to see. And most importantly, do not post a video on Youtube... YET !

Rather, take the time to fine-tune your generator, and then make a pdf of ALL the information necessary to reproduce this generator, including drawings with exact dimensions, materials used, complete winding details, part numbers, pictures, etc...

THEN, when you have everything ready, post the info package.

We have all seen what can happen with premature release of information, so for the benefit of EVOLUTION of mankind, it is of the utmost importance to take the steps that will prevent suppression of information. For example, Penno's post saying "It's bigger than you think, guys... A few more tests..."  is like an open invitation to the suppressors to pay him a visit. If he had waited a couple more days and posted a complete replication info package, he probably wouldn't have had to answer the door in the middle of the night.  (OK, this is just an assumption of what could have happened to explain his disappearance, but you get the point.)

Everyone replicating this, bears a great responsibility towards the implementation of clean power generation, within a reasonable timespan on this earth. I know, it's a hobby, but we (still) can't count on industry to do the R&D on this, they either don't get it, or if they do, they quickly get stopped.

This is not a race to be the first to claim a self-runner, it is a race against TPB who, up to now have always won, and made us their slaves.
We just have to be careful not to give them any chance at all. It's called prevention.

OK, off my soapbox now.  Jeeez, just one beer and I get all light-headed. :D
I won't do that again, promise.  8)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 02, 2011, 06:39:10 PM
Hi all

2 other cents wayting for Rod's (ToranaroD) news  and Lasersaber and Penno and others replicators

good luck at all


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 02, 2011, 07:23:20 PM
woopy,  couple questions.  I forget if you mentioned this.  Are you currently using Litz wire?  What is the thickness of your top and bottom plates and what type of plastic is it?  I ask this only because at this point yours isn't working like Romero's and we need to look at every detail that is different. 

A couple other questions also.  What type of diodes make up your bridge rectifiers?  Are they just 4 diodes making a bridge or are they on top of a FWBR?   Have you tried reversing coil wiring.  On overunityresearch there seems to be some rather strong difference of opinion on whether the coils may need only wiring switched or whether the entire coil may need to be turned over in order to get the poles switched.
   Location of Hall sensors and sensor magnets?  I am not being critical here.  Only wanting to know any smallest differences.  I don't believe Romero ever said why this worked and was OU so we don't really know exactly what detail might be critical to making it work at this point.  I know you sounded a bit frustrated but try to look at it as a mysterious puzzle game.  When you finally find the secret piece your reward will be great.   E N E R G Y!   Meanwhile enjoy the mystery of the game. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 02, 2011, 07:35:54 PM
Quote from: Magneticitist on June 02, 2011, 02:51:42 PM
^ ok i can agree thats somewhat of an acceptable ideology.. i mean "sweet spots" and "resonance" are certainly factors that can raise eyebrows.. offer very distinct and precise changes to a circuit.. sometimes very hard to find these spots..

BUT.. what does that really mean? what is really being envisioned here when one locates this spot? at the end of the day i look at friction and force, no matter the form, being counterparts to a necessary existence.
to say that lenz does not occur is to say no current is being induced, from what i have seen.

so if we are indeed finding some type of Spot.. what is happening there?
do poles get flipped? poles are "not seen" i mean what?

in the past i have noticed that i could gather small amounts of current from gen coils without any slowing of the rotor, but it was so little it would take way too many of the same coils to equal a unity. not enough space.
but i think maybe we can use the same idea and with the help of some magnets "get a little more" without any of the lenz kicking in. this really makes no sense to me because at any level current should equal lenz, but ive seen it.. so i dont know..

at any rate i just feel like if we are confident what we are seeing is real and accurate, then maybe its time to really start thinking "WHY" that is. so far its all been talks of cogging and anti cogging of the cores. i dont get that.
if romeros motor was absent of gen coils i dont he would be having too many problems regarding the core cogging. it wouldnt matter so much i dont think.. may make a little noise.. wont spin down for as long, but once reaching high speeds it should have no problem turning. its the lenz that he needed to get around just like everyone else.

so is he using an arrangement where his gen coils are being shorted with a switch? is he not? how are the magnets actually allowing him to generate 3A worth of current without Lenz slowing it down?

as i said i tried a lot of arrangements trying to figure this out and all i could see is a reduction or increase in the rate at which the coil can induct in relation to the spinning rotor. it makes sense.
its just like tuning your bedini or joule thief by adding a magnet to the core. depending on the polarity u are using to influence you are changing the core (inductance?, permeability?, hysteresis?) so that it either allows more or less current through it during a pulse.

so even if you are influencing a gen coil so that it does not slow the rotor under heavy load, that load as it turns out may not be so heavy.. rather, the load is present but not "being loaded" to the extent that it would had the magnet not been there to influence it.

great arguments man. You look like you know by experience what you are explaining. Sounds very much like an EE. Great.

Now, can we focus on the solution? We know we can't fly, our body is absolutely not aerodynamic, we are too heavy and worse we are not birds, right?!! Wrong, we can fly and we have.

Just because we don't understand or current science explains to the level of our experiences does not mean it is not possible. Lenz law is just an explanation of physical realities limited by our experiments and understandings of the real thing. They are great for helping us overcome the current limitations and improve our insight of things.

Stating the impossibilities will not solve the problem it will only worsen it. Let's focus on experiments and analysis of our DATA of OUR EXPERIMENTs not just analysis of what we read in the books or learned at school. Science is to break those barriers and move further not backward in the established culture and limited knowledge.

Let's focus, please. Think out of the box, think of experiments we can perform to achieve the necessary means of OU. Look at what Romero (and many others) have done and try to break the "brain dead state" that we are now. May be Romero is all a fake, ..., may be not.

Experiments will teaches the truth and helps us understand the real science, the one we learn by doing it.


ps: I will start deleting again if we derail in the impossibilities. We already have those arguments in 20 or more pages before this one.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 02, 2011, 07:49:58 PM

great video man. I noticed some things that are very strange. Romero's video shows a consumption of about 1 amp of current while yours is at around 200ma max. I think your motor is working very well as a motor but not generator to the level of causing the input consumption of energy to increase.

On my first test with my "incomplete" motor I am using 150+ohms relay coils and 150+mh inductance. The cores are very "magnetic" so that it causes an enormous amount of cogging which causes the input current of my system to go easily to 1/2 an amp and more. It also spins only around 10 to15rpm very slow BUT it does generate a good amount of energy in each generator coil.

The attraction to the cores is very strong and therefore causes a high friction. In your case I see your rotor spins very freely and also consumes very little. This is a sign that we are definitely missing something different from Romero's build. I don't have the answer for what it is but it is very obvious to me that something is different.

What is the resistance and inductance of your coils? and what core are you using? Can you describe the "cogging" resistance or how much one would need to overcome the TDC spin at one magnet?

Many thanks,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 02, 2011, 08:19:44 PM
Hi Woopy, well done video.

Romero did use additional ferrite magnets at the lower side of the stator
with plastic washers between the neodymn and ferrite magnets there.

Also your iron washers seem to have a very small hole only.

This could be a great factor that your magnets dont conduct the flux down below to the ferrite rods..

Have you tested ONE coil pair for optimum distances so the flux switches back and forth inside the ferrite rods ?

Maybe you need to get a GAUSS meter that you can put on your scope ?

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on June 02, 2011, 08:42:53 PM
don't cross Transition Wall !

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on June 02, 2011, 09:50:07 PM
Quote from: woopy on June 02, 2011, 06:39:10 PM
Hi all

2 other cents wayting for Rod's (ToranaroD) news  and Lasersaber and Penno and others replicators

good luck at all


did you use single strand wire?\
why not use litz wire as Romero did? 7 strands .125mm
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on June 03, 2011, 12:04:43 AM
Quote from: konehead on June 01, 2011, 01:21:18 PM
Anyways, with coil-shorting subject, you sould use BIDIRECTIONAL mosfets, since these switch AC (thanks Gyuala) ....simply hook the gate and source together with two mosfets, and the swtiching occurs between drain #1 and drain #2.
If you dont do this, you will catach only half the possible energy when coil shorting.
Also your mosfets must be high-amperage, very low resistance type or the extra resistance kills everything - using a solid state relay, or a SCR, are a couple of swtiches that will not work with coil-shorting since their resistance is too high...put mosfets in paralell to lower resistance even more if you want (Ismael trick)
this is why using a reed switch to do coil shoritng works so easy - they will swtihc AC, and they have very low resistance....but they also will blow up very easily too, so stick with bidirectional mosfets.
Also important thing, is to not put the extra-power/voltafge you make with coil shorting "directly" into the load...this will also kill all the big gains in power/voltage -

Hi KoneHead,

Please could you draw up a simple schematic with your above idea?


All the best


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 03, 2011, 12:06:06 AM
Maybe device works on Cromrey converter principle I see some similareties like the double coil, multiple coils in parralel (litz wire), magnets on both side of coils and ofcorse the speed increase under load.

I know there are some very clever people around here so maybe someone can explain why the cromrey device speed up under load?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chessnyt on June 03, 2011, 12:40:18 AM
Quote from: REDCAR1957 on June 02, 2011, 09:50:07 PM
did you use single strand wire?\
why not use litz wire as Romero did? 7 strands .125mm

It just baffles me how people expect to get the same results as RomeroUK when they are not even using the same parts.  I'm getting ready to replicate a 1965 Ford Mustang.  Does anybody know where I can purchase Chevy parts for my Ford replication?  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tagor on June 03, 2011, 02:01:00 AM
Quote from: hyiq on June 03, 2011, 12:04:43 AM
Hi KoneHead,

Please could you draw up a simple schematic with your above idea?


All the best


http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/upright-alternator-circuits (http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/upright-alternator-circuits)

there is more on ismael thread
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 03, 2011, 02:08:03 AM
Here is bidirectional mosfet coil-shorting circuit using halleffects.
and you should use a 4421 driver (it will be normally OFF-switches ON from the hall effect)  instead of the 4422 shown in circuit and it will work fine as is.

Not shown is a "two-stage" output circuit...that high-bypass series AC cap will eliminate motor lugging, but there is balance in the uf value you want -  as too low of uf and not much power gets through to fill cap very fast and too high of uf and you can get lugging of motor but cap zaps up very fast so there is need to find balance.

To do a two-stage output circuit, "double" all this up and use a 4422 and a 4421 both triggered by same halleffect at same time. the 4421 will be normally OFF switches ON and the 4422 will be normally OFF swtiches ON...
so use the 4421 mosfet circuit to dump "collector" cap to load, and use the 4422 mosfet circuit  o fill collector cap while mosfets are "normally ON", and disconnect  cap from coils being shorted when collector-cap hits the load, as the 4422 circuit switches OFF from a common halleffect tha both drivers share (and the 4421 switches ON at same time dumnping cap to load)
use any size mosfets you want for whatever system you have going, and you can put some in paralell to reduce resistance if you want to do that..
you dont necessarily need to be charging a battery, that could be any load there -  and also you might not need or want that high bypass filter cap -  but if you do use it, play around with the uf values of it for whatever you are doing.
you wont need the bidirectional-style mosfets, and you can use single mosfets instead for the two stage output circuit, unless you decide to cut the coils from the collector cap during collector cap discharge on the AC side of the bridge for some reason.
mabye throw in a bunch of opto-isolatorrs too, (more advanced) so you can use one common power source for all the drivers and mosfets and hall effects....
if nothing else, this circuit shows how to hook up bidirecitonal mosfets, with a driver too, in order to short coils and a fwbr is there too, that fills DC cap up from the coil shorting...so that is the basics....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on June 03, 2011, 02:30:46 AM
Quote from: webby1 on June 02, 2011, 07:56:04 PM
....I have also noticed that the biasing magnet distance changes the voltage but it has ranges where the voltage goes up a little from where it went down as you move it away, ...
A similar effect has been reported by user Neight of energeticforum, see

Maybe those with complete test rigs (woopy, i_ron, etc.) can tune their generator coil biasing to this position/condition.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on June 03, 2011, 02:44:51 AM
Quote from: konehead on June 03, 2011, 02:08:03 AM
Here is bidirectional mosfet coil-shorting circuit using halleffects.
and you should use a 4421 driver (it will be normally OFF-switches ON from the hall effect)  instead of the 4422 shown in circuit and it will work fine as is.

Not shown is a "two-stage" output circuit...that high-bypass series AC cap will eliminate motor lugging, but there is balance in the uf value you want -  as too low of uf and not much power gets through to fill cap very fast and too high of uf and you can get lugging of motor but cap zaps up very fast so there is need to find balance.

To do a two-stage output circuit, "double" all this up and use a 4422 and a 4421 both triggered by same halleffect at same time. the 4421 will be normally OFF switches ON and the 4422 will be normally OFF swtiches ON...
so use the 4421 mosfet circuit to dump "collector" cap to load, and use the 4422 mosfet circuit  o fill collector cap while mosfets are "normally ON", and disconnect  cap from coils being shorted when collector-cap hits the load, as the 4422 circuit switches OFF from a common halleffect tha both drivers share (and the 4421 switches ON at same time dumnping cap to load)
use any size mosfets you want for whatever system you have going, and you can put some in paralell to reduce resistance if you want to do that..
you dont necessarily need to be charging a battery, that could be any load there -  and also you might not need or want that high bypass filter cap -  but if you do use it, play around with the uf values of it for whatever you are doing.
you wont need the bidirectional-style mosfets, and you can use single mosfets instead for the two stage output circuit, unless you decide to cut the coils from the collector cap during collector cap discharge on the AC side of the bridge for some reason.
mabye throw in a bunch of opto-isolatorrs too, (more advanced) so you can use one common power source for all the drivers and mosfets and hall effects....
if nothing else, this circuit shows how to hook up bidirecitonal mosfets, with a driver too, in order to short coils and a fwbr is there too, that fills DC cap up from the coil shorting...so that is the basics....

Thank You, makes more sense for me in a picture.

All the Best


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: firlight on June 03, 2011, 04:52:40 AM
Quote from: tysb3 on June 02, 2011, 08:42:53 PM
don't cross Transition Wall !


This is my first post here ,This post about the Adams motor is spot on,you really don`t need magnets on the back of the generator ,its cheaper to extend te core,hold a chunk of iron or a length of ferrite rod on the backend and check the output with a scope as you do so.

Regards Dave  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on June 03, 2011, 07:12:04 AM
Info from a document:

'' What actually happens ?????. If your motor is operating within the "realm of disbelief", as it likely will (LOL), you will notice something very strange!!.

You may notice the following:

When R1 was turned on, the motor slowed a little bit, When R2 was turned on the motor may have slowed a little bit again, but not as much when R1 was turned on. Same when you turned R3 on, but when you turned R4 on, there appeared to be no change in motor speed at all. You continue and find that when you turned R5 on there was still no change, but when you turned R6 on, the motor seemed to speed up again. Same with 8, 9 and 10. It's almost at the speed when you started. Then to your greatest surprise, you turn the short circuit on, and the motor goes to full speed as if there were no load at all.''

Check the folowing link and read it carefully, it is exactly what Romero sugested with his speed up under load. Some of the energy goes back to the system and maintain the speed and the difference we can use.That difference multiplied by 7 coil pairs should be what we are all looking for. As he was saying, must match the load with the coils and the speed. I tried it with one coil and after many attempts and hours spent I managed to replicate the effect.I am using NSNS config with a coil similar with what he shown, 850 turns.
I have no cable to download from the phone to the computer and post pictures here.
Read the info completely, we have answers to many questions.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 03, 2011, 08:47:35 AM
Quote from: konehead on June 03, 2011, 02:08:03 AM
Here is bidirectional mosfet coil-shorting circuit using halleffects.
and you should use a 4421 driver (it will be normally OFF-switches ON from the hall effect)  instead of the 4422 shown in circuit and it will work fine as is.

Not shown is a "two-stage" output circuit...that high-bypass series AC cap will eliminate motor lugging, but there is balance in the uf value you want -  as too low of uf and not much power gets through to fill cap very fast and too high of uf and you can get lugging of motor but cap zaps up very fast so there is need to find balance.

To do a two-stage output circuit, "double" all this up and use a 4422 and a 4421 both triggered by same halleffect at same time. the 4421 will be normally OFF switches ON and the 4422 will be normally OFF swtiches ON...
so use the 4421 mosfet circuit to dump "collector" cap to load, and use the 4422 mosfet circuit  o fill collector cap while mosfets are "normally ON", and disconnect  cap from coils being shorted when collector-cap hits the load, as the 4422 circuit switches OFF from a common halleffect tha both drivers share (and the 4421 switches ON at same time dumnping cap to load)
use any size mosfets you want for whatever system you have going, and you can put some in paralell to reduce resistance if you want to do that..
you dont necessarily need to be charging a battery, that could be any load there -  and also you might not need or want that high bypass filter cap -  but if you do use it, play around with the uf values of it for whatever you are doing.
you wont need the bidirectional-style mosfets, and you can use single mosfets instead for the two stage output circuit, unless you decide to cut the coils from the collector cap during collector cap discharge on the AC side of the bridge for some reason.
mabye throw in a bunch of opto-isolatorrs too, (more advanced) so you can use one common power source for all the drivers and mosfets and hall effects....
if nothing else, this circuit shows how to hook up bidirecitonal mosfets, with a driver too, in order to short coils and a fwbr is there too, that fills DC cap up from the coil shorting...so that is the basics....

Thanks konehead very helpful. In the last 24 hours I have been frantically constructing all the necessary electronics.
I Haven t even stopped to answer email.
I will post any results good or bad.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hhobrian on June 03, 2011, 09:45:41 AM
Quote from: plengo on June 02, 2011, 07:35:54 PM

Just because we don't understand or current science explains to the level of our experiences does not mean it is not possible. Lenz law is just an explanation of physical realities limited by our experiments and understandings of the real thing. They

I agree, always thought should be called Lenz effect rather then Lenz law
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on June 03, 2011, 10:16:30 AM
Quote from: firlight on June 03, 2011, 04:52:40 AM
This is my first post here ,This post about the Adams motor is spot on,you really don`t need magnets on the back of the generator ,its cheaper to extend te core,hold a chunk of iron or a length of ferrite rod on the backend and check the output with a scope as you do so.

Regards Dave  :)

yes, I think so.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: starcruiser on June 03, 2011, 10:31:27 AM
I would not look to test with a resistive load on the generator output but use the capacitor and tune for output using a High Z meter. IMO, this is a tuned (tank) circuit and the DC-DC converter is probably a hi Z device that has minimal impact on the collection circuit. Just my .02

Similar to a rotoverter in some ways.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 03, 2011, 11:12:46 AM
Quote from: oscar on June 03, 2011, 02:30:46 AM
A similar effect has been reported by user Neight of energeticforum, see

Maybe those with complete test rigs (woopy, i_ron, etc.) can tune their generator coil biasing to this position/condition.

Sorry, not a complete test rig, just a coil pair. But opposing (NN) poles increase the voltage and attracting poles (SN) decrease the voltage, But the increase is only 2 or 3 %.

With the somaloy the 3mm thick magnet has to be in contact with the core.
Two magnets and the voltage starts to decrease.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 03, 2011, 11:16:04 AM
Quote from: REDCAR1957 on June 02, 2011, 09:50:07 PM
did you use single strand wire?\
why not use litz wire as Romero did? 7 strands .125mm

I did two coils, one with litz and one with solid... the solid strand gave better results, 5 watts output versus 4.68 watts for the litz.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 03, 2011, 11:27:51 AM
Quote from: chessnyt on June 03, 2011, 12:40:18 AM
It just baffles me how people expect to get the same results as RomeroUK when they are not even using the same parts.  I'm getting ready to replicate a 1965 Ford Mustang.  Does anybody know where I can purchase Chevy parts for my Ford replication?  ::)

The difference is Chevy parts have different dimensions and don't fit. IF the diameter was the same and the thickness was the same and the spline was the same you could use a Chevy clutch in your Ford.

The problem with doing an "exact" Romero replication is we don't know the oxygen content of the wire...was it oxygen free?

What is the mH of a coil?

R admitted his coils all had different number of winds... what number should we use?

What grade are the neo magnets?

Do you have to run it outside, within earshot of the London underground, for it to work?

Only if you can tell us the exact specifications of Romero's build could anyone have a hope of an "exact" duplication. And this is an impossibility.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 03, 2011, 12:26:08 PM
Quote from: i_ron on June 03, 2011, 11:16:04 AM
I did two coils, one with litz and one with solid... the solid strand gave better results, 5 watts output versus 4.68 watts for the litz.


Aught logical, Ron,
Thats correct,
Speakings about wonder higher performance or voltage growing when Litz used - this is just hubble-bubble. Litz or just stranded wire is neccessary when Lorentz forces based motor/generator, then wire must to be thinner at least than 0.4mm, as stronger magnetic field, as higher speed -  as thinner as better.
Thats all about Eddy losses when air core machine.  It does mot matter you wind ferrous core 50 turns using litz ot solid - voltage will be the same.
About current: wire cross area is what handles current, cross area of 0.125 wire is 0.012 mm2, when 7 strands then total 0.084mm2, adequate equivalent solid for 7 x 0.125  is 0.35 mm wire. Only high-level craftsman is able to wind into the same space the same number of turns with stranded wire in comparison with solid. With stranded, not twisted!  Someone compared 7 x 0.125 Litz with o.8mm solid wire - yeah perhaps outer diameter could be when cotton wrapped ... but 0.8mm solid wire handles four time stronger current than 0.35mm solid or 7 x 0.125 mm Litz   :o
There are many other reasons why, when and where to use Litz or stranded wire - nothing to do with announcements some members there continually "discovering". 

eagerly awaiting at least some kind of results instead of tittle-tattle talkings  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 03, 2011, 12:42:03 PM
Hey Woopy

Did you have a cap on the output after the fwbr's in that last vid?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 03, 2011, 12:53:38 PM
I just watched again at lunch here, I dont see the cap.
The cap should help in providing more power to the load(variable resistor).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 03, 2011, 01:36:54 PM
Just wateched Woopy's video.

Maybe those magnets at backs of cores do nothign as-is or even make things worse?
Seems like the strength and distance of those magnets to function how they are supposed to; (flipping the polarity of the core's poles right when the rotor magnet is starting to pass by so the rotor magnet gets a push, not a "pull-back" that rotationsl-lenzlug would provide)
The "regauaging" magnet's strength and distance is very particular to the rpms, and the particular load on the coils too...too much strength and its like putting in opposing magnetic flux that will make rotor spin like slug,  not enough strength, and the cores wont "flip" and there will be no difference between having magnets on back of cores and having none at all...thats all I can think of right now - I can think of things out of box like two stage cap output circout and a run cap switching into coils,  and coil shorting and sereis connections of coils but I think it would be better to try and get what Ropmeor did to work first .... this is a really nice clean  little rig Woopy built wish it ran as good as it looks....this isnt going to be as easy as building a simple "kit" to copy that Romero providedd via internet plans before the hired goons showed up it looks like. 
Maybe part of the deal with the goons was to not tell everything, and leave a bit out....who knows... but  sure would be nice if those those magnets behind the generator-coil cores do something dramatic in somebody's testing soon.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on June 03, 2011, 02:14:55 PM
from Adams motor :

"....... Put simply, IMHO, the acceleration effect is the result of negating oppositional forces associated with the generator core/current, and not the addition of extra energy into the system. This negation occurs due to a phase shift in the coil current and core counter-mmf, as a result of increasing frequency and /or higher than nominal output loads up to and including a short circuit.

Now I ask myself - why don't conventional closed system generators act like this, and accelerate under higher than nominal loading or short circuit? Can they be made to act in the same manner.? After all, even with Lenz's law applying, the coils of a conventional generator are bound by the same set of other accepted electrical rules which govern the Z impedance characteristics of an inductive power supply connected to a load.! And if they can't be made to have the same characteristics- then why not ?"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 03, 2011, 02:23:04 PM
Quote from: i_ron on June 03, 2011, 11:27:51 AM
The difference is Chevy parts have different dimensions and don't fit. IF the diameter was the same and the thickness was the same and the spline was the same you could use a Chevy clutch in your Ford.

The problem with doing an "exact" Romero replication is we don't know the oxygen content of the wire...was it oxygen free?

What is the mH of a coil?

R admitted his coils all had different number of winds... what number should we use?

What grade are the neo magnets?

Do you have to run it outside, within earshot of the London underground, for it to work?

Only if you can tell us the exact specifications of Romero's build could anyone have a hope of an "exact" duplication. And this is an impossibility.


As Romero is no longer available to support these projects I guess we have to hypothesize and read between the lines on what may have been the functional parameters of this motor generator. And who knows…we may end up creating a whole new machine or a very accurate replica. We may never know but the goal still remains the same - OU
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 03, 2011, 03:35:12 PM
Quote from: toranarod on June 03, 2011, 02:23:04 PM

As Romero is no longer available to support these projects I guess we have to hypothesize and read between the lines on what may have been the functional parameters of this motor generator. And who knows…we may end up creating a whole new machine or a very accurate replica. We may never know but the goal still remains the same - OU

LOL, agreed, I was just trying to point out to the "exact replica" people
that when all the parameters are not known then to insist that we only build "exact replicas" is an oxymoron.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 03, 2011, 04:05:05 PM

Have you checked your PM?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 03, 2011, 05:49:06 PM
Hi all
Thanks for the encouraging words

But now i come back on the picture i posted some post ago

So my analyse   (Totally out of the box of course )

In the first Romero?s video (with the light bulb and no DC converter and cap) there is a red wire which connect one positive side of a FWBR to the Ampemeter comming from trhe battery. That is to say directly to the battery positive.

You can see this exactly in the middle of the  voltmeter and ampmeter instruments, where he wounded  ( he wounded them arround the neg probe of the ampmeter ) the 2 positive wires of  the driver circuit together with this red wire connected to one of the positive side of the FWBR.

Than on my pix you see clearly that there is also a connection of the negative input directly to the negative rail of the FWBR, so also a direct connection of the neg battery to the neg of the FWBR.

So to say the light bulb is directly connected to the battery. / in this first video)

But what is interesting is that when he switch the bulb on , the amp meter do not climb and in fact he decreases a bit

So in the first video Romero sayd that he tried to recollect the generative power to the source battery by using one of the brdge 's diode

So i tried it today (i mean making all those connections ) and i could improve the general output from 35 % to 61 %.

This is beginning to be intersting :( :o ??? ::)

On the second  and third video the negative (black wire is always there ) and the red wire also  but it is not possible to see where that red wires goes. Prehaps simply left aside ? or connected to something ?

Would it be interesting to think about compressing current  ?? TOTALLY OUT OF THE BOX of course  ;D

Yep at this point nobody who do not have a real machine under the finger and test can help sorry ?

Next  "totally out of the box thinking soon "

But anyway good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 03, 2011, 06:03:09 PM
Quote from: i_ron on June 03, 2011, 11:27:51 AM
What is the mH of a coil?

Hi Ron,

This link gives an answer, about 1.2mH (depends on magnet proximity):

Magnet grade was N38.

I understood why you mainly answered though...  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 03, 2011, 06:35:50 PM

Hi webby

good looking

and what does  this inspire to you , can you see something "out of the box " here ?

Good luck at all


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 03, 2011, 07:20:37 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 03, 2011, 06:03:09 PM
Hi Ron,

This link gives an answer, about 1.2mH (depends on magnet proximity):

Magnet grade was N38.

I understood why you mainly answered though...  ;)


Thanks Gyula, I had missed (forgotten?) those two points

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skycollection on June 03, 2011, 07:57:58 PM
Sewing Bobbins...! in my oppinion this coils with many thin wires does not work and is a waste of time, if someone is building these KIND OF COILS, do not waste your time and money, NOT WORKING ...!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on June 03, 2011, 08:17:01 PM
Quote from: skycollection on June 03, 2011, 07:57:58 PM
Sewing Bobbins...! in my oppinion this coils with many thin wires does not work and is a waste of time, if someone is building these KIND OF COILS, do not waste your time and money, NOT WORKING ...!

@skycollection are you saying that having plastic between the core material and the wire will not work?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on June 03, 2011, 09:02:39 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 03, 2011, 01:36:54 PM
Maybe part of the deal with the goons was to not tell everything, and leave a bit out....who knows... but  sure would be nice if those those magnets behind the generator-coil cores do something dramatic in somebody's testing soon.

If Romero did make a deal it would be for ALL his knowledge of his motor.....and I am sure it would be dependant on NEVER telling anyone anything about it for the rest of his life.........


Just a few thoughts about the  magnets on the coils.

We know that Romono expermented with a magnicoaster
The basic configuration is very similar to a magnicoaster..... except the input comes from rotor motion rather than a second set of coils

I am sure he would  have used his knowledge of it as he tuned  his motor
I have not watched all the videos.......is everyone adjusting the magnets with washers ?
In my opinion it will not work without the washers.
I would say that a washer just a little bigger than the magnet would act kind of like a diffuser creating  a softer wider magnetic field
I think the most important function of the washer is based in the way iron responds to a magnetic field.
If  you place a thin core on a magnet  the polarity  will stay the same on the other side of the core.
If  you make the core thicker....at some point the polarity of the end of the core opposite the magnet will flip.
It is my opinion that  you want this point were the magnetic field  flips to be near the middle of your core 
If the point where the polarity flips is within the field of your coil  just a small input to your coil should flip the polarity of your core.

A way to test the basic setup might be to adjust just one coil at a time.....  I think I would adjust each coil for the most BEMF from a outside signal like a signal  gen
I would  be trying to get each set of coils working like a magnicoaster ....then I would adjust  my power input  to the coils to minimize cogging



I got it wrong
Using your input to the coil to tune  for cogging  is  not the right way.
Romero said  it has to be tuned over and over.

First it has to be tuned for minimum cogging
Then the coils would  have to be tuned like magnicoasters
This tuning will screw up  your cogging......so you will have to tune it again........This tuning will screw up your magnicoaster tuning.......but with each tuning you will get closer to the ideal setup

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on June 03, 2011, 09:06:20 PM
Quote from: webby1 on June 03, 2011, 07:50:27 PM
One other thought that I keep going back to is the fact that Romeros' motor was pulling .94A just spinning, which with the few others we have seen running with a much lower draw, so that is making me think that he has "tuned" his motor for a max output value similar somehow to Thanes accelerating generator.

I agree

Remember he said tune it under a load.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on June 03, 2011, 09:46:16 PM
Quote from: skycollection on June 03, 2011, 07:57:58 PM
Sewing Bobbins...! in my oppinion this coils with many thin wires does not work and is a waste of time, if someone is building these KIND OF COILS, do not waste your time and money, NOT WORKING ...!
If I may ask what are you using ? and what is your results with what you are using?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 03, 2011, 09:59:55 PM
Quote from: woopy on June 03, 2011, 05:49:06 PM
Hi all
Thanks for the encouraging words

But now i come back on the picture i posted some post ago

So my analyse   (Totally out of the box of course )

In the first Romero?s video (with the light bulb and no DC converter and cap) there is a red wire which connect one positive side of a FWBR to the Ampemeter comming from trhe battery. That is to say directly to the battery positive.

You can see this exactly in the middle of the  voltmeter and ampmeter instruments, where he wounded  ( he wounded them arround the neg probe of the ampmeter ) the 2 positive wires of  the driver circuit together with this red wire connected to one of the positive side of the FWBR.

Than on my pix you see clearly that there is also a connection of the negative input directly to the negative rail of the FWBR, so also a direct connection of the neg battery to the neg of the FWBR.

So to say the light bulb is directly connected to the battery. / in this first video)

But what is interesting is that when he switch the bulb on , the amp meter do not climb and in fact he decreases a bit

So in the first video Romero sayd that he tried to recollect the generative power to the source battery by using one of the brdge 's diode

So i tried it today (i mean making all those connections ) and i could improve the general output from 35 % to 61 %.

This is beginning to be intersting :( :o ??? ::)

On the second  and third video the negative (black wire is always there ) and the red wire also  but it is not possible to see where that red wires goes. Prehaps simply left aside ? or connected to something ?

Would it be interesting to think about compressing current  ?? TOTALLY OUT OF THE BOX of course  ;D

Yep at this point nobody who do not have a real machine under the finger and test can help sorry ?

Next  "totally out of the box thinking soon "

But anyway good luck at all


Interesting observation Woopy. Do you think you or someone else could draw an schematic of those red/black wires new found connections? That would tremendously help those building the motor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on June 04, 2011, 12:29:52 AM
Quote from: woopy on June 03, 2011, 05:49:06 PM
.... In the first Romero's video (with the light bulb and no DC converter and cap) there is a red wire which connect one positive side of a FWBR ..... directly to the battery positive.

...there is also a ....direct connection of the neg battery to the neg of the FWBR. ...

Hi woopy,
man you are looking closely.

So in his first video he had the battery connected to the output of his FWBRs.

I would say that this created an "impedance" to the current coming out of the FWBRs. Is this the right way to look at it?

In the next video (selfrunner with cap and DC/DC converter) he used the charged cap to produce this impedance. !???

Is this what they call "impedance-matching"?

Hoptoad's adams motor (which he describes at http://www.totallyamped.net/adams/page8.html) is only speeding up, when the impedance of the load is just right.

also Thane Heins emphasizing the need for "high impedance coils" to achieve the acceleration in his machines
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DimaWari on June 04, 2011, 12:40:02 AM
Does anyone notice that one leg of all the stator coils are grounded? Which reminds me of a typical 3 phase alternator? except the driving coils
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on June 04, 2011, 06:30:48 AM
Hi All,

This is not conclusive and far from it. But some of you have already guessed this anyway.

I have done an Ocilliscope Anaysis of RomeroUK's Video. I know there are Scope shots floating around already, but they are not under load if memory serves? There is a consistent wave form in the video, where RomeroUK Starts the motor up, and the frequency can actually be measured. I believe RomeroUK's motor was running at approximately 2100 RPM give or take a few hundred RPM either side. This frequency can be measured on the scope. Try it your self if you dont believe me. I have circled the Wave Notches that are more obvious in the G-Field Generator.

My Scope Analysis shows a very interesting wave that is only shown one other place I know. The G-Field Generator or the Kromrey Converter. Same device.

I am building a Motor/Generator but its not aligned with RomeroUK's work so I have not posted any progress here. But this helps all of us building Motor/Generators.

I believe this will be of at least some use.

All the best

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 04, 2011, 06:43:41 AM
Hi all

@Webby and Plengo

It is very clear that in the first video , with the bulb , the bulb is connected to the rectified circuit which is himself  directly connected to the battery  by the black and the red wire. ( the probe of the ampmeter is situated between the 2 yellow instrument and you see the 3 red wires roled around the pin of the probe)
The black wire comes directly from the neg of one of the drive circuit and is connected to the neg rail of the rectifier circuit as per my pix of previous post.

I made a circuit drawing to show this wiring (see pix)

Please notice also that there is  a cap (yellow) accross  the entry of each  drive circuit .

Very important is the fact that when he switches the bulb on , the Ampmeter not only do not climb but it decreases a bit. And as many already say the bulb Ampmeter shows about 2 amps. So it seems to be a combination of the input and output which play together to create something more.

Out of the box thinking for today = could it be that the rusch of the generated pulsed rectified current boxing against the DC input from the battery or the big charged cap, can create more out than in ? 

I did this connection (without the yellow cap for now ) and the result is encouraging.

So this connection is not to fake the system, but As Oscar sayd could it be a way to match the impedance ?

Matching impedance ??I love this words but can somebody try to explain this in simple word  Thank's   Is it a boxing system ?

@ Chris i just see your scope shot, thanks will study .

Good luck at all


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 04, 2011, 06:53:07 AM
Quote from: hyiq on June 04, 2011, 06:30:48 AM

I am building a Motor/Generator but its not aligned with RomeroUK's work so I have not posted any progress here. But this helps all of us building Motor/Generators.

I believe this will be of at least some use.

All the best


Yeah, nice stuff  ::)
http://www.flickr.com/photos/curiousexpeditions/514913582/  :o
All the best,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 04, 2011, 07:47:16 AM
Quote from: hyiq on June 04, 2011, 06:30:48 AM
My Scope Analysis shows a very interesting wave that is only shown one other place I know. The G-Field Generator or the Kromrey Converter. Same device.

Especially because Romero HIMSELF (!!!) stated that the Kromrey Converter IS
the same device/principle but even simpler here:

and here he sais that he succesfully experimentally confirmed the Kromrey functionality and that he sees his own device as an advancement over that:


For some reason, this is not given any attention by the folks that seek to explain the principle with purely lenz-related ideas ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 04, 2011, 07:55:03 AM
@DimaWari. Your circuit diagram of the standard alternator has brought out something that has been nagging at my subconscious for weeks . The alternator you show is star connected as opposed to delta .All the coils are connected together at a central point . But notice that this point is not connected to the 3 phase rectifier . Now imagine that we convert it to a 4 phase alternator . so we add another coil and connect one of its ends to the central star point . Its other end is connected to the rectifier by ADDING TWO MORE DIODES ON THE RIGHT .. So for each extra coil we add , we need two more diodes . So for seven coils ,we only need 16 diodes as opposed to 7 x4 =28 diodes if we have a separate bridge rectifier for each coil . Less cost , less diode voltage drop . I have no idea if this would be better than the Romero arrangement or not . But for guys looking for something to try , this is an idea .Note that in the standard alternator , the coils are out of phase with each other, and it still works OK .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 04, 2011, 08:24:30 AM
@free . I like your style and the use of low cost materials for prototyping. I assume you have gone for air core coils because you dont yet have ferrites .I would like to experiment with Fe3O4 cores , but the instructions for those are ambiguous . They talk about sandwiching the filled moulds between two magnets , but it says to place the magnets either side of the moulds . I would assume that they mean the ENDS of the mould so the the lines of force are aligned with the long axis of the core .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 04, 2011, 08:58:24 AM
Quote from: neptune on June 04, 2011, 08:24:30 AM
I would like to experiment with Fe3O4 cores , but the instructions for those are ambiguous . They talk about sandwiching the filled moulds between two magnets , but it says to place the magnets either side of the moulds . I would assume that they mean the ENDS of the mould so the the lines of force are aligned with the long axis of the core .

hi neptune

you can still align the field lines with the long core axis with the mags either side

i do this with my Cells - arrange two (or more?) mags with their pole-to-pole axis parallel to the long core axis - all Ns facing same direction

if you place more than two mags around the core diam., you can get a more concentrated field down the core axis than just using two mags one each end

also opportunity to 'stack' these 'sidewinders' in series

need to take steps to hold the assembly very firmly tho' of course, cause LOTS of repelling force!

(this has been a public service announcement on behalf of Bikers Eat More Fruit)

have a good day  :)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on June 04, 2011, 09:19:41 AM
I have been quietly following this thread, doing more listening than talking (for once). I have a 5 magnet rotor in progress that I just finished turning recently.  It is for testing a couple ideas then I will jump in bigger.  pic attached.

   But my reason for this post is ask a few things.  So Romero said that most of us were on the wrong track and if we wanted to make a very efficient dynamo we were doing a good job.  So we have to think outside the box.  Well if you were just to look at the device and draw a schemo then that is still all we have.  a dynamo.  Which it is. 
   Does anyone know why the " rear " driver circuit has 3 wires at its input area as compared to the "front driver" that only has 2.  As does the Schemo (2 wires input) that Romero posted.  And one of the wires is either coming from or going to one of the input legs of a FWBR.  LOok at video "muller type generator with extra magnets"  about 6:13 we get a good look at it. at about 6:19 we get a look at both of em in contrast.   at 54 seconds we get a look at the rear of the rear driver and there is def 3 wires "in".  Any ideas? 
   Also as Nul's has pointed out.  This drivers trigger from the hall is after the magnet passes TDC of the coil by a good amount.  any ideas?  I have looked and looked and watched again.  If it is a drive circuit then it doesnt seem to fire in what I think would be ideal position for drive.  In repulsion to the magnet for stronger drive the magnet would have to be closer to the coil.  In attraction, the NEXT incoming magnet is too far away for this pulse to be effective.  Correct me if im wrong.  Or could it be a very quick pulse to help it get past the attractive force of the magnet to the core?
   And can anyone make out what is inside the hole on top of the core for the rear drive coil?  it may be a small magnet, but that only makes a little sense to me.  When all the other magnets are quite large this would not make sense to be so small.
  My out of box thinking is that this is my a coil shorting at the peak/driver circuit hybrid.  Is this even possible to determine from looking at vids/pictures?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 04, 2011, 09:30:34 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on June 04, 2011, 07:47:16 AM
Especially because Romero HIMSELF (!!!) stated that the Kromrey Converter IS
the same device/principle but even simpler here:

and here he sais that he succesfully experimentally confirmed the Kromrey functionality and that he sees his own device as an advancement over that:


For some reason, this is not given any attention by the folks that seek to explain the principle with purely lenz-related ideas ...

Interesting so the scope shows the same W effect as with kromrey converter, that must be responsible for the acceleration under load effect! So then the extra magnets on top of the coils are there for two reasons.

@Woopy, I belief Romerouk was talking about the 2 small caps but said that they were not important, thanks for the drawing, that makes everything much clearer and good luck with experiments.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on June 04, 2011, 10:37:46 AM
dejo pagina de muchos replicadores de energia libre


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 04, 2011, 10:38:34 AM
Quote from: redrichie on June 04, 2011, 09:19:41 AM
   Does anyone know why the " rear " driver circuit has 3 wires at its input area as compared to the "front driver" that only has 2.  As does the Schemo (2 wires input) that Romero posted.  And one of the wires is either coming from or going to one of the input legs of a FWBR.  LOok at video "muller type generator with extra magnets"  about 6:13 we get a good look at it. at about 6:19 we get a look at both of em in contrast.   at 54 seconds we get a look at the rear of the rear driver and there is def 3 wires "in".  Any ideas? 
   And can anyone make out what is inside the hole on top of the core for the rear drive coil?  it may be a small magnet, but that only makes a little sense to me.  When all the other magnets are quite large this would not make sense to be so small.

hi redrichie

iirc Romero mentioned that before using the DC converter to stabilise the motor drive when looped, he tried connecting the FWBR o/p (which possibly had smaller buffer cap in parallel, also) via a diode back to the i/p (ie. the motor drive supply, where each board has a yellow 100 or 200uF electrolytic across its 12V supply)

i believe he may have mentioned that the diode was located on one of the drive boards

this would make for an extra connection wiring connection to just one of the drive boards

as for the thing in the top of the drive coil hole, i think we're looking at the top of the core

the drive coils didn't have washers & mags on top, and Romero *may* have drilled that core position right thro' - possibly to get more vertical adjustment on his drive coil cores

(i think he glued his coil spool-ends to the inside of each stator plate, so the core wouldn't necessarily have to be glued into place, at least whilst tuning)

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 04, 2011, 10:46:25 AM
Quote from: free on June 04, 2011, 10:29:31 AM
Hi all,
I`ve finished all the wiring and got all them 9 pairs with thier own FWBR done.
It looks like a generator with dread locks...kinda messy looking wiring but its all oke.

blimey, free - you won't be just selling electricity back to the Grid...

...you're going to BE the Grid!  :)

nice to see some more wood around, too - impressive build!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DimaWari on June 04, 2011, 11:09:05 AM
Thanks neptune.
@ Woopy If I'm correct your idea is somewhat like kapanadze motor? But his magnets are perpendicular to the collector coils right?.. Current displacement?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 04, 2011, 03:58:48 PM

I really think many of us are overcomplicating Romero's system.

I am sure most of you are, like me, are thinking that the reason it works is because of all the
refinements made to the system.

These "refinements", as pointed out by Romreo, decrease input and increase output.

Sure, he may not have given all details, but I think many have missed important clues.

* The biasing magnets - reduce drag and increase coil output voltgae.

* The double diode bridge rectifiers - reduce losses and give more voltage

* An AC capacitor, correctly positioned, will markedly reduce input drive current !!! Please watch,
then rewatch this video that Romero directed us to and stated, TAKE NOTE!


I also feel, both drive coils are NOT working in attraction mode - but am yet to prove this.

Good luck to all.

Kindest Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 04, 2011, 04:08:46 PM
One more thing to add -

I must admit, I do not know the correct position to place the AC cap,
but my testing has shown that a 6.8uf AC cap across the drive coil pair reduces amp draw by 25% and
NO reduction in RPM.

I am trying to find, as shown in the Kromrey video, the RPM that cause the speed increase and
current reduction by trial and error. I feel this is the MAGIC speed at which this effect kicks in.

Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 04, 2011, 04:50:29 PM
COP = 1
motor run on supercapacitor 4 hours ,no batery....




yuotube chanel...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on June 04, 2011, 04:52:20 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on June 04, 2011, 07:47:16 AM
Especially because Romero HIMSELF (!!!) stated that the Kromrey Converter IS
the same device/principle but even simpler here:

and here he sais that he succesfully experimentally confirmed the Kromrey functionality and that he sees his own device as an advancement over that:


For some reason, this is not given any attention by the folks that seek to explain the principle with purely lenz-related ideas ...


Thanks for the links! So much to read its hard to keep up with it all. Building and reading is nearly a full time job.

I would say this is pretty conclusive stuff, but hey how hard is this to try. Its easy.

All the best

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 04, 2011, 05:02:09 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 04, 2011, 04:50:29 PM
motor  run 4 hour



Would you mind kindly translate your Russian into English for those of us not understanding Russian please? Thank you.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 04, 2011, 05:13:36 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 04, 2011, 04:08:46 PM

I must admit, I do not know the correct position to place the AC cap,
but my testing has shown that a 6.8uf AC cap across the drive coil pair reduces amp draw by 25% and
NO reduction in RPM.

Hi Penno,

I believe the placement of a capacitor in parallel with two series drive coils is the right place if you wish to further test its input current reducement effect: the cap forms a parallel LC circuit with the series two drive coils and in case you choose a cap value that happens to create a resonance at or near the RPM frequency then this LC tank is going to have the highest AC impedance, hence the input current would be the lowest versus a no cap condition.  The reactive currents inside the LC tank will still be high (loaded Q times as much as the input current to the tank) so this explaines why the RPM can stay the same or very nearly the same.
OF course we do not know if Romero had any such cap at the drive coils but this is a kind of modification that can cause no harm...

Also, a suggestion for those using Romero's driver circuit with the Hall device and the bipolar PNP transistor: a series resistor could be inserted between Pin 3 of Hall output and the base electrode of the transistor to reduce input base current to the transistor,  as Romero showed, the 12V goes directly to base-emitter junction and the saturated Hall ouput transistor's collecter-emitter junction without any current limiting, so a resistor of any value between 470 Ohm to up about 1.5 kOM will limit nicely the input base current, hence the total input current to the driver stage.
This way a further 50-150mA reducement could be had without RPM change. The inserted resistor value needs testing of course.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 04, 2011, 05:14:05 PM
[Quote author = chrisC link = topic = 3842.msg289565 # msg289565 data = 1307221329]
Would you mind kindly translate your Russian into English for those of us not understanding Russian please? Thank you.

[/ Quote]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 04, 2011, 05:15:47 PM
Quote from: chrisC on June 04, 2011, 05:02:09 PM
Would you mind kindly translate your Russian into English for those of us not understanding Russian please? Thank you.


One thing you surely can understand without any translator - "selfrun" only when SUPERCAP  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 04, 2011, 05:56:50 PM
also runs hours,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 04, 2011, 06:03:05 PM
Hi Penno 64

please show us your replications and results    . you annouced something as" as stonuding " and now you hire it behgid some yellow cap   what's that?

no replication = no crediblity to me

sorry man but you do not bring real interesting things so far please elaborate
sorry to be rude

good luck at all


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 04, 2011, 06:15:51 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 04, 2011, 04:50:29 PM


Looks like he has double the voltage and thus the wattage out
than the input voltage ( and input power ) at the same amp level, when I
have seen it correctly ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 04, 2011, 06:37:13 PM
This Russian guy uses Adams style motors, no ferrous core, radial one (one-side) and axial motor (two-side coils),
when radial one then he surely speaks that nnnn magnets, when axial two-side motor then he does not speak about,
He shows simple driver scheme, reed switch (gerkon) ... speaking about wonder that meters showing like (all these) device gives more out than consume,   he really wonder about OU effect and speaks it need to be studied bit more, but selfrun ... runs only when capacitor ...
and I know you do not like this but we need to be honest ... not just any capacitor but supercapacitor  >:( and it runs for hours ::)
You can see - no secrets, no Litz, no mamas cry because all sewing machine bobbins missed, the only "tuning" is he finding the right position for reed switch.

On his youtube channel he shows "radiant energy" as well  :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 04, 2011, 06:58:41 PM
Alright got everything drawn on paper and off to the plastic store to be cut. In the mean time I thought I would play around with google sketchup (see pics). I am incorporating a lot of adjustment of the coils in hope to ease tuning and test different positions. Should have the acrylic next week some time, then to build.... Peace and keep up the great work guys.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 04, 2011, 09:05:27 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on June 04, 2011, 06:15:51 PM
Looks like he has double the voltage and thus the wattage out
than the input voltage ( and input power ) at the same amp level, when I
have seen it correctly ?

I analyzed this some further by having a closer look.
Well, he is measureing the output voltage across the output cap and
the output current in series with the bulb, which goes from the output cap to the input cap.

So you can´t multiply these voltage and amp readings, but you must subtract
the input voltage from the power supply from the output voltage,
cause this voltage difference is the only voltage the bulb sees !

So when using this he is always electrically a bit underunity.
What the motor puts out mechanically  is not yet counted....

So it would be more interesting to see, what voltage and current the bulb would have,
if the bulb would go from the output to ground.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 04, 2011, 10:05:17 PM

On est heureux qui croit et ne peut pas voir.

Je vais essayer pour toi. Aujourd'hui, Je vais poser mon pere emprunter son camescope.

Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 04, 2011, 10:23:39 PM

Penno, you were sure lucky to survive THAT explosion in your lab!!!!  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 04, 2011, 11:02:42 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 04, 2011, 03:58:48 PM

I really think many of us are overcomplicating Romero's system.

I am sure most of you are, like me, are thinking that the reason it works is because of all the
refinements made to the system.

These "refinements", as pointed out by Romreo, decrease input and increase output.

Sure, he may not have given all details, but I think many have missed important clues.

* The biasing magnets - reduce drag and increase coil output voltgae.

* The double diode bridge rectifiers - reduce losses and give more voltage

* An AC capacitor, correctly positioned, will markedly reduce input drive current !!! Please watch,
then rewatch this video that Romero directed us to and stated, TAKE NOTE!


I also feel, both drive coils are NOT working in attraction mode - but am yet to prove this.

Good luck to all.

Kindest Regards, Penno

Regarding the AC capacitor this may be relevant.  This info is from George Wiseman's book 'Capacitive Transformer':  "Voltage  limited  Capacitive
Transformers  act  like  an  inductive
transformer.   Under no load,  they
'float'    at maximum  voltage.    As  a
load  is applied,  the voltage drops as
the current  rises.  If  the output
leads  are  shorted there  is no
current   draw  from   the primary
source.    The  units  are  inherently
'current    limited'    and  will   never
burn   out  because    of  too  much   load.
Simply,   they  will   not  provide    any
more   electricity    than  they  are
designed    to provide.
And   if little  or  no  electricity is
being   used  by  the  load,  the  circuit
efficiently    cuts   back  on  the  wattage
provided    by  the  source,   stopping    a
watt-meter    in  it's  tracks.   This
function is inherent and  involves no

This circuit is very simple and replaces transformers with just one or two capacitors.  One AC cap can be in series between your coil and your FWBR or you can have that cap plus a DC electrolytic across the FWBR on the input side also. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 05, 2011, 12:06:02 AM

Untill I get the video camera -

1.  20v @ 200ma  + 6.8uf ac cap = 1800rpm

2.  20v @ 400ma no cap = 1630rpm

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 05, 2011, 12:27:30 AM
A lot of replicators have perfectly wound coils.

As a matter of output, does a nicely wound parallel wound coil produce more or less than just doing it like a random wound fishing reel?

Muller's design shows taper wound coils, and I have noticed that several of RomeroUK's coils seems to be wound similarly, as in the illustration I created. Some others though are nicely done, parallel, while others are like the illustration, either trapezoidal in profile, or pot bellied.

Think that has anything to do with what he claims to have had working? If so, there's another variable. Somebody said they were bi-filar wound, but I don't see any posts from RomeroUK saying that.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 05, 2011, 12:45:16 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 04, 2011, 03:58:48 PM
I also feel, both drive coils are NOT working in attraction mode - but am yet to prove this.
Kindest Regards, Penno


when i pointed this out several days ago, based on photo evidence of the position of Romero's Hall sensors relative to their drive coils,  i got told i was "making stuff up"!!!  :)

Quote from: nul-points on June 01, 2011, 08:35:24 AM
looking carefully at the still shots of Romero's device it appears that he only changed ONE drive coil to attraction mode and left the OTHER drive coil in repulsion mode

the sequence, looking from above, is 1st drive coil in repulsion mode, then 1st Hall sensor, then 4 gen coils, then 2nd Hall sensor, then 2nd drive coil in attraction mode

you can still see the hole in the top stator plate where the 2nd Hall sensor used to be and it is AFTER the 2nd drive coil (exactly like the 1st Hall sensor is AFTER the 1st drive coil)

originally both sensors would have been able to use the small mags on the rotor rim, because the relative position of each sensor was the same to its connected drive coil -AFTER TDC

but when Romero changed the 2nd drive to attraction he needed the sensor to fire BEFORE TDC, so he moved the 2nd sensor over the top of the rotor mag path, BEFORE the 2nd coil

so - this COULD mean that the two drive coils were firing either simultaneously, or at least very close in time

Here are a couple of Romero's Posts regarding firing.
Why is it some of you guys want to start making stuff up?  ???

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on June 05, 2011, 12:54:31 AM
Hi woopy, Lidmotor, penno64 and All

thanks for sharing.

Maybe the impedance needed on the load side of the circuit does not have to be provided by the main input battery nor by a cap.
Maybe any DC-source of the right voltage on the load side will produce the desired effect.

So I propose the following experiment:
Find  a battery with a lower voltage than what your generator coils supply to the load (under load). Connect this battery to the output side of your machines. It has to be connected anti-parallel as per woopy's circuit drawing in reply #2432 http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg289518#msg289518.

Again: the voltage of the 'opposing output-side battery' needs to be less, than what the coils produce under load. To make such an output-side battery of the desired strength, small batteries can be connected in series.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on June 05, 2011, 01:04:38 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 05, 2011, 12:06:02 AM

Untill I get the video camera -

1.  20v @ 200ma  + 6.8uf ac cap = 1800rpm

2.  20v @ 400ma no cap = 1630rpm

Great job Penno64!  A huge find that ALL replicators should take note.  Did you randomly choose the 6.8 uf value, or have you tuned it to resonance, to match the frequency of the pulse to the output coil?  That may result in interesting results as well. 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 05, 2011, 03:08:27 AM






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Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 05, 2011, 06:24:13 AM
Hi Penno

Le loup sort du bois :D

Bravo man now i see better.
You know as i am far from being an expert ,for me it is very difficult to imagine what the people are saying. And that  especially when the problem is not very clearly explained, and even in this case it stays difficult. So i prefer seing the things.
Nice built and waiting for your result under load.  Excuse my somehow rude words from yesterday i was just a little nervous after a complete day of trial and error and having fried 4 reostats . But today is another day and i go on and wish you all the best Thanks


bravo hehe always more replicators and hopefully more results ;)

thanks for the resistor advice i began with a 470 ohms and it is better. But always very far from Romero. will try to optimise the driving circuit with other resistors, Thanks


Thanks for the prop will test it also

And bravo to all other not known replicators, perhaps one will crack the trick and report ? ::)

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 05, 2011, 06:49:35 AM
see all videos MoPoZcO
Mopozco's Channel
Dont forget "Load More"  ::)
He is sober-minded and smart guy, knows what he is doing  8)
I like this kind eksperiments very much,

... running for days  :o ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 05, 2011, 07:25:04 AM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on June 05, 2011, 12:27:30 AM
A lot of replicators have perfectly wound coils.

As a matter of output, does a nicely wound parallel wound coil produce more or less than just doing it like a random wound fishing reel?

Muller's design shows taper wound coils, and I have noticed that several of RomeroUK's coils seems to be wound similarly, as in the illustration I created. Some others though are nicely done, parallel, while others are like the illustration, either trapezoidal in profile, or pot bellied.

Think that has anything to do with what he claims to have had working? If so, there's another variable. Somebody said they were bi-filar wound, but I don't see any posts from RomeroUK saying that.


Winding the coil that way, you get more turns onto the tiny sewing Bobbin.
I had the same problem.
So maybe that's a simple explanation.
What difference would a "taper wound" coil make in terms of performance
advantages would have to be proven/sourced somehow.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 05, 2011, 07:37:34 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on June 05, 2011, 07:25:04 AM
Winding the coil that way, you get more turns onto the tiny sewing Bobbin.
I had the same problem.
So maybe that's a simple explanation.
What difference would a "taper wound" coil make in terms of performance
advantages would have to be proven/sourced somehow.
neogen photo...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 05, 2011, 08:08:55 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 05, 2011, 07:37:34 AM
neogen photo...

Ok, but explain what difference does it make ???
At first look, it seems that the magnetic field is stronger
in the coil section that has more layers.
What's the benefit of that?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 05, 2011, 08:14:10 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on June 05, 2011, 08:08:55 AM
Ok, but explain what difference does it make ???
At first look, it seems that the magnetic field is stronger
in the coil section that has more layers.
What's the benefit of that?




Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 05, 2011, 10:07:43 AM
Attention: the site below provided to calculate your capacitor for a certain inductance and frequency has a trojan virus. By simply visiting the site it will contaminate your computer and allow others to access your machine.

Quote from: gyulasun on June 05, 2011, 08:09:24 AM
Hi Laurent,

I would suggest doing also Penno's capacitor placement in parallel with the two series drive coils. Use the tacho meter to know rotor RPM then calculate rotor frequency (say you have RPM=1800, divide it by 60 to get frequency in Hertz (1800/60=30 Hz). Now measure the inductance of two series drive coils with your L meter (consider measuring when rotor magnets are furthest away and when just sandwiched by the coils and take the average of the two L values).
Then you can use the Thomson formula to get a ballpark figure for the capacitor value (non electrolytic). You may wish to use this link for the formula: http:// www (dot) whatcircuits.com/lc-resonance-frequency-calculator/

If you say find an average L=2.5 mH for two series drive coils and use the 30 Hz frequency the link above gives 11258 uF, a very high value because L  and the frequency is very low.  I know it is difficult to obtain (and expensive) such high non-electrolytic caps, so the closer you approach the better... Or just try any microFarad you happen to have (4.7 or 10uF) and watch how input current tends to go down. As an alternative, you can use this:

  Connect two electrolytic capacitors of twice the uF rating and at least equal voltage rating back-back in series. To minimize any significant reverse voltage on the capacitors, add a pair of diodes:
                    1N4001 to 4007 diodes
               +---|>|---- + ----|<|----+
               |                |                 |
               |   -     +     |     +    -     |
                 2,000 uF     2,000 uF
                   25 V         25 V

This way you can get a non-polar capacitor with 1000 uF value, rated to 25V, just try this putting in parallel with the two series drive coils and watch input current.  I know the calculation gave 11000 uF but no need yet to rush for two 22000uF and connect them in series if you do not happen to have them now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 05, 2011, 10:17:08 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 05, 2011, 12:06:02 AM

Untill I get the video camera -

1.  20v @ 200ma  + 6.8uf ac cap = 1800rpm

2.  20v @ 400ma no cap = 1630rpm

Hi penno64

6.8uf cap specific in what position? A schematic description of it?

Thank you!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on June 05, 2011, 10:27:16 AM
@plengo: I cannot confirm this. This warning made me visit the site but Antivirus found nothing. Can it be that you got your Trojan Horse from somewhere else?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AbbaRue on June 05, 2011, 11:18:49 AM
2 Things that differentiate this motor/dynamo from most I have seen is.
1) The magnets are spinning instead of the coils. 
2) It has magnets placed on top of the coils to balance the magnetic fields.   

I believe the balancing magnets are the key to the OU. 
The washers serve as a way to keep the magnets in place so you can quickly place and remove them for adjustments. 
Also the washers spread the magnetic field out across a larger surface. 
So I believe our main focus in getting OU from our dynamo's is in adjusting those magnets placed on the washers. 
As well as getting the right size of washers, and right strength magnets for them. 
Another focus would be in getting the distance between the coils and the rotor at the right distance.
I believe that by getting those things right, every ones replication will reach OU. 

I'm in the process of acquiring the parts to build my own. 
I still need the large rotor disk cut accurately and I'm waiting on the litz wire to arrive. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 05, 2011, 11:44:34 AM
@ Above,

I silently watch and do not want to theorize at all. After all , the theories little contribute at all.

So, when Romero was discussing his generator with all S magnets facing up (changed from an initial NSNSN magnet polarity) and after a lot adjustments he said he achieved OU without the "regauging" or "compensating" magnets at all. But OU percentage, according his calculations was about 1:1,1 or so.

The back end magnets almost doubled the output affecting the input only a bit. So looping afterwards was a piece of cake according him.

see for yourselves https://rapidshare.com/files/4084301451/Forum_page_8.zip
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 05, 2011, 12:06:09 PM
PLYZ .... PAGE 9 , 10  ???   THANKS...
Would you have the other pages available? Would you share them if you have?

Many thanks,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AbbaRue on June 05, 2011, 12:15:39 PM
In the photo on page 9 you can see that he has different magnet arrangements on the coils, so we know
he must have done a lot of adjustment to get things just right.
So I'm not theorizing, I'm just stating the obvious. 
I want to keep away from theories at this point, though I have a lot of my own on were the access energy comes from. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 05, 2011, 12:21:52 PM

This infinity motor reminds me of a video I found on youtube over a year ago:


By using magnetic bearings and freely rotating ring magnets it's "free of gravity" and over-comes the Lenz effect.
And, as near as I can tell, he starts the device by hand and it self runs without batteries.

And he does have some other videos so you might want to check it out.


Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 05, 2011, 03:08:27 AM






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Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 05, 2011, 12:29:14 PM
Quote from: gauschor on June 05, 2011, 10:27:16 AM
@plengo: I cannot confirm this. This warning made me visit the site but Antivirus found nothing. Can it be that you got your Trojan Horse from somewhere else?

I checked and rechecked. Every time I go to that particular page my anti-virus shows the download with the Trojan. The download is a temp file. May be they crafted it for Chome browser (which I use). So I am very sure it is indeed a virus from that particular site. It could be from their ads or whatever that page contains. Not necessary from the owner of that site.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on June 05, 2011, 12:33:54 PM
Hmm, I didn't think about that, but it's true, the ads or something else could indeed be the reason. I used Flash+AdBlocker on Firefox so maybe that's the reason I don't receive the virus. I agree then to be careful.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on June 05, 2011, 12:35:18 PM
how important it is to think outside the box:

a video to watch ....... all is designed to fail
OU system is simply unacceptable !!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 05, 2011, 12:42:54 PM
Quote from: baroutologos on June 05, 2011, 11:44:34 AM
@ Above,

I silently watch and do not want to theorize at all. After all , the theories little contribute at all.

So, when Romero was discussing his generator with all S magnets facing up (changed from an initial NSNSN magnet polarity) and after a lot adjustments he said he achieved OU without the "regauging" or "compensating" magnets at all. But OU percentage, according his calculations was about 1:1,1 or so.

The back end magnets almost doubled the output affecting the input only a bit. So looping afterwards was a piece of cake according him.

see for yourselves https://rapidshare.com/files/4084301451/Forum_page_8.zip

Would you have the other pages available? Would you share them if you have?

Many thanks,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 05, 2011, 12:50:38 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 05, 2011, 10:07:43 AM
Attention: the site below provided to calculate your capacitor for a certain inductance and frequency has a trojan virus. By simply visiting the site it will contaminate your computer and allow others to access your machine.
how did you determine this site has a trojan or virus?  I'm asking because it seems an unlikely site for such and my computer is quite tight on security and I saw no problem there.  I also looked at the source code for that web page and while I can't say 100% it is not a problem I didn't see any obvious code that would install a trojan or virus.  I've got another computer that's even tighter than this one so I'll check later with it too but I question that there is actually a trojan on this site.  Sorry to sidetrack but it seems like a good site for this projects calcs. 
  Sorry I just saw the above answers and I agree it could be ads from other sites.  But there is also possible false positives.  What AV do you use?  What specific trojan was detected (if it said)?  I would write the site owner to let him know what's happening. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 05, 2011, 01:12:40 PM
Well after building my model in sketchup (3D), I found that there was going to be fitment issues with the rotor I have cut out already. Everything looked great in 2D on paper, but is to wide to work properly. So back to the drawing board to redesign the unit, but here are a few pics of the whole unit. Peace
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 05, 2011, 01:37:00 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 05, 2011, 12:50:38 PM
how did you determine this site has a trojan or virus?  I'm asking because it seems an unlikely site for such and my computer is quite tight on security and I saw no problem there.  I also looked at the source code for that web page and while I can't say 100% it is not a problem I didn't see any obvious code that would install a trojan or virus.  I've got another computer that's even tighter than this one so I'll check later with it too but I question that there is actually a trojan on this site.  Sorry to sidetrack but it seems like a good site for this projects calcs. 
  Sorry I just saw the above answers and I agree it could be ads from other sites.  But there is also possible false positives.  What AV do you use?  What specific trojan was detected (if it said)?  I would write the site owner to let him know what's happening.


Active Protection Event Details
Event Type 2 -- Notify 
Timeout 0(s) 
Monitor Source 2003 -- On File Access 
Message ID {7D4034F9-CD61-4209-BDF5-6373D53BEA57}
Monitor Type 2 -- File 
Recommend System Scan Yes 
AP SDK Version 4.0.4194
Threat Definitions Version 9492
Event Actor Enum 2 -- Object 
Event Date/Time 2011-06-05T13:35:32

Application Information
File Path C:\Users\Fausto\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
Process ID 4560
File Size 1010232(B) 
CRC8 61CDE6C01DEC0000
Application Rating 1 -- Known Good 
Added To Always Allow List No 
Company Google Inc.
File Version
Product Name Google Chrome
Product Version
Description Google Chrome
Copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Attempted to modify the following file
File Path C:\Users\Fausto\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\f_000472
CRC8 0000000000000000
Application Rating 2 -- Known Bad 
Threat ID 4723144

Action Taken
User Name \\Free-Energy-PC\Fausto
Action 2 -- Blocked 
Reason 2 -- VIPRE Known 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 05, 2011, 01:57:52 PM
Thanks plengo.  I'm digging into this right now.  Examining my cache for possible trojans since visiting the site.  I do run a less common browser that I think is more resistant to attack and it's also run sandboxed. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 05, 2011, 02:12:07 PM
Okay I found it!  It was in my Sandbox in the cache area and is from the web site www.whatcircuits.com.  Because it was in my Sandbox is probably why it didn't trigger any alerts.  File size is 51623 bytes.  I ran it through virustotal.com and it had seven hits there which is a pretty good sign it's a real trojan.  Look for the file in your directory that will be something like this depending on your browser name and location:
c:\Documents and Settings\username\current\Local Settings\Application Data\browsername\cache\
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on June 05, 2011, 03:24:32 PM
Quote from: Scorch on June 05, 2011, 12:21:52 PM
This infinity motor reminds me of a video I found on youtube over a year ago:


By using magnetic bearings and freely rotating ring magnets it's "free of gravity" and over-comes the Lenz effect.
And, as near as I can tell, he starts the device by hand and it self runs without batteries.

And he does have some other videos so you might want to check it out.


very interesting. spinning magnets on the rotor. I think Romerouk added magnets on the coils core maybe do the same job together with coils BMF.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 05, 2011, 03:30:11 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 05, 2011, 10:07:43 AM
Attention: the site below provided to calculate your capacitor for a certain inductance and frequency has a trojan virus. By simply visiting the site it will contaminate your computer and allow others to access your machine.


very sorry the link I gave for LC resonant circuit calculation is infected with virus.  I also use  AdBlocker on Firefox just like member gauschor and I use NOD32 antivirus but I did not get any alert. 
I just checked the path e2matrix showed:
c:\Documents and Settings\username\current\Local Settings\Application Data\browsername\cache\  and I did not find any suspicious file there.

SO I repeat my deleted post again, this time Please use the following link for LC circuit calculations:
http://www.wa4dsy.net/filter/fr.html   I hope this will not have any virus...

Hi Laurent,

I would suggest doing also Penno's capacitor placement in parallel with the two series drive coils. Use the tacho meter to know rotor RPM then calculate rotor frequency (say you have RPM=1800, divide it by 60 to get frequency in Hertz (1800/60=30 Hz). Now measure the inductance of two series drive coils with your L meter (consider measuring when rotor magnets are furthest away and when just sandwiched by the coils and take the average of the two L values).
Then you can use the Thomson formula to get a ballpark figure for the capacitor value (non electrolytic). You may wish to use this link for the formula: http://www.wa4dsy.net/filter/fr.html 

If you say find an average L=2.5 mH for two series drive coils and use the 30 Hz frequency the link above gives 11258 uF, a very high value because L  and the frequency is very low.  I know it is difficult to obtain (and expensive) such high non-electrolytic caps, so the closer you approach the better... Or just try any microFarad you happen to have (4.7 or 10uF) and watch how input current tends to go down. As an alternative, you can use this:

  Connect two electrolytic capacitors of twice the uF rating and at least equal voltage rating back-back in series. To minimize any significant reverse voltage on the capacitors, add a pair of diodes:
                    1N4001 to 4007 diodes
               +---|>|---- + ----|<|----+
               |                |                 |
               |   -     +     |     +    -     |
                 2,000 uF     2,000 uF
                   25 V         25 V

This way you can get a non-polar capacitor with 1000 uF value, rated to 25V, just try this putting in parallel with the two series drive coils and watch input current.  I know the calculation gave 11000 uF but no need yet to rush for two 22000uF and connect them in series if you do not happen to have them now.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 05, 2011, 03:34:01 PM
ClanZer said he was going to try doing some work with his nice replication today.  I just took a look over on his web site.  Looks like he hasn't gotten too far at this time and just plotted one drive coil and one pickup coil.  So far no magic.  I don't believe he has done tuning yet so don't be discouraged by this.  Maybe he'll post here later tonight. 

   Woopy may be on to something with paralleling the drive and gen coils.  Worth checking out.  However I feel there is something else in the secret to this.  At least as forthcoming as Romero was initially it seems like he would have mentioned this concept.  Or was it just assumed? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 05, 2011, 03:47:58 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 05, 2011, 03:30:11 PM

very sorry the link I gave for LC resonant circuit calculation is infected with virus.  I also use  AdBlocker on Firefox just like member gauschor and I use NOD32 antivirus but I did not get any alert. 
I just checked the path e2matrix showed:
c:\Documents and Settings\username\current\Local Settings\Application Data\browsername\cache\  and I did not find any suspicious file there.

Please use the following link for LC circuit calculations:
http://www.wa4dsy.net/filter/fr.html   I hope this will not have any virus...

rgds,  Gyula
No problem Gyula.  Not your fault.  Trojans and virii are rampant and anyone not using protection is not being smart.  I actually suspect most people will not have any problem with it if they have AV and some basic system security.  Plengo uses Vipre AV which I tried once and it seems to catch a lot of things others miss but I found it used way too much system resources and tended to have more false positives.  Thanks for pointing us to the other site now. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 05, 2011, 03:50:49 PM
I managed to restore my dynamo but no magic yet  :'(
Also no luck with extra magnets on coil, I gain a little with them but my generator is not very efficient.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTlq-vaerG8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTlq-vaerG8)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 05, 2011, 03:58:54 PM
Just played with some numbers from that web site gyula.  Didn't Romero say that an RPM of 1234 or something close to that was significant?  I used that plus 2.2mh if I recall that's close to what some of the coils have been.  Then used 47000 uf.  Plugging all that in the calculator gave a result that was almost exactly twice the Schumann resonance frequency.  That's my trivia for today ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 05, 2011, 04:08:03 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 05, 2011, 03:50:49 PM
I managed to restore my dynamo but no magic yet  :'(
Also no luck with extra magnets on coil, I gain a little with them but my generator is not very efficient.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTlq-vaerG8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTlq-vaerG8)

Glad to see you got her rebuilt.  Looks smoother now.  I didn't see any magnets on top of the coils yet?  I think that makes a big difference.  Also have you tried what woopy has mentioned regarding paralleling the gen and drive coils?  Also I'm sure the AC cap idea is going to make a considerable difference. 

  Did you go with plastic this time for the rotor? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 05, 2011, 04:16:30 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 05, 2011, 03:58:54 PM
Just played with some numbers from that web site gyula.  Didn't Romero say that an RPM of 1234 or something close to that was significant?  I used that plus 2.2mh if I recall that's close to what some of the coils have been.  Then used 47000 uf.  Plugging all that in the calculator gave a result that was almost exactly twice the Schumann resonance frequency.  That's my trivia for today ;)

Well,  only time will tell for sure, after several replications.
I personally do not think Schumann resonance has something to do with Romero's setup.

Thanks,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 05, 2011, 04:17:34 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 05, 2011, 04:08:03 PM
Glad to see you got her rebuilt.  Looks smoother now.  I didn't see any magnets on top of the coils yet?  I think that makes a big difference.  Also have you tried what woopy has mentioned regarding paralleling the gen and drive coils?  Also I'm sure the AC cap idea is going to make a considerable difference. 

  Did you go with plastic this time for the rotor?

Thanks, yes got her back to life ,I made rotor again from MDF but runs much smoother now and almost no wobble anymore, I also had to make some new coils. I tried the magnets on top of the coils and can get a little more out with them without rpm drop but nothing, I also tried Woopy's idea and it helps but still a very inefficient dynamo. I will try the AC cap idea and some other things.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 05, 2011, 04:22:46 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 05, 2011, 12:06:09 PM

PLYZ .... PAGE 9 , 10  ???   THANKS...
Would you have the other pages available? Would you share them if you have?

Many thanks,

Thanks for that page! Does someone has the other pages please?

Regards scratchrobot
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 05, 2011, 04:25:10 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 05, 2011, 03:50:49 PM
I managed to restore my dynamo but no magic yet  :'(
Also no luck with extra magnets on coil, I gain a little with them but my generator is not very efficient.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTlq-vaerG8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTlq-vaerG8)


seems to be very load dependend.

Romero´s unit was not so load dependend.

So under load about 12 Watt in and 4 Watts out ?
Did you also measure the current through the bulb ?
How much was it at about 10 Volts ?

Maybe Romero had really mixed up his driver coils polarisation
and had one coilpar in attraction and one in repelling ?
Could this have then more output power and be less load dependend ?
Did you also use Litz wire or normal wire for the coils ?
Where exactly are your hall sensor and please can you speak next time to
your video and explain it in more detail how you build it up ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 05, 2011, 04:44:02 PM
Lidmotor now has a setup, which is not load dependend.
See his video and his answers in the description there:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: capthook on June 05, 2011, 05:05:05 PM
Many fantastic builds shown.
ClaNzer - best stuff ever.
And many others of astonishing quality.

A recent mention of the Muller 'cone' shaped coils.
The theory is a larger percentage of he power is produced in the windings further away from the rotor
reducing Lenz cogging, yet power produced is still ample via the cores.
Also, ferritte is a rather poor replacement to the original Muller cores imo.

The magnet/coil geometry is so that when 1 magnet is over the coils producing, you have two other magnets elsewhere being attracted to their approaching coils cores, again reducing cogging.

The NNNN rotor magnet arrangment also seems a poor tradeoff as power produced is in relation to a *changing* field - which you of course get a much greater change with NSNS.
Litz wire also seems to not be a 'key' either as I see no added benifits.

The biasing magnets on the gen. coils shouldn't offer any benefit
as +1 here = -1 there resulting in 0 as a brief response.
On a pulse coil however, it *can* offer a benifit by increasing the effectiveness of a low input.

Lastly, why so convinced it's a self-runner?
The battery hasn't been *completely* removed, 
the dc/dc is still connected to the negative terminal.

The capacitor could be of question?

And the fact that there is *no* change to the operation of the motor when a load is applied is suspect as well.
There should be at least *some* change, if even brief.

Again, awesome builds/work to many!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on June 05, 2011, 05:40:06 PM
Quote from: capthook on June 05, 2011, 05:05:05 PM

Lastly, why so convinced it's a self-runner?
The battery hasn't been *completely* removed, 
the dc/dc is still connected to the negative terminal.

The capacitor could be of question?

And the fact that there is *no* change to the operation of the motor when a load is applied is suspect as well.
There should be at least *some* change, if even brief.

See post above from Hardi

And what do you mean by"The battery hasn't been *completely* removed,"
What vid did you watch? It sure was removed!!! 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 05, 2011, 06:42:05 PM
Hi all,

I am here not to give you any info or directions regarding the Muller device, that is not going to be anymore but I am seeing a lot of people spending a lot of time and money thinking that just looking at my device is enough to make a 100% replication.
I hate to see people spending money on something they don't understand completely.

Most of the time is not what you see, is not in front of your eyes it is a bit more than that.

My advice to all of you is to stop working on the Muller device and just play with a simple rotor and 2 coils, one driving and one for collecting. When you will make that to speed under load or shorted then you can apply that to different even more simpler setups.

I know that most of you will say that the speed up will bring the rotor to the original speed where we don’t have the collector coil in place and there is no gain. Try and measure the speed before adding the collector coil then do the same when you shorted the coil. I think that is easy enough.

If you cannot get this effect then you will not be able to get to the next step and better stop before wasting any more time and money. My Muller device had a little bit from all of my discoveries during many years of building and testing and most of the time I failed in getting my goal but every time I have learned a bit more.

This arrangement is a complicated one and requires thousands of adjustments but it can be built in simpler ways.

Lately I have tried different toy size arrangements and I will build a total different type hopping that I am not going to upset anyone now.

I’ve got all the parts I have ordered before, thinking to get a bigger size Muller device and I will use them towards a different concept, nothing related to Muller idea.

Now again, I hope people will think many times before starting any project then decide what to do and please do not take my devices or ideas like an invitation to replicate, that is your decision, don’t blame me if you fail, we are all the same but still, not all can play football but we like to try and maybe we will learn.

Best Regards to all,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 05, 2011, 06:56:24 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 05, 2011, 06:42:05 PM
Hi all,

I am here not to give you any info or directions regarding the Muller device, that is not going to be anymore but I am seeing a lot of people spending a lot of time and money thinking that just looking at my device is enough to make a 100% replication.
I hate to see people spending money on something they don't understand completely.

Most of the time is not what you see, is not in front of your eyes it is a bit more than that.

My advice to all of you is to stop working on the Muller device and just play with a simple rotor and 2 coils, one driving and one for collecting. When you will make that to speed under load or shorted then you can apply that to different even more simpler setups.

I know that most of you will say that the speed up will bring the rotor to the original speed where we don’t have the collector coil in place and there is no gain. Try and measure the speed before adding the collector coil then do the same when you shorted the coil. I think that is easy enough.

If you cannot get this effect then you will not be able to get to the next step and better stop before wasting any more time and money. My Muller device had a little bit from all of my discoveries during many years of building and testing and most of the time I failed in getting my goal but every time I have learned a bit more.

This arrangement is a complicated one and requires thousands of adjustments but it can be built in simpler ways.

Lately I have tried different toy size arrangements and I will build a total different type hopping that I am not going to upset anyone now.

I’ve got all the parts I have ordered before, thinking to get a bigger size Muller device and I will use them towards a different concept, nothing related to Muller idea.

Now again, I hope people will think many times before starting any project then decide what to do and please do not take my devices or ideas like an invitation to replicate, that is your decision, don’t blame me if you fail, we are all the same but still, not all can play football but we like to try and maybe we will learn.

Best Regards to all,

That's great. So I think Thains theory is indeed part of this device. That is excellent.

Thank you Romero. Keep up the good work man.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 05, 2011, 07:01:40 PM
Quote from: AbbaRue on June 05, 2011, 11:18:49 AM

I believe the balancing magnets are the key to the OU.
I'm in the process of acquiring the parts to build my own. 
I still need the large rotor disk cut accurately and I'm waiting on the litz wire to arrive.

I agree...tune optimally in base state, add a layer of enhancement, retune, then again...optimizing each level of functionality to the task and load. Then perhaps a resonance occurs, and much like a boat struggling through water initially, magnetically or electrically, it begins to plane.

If anyone is router/hole cutter/bandsaw tool constrained...but has a table saw:

For wood circle cutting help using a table saw, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxbzrf4z_cg

Plastics can be done on table saw too, incremental blade lifting is necessary to prevent chipping (I'd use a modified version of the above, a sliding base, not drilling the saw): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23kkZZN1ACs

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on June 05, 2011, 08:43:19 PM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on June 05, 2011, 07:01:40 PM
I agree...tune optimally in base state, add a layer of enhancement, retune, then again...optimizing each level of functionality to the task and load. Then perhaps a resonance occurs, and much like a boat struggling through water initially, magnetically or electrically, it begins to plane.

If anyone is router/hole cutter/bandsaw tool constrained...but has a table saw:

For wood circle cutting help using a table saw, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxbzrf4z_cg

Plastics can be done on table saw too, incremental blade lifting is necessary to prevent chipping (I'd use a modified version of the above, a sliding base, not drilling the saw): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23kkZZN1ACs

Artist Guy

Thanks for the links....... I had not thought about doing it that way.
For those that do not have a tablesaw but do have a router the exact same prosess could be used as the second video if you made a table with the router mounted upside down under the table.

I would suggest for the best possible accuracy that the rotor bearing or axle be installed before cutting the outer diameter ...I would also suggest cutting the magnet holes using the actual rotor bearing or axle as the pivot point .......that will insure that all magnet holes are exactly the same distance from the center.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 05, 2011, 08:49:00 PM
Romero, in other words.. figure out the fundamental concepts of how to "beat" lenz first, find a small working model of that concept, THEN try to build an OU motor based upon that because thats the only way its going to happen, being that Lenz is the OU-killer.

good advice.

would you be so kind as to slightly explain the basic concepts behind your original discovery of how to load the gen coil without slowing the rotor?

i feel without any "tips" there we are left where we started.. trying to get a generator to load without lenz, like it seems we have "always" been trying to do from the start.

and i do appreciate the visit and information thus far..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 05, 2011, 09:51:18 PM
Quote from: Magneticitist on June 05, 2011, 08:49:00 PM
Romero, in other words.. figure out the fundamental concepts of how to "beat" lenz first, find a small working model of that concept, THEN try to build an OU motor based upon that because thats the only way its going to happen, being that Lenz is the OU-killer.

good advice.

would you be so kind as to slightly explain the basic concepts behind your original discovery of how to load the gen coil without slowing the rotor?

i feel without any "tips" there we are left where we started.. trying to get a generator to load without lenz, like it seems we have "always" been trying to do from the start.

and i do appreciate the visit and information thus far..

I think the answer to make that happen is here (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10716.msg286635#msg286635). Thane Heins has shown how that is done. Some are still arguing about it but I guess they have not replicated to the point of "really" explaining "why it is impossible".

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 06, 2011, 01:00:36 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 05, 2011, 06:06:09 PM

PLYZ .... PAGE 9 , 10     THANKS...
Would you have the other pages available? Would you share them if you have?

Many thanks,

Quote from: scratchrobot on June 05, 2011, 04:22:46 PM
Thanks for that page! Does someone has the other pages please?

Regards scratchrobot

Ummm - I know where they are at ;)    Pages 9 and 10.  Will post as soon as I dig through 8 gazillion files - I know I saw them somewhere.   

Here they are: https://rapidshare.com/files/3050708851/Muller-MotorGen-RomeroUK-siteP9-10.zip
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 06, 2011, 02:36:25 AM
RomeroUK Work Pictures - 8 , 9 , 10 PAGE...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 06, 2011, 02:59:48 AM

Most of the time is not what you see, is not in front of your eyes it is a bit more than that.

My advice to all of you is to stop working on the Muller device and just play with a simple rotor and 2 coils, one driving and one for collecting. When you will make that to speed under load or shorted then you can apply that to different even more simpler setups.

Best Regards to all,

Last couple weeks and attempts you were trying to identify, how Romero managed to load his generator and that not to slow down per Lenz re-action.

He says it explicitly and has reason.

Precondition 1:

You have to manage to have a pickup coil in a rotor system, that under a short or a suitable load to speed up rotor or at best not slowing down it.

Precondtion 2:

The aforementioned pick up coil (s) (each added one), will overally contribute more power to the system than not being there at all. ( or in rough mathematics: speed up + load output > drag pick up coil imposes when loaded)

Of course, if someone manages to acheive the above 2 preconditions then the OU looped system is a matter of craftmanship.

ps: Personally i have not managed to achieve that. At least yet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 06, 2011, 03:01:04 AM

Check Shorting coil thread


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 03:24:36 AM
It works.  ;D
I was right about my early observations. At last we are moving in the right direction.
I was able to draw 32 m amps from one coil with out any load on the motor.   There was no change in RPM or drive coil load.

Now we start work  :)?

just a small point the RPM needs to be right. full speed is not always the correct speed.

I have screen shots to post of the wave forms. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 03:29:08 AM
I did some Ansys Maxwell simulations on the biasing mechanism with some pretty interesting results.
The sum of the BEMF forces in tangential direction can be cancelled out completely by adjusting the stator biasing magnets with very high precision. (+/- 0.25 mm !!).
The sweet spot to obtain this point is extremely sensitive. 0.25 mm off and the effect is gone.

It is very important to understand that the exact adjustment is done under a specific load.
If the load is changed after adjustment, you will lose the maximum cancellation of the BEMF forces.

This is what RomeroUK also pointed out.
In practice, if you have succesfully adjusted all bias magnets and start up your replica without any load, obtain a certain RPM and then turn on the load, the RPM should increase.
If you don't obtain this effect, your biasing adjustments are not correct, or you have too large spread in components.

So, what is a handy way of determining the optimum positions for all of the 18 biasing magnets?
In practice, you'll have to start up your rig with the required load and then adjust the bias magnets such that you obtain maximum RPM.

So, I like to emphesize again that in a setup with 8 rotor magnets you can only obtain an optimum when all rotor magnets have same strengths. If the spread is too large it will never work.
This is due to the very critical distance of the bias magnets.
Even the spead in strength of the biasing magnets will count heavily.

A copy of some additional explanation I posted in the experimenters discussion thread earlier:
(see figure below)
If Rotor magnet RM1 is facing the stator coil, the optimum is tuned by Stator magnet SM1.
Then rotor rotates and rotor magnet RM2 faces the same stator coil.
But RM2 has different strength compared to RM1 (0.95T versus 1.05T).
Then the position of SM1 should be tuned again for optimum drag, which will spoil the optimization for RM1.
So only an avarage optimum position can be obtained.
If RM1 would have same value as RM2 than optimization would be perfect.

If you don't pay attention to this, you will never get to the required conditions.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 06, 2011, 03:39:18 AM
thanks penno64, Maybe double post the info also here ? Some of the guys might not be able to follow every thread on the forum :( And grouping up the info would be really helpful instead just linking.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 06, 2011, 04:16:32 AM

Now we have seen the effect, who wants to help this dummy (me), understand how to employ this
in the Muller design.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 04:19:19 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 03:29:08 AMIf you don't pay attention to this, you will never get to the required conditions.

Are loaded pickup coils included in simulation? Or only interactions between rotor and stator magnets with ferrite as middle man.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 04:29:41 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 04:19:19 AM
Are loaded pickup coils included in simulation? Or only interactions between rotor and stator magnets with ferrite as middle man.

Yes, including the rectifyer circuit, buffer capacitor and load resistor.
For those who are not aware of the capabilities of Ansys Maxwell: a complete setup, including electronic circuits, can be simulated in 3D.
Maxwell is capable of presenting a lot of parameters:
- torque and force
- all electrical parameters
- Magnetic field strengths (H and B) and vectors
- local energy generation/consumption

I didn't post too much of simulated results here, because it seems to have not much interest.
I could start a separate simulation thread if sufficient interest is present.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 06, 2011, 04:34:27 AM
Hi Rod,

Very good news, congratulations and now a series of fine tunings may start to bring the other gen coils into similar condition and then to sum them up into a common output.
Have you used drive signal chopping?  What is the input current now?  Shape of the output waveform?

Thanks,  Gyula

Quote from: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 03:24:36 AM
It works.  ;D
I was right about my early observations. At last we are moving in the right direction.
I was able to draw 32 m amps from one coil with out any load on the motor.   There was no change in RPM or drive coil load.

Now we start work  :)?

just a small point the RPM needs to be right. full speed is not always the correct speed.

I have screen shots to post of the wave forms. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 04:45:06 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 04:29:41 AMYes, including the rectifyer circuit, buffer capacitor and load resistor.

Could you please upload sim file(s) somewhere?
Here for example: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=downloads
Tweaking ready simulation is 100x easier than doing from scratch... :) Lately there's been so much new data hard to keep up.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 06, 2011, 04:49:46 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 04:45:06 AM
Could you please upload sim file(s) somewhere?
Here for example: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=downloads
Tweaking ready simulation is 100x easier than doing from scratch... :) Lately there's been so much new data hard to keep up.
As long as you are searching for an unknown effect simulations are NOT the way to go. Simulations have hardcoded, limited rules how they are supposed to function, they cannot predict unpredictable.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 04:57:41 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 04:45:06 AM
Could you please upload sim file(s) somewhere?
Here for example: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=downloads
Tweaking ready simulation is 100x easier than doing from scratch... :) Lately there's been so much new data hard to keep up.

Sorry, I won't upload the Maxwell sim files.
These will remain my own property, I have put a few hundred hours into that, so I am not going to share those with anyone just like that.
I have a precise model of the complete RomeroUK rig, including all mechanics and basic electronics, and also separate modeles of the rig, such as stator coil / moving magnet / bias magnet combination (discussed in the above reply #2524).

What I am willing to share are results and discuss those.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 04:59:41 AM
Quote from: Tudi on June 06, 2011, 04:49:46 AMAs long as you are searching for an unknown

There is no "unknown effect" rather "unknown combination of known effects"...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 05:09:45 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 04:57:41 AMI won't upload the Maxwell sim files.

I understand. There's a line how much is reasonable to give out to keep the momentum of public research going and how much to keep private.

Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 04:57:41 AMWhat I am willing to share are results and discuss those.

Did you simulate uneven arrangement of the stator mags also? I'n Roms setup there seem to be very large difference how much each coilpair is biased (with certain general pattern).
So far have not seen that feature replicated.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 05:13:26 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 05:09:45 AM
I understand. There's a line how much is reasonable to give out to keep the momentum of public research going and how much to keep private.

Thanks for understanding that.

Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 05:09:45 AM
Did you simulate uneven arrangement of the stator mags also? I'n Roms setup there seem to be very large difference how much each coilpair is biased (with certain general pattern).
So far have not seen that feature replicated.

At this moment I have modelled an exact copy of RomeroUKs rig, so 8 rotor magnets, 2x9 stator coils/bias magnets.

It's very easy to change the number of rotor magnets and stator coil/bias magnets in a Maxwell model, but that is for future investigations.
I like to stick to RomeroUKs model as accurate as possible for now.
(Like CLaNZeR does)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 06, 2011, 05:24:25 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 05, 2011, 06:42:05 PM
Hi all,

I am here not to give you any info or directions regarding the Muller device, that is not going to be anymore but I am seeing a lot of people spending a lot of time and money thinking that just looking at my device is enough to make a 100% replication.
I hate to see people spending money on something they don't understand completely.

Most of the time is not what you see, is not in front of your eyes it is a bit more than that.

My advice to all of you is to stop working on the Muller device and just play with a simple rotor and 2 coils, one driving and one for collecting. When you will make that to speed under load or shorted then you can apply that to different even more simpler setups.

I know that most of you will say that the speed up will bring the rotor to the original speed where we don’t have the collector coil in place and there is no gain. Try and measure the speed before adding the collector coil then do the same when you shorted the coil. I think that is easy enough.

If you cannot get this effect then you will not be able to get to the next step and better stop before wasting any more time and money. My Muller device had a little bit from all of my discoveries during many years of building and testing and most of the time I failed in getting my goal but every time I have learned a bit more.

This arrangement is a complicated one and requires thousands of adjustments but it can be built in simpler ways.

Lately I have tried different toy size arrangements and I will build a total different type hopping that I am not going to upset anyone now.

I’ve got all the parts I have ordered before, thinking to get a bigger size Muller device and I will use them towards a different concept, nothing related to Muller idea.

Now again, I hope people will think many times before starting any project then decide what to do and please do not take my devices or ideas like an invitation to replicate, that is your decision, don’t blame me if you fail, we are all the same but still, not all can play football but we like to try and maybe we will learn.

Best Regards to all,

Hi Romero good to see you are still here, I tried to replicate your device but without success. I don't blame you for that because you warned us before. I will take your advice and start with simpler setup to see if I can get to the speed up under load.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 05:29:27 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 05:13:26 AMso 8 rotor magnets, 2x9 stator coils/bias magnets.

But in roms setup there are (2x)5 bias magnets seen on the pics (drive coils and some gen coils are w/o mags), and the rest are of *very* uneven strength arranged in certain pattern. This is clearly seen on the pictures.
So to make it clear you did simulate the "generator only" setup with all the coilpairs biased to very high  precision with uniform bias strength on all the coilpairs. Am I correct?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 05:30:47 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 03:29:08 AM
I did some Ansys Maxwell simulations on the biasing mechanism with some pretty interesting results.
The sum of the BEMF forces in tangential direction can be cancelled out completely by adjusting the stator biasing magnets with very high precision. (+/- 0.25 mm !!).
The sweet spot to obtain this point is extremely sensitive. 0.25 mm off and the effect is gone.

It is very important to understand that the exact adjustment is done under a specific load.
If the load is changed after adjustment, you will lose the cancellation of the BEMF forces.

This is what RomeroUK also pointed out.
In practice, if you have succesfully adjusted all bias magnets and start up your replica without any load, obtain a certain RPM and then turn on the load, the RPM should increase.
If you don't obtain this effect, your biasing adjustments are not correct, or you have too large spread in components.

So, what is a handy way of determining the optimum positions for all of the 18 biasing magnets?
In practice, you'll have to start up your rig with the required load and then adjust the bias magnets such that you obtain maximum RPM.

So, I like to emphesize again that in a setup with 8 rotor magnets you can only obtain an optimum when all rotor magnets have same strengths. If the spread is too large it will never work.
This is due to the very critical distance of the bias magnets.
Even the spead in strength of the biasing magnets will count heavily.

A copy of some additional explanation I posted in the experimenters discussion thread earlier:
(see figure below)
If Rotor magnet RM1 is facing the stator coil, the optimum is tuned by Stator magnet SM1.
Then rotor rotates and rotor magnet RM2 faces the same stator coil.
But RM2 has different strength compared to RM1 (0.95T versus 1.05T).
Then the position of SM1 should be tuned again for optimum drag, which will spoil the optimization for RM1.
So only an avarage optimum position can be obtained.
If RM1 would have same value as RM2 than optimization would be perfect.

If you don't pay attention to this, you will never get to the required conditions.
Thats going to take a lot of understanding and maybe some people will never
find it.   

if this is what RomeroUK discovered it may never be rediscovered with out an accident.

it does explain the DC to DC converter. I have never really been happy about why it was there but this explains it.

how do you know what direction to go in. How do you read the signs. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 05:33:35 AM
Hello RomeroUK
I got speed under load. But If it was the way you did it I will never know. Thank you for your recent Post and brutal honesty ???   

The green wave form represents the AC voltage being generated by one generator coil pair before the bridge rectifier. This is what the AC wave form looks like before we short or load the coils.
The yellow wave form represents the timing of the trigger pulse of exactly where the MOSFET transistor will be switched to engage a dead short across the green wave form, being the generator coil.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on June 06, 2011, 05:33:44 AM
Attached is a photo of my recent contraption to test pulse motor drive concepts. At the moment I play with "trigger coils" (see the attached circuit diagram).

The circuit was published some time ago by I person calling himself "gecernu" http://www.youtube.com/user/gecernu

The coils are from 12 V relays.

I will report results, I just got it running. I think it is a good idea to approach the whole Romero-Generator subject by starting with very simple contraptions and to expand to a full build later.

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 05:34:57 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 05:29:27 AM
But in roms setup there are (2x)5 bias magnets seen on the pics (drive coils and some gen coils are w/o mags), and the rest are of *very* uneven strength arranged in certain pattern. This is clearly seen on the pictures.
So to make it clear you did simulate the "generator only" setup with all the coilpairs biased to very high  precision with uniform bias strength on all the coilpairs. Am I correct?

At this moment I have done only calculatons on the full generator part, so all stator coils being a generator, just to understand the generator part first.
What I showed in reply #2524 is a part of the complete model that I took out, so, one stator magnet, one bias magnet and one moving magnet underneath the stator magnet, just to understand the principle and to speed up simulations. It takes hours to run a simulation if I take the complete rig as model.

I agree that RomerUk did not use all bias magnets, so he might even have more margins in there.
I simply wanted to understand the effect of the bias magnets in general first, before going into the next step.

It's funny, but with a perfect build the motor coils only have to compensate the natural losses, like bearing, eddy current and air flow losses. What you get out of the generator coils is pure surplus of energy if you can minimize the natural losses sufficently.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 06, 2011, 05:37:36 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 06, 2011, 04:16:32 AM

Now we have seen the effect, who wants to help this dummy (me), understand how to employ this
in the Muller design.



Can you help me understand how you got the effect? Do I understand correctly that you wound an extra coil on your generator coil while you are shortening the original coil with a reed switch?
Maybe you can draw how you are doing it?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on June 06, 2011, 05:50:40 AM
A few results with the contraption shown in my last post:

(Just one pair of coils, one coil is the trigger coil and the other one is "driven"; DC resistance of both coils is 265 Ohm)

7 V , 3 mA --> 21 mW --> 300 rpm

10 V, 5 mA --> 50 mW --> 500 rpm

17 V, 10 mA --> 170 mW --> 800 rpm

The current draw was measured over a 1 Ohm shunt resistor (and represents average current draw, current is drawn in pulses rather than continuously).

My point is the rather low power consumption with this type of drive circuit and the high resistance coils (265 Ohm DC-resistance, many windings). It dose not seem to matter very much, that only one coil (of the pair) is "driven" while the other acts as a trigger coil. The gap between the coils and the magnet can be rather wide (reduces cogging).

I always wonder why the "pulse motor inventors" (Muller, Konzen, Adams, Bedini) use coils with rather few windings (low DC-resistance). Higher voltages (with coils having a lot of windings) would cause strange effects much easier than lower voltages (according to my naive layman opinion).

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 06:27:18 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 05:34:57 AMAt this moment I have done only calculatons on the full generator part, so all stator coils being a generator, just to understand the generator part first.

Interesting. Couple of more questions. Does the effect kick in only in full system?
If not what is the minimum setup effect could be seen in? There are lots of people trying to build "proof of concept" with just couple of mags and stator coils.
And efficency fall when tuning away from sweet spot. Is it exponential? Meaning +-0.5mm and no effect at all, or for example 10% degradation... 90% degradation... ?

And most important. Do you have explanation of the physics of the "effect"? Why it works? What processes take place in what relation to each other?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 06, 2011, 06:29:06 AM
@romeroUK: Once i read your dream is to take such device back to your country and spread it. I share the dream and the difference is that i did not sign any papers to MIB. If you ever consider trying to avoid the paper you signed, feel free to contact me to be your right hand in anything( i have the financial situation to not think about money gain + been threaten by MIB a lot of times ( papers never have enough * parts to be able to cover a next step escape ) ). In our country everything is possible ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 06:39:57 AM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 06:27:18 AM
Interesting. Couple of more questions. Does the effect kick in only in full system?
If not what is the minimum setup effect could be seen in? There are lots of people trying to build "proof of concept" with just couple of mags and stator coils.
And efficency fall when tuning away from sweet spot. Is it exponential? Meaning +-0.5mm and no effect at all, or for example 10% degradation... 90% degradation... ?

And most important. Do you have explanation of the physics of the "effect"? Why it works? What processes take place in what relation to each other?

Haha, now you're overloading me ;)
I am at the verge of doing the sims on bias tuning on the full rig model. So, allow some time for results.
I probably need to organize a separte discussion thread here at OU, as not everyone will appreaciate my simulation efforts in this thread.

I'll try to post some findings on the bias tolerances, I did some sims on that. I'll post them this evening (I am in EU time zone), since I have no access to my results right now.

Regarding explanation, yes, sims show the cause. It's mainly due to the delay in BEMF response.
So, it's not black magic, all explainable physics.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 06, 2011, 06:50:19 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 06:39:57 AM
Regarding explanation, yes, sims show what the reason is. It's mainly due to the delay in BEMF response.

A while ago i even tried to make a picture explaining this. Since then i've been thinking what are the parameters that define the delay of this propagation. There was a video on youtube regarding the speed of ELECTRICITY propagation in the wire and that the time required for this is : L / R seconds to get to 60% of the input power.
BUT induced current and MF propagates very fast ? Depends on the medium the MF is propagating( air ). So you need a huge gap between magnet and coil, or a very fast + specific RPM ? Or reality says something else ?
If you take in count the physical size of the coil, and that the electricity is induced in the exterior of the coil ( inside is shielded ? then it is propagated through the wire in time, the size helps store the energy ?). There should be even a mathematical formula that you can use to calculate for a specific size of coil, what is the magnet distance you need to have from the coil ++ what is the speed rotor and the distance between 2 magnets that due to the delay of the EMF you get a pull effect on magnet 2 instead a push on magnet 1.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on June 06, 2011, 06:50:31 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 06:39:57 AM
Regarding explanation, yes, sims shows the cause. It's mainly due to the delay in BEMF response.
So, it's not black magic, all explainable physics.
thanks for your input
what is the main factor? load, timing, magnetic delay ..... or inductance change due to saturation
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 07:02:29 AM
Quote from: wings on June 06, 2011, 06:50:31 AM
thanks for your input
what is the main factor? load, timing, magnetic delay ..... or inductance change due to saturation

My present impression is that the delay in BEMF is caused by a combination of the impedance of the generator coils and the load impedance, so the ratio of wL and R, in case of pure resistive loads.
Delay can be calculated from tangent(angle) = wL/R, so keep the R as low as possible for maximum delay.
Keep in mind the load R value should be included as well !!
So, the lower the load R, the better in my views.
Since RomeroUK used rectifyer diodes and a big buffer capacitor, load impedance is very low due to that.

This is the reason why shortening of coils is discussed here as well, without the correct understanding why.......
If a generator coil is shortened, resistance is limited to the coil resistance itself.
Since this is normally a very low value, a shortened generator coil generates maximum delayed BEMF.

But how does one obtain output energy from shortened coils?
Well, best practical way is to approach shortening by using some diodes and a buffer capacitor at high rotational speed (which lowers the capacitor impedance, at high RPM the impedance of the capacitor is very low) ;)

High RPM will also help (higher wL value), but don't use just thick single wire, it will cause relevant skin effects causing extra losses.
Litze avoids big skin effects.
That's why RomeroUK uses Litze.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 06, 2011, 07:11:03 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 06:39:57 AMHaha, now you're overloading me ;)

You see from experience with romerouk I have learned to get all the info you can RIGHT NOW :P
Because if the experimenter gets too successful then further info may be heavily biased with
"cancer man" type character on the sofa :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on June 06, 2011, 07:11:17 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 07:02:29 AM
My present impression is that the delay in BEMF is caused by the impedance of the generator coils, so the ratio of wL and R.
Delay can be calculated from tangence(angle) = wl/R, so keep the R as low as possible.

So high RPM will also help (higher wL value), but don't use just thick single wire, it will cause relevant skin effects causing extra losses.
Litze avoids big skin effects.
That's why RomeroUK uses Litze.

that seem in line with Adams motor


Page 11 of

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 06, 2011, 07:16:00 AM

Your simulation results are very interesting.
Please open a separate thread, so you can post more of your findings.

May i ask, if you also have a possibility (or maybe you included it already)
to simulate the soft iron washers' effect?.
There is controversial opinions on what they do. Some say they
focus the magnetic field through the whole in the middle and some say
they would even spread the magnetic field more out.

Keep it up

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gauschor on June 06, 2011, 07:27:53 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 03:29:08 AM
It is very important to understand that the exact adjustment is done under a specific load.
If the load is changed after adjustment, you will lose the cancellation of the BEMF forces.

What do you mean? RomUK has used a DC/DC converter so it was a different load each time, and yet it worked.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 07:28:00 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on June 06, 2011, 07:16:00 AM

Your simulation results are very interesting.
Please open a separate thread, so you can post more of your findings.

May i ask, if you also have a possibility (or maybe you included it already)
to simulate the soft iron washers' effect?.
There is controversial opinions on what they do. Some say they
focus the magnetic field through the whole in the middle and some say
they would even spread the magnetic field more out.

Keep it up

I'll create a seperate discussion thread this evening.

The washers do not play an essential role as far as I see it at this moment of time.
I excluded them in my single module sims, reflected in reply #2524
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 07:30:30 AM
Quote from: gauschor on June 06, 2011, 07:27:53 AM
What do you mean? RomUK has used a DC/DC converter so it was a different load each time, and yet it worked.

You're right. I may have expressed myself too strong here.
I was aiming at maximum output, so was RomeroUK, explaining the importance of the right tuning criteria.
The buffer capitor before the DC/DC convertor is essential here as an low impedance buffer as well as energy buffer.
The buffer capacitor is the dominant load impedance, in my view.
But, if you want enough margins, you have to get the bias adjustments as perfect as possible.
Obviously, RomeroUK had enough margins.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 06, 2011, 09:37:00 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 05, 2011, 06:42:05 PM
Hi all,

I am here not to give you any info or directions regarding the Muller device, that is not going to be anymore but I am seeing a lot of people spending a lot of time and money thinking that just looking at my device is enough to make a 100% replication.
I hate to see people spending money on something they don't understand completely.

Most of the time is not what you see, is not in front of your eyes it is a bit more than that.

My advice to all of you is to stop working on the Muller device and just play with a simple rotor and 2 coils, one driving and one for collecting. When you will make that to speed under load or shorted then you can apply that to different even more simpler setups.

I know that most of you will say that the speed up will bring the rotor to the original speed where we don’t have the collector coil in place and there is no gain. Try and measure the speed before adding the collector coil then do the same when you shorted the coil. I think that is easy enough.

If you cannot get this effect then you will not be able to get to the next step and better stop before wasting any more time and money. My Muller device had a little bit from all of my discoveries during many years of building and testing and most of the time I failed in getting my goal but every time I have learned a bit more.

This arrangement is a complicated one and requires thousands of adjustments but it can be built in simpler ways.

Lately I have tried different toy size arrangements and I will build a total different type hopping that I am not going to upset anyone now.

I’ve got all the parts I have ordered before, thinking to get a bigger size Muller device and I will use them towards a different concept, nothing related to Muller idea.

Now again, I hope people will think many times before starting any project then decide what to do and please do not take my devices or ideas like an invitation to replicate, that is your decision, don’t blame me if you fail, we are all the same but still, not all can play football but we like to try and maybe we will learn.

Best Regards to all,

The thing I don't understand is that before you were very helpful in describing your muller device and said that all credits belong to bill muller and you don't wanted money but it belong to the public, you agreed with the info posted in the pdf and answered questions on how to build it. That is the reason people are trying to replicate your device. You also said that you were hoping someone would replicate it and you were very encouraging.

Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 07:52:43 PM
well done, first one that shows some progress.
who is next? :)

Now you say that the info is incorrect or at least something is missing? If you don't like people spending time and money why didn't you say so in the beginning?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 06, 2011, 09:43:09 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 04:29:41 AM

I didn't post too much of simulated results here, because it seems to have not much interest.
I could start a separate simulation thread if sufficient interest is present.

It would be really great if you could post these simulation files.

Yes, maybe just open up a new thread and post all your 3D magnetic flux pictures
You could also ZIP them all up and upload them to
and post the link here.

Many thanks.

Looking forward to see finally some good 3D simulation pictures of it.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 09:51:28 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on June 06, 2011, 09:43:09 AM

It would be really great if you could post these simulation files.

Yes, maybe just open up a new thread and post all your 3D magnetic flux pictures
You could also ZIP them all up and upload them to
and post the link here.

Many thanks.

Looking forward to see finally some good 3D simulation pictures of it.

Regards, Stefan.

Stefan, I will start a new thread this evening, posting some results and use that for future sim results and discussions on those.

Just to have correct mutual understanding, I will not post any Ansys Maxwell model files, these will not be shared.
I simply have put too much effort in those models.
They can be seen as my virtual replication.

Regarding flux pictures, Maxwell is able to generate animated flux flows, but I will only post those when relevant.
Generating them for pure entertainment is simply too time consuming. I do this stuff in my spare time.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on June 06, 2011, 09:52:32 AM
maybe he wanted to release all information free and when this pressure started he decided or was forced to stop, thinking that the info released was enough. In the end as he said is our decision to believe or not, replicate or not.
i spent a lot of time on this project too and I can say that I have learnt many things with this setup. I can see some other people confirming the speed under load and that is more than enough for me to keep me going.
Maybe we can get a formula to calculate the right coil size, windings and the core type, maybe Romero has that or maybe not.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 06, 2011, 10:04:09 AM
@Scratchrobot . If you had followed the thread from day one you would not need to ask these question . Romero has been threatened by MIBs or some other agency ,and as a family man he is not now at liberty to speak his mind . He has no wish to do time in Wantdynamo Bay . I understand he can speak freely on other technologies , and has been kind enough to point us in the right direction , namely to experiment with a simple rotor and 2 coils . For more info on this , see the first 4 pages of the coil shorting thread . I have done some experiments along these lines , and will do more . Keep the faith ,do not underestimate the calibre of some of the guys working on this . My biggest problem with the experiments I have done , is that I can not get a pulse motor to run efficiently with the peculiar arrangement of rotor magnets that Romero shows on page 2 of the shorting coils thread . Anyone else working along these lines ? It is a better approach than giving up .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 06, 2011, 10:22:46 AM
@David70 and neptune, I am following this from day one and I have learned a lot and enjoyed building the device so don't get me wrong.
The only thing I don't get is that before the MIB got into the picture Romero stated that all info was correct but now he says that there is more. So then he was not telling everything in the beginning and was waiting to people to replicate and then wanted to give more clues?

About the MIB, I understand this world is not ready for OU but if he got a visit then why does he continue now with other projects and just dropping the muller device? Maybe he got in trouble with mullerpower.com? I also noticed he is getting his forum underservice.org back online.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 06, 2011, 10:23:06 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 09:51:28 AM
Stefan, I will start a new thread this evening, posting some results and use that for future sim results and discussions on those.

Just to have correct mutual understanding, I will not post any Ansys Maxwell model files, these will not be shared.
I simply have put too much effort in those models.
They can be seen as my virtual replication.

Regarding flux pictures, Maxwell is able to generate animated flux flows, but I will only post those when relevant.
Generating them for pure entertainment is simply too time consuming. I do this stuff in my spare time.

yes , Ansys Maxwell model files are not required.
Only the visual output is interesting to see how the flux reacts and as I don´t know how this Maxwell simulator
works, can you also see generated forces onto the rotor magnets and coils ?

Just post what you can, the more the better.
ALso a flux animation would be nice, if your time allows this.

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 06, 2011, 10:25:35 AM
Quote from: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 03:24:36 AM
It works.  ;D
I was right about my early observations. At last we are moving in the right direction.
I was able to draw 32 m amps from one coil with out any load on the motor.   There was no change in RPM or drive coil load.

Now we start work  :)?

just a small point the RPM needs to be right. full speed is not always the correct speed.

I have screen shots to post of the wave forms. 

Can you please post some more information ?

You still did not say, if you only have driver coils that you also use
for pickup or if you also have pickup only coils ?

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 10:39:33 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on June 06, 2011, 10:23:06 AM
Only the visual output is interesting to see how the flux reacts and as I don´t know how this Maxwell simulator
works, can you also see generated forces onto the rotor magnets and coils ?

Flux, forces, torques, current, voltage, energy, etc it can all be generated and stored for later processing.
Something you would expect from a 50K$ software tool.
(B.t.w. I am using a loan version made availble by my employer).
I'll share some examples soon.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 06, 2011, 10:51:52 AM
Quote from: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 05:33:35 AM
Hello RomeroUK
I got speed under load. But If it was the way you did it I will never know. Thank you for your recent Post and brutal honesty ???   

The green wave form represents the AC voltage being generated by one generator coil pair before the bridge rectifier. This is what the AC wave form looks like before we short or load the coils.
The yellow wave form represents the timing of the trigger pulse of exactly where the MOSFET transistor will be switched to engage a dead short across the green wave form, being the generator coil.

How does the green voltage waveform look then when you do this shorting ?
Do you use only driver coils and use them also as pickup coils ?

Many thanks.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 06, 2011, 11:20:37 AM

this is the closest i have ever come to getting a speed increase under load.

and its a very small load.. same type of rotor arrangement as a lot of these mullers though..

however if you see the vid you can see my gen coil is pretty small in relation to the run coil. and if i direct short the coil, lenz kicks in full effect, BUT if i only draw so much as to light one or two LEDs the rotor actually speeds up a tiny bit as opposed to slowing down when loading the coil in any other location than directly across from the run coil.

i have not figured this out or even replicated it again myself.. but im wondering if theres any relation here to the Muller setup. maybe someone has their gens directly across from their runs so the gens and runs are "almost" sharing the same core with the rotor mags being the defining interaction between them.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minoly on June 06, 2011, 11:36:31 AM
We did it also:

we are making adjustments
using light bulb for load and getting closer to regaining full speed of the rotor w/ each adjustment.
this is getting better...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 06, 2011, 12:09:06 PM
Quote from: minoly on June 06, 2011, 11:36:31 AM
We did it also:

we are making adjustments
using light bulb for load and getting closer to regaining full speed of the rotor w/ each adjustment.
this is getting better...


Great video! It's simple and it shows the speed increase when coil is shorted. Please post another video of your light bulb load and measurement data. Thank you.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 06, 2011, 12:42:31 PM
Well done @minoly, can you confirm for all others that the speed goes beyond the normal speed without the coil in place?
Hopefully now people will pay more attention to what I said many times before. I have never lied and I made statments only confirmed by myself during my experiments.
I have mentioned the Kromrey effect few times before but it was ignored because for some people this is too simple to be true and work.
As you all can see it works, and when you will understand more about it you will manage to do this much more easy.
I wonder why for all this time nobody ever managed to see this effect except Thane , but that in my opinion is a little bit different.
Why Muller's daughter continues her father work if there is no benefit?
This was my question when I decided to go for this Muller setup.

Best Regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 06, 2011, 12:58:19 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 04:29:41 AM
Yes, including the rectifyer circuit, buffer capacitor and load resistor.
For those who are not aware of the capabilities of Ansys Maxwell: a complete setup, including electronic circuits, can be simulated in 3D.
Maxwell is capable of presenting a lot of parameters:
- torque and force
- all electrical parameters
- Magnetic field strengths (H and B) and vectors
- local energy generation/consumption

I didn't post too much of simulated results here, because it seems to have not much interest.
I could start a separate simulation thread if sufficient interest is present.


great idea. Can you create a new thread under the Muller group (so that I can help moderate, if you want)?  If not, it is ok to still post here with your concepts since this is actually really good to learn and improve our skills besides being very related subject.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 06, 2011, 01:33:30 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 06, 2011, 12:42:31 PM
Well done @minoly, can you confirm for all others that the speed goes beyond the normal speed without the coil in place?
Hopefully now people will pay more attention to what I said many times before. I have never lied and I made statments only confirmed by myself during my experiments.
I have mentioned the Kromrey effect few times before but it was ignored because for some people this is too simple to be true and work.
As you all can see it works, and when you will understand more about it you will manage to do this much more easy.
I wonder why for all this time nobody ever managed to see this effect except Thane , but that in my opinion is a little bit different.
Why Muller's daughter continues her father work if there is no benefit?
This was my question when I decided to go for this Muller setup.

Best Regards,

Thank you for confirming Minoly's findings and for going the extra mile. Many of us, myself included have never doubted that you have genuinely discovered a gem and kudos to you for being unselfish. I'm learning a lot through experimenting even though I've not touch electronics experimenting for a long time. My goal is to be able to understand the Romero-Muller concepts through experiments and to build a replica worthy of your unselfishness! Thank you and please give us more hints if we are heading the wrong direction(again)...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on June 06, 2011, 02:39:36 PM
@all who observe a speeding up of the rotor when putting a load to a pick up coil or when placing the pickup coil in opposition to the drive coil:

In case you have only one drive coil, the bearings are put under stress, because the rotor is strongly pulled to one side.

If one places a loaded pick up coil in opposition to the drive coil or in other cases somewhere else near the rotor, the stress on the bearings is a bit less (less one sided) and hence the increase of speed.

I observed with my contraption (posted further up in this thread) that it is important to have a "balanced stress" on the rotor/bearings, which can be achieved with a pair-wise arrangement of drive coils and pick up coils (as in Romero's motor-generator). The rotor should not be pulled to one specific side if one wants the bearings to run freely.

I will change my rig accordingly, using a pair of drive coils and a pair of trigger coils. Trigger coils can be further away from the magnets than pick up coils, because the trigger signal does not have to be strong (therefore a pair of trigger coils causes only a small drag in comparison to a pair of loaded pick up coils).

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 06, 2011, 02:56:39 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 03:29:08 AM
I did some Ansys Maxwell simulations on the biasing mechanism with some pretty interesting results.
The sum of the BEMF forces in tangential direction can be cancelled out completely by adjusting the stator biasing magnets with very high precision. (+/- 0.25 mm !!).
The sweet spot to obtain this point is extremely sensitive. 0.25 mm off and the effect is gone.

It is very important to understand that the exact adjustment is done under a specific load.
If the load is changed after adjustment, you will lose the maximum cancellation of the BEMF forces.

This is what RomeroUK also pointed out.
In practice, if you have succesfully adjusted all bias magnets and start up your replica without any load, obtain a certain RPM and then turn on the load, the RPM should increase.
If you don't obtain this effect, your biasing adjustments are not correct, or you have too large spread in components.

So, what is a handy way of determining the optimum positions for all of the 18 biasing magnets?
In practice, you'll have to start up your rig with the required load and then adjust the bias magnets such that you obtain maximum RPM.

So, I like to emphesize again that in a setup with 8 rotor magnets you can only obtain an optimum when all rotor magnets have same strengths. If the spread is too large it will never work.
This is due to the very critical distance of the bias magnets.
Even the spead in strength of the biasing magnets will count heavily.

A copy of some additional explanation I posted in the experimenters discussion thread earlier:
(see figure below)
If Rotor magnet RM1 is facing the stator coil, the optimum is tuned by Stator magnet SM1.
Then rotor rotates and rotor magnet RM2 faces the same stator coil.
But RM2 has different strength compared to RM1 (0.95T versus 1.05T).
Then the position of SM1 should be tuned again for optimum drag, which will spoil the optimization for RM1.
So only an avarage optimum position can be obtained.
If RM1 would have same value as RM2 than optimization would be perfect.

If you don't pay attention to this, you will never get to the required conditions.

Thanks teslaalset that's important info and I will assume it is why Romero had to add some small weaker magnets on top of some of the stator magnets to get them closer to equal strength. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 06, 2011, 03:21:25 PM
I was wondering what to use to drill large holes in acrylic.. would this hole saw work?..

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 03:27:37 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 06, 2011, 12:58:19 PM

great idea. Can you create a new thread under the Muller group (so that I can help moderate, if you want)?  If not, it is ok to still post here with your concepts since this is actually really good to learn and improve our skills besides being very related subject.


I've started the new  discussion thread on (3D) simulations here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10841.0

Fausto, yes, it would be great to have some moderation if this one becomes crowded.
You are doing great clean up jobs here ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 06, 2011, 03:30:15 PM
Quote from: nul-points on May 20, 2011, 04:21:11 PM

in the   ROMERO-UK   self-running device,


thanks in advance
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 06, 2011, 03:33:03 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 06, 2011, 02:56:39 PM
Thanks teslaalset that's important info and I will assume it is why Romero had to add some small weaker magnets on top of some of the stator magnets to get them closer to equal strength.

The tweaking can be done in varous ways, RomeroUK probably used these additional ferrite magnets.
But in my sims, I simply alter the hight of the bias magnets.
This is probaly why romero used iron washers in the first place, so you can put some non magnetic materials in between while holding the bias magnets in place.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 06, 2011, 03:34:09 PM
Quote from: nul-points on June 06, 2011, 03:30:15 PM

in the   ROMERO-UK   self-running device,


thanks in advance

I think that you tune the motor with the coils shorted.. then replace the short with your load.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 06, 2011, 03:35:37 PM
conradelektro...   that is a good point but also the first most obvious thing that came to my mind.. so of course i instantly tried everything.. if that were the case in my experience where the slight loading of the coil speed up the rotor, then it would HAVE to be because of a lenz drag, because the increase only took place when a load was present, but a load of a certain size. i had done many tests to see if that were indeed the real culprit.. and i dont think it was.

in fact out of everything i tried, i could not for the life of me replicate that speeding up by any other means..   i WILL say i have had NO LUCK whatsoever with anything related to that since, whether coil shorting or whatever.. i used the coil shorting to feed the front batt and stopped there, but it always produced a lenz drag being that for pulses in time the inductor would really just be a hunk of copper catching "eddy currents", cause thats all it is when its being shorted.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 06, 2011, 03:37:20 PM
Quote from: Magneticitist on June 06, 2011, 11:20:37 AM

this is the closest i have ever come to getting a speed increase under load.

and its a very small load.. same type of rotor arrangement as a lot of these mullers though..

however if you see the vid you can see my gen coil is pretty small in relation to the run coil. and if i direct short the coil, lenz kicks in full effect, BUT if i only draw so much as to light one or two LEDs the rotor actually speeds up a tiny bit as opposed to slowing down when loading the coil in any other location than directly across from the run coil.

i have not figured this out or even replicated it again myself.. but im wondering if theres any relation here to the Muller setup. maybe someone has their gens directly across from their runs so the gens and runs are "almost" sharing the same core with the rotor mags being the defining interaction between them.

Well, could be, that the LED just conducting the current only
in one direction helps to get this effect.
Would be interesting , if you solder 2 LEDs parallel, but each with
a different polarity and use 2 switches, so you can switch the polarity of the
the LEDs to see, if the polarity of the LED has an effect of it.
Also it is hard to see, how your setup is there.
DO you have magnets on both sides of the rotor disc ?
What material is your rotor disc ?
Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 06, 2011, 03:39:14 PM
it should also be noted regarding "tuning under load".

a direct short does not necessarily mean it is identical to the coil drawing the most amount of current possible. a coil can be "loaded" more-so than a self-short. a bulb for example can load a coil much more than a direct short because its expelling energy freely. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 06, 2011, 03:47:32 PM
oops well @ Stefan the magnets were only on one side, the side facing the run coil. the rotor was the aluminum disc from a HD.
the setup was just a very common HD rotor Bedini type deal.
4 magnets, one coil.
interesting about the LEDs.. maybe.. cant say for sure. looking back into this again though..

but as i said a certain amount of load caused a speed up, even more caused no change, and even more than that like a full load caused a good deal of slow-down..

however i should note i know that in the position that coil was at it had no problem catching the backspikes from the run coil cause it would light LEDs during self oscillation.  that gave me the idea maybe something is going on between the two.. and the fact that one coils resistance and inductance differed so much from the other maybe that explained the very small load i could pull but no more.

but.. yea.. i know more now then i did then and have more stuff to experiment with so im going to get back at it.
maybe with all these people working we can figure it out who knows. theres bound to be one of us that gets it working that can provide a real explanation that makes sense to the point we can be like "ohhhhh"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 06, 2011, 03:49:57 PM
@magneticist . I seem to remember , 50 years ago that a source feeds maximum current to a load when the resistance [or in AC circuits , impedance] of the load is equal to that of the source .This more or less ties in with what you are saying .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 06, 2011, 03:57:09 PM
Quote from: minoly on June 06, 2011, 11:36:31 AM
We did it also:

we are making adjustments
using light bulb for load and getting closer to regaining full speed of the rotor w/ each adjustment.
this is getting better...

Are you still using the coil shorting, when you have shortcircuited your cap ?
So you still shortcircuit your coil in ONE time spot and the BackEMF pulses are then shorted out via your diode and in front of the cap ?

Maybe you can post a circuit diagram to make it all clearer ?
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hadcat on June 06, 2011, 04:38:45 PM
Quote from: Magneticitist on June 06, 2011, 03:47:32 PM
oops well @ Stefan the magnets were only on one side, the side facing the run coil. the rotor was the aluminum disc from a HD.
the setup was just a very common HD rotor Bedini type deal.
4 magnets, one coil.
interesting about the LEDs.. maybe.. cant say for sure. looking back into this again though..

but as i said a certain amount of load caused a speed up, even more caused no change, and even more than that like a full load caused a good deal of slow-down..

however i should note i know that in the position that coil was at it had no problem catching the backspikes from the run coil cause it would light LEDs during self oscillation.  that gave me the idea maybe something is going on between the two.. and the fact that one coils resistance and inductance differed so much from the other maybe that explained the very small load i could pull but no more.

but.. yea.. i know more now then i did then and have more stuff to experiment with so im going to get back at it.
maybe with all these people working we can figure it out who knows. theres bound to be one of us that gets it working that can provide a real explanation that makes sense to the point we can be like "ohhhhh"

Aluminum disc from a HD?
Maybe the problem is eddy currents from the rotor itself....just a thought.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 06, 2011, 04:47:49 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 06, 2011, 03:49:57 PM
@magneticist . I seem to remember , 50 years ago that a source feeds maximum current to a load when the resistance [or in AC circuits , impedance] of the load is equal to that of the source .This more or less ties in with what you are saying .

So for tuning use a 3ohm 5w resistor for a load?  I don't believe there is any shorting circuit in Romero's build?

Can anyone answer my question about drilling acrylic in my previous post?  Thanks!
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 06, 2011, 03:21:25 PM
I was wondering what to use to drill large holes in acrylic.. would this hole saw work?..


I'm still confused about the difference in a short vs a full load.. can someone help explain this to me?.. Thanks!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 06, 2011, 05:19:59 PM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 06, 2011, 04:47:49 PM
Can anyone answer my question about drilling acrylic in my previous post?  Thanks!

Yes it will work but be advised that this may cut an oversized hole.

I assume you have a drillpress? Clamp the work down, go slow, high speed in acrylic tends to melt the pieces back together.

I have used a spade drill to drill acrylic and that worked well, nice light press fit for the magnets. I drill a small pilot hole first

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 06, 2011, 05:27:52 PM

You can buy bits specifically for plastics, most likely at a plexi store.  For larger holes use a quality UniBit. If they are just used for plastic they will stay sharp for life. ;]

Also a fine laminate blade in a jigsaw will give pro looking cuts.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 05:34:50 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on June 06, 2011, 10:51:52 AM
How does the green voltage waveform look then when you do this shorting ?
Do you use only driver coils and use them also as pickup coils ?

Many thanks.
this is only 1 drive coil pair.
l need to show a circuit diagrams to help me understand this.
its wave forms and circuits are very interesting

I shorted the coils and added the tuned capacitor to the output and was able to get output current to 600 m Amps the voltage was so high it heated up the capacitor and destroyed it. the capacitor was rated at 160 volts non polarized.

there is so much to test. 

The drive current was 100 m amps.

Is this OU? don't know as Power calculations are not available yet. I need to collect much more data to established an RMS voltage.

the divisions are 5 volts on X ten. each division is 50 volts
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 05:50:04 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 06, 2011, 12:42:31 PM
Well done @minoly, can you confirm for all others that the speed goes beyond the normal speed without the coil in place?
Hopefully now people will pay more attention to what I said many times before. I have never lied and I made statments only confirmed by myself during my experiments.
I have mentioned the Kromrey effect few times before but it was ignored because for some people this is too simple to be true and work.
As you all can see it works, and when you will understand more about it you will manage to do this much more easy.
I wonder why for all this time nobody ever managed to see this effect except Thane , but that in my opinion is a little bit different.
Why Muller's daughter continues her father work if there is no benefit?
This was my question when I decided to go for this Muller setup.

Best Regards,

I am happy now :)  this is good news. 600 mill amps output. :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 06, 2011, 07:00:25 PM
Do you short the coil all the time or is it pulsed using the hall switch.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 07:04:28 PM
Quote from: conradelektro on June 06, 2011, 02:39:36 PM
@all who observe a speeding up of the rotor when putting a load to a pick up coil or when placing the pickup coil in opposition to the drive coil:

In case you have only one drive coil, the bearings are put under stress, because the rotor is strongly pulled to one side.

If one places a loaded pick up coil in opposition to the drive coil or in other cases somewhere else near the rotor, the stress on the bearings is a bit less (less one sided) and hence the increase of speed.

I observed with my contraption (posted further up in this thread) that it is important to have a "balanced stress" on the rotor/bearings, which can be achieved with a pair-wise arrangement of drive coils and pick up coils (as in Romero's motor-generator). The rotor should not be pulled to one specific side if one wants the bearings to run freely.

I will change my rig accordingly, using a pair of drive coils and a pair of trigger coils. Trigger coils can be further away from the magnets than pick up coils, because the trigger signal does not have to be strong (therefore a pair of trigger coils causes only a small drag in comparison to a pair of loaded pick up coils).

Greetings, Conrad

During recent tests I was pondering the possibility of using two paired sets of drive coils all wired in series configuration to be driven from the one pick up sensor.
As seen in the picture below, drive coils pair 1 is magnetically aligned to attract the magnets on the rotor disk. Drive coils pair 2 is magnetically aligned to repel the magnets on the rotor disk. This meant drive coils 1 and 2 would be wired in series to double overall inductance and coil resistance, consequently halving their power consumption. In turn this would give us the opportunity to create a repelling and attracting force simultaneously to the rotor disk.
The only technical issue with this configuration was working out the phase of the two coil pairs, so that when they engaged they did not electrically oppose each other in circuit.
This is where it got interesting…I experimented with the coils in phase with each other and out of phase with each other. When the two drive coil pairs generated a charge induced by the magnets and the polarity of the charge was in opposition to itself, drive current dropped to 25 m Amps. Motor RPM was 1250. When I reversed the phase of the two coils motor RPM increased to 2200, drive current escalated to 180 m Amps.
I found this to be a very interesting result and something that needs more work. I am posting this result as help.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 06, 2011, 08:45:06 PM
@Ron and Mags

Thank you!  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 06, 2011, 08:49:25 PM
Quote from: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 07:04:28 PM
During recent tests I was pondering the possibility of using two paired sets of drive coils all wired in series configuration to be driven from the one pick up sensor.
As seen in the picture below, drive coils pair 1 is magnetically aligned to attract the magnets on the rotor disk. Drive coils pair 2 is magnetically aligned to repel the magnets on the rotor disk. This meant drive coils 1 and 2 would be wired in series to double overall inductance and coil resistance, consequently halving their power consumption. In turn this would give us the opportunity to create a repelling and attracting force simultaneously to the rotor disk.
The only technical issue with this configuration was working out the phase of the two coil pairs, so that when they engaged they did not electrically oppose each other in circuit.
This is where it got interesting…I experimented with the coils in phase with each other and out of phase with each other. When the two drive coil pairs generated a charge induced by the magnets and the polarity of the charge was in opposition to itself, drive current dropped to 25 m Amps. Motor RPM was 1250. When I reversed the phase of the two coils motor RPM increased to 2200, drive current escalated to 180 m Amps.
I found this to be a very interesting result and something that needs more work. I am posting this result as help.

Am I understanding this correctly the voltage induced by the magnets caused the coils to short.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 06, 2011, 09:24:59 PM
Quote from: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 03:24:36 AM
It works.  ;D
I was right about my early observations. At last we are moving in the right direction.
I was able to draw 32 m amps from one coil with out any load on the motor.   There was no change in RPM or drive coil load.

Now we start work  :)?

just a small point the RPM needs to be right. full speed is not always the correct speed.

I have screen shots to post of the wave forms. 

Same with my experiments. Exactly 30 ma and not change on RPM.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 06, 2011, 09:39:42 PM
my second run test.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on June 06, 2011, 09:59:12 PM

what does the 500/550 ms pulse duration at ~960 rpm do with/in the circuit?

seems kind of high if it's for the on time for your drive coils.

take care.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 06, 2011, 10:06:26 PM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 06, 2011, 03:21:25 PM
I was wondering what to use to drill large holes in acrylic.. would this hole saw work?..


I tried that and it was a disaster for plexiglass. It is too brittle and will be very difficult to cut without a drill press.

If you have drill press I would buy a set of better drills. If you will use a hand drill definitely forget about those ones.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 06, 2011, 10:23:31 PM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 06, 2011, 03:21:25 PM
I was wondering what to use to drill large holes in acrylic.. would this hole saw work?..


I wouldn't try it unless you have a drill press that can run at a very slow speed.  Hole saws are hard to keep stable also and will tend to grab if they get off angle in the least.  If you were close to the edge like when cutting a hole in the rotor you might easily break out the side if it grabbed.  However there are not many other affordable options.  Water jet and laser cutting will probably cost a lot.  I haven't worked much with acrylic but I believe it will easily melt if cutting too fast with any type of blades.  Slow speed and a rigid setup will be important. 
P.S.  I see now you got a number of replies.  I think Magluvin and some others probably know plastic better than I do so don't let my advice override what they are suggesting.  Good luck. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 06, 2011, 10:41:04 PM
Quote from: slapper on June 06, 2011, 09:59:12 PM

what does the 500/550 ms pulse duration at ~960 rpm do with/in the circuit?

seems kind of high if it's for the on time for your drive coils.

take care.


good question. I don't know. I have not spent too much time thinking about this yet. This was just my second run quick test to see if it would even spin. My first run test with relay was a total disaster and was running at less than 20rpm.

Those little coils made a gigantic difference. Now, the timing was a error and trial until I found a good spot. What was interesting to me is that longer pulses were worse and shorter were better. Resonance plays a big role where once you achieve it you can proportionality decrease the ON time duration (which is my case) and still improve things.

My setup is not taking the speed of the rotor into consideration so as faster it goes I am still at a constant ON time. I will eventually fix that on the code.

BTW, I think it is not 500 ms but 0.5 ms ON time or may be even 0.05ms. I have to check the code.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on June 06, 2011, 10:50:18 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 06, 2011, 10:41:04 PM
BTW, I think it is not 500 ms but 0.5 ms ON time or may be even 0.05ms. I have to check the code.

that makes more sense.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 06, 2011, 11:12:19 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 06, 2011, 10:06:26 PM
I tried that and it was a disaster for plexiglass. It is too brittle and will be very difficult to cut without a drill press.

If you have drill press I would buy a set of better drills. If you will use a hand drill definitely forget about those ones.


Thanks.. Yes I have a drill press.  I'm going to use Plas-Drill bits (made for drilling plastic) for the smaller holes..
and this Unibit for the larger ones..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 06, 2011, 11:17:19 PM
Quote from: toranarod on June 06, 2011, 05:34:50 PM
this is only 1 drive coil pair.
l need to show a circuit diagrams to help me understand this.
its wave forms and circuits are very interesting

I shorted the coils and added the tuned capacitor to the output and was able to get output current to 600 m Amps the voltage was so high it heated up the capacitor and destroyed it. the capacitor was rated at 160 volts non polarized.

there is so much to test. 

The drive current was 100 m amps.

Is this OU? don't know as Power calculations are not available yet. I need to collect much more data to established an RMS voltage.

the divisions are 5 volts on X ten. each division is 50 volts
Well between the info above and the info you gave in your next post I'd say forget the calcs.  Time to try a  looped self run test!  I might be wrong but sounds like you have enough output to run the motor with an efficient DC-DC converter.  Maybe start with a good size cap on the input of the converter from your coils.
    If that doesn't work in any of various configurations (I can think of a number of ways to try this) then go for the calculations but trying a loop test seems easier and a sure way to know if you have OU of around 2 or more.  Any Hoo NICE WORK toranarod !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on June 06, 2011, 11:18:23 PM
This is from Romero on coil shorting:
"One thing to mention, I am not shorting the coil directly, I am doing it with a capacitor, in fact the shorting is adding a capacitor in parallel with the coil.The capacitor value in my case is 0.33uf."
  Can someone please explain this.  Seems relevant. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 06, 2011, 11:42:22 PM
^never read that comment but i guess ill try it lol
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on June 06, 2011, 11:57:10 PM
I understand shorting with a hall, reed, or coil/transistor.  But please explain how to short with a cap.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: EMdevices on June 07, 2011, 12:13:37 AM
@ redrichie

I just illustrated and explained the shorting in the other thread (for experimentalists.) 

Coil shorting happens automaticaly in RomeroUK's dynamo due to the use of diode bridges and an output capacitor, since conduction occurs only when the induced coil voltage rises above this cap voltage plus the voltage drop across the diodes.   These current pulses are very short and occur at the max voltage peaks.   

So, coil shorting at max voltage is quite common and not some exotic practice.   

If on the other hand you had a load resistor connected directly to a generator coil, then the current would flow into the load all the time and vary according to ohms law,  but in his dynamo,  current pulses flows quickly into the capacitor in short duration bursts, so the applicable load resistance while the current flows is the coil resistance of about 1 ohm.    (capacitors are efectively shorts for AC analysis)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 07, 2011, 01:00:43 AM
Quote from: plengo on June 06, 2011, 10:41:04 PM
good question. I don't know. I have not spent too much time thinking about this yet. This was just my second run quick test to see if it would even spin. My first run test with relay was a total disaster and was running at less than 20rpm.

Those little coils made a gigantic difference. Now, the timing was a error and trial until I found a good spot. What was interesting to me is that longer pulses were worse and shorter were better. Resonance plays a big role where once you achieve it you can proportionality decrease the ON time duration (which is my case) and still improve things.

My setup is not taking the speed of the rotor into consideration so as faster it goes I am still at a constant ON time. I will eventually fix that on the code.

BTW, I think it is not 500 ms but 0.5 ms ON time or may be even 0.05ms. I have to check the code.


Is that an Arduino board I see in your video?  I assume you are using that for controlling the drive coil pulses?  Also is the big Weston analog Amp meter on the output side?  Nice setup you have plengo.  Looks like you've got all the tools to tune this in once it's complete. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minoly on June 07, 2011, 01:20:15 AM
Quote from: EMdevices on June 07, 2011, 12:13:37 AM
@ redrichie

I just illustrated and explained the shorting in the other thread (for experimentalists.) 

Coil shorting happens automaticaly in RomeroUK's dynamo due to the use of diode bridges and an output capacitor, since conduction occurs only when the induced coil voltage rises above this cap voltage plus the voltage drop across the diodes.   These current pulses are very short and occur at the max voltage peaks.   

So, coil shorting at max voltage is quite common and not some exotic practice.   

If on the other hand you had a load resistor connected directly to a generator coil, then the current would flow into the load all the time and vary according to ohms law,  but in his dynamo,  current pulses flows quickly into the capacitor in short duration bursts, so the applicable load resistance while the current flows is the coil resistance of about 1 ohm.    (capacitors are efectively shorts for AC analysis)

that's a nice find!
I've been playing around w/ what few AC caps I have on hand and they do short the coil and produce a higher voltage just by putting them in parallel w/ the coil before the FWBR. it also makes a difference what cap you have after the FWBR. I do not have enough on hand to optimize and produce a significant increase in speed, I will experiment w/ other coils to see if I have the right coil to cap combo on hand before making a trip to pick up more caps. this really feels like an LCR type action going on here.
Thanks for posting that
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 07, 2011, 02:30:30 AM
Quote from: minoly on June 07, 2011, 01:20:15 AM
that's a nice find!
I've been playing around w/ what few AC caps I have on hand and they do short the coil and produce a higher voltage just by putting them in parallel w/ the coil before the FWBR. it also makes a difference what cap you have after the FWBR. I do not have enough on hand to optimize and produce a significant increase in speed, I will experiment w/ other coils to see if I have the right coil to cap combo on hand before making a trip to pick up more caps. this really feels like an LCR type action going on here.
Thanks for posting that
minoly, I think you meant EMDevices as that was his post in response to redrichie's question on coil shorting.  No big thing just giving credit to EM for that info.  I actually didn't get the idea though from his post that you would put AC caps directly on the coil before the FWBR.  Sounds like you are onto something though with that.  What sort of value's have you tried in the AC caps? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 07, 2011, 03:14:55 AM
4tesla wrote:"
I was wondering what to use to drill large holes in acrylic.. would this hole saw work?..


I like using holes saws to cut out discs since you have perfect center hole and the disc will be perfectly round too...Just go slow and take your time dont dig in too deep all at once go with very light pressure

a very good trick when cutting through acryilc or lexan or polycarbonate etc plastics is to cool it down by splashing water on the plastic as you drill..just did this the other day cutting thorugh some very strong plexigas - I th ink it was polycarobnate type......this works good with acrylic too - keeps it from melting and also lubricates it too.
Be sure to CLAMP down the plastic being cut with Cclamps or whatever...
ABS plastic is good plastic to use since it accepts glue very well but it really likes to melt when its drilled and it oozes up all over theplace when you drill it out - for this stuff I will spray on some WD40 oil when drilling out discs with hole saws..
also when drilling smaller holes in plasticswith drill bits, its good to lube the bit too with some WD40 or whatever you want (water too) - it really helps - sometiimes the bit will jam in the platic or break off ruining everythign but the oil really helps prevent this.
Also notice the plastic sheets to cut rotors out of are never perfectly flat, and usually warped from sitting around in the store,  so running the sheet through a planer first a few times will make a very flat surfaced rotor..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kishbud on June 07, 2011, 04:00:55 AM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 06, 2011, 11:12:19 PM
Thanks.. Yes I have a drill press.  I'm going to use Plas-Drill bits (made for drilling plastic) for the smaller holes..
and this Unibit for the larger ones..

4Tesla, everything Konehead said is right on for drilling plastics.

I build a lot with PC, PMMA, UHMW, Etc... and what I really have great success with is a nice set of sharp Forstner Bits.
http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?page=17283&filter=forstner%20bits (http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?page=17283&filter=forstner%20bits)

http://www.amazon.com/Irwin-42930-Forstner-Bit/dp/B00004YO9T (http://www.amazon.com/Irwin-42930-Forstner-Bit/dp/B00004YO9T)

What I really like about the Forstner Bit is you can counter sink a magnet to any depth and have that nice flat machined surface at the bottom of the hole.

The hole alignment is much more accurate with the pointed center and you can just as well drill all the way through your material.

Always use a drill press with these bits, clamp down your material and test cut with scrap material to achieve a clean hole with the proper bit RPM. If your bits are sharp you can cut real slow with depth control and no melting.

Good building!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 07, 2011, 04:21:51 AM
I built this "Muller goat motor" (intentional mispelling ha) maybe 8 years ago and did putt around a bit in a small boat with it...not that powerful at 24V input BUT this motor had the most dramatic speed-up under loading I could ever get -
note that all  7 coil positions are in SERIES and just one FWBR is needed,

I did the "switched AC leg of FWBR" delayed timing (about 5 degrees retarded) trick with it.
It would double in speed, and draw went way down when the DC side of the FWBR over all the coils would slam directly into a 12V battery. (no caps!)
The motor would run on 24V and about 2 amps uloaded druing the "speed-up" tests (out of water), and around 4 amps in the water....

AC side of FWBR goes over all the coils....and there is a single switch (I used roller-commutators at that time)  on just one of the AC legs of the FWBR....
8 magnets in rotor, N-S
cores were steel "elevator bolts" (very flat and wide heads)  and also ferrite tubes the bolts ran thorugh...coils were fairly thick 18GA wire, and about 100feet in length if the bifilar coils were in series...they were bifilar (as seen in the illustration) but during the speed-up tests, I didnt have the circuit shown in drawing where the bifilar coils are split into two halves and just ran "one half" of the bifilars and it was repulsive-only...
the motor would fire 4 times a revolution, and also hit the load-battery 4 times a revolution too, in the approx "5 degrees retarded" timing as compared to the motor-pulse timing...
anyways this worked very great and mabye some of you would like to try hooking all your coils in series in your Romeroukmullers for the fun of it and doing some coil-shorttng of all of them at once and see what happens, or some "delay swtiched AC leg of FWBR" like just described tests ....here are some pics of it:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 04:52:38 AM
Quote from: redrichie on June 06, 2011, 11:18:23 PM
This is from Romero on coil shorting:
"One thing to mention, I am not shorting the coil directly, I am doing it with a capacitor, in fact the shorting is adding a capacitor in parallel with the coil.The capacitor value in my case is 0.33uf."
  Can someone please explain this.  Seems relevant.

Thanks I remember reading somewhere he wrote that he found a way of shorting with just one extra component and didn't need the reed switch anymore. I will try some caps and see what happens.
If it doesn't work I will try this
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 05:04:54 AM
Im also wondering that if we want to get the Kromrey effect wouldn't it be more logical to put the magnets on the rotor in a NSNS configuration?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 07, 2011, 05:40:25 AM
Todays research notes based on the circuit below.

Not the small capacitor 1.5 uF makes an increase in out put current by 60% It creates a phase shift. its value is specifically suited to my coil H and RPM

The motor RPM 1450

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: coke2k on June 07, 2011, 06:10:16 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDydJnqB4jE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDydJnqB4jE)

this experiment has been made long ago, but I think it would be useful ... (by  user teofilius)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on June 07, 2011, 06:23:26 AM
about shorting read EMdevices
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10716.msg289867#msg289867 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10716.msg289867#msg289867)

by adding a capacitor in parallel with coils (before diodes) there is only resonance effect and you loose energy : ??sorry I am not sure about that??

" 2)  the pulses (current conduction) occur around the maximum induced voltage, when the voltage increases ABOVE the output capacitor voltage.   RomeroUK's dynamo produced around 15 Volts unloaded, and 12 volts when loaded with that 12 volt light bulb,  and on the graph below I drew the red lines where this corresponds on the normalized curve.   (12/15 = 0.8 ) "

you have also to drain energy from capacitor in order to stabilize the right voltage and conductance effect, the value of capacitor have also great influence on the dynamic of discharge .

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minoly on June 07, 2011, 09:20:12 AM
Quote from: wings on June 07, 2011, 06:23:26 AM
about shorting read EMdevices

by adding a capacitor in parallel with coils (before diodes) there is only resonance effect and you loose energy :

" 2)  the pulses (current conduction) occur around the maximum induced voltage, when the voltage increases ABOVE the output capacitor voltage.   RomeroUK's dynamo produced around 15 Volts unloaded, and 12 volts when loaded with that 12 volt light bulb,  and on the graph below I drew the red lines where this corresponds on the normalized curve.   (12/15 = 0.8 ) "

you have also to drain energy from capacitor in order to stabilize the right voltage and conductance effect, the value of capacitor have also great influence on the dynamic of discharge .

This is interesting, I must be doing something wrong.
I have a pickup/gen coil, goes directly to a FWBR then to a 12 volt bulb which is in parallel with a cap. this is the normal part, the bulb lights a little. when I put my voltmeter across the bulb, the voltage reads 2.03 volts.
When I add a "cap short" across the coil. the bulb light increases slightly and the volt meter rises to 2.56 volts - at the same time the rpm increases a tiny bit. which is why I am headed to the store to pick up more caps :-)
this method is not as sure as Bolt's amplified short, but I thought it might be worth exploring anyway - for its simplicity. it's definitely not as dramatic. leave no stone unturned.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 07, 2011, 10:15:22 AM
Quote from: minoly on June 07, 2011, 09:20:12 AM
This is interesting, I must be doing something wrong.
I have a pickup/gen coil, goes directly to a FWBR then to a 12 volt bulb which is in parallel with a cap. this is the normal part, the bulb lights a little. when I put my voltmeter across the bulb, the voltage reads 2.03 volts.
When I add a "cap short" across the coil. the bulb light increases slightly and the volt meter rises to 2.56 volts - at the same time the rpm increases a tiny bit. which is why I am headed to the store to pick up more caps :-)
this method is not as sure as Bolt's amplified short, but I thought it might be worth exploring anyway - for its simplicity. it's definitely not as dramatic. leave no stone unturned.

I have the same affect.
if you adjust the timing you can squeeze a bit more out of it. I tuned my motor over the last 24 hours from 100 m amps the 400 m amps and then to 600 m amps to 900 mill amps before i burnt out the coils. 
you will find the right value will give the best results. please try the cap where i put it in my circuit you will not be disappointed.

Romero said he picked the muller for this technique. its the technique thats important not the muller motor so much.
I am going to run some test on my other motor using the same technique as i have on the muller.
My Adams motor is larger and can handle the abuse . It has .5 ohm 9 m H coils 6000  Gauss magnets.
I also had it at COP 1  so close it stabilized its battery.

   good work and good luck
keep us posted
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 07, 2011, 12:30:56 PM
info miuler neogen
Replicação Neogen (BILL MULLER ) by ROMEROUK. rotor 8 imas 3cm x1cm,9 pares de bobinas fio21 awg 400 voltas cada. circuito driver com 3 transistores 2N3055. pulso com sensor reed switch.utilizando 2 baterias 12v.
http://veehd.com/video/4593053_Energy-from-the-Vacuum-Part-2  4:32:06
http://veehd.com/video/4571292_Energy-From-The-Vacuum-Bedini-Bearden-Part-1-divx  2:08:05
Energy-from-the-Vacuum-Part-2  rus
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eupTIwqwzb4  2:14:50
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 07, 2011, 12:42:52 PM
Maybe, being that the gen coils are producing a positive and negative swing for each magnet pass, if you have a diode across the coil, during one of these phase swings( more likely first, whether neg or pos), and shorts for the first half, and releases on the second half of the wave. Would this produce a push on the rotor? And get a charge?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 07, 2011, 01:05:41 PM
Also, if you add a freewheel diode across the motor coils, you can shorten the drive pulse, because the flywheel with the diode will help the coil hold its field a bit longer after the pulse has ended. This should give great results in decreasing input by shortening the amount of time the input is on, yet still driving the rotor as needed.  ;]
Just be sure of the diode polarity for freewheeling.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 07, 2011, 01:10:10 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 07, 2011, 01:00:43 AM
Is that an Arduino board I see in your video?  I assume you are using that for controlling the drive coil pulses?  Also is the big Weston analog Amp meter on the output side?  Nice setup you have plengo.  Looks like you've got all the tools to tune this in once it's complete.

It is Arduino Duemilanove board. And I am using one mosfet IRF610 to switch the coils. The meter is on the input side so that I can see in detail what is going on.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 07, 2011, 01:15:28 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 07, 2011, 12:30:56 PM
info miuler neogen
Replicação Neogen (BILL MULLER ) by ROMEROUK. rotor 8 imas 3cm x1cm,9 pares de bobinas fio21 awg 400 voltas cada. circuito driver com 3 transistores 2N3055. pulso com sensor reed switch.utilizando 2 baterias 12v.
bedini 2 rus
translation: Replication Neogen (BILL MULLER ) by ROMEROUK. rotor 8 imas 3cm x1cm,9 coil wires 21 awg 400 turns each. Circuit driver with 3 transistors 2N3055. Pulse with reed switch utilizing 2 bateries 12v.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 07, 2011, 02:30:15 PM
Here is good basic way to short coils timed at peak-period using bidirectional mosfet - jsut showing filling up the cap in this - re-drew Rods circuit:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 07, 2011, 03:08:19 PM
@konehead and kishbud

Thank you for the tips and links!


I don't see any reason to have parallel diodes on the rectifiers.  I have researched and can't find any advantage.  I don't believe this is key to the selfrunner.  From what I have read, two diodes in parallel will allow more current only if they have the same specifications, better to just get a higher rated rectifier.  Two diodes in parallel doesn't change the voltage drop.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 07, 2011, 03:22:56 PM
Hello everybody:
Important Prompt: [/]

    Romero display devices and never published information on the reference to "coil short", We do not walk the wrong road.[/]

    About the "coil short", I did a variety of experiments, it can only increase the voltage, reducing the current, the energy can not be enlarged.[/]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on June 07, 2011, 04:06:48 PM
The latest video from Fossil Fuel:



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 07, 2011, 04:07:19 PM
I think if someone is bent on adding a circuit on coil shorting, it should be after the bridge and the shorting should be into the capacitor.

This would possibly give some unique control as to the lenz forces on the approach and departure depending on the switch timing and yet all power would go into the capacitor instead of just shorted to ground.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 07, 2011, 04:11:22 PM
@Arthurs . I am not sure that I fully understand your last post . your second sentence reads "We do not walk the wrong road ." From that I assume we are walking the right road . I suspect you could well be right in that coil shorting can only increase the voltage and not the power , but this is NOT based on my own experiments .
     However , as I understand it , coil shorting has other benefits , delaying the Back EMF so that it actually ads to the motors effect rather than causing back drag . That is a benefit in itself .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 04:30:20 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 07, 2011, 04:11:22 PM
@Arthurs . I am not sure that I fully understand your last post . your second sentence reads "We do not walk the wrong road ." From that I assume we are walking the right road . I suspect you could well be right in that coil shorting can only increase the voltage and not the power , but this is NOT based on my own experiments .
     However , as I understand it , coil shorting has other benefits , delaying the Back EMF so that it actually ads to the motors effect rather than causing back drag . That is a benefit in itself .

Only one person knows but he can not tell us, we have to waste more time and money ourselves  ;)
Instead I would rather work on improving the concept or build a solid state version.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuhZ5ipW31U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuhZ5ipW31U)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 07, 2011, 04:35:09 PM
Don't forget, using the rectifier and a big buffer capacitor does a pretty good job in approaching shorting the coils when the induced coil voltage is passing 2 times the diode threshold voltage + Capacitor voltage.
In case the rotation speed is sufficiently high, the capacitor impedance is also very low.
In that situation the diode resistance is dVdiode/dIdiode, which is a near shortage.
So, I am not sure I understand all the fuzz about extra shortening circuits to be honest.

In case some of you would like to persist using extra shortening circuits, keep in mind that ultra short pulses will not do anything extra.
You need a decent period of shortening.
In that case, how would you like to collect energy from a shortened coil? It will only waste energy through heating up the coil.
The extra gain you get from delayed BEMF will already be lost in the coil presumably.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 04:51:23 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 07, 2011, 01:10:10 PM
It is Arduino Duemilanove board. And I am using one mosfet IRF610 to switch the coils. The meter is on the input side so that I can see in detail what is going on.


I have a board like that and maybe try it on my motor also, can you show me how to connect it to the mosfets and driving coils and maybe how to connect a hall sensor to the arduino?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZFIMqA0Vpc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZFIMqA0Vpc)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 07, 2011, 05:03:29 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 04:30:20 PM

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuhZ5ipW31U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuhZ5ipW31U)

You seem to be doing fine with the rotary version, solid-state version can come later when we can master rotary version...

How your input power (current) changes when you turn the back magnets and RPM goes up?

Thanks,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 05:07:17 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 07, 2011, 04:35:09 PM
I have to agree with Neptune.
Don't forget, using the rectifier and a big buffer capacitor does a pretty good job in approaching shorting the coils when the induced coil voltage is passing 2 times the diode threshold voltage + Capacitor voltage.
In case the rotation speed is sufficient high, so the capacitor impedance is also very low.
In that situation the diode resistance is dVdiode/dIdiode, which is a near shortage.
So, I am not sure I understand all the fuzz about extra shortening circuits to be honest.

I agree I think there has to be some sort of self shortening effect goeing on like you describe!
When I see the Kromrey converter I also see no shorting circuit but a constand 100% short.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 05:11:26 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 07, 2011, 05:03:29 PM
You seem to be doing fine with the rotary version, solid-state version can come later when we can master rotary version...

How your input power (current) changes when you turn the back magnets and RPM goes up?

Thanks,  Gyula

The amp draw doesn't chance much but the output also doesn't change much only the RPM.

Thank you,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 07, 2011, 05:16:58 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 05:07:17 PM
I agree I think there has to be some sort of self shortening effect goeing on like you describe!
When I see the Kromrey converter I also see no shorting circuit but a constand 100% short.


Ah, good to know the Kromray converter has a dead short, I didn't know that.

I guess it will have to be a compromise anyway.
Like I said, how will it be possible to get the energy from a shortened coil?
You could use extra conventional generator coils to the rotor, but that will give you extra BEMF drawback.
So, IMHO using a bridge rectifier with some extra parallel diodes and a buffer capacitor is a good compromise, although I realize that some of the replicators don't understand how such circuit acts as selective shortening.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 07, 2011, 05:22:27 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 05:11:26 PM
The amp draw doesn't chance much but the output also doesn't change much only the RPM.

Thank you,

Try to use spacers between the magnets to find the most optimum flux 'quantity' for the core.  For the fine-tuning process, perhaps a normal resistor of a few Watts rating could be better as a constant load (bulb is nonlinear and changes its loading effect as the output voltage changes).
Load resistor value could be 5-10 Ohm and use an AC voltmeter across it to see any increase or decrease in the output while adjusting. These hints I collected mainly (not all) from Romero posts...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 05:34:37 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 07, 2011, 05:16:58 PM
Ah, good to know the Kromray has a dead short, I didn't know that.

I guess it will be a compromise anyway.
Like I said, how will it be possible to get the energy from a shortened coil?
You could use extra conventional generator coils to the rotor, but that will give you extra BEMF drawback.
So, IMHO using a bridge rectifier with some extra parallel diodes and a buffer capacitor is a good compromise, although I realize that some of the replicators don't understand how such circuit acts as selective shortening.

You make the same mistake and are adding more components then needed and making it more complicated than this simple thing already is.

The Kromrey converter speeds up under load and has only 4 coils and 2 magnets nothing more!!

I think that is the effect we want to know why it works that way without extra components like capacitors or diodes or extra coils. Then we can use that in other motors.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 05:45:09 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 07, 2011, 05:22:27 PM
Try to use spacers between the magnets to find the most optimum flux 'quantity' for the core.  For the fine-tuning process, perhaps a normal resistor of a few Watts rating could be better as a constant load (bulb is nonlinear and changes its loading effect as the output voltage changes).
Load resistor value could be 5-10 Ohm and use an AC voltmeter across it to see any increase or decrease in the output while adjusting. These hints I collected mainly (not all) from Romero posts...

I will try a different (constant) load and an AC voltmeter next time, I already played with spacing but maybe my magnets are also to big.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 07, 2011, 05:51:56 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 07, 2011, 02:30:15 PM
Here is good basic way to short coils timed at peak-period using bidirectional mosfet - jsut showing filling up the cap in this - re-drew Rods circuit:

Good circuit Konehead  :)

I did try shorting on the output of the bridge as suggested. The results where a little better across the input.
But it work just as well on either side of the bridge rectifier. what i need to show is where the best position is in regards to the timing of the switching across   the wave form.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 07, 2011, 05:53:40 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 05:34:37 PM
You make the same mistake and are adding more components then needed and making it more complicated than this simple thing already is.

The Kromrey converter speeds up under load and has only 4 coils and 2 magnets nothing more!!

I think that is the effect we want to know why it works that way without extra components like capacitors or diodes or extra coils. Then we can use that in other motors.


Help me out here, Scratch. Do you have a good reference link, so I can have a closer look?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 07, 2011, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 05:45:09 PM
I will try a different (constant) load and an AC voltmeter next time, I already played with spacing but maybe my magnets are also to big.


One more thing I forgot, sorry:  maybe it is also important to use a diode bridge and a puffer capacitor when fine tuning, especially when you finished with one gen coil pair and proceed to the next one and may already wish to keep the first coil pair connected.
This surely brings in losses due to the diodes forward voltage drops but maybe worth using them (the more gen coils you insert to feed the common puffer cap and load).
The load resistor comes across the puffer capacitor (DC output of the diode bridge) and a DC voltmeter could be the indicator for any increase or decrease.  For diodes, use 1N4001 to 1N4007 for these tests.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 07, 2011, 07:14:12 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 07, 2011, 05:53:40 PM
Help me out here, Scratch. Do you have a good reference link, so I can have a closer look?




Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 07:41:39 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 07, 2011, 05:53:40 PM
Help me out here, Scratch. Do you have a good reference link, so I can have a closer look?

I made a mistake it actually has 4 magnets and 4 coils. I have seen the DVD from John Bedini where he demonstrates the device and explains why it works, he thinks it's all about negative energy sucked in at the bloch wall because the magnets are forced apart from the coils and breaking the flux path, the coils then collecting that negative energy. He says the device is overunity but does not show it self run, maybe he already learned his lesson like Romero did.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OHxzT61nyU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OHxzT61nyU)

Could also be related to this http://www.flynnresearch.net/technology/PPMT%20technology%20white%20paper.pdf (http://www.flynnresearch.net/technology/PPMT%20technology%20white%20paper.pdf) ?


Thanks xenomorphlabs, thats the video I meant.

@gyulasun, Thanks I will try that
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 07, 2011, 07:46:23 PM
Quote from: minoly on June 07, 2011, 09:20:12 AM
This is interesting, I must be doing something wrong.
I have a pickup/gen coil, goes directly to a FWBR then to a 12 volt bulb which is in parallel with a cap. this is the normal part, the bulb lights a little. when I put my voltmeter across the bulb, the voltage reads 2.03 volts.
When I add a "cap short" across the coil. the bulb light increases slightly and the volt meter rises to 2.56 volts - at the same time the rpm increases a tiny bit. which is why I am headed to the store to pick up more caps :-)
this method is not as sure as Bolt's amplified short, but I thought it might be worth exploring anyway - for its simplicity. it's definitely not as dramatic. leave no stone unturned.

As Explained for countless times over many years the road to ZPE = RF applicable tuning and resonance. Hector is right on the money!!

RLC  will lead to OU when the phase is taken to current node zero while the voltage is maximum. This can be done by matching the load to the o/p circuit in the form of critically adjusting L to create a phase shift or by adding and tuning more caps.  Dump caps will fill near instantly when the circuit has a large amount of VARS and the voltage is a maximum.  Tuning is usually extremely narrow band specific to load. However coil shorting creates broadband harmonics allow for much easier load matching. Its not just about creating more volts. Dump caps will fill even faster if the load is disconnected then reconnected between filling.  At the least consider switching the load off and on from the dump cap.    Although devices can be tuned using pure RLC you will find it MUCH easier to broadband it using shorting methods.

You should know there are systems about generating several hundreds of watts and even several KW;s using these principles........for a long time.   Go read my old posts on how gensets, RV's etc can and have been looped yet i was told there is no such thing! Im glad Romero released his muller looper i was almost sectioned and locked away in a nut house till now for breaking the laws of physics. Hahaha!

Good job people are slowly waking up 2012 is almost here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 07:56:10 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 07, 2011, 07:46:23 PM
As Explained for countless times over many years the road to ZPE = RF applicable tuning and resonance. Hector is right on the money!!

RLC  will lead to OU when the phase is taken to current node zero while the voltage is maximum. This can be done by matching the load to the o/p circuit in the form of critically adjusting L to create a phase shift or by adding and tuning more caps.  Dump caps will fill near instantly when the circuit has a large amount of VARS and the voltage is a maximum.  Tuning is usually extremely narrow band specific to load. However coil shorting creates broadband harmonics allow for much easier load matching. Its not just about creating more volts. Dump caps will fill even faster if the load is disconnected then reconnected between filling.  At the least consider switching the load off and on from the dump cap.    Although devices can be tuned using pure RLC you will find it MUCH easier to broadband it using shorting methods.

You should know there are systems about generating several hundreds of watts and even several KW;s using these principles........for a long time.   Go read my old posts on how gensets, RV's etc can and have been looped yet i was told there is no such thing! Im glad Romero released his muller looper i was almost sectioned and locked away in a nut house till now for breaking the laws of physics. Hahaha!

Good job people are slowly waking up 2012 is almost here.

Where and why is he hiding that part of his device?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 07, 2011, 08:56:07 PM
sorry i don't understand that question.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 07, 2011, 11:23:45 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 07, 2011, 11:48:08 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 07, 2011, 08:56:07 PM
sorry i don't understand that question.

No I am sorry, I read your post wrong. I thought you were talking about cap dumping and asked where are the parts to do that.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skycollection on June 07, 2011, 11:59:48 PM
About the sewing bobins, i am not ussing this kind of coils,and the acetate plastic that i use in my bobins, is a good way to make a good coil...!
I have a new coil, in a few days i will post a new video for the presentation of my new coil, i am ussing gauge 21 wire, and low resistance ohms, this coils are going to be placed in pairs in my dinamo-motor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 08, 2011, 12:41:28 AM
for me the thing about the Kromrey is, when i really think about it, it sort of starts to make sense but *not really*, as i sort of start thinking somehow no matter what this is possible, but only if the arrangement is somehow offering sufficient bemf already in the unloaded situation then when loaded this bemf decreases with the using of a biasing current created by the spinning coils, but then why does a bulb light, draw decrease, AND speed go up?

could never figure it out then after reading to a certain point in the patent trying to identify the specifics of the outer magnet windings i read

"the magnets 101', 101'' of the stator are surrounded by respective energizing windings 109', 109'' which are connected across a suitable source of constant direct current, not shown."

page 7 left paragraph  patent 3374376

after reading that it started to make more sense...

unless someone can explain what else that could mean other than what i think it does
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 08, 2011, 12:52:19 AM

What I get from Vicktor Schauberger is that water current is similar to electrical current in its general properties.

I know that the pressurized release of water is more powerful than more loosely flowing water...AND that the pressurized release of water is pulsed is far more powerful than a steady stream of pressurized water.

I also seem to recall that Tesla believed the capacitor to be the key to free energy.

To me it appears that the bang of a dead short and collection of the fall out may be less efficient than build up of potential.

Just my thoughts and objective once I am able to start on Clanzer's experimental unit...I wouldn't be too too disappointed if someone here were to beat me to it.

After all, we are all a 'Johnny come lately' in this field of research...once its done, it will not matter anyway.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on June 08, 2011, 02:29:27 AM
Quote from: Magneticitist on June 08, 2011, 12:41:28 AM
..."the magnets 101', 101'' of the stator are surrounded by respective energizing windings 109', 109'' which are connected across a suitable source of constant direct current, not shown."

quoted from page 7 left paragraph Kromrey patent 3374376

Hi Magneticitist and all,
this quote is a great find.
I am thinking: Is it correct to say, that Kromrey's 'energizing windings around the stator magnets' serve the same purpose as the 'biasing magnets' in RomeroUK's Muller motor-generator (since Kromrey's 'DC energizing windings' form electro-magnets that bias his stator-magnets)?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AbbaRue on June 08, 2011, 03:27:50 AM
I can see a similarity between the Neo. Magnet passing through the 2 coils in the Muller Dynamo,
and the 2 coils of the Kromrey passing between the Neo. Magnets. 
Only in the one the magnets are doing the moving and in the other the coils are doing the moving.
You would only have to wind the Muller Dynamo using Trifilar windings instead of litz wire. 
And maybe the litz wire is doing the same thing, only with 7 strands instead of 3. 
Maybe someone can replace one set of coils in there replication with Trifilar coils and see if it make a difference. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 08, 2011, 03:52:19 AM
@scratchrobot and xenomorphlabs,
Thanks for the Kromrey references. Need some time to digest this stuff.
Time is always in the way ;)

The more I dive into this, the more I get convinced this is only related to the proper delay of BEMF.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 08, 2011, 04:22:29 AM
In Romeroukmuller machines, what could be happening is that the timing of the event of the instant-flipped-over polarity in the cores from those magnets behind cores of the genrator coils into that single collector/run-cap he has is not ever in synch - never happens same time - with the timing of the motor coil pulses from that cap when it LOOPS....so think of the polarity-flip of cores as an input "pulse" to the capacitor (sort of) and think of the motor coil being connected periodically to the capacitor too, as an output pulse too, from the capacitor, and neither every happens at same time which is ideal thing to happen....

so neither happens at same time and so it is sort of just like a "two-stage" or "flip-flop/seesaw output circuit combined with cap-discharge-to motor coils....

AND, what he doesnt report about since it "just happens" and  is a "natural" unswitched-thing, is that the magnets behind the cores will "induce" or smack head-on the exisiting-polarity of the coil to the now-opposite polarity of the core;
and this polarity-flip of cores of course is caused by the distance and strength of the regauging/helper magnets to the cores and is relative to the rpms and load on the genrator coils......
So, when the core-polarity flips over suddenly at that PEAK PERIOD, before the coil has time to react to this magnetic flux smack-in-the-face the coil collapses (gets knocked out for a bit)...and this works very similar to a "switched" coil-short, which is a quick COLLAPSE of the coil...(also coil-short works works just the same as TESLA SPARK GAP but that is other subject)

it must be the peak period when core-polarity flips, so the core will fling the rotor magnets away and increase power and speed when coils load up into the resistance....what the "tuning" of those magnets is all about is to make them flip core-polarities at just that time - whem magnets are about TDC to coil's core...and not only that, but the double-bonus is that the  core-flip acts very similar to a "switched' coil-short and increases voltage from the coils too - current remains the "SAME" (not less) since current wil only "be seen" when cap hits the load (no resistance no current)...if you have same current and double voltage you have double the watts/power.

so romero doesnt report about any coil-shorting, since he is not intentionally  switching it, but the "tuning" of the "regauging/helper" is, and he definetley reported about that.

this is all konehead-world sub-scientific theory right now, but it might be true  in what is going on...

in nutshell;
1) magnets behind cores both increase power and speed of rotor, IF polarity-flip of cores is tuned to occur at TDC of rotor magnet to coil, and also increases voltages into the collector/run capacitor since it collapses the coil for instant, similar to coil short.
2) the configuration of the odd vs even Muller-type magnetic rotor and coils is ideal, since the genrator coils having  their cores flip their polarities, and the discahrge of the capacitor to the motor coils never happens same time...

Also, seems like good way to test those magnets behind the cores and tune them, would be a 2nd identical motor ......
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 04:34:10 AM
Seen to many videos lately :
1) Some say that the speedup is because without the load, you are somehow limiting the electron flow in the wire ( only local eddy currents appear that are "small" ). With load, you are converting more mechanical energy to electron movement. For this faster rotation speed more energy is taken by the motor. Just imagine that your generator has a COP 0.35 in normal mode and when you put a load it jumps to COP 0.75. I really hope this is wrong, there are generators that are close to COP 1 without load, and the speedup does not consume more input power. Worst case this speedup can be used to cool down some heat pump element that is already COP 4.
2) Some say coil shorting only converts a "long" spike to a short but high spike. The energy amount is not changing only the voltage. I hope this is wrong because of the inertia effect of the spike = at each shorting the peak value will be just a bit bigger then the potential difference that is created due to the shorting.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 04:51:35 AM
hi all

some important new insight into the implications of Romero's scope trace

i've posted details over at the 'MD for experimentalists' thread:

  link-->http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10716.msg290039#msg290039 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10716.msg290039#msg290039)


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 08, 2011, 05:22:00 AM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on June 08, 2011, 12:52:19 AM
What I get from Vicktor Schauberger is that water current is similar to electrical current in its general properties.

I know that the pressurized release of water is more powerful than more loosely flowing water...AND that the pressurized release of water is pulsed is far more powerful than a steady stream of pressurized water.

I also seem to recall that Tesla believed the capacitor to be the key to free energy.

To me it appears that the bang of a dead short and collection of the fall out may be less efficient than build up of potential.

Just my thoughts and objective once I am able to start on Clanzer's experimental unit...I wouldn't be too too disappointed if someone here were to beat me to it.

After all, we are all a 'Johnny come lately' in this field of research...once its done, it will not matter anyway.


I also seem to recall that Tesla believed the capacitor to be the key to free energy. I am starting to think the same. Go Back to the EV gray Motor.

the coil shorting experiments lead me to this conclusion. HI current low voltage and convert it the voltage again into a capacitor. with no load on the drive system.  this is where todays test have concluded.

this is the wave form of the coil shorting test. the voltage goes over 200 volts when collected into a capacitor. 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 08, 2011, 05:54:58 AM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 07, 2011, 03:08:19 PM

I don't see any reason to have parallel diodes on the rectifiers.  I have researched and can't find any advantage.  I don't believe this is key to the selfrunner.  From what I have read, two diodes in parallel will allow more current only if they have the same specifications, better to just get a higher rated rectifier.  Two diodes in parallel doesn't change the voltage drop.

Hi 4Tesla,

Regarding this paralleled diode question you are free think what you wish of course, especially your very last sentence above. However you may wish to consider what I wrote earlier in this thread on paralleled diodes, please read  this link:

Now I have tested a fast recovery type diode, RHRP8120 (1200V, 8A, with less than 55nanosec reverse recovery time) made by Fairchild. Using again a transistor curve tracer, I found 1.3V forward voltage drop across it with 1A forward current. Then I paralleled a 1N4007 type diode with it and the combined forward voltage drop was reduced to 0.84V at the same 1A current.
1.3-0.84=0.46V  this means that at 1A current the load can receive 1*0.46V=0.46W more power which would have been lost across the single RHRP8120 diode should it have been used.  For a 2A current this is already near to the 1W 'gain' towards the load which would never have reached the load via the single diode. 
In a full wave diode bridge, there is always two diodes ON at a moment, meaning nearly 2W 'gain' towards the load as useful output, for 7 gen coils this is nearly 14W 'extra' power, just regained from diode loss. (Assuming in this example that the diode bridge diodes have a similar forward voltage drop like my randomly chosen RHRP8120 type had.

So now it is quite understandable why Romero found that connecting 1N4001 or 1N4007 diodes in parallel with the inside diodes of an off the shelf high current diode bridge the output power increases in a not negligible way. Even if you regain a few Watts from the diodes loss, it can be useful for the load, or can be just the missing some Watts for looping...

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 08, 2011, 06:29:22 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 08, 2011, 05:54:58 AM
Hi 4Tesla,

Regarding this paralleled diode question you are free think what you wish of course, especially your very last sentence above. However you may wish to consider what I wrote earlier in this thread on paralleled diodes, please read  this link:

Now I have tested a fast recovery type diode, RHRP8120 (1200V, 8A, with less than 55nanosec reverse recovery time) made by Fairchild. Using again a transistor curve tracer, I found 1.3V forward voltage drop across it with 1A forward current. Then I paralleled a 1N4007 type diode with it and the combined forward voltage drop was reduced to 0.84V at the same 1A current.
1.3-0.84=0.46V  this means that at 1A current the load can receive 1*0.46V=0.46W more power which would have been lost across the single RHRP8120 diode should it have been used.  For a 2A current this is already near to the 1W 'gain' towards the load which would never have reached the load via the single diode. 
In a full wave diode bridge, there is always two diodes ON at a moment, meaning nearly 2W 'gain' towards the load as useful output, for 7 gen coils this is nearly 14W 'extra' power, just regained from diode loss. (Assuming in this example that the diode bridge diodes have a similar forward voltage drop like my randomly chosen RHRP8120 type had.

So now it is quite understandable why Romero found that connecting 1N4001 or 1N4007 diodes in parallel with the inside diodes of an off the shelf high current diode bridge the output power increases in a not negligible way. Even if you regain a few Watts from the diodes loss, it can be useful for the load, or can be just the missing some Watts for looping...

rgds,  Gyula

What I've read is the diode with the lowest forward voltage drop turns on first and will take most the current.. so is a 1N4001 or 1N4007 diode rated at 1A?  I don't think you can get a voltage drop below the lowest rated diode.  I believe the diodes that were added were doing most of the work because they had a lower forward voltage drop.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 08, 2011, 07:15:39 AM

Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on Today at 06:52:19 AM

    What I get from Vicktor Schauberger is that water current is similar to electrical current in its general properties.

    I know that the pressurized release of water is more powerful than more loosely flowing water...AND that the pressurized release of water is pulsed is far more powerful than a steady stream of pressurized water.

    I also seem to recall that Tesla believed the capacitor to be the key to free energy.

    To me it appears that the bang of a dead short and collection of the fall out may be less efficient than build up of potential.

    Just my thoughts and objective once I am able to start on Clanzer's experimental unit...I wouldn't be too too disappointed if someone here were to beat me to it.

    After all, we are all a 'Johnny come lately' in this field of research...once its done, it will not matter anyway.


Quote from toranarod:

I also seem to recall that Tesla believed the capacitor to be the key to free energy. I am starting to think the same. Go Back to the EV gray Motor.

the coil shorting experiments lead me to this conclusion. HI current low voltage and convert it the voltage again into a capacitor. with no load on the drive system.  this is where todays test have concluded.

this is the wave form of the coil shorting test. the voltage goes over 200 volts when collected into a capacitor.

Thank you for the second on that Rod...interesting that water comes in waves also

Sometimes its hard to see something when you are heavily focused on something else...thats where an observant audience can be helpful.

I just wanted to pass that along, in the event it may light a spark.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 08, 2011, 07:19:30 AM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 08, 2011, 06:29:22 AM
What I've read is the diode with the lowest forward voltage drop turns on first and will take most the current.. so is a 1N4001 or 1N4007 diode rated at 1A?  I don't think you can get a voltage drop below the lowest rated diode.  I believe the diodes that were added were doing most of the work because they had a lower forward voltage drop.

Yes, it is true what you read on the lowest forward drop diode conducts first and takes most current.  Also the 1N4000 diode series is designed for the 1A continuous current rate (but practice shows they can be abused a little higher than 1A, especially in a diode bridge config, just look up their data sheet for their max peak current ratings)
I also agree that the diodes that were added were doing the most of the work just due to their lower forwrd voltage drop.

But how do you mean you do not think you can get a voltage drop below the lowest rated diode?   You mean you have two diodes with say 1V and 1.3V forward voltage drops and you cannot get a lower drop than 1V when the two diodes are paralleled?

I have just described my findings in my previous post on that. In my referenced post written earlier I included that paralleling power diodes is not an accepted way in this art and many design engineers use power diodes just fit for a particular job, they never parallel them. But the fact remains: resultant diode bridge losses get reduced when diodes are paralleled with them!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 08, 2011, 07:41:14 AM
@Bolt . You talked about coil shorting creating "broadband harmonics ". Remember that there are no such things as sub-harmonics . So harmonics are always the fundamental frequency x 1 or 2 or 3 etc . So we are looking at frequencies much higher than we would normally expect . High frequencies mean skin effects  requiring the Multi strands or Litz wire .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 08, 2011, 08:32:34 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 08, 2011, 05:54:58 AM
Now I have tested a fast recovery type diode, RHRP8120 (1200V, 8A, with less than 55nanosec reverse recovery time) made by Fairchild. Using again a transistor curve tracer, I found 1.3V forward voltage drop across it with 1A forward current. Then I paralleled a 1N4007 type diode with it and the combined forward voltage drop was reduced to 0.84V at the same 1A current.
1.3-0.84=0.46V  this means that at 1A current the load can receive 1*0.46V=0.46W more power which would have been lost across the single RHRP8120 diode should it have been used.  For a 2A current this is already near to the 1W 'gain' towards the load which would never have reached the load via the single diode. 
In a full wave diode bridge, there is always two diodes ON at a moment, meaning nearly 2W 'gain' towards the load as useful output, for 7 gen coils this is nearly 14W 'extra' power, just regained from diode loss. (Assuming in this example that the diode bridge diodes have a similar forward voltage drop like my randomly chosen RHRP8120 type had.

So now it is quite understandable why Romero found that connecting 1N4001 or 1N4007 diodes in parallel with the inside diodes of an off the shelf high current diode bridge the output power increases in a not negligible way. Even if you regain a few Watts from the diodes loss, it can be useful for the load, or can be just the missing some Watts for looping...

rgds,  Gyula

Thank you Gyula to confirm this. It is so easy to test and people still did't try it to see if it is true or false. This can be considered in many applications and do not underestimate that few mwatts extra you get. Diodes can do even more beautiful things...

Have a nice day,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 08, 2011, 08:46:36 AM
Hi all,

If I flip my top coils (wires only) I get less voltage and current but the unit accelerates under load.

If I put them back to normal I get more voltage but I feel it acts like a normal
generator and slows under load

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 08:59:51 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 08, 2011, 08:46:36 AM
Hi all,

If I flip my top coils (wires only) I get less voltage and current but the unit accelerates under load.

If I put them back to normal I get more voltage but I feel it acts like a normal
generator and slows under load

hi all

when you've digested the implications of this, you might want to look at the latest info on Romero's scope trace i posted on the 'experimentalist' thread
(follow the link i posted above, earlier)

it appears that Romero's coil pairs may have been connected in opposition (ie. which penno just described as giving acceleration under load)

just thought this might be important  ;)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 08, 2011, 09:07:21 AM
Just for my curiosity can you please answer me to the folowing questions?

What is the dimenstions of your coils?
What is the dimension of your core and type of material?
What type of wire and how many turns?
What size are the magnets and what grade?
What is the speed you get at 12 volts input?
What is the speed you get at 6 volts input?
Voltage... not important.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 08, 2011, 09:20:58 AM
Hi Romero,

I love my pinball machines

My coils are 35mm x 28mm with 12mm core size The winding is single 27g x 1300 turns
My core are ferrite tubes 20mm x 12mm with hole 5mm
the magnets are 25mm x 5 mm N35

Speed etc I will post tomorrow.

What is most interesting is the scope shot with ref to DC ground when I flip the top coils.
It looks like a DC Pulse train (square ware). I'll post pic tomorrow

Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 08, 2011, 09:28:22 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 08, 2011, 08:32:34 AM
Thank you Gyula to confirm this. It is so easy to test and people still did't try it to see if it is true or false. This can be considered in many applications and do not underestimate that few mwatts extra you get. Diodes can do even more beautiful things...

Have a nice day,

Hi Romero,

Thanks for 'peeping' in...  ;)

For those interested:

A very simple test for seeing forward voltage drop of paralleling some diodes is to use a digital multimeter that has a separate Diode test feature. Just hook up your first diode in forward direction to the meter switched to the Diode test range and note the display: it is calibrated to show the actual forward voltage at a small forward current like 1mA.
Now connect another diode in parallel with the first and see what the display shows now. I always find LESS forward voltage display with two paralleled diodes than with a single one. Because diodes are nonlinear, the voltage drop is not constant it always changes as the current changes. But the behaviour  of getting less drop as a result for paralelled diodes remains at any forward current value the diodes are able to handle.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 09:32:01 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 08, 2011, 08:32:34 AM
Thank you Gyula to confirm this. It is so easy to test and people still did't try it to see if it is true or false. This can be considered in many applications and do not underestimate that few mwatts extra you get. Diodes can do even more beautiful things...

Have a nice day,

are you saying that a diode bridge + extra 4 diodes in parallel which gives, say, a total forward voltage drop of 0.8V, is better than a diode bridge alone which already gives a total forward voltage drop of 0.8V?

if you're not saying this then it could be why people didn't bother trying Guyula's test - they're just planning on using appropriate rated schottkys
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 09:36:41 AM
Quote from: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 09:32:01 AM

are you saying that a diode bridge + extra 4 diodes in parallel which gives, say, a total forward voltage drop of 0.8V, is better than a diode bridge alone which already gives a total forward voltage drop of 0.8V?

if you're not saying this then it could be why people didn't bother trying Guyula's test
Ofc that is what he is saying :P. No really we should make a new thread and try to extract the basic and very short facts this huge thread has gathered.
If you study diodes you will understand that they are not all the same and putting them in parallel will logarithmically reduce their resistance

If fact this is a known effect to any doped silicon electrical component. The doping is not perfect, the impurities that separate + and - side can vary a bit from each component.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 08, 2011, 09:40:46 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 08, 2011, 08:46:36 AM
Hi all,

If I flip my top coils (wires only) I get less voltage and current but the unit accelerates under load.

If I put them back to normal I get more voltage but I feel it acts like a normal
generator and slows under load

Great test Penno

I was going to suggest for someone to experiment with that yesterday. Glad you tuned in without me needing to write it ;D

Maybe with that flipped coil combination the biasing magnets need to be the right strength and rotor at the exact RPM for the power to start Kicking in.

Also experiment with a small .33 AC cap (around this value) between the 2 coils and or diodes.

All the best

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 08, 2011, 09:44:32 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 08, 2011, 08:32:34 AM
Diodes can do even more beautiful things...

Have a nice day,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 09:46:42 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 08, 2011, 08:46:36 AM
Hi all,

If I flip my top coils (wires only) I get less voltage and current but the unit accelerates under load.

If I put them back to normal I get more voltage but I feel it acts like a normal
generator and slows under load

Is the power amount the same ? I understand voltage drops, and it should be logical that power drops also. But who said we are seeking a logical effect ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 08, 2011, 10:00:59 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 08, 2011, 09:20:58 AM
Hi Romero,

I love my pinball machines

My coils are 35mm x 28mm with 12mm core size The winding is single 27g x 1300 turns
My core are ferrite tubes 20mm x 12mm with hole 5mm
the magnets are 25mm x 5 mm N35

Speed etc I will post tomorrow.

What is most interesting is the scope shot with ref to DC ground when I flip the top coils.
It looks like a DC Pulse train (square ware). I'll post pic tomorrow

Regards, Penno

Thank you Penno!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 10:27:12 AM
Quote from: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 09:36:41 AM
Ofc that is what he is saying :P. No really we should make a new thread and try to extract the basic and very short facts this huge thread has gathered.
If you study diodes you will understand that they are not all the same and putting them in parallel will logarithmically reduce their resistance

If fact this is a known effect to any doped silicon electrical component. The doping is not perfect, the impurities that separate + and - side can vary a bit from each component.

are you claiming that 0.8V volt drop across device A is somehow 'better' than 0.8V volt drop across device B?!?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 10:30:21 AM
Quote from: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 10:27:12 AM

are you claiming that 0.8V volt drop across device A is somehow 'better' than 0.8V volt drop across device B?!?
what i ment is that by putting parallel diodes in the bridge rectifier the drop should slowly decrease (not liniary ). I thought you wrote 0.8 2 times by mistake. I have a feeling you wanted to ask something else :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 10:31:19 AM
>>"Diodes can do even more beautiful things..."

Quote from: gotoluc on June 08, 2011, 09:44:32 AM

...one switch to rule them all...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 10:36:36 AM
Quote from: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 10:30:21 AM
I thought you wrote 0.8 2 times by mistake. I have a feeling you wanted to ask something else :(

no, i am genuinely asking if people are suggesting that there is somehow something to be gained by adding external diodes across a bridge - rather than just using a bridge which already has the same voltage drop

if the two approaches are NOT equivalent then there's a good reason to investigate adding extra diodes

however, if the two approaches ARE equivalent then we can just use a better diode bridge

so - which is it?  anyone?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 10:41:16 AM
Quote from: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 10:36:36 AM

no, i am genuinely asking if people are suggesting that there is somehow something to be gained by adding external diodes across a bridge - rather than just using a bridge which already has the same voltage drop

if the two approaches are NOT equivalent then there's a good reason to investigate adding extra diodes

however, if the two approaches ARE equivalent then we can just use a better diode bridge

so - which is it?  anyone?
:D so you did ask what i thought you wanted to ask xD
short answer : yes, using same type of diodes in parallel improves the voltage drop
longer answer : using better diode types + putting same type of better diode types further improves voltage drop
It's the same principle for every doped silicon component : Transistor, diode....
Diodes are made to have a breakpoint voltage. There might be people that are looking for diodes with lower breakpoints rather then to lower the resistance of the diode ( paralleling them ). There are tricks for everything. You just need to ask properly.

2cent copy paste skills : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockcroft-Walton_generator

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Varactor.svg -> this is the doping for a varicap. See the N, P, N+ doped silicon ? Just imagine that is a 25 nanometer technology. Shit happens and not all components are the same. Try to imagine putting parallel diodes will increase the surface where the doped material is in contact -> electrons flow more easely from 1 side to another = less resistance = less conversion from V to I ( in your words = voltage drop ( do not mistake power with voltage ! ) )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 08, 2011, 11:00:50 AM
Hi all

Thank's to all for input

And especially to the coil inverting idea

I did invert the coil wiring of one of the  generative coils. (i flip the wiring of the top coil as per Penno)

and here are the trace

2 first pix = before the bridge  one without biasing magnet and second with biasing magnets. (very similar to Romero trace isn'it)

Than the next are measured after the bridge, one without load and one with a small load. (both pix with biasing magnet)i

What puizzled me is that if load completely (short) the outut after the bridge, i got very low current (about 4 ma) and when i begin to add the biasing magnets, the current climbs (first test up to 50 ma)

Now i begin to see something and there is really something to tune :P

Thank's to all ,great job here.  :)

And now back to the shop to invert all the generative coils (but not the motorising coils)

Special thank's to Romero to survey us, i hope we are on the right track now (yes or not ???) ;)

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 11:05:05 AM
about the funky scope shots. It's cool to have something out of the book. BUT let's not forget that the energy you produce is the integral of the surface delimited by your wave. Having that chopped off sine wave when the magnet is leaving the coil might be a key factor, BUT it is normal to reduce the output also.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 08, 2011, 11:14:38 AM
Hi everyone,

I remembered I had done a video back Dec 13, 2009 to demonstrate the effects of what a set of coils connected in reversed will do.

Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTykNjDD0CM

It's kind of a long video, so maybe start it @ 3:30 to get to the experiment in question.

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MasterPlaster on June 08, 2011, 11:27:03 AM

Please can someone tell me: what would be the difference in the magnetic qualities if a coil is wound around a ferrite rod, clock wise versus anti-clockwise?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 11:27:45 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on June 08, 2011, 11:14:38 AM
Hi everyone,

I remembered I had done a video back Dec 13, 2009 to demonstrate the effects of what a set of coils connected in reversed will do.

Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTykNjDD0CM

It's kind of a long video, so maybe start it @ 3:30 to get to the experiment in question.

Thanks for sharing

sweet and awsome, so wanted to make that test. My internet is dead and stinks today. Any chance to write here some conclusions about your generator ? ( will take me ages to load the movies from youtube :( )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 11:28:56 AM
Quote from: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 10:41:16 AM
:D so you did ask what i thought you wanted to ask xD

i don't think so, Tudi, but thanks for your reply anyway

i've often used paralleled diodes (you can see this in some of my own threads, over the past couple of years) to reduce volts drop

my question was - and still is - "is there any difference between using Romero's arrangement (which needs extra diodes) - and using only a diode bridge which ALREADY GIVES THE SAME VOLTS DROP (and doesn't need extra diodes)?

if Romero's arrangement does MORE than just reduce the volts drop, then we should investigate this effect

if there is NO difference, then we can just use a single bridge (eg. schottky) -ie.  to achieve the same drop

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 11:33:20 AM
Quote from: woopy on June 08, 2011, 11:00:50 AM
Hi all

Thank's to all for input

And especially to the coil inverting idea

I did invert the coil wiring of one of the  generative coils. (i flip the wiring of the top coil as per Penno)

and here are the trace

2 first pix = before the bridge  one without biasing magnet and second with biasing magnets. (very similar to Romero trace isn'it)

thanks Laurent - that's confirmed what i posted in the 'MD for experimentalists' earlier about Romero's trace

...and saved me having to setup my coil test rig to reproduce the same trace i observed when testing my coil pair!


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 08, 2011, 11:47:36 AM
Quote from: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 11:27:45 AM
sweet and awsome, so wanted to make that test. My internet is dead and stinks today. Any chance to write here some conclusions about your generator ? ( will take me ages to load the movies from youtube :( )

Sorry Tudi that you have slow internet connection.

I did not end up building a generator on this principal. The video only visually demonstrates by using my hands, a powerful magnet and 2 coils connected in reverse will do.

After more tests I concluded that I could not generate as much energy as what the prime mover used. So I dropped the idea to build a generator on this principal alone. However, keep in mind that I did not experiment with ferrite cores and biasing magnets, so best to do the experiments to find the truth.

All the best to everyone and thanks for sharing your great research work.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 12:08:12 PM
@gotoluc : thanks, maybe this is why it will work. Everyone quit before finishing a full experiment and missed the surprise form the end :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 08, 2011, 12:09:26 PM
Quote from: woopy on June 08, 2011, 11:00:50 AM
Hi all

Thank's to all for input

And especially to the coil inverting idea

I did invert the coil wiring of one of the  generative coils. (i flip the wiring of the top coil as per Penno)

and here are the trace

2 first pix = before the bridge  one without biasing magnet and second with biasing magnets. (very similar to Romero trace isn'it)

Than the next are measured after the bridge, one without load and one with a small load. (both pix with biasing magnet)i

What puizzled me is that if load completely (short) the outut after the bridge, i got very low current (about 4 ma) and when i begin to add the biasing magnets, the current climbs (first test up to 50 ma)

Now i begin to see something and there is really something to tune :P

Thank's to all ,great job here.  :)

And now back to the shop to invert all the generative coils (but not the motorising coils)

Special thank's to Romero to survey us, i hope we are on the right track now (yes or not ???) ;)

good luck at all


Hi Laurent:
This is very likely the key to success!
I have experiment: effect indeed!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on June 08, 2011, 12:11:06 PM
From Lidmotor

Muller Dynamo-- generator coil shorting test.ASF
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 12:13:59 PM
Quote from: Tudi on June 08, 2011, 12:08:12 PM
Everyone quit before finishing a full experiment

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 08, 2011, 12:40:24 PM
Quote from: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 11:28:56 AM


i've often used paralleled diodes (you can see this in some of my own threads, over the past couple of years) to reduce volts drop

my question was - and still is - "is there any difference between using Romero's arrangement (which needs extra diodes) - and using only a diode bridge which ALREADY GIVES THE SAME VOLTS DROP (and doesn't need extra diodes)?

if Romero's arrangement does MORE than just reduce the volts drop, then we should investigate this effect

if there is NO difference, then we can just use a single bridge (eg. schottky) -ie.  to achieve the same drop

Dear nul-points,

You surely recall, Romero listed several diode types he tested, see here:

I checked their data sheets what they are like, see here:

So the mistery why Romero found the listed Schottky types as worse than the diode bridge with the paralleled 1N4001s is a question to be answered.
  (One of my thoughts on this is that the peak to peak output AC voltage from the coils approached in his tests the 35-40V and his Schottky diodes he had were of 40V max reverse voltage rated so reverse current went up rather high to cause loss.  Another factor might be the Schottkies higher parallel self capacitance versus silicon types, so the 4-5 kHz "switching" frequency of the many alignments within one full revolution of the rotor (member EMdevices mentions this frequency elsewhere here) can leak through and get lost in the puffer capacitor.)

Now trying to answer your question: I think when you substitute the 0.8V drop diode bridge+1N4001 with another diode bridge which has the same voltage drop, 0.8V AND the AC properties of the two are say identical THEN the latter diode bridge should work with the same loss, hence no need for a diode bridge+1N4001s!

Of course this should be tested on spot when someone has got a working setup and can insert several diode types, including Schottkies and normal Si or Ge diodes and see the output power. No any more amount of further theory is needed.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 08, 2011, 12:54:50 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 08, 2011, 12:40:24 PM
Dear nul-points,

You surely recall, Romero listed several diode types he tested, see here:

So the mistery why Romero found the listed Schottky types as worse than the diode bridge with the paralleled 1N4001s is a question to be answered.
Now trying to answer your question: I think when you substitute the 0.8V drop diode bridge+1N4001 with another diode bridge which has the same voltage drop, 0.8V AND the AC properties of the two are say identical THEN the latter diode bridge should work with the same loss, hence no need for a diode bridge+1N4001s!

rgds,  Gyula

thanks Gyula

i surely do recall Romero saying that

in fact, when it was originally queried in this thread, i mentioned that not all schottky diodes have a suitably low forward voltage drop

i agree that some schottkys might also be disqualified due to other parameters which make them unsuitable for this application

however, those two facts do not rule out ALL schottkys from being possible replacements for Romero's arrangement

anyway, thanks for giving a straight answer to a straight question about the diode bridges

it's good news that we don't need to waste time adding extra diodes to all our FWBRs, IF we can find a suitable single bridge substitute!

regards as always

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 08, 2011, 01:04:43 PM

If you find the time, maybe you can try to parallel several diodes (maybe of even many different types) to one leg pair the bridge rectifier and see what effect that would have?
Could it increase the effect you have been observing?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 08, 2011, 01:06:54 PM
Hmm I tried the inverted top coil also already but it gave less voltage so I thought no good  ;D
Today I tried changing the rotor magnets in a NSNS configuration and made a scope shot, now it looks more like the scope shot of the Kromrey converter  ???

top is mine, bottom is original.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minoly on June 08, 2011, 01:19:32 PM
Quote from: gotoluc on June 08, 2011, 11:14:38 AM
Hi everyone,

I remembered I had done a video back Dec 13, 2009 to demonstrate the effects of what a set of coils connected in reversed will do.

Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTykNjDD0CM

It's kind of a long video, so maybe start it @ 3:30 to get to the experiment in question.

Thanks for sharing

I remember watching that vid when you put it out along with the others.
Is this what John Bedini calls buck-boost on the Kromrey DVD?
From your last vid I could not tell if you ever took it further?
So many things push at derailing my projects I shouldn't even ask :)

We added another coil in this configuration using a N S magnet arrangement on the rotor and are getting very nice results using Bolt's amplified short. We see nice results using the Cap for AC short as well, but we do not have the right coil to cap "ratio?". Passing the magnets between the coils seems optimal.

Still not there yet Romero to help prove rotor is faster than before adding the coils, but this looks very promising we are getting closer w/ each step and idea coming from here OU and EF as well. we are spinning this w/ JB's SSG which as anyone who has actually worked w/ knows. When you add a load, the amp draw goes down. So the load is free in that regard.

I have to say this is a wonderful community and I don't just mean here @ OU, I'm talking about the entire experimenting community. I've been a member for a couple of years I think but have not posted until recently. Thanks to everyone on all the threads on all the subjects.
Everyone’s' replication matters not just the first one. The more there are the more powerful this will be in the end.

PS adding the diodes, increases the output on our build. that is: the voltage goes up while a bulb is connected, and yes the bulb gets brighter. We added these to our little windowmotor build and were able to reduce amp draw as well (you have to understand the bipolar ckt to get that)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 08, 2011, 02:23:16 PM
A question on diodes.  Romeruk said at first he was using 1N4007 diodes but later said it was 1N4001 diodes on top of the FWBR's.  Looking at the datasheets I see NO difference at all between these two other than the voltage rating.  Can anyone comment or speculate on whether there would be an advantage to using the lower voltage rating?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 08, 2011, 02:31:49 PM
Toranarod wrote:
"I also seem to recall that Tesla believed the capacitor to be the key to free energy. I am starting to think the same. Go Back to the EV gray Motor.

the coil shorting experiments lead me to this conclusion. HI current low voltage and convert it the voltage again into a capacitor. with no load on the drive system.  this is where todays test have concluded.

this is the wave form of the coil shorting test. the voltage goes over 200 volts when collected into a capacitor."

Kone replies:

what is the "base voltage" in the coils "before" shoritng?
What do they make from just the magnets going by inducing power through diodes into cap unloaded?

How quickly does the capacitor go up to 200V? does it take few seconds or is is instant?
the only drawback I see to coil-shorting is the TIME it takes to fill cap - faster and faster cap filling is what you want.  Its not going to lug the motor filling the caps as you jsut reported, and its not going to lug the moto when caps hit load if you have a two-stage circuit for output either so its all lenz lug free.

I am very glad you are getting the coil shorting to not affect draw to motor part of it that is how it is supposed to be!

Lidmotors recent video points out how important the timing and pulsewidth of that shorting-event is too.

All you need to do now is have a TWO STAGE output circuit so that the capacitor dumps into load when it is also disconnected from the coils at that same time and you have a pure no-lug no lenz law generator.

you will proably get better performance if you fill two caps altenratively so that nothing is lost when source disconnects ("diode plug")

Personally my lousy opoinion is that making a rotor speed up in a constant-shorting condition is not really a real-world test for alenz-free genrator -
it should be a resistive load that mkes things speed up and in DC too...why would anyone want to short a coil continous?
you cant take power out that way for one thing...ist jsut an experminmet..its something on right track tha tis for sure, but shoritng  AT PEAKS into caps for very short duration pulse widht and then later on dumping caps later on into load wiht caps disocnnected is easy simple way to get no-lug genrator...timing, switching, caps and the load....

I really think Romero's rig does it all "naturally" with those magnets behind cores properly tuned down to the 1/4mm spacing...the timing of ploarity-flip at TDC, the swtihcing and "shorting-effect" is when core flips polarity to the coil it is inside, the caps is where it goes to and is stored up,  and the caps go to load (motor coils) when caps are not connected to "source" because of the odd vs even Muller thing.

Anywas great work great scope shots...

try "bidirectional" mosfets! I think you are only catching half the power you can get....can this be done in yorus??

does you mosfet switch from a coil signal source like in LIDMOTORS video??? Or is it halleffect driven - I dindt see "how" it swtihces form your circuit diagram cople days ago I though maybe it was something automatic like joule theif dont know....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mscoffman on June 08, 2011, 03:19:16 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 08, 2011, 02:23:16 PM
A question on diodes.  Romeruk said at first he was using 1N4007 diodes but later said it was 1N4001 diodes on top of the FWBR's.  Looking at the datasheets I see NO difference at all between these two other than the voltage rating.  Can anyone comment or speculate on whether there would be an advantage to using the lower voltage rating?

One place where it would make sense to do this is if the diodes where
Schotky diodes with reduced diode junction threshold voltage on top of
a higher current standard silicon bridge rectifier.

The high current bridge would not be excersized untill the voltage
across it was fairly high. The bridge would then "take over" current
from the schotky diodes. It makes sense if you want increased
efficiency combined with higher currents.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 08, 2011, 03:43:00 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 08, 2011, 02:23:16 PM
A question on diodes.  Romeruk said at first he was using 1N4007 diodes but later said it was 1N4001 diodes on top of the FWBR's.  Looking at the datasheets I see NO difference at all between these two other than the voltage rating.  Can anyone comment or speculate on whether there would be an advantage to using the lower voltage rating?
To all FE researchers !! STOP fooling around with 1N4007 diodes, they are CRAP !! Please do yourself a favor and use Schottky rectifiers. They have low power loss, high efficiency and high surge capacity. Check out for example MBR2060CT from Fairchild Semiconductor or equivalent.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Collapsingfield on June 08, 2011, 03:47:28 PM
To the diode question: the bigger rectifier bridge has lower forward voltage at the same current. But the 1n4007-4001 is faster. It will open earlier. The combination of the two is fast at switching and effective with the lower forward voltage after opening at the higher current.
I have tested, it is really good combination.
ps: 1n4001 is a littlebit faster as 1n4007.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 08, 2011, 04:04:55 PM
I propose a double rail coil driver circuit that I use to power my Muller dynamo replica. Soon I will make some pictures and a youtube video. Good luck everyone!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 08, 2011, 04:15:05 PM
Just for my curiosity can you please answer me to the folowing questions?

What is the dimenstions of your coils?
What is the dimension of your core and type of material?
What type of wire and how many turns?
What size are the magnets and what grade?
What is the speed you get at 12 volts input?
What is the speed you get at 6 volts input?
Voltage... not important.

at 12v   992 rpm

at 6v   446 rpm

20v - 1606rpm - 1.7v after diodes with 12v/100ma lamp

Romero, it is I who should be thanking you.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nvisser on June 08, 2011, 04:23:38 PM
Quote from: keykhin on June 08, 2011, 04:04:55 PM
I propose a double rail coil driver circuit that I use to power my Muller dynamo replica. Soon I will make some pictures and a youtube video. Good luck everyone!
What is the function of the 2 diodes between the fets and coils?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 08, 2011, 04:48:38 PM
Keykhin and Collapsingfield,

Please understand what application field the 1N4000 series diode family was developed.  It is a general purpose rectifier for mains voltage (50 and 60 and maximum perhaps up to 400 Hz frequencies).  Using it in the some kHz and higher frequency ranges, an increasing loss appears in heat form, it would be burned in switch mode power supplies in place of  Schottky or fast recovery Si type diodes.
Once I tried to use an 1N4001 at 16 kHz for rectifying 0.6A as a temporary substitution and it become very hot within some seconds but worked. So in the some kHz and higher range they are indeed KRAP. (But they were NOT manufactured for those 'higher' frequencies.)

In a parallel combination of a hefty diode bridge and 1N4001s, where the bridge has higher forward voltage drop than the 1N4001, it is ok that the 1N4001 would open earlier but not due to its faster speed but just due to its less forward voltage wrt the bridge diodes. Its switching speed would remain at the same low frequencies listed above.

Regarding the difference between 1N4001 and 1N4007,  apart from the reverse voltage ratings, although the data sheet does not differentiate between them in any other respect, I think that a 1N4001 or 4002 can have a bit less forward voltage drop than a 4007. I base this speculation (did not confirm) on other diode types where their data sheet does mention such differences, the lower reverse voltage types within the same diode series have some ten to hundred millivolt less drop than the higher voltage members of that diode family.
This may answer e2matrix question on this, but it is my speculation only.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 08, 2011, 05:05:59 PM
I want to add my experience regarding the coil shorting at peaks concept.

I was involved in this series of experiments for some time. As usually i started with solid state setups, creating a resonator (Kacher like one) that has a suitable L and a cap. Resonant frequency could be adjusted between 4-20Khz. I had choosen some 10 Khz arbitrarily. Then resonator had another coil L' coupled on it, that was shorted by a Mosfet after the FWBR to a AC cap. A circuit was devised so the cap to be discharged from a peak value A to a baseline value B.
The value B was considerably higher than the AC value the L' coil could ever achieved without shorting. Discharging was made to a bulb.

Despite technical problems that i dealt with them, i noticed nothing extraordinary there.

Then after following a advice on the topic, i dug up the Perepiteia motor-rotor i had and proceed with the same concept at mechanical setup.
In the mechanical setup, rotor is made out of alluminium (conductive) and has 12 neo-magnets in NSNS polarity.
Shorting was made by using two mosfets wired in bidirectional model (see diagram below) and spike was harvested to a cap. Cap is discharge in a similar to solid state version to a bulb having a third mosfet that is triggered at peak value 90volt and keeps a base voltage of 60 volt. Pick up coil is outputting a peak of 15 volts or so.

Again, setting rotor's freewheeling at particular speed as a baseline consumption and experimenting with adjustable coil shorting timing and duration by the means of a sensing coil placed at 180 degrees to the pickup coils and suitable circuit plus the usage of a 555 timer in monostable mode i achieved a fully adjustable short.

Again, in this particular setup failed to observe any energy gain (calculating losses etc in the equation). From a critical point of view my setup suffers from a conductive rotor and the inability to adjust spacing of rotor to coils. On the other hand coil cores are made out of ferite. Windings tested were a solid wire (40 turns 18 awg and 100 turns 24 awg biffilar)

So far, in my experience have not seen any merit in it.
My impression is that, if peak-shorting lead to speed up, it should a plain dead continuous short should also lead to a spead up.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: excessAlex on June 08, 2011, 06:13:22 PM
Excuse me so much :D I know .. these words are completely off topic .. But to have a laugh...

O Romero, Romero! Wherefore art thou Romero?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn, my Muller motor replica
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 08, 2011, 06:40:24 PM
Thanks Mark, gyula, Collapsingfield and keykhin for all the responses on the 1N400x series diodes.  I've got a bunch of Schottky's and will get some of the 1N4001's also.  Many combinations to try.  keykhin as some others have pointed out recently and also far back in this thread Schottky's may not be the best choice in this particular setup and along with the fact that RomeroUK said Schottky's did not work as well for him there is fair reason to give the regular FWBR/1N4001 combo a try.  Eventually I'd like to try both and as such hope to build a modular setup making it easy to swap out parts. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 08, 2011, 07:01:11 PM
Quote from: minoly on June 08, 2011, 01:19:32 PM
I remember watching that vid when you put it out along with the others.
Is this what John Bedini calls buck-boost on the Kromrey DVD?
From your last vid I could not tell if you ever took it further?
So many things push at derailing my projects I shouldn't even ask :)


Hi Patrick,

thanks for your interest in my experiments.

I've been out of the research for over 8 months as I was out of the country doing some volunteer work in India and South Africa.

So I'm sorry but don't know much about the Kromrey converter.

I did not pursue the generator tests any further at the time I did the tests as I could not find any gain.

I am tempted to pull the stuff out of storage an further test what has been shared but I have no home or space to work from at this time as I'm living in a mini RV :P... however, if thing get serious I can always find a place to work from.

Wishing all the best to everyone and thanks for sharing in such a needed time.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on June 08, 2011, 08:08:02 PM
Hi All,

I have been playing around with Lenz's Law Nullification for a little while. I came up with this circuit to fine tune and get the best output. I hope this helps you.

All the best

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on June 08, 2011, 08:15:03 PM
Hi All,

Just to add, its only the face of the PM on the Rotor you wish to have a Lenz's Law Disconnect from so as to not reduce the drag of Lenz's Law on the Rotor. L2 and 3 might have 10 turns and L1 may have 300 turns. Using a Calculator will help with correct input/output field strengths.

Like RomeroUK said its about adjustment and getting the adjustments right for your machine.

Hope this helps.

All the best


P.S. Please note this is not the only way to do this. Other ways are more simple but this gives a good understanding of how it can be done.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 08, 2011, 08:31:40 PM
Baroutologos wrote:
"Again, in this particular setup failed to observe any energy gain (calculating losses etc in the equation). From a critical point of view my setup suffers from a conductive rotor and the inability to adjust spacing of rotor to coils."

Kone replies:
I can see lots of reasons yoru experiments showed no gain besides the things mentioned above  - first of all you use a couple IRF 640mosfets and this is not so good UNLESS you put say 5 in paralell then the reistance is very low and the effect doesnt get snubbed out.
ULTRA LOW resistnace in the mosfets is very important.
Also filling AC type caps from coil-shorting (looks like that in circuit) just doesnt work for some reason they dont "hold" the voltage I dont know why I know someone else who tried coil shorting into AC caps and he came out away saying the volts jsut dissapears - pump it into DC type caps after a fullwave bridge and that voltage STICKS.
also you need to let the field of the coils to collapse completely to get max power and if you start out with 10khz then your time at peak periods to do the shorting  is also very short and doubts your coils can ever collapse unless you are using aircoils maybe
also having a "coil coupling" and then short the secondary coil is not going to work either - its destined for failure - only if bifilars and you short one half of bifilar would I expect anthyghin good to happen that way since then it woudld be very tight induction..
Look at LIDMOTORS video he is doing it right and got double voltage, no extra draw in rotor really and can improve things as he should  be doing shorter pulse widht usuing bidirectionals  and this and that.
dead short continuous coil shoritng relaly serves no purpose but to have something resemble a resistive load on the coils (but its not)  its the opening of the switch after coil collapses that all the gain is created...plus HF HV oscillations  whihc is what Isnmael "taps" into wiht his 5 shorts at peak tech....its allvery similar to TESLA sparkgap
and finally there needs to be two-stage output circuit on the end of it all too - everytime you hit aload like lightbulb with coils connected still to cap it gets snubbed away and no gain
only other way to go is highbyass filter AC cap inseries on AC leg of FWBR but dont use that unless you have to
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 09, 2011, 01:43:33 AM
Quote from: nvisser on June 08, 2011, 04:23:38 PM
What is the function of the 2 diodes between the fets and coils?
I think those diodes block the current generate by the coil to go back to the transistors, avoiding losses by heat. Romero thinks also those diodes are very important.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 09, 2011, 01:57:42 AM

I did not gave too much info so as not to bore any reader. But generally, what you propose i have done already. In the solid state setup, indeed you have a point, since it operates at high speed, the coil cannot collapse thoroughly or the switching is not that complete.

But in the mechanical setup, switching is perfect. The collecting cap, is not AC but DC in this case being an 220uF 450Volt one. IRF640 have an on resistance of about 0.15 ohm. My coils have some 1.5ohm resistance (biffilar and more tested one) so the 1/10 ration of coil to FET dead short resistance analogy is according my view tolerable. After all, it runs stone cold.

I have seen you mentioned that when you discharge cap to load you must disconnect the power coil. In solid state i have done that, in mechanical setup not.
I can estimate that only one or 2 pulsings can go directly to load when cap discharges, whereas there are needed tens of them to fill the cap till triggering.
So in my view not much reflection should be taken from there.

Anyway, there is yet anyone to prove that this method works beyond dispute. To me your views are to be proven in actual experiments.

ps: In anyway, Romero in his muller setup did not used any coil shorting action (even he initially planned to as far i remember) and yes he has said he tested and balanced his each coil pair alone with a dead short or a small all time on dc resistance (light bulbs)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 09, 2011, 05:32:56 AM
Quote from: konehead on June 08, 2011, 08:31:40 PM
Baroutologos wrote:
"Again, in this particular setup failed to observe any energy gain (calculating losses etc in the equation). From a critical point of view my setup suffers from a conductive rotor and the inability to adjust spacing of rotor to coils."

Kone replies:
I can see lots of reasons yoru experiments showed no gain besides the things mentioned above  - first of all you use a couple IRF 640mosfets and this is not so good UNLESS you put say 5 in paralell then the reistance is very low and the effect doesnt get snubbed out.
ULTRA LOW resistnace in the mosfets is very important.
Also filling AC type caps from coil-shorting (looks like that in circuit) just doesnt work for some reason they dont "hold" the voltage I dont know why I know someone else who tried coil shorting into AC caps and he came out away saying the volts jsut dissapears - pump it into DC type caps after a fullwave bridge and that voltage STICKS.
also you need to let the field of the coils to collapse completely to get max power and if you start out with 10khz then your time at peak periods to do the shorting  is also very short and doubts your coils can ever collapse unless you are using aircoils maybe
also having a "coil coupling" and then short the secondary coil is not going to work either - its destined for failure - only if bifilars and you short one half of bifilar would I expect anthyghin good to happen that way since then it woudld be very tight induction..
Look at LIDMOTORS video he is doing it right and got double voltage, no extra draw in rotor really and can improve things as he should  be doing shorter pulse widht usuing bidirectionals  and this and that.
dead short continuous coil shoritng relaly serves no purpose but to have something resemble a resistive load on the coils (but its not)  its the opening of the switch after coil collapses that all the gain is created...plus HF HV oscillations  whihc is what Isnmael "taps" into wiht his 5 shorts at peak tech....its allvery similar to TESLA sparkgap
and finally there needs to be two-stage output circuit on the end of it all too - everytime you hit aload like lightbulb with coils connected still to cap it gets snubbed away and no gain
only other way to go is highbyass filter AC cap inseries on AC leg of FWBR but dont use that unless you have to

thanks for your input Konehead
Similar to Romero’s motor and the knocking noise that he claims was disturbing the neighbors,RPM does not change.

I have a video on the shorting of the coils

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 09, 2011, 06:13:06 AM

Nice demo. Romero could self-run with an additional hefty lamp load. Have you got anywhere near self-running with no load other than loop back?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 09, 2011, 07:39:29 AM
Hi all,

I am just about ready to give up.

Have tried anything and everything I can think of - without sucess.

A parting pic showing the generated voltage after the dual rectifiers, all paralleled and without filter cap.

7 bumps for 7 coil sets.

Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 09, 2011, 09:01:31 AM
@Penno, you won't give up   ;)

I also tried everything to get that waveform, I doubled the size of the rotor magnets to get that virtual south but no difference. Then I tried looping back the output before the FBWR with a diode and the wave starts to look more like it :)

here I loop back from 1 leg of the FWBR to the positive
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lidfUlP9ZM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lidfUlP9ZM)
here from the other leg of the FWBR
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiJRNujdGo4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiJRNujdGo4)

Only 1 set of coils connected

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 09, 2011, 09:52:33 AM

I think you should measure without any load, so also the FBRW disconnected.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 09, 2011, 10:14:49 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 09, 2011, 09:52:33 AM

I think you should measure without any load, so also the FBRW disconnected.

With everything disconnected I get this
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: dutchy1966 on June 09, 2011, 10:28:10 AM
Hi all,

RomUk said:

QuoteMy advice to all of you is to stop working on the Muller device  and just play with a simple rotor and 2 coils, one driving and one for collecting. When you will make that to speed under load or shorted then you can apply that to different even more simpler setups.

I know that most of you will say that the speed up will bring the rotor to the original speed where we don’t have the collector coil in place and there is no gain. Try and measure the speed before adding the collector coil then do the same when you shorted the coil. I think that is easy enough.

I've been thinking quite a bit about what he actually tries to say here....
Is it enough to have it speeding up under load OR is he implying it should speed up ABOVE free run (no collecting coil at all)?

I tend to think he means it should speed up above free running.
If that is the case then the question is, has anyone already measured speeds above free run with collector coil shorted?

Anyone clear about what exactly Romero means?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 09, 2011, 10:32:09 AM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 09, 2011, 10:14:49 AM
With everything disconnected I get this

That was quick!
I read EM's comments on the experimenters thread, and he made a remark on the flat peaks that would be caused by clipping to the capacitor voltage, which makes sense to me.

In the case you had the FRBW connected, was there also a buffer capacitor connected as output?
You could do an easy experiment by connecting this up and parallel connect the load capacitor to a DC power supply, if you have any, and then vary the load voltage by adjusting the power supply, to see you get the peak clipping effect.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 09, 2011, 10:33:20 AM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 09, 2011, 09:01:31 AM
@Penno, you won't give up   ;)

I also tried everything to get that waveform, I doubled the size of the rotor magnets to get that virtual south but no difference. Then I tried looping back the output before the FBWR with a diode and the wave starts to look more like it :)

here I loop back from 1 leg of the FWBR to the positive
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lidfUlP9ZM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lidfUlP9ZM)
here from the other leg of the FWBR
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiJRNujdGo4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiJRNujdGo4)

Only 1 set of coils connected


Hi scratch,

That looks promising!  Could you do a quick schematic of your connections please?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 09, 2011, 10:37:57 AM
Put a 1 ohm resistor in series with the coil to measure the current. Put scope leads over the resistor. The current is the trick everyone so far is measuring the voltage!!!

SHORT out the DC side of the bridge.

Bring the rotor up to medium speed say 1500 rpm

Then put a cap in series with the coil  and the AC leg of the diode bridge and try of lots of values and tune so that the  when the load is a dead short the current is out of phase with the voltage as the pulses hit the coil.  If your coils are not a perfect inductance match you can tune them with caps. You will find around 10uf to 100uf in series of coil will force out of phase most of your coils pending total inductance. When you get close fine tune the backend magnet as this changes  inductance but be careful not to saturate the core with neos that are too powerful.

Now watch your scope! you will get that perfect waveform with critical tuning. Requires EXPERT RF tuning to get this right. Then you are almost there to release the short circuit on the DC side of the bridge and let the power out to the dump cap. Then tweak the backends magnets again changes the inductance to suit the load.

I repeat when tuning to ZPE you tune into a short circuit condition which drops the input current to almost ZERO!!!

If there is no current into a short circuit there is no LUGGING.

Now repeat the process for every coil individually.  When all the coils are tuned in this manor then fine tuned to load the rotor will speed up when shorted and is very slightly detuned into the running  load which has a resistance greater than zero. The  overall tuning effect is slope modulation.

Anyone remember Thane HV coil test on his generator?  He realised a HV coil doesn't lug. He thought this  was just a voltage issue but in fact its because he had a large inductance and small self capacitance creates VARS and no lugging thus his rotor went faster. You can have a thick wire coil with large inductive iron core and compensate using a bank of caps does the same thing see Youtube 900 watt Thrapp generator.

Compare my tuning suggestions to RomeroUK's Scope shot.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 09, 2011, 10:58:10 AM
@dutchy`1966 / My interpretation is that one should get higher RPM with a shorted coil , Than no coil at all .
Edit . Having checked Romero`s previous posts  , I am certain that is what he meant. The effect my be hard to see without a Rev meter .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on June 09, 2011, 11:31:43 AM
Quick update.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVT5ZleK5rY
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 09, 2011, 11:42:15 AM
Quote from: i_ron on June 09, 2011, 10:33:20 AM
Hi scratch,

That looks promising!  Could you do a quick schematic of your connections please?


No need for schematic, I just connected one coil set to the FWBR like normal and the output of the FWBR to 5 x 15000 uf caps and a 12v 4w bulb. Then I connected the negative out with the negative in and the positive out to 1 of the input legs of the FWBR. When I disconnect the load (bulb) the waveform goes back to normal.

At least that was what I was thinking because I wanted to duplicate the effect myself but this time nothing happened! Then I realized that last time I forgot to disconnect another coil set, I saw it after I did the video.

So apparently there was another coils set on the opposite side connected when I did the video and I did not know it! I will try it again.

@bold, Thank you for that info I keep learning every day from people like you! I think Romero was right that we can not all play football but I want to be a pupil :)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 09, 2011, 12:13:04 PM
Everyone needs to see that video lasersaber put up.  I think we are already heading in this direction from seeing some recent posts but this seems to confirm it.  Reversing the top coils seems to stop the Lenz law effect.  He also shows a rather dramatic increase in output just by adding the magnets. 
    Lasersaber if you are around can you verify that you just reversed the wires on the top coil OR did you have to physically turn the coil upside down?  There was some difference of opinion on this facet on another forum as to which way works. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 09, 2011, 12:14:47 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on June 09, 2011, 11:31:43 AMQuick update.

Cool. As I concluded here from "rom's trace"
there was phase shift - not physical but indeed "virtual" created by magnets.
Interesting - if you would scope voltage or current would one of them match "rom's trace"...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on June 09, 2011, 12:24:19 PM
QuoteLasersaber if you are around can you verify that you just reversed the wires on the top coil OR did you have to physically turn the coil upside down?

I just just reversed the wires on the top coil.  The effect is really neat.  Until I added the additional magnets I thought the there was no power generated in this config at all.

Check out what MileHigh has to say about this effet over on the other forum:

QuoteJust a few thoughts relative to the project:

Reversing the wires on the generator coils will have no effect.  You just create a mirror-image inverted voltage waveform.  That waveform passes through the FWBR so you end up with essentially the same thing.  Doing experiments where you swap the wires of the generator coils is spinning your wheels. You could be doing more productive things with your time.

The switch-on speed of the diodes should be a non-issue.  I am pretty sure that diodes switch on in a few tens of microseconds or much faster than that and your motor at full speed operates on the tens of milliseconds time scale.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 09, 2011, 01:05:58 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on June 09, 2011, 12:24:19 PM
I just just reversed the wires on the top coil.  The effect is really neat.  Until I added the additional magnets I thought the there was no power generated in this config at all.

Check out what MileHigh has to say about this effet over on the other forum:

Yea. We know about Mile High and his know it all attitude. He needs to be Low Down to see where the action is and to learn a trick or two. That's why he is banned on this forum.

Thanks for your efforts LaserSaber.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 09, 2011, 01:10:04 PM

So Milehigh says there is no effect from this?  But, we can clearly see an effect.  So, I guess Milehigh is wrong...imagine that.  It isn't the first time.  He was also misinformed about the JT circuits and supercaps.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 09, 2011, 01:50:03 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on June 09, 2011, 12:24:19 PM
Check out what MileHigh has to say about this effet over on the other forum:

i suspect that MH was talking about reversing the wires across the WHOLE coil pair - in which case he would be right

however, it appears that he was less than diligent in reading the thread properly, and so he missed the vital piece of information (only one coil reversed in the pair)

nice work laser!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 09, 2011, 01:55:27 PM

Nice work!  Thank you for the update.

There is an inexpensive laser tachometer that works very well for $17 USD.  Worth every cent in a project like this.  Read the reviews.. only one on the following site, but test against top of the line model was good!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 09, 2011, 02:06:02 PM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 09, 2011, 01:55:27 PM

Nice work!  Thank you for the update.

There is an inexpensive laser tachometer that works very well for $17 USD.  Worth every cent in a project like this.  Read the reviews.. only one on the following site, but test against top of the line model was good!


I have the same generic model as 4Tesla pointed out above. Only misgiving I have is that the RPM reading will only displayed (again) after you release the test button and press the Mem. button to see the lowest, fastest and stable speed. But you can't beat the price indeed. I paid less than $25.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 09, 2011, 02:16:36 PM
Baroutologos wrote:
Anyway, there is yet anyone to prove that this method works beyond dispute. To me your views are to be proven in actual experiments.

Kone replies:
Hi B
you use single diodes from each mosfet on the mechanical version.
it should be a FWBR - I think you are catching only half or part  of it - its not spikes, its HV and HF spikey-osicalltions created by coil short you are capturing into caps....

probably you dont collapse the coil long enough in the mechanical version just like I will guess in the solid state version too...but I dont know as is usual.

I dont know rpms of the N-S maget rotor spacing of magnets and inital draw and genrator coil output before shorting all sorts of things and like you said you dont want to bore everyone.

all you want to show at this stage is that you can take out power into caps without affecting draw to motor and when you do it right you should have somethign similar to what Lidmotor did - instantly 2 to 3 times more voltage in cap as compared to no shorting, and no affect on draw doing the coil shorting and filling the cap. I think Lidmotors video is very good "proof of principle" in operation (beyond dispute too)....way better proof that it WORKS as compared to your "proof from some experiments" that it doesnt.

Over a time period while shorting, say 10 or 20 seconds, you should have around 20 times more voltage in cap as what the base-voltage would be.
If you cant get this to happen, then its  working right and I doubt you can get some sort of voltage gain like that in what you have..

so my feeble advice is at this stage:
paralell lots of mosfets,
use FWBR with HV diodes
make sure coil collapses so play with pulse width alot
get timing perfect at the peak period
dont stop until you get the cap to climb to X20 more voltage...
what to .really look for is how fast the cap fills up and make sure it doesnt affect draw.

On romeromullergen subject, I will still stay with my theory that Romero's magnets quicly collapse field of coils with the instant-flipped polarity event of back-magnet to core....jsut like a coil-short,,,,and it does two good things; it pushes rotor away, when normally rotor magnet swill want to pull back, (mechanical good thing) and also increases voltage into cap at same time (electrical good thing)..
also the more power the coils make, the more the core will want to push rotor magnet away...timing is very important it HAS to happen at TDC of core to rotor magnets...(jsut like coil shoring timing see Lidmotors video)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 09, 2011, 03:19:17 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on June 09, 2011, 11:31:43 AM
Quick update.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVT5ZleK5rY

Great results Lasersaber,

about 1/2 Watt output without dropping the RPM ! Great.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 09, 2011, 04:42:23 PM
Quote from: chrisC on June 09, 2011, 02:06:02 PM
I have the same generic model as 4Tesla pointed out above. Only misgiving I have is that the RPM reading will only displayed (again) after you release the test button and press the Mem. button to see the lowest, fastest and stable speed. But you can't beat the price indeed. I paid less than $25.


Laser Tachometer search on ebay yields a lot of these.


Looks the same, $11.85 shipped, ebay. (Just ordered one). Comes with some of the reflective tape. I usually get stuff from HK in 10-12 days. AG
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 09, 2011, 05:00:37 PM
I was wondering if anyone has tried the ferrite core in the C or D configuration.. if so, what were your results?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 09, 2011, 05:01:05 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 09, 2011, 10:37:57 AM
Put a 1 ohm resistor in series with the coil to measure the current. Put scope leads over the resistor. The current is the trick everyone so far is measuring the voltage!!!

SHORT out the DC side of the bridge.

Bring the rotor up to medium speed say 1500 rpm

Then put a cap in series with the coil  and the AC leg of the diode bridge and try of lots of values and tune so that the  when the load is a dead short the current is out of phase with the voltage as the pulses hit the coil.  You will find around 10uf to 100uf in series of coil will force out of phase most of your coils pending total inductance. When you get close fine tune the backend magnet as this changes the inductance.

Now watch your scope! you will get that perfect waveform with critical tuning. Requires EXPERT RF tuning to get this right. Then you are almost there to release the short circuit on the DC side of the bridge and let the power out to the dump cap. Then tweak the backends magnets again changes the inductance to suit the load.

I repeat when tuning to ZPE you tune into a short circuit condition which drops the input current to almost ZERO!!!

If there is no current into a short circuit there is no LUGGING.

Now repeat the process for every coil individually.  When all the coils are tuned in this manor then fine tuned to load the rotor will speed up when shorted and is very slightly detuned into the running  load which has a resistance greater than zero. The  overall tuning effect is slope modulation.

Anyone remember Thane HV coil test on his generator?  He realised a HV coil doesn't lug. He thought this  was just a voltage issue but in fact its because he had a large inductance and small self capacitance creates VARS and no lugging thus his rotor went faster. You can have a thick wire coil with large inductive iron core and compensate using a bank of caps does the same thing see Youtube 900 watt Thrapp generator.

Compare my tuning suggestions to RomeroUK's Scope shot.

Anyone tuned up as i suggested yet?  Compare scope shots.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 09, 2011, 05:39:34 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 09, 2011, 10:37:57 AM
Put a 1 ohm resistor in series with the coil to measure the current. Put scope leads over the resistor. The current is the trick everyone so far is measuring the voltage!!!

SHORT out the DC side of the bridge.

Bring the rotor up to medium speed say 1500 rpm

Then put a cap in series with the coil  and the AC leg of the diode bridge and try of lots of values and tune so that the  when the load is a dead short the current is out of phase with the voltage as the pulses hit the coil.  If your coils are not a perfect inductance match you can tune them with caps. You will find around 10uf to 100uf in series of coil will force out of phase most of your coils pending total inductance. When you get close fine tune the backend magnet as this changes  inductance but be careful not to saturate the core with neos that are too powerful.

Now watch your scope! you will get that perfect waveform with critical tuning. Requires EXPERT RF tuning to get this right. Then you are almost there to release the short circuit on the DC side of the bridge and let the power out to the dump cap. Then tweak the backends magnets again changes the inductance to suit the load.

I repeat when tuning to ZPE you tune into a short circuit condition which drops the input current to almost ZERO!!!

If there is no current into a short circuit there is no LUGGING.

Now repeat the process for every coil individually.  When all the coils are tuned in this manor then fine tuned to load the rotor will speed up when shorted and is very slightly detuned into the running  load which has a resistance greater than zero. The  overall tuning effect is slope modulation.

Anyone remember Thane HV coil test on his generator?  He realised a HV coil doesn't lug. He thought this  was just a voltage issue but in fact its because he had a large inductance and small self capacitance creates VARS and no lugging thus his rotor went faster. You can have a thick wire coil with large inductive iron core and compensate using a bank of caps does the same thing see Youtube 900 watt Thrapp generator.

Compare my tuning suggestions to RomeroUK's Scope shot.

Nice work

put the capacitor here is that correct?

the !.5 uf in the schematic is the one you are referring to?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 09, 2011, 05:52:54 PM
Quote from: lasersaber on June 09, 2011, 12:24:19 PM
I just just reversed the wires on the top coil.  The effect is really neat.  Until I added the additional magnets I thought the there was no power generated in this config at all.

Check out what MileHigh has to say about this effet over on the other forum:

nice work

did this a few days ago with the drive coils looks like it works with the Gen coils

During recent tests I was pondering the possibility of using two paired sets of drive coils all wired in series configuration to be driven from the one pick up sensor.
As seen in the picture below, drive coils pair 1 is magnetically aligned to attract the magnets on the rotor disk. Drive coils pair 2 is magnetically aligned to repel the magnets on the rotor disk. This meant drive coils 1 and 2 would be wired in series to double overall inductance and coil resistance, consequently halving their power consumption. In turn this would give us the opportunity to create a repelling and attracting force simultaneously to the rotor disk.
The only technical issue with this configuration was working out the phase of the two coil pairs, so that when they engaged they did not electrically oppose each other in circuit.
This is where it got interesting…I experimented with the coils in phase with each other and out of phase with each other. When the two drive coil pairs generated a charge induced by the magnets and the polarity of the charge was in opposition to itself, drive current dropped to 25 m Amps. Motor RPM was
1250. When I reversed the phase of the two coils motor RPM increased to 2200, drive current escalated to 180 m Amps.
I found this to be a very interesting result and something that needs a lot more work. I am posting this result in the hope that others may replicate this experiment and refine the technique.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 09, 2011, 08:08:26 PM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 09, 2011, 05:00:37 PM
I was wondering if anyone has tried the ferrite core in the C or D configuration.. if so, what were your results?


Mine is 'C' but not touching the magnet. Hope that helps.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 09, 2011, 08:22:53 PM
The driving coils have nothing whatsoever to do with any OU effect. They rely 100% on conventional understanding of electronics so no mysteries here. The ONLY thing that matters regarding the drive coils is they should present the most energy efficient method at spinning the rotor.... that's all! For every watt you waste here you have to find from out of your critical tuned  OU generating coils to cover the losses.

For large muller systems you can not beat RV 3 phase motor as a driver.  They can spin a 18" to 2ft rotor loaded with 1.5" neos at 3000 rpm on < 15 watts just by cleaning the bearings and taking off the fan at 120v.

With tailored frequency, amplitude, pulse width inverter drive they can maintain 3000 rpm at 1.5 watts or take the same rotor up to 9,000 rpm at 10 watts. I like to see your pulse motor do that:) These drive systems can yield several Kw's OU.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 09, 2011, 08:27:32 PM
Quote from: chrisC on June 09, 2011, 08:08:26 PM
Mine is 'C' but not touching the magnet. Hope that helps.

I think that is what I'm going use also.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on June 09, 2011, 08:43:11 PM
Hello everyone,
Been working on my replication but im having trouble with the driving circuit posted by romero. First time i spun it up it ran but transistor got really hot and eventually blew. Rebuilt the circuit and blew another transistor. Tried three times now to rebuild the same circuit with a tip32c instead of tip42c (had a few on hand, ran out of tip42) but cant get it running. Transistor heats instantly.

Can someone confirm that romero's circuit works as posted? I'm getting really frustrated with it. Can anyone recommend another circuit to drive it?

On a side note, just like to say excellent work going on here and thank you to everyone for sharing there findings! And of course thank you to romero!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 09, 2011, 09:54:28 PM
The circuit is fine there are many many replications now with no driver problems so that means you are the only one to keep blowing transistors:)

You know its PNP don't you? Sure you not sticking volts wrong way or has you hall device melted and turning the transistors fully on?  Well put it this way if your are struggling with 2 components you never get the thing tuned and looped.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 09, 2011, 10:18:19 PM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 09, 2011, 01:55:27 PM

Nice work!  Thank you for the update.

There is an inexpensive laser tachometer that works very well for $17 USD.  Worth every cent in a project like this.  Read the reviews.. only one on the following site, but test against top of the line model was good!


If you're not in a hurry check fleaBay as you can get them for around $10 with shipping out of China - same model. 

@lasersaber - thanks for clarifying that and adding the MH info.  LOL some people will never get outside the 'matrix' ;)

Regarding MileHigh I saw his last post on OUR.  Getting so defensive I couldn't seem to get this image out of my mind of a duck backpedaling.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on June 09, 2011, 10:20:43 PM
In case there are still people out there still trying to find a good way to cut holes in plastic for the rotors

I just bought some forestner bits


The one inch bit makes a drop in fit for my 1 inch magnets......a little looser than I would like .......but workable.
The 7/8 inch bit makes a hole that is a good snug fit for some roller blade bearings I have.sitting around.

The 5/8 bit makes a good snug fit on 5/8 inch cold rolled steal

I prefer  using them with a drill press.......but I tried and they work well with a hand drill too.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 09, 2011, 10:22:29 PM
Quote from: freenergy850 on June 09, 2011, 08:43:11 PM
Hello everyone,
Been working on my replication but im having trouble with the driving circuit posted by romero. First time i spun it up it ran but transistor got really hot and eventually blew. Rebuilt the circuit and blew another transistor. Tried three times now to rebuild the same circuit with a tip32c instead of tip42c (had a few on hand, ran out of tip42) but cant get it running. Transistor heats instantly.

Can someone confirm that romero's circuit works as posted? I'm getting really frustrated with it. Can anyone recommend another circuit to drive it?

On a side note, just like to say excellent work going on here and thank you to everyone for sharing there findings! And of course thank you to romero!!


The posted driver is probably fine although you may want to limit the current going to the base of the TIP42C if you use that default Hall sensor.
I can't get that Hall sensor and had to settle with a readily available OH180U from my local electronics store; they are similar, usually open collector on Pin 3 and in my case, I just pulled it up with a 10K resistor. Here's my sketch. Hope that helps.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 10, 2011, 12:19:58 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 09, 2011, 09:54:28 PM
The circuit is fine there are many many replications now with no driver problems so that means you are the only one to keep blowing transistors:)

It is a borderline working case of a really  bad design. It has been reported on before. The base of the PNP will easily outflow 2 amps or more... into a hall device rated at 20mA. 

Normally the PNP would be connected to the supply and thus would have the full potential of the battery available, but in this case it at least has the coils as a limiter.  Rather than champion this basket case, breadboard it up and see for yourself... you GROUND the base to turn on the transistor, right? well you will find that you can nearly weld with the base pin output.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 10, 2011, 03:17:24 AM
Bolt wrote:

"Now watch your scope! you will get that perfect waveform with critical tuning. Requires EXPERT RF tuning to get this right. Then you are almost there to release the short circuit on the DC side of the bridge and let the power out to the dump cap. Then tweak the backends magnets again changes the inductance to suit the load."

Kone replies:
Can you give description the perfect waveform to be looking for?
Just like Romeros soocpe shot posted awhile back?
Should a dual trace scope be used, one trace on volts other on current to see the lagging?
Is the lag-period important part of it?
What would an expert in RF be looking for scope-wise?
As far as what "tuning" process is, is this pretty much just the distance of the regauging/helper magnets to the core as the tuning-adjust??
And/or does tuning also include whatever the resistive load is and rpms and maybe other things like arigap between rotor magnets and cores?
dumb questions sorry!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 10, 2011, 05:34:15 AM
Hi all,

Well, I have not given up just yet.

I think I may have led every one on a wild goose chase with reversing top coil. I think this merely
mimicks what we should be achieving with the biasing magnets. Hence, all of got very few volts.

If you put things back to how they should be, then try this -

Is it possible that our friend, Romero is only human ?

Or is this just another misinterpretation from experiments by Garry.

If and only if it is convenient - flip all your biasing magnets and watch the output current rise.

Please remember, this may be an oddity with my setup only.

Aslo, note that I am using pinball machine coils and 12mm ferrite tubes - not, 6mm x 15mm rods.
because of these coils, the way I achieve high RPM is by either increasing the drive voltage or
paralleling the drive coils.

I now have a long weekend. The plan is to take the dynamo of the table and reconstruct Romero's
pre dynamo video that was sent to Clanzer.

Again, I do not want to send anyone on a wild goose chase, but if it is easy to do, please try the
magnet flip.

Regards, Garry

p.s. as I write this and am not greatly concered about my rig, I just shorted the output from the
FWBR double and show 400ma on my output side meter. the input side meter on left rear shows 120ma though the RPMs decrease rapidly. RPM before short = 1450
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on June 10, 2011, 07:00:26 AM

Please look at the attached drawing. Is this the "tuning" you talk about?

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 08:09:50 AM
Quote from: freenergy850 on June 09, 2011, 08:43:11 PM
Hello everyone,
Been working on my replication but im having trouble with the driving circuit posted by romero. First time i spun it up it ran but transistor got really hot and eventually blew. Rebuilt the circuit and blew another transistor. Tried three times now to rebuild the same circuit with a tip32c instead of tip42c (had a few on hand, ran out of tip42) but cant get it running. Transistor heats instantly.

Can someone confirm that romero's circuit works as posted? I'm getting really frustrated with it. Can anyone recommend another circuit to drive it?

On a side note, just like to say excellent work going on here and thank you to everyone for sharing there findings! And of course thank you to romero!!
Change the 10k resistor to 20k
This circuit is the simplest you can have
If you killed some transistors already then check or replace the hall too.
I have abused this type of circuit and never killed a transistor or component in the circuit.
You can have much better circuits but for any simple experiment this is good enough also more components more power used...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 10, 2011, 08:19:55 AM
Hi Romero,

Hope you are keeping well.

Is it possible that you could give us a few clues/hints for the coil shorting video given to Clanzer.

I am trying to undertand the black wires going from the pickup coil. where do they connect into
your driver circuit.

Kindest Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 10, 2011, 08:41:17 AM
You only need to measure the current to start with not the voltage. So measure the current waveform with the scope across the resistor with the DC side of the bridge shorted out. If you have a calibrated 0.1 ohm resistor use that instead of 1 ohm or even put 10 off 1ohm in parallel to make a current shunt. This will improve tuning slightly but most of your coils should be several ohms in any case.

Look HERE to see waveforms and tuning instructions.


Some coils if perfectly matched will be very close on the waveform but mostly they are going to need to be tweaked. You see when the coil is shorted MOST of the current runs along the zero point with just a spiky symmetrical waveform top and bottom. This means the average current is kept very small versus time. There is a slight zero point offset this is due to the diodes in the bridge not operating at 0v but like 0.65v etc.

The current spike are 90 degrees out of phase with the voltage. This creates standing waves which supply real JOULES to the dump cap. After initial tuning and retuned into desired load you will see the same waveform over the AC pins of the bridge but ONLY after the tuning process has been completed.

As i said for YEARS see my old posts. RLC tuning to VARS leads to OU using standard RF applied techniques. There is no wizardry here or swamp gas just a different way of thinking. Once you mastered the muller you will see it can easy be done solid state with some time and money or more simple magnet window motor running at 20,000+ RPM.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 10, 2011, 08:56:17 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 10, 2011, 08:41:17 AM
As i said for YEARS see my old posts. RLC tuning to VARS leads to OU using standard RF applied techniques. There is no wizardry here or swamp gas just a different way of thinking. Once you mastered the muller you will see it can easy be done solid state with some time and money or more simple magnet window motor running at 20,000+ RPM.

I don't want to offend you but this sounds like you think we're all dummies here.
If this stuff is so simple, I expect I would have seen some postings on working OU devices from you.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 10, 2011, 09:05:38 AM
I tried connecting the scope parallel with an 1 ohm resistor and indeed I get the same waveform, see below.
But it look a bit to perfect compared with the scope shot from Romero. I also tried a few capacitors in series with the coil but then there is no current.

I tried the reverse top coil and that also gave me the waveform we are looking for and when playing with the magnets I could shape it also but only a few miliamps output :(

I also hope Romero can help us with that coil shorting video given to Clanzer?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 10, 2011, 09:24:28 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 10, 2011, 08:56:17 AM
I don't want to offend you but this sounds like you think we're all dummies here.
If this stuff is so simple, I expect I would have seen some postings on working OU devices from you.

I was counting down the seconds before someone WOULD say just that. But i have seen looped gensets etc years ago on a private skype call and i mentioned in older post lots of things that 90% just sniggered and laughed but now its all slowly coming together.  But true enough its a open source collective issue as people wake up at last.

You know it takes R & D  cash to do anything i didn't even have a scope or any test equipment or money till this year.  Having lived in other countries my "workshop" had to fit in a suitcase so basically its taken a long time to rebuild from scratch. I am working on HHO instead for now as i needed access to real power not Joule Thief stuff.  I already got 2.2Kw genset running on 90% HHO and 10% LPG  which gives me a running cost MUCH lower than grid prices.  Getting OU has never really been an issue a JT is proof of concept. Its about what you can do with it after in real practical terms that makes a difference because no one else gives a sh$t if you have 1 watt OU or 1000.  Soon as people realise that the better. No one going to give you a fat check or suddenly all your money problems disappear overnight like a fat lotto win cos it ain't gonna happen.   Ask Ismael, Kapandze, SM, Romero etc. if OU bought them happiness and riches?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 10, 2011, 09:34:33 AM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 10, 2011, 09:05:38 AM
I tried connecting the scope parallel with an 1 ohm resistor and indeed I get the same waveform, see below.
But it look a bit to perfect compared with the scope shot from Romero. I also tried a few capacitors in series with the coil but then there is no current.

I tried the reverse top coil and that also gave me the waveform we are looking for and when playing with the magnets I could shape it also but only a few miliamps output :(

I also hope Romero can help us with that coil shorting video given to Clanzer?


Why do you want current for? do you WANT lugging? You only need a voltage standing wave to charge up the dump capacitor. then you measure the WATTS from there instead.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 09:35:57 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 10, 2011, 08:19:55 AM
Hi Romero,

Hope you are keeping well.

Is it possible that you could give us a few clues/hints for the coil shorting video given to Clanzer.

I am trying to undertand the black wires going from the pickup coil. where do they connect into
your driver circuit.

Kindest Regards, Penno

Hi Penno,
just ignore the 2 black wires, those wires are connected to a FWBR then to the big blue capacitor.
Those where used before, to do some measurements and calculate the voltage drop...
At the time I was recording the video, the output from the capacitor was not connected to any source or any other load. I should have removed those wires to make it more clear.
What I was showing there is the simple  shorting of the coil not reducing the RPM but increasing, only that.
Don't associate that Muller experiment with this simple one thinking u got the answer, that one had multimple tricks and a bit of luck.
As I said before the Muller subject is closed for me, no questions - no answers.
When I will be posting here or on youtube I am refering to general experimenting an not climing that I am 100% right, I might be wrong too.
I have made another video where I have a different config and load too.(toy size)
I am posting the video here but I will not discuss details about it, sorry.
In general most of the people are jumping direct to heavier devices thinking to get a lot of power.... I think this is wrong, better understand every aspect then move forward.
I do appreciate more few m-volts or few m-amps where the difference of just even 0.1 amps will help you move on the other side of the technology.
Having o-scope is a must when you approach this fine tunnings, no o-scope then you will never get something, not even close
In general people building devices are not using the o-scope or even so they don't understand the waveforms. Can you people believe that first I NEVER calculate the wave forms, I am not even good enough for that, I am trying to understand it and do smaller steps to see why a scope looks like it looks.
I will post some of my recent scope shots that for most of you, as usual, will lead to Sherlok Holmes investigation.
All the best,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 09:38:38 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 10, 2011, 09:34:33 AM
Why do you want current for? do you WANT lugging? You only need a voltage standing wave to charge up the dump capacitor. then you measure the WATTS from there instead.
Bolt, Excellent answer!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 10, 2011, 09:46:50 AM
Thankyou Romero at least i got your seal of approval. Don't worry if you are busy with other projects i will guide them on the  road to OU:)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 10, 2011, 09:59:45 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 10, 2011, 09:46:50 AM
Thankyou Romero at least i got your seal of approval. Don't worry if you are busy with other projects i will guide them on the  road to OU:)

Thank you Bolt and Romero for your guidance and help. I should be able to tune my set up this coming week and maybe publish some results too!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 10, 2011, 10:58:06 AM
Quote from: chrisC on June 10, 2011, 09:59:45 AM
Thank you Bolt and Romero for your guidance and help. I should be able to tune my set up this coming week and maybe publish some results too!


I also want to thank you guys

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 10, 2011, 11:14:30 AM

Here is a link on how to make an inexpensive oscilloscope...hope this helps someone else out.



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 10, 2011, 11:30:20 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 10, 2011, 09:46:50 AM
Thankyou Romero at least i got your seal of approval. Don't worry if you are busy with other projects i will guide them on the  road to OU:)

I wish I could have more faith in your guidance but when I look at Romero's videos I see a completely different setup?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 10, 2011, 11:30:30 AM
Quote from: lasersaber on June 09, 2011, 11:31:43 AM
Quick update.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVT5ZleK5rY
Hi lasersaber

    Your video is very good, because my English is not good, not exactly understand your explanation, About generator coil connection, please tell me the picture below, A, B, C, D which one is correct?

Thank you very much
Look forward to your new progress!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 10, 2011, 12:11:06 PM
Quote from: freenergy850 on June 09, 2011, 08:43:11 PM
Hello everyone,
Been working on my replication but im having trouble with the driving circuit posted by romero. First time i spun it up it ran but transistor got really hot and eventually blew. Rebuilt the circuit and blew another transistor. Tried three times now to rebuild the same circuit with a tip32c instead of tip42c (had a few on hand, ran out of tip42) but cant get it running. Transistor heats instantly.

Can someone confirm that romero's circuit works as posted? I'm getting really frustrated with it. Can anyone recommend another circuit to drive it?

On a side note, just like to say excellent work going on here and thank you to everyone for sharing there findings! And of course thank you to romero!!

Note Romero's reply but also this is from our guru gyula:  "Also, a suggestion for those using Romero's driver circuit with the Hall device and the bipolar PNP transistor: a series resistor could be inserted between Pin 3 of Hall output and the base electrode of the transistor to reduce input base current to the transistor,  as Romero showed, the 12V goes directly to base-emitter junction and the saturated Hall ouput transistor's collecter-emitter junction without any current limiting, so a resistor of any value between 470 Ohm to up about 1.5 kOM will limit nicely the input base current, hence the total input current to the driver stage.
This way a further 50-150mA reducement could be had without RPM change. The inserted resistor value needs testing of course.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 10, 2011, 12:14:03 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on June 10, 2011, 11:14:30 AM
Here is a link on how to make an inexpensive oscilloscope...hope this helps someone else out.



Mmm dunno about that he should trash it before someone hurts themselves. :)

A poor mans scope is your PC with the signal connected to the sound card. Take care to make a buffer circuit with some zener diodes to protect against over voltage spikes. Calibration not really important most of the time you only need to see the wave forms.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 10, 2011, 12:20:45 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 09:35:57 AM
Hi Penno,
just ignore the 2 black wires, those wires are connected to a FWBR then to the big blue capacitor.
Those where used before, to do some measurements and calculate the voltage drop...
At the time I was recording the video, the output from the capacitor was not connected to any source or any other load. I should have removed those wires to make it more clear.
What I was showing there is the simple  shorting of the coil not reducing the RPM but increasing, only that.
Don't associate that Muller experiment with this simple one thinking u got the answer, that one had multimple tricks and a bit of luck.
As I said before the Muller subject is closed for me, no questions - no answers.
When I will be posting here or on youtube I am refering to general experimenting an not climing that I am 100% right, I might be wrong too.
I have made another video where I have a different config and load too.(toy size)
I am posting the video here but I will not discuss details about it, sorry.
In general most of the people are jumping direct to heavier devices thinking to get a lot of power.... I think this is wrong, better understand every aspect then move forward.
I do appreciate more few m-volts or few m-amps where the difference of just even 0.1 amps will help you move on the other side of the technology.
Having o-scope is a must when you approach this fine tunnings, no o-scope then you will never get something, not even close
In general people building devices are not using the o-scope or even so they don't understand the waveforms. Can you people believe that first I NEVER calculate the wave forms, I am not even good enough for that, I am trying to understand it and do smaller steps to see why a scope looks like it looks.
I will post some of my recent scope shots that for most of you, as usual, will lead to Sherlok Holmes investigation.
All the best,

THANKS Romero UK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FREE ENERGY = FREE INFO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on June 10, 2011, 12:23:56 PM

QuoteHi lasersaber

    Your video is very good, because my English is not good, not exactly understand your explanation, About generator coil connection, please tell me the picture below, A, B, C, D which one is correct?

Thank you very much
Look forward to your new progress!

I went from Figure B to Figure A.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 10, 2011, 12:41:03 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 08:09:50 AM
Change the 10k resistor to 20k
This circuit is the simplest you can have
If you killed some transistors already then check or replace the hall too.
I have abused this type of circuit and never killed a transistor or component in the circuit.
You can have much better circuits but for any simple experiment this is good enough also more components more power used...
Just to clarify the original circuit seems to have a 100 Ω resistor.  Was that actually supposed to be a 10K Ω resistor?  This could be important for those who already have the circuit built and running since it appears gyula was saying current draw can be reduced significantly by changing it to a higher value.  I am assuming a typo at this point and anyone using that original drive circuit may want to change from 100 Ω to 10000 Ω or maybe even 20000 Ω to avoid a lot of extra current draw or blown transistors. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 12:55:35 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 10, 2011, 12:41:03 PM
Just to clarify the original circuit seems to have a 100 Ω resistor.  Was that actually supposed to be a 10K Ω resistor?  This could be important for those who already have the circuit built and running since it appears gyula was saying current draw can be reduced significantly by changing it to a higher value.  I am assuming a typo at this point and anyone using that original drive circuit may want to change from 100 Ω to 10000 Ω or maybe even 20000 Ω to avoid a lot of extra current draw or blown transistors.
I was talking about the resistor from few posts before where I can see a resistor of 10k to the base of the transistor.
I was not using that, i had a resistor on the input to the hall but yes u can have a resistor to the base too but I think 10k is too low.I was suggested 20k to the base.I have never tested it like that.
yes my input resistor was 100ohm
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 10, 2011, 01:12:09 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on June 10, 2011, 11:14:30 AM
Here is a link on how to make an inexpensive oscilloscope...hope this helps someone else out.




Or just google mini oscilloscope or mini DSO
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 10, 2011, 01:24:00 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 10, 2011, 12:41:03 PM
Just to clarify the original circuit seems to have a 100 Ω resistor.  Was that actually supposed to be a 10K Ω resistor?  This could be important for those who already have the circuit built and running since it appears gyula was saying current draw can be reduced significantly by changing it to a higher value.  I am assuming a typo at this point and anyone using that original drive circuit may want to change from 100 Ω to 10000 Ω or maybe even 20000 Ω to avoid a lot of extra current draw or blown transistors.

As originally drawn the 100 ohm resistor is in the supply to the Hall switch.

This in no way protects the hall output transistor.

Without the coil resistance connect your DMM, on the 10 amp scale, from the base to ground and note that it comes close to blowing the 10 amp fuse (7 to 9 amps)... all with out hurting the TIP42. With a 12 volt battery there is 12 volts on the base. Without a base resistor it is a bomb, waiting to happen!

Correct me if I am wrong but I believe this circuit was originated by konehead to switch a FET, woopy picked it up and substituted the transistor. This circuit will work better with a FET as a FET is a voltage device whereas the TIP42 is a current device. (read AMPS)

This circuit works by grounding the 12 volts that is on the Base to ground with a Hall switch. The current is limited solely by the sink capabilities of the tiny transistor in the hall. Adding a resistor between the hall and the base will cause the circuit to stop working if the resistor is too large.

Chris's mod is redundant in that there is already 12 volts at the base of the TIP42 and so the added resistor does nothing. Increasing the 100 ohm in the original circuit only limits the supply to the hall. Most halls have a built in voltage regulator anyway...so the 100 ohm does what?

This circuit is a gross misuse of parts and should be avoided. Use a hall switch properly, it is all there in the spec sheets. A Hall switch puts a mA logic signal, learn what this means and how best to use it.

First pic: original circuit

Second pic: suggested circuit. (or TC4426...fet is IRF3205)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 10, 2011, 01:38:26 PM
What is missing in the alternative circuit is a decent flyback diode.
If you skip that, your transistor likely will die from overvoltage caused by the voltage spike when the transistor is switched off.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 10, 2011, 01:38:42 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 12:55:35 PM
I was talking about the resistor from few posts before where I can see a resistor of 10k to the base of the transistor.
I was not using that, i had a resistor on the input to the hall but yes u can have a resistor to the base too but I think 10k is too low.I was suggested 20k to the base.I have never tested it like that.
yes my input resistor was 100ohm
Thanks Romero.  I had not seen the reference to 10K (just found it now in ChricC's diagram - getting up to speed here slow but sure :)  ) but saw Gyula mention 470 Ω to 1.5K Ω.  Not to keep bothering you with all the little details I'll ask anyone else that's clear on this if the pic below looks correct for what we are talking about.

i_ron I see we were posting at the same time - thanks for the suggestions.  At this point I just need to know the details of a circuit that will work.  I'm not smart enough to build a circuit without values on everything.  I've got everything for the circuit below so if that will at least get things going I'll go with that for now and work toward a much more efficient and less likely to smoke circuit later. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 10, 2011, 01:57:39 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 10, 2011, 01:38:26 PM
What is missing in the alternative circuit is a decent flyback diode.
If you skip that, your transistor likely will die from overvoltage caused by the voltage spike when the transistor is switched off.

It is not a transistor, it is a FET

The Fet has a body diode that, at these levels, works adequately, but yes
I was presenting as simple a concept as possible, feel free to add an additional diode. Nor have I shown the necessary decoupling caps on the Fet driver.

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 10, 2011, 02:00:59 PM
Hi Folks,

I included below a modified schematic of Romero, and I inserted a series resistor between Hall Pin 3 and transistor base to limit the collector current of the Hall's output transistor and the base current of the PNP transistor.

The total peak current is limited only by the two series driver coils when the transistor is ON, if the self inductance of someone's coils is lower than that of Romero (about 2 x 1.2mH) or someone's switch ON time is longer than that of Romero used, then much higher current can flow via the Hall output and the base-emitter junction of the PNP so that heat can develope, either the Hall or the PNP transistor can get ruined as freenrgy850 reported the latter. Woopy somewhere wrote he already inserted a resistor as per the schematic below and he found current draw decreased, hence input power need also went down. But he used the original Romero circuit earlier without problem if I recall correctly.

Just noticed e2matrix also uploaded Groundloop nice schematic with a 10-20kOhm suggestion, it may prove to be too high in value nevertheless it can be tested.  This value greatly depends on the DC Beta (current amplification factor) of the PNP transistor (dIc/dIb).

Please understand:  the circuit as Romero showed without the resistor has been working for him without any problem and works for others too, I included the two main factors that may lead to overheating if exceeded.
For someone wishing to use FET driver ICs as manufacturer Application Notes show them or recommend them, it is also ok, mainly for long time operation, but for testing purposes Romero original circuit is just fine but you may wish to observe the recommandations above.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 10, 2011, 02:08:04 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 10, 2011, 01:38:42 PM
I'm not smart enough to build a circuit without values on everything. 

Sorry, I posted this as an idea piece at the beginning of this thread. I forget who, corrected my sketch and added the values. So I was assuming people had seen it.

But on the spec sheet it calls out 10k to pin three (R2) so anywhere from 6k to 10 k is fine. The gate protection resistor (R1) is again, just anything from 10 ohms to 50 ohms, I often use 4.7 ohms as I have a bag full.

Most fet drivers like 1mfd right at the supply pins, again all rule of thumb.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 02:11:25 PM
This is the place I was thinking to have the 10-20k resistor
I know it is a simple circuit but for simple projects it works quite good

I think that some people are not realizing how this Hall type works. There other types where you have plus at the output, this one works with negative.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 02:13:43 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 10, 2011, 02:00:59 PM
Hi Folks,

I included below a modified schematic of Romero, and I inserted a series resistor between Hall Pin 3 and transistor base to limit the collector current of the Hall's output transistor and the base current of the PNP transistor.

The total peak current is limited only by the two series driver coils when the transistor is ON, if the self inductance of someone's coils is lower than that of Romero (about 2 x 1.2mH) or someone's switch ON time is longer than that of Romero used, then much higher current can flow via the Hall output and the base-emitter junction of the PNP so that heat can develope, either the Hall or the PNP transistor can get ruined as freenrgy850 reported the latter. Woopy somewhere wrote he already inserted a resistor as per the schematic below and he found current draw decreased, hence input power need also went down. But he used the original Romero circuit earlier without problem if I recall correctly.

Just noticed e2matrix also uploaded Groundloop nice schematic with a 10-20kOhm suggestion, it may prove to be too high in value nevertheless it can be tested.  This value greatly depends on the DC Beta (current amplification factor) of the PNP transistor (dIc/dIb).

Please understand:  the circuit as Romero showed without the resistor has been working for him without any problem and works for others too, I included the two main factors that may lead to overheating if exceeded.
For someone wishing to use FET driver ICs as manufacturer Application Notes show them or recommend them, it is also ok, mainly for long time operation, but for testing purposes Romero original circuit is just fine but you may wish to observe the recommandations above.

rgds,  Gyula
this one even better
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 10, 2011, 02:16:03 PM
Thanks much Gyula and Ron!  I've read every page here but no longer seem to have that photographic memory at all times   :)   Thanks for posting the other values.   I'll repost my pic from GL to the correct values not that all the fuzziness is gone on this subject ;)

Thanks Romero for chiming in again on this too. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 10, 2011, 02:17:13 PM
@ All above regarding Romero driving circuit,

To my view, it is a working circuit based on trial and error, that is not that intuitive for the average in the electronics neither it is as efficient as a FET circuit.

Have anyone noticed that transistor is wired backwards? In other words a PNP transistor would be expected to have the driver coils connected at its collector  and not emmiter. This way, coil resistance R (6 ohms + impedance) will limit the current going out of transistor's base to hall's FET

plus the fact that as the transistor switches on, less current would flow towards its base  (and hall consequently) and more will flow to collector since virtually no resistance there. In this topology, the transistor can never switch on completely.

Just try to see instead of coils place a light bulb (1 amp draw eg) and instead hall, put some 5-10 ohms resistance to ground.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 10, 2011, 02:27:10 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 02:13:43 PM
this one even better

hi romero,

Good to see your posts and note that your comfort level has gone up!

Wonderful new video too. However this has done nothing for my frustration level at all, lol

Wish I could see the number of connections on the coil and what the four transitor/FETs are doing? Oh well...

Warm regards,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 10, 2011, 02:41:42 PM
Why is everyone getting so excited over the Hall switching.?? As romero said its a hack and it works. You want to make a better one then do it. Use a fet driver and a power fet if you want but its very unlikely to convert a dead muller into an OU one. This hall device should be the very least of your worries.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 10, 2011, 02:56:42 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 10, 2011, 02:41:42 PM
Why is everyone getting so excited over the Hall switching.?? As romero said its a hack and it works. You want to make a better one then do it. Use a fet driver and a power fet if you want but its very unlikely to convert a dead muller into an OU one. This hall device should be the very least of your worries.

Because people with some electronic knowledge should not foist off questionable circuits on the newbies. The idea should be to raise the level of expertise by proper example. What prompted this is one chaps failure to have this circuit work. This brought out the helpful nature of most fellow experimenters and an examination of the circuit in question.

The suggestion being not that a fet driver and mosfet was required but that such a circuit was just as easy to build as the hack circuit and would instill a great understanding of how these little building blocks work.

Two people are already using computer control, so proper fet drive is only an interim mode at that

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 10, 2011, 03:32:56 PM
Hi all,

Firstly, thank you Romero for providing the video and detail.

As I DO NOT wish to burden Romero with further questions - these are directed at the rest of us
in the hope that someone else may recognise items -

What type of magnet is that and, where do you get one? (that which is around the HDD plater)

Can I simply use a rotor with NSNSN or all one pole?

Is it likely to be NSNSNSNSN or all one pole?

Is that a FWBR at the back of the microwave oven fan core and coil?

and most importantly, is that MO fan coil original ? has this had another winding added that connects to the ??FWBR?? - if it is a fwbr

As I have already told you guys, I have taken the dynamo of the table, and hope to use
this long weekend to recreate and try to understand this experiment.

The key is the connection from the drive circuit to pickup coil/coils then over to the drive coil.

************** two coils wired in a special way **************

Kindest Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 10, 2011, 03:39:48 PM

Teslalset quote:

" Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on Today at 05:14:30 PM

    Here is a link on how to make an inexpensive oscilloscope...hope this helps someone else out.




Or just google mini oscilloscope or mini DSO "

Thanks Tset, that is definitely the way to go...at least for me at this point anyway.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 10, 2011, 03:40:59 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 10, 2011, 04:06:53 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 10, 2011, 03:40:59 PM

this circuit ist corect  ?????


Yes it still can work, the 20 kOhm has a little effect so you can omit it if you wish. The resistor R is more important to prevent too high current via the Hall and the base-emitter path of the PNP transistor.

EDIT  OK, you deleted it, no problem. Thanks. 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 04:50:58 PM
the hdd rotor has the magnets in NSNS
we have too many comments about that circuit... at the time, I was asked what is the circuit I used and I posted it, good or bad it worked for me. I am not saying it is the best but for my needs it served me well and I still use it in some of my quick testings.
I am capable enough to build even more complex ones and you have no idea how many I built and tested in maybe hundreds of experiments I did.
below is a picture with one of the best I ever used, where the simple one PNP transitor was using 230ma to drive a motor coil this one in the same circuit used only 90ma.
the rotor was almost 6kg and magnets 35mm dia/40mm long
I have the coil connected ''wrong way'' as you say but I might have had a reason to use it like that, don't u think?

All the best,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 10, 2011, 05:01:00 PM
I can not believe the shit you guys go on about.

Most are missing what is important!

Who cares how you power the drive coil/coils.

If we could only have more info on the pickup coil and its "special mode" connection,
we would be miles ahead.

the key is in the coils and their arrangement.

Please ease off from the drive circuit.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on June 10, 2011, 06:34:32 PM
The drive is not important right now.  friggin wind can drive the thing if necessary.  I still dont think the entire shorting method is correct from speculation. Just like the man said, drive it with a known rated driving motor first if need be. lots of intelligent people over her. Ive learned much.  Ya'll cant be tired of thinking are you? and create a diversion to figuring out where a resistor goes in a circuit that is working for someone else. Lets see some coil shorting.   many ways to do it.  I will have a spinner by the end of the weekend.  Work does have to come first in my world still.  Sorry.
Keep it up folks.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 10, 2011, 06:35:31 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 10, 2011, 04:50:58 PM
the hdd rotor has the magnets in NSNS
we have too many comments about that circuit... at the time, I was asked what is the circuit I used and I posted it, good or bad it worked for me. I am not saying it is the best but for my needs it served me well and I still use it in some of my quick testings.
I am capable enough to build even more complex ones and you have no idea how many I built and tested in maybe hundreds of experiments I did.
below is a picture with one of the best I ever used, where the simple one PNP transitor was using 230ma to drive a motor coil this one in the same circuit used only 90ma.
the rotor was almost 6kg and magnets 35mm dia/40mm long
I have the coil connected ''wrong way'' as you say but I might have had a reason to use it like that, don't u think?

All the best,

Looks like H driver.  Did you use like 50Khz PWM on hall pulse driver?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on June 10, 2011, 06:44:59 PM
@ all,
Didn't mean to open a can of worms over the circuit. Was just looking for a little advice, since electronics is not my strong point. Thanks to all for the helpful info and thanks to romero for chiming in.
Sorry for side tracking progress, now lets move on in our quest, shall we?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 10, 2011, 07:39:22 PM
Quote from: freenergy850 on June 10, 2011, 06:44:59 PM
@ all,
Didn't mean to open a can of worms over the circuit. Was just looking for a little advice, since electronics is not my strong point. Thanks to all for the helpful info and thanks to romero for chiming in.
Sorry for side tracking progress, now lets move on in our quest, shall we?

I don't see any reason to apologize.  It was probably more me that got things going.  But my take on it is that while some here already have their units spinning others may not be even close to that yet so we want to know the best way to drive it.  And I think some of us want to keep as close to Romero's setup as possible as long as it works.  Unfortunately in your circuit replication something was causing transistors to burn out so it was good to ask for help. 

   I think until we have a number of successful replications that have been gone over with a fine tooth comb that no detail no matter how small it may seem should be ignored.  While some here have some good theories about how this may work I don't know if anyone really knows for sure so the little details may make a difference between OU and a toy motor.   

   Thanks again to everyone who has shared their great knowledge with those like me who don't have as much of this knowledge and apologies to those who felt it was not important. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 10, 2011, 08:16:33 PM

First of all, THANK YOU for returning and helping.

I understand that the muller design is out of question for you. Would you be willing to in a new thread in this forum discuss what are the principles and experiments that led you to understand and achieve OU?

If you want, i could help to moderate and keep discussions inline and clean, while you direct the content in a mentoring position without having to compromise yourself into trouble. No muller, only the principles and your experience.

Many thanks,


Edit: i created this thread for you http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=11009.0

Fell free to post here too if you want.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on June 10, 2011, 08:20:52 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 10, 2011, 08:16:33 PM

First of all, THANK YOU for returning and helping.

I understand that the muller design is out of question for you. Would you be willing to in a new thread in this forum discuss what are principles and experiments that led you to understand and achieve OU?

If you want, i could help to moderate and keep discussions inline and clean, while you direct the content in a mentoring position without having to compromise yourself into trouble. No muller, only the principles and your experience.

Many thanks,


I for one,  think that is a great idea if Romero is up for it :-X :-X :-X ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: electr0n on June 10, 2011, 09:10:07 PM
@ Bolt
Sorry to ask, but just to clarify, the tuning setup is correct in this post?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 10, 2011, 09:58:31 PM
Quote from: electr0n on June 10, 2011, 09:10:07 PM
@ Bolt
Sorry to ask, but just to clarify, the tuning setup is correct in this post?

Basically yes but the series cap is only required if you have a mismatch of inductance between your coils. (you probably have if they are home made) They should be perfectly out of phase. Observe the waveforms for the current point.  Then open the short into you dump cap with a load on it. This is vital. You can NOT just stick a meter on the coils and measure mA's but the standing wave appears on the dump cap which provides JOULES. All i seen so far is people measuring volts and amps coming directly out of each coil without a dump cap of around 10,000uF or whatever Romero used. The effect is not conventional current flow that should be suppressed.  The extra capacitance  if required adjust the voltage node while the inductance of the cores are tuned to the current node. Across the "gap" where the rotor spins becomes a virtual capacitance.  The load is R so the circuit forms R L C where c is virtual but exists all the same. In order to tap R correctly you need to tune to exact current node so that the phase shift is 90 degrees from each other.

Something interesting happens at this point where the VARS is not real according to text books but its real enough when seeking OU! In particular has a major effect on magnetic amplification without actually consuming watts.  All electrical circuit OU events are via magnetic amplification not electrical flux. All the devices are the same. They all make a lot of VARS and undergo transformation event alike the TPU, Kapanadze, VTA, Muller, RV,  Don Smith, Magnacoaster etc they are magnetic amplifiers.  There are many method perhaps a dozen methods from coil banging typical COP 2 to 10  to 3 dimensional class C flux modulators typical COP 1000 Typically the energy conversion is around 10% from VARS to WATTS. Kapandze 5Kw device is actually a 50KVAR system. So for example the 1000w TPU is actually a 10KVAR device.  Around its coils it would have something like 1000v at 10 amps measurably using a clamp amp meter but 90 degrees out of phase within itself AND between the adjacent collector coils.  This produces an incredible high magnetic flux.

Anyway nuff said too many people still stuck at ground zero looking at hall circuits.

Post by: Bruce_TPU on June 10, 2011, 10:37:27 PM
Hello RomeroUK,
Congratulations on using diodes to allow LENZ Law to be an assistant rather then a hinderance.  Tonight I have realized that our paths have crossed in a weird kind of way.  Bravo!  I am officially impressed.

As you know, I have been working on rotating magnetic fields, in the sense of a mechanical TPU, as I know that Steven Mark used LENZ Law to accelerate the rotating magnetic fields in the TPU and I am on the road to that discovery myself, first mechanical and later Solid State with our TPU.

You, I see, have accomplished this and I know how you did it and will share with our community.  Your way is different then mine, but the results are what matters.  I am now onto an idea that will allow LENZ to produce all the power needed.  The more current drawn off of this device, the faster it will spin. 

Hello experimenters,
I am very impressed with the level of experimentation and assistance to one another.  I have wanted to see this for a long time in our community.

Now, let me share with you the secret (the main one) to Romero's Muller device.  First, as usual, people get too caught up thinking about the electric field and not thinking about the magnetic field and it's interaction with LENZ Law.

In Romero's device, where is Lenz Law?  Is it on vacation?  Is it not applicable?  Did it mysteriously cease?  Of course, none of the above.  I will now tell you where LENZ Law is....

Please note the drawing below.  I am on vacation and using a program to draw it with no text feature, so bear with the scribbles, please...

OK!  We have two coils and a magnet.  The magnet is North on one side and south on the other.  BECAUSE the coils "A" and "B" are wired together PROPERLY, with DIODES, let's walk through this for a moment....

AS the magnet passes coil "A", with NORTH pole up, in this depiction, Lenz law tells us that AFTER the EMF, there is an immediate opposing current induced.  The MAGNETIC component of this will be in ATTRACTION from Coil "A", to the North facing Magnet.  This would typically act as a break, slowing the rotor, requiring more input added to draw more output.  NOW, bear with me please, as  we continue..

AS the SAME magnet passes coil "B", with SOUTH pole down (in my drawing, anyway), Lenz law tells us that AFTER the EMF, there is an immediate opposing current induced.  The MAGNETIC component of this will be in ATTRACTION from Coil "B", to the South facing Magnet.  This would typically act as a break, slowing the rotor, requiring more input added to draw more output.  NOW, this is where the "magic" happens...

If Coil "A" is in attraction to the North pole, and Coil "B" is in attraction to the South pole, then the following is the SOLUTION>>>

Using diodes in the proper directions, you want the current INDUCED BY LENZ LAW, that is FLOWING IN COIL "A", to FLOW in Coil "B", so that there will NOW be a REPULSION (to cause acceleration!) via the lenz reactionary current from coil "A" that is now flowing in COIL "B".

Using diodes in the proper directions, you want the current INDUCED BY LENZ LAW, that is FLOWING IN COIL "B", to FLOW in Coil "A", so that there will NOW be a REPULSION (to cause acceleration!) via the lenz reactionary current from coil "B" that is now flowing in COIL "A".

Do this with all generator coils!!

And now we have a self running machine.  At a later date, I will share how to change the config and we can take KW's from same sort of idea, but far different configuration.


Bruce     8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 10, 2011, 11:01:52 PM
Wow, very cool idea. Thanks much for sharing that Bruce, can't wait to see kw machines  ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on June 10, 2011, 11:12:30 PM
Again, I am sorry for the scribbles, but you get the idea.

Just make sure that the current flow from Coil "A" to "B" is in the DIRECTION to cause the magnetic field to be in REPULSION from coil "B" to the South Pole of the magnet.  Make sure that the current flow from Coil "B" to "A" is in the DIRECTION to cause the magnetic field to be in REPULSION from coil "A" to the North pole of the magnet.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: supersam on June 10, 2011, 11:14:58 PM
@ bruce and eveybody,
it's like balancing a chair on the back of two legs on a high wire!  we have all seen it done!

all that is left, is to do it!

lol sam


Post by: i_ron on June 10, 2011, 11:16:28 PM
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on June 10, 2011, 10:37:27 PM
Hello RomeroUK,
Congratulations on using diodes to allow LENZ Law to be an assistant rather
Using diodes in the proper directions, you want the current INDUCED BY LENZ LAW, that is FLOWING IN COIL "B", to FLOW in Coil "A", so that there will NOW be a REPULSION (to cause acceleration!) via the lenz reactionary current from coil "B" that is now flowing in COIL "A".

Do this with all generator coils!!


Bruce     8)

Sounds good Bruce, can we have a sketch of where the diodes go please?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 10, 2011, 11:18:03 PM

To quote the man himself --

Diodes can do even more beautiful things...

Have a nice day,

What a wonderful description.

If feel you are on the money.

Now it makes sense that Romero has a fwbr at the rear of the pickup coil and is
using the diodes to achieve the process you describe.

Well, it may not be a bridge, but maybe a couple of diodes - left corner of the coil facing us.

Kindest Regards, Penno

p.s. My chores are out of the way - now it's off to the bench.

Hope Rod & Woopy see your post.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 11, 2011, 12:08:30 AM

This is wondeful.

Now I know what he meant when he said - give it a spin and it wants to go by itself.

Keep in mind that the position of the two coils in relation to one another is critical.

Probably also, rotors with NSNSNSNS.

Have fun

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nightlife on June 11, 2011, 12:33:38 AM
Come on guys, think hard about what you all are talking about here. I see many mistakes and a lot of energy waste. The way you all are talking, you all are going to waste more then twice the energy needed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 11, 2011, 01:10:10 AM

Thank you Bruce...finally !!!

Now that we have the spark, it is just a matter of feeling for the pulse.

And that shouldn't take very long with the level of knowledge already demonstrated here.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 11, 2011, 01:26:17 AM
Quote from: nightlife on June 11, 2011, 12:33:38 AM
Come on guys, think hard about what you all are talking about here. I see many mistakes and a lot of energy waste. The way you all are talking, you all are going to waste more then twice the energy needed.

@nightlife  What are you referring to specifically? What will waste twice the energy?  Adding diodes between the N-A & S-B coils?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 11, 2011, 01:46:35 AM
Hi everyone,

@Bruce, very good ;)

I'm quite sure this could be done with low resistance MOSFET's instead of diodes! ... so could be next to no losses.

Has anyone noticed a Metal (aluminum or steel) tube ring around Romero's rotor?

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 11, 2011, 02:18:15 AM

I see how the coils could cancel each other, but are you sure about the diodes?  I don't see them on Romero's dynamo.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 11, 2011, 02:55:23 AM
@Bruce, I don't see the solution you see here.
From what I understand is basically two coils at the same clockwise position (as you indicate in your figures) are connected anti-series.
In that case EMF is cancelled out, but so is the current caused by that (Kirchhoff's law)
No current, no load power.

So, what am I missing here?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 11, 2011, 03:45:43 AM
I am capable enough to build even more complex ones and you have no idea how many I built and tested in maybe hundreds of experiments I did.
below is a picture with one of the best I ever used, where the simple one PNP transitor was using 230ma to drive a motor coil this one in the same circuit used only 90ma.
the rotor was almost 6kg and magnets 35mm dia/40mm long
I have the coil connected ''wrong way'' as you say but I might have had a reason to use it like that, don't u think?

All the best,

Romero, how are you?

yeap, even the circuit proposed (is common on the adam motor experimentalists) is a bit wierd, "the wrong way coil connection" as i see it has its merits so as not to destroy the circuit at first glance by restricting current. Anyway, even small "stupid looking things" have their beauty i must confess.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 11, 2011, 04:47:17 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 11, 2011, 02:55:23 AM
@Bruce, I don't see the solution you see here.
From what I understand is basically two coils at the same clockwise position (as you indicate in your figures) are connected anti-series.
In that case EMF is cancelled out, but so is the current caused by that (Kirchhoff's law)
No current, no load power.

So, what am I missing here?

As I see it you are missing nothing. More current - less voltage. More voltage less current. Load the coil, for higher current less voltage.

Bruce, please draw out your diode 'solution' for self-running.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: protein_man on June 11, 2011, 06:16:04 AM
Bruce, wouldn't hooking up the coils in your configuration with the diodes just cancel each other out and produce no useful power?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 11, 2011, 07:08:35 AM
Hello everybody:
    Who can tell me: Romeouk whether there use the "coil short"?
    It is very important!
    This is related to whether we're on the right path.

    Thank you
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 11, 2011, 07:11:58 AM
No there is NO coil shorting on the mulller. 

..And while im here Bruce's diode method is very imaginative but it will not work and does not universally apply to all or any other OU device.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 11, 2011, 07:25:42 AM
You've got the ideea!
People must be able to visualize and understand before starting any project. Use pen and paper(that is cheap) and don't spend money on parts and components unless u have no problem with that.
A specialized software program will help too but as u know these programs are built according to the existing known rules and inventions, many times are showing wrong indications.(I have seen wrong indications with my eyes)

This month I have limited time to work and do experiments and I will take it more easy now.
I am still thinking to the best arrangement for my next project. All I have done lately is just testing and reconfirming some of my old experiments then I will take the best from the experiments confirmed.

Simple Example:
we have a rotor with NSNS and 2 coils, one to drive the rotor and one to collect.
the collector coil must have a core, any type but not air.
run it and measure the output of the collector and current going into the input coil
now to the end of the collector coil attach another core same type with the one used for the collector coil, same lenght too.
check the in and out - any change? good or bad?
check attaching only half lenght core - measure again ???
what about longer core.... measure again...
what about larger...?
this are simple  steps I take with most of my builds
I cannot teach you that, first make a list with what you think of and the rest comes while you work on the project.Write down every time you have discovered something, you leave it for later and you will forget.Write down all measurements.Check on the web too se if that has been observed by others.
All these requires a lot of patience and I am sorry to say it but not all of you have that.
The above experiment can be extended to a rotor  with all magnets NNNN or all SSSS and attaching small magnets or ceramic at the end of the extended core.
Now just a small tip for small projects: Zener diodes...

In my old underservice forum I had the ideea where every member on the forum will have his own channel where can post the work, pictures... something like the facebook or twitter but it can be done even here but only for people who will really show their work, even not very important thinks might be useful for many others.
Do you remember that youtube video posted by gotoluc some time back where he moved a magnet in front of the 2 microwave transformer coils? Well, that was a good inspiration for me and took it further. All I can say now is, thank you gotoluc!
As I read recently, even to show how to drill a hole in acrylic is very important for some, not everyone has good tools and can be shown to be done in easy steps and basic tools.
We all wish to have Clanzer machineries but unfortunalely many of us don't have enough funds even for proper living...

that is enough for now

Best Regards to all,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 11, 2011, 08:07:08 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 11, 2011, 07:25:42 AM
You've got the ideea!
People must be able to visualize and understand before starting any project. Use pen and paper(that is cheap) and don't spend money on parts and components unless u have no problem with that.
A specialized software program will help too but as u know these programs are built according to the existing known rules and inventions, many times are showing wrong indications.(I have seen wrong indications with my eyes)

This month I have limited time to work and do experiments and I will take it more easy now.
I am still thinking to the best arrangement for my next project. All I have done lately is just testing and reconfirming some of my old experiments then I will take the best from the experiments confirmed.

Simple Example:
we have a rotor with NSNS and 2 coils, one to drive the rotor and one to collect.
the collector coil must have a core, any type but not air.
run it and measure the output of the collector and current going into the input coil
now to the end of the collector coil attach another core same type with the one used for the collector coil, same lenght too.
check the in and out - any change? good or bad?
check attaching only half lenght core - measure again ???
what about longer core.... measure again...
what about larger...?
this are simple  steps I take with most of my builds
I cannot teach you that, first make a list with what you think of and the rest comes while you work on the project.Write down every time you have discovered something, you leave it for later and you will forget.Write down all measurements.Check on the web too se if that has been observed by others.
All these requires a lot of patience and I am sorry to say it but not all of you have that.
The above experiment can be extended to a rotor  with all magnets NNNN or all SSSS and attaching small magnets or ceramic at the end of the extended core.
Now just a small tip for small projects: Zener diodes...

In my old underservice forum I had the ideea where every member on the forum will have his own channel where can post the work, pictures... something like the facebook or twitter but it can be done even here but only for people who will really show their work, even not very important thinks might be useful for many others.
Do you remember that youtube video posted by gotoluc some time back where he moved a magnet in front of the 2 microwave transformer coils? Well, that was a good inspiration for me and took it further. All I can say now is, thank you gotoluc!
As I read recently, even to show how to drill a hole in acrylic is very important for some, not everyone has good tools and can be shown to be done in easy steps and basic tools.
We all wish to have Clanzer machineries but unfortunalely many of us don't have enough funds even for proper living...

that is enough for now

Best Regards to all,

Thanks Romero,

I have been very quiet lately, working my butt off on my motor.  I have it running now, no generator coils as that is the next step.
Have taken all you have said to heart, answered  a lot of questions I had and theories I had worked up.  The motor runs from 4.5VDC to 18VDC +, The driver is JUST a hall effect, nothing more, air cores, @ 12VDC, only draws about 21mA when up to speed @ 1500 or so RPM.
So quiet you can hear the air rushing by the rotor which is made out of CD-R disc., per my friend Ossie.  Thanks for coming back.  Patience on this device is a must, you must almost be "driven" to work on it.....I took the clean low power way with my smaller device.
Anyway, Stay around, oh, you mentioned Zener diodes, at  less than 12VDC, a diode chain will produce a shunt regulator too.  Simple, efficient.  Picture of the "Art" I am working on,  sitting on desk, running on 9VDC battery.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nightlife on June 11, 2011, 08:20:11 AM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on June 11, 2011, 01:26:17 AM

@nightlife  What are you referring to specifically? What will waste twice the energy?  Adding diodes between the N-A & S-B coils?

I shouldn't post this but what the heck.

Each coil has two poles but only one pole of each are being utilized. One coil with both poles being used will do the same work as two coils that only use one pole each. You only use the energy needed to power one instead of two. And insted of using just one magnet per, use two and utilize the pole not being fired to produce energy. The last issue is that the flux in the coils cores arent being flushed out. Thier polarities must be switched between magnets and the magnets polarities must be staggered. This will produce more energy and keep the coils cores from becoming permently magnitized. lets not forget that each time the coils are switched, the colasping fields can be collected.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 11, 2011, 08:22:25 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 11, 2011, 07:25:42 AM

Now just a small tip for small projects: Zener diodes...

Is that the single additional component that Romero talked about?
If the breakdown voltage is chosen to be near the voltage maximum of the
collector coil or the desired cap dump voltage, it would dump into the cap cyclically without the need of MOSFET circuits.
But maybe just for small projects as he sais.

The disadvantage (if it is one actually) is that the "switching" isn`t
as abrupt and fast as with FETs or spark gaps. But maybe that is not required.

@k4zep: You can get zeners also with breakdown voltages below 12 Volt, but you could also get away with chaining regular diodes i guess.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 11, 2011, 08:32:39 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on June 11, 2011, 08:22:25 AM
Is that the single additional component that Romero talked about?
If the breakdown voltage is chosen to be near the voltage maximum of the
collector coil or the desired cap dump voltage, it would dump into the cap cyclically without the need of MOSFET circuits.
But maybe just for small projects as he sais.

@k4zep: You can get zeners also with breakdown voltages below 12 Volt, but you could also get away with chaining regular diodes i guess.


Was just talking about using regular diodes as a shunt regulator to control loop.  Zener's avail in a huge range, if used for other purposes,
in the output section, then zeners would be great also.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: protein_man on June 11, 2011, 08:40:34 AM

Just playing with some ideas on paper, is this kinda what your talking about? See attached image.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 11, 2011, 09:24:09 AM

nothing will happend, look again at the circuit you just posted.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 11, 2011, 09:41:11 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 11, 2011, 09:24:09 AM

nothing will happend, look again at the circuit you just posted.

Proteinman: Maybe simply turn 1 diode around. That way current can flow in one way without the diodes blocking each other.
If the coils are wound in opposite directions this might work then (not sure maybe the fact that the other coil is magnetized with a different magnetic pole is enough to ensure the desired current direction)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 11, 2011, 10:06:02 AM
when any of you need to clean off the dust and grit that collects on your neodimium magnets, use a "tack cloth" - it is a very sticky cloth that painters use to clean surfaces of dust and dirt before painting fine finishes...vacuum cleaner doesnt work very well to clean neodimiums this is only way I know really it works good...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 11, 2011, 10:26:10 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on June 11, 2011, 01:46:35 AM
Hi everyone,

@Bruce, very good ;)

I'm quite sure this could be done with low resistance MOSFET's instead of diodes! ... so could be next to no losses.

Has anyone noticed a Metal (aluminum or steel) tube ring around Romero's rotor?

Thanks for sharing


Humm :-\ ... no one has commented on what looks to be an aluminum cylinder around Romero's rotor.
Am I the only one who sees this?  anyone else noticed?

Thanks Romero for looking at my research video's and further developing.

Thank you all for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 11, 2011, 10:37:43 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on June 11, 2011, 10:26:10 AM
Humm :-\ ... no one has commented on what looks to be an aluminum cylinder around Romero's rotor.
Am I the only one who sees this?  anyone else noticed?

Thanks Romero for looking at my research video's and further developing.

Thank you all for sharing


Hi Luc,

Yes I saw that but had just put it down to 'rotor at speed' that the camera couldn't follow... however on second look it does look worthy of closer inspection!  JB uses aluminum rotors on the energizers, right?

So there is no (limited?) eddie currents with the aluminum travelling in conjunction with the magnets. Be nice to see a still picture as this could be a good way to make a rotor.

Love your channel, keep up the good work

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 11, 2011, 10:45:43 AM
Quote from: konehead on June 11, 2011, 10:06:02 AM
when any of you need to clean off the dust and grit that collects on your neodimium magnets, use a "tack cloth" - it is a very sticky cloth that painters use to clean surfaces of dust and dirt before painting fine finishes...vacuum cleaner doesnt work very well to clean neodimiums this is only way I know really it works good...

Thats a good tip Doug, must try that! A dry rag just doesn't cut it, lol

I can add another tip to that... you know how working with neo magnets all your tool become magnetic? 

Well simple take a MOT secondary, wrap it with tape and connect it to a 120 wall plug and voila! an instant demagnetizer. One has about 10 or 15 minutes before it gets too hot (don't ask) [just poke the tool into the open core and withdraw slowly, all same tape head demagnetizing...]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 11, 2011, 11:18:14 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on June 11, 2011, 10:26:10 AM
Humm :-\ ... no one has commented on what looks to be an aluminum cylinder around Romero's rotor.
Am I the only one who sees this?  anyone else noticed?

Thanks Romero for looking at my research video's and further developing.

Thank you all for sharing

Hi Luc,
that is the way it it comes from the hdd.
I can promise u I have nothing there and it is a simple hdd motor.
look at the pictures below.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 11, 2011, 11:20:29 AM


" Quote from: konehead on Today at 04:06:02 PM

    when any of you need to clean off the dust and grit that collects on your neodimium magnets, use a "tack cloth" - it is a very sticky cloth that painters use to clean surfaces of dust and dirt before painting fine finishes...vacuum cleaner doesnt work very well to clean neodimiums this is only way I know really it works good...

Thats a good tip Doug, must try that! A dry rag just doesn't cut it, lol

Ron "

What about just putting a small strip of tape over top of the neo ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 11, 2011, 11:29:01 AM

Two opposing cores create out of phase condition.  In perfect setup can be tuned for very small amount of i/p current for a VERY large amount of reactive power. Reactive energy contains an abundance of magnetic flux while the electrical flux, BEMF is muted.  By selecting a matched load and tuning the parameters of inductance and capacitative to match a load a percentage of this energy can be converted to watts via transformation of the passing magnetic flux change from the neo magnets. In this simulation i can not show the effect of the magnets but the reactive power can be replicated perfectly while the i/p current and thus lugging the rotor will be a negative number in real life as energy is drawn from the ambient.

In this video it can be shown that just 12vdc normally coming from the generator coil i used transformers here to replicate 2 core coils that are 1:1 ratio can be powered  by external power source OR magnet energy source can lift the voltage to over 700 volts and almost 1 amp having a reactive power of 700 VARS.  The load can be placed in series with this loop an diode plugged to watts conversion into a large storage DC dump cap for approx 10% for a yield of 70 watts from an i/p power of well under 12 watts.  COP 5.8 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 11, 2011, 11:33:10 AM
aside from the fact that the Coil A and Coil B experiment has already been tried many times without success, but still assuming it IS indeed the "solution", it sure took a good 190 pages worth of forum thread to get that small paragraph out..

"connect this coil like this and the other one like this through these diodes, see?"

Romero seems to agree with the statement, but my GOD it took long enough to spit it out lol
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 11, 2011, 11:50:06 AM
Go look up thrapp 900 watt generator on youtube.   The DC motor is alike the pulse motor it simply turns the rotor. It can be ANYTHING.

The thrapp generator is wired so each pole is OUT OF PHASE. It makes no current in the conventional sense.

Behind that generator is a big  box of caps wired across the o/p of the generator to form a very large REACTIVE power source LUG FREE.

For 900 watts o/p there will be around 9 KVAR's  in circulation once the generator hits the correct resonance speed. In series with the loop is a diode plug and inverter system to convert the VARS to WATTS at 120VAC and 60Hz.  This is alike Romero's DC to DC converter its doing the same job.

This is because the generator itself is not running at 60hz nor is it powering the load directly. One of the lamp holders loops power post inverter stabilised to 120v and takes it back to the motor for driving the generator..== LOOPED

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: phoneboy on June 11, 2011, 12:25:18 PM
@Bruce_TPU & RomeroUK, haven't built anything yet but I think I get where you're going. Its just like what Naudin did with the miniromag gen? http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/mromexp.htm (http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/mromexp.htm) except you were using two coils? Quote "A simple diode has been used to short the back EMF part, and you can notice that the rotor speed remains constant...." So to bypass lenz, we don't use/cancel the induced EMF and use the energy/spike from the collapsing field?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 11, 2011, 12:33:20 PM
Quote from: Magneticitist on June 11, 2011, 11:33:10 AM
aside from the fact that the Coil A and Coil B experiment has already been tried many times without success, but still assuming it IS indeed the "solution", it sure took a good 190 pages worth of forum thread to get that small paragraph out..

"connect this coil like this and the other one like this through these diodes, see?"

Romero seems to agree with the statement, but my GOD it took long enough to spit it out lol

Quote from Romero: "All these requires a lot of patience and I am sorry to say it but not all of you have that."   ;)

Thank you Romero for continuing sharing all you have learned from your years of patient building and note taking!   

And thanks to Bruce_TPU for sharing your ideas on this.  I'm sure you have learned a lot from all the time spent in building TPU's and I have confidence in your thoughts on this.  Sounds like I'm going to be well stocked on diodes by the time I get through this ;)

And thanks to bolt too for your insights on how all this works even if I have trouble understanding it I hope to get it eventually.  I always thought the Thrapp gen was a real working device and that would seem to explain it.  Sounds like we are on the right track here. I wish for you to be able to have a lab setup where you could do some builds with all your knowledge.  Keep your mind open to opportunities where this could happen.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 11, 2011, 04:38:49 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 11, 2011, 08:07:08 AM
Thanks Romero,

I have been very quiet lately, working my butt off on my motor.  I have it running now, no generator coils as that is the next step.
Have taken all you have said to heart, answered  a lot of questions I had and theories I had worked up.  The motor runs from 4.5VDC to 18VDC +, The driver is JUST a hall effect, nothing more, air cores, @ 12VDC, only draws about 21mA when up to speed @ 1500 or so RPM.
So quiet you can hear the air rushing by the rotor which is made out of CD-R disc., per my friend Ossie.  Thanks for coming back.  Patience on this device is a must, you must almost be "driven" to work on it.....I took the clean low power way with my smaller device.
Anyway, Stay around, oh, you mentioned Zener diodes, at  less than 12VDC, a diode chain will produce a shunt regulator too.  Simple, efficient.  Picture of the "Art" I am working on,  sitting on desk, running on 9VDC battery.


Ben,   Very nice work.   
I like the idea of "The driver is JUST a hall effect"
Very simple and easy pulse motor. 
Now you can focus on the generator part.
I am doing similar experiments. 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 11, 2011, 06:52:11 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 11, 2011, 07:25:42 AM
Simple Example:
we have a rotor with NSNS and 2 coils, one to drive the rotor and one to collect.
the collector coil must have a core, any type but not air.
run it and measure the output of the collector and current going into the input coil
now to the end of the collector coil attach another core same type with the one used for the collector coil, same lenght too.
check the in and out - any change? good or bad?
check attaching only half lenght core - measure again ???
what about longer core.... measure again...
what about larger...?

Do you remember that youtube video posted by gotoluc some time back where he moved a magnet in front of the 2 microwave transformer coils? Well, that was a good inspiration for me and took it further. All I can say now is, thank you gotoluc!

that is enough for now

Best Regards to all,

So I would surmise Romero, that you have discovered a way to make a coil of special configuration and/or connection, that utilizes an alternating magnetic field presented to the face of its core, in such a way that loading this special coil has little to no effect in terms of causing drag on the rotor (alternating mag field) or cemf within itself?

Does the next logical step then involve taking advantage of the same effect by means of direct juxtaposition of the drive coil and collector coil, thus eliminating the rotor and magnets all together?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on June 11, 2011, 07:01:06 PM
Anybody knows how to convert a .stp or .stl file into a .dxf or .dwg file? I used FreeCAD to produce the CAD drawing of the rotor and stator (which can be only saved in .stl, .stp, .igs, and .brep formats), but the workshop only accepts .dxf or .dwg. It seems they have got a automated system that can produced according to CAD drawings.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 11, 2011, 07:09:09 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 11, 2011, 06:52:11 PM
So I would surmise Romero, that you have discovered a way to make a coil of special configuration and/or connection, that utilizes an alternating magnetic field presented to the face of its core, in such a way that loading this special coil has little to no effect in terms of causing drag on the rotor (alternating mag field) or cemf within itself?

Does the next logical step then involve taking advantage of the same effect by means of direct juxtaposition of the drive coil and collector coil, thus eliminating the rotor and magnets all together?

I am thinking of a alternative with SState but believe me it is not easy. So far I cannot picture a solid state device, I need to spend too much time for that and is not my intention now as I am in a busy period.
In the recent youtube video I am using for load only one side of the ac wave to power the LED's, the other side is used to keep the rotor rpm stable.
When we work with a coil and a movable magnet it is much easier than having a coil/fixed magnet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 11, 2011, 07:24:42 PM
So from this we can conclude that it is bifilar wound.

Using one end and CT to leds and the other end and CT back to drive coil.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hadcat on June 11, 2011, 07:30:50 PM
Quote from: lanenal on June 11, 2011, 07:01:06 PM
Anybody knows how to convert a .stp or .stl file into a .dxf or .dwg file? I used FreeCAD to produce the CAD drawing of the rotor and stator (which can be only saved in .stl, .stp, .igs, and .brep formats), but the workshop only accepts .dxf or .dwg. It seems they have got a automated system that can produced according to CAD drawings.

Here is how to convert stp to dwg.
http://www.ehow.com/how_7502016_convert-stp-dwg.html (http://www.ehow.com/how_7502016_convert-stp-dwg.html)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on June 11, 2011, 07:34:56 PM
Quote from: hadcat on June 11, 2011, 07:30:50 PM
Here is how to convert stp to dwg.
http://www.ehow.com/how_7502016_convert-stp-dwg.html (http://www.ehow.com/how_7502016_convert-stp-dwg.html)

Thanks hadcat, I tried it but it crashed right away...it might be due to my system.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 11, 2011, 09:01:27 PM
Hello everyone! for the past three days and nights i was readind this stuff. I also order the magnets that they will arrive to me monday. Great work every one!!! In 3-4 days i will post some picture with the muller device that i will build. The secret to this device , i think, is what Bruce just told us. Romero, you're the man!!!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 11, 2011, 09:04:15 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 11, 2011, 11:18:14 AM
Hi Luc,
that is the way it it comes from the hdd.
I can promise u I have nothing there and it is a simple hdd motor.
look at the pictures below.

Hi Remero,

I see what it is now :D... it's your magnets!  When spinning it looked like a aluminum cylinder around the disk platter, I was trying to understand what it was (circle in red) and where your magnets were on the platter.

I guess HDD has 2 or more platters and the magnets rest on both and are held with tape and maybe a little Super Glue.

Great idea ;) ... I think that would be small enough to experiment in my RV home ;D

Thanks for the reply and this great idea


ADDED BTW could you tell me the size of those bar magnets and the diameter of the HDD platter, as it all fit very nicely!  I'll see if I can find the same sizes. Thank you

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 11, 2011, 09:22:45 PM
Quote from: i_ron on June 11, 2011, 10:37:43 AM
Hi Luc,

Yes I saw that but had just put it down to 'rotor at speed' that the camera couldn't follow... however on second look it does look worthy of closer inspection!  JB uses aluminum rotors on the energizers, right?

So there is no (limited?) eddie currents with the aluminum travelling in conjunction with the magnets. Be nice to see a still picture as this could be a good way to make a rotor.

Love your channel, keep up the good work


Thanks for the reply and positive comment Ron :)

We know what the ring is now

Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 11, 2011, 09:42:54 PM
Thought you guys might find this interesting.
There is a plastics shop in the Denver area called "Plasticare"
Their web site is: http://www.plasticareinc.com/

They laser cut three 7" diameter by 1/2" thick rotors complete with all the necessary holes for only $45 for all three.

They did a very nice job but I might have to work on the hub a little to get it perfectly square with my shaft.
Still a work in process. I think I am going to increase my shaft size from 1/4" to 3/8" and use stainless steel instead of plain steel.

That is all for now.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 11, 2011, 09:52:19 PM
I have used 5 discs to make that rotor. I have many of them made with different magnets, different spacing and orientation.
I can only take the rotor off and replace it with another. This can be a good idea for other people. Always make sure you have the magnets fixed properly there and add few plastic rings on the outside and glue them on top of each other.
I cut my plastic rings from the plastic water or other drinks bottles.
It is easy and free from old HDD's. In my case working to do maintenace, upgrades,... to my customers I get lots of them free, other people should go to any local computer repair centre and ask for them. At least I am not paying for some of my toys. :)
It works perfect because of the very good bearings insideand perfect discs.
If people will use them for their projects do always use them to turn counterclock for best efficiency.

Last post for today

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 11, 2011, 09:52:24 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 11, 2011, 04:38:49 PM
Ben,   Very nice work.   
I like the idea of "The driver is JUST a hall effect"
Very simple and easy pulse motor. 
Now you can focus on the generator part.
I am doing similar experiments. 


Thanks Bill,

Didn't feel so great today so rested a lot and tied up loose ends.  Glued in magnets, balanced wheel, turned down top collar of bearing
to keep it clear of rotor, attached small switching power supply from China, tested.  Arrrrrggggg.  Power supply has a static drain of around 11 ma, which is almost the same as the rotor draws!  but nice to have a small power supply on rotor mount.  Rotor turns about 1225 @ 8VDC,  1700+@ 12VDC and 2200+@ 15VDC.  All current drains about 15-20 ma.  As RPM goes up, current drain goes down.  So if I feel good tomorrow, will build adjustable mount for two coil forms sitting on top of rotor,  wind "special" coils, and start adjusting/tuning/playing around with the hard stuff.  Not in a race here, just slow plodding along as/when I feel up to it.....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 11, 2011, 10:04:59 PM
Quote from: Scorch on June 11, 2011, 09:42:54 PM
Thought you guys might find this interesting.
There is a plastics shop in the Denver area called "Plasticare"
Their web site is: http://www.plasticareinc.com/

They laser cut three 7" diameter by 1/2" thick rotors complete with all the necessary holes for only $45 for all three.

They did a very nice job but I might have to work on the hub a little to get it perfectly square with my shaft.
Still a work in process. I think I am going to increase my shaft size from 1/4" to 3/8" and use stainless steel instead of plain steel.

That is all for now.

I use to buy fiberglass products from them ( Heath still work there?) I live in Loveland now and there is a plastic store in Ft collins that does the same stuff. May have to try to hook up some time, I get down to Denver about once a month or so.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 11, 2011, 10:13:26 PM

How I wish you are right.

Can you please point out, in the first video of Romero's dynamo (the 12:19 one),
where the capacitor that converts vars to useable power is ?


Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on June 11, 2011, 10:52:50 PM
Lasersaber has confirmed my test results. He demonstrates dramaticly how magnets increase output in his latest video:  

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 11, 2011, 10:53:30 PM
Hello Everyone,

I have been quietly watching the progression of this thread for several days now, and though I have been working mostly in the background to understand the basics of this stuff, I thought I would finally chime in and contribute something.

I think that you all should really pay more attention to the posts made by Bolt. He is very much a senior member on this forum and has contributed many, many insightful ideas that should not be overlooked. In particular, the post he made here was particularly instructive to my understanding:


The above post is simply a reiteration of what Bolt has been trying to speak to everyone since the beginning of this thread, and it took me a couple of read-throughs to really understand the essence of what he was trying to explain. But to help me really intuitively understand what was happening, I took some time and drew up a few quick simulations in the Java circuit simulator to observe the effects of tuning to series resonance on a simple 1 to 1 transformer. Recall that the primary "effect" of the coil acceleration is due to the 90-degree phase shift of voltage to current in the generator coils.

The first attached picture at the bottom of this post is a screenshot of the circuit that I ultimately ended up with.

As I continued to play with the idea, my thought was to model the circuit using the real inductance values of the pulse motor I have (which are 1.1 mH and 0.5 Ohms). So, I modeled the transformer as a 1:1 winding ratio with a inductive coupling coefficient of 0.3 (so basically the coils were loosely coupled magnetically). This was meant to simulate the magnets moving past the coil and electrically, the behavior is close enough to simulate with reasonable accuracy.

The 400 Hz input frequency was arrived at by calculating the speed of the motor to be 6000 RPMs. At this speed, the tuning capacitances would be low enough to realistically deal with. After setting these values, I calculated the necessary capacitance to put the generator coil into resonance (which was 143.9 uF). I also added the same value to the input side in a parallel resonance circuit to reduce the input power requirements as well (not required since the input represents a magnet rather than transformer).

The two 100uF capacitors may not necessarily need to be there but I found that the output current and voltage waveforms on the coil looked cleaner with them present. My assumption for the time being is that it somewhat decouples the output circuit from the resonant tank circuit of the coil. As for the DC Bridge rectifier portion of the circuit, I just arbitrarily choose a value for the DC smoothing cap and load resistor.

What I found was that when the output coil was properly tuned to resonance, the current waveform coming out of the coil did lag the voltage waveform by 90 degrees. But when the circuit got detuned, the voltage and current waveforms would be aligned with eachother. Factors that initially affected this were the resistance of the coil (represented by the 500mOhm resistance), and the load resistance on the bridge rectifier.

After playing with the model more, I finally found that the load resistance did not change the phasing of the coil as long as the 100uF caps were in place, Without them the waveform became heavily distorted which made it hard to make an accurate phase measurement.

However, the most wild thing about this particular circuit was the input and output values that were observed. I set the load resistance to 20Ohms with the input voltage being 300V (assumed to be the open-circuit output voltage of my pulse motor's coils at 6000 RPMs). With these settings, the input power was only about 20-30W peak while the output power across the 20 Ohm load was close to 1.7 kW. Of course, I was quite skeptical of these results and attempted to reproduce the schematic in Multisim to confirm the results that I was seeing. I took a screenshot of the setup (Attached below).

Using realistic circuit models for the bridge rectifier, I found that the output power was far lower than what the Java simulater predicted, however, I was very pleased to find that the phase behavior of the coil with and without resonance, and with light and heavy loads agreed 100% with the results I obtained in the Java simulator.

So now armed with these confirmations, the question to ask is why the coils would cause the generator to accelerate under load rather than decelerate. The simple answer is because the delay in current production also causes a delay in the magnetic field production. Since under normal circumstances, the induced voltage and current are in phase with eachother, the magnet experiences drag as soon as its movement induced an EMF in the coil. However in the resonant state, the magnetic field would be delayed by up to 90 degrees from the initial EMF.

For most coil geometries (particularly, a simple solenoid coil), the induced voltage positive and negative peaks occur when the magnet’s center is directly over the edge of the coil. This means that in the resonant state, the current would not even begin to rise until the magnet is almost under the coil or at top dead center (TDC). At this point, that means that any repulsion force generated by the coil would either have a reduced effect on the magnet or actually accelerate the magnet out from under the coil if the delay was far enough. This explains why high impedance coils naturally posses this quality â€" simply because the impedance of the coil added a sufficient delay to the generation of the magnetic field so as to give the moving magnet enough time to move under and away from the coil before experiencing significant drag.

- Jason O

EDIT: Also, forgot to mention this but for those who would like to get up to speed on the basics of AC rective power and VARS, check out this video here. The author does a pretty good job of explaining things and has a bunch of other nice videos on his YouTube channel explaining other topics with AC power:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 11, 2011, 11:14:47 PM
Quote from: phoneboy on June 11, 2011, 12:25:18 PM
@Bruce_TPU & RomeroUK, haven't built anything yet but I think I get where you're going. Its just like what Naudin did with the miniromag gen? http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/mromexp.htm (http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/mromexp.htm) except you were using two coils? Quote "A simple diode has been used to short the back EMF part, and you can notice that the rotor speed remains constant...." So to bypass lenz, we don't use/cancel the induced EMF and use the energy/spike from the collapsing field?
I think folks need to take a second look at this
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 12, 2011, 01:02:17 AM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 11, 2011, 10:53:30 PM
Hello Everyone,

I have been quietly watching the progression of this thread for several days now, and though I have been working mostly in the background to understand the basics of this stuff, I thought I would finally chime in and contribute something.

I think that you all should really pay more attention to the posts made by Bolt. He is very much a senior member on this forum and has contributed many, many insightful ideas that should not be overlooked. In particular, the post he made here was particularly instructive to my understanding:


The above post is simply a reiteration of what Bolt has been trying to speak to everyone since the beginning of this thread, and it took me a couple of read-throughs to really understand the essence of what he was trying to explain. But to help me really intuitively understand what was happening, I took some time and drew up a few quick simulations in the Java circuit simulator to observe the effects of tuning to series resonance on a simple 1 to 1 transformer. Recall that the primary "effect" of the coil acceleration is due to the 90-degree phase shift of voltage to current in the generator coils.

The first attached picture at the bottom of this post is a screenshot of the circuit that I ultimately ended up with.

As I continued to play with the idea, my thought was to model the circuit using the real inductance values of the pulse motor I have (which are 1.1 mH and 0.5 Ohms). So, I modeled the transformer as a 1:1 winding ratio with a inductive coupling coefficient of 0.3 (so basically the coils were loosely coupled magnetically). This was meant to simulate the magnets moving past the coil and electrically, the behavior is close enough to simulate with reasonable accuracy.

The 400 Hz input frequency was arrived at by calculating the speed of the motor to be 6000 RPMs. At this speed, the tuning capacitances would be low enough to realistically deal with. After setting these values, I calculated the necessary capacitance to put the generator coil into resonance (which was 143.9 uF). I also added the same value to the input side in a parallel resonance circuit to reduce the input power requirements as well (not required since the input represents a magnet rather than transformer).

The two 100uF capacitors may not necessarily need to be there but I found that the output current and voltage waveforms on the coil looked cleaner with them present. My assumption for the time being is that it somewhat decouples the output circuit from the resonant tank circuit of the coil. As for the DC Bridge rectifier portion of the circuit, I just arbitrarily choose a value for the DC smoothing cap and load resistor.

What I found was that when the output coil was properly tuned to resonance, the current waveform coming out of the coil did lag the voltage waveform by 90 degrees. But when the circuit got detuned, the voltage and current waveforms would be aligned with eachother. Factors that initially affected this were the resistance of the coil (represented by the 500mOhm resistance), and the load resistance on the bridge rectifier.

After playing with the model more, I finally found that the load resistance did not change the phasing of the coil as long as the 100uF caps were in place, Without them the waveform became heavily distorted which made it hard to make an accurate phase measurement.

However, the most wild thing about this particular circuit was the input and output values that were observed. I set the load resistance to 20Ohms with the input voltage being 300V (assumed to be the open-circuit output voltage of my pulse motor's coils at 6000 RPMs). With these settings, the input power was only about 20-30W peak while the output power across the 20 Ohm load was close to 1.7 kW. Of course, I was quite skeptical of these results and attempted to reproduce the schematic in Multisim to confirm the results that I was seeing. I took a screenshot of the setup (Attached below).

Using realistic circuit models for the bridge rectifier, I found that the output power was far lower than what the Java simulater predicted, however, I was very pleased to find that the phase behavior of the coil with and without resonance, and with light and heavy loads agreed 100% with the results I obtained in the Java simulator.

So now armed with these confirmations, the question to ask is why the coils would cause the generator to accelerate under load rather than decelerate. The simple answer is because the delay in current production also causes a delay in the magnetic field production. Since under normal circumstances, the induced voltage and current are in phase with eachother, the magnet experiences drag as soon as its movement induced an EMF in the coil. However in the resonant state, the magnetic field would be delayed by up to 90 degrees from the initial EMF.

For most coil geometries (particularly, a simple solenoid coil), the induced voltage positive and negative peaks occur when the magnet’s center is directly over the edge of the coil. This means that in the resonant state, the current would not even begin to rise until the magnet is almost under the coil or at top dead center (TDC). At this point, that means that any repulsion force generated by the coil would either have a reduced effect on the magnet or actually accelerate the magnet out from under the coil if the delay was far enough. This explains why high impedance coils naturally posses this quality â€" simply because the impedance of the coil added a sufficient delay to the generation of the magnetic field so as to give the moving magnet enough time to move under and away from the coil before experiencing significant drag.

- Jason O

EDIT: Also, forgot to mention this but for those who would like to get up to speed on the basics of AC rective power and VARS, check out this video here. The author does a pretty good job of explaining things and has a bunch of other nice videos on his YouTube channel explaining other topics with AC power:



Thanks for the simulation results. I totally agree with you about the key to possible O.U is where the current and voltage are tuned to 90 degree out of phase as Bolt and Romero both pointed to. Romero even stated that with one driver and one pick up, even tuned properly will not enough to generate enough juice to loop properly. I believe once people get to the part where they can tune their different builds properly, some may be able to replicate Romero's device but to to it consistently, the physics and mechanics must be properly understood. Great job and thanks for your confirming simulations. Looking forward to more sharing from you.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 12, 2011, 01:15:26 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on June 11, 2011, 09:04:15 PM
Hi Remero,

I see what it is now :D... it's your magnets!  When spinning it looked like a aluminum cylinder around the disk platter, I was trying to understand what it was (circle in red) and where your magnets were on the platter.

I guess HDD has 2 or more platters and the magnets rest on both and are held with tape and maybe a little Super Glue.

Great idea ;) ... I think that would be small enough to experiment in my RV home ;D

Thanks for the reply and this great idea


ADDED BTW could you tell me the size of those bar magnets and the diameter of the HDD platter, as it all fit very nicely!  I'll see if I can find the same sizes. Thank you
gotoluc,  having taken apart a lot of hard drives I'd say that is probably a 3½" hard drive.  Almost all hard drives other than real dinosaur's are 3½" hard drives and that is the platter size you see when you take them apart.  It's possible it could be a 5¼" (your very old 20 Megabyte to 140 Megabyte size hard drives from the late 80's to early 90's) platter HD but without much point of reference for size I'd still put my money on a 3½" based on platter color and commonality.  Laptop drives are generally 2½" so I think we can rule that out.  I've got a hard drive with about ten 14" platters but that's about as big and rare as you'll find so I doubt that's what he's got either :D   HDD trivia lesson done.     
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 12, 2011, 01:59:47 AM
Thanks e2matrix,

so 3.5" is = about 11" or 280mm in circumference

11 inches / 30 magnets = 0.367 inch or 9.33mm wide. So 28 of 10mm wide magnets should fit well.

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 12, 2011, 02:14:52 AM
Isn't it marvelous how a mistake can lead to discovery!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 12, 2011, 04:37:55 AM
I have just made another Video.
I have been doing more research about accelerating under load.     
I will make a better video with some circuit diagrams.
Hope this helps

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 12, 2011, 04:46:06 AM
might be off topic : if i understood correctly, a testla tower is a pure potential( V ) energy transmitter. That means the I and V phase difference is unlimited. If you say that Lenz happens because of I, then there should be a way to create a generator based on tesla tower that does not generate any Lenz effect ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Awe on June 12, 2011, 05:36:36 AM
Hi Everyone,

I’ve been following silently since day 1 and have also attempted a replication of this generator. Unfortunately my results are the same as everyone else…  No magic  :(

At first I’d fully populated the generator with the pickup coils, connected through FWBR’s and all paralleled to see if I could at least get 1:1, but alas, Lenz would take over at any sign of a load and slow the rotor down. I had tried the stator magnets trick, and adjusting the gap between the rotor and stator coils, but no joy.  As someone wrote earlier in this thread, +1 here for -1 there.

The pickup coils are the same (I assume) as Romero’s. 20mm-ish diameter, 10mm-ish height, 6mm core (sewing machine bobbins). I’d installed 15mmx6mm ferrite cores cut down from 40mmx6mm store bought. The litz wire I used is 7x0.190mm, as wires.co.uk had run out of the 7x0.125mm. I understand the wire is a different diameter from what Romero used, but after all the testing I’d performed using other wire I have; I doubt it’d make the difference.

As I’ve been testing for the past week with different combinations and toying around with different ideas, I’d removed most of the pickup coils and set focus on 1 single pair of pickup coils. Photos below show my progress.

On a side note, I kindly urge anyone else who’s tried replicating to come forward also, just so we can have a running tally of how many replications have been attempted...


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TheCell on June 12, 2011, 07:22:24 AM
this rotoverter theory , which depends on resonance:
IMHO this is not the whole story: if a cap parallel to the coil is connected, first measure the frequency of the standing wave of the generator coil .
This is measured without the parallel cap that is connected directly to the generator coil. Then chose the right cap value to get the resonance frequency equaling standing wave frequency.
This is the way a delamorto tuned his kapanadze like primary coil.
Does this apply here?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 12, 2011, 07:33:55 AM
Please note that romerouk video in:
    Drive coil and the generate coil wire leads, not that we use two, the extra wire leads connected to?
    Are between the drive coil and the generation coil connected to each other?
    Or should be concerned about his "special coil"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 08:23:26 AM
I've been busy yesterday, Take a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5cdhOmwofI
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 12, 2011, 08:35:21 AM
Quote from: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 08:23:26 AM
I've been busy yesterday, Take a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5cdhOmwofI

Very nice results!
Pitty, you couldn't show the current consumption while BEMF was fed to the power source when the extra parallel capacitor was on and off to the coil.
Could you measure the difference in current in such cases?

Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 08:41:00 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 12, 2011, 08:35:21 AM
Very nice results!
Pitty, you couldn't show the current consumption while BEMF was fed to the power source when the extra parallel capacitor was on and off to the coil.
Could you measure the difference in current in such cases?

Thanks for sharing.
I did this during the experiments and the current remains the same.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 12, 2011, 08:47:44 AM
Quote from: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 08:23:26 AM
I've been busy yesterday, Take a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5cdhOmwofI

GOOD work!  There are a lot of people working on this out there!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 12, 2011, 08:49:41 AM
Quote from: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 08:23:26 AM
I've been busy yesterday, Take a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5cdhOmwofI

plyz shematic circuit conection coil, condencator ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Awe on June 12, 2011, 08:57:57 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 11, 2011, 07:25:42 AM


Simple Example:
we have a rotor with NSNS and 2 coils, one to drive the rotor and one to collect.
the collector coil must have a core, any type but not air.
run it and measure the output of the collector and current going into the input coil
now to the end of the collector coil attach another core same type with the one used for the collector coil, same lenght too.
check the in and out - any change? good or bad?
check attaching only half lenght core - measure again ???
what about longer core.... measure again...
what about larger...?


Hi Romero,

I had tried this on my replication a few days ago and noticed the rotor does not slow as much as a dead
short load. But at the time I thought nothing of it because my collector coils are approx 1ohm, and substituting
a 1ohm resistor resulted in a similar rotor speed. Your suggestion however prompted me to return to the
experiment and document some interesting info.

First I found the no load rotor speed of 2287rpm.
Then with a 1ohm resister load, speed changed to 1530rpm @ 0.75A AC current draw across the resistor.
Then with a single collector coil as the load, speed changed to 1650rpm @ 0.77A AC current draw across the collector coil.

This is great news. We can draw more current from the load and/or at least decrease the rotor drag with a
collector coil in series with a load!

I then wanted to increase the core size as you suggested, but my cores are glued in, so I simply placed the
collector coil ontop of some pliers. To my surpirse, the rotor speed increased again to 1912rpm @ 0.67A AC
current draw across the collector coil.
Interesting how the rotor increased speed, but the load current draw decreased also. No real gain there I guess?

I then took it one more step and pulled out some Metglass C cores I had lying around from past experiments.
They already had approx 1ohm of 0.63mm wire coiled around them - perfect!
With a single Metglass C core as a load, the speed changed to 2220rpm @ 0.36A AC current draw across the Metglass C coil.

Finally, still using the Metglass C core as a load, I pressed the other half against it to complete the core
shape, and the rotor speed changed to full speed of 2287rpm @ 0.01A AC current draw. Amazing how the
load vanished completely, but so did the load current draw!

At this point a light bulb in series with the full Metglass C cores goes out completely. However the same
light bulb in parallel will light to the same brightness as if it were the only load. The rotor speed is the same
with or without the Metglass cores in parallel with the bulb. Interesing, but no real gain..??

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 12, 2011, 09:21:27 AM
Guys, please keep the photo and graphics  attachment size limited to 600 pixels horizontal.
This helps reading on small devices.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 12, 2011, 09:22:50 AM
Quote from: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 08:41:00 AM
I did this during the experiments and the current remains the same.

OK, thanks for that confirmation.
So, what you basically say is that the extra capacitor does not matter with respect to performance.
At least, not the value you used.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 12, 2011, 09:47:42 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 12, 2011, 09:22:50 AM
OK, thanks for that confirmation.
So, what you basically say is that the extra capacitor does not matter with respect to performance.
At least, not the value you used.
oh yes, the capacitor value is very important.
Knowing the voltage and the coil inductance we can easily calculate if not exact but aprox value of the right capacitorto be used.
I will stop posting here as we are only talking about OU principles and ideas to be implemented not the Muller dynamo.
I will be posting in the other treads not related.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 12, 2011, 09:59:55 AM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 11, 2011, 10:53:30 PM
However, the most wild thing about this particular circuit was the input and output values that were observed. I set the load resistance to 20Ohms with the input voltage being 300V (assumed to be the open-circuit output voltage of my pulse motor's coils at 6000 RPMs). With these settings, the input power was only about 20-30W peak while the output power across the 20 Ohm load was close to 1.7 kW. Of course, I was quite skeptical of these results and attempted to reproduce the schematic in Multisim to confirm the results that I was seeing. I took a screenshot of the setup (Attached below).

Excellent work!  Now of course your are dealing with simulators but in real life once the power factor is maintained in this fashion the ambient will pump real joules into the coil so long as you can maintain a near prefect VSWR of infinity. There are several methods to keep the PF in the desired phase including switching on and off the load in synchronous mode, coil shorting, passive tuned, Sine clipping using zener triggers, bucket brigade delay lines and using several PF tuned stages to cascade the COP or in other words provide greater and greater source to load isolation.

Or you take steps to cancel the BEMF using bifilar coils or out of phase coils back to back.

Remember there is no in phase current presented to the source and therefore no lugging yet is capable of producing a very powerful magnetic flux opposite to that usually created by a BEMF event so this actually pushes the rotor faster just as the rotor passes TDC. This is the basis of rotorverter technology and the point being you do not have to have diodes in the circuit to have this effect it will work in pure AC as well as conversion to DC.

See Newman Motor runs on just a few PP3 batteries. There is hardly any current taken by the load yet it turns several hundred pound iron motor and most important observation is the magnetic flux generated by the motor coils is  so powerful it spins a magnet violently  over 12ft away from the motor!!  From my experience the conversion factor from VARS to WATTS  is about 10% thus your 1.7kw example is in effect ready for driving a 170 watt OU load minus 30 watts i/p power = 140 watts nett = COP 4.66
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 12, 2011, 10:11:39 AM
Quote from: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 08:23:26 AM
I've been busy yesterday, Take a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5cdhOmwofI

can you post a circuit diagram for us please

great job
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 12, 2011, 10:13:43 AM
Too much idiocy, open-mouthed gazeings, yes-sir, oh-beatiful ...  :o
But such kind COIL could not be possible even for ultimate morons,
Start of each strand goes to the same as the end of  ???
At least for me this is nonsense ::)

Nevertheless - any success?
Looks like some guys have been absent without leave, some are chagrined,
some have started with new ideas Messiah did carry out  ;)
Looks like Man in Black does not harass anymore  8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 12, 2011, 10:14:20 AM
I will need to support this with a circuit diagram to help explain what I have been researching.

YouTube - &#x202a;RomeroUK Muller Replication accelerating under load.Video 2&#x202c;&rlm;

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 12, 2011, 10:36:35 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 12, 2011, 09:59:55 AM
See Newman Motor runs on just a few PP3 batteries. There is hardly any current taken by the load yet it turns several hundred pound iron motor and most important observation is the magnetic flux generated by the motor coils is  so powerful it spins a magnet violently  over 12ft away from the motor!!  From my experience the conversion factor from VARS to WATTS  is about 10% thus your 1.7kw example is in effect ready for driving a 170 watt OU load minus 30 watts i/p power = 140 watts nett = COP 4.66

It's not the RPM that is representing the output power, but the capability of changing RPM within a certain time frame.
A one ton wheel can have 10.000 RPM without requiring any power if the friction is zero.

Conversion from VARS to WATTS depends on the power factor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 12, 2011, 11:33:11 AM

Has anyone here produced a video demonstrating the "speed under load" effect? Link please?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 12, 2011, 11:36:21 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 12, 2011, 11:33:11 AM

Has anyone here produced a video demonstrating the "speed under load" effect? Link please?


see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5cdhOmwofI a few post back

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 12, 2011, 12:45:42 PM
Quote from: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 08:23:26 AM
I've been busy yesterday, Take a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5cdhOmwofI

Congrats very nice demonstration, please help us replicate that effect.
Maybe you can describe exactly what you did and what components you used?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 12, 2011, 01:49:17 PM

I think it is now easier to see the entire operating principal. It's not just resonance, but near resonance is required and it's not a standing wave, since anything that draws from a standing wave will serve to consume the standing wave as the power factor in increased.

So now slow motion?
The rotor magnet approaches the coil and induces voltage, but there is no current for two reasons.

1: The coil is essentially not connected because the load does not show up until the voltage reaches a level where it engages the load. (12v possibly )

2: The coil inductance and load capacitance create a low resonate frequency that further delays the current flow.

The current flow is what will do useful work and also causes lenz force to cause rotor load, but at this time lenz was delayed to a point where the rotor magnet is already directly under the coil and any lenz force pushing on the magnet only can serve to push the rotor faster or have no effect at all!

The magnet is forced out and the inverse phase begins. The coil field collapses and current is again pulled from the coil in the reverse direction, again with an inverted and delayed lenz force which at this time only serves to pull on the incoming rotor magnet.

Unfortunately this process may never be able to be applied to a MEG device because the forces applied from lenz, though delayed, are currently applied against a permanent magnet and at no cost, but in a MEG system these forces will always be applied against another coil to induce negative effect.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 12, 2011, 02:07:59 PM
I think it is now easier to see the entire operating principal. It's not just resonance, but near resonance is required and it's not a standing wave, since anything that draws from a standing wave will serve to consume the standing wave as the power factor in increased.

ONLY if you allow that to happen.

So now slow motion?
The rotor magnet approaches the coil and induces voltage, but there is no current for two reasons.

1: The coil is essentially not connected because the load does not show up until the voltage reaches a level where it engages the load. (12v possibly )

True but what happens when the source voltage is 0.1v higher than the load demand? Instant lugging without employing other methods.

2: The coil inductance and load capacitance create a low resonate frequency that further delays the current flow.

Yes already the PF is shifted as desired.

The current flow is what will do useful work and also causes lenz force to cause rotor load, but at this time lenz was delayed to a point where the rotor magnet is already directly under the coil and any lenz force pushing on the magnet only can serve to push the rotor faster or have no effect at all!

Looking for a faster rotor is an artefact.   In the first instance we look for no lugging at the desired speed of the rotor which runs in incremental harmonic steps with the load.. RV can suddenly latch in to harmonic octaves and increment speed latching onto higher harmonics increases energy as VARS runs to several KVARS and the motor literately explodes!

The magnet is forced out and the inverse phase begins. The coil field collapses and current is again pulled from the coil in the reverse direction, again with an inverted and delayed lenz force which at this time only serves to pull on the incoming rotor magnet.

Unfortunately this process may never be able to be applied to a MEG device because the forces applied from lenz, though delayed, are currently applied against a permanent magnet and at no cost, but in a MEG system these forces will always be applied against another coil to induce negative effect.

Correct in your analysis but false for it not working as Isamael MEG is already a 1000w OU device with a COP of 2.7
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 12, 2011, 02:16:28 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 12, 2011, 02:07:59 PM

Correct in your analysis but false for it not working as Isamael MEG is already a 1000w OU device with a COP of 2.7

I have seen a thousand claims, but I have only seen one that is self running!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 02:27:51 PM
Some pictures worth a zilion words. The coil is winded on a ferite core I buy from TME 5 piece at 1 euro, got 600 turns, single wire CuEm 0,7 mm.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 02:29:15 PM
And here is the schematic I use:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 12, 2011, 02:43:10 PM
Quote from: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 02:27:51 PM
Some pictures worth a zilion words. The coil is winded on a ferite core I buy from TME 5 piece at 1 euro, got 600 turns, single wire CuEm 0,7 mm.

Hi keykhin
   Your work is really amazing.
   Please provide specific details of the coil installation,
   And the detailed circuit schematic.
   Thank you very much
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 12, 2011, 03:03:24 PM
Quote from: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 02:29:15 PM
And here is the schematic I use:
Hi keykhin:
    Thank you for your circuit schematic.
    In accordance with the circuit diagram you provided, there is no specific generate coil it? Each coil requires you to provide a circuit, namely: each coil is to serve as drivers, but also as a generate? Output power entirely from the BEMF?

    Thank you for answer!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 12, 2011, 03:12:01 PM
Quote from: Arthurs on June 12, 2011, 03:03:24 PM
Hi keykhin:
    Thank you for your circuit schematic.
    In accordance with the circuit diagram you provided, there is no specific generate coil it? Each coil requires you to provide a circuit, namely: each coil is to serve as drivers, but also as a generate? Output power entirely from the BEMF?

    Thank you for answer!
I'm not trying to replicate Romero's generator. What you see there is an attempt to build a very efficient motor for electric vehicles. A project I started four months ago. I just use the rotor and the upper plate. As you can see my design is more like Adams or Bedini design, not Muller. I discover regenerative acceleration ages ago as Thane C Heins who demonstrate the same effect in a lot of his videos. When I will have more time and cash to spend, I will be back. That's all for now, good luck, happy tinkering and .... Keep in touch!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 12, 2011, 03:36:16 PM

How do the results compare when you do not use the parallel capacitor?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 12, 2011, 03:57:09 PM

Sadly, I don't think that I would be able to cope with a gazillion questions (llike Romero did), so I need to be careful how I say this.

I put the dynamo back on the table yesterday afternoon. Thought I would try a couple of different

I can tell you that the magic happens when everything is connected.

From the first pickup coil pair, I was only getting very few millivolts. But once all 7 were connected,
the unit begins to produce real voltage and current.

It was only due to poor workmanship on my part, that sitting there watching this thing go round, I could see arcing at one of the pickup coil pair connectors. I had connected a parallel cap to each
pair using those short leads with aligator clips and one of the clips was oh so close to the next pin.

You guessed it, putting a dead short on one of the coils, the system did not slow much but the voltage and current went up .

What more can I say other than, a big thank you to Romero and the rest of you guys for
putting up with my silly and sometimes annoying posts.

I am going to try and purchase a DC-DC converter today and I promise to let you know
how it works out.

Kindest Regards, Penno (Garry)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 12, 2011, 04:23:09 PM

Thanks for that.

Is there a way to turn off PMs ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 12, 2011, 04:35:05 PM
Hi Penno,

Perhaps you may wish to briefly describe:

your input voltage used and input current?

Output DC voltage across the big puffer capacitor (by the way,how many uF in value is it)

Say you have 14V DC output voltage, then try to choose a normal load resistor which gives say two times as many load current as you input current, just for curiosity, till your DC-DC converter arrives.

And maybe some pictures of the present setup?  And do not change it till the converter arrives...  maybe gently fine tune the cores with ceramic magnets...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 12, 2011, 04:48:11 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 12, 2011, 04:54:18 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 12, 2011, 03:57:09 PM

Sadly, I don't think that I would be able to cope with a gazillion questions (llike Romero did), so I need to be careful how I say this.

I put the dynamo back on the table yesterday afternoon. Thought I would try a couple of different

I can tell you that the magic happens when everything is connected.

From the first pickup coil pair, I was only getting very few millivolts. But once all 7 were connected,
the unit begins to produce real voltage and current.

It was only due to poor workmanship on my part, that sitting there watching this thing go round, I could see arcing at one of the pickup coil pair connectors. I had connected a parallel cap to each
pair using those short leads with aligator clips and one of the clips was oh so close to the next pin.

You guessed it, putting a dead short on one of the coils, the system did not slow much but the voltage and current went up .

What more can I say other than, a big thank you to Romero and the rest of you guys for
putting up with my silly and sometimes annoying posts.

I am going to try and purchase a DC-DC converter today and I promise to let you know
how it works out.

Kindest Regards, Penno (Garry)
Hi penno64
    All 7 coil in the bridge rectifier after the parallel?
    The stator side of the magnets are not used?
    How much speed?
    Input voltage, input current is how much?
    Output voltage, output current is how much?

    Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 12, 2011, 04:56:14 PM

Do you think it is possible, that one of your pickup coils was shorted or close to it - caused by
your early alltempt to self loop.

I ask only as you mentioned, you nearly melted down your coils.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 12, 2011, 05:09:28 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 12, 2011, 03:57:09 PM

Sadly, I don't think that I would be able to cope with a gazillion questions (llike Romero did), so I need to be careful how I say this.

I put the dynamo back on the table yesterday afternoon. Thought I would try a couple of different

I can tell you that the magic happens when everything is connected.

From the first pickup coil pair, I was only getting very few millivolts. But once all 7 were connected,
the unit begins to produce real voltage and current.

It was only due to poor workmanship on my part, that sitting there watching this thing go round, I could see arcing at one of the pickup coil pair connectors. I had connected a parallel cap to each
pair using those short leads with aligator clips and one of the clips was oh so close to the next pin.

You guessed it, putting a dead short on one of the coils, the system did not slow much but the voltage and current went up .

What more can I say other than, a big thank you to Romero and the rest of you guys for
putting up with my silly and sometimes annoying posts.

I am going to try and purchase a DC-DC converter today and I promise to let you know
how it works out.

Kindest Regards, Penno (Garry)

Garry,  Congratulations!!!
Looking forward to a video with the DC-DC converter and self-running. 

I am assuming you only needed just one pick-up coil shorted.   

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 12, 2011, 06:57:16 PM
penno,  Nice work!   For a DC-DC converter at a very nice price you might want to look at one of these: http://cgi.ebay.com/DC-DC-Converter-Board-Voltage-Regulator-Stepdown-Module-/230631229697?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35b2b14901

There are other fleaBay sellers that sell this exact same item if you are not in the U.S. as that seller seems to only sell to the U.S.  It's a very efficient converter and I think one that would probably work good in this setup.  $8.99 with free shipping is a lot less than a Maplin and it's not in a plastic shell but who needs that for now.  Put it in plastic and someone will say you are hiding a battery in there :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 12, 2011, 07:14:30 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on June 11, 2011, 10:04:59 PM
I use to buy fiberglass products from them ( Heath still work there?) I live in Loveland now and there is a plastic store in Ft collins that does the same stuff. May have to try to hook up some time, I get down to Denver about once a month or so.

I don't know if anybody named Heath is there.
Just know the price was right for three machined rotors to play with.
BTW: All three rotors in the image are the same size but the camera perspective made them look different.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on June 12, 2011, 07:35:43 PM
Vid from diveflyfish
regarding parallel FWBRs  :o

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 12, 2011, 07:50:03 PM
Quote from: TEKTRON on June 12, 2011, 07:35:43 PM
Vid from diveflyfish
regarding parallel FWBRs  :o


Very nice video.   That is cool science.   There was no change in the amps out between the two set-ups.   Voltage increased.   Considering all the additive design points for this device  there a lot of variables.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 12, 2011, 08:10:40 PM
you guys are going to love this video!


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 12, 2011, 08:33:33 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 12, 2011, 08:10:40 PM
you guys are going to love this video!



Excellent work! It looks like you have it! Just add the other coils and you will be OU!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 12, 2011, 08:38:00 PM
Quote from: lumen on June 12, 2011, 08:33:33 PM

I think you have it! Just add the other coils and you will be OU!

I wish, not that easy. Having 12v x 500ma input and only 3v x 18ma output is way too far from OU. May be there is some more magic in the buffer capacitor that Romero uses and when ALL coils are together. I also will have to reduce that input power consumption a lot.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: eastcoastwilly on June 12, 2011, 10:27:10 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 12, 2011, 08:38:00 PM
I wish, not that easy. Having 12v x 500ma input and only 3v x 18ma output is way too far from OU. May be there is some more magic in the buffer capacitor that Romero uses and when ALL coils are together. I also will have to reduce that input power consumption a lot.



What was the load you were running. Those led's were running on 3 volts @ 18 mA ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 12, 2011, 10:29:09 PM
Quote from: eastcoastwilly on June 12, 2011, 10:27:10 PM

What was the load you were running. Those led's were running on 3 volts @ 18 mA ?

The load is shown on the video. It is a one ohm resistor on the output of the FWBR and one ohm resistor in series with the 2 gen coils.

The LEDs on the input is just to show the BEMF of the drive coil. If the motor is indeed not being affected by the load I noticed that those LEDs do not use any extra energy only the BEMF.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 12, 2011, 11:44:32 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 12, 2011, 10:29:09 PM
The load is shown on the video. It is a one ohm resistor on the output of the FWBR and one ohm resistor in series with the 2 gen coils.

The LEDs on the input is just to show the BEMF of the drive coil. If the motor is indeed not being affected by the load I noticed that those LEDs do not use any extra energy only the BEMF.


Very Good! You are heading in the right direction.   A couple of things though. Don't be concerned at all with the i/p watts for now in fact  900 rpm is a bit slow. Crank it up to around 1500-2000 rpm even if it doubles the watts its not important at this time...just ignore it.

You need a LARGE dump cap biggest you can find where you are going to collect everything into. Even with ONE coil make sure you dump into that cap and you take your loads from there instead and NOT from individual coils. When testing another coil your disconnect the others going to the dump cap EXCEPT the one you are tuning till everything completed then add them all into together.

When  tuning to loads think about what your final load will be? Lets say its  12v 24 watt lamp which is 2 amps or 2 ohm load.  This load is going to be shared in effect by 10 generator coils all connected  all parallel via each bridge  to the large dump cap so each coil needs to make an impedance match of 20 ohms not 1 ohm as collectively  they will make up for the 2 ohm 24 watt lamp.

Think of each coil as an amplifier output and you want to drive 8 ohm speaker systems.  If you have 2 off 8 ohm speaker in parallel you end up with a 4 ohm load.

If you get 24 watts OU and 12 watts required to drive it you still have an OU rig.

Take another look at those wave forms on your scope they are something close but still a long way off tune. Each side of the sine spikes should be symmetrical  where yours has a very sharp edge on one side then a zero point flat the other. The two series caps you have there may not be necessary usually you can tune a coil with just one cap to force it out of phase correctly but do what you feel best.

The last point is you can not skimp on cap tuning its VERY VERY VERY critical to find the right values then move the back end magnet a millimetre at a time to tune the inductance slightly to get the perfect match.  When you find the magic spot your voltage will also shoot up a lot into the dump cap. Unless you are damn lucky  winding coils with the same inductance to cancel out perfect i think you will always need to do some cap tuning and or adjust the back end magnet using different size plastic shims under the washer to adjust the bias.

Anyway i think you are doing well.:)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on June 13, 2011, 01:44:47 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 12, 2011, 03:57:09 PM
Sadly, I don't think that I would be able to cope with a gazillion questions

Hi penno64,
I hope that your setup will continue to perform as you describe.
If it turns out to be true, I propose that I will open a new thread
"penno64's FAQs regarding his RomeroUK Muller replication"
or such like.
I would then collect all incoming questions in the first post of this new thread and copy your replies into this list as well (provided Harti grants me the rights to continuously edit that posting).
This way you would not have to answer questions twice but could direct everybody to that "FAQ-page".
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 13, 2011, 02:27:19 AM
And here is the schematic I use:

Hello Keykshin

I really enjoyed your video. A rough setup demonstrating something beautifully. Thanks for sharing.

By the way, i want to stress from your circuit diagram, as many have noticed also, that the cap put in parallel to the coil and making the buzzing sound, is not running on its L (coil) C (cap) fundamental resonant frequency rather than harmonic. i think the o-scope shows that also. (much higher frequency oscillations)


Key Question: When connected the load (bulb) or the power source to the coil, (that serves also as motor-collector coil) does the capacitor makes a difference there?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 13, 2011, 03:55:10 AM
@Keykshin: very simple but nice video
@penno64: just wow. Congrats. In case adding new coils to the system is so difficult. Then why not separate the power collecting from the coils. Like an opto cupler...So you could tune the coils individually to not bother the speed and be able to collect something.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 13, 2011, 05:14:27 AM
@baroutologos: It does not make any difference when the cap is connected or not. An LC tank is like a pendulum, give him a push and it starts to balance with a specific period, the amplitude decrease and after a while it stops. Putting a heavy load on a LC tank is like you grab the pendulum and block it. I think the circuit that member "Jdo300" post it on this forum and user "plengo" reproduce it in his last video will do the job. Keep in touch, Key.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on June 13, 2011, 05:46:27 AM
   Since a lot of peeps are posting pics, guess I will
add to the pile. This is where Thay works and plays
in the little off time he has.
   Just getting the last of the back side coils rewound
as I did them wrong first time around. Did a hand spin
and got 3.5 amps at 4 volts dead short on 3 coils with
lots of drag. Now to start adding all the goodies that
have been posted lately.


  First is my pile of antiques I use and second is the
split open waiting for the last coil to be wound.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 13, 2011, 06:21:26 AM
Quote from: Thaelin on June 13, 2011, 05:46:27 AM
   Since a lot of peeps are posting pics, guess I will
add to the pile. This is where Thay works and plays
in the little off time he has.
   Just getting the last of the back side coils rewound
as I did them wrong first time around. Did a hand spin
and got 3.5 amps at 4 volts dead short on 3 coils with
lots of drag. Now to start adding all the goodies that
have been posted lately.


  First is my pile of antiques I use and second is the
split open waiting for the last coil to be wound.

OMG  we are all so much alike. :)
What I propose in the circuit below is a cascading technique. Circuit 1 draws its drive power from the original supply and charges its capacitor to a predetermined potential that is capable of a greater potential than the initial startup supply delivered from Circuit 1.

They all run fast under load. :)
Circuit 2, in course charges another capacitor that then supplies a greater potential to Circuit 3. Circuit 3 in turn powers Circuit 4 and so on down the line.
In the Muller Design we have 9 coil pairs. Because of the inductance of the coils the voltage exponentially rises at each stage. The beautiful thing about this concept is that the motor generator increases RPM because of the collecting load to its capacitor and the voltage increase to the second drive stage.
Collecting the power in the capacitors increases drive torque as well as RPM by means of increased acceleration under load and increased acceleration by greatly cascading the voltage to the supply, circuit by circuit. To date I have tested a 1 â€" 2 â€" 3 configuration, and so far it appears to function as described.

Today’s Research â€" A cascading technique
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 13, 2011, 06:50:47 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 12, 2011, 03:57:09 PM

From the first pickup coil pair, I was only getting very few millivolts. But once all 7 were connected,
the unit begins to produce real voltage and current.

You guessed it, putting a dead short on one of the coils, the system did not slow much but the voltage and current went up .

Kindest Regards, Penno (Garry)
Hi all:
    We believe that "penno64" whether the experimental results and theoretical possibility?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 13, 2011, 09:40:23 AM

That is a great video. Thanks.

Is it possible for you to record how you connected the drive coils. Is the pulse entering the first drive coil on the side that is closest to the core or not. Have you tested it both ways?

Also, I am very curious about one major test if possible. If you add another coil in series with the two already mounted drive coils. Maybe the primary of a regular transformer coil of good mH value. It should not be mounted. Just keep it on the table and connect it in series with the drive coils, but not on the side that receives the pulse.

My theory is that this will create a shift in the center point of the two drive coils more to the end of the second coil making both coils more reactive, hence providing more output field to the rotor magnets.

Very good work indeed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 13, 2011, 10:34:50 AM
Hello Bolt & Everyone,

Thank you very much for the positive response. Bolt, I was particularly interested in this comment you made below:

QuoteThere are several methods to keep the PF in the desired phase including switching on and off the load in synchronous mode, coil shorting, passive tuned, Sine clipping using zener triggers, bucket brigade delay lines and using several PF tuned stages to cascade the COP or in other words provide greater and greater source to load isolation.

I believe I am familiar with all of the methods other than the bucket brigade delay lines and the cascaded, tuned, stages. Would you mind posting an example or explanation of how such a circuit is arranged? I plan to do some testing myself soon and would like to try several different topologies to compare the performance, though my favorite method at this point is coil shorting. Which method out of the ones you listed do you think is the best to work with (performance wise)?

@keykhin & Plengo,

Nice replications you have there! But as others have stated, I don't think you will see the full benefit of the AC capacitor until you tune the value to match the equivalent frequency of the induced EMF in your generator coils. Though it is encouraging to see that the HF ringing created by the capacitor can reduce the load on your motor, the tuning is absolutely critical to really get the benefit. The simple way to determine the capacitance you need is to simply rework the standard LC resonant frequency formula to solve for C based on the desired RPM of your motor:

C = 900 / [L * (Pi * Poles * RPM)^2]


C = Capacitance of the capacitor (In Farads)
L = Inductance of the generator coil (in Henries) (or coils if multiple coils are wired together)
Pi = Pi (Ï€)
Poles = Number of magnets on your motor's rotor
RPM = RPMs that you will be tuning the coil to run at.

This formula is extremely useful for quickly determining the value of the tuning cap for your pulse motor. And since everyone here has different coils, motors and rotational speeds, you can all determine which cap value will work best for you based on your design's operating parameters.

For Example, for my pulse motor, my rotor has four magnets with two sets of coils on either side of the rotor. If I want to use one pair of coils as drivers and the other pair as the generator, I can do that.

In my case, the inductance of each of my coils is 1.1mH. So if I have the generator cois wired in series, that gives me 2.2 mH for the L value in the formula.

If I want to run my motor at, say, 6000 RPMs and tune for that speed, I can plug these values into the formula to calculate the capacitance, C, like so:

C = 900 / [0.0022 * (3.14159 * 4 * 6000)^2] = 71.97E-6 = 71.97 uF.

Remember, the whole point is to tune the motor to run at resonance, which creates the 90-degree phase shift between the voltage and current waveforms. In this state, the Power Factor is 0 (system is totally reactive), the VSWR is infinity, and you have no loading on the generator itself :-).

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 13, 2011, 11:34:24 AM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 13, 2011, 10:34:50 AM
Hello Bolt & Everyone,

Thank you very much for the positive response. Bolt, I was particularly interested in this comment you made below:

I believe I am familiar with all of the methods other than the bucket brigade delay lines and the cascaded, tuned, stages. Would you mind posting an example or explanation of how such a circuit is arranged? I plan to do some testing myself soon and would like to try several different topologies to compare the performance, though my favorite method at this point is coil shorting. Which method out of the ones you listed do you think is the best to work with (performance wise)?

@keykhin & Plengo,

Nice replications you have there! But as others have stated, I don't think you will see the full benefit of the AC capacitor until you tune the value to match the equivalent frequency of the induced EMF in your generator coils. Though it is encouraging to see that the HF ringing created by the capacitor can reduce the load on your motor, the tuning is absolutely critical to really get the benefit. The simple way to determine the capacitance you need is to simply rework the standard LC resonant frequency formula to solve for C based on the desired RPM of your motor:

C = 900 / [L * (Pi * Poles * RPM)^2]


C = Capacitance of the capacitor (In Farads)
L = Inductance of the generator coil (in Henries) (or coils if multiple coils are wired together)
Pi = Pi (Ï€)
Poles = Number of magnets on your motor's rotor
RPM = RPMs that you will be tuning the coil to run at.

This formula is extremely useful for quickly determining the value of the tuning cap for your pulse motor. And since everyone here has different coils, motors and rotational speeds, you can all determine which cap value will work best for you based on your design's operating parameters.

For Example, for my pulse motor, my rotor has four magnets with two sets of coils on either side of the rotor. If I want to use one pair of coils as drivers and the other pair as the generator, I can do that.

In my case, the inductance of each of my coils is 1.1mH. So if I have the generator cois wired in series, that gives me 2.2 mH for the L value in the formula.

If I want to run my motor at, say, 6000 RPMs and tune for that speed, I can plug these values into the formula to calculate the capacitance, C, like so:

C = 900 / [0.0022 * (3.14159 * 4 * 6000)^2] = 71.97E-6 = 71.97 uF.

Remember, the whole point is to tune the motor to run at resonance, which creates the 90-degree phase shift between the voltage and current waveforms. In this state, the Power Factor is 0 (system is totally reactive), the VSWR is infinity, and you have no loading on the generator itself :-).

- Jason O

Correct in my prior posts i stated the tuning cap is probably going to be around 10uf to 100uf which need tuning within 0.1uf then fine tuned by moving the back end magnet to tweak the inductance.

Bucket brigade is a lot of 10,000uf load caps which are switched sequentially using an array of fets. So the first cap sees the joules from the generator then it charges the first dump cap. The cap is then disconnected from the generator then it switches to a second cap to fill that. Then that cap disconnects and fills a third cap then that disconnects then finally is connected to the load. Even more so the cap bank is in an ARRAY so that the caps are 3 layers deep by say 9 layers wide.  As the first layer has just discharged into the load the second layer is charging the 2rd cap while the 3rd layer is just taking a fresh generator sample. It bit complex but hopefully you can see that caps move energy through time.

What this does is move JOULES thru time to convert VARS to WATTS without any loading whatsoever.  This system is currently employed on a 2000 watt OU RV system.

Passive tuned is just RLC tuning which is RPM and LOAD specific. If you change the desired load or rpm outside of the system bandwidth the system requires complete retuning.

Cascaded systems are where the generator coil is tuned to yet another coil sub system that runs at entirely different frequency. Usually the prime frequency is very high in the hundreds of Khz this creates inference to the 2nd RLC but its NOT parametric perhaps running hundreds of Hz.  This then goes to a 3rd stage at even lower frequency say 60 Hz. Each layer provides greater source to load isolation so the the COP's are cascaded. eg stage 1 COP 4.5, stage 2 COP 6.5, stage 3 COP 4.3, each stage is multiplied  together =  COP = 125.775
Kapanadze Example a 50w driver *    COP 125.775     = 6288.75 watts  which is about 10% of the VARS so this system actually pumping around 62.88 KVARS!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 13, 2011, 11:39:35 AM
@Jdo300: Your information is priceless, thanks a lot.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 13, 2011, 12:35:50 PM
Excuse me asking , but what is VARS .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 13, 2011, 12:38:26 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 13, 2011, 10:34:50 AM
Remember, the whole point is to tune the motor to run at resonance, which creates the 90-degree phase shift between the voltage and current waveforms. In this state, the Power Factor is 0 (system is totally reactive), the VSWR is infinity, and you have no loading on the generator itself :-).

- Jason O

Hey you must have gone to the same school as me:)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 13, 2011, 12:41:29 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 13, 2011, 12:35:50 PM
Excuse me asking , but what is VARS .

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 13, 2011, 12:53:12 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 13, 2011, 11:34:24 AM

Bucket brigade is a lot of 10,000uf load caps which are switched sequentially using an array of fets. So the first cap sees the joules from the generator then it charges the first dump cap. The cap is then disconnected from the generator then it switches to a second cap to fill that. Then that cap disconnects and fills a third cap then that disconnects then finally is connected to the load. Even more so the cap bank is in an ARRAY so that the caps are 3 layers deep by say 9 layers wide.  As the first layer has just discharged into the load the second layer is charging the 2rd cap while the 3rd layer is just taking a fresh generator sample. It bit complex but hopefully you can see that caps move energy through time.

What this does is move JOULES thru time to convert VARS to WATTS without any loading whatsoever.  This system is currently employed on a 2000 watt OU RV system.

Passive tuned is just RLC tuning which is RPM and LOAD specific. If you change the desired load or rpm outside of the system bandwidth the system requires complete retuning.

Regarding the Bucket Brigade, you just described an animation I made some time ago located here;

I see this as a good means to draw radiant energy from the atmosphere or to draw output without creating any back effects.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 13, 2011, 12:53:49 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 13, 2011, 10:34:50 AM
Hello Bolt & Everyone,


C = 900 / [0.0022 * (3.14159 * 4 * 6000)^2] = 71.97E-6 = 71.97 uF.

Remember, the whole point is to tune the motor to run at resonance, which creates the 90-degree phase shift between the voltage and current waveforms. In this state, the Power Factor is 0 (system is totally reactive), the VSWR is infinity, and you have no loading on the generator itself :-).

- Jason O

Hi Jason & Plengo:

I was gone a few days and great things happened! Good work Plengo! Keep it up.

Jason, where does the '900' in the equation come from? Just curious.
It sure helps to find the value of the tuning capacitor. Much appreciate.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: dutchy1966 on June 13, 2011, 12:58:41 PM
. [removed]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TheCell on June 13, 2011, 01:18:59 PM
Did Multisim confirm the overunity effect?
The values you published where these of the Java simulator.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 13, 2011, 01:31:17 PM
Question to the wizz kids here:
Do you think the coil has a fixed inductance during rotation?

I don't think so.
The ferrite probably is driven into saturation when magnets approach.
Meaning the inductance can vary about a factor of 100, having in mind the permeability of ferrite is varying from say 40 - 4000 during rotation.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 13, 2011, 01:43:48 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 13, 2011, 11:34:24 AM

Cascaded systems are where the generator coil is tuned to yet another coil sub system that runs at entirely different frequency. Usually the prime frequency is very high in the hundreds of Khz this creates inference to the 2nd RLC but its NOT parametric perhaps running hundreds of Hz.  This then goes to a 3rd stage at even lower frequency say 60 Hz. Each layer provides greater source to load isolation so the the COP's are cascaded.

Would it be possible for you to briefly describe how to transfer energy from one RLC stage to the next (at a different frequency) WITHOUT parametric variations/coupling? What would the stages have to be tuned to for this to work as you describe?
Interferences between circuits usually don't (fortunately) automatically transfer huge amount of energy, so what needs to be different?
Thank you
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 13, 2011, 01:49:00 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 12, 2011, 04:48:11 PM


Muito boa máquina que você produziu!! Eu posso ver que você fez bobinas de alta voltagem isso é melhor introduzir uma grande indutância que muda o ângulo de fase de alimentação.

Olhe para ver como você pode adicionar capacitores para as bobinas e afinar cada um para produzir a tensão máxima na velocidade do rotor completo.

Pode ser melhor para você traduzir para Inglês por você futuros relatórios.

Boa saúde!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 13, 2011, 01:54:00 PM
I don't think it's the RPM  ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 13, 2011, 02:31:45 PM
@ keykhin,

Glad to help.  :).

@ chrisC,

The 900 is just a constant from combining two equations together. The first one was the formula to convert RPMs into a frequency value, which is

f = RPM / 60.

But this equation assumes only one magnet rotating past the coil per cycle, so you add the "Poles" variable to increase the frequency. So:

f = (RPM / 60) * Poles

Then, I took the standard equation for LC resonance:

f = 1 / [2*Pi* Sqrt(LC)]

and solved it for C. Then after substituting in the RPM equation and simplifying terms, that's how I got the final formula with the 900 in the top.


The way I had the circuit setup in Mutisim, the Wattmeter instrument that I had measuring the input power was still reading 5kW or something (the same as the Java circuit simulator read before tuning it to resonance). The input side was not showing the reduction in input after tuning the circuit to resonance so I need to play with it a bit more to get it setup right. That's why I generally like the java simulator since it's simple to quickly test out ideas without spending a lot of time setting up the simulations properly. BUT, the most important thing was that the output waveform was shifted by 90 degrees when the output was tuned, which was the original purpose of running the simulation.


YES, the coil's inductance does change quite a bit as the magnet passes under it. Without the bias magnets on the back, the inductance of the output coil will typically drop as the magnet approaches and then rise as the magnet leaves. However, when the bias magnet is placed on the back of the coil such that the bias magnets' field repels against the rotor magnet, the inductance of the core can remain unchanged or actually rise when the rotor magnet passes by, depending on the positioning of the bias magnet.

What would be interesting is to see someone try this effect out on air-cored generator coils with no bias magnets  :).

@ All,

Gotta run for now, will post more later.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 13, 2011, 02:35:05 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on June 13, 2011, 01:43:48 PM
Would it be possible for you to briefly describe how to transfer energy from one RLC stage to the next (at a different frequency) WITHOUT parametric variations/coupling? What would the stages have to be tuned to for this to work as you describe?
Interferences between circuits usually don't (fortunately) automatically transfer huge amount of energy, so what needs to be different?
Thank you

its important to realise the coils are produced in such a way as to ensure we do not produce any in phase power. In addition to ensure the coils themselves create no self magnetic flux. By creating an INVERSION of operation using methods as bifilar wound, poly-phase construction  terminated in Diode Plugs or out of phase coils to ensure the energy is in VARS but also highly Kinetic creating a dipole this creates a virtual capacitor in between the dipole centre or in the case of the muller where the rotor passes the air gap becomes a virtual capacitance layer. When this is correct the coil becomes a NEGATIVE INDUCTOR as does everything opposite to what you normally expect.:)

Now the coil absorbs ambient electron spin energy which creates an electrical current on the wires and instead of heating the coil it drops in temperature.  A permanent magnet is nothing more than an ambient energy portal and such is a localised energy source but you can not tap this directly without employing methods like magnetic modulators. See Floyd VTA 5kw 3 dimensional  Class C magnetic flux modulator drops ICE cold in operation.

But also these systems can work without any permanent magnet source.

TO understand there is no real frequency creating a resonance from electron spin think of it as relative pressure differentials. In such there can be no parametric resonance onto adjacent LCR coil systems but they WILL oscillate at whatever the adjacent LCR's are tuned to without parametric coupling in the conventional sense.  An ideal inductor only really requires a core suitable for the frequency of the highest permubility  material and taken to saturation so the collapsing flux puts current back to your coils without YOU having to put more energy than required to creates the conditions. This is how a negative inductor works.  A iron pipe can be made OU. 

Negative inductors can be greatly enhanced by providing a high electrostatic source to saturate the core material. HV at around 15Kv and 50Khz can be used to saturate say a ferrite core by applying a negative charge to the INSIDE a core and a positive charge to the OUTSIDE with very little power i/p  the ferrite  core responds by producing a very powerful collapsing magnetic flux and as a result can impinge on a bifilar coil wound directly on the inductor. Please note in highly saturated HV HF cores material undergoes nuclear transformation and it is no longer iron or  ferrite!! See GENESIS PROJECT. You are now poking the Devil with a big stick!!

This will be provide extremely powerful HF magnetic flux pulses and can coupled and be MODULATED by other RLC stages to provide additional COP isolation from the source to the load and provide any suitable output frequency that is desired. This is basically kapanadze.

What you are left with is a 60Hz sine wave within 50Khz carrier layer that just needs stripping using a low pass filter.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 13, 2011, 02:40:24 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 13, 2011, 02:31:45 PM

YES, the coil's inductance does change quite a bit as the magnet passes under it. Without the bias magnets on the back, the inductance of the output coil will typically drop as the magnet approaches and then rise as the magnet leaves. However, when the bias magnet is placed on the back of the coil such that the bias magnets' field repels against the rotor magnet, the inductance of the core can remain unchanged or actually rise when the rotor magnet passes by, depending on the positioning of the bias magnet.

What would be interesting is to see someone try this effect out on air-cored generator coils with no bias magnets  :).

Forget about calculating a parallel capacitor and stick to the original concept:
- There is also current variation in the generator coils under load, influencing the flux in the ferrite cores and therefore the coil value. Nobody has a clue what the coil variations are during operation.
- There is probably no extra capacitor mounted parallel to each coil of the original rig of RomeroUK, otherwise he would have said that when he advised in having the circuit diagram in place. The only capacitance I can think of is the one that is caused by the stranded wire. Probably a few tenths of pF each.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on June 13, 2011, 03:14:59 PM
I agree.  Seems to me the last bunch of pages has a ton of great info.  and a lot of it I will use.  But extra caps that are nowhere to be seen in the videos or commented on  in the forum, though excellent, are a horse of different color .  Like I said tons of great info.  But as far as I can tell even in the pre release and the post release videos there are not 2 caps, or a whole bunch of mysterious theoretical components yet the speed up under load is happening.  I know so many of us are chomping at the bit to explain the unexplainable here.  There will be time for ya'lls Nobels later.  First lets make some machines spin.  then spin faster under load. 
   MY rotor design was a total failure.  I believe that I had magnets way to close together.  So back to square one.  If anyone has a suggestion as to how far to space 1x.75 in neo cylinders please speak up.  I will tell you that one magnet spacing is waaaaaaaay to close.  there is virtually no scalar south between the magnets.  I couldnt even get a Bedini circuit to trigger at all. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: d@rkenergy on June 13, 2011, 03:19:57 PM
the following circuit of a pendulum.
this circuit can run muller dynamo?
(sorry bad english google translate)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 13, 2011, 03:39:16 PM
Quote from: redrichie on June 13, 2011, 03:14:59 PM
I agree.  Seems to me the last bunch of pages has a ton of great info.  and a lot of it I will use.  But extra caps that are nowhere to be seen in the videos or commented on  in the forum, though excellent, are a horse of different color .  Like I said tons of great info.  But as far as I can tell even in the pre release and the post release videos there are not 2 caps, or a whole bunch of mysterious theoretical components yet the speed up under load is happening.  I know so many of us are chomping at the bit to explain the unexplainable here.  There will be time for ya'lls Nobels later.  First lets make some machines spin.  then spin faster under load. 
   MY rotor design was a total failure.  I believe that I had magnets way to close together.  So back to square one.  If anyone has a suggestion as to how far to space 1x.75 in neo cylinders please speak up.  I will tell you that one magnet spacing is waaaaaaaay to close.  there is virtually no scalar south between the magnets.  I couldnt even get a Bedini circuit to trigger at all. 

I also agree, lots of great info on the last pages and I don't think Romero used caps but maybe he matched his coils with the windings and magnets?

Again look at the Kromrey converter, only coils and magnets, works also without rectifier so no extra parts.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 13, 2011, 03:59:42 PM
Capacitors are not compulsory if the coils are wound and matched in such a way as to produce the desired effect! However chances are you do not know without winding literally hundreds of coils which create the best conditions as Romero discovered. Since the introduction of caps to tune the coils we have about the ONLY other replication that has shown zero lugging when the load is applied. (albeit a small o/p)

Take it or leave it and be  frustrated you have built an expensive pulse motor  toy :)

PS go look at about day 3 of this thread. I knew back then what was required and i said i don't expect more than 1 or maybe 2 people out of 100 replications to get it work.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 13, 2011, 04:19:07 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 13, 2011, 03:59:42 PM
Capacitors are not compulsory if the coils are wound and matched in such a way as to produce the desired effect! However chances are you do not know without winding literally hundreds of coils which create the best conditions as Romero discovered. Since the introduction of caps to tune the coils we have about the ONLY other replication that has shown zero lugging when the load is applied. (albeit a small o/p)

Take it or leave it and be  frustrated you have built an expensive pulse motor  toy :)

PS go look at about day 3 of this thread. I knew back then what was required and i said i don't expect more than 1 or maybe 2 people out of 100 replications to get it work.

I already build an expensive pulse motor toy and thanks to you guys I'm ready to play with it :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 13, 2011, 04:25:14 PM
We will get there.
The only thing we need to do is not to get distracted, stick to the concept and have patience and determination.
Remember Romero did not do this overnight.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: dutchy1966 on June 13, 2011, 04:31:38 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 13, 2011, 04:25:14 PM
We will get there.
The only thing we need to do is not to get distracted, stick to the concept and have patience and determination.
Remember Romero did not do this overnight.

Correct! Mechanically the first replications are (nearly) ready. Testing can now begin and the proposed advanced concepts can also be tested soon.
My feeling is that this thread has more merit than any other in the last couple of years....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 13, 2011, 04:47:56 PM
Quote from: d@rkenergy on June 13, 2011, 03:19:57 PM
the following circuit of a pendulum.
this circuit can run muller dynamo?
(sorry bad english google translate)

hi d@rkenergy

that's a neat circuit!  (ESP is a good site)

i think that maybe not too good for the Muller replication, for at least 2 possible reasons:

a) it uses the gen/drive coil as the sensor - so it will not be possible to do much 'tuning' of the 'ON' pulse (especially to get 'attraction')

b) the supply is only 1.5V (and also the PNP transistor maybe too low-powered) - so there will not be much drive power

but the circuit is like an SCR - so it should give good switching action for a pendulum device

maybe on a small Muller replication you could get it to drive - but still not much adjustment  :(

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 13, 2011, 05:00:28 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 13, 2011, 11:34:24 AM
...Cascaded systems are where the generator coil is tuned to yet another coil..
maybe this helps in some way : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltage_multiplier
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 13, 2011, 05:51:19 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 13, 2011, 02:31:45 PM
@ keykhin,

Glad to help.  :).

@ chrisC,

The 900 is just a constant from combining two equations together. The first one was the formula to convert RPMs into a frequency value, which is

f = RPM / 60.

But this equation assumes only one magnet rotating past the coil per cycle, so you add the "Poles" variable to increase the frequency. So:

f = (RPM / 60) * Poles

Then, I took the standard equation for LC resonance:

f = 1 / [2*Pi* Sqrt(LC)]

and solved it for C. Then after substituting in the RPM equation and simplifying terms, that's how I got the final formula with the 900 in the top.
- Jason O

Thanks Jason. I now understand. Will find time this coming weekend to test it out.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 13, 2011, 06:06:41 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 13, 2011, 06:33:24 PM
The problem is that at a PF of zero, that is also how much energy you produce! This is simply a full resonate condition where you are simply reinforcing a standing wave. Any attempt to use this energy will cause the system to fall from the resonate condition.

It is more than likely that there is something else going on. With the load applied after the FWB and some voltage already stored in the load capacitor, this alters the start of the resonate wave with some delay. If the power factor was not exactly zero, then the push against the approaching rotor magnet (lenz drag) would be late, and applied at TDC to the rotor magnet.

Now there would be a real power factor that energy can be pulled from,  yet the lenz force is pushing directly on the rotor magnet and there is no place for it to go but out in the same direction as the rotor is turning.
This condition could do real work, and additional loading of the output would push the rotor faster.

In full resonance NO WORK IS DONE only the waveform gets larger because you keep adding to it!

If you draw any work from it greater than the input, it will simply die out. Even if you draw the same from it as you put in, it will die out. Nothing new here.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 13, 2011, 06:34:54 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 13, 2011, 06:06:41 PM

Gosh I think that's the first post by bolt I've been able to totally get my head around  :)

I've got an idea for all the (lots and lots) of old hard drive magnets I've got that are mounted on Mu metal (or so it appears in most cases).  I've got a good metal bandsaw and I thought about cutting the Mu metal pieces into strips about wide enough to put 3 or 4 into a coil core.  I think I could probably get about 2 cores per piece of Mu metal.  This band saw has been good for even cutting thick Titanium so I don't think it will have any problem cutting the Mu metal.  Does anyone see any problems with this idea?  It will be a slow process but a couple hours of cutting I think will yield enough for all the coils.  They would probably be a 1/8" x 1/8" x coil length (about 5/8" long) and I think I'd tape several together for each core. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: d@rkenergy on June 13, 2011, 06:44:15 PM
Quote from: nul-points on June 13, 2011, 04:47:56 PM
hi d@rkenergy

that's a neat circuit!  (ESP is a good site)

i think that maybe not too good for the Muller replication, for at least 2 possible reasons:

a) it uses the gen/drive coil as the sensor - so it will not be possible to do much 'tuning' of the 'ON' pulse (especially to get 'attraction')

b) the supply is only 1.5V (and also the PNP transistor maybe too low-powered) - so there will not be much drive power

but the circuit is like an SCR - so it should give good switching action for a pendulum device

maybe on a small Muller replication you could get it to drive - but still not much adjustment  :(

all the best

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Thank you very much for the reply. :)
  I wish  success...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 13, 2011, 07:00:43 PM
Quote from: lumen on June 13, 2011, 06:33:24 PM
The problem is that at a PF of zero, that is also how much energy you produce! This is simply a full resonate condition where you are simply reinforcing a standing wave. Any attempt to use this energy will cause the system to fall from the resonate condition.

It is more than likely that there is something else going on. With the load applied after the FWB and some voltage already stored in the load capacitor, this alters the start of the resonate wave with some delay. If the power factor was not exactly zero, then the push against the approaching rotor magnet (lenz drag) would be late, and applied at TDC to the rotor magnet.

Now there would be a real power factor that energy can be pulled from,  yet the lenz force is pushing directly on the rotor magnet and there is no place for it to go but out in the same direction as the rotor is turning.
This condition could do real work, and additional loading of the output would push the rotor faster.

In full resonance NO WORK IS DONE only the waveform gets larger because you keep adding to it!

If you draw any work from it greater than the input, it will simply die out. Even if you draw the same from it as you put in, it will die out. Nothing new here.

You know what? I think you are right. Non of the OU looping systems that use this principle are real and there are more than 6 that I personally know about ranging from 100 watts to over 2kw OU RV systems  plus Thrapps 900 watt generator.
It must be all a dream :)

Sh$t now what we going to do?  The world is doomed its all been a lie.. :(

Perhaps we should sell everything on ebay and buy some extra candles and matches instead for when the lights go out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magneticitist on June 13, 2011, 07:07:10 PM
regarding the Romero design, where are the backspikes going? and if they are not going anywhere, then it has to be factored in that the gen coils are receiving them since they are facing the drives.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 13, 2011, 07:16:53 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 13, 2011, 07:00:43 PM
It must be all a dream :)

Sh$t now what we going to do?  The world is doomed its all been a lie.. :(

Perhaps we should sell everything on ebay and buy some extra candles and matches instead for when the lights go out.

haha. Good one bolt. Some people will never believe the world is not flat even if they saw it in space!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 13, 2011, 07:29:57 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 13, 2011, 07:00:43 PM
You know what? I think you are right. Non of the OU looping systems that use this principle are real and there are more than 6 that I personally know about ranging from 100 watts to over 2kw OU RV systems  plus Thrapps 900 watt generator.
It must be all a dream :)

Sh$t now what we going to do?  The world is doomed its all been a lie.. :(

Perhaps we should sell everything on ebay and buy some extra candles and matches instead for when the lights go out.

Yes, How about I stop by and check out the one running your house?

I bet it's just awsum or awh shoot, or what ever!

Well if nothing else you are right about one thing, It sure has been tried a lot!

I especially like the latest one from Magnacoaster that works on this same principal, it even comes with solar panels!

I believe the PF is important, but it is not the sole cause of OU.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on June 14, 2011, 12:18:24 AM
Hi all,
I want to draw your attention to another way of looking at the speed-up effect.

Maybe you agree that:
when (the generated) current flows through the generator-coils, the magnetic fields of this current interacts with the magnets.

If this interaction is "normal", one can call this current 'Lenz-current', and the effect of the current flow will be that the rotor slows down.

If the phase of the current is shifted just right (think 'power factor', thing 'impedance', think 'reluctance')  the rotor may probably not slow down. It might even accelerate, if enough of the current is delayed to flow at the right time. (thanks bolt, thanks Jdo300)

Now, how much current do we have, flowing in the generator coils?
I am quoting from the German wikipedia topic "Schwingkreis" (tank circuit)
Quote from: wikipedia
Nahe bei der Resonanzfrequenz ist der innerhalb des Schwingkreises fließende Strom wesentlich größer als der Strom in den Zuleitungen
in English:
"When operating close to the resonant frequency, the current flowing in a tank circuit is significantly higher than the current in the supply lines."

and another quote from from
Quote from: wikipedia
Die Ströme erreichen für den Fall, dass wL = 1/wC < R Werte, die größer sind als der von außen durch die Klemmenspannung getriebene Strom
in English:
"If the condition wL = 1/wC < R is fulfilled, the currents in the tank circuit reach values, that are higher than the current that is driven by the supply voltage."

That is to say: when properly tuned (i.e. delayed), a part of the current wave in the generator coils will drive the rotor, and there will be enough current flowing in them.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 14, 2011, 12:59:03 AM
Yes Oscar,

This is EXACTLY, what I believe is happening. I know some here were a bit put off by the extensive discussions about tuning the coils to resonance and all that, but if one understands that this is the fundamental effect that is causing the "anomalous" speedups of at least 5-6 confirmed replications, then I feel that is is well worth the technical discussion to help everyone really understand what is going on here.

In RomeroUK's setup, a tuning cap is not necessarily needed, BUT, the same effect is at play here. Even if you don't add a tank cap to the coil, the coil itself still has inter-winding capacitance, and it's own natural resonant frequency. This is why most of the people who have seen this effect in the past have observed it in high impedance coils, This is because in these types of coils, the natural resonant frequency is low enough that it can be reached at mechanical speeds.

But, if you understand the principle, you can take any coil off the shelf and tune it to run at the frequency of your motor to easily reproduce the same effect.

I am aware of at least four different mechanical FE device claims that all boil down to the same effect.

Thane Heins (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogLeKTlLy5E) - High Z coil, accelerates generator under load.

Steven Ward's "Wardforce" generator (http://www.energy-ingenuity.com/) - Same thing. Generator accelerated the prime mover once the rotor speed was above a certain threshold velocity.

The Mini Romag Generator (http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/mromag.htm) - Claimed to accelerate on it's own once the RPMs of the generator went above a certain critical speed.

Timothy Thrapp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkBNzXPy_p4) - Delay Line Generator

There are even more but these are the ones that first come to mind. I believe that we all have the key here. It's just a simple matter of testing it out.

Now, for those of you who would prefer to stick strictly to the RomeroUK's circuit, you can empirically see what the resonant frequency of your generator coils are without a cap. Simply take a small coil, put it close to one of the generator coils, and apply a pulse to the small coil. While doing this, observe the frequency at which the generator coil rings as it oscillates. The frequency of the rings will roughly correspond to the natural resonant frequency of the generator coil. This will give you a rough idea of how fast your motor needs to spin before you put a load on the coils to get the acceleration effect.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 14, 2011, 01:21:01 AM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 14, 2011, 01:14:56 AM

I'm not sure if anyone has used soft iron for the cores but if you are aiming for your first replication and you want to stick to the original design, I would use the ferrite cores since everyone who has been getting results has done it using those.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 14, 2011, 03:00:59 AM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 14, 2011, 01:21:01 AM
I'm not sure if anyone has used soft iron for the cores but if you are aiming for your first replication and you want to stick to the original design, I would use the ferrite cores since everyone who has been getting results has done it using those.

- Jason O

Thanks.. I just realized that soft iron is different than iron powder.. I agree, I'm going to use ferrite.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on June 14, 2011, 04:51:55 AM
Quote from: d@rkenergy on June 13, 2011, 03:19:57 PM
the following circuit of a pendulum.
this circuit can run muller dynamo?
(sorry bad english google translate)

@d@rkenergy:  this circuit is exactly what I was looking for. The hall switches are not necessary, one can use the drive coil as a sensor for switching (as your circuit does).

I was using "trigger coil pairs" or "a single trigger coil", but your circuit shows that this is also an over kill.

One could sense the "drive coil" or "the drive coil pair" with a microprocessor which then adjusts timing and length of the drive pulse according to rpm (frequency of the sense signal).

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ndh16 on June 14, 2011, 05:17:08 AM

I also agree with Oscar and Jason that LCR resonance is probably the key to understanding the ‘anomalous’ voltage or current relationships in the Romero and other similar devices.
However, it is important to understand the current amplification arises inside a resonant parallel LCR circuit whereas voltage amplification arises inside a resonant series LCR circuit (in both cases the amplification factor is the Q of the LCR circuit).

Furthermore, a current induced in a coil linked to a separate capacitor should be formally regarded as a series linkage notwithstanding any apparent parallel relationship between the coil and the separate capacitor (i.e. the signal source must be regarded as passing through the coil first then the capacitor, rather than through both in parallel).

However, if the capacitance is not separate but inherent in the coil, I am not sure how that should be interpreted as series or parallel â€" I would guess that it is a parallel relationship.
In the Romero design, the external capacitor is definitely in a series relationship to each generator coil (hence voltage amplification at resonance) whereas the inherent capacitance of the coil may be in a parallel relationship to each coil (hence current amplification at resonance).

Either way, the significant realisation may be that these devices represent a ‘mechanical’ way of extracting real power gain from LCR resonance (via voltage or current amplification). The traditional analysis of LCR resonance (whether series or parallel) is that there is a phase shift between the current and voltage at resonance so that the real usable power in the circuit (being the summation of the instantaneous voltage x amps) is limited. This is the same issue of real power versus apparent power (hence power factor) in typical AC circuits.

However, it seems in these devices that we may be making use of the current or voltage amplification in LCR resonance to extract corresponding mechanical power via a motor which then separately feeds back additional electrical power via a generator (with both motor & generator in an unusual ‘combined’ configuration) without having to face the consequence of the phase shift.  If this is the case, then we have essentially broken the constraint of the phase shift.

I must say that I am very old and staid in my outlook, so I still have a sense of unease in thinking like this!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 14, 2011, 05:42:05 AM

Possibly an Ed Leedskalnin quote would be relevant at this point

" I made a lot more electricity with steel than I ever made with copper."


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: onielsen on June 14, 2011, 06:29:22 AM
Where does the energy come from? When loading a tank circuit the quality factor Q is lowered, because energy is removed from the LC tank. A better place to look for the energy is in phase transitions. In a heat pump or refrigerator, which is a known over unity system, there is a phase shift in the working media (gas/liquid). The same applies to electromagnetic systems. Make a parametric change to the system and pump energy in/out from the surroundings. This can be done by driving ferromagnetic materials into saturation. By doing that it is possible to get a negative impedance characteristic. An inductor driven to saturation will lose a lot of its inductance. This is happening with the powerful magnets RomeroUK uses near the small ferrite inductors.

The energy content in an inductor (magnetic field energy) is given as:
E = ½ x L x i^2 where L is inductance and i is current. If the inductance decreases while current is running in the inductor the current will increase. It is like pulling out an iron core from an electromagnet. Work (energy change) is applied to pull out the magnet. This result in an increased current until the core is removed and the current settles back to the previous value. If both the magnetic field changes as well as the inductance changes there can be a parametric pumping. By studying the heat pump and the phase plane describing the parametric changes (Carnot diagram) it is possible to make an alike phase diagram describing a parametric inductor or capacitor and see how to remove electric energy from them.

It is like compressing or expanding a gas. But, instead of heat output it is possible to have a current as output when the inductance decreases in a magnetic field. Current increase = square root (Magnetic field energy / (½ inductance decrease)). This is the above formula solved for i with i and L changing.

Quality factor Q: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_factor
Carnot diagram: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnot_cycle

Ole Nielsen
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 14, 2011, 08:00:14 AM
Quote from: conradelektro on June 14, 2011, 04:51:55 AM
@d@rkenergy:  this circuit is exactly what I was looking for. The hall switches are not necessary, one can use the drive coil as a sensor for switching (as your circuit does).

I was using "trigger coil pairs" or "a single trigger coil", but your circuit shows that this is also an over kill.

One could sense the "drive coil" or "the drive coil pair" with a microprocessor which then adjusts timing and length of the drive pulse according to rpm (frequency of the sense signal).

Greetings, Conrad

I am doing that right now. I am creating a self tinning program. 
a fully functional OU device will need a computer to keep it a optimal performance. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on June 14, 2011, 08:31:36 AM
Video from AEVector

Replication of RomeroUK-Muller Dynamo
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 14, 2011, 08:48:12 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 12, 2011, 03:57:09 PM

Sadly, I don't think that I would be able to cope with a gazillion questions (llike Romero did), so I need to be careful how I say this.

I put the dynamo back on the table yesterday afternoon. Thought I would try a couple of different

I can tell you that the magic happens when everything is connected.

From the first pickup coil pair, I was only getting very few millivolts. But once all 7 were connected,
the unit begins to produce real voltage and current.

It was only due to poor workmanship on my part, that sitting there watching this thing go round, I could see arcing at one of the pickup coil pair connectors. I had connected a parallel cap to each
pair using those short leads with aligator clips and one of the clips was oh so close to the next pin.

You guessed it, putting a dead short on one of the coils, the system did not slow much but the voltage and current went up .

What more can I say other than, a big thank you to Romero and the rest of you guys for
putting up with my silly and sometimes annoying posts.

I am going to try and purchase a DC-DC converter today and I promise to let you know
how it works out.

Kindest Regards, Penno (Garry)

Hello penno64

looking for more information about good news so far.

keep us informed.

I have similar results today. would like to compare.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 14, 2011, 09:41:08 AM
Quote from: powercat on June 14, 2011, 08:31:36 AM
Video from AEVector

Replication of RomeroUK-Muller Dynamo

Other than having a really wobbly rotor and (probably) no tuning, he probably needs to run the motor at a higher speed to get anywhere near the resonance of his coils.

One simple test would be to run the motor at different speeds and short out the generator coils. Once you get close to the right RPMs, the motor should lug less and less until it starts accelerating (if the coils resonance is within the speed range of the motor).

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 14, 2011, 09:43:42 AM
Hi toranarod,

Glad to hear you are getting positive results. Are you connecting all your generator coils in series and then going to the bridge rectifier or are you connecting each generator coil to a separate bridge and just putting the DC outputs together?

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 14, 2011, 10:33:57 AM
Quote from: toranarod on June 14, 2011, 08:48:12 AM
Hello penno64

looking for more information about good news so far.

keep us informed.

I have similar results today. would like to compare.

Hi toranarod
Congratulate you

How much speed?
The number of output voltage and current?
Use the side magnet it?

Thank you very much
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 14, 2011, 10:50:54 AM

It would be interesting to see how Stubblefield coils behave in this environment.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on June 14, 2011, 11:31:19 AM
cap z ro.  I have been thinking of this also. If need be we can discuss this in a different thread or in private.  I dont have any proof to anything.  However I saw a video on the peswiki youtube with a guy using Iron wire inside a multifilar coil.  Seems like Nathan had a "normal make and break" circuit.  Could have been a type of commutator that shorted out and release the windings at the proper time to get extra energy.  John bedini recently made a coil of iron wrapped the same way as a copper coil and once energized produces an opposite pole than the copper wire.
But like I said this is only partially related to this thread  and prob should not be posted here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 14, 2011, 11:34:47 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 14, 2011, 12:53:16 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 14, 2011, 11:34:47 AM

Yeah, supercaps are for 2.5...2.7V,  10F ... 20F supecap you can buy for $10, even less, 
but audio power caps are for 12V (20...24V) at 1 Farad to 10 Farad,
But of course - fine tuning is necessary - as higher efficient pulse motor as longer it runs, as higher efficent is generator side, as longer it runs,
Unfortunately not endless  ::)
It does not matter is it Muller, Bedini, Adams on so on style,

Wonder that I got several warnings and finally my messages have been blocked because repeatedly did mention Supercap ... at the same time there are tens of videos in YouTube where they openly show using SC ::)
To this day honestness is not acceptable in this forum ???

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 14, 2011, 02:05:18 PM
Any positive results yet? I'm interested in special coil variants and capacitor tuned systems.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on June 14, 2011, 03:14:02 PM
I would like to repost this from Bolt:  he said this in MARCH!!.  before any of this began.  Seems like the effect that is going on here.  Mr Bolt I wish I knew half of what you know.

Magnacoaster used a pulsed coil of not that many turns about 100 is enough as seen in his early photos. He used a laminate steel core like transformer strips then applied 5 powerful neos one end and 1 the other. This magnet layout is VITAL.

It creates a Bloch wall which sits about 2/3 across for the length of the core. The edge of the coil sits right over the bloch wall. So you need it to slide along so you can find the sweet spot.  When the coil is pulsed the magnetic field is already on the Bloch wall and acts as a pivot point. You can not do this any other way when using such powerful neos to fight against this magnetic field would need like 400 amp pulses so you hit it right on the Bloch wall. This is called  asymmetric magnetic modulation. When the field collapses the neos flux over shoots and generates more power out of the coil than what you put into it. Now coil shorting will help here a lot. I dont know what he is doing now but if you hit the top of the rebounding neo spike with  short you can almost certainly increase the voltage perhaps 5 times more then syphon off ONLY the HF part of this signal will prevent loading to the driver. In practice you would put blocking diodes going into the coil to prevent BEMF reaching the driver then use about 0.01uF in series each side of the coil to syphon off only the HF and use as high pass filter. Then add a HF balum traffo and impedance match down before going to FWBR then into a dump cap.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 14, 2011, 04:09:49 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 14, 2011, 12:59:03 AM
Yes Oscar,

This is EXACTLY, what I believe is happening. I know some here were a bit put off by the extensive discussions about tuning the coils to resonance and all that, but if one understands that this is the fundamental effect that is causing the "anomalous" speedups of at least 5-6 confirmed replications, then I feel that is is well worth the technical discussion to help everyone really understand what is going on here.

In RomeroUK's setup, a tuning cap is not necessarily needed, BUT, the same effect is at play here. Even if you don't add a tank cap to the coil, the coil itself still has inter-winding capacitance, and it's own natural resonant frequency. This is why most of the people who have seen this effect in the past have observed it in high impedance coils, This is because in these types of coils, the natural resonant frequency is low enough that it can be reached at mechanical speeds.

But, if you understand the principle, you can take any coil off the shelf and tune it to run at the frequency of your motor to easily reproduce the same effect.

I am aware of at least four different mechanical FE device claims that all boil down to the same effect.

Thane Heins (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogLeKTlLy5E) - High Z coil, accelerates generator under load.

Steven Ward's "Wardforce" generator (http://www.energy-ingenuity.com/) - Same thing. Generator accelerated the prime mover once the rotor speed was above a certain threshold velocity.

The Mini Romag Generator (http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/mromag.htm) - Claimed to accelerate on it's own once the RPMs of the generator went above a certain critical speed.

Timothy Thrapp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkBNzXPy_p4) - Delay Line Generator

There are even more but these are the ones that first come to mind. I believe that we all have the key here. It's just a simple matter of testing it out.

Now, for those of you who would prefer to stick strictly to the RomeroUK's circuit, you can empirically see what the resonant frequency of your generator coils are without a cap. Simply take a small coil, put it close to one of the generator coils, and apply a pulse to the small coil. While doing this, observe the frequency at which the generator coil rings as it oscillates. The frequency of the rings will roughly correspond to the natural resonant frequency of the generator coil. This will give you a rough idea of how fast your motor needs to spin before you put a load on the coils to get the acceleration effect.

- Jason O

thank you for that great information on how to find the frequencies of your coils

will try this today

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on June 14, 2011, 04:13:01 PM
New Vid from Lidmotor

Ambient solar energy Muller Dynamo.ASF
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 14, 2011, 05:01:27 PM
Quote from: toranarod on June 14, 2011, 04:09:49 PM
thank you for that great information on how to find the frequencies of your coils

will try this today

How about this method (I'm asking mostly but I think it would work if you have an o-scope and frequency generator) - put a frequency gen on your coil along with an o-scope across a single coil.  Then put a magnet near it.  I'm guessing maybe use a square wave pulse or would sine be better?  Then scan through frequencies until it starts singing.  And look for a jump in size of the waveform on the o-scope.  Unless someone more knowledgeable chimes in on this idea don't take it as any sure method.  I'll try it at some point as it sounds easier for me. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 14, 2011, 06:29:38 PM
Hi Folks,

Hi ndh16 and onielsen,

Thank you for your first posts and it is very good you both bring more scientific tone into this thread. Please continue adding any more insight whenever you can.
So a possible explanation for getting extra output over the input is when  resonance is involved with the coils in this setup and the loaded quality factor, Q is maintained above 1 so that the reactive current inside the coils is Q times higher than the input current.  A good chance for this is the possibility that in the steady operation with a load, the contribution of the individual coils by their output is taken only at the moments when their induced peak voltage is higher than the voltage in the common puffer capacitor as earlier this was mentioned by a member.  So this could explain the load on the coils is intermittent and this helps preserve a Q > 1 state.  It is possible that more is involved here, this is one explanation approach.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 14, 2011, 08:29:02 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 14, 2011, 07:36:01 PM
Hi guys!

For now I made 4 coils. From the 2 pickup coils i get around 7.5V but, when i put a load , mr. Lenz is pasing by. Am I on the right path?

moderator edit: I just changed the picture size to keep the page clean. Note: use http://www.irfanview.net/ (which is free) and go to Image->Resize (Ctrl-R), and on the popup box click "Half" as many times as necessary and than save the file.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 14, 2011, 08:32:50 PM
^ Looks great, you used a hard drive motor for the bearing? I am building something similar and need longer screws for mounting the rotor to the motor, do you know the thread pitch on those things? Peace rawbush
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ndh16 on June 14, 2011, 09:21:05 PM
Gyula, I agree entirely with your analysis, especially the point about maintaining Q > 1 through the ‘switching’ of the coil due to voltage thresholds.

Incidentally, a single diode with sinusoidal input also has the effect of ‘insulating’ the following impedance (i.e. the output load) from the input , so that the input only experiences half the output impedance (assuming a pure sine wave). Whilst there is a more formal method of proving this effect , in simple terms the input only ‘sees’ the output for the half of the time the diode is forward conducting! Although this effect is not relevant with a FWBR as used in Romero's device, it is nevertheless a further illustration of the general principle that loaded Q can be improved by switching (which effectively reduces the load impedance).

On a separate matter, I think the recent contribution to this thread by Ole Nielsen is also very interesting. Whilst I may not yet agree fully with certain aspects of that analysis (I am still thinking about it), I do think there is merit in that way of thinking and the fundamental points made therein. Also, that analysis need not be contradictory to the ‘resonance’ explanation explored by myself and others â€" both explanations could be regarded as different sides of the same coin (wherein additional energy is extracted from the vacuum/aether/zero-point field). In a similar vein, both matrix mechanics and the schrodinger wave equation have been demonstrated to be equivalent representations of the same underlying quantum mechanics despite their apparent radically different approaches to the topic.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 15, 2011, 01:53:32 AM
finally ran my romeromullergenmotor type thing today...first testing...

it has 5 coils on top plate 5 coils on bottom plate.
coils have ferrite tube core, and litz wire wound of 16 strands of very thin 36GA "heavy build" insulated motor-rated wire of 96ft lengths...teflon tape over each layer too...

magents are rod-style, neodiimiums,  not hockey puck style.
they are the same shape and size as the ferrite tubes used as cores - about 14mm long and 8mm wide approx

mosfets are hooked up bidirectioinal, two IRF 740s and run by 4221 driver and hall effect.
made a timing disc for the hall effects with some small magnets in it...it spins above the rotor and coils spaced up and aways so magnets behind the cores on top plate wont affect the hall effects on adjusable/rotating plate next to timing disc with the small magnets.

ran it around 3500rpm at 400ma and 22V input (at first - got amps down to 200ma later on)

had some success years ago running the coils all in series in my Muller goatmotor, so did that on one plate of coils...of course the 5 coils are all out of phase to the 4 all-N rotor magnets, and tired it like this as motor-coils (all 5 in siereis) and it ran fairly slow maybe 1000rpm tops with 22V input, but draw was only 40ma approx....the timing can be adjsuted as the motor runs, this is good thing to have. since timign at 100rpm is differnt thing as at 3500rpm and load on rotor also will make for differnt timing to motor coil pulsing..

also if amnyone wants to try runinng coils in series, simply put meter in AC, and hook one coil up in seires to another - you will get greater voltage in one way to hook up as to the other way, so go with the higher voltage, then stirng next coil and so on until they are all in seires and you get greatest voltage. This also gets the coils setup to work as motor coils, as well as gernator coils.

After trying the 5 coils on one plate "in otu of phase" series as motor coils, wasnt that impressed but it went OK, jsut needed more volts for some mrore speed....its wehn you take out switched-backemf that you get big power gain from this confiuration but going to save that for later on...

so anyways went instead to pulsing jsut one coil on bottom plate as motor coil, so it ran now on 400ma and now goes 3500rpm approx (used scope to find rpms)
and now th 5 coils in series on top plate have become all-generator coils in this testing....

magnets on the backs of the 5 coils in series tests didnt help at all both in motor-mode and genrator mode which makes sense sine the mish mash signal from 5 output of phase coils to the 4 rotor magnets is too nuts for magnet to help out things mounted in back of cores.

BUT had very good success with magnets behind the single motor coil - in fact draw goes down by 1/2 instantly however you dont really see any dramatic  faster speed or power but draw goes down so that is all good...so its running on only 200ma and 22V and going that 3500rpm approx whihc is very fast...

as it runs like this, now am taking a look at those 4 in-series outofphase coils on top plate working as gernator coils - put my multimeterin AC jsut to make it simple and quick to test things.... I dont care exact values jsut want to see more or less and konw its not a nice AC sinewave  - BUT  its 18VAC on meter for all 5 coils in series, and 3.5A on meter in ACamps if you short the coils out across them with ammeter...rpms go down when getting tha 3.5A (lenz law)

to get rid of lenz put an AC cap in series making it wokr like bufer/high bypass filter/whatever on one of the lines running to the ammeter which is shorting the coils (its good to use ammeter in place of wire when shorting so you can get idea of amps)

tired differnet series-AC cap sizes - at 10 uf there is 1amp circulating, at 1uf there is 200ma circulating....works like that...best size series AC cap to loop I figure is 4uf since it is 500ma amps going thorugh the "short' and voltage stays same at 18VAC no matter the cap size AND ablsolutemly no added draw to motor with that size cap (4uf) in series.

So I think this does what Mr Bolt reccomends - jam the current out of phase with the voltage so no lugging occurs....i like to think of it as the series-cap simply "absorbs" the backemf that would normally lug the rotor.

anyways at 4uf "tuning" there is absolutely no extra draw or reduced speed  to the motor part of it...when you rectify and put into cap that "18VAC" on meter, it becomes around 30VDC in cap so this is good - so you could say i am getting 500ma approx and 30VDC out from 5 coils, and runnign on 200ma and 22VDC and ablsoutley nothing happens to motor when you short out the coils with that ammeter.

I made a copy-cat of this motor so plan on running one motor with the other to loop but might be able to do it all within one motor - run top into bottom etc

ran motor for about 2 hrs at that speed mosfets stayed cool as cucumber and so did the single motor coil the magnet behind the core of the motor coil got a little warm is all...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 15, 2011, 04:03:06 AM
Quote from: konehead on June 15, 2011, 01:53:32 AM
to get rid of lenz put an AC cap in series making it wokr like bufer/high bypass filter/whatever on one of the lines running to the ammeter which is shorting the coils (its good to use ammeter in place of wire when shorting so you can get idea of amps)

tried differnet series-AC cap sizes - at 10 uf there is 1amp circulating, at 1uf there is 200ma circulating....works like that...best size series AC cap to loop I figure is 4uf since it is 500ma amps going thorugh the "short' and voltage stays same at 18VAC no matter the cap size AND ablsolutemly no added draw to motor with that size cap (4uf) in series.

anyways at 4uf "tuning" there is absolutely no extra draw or reduced speed  to the motor part of it...when you rectify and put into cap that "18VAC" on meter, it becomes around 30VDC in cap so this is good - so you could say i am getting 500ma approx and 30VDC out from 5 coils, and runnign on 200ma and 22VDC and ablsoutley nothing happens to motor when you short out the coils with that ammeter.

I made a copy-cat of this motor so plan on running one motor with the other to loop but might be able to do it all within one motor - run top into bottom etc

ran motor for about 2 hrs at that speed mosfets stayed cool as cucumber and so did the single motor coil the magnet behind the core of the motor coil got a little warm is all...

Hi Doug,

Sounds very good, congratulations.  If you wish to loop back some part of the output to run the motor, I would like to recommend member keykhin DC-DC converter, mainly because it is able to handle your 30V DC output voltage (this will be the input to the DC-DC converter) and can easily be modified by a resistor its output voltage to your 22V DC input for the motor drive (as shown, the DC converter output is 12.2V at present, you can replace the lower 1.5 kOhm resistor at the output (it is in series with the 5.6 kOhm) with a 10 kOhm (or 22 kOhm) potmeter to adjust the output to your 22V voltage need.
Here is a link to the converter, a very good circuit, (the TL494 is cheap):

Any other attempt to use for looping like using Zener diodes or linear regulators (like LM7818) could also work but the convertion efficiency of them is inferior to that of the switch mode DC DC converter like the link shows. Of course if your present COP is still able to cover the inferior convertion efficiency, then you may use a linear voltage regulator LM7818 or LM7824.  (In case of the LM7818 you can insert a 4.7kOhm trimmer potmeter in series with the center pin #2, leading to the negative ground to raise the fix 18V up to your needed 22V.)

Another off the shelf variable output DC regulator is the well known LM317, it needs a 5 kOhm potmeter to adjust its output voltage, see the last but one schematic here: http://home.cogeco.ca/~rpaisley4/PSupply.html
Use heat sink for this IC too to defend it from overdissipation.
Dissipation: (30V-22V)*0.2A=8V*0.2A=1.6W

A link to Digikey: http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=LM317TFS-ND

And a link to the LM7818, it needs a single 4.7 or 5kOhm potmeter only:

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 15, 2011, 05:12:48 AM
Quote from: redrichie on June 14, 2011, 11:31:19 AM
cap z ro.  I have been thinking of this also. If need be we can discuss this in a different thread or in private.  I dont have any proof to anything.  However I saw a video on the peswiki youtube with a guy using Iron wire inside a multifilar coil.  Seems like Nathan had a "normal make and break" circuit.  Could have been a type of commutator that shorted out and release the windings at the proper time to get extra energy.  John bedini recently made a coil of iron wrapped the same way as a copper coil and once energized produces an opposite pole than the copper wire.
But like I said this is only partially related to this thread  and prob should not be posted here.

Hi RR...thank you for asking, as there's nothing I would rather be doing but this experiment, but unfortunately I'm moving cross country at the moment, and barely have time to scan the threads now.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 15, 2011, 05:38:52 AM
Hi Doug,

You say: -

"anyways at 4uf "tuning" there is absolutely no extra draw or reduced speed  to the motor part of it...when you rectify and put into cap that "18VAC" on meter, it becomes around 30VDC in cap so this is good - so you could say i am getting 500ma approx and 30VDC out from 5 coils, and runnign on 200ma and 22VDC and ablsoutley nothing happens to motor when you short out the coils with that ammeter."

What is the voltage across the cap with the ammeter short circuit applied?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 15, 2011, 06:26:55 AM
Quote from: Hoppy on June 15, 2011, 05:38:52 AM
Hi Doug,

You say: -

"anyways at 4uf "tuning" there is absolutely no extra draw or reduced speed  to the motor part of it...when you rectify and put into cap that "18VAC" on meter, it becomes around 30VDC in cap so this is good - so you could say i am getting 500ma approx and 30VDC out from 5 coils, and runnign on 200ma and 22VDC and ablsoutley nothing happens to motor when you short out the coils with that ammeter."

What is the voltage across the cap with the ammeter short circuit applied?


What is the voltage across the cap with the ammeter short circuit applied?  the million dollar question?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 15, 2011, 09:05:18 AM
Quote from: toranarod on June 15, 2011, 06:26:55 AM
What is the voltage across the cap with the ammeter short circuit applied?  the million dollar question?
amg, i can't take the pressure....i just signed my solar panel contract xD ( could have built a house size dynamo with the price of it )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 15, 2011, 10:04:14 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 15, 2011, 04:03:06 AM
Hi Doug,

Sounds very good, congratulations.  If you wish to loop back some part of the output to run the motor, I would like to recommend member keykhin DC-DC converter, mainly because it is able to handle your 30V DC output voltage (this will be the input to the DC-DC converter) and can easily be modified by a resistor its output voltage to your 22V DC input for the motor drive (as shown, the DC converter output is 12.2V at present, you can replace the lower 1.5 kOhm resistor at the output (it is in series with the 5.6 kOhm) with a 10 kOhm (or 22 kOhm) potmeter to adjust the output to your 22V voltage need.
Here is a link to the converter, a very good circuit, (the TL494 is cheap):

Any other attempt to use for looping like using Zener diodes or linear regulators (like LM7818) could also work but the convertion efficiency of them is inferior to that of the switch mode DC DC converter like the link shows. Of course if your present COP is still able to cover the inferior convertion efficiency, then you may use a linear voltage regulator LM7818 or LM7824.  (In case of the LM7818 you can insert a 4.7kOhm trimmer potmeter in series with the center pin #2, leading to the negative ground to raise the fix 18V up to your needed 22V.)

Another off the shelf variable output DC regulator is the well known LM317, it needs a 5 kOhm potmeter to adjust its output voltage, see the last but one schematic here: http://home.cogeco.ca/~rpaisley4/PSupply.html
Use heat sink for this IC too to defend it from overdissipation.
Dissipation: (30V-22V)*0.2A=8V*0.2A=1.6W

A link to Digikey: http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail&name=LM317TFS-ND

And a link to the LM7818, it needs a single 4.7 or 5kOhm potmeter only:

rgds,  Gyula

Hi Gyula,

I'm trying to understand why a DC to DC converter would even be needed to create a loop ???

If Doug's input of 22v is coming from 2 low charged 12v batteries in series, then to me the 30v output could just be directly connected back to the input batteries. The little extra voltage the output has will be converted to amps in the batteries. When charging 12v batteries the voltage can go up to a maximum of 15v (per battery) so the 30v should be fine to 2 batteries in series without damage. To me the numbers look close enough to just go direct!... don't you think so?

In any event, if the batteries do climb higher he can always add a load (light bulb) of the correct draw to keep the recharge voltage to the batteries at the ideal level.

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 15, 2011, 12:48:06 PM
You need an inverter to control the flow of energy in the loop without losses or least minimising them. Simply taking the o/p back to the i/p rarely works. Either the device goes into uncontrollably feedback and blows the coils and diodes etc or the impedance is unmatched therefore the transfer of energy  drops below OU due to this serious impedance mismatch or often the case of major DC offset potentials between the in and out stages.

Only very naive  people yell "well put the o/p back to the i/p then you can loop it" means they have no idea of the issues involved.

A switching inverter can control the flow of energy in the loop at very high efficiency. Linear regulators lose far too much power.   Other systems include Pi Tanks, T Tanks,  passive and active pulsed balum splitters, passive capacitors filters, bucket brigade delays, and capacitor pulsed discharge, mechanical feedback as motor genset belt looping completed about 4 years ago as RV looped 120 Watt self power mower details published here on OU.com or energy proxies like HHO RV looped in Sweden. RV drove a 3 phase generator to HHO cell to a Fuel cell to make watts to run inverter that ran the RV.  Informed was looped but details sketchy. To much other stuff to list here but they are some examples.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 15, 2011, 01:22:29 PM

New TESLA SERBIAN! Milutin Miletich is a retired technology engineer (not electrical), , he has invented something extraordinary. Alternating current is filtered and flows through ONE wire only and powers a classic light bulb. His words are that he was able to join positive, negative and the ground into one electrical flow, and that is not all - human can hold the wire without any problems! The power is 220V in Serbia (you can see in the video that he is using the regular power supply), and 220V powers the light bulb, so voltage stays the same.
There are no sparks, the power is totally safe, even you cut the wire, the flow will stop but without any sparks. So safety is one of the greatest benefits.
He says that he was able to make sure that no electrons would escape the wire. His claim is also that there are significant (drastic) savings in power consumptions (he is using it for his water heater and thermal blanket). He also says that this type of current can heat the wire up to 1000C and be used as a heater, and that all high voltage cables could be replaced with a much smaller profile wire. He also claims that this setup can be adjusted so that 5Kw flows through 1mm wire. With slightly bigger profiles, much more power could be used.
He says he had worked on this patent for 20 years, and it is now being evaluated by the patent office.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 15, 2011, 01:52:43 PM
in reply to milion doallar question- there is no DC cap power was rectifeid inot, just the AC cap in series working as high bypass filter whatever you want to call it...was only using meter in AC for those numbers
this was crazy testing - 5 coils in series, all out of phase jsut looking at getting no-reflecion when I short out those coils with ammeter and its easy with that AC series cap.
But a DC cpa filling up will have around 30V in it, before hittling load (2nd motor or opposite coil bank is plan)
One good way to hide overunity is to put a resistive load like enginners "require" straight acorss everything all the time.

Acutally you want a two-stage porcess, in that caps fill up with no resistance, and cap hits load when cap is disconncted from the source (genrator coils) so abluolutely no refleciton to motor-draw when caps hit load this way....only "strain" on motor is filling up the caps

the drop in cap voltage in cap will depend on pulse widht, ohms of resistance, pulse frequency, size of cap....

so think in that way - if I measured the voltage acorss a DC cap when it is also shorted out with "dead short"at same time obviously its near zero volts. and so what?
that is what specific resistve loading is for, but this isnt "right" either - its a "two stage" cap filling, cap idschage routine I am looking for and doing

if you put a resistive load on cap whin it fills up you KILL IT...jsut like coil shorting...

I thnk romeors pulseing to his motor coils is sort of out of synch thing going on thanks to the odd vos even coils/magnets so the resistve loading isnt "direct' (just theory)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 15, 2011, 01:54:05 PM
gotoluc,  I beleive Romero said he gave that a brief try initially and either blew up some coils or almost fried some.
Layman interpretation of what bolt said:
More power out than in looped = more power out = more power in = more power out = more power in = POOF  followed by magic smoke display   ;)   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 15, 2011, 04:35:27 PM
Hi Luc,

I do not know if Doug has used two low charged batteries in series to have the 22V input to the motor part or he use a variable DC power supply.
Just think this over: if you change input voltage to a pulse motor, its RPM changes, in most cases an increase in input voltage causes an increase in RPM. This RPM increase mainly involves higher induced voltage in the generator part of the setup, eventually a gradually increasing process can start and if the increments are high then a run-away process developes in minutes or even in seconds and the setup usually burns down.

In case of low charged batteries you are RIGHT: no real need for a DC-DC converter to bring a voltage stabilizer into the loop, the batteries themselves are excellent 'voltage regulators' because their output voltage do not increase fast at all even if you charge them heavily, at least not increase in seconds but in many minutes and then you can have time to interact if needed (as you referred to). 

The moment you take out the batteries from the setup, you simply remove the 'runaway break' and the looped back setup gets uncontrolled. A stabilizer is a must in any looped system! Stabilizer can act for voltage or current, it depends on your setup to be looped what kind you use.
(If you build an oscillator, the 'stabilizer' is the inherent non-linear voltage-current characteristic of the active device itself, or you can use a voltage or current limiter inside the circuit to take care of a controlled feedback.)

rgds,  Gyula

Quote from: gotoluc on June 15, 2011, 10:04:14 AM
Hi Gyula,

I'm trying to understand why a DC to DC converter would even be needed to create a loop ???

If Doug's input of 22v is coming from 2 low charged 12v batteries in series, then to me the 30v output could just be directly connected back to the input batteries. The little extra voltage the output has will be converted to amps in the batteries. When charging 12v batteries the voltage can go up to a maximum of 15v (per battery) so the 30v should be fine to 2 batteries in series without damage. To me the numbers look close enough to just go direct!... don't you think so?

In any event, if the batteries do climb higher he can always add a load (light bulb) of the correct draw to keep the recharge voltage to the batteries at the ideal level.

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: aircore on June 15, 2011, 04:47:00 PM
    Because there is no substantive breakthrough and progress, it seems many people have chosen to forgo.
    This thread is close to death.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 15, 2011, 04:47:21 PM
Hi All,

Each step in developing this motor/gen is laborious and time consuming and there are no short cuts.  Every time I take a short cut,
I end up throwing away some coils.  I actually need to start over again as mechanical rigidity is of paramount importance in the
rotor and coil assemblies!  Half the problem is figuring out how demonstrate what you are assuming is happening and then finding out
you are wrong.  I laughed the first time I read Romero said he had made thousands of adjustments, I am not laughing any more.


This race is not for the rabbits!!!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 15, 2011, 05:30:41 PM
Quote from: aircore on June 15, 2011, 04:47:00 PM
    Because there is no substantive breakthrough and progress, it seems many people have chosen to forgo.
    This thread is close to death.

its not over yet

I have a lot more work to do.

this my next evolution of this work.

note how each capacitor sits on top of the other one and the voltage is added up one cap at a time.

what will happen when we get to all 9 coils?

the important thing is there is no load on the motor. the motor run faster with every new stage. it going to take me a while to get a few more constructed

Will C1 draw current from the battery and C2 as well through C1?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 15, 2011, 05:38:35 PM
Quote from: aircore on June 15, 2011, 04:47:00 PM
    Because there is no substantive breakthrough and progress, it seems many people have chosen to forgo.
    This thread is close to death.

WRONG.  People have a life, it's summer, and a lot of people are still rounding up parts or trying many options in tuning between their jobs and other responsibilities.  There's an ebb and flow to activity with this.  Come back in a few weeks or so when it's over 300 pages. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 15, 2011, 05:57:16 PM
Many years ago I collected a lot of things for various alternate energy projects but had little to no time to do them.  I came across a spool of thin metal tape that may be Mu metal or even Metglas which are both high permeability materials.  I'd like to use this in cores for this project but I cannot remember what this spool of metal is as it's probably been 10 to 15 years ago I got it.  It's about 1" wide and very thin wound onto a regular wire type spool. 

Can any one think of a way to test this to verify it's Mu metal or something like this?  It looks similar to Mu metal I've seen on a spool in a picture.  It is has a luster similar to the Mu metal from hard drives I've got.  A magnet sticks to it.  It does not seem to retain magnetism like steel would. 

   It would be great for rolling up into a core for this project but I'd like to know what it is ahead of time if possible.  Any suggestions? 
Edit: now I've been told I got this at a yard sale many years ago and suspected then it was mu metal.  Here is a picture:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on June 15, 2011, 06:20:32 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 15, 2011, 04:47:21 PM
Hi All,

Each step in developing this motor/gen is laborious and time consuming and there are no short cuts.  Every time I take a short cut,
I end up throwing away some coils.  I actually need to start over again as mechanical rigidity is of paramount importance in the
rotor and coil assemblies!  Half the problem is figuring out how demonstrate what you are assuming is happening and then finding out
you are wrong.  I laughed the first time I read Romero said he had made thousands of adjustments, I am not laughing any more.


This race is not for the rabbits!!!!!



Would you draw up a schematic of the setup?

I'm not 100% sure I follow the video description.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 15, 2011, 06:33:00 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 15, 2011, 04:47:21 PM
Hi All,

Each step in developing this motor/gen is laborious and time consuming and there are no short cuts.  Every time I take a short cut,
I end up throwing away some coils.  I actually need to start over again as mechanical rigidity is of paramount importance in the
rotor and coil assemblies!  Half the problem is figuring out how demonstrate what you are assuming is happening and then finding out
you are wrong.  I laughed the first time I read Romero said he had made thousands of adjustments, I am not laughing any more.


This race is not for the rabbits!!!!!

Nice work Ben.  I think this project takes the turtle mindset :)  I know I am far behind others here but it doesn't bother me as I more than anything just want it to be a fun project regardless of the outcome.  I look at it as something to have fun tinkering with and if I get lucky that's fine if not that's okay too. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 15, 2011, 07:41:53 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 15, 2011, 05:38:35 PM
WRONG.  People have a life, it's summer, and a lot of people are still rounding up parts or trying many options in tuning between their jobs and other responsibilities.  There's an ebb and flow to activity with this.  Come back in a few weeks or so when it's over 300 pages.

I am collecting parts here still, too. Can't afford the plexiglass, so will have to go with MDF, though I can cobble up a 4 layer laminate for the rotor out of plexiglass that I do have and cut that out on the table saw. I just am not sure what is the best glue for laminating that...it can't fly apart obviously.

Have ferrite cores which I still have to cut to length (7mm diameter not 6mm though, will scale length up a bit accordingly from the original 15mm to 17.5 I guess), Litz, 47000 uf BHC, various Neos, gobs of rectifiers and diodes. Instead of bobbins I got some nylon washers, and will use those on the cores as delimiters, since the bobbins get too thin when bored for the 7mm's and it is just too labor intensive to ream them out with scissors or real reamer. Have some hall switches from micro switches, but also have the A3144's on the way.

I have a winding counter which should get me spot on with the coil turns.

Wondering...what would be the electrical and also Lenz results of using a coil like the attached?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 15, 2011, 07:43:31 PM
Duff, E2, will draw up a schematic later tonight, wife wants me to spend some time with her, be back later.
A couple more things.  IF you load down the generator coil and do not use it as a boost, there is about a 25% loss of RPM vs. in boost configuration.

Also, in boost mode, below a certain voltage/speed, it just acts like a linz law device with a load on the rotor, there is a crossover point, then above a certain voltage/RPM to the rotor, it starts kicking in and peaks at a certain speed/load.  Actually pretty straightforward if I am reading everything right.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: redrichie on June 15, 2011, 08:43:00 PM
Plexi Im not sure of.  But with acrylic they make a product for welding it.  ITs called weld-on.  used for acrylic aquariums.  It doesnt just glue together.  It literally melts the pieces together through a chemical reaction.  I ve tried silicon, super glue, and a couple epoxies that all failed at one point or another.  Weld-on all the way.  Google it and you can see how to use it.  fairly simple. and a can would last you forever.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 15, 2011, 09:01:07 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 15, 2011, 05:38:35 PM
WRONG.  People have a life, it's summer, and a lot of people are still rounding up parts or trying many options in tuning between their jobs and other responsibilities.  There's an ebb and flow to activity with this.  Come back in a few weeks or so when it's over 300 pages.

Its not summer for me.

Winter here at the moment.  cold and nothing to do but stay in the workshop.

Rod from Australia 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 15, 2011, 09:15:11 PM
Quote from: toranarod on June 15, 2011, 09:01:07 PM
Its not summer for me.

Winter here at the moment.  cold and nothing to do but stay in the workshop.

Rod from Australia
Yep I forget we have Aussie's here.  Putting Rod on the 'No excuses list'.  We expect to see all 9 coil circuits done by Saturday....
   Just razzing you - keep up the good work and look forward to where you are going with your setup. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 15, 2011, 11:21:37 PM
Question on how I hooked up RomeroUK generator in boost configuration to overcome limitations of only 1 coil/pair generator set.
Quick and dirty of how I did it.

See Video:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 16, 2011, 01:37:01 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 15, 2011, 01:54:05 PM
gotoluc,  I beleive Romero said he gave that a brief try initially and either blew up some coils or almost fried some.
Layman interpretation of what bolt said:
More power out than in looped = more power out = more power in = more power out = more power in = POOF  followed by magic smoke display   ;)

;D ;D ;D ... I like this explanation best.

Thanks for sharing


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on June 16, 2011, 03:06:35 AM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on June 15, 2011, 07:41:53 PM
I am collecting parts here still, too. Can't afford the plexiglass, so will have to go with MDF, though I can cobble up a 4 layer laminate for the rotor out of plexiglass that I do have and cut that out on the table saw. I just am not sure what is the best glue for laminating that...it can't fly apart obviously.

Have ferrite cores which I still have to cut to length (7mm diameter not 6mm though, will scale length up a bit accordingly from the original 15mm to 17.5 I guess), Litz, 47000 uf BHC, various Neos, gobs of rectifiers and diodes. Instead of bobbins I got some nylon washers, and will use those on the cores as delimiters, since the bobbins get too thin when bored for the 7mm's and it is just too labor intensive to ream them out with scissors or real reamer. Have some hall switches from micro switches, but also have the A3144's on the way.

I have a winding counter which should get me spot on with the coil turns.

Wondering...what would be the electrical and also Lenz results of using a coil like the attached?


I would have to say that is the exact equivalent of Tesla's bi-filer solenoid winding, without the splice (externally) .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 16, 2011, 04:26:34 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 15, 2011, 11:21:37 PM
Question on how I hooked up RomeroUK generator in boost configuration to overcome limitations of only 1 coil/pair generator set.
Quick and dirty of how I did it.

See Video:




that's a great test!

i'm in the final stages of the mech aspects - both stators plates complete but now trying to solve the compromise of securing the motor to the baseboard within the space constraints imposed by the eventual coil positions

i have a 3V 1A DC motor as drive, so my V:I ratio is going to be a lot lower than the regular pulse drive route, meaning i don't need to be so concerned with achieving good volts out, but i do need to get good current

i was considering moving to a parallel config for my gen coils to bump the o/p current - that's exactly what you've tested and confirmed, so many thanks for sharing that!

your PSU 'boost' config is very interesting

one aspect is that you've already 'looped' your o/p back to your i/p - even by joining in series

another aspect is that, although you only have one gen coil so far, you've 'simulated' the output from the remaining coils to some extent, by plugging in your PSU in their place

so - even with a single gen coil you've been able to vary the operating point and already observe a change in Lenz-related behaviour as a function of the rpm

i was also interested to see that, although it was only producing a few tens of mA, your gen coil o/p wasn't creating a 'bottleneck' in your series loop - ie., you weren't degrading the drive requirements by using this config

it would be interesting to see the effect of an adjustable low-to-medium impedance load in parallel with the motor drive with this initial 'boost' setup to get a feel for any 'spare-capacity' there might be in the system, and if/how that interacts with the changes around the Lenz-related transition rpm

obviously, having the PSU in circuit at present, instead of the remaining coils, this might dominate the behaviour too much to see how a single gen coil performs - but in any case, the way ahead looks good for when you move on to add more gen coils

a little earlier you sounded a bit disheartened with how things were going  - and then you pull this gem out of the bag  ;)

it may be the 'World's Smallest Lab' but it's definitely making some big contributions to our knowledge-base on the behaviour of these systems!

many thanks

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 16, 2011, 05:07:39 AM
Quote from: konehead on June 15, 2011, 01:52:43 PM

so think in that way - if I measured the voltage acorss a DC cap when it is also shorted out with "dead short"at same time obviously its near zero volts. and so what?
that is what specific resistve loading is for, but this isnt "right" either - its a "two stage" cap filling, cap idschage routine I am looking for and doing

Hi Doug,

Thanks for your in depth reply and yes, the voltage will be virtually zero which is the point, that your load will dictate the power consumption. If you charge your cap without a load to 30V DC and then disconnect and discharge it to a load, you may get 500mA for a split second but the energy drawn from the cap is calculated over a period of time, so your 500mA will not be a constant at 30V. You need to measure the voltage across the cap connected across your chosen load to calculate the power and energy over time and compare this to the input energy to get the true COP and a full understanding of performance.

Sorry if I've misunderstood you but this is how I'm reading your posts. A circuit schematic of your setup will make it easier to understand how you are setup. This should include your measuring points for clarity.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 16, 2011, 06:36:18 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 15, 2011, 11:21:37 PM
Question on how I hooked up RomeroUK generator in boost configuration to overcome limitations of only 1 coil/pair generator set.
Quick and dirty of how I did it.

See Video:



Hi Ben,

What is the combined voltage across the cap and motor coils compared to your supply voltage? If your cap is discharged at the start of the test, you should see the voltage rising on the cap and stabilising when the voltage across the motor coils and cap equals the supply voltage, minus the forward voltage drop of the two bridge diodes which are in forward conduction to pass current to the motor. If you are seeing this, where is the gain?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 06:40:47 AM
Quote from: nul-points on June 16, 2011, 04:26:34 AM


that's a great test!

i'm in the final stages of the mech aspects - both stators plates complete but now trying to solve the compromise of securing the motor to the baseboard within the space constraints imposed by the eventual coil positions

i have a 3V 1A DC motor as drive, so my V:I ratio is going to be a lot lower than the regular pulse drive route, meaning i don't need to be so concerned with achieving good volts out, but i do need to get good current

i was considering moving to a parallel config for my gen coils to bump the o/p current - that's exactly what you've tested and confirmed, so many thanks for sharing that!

your PSU 'boost' config is very interesting

one aspect is that you've already 'looped' your o/p back to your i/p - even by joining in series

another aspect is that, although you only have one gen coil so far, you've 'simulated' the output from the remaining coils to some extent, by plugging in your PSU in their place

so - even with a single gen coil you've been able to vary the operating point and already observe a change in Lenz-related behaviour as a function of the rpm

i was also interested to see that, although it was only producing a few tens of mA, your gen coil o/p wasn't creating a 'bottleneck' in your series loop - ie., you weren't degrading the drive requirements by using this config

it would be interesting to see the effect of an adjustable low-to-medium impedance load in parallel with the motor drive with this initial 'boost' setup to get a feel for any 'spare-capacity' there might be in the system, and if/how that interacts with the changes around the Lenz-related transition rpm

obviously, having the PSU in circuit at present, instead of the remaining coils, this might dominate the behaviour too much to see how a single gen coil performs - but in any case, the way ahead looks good for when you move on to add more gen coils

a little earlier you sounded a bit disheartened with how things were going  - and then you pull this gem out of the bag  ;)

it may be the 'World's Smallest Lab' but it's definitely making some big contributions to our knowledge-base on the behaviour of these systems!

many thanks

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Good Morning NP,

I was sort of down the last few days.  Nothing was working, mechanically, side loading due to poor alignment (eyeball) of the generator cores produced so much drag/load on the bearings (pounding) that I could not overcome it with the simple "hall effect" drive, finally got the scope out and discovered it was not switching properly, added the TIP41 transistor and while current went up about 10mA, motor portion of circuit worked perfectly then.  Removed 4 generator coils as just too much mechanical loading on the rotor and was always about 2 VDC below power supply so no chance of testing, piddled and piddled with it, becoming more and more disgusted with my inability to build
a decent device at these power levels in my limited space.  Then in total disgust, while cleaning up shop (closet)to chuck this whole project (yah, it was whipping my buttinsky) , this test sort of floated up out of all the data available.  As soon as I got additional RPM @ same input voltage from the variable PS, I knew it was working.  It took a couple hours of testing to find the best operating point and RPM in the device and to logicall show how/why it was occuring at the most simplistic level.  In retrospect, I "undersigned" mechanically not realizing how powerful the offset magnets/coils mechanical pulses were back into the rotor, as I only built it to do basic research on the motor/gen. and that was almost the downfall of the unit.

That said:

I can verify that the magnet at the end of a coil can add about 60mv/coil when adjusted correctly in both a horozontal and vertical position. .  This doesn't sound like much but if you have
7-9 coil  pairs, this will become significant. 

I have not verified that doubling up on the bridge rectifiers will help but logically as the power levels go up, this should also add a few tenths of a volt to the total voltage levels in the generator. 

Why the lenz effect seems to go down and output of the generator becomes positive relative to the overall system I am not certain at this time, I suspect a resonance in the device but have not swept the coil/bridge/Cap with a signal generator to verify this. It could be a new phenomenon that is not understood, I just don't know.  I don't know if paralleling the coils increased the current capability of the system or dropped it into the correct inductance range (Parallel coils) to resonate.  I do know in the series coil configuration, it did not work in my system, I never reached a crossover point initially as probably the point was too low with the increased series inductance of the two coils (40-50mH)without magnets.  But remember, this is just a test rig. 

The best of luck on your pursuit of this will-o-the wisp.....When you start from scratch, just getting all the mechanics to fall into place,
winding all those damn coils, getting the parts together, is a heck of a lot of work.  If you see something that works in his device, don't redesign it, use it. When the thing doesn't work, don't stop, back up, try again!  This is not a slam bam, thank you mam type of system, I have learned so many new things that I "thought" I knew, but didn't building this device, what can I say.  Remember, Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency.  That is one of the many "keys" to this device, a mA saved in the motor or generator is 1 mA closer to OU!  The video that Romero showed us was worth a thousand words, the nitty gritty of making it work, for understanding, needs a million, give or take.  So much more to say, so many impressions not yet proved, what fun we are having!

Going to be gone most of the day, maybe add another coil tonight.

So we continue, this is not the end, only the beginning.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 06:52:13 AM
Quote from: Hoppy on June 16, 2011, 06:36:18 AM
Hi Ben,

What is the combined voltage across the cap and motor coils compared to your supply voltage? If your cap is discharged at the start of the test, you should see the voltage rising on the cap and stabilising when the voltage across the motor coils and cap equals the supply voltage, minus the forward voltage drop of the two bridge diodes which are in forward conduction to pass current to the motor. If you are seeing this, where is the gain?

Morning Hoppy,

You are absolutely correct in your description of a non working system.  In the video, when I start it @ 14.00 VDC, you will note the voltage across the cap rises to about 5.4 VDC and the SUM of these two voltages is about 19.5 VDC which is presented/shown to the motor coils as shown on the second DVM in the back to the right.  The gain is that the voltage across the CAP is extra voltage seen in the loop from the generator.  IF it is not working, you will see exactly what you have described (total of 14VDC in loop) and I have seen so many times in this quest.  Remember this boost generator output is a totally electrically isolated system, separate from the motor, IN SERIES with the primary power supply,  hence the ability to add it to the loop.  Watch the two DVM's in the video again as I start the system.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 07:49:31 AM
Hi All,

Just a quick synopsis:

Test 5 min ago.

Variable Power Supply set to 14.00 VDC.

Motor voltage      14.00 VDC, Generator unloaded voltage across cap..................................8.57 VDC,  RPM 2300
Motor voltage      14.00 VDC, Generator on RESISTIVE load to lower voltage to NO BOOST.....5.48 VDC,  RPM 2010
Motor voltage      19.48 VDC, Generator in BOOST MODE, Generator voltage........................5.48 VDC,  RPM 2513.

The difference the generator provides as a loaded device/Generator is + 503 RPM.......give or take in it's loaded state.

Gone for the day.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 16, 2011, 08:02:24 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 06:52:13 AM
Morning Hoppy,

You are absolutely correct in your description of a non working system.  In the video, when I start it @ 14.00 VDC, you will note the voltage across the cap rises to about 5.4 VDC and the SUM of these two voltages is about 19.5 VDC which is presented/shown to the motor coils as shown on the second DVM in the back to the right.  The gain is that the voltage across the CAP is extra voltage seen in the loop from the generator.  IF it is not working, you will see exactly what you have described (total of 14VDC in loop) and I have seen so many times in this quest.  Remember this boost generator output is a totally electrically isolated system, separate from the motor, IN SERIES with the primary power supply,  hence the ability to add it to the loop.  Watch the two DVM's in the video again as I start the system.



Thank you. Just to be totally clear on your setup, are you measuring the voltage directly across the two motor coils in parallel and adding this voltage to the voltage across the cap? You have three components in series, the motor coils and the two bridge diodes in series, which are both bridged by your cap. These components should drop the whole supply voltage between them. If there is anything over then this is a gain.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 08:26:09 AM
Quote from: Hoppy on June 16, 2011, 08:02:24 AM

Thank you. Just to be totally clear on your setup, are you measuring the voltage directly across the two motor coils in parallel and adding this voltage to the voltage across the cap? You have three components in series, the motor coils and the two bridge diodes in series, which are both bridged by your cap. These components should drop the whole supply voltage between them. If there is anything over then this is a gain.


Hi Hoppy,

Correct with corrections, I end up with a series LOOP circuit consisting of the (1) Variable Pwer supply set to +14.00 VDC and (2) the ISOLATED generator supply consisting of 2 coils in parallel, phased the same, feeding bridge to a 68000UF cap. (the Generator coils/bridge/cap make a separate power supply) which under load settles down to about +5.48VDC,  the two above power supplies are wired in a series circuit + to -, + to - which means their voltages are additive (19.48VDC) and they share the loop and common current and are then connected to the standard PULSE motor driver circuit, which is 4 air coils in series driven by a Hall/Tip41 pulse circuit.  The load of the generator self regulates the speed of the rotor, etc. as it is still under unity and does not run away.  Everything is dependent on everything else and effects it!  How it all fits together  is really fascinating and gives you a very clear picture of the process.

Wife still not ready to go out for day...........in a holding patern.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 08:53:50 AM
Information on coils/motor.

Pair inductance in parallel=6.609  mH no magnet, 4.580 mH with magnet.
DC Resistance of pair in parallel= 5.7 ohms
Coil size is 15mm Dia. X 19 mm long. wind till full.
Core is 5.72mm X 24.79 mm
Wire is 27 X 48 litz wire.
8 N42 .5" magnets X .25" thick on 3.75 diameter circle,
Bias magnets 1/4X1/16" in repulsion.
rotor built of 3 CDR's glued together. Flat and true!
Bearing out of old tape DV recorder.
Standard hall/Tip41 driver using motor magnets S side for triggering. 
Motor coils air wound #28 on standard sewing bobbins from Wahl Mart.
Plastic from Tap Plastic,
Sweat from Ben........

I do not think wire has to be Litz, just have a old reel laying around from Xtal radio days.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 16, 2011, 09:09:25 AM
Thanks Bolt and Guyla for your replies and further details to my direct loop connection question.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 16, 2011, 10:17:11 AM
Quote from: TEKTRON on June 16, 2011, 03:06:35 AM
I would have to say that is the exact equivalent of Tesla's bi-filer solenoid winding, without the splice (externally) .

I think the difference is that in Tesla's bifilar (pancake) coil, each part of the wire has besides it, a wire carrying current in the opposite direction. There is no part of the wire that is adjacent to another wire with current in the same direction. So there is practically no self-inductance.

Here, in artist_guy version, it is basically two conventional coils side by side, with one that has reversed wind direction. But each coil has inductance, and being on the same core, I'm not sure of the resultant inductance of the assembly, but I would think it would act very different from Tesla's.

I still would be interesting to try it, in case it would have properties that could be beneficial to our goal.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 16, 2011, 10:23:30 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 15, 2011, 01:22:29 PM
New TESLA SERBIAN! Milutin Miletich is a retired technology engineer (not electrical), , he has invented something extraordinary. Alternating current is filtered and flows through ONE wire only and powers a classic light bulb. His words are that he was able to join positive, negative and the ground into one electrical flow, and that is not all - human can hold the wire without any problems! The power is 220V in Serbia (you can see in the video that he is using the regular power supply), and 220V powers the light bulb, so voltage stays the same.
There are no sparks, the power is totally safe, even you cut the wire, the flow will stop but without any sparks. So safety is one of the greatest benefits.
He says that he was able to make sure that no electrons would escape the wire. His claim is also that there are significant (drastic) savings in power consumptions (he is using it for his water heater and thermal blanket). He also says that this type of current can heat the wire up to 1000C and be used as a heater, and that all high voltage cables could be replaced with a much smaller profile wire. He also claims that this setup can be adjusted so that 5Kw flows through 1mm wire. With slightly bigger profiles, much more power could be used.
He says he had worked on this patent for 20 years, and it is now being evaluated by the patent office.

That's fascinating.
This really deserves a new thread.
While reading your description, I almost had a stroke at the last line, when I saw that he was going to the patent office.  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! ! !
There goes another great invention that will be suppressed, like the rest of them !

When will people learn ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 16, 2011, 10:55:31 AM
Quote from: altair on June 16, 2011, 10:17:11 AM
I think the difference is that in Tesla's bifilar (pancake) coil, each part of the wire has besides it, a wire carrying current in the opposite direction. There is no part of the wire that is adjacent to another wire with current in the same direction. So there is practically no self-inductance.

Hi altair,

Actually, there are actually four different kinds of Bifilar-wound coils. These depend on the connections and the direction that you put the current in each one.

If we assume (for example) that the bifilar coil is a pancake coil (like Tesla's original one), then you can do one of four things:

1. Hook the windings together in parallel with the current going the same way.

2. Hook the windings together in series with the current going the same way.

3. Hook the windings together in parallel with the current going opposite directions.

4. Hook the windings together in series with the current going opposite directions.

Each configuration creates a unique series of characteristics and circumstances depending on what you want to do.

Tesla's original Bifilar coil was wound like #2 in my description. The idea is to increase the electrical potential difference between the individual windings without canceling the inductance of the coils. This way, the inter-winding capacitance can be greatly increased to allow the coil to self-resonate at lower frequencies.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: WilbyInebriated on June 16, 2011, 11:00:47 AM
Quote from: altair on June 16, 2011, 10:23:30 AM
When will people learn ?

when the acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives... when we work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 16, 2011, 11:02:33 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 06:40:47 AMWhy the lenz effect seems to go down and output of the generator becomes positive relative to the overall system I am not certain at this time, I suspect a resonance in the device but have not swept the coil/bridge/Cap with a signal generator to verify this. It could be a new phenomenon that is not understood, I just don't know.  I don't know if paralleling the coils increased the current capability of the system or dropped it into the correct inductance range (Parallel coils) to resonate.  I do know in the series coil configuration, it did not work in my system, I never reached a crossover point initially as probably the point was too low with the increased series inductance of the two coils (40-50mH)without magnets.  But remember, this is just a test rig.

Hi k4zep,

Nice to see you working on this with us. You may have missed some of our recent posts where Bolt and I were discussing the importance of tuning the device to resonance to really manifest the no-load power generation effect. Here's the links, one of which includes a formula you can use to determine what size cap to use with your motor given the RPMs you want to run at and a few other variables.



- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 16, 2011, 11:07:45 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 08:26:09 AM

  Everything is dependent on everything else and effects it!  How it all fits together  is really fascinating and gives you a very clear picture of the process.


Great work Ben!

Gives me hope!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 16, 2011, 12:31:42 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 16, 2011, 10:55:31 AM
Hi altair,

Actually, there are actually four different kinds of Bifilar-wound coils. These depend on the connections and the direction that you put the current in each one.

If we assume (for example) that the bifilar coil is a pancake coil (like Tesla's original one), then you can do one of four things:

1. Hook the windings together in parallel with the current going the same way.

2. Hook the windings together in series with the current going the same way.

3. Hook the windings together in parallel with the current going opposite directions.

4. Hook the windings together in series with the current going opposite directions.

Each configuration creates a unique series of characteristics and circumstances depending on what you want to do.

Tesla's original Bifilar coil was wound like #2 in my description. The idea is to increase the electrical potential difference between the individual windings without canceling the inductance of the coils. This way, the inter-winding capacitance can be greatly increased to allow the coil to self-resonate at lower frequencies.

- Jason O

Hi Jdo,

you are right about the pancake coil.
I assumed that the first conductor went from outside the coil to the center, and then jumped to the second one going from the center to the outside.

I just took a good look at the patent, and its actually the first conductor jumps to the OUTSIDE of the second one and coils back again towards the center. This of course makes the current direction the same in adjacent conductors.

Thanks for the heads up !

Very clever that Tesla.  This would be a great way to get very high inter-winding capacitance, if a coil was made of copper tape instead of round wire...


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 16, 2011, 01:52:57 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 08:26:09 AM
Hi Hoppy,

Correct with corrections, I end up with a series LOOP circuit consisting of the (1) Variable Pwer supply set to +14.00 VDC and (2) the ISOLATED generator supply consisting of 2 coils in parallel, phased the same, feeding bridge to a 68000UF cap. (the Generator coils/bridge/cap make a separate power supply) which under load settles down to about +5.48VDC,  the two above power supplies are wired in a series circuit + to -, + to - which means their voltages are additive (19.48VDC) and they share the loop and common current and are then connected to the standard PULSE motor driver circuit, which is 4 air coils in series driven by a Hall/Tip41 pulse circuit.  The load of the generator self regulates the speed of the rotor, etc. as it is still under unity and does not run away.  Everything is dependent on everything else and effects it!  How it all fits together  is really fascinating and gives you a very clear picture of the process.

Wife still not ready to go out for day...........in a holding patern.


Thanks again Ben for the detailed description of your setup. Are you able to measure the full additive 19.48V across two points of your circuit? I ask this because I don't think that the 14V and 5.48V can be legitimately added. This is because the 5.84V secondary supply voltage is sitting on the capacitor unloaded and indirectly derived from the pulsed coil - driving the rotor - which is directly derived from Vsupply - FWBR Vdrop, whereas the main PSU voltage is loaded by the motor coils. Hope this makes some sense to you.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: d@rkenergy on June 16, 2011, 02:26:40 PM
this is my rotor .materyal is ''delrin''  10mmx200mm only 4$. magnets are 3mmx15mm. 3 mag together total 9mm.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 03:09:44 PM
Quote from: Hoppy on June 16, 2011, 01:52:57 PM
Thanks again Ben for the detailed description of your setup. Are you able to measure the full additive 19.48V across two points of your circuit? I ask this because I don't think that the 14V and 5.48V can be legitimately added. This is because the 5.84V secondary supply voltage is sitting on the capacitor unloaded and indirectly derived from the pulsed coil - driving the rotor - which is directly derived from Vsupply - FWBR Vdrop, whereas the main PSU voltage is loaded by the motor coils. Hope this makes some sense to you.


Hi Hoppy,

You need to back up and look at what I have said in the 2 videos, and observe what is going on VERY CLOSELY. 

Legitimately or illegitimately, the voltages add up and I measure it at the motor terminals (I call it the RAIL voltage) which reflects the + of Gen. supply and the - of the variable power supply which are both in SERIES with each other!!  It is absolute, it is real, look at the 4 meters in the 1st. video, showing, from front to back, Floating GEN CAP voltage under load, RAIL (MOTOR INPUT VOLTAGE @ the input to the HALL/TIP41 INPUT), variable power supply voltage (fixed @ 14.00 VDC in this experiment) and current, somewhat variable. Its all there right in front of your eyes. 

Yes I realize there is a mechanical connection to the rotor via magnetic coupling, and a slight correction to your statement that the 5.84VDC is from the series unloaded circuit, that is not correct.  The unloaded voltage of the Generator not in the boost mode and out of the loop is around 8.5 to 9 VDC in the generator  Cap. and once the Cap. is charged up presents no load to the pulse motor except for hysteresis in the mass of the coils, air loading, etc! When in boost mode (generator wired into the loop!) and putting energy back into the loop (LOADED) the voltage across the Gen. Cap is 5.84 VDC. @ about 40 ma  less  the loss or IR drop in the 4 diodes and resistance of the generator coils and a few other variables.  You must realize that the voltage and current outputted by the loaded generator is totally dependent on the efficiency of the pulse motor and how fast it can spin the rotor at the looped load and is at its best speed/rpm is at ONE particular frequency reflected into the L/C circuit of the GEN.  Some things such as series circuits vs. parallel circuits and resonance circuits we learned 50 years ago in EL101 (whew, I'm getting old)  hence the dynamics of a floating resonant generator warp the mind when first considered!  Think of this as a simulation of a OU device in that I use the variable PS to simulate 2-4 other gen. coils and when used with this one coil set, I can look at the real world variables (voltage, current, RPM, gen output, total look current) going on and learn from the interactions as to what is really happening!
I hope we can put this to bed now and go forward............

A couple other observations from questions received.  My pulse motor will run over the voltage range of the Hall effect device as a stand alone pulse motor.  With the simple Hall/Tip41 circuit, I see some clipping around 25VDC input and 3500 RPM and it self limits its speed.  I have not tried to make a better driver as I simply do not need it. I am considering using a HEXFET as the driver but later I think. There are and I have seen some beautiful drivers out there, micro processor controlled, H bridge circuits, all most excellent, but at this point, I simply don't need it right now.  Not to say in the future there would some excellent uses for these devices in more complex units.  No I have not tried AV plugs in this circuit as I feel they are not of any use here. DC resistance of coils is a place to start but you must look at AC inductive reactant in the running device. Back EMF, Counter EMF, inductive kickback, etc etc. can all be recovered or not used as reflecting on what you are trying to do.  That is Make the SYSTEM efficient.....

Now I'm going to take a nap (you can do that when you are retired!) and then put a second coil set on the device this evening. 

Later and I remain,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MasterPlaster on June 16, 2011, 03:38:24 PM
I have been an admirer of your work for a long time. I would lke to point out that the DVMs are not generally designed for the kind of measurements we subject them to and whilst I am wishing you good results, perhaps better techniques should be used to disperse any false indications.

Many regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MasterPlaster on June 16, 2011, 03:42:29 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 16, 2011, 10:55:31 AM

there are actually four different kinds of Bifilar-wound coils. These depend on the connections and the direction that you put the current in each one.

If we assume (for example) that the bifilar coil is a pancake coil (like Tesla's original one), then you can do one of four things:

1. Hook the windings together in parallel with the current going the same way.

2. Hook the windings together in series with the current going the same way.

3. Hook the windings together in parallel with the current going opposite directions.

4. Hook the windings together in series with the current going opposite directions.

Each configuration creates a unique series of characteristics and circumstances depending on what you want to do.

@Jason, do you know of any published research or experiments about the configurations you pointed out?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 16, 2011, 04:14:48 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 03:09:44 PM
Hi Hoppy,

You need to back up and look at what I have said in the 2 videos, and observe what is going on VERY CLOSELY. 

Legitimately or illegitimately, the voltages add up and I measure it at the motor terminals (I call it the RAIL voltage) which reflects the + of Gen. supply and the - of the variable power supply which are both in SERIES with each other!!  It is absolute, it is real, look at the 4 meters in the 1st. video, showing, from front to back, Floating GEN CAP voltage under load, RAIL (MOTOR INPUT VOLTAGE @ the input to the HALL/TIP41 INPUT), variable power supply voltage (fixed @ 14.00 VDC in this experiment) and current, somewhat variable. Its all there right in front of your eyes. 

Yes I realize there is a mechanical connection to the rotor via magnetic coupling, and a slight correction to your statement that the 5.84VDC is from the series unloaded circuit, that is not correct.  The unloaded voltage of the Generator not in the boost mode and out of the loop is around 8.5 to 9 VDC in the generator  Cap. and once the Cap. is charged up presents no load to the pulse motor except for hysteresis in the mass of the coils, air loading, etc! When in boost mode (generator wired into the loop!) and putting energy back into the loop (LOADED) the voltage across the Gen. Cap is 5.84 VDC. @ about 40 ma  less  the loss or IR drop in the 4 diodes and resistance of the generator coils and a few other variables.  You must realize that the voltage and current outputted by the loaded generator is totally dependent on the efficiency of the pulse motor and how fast it can spin the rotor at the looped load and is at its best speed/rpm is at ONE particular frequency reflected into the L/C circuit of the GEN.  Some things such as series circuits vs. parallel circuits and resonance circuits we learned 50 years ago in EL101 (whew, I'm getting old)  hence the dynamics of a floating resonant generator warp the mind when first considered!  Think of this as a simulation of a OU device in that I use the variable PS to simulate 2-4 other gen. coils and when used with this one coil set, I can look at the real world variables (voltage, current, RPM, gen output, total look current) going on and learn from the interactions as to what is really happening!
I hope we can put this to bed now and go forward............

A couple other observations from questions received.  My pulse motor will run over the voltage range of the Hall effect device as a stand alone pulse motor.  With the simple Hall/Tip41 circuit, I see some clipping around 25VDC input and 3500 RPM and it self limits its speed.  I have not tried to make a better driver as I simply do not need it. I am considering using a HEXFET as the driver but later I think. There are and I have seen some beautiful drivers out there, micro processor controlled, H bridge circuits, all most excellent, but at this point, I simply don't need it right now.  Not to say in the future there would some excellent uses for these devices in more complex units.  No I have not tried AV plugs in this circuit as I feel they are not of any use here. DC resistance of coils is a place to start but you must look at AC inductive reactant in the running device. Back EMF, Counter EMF, inductive kickback, etc etc. can all be recovered or not used as reflecting on what you are trying to do.  That is Make the SYSTEM efficient.....

Now I'm going to take a nap (you can do that when you are retired!) and then put a second coil set on the device this evening. 

Later and I remain,


   Can provide detailed schematic diagram?

Thank you!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinu on June 16, 2011, 04:52:22 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 07:49:31 AM
Hi All,

Just a quick synopsis:

Test 5 min ago.

Variable Power Supply set to 14.00 VDC.

Motor voltage      14.00 VDC, Generator unloaded voltage across cap..................................8.57 VDC,  RPM 2300
Motor voltage      14.00 VDC, Generator on RESISTIVE load to lower voltage to NO BOOST.....5.48 VDC,  RPM 2010
Motor voltage      19.48 VDC, Generator in BOOST MODE, Generator voltage........................5.48 VDC,  RPM 2513.

The difference the generator provides as a loaded device/Generator is + 503 RPM.......give or take in it's loaded state.

Gone for the day.


Hi Ben,

I suspect the behavior, which I admit is mind puzzling, is due to the regulated PS. I explain it:


When rotor at rest, the PS is loading the 68mF cap in reverse polarity, up to a -.363V (when equilibrium is reached). For that equilibrium, PS delivers about 5mA which is ok. IMHO you do not “leak voltage” and all voltmeters work fine. PS built-in voltmeter fluctuates in between 14.4 and 14.3 so I’ll take 14.35V. And 14.35 +(-.363) gives exactly what you read on the “more accurate one”, namely 13.9V. So everything is clear to me so far. Agree?

Further, you kick the rotor on and experiment begins. The same 68mF starts charging. Puzzling!!!

I believe that, most probably, the PS has a significantly lower filtering cap, maybe 10mF (please confirm). If so, 68/10=6.8 and the back EMF from motor coils is largely felt by the PS and not by the 68mF cap which act as a short at that frequency. The regulated PS when detecting a decrease in voltage, tries compensating that by pulsing up the current, hence more power delivered to the motor coils.
On the other hand, a resistor placed instead of 68mF would take most part of the back EMF voltage on it (series circuit -> voltage divider as per impedance ratio) so the PS will act very differently.

Please comment. (I apologize for leaving the forum now but it’s late in the night here.)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 16, 2011, 04:58:11 PM
Quote from: d@rkenergy on June 16, 2011, 02:26:40 PM
this is my rotor .materyal is ''delrin''  10mmx200mm only 4$. magnets are 3mmx15mm. 3 mag together total 9mm.

@ d@arkenergy,

Nice looking rotor.   Where did you find your delrin?   Did you have to cut your own circle/disc?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 06:20:21 PM
Quote from: MasterPlaster on June 16, 2011, 03:38:24 PM
I have been an admirer of your work for a long time. I would lke to point out that the DVMs are not generally designed for the kind of measurements we subject them to and whilst I am wishing you good results, perhaps better techniques should be used to disperse any false indications.

Many regards

Hi MP,

Next video will try to cover your concerns.  As I am only showing filtered DC, mearsurments are fairly accurate but can absolutely
be documented better next time.  Thank you for your observations and concerns.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: u2btchr on June 16, 2011, 06:22:07 PM
New question on coil core materials, I need assistance, advice, clarification on before I do a LOT of work making mu-metal cores.

I have 10+ kg of mu-metal plates off of old hard-drive magnets I've collected over the past 2 years. I want to melt and cast 18 to 20 mm diameter rods and use this as the core materials for my next coils (will cut coil ends and have coils approx. 25mm in length). What can I expect (coil characteristics) using this material vs. the 18 mm dia. hollow ferrite tubes I am using now?

Would you use mu-metal cores with wire wrapped directly to them IF you had them? Looking for yor advice and opinions.

The old shop tchr [39 yrs] trying new things. [Today was LAST DAY for my students so now I can do what I want    ;D   for the summer!]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 16, 2011, 06:30:08 PM
Quote from: tinu on June 16, 2011, 04:52:22 PMI suspect the behavior, which I admit is mind puzzling

Nothing puzzling there. Smells like power factor correction. Watch amp draw on PSU.

03:08 0.07A "boost" hi rpm
05:43 0.03A "no boost" low rpm
06:09 0.07A "boost" hi rpm

It does not mean it is wrong direction to go, however. It does mean that devil is in the details ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 06:31:02 PM
Quote from: tinu on June 16, 2011, 04:52:22 PM
Hi Ben,

I suspect the behavior, which I admit is mind puzzling, is due to the regulated PS. I explain it:


When rotor at rest, the PS is loading the 68mF cap in reverse polarity, up to a -.363V (when equilibrium is reached). For that equilibrium, PS delivers about 5mA which is ok. IMHO you do not “leak voltage” and all voltmeters work fine. PS built-in voltmeter fluctuates in between 14.4 and 14.3 so I’ll take 14.35V. And 14.35 +(-.363) gives exactly what you read on the “more accurate one”, namely 13.9V. So everything is clear to me so far. Agree?

Further, you kick the rotor on and experiment begins. The same 68mF starts charging. Puzzling!!!

I believe that, most probably, the PS has a significantly lower filtering cap, maybe 10mF (please confirm). If so, 68/10=6.8 and the back EMF from motor coils is largely felt by the PS and not by the 68mF cap which act as a short at that frequency. The regulated PS when detecting a decrease in voltage, tries compensating that by pulsing up the current, hence more power delivered to the motor coils.
On the other hand, a resistor placed instead of 68mF would take most part of the back EMF voltage on it (series circuit -> voltage divider as per impedance ratio) so the PS will act very differently.

Please comment. (I apologize for leaving the forum now but it’s late in the night here.)


Hi Tinu,

I have respected your work and comments on this list over time and thank you for your very astute observations.  I will try to show this effect and how it effects this this motor/gen. ASAP but this takes time.  Absolute proof of any claim requires absolute bulletproof undeniable date to back it up.  Will take a while to document.

Again thanks for your observations. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 06:34:30 PM
Quote from: yssuraxu_697 on June 16, 2011, 06:30:08 PM
Nothing puzzling there. Smells like power factor correction. Watch amp draw on PSU.

03:08 0.07A "boost" hi rpm
05:43 0.03A "no boost" low rpm
06:09 0.07A "boost" hi rpm

It does not mean it is wrong direction to go, however.

Hi "YS"

A very astute observation, Something else to check and verify!!!!!
I appreciate all the input from some great input out there!
Will try and get a handle on all the ideas and observations.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 16, 2011, 06:38:26 PM
Quote from: u2btchr on June 16, 2011, 06:22:07 PM
New question on coil core materials, I need assistance, advice, clarification on before I do a LOT of work making mu-metal cores.

I have 10+ kg of mu-metal plates off of old hard-drive magnets I've collected over the past 2 years. I want to melt and cast 18 to 20 mm diameter rods and use this as the core materials for my next coils (will cut coil ends and have coils approx. 25mm in length). What can I expect (coil characteristics) using this material vs. the 18 mm dia. hollow ferrite tubes I am using now?

Would you use mu-metal cores with wire wrapped directly to them IF you had them? Looking for yor advice and opinions.

The old shop tchr [39 yrs] trying new things. [Today was LAST DAY for my students so now I can do what I want    ;D   for the summer!]

Mu-metal has some amazing properties but before you go melting it you best look into the process it was manufactured as some of these alloys undergo extremely detailed heat treatments to give them the unique properties. So before you go melting it into a big BLOB could easy kill it and produce a magnetic permeability worse than grandmas old iron kitchen sink!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on June 16, 2011, 06:50:50 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 16, 2011, 06:38:26 PM
Mu-metal has some amazing properties but before you go melting it you best look into the process it was manufactured as some of these alloys undergo extremely detailed heat treatments to give them the unique properties. So before you go melting it into a big BLOB could easy kill it and produce a magnetic permeability worse than grandmas old iron kitchen sink!

Interestingly the annealing aligns the magnetic domains according to the wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu-metal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu-metal)

Same as Muller with setting his polycrystalline resin cores in a strong magnetic field. Was that his way of increasing the permeability of his cores?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 16, 2011, 07:12:05 PM
Quote from: bourne on June 16, 2011, 06:50:50 PM
Interestingly the annealing aligns the magnetic domains according to the wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu-metal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu-metal)

Same as Muller with setting his polycrystalline resin cores in a strong magnetic field. Was that his way of increasing the permeability of his cores?

Hmm  if this is true, then maybe Muller had magnetized cores. And the bias magnets simulate that.  Maybe. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 16, 2011, 08:07:03 PM
Hey everybody. Finally decided to acquire a real (but cheap) variable DC power supply for my lab.
Thought you might be interested to know about an Asian built 30vdc, 5amp, power supply with fine tuning, LED display, and test leads for only $80.

It's an Atten Brand model APS3005S currently available through Amazon at: http://amzn.com/B0050FBSRY

It brags of low ripple and noise and the China manufacture's page says it has a "Strong Wind" (Forced Air) cooling system. :)
And I think LED displays look cool compared to common LCD displays.

Not a bad deal for $79.99 and free shipping.
Most other 30v, 5a, supplies are $100 or more.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: d@rkenergy on June 16, 2011, 09:35:26 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 16, 2011, 04:58:11 PM
@ d@arkenergy,

Nice looking rotor.   Where did you find your delrin?   Did you have to cut your own circle/disc?


I'm having turkey. in industry's shops easily. long as they are made ​​of rods. Any size from 10mm-500mm's.
  I bought a 15mm thick, 200mm diameter.
they are cutting as you want.

lathe machine, then had a thickness of 10mm.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 16, 2011, 10:33:41 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 16, 2011, 06:38:26 PM
Mu-metal has some amazing properties but before you go melting it you best look into the process it was manufactured as some of these alloys undergo extremely detailed heat treatments to give them the unique properties. So before you go melting it into a big BLOB could easy kill it and produce a magnetic permeability worse than grandmas old iron kitchen sink!

I would agree that melting will probably kill the properties you want.  I've been thinking about cutting them into narrow pieces with a good metal bandsaw.  Either that or I'm trying the metal tape I showed a couple pages back if I can determine it is Mu metal as I suspect.  I'll probably try at least one coil on it if I can't determine it to see how it compares to the ferrite.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 16, 2011, 10:42:01 PM
Quote from: Scorch on June 16, 2011, 08:07:03 PM
Hey everybody. Finally decided to acquire a real (but cheap) variable DC power supply for my lab.
Thought you might be interested to know about an Asian built 30vdc, 5amp, power supply with fine tuning, LED display, and test leads for only $80.

It's an Atten Brand model APS3005S currently available through Amazon at: http://amzn.com/B0050FBSRY

It brags of low ripple and noise and the China manufacture's page says it has a "Strong Wind" (Forced Air) cooling system. :)
And I think LED displays look cool compared to common LCD displays.

Not a bad deal for $79.99 and free shipping.
Most other 30v, 5a, supplies are $100 or more.


For those who may want something like this for even less consider this.  All you need is a good 12 volt DC wall wort (transformer) that has at least a couple amps or better or an old computer power supply.  Both are very abundant and easily found.  All computer power supplies have a very well regulated 12 volt output (and also commonly 5 volt).  Then just get a DC-DC converter off eBay as many are available that give you both adjustable voltage and current.  You can get them for around $6 to $15 or so and most will go up to around 30 volts and some more.  Much cheaper than $80 to $100+  but the only drawback is you don't have an LED display to see the voltage and current.  I think you can find them but then you already have a volt meter or VOM and so you'll know what it's at anyway.  The heart of most of those DC power supplies is very inexpensive so if you need to save some money to have a variable power supply this can do the job for you.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skycollection on June 16, 2011, 11:05:59 PM
Dynamotor or muller replication or romero uk, my motor is based in the same concept, i have 2 circuits for the driver motor and i am building 3 pairs of UNIGEN COILS, they are going to be the PICKUP COILS. i have no results for the moment because i have no the same rotor and the same coils, because i don`t like TO COPY THAT THE OTHER PEOPLE DO...!
I will try to make a dynamo-generator to my way and if the motor works is good, if the motor not work, I AM LEARNING....!
i NEVER GIVE AP, is better to make something, for me is only experimentation....! SALUDOS Y GRACIAS.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 16, 2011, 11:12:43 PM
That is an interesting setup and there seems to be more going on than first appears.

It's like when it's not running the PS DC is flowing through the FWB on the coil and cap setup. This looks to have the effect of causing a bias that eliminates the forward voltage drop through the bridge from the coils view. Whats interesting is that the DC from the PS never flows through the coil, it flows through the FWB as the series cap from the PS would try to charge in reverse if not for the FWB.

It might be good to put another large cap across the PS output just to make sure no ripple is going back into the supply that the meters are not catching. I think Tinu mentioned this and I have seen this happen before. So the PS capacitor would eliminate this possible error.

Because the current through the system is the same as what is used by the system but yet it may be possible to output this same current out but at a higher voltage (more watts) so I seems you could be on to something here and even a possible loop condition.

Interesting connection.
I'm sure you will sort it out and keep us updated.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 11:41:14 PM
Quote from: lumen on June 16, 2011, 11:12:43 PM
That is an interesting setup and there seems to be more going on than first appears.

It's like when it's not running the PS DC is flowing through the FWB on the coil and cap setup. This looks to have the effect of causing a bias that eliminates the forward voltage drop through the bridge from the coils view. Whats interesting is that the DC from the PS never flows through the coil, it flows through the FWB as the series cap from the PS would try to charge in reverse if not for the FWB.

It might be good to put another large cap across the PS output just to make sure no ripple is going back into the supply that the meters are not catching. I think Tinu mentioned this and I have seen this happen before. So the PS capacitor would eliminate this possible error.

Because the current through the system is the same as what is used by the system but yet it may be possible to output this same current out but at a higher voltage (more watts) so I seems you could be on to something here and even a possible loop condition.

Interesting connection.
I'm sure you will sort it out and keep us updated.

Hi Lumen and all,

Added another coil pair tonight, and discovered the added inductance totally threw the tuning off.  As my coil resistance is fairly high,
while I have about 18 VDC output @ 2800 rpm but no sweet spot over the whole RPM range.  I only have about 1/2 the current needed.  I don't know now if one additional coil will put me over the hump or not as there is no sweet spot. Tried the old 1 coil pair in parallel and the effect is there with it. So many things to check, try.........The devil is in the fine points here........  I have a bunch of things to check, got to get out the freq. gen. and see if this thing is truly resonant at a certain RPM and so on and so on.......It's late here, had a long day, going to bed, start again in the morning.  I"m not grumbling, just tired.......NIght all.

Will put a large 68000 uf in parallel with the power supply to stabilize it......good suggestion.

See ya all tomorrow. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 17, 2011, 12:38:50 AM
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on June 16, 2011, 11:00:47 AM
when the acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives... when we work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.

Glad to see others have the same understanding.

Thanks for sharing the truth

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on June 17, 2011, 02:45:54 AM
Quote from: skycollection on June 16, 2011, 11:05:59 PM
Dynamotor or muller replication or romero uk, my motor is based in the same concept, i have 2 circuits for the driver motor and i am building 3 pairs of UNIGEN COILS, they are going to be the PICKUP COILS. i have no results for the moment because i have no the same rotor and the same coils, because i don`t like TO COPY THAT THE OTHER PEOPLE DO...!
I will try to make a dynamo-generator to my way and if the motor works is good, if the motor not work, I AM LEARNING....!
i NEVER GIVE AP, is better to make something, for me is only experimentation....! SALUDOS Y GRACIAS.

@skycollection:  I saw your very nice motors and generators (coils) at YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/skycollection.

Do you publish details about your coils and circuits? I am interested in your two drive circuits and the layout of your coils.

(It is o.k. if you want to keep your design to yourself, but if you want to share it would be interesting to see what you are doing.)

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 17, 2011, 03:41:27 AM
Quote from: u2btchr on June 16, 2011, 06:22:07 PM
New question on coil core materials, I need assistance, advice, clarification on before I do a LOT of work making mu-metal cores.

I have 10+ kg of mu-metal plates off of old hard-drive magnets I've collected over the past 2 years. I want to melt and cast 18 to 20 mm diameter rods and use this as the core materials for my next coils (will cut coil ends and have coils approx. 25mm in length). What can I expect (coil characteristics) using this material vs. the 18 mm dia. hollow ferrite tubes I am using now?

Would you use mu-metal cores with wire wrapped directly to them IF you had them? Looking for yor advice and opinions.

The old shop tchr [39 yrs] trying new things. [Today was LAST DAY for my students so now I can do what I want    ;D   for the summer!]
Hehe, bought this week 38 broken hard drives 1$ each( received as bonus 5 DVD players xD ). They contain 2 magnets that would cost 9$+9$ ( with shipping and all ) + the motor + bearing + other components. I really recommend visiting second hand PC store and buy the junk from there. You can also buy mother boards for circle sized coil cores + other components. Power supply can contain lots of interesting components also. The good thing is that they sell these stuff as junk and combining them might even fix a power supply if you are lucky.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 17, 2011, 05:10:18 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 16, 2011, 06:40:47 AM
Good Morning NP,
Why the lenz effect seems to go down and output of the generator becomes positive relative to the overall system I am not certain at this time
The best of luck on your pursuit of this will-o-the wisp.....When you start from scratch, just getting all the mechanics to fall into place, winding all those damn coils, getting the parts together, is a heck of a lot of work.  If you see something that works in his device, don't redesign it, use it. When the thing doesn't work, don't stop, back up, try again!  This is not a slam bam, thank you mam type of system, I have learned so many new things that I "thought" I knew, but didn't building this device, what can I say.  Remember, Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency.
So we continue, this is not the end, only the beginning.


good morning Ben, thanks for the encouragement to continue - directly from your words, of course, but also indirectly from the good work you're doing, testing the different sub-systems and sharing your results with those of us who are 'lagging'  :)

perhaps i can give you some more encouragement?

after i mentioned yesterday how your test is actually already looped, and having the gen coil in series is not 'obstructing' the motor drive contribution from the PSU, i was considering some of the other comments you've received since then which have effectively tried to 'explain away' what you've observed as some artifact of the PSU operation

the 'meat' of the issue seems to be this: "is the 'boost' you're seeing, due to the PSU - or to the gen coil?"

here's some reference points which might help us interpret what you're seeing - at least to 'ballpark' level:

a)  if you connected a passive component, eg a resistor or a capacitor in place of the gen coil,  what would we expect to see in the voltage drops around the series loop?  well, the voltage polarity across that component would be in OPPOSITION to the PSU - both of those components would show a positive voltage at the PSU end, relative to their motor end connection

the motor would run if the resistor value wasn't too high, and also if the capacitor was a large enough value, then it would allow the motor to run for a while while it charged up, and then the motor would stop

but the important point is that the voltage polarity across these passive components would be in the same sense as the MOTOR not the PSU

b)  ok - that was looking at passive component - now let's consider energy sources...
     when you connect a stack of rechargeable cells together and one cell is considerably more depleted than the others, if you now connect a load (eg a motor) across this stack to make a series loop (similar to your test), what can we expect to see, voltage-wise, in that series loop?  well, usually we'd expect to see all cell voltages have the same polarity (although very different voltages, 'cause one is depleted) and only the load voltage to be in opposite polarity

however, as i'm sure you've experienced, what often happens is that when the cells with a good charge drive current through the depleted cell, that cell acts as an energy SINK not a SOURCE - and since the current is being driven in the opposite direction to that required for a regular charge, that cell starts to get a REVERSE charge (and its voltage can actually 'flip')

the depleted cell does not have sufficient strength of 'supply' to CONTRIBUTE to the total supply and instead it becomes an additional LOAD

c)  same as for (b) except ALL cells now have a good charge - what voltage configuration would we expect to see?  well, in this case ALL cells are SUPPLYING energy to the system, NONE are SINKING energy, so only the load will have its voltage polarity in opposition to the total 'battery' supply - ALL cell voltages will be in the SAME sense

now consider YOUR test - your gen coil o/p - a 'supply' (seen by the PSU just as a cap,  'cause the FWBR 'hides' the gen coil) is in series with another 'supply' (the PSU)

now we see that your test setup matches (c)!

and what is the difference between (c)   - and [(a) or (b)]?

in (c) (and your test) all sources of energy supply are CONTRIBUTING energy to the load - NONE are SINKING energy as part of the total load

this tells us that your gen coil o/p (maintaining a charged cap, same polarity sense as PSU) is a true SOURCE adding to, not a SINK receiving energy from, the PSU o/p

IF your gen coil o/p WAS A SINK - like (a) or (b) then the PSU would drive current through all 4 diodes in the FWBR (2 parallel paths with 2 diodes in each) giving a forward volts drop of approx 1.4V, and the cap would charge up to this voltage - which would have the same polarity sense as the motor - ie. the cap voltage would be in OPPOSITION to your PSU voltage (like the residual charge is before the o/p coil starts generating)

[PS  i'd EXPECT the series current to increase with your 'boost' config - you've increased the supply voltage!!]

sorry this has been a bit involved, but i hope that it encourages you to confirm the value of your test and continue with the good work!!

thanks for doing these tests

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: aircore on June 17, 2011, 07:22:27 AM
Hello, everyone:
     From Romerouk to demonstrate his devices to today, has more than 40 days, according to the introduction of Romerouk, his device did not think we are now so complex and esoteric, and he introduced a very detailed, from the circuit to have a very detailed structure data.
     We can see from the video presentation can not see you now imagine that complicated, and he should introduce the structure and data fit.
     If so, just follow him with structure and data should be able to Replication the success, because such devices are not very stringent data requirements, even if some errors can have a significant effect, not 100% successful, at least 60% success. But: why now no one can Replication the success? We should seriously think about.

    In my opinion:
1) Romerouk is not fully disclose critical details. There may be some clever tricks that we have not been found.
2) his device untrue!

    In short: whether the first point above, or that the second point, we do not need to add any unnecessary self-imagined ideas and settings. It is just a waste of your time and money! If his unit is real, we explore the energy used in he did not fully disclose the details and skills.

    Again: He's not a lot of people think a certain device so complex, self-imagination of the thoughts and add-on settings will not let you succeed, you can only make even more confused!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 07:46:50 AM
Quote from: nul-points on June 17, 2011, 05:10:18 AM

good morning Ben, thanks for the encouragement to continue - directly from your words, of course, but also indirectly from the good work you're doing, testing the different sub-systems and sharing your results with those of us who are 'lagging'  :)

perhaps i can give you some more encouragement?

after i mentioned yesterday how your test is actually already looped, and having the gen coil in series is not 'obstructing' the motor drive contribution from the PSU, i was considering some of the other comments you've received since then which have effectively tried to 'explain away' what you've observed as some artifact of the PSU operation

the 'meat' of the issue seems to be this: "is the 'boost' you're seeing, due to the PSU - or to the gen coil?"

here's some reference points which might help us interpret what you're seeing - at least to 'ballpark' level:

a)  if you connected a passive component, eg a resistor or a capacitor in place of the gen coil,  what would we expect to see in the voltage drops around the series loop?  well, the voltage polarity across that component would be in OPPOSITION to the PSU - both of those components would show a positive voltage at the PSU end, relative to their motor end connection

the motor would run if the resistor value wasn't too high, and also if the capacitor was a large enough value, then it would allow the motor to run for a while while it charged up, and then the motor would stop

but the important point is that the voltage polarity across these passive components would be in the same sense as the MOTOR not the PSU

b)  ok - that was looking at passive component - now let's consider energy sources...
     when you connect a stack of rechargeable cells together and one cell is considerably more depleted than the others, if you now connect a load (eg a motor) across this stack to make a series loop (similar to your test), what can we expect to see, voltage-wise, in that series loop?  well, usually we'd expect to see all cell voltages have the same polarity (although very different voltages, 'cause one is depleted) and only the load voltage to be in opposite polarity

however, as i'm sure you've experienced, what often happens is that when the cells with a good charge drive current through the depleted cell, that cell acts as an energy SINK not a SOURCE - and since the current is being driven in the opposite direction to that required for a regular charge, that cell starts to get a REVERSE charge (and its voltage can actually 'flip')

the depleted cell does not have sufficient strength of 'supply' to CONTRIBUTE to the total supply and instead it becomes an additional LOAD

c)  same as for (b) except ALL cells now have a good charge - what voltage configuration would we expect to see?  well, in this case ALL cells are SUPPLYING energy to the system, NONE are SINKING energy, so only the load will have its voltage polarity in opposition to the total 'battery' supply - ALL cell voltages will be in the SAME sense

now consider YOUR test - your gen coil o/p - a 'supply' (seen by the PSU just as a cap,  'cause the FWBR 'hides' the gen coil) is in series with another 'supply' (the PSU)

now we see that your test setup matches (c)!

and what is the difference between (c)   - and [(a) or (b)]?

in (c) (and your test) all sources of energy supply are CONTRIBUTING energy to the load - NONE are SINKING energy as part of the total load

this tells us that your gen coil o/p (maintaining a charged cap, same polarity sense as PSU) is a true SOURCE adding to, not a SINK receiving energy from, the PSU o/p

IF your gen coil o/p WAS A SINK - like (a) or (b) then the PSU would drive current through all 4 diodes in the FWBR (2 parallel paths with 2 diodes in each) giving a forward volts drop of approx 1.4V, and the cap would charge up to this voltage - which would have the same polarity sense as the motor - ie. the cap voltage would be in OPPOSITION to your PSU voltage (like the residual charge is before the o/p coil starts generating)

[PS  i'd EXPECT the series current to increase with your 'boost' config - you've increased the supply voltage!!]

sorry this has been a bit involved, but i hope that it encourages you to confirm the value of your test and continue with the good work!!

thanks for doing these tests

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Good morning NP!,

First, thank you for your MOST excellent post.  You put into words and logic EXACTLY what I am seeing here.  The reverse charging of a cell in old NICAD packs (yes I have been flying R/C airplanes for about 55 years!) is a well know problem back in the "old" days.  How two power supplies act in series, whether both are sources ect. EXACTLY how it is. 

When the RPM's are too low, the generator power supply is unable to maintain the charge on the CAP and it discharges and eventually
tries to reverse charge at the rate determined by the overall resistance/reactance and voltage in the motor.  At a certain RPM, this effect changes.  It also appears that if the series resistance (coil)/capacitance and inductance of the GEN loop is in resonance with the repetitive pulses from the wheel, the current and voltage in the loop and hence the voltage increases and not in a linear fashion.

One other thing which I'm sure you understand....In the looped circuit, with both power supplies positive/sourcing to motor, the current draw went up.  DUH. More voltage, more current into the pulsed coils.  There are so many things going on at a DC level and at AC, for all of it to come together, what a challenge.  My hat off to Romero, mother luck and hard work it did take.  I wish I knew the real story behind his implosion because he seems a good fellow. 

Some gifted scientists have the ability with words to express these ideas adequately.  You are one of these folk and I thank you profusely.  I have the gift to see in pictures and by visualization what is going on and the tenacity of a bull dog when I come to solving these problems but find it hard to express these ideas and concepts in words as you do.  Thank you again for this excellent logical analysis!

Now to get to work,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 17, 2011, 08:13:24 AM
Just contemplating out of boredom about the possibility of creating a generator based on the action / reaction delay idea. Maybe others were wondering about it without numbers, just sharing them :
speed of light = 299.792.458 m / s or just 3 * 10^8
if i have : 3 cm magnet(rotor) / coil distance + and rotor radius 10 cm + at 2000 RPM
2*pi*R = 2*3.14*10 = 62.8 cm is the exterior length of the rotor ( middle of magnets )
every second at 2000 RPM means that the speed of my magnets is 62.8 * 2000 = 125.6 m / s
while the magnetic field propagate back from coil to magnet ( 3 cm ) it takes 10^-3 / 10^8 seconds = 10^12 seconds to make this distance
the reaction delay gap measured in distance : 125 m / s / 10^12 / s  = 125 mm / 10^6 = 0.000125 mm
Of course the propagation delay in air of the magnetic field is probably not the speed of light. I wonder if some material could be used here to further delay the propagation without reaction to the rotor. Even with that material if i increase the propagation time by 10, even if i increase the RPM 2 times the result is still really small 0.0025 mm. This is in theory acting as a pull force (double effect ) + missing force over this length of the magnet. Let's not forget that this is exactly when the magnet will start inducing in reverse ( peak value ? ).

Seems like there is some reeeeeaaaaly small chance to get something working based on this idea. Share your idea.

Edit 1: ah crap, realized RPM is in minutes, so just divide the bad result by 60 :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 17, 2011, 09:53:11 AM
Quote from: aircore on June 17, 2011, 07:22:27 AM
Hello, everyone:
     From Romerouk to demonstrate his devices to today, has more than 40 days, according to the introduction of Romerouk, his device did not think we are now so complex and esoteric, and he introduced a very detailed, from the circuit to have a very detailed structure data.
     We can see from the video presentation can not see you now imagine that complicated, and he should introduce the structure and data fit.
     If so, just follow him with structure and data should be able to Replication the success, because such devices are not very stringent data requirements, even if some errors can have a significant effect, not 100% successful, at least 60% success. But: why now no one can Replication the success? We should seriously think about.

    In my opinion:
1) Romerouk is not fully disclose critical details. There may be some clever tricks that we have not been found.
2) his device untrue!

    In short: whether the first point above, or that the second point, we do not need to add any unnecessary self-imagined ideas and settings. It is just a waste of your time and money! If his unit is real, we explore the energy used in he did not fully disclose the details and skills.

    Again: He's not a lot of people think a certain device so complex, self-imagination of the thoughts and add-on settings will not let you succeed, you can only make even more confused!

You know im going to put these comments from Kone as a signature so every time i post here you read this till it sinks in!

"to get rid of lenz put an AC cap in series making it wokr like bufer/high bypass filter/whatever on one of the lines running to the ammeter which is shorting the coils (its good to use ammeter in place of wire when shorting so you can get idea of amps)

tired differnet series-AC cap sizes - at 10 uf there is 1amp circulating, at 1uf there is 200ma circulating....works like that...best size series AC cap to loop I figure is 4uf since it is 500ma amps going thorugh the "short' and voltage stays same at 18VAC no matter the cap size AND ablsolutemly no added draw to motor with that size cap (4uf) in series.

So I think this does what Mr Bolt reccomends - jam the current out of phase with the voltage so no lugging occurs....i like to think of it as the series-cap simply "absorbs" the backemf that would normally lug the rotor.

anyways at 4uf "tuning" there is absolutely no extra draw or reduced speed  to the motor part of it...when you rectify and put into cap that "18VAC" on meter, it becomes around 30VDC in cap so this is good - so you could say i am getting 500ma approx and 30VDC out from 5 coils, and runnign on 200ma and 22VDC and ablsoutley nothing happens to motor when you short out the coils with that ammeter."

Hello Wake UP and stop going off on wild goose chases like gravity wheels and swamp gas because the answer to making this work is so damn easy if you can be bothered to read.

Already Kone has shown he has  15 watts OUT versus  4.4 watts IN =  COP 3.4.

While not looped yet Kone is improving the COP every day and using all the methods we discussed on here to collect BEMF from driver coils etc which will add to this COP. The higher the COP the easier it is to loop later.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 10:28:02 AM
Quote from: webby1 on June 17, 2011, 10:01:36 AM
Ben, 2cents worth.

Battery, 4 coils with 2 as drive and 2 as gen, using armature and brush.  When driving rotor the draw is about 17V 26ma then sort of per your video I hooked the power wire through the gen set with the gen set still in A\C mode (did it backwards first) and when I got it right the draw with no change in RPM went down to 9ma.

The setup I am using is more like the RC motor, not looking for self run I am just using it to look at the Fields and stuff  around the device and to see general behavior from the device.  Nothing of importance to speak off yet,, well except that in SOME conditions the gen set will start to drive my meter crazy but has no real output, and in Some conditions the drive coils will mess with the input current meter really bad (it was showing a 10A charge on meter but nothing was there)

Good work Webby1,

You never find gold unless you dig for it.  Keep at it!!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 17, 2011, 10:59:14 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 17, 2011, 09:53:11 AM
You know im going to put these comments from Kone as a signature so every time i post here you read this till it sinks in!

"to get rid of lenz put an AC cap in series making it wokr like bufer/high bypass filter/whatever on one of the lines running to the ammeter which is shorting the coils (its good to use ammeter in place of wire when shorting so you can get idea of amps)

tired differnet series-AC cap sizes - at 10 uf there is 1amp circulating, at 1uf there is 200ma circulating....works like that...best size series AC cap to loop I figure is 4uf since it is 500ma amps going thorugh the "short' and voltage stays same at 18VAC no matter the cap size AND ablsolutemly no added draw to motor with that size cap (4uf) in series.

So I think this does what Mr Bolt reccomends - jam the current out of phase with the voltage so no lugging occurs....i like to think of it as the series-cap simply "absorbs" the backemf that would normally lug the rotor.

anyways at 4uf "tuning" there is absolutely no extra draw or reduced speed  to the motor part of it...when you rectify and put into cap that "18VAC" on meter, it becomes around 30VDC in cap so this is good - so you could say i am getting 500ma approx and 30VDC out from 5 coils, and runnign on 200ma and 22VDC and ablsoutley nothing happens to motor when you short out the coils with that ammeter."

Hello Wake UP and stop going off on wild goose chases like gravity wheels and swamp gas because the answer to making this work is so damn easy if you can be bothered to read.

Already Kone has shown he has  15 watts OUT versus  4.4 watts IN =  COP 3.4.

While not looped yet Kone is improving the COP every day and using all the methods we discussed on here to collect BEMF from driver coils etc which will add to this COP. The higher the COP the easier it is to loop later.

Really? let me quote...
Quoteits 18VAC on meter for all 5 coils in series, and 3.5A on meter in ACamps if you short the coils out across them with ammeter

This statement is misleading as this is apples and oranges... not watts into a load.

I don't believe correct measurement protocol was observed.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: aircore on June 17, 2011, 11:18:26 AM
Hello bolt
   Thank your response.
   I am not negative,
   Nor is it against everyone's enthusiasm.
I just need all the right knowledge and ideas.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 17, 2011, 11:58:03 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 07:46:50 AM

Good morning NP!,
Some gifted scientists have the ability with words to express these ideas adequately.  You are one of these folk and I thank you profusely.  I have the gift to see in pictures and by visualization what is going on and the tenacity of a bull dog when I come to solving these problems but find it hard to express these ideas and concepts in words as you do.  Thank you again for this excellent logical analysis!

Now to get to work,


thank you for your kind words Ben - i know some folks around here who'll be laughing in their boots to see those words applied to me!

however, that's not going to stop me printing them out,  displaying them in an expensive-looking frame and hanging them under a bright spotlight in full view for visitors, as they come through my door  ;)

seriously, your quality of work and careful investigation deserve full recognition, and i for one am very grateful that we have members of your calibre (technically and personally) on the case!

i've made some good progress in securing my DC motor and i've done a test spin-up with the lower stator in place, fully populated with cores and mags

rotor to core gap is probably too wide at the moment (9mm approx) , but taking on board your comments about a stable platform, i realise that i need to replace my nylon studding with threaded brass rods before i try balancing 'good o/p' versus 'less lugging' - way too much flex in the platform at the moment

spin-up is relatively smooth (although some interesting noises at different rpms on the way up!)

i was interested to see that if i add the upper stator (with cores, but no mags) in place during spin-up from stop, the rotor barely gets going - but if i let the rotor get some speed up and then bring the upper stator into position, the rotor manages to keep the rpms climbing to its steady-state rpm

so the core lugging (without stator Neos) seems to have less effect at higher rpm

when i've soldered up one or two FWBR mini-boards, i want to try out your 'series looped' experiment with my test coils and see if i can get 'boost' from a lower level drive with my DC motor

then it's off down the hard road of coil winding - we sure know how to have fun  ;)

keep it rolling Ben!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energia9 on June 17, 2011, 12:24:32 PM
i thought its time to post this, i did a simple experiment last year and i redid the experiment,  so here it is:

1. i connected a 9v battery toa small dc motor
2. I put a magnet on a sweet spot on a dc motor, then i saw speed up
3. i put another magnet and i saw an even increase in speed,  3rd magnet will not work, so for three stators= 2 magnets
4. I glued two dc motors shaft together
5. i put magnets on the output dc motor
6. The output was 3 times as big as without magnets,   note there are no magnets on the input motor

i think this mystery has just been solved .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 12:46:37 PM
Quote from: nul-points on June 17, 2011, 11:58:03 AM

thank you for your kind words Ben - i know some folks around here who'll be laughing in their boots to see those words applied to me!

however, that's not going to stop me printing them out,  displaying them in an expensive-looking frame and hanging them under a bright spotlight in full view for visitors, as they come through my door  ;)

seriously, your quality of work and careful investigation deserve full recognition, and i for one am very grateful that we have members of your calibre (technically and personally) on the case!

i've made some good progress in securing my DC motor and i've done a test spin-up with the lower stator in place, fully populated with cores and mags

rotor to core gap is probably too wide at the moment (9mm approx) , but taking on board your comments about a stable platform, i realise that i need to replace my nylon studding with threaded brass rods before i try balancing 'good o/p' versus 'less lugging' - way too much flex in the platform at the moment

spin-up is relatively smooth (although some interesting noises at different rpms on the way up!)

i was interested to see that if i add the upper stator (with cores, but no mags) in place during spin-up from stop, the rotor barely gets going - but if i let the rotor get some speed up and then bring the upper stator into position, the rotor manages to keep the rpms climbing to its steady-state rpm

so the core lugging (without stator Neos) seems to have less effect at higher rpm

when i've soldered up one or two FWBR mini-boards, i want to try out your 'series looped' experiment with my test coils and see if i can get 'boost' from a lower level drive with my DC motor

then it's off down the hard road of coil winding - we sure know how to have fun  ;)

keep it rolling Ben!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Hi NP,

Lets both keep trucking.  Working on my motor today, just did a test to be sure there was no Variable power supply artifact in the Gen. series loop, THERE IS NOT a problem with the power supply.  Replaced it with a 13.2VDC VDC Lead Acid battery,   As rotor not rotating as fast as at 14VDC and other cores added, slowing rotor down, output of the Gen was 3.2VDC and voltage presented to the motor was then
16.4VDC and steady.  Current on a ANALOG Triplet meter was 68ma in motor/Gen/Battery loop. Then put a 68000uF cap across Variable power supply, same results.  The Gen is a SOURCE. Nuf said.

On another subject.  Looked at the 6 gen cores with scope, I am disgusted with the difference in outputs of each coil. vs. the other pair coil and differences between coil pairs!. Winding "till full" does not work with any percision.   A lot of work needs to be done to MATCH the gen coils at a calibrated distance, and then the mounts,  to make this truly a balanced device.  A lot of work here coming up with shims, etc.  Lordy.......Should have built a test rig and calibrated all coils before mounting!  That is, standard sine wave from another coil/sig. generator, starndard XX mA. load, standard distance.......arrrrrrrrrr......holy cow batman, thats a lot of work.  Then the rotor and the mounts/mount needs to be adjustable enough to
dial this thing in on each coil!

Have looked at the resonance factor and don't have a handle on it yet.  There is a resonance but in my unit, it is at least the third harmonic above my rotor frequency @ 2K RPM.  Lots more to look at here too.

a lot of work here coming up with shims, etc.  Lordy.......

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 17, 2011, 01:04:01 PM
@K4zep . Man I take my hat off to you . You are , in the nicest possible way , like a dog with a bone . Techniques have been discussed on these threads to match resonant frequencies of coils . My suggestion was to build each coil in turn into a simple Radio Frequency oscillator , and check the frequency on a radio receiver or frequency counter . But you have scope and no doubt will use your own methods . The actual frequency is not vital so long as it is the same for all coils . Check all coils and pick the one with the highest frequency .remove turns from the other coils untill they come up to frequency . I just KNOW you are going to crack this , Keep on trucking .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 17, 2011, 01:13:15 PM
excellent Ben - sounds like you've put that one to bed!

i figured i was going to be on a loser with coil repeatability due to manual winding, so i'm hoping i can compensate by adjusting the core gap on each coil separately (as well as being able to adjust the whole stator plate to rotor gap independently)

any possibility of you having the same opportunity for adjustment?

in any case, i think the worst outcome will likely be a slightly greater 'ripple' on the input side to the smoothing cap - i don't think the following has been discussed so far, but there shouldn't be any problem feeding the combined FWBR o/p thro' a suitable inductor to the buffer cap - an 'inverted-L'  filter could help reduce this sort of 'imbalance'

the effect may not even be a problem due to the inertia in the rotor and the energy stored in the  buffer cap

i'd recommend some kind of test before investing too much time & effort  trying to ensure consistency in all the coils (a whole lot of work!)

just a thought - could the higher-than-rotor resonance be related to the number of mags or cores in your current platform?

hope you get to have a fruitful weekend

all the best

LOL - i just KNEW neptune would pick up on the 'truckin'!!!  ;)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 17, 2011, 01:27:43 PM
@energia9 . If I am understanding exactly what you are saying . You have 2 identical small electric motors  .These appear to be the brushless type , with a 3 pole stator . Can you tell us the type and origin of these motors? So you take one motor , and powering it with a 9 volt battery you add 2 neo magnets to the outside casing . Having found the sweet spots and glued on the magnets , you now use it as the generator . you drive it via shaft coupling with an identical motor [on 9 volts ?] . The output from the generator is 3 times the power needed to supply the drive motor . This constitutes overunity by a factor of 3 . How did you measure power [ amps times volts = watts ?]Did you try looping ? Did you put a load on the generator ?  Your replies to my questions would be much appreciated .

Edit looks like this motor may be a brush type ? Are the motor windings standard or moditied , Did you make the hole in your thumb removing the end cap?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energia9 on June 17, 2011, 01:46:04 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 17, 2011, 01:27:43 PM
@energia9 . If I am understanding exactly what you are saying . You have 2 identical small electric motors  .These appear to be the brushless type , with a 3 pole stator . Can you tell us the type and origin of these motors? So you take one motor , and powering it with a 9 volt battery you add 2 neo magnets to the outside casing . Having found the sweet spots and glued on the magnets , you now use it as the generator . you drive it via shaft coupling with an identical motor [on 9 volts ?] . The output from the generator is 3 times the power needed to supply the drive motor . This constitutes overunity by a factor of 3 . How did you measure power [ amps times volts = watts ?]Did you try looping ? Did you put a load on the generator ?  Your replies to my questions would be much appreciated .

Edit looks like this motor may be a brush type ? Are the motor windings standard or moditied , Did you make the hole in your thumb removing the end cap?

just wait till i redo the experiments again, you can try it too- i suggest you to!!, it is a great way to understand things.. i believe these small motors are very efficient and it should be much easier to make them selfrun if you rewind them.. , (more output coils)
this motor is a brushless motor!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 17, 2011, 01:55:48 PM
@energia9 . Thanks for reply . Before anyone can try this we need more information . Where did you get these motors from . Normally a brushless motor has a built in circuit board . When you use the motor as a generator , do you keep this board connected or do you have some other output circuit ?  Will you confirm that you are claiming that you get more watts out than you are putting in please ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 17, 2011, 02:02:47 PM
Quote from: Scorch on June 16, 2011, 08:07:03 PM
Hey everybody. Finally decided to acquire a real (but cheap) variable DC power supply for my lab.
Thought you might be interested to know about an Asian built 30vdc, 5amp, power supply with fine tuning, LED display, and test leads for only $80.

It's an Atten Brand model APS3005S currently available through Amazon at: http://amzn.com/B0050FBSRY

It brags of low ripple and noise and the China manufacture's page says it has a "Strong Wind" (Forced Air) cooling system. :)
And I think LED displays look cool compared to common LCD displays.

Not a bad deal for $79.99 and free shipping.
Most other 30v, 5a, supplies are $100 or more.


Scorch,   nice looking DC supply.  Good price.   I ordered one for my little lab. 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: excessAlex on June 17, 2011, 02:22:06 PM
@energia9 The motor that you have shown in the picture seems to be the typical motor that drives the CD-ROM .. It is not brushless, just completely disassemble the rotor from the stator, and watch the shaft in the opposite direction from what you have shown in the picture
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on June 17, 2011, 02:37:06 PM
@all Thank you all for contributing to this "mission" with both theories and practical solutions!
It has given me alot!

Here is my contribution to the ou-quest!
10mm ferrite cores, 20 mm long "coilingspace", 7 strand litz homemade of 0.15 wire coiled directly on the cores, 20 meter on each bobbin, about 430 turns. Will give me about 2.9 ohm pr coil.

The 8 magnets on rotor is 20x10mm, rotor  and statorplates made of 8mm acrylic(might be a little thin.)But the centre is reinforced. Rotorplate is 250 mm in diameter.

10 mm brass shaft with regular steel skf 6000(26x10x8) bearings, cleaned and "lubed" with graphite powder.
Romero drive circuit, had mje2955 transistors,but they got to hot so I swapped them out with a couple of mjl21193 as that was what I had. Spins at about 1200 rpm at 12 volts. 0,5 amp. 1 coil attraction 1 repulsion.
Got a dc-dc converter from ebay.
47000 cap.
Homemade FWBR with paralelled 4005 regular diodes.
Put on 5 coil sets so far, (after the pictures where taken) fiddeling around with a scope and biasingmagnets and are getting very interesting images on the scope.
Was able to reproduce R's waweform exactly, but there was not very much volt there so I just kept on trying and hit mr lenz every time i tried to put a load on it.
This was ofcource before Mr Bolt here, told us the steps to tune this thing, and I now think I have a pretty good idea of how to achieve what we are looking for. Thanks Bolt!
Only concern now is that I am at work and will be away from home for 1 more week  >:( >:(

Anything else??
Yeah... alot of work... this is not a build for the faint hearted!!  ;D
But it is fun!
Best regards from Norway
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 17, 2011, 02:39:31 PM
Quote from: energia9 on June 17, 2011, 12:24:32 PM
i thought its time to post this, i did a simple experiment last year and i redid the experiment,  so here it is:

1. i connected a 9v battery toa small dc motor
2. I put a magnet on a sweet spot on a dc motor, then i saw speed up
3. i put another magnet and i saw an even increase in speed,  3rd magnet will not work, so for three stators= 2 magnets
4. I glued two dc motors shaft together
5. i put magnets on the output dc motor
6. The output was 3 times as big as without magnets,   note there are no magnets on the input motor

i think this mystery has just been solved .

if you increase the mag field to the 'generator' o/p motor by adding larger Neos outside the regular ones inside the case, wouldn't you expect the same coils to generate more o/p anyway?  of course, you'd also expect the 'lugging' to increase

are you saying that the o/p increases but the lugging doesn't?


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 17, 2011, 02:44:09 PM
Ben has great ideas great looking machine looks great keep going and dont stop

Ron -its not watts I reported, but it is ammeter "crowbarring" across those 5 coils hooked in series shoritng them all out and motor doesnt go up in draw while it most certainly would and did, if that AC cap in series was NOT on AC leg of FWBR.
that was all I was trying to show.

AC leg series cap in place makes same voltage into cap, as no AC leg.
how fast cap fills up however is dependent on AC leg cap uf value.
27VDC is what you get into DC cap after rectifying if you want to know from those 5 coils in series.

WATTS would be DETERMINED by the resistive load that the cap dumps into wiht the "two stage" output circuit.....and WATTS would be MEASURED in the dump into the resistive load from the caps from this cap-discharge formula:

farads of cap / 2 multiplied by:
high voltage of cap before discharge squared
minus the lower voltage of cap after discharge squared
multiplied by rate of discharges per second

(Ronald from Germanys formula)

Generally, as you know if you get say 10 amps in meter with ammeter shortingout coils (voltage now near zero)

and then measure voltage, say 20V  from that coil into cap, with no resistance (maximum voltage)

to get a quick idea of what you are going to get with resistive loading, generarlly, your voltage will drop bu 1/2 and your current will drop by one half (depends on resistive load) so with 10A max and 20V max "plan" on 50watts

so if I get 500ma and 27V, then I can "plan" on having say250ma and 13V after a resistive load, so its really around 4 or 5 watts using measurements of "lump resistive" load or so to expect from that string of 5 out of phase  coils...(most probably not best way to do it having coils inseries outpu of phase  but I am looking into it is all)...so wtih all 9 coils say around 9W ouput approx from 4W or so jsut estiamating....this wi with all coils in sereis which is really stupid way to do it -and also no helper magnets...probalby lots more if I did it correct and rectify each coi individual...if Ishorted coils into cap lots lots more...

Of course the whole ball game with these rotating genrator is to not have the rotor slow when you take out power and if that doesnt happen this is all good eh and HOW much power/watts is being taken out is subject to different measurements eh...

also the lump resistive load way to meausre is way different than the cap discharge way in two stage process with rotating genrator, so whenever your rotor slows, and output in watts goes way down as you know.
If rotor doesnt slow, or even speeds up and draw goes down you also get way more output....so that (in my feeble opinon)  is why you should always do the cap discharge output, and cap is disonnected from source too,  type of two stage output circuit with these things, so that the event of hitting aload does not amp-up the motor or slow rotor....and only thing to worry about then is the filling of caps (thats why you want to SHORT caps full but that is other subject)

anyways there are going to be a few differnet ways to make these Muller-loopers I bet in about a month from now there will be some loopers happeiing and they wont be all the same method...Bolts way to tune with helper-magnet distance and AC cap sins series is very VALID and has already been validated in video too and does not slow rotor
and so is my way of shorting coils at peaks and using two stage output and so is romeros way too, although of everyone is not completely sure of yet what exaclty he did to get it to work.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 17, 2011, 03:11:56 PM
also have theory how Oblts method of tning with Ac caps and adjstu of helper magnets behind cores relates to roemeros looper - since Romero did not use those AC caps in series...

anyways the helper magnet's distance from cores adjsut affects the inductance of coils and then you adjsut cap size with particular rpms and load and eveyting to make it put out into load with no lenz law which is objective.

since romero had no Ac caps is series, you wonder how did he do it?

my theory is it is through the AIR GAP between the ROTOR magnets and the cores....this is his "substitute" for the AC caps in series like bolts method ....this would also change teh inductance , as well as the helper magnets and maybe you can knock the voltage out of phae 90 degrees with the current using the airgap between rotor magnets and coils/cores, like the AC caps in series does too.

Romero reported at first that he changed the AIRGAP hundreds and hundreds of times...I was wondierng why he would need to do this - jsut set the airgap between rotor magnets and coils/cores about 1.5mm that should be good.. (gap between helper magnets and cores is other story)
So maybe that is what he did - find the balance between rotor magnet argap, and the balance with the helper magnets
put coils into load while doing this - similar to what the dump-cap will be in looping mode, get it to speed up when into this load after lots of adjsutments...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 03:19:35 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 17, 2011, 01:04:01 PM
@K4zep . Man I take my hat off to you . You are , in the nicest possible way , like a dog with a bone . Techniques have been discussed on these threads to match resonant frequencies of coils . My suggestion was to build each coil in turn into a simple Radio Frequency oscillator , and check the frequency on a radio receiver or frequency counter . But you have scope and no doubt will use your own methods . The actual frequency is not vital so long as it is the same for all coils . Check all coils and pick the one with the highest frequency .remove turns from the other coils untill they come up to frequency . I just KNOW you are going to crack this , Keep on trucking .

Hi Neptune, NP,

Yes, many different ways to tune/check things out.  So many variables and so many ways that losses enter into the device that it is a mess.  I use a scope and freq. Gen, but other simpler ways to do it.  I wish Romero would lets us in on his thoughts on AIR GAP and what he was looking for when he did this.  I keep messing around with it.  Picture below of unit running on a 12.55 VDC lead acid battery, 4.71 VDC Gen output, total of 17.26 the motor is seeing.  Scope shows the motor keying waveform.  Part of the process to chart the efficiency of Generator and best RPM.  Keep backing up and verifying data.   Did a major cleanup on the closet/shop this morning, was buried in it!  The smaller the shop, the more you have to clean to keep your head above water!

I continue.......

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 17, 2011, 03:46:18 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 17, 2011, 02:44:09 PM

Ron -its not watts I reported, but it is ammeter "crowbarring" across those 5 coils hooked in series shoritng them all out and motor doesnt go up in draw while it most certainly would and did, if that AC cap in series was NOT on AC leg of FWBR.
that was all I was trying to show.


Doug, yes, I had read that on your list. What I was objecting to was bolt's misuse of this information.

The endless repetition of his OU claims with no corroborative evidence or replication examples is a dis-service to the list.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 17, 2011, 03:51:18 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 03:19:35 PM
Hi Neptune, NP,
The smaller the shop, the more you have to clean to keep your head above water!

i'm very impressed, Ben - not only do you have to work in the 'World's Smallest Lab' but it looks to  me like you also have to work with the 'World's Smallest Muller Dynamo'

your system is not much bigger than your solder spool !!

i think you must have a much harder job than a lot of replicators because the tolerances are always more of an issue on physically smaller systems

it's to your credit that you've achieved 'so much with so little', to misquote someone famous who smoked big cigars

...must have been either Groucho Marx or his less-famous half-brother, Winston Churchill Marx

you didn't know about Winston?  the Marx family kept that one quiet  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 17, 2011, 03:56:39 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 17, 2011, 02:44:09 PM
Ben has great ideas great looking machine looks great keep going and dont stop

Ron -its not watts I reported, but it is ammeter "crowbarring" across those 5 coils hooked in series shoritng them all out and motor doesnt go up in draw while it most certainly would and did, if that AC cap in series was NOT on AC leg of FWBR.
that was all I was trying to show.

AC leg series cap in place makes same voltage into cap, as no AC leg.
how fast cap fills up however is dependent on AC leg cap uf value.
27VDC is what you get into DC cap after rectifying if you want to know from those 5 coils in series.

WATTS would be DETERMINED by the resistive load that the cap dumps into wiht the "two stage" output circuit.....and WATTS would be MEASURED in the dump into the resistive load from the caps from this cap-discharge formula:

farads of cap / 2 multiplied by:
high voltage of cap before discharge squared
minus the lower voltage of cap after discharge squared
multiplied by rate of discharges per second

(Ronald from Germanys formula)

Generally, as you know if you get say 10 amps in meter with ammeter shortingout coils (voltage now near zero)

and then measure voltage, say 20V  from that coil into cap, with no resistance (maximum voltage)

to get a quick idea of what you are going to get with resistive loading, generarlly, your voltage will drop bu 1/2 and your current will drop by one half (depends on resistive load) so with 10A max and 20V max "plan" on 50watts

so if I get 500ma and 27V, then I can "plan" on having say250ma and 13V after a resistive load, so its really around 4 or 5 watts using measurements of "lump resistive" load or so to expect from that string of 5 out of phase  coils...(most probably not best way to do it having coils inseries outpu of phase  but I am looking into it is all)...so wtih all 9 coils say around 9W ouput approx from 4W or so jsut estiamating....this wi with all coils in sereis which is really stupid way to do it -and also no helper magnets...probalby lots more if I did it correct and rectify each coi individual...if Ishorted coils into cap lots lots more...

Of course the whole ball game with these rotating genrator is to not have the rotor slow when you take out power and if that doesnt happen this is all good eh and HOW much power/watts is being taken out is subject to different measurements eh...

also the lump resistive load way to meausre is way different than the cap discharge way in two stage process with rotating genrator, so whenever your rotor slows, and output in watts goes way down as you know.
If rotor doesnt slow, or even speeds up and draw goes down you also get way more output....so that (in my feeble opinon)  is why you should always do the cap discharge output, and cap is disonnected from source too,  type of two stage output circuit with these things, so that the event of hitting aload does not amp-up the motor or slow rotor....and only thing to worry about then is the filling of caps (thats why you want to SHORT caps full but that is other subject)

anyways there are going to be a few differnet ways to make these Muller-loopers I bet in about a month from now there will be some loopers happeiing and they wont be all the same method...Bolts way to tune with helper-magnet distance and AC cap sins series is very VALID and has already been validated in video too and does not slow rotor
and so is my way of shorting coils at peaks and using two stage output and so is romeros way too, although of everyone is not completely sure of yet what exaclty he did to get it to work.


Hi Konehaed & all:

Much appreciate your postings and results, I am also following Bolt's recommendation of using series non-polarized caps with shorted FWBR DC outputs to tune for max. input ac current. I have gotten around close to 200mA for the test coil when shorted but my series capacitance is something like 15 microFarads! Well, if I can get 8 coils to sum 1.6A that would be a great start

My question is the size of non-polarized capacitors with rated 250V voltages  are about 1.5" x 0.5" x 1" ! Can I series up 2 electrolytics with their common polarities connected (positive t positive) to effectively use it as a non polarized capacitor yet maintaining some kind of effective working voltages without a whole bank of parallel large polarized caps. in series? This is what old ham radio people used to do.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 17, 2011, 03:57:18 PM
Hello everyone!

Today I finished my setup that I've been working all week. Using only one pair of driven coils I get around 16V but when I put a load, Lenz appears too. I haven't made the driving circuit yet and I use a reed for now. Tomorow I'll get the hall tranzistors. For now loocks good and the only thing remaning to do is to fine tuning. ( sorry for my english)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 17, 2011, 03:57:46 PM
Quote from: i_ron on June 17, 2011, 03:46:18 PM
Doug, yes, I had read that on your list. What I was objecting to was bolt's misuse of this information.

The endless repetition of his OU claims with no corroborative evidence or replication examples is a dis-service to the list.


There is no misuse of information the generator is basically LUG FREE and there is more out than in regardless of the precision of the load watts at this moment in time. As always diversion to "measurement errors."
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 04:14:32 PM
Quote from: nul-points on June 17, 2011, 03:51:18 PM

i'm very impressed, Ben - not only do you have to work in the 'World's Smallest Lab' but it looks to  me like you also have to work with the 'World's Smallest Muller Dynamo'

your system is not much bigger than your solder spool !!

i think you must have a much harder job than a lot of replicators because the tolerances are always more of an issue on physically smaller systems

it's to your credit that you've achieved 'so much with so little', to misquote someone famous who smoked big cigars

...must have been either Groucho Marx or his less-famous half-brother, Winston Churchill Marx

you didn't know about Winston?  the Marx family kept that one quiet  ;)

Thanks NP,

Yes, I really undersigned it but only as a R&D vehicle. Don't have room for a big unit! It has served me well but I must build another now that allows me the ability to adjust coil and core distance independently to see how RomeroUK was able to totally eliminate Lenz without AC phase shifting Caps, etc.  He is either extremely lucky or has the patience of a Job or maby he didn't eliminate it, just hid it under load.  Heck I don't know.

Oh, video of the source /drain effect in the floating Generator circuit.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 04:17:07 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 17, 2011, 03:57:18 PM
Hello everyone!

Today I finished my setup that I've been working all week. Using only one pair of driven coils I get around 16V but when I put a load, Lenz appears too. I haven't made the driving circuit yet and I use a reed for now. Tomorow I'll get the hall tranzistors. For now loocks good and the only thing remaning to do is to fine tuning. ( sorry for my english)

Hi Mariuscivic,

You are getting ready to have more fun that you ever imagined possible.  Plus a learning curve is going to hit you like a brick wall.
Have fun.  Very nice work!!!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 17, 2011, 04:22:45 PM
Quote from: chrisC on June 17, 2011, 03:56:39 PM
Hi Konehaed & all:

Much appreciate your postings and results, I am also following Bolt's recommendation of using series non-polarized caps with shorted FWBR DC outputs to tune for max. input ac current. I have gotten around close to 200mA for the test coil when shorted but my series capacitance is something like 15 microFarads! Well, if I can get 8 coils to sum 1.6A that would be a great start

My question is the size of non-polarized capacitors with rated 250V voltages  are about 1.5" x 0.5" x 1" ! Can I series up 2 electrolytics with their common polarities connected (positive t positive) to effectively use it as a non polarized capacitor yet maintaining some kind of effective working voltages without a whole bank of parallel large polarized caps. in series? This is what old ham radio people used to do.


For most of these mullers the series cap is going to be around 10uf to 100uf for each coil. The 1 ohm series resistor or better 10 * 1 ohm shunt for 0.1ohm  is inserted to measure the amps on channel A and the voltage is read on channel B across the capacitor.  The  bridge is then shorted on the DC out and the "loop" is tuned for MAX VARS ie highest  reactive current * highest reactive volts.

Align channel A over Channel B so you can merge volts and amps together so see tuning waveforms are all reactive phases.

Calc the desired final system load them average the load for each coil. Affix dummy load to DUMP cap and measure the true DC watts at the large dump cap and NOT at each coil. The series cap will need tweaking to match the load and or backend magnet tweaks with even possible need to add shims.  Repeat for all other coils. Please do not look for highest amps out of each coil. AMPS = LUGGING you need everything as reactive and measure performance ONLY at the large dump cap no where else.  Caps don't need to be motor runs caps. poly 63v working is plenty in small systems. If you are desperate than use lytics back to back for testing but don't leave them in there they can go bang at any time especially when pumped with ZPE reactive energy. Nasty fluff comes out of those things!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 17, 2011, 04:39:36 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 17, 2011, 04:22:45 PM
For most of these mullers the series cap is going to be around 10uf to 100uf for each coil. The 1 ohm series resistor or better 10 * 1 ohm shunt for 0.1ohm  is inserted to measure the amps on channel A and the voltage is read on channel B across the capacitor.  The  bridge is then shorted on the DC out and the "loop" is tuned for MAX VARS ie highest  reactive current * highest reactive volts.

Align channel A over Channel B so you can merge volts and amps together so see tuning waveforms are all reactive phases.

Calc the desired final system load them average the load for each coil. Affix dummy load to DUMP cap and measure the true DC watts at the large dump cap and NOT at each coil. The series cap will need tweaking to match the load and or backend magnet tweaks with even possible need to add shims.  Repeat for all other coils. Please do not look for highest amps out of each coil. AMPS = LUGGING you need everything as reactive and measure performance ONLY at the large dump cap no where else.  Caps don't need to be motor runs caps. poly 63v working is plenty in small systems. If you are desperate than use lytics back to back for testing but don't leave them in there they can go bang at any time especially when pumped with ZPE reactive energy. Nasty fluff comes out of those things!

Thanks Bolt for the guidance. Yes, I was afraid these electrolytics will go bang and start flying everywhere (bad enough making sure these magnets stay in place at my 1220 rpm spins! I will try to digest your writings and see if I can tune them over this weekend. Much appreciate your help.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 17, 2011, 04:50:50 PM
whoww !!

@ Marius and Erik

fantastic work mans

Now we are biginning to get a real replicator community

So be prepared to be very disapointed in the first run as you will try to get out of this machine the NORMAL OUTPUT. you will be decieved for sure

But if you try to get out of the box, and i know we are not at all prepared for this experiment,    than we get a chance

this machine does  have special feature ( odd / even ration between coil and magnet ) which produce an accelerating ratio from normal magnet passing to something that can be very interestring.

So don't be discouraged by the first result ( i mean Mister Lenz at work it is quite normal as per standard dynamo ). and spend a lot of time simply  study the device at work, and measuring and asking question and and and 

This is a beautifull experience   and the aim is not to purify this world but to get  ( or not but it is not very important ) a chance to simply improve ourself.  and by doing this to get a lot of  fun (after probably a lot of frustration)

good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on June 17, 2011, 05:23:49 PM
Thanks alot Laurent! Allready been over at mr Lenz for a visit, but I'm not planning on staying there for long ;-)
@Bolt: I'm not so known in the world of electronics as a lot of you guys here are, so I was wondering, what kind of capacitors should we try. Not electrolyte caps if I am getting this right. I was searching for ac caps, but there where alot of types to choose from. Will audio caps do? ceramic? Polyester film? Polypropylene? Some where called motor caps, they where square shaped.
Sorry for my lack of knowlage

(Maybe a flux-capasitor will do it :-) Well, that will just take me back to the future )

Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 17, 2011, 06:08:29 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 17, 2011, 03:57:46 PM
As always diversion to "measurement errors."

Truth is not a diversion. We had this out last year when Doug announced his "easy 100 watts OU"  I pointed out the 'measurement error' which you failed to see or acknowledge. All he had to do was add the rest of the coils... well? nearly a year later and I haven't seen any sign of it?

Now on Doug's crowbar experiment you claim 3.4 OU. Where is the proof?
This is just grandstanding on your part and pollutes the list.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 17, 2011, 07:27:06 PM
careful with that HDD motor that holds the rotor, it is not strong enough when run at high speed and apply load to the output coils.If that breaks it can do a lot of damage, to you and the coils too.
Make sure there is no other people next to you when experimenting, that can hurt badly.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 17, 2011, 07:28:06 PM
Hi woopy!

Allready dissapointed about Lenz but I'm not givin'up.

Allready made some conections(just playing) and voltage rised from 16 to 44.

When I'll get my all driving coils working I'll get it tunned
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 17, 2011, 07:38:11 PM

Thankyou for the advice! I'll try to change it  but for now it's ok. I know it's not strong enougf . If i'll have to go to high rpm then i'll stop and try to put something  more serious. Also I followed your advice ; it spins better anti clockwise.

Thankyou romero for all the info you've been sharing with us!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 10:06:33 PM
Hi All,

I'm still testing but in my very sensitive machine, I do not find any Lenz reduction using a cap. in series with the coils and the
bridge, feeding a 68000uf cap with a 100 ohm load (50mA @ 5VDC) on the 68000 cap.  Anywhere between 2.5uf and 100uf series Capacatance, increments of 2.5uf, I find only a reduction in output along with and including an increase in Lenz/loading (lower RPM) on the rotor.  I could be wrong, but a load is a load is a load.  I will continue testing tomorrow but that is my initial findings. 

I have also discovered a strong interaction between the pulse width in the motor and the back EMF generated and fighting that pulse, which tends to vary the current with placement of the hall, not a change in the ratio, but a change in the current in the motor..  Poorly stated, but a problem.  Something else to juggle and get to stabilize with RPM........

Romero, what the heck are you looking for/adjusting in or out in your device with core/coil placement......that you have never told us.......help!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 17, 2011, 10:23:37 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 10:06:33 PM
Hi All,

I'm still testing but in my very sensitive machine, I do not find any Lenz reduction using a cap. in series with the coils and the
bridge, feeding a 68000uf cap with a 100 ohm load (50mA @ 5VDC) on the 68000 cap.  Anywhere between 2.5uf and 100uf series Capacatance, increments of 2.5uf, I find only a reduction in output along with and including an increase in Lenz/loading (lower RPM) on the rotor.  I could be wrong, but a load is a load is a load.  I will continue testing tomorrow but that is my initial findings. 

I have also discovered a strong interaction between the pulse width in the motor and the back EMF generated and fighting that pulse, which tends to vary the current with placement of the hall, not a change in the ratio, but a change in the current in the motor..  Poorly stated, but a problem.  Something else to juggle and get to stabilize with RPM........

Romero, what the heck are you looking for/adjusting in or out in your device with core/coil placement......that you have never told us.......help!


Did you short the DC side first? tune into a short circuit. Are you sure your coils are out of phase? this cannot work with in phase coils. Voltage over series cap into a short dc path and tuned is going to be perhaps well over 50 volts. If you get non of this something is badly messed up.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 17, 2011, 10:26:52 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 10:06:33 PM
Hi All,

I'm still testing but in my very sensitive machine, I do not find any Lenz reduction using a cap. in series with the coils and the
bridge, feeding a 68000uf cap with a 100 ohm load (50mA @ 5VDC) on the 68000 cap.  Anywhere between 2.5uf and 100uf series Capacatance, increments of 2.5uf, I find only a reduction in output along with and including an increase in Lenz/loading (lower RPM) on the rotor.  I could be wrong, but a load is a load is a load.  I will continue testing tomorrow but that is my initial findings. 

I have also discovered a strong interaction between the pulse width in the motor and the back EMF generated and fighting that pulse, which tends to vary the current with placement of the hall, not a change in the ratio, but a change in the current in the motor..  Poorly stated, but a problem.  Something else to juggle and get to stabilize with RPM........

Romero, what the heck are you looking for/adjusting in or out in your device with core/coil placement......that you have never told us.......help!

My experiment is under way, the same change in parallel and series capacitors, but not the slightest change in the output.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 17, 2011, 10:37:50 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 17, 2011, 10:23:37 PM
Did you short the DC side first? tune into a short circuit. Are you sure your coils are out of phase? this cannot work with in phase coils. Voltage over series cap into a short dc path and tuned is going to be perhaps well over 50 volts. If you get non of this something is badly messed up.

    Hi bolt

    Want your help, it is best to have an indicative description of the circuit schematic.

    Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 17, 2011, 11:08:45 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 17, 2011, 10:06:33 PM
Hi All,

I'm still testing but in my very sensitive machine, I do not find any Lenz reduction using a cap. in series with the coils and the
bridge, feeding a 68000uf cap with a 100 ohm load (50mA @ 5VDC) on the 68000 cap.  Anywhere between 2.5uf and 100uf series Capacatance, increments of 2.5uf, I find only a reduction in output along with and including an increase in Lenz/loading (lower RPM) on the rotor.  I could be wrong, but a load is a load is a load.  I will continue testing tomorrow but that is my initial findings. 

Ben, thanks for the confirmation!  This was my finding last year on Doug's Muller and again this year on Romero's. The series cap at these low MFDs is only a current limiter.

Rgds, Ron
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 17, 2011, 11:24:33 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 17, 2011, 01:27:43 PM
Did you make the hole in your thumb removing the end cap?

:D ;D :D... man! that's funny.

Thanks for sharing some humor

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 17, 2011, 11:39:05 PM
Quote from: erikbuch on June 17, 2011, 05:23:49 PM
Thanks alot Laurent! Allready been over at mr Lenz for a visit, but I'm not planning on staying there for long ;-)
@Bolt: I'm not so known in the world of electronics as a lot of you guys here are, so I was wondering, what kind of capacitors should we try. Not electrolyte caps if I am getting this right. I was searching for ac caps, but there where alot of types to choose from. Will audio caps do? ceramic? Polyester film? Polypropylene? Some where called motor caps, they where square shaped.
Sorry for my lack of knowlage

(Maybe a flux-capasitor will do it :-) Well, that will just take me back to the future )

Best regards

Anything designed for AC will work you probably need AC polypropylene film capacitor they are often yellow or blue blocks used as motor suppression caps in brushed motors. if you buy new you can keep the cost down going for 63v rated instead of 250v but this might restrict you in the future when you go bigger up in size and better rigs. Then tend only to go up to about 5uf so you need to gang them up for more uf. They are quite expensive about a euro/buck each so if you need 100uf at 5uf increment = 20 bucks by 10 coils that's 200 bucks worth of caps. If you are really desperate using electrolytic  back to back to make an AC cap out of them but never do this for mains voltages. Low voltage muller stuff might be ok for a while but don't be surprised if they go bang.

OR you can use motor run caps they are not cheap either to buy new like 25 bucks for 50uf but the AC voltage is going to be 350-450VAC so they are future proof for anything you might likely come across. What you really need to make for all your AC tuning stuff is a Binary Cap box made from Run Caps. Inside this big box you put like 1, 2 4 8 16 32 64uf caps 450VAC then use good switches like 20A breakers. From this binary combination you got a good tuning range within 1uf.

Now you got a full AC motor tuning kit for power factoring RV, Air Con system pumps, freezers, pool pumps, mega large mullers etc.  Once you found the correct size you fit a permanent cap in the required position.

who said free energy was free? :) ...'king expensive.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 17, 2011, 11:39:59 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 18, 2011, 01:11:16 AM
chris C wrote;

Much appreciate your postings and results, I am also following Bolt's recommendation of using series non-polarized caps with shorted FWBR DC outputs to tune for max. input ac current. I have gotten around close to 200mA for the test coil when shorted but my series capacitance is something like 15 microFarads! Well, if I can get 8 coils to sum 1.6A that would be a great start

My question is the size of non-polarized capacitors with rated 250V voltages  are about 1.5" x 0.5" x 1" ! Can I series up 2 electrolytics with their common polarities connected (positive t positive) to effectively use it as a non polarized capacitor yet maintaining some kind of effective working voltages without a whole bank of parallel large polarized caps. in series? This is what old ham radio people used to do."

Kone replies:

I have put DC type of electolyctic caps back to back in rotovertor testing - had idea to pulse one then ohter out to get DC from AC easy no diodes it worked sort of but those caps got hot with themselves back to back while the normal oil-filled rotovertor run caps didnt ever get hot - I think if you really want or need to do this, you should have some diodes in between the back to back DC caps to protect them for backsurges or whatever was causing the heat. Someon said once that some AC caps are nothing more than two back to back DC types, attached at grounds but I dont know for sure about anything - I would follow Bolts advice - Faustos video is good proof it really works.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 18, 2011, 01:19:41 AM
Hi ron

you wrote;
"Truth is not a diversion. We had this out last year when Doug announced his "easy 100 watts OU"  I pointed out the 'measurement error' which you failed to see or acknowledge. All he had to do was add the rest of the coils... well? nearly a year later and I haven't seen any sign of it?"

I did have that, when rest of coils are added up, and I did make something big and powerful way OU for secret person last summer using what I described then with the "meausrment errors: for shorting coils and seris AC caps but now in solid state.
but I didnt make it public and you wont see any sign of it sorry about that.
your measuremnt errors last summer were your measurment errors "where ammeter goes" i remember was the problem...Ronalds cap discharge formula got everythign straightened out and there is no reason to argue about it anymnore so cheer up and make it loop.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 18, 2011, 01:52:08 AM
Ben wrote;
"I'm still testing but in my very sensitive machine, I do not find any Lenz reduction using a cap. in series with the coils and the
bridge, feeding a 68000uf cap with a 100 ohm load (50mA @ 5VDC) on the 68000 cap.  Anywhere between 2.5uf and 100uf series Capacatance, increments of 2.5uf, I find only a reduction in output along with and including an increase in Lenz/loading (lower RPM) on the rotor.  I could be wrong, but a load is a load is a load.  I will continue testing tomorrow but that is my initial findings." 
kone replies;
you need that AC series cap to be a "high bypass filter" and not somethign that works only as a current limiter and kills everything...you want the good stuff of high frequencies to pass through, and THAT charges up the cap, and the lugging current "left behind" (lagging 90 degerees is I guess the goal according to Bolt and reosnant threory stuff).

That video by Fausto seems to confirm "it works" dont forget.

What bolt has been describing seems to be a phase-shift where only time you see current is at the end of the whole thing, when cap hits load. (?)

Maybe idea for you is try a circuit where your cap fills up from genrator coils like you have now in series, and rotor speeds up like you already get (which means more power is created from more rpms since it is rotating so now going "away" form lenz law)
and then when cap hits your load - dont have it there "all the time" then you have cap disconnected from the coils druing the cap-dicharge event.

("two stage output circuit")...so the cap-discharge to load will NEVER affect the draw since its disconnected very simple.

Then, only reason for the AC series cap is when the resistance of the cpaaitor itself is very heavy, and you would use it only to prevent lugging as cap fills an dnow you might ti to work like high bypass filter instead of lugging-component as it is now.

Anyways that is very large cap, and a very light load of 100ohm resistor...mabye try much smaller cap and heavier resistor...probably with reistance that light, the Ac series cap is just another load fro rotor to haul around and its not working as a high bypass filter like it should.

Maybe high bypass filter is not right description in this scenario, since I wouldnt call it that in what Fausto did....(I dont know anything for surereally)....
Maybe has somethign to do with the rpms and frequency too, and its not helping jsut hindering ...not sure...

when coil-shorting like I like to do with mullergenrators, the AC cap in series definetly stops the lugging, and defintley makes cap charge slower in consequence, so there is a balance you want to find wtih uf value where it actually does some good and you get some gain.

but in my nerwe stuff, I;n not using them as when you nail the coil-short ther is not lug as caps fill to worry about and when caps hit laod and they are disconnected from coils thenther is no lug to worry about then to so nothign to worry about really...

aso that quick test I did a few days ago definetly the series AC cap took awya all lenz lugging - no extra draw - when the coils were "shorted across" with an ammeter, so there is another confirmation (sort of but no volts when being shorted) but that is why resistive load to get balnce between votls and amps...anyways this is all criss-crossing methods and paths everything is related probably month from nwo ther areo ging to be half dozen loopers all working on different primnciples

Maybe you should jsut skip the whole series cap thing, (you probalby will if it keeps lugging rotor anyways) it might bog you down and you were speeding along ...you seem on right track as is with those series caps making it run faster when coils make power..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on June 18, 2011, 04:04:47 AM

Hi All,

I can see a lot of bickering and not a lot of progress happening on this thread.

If I may point out another thing with coils. It is possible to have, two Coils, B-Field's separated entirely, so they have no interaction with each other.

Please see my work on the Flux Gate Magnetometer : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_kB6GQK9BE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_kB6GQK9BE) and a short NASA video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjEcmMT-GSs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjEcmMT-GSs)

Please note the NASA video is incorrect but it does show the concept very well.

This may help you with your motors and the separation from Lenz's Law and the output.

Its hard to stay on track when there is bickering on the thread. Stay focused all or RomeroUK may leave us behind.

All the best

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 18, 2011, 05:21:36 AM
i'm sure most people already know this, but just to remind you about the formula :
C = 900 / [L * (Pi * Poles * RPM)^2]

Can you see the importance of RPM stability ? It has a major impact ( squared value ). Most people get all happy when they add the load and RPM increases. Or when they loop back the gain and RPM increases again.

I think you should be carefull that after you apply your load, or add a new coil to make sure that the RPM will stay the same as you used to get the value of C. For example decrease the input power for the driver coils accordingly to your load at every step when you add a new generator coil
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 18, 2011, 05:56:27 AM
Quote from: Tudi on June 18, 2011, 05:21:36 AM
i'm sure most people already know this, but just to remind you about the formula :
C = 900 / [L * (Pi * Poles * RPM)^2]

Can you see the importance of RPM stability ? It has a major impact ( squared value ). Most people get all happy when they add the load and RPM increases. Or when they loop back the gain and RPM increases again.

I think you should be carefull that after you apply your load, or add a new coil to make sure that the RPM will stay the same as you used to get the value of C. For example decrease the input power for the driver coils accordingly to your load at every step when you add a new generator coil

A change in rotor speed indicates a change somewhere else. These devices seek a balance where there are many interracting variables.

Your genny derived PSU is a source but not a legit gain because its power is derived from a the supply that produced it. There can be no overall gain, just a complex re-balancing of power levels in the various parts of the circuit that all add up to what the main PSU is supplying.


PS. I concede that there may be a very small gain derived from released energy from the spinning rotor magnets, over and above that energy used to spin them up.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 18, 2011, 07:33:51 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 17, 2011, 10:23:37 PM
Did you short the DC side first? tune into a short circuit. Are you sure your coils are out of phase? this cannot work with in phase coils. Voltage over series cap into a short dc path and tuned is going to be perhaps well over 50 volts. If you get non of this something is badly messed up.

Good morning Bolt,

First, thank you for you input, EVERYTHING, EVERY IDEA is welcome in my lab.  First some clarification and to answer your question.
No I did not tune into a short circuit.  That caused excessive Lenz loading on the wheel at any combination of Cxs.  But will try again later after your clarification.  I could not get any value to cause the Lenz loading on the wheel to lessen at any loading combination.  So went with the fixed load of 10mA/Volt as my unit is very small.

I started @ zero voltage on 68000 output cap (held there by 100 ohm resistor load),  The two coils have to be in phase or there is no voltage @ hence no output.  You would have two AC voltages bucking each other, high current in coil loop but no voltage out.  Are your suggesting that they be wired bucking with the Tuning cap in series with them and then take the resultant voltage off one coil or across the cap where there is a phase shift?  A schematic would be helpful here. What I have is two coils in phase, in parallel, in series with tuning cap, feeding through a bridge into a 68000 cap. with a 100 ohm load. EXACTLY what is your recommended circuit?  I assumed a total series circuit, are you purposing a combination parallel/series circuit or different?  Then we do have the problem in that this is not a sine wave circuit but a lopsided mess in a nominal repetitive waveform.

IF you have a different circuit, will be able to test later today but first have to do some work on boat before it gets too hot....
Going to do that as soon as I finish coffee.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 18, 2011, 07:47:03 AM
Quote from: Hoppy on June 18, 2011, 05:56:27 AM
A change in rotor speed indicates a change somewhere else. These devices seek a balance where there are many interracting variables.

Your genny derived PSU is a source but not a legit gain because its power is derived from a the supply that produced it. There can be no overall gain, just a complex re-balancing of power levels in the various parts of the circuit that all add up to what the main PSU is supplying.


PS. I concede that there may be a very small gain derived from released energy from the spinning rotor magnets, over and above that energy used to spin them up.

Good Morning Hoppy,

A very good observation.  I have been trying to figure out a way to verify this as you observations about the complex loading going on
in the overall unit is a pain in the butt.  As I continue testing, I will try to verify this observation.  The interactions are complex
and in the end it is entirely possible that you are correct.  The lenz effect rule based on the basic mechanics of current flow and field interaction is a hard nut to crack! IF we can mechanically or electronically effect a lessening of the interactions between current and field (Lenz) perhaps it can be done. Time and tedious testing will tell!

The basic question is and I hope to verify: 

IS the total looped system POWER increased by this series connection or decreased, this is the "Kernel" of the question.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 18, 2011, 07:56:51 AM
Quote from: konehead on June 18, 2011, 01:52:08 AM
Ben wrote;
"I'm still testing but in my very sensitive machine, I do not find any Lenz reduction using a cap. in series with the coils and the
bridge, feeding a 68000uf cap with a 100 ohm load (50mA @ 5VDC) on the 68000 cap.  Anywhere between 2.5uf and 100uf series Capacatance, increments of 2.5uf, I find only a reduction in output along with and including an increase in Lenz/loading (lower RPM) on the rotor.  I could be wrong, but a load is a load is a load.  I will continue testing tomorrow but that is my initial findings." 
kone replies;
you need that AC series cap to be a "high bypass filter" and not somethign that works only as a current limiter and kills everything...you want the good stuff of high frequencies to pass through, and THAT charges up the cap, and the lugging current "left behind" (lagging 90 degerees is I guess the goal according to Bolt and reosnant threory stuff).

That video by Fausto seems to confirm "it works" dont forget.

What bolt has been describing seems to be a phase-shift where only time you see current is at the end of the whole thing, when cap hits load. (?)

Maybe idea for you is try a circuit where your cap fills up from genrator coils like you have now in series, and rotor speeds up like you already get (which means more power is created from more rpms since it is rotating so now going "away" form lenz law)
and then when cap hits your load - dont have it there "all the time" then you have cap disconnected from the coils druing the cap-dicharge event.

("two stage output circuit")...so the cap-discharge to load will NEVER affect the draw since its disconnected very simple.

Then, only reason for the AC series cap is when the resistance of the cpaaitor itself is very heavy, and you would use it only to prevent lugging as cap fills an dnow you might ti to work like high bypass filter instead of lugging-component as it is now.

Anyways that is very large cap, and a very light load of 100ohm resistor...mabye try much smaller cap and heavier resistor...probably with reistance that light, the Ac series cap is just another load fro rotor to haul around and its not working as a high bypass filter like it should.

Maybe high bypass filter is not right description in this scenario, since I wouldnt call it that in what Fausto did....(I dont know anything for surereally)....
Maybe has somethign to do with the rpms and frequency too, and its not helping jsut hindering ...not sure...

when coil-shorting like I like to do with mullergenrators, the AC cap in series definetly stops the lugging, and defintley makes cap charge slower in consequence, so there is a balance you want to find wtih uf value where it actually does some good and you get some gain.

but in my nerwe stuff, I;n not using them as when you nail the coil-short ther is not lug as caps fill to worry about and when caps hit laod and they are disconnected from coils thenther is no lug to worry about then to so nothign to worry about really...

aso that quick test I did a few days ago definetly the series AC cap took awya all lenz lugging - no extra draw - when the coils were "shorted across" with an ammeter, so there is another confirmation (sort of but no volts when being shorted) but that is why resistive load to get balnce between votls and amps...anyways this is all criss-crossing methods and paths everything is related probably month from nwo ther areo ging to be half dozen loopers all working on different primnciples

Maybe you should jsut skip the whole series cap thing, (you probalby will if it keeps lugging rotor anyways) it might bog you down and you were speeding along ...you seem on right track as is with those series caps making it run faster when coils make power..

Good Morning Kone,

Good to have you here on this forum!  As you have found over the years, there are many ways to do this.  There are so many variables here it is astounding.  I have followed your quest over the years and appriciate all the work and ideas you have contributed.  Keep it up,
Each test we do, each wiring application, everything adds to our knowledge.  You keep at it too!  The most unique thing about the whole RomeroUK device is IF it self runs, it ruins all our preconceived ideas, all the theorist that say "It will never fly", etc.  The proof is in the pudding.  Measurement error is amok here and everywhere.  Looping is self evident.  That is why RomeroUK's device started the firestorm!
You have a lot of good ideas in the above post I must consider.  Thanks for sharing them!

Keep at it my friend, keep at it!!!  Keep posting your results and ideas!!!!  I follow you on your Yahoo thread too! 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 18, 2011, 09:12:49 AM

I finally figured out the solution to the Romero puzzle.

Also posted here:

The circuit that drives the drive coils is doing what? Pulsing power on for a given time regulated by the hall sensor to energize a drive coil pair? What if it does not do that. What if the power is always on the coil and the sensor pulse turns it off. Better still what if one Drive coil pair is always off while the other is always on. Man oh man. That's it!!!!!!!!!

D22 Top magnet is attracted by the coil that is always on gets to the sensor to turn off the field while it exits. Sling Shot.
D11 Bottom Drive coil is always off so when the magnet gets on the sensor the drive is energized pulling the magnet in and as it gets in, the sensor is out so the magnet can exit.

D22 Always on. Sensor shuts it off. It only has to shut it for a short period to free itself from the attraction.
D11 Always off. Sensor turns it on. It has a longer reach to enter under the drive with force then release itself from the sensor.

This fits both the back and forth phenomena before the wheel is nudged manually and the clockwise rotation.
The circuitry change required goes above my acumen.

Always on and always off (AOAO), if at 50% duty, will make no difference energy-wise. But motive-wise, it could make all the difference.

Stop everything. This is it. Guys with wheels that do not make this change will be wasting their time trying to compensate in so many other wrong ways.


Someone has too look again at the circuit to make the modification, and it ain't gonna be me. Have fun.

If Tesla was here, he would probably say,

3 drives
6 magnets
9 coils

or would it be 3 drives.........but that will be for another day. lol

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 18, 2011, 09:25:24 AM
Hi Kone bolt and all:
I am currently experimenting in accordance with the following circuit, Coil resistance of 2 ohms each Generation,
C1 and R1 resonance, all of which I value in accordance with circuit diagram to adjust.
C2 and C3 phase, I still value in accordance with circuit diagram to adjust.

No load rotor speed is 1200rpm
When the C2 and C3 4.7uF, the speed is almost no decline
Load of 100 ohms, the output voltage: 7V, output current: 70mA.

When the C2 and C3 to 50uF, the speed down to 940rpm,
Load of 100 ohms, the output voltage: 10V, output current: 105mA. (C3 sometimes when not used)

Adjustments in any state regardless of C1 and R1, the rotor speed and output are not changed.

Overall: There is no miracle!

How can I do?

Thank you!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Shane Jackson on June 18, 2011, 09:50:01 AM
Quote from: wattsup on June 18, 2011, 09:12:49 AM

I finally figured out the solution to the Romero puzzle.

Also posted here:

The circuit that drives the drive coils is doing what? Pulsing power on for a given time regulated by the hall sensor to energize a drive coil pair? What if it does not do that. What if the power is always on the coil and the sensor pulse turns it off. Better still what if one Drive coil pair is always off while the other is always on. Man oh man. That's it!!!!!!!!!

D22 Top magnet is attracted by the coil that is always on gets to the sensor to turn off the field while it exits. Sling Shot.
D11 Bottom Drive coil is always off so when the magnet gets on the sensor the drive is energized pulling the magnet in and as it gets in, the sensor is out so the magnet can exit.

D22 Always on. Sensor shuts it off. It only has to shut it for a short period to free itself from the attraction.
D11 Always off. Sensor turns it on. It has a longer reach to enter under the drive with force then release itself from the sensor.

This fits both the back and forth phenomena before the wheel is nudged manually and the clockwise rotation.
The circuitry change required goes above my acumen.

Always on and always off (AOAO), if at 50% duty, will make no difference energy-wise. But motive-wise, it could make all the difference.

Stop everything. This is it. Guys with wheels that do not make this change will be wasting their time trying to compensate in so many other wrong ways.


Someone has too look again at the circuit to make the modification, and it ain't gonna be me. Have fun.

If Tesla was here, he would probably say,

3 drives
6 magnets
9 coils

or would it be 3 drives.........but that will be for another day. lol

Sounds good and all but would M1 not be more attracted to D22 than M8 as it is closer?? I think in order to achieve this you would need multiple hall sensors and/or a smart controller to fire the coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 18, 2011, 10:00:49 AM

Nice diagram and good testing!

It's a pleasure.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 18, 2011, 10:15:30 AM
Quote from: Arthurs on June 18, 2011, 09:25:24 AM
Hi Kone bolt and all:
I am currently experimenting in accordance with the following circuit, Coil resistance of 2 ohms each Generation,
C1 and R1 resonance, all of which I value in accordance with circuit diagram to adjust.
C2 and C3 phase, I still value in accordance with circuit diagram to adjust.

No load rotor speed is 1200rpm
When the C2 and C3 4.7uF, the speed is almost no decline
Load of 100 ohms, the output voltage: 7V, output current: 70mA.

When the C2 and C3 to 50uF, the speed down to 940rpm,
Load of 100 ohms, the output voltage: 10V, output current: 105mA. (C3 sometimes when not used)

Adjustments in any state regardless of C1 and R1, the rotor speed and output are not changed.

Overall: There is no miracle!

How can I do?

Thank you!

Hi Arthurs,

Nice work.  Will test it on my unit later today!  Thank you.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 18, 2011, 10:22:33 AM
Quote from: Shane Jackson on June 18, 2011, 09:50:01 AM
Sounds good and all but would M1 not be more attracted to D22 than M8 as it is closer?? I think in order to achieve this you would need multiple hall sensors and/or a smart controller to fire the coils.

No it won't because it is being pushed out by M5 entering under D11.

This works. It also works exactly as such when the power is turned on and the rotor just goes back and forth in the same radius. Any working solution must work for both the back and forth and the clockwise rotation. Given the components, where they are located, AOAO is the only way it will work. And, needless to say AOAO is the only method not tried yet.

So simple yet so out of the box. I am not sure if Romero even knew what the real reason for his wheel was. Otherwise his obvious willingness to share, he would have talked about this long ago.

But this is step one. If step one is OK, then we can move on to step two. If any of the steps is not right, going further is in vain. You will be barking up the wrong tree for months. Only a logical progression will work.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 18, 2011, 11:05:00 AM
Quote from: Arthurs on June 18, 2011, 09:25:24 AM
Hi Kone bolt and all:
I am currently experimenting in accordance with the following circuit, Coil resistance of 2 ohms each Generation,
C1 and R1 resonance, all of which I value in accordance with circuit diagram to adjust.
C2 and C3 phase, I still value in accordance with circuit diagram to adjust.

No load rotor speed is 1200rpm
When the C2 and C3 4.7uF, the speed is almost no decline
Load of 100 ohms, the output voltage: 7V, output current: 70mA.

When the C2 and C3 to 50uF, the speed down to 940rpm,
Load of 100 ohms, the output voltage: 10V, output current: 105mA. (C3 sometimes when not used)

Adjustments in any state regardless of C1 and R1, the rotor speed and output are not changed.

Overall: There is no miracle!

How can I do?

Thank you!

Take OUT  C1 and C2 and leave C3 as the adjustor.  Put scope leads across C3 and the other channel across R1.

Short the DC side of the bridge out and work only on the AC side for now. You will know when you are in tune because the volts and the amps will peak very high compared to other values.  If the phase will not go out of phase try  reversing the coils pair.  Try winding more coils using say 500 turns of 24 awg  NOT litz wire and keep doing stuff like this until you see a "HOLY CRAP"!!! moment on your scope shots. You need to see amazing high VARS before you open the short into the dump cap. Try winding bifialr coils two strands of 24 AWG or something pretty thin wire then cross the ends just like a joule thief.  You need everything to go out of phase BETWEEN the coils and WITHIN the coils themselves to stop current flowing because  current = lugging.

Only when you see amazing  VARS with no lugging open the DC pathway.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 18, 2011, 11:55:27 AM
@wattsup,  thanks for your contribution in trying to figure out some of this.  A couple questions.  Are you building this or do you have it built?  If not then I have to ask if theory always works out to be valid in a real world build?  We know it does not.  So I am only asking why you are certain this will make it run better as it does not seem Romero mentioned this and it seems he would have been aware of this.  And since you seem to have a handle on the theory why not provide a circuit to support it?  Even a block diagram circuit might help and others can fill in the details.  Or maybe just a logic-flow diagram.  Do we need a flip-flop circuit?  I don't think Romero was using that.  Not trying to be critical here just trying to get more pieces of the puzzle.  Thanks again for your input. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 18, 2011, 12:57:59 PM
Quote from: hyiq on June 18, 2011, 04:04:47 AM
Hi All,

I can see a lot of bickering and not a lot of progress happening on this thread.

All the best


Chris, excellent video, well filmed and nicely narrated.

What you call bickering is, I'm afraid, necessary as various details are worked out. Facts that are not supported by evidence are of no value.

The series capacitor was being discussed... so to clarify this further I have put together a little test... draw your own conclusions, or replicate yourself, if you wish.

A test is worth a thousand words, to paraphrase an old saying.

What does a series capacitor before the FWB do?

Parts: Hammond transformer, FWB, 6800 mfd, 63 volt filter cap, 20 ohm load resistor and various oil caps from 6 to 56 mfd

Meter: Clamp on, on 120 volt supply, ammeter from FBR plus to load, volt meter over load.

Base line:  .08 A to transformer, no load

Top circuit: no caps,  ip, .27A;  21.7V @ 1.08A;  ip = 32.4 watts; op = 23 watts

Mid circuit:

6mfd, ip .07A; 1.2 V @ .05A; ip = 8,4watts; op = .06 watts

45 mfd, ip .04 A; 8.4 V @ .42 A; ip = 4.8watts; op = 3.5 watts

96 mfd, ip .1 A; 14.7 V @ ,74 A; ip = 12 watts; op = 10.8 watts

Bottom circuit:

48 + 56 mfd; ip .04A; 4.8 V @ .24 A; ip = 4.8 watts; op = .192 watts

96 + 98 mfd; ip .04A; 8.5V @ .42 A; ip = 4.8 watts; op = 3.57 watts


With a single capacitor of low value the output is minimal. (.06 W!)
Of interest is that with limited output, the input draw is below that of no load condition, only exceeding the base reading when the output approaches half the conventional reading.

On the double capacitor setup 100mfd or more is required to get any usable output but in each case shown, the input amps remained at one half the no load reading.

Rgds, Ron
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 18, 2011, 01:38:33 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 18, 2011, 11:05:00 AM
Take OUT  C1 and C2 and leave C3 as the adjustor.  Put scope leads across C3 and the other channel across R1.

Short the DC side of the bridge out and work only on the AC side for now. You will know when you are in tune because the volts and the amps will peak very high compared to other values.  If the phase will not go out of phase try  reversing the coils pair.  Try winding more coils using say 500 turns of 24 awg  NOT litz wire and keep doing stuff like this until you see a "HOLY CRAP"!!! moment on your scope shots. You need to see amazing high VARS before you open the short into the dump cap. Try winding bifialr coils two strands of 24 AWG or something pretty thin wire then cross the ends just like a joule thief.  You need everything to go out of phase BETWEEN the coils and WITHIN the coils themselves to stop current flowing because  current = lugging.

Only when you see amazing  VARS with no lugging open the DC pathway.
Hi bolt:

    Thank you very much reply guidance.
    Because my English is not good, Can not fully understand what you mean, Can only think about. Very anxious!
    So: You can draw a diagram to help me understand?

    According to my current understanding, the following circuit diagram is like this, correct?

    My next experiment steps:
    The rotor speed to maintain the premise in 1200rpm, 20 ohm load resistance.
    Generation coil 500 turns from the start, Adjusted every 20 turns to reduce the test.
    Since the adjustment of Generation coil, R1 and C3 is also necessary to re-adjust it? If you need to adjust, Their values ​​were roughly what should be in the range?

Thanks again

Welcome to all the above problem to discuss.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 18, 2011, 01:43:28 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 18, 2011, 11:05:00 AM
Take OUT  C1 and C2 and leave C3 as the adjustor.  Put scope leads across C3 and the other channel across R1.

Short the DC side of the bridge out and work only on the AC side for now. You will know when you are in tune because the volts and the amps will peak very high compared to other values.  If the phase will not go out of phase try  reversing the coils pair.  Try winding more coils using say 500 turns of 24 awg  NOT litz wire and keep doing stuff like this until you see a "HOLY CRAP"!!! moment on your scope shots. You need to see amazing high VARS before you open the short into the dump cap. Try winding bifialr coils two strands of 24 AWG or something pretty thin wire then cross the ends just like a joule thief.  You need everything to go out of phase BETWEEN the coils and WITHIN the coils themselves to stop current flowing because  current = lugging.

Only when you see amazing  VARS with no lugging open the DC pathway.

Hi Bolt,

Thanks, will try it this afternoon (after nap, Hey, Edison loved his afternoon naps too!", , might have to wind some new coils.  Will first drive the inductance with a sig generator to get C into ballpark then fire up the motor and see if it does peak and unload at resonance.
There should be a hell of a sweet spot if/when it does. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 18, 2011, 01:48:23 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 18, 2011, 10:15:30 AM
Hi Arthurs,

Nice work.  Will test it on my unit later today!  Thank you.

   My experiments did not progress.
   I look forward to your good progress, I hope you have a break!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 18, 2011, 01:57:16 PM

Excellent test which shows that the more capacitive reactance introduced, the less output power consumed in load. As reactance increases, Mr Lenz just gets weaker  because his food supply is diminishing. If we starve him of food, then we also starve the motor of power. He is if you will, a reflection of the motor. We can fool ourselves into thinking his actions have been surpressed by our intervention but there will always be a negative reaction as a result of our intervention which will re-balance the machine to maintain it running under unity.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 18, 2011, 02:08:56 PM
I know what ron is getting at, that series cap will usually work like something that resticts current ant that is "it"

I dont see any helper magnets  like Fausto did in his video to adjust the inductance,
I dont see any coil shorting making high frequency osclaiitions like I did with series cap as high bypass filter,
I dont see any very high VARS produced first,  thorugh the resonate 90 degree shift, like Bolt says to do through lots of tuning first,
And i dont see a rotating magnet rotor that when it speeds up under loading of coils, it makes more and more watts from the speed up, regardless of elelctrical laws, like Romero does. (Romero doenst use seires cap anyways so good reason we dont see that ha)

All that can be seen is transformer, sereis cap, and lump resitive load.
and so why wouldnt that series cap to do no good at all but to restirct current?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 18, 2011, 02:19:08 PM
Hi i_ron:
   Very good test, Very helpful to me.
   However: Although the capacitor value the greater the, Output power will be greater.
   But: the greater the value of capacitance, Rotor speed down the more.
   Only the capacitance values ​​as small as possible, Speed ​​will not decrease.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 18, 2011, 02:20:34 PM
jsut was reviewing everthything past few posts and realized (I think) that it requeires two coils in SERIES, (like Arthrus circuit) to get what BOlt describes with the high VARS produced first...where the coils cause the current-lag "wihtin themselves?
IS this true anyone?
Thats why "it" can be done with sereis-adding bifilars since they are two coils within one?
Arent Ben's two facing coils in paralell?...maybe that is problem he is having.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 18, 2011, 02:39:52 PM
Quote from: Arthurs on June 18, 2011, 02:19:08 PM
Hi i_ron:
   Very good test, Very helpful to me.
   However: Although the capacitor value the greater the, Output power will be greater.
   But: the greater the value of capacitance, Rotor speed down the more.
   Only the capacitance values ​​as small as possible, Speed ​​will not decrease.

Good observation Arthurs.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 18, 2011, 02:41:13 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 18, 2011, 02:08:56 PM
I know what ron is getting at, that series cap will usually work like something that resticts current ant that is "it"

Doug, did you not see what happens to the input?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 18, 2011, 03:05:03 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 18, 2011, 11:55:27 AM
@wattsup,  thanks for your contribution in trying to figure out some of this.  A couple questions.  Are you building this or do you have it built?  If not then I have to ask if theory always works out to be valid in a real world build?  We know it does not.  So I am only asking why you are certain this will make it run better as it does not seem Romero mentioned this and it seems he would have been aware of this.  And since you seem to have a handle on the theory why not provide a circuit to support it?  Even a block diagram circuit might help and others can fill in the details.  Or maybe just a logic-flow diagram.  Do we need a flip-flop circuit?  I don't think Romero was using that.  Not trying to be critical here just trying to get more pieces of the puzzle.  Thanks again for your input.


No I am not building anything until I know how it works. Even then, this same knowledge can be used in so many ways. As for Romero, it is kind of crazy to have a wheel that works, then chuck it, then come back with another build asking questions. It seems he needs our answers just as much as anyone else so do not rely only on what Romero has to say. Rely on your power of observation and logic.

The method I am showing answers all the questions and/or requirements for a wheel to run with strength at all times, regardless of the rpm level or drag. Also more rpm means less torque, that does not change, so the running speed of the wheel should not be to high.

The AOAO method will work, I don't need to make it to know this. Besides I have been following several of the builders and their results to know very well what is involved.

See my last diagram, that was drawn in CorelDraw. When I click on the magnets I can rotate them together anywhere on the wheel I want. Same with the drive coils and generator coils. By moving them across the sensors and knowing how the sensors will activate (or deactivate a coil) I went through all the logical steps of variables. When I first depleted all the possibilities with both drive coil pairs energized only via the sensors (Always Off - Always Off), this did not give any proper method for both the oscillating back and forth effect (OBFE) and the motive clockwise effect (MCE). With both coils off and energized via the sensors, there was always something that did not work in either the OBFE or MCE. So the method was canned and a new method Always On - Always On was looked at one by one with the other variables. Once the always on was depleted, the next logical step was one Always On and one Always Off. Again, this had to go through all the variables. First the D11 coil pair always on and the D22 coil pair always off. This again did not give the proper effects under all conditions. Then I tried D11 coil pair always off and D22 coil pair always on and BINGO. Under this condition, all the peripheral effects coincide perfectly with what is observable in Romeros video. That's how I found this. Not by chance, not by just theorizing, but by logical methodology plus deduction and reasoning. These three tools are the best ones anyone will have on their work bench. lol

I don't need to turn a wheel. I can see 10 of them turning at the same time and see each one making its own effect and realize how they all work together. Actually, once I realized or found the Wire X in Romeros first video, I realized he was not on the level to make his first video in such a manner as putting the battery permanently on the output rail. This is when I had to start really not listening to Romero and just rely on the facts of his second video. His second video is well made and now he takes the battery off and shows rotor turning, load applied, etc. So great, a video with no tricks (or none that I could define). Great. From then on the hunt was open for all.

The change in circuit should not be great. It is a matter of keeping the drive coil transistor gate always energized and only de-energized when the D22 sensor is activated by a passing magnet. Everything else stays the same. Do this and your wheel will start strong, rev-up strong and remain strong. Without a doubt.

As for a circuit diagram, this is not my specialty. This is for the EEers on the forum to work out. We each have our strong points and no one can do all this alone.

The logic is simple. Keep a coil energized and turn it off with a hall sensor - versus what is being done now - take a coil and energize it with a hall sensor.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on June 18, 2011, 03:18:22 PM
Coiltuning in practice!


It made things a little clearer for me :)
Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 18, 2011, 03:20:51 PM
OK you want technical version i give you technical!!

A series capacitor within a transformer circuit assumes text book example so there is no increase in energy thus nothing to be gained. Lets move on...

Romero coil configuration is VASTLY different as each coil wire out of phase produces a dipole. In between that dipole there is a virtual capacitance layer which is charged from the passing neo magnet between the dipole gap. When the neo has induced a maximal magnetic flux the electric field in the virtual capacitor is decaying, because of feeding inductance with electrical current, external electric field from inductance tries to recharge charge this capacitor by displacement current. As a result, capacitor pumps energy from M field, and real JOULES o/p of the systems rises. We allow this to happen because the coils are wired out of phase. So self created magnetic flux is minimal thus the BEMF is made ZERO not NULL.  The energy does NOT come from the neo magnet directly it only creates the conditions to allow this to happen more efficiently!  The same methods can be employed by using other similar methods to charge the virtual capacitance layer. It can even be done using air coils if they are wound as flat Teslas Coils. Please understand this the magnets in a desired operational system ONLY recharge the virtual capacitance layer they do NOT directly induce a current into the coils. Stop thinking conventional and you might get somewhere.

Double coils can be made by winding up the two electric wires to the magnetic core as a Bifilar coil or as opposing dipole. It can be seen that the dipole itself must be tuned to the resonance frequency of the desired rpm * the number of passing magnets. This is how Romero produced a self resonance coil by hours and hours of tuning and clipping the wave lengths without an additional tuning capacitor. Remember Romero said "you can use capacitors its another method and probably much easier!"

  After it can electrify the magnetic core into negative, we can then flow the electric current in the double coils out of phase but at that moment the relative opposite self-induction phenomenon appears between the free electrons attached to the magnetic core and the free electrons flowing in the double-coils. As a result of that, a negative energy can be stored in the surroundings where the relative magnetic field appears. Now we have a negative inductor which consists of the magnetic core electrified into negative and the double coils (non-inductive coil dipole) in which the currents with the same quantity and the opposite directions flow as pure VARS. The greater the VARS the more intense the KINETIC energy.

The negative inductance of the negative inductor is proportional to the product of the rate of change of the relative magnetic fluxes piercing the coil and the number of turns of the coil, like the general inductor.

The negative inductor stores a negative energy in a space where the relative magnetic field appears, and as a counteraction, the inductor generates an electric power with a positive energy. The free electrons which got a kinetic energy from a space as accelerating returns the kinetic energy to the space as decelerating. In a normal conductor, the free electrons lose the kinetic energy by colliding with the atoms. In this case, the atoms which enhanced their vibration energy by the collisions with the free electrons radiate heat. In the electric wire of the negative inductor, the kinetic energy of the electrons go in and out the space, so that the electrons influence the atoms just a little. For this reason, the free electrons work to buffer the thermal vibrations of the atoms. That is, the negative inductor becomes cold in the operation. The same phenomenon occurs in a conductor just charged into negative as well. Though the free electrons in the conductor are making motions in their random directions while colliding with the atoms, these free electrons cancel out each other's speed, so the current does not appear macroscopically. This situation is equal to the one in which the two currents with the same quantity and different directions flow into the non-inductive double coils.

So to understand  the negative energy is a energy or a matter which follows an imaginary time. From the Dirac equation, the energy of a particle ( a electron ) can be positive or negative.  The negative energy is excluded from physical subjects, as it is not realistic. SO ITS IGNORED with conventional physics! In order to make the signs be negative, it needs to be understood that the time should be an imaginary number and the space should be a real number.

OK what does this mean in English? it basically means you tune to max VARS into a short circuit then open the short into the load and if you fulfil everything else above you tap the ZPE. Once understood within our grasp to convert this to solid state system and kapanadze is so close to what i described above you will not believe it! I mentioned the general process he uses before in other posts.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 18, 2011, 03:21:52 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 18, 2011, 02:08:56 PM
I know what ron is getting at, that series cap will usually work like something that resticts current ant that is "it"

I dont see any helper magnets  like Fausto did in his video to adjust the inductance,
I dont see any coil shorting making high frequency osclaiitions like I did with series cap as high bypass filter,
I dont see any very high VARS produced first,  thorugh the resonate 90 degree shift, like Bolt says to do through lots of tuning first,
And i dont see a rotating magnet rotor that when it speeds up under loading of coils, it makes more and more watts from the speed up, regardless of elelctrical laws, like Romero does. (Romero doenst use seires cap anyways so good reason we dont see that ha)

All that can be seen is transformer, sereis cap, and lump resitive load.
and so why wouldnt that series cap to do no good at all but to restirct current?

Doug, that is why I called it a "series capacitor test"

1) From this test it should be obvious that a single 6mfd cap is extremely limited in the amount of watts it can output.

2) If the capacitance is too high then the series caps become reflective.

3) But if you limit the amount of amps to say 1/4 of a coils normal output then it does appear that the two series caps are non-reflective.

You have been saying this all along, "the series cap is non reflective", well
I was just adding a qualifier to your statement..."under some conditions"

I believe it was Gene who suggested two caps in a balanced circuit.

Correction on the math in circuit three, with the two series caps, the output is 1.15 watts.

... but look at the double cap experiment again... the output went from 1.152 watts to 3.57 watts and the input stayed at .04 amps!!! thats a three times increase of output with the same input. Now admittedly this is with a transformer. But I think the basic principle will still apply.

I thought that would bring a smile to your face!


Edit: and .04A is still one half the unloaded draw of .08A!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on June 18, 2011, 03:22:38 PM
@ anyone with a electronic background

I you search ebay for: DDS Function Signal Generator Source Module Wave 2MHz

Will this make things easier for making our coils tuned up?
At 45 dollars free shipping you cant go wrong, or???

Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 18, 2011, 04:21:45 PM

back at this post of yours:


what were you using to generate those wave forms?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 18, 2011, 04:41:49 PM
my fella forum members. I see that we are getting at great progress although some love to repeat the same old sayings they learned at school and the books that indoctrinated them.

I ask again for those that do not want to help but only repeat the same old school or worse just try to put us down, PLEASE, stop. My desire to delete useless post is increasing and I will do it. I know if I do that, later they will be like little girls complaining in Youtube and other forums that the "hating real science little minded  members of impossible OU forum" neglected them the liberty of posting and therefore were banned.

Please, grow up and stop those stupid comments. THEY DO NOT HELP AT ALL.

Get your own thread and go bitch and moan there, oK?

Last chance to start helping or DELETING will be ON.

To the remaining members doing great work, THANK YOU.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 18, 2011, 05:04:21 PM
Hello everyone!

I finished the circuits for my driving coil and now all 4 of them are fully working. The rotor spins so fast that i'm afraid it could broke. Anyway, i did some tests.
Started with a load ,then i shorted the output.
The rpm increases and the curent drawn from the power supply decreses.
It's a small step but i'm glad that i achieved it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 18, 2011, 05:08:02 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 18, 2011, 05:04:21 PM
Hello everyone!

I finished the circuits for my driving coil and now all 4 of them are fully working. The rotor spins so fast that i'm afraid it could broke. Anyway, i did some tests.
Started with a load ,then i shorted the output.
The rpm increases and the curent drawn from the power supply decreses.
It's a small step but i'm glad that i achieved it.


can you show us a quick circuit diagram of the short circuit and the load.
I am very interested
thank you
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 18, 2011, 05:20:52 PM
Well i try to replicate romero's device so all what i'm doing is to stick to romero's plans.
All i did is to start the dynamo with a 3watt led conected to the output. At this moment the curent drawn is 0,34A. Then i shorted the led and the curent drawn went at 0,32A and the rpm increases a bit. You can see it in the video and also you can hear (a little) that the rotor increases  rpm. It's not much  but enough to keep testing.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 18, 2011, 05:30:12 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 18, 2011, 02:20:34 PM
jsut was reviewing everthything past few posts and realized (I think) that it requeires two coils in SERIES, (like Arthrus circuit) to get what BOlt describes with the high VARS produced first...where the coils cause the current-lag "wihtin themselves?
IS this true anyone?
Thats why "it" can be done with sereis-adding bifilars since they are two coils within one?
Arent Ben's two facing coils in paralell?...maybe that is problem he is having.

Hi Konehead,

Yes, I'll change them later tonight and test it that way.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 18, 2011, 05:34:05 PM
@wattsup: I'm almost convinced that the key here is not about an efficient motor but a magical generator. Maybe you have some points in improving the driver part of the device. But for that you could just use some very efficient motor with maybe a few project specific modifications. The motor will not increase the output, it can only decrease the input. Considering you need to rotate a wheel and that mechanical motion means a lot of loss of energy in various ways, there is no way to reduce input to 0 and hope that the output will be OU. Just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 18, 2011, 05:35:56 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on June 18, 2011, 05:49:04 PM

Looks like your off to a good start - nice acceleration in the video.

Could you please give us the details of your build?

What wire, magnets, rotor size, etc.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: toranarod on June 18, 2011, 06:09:47 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 18, 2011, 05:35:56 PM

Thank you
this is on my to do list.
every person has there own version and interpretation of the device. its impossible to think up all the 100 of different wiring configuration your self.

this looks very interesting
I will let you know how it works for me.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 18, 2011, 06:11:41 PM

rotor 20cm
magnets rotor 25mm per 3mm
stator magnets 20mm per 5mm
the coils are made by me on 10mm thick ferite per 20mm. Made 8 coils with 0,6 cooper wire and 10 coils with 0.4cooper wire; 600 turns per coil. I know that the wire should be more thikerlike 0.8 but i'm having difficultes finding it. I've  worked a lot building this coils since i dont have a machine that does that.

I made some calculations:
input power = 4 watt
output power=0.75watt.
So  there is far more work to do here
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on June 18, 2011, 06:41:29 PM

Hi Ron, Doug, All,

Thanks Ron. I am building but my motor is not the same as RomeroUK's so for this reason I am not posting information on my motor. Its more like a Lutec but using all the same principals as RomeroUK's and others.

I dont want to distract those that are replicating and doing such a good job too!!! I was just sharing the fact, that a set of coils, (2 Coils) can be wound and wired in such a way that they do not interact with each other. That is no Mutual Inductance between them, no lenz's Law effects between them.

This means one coil (Coil 1) can do Work and the second coil (Coil 2) can be used as a Generator Coil and the coils have no mutual effects on each other. This does not mean that the Rotor will not slow. Lenz's Law still applies to the Generator Coil, in some configurations, but it is a thought to have when looking at these coils in mind.

@Bolt, I was under the understanding that "Displacement Current" was a myth? or a Mathematical Convenience? Do I have this wrong?

Thanks all, good luck, you guys are doing real good keep up the good work.


All of the Motor Concepts in the RomeroUK Muller replication are the same as Richard Willis's Motor seen here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqDS8QQ_9Z0

We can list the effect similarity's:

1: No Lenz's Law effects seen on the running system.
2: Rotor and Backing Coil Permanent Magnets used.
3: High Output for the size of the coils used.
4: Load is connected to the Motor once Motor is up to speed. Not before.
5: Big Permanent Magnet, small Permanent Magnets are used, this is in reverse to Richard, Richard had big Permanent Magnets on the Stator, RomeroUK has big Permanent Magnets on the Rotor (I believe to be a better way to do it)
6: Rotor Speed was fairly slow compared to the level of output, in the area of 1400 - 2000 RPM's.
7: a type of Sweet spot is optimal for the best output.

The list goes on.

Hope this helps.

All the best


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 18, 2011, 07:59:56 PM
Another little experiment
Take a look at the circuit and see points A and B
When shorting in point A Lenz appears and the rotor feels a lot of drag.
when shorting in point B Lenz does not appear and the rpm increasses
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 18, 2011, 08:36:22 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 18, 2011, 07:59:56 PM
Another little experiment
Take a look at the circuit and see points A and B
When shorting in point A Lenz appears and the rotor feels a lot of drag.
when shorting in point B Lenz does not appear and the rpm increasses

Great work. Are you shorting one coil or all coils at once?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 18, 2011, 08:54:10 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 18, 2011, 07:59:56 PM
Another little experiment
Take a look at the circuit and see points A and B
When shorting in point A Lenz appears and the rotor feels a lot of drag.
when shorting in point B Lenz does not appear and the rpm increasses

Are you shorting the coils at points A and B continuously or in pulses as Kone has been describing? Also, I just want to confirm that according to your drawing, your generator coils are wired in a bucking (canceling) configuration?

Thank you,
Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 18, 2011, 08:54:23 PM
Quote from: hyiq on June 18, 2011, 06:41:29 PM

@Bolt, I was under the understanding that "Displacement Current" was a myth? or a Mathematical Convenience? Do I have this wrong?

No its real.  I give you some wiki extracts rather me use my version and not factual enough

"in electromagnetism, displacement current is a quantity that is defined in terms of the rate of change of electric displacement field. Displacement current has the units of electric current density, and it has an associated magnetic field just as actual currents do. However it is not an electric current of moving charges, but a time-varying electric field.


"An example illustrating the need for the displacement current arises in connection with capacitors with no medium between the plates (in free space). Consider the charging capacitor in the figure. The capacitor is in a circuit that transfers charge (on a wire external to the capacitor) from the left plate to the right plate, charging the capacitor and increasing the electric field between its plates. The same current enters the right plate (say I ) as leaves the left plate. Although current is flowing through the capacitor, no actual charge is transported through the vacuum between its plates. Nonetheless, a magnetic field exists between the plates as though a current were present there as well. The explanation is that a displacement current ID flows in the vacuum, and this current produces the magnetic field in the region between the plates according to Ampère's law"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 18, 2011, 08:58:12 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 18, 2011, 04:21:45 PM

back at this post of yours:


what were you using to generate those wave forms?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 18, 2011, 09:01:53 PM

OK, thanks.

What was your circuit and what were you tuning?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 18, 2011, 09:07:51 PM
Hi Bolt,


Very Excellent synopsis on the real root of the effect we want to tap into! I must admit that I (again) fell victim to interpreting the tuning methods in a conventional way, which resulted in me getting the same results as others here who reported the motor slowing down when tuning to resonance as opposed to speeding up.

Now in my case, I'm working with an existing four-pole air-cored pulse motor (1.1 mH each, 0.62 Ohms resistance). The motor is capable of running at up to 500V with a max speed of 11,000 RPMs. I have been using it lately for doing some of the coil shorting and resonance tuning tests, though I quickly realized that I have been looking at this from the wrong perspective.

One thing I should ask is if the effect which you described requires the use of a metallic core (in the mechanical case)?

Also, is this effect best manifested with high inductance, high resistance windings as compared to low impedance windings? (the evidence here so far is obviously the high Z coils, but I thought i would ask.)

Lastly, the principles you were describing I would love to learn and intuitively understand a bit more. Would you happen to have any good sources that you would recommend for one to get more acquainted with the ideas you discussed (specifically, the idea about working with the electric field of the coil to tap the energy of the magnets, as opposed to conventional induction).

Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 18, 2011, 09:21:21 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 18, 2011, 09:01:53 PM

OK, thanks.

What was your circuit and what were you tuning?


Hey .99

I believe this was the general circuit he was referring to in his post:


- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 18, 2011, 09:23:18 PM
i cant remember right now how i had it setup as i have to simulate a passing magnet by injecting energy into two out of phase transformers then using a series tuning cap and a current shunt in the loop i was able to show different tuning as ideal, undercoupled and over coupled.

If you go right back to Steven Mark TPU and within his notes says something like " you should study the effects of out of phase transformers its most interesting"   what he was getting at here was his system is purely reactive between each collector loop is out of phase to the next one to produce max VARS. This is how i knew years ago banging coils with in phase spikes generate stinging and dangerous magnetic EMP's is NOT the road to OU.  What you need to do with ALL these type of systems is make lots of VARS = KINETIC energy where you do everything you can to prevent your circuit creating a magnetic field within itself by cancelling in phase currents. The easiest way to learn all of this is to use Rotoverter Technology as tuning to RLC parameters allows current consumption to drop to very low values and a pulse width controlled inverter can run a 5 HP motor on just ONE watt. At standard 120v tuning you can achieve 10-15 watts to run a 3 phase 5 HP motor at full speed around 3000 rpm and weighing 100 pounds.  This makes your pulse Muller motors rather shitty using 12 watts to spin a bit of plastic at only 1500 rpm!

The magnetic flux on the other hand is very large around the motor as the ambient energy rushes in to the coils that are in pure reactive. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 18, 2011, 09:41:52 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 18, 2011, 09:21:21 PM
Hey .99

I believe this was the general circuit he was referring to in his post:


- Jason O

Hi Jason, thanks.

Nice to see you're still around from time to time. :)

Nice rig and neat bench. ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 18, 2011, 09:46:22 PM
Slightly off topic but in a way I think it's important.  An interesting little situation I stumbled into that supports what bolt is saying just happened.  Just yesterday in the process of looking for something in a supply store I was asked by the owner what I needed it for.  To make a long story short he kept prodding me and we ended up talking about alternate energy.  He told me about a guy he knew up the road who had an industrial type place which used a number of large electric motors and that he had converted some 3 phase motors to one phase and they did something special.  I mentioned Rotoverter and he said yeah that sounds familiar.  He said this guy needed power to get this 'special' converted motor running but once it was running he ran the whole place from the power it provided and that it even ran his electric meter backwards.  He said he has not actually seen it in person but this guy knows everyone around here and knowing the culture here as I do it's very unlikely he's making this up.  Apparently this guy is very old now and no longer runs this place but I'm planning on trying to look him up to see if I can get a look at this setup.  I'm still kicking myself for not picking up a good size 3 phase motor at a garage sale that was $10.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 18, 2011, 09:49:04 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 18, 2011, 09:23:18 PM
i cant remember right now how i had it setup as i have to simulate a passing magnet by injecting energy into two out of phase transformers then using a series tuning cap and a current shunt in the loop i was able to show different tuning as ideal, undercoupled and over coupled.
I have an idea what you are getting at. It would be nice if you had the sim text file  though.  :D

If you go right back to Steven Mark TPU and within his notes says something like " you should study the effects of out of phase transformers its most interesting"   what he was getting at here was his system is purely reactive between each collector loop is out of phase to the next one to produce max VARS. This is how i knew years ago banging coils with in phase spikes generate stinging and dangerous magnetic EMP's is NOT the road to OU.  What you need to do with ALL these type of systems is make lots of VARS = KINETIC energy where you do everything you can to prevent your circuit creating a magnetic field within itself by cancelling in phase currents. The easiest way to learn all of this is to use Rotoverter Technology as tuning to RLC parameters allows current consumption to drop to very low values and a pulse width controlled inverter can run a 5 HP motor on just ONE watt. At standard 120v tuning you can achieve 10-15 watts to run a 3 phase 5 HP motor at full speed around 3000 rpm and weighing 100 pounds.  This makes your pulse Muller motors rather shitty using 12 watts to spin a bit of plastic at only 1500 rpm!

The magnetic flux on the other hand is very large around the motor as the ambient energy rushes in to the coils that are in pure reactive.

I'm a little confused with your discussion on VAR. You are referring more or less to power factor of 0, correct? With high VAR, you still can have high current, it's just that it is 90º out of phase with the voltage. You often mention zero current though, so it's somewhat confusing to me. Where am I misunderstanding?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 18, 2011, 10:20:21 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 18, 2011, 09:07:51 PM
Hi Bolt,

Very Excellent synopsis on the real root of the effect we want to tap into! I must admit that I (again) fell victim to interpreting the tuning methods in a conventional way, which resulted in me getting the same results as others here who reported the motor slowing down when tuning to resonance as opposed to speeding up.

Now in my case, I'm working with an existing four-pole air-cored pulse motor (1.1 mH each, 0.62 Ohms resistance). The motor is capable of running at up to 500V with a max speed of 11,000 RPMs. I have been using it lately for doing some of the coil shorting and resonance tuning tests, though I quickly realized that I have been looking at this from the wrong perspective.

One thing I should ask is if the effect which you described requires the use of a metallic core (in the mechanical case)?

Also, is this effect best manifested with high inductance, high resistance windings as compared to low impedance windings? (the evidence here so far is obviously the high Z coils, but I thought i would ask.)

Lastly, the principles you were describing I would love to learn and intuitively understand a bit more. Would you happen to have any good sources that you would recommend for one to get more acquainted with the ideas you discussed (specifically, the idea about working with the electric field of the coil to tap the energy of the magnets, as opposed to conventional induction).

Jason O

Not sure what you mean about metallic cores but i think and guessing that iron dust cores will work better in the khz speed these generators will run out. Ferrite is ok but its better for much higher frequencies 100khz to couple of megs.

Yes you need inductance more important you need MASS as this is where the transformation takes place as kinetic energy around the coils are swapping positions in charging up the core by polarising the domains is the permeability then collapsing back into the coil.  The MASS of an iron bar can actually be converted to fuel under intense Kinetic stress and im talking about VARS here if you hit the iron at the NMR spin using the VARS as an agitator. You can literally blow holes in the iron and release the mass to free energy as the two are synonymous.  Of course this is not very safe at a practical level but its quite easier to  change the iron to an isotope. There is no need whatsoever for nuclear fusion. Its all a big CON.  Kapanadze uses ferrite as his isotope shifter where its excited to very intense NMR spin state using 50 KVARS. This creates a huge ambient drain or portal and every electron spare is literately sucked out ambient and up the ground cable to plug the holes in the isotope. In conventional nuclear fusion energy is released outwards as ionising decay. In reverse you have energy ATTAINED not released as EleKtron recovery as energy flows from the ambient back IN to plug the holes.

A research lab with the right funding can easy work this out if the intent is there. Already many many expired patents to this process.  The magnets only recharge the virtual capacitance layer. The same layer can be recharged by using electrostatic differences. We are only interested in moving charges about in order to create very high environmental stress!  This creates relative pressure differences on our surroundings. Nature doesn't like being unsettled even though its always unsettled there is a counter balance in constant operation.

High impedance coils work better but only because its easier than tuning large value capacitors to convert to VARS.  See Thanes high voltage coil testing leads to faster RPMS and lower drive current - youtube.  He thought as a result the effect only happens as high voltages but its about inductance not high voltage coils even though the outcome is the same.

As for learning more before anyone started building mullers they should have played with and fully understood Rotoverter Technology,   3 phase engineering, power factor correction, basic RF skills as these are important tools.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 18, 2011, 10:28:15 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 18, 2011, 09:49:04 PM
I have an idea what you are getting at. It would be nice if you had the sim text file  though.  :D

I'm a little confused with your discussion on VAR. You are referring more or less to power factor of 0, correct? With high VAR, you still can have high current, it's just that it is 90º out of phase with the voltage. You often mention zero current though, so it's somewhat confusing to me. Where am I misunderstanding?


When i say zero current im talking about the SOURCE loading. In practice it still be there but very very small. For the source you need a power factor of 1 or a VSWR of 1;1.

The load sees a Power factor of zero and a VSWR of infinity.  Eric Dollard converted a 100 watt rig to a 500 KVARS scaler transmitter using sheets of thick copper ground plane and modified PA stage to handle several thousand volts and reactive currents in THOUSANDS of amps. He hit +30db all over the west US

Within the RLC the current and the voltages can be huge as 90 degree out of phase.  The one wire trick in the headlines this week is a VARS trick employed to run a load on the max voltage node where the current is held at zero node. One thing you don't see in the video is his suitcase box of tricks of inductors and caps to maintain this standing wave condition. Its not new this "lamp lit under water" trick was done many decades ago. The same can be done as chain of people can eventually the last person can fully light a 100 watt lamp and no one feels a shock.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 18, 2011, 10:43:55 PM

Those wave forms in your falstad sim are across the 1 Ohm series resistor you mentioned in the post?

You drove the coils (transformers) with a pulse wave form?

Any chance you may still have that sim's text file?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 18, 2011, 10:53:01 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 18, 2011, 10:43:55 PM

Those wave forms in your falstad sim are across the 1 Ohm series resistor you mentioned in the post?

You drove the coils (transformers) with a pulse wave form?

Any chance you may still have that sim's text file?


no sorry i dont.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 18, 2011, 10:57:51 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 18, 2011, 10:53:01 PM
no sorry i dont.

We may just have to try and re-create it then.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 18, 2011, 11:09:03 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 18, 2011, 09:46:22 PM
Slightly off topic but in a way I think it's important.  An interesting little situation I stumbled into that supports what bolt is saying just happened.  Just yesterday in the process of looking for something in a supply store I was asked by the owner what I needed it for.  To make a long story short he kept prodding me and we ended up talking about alternate energy.  He told me about a guy he knew up the road who had an industrial type place which used a number of large electric motors and that he had converted some 3 phase motors to one phase and they did something special.  I mentioned Rotoverter and he said yeah that sounds familiar.  He said this guy needed power to get this 'special' converted motor running but once it was running he ran the whole place from the power it provided and that it even ran his electric meter backwards.  He said he has not actually seen it in person but this guy knows everyone around here and knowing the culture here as I do it's very unlikely he's making this up.  Apparently this guy is very old now and no longer runs this place but I'm planning on trying to look him up to see if I can get a look at this setup.  I'm still kicking myself for not picking up a good size 3 phase motor at a garage sale that was $10.

For every person that goes public there maybe a 100 or even 1000 loopers that keep quite.  If i know of 6 public RV loopers that means in reality there is somewhere between 600 to 6000 looped RV systems on earth some going for decades. This is true for a lot of this technology i bet there are many TPU's in use as well as other stuff we are not privy to this information.

BTW there is an elite rapid clean up plan in operation to get rid of ALL cheap induction motors that can run in RV mode. The cheap ones are being wiped out replaced like new induction motors used to be dirt cheap now price has risien over 30% in last 2 years.In the coming years you will not be able to get access to these induction motors anywhere as being phased out to new designs with inbuilt inverters etc that will NEVER work in RV mode.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 18, 2011, 11:19:14 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 18, 2011, 09:07:51 PM
Hi Bolt,

Lastly, the principles you were describing I would love to learn and intuitively understand a bit more. Would you happen to have any good sources that you would recommend for one to get more acquainted with the ideas you discussed (specifically, the idea about working with the electric field of the coil to tap the energy of the magnets, as opposed to conventional induction).

Jason O

I love your workshop when can i move in??!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 19, 2011, 12:10:51 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 18, 2011, 11:19:14 PM
I love your workshop when can i move in??!!

LOL Thanks! I've been working on it for a while now  :).

Anyway, I've spent some time reading through your posts over the last week or so and wanted to come up with a summary of the basic principles we need to start with.

1. Tune our coils to have the most reactive energy stored in the tank circuit/coil (VARS).
A. PF needs to be 0 with the current 90 degrees out of phase in the tank (hence resonance).
B. Large inductance, low capacitance preferred.
C. Either non-inductive bifilar coil or two bucking coils needed to energize the tank circuit without loading the motor.

2. Use one of several methods to tap the energy from the tank circuit (coil shorting, synchronous load switching, passive tuning, sine clipping using Zeners, etc. etc.).

Since I'm still stuck at stage 1. One thing I know I immediately failed to do was to wire my coils in the bucking configuration while tuning to resonance. Bolt, when you say "Out of phase coils back to back", I understand the "back to back" part to mean that the coils are wired so that their fields oppose. However is the "out of phase" part something additional that I need to cause by my configuration or does this effect naturally occur on its own because coils are bucking eachother?

Secondly, when picking the right size cap for the coil in this configuration, I noticed that when measuring the inductance of the coils in bucking configuration that the inductance dropped (duh). However, I'm assuming that the circuit behavior is much more dynamic since the magnet is essentially (electrostatically inducing power??) in the coil rather than magnetically. Do you know if the same standard resonant frequency calcs apply to tuning the circuit in bucking/canceling mode as in the normal cases?

Also, earlier when I mentioned metallic cores, I was just referring to any coil that had a ferromagnetic materials of some kind in it. My pulse motor has pure air cores which is why I was concerned about that aspect.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 19, 2011, 12:45:18 AM
LOL Thanks! I've been working on it for a while now  :).

Anyway, I've spent some time reading through your posts over the last week or so and wanted to come up with a summary of the basic principles we need to start with.

1. Tune our coils to have the most reactive energy stored in the tank circuit/coil (VARS).


A. PF needs to be 0 with the current 90 degrees out of phase in the tank (hence resonance).


B. Large inductance, low capacitance preferred.


C. Either non-inductive bifilar coil or two bucking coils needed to energize the tank circuit without loading the motor.

or a mixture of the two.

2. Use one of several methods to tap the energy from the tank circuit (coil shorting, synchronous load switching, passive tuning, sine clipping using Zeners, etc. etc.).

can be passive but active power factor correction is easier to deal with dynamic and variable loads.

Since I'm still stuck at stage 1. One thing I know I immediately failed to do was to wire my coils in the bucking configuration while tuning to resonance. Bolt, when you say "Out of phase coils back to back", I understand the "back to back" part to mean that the coils are wired so that their fields oppose. However is the "out of phase" part something additional that I need to cause by my configuration or does this effect naturally occur on its own because coils are bucking eachother?

back to back for opposing fields and maybe even bifilar wound cores crossed over like joule thief windings. This is why Romero said stay with ONE pair of coils and don't go any further till you have found the perfect solution.

Secondly, when picking the right size cap for the coil in this configuration, I noticed that when measuring the inductance of the coils in bucking configuration that the inductance dropped (duh). However, I'm assuming that the circuit behavior is much more dynamic since the magnet is essentially (electrostatically inducing power??) in the coil rather than magnetically. Do you know if the same standard resonant frequency calcs apply to tuning the circuit in bucking/canceling mode as in the normal cases?

I don't know the formula for out of phase inductors. They will APPEAR to be very small inductors as the test equipment pushes an in phase signal and the new special inductor cancels the flux and it appears to be a small inductance. So you can not pre-measure and calc or measure  the required capacitor that would be too damn easy :)

Also, earlier when I mentioned metallic cores, I was just referring to any coil that had a ferromagnetic materials of some kind in it. My pulse motor has pure air cores which is why I was concerned about that aspect.

OK i doubt standard aircore go OU very easy if at all as there is no proxy for ambient energy transformation.

Hint for lower power drive on pulse motors use alike 50Khz PWM 61.8% duty cycle when the hall calls for a pulse during the allowed time slit window.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 19, 2011, 01:22:29 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 19, 2011, 12:45:18 AMcan be passive but active power factor correction is easier to deal with dynamic and variable loads.
Yeah I would much prefer the broadband approach. My plan is to do some testing with Kone's coil shorting circuits once I get the tuning part of the equation worked out. I just hope that I can make the air-cores work or I may end up having to wind some new generator windings.

Quote from: bolt on June 19, 2011, 12:45:18 AMback to back for opposing fields and maybe even bifilar wound cores crossed over like joule thief windings. This is why Romero said stay with ONE pair of coils and don't go any further till you have found the perfect solution.
When you say bifilar-wound cores crossed over like joule-thieves, do you mean something like two bifilar canceling windings connected in series on either side of the magnet, or something else?

Quote from: bolt on June 19, 2011, 12:45:18 AMOK i doubt standard aircore go OU very easy if at all as there is no proxy for ambient energy transformation.
When you refer to a "proxy" for ambient energy transformation. What types of proxies exist? I know from your previous posts that you mentioned isotope formation in metal cores as one proxy. Are there others? For the air-cores, my thought was that direct E-field coupling with the environment in tune with an existing signal constituted coupling with the environment to some extent.

Quote from: bolt on June 19, 2011, 12:45:18 AMHint for lower power drive on pulse motors use alike 50Khz PWM 61.8% duty cycle when the hall calls for a pulse during the allowed time slit window.[/b]

Thanks will try that :).

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 19, 2011, 03:58:08 AM
Try winding the coils in normal but back to back out of phase. Then try bifilar connections.   Even  multifilar with diode plugs on the ends. I don't know what works best and Romero want everyone to do their own research.

HV electrostatic charges can make another proxy without using cores. Im sure there are other ways too.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 19, 2011, 04:39:36 AM
Quote from: plengo on June 18, 2011, 08:36:22 PM
Great work. Are you shorting one coil or all coils at once?


Hi there

I'm shorting the output wich means all the coils
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 19, 2011, 04:46:41 AM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 18, 2011, 08:54:10 PM
Are you shorting the coils at points A and B continuously or in pulses as Kone has been describing? Also, I just want to confirm that according to your drawing, your generator coils are wired in a bucking (canceling) configuration?

Thank you,
Jason O

Hi there

I'm not shorting in A or B. I'm shorting the output after the bridge rectifier. That was just an observation while playing with the device.
The coils are in the bucking configuration but the curent is not canceling becouse  betwin the coils we have N and S from the magnet
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 19, 2011, 09:11:00 AM
I experimented with the dual coil in series and shorted them with an 1 ohm resistor, when second coil is in right place I get acceleration. Maybe other people who want to experiment can use this setup because it is very simple, just an old cd case and a pc fan.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ7l3-0HIak (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ7l3-0HIak)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUIEQPMPp1A (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUIEQPMPp1A)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 19, 2011, 09:29:35 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 19, 2011, 12:45:18 AM
LOL Thanks! I've been working on it for a while now  :).

Anyway, I've spent some time reading through your posts over the last week or so and wanted to come up with a summary of the basic principles we need to start with.

1. Tune our coils to have the most reactive energy stored in the tank circuit/coil (VARS).


A. PF needs to be 0 with the current 90 degrees out of phase in the tank (hence resonance).


B. Large inductance, low capacitance preferred.


C. Either non-inductive bifilar coil or two bucking coils needed to energize the tank circuit without loading the motor.

or a mixture of the two.

2. Use one of several methods to tap the energy from the tank circuit (coil shorting, synchronous load switching, passive tuning, sine clipping using Zeners, etc. etc.).

can be passive but active power factor correction is easier to deal with dynamic and variable loads.

Since I'm still stuck at stage 1. One thing I know I immediately failed to do was to wire my coils in the bucking configuration while tuning to resonance. Bolt, when you say "Out of phase coils back to back", I understand the "back to back" part to mean that the coils are wired so that their fields oppose. However is the "out of phase" part something additional that I need to cause by my configuration or does this effect naturally occur on its own because coils are bucking eachother?

back to back for opposing fields and maybe even bifilar wound cores crossed over like joule thief windings. This is why Romero said stay with ONE pair of coils and don't go any further till you have found the perfect solution.

Secondly, when picking the right size cap for the coil in this configuration, I noticed that when measuring the inductance of the coils in bucking configuration that the inductance dropped (duh). However, I'm assuming that the circuit behavior is much more dynamic since the magnet is essentially (electrostatically inducing power??) in the coil rather than magnetically. Do you know if the same standard resonant frequency calcs apply to tuning the circuit in bucking/canceling mode as in the normal cases?

I don't know the formula for out of phase inductors. They will APPEAR to be very small inductors as the test equipment pushes an in phase signal and the new special inductor cancels the flux and it appears to be a small inductance. So you can not pre-measure and calc or measure  the required capacitor that would be too damn easy :)

Also, earlier when I mentioned metallic cores, I was just referring to any coil that had a ferromagnetic materials of some kind in it. My pulse motor has pure air cores which is why I was concerned about that aspect.

OK i doubt standard aircore go OU very easy if at all as there is no proxy for ambient energy transformation.

Hint for lower power drive on pulse motors use alike 50Khz PWM 61.8% duty cycle when the hall calls for a pulse during the allowed time slit window.

Hi Bolt,

Whew, thank you for this post.  How many times did you say the above......a lot, I'm old and stubborn and just didn't think the bucking coils resonated would work, stopped messing yesterday, had lots to try but just repeating old test, didn't feel good, so , just thought about it. You kept repeating yourself again and again, finally listened....Hard to teach old dogs new tricks. 

BUT.........IT WORKs.  Wheel runs faster with coils shorted, then in resonance, wheel runs even faster and does NOT slow down with load,  if tuned under load, even speeds up........  I'm going to have to rethink my whole idea about this!!!!!  IT simply unloads the system. 

Basics:  Series coils 26.7 ohms series resistance (wow High!, expensive Litz wire!  Too small) Bucking, screwy waveform as they are not exactly the same.  29mH with magnet, 25mH w/o magnet, 6.5VAC PP at resonance (and thinking in the box, it should be zero)!  A lot to get a handle on here. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Going to rewind coils to get resistance down, etc.  Lots to do now....essentially starting over!

Photo below is output @ resonance, clean sine wave.  Onward and upward.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 19, 2011, 09:31:41 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 19, 2011, 03:58:08 AM
Try winding the coils in normal but back to back out of phase. Then try bifilar connections.   Even  multifilar with diode plugs on the ends. I don't know what works best and Romero want everyone to do their own research.

HV electrostatic charges can make another proxy without using cores. Im sure there are other ways too.

Hi Bolt,

Did you have these conversations with Romero in the past/pre motor?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 19, 2011, 09:50:28 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 19, 2011, 09:29:35 AM
Hi Bolt,

Whew, thank you for this post.  How many times did you say the above......a lot, I'm old and stubborn and just didn't think the bucking coils resonated would work, stopped messing yesterday, had lots to try but just repeating old test, didn't feel good, so , just thought about it. You kept repeating yourself again and again, finally listened....Hard to teach old dogs new tricks. 

BUT.........IT WORKs.  Wheel runs faster with coils shorted, then in resonance, wheel runs even faster and does NOT slow down with load,  if tuned under load, even speeds up........  I'm going to have to rethink my whole idea about this!!!!!  IT simply unloads the system. 

Basics:  Series coils 26.7 ohms series resistance (wow High!, expensive Litz wire!  Too small) Bucking, screwy waveform as they are not exactly the same.  29mH with magnet, 25mH w/o magnet, 6.5VAC PP at resonance (and thinking in the box, it should be zero)!  A lot to get a handle on here. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Going to rewind coils to get resistance down, etc.  Lots to do now....essentially starting over!

Photo below is output @ resonance, clean sine wave.  Onward and upward.



Its good to see that you indeed listen to Bolt and get to confirm his ideas. Would you be kind to draw a schematic of what you have done explaining (again) what you have done and how you precisely measured things? Others will, like you, understand better with pictures.

Do you mind Sharing with us what your profession was? Im supicious that you are an EE?!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 19, 2011, 10:20:06 AM
Quote from: plengo on June 19, 2011, 09:50:28 AM

Its good to see that you indeed listen to Bolt and get to confirm his ideas. Would you be kind to draw a schematic of what you have done explaining (again) what you have done and how you precisely measured things? Others will, like you, understand better with pictures.

Do you mind Sharing with us what your profession was? Im supicious that you are an EE?!!!


Hi Fausto,

I will make a video with the schematics showing the effects, etc much later today.  I'm fighting some crud or something and just don't feel so hot right now.  But thinking up a storm as to where to go here!

As to my Pedigree.......ha, I'm a lifetime Electronic Technician, now retired, two years of Tec. School back in the late 60's, (remember the slide rule!?), Remember Dos 1.0?  First working in consumer electronics, then Medical R&D, then in industrial robotics for a Fortune 100 company (pay was outstanding), for all over 45 years.  I was blessed that my hobby was and has always  been electronics (built my first Crystal radio around 6 years of age), so I was paid to always have fun, be creative, etc. I was always the person who fixed something when no one else could, modified something that was unmodifiable, Taught many classes in electronics, etc. to many different pedigreed folk, it was my life. Have flown R/C airplanes for about 55 years, Ham radio operator for I think 56 years, Avid boater, Read constantly.  The Electronics profession paid the bills, put the kids through college and gave me a decent retirement. Unfortunately, it is a dyeing art me thinks with where digital is taking us. I swore when I retired, I would never work with a CAD system, never lay out another Multi layer PC board, etc. etc.   So what do I do when I retired, Putter in electronics but keep it simple.  I have always liked a challenge, to do the impossible, is what keeps me going at 68+.  This Muller/Romero device is one of those things.  So that's it........

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 19, 2011, 10:21:04 AM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 19, 2011, 09:11:00 AM
I experimented with the dual coil in series and shorted them with an 1 ohm resistor, when second coil is in right place I get acceleration. Maybe other people who want to experiment can use this setup because it is very simple, just an old cd case and a pc fan.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ7l3-0HIak (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ7l3-0HIak)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUIEQPMPp1A (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUIEQPMPp1A)

Hi scratchrobot
Very good video.
You are 1 ohm resistor in series, do not use series capacitors?
2 generating coil is connected between the connection head and head? Head and tail still connected?
If you just adjust the first two to get space with the rotor coil rotor acceleration?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 19, 2011, 10:41:11 AM
@Scratchrobot .I am sure a lot of people would like to replicate your work . But to achieve this , as always we need more info .Further to Arthurs questions . Please state number of magnets , their size , pole orientation . Are you using the fan motor to drive the rig . Coils . type and size of cores Litz or not , wire size , number of turns .If possible , resistance and inductance . How are the coils interconnected ? Do not underestimate the significance of what you have achieved . Speed up under load is the first massive step to overunity . If you fail to answer all of the above , then duplication becomes impossible .Thanks in advance .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 19, 2011, 10:45:54 AM
Good one scratchrobot.

That's both interesting and encouraging. ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 19, 2011, 10:51:32 AM
@K4ZEP . Hats off to you my man . How can the "magic" remain hidden with guys of your calibre on its trail ?
@ Bolt . According to the findings by K4zep , you may have a better understanding of this thing than I previously thought . Remember that not all of us have the depth of understanding that you have . And not a few of us are old dogs trying to learn new tricks . What at first appeared to be a very simple machine , has a lot going on that I never imagined . Romero said he doubted that many would understand it . My biggest hope is that the Priciples behind it will be understood , and that ever simpler machines can be made OU , eventually leading to solid state .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 19, 2011, 11:44:51 AM
@K4ZEP: that scope shot is exactly how it should look like if you ever get to tap ZPE. An AC voltage that increses in amplitude over time.
In theory there is a friendly practical advice. When you get the system to start converting back the energy just reset system state when you started to get the increasing effect.
It is quite complicated to maintain the state to get the increasing efect over long period, at some point you will probably loose the effect due to one of the parameters changing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 19, 2011, 12:04:27 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 19, 2011, 10:51:32 AM
@K4ZEP . Hats off to you my man . How can the "magic" remain hidden with guys of your calibre on its trail ?
@ Bolt . According to the findings by K4zep , you may have a better understanding of this thing than I previously thought . Remember that not all of us have the depth of understanding that you have . And not a few of us are old dogs trying to learn new tricks . What at first appeared to be a very simple machine , has a lot going on that I never imagined . Romero said he doubted that many would understand it . My biggest hope is that the Priciples behind it will be understood , and that ever simpler machines can be made OU , eventually leading to solid state .

Thanks but im still learning every day even though i have a handle a few things.  But can you imagine what i could achieve if i was properly financed to take the theory to the bench???  We could have been where we are now 3 or 4 years ago.

I have a VERY good theory on the TPU and kapanadze systems but i doubt i will ever get chance to try before someone else replicates it, puts up youtube vids, makes it appear to be easy then no one else succeeds because the understanding and tuning aspects are missing.  Going thru a 1000 dollars worth of components  a month is dead easy in this game. This is peanuts to many people but funding people like me is a dream bigger than finding OU itself. To me that is the EASY part.

Just in case you think im lazy i do what i can and have been working on HHO the last 6 months but it has to be done VERY slowly when i can afford to add something to it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 19, 2011, 12:32:21 PM
Hi silver

thanks for the constant hammering my skull is starting to crack now...
Heres my nuts and bolts version now:

In the Romero rig, the coils FACING one another are strung in series, but "cancelling series" (which is something you wouldnt want to do to to make power normally so usually everyone passes right over this method)

Now you go ahead and short coils, and a continuous short, and its not going to affect anything anyways.

Now put in the series AC caps, on AC leg of FWBR, which knock it all out of phase - and it is already "way out" of phase; in fact "bucking" with the "cancalling series" way of connecting the two coils on each side of the rotor that face one another.  (similar to GRAY motor coils now but other subject)
And now, you want to knock it out of phase some more, to get themselves "back around' to the point it becomes 90 degrees out of phase, and so that now a resonate condition between the two coils exists, and the coils since cancelling, are acting in a "virtual" realm of operation too...

But they ARE resonating and the voltage climbs sky high, and the caps fill up...and there is nice sinewave too, like Ben jsut showed, regardless of in what sort of dimension they operate in.

My take then, is what romero did in similar fashion,  but not using the AC caps in series, is knock the coils back into the 90 degree resonate condition with the AIRGAP RATIO between upper and lower coils/cores and passing rotor magnet....for example, have lower airgap greater than upper and its all out of phase to one another how the coils energize...so they will induce at different "rates"... have airgap the same and its the same phasing and induction is the same.......so he didnt use the AC caps and did it like that unitl he found the airgap ratio between upper an dlower coils to where the coils would take off and resonate.  thats why he said he adjsuted that airgap between the rotor magnets and coils hundreds and hundreds of times!! (all makes sense but dont know for sure if htis is right as usual)

Then, the helper magnet behind the cores woueld accelerate the rotor as additional mechanical-boost since they are distanced to flip polarity of core at the TDC point so rotr will not pull back when coils energize...
Anywasy that is new theory and trasnslation of what you have been saying to do....thanks to JasonO for asking the simple questions and getting the simple answers so I can understand and everyone else too and way to go Ben eh

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 19, 2011, 01:11:31 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 19, 2011, 10:41:11 AM
@Scratchrobot .I am sure a lot of people would like to replicate your work . But to achieve this , as always we need more info .Further to Arthurs questions . Please state number of magnets , their size , pole orientation . Are you using the fan motor to drive the rig . Coils . type and size of cores Litz or not , wire size , number of turns .If possible , resistance and inductance . How are the coils interconnected ? Do not underestimate the significance of what you have achieved . Speed up under load is the first massive step to overunity . If you fail to answer all of the above , then duplication becomes impossible .Thanks in advance .

I used 8 magnets on my rotor but that is not important, all magnets same pole orientation. Coils in series with eachother and the 1 ohm resistor. Don't know number of windings. I don't really have speed up under load but speed up when I place the second coil on the rotor. If I place the second coil I get more current and more drag but when I reverse the coil or place it at different spot I get less current and speedup. I don't know if it means something but when I place the coil exactly on the right place I get that Kromrey waveform. If this means something than the coil placement is very precise and then the coils have to be manualy adjusted one by one on a muller gen.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 19, 2011, 02:05:26 PM
@Scratchrobot . Many thanks for sharing those details .Please confirm that the fan motor drives the rig and there are no drive coils .The bit about putting the second coil in the right spot is interesting . I assume that you are leaving the first coil in a fixed position , and moving the second coil along a circular path centred on the centre of the rotor ,Yes ,? If this is true , can you give rough estimate how far you need to move the second coil from its alignment with the first coil . to find the sweet spot please ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 19, 2011, 02:40:37 PM
Hi All,

My imperfect video of the bucking coils and effect on the rotor.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 19, 2011, 03:11:38 PM
Lordy, I said 10 Farad, I meant 10uF for that yellow resonating Cap.
Schematic attached.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 19, 2011, 03:13:24 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 19, 2011, 02:40:37 PM
Hi All,

My imperfect video of the bucking coils and effect on the rotor.




Thank for for posting that video, your results are very encouraging. Tomorrow, I will connect my motor's coils in the bucking configuration and try the same test on it to see if I can get a speedup effect. If it is possible for it to work for air-cored coils, I will see it.

Also as a note to those who are making coils, if you want to get some off the shelf precision-wound ones, check out the inductors section of Parts Express. This is where I got my air-cored windings.


- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 19, 2011, 03:34:22 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 19, 2011, 02:40:37 PM
Hi All,

My imperfect video of the bucking coils and effect on the rotor.


Hi Ben K4ZEP:
    Congratulations on your new progress
    I wish to confirm: You connect the two generation coils are use: Head - head? Or head - tail?
Congratulations on your progress once again experimental!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 19, 2011, 03:50:14 PM

I did another videoso please watch it am tell me what do you think of it

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 19, 2011, 03:51:54 PM
@Arthurs .You appear to be a bit confused about the way the coils are connected . Here is my suggestion . Connect the two coils in series with a long wire joining them . Now connect the 2 coils in series with a battery . You now have 2 electromagnets . On each coil , use a compass to find the north pole end and mark it . Fit the coils to the machine so that both north poles face the rotor [ or both south poles , it does not matter .] and so that the coil ends that were connected together by the long wire are still connected together , and the wires that went to the battery now go to the output [Bridge rectifier ] . I am sure this is what is needed , but If I am wrong , someone will say so .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 19, 2011, 04:05:41 PM
@mariuscivic .Very interesting video . When you short out a number of coils as explained on the video , the motor draws less current and the revs increase . But does the output from the generator stay the same , or become less?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 19, 2011, 04:12:23 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 19, 2011, 04:05:41 PM
@mariuscivic .Very interesting video . When you short out a number of coils as explained on the video , the motor draws less current and the revs increase . But does the output from the generator stay the same , or become less?

As you can see i short the coils after the capacitor. If i short before the capacitor the rpm decreses a lot. The output power decreses in both ways
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on June 19, 2011, 04:16:58 PM
Nice experiment mariuscivic!
When I had both coilpairs in attraction mode I found out aswell that magnets on only one driving coilpair will increase the speed,
The other coilpair did not respond positive to magnets at all, nomather wich direction i put them.
Romero said something about he run one drivecoilpair in attraction mode and the other in attraction but also a littlebit repulsion??? Nothing to do with the dynamopart anyway, just thougt I would mention it. 
Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on June 19, 2011, 04:21:48 PM
@k4zep I see in you schematic you put the cap in parallell with the coils, what happens if you put it in series as Bolt says?
PS: I thought that was a professional video! Be yourself, that is the best you can be!
Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 19, 2011, 04:31:27 PM
Hi Ben

i too noticed that you have the 10uf cap in paralell, and "should be" in series according to the Bolt-theory....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 19, 2011, 04:43:14 PM
Hi Mariusivic

Watched your video - nice machine and easy video to view too - are you shorting single coils then that are not connected to that light bulb then?
What happens when you rectify and put different resitsive loads on those coils that make it speed up under short, instead of the dead-short?
Can you get speed up with a resistive load?
I could be that there are some coils that are sort of restricing the rotation, and the shorting cancels out the restriciton they cause, and that is why some coils dont speed up rotor under shorting, this because of the 9 vs 8 configuration...if you connnect all coils of the 9 all in series for the fun of it for "one big" motor coil as expereimnt you will find that there are two that dont really power the rotor either way so you should go with only 7 in series thats what made me think of that it might be related.
also if you have coil on one side of rotor lighting bulb, and other coil facing it being shorted (is this what you are doing?) then mabye that is causing the speedup, since you have jammed the two "facing coils" out of phase to one another, somewhat like Bolt is describing with an AC cap in series.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 19, 2011, 04:54:29 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 19, 2011, 03:11:38 PM
Lordy, I said 10 Farad, I meant 10uF for that yellow resonating Cap.
Schematic attached.


LOL. I heard you say 10mfd...selective hearing.

Anyway, great stuff... will give it a whirl, just as soon as I finish my rebuild.

Is this still with the high ohm coils?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 19, 2011, 05:24:40 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 19, 2011, 03:50:14 PM

I did another videoso please watch it am tell me what do you think of it

T H A N K S ....!!!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 19, 2011, 05:25:01 PM

A lot of work here bravo at all

@Ben (K4zep) very interesting testing with bucking coils. In this config the backing magnet will add a lot of output volts. By me about more than the double.

@ Marius  very nice video. Are you using bucking coils (north pole of bottom coil  facing north pole of upper coil ) in serie, or normal setup with S to N to S to N serie config as per initial PDF from Stephan in the first page of this thread ?.

@Doug (Konehead) thanks for the tip of changing the gap between the bottom stator to the rotor and upper stator to the rotor. I noticed very impressive change in the scope trace by doing this. I will modify my setup to be able to fine tune those gaps.

@Magluvin yes i try but sofar i have not found a good way to actuate the freewheeling effect, as per our previous experiment with cap transfer. What i did is trying to separate the upper and bottom AC trace with diode , so i can use the pulse for different purpose . It works very well , but how to combine this to the Romero dynamo is not acquired sofar.
Any idea ?

@Wattsup   Thanks for the AOAO idea, looking for a way to simply test it (as every stone must be returned ).  Perhaps a Hall sensor which switch on at a S pole than stay on until a N pole pass  to switch off and wait for the next S pole to switch on again ?. (for example the TLE 4935 ).
About the X wire i proposed sometime ago a schematic of what Romero did ( see pix ). and i tried it. As you noticed in the first Video( with the bulb), the complete output rail is connected to the battery, but when he put the bulb on the amperemeter does not increase. So or the video is for real or the X wire is not connected to the amperemeter ( i mean not connected to the amperemeter we see in the video, but at somethin else ??) . In the video 2 ( self running ) the X wire is there, clearly and goes under the machine and where ?? i supposed a while it could be connected to the bottom coil and by doing this it should be a shorting system of the complete output rail connected with the driving circuit. Of course i tried it and i got a shorting but nothing intersting sofar. In the video 3, the X wire is always there but impossible to see where it goes (seems to be cut and goes nowhere ) . Concerning this X wire , Romero sayd it was to feed back the battery during the first experiment (before looping ) to maintain charge in the battery, and for the 2 other video the X wire is always there but simply let outside for nothing.

hope this helps.

  good luck at all the magnifics contributors here

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 19, 2011, 05:44:29 PM
Quote from: erikbuch on June 19, 2011, 04:21:48 PM
@k4zep I see in you schematic you put the cap in parallell with the coils, what happens if you put it in series as Bolt says?
PS: I thought that was a professional video! Be yourself, that is the best you can be!
Best regards

Hi Erik,

There is series, and there is parallel, then etc.  Note, I did not show the resistance of the coil in series internal to the inductors.  A parallel circuit
at resonance is extremely high impedance, hence voltage, etc.  If you extend the schematic with the series Cap. going through the diodes, you still have a parallel circuit with some diode "notches" in the circuit.  I just made the parallel circuit before the bridge and then let the bridge do it's thing.  Hope this don't stir up too much fuss.........Many ways to do this.  I'm going to make bifilar coils so I get good balance
on my next set of coils and hopefully don't have to use much of a tuning cap.  Mine now are hopelessly mismatched right now.

Video was a mish mash affair, but just tried to give hope in this area!  Thanks for comment.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on June 19, 2011, 05:44:31 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 19, 2011, 02:05:26 PM
? If this is true , can you give rough estimate how far you need to move the second coil from its alignment with the first coil . to find the sweet spot please ?
Hi Neptune talking of SWEET SPOT of stator to coil
I tried to use an ac clamp meter instead of neogen coil  and try to rotate the rotor  ns(HD drive magnet)   manually by hand   Moving parallel the clamp meter  with 3 to 5 mm   clearance  passing by the rotor , The reading registered   more than  40 amps  in ac scale with  one top side of the meters  coil  on top  of magnet .....   so an air coil  placement of one side of the top coil will produce  the maximum effect
Dont know if this is relevant  just an observation ??? ??? ???

cheers :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 19, 2011, 06:11:48 PM
I know some of you are wondering how exactly does rotor increase speed faster while under a load?

The magnet charges the virtual capacitor layer between the coils and displacement currents will rush in to try and maintain the balance because the coils are operating as a NEGATIVE INDUCTOR which sucked in energy into the loop. Remember we are operating in purely reactive mode so the opposite happens to normal conventional current in phase induction. This inrush of ambient energy produces an outward pulse of magnetic flux which propels the rotor faster because it happens to be of the same polarity of the neo that just passed off Top Dead Centre :)  So each side of the coil releases a corresponding magnetic pulse of the same polarity as the magnet just a moment after the virtual capacitance field begins to decrease the coil now releases energy taken into its core from the ambient.

In order to make sure this pulse acts uniform and equally from both sides the back end magnet acts as a magnetic bias adjustor to ensure that the magnetic pulse is equal from both sides will maximise the pushing effort to accelerate the rotor under higher loads.

You can also see why a core with a very high Permeability like over > 50,000 will be able to store more joules to be released at this moment thus Romero studied carefully the effects of Mu-metal and other exotic core materials.

Can you see how convenient this is for us. We have in effect a CONTRA BEMF of even better an ASSISTED ELECTRO MOTIVE FORCE as the reaction is positive in our favour. While when the coils are operating in normal entropy mode they accept the lines of flux cutting from the permanent magnet and convert directly to a  current in the coils. Once you have induced current BEMF is always the result  as the resulting  magnetic kickback is opposing our driving force thus slowing down the rotor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 19, 2011, 06:43:42 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 19, 2011, 02:05:26 PM
@Scratchrobot . Many thanks for sharing those details .Please confirm that the fan motor drives the rig and there are no drive coils .The bit about putting the second coil in the right spot is interesting . I assume that you are leaving the first coil in a fixed position , and moving the second coil along a circular path centred on the centre of the rotor ,Yes ,? If this is true , can you give rough estimate how far you need to move the second coil from its alignment with the first coil . to find the sweet spot please ?

Yes the fanmotor drives the rig and the bottom coil is in a fixed position, the coils are head/head or tail/tail? I find it also very interesting that there is a sweetspot and it is not hard to find when you can move the coil. I think it is important like the gap between coil and magnets and many other things. I now understand why we should do such simple experiments and not try to replicate the whole device and expect it to selfrun  ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Drak on June 19, 2011, 06:48:19 PM
Well, I'm going to rebuild using only two driver coils with an open rotor so I can try different pickup coils since the secret seems to be in the pickup coils. My coils now are bifolar and JBWelded in place. (Doh!)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 19, 2011, 07:57:01 PM
Quote from: Drak on June 19, 2011, 06:48:19 PM
Well, I'm going to rebuild using only two driver coils with an open rotor so I can try different pickup coils since the secret seems to be in the pickup coils. My coils now are bifolar and JBWelded in place. (Doh!)


Very nice build and equipment Drak! ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 19, 2011, 08:02:47 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 19, 2011, 12:32:21 PM

My take then, is what romero did in similar fashion,  but not using the AC caps in series, is knock the coils back into the 90 degree resonate condition with the AIRGAP RATIO between upper and lower coils/cores and passing rotor magnet....for example, have lower airgap greater than upper and its all out of phase to one another how the coils energize...so they will induce at different "rates"... have airgap the same and its the same phasing and induction is the same.

Was reading on the other thread where Romero mentioned, belatedly, that his magnets in the rotor were actually 15 mm thick, not the 10mm and that is why they protruded beyond the 12 mm rotor slightly above and below. Now he says he used a 10mm and a 5mm stacked, 5mm on top.

The 10's were said to be N38's, so what if the 5's were N42's...Yet the rotor appears to be spaced equally. Top of stack slightly stronger...?

And if they were still the same, would you not get a different flux situation above where the stacked one was?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 19, 2011, 08:05:40 PM
Hi All,

Further testing in the  "Parallel" mode that I show in my schematic (10uF directly across the bucking coil pair) and wiring the 10uF cap in series (looks like but it isn't) through the diode bridge and then back through a current sensing resistor, I have to say, the 10 uF cap across the coil directly and then using the "Bridge" as a peak and hold/rectifier circuit is superior in every way.  The diode bridge, diode drops really mucks with the resonance of the coil/cap combo.  At different loadings, it is possible that the "series" way is superior but I am not convinced as of right now. 

I also must say in this case in my parallel circuit, the magnet bias gives me almost a 30% increase in output!!! with 10 ma load!
Why, don't know yet, but lots of ideas.

As far as the "damn red wire" hoax theory, I really don't care, I'm having more fun than I have had in months......whether it ever self runs,
I really don't give a hoot.  That's the last I'll say on the subject.

Schematic with Series circuit added.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 19, 2011, 09:32:41 PM
Nothing on the free energy scene is free! Its a VERY expensive hobby. Some people think you can spend 200 dollars buying some magnets and a reel of copper wire and that's it.  If you put your food and rent money into these projects.....well that is just gambling on odds > 100 million to 1 chance you get anything back. This is not to say this is all fake as its very well recorded in history OU devices are real. Replication has always been the problem even when presented with a full set of plans.

If it wasn't for the fact i personally know of looped machines like RV's and Kone's generators then like you i just might have taken a step back for a moment and  looked for a reality check! Alas for me this is not the case. I always said only those with a near perfect skill set, probably an EE tech trained, a HAM guy as tinkering with RF type circuits is very useful and are the ones most likely to succeed and of course no shortage of money cos you need plenty to keep stocked in a constantly supply of parts.  Romero is often spending 200 or 300 pound at a time on cores, magnets, rotors etc.

For everyone else then you may be better off sticking with a joule thief and having fun lighting 100 LED's :)

And so just a few days ago no one was able to even  get a lug free load running of any description but there are a handful of people now heading in the right direction.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 19, 2011, 09:41:30 PM
Guys, keep focus. Great work k4zep and thanks for continuing learning and sharing your experiments. Chet - Don't bother with those non-sense "I found the hidden wire". It is much easier to say that than to build and learn and share.

@4Telsa, wattsup please don't post here with non-sense. I asked to be focused and polite. If you want to debunk this, fine, open a thread (ops, there are many already) and post there. You are a moderator at OUR so you know better what it means for me here.

I have deleted many useless posts (some were actually funny) but unfortunately they only clutter things unnecessarily. I think we have found already MANY evidences that RomeroUK may indeed be showing the truth.

This is NOT an easy motor to build, it is showing some very difficult to explain phenomena and it is matching our great bolt member's theories. More I play with this motor more I believe in Romero's motor.

For now, I will remove ANYTHING that is not positively or experimentally or legit questions on this thread. Let's see how things goes next week.

@Woopy, did you try the capacitor "series/parallel" in your setup? what did you find?

I have done the same tonight and I also have the same increase in speed when coil is shorted and slow down when load is less than short. Very interesting indeed. My next challenge (which bolt explained already to no worry yet) is to increase the output power. I am playing with only one pair-set of generators and one pair-set of drivers. Once I got this one right I will move on to the next 7 gen coils and the second driver coil.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 19, 2011, 09:48:27 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 19, 2011, 09:32:41 PM
And so just a few days ago no one was able to even  get a lug free load running of any description but there are a handful of people now heading in the right direction.

Thanks Bolt! I've just tuned my first coil set in buckling mode and like Ben, I've seen the (almost) perfect sine wave with output current dropping off to zero and max. volts at the bridge output. Just needed to get some finer value capacitance and adjust the tuning magnet relative positions. The rotor spins at 1400 rpm at 15VDC input. More to come next week.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 19, 2011, 10:05:27 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 19, 2011, 06:11:48 PM
I know some of you are wondering how exactly does rotor increase speed faster while under a load?

The magnet charges the virtual capacitor layer between the coils and displacement currents will rush in to try and maintain the balance because the coils are operating as a NEGATIVE INDUCTOR which sucked in energy into the loop. Remember we are operating in purely reactive mode so the opposite happens to normal conventional current in phase induction. This inrush of ambient energy produces an outward pulse of magnetic flux which propels the rotor faster because it happens to be of the same polarity of the neo that just passed off Top Dead Centre :)  So each side of the coil releases a corresponding magnetic pulse of the same polarity as the magnet just a moment after the virtual capacitance field begins to decrease the coil now releases energy taken into its core from the ambient.

In order to make sure this pulse acts uniform and equally from both sides the back end magnet acts as a magnetic bias adjustor to ensure that the magnetic pulse is equal from both sides will maximise the pushing effort to accelerate the rotor under higher loads.

You can also see why a core with a very high Permeability like over > 50,000 will be able to store more joules to be released at this moment thus Romero studied carefully the effects of Mu-metal and other exotic core materials.

Can you see how convenient this is for us. We have in effect a CONTRA BEMF of even better an ASSISTED ELECTRO MOTIVE FORCE as the reaction is positive in our favour. While when the coils are operating in normal entropy mode they accept the lines of flux cutting from the permanent magnet and convert directly to a  current in the coils. Once you have induced current BEMF is always the result  as the resulting  magnetic kickback is opposing our driving force thus slowing down the rotor.

Hi Bolt,

Interesting. I was just wondering how the acceleration effect works myself. So could we say that because of the "induction" interacting with the electric component rather than the magnetic component, that the response of the changing E-field/displacement current is a magnetic field, which just happens to aid rather than retard the magnet's motion?


I repeated an old experiment I did a long time ago involving the use of two pancake coils stacked on top of eachother with a third, smaller coil sandwiched in the middle (see attached pic). When I first came across this effect, I referred to it as a sort of one-way induction, but later found out that it was really an effect of electrostatic induction.

For the experiment, I hooked the top and bottom pancake coils so that they were in the canceling configuration ((S-N <CENTER> N-S) and drove them with my function generator (sine wave) @ about 400kHz or so (so the impedance would be high enough to not tank my function generator's output signal). I then placed the scope across the input and also the output coil to measure the open circuit voltage.

What I found was that when in canceling mode, the induced voltage was 768mV pk/pk. Then I took one of the pancake coils and flipped it over so the coils' fields added rather than canceled. I then noted that the induced voltage was 5.6V pk/pk. So in the canceling mode, my coupling was about 13% of the non-canceling value.

Next, I connected the function generator to the center coil and scoped across the two outer coils, which were then wired in series aiding configuration (N-S <CENTER> N-S). I confirmed that the output voltage was about 15-20V. When flipped around in the canceling configuration, the output was again reduced down as in the first case. But here's where things get interesting.

I then swept the frequency until I drove the two outer coils into their natural resonant frequency. Again this is while the coils are still wired in the canceling configuration. At resonance, the output open-circuit voltage rose to over 88V pk/pk with my function generator inputting less than 20V pk/pk. I then repeated the same experiment with a tuning capacitor in series with the output coils and noted that the effect still worked (different, lower resonant frequency).

So my point here is that we can still stimulate the resonance of the circuit even when using bucking coils. I believe the cancellation would probably be better if using a bifilar canceling coil rather than bucking coils (still need to test that) but just thought I would report my results :).

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 19, 2011, 10:13:35 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 19, 2011, 10:05:27 PM
I then swept the frequency until I drove the two outer coils into their natural resonant frequency. Again this is while the coils are still wired in the canceling configuration. At resonance, the output open-circuit voltage rose to over 88V pk/pk with my function generator inputting less than 20V pk/pk.

So my point here is that we can still stimulate the resonance of the circuit even when using bucking coils.

Did you try the sweep again but this time with the pancake coils wired in series-adding? If so, what was the pk/pk voltage at resonance?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 19, 2011, 11:10:14 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 19, 2011, 10:13:35 PM

Did you try the sweep again but this time with the pancake coils wired in series-adding? If so, what was the pk/pk voltage at resonance?


Ok, I went ahead and reran the test again so I could take the measurements a bit more accurately. I drove the center winding and tuned the two outer coils to resonance with and without a cap, and also with the two outer coils connected in series adding and series canceling. Here's the results:

Series Adding (with 4.7nF Cap)
Input: 17.19 Vpk/pk
Output: 15.94 Vpk/pk
Freq: 427.4 kHz

Series Adding (without 4.7nF Cap)
Input: 12.5 Vpk/pk
Output: 125 Vpk/pk
Freq: 2.8 MHz

Series Canceling (with 4.7nF Cap)
Input: 22.81 Vpk/pk
Output: 128.1 Vpk/pk
Freq: 161.3 kHz

Series Canceling (without 4.7nF Cap)
Input: 16.25 Vpk/pk
Output: 155.6 Vpk/pk
Freq: 1.66 MHz

It's interesting to note again that the Q of the tank is significantly higher in the canceling configuration and without a tank capacitor. Also of interest is the fact that the resonant frequencies are lower when in canceling mode. This is probably due to the increased capacitance between the coils.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 20, 2011, 12:05:20 AM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on June 19, 2011, 11:47:38 PMNote: As a matter of on topic or not and deletions, I am adult enough to handle all sides of an issue, I don't live in denial if reality does not go my way. Thusly, I don't understand how the truth -either way- could be considered to be non-helpful for research on this or any other device.  If we are all chasing a phantom that never truly existed though, if it was indeed 'augmented', wouldn't you want to -really- know? Certainly it's not preferable to go on believing in something if there was some misapplied passion somewhere.


The issue isn't weather or not the information should be posted. The problem is that this is not the appropriate thread to post such information. There are other threads in this section devoted to these discussions. Thus, this is a distraction from the real research and progress that is being made here and should be moved elsewhere at the least.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: stAtrill on June 20, 2011, 12:13:05 AM
The problem with your view is that you will consider these ventures failures if OU is not achieved. I dont know how long you've been following this thread, but Ive been lurking since roughly page 136. Ive been waiting for the same reason as you -  to see if anyone else saw any useful results - and Ive been here to see the original few replicators get their parts, build their machines, and lose faith due to no apparent OU-related effects. Ive also seen every single one of these original replicators (after some tuning) achieve acceleration under load or due to coil shorting (As you know, both are precursors to beating lenz).

Just seeing these small successes is enough for me to think there's something more to this here. As any of the replicators will tell you, even if we never find OU, we have already learned a great deal more than we ever would have if we all merely sat on the sidelines shouting 'HOAX!'

As to the 'wire X', you can always find something if you look hard enough for it. I can take a picture of my backyard and we can all analyze the ambient digital noise until we find everything from hidden unicorns to lawn gnomes.

@the replicators
A big wave from the eastern US. I cant wait to get started.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 20, 2011, 01:33:14 AM
If any of you have air cores for the gernator coils like Jason O does, there is fellow named "John Stout" who discovered the magnet-behind cores trick long ago (he gave the idea to John Bedini and now JB has an adjsutable sliding magnet inside the backside of his cores in his motor-patent...JS said JB called him up to thank him years ago JS told me)...
Anyways I asked JS a couple weeks ago if the "helper magnet" trick (JS calls it a reguaging magnet) can be done with aircores...and he says he thinks so not sure but if so, you would need a steel ferrous washer for sure on the backside of the coil - so maybe bigger than usual washer back there and you might be able to  get the same speed up effect or near same effect with aircores.

Also on my romero-like test-rig a magnet on backside of my single MOTOR coil drops amp draw from 400ma to 200ma at 24V input so it does work on motor coils nicely for sure I am convinced.

I read Bolts theory on why the speed up thats all very good - and in addition to that, here is what John Stout told me;

the core doesnt immediatly "go back" to neutral polarity after the coil around it is energized, and/or the core too is energized by passing magnet in generator coil's case - the core will stay at the polarity that it was just energized at, depends on core mateiral but might take a second or even a minute for it to go back to complete-neutral/default. 
The backspike of backemf doestn have enough current in it to flip polarity of the core either.
so what happens is on APPROACH of next magnet in rotor, the core will clash with it,. and try and push the next rotor magnet backward (this is repulsive mode)
in Attraciton mode, as in the gernator coils wer are dealing with, the core will try and pull back the rotor magnet after the rotor magnet passes....so you find balance of strenght to the helper/regauging magnet so that it has that core on a teeter-totter and will flip polarity right at TDC and give it a shove in right direction - so there are TWO bonuses, cancellezation of the pull-back or clash against rotation, and also a nice free shove too......
One thing is that the entire core must not be polarized by that back magnet, sp just like the last portion of it is all you want: 1/4 or maybe no more than 1/2 of it, so that it will flip polarity easy - I think this is the big reason for the steel washers - it sort of compresses or guides or shortens the field of the helper/regaauging magnet so it wll only have effect on the end-portion of the core, next to the helpre/regauging magnet,  so that is also why you would need that washer on aircores for sure.

I think you guys all know this already just writing about it again on aircores subject...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on June 20, 2011, 07:31:13 AM
Quote from: i_ron on June 18, 2011, 03:21:52 PM

... but look at the double cap experiment again... the output went from 1.152 watts to 3.57 watts and the input stayed at .04 amps!!! thats a three times increase of output with the same input. Now admittedly this is with a transformer. But I think the basic principle will still apply.

I thought that would bring a smile to your face!


Edit: and .04A is still one half the unloaded draw of .08A!!!

Confused us says - less is more.! 

Cheers and KneeDeep
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 20, 2011, 08:17:42 AM
Hello all,

I want to express my solidarity about the great work collectively done here. Special thanks to Ben and mariuscivic for the moment.

I really start to like the idea, bolt has put to the table (with so many details - contradicting in my oppinion or from a different galaxy coming) that the way to beat Lenz and his action - rection law in those rotor-coil setups is just to appropriately swift voltage phase (that is caused by magnet possition) from current phase (reacftion) so as not to hold back the magnet motion or at least altering the resulting force vectors, so in this way to have a positive outcome.

Really interesting concept... what can i say more? :)

Salutes to all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 20, 2011, 09:05:20 AM
Last night I replicated again the acceleration effect when shorting coils. I will create a video tonight.

I also by mistake bought the wrong washers, they are bigger, and guess what? The speed of the motor increased too. The washer has a inner diameter of little bit bigger than 3/8 of a inch as opposed to my previous washer of 5mm inner diameter. Also adding magnets to behind the coils increased speed a lot.

So many variables here.

@Jason, great finding.

@All, sorry for deleted off topic posts. I am lazy to just move things around.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on June 20, 2011, 09:41:17 AM
Quote from: totoalas on June 19, 2011, 05:44:31 PM
Hi Neptune talking of SWEET SPOT of stator to coil
I tried to use an ac clamp meter instead of neogen coil  and try to rotate the rotor  ns(HD drive magnet)   manually by hand   Moving parallel the clamp meter  with 3 to 5 mm   clearance  passing by the rotor , The reading registered   more than  40 amps  in ac scale with  one top side of the meters  coil  on top  of magnet .....   so an air coil  placement of one side of the top coil will produce  the maximum effect
Dont know if this is relevant  just an observation ??? ??? ???

cheers :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 20, 2011, 09:46:16 AM
Quote from: plengo on June 20, 2011, 09:05:20 AM
Last night I replicated again the acceleration effect when shorting coils. I will create a video tonight.

I also by mistake bought the wrong washers, they are bigger, and guess what? The speed of the motor increased too. The washer has a inner diameter of little bit bigger than 3/8 of a inch as opposed to my previous washer of 5mm inner diameter. Also adding magnets to behind the coils increased speed a lot.

So many variables here.

@Jason, great finding.

@All, sorry for deleted off topic posts. I am lazy to just move things around.


Dear Fausto,
Is it so hard to understand why the speed of the rotor increases?
Because opposite magnets ::) when magnet turns away from coil then this COIL SHORTING hangs the the flux of top magnet to go back to his normal position, this flux goes back with time-lag, with delay, flux from top magnet does not come to an end before next magnet arrives ... and next ... and next  ... and as a result the speed of the rotor increases because when the right rpm chosen then rotor magnets have nothing to fight with anymore, no repulsion, no attraction.
Yes :o
And so what?
Also no advantageous useful energy - all spent for deceptive success  >:(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 20, 2011, 11:10:34 AM
Quote from: khabe on June 20, 2011, 11:05:18 AM
You like it?

Yes, much better, lol

May I add to your post?

Do’s and Don’ts of Video Presentations:

1)   Keep the camera steady. Waving the camera around like a hose induces motion sickness in the viewer, and makes the video unwatchable.

2)   The same with zooms and pans, slow and steady

3)   Music: no idiot radio show for background. With recorded music…watch out for copyright infringement and having your video withdrawn. If you don’t have your own home made music or public domain music, then go with no music.

4)   Dress: comfortably, but no bare feet!

5)   Standard Technique: a long shot to set the scene, then a slow zoom in to the field under discussion.

6)   Make your point and move on, the viewer has the option to replay a segment as many times as they wish. Just because you have 10 minutes doesn’t mean you have to make a 10 minute video. If you have 3 minutes of material… make a three minute video.

7)   Lighting, very important for the viewer to see what your message is.

8)   And a final note on JPGs, reduce to 600 X 800, on OU.com especially, to preserve the readability of the page.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 20, 2011, 11:39:30 AM
Does it even matter if it was faked?

Is it true that some inventions were developed by FIRST convincing developers that it has already been done then challenging them to back engineer it?
Is it true that many replicators here have already made some very interesting discoveries about the Muller design?
Is it true the video presentation from Muller's daughter, Carmen Miller, ALSO demonstrates a self running configuration powering a light?

See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af8fDeZC4Pc

Are there any objections?


Quote from: Hoppy on June 20, 2011, 11:00:55 AM

I can't believe that you have been so childish as to remove Wattsup's posts from this thread when they clearly reveal that Romero very likely faked the self-running. After all Romero he did admit it was faked, so why get so sensitive about posts that are just trying to seek the truth.

I see no point in continuing to follow a thread that moderates in such a harsh and unecessary manner. Please remove my access to this thread forthwith, or better still remove me from the forum completely.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: steeltpu on June 20, 2011, 12:33:01 PM
  it was clearly stated many pages ago that this message thread was not for discussing whether romerouk faked this or not.  mods including stefan said this is not up for discussion in this thread any more and there are other threads for that.  your agenda here is obvious.   user none. 1 post first day is a give away he was a second persona of someone already here.  i think most people here are smart enough to guess who.  trolls be gone!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 20, 2011, 12:40:58 PM
Quote from: khabe on June 20, 2011, 11:50:13 AM
Dont worry, dear ...,
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

This is how I see your posts man. How old are you? did you not see my warnings? did you not see the OTHER threads for your arguments. Please, leave this thread alone unless you have something for humanity aside from your eagle and shouting what you think is the truth.

See, I even left one of your arguments posted before (about my acceleration effect) because it is a valid argument, so please, focus on the subject. Bring something valuable. If you think this is a fake, fine - point taken, now move on or leave.

If you continue like this I will simply delete your posts as soon as I see your name because you are losing my confidence and trust, it is that simple.

man I respect your intellect and your knowledge. Stop, please, the non sense posting and start helping too. This is not a forum about proving science is always right, it is about breaking the boundaries and finding real solutions via real experiments and hard work. If you have work to show, please do so.

A great man once said: You will know me by my works!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 20, 2011, 01:15:27 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 20, 2011, 12:40:58 PM
man I respect your intellect and your knowledge. Stop, please, the non sense posting and start helping too. This is not a forum about proving science is always right, it is about breaking the boundaries and finding real solutions via real experiments and hard work. If you have work to show, please do so.

A great man once said: You will know me by my works!!!



To acknowledge that Romero faked it by his own admission is the first step. Perhaps he should now be invited to share with us where he thinks improvements can be made, rather than staying in the background. He has clearly put much time and energy into this attempt at self-running. Success can come out of failure if failure is acknowleged and learnt from.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 20, 2011, 02:34:10 PM
Quote from: Hoppy on June 20, 2011, 01:15:27 PM

To acknowledge that Romero faked it by his own admission is the first step. Perhaps he should now be invited to share with us where he thinks improvements can be made, rather than staying in the background. He has clearly put much time and energy into this attempt at self-running. Success can come out of failure if failure is acknowleged and learnt from.


@ Hoppy
I think you need to move on. If you wish to help, do something constructive - at least you're more qualified than the other guy. Why don't you understand Romero stated he will not discuss the Muller device beyond what he has already released? It's his prerogative! If you believe then try to replicate or improve on it. If not, join the other guy and draw more wiring diagrams and speculations but do it elsewhere, please. I think you're smarter than that.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 20, 2011, 02:57:14 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 20, 2011, 12:40:58 PM
This is how I see your posts man. How old are you? did you not see my warnings? did you not see the OTHER threads for your arguments. Please, leave this thread alone unless you have something for humanity aside from your eagle and shouting what you think is the truth.

See, I even left one of your arguments posted before (about my acceleration effect) because it is a valid argument, so please, focus on the subject. Bring something valuable. If you think this is a fake, fine - point taken, now move on or leave.

If you continue like this I will simply delete your posts as soon as I see your name because you are losing my confidence and trust, it is that simple.


Are you really moderator? Unbelievable >:(
English is not my mother tongue, but nonetheless it was not bla-bla-ba you deleted.
How old I am?
And you?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 20, 2011, 03:22:31 PM
Today did another experiment and discovered that when i put the top coil at the right spot, the spot that gives me the highest rpm then the scope shows me the Kromrey waveform. I don't think this is a coincidence. This time I also used a 47uf cap in series with the coils. I attach a picture with schematic of what I did and the waveforms, left is mine and right is the original Kromrey scopeshot.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juBMUG7Kcsg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juBMUG7Kcsg)

I wonder if all coils tuned this way on a muller give a good output.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 20, 2011, 03:40:55 PM
@Scratchrobot . That looks like a very significant result . From your diagram , it looks like your coils are in the "bucking " configuration . Important question . When you are moving that top coil about to find the sweetspot , are you moving it up and down , so it is in alignment with the bottom coil , or are you moving it side to side ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 03:43:42 PM
Hi all,

many of you are not even trying to understand the reason I stopped posting more info about this build, try to go in my position and think what you will do. I only find few people who are really trying to understand and replicate this device.If you don't understand it, then is no point to continue, here or any other project, making a copy is not enough.
We have few people here that are really a goldmine for all, konehead, bolt, EMdevices, and few others, and I see many times that most of you are just ignoring their advices escpecially konehead who did try and built FE devices probably more than anyone here.
I have a great respect to konehead because I can see him thinking and building things same like me, not very sofisticated but simple and working and most important is that feeling that not everyone has.
Fake or not fake, this last 2 months showed to many of you a lot more understanding and knowledge than you have acumulated in a long time before, who can tell me that this is not true?
How many of you have experienced before this speed under load? How many of you have played before with coil shorting, capacitor shorting,... ?I am very happy that I brought up this discussions and now many people will start to understand it better.
Has anyone played with capacitors with 3 terminals? What about 4 terminals or 7??
Anyone tried to have 2 identical capacitors one charged and another empty.Now try to make a device that while is using first capacitor power it is charging the second one and end up with more in the second one.Possible??? oh yes it is.I have stated many times before, try easy and simple things before going big and before spending lost of money.I spend about £400-700 every month and i know most of you cannot afford that that's why keep it cheap and simple.

I wish you all the best,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 03:51:51 PM
@scratchrobo I like your small testing device, don't deviate and keep it right.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 20, 2011, 04:01:45 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 03:43:42 PM
Hi all,

many of you are not even trying to understand the reason I stopped posting more info about this build, try to go in my position and think what you will do. I only find few people who are really trying to understand and replicate this device.If you don't understand it, then is no point to continue, here or any other project, making a copy is not enough.
We have few people here that are really a goldmine for all, konehead, bolt, EMdevices, and few others, and I see many times that most of you are just ignoring their advices escpecially konehead who did try and built FE devices probably more than anyone here.
I have a great respect to konehead because I can see him thinking and building things same like me, not very sofisticated but simple and working and most important is that feeling that not everyone has.
Fake or not fake, this last 2 months showed to many of you a lot more understanding and knowledge than you have acumulated in a long time before, who can tell me that this is not true?
How many of you have experienced before this speed under load? How many of you have played before with coil shorting, capacitor shorting,... ?I am very happy that I brought up this discussions and now many people will start to understand it better.
Has anyone played with capacitors with 3 terminals? What about 4 terminals or 7??
Anyone tried to have 2 identical capacitors one charged and another empty.Now try to make a device that while is using first capacitor power it is charging the second one and end up with more in the second one.Possible??? oh yes it is.I have stated many times before, try easy and simple things before going big and before spending lost of money.I spend about £400-700 every month and i know most of you cannot afford that that's why keep it cheap and simple.

I wish you all the best,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 20, 2011, 04:28:09 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 03:51:51 PM
@scratchrobo I like your small testing device, don't deviate and keep it right.

Thanks, you are right, I would not have done this experiment.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 20, 2011, 04:39:25 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 03:43:42 PM
Hi all,

many of you are not even trying to understand the reason I stopped posting more info about this build, try to go in my position and think what you will do. I only find few people who are really trying to understand and replicate this device.If you don't understand it, then is no point to continue, here or any other project, making a copy is not enough.
We have few people here that are really a goldmine for all, konehead, bolt, EMdevices, and few others, and I see many times that most of you are just ignoring their advices escpecially konehead who did try and built FE devices probably more than anyone here.
I have a great respect to konehead because I can see him thinking and building things same like me, not very sofisticated but simple and working and most important is that feeling that not everyone has.
Fake or not fake, this last 2 months showed to many of you a lot more understanding and knowledge than you have acumulated in a long time before, who can tell me that this is not true?
How many of you have experienced before this speed under load? How many of you have played before with coil shorting, capacitor shorting,... ?I am very happy that I brought up this discussions and now many people will start to understand it better.
Has anyone played with capacitors with 3 terminals? What about 4 terminals or 7??
Anyone tried to have 2 identical capacitors one charged and another empty.Now try to make a device that while is using first capacitor power it is charging the second one and end up with more in the second one.Possible??? oh yes it is.I have stated many times before, try easy and simple things before going big and before spending lost of money.I spend about £400-700 every month and i know most of you cannot afford that that's why keep it cheap and simple.

I wish you all the best,

Romero thanks for dropping in. This thread really needed to hear from you to stabilise the situation about fakes as it was becoming fragmented. Indeed you are right. More information has been disclosed here in the last couple of months than in a couple of decades!! Most of what i share is a result of other peoples hard work an understanding. LOOPING is very real and until people have a very clear mind about this the negativity spreads like cancer and prevents us all from moving forwards.

The most important point is NOT about replications its about understanding the methods and principles to achieve such aims. It matters not if we are talking about Kromrey's, RV's,  TPU's, kapanadze etc the underlying theme between them is all the same.

There are more than one ways of skinning a cat!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 20, 2011, 04:44:53 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 20, 2011, 03:40:55 PM
@Scratchrobot . That looks like a very significant result . From your diagram , it looks like your coils are in the "bucking " configuration . Important question . When you are moving that top coil about to find the sweetspot , are you moving it up and down , so it is in alignment with the bottom coil , or are you moving it side to side ?

Yes they are in bucking configuration. I am moving the coil in all directions. Maybe the sweetspot also changes with the rpm? I think every coil has his sweetspot and should be tuned by moving it in any direction.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 20, 2011, 04:52:05 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 20, 2011, 03:22:31 PM
Today did another experiment and discovered that when i put the top coil at the right spot, the spot that gives me the highest rpm then the scope shows me the Kromrey waveform. I don't think this is a coincidence. This time I also used a 47uf cap in series with the coils. I attach a picture with schematic of what I did and the waveforms, left is mine and right is the original Kromrey scopeshot.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juBMUG7Kcsg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juBMUG7Kcsg)

I wonder if all coils tuned this way on a muller give a good output.

But most important you didn't have to build a 10 coil $1500  rotating STADIUM to find that out did you? :)  Well done!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 20, 2011, 05:19:11 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 06:51:57 PM
Hi penno,
Yes I am religious, Christian Orthodox, God helpped me many times in life.
I am curious to see how many will actually do anything, many are just waiting and waiting... don't know what.
Do not use shortcuts, if built like I said, reffering to the coils and magnets arrangement then everything else is easy if not will fail. I will show you how many rotors I have made before this one worked, all others looked perfect but small diferences.
Can you believe that I have ordered 2 of the acrylic rotors to a local company who uses laser cutting and I was expected to get a perfect rotor but... the centre hole is not centered and the spacing betwen the magnets on the rotor was not equal... I went crazy.I paid a lot of money for that operation to be done perfect and their excuse was that I was no very specific that it must be acurrate... what will I expect fron a laser cutting...
The one used now was ordered to another company that makes clock parts but the max thicknes they worked with was 3mm. I have ordered 4 and glued them togheter. The actual rotor u see is made from 4 rotors 3mm thick each.The rotor must be strong and not bend.
Today I have ordered the magnets for the next build and what is left is again the stupid rotor.
I have to go again thru the same pain, oh nooo...

All the best,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 20, 2011, 06:28:44 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 03:43:42 PM
If you don't understand it, then is no point to continue, here or any other project, making a copy is not enough.
I have great respect towards you. Please understand that some of us start right at this project. For learning purpuses this copy is more then enough, it's quite high tech :)

About the coil keeping it's state over time and having a PM magnet on the back to make it flip state to a neutral one : I wonder if this effect could be enhanced in a way. Like an optimization to make the cancelation realy take the coil to a neutral state. Maybe a shorting ? Maybe a short but powerfull pulse ? Maybe a strong electromagnet pulse ? One of those small optimizations that might add up in the end. If we take the L/ R propagation time then it is probably an advantage to have thick wire for the coils ( more I then V ) ?

About caps in series when second one has greater voltage i posted a link a while ago :( Nobody cares :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 20, 2011, 06:33:49 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 20, 2011, 03:22:31 PM
Today did another experiment and discovered that when i put the top coil at the right spot, the spot that gives me the highest rpm then the scope shows me the Kromrey waveform. I don't think this is a coincidence. This time I also used a 47uf cap in series with the coils. I attach a picture with schematic of what I did and the waveforms, left is mine and right is the original Kromrey scopeshot.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juBMUG7Kcsg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juBMUG7Kcsg)

I wonder if all coils tuned this way on a muller give a good output.

Well done,
so at some RPMs you definately had a resonance in your LCR setup, so the current at the shunt
had a bigger amplitude.

So try to match better the RPM and the resonance of the LCR tank circuit.
Regards , Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 20, 2011, 06:40:29 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 03:43:42 PM
Hi all,
many of you are not even trying to understand the reason I stopped posting more info about this build, try to go in my position and think what you will do. I only find few people who are really trying to understand and replicate this device.If you don't understand it, then is no point to continue, here or any other project, making a copy is not enough.
We have few people here that are really a goldmine for all, konehead, bolt, EMdevices, and few others, and I see many times that most of you are just ignoring their advices escpecially konehead who did try and built FE devices probably more than anyone here.
I have a great respect to konehead because I can see him thinking and building things same like me, not very sofisticated but simple and working and most important is that feeling that not everyone has.
Fake or not fake, this last 2 months showed to many of you a lot more understanding and knowledge than you have acumulated in a long time before, who can tell me that this is not true?
How many of you have experienced before this speed under load? How many of you have played before with coil shorting, capacitor shorting,... ?I am very happy that I brought up this discussions and now many people will start to understand it better.
Has anyone played with capacitors with 3 terminals? What about 4 terminals or 7??
Anyone tried to have 2 identical capacitors one charged and another empty.Now try to make a device that while is using first capacitor power it is charging the second one and end up with more in the second one.Possible??? oh yes it is.I have stated many times before, try easy and simple things before going big and before spending lost of money.I spend about £400-700 every month and i know most of you cannot afford that that's why keep it cheap and simple.
I wish you all the best,

So let me just resume this for a second. You deliberately faked both videos, you lied about the threats, you lied about not having your wheel anymore, you lied about the wheel doing what you said it does, you lied about knowing how it works because it does not and now, you want us to thank you for doing all this very generous effort of trickery just because since two months, "we are talking about this wheel".

So maybe if I put you in a prison cell, you will have to thank me because for the next two months you will be talking about how to use metal bars to create a secure environment. Or maybe you are willing to reimburse all those that will make a claim against you. Or maybe you just find all this very funny indeed. Or maybe you just love the idolizing. Or maybe you are so pissed off because your wheel did not work, that you are getting back at those that believe in such things. Either way, sir, you are a really sick puppy.

So what did we learn? Well. We learned that if you fake a video, people will eat it all up and end up treating you like a king.

You sir should be ashamed of yourself.

Now I have seen and read it all. I am simply disgusted.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 20, 2011, 06:51:26 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 20, 2011, 04:52:05 PM
But most important you didn't have to build a 10 coil $1500  rotating STADIUM to find that out did you? :)  Well done!

I did build a replica right away  ;D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 20, 2011, 07:49:08 PM
I thought Stephan spoke to Romero and concluded this was real and advised everyone to proceed with replicating.   Did I miss something?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 07:51:10 PM
for long time I had a good impression about you and your posts and I tought you have good knowledge in understanding a real thing from the unreal.The fact that you cannot understand and succeed in making any OU device does not mean you are right.
If my device is a fake then prove it, if is not prove it again.
According to you we all should go to prison because we influence each other here, we replicate each other and so far nobody has achived any OU(actually some did), that means we all lie? What about Bedini? do you consider he is a liar? everyone here replicated some of his work.He was saying that Kromrey device can go up to 3.0 still nobody has reported that.
Well my friend, I can prove to you or anyone that I do have a working OU device, small but working, not the one everyone is trying to replicate now, that as I said milion times does not exist anymore. Is there any law that will force me or anyone to disclose our findings? I can prove it but I will not make public any of my work if I am forced to.We are all here doing what we do and we call it SHARING INFO nothing else.Most of us here found and discovered different things while experimenting and some info is kept and never released, should we call that hiding the truth?
I have hot published all my info to get something in return, nothing, how many time I said that.This was what I considered to be right and at the time I started to do first posts I had the intention to release all my findings, even if some of the things I did not understand how they worked.
It was enough to have a surprise visit and ruin everything.
What will you do after a special visit like that? I tell you, you will shit yourself and never touch anything.
I have 2 people here on the forum who knows all details about that and one of them saw the device working personally in my garden, we looked at it running for almost 3 hours.
People better keep quiet before someone will take this serious, we all know that the big guys are trying everything to stop all research towards any FE device.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 20, 2011, 08:15:06 PM
I finally have a stable rotor after many tries.   Used an old VCR head.   The plastic I purchased from TAP Plastics is slightly warped but good enough for some testing.   Now on to some coil winding. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 08:20:25 PM
this is a picture from my next build.Even if it looks somehow like Muller it has nothing to do with that setup.I will post a video once it is completed but you will never know how it works even if it looks so simple.
Why do you think I am so stupid and spend lots of money to build more and more? Just for the show? well, this is a too expensive show without tickets, free, and I get nothing in return.
You have no ideea how expensive this is.
I am probably very stupid and have nothing to do with the money, just waste and keep people here entertained.
What do you suggest, should I stop the show?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 20, 2011, 08:21:41 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 20, 2011, 08:15:06 PM
I finally have a stable rotor after many tries.   Used an old VCR head.   The plastic I purchased from TAP Plastics is slightly warped but good enough for some testing.   Now on to some coil winding. 


Nice work!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 20, 2011, 08:24:24 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 08:20:25 PM
this is a picture from my next build.Even if it looks somehow like Muller it has nothing to do with that setup.I will post a video once it is completed but you will never know how it works even if it looks so simple.
Why do you think I am so stupid and spend lots of money to build more and more? Just for the show? well, this is a too expensive show without tickets, free, and I get nothing in return.
You have no ideea how expensive this is.
I am probably very stupid and have nothing to do with the money, just waste and keep people here entertained.
What do you suggest, should I stop the show?


Please continue to share if you deem fit. There are people who mostly because of ignorance, jealously, stupidity and mostly just because they have such high egos about themselves they cannot stand others taking center stage. Please ignore him so the rest of us can continue learning and maybe even contributing. Thank you for your time.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 20, 2011, 08:27:02 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 08:20:25 PM
this is a picture from my next build.Even if it looks somehow like Muller it has nothing to do with that setup.I will post a video once it is completed but you will never know how it works even if it looks so simple.
Why do you think I am so stupid and spend lots of money to build more and more? Just for the show? well, this is a too expensive show without tickets, free, and I get nothing in return.
You have no ideea how expensive this is.
I am probably very stupid and have nothing to do with the money, just waste and keep people here entertained.
What do you suggest, should I stop the show?


Nice work!  Look forward to seeing this new configuration!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 20, 2011, 08:36:34 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 07:51:10 PM
for long time I had a good impression about you and your posts and I tought you have good knowledge in understanding a real thing from the unreal.The fact that you cannot understand and succeed in making any OU device does not mean you are right.
If my device is a fake then prove it, if is not prove it again.
According to you we all should go to prison because we influence each other here, we replicate each other and so far nobody has achived any OU(actually some did), that means we all lie? What about Bedini? do you consider he is a liar? everyone here replicated some of his work.He was saying that Kromrey device can go up to 3.0 still nobody has reported that.
Well my friend, I can prove to you or anyone that I do have a working OU device, small but working, not the one everyone is trying to replicate now, that as I said milion times does not exist anymore. Is there any law that will force me or anyone to disclose our findings? I can prove it but I will not make public any of my work if I am forced to.We are all here doing what we do and we call it SHARING INFO nothing else.Most of us here found and discovered different things while experimenting and some info is kept and never released, should we call that hiding the truth?
I have hot published all my info to get something in return, nothing, how many time I said that.This was what I considered to be right and at the time I started to do first posts I had the intention to release all my findings, even if some of the things I did not understand how they worked.
It was enough to have a surprise visit and ruin everything.
What will you do after a special visit like that? I tell you, you will shit yourself and never touch anything.
I have 2 people here on the forum who knows all details about that and one of them saw the device working personally in my garden, we looked at it running for almost 3 hours.
People better keep quiet before someone will take this serious, we all know that the big guys are trying everything to stop all research towards any FE device.
Best regards,


The proof was already posted on this thread but Mr. Plengo removed them. You can see the whole thing here about proof.

If you know me, you will know I rarely give up until the reality is freed. I also do alot of bench work although because of this wheel, I have been doing less. I work with ether attraction now so for me, these mechanical wheels are play things. One day I will share it also but not till I know all I need to know. So I don't need any life lessons from anyone here. I am here for one reason only and that is to find the reality for those guys like @peterae that are with builds and others that are contemplating on spending some serious money on this.

So for me it is clearer then clear. Magic is only magic until you know how the trick was done.

So here are some easy specific questions that you can answer with a yes or no. I am not asking you to give up any secret that is supposed to be in the Romero wheel.

1) In your first video of the large unit, did you connect the battery terminals to the dc output rail of the generator coils? Yes or No?

2) In your second video where you remove the battery from the table top, you have two wires, a red and a black wire that are behind the unit going down inside the center opening of the table? Yes or No?

3) Referring to #2, do those two wires go to a battery under the table or to any other power supply? Yes or No

4) Do you agree that applying a battery to the dc output rails will bypass any other physics phenomena because the load will always be driven by the battery. The voltage may rise because the gen coils are producing some more output by maybe 3-4 volts. That is why you were reading 15.?? volts off the output rail. Yes or No?

5) Did you willingly create these videos to trick people into thinking the device was working in a way that it was not? Yes or No.

6) If #5 is no, why did you make those two videos and especially why did you do it in the way you did? Did you think that eventually we would not have found the tricks?

Your problem is simple. Instead of coming here and saying you made a wheel that does not work the way you want and you need help to find out what to do. I would have opened all avenues to help you. But you decided to play this big game.

Now if you want to come clean, this is the time and this is the place.
Just know that the link above cannot be erased by this moderator.


PS: Just saw your photo of your new build. Expensive, don't worry I know what expensive is. I have done bigger then those. 12,000$ just for a custom built gear system. But hey, it's only money, right. lol

Now one more thing. A person that gets serious threats to stop what they are doing, and who is really scared of those threats, does not continue to make a new build. You see the problem we have with what you say and what you show is always contradictory. Just come clean and let's start from the beginning.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 20, 2011, 08:46:34 PM
Hey Romero

Glad to see your still alive n kickin. ;]

Looks like a dual rotor setup. ;]

You have said all you need to Watts.. Not sure Watts uP with him on this. Not the norm.

Keep on keepin on.   ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 20, 2011, 08:52:37 PM
Ok guys. Is every body happy now?

You stated what you want. You even get a response from Romero. Let's move on. ANY MORE CRITICISM like this i will delete it.

Shall we?


Thank you man for your work. Keep it going and sharing please. I did learn a lot and never had a motor accelerating under load before.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 20, 2011, 09:15:57 PM

We say that the motor accelerates under load, or short.

Would it be to say that we could get a motor running on just shorted coils? Of this fashion of course. ;] 

Or is it that, if we have the rotor going at 1000rpm, gen coils not connected, just motor coils, does shorting or loading gen coils increase the rpm higher than 1000rpm?

Also, would the motor coils drive the rotor above 1000rpm(just example rpm) if the gen coils w/cores were removed from the setup?

Like this.  Lets say we get 1000rpm, gen coils unloaded, just motor coils. If the gen coils were removed, say we got 1300rpm. Is it that loading the gen coils close to simulates the same speed up as if the gen coils were removed? Or does it go faster with coils loaded than if the were removed from the device.

Hope that makes sens. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 09:25:17 PM
Quote from: wattsup on June 20, 2011, 08:36:34 PM

The proof was already posted on this thread but Mr. Plengo removed them. You can see the whole thing here about proof.

If you know me, you will know I rarely give up until the reality is freed. I also do alot of bench work although because of this wheel, I have been doing less. I work with ether attraction now so for me, these mechanical wheels are play things. One day I will share it also but not till I know all I need to know. So I don't need any life lessons from anyone here. I am here for one reason only and that is to find the reality for those guys like @peterae that are with builds and others that are contemplating on spending some serious money on this.

So for me it is clearer then clear. Magic is only magic until you know how the trick was done.

So here are some easy specific questions that you can answer with a yes or no. I am not asking you to give up any secret that is supposed to be in the Romero wheel.

1) In your first video of the large unit, did you connect the battery terminals to the dc output rail of the generator coils? Yes or No?

2) In your second video where you remove the battery from the table top, you have two wires, a red and a black wire that are behind the unit going down inside the center opening of the table? Yes or No?

3) Referring to #2, do those two wires go to a battery under the table or to any other power supply? Yes or No

4) Do you agree that applying a battery to the dc output rails will bypass any other physics phenomena because the load will always be driven by the battery. The voltage may rise because the gen coils are producing some more output by maybe 3-4 volts. That is why you were reading 15.?? volts off the output rail. Yes or No?

5) Did you willingly create these videos to trick people into thinking the device was working in a way that it was not? Yes or No.

6) If #5 is no, why did you make those two videos and especially why did you do it in the way you did? Did you think that eventually we would not have found the tricks?

Your problem is simple. Instead of coming here and saying you made a wheel that does not work the way you want and you need help to find out what to do. I would have opened all avenues to help you. But you decided to play this big game.

Now if you want to come clean, this is the time and this is the place.
Just know that the link above cannot be erased by this moderator.


PS: Just saw your photo of your new build. Expensive, don't worry I know what expensive is. I have done bigger then those. 12,000$ just for a custom built gear system. But hey, it's only money, right. lol

Now one more thing. A person that gets serious threats to stop what they are doing, and who is really scared of those threats, does not continue to make a new build. You see the problem we have with what you say and what you show is always contradictory. Just come clean and let's start from the beginning.
First I can tell you that I am personally against deleting any posts, good or bad.In the end nobody can decide for us if it is good or bad.

1) In your first video of the large unit, did you connect the battery terminals to the dc output rail of the generator coils? Yes or No? = Yes but not direct.
2) In your second video where you remove the battery from the table top, you have two wires, a red and a black wire that are behind the unit going down inside the center opening of the table? Yes or No?
= No, those wires are going to the bottom coil.
3) Referring to #2, do those two wires go to a battery under the table or to any other power supply? Yes or No = No
4) Do you agree that applying a battery to the dc output rails will bypass any other physics phenomena because the load will always be driven by the battery. The voltage may rise because the gen coils are producing some more output by maybe 3-4 volts. That is why you were reading 15.?? volts off the output rail. Yes or No? = The output coils separately were producing much more than 15 volts but were kept shunted by a procedure I wont describe.That helped the system to maintain the rpm and not feel the load up to a point.There was a point where from normal speed will turn all the way down if added even one more watt to the system
5) Did you willingly create these videos to trick people into thinking the device was working in a way that it was not? Yes or No.  = No, I am not that kind of person you think I am, I have access to lots of servers, banks main servers, many important companies... If I am not trusted I will never walk in but maybe that is another thing.
6) If #5 is no, why did you make those two videos and especially why did you do it in the way you did? Did you think that eventually we would not have found the tricks? = Tricks? oh yes, there are many tricks but not that kind of tricks you think I did.

'A person that gets serious threats to stop what they are doing, and who is really scared of those threats, does not continue to make a new build.'

That you will not understand as you don't have the complete picture, if you will know, I am sure you will understand it and agree with me.I was interfering with others on the same project and we have a 'understanding'... if you look around you will probably find out soon who comes out with the same build and with a patent on it too.

Soon I am planning to invite some people from the forum for a live demontration.That will be enough to stop all this accusations. These people are very respectable here on the forum and most of you know them.
Don't wait to release any info on how will the new system work couse I wont.They can come over, video record for as long they want, can measure anything but without any o-scope,that will be forbiden.

I hope I answered all questions


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hhobrian on June 20, 2011, 09:44:40 PM
After reading and rereading about the rotor and magnet sizes, I was wondering if this diagram might be what we should be trying ?? Hope this makes sense, I suck with Paint etc., but shows 2 magnets in the rotor...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on June 20, 2011, 10:08:12 PM

Thanks for sharing pictures of your new build.  I could tell that you were actively building a better unit this whole time.  I would have done the same thing myself if I were you.  I hate getting caught up in the stupid arguments that always happen on these types of forums.

I learned a lot when everybody tried to replicate my Stubblefield motor.  Most people failed and only a few got it working.  That was a very simple project compared to this.  I knew when I decided to replicate this device that my chances of getting it working like you showed in your video were very slim but I decided to build it anyway just because I love building things and this looked like a really cool motor.  Nobody should be complaining.  Nobody put a gun to our heads and said you have to build this thing.

I am still working on my replication.  I have taken it apart and rebuilt it more times than I can remember now.  I am still having a good time and learning a lot.  I plan on working on it until I stop learning new things with the unit.  I expect to have another few months worth of good learning with this project before I will start to tire of it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nightlife on June 20, 2011, 10:12:35 PM
 The thing I don't think everyone understands is that when a unloaded coil is introduced, it will drawn the rpms down untill it is filled. While it is filling, it is representing a load, once filled, it no longer is a load and the rpms go back up just as this design does. The same happens when a cap is added to a coil. But I am seeing the rpms gain higher speeds after a coil is loaded then what they are before a coil is even introduced at all. This has me puzzled. Once I figure out why that is happening or someone else explains why, I can then determine weather or not it is actually a benifit or not.
Bottom line here is that there is no evidence of OU at this point but I am not giving up on you all yet. There are still some criticle things you all have left out of your designs that will double your potential output which I have already mentioned. Please use all the potential availible in the componets of your designs.
Last but not least, please show all results in watts. Volts mean nothing without knowing the amps. The cobination of them equals the amount of watts which is what we need to know to determine if a gain is actually present. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Free.Energy on June 20, 2011, 10:28:31 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 20, 2011, 09:25:17 PM

They can come over, video record for as long they want, can measure anything but without any o-scope,that will be forbiden.

Why no o-scope?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 20, 2011, 10:34:03 PM
THANK YOU Romerouk for your continued patience and civil answers to those who are only slinging vile here.  You are truly a much bigger man than some here.  All the best to you in your new projects.

BTW when I saw lasersabers post above I was reminded that I think this essential project has so much promise that I'm designing it to be very modular so almost anything can be easily replaced. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 21, 2011, 12:01:21 AM

Thank you for your response.
Well we are not finished yet if you do not mind.

As per my previous questions.

1) Your answer "yes but not directly". I know that. You put the red output rail with the red wires from the drive circuit positives together, then through your ammeter then to battery positive. The negative from the output rail also goes directly to battery negative. Is that what you mean by "not directly". There is no difference in directly or not directly in this case. So your answer should be a simple Yes.

2) Your answer "No, those wires are going to the bottom coil." Yes we know about the orange and black wires from the top gen coil to the bottom gen coil. But what about the red and the black wires as shown below identified as Black Wire X and Red Wire X. These two wires are clearly going inside the center opening in the table. Please explain since these are the same two wires you used from the same unchanged fwbr locations to connect to the battery in your first video.

3) Since you now know we know about the Red and Black Wire Xs, would you like to change your answer for #3?

I don't think you understand how much information we have from your videos. May I suggest you visit the link I gave you above and scan through it, especially the images. You do not have to register there since all visitors are allowed to see.

Please take your time.

I understand very well about trust, patents, reputations, business, promises, etc. We all do and have these to one extent or another. What we do not do is make up videos and then have others build them who think the video is real. That in our usual book of definitions includes "not nice", "problematic" and many others qualifications depending on the location, dialect and moderator (hic hic).

I am trying to be as diplomatic as possible and appreciate your clarifications.


PS: About your bigger unit, I think the plexiglass is too thin so I am sure you will not operate it in that way at full force. The coils look mean and waiting to bite their first piece of drag. Very smart with the two plate per coil design this will enable you to switch your coils around for testing. I would say you still need a second plate or is this a single plate design. Really nice. But you also know we have seen guys build many things that we do not have the answer to why they built it. When you think you have a good idea, you usually build it. It does not mean it will work, and, about that building instinct, we know. My problem is, right now I am asking myself, will you need a bigger hole to pass a fatter Wire X. And there in lies the problem. Trust, but verify.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 21, 2011, 12:09:06 AM
Quote from: Free.Energy on June 20, 2011, 10:28:31 PM
Why no o-scope?

Because it give too much away in terms of the o/p wave form then you can decipher it has been modulated in some way and capture the frequencies. A volt meter is fine it will simply allow you to validate the o/p of the device without revealing anything of how it works.

SM's TPU used the EXACT same rules when he asked investors to come and take a look.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 21, 2011, 12:33:44 AM
RUK said "I was interfering with others on the same project and we have a 'understanding'... if you look around you will probably find out soon who comes out with the same build and with a patent on it too."

I think they have a big problem to patent this. There is a ton of information freely available of OU devices already as open sourced. Just because a patent search doesn't spot anything they leave it up to the patent holder to argue the facts in court...at great expense of course the the patent holder going to lose. It only needs the info to be date validated as prior art and its game over!

SO it better be some technical detail that NO ONE has ever lay claim to before and i doubt that very much.  Open source public information IS prior art. As Kone said, back-end magnet biasing is public information for years, so is coil shorting, series cap tweaking, VARS for BEMF cancellation, resonance and tuning to scaler for ZPE and probably anything else they can think of.

Not to pass judgement here In this case i  will presume you SOLD the device to them thus the reason never to speak about it so they can patent it to recover their "investment". Must have been a tidy some of money as i know you turned down the first few offers. :) I am surprised you are still in the country Romero i would have packed up and left weeks ago.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 21, 2011, 12:51:37 AM
Quote from: wattsup on June 21, 2011, 12:01:21 AM

I ask the members of this forum a simple question: Do you guys want this kind of arguments on this particular thread? Yes or No.

I think I gave enough space for Hoppy, Wattsup and many others to criticize Romero just for the sake of argument. Repeating the same message is non-sense and disrespectful in my opinion.

What do you guys think?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 21, 2011, 12:58:05 AM
Quote from: plengo on June 21, 2011, 12:51:37 AM
I ask the members of this forum a simple question: Do you guys want this kind of arguments on this particular thread? Yes or No.

I think I gave enough space for Hoppy, Wattsup and many others to criticize Romero just for the sake of argument. Repeating the same message is non-sense and disrespectful in my opinion.

What do you guys think?


Some time ago it was decided this is a thread for replication and getting help from Romero. Why are we still letting people like Wattsup to act as if he is the one to be believed? He can always open up a new thread for unbelievers. Did we not agree?
Respectfully, I think he should be kicked out of this thread and placed somewhere else without having to read this constant unsubstantiated crap because he cannot see where the wires ended!  I want to learn and contribute something here and not have to listen to some persons wearing blinders on. Thank you.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 21, 2011, 01:12:27 AM
I would say that debunkers with SOLID PROOF can stay. But I only see speculation, not enough for me to lean to the dark side. ;]

Like Milehigh. He speculates. He does not know exactly what processes are happening just by looking at it, yet he beats and beats till he is on read only. Nobodys fault but his own for not having SOLID PROOF, yet fills page after page.

And thirdly, there is a reason for a moderator, and he should have a gavel. ;]  And asking others, as in a vote is very respectable.

I vote ban, on the basis of circumstantial evidence presented by persistent debunkers. no solid proof but a lot of crap to read. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: EMdevices on June 21, 2011, 01:21:42 AM

Your doing a good job moderating.  I personally don't like people repeating the same wimpy poorly thought out conclusions, but if they have something of substance by all means they should get a chance to ask it once and we'll decide.  Having said that, wattsup has not debated this enough with the rest before accusing romeroUK publicly and directly.  That I don't appreciate, and to make him feel heard, I'm trying to debate him right now over at OUR, but he ran over here to make trouble.   I'm just shaking my head, he's a good guy but too rash.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 21, 2011, 01:39:05 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 21, 2011, 12:33:44 AM
RUK said "I was interfering with others on the same project and we have a 'understanding'... if you look around you will probably find out soon who comes out with the same build and with a patent on it too."

I think they have a big problem to patent this. There is a ton of information freely available of OU devices already as open sourced. Just because a patent search doesn't spot anything they leave it up to the patent holder to argue the facts in court...at great expense of course the the patent holder going to lose. It only needs the info to be date validated as prior art and its game over!

SO it better be some technical detail that NO ONE has ever lay claim to before and i doubt that very much.  Open source public information IS prior art. As Kone said, back-end magnet biasing is public information for years, so is coil shorting, series cap tweaking, VARS for BEMF cancellation, resonance and tuning to scaler for ZPE and probably anything else they can think of.

Not to pass judgement here In this case i  will presume you SOLD the device to them thus the reason never to speak about it so they can patent it to recover their "investment". Must have been a tidy some of money as i know you turned down the first few offers. :) I am surprised you are still in the country Romero i would have packed up and left weeks ago.

Most of what you wrote about patents is generally true. Two of the most difficult issues of getting a patent granted is to satisfy the requirements of 35 U.S.C 103 (Unobviousness - including prior art) and then of course, 35 U.S.C 102 (Novelty). Notwithstanding the issues of costs (around $25K on average per patent) and the time - around 3 years or more.
Then push came to shove, the costs of defending the IP rights and if that meant going to court will cost an average of $1M per year in tech.  litigation costs. Technology patent fights average 3 to 5 years before a settlement is reached.

Good patents are truly worth their weight in gold. I myself hold half a dozen U.S patents and several more pending. I've also been through the entire scenario - even taking B$ companies to court and eventually settling out of court for > six figures. It's not for the faint of heart! Romero has been very kind in sharing his findings but I hope he will be able to patent his new findings and be rewarded for his hard work. Thanks Romero for showing the way.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 21, 2011, 01:41:44 AM
Quote from romerouk:
"People better keep quiet before someone will take this serious, we all know that the big guys are trying everything to stop all research towards any FE device."

The only power that MIB MFSOB's have against us is the power that we give them by shitting our pants and not full disclose our work. I bet there are a lot of lurkers here who try to steal others ideas an go to patent office thinking that they will make piles of money and be next Bill Gates. So that's the reason we will never see a full disclosure of a free energy device. Just think if anyone get free the know-how to build his own FE with off the shelf cheap components, what will happen ?? That will ruin the economy which is FAKE anyway.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 21, 2011, 02:08:06 AM
Quote from: plengo on June 21, 2011, 12:51:37 AM
I ask the members of this forum a simple question: Do you guys want this kind of arguments on this particular thread? Yes or No.

I think I gave enough space for Hoppy, Wattsup and many others to criticize Romero just for the sake of argument. Repeating the same message is non-sense and disrespectful in my opinion.

What do you guys think?



There is overwhelming evidence in this thread that this is real and Romerouk is not faking anything.  Sorry but some here seem to have an obsession with thinking all popular devices are being faked.  It is only disruptive to most here who want to learn and those who are learning a great deal.  The amount of sharing of info in this thread has been a real joy to have some of the best researchers here all joining in with so many great ideas.  This is what is going to get OU out into the world. 

    Don't let the darkside block this  ;)   (reference: Star Wars).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Poit on June 21, 2011, 02:33:45 AM
I don't know about the rest of you, but i'm following lasersabre's work closely :D ... that guy is a genius!! he deserves a tv show (like mythbusters, but only for inventions!)

Once lasersabre has finished his build and posts all the ins and outs to build it I will definitely build one my self!!

I can't give enough praise to lasersabre, pure genius in all respects...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 21, 2011, 03:13:58 AM
My take on this:
Steorn is involved.
There is much resemblance here despite nobody mentioned this earlier.
Second indication: GLaNZeR hasn't reported anomore although his rig is almost finished;
1) He has a close cooperation with Steorn.
2) Notice how he prioritized his modular tool box components over his RUK rig? He has made SKDB kits for Steorn earlier in fairly large quantities.

Regarding patenting:
Steorn probably has already PA's pending on the basic principles.
Despite others forum members here calling this is not patentable anymore due to the open source sharing:
1) There might already be PA's pending before RomeroUK openly shared his findings here.
2) There is plenty to patent on this left. Finetuning methods, variations on the theme, solid state versions (if there aren't already PA's pending on this already), you name it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Poit on June 21, 2011, 03:41:39 AM
personally i dont care for patents... if i can build it to run my house's electricity, what do i care about patents?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 03:41:48 AM
don't blame anyone as you don't know for sure and it is not fair, I can tell for sure now that is no connection at all with the Real Muller.

I have not seen the videos again but those 2 wires are going to the botom coil or from the lower coils to the controller.Again, I am so stupid to make a fake and go with the camera there to show it.
Where are those wires going in the suspended video?can you identify them?There are many other points that were recorded but people did't pay attention and ask why is that...
The new build what u see is just like a frame, the space in between the thin acrylic sheets will be filled making a big and solid coil holder, I need to wire all coils first as I will have no more access there after plastic filling.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 21, 2011, 03:45:36 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 03:41:48 AM
don't blame anyone as you don't know for sure and it is not fair, I can tell for sure now that is no connection at all with the Real Muller.

Where's the blame here? I am free to give my opinion.  This is a forum, right?
'Real Muller'? I mentioned Steorn, not Muller.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 04:04:19 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 21, 2011, 03:45:36 AM
Where's the blame here? I am free to give my opinion.  This is a forum, right?
'Real Muller'? I mentioned Steorn, not Muller.
I am not actually talking about blaming but some people here are confusing many times our opinions with blaming... our experiments with invitation to replicate and many other... as for me I think I allowed too much time  for this.
I will just alocate more time and finish what I started now, prove it, then close it forever.It is not worth it and distracts my attention from the real things I need to pay attention.I am out of the country for few days and I will not be able to do any work.

Have a nice day,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 21, 2011, 04:34:07 AM
My thoughts about Reply #3239 on: June 20, 2011, 11:19:11 PM
I have cnc router and 5-axis cnc mill. When anyone goes to any cnc shop, is it laser cut or what ever, he goes with drawing. Im not even close to IT man but I use different CAD programs ...  OK, you can go to cnc shop and just tell him and ask what you need, they make the draw by your wishes but draftsman can not make this kind of fault - centre not in centre - also CNC machine does not make cuch kind of faults. CAD to CAM also never move centre. When centre was not in centre then whos responsible?  How I can make the drawing wheres centre is not in centre? Is it possible that what ever place what names itself as CNC shop is even able to make this kind of fault?  You like you can delite my thoughts, are just one small piece of mosaic, like part of chinese puzzle where all tiny parts and details changes by time ::)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 04:44:04 AM
Quote from: khabe on June 21, 2011, 04:34:07 AM
My thoughts about Reply #3239 on: June 20, 2011, 11:19:11 PM
I have cnc router and 5-axis cnc mill. When anyone goes to any cnc shop, is it laser cut or what ever, he goes with drawing. Im not even close to IT man but I use different CAD programs ...  OK, you can go to cnc shop and just tell him and ask what you need, they make the draw by your wishes but draftsman can not make this kind of fault - centre not in centre - also CNC machine does not make cuch kind of faults. CAD to CAM also never move centre. When centre was not in centre then whos responsible?  How I can make the drawing wheres centre is not in centre? Is it possible that what ever place what names itself as CNC shop is even able to make this kind of fault?  You like you can delite my thoughts, are just one small piece of mosaic, like part of chinese puzzle where all tiny parts and details changes by time ::)
in my case I sent the drawings made with autodesk inventor.You cannot do mistakes with alignment in this program.I used the same program and printed on a paper then glued the paper on the acrylic sheet then used the router to cut it. No problems, it worked perfect but more work to be done.
I'll love to have a cnc machine but first I have not enough space here and secondly it is quite expensive for few cuts every now and then.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 21, 2011, 05:06:21 AM
here's new test rig in link below made especially to check out the trick of magnets behind tthe cores- I built two of these identical, and hope to loop via running one into other and vice versa...
its 5 coils vs 4 magnets...note the coils inside pvc tubes - it makes them mount to plate very strong. Coils are 16 strand  36GA very thin litz wire 96ft lengths
Wire is motor-rated and heavy build to the varnish...no twisting,  also layer of teflon plumbing tape over each layer wond onto ferrite core...
This motor goes about 3500rpm, with no loading, at draw of 200ma and 24V with helper regauging magnet behind the single motor coil's core. It draws 400ma without that magnet so the helper magnet really helps as that is its name..real term I think is regauging magnet since it regauages the core.....
havent got them on backsides of generator coils yet.
Crowbarring one generator coil with ammeter straight across makes 3.5A in AC on meter as quick test (motor slows and no voltage this but thats approx max amps) ...and each coil does 27VAC maximum volts with no load on coil rectified into DC cap...so figure about half the amps and half the volts when resistive loaded....making thes not go up in draw when loading is what it is all about for OU.... If the rotor speeds up with the loading, then its a looper eh...
going to try stringing all coils in series on one plate see what happens when they get shorted at the conglomeration of peaks all out of phase... also going to rectify each like Romero did, and run them series-cancaliiing in facing-pairs and throw in bolts AC cap in series test to try out the generator coil helping/regauaging magnet behind gencoils soon that is what I really want to see work...
here is the link to page on my site with pics:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 21, 2011, 05:17:58 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 04:04:19 AM
I am not actually talking about blaming but some people here are confusing many times our opinions with blaming... our experiments with invitation to replicate and many other... as for me I think I allowed too much time  for this.

Look RomeroUk, you started the speculations yourself, e.g. by mentioning two forum members that have witnessed your setup. I hope you realized in time that any home visits without having an NDA in place will harm future claims.

Don't get me wrong, I respect what you're doing, and meanwhile I have enough insights and own results to continue investing in this.
I have stopped publishing here for my own reasons, mainly because this thread is the playing field of only hardware replications.
There's more to this than only hardware replicaton to take this a few steps further.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 21, 2011, 06:14:49 AM
I think it is a pity that people discover something and then won't tell how they did it. I thought that that was where it is all about in this forum. I understand that it takes lot's of time and money to experiment so why can't we work as a team and share everything so we can move on making it better. This shit is going on for ages and people are just to selfish I guess :(

If I ever make a selfrunner I will put every detail on paper and share it with everybody. I don't care how many time or money it cost me. I don't care if people understand it, they can understand it later. What is the point of showing a video of a selfrunner and then don't tell how you did it?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 06:20:21 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 21, 2011, 05:17:58 AM
Look RomeroUk, you started the speculations yourself, e.g. by mentioning two forum members that have witnessed your setup.
I am just taking part in that puzzle.

Don't get me wrong, I respect what you're doing, and meanwhile I have enough insights and own results to continue investing in this.
I have stopped publishing here for my own reasons, mainly because this thread is the playing field of only hardware replications.
There's more to it than only hardware replicaton.

I said that two forum members  knows the complete story about what happend and only one member here saw it working. He also have a detailed video and if he wants I have no problem if he will post it.
At that time many friends came to my birthday and saw it running for hours while we made the barbecue, the table was used for the food and the unit sat down on the grass.
People will have all info in a patent that will eventually be accepted but as usual the patents will not reveal everything.

'There's more to it than only hardware replication.'  - that is 1000% correct!

excellent job, I am confident you can show things in a different fashion.

Best Regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 07:05:30 AM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 21, 2011, 06:14:49 AM
I think it is a pity that people discover something and then won't tell how they did it. I thought that that was where it is all about in this forum. I understand that it takes lot's of time and money to experiment so why can't we work as a team and share everything so we can move on making it better. This shit is going on for ages and people are just to selfish I guess :(

If I ever make a selfrunner I will put every detail on paper and share it with everybody. I don't care how many time or money it cost me. I don't care if people understand it, they can understand it later. What is the point of showing a video of a selfrunner and then don't tell how you did it?
  It is not about money spent but more.We will always find people saying that it is not possible to build something like this and I understand them fully.One of the friends who saw it working (science teacher) still believes that it is not possible and must be a trick, power lines, even if I don't have any arround my house.
This is not free energy, we call it free because we don't pay for it but there is always a source.
We transfer energy from different mediums and it is not to be considered as a perpetum mobile because it's not. We still need to maintain and change different parts from time to time.

Some time ago I said that I might start building small self running devices, like a small rotor that runs itself and sell them to the people for a small price.I am more and more thinking how to do that to sell it but keep the idea covered.Again, this is different than my ex Muller device.
I am sure many of you are looking to have something like that and after first 2-3 buyers you will all know if it was real or not.If I can protect it somehow I will send first one free to Stefan, the ou.com administrator.
Another problem is that in a small toy device is no place for any error and  makes it more difficult to build.This is not a promise but I will try my best.
Magnacoaster is trying for years now to release their machines but one of the problem is also how to cover the setup and make it not easy to replicate.The moment one device goes to the market then most of the sells are going to stop because people can replicateand all money spent will never be recovered.
When you look at Magnacoster setup and see the size of the coils and the claim that you can get so many watts from them you will start laughing and say, oh yes, this is impossible.Is it?
Is Aviso device a fake? I don't think so.
Why are the patents refused for sensitive devices?
Obama stated that another financial Armaghedon will start if no more borowing by 2 August. In my opinion the financial world will colapse anyway and is no other chance but to allow to have new technology to the market and spend less for the energy.That will be a good start.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on June 21, 2011, 07:07:09 AM
New video from flash001USA

Muller motor with actual test results.mp4

romerouk and all
This is not my video so don't shoot the messenger.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 21, 2011, 07:56:47 AM
i try to contribute how i can. Tried to start a thread for people that are confused by the size of this thread. Please feel free to criticize it so it can be improved : http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=11047.msg291952#msg291952
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 21, 2011, 08:01:31 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 06:20:21 AM
I said that two forum members  knows the complete story about what happend and only one member here saw it working. He also have a detailed video and if he wants I have no problem if he will post it.
At that time many friends came to my birthday and saw it running for hours while we made the barbecue, the table was used for the food and the unit sat down on the grass.
People will have all info in a patent that will eventually be accepted but as usual the patents will not reveal everything.

'There's more to it than only hardware replication.'  - that is 1000% correct!

excellent job, I am confident you can show things in a different fashion.

Best Regards,

Romero,  does mean you applied or someone else applied for a patent for your device?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 21, 2011, 08:02:03 AM
@RomeroUK : in case you mean you wish to recover YOUR investment and live a happy life while making the world for you and your children a better place. Then just put up a proper advertisement that this technology was further improved by you and you deserve to have the free time to further work on other devices. I myself would gladly pay / donate the price of the device even if i bought a 2cent chinese copy of it. This is how most of PC games survive, the quality of the outcome deserves the payment even if you played a cheap hacked copy of the game. Think out of the box just as you did until now. A smaller gain is better then no gain ;) ( trust a guy that makes living out of donation money :) )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Drak on June 21, 2011, 08:05:26 AM
QuoteI think it is a pity that people discover something and then won't tell how they did it. I thought that that was where it is all about in this forum. I understand that it takes lot's of time and money to experiment so why can't we work as a team and share everything so we can move on making it better. This shit is going on for ages and people are just to selfish I guess :(

If I ever make a selfrunner I will put every detail on paper and share it with everybody. I don't care how many time or money it cost me. I don't care if people understand it, they can understand it later. What is the point of showing a video of a selfrunner and then don't tell how you did it?

I agree 100% I can't wait until money no longer runs this world.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 21, 2011, 08:15:27 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 07:05:30 AM
  It is not about money spent but more.We will always find people saying that it is not possible to build something like this and I understand them fully.One of the friends who saw it working (science teacher) still believes that it is not possible and must be a trick, power lines, even if I don't have any arround my house.
This is not free energy, we call it free because we don't pay for it but there is always a source.
We transfer energy from different mediums and it is not to be considered as a perpetum mobile because it's not. We still need to maintain and change different parts from time to time.

Some time ago I said that I might start building small self running devices, like a small rotor that runs itself and sell them to the people for a small price.I am more and more thinking how to do that to sell it but keep the idea covered.Again, this is different than my ex Muller device.
I am sure many of you are looking to have something like that and after first 2-3 buyers you will all know if it was real or not.If I can protect it somehow I will send first one free to Stefan, the ou.com administrator.
Another problem is that in a small toy device is no place for any error and  makes it more difficult to build.This is not a promise but I will try my best.
Magnacoaster is trying for years now to release their machines but one of the problem is also how to cover the setup and make it not easy to replicate.The moment one device goes to the market then most of the sells are going to stop because people can replicateand all money spent will never be recovered.
When you look at Magnacoster setup and see the size of the coils and the claim that you can get so many watts from them you will start laughing and say, oh yes, this is impossible.Is it?
Is Aviso device a fake? I don't think so.
Why are the patents refused for sensitive devices?
Obama stated that another financial Armaghedon will start if no more borowing by 2 August. In my opinion the financial world will colapse anyway and is no other chance but to allow to have new technology to the market and spend less for the energy.That will be a good start.


You say it is not about money spend but more, what more? I am not saying that you faked it I really belief you and have great respect for you because of all the experiments you do, you are one of my hero's really. But why keep the idea covered? Why do I have to do all the experiments you did all over again and maybe end up with nothing, I really don't understand that, or is it about the money? Maybe you can explain why you want to keep the secret for yourself?

I don't care if people don't belief, that is their choice, I care for the people that do belief and trying everything to replicate the effect. You said it yourself that you need some luck on the way, why not share that.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 21, 2011, 08:56:37 AM
Ok guys. Few voted for NO, no more out of topic posts. No body voted for yes.

So let me repeat the goal of this thread: Replicate Romero's machine. Simple.

No more arguments about his belief or intentions or patents or if it is fake or not or anything not related to replication and experiments.


This is page 200+ and either I keep less space for non related issues or I will have to lock this thread and start a new one.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 09:02:42 AM
I am sorry but you got it wrong.I am not looking to make lots of money just to cover my costs and time.I cannot build or describe details about my previous setup as that does not belong to me and never did.
I am building a different large device and at the moment I am only dreaming to the results I can have.I have done all testing on small devices and that pushed me further.Having some LED's lit is not what I am looking for.I am just confident that I can do it based on my results.
If that new device will work as I want to, then I leave this country and go back home.
There I can do more with less pressure. In here we have to always think about money and never about our lifes and families.
Don't go to work for a while and you are like a dead person, bills still must be paid, mortgage,loans, food... I don't have any problems with that back home.
In UK are a lot of people comming from abroad asking for help and they get free house, free money, free travel, free school for their kids, free everything and are not even allowed to work, just sit and relax, there are plenty of stupid ones to work and pay tax for them.
Romanians and Bulgarians are considered like 'second hand' people and we are not alowed to any help and even the right to work here is restricted for us and we are EU citizens, we need special permit,...
Back home I don't have to worry about any of this and I am seeking a better life not lots of money.
I hope you all understand a bit more of what I am seeking, not the money, me and my family life is much more important.
Doing experiments yourself will always end up with something, never with nothing.

Romero again no more...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 21, 2011, 09:20:20 AM
Quote from: plengo on June 21, 2011, 08:56:37 AM
Ok guys. Few voted for NO, no more out of topic posts. No body voted for yes.

So let me repeat the goal of this thread: Replicate Romero's machine. Simple.

No more arguments about his belief or intentions or patents or if it is fake or not or anything not related to replication and experiments.


This is page 200+ and either I keep less space for non related issues or I will have to lock this thread and start a new one.


Fausto, I strongly object to deleting any post here, as RomeroUK expressed as well.
Every post I make here is done with a purpose and well thought through (well, at least most of them).

Check the forum rules first before deleting posts here.
You're violating those if you delete postings that violate your own rules but do comply with the forum rules.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Mr. M on June 21, 2011, 09:23:01 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 09:02:42 AM
In UK are a lot of people comming from abroad asking for help and they get free house, free money, free travel, free school for their kids, free everything and are not even allowed to work, just sit and relax, there are plenty of stupid ones to work and pay tax for them.

You got that half right, the bit where you say "and are not even allowed to work" should read "and are not even forced to work"

If it were up to me, they would be.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 21, 2011, 09:40:15 AM
hey Romero,

It was always your dream to come up with a device of your own and go back to Romania. Everyone should respect that.

On the other hand, regarding Muller machine, why not choose few or your like and teach them how to successfully replicate Muller device so as they in return teach others? What you say?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 21, 2011, 09:49:41 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 21, 2011, 09:20:20 AM
Fausto, I strongly object to deleting any post here, as RomeroUK expressed as well.
Every post I make here is done with a purpose and well thought through (well, at least most of them).

Check the forum rules first before deleting posts here.
You're violating those if you delete postings that violate your own rules but do comply with the forum rules.

Not true. The administrator of this site gave me the rights for this. I also posted many times to keep at focus and this thread is not for this discussions, THERE ARE APPROPRIATE THREADS CREATED FOR THAT NOT THIS ONE.

So I assume you like noise and confusion and clutter threads so that no one can follow?

The only reason I have not delete the last 2 pages is because Romero is giving his free time to answer so many vile arguments (I would not even bothered - I truly admire Romero for that).

There is a thread for debunking Romero's motor which I am also a moderator and I am not deleting anything there (unless requested by members). So why has to be on THIS THREAD those silly arguments?

Remember, I can still remove the last 2 or 3 pages into another thread if I decide to. The only reason I have not done that is because Romero himself is still willing to answer questions but if he tell me so it is done.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 21, 2011, 10:00:21 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 09:02:42 AM
I am sorry but you got it wrong.I am not looking to make lots of money just to cover my costs and time.I cannot build or describe details about my previous setup as that does not belong to me and never did.
I am building a different large device and at the moment I am only dreaming to the results I can have.I have done all testing on small devices and that pushed me further.Having some LED's lit is not what I am looking for.I am just confident that I can do it based on my results.
If that new device will work as I want to, then I leave this country and go back home.
There I can do more with less pressure. In here we have to always think about money and never about our lifes and families.
Don't go to work for a while and you are like a dead person, bills still must be paid, mortgage,loans, food... I don't have any problems with that back home.
In UK are a lot of people comming from abroad asking for help and they get free house, free money, free travel, free school for their kids, free everything and are not even allowed to work, just sit and relax, there are plenty of stupid ones to work and pay tax for them.
Romanians and Bulgarians are considered like 'second hand' people and we are not alowed to any help and even the right to work here is restricted for us and we are EU citizens, we need special permit,...
Back home I don't have to worry about any of this and I am seeking a better life not lots of money.
I hope you all understand a bit more of what I am seeking, not the money, me and my family life is much more important.
Doing experiments yourself will always end up with something, never with nothing.

Romero again no more...

That is really noble dream. Whatever your dream is i respect that. What i ment is that if you would be more open to help people replicate or at least give out more details for robot copy paste replicas some things might be progressing differently ( failure would mean even more trolling for sure, and most would learn nothing, but it would defenetly push out the technology faster to the ones that really need it ( not thinking about myself ) ). Most are simply afraid that this as many other wonderful technologies gets lost in paper work or some stupid non important detail ( see Rossi e-cat self destruct feature delay )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 21, 2011, 10:08:45 AM
Quote from: plengo on June 21, 2011, 09:49:41 AM
Not true. The administrator of this site gave me the rights for this. I also posted many times to keep at focus and this thread is not for this discussions, THERE ARE APPROPRIATE THREADS CREATED FOR THAT NOT THIS ONE.

So I assume you like noise and confusion and clutter threads so that no one can follow?

The only reason I have not delete the last 2 pages is because Romero is giving his free time to answer so many vile arguments (I would not even bothered - I truly admire Romero for that).

There is a thread for debunking Romero's motor which I am also a moderator and I am not deleting anything there (unless requested by members). So why has to be on THIS THREAD those silly arguments?

Remember, I can still remove the last 2 or 3 pages into another thread if I decide to. The only reason I have not done that is because Romero himself is still willing to answer questions but if he tell me so it is done.


Extremely difficult situation you have right now i understand BUT Romero is coming out with VERY IMPORTANT information about the politics of his device and his research.  What we learn now may or may not effect the replications its critical information that helps us understand more about the technology.  OK you say start another thread but already there are 20 other small fragment threads and this is the main one to get SOURCE information from Romero so no one misses it.  When he has gone we can get back to concentrating on replications but until then while he is  here then Romero is the Director of information flow because after all its his device people are trying to replicate!  But he has answered about the "fake wires" so Romero  has responded so i agree if people keep on attacking this point those posts need to be removed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 21, 2011, 10:17:33 AM

thank you bolt for understanding too. I am with you on this one. What Romero has answered it is very relevant to his motor and replications besides it does show his character (a good one I would say) which is important in profiling the mental and mind logic of an inventor and the circumstances of the political environment we live in.

BTW, I do not recollect Romero EVER saying that the MIBs approached him. I remember he said that someone went to his place at work which is a totally different thing.

Those raising the issue that the MIB story if far fetched miss that one point.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 21, 2011, 10:28:01 AM
Romero you said "I cannot build or describe details about my previous setup as that does not belong to me and never did."

Can you clarify this please? So the device may not belong to you now i understand that  gone is gone but then you said "and never did"?? So you are talking about IP rights and patents? So i presume the device already has patents in part or IP rights to the technology so when you did your demo you had a little reminder to let you know in effect you was trespassing? Have i got this right?

Did you knowingly use others IP rights or was this a genuine mistake?

You see if you explained weeks ago this it will prevent other people making the same mistakes and look for alternative solutions which is clear why you are now taking a completely  different approach on your new builds. It also resolves a lot of speculation and issues people couldn't explain. Oh and also you can be dead sure that some people here only want to replicate it so they can run off to the patent office. Well they are in for  shock then would you say?  On the flip side if the technology is already "owned" it gives serious credibility to the device as 100% real even for those that had any doubts.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 10:40:28 AM
I would not delete any posts and leave them as they are, there will be a time when things will completely change and we don't need to remove or hate the people talking against our builds, most of them have good intentions but did not understand it yet.
Regarding this replication, I can see things better than anyone and at least 2 people are on the right spot, realised that and stopped anymore info.I know that one of them will release all info once he is very sure about the results.
In the end I am not the moderator but I will only remove posts where people are using very bad or nasty words.
Just start another tread and lock this one, people should still be able to go back and read all posts if they wish.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 11:04:16 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 21, 2011, 10:28:01 AM
Romero you said "I cannot build or describe details about my previous setup as that does not belong to me and never did."

Can you clarify this please? So the device may not belong to you now i understand that  gone is gone but then you said "and never did"?? So you are talking about IP rights and patents? So i presume the device already has patents in part or IP rights to the technology so when you did your demo you had a little reminder to let you know in effect you was trespassing? Have i got this right?

Did you knowingly use others IP rights or was this a genuine mistake?

You see if you explained weeks ago this it will prevent other people making the same mistakes and look for alternative solutions which is clear why you are now taking a completely  different approach on your new builds. It also resolves a lot of speculation and issues people couldn't explain. Oh and also you can be dead sure that some people here only want to replicate it so they can run off to the patent office. Well they are in for  shock then would you say?  On the flip side if the technology is already "owned" it gives serious credibility to the device as 100% real even for those that had any doubts.
I would love to clarify many things and shut off all this questions but I am not in the position to do it.
I have made a big mistake without any intention and that turned back to me, but this is life, we all do mistakes, now is done and must move on.
At the begining I had no ideea what is happening and I was scared to dead, cannot explain that, many are brave and laughing, I am not. Since then I had more understanding, talked to some people and understood what is all about.
Is a chain where everyone has pressure fom the other one and I got in the chain without having any ideea.That time I was making arangements for Stefan to come here from  Germany and see it working or I go there. I had this discussions privately but somwhere was a leak and russhed things up.Then we had Baroutologos who made a big mistake and that was all. Baroutologos was in private discussions with me for a long time and we exchanged info and talked about many things. I know he had no intention to do any harm but when he realised was too late.
There are so many patents that have full details and still not replicated by anyone.
We all tried at one point the simple adams motor/generator but I cannot see anyone saying that could make that one OU even if is stated as a lot of COP, should be easy, there are not too many components and still I cannot see any video anywhere.

All the best,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 21, 2011, 11:08:25 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 10:40:28 AM
I would not delete any posts and leave them as they are, there will be a time when things will completely change and we don't need to remove or hate the people talking against our builds, most of them have good intentions but did not understand it yet.
Regarding this replication, I can see things better than anyone and at least 2 people are on the right spot, realised that and stopped anymore info.I know that one of them will release all info once he is very sure about the results.
In the end I am not the moderator but I will only remove posts where people are using very bad or nasty words.
Just start another tread and lock this one, people should still be able to go back and read all posts if they wish.

Thank you Romero for this advice. I will accept it and hopefully the members will not abuse it. I will only remove from now on the irrelevant posts and rude ones.

Relevant in my opinion are subjects related to your motor, experiments, replications and possibly (with limited scope) political issues related to the history of your work. Please just correct me if you don't agree with those terms or would like to expand on it.

Off course, at the request of members (report to moderator link) I will consider removing offending posts.

Just as an example: if someone post about religion or about how they think this is a fake without any real proof, or talk about his/her concerns of the "new world order" I will delete it.

If anyone disagrees with that, please say now or be quiet for ever.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on June 21, 2011, 11:10:25 AM

I am new to this forum, although an old reader of this forum. I value all the contributions by the members of this forum, especially those by Bolt and EMdevices. I would like to ask a simple question about an observation I made, when I watched the first video by Romero (not self-running). I do not understand the strange behaviour of the battery and would appreciate a help from EMdevices or Bolt or any other member, if appropriate. My observation is as follows: There are two digital multimeters connected to the input. One measures the voltage on the battery and the other measures the total current going into the device. When the device reaches a steady state, without load, the input current is 0.94 A and the battery voltage is measured  at 12.59 V. When the load is connected, soon after, the current consumption decreases to 0.92 A. With the decreased  current draw from the battery, the voltage on the battery should go up (less current draw should result in a smaller voltage drop across the internal resistance and the terminal voltage of the battery should increase) . However, in the video, lower current consumption under load results in voltage drop on battery terminals to 12.28 - 12.30 V. When the load is disconnected, the current draw increases again, but the voltage does not drop, as it normally should, it increases.  Is there a logical explanation to this battery behaviour in this circuit?  Thank you for your contributions.

Best regards to All,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinu on June 21, 2011, 12:51:17 PM

Could at least disclose the fuel of your motor? What does it use that one has to periodically replace (besides normal tearing parts etc) for producing the output power?
and a second question
How do you understand/explain the absolute no-change in RPM when loaded? (I’m asking because such behavior is equivalent with infinite COP)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 21, 2011, 12:54:05 PM
Well, remember that is a battery.From witch is sucked curent. The diference is 0,02V. Maybe that voltage went in runing the device.Or maybe not.

Now I would like to understand the strange behaviour of the device that occures when dead shorting the output.Mine behaves the same. Can anyone explain what realy happens?

Thank you.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 21, 2011, 01:12:06 PM
Hi Folks,

To let up for a couple min after you have been hunched over that motor for hours, take a break and watch this video on YouTube.


It is the marvelous Turbo Encabulator....

Back to Work......

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 21, 2011, 01:17:38 PM
Quote from: tinu on June 21, 2011, 12:51:17 PM

Could at least disclose the fuel of your motor? What does it use that one has to periodically replace (besides normal tearing parts etc) for producing the output power?
and a second question
How do you understand/explain the absolute no-change in RPM when loaded? (I’m asking because such behavior is equivalent with infinite COP)

fuel? no conventional fuel it uses the ambient electron spin energy or zero point energy or anything else you want to call it.

RPM goes UP when loaded but  regulated by the DC to DC inverter otherwise it could pump more volts into the dump cap than the system can handle and start blowing things so it acts a governor.

Not anyway suggested of infinite COP. System has i/p power requirements and an o/p load so COP = o/p / i/p minus losses but it could be said once looped no energy as required by us to perform work thus alike a  solar system can be described as infinite as the sun is free but the energy comes from "somewhere"

You can check the  efficiency  of the system prior to looping. Example lets say we need 8  watts i/p and the o/p = 24 watts COP = 3 but to loop it 8 watts of the 24 must be returned back to cover the i/p leaves a nett  16 watts MINUS any losses in the return path could be say 2 watts lost. = 14 watts to power a lamp. Now you can see just because this is looped it cannot power more than 14 watts

So on you can see  a system of GAIN and a system of LOSS.  The trick is to have GAINS which cover the losses. Think about more efficient ways of converting the losses to gains rather than just pumping extra volts back to the battery.  How about the our i/p load is in SERIES with the supply what will this do when you demand more o/p power? If the battery is 12v and the coils put out just 4 volts now we have a total of 16 volts:)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on June 21, 2011, 01:17:47 PM
@ Romerouk: If you ever think to come back home, keep in mind that I have access to laser cutting, lathing, milling and CNC machines for pennies an I can build for you any part you want. Unfortunately I do not have enough time to continue research and finish my muller replica. If you will make a public demonstration, I like to join and I will ride like hell my bike all 2200 km from my home to London. ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinu on June 21, 2011, 01:27:47 PM
Oh boy, there is more than one Romero on this site?!  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on June 21, 2011, 01:57:23 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 21, 2011, 01:12:06 PM
Hi Folks,

To let up for a couple min after you have been hunched over that motor for hours, take a break and watch this video on YouTube.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLDgQg6bq7o (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLDgQg6bq7o)

It is the marvelous Turbo Encabulator....

Back to Work......


;D That is a great classic, nice one Ben.
Here is a more recent one on how the Beaufort scale was invented for measuring wind
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpcAd__qHP0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpcAd__qHP0)[/]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Barab on June 21, 2011, 02:08:40 PM
As a former US Patent Examiner, I can tell you that no patent application would even be looked at that hinted at OU, unless the device was brought in and demonstrated to work as described.  So, if Romero is saying there is a patent out there for this device then either it has been shown to work in a demo to the patent office, or the device was not claimed to put out more energy than the input requires.  If no demo has been done, and if Romero is so inclined, he could therefor patent the device with a successful demo, because a self running motor would be a new and unexpected result.  But, if I remember correctly, only up to one year after it is public knowledge can it be patented.  Not sure about other countries patent law though.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 21, 2011, 02:32:28 PM
Quote from: Barab on June 21, 2011, 02:08:40 PM
As a former US Patent Examiner, I can tell you that no patent application would even be looked at that hinted at OU, unless the device was brought in and demonstrated to work as described.  So, if Romero is saying there is a patent out there for this device then either it has been shown to work in a demo to the patent office, or the device was not claimed to put out more energy than the input requires.  If no demo has been done, and if Romero is so inclined, he could therefor patent the device with a successful demo, because a self running motor would be a new and unexpected result.  But, if I remember correctly, only up to one year after it is public knowledge can it be patented.  Not sure about other countries patent law though.

@ Barab
Yes, the one year public show or publication still applies today. It can still be patent-able if the claims are not written like a perpetual motion machine but rather as a energy transformation system with specific structures working together to create the energy transformation even though the combination of prior art may seem to work against it. Also, patenting in other Paris Convention or Asian countries maybe a better possibility.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on June 21, 2011, 02:45:25 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on June 21, 2011, 03:13:58 AM
My take on this:
Steorn is involved.
There is much resemblance here despite nobody mentioned this earlier.
Second indication: GLaNZeR hasn't reported anomore although his rig is almost finished;
1) He has a close cooperation with Steorn.
2) Notice how he prioritized his modular tool box components over his RUK rig? He has made SKDB kits for Steorn earlier in fairly large quantities.

Bloody hell you got a good imagination.

The Muller replication came around the same time as the launch of the Modular Rig System. The Modular Rig System was designed before the the Muller Replication was even started.

I did not realise the response so going to be so big on the Modular Rig System and we have had to stop taking orders, due to just not enough time.

As most people know I get 2 days back home each week to play with this stuff and this weekend just gone was spent drilling holes in bases. It was also winding the new coils with correct 7x0.125 stranded wire, while the machine was running.

I posted energy plots from using coils with the 7 x 0.250 wire and straight away got critised for not using correct coils, even though I pointed out it was just for testing the rig and out of curiosity.
So the next tests will be with the same coils as Romero used.

But it will be on my time line and when I get time. I do not get over excited these days on replications, done too many. So no rush and it will wait, I will come to my own conclusion and take it from there.

Also I have all the cores/wires and components arrive a couple of weeks ago to replicate Dr. Steven E. Jones' circuit and the X8 OU claim.
This interests me and looking forward to playing with this one, but again it will have to wait.

As far as Steorn, they have not even had contact with most of the SKDB for 3 months, so no idea what they are upto and not really that interested these days, if honest.
Certainly not working with them and never had. The E-Orbo test rigs were made for members of the SKDB and I did not charge a penny or take a penny from Steorn. Others supplied parts for those Rigs in the SKDB also, so a joint effort.

Now I have finished justifying myself to yet another stranger, I will get back to doing other stuff :)

Some guys just love any conspiracy theory!



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: giantkiller on June 21, 2011, 02:49:26 PM
No more 'Side fumbling' here...
The frequency and severity of Coronal Mass Ejections are increasing.
http://www.spaceweather.com/ (http://www.spaceweather.com/)

So you think you have the time to procrastinate for financial recovery? Think again my friends... These things we strive for are very temporary. I don't think a free energy device is of much use inside a microwave oven.

In a coil switching off, the key is to pulse again at the 75% mark up from the bottom of the spike thereby pushing the collapse into the coil to promote a positive upsurge. This leads to resonant rise energy formation. This can be done with a rotorized device also. This is what is on the scope.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 21, 2011, 02:49:53 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on June 21, 2011, 02:45:25 PM
Bloody hell you got a good imagination.

The Muller replication came around the same time as the launch of the Modular Rig System. The Modular Rig System was designed before the the Muller Replication was even started.

I did not realise the response so going to be so big on the Modular Rig System and we have had to stop taking orders, due to just not enough time.

As most people know I get 2 days back home each week to play with this stuff and this weekend just gone was spent drilling holes in bases. It was also winding the new coils with correct 7x0.125 stranded wire, while the machine was running.

I posted energy plots from using coils with the 7 x 0.250 wire and straight away got critised for not using correct coils, even though I pointed out it was just for testing the rig and out of curiosity.
So the next tests will be with the same coils as Romero used.

But it will be on my time line and when I get time. I do not get over excited these days on replications, done too many. So no rush and it will wait, I will come to my own conclusion and take it from there.

Also I have all the cores/wires and components arrive a couple of weeks ago to replicate Dr. Steven E. Jones' circuit and the X8 OU claim.
This interests me and looking forward to playing with this one, but again it will have to wait.

As far as Steorn, they have not even had contact with most of the SKDB for 3 months, so no idea what they are upto and not really that interested these days, if honest.
Certainly not working with them and never had. The E-Orbo test rigs were made for members of the SKDB and I did not charge a penny or take a penny from Steorn. Others supplied parts for those Rigs in the SKDB also, so a joint effort.

Now I have finished justifying myself to yet another stranger, I will get back to doing other stuff :)

Some guys just love any conspiracy theory!



Sometimes one has to provoke a bit to eliminate possibilities.
Thanks GLaNZeR for the quick response.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 21, 2011, 03:28:16 PM
Quote from: giantkiller on June 21, 2011, 02:49:26 PM
No more 'Side fumbling' here...
The frequency and severity of Coronal Mass Ejections are increasing.

So you think you have the time to procrastinate for financial recovery? Think again my friends... These things we strive for are very temporary. I don't think a free energy device is of much use inside a microwave oven.

In a coil switching off, the key is to pulse again at the 75% mark up from the bottom of the spike thereby pushing the collapse into the coil to promote a positive upsurge. This leads to resonant rise energy formation. This can be done with a rotorized device also. This is what is on the scope.

it was well predicted that these eruption swill increase even further in the upcomming years. This is a well known cycle in our sun life. We lived these cycles more then once..with luck we will spend more time near campfires :D
Not sure how that coil shorting poped in but sure sounds interesting enough.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on June 21, 2011, 03:55:01 PM
I've got a simple setup to play with, as RomeroUK suggested for a start. Right now I am controlling it using a micro controller ArduinoUNO. I have implemented driver coil pulsing with precision timing so my current draw is stable. I measure the RPM with a small LCD timer/counter counting the impulses from the Hall sensor, triggered by tiny magnets underneath the rotor plate. I have been doing coil shorting for quite some time but no matter what I do I can't get the rotor to speed up. I have tried many positions on the sine wave and different coil short times with no luck (although my little neon is blinking nicely)... My generator coils are bifilar in series and 2 of them again in series (10 mH, 2 Ohms each). My rotor is all north poles. I also have biasing magnets at the cores' back sides on all three coils in bucking mode - north facing north (not on the photo yet). I haven't managed to do the trick the other way with a AC capacitor in series either. I have only one channel scope maybe this is my problem...
Can my setup work with an AC cap in series at all?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on June 21, 2011, 03:58:04 PM
Quote from: CLaNZeR on June 21, 2011, 02:45:25 PM
I did not realise the response so going to be so big on the Modular Rig System and we have had to stop taking orders, due to just not enough time.

Also I have all the cores/wires and components arrive a couple of weeks ago to replicate Dr. Steven E. Jones' circuit and the X8 OU claim.
This interests me and looking forward to playing with this one, but again it will have to wait.


First, thank you Sean for working on that circuit (this is Dr. Jones) -- as you have time.  Nul-pts and Xee2 and ChrisC and a few others have done some great work along these lines already...

OK -- this discussion about how to make a decent "return on investment" was raised again today by Romero, with a solution embedded in the response by Sean above:
QuoteI did not realise the response so going to be so big on the Modular Rig System and we have had to stop taking orders, due to just not enough time.

So there is a huge demand -- not surprising really -- for a system that will allow for testing, as Gyula said:
This is a very good idea,  looks like a Lego set for free energy tinkerers...  :)

  If you could do something along these lines with your latest non-Muller device, Romero, many would be willing to buy a "Lego set" and put it together...

   I think Konehead (Doug) could also do this with his "OU pulse motor".
Ideal to start with an existing motor + generator and tell us how to modify it as you have done.

   My interest is personally not in making a lot of money on electrodynamic energy research, but rather in helping these devices to reach families and communities throughout the world, while preventing BigOyl from stomping or controlling the new energy source.  (Or even some smaller corporation that stomps on inventors because they want to "protect their patent;" either of the above may have happened to friend Romero.)

   The answer, IMHO, is to do as Sean is doing... "Lego sets" for us nerds who want to build and at the same time make a little money in our local areas while working towards independence from grid/greed.  A royalty would go to the "Lego set" provider via signed agreement on purchase of a Lego set (e.g. with Sean or Konzen or Romero) for each unit built and sold locally.   

The idea is to get the idea out quickly with local "businesses" building the units in non-centralized fashion; with royalties going back to the inventors. OK, signed honor-system, but I think this is better than expecting big gov't to protect your patent from BigOyl etc..

If centralized power is the problem, then independent off-grid families and communities are the answer...

"Revenge of the Nerds"!    ;)

How's that sound?

PS -- I would forget about the 3-year patent procedure followed by more years of fighting down the attempts to steal it from you...  Gov't may stomp on you right away, saying your invention is a "national security" matter, as now some Gov'ts evidently seek to protect the profits of Big Global Corps and Banks. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 21, 2011, 04:30:51 PM
its the frequency and resonance
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 21, 2011, 04:47:11 PM
@JouleSeeker: i mostly agree with the aproach, however money bends people. WIth great power comes great fear to loose it. Unless the world will find an inventor that is willing to explain an invention just because he realizes that he goes to a hospital when sick, send he's kids to school ( long list )and if those people are not well then he gets back trash no matter how much money he has, the power of fear will be stronger and the invention will get lost in time ( yes, rarely anyone manages to reproduce these magical effects )
Just try to think about tesla, he will never die from our memory. How many rich people can say that ? Is the fear really worth it ?

Yes, spreading the word is the solution to get rid of the fear, the fear is spread out when you shear the knowledge. Don't fear the tomorrow cause it already looks brighter due to your contribution. In one way of another it will come back to you.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on June 21, 2011, 04:55:46 PM
Quote from: Tudi on June 21, 2011, 04:47:11 PM
@JouleSeeker: i mostly agree with the aproach, however money bends people. WIth great power comes great fear to loose it. Unless the world will find an inventor that is willing to explain an invention ... [snip]
Just try to think about tesla, he will never die from our memory. How many rich people can say that ? Is the fear really worth it ?

Yes, spreading the word is the solution to get rid of the fear, the fear is spread out when you shear the knowledge. Don't fear the tomorrow cause it already looks brighter due to your contribution. In one way of another it will come back to you.

Ironic, isn't it -- the rich fear that some inventor will come along and undercut their empire.  Then, we the inventors should band together and NOT fear. 

"EMPOWER the people", quite literally is a great goal.  (Not empower the super-wealthy.)
Yes, I think we stand poised on the shore of a great new ocean of energy -- IF we can pull together, build these devices in communities all over the world, and empower the people around us.
  It's a dream, a tsunami of new energy arises rather suddenly around the earth...local springs of pure water --  giving life, freedom and empowerment to the people.

(OK, now back to weeding my garden ;) )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 21, 2011, 05:50:52 PM
I like the idea of a "Lego set" .

However, my idea would be that the inventor sends (for a pre-determined donation amount) :
* A small working device that will allow a realistic demonstration of the effect.
* A complete document explaining exactly what makes the device perform, and all the theory that can then be applied to other experiments and larger devices.
* The password to a secured forum where all donators can discuss the device and propose / experiment new improvements.

I think that this would insure a constant monetary revenue to the inventor, while allowing controlled dissemination of the knowledge.
And all the expenses and hassles of a patent are avoided.

What do you think ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 21, 2011, 05:56:45 PM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on June 21, 2011, 03:55:01 PM
I've got a simple setup to play with, as RomeroUK suggested for a start. Right now I am controlling it using a micro controller ArduinoUNO. I have implemented driver coil pulsing with precision timing so my current draw is stable. I measure the RPM with a small LCD timer/counter counting the impulses from the Hall sensor, triggered by tiny magnets underneath the rotor plate. I have been doing coil shorting for quite some time but no matter what I do I can't get the rotor to speed up. I have tried many positions on the sine wave and different coil short times with no luck (although my little neon is blinking nicely)... My generator coils are bifilar in series and 2 of them again in series (10 mH, 2 Ohms each). My rotor is all north poles. I also have biasing magnets at the cores' back sides on all three coils in bucking mode - north facing north (not on the photo yet). I haven't managed to do the trick the other way with a AC capacitor in series either. I have only one channel scope maybe this is my problem...
Can my setup work with an AC cap in series at all?

i don't know your exact set-up but i would start off with ONE generator coil. You don't have an opposing coil like a Muller rotor so your coil null effect to cancel the BEMF all has to be done on the one coil. I suggest you look at winding in bifilar then crossing over the ends exactly like a joule thief winding then short the opposite 2 wires together. If you don't understand this go to joule thief coil construction. If your coil is correctly made you should have no o/p from it as the flux induction is made null. Then you are ready to try series cap.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 21, 2011, 06:49:30 PM
Quote from: Barab on June 21, 2011, 02:08:40 PM
As a former US Patent Examiner, I can tell you that no patent application would even be looked at that hinted at OU, unless the device was brought in and demonstrated to work as described.  So, if Romero is saying there is a patent out there for this device then either it has been shown to work in a demo to the patent office, or the device was not claimed to put out more energy than the input requires.  If no demo has been done, and if Romero is so inclined, he could therefor patent the device with a successful demo, because a self running motor would be a new and unexpected result.  But, if I remember correctly, only up to one year after it is public knowledge can it be patented.  Not sure about other countries patent law though.

Well, if so, how do you explain the SAWS document at the US Patent Office website?  Doesnt sound like you might walk out the doors empty handed. Who knows, maybe empty minded.  =0

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 21, 2011, 06:59:25 PM
Hi bolt:
   Thank you very much to help you copy RomeroUK device, And your help is very valuable to everyone.
   However: many of my friends in English is not good, Not well understood your help,
   So: very much hope that you can use to indicate picture, So that we can fully understand your help.

Thank you for all the help!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: giantkiller on June 21, 2011, 07:13:17 PM
I would definately buy a unit.

Quote from: altair on June 21, 2011, 05:50:52 PM
I like the idea of a "Lego set" .

However, my idea would be that the inventor sends (for a pre-determined donation amount) :
* A small working device that will allow a realistic demonstration of the effect.
* A complete document explaining exactly what makes the device perform, and all the theory that can then be applied to other experiments and larger devices.
* The password to a secured forum where all donators can discuss the device and propose / experiment new improvements.

I think that this would insure a constant monetary revenue to the inventor, while allowing controlled dissemination of the knowledge.
And all the expenses and hassles of a patent are avoided.

What do you think ?



And all spelled out : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70E0Q_pCB-4&feature=player_embedded#at=145
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hope on June 21, 2011, 07:41:29 PM
I want some feedback on this mod I am suggesting.   If the iron cores are changed to core rods with slots for a screwdriver then the coils could be adjusted instead of messing with set distances from the rotor plate.  Then it will be only a matter of calibrating the outputs of each coil to be delta zero's of each other.  I have done a lot of calibration alignments over the years and see this as a method of tuning this application quickly and reproducibility.  I am talking about the original Romero/Muller machine not any others, though this method will work for the others as well.  Thank you all.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on June 21, 2011, 08:00:51 PM
Quote from: altair on June 21, 2011, 05:50:52 PM
I like the idea of a "Lego set" .

However, my idea would be that the inventor sends (for a pre-determined donation amount) :
* A small working device that will allow a realistic demonstration of the effect.
* A complete document explaining exactly what makes the device perform, and all the theory that can then be applied to other experiments and larger devices.
* The password to a secured forum where all donators can discuss the device and propose / experiment new improvements.

I think that this would insure a constant monetary revenue to the inventor, while allowing controlled dissemination of the knowledge.
And all the expenses and hassles of a patent are avoided.
What do you think ?

I agree as well, with the expectation that on this private forum, a small 'company" would be organized to encourage "associates" of the inventor to build or disseminate power units locally, to encourage the RAPID spread of the devices to homes and communities.
Also, the "private forum" would need to be VERY private; there are ways to do this -- should the inventor choose such a strategy. 
Again -- the idea is DE-centralization of the building and dissemination, so that it can "go viral".  Thanks -- Steven J

@Romero -- would you rather not have your new device called a "Muller device"?
If this is the case, what would you call it?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on June 21, 2011, 08:14:44 PM
There is way to much serious and not enough enjoyment once you lose the enjoyment it is no longer a hobby it is a job. Just remember perception is up to the individual everyone has there own way of distorting reality .... What one perceives as a good thing another could say is a bad thing.

To me I wish RomeroUK  would quit worrying so much about being bullied and just spit out some good concrete leads if he don't want to deal with the device send it to me I'll take the flack for it if there is any fear of whatever it might be and I'll say it is my replication to take all the heat off of him.

Really just continuing to post tells me he still wants to help but is choosing not to for whatever reason please realize there is no reason to fear anything unless you are under some NDA or something even then for something this big I'd probably think twice about not passing the info along through some type of private channel or something to ensure it was made public domain there are people dying everyday due to oil and starvation and inability to have electricity or properly treated water I would be an even bigger criminal if I did not share such info in my book.

As for the fellow who was digging on Clanzer I think you better keep yourself in check. This guy has went out of his way and bent over backwards for the community and tossed a shit ton of time and money into the quest for free energy so you can sit back and play armchair quarterback with the rest of us. This is a dead good example of what I mean about people and there distortion of reality.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 21, 2011, 08:26:27 PM
Guys PLEASE Plengo has cut us some slack here so we can have some conversation with Romereo and his experinces releating to this muller technology.

BUT the last half a dozen posts have been about Sun spots, patent laws, human slavery,  global economics and anything else. So please try and stay on course here otherwise this thread will just be a total mess for anyone trying to follow the muller replications. If you want to generalise about War and Peace please start another thread unless its directly related to Muller builds, related theory and/or  Romero's interaction with us.

I think this is being fair to everyone.

Many Thanks
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 21, 2011, 08:50:02 PM
I don't know, every time I think of how Romero's device achieved what we were shown I keep coming back to one thing.
Is it possible the one trick he is not telling is that the rotor magnets are actually ferrite covered with a layer of aluminum foil just so they look like magnets.
This would explain the washers on the coils to create a local field return until the ferrite filled the gap between the coils.
Lenz law would push back only into the stationary magnets and increased load would further reduce rotor drag.

Everything seems to work with ferrite slugs in the rotor instead of magnets.
Maybe that's just conventional thinking.  :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 21, 2011, 08:54:07 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on June 21, 2011, 08:00:51 PM
I agree as well, with the expectation that on this private forum, a small 'company" would be organized to encourage "associates" of the inventor to build or disseminate power units locally, to encourage the RAPID spread of the devices to homes and communities.
Also, the "private forum" would need to be VERY private; there are ways to do this -- should the inventor choose such a strategy. 
Again -- the idea is DE-centralization of the building and dissemination, so that it can "go viral".  Thanks -- Steven J

Yes, excellent idea, to have associates.
Each country would have an associate, who would manufacture the small demo units, and ship them to donators in that country, avoiding customs problems when importing from elsewhere.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 21, 2011, 09:04:44 PM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on June 21, 2011, 03:55:01 PM
I've got a simple setup to play with, as RomeroUK suggested for a start. Right now I am controlling it using a micro controller ArduinoUNO. I have implemented driver coil pulsing with precision timing so my current draw is stable. I measure the RPM with a small LCD timer/counter counting the impulses from the Hall sensor, triggered by tiny magnets underneath the rotor plate. I have been doing coil shorting for quite some time but no matter what I do I can't get the rotor to speed up. I have tried many positions on the sine wave and different coil short times with no luck (although my little neon is blinking nicely)... My generator coils are bifilar in series and 2 of them again in series (10 mH, 2 Ohms each). My rotor is all north poles. I also have biasing magnets at the cores' back sides on all three coils in bucking mode - north facing north (not on the photo yet). I haven't managed to do the trick the other way with a AC capacitor in series either. I have only one channel scope maybe this is my problem...
Can my setup work with an AC cap in series at all?


Keep at it, you have a little gold mine there but you have to dig!!!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 21, 2011, 09:12:05 PM
Just a thought but what if the ferrite only filled half the core
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 21, 2011, 09:27:56 PM
So I have built a small test rig in hopes to learn what is happening. Rotor is 4" dia. with four 1/2" x 1/8" neos. I am using coils out of 12 volt automotive relays, 85 ohms 21mH as air core. As far as the coil cores are made from magnetite and epoxy. It spins up to almost 2000 rpm and the needle on the amp gauge (0-5amps) doesn't even move, this is good. I am now trying different things to get it to speed up under load ( twisted wire ends together). The bias magnets seem to have no effect noticed. Any way here are a few pics and hope to post some good results. Peace
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 21, 2011, 09:38:16 PM
Quote from: lumen on June 21, 2011, 08:50:02 PM
I don't know, every time I think of how Romero's device achieved what we were shown I keep coming back to one thing.
Is it possible the one trick he is not telling is that the rotor magnets are actually ferrite covered with a layer of aluminum foil just so they look like magnets.
This would explain the washers on the coils to create a local field return until the ferrite filled the gap between the coils.
Lenz law would push back only into the stationary magnets and increased load would further reduce rotor drag.

Everything seems to work with ferrite slugs in the rotor instead of magnets.
Maybe that's just conventional thinking.  :o

The ferrite slugs will produce power in the gen coil? I know it works good as a motor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 21, 2011, 09:49:34 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on June 21, 2011, 09:38:16 PM
The ferrite slugs will produce power in the gen coil? I know it works good as a motor.

Yes, I don't think ferrite would work, but I wonder if ceramic magnets would create less drag, yet powerful enough to produce power in the generator coils?

Like these:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 21, 2011, 09:53:50 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on June 21, 2011, 09:38:16 PM
The ferrite slugs will produce power in the gen coil? I know it works good as a motor.

No, but the magnets on the back of the coils will generate when the ferrite in the rotor completes the core through both coils!
Because you are only moving a core segment in the rotor, Lenz will decrease the field reaching the rotor under heavy load and the rotor will spin easier. That could also be why the motor part works in attraction, it could not work any other way.
It's just a concept but there is something else going on we just don't get. :-\
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 21, 2011, 10:01:48 PM
as they say in Brazil: give the fish a line.

So i give some space and 3 pages goes with NOTHING useful to THIS THREAD. Some useful info but wrong place. Bolt is correct.

I don't think this is good. If we continue like this it will be another 100 pages with everything BUT Romero's motor.

So I ask again the members: Do we want one thread with everything or one thread with ONLY ROMERO's MOTOR replication-experiments???

Let me know please,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 21, 2011, 10:02:13 PM
I will make up another rotor tonight, I have another circle. I will use the magnetite and epoxy mix to fill in holes. I'll post results.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 21, 2011, 10:03:26 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on June 21, 2011, 03:58:04 PM
First, thank you Sean for working on that circuit (this is Dr. Jones) -- as you have time.  Nul-pts and Xee2 and ChrisC and a few others have done some great work along these lines already...

OK -- this discussion about how to make a decent "return on investment" was raised again today by Romero, with a solution embedded in the response by Sean above:
So there is a huge demand -- not surprising really -- for a system that will allow for testing, as Gyula said:
  If you could do something along these lines with your latest non-Muller device, Romero, many would be willing to buy a "Lego set" and put it together...

   I think Konehead (Doug) could also do this with his "OU pulse motor".
Ideal to start with an existing motor + generator and tell us how to modify it as you have done.

   My interest is personally not in making a lot of money on electrodynamic energy research, but rather in helping these devices to reach families and communities throughout the world, while preventing BigOyl from stomping or controlling the new energy source.  (Or even some smaller corporation that stomps on inventors because they want to "protect their patent;" either of the above may have happened to friend Romero.)

   The answer, IMHO, is to do as Sean is doing... "Lego sets" for us nerds who want to build and at the same time make a little money in our local areas while working towards independence from grid/greed.  A royalty would go to the "Lego set" provider via signed agreement on purchase of a Lego set (e.g. with Sean or Konzen or Romero) for each unit built and sold locally.   

The idea is to get the idea out quickly with local "businesses" building the units in non-centralized fashion; with royalties going back to the inventors. OK, signed honor-system, but I think this is better than expecting big gov't to protect your patent from BigOyl etc..

If centralized power is the problem, then independent off-grid families and communities are the answer...

"Revenge of the Nerds"!    ;)

How's that sound?

PS -- I would forget about the 3-year patent procedure followed by more years of fighting down the attempts to steal it from you...  Gov't may stomp on you right away, saying your invention is a "national security" matter, as now some Gov'ts evidently seek to protect the profits of Big Global Corps and Banks.

You understand the system well.  Right on with all points!

Sorry I see I just added to the clutter.  So here's something more relative to the topic.  I stuck some Mu metal in a coil for a core and put the scope on it.  Had magnets spinning by it but I could not see any difference between that and ferrite.  Is that to be expected?  I thought Mu metal would yield higher voltage.  Oddly it ended up the biggest voltage sine wave pattern I saw with that coil (MO fan coil) was when I was holding on to it with no magnets spinning.  I guess I'm a better generator than the magnets  LOL(Bedini ssg motor). 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 21, 2011, 10:09:38 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 21, 2011, 10:01:48 PMSo I ask again the members: Do we want one thread with everything or one thread with ONLY ROMERO's MOTOR replication-experiments???

Let me know please,


Yes that would be nice to not have to wade through pages of non-technical information. I'm sure the newbies are getting headaches trying to follow this.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 21, 2011, 10:22:14 PM
Quote from: lumen on June 21, 2011, 09:53:50 PM
No, but the magnets on the back of the coils will generate when the ferrite in the rotor completes the core through both coils!
Because you are only moving a core segment in the rotor, Lenz will decrease the field reaching the rotor under heavy load and the rotor will spin easier. That could also be why the motor part works in attraction, it could not work any other way.
It's just a concept but there is something else going on we just don't get. :-\

I forgot about the magnets on top of the coils.. that might work.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 21, 2011, 10:24:37 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on June 21, 2011, 10:02:13 PM
I will make up another rotor tonight, I have another circle. I will use the magnetite and epoxy mix to fill in holes. I'll post results.

Cool, it will be interesting to hear what happens.. thanks for trying this!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 21, 2011, 10:30:12 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 21, 2011, 10:01:48 PM
as they say in Brazil: give the fish a line.

So i give some space and 3 pages goes with NOTHING useful to THIS THREAD. Some useful info but wrong place. Bolt is correct.

I don't think this is good. If we continue like this it will be another 100 pages with everything BUT Romero's motor.

So I ask again the members: Do we want one thread with everything or one thread with ONLY ROMERO's MOTOR replication-experiments???

Let me know please,


What I find most useful are compiled posts in pdfs of the most useful posts.. like the one Stefan made... maybe every 25 pages compile the useful posts.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 21, 2011, 10:34:37 PM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 21, 2011, 10:30:12 PM
What I find most useful are compiled posts in pdfs of the most useful posts.. like the one Stefan made... maybe every 25 pages compile the useful posts.

go ahead and do it.

All I need is a few votes in favor of splitting the non-related topics into another thread called "Miscellaneous Romero's motor discussions" and duplicating Romero's posts again into this thread and keep it clean again.

I will NOT moderate on that new thread for sure! People can post anything and everything there even Muller, Bedini, Budha, Alla, Bulsapan or whatever is their choice.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 21, 2011, 10:37:31 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 21, 2011, 10:34:37 PM
go ahead and do it.


No.. that would be a job for a mod or someone who really knows this stuff.. I was just giving you an idea.. not offering to do it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Free.Energy on June 21, 2011, 10:57:20 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 21, 2011, 12:09:06 AM
Because it give too much away in terms of the o/p wave form then you can decipher it has been modulated in some way and capture the frequencies. A volt meter is fine it will simply allow you to validate the o/p of the device without revealing anything of how it works.

SM's TPU used the EXACT same rules when he asked investors to come and take a look.

Yes, but do you know what it shows?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 21, 2011, 11:55:13 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 21, 2011, 10:34:37 PM
go ahead and do it.

All I need is a few votes in favor of splitting the non-related topics into another thread called "Miscellaneous Romero's motor discussions" and duplicating Romero's posts again into this thread and keep it clean again.

I will NOT moderate on that new thread for sure! People can post anything and everything there even Muller, Bedini, Budha, Alla, Bulsapan or whatever is their choice.


Hi Fausto,

Do it.  we have  over 200 pages of info and NO working replications,  I personally don't need any more BS or noise on this list, a waste of time and I am guilty as others at times.  Romero has given us a lot of good information but has NEVER said what he is looking for when he tunes the motor, and if he does show a working unit no Scopes allowed on inspection!.  Until we know what or how he eliminates Lenz, we are all dead in the water. Several of us has been able to get the rotor to speed up with load but this is not lenz elimination but balance between motor and generator output.   The questions of rotor speed/no rotor speed change with load is just totally out of the box and that appears to be the "kernal" of what/how this device works and he is NOT talking about that.  So what to do?  Keep looking?  but I am getting very near the bottom of things to try.  Several interesting things observed but not OU........what a learning experience this is and continues to be!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 22, 2011, 12:22:22 AM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 21, 2011, 06:14:49 AM
I think it is a pity that people discover something and then won't tell how they did it. I thought that that was where it is all about in this forum. I understand that it takes lot's of time and money to experiment so why can't we work as a team and share everything so we can move on making it better. This shit is going on for ages and people are just to selfish I guess :(

If I ever make a selfrunner I will put every detail on paper and share it with everybody. I don't care how many time or money it cost me. I don't care if people understand it, they can understand it later. What is the point of showing a video of a selfrunner and then don't tell how you did it?

Yes scratchrobot very sad indeed to see it's coming to this again :(

If people knew the truth of who we really are!

Giving is our true Nature!... one man gave his life to show us the path but we still have not learned. We take for our self's first and Mother nature is suffering from this disease.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 22, 2011, 03:02:39 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 21, 2011, 08:26:27 PM
Guys PLEASE Plengo has cut us some slack here so we can have some conversation with Romereo and his experinces releating to this muller technology.

BUT the last half a dozen posts have been about Sun spots, patent laws, human slavery,  global economics and anything else. So please try and stay on course here otherwise this thread will just be a total mess for anyone trying to follow the muller replications. If you want to generalise about War and Peace please start another thread unless its directly related to Muller builds, related theory and/or  Romero's interaction with us.

I think this is being fair to everyone.

Many Thanks

Right on Bolt. Anyway, for a change, here's a single pic. on my coil tune. Looking more like Romero's pic. More work to do.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 22, 2011, 03:14:08 AM
I got the new rotor built (magnetite/epoxy) and installed, but had to add magnets for the hall triggering :). The glue should be nice and dry in a few hours, will test in the morning.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on June 22, 2011, 06:19:05 AM
Fausto, please feel free to remove all non technical material...but please also leave the rest of the thread as is.

Even non related material can spark an idea.

I like your out of the box thinking Lumen...that core ferite/magnet swap concept is something I've never head before.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 22, 2011, 06:40:11 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 21, 2011, 11:55:13 PM
Hi Fausto,

Do it.  we have  over 200 pages of info and NO working replications,  I personally don't need any more BS or noise on this list, a waste of time and I am guilty as others at times.  Romero has given us a lot of good information but has NEVER said what he is looking for when he tunes the motor, and if he does show a working unit no Scopes allowed on inspection!.  Until we know what or how he eliminates Lenz, we are all dead in the water. Several of us has been able to get the rotor to speed up with load but this is not lenz elimination but balance between motor and generator output.   The questions of rotor speed/no rotor speed change with load is just totally out of the box and that appears to be the "kernal" of what/how this device works and he is NOT talking about that.  So what to do?  Keep looking?  but I am getting very near the bottom of things to try.  Several interesting things observed but not OU........what a learning experience this is and continues to be!


Are you sure that the speed up under load is just a balance between motor and generator output.
I am really impressed about the speed up i get and maybe if I loop it like you do? Or maybe I can put an extra generating coil in with the speed up or.... so many things to try  ;)

Good luck
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on June 22, 2011, 06:57:07 AM
got some gauss readings on my little unit: http://www.youtube.com/user/knapstersky#p/a/u/0/VedH_a5M8VY (http://www.youtube.com/user/knapstersky#p/a/u/0/VedH_a5M8VY)

the scope readings are from a hall probe positioned just under a gen coil. real time scope shot of what happens when adding
'core' material into the bobbin while the rotor spins.

take care.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 22, 2011, 07:09:20 AM
Magluvin said something yesterday that has been playing on my mind .This business of speed up under load . As I understand it , several people have reached a point that the speed with a shorted coil installed is higher than the speed with the coil totally removed from the machine . So the shorted or loaded coil is adding momentum to the rotor . If , in a looper , the rotor is driven by driver coils , the energy to drive those coils has to come from the generator , and probably has losses due to the pulse motor being less than 100% efficient , heat lost in the driver circuits and wiring . So if we could eliminate the pulse motor altogether , and rely on the "speed up under load thing" to actually drive the rotor ,
there would be less losses in the system .Some way would be needed to spin the rotor up to speed .So , if we remove the pulse motor from the loop , we are eliminating the power needed to drive it , plus the power lost in its less than 100% efficiency .So maybe the thing we should be looking for when tuning is max speed up under load/shorting . If this is possible , we need to be careful because there is no obvious way to prevent run away and magic smoke and magnets escaping . Any comments welcome .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: citfta on June 22, 2011, 07:12:41 AM
Yes, yes, yes.  Please remove all the posts that have nothing to do with the actual build or ideas about the build.  I have been reading these posts since about page 25 or so and am very tired of having to read three pages just to  get one post of real info about someone's tests or new ideas.

I am 65 years old and a retired electronics tech and a ham radio operator.  Even so I have learned a lot from several of the tests and design ideas from so many of you on this forum.  I have almost everything I need to get started on my own testing, just need to get some free time.  Keep up the great work!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 22, 2011, 07:34:08 AM
Hello everyone!

I wanted to see the waweform of my coils.So i instaled a program that uses the pc via soundcard like an osciloscope. Never used one sa this is my first  ;D . The signal is one picture from the gen coils and the other one from the total output after the bridge rectifier (all connected)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 22, 2011, 08:14:53 AM
might be interesting to know : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pTRtJ0jDjA
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 22, 2011, 08:15:28 AM
Quote from: chrisC on June 22, 2011, 03:02:39 AM
Right no Bolt. Anyway, for a change, here's a single pic. on my coil tune. Looking more like Romero's pic. More work to do.


That's great Chris. How did you do it? schematics please.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 22, 2011, 08:31:34 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 22, 2011, 07:34:08 AM
Hello everyone!
Never used one sa this is my first  ;D . The signal is one picture from the gen coils and the other one from the total output after the bridge rectifier (all connected)

hi marius

good results from a soundcard -  thanks for sharing

a very interesting trace!

you can see on the combined o/p at approx time 4 where there is a gap between peaks for drive coil A, then at time 7 there is a gap for drive coil B

in between those gaps the peaks are not at the same height (voltage) - they are increasing in height with each peak (each gen coil o/p appears to 'build' on the previous one!)

so, if your single coil & combined o/p  traces have the same vertical (voltage) scale, then they are showing something interesting:  the highest peak voltage on the combined o/p is greater than the single coil o/p!

it's not so obvious with the soundcard method because it has to use AC coupling (you can see that the combined o/p trace is also balanced above & below the zero line, like the single coil) but the combined o/p will be DC after the FWBR

so the combined o/p peak value is approx 2.25 grads on your trace - but the single coil swings are only approx 1.5 grads in each direction ( therefore when rectified, each peak should still be 1.5 grads DC - actually a bit less due to diode volt drop)

did you have a load on the o/p of the combined FWBRs?  if so, what was the resistance?

if you didn't have a load, could you add one (say 10 - 30 ohms?) then retake the two traces and show us the results?

good work!

many thanks

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 22, 2011, 08:40:41 AM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 22, 2011, 06:40:11 AM
Are you sure that the speed up under load is just a balance between motor and generator output.
I am really impressed about the speed up i get and maybe if I loop it like you do? Or maybe I can put an extra generating coil in with the speed up or.... so many things to try  ;)

Good luck

Hi Scratch,

There is a crossover between current in the "motor" and current output in the Gen.  There is a balance that say if your wheel is running @ 14 VDC. 2000 RPM and 6VDC on the output Cap of the Gen, if you series them, you should get 20 volts across the motor but as you load the Gen down, the rpm's drop (that DAMN LENZ), current goes up in the motor too which pulls down the RPM, everything fights you, the total system voltage will stabilize at say 18V and everything is in equilibrium and you are in a positive feedback/boosted circuit.  There is a sweet spot where the max rpm, voltage/current out and current out all hit peak, if you vary the power supply voltage, monitoring the rail voltage to the motor and the Cap. voltage, min on power supply, max on cap voltage max on rail voltage and that is the sweet spot.  But each added coil while it should be boosting that voltage if put in series, loads, lowers RPM and it is a no win situation, again, that DAMN LENZ.  You and I can get a boost effect but I "think", unless we can get rid of LENZ, it will never go over 100%.  That is what I am fighting now.  BUT if you can get a lower impedance/resistance coil to work, MAYBE, it will put you over the top!!!! My problem with R's circuit, I just don't see him getting 15VDC out @ 1200 rpm with the size coils he uses, I can only get 6/7 V RMS, just doesn't happen for me, of course I'm ate up with LENZ and am not OU.!  There is something I just don't know about this device and have hit a wall.    But, It is a mv here, a mv there, each bit you save and add to the system........

On another though, It is educational to watch the coils feeding the bridge BEFORE the bridge with your scope and watch the diodes clipping the peak output while charging the cap, the more the load, the more the clipping as the voltage drops.  IT is a diode +/-  single pulse peak clipper/charger at peak,  where it only charges the cap when its voltage on the cap is lower than the load.

Another thought,  a very nice way to add the gen to the loop is to feed the motor through a diode, cathode to positive rail of motor and drive from power supply going through the diode, then put your gen output ACROSS that diode, Plus to the cathode, minus to the anode, floating Gen I assume.  any positive current/voltage above +.7VDC, give or take will be added to the total loop supply, a diode adding circuit.  Very simple, keeps your motor running, and you can take the Gen in and out.  Have fun with it! 

Sort of rambling.........

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 22, 2011, 08:45:33 AM
Quote from: slapper on June 22, 2011, 06:57:07 AM
got some gauss readings on my little unit: http://www.youtube.com/user/knapstersky#p/a/u/0/VedH_a5M8VY (http://www.youtube.com/user/knapstersky#p/a/u/0/VedH_a5M8VY)

the scope readings are from a hall probe positioned just under a gen coil. real time scope shot of what happens when adding
'core' material into the bobbin while the rotor spins.

take care.


Really nice work!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 22, 2011, 08:58:24 AM
Hi Ben,

I think you really need to stop thinking "in the normal way".

Flip your top coils (simply swap your wiring so the coils do not add), so that
you would expect vout to be zero, then begin tuning from there.

Lenz is very much less.

Of course, voltage out is less too, but I think one of us is soon to hit that magic spot.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 22, 2011, 09:33:02 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 22, 2011, 08:58:24 AM
Hi Ben,

I think you really need to stop thinking "in the normal way".

Flip your top coils (simply swap your wiring so the coils do not add), so that
you would expect vout to be zero, then begin tuning from there.

Lenz is very much less.

Of course, voltage out is less too, but I think one of us is soon to hit that magic spot.


Hi Penno,

I have been thinking so abnormal for so long, I am in a loop.  Have done that switching, every combination of direction of windings, Bifilar, quadfilar, bucking boosting, magnets, Lenz is still there and dependent on the voltage/current.  What are we missing.  R's has NO lenz as no change in RPM WITH LOAD and NO LOAD, WHY? I only hope his load Was on the rotor and not on just the battery!.......I hope someone hits it, I don't care who does it, but something has to give!  IF coils are switched and perfectly matched, bucking, distance/resistance/inductance and alignment, output will be zero and no lenz, only drag will be hystersis, etc, but no output is nada, just that.  Thanks for the idea though!

I'm going to take a break I think!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 22, 2011, 10:35:15 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 22, 2011, 08:58:24 AM
Hi Ben,

I think you really need to stop thinking "in the normal way".

Flip your top coils (simply swap your wiring so the coils do not add), so that
you would expect vout to be zero, then begin tuning from there.

Lenz is very much less.

Of course, voltage out is less too, but I think one of us is soon to hit that magic spot.


I also think we should not think "in the normal way" and expect the unexpected :)

@Ben, thank you for the suggestions I wil try them and report if I find anything abnormal.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 22, 2011, 10:45:16 AM
Quote from: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 03:41:48 AM
I have not seen the videos again but those 2 wires are going to the botom coil or from the lower coils to the controller.Again, I am so stupid to make a fake and go with the camera there to show it.

----- Where are those wires going in the suspended video?can you identify them?----

There are many other points that were recorded but people did't pay attention and ask why is that...
The new build what u see is just like a frame, the space in between the thin acrylic sheets will be filled making a big and solid coil holder, I need to wire all coils first as I will have no more access there after plastic filling.

Regards, Romero


Out of common courtesy to @Romerouk, he asked me, or challenged me to find the  wires as he states in the suspended video. I must say his control in handling the camera was impeccable, but not 100%.

Anyways, in case you do not let me post my findings here, I have posted at the usual place here.....



PS: Sorry to have bothered so many great minds.

added by moderator: thank you wattsup for being very polite and straight to the point in a effective manner.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 22, 2011, 10:48:35 AM

As i said i really don't know how to use a scope but i took another few shots.

Today i bouth the new coil that are the same as romero's. i'm going to wind some to see how they behave
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: coke2k on June 22, 2011, 10:56:08 AM
When magnetic field crosses the wire it induces a current , and when that current flow through that wire , it create a magnetic field with opossite direction than the primary field. Because of the Lenz  reaction. It is normal.  What will happen if we change only the magnetic penetrability of the space between two magnets,  There we will put a coils  and there we still will have a Lenz reaction, but will this reaction  affect to changing magnetic penetrability.  I think we should not rotate  the magnets, it's better  to rotate the soft iron washers.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Mk1 on June 22, 2011, 10:57:48 AM
There are 4 ways to make a single wire unidirectional coil and 4 ways to connect them together ...
Most people ignore that fact except guitar maker (pickup coil) essentially the same thing romero is doing . Any guitarist can tell you why ...

I don't think he is canceling lens law , he is reversing it .

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 22, 2011, 11:01:00 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 22, 2011, 09:33:02 AM
IF coils are switched and perfectly matched, bucking, distance/resistance/inductance and alignment, output will be zero and no lenz, only drag will be hystersis, etc, but no output is nada, just that.  Thanks for the idea though!
maybe that's it, clip ONLY a part of the coil change before lenz will start to appear. According to bolt, this part is the reactive power. Before active power starts to appear make sure that you get 0 output from the coils to avoid lenz ( but then why is there a speedup in the end ? )

It's a good question how you can get 15 volts out of 300 turn coil.
If V = - N A (dB/dt)
and you have N = 300, and A = 7*0.25 = 1.75 mm
v = aprox = 5.25 (dB/dt) -> of course this depends on the magnetic flux size
So, you can put 3 coils in series ? ( depends on flux ! )
ps: i suck at math
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 22, 2011, 11:11:58 AM
Hi all,

I read way back in the thread that the gap between the rotor and the coils is important to avoid lenz.  Too close and it doesn't work.. too far and it doesn't work.  Just something to keep in mind.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 22, 2011, 11:14:49 AM
Quote from: Tudi on June 22, 2011, 08:14:53 AM
might be interesting to know : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pTRtJ0jDjA

EXTREMELY interesting and I hope everyone caught this considering Romero used Hall sensors and FWBR's with added diodes in parallel. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 22, 2011, 11:18:11 AM
Quote from: coke2k on June 22, 2011, 10:56:08 AM
When magnetic field crosses the wire it induces a current , and when that current flow through that wire , it create a magnetic field with opossite direction than the primary field. Because of the Lenz  reaction. It is normal.  What will happen if we change only the magnetic penetrability of the space between two magnets,  There we will put a coils  and there we still will have a Lenz reaction, but will this reaction  affect to changing magnetic penetrability.  I think we should not rotate  the magnets, it's better  to rotate the soft iron washers.

Rawbush is working on something like this using magnetite:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 22, 2011, 11:27:28 AM
Quote from: Mk1 on June 22, 2011, 10:57:48 AM
There are 4 ways to make a single wire unidirectional coil and 4 ways to connect them together ...
Most people ignore that fact except guitar maker (pickup coil) essentially the same thing romero is doing . Any guitarist can tell you why ...

I don't think he is canceling lens law , he is reversing it .
That rings true with some things I remember Romero saying.  Can you elaborate more on this please? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 22, 2011, 11:43:49 AM
Here are some pics of the new rotor (magnetite/epoxy) , testing to start soon.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Mk1 on June 22, 2011, 11:45:35 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 22, 2011, 11:27:28 AM
That rings true with some things I remember Romero saying.  Can you elaborate more on this please?

4 ways    clockwise going up
               clockwise going down
               counter clockwise going up
               counter clockwise going down 

In guitar pickup you need to coil wound in the opposite direction to get a really silent sound . The magnet polarity is also reversed .

A guitar pickup coil is essentially a coil around a magnet or substitute (iron) with magnet added to the side . 

Let just imagine it the lenz current was traveling in the opposite direction what would happen . 

If you have 2 small dc motor connect them together and turn one , both turn ... now if they could work in the same direction .

I don't have much time right now to elaborate more .

if no current at all was returned to the coil , it would look like its not connected .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 22, 2011, 12:02:53 PM
Quote from: Mk1 on June 22, 2011, 11:45:35 AM
4 ways    clockwise going up
               clockwise going down
               counter clockwise going up
               counter clockwise going down 

In guitar pickup you need to coil wound in the opposite direction to get a really silent sound . The magnet polarity is also reversed .

A guitar pickup coil is essentially a coil around a magnet or substitute (iron) with magnet added to the side . 

Let just imagine it the lenz current was traveling in the opposite direction what would happen . 

If you have 2 small dc motor connect them together and turn one , both turn ... now if they could work in the same direction .

I don't have much time right now to elaborate more .

if no current at all was returned to the coil , it would look like its not connected .


I'm confused. Is it not.........

clockwise going up  =  counter clockwise going down  (same thing)
clockwise going down = counter clockwise going up  (same thing)


PS: There are only two ways to wind a coil but there are four ways to describe the wind.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 22, 2011, 12:10:38 PM
Quote from: wattsup on June 22, 2011, 12:02:53 PM

I'm confused. Is it not.........

clockwise going up  =  counter clockwise going down  (same thing)
clockwise going down = counter clockwise going up  (same thing)


PS: There are only two ways to wind a coil but there are four ways to describe the wind.


You are confused because you couldn't trace the the fine details of the coil wires in the video.

There are TWO coils in each set. Now how many coil winding variations can you get with 2? It's really simple.  It's 1 plus 1 plus 1 plus 1. Don't need to think so hard.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on June 22, 2011, 12:22:38 PM

I posted a reply #3303 yesterday, but it was ignored. Perhaps, because I worded it awkwardly. Here it is again, worded as it should be.
In the first video by Romero (not self-running), there are two digital multimeters connected to the input. One measures the voltage on the battery and the other measures the total current going into the device. When the device reaches a steady state, without load, the input current is 0.94 A and the battery voltage is measured  at 12.59 V. When the load is connected, the current consumption decreases to 0.92 A and the battery voltage drops to12.28 V. The voltage drop under load is 0.3V and the current change is 0.02A. On this basis we can calculate the internal resistance of the battery,
Ri = dV/dI = (0.3V)/(-0.02A) = -15 Ohms.
This means that the battery has negative internal resistance: the more current we draw from it, the higher the voltage on the battery is. For instance, an increase of current draw by 1 A would increase the battery voltage by 15 V. Yes, we are looking for this, but is this really possible with this normally looking battery?

We can also calculate the equivalent resistance of the driver circuits; they draw 0.94A at 12.6V.
R = V/I = 12.5V/0.94A = 13.4 Ohms.
Having this, we can calculate the expected current decrease when the battery voltage drops by 0.3V.
dI = dV/R = 0.3V/(13.4 Ohm) = 0.022A.
This is what we see in the video, within the accuracy of the multimeter. No miracles here. Current consumption decreased because the voltage on the battery dropped.
If, however, we assume that this is a normal battery and has  0.15 Ohms of  internal resistance (a reasonable number for a battery of this size), then we can calculate the value of current change that would cause the observed 0.3V drop under load:
dI = dV/Ri = 0.3V/0.15 Ohm = 2A.
The question now is: where is this unaccounted load on the battery coming from?

Is there a logical explanation to this battery behaviour in this circuit?  Thank you for your contributions.

Best regards to All,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 22, 2011, 12:35:06 PM
Quote from: yfree on June 22, 2011, 12:22:38 PM
We can also calculate the equivalent resistance of the driver circuits; they draw 0.94A at 12.6V.
R = V/I = 12.5V/0.94A = 13.4 Ohms.
Having this, we can calculate the expected current decrease when the battery voltage drops by 0.3V.
dI = dV/R = 0.3V/(13.4 Ohm) = 0.022A.
Is there a logical explanation to this battery behaviour in this circuit other than the battery with negative resistance?  Thank you for your contributions.

Best regards to All,


Yes there is. If a battery is partially sulfated, then when a load is applied the terminal voltage can rise for a considerable time. A heavy loading can accentuate this effect.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 22, 2011, 12:47:16 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 22, 2011, 10:48:35 AM

As i said i really don't know how to use a scope but i took another few shots.

Today i bouth the new coil that are the same as romero's. i'm going to wind some to see how they behave

no problems, marius - they're looking good

i'm assuming all these traces have the same scale vertically?  please let me know if that's not correct

your disconnected single coil is giving approx 67% pk-pk o/p with 10 ohm load compared to o/c - so it's internal impedance could be around 5 ohms - probably not too different from the motor drive load (you'll find that out from your drive i/p tests)

your single-coil connected to FWBR trace is looking pretty much like Romero's single coil into FWBR trace, so that's encouraging!

from your third trace, you can see that under load the combined o/p has quite a different shape to your previous off-load combined o/p trace

IF this trace is at the same scale as the others then you are getting some gain from the combination process - 4 peaks are at 8 grads, whereas your single coil peak BEFORE the FWBR is only 1.5 grads!

also, you can see that the sequential 'increasing' of peaks is not as regular when the FWBR o/ps are on load - maybe some core-rotor gaps need to be adjusted? (just a thought)

i'd say your basic generator o/p is looking pretty healthy - from a regular point of view

do you have a large-value o/p capacitor yet?  you could try adding the capacitor + the 10 ohm load across your FWBR o/p & see what  steady 'DC' voltage you get - this will give you some idea of your system efficiency at the moment, when you compare it with the DC i/p to your drive

please let us know if the scales on all these traces are the same (ie. did you have to adjust the vertical scales between any of the most recent traces?)

how are your existing coils different from the new Romero type ones which you're about to wind?

thanks for sharing!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 22, 2011, 12:51:05 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on June 21, 2011, 10:02:13 PM
I will make up another rotor tonight, I have another circle. I will use the magnetite and epoxy mix to fill in holes. I'll post results.

Hi rawbush,
could you tell me please where I could get magnetite powder ?  I have searched the web without results.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on June 22, 2011, 12:54:55 PM

Battery voltage is dropping under load, not rising.

Thank you,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 22, 2011, 12:59:25 PM
Hi all, to fast forward thru next 50 pages I did a drawing of certain point in time of the single coilpair's life.
Pair is connected in fashionable canceling way.
I'm sure many tried this or equivalent setups and did come up with nice round zero on the outer ends.
Now the thing is many seem to be sure that there is other, non-zero option, would you be so kind
to add whats missing/wrong on the picture.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 22, 2011, 12:59:43 PM
Thanks MK1 for the response and if you have any more later I'm all ears ;)

I've got a question for anyone with thoughts on this and a thought for everyone.  How important is it likely to get the same number of turns wound onto each coil?  That's the ? and now the thought:

This is a very general idea.  For most people it is natural to want to make or build everything with symmetry and make everything balanced and equal.  However we already see in this Muller-Romerouk device that there are some obvious unbalanced things like the number of rotor magnets to the number of coils.  Maybe we need to think more about causing an imbalance in a build as nature always wants to come in and balance things and maybe that is where the energy comes in.  We are all familiar with Tesla's statement about energy and the wheelwork of nature.  Just something to ponder...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 22, 2011, 01:43:21 PM
Quote from: yfree on June 22, 2011, 12:54:55 PM

Battery voltage is dropping under load, not rising.

Thank you,


Then are you suggesting that Romero's setup is not running OU?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 22, 2011, 01:48:00 PM
you dont have AC cap in series on one AC leg of FWBR on the way to capacitor.
this is hte whole trick seems to me most everyone is leaving out.
Sure hook up the facing pari of coils "cancelling series" and you get 0 volts. THats why nobody in right mind would hook up genrator coils like this.

BUT when you add AC cap in series it throws  the coils into a resonate condition by lagging the current from the volts 90 degrees, which is one "definition of a resonant condition" I guess when that is occuring.
At this "timing" of volts and current then volts when it is mxacimum, is also same time when current is minimal and when current is maximum voltage is minimum...so you need to have that going on, or forget about it.

Look Bolt's posts about this maybe 10 or 20 pages back.

My theory on Romeros looper, since he had no AC series caps (but did say that it is "easier" to do it that way) is that he used the AIRGAP-RATIO BETWEEN THE TOP AND BTTOM COILS TO THE ROTOR MAGNET as way to do same thing.

So lets say you have 2mm airgap betwen top coil and rotor magnet,  and say for example 10mm airgap between bottom coil and rotor magnet.

Now the top coil will have maiximum current much sooner than the bottom coils....and if you adjust the ddifference (ratio) of airgap bwteen top and bototom coil alot of times (hundreds like Romero said) then you can get the coils to go into a resonate state just from the airgap difference/ratio

this is jsut theor ry I havent tried it out yet But someone give it a shot eh.

The stationary magnes behind the core I think work for different reason - to flip polarity of core right at TDC mommetn so it gives a push instad of backwards lenz-pull....but eveyone says the inductance of hte coils (als the cores?) change from that magnet behind coil so maybe it does somethign to the voltage "timing" as when that core flips, it must cause a great spike, like shorting a coil would do, or the backemf/recoil from a pulsed coil at turn-off.

I dont think you got yroue coils to be in series-cancelling mode, and resonanting at same time with the series AC caps and instead you went more for the paralell cap which I dont think its possibe to jam one coil out of phase to the other as bolt explains with a pareallel cap so that one sereis-connected coil is max other is mimimal type of resonate condiiton....but maybe with different airgaps to top and bottom coils its possible, I think like Romeor did.
He MUST have got those dinky coils resonating to get that much power out of them, OR COIL SHORTING THEM - then expect same amps but X20 voltage....Romero didnt do coil shorting; in where you simply connect leads of coil together right at peaks, collapse it, open switch, and let it rip into DC caps through bridge. (all must happen very fast right at peaks so no lenz lug)
BUT mabye the polarity flip of caused by magnet behind cores did a sort of similar thing to coil-short where it instantly collapses the coil during the coil flip (all kone-world theory but sounds good I think)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 22, 2011, 01:56:00 PM
Quote from: altair on June 22, 2011, 12:51:05 PM
Hi rawbush,
could you tell me please where I could get magnetite powder ?  I have searched the web without results.

The magnetite I have was sent to me from a group on youtube (ummc.org). I have sent some to another guy to play with and would be more then happy to mail you some to try ( $5 for postage).

So I was not able to get the magnetite rotor to even run as a motor ( very weak attraction). I did spin by hand and had gen coil hooked to scope and didn't see any movement, I tried stacking up to 3 magnets on each side of the coils. I am sure it could work as a motor with some changes to the coils ( bigger core center hole), but for now I have reinstalled the neo rotor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 22, 2011, 02:04:49 PM
Quote from: yfree on June 22, 2011, 12:22:38 PM
..without load, the input current is 0.94 A and the battery voltage is measured  at 12.59 V. When the load is connected, the current consumption decreases to 0.92 A and the battery voltage drops to12.28 V. The voltage drop under load is 0.3V and the current change is 0.02A. ..
these cheap measuring devices have an avg 5% error. at 15 V that is 0.75V. it is enough to have a spike and after recalibration you might get this difference.

About Kromrey type RomeroUK scope shots. Remember when someone sugested that maybe romero is not using coil shorting but has it's coils shorted all the time ? Maaaaaybe, he has this NULL out setup all the time and from time to time he UNshorts the coils at a specific point and get a PEAK inpulse of output ? Maybe this inpulse due to some reasons does not bother the rotor ? Maybe since you already have the speedup under load effect this shorting instead of slowing down the motor will speed it up ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 22, 2011, 02:13:21 PM

First i want to thank you for helping me.  ;D

I took another shot with the output shorted by the same 10 ohm 5W + an large cap 22 000uF.

The signal has changed becouse i've changed the wires that goes to the sound card.

My coils 20mm high, 10 mm ferite and 600 turns. For each coil i get around 6,5V -6,8V witch gives me a total of 13,5V-14.0V for each pair with no load and maximum speed

The coils are hand made by me and the first layer of winding sits directly on the ferite bar. I know that the coils are not perfectly but seems to be working.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on June 22, 2011, 02:21:40 PM

I am talking only about relative numbers we see in the video, nothing else. I am just discussing this, and I believe in OU.
Coil shorting, speed-up, resonance this is what is being discovered now.
Best wishes,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on June 22, 2011, 02:26:35 PM

You guessed it. Definitely not from the numbers we see in the video.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 22, 2011, 02:27:36 PM
@yfree : strange baterry polarity inversion with bedini charger videos can be found on youtube. I also contemplated on this. However ones that can reproduce this do not find it a miracle, maybe it is a temporary effect that cannot be exploited ?

Regarding coils that null out each other. Remeber latest RomeroUK video with only 1 coil that seemed to produce the OU effect ( or something like that )? And he had that one wined bifilar. And someone posted a screenshot that the wires were crossed at the end + some diodes added at specific points. Maaaybe these diodes were designed to pinch a specific part of the output and leave most of the time the coils shorted = nullout?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 22, 2011, 02:27:39 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 22, 2011, 01:48:00 PM
you dont have AC cap in series on one AC leg of FWBR on the way to capacitor.
this is hte whole trick seems to me most everyone is leaving out.
Sure hook up the facing pari of coils "cancelling series" and you get 0 volts. THats why nobody in right mind would hook up genrator coils like this.

BUT when you add AC cap in series it throws  the coils into a resonate condition by lagging the current from the volts 90 degrees, which is one "definition of a resonant condition" I guess when that is occuring.
At this "timing" of volts and current then volts when it is mxacimum, is also same time when current is minimal and when current is maximum voltage is minimum...so you need to have that going on, or forget about it.

Look Bolt's posts about this maybe 10 or 20 pages back.

My theory on Romeros looper, since he had no AC series caps (but did say that it is "easier" to do it that way) is that he used the AIRGAP-RATIO BETWEEN THE TOP AND BTTOM COILS TO THE ROTOR MAGNET as way to do same thing.

So lets say you have 2mm airgap betwen top coil and rotor magnet,  and say for example 10mm airgap between bottom coil and rotor magnet.

Now the top coil will have maiximum current much sooner than the bottom coils....and if you adjust the ddifference (ratio) of airgap bwteen top and bototom coil alot of times (hundreds like Romero said) then you can get the coils to go into a resonate state just from the airgap difference/ratio

this is jsut theor ry I havent tried it out yet But someone give it a shot eh.

The stationary magnes behind the core I think work for different reason - to flip polarity of core right at TDC mommetn so it gives a push instad of backwards lenz-pull....but eveyone says the inductance of hte coils (als the cores?) change from that magnet behind coil so maybe it does somethign to the voltage "timing" as when that core flips, it must cause a great spike, like shorting a coil would do, or the backemf/recoil from a pulsed coil at turn-off.

I dont think you got yroue coils to be in series-cancelling mode, and resonanting at same time with the series AC caps and instead you went more for the paralell cap which I dont think its possibe to jam one coil out of phase to the other as bolt explains with a pareallel cap so that one sereis-connected coil is max other is mimimal type of resonate condiiton....but maybe with different airgaps to top and bottom coils its possible, I think like Romeor did.
He MUST have got those dinky coils resonating to get that much power out of them, OR COIL SHORTING THEM - then expect same amps but X20 voltage....Romero didnt do coil shorting; in where you simply connect leads of coil together right at peaks, collapse it, open switch, and let it rip into DC caps through bridge. (all must happen very fast right at peaks so no lenz lug)
BUT mabye the polarity flip of caused by magnet behind cores did a sort of similar thing to coil-short where it instantly collapses the coil during the coil flip (all kone-world theory but sounds good I think)


Doug, I think you are so correct in the intelligent assumptions backed by experimental results. Thank you for your intelligent analysis. I am learning much just playing with 2 drive coils and 2 pick up coils & biasing magnets & ac coupled capacitors. Oh, the air gap theory is very reasonable too. Just look at some of the videos of the underside where you can clearly see a couple of coils having different heights.

@ Plengo
Fausto. My schematic is very simple. AC coupled 30 micro farads on one leg and 1 ohm resistor on other leg of AC input of bridge. DC side of bridge goes to big cap. and a bulb with ammeters and voltmeter to measure the values.
Make sure the coils are in bucking mode. I get the correct waveform but can't get the voltage of the cap up to deliver adequate current! Bulb lights but only about 1/10 of input power. Goto check my coil biasing.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 22, 2011, 02:34:33 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 22, 2011, 01:48:00 PMyou dont have AC cap in series on one AC leg of FWBR on the way to capacitor.
this is hte whole trick seems to me most everyone is leaving out.

Thanks, is the new drawing correct then?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 22, 2011, 02:40:38 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 22, 2011, 01:48:00 PM
BUT when you add AC cap in series it throws  the coils into a resonate condition by lagging the current from the volts 90 degrees, which is one "definition of a resonant condition" I guess when that is occuring.
At this "timing" of volts and current then volts when it is mxacimum, is also same time when current is minimal and when current is maximum voltage is minimum...so you need to have that going on, or forget about it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on June 22, 2011, 03:26:22 PM

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 22, 2011, 03:45:14 PM
Quote from: caccr2000 on June 22, 2011, 03:26:22 PM


Is it selfrunning  ???

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 22, 2011, 04:03:26 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pTRtJ0jDjA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pTRtJ0jDjA)

Could the position of the rectifier be important? Looks like it does  ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 22, 2011, 04:04:52 PM
@ plengo
@ k4zep
@ mariuscivic
@ Scratchrobot
@ chrisC
Because my language is not English,
Can not correctly understand the "bucking coils"
Please help me confirm the picture in: A, B, C, D which are "bucking configuration"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 22, 2011, 04:14:39 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 22, 2011, 04:03:26 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pTRtJ0jDjA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pTRtJ0jDjA)
Could the position of the rectifier be important? Looks like it does  ???

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 22, 2011, 04:19:37 PM
@Hoppy . I think what you are trying to say is that in a series resonant circuit , at resonanance , I and V are in phase , and not as konehead says 90 degrees out of phase . This is what your diagrams imply . Am I right ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 22, 2011, 04:20:21 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 22, 2011, 04:03:26 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pTRtJ0jDjA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pTRtJ0jDjA)

Could the position of the rectifier be important? Looks like it does  ???

Yes this must be it, look at the large fwbr's on the dynamo and 4 extra diodes in parallel.   
Have to get me some large surface fwbr's to try this abnormal effect.

@Arthurs, I don't know, I just try it.

diodes are beautiful things,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 22, 2011, 04:27:35 PM
@Arthurs , I will try to help . On each diagram , add a battery with positive to the top lead in the diagram . Now imagine that you hold each coil in your right hand so that your fingers point in the direction the current flows in the coil .Your THUMB will point to the north pole of the coil . Bucking means North Facing North or South facing south . So only figure D is bucking as , with battery connected as I said , top coil has a north pole facing the rotor , and bottom coil also has a north pole facing the rotor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 22, 2011, 04:27:42 PM
Quote from: Arthurs on June 22, 2011, 04:04:52 PM
@ plengo
@ k4zep
@ mariuscivic
@ Scratchrobot
@ chrisC
Because my language is not English,
Can not correctly understand the "bucking coils"
Please help me confirm the picture in: A, B, C, D which are "bucking configuration"


If both coils shared the same core, it would be D so even if they are not sharing the same core, it would still be D in the way you are showing them.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 22, 2011, 04:37:47 PM
Quote from: Arthurs on June 22, 2011, 04:04:52 PM
@ plengo
@ k4zep
@ mariuscivic
@ Scratchrobot
@ chrisC
Because my language is not English,
Can not correctly understand the "bucking coils"
Please help me confirm the picture in: A, B, C, D which are "bucking configuration"

Don't worry. Your English is perfectly fine. English is not my mother tonque either.
Look at _Yssuraxu_697 repy #3385 today. It's like that and I think your figure is either A or D, depending which way you bias the stator magnets. You can connect each coil to a DPDT switch and hook it up and try the four combinations that will yield the best result; if you're like me and don't remember which way I wired the coils! Hope that helps.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 22, 2011, 04:39:23 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 22, 2011, 04:19:37 PM
@Hoppy . I think what you are trying to say is that in a series resonant circuit , at resonanance , I and V are in phase , and not as konehead says 90 degrees out of phase . This is what your diagrams imply . Am I right ?

Not my diagrams - from the internet. Anyone can learn the facts about resonance from the web.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 22, 2011, 04:42:30 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 22, 2011, 04:03:26 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pTRtJ0jDjA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pTRtJ0jDjA)

Could the position of the rectifier be important? Looks like it does  ???
very interesting effect.
So the placement and the right diodes and FWBRs seems to be very important !

Good to know...

The question is,  does the Hall effect have a positive or negative effect
on the energy production in the pickup coils ??

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 22, 2011, 05:13:16 PM
Hi yfree,

Your observation was indicated here too:

In fact Romerouk already had answered it earlier here:


This is his relevant text on this:
The reason for that is that from the output bridge rectifier I am using one diode to send power back to the battery to keep it charged.When the 20watt bulb is connected the power going back to the battery is reduced resulting that slight voltage drop.
This setup was built for about 25watt load, if the load is increased then all setup must be changed.
The gap from the coils to the rotor must be changed and some other things ...

So he used an extra diode  but this setup was in his first video where there was no looping yet.
Would this answer your observation?

rgds,  Gyula

Quote from: yfree on June 21, 2011, 11:10:25 AM

I am new to this forum, although an old reader of this forum. I value all the contributions by the members of this forum, especially those by Bolt and EMdevices. I would like to ask a simple question about an observation I made, when I watched the first video by Romero (not self-running). I do not understand the strange behaviour of the battery and would appreciate a help from EMdevices or Bolt or any other member, if appropriate. My observation is as follows: There are two digital multimeters connected to the input. One measures the voltage on the battery and the other measures the total current going into the device. When the device reaches a steady state, without load, the input current is 0.94 A and the battery voltage is measured  at 12.59 V. When the load is connected, soon after, the current consumption decreases to 0.92 A. With the decreased  current draw from the battery, the voltage on the battery should go up (less current draw should result in a smaller voltage drop across the internal resistance and the terminal voltage of the battery should increase) . However, in the video, lower current consumption under load results in voltage drop on battery terminals to 12.28 - 12.30 V. When the load is disconnected, the current draw increases again, but the voltage does not drop, as it normally should, it increases.  Is there a logical explanation to this battery behaviour in this circuit?  Thank you for your contributions.

Best regards to All,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 22, 2011, 05:21:07 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on June 22, 2011, 01:56:00 PM
The magnetite I have was sent to me from a group on youtube (ummc.org). I have sent some to another guy to play with and would be more then happy to mail you some to try ( $5 for postage).

So I was not able to get the magnetite rotor to even run as a motor ( very weak attraction). I did spin by hand and had gen coil hooked to scope and didn't see any movement, I tried stacking up to 3 magnets on each side of the coils. I am sure it could work as a motor with some changes to the coils ( bigger core center hole), but for now I have reinstalled the neo rotor.

Thanks for the offer, rawbush. I will let you know if I really need some, but I would prefer to not deplete your stock, as getting more from the UMMC might be difficult, I assume.
When you made your cores with the resin, did you apply a magnetic field during curing, to orient the particles ? I think that's important to get good results.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 22, 2011, 05:40:17 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 22, 2011, 05:13:16 PM
Hi yfree,

Your observation was indicated here too:

In fact Romerouk already had answered it earlier here:


This is his relevant text on this:
The reason for that is that from the output bridge rectifier I am using one diode to send power back to the battery to keep it charged.When the 20watt bulb is connected the power going back to the battery is reduced resulting that slight voltage drop.
This setup was built for about 25watt load, if the load is increased then all setup must be changed.
The gap from the coils to the rotor must be changed and some other things ...

So he used an extra diode  but this setup was in his first video where there was no looping yet.
Would this answer your observation?

rgds,  Gyula

@gyulasun & all

Thanks for the info. Whilst on this subject of the bemf loop back diode, do you know how and where that diode is connected? Also, does anyone know why Romero's device takes in almost 1A without a load?  In the first video, just starting the motor with the battery with no load. That  seemed an awful lot of current for 2 driving coils and some mA to operate a couple of Hall devices? Is this a clue to sort sort of static biasing?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 22, 2011, 05:48:51 PM
Quote from: Arthurs on June 22, 2011, 04:04:52 PM
@ plengo
@ k4zep
@ mariuscivic
@ Scratchrobot
@ chrisC
Because my language is not English,
Can not correctly understand the "bucking coils"
Please help me confirm the picture in: A, B, C, D which are "bucking configuration"

Hy Arthus!

In order to get the highest voltage you must use figure B or C.(doesn't matter witch)

IF in midlle of the two coils (figures B,D) would have ONLY one polle, then the uotput would be zero becouse the magnetic field travells in the opposite way in both coils. BUT in our setup we have N and S(in midlle) and this means that the mag field travells in the same way.
It's like puting in series two AA batteries

Hope this helps !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on June 22, 2011, 05:51:49 PM

Thank you.
Yes, I have seen this answer before. It is a very clever one. I would be satisfied with it if the voltage drop was very small.
O.3V is large for this battery size and rather accounts for the whole load rather than a part of it. It is really simple to try it. But I will not dwell on that.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 22, 2011, 06:17:16 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on June 22, 2011, 01:56:00 PM
The magnetite I have was sent to me from a group on youtube (ummc.org). I have sent some to another guy to play with and would be more then happy to mail you some to try ( $5 for postage).

So I was not able to get the magnetite rotor to even run as a motor ( very weak attraction). I did spin by hand and had gen coil hooked to scope and didn't see any movement, I tried stacking up to 3 magnets on each side of the coils. I am sure it could work as a motor with some changes to the coils ( bigger core center hole), but for now I have reinstalled the neo rotor.

Thanks you for trying.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 22, 2011, 06:19:27 PM
anti intuitiv logic :
if you have a device that speeds up under load + your generativ coils give biggest load on short -> short the coils all the time ? This has got to be not working.
If i open the shorting for a while to steal some energy for the output and short it back, will my rotor speed up ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hartiberlin on June 22, 2011, 06:19:59 PM
Quote from: yfree on June 22, 2011, 05:51:49 PM

Thank you.
Yes, I have seen this answer before. It is a very clever one. I would be satisfied with it if the voltage drop was very small.
O.3V is large for this battery size and rather accounts for the whole load rather than a part of it. It is really simple to try it. But I will not dwell on that.


Another possible answer could be,
that the lamp is secretly powered by the battery
and then it would be a fake.

The 0.3 Volt drop would make sense then.

But you don´t know, how good really his battery was and if it
did not have more internal resistance than 0.15 Ohms.
As batterries get older the internal resistance goes much higher...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hyiq on June 22, 2011, 06:25:44 PM

Sadly my faith in RomeroUK is gone: http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1003.0;attach=5420 (http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1003.0;attach=5420)

I am very disappointed that someone would go to so much effort to fake these videos. RomeroUK WHY?

However, I have not lost faith that a self running Motor can be achieved. There is only one thing that needs to be done, Lenz's Law negation. With Input recovery only small amount of power is needed to get to unity.

Is it that the Elite are paying idiots to fake devices to keep us all running down rabbit holes? Be wary all.

All the best

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 22, 2011, 06:26:48 PM
Quote from: altair on June 22, 2011, 05:21:07 PM
Thanks for the offer, rawbush. I will let you know if I really need some, but I would prefer to not deplete your stock, as getting more from the UMMC might be difficult, I assume.
When you made your cores with the resin, did you apply a magnetic field during curing, to orient the particles ? I think that's important to get good results.


I tried but it made the magnetite push out like little fingers. Would need to make a jig and used pre measured amounts to get good repeatability.

Question on the series tuning caps: Are these special caps? I have a bunch of electrolytic caps and some small ceramic ones, but putting them in the circuit shows no change on the scope...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 22, 2011, 06:40:07 PM
Quote from: hyiq on June 22, 2011, 06:25:44 PM

Sadly my faith in RomeroUK is gone: http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1003.0;attach=5420 (http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1003.0;attach=5420)

I am very disappointed that someone would go to so much effort to fake these videos. RomeroUK WHY?

However, I have not lost faith that a self running Motor can be achieved. There is only one thing that needs to be done, Lenz's Law negation. With Input recovery only small amount of power is needed to get to unity.

Is it that the Elite are paying idiots to fake devices to keep us all running down rabbit holes? Be wary all.

All the best


All i can see is that those wires goes under the bottom coil
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 22, 2011, 06:42:35 PM
Quote from: hyiq on June 22, 2011, 06:25:44 PM

Sadly my faith in RomeroUK is gone: http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1003.0;attach=5420 (http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1003.0;attach=5420)

I am very disappointed that someone would go to so much effort to fake these videos. RomeroUK WHY?

However, I have not lost faith that a self running Motor can be achieved. There is only one thing that needs to be done, Lenz's Law negation. With Input recovery only small amount of power is needed to get to unity.

Is it that the Elite are paying idiots to fake devices to keep us all running down rabbit holes? Be wary all.

All the best


We have seen this a few pages back.. we are moving on.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 22, 2011, 06:46:29 PM
Quote from: Arthurs on June 22, 2011, 04:04:52 PM
@ plengo
@ k4zep
@ mariuscivic
@ Scratchrobot
@ chrisC
Because my language is not English,
Can not correctly understand the "bucking coils"
Please help me confirm the picture in: A, B, C, D which are "bucking configuration"

On another note regarding that diagram I think it was lasersaber who said he was getting Lenz free effect by using the 'A' setup.  I don't recall if I asked him that in PM or if it's back a ways in this thread but it was validated by him and I made note of it on this exact diagram which I saved.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 22, 2011, 06:47:47 PM
Quote from: hyiq on June 22, 2011, 06:25:44 PM

Sadly my faith in RomeroUK is gone: http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1003.0;attach=5420 (http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1003.0;attach=5420)

I am very disappointed that someone would go to so much effort to fake these videos. RomeroUK WHY?

However, I have not lost faith that a self running Motor can be achieved. There is only one thing that needs to be done, Lenz's Law negation. With Input recovery only small amount of power is needed to get to unity.

Is it that the Elite are paying idiots to fake devices to keep us all running down rabbit holes? Be wary all.

All the best


Don't believe everything you read, especially if the author is not believable or some stupid monkey wrote it. (Reply # 76)

Follow that thread for a couple of posts before this:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 22, 2011, 06:53:02 PM
Thanks for trying a non magnetic rotor core. I still think this could be what accounts for several other factors also, like the high current draw (.94 amp) to run the unit.
At some RPM the coils should build a resonate flux like an induction motor and the output would go way up.
Or maybe only every other rotor location was a non magnetic core. Anyway, the possibilities in this device are endless, and we may never know how this really works.
Thanks again!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 22, 2011, 06:53:05 PM
Quote from: chrisC on June 22, 2011, 05:40:17 PM
@gyulasun & all

Thanks for the info. Whilst on this subject of the bemf loop back diode, do you know how and where that diode is connected? Also, does anyone know why Romero's device takes in almost 1A without a load?  In the first video, just starting the motor with the battery with no load. That  seemed an awful lot of current for 2 driving coils and some mA to operate a couple of Hall devices? Is this a clue to sort sort of static biasing?


Hi ChrisC,

About time someone picked up on this.

How many pulse motors have you seen that, on startup, draw the same amount of current that is
used once the rotor gets up to speed ?

Has anyone else loaded the output directly back to the battery - via a diode or whatever ?

Is it for biasing ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 22, 2011, 07:23:56 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 22, 2011, 02:13:21 PM

First i want to thank you for helping me.  ;D

I took another shot with the output shorted by the same 10 ohm 5W + an large cap 22 000uF.

The signal has changed becouse i've changed the wires that goes to the sound card.

My coils 20mm high, 10 mm ferite and 600 turns. For each coil i get around 6,5V -6,8V witch gives me a total of 13,5V-14.0V for each pair with no load and maximum speed

The coils are hand made by me and the first layer of winding sits directly on the ferite bar. I know that the coils are not perfectly but seems to be working.

you're welcome, marius, tho' i'm not sure that i'm helping much!

could you use a DVM, if you have one,  to measure the DC voltage on your 22000uF cap + 10 ohm load, and let us know the value, please?

i'm not sure what you mean about the signal changing because you've changed the wires - do you mean like changing to a different pair of 'probe' wires?   (if you're using two separate wires, it would be better to use some co-ax cable, like a guitar cable, with the braided outer shield connecting to the outer (ground) connection on the soundcard and the central wire connecting to the 'tip' connector in the soundcard  jack socket)

your existing coils seem to be giving quite good output - you may possibly need some more volts, but first we'd need to know what sort of value you have for voltage on your cap + 10 ohm load


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Drak on June 22, 2011, 07:37:00 PM
I have a question to those who have gotten their rotor to speed up under load. What happens when you move those coils completely away from the rotor? Does the rotor slow down or speed up?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on June 22, 2011, 08:33:50 PM
Just a couple quick thoughts.

My wife specializes in intellectual property law and deals with patents every day. Unless RomeroUK was under an NDA, he did nothing wrong. In fact, he could take someone's entire patent and reveal everything about it to all of us and not be in any trouble, at least in the US courts. Patents are there to prevent someone from MAKING MONEY from the work of another. If you come to my house and steal my physical patent document, that's theft, but if you take my idea and build it, there is not a thing I can do about it until you try to make money from it, and THEN, if I have a patent, I can sue you. So he need not worry from a LEGAL perspective unless he violated a written agreement that he had signed. Or so I understand. Somebody have a DIFFERENT understanding? I don't want to give bad advice!!

In the Lindemann/Lockridge thread we have been working on the best way to build a motor to eliminate the effect of Lenz. Pulse the motor for as brief a time as possible to keep it running at the desired speed with HIGH voltage from a charged cap. Then collect the coil collapse PLUS energy produced "in the absence of applied voltage" by the movement of the magnet past the coil in a SECOND cap bank. With the off the shelf motors we're working with in that thread, I imagine we're looking for a supply pulse of 300+ volts. I have read through this thread from front to back, and don't think I've seen where anyone has tried that. Just a thought. I've been doing that with my off the shelf motor with good results. Just trying to work out the best way to charge a cap bank and dump it to the supply cap, and that is the same circuit I was thinking about for THIS replication. By using that high voltage for as brief a time as possible, a little magic happens, if you can get the timing right.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 22, 2011, 09:27:53 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on June 22, 2011, 06:26:48 PM
I tried but it made the magnetite push out like little fingers. Would need to make a jig and used pre measured amounts to get good repeatability.

Question on the series tuning caps: Are these special caps? I have a bunch of electrolytic caps and some small ceramic ones, but putting them in the circuit shows no change on the scope...

The series cap is not a "special" cap, but it needs to be non-polarized.
So that's why Romero & others use a motor capacitor, that is made to be used on 100-220VAC, not DC.
In the standard non-polarized capacitors for electronics, you will not find much choice in values above 10uF.
However, capacitors for speaker crossovers are widely available, but sometimes pricey.
You can check Madisound and Parts Express.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 22, 2011, 09:38:18 PM
Quote from: Dbowling on June 22, 2011, 08:33:50 PM
Just a couple quick thoughts.

My wife specializes in intellectual property law and deals with patents every day. Unless RomeroUK was under an NDA, he did nothing wrong. In fact, he could take someone's entire patent and reveal everything about it to all of us and not be in any trouble, at least in the US courts. Patents are there to prevent someone from MAKING MONEY from the work of another. If you come to my house and steal my physical patent document, that's theft, but if you take my idea and build it, there is not a thing I can do about it until you try to make money from it, and THEN, if I have a patent, I can sue you. So he need not worry from a LEGAL perspective unless he violated a written agreement that he had signed. Or so I understand. Somebody have a DIFFERENT understanding? I don't want to give bad advice!!

In the Lindemann/Lockridge thread we have been working on the best way to build a motor to eliminate the effect of Lenz. Pulse the motor for as brief a time as possible to keep it running at the desired speed with HIGH voltage from a charged cap. Then collect the coil collapse PLUS energy produced "in the absence of applied voltage" by the movement of the magnet past the coil in a SECOND cap bank. With the off the shelf motors we're working with in that thread, I imagine we're looking for a supply pulse of 300+ volts. I have read through this thread from front to back, and don't think I've seen where anyone has tried that. Just a thought. I've been doing that with my off the shelf motor with good results. Just trying to work out the best way to charge a cap bank and dump it to the supply cap, and that is the same circuit I was thinking about for THIS replication. By using that high voltage for as brief a time as possible, a little magic happens, if you can get the timing right.

Warning: don't read this message if you want direct info on tuning or building the Romero/Muller device. 
DBowling,  thanks for the thoughts on both things.  I've wondered for some time and this would be a question for RomeroUK just how well he looked into the people who paid him a visit and the bosses of those who visited and their bosses if you know what I mean.  I can certainly see some enterprising but not-so-ethical individual who heard about his 'looped OU device' and went about putting together a plan to get such a prize away from him.  I know he is a smart computer tech and researcher but when facing a couple very business savvy and/or strong arm types most people's first reaction is going to be to just go along with whatever they say as gospel truth and do a lot of 'yes sirs' and sorry's and here's my device so I won't get in tons of trouble.  Please take it away.    So I don't know if that's how it went down but you could say it is my fear that is how it could have happened.  Only Romero knows and only if he has since done his research on whoever took his device and had him make some agreement.  In a way I hope that is what happened because if it is and he digs in deep enough behind what went down he might find he is under no restrictions at all and could possibly even have those who approached him arrested for fraud, theft, threats or any number of things and he could then go back to helping us all get this device running sooner.
   But in the end I do wish for him to not have any more stress over this if that would enter the picture.  OK I know this is not directly related to how to get the motor tuned etc.  But if it plants an idea with Romero that results in freeing him to talk again then it will certainly speed up our progress.  I really can not think of any good legal reason why someone could shut him up or take his device or threaten him considering he was not going into production to sell anything, was not going for a patent and was only doing public research.  From what I know if anything it sounds like some person or company felt their ability to patent something might be threatened by his open source research.  Too bad for them if that's the case.  They have no right to threaten him. 

   Regarding the Lockridge device I can't say whether that idea could apply here or not.  Others here may be able to chime in about that but there's a fair number of people here from EF so it may already be known.  I don't know that we have the high voltage to work with here.  I haven't checked lately but has anyone gotten the Lockridge device to work as Peter originally described it working? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on June 22, 2011, 10:19:09 PM
Hi all,

Still on vacation and I am writing from my phone. 

I believe romero fed back the dc output to ALL of the gen coils to produce a static bias on the coils.  I believe you want repulsion.  Only one mag sees one coil pair at a time.  Also explains high input current from romero.  Repulse.  Send one direction on bottom coil and opposite on top coils.  Coils a and b must repulse.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 22, 2011, 10:49:52 PM
Note to all.

I will now only change the content of the posts that are irrelevant to THIS thread. Notice that the font will be much smaller which is a visible indication of out of topic post so you can avoid reading it and move on.

If i made a mistake changing someone's post that should be considered relevant (I am only human), please let me know so that I can put it to its original format.

Off course, rude, spams and really offensive posts WILL BE DELETE.

Thanks to all for participating on this important topic and being respectful to each other,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 22, 2011, 10:59:58 PM
Quote from: plengo on June 22, 2011, 10:49:52 PM
Note to all.

I will now only change the content of the posts that are irrelevant to THIS thread. Notice that the font will be much smaller which is a visible indication of out of topic post so you can avoid reading it and move on.

If i made a mistake changing someone's post that should be considered relevant (I am only human), please let me know so that I can put it to its original format.

Off course, rude, spams and really offensive posts WILL BE DELETE.

Thanks to all for participating on this important topic and being respectful to each other,


What do you think about starting a message like I did above with the statement: "Warning: don't read this message if you want direct info on tuning or building the Romero/Muller device. "

Just taking a second to do that may help in a lot of cases too. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Mk1 on June 22, 2011, 11:42:23 PM
Quote from: wattsup on June 22, 2011, 12:02:53 PM

I'm confused. Is it not.........

clockwise going up  =  counter clockwise going down  (same thing)
clockwise going down = counter clockwise going up  (same thing)


PS: There are only two ways to wind a coil but there are four ways to describe the wind.

No its not only because of the magnet ... I will make a video to show you this weekend if i have time .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 22, 2011, 11:43:44 PM
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on June 22, 2011, 10:19:09 PM
Hi all,

Still on vacation and I am writing from my phone. 

I believe romero fed back the dc output to ALL of the gen coils to produce a static bias on the coils.  I believe you want repulsion.  Only one mag sees one coil pair at a time.  Also explains high input current from romero.  Repulse.  Send one direction on bottom coil and opposite on top coils.  Coils a and b must repulse.


@ Bruce. Enjoy your vacation.
If you have a reference to where Romero said he biased the coils statically, please reference that if you will. There is enough stuff on this thread we don't want to go on a wild goose chase if unsubstantiated. We already know one driving coil pulse mutually exclusive from the other because of the Hall switches relative to the magnet positions and spacing. The question I really like to know is why the 1A current with no load? Answer this if you know for sure.
Thank you.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 12:12:16 AM
Have a look at the other replications. Most of them are around 8 to 15 watts depending how fast they spin the rotor. You going to draw a lot more current at 2500 rpm  compared to many only doing 1200 rpm. I don't think 12 watts is excessive for this pulse motor setup. If you REALLY want low power i/p then RV can run at 3000 rpm spin a rotor  twice as large as anyone has made here with huge puck neo magnets on just TWO watts using H bridge inverter driving 5 hp 3 phase induction motor....most efficient motor in the world using off the shelf stuff. This is not a baby toy its  man's tool and can produce hundreds of watts or even a  couple of Kw's OU  which is why Romero is scaling up for much more powerful generator.  There is nothing OU about the pulse motor coils its just a method to spin the rotor nothing more.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 23, 2011, 12:24:43 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 23, 2011, 12:12:16 AM
Have a look at the other replications. Most of them are around 8 to 15 watts depending how fast they spin the rotor. You going to draw a lot more current at 2500 rpm  compared to many only doing 1200 rpm. I don't think 12 watts is excessive for this pulse motor setup. If you REALLY want low power i/p then RV can run at 3000 rpm spin a rotor  twice as large as anyone has made here with huge puck neo magnets on just TWO watts using H bridge inverter driving 5 hp 3 phase induction motor....most efficient motor in the world using off the shelf stuff. This is not a baby toy its  man's tool and can produce hundreds of watts or even a  couple of Kw's OU  which is why Romero is scaling up for much more powerful generator.  There is nothing OU about the pulse motor coils its just a method to spin the rotor nothing more.

Thanks Bolt. At no load and 2 drive coils at 12.2V IN, it sucks 0.48A and my rotor spins very well with no noticeable wobble at 1420 RPM. (VCR bearings). I've almost identical specs. to Romero's spec. list although my coils are 500 turns and measure twice the ohmic resistance.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 23, 2011, 02:28:23 AM
sorry if my 90 degrees out of phase thing was wrong I dont know if it was or wasnt and basically was repeating in my own lousy translation Bolts theory on how to get these to work  maybe it is 180 degrees really since the fields are run series-cancelling....magbye it is 90 degrees and I was right, and the idea is to jam each coil 90 degrees over so it comes out 180, and then everythig is backwards in first place and so it resonates (thats sort of what I thought Bolt was getting at) But I dont know....

Putting theory into practice, today I tried hooking up two facing coils in O-volts genratore/cancelling series, with rotor magnets passing between them,
then shorted them out with continuous short, and tried to get a speed up effect with different size series AC caps - nothing worked...

also tried to get SOME volts into a bridge and cap with the two coils hooked up like this in the "un-shorted" condition too, also by throwing in the sereis AC caps - I was hoping for someting to happen here  - but also nothing worked didnt try too long got a little discouraged with it...very counter-intutitive its all backwards like this making nothing at all at first, then trying to make something from it and I couldnt make anything at all but maybe next time...

also  am confused by the term bucking coils everyone is using in these mullergens - since there are different ways to look at "what is" bucking - to me this means to energize top coil in certain polaretioy with DC, and drive that magnet away (repulsive) and then do same thing with bottom magnet, drive that magnet away...so that is "bucking" to me, (with magnet inbetween) and also could be calle repulsive-mode too...(this is MOTOR COILS)

in generator coils with rotor magnet passing between them,  the term bucking (to me) would also be this same wiring direciton of coils but they are not being energized, but instead induced by rotor magnets.

BUT the relationship between the two coils thenselves, if no magnet between them, is now attractive actually, since the coils would pull to one another if the rotor magnet was not there....

so you can say the coils are bucking to one another, or the coils are bucking to the common magnet they both react to....

and one way is opposite wind direction than the other so anyways just thought to bring that up since when someone says they wired their genrator coils in their Romero relpica to be in series and bucking, I am not sure how they did it...is it the coils to themselves bucking or the coils to teh common magnet bucking?

while wirting this jsut made me think of something - wire the coils up so with no magnet between them they would push against one another type of bucking if both are excited by a DC pulse....

thinkgin motor coil mode right now to explain...

then run rotor magnet between them with coils hooked up like this - the top magnet will want to push and bottom magnet will want to pull rotor magnet so its going to hardly move the rotor at all, if at all.

BUT NOW distance lower coil twice or three times the airgap as top one...now the top magnet will do all the work and maybe lower coil would be "overwhelmed" at certain point and have no  opposite-rotation-pulling effect at certain distance,
maybe with help of helper magnets behind the coils, start to push rotor same direction as top magnet even though they "shouldnt"...adapt all this to gernator coil instead of motor coils....anyways another theory and thing to try out...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: breakthrough on June 23, 2011, 03:42:49 AM
Quote from: yfree on June 22, 2011, 12:22:38 PM

I posted a reply #3303 yesterday, but it was ignored. Perhaps, because I worded it awkwardly. Here it is again, worded as it should be.
In the first video by Romero (not self-running), there are two digital multimeters connected to the input. One measures the voltage on the battery and the other measures the total current going into the device. When the device reaches a steady state, without load, the input current is 0.94 A and the battery voltage is measured  at 12.59 V. When the load is connected, the current consumption decreases to 0.92 A and the battery voltage drops to12.28 V. The voltage drop under load is 0.3V and the current change is 0.02A. On this basis we can calculate the internal resistance of the battery,
Ri = dV/dI = (0.3V)/(-0.02A) = -15 Ohms.
This means that the battery has negative internal resistance: the more current we draw from it, the higher the voltage on the battery is. For instance, an increase of current draw by 1 A would increase the battery voltage by 15 V. Yes, we are looking for this, but is this really possible with this normally looking battery?

We can also calculate the equivalent resistance of the driver circuits; they draw 0.94A at 12.6V.
R = V/I = 12.5V/0.94A = 13.4 Ohms.
Having this, we can calculate the expected current decrease when the battery voltage drops by 0.3V.
dI = dV/R = 0.3V/(13.4 Ohm) = 0.022A.
This is what we see in the video, within the accuracy of the multimeter. No miracles here. Current consumption decreased because the voltage on the battery dropped.
If, however, we assume that this is a normal battery and has  0.15 Ohms of  internal resistance (a reasonable number for a battery of this size), then we can calculate the value of current change that would cause the observed 0.3V drop under load:
dI = dV/Ri = 0.3V/0.15 Ohm = 2A.
The question now is: where is this unaccounted load on the battery coming from?

Is there a logical explanation to this battery behaviour in this circuit?  Thank you for your contributions.

Best regards to All,


Hi yfree,

The current on Romero's battery is not constant, it is periodic. The DMMs are likely to be averaging the voltage fluctuations.

Attached is Romero's original drive circuit. Romero used the same winding style (turns, core etc) for his output coils as the motoring coils. We see the output coils developing ~15V peaks (at least) while the motor drive circuit is driven from 12V. Therefore the induced EMF on the motoring coils may crest 15V as well, periodically forward biasing the 1n4007 diode and recharging the battery. Romero made a comment he included a diode to keep the battery charged and this 1n4007 may be the diode in his comment. It should be noted that back-emf after transistor switch-off is not forward biasing this diode, it is induction on the motoring coil from the rotor magnets' moving flux which is capable of forward biasing it.

An electrical load on the machine obviously causes the loaded coils to become temporary electromagnets when the FWBR on each coil goes into conduction into the output capacitor. I think the magnetic reaction field from the load coils is likely to affect the Hall sensor in the motoring circuit a little, modifying its on/off timing since the total flux it sees is varying a little (it is the sum of all fields, including the reaction fluxes). Those timing variations may alter the way the motor performs, including its current draw and recharging activity.

The Vceo (max collector-emitter voltage) of the TIP42C listed in Romero's schematic is 100V. It's likely that a brief back-EMF spike was present when the motor coil switches off. This EMF would reverse bias the 1n4007 diode (up to 1kV PIV), and drive the TIP42C into its second breakdown region if it exceeds only 100V or so. Romero commented his transistors did not heat up, but this could be where some of the 12W input on idling is going. On the other hand the typical schemes for recycling the back-EMF are not always a good idea, since the current flowing during that time often results in a mechanical drag on the rotor (i.e., BEMF is EMF of reversed sign but current of the original polarity, hence the reversed power flow; the original current which may have been attracting a magnet as it approached will continue to attract now that the magnet is leaving, etc). "recycling back emf" is not magical, it is often a COP<1 transaction which, given diode drops and I2R losses will reduce overall motor efficiency.

Substituting the TIP42C with a higher Vceo transistor having the same gain figure (Hfe in the data sheet) may reduce the input current draw. (Or not!)

It would be difficult to assume the motoring circuit in Romero's build was entirely unaffected by the load, even if RPM doesn't change. If a subtle variation modifies the waveshape of the periodic current flow on the battery, the average voltage will change, and the DMM will report that change in a way that may look odd when represented as a static impedance.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on June 23, 2011, 04:22:06 AM
Hi Chris,

Contrary to opinion, something is obviously missing from the builds, or there would have been a replication by now.  I know of no one whose amp draw was .98 or close to that.  Now why is that?  The idea of using feedback to bias the coils to assist overcoming lenz law is not new.  The magic is not going to be found anywhere but with the gen coils.  Until lenz is displaced no replication will ever be OU.  Romero leftout something and I still believe it involves current flow and direction, which affects polarity and strength of magnetic fields of the gen coils.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 05:05:54 AM
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on June 23, 2011, 04:22:06 AM
Romero leftout something and I still believe it involves current flow and direction, which affects polarity and strength of magnetic fields of the gen coils.

This whole thread is about speedup under load. And i can't remember one feedback that states if speed without coil ( at fixed input power ) is smaller then after adding a generator coil ( having the same or less input power ). Until we get at least one feedback on this we can theorize about stuff as much as we want.

I find it striking logical that if your rotor speed up under load then there should be a load that will maximize your speed. Use this SPECIFIC LOAD ( tune to specific load is secondary topic subject ). See if you can scale the effect by adding a second generator coil after the first one. If you must separate completly the output of coil 1 from coil 2 if they break the effect of the speedup or coil 2 requires a different load size.
Until now i seen posts confirming the speedup with the load, but i haven't seen anyone stating if they managed to add a second coil and how that scaled the output / input. Yes i seen mariouscivic ( if i recall corectly ) connecting all coils and stating that he has issues with 2 generator coils. What happened after that ? No idea.

Can anyone give feedback about scaling this speedup effect ? How many coils can you put on the rotor and you still get the speedup ? ( or input power reduction ). If this has no limit then there is no limit to OU amount.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 05:10:07 AM
for posts about romerouk drama (MIB): Is there a point to even theorize about this ? Let's be constructive and try to get the man make he's next positive step. Even if you manage to guess perfectly the story it will not change the past. Try to focus on the future.

For posts that try to prove that device is a fake : Romorouk is still here, he is still doing research, he is trying to remake the device ( or similar ), no matter what was the past try to make the future bright.

PS: To bad trolls never read the whole topic and they will never read this post either.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 23, 2011, 05:50:52 AM
This whole thread is about speedup under load. And i can't remember one feedback that states if speed without coil ( at fixed input power ) is smaller then after adding a generator coil ( having the same or less input power ). Until we get at least one feedback on this we can theorize about stuff as much as we want.

Hello Tudi, this is the essence of the OU quest in this setup here. The speed up under short (not very useful but still a huge step) or load (useful) to happen at same power levels and in comparison to coil that just not be there.

I have tried and seen in fact that to be the case, but according my view, this happened by better balancing the magnetic drag of rotor than any OU effect there. For example. Imagine you have a rotor with 2 stator coils. Those if are both same time magnetically lock-in (hence a bog drag and losses), then a third coil, "out of phase" will enhance system's efficiency even unshorted.

About shorting coils... my experience

Regarding the short, i have considerable experience with Peripeteia generator.  In that setup, the huge cogging imposed by a laminated core coil(s) in front of magnets would break down the system, and a short would act as this "break" release, hence speedup, being some pre-requisites taken. (high impedance coil, above a frequency threshold etc)

In fact, for those who observed this thing, a standard coil that upon short will create drag, will also relieve of the cogging no matter the final outcome (drag instead of speedup).  Back there, Thane has formulated his own view about what is going on, with high impedance coils (delay current etc)
I proved, that this speedup is not only happening to high impedance coils but and to low impedance ones. i had made back then a 400turn (10 fillar 28 awg) whereas a typical speedup under load coil was 2000-4000 turns. My experiments confirmed that speed up can happen as far as the resulting impedance allowed a current that with the existed resistance would not extract much energy out of the system or in other words (I^2 x R) to be far less than the cogging effect which consumes energy.. its clearly related to phase shifting ..

based on the above premise, i am very very interested in setups like Ben's using air coils or mariuscivic with ferrite coils and odd-even config, that give speedup under load or short.(???) since in the first place they should not impose much or none (especially aircore) cogging to rotor... I have not being able to do that.

About phase shift

Nowadays i purchased an o-scope and can see what is going on in terms of wave forms. Bolt is right about phase angle between current and voltage waves.
I expriemented with the variac as an AC source and saw that. By having an inductor (2 x 12 mH) in series with a resistance (10w 12volt bulb) i can see that the current lags almost 60-70 degrees behind voltage. Similarly, by having a cap in series to variac and same bulb the voltage is lagging current by a large degree.
I noticed the well known that for give setups the lesser the resistance the larger the phase shift and vice versa.
Also, the larger the capacitance or impedance the lesser the phase shift and vice versa.

I have silently assembled a romero like setup and extended this concept.
I have achieved phase shift by adding inductors in series to pick up coil pair or capacitors. Unfortunately, i have not be able to accelarate the rotor by phase swifting (10-50degrees or so) the current either possitively (inductors added) or negatively (capacitors added) whereas it should...? (since magnets would be out positioned?)

Of course by adding any more resistance to the system other than that coil's pair inherent one (mine are 2,2 mH each, 3 ohms 7 x 0.125 wire wound in sewing bobbins) will diminish the phase shift and drag will manifest itself heavier.

??? hmmm what can i say...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 23, 2011, 06:05:46 AM

Yes i seen mariouscivic ( if i recall corectly ) connecting all coils and stating that he has issues with 2 generator coils. What happened after that ? No idea.

Yes, i had an isue with the two bridge rectifiers of the two pairs of coils. I've changed them and now all coils speed up the rotor. The funny thing is that  my rotor speeds up ONLY when puting a dead short to the total output.With the light bulb doesn,t speed up.

Another thing that i don't understand is:
-when i dead short one pair of gen coils AFTER the ac cap , the rotor sppeds up (loosing a bit of power of the output)
-when i dead short the same pair of gen coils BEFORE the ac cap , the rotor speeds down ( loosing more power of the output)
For now i'm building a much smaller dynamo( using HDD rotor) to be able to move freelly the coils all over the rotor to see if there is an hidden sweat spot
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 23, 2011, 07:09:26 AM
And then arrives other questions:

-why did romero used small magnets for triggering one pair of coils?

-why didn't he used the same magnets on the rotor for triggering like i used? ( it work werry good)

-why his rotor has less acceleration with nothing connected to the output?

-why his current is always the same when accelerating and reaching max speed?

i tryed to do 300 turns on the same coil that romeo used but i only managed to do 186 with 0.6mm wire

-how did he did 300 turns with 0.8mm wire?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 23, 2011, 07:19:47 AM
the left one is 300 turns of 0.4 mm

the right one is 186 turns of 0.6 mm
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 23, 2011, 07:26:17 AM
Hi Chris,

Please see Reply #3440 above from a new member 'breakthrough' on the possible explanation of the diode identification and role. (So this diode is not a bemf feedback diode as you called it.) Considering woopy's schematic on the first video setup with the battery:
I believe it is that diode indeed (if Woopy's schematic and the actual setup matches, this has not been confirmed by Romero).

Re on the near 1A input current: Yes I also found it too much and suggested Romero to insert a resistor (from 470 Ohm to 2.2 kOhm) between Hall device pin 3 and transistor base input pin to limit the base current of the transistor, hence its collector current gets less. See this here too:
Woopy tested this and wrote he found an input current draw reducement indeed (but he was far from even a nearly COP=1 situation back then).
(Romero did not want to change anything on his already working setup to reduce input current (this is understandable).
Re on static biasing question: I do not suppose this diode feedback gives a static biasing because current can only flow via this diode when the induced voltage in the two drive coils is just higher than the battery voltage + this diode voltage drop. This may mean a switched dynamic charging to the battery, the switching happens automatically as per the induction in the driving coils is higher or lower in a given moment than the battery voltage.


Quote from: chrisC on June 22, 2011, 05:40:17 PM
@gyulasun & all

Thanks for the info. Whilst on this subject of the bemf loop back diode, do you know how and where that diode is connected? Also, does anyone know why Romero's device takes in almost 1A without a load?  In the first video, just starting the motor with the battery with no load. That  seemed an awful lot of current for 2 driving coils and some mA to operate a couple of Hall devices? Is this a clue to sort sort of static biasing?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 23, 2011, 07:30:43 AM
Hi Marius,

-why did romero used small magnets for triggering one pair of coils?

-why didn't he used the same magnets on the rotor for triggering like i used? ( it work werry good)

-why his rotor has less acceleration with nothing connected to the output?

-why his current is always the same when accelerating and reaching max speed?

i tryed to do 300 turns on the same coil that romeo used but i only managed to do 186 with 0.6mm wire

-how did he did 300 turns with 0.8mm wire?

You are confused with wire size. 7 x .125 does NOT equal .875 - look back through this thread = 0.375

This is how you can get 300 turns per coil.

Use small mags on side to be able to trigger on TDC - you can not fit the hall sensor between rotor
and core/coil

Constant current !  Well, this has still got me beat. I have reduce the unit to 2 pairs drive coils and
1 only pickup (generation) coil. Testing for -

-Bias magnets - various types and sizes.

With so many testing, one of us has to hit "it" soon.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 23, 2011, 07:41:46 AM
Thank the following friends help:
    @ mariuscivic
    @ neptune
    @ wattsup
    @ chrisC
    I follow the suggestion to experiment, In the "A" "B" short position, But still can not get the rotor acceleration.
    Where I did not do right?
    Should be adjusted where?

    I rotor speed is 1500rpm,
    Each generating coil resistance is 2 ohms,
    Generation coil and the rotor magnet gap 8mm.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 23, 2011, 07:51:15 AM
Quote from: Arthurs on June 23, 2011, 07:41:46 AM
Thank the following friends help:
    @ mariuscivic
    @ neptune
    @ wattsup
    @ chrisC
    I follow the suggestion to experiment, In the "A" "B" short position, But still can not get the rotor acceleration.
    Where I did not do right?
    Should be adjusted where?

    I rotor speed is 1500rpm,
    Each generating coil resistance is 2 ohms,
    Generation coil and the rotor magnet gap 8mm.

Try this:

For now remove the large cap
Start the rotor with a load( light bulb)
Let it run at max speed.
Then , with the light bulb conected , put it in dead short
You should hear the rotor speeding up a bit and the current droping a bit ( that's how it works for me)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 08:00:39 AM
Seems like you understand how it should happen and it is not happening. Others just do as they are told and get the speedup ? There must be something you are missing.
On the other hand your goal is not the speedup but to be able to steal some kind of "state" in a way to not bother the rest of the device. For example charge a cap or copy the potential difference on the varicap. Did you try this ?
You also mentioned that coil shorting gives benefits. What happened to that project ? What is the limitation of the shorting because it is not good enough to be used ?

Nice. Since you get the boost when having 1 coil or when you short all coils. Can you try to short the coils 1 by 1 without treating them as 1 ?

"-why did romero used small magnets for triggering one pair of coils?"
i think that was a temporary solution, later he used the big magnets. The smaller the magnet the smaller interval you can leave the hall trigger working. Maybe he needed bigger itnervals

"-why his rotor has less acceleration with nothing connected to the output?"
if I is lagging after induction, that might create a time gap between the rotor inducing in 1 way then in other way. There might be an interval when the coil instead of oposing the magnet movement it is trying to help it. If you try to calculate the amount of time this happen you will get to a quite small number.

"-why his current is always the same when accelerating and reaching max speed?"
This speedup is not what you are seeking, you wish to convert this speedup to output and not loose the extra gain as mechanical loss. If you would be able to maintain the speed then you could raise your I or V

The question still remains. Are you able to scale this speedup effect ? Can you put a second coil that will further increase speed ? Please note that nobody said that second coil needs to copy first coil. Maybe it needs to be closer to rotor.

Could it be considered an optimization that when magnet aproaches coil to lag I behind then at peak output position to force it to lag in front of V ? ( when V sine wave is increasing you lag I behind and when V starts to decrease you force I to lag in front of V ). If this can be improved and I is causing lenz drag then you can eliminate or reduce Lenz considerably or totaly.
If you can lag I behind V with a capacitor and you can force I to get in front of V with a resistance. You could use a switch to reroute your output from a capacitor to your load after sine peak.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 08:11:58 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 23, 2011, 07:51:15 AM
Try this:

For now remove the large cap
Start the rotor with a load( light bulb)
Let it run at max speed.
Then , with the light bulb conected , put it in dead short
You should hear the rotor speeding up a bit and the current droping a bit ( that's how it works for me)
will this new speed be better then without having the generator coil at all ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 23, 2011, 08:14:59 AM

A couple of things of interest -

I can generate over 200v DC from the output by using a series cap, 0.47uf, with the 21 watt bulb (about 1 ohm) and quickly shorting across the cap. Do not use the buffer cap - many uf, high volts.

Its weird to note where this voltage is stored and eventually drains down. I can tell you that it packs
a punch.

Has anyone else noticed the generating capablities of the "DRIVE" circuit. Simply connect a voltmeter
across the input wires to drive circuit without power and rotate rotor by hand.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Drak on June 23, 2011, 08:18:30 AM
QuoteI have a question to those who have gotten their rotor to speed up under load. What happens when you move those coils completely away from the rotor? Does the rotor slow down or speed up?

The reason I ask this question is because if the rotor slows down when removing the coils, then maybe that is all those coils are used for. Maybe they are only there to add energy into the system by speeding up the rotor and not meant to be used as actual pickup coils. Which would explain why Romero had biasing magnets on certain coils and not others. The ones without the magnets are the ones that converted the kinetic energy into usable electric (-minus the drivers of course). The others were just pushers.

Maybe that pushing effect will only work at a certain speed so you would only be able to draw so much energy before the rotor slowed down out of the frequency of resonance the "pushers" need to work. This is if the rotor slows down after removing the coils. If it speeds up then just disregard this post.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 23, 2011, 08:21:59 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 23, 2011, 08:14:59 AM
Has anyone else noticed the generating capablities of the "DRIVE" circuit. Simply connect a voltmeter
across the input wires to drive circuit without power and rotate rotor by hand.


Hi Penno,

Do you use the original Romero drive circuit? (bipolar transistor and the diode type of yours please?) If you use a different circuit what it is like?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 23, 2011, 08:25:39 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 23, 2011, 08:21:59 AM
Hi Penno,

Do you use the original Romero drive circuit? (bipolar transistor and the diode type of yours please?) If you use a different circuit what it is like?


Absolutely 100% - Even put the 100ohm on the power line to the A1104. and yes Tip42c. 100uf and IN4007.

Personnaly, I would have used the 100ohm between hall output and transistor base.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 23, 2011, 08:27:03 AM
Hi penno

I have notice that

I have managed to light the 3W led that i have.

I connected it to the INPUT after removing the wires from the battery.And Lenz was also there  :D

use the same circuit too
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 08:29:44 AM

The one ohm resistor in series with the coils is ONLY there for taking current measurements and affixing channel A scope where channel B measures the voltage across the coil or capacitor into a short circuit for initial tuning.

Once the tuning completed the  current shunt 1 ohm resistor is REMOVED. But certainly wont cause too many problems to have it there so you can check the waveforms when all the coils  are in place for best tuning but ultimately this is wasting power and need to come out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 23, 2011, 08:33:31 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 23, 2011, 08:14:59 AM

A couple of things of interest -
Has anyone else noticed the generating capablities of the "DRIVE" circuit.

LOL   ...only a few of us, it seems!  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 23, 2011, 08:40:50 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 23, 2011, 08:25:39 AM
Absolutely 100% - Even put the 100ohm on the power line to the A1104. and yes Tip42c. 100uf and IN4007.

Personnaly, I would have used the 100ohm between hall output and transistor base.

Ok, thanks.  (The 100 Ohm resistor may have some low pass filter role to attenuate spikes amplitude entering the Hall device's supply pin (this device includes a built-in voltage stabilizer for its inside circuitry).

However, I would suggest this small modification to the driver circuit, see the second part of my post here with the inserting of a series resistor:

Normally I am against any modification which alters the original circuit but in this case I do believe the series resistor reduces the total drive current input while RPM does not change (resistor value needs to be experimentally found of course). Of course I am aware of the fact that this input current reducement can only be useful when you are nearing to a COP=1 situation.  :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 23, 2011, 08:58:18 AM
Since you get the boost when having 1 coil or when you short all coils. Can you try to short the coils 1 by 1 without treating them as 1 ?

Just did that!
It doesn't behave the same.
Now i'll try to explain:
The bottom coil and the top coil are connected in series( not parallel)
The two wires remaning are going one to the bridge  and the other one to one leg of the small cap.The other cap leg goes to the bridge (the cap is in series with the two coils)
Now, i connect (dead short) betwin  the leg of the capacitor that goes to the bridge and the connection betwin those two coils.Here i see how the rpm incresses!

Now i did what you suggested to do.

I disconected the two coils and put each of them in dead short with the same capacitor in series.


I put each coils in dead short without the cap in series and guess what....Lenz appear

( i know that i said before but please excuse my english . I'm doing all the efort i can to comunicate with you guys and to unlock the secret behind this device.My resurce are verry verry limitate and my hope is on you. I'm doing what i can.Most of you have acces to hi-tech instruments that i dont have)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 23, 2011, 09:03:00 AM
Quote from: yfree on June 22, 2011, 05:51:49 PM

Thank you.
Yes, I have seen this answer before. It is a very clever one. I would be satisfied with it if the voltage drop was very small.
O.3V is large for this battery size and rather accounts for the whole load rather than a part of it. It is really simple to try it. But I will not dwell on that.


Hi yfree,

I think the state of the battery can still explain your observation of the 0.3V change.
Romero wrote he had even 8V in his battery:
and that the battery was about 5 years old:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 09:05:09 AM
@mariuscivic : your english is fine. I expressed myself badly. What i wanted to say is that you get a speedup with a specific change ( coil PAIR shorted ). And if you add another coil pair just like the first one and do similar thing as for the first one, will the rotor further speed up then with the first coil pair ? yes or no ? :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 23, 2011, 09:30:29 AM
Yes, it's speeds up, but there is a drop in the output power
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on June 23, 2011, 10:18:51 AM
about a week ago I called Romero for the second time and asked him to point me to a direction where I can get close to OU or even OU and no connection to Muller as I understand we will never get more from him.He was kind enough to give me some indications that I folowed and I can tell you all my results.
What he said is to have a small rotor with magnets, any orientation, NN, SS or NS but to make sure I have at least 2.5 times the magnet diameter more space for the gap in between the each magnet, and 2 air core coils. He said this way I have nothing to slow down the rotor and is like i don't even have the coils there.
To drive the coil he pointed to a circuit that was posted by someone some pages back, circuit that was used initially to drive a pendulum.He said to keep the circuit as is and just change the transistors with BD139 and BD140 then if I have a scope look at the driving coil and drive it with no more than 6-7 volts.This circuit when in Off position recovers some of the BEMF even without a diode for that, that is strange to me.
I built the rotor, 8 magnets in NS orientation and the circuit and tested, it is only using 16ma to drive the rotor with 6 volts input. at about 900RPM.
Now the second part is how to get some power out without affecting the input or the rpm.
I made a bifillar coil 400 turns, I think is 0.3mm and connected like tesla suggested, the end of the first going to the begining of the second,this is what Romero suggested.
He also suggested something that I never heard, make a FWBR from superbright 4 LED's.I did that and connected to the coil and have a capacitor from one of the coil wires to the bridge.He said that I will need to try different capacitors because it depends on the coil.In my case I use 2 times 0.22uf/250v, in parallel.At the output of the bridge he suggested to connect a 1k potentiometer and start having it at the middle.
Now the fun started, I have the rotor in action and the LED's from the bridge are lit in sequence when I have slow speed, after that at higher speed all LED's are ON.
The first thing is that the input oscilates slightly from 16ma to 15ma but without the bridge it stays at 16ma.Adjusting the potentiometer I get slightly more speed and brightness and input goes to 14ma.
From here Romero said that I can add more LED's in parallel or make a chain of LED's then from 4 identical chains build the FWBR.I don't have enough LED's to make that experiment now but I wil get some.For me even getting cheap LED's is not easy, my income is a small pension that I need to look after.
In the final Romero said that making a FWBR and for each segment I add a resistor or a coil will open a path to even more discoveries. I am not sure he was talking about using normal diodes or LED's in this configuration.
I am posting this here and maybe someone can do the same build and confirm all  other suggestions

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 10:29:44 AM
@David70 : thank you for sharing that. Many people managed to get the effect for 1 coil. But the output they got was smaller then the input. And adding a second coil did not help. We will wait for your test results regarding the discoveries you might make in the future.
By the way, any info on the output ? You mentioned the input but mostly nothing of the output.

@mariuscivic : we are doomed ? Sounds like there is no magic ? instead of output the input power gets converted into rotation speed ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on June 23, 2011, 10:44:21 AM
I don't have any output, the LED's are the output and all 4 are fully lit.How much  a superbright led draws? I was thinking how many led's I can add then make some calculations and compare with the input.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on June 23, 2011, 10:47:58 AM
Hi mariuscivic

I have watched your videos and see that you power your unit from a PC powers supply.

Did you ever try to use a 12V battery (car battery) as the primary driving source?

Did you ever try to loop back the output to the battery as romerouk explained?
Quote from: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 01:45:18 PM
..... from the output bridge rectifier I am using one diode to send power back to the battery ...
(Note: I think this won`t work with your "regulated power supply". You need to use a battery to try this).

I suggest to do this because it is not a good idea to directly use up all the power from the generator coils in your load (light bulb). Please connect the generated power from the coils back to the battery, as Romero did in his first video (non-self-runner video) and as woopy shows here:

This should boost the input voltage above the battery's normal supply voltage. So the machine should run faster than without that connection and consequently produce more power through more speed.

woopy tried it, as far as I understand and liked it. And why should he have posted this schematic for the second time?

Good luck to all.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 23, 2011, 10:49:16 AM
I dont know if we are doomed. I made another video where i'm showing you in detail what i'm doing
Please, everyone, watch this video and tell me your opinion

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 23, 2011, 10:52:17 AM
Hi oscar

I did try what you suggested but no boost efect or recharge efect
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on June 23, 2011, 11:04:28 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 04, 2011, 01:45:18 PM
.... from the output bridge rectifier I am using one diode to send power back to the battery to keep it charged.....
Please gyulasun, how do you read that? Does romerouk mean an ADDITIONAL diode between the DC output of the FWBR and the battery? A diode that would only conduct current back to the supply, when the generated voltage (after the FWBRs) exceeds the battery voltage?
Would that make sense?
To add such an additional diode between the FWBRs output and the battery?
An additional diode which woopy has not drawn in his schematic?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on June 23, 2011, 11:36:51 AM

I absolutely agree with you that the series resistance of the battery can influence voltage swings under load. However, it works both ways. When the battery is supplying current,  voltage drops, when the battery is charged, voltage increases equally. In the posts, you pointed to yesterday, it is claimed that when the load is not connected, the excess energy is fed back to the battery. So, if this is true, when the load is disconnected, and the battery is charged, we should see the voltage go above the starting point (~12.6V). We do not see this anywhere in the video. We see only voltage drop when the load is connected, and voltage recovery, when the load is off, but still below 12.6V, never above it.
I may post a schematic, as I see it in this video, time permitting.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on June 23, 2011, 11:42:23 AM
@all with a turning rotor
What happens if you,
when shorting coilpairs and get the increase in speed adjust your rotorspeed down to original speed either by adjusting voltage or by moving hallsensors.
If you do it by hallsensors you might get higher currentdraw if you place it right, Romero mentioned once that one of the driving coilpairs was used in both attracting and repelling mode.(A little bit of both, he said, i think this was in the experimenter thread)
Thus the high draw 0.94 amp. 1 drive coilset maybe actually holding down the speed ??
Maybe that instead of increased speed, one can get more out of the gen coils?
Just my 2 cents.
Cant do it myself until over this weekend, as of now Im still at work away from home.
Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on June 23, 2011, 12:02:19 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 16, 2011, 11:32:05 AM
attraction is what i used mainly for one of the driver coils that used the side magnets to trigger.the other one having the hall on top used attraction too but a bit of replusion at the same time.

It was in the  "Romero's experiments and OU principles thread" Reply #115

Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 23, 2011, 12:03:59 PM
Quote from: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 10:29:44 AM
@David70 : thank you for sharing that. Many people managed to get the effect for 1 coil. But the output they got was smaller then the input. And adding a second coil did not help. We will wait for your test results regarding the discoveries you might make in the future.
By the way, any info on the output ? You mentioned the input but mostly nothing of the output.

@mariuscivic : we are doomed ? Sounds like there is no magic ? instead of output the input power gets converted into rotation speed ?

The output can be looked at as a combination of mecahnical torque from the rotor and electrical from the generator. One affects the other and no variable can change without affecting other variables. Tune output to what you want, either higher electrical or higher mechanical. The machine will seek a balance that can even be influenced by nature in that there can be speed variations between day and night running.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 23, 2011, 12:58:44 PM
Quote from: David70 on June 23, 2011, 10:18:51 AM
about a week ago I called Romero for the second time and asked him to point me to a direction where I can get close to OU or even OU and no connection to Muller as I understand we will never get more from him.He was kind enough to give me some indications that I folowed and I can tell you all my results.
What he said is to have a small rotor with magnets, any orientation, NN, SS or NS but to make sure I have at least 2.5 times the magnet diameter more space for the gap in between the each magnet, and 2 air core coils. He said this way I have nothing to slow down the rotor and is like i don't even have the coils there.
To drive the coil he pointed to a circuit that was posted by someone some pages back, circuit that was used initially to drive a pendulum.He said to keep the circuit as is and just change the transistors with BD139 and BD140 then if I have a scope look at the driving coil and drive it with no more than 6-7 volts.This circuit when in Off position recovers some of the BEMF even without a diode for that, that is strange to me.
I built the rotor, 8 magnets in NS orientation and the circuit and tested, it is only using 16ma to drive the rotor with 6 volts input. at about 900RPM.
Now the second part is how to get some power out without affecting the input or the rpm.
I made a bifillar coil 400 turns, I think is 0.3mm and connected like tesla suggested, the end of the first going to the begining of the second,this is what Romero suggested.
He also suggested something that I never heard, make a FWBR from superbright 4 LED's.I did that and connected to the coil and have a capacitor from one of the coil wires to the bridge.He said that I will need to try different capacitors because it depends on the coil.In my case I use 2 times 0.22uf/250v, in parallel.At the output of the bridge he suggested to connect a 1k potentiometer and start having it at the middle.
Now the fun started, I have the rotor in action and the LED's from the bridge are lit in sequence when I have slow speed, after that at higher speed all LED's are ON.
The first thing is that the input oscilates slightly from 16ma to 15ma but without the bridge it stays at 16ma.Adjusting the potentiometer I get slightly more speed and brightness and input goes to 14ma.
From here Romero said that I can add more LED's in parallel or make a chain of LED's then from 4 identical chains build the FWBR.I don't have enough LED's to make that experiment now but I wil get some.For me even getting cheap LED's is not easy, my income is a small pension that I need to look after.
In the final Romero said that making a FWBR and for each segment I add a resistor or a coil will open a path to even more discoveries. I am not sure he was talking about using normal diodes or LED's in this configuration.
I am posting this here and maybe someone can do the same build and confirm all  other suggestions


Thank you very much for sharing that with us, I like the FWBR made of leds very much because it shows me better whats going on  :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 23, 2011, 01:16:29 PM
Quote from: erikbuch on June 23, 2011, 12:02:19 PM
It was in the  "Romero's experiments and OU principles thread" Reply #115

Best regards


Thanks for the reference. I did remember that statement too and wondered why he would attract and repel (sometimes).

Now I think at least two factors help minimize Lenz's law. (1) The amount of time the drive coils are turned on (minimized) so as not to inject too much current and hence drag but enough to drive the rotor forward until the next hall sensor picks up the pace and those halls operate mutually exclusive. That's why his little magnets are real small just enough to activate @TDC and then shuts off the driver . (2) A rotor speed up is only good if the maximum magnetic flux can be harvested at the pick up coils. Running the rotor too fast picks up almost nothing - there is a fine balance between Input power, rotor speed  and RLC tuning. I noticed that adding a second pick up coil marginally improves the output charge collection, i.e the voltage rises at the large cap. and current level (bulb load) increases; of course the rotor speed decreases. But it is always way below the needed percentage needed. Well, maybe Romero use a scheme where he periodically slowed down the rotor to harvest the maximum charges and then pumping the next Hall pulse just to maintain the needed rotation speed essentially creating a biasing condition in his startup DC condition needing 900mA? The addition of the 100 ohm current limiting resistor to the TIP42C helps a little but it will be a few milliamps and not a factor in the 900 mA. Even in my own Hall sensor circuit which is slightly different, the whole circuit running uses an average current of less that 30mA even with a LED indicator included.
I am puzzled by the 900 mA because Romero's no load speed cannot be more than 1500 RPM judging from the video and with those components, the 'normal' current should not be more than 500 to 600mA. I think but I could be wrong. So, this extra current could be used to periodically slow down the rotor at resonance to pick up the most magnetic flux? The way it could be done is to bias some of the pickup coils to reverse(repel) the normal forward direction of the rotor. Just my guess.

The rotor magnets do what they need to do and the stator magnets add the balancing bias. Other factors like air gap spacing between rotor magnets and coils also contribute to the total energy equation. So, we have a bunch of questions and thank you all for listening to my babbling!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on June 23, 2011, 01:20:59 PM

I admire your work on this device.  Keep it up and best of luck to you.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 23, 2011, 01:41:57 PM
Quote from: David70 on June 23, 2011, 10:18:51 AM
about a week ago I called Romero for the second time and asked him to point me to a direction where I can get close to OU
I am posting this here and maybe someone can do the same build and confirm all  other suggestions


David, thank you for posting that.

I tried it with two coils on my much bigger machine and it is fascinating to see. I turned the voltage down so it is just running at 600 RPM with away more input than output, lol

Kind Regards, from a fellow pensioner


Edit:  OK, with 8 leds... but that is 10 bux worth so will stop there,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 02:02:21 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 23, 2011, 10:49:16 AM
I dont know if we are doomed. I made another video where i'm showing you in detail what i'm doing
Please, everyone, watch this video and tell me your opinion

I had the impression by adding the load)shorting) you can harvest the same output and get the speedup also. But if the load will make you harvest less energy then the speedup is perfectly logical and means there is no magic. Less harvesting means more energy for the rotor to rotate.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on June 23, 2011, 02:16:10 PM
It was RUK who hinted at the dual purpose of the diodes.

It was RUK who talked about big efficiency improvements of the bridge with the addition of the 1N4007/1N4001 to the large bridge.

It was RUK who apparently recommended that the guy working with the Kromrey look at the apparent HALL effect on the efficiency of the bridge...who also was looking at the piggy-backed diodes on the big bridge.

Very few here seemed to put much emphasis on that point. It might be important.

Free energy will have a quantum source...one way or another. I honestly doubt that this is matter of fooling Mr. Lenz, except in eliminating Lenz induced losses.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 23, 2011, 02:28:48 PM
Hello All,

I am working on building up a quick pulse motor test stand to characterize the speedup effect that people here are witnessing. I just wanted to ask a few questions from the builders who have successfully seen the speedup under load.

1. What size magnet wire are you using?
2. Roughly how many turns?
3. What are the dimensions of your coils?
4. What is the coil's resistance and inductance?
5. What core material used? (Ferrite, iron, air etc).

It would be nice to see if there is a good general pattern developing for those who have had success with this. Also, I am preparing to wind some coils of my own on ferrite rods and would like to see what specs the other successful replications have.

I have access to a magnetic current probe and would like to observe what happens when the motor is shorted and unshorted. Also, since many people here are seeing that the motor runs best under shorted conditions, this is an ideal time to try the coil shorting technique to extract the power from the coil at high voltage while still maintaining the short circuit condition that the system likes.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 23, 2011, 02:30:52 PM
Quote from: oscar on June 23, 2011, 11:04:28 AM
@gyulasunPlease gyulasun, how do you read that? Does romerouk mean an ADDITIONAL diode between the DC output of the FWBR and the battery? A diode that would only conduct current back to the supply, when the generated voltage (after the FWBRs) exceeds the battery voltage?
Would that make sense?
To add such an additional diode between the FWBRs output and the battery?
An additional diode which woopy has not drawn in his schematic?

Hi oscar,

Well, first I thought Romero meant an extra diode (not the one in parallel with the TIP42C driving transistor).  But this would need a return path in the other battery polarity line also from the output.
Then woopy drew a possible schematic as he saw it from the first video and because both the battery + and - poles are paralelled with the diode bridges' common + and - poles, an extra diode is not possible...  unless Romero had a schematic different from that of woopy (I mean some unidentifyable wire endings woopy mentioned).
The 1N4007 diode in the driving circuit as Romero showed can charge the battery from the induced voltage in the series driving coils when they are off. So battery is charged from drive coils this way.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Overschuss on June 23, 2011, 02:55:51 PM
Hi all

I wonder nobody has suggested to build a "Binary Switching Capacitor Bank" to find/tune easier the right series/parallel Resonance (or Phase-Shifting) cap value, as described here on Page 8:


I would add four more switches, from 0.1 uF to 51.2 uF (altogether 102.4 uF).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: erikbuch on June 23, 2011, 03:18:52 PM
Bolt suggested thath earlier in this thread!

Quote: Anything designed for AC will work you probably need AC polypropylene film capacitor they are often yellow or blue blocks used as motor suppression caps in brushed motors. if you buy new you can keep the cost down going for 63v rated instead of 250v but this might restrict you in the future when you go bigger up in size and better rigs. Then tend only to go up to about 5uf so you need to gang them up for more uf. They are quite expensive about a euro/buck each so if you need 100uf at 5uf increment = 20 bucks by 10 coils that's 200 bucks worth of caps. If you are really desperate using electrolytic  back to back to make an AC cap out of them but never do this for mains voltages. Low voltage muller stuff might be ok for a while but don't be surprised if they go bang.

OR you can use motor run caps they are not cheap either to buy new like 25 bucks for 50uf but the AC voltage is going to be 350-450VAC so they are future proof for anything you might likely come across. What you really need to make for all your AC tuning stuff is a Binary Cap box made from Run Caps. Inside this big box you put like 1, 2 4 8 16 32 64uf caps 450VAC then use good switches like 20A breakers. From this binary combination you got a good tuning range within 1uf.

Now you got a full AC motor tuning kit for power factoring RV, Air Con system pumps, freezers, pool pumps, mega large mullers etc.  Once you found the correct size you fit a permanent cap in the required position.

who said free energy was free?  ...'king expensive. End Quote

Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on June 23, 2011, 03:27:55 PM
Hi All,

as user "hoppy" already explained a few pages back (here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.3397), the phase angle of a series LCR circuit in resonance = 0!

So no "lagging" or "leading" of "I" or "V".

So what are we aiming for, series resonance (no phase shift), or "i" lagging "V" by 90 degrees (= no lenz?)?

The latter meaning a pure inductive reactance, so prefferable without any capacitance in the circuit.

It can only be one or the other, not both. Or is there a method of forcing series resonance in a LCR circuit with "i" lagging "v"?

please explain?        Thanks.    Itsu.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 03:29:07 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 23, 2011, 02:28:48 PM
Hello All,

I am working on building up a quick pulse motor test stand to characterize the speedup effect that people here are witnessing. I just wanted to ask a few questions from the builders who have successfully seen the speedup under load.

1. What size magnet wire are you using?
2. Roughly how many turns?
3. What are the dimensions of your coils?
4. What is the coil's resistance and inductance?
5. What core material used? (Ferrite, iron, air etc).

It would be nice to see if there is a good general pattern developing for those who have had success with this. Also, I am preparing to wind some coils of my own on ferrite rods and would like to see what specs the other successful replications have.

I have access to a magnetic current probe and would like to observe what happens when the motor is shorted and unshorted. Also, since many people here are seeing that the motor runs best under shorted conditions, this is an ideal time to try the coil shorting technique to extract the power from the coil at high voltage while still maintaining the short circuit condition that the system likes.

- Jason O
I'm glad you are joining. But if there is no magic in the speedup effect then ...well it's just part of a normal gnerator behavior. You could say the other way : slowdown ( drag ) on energy extraction

For your questions there is a general description of a muller generator ex : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70E0Q_pCB-4
and a compiled version for replication :

However RomeroUK reminded us multiple times that you need to make an efficient dynamo tunedd for a specific load and it's not a must to build a muller dynamo.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 03:31:46 PM
Quote from: itsu on June 23, 2011, 03:27:55 PM
Hi All,

as user "hoppy" already explained a few pages back (here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.3397), the phase angle of a series LCR circuit in resonance = 0!

So no "lagging" or "leading" of "I" or "V".

So what are we aiming for, series resonance (no phase shift), or "i" lagging "V" by 90 degrees (= no lenz?)?

The latter meaning a pure inductive reactance, so prefferable without any capacitance in the circuit.

It can only be one or the other, not both. Or is there a method of forcing series resonance in a LCR circuit with "i" lagging "v"?

please explain?        Thanks.    Itsu.

what i ment is to switch the circuit layout at specific moment to change from 1 setup to another. Juswt imagine it as a mechanical switch ? Not sure if it is possible or benefic at all
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 23, 2011, 03:45:52 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on June 23, 2011, 02:16:10 PM
It was RUK who hinted at the dual purpose of the diodes.

It was RUK who talked about big efficiency improvements of the bridge with the addition of the 1N4007/1N4001 to the large bridge.

It was RUK who apparently recommended that the guy working with the Kromrey look at the apparent HALL effect on the efficiency of the bridge...who also was looking at the piggy-backed diodes on the big bridge.

Very few here seemed to put much emphasis on that point. It might be important.

Free energy will have a quantum source...one way or another. I honestly doubt that this is matter of fooling Mr. Lenz, except in eliminating Lenz induced losses.

I agree, we have to think outside the box, expect the unexpected.
I remember him also saying he found a component for the switching to replace the reed switch. Maybe the FWBR does some kind of switching.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 23, 2011, 03:46:29 PM
Remember that at resonance , I and v are in phase in a series tuned circuit . I have a feeling that at resonance in a PARALLEL tuned circuit , I and V are out of phase by either 90 degrees or 180 degrees , not sure which . This is connecting the cap across the coils .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 03:58:05 PM
Quote from: itsu on June 23, 2011, 03:27:55 PM
Hi All,

as user "hoppy" already explained a few pages back (here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.3397), the phase angle of a series LCR circuit in resonance = 0!

So no "lagging" or "leading" of "I" or "V".

So what are we aiming for, series resonance (no phase shift), or "i" lagging "V" by 90 degrees (= no lenz?)?

The latter meaning a pure inductive reactance, so prefferable without any capacitance in the circuit.

It can only be one or the other, not both. Or is there a method of forcing series resonance in a LCR circuit with "i" lagging "v"?

please explain?        Thanks.    Itsu.

It doesn't matter power factor zero is the same as VSWR = infinity.   We don't care how you achieve this condition but if your motor or coils is inductive then you add capacitance tuned VERY carefully  to achieve this as standing wave. There are some circuits predominately capacitive like errmm i dunno HHO cells plates are the cap so you ADD inductance in series to make an  OU amount of HHO This is Myers secrets.

or HV discharge into Tesla tower lighting florescent tubes then add inductance in series and TUNE to the Tesla tower power drops to almost ZERO watts while the florescent tubes are now working in capacitative scaler.  This is Tesla secrets he called this RESONANCE but it totally different to how you see resonance.

When shorting and motor speeds up then drops into load you MUST retune the system into the desired load. If you have no caps then L your inductor must be tuned with the precision of a brain surgeon.  Simply adding a 10uf cap is NOT tuning that is just being a Dumb Ass! Sorry to be blunt but you have to understand why Romero spent a month tuning his rig.

To understand ZPE  = RLC using RF under node tuning parameters.

In some situations the speed of the rotor must hit a certain RPM before the system LATCHES into narrow band  resonance. In other words no effect be seen whatsoever say from 100 to 1475 rpm then 1476 to 1790  system goes OU then 1791 rpm systems drops out of OU and due to hysteresis  you have to drop back down to say 1600 to get OU again.

Watch THANE forget about his flux path stuff its not at all important but the overall effect is real enough.  Due to the HV coils he has enough self capacitance to  no need a series capacitor IF a certain high frequency  is achieved.

OK next one watch and listen carefully to THRAPP as the generator hits reactive resonance. On the side of his generator is a number of caps to force the system into VARS.



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 23, 2011, 04:01:57 PM
Quote from: Pirate88179 on June 23, 2011, 01:20:59 PM

I admire your work on this device.  Keep it up and best of luck to you.


Thanks Bill. I'll do my part. There are not many projects that interest me but this one is fascinating and I feel I can learn much from just doing and playing with it to understand the principles. Here's a pic. (resized) so you can see the tuned waveform and hopefully the ammeter and voltage values. Still no cigar but I'm not giving up. Unfortunately I have to be out of the country for over 2 weeks come this Sunday and won't be able to try more options.

I will give you my specs. down to the values I can measure before I leave town. Hopefully you can build something simpler and more in line with what Romero showed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 23, 2011, 04:23:41 PM
Series or parallel  phase angle---- :-\

From http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/serres.html (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/serres.html)

either for a series OR a parallel circuit, we don't get 90 degrees offset when at resonance.
In a Parallel circuit, the V and I are in phase.
In a Series circuit, the V and I are 180deg out of phase.

It is then ONLY when the frequency is either above or below resonance that it is possible to get 90 degrees offset. (or any number of degrees, depending on how close or far the frequency is form the resonance freq of the tuned circuit.

So, we need a precise control of the rotation RPM of the rotor, to be able to obtain a stable 90 deg phase shift.
That would mean drive the rotor from an active frequency generator, instead of just self-pulse from fixed sensors & magnets...

I know this is going away from the RUK design, but maybe this is because his generator was difficult to tune.

But first of all, do we really need to have that 90 deg phase shift  ???

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Collapsingfield on June 23, 2011, 04:41:32 PM

Why is the rpm constant with and without load? - The trick is simple: Romero use his rig  all time with load! He gave us info:
1. In suspended mode he use shunt, but no more info
2. He mentioned Zener.
3. He didn't want to answer why need the extra cable (black and red x) (Yes, this is a trick, but different as Wattsup think)

I think there is a big 15v Zener diode hidden by stator. This way all time will be 15v in the big capacitor. Certainly this is load, but it is good for stabilize the working conditions, and it is simpler to tune the gaps, RPMs, and so on.
When you connect the load (bulb), it will get amperage from the Zener, but because of the characteristic of the Zener the voltage will remain 15v. (Certainly this is true with the planned load, any more watt will slow the system, as Romero mentioned).
So this is why so big the consumption of the driver coils "without" load.

Best Regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 04:46:49 PM
Quote from: altair on June 23, 2011, 04:23:41 PM
Series or parallel  phase angle---- :-\

From http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/serres.html (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/serres.html)

either for a series OR a parallel circuit, we don't get 90 degrees offset when at resonance.
In a Parallel circuit, the V and I are in phase.
In a Series circuit, the V and I are 180deg out of phase.

It is then ONLY when the frequency is either above or below resonance that it is possible to get 90 degrees offset. (or any number of degrees, depending on how close or far the frequency is form the resonance freq of the tuned circuit.

So, we need a precise control of the rotation RPM of the rotor, to be able to obtain a stable 90 deg phase shift.
That would mean drive the rotor from an active frequency generator, instead of just self-pulse from fixed sensors & magnets...

I know this is going away from the RUK design, but maybe this is because his generator was difficult to tune.

But first of all, do we really need to have that 90 deg phase shift  ???


Forget about the actual phase its about the relationship BETWEEN the current and the voltage needs to be 90 degrees.  As the RPM changes the angular relationship between the 90 degrees perfect offset will drift to a point where ZPE is no longer available and the system no longer reactive and drops back to old fashioned watts, heat, lugging and crap basically. Thane only see this from the point of high voltage i don't think he fully realised a low voltage high current coil can do the same if counterbalanced with large enough AC tuning capacitors.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 23, 2011, 04:50:06 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 23, 2011, 03:58:05 PM

or HV discharge into Tesla tower lighting florescent tubes then add inductance in series and TUNE to the Tesla tower power drops to almost ZERO watts while the florescent tubes are now working in capacitative scaler.  This is Tesla secrets he called this RESONANCE but it totally different to how you see resonance.

@ Bolt,

Can you please explain the difference between Tesla's resonance and the conventional view of resonance. From what you have said in the past about the importance of V & I being out of phase in a series resonant circuit, then you are presumably referring to Tesla resonance, not conventional resonance??

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on June 23, 2011, 04:56:22 PM

Remember that at resonance , I and v are in phase in a series tuned circuit . I have a feeling that at resonance in a PARALLEL tuned circuit , I and V are out of phase by either 90 degrees or 180 degrees , not sure which . This is connecting the cap across the coils .

Neptune,  sorry no,  not in my textbook.
At resonance, both in series and in parallel, Xc and XL cancel each other out resulting in pure resistance.
In pure resistance, there is no phase shift between "i"and "v".

It doesn't matter power factor zero is the same as VSWR = infinity.   We don't care how you achieve this condition but if your motor or coils is inductive then you add capacitance tuned VERY carefully  to achieve this as standing wave. There are some circuits predominately capacitive like errmm i dunno HHO cells plates are the cap so you ADD inductance in series to make an  OU amount of HHO This is Myers secrets.

Bolt,  so when you say VSWR = infinite, that means that all the energy is reflected back as being in an open circuit/transmittionline  (sorry, thinking as a radio ham here), right?

Dealing with about 120Hz, then one wavelength would be around 2500Km so when aiming for VSWR = infinite, i would need to be on a quarter wavelength = 625Km.

Having coils of 2x 300 turns on a sewing bobin = about 60 meters, i am way off, right?

So i am lacking inductance plenty, so need to add inductance, right?

Sorry to push,  but there is so much confusion here, so any clear explanation would be welcome.

Regards itsu 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 23, 2011, 05:02:59 PM
I can't believe that this whole thread will have been just for a damn resonating L-C bank !
There MUST be something else that Romero has been hiding.
What's the point of coming here to brag about an OU generator, and NOT give all the design details  ???   >:(

IF the 90 deg phase shift is really necessary, what do we do with it ?
Knowing that Lenz effect is closely related to the CURRENT passing through the coil, would it be thinkable to harvest the voltage from the coils during periods of zero current ?
But we all "know" that voltage without current is not really useful, right ?

Romero, if you're not going to tell the secret, could you at least give us a list of the patents you have been reading lately.  :'(

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 05:18:08 PM
@bolt : i have a feeling you keep saying the same thing and most of the people keep not understanding it over and over again. Maybe if you could try to explain it differently.
Try do design a mathematic circuit. Just take a desider wire, give some coil size ( turns.. length...) calculate for that coil and specific RPM the cap size, draw in paint the circuit for it and post it here. I bet there are a lot more people who can copy paste then think deeply enough.
Thanks if you consider doing this.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 05:24:01 PM
author=itsu link=topic=3842.msg292385#msg292385 date=1308862582]
Neptune,  sorry no,  not in my textbook.
At resonance, both in series and in parallel, Xc and XL cancel each other out resulting in pure resistance.
In pure resistance, there is no phase shift between "i"and "v".

Bolt,  so when you say VSWR = infinite, that means that all the energy is reflected back as being in an open circuit/transmittionline  (sorry, thinking as a radio ham here), right?

Correct i know the HAMS here will understand this i speak HAM for a moment. When the VSWR is 1:1 all the power is conveyed along the coax as a 50 ohm load and a 100 watt dummy load will be pretty much 100 watts of pure resistive power. This is why HAMS are always tuning and playing with the antenna to make sure all the power from the PA stage is fully absorbed by the antenna and the antenna will soak up pretty much all of this power to give a max ERP we call this Resonance tuned.

If i  detune the antenna say  VSWR 2:1 then 50% of what im putting out is being returned as a Standing Wave Vector. Not only this but HAMS know if you run a rig over 2:1 you are most likely to destroy the power FETs. (unless it has VSWR protection)  This is not because of excess heat that normally does the damage is because the voltage increases dramatically from the 12v supply there could be as much as 90v pp on the Pi Tank circuit.

Now lets take this to extremes!

Tune the rig so the VSWR is infinity. Change the PA so it can handle 2000v then design the antenna that can support 1000 amps of displacement ground current using 1ft wide copper sheeting. Now you have a reactive antenna which has capacitance between the earth and the driven element but this time there is NO transverse wave radiated its now pure longitudinal scalar operation. This is now a  2 MVAR's scalar transmitter powered by 100 watt driver.   The ambient responds  with 2 megawatts of magnetic flux field and this is how HARRP is used to trigger earthquakes. Make it a 100,000 Megawatt scalar system then you can cause some shit:)

Dealing with about 120Hz, then one wavelength would be around 2500Km so when aiming for VSWR = infinite, i would need to be on a quarter wavelength = 625Km.

Having coils of 2x 300 turns on a sewing bobin = about 60 meters, i am way off, right?

So i am lacking inductance plenty, so need to add inductance, right?

You need lots of inductance if you only have small self capacitance or combination of the two to give the required phase shift to desired  90 degrees.

Sorry to push,  but there is so much confusion here, so any clear explanation would be welcome.

Regards itsu
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 23, 2011, 05:31:11 PM
Quote from: chrisC on June 23, 2011, 01:16:29 PM
I am puzzled by the 900 mA because Romero's no load speed cannot be more than 1500 RPM judging from the video and with those components, the 'normal' current should not be more than 500 to 600mA. I think but I could be wrong. So, this extra current could be used to periodically slow down the rotor at resonance to pick up the most magnetic flux? The way it could be done is to bias some of the pickup coils to reverse(repel) the normal forward direction of the rotor. Just my guess.

Hi chrisC,

I have answered to you here but surely there were so many posts you may have not noticed:

Regarding your thoughts on the generator coils biasing I do not think it is involved here. Why would you furnish precious input energy to work against the main forward direction?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 23, 2011, 05:33:37 PM

Are you a HAM, and/or have radio electronics background?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on June 23, 2011, 05:35:22 PM
Hi all

@ david

Thank's for this opening, i must admit that it was necessary, because after so much tests with trial and error, and  especially also because Romero plays a not really understandable party.

And because (thank's to Wattsup and his really good work on analysing image frame after frame)  i have to accept that in the 3 video the BLACK AND RED WIRE are always present. What are they for i don't know. But they are there and of course this is not motivating at all without a really clear explanation from Romero.

By really clear , i mean exact connection of each of those wires in the 3 respectiv video.

So in video 1 what does mean  "not directly " connection to battery
     in video 2 how exactly are the wires connected to the bottom coil ( or other ) without any doubt.
     in video 3 those black and red wires seems to go upwards ( at  52 )  is it right and to what are they connected to .

I don't know what to think of all this

Be all sure that  i consider me as an apprentice in all this things and i can only be happy to participate. but the actual situation is not agreable at all , for my motivation of going on this experiment and as we can see also for the whole comunity

i dare to ask you Romero and really sorry to have to do, and  perhaps i will be banned here but i have to know

  Can it be really  true ,As you already stated when you first quit , that you fake it by adding a hidden  power supply or other mean  to power the muller Dynamo in your videos ?  And in the improbable "yes " Why ??

So David thank a lot for your info and as you can see good or not good anyway i will learn something from all this stuff

Here the pix of the david's proposal as i see it , it works very fine with my 30 magnet wheel (NSNSNS...as per lecture  Romero  video  ) adjacent magnets arround  fit on a HDD.

sorry for this post but absolutely needed

Good luck at all

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 05:40:27 PM
Quote from: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 05:18:08 PM
@bolt : i have a feeling you keep saying the same thing and most of the people keep not understanding it over and over again. Maybe if you could try to explain it differently.
Try do design a mathematic circuit. Just take a desider wire, give some coil size ( turns.. length...) calculate for that coil and specific RPM the cap size, draw in paint the circuit for it and post it here. I bet there are a lot more people who can copy paste then think deeply enough.
Thanks if you consider doing this.

i can not give practical wire sizes i haven't built one. Too many parameters of the magnetic flux to use simulators. I have posted scope wave shots identical to Romero scope shots.  I  already shown video examples so you can see the effect. People have said for years if only they could overcome Lenz and lugging they can make an OU generator. I have shown this, others have achieved it and rotors are now going FASTER with no LUGGING.  I dunno what more you want as proof!   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 23, 2011, 05:40:35 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 23, 2011, 04:46:49 PM
Forget about the actual phase its about the relationship BETWEEN the current and the voltage needs to be 90 degrees.  As the RPM changes the angular relationship between the 90 degrees perfect offset will drift to a point where ZPE is no longer available and the system no longer reactive and drops back to old fashioned watts, heat, lugging and crap basically. Thane only see this from the point of high voltage i don't think he fully realised a low voltage high current coil can do the same if counterbalanced with large enough AC tuning capacitors.

Thanks bolt, I always see your posts just after I posted mine.

So basically, we need a system that conserves a relatively constant 90 deg phase shift between V and I.
I believe that the best way to experiment with this, would be to have the generator driven by an adjustable speed, feedback-regulated motor.
We adjust the RPM of the driving motor to the rate that gives the desired 90 deg phase shift between V and I and voilà !
A binary capacitor bank is not necessary because we just have to pick a single value of capacitor that will make our coil resonate at around the desired frequency, let's say 800Hz, and then adjust the RPM above or below that, depending on if we want the V to lead the I, or the reverse.

From there, all we have to do is figure out how to extract energy from that resonating system.  8)

Funny how simple that sounds... ::)   

Something is missing.............. something is missing  :'(

I think I'll order stuff to begin experimenting , like all the others.
One more in the (endless) loop.

Sarcastically, Altair

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 05:46:01 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 23, 2011, 05:33:37 PM

Are you a HAM, and/or have radio electronics background?


EE tech trained, Military comms, microwave, cellphone engineer, MOD contractor,  1980's CB'er/HAM. Old tube TV repair man yes i done a couple of jobs.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 06:02:39 PM
"Funny how simple that sounds...   

Something is missing.............. something is missing"

Yea its called a Brain.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 06:11:16 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 23, 2011, 05:40:27 PM
i can not give practical wire sizes i haven't built one. Too many parameters of the magnetic flux to use simulators. I have posted scope wave shots identical to Romero scope shots.  I  already shown video examples so you can see the effect. People have said for years if only they could overcome Lenz and lugging they can make an OU generator. I have shown this, others have achieved it and rotors are now going FASTER with no LUGGING.  I dunno what more you want as proof!
how much money would you need to take a vacation to have the time + buy the components to be able to make a device where you can make practical measurement and post at least a diagram as Joulseeker JT circuit ? ( might not afford it but who knows :) )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 23, 2011, 06:14:52 PM

Man, you keep repeating the same motto as if you are an answering machine or something. You must be aware, that your sayings (the full picture) does not make sense almost to no-one for a OU viable outcome.

We lack brains? Perhaps we do. If i were you, and had confidence in my theories and results, i would formulate a video series, much like zerofossilfuel, termed how to achieved OU out of a rotor-stator setup. Self explanatory, step by step video series, with measurments scope shots, etc.

Take your time, or this discussion about OU in ZPE and resonance and 90degree V I out of phase could be endless with 0 practical result.

What you say?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 23, 2011, 06:27:12 PM
In Consideration that timing is critical; maybe an electronic or centrifugal timing advance mechanism would be beneficial for maintaining perfect positioning of the switching?

Just a thought anyway.
If timing is so critical, then this is going to CHANGE every time you do something that changes RPM and the whole thing has to be re-tuned again for any particular load, voltage, RPM, configuration, etc.


Quote from: erikbuch on June 23, 2011, 11:42:23 AM
@all with a turning rotor
What happens if you,
when shorting coilpairs and get the increase in speed adjust your rotorspeed down to original speed either by adjusting voltage or by moving hallsensors.
If you do it by hallsensors you might get higher currentdraw if you place it right, Romero mentioned once that one of the driving coilpairs was used in both attracting and repelling mode.(A little bit of both, he said, i think this was in the experimenter thread)
Thus the high draw 0.94 amp. 1 drive coilset maybe actually holding down the speed ??
Maybe that instead of increased speed, one can get more out of the gen coils?
Just my 2 cents.
Cant do it myself until over this weekend, as of now Im still at work away from home.
Best regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 06:27:39 PM
I really don't have the time right now i am already building an HHO genset and aiming for looping. Right now its taken 6 months of building and writing software for accurate timing control using AVR processor and currently it runs on just whiff of propane gas with 95% HHO  for 2kw load but cant quite close the loop .....yet.


I also said in the kapanadze thread if a couple of people come up with a bit of funding i will look into Kapanadze  solid state system. Two people have graciously sent me some donations yesterday enough to make a good start on that project. I have enough to order wire,  20 ferrite cores, basic HV control circuit etc so im going to be busy with that soon.

One of the reasons i did not get involved with the Muller is i knew on day two of its release tuning an understanding the design was going to be a pig and even if it did work 10 watts no good to me i need Kw's thus the reason for going to gensets and HHO. Already i can make a Kw of electric about 20 times cheaper than using gasoline so i have my safety net in place for when we lose the grid for whatever reason.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 06:28:22 PM
Quote from: Chef on June 23, 2011, 06:17:54 PM
You need to give him 50 000usd  no strings attached if you want him to do that!  :D

There are still people on this world that do not live for money. I don't think 50 grand is much considering you would not need money for hopefully ever.
Quote from: bolt on June 23, 2011, 06:27:39 PM
I also said in the kapanadze thread if a couple of people come up with a bit of funding i will look into Kapanadze  solid state system.

Did not read about that, it seemed to me for a sec as an old trick my father used to steal electricity in the comunist days to make free vodka :D
But in case we put up a comunity donation link to sponsor people that are able make and will to make proper description how to replicate a theory i will surely join the club. At some point all will come down to the simplest way to make a device like this. I never trusted brown gas since my idiot neighbour might blow himself up. Apart from that, playing with fire is nice ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 23, 2011, 06:30:21 PM
"Funny how simple that sounds...   

Something is missing.............. something is missing"

Quote from: bolt on June 23, 2011, 06:02:39 PM

Yea its called a Brain.

Totally un-necessary insult.
F. Y.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 06:41:12 PM
Quote from: altair on June 23, 2011, 06:30:21 PM
"Funny how simple that sounds...   

Something is missing.............. something is missing"

Totally un-necessary insult.
F. Y.

Hey it was a joke!  Look im not saying everyone here is brain dead but i just want you think a bit about this. I know for a fact there are Rotoverter systems that are looped and or have a very high COP.  One in Canada he been making now the last 6 months and its about 2kw o/p for about 100 watts i/p. I don't think this one is looped yet but there are others in Dom Rep, Norway, Sweden etc All these systems use this reactive power i told everything i know and if there are more secrets then Romero is not telling.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 23, 2011, 06:44:31 PM
Quote from: Tudi on June 23, 2011, 05:05:54 AM
This whole thread is about speedup under load. And i can't remember one feedback that states if speed without coil ( at fixed input power ) is smaller then after adding a generator coil ( having the same or less input power ). Until we get at least one feedback on this we can theorize about stuff as much as we want.

I find it striking logical that if your rotor speed up under load then there should be a load that will maximize your speed. Use this SPECIFIC LOAD ( tune to specific load is secondary topic subject ). See if you can scale the effect by adding a second generator coil after the first one. If you must separate completly the output of coil 1 from coil 2 if they break the effect of the speedup or coil 2 requires a different load size.
Until now i seen posts confirming the speedup with the load, but i haven't seen anyone stating if they managed to add a second coil and how that scaled the output / input. Yes i seen mariouscivic ( if i recall corectly ) connecting all coils and stating that he has issues with 2 generator coils. What happened after that ? No idea.

Can anyone give feedback about scaling this speedup effect ? How many coils can you put on the rotor and you still get the speedup ? ( or input power reduction ). If this has no limit then there is no limit to OU amount.

@ Tudi

I can tell you that with 2 DRIVING coils, the rotor will speed up until whatever the rotor driver & friction mechanics dictate at that DC In voltage. In my case at roughly 12V with 2 drivers it will be 1423 RPM at roughly 460mA.
Now, with one pickup (Generator) coil and a big cap and a bulb, the Cap climbs to roughly 4.5V at around 100mA with say 1000 RPM (can't remember exactly). Adding a second pick-up coil will drop the speed to around 890 RPM or thereabouts but the voltage will climb to around 5V AND the load (bulb) current will increase to about. 120mA  So just scaling pickup coils is not the answer. It's way off -  something like 10%.
So, I think what is needed is a timing mechanism based on the off time s of the Hall sensors and the relevant rotor magnets to effectively reduce the effect of Lenz's law. This is what I am working to understand.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 23, 2011, 06:56:12 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 23, 2011, 05:31:11 PM
Hi chrisC,

I have answered to you here but surely there were so many posts you may have not noticed:

Regarding your thoughts on the generator coils biasing I do not think it is involved here. Why would you furnish precious input energy to work against the main forward direction?


Thanks. I did see that reference you posted and I believe the resistor limiting base current is not going to affect the TIP42C  emitter current that much. He's running off 12V battery power and that 1N4007 even if at reversed biased charging (the battery) should not have pulled so much extra power. Anyone here running about the same spec. as Romero's device drawing 1A standby and my guess is no more than 1400 RPM? Please let me know. Maybe I'm totally off track but it may be an indication of something R did to create a biased standby condition which aids the run time performance. Thanks guys.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 07:28:44 PM
Quote from: baroutologos on June 23, 2011, 06:14:52 PM

Man, you keep repeating the same motto as if you are an answering machine or something. You must be aware, that your sayings (the full picture) does not make sense almost to no-one for a OU viable outcome.

We lack brains? Perhaps we do. If i were you, and had confidence in my theories and results, i would formulate a video series, much like zerofossilfuel, termed how to achieved OU out of a rotor-stator setup. Self explanatory, step by step video series, with measurments scope shots, etc.

Take your time, or this discussion about OU in ZPE and resonance and 90degree V I out of phase could be endless with 0 practical result.

What you say?

Baroutologos you used to hang out on Romero's forum did you not? I dunno where that is now may have been taken down. But i am sure you are privy to more information from Romero's early testing and building then anyone else. Perhaps you should write up an article to collate all this information prior to THIS thread may explain if we missed anything. Was that forum archived? is there a link?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 23, 2011, 08:00:19 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 23, 2011, 07:28:44 PM
Baroutologos you used to hang out on Romero's forum did you not? I dunno where that is now may have been taken down. But i am sure you are privy to more information from Romero's early testing and building then anyone else. Perhaps you should write up an article to collate all this information prior to THIS thread may explain if we missed anything. Was that forum archived? is there a link?
I uploaded a link here with what I had archived of his forum and then I think user Freeenergyinfo posted it also and may have added one more page of the forum.  I forget the details but it's somewhere in this 235 pages   :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 23, 2011, 08:00:58 PM
Quote from: romerouk on June 21, 2011, 06:20:21 AM
I said that two forum members  knows the complete story about what happend and only one member here saw it working. He also have a detailed video and if he wants I have no problem if he will post it.

Best Regards,

Please share the vid.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 23, 2011, 08:05:41 PM
Found them - from Freeenergyinfo page 8 : https://rapidshare.com/files/4084301451/Forum_page_8.zip

From me page 9 and 10 : https://rapidshare.com/files/3050708851/Muller-MotorGen-RomeroUK-siteP9-10.zip

I think these were about the only three relative to the motor-gen
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 23, 2011, 08:19:55 PM
Position of the fwbr seems to have an effect on the voltage
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 08:53:33 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 23, 2011, 08:05:41 PM
Found them - from Freeenergyinfo page 8 : https://rapidshare.com/files/4084301451/Forum_page_8.zip

From me page 9 and 10 : https://rapidshare.com/files/3050708851/Muller-MotorGen-RomeroUK-siteP9-10.zip

I think these were about the only three relative to the motor-gen

Thanks for that so little golden snippets of info in those files

Preliminary tests with my motor-generator:
Input: 12.2 volts @1.2 amps(14.64W)  - Output: 9.6 volts @ 1.6 amps (15.36W)
The above results are taken with a 12v/20w bulb as load and no magnets at the end of the coils.
Adding magnets to the end of the coils the output is increased a lot without much affecting  the input.
Results with magnets attached to 5 coils:
Input: 12.1 volts @ 1.3 amps (15.73W)  -  Output: 16.7 @ 1.9 amps (31.73W)
The result here are what I was expected and I think I can increase the output when I will have magnets atteched to all the generator coils.
The system is a bit noisy but that is not a problem.
I have 9 coils in total on each side, two of them are used to drive the rotor and the others as generator. The rotor has 8 magnets all positioned with North on one side and South on the other side.
The magnets at the end of the coils have a metal washer (between the magnet and the coil) to reduce the magnet flux.
I will do a video with the system runing once I tidy all the wires...
I have good progress on the Kapanadze system (no more RF radiation) but that is another subject we can talk another time.

Adding the back end magnets and tuning literally doubled the power o/p while i/p as unchanged.

Magnets can be tuned using washers as magnetic shims.


Re: RomeroUK
« Reply #119 on: May 03, 2011, 09:22:19 PM »
Muller Generator.

The setup is not fully completed but these are the results so far:
in 12.50v * 0.94a = 11.75W
out 11.8v * 1.8a = 21.24W

That is a lot of current going in but more impressive the amount coming out! I not seen anyone else with 11.8v out of their coils and 1.8 amps

While the system is running even without the load connected the system charges the battery too. When the load is on then the voltage going to the battery is reduced, part of it going to the bulb...
No shorting coil yet..
I will try looping once I get magnets for all coils

so the system is already partially looped?  its not open ended

Re: RomeroUK Work Pictures
« Reply #123 on: May 04, 2011, 06:06:54 PM »
This is the parts arrangement in my Muller setup.
I had few questions from the 'replicators' here about voltage on the battery going down when the load is on.
The reason for that is that from the output bridge rectifier I am using one diode to send power back to the battery to keep it charged.When the 20watt bulb is connected the power going back to the battery is reduced resulting that slight voltage drop.
This setup was built for about 25watt load, if the load is increased then all setup must be changed.
The gap from the coils to the rotor must be changed and some other things ...
If anyone is trying to replicate this please remember to do the testing with the load on and compensate the drag with the magnets on top of the coilsI hope this helps.

All the best,

Please note this very important info there is another diode taking power off the bridge and taking that back to the battery. It could be positive or negative return feed.  This appears to be missing off the circuit diagrams. Was this an early circuit no longer needed later? I dunno but could explain the unusual meter readings.  Also note how to tune the system into a load. As i said short circuit testing is only a quick validation check prior to load adjustments via the backend magnets.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 23, 2011, 10:00:19 PM
All good points bolt.  The early circuit diagram in Stefan's pdf was of the 'looped' version.  I assumed others who have replica's built were starting with this info about the diode feeding back to the battery.  That could be an important point some may have missed.  I'm not nearly far enough into this yet so I haven't gone there.  But I had thoughts that if it didn't work after some tuning I'd go ahead and try it with the DC-DC converter and try tuning from there as the input of it becomes your load if you don't have a lamp on it.  Might be easier to tune to get it looped initially and then slowly add a load and retune. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 23, 2011, 10:05:33 PM
Quote from: David70 on June 23, 2011, 10:18:51 AM
about a week ago I called Romero for the second time and asked him to point me to a direction where I can get close to OU or even OU and no connection to Muller as I understand we will never get more from him.He was kind enough to give me some indications that I folowed and I can tell you all my results.
What he said is to have a small rotor with magnets, any orientation, NN, SS or NS but to make sure I have at least 2.5 times the magnet diameter more space for the gap in between the each magnet, and 2 air core coils. He said this way I have nothing to slow down the rotor and is like i don't even have the coils there.
To drive the coil he pointed to a circuit that was posted by someone some pages back, circuit that was used initially to drive a pendulum.He said to keep the circuit as is and just change the transistors with BD139 and BD140 then if I have a scope look at the driving coil and drive it with no more than 6-7 volts.This circuit when in Off position recovers some of the BEMF even without a diode for that, that is strange to me.
I built the rotor, 8 magnets in NS orientation and the circuit and tested, it is only using 16ma to drive the rotor with 6 volts input. at about 900RPM.
Now the second part is how to get some power out without affecting the input or the rpm.
I made a bifillar coil 400 turns, I think is 0.3mm and connected like tesla suggested, the end of the first going to the begining of the second,this is what Romero suggested.
He also suggested something that I never heard, make a FWBR from superbright 4 LED's.I did that and connected to the coil and have a capacitor from one of the coil wires to the bridge.He said that I will need to try different capacitors because it depends on the coil.In my case I use 2 times 0.22uf/250v, in parallel.At the output of the bridge he suggested to connect a 1k potentiometer and start having it at the middle.
Now the fun started, I have the rotor in action and the LED's from the bridge are lit in sequence when I have slow speed, after that at higher speed all LED's are ON.
The first thing is that the input oscilates slightly from 16ma to 15ma but without the bridge it stays at 16ma.Adjusting the potentiometer I get slightly more speed and brightness and input goes to 14ma.
From here Romero said that I can add more LED's in parallel or make a chain of LED's then from 4 identical chains build the FWBR.I don't have enough LED's to make that experiment now but I wil get some.For me even getting cheap LED's is not easy, my income is a small pension that I need to look after.
In the final Romero said that making a FWBR and for each segment I add a resistor or a coil will open a path to even more discoveries. I am not sure he was talking about using normal diodes or LED's in this configuration.
I am posting this here and maybe someone can do the same build and confirm all  other suggestions


Thanks for the posted info. When R. said 2 'air-core' coils do you know whether these are driving or pickup coils? In the original R. spec. I didn't see any reference of air core coils. Anyone using a couple of air cores coils in their replication?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 23, 2011, 10:11:27 PM
I've also noticed most replications I've seen so far people are using power supplies rather than a battery.  I'm sure from all Bedin's info that there are things you can do with a battery as power that you can't do with a power supply running off a wall outlet.  In this case it may just be as simple as using that extra diode to feed back some magic into the battery power supply.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on June 23, 2011, 10:29:48 PM
Another video, not sure if it has been posted (delete if that's the case)


Quote :
Another experiment with Romerouk/Muller device. One coil in bucking configuration and parallel capacitor. Shorting DC side of FWBR has no effect on rpm. I used 22 LED lamp which is designed to work on 4.5V and draws 50mA in this setup. I've been trying several AC caps as well as re adjusting rotor - coil distance which is very important. Also, moving Bloch Wall within the coils. This is not as simple as it appeared to me at first. Very sensitive and tons of patience required. My hat off to Romerouk and everyone working on ths device.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 23, 2011, 11:43:19 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 23, 2011, 10:11:27 PM
I've also noticed most replications I've seen so far people are using power supplies rather than a battery.  I'm sure from all Bedin's info that there are things you can do with a battery as power that you can't do with a power supply running off a wall outlet.  In this case it may just be as simple as using that extra diode to feed back some magic into the battery power supply.

VERY important point! I was going to mention this a couple of days ago and you just reminded me. In many cases of ZPE collection the  zero volt rail goes BELOW earth. So when you use a mains power supply everything referenced from ground as 0v and everything else above as a positive voltage.  In this case the power supply prevent the negative rail becoming more negative than Zero.  There are several ZPE experiments which absolutely  will never work from a mains power supply and only from a battery. In one of my head JLN Labs demonstration HV neon triggers using a diode plug and radiant energy.  So don't always assume 0v = ground in many ZPE cases 12v is ground reference level  and 0v it actually MINUS 12v referenced to ground. So a charge from a capacitor will go from MINUS back to Zero when it discharged:)

If this is applicable to his muller and you use a mains power supply you just killed any chance of going OU by grounding out the ZPE
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 24, 2011, 12:04:44 AM
Quote from: Jdo300 on June 23, 2011, 02:28:48 PM
Hello All,

I am working on building up a quick pulse motor test stand to characterize the speedup effect that people here are witnessing. I just wanted to ask a few questions from the builders who have successfully seen the speedup under load.

1. What size magnet wire are you using?
2. Roughly how many turns?
3. What are the dimensions of your coils?
4. What is the coil's resistance and inductance?
5. What core material used? (Ferrite, iron, air etc).

It would be nice to see if there is a good general pattern developing for those who have had success with this. Also, I am preparing to wind some coils of my own on ferrite rods and would like to see what specs the other successful replications have.

I have access to a magnetic current probe and would like to observe what happens when the motor is shorted and unshorted. Also, since many people here are seeing that the motor runs best under shorted conditions, this is an ideal time to try the coil shorting technique to extract the power from the coil at high voltage while still maintaining the short circuit condition that the system likes.

- Jason O

Hi Jason:
Here is a list for my spec:

Magnets 19mm (N42) from magnets4less.com
Coil wire: litz (7 strand from surplussomething in Nebraska)
Coil winds: 500 turns
Coil resistance: 5-6 ohms
Coil inductance: 6.8mH
Coil size (bobbin): (~1"x1" ferrite length is 1.15")
Core: ferrite of some sort
Distance between rotor & top & bottom magnets: ~5mm
Standby (no load): DC 12V, 450mA 1430 RPM with 2 driver coils active

Hope that helps.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 24, 2011, 04:14:44 AM
Hi Chris,

Where did you get the 1.5 inch bobbins?


Quote from: chrisC on June 24, 2011, 12:04:44 AM
Hi Jason:
Here is a list for my spec:

Magnets 19mm (N42) from magnets4less.com
Coil wire: litz (7 strand from surplussomething in Nebraska)
Coil winds: 500 turns
Coil resistance: 5-6 ohms
Coil inductance: 6.8mH
Coil size (bobbin): (~1.5"x1" ferrite length is 1.5")
Core: ferrite of some sort
Distance between rotor & top & bottom magnets: ~5mm
Standby (no load): DC 12V, 450mA 1430 RPM with 2 driver coils active

Hope that helps.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 24, 2011, 04:42:10 AM
Bolt said

Baroutologos you used to hang out on Romero's forum did you not? I dunno where that is now may have been taken down. But i am sure you are privy to more information from Romero's early testing and building then anyone else. Perhaps you should write up an article to collate all this information prior to THIS thread may explain if we missed anything. Was that forum archived? is there a link?

True. I used to "hung in there" and post almost all my experimental work. In fact Romero was the guy (moderator also) that provided concepts and ideas for experimentation and posted a lot of useful links and parts-specs-videos of his work for (all? ) to see and I

on the other hand, disgusted of the endless talking and talking and talking of the other forums, i was there, inspired sometimes and learning along the way from Romero few electrical tricks (since he is far ahead in experimentation, skill and hardware terms) and because i like building things with my hands and have an interest in achieving OU of course.

There i tried replicate and worked on various popular OU concepts, discuss our ideas and post photos and videos.
that site, the 95% of work volume was about Kapanadze style experimenting that Romero, according his videos and testimony had achieved considerable OU out of this (12-15w input some 300 w output with grounding systems). Romero on that part of technology assisted me in assembling many useful curcuits (eg substituting Kacher running a Tesla coil by an push-pull inverter type setup etc) and urged me for purchasing an o-scope (the most useful thing he has said) and few others as running a Kacher with a middle taped coil etc.
He said the downsize was the considerable Rf emitted out of this setup and generally anyone caught playing for prolonged time with kachers will understand what i mean :nausea symptoms, headaches etc

Then he shifted his attention to coil shorting techniques solid state and mechanical and the rest is well known. I have kept back-up only few last pages from forum, only regarding the Muller type of his posts and videos (last 3 pages of a general thread somehow thread) for commemorating reasons.

I remember when i was working on a solid state resonantor with coil shorting module, he was talking about mechanical setups (that i used to hate. changed view after last replication assembly) and the use of the helper magnet to diminish lenz's drag, whereas he boosted output and the use of washers on the magnets that he had observed increased efficiency. I had not discussed much this topic, since my mind was focused elsewhere.

Anyway, i do not further recall anything of value in order to tune the muller setup to an OU state.


ps: I could not stay out of the fun, and not try to replicate the effect ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 05:14:38 AM
Hey Barout,

Any tips on getting that waveform ?

Is that at the AC side of bridge?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 24, 2011, 05:16:07 AM
About romerouk strangely high voltage output : Let me repeat again that output SIZE ( not amount ) depends on the strength of the magnetic flux that crosses your gen coil wires at 90 degrees. Also depends on the number of turns.
However 21 watts on a thin wire will probably burn your coils ( practical feedback would be good )

conspiracy : Romero was using litz wire, he never mentioned how he connected the litz wires, maybe he used them ans "bifilar" winding ? Maybe he crossed their ends to create bucking coils ? Who said inside 1 gen coil you can have only 1 coil ? I seen videos where a guy was using 3 gen coils in 1 coil. 1 extracting I, one extracting V and the other one was boosting rotation speed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 24, 2011, 05:32:17 AM
Quote from: Tudi on June 24, 2011, 05:16:07 AM

conspiracy : Romero was using litz wire, he never mentioned how he connected the litz wires, maybe he used them ans "bifilar" winding ? Maybe he crossed their ends to create bucking coils ? Who said inside 1 gen coil you can have only 1 coil ? I seen videos where a guy was using 3 gen coils in 1 coil. 1 extracting I, one extracting V and the other one was boosting rotation speed.

See my reply #88  here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=11009.75
RomeroUK never answered that question. Anyone wondered why not?
Anyone wondered why in the looped version RomeroUK did not used coil capacitors while he suggested this later?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 24, 2011, 05:58:40 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 23, 2011, 11:43:19 PM
  So don't always assume 0v = ground in many ZPE cases 12v is ground reference level  and 0v it actually MINUS 12v referenced to ground. So a charge from a capacitor will go from MINUS back to Zero when it discharged:)


Thanks for for sharing your knowledge. If we use a battery to power the circuit, where do we connect our true earth ground rod to Romero's circuit, in order to measure the cap going from minus back to zero when discharged, or does this not apply to Romero's circuit?

You appear to be the most knowledgeable chap on this thread on how we should build and test a Romero replication that runs OU, so could you sketch out a full circuit that you think should work, including your preferred driver circuit, coil connections and wind directions, and magnet arrangement / orientation? This should help to focus everyone's minds to get closer to achieving an OU replication.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on June 24, 2011, 06:35:35 AM
But in case we put up a comunity donation link to sponsor people that are able make and will to make proper description how to replicate a theory i will surely join the club. At some point all will come down to the simplest way to make a device like this.

bolt has offered to take a shot at Tariels device if he can get some funds for the project [few hundred bucks],a few are taking up the cause .
Those of us unable to effectively contribute with experiments can assist the ones who can!

bolts donation link

Instead of that pack of cigs or extra cup of coffee today send a few bucks bolts way!

[I also think Romero should post a link]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 24, 2011, 06:59:10 AM
Quote from: ramset on June 24, 2011, 06:35:35 AM
But in case we put up a comunity donation link to sponsor people that are able make and will to make proper description how to replicate a theory i will surely join the club. At some point all will come down to the simplest way to make a device like this.

bolt has offered to take a shot at Tariels device if he can get some funds for the project [few hundred bucks],a few are taking up the cause .
Those of us unable to effectively contribute with experiments can assist the ones who can!

bolts donation link

Instead of that pack of cigs or extra cup of coffee today send a few bucks bolts way!

[I also think Romero should post a link]

Kinda offtopic : The thing i hate about HHO projects is that i cannot understand why people insist on them xD. I bought a 300 euro 20 year old WV that can run on piss after you got drunk ( well the idea is that it can burn anything that burns, like waste oil ). So, when someone comes and tries to convince me that i should use a generator that runs on methane or any other burnable fuel seems quite normal. I mean this is known and was use almost by all old diesel engines. So, i would contribute to the HHO project only for the sake of bolt to leave it xD. Unless there is a theory ( i should start reading ) what kind of LENR is happening with input water, i see no reason why it would even get to COP=1. On the other hand i feel fascinated to use waves ( magnetic, electrical, quantum...) as energy source with some device and convert it to some other form that we could use it in real life.
I would gladly fund a device that extracts some ambient energy and works night time or in cold ( I already have an installed heat pump that works in summer when i do not need the heat :) ). Apart from a simple wind generator or hydro cause i can't install those.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 07:21:23 AM
Maybe we should jump ship ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 24, 2011, 08:17:34 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 07:21:23 AM
Maybe we should jump ship ?



Morning Penno, Now if I can just believe my eyes!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 08:21:00 AM
Hi Ben,

No ready to jump just yet.

I have gone back to basics and am testing as I type.

Will report either way.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 24, 2011, 08:25:25 AM

penno said

Hey Barout,
Any tips on getting that waveform ?
Is that at the AC side of bridge?


Hey Penno, glad to hear that kind of question. I have wondered myself this question also. Anyone with a scope and experience with rotor - stator coil setup in SNSNS config, and the "usual" spacing, will get more or less a fine sine wave. (my previous muller setup did that.. see utube vid)

The peculiarity with this all same magnet faces on each rotor side is that (and per Romero spacing specs) is that we get that waveform that also Romero posted way back. I have run tests and concluded that this waveform result as following..

Incoming magnet will create a more or less gradual voltage increase and when it passes coil the polarity flip of coil becomes sudden (almost 2-3 times faster than "gradual increase) and then again voltage fades till next cycle. In the NSNSNS config this does not happen... at least i have not seen it in my setups.

By applying the opposite polarity to rotor "biasing" magnets at the end of coils and regulating their distance from them (i have experimented both with ferrite and neos with washers) the somewhat "edjy" waveform becomes smooth, voltage peak increases a bit and gets fatter in terms of time duration, not to say the polarity flip can happen more sudden (a bit) and the voltage gradual increase to become even slower.

That's my experience so far. We really need Romero to assemble (or anyone) a working setup and have a look on the waveforms while operating before and after applying load.


ps: of course it is at AC FWBR legs or the raw signal the coil creates (this scope shot is at 2msec and 10volt/div)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 24, 2011, 08:26:42 AM
Quote from: Collapsingfield on June 23, 2011, 04:41:32 PM

Why is the rpm constant with and without load? - The trick is simple: Romero use his rig  all time with load! He gave us info:
1. In suspended mode he use shunt, but no more info
2. He mentioned Zener.
3. He didn't want to answer why need the extra cable (black and red x) (Yes, this is a trick, but different as Wattsup think)

I think there is a big 15v Zener diode hidden by stator. This way all time will be 15v in the big capacitor. Certainly this is load, but it is good for stabilize the working conditions, and it is simpler to tune the gaps, RPMs, and so on.
When you connect the load (bulb), it will get amperage from the Zener, but because of the characteristic of the Zener the voltage will remain 15v. (Certainly this is true with the planned load, any more watt will slow the system, as Romero mentioned).
So this is why so big the consumption of the driver coils "without" load.

Best Regards

Interesting idea... can someone test this?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 24, 2011, 08:27:12 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 07:21:23 AM
Maybe we should jump ship ?



Looks like he got the Perrendev concept to work.

Nice to see.  8)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 24, 2011, 08:31:42 AM
Quote from: Hoppy on June 24, 2011, 05:58:40 AM


Thanks for for sharing your knowledge. If we use a battery to power the circuit, where do we connect our true earth ground rod to Romero's circuit, in order to measure the cap going from minus back to zero when discharged, or does this not apply to Romero's circuit?

You appear to be the most knowledgeable chap on this thread on how we should build and test a Romero replication that runs OU, so could you sketch out a full circuit that you think should work, including your preferred driver circuit, coil connections and wind directions, and magnet arrangement / orientation? This should help to focus everyone's minds to get closer to achieving an OU replication.


Just use a battery in case there are any strange floating charges in the muller system in fact any ZPE device you should only batteries or caps and Don Smith also mentioned this many years ago. I can not give a building circuit for RUK muller has it needs to be built first.

Example lets say your battery is 0v and +12.5 volts but returning from the generator coils is 0v and MINUS 4v going to a dump cap will see not 12.5v not 4v from the coils but  16.5v! So a very small voltage from the coils pushed the 0v rail to below negative and it could only do this in a floating system  not earthed to a grid power supply.

All the theory i know and probably everyone else has is already out in the open. if you check back to Romero's very first posts here and before in the other forum he worked just as hard as anyone else to get the coils tuned into a load.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 24, 2011, 08:32:42 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 23, 2011, 08:00:19 PM
I uploaded a link here with what I had archived of his forum and then I think user Freeenergyinfo posted it also and may have added one more page of the forum.  I forget the details but it's somewhere in this 235 pages   :(
romeruk  forum  8, 9 , 10 page
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 24, 2011, 08:57:08 AM
It is important to note that early on RUK said it was essential to run from a power supply during the tuning operation .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 24, 2011, 09:03:27 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 09:07:23 AM

I think I get it !

Last time I thought I had it, I jumped the gun -I was very wrong.

So this time, thorough testing before I blab.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 24, 2011, 09:08:13 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 24, 2011, 08:31:42 AM
Example lets say your battery is 0v and +12.5 volts but returning from the generator coils is 0v and MINUS 4v going to a dump cap will see not 12.5v not 4v from the coils but  16.5v! So a very small voltage from the coils pushed the 0v rail to below negative and it could only do this in a floating system  not earthed to a grid power supply.


Sorry, I don't understand your reasoning here. What is the 0V and -4V from the generator measured in respect to? If its the 0V of 12.5V battery, then the genny voltage is pushing nothing below negative, it just ends up as a split supply with a 0V common rail.

OK, perhaps I was being a bit unfair asking you to write-up a DIY kit spec for this, just sketch out your idea of how your series resonant (Tesla style) genny circuits with out of phase V&I should be interfaced to the motor circuit in order to give OU running.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on June 24, 2011, 09:08:56 AM
Bolt,  thanks for the attempts to explain.

I somehow have the feeling that you are trying to explain an "unconventional effect" with conventional wisdom  :)

To recap:

# We need some "90 degrees relationship BETWEEN the current and the voltage",
   but its NOT "phase shift" as you said: "Forget about the actual phase"
# if it is NOT "the actual phase" (phase shift caused by Xc and/or Xl i understand),
   that could mean running in resonance (series or parallel) as that has NO phase shift
   caused by Xc/Xl as they cancel each other out.

# when VSWR = infinite, this means the circuit is (or behaves like) open.
   When the circuit is open, we can not extract power from it, so it must be that the circuit behaves like open".

# a perfect LCR circuit in parallel resonance has an infinite resistance, which is the same as "open"

# in parallel resonance, which act as an open circuit, we have VSWR = infinite (open circuit), which causes a 180 degree phase (this is a different phase shift as being     caused by Xc and/or Xl) change see: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/waves/standw.html#c1

Considering the above, would it be plausible (i know, its a mythbusters term) that we are trying to have the both "in series" generator coils run in parallel resonance using the coils own selfresonance capability (no extra parallel capacitance).
This way we have VSWR = infinite (well, almost), and giving 180 degrees phase shift.

The problems i have with this is that:
a) to have those small coils (2x 1.7mH) go into selfresonance on about 160Hz (1200Rpm) needs extra parallel capacitance.
b) In this situation we should have 180 degrees phase shift, which is NOT your "90 degrees relationship BETWEEN the current and the voltage".
   And i fail to see how we can create a "90 degrees relationship between current and voltage" by adding a specific capacitance in series without upsetting (killing) the    (parallel)selfresonance condition.
   Or did you mean 180 degrees phase shift all along?

Regards Itsu
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ndh16 on June 24, 2011, 09:23:21 AM
If possible, I am still trying to understand the various builds & modifications in terms of traditional resonance effects (where appropriate).  In those builds involving an AC capacitor attached in series to each generator coil, I would assume that series resonance may still be relevant  - especially  the possibility of voltage magnification effects due to that resonance.

However, in many of these cases, I remain perplexed as to whether some of the builds are properly exploiting voltage magnification effects.

My understanding of the theory is that voltage magnification takes place across the inductor or  capacitor ( taken alone), and in that case  Vout = Q x Vin (where  Vin is the induced AC signal which arises in the coil but can be modelled as a separate source in series with the coil). The existence of two equal coils series linked would merely divide that voltage magnification so that half would appear across each coil.

If, instead, the voltage is taken across the coil(s) plus capacitor (taken together), then Vout would simply be the same as Vin without any voltage magnification. This is illustrated in the following circuit diagrams A to C. It seems at least some builds correspond to A (no magnification), whilst the modification described by  mariuscivic in post #3469 (shortening one of the coils to beyond the capacitor) corresponds to B (half magnification) , whereas  all these builds should be based on C if full voltage magnification is desired.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on June 24, 2011, 09:32:03 AM
eliminado porque no va con el tema
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 24, 2011, 09:39:34 AM
magnetic motor ? Seen so many videos that were posted for years on youtube. The result ? Do you see them being used ? Why ? Maybe the "fuel" they consume is not so cheap ? We already seen motors that are based on PM demagnetization. This magnetic motor replication was posted by asians, indians, americans, spanish, turkish, german .... replicators but for some reason no spec was released and the technology never catched on. Why ? There's got to be a reason. Maybe it is like with that PM wheel  that is OU when measured but your looped rotor will still stop after a while ( days ).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: stprue on June 24, 2011, 09:52:17 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 07:21:23 AM
Maybe we should jump ship ?



Amazing vid.  I have sent the inventor an email in hopes of getting a schematic for his design.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 24, 2011, 10:07:13 AM
My advice to everybody that never tried it before is to take one of the two coils in your hand so you can really tune it, I realy think it is very important. I can realy shape the waveform by moving it sideways and up or down. I can get the perfect R sinewave. Also interesting when I used the FWBR made of diodes I can make all 4 leds light or just 2 or the other 2. There is a position where I have 2 leds on and no drag and the R waveform. Maybe completely bucking is no good but just a little?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 24, 2011, 10:25:56 AM
@Scratchrobot .When you get the perfect R waveform with only 2 diodes lit .Try 2 experiments .
1 Remove the 2 unlit diodes altogether and note the effect on the waveform.
2 Substitute 2 bits of wire in place of the unlit diodes and note effect on waveform .
It would be interesting to see the results .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 24, 2011, 10:47:06 AM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 24, 2011, 04:14:44 AM
Hi Chris,

Where did you get the 1.5 inch bobbins?


@Tesla: OOps! I mistyped. It was 1" length and 1" width; so my ferrite core was 1.15" long. Sorry.
I will correct my earlier post. Thanks.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: markdansie on June 24, 2011, 10:59:33 AM
hi Chris
I am still in the states on tour. my cell is 3109109042.
I have been a month here looking at many projects and builds. It is a shame no one has got this device running yet. However a word of encouragement is i know of one not two far removed that does produce some over unity.
I have seen many disapointing results with several devices, but a few gems.
I have been encouraged by the ammount of money that is being invested in developing these technologies
Kind Regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: EMdevices on June 24, 2011, 10:59:42 AM
I think romerouk might have been confused about the rotor magnet polarities he gave us in the beginning.  He did say he played with a few rotors.

From the analysis of the output waveform, we see a rotor modulation and that corresponds to 4 cycles,  so I'm beginning to think the rotor should really have this magnet configuration:   N  S  N  S  N  S  N  S, after all, that's what Bill Muller's dynamo uses.

Romerouk, do you remember what rotors you played with and what polarities they were? 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 24, 2011, 11:07:37 AM
@ EMdevices,

Man, do not confuse the given facts. That waveform results from all same magnet polarities to same rotor side config.
It has been confirmed by others and me. This waveform cannot be produced (i think) by standard muller magnet arrangement. (NSNS)

see my previous post. All i am talking about are a fact.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 24, 2011, 11:14:05 AM
i'm almost sure that repeating sine wave form is caused by an NNNN or SSSS setup.
I think NSNS looks more like some boobs, 2 bumps uper side then 2 bump on the lower side.
So want to buy a scope in the weekend, it's like one of the best adult toys one can buy.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: EMdevices on June 24, 2011, 11:16:35 AM

I was under the same impression, after all that's what RomeroUK told us, but something is not right.   See below a comparison of two waveforms, one from Peterae and RomeroUK's  Those flat spots in time on the blue curve are hard to generate with biasing alone.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 24, 2011, 11:25:59 AM
I think you might be confused because the waveform of Peterae does not show resonance.
The blue line in the Peterae scope shot corresponds withe the red line of RomeroUKs scope shot.
These curves are horizontally mirrored because scope of Peterae was connected with reversed polarity to a coil.

B.t.w. the 1 waveform indication should be 1/2 waveform, since is shows only half the period in my view.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 24, 2011, 11:32:24 AM
Quote from: EMdevices on June 24, 2011, 11:16:35 AM

I was under the same impression, after all that's what RomeroUK told us, but something is not right.   See below a comparison of two waveforms, one from Peterae and RomeroUK's  Those flat spots in time on the blue curve are hard to generate with biasing alone.


I am not saying it is the way to go but when coil is at the right spot I can replicate that wave exactly just by moving 1 coil, What if you tune both coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: EMdevices on June 24, 2011, 11:52:37 AM
Even a uniform rotor magnet configuration, that has all the magnets with the same polarity,  still has an alternating pattern of N - S, because there are VIRTUAL magnet poles of opposite polarity between those of the magnets.

This is really a question of  whether we have  16 or 8, N-S alternations.

B.t.w. the 1 waveform indication should be 1/2 waveform, since is shows only half the period.

I'll let you think about that one some more.   :)


PS  You do have a point about the opposite polarity, but forget about Peter's waveform, it's really about the periodicity of that rotor modulation.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 12:43:04 PM
Quote from: EMdevices on June 24, 2011, 11:52:37 AM
Even a uniform rotor magnet configuration, that has all the magnets with the same polarity,  still has an alternating pattern of N - S, because there are VIRTUAL magnet poles of opposite polarity between those of the magnets.

This is really a question of  whether we have  16 or 8, N-S alternations.

I'll let you think about that one some more.   :)


PS  You do have a point about the opposite polarity, but forget about Peter's waveform, it's really about the periodicity of that rotor modulation.

Im going to throw this out there one more time...

As the rotor magnet approaches the gen coil, the side of the coil that the magnet is approaching produces 1 half of the wave form. As the rotor magnet is leaving tdc of the coil, the magnets field drags through the other side of the winding producing the other half of the wave form.

If someone had an optical wheel on the rotor to track the rotors position in fine increments, then you could associate when and where the rotor magnet is along with the wave form and be able to see what im saying is true.

The field lines need to cross the windings to induce current.  When the mag is tdc, some field lines are on both sides of the coil, this cancels out induced current and we see the crossover point from one half of the wave to the other.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 24, 2011, 01:13:11 PM
Quote from: chrisC on June 23, 2011, 06:56:12 PM

Thanks. I did see that reference you posted and I believe the resistor limiting base current is not going to affect the TIP42C  emitter current that much. He's running off 12V battery power and that 1N4007 even if at reversed biased charging (the battery) should not have pulled so much extra power.

I think you are right in that the series base resistance would not save the total current consumption significantly, because the two series driving coils (i.e. the load for the transistor) are placed in the emitter.  Any series resistor placed in the base would reduce the base current but then the  collector current would nearly supply the "missing" current to the emitter. 
I would  have been right for saving in the emitter current if the coils were placed in the collector, sorry for this. The advantage of using a series resistor would be to defend the output transistor in the Hall device from possible high peak currents at the lower RPMs of the rotor.

As to the rest of your reasonings, answers can only be had by practical tests.

rgds, Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: dutchy1966 on June 24, 2011, 01:14:40 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 12:43:04 PM
Im going to throw this out there one more time...

As the rotor magnet approaches the gen coil, the side of the coil that the magnet is approaching produces 1 half of the wave form. As the rotor magnet is leaving tdc of the coil, the magnets field drags through the other side of the winding producing the other half of the wave form.



This sounds very plausible to me. So in R_UK 's scopeshot i guess the approaching magnet first induces the negative spike, followed by the positive one (magnet is passed TDC). Is the flat bit in the trace nothing more than waiting for the next magnet to approach?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 24, 2011, 01:43:33 PM
Some quote from wikipedia :
"Heins states that the steel rotor and driveshaft had conducted the magnetic resistance away from the coil and back into the electric motor. In effect, the back EMF was boosting the magnetic fields used by the motor to generate electrical energy and cause acceleration. The faster the motor accelerated, the stronger the electromagnetic field it would create on the wire coil, which in turn would make the motor go even faster. Heins seemed to have created a positive feedback loop. To confirm the theory, Heins replaced part of the driveshaft with plastic pipe that wouldn't conduct the magnetic field. There was no acceleration."
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 24, 2011, 01:44:12 PM
About the scope shot what happens is the front-edge of approaching magnet makes the actual peak, the back edge of magnet makes a sort of negative peak too -  this is seen as the flat-area after the peak,  in those scope shots, where the backedge of manget is reacting to coil and core.
substitute that flat area with another magnet in between of opposite polarity, (N-S-N-S rotor) and you will have AC signal now and that same flat area will instead be opposite polarity peak of sinewave.

Think of the hockey puck magnets instead like a square shaped block-magnets, and of course the leading edge has a pole, and the back edge has its own pole too.
when you drive a rotor magnet around with pulsed coil, its the EDGES of magnet where you to pop the motor coil when coil is centered to them, to have most power....and you can flip polarity of coil and both pull then push rotor manget around once after the other too if you want....
some of this doesnt make sense in mind, since it seems then like with hocky puck magnets you would want to spin them around first befgore mounting in rotor, in order to find how the magnet was "cut" to find those poles that go sideways, but this doesnt really work out if you try it... I think the flatsurface in hockeypuck magnets jsut overhwhelmes everything else is reason but dont know for sure...but at same time, those edges is where the power peaks are...

If you want an AC-signal run MOTOR in Muller flat-rotor configurations, make your rotor magnets same distance apart measured edge to edge as the width of your magnet, and any AC signal will hit the magnets push-pull-push-pull...this must be done with ALL N magnets or all S facing magnets...if N-S, now then it gets out of synch with AC fed signal runnign it as motor..
In this equal-spaced configuration, a rotor of only two magnets both facing N, will run at 1800rpm on 60hz signal as an example...
I have made quite a few motors like this  - its fun to run something with "no switching" just AC sinewave spinning it...most of time the motors draw goes down under loading of the shaft too - but no speed up since its runnign on constant AC signal speed.
Who knows maybe Romero has taken advantage of this (doubt it but could be) in his all-N rotors somehow and there is motor-effect happening maybe from the backemf but doubt it just more wild guessing...

With N-S-N-S rotor magnets, you can make a good AC sinewave, and be able to run stuff with it too, like AC induction motors (rotovertor - have done this alot too),  but you have to experiment with core size and coil widths and spacing  and rpms to make a perfect looking sinewave (squarewaves or edgy-peaked squarewaves run rotorvertors fine however).

Usually aircores with N-S mangets will show that double-hump "edgy" square wave, with peak sagging in middle, since the very center of rotor magnets to the very center of magnet is sort of like eye of hurricane and it is the EDGES of magnets that have the peak-power.

With cored-coils this is different, you dont get the sag so much but everything depends on eveyrthing like rpms and coils size and core size and spacing for what your scope shows.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 24, 2011, 01:45:16 PM
Quote from: stprue on June 24, 2011, 09:52:17 AM
Amazing vid.  I have sent the inventor an email in hopes of getting a schematic for his design.

If you get anything.. please do start a thread.. or maybe start a thread anyway.  It would be cool to see if it can be replicated.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 24, 2011, 01:46:15 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on June 24, 2011, 01:13:11 PM

As to the rest of your reasonings, answers can only be had by practical tests.

rgds, Gyula

I love the reasonings but I also don't think it wil solve our problem.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 24, 2011, 01:57:33 PM

Translating that to a muller setup. I think if you have a big enough airgap between your rotor and your coil to be greater then the distance between the generator coil and the driver coil. Then the back EMF will arc into the driver coil and enhance it's strength. The same effect as when you put a PM on the back of the driver coil. This will give the enxtra speedup / reduction of the input power.
This also explains why putting the second generator coil will probably not scale the effect as expected. It will be to far away from the driver coil and will get it's back EMF induced in a moment when it cannot arc into the driver coil OR it has a contrary effect ( repulsion instead attraction ).
This theory also explains why after experimenting RomeroUK switched from the driver coil setup from PUSH to PULL setup. As someone explained here nicely with the papers and the moon phases when he's motor was driving the generator coil wanted to help a PULL force rather then a push force.

This also explains why Romero had to adjust the distance of the extra magnets to he's gen coils. It was probably creating a multi step EMF arc path to the gen coils. Ofc this would work only for specific strength magnets with specific distances between coils. Probably insanely hard to experiment with proper values.

If this theory si true then there is no reason to have more then 1 gen coil. Instead make the gen coil big enough to be able to generate more output then input.

If this theory is true then there should be a mathematical formula to get the spacings between magnets and coils to maximize this effect. You want to get your generator coils as close as possible to rotor but due to the size of the coil you might not be able to be close enough to the driver coil also. So the distances are probably related to the size of your coils.
Share your feelings
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 24, 2011, 02:26:55 PM
Quote from: Tudi on June 24, 2011, 11:14:05 AM
i'm almost sure that repeating sine wave form is caused by an NNNN or SSSS setup.
I think NSNS looks more like some boobs, 2 bumps uper side then 2 bump on the lower side.
So want to buy a scope in the weekend, it's like one of the best adult toys one can buy.
LOL !  I agree that RomeroUK was very certain in stating the all South up configuartion in the rotor and I'm sure he was not confused on that matter.  And I agree scopes are fun and fortunately I bought 3 of them when I had money....  although you can certainly find good deals with some effort on fleaBay. 

edit to correct North to South facing up
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 24, 2011, 02:41:15 PM
Mmm i am pretty sure the coils are giving out pulsed waves not AC
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 24, 2011, 02:57:29 PM
Regarding magnet spacing I can't argue with anything konehead says since he's miles ahead of most of us in motor building but I do recall Romerouk said (or someone here recently stated Romoerouk said) that for this motor the best spacing between magnets is 2.5 times the diameter of the magnets. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 24, 2011, 03:01:51 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 24, 2011, 02:57:29 PM
Regarding magnet spacing I can't argue with anything konehead says since he's miles ahead of most of us in motor building but I do recall Romerouk said (or someone here recently stated Romoerouk said) that for this motor the best spacing between magnets is 2.5 times the diameter of the magnets.
not sure if you seen romerouk latest/last video where he has magnets one after another on a HD plate. 2.5 size my ass. I have a feeling he is still trying to find out the exact reason why this things works. Maybe he realized the process how to reproduce the results and not why it happens.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 24, 2011, 03:20:39 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 24, 2011, 02:57:29 PM
Regarding magnet spacing I can't argue with anything konehead says since he's miles ahead of most of us in motor building but I do recall Romerouk said (or someone here recently stated Romoerouk said) that for this motor the best spacing between magnets is 2.5 times the diameter of the magnets.

actually after watching several videos i think he wanted to say the other way. The spacing between coils should be aprox 2.5 size of the magnets. So that the flux redirection from the generator coil can atrakt the incomming next magnet
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nvisser on June 24, 2011, 03:59:06 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 24, 2011, 01:44:12 PM
About the scope shot what happens is the front-edge of approaching magnet makes the actual peak, the back edge of magnet makes a sort of negative peak too -  this is seen as the flat-area after the peak,  in those scope shots, where the backedge of manget is reacting to coil and core.
substitute that flat area with another magnet in between of opposite polarity, (N-S-N-S rotor) and you will have AC signal now and that same flat area will instead be opposite polarity peak of sinewave.

Think of the hockey puck magnets instead like a square shaped block-magnets, and of course the leading edge has a pole, and the back edge has its own pole too.
when you drive a rotor magnet around with pulsed coil, its the EDGES of magnet where you to pop the motor coil when coil is centered to them, to have most power....and you can flip polarity of coil and both pull then push rotor manget around once after the other too if you want....
some of this doesnt make sense in mind, since it seems then like with hocky puck magnets you would want to spin them around first befgore mounting in rotor, in order to find how the magnet was "cut" to find those poles that go sideways, but this doesnt really work out if you try it... I think the flatsurface in hockeypuck magnets jsut overhwhelmes everything else is reason but dont know for sure...but at same time, those edges is where the power peaks are...

If you want an AC-signal run MOTOR in Muller flat-rotor configurations, make your rotor magnets same distance apart measured edge to edge as the width of your magnet, and any AC signal will hit the magnets push-pull-push-pull...this must be done with ALL N magnets or all S facing magnets...if N-S, now then it gets out of synch with AC fed signal runnign it as motor..
In this equal-spaced configuration, a rotor of only two magnets both facing N, will run at 1800rpm on 60hz signal as an example...
I have made quite a few motors like this  - its fun to run something with "no switching" just AC sinewave spinning it...most of time the motors draw goes down under loading of the shaft too - but no speed up since its runnign on constant AC signal speed.
Who knows maybe Romero has taken advantage of this (doubt it but could be) in his all-N rotors somehow and there is motor-effect happening maybe from the backemf but doubt it just more wild guessing...

With N-S-N-S rotor magnets, you can make a good AC sinewave, and be able to run stuff with it too, like AC induction motors (rotovertor - have done this alot too),  but you have to experiment with core size and coil widths and spacing  and rpms to make a perfect looking sinewave (squarewaves or edgy-peaked squarewaves run rotorvertors fine however).

Usually aircores with N-S mangets will show that double-hump "edgy" square wave, with peak sagging in middle, since the very center of rotor magnets to the very center of magnet is sort of like eye of hurricane and it is the EDGES of magnets that have the peak-power.

With cored-coils this is different, you dont get the sag so much but everything depends on eveyrthing like rpms and coils size and core size and spacing for what your scope shows.
This explains what you described.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on June 24, 2011, 04:14:16 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 24, 2011, 02:26:55 PM
LOL !  I agree that RomeroUK was very certain in stating the all North up configuartion in the rotor and I'm sure he was not confused on that matter.  And I agree scopes are fun and fortunately I bought 3 of them when I had money....  although you can certainly find good deals with some effort on fleaBay.

Romero states the South pole is facing up...

Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 09:14:27 AM
2 hall sensors. I will take some closer pictures to see them.The side of the rotor has small magnets with south pointing out.

Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 10:26:37 AM
All magnets on the rotor are all pointing same direction, as you look at the device all magnets are with South up. I have never tried to run it upside down because of the dirving circuits but I will try it having it on one side.

However, the following is a little confusing.
It is from Romero's Forum

Re: RomeroUK Work Pictures
« Reply #117 on: April 07, 2011, 01:05:22 PM »
The rotor has 8 magnets all positioned with North on one side and South on the other side.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 24, 2011, 04:20:28 PM
@Nvisser . A most interesting and informative post . Look at sample 2 . I f we moved the magnets closer together , or indeed a bit too close together , would that not give us the mysterious KROMREY waveform , that looks a bit like a repetition of the letter W ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on June 24, 2011, 04:26:47 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 24, 2011, 02:57:29 PM
Regarding magnet spacing I can't argue with anything konehead says since he's miles ahead of most of us in motor building but I do recall Romerouk said (or someone here recently stated Romoerouk said) that for this motor the best spacing between magnets is 2.5 times the diameter of the magnets.

Yes, David70 did state that Romero recomended "at least 2.5 times"

If you measure the current the spacing of the magnets on the rotor you will find they are 3 times the diameter of the magnet.

Also, I'll point out the the pdf of the first page states the rotor is 25cm, however Romero makes a correction and states it is actually 20 cm.

Quote from: romerouk on May 07, 2011, 12:58:54 PM
I have measured the rotor and it is 20cm, sorry. I had so many changes and I also had a 25cm and a 35 cm rotor in another setup.
Diameter has nothing to do with the results if u space the magnets equally.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 24, 2011, 04:43:11 PM
EMdeices said

I think romerouk might have been confused about the rotor magnet polarities he gave us in the beginning.  He did say he played with a few rotors.

From the analysis of the output waveform, we see a rotor modulation and that corresponds to 4 cycles,  so I'm beginning to think the rotor should really have this magnet configuration:   N  S  N  S  N  S  N  S, after all, that's what Bill Muller's dynamo uses.
Romerouk, do you remember what rotors you played with and what polarities they were? 


My answers is yes and no.

No. The red line you had on first image corresponds to the blue line to the second image. I think is clear to see. An o-scope will put "left" or "right" the flat area depending the leads connection (at least my scope does that)

yes. Romero's scope shot in a strict comparison to others or mine, has the flat area much flatter and the steep area less steep than i get.
Note, as i explained my observations few pages back, that the biasing magnets can alter that.
In my case the flat area gets flatter, voltage peak increases a bit and the steep area gets steeper. No need to say that again. Perhaps i will make a video someday.

I made my rotor per Romero's specs. 200mm dia, 19mm magnets (10mm thick single ones) 6 mm distance to circumference. (Romero had less i suppose but i need some safety on that ground) 8 magnets in rotor same polarity on side.

I have the impression that minor waveform changes occur with rpm.


I agree with you concerning the waveforms except the strict magnet physical possition corresponding to wave form :) :P
By increasing speed magnetic lag appears. This i have read and i noticed that with rmp the sweet spot of halls changes for giving max efficiency. (a bit)

At least this happens to my setup..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 24, 2011, 04:55:37 PM
Quote from: nvisser on June 24, 2011, 03:59:06 PM
This explains what you described.

Very nice post but there is something definitely wrong there in frame #3.

In the first two you show only north passing or north and south passing, but regardless of what polarity and what distance between magnets, each magnet passage is producing a full sine wave with the TDC separating each one.

But in the third, the TDC is between each half cycle. That should not be possible regardless of how the magnets are set, close or far, each passage should be one full cycle with TDC in the center of the cycle. Unless what you are saying is that a cycle in fig 3 starts at positive or negative peak with the TDC between the peaks. That seems to be incorrect.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 05:13:31 PM
Very, very, very clever Romero!

Now I understand WHO was not happy with your actions.

Wonder how long it will take for the next person to find this?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lasersaber on June 24, 2011, 05:32:39 PM
QuoteVery, very, very clever Romero!

Now I understand WHO was not happy with your actions.

Wonder how long it will take for the next person to find this?


Is there more that you can tell us?  What is the big secret?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 24, 2011, 05:47:34 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 05:13:31 PM
Now I understand WHO was not happy with your actions.

http://www.icehouse.net/john1/proto_k2.jpg (http://www.icehouse.net/john1/proto_k2.jpg)

Maybe we can do it in civilized way somehow this time?
I think when someone wants to keep something private he should just do it. If not... maybe just tell because there is already enough of FE researchers on the verge of lunacy, sleeping on the lab table looking like Dali clocks... :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on June 24, 2011, 05:55:11 PM
LOL Dali clocks :)

Getting full RPM at short-circuit is a well known 'anomalous' phenomena. Perhaps RomeroUK has developed this anomaly.

The anomaly is encouraged to occur with lenz-lag (spacing of the magnets/coils), stator stack skewing, magnet pole skewing and bread loaf shaped magnets.

It is also encouraged by using mild steel/iron cores on the gen coils that are hollow.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 24, 2011, 06:06:51 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 05:13:31 PM
Very, very, very clever Romero!

Now I understand WHO was not happy with your actions.

Wonder how long it will take for the next person to find this?


Well what have you found out?  As we all here try hard to unveil every detail of information for the benefit of others its very unfair to crack the code then keep it to yourself. 

What's the deal??
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 06:08:03 PM
Guys, keep your pants on.

I have pm'ed Romero to ensure we will not be causing him any more grief.

Soon as I have a response, I'll let you know what I've found.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on June 24, 2011, 06:08:03 PM

Thanks for the waveform images.
Can you tell us the magnet size and grade/strength you used to produce the waveforms?

Here's a rough drawing of how far the field extends.
Just used the NSNS with three magnet spacing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 24, 2011, 06:09:23 PM
Quote from: duff on June 24, 2011, 04:14:16 PM
Romero states the South pole is facing up...

However, the following is a little confusing.
It is from Romero's Forum

Hey Thanks for catching that and correcting it.  I'll try to fix my post.  I couldn't remember whether it was N or S up but did take a quick look at the PDF file and thought the red color in the diagram represented North.  50/50 chance and I got it wrong  :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 24, 2011, 06:17:40 PM
Quote from: wattsup on June 24, 2011, 04:55:37 PM
Very nice post but there is something definitely wrong there in frame #3.

In the first two you show only north passing or north and south passing, but regardless of what polarity and what distance between magnets, each magnet passage is producing a full sine wave with the TDC separating each one.

But in the third, the TDC is between each half cycle. That should not be possible regardless of how the magnets are set, close or far, each passage should be one full cycle with TDC in the center of the cycle. Unless what you are saying is that a cycle in fig 3 starts at positive or negative peak with the TDC between the peaks. That seems to be incorrect.


Wattsup, that is good that you have the full sine wave for each magnet!
Its all to do with direction of motion, right?

However, #3 is correct. What happens is, with the correct magnet spacing the retreating north pole makes the same polarity peak as the incoming south pole... and they overlap!

When the magnets spacing is too far apart you get the "M" wave (with NSNS) but when 'just right' they overlap precisely, giving you the double height output peak!!!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 06:19:19 PM
Quote from: dutchy1966 on June 24, 2011, 01:14:40 PM

This sounds very plausible to me. So in R_UK 's scopeshot i guess the approaching magnet first induces the negative spike, followed by the positive one (magnet is passed TDC). Is the flat bit in the trace nothing more than waiting for the next magnet to approach?



Yes.  The flat spot is when the rotor mag is not near the coil any more.   
As the mag approaches the coil, its field is attracted to the core. So any movement of the mag causes those field lines, attracted to the core in concentration, to cut the windings causing current in the whole winding, even though the field is only cutting one side of the coil. When the mag passes center, its field is still attracted to the core and now the field lines are cutting the windings on the others side of the coil. Same direction, same field crossing the windings, thus causing the currents to be induced in the opposite direction in the coil as a whole.

If you look at an alternator stator, the stator windings seem quite large, but the iron core is not very wide. So the armatures field is concentrated to that core and only cut the "part" of the windings that are "in" the core. The rest of the stator windings that are not in the core are just necessary to complete the windings circuit.

As the armature drags the field around, the field attracted to the stator core, the field enters the slit gaps on the inner side of the stator core and the field lines "cross" the windings creating current.

Our coils do the same but our gaps are wide and the core is small.

This is all very basic, yet some dont realize it.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 24, 2011, 06:24:39 PM
Quote from: duff on June 24, 2011, 06:08:03 PM
I think it had to do with magcoaster since he used biasing magnets in the world patent...

It doesn't matter if a patent exists already anyone  is allowed to reproduce anything for private use. Secondly back-end magnets is prior art full public discloser around 10+ years ago Kone knows all about this stuff and  this pre-dates magnacoaster by a long time. In fact most stuff today is granted a patent and its up to the patent holder to defend the title even IF prior art exist and it usually does!! Concept is used to make controversy and controversy means courts and 1 million dollars cases for the smallest arbitration is VERY good money earner. Can you afford 3 years in court? The only people that can defend patents are the largest blue-chip companies the entire  thing is a scam soon as people wake up to this the better.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 24, 2011, 06:33:49 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 06:08:03 PM
Guys, keep your pants on.

I have pm'ed Romero to ensure we will not be causing him any more grief.

Soon as I have a response, I'll let you know what I've found.


No!  I'm rippin' them off right now  ... ;)    No really though I don't want any stress for R either but if you have figured this out yourself and as you said 'how long before others find this too' why do you need to check in with R before letting the cat out of the bag?  And at this point it's only speculation on your part without validation from R so let's have the scoop on what you think is going on.   You aren't R's whippin' boy are you?   

   don't take the last one too serious ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 24, 2011, 06:42:07 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 06:19:19 PM
Yes.  The flat spot is when the rotor mag is not near the coil any more.   
As the mag approaches the coil, its field is attracted to the core. So any movement of the mag causes those field lines, attracted to the core in concentration, to cut the windings causing current in the whole winding, even though the field is only cutting one side of the coil. When the mag passes center, its field is still attracted to the core and now the field lines are cutting the windings on the others side of the coil. Same direction, same field crossing the windings, thus causing the currents to be induced in the opposite direction in the coil as a whole.

This is all very basic, yet some dont realize it.  ;]



You are confusing the issue here. The flux is not attracted to the winding, it is attracted to the core, in round coils. The core imposes this changing flux field on the coil. When the flux is building up as the magnet approaches you get one polarity of sine and when the flux field is diminishing as the magnet retreats then the falling flux makes the opposite sine. When the magnet is at TDC there is no voltage induced as there is no motion of the fully built up flux field.

Sides of the coil only apply to air cored coils, or long windings as in the window motor or alternator.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 06:45:49 PM
Quote from: i_ron on June 24, 2011, 06:42:07 PM

You are confusing the issue here. The flux is not attracted to the winding, it is attracted to the core, in round coils. The core imposes this changing flux field on the coil. When the flux is building up as the magnet approaches you get one polarity of sine and when the flux field is diminishing as the magnet retreats then the falling flux makes the opposite sine. When the magnet is at TDC there is no voltage induced as there is no motion of the fully built up flux field.

Sides of the coil only apply to air cored coils, or long windings as in the window motor or alternator.


Nope. You are.  read the second line of my post you quoted.   "attracted to the core"

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 24, 2011, 06:46:32 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 06:08:03 PM
Guys, keep your pants on.

I have pm'ed Romero to ensure we will not be causing him any more grief.

Soon as I have a response, I'll let you know what I've found.


I hope you can at least tell us if there is some OU magic thing to this or not.
Patent lawyers do not normal come out until someone is trying to make a profit
on someones product.  IP lawyers may be more threatening?   

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 06:49:46 PM
Im not saying that the rotor mags field is only attracted to the tip of the coils core. The windings are invisible to the rotor mags field when it comes to attraction. The rotor mags field is attracted to the "side" of the coils core as a whole, thus the mags field cuts the coils windings on that side.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 24, 2011, 07:04:27 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 05:13:31 PM
Very, very, very clever Romero!

Now I understand WHO was not happy with your actions.

Wonder how long it will take for the next person to find this?


I have it all figured out.. so obvious.. j/k

Come on.. why tease us?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 24, 2011, 07:44:02 PM
when current moves through the windings a magnet is attracted to the windings as well
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: aircore on June 24, 2011, 07:48:22 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 06:08:03 PM
Guys, keep your pants on.

I have pm'ed Romero to ensure we will not be causing him any more grief.

Soon as I have a response, I'll let you know what I've found.

We do not care "penno64" make a fuss,
   June 12, His first claim in this thread has been a major breakthrough, And ready to buy DC-DC converters to achieve self-run.
   At that time, he does not answer anyone's questions, Not reveal subtle clues.

   He disappeared for many days.
   Estimated,,,,, he failed. So: now he is back.
   Now: He claimed that a major discovery,
   We will believe him?
   But: even if he is really a major discovery, Not have the slightest said.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on June 24, 2011, 07:51:59 PM

Could someone please tell me if anything was discovered I got lost many pages back and none of this stuff is making sense weather anyone had positive results theories or replications seems to be not mentioned. I appreciate any help in clearing up my confusion so thanks in advance!

I see people speculate that there is some type of MIB type deal going on or some patent infringement of some sort that is hard to believe without seeing some working replication.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on June 24, 2011, 07:56:05 PM
Quote from: aircore on June 24, 2011, 07:48:22 PM
   We do not care "penno64" make a fuss,
   June 12, His first claim in this thread has been a major breakthrough, And ready to buy DC-DC converters to achieve self-run.
   He disappeared for many days.
   Estimated,,,,, he failed. So: now he is back.
   Now: He claimed that a major discovery,
   We will believe him?
   But: even if he is really a major discovery, Not have the slightest said.
penno better keep it for yourself, some people here don't deserve it. I start to understand Romero now. what is the point, even if you tell them the truth you will still get this type of atitude
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energy1234hope on June 24, 2011, 07:57:01 PM
Hey Penno remember the saying one step for man and one giant leap for mankind. It all starts at places like this. Are we to assume that because you make a discovery it will be kept secret too. By pm ing romerouk those same will be asking you to shut up too and nothing in the future will ever be achieved we all are asking for the sake of the future of everyone. Sorry Plengo

edit by moderator: Not me (Plengo). You must mean Penno!!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 08:03:06 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on June 24, 2011, 07:44:02 PM
when current moves through the windings a magnet is attracted to the windings as well

True. Lets say the core is the initial attractor. But the attraction you speak of depends on whether the mag is approaching or leaving the induced winding.  If the winding were 1 wire, one side of the wire is N or S, depending, and the other side of the wire is the opposite.

I was just explaining the what and hows of the wave form as seen. ;]  Some have other ideas. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 24, 2011, 08:15:24 PM
Quote from: David70 on June 24, 2011, 07:56:05 PM
penno better keep it for yourself, some people here don't deserve it. I start to understand Romero now. what is the point, even if you tell them the truth you will still get this type of atitude

Yes and we could all take this attitude which is why we are still in the same shit today as 100 years ago. Greed and Ego prevents humanity from moving forwards! How about we all had the same attitude then NOTHING would be achieved. How many inventors took their SECRETS to the grave a bullet in the head, poisoned or throat cut down some dark alley?  Only a FULL disclosure can prevent this from happening. Some run to the patent office thinking of great riches only to find it confiscated under National Security some 10,000 patents LOCKED hidden because they are deemed too disruptive to economy.

Perhaps the thread should be closed locked and only one or two will finally figure it out all for themselves.  Who are we to judge who has access to this technology. What do you say?

You seen I am not interested in this Muller its means nothing to me. I already know about 50w to 5kw OU systems running now.  Its a TEST to see if humanity is ready to bring a toy to public knowledge as behind this are a 1000 other devices ready to hit the streets. But first we need to pass this test so that OU is embraced and no longer denied. This is why this little 10 watt toy is so important otherwise i would be doing something else instead of wasting my time here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: onielsen on June 24, 2011, 08:24:08 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on June 24, 2011, 07:44:02 PM
when current moves through the windings a magnet is attracted to the windings as well

That depends on current direction. For motor principle it is attraction when approaching the magnet and repulsion when leaving the magnet. For generator principle it is opposite.
Ole Nielsen

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on June 24, 2011, 08:30:26 PM
I have it on good authority that the secret will soon be revealed. Hold on just a while longer. ONE OF US knows the answer!

David Bowling
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on June 24, 2011, 08:32:13 PM
I did't mean it but i hate that atitude from @aircore
I need to see the clue like everyone here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 09:01:59 PM
We have the man's blessing! ( I was not teasing anyone)

Please do NOT bombard me with questions or PMs. I mean please.

What I have found is that this will only work with multi filar coils.

How many of you guys have watched Thane's videos. How is it that his rotor speeds under load.

I am not telling you how to do this - you can find that on your own, but

What I did was using a 5 x 0.2mm wound coil is seperate and identify the wires.

Use some as normal but try and wire one or two differently.

I used two - start - stop join two more - start stop, just like tesla's coil and wire the last start from the middle of the bifilar join to stop.

Try it and see.

I guess a pic or drawing would be good, but I need to go now.

I will draw one later and post.

Patience and determination.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 24, 2011, 09:11:34 PM
Hy guys!

I finally cleaned out the output signal. I found out that the 2 wires that connects the bridge rectifiers , don't have to be put random.

Here are two shots  of the previouslly signal and the curent one.

Also , i put all the diodes in parrallel on the BR and does have some effect in speeding the rotor in dead short.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 24, 2011, 09:14:31 PM
i have mentioned Thane many many times here recently. I explained why there is a narrow bandwidth of rpm versus load to achieve a small window of OU condition. Please don't get caught up in Thanes special flux paths i think he even realised now its a serious distraction. In addition you don't need HV coils,  LV coils can do the same thing when wired correctly and given the correct magnetic bias.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 24, 2011, 09:20:09 PM
Well I guess it's time to twist up some multi-strand. I have quite a bit of wire (degauss coils), think it is either 24 or 26 ga , a few of those will add thickness fast. I also unwound one of the coils I got from a automotive relay and split it in half and rewound bifiler, but I still haven't tested it. Sounds like 5 or more wire would be best? Thanks for the tip....

Would different size wires be good idea or stick to same size all wires?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 24, 2011, 09:45:13 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 09:01:59 PM
We have the man's blessing! ( I was not teasing anyone)

Please do NOT bombard me with questions or PMs. I mean please.

What I have found is that this will only work with multi filar coils.

How many of you guys have watched Thane's videos. How is it that his rotor speeds under load.

I am not telling you how to do this - you can find that on your own, but

What I did was using a 5 x 0.2mm wound coil is seperate and identify the wires.

Use some as normal but try and wire one or two differently.

I used two - start - stop join two more - start stop, just like tesla's coil and wire the last start from the middle of the bifilar join to stop.

Try it and see.

I guess a pic or drawing would be good, but I need to go now.

I will draw one later and post.

Patience and determination.


Hi Penno,

is your coil connected like teslaalset posted: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=11009.msg291113#msg291113

but many times over?

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: REDCAR1957 on June 24, 2011, 09:48:33 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 09:01:59 PM
We have the man's blessing! ( I was not teasing anyone)

Please do NOT bombard me with questions or PMs. I mean please.

What I have found is that this will only work with multi filar coils.

How many of you guys have watched Thane's videos. How is it that his rotor speeds under load.

I am not telling you how to do this - you can find that on your own, but

What I did was using a 5 x 0.2mm wound coil is seperate and identify the wires.

Use some as normal but try and wire one or two differently.

I used two - start - stop join two more - start stop, just like tesla's coil and wire the last start from the middle of the bifilar join to stop.

Try it and see.

I guess a pic or drawing would be good, but I need to go now.

I will draw one later and post.

Patience and determination.

Where does one find these Thane's videos?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 24, 2011, 09:56:48 PM

please do not complicate things for yourself and others. Watching Thane's video's at this time will not help you for what is happening here. Thane's coil design is not the same. I know because I worked with him for many months.

Just wait a little more or do real experiments.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 10:01:22 PM
Romero confirmed my guess at bifi coils pages ago.
He also said that normal windings would work also with caps in parallel with the coil. The capacitor would be near single to double digit nf, from measurements Ive done on bifi coils of this size.
But I also explained that the litz wire, if you separate the strands within the litz, and bifi using the strands, the capacitance could get into the upper double digit to triple digit nf.
I would prefer litz with an even no. strands, it only makes sense. Unless Rom used the litz whole and wound a pair of it on the bobbins.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: eastcoastwilly on June 24, 2011, 10:07:45 PM
So you basically add another wire from the joint at the start of the last leg of the bifilar wind back to the end of the last output leg creating a short or back to the start of the first leg?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 24, 2011, 10:08:33 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 09:01:59 PM
We have the man's blessing! ( I was not teasing anyone)

Please do NOT bombard me with questions or PMs. I mean please.

What I have found is that this will only work with multi filar coils.

How many of you guys have watched Thane's videos. How is it that his rotor speeds under load.

I am not telling you how to do this - you can find that on your own, but

What I did was using a 5 x 0.2mm wound coil is seperate and identify the wires.

Use some as normal but try and wire one or two differently.

I used two - start - stop join two more - start stop, just like tesla's coil and wire the last start from the middle of the bifilar join to stop.

Try it and see.

I guess a pic or drawing would be good, but I need to go now.

I will draw one later and post.

Patience and determination.

Thank you.  You may avoid PM's hopefully but I think it's going to be hard to avoid some questions at least. 

I'm having a hard time understanding why Romero didn't mention this in the first week or two as he seemed very forthcoming with help and explanations if he was winding bifilar, trifilar or multifilar - why didn't he mention this before?  Was it your impression this is what he had in his looped setup?  I can understand how this would likely achieve higher voltages as well as less Lenz lugging probably. 

A drawing or schematic will be of great help.  Again thank you for discovering this and checking it out. 

I do think there is just a small concern though with info coming from Romerouk if it is getting too close to what brought about his 'visit' as to whether we can fully trust this is the 'secret' of OU in this device.  But I'm sure some will want to check it out.  If you already have Litz wire I'm sure it won't be too difficult to make some of these mods.  No more difficult than tying nerve endings in brain surgery...   lol
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 24, 2011, 10:13:15 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 10:01:22 PM
Romero confirmed my guess at bifi coils pages ago.
He also said that normal windings would work also with caps in parallel with the coil. The capacitor would be near single to double digit nf, from measurements Ive done on bifi coils of this size.
But I also explained that the litz wire, if you separate the strands within the litz, and bifi using the strands, the capacitance could get into the upper double digit to triple digit nf.
I would prefer litz with an even no. strands, it only makes sense. Unless Rom used the litz whole and wound a pair of it on the bobbins.


Mags I think I sort of remember that but was he saying that is definitely what he did or that it was a good idea to use in optimizing this?  I do remember he mentioning adding caps and some have done that.  I think the bifilar or multifilar may do more than just adding a cap though. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 10:20:25 PM
Well  out of 7 strands, maybe 4 and 3 within could work. But if its just the litz as a whole, then 2 litz 150 turns. then series gives 300 turns. 

Using the litz as a whole, using 2 at 150 turns bifi is the only way that comes close to get 2ohms at 300 turns. ;]

If it were 300 turns of single litz then splitting the strands to bifi, I would presume the outcome to be 4 ohm possibly.

Those that have already a 300 turn litz could try to separate the strands to bifi, for the sake of elimination.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on June 24, 2011, 10:27:51 PM
Per Penno's description, I could almost see the wire segments forming a 1/4 wave resonator driving a full wave at its center...where the full wave is actually quad-filer opposed. The frequency would be pretty high, which would necessitate the use of faster diodes than his big bridge. It wouldn't lug, and any output that did happen would be in the Mhz or high kHz range. Seems kind of obscure though. Might just be best to wait for Penno to post a diagram...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 24, 2011, 10:32:49 PM
I was looking at the muller coil and just couldnt figure out how to wind it bifiler then it hit me
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 10:39:26 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 24, 2011, 10:13:15 PM
Mags I think I sort of remember that but was he saying that is definitely what he did or that it was a good idea to use in optimizing this?  I do remember he mentioning adding caps and some have done that.  I think the bifilar or multifilar may do more than just adding a cap though.

Lol  its an easy example of what we remember and not so easily.  ;]

I agree that the bifi vs a regular coil/cap parallel, that the bifi would hold different characteristics.

Teslas description says it all about the differences.

Im doing some tests when I can.  It would be cool if a sim prog included bifi coils. But just about Nobody uses them except in some relays, but not for our type of reasons. They are used separately, 1 for pull on the relay contacts, and the other to hold. Doesnt take much to hold a relay after its been pulled, so the hold coil uses less current while holding.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 24, 2011, 10:50:57 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on June 24, 2011, 10:27:51 PM
Per Penno's description, I could almost see the wire segments forming a 1/4 wave resonator driving a full wave at its center...where the full wave is actually quad-filer opposed. The frequency would be pretty high, which would necessitate the use of faster diodes than his big bridge. It wouldn't lug, and any output that did happen would be in the Mhz or high kHz range. Seems kind of obscure though. Might just be best to wait for Penno to post a diagram...

Maybe by rotor magnet influence on the coils, these high freq are not even an event.  Maybe the bifi just gives more output compared to normal stator windings, as Romero pointed out some time ago when discussing the litz vs single strand.


But lets say it is maybe high khz to say 1 mhz,  What are the limits of the 1n4001  or 1n4007 in freq handling?
Maybe the bridge not, but add those extree diodes. ;] Each has a job to do here apparently.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 24, 2011, 10:56:49 PM
Not to get too far off subject but since we're raising the voltage in the gen coils here's a interesting concept, hooking the coils up to transformers before the fwbr's
watch this vid at 3:06  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70E0Q_pCB-4
notice that the coils as well as the transformers are center taped I wonder if this would cause the coil shorting effect.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on June 24, 2011, 11:01:41 PM
Quote from: stprue on June 24, 2011, 09:52:17 AM
Amazing vid.  I have sent the inventor an email in hopes of getting a schematic for his design.
That's nothing, Where have you been all these years?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 25, 2011, 12:14:29 AM
Quote from: TEKTRON on June 24, 2011, 11:01:41 PM
That's nothing, Where have you been all these years?

I've seen that also.. but was it ever replicated, besides the one in the new video?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 25, 2011, 01:24:24 AM
its quite funny but if  you go back about  TWO HUNDRED pages i said someone needs to try Tesla Bifilar wound as many strands in each coil and also try many strands ending in a diode plug like 21 phases. Each strand takes a full copy of the magnetic flux and becomes a replica. These two main coils can then still be connected as bucking coils to each other.

The reasons for this stated many times before is to cancel any self generated magnetic flux.  Oh dear why did it take 200 pages to latch on?? Well someone needs to verify this and give feedback but i tell you it wont provide an easy way to skimp on days and days of tuning.

Do you remember when Romero discussed model aircraft and rewinding model aircraft Turnigy motors? Well that is how long ago I discussed this to take a standard motor off the shelf and make it OU. A standard perm mag DC motor can be rewound as an Out-Runner rewired to like 21 phase and diode plugged to go make OU generator.

There is no quick fix and still wont explain why Romero needs 12 watts of drive power.

But we live in hope:)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on June 25, 2011, 01:34:58 AM
don't know why. it kind of reminds me of a video @TinselKoala did,
i think ( can't find the video ), where he demonstrated induction
transfer between two pancake coils using a rotary spark gap. one
pancake was a single conductor, the other was bi-filer.

from what i recall the transfer of energy was higher when the bi-filer
was the primary.

for some reason i keep thinking this is related. but it just can't be
that easy.

take care.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on June 25, 2011, 01:38:44 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 09:01:59 PM....
What I did was using a 5 x 0.2mm wound coil is seperate and identify the wires.
Use some as normal but try and wire one or two differently.
I used two - start - stop join two more - start stop, just like tesla's coil and wire the last start from the middle of the bifilar join to stop.
Thank you, penno64
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on June 25, 2011, 01:48:45 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 25, 2011, 01:50:08 AM
sorry if I got people a little distracted by my scope-thoughts, but what I was saying is that IF you want to make an AC MOTOR (not generator) from a Muller-type rotor, simply space magnets same distance apart measured edge to edge as the width of the emagnets and it will scream on an AC signal into a single coi or more, (positioned in phase, not odd vs even thing)

I am almost sure the reason Romero goes wtih large spacing in between rotor magnets and also all same polarity magnets is becasue of the helper-magnet behind the cores, in order for them to do the job correctly...so that whole differnt ball game than an AC motor of this flat-rotor design.

Allso, having all magnets S facign up or all N facing up probably doesnt matter too much in the Romero machines, but if you have a N-triggered hall effect on top of rotor,  then it is good idea to have S magnets facing up.

I made long ago Mullergen spun by rotorvertor motor at 1800rpm that had 32 N-S neomagnets in rotor and when I switched from coils of 18GA wire to coils with the same ferrite cores and near same resistance to litz-wound coils (very thin 36GA wire 16 syrand paralell) then I got THREE TIMES more power produced.
Same amps, but three times the voltage with resistive load....
eveybody told me this is because with 32magnets going 1800rpm past acoil its now HF, so you have to have litz wire for high frequency stuff which is probably right answer.
HOWEVER the frequency of the sine wave or the DC pulsed sinewave (like Romeros) is one thing; that is sort of constant frequency way to think of high frequency but think also of a high frequency "event" - maybe use the word SPEED here instead of frequency....
Things like the recoil spike flowing back out backwards from the coil is one thing - someone once told me this is twice the speed of light, since it goes "both directions" at once (!) Dont know about that but sounds good.

Another could-be very high speed event is the polarity-shift of a coil, and the polarity shift of a core too...maybe a core or a coil "wants to" shift polarity faster than speed of light ? (nevermind about that)

antoher high speed event is the collapsing, and the spring-like rebounding of a coil, and the resulting oscillations too, from the release/switch opening of the collapse ...(the "shorting" of a coil does this and so does a Tesla spark gap too and I bet too, so does the immediate polarity shift of a CORE inside a coil...this is what Romores helper magnets must do - -teeter-totter that core so it flips much faster than the coil does, and it drags the coil "down" into the collapsing blackhole region along with it....(a bit theatric here)
anyways this is why I think Litz is so important in romero rigs - it is just way more effecient in being able to keep up in speed with the CORE's polarity flip from the helper/regauging magnets
If you want to start running your litz wired coils in bifilar or quad filar or septfilar series-adding hookups, be aware that the litz wire Romero used is "solderable" variety...it says that right on spool...this is really crappy wire and is made so a soldeing iron will melt through it (AKA electronic "hook up" wire not made for motor or gernator use) and the coils will not last very long with all the vibrations going on....you need to use motor or generator-rated wire, they sometimes call it  "heavy build" in reference to the varnish coating too...its nice thing to wrap layer of teflon plubing tape over each layer for more protecion from vibrations and chaffing too....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 25, 2011, 01:54:54 AM
Quote from: slapper on June 25, 2011, 01:34:58 AM
don't know why. it kind of reminds me of a video @TinselKoala did,
i think ( can't find the video ), where he demonstrated induction
transfer between two pancake coils using a rotary spark gap. one
pancake was a single conductor, the other was bi-filer.

from what i recall the transfer of energy was higher when the bi-filer
was primary.

for some reason i keep thinking this is related. but it just can't be
that easy.

take care.


I remember that TK vid.  For one he did the test for OC if I remember correctly. 
But if you look at teslas way, he seemed to  have the secondary, or primary, either way was shown, at the outer edge of the pancake, not cake to cake the way TK did it. I believed TK had shown the improper way on purpose.  Like some of his debunk projects. They are way off of being replicas, but are used to prove the original wrong.  Weird.

By the way,  Has anyone that knows OC heard from him or about him?  I had heard he died. Not sure.  I actually read it in a post from TK, and it seemed actually rude.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on June 25, 2011, 02:48:08 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 25, 2011, 01:54:54 AM
<snip>But if you look at teslas way, he seemed to  have the secondary, or primary, either way was shown, at the outer edge of the pancake, not cake to cake the way TK did it.</snip>

it seemed to leave an impression on me that a bi-filer wound coil can transmit a stronger field than the single wound coil
and the single wound coil receives better than the bi-filer coil.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 25, 2011, 03:01:32 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 24, 2011, 05:13:31 PM
Very, very, very clever Romero!

Now I understand WHO was not happy with your actions.

Wonder how long it will take for the next person to find this?


So, nice to see you found out that bifilar coils could also work, but WHO was not happy with RUKs actions according to you?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 25, 2011, 03:38:49 AM
Here is a very rough drawing of how I wired my homemade 5 strand (0.2mm) coil.

I am now back at the bench and am about to wind a homemade seven strand for testing.

For those that can not see what we have, I can tell you that it is a reduced lenz generator.

There are so many combinations to test. I am sure you will be impressed by the speed up.

Don't forget, you need to be over a certain RPM to start with.

Tesla, lets not worry about who and press on.

The word I have is that many new things will be found. Persist and experiment.

Just in case you thinking - does he have working system ? The answer is NO. I don't yet.

Nonetheless, much tuning will still be required - I have been told.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 25, 2011, 05:13:59 AM
My eyesight is very poor and I cant read Penno`s diagram . For the benefit of all , perhaps someone  who can see better could re-draw the diagram ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: dutchy1966 on June 25, 2011, 05:37:16 AM
Quote from: neptune on June 25, 2011, 05:13:59 AM
My eyesight is very poor and I cant read Penno`s diagram . For the benefit of all , perhaps someone  who can see better could re-draw the diagram ?

Here you go....

Edit: Where it says Bottom Coil it should say "Bobbin Coil"

Regards Dutchy
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 25, 2011, 05:52:30 AM
Thanks Dutchy , your a star!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on June 25, 2011, 06:59:25 AM
I'v been looking for some sign of where Romero splits and terminates the Litz wire but can't see this on the video's. The shot below of the coil ends appears to show all the cores terminated to the lead-off wire.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on June 25, 2011, 07:08:43 AM
Quote from: konehead on June 25, 2011, 01:50:08 AM


and it drags the coil "down" into the collapsing blackhole region along with it....(a bit theatric here)


:P LMAO   :D

Bring on the popcorn! Intermission before the second act.
Carry on please ..... KneeDeep

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 25, 2011, 07:27:53 AM
And what are these cute creatures doing? Are they just holding wire ends together?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nvisser on June 25, 2011, 07:31:31 AM
Quote from: duff on June 24, 2011, 06:08:03 PM
Thanks for the waveform images.
Can you tell us the magnet size and grade/strength you used to produce the waveforms?

Here's a rough drawing of how far the field extends.
Just used the NSNS with three magnet spacing.
This is just some usefull information from someone else that I passed on. Your drawing looks about right as on my small 3 pole I have to put halls just next to each side of the core to be able to do shorting at the sine wave peaks.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 25, 2011, 07:40:45 AM
Sharper :P
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on June 25, 2011, 07:45:38 AM
first time when I talked to Romero he said that the only part that was taken away from the visitors were the coils and he did talked to many other people here about that. Why none of them said anything about that? Must be a reason for them to take the coils and nothing else.I did't think about that but now it makes sense. He said that not all coils are identical, I was thinking that the windings are more or less in turns but it looks that we have more to do.In one of the pictures he posted I could see that at least one coil has solder on it and we have a junction there.
I am thinking that maybe one or more of the 7 strands is shorted all the time and collect with the others.Having the magnet on top with this al time shorting maybe can help too, as the continous short will keep the RPM high...
Don't laugh, I hope this could help to move forward, maybe i am wrong but someone can test and verify

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on June 25, 2011, 07:51:21 AM
Yesterday, shortly after penno64 said he thought he might have figured it out and was going to contact romero, and before he came back to us with this idea that the litz wire, and how it is connected, is essential, I received an e-mail from the forum on my i-phone notifying me I had a pm from romero (in response to a pm I had sent him). The text of the message was included in the e-mail along with a link to the pm. So I clicked on the link, and the text there was the same as the text in the e-mail.

No big deal,

But when I got home, got on my computer, and came here to the forum, I HAVE no new pm from romero, which is kind of weird is it not? Anybody have a clue how THAT could happen?

Reading between the lines of his message, I sincerely believe that HE believes someone here has the answer. penno, I hope it is you. It would be nice to have all the pieces of the puzzle on the table so all we have to do is put it together, instead of feeling like there is one piece in the box that was taken away.

romero has his reasons for keeping his silence, I am sure. I can only wish him and his family the very best and thank him for what he was able to share with us. I hope, if we ever DO figure this out, that all of us will remember who it was that started us down this particular branch of this particular path all of us have been on in our search for a better source of energy production.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on June 25, 2011, 08:08:22 AM
Quote from: Dbowling on June 25, 2011, 07:51:21 AM

But when I got home, got on my computer, and came here to the forum, I HAVE no new pm from romero, which is kind of weird is it not? Anybody have a clue how THAT could happen?

Hi Dbowling,

Do you mean the personal message from Romero has disappeared from your PM Inbox?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 25, 2011, 08:18:34 AM
Hi All,

Just a reality check here.  The last pictures I saw of the latest Romero motor/gen partial build using large commercial coils was not litz,
so where are we really going here?  Just thinking out loud.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 25, 2011, 08:19:06 AM
Quote from: David70 on June 25, 2011, 07:45:38 AM
first time when I talked to Romero he said that the only part that was taken away from the visitors were the coils and he did talked to many other people here about that. Why none of them said anything about that? Must be a reason for them to take the coils and nothing else.I did't think about that but now it makes sense. He said that not all coils are identical, I was thinking that the windings are more or less in turns but it looks that we have more to do.In one of the pictures he posted I could see that at least one coil has solder on it and we have a junction there.
I am thinking that maybe one or more of the 7 strands is shorted all the time and collect with the others.Having the magnet on top with this al time shorting maybe can help too, as the continous short will keep the RPM high...
Don't laugh, I hope this could help to move forward, maybe i am wrong but someone can test and verify


I am not laughing, thank you for the info, I have a feeling that we will crack this together soon :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nvisser on June 25, 2011, 08:29:24 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 25, 2011, 03:38:49 AM
Here is a very rough drawing of how I wired my homemade 5 strand (0.2mm) coil.

I am now back at the bench and am about to wind a homemade seven strand for testing.

For those that can not see what we have, I can tell you that it is a reduced lenz generator.

There are so many combinations to test. I am sure you will be impressed by the speed up.

Don't forget, you need to be over a certain RPM to start with.

Tesla, lets not worry about who and press on.

The word I have is that many new things will be found. Persist and experiment.

Just in case you thinking - does he have working system ? The answer is NO. I don't yet.

Nonetheless, much tuning will still be required - I have been told.

Is this the method you suggest. It comes from here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on June 25, 2011, 08:37:35 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 25, 2011, 08:18:34 AM
Hi All,

Just a reality check here.  The last pictures I saw of the latest Romero motor/gen partial build using large commercial coils was not litz,
so where are we really going here?  Just thinking out loud.

as I remember some posts back Romero said that it can be done with single wire too but using capacitors to get the same effect.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 25, 2011, 08:52:23 AM
I guess the coil configuration I posted would be considered step wound and not bifiler but it still should show an increase,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 25, 2011, 09:08:06 AM




Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 25, 2011, 09:33:54 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 25, 2011, 09:55:36 AM
Quote from: neptune on June 25, 2011, 09:33:54 AM

WFC = (most likely) Water Fuel Cell.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 25, 2011, 10:48:46 AM
Quote from: k4zep on June 25, 2011, 08:18:34 AM
Hi All,

Just a reality check here.  The last pictures I saw of the latest Romero motor/gen partial build using large commercial coils was not litz,
so where are we really going here?  Just thinking out loud.


Possibly, being a non-Muller, the coils themselves are wired series parallel
to mimic the multi strand connection.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 10:52:12 AM
Quote from: neptune on June 25, 2011, 09:33:54 AM

Looks like it is a Water Fuel Cell inductor

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on June 25, 2011, 11:34:08 AM
Could core materials matter according to popular science "YES THEY CAN"

Hello thermodynamics you don't look like you are feeling well lately.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 25, 2011, 12:05:13 PM

@K4ZEP . Romero made it very clear that the new machine operates on totally different principles to the Muller Dynamo . Therefore we can draw no conclusions about how the coils are wound . We can not afford guys of your calibre to quit now!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 25, 2011, 12:08:38 PM
All those coil diagrams look to only increase the number of windings around the core. What is different?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on June 25, 2011, 12:17:03 PM
In the pdf there is one pic of a coil which appears to have been soldered. It is a drive coil i believe. So is it a drive coil that gets this special wind? Or generator coils? Or both?
What would the benefit be to have the drive coil wound bifilar?

I would post the pic but i dont know how to get it out of the pdf.

Food for thought!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: dutchy1966 on June 25, 2011, 12:22:08 PM
Quote from: freenergy850 on June 25, 2011, 12:17:03 PM
In the pdf there is one pic of a coil which appears to have been soldered. It is a drive coil i believe. So is it a drive coil that gets this special wind? Or generator coils? Or both?
What would the benefit be to have the drive coil wound bifilar?

I would post the pic but i dont know how to get it out of the pdf.

Food for thought!


I guess you mean this one....


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on June 25, 2011, 12:40:28 PM
Yes, thats the one.
Thanks for posting the pic!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on June 25, 2011, 12:48:12 PM
Most of those bifilar arrangements are just increasing turns, and as expected, increasing output voltage. Nothing interesting there.

The arrangement that Penno described is really just cap with series inductance that would be magnetically excited. There is no DC current path, only an AC pathway. Depending on the effective capacitance and inductance, it would act much like the circuit that Bolt proposed. Not sure of the implications of having the capacitance distributed down the coil, and the coil having no end to end current path...might help it work better.

The capacitance would be quite low. Not sure what the inductance would be. It would have a resonant/response frequency well above the excitation, again, necessitating the faster diodes.

As the rotor magnet passes the center of the generator coil core, there is a rapid reversal of current flow. The implied frequency of that transition and associated harmonic content is much higher than the actual excitation frequency. It may be that by the cap/inductor filter allowing only the high frequency energy, you don't end up with a meaningful Lenz. Ironically, that sounds like coil shorting done a different way.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 25, 2011, 01:12:28 PM
Quote from: neptune on June 25, 2011, 12:05:13 PM
@K4ZEP . Romero made it very clear that the new machine operates on totally different principles to the Muller Dynamo . Therefore we can draw no conclusions about how the coils are wound . We can not afford guys of your calibre to quit now!

Hi Neptune,

Not quitting, just in a heck of an analyzing mode, using my head and not my wire right now.  Have already tried bifilar, trifilar,  quadfilar in all combos a couple weeks ago and except for voltage doubling or tripling, etc.,  or current addition depending on how they are wired, nothing new and they all had LENZ....... BUT did not try shorting one set.  Will try that later today.  Spent all morning cleaning up my storage area and then shop, will get back on motor tonight.  My small work area piles up quickly until I have to say "Uncle" and clean up!

With Romero's motor, with the low ohmage coils, I can see how he is drawing about 10-12 watts when running, even higher starting.  His motor looks entirely normal with the voltage and current seen.  His Lenz secret is the only thing eluding all of us.  In reality the 2 ohm coils in series or 4 ohms, with 11.5 V, not counting drops in all that mess of wiring to the motors, would peak almost 3 amps/per unit until
it starts running and back EMF and inductive reactance kicks in.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 25, 2011, 01:47:44 PM
Quote from: Dbowling on June 25, 2011, 07:51:21 AM
Yesterday, shortly after penno64 said he thought he might have figured it out and was going to contact romero, and before he came back to us with this idea that the litz wire, and how it is connected, is essential, I received an e-mail from the forum on my i-phone notifying me I had a pm from romero (in response to a pm I had sent him). The text of the message was included in the e-mail along with a link to the pm. So I clicked on the link, and the text there was the same as the text in the e-mail.

No big deal,

But when I got home, got on my computer, and came here to the forum, I HAVE no new pm from romero, which is kind of weird is it not? Anybody have a clue how THAT could happen?

Reading between the lines of his message, I sincerely believe that HE believes someone here has the answer. penno, I hope it is you. It would be nice to have all the pieces of the puzzle on the table so all we have to do is put it together, instead of feeling like there is one piece in the box that was taken away.

romero has his reasons for keeping his silence, I am sure. I can only wish him and his family the very best and thank him for what he was able to share with us. I hope, if we ever DO figure this out, that all of us will remember who it was that started us down this particular branch of this particular path all of us have been on in our search for a better source of energy production.

Possibly by reading it that way it was marked as read thus no new messages when you got here.  But it should not have been deleted here unless you have your settings set to delete upon read.  Any other details of importance in the message? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 25, 2011, 02:36:44 PM
@penno64,  Can you please clarify something before everyone goes off trying to tie these intricately tiny wire ends together?  From the pictures and video's many people have looked so closely at it does not appear Romero had his looped setup wired bifilar or any other multifilar way.  And since Romero was so forthcoming with info the  first week or two and he did not mention anything about winding coils this way I question whether this is how it WAS done in the looped version.  Maybe he is now saying it would be helpful based on theory?  But was it really done this way?  Can you please post your PM and Romero's response?  I would like to be able to draw my own conclusions from that info.  Otherwise I feel this may be sending people off on another frustrating tangent. 

   This is the 2nd time I have asked for clarification on this.  I think everyone would benefit from this as rewiring coils this way will be no easy task. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 25, 2011, 03:08:56 PM
Hi E2 and all,

Guys, please let me say that there is no magic bullet.

I vowed not to disclose detail in messages, though I am sure you had been told that tuning of this
device is a horrendous task.

There are other ways to employ what has been gained - those ways I am unsure of so far.

Remember all the small things that add up. Double diodes, biasing mags, multistrand.

What I tried to show you is another one of these small "gains". In my test rig, I find less drag on the
rotor with that particular coil arrangement.

Personally, I would like to wait and see the next device that is forthcoming, though like many of you,
seeing something work just spurs me on to find a way to make it happen.

At the end of the day, I for one would be most content if I could build a device that simply selfran -
let alone powered something as well.

Discouragment, certainly not - though be aware of the task ahead if you continue towards building
this dynamo.

If you want for me not to come forward with what I am finding, just say so. I am happy enough to sit
back and continue to play with my toys. I am not offended, though I would like to think that we
can all contribute to the one goal.

Kindest Regard, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 03:30:16 PM
Quote from: dutchy1966 on June 25, 2011, 12:22:08 PM

I guess you mean this one....



It looks to me like the gen coils are wound bi-filar.   When I zoomed in on the photo that you posted the upper left coil looks to have a pair of wires on each side of the coil going out of the bobbin.   I will attach a zoomed copy of the photo.   Not sure if you tell from my zoomed copy.   Maybe someone can do some better editing. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 04:07:20 PM
If the coils are bifilar wound,  how are the connected?  Top and bottom coils considering?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 05:12:50 PM
Quote from: freenergy850 on June 25, 2011, 12:17:03 PM
In the pdf there is one pic of a coil which appears to have been soldered. It is a drive coil i believe. So is it a drive coil that gets this special wind? Or generator coils? Or both?
What would the benefit be to have the drive coil wound bifilar?

I would post the pic but i dont know how to get it out of the pdf.

Food for thought!
Freenergy,  not only does there look to be a solder splice but it really looks to be differnt wire type.  Different color and not the stranded wire as on the gen coils ... but regular copper single strand wire.   But then again, it was said the driver coils did not matter as much as the gen coils and work. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 25, 2011, 05:16:45 PM

With that sim you worked on, did it involve the use of a non-linear core for coupling the coil, bias magnet, and rotor magnets?

Or was it just linear air-core coupling?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on June 25, 2011, 06:17:39 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 05:12:50 PM
Freenergy,  not only does there look to be a solder splice but it really looks to be differnt wire type.  Different color and not the stranded wire as on the gen coils ... but regular copper single strand wire.   But then again, it was said the driver coils did not matter as much as the gen coils and work. 


Yes romero stated he used wire from monitor deflection coils for the drive coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 06:51:55 PM
I guess this thread is too long now for my memory..... haha

Yes bifilar coils ... you can see 4 wires from each of coils romero posted way at the begining of the thread.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 07:22:07 PM
Quote from: romerouk on May 06, 2011, 04:23:50 PM
The capacitor used is 47000uf/25volts.
I just had it started manually, no battery.
I turned the rotor few times with my hand to get some charge to the capacitor then switched the converter on.It started ok, no problem.The advantage here is that the circuit starts working from about 3.5 volts.

All,   Do you think a 47000uf/16volts capacitor would work OK?   I found them for a package of 4 for about 7 dollars on ebay.   The 25 volt 47000uf capacitors are very expensive.  About 20 dollars each or more.   

Also,  I found it interesting that Romero could start is motor/generator just by hand using no battery. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 25, 2011, 07:25:06 PM
Quote from: penno64 on June 25, 2011, 03:08:56 PM
Hi E2 and all,

Guys, please let me say that there is no magic bullet.

I vowed not to disclose detail in messages, though I am sure you had been told that tuning of this
device is a horrendous task.

There are other ways to employ what has been gained - those ways I am unsure of so far.

Remember all the small things that add up. Double diodes, biasing mags, multistrand.

What I tried to show you is another one of these small "gains". In my test rig, I find less drag on the
rotor with that particular coil arrangement.

Personally, I would like to wait and see the next device that is forthcoming, though like many of you,
seeing something work just spurs me on to find a way to make it happen.

At the end of the day, I for one would be most content if I could build a device that simply selfran -
let alone powered something as well.

Discouragment, certainly not - though be aware of the task ahead if you continue towards building
this dynamo.

If you want for me not to come forward with what I am finding, just say so. I am happy enough to sit
back and continue to play with my toys. I am not offended, though I would like to think that we
can all contribute to the one goal.

Kindest Regard, Penno

Thanks penno.  We all do what we can here and I'm just trying to make sure we don't go off on a wild goose chase based on some info that is not totally correct.  Even after seeing some recent posted pictures here of the coils I'm having a hard time with feeling they are conclusively bifilar.  But I would agree that bifilar has a better outlook in bringing OU than a regular wind.  Just not looking forward the the surgical precision needed in hooking up those tiny wires that way.  Best of luck with yours.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 25, 2011, 07:32:44 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 06:51:55 PM
I guess this thread is too long now for my memory..... haha

Yes bifilar coils ... you can see 4 wires from each of coils romero posted way at the begining of the thread.


Very good observation! This makes perfect sense as i said before many times you must take every effort to cancel self induced current by changing the phase shift 90 degrees  using caps, or cancelling the phase using bifilar and or bucking coils either case inhibits current then there is no BEMF and no lugging then magnetic induction only creates a field Tensor to act on the ambient as a proxy.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 25, 2011, 07:32:51 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 07:22:07 PM
All,   Do you think a 47000uf/16volts capacitor would work OK?   I found them for a package of 4 for about 7 dollars on ebay.   The 25 volt 47000uf capacitors are very expensive.  About 20 dollars each or more.   

Also,  I found it interesting that Romero could start is motor/generator just by hand using no battery. 

Yep just put 2 ea. in series put the other 2 in series and put them together in parallel and you'll have your 47k uf @ 32 volt I believe.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 25, 2011, 07:34:14 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 25, 2011, 05:16:45 PM

With that sim you worked on, did it involve the use of a non-linear core for coupling the coil, bias magnet, and rotor magnets?

Or was it just linear air-core coupling?


SIM can only do a normal inductor or transformer it knows nothing about ZPE or strange magnetic effects.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on June 25, 2011, 07:36:58 PM
looking at the wires coming from the coils I can see some of them with 3 wires some with 2 and looks that some have 4. Is it me not seeing right or..?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 25, 2011, 07:42:30 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 07:22:07 PM
All,   Do you think a 47000uf/16volts capacitor would work OK?   I found them for a package of 4 for about 7 dollars on ebay.   The 25 volt 47000uf capacitors are very expensive.  About 20 dollars each or more.   

Also,  I found it interesting that Romero could start is motor/generator just by hand using no battery. 


In any case you don't have to find the same value! Look around surplus stock you can pick up caps very cheap  any high value will work as a dump cap whatever you have to hand. Even old amplifiers have good size power smoothing  caps typically 63v and 10,000uf / 30,000uf is enough or put two in parallel.

A push start only has to get over 5v for the hall to start pulsing and the generator will pick up speed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 25, 2011, 07:52:27 PM
Quote from: David70 on June 25, 2011, 07:36:58 PM
looking at the wires coming from the coils I can see some of them with 3 wires some with 2 and looks that some have 4. Is it me not seeing right or..?

I think some have already had the ends twisted over exactly the same a making a Joule Thief then twist that junction together gives three wires but this stub will be soldered and cut very short leaving the 2 ends connected to make a generator coil. This is the solder blob you can see in some of the coils in photos.  For this reason a Joule Thief IS an over-unity device and i have said this for many years.  Now you can see why they often have a COP around 2 to 8 and very good at lighting very high impedance loads like CLF's but of course depends on precise construction and load tuning.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 25, 2011, 07:59:02 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 25, 2011, 07:34:14 PM
SIM can only do a normal inductor or transformer it knows nothing about ZPE or strange magnetic effects.
Sorry bolt, that didn't address my question. I'll try to be more specific and to the point:

Regarding the sim you ran on falstad to produce the attached wave form, did you use a magnetic core model?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 25, 2011, 07:59:47 PM
Quote from: David70 on June 25, 2011, 07:36:58 PM
looking at the wires coming from the coils I can see some of them with 3 wires some with 2 and looks that some have 4. Is it me not seeing right or..?

Yes I was seeing the same thing however the resolution for such tiny wires makes it difficult to be certain exactly what is there IMO.  At this point though I'm convinced it will be worth trying bifilar.  And that makes me wonder if it was indeed Orbo people that paid Romerouk a visit. 

I think my monitor setup is probably not as sharp as some have too. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 25, 2011, 08:12:17 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 25, 2011, 07:59:02 PM
Sorry bolt, that didn't address my question. I'll try to be more specific and to the point:

Regarding the sim you ran on falstad to produce the attached wave form, did you use a magnetic core model?


i think it was a single inductor 0.1H you don't have much choice in falstad can only chose a single inductor or a transformer. SO i cant make a bifilar so i cancelled the phase using 90 degree phase shifting convert to VARS then into a bridge which was shorted out.  Also cos i haven't  got a magnet going past i got to put  some energy in the circuit which was about 12v square wave and the reason is the bifilar set-up into very strong balanced magnetic fields correctly biased will provided a very high hysteresis causes a SNAP action as the core suddenly pulses from ZPE and it pulls towards the magnets in attraction mode. You can see on that spiky bits so it does NOT produce a sine wave output.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 08:14:23 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 25, 2011, 07:52:27 PM
I think some have already had the ends twisted over exactly the same a making a Joule Thief then twist that junction together gives three wires but this stub will be soldered and cut very short leaving the 2 ends connected to make a generator coil. This is the solder blob you can see in some of the coils in photos.  For this reason a Joule Thief IS an over-unity device and i have said this for many years.  Now you can see why they often have a COP around 2 to 8 and very good at lighting very high impedance loads like CLF's but of course depends on precise construction and load tuning.
Bolt,  thanks!
I thought the same thing as you did about some cores looking to have only three wires...
Do you think there was a possible mistake (or on purpose) made by Romero in shorting the coils at this point in construction?    The wires are all same color and easy to mix-up thus not resulting in a true bifilar arrangement.   I guess best way to check the wires is with a meter for continuity?
Also,  what do you think about bifilar connections with the other top/bottem coil?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 25, 2011, 08:16:26 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 25, 2011, 07:59:47 PM
Yes I was seeing the same thing however the resolution for such tiny wires makes it difficult to be certain exactly what is there IMO.  At this point though I'm convinced it will be worth trying bifilar.  And that makes me wonder if it was indeed Orbo people that paid Romerouk a visit. 

I think my monitor setup is probably not as sharp as some have too.

well you know its tough if they think they own this technology using bifilar coils. This is prior art in about 500 EXPIRED patents so it means its public domain.  In any case if its true how come we haven't seen any of their crap looped?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 25, 2011, 08:33:21 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 08:14:23 PM
Bolt,  thanks!
I thought the same thing as you did about some cores looking to have only three wires...
Do you think there was a possible mistake (or on purpose) made by Romero in shorting the coils at this point in construction?    The wires are all same color and easy to mix-up thus not resulting in a true bifilar arrangement.   I guess best way to check the wires is with a meter for continuity?
Also,  what do you think about bifilar connections with the other top/bottem coil?


No mistake i think if you make a bifilar coil you wind it up till the end then get a meter to BEEP the ends to find out which pair you have then before you lose the crossover of the pairs you take the two you need and twist them now ready for soldering. Now what happens in the  opposite coils? I dunno perhaps one coil is wound clockwise the other anti clockwise, maybe they are the same throughout just to make sure that the self inductance is cancelled out.  This coil make a LOT of volts.  This is why a joule thief can step up 1.5v to 90v more just using bifilar  coils yet the ratio does not use transformer turn rules.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 08:46:33 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 25, 2011, 08:16:26 PM
well you know its tough if they think they own this technology using bifilar coils. This is prior art in about 500 EXPIRED patents so it means its public domain.  In any case if its true how come we haven't seen any of their crap looped?

Very well said about the orbo group!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 25, 2011, 09:17:46 PM
One cool bifilar coil that I have had for over 5 years now can be obtained from one of those Kinetic Art sculptures.  See this coil below.
I have had this same coil driving my pulse motor and it only use about 18 to 24 ma at 9V.
It has a hall sensor wired in.   Only need 9v battery and that is it. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 25, 2011, 09:37:29 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 25, 2011, 08:16:26 PM
well you know its tough if they think they own this technology using bifilar coils. This is prior art in about 500 EXPIRED patents so it means its public domain.  In any case if its true how come we haven't seen any of their crap looped?
Warning: non important info - skip if you only want relative build info. 

Oh I agree and it's more about the impression I have about them and the way they do business.  At first I was impressed with what they were putting out there but now I think they are just trying to make big bucks anyway the can and don't want any competition.   Some one else mentioned a ways back in the thread that Orbo might be the culprit.  Just speculation but now that I think about it I think Stefan said in a phone call with R that it was some American company.  That would seem to leave out Orbo. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 25, 2011, 11:28:44 PM
For those that might be interested in a SPICE simulation of Romero's dynamo, and to help out in achieving that output wave form, I started a new topic here:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 26, 2011, 12:07:12 AM
Ok, this could be the answer if you get this.
An 8 strand litz wire is wound as a regular coil and one end is soldered all 8 wires and is the ground connection.

The other end is separated into two wires with 4 in each wire. This makes 3 wires to the coil total.

When the magnetic field enters the core, current will flow and one 4 wire set will be + with respect to ground and the other will be - with respect to ground.
Because current is flowing in opposite directions down the 4 wire sets, Lenz will also be in opposite directions and is then cancelled.

You just use the two 4 wire sets to the FWB  along with 4 other diodes to ground? and you get zero Lenz effect.
This is very close to what works!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 26, 2011, 12:22:16 AM
Quote from: lumen on June 26, 2011, 12:07:12 AM
Ok, this could be the answer if you get this.
An 8 strand litz wire is wound as a regular coil and one end is soldered all 8 wires and is the ground connection.

The other end is separated into two wires with 4 in each wire. This makes 3 wires to the coil total.

When the magnetic field enters the core, current will flow and one 4 wire set will be + with respect to ground and the other will be - with respect to ground.
Because current is flowing in opposite directions down the 4 wire sets, Lenz will also be in opposite directions and is then cancelled.

You just use the two 4 wire sets to the FWB  along with 4 other diodes to ground? and you get zero Lenz effect.
This is very close to what works!

This makes sense!!  I hope this is what we have been looking for.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Charlie_V on June 26, 2011, 01:00:35 AM

If I'm understanding this correctly, there are two wire groups (each group with 4 wires) and the two groups are soldered together at the end.  If this is correct, then I'm pretty sure that when a magnetic field enters the coil core, both wire groups will generate + with respect to ground.  I don't see why one group would be - with respect to ground?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 26, 2011, 01:08:08 AM
Quote from: lumen on June 26, 2011, 12:07:12 AM
Ok, this could be the answer if you get this.
An 8 strand litz wire is wound as a regular coil and one end is soldered all 8 wires and is the ground connection.

The other end is separated into two wires with 4 in each wire. This makes 3 wires to the coil total.

When the magnetic field enters the core, current will flow and one 4 wire set will be + with respect to ground and the other will be - with respect to ground.
Because current is flowing in opposite directions down the 4 wire sets, Lenz will also be in opposite directions and is then cancelled.

You just use the two 4 wire sets to the FWB  along with 4 other diodes to ground? and you get zero Lenz effect.
This is very close to what works!
Sounds interesting.  I understand where the two 4 wire sets would go but I'm not quite clear on the ground hookup.  Could you modify one of the original diagrams on page 1 here to show your concept?  Or just draw up one of your own?  Thanks for your input. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 26, 2011, 01:17:11 AM
I think ground meaning 0v??
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on June 26, 2011, 02:09:01 AM
Quote from: lumen on June 26, 2011, 12:07:12 AM
Ok, this could be the answer if you get this.
An 8 strand litz wire is wound as a regular coil and one end is soldered all 8 wires and is the ground connection.

The other end is separated into two wires with 4 in each wire. This makes 3 wires to the coil total.

When the magnetic field enters the core, current will flow and one 4 wire set will be + with respect to ground and the other will be - with respect to ground.
Because current is flowing in opposite directions down the 4 wire sets, Lenz will also be in opposite directions and is then cancelled.

You just use the two 4 wire sets to the FWB  along with 4 other diodes to ground? and you get zero Lenz effect.
This is very close to what works!
Hi lumen:
    You can use the diagram shows?
    So that we fully understand what you mean.
    Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 26, 2011, 02:11:00 AM
Quote from: lumen on June 26, 2011, 12:07:12 AM
Ok, this could be the answer if you get this.
An 8 strand litz wire is wound as a regular coil and one end is soldered all 8 wires and is the ground connection.

He said 7 strand Litz originally?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 26, 2011, 02:14:27 AM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on June 26, 2011, 02:11:00 AM
He said 7 strand Litz originally?

Maybe because that is all he had.. I would think an equal 4/4 would be better.

You can get 8 strand Litz here:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 26, 2011, 02:23:47 AM
Quote from: Charlie_V on June 26, 2011, 01:00:35 AM

If I'm understanding this correctly, there are two wire groups (each group with 4 wires) and the two groups are soldered together at the end.  If this is correct, then I'm pretty sure that when a magnetic field enters the coil core, both wire groups will generate + with respect to ground.  I don't see why one group would be - with respect to ground?

Good question.. I would like to know if this does cancel lenz.. has anyone tried.. or just a theory?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 26, 2011, 02:43:21 AM
Quote from: David70 on June 25, 2011, 07:36:58 PM
looking at the wires coming from the coils I can see some of them with 3 wires some with 2 and looks that some have 4. Is it me not seeing right or..?

I think as to this picture a) RomeroUK mentioned that these were older coils using bolts as the cores and b) what looks like additional wires is the view of the wires below the plexiglass from the other side.

I blew it up 200 percent, ran high pass and edge filters, just looked at it a bit, seemed to be 2 wires, muddled by the dual layer visibility.

@Penno, etc

I am confused as to which wires of a 7 strand Litz should go where (FWBR) if doing fancy filar'ing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 26, 2011, 02:45:41 AM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 26, 2011, 02:14:27 AM
Maybe because that is all he had.. I would think an equal 4/4 would be better.

You can get 8 strand Litz here:

That's where I got my 7 strand, unfortunately, I don't have the money for any more parts, so must use the 7.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 26, 2011, 03:07:18 AM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on June 26, 2011, 02:45:41 AM
That's where I got my 7 strand, unfortunately, I don't have the money for any more parts, so must use the 7.

If this IS what cancels lenz.. 3/4 or 3/3 with one unused would probably be fine.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 26, 2011, 09:26:22 AM
Hi All,

IF you brush up on DC/AC motor/generator theory and CEMF, two things become obvious.  One way or another, Romero is using a compensation winding in his coils that cancel most if not all of the CEMF in the generator side around a particular RPM/load setting.  This compensation energy is evidenced by the higher than normal motor current even in the low resistance coils as reflected into the rotor by the generator side. I suspect (theory) the portion of the windings used are very near the core of coil as it would most efficient at the peak of generator output and position of magnet during the same time period. It is also possible that all this is done by correct spacing of magnets and coils with X loading but that is a long shot.....

Somebody has to get a "hole in one" here sooner or later.  Romero's new theory might be damn the CEMF in the generator but use a portion of the output to overcompensate the motor side of the device with a compensation winding in the motor.  Enough of this hot air, back to cleaning shop and getting wife off my back so I can get back to work!

Respect to all
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 26, 2011, 09:26:54 AM
Quote from: lumen on June 26, 2011, 12:07:12 AM
Ok, this could be the answer if you get this.
An 8 strand litz wire is wound as a regular coil and one end is soldered all 8 wires and is the ground connection.

The other end is separated into two wires with 4 in each wire. This makes 3 wires to the coil total.

When the magnetic field enters the core, current will flow and one 4 wire set will be + with respect to ground and the other will be - with respect to ground.
Because current is flowing in opposite directions down the 4 wire sets, Lenz will also be in opposite directions and is then cancelled.

You just use the two 4 wire sets to the FWB  along with 4 other diodes to ground? and you get zero Lenz effect.
This is very close to what works!

Is this not the same as a bifilar winding?   If you already have Litz wire wound on a coil, this looks like a good method to make the coil bifilar with no rewinding.   Cool idea!   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on June 26, 2011, 09:46:51 AM
Calling k4zep and all,
Was fiddling with a posting and there you are, prompting me with your friggin' ;)
Quote from: k4zep on June 26, 2011, 09:26:22 AM... compensation winding ...
Right then:

Do as if you would prepare a bifilar generator coil. So, wind 2 parallel wires A and B onto one core. But don't connect them to each other once you are done.
Instead: Connect coil A as a normal gen coil, i.e. connect it to the FWBR and the load.
Now the ends of coil B are still open. Connect them to each other, i.e. shortcircuit coil B (can also wire a cap into that short circuit).

What benefit may be achieved?
Well, the phase-shift (read "delay") of the current in the "loaded" wire A is a certain amount. 'How much delay' depends on the impedance of the load.
The phase-shift of the current in the short-circuited wire B is not the same as in wire A, because they are not connected to the same load - actually there is no load on B at all; B just feeds into the cap, in case you have chosen to wire one into that short circuit.

If the phase shifts of the currents in coils A and B are such, that the current in each coil cancels the magnetic field of the other, then you would be Lenz-free (at a certain RPM).
I think one can use the cap to tune into that situation.??!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 26, 2011, 10:05:40 AM
@Penno64 . I feel that I speak for many others when I say that the momentous revelation that you led us to expect is to say the least disappointing . We have been aware of the possible use of multifilar windings from day one more or less .  OK , you got this straight from the horse`s mouth , but you promised not to divulge the details . This then puts you in a privileged position . The question is , how will you use that information . If you use it to build a self runner , are you still going to withold these details . If so , the benefit to the forum will be zero . I can give information about the secret of this device . It is all in the coils , cores , wires , magnets and electronics . After all we all know where the needle is . It`s in the haystack . How can a thing be lost when we know where it is ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 26, 2011, 10:11:36 AM
Quote from: oscar on June 26, 2011, 09:46:51 AM
Calling k4zep and all,
Was fiddling with a posting and there you are, prompting me with your friggin' ;)Right then:

Do as if you would prepare a bifilar generator coil. So, wind 2 parallel wires A and B onto one core. But don't connect them to each other once you are done.
Instead: Connect coil A as a normal gen coil, i.e. connect it to the FWBR and the load.
Now the ends of coil B are still open. Connect them to each other, i.e. shortcircuit coil B (can also wire a cap into that short circuit).

What benefit may be achieved?
Well, the phase-shift (read "delay") of the current in the "loaded" wire A is a certain amount. 'How much delay' depends on the impedance of the load.
The phase-shift of the current in the short-circuited wire B is not the same as in wire A, because they are not connected to the same load - actually there is no load on B at all; B just feeds into the cap, in case you have chosen to wire one into that short circuit.

If the phase shifts of the currents in coils A and B are such, that the current in each coil cancels the magnetic field of the other, then you would be Lenz-free (at a certain RPM).
I think one can use the cap to tune into that situation.??!!

Hi Oscer,

Now your thinking!!!!! If I find something that really works, all will know ASA I can spill the beans.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on June 26, 2011, 10:41:48 AM
   Just for kicks and jollies, how about a parallel and a series cap? The parallel would cause a ringing frequency say 6 times higher than the rotor pulses. The series cap would allow 'that' frequency to pass on to the fwb. Again, have to be calculated for the load present. "Tune under load" was his exact words, right?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 26, 2011, 11:58:08 AM
I looked all over the garage for more relays to steal wire from, I now have 7 sewing machine bobbins full of what i think is 36ga. wire. I am working on a twisting jig to litz the wire on the fly instead of trying to find a place to string out the 300+ feet of each spool. But before I twist this up would it be better to add an 8th wire to the group or run with 6? I will post some pics of the twister when it is done.

edit: Do the wires have to be twisted together? I know in a window motor it works better to not twist them together?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 26, 2011, 01:18:06 PM
Quote from: Thaelin on June 26, 2011, 10:41:48 AM
   Just for kicks and jollies, how about a parallel and a series cap? The parallel would cause a ringing frequency say 6 times higher than the rotor pulses. The series cap would allow 'that' frequency to pass on to the fwb. Again, have to be calculated for the load present. "Tune under load" was his exact words, right?

I threw that suggestion in probably some hundred pages back per George Wisemann's info.  Sounds like something good to try.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 26, 2011, 01:18:54 PM
new hot-air guess is run the backemf/recoil from the motor ocils into some of the gernator coils.
you have to do someothign with those spike - they will blow up swtiches...

note  that Romero seems to be working with only 5 coils as generators, and 2 as motors (on each plate)...so there are two doing nothing on each plate.
I think these are ones with no magnets on backs.
If you fire attractive in the motor coils, look and see the rotor positioning "locked" (held by hand) when the coil would pull one of the rotor magnets to itself....also look at rotor potion when 2nd motor coil would be pulling rotor to itself.

note that in first video Romero is doing something with the backemf/recoil and takes it out with single diode to charge battery
but in self-run 2nd vidoe apparently nothing is being done with it...

The backemf/recoiul is backwrds polarity - why not run it into  the coils that would be PUSHING the rotor magnets instead of attracing like the two mtoor coils would do?
An dso jsut dump bakemf into those coils, "same time" as when motor coil fire?
also the recoil of coils at trun-off is high voltage sudden spike - its only going to do any good put into a capacitor (usually what you do)
BUT how about runnign it all into the generator cils, all of them hooked in series - those that would push rotor in same direction as rotor want to go - so not really all of them....run these backemf-fed coils all in series so you get high impecance and the backemf/recoil wont just snuff out doing nothing like if it went directly into 2ohm coil or something....
anyways I'n going to try this out soon - I have 5 coils each plate in my smaller similar rig to everyone elses
I noticed that 2 coils on each plate would be good backer/recoil "receptors" the third one is sort of way off to do any motor-work..also firing two mtoor coils, one after an other, at different timing, so each mtoor coil will have respectively 2 coils to dump bakcemf into I am figuring.
If you have 9 coils on each plate, there re probably 4 coils that would be nice backemf/spike receptors - those that would push rotor same direction if run bakcwards polarity like bakcemf and recoil are...
this would also explain why Romero gets say 3V from coils "normal" and 15V from coils when looped mode - he is running the recoil spikes, and the backemf into them, and it raises the votlage in the coils up 15 V...backemf is sort of diffent beast than the recoil spike too but that is other subject...
also having that reocil spike and backemf enrgy cirdculating through those genrator coils would proably be cancelling lenz out from overwhelming motor-force typ of thing...
nabye that is what that stupid red wire is too
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 26, 2011, 01:19:20 PM
Quote from: oscar on June 26, 2011, 09:46:51 AM
Calling k4zep and all,
Was fiddling with a posting and there you are, prompting me with your friggin' ;)Right then:

Do as if you would prepare a bifilar generator coil. So, wind 2 parallel wires A and B onto one core. But don't connect them to each other once you are done.
Instead: Connect coil A as a normal gen coil, i.e. connect it to the FWBR and the load.
Now the ends of coil B are still open. Connect them to each other, i.e. shortcircuit coil B (can also wire a cap into that short circuit).

What benefit may be achieved?
Well, the phase-shift (read "delay") of the current in the "loaded" wire A is a certain amount. 'How much delay' depends on the impedance of the load.
The phase-shift of the current in the short-circuited wire B is not the same as in wire A, because they are not connected to the same load - actually there is no load on B at all; B just feeds into the cap, in case you have chosen to wire one into that short circuit.

If the phase shifts of the currents in coils A and B are such, that the current in each coil cancels the magnetic field of the other, then you would be Lenz-free (at a certain RPM).
I think one can use the cap to tune into that situation.??!!
Sounds like this is a very good idea to try.  Any thoughts on a starting value for a cap with this? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 26, 2011, 01:37:37 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 26, 2011, 01:18:54 PM
new hot-air guess is run the backemf/recoil from the motor ocils into some of the gernator coils.
you have to do someothign with those spike - they will blow up swtiches...

note  that Romero seems to be working with only 5 coils as generators, and 2 as motors (on each plate)...so there are two doing nothing on each plate.
I think these are ones with no magnets on backs.
If you fire attractive in the motor coils, look and see the rotor positioning "locked" (held by hand) when the coil would pull one of the rotor magnets to itself....also look at rotor potion when 2nd motor coil would be pulling rotor to itself.

note that in first video Romero is doing something with the backemf/recoil and takes it out with single diode to charge battery
but in self-run 2nd vidoe apparently nothing is being done with it...

The backemf/recoiul is backwrds polarity - why not run it into  the coils that would be PUSHING the rotor magnets instead of attracing like the two mtoor coils would do?
An dso jsut dump bakemf into those coils, "same time" as when motor coil fire?
also the recoil of coils at trun-off is high voltage sudden spike - its only going to do any good put into a capacitor (usually what you do)
BUT how about runnign it all into the generator cils, all of them hooked in series - those that would push rotor in same direction as rotor want to go - so not really all of them....run these backemf-fed coils all in series so you get high impecance and the backemf/recoil wont just snuff out doing nothing like if it went directly into 2ohm coil or something....
anyways I'n going to try this out soon - I have 5 coils each plate in my smaller similar rig to everyone elses
I noticed that 2 coils on each plate would be good backer/recoil "receptors" the third one is sort of way off to do any motor-work..also firing two mtoor coils, one after an other, at different timing, so each mtoor coil will have respectively 2 coils to dump bakcemf into I am figuring.
If you have 9 coils on each plate, there re probably 4 coils that would be nice backemf/spike receptors - those that would push rotor same direction if run bakcwards polarity like bakcemf and recoil are...
this would also explain why Romero gets say 3V from coils "normal" and 15V from coils when looped mode - he is running the recoil spikes, and the backemf into them, and it raises the votlage in the coils up 15 V...backemf is sort of diffent beast than the recoil spike too but that is other subject...
also having that reocil spike and backemf enrgy cirdculating through those genrator coils would proably be cancelling lenz out from overwhelming motor-force typ of thing...
nabye that is what that stupid red wire is too
Think you hit the nail on the head with this one, will be interested to see your results.
current running in opposite directions through a coil will cancel the magnetic field of that coil
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 26, 2011, 01:47:24 PM
Romerouk hinted to diodes doing magic things in his device.
If 2 windings are connected to each other with a diode in a smart way
using a special winding technique then maybe the Lenz-effect current could be selectively blocked or cancelled out. Just an idea.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 26, 2011, 02:54:50 PM

For builders that are looking for other means to consider running their wheels, and to not clutter up this thread any more then it is already, I have placed to posts here;


and here;



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 26, 2011, 03:02:08 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on June 26, 2011, 01:37:37 PM
Think you hit the nail on the head with this one, will be interested to see your results.
current running in opposite directions through a coil will cancel the magnetic field of that coil

Hmm. I dunno.   Think, these coils will also be affecting each other. If shorting one eliminates lenz, would it not also eliminate output? Its a stand still.
Like, if we had just a single coil as a gen, then another coil elsewhere around the rotor but timed the same so a magnet passes both at the same time, I see drag plus.

So I think we need to look at how the 2 coils in one affect each other if one is shorted.

The reason I say this is, in bifi with one shorted, I see both coils are loaded. One shorted and the other has an output load. Where is the cancellation? Where is the capacitance Romero speaks of?

With 7 strand litz, there are many options.  Just guessing from all things pondered so far, Maybe we can have both.

6 strands made bifi, 3 and 3, and maybe 1 strand shorted.

The 7 strand gets me. I just dont see the logic in planning a 3 and 4 strand bifi.

I may be wrong in my assumptions here. But Im adding them to the collection. ;]


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 26, 2011, 03:08:14 PM
Quote from: wattsup on June 26, 2011, 02:54:50 PM

For builders that are looking for other means to consider running their wheels, and to not clutter up this thread any more then it is already, I have placed to posts here;


and here;



Not to clutter it up more than it is?  You are part of that clutter with all that wire x baloney. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 03:11:44 PM
I just connected my coils so that they cancel  the current.

Take a look  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9lj7o5CORY      ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 26, 2011, 03:19:10 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 03:11:44 PM
I just connected my coils so that they cancel  the current.

Take a look  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9lj7o5CORY      ;D
What happens to the RPM when you remove the load?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 03:21:56 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 26, 2011, 03:19:10 PM
What happens to the RPM when you remove the load?


rpm remains the same. no change

at 2.32 i'm removing the load
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 26, 2011, 03:25:36 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 03:21:56 PM
rpm remains the same. no change

So no change in the RPM under the 3 different conditions:

1) LED load
2) short as load
3) Open circuit (no load)



Have you tried a heavier load to see when it does begin to decrease?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 03:30:48 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on June 26, 2011, 03:25:36 PM
So no change in the RPM under the 3 different conditions:

1) LED load
2) short as load
3) Open circuit (no load)



Have you tried a heavier load to see when it does begin to decrease?


NO changeing under those 3 conditions.

No matter what i connect, doesn't cange de rpm or the imput curret.
For now the output is low but i'll try to make it more
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 26, 2011, 03:44:39 PM
Good stuff Marius  How did ya do it?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 26, 2011, 03:54:44 PM
Today I modified two gen coils to use the "Tesla" pancake coil style mention by one of the members. The two ends of the 7 litz wire is simply this:

End A is soldered all the 7 wires.
End B is split into 2 groups there are each isolated from the other.

The result? no good. The output voltage is ZERO. Total resistance became the double of the original and no inductance change perceived by passing a magnet although inductance was 0.12 mh and capacitance was 0.18uf.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on June 26, 2011, 04:03:06 PM
I also created a video last week and it has been an night mare to upload it without sound glitches. So I uploaded anyway.

The video shows the same effect as our other member mariuscivic where many different loads shows the change on RPM. In my case shorted is the best RPM. I show 4 different loads,
a 10 ohm, 100 ohm, 1k ohm and shorted on the AC (after resonance caps) and on the DC side of the FWBR.


Sorry for the sound problems but it is a long 15 minutes video that I did my best.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 26, 2011, 04:07:50 PM

That would be the expected output of such a wiring configuration; it's bifilar series-canceling.

However, my understanding of the Tesla pancake coil connection requires that you "cross-over" wire1 from one end, to wire2 at the opposite end. That's the Tesla bifilar.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 26, 2011, 04:24:31 PM
jsut to make clear again a little simpler description this time, the soon to be tried out idea, hopefully not by just me;  is to run the backemf/recoil from the motor coil #1 into those particular generator coils that will push away the rotor magnet during the motor coil #1's motor pulse.

Motor pulse is attractive, so the backemf/recoil will create a repuilsive direction to a another rotor magnet since all magnets in romero rigs are same polarity as motor coil magnet so tis pretty simple.

Run all those "generator" coils you select to be hit with the bqackemf/recoil in seires first,  so impedance is as high as you can get...maybe even include the "neutral" coils too in the series hookup (those coils that have magnets so fara away from coils during motor coil pulse that you figure they wont do a thing)  jsut to make impedance even higher dont know about that if good idea yet...
do same thing with motor coil #2 also - selelct those coils that will push away the rotor-magnet if they get an oppostive polarity pulse to them; and during the #2 motor-coil pulse.
When taking out the backemf recoil, I usually like to use a FWBR of shottkys over the switching, and my swtihcing is bidirectional mosfets, so the swithcing is acorss drain pin #1 and drain pin #2 but simpler way is single "steering" diode running out off the mosfet/transistor...If you do it right, and have say 10uf DC cap being filled by the backemf/recoil you should have 200V in that cap instantly if impulse to motor coil is 12V...bigger caps fill slower, have less voltage in them instantly...

anyways instead of dumping into a cap as is usual, dump into genrator coils, "turning"  them into motor coils is whole idea and there are quite a few of them working as generator coils jsut sitting there doing nothing on the muller-rigs (except causing lenz-lug when you load them! ha)
Select those that will cause a same-direction rotational power-pulse to the spin - those that are lined up to push-away the rotor magnet (not pull it) during  the motor coil pulse.

also there will be no cancelesazion of coils field here - that is happening wiht the shorted bifilar approach idea also being tried out here too but tha is whole other subject and approach.
No cancellezation because the motor coils are insulated/isolated from the backemfrecoil pulse going to the gernator coils selelcted, by the "steering" diodes orthe FWBR that guide the backemf/recoil out obviously...
also you can figure figure the motor coil during off period is generator coil too - sort of other subject there venturing into but I think you all get idea.

Bill Muller used to always tell me "let the backemf do the work for you" a million times he told me that so this might be it - it should cause the motor to acclerate in spin where it gets scary and everythign blows up if this works right - also what happened to Romero and he went with the DC to DC convertors to control it....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on June 26, 2011, 04:32:10 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 26, 2011, 03:08:14 PM
Not to clutter it up more than it is?  You are part of that clutter with all that wire x baloney.   Mags

Maybe one day when you put up your e-mail address in your profile you will get direct e-mails from silent builders asking so many questions. But I did not expect anything less from your remark. By the way, when has Romero answered any of your questions with so much detail? lol

Quote from: Magluvin on June 26, 2011, 03:44:39 PM
Good stuff Marius  How did ya do it? Mags

If I can take a stab at it, he probably distanced his stator plates far enough from the rotor to produce only 3.25 vdc at 0.21 amps or 0.6825 watts. Loaded or unloaded or shorted, would not make any difference since the low level drag is to far away to act on the rotor. Just guessing of course.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 26, 2011, 04:40:11 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 03:11:44 PM
I just connected my coils so that they cancel  the current.

Take a look  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9lj7o5CORY      ;D

Hi Mariuscivic,

EXACTLY how did you connect your coils up? 
Shorting is VERY IMPRESSIVE with no effect.

Very nice video

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 04:58:24 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 26, 2011, 04:40:11 PM
Hi Mariuscivic,

EXACTLY how did you connect your coils up? 
Shorting is VERY IMPRESSIVE with no effect.

Very nice video



This is how i connected the coils
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 26, 2011, 05:10:32 PM
Hmm, maybe this is not Romeros way. The reason I say is there is no speed up of the rotor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on June 26, 2011, 05:16:23 PM
Quote from: wattsup on June 26, 2011, 02:54:50 PM

For builders that are looking for other means to consider running their wheels, and to not clutter up this thread any more then it is already, I have placed to posts here;


and here;




Time to cut this crap off this thread once and for all. I can't understand the mentality of idiots who thinks they understand the technicality and shouts advice from the sideline (eg the AOAO crap) and then when no one listens they start to look for holes in the table when they can't trace or understand the circuit and call it a fake.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 26, 2011, 05:30:57 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 03:11:44 PM
I just connected my coils so that they cancel  the current.

Take a look  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9lj7o5CORY      ;D

A good investment is a laser tachometer!  This generic version is very inexpensive, yet accurate.  Amazon $17.. even cheaper on eBay.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 26, 2011, 05:31:11 PM
mariuscivic. I have no idea what you changed since last time. If you can replicate this effect with a bigger coil then you got jackpot. Who needs 8 coils when you can get to OU with 1 coil ? :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 26, 2011, 05:36:36 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 04:58:24 PM

This is how i connected the coils

That simple!  Wow.. so both coils are going the same direction.. like having one long coil cut in half and then spaced so that the rotor can go through.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 26, 2011, 05:58:17 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 04:58:24 PM

This is how i connected the coils

Hi Mariuscivic,

MOST EXCELLENT.  THank you for the clarity of your post!!!!!

If I might ask a few more questions, did you parallel all the coil pair outputs from the bridge into the LED load lamp, or was that just one pair! Also if you have time, can you measure the output current into LED lamp and into a short?  Also is the Cap non polarized as drawn or a polarized Cap?

Thank you again for the quick answer.

Most Respectfully
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 06:32:13 PM
Quote from: k4zep on June 26, 2011, 05:58:17 PM
Hi Mariuscivic,

MOST EXCELLENT.  THank you for the clarity of your post!!!!!

If I might ask a few more questions, did you parallel all the coil pair outputs from the bridge into the LED load lamp, or was that just one pair! Also if you have time, can you measure the output current into LED lamp and into a short?  Also is the Cap non polarized as drawn or a polarized Cap?

Thank you again for the quick answer.

Most Respectfully

Hi Ben

All 7 BR are in paralell connected. I get around 2V for each pair of coils.

0.05 is the current thru all 26 leds

0.18 is the current of the output in dead short

The cap is made of 2   22uF electrolitics cap connected back to back (-++- it should give me an 10-11 uF non-polarised cap)

I'll try to improve something tomorow ; i have the impresion that, becouse the rpm is high, doesnt slow down and my multi meters are not so precise. Anyway, i'll dig into it tomorow

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: khabe on June 26, 2011, 06:41:35 PM
When one-way gen coils, for example just counterchange IN and OUT of bridge rectifier and burn out your bridges and then use just two new diodes ...  ;D ... choice the right polarity of coil wires then rotor magnet just repulses flux of opposite magnet on the top of coil and because "wrongly connected" diodes this repulsing what rotor magnets doing happens with no load and of course Lenz influence to rotor is very small.  Only when rotor magnet leaves then recovery the flux (from top of coil magnet) "makes real work". When output loaded then because Lenz law this flux recovery from top of coil magnets happens with difficulty, this flux recovery is what makes real work and takes some time, as heavier load as longer time, this time of course in milliseconds, shorted coil means zero output but also keeps flux from top of coil as petrified. It is like you drop down magnet through aluminium tube (shorted coil) ...  There must to be one the best rotor speed area for certain load when at first you need to spin rotor up, then to switch on the load and ... only coil top magnets will make serious business with Lenz.
Myself I do not replicate, I hope I do not need to explane one time more why  ::)  just thought why the hell Ro has these additional two diodes there on the bridges ... and of course why to use this kind clay_bridges at all,  one-way coil could be done with just one or two diodes as well. Perhaps he just bought and later was no matter to throw away. Yeah, perhaos these bridges was burned off and used just as stands for these two diodes  ::)
Im continually whole ensured about - no results without lenz, you kill lenz you get zero output, at best you´ll get "very freely" spinning disc, but then arises one question - then why all these coils and magnets  ???
Hopfully my this time thoughts are not disapproving again ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 26, 2011, 07:46:10 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 04:58:24 PM

This is how i connected the coils

Thanks for the schematic.

One last thing: What is the polarity of the 3 magnets?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on June 26, 2011, 07:57:38 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 06:32:13 PM
Hi Ben

All 7 BR are in paralell connected. I get around 2V for each pair of coils.

0.05 is the current thru all 26 leds

0.18 is the current of the output in dead short

The cap is made of 2   22uF electrolitics cap connected back to back (-++- it should give me an 10-11 uF non-polarised cap)

I'll try to improve something tomorow ; i have the impresion that, becouse the rpm is high, doesnt slow down and my multi meters are not so precise. Anyway, i'll dig into it tomorow

Hi Mariuscivic,

Excellent.  IF you can I highly recommend you get one of those cheep Tac's. from China and they work great.

You are doing excellent work, my ear says you arn't changing more than 5-10 rpm from no load to full short, maybe less!.  GREAT WORK.  Keep at it.

Your drawing made me realize I had made a simple mistake in the winding direction and mounting of one my coils relative to the other, (frackaty frackaty, frackaty.....arrrrrrrr).  Oh, well, 10 more coils to re-wind and mount.  But I quickly wound one of the coils the other way, and with different values because of resistance and inductance,  find that your method works.  That resonating cap has to be the right value to compensate for the change in loading on the coils.  GREAT WORK AGAIN.  Now to get the voltage up.

My quick test from no load to 150 ohm load is 2.21 VDC @ 14.7 ma with 21 RPM decrease under load  1142 base rpm. 150 ma dead short.  I'm not on the money cap wise as I drop about 200 rpm under dead short,  A very quick check.  It is a start.  Thanks for the info again!  This is one coil set.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 26, 2011, 08:41:32 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on June 26, 2011, 06:32:13 PM
All 7 BR are in paralell connected. I get around 2V for each pair of coils.

This is miles off the beaten track because you should be getting like 18v out of your coils not 2v and about 15v  under load. Needs a plan B.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 26, 2011, 08:44:58 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 26, 2011, 08:41:32 PM
This is miles off the beaten track because you should be getting like 18v out of your coils not 2v and about 15v  under load. Needs a plan B.

LOL - plan B was a hundred posts back - we're on plan ZZ now!  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 26, 2011, 09:07:26 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 26, 2011, 08:41:32 PM
This is miles off the beaten track because you should be getting like 18v out of your coils not 2v and about 15v  under load. Needs a plan B.

Yeah, but since every other spec has been re-dacted or re-directed, maybe parallel isn't the ticket and series (for all pairs) is, so 2.x * 7 = 14+ into a 12v DC converter into drive coils = ?

Worth yet another goose chase maybe.  I'd do it, but I still don't have my cores cut.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 26, 2011, 09:19:22 PM
you can remove this post if u want but anyway Iv noticed if u put an even number of mags around a rotor they attract each other but if u use an odd number the ends repel and u create a gate an when this gate passes the coil it fires higher voltage into the coil , maybe someone can use this.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on June 26, 2011, 10:15:43 PM
@ All,

RomeroUK admitted himself that coil design was the weakest point of his device. In the real Muller motor every coil is pulsed. This is a huge difference. Besides, the coil shape might be very important. "The Muller motor" section in the PJKBook suggests a stepwise winding of coils. It does make sense to me.

Best Wishes,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 26, 2011, 10:28:41 PM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on June 26, 2011, 09:07:26 PM
Yeah, but since every other spec has been re-dacted or re-directed, maybe parallel isn't the ticket and series (for all pairs) is, so 2.x * 7 = 14+ into a 12v DC converter into drive coils = ?

Worth yet another goose chase maybe.  I'd do it, but I still don't have my cores cut.

No i very much doubt that as Romero started off with one or two coils as he built his rig and still had very good voltage. The only way i know how is to use the multi strand wire and keep making bifilars out of it as many times as you can.  You don't have to use the litz wire you can use any normal magnet wire. The following are my suggestions of things you can try before you push your muller to the back shelf and give up!

Lets say we use the 7 strands stuff as that is what Romero said he had available and normally at 2500 rpm you get 3 volts from a normal wound coil. Now take 2 of those strands and cross the ends of two pairs over to make a series bifilar. The voltage is now 6v from out of this pair. FOR THE SAME MAGNETIC FLUX.

Now take another 2 wire pair do the same again so you have another 6v pair

Now take another 2 wire pair  do the same again so you have another 6v pair

finally you got 3 pairs producing 6v each so wire them in series with the other pairs WITHIN the same coil winding gives 18v coils from the same amount of copper compared to a standard filar coil. If all the strands of  multi-filar coil are simply soldered at the ends it is treated no different to a normal single filament  coil (except in very high frequency use). This is why most of you only getting a couple of volts out of the coils.

NOW do the same with the pulse coils. Compared to a single filament lets say 250 turns of single magnet wire or litz wire provides X magnetic flux or if powered continuous can pick up 2 paper clips. Litz wire in coils or generators will generate about 50% MORE magnetic flux for the  same i/p power as a single filar coil of the same turns and mass. So we are going to use this advantage and take it a step further.

If you use the bifilar stuff again take 2 strands cross a pair to make series connection and label a1 b1

do the next pair label a2 b2 and so on a3 b3  = 3 bifilars pairs now wire these in PARALLEL the odd wire number 7 just include it anywhere to use it up as each pair DOUBLES the magnetic flux produced  for each bifilar wound compared to single filament. Now this coil produces 6 times more magnetic flux for the same amount of copper as a normal wound coil and can (or should) pick up 12 paper clips) but the current will increase slightly due to less resistance in the wire end to end which explains why Romero pulse takes 12 watts.  This provides a very large mechanical gain for just a small increase in drive power.

The o/p coils on the other hand are all pumping 6 times more voltage compared to standard coils.

Try it and let me know!

Ed: i found this to explain my concept  http://www.tesla-coil-builder.com/bifilar_electromagnet.htm

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 26, 2011, 10:42:08 PM
Quote from: bolt on June 26, 2011, 10:28:41 PM
No i very much doubt that as Romero started off with one or two coils as he built his rig and still had very good voltage. The only way i know how is to use the multi strand wire and keep making bifilars out of it as many times as you can.  You don't have to use the litz wire you can use any normal magnet wire. The following are my suggestions of things you can try before you push your muller to the back shelf and give up!

Lets say we use the 7 strands stuff as that is what Romero said he had available and normally at 2500 rpm you get 3 volts from a normal wound coil. Now take 2 of those strands and cross the ends of two pairs over to make a series bifilar. The voltage is now 6v from out of this pair. FOR THE SAME MAGNETIC FLUX.

Now take another 2 pairs do the same again so you have another 6v pair

Now take another 2 pairs do the same again so you have another 6v pair

finally you got 3 pairs producing 6v each so wire them in series with the other pairs WITHIN the same coil winding gives 18v coils from the same amount of copper compared to a standard filar coil. If all the strands of  multi-filar coil are simply soldered at the ends it is treated no different to a normal single filament  coil (except in very high frequency use). This is why most of you only getting a couple of volts out of the coils.

NOW do the same with the pulse coils. Compared to a single filament lets say 250 turns of single magnet wire or litz wire provides X magnetic flux or if powered continuous can pick up 2 paper clips.

If you use the bifilar stuff again take 2 strands cross a pair to make series connection and label a1 b2

do the next pair label a2 b2 and so on a3 b3  = 3 bifilars pairs now wire these in PARALLEL the odd wire number 7 just include it anywhere to use it up as each pair DOUBLES the magnetic flux produced  for each bifilar wound compared to single filament. Now this coil produces 6 times more magnetic flux for the same amount of copper as a normal wound coil and can (or should) pick up 12 paper clips) but the current will increase slightly due to less resistance in the wire end to end which explains why Romero pulse takes 12 watts.  This provides a very large mechanical gain for just a small increase in drive power.

The o/p coils on the other hand are all pumping 6 times more voltage compared to standard coils.

Try it and let me know!

Sounds like this might work.. great thinking!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 26, 2011, 10:59:57 PM
10uF 100V Non-Polarized Capacitor
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 26, 2011, 11:12:17 PM
Something that makes sense is the gen coils have capacitance, due to they put out best at certain rpm. So they are freq dependent.

We have seen no caps, so bifi, trifi, what ever, is what is needed. Say we have 3 pairs series. I dont think the ohms will be 2.   Not to say that in the beginning that Romero didnt keep this bifi stuff to himself. Being that, he may have also just given us the 2ohm variable so we know that 300 turns will give that value just for confirmation of 300turns. ;]

The self capacitance of a normal coil is very small and I suspect very high freq for any resonance.

Now measuring inductance of a bifi might be difficult with added capacitance of a bifi, trifi, etc.. Dont know.

So Im for the bifi, trifi and one needs to test it for its resonant freq and to get the rotor to be at the speed for that particular coil set.
Im sure some have a signal gen to test this. If the freq is to high, then redesign for what the rotor can accomplish.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 26, 2011, 11:20:18 PM
I would try 4 and 3 bifi first. Maybe measure the capacitance and try to measure the inductance and calculate.

There most likely wont be any ringing at the Golden freq, because of the load. But at that freq the height of the voltage may be higher.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 27, 2011, 12:08:41 AM
Hi Mags,

How do you find the resonant frequency and it's rpm for a coil?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 27, 2011, 12:19:52 AM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 27, 2011, 12:08:41 AM
Hi Mags,

How do you find the resonant frequency and it's rpm for a coil?


Hey Tes

I would say to add a resistor in series and connect a signal gen. Then measure the voltage across the coil. When its at its highest, your there.  =]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 27, 2011, 12:21:27 AM
And use a scope to measure, as a meter may not be accurate at high freq.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 27, 2011, 12:40:54 AM
Lets say the rotor is at 1200 rpm and 8 mags on the rotor.
That gives us 9600 magnet passings per min, per coil set.
Divide by 60 (sec) and we have 160hz.  These are hypothetical values and how to calculate. The tuning will be to get all coils very close to 1 freq of operation. then get the rotor to that speed, how ever.  If the speed cannot be had, then a lower freq coil will be needed.

So we are looking for 160hz range for coils of recommended build.  The fine wire of the litz will provide more capacitance than just 2 strands of a normal bifi due to more surface area of the fine wires for the capacitance plates.

In the pic of the bare coils on the pexi that we see more than 2 wires hanging from each, probably 1 of the 3 is 2 connected and not tucked away yet. ;]
i would say that if there are 2 coils with 2 hanging, that those are the drivers.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 27, 2011, 12:45:58 AM

Romeros coils dont look machine wound. So if done in a neat fashion, tuning may not need be very hard. If hand wound and lumpy, both the inductance and capacitance could change quite a bit from coil to coil.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 27, 2011, 12:47:35 AM
All reading MUST be taken back at the dump cap with the desired load in place. The dump cap is an important feature to the overal operation.

BTW JLN parametric pump and back end magnets lead to solid state version of this muller system and PRE-DATES Orbo or magnacoaster ideas by more than a decade.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on June 27, 2011, 01:29:11 AM
OK, Guys...
After burning few transistors, fiddling with many ideas I finally got the damn thing to accelerate under load :D.
What we are looking for here is the perpetia type effect where an HV coil (or a high inductance coil) accelerates under a load.
I've got 2 bifilars (in series) as generators and I connected them in series to get a higher inductance - that didn't help much.
But then I thought of adding more inductance instead of capacitance so between the 2 coils I placed third coil as a choke.
It is not in the magnetic circuit and acts as a current delay type of coil only. The 3 coils together measure around 120 mH, the choke
coil is around 100 mH. I also added an AC cap of 6,8 uF in parallel like marius just did...
Now, up to certain speed this setup decelerates the rotor when I connect a small car light bulb but after a certain threshold,
in my case around 1600 RPM, when I connect the light bulb the rotor speeds up significantly...
I will make a video soon, stay tuned... ;D

P.S. The only thing is that without the capacitor in parallel to the gen coils the rotor speed is faster...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 27, 2011, 01:40:17 AM
you guys doing the and trifilars and quadfilars etc.,series-adding coils...
try taking out power only on the "third stage" of them....such as in a trifilar, you have six wire-leads since three wires wound up side by side...
so call the leads:
wire one Ain  and Bout
wire two Cin and Dout
wire three Ein and Fout
so as series adding is, connect Bout to Cin, and Dout to Ein...now there is trifilar coil.
now when you take out power form this coil only put the AC legs of FWBR onto "Dout to Ein" connection, and the Fout

Reason am suggsting this test, is that Ismael Aviso uses septfilars in his MEG machine (6 wires paraellell) and he told me somethign about the first "stage" will lug, the 2nd will lug, but "past" the third it wont lug...could be this works havent tried it so more hot air again but will be easy to check out if anyone wants to try it. Not sure he was talking about his sepfilars here, but assumed he was...
I got my rig running really nice now so can start testing stuff out
So today, I took the backemf/recoil out of the motor coil swtiching, and put it into the generator coils for test #1:
What I found is that a FWBR doesnt work for this, you need to use single diode or it wants to die so that is interesting...and found that one coil of the three "spare" gernator coils in my rig (only 5 coils per plate on mine and 3ohm coils) did give a little speed up tried all three coils in series nothing specatacular so best reslults were just a bit of speed up with jsut one coil

so concllusion is "you can" put the backemr/recoil right into some of the generator coils if you want to...

you cannot do it "direct" with no diode - you will need a diode to send it in correct polarity.
basically testing was: try it one way if it slows, flip around....this done  in both the diodes-direction and poliarty feed of coils.

Problem is the generator coils jsut are not setup in timing to do anything motor-wise becasue of the even vs odd thin, so shouldnt expect any big speed increase.
cconclusion on this, is that will need to put backemf/recil into cap first, then pulse cap into those coils just like a motor coil would get a pulse, with proper timing,  is way it will go in future if it goes that way - it will take afew quite a few more mosfets and halleffects to do this.

Also ran the power-supply (12V golf cart battery)  right into the 3 generator coils wired in series...this was interesing jsut a lilttle buit extra draw in one polarity through coils, and huge lug in other polarity so you can run the power supply int the generator coils "if you want" is conclulsion from that test...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 27, 2011, 02:10:50 AM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on June 27, 2011, 01:29:11 AM
OK, Guys...
After burning few transistors, fiddling with many ideas I finally got the damn thing to accelerate under load :D.
What we are looking for here is the perpetia type effect where an HV coil (or a high inductance coil) accelerates under a load.
I've got 2 bifilars (in series) as generators and I connected them in series to get a higher inductance - that didn't help much.
But then I thought of adding more inductance instead of capacitance so between the 2 coils I placed third coil as a choke.
It is not in the magnetic circuit and acts as a current delay type of coil only. The 3 coils together measure around 120 mH, the choke
coil is around 100 mH. I also added an AC cap of 6,8 uF in parallel like marius just did...
Now, up to certain speed this setup decelerates the rotor when I connect a small car light bulb but after a certain threshold,
in my case around 1600 RPM, when I connect the light bulb the rotor speeds up significantly...
I will make a video soon, stay tuned... ;D

P.S. The only thing is that without the capacitor in parallel to the gen coils the rotor speed is faster...

Nice work!  Looking forward to your video.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 27, 2011, 03:37:35 AM
Before trying all kind of coil winding configurations to increase your induced voltage, have a look at some basics:

- try decreasing the  distance between rotor magnets and stator cores
- check the cores are not saturated when rotor magnet is at TDC (bias magnets should fully neutralize the rotor magnet flux in the stator cores. In the optimal situation this is done while having a load current through the coils in the correct direction.
An indication to do this is to measure the coil value with an RLC meter while adjusting the bias magnets. Then finetune the bias magnets under load.
- you might use the wrong ferrite cores. There are many different kinds, use the ones with highest max. permeablility. Selecting the right core material is of course the most nasty one.

Main message here is: pay attention to the bias magnets. They enable you to have the highest coil values at the right orientation of the rotor. A (partly) saturated core will have much less voltage output because the permeability at (partly) saturation can be a factor of 10 less or more.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 27, 2011, 05:12:38 AM
Get your head around this one from Slider over at EF -


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on June 27, 2011, 06:27:17 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 27, 2011, 05:12:38 AM
Get your head around this one from Slider over at EF -



Now, this is what we are looking for!
Thanks for the video
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 27, 2011, 07:25:39 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 27, 2011, 05:12:38 AM
Get your head around this one from Slider over at EF -


damn, what a weird video. I'm not sure that is exactly what we are looking for. Can you check the RPM without the presence of the gen coil ? Maybe it speeds up because the lightbulb instead shorting the coil makes it an open circuit ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 27, 2011, 08:09:05 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 27, 2011, 05:12:38 AM
Get your head around this one from Slider over at EF -



That sounds basically like the bifilar connected at one end.
with one winding having a (slightly) different resistance than the other.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 27, 2011, 08:33:18 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on June 27, 2011, 08:09:05 AM
That sounds basically like the bifilar connected at one end.
with one winding having a (slightly) different resistance than the other.

What effect would one winding of bifilar with different resistance have on gen coils ? 
Sliders test looks to be with motor drive coil.  Also, shorting. 
Interesting results to say the least.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 27, 2011, 08:35:48 AM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 27, 2011, 08:33:18 AM
What effect would one winding of bifilar with different resistance have on gen coils ? 
Sliders test looks to be with motor drive coil.  Also, shorting. 
Interesting results to say the least.


He connects a CFL bulb.
That's not equal to shorting......

Watch closely to the NXP data sheet, page 7.
You'll notice some resemblance with what we already have.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 27, 2011, 08:45:19 AM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 27, 2011, 08:33:18 AM
What effect would one winding of bifilar with different resistance have on gen coils ? 
Sliders test looks to be with motor drive coil.  Also, shorting. 
Interesting results to say the least.


That's a good question. I can be wrong about this, but from how i see it,
the currents being induced in such a generator coil would basically
cancel each other out (for the case of equal windings).
With unequal winding you would have the same current as if you had used
just a single (or the difference of all strands) winding.
Please correct me on this, if i am wrong.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 27, 2011, 09:54:56 AM
Slider should have also measured the input current differences between
the 2 power coil variants. If it has the same current draw, then he is onto something. IF he did that with his motor coil, that is.
He said in the youtube description :

QuoteThe two ends lots were then used as the power wires for the coil.

QuoteI powered up the motor and saw the usual speed to be expected from such a coil...moderate speed, fine, normal.
Then decided to basically short the coil with a regular house bulb - the rotor sped up to a never before seen speed !!!

So he is basically loading/short circuiting his driving coil.
Too bad he did not bother making any current measurements.
A lamp in parallel to the coil reduces the total resistance seen by the driver.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on June 27, 2011, 10:04:26 AM
I made some progress on the wire twister yesterday about half way done. But I did get to play with the test rig for a bit last night and I did notice that I was able to increase the voltage on a bi-filer coil two volts peak to peak with the addition of the biasing magnet(s). I could not get the same effect on a single wire core. Also Zero fossil fuel stated yesterday that he thinks his will be a selfrunner by the end of the week, check out justin.tv for the recorded show.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 27, 2011, 10:04:46 AM
I looked at Sliders video again,  now I am a little confused.  Is he driving the motor with a seperate coil (maybe his relay coil from his earlier experiments)?  He also stated he was getting 150 Volts AC from the coil.   So is this a gen coil causing all the fuss?   Very interesting indeed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 27, 2011, 10:20:29 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 27, 2011, 05:12:38 AM
Get your head around this one from Slider over at EF -



Slider's effect could be caused by an internal Spark Gap in the coil which is caused by a defect on the wire insulation. The CFL bulb could be causing a short so the flyback starts jumping the gap and causes all kinds of ringing and increase the RPM.

I mentioned this back May 31, 2011 Post:

Slider should add an amp meter to see what's happening to the current and also try a momentary short instead of the CFL bulb to see if it does the same.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 27, 2011, 10:26:48 AM
just guessing : RLC circuits are called resonant circuits. You induce current in some exterior wire layer of the coil, which induces oposite direction current in the next layer of wires ( this will continue at each layer of wires ). This is why the propagation speed of the current in a coil is aprox L / R. Because the external source of flux will eventually kill the internal oposing flux. This is why you manage to store energy as magnetic flux in a coil. It is resonating ( self oposing inductions between the wire layers )

What happens if you short the end of the wires to produce 0 output ? Good question, might not be 0 as you expect it.

It would be an interesting experiment to wire a coil as in a muller design, 1 layer belongs to coil 1 and the other layer to coil 2. Separate the outputs and the output should be a similar but oposite direction of current. The idea behind this wiring is to be able to put a lot of wires that can soak up flux. Each induced layer is not generating current that oposes the next layer, they are allowed to flow to the output. My guess that this will greatly increase the current propagation time in the coil / increase the amount of energy your coil can soak up in a short period of time.
You could complicate the muller approach to the next step by using 3 or more coils. Each layer of wire would be a bifilar winding, so that coil 1 shields coil 2 to avoid the induction to not generate collision. at next step you should use coil 3 and coil 4. The precision to do this is insane. And you can probably not shield the coils properly from 1 another to avoid colliding induction. But you can improve them.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on June 27, 2011, 12:29:05 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on June 27, 2011, 08:45:19 AM
That's a good question. I can be wrong about this, but from how i see it,
the currents being induced in such a generator coil would basically
cancel each other out (for the case of equal windings).
With unequal winding you would have the same current as if you had used
just a single (or the difference of all strands) winding.
Please correct me on this, if i am wrong.

Coil setup in your picture could be called non-inductive resistor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 27, 2011, 12:35:27 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on June 27, 2011, 08:45:19 AM
That's a good question. I can be wrong about this, but from how i see it,
the currents being induced in such a generator coil would basically
cancel each other out (for the case of equal windings).
With unequal winding you would have the same current as if you had used
just a single (or the difference of all strands) winding.
Please correct me on this, if i am wrong.

I think you are right in the way you show that coil but wouldn't bifilar be done like this with what Slider is doing and this would yield a whole different situation.  I thought this is how bifilar is done generally -->  Borrowing from your pic for a quick and sloppy mod to show what I mean:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 27, 2011, 12:40:19 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 27, 2011, 12:35:27 PM
I think you are right in the way you show that coil but wouldn't bifilar be done like this with what Slider is doing and this would yield a whole different situation.  I thought this is how bifilar is done generally -->  Borrowing from your pic for a quick and sloppy mod to show what I mean:

I like that mod. ;]   Maybe replace the ac source with a cap and use as a gen coil.  ;]

The added capacitance can lower the freq of operation also.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 27, 2011, 01:14:32 PM



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 27, 2011, 01:29:13 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 27, 2011, 12:19:52 AM
Hey Tes

I would say to add a resistor in series and connect a signal gen. Then measure the voltage across the coil. When its at its highest, your there.  =]


Thank you Mags for your reply posts.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 27, 2011, 01:44:31 PM
What about a crossed bifilar?  Should increase voltage out.

Edit:  After thinking about it, the resistance may stay the same.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 27, 2011, 02:19:24 PM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 27, 2011, 01:44:31 PM
What about a crossed bifilar?  Should increase voltage out.

Edit:  After thinking about it, the resistance may stay the same.

Yep that too is what I was thinking is the usual way to use a bifilar rather than just hooking wires together at one end.  I haven't done enough with them to say so I was looking for input on this from others who have.  I just don't think they way xeno' showed it was going to help much though. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 27, 2011, 02:20:19 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 27, 2011, 12:35:27 PM
I think you are right in the way you show that coil but wouldn't bifilar be done like this with what Slider is doing and this would yield a whole different situation.  I thought this is how bifilar is done generally -->  Borrowing from your pic for a quick and sloppy mod to show what I mean:

Well i wasn't trying to illustrate exactly what Slider did.
In his coil you would have 3 strands next to 4 strands which to me should do
nothing else than 1 strand alone after looking at all flux cancellations.
Bifilar can be done several ways. Slider pointed out (at least to my understanding) that he connected the ends with each other, but maybe he has
lead one end back to the beginning like you show. That would need a verification from him.
He might have as well just joined Strand 1,2,3 and 4,5,6,7 at BOTH ends.
His youtube description doesn't reveal that.

QuoteIt has 7 strands. Strands 1, 2 and 3 were soldered to strands 4, 5, 6 and 7. The two ends lots were then used as the power wires for the coil.

@FreeenergyInfo: Your post is a bit problematic regarding the TOS of this site
and the property rights associated with the files linked to.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MasterPlaster on June 27, 2011, 02:21:05 PM
About Strange E ects Related to Rotating Magnetic Systems


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 27, 2011, 02:41:36 PM
After many experiments with bukking coils, caps, diodes, bifilar and other coils I think I took the wrong direction on replicating the device. If there would be the need of extra components or special coils I think Romero would have told that in the beginning. All I see in the movies is what is explained in the pdf.

"make sure that at anyone time you have a magnet in position to compensate the drag created by the coil."

Maybe this is the simple secret but all I have seen in the replications including my own where we spin the motor at top speed without a load and then connect a load and the speed drops because of the drag so we put some magnets on top of the coils but it doesn't really help so there must be something hidden.

In my mind I can see how the magnets on the coils could repel the rotor magnet on the right time, when there is drag but to make it work takes precision. I'm thinking on giving it another try and build another one where I can do the proper adjustments.

I find it also strange that some of the early replicators have gone silent, why is that?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 27, 2011, 02:44:59 PM
@FreeenergyInfo: Your post is a bit problematic regarding the TOS of this site
and the property rights associated with the files linked to.

YES problematic !!!!!!  ,  MONOPOLY ENERGY , OIL , ....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 27, 2011, 03:00:38 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 27, 2011, 02:41:36 PM
After many experiments with bukking coils, caps, diodes, bifilar and other coils I think I took the wrong direction on replicating the device. If there would be the need of extra components or special coils I think Romero would have told that in the beginning. All I see in the movies is what is explained in the pdf.

"make sure that at anyone time you have a magnet in position to compensate the drag created by the coil."

Maybe this is the simple secret but all I have seen in the replications including my own where we spin the motor at top speed without a load and then connect a load and the speed drops because of the drag so we put some magnets on top of the coils but it doesn't really help so there must be something hidden.

In my mind I can see how the magnets on the coils could repel the rotor magnet on the right time, when there is drag but to make it work takes precision. I'm thinking on giving it another try and build another one where I can do the proper adjustments.

I find it also strange that some of the early replicators have gone silent, why is that?


I agree, this coil extravaganza is probably pointless without further illumination by a certain someone. Truth is, either it worked, and the secret will never be shared, or it was a fake and that secret will never be shared either. We all deserve better. (golden rule applies)

As to silence, is possible that after all the work and ruling out this and that, some may have come to the conclusion that this is now an Archer Quinn-esque saga, and new myth in the making. I don't think any silence is due to positive results, but the lack.

The energy savior was born, then was denied by its maker 3 times before the internet morning, perhaps that was the bigger truth in this whole situation. Maybe it was all about the hits, as someone else postulated on another forum. I don't know, I sure hope not. :(

Yet still, I am about to cut my cores, finally (if they'll cut).  ::)

Anyhow for the conspiracy minded, this here, top right in particular is kind of interesting when the talk was of a coils-only confiscation, isn't it?   :)  [Edit: meaning the similarity of Orbo design here (as implemented by a third party) to R'uk's Muller, is interesting...I don't know what  real 'Orbo' looks like..found the link while googling.)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 27, 2011, 03:08:02 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on June 27, 2011, 02:20:19 PM
Well i wasn't trying to illustrate exactly what Slider did.
In his coil you would have 3 strands next to 4 strands which to me should do
nothing else than 1 strand alone after looking at all flux cancellations.
Bifilar can be done several ways. Slider pointed out (at least to my understanding) that he connected the ends with each other, but maybe he has
lead one end back to the beginning like you show. That would need a verification from him.
He might have as well just joined Strand 1,2,3 and 4,5,6,7 at BOTH ends.
His youtube description doesn't reveal that.

@FreeenergyInfo: Your post is a bit problematic regarding the TOS of this site
and the property rights associated with the files linked to.

Just confirmed from Slider as I thought :  "Yeah, the start end 1, 2, and 3 connect to the finish end 4, 5, 6, and 7.
The start bundle of 4, 5, 6, and 7 form one coil input connection, The end bundle 1, 2, and 3 form the other coil connection."   That was in response to my question: "Do you solder the 1,2,3 together to the opposite end where 4,5,6 and 7 are or to the same end where 4,5,6 and 7 are located? I assume the opposite end will be best but please let us know on this. Thanks for this find and your video!"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 27, 2011, 03:35:22 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 27, 2011, 03:08:02 PM
Just confirmed from Slider as I thought :  "Yeah, the start end 1, 2, and 3 connect to the finish end 4, 5, 6, and 7.
The start bundle of 4, 5, 6, and 7 form one coil input connection, The end bundle 1, 2, and 3 form the other coil connection."   That was in response to my question: "Do you solder the 1,2,3 together to the opposite end where 4,5,6 and 7 are or to the same end where 4,5,6 and 7 are located? I assume the opposite end will be best but please let us know on this. Thanks for this find and your video!"

An O-Scope analysis of this coil would be great.
It might create phase shifts due to the introduction of the lamp/load (resistance)
that might contribute to the speed-up effect.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 27, 2011, 04:10:05 PM
Made a video of speed up with a magnet.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mpUd1WB-Wk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mpUd1WB-Wk)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on June 27, 2011, 04:44:51 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 27, 2011, 04:10:05 PM
Made a video of speed up with a magnet.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mpUd1WB-Wk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mpUd1WB-Wk)

Cool demo. I'll be tuning mine with the oscilloscope on as well. (have 2 analog oscilloscopes)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 27, 2011, 05:48:06 PM
@mags and all

The higher the inductance of a coil the lower the resonate frequency?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 27, 2011, 06:22:10 PM
Quote from: 4Tesla on June 27, 2011, 05:48:06 PM
@mags and all

The higher the inductance of a coil the lower the resonate frequency?

yes  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on June 27, 2011, 07:55:00 PM
I've been pondering Bolt's guidance and the discussions about phase shifting, and I think that is not fully correct. A few thoughts...which may or may not be correct themselves:

1. A coil's self inductance is the result of an applied current yielding a changing magnetic field, that produces an induced current that resists the applied current. In a magnetic field the behavior is different...it is a changing magnetic field that induces a current large enough to produce an offsetting magnetic field. It is a magnetic force response, not a current response, and the inductance of a coil with an induced current is not the same as with an applied current...the inductance of it is much lower.

2. A power factor of zero does not eliminate Lenz. Lenz is a function of the current in the coil, and even with a power factor of zero, the current in the coil is still real at the point it is induced, which is perfectly in phase with the changing magnetic field. IR losses in resonant systems are real losses, and Lenz will happily lug a resonant system all day long.

3. When you add a series capacitor, you are really not building an LC system...you are building an RC system. The resistance is increasing with frequency due to skin effect, and the capacitive reactance is decreasing with frequency. The coil's inductance largely doesn't factor in. There will be an optimum point where both resistance and reactance are minimized, where resistance is a function of the frequency behavior of the wire.

4. The rotor magnet induces a very wide band of frequencies in the generator coil. The faster it turns, the wider the bandwidth.

5. The series capacitance is not tuning an inductance, it is implementing a high pass filter...limiting the lower (excitation) frequency but passing the higher frequencies. Means no lugging, but with good wire and wide bandwidth could still pass a bunch of energy.

So, assuming that those statements are true, that points the implementation in a specific direction.
1. The goal is wide bandwidth...turn it as fast as the wire and magnets will tolerate.
2. Use as large a capacitor as possible without lugging.
3. Use wire with the largest surface area as possible. Litz makes great sense.
4. Use the fastest diodes possible.

So, how then might it work?

As the rotor turns faster, the generator coil produces a wider and wider bandwidth and a higher and higher open circuit voltage. The series cap will pass everything above a certain frequency, and as much as 1/2*C*V^2 joules (where V is the peak open circuit voltage of the generator coil), but the wire resistance is increasing at the same time is increases losses. The smaller the cap value, the narrower the spike of current it will pass, and the higher the frequency components it passes, but at the same time that is being negatively affected by the wire's skin effect. As the pulse gets taller and narrower, the delay between the induced current and the magnetic response shifts as a greater and greater percentage of the pulse width. The greater that phase shift, the more that Lenz changes from being a drag to becoming a thrust. With a sufficiently large shift, the rotor effectively unloads. It is possible that biasing magnets would increase the phase delay (allowing it to operate at a lower frequency) and also improve the gen coil's response to the rotor magnet.

Per that mode of operating, I would expect the optimum waveform to be narrow spikes and there would be a band where the circuit would operate best. Too slow and not enough high frequency energy. Too fast and the skin effect of the wire drives the losses up. I would also expect that Litz wire (or wire with a large surface area) and fast diodes would be critical. And I would expect that at the relatively low speeds RUK was turning at that the effect would be fairly minimal, and on the edge of not working well enough to loop.

Just some thoughts...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 27, 2011, 10:38:22 PM
I've been pondering Bolt's guidance and the discussions about phase shifting, and I think that is not fully correct. A few thoughts...which may or may not be correct themselves:

2. A power factor of zero does not eliminate Lenz. Lenz is a function of the current in the coil, and even with a power factor of zero, the current in the coil is still real at the point it is induced, which is perfectly in phase with the changing magnetic field. IR losses in resonant systems are real losses, and Lenz will happily lug a resonant system all day long.

Not really true so how do you explain a 3 phase motor in RV can be tuned to take no more than 15 watts yet the current measured with a clamp meter can be seen as over 10 amps? Lenz has no effect on  RLC when tuned to only VARS. The only reason current begins to have an effect is when the phase angle is shifted due to the load detuning the system which leans the phase angle from VARS to WATTs.

3. When you add a series capacitor, you are really not building an LC system...you are building an RC system. The resistance is increasing with frequency due to skin effect, and the capacitive reactance is decreasing with frequency. The coil's inductance largely doesn't factor in. There will be an optimum point where both resistance and reactance are minimized, where resistance is a function of the frequency behavior of the wire.

There is no resistance in an RLC system resistance only applies to  a phase angle close at or at one When the system is tuned to be reactive an almost unlimited amount of power can be sent over a single hair thin wire for miles as in the case of Avramenko

http://www.doctorkoontz.com/Scalar_Physics/Avramenko's%20Plug/single%20wire%20power%20transmission.htm transmission system.

4. The rotor magnet induces a very wide band of frequencies in the generator coil. The faster it turns, the wider the bandwidth.

Not true the reactive system is frequency specific therefore it has a very narrow bandwidth where the inductance and the capacitance must be tuned to match the frequency of the system where the bandwidth is a function of the Q. This is why only a certain range of rpms must be met in order for the system to show OU.

5. The series capacitance is not tuning an inductance, it is implementing a high pass filter...limiting the lower (excitation) frequency but passing the higher frequencies. Means no lugging, but with good wire and wide bandwidth could still pass a bunch of energy.

Nope the series capacitance when tuned to the inductance acts as a counter balance where the voltage is max in the cap and the current in max in the coil if the desired effect is to tune to a power factor of Zero to prevent Lenz. In high pass situation of series cap it changes the phase angle as frequency increases impeding more and more of the current flow as the phase changes from 1 to 0  eventually its not a high pass filter but a total current blocking and nothing gets through becoming totally reactive UNLESS the source contains higher order harmonics from the fundamental then you see a separation of frequencies. High pass can have its place in these designs where the core is deliberately  saturated to produce an abundance of high order harmonics. These may be pulled off using a series cap as high pass filter can sometimes yield a useful o/p if the inductance is non linear by forcing it highish into the BH knee.

The aim to RE is to include it within the RLC loop as a load while maintaining a power factor of zero see Turtur for more indepth understanding.


"The crucial point is, that the converter has to be driven in a state short below the "energetical saturation", so that the energy-gain from the zero-point energy is maximal. This state of operation can be found in theory quite well, because in theoretical calculations it is easily possible to control the behaviour of the system with very different values of the system parameters very efficiently and very exactly. Under this control it is possible to adjust the system parameters, such as the capacity, the inductivity, the number of windings, and so on… "

Zero-point-energy Converter with realisable Dimensions and a Power-output in the Kilowatt-range


Changing the system to be reactive cancels all Lenz.  ZPE is drawn into the system  while the current is held at zero when the voltage is maximum creates space Tensor moment causes immense amount of Kinetic energy to form within electron field boundaries which pulls energy from the ambient. As Don Smith quite rightly said if you move electrons you are creating waste! You must interface with them using space tensor. Tuning is nothing more than RF application taken to electrical principles to create standing waves. They are sometimes known as scalar waves but this clouds the issue as people actually go looking for some special scalar waves as it they exist in there own right. This is a Bearden, Bedini  cockk and ball story.

So there are many ways to skin a cat alike creating this VARS conditions can be done using caps and Romero agrees in fact he said its probably much easier to do so no speculation there. OR, use bifilar coils cancels self induction to prevent current flowing but what is really happening? In ideal coil which has suppressed the moving of electrons ie current in effect its doing the very same thing! The coil is now operating 90 degrees phase shifted to create VARS. For some mS as the magnet sweeps towards the coil, inductance circuit can approach say 50 VARS creates Space Tensor which acts on the ambient no current flows from the source ...yet. Energy which is HEAT all energy is heat as electron vibrations even down to absolute ZERO there is movement. Some of this heat is given up from the surrounding cause the coils to go cold now there are joules in the coils which pumps out a responsive opposite magnetic pulse which is ATTRACTED to the upcoming magnet causing acceleration and provides REAL joules to the dump cap.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 27, 2011, 11:16:28 PM

Is it possible that Slider has inadvertently created a MAGNACOASTER of sorts ?

Thoughts ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on June 27, 2011, 11:16:39 PM

This is the last I'm going to say about it, but I strongly disagree, based on my own lab work with a scope and spectrum analyzer. The coil output is wide band. Observed fact. If it were narrow, it would be a sine wave, and even your sim showed a pointy waveform. Pointy equal high frequency.

A motor running at resonance is not the same thing as a generator, because a coil with an applied current does not behave the same way as a coil with an induced current. I honestly don't thing your RV comparisons apply.

IR losses in resonant systems are real. Period. In order to have a magnetic field, you have to have a current. If you have a current and a non-zero resistance, the loss is real. The reason that you don't see much of that in an RV is because you are using a much larger winding than would normally be used for the amount of power you are using, not because of some magical tendency for the IR losses to disappear. You put 10 amps through a 1 ohm wire and you will dissipate 10 watts regardless of whether it is in or out of phase.

High frequency behaviors related to single wire power transmission are a completely different phenomenon, that has nothing to do with big VARS at low frequency.

As long as everyone keeps approaching it the way they are, everyone will keep getting the results they are getting.

I do agree that a series capacitance is helpful, but I honestly don't think it is for the reasons you state. If this were simply a matter of big VARS, I'm thinking we'd be seeing a whole lot of looped systems.

I've said my piece, I won't argue further.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 27, 2011, 11:24:38 PM
Ramero's rig ran at 1200 rpm surely he could have ran it much higher, I think he is using harmonics if you find the frequency of the coils and run your rig in a lower harmonic that would allow the generator flexibility to run overunity.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 27, 2011, 11:24:59 PM
There has been some discussion at OUR regarding the cause of the flat spot on Romero's open-circuited wave form.

I put together what I feel is a good representation of what causes a conventional wave form from such a magnet passing a standard wound coil. It's my opinion that no fiddling with rotor to stator spacing, or anything else "conventional" is going to create that flat spot.

Rotor magnet spacing in the graphic is 2.25x the magnet diameter.


PS. Credit goes to EMdevices for the original scope shot.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 27, 2011, 11:30:24 PM
Hey Poynt,

I have it on good authority that the scope shot that everyone is attempting to replicate is
the trace from a SINGLE COIL from a pair. The advice was, not to dwell greatly on this trace.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on June 27, 2011, 11:31:58 PM
OK, thanks penno.

That may help in the big scheme of things.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 27, 2011, 11:36:51 PM
When you are running an resonate frequency thats all you will get, but if you run a lower harmonic your generator has the flexability to output more than it takes to run it.
If you run all out you max the system, no overunity.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 27, 2011, 11:38:57 PM
Quote from: LtBolo on June 27, 2011, 11:16:39 PM

I do agree that a series capacitance is helpful, but I honestly don't think it is for the reasons you state. If this were simply a matter of big VARS, I'm thinking we'd be seeing a whole lot of looped systems.

I've said my piece, I won't argue further.

Funny i have seen and know of plenty of looped systems seen and discussed in private over the years LONG LONG before anyone else ever thought  a muller could be looped! Using the principles i described there are plenty in operation. If i know a few must be lots.  The well known ones are variations of the theme as the TPU and Kapandze. I can say with 100% confidence the TPU is a reactive system. Its 10,000 VAR's system when SM measure the coils with a clamp meter it showed 10 amps and 1000 volts on those coils.

I've said my piece, I won't argue further. BUT i will continue to press this home so others will have a looped muller.

Romero statement "people pay attention to 'bolt' posting,  he is describing another way to do this and he is right, actually using capacitors will take you there more easy, if not, you need to build the coils according to many factors to replace what the capacitors will do."


"I only find few people who are really trying to understand and replicate this device.If you don't understand it, then is no point to continue, here or any other project, making a copy is not enough.
We have few people here that are really a goldmine for all, konehead, bolt, EMdevices, and few others, and I see many times that most of you are just ignoring their advices escpecially konehead who did try and built FE devices probably more than anyone here."

I ditto for Kone he has made a different Muller almost  every month for years and years and no one takes notice of his practical skills and knowledge.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 27, 2011, 11:40:19 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on June 27, 2011, 11:24:38 PM
Ramero's rig ran at 1200 rpm surely he could have ran it much higher, I think he is using harmonics if you find the frequency of the coils and run your rig in a lower harmonic that would allow the generator flexibility to run overunity.

This is true.  The freq of the bifi may be higher than 160hz and 160hz(just example shown earlier) is a lower harmonic.

Good call Dave.  Makes very good sense. ;]

Ya know, when Romero had first shown the self runner, even the more out than in before that, maybe he had no intention of getting into what happened after that.  So maybe he just held back on the bifi stuff, just to hold on to something.
Zeropoint used bifi in his self running neo sphere motor. I remember a YT vid of a large bifi coil that charged the driver battery and another battery, and the voltage rise on both was very respectable. very.

bifi, its whats for dinner.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 28, 2011, 12:46:11 AM
if you tuned the system to a specific load at the highest resonate frequency and the backed off to a lower harmonic frequency the system has the capability to go into overunity
But if you run all out thats all you will get
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 28, 2011, 01:07:15 AM
I was ready to crash and shut down my computer, and a couple things came to mind that make sense of a few things.  ;]

Ok, assume the bifi has a resonance and we are hitting some lower harmonic and it gives us a gain.

Remember Romeros setup where he was finding that there was less lenz effect by putting more space between the rotor and coil. Even I argued him that there would still be drag plus less induced current in the coils.

But, if the rotors rpm hits near a resonant freq of the "bifi"coil(of which we did not know of yet) then the spacing IS our lenz killer and the coil fires up anyway with the weak spinning fields because we are triggering that resonant response.  ;]  So we can have distance from the rotor to avoid too much lenz, and get amplified voltage in the coil by getting it to ring, even for just 1 cycle. this is amplification!  ;]

Now you may say, but the rotor speeds up due to being lenzless.  I see a new reason for speed up.  ;]

As the rotor approaches the resonant freq(or harmonic), when it gets close, maybe the resonance takes over and the wave form leads the rotors magnetic drive, and actually pulls the rotor to the resonant rpm, thus the speed up.  ;]  When the freq of the rotor gets close, the coil will want to ring at its freq, even if the rotor is not there yet. yup.  ;]

Im just putting together parts of the puzzle.

Most consumer generators out there have a very close proximity between stator and armature.  Here we need the spacing to get rid of most of the lenz and get the coils singing(ringing) from a distance.

lets say all of you closed the gap to a couple millimeters, your output should get better, but lots of drag.

It all makes sense to me now.  There has to be resonance, even if it is just 1 cycle, the gain in the one cycle is there. It doesnt continue to ring due to drain of the load, but so what. Maybe at least we get the output to what we might have with the rotor close to the coils, and a lot less lenz with the spacing. ;] ;] ;]

What happens after the bridge does nothing other than collect the coils output properly(as possible for now).

So wind the bifi coils. It is key here. The spacing is what gets rid of the lenz, and the coils resonating causes the coils cycles to lead the rotor giving speedup till the rotor reaches ring rpm.

Digest that and we should see some winners.  ;]

Night all  and good luck.  My brain is tired.  =]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 28, 2011, 01:19:55 AM
here's the bearings we need http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R4QQmCY4JU&feature=feedrec_grec_index
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 28, 2011, 01:25:17 AM
uggg   one more thing fora sense of direction..

lets say the litz 7 strand is 2ohm at 300 turns.

I dont have this wire.  But if you had all the strands in series, you should have 14ohm.  18v/14ohm=1.28amps

1.28amps x 18volts = 23watts   

Those numbers sound great to me.  Is this good watts err wut?  ;]   And thats if 18v is minimum with this config.

Night, sleep tight, dont let the bifi bite.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 28, 2011, 02:09:33 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 27, 2011, 11:30:24 PM
Hey Poynt,

I have it on good authority that the scope shot that everyone is attempting to replicate is
the trace from a SINGLE COIL from a pair. The advice was, not to dwell greatly on this trace.


the main reasons 'not to dwell greatly' on the rUK trace, are because none of the usually helpful supporting information was provided with it, ie.:

- volts/grad?
- timebase?

and the conditions under which the trace was obtained: eg,

- single coil or combined coil-pair? 
- was the load just the buffer cap (no looping) or was the buffer cap looped back to the drive circuits via the DC convertor?
- taken from a complete running system or was it from one of rUK's earlier test runs with less coils?

all in all, a mine of non-information  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 28, 2011, 02:25:28 AM

I know you are pretty knowledgeable.

Can you best guess or help us understand why Slider's coil lights the neon before being pulsed.

Has he accidententally positioned his coil/mags right on the blochwall ?

Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 28, 2011, 02:36:25 AM
Heres a quote from romero way back around page 8 or so:

"The gap from the rotor to the coil I had it increased and decreased hundreds of times to get it right."

I alwasy thought this was strange quote from Romero, since its not that hard to just set airgap at 1.5mm or so and call it good and it shouldnt take hundres of attempts really - its as "simple" as putting brass feeler gauge or something between magnet and rotor magnet and then bolting it all tight....

So this leads me to believe that the big time-consuming trick and what is hard to get right in these romero-rigs is that airgap....I bet the tolerance is probably 1/4mm or something like that and when you finally get the right air-gap(s) it will/should accelerate under load at certain rpms in this particular design of romeros.......

I still cling to hopeful theory it is actually the DIFFERENCE /RATIO of the gap between the upper coil and rotor magnet, and the lower coil and the rotor magnet,  that will cause current to be at max and voltage zero sort of staggered resonate effect, (which also can be done with caps) and helper magnets help alot but first you have to have that perfect airgap-ratio between upper and lower...

seems like for instance 3mm airgap on lower coil and 1 mm on top coil will mean current in lower coil will be staggered, delayed a bit in time as seen on a scope, and so it will also stagger the current in top coil too since they are connected, and voltage doesnt care about the airgap in where its peak is in TIME on a scope, (you will have more or less voltage with different airgpaps , but it never changes the "where" in TIME that voltage peaks with the airgap  -  except for maybe extreme airgap where flux field of magnet starts to bend dramatically...
and seems to me that with different airgaps, current will be greater, or less, in amperage shown on scope, with different arigaps too, jsut like voltage does, but ALSO the where-in-TIME that the current peaks, or is at zero, can be adjsuted with the airgap and this time-relationship to the votlage will cause a resonant condition and caps fill like crazy at that point....

every motor will have different airgaps that make them resonate, and so it is really not that easy as just making exact copy as we all hope but have to tune and tune and adjust and adjust and adjust and you will always find something in the very last place you looked for it too

am I wrong about the airgap between magnet and coils will be an adjustment method for the "time-events" of current, just like series AC cap does? 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 28, 2011, 03:47:41 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 28, 2011, 02:25:28 AM

I know you are pretty knowledgeable.

Can you best guess or help us understand why Slider's coil lights the neon before being pulsed.

Has he accidententally positioned his coil/mags right on the blochwall ?

Regards, Penno

LOL @NP being 'pretty knowledgeable' ...

i just come in to the thread from time to time to sweep the floor and make sure lights are off, after everyone's finally gone home each night  :)

good old Slider - just the sort of YouTube upload i like - 'hey guys, look at this weird $HiT!!! ....btw, sorry about the cat'

sometimes i think that the long-term future well-being of the planet depends on the backroom efforts of folks like Slider

but before that happens, one of us needs to take him down to Maplins and buy him two jumper leads with croc clips at either end

so, by now you can see that i haven't a clue what was going on in Sliders 'labspace'

it did occur to me that he's using a Wall Wart as a PSU and these babies often have significant ripple if they're unregulated

if that applies here, it's just possible that a slight amount of mains hum could be tipping his drive circuit into oscillation** - this could light his neon without any rotor movement
(** IF it needs any tipping!)

if his drive circuit IS near oscillation then maybe that explains the rest of the gig...

eg., adding the CFL across the coil dampens the resonance of the self-induced oscillation and the motor/hall sensor sequence starts operating correctly (ie. giving high speed)

i'd really hate for this to be close to the answer because i much prefer the scenario where Slider connects something completely random across the coil and suddenly the universe opens its legs and says "take me, i'm yours!"  ;)

is everyone done here? - can i sweep the floors now?

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 28, 2011, 04:29:09 AM
Cheers NP and thanks.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on June 28, 2011, 05:42:43 AM

Well I finally got me hands on some 7 strand fairdinkum (real) litz. I don't know the sizing but
my feelings are -

          **** Litz is to coils what Roden is to toroids! ******

I can just about short the DC side of the double bridge (2 x 21w 12v lamps in series ~ 2ohms) and very little slow down.

Just wish I knew how he pulled the higher voltages. I am sure it ain't speed. Maybe someday he will
fess up.

This litz works far better than home made multistrand. I guess it is the twist or twirl in the real stuff.

You know I didn't realise these new microwave ovens with the inverter instead of the massive
transformer, have a good quantity of 7 strand litz as the inner winding. The outer winding, well I
just gave up trying to count the strands.

Gotta find any easy way to get the coating off and meter then solder up the 4/3 bifilar.

Chow, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on June 28, 2011, 05:58:35 AM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on June 27, 2011, 01:29:11 AMI also added an AC cap of 6,8 uF in parallel like marius just did...

Hi, nice work! Is the cap connected like A or B?
And did you find it more efficient with or without cap then?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 28, 2011, 06:23:54 AM
@ltBolo: If there is any magic then it is not in conventional physics. Conventional physics says you have input energy and output energy. In the road of conversion you have some losses so ouput = X * input (where x < 1 )
You can break the energy in any form you wish, at the point of summing them up you should have the same result. That includes active and reactive power ( the vector sum is the input power ). My point is that this approach does not have any meaning to be used when searching for OU.
What could be done is to create lots and lots of practical combinations of experiments and simply observe what is happening. If there will be some magic then it will be either something anti intuitive or something that is really hard to tune. We are talking about something that has not been "observed" officially by anyone ( unoficially yes ? ). So when romerouk said he adjusted distances for 1 whole month i think that could be considered very little time. What bothers me he never seemed to properly explain what he was searching for while tuning. Yes, he said the speedup under load. But that does not seem to lead to OU and cannot be scaled, there must be more then that.
My personal conclusion is that it's pointless to use more then 1 pickup coil as long as you have no idea what you are looking for. You just create a lot more parameters to test and eventually drive yourself mad.

Reactive power is one of these magical things that people want to get rid of in real life. It was probably investigated multiple times how you can get rid of it. But was there any investigation how to take advantage of it ? Was it investigated if it can give advantages in any sort of way ?

My only belief for this  device to achieve OU is to be related to some specific harmonics. That means stable frequency, stable RPM, stable resonating components. This field was vastly explored though.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: d@rkenergy on June 28, 2011, 06:52:02 AM
A friend of mine told me yesterday:
Do not try this works!

If you make a machine that produces the free energy, can distort the balance of energy in the universe. and as a result can be a very big disaster ... is this true? :o :o :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on June 28, 2011, 07:03:27 AM

The AC cap is connected like in A - parallel to all the coils. My rotor has got 3 magnets only and it is difficult to hit anything above 2000 RPM, so the frequency that hits the gen coils is up to 100 Hz. The coil in the middle, the choke, has a little ferrite core inside which bumps the inductance few mH up...
I have found that without the AC cap there is no acceleration in the range of operation. Adding a cap slows down the rotor and the acceleration gained with a short or a load is up to certain speed which is lower than the speed without the capacitor. So it is not very good in my my opinion.
Nevertheless I think that a high inductance - step-filar generator coil is the way to go with this...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: norman6538 on June 28, 2011, 07:10:50 AM
for those who don't have broadband here are my notes from Zerofossilfuel's 58 min broadcast

  Here is a rebroadcast:  http://www.justin.tv/zerofossilfuel/b/288904233
It may only be there for 6 days.... so get it while you can.
He removed caps and light goes dimmer and rpms go up some  - 3900 +
added power factor correction cap in parallel to 2 coils and voltage went up abt 1.5v -
Zero says it looks real good..
5 ohm load kills rpms a lot
input current goes up with lower rpms
714hz for one coil..  9x8 magnetic events = 51kz
scope trace was drive coil
at 42 mins he predicts self runner by weekend
his coils look pretty big... not sewing machine spools
3800 no load 3810 bulb lit  11.95 volts
no tuning cap and rpms go up to 4780 but volts 10.43
no scope trace of output coils
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 28, 2011, 07:11:24 AM
Quote from: d@rkenergy on June 28, 2011, 06:52:02 AM
If you make a machine that produces the free energy, can distort the balance of energy in the universe. and as a result can be a very big disaster ... is this true? :o :o :o
Balance ? Balance has a meaning if you could explain how the universe got created. You can create local balances out of nowhere without any proof that you cannot create it. There are countless non proved theories about this.
Produce free energy ? Well, if you could create matter and anti matter, that is also like creating energy, you just need to make sure the 2 do not null out in your lifetime.
Beware what you wish for !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 28, 2011, 07:21:46 AM
Quote from: d@rkenergy on June 28, 2011, 06:52:02 AM
A friend of mine told me yesterday:
Do not try this works!

If you make a machine that produces the free energy, can distort the balance of energy in the universe. and as a result can be a very big disaster ... is this true? :o :o :o

And your knowledgable "friend" bases his "warning" on exactly which quantum physics research paper he studied ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 28, 2011, 07:22:22 AM
Quote from: norman6538 on June 28, 2011, 07:10:50 AM
...rpms go up to 4780....
at some point you can hear some alien sounds ( due to the microphone distorsions... ). I get this as a divine msg for success xD
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 28, 2011, 07:53:09 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 28, 2011, 01:25:17 AM
uggg   one more thing fora sense of direction..

lets say the litz 7 strand is 2ohm at 300 turns.

I dont have this wire.  But if you had all the strands in series, you should have 14ohm.  18v/14ohm=1.28amps

1.28amps x 18volts = 23watts   

Those numbers sound great to me.  Is this good watts err wut?  ;]   And thats if 18v is minimum with this config.

Night, sleep tight, dont let the bifi bite.  ;]


Its morning and i just reread this post.. My calculation was off here..    Was sleepy    lol

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 28, 2011, 08:13:13 AM
I was reading about Adams motors here http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/Chapt2.html (http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/Chapt2.html)
and there are lots of similarities. I read:

" The drive coils should not be pulsed until they are exactly aligned with the rotor magnets even though this does not give the fastest rotor speed."

So maybe that's also a reason why Romero had no change in RPM.

"The rotor magnets need to be longer than they are wide in order to ensure the correct magnetic field shape and the rotor must be perfectly balanced and have bearings as low-friction as possible."

Maybe that's why Romero added a 5mm magnet on the 10mm rotor magnet, to get the right magnetic field shape.

"Collect the output power in large capacitors before using it to power equipment."

Already stated by Bold and others.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on June 28, 2011, 08:22:15 AM
@ kEhYo77,
thanks for clarifying your results.
I think the three magnets on your rotor are located 120 degrees distant from each other.
2 question:
- can you tune the inductance of your inductor-coil by pushing/pulling the core in/out?

- the two connected generator coils, are those also located 120 degrees apart?
So that when one rotor-magnet is opposite of one generator coil, another magnet is exactly opposite of the other coil?
If this is the case, you may want to unmount one of the gen coils and slightly shift its location, so that the two generator coils are NOT located 120 degrees from each other.

reason for this: the current produced in coil A is delayed - because of the delay/impedance of the inductor -  and acts  as an accelerator in coil B. No?

So if you also "mechanically advance/delay one of the coils" , i.e. take it out of the 120degree position by a tiny fraction (halve the core diameter) - the acceleration effect should be enhanced.
Note: I presume, depending on the direction of rotation of your setup, the effect of the proposed change will either be acceleration or deceleration. So you will have to try both: shift the coil's location a bit clockwise from its present position and if that does not work, then shift it counter-clockwise.

I wonder if you can get more acceleration and electrical output if you do that.
Did you try that already?
Anyway, great setup. Thanks
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 28, 2011, 09:59:18 AM
Another video from diveflyfish showing the possible hall effect of FWBR with load.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmPubg6trNg&feature=feedu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmPubg6trNg&feature=feedu)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on June 28, 2011, 10:41:52 AM
Quote from: Dave45 on June 28, 2011, 01:19:55 AM
here's the bearings we need http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R4QQmCY4JU&feature=feedrec_grec_index

I started a test rig a few weeks back by salvaging the head spindle and motor from an old SHARP VCR.  For those interested, the bearings in those are 696ZZ and are readily available.  They are used in many small, high speed, precision tools and appliances.

On a side note, I am able to drive that VCR spindle assy with the original motor quite efficiently.  This was with a lot of help from Gyula and resulted in very fine RPM control via voltage control to the drive IC and frequency control via a 555 that is also a required input to the drive IC.

Please note that I have disassembled other VCRs where it would be impossible to use the drum spindle and motor as I have since the motor was on top of the head and not underneath.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on June 28, 2011, 11:21:51 AM

OK guys, as i did not get any response to my post #3550: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.3550 i was trying something myself with this parallel resonant thingy.

Basic setup is a rotor with 4 neos's, Norths facing out.

1x driver coil pair alike romero (sewing bobbins, core 6mm OD / 11mm long, 2x 1.27mH/1.7 Ohm, Hall triggered).

Generator coil is 6x AWG 24 on core 10mm OD / 35mm long (6x 10 meter wire) wired in series.
Each of the 6 wires measures 0.73mH/1.4 Ohm. When in series it becomes 27mH/8.7 Ohm.

According to http://www3.telus.net/chemelec/Calculators/LC-Calculator.htm i need to add 40uF capacity to get parallel resonance at 150Hz (= 2250 RPM of the rotor).

Generator coil layout is like this (w1 connected to w2, W2 connected to W3, W3 connected to W4 etc.):   (see the video for drawing).

Input power is 10V/0.6A

Result is that we see across the generator coil the sine waveform as expected for resonance, so not the typical "magnet passing coil" waveform.

RPM speeds up under load (4x leds at 5V/22mA) and also when shorted (after the FWBR, so DC side).

I expect when adding a 2nd gen. coil in series (so creating a pair), the needed cap (40uF) needs to be halved (or reduced) to get resonance again at 150Hz (this reduced capacitance will probably be beneficial for the voltage as right now the inductance/capacitance ratio is way off i think).

Note that i did not notice any phase shift (90 or 180 degrees) between I (across the 1 ohm resistor) and V (across the coil).

Picture of the generator coil circuit attached.

Video of this can be seen here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syxL4f2OsPg

Be aware that the generator coil is 27mH, and not uH as can be seen in the video, also i use only ONE drive coil pair, not 2 at the moment.

Regards itsu

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 28, 2011, 11:41:49 AM
magnetic bearing ...

2 coil /24v = 230v

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 28, 2011, 11:47:44 AM
Quote from: bolt on June 27, 2011, 11:38:57 PM

Romero statement "people pay attention to 'bolt' posting,  he is describing another way to do this and he is right, actually using capacitors will take you there more easy, if not, you need to build the coils according to many factors to replace what the capacitors will do."

Don’t let it go to your head.

The other way to look at this is…IF romero was under an injunction to NEVER reveal ‘the secret’, then you can understand why he would recommend the last person on the list that he felt would ever be in a position to explain the real workings but who could, in the mean time, lead the forum around in endless circles.

Wattsup raised some valid points that have not been addressed fully.


"I only find few people who are really trying to understand and replicate this device.If you don't understand it, then is no point to continue, here or any other project, making a copy is not enough.

Note the complete negativity of this statement. We are to "cease and desist" undertake no experiments, unless we understand them???

How do we learn unless we experiment? How should an experiment be presented? In a positive manner. With a working device that is complete, offered with an explanation of, "if you do that then watch for this"


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Paul-R on June 28, 2011, 11:50:20 AM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 28, 2011, 08:13:13 AM
I was reading about Adams motors here http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/Chapt2.html (http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/Chapt2.html)
and there are lots of similarities. I read:

" The drive coils should not be pulsed until they are exactly aligned with the rotor magnets even though this does not give the fastest rotor speed."
I remember Patrick speaking of this at the 2007 UK Free Energy Conference.
There is an essential but subtle difference with the Adams "modus operandi":

The work is done by the iron core on the stator being drawn to the magnet.
When it gets there, the magnet becomes a nuisance, and its effect must
be NEUTRALISED by the application of a current. That is all. There is no
intention to use the current to do any pulling or pushing.

Very important distinction.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 28, 2011, 12:38:43 PM
Quote from: i_ron on June 28, 2011, 11:47:44 AM

Don’t let it go to your head.

The other way to look at this is…IF romero was under an injunction to NEVER reveal ‘the secret’, then you can understand why he would recommend the last person on the list that he felt would ever be in a position to explain the real workings but who could, in the mean time, lead the forum around in endless circles.

Wattsup raised some valid points that have not been addressed fully.

Note the complete negativity of this statement. We are to "cease and desist" undertake no experiments, unless we understand them???

How do we learn unless we experiment? How should an experiment be presented? In a positive manner. With a working device that is complete, offered with an explanation of, "if you do that then watch for this"



These are statements from Romero he is trying to help you understand the "secret" through self discovery he is encouraging experiments not suppressing them.

If he wanted to deliberately   pick a person to knock everyone off course why did he include me with Kone and couple of others that have a better understanding of what is happening here? Perhaps picking wattsup was a much better choice. By backing him he could have convinced everyone it was actually fake and he could of done his own thing in peace!

SM often mentioned some people by name or thread that had a generally better understanding of how his TPU worked. Same as SR193 with his kapanadze replication he said he will not just lay everything out on a plate for easy pickings he wants people to understand the principle operation is the ONLY way replications can take place.  The recent history has shown that there are many "replications" now but they didn't just spin and work did they? You may not like the DIY discovery but you will find those that have working devices and understanding always want people to understand the method first. Even Hector does this with his RV technology.

There are NO shortcuts.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 28, 2011, 01:09:10 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 28, 2011, 09:59:18 AM
Another video from diveflyfish showing the possible hall effect of FWBR with load.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmPubg6trNg&feature=feedu (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmPubg6trNg&feature=feedu)

Note RomeroUK left a comment 1 hour ago on this video saying: "Hi,
Do you get any difference like amp increasing from the source while the output goes up or down?I cannot really see it from the video, too small...
If it is stable enough then you are close to one of the effects I had in my setup.
When you find the best spot get a magnet and play with it arround and watch the meter.

Best regards,
His user name listed RomeroUK on youtube so he's our Romero ;)   Sounds like a good hint here...

BTW does anyone know who diveflyfish is?  His work in the vids are impressive although I wish he'd leave the music off when talking.  If he's not on here maybe we should invite him here?  (I do see some hints of a cleaned up IST though - hehe - music blaring, types in all CAPS.) 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 28, 2011, 01:15:03 PM
Hi Itsu

Really good video its all laid out easy to see things.
It blew away some myths I had about resonance - such as I notice you have the very nice AC resonate sinewave with or without the load....I always thought things are totally different in resonate condition with a load or wihthout and everyting needs to be readjsuted wtih load but your scope shows the resonate AC scope form if loaded or not.

also is beautiful when you shoe the "normal" looking scope shot we all see when you get all-N magnets going past coil...then you add the rsonate cap and wow nice AC eh...

Also you ARE getting the speed up under shorted-condition evenyone is trying to achieve and pretty dramatic too it sounds like.

If you went with diferent stle of rotor, like Romeros, you cna take advantage of both sides oif magnets and double the number of coils you can ring around it...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 28, 2011, 01:37:50 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on June 28, 2011, 11:50:20 AM
I remember Patrick speaking of this at the 2007 UK Free Energy Conference.
There is an essential but subtle difference with the Adams "modus operandi":

The work is done by the iron core on the stator being drawn to the magnet.
When it gets there, the magnet becomes a nuisance, and its effect must
be NEUTRALISED by the application of a current. That is all. There is no
intention to use the current to do any pulling or pushing.

Very important distinction.


Thanks for clarifying that. The point I wanted to make is that maybe Romero did not tune his hall's for optimum speed. I'm trying find a reason why his RPM stays the same with or withoud a load.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 28, 2011, 01:44:32 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 28, 2011, 01:09:10 PM
Note RomeroUK left a comment 1 hour ago on this video saying: "Hi,
Do you get any difference like amp increasing from the source while the output goes up or down?I cannot really see it from the video, too small...
If it is stable enough then you are close to one of the effects I had in my setup.
When you find the best spot get a magnet and play with it arround and watch the meter.

Best regards,
His user name listed RomeroUK on youtube so he's our Romero ;)   Sounds like a good hint here...

BTW does anyone know who diveflyfish is?  His work in the vids are impressive although I wish he'd leave the music off when talking.  If he's not on here maybe we should invite him here?  (I do see some hints of a cleaned up IST though - hehe - music blaring, types in all CAPS.)

hmm I ordered some FWBR's to test this effect but still waiting for them to arrive. Like I said before, I remember Romero saying that he had found another way of shorting a coil by only one component so he didn't have to use the reed anymore. I hope it is the FWBR.

I know there was some discussion about what type of FWBR's Romero was using on his Muller, maybe someone knows?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LtBolo on June 28, 2011, 01:56:19 PM
The gorilla in the living room with respect to 'tuning' the generator coil is that the inductance of the coil is not constant, whereas the inductance of a motor coil is, at least up to saturation.

I am definitely a fan of having series capacitance for reasons I stated, but I do not think it is creating the same type of tuning as in an RV.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 28, 2011, 02:09:05 PM
Quote from: d@rkenergy on June 28, 2011, 06:52:02 AM
A friend of mine told me yesterday:
Do not try this works!

If you make a machine that produces the free energy, can distort the balance of energy in the universe. and as a result can be a very big disaster ... is this true? :o :o :o

lol ...  I think your friend is thinking about a device that truly creates energy rather than what most people here are aiming for which is tapping unseen or unknown and less understood energy sources.  I'd leave those concerns more to those who have equipment like the Haldron super collider. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 28, 2011, 02:18:48 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on June 28, 2011, 01:44:32 PM
hmm I ordered some FWBR's to test this effect but still waiting for them to arrive. Like I said before, I remember Romero saying that he had found another way of shorting a coil by only one component so he didn't have to use the reed anymore. I hope it is the FWBR.

I know there was some discussion about what type of FWBR's Romero was using on his Muller, maybe someone knows?
I think it's somewhere back in this thread as someone had gotten a good closeup of the number on one of them.  OTOH it might have been on one of the other forums.  I think it was a KBPC and probably KBPC608 or 606 or somewhere in that vicinity. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 28, 2011, 02:38:04 PM
Hi Scratchrobot

You know when an iron core gets magnetized, and polarized, by a motor coil wrapped around it when it does its pulse, the iron core doesnt suddenly all by itself return to a neutral state, or "default" state of polarity - -  as it will "stay" that polarity it just was induced to, when it was energized by the motor pulse..
So, when next magent comes up, it will clash with that polarity and will want to run backwards (backemf forces or lenz effect in motor coil you could call it) - if your motor runs attracive, then rotor magnet will want to pull back, if it runs repulsive, it rotor magnet will knock itself backwards to the same polarity core...
In ORBO motor it works exacly as you described, the core pulls rotor magnet to it and the torroid coils neutralize the core, and the roto rmagnet passes by un hindered...
Anyways that is sort of what regauaging/helper magnet does on back of motor coils in a Bdidni or Adams motor and should be doing on back of gernator coils too in the romeor rigs - it causes the polarity flip to happen very quick so the rotor magnet wants to pass by unhindered by any pull back or clashing magneic forces.... "regauging" the core they call it.
that is good and interesting point to have the motor coil pulse occur exaclty at TDC even though this might not be the highest rpms or anything sort of like the null-zone so no advantage spinnnging one way or other but still the core will be energized one way or other by how you wind those coils around it and which way current goes through so still you will have problems with the core staying in its "induced polarity" when it would beneift the rtoation of motor to be oppostie at certain times in rotation...Bedini has a sliding magnet bhind his motor cores in his motor-patent...maybe Adams figured to do same thing somehow too but it wasnt in his early dcouments...I found I get half the draw with a magnet behind the motor coil's core and your video shows similart thingtoo in the speed up you get but anyways thats "why" you get speed up - the magnet teetertotters the core so it flips right over jsut when it should
I think you know all this anyways...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 28, 2011, 03:24:14 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 28, 2011, 02:38:04 PM
Hi Scratchrobot

You know when an iron core gets magnetized, and polarized, by a motor coil wrapped around it when it does its pulse, the iron core doesnt suddenly all by itself return to a neutral state, or "default" state of polarity - -  as it will "stay" that polarity it just was induced to, when it was energized by the motor pulse..
So, when next magent comes up, it will clash with that polarity and will want to run backwards (backemf forces or lenz effect in motor coil you could call it) - if your motor runs attracive, then rotor magnet will want to pull back, if it runs repulsive, it rotor magnet will knock itself backwards to the same polarity core...
In ORBO motor it works exacly as you described, the core pulls rotor magnet to it and the torroid coils neutralize the core, and the roto rmagnet passes by un hindered...
Anyways that is sort of what regauaging/helper magnet does on back of motor coils in a Bdidni or Adams motor and should be doing on back of gernator coils too in the romeor rigs - it causes the polarity flip to happen very quick so the rotor magnet wants to pass by unhindered by any pull back or clashing magneic forces.... "regauging" the core they call it.
that is good and interesting point to have the motor coil pulse occur exaclty at TDC even though this might not be the highest rpms or anything sort of like the null-zone so no advantage spinnnging one way or other but still the core will be energized one way or other by how you wind those coils around it and which way current goes through so still you will have problems with the core staying in its "induced polarity" when it would beneift the rtoation of motor to be oppostie at certain times in rotation...Bedini has a sliding magnet bhind his motor cores in his motor-patent...maybe Adams figured to do same thing somehow too but it wasnt in his early dcouments...I found I get half the draw with a magnet behind the motor coil's core and your video shows similart thingtoo in the speed up you get but anyways thats "why" you get speed up - the magnet teetertotters the core so it flips right over jsut when it should
I think you know all this anyways...

Thank you very much for the nice explanation, I did not know this, thanks to you guys I know more every day. I really appreciate it  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on June 28, 2011, 03:30:35 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 28, 2011, 01:09:10 PM
Note RomeroUK left a comment 1 hour ago on this video saying: "Hi,
Do you get any difference like amp increasing from the source while the output goes up or down?I cannot really see it from the video, too small...
If it is stable enough then you are close to one of the effects I had in my setup.
When you find the best spot get a magnet and play with it arround and watch the meter.

Best regards,
His user name listed RomeroUK on youtube so he's our Romero ;)   Sounds like a good hint here...

BTW does anyone know who diveflyfish is?  His work in the vids are impressive although I wish he'd leave the music off when talking.  If he's not on here maybe we should invite him here?  (I do see some hints of a cleaned up IST though - hehe - music blaring, types in all CAPS.)

Thanks for pointing that comment out.

About the FWBR, if it was the KBPC608 Romero used then it was really oversized!! Why would he use 7 BIG FWBR's and also put 28 diodes parallel to them?

Type:   KBPC 608
E(AS):   6
I(F (AV)):   6 A
I(FSM 50 Hz):   100 A
I(FSM 60 Hz):   109 A
I(RRM):   10 µA
U(FM):   1 V
U(RRM):   800 V
T(C):   50 °C

I really think/hope the FWBR is doing more than rectifying, big thanks to diveflyfish for pointing that out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on June 28, 2011, 04:09:10 PM
Quote from: d@rkenergy on June 28, 2011, 06:52:02 AM
A friend of mine told me yesterday:
Do not try this works!

If you make a machine that produces the free energy, can distort the balance of energy in the universe. and as a result can be a very big disaster ... is this true? :o :o :o

you may ask your question to this man:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 28, 2011, 04:43:36 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 28, 2011, 02:09:05 PM
lol ...  I think your friend is thinking about a device that truly creates energy rather than what most people here are aiming for which is tapping unseen or unknown and less understood energy sources.  I'd leave those concerns more to those who have equipment like the Haldron super collider.

Most people will never have a problem unless you go over 10-15 Kw's in small aperture creates a partial black hole. Time itself becomes fluid like in visible compression rings around the device while anti-gravity effects noted. The TPU was just beginning to exhibit some of the effects as gravity anomalies first can be felt around 1000w.  Sweet VTA device left the bench "air borne" and got covered in thick ice when accidentally shorted followed by a supersonic compression wave that shook the entire apt block.

Anyway you got better things to worry about yet like getting the muller to work. The effects are not unknown nor less understood its on a need to know basis:)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 28, 2011, 05:39:21 PM
regarding the soldering of specific wires in a litz wire. Just a hunch that the direction of the current might not be the same in all vires. Maybe it would be wise to measure this and connect them accordingly.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MT on June 28, 2011, 06:46:53 PM
Hi guys,
first of all, thanks to all contributors trying to replicate. You are all so much ahead, I always wonder where you can find free time to work on this.

I just barely finished the mechanical part of the motor. My motor is from HDF, HDD bearing, 5 magnets on rotor, 6 coils planned. But now I'm sort of blocked and need help to make a simple circuit using IRF840 and H501 unipolar sensor to drive the motor. I think this subject was already discussed but I cannot find anything using IRF840. Can you help me here please?

with kind regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: 4Tesla on June 28, 2011, 07:06:28 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on June 28, 2011, 01:19:55 AM
here's the bearings we need http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R4QQmCY4JU&feature=feedrec_grec_index

Those are some very cool frictionless bearings!  Do you know where to buy.. can't find via Google.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 28, 2011, 07:39:45 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: fleubis on June 28, 2011, 08:38:13 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on June 28, 2011, 11:41:49 AM
magnetic bearing ...

2 coil /24v = 230v


Sure would be nice to get some pricing on those mag bearings for say a 1/2" shaft ........
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 29, 2011, 12:09:30 AM
Hey MT
The IRF840 mosfet is an NPN type, not a PNP type
make sure your 501 hall effect will match up with it I dont know if it will or not

the 4421 driver works good with that IRF840 mosfet...heres how to hook it up going by the pin numbers:

1: postiive power in (say 9V battery)
2: 10K resistor to #3 leg of hall effect
3: leave blank
4: ground
5: ground
6 and 7 combined : 20ohm resistor going to GATE of mosfet
8: positive power in

leg #1 is its positive power feed (same 9V battery or whatever you want to use but dont go over 18V)
leg #2 is ground and it shares ground with ground of 4421 driver and the power feed too (9V battery or whatever)
leg #3 connects to pin#2 of 4221 driver through that 10K resistor
Also you will need a 22K resistor across leg #1 and leg#3  of halleffect too

1/4 watt size resistors work good

Optional is a  35V 4.7uf DC type cap across the driver's pos and neg, and also paralell this with a .1uf non-polarized cap too to protect the driver a bit better....

BE sure to connect ground of 4421 driver to the SOURCE lead of mosfet

put a 10K resistor across the gate and source of the 840 mosfet too, to make sure it turns off OK
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MT on June 29, 2011, 02:29:34 AM

Thanks a lot for fast reponse! I tried to draw it, is this how you meant it?
Anyways since I would need to order the 4421 anyway I better order directly the TIP PNP transistor that everybody uses and circuit is much simpler.

Also the driver 4421 is not easy to buy here in nederlands. I'm suprised conrad shop does not have it.

kind regards,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: aircore on June 29, 2011, 07:35:17 AM
I think we really should calm down now,
    RomeroUK from May 5 release of his unit so far, Many people tried a variety of methods, But: no one reproduction successfully.
    RomeroUK revealed to us in accordance with the data, Should be very detailed, He explains that he provides is complete data. RomeroUK did not say“I also keep the details of the key did not tell you”, Of course: He totally has the right to say so. But: He did not say, He clearly shows: He told us the complete data.
    If he provided the data is complete, We are so many people reproduction, At least there should be a person's success, But, in fact: We do not have a success!

    What does this mean?
    ----- RomeroUK device is really doubtful authenticity!
    We now use the“coil short”, Also used the“Bi-wire coil”,Also used many other means of,But we do not get good results, Of course, this is normal, Because the RM did not explain his use of these methods, From his video where he can not see the use of these methods. So our efforts are in vain.

Next, how do you think we should? There continues to possible?

We really had deified RomeroUK.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 29, 2011, 08:44:27 AM
Has anyone tried to see if their bifi coils have resonant freq? Harmonics there of?

Maybe my thoughts and ideas are not worth anything.

But the fact that spacing of the rotor, more than minimum, should be a good clue. We all know that more space in typical, means less output.

I have started a simple setup last night to test this. Im using a bifi coil that I made a couple years ago, 2 strand, that I had to modify for a ferrite core. Will be working on it tonight.  I put other things aside as I feel this is important enough to do so.  ;]
My coil is larger than recommended, size, inductance and ohms, but it should not matter to find what im looking for.

As for Romero not giving all details, I find that the bifi so far was the only thing held back as of late. ;]

On the bias mags, the washer. If you test, or look into it, the washer should almost negate most of the bias mags field to the coil. More of a mushrooming of the pole field, allowing the field an easy path back to the opposite pole.

So I see the bias mags effect as fairly weak, as compared to without the washer.  Not that it is part of any magic. But it is a field shaper.

If im correct with the bifi, the muller design with coils on each side of the rotor are not necessary.

Back later

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MasterPlaster on June 29, 2011, 08:46:49 AM
Quote from: aircore on June 29, 2011, 07:35:17 AM

Next, how do you think we should? There continues to possible?

We really had deified RomeroUK.

Stop following each other and the blind should not lead the blind.
There will be no help from RomeroUK. In fact anything he tells you must be treated with suspicion.
Ask yourself: this guy was scared shitless at some point and then he turned up here to help you again? How did he suddenly learn to become brave?
May be there are two Romeros, the coward one and a fake one.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 29, 2011, 08:58:58 AM
Quote from: MasterPlaster on June 29, 2011, 08:46:49 AM

Ask yourself: this guy was scared shitless at some point and then he turned up here to help you again? How did he suddenly learn to become brave?
May be there are two Romeros, the coward one and a fake one.

That's why I earlier raised his trustworthyness.

Don't get me wrong, I still believe he has found something.
But, he realized that he probably would like to keep that for himself, rather that open source the whole lot of it.
His later behaviour (after he showed looping) indicates that in my view.
(remember him mentioning making a BIG MISTAKE, probably meaning showing his findings in public via YouTube and OU once he realized what he had achieved).
Some members are being used to divert us from the real thing, some of those don't even realize this and think what they evangelize is the ultimate way to go since they are being praised by RomeroUK for their "knowledge".

That's why I advised to stick to the basic concept earlier.
There are many variables not being tried yet in the basic concept.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on June 29, 2011, 09:59:40 AM
@Webby one . Your work on motors sounds very interesting . But to fully understand what you are doing we need a lot more info .
1  What type of motors are you working with , I assume , DC brush type motors ,Though I could be wrong
2  Which part of the motor are you rewinding ? is this the armature [rotating part }?
3 In your second post you seem to be using the modified motor as a generator , being driven by another [unmodified ?] motor .If this is true , you need to provide a load for the generator , and measure the volts and amps whilst loaded . A suitable load could be a resistor having a similar resistance to that of the generator . Also , what is the input volts and amps of the motor driving the loaded generator .
     Your work could be very important given this extra info .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 29, 2011, 10:24:31 AM
Quote from: aircore on June 29, 2011, 07:35:17 AM
I think we really should calm down now,
    RomeroUK from May 5 release of his unit so far, Many people tried a variety of methods, But: no one reproduction successfully.
    RomeroUK revealed to us in accordance with the data, Should be very detailed, He explains that he provides is complete data. RomeroUK did not say“I also keep the details of the key did not tell you”, Of course: He totally has the right to say so. But: He did not say, He clearly shows: He told us the complete data.
    If he provided the data is complete, We are so many people reproduction, At least there should be a person's success, But, in fact: We do not have a success!

    What does this mean?
    ----- RomeroUK device is really doubtful authenticity!
    We now use the“coil short”, Also used the“Bi-wire coil”,Also used many other means of,But we do not get good results, Of course, this is normal, Because the RM did not explain his use of these methods, From his video where he can not see the use of these methods. So our efforts are in vain.

Next, how do you think we should? There continues to possible?

We really had deified RomeroUK.

Not sure why you use "we". I personally only got to the part to buy magnets and wires :). One of these days i will buy an osciloscope and build an efficient dynamo. Put it in a windturbine and get a few watts out of it. I value a lot what i read in this thread, lots of practical good advices. Keep on rolling.
I'm sorry you did not get rich by just reading the forums. Nobody handed you a ready to use device.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on June 29, 2011, 11:02:13 AM
Quote from: Tudi on June 29, 2011, 10:24:31 AM
Not sure why you use "we". I personally only got to the part to buy magnets and wires :). One of these days i will buy an osciloscope and build an efficient dynamo. Put it in a windturbine and get a few watts out of it. I value a lot what i read in this thread, lots of practical good advices. Keep on rolling.
I'm sorry you did not get rich by just reading the forums. Nobody handed you a ready to use device.

But that is what it started out as!!!  Only days later did it turn out that the "KEY" was missing.

I am willing to be included in the 'we'.  And neither of us are in it to get rich so your put down is just that.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on June 29, 2011, 12:58:23 PM
Quote from: MasterPlaster on June 29, 2011, 12:16:24 PM
I never thought I'd get to see the real machine again!

Nah - that's a fake - the real one's on a GARDEN table!!!  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 29, 2011, 01:03:25 PM
Quote from: MasterPlaster on June 29, 2011, 08:46:49 AM
Stop following each other and the blind should not lead the blind.
There will be no help from RomeroUK. In fact anything he tells you must be treated with suspicion.
Ask yourself: this guy was scared shitless at some point and then he turned up here to help you again? How did he suddenly learn to become brave?
May be there are two Romeros, the coward one and a fake one.

Not saying that you are making the claim of 2 Romeros.
But he did confirm that the coils were bifi once I stated that it was the only way to increase the capacitance of the coils without adding caps. All this after the visit.
So I doubt an impersonator with an agenda would give that info.
Also, if it were an impersonator, I believe we would hear a lot more from him here, not so sparse. ;]

And then there is the latest pic shown of the coils with more than 3 leads. That is solid enough for me.  ;]

Romero rarely responded to my posts, probably because I stated a couple times about increasing the space between the rotor and coils to get rid of, or lower, lenz effect. But we did not know of the bifi. So I wasnt wrong in questioning him, I was just ignorant to some facts that nobody knew at the time, only Romero.  Im cool with that, but he just may not like me for my comments. I wasnt being mean or anything about it. Such is life.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 29, 2011, 01:20:11 PM
Hey MT

looks good the driver and the hall are right...I  actually have seperate power supply for the driver and hall power supply and will use a 9v battery for that when first testing it, later on there is a small aircoil in the stator plates sandwiched between generator coils that is rectified goes into small cap and supplies the power for all the switching components...so anyways the .1uf AC cap and 4.7uf DC cap go across the driver, not "so much" the mosfet way over on right.
Also I like to use bidirectional-mosfets, where you hook two of them up via gate to gate and source to source, and then the swtiching occurs through the two drains that way.  Seems like much better backemf/reocil recovery that way.
Backemf/recoil recovery is done by simply putting AC legs of FWBR on each of drain lead of the two mosfets....at 12V input you will be having near 300V in small size cap in a few seconds. you cna use single diode for this too.
put this cap  into load when coils are disconnected from this cap (two stage output circuit) and it wont affect draw to motor at all.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 29, 2011, 01:52:34 PM
One thing I cant understand is how Romero just seems to plop all the power rectified from the generator coils straight into that DC RUN cap, and it took off to high speed and rpms skyrocketed, then he went with the DC to DC convertor and it controlled the runaway and it self ran.
ALWAYS when I put power form generator coils into cap, then try to run it back into the motor coils "directly", it lugs motor UNLESS you make circuit where caps filled up by generator coils is DISCONNECTED FRON GENERATOR COILS WHENEVER THE CAPS HIT THE LOAD....(load being the motor coil switching and the motor coils)
Romero was saying there is "one more componnent"
How about a three-lead reed switch ! (or solid state equivalent) , this is common simple way to disconnect cap from "source" whenever cap hits load.

also this throws out the window, all the testing right now being done with the coils going directly into a load or continuous-shorted-condition, hoping to make a good speed up under load,
since in the "two stage" output circuit (cap disconnected form source when cap hits load) , all that the coils will EVER do is fill up a cap to the voltage you need to run the motor coils....
the genrator coils never see the resistive load, they only see the capacitor...
and the capacitor NEVER is connected to the coils and the load at same time.

Anyways I know with "coil-shorting" circuits, (shorting coils for just a blip at sinewave peaks) you MUST have this two-stage output circuit,
and also with backemf recoil recovery, you MUST disconnect the recovery-cap from the coils when it hits a load or else eveythign jsut backs up and whatever you take out makes more draw at input side...

But if cap is disconnected from coils you get a good GAIN and no "lenz lug" except for the filling of the capacitor in first place.
So first thing is  find minimum size cap that "keeps" your motor running.

Say for example, this "RUN" cap is being pulsed once per revolution from the battery or power supply - that is first step to do.....
then now you know this is the size cap you need to keep motor looped,....with me its a 2000uf DC cap (pulsed once a revolution of motor from 12V battery and I have 8 pulses per revolution of motor too) ,

probably to do a looper you will want to fill first another "collector" cap that gets up to around twice the voltage of the RUN cap itslef and dump it into the run cap (AKA cap "bucket brigade" method- dumping one cap into another)...

some people say this is "power loss" dumping one cap to another but compared to lenz-loss its not anything to worry about eh!...also its not really power loss its voltage-transfer with some loss being only the resistance of the caps is the only loss.....it cant be a power loss until the "end" since there is no resistance applied until the final RUN cap dumps into the motor coils and the motor coil swtiching.
what it is is that you want to isolate the power made from the gernator coils from the gernator coils themselves when they run the motor so there  is no "reflection" or step up in input draw.

And the "load" you want to be testing on your genrator coils is not a certain lump resisitve load, or a shorted condition, but rather your generator coils filling a cap up to twice the voltage of your run cap wihtin a certain amount of time (such as the time of one revoltuion of motor)
the run cap probably around 2000uf or so I bet on most of your rigs since mine is similar but half the size with only 4 rotor magnets
the "collector cap" should be a little more more uf vlaue than the run cap so for 2000uf run cap, then itts maybe 2200uf collector cap...jsut to cover losses of one cap into the other.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 29, 2011, 02:00:31 PM
He's using harmonics I just know it, Iv been so busy havent had the time but I will eventually, if you find the resonance of your coils and adjust your rotor speed to get the resonance tune to load, then drop your rotor speed down to a lower harmonic of the found frequency this will seperate the driver from the generator allowing the generator to go into ou,
but if you just run balls to the wall you will never get ou
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 29, 2011, 02:07:38 PM
when you find the resonance of the coils what happens, your finding the max output of the coil so how can it ever go ou   it wont but if you drop to a lower harmonic it lessons your input and allows the coils to ring into the higher frequency, this is the way to ou.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on June 29, 2011, 02:26:05 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 29, 2011, 01:52:34 PM
One thing I cant understand is how Romero just seems to plop all the power rectified from the generator coils straight into that DC RUN cap, and it took off to high speed and rpms skyrocketed, then he went with the DC to DC convertor and it controlled the runaway and it self ran.
ALWAYS when I put power form generator coils into cap, then try to run it back into the motor coils "directly", it lugs motor UNLESS you make circuit where caps filled up by generator coils is DISCONNECTED FRON GENERATOR COILS WHENEVER THE CAPS HIT THE LOAD....(load being the motor coil switching and the motor coils)
Romero was saying there is "one more componnent"
How about a three-lead reed switch ! (or solid state equivalent) , this is common simple way to disconnect cap from "source" whenever cap hits load.


And the "load" you want to be testing on your genrator coils is not a certain lump resisitve load, or a shorted condition, but rather your generator coils filling a cap up to twice the voltage of your run cap wihtin a certain amount of time (such as the time of one revoltuion of motor)
the run cap probably around 2000uf or so I bet on most of your rigs since mine is similar but half the size with only 4 rotor magnets
the "collector cap" should be a little more more uf vlaue than the run cap so for 2000uf run cap, then itts maybe 2200uf collector cap...jsut to cover losses of one cap into the other.

The buffer cap could be pre-charged before connecting.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 29, 2011, 02:36:42 PM

Good questions about the output load takeoff. But if you use a DC-DC converter that is pulling a constant current from the output capacitor, that could be looked at as a constant load that could be tuned for (maybe). If the device is tuned to work when the output capacitor voltage is held at some constant value, then adding the DC-DC converter could be another way of isolating the load from the output.


New motor build is now complete. Am working on a set of test procedures to determine the best way to see a speedup with the new rig. Here are the specs for each.

Drive coils (Blue tape) (each coil)

Wire Size: AWG 20
Turns: 246
Inductance: 1.63 mH
Resistance: 0.93 Ohms

Generator Coils (White Tape) (each coil)

Wire Size: AWG 25
Turns: ~900
Inductance: 15.5 mH
Resistance: 8.5 Ohms

I plan to begin testing the motor this afternoon and evening. Here are some experiments I plan to try:

1. Place generator coils in series canceling configuration and tune to series resonance with bridge rectifier connected and shorted on DC side.

2. Place generator coils in series canceling configuration and tune to parallel resonance with bridge rectifier connected and shorted on DC side.

3. Because the plastic mounts used don't allow me to place magnets directly on the back of the coils, I'm thinking about adding a DC bias to the coils to cancel out the cogging to the ferrite cores to see what effect this may have.

If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions, I'm certainly open.

My first goal is to observe the speedup effect and resonant amplification. I have access to a magnetic current probe (DC-50MHz) so I will be able to accurately measure the current and voltage in the tank circuit at resonance to characterize the behavior.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on June 29, 2011, 04:25:47 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 29, 2011, 01:52:34 PM
One thing I cant understand is how Romero just seems to plop all the power rectified from the generator coils straight into that DC RUN cap, and it took off to high speed and rpms skyrocketed, then he went with the DC to DC convertor and it controlled the runaway and it self ran.
ALWAYS when I put power form generator coils into cap, then try to run it back into the motor coils "directly", it lugs motor


I still think Romero was just using a bridge.
If I remember right he was getting much less  voltage than you are getting.
I remember that he also said you have to tune it many  times..

I am still in  the planning stages for my motor.......so I can't say I really know anything about this motor....but I  have spent years expermenting with JTs so I DO know a thing or 2 about getting power out of a collapsing field.

I would say that Romeros  motor did not lug because his battery voltage was high enough in relation to his coil voltage to be a fairly high impedance load.

I believe  it was you that told someone that  Romeros rotor was probably farther away from the coils than their rotor because he was  getting less voltage.......... I agree and I think he did this to match his coils output voltage to his battery voltage.

Spacing the rotor farther from the core is one way to get the job done but overall power output will go down.
Perhaps a better way would be to increase the  battery voltage ......... I think I would start with a bunch of AAs and start connecting them in series across your bridge....... when  you get enough AAs in series your lugging should stop........then you will know what voltage your coil wants to work at.

Just my 2 cents worth

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on June 29, 2011, 04:43:28 PM
Quote from: Jdo300

3. Because the plastic mounts used don't allow me to place magnets directly on the back of the coils, I'm thinking about adding a DC bias to the coils to cancel out the cogging to the ferrite cores to see what effect this may have.

If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions, I'm certainly open.


Great work ......that is a very nice looking motor.

Adding a DC bias may get the job done but it is another loss of power that will have to be made up for before you have any chance of OU.

Just from looking at the picture it looks to me like your mount could be drilled out to accept magnets of the same diameter as your rotor magnets...... if  you used the  same magnets you would probably need a pretty good space in between the magnet and core.



After thinking about it....... you might  try  just placing a magnet or 2 on top of your mount ...... Normally the biasing magnet should  be quite a bit weaker than the rotor magnets but with the increased distance from the core you could have similar field strengths at the core
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on June 29, 2011, 05:20:18 PM
Quote from: resonanceman on June 29, 2011, 04:43:28 PM

...... Normally the biasing magnet should  be quite a bit weaker than the rotor magnets but with the increased distance from the core you could have similar field strengths at the core

When you say 'normally' what do you mean?

Has this been used before?, is it an idea that is used today, somewhere? other than the romeouk replication.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 29, 2011, 06:40:07 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on June 29, 2011, 02:00:31 PM
He's using harmonics I just know it, Iv been so busy havent had the time but I will eventually, if you find the resonance of your coils and adjust your rotor speed to get the resonance tune to load, then drop your rotor speed down to a lower harmonic of the found frequency this will seperate the driver from the generator allowing the generator to go into ou,
but if you just run balls to the wall you will never get ou

Hey Dave

Im doing some tests tonight with my old bifi.  I never really looked into this before.  The bifi has been a mystery to me for a couple years. Never put 2 and 2 together that the bifi could self oscillate due to the combo of inductance and internal capacitance.  But it all makes perfect sense and Romero confirmed that the coils need capacitance to work here.  Resonance.

In comparison, my freq should be lower than the recommended coils due to larger inductance and possibly capacitance(maybe larger capacitance, has anyone measured a litz bifi?

Will be back later.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 29, 2011, 06:51:39 PM
Hello at all replicators.

i am trying without any success so far regarding all facts about Romero's device. but its only me with my limited skills and imagination.

For a more productive conversation and findings sum up so far, can anyone present with fact and figures:

a) a net energy gain from speeding up coils shorted or under load
b) any gain in terms of power increase / added lenz drag by the use of the biasing magnets?

Also, what is peculiar is that Romero tried hundred times at finetuning his motor.
I put myself in his shoes. What will it made me at trying hundred times at doing that? Only if i had noticed a "pattern" or a peculiarity that need extensive balancing in order to get it right.

Unfortunatelly i have not perceived anything like that.
I really hope he will come and give some practical goal oriented info in order to make that concept to work.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 29, 2011, 08:24:27 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 29, 2011, 08:46:33 PM
I just happened to find a thread on EF with a post by armagdn03, that might explain the effect some had with shorting a coil.
Basically, it is related to parametric change of an inductor, to produce extra energy.
It is post #18 here:

Might give you ideas...  ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 29, 2011, 08:48:59 PM
Quote from: konehead on June 29, 2011, 01:52:34 PM
One thing I cant understand is how Romero just seems to plop all the power rectified from the generator coils straight into that DC RUN cap, and it took off to high speed and rpms skyrocketed, then he went with the DC to DC convertor and it controlled the runaway and it self ran.
ALWAYS when I put power form generator coils into cap, then try to run it back into the motor coils "directly", it lugs motor UNLESS you make circuit where caps filled up by generator coils is DISCONNECTED FRON GENERATOR COILS WHENEVER THE CAPS HIT THE LOAD....(load being the motor coil switching and the motor coils)
Romero was saying there is "one more componnent"
How about a three-lead reed switch ! (or solid state equivalent) , this is common simple way to disconnect cap from "source" whenever cap hits load.

also this throws out the window, all the testing right now being done with the coils going directly into a load or continuous-shorted-condition, hoping to make a good speed up under load,
since in the "two stage" output circuit (cap disconnected form source when cap hits load) , all that the coils will EVER do is fill up a cap to the voltage you need to run the motor coils....
the genrator coils never see the resistive load, they only see the capacitor...
and the capacitor NEVER is connected to the coils and the load at same time.

Anyways I know with "coil-shorting" circuits, (shorting coils for just a blip at sinewave peaks) you MUST have this two-stage output circuit,
and also with backemf recoil recovery, you MUST disconnect the recovery-cap from the coils when it hits a load or else eveythign jsut backs up and whatever you take out makes more draw at input side...

But if cap is disconnected from coils you get a good GAIN and no "lenz lug" except for the filling of the capacitor in first place.
So first thing is  find minimum size cap that "keeps" your motor running.

Say for example, this "RUN" cap is being pulsed once per revolution from the battery or power supply - that is first step to do.....
then now you know this is the size cap you need to keep motor looped,....with me its a 2000uf DC cap (pulsed once a revolution of motor from 12V battery and I have 8 pulses per revolution of motor too) ,

probably to do a looper you will want to fill first another "collector" cap that gets up to around twice the voltage of the RUN cap itslef and dump it into the run cap (AKA cap "bucket brigade" method- dumping one cap into another)...

some people say this is "power loss" dumping one cap to another but compared to lenz-loss its not anything to worry about eh!...also its not really power loss its voltage-transfer with some loss being only the resistance of the caps is the only loss.....it cant be a power loss until the "end" since there is no resistance applied until the final RUN cap dumps into the motor coils and the motor coil swtiching.
what it is is that you want to isolate the power made from the gernator coils from the gernator coils themselves when they run the motor so there  is no "reflection" or step up in input draw.

And the "load" you want to be testing on your genrator coils is not a certain lump resisitve load, or a shorted condition, but rather your generator coils filling a cap up to twice the voltage of your run cap wihtin a certain amount of time (such as the time of one revoltuion of motor)
the run cap probably around 2000uf or so I bet on most of your rigs since mine is similar but half the size with only 4 rotor magnets
the "collector cap" should be a little more more uf vlaue than the run cap so for 2000uf run cap, then itts maybe 2200uf collector cap...jsut to cover losses of one cap into the other.

hey kone,  my first thought as I was skimming your post is just the same as JDo300 said about DC-DC converters.  Not sure if you have one like the ones I've mentioned here as I think you are usually working with higher power and higher voltage units but the good ones I'm seeing on eBay lately are very nice and INEXPENSIVE for what they do.  Like from about $5 to $10 and that includes shipping and usually 3 Amps capability.  I've even seen some US based sellers in that range.  Most have adjustable input and adjustable output over quite a range.  Examples:
- http://cgi.ebay.com/DC-DC-Stepdown-Converter-Module-4-5-30V-OUT-1-25-26V-/270772752541?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f0b50509d
- http://cgi.ebay.com/DC-DC-Converter-Step-Down-Switching-Power-Supply-Module-/280676745772?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4159a3422c
- http://cgi.ebay.com/DC-DC-Converter-Board-Voltage-Regulator-Stepdown-Module-/230631229697?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35b2b14901

Just drop one on a 12 volt battery and you'll even have isolation from ground like I mentioned a couple pages back and bolt followed that message with a confirmation of it being likely an important thing with this.  I know I'm not nearly up to speed on all this as many here but I often recall tidbits of info I think are important and so pass them along in hopes it can help. 

Anyone know where one can find plastic washers with reasonable shipping?  I want to build my own coil forms.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 29, 2011, 09:11:10 PM
notice Ramero's rotor runs at 1200 rpm (frequency) but his coils frequency is 2400 so by running his rotor at 1200 rpm he's droping down to a lower harmonic but his coils are still reaching 2400 because that is thier resonant frequency, by doing this he is inputting less and getting out more.
You have to find the resonant frequency of your coils and then drop down to a lower harmonic of that frequency.

Using a function generator and a scope u should be able to find the frequencys that you need.

I believe that this is one of the tricks that he is using along with the magnet biasing and coil shorting its a combination of effects.

He evidently is a very patient and observant and smart.

I have only been at this for a very short while, hell I barely know the difference between a diode and a transistor and I dont do the math, you people blow me away with what you know, but I feel you are on the inside looking out and Im on the outside looking in. Hope I can help, if this doesnt make sence just ignore my rants.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on June 29, 2011, 09:26:52 PM
New Thane's video / demonstration :

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 29, 2011, 09:32:36 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on June 29, 2011, 09:11:10 PM
notice Ramero's rotor runs at 1200 rpm (frequency) but his coils frequency is 2400 so by running his rotor at 1200 rpm he's droping down to a lower harmonic but his coils are still reaching 2400 because that is thier resonant frequency, by doing this he is inputting less and getting out more.
You have to find the resonant frequency of your coils and then drop down to a lower harmonic of that frequency.

Using a function generator and a scope u should be able to find the frequencys that you need.

I believe that this is one of the tricks that he is using along with the magnet biasing and coil shorting its a combination of effects.

He evidently is a very patient and observant and smart.

I have only been at this for a very short while, hell I barely know the difference between a diode and a transistor and I dont do the math, you people blow me away with what you know, but I feel you are on the inside looking out and Im on the outside looking in. Hope I can help, if this doesnt make sence just ignore my rants.


Really?  2400hz on the coil?   hmm  I cant picture it.

1200 rpm x 8 mags = 9600 pulses per min per coil.  Then   9600 pulses per min/60seconds is 160hz.

Now there is the space, the flat spot in the waveform. If we cut that out and just measured the 1 cycle, I can see it maybe 2 times 160hz, maybe, but 2400hz?  Is there a link in this thread that states this?  I never seen it.

Thanks Dave

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 29, 2011, 09:41:51 PM
cool video ,  so if the high voltage coil (regenerative coil) stores energy inside couldnt we wrap the coil with Mylar in between the windings and increase its capacitance

is this what Lasersabre did with his coils
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Bruce_TPU on June 29, 2011, 09:46:37 PM
Hello ALL,

I have just this evening, returned from my journey.  I had the privilege of visiting Coral Castle, and speaking with someone who knew Ed.  I have a myriad of photos and some interesting new "items" to put out there, but will do that in another thread, within the next few days!  Also working on my TPU!

Let's talk "strands"....(litz)  Funny, how I mentioned this over 200 pages ago (and in the last few pages of my thread) and it has come up again. 

Penno and all, how many turns did Romero say he had on his bobbin?  Over 300 turns.  Everyone's comment was, "he is mistaken, that many turns can't fit!"  Wrong!  As I explained in my thread, before Romero ever had his device working, as I explored the statement's of Steven Mark, about parallel wires, you can take litz wires and wire them in series or parallel.  The "potential" (total wattage) will not change, but wired in series you end up with MUCH HIGHER VOLTAGE.  And I think a few of you were wondering "how" Romero achieved this.

In the experiments presented by Slider (yes, I have been reading while on my journeys...) and spoken of by Penno, what they are calling a "bifilar" wound, is what I call "series" wound.  Some are in parallel but some are in series.  Let's assume that your 7 strands gives you just over 100 turns on your bobbin.  Now, let's say you connect the wires, 123 ends to start of 4567, you now have 200 turns and have doubled your inductance (air core, then adding inductance of ferrite core)but raised your resistance.  Inductance trumps resistance for wanting higher voltage.  Now, let's go with Romero's winding, of say 300 turns, then to achieve that, please do the following, and you too will end up with MUCH higher voltage (lower current.  Current causes LENZ, NOT voltage).

Wires are (a) for start and (b) for end...  Take wires 1a and 2a, and connect together.  This will go to your FWBR.  Take 1b and 2b and connect to 3a and 4a.  Connect all four together.  Next take 3b and 4b and connect to 5a, 6a, 7a.  Connect all 5 wire ends together.  Next take wires 5b, 6b, 7b and connect to other side of FWBR.  Now you have 300 turns and MUCH higher voltage!   ;)

Hope that helps ya'll.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 29, 2011, 10:04:25 PM
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on June 29, 2011, 09:46:37 PM
Hello ALL,

I have just this evening, returned from my journey.  I had the privilege of visiting Coral Castle, and speaking with someone who knew Ed.  I have a myriad of photos and some interesting new "items" to put out there, but will do that in another thread, within the next few days!  Also working on my TPU!

Let's talk "strands"....(litz)  Funny, how I mentioned this over 200 pages ago (and in the last few pages of my thread) and it has come up again. 

Penno and all, how many turns did Romero say he had on his bobbin?  Over 300 turns.  Everyone's comment was, "he is mistaken, that many turns can't fit!"  Wrong!  As I explained in my thread, before Romero ever had his device working, as I explored the statement's of Steven Mark, about parallel wires, you can take litz wires and wire them in series or parallel.  The "potential" (total wattage) will not change, but wired in series you end up with MUCH HIGHER VOLTAGE.  And I think a few of you were wondering "how" Romero achieved this.

In the experiments presented by Slider (yes, I have been reading while on my journeys...) and spoken of by Penno, what they are calling a "bifilar" wound, is what I call "series" wound.  Some are in parallel but some are in series.  Let's assume that your 7 strands gives you just over 100 turns on your bobbin.  Now, let's say you connect the wires, 123 ends to start of 4567, you now have 200 turns and have doubled your inductance (air core, then adding inductance of ferrite core)but raised your resistance.  Inductance trumps resistance for wanting higher voltage.  Now, let's go with Romero's winding, of say 300 turns, then to achieve that, please do the following, and you too will end up with MUCH higher voltage (lower current.  Current causes LENZ, NOT voltage).

Wires are (a) for start and (b) for end...  Take wires 1a and 2a, and connect together.  This will go to your FWBR.  Take 1b and 2b and connect to 3a and 4a.  Connect all four together.  Next take 3b and 4b and connect to 5a, 6a, 7a.  Connect all 5 wire ends together.  Next take wires 5b, 6b, 7b and connect to other side of FWBR.  Now you have 300 turns and MUCH higher voltage!   ;)

Hope that helps ya'll.



But no mention of increased capacitance?  Romero said we needed to increase the capacitance. He stated that we could just use regular coils and add a cap.  But he also stated that we could get it by having the coil in a different configuration. ;]  bifi. I stated that and he confirmed it. If anyone should know, its Romero. He had the working model.

here is my post on the 14th


And here is Romeros post just after mine


So why is the capacitance not important Bruce?  I think its key.  So says Romero.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 29, 2011, 10:29:41 PM
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on June 29, 2011, 09:46:37 PM
Hello ALL,

I have just this evening, returned from my journey.  I had the privilege of visiting Coral Castle, and speaking with someone who knew Ed.  I have a myriad of photos and some interesting new "items" to put out there, but will do that in another thread, within the next few days!  Also working on my TPU!

Let's talk "strands"....(litz)  Funny, how I mentioned this over 200 pages ago (and in the last few pages of my thread) and it has come up again. 

Penno and all, how many turns did Romero say he had on his bobbin?  Over 300 turns.  Everyone's comment was, "he is mistaken, that many turns can't fit!"  Wrong!  As I explained in my thread, before Romero ever had his device working, as I explored the statement's of Steven Mark, about parallel wires, you can take litz wires and wire them in series or parallel.  The "potential" (total wattage) will not change, but wired in series you end up with MUCH HIGHER VOLTAGE.  And I think a few of you were wondering "how" Romero achieved this.

In the experiments presented by Slider (yes, I have been reading while on my journeys...) and spoken of by Penno, what they are calling a "bifilar" wound, is what I call "series" wound.  Some are in parallel but some are in series.  Let's assume that your 7 strands gives you just over 100 turns on your bobbin.  Now, let's say you connect the wires, 123 ends to start of 4567, you now have 200 turns and have doubled your inductance (air core, then adding inductance of ferrite core)but raised your resistance.  Inductance trumps resistance for wanting higher voltage.  Now, let's go with Romero's winding, of say 300 turns, then to achieve that, please do the following, and you too will end up with MUCH higher voltage (lower current.  Current causes LENZ, NOT voltage).

Wires are (a) for start and (b) for end...  Take wires 1a and 2a, and connect together.  This will go to your FWBR.  Take 1b and 2b and connect to 3a and 4a.  Connect all four together.  Next take 3b and 4b and connect to 5a, 6a, 7a.  Connect all 5 wire ends together.  Next take wires 5b, 6b, 7b and connect to other side of FWBR.  Now you have 300 turns and MUCH higher voltage!   ;)

Hope that helps ya'll.



Funny that is exactly what I was thinking after watching the video tanakat just posted here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1weXYivARo  from ThaneCHines and his talk about Lenz and voltage and current all lead me to the conclusion that what you just said Bruce is very important.  I do know it's been discussed before and some have been leaning this direction in the last couple days since Slider shared his demo but I think it just really sunk into my own head after seeing Thane explain things about Lenz in that video.  I think this is definitely an IMPORTANT part of getting this to OU.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 29, 2011, 10:43:33 PM
Mags,  R didn't use caps on his looped setup did he?  Other than the big one on the output.  So wasn't he saying this is just another way to get the effect or maybe enhance it?  I think it may be just yet another way to get around the problem of Lenz.  Litz or Lenz - what's it gonna' be?  You can't have both - hehe     

Just had to say that that way so now maybe I'll remember it  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 29, 2011, 10:52:26 PM
hmm  I just posted this.  here it is again.....   ;]

Read it again, if you havnt already and tell me what you think.  ;]

here is my post on the 14th


And here is Romeros post just after mine



edited to correct link.  I must have copied the wrong link from the quote in my post.  sorry   ;]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 29, 2011, 11:01:27 PM
Sorry  one of my links on the previous post was not correct.

here is a repost.

here is my post on the 14th


And here is Romeros post just after mine


I must have copied the quote link within my post.  Sorry  ;]

   edit     I corrected my previous post also
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 29, 2011, 11:35:31 PM
Not trying to get off topic here but the Thains video bring up some interesting concepts as far as capacitance of a coil,

In Lasersaber's video of the Stublefield coil I think everyone thought that there was a galvanic reaction going on but since the copper is coated with insulation I don't think that's probable, I think that the cotton and water is increasing the capacitance using the water as a dielectric

Using a noncorrosive dielectric this configuration could be utilized to make a very high capacitance coil, with of course the trifilar windings.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 29, 2011, 11:44:51 PM
Another excellent video to watch titled "Old Energy Paradigm vs New Energy Paradigm" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3gVfltiO-E&feature=related

Thane has definitely taken this concept of speeding up a generator when it is under load and clearly shows it here as well as an explanation of how this is beating Lenz to a bloody pulp :D

In his diagrams showing conventional versus the Lenz beater you can see the only difference appears to be more turns in the Lenz defeating setup which he calls 'regenerative acceleration'.  I think his explanation may involve a bit more but I'm sure this supports the direction we are going with winding the coils bifilar or as Bruce_TPU mentioned to get higher voltage and lower current.  I'd say this is why Romerouk wired the 7 pairs all in parallel so as to get the current back up while keeping the same higher voltage obtained with the special Litz wiring mentioned recently here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 12:07:15 AM
Quote from: tanakat on June 29, 2011, 09:26:52 PM
New Thane's video / demonstration :


I did like what he had to say in the vid.  Is this the same as what Bruce is saying?

I really have to watch the vid again. I dont recall multifilar being said in the vid, just large inductance(high voltage coil).

Could it be he is using bifi and just calling it a high voltage coil? Thane speaks of the capacitance in the coil, but not really how it is wired.

I know the theory of why a bifi has more capacitance compared to a normally wound coil.

Anyways, this is interesting as I had posted before that maybe we could just get the rotor going on just gen coils themselves, incase nobody paid attn.  ;]

Think, no lenz in approach of the mag, and a push away on the exit.  This is what Thane says in the vid.

ok, in the post a few pages ago where I had made a miscalculation on what the resistance of the coil would be with all the 7 strands in series. I re-figured and I get 98ohms. Thane quoted a 90ohm coil in the vid. Could it be? or a coinkidink?   ;]   

Man, I hope this plot gets thinner before it gets any thicker.  ;]   

Hmm 98 ohms.  Seems like a high number to get the power we are looking for at near 12v, er 18v, what ever,

But lets say 18v/98ohm=.184Amps  x 18v = 3.3watts  ?
Thats perdy good along with no lenz and a forward push on the rotor to go with it.  But seems far from lighting a 20w bulb plus motor drive coils. Seems I say, seems.  ;]

Now this is just going by the resistance of the wire. But Bruce has his theory which may be correct.

Maybe its just not a SAFE idea to speak of the increased capacitance involved or the word bifilar.  =0   ;]

lets see if its safe,  BIFI  Hey BIFIIIIee.  bifi trifi  fifi  tribi         BIIIFIIII!    bifi      lol 

Got a lil bit of work on the tests tonight, and should be somewhere hopefully good tomorrow.   Im beat.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 12:16:21 AM
Hifi?  lol   hey Bruce, what is your coil, fityfi?   lol

I got my self laughing after my last post with this, and I had to post it, no harm intended, just chuckles.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 30, 2011, 12:24:07 AM
Mags,  LOL  you need some sleep :)   I may too but I think if you got one coil set that's getting 3.3 watts then seven coil sets will get you 23.1 watts.  Right?  Like I was saying wiring all seven coils sets in parallel will give same voltage but will bring the current back up as in x 7.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 30, 2011, 12:32:40 AM
Quote from: Dave45 on June 29, 2011, 09:41:51 PM
cool video ,  so if the high voltage coil (regenerative coil) stores energy inside couldnt we wrap the coil with Mylar in between the windings and increase its capacitance

is this what Lasersabre did with his coils

I'm not sure if that's what Lasersaber did but I think konehead mentioned using Teflon tape between each row of windings although I don't know if it was his intention to increase capacitance.  I think he was doing it to protect the lower grade Litz (with less enamel on the wire) from shorting out to adjacent windings. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 30, 2011, 12:39:21 AM
I was saying to adust te airgap between the upper and lower coils and the rotor magnets to be "offset' such as for example 4mm at top and 1mm at bottom, and then see if you can delay the current compared to votlage so that you can hit the max voltage/miminum current resonate thing by hainve the coil sin paralell or series...
I got the DRIVE coil to have half the draw with magnet on back of it at least.
Jason O:
yes like Gary said drill out the plastic on back of coil and slip magnet in there. The drive coil should  run with less draw so that is good.
Hope you can get something to happen with the series cancelling experiments if that works we are home free...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 12:44:11 AM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 30, 2011, 12:24:07 AM
Mags,  LOL  you need some sleep :)   I may too but I think if you got one coil set that's getting 3.3 watts then seven coil sets will get you 23.1 watts.  Right?  Like I was saying wiring all seven coils sets in parallel will give same voltage but will bring the current back up as in x 7.

Hey E

I thought about that, but was thinking if it is just one set at a time, that is 3.3 over a period of time, not all together. And with a 20w bulb sucking away continuously, I dunno.  But, I wont dismiss some magic here that calculations dont fit.  I really hope so.  ;]

Ya know, I dont know if you remember Zeropoint321, with the self running no bearing bedini style motor, but it was bifi and his vids with the schematics got shut down, Actually the told him not asked to take them down. but he could still post vids without the shematic.  It was a 4000 turn bifi, reed, 2 diodes, led and a 10uf cap. Spin it and it went. he still has the vid without the schematic up I believe.

later on, we talked for some time, he did some experiments on multifilar coils. he showed a comparison from 2 strands, 3 strands and 4.  The more he had, the further a magnet was pushed away from the coil, all ran from the same source.  he was building a motor gen sorta like what we see here. But then I didnt hear from him for a while.

I had just talked to him recently and he said he had a mild stoke.  Sucks. He is a good guy. Hopefully no one did that TO him because of what he was showing.  =[

Ok  i gottttta git. catch ya tomorrow.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 30, 2011, 01:13:33 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 12:07:15 AM
I did like what he had to say in the vid.  Is this the same as what Bruce is saying?

I really have to watch the vid again. I dont recall multifilar being said in the vid, just large inductance(high voltage coil).

Could it be he is using bifi and just calling it a high voltage coil? Thane speaks of the capacitance in the coil, but not really how it is wired.

I know the theory of why a bifi has more capacitance compared to a normally wound coil.

Anyways, this is interesting as I had posted before that maybe we could just get the rotor going on just gen coils themselves, incase nobody paid attn.  ;]

Think, no lenz in approach of the mag, and a push away on the exit.  This is what Thane says in the vid.

ok, in the post a few pages ago where I had made a miscalculation on what the resistance of the coil would be with all the 7 strands in series. I re-figured and I get 98ohms. Thane quoted a 90ohm coil in the vid. Could it be? or a coinkidink?   ;]   

Man, I hope this plot gets thinner before it gets any thicker.  ;]   

Hmm 98 ohms.  Seems like a high number to get the power we are looking for at near 12v, er 18v, what ever,

But lets say 18v/98ohm=.184Amps  x 18v = 3.3watts  ?
Thats perdy good along with no lenz and a forward push on the rotor to go with it.  But seems far from lighting a 20w bulb plus motor drive coils. Seems I say, seems.  ;]

Now this is just going by the resistance of the wire. But Bruce has his theory which may be correct.

Maybe its just not a SAFE idea to speak of the increased capacitance involved or the word bifilar.  =0   ;]

lets see if its safe,  BIFI  Hey BIFIIIIee.  bifi trifi  fifi  tribi         BIIIFIIII!    bifi      lol 

Got a lil bit of work on the tests tonight, and should be somewhere hopefully good tomorrow.   Im beat.


Hi Mags,

Thane's coils are a single strand of well over 1000 turns each. He winds them by hand and in a random order (not making the turns tight one next to each other) which give the coil air space. This adds capacitance.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 30, 2011, 01:25:10 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 12:44:11 AM
Hey E

I thought about that, but was thinking if it is just one set at a time, that is 3.3 over a period of time, not all together. And with a 20w bulb sucking away continuously, I dunno.  But, I wont dismiss some magic here that calculations dont fit.  I really hope so.  ;]

Ya know, I dont know if you remember Zeropoint321, with the self running no bearing bedini style motor, but it was bifi and his vids with the schematics got shut down, Actually the told him not asked to take them down. but he could still post vids without the shematic.  It was a 4000 turn bifi, reed, 2 diodes, led and a 10uf cap. Spin it and it went. he still has the vid without the schematic up I believe.

later on, we talked for some time, he did some experiments on multifilar coils. he showed a comparison from 2 strands, 3 strands and 4.  The more he had, the further a magnet was pushed away from the coil, all ran from the same source.  he was building a motor gen sorta like what we see here. But then I didnt hear from him for a while.

I had just talked to him recently and he said he had a mild stoke.  Sucks. He is a good guy. Hopefully no one did that TO him because of what he was showing.  =[

Ok  i gottttta git. catch ya tomorrow.


I didn't think about the time factor.  Lets see if I can get through some thoughts and calcs on this.  Let's assume a nice round number for RPM like 1234 :)   At that speed if we start with a rotor magnet between coils on 1 revolution we will hit that coil 8 times.  At 1234 RPM that is 9872 pulses.  In one second that is about 164.5 pulses.  We've got 7 coils making power so that's about 1150 pulses per second all feeding into a big capacitor.  I think the pulses will be staggered in a way that it's not going to show up like that on a scope but just by a guess I think it's going to be filling that cap fairly fast.  Now as to how many joules each pulse produces and some other things that factor in to ultimately determine how much power it puts out I'm not going to attempt that for the reasons shown in the calculations below.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 01:28:35 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on June 30, 2011, 01:13:33 AM
Hi Mags,

Thane's coils are a single strand of well over 1000 turns each. He winds them by hand and in a random order (not making the turns tight one next to each other) which give the coil air space. This adds capacitance.


hey Luc

Thanks for the info.  Sounds strange though, but i accept your statement.    Is this his idea, or does it originate elsewhere? 
The strange part is how to get consistency from coil to coil.   And I would thing closer proximity would increase capacitance. But I can see that the difference is that each wind is not always beside the previous  wind along the way.  ;]

thanks again.

Ok, was just checkin in one last time.  me sleeps.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 30, 2011, 01:28:47 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 12:07:15 AM
I did like what he had to say in the vid.  Is this the same as what Bruce is saying?

I really have to watch the vid again. I dont recall multifilar being said in the vid, just large inductance(high voltage coil).

Could it be he is using bifi and just calling it a high voltage coil? Thane speaks of the capacitance in the coil, but not really how it is wired.

I know the theory of why a bifi has more capacitance compared to a normally wound coil.

Anyways, this is interesting as I had posted before that maybe we could just get the rotor going on just gen coils themselves, incase nobody paid attn.  ;]

Think, no lenz in approach of the mag, and a push away on the exit.  This is what Thane says in the vid.

ok, in the post a few pages ago where I had made a miscalculation on what the resistance of the coil would be with all the 7 strands in series. I re-figured and I get 98ohms. Thane quoted a 90ohm coil in the vid. Could it be? or a coinkidink?   ;]   

Man, I hope this plot gets thinner before it gets any thicker.  ;]   

Hmm 98 ohms.  Seems like a high number to get the power we are looking for at near 12v, er 18v, what ever,

But lets say 18v/98ohm=.184Amps  x 18v = 3.3watts  ?
Thats perdy good along with no lenz and a forward push on the rotor to go with it.  But seems far from lighting a 20w bulb plus motor drive coils. Seems I say, seems.  ;]

Now this is just going by the resistance of the wire. But Bruce has his theory which may be correct.

Maybe its just not a SAFE idea to speak of the increased capacitance involved or the word bifilar.  =0   ;]

lets see if its safe,  BIFI  Hey BIFIIIIee.  bifi trifi  fifi  tribi         BIIIFIIII!    bifi      lol 

Got a lil bit of work on the tests tonight, and should be somewhere hopefully good tomorrow.   Im beat.


You must get out of the mindset quoting conventional stuff and ohms law. It has no place in a ZPE circuit.  When all the bifilars are stacked up in series sure you get more voltage as each bifilar segment will see a COPY of the same magnetic flux without degradation.  But they are wound out of phase to create high VARS these creates a static Tensor and the JOULES extracted is a function of the electron field energy  extraction from the ambient and NOT a function of the coil resistance. It can only be seen in the dump cap.  I can send 20kw over a hair thin wire just by tuning it to standing wave. Ohms law is dead and so is Lenz. Lamps Light underwater, human chain can light lamps in their hands.   People can touch "live wires".

Bifilar coils create out of phase condition its the same as cap  tuning to create a standing wave.  Dump cap fills near INSTANTLY when hit by longitudinal waves into the coil there is a lot of power here when done correctly as Romero said he had to be very careful looping under these conditions as it would accelerate unbelievably fast and blow things!   This electricity has rather different qualities its more "RF" travels faster than the speed of light. Same thing that comes out of the TPU and Kapandze and hundred other devices.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 01:36:00 AM
Hey E

Ive been wanting to see what the output after the fwbr's connected, no cap, just to see how flat the dc was without the cap. There is overlap with coils generating, so 3.3 might be conservative as a whole.  ;]

And the coils just might be putting out more than we are contemplating. Romero said he got the coils to a point of burning or melting. So he was pushing then to a limit without the dc-dc and looped. 

this is all great stuff.  Im gunna get lil sleep but i will be wide awake allll day because of all this.  ;]

See ya tomorrow.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 01:42:04 AM
Hey Bolt

good stuff..  i suspected that what we are calculating may not be. You are the man.  ;] 

What do you think about the difficulties in people getting it going?  is it that they are not multifilar coils? Would you recommend all 7 strands in series?

thanks Bolt  Yer doin a good job here. ;]

Magsleeps finally
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 30, 2011, 01:42:45 AM
Mags,  Yep if I ever get mine built that will be a good first test to see the output without cap.  And as usual bolt has some good explanations of why this will work and why I knew better than to try the math conventionally.   Now you are barred from posting for at least 8 hours.   :D 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 30, 2011, 01:59:43 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 01:42:04 AM

What do you think about the difficulties in people getting it going?  is it that they are not multifilar coils? Would you recommend all 7 strands in series?

Tuning is critical because the tuning in bifilar set-up is then all in the core inductance versus cap tuning of conventional coil. Need to be balanced so that its a perfect null on the air gap and back end magnet needs tiny tweaks.  I already suggested 3 pairs from 7 wire litz  first pair will produce around 4v the next pair will double it to 8v and double again to 16v should be relatively easy. ONLY MEASURE THE POWER AT THE DUMP CAP NOT THE COILS. This must be done by calculating the final load then dividing out the number of coils to find the correct test load resistor. If the final load is too far different from design then chances are it wont work.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 30, 2011, 03:39:16 AM
Let's talk "strands"....(litz)  Funny, how I mentioned this over 200 pages ago (and in the last few pages of my thread) and it has come up again. 

Penno and all, how many turns did Romero say he had on his bobbin?  Over 300 turns.  Everyone's comment was, "he is mistaken, that many turns can't fit!"  Wrong!  As I explained in my thread, before Romero ever had his device working, as I explored the statement's of Steven Mark, about parallel wires, you can take litz wires and wire them in series or parallel.  The "potential" (total wattage) will not change, but wired in series you end up with MUCH HIGHER VOLTAGE.  And I think a few of you were wondering "how" Romero achieved this.

In the experiments presented by Slider (yes, I have been reading while on my journeys...) and spoken of by Penno, what they are calling a "bifilar" wound, is what I call "series" wound.  Some are in parallel but some are in series.  Let's assume that your 7 strands gives you just over 100 turns on your bobbin.  Now, let's say you connect the wires, 123 ends to start of 4567, you now have 200 turns and have doubled your inductance (air core, then adding inductance of ferrite core)but raised your resistance.  Inductance trumps resistance for wanting higher voltage.  Now, let's go with Romero's winding, of say 300 turns, then to achieve that, please do the following, and you too will end up with MUCH higher voltage (lower current.  Current causes LENZ, NOT voltage).


Bruce, it one thing to formulate ideas and inspiring concepts and another thing just mixing  standard workings things and giving imaginary directions (help me understand if i do not).

First of all, i have not being unable to wind 300 turns of 0.125x7 litz wire Romero has suggested to those sewing bobbins. Actually with the help of a battery drill and a screw ala clanzer (thanks for that tip) is a piece of cake. (other did that also)

Secondly, the "going for voltage and not amperage is not that valid there". What creates the opposing Lenz is not current alone, but the amp x turns.
So by cutting current to half (by using biffilar series connected) you will end up with double voltage, half current but same amp x turns and lenz effect for same power draw from pickup coils.

am i missing something?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: electr0n on June 30, 2011, 04:57:22 AM
@bolt & baroutologos :
Say we have 2 coils, coilA wound with litz normally and coilB wound bifilar with the wire mod (123 to 4567 in series)
If coilA outputs 5v at 1amp = 5w
and coilB outputs 25v at 0.2mA = 5w
which would have the most lenz lagging?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: electr0n on June 30, 2011, 05:06:39 AM
opps maths malfunction
"and coilB outputs 25v at 0.2mA = 5w" should be "and coilB outputs 25v at 0.2A = 5w"
its late :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 30, 2011, 05:52:16 AM
Images show more then 100 words.
Tried to show what a coil ringing is and how important it is to be in resonance with your RPM.
- upper wave is your coil (+ other components) that WANT to resonate at specific frequency
- lower wave is how your SPECIFIC RPM will try to induce voltage in your coil
If you do not match up the 2 waves then they will try to cancel out each other. If you match the 2 waves perfectly then they will add up. You could use a diode to just pinch off some part of the wave and leave some ringing in the coil also. Some say that if electron movement have some inertia then leaving some ringing might be more beneficial then extracting it all.

- This is about "bolt theory". Where you have 2 waves that should cancel each other out as sum. BUT as information there is a lot of things going on and they are not NULL !. With this technique in theory you can avoid generating Lenz BUT at the output with the correct approach to separate the 2 waves and use them as you wish. I hope this image helps some people imagine a how a different out of the box approach could be made. Pls note that this is not exactly how ZPE was explained in some of the documents.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on June 30, 2011, 05:53:52 AM
Regarding Thane's video. Wondered since day 1 why Romero had he's wires made so "ugly", i mean i could have not done it worse if i wanted to do so. It's to be able to build up more voltage, to store energy in voltage instead magnetic field. I think this is the reason why the coils were taken away. Maybe there is a patent for such coil winding ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on June 30, 2011, 07:15:02 AM
@bolt & baroutologos :
Say we have 2 coils, coilA wound with litz normally and coilB wound bifilar with the wire mod (123 to 4567 in series)
If coilA outputs 5v at 1amp = 5w
and coilB outputs 25v at 0.2mA = 5w
which would have the most lenz lagging?

hey jim,

i am not the right guy for explaining technical issues but since you ask me, i would give you my view...

An answer of this question cannot be that straightforward. In your example case, the 300 turns 7 strands litz wire will out put some (say) 10 volts open circuit and 5volts at 1 amp (5 w)

By connecting it biffilar mode, it would output some 20volts +- open circuit and for getting those 5watts you should draw some 0.5 amp at 10 volt. (half amp double turns same result) Who told you that voltage in this topology will behave otherwise? Or in other words, will extract more power with less amp/turns counter flux - lenz creation?

On the contrary so far experience have confirmed this trade off and 0 net in effect change.
This is my view..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on June 30, 2011, 08:33:57 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 12:16:21 AM
Hifi?  lol   hey Bruce, what is your coil, fityfi?   lol

I got my self laughing after my last post with this, and I had to post it, no harm intended, just chuckles.  ;]


;D Mags I really like your atitude bro , and your right the possibility's are endless very exciting.
Im near finished with a project work related then Im going to spend more time on this.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: conradelektro on June 30, 2011, 08:49:23 AM
Since there seems to be a "high level discussion" instead of "building motors" I want to ask a question about the high back electromotive force or counter electromotive force I see in my rig (see for instance http://www.animations.physics.unsw.edu.au/jw/electricmotors.html#back or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-electromotive_force):

Back electromotive force is a voltage that occurs in electric motors where there is relative motion between the armature of the motor and the external magnetic field.

I built the rig as shown in the photo using coils from relays having a rather high DC resistance of 265 Ohms. (I am still in the phase of studying basic principles instead of building an exact replication of Romeos's motor).

When I drive the motor in a "pulse fashion" (e.g. with circuit as used in Romero's set up or a similar circuit) I observe a very high back-emf which is four to five times higher than the supply voltage (e.g. with a 10 Volt supply I measure up to 50 Volt back-emf over a pair of coils).

I wounder whether we should try to feed this back-emf back into the power supply (accumulator or capacitor) in order to get a self runner? No "generator coil pairs", just "drive coil pairs" the back-emf of which is "fed back"?

I recall vaguely that I saw some "invention" on YouTube that did this with a "piston like rig" where a coil was moving towards and away from a strong permanent magnet (the coil moved like the piston in a steam engine). But there are other "turning motors" where a recovery of the back-emf is claimed to "enhance their efficiency". But that would be something like a Bedini-motor?

Greetings, Conrad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on June 30, 2011, 09:32:24 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 01:28:35 AM
hey Luc

Thanks for the info.  Sounds strange though, but i accept your statement.    Is this his idea, or does it originate elsewhere? 
The strange part is how to get consistency from coil to coil.   And I would thing closer proximity would increase capacitance. But I can see that the difference is that each wind is not always beside the previous  wind along the way.  ;]

thanks again.

Ok, was just checkin in one last time.  me sleeps.


Hi Mags,

Yes this is his own idea and design based on when he first had the effect of acceleration when coil is shorted.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 30, 2011, 11:17:36 AM
author=Tudi link=topic=3842.msg293388#msg293388 date=1309427536]
Images show more then 100 words.
Tried to show what a coil ringing is and how important it is to be in resonance with your RPM.

Wrong in ZPE systems this decay becomes a gain and is exactly inverse of entropy. So this chart needs reversing.

- upper wave is your coil (+ other components) that WANT to resonate at specific frequency
- lower wave is how your SPECIFIC RPM will try to induce voltage in your coil

Resonance its not how one understands  it to be those that followed SM and the TPU he said quote "its a type of resonance but it depends on your understanding of what resonance actually is when applied in this application" What he means is TOTAL REACTIVE resonance.

If you do not match up the 2 waves then they will try to cancel out each other. If you match the 2 waves perfectly then they will add up. You could use a diode to just pinch off some part of the wave and leave some ringing in the coil also. Some say that if electron movement have some inertia then leaving some ringing might be more beneficial then extracting it all.

There is no ringing in your understanding as ringing is decay in entropy. We are dealing with longitudinal Tensor moment.

- This is about "bolt theory". Where you have 2 waves that should cancel each other out as sum.

Not my theory from people that know how to build ZPE devices. But its my interpretation.

Only the current is cancelled out by forcing it out of phase.

BUT as information there is a lot of things going on and they are not NULL !.

This is true when the voltage and current is shifted 90 degrees there is a static wave tensor which interfaces to the ambient.

With this technique in theory you can avoid generating Lenz

Correct as there is NO in phase current.

BUT at the output with the correct approach to separate the 2 waves and use them as you wish. I hope this image helps some people imagine a how a different out of the box approach could be made. Pls note that this is not exactly how ZPE was explained in some of the documents.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 30, 2011, 11:30:56 AM
Quote from: Tudi on June 30, 2011, 05:53:52 AM
Regarding Thane's video. Wondered since day 1 why Romero had he's wires made so "ugly", i mean i could have not done it worse if i wanted to do so. It's to be able to build up more voltage, to store energy in voltage instead magnetic field. I think this is the reason why the coils were taken away. Maybe there is a patent for such coil winding ?

LOL  - I have not seen an "ugly" coil patent.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on June 30, 2011, 11:35:27 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on June 30, 2011, 01:13:33 AM
Hi Mags,

Thane's coils are a single strand of well over 1000 turns each. He winds them by hand and in a random order (not making the turns tight one next to each other) which give the coil air space. This adds capacitance.


I have mentioned Thane many times.  This is a different approach to Romero. Thane HV coil has a large inductance L and  inherent capacitance C and coil resistance R. As his motor speed increases the phase becomes skewed till it reaches a point where it has become reactive and the inductance matches the capacitance of the coil versus the frequency of the pulses eventually phase is 90 degrees shifted between the volts and amps induced from the magnet. Now there is no lenz! Motor gets faster in fact you get a ZPE hysteresis  latching where he has to turn down the i/p drive power very very low to maintain a sensible speed till a point it SNAPS out of hysteresis and then effect dies. Now requires a lot of i/p motor power to get the RPM back up as phase has become locked near zero and lenz is back.  BUT very important aspect Thane uses  MOT to down convert voltage to 12v and this acts as impedance matching to keep high impedance as a load converts to low impedance lamp load alike 1000 ohm to 50 ohm RF transformer.

If you can not get Romero coils to work just wind a 2000 turn HV coil and you get the same effect.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on June 30, 2011, 11:52:34 AM
Quote from: baroutologos on June 30, 2011, 03:39:16 AM
Bruce, it one thing to formulate ideas and inspiring concepts and another thing just mixing  standard workings things and giving imaginary directions (help me understand if i do not).

First of all, i have not being unable to wind 300 turns of 0.125x7 litz wire Romero has suggested to those sewing bobbins. Actually with the help of a battery drill and a screw ala clanzer (thanks for that tip) is a piece of cake. (other did that also)

Secondly, the "going for voltage and not amperage is not that valid there". What creates the opposing Lenz is not current alone, but the amp x turns.
So by cutting current to half (by using biffilar series connected) you will end up with double voltage, half current but same amp x turns and lenz effect for same power draw from pickup coils.

am i missing something?

baroutologos,  Have you seen the 2 Thane videos posted here in the last couple pages?  Are you familiar with Thane?  IMO he is a top researcher and knows what he is doing.  In the second video I posted it appears he is showing this to potential investors as he is talking about intellectual property rights and patents IIRC. 
   He explains and shows how a standard wound generator brings a motor to a complete stop when loaded.  He then shows how his special wound generator actually speeds up when loaded and the more load the more speed and less motor lugging.  His explanation appears to involve having higher voltage and lower current on the generator coils (and I assume some fine tuning and possible other factors). 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on June 30, 2011, 11:53:56 AM
Last one from ZFossil :

(delete if already posted, I don't think so).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tanakat on June 30, 2011, 11:57:24 AM
This one from slider has been posted ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFH3yFcmHX8
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 12:40:37 PM
here is the vid from Zeropoint132(corrected from 321 ;])

of the self running sphere.

And the multifilar tests..


At lunch and wide awakee.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 30, 2011, 12:48:20 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on June 30, 2011, 01:25:10 AM
SNIP/  I'm not going to attempt that for the reasons shown in the calculations below.

Priceless !   :D
I printed a copy to put on my wall.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 12:53:10 PM
Hey Dave

Thanks. Its gunna be a busy busy weekend.  ;]

Thanks Luc.   ;]

Im just full of energy today, dunno why.  ;]   Tonight im going to wrap 20 wires around me and see what output I get.  lol  ;]

Ok  back to worky   be back later.

Magfi   ;]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 30, 2011, 01:58:00 PM
Can anyone tell me the best glue to use for coils of Litz wire?   I was thinking of using my hot glue gun but remembered that heat may melt the coating on the wire, although not as hot as soldering iron?  Hot glue is fast but not sure it will even hold the wires.      Or is it best to just use tape? 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 30, 2011, 02:21:41 PM
Hi Coradelelecktro

depends on cap uf value hwo many volts you will have in it from the backemf/recoil of the motor/drive coils - in say 5uf cap I will get near instanlty 200V from 12V input to my drieve coils and wait awhile and it climbs and climbs up too 300V or higher - those recoil spikes strech way off scope...
go with say 2000uf for you collector/recovery cap then at 12V you might only get instantly 15V or 20V somethign like that....
also if it lurches draw of motor up a bit when it fills cap is somethign to consider - you can only go with "so big" of a cap, and it will lurch draw up...smaller sizes dont do anything so find best cap size...

alternative is to "switch-out" backemf/recoil...put a swtihc on the AC leg of a FWBR or one side of single diode if you want, then you time the switch to turn ON during the period when the recoil spikes shoot out backwards - whihc would be at motor-coil's input switch turn-off...this makes thingks way different  - now "active" rather than "static" recovery....sometimes I can get dramatic speed-up of motor when backemf comes out doing a swtihc out circuit with the backemf.
Look for about a 5 degree delay to the backemf/recoil switch as compared to the motor coil swithcing itself...probalby a bit of "overlap" too - ther will be sweet spot according to rpms and load etc... its very precise when you do a swtich-out of backemf to get a speed up.

check out powering your motor coils with mosfets that are hooked bidirectional in that their gates and source leads connect and the swtihcing happens between the two drains now.
Put FWBR AC legs across the tow drains and DC into cap and you will get huge backemf power happenieng....mosfets only go "one way" you might be missing half of the power to be had.

Big thing about the bakcemf/recoil inot caps, is when you hit load with it you better have that cap DISCONNECTED from the coils they are collecing from or it all backs up makes big amps surge to the input, but if it is disconnected you get nothing at all and output to load is invisible to input.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on June 30, 2011, 02:27:14 PM
Hey E2matrix

your calculations crack me up.

if you want to know how to calculate cap discharge here it is:

the Farads of the capacitor / 2

Multiplied by:

(high point of voltage in cap before cap discharge SQUARED
MINUS the low point of voltage in cap after discharge SQUARED)

Then all this multiplied by the RATE per second of cap discharge events...
not too hard eh
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on June 30, 2011, 04:02:46 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 30, 2011, 01:58:00 PM
Can anyone tell me the best glue to use for coils of Litz wire?   I was thinking of using my hot glue gun but remembered that heat may melt the coating on the wire, although not as hot as soldering iron?  Hot glue is fast but not sure it will even hold the wires.      Or is it best to just use tape? 



Hi Bill

90 degrees C is the max I have found for hot glue guns

Polyurethane varnish is what I have used to make permanent coils. Tape is ok for temporary.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on June 30, 2011, 04:22:44 PM
All of "Bolt's" postings got me to reading about the rotoverter tech. I think everyone should read some of the info in this link. Some of it is very relevant to this replication and what is happening. Please take a look.


Thanks to bolt for his knowledge!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: d@rkenergy on June 30, 2011, 04:25:08 PM
about the hall sensors and magnetism

  A beautiful book ...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 30, 2011, 04:52:14 PM
Quote from: bourne on June 30, 2011, 04:02:46 PM
Hi Bill

90 degrees C is the max I have found for hot glue guns

Polyurethane varnish is what I have used to make permanent coils. Tape is ok for temporary.

So are you saying hot glue is not good?
Polyurethane varnish takes long time to dry?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on June 30, 2011, 04:58:56 PM
Quote from: d@rkenergy on June 30, 2011, 04:25:08 PM
about the hall sensors and magnetism

  A beautiful book ...


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on June 30, 2011, 05:01:54 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 30, 2011, 04:52:14 PM
So are you saying hot glue is not good?
Polyurethane varnish takes long time to dry?


Hi Bill

Hot glue should not melt the enamel coating on your litz. I tested a hot glue gun's temperature today, I covered the tip of a digital thermometer with hot glue. It maxed at 89 degrees C.

I would be very surprised if the solderable  coating on your litz melted at this low a temperature.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 30, 2011, 05:12:02 PM
Quote from: bourne on June 30, 2011, 05:01:54 PM
Hi Bill

Hot glue should not melt the enamel coating on your litz. I tested a hot glue gun's temperature today, I covered the tip of a digital thermometer with hot glue. It maxed at 89 degrees C.

I would be very surprised if the solderable  coating on your litz melted at this low a temperature.

Bourne,   thanks.   
I will give it a try on one of my coils that I have taped. 
Surely a much faster way to go than varnish, think?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on June 30, 2011, 05:25:30 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 30, 2011, 05:12:02 PM
Bourne,   thanks.   
I will give it a try on one of my coils that I have taped. 
Surely a much faster way to go than varnish, think?

Bill, No problem.

As you are probably aware we are about 7 weeks down the road and I still haven't finished building my test rig. That's plenty of time to let some varnish dry.  ;)
If I don't pull my finger out I will be watching the varnish crack and fall off before I get to try them out.

I am not in a race. Unless its a competition to see who has the most persistence!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 30, 2011, 06:09:02 PM
ZeroFossilFuel has got a big shot of inspiration, and posted this gem on his web site.
It explains how a LC resonant circuit should be driven.  Brilliant !

Read the part titled Resonant Cell on this page:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on June 30, 2011, 06:10:53 PM
Quote from: bourne on June 30, 2011, 05:25:30 PM
Bill, No problem.

As you are probably aware we are about 7 weeks down the road and I still haven't finished building my test rig. That's plenty of time to let some varnish dry.  ;)
If I don't pull my finger out I will be watching the varnish crack and fall off before I get to try them out.

I am not in a race. Unless its a competition to see who has the most persistence!

Thanks again.   No hurry here also.   I am still waiting on many parts from China.. ordered thru Ebay. 
But I got very good prices and low to no shipping fees... haha. 
I also ordered a base unit from ClanZer... it may be here before my other parts at this rate.  ClanZer's rig looks to be very cool for experirments.  He may have an add-on for the Muller rotor soon. 
My rotor has bit of wobble... but I can still do some testing until I get some good quality built rotors from ClanZer.   

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on June 30, 2011, 06:11:20 PM
...however, I'm still not sure that Romero's gen is "only" a resonant tank.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on June 30, 2011, 07:11:27 PM

Hi all,

just a correction on my previous post/video (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.3830)

i was measuring the current on the wrong place, so now i DO see the 90 degrees phase shift (current lagging behind).

Also we are still in resonance, speeding up under load/short.

New video to be seen here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNtnLAVk9Og

New puzzle for me:  according to the theory, when in resonance, we should have NO phase shift!!

Regards Itsu

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on June 30, 2011, 07:13:30 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on June 30, 2011, 06:10:53 PM

Thanks again.   No hurry here also.   I am still waiting on many parts from China.. ordered thru Ebay. 
But I got very good prices and low to no shipping fees... haha. 
I also ordered a base unit from ClanZer... it may be here before my other parts at this rate.  ClanZer's rig looks to be very cool for experirments.  He may have an add-on for the Muller rotor soon. 
My rotor has bit of wobble... but I can still do some testing until I get some good quality built rotors from ClanZer.   



I ordered my halls from a Hong Kong Ebay supplier a few weeks ago, only took a few days to arrive in the UK which surprised me so hopefully you will not have long to wait.

Congratulations on getting in the queue for Clanzers rig, it looks much too useful for the price :)

If you have a wobbly rotor, like I did, get some plastic shaft collars (pic below). These are from http://www.ruland.com/ (http://www.ruland.com/)

Cost about £3.50 each and totally sorted my small wobble problem.

all the best.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on June 30, 2011, 08:27:13 PM
Quote from: altair on June 30, 2011, 06:11:20 PM
...however, I'm still not sure that Romero's gen is "only" a resonant tank.

I agree, with the large change in RPM that Romero has shown, it would be impossible.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on June 30, 2011, 08:31:53 PM
Quote from: itsu on June 30, 2011, 07:11:27 PM
Hi all,

just a correction on my previous post/video (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.3830)

i was measuring the current on the wrong place, so now i DO see the 90 degrees phase shift (current lagging behind).

Also we are still in resonance, speeding up under load/short.

New video to be seen here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNtnLAVk9Og

New puzzle for me:  according to the theory, when in resonance, we should have NO phase shift!!

Regards Itsu

please keep up your experiments and videos.
Very informative and with clear approach.

It seems you experimentally confirmed here,
that the current lag is what causes the speed up.

Did you try out series resonance as well? Would be interesting to see
how current shifts there and if the motor would also speed up.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rogla on June 30, 2011, 08:43:15 PM
I think Bolt is right in what he is trying to tell about the phase shift. This thread has been an  real eye opener for me, many good here.

I made a Maple worksheet to be able to get a feeling about how diffrent parameters affect the phase shift. The calculated values are probably not correct but the model gets me a good understanding about the big picture.

One intresting conclusion is that the phase angle between voltage and current does not depend on the coil length at all.

Another is that the operational speed has to be quite far away from resonance.

And larger dimensions on core diameter, wire diameter and coil diameter increases the phase angle.

Low values of the capacitance increases the phase shift if the operational speed is below resonance. With aircore and dimensions similar to Romeros I get in the ball park of max 50uF to be near 90 degrees at 1200 rpm. Appended is a printout as an example.

But I wounder, doesn't the coil 'see' the large cap on the other side of the FWBR?
In that case there will be no speedup.

Also, may be the coil can have to large capacitance that limits the system to operate only at a very low speed (or extremely high) with phase shift.

Also, in inductive 90 degree phase shift, as far as I can see it, it still will be drag (Lenz) between 90-180 degrees and 270-360 degrees. I think the coil should be shorted actively under these phases, but not else.

I'm ready to start a build now. I will use a RC motor and one coil only to test things out first.
Probably will use a microcontroller (I'm a software developer...).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: duff on June 30, 2011, 08:53:11 PM
Quote from: itsu on June 30, 2011, 07:11:27 PM

New video to be seen here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNtnLAVk9Og

New puzzle for me:  according to the theory, when in resonance, we should have NO phase shift!!

Regards Itsu


The magnitude and phase of the circulating current in a parallel resonant circuit is different inside the tank vs outside the tank.

I think you were actually looking at the correct point when you had the 1 ohm resistor outside the tank .

To test this you can return the resistor to the previous position and change the capacitance while keeping everything else constant. You should see a phase shift.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on June 30, 2011, 10:20:03 PM
Hello Bolt and All,

Me and my research group today started doing some tests and measurements on our pulse motor. Since we were interested in observing the effects of adding a series vs. parallel capacitance to the output coil, we tried both configurations to compare the performance difference. The results we obtained were very interesting and we posted a couple of YouTube videos demoing the motor's behavior in both parallel and series modes:

Parallel Mode Video:

Series Mode Video:

NOTE: The videos contain a lot of raw footage so apologies for the bad camera handling at times :).

In both videos, our generator coils are wired in series canceling (bucking) configuration and we short the output of the circuit through the DC bridge rectifier white monitoring the tank circuit voltage and current using a scope and DC-50MHz magnetic current probe.

For specs on our generator coils, see my previous post here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg293269#msg293269. All other details including the circuit schematic and scope measurements are included in the videos.

Executive summary of tests:

What we observed was that when the capacitor was in parallel with the motor (speed tuned to resonant frequency), the motor sped up about 100 RPMs when the output was dead shorted through the DC bridge rectifier; but the tank current and voltage waveforms collapsed (same results and waveforms as Itsu). When the short is removed, the motor slows back down. If the parallel capacitor is removed completely, the motor accelerates faster that it does when the output is shorted (so the presence of the capacitor in the circuit is itself seen as a load). However, when observing the current and voltage waveforms, they are 90 degrees out of phase with each other.

When the system is setup for series resonance, the motor runs freely without any lugging from the presence of the capacitor. The induced voltage from the coil produces a distorted sine wave. Once the output is, again, shorted, this time the AC voltage across the coil increases substantially along with current through the coil (which again are at 90 degrees to each other), however, in this case, the motor slows down rather than speeding up. It is interesting to note that in the series case, the voltage and current waveforms look like almost perfect sine waves except for some steps in the top of the voltage waveform (I believe Bolt showed similar waveforms in one of his simulations).

After performing these tests, the following thoughts and questions come to mind:

1. It seems that the acceleration that occurs when in parallel resonance happens because the current waveform collapses as seen from the coil when the output is shorted, thus reducing the apparent current load on the system. However, in series, the current increases at resonance. In our case, the motor still slowed down despite the 90-degree phase shift between the voltage across the coil and the current through the coil.

2. (@ Bolt), in your posts, you definitely emphasized the importance of having the tank circuit operating in series resonance, with the current and voltage waveforms 90 degrees out of phase. I did observe a substantial increase in voltage and current once the circuit was shorted out at the resonant frequency, and from the points in the circuit that I measured, the voltage and current waveforms were 90 degrees out of phase with each other, yet the system still decelerated. One thing I want to ask is if there is a specific point in the circuit where the current needs to be measured? (I know in the circuit diagram you approved in this post here (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg290445#msg290445), a 1Ohm resistor was placed at the spot where the current was to be measured. This is the spot where I clamped the current probe). Is there something that I am still missing here?

3. For all the tests we have performed so far, the coils were wired in the series bucking configuration. I need to clarify one point here. Does the speedup effect (with coils in series resonance) require that the coils be in the series canceling configuration or should the coils be in the series adding mode if using a tuning capacitor?

4. If going the bifilar coil route, would one consider the coil to be in series or parallel resonance when tuning the system to the bifilar coils' natural resonant frequency?

Any help/advice is greatly appreciated as I want to make sure I have the correct understanding to properly tune the system.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 10:41:14 PM

I will venture to say the bifi capacitance is similar to parallel. ;]

The difference between series and parallel is that the capacitance is spread across the bifi coil as if it is parallel.

And since Romero says they were bifi, or lets say multifilar, and he and you show speed up, I feel confident in what I say.  ;]

But if you are going to try a multifilar, highly recommended, I would love to see what you come up with.

Have you tried using both with the coils you show in the vids?  Might be interesting.

Nice work.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on June 30, 2011, 10:49:17 PM
hey Jay

What I wanted to say was,,  have you tried both at the same time, parallel and series.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on July 01, 2011, 12:54:26 AM
Hi Magluvin,

I agree with you that if interpreting the distributed capacitance of the coil as parallel capacitance, then it must mean parallel resonance also.

BY the way, I just did another series of tests tonight with the coils connected in series adding rather than canceling and got much much better results when getting past the resonant frequency. I'm uploading a new video now and will post the link the morning once it finishes processing.

As for connecting series and parallel at the same time, I could try that though I don't have two 6 uF capacitors. I'll have to look through my stash and see what I've got.

Lastly, one of the experiments I plan to try tomorrow is to swap the drive and generator coils so I can see what the output looks like on low impedance output coils. More to come soon  :).

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on July 01, 2011, 01:35:06 AM
Hey Jay

Hmm, never thought to put the top and bottom coils in series. That would lower the freq of resonance. For some here, it may help. Maybe the rotors in some cases dont reach coil resonant speeds.  maybe.

I dont have a Muller style setup yet. Money is shorter than it has been. I was moving my Fiero from 1 parking spot to the next and the throttle stuck, and I ran into 2 big square metal doors on the storage facility, that I gotta dish out $1100 for.  AND my car, well, needs new front bumper, 2 fenders and my wheels are aiming outward.  uggg.

Been working with a single bifi Ive had for some time, using a rotor driven by other coils.  But im not hitting high enough rpms with just N pole mags on the rotor.  i gota make a new rotor, as this one is set up for 16 mags alternating N S.  And some other issues.  But this weekend is 3 days and they are all mine. ;]

Yea, the series and parallel might be interesting as we might get the best of both worlds. Or maybe not, but its worth the try.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on July 01, 2011, 04:31:47 AM

Have you seen the 2 Thane videos posted here in the last couple pages?  Are you familiar with Thane?  IMO he is a top researcher and knows what he is doing.  In the second video I posted it appears he is showing this to potential investors as he is talking about intellectual property rights and patents IIRC. 
   He explains and shows how a standard wound generator brings a motor to a complete stop when loaded.  He then shows how his special wound generator actually speeds up when loaded and the more load the more speed and less motor lugging.  His explanation appears to involve having higher voltage and lower current on the generator coils (and I assume some fine tuning and possible other factors).


Hey E2matrix,

of course i am familiar with Hein's work. In matter of fact, i start up my ou experimentation with Perepiteia setup.
Thane IMO, has stubled upon an oddity indeed. He has a coil past a rotor and when shorted rotor speeds up! Thats OU? Do not think, so far. I have tested the cocnept since it captured my imagination.

many hours of experimenting you are starting to realize a relationship between magnetic cogging, energy lost to that cogging, cogging "release" after having the coil shorted or just about any coil (accelarating or not), energy lost to shorted coil (due to internal resistance), how an added resistance (hence a load) limits the accelaration effect, and look also for relations of frequency - impedance - resistance.

I have mapped those figures according my understanding and have seen that there is a always a trade off upon this effect and no energy gain. I openly seek an experimenter here to post his experience that a shorted and accelarating coil will make a net possitive effect. No luck so far. Romero himself told that someone should demonstrate that effect. It would be a milestone. Yet, despite several accelarating setups, do not think anyone has a net energy gain. (mariuscivic have the most promising ?)

Anyway, back to Thane, i bet he has realized that fact by now and his countless experimentations hours but so far failed to come up with any reallife working device. (oil black ops?)

In terms of current, if you have followed my posts some pages ago, a shorted (and accelarating coil) creates a delayed current thanks to huge inductance to resistance ratio making effectively a phase swift (far less than a perfect 90 degrees due to relatively high resistance). This phase swift i have found so far that its not aiding (as it should?) rotor accelaration, rather than follows the general power factor rules.

Bottom line, my overall impression regarding rotor accelaration is that by enabling a coil to magnetically interact with rotor diminishes magnetic cogging or "friction". Of course i would be more happy to be wrong my friend.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rogla on July 01, 2011, 04:58:19 AM
I would like to add following observations to my previous posting about the calculation of the phase angle between voltage and current.

The system can be designed in two ways:

1) High capacitance relative inductance (low resonance frequency)
Operating above resonance, phase angle decreases if speed decreases.

2) Low capacitance relative inductance (high resonance frequency)
Operating below resonance, phase angle increases if speed decreases.
This design can newer be a "run away" because when the speed increases to much, the phase angle will decrease and lower output (provided the resonance freq is not to high). 

So, how do I wind a coil with as little capacitance as possible and as large inductance as possible? Anyone with good advice?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on July 01, 2011, 05:06:22 AM

Thanks for the responses all.

@ Xeno, i did try series resonance as well, but was a the "wrong" measuring point for the current.
I remember it did not had any effect which is strange, so need to redo that test also.
Remember that in parallel resonance, the impedance is (theoretical) infinite (like an open circuit) causing
max voltage and minimum current (this minimum current is what we want as that current causes drag (lenz)).

@ Duff, in my first video you can see that i had NO phase shift between the current pulses and the voltage when measuring the current "outside" the tank, which is what i expect in a parallel resonance circuit as Xc and Xl should cancel each other out, leaving us with the DC resistance of the coil only (no phase shift then).
I will retest and check the phase in both inside and outside the tank, both with and without the parallel cap.

@ jdo300, nice to see similar results, remember that in parallel resonance the impedance is (theoretically) infinite, so no current will/can run, therefor causing no drag (lenz).
In series resonance however, the impedance is at its lowest, causing maximum current (drag).
I too found out that with the cap in series, there is almost no impact seen (as if no cap was there), but as i was measuring the current on the wrong place i need to retest this.
I think you should go for the both generator coils in series, not series canceling.

Next steps besides the retesting is:
# create a generator coil pair with more windings (multi filar) each (HV coil) running in parallel resonance.
# find a way to "impedance match" this HV output and reduce the voltage to "match" the input voltage (transformer?)
# get a more stable drive circuit to "force" the RPM's in a fixed (resonating frequency) band as now under load/short
  the RPM's increase to much forcing the circuit out of resonance (is that the reason of Romero's special hall sensor positions?)
# try to compensate the "running away" under load/short by adding a "normal" not resonating coil pair which introduce drag, but
  along the way also generates extra energy (4 pairs in parallel resonance, 3 in normal?).
# try to understand why i still see 90 degrees phase shift while in resonance.

Regards Itsu
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on July 01, 2011, 05:08:26 AM
Quote from: baroutologos on July 01, 2011, 04:31:47 AM/.../ This phase swift i have found so far that its not aiding (as it should?) rotor accelaration, rather than follows the general power factor rules.

Bottom line, my overall impression regarding rotor accelaration is that by enabling a coil to magnetically interact with rotor diminishes magnetic cogging or "friction". Of course i would be more happy to be wrong my friend.

Have to agree, we need some sanity here. Guys reporting "acceleration under load" in RLC often miss the fact that cap-coil tank in resonance loads the motor the most! And if they connect something additional to form "cap in parallel" etc it usually gets detuned and thus "acceleration". Reference point should be speed w coil ends open! Just realizing that would skip additional 100 pages or so :D
There is no fish whatsoever in trying to go OU with just simple RLC!!! At best it is a way to get more out of gen with otherwise lousy output, but at underunity cost.

If anyone has system accelerating under load compared to coil(s) disconnected from everything - thats whole another story and would be very interesting to hear about it more :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on July 01, 2011, 05:19:59 AM
Quote from: tanakat on June 30, 2011, 11:53:56 AM
Last one from ZFossil :

@Zerofossilfuel: LOL "At 88 MPH your gonna see some serious $hit!"
Z, If you have built your rig as per Romero at 200mm diam...20mm mags..4mm from edge..4875rpm=114.2mph edge speed! Centerline of mags 98.2 mph! You're 10.2 mph over your speed objective! LOL. if you want 88 mph edge speed..you want 3757rpm..centerline 88 mph of magnets, you want 4368 rpm.
SORRY. This was just for $hitz and giggles. John

PS. (Very important...) DO NOT FORGET THE 25uf FLUX CAPACITORS  :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MasterPlaster on July 01, 2011, 06:33:22 AM

A fantastic book on magnetism ( hard core )

http://ia700502.us.archive.org/1/items/mathematicalphys00peir/mathematicalphys00peir.pdf  see section XIX starting from page 323


What is he talking about? Absence of magnetic lag?

Nonlinear electromagnetic systems:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 01, 2011, 11:28:16 AM
I did a small experiment today involving bifilar windings . Someone else posted a link to a website about this . I made 3 electromagnets using 3 similar iron cores . Each magnet used the same length of wire . One was wound normally , one bifilar and one quadrifilar .The same power supply was used to test each electromagnet in turn . The strength of each was tested by seeing how many small nails it would lift . The results were as follows .
Normall wind- 4nails .
Bifilar wound - 12 nails .
Quadrifilar ,12 nails .
    Note that each electromagnet had the same core and the same Amp-turns .I was surprised that quadrifilar was no better than bifilar . This experiment seems ridiculous , but you MUST do it yourself . The implication is that by using a bifilar motor coil , you could create the same input torque for a much lower electrical input , maybe as low as one third . Got to be worth a try? But do the simple experiment first .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on July 01, 2011, 11:42:54 AM
Quote from: baroutologos on July 01, 2011, 04:31:47 AM

I have mapped those figures according my understanding and have seen that there is a always a trade off upon this effect and no energy gain. I openly seek an experimenter here to post his experience that a shorted and accelarating coil will make a net possitive effect. No luck so far. Romero himself told that someone should demonstrate that effect. It would be a milestone. Yet, despite several accelarating setups, do not think anyone has a net energy gain.

I can confirm your results exactly.

I joined Thane at about the time gotoluc was winding the multi strand coils and as you know, built several rotors for Thane. I could never get him to establish a base line measurement which showed that all coil shorting was doing was to reduce core drag. Shorting a coil collapses the flux field, pure and simple. Ergo, reduced drag can be the cause of acceleration. Thane has grown smarter over the years, moved away from having the flux flow down the broom handle across the table and into the motor (humor) but you must remember he thought and based all his theories at one time on peak voltage at TDC. And refused to budge from this for the longest time, even after I posted a single magnet coil/core scope shot showing the resultant sine wave in such a situation. I have not followed his latest work so have no explanation for his "self runner" vid etc.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on July 01, 2011, 11:44:33 AM
Quote from: neptune on July 01, 2011, 11:28:16 AM
I did a small experiment today involving bifilar windings . Someone else posted a link to a website about this . I made 3 electromagnets using 3 similar iron cores . Each magnet used the same length of wire . One was wound normally , one bifilar and one quadrifilar

thanks, neptune - interesting

approx how many layers & how many turns per layer on the normal e/m?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 01, 2011, 11:52:51 AM
Details . Core , mild steel about 10 mm diameter by 10 cms long . 125 turns of wire in a single layer , covering about 80% of core . Wire is about 28 guage SWG . Resistance about 0.4 ohms . Straight core , not horseshoe shaped .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on July 01, 2011, 12:03:48 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 01, 2011, 11:52:51 AM
Details . Core , mild steel about 10 mm diameter by 10 cms long . 125 turns of wire in a single layer , covering about 80% of core . Wire is about 28 guage SWG . Resistance about 0.4 ohms . Straight core , not horseshoe shaped .

ok... more questions  :)

are all the e/ms single layer (just alternate, etc, windings)?

are the nails small (eg. tack size), or large (eg. floorboard nail size)?

if they're large, can you get better differentiation between bi & quadrifilar by using small nails for the 'pick-up' test?

did the source info comment on any diffs between long narrow coils & short wide coils?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on July 01, 2011, 12:17:13 PM
Hello All,

After the first few videos I did yesterday, I performed the same tests on the motor again only this time, the generator coils were connected in series adding rather than series canceling.

The results I obtained were quite fascinating to say the least, though the general behavior was the same as the series canceling configuration. Also as my previous results showed, the parallel configuration was the only one that gave me acceleration under load. But this time, rather than a 100RPM increase in speed, I saw over 2000RPM increase.

However, as myself and some people mentioned in previous posts, having the circuit wired in parallel with the capacitor does present a constant load to the coil until the coil is shorted. In the video you will see that the motor (without the capacitor in the circuit at all), will speed up to about 3770 RPMs and when I short the output on the DC side, the motor slows down. When adding the capacitor in parallel, the motor slows down to about 1900 RPMs or so and stays there (without the short). Once shorted, the motor speeds back up to about 3400RPMs (check the video for exact numbers, I'm going from my memory at the moment).

However, the output power is dramatically different with and without the capacitor! Without it, the max output votlage across the capacitor was about 30VDC. However, with the capacitor in the circuit, the output voltage pegged my meter at over 60V coming out of the system. Also when shorting the output, the power available appears to be much, much greater (plus the added bonus of the acceleration of the rotor).

What it appears is that the best way to extract energy from this system will be to use the coil shorting technique to convert the high current into high votlage. But using a wide duty-cycle pulse so that the coil remains in the shorted state most of the time to reduce drag on the motor.

Here is the link to the video. Please give me your comments:


- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on July 01, 2011, 12:24:45 PM
Quote from: rogla on July 01, 2011, 04:58:19 AM
I would like to add following observations to my previous posting about the calculation of the phase angle between voltage and current.

The system can be designed in two ways:

1) High capacitance relative inductance (low resonance frequency)
Operating above resonance, phase angle decreases if speed decreases.

2) Low capacitance relative inductance (high resonance frequency)
Operating below resonance, phase angle increases if speed decreases.
This design can newer be a "run away" because when the speed increases to much, the phase angle will decrease and lower output (provided the resonance freq is not to high). 

So, how do I wind a coil with as little capacitance as possible and as large inductance as possible? Anyone with good advice?

Hi Rogla,

Very interesting thoughts there. What you described above reminds me of an interesting effect I noticed when shorting the output in parallel mode. For my setup, the resonant frequency of the system occured somewhere around 2600-2800 RPMs and if the rotor is shorted when the rotor speed is below the resonant range, the motor is very sluggish to start accelerating, but as the speed slowly approaches the resonant frequency, the acceleration of the rotor increases greatly and then stays constant above the resonant frequency until the rotor reaches the new steady-state velocity. The interesting thing is that the rotor will accelerate much easier if it is at or above the resonant frequency but not below.

As for your question about winding large L, low C coils, the best geometry for highest inductance would be the Brooks Coil (http://www.nessengr.com/techdata/brooks/brooks.html). The proportions of width to height maximize the L and minimize the C of the coil. Also adding a metal core to the coil will increase the L but lower the frequency range at which the coil can be operated before the losses get too high.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on July 01, 2011, 12:47:45 PM

Jdo300,  intresting video again, nice stuff you have overthere.

Concerning the coils used, you say and it shows on your diagram, they are 15.5uH each.

I find that hard to believe looking at those coils, and also with a 6uF capacitor in parallel, it
will resonate around 11Khz (http://www3.telus.net/chemelec/Calculators/LC-Calculator.htm)

So i guess your coils are 15.5mH, which will put the resonant frequency at around 375Hz (2812 RPM with your 8 magnets).

You also could try to reduce the high voltage and at the same time match the high impedance to a lower level by using a transformer
(less voltage, more current and impedance matching) like being mentioned by Bolt.
That is what i will try to do next.

I hope your motor survived that nasty noise at the end.

Regards Itsu
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Super God on July 01, 2011, 12:55:43 PM
If we increase the L in our coils, can we reduce the rotor speed? I wanted to be safe with my design and that means lower RPM...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: breakthrough on July 01, 2011, 01:01:07 PM
>> Anyway, back to Thane, i bet he has realized that fact by now and his countless experimentations hours but so far failed to come up with any reallife working device. (oil black ops?)

There was a situation where Thane reported OU by calculating input power as the formula P=V*I*cos(theta) where theta is the phase angle between V and I. This was with a transformer-like device, whose primary is driven into saturation so it generates odd harmonics. It wasn't a sine wave, in other words...

Thane wasn't aware that the cosine term in the formula he is using implies a sinus function, cos(theta) only works if V and I are both sine waves! If V and/or I are not pure sine waves then they have a harmonic spectrum, or a Fourier series with more than 1 term -- a list of sinus waves at many frequencies, whose sum yields the complex wave shape at hand (a nice Java app demonstrating this is at http://www.falstad.com/fourier/).

The Fourier spectrum is a series of sinus amplitudes *and* phases, so the power formula becomes a series of terms itself:

P(n) = V(n)*I(n)*cos(theta(n))

where n represents each harmonic in the Fourier expansion, so P(n) is the power at each harmonic. Then, summing all the harmonic power gives the true result. Understandably a little complex!

It's much easier to measure V and I using a digital scope that can yield both (a) the instantaneous math product V*I and (b) the mean value of that math product over some integer number of repeating cycles. As of 2011 there are USB-connected sampling scopes at reasonable prices available which can accomplish this. There are still pitfalls to watch out for (such as probe ground loops between V and I measurements, resistor parasitic inductance if I is measured as I=V/R, timing skew between V and I acquisitions, and scope amplitude and time quantization errors)... there are skills to learn before simply trusting what the scope says.

Some inventors just have power measurement errors despite their beliefs and Thane may have been in that category at one time.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 01, 2011, 01:06:21 PM
@ Nulpoints , and also in reply to Pm from Mikestocks 2006 , 
  Bifilar in my case is as follows . Take 2 wires , A and B . Wind them "2in hand2 side by side . do not twist the wires together , and try to avoid crossed turns . All 3 electromagnets are wound single layer . Connect the start of wire a to the power supply . Connect the END of wire A to the START of wire B. Connect the connect the END of wire B to the power supply . So current flows from start of A to the end of A which is then connected to the start of B . The source makes no mention of the shape factor of the coil , but shows a similar arrangement to above . The nails I used were three-quarter inch upholstery tacks [tin tacks ]. Smaller nails would give a more accurate measurement , my tests were quick and dirty . If I can find the source I will edit it to this post shortly . You need to try it yourself .
Source:  WWW.tesla-coil-builder.com/bifilar_electromagnet.htp      I dont do links so you will have to type it .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on July 01, 2011, 01:11:18 PM
Hi itsu,

Yes you are right, the coils should be 15.5mH, not uH. As for reducing the voltage. That can be achieved by simply shorting the output capacitor periodically to control the max output voltage. Also using the coil-shorting technique, we can precisely regulat the output voltage to impedance match to whatever sized load we want, while still making the output look like a dead short to the input side. My only question at this point is how much power can be extracted from the system.

@Super God,

Yes, increasing L will decrease the resonant frequency, but since you will have to wrap more turns of wire, that will also increase the resistance, which will lower the Q of the coil. The simple way is to use a larger capacitor to reduce the resonant frequency. (The trouble is that adding a larger capacitor will also reduce the Q of the circuit too if it is too big). It's a bit of a balancing act. Here is a website that I have used to get a rough idea of what to use:


- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: oscar on July 01, 2011, 01:11:35 PM
Hi itsu,
thanks for your videos.

Quote from: itsu on July 01, 2011, 05:06:22 AM
# try to compensate the "running away" under load/short by adding a "normal" not resonating coil pair which introduce drag, but  along the way also generates extra energy (4 pairs in parallel resonance, 3 in normal?).

If it is your goal to avoid that your systems "accelerates too much" , i.e. accelerates beyond the resonance speed/RPMs, you also have the option to regulate/reduce the input voltage.

Just to mention it.
Thanks for your efforts, all.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Sonedi on July 01, 2011, 01:26:00 PM
I am sorry I had to log in with a new UN.

Just to tell you - its working and obviously really simple. Have a look at the diagram - only the right part. The trafo is your coil. Just put a cap in parallel with your single coil with about 3uF and instead of the CR1 you put a mosfet there - switched from a hall in syncron with the rotormags. Use very short interruptions. For CR2 you use two 4007 diod in parallel. On the output you have about 20000uF. And now you can see under load it speeds up and the output is tremendous. With the mags on the coils you get more amps. I got the idea from http://www.teslaco.com/technology.html
Now you have the out of phase manner and that's the solution.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 01, 2011, 01:27:14 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 01, 2011, 11:28:16 AM
I did a small experiment today involving bifilar windings . Someone else posted a link to a website about this . I made 3 electromagnets using 3 similar iron cores . Each magnet used the same length of wire . One was wound normally , one bifilar and one quadrifilar .The same power supply was used to test each electromagnet in turn . The strength of each was tested by seeing how many small nails it would lift . The results were as follows .
Normall wind- 4nails .
Bifilar wound - 12 nails .
Quadrifilar ,12 nails .
    Note that each electromagnet had the same core and the same Amp-turns .I was surprised that quadrifilar was no better than bifilar . This experiment seems ridiculous , but you MUST do it yourself . The implication is that by using a bifilar motor coil , you could create the same input torque for a much lower electrical input , maybe as low as one third . Got to be worth a try? But do the simple experiment first .


It would be of great benefit to know the supply current in each case. I think you will find that for case 2 and 3, the current is higher than in case one, and hence perhaps the advantage to case 2 or 3 is only evident when you are restricted to a lower supply voltage.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mikestocks2006 on July 01, 2011, 01:28:58 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 01, 2011, 01:06:21 PM
@ Nulpoints , and also in reply to Pm from Mikestocks 2006 , 
  Bifilar in my case is as follows . Take 2 wires , A and B . Wind them "2in hand2 side by side . do not twist the wires together , and try to avoid crossed turns . All 3 electromagnets are wound single layer . Connect the start of wire a to the power supply . Connect the END of wire A to the START of wire B. Connect the connect the END of wire B to the power supply . So current flows from start of A to the end of A which is then connected to the start of B . The source makes no mention of the shape factor of the coil , but shows a similar arrangement to above . The nails I used were three-quarter inch upholstery tacks [tin tacks ]. Smaller nails would give a more accurate measurement , my tests were quick and dirty . If I can find the source I will edit it to this post shortly . You need to try it yourself .
Source:  WWW.tesla-coil-builder.com/bifilar_electromagnet.htp      I dont do links so you will have to type it .
Ok, so basically, each “layer” is progressively wound in the same direction along the axis of the core. E.g. if the core is positioned vertically, every “layer” is wound from bottom to top, then again bottom to top, instead of the normal bottom to top then top to  bottom etc.
Yes I think this was mentioned before. The current has an additional small additive component along the axis of the core instead of canceling.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on July 01, 2011, 01:39:23 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 01, 2011, 01:06:21 PM
@ Nulpoints
The nails I used were three-quarter inch upholstery tacks [tin tacks ]. Smaller nails would give a more accurate measurement , my tests were quick and dirty
Source:  WWW.tesla-coil-builder.com/bifilar_electromagnet.htp

thanks, neptune

ok, so you already used small nails (giving finer definition of power) - interesting about the bi - quad results, then

your normal/bifilar diff is better than quoted on the site - they say 'double', you got 3x

i wonder if the effect holds regardless of how many layers you divide the turns into

BTW the link you gave needs an .HTM extension, not .HTP

the 'fish pedicure' ad looks interesting (go on, admit it, you didn't know fish had feet) - maybe we could treat our hero to one for his next birthday?  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 01, 2011, 01:47:23 PM
@Nul-points . Will you do us a favour and create a link please . Thanks . neptune .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 01, 2011, 02:04:58 PM
Hey sonedi

Looks good! - are you actually testing this now with a Romero like machine or something similar?

This is a lot like what I have been doing past year, which is SHORT the generator coil with mosfets for only short blip, and at sinewave peaks (near TDC) is best place to do it
Then AC legs of FWBR across coil too, and the DC into cap.
Its best to do mosfets in paralell for minimum resistiance which is really important
Ismael Aviso told me to do this and it is important to have very little resistance in the swtihcing..
Ismale also shorts 5times at peaks too and gets even more out...

I just plop it all into a cap at DC side of FWBR....no transformer or anything over on that side of circuit.
then cap goes to load, with two-stage output circuit so the coils never see the load, they are disconnected from cap whe caps hit load, and the only thing the coils ever have to do is fill the caps and "be" shorted for a blip.
anyways jsut thinking the single diode and single mosfet might be only catching "half" of it - maybe try out bidirectional mosfets too (connect gates and source swtich between two drains) and also FWBR or half bridge into cap or "diode plug" where two caps fill from two diodes pointed opposite if you want to go that way which is a bit more effecint since one collects owhen other is "off".
This is the way to go with Muller-like mahcines but I dont think romero was doing anythign like this - he knows about coil-shoting with swtihcing and did some videos but dont think he did that in his looper... still want to explore "what" Reomeroe did its whole other thing but what you show should work fine but my meager opinon is the output should be two-stage instead of transformer I dont know maybe your way is way better need to try it and find out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on July 01, 2011, 02:25:05 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 01, 2011, 01:47:23 PM
@Nul-points . Will you do us a favour and create a link please . Thanks . neptune .

it's very tempting to say "sure - to anything in particular?"    ;)

hope you meant to your previous link?

  link-->www.tesla-coil-builder.com/bifilar_electromagnet.htm (http://www.tesla-coil-builder.com/bifilar_electromagnet.htm)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 01, 2011, 02:37:13 PM
@Nul-points . Yes thanks for that link .
@Poynt99 . The current was the same in each case -0.8 amps . Remember that the total number of turns was the same in each case , and thus the total wire length was approximately the same . So , in the bifilar case , you have 2 wires in series , and in the quad case , 4 wires in series . It would seem to me that the total number of amp-turns is the same in each case .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on July 01, 2011, 03:13:46 PM
Regarding bifilar coil magnetic field strenght I did similar experiments, which confirm a greater magnetic force vs normal winding.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AxxxVLmORM&hd=1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AxxxVLmORM&hd=1)
In my video the two coils are in series, so the power going through (current) is the same in both cases.

After few experiments with my pulse motor setup I figured that we have to reduce input power to get any close to OU.
That is why I just ordered a small 3-phase motor 0,5kW 3000 RPM to play with a resonant rotoverter circuit setup.
I will mount a wheel with magnets on its axis when tuned an will go from there to match the output load vs input tunning...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rogla on July 01, 2011, 03:17:39 PM
Quote from: Jdo300 on July 01, 2011, 12:24:45 PM
As for your question about winding large L, low C coils, the best geometry for highest inductance would be the Brooks Coil (http://www.nessengr.com/techdata/brooks/brooks.html). The proportions of width to height maximize the L and minimize the C of the coil. Also adding a metal core to the coil will increase the L but lower the frequency range at which the coil can be operated before the losses get too high.

- Jason O

Thanks allot Jdo300, will have a look at the Brook coil.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 01, 2011, 03:48:38 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 01, 2011, 02:37:13 PM
@Poynt99 . The current was the same in each case -0.8 amps . Remember that the total number of turns was the same in each case , and thus the total wire length was approximately the same . So , in the bifilar case , you have 2 wires in series , and in the quad case , 4 wires in series . It would seem to me that the total number of amp-turns is the same in each case .

OK, interesting neptune. Thanks.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on July 01, 2011, 04:37:44 PM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on July 01, 2011, 03:13:46 PM
Regarding bifilar coil magnetic field strenght I did similar experiments, which confirm a greater magnetic force vs normal winding.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AxxxVLmORM&hd=1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AxxxVLmORM&hd=1)
In my video the two coils are in series, so the power going through (current) is the same in both cases.

After few experiments with my pulse motor setup I figured that we have to reduce input power to get any close to OU.
That is why I just ordered a small 3-phase motor 0,5kW 3000 RPM to play with a resonant rotoverter circuit setup.
I will mount a wheel with magnets on its axis when tuned an will go from there to match the output load vs input tunning...

Good idea and you have a perfect stable bearing shaft to mount the rotor for testing. Remember to take off the motor fan and thoroughly clean the grease from the bearings and use 1 drop of sewing machine oil or better PTFE or Silicone based oil. This will run very nice at 3000 rpm and use about 10 watts at 120v.  If you use an variable pulse width frequency adjustable inverter it will spin the rotor full speed using about 2 watts.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on July 01, 2011, 05:02:01 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 01, 2011, 11:28:16 AM
I did a small experiment today involving bifilar windings . Someone else posted a link to a website about this . I made 3 electromagnets using 3 similar iron cores . Each magnet used the same length of wire . One was wound normally , one bifilar and one quadrifilar .The same power supply was used to test each electromagnet in turn . The strength of each was tested by seeing how many small nails it would lift . The results were as follows .
Normall wind- 4nails .
Bifilar wound - 12 nails .
Quadrifilar ,12 nails .
    Note that each electromagnet had the same core and the same Amp-turns .I was surprised that quadrifilar was no better than bifilar . This experiment seems ridiculous , but you MUST do it yourself . The implication is that by using a bifilar motor coil , you could create the same input torque for a much lower electrical input , maybe as low as one third . Got to be worth a try? But do the simple experiment first .

Hey neptune

There is a reason for the difference between 2 and 4 filar coils.   Imagine 2, each winding is in proximity to the other providing a 50% voltage difference between the 2 all the way through the windings.  Say 10v in, the current flows through 1 of the windings to the opposite end of the total winding, then connects to the beginning of the other. Its like a voltage divider.  If you have 10v in, then measure only across 1 of the windings you will see 5v.

So anywhere within the coil, if you scrape the enamel from the 2 wires, you will measure 5v. If wound nice and neat. ;]

With 4, there is only 3.333v between adjacent turns.

This kinda tells me that the best would be just 2. I dont comprehend any advantage to more, yet.  ;]

Now, with a 1 strand winding, lets say 100 turns, with 10v input, if you measured adjacent turns, the voltage will be 10v/100 turns. This would be .1v between the adjacent turns. This is what is stored in the self capacitance of a single wire coil.  Not much ay?

Im not sure of the advantage of going more than 2. Bruce seems to believe so.  Testing will have to be done there.

Tesla explains it for 2 in his pat. for this electromagnet.

More may work also, as it is like having the caps in series. Between wire 1 and 2 is 3.3v, between wire 2 and 3 is 3.3v and between wire 3 and 4 would be 3.3v   ;]

Hope that makes sense.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rukiddingme on July 01, 2011, 05:36:10 PM
Interesting rectangular and compacted litz wire:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yssuraxu_697 on July 01, 2011, 05:54:17 PM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on July 01, 2011, 03:13:46 PMRegarding bifilar coil magnetic field strenght I did similar experiments, which confirm a greater magnetic force vs normal winding.

Tesla bifilar has less inductance than normal winding.
If you apply current it builds up faster in Tesla bifilar - so the shock to material is greater and it magnetizes more.
I guess it will not work with all materials.
But with all materials TB has less inductance because it has more capacitance. So it is very good
idea to use it as DRIVE coil. Not so sure about gen coil... (less inductance - less voltage?)
I'm talking about just simple gen coil - no magic tricks that noone really knows :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on July 01, 2011, 06:40:05 PM
Quote from: Chef on July 01, 2011, 06:16:27 PM
What you don't mention,when there are harmonics present, the ambient Zippons starting to pump power from the zero point. I really don't know how could you missed that out!  :D ;)

LOL,  :D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on July 01, 2011, 09:36:25 PM
I had to go out for a bit since my last post and was thinking.

In my post above, I made statements on the difference between 2 and 4 strand multifilars.  I may need to correct that. But I think its a good correction. ;]

When I described the 4, (never having made one , just 2 so far) I neglected to count the 1 and 4 capacitance. So it should be as follows.  2.5v for wires 1 and 2, 2.5 for 2 and 3, 2.5v for 3 and 4, AND 2.5v for 4 and 1.  ;]

  Remember we are looking at adjacent turns for capacitance. After we wind 1 turn of 4, the no. 1 strand is now going to be adjacent to 4 of the previous turn.  Thus the correction.  ;]

Im  "kinda" seeing no matter how many Different strands that are series connected in multifilar, that the total capacitance will possibly be the same in total. And the inductance should stay the same, for the same total length of wire on the coil as a whole. But I thought again. ;]

First we wind 2 of 100ft, 200ft of wire total.  10v in gives 5v division between turns. Lets call the capacitance 10uf, just for example.

Next we wind 4 of 50ft, still 200 ft total on the coil.  10v in gives 2.5v division between adjacent turns.
The capacitance between adjacent turns will be less than the 2 strand as each strand is half the length of the 2 strand coil, giving half of the capacitive plate surface area between adjacent turns.   

Here is the capacitor plate area calculator..

With 2 strands we have 10uf.  But with 4, each of the 4 adjacent turn capacitance's are 5uf.

Now the question is, does the 4 strand coil, using the same mass of copper, and the same total length of wire as the 2 strand, have a total of 5uf of capacitance, or is it different?

If it is just 5uf for the 4 turn, vs 10uf for the 2 turn, then I would consider the 2fi over the 4fi, because I believe we are looking for more capacitance than just a single strand coil here.  Would anyone say that we should go with the 4 strand hassle just to decrease or even have the same coil capacitance as compared to a 2 strand?

But, I dont know for sure if the 4strand coil is 5uf total in the coil as compared to 10uf on the 2 strand.  I dont know how to determine this. Because no matter which set of adjacent turns we measure for capacitance, it should read 5uf. Whether its 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4, and 4 and 1.
I would venture to say that if we measured non adjacent turns, say 1 and 3, 2 and 4 will affect the outcome. it might read 2.5uf. OR it might be the same or higher than 5uf.  ;]

If it somehow is more than 10uf in the 4 strand total capacitance, then this is the magic we are looking for.  I hope Bruce could answer this question, due to as of late, he seems to be the authority thus far on many many adjacent series strand coils.

If for the same mass of copper, and total length of wire, we can increase the capacitance by increasing the no. separate series strands, all of which doesnt change the resistance and seemingly the inductance of the coil compared to the 2 strand, then this is a very sweet situation for us.

I hope Im not making any mistakes here. Ive gone over it and it seems correct. We just need to try these things and see..And I am questioning the amount of capacitance difference as the strands increase per coil.

But hopefully in testing, if we see acceleration at lower freq with more separate strands in series as a multifilar coil, then I have to conclude that the more separate strands increases capacitance.  ;]

Ok, back to my lil bench.  ;]


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on July 01, 2011, 11:25:47 PM
Earlier I was not seeing all the litz strands in series. The leads off of the coils dont look that small. Also, I wasnt seeing those possible solder joints on the sides of the coils as single strand either. They look a bit chunky for that.

But then was thinking of what possible tuning could have taken soo much time as Romero claimed?  Then I thought, hmm, if its 7fi, would I just find the ends and series them all for 7fi and install the coils to the motor?  Well, if we do, how do we know that each successive wire is running adjacent to the next in series connection?  Follow me here...

If we just chose at random which ones to connect to the next, there is a possibility that each coil may have a different value of capacitance than the others. Maybe some close by chance.

Sooo maybe the tuning that took soo long to get right, was measuring capacitance between strands to find which ones in series are adjacent to the next in the series.
This makes a lot of sense. And, having all 7 twisted throughout, there just may be an increase in capacitance due to all in very close proximity to each other, and consistent. ;]  Lonny like. ;]   

If we didnt tune this way, say our first strand in the series was randomly connected to another strand. That second strand in the series could very well be 2 strands thickness away from the first in the twisted liz, all the way through the total winding. Then maybe when you get to doing your other coils, maybe one has all adjacent in proper order for the most capacitance to be had, and another one a little off from either of the other 2 coils..  This in my honest opinion, would make the capacitance of some coils way off of perfect with the rest.  Now some wont work as good as others at the same rpm(freq) of the rotor.

I thought of the posibility of just looking at the litz bundle of 7 and picking them out, which one is the next adjacent strand, but if you made a mistake,  more work to do on that mistake than to get it right the first time. ;]

All of this here is just if there is a possibility of if Romero used 7fi. I lean toward 7fi after watching Thanes vid.  ;]

Anyways, if there were to be a LOT of tuning, this is one very good possibility, dont ya think?   ;]

What other real "tuning" could there possibly be that would be soo "critical"?  I dont really see anything else that could throw things that far off balance. Does anyone?  ;]


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on July 02, 2011, 01:02:56 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on July 01, 2011, 09:36:25 PM

When I described the 4, (never having made one , just 2 so far) I neglected to count the 1 and 4 capacitance. So it should be as follows.  2.5v for wires 1 and 2, 2.5 for 2 and 3, 2.5v for 3 and 4, AND 2.5v for 4 and 1.  ;]

Well I just have to wind one of these and test. Have to!

In my quote above, these numbers might not be right.

And these are a correction of the previous numbers.  ::)

What got me here, was the thought of the voltage across 1 and 4.  Its the input! 10v if measured at the right ends.
Even if measured at 1 wrong end, we should be at 7.5v. 7.5v in the capacity of those 2 adjacent turns!!!!!!!
And if measured at the far ends of 1 and 4, just to provide the most amount of resistance(or impeadance ;] ), I see 5v in the 1 and 4 capacitance.  Not 2.5v. This is good!   

Now, I need to know. I need to know what voltage is in those other capacitance, 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4. Im believing that we can assume voltage division just as it does in the Tesla 2fi.  ;]

So I still see more than 2.5 in the 1 and 2 pair and the 3 and 4 pair. Could they be less than 2.5v as previously thought? We have to have at the minimum 5v on the 1 and 4. Has to be. minimum. And its stored in 1 and 4 capacitance all the way through the coil. Max 10v depending on where its measured on that run.

So could it be that when we multifi, more than 2fi, that there is an appearance of more capacitive stored voltage within the coil than is input? Is that it Bruce? Tesla claimed a much greater amount of enegy is stored in a bifi that a standard inductor. So what from more that 2fi?

Ok, Im getting tired. I better quit while im still... where ever.  ;]

But if any of you get what im saying, then these are ideas to try for. Fresh.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on July 02, 2011, 04:47:34 AM
I see how confused you are, so please let me explain that for you!

I guess (!),what Romero doing is quite simple. He managed to tune his device to the ambient (very) special frequency which was available at his location...


I am starting to believe this same thing. In the past Romero declared OU achievement from other setups too (namely Kapanadze like, batteries with air coils, pulsing toroids with appropriate circuits etc) (see romero forum page 8 dialog that i have uploaded some time ago)

We have also discussed in private and i asked for strict guidance how to achieve that. He did not redus to provide help. On the contrary he gave me some times step by step help.

But, the result at my side was always underunity in those setups. I told him also, that perhaps in his area exist underground or in air waves that affect his devices and thus he can extract free energy.

He has not -as far i remember-  eliminated this possibility.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 02, 2011, 09:17:34 AM
Ok Im going to get out there on this one,   ;D
What is lenz - say there are two fields in a magnetic field one moveing one direction and one opposite,
Leedskalnin said we only use one pole that we didnt use the positive pole
So if we are collecting only one pole, then is lenz the other pole circulating in the coil causing drag,  and can it be collected also?

also in Ramero's rig he used shielded wire returning to his battery   why?

There's a vid out there that uses a iron coil and the bemf collected is run to the opposite side of the battery than a normal copper coil.   interesting no

auhh the possibility's are endless
its an awesome creation
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 02, 2011, 09:21:11 AM
Are you sure that the picture you posted is not altered?
Let's say that  one is fake but then must answer how in the first video the amps is not going up if he connected the bulb to the battery? the amps are going down....???? ???
Let's find a solution for the suspended one too.
Where is that guy who had another video, can you please post it?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 02, 2011, 09:34:05 AM
Quote from: David70 on July 02, 2011, 09:21:11 AM
Are you sure that the picture you posted is not altered?
Let's say that  one is fake but then must answer how in the first video the amps is not going up if he connected the bulb to the battery? the amps are going down....???? ???
Let's find a solution for the suspended one too.
Where is that guy who had another video, can you please post it?


I agree where's the other vid that was referenced by Ramero.
Inquiring minds want to know    :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on July 02, 2011, 11:32:07 AM
Quote from: David70 on July 02, 2011, 09:21:11 AM
Are you sure that the picture you posted is not altered? (snipped)

There is no trickery in any image posted. I created that picture (as can anyone else) from actual HD video screenshots at the times stated and posted it on OUR's forum, because critical comments are not as welcome on this forum (they have disappeared generally). It was reposted without asking here, though I don't mind so much if it illuminates the discussion. Gamma changes only brighten the darker areas, they don't create more information (certain compression artifacts excepted, however they are not a factor here). Even without the contour lighting added, one can see there is the suggestion (to put it lightly) of a problem.

I don't know about Video 3, I've looked at it a lot. Video 1 ran off a battery.

But in Video 2, wires are seen where there should not be any, and in Video 3, there is no lamp, for a device said to have been built to match a 25 watt load, and to require that load to work (presumably other than itself). Such makes sense if small batteries are running the works.

My belief is that if something truly works, it can be replicated. It is not a matter of ether waves or trans-luminal semi-conductance, nor intelligent implementation of a turbo-encabulator using Thane-wave distortion modules.

If it did actually work however, and was 'repressed', the inventor can now be considered to be an active and completely voluntary participant now -as to that repression-. Any patent issues would have been solved by C&D letter, followed by a court case if that didn't work, not a visit by confiscatory agents of evil. Cure for the latter is plenty of light of disclosure and a police report.

I think Romero seems honest about his visit, so possibility was an exaggeration of real results (the big mistake), getting out of hand once domain information was posted followed by an unwelcome real visit perhaps, by those unhappy to find out it was not as it was stated, or maybe they weren't told even then. Who can know.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on July 02, 2011, 12:23:19 PM
To all those doing actual experiments:

I would like to know if anyone has seen a speedup effect with the output winding connected with a series capacitance vs. a parallel capacitance. So far my experiments have shown that when a series capacitance is driven at resonance, the current at resonance amplifies the drag force, but in parallel, the opposite occurs. Would those of you who have done such tests please share your notes?

As much as I'm enjoying the theoretical discussions here, I would much prefer to focus more on test results and hard data.

NOTE: For those who missed them, I posted a video link to my latest experiment showing the speedup effect in parallel resonance:


- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on July 02, 2011, 12:27:11 PM
Video 1 was run directly off battery. It is just basic battery physics, one cannot hide this. Please see posts #3303 and #3380. Video 2 has controversial wires X going somewhere.
Video 3 does not show the whole device. Watch it again and again. The camera points downwards, sideways but never high enough to show the top of one of the threaded rods.
These are just basic facts. This does not mean that experiments should be stopped, or that Muller motor is not capable of OU.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 02, 2011, 01:24:41 PM
I just created a new coil on the same bobbin and this time I split the 7 strands into 2 groups.

Group one is I1, I2, I3 strands. (I for input).
Group two is I4, I5, I6, I7. So input has 2 entries.

Output is also grouped the same:

Group one O1, O2, O3 strands (O for output).
Group two O4, I5, I6, I7. So output has 2 outputs.

The whole coil now has group I1, I2, I3 connected together and I4, I5, I6, I7 connected together.
Output has group O1, O2, O3 connected together and O4, O5, O6, O7 connected together.

So now I connected O1, O2, O3 to Input I4, I5, I6, I7. Coil will have as its input I1, I2, I3 and output O4, O5, O6, O7.

In effect making this coil a bifilar. Total resistance is about 11.66 ohms and inductance without magnets and core about 2.59mh and capacitance around 16.30uf.

I thinks this is very interesting. I made two coils and I will put them on my motor and test them as generators.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lota on July 02, 2011, 01:38:00 PM
i have bifilar coils as driver. Generator is a kegelcoil  with 0,8mm Cu. I have 1000V with this setup. If the motor is stand by, he is oscillating with 10khz. I have then 400v output. Is verry intesting. No OU.
My english is bad. Sorry.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 02, 2011, 01:38:15 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 02, 2011, 01:24:41 PM
I just created a new coil on the same bobbin and this time I split the 7 strands into 2 groups.

Group one is I1, I2, I3 strands. (I for input).
Group two is I4, I5, I6, I7. So input has 2 entries.

Output is also grouped the same:

Group one O1, O2, O3 strands (O for output).
Group two O4, I5, I6, I7. So output has 2 outputs.

The whole coil now has group I1, I2, I3 connected together and I4, I5, I6, I6 connected together.
Output has group O1, O2, O3 connected together and O4, O5, O6, O7 connected together.

So now I connected O1, O2, O3 to Input I4, I5, I6, I6. Coil will have as its input I1, I2, I3 and output O4, O5, O6, O7.

In effect making this coil a bifilar. Total resistance is about 11.66 ohms and inductance without magnets and core about 2.59mh and capacitance around 16.30uf.

I thinks this is very interesting. I made two coils and I will put them on my motor and test them as generators.


Fausto,  nice to see some measurements.   How many turns of wire on your bobbin?  Is this the 7 stand wire from Surplus-Electronics-Sales in US?

I will also test. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on July 02, 2011, 01:50:06 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 02, 2011, 01:24:41 PM
I just created a new coil on the same bobbin and this time I split the 7 strands into 2 groups.

Group one is I1, I2, I3 strands. (I for input).
Group two is I4, I5, I6, I7. So input has 2 entries.

Output is also grouped the same:

Group one O1, O2, O3 strands (O for output).
Group two O4, I5, I6, I7. So output has 2 outputs.

The whole coil now has group I1, I2, I3 connected together and I4, I5, I6, I7 connected together.
Output has group O1, O2, O3 connected together and O4, O5, O6, O7 connected together.

So now I connected O1, O2, O3 to Input I4, I5, I6, I7. Coil will have as its input I1, I2, I3 and output O4, O5, O6, O7. (snipped)

For x.filar coil testing what might be a handy setup for quick changes for experimentalists would be to create a mini breadboard or jumper type pcb where one can solder just once the 7 wires respectively to a 7 contact pad set which a 7 pin header (x 2) then such coil wire ends can repeatedly be connected or unconnected to others without loss or strain on the Litz. Sort of a jumper system, similar to a modular synth, mini sized.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 02, 2011, 02:35:44 PM
Quote from: lota on July 02, 2011, 01:38:00 PM
i have bifilar coils as driver. Generator is a kegelcoil  with 0,8mm Cu. I have 1000V with this setup. If the motor is stand by, he is oscillating with 10khz. I have then 400v output. Is verry intesting. No OU.
My english is bad. Sorry.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on July 02, 2011, 04:35:21 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on July 02, 2011, 09:17:34 AM
also in Ramero's rig he used shielded wire returning to his battery   why?

Dc inverter supply comes with screened cables like laptop supplies all do as its a HF switcher. So he cut plug off and returned to battery. No mystery there!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 02, 2011, 05:45:05 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 02, 2011, 01:24:41 PM
I just created a new coil on the same bobbin and this time I split the 7 strands into 2 groups.

In effect making this coil a bifilar. Total resistance is about 11.66 ohms and inductance without magnets and core about 2.59mh and capacitance around 16.30uf.

16.3uF, Really? Wow!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 02, 2011, 07:09:49 PM
Quote from: bolt on July 02, 2011, 04:35:21 PM
Dc inverter supply comes with screened cables like laptop supplies all do as its a HF switcher. So he cut plug off and returned to battery. No mystery there!
if I remember correctly he used the shielded cable before he connected the dc to dc inverter.
just looking for clues.

Sherlock  ::)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on July 02, 2011, 07:52:24 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on July 02, 2011, 05:45:05 PM
16.3uF, Really? Wow!


Hi Plengo,

How did you determine the capacitance of your coil?

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 02, 2011, 08:23:34 PM
This is from the neogen vid
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on July 02, 2011, 09:50:35 PM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on July 02, 2011, 11:32:07 AM

My belief is that if something truly works, it can be replicated. It is not a matter of ether waves or trans-luminal semi-conductance, nor intelligent implementation of a turbo-encabulator using Thane-wave distortion modules.


LOL. .   I agree wholeheartedly
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 03, 2011, 12:20:24 AM
Quote from: Dave45 on July 02, 2011, 09:17:34 AM
Ok Im going to get out there on this one,   ;D
What is lenz - say there are two fields in a magnetic field one moveing one direction and one opposite,
Leedskalnin said we only use one pole that we didnt use the positive pole
So if we are collecting only one pole, then is lenz the other pole circulating in the coil causing drag,  and can it be collected also?

also in Ramero's rig he used shielded wire returning to his battery   why?

There's a vid out there that uses a iron coil and the bemf collected is run to the opposite side of the battery than a normal copper coil.   interesting no

auhh the possibility's are endless
its an awesome creation

Once again its time for a quote from the man of the hour himself.

" I made a lot more electricity with steel than I ever made with copper."

--Ed Leedskalnin


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 03, 2011, 01:15:07 AM
Quote from: Jdo300 on July 02, 2011, 07:52:24 PM
Hi Plengo,

How did you determine the capacitance of your coil?

- Jason O

Hi Jason ( i always admired your work ),

Using a mH / uF meter.

The number of turns?

Not sure, i filled the bobbin this time to full. I think by now it is irrelevant really. What matters is the experiment.

There are too many non-experimentalists here. We need more of those like JDO. Also Bolt has sopken great theories that have been proven right so far, while many others are eager to debunk or just speculate.

Lets work towards a solution with real evidences instead of just talk, shall we?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 03, 2011, 01:37:01 AM
If i was in R&D i would come up with a plan of process.

Now with the evidence of diferent speed under loads while diferent resonance output, i would research into the quantitave aspect of it so that we can calculate the ratio of input / output for one gen coil.

Next would be speed versus gain ratio.

Next would be magnet biasing ratio of change in output.

Next would be distance ratio output.

I will give some rough estimates on distance rotor stator versus output. When distance about 15mm, output for X speed is 36ma over 100 ohms resistor on the DC side of bridge (after coil).

On 5mm distance, output dropped to 5ma max under same conditions. ALL using biasing magnets.

I was surpised right there. How many arm chair scientists would have predicted that?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rukiddingme on July 03, 2011, 03:43:29 AM

Optimal Choice for Number of Strands in a Litz-Wire Transformer Winding.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 03, 2011, 03:44:05 AM
Quote from: Dave45 on July 02, 2011, 08:23:34 PM
This is from the neogen vid



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 03, 2011, 08:49:38 AM
Quote from: plengo on July 03, 2011, 01:37:01 AM
If i was in R&D i would come up with a plan of process.

Now with the evidence of diferent speed under loads while diferent resonance output, i would research into the quantitave aspect of it so that we can calculate the ratio of input / output for one gen coil.

Next would be speed versus gain ratio.

Next would be magnet biasing ratio of change in output.

Next would be distance ratio output.

I will give some rough estimates on distance rotor stator versus output. When distance about 15mm, output for X speed is 36ma over 100 ohms resistor on the DC side of bridge (after coil).

On 5mm distance, output dropped to 5ma max under same conditions. ALL using biasing magnets.

I was surpised right there. How many arm chair scientists would have predicted that?


Fausto,   good science.   Yes surprising results with the distances.

BTW there maybe another way to wire the Liz wire coils?   I know this was posted before but I did not see where anyone may have tried this with their Muller rigs. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 03, 2011, 08:55:48 AM
Cool you found it, I wanted to paste it but couldnt find it besides the vid
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: aircore on July 03, 2011, 08:56:50 AM
    Now we really need cool-headed and sober.
    Why replication success so far no one?
    Because: RomeroUK device is indeed false. And: We overestimated RomeroUK,
    "konehead", "bolt" describes many of the theories, RomeroUK may simply not understand.
    Please plengo not edit my speech, Because I speak for all of us are good. In order not to waste your energy and money.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: aircore on July 03, 2011, 09:27:44 AM
    From the beginning of the high replication all enthusiasm, To the present mess speculation and experiment, We are still not good progress,
    With my observations: Many people have given up replication, Including: "CLaNZeR", "Lidmotor", "lasersaber" other,,,,,, "skycollection" never involved in replication, I think there should be a reason.
    This thread is really close to death.
    This is just a wonderful fantasy and unreal dreams.
    In fact: "Lidmotor" video has hinted us a lot.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on July 03, 2011, 09:27:52 AM
  Well then Mr. Aircore, explain then the vid that Lidmotor just posted???

Looks like it was running on ok. Allbeit made to run on 1.5v instead of 12.

Then we all saw the RUK machine running while being toted all over the place
and kept on going. There was another, he was beat on too and left. What will
it take ? If you have no interest then sit back and enjoy the ride while we
continue our quest.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on July 03, 2011, 09:31:00 AM
Quote from: aircore on July 03, 2011, 08:56:50 AM
    Now we really need cool-headed and sober.
    Why replication success so far no one?
    Because: RomeroUK device is indeed false. And: We overestimated RomeroUK,
    "konehead", "bolt" describes many of the theories, RomeroUK may simply not understand.
    Please plengo not edit my speech, Because I speak for all of us are good. In order not to waste your energy and money.

This thread is not for discussing fakes its for discussing replications and theories about the Romero Muller. If you doubt it then discuss it on other threads to which there are several. The fact no one has achieved a perfect OU replication does NOT make it a fake just some information maybe misunderstood. No different to Kapanadze or the TPU etc.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on July 03, 2011, 09:31:29 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on July 03, 2011, 09:45:41 AM

OK guys,  as promised, here a video of serial resonance testing:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-avee5Z1oU

I used the same hardware as with my parallel resonance testing, but with totally different results like also Jdo300 already pointed out.

Coil is multi filar (6 strands 24 AWG) in series, 27mH / 8.7 Ohm
Capacitor is 40uF non polarized,
resonance to be calculated and found to be right is around 160Hz.

As we have in serial resonance a minimum impedance (like almost shorted), a perfect resonance sine waveform for both Voltage
and current appeared only when shorting the circuit BEFORE the FWBR (seems logical).

Shorting BEHIND the FWBR still shows some sine waveform, but voltage is more distorted (i guess the nonlinear diodes messing this up, right?).

Opening the circuit shows a "normal" voltage (no current offcource) you can expect when a magnet is passing a coil, no sign of
a resonance sine wave!
I guess this opening of the circuit destroys the resonance completely.

When putting a load (28 leds brakelight) on it, it completely distorts the voltage waveform, and i fail to see any phase shift (allthought it is hard to see with this clamped off voltage waveform).

So, no speed up under short/load like seen with parallel resonance.     

To be continued,  regards Itsu
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 03, 2011, 09:57:27 AM
Quote from: Dave45 on July 03, 2011, 08:55:48 AM
Cool you found it, I wanted to paste it but couldnt find it besides the vid
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 03, 2011, 10:00:14 AM
Quote from: aircore on July 03, 2011, 09:27:44 AM
    From the beginning of the high replication all enthusiasm, To the present mess speculation and experiment, We are still not good progress,
    With my observations: Many people have given up replication, Including: "CLaNZeR", "Lidmotor", "lasersaber" other,,,,,, "skycollection" never involved in replication, I think there should be a reason.
    This thread is really close to death.
    This is just a wonderful fantasy and unreal dreams.
    In fact: "Lidmotor" video has hinted us a lot.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 03, 2011, 11:03:53 AM
So, last night I made a mold to make magnetite/epoxy cores. The cores are 3/8" dia and about 1 5/8" long when they come out, may trim down. I am starting with two for testing. 
The coils I was using (from automotive relays) only produces about 5 volts at motor free run speed of 1750ish rpm. I unwound one coil folded the wire in half to get two wires that were about 115 foot each and rewound the same coil bobbin bi-filer, the result was the same 5 volts. The only difference I seen with the bi-filer is that by adding a bias magnet I would see up to one volt increase on the scope, I was unable to get the same effect with the single wire coil. So my thoughts are that to get the required voltage I need 3 times the wire ( almost 700 feet worth). So I have unwound 7 relay coils for the wire and will be using it for new coils. My plan is to make one coil a single wire coil, but will splice three wires together (series) to get the 700 feet for coil one. Coil two will be three wires twisted (parallel) tri-filer, so there will be the same amount of wire (mass) on both.  Off to the garage, will post results as I get them. Peace
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 03, 2011, 01:05:47 PM
Hi Dave45

in question aout what is lenz law, what we are dealing with is "rotational" lenz law (lugging) using magnets going past coils and cores.

so what happens is if magnet is Ntop-Sbottom going past the upper coil/core for instance, that upper core, and the coil too, (coil "following" the core's polarity) will become:

Stop-Nbottom....so that the core will want to stick to the magnet - thats how it will polarize.

and when rotor magnet rotates AWAY from this coil and core that wants to stick to it, it will want to pull that rotor magnet back to itself, and that is waht causes all tha textra draw and slow-down to the rotor....and more power you make, the more the rotor wants to get pulled backwards too.

thats what the magnet behind cores are for - they will re-polarize ("regauge) the core so that it will give push to the rotor, instead of pull-back and extra draw.

since dealing with rotating thing here, the faster it goes, the more power you make and vice versa...so getting any sort of rotational speed up makes for also more power made in coils so when you do get past lenz-lugging things will accelrate in power "non-linear" is my theory on that.

One other way to get around the whole lenz-lugging thing is to simply SHORT for very short blip in time, the coils into caps.
Dont do a continuous dead-short, but just a very quick one, only at the sinewave peak-period of the coil's waveform as seen on scope.
A few guys have done videos showing this will not affect draw - but only when you find the right timing...

so now you have stored power made from the coils without affecting draw.
Once the power is in caps, now release it into the load.
Disconnect the coils filling the caps from the caps WHEN caps do hit load... (same thing you should do with colleciting backemf from motor coils into caps)

Now the coils only have to fill up caps tha tis only time it will ever see a load - and it is doing this via a "shorted" condition too...we know that shorting staggers the current from the votlage - its max current mimimum voltage druing short, and on opening of swtihc, its maximum moltage and minimum current...the opening of swtihc is what fill up capacitor without any lug to rotor.

because capacitor hits load when cap is disconnected from coils so there is no lugging to coils during whole sequenc of events what else can you ask for.

There ar plenty of videos now on youtube doing simple coil shorting with reed switches and complicted circuits too, on youtube if you think it doesnt work watch them and then try it on your romero replications.\

Only limitations is how fast can you fill the cpa, and how fast can you dump to load and how big of a load and how big of caps can you fill....thats where you want improevements and more effeciency...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 03, 2011, 02:40:06 PM
Warning: Post contains NO info relative to building this project.

Quote from: aircore on July 03, 2011, 08:56:50 AM
    Now we really need cool-headed and sober.
    Why replication success so far no one?
    Because: RomeroUK device is indeed false. And: We overestimated RomeroUK,
    "konehead", "bolt" describes many of the theories, RomeroUK may simply not understand.
    Please plengo not edit my speech, Because I speak for all of us are good. In order not to waste your energy and money.

That's funny.  Back on page 200 on June 15th  you said: "   Because there is no substantive breakthrough and progress, it seems many people have chosen to forgo.
    This thread is close to death."

We are now on page 269.  Your predictions are wrong and your agenda obvious.  Beside progress in a number of areas I suspect many here are not full time researchers/builders.  I haven't even wound a single coil yet but I will give this a try as time and money allow.  Regardless of outcome it's a great learning project.  However I strongly believe success will be had at some point.  There may even already be some but those with success may not want to deal with a situation like Romerouk had. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 03, 2011, 04:46:17 PM
This may be a little older but important basics video...   I wish that all our posts could be as educational as this video.  Very well done.   


Is this the same as coil shorting????


Now if we could do some cool science and look at gen coils with Litz wire,  Litz wire bifilar, different coil and core types, etc. with similar setup as done in the video then get all the data together, I think we would have something to really build on. 

So many variables.... LOL   But that is my plan as soon as I get all my parts that I have on order.   Just too many of my orders (lowest ebay prices) are coming from China... LOL

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 03, 2011, 06:08:40 PM
Happy 4th of July for those in US.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on July 03, 2011, 08:29:07 PM
Hello, everyone:
    Found a low-level questions, please do not laugh at me.

    On the drive coil:
    I just installed a bottom-driven coil,
    Input voltage: 12V, input current 0.65A, 1600 rpm

    When I install the top drive coil after
    Input voltage: 12V, input current dropped to 0.30A, speed down to 900rpm.

    Top coil and bottom coil connected in series,

    Two coils connected in series with the current down I can understand,
    But: Why the rotor speed decreased a lot?
    This phenomenon is normal?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on July 03, 2011, 08:53:35 PM

Try connecting Bottom-Tail to Top-Head.
Best Wishes,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 03, 2011, 09:00:07 PM
Hi Arthurs!

Try to switch the wires of your second coil  ( this should be the problem). See if you are running in atraction or repulsing mode, and then try to put both coils in atraction or repulsing. Remember , if one of your coils is in repulsing, the second one should  be monted in revers than the first one, if not, you'll have one in atraction and one in repulsion ( and this is no good).

Now i'm experimenting the shorting coil at TDC and there is some gain there. Unfotunatelly i'm not soo good with electronics. I need a schematic but can't find something similar. Can anyone post a schematic circuit please?
Thank you!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on July 03, 2011, 09:08:19 PM
Thank yfree timely response:

    I tried: Connecting Bottom-Tail to Top-Head.
    But: this connection the rotor does not rotate.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on July 03, 2011, 09:20:58 PM
Hi mariuscivic

Thank you for prompt response,

I will follow your help,keep trying.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 03, 2011, 10:03:07 PM
After switching wires as yfree suggested did you also try reversing the input to the coil pair by switching  positive and negative?  Not sure if that may help but since it won't move it's an easy thing to try.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on July 03, 2011, 10:38:28 PM

You probably had it connected as I suggested, because connection in Figure B should not work. It is very easy to mix things up.
With two coils in series, you are delivering two times less power to the rotor, compared to a single coil. No wonder it turns slower.
With two coils, rotor speed will increase when you increase the voltage.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on July 04, 2011, 12:37:59 AM
Drive coils need to be in phase. They can be parallel cap tuned for resonance operation. Current will drop as RPM increases.

Generator coils needs to be bifilar wound. You can have more than one pair of bifilar in one coil like 3 or 4 pairs and each matched for null and diode plugged to common bus as a COPY of same flux.

You should check by frequency generator they appear "dead" to in phase pulses so the self cancellation is 100% perfect.  The rotor and back end magnets align and flip the domains between two states within the non linear BH region.  The cores (iron power, ferrite or metal mix) acts as a ZPE proxy its critical to the operation. Romero scope shot reveal 2 times period of zero point flat followed by positive and negative pulses.  Pulse goes high on approach then low. This is ambient energy there is no BEMF.  Bifilar coil makes out of phase VARS creates electrostatic tensor. It acts as a single large capacitor that is being charged!  Its a Time Energy Pump as time is swapped with space and Hertizian understanding swapped to longitudinal aka Scalar.  Where RLC simply leads to OU where RF understanding of power factor correction is taken to ZERO.

Do not think of them as coils making current they are NOT they become capacitors when induction is made NULL. Capacitors can be charged with JOULES. Joules are quite useful to us and can be moved to another cap called a Dump Cap where you can measure the work through a load.

No wonder Romero left the country i think he has given up all hope! Before anyone asks no i can't get involved building this yet i got enough to do with HHO Gensets and Kapanadze which i just started so it will be around Xmas earliest before i get chance to make a muller.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on July 04, 2011, 12:40:44 AM
if you have cores in your drive coils you've doubled your lugging.

i don't think you need much material for drive coils.

plus the drive current drops in half series connected.

take care.


ps - bolt beat me to it :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on July 04, 2011, 01:10:09 AM
Quote from: bolt on July 04, 2011, 12:37:59 AMGenerator coils needs to be bifilar wound. You can have more than one pair of bifilar in one coil like 3 or 4 pairs and each matched for null and diode plugged to common bus as a COPY of same flux.

You should check by frequency generator they appear "dead" to in phase pulses so the self cancellation is 100% perfect.  The rotor and back end magnets align and flip the domains between two states within the non linear BH region.  The cores (iron power, ferrite or metal mix) acts as a ZPE proxy its critical to the operation. Romero scope shot reveal 2 times period of zero point flat followed by positive and negative pulses.  Pulse goes high on approach then low. This is ambient energy there is no BEMF.  Bifilar coil makes out of phase VARS creates electrostatic tensor. It acts as a single large capacitor that is being charged!  Its a Time Energy Pump as time is swapped with space and Hertizian understanding swapped to longitudinal aka Scalar.  Where RLC simply leads to OU where RF understanding of power factor correction is taken to ZERO.

Do not think of them as coils making current they are NOT they become capacitors when induction is made NULL. Capacitors can be charged with JOULES. Joules are quite useful to us and can be moved to another cap called a Dump Cap where you can measure the work through a load.

Hi Bolt,

Thank you for the refocusing information. As many here know, Itsu and I have been doing tests to see the difference between series and parallel capacitances in our setups. So far our results have been agreeing very well. However, in my case, there are three specific things that I have yet to try. One is the use of  bifilar-wound coils, the second is the biasing magnet on the back of the cores, and the third is ensuring that the coils exactly cancel out any normal induced current.

In my original setup (where I had the coils wired in series-canceling), I still had a small induced current in the coils as the magnets passed by (though it was substantially reduced compared to the series-adding configuration).

I am very interested to explore the electrical/dielectric side of the equation. One thing I wanted to ask you is if we were to just wind a bifilar-canceling coil, would that work just as well as having two bifilar coils in the bucking configuration? If it is the electric component of the induced field that we want, wouldn't the bifilar canceling setup get us both the perfect current cancellation due to normal induction + the added benefits of having the coil behave like a capacitor?

The only thing I haven't considered in this case is the interaction that the core will have in the system due to the re-gauging that you mentioned. Any insights/clarifications on these two points would be quite helpful as I am prepared to wind a new set of coils to get to the heart of this principle.

- Jason O

P.S. Here's the video links to my recent experiments once more for those who haven't seen them:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 04, 2011, 01:52:25 AM
that video by Cody Gillespie is "coil shorting" in most basic form and he uses just a reed switch to do it.
If you want to use solid state swithcing (reeds blow up easily) you have to use mosfets, since they are very low resistance switches, and do a few in paralell so that your resistance is very low too to make it work better this is very important to have low resistance.
Also i like to make the mosfets "bidirectional" (connect gates and source leads then switching happens between the two drain leads)
This is way to switch AC with mosfets and when you coil short, that is what you are doing -
however that said, Sonedi doesnt use bidirectionl mosfets and he says his circuit works great so who knows anything for sure until you try it out....

So here is my tried-a true circuit to do coil shorting, but it doesnt show any mosfets in paralell - but they are shown bidirectional...
Use a 4421 driver, not a 4422 since it will be normally OFF swtiches ON
It doesnt show a "two stage" output circuit, where the cap is disconnected from the coils when the cap hits load,
and this circuit posted also has an AC cap in series on leg of FWBR, that you might not need or want, but it works like a "high-bypass" filter and cuts out lenz lug all on its own - higher uf value in the cap lets more high-end juice thorugh that fills cap, but you will probably get some lug happening as if a big cap fills, lesser uf value in that AC cap blocks the juice much more and also cuts down lenz lug to nothing...so you have to find best uf value and balance for your system
Probablyy better to do with two-stage circuit instead maybe use both you have to try it and see what works best...
dont necessarily need the 2807 mosfets either and go with higher voltage types too so nothign gets snuffed out....all depends...
keep pulse width that shorts coils at peaks NARROW say 1ms or 2ms at 60hz as an example...When you short right at peak the rotor doesnt care which way to lug anything, so doesnt, is my simpleton theory why that is sweet spot in rotation...for sure peak period gives most voltage out into cap too.
Expect gain of voltage X20 if using a small uf size "collector' DC cap as compared to what the coil "normally" makes in voltage, so that is what to size components like diodes to, so nothing blows up.

current is what manifests when cap hits load you shouldnt "lose" any current in trade-off for the much  higher voltage in the caps from coil shorting - how high you fill cap and pulse width to load and the resistive load iitself and frequency of pulses into load will decide your current that you get showing on a meter...

Also look a few pages back of simple circuit that Sonedi posted he modified from a tesla site (reply #3970) - this looks really great and is different than mine - he uses single mosfet and couple of 4007 diodes but it is triggered off rotor-mags and is not "continuous" short but switched...he says it speeds up motor and has tons of power not sure any details jsut what he wrote but this might work even better dont know but if I were you guys I would jump all over that circuit Sonedi put up, for the romero replicator rigs being tested now. He says its working and speeds up rotor and has tremandous power so that is what you want eh
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 04, 2011, 08:45:58 AM
Quote from: bolt on July 04, 2011, 12:37:59 AM
Drive coils need to be in phase. They can be parallel cap tuned for resonance operation. Current will drop as RPM increases.

Generator coils needs to be bifilar wound. You can have more than one pair of bifilar in one coil like 3 or 4 pairs and each matched for null and diode plugged to common bus as a COPY of same flux.

You should check by frequency generator they appear "dead" to in phase pulses so the self cancellation is 100% perfect.  The rotor and back end magnets align and flip the domains between two states within the non linear BH region.  The cores (iron power, ferrite or metal mix) acts as a ZPE proxy its critical to the operation. Romero scope shot reveal 2 times period of zero point flat followed by positive and negative pulses.  Pulse goes high on approach then low. This is ambient energy there is no BEMF.  Bifilar coil makes out of phase VARS creates electrostatic tensor. It acts as a single large capacitor that is being charged!  Its a Time Energy Pump as time is swapped with space and Hertizian understanding swapped to longitudinal aka Scalar.  Where RLC simply leads to OU where RF understanding of power factor correction is taken to ZERO.

Do not think of them as coils making current they are NOT they become capacitors when induction is made NULL. Capacitors can be charged with JOULES. Joules are quite useful to us and can be moved to another cap called a Dump Cap where you can measure the work through a load.

No wonder Romero left the country i think he has given up all hope! Before anyone asks no i can't get involved building this yet i got enough to do with HHO Gensets and Kapanadze which i just started so it will be around Xmas earliest before i get chance to make a muller.


That sounds like a very good explanation.
Does the dump camp have to be connected to the load via switching or
can it also be connected directly? Due to the coils having no self inductance,
there should be no back coupling then, even if the load is connected directly.
So you don't need to tune to any kind of resonance (e.g. frequency) at all on the generator coil side for this to work it seems.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DimaWari on July 04, 2011, 10:08:19 AM
Hello Guys!

Tonight I've done with the drive coils.. Does anyone of you experienced some unusual current draw of drive coils?.. My first drive coil consume about 400ma and my second drive coil takes about 300ma, but when I switch them on both it takes only about 200ma and rotor spin faster..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 04, 2011, 10:14:02 AM
Quote from: konehead on July 04, 2011, 01:52:25 AM
that video by Cody Gillespie is "coil shorting" in most basic form and he uses just a reed switch to do it.
If you want to use solid state swithcing (reeds blow up easily) you have to use mosfets, since they are very low resistance switches, and do a few in paralell so that your resistance is very low too to make it work better this is very important to have low resistance.
Also i like to make the mosfets "bidirectional" (connect gates and source leads then switching happens between the two drain leads)
This is way to switch AC with mosfets and when you coil short, that is what you are doing -
however that said, Sonedi doesnt use bidirectionl mosfets and he says his circuit works great so who knows anything for sure until you try it out....

So here is my tried-a true circuit to do coil shorting, but it doesnt show any mosfets in paralell - but they are shown bidirectional...
Use a 4421 driver, not a 4422 since it will be normally OFF swtiches ON
It doesnt show a "two stage" output circuit, where the cap is disconnected from the coils when the cap hits load,
and this circuit posted also has an AC cap in series on leg of FWBR, that you might not need or want, but it works like a "high-bypass" filter and cuts out lenz lug all on its own - higher uf value in the cap lets more high-end juice thorugh that fills cap, but you will probably get some lug happening as if a big cap fills, lesser uf value in that AC cap blocks the juice much more and also cuts down lenz lug to nothing...so you have to find best uf value and balance for your system
Probablyy better to do with two-stage circuit instead maybe use both you have to try it and see what works best...
dont necessarily need the 2807 mosfets either and go with higher voltage types too so nothign gets snuffed out....all depends...
keep pulse width that shorts coils at peaks NARROW say 1ms or 2ms at 60hz as an example...When you short right at peak the rotor doesnt care which way to lug anything, so doesnt, is my simpleton theory why that is sweet spot in rotation...for sure peak period gives most voltage out into cap too.
Expect gain of voltage X20 if using a small uf size "collector' DC cap as compared to what the coil "normally" makes in voltage, so that is what to size components like diodes to, so nothing blows up.

current is what manifests when cap hits load you shouldnt "lose" any current in trade-off for the much  higher voltage in the caps from coil shorting - how high you fill cap and pulse width to load and the resistive load iitself and frequency of pulses into load will decide your current that you get showing on a meter...

Also look a few pages back of simple circuit that Sonedi posted he modified from a tesla site (reply #3970) - this looks really great and is different than mine - he uses single mosfet and couple of 4007 diodes but it is triggered off rotor-mags and is not "continuous" short but switched...he says it speeds up motor and has tons of power not sure any details jsut what he wrote but this might work even better dont know but if I were you guys I would jump all over that circuit Sonedi put up, for the romero replicator rigs being tested now. He says its working and speeds up rotor and has tremandous power so that is what you want eh

Thanks for posting your circuit. 
Interesting.   Sonedi says "it is working"  I wonder if he has self-runner?   His posted circuit is modified and using only the right side.   I would like to see a cleaned-up circuit diagram  with Mosfet type or P/N but that is a lot of wishing ha ha.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 04, 2011, 10:16:00 AM
Quote from: Sonedi on July 01, 2011, 01:26:00 PM
I am sorry I had to log in with a new UN.

Just to tell you - its working and obviously really simple. Have a look at the diagram - only the right part. The trafo is your coil. Just put a cap in parallel with your single coil with about 3uF and instead of the CR1 you put a mosfet there - switched from a hall in syncron with the rotormags. Use very short interruptions. For CR2 you use two 4007 diod in parallel. On the output you have about 20000uF. And now you can see under load it speeds up and the output is tremendous. With the mags on the coils you get more amps. I got the idea from http://www.teslaco.com/technology.html
Now you have the out of phase manner and that's the solution.
Could someone put this into a schematic for us dummy's  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 04, 2011, 01:13:04 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on July 04, 2011, 10:16:00 AM
Could someone put this into a schematic for us dummy's  ;)

I looked at it but I'm not sure on the mosFET.  Does anyone know who Sonedi is or was?  He said he had to login with a new user name (maybe lost password) but who was he before?  Sonedi = ediSon as in Edison the arch rival of Tesla?  I just like to know who is helping here.  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on July 04, 2011, 01:29:16 PM
[author=Jdo300 link=topic=3842.msg293827#msg293827 date=1309756209]
Hi Bolt,

Thank you for the refocusing information. As many here know, Itsu and I have been doing tests to see the difference between series and parallel capacitances in our setups. So far our results have been agreeing very well.

That is good.

However, in my case, there are three specific things that I have yet to try. One is the use of  bifilar-wound coils, the second is the biasing magnet on the back of the cores, and the third is ensuring that the coils exactly cancel out any normal induced current.

You really must do all these things.

In my original setup (where I had the coils wired in series-canceling), I still had a small induced current in the coils as the magnets passed by (though it was substantially reduced compared to the series-adding configuration).

Sure as within coils as bucking mode they attempt to cancel the phase between themselves but sometimes this is far from ideal as hand wound mismatch will create unbalance between the coils. They can be matched using caps as Romero said.

I am very interested to explore the electrical/dielectric side of the equation. One thing I wanted to ask you is if we were to just wind a bifilar-canceling coil, would that work just as well as having two bifilar coils in the bucking configuration?

Could be a lot better as localised induction within the coils are cancelled out. This may work better making sure the coils are basically NULL induction within themselves rather than allowing a global combined effect to take place between the coil pairs. Several pairs of Bifilars can be used and "ganged" using diode plugs on and for EACH pair. Romero already hinted at this as his "special coil". Each bifilar coil will see the very same ambient induced magnetic pulse which provides copies without degradation. Don Smith spoke a lot about this. 

If it is the electric component of the induced field that we want, wouldn't the bifilar canceling setup get us both the perfect current cancellation due to normal induction + the added benefits of having the coil behave like a capacitor?

As i said this is very possible.  All OU electrical devices are highly reactive to create a tensor without actually allowing current to flow. As SM said "its a means to an end". Thane HV coil becomes a high VARS electrostatic capacitor within certain narrow band operation. If he drops RPM to low or too high OU is not seen. For Thane lets say its an "OU effect" becuase without real power in and out measurements we don't know for sure yet we can see RPM increases and load lamps fully lit while i/p consumption drops off very low

The only thing I haven't considered in this case is the interaction that the core will have in the system due to the re-gauging that you mentioned. Any insights/clarifications on these two points would be quite helpful as I am prepared to wind a new set of coils to get to the heart of this principle.

Re-gauging is about rapidly flipping the core domains back to neutrality.  Its the core spin domain flips which interacts to the ambient as a proxy device. This is why high permeability cores like Mu-metal have a much greater impact on the process.

Kapanadze device is very very similar! Certainly in the case of SR device. Ferrite core domains are taken to saturation then switched off using HV electrostatics as standing wave form as high VARS.  Current is zero while voltage phase maintains max node.  Ferrite changes isotope under Nuclear Spin Resonance collapse creates a huge magnetic pulse and we never put a cost on this effect. The ambient provides this as heat is taken from space.

- Jason O

P.S. Here's the video links to my recent experiments once more for those who haven't seen them:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 04, 2011, 02:30:22 PM
Here is the sonedi circuit re-drawn to how he says to do it but not sure about a few things like mentioned in notes
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 04, 2011, 02:35:25 PM
just had farily dumb but maybe good idea and the L2 coil/choke/ballast in the sonedi cirucit could be a "top" coil, and the coil being induced by rotor magnet be a "bottom" facing coil with rotor in between (or vice versa on which coil is top or bottom)...wonder what that would do.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 04, 2011, 03:33:20 PM
Quote from: konehead on July 04, 2011, 02:35:25 PM
just had farily dumb but maybe good idea and the L2 coil/choke/ballast in the sonedi cirucit could be a "top" coil, and the coil being induced by rotor magnet be a "bottom" facing coil with rotor in between (or vice versa on which coil is top or bottom)...wonder what that would do.

Thanks for doing the circuit.   Same questions I had...  I hope he comes back and tells some more about it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: keykhin on July 04, 2011, 03:58:55 PM
Quote from: konehead on July 04, 2011, 02:30:22 PM
Here is the sonedi circuit re-drawn to how he says to do it but not sure about a few things like mentioned in notes
The circuit that sonedi propose is a ultra efficient modified Buck converter and works only with pulse width modulated signals. I don't think it will work on coil shorting  :-\
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on July 04, 2011, 04:22:05 PM
At all:
   Well did a run of the machine today. Attached is a piss poor pic of the wave form. Seems to be almost the right thing to me. ??  Output under load, its self, is 10.4v with a 10000uf cap on it. Still not enough to make it motor its self. No tuning at all tho. Just for fun. Now I can justify ordering the $150 worth of plastic parts laser cut. This time, plain wire coils as I need a bit more ohms in the drivers and more amps to the output. Onward.


added:  The pic is across one coil pair before the fwb and the output fed back to input with a blocking diode pair to keep it from seeing the battery voltage. So true output from the coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on July 04, 2011, 04:39:43 PM
Hey Thae

In your scope shot above, at 5.8 square divisions from far left of picture edge, is this between the magnets or is it tdc?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on July 04, 2011, 05:12:26 PM
   At the present, I would say it is mid magnet. At 6 divisions you can see a small vertical line at zero. That is the hall firing next to it I think. That specific coil set is next to the driver set. Actually will have to set up a led strobe with a trigger on the magnet to see for sure. Best guess for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on July 04, 2011, 05:30:54 PM
Thanks Thae

Im having A bit of difficulty at OUR with some there as to where these points are.  I have been claiming as what your guess is. But Point seems to think its not the way we are thinking it is.

Thanks again. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on July 04, 2011, 10:21:18 PM
@ Yfree
@ Mariuscivic
@ E2matrix
@ Bolt
Thanks for your help.

    I spent one day, according to your tips for repeated experiments. The results are as follows (I use RomeroUK provide circuit)

1) only use a top drive coil:
    Input voltage 12V, Current of 0.58A, Speed ​​of 1800rpm.

2) use both the top and bottom of the drive coil, Top of the drive coil end connected to The bottom of the drive coil end:
    Input voltage 12V, Current is reduced to 0.30A, Speed ​​dropped to 900rpm.

3) using both top and bottom of the drive coil, Top of the drive coil end connected to The bottom of the drive coil start:
    Input voltage of 12V, Rotor can not rotate.

    I present experimental results: Use only a top drive coil---high efficiency, At the same time using two drive coils---low efficiency,
    The effect of using a drive coil than the simultaneous use of two drive coils better.

    Where I did not do right?
    Hall effect position is not correct?
    Drive coil and the rotor magnet distance is not correct (I am now the distance is 9mm)?

PS: We check your settings, Maybe you also have that problem.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Jdo300 on July 04, 2011, 10:35:06 PM
Hi Arthurs,

Judging by your description, I would say that your coils are to high of an impedance to get good current flow at only 12V input drive. I ran into the same problem when I was setting up my pulse motor to run with the High impedance coils instead of the original low impedance drive coils.

The simple way to fix it is to either use a higher input voltage, or if you want to stick to 12V, simply wire both of your drive coils in parallel. The input current will be higher but you should see much better performance.

Also, ensure that the magnetic field of both coils is not in opposite directions. An easy way to test for this is to determine which way the current needs to flow to get your rotor magnets to attract (or repel if you're driving in repulsion mode). Ensure that both coils produce the same effect on the rotor and wire them together + to + and - to -.

- Jason O
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on July 04, 2011, 10:49:27 PM
Hi Jdo300
   Thanks reply

   I each drive coil impedance of 2 ohm.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 04, 2011, 10:54:45 PM
Quote from: Thaelin on July 04, 2011, 04:22:05 PM
added:  The pic is across one coil pair before the fwb and the output fed back to input with a blocking diode pair to keep it from seeing the battery voltage. So true output from the coils.

Are there other coil pairs also connected to a common output bus via FWBR's in this test?

I think upon closer inspection, you'll find that the area at 5.8 divisions is in-between rotor magnets, not at TDC.

@Magluvin, it's "poynt", thanks. ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 05, 2011, 02:05:03 AM
thanks konehead for putting that 'sonedi' circuit together along with some ideas. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tudi on July 05, 2011, 03:41:13 AM
i realize this is a replication thread. But you could use an external motor to drive the rotor. That way you eliminate the syncronization issue, use efficient coils, have a continues rotation, you can adjust independently the generator and the motor speed( frequency )..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 05, 2011, 05:42:23 AM
Quote from: Arthurs on July 04, 2011, 10:21:18 PM
@ Yfree
@ Mariuscivic
@ E2matrix
@ Bolt
Thanks for your help.

    Hi Arthurs.

Maybe this helps:

In my setup i'm using fig 3.My hall transistor is BS057(used in old comp keyboard). Don't know if is the best but for me is working good.
Having 9 mm from rotor to coil, i think is a little bit too much.
Try to change the 220R with 100R.
Try to put your hall transistor upside down(if i'll do that to mine, the rotor spins the other way)
I'm not using small mags to triger the drive coils;i'm using the same mags on the rotor;it's about 10mm from the rotor; the hall trans. is in the midlle of the first and second gen coils after the drive coils.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 05, 2011, 07:12:43 AM
Looks like someone made it but we need the details of course....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 05, 2011, 09:12:29 AM
I have copied this picture from Romero's website, anyone any ideea what that is for?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: futuristic on July 05, 2011, 09:52:34 AM
My guess is that this is the solid state version of his motor.
Top half has coils with 7 strands of wire (for 7-fillar coil?) and bottom half has coil from 7 strands litz wire.

It sure looks interesting...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 05, 2011, 10:12:43 AM
One question that keeps going through my mind is, why was Romero initially so forthcoming with his rotary design, until "the visit".

Yet now, with his solid state unit, he is not sharing info on his progress ?

There seems to a conflict in logic in this situation.

Are we all not supposed to be open sourcing on here, and working toward raising the level of all humanity in this forum?

C'mon Romerero etal, open the info gates, what do you say.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 05, 2011, 11:03:07 AM
Quote from: David70 on July 05, 2011, 09:12:29 AM
I have copied this picture from Romero's website, anyone any ideea what that is for?
Notice the 30 degree winds the electron travels in a 60 degree spiral but when winding a toroid because of the arc u can wind 30 degrees

I believe this is why a toroid is more efficient than a straight cored solenoid, its almost impossible to wind 60 degrees on a straight core.
If you'll notice when placing a reed it needs to be 60 degrees from your drive coil.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 05, 2011, 12:37:34 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 05, 2011, 09:12:29 AM
I have copied this picture from Romero's website, anyone any ideea what that is for?

He has worked on a lot of projects.  It could be a TPU unless this is a new pic as I think he was working on that for a while.  I think there was also some mention of trying the Muller effect in a solid state concept.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on July 05, 2011, 01:25:36 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on July 05, 2011, 12:37:34 PM
He has worked on a lot of projects.  It could be a TPU unless this is a new pic as I think he was working on that for a while.  I think there was also some mention of trying the Muller effect in a solid state concept.

Pic is dated 7/1/2011...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: teslaalset on July 05, 2011, 01:51:20 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 05, 2011, 09:12:29 AM
I have copied this picture from Romero's website, anyone any ideea what that is for?

Can someone post the link to his website, please?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 05, 2011, 02:07:40 PM
Hey Arthur

You sure make nice graphics -
as for the mtoor coils, what is happening pretty sure, is yes, one coil works fine, but two in sieres cuts down the ohms in half, so you have half the draw and half the speed...probably not half the draw acutally, since this is rotating magnet rotor, and at lower speeds its harder to keep spinning but you do get half the speed...this is the "correct way" to hook motor coil in series,
in third illustration, you have the coils in series, but "series cancelling' and no magnetic field happens at all and thats what you got.
This third way is what Bolt is recommending and Jason and Itseu have tested out with the GENERATOR coils hooked up like that...then you do some cap-tricks to shove the current out of phase from the voltage and then you can get power rinto caps and also doing it in non-lugging fashion.
Jason has the good suggestions either go with higher voltage, or run the two motor coils in paralell...when you get the 2nd coil pair woking as motor coils you will really have some good power - you might want to decide final hookups if series or paralell at that stage, since it might be you want less draw not so much power (series) or max draw max power (paraelell)
Just hold rotor with magnet lined up TDC to coil and connect coil leads to battery direct very briefly, to see which way it spins  when coil energizes to find out the polarities to the coils... so just make sure one coil doesnt push it backwards and the other forward...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on July 05, 2011, 02:20:41 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on July 05, 2011, 01:51:20 PM
Can someone post the link to his website, please?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 05, 2011, 02:45:35 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 05, 2011, 09:12:29 AM
I have copied this picture from Romero's website, anyone any ideea what that is for?

This can be the toroid for more powerful dc-dc converter...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on July 05, 2011, 04:03:54 PM

did anyone else find it strange that, at around 5:30 in the selfrunning video (20 minute), Romero
measures the DC at the switch - 15.07 volts.

at 6:20, he switches the DMM to AC volts, and tries, without success, to measure the AC coming
into the bridge rectifier.

The 64,000 dollar question -

    why is he unable to get any reading on the DMM ?

I must admit, he fumbles and falters, and even seems surprised and confused (noted by his
changing of probe location) as to why he sees no AC.

Food for thought.

I gotta say. This has been severly disheartning but much has been learned.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 05, 2011, 05:07:08 PM
I examined one of the videos where Romero shows the motor running with a lamp as load. He shows what is under the table, around, on top and everything, INCLUDING you can the the cables that "goes under the table via the table top cap" and I must admit.

What a BS from the other guys to say that. IT IS VERY CLEAR THE CABLES DO NOT GO ON THE CAP AT ALL.

THis video that I am looking at is the one that has "extra magnets". I can clearly see the cap, it has 2 holes and the black and red cables are way too high to go on that cap. Besides one can see where the cables go.

I will create some scope shots to show that and look carefully on the other videos too.


edit: picture is of the "Self-running video with DC-DC" and you can see the CAP on the table and NO CABLES at all. At around frame 2725 (time 00:01:30.924).

edit 2: I corrected the time frame of edit 1.

edit 3: next picture is straight from youtube video.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 05, 2011, 05:36:46 PM
can you please paste the link with the video you are reffering to?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 05, 2011, 05:45:21 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 05, 2011, 05:36:46 PM
can you please paste the link with the video you are reffering to?

I downloaded the video myself. It is one of those available from the net. Don't we have this video somewhere here on the forum or on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3YqCp84IOE.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on July 05, 2011, 05:48:44 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 05, 2011, 05:07:08 PM
I examined one of the videos where Romero shows the motor running with a lamp as load. He shows what is under the table, around, on top and everything, INCLUDING you can the the cables that "goes under the table via the table top cap" and I must admit.

What a BS from the other guys to say that. IT IS VERY CLEAR THE CABLES DO NOT GO ON THE CAP AT ALL.

THis video that I am looking at is the one that has "extra magnets". I can clearly see the cap, it has 2 holes and the black and red cables are way too high to go on that cap. Besides one can see where the cables go.

I will create some scope shots to show that and look carefully on the other videos too.


edit: picture is of the "Self-running video with DC-DC" and you can see the CAP on the table and NO CABLES at all. At around frame 5782 (time 3:12.958).

I saw that too, and also noted the rod prevented the view where I was wanting to look. The cap is still tilted, and you can see a bit of the black wire in question, marked. I can back up some, see it even better. Yes, the first video did show under the table, but the second did not. The third has no table, no lamp, but also, no shot of the back rod's top.

I want to believe in this as much as anyone, perhaps more, or I would not have spent all that money on parts, but the suggestion of a problem cannot be ignored, if you have an open mind.

(Edit to remove double quote)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 05, 2011, 05:54:01 PM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on July 05, 2011, 05:48:44 PM

I saw that too, and also noted the rod prevented the view where I was wanting to look. The cap is still tilted, and you can see a bit of the black wire in question, marked. I can back up some, see it even better. Yes, the first video did show under the table, but the second did not. The third has no table, no lamp, but also, no shot of the back rod's top.

I want to believe in this as much as anyone, perhaps more, or I would not have spent all that money on parts, but the suggestion of a problem cannot be ignored, if you have an open mind.

(Edit to remove double quote)

Cap is not tilted because of cables. It is the table that is broken in half and the glue is tilting the whole thing. On another video you can clearly see the whole cap in question and its tilting and no cables. I will create another picture.


edit: you can see the angle of the cables and do not go directly to the "cap". Later a few frames you see the famous picture from Watsup and others. The angle of the cable shows clearly they are not going to the cap but to the bottom of the motor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 05, 2011, 06:06:33 PM
Quote from: konehead on July 05, 2011, 02:07:40 PM
Hey Arthur

You sure make nice graphics -
as for the mtoor coils, what is happening pretty sure, is yes, one coil works fine, but two in sieres cuts down the ohms in half, so you have half the draw and half the speed...probably not half the draw acutally, since this is rotating magnet rotor, and at lower speeds its harder to keep spinning but you do get half the speed...this is the "correct way" to hook motor coil in series,
in third illustration, you have the coils in series, but "series cancelling' and no magnetic field happens at all and thats what you got.
This third way is what Bolt is recommending and Jason and Itseu have tested out with the GENERATOR coils hooked up like that...then you do some cap-tricks to shove the current out of phase from the voltage and then you can get power rinto caps and also doing it in non-lugging fashion.
Jason has the good suggestions either go with higher voltage, or run the two motor coils in paralell...when you get the 2nd coil pair woking as motor coils you will really have some good power - you might want to decide final hookups if series or paralell at that stage, since it might be you want less draw not so much power (series) or max draw max power (paraelell)
Just hold rotor with magnet lined up TDC to coil and connect coil leads to battery direct very briefly, to see which way it spins  when coil energizes to find out the polarities to the coils... so just make sure one coil doesnt push it backwards and the other forward...
Hey Douge thanks for posting the schematic earlier
So this is how Ramero got his rig to run at a lower harmonic I was wondering how he did it without a current limiter
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on July 05, 2011, 06:10:30 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 05, 2011, 05:54:01 PM
Cap is not tilted because of cables. It is the table that is broken in half and the glue is tilting the whole thing. On another video you can clearly see the whole cap in question and its tilting and no cables. I will create another picture.


See such circa 8:41, cap tilt, or broken cap exists. Same video. Other video might have a perfectly aligned cap, because it was taken at a different point in time. The motor is also in a different position in that first one.
Anyway, no wires should be visible going into any hole, yet they are. Nobody has explained that. If the red wire continued onward, but -not- into the hole, it would be seen in the very view you posted.  :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 05, 2011, 06:28:35 PM


assuming that it goes under the table that still not reslove the first video where I can see from the pictures posted just before, the cables are going to the motor.
How can you load a 20watts bulb but the amp meter is not showing it if it is connected to the battery we should have about 3 amp total shown there.If that can be answered then we know which direction we are going
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on July 05, 2011, 06:51:15 PM
Hi @Jdo300 @mariuscivic @konehead
Thanks reply.

    your device to use the picture Fig-3, and able to work normal I really can not understand, I am the way according to Fig-3 repeated experiments, In any case the rotor can not rotate.

    according to your explanation, Picture in Fig-2 is correct, The key is: I get the experiments results are normal?
    If use a higher voltage or two coils in parallel be able to improve efficiency?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Artist_Guy on July 05, 2011, 06:53:34 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 05, 2011, 06:28:35 PM

assuming that it goes under the table that still not reslove the first video where I can see from the pictures posted just before, the cables are going to the motor.
How can you load a 20watts bulb but the amp meter is not showing it if it is connected to the battery we should have about 3 amp total shown there.If that can be answered then we know which direction we are going

Dave70, hi.

I don't have all the answers but can think of two potential solutions.

1) Model the device in Sketchup 3D, and overlay with video, etc, accounting for all wires. Repeat for each video. See what results. (I don't know the software well enough yet, or I would have already)

2) With a closely similar build, add the fabled wire X's to a battery and run all the same tests as shown in the self runner video #2, note results, similar or different. (I am not far along enough in my build yet, to do this either)

Even then such would only be suggestive, not conclusive. We are all in a weird place here. However without these Muller threads, I'd have nothing much to do. : ) I check them all about 560,329 times a day, hoping for a good positive result...or even just more truth about the one that started all this, good or bad.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 05, 2011, 07:11:35 PM
Quote from: wings on July 05, 2011, 02:20:41 PM

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 05, 2011, 10:04:34 PM
Once again I am showing two short videos that CLEARLY demonstrate NO cables going to the cap of the table.

First video shows the cap at 99% clearance where one can see not cables going to it, BUT some argued that the cap is tilted. So second video shows what those "cables" are and one can see they are going to the closest to the front of the video's coil.

Please, just look at the short videos using a player that can repeat over and over again the sequence so that your brain can see that indeed there is nothing there on that cap.

I thought the cap was titled because I also thought the table has a glue line on it, but the second video shows that it is just a 3D tricky in the mind. The second video, if played many times, will convince you of the proximity of cables in relation to the cap way behind on the back.


short video one: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=downfile&id=477

short video two: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=478
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 05, 2011, 10:32:52 PM
Quote from: Artist_Guy on July 05, 2011, 06:10:30 PM
See such circa 8:41, cap tilt, or broken cap exists. Same video. Other video might have a perfectly aligned cap, because it was taken at a different point in time. The motor is also in a different position in that first one.
Anyway, no wires should be visible going into any hole, yet they are. Nobody has explained that. If the red wire continued onward, but -not- into the hole, it would be seen in the very view you posted.  :(

Look at my short videos and please, stop that non-sense. There are no cables going to that cap. It is just a trick of 3D video into 2 dimensions. I hate to say this, but those that are NOT EXPERIMENTING are quick to judge and think those videos proof anything good or bad. One should really go to the detail of those frames and study it first before condemning someone of being a liar or fake.

More I study those videos more I see how real it is. Experimentation has, slowly but surely, demonstrated lots to learn here besides proving that this machine IS NOT AN EASY Bedini SSG motor that you can put in 15 minutes and charge batteries (no pun intended to Mr. Bedini - great respect for him).

This motor is a beast to say the least. I am very impressed how Romero was able to build this thing with a clear vision in mind to accomplish his goals and succeed.

If you don't believe me?!! just try it yourself. Be prepared to spend some good money, time, brain power and frustration and if God bless you may be you will see the interesting things that machine can teach us.

For me that cap thingy is closed. Any more arguments about it without conclusive proof will be simply deleted. I spent easily on this pictures and short videos about 8 hours of my day!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on July 05, 2011, 11:45:17 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 05, 2011, 10:32:52 PM
For me that cap thingy is closed. Any more arguments about it without conclusive proof will be simply deleted. I spent easily on this pictures and short videos about 8 hours of my day!


i agree with Fausto

i also spent some time comparing different sections of the videos, all showing that same area of cables, and it was clear to me that the cables involved are just connecting the lower coil of one generator pair to its top coil and connecting the lower coil of one motor pair to its driver board & top coil

thanks for your good work, Fausto!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 06, 2011, 01:42:13 AM
hey Arthurs...

yes you will have lowest draw with 2nd version of the motor coils being in series - not neceesarrily better effeciency as yo see the speed drops in consequence - maybe paralell is better rather than seres and yourmotor runs much faster so gernator coil s make more... you have to try all these things out see what works best for your particular machine.....

you will get better effecinency when you do another pair of coils as motor coils, like romeor does, as this gives more speed and not much added draw at all at least that is what I get and most everyone else will probalby agree that the two pairs of coils both facing pairs working as motor coils makes a better motor of it..

Also try putting magnets behind each of your motor coils...I got draw to go down almost by 1/2 doing this, with same speed as without the magnets behind the cores.

also later on with your motor coils, you might want to set up a "backemf/recoil recovery" circuit, where you gather the energy that shoots out of the coil backwards, right at the time that the coil is turned OFF.

A very simple and quick way to see what "you have" to gain, is to put a FWBR AC legs right "across" your transistor or mosfet - one AC leg on the drain, one on the source...and put the DC side of the FWBR straight into a (for example) 10uf 450VDC capacitor.....you should get near instantly 200V, and it will climb to 300 or so and draw to motor is not affected...there is more to do with this, but it gives you idea what is there and is normally "wasted" so put it into caps then pulse caps into some sort of load when cap is disconnected from the coils that fill them so it doesnt reflect back to  the motor draw when the caps hit load...bigger caps in uf value will fill slower but you have more oomph on the discharge....you want to find cap size that doesnt lug motor draw upwards when the cap fills, but not so small that you dont capture everythign that you can.
Use a scope look at the big spikes at turn-off of the motor coils, look to see them dissapear and go into capacitor when you get this working right....maybe Romero did somethig with his backemf influencing his gernator coils so they made more power - dont know...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 06, 2011, 02:07:59 PM
Alright, had to make a new rotor because the first one developed a crack and I wiggled it and a big piece of rotor (arcylic) broke off. Check your rotors periodically. New rotor is now 6 magnets (was 4). I am going to switch to sewing bobbin coil but ran a test run with relay coil. Now I don't know for sure what I am seeing on the scope, but it looks like at certain speeds the gen coil resonates?, and you get a second wave on the scope. I took a bunch of pics with the phone, but it looks like it doesn't capture all of it. Here are some pics (links), what am I seeing?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: starcruiser on July 06, 2011, 02:29:40 PM
the multiple wave forms are the same signal just the Scope Horizontal time base is not set properly. try adjusting the timebase as I mention and this wave form will clear up.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 06, 2011, 03:18:49 PM
That was the case, turned time down and cleaned right up. Thanks for the tip.  Now to make new five filler coil to test.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 07, 2011, 07:32:48 AM
A couple of questions
if you find the resonance of an lc circuit then start to pull energy from that circuit wont it change the resonance. I think you definitely need a scope to tune the coils at load.
What bother's me is how to control rotor speed (frequency).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 07, 2011, 09:40:54 AM
Quote from: Dave45 on July 07, 2011, 07:32:48 AM
A couple of questions
if you find the resonance of an lc circuit then start to pull energy from that circuit wont it change the resonance. I think you definitely need a scope to tune the coils at load.
What bother's me is how to control rotor speed (frequency).

In order to control motoring speed, I put a potentiometer in series with the power. This allows for some adjustment but not complete  control. I think we are all finding just how tuned Romeros motor really was. Also I wound up a 5 strand coil yesterday and will do measurements ( L,C,ohms) tonight and post, There are over 100 ways to hook up 5 wires so if anybody has ideas to test please post. Well off to work for the day.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 07, 2011, 09:57:16 AM
I believe the RomeroUK Muller Generator is acting as a conventional generator with a delayed (or retarded) Lenz drag due to the presence of the FWBR and dump capacitor.  These results are from experiments done with a real setup.  Please note the wave form I drew below.  Sorry it is not a picture of the o-scope, but I am not at home now and only figured out what it means early this morning while getting ready for work.  The wave form is what I witnessed when measuring the voltage out of a coil pair and across a .1 Ohm current shunt resistor (for a current wave form by measuring voltage drop).  This is the wave form only after a load (14.4V 100ma lamp) is attached to the output dump cap.  Before the load is attached there is NO current form at all.  The coil pair is matched by wrapping the same length of wire(s) on each and then fine tuned to the same induction by inserting a ferrite core until readings are identical (1.2 mH) on an induction meter.  I have one coil pair wound single filer and a second pair wound as Tesla coil bi-filer (end of first wire attached to beginning of second).  The output wave form of both types of coils was identical in every respect.  Their initial output was matched by adjusting the distance of upper and lower coils to the rotor while watching the output of each individual coil, two at a time.  Kinda hard to do since the different magnets cause slightly different outputs which make the wave forms a bit jumpy, but I did the best I could.

I was looking for a phase shift between the current and voltage forms as @bolt has been indicating.  I believe that is one way to achieve the Lenz defeating nature of a system like this and therefore achieve OU.  But I do not think that is what RomeroUK has done here.  I was able to witness absolutely no phase shift on either coil pair at any RPM from 0 to ~2280.  The rotor is spun by a small motor (VCR head spindle, bearings, and motor) and driven by a variable regulator off of a 15V laptop power brick.  Rotor achieves max RPM at around 14V (max regulator output) and 290ma with no load.

Here is what I believe is happening:  With no load there is no current draw from the coils.  When the load is applied there is a current draw.  But before current can flow, the coils need to “see” the load.  Before they can see the load, they must generate enough voltage to overcome two things.  First, they must overcome the voltage drop of the FWBR.  Then they must also overcome the voltage level that is already in the dump cap.  So current will not flow until the coil output voltage level rises to a value greater than the diode voltage drop + voltage in the dump cap.  During the time that the coil output voltage is below this value, we have no Lenz.  Once the coil voltage exceeds this voltage, current does flow to the dump cap, and Lenz appears.

This system is defeating Lenz for part of each coil voltage cycle, at the beginning of each magnet approach, and at the end of each magnet retreat.  The system has normal Lenz during the middle of each magnet pass.  So the rotor does slow down a bit when the load is attached if the current draw is greater than what is passed to the dump cap by all the coils.  But if the load is less than what each coil is outputting to maintain the max dump cap voltage, you will not see much RPM drop if at all.

Since the middle Lenz portion of each magnet pass is pushing real current, you will see RPM drop as you tune to a load.  This would account for the relatively high input current to RomeroUK’s system that has been mentioned.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 07, 2011, 11:11:19 AM

Are you sure that your current wave form is like that?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 07, 2011, 11:25:00 AM
Quote from: darkwanderer on July 07, 2011, 11:11:19 AM

Are you sure that your current wave form is like that?

Can't be really, or his current and voltage would have different frequencies.
But that should not distract from the point he was trying to make.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 07, 2011, 11:39:56 AM
@darkwanderer, actually I was just thinking that myself and I believe I drew that wrong.  I have attached a revision that I believe is correct now.  But I will double check tonight.

@xenomorphlabs, frequency is the same.  Only the current trace is not a continuous sine wave.  It is blips of sine wave separated by flats of zero current when the coil voltage has not yet exceeded that of the FWBR drop + dump cap voltage yet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 07, 2011, 12:21:41 PM
According to Romero circuit the voltage and feed current for the capacitor should be like in the image below....

The current is shown as yellow wave form and the voltage is green. So when we look these wave forms we see that romero's dynamo draw current from the coils only when the voltage drop is enough at the capacitor.(like mondrasek said). Ä°f this theory is right then we should look the vector's (pull, push, attraction etc....) of the dynamo..


As we see that if the push force created by the drive coils is enough powerful as the force created by the collector coil then we have no problem at all, the rotor will turn without any problem. I think the proof of using top and bottom coils is for balancing these forces. Because if we got only 1 side push we can have problems with the dynamo while turning because we don't have counter force on the opposite direction of the rotor(we don't have same count of magnet and coil)...

Ä° think if we got these thoughts together and romero told(if i remember correctly) that the capacitor and the distance etc... was important. The main idea is the capacitor is working like a switch when the magnet is on the right position, it open the FWBR and let the current flow.When the current flow the lenz force created is not so powerful to beat the force created by the drive coils.

I'm thinking about this idea for several days but there are problems about it:

1-)When romero turn the switch on and current start to flow to the capacitor. With my idea it has to slow down the rotor a little bit until the capacitor fill. When i watch the video i couldn't see that.(maybe you can i'm not a professional with this video stuff)

2-)Secondly with this idea you cannot short the output of the circuit. Ä°f the lenz force beat the drive coils force It'll slow down the rotor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 07, 2011, 12:32:55 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on July 07, 2011, 12:21:41 PM
1-)When romero turn the switch on and current start to flow to the capacitor. With my idea it has to slow down the rotor a little bit until the capacitor fill. When i watch the video i couldn't see that.(maybe you can i'm not a professional with this video stuff)
Capacitor was pre-charged.  Mine does slow down while charging the cap after I short it out.  But if I start with it charged and no load, the rotor does not slow down until the load is applied.

Quote from: darkwanderer on July 07, 2011, 12:21:41 PM
2-)Secondly with this idea you cannot short the output of the circuit. Ä°f the lenz force beat the drive coils force It'll slow down the rotor.
I believe direct coil shorting was not shown in the video.  RomeroUK just pointed us to that effect as a way to start experimenting and eventually it would lead to this Muller design.  Because this is using a type of coil shorting, right?  The timing is controlled by the FWBR and dump cap voltage.  Very clever, really.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 07, 2011, 12:46:09 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 07, 2011, 12:32:55 PM
Capacitor was pre-charged.  Mine does slow down while charging the cap after I short it out.  But if I start with it charged and no load, the rotor does not slow down until the load is applied.

I believe direct coil shorting was not shown in the video.  RomeroUK just pointed us to that effect as a way to start experimenting and eventually it would lead to this Muller design.  Because this is using a type of coil shorting, right?  The timing is controlled by the FWBR and dump cap voltage.  Very clever, really.

Ä°f my idea is right he mustn't short the output the rotor will slow down. He also said that to use load when we try to replicate.Good idea using capacitor as a timing element for the current control. So to prove this idea we need the current wave form of romero's muller dynamo. Unfortunately we don't have that opportunity now... :-\
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 07, 2011, 01:10:30 PM
Well I am continuing on with my build.  Having a selfrunner will prove it good enough for me.  The next step will be to decrease the coil to rotor distance until I have an output that provides the 15 V input my drive motor regulator needs.  At that point I can check the current output to see if I have enough power from the coils to move forward with adding all 9 pairs.  If I don't have the power I will have to re-design the coils.  They are ~200 wraps of 24 AWG now so my voltage is low and I may not get there without more wraps and/or smaller wire.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on July 07, 2011, 01:49:56 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on July 07, 2011, 12:21:41 PM
According to Romero circuit the voltage and feed current for the capacitor should be like in the image below....
(https://overunityarchives.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg385.yukle.tc%2Fimages%2F8505romerodemo.jpg&hash=329aa3ce5dbd169f59d401b049a00805e311c974) (http://www.yukle.tc)

The current is shown as yellow wave form and the voltage is green. So when we look these wave forms we see that romero's dynamo draw current from the coils only when the voltage drop is enough at the capacitor.(like mondrasek said). Ä°f this theory is right then we should look the vector's (pull, push, attraction etc....) of the dynamo..

(https://overunityarchives.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg389.yukle.tc%2Fimages%2F7201vectors.jpg&hash=56ab17df33601ad940d48cb35155ad93ad35927a) (http://www.yukle.tc)


Hi darkwanderer,

When I click on your links to the pictures my Firefox browser reports an error that it cannot find that url and strangely it points to this: http://www.yukle.tc/    while your link starts with http://img385.yukle.tc/images or img389.yukle.tc/images etc  so what is wrong?  Maybe at my side?

Hi Mike,

I think you do a good job and wish you steadily continue...  Whenever you change coils, gaps etc, always sweep the RPM ranges your controller insures to see the loaded output behavior, for load values try to use similar resistor values what may come from your 15V DC input voltage and drive motor current of 200-400mA establishes.  This may involve having any resistors between 15V/0.4A=37 Ohm to 15V/0.2A=75 Ohm,  wattage could be 5 or 6W for continuos or just 2W for intermittent tests.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 07, 2011, 02:10:16 PM
I hope Romero doesn't mind if I post this here, he say's to leave sw 1 open until max rpm is reached, notice that is what he does when running his rig.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on July 07, 2011, 02:37:17 PM

You see again some of the problems when following a build that is obviously tricked by the maker. He builds it, it does not work as he wants. He tricks three videos, then others build the exact same device with the same hindrances and yours again does not work as wanted. Then you think the problem is your replication. BUT IT IS NOT. It is simply that with your replication, you are now at equal footing to Romeros initial build and the drawbacks you see, he sees as well, except that he tricked his videos to make you think his worked and yours does not. Then you start to think there is a "SECRET" ingredient and since he will not come clean and admit his actions, you are left holding a bag full of holes.

I know some will ask "What do you mean he tricked the three videos". Well, recently I indicated at OUR that even in video 3 showing the wheel suspended as it turned, well, you can see in that video that Romero had removed the resistor from his two drive circuits (wow he never mentions that) because otherwise he could not run it with only one or two 9vdc batteries hidden in his dc converter box. So, given he removed resistors on only that video and the simple fact that his dc convertor box was closed and not open to see inside also disqualifies his video of any credibility. Note that he keeps the resistors on Videos 1 and 2 because in those videos the wheel and load was directly battery driven.

So the final question is how to advance the base idea (which don't forget may be flawed from the starting base design) into a working device since so many are now stuck with a Romero wheel.

I am convinced that someone with a build should start a new thread entitled "Going beyond the failed Romero design", so guys can from now on just concentrate on getting such a system to work instead of replicating a system that had failed from the start. This way any newcomers will not have to wade through endless pages. The new thread would be accepting of the fact that Romero screwed everyone royally and that from this point on the only other alternative is to try and make it work using well oriented brain power and not his lie stimulated bullshit. Sorry to be so hard but the reality is what it is.

I am now convinced that when I put Romero against the wall, he then quickly showed us his real fancy photo of his bigger wheel with nice big fat coils that will again produce nice big fat drag if he finished that device, which he did not. I now think the photo shown was his last attempt to try and add to his credibility by showing us dumb rabbits a bigger carrot but instead I now realize it was also to say, "This is my big, fat and EXPENSIVE device, but, I will not continue it or finish it until you guys help me figure out where I went wrong in my previous build".

So, actually, in the final analysis, those that think the Romero Videos are real will never be able to help Romero because you are only trying to equal his obvious but well orchestrated failure. Only those that realized he faked his videos and are willing to still advance this potential design with newer or more advanced methods will be of any use to him. Like in real sports, some in the OU Olympics use steroids and what a game they play.


PS1: Copy this post because I think it will be removed soon enough.

PS2: I will not post here anymore. Only on a newly opened thread. I had a few orientations to add but will not here.

edit by moderator: Wattsup, please stop that non-sense. Did you see my short videos clearly showing no cables on the cap? If you don't want to build a Romero motor, fine go away to your own thread. THIS THREAD IS FOR EXPERIMENTAL WORK not debunking. CASE CLOSED.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 07, 2011, 03:10:50 PM
Thought I would add that I also notice a huge difference with the backing magnets.  The backing magnets *appeared* to work better on the bi-fi coils, but this testing was done only after I had moved the coils closer to the rotor by one screw pitch.  I did not check the wave forms between the single filer and bi-fi coils after the move so they may not be outputting the same so don't take that as certain yet.

But here are some results just for the bi-fi coils with and without adding magnets to just one of the coils (not both in a pair).  All tests were on the same maxed out motor input voltage so should have the same input except for any increase due to drag that I cannot measure yet.

No Mags No Load
8.95 V o/p @ 2251 RPM

w/ Mags on one coil only No Load
9.88 V o/p @ 2272 RPM

No Mags w/ Load
5.29 V o/p w/52.4 mAmps @ 2086 RPM

w/ Mags on one coil only w/ Load
5.98 V o/p w/ 56.0 mAmps @ 2069 RPM

Placement of the mags is very critical.  Too close and voltage will drop.  If the magnets are in contact with the ferrite cores, voltage drops dramatically!  Ideal magnet placement appears to be just where the magnet is not pushed away by the rotor magnets and not yet attracted to the ferrite.  Then the strength can be increased by adding more magnets up to the point where voltage stops rising.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 07, 2011, 03:14:19 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 07, 2011, 01:49:56 PM
Hi darkwanderer,

When I click on your links to the pictures my Firefox browser reports an error that it cannot find that url and strangely it points to this: http://www.yukle.tc/    while your link starts with http://img385.yukle.tc/images or img389.yukle.tc/images etc  so what is wrong?  Maybe at my side?

I reuploaded the images thanks for the feedback :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 07, 2011, 06:14:44 PM
Here are the actual scope shots of the single coil pair voltage and current, with and without a load.  You can see an almost perfectly flat zero current trace with no load.  With the load the current is only drawn when the coil o/p can exceed the FWBR voltage drop + voltage in the dump cap.

The load is greater than the o/p can handle so it also greatly distorts the voltage trace.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on July 07, 2011, 07:10:08 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 07, 2011, 06:14:44 PM
Here are the actual scope shots of the single coil pair voltage and current, with and without a load.  You can see an almost perfectly flat zero current trace with no load.  With the load the current is only drawn when the coil o/p can exceed the FWBR voltage drop + voltage in the dump cap.

The load is greater than the o/p can handle so it also greatly distorts the voltage trace.



thanks Mondrasek - nice thorough work!

we can see now that Romero's trace was taken on load - and also that his load wasn't maxing the coil o/p!

this shows exactly why there is a sharp transition near TDC (and also visible now just before the inter-magnet gap) - the FWBR stops conducting at this point as the cap voltage fills to equal the i/p voltage from the coil

it's also possible to see the coil-collapse spike & slight ringing at this same point for each of the two current 'half-cycle' pulses


http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on July 07, 2011, 07:34:06 PM

Wattsup, I never thought I would ever thank you for something, but now you really deserve it, with
your quote: "I will not post here anymore." 

This is a great news !
Bye-Bye !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 07, 2011, 09:11:57 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 07, 2011, 06:14:44 PM
Here are the actual scope shots of the single coil pair voltage and current, with and without a load.  You can see an almost perfectly flat zero current trace with no load.  With the load the current is only drawn when the coil o/p can exceed the FWBR voltage drop + voltage in the dump cap.

The load is greater than the o/p can handle so it also greatly distorts the voltage trace.



Excellent work mondrasek.

I can attest to your scope shot because tonight I just did the same experiment and the wave shape was exactly the same under load according to your description. FWBR + buffer cap (no bias caps) and load.

The balancing act of those coils, magnets and distance is a work for a long time.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 07, 2011, 10:03:54 PM
I am re-studying Romero self-runner video (again :)) and I noticed that when he changes the voltage of the DC-to-DC from 12 to 9 volts the speed of the motor actually accelerates slightly.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on July 07, 2011, 10:19:19 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on July 05, 2011, 07:12:43 AM
Looks like someone made it but we need the details of course....


@darkwanderer: Do you mean that Romero's device has already been successfully replicated by someone? (Sorry I don't have access to youtube in my country).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 07, 2011, 10:23:50 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on July 07, 2011, 02:10:16 PM
I hope Romero doesn't mind if I post this here, he say's to leave sw 1 open until max rpm is reached, notice that is what he does when running his rig.

thanks for posting that but is it possible to get a bigger or clearer version of that diagram?  Tnx
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 07, 2011, 11:22:38 PM
How does one hook up the scope to see current? I have 2 channel scope and would like to test this.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 07, 2011, 11:25:29 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 07, 2011, 11:22:38 PM
How does one hook up the scope to see current? I have 2 channel scope and would like to test this.

I think most people try to use a 1 Ohm resistor to read across for current.  Put it in line with your circuit between power supply and load. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on July 08, 2011, 05:27:32 AM

A quote from Mopozco:

"The better inductance than single wind is always in place. Also it comes with more coil's capacitance".

What he's saying here is that if it works don't fix it.

Mopozco Has a transister and a reed switch that times the output short to coincide with the power coil back spike. Mopozco's Youtube point about multi strand upgrades is that more power equals more Lenz drag on the rotor, and his single strand coils already work this well.

I pointed out that Romero's second Hall transister perhaps worked the way this reed switch does over at Energeticforum.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 08, 2011, 05:30:28 AM

In the video the replicator has more voltage at the output than battery voltage...We can't say directly if it's working or not he only shows his device and the circuit diagram.


Great work mondrasek. You are really close to solve the romero's device. But i have one question if you can answer it. Ä°f you change the capacitor at the output how the rotor respond to it? Is it accelerating or slowing?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 08, 2011, 05:54:25 AM
Here's where romero's idea come from...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on July 08, 2011, 08:32:14 AM
Quote from: darkwanderer on July 08, 2011, 05:54:25 AM
Here's where romero's idea come from...



On the other hand, I posted a full outline of an experiment involving acceleration of a generator under high load using low impedance generator coils, a template to use and directions for replication, and a full description of what to expect from the experiment and the reasons for those expectations in 2007.
pages 10 & 11
All based on work that I'd done in the early 1990's ..... simultaneously (no doubt) along with many others involved in similar experimental delights during the same period.

Robert Adams (rip) released his information on acceleration from highly loaded and shorted coils in the 1970's.

Tesla made use of shorted coils to increase torque in one of his induction motors/patents.

It seems there is always someone new, discovering something old, for the very first time, then telling everyone about the new thing they've discovered. Bless em '  :P

To quote something old, " The more things change, the more they stay the same."

Sadly, for some, this is probably news.   :P


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on July 08, 2011, 08:43:03 AM
Hi folks, hi wanderer, i posted at my thread and mentioned basically what hoptoad said, that what I posted in my thread were things fairly known already, though some of the experiments I did do have maybe a different twist thrown in on a couple, who knows.
And Yes your site, totallyamped seems like the same thing my experiments showed, like R.Adams uncovered.
It's ok to reinvent the wheel, because look what can happen with experiments like romeros.
It reminds me of that game 'boggle', if u turn the puzzle at a slightly different angle, sometimes you can see many more words.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 08, 2011, 10:01:56 AM
@Hoptoad . I am amazed at the info posted on your website . I will study it all tonight .Are you in fact working on a Muller replication ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minoly on July 08, 2011, 01:07:17 PM
Quote from: hoptoad on July 08, 2011, 08:32:14 AM

On the other hand, I posted a full outline of an experiment involving acceleration of a generator under high load using low impedance generator coils, a template to use and directions for replication, and a full description of what to expect from the experiment and the reasons for those expectations in 2007.
pages 10 & 11
All based on work that I'd done in the early 1990's ..... simultaneously (no doubt) along with many others involved in similar experimental delights during the same period.

Robert Adams (rip) released his information on acceleration from highly loaded and shorted coils in the 1970's.

Tesla made use of shorted coils to increase torque in one of his induction motors/patents.

It seems there is always someone new, discovering something old, for the very first time, then telling everyone about the new thing they've discovered. Bless em '  :P

To quote something old, " The more things change, the more they stay the same."

Sadly, for some, this is probably news.   :P


I have read and continue to have book marked several of your pages. We have used these in many of our experiments; we have much respect for your work. one of our first motor kits that we purchased online came from your simplemotor.com site those new reeds are coming in handy for cap dump:-).  Have you determined then that none of it amounts to overunity? Or have you determined that it is not beneficial to make such a statement? Or any other comment/s in that vein…?
Thank you for sharing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 08, 2011, 02:21:17 PM
Quote from: hoptoad on July 08, 2011, 08:32:14 AM

On the other hand, I posted a full outline of an experiment involving acceleration of a generator under high load using low impedance generator coils, a template to use and directions for replication, and a full description of what to expect from the experiment and the reasons for those expectations in 2007.
pages 10 & 11
All based on work that I'd done in the early 1990's ..... simultaneously (no doubt) along with many others involved in similar experimental delights during the same period.

Robert Adams (rip) released his information on acceleration from highly loaded and shorted coils in the 1970's.

Tesla made use of shorted coils to increase torque in one of his induction motors/patents.

It seems there is always someone new, discovering something old, for the very first time, then telling everyone about the new thing they've discovered. Bless em '  :P

To quote something old, " The more things change, the more they stay the same."

Sadly, for some, this is probably news.   :P


Honestly i haven't seen your website until now anywhere (like, i believe, most of the followers here). Do you have any video, pictures or datas about your work about your writings? If you can share maybe resolving romero's device will be much easier.

hi and nice to see you watcher,

Yes for me too it's ok to find something, reinventing or to put great ideas on something. But for me, who get the idea first is more important. Because he will have more experience than other people (time you work on your idea = experience).If you haven't worked on your idea it it's ok i have mistaken sorry about that. By the way are you still working on your replica?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: d@rkenergy on July 08, 2011, 03:13:09 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on July 07, 2011, 10:23:50 PM
thanks for posting that but is it possible to get a bigger or clearer version of that diagram?  Tnx
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on July 08, 2011, 03:43:08 PM
Quote from: hoptoad on July 08, 2011, 08:32:14 AM

On the other hand, I posted a full outline of an experiment involving acceleration of a generator under high load using low impedance generator coils, a template to use and directions for replication, and a full description of what to expect from the experiment and the reasons for those expectations in 2007.
pages 10 & 11
All based on work that I'd done in the early 1990's ..... simultaneously (no doubt) along with many others involved in similar experimental delights during the same period.


Your site is a goldmine HT, and I have posted the URL several times.

My only regret, at this time, is I never sat down and duplicated each and ever step of the way... will it ever happen? LOL

In appreciation of your support and encouragement over the years, THANKS!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 08, 2011, 04:34:24 PM
Thanks d@rkenergy. 
Title: coil specs
Post by: Rawbush on July 08, 2011, 04:59:25 PM
I finished building a jig and wound up a 5 strand (twisted) coil. The wire came from the coils inside of automotive relays, I thought all were the same guage wire but after measuring there are two size wires. The difference is small but there.

1  25.5 ohm, 1.45uF, 2.1mH
2  26.7 ohm, 1.41uF, 2.2mH
3  25.5 ohm, 1.45uF, 2.1mH
4  28.2 ohm, 1.18uF, 2.1mH
5  27.8 ohm, 1.18uF, 2.1mH

These measurement are with air core (sewing bobbin). I am making a holder to try different connections and see how the output is effected. Will post results as I get them.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 08, 2011, 06:32:46 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on July 08, 2011, 05:30:28 AM
Great work mondrasek. You are really close to solve the romero's device. But i have one question if you can answer it. Ä°f you change the capacitor at the output how the rotor respond to it? Is it accelerating or slowing?

Note: The load was changed from the small lamp (14.4V 100mA) to a 330 Ohm 1/2W resistor on a single coil pair.

No load 47000u/25V   RPM     Vin     Iin
                                2082   14.92  .354
330 Ohm load            1774   14.92  .364

No load 2200uF/16V   RPM     Vin     Iin
                                2162   14.92  .376
330 Ohm load            1885   14.91  .387

No load 1000uF/35V   RPM     Vin     Iin
                                 2129   14.92  .368
330 Ohm load             1843   14.92  .376

Sorry I don't have a better array of caps to check.  These are just the ones I salvaged from the VCR PS where I got a replacement head stator drive board for this contraption.  I don't have a supply of components to chose from.

Let me know if you see anything of potential importance.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 08, 2011, 08:27:25 PM
i have tested the circuit with and without that resistor and it makes no difference.i run it as low as 4 volts and i get the same speed, 366RPM. I think it looks like that because the video was done inside and not too much light.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on July 08, 2011, 09:09:42 PM
Was thinking.  The 2 drive coils.  1 has a hall sensing the perimeter of the rotor, and 1 sensing above the rotor.

I imagine the time on/off are different to each other.

Also,  the no. of gen pulses before 1 drive coil gets pulsed is more than the other.  Doesnt make good or common sense to do it this way.  And why not time both drivers at 2 points at the perimeter?

My thought is, maybe he is shorting 1 of those so called drive coils, and there just may only be 1 driver set. The rest may be gens and 1 of them is a shorter.  Maybe

I only came up with this stuff because I question why things are the way they are.

The 1 coil that gets less charge pulses before it fires, must have a weaker drive pulse than the drive coil that gets more before it fires.

But then again, big cap loaded to say 12v, the first drive coil fires and brings the cap to say 9v, and the few gen pulses before the second coil fires brings the cap back up some..  And it just may be that we dont need all the gens to keep it running as we are suppose to have enough to run a 20w bulb also.

I feel it is a lot to ask of all those gen coils to keep the 47000uf cap full, self runing and the bulb, but thats only because I havt seen it yet. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 09, 2011, 02:38:38 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 08, 2011, 06:32:46 PM
Note: The load was changed from the small lamp (14.4V 100mA) to a 330 Ohm 1/2W resistor on a single coil pair.

No load 47000u/25V   RPM     Vin     Iin
                                2082   14.92  .354
330 Ohm load            1774   14.92  .364

No load 2200uF/16V   RPM     Vin     Iin
                                2162   14.92  .376
330 Ohm load            1885   14.91  .387

No load 1000uF/35V   RPM     Vin     Iin
                                 2129   14.92  .368
330 Ohm load             1843   14.92  .376

Sorry I don't have a better array of caps to check.  These are just the ones I salvaged from the VCR PS where I got a replacement head stator drive board for this contraption.  I don't have a supply of components to chose from.

Let me know if you see anything of potential importance.



It's ok about the caps no problem at all.But your results seems really weird. A lot of questions appeared in my mind about your test results. I need more data to answer them but i don't want to bore you with my questions. I think the time has come to make my own dynamo.I'm gonna make horizontal type as soon as my ordered items come. Thank you for your attention about my thoughts. I hope the idea of using voltage difference between capacitor and coil as a switch will lead us to a selfrunner device. We need more experiments, more calculations, according to these we need to change some variables as constants in our design.

One last thing that i can't stop myself asking to you is that do you have 180 degree phase shift between your voltage and current wave form? According to this question i will demand a circuit diagram of how you measure these wave forms.

Thank you and good luck with your work  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 09, 2011, 04:10:25 AM

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 07:47:52 AM
Quote from: darkwanderer on July 09, 2011, 02:38:38 AM
It's ok about the caps no problem at all.But your results seems really weird. A lot of questions appeared in my mind about your test results. I need more data to answer them but i don't want to bore you with my questions. I think the time has come to make my own dynamo.I'm gonna make horizontal type as soon as my ordered items come. Thank you for your attention about my thoughts. I hope the idea of using voltage difference between capacitor and coil as a switch will lead us to a selfrunner device. We need more experiments, more calculations, according to these we need to change some variables as constants in our design.

One last thing that i can't stop myself asking to you is that do you have 180 degree phase shift between your voltage and current wave form? According to this question i will demand a circuit diagram of how you measure these wave forms.

Thank you and good luck with your work  :)

I agree that the results were very weird.  I was hoping they would mean something to you because they did not tell me much at all.  But definitely not what I could have predicted.

One thought:  The system is not very acoustically stable and may not be giving good linear results wrt RPM.  There are some passive coils mounted at all times and they have ferrite cores.  I adjusted the inductance of each coil with the ferrite so they have slightly different amounts of core projecting through and closer to the rotor.  There are 3 pairs of single filar coils mounted 120 degrees apart for balance.  But the one bi-fi pair is all by itself.  Also, the ferrite in the bi-fi is projecting about twice as far through the coil end facing the rotor and will be the ones that crash if adjusted too close.  As the system is adjusted with the coils very close to the rotor now, the rotor magnet to ferrite interaction is quite high.  A lot of cogging due to this interaction on even the unloaded coils.  And with these asymmetries, there are a lot of different vibration frequencies in play.  The system screams through many different acoustic resonant states as it winds up and down in RPM.  So where it settles may be slightly affected by the mechanical resonant frequencies of the build.  Plus my bearings may be grumbling through all the abuse as well.

Here is the schematic you demanded and a shot of the scope as it was set up and recording again.  I will not be using the scope or changing any setting for awhile in case you have any questions about the setup there that you cannot see in the picture.  I plan to tear down the mechanicals next to remove the bi-fi coil and set up again with the balanced three pairs of single filers.  Then I can test for COP with different loads and RPM to see if I am even greater than 1 as the cap switching theory suggests.  I figure with the correct load I must be able to achieve at least a COP of 1.334 if I want to have a chance to loop by adding the additional 2/3 of the coil pairs.  This is still questionable with my existing low wind count coils in my mind.

One errata correction:  The load in the previous cap tests was 390 Ohm and not 330 Ohm.   

All:  Please note that the FWBR is not drawn correctly below.  It has been corrected on the next page.  (I hope) (Sorry)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on July 09, 2011, 09:11:21 AM

Hi Mondrasek,

your voltage and current "looks" 180 degrees out of phase because one of your scope probes is not connected right.

Try flipping over your probe 1 ground and probe leads, and you will be in phase, as it should be.

Regards Itsu

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on July 09, 2011, 09:28:48 AM
I reckon it is way past time to jump ship

I wish wattsup could employ his skills and gather the detail need to replicate this -


At least it seems more realistic.

Just cant for the life of me figure how Romero got more than a couple of volts from his gen coils. I've obviously
used all the tricks I know of and short of using multifilar coils to raise the voltage, I just can't get there.


p.s. That totallyamped site is excellent - very understandable.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 09, 2011, 09:49:18 AM
Quote from: penno64 on July 09, 2011, 09:28:48 AM
I reckon it is way past time to jump ship

I wish wattsup could employ his skills and gather the detail need to replicate this -


At least it seems more realistic.

Just cant for the life of me figure how Romero got more than a couple of volts from his gen coils. I've obviously
used all the tricks I know of and short of using multifilar coils to raise the voltage, I just can't get there.


p.s. That totallyamped site is excellent - very understandable.

@Penno & Itsu:

I have experimented with serial and parallel resonance in the generator circuit.
Like Itsu i observe a 90 degree phase shift of current and voltage, but i did not observe a big voltage rise.
I believe that Romerouk has hit resonance on his generator coils to reach the required charge voltage for the dump cap.
It may be that the calculated resonance frequency is not correct.
In Itsu's serial resonance video, the voltage seems actually higher when the motor was running above the assumed resonance frequency and drops in value when he slowed the rotor down by hand to reach the assumed resonance frequency again.
Maybe i expect the voltage rise too much to be like in gotoluc's video here:

What are your thoughts?

PS: That argentinian motor may use the LC principle too:

Quoteand one last neodymium ring that functions as a magnetic oscillator, self-excited by a stage of captors. This captors commutes the magnet's polarities

Or maybe it's a translation mistake and he rather means that the caps feed
the i/p again.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 10:19:11 AM
Quote from: itsu on July 09, 2011, 09:11:21 AM
Hi Mondrasek,

your voltage and current "looks" 180 degrees out of phase because one of your scope probes is not connected right.

Try flipping over your probe 1 ground and probe leads, and you will be in phase, as it should be.

Regards Itsu

Thanks Itsu.  I had not paid much attention to the fact that it "looked" 180 out of phase since I was more interested in how it was displaying the "cap switch" phenom. 

Sorry to anyone that those scope shots may have confused.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 09, 2011, 10:24:13 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 07:47:52 AM
I agree that the results were very weird.  I was hoping they would mean something to you because they did not tell me much at all.  But definitely not what I could have predicted.

One thought:  The system is not very acoustically stable and may not be giving good linear results wrt RPM.  There are some passive coils mounted at all times and they have ferrite cores.  I adjusted the inductance of each coil with the ferrite so they have slightly different amounts of core projecting through and closer to the rotor.  There are 3 pairs of single filar coils mounted 120 degrees apart for balance.  But the one bi-fi pair is all by itself.  Also, the ferrite in the bi-fi is projecting about twice as far through the coil end facing the rotor and will be the ones that crash if adjusted too close.  As the system is adjusted with the coils very close to the rotor now, the rotor magnet to ferrite interaction is quite high.  A lot of cogging due to this interaction on even the unloaded coils.  And with these asymmetries, there are a lot of different vibration frequencies in play.  The system screams through many different acoustic resonant states as it winds up and down in RPM.  So where it settles may be slightly affected by the mechanical resonant frequencies of the build.  Plus my bearings may be grumbling through all the abuse as well.

Here is the schematic you demanded and a shot of the scope as it was set up and recording again.  I will not be using the scope or changing any setting for awhile in case you have any questions about the setup there that you cannot see in the picture.  I plan to tear down the mechanicals next to remove the bi-fi coil and set up again with the balanced three pairs of single filers.  Then I can test for COP with different loads and RPM to see if I am even greater than 1 as the cap switching theory suggests.  I figure with the correct load I must be able to achieve at least a COP of 1.334 if I want to have a chance to loop by adding the additional 2/3 of the coil pairs.  This is still questionable with my existing low wind count coils in my mind.

One errata correction:  The load in the previous cap tests was 390 Ohm and not 330 Ohm.   

BTW, do you have a friend named Al?



I don't have a friend named Al.

I strongly agree that the system must be exactly same tuned, like romero did with the magnets after the mechanical parts installed. Everything must be strongly joined, coils must be the same etc... I think you really have lot of work to do mondrasek.

Last thing is that I didn't understand your diagram at all. Which probe is for current or voltage?

Thank you.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on July 09, 2011, 12:04:34 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 09, 2011, 09:49:18 AM

Maybe i expect the voltage rise too much to be like in gotoluc's video here:

What are your thoughts?

Hi xenomorphlabs and all

I also have a video that demonstrates a resonating generator coil.

The video compares a high impedance coil (many turns of thin wire) compared to a low impedance coil (small amount of turns of heavy wire)

Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GBS3sKcB8g

I tried to resonate the low impedance coil using capacitance from 1uf to 60uf but could not get it to resonate. Keep in mind that these were air core tests and I did not use a full wave bridge rectifier. So if you think I could of missed something I still have these coils and test box, so if anyone wants to recommend a test please feel free to post a circuit and instructions how you would like me to test it. Keep in mind that the Generator (8 magnet rotor) has a frequency of about 460Hz with the 3,000 RPM induction motor turning it

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 12:08:22 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on July 09, 2011, 10:24:13 AM
Last thing is that I didn't understand your diagram at all. Which probe is for current or voltage?

Sorry that I did not specify:  Probe one was voltage, probe two was current.

Nice to have you aboard DW.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 09, 2011, 01:04:25 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 12:08:22 PM
Sorry that I did not specify:  Probe one was voltage, probe two was current.

Nice to have you aboard DW.


By the way I agree with itsu you should change probe1 and ground...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 09, 2011, 01:35:28 PM
Quote from: gotoluc on July 09, 2011, 12:04:34 PM
Hi xenomorphlabs and all

I also have a video that demonstrates a resonating generator coil.

The video compares a high impedance coil (many turns of thin wire) compared to a low impedance coil (small amount of turns of heavy wire)

Link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GBS3sKcB8g

I tried to resonate the low impedance coil using capacitance from 1uf to 60uf but could not get it to resonate. Keep in mind that these were air core tests and I did not use a full wave bridge rectifier. So if you think I could of missed something I still have these coils and test box, so if anyone wants to recommend a test please feel free to post a circuit and instructions how you would like me to test it. Keep in mind that the Generator (8 magnet rotor) has a frequency of about 460Hz with the 3,000 RPM induction motor turning it

Thanks for sharing


Cool, i had not seen that video before.
If you still have the apparatus, it would be maybe a nice test
to run in serial resonance and measure the voltage/current phase shift.
In series resonance there should be :

QuoteTherefore the series LC circuit, when connected in
series with a load, will act as a band-pass filter
having zero impedance at the resonant frequency of the LC circuit.

I have been trying to verify what Bolt has been suggesting
to create the condition for a power factor of zero with voltage
and current at 90 degrees phase shift by just using capacitors,
because it makes sense to me to as a possible explanation
for a negative entropy.

His suggestion:
QuoteDouble coils can be made by winding up the two
electric wires to the magnetic core as a Bifilar
coil or as opposing dipole. It can be seen that the
dipole itself must be tuned to the resonance frequency
of the desired rpm * the number of passing magnets.
This is how Romero produced a self resonance coil by
hours and hours of tuning and clipping the wave
lengths without an additional tuning capacitor.
Remember Romero said "you can use capacitors its
another method and probably much easier!"

He looks at the resonant generator coil with transmission line perspective
where standing waves create an inhomogenous voltage and current distribution.

QuoteI think you are worrying too much about amps and watts. 
When the system is tuned it all be working in reactive power
the dump cap charge very fast to a higher voltage.
This is because the cap will charge on the pure voltage node
points from each generator coil while the current is
at the zero node so the cap is hit with standing wave.

QuoteVoltage over series cap into a short dc path and tuned is going to
be perhaps well over 50 volts. If you get non of this something is badly messed up.

I did not use bifilar generator coils, i am starting to think that
this is a must to prevent loading the motor.
Thrapps did use caps but his coils might be bifilar too.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 01:47:09 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on July 09, 2011, 01:04:25 PM
By the way I agree with itsu you should change probe1 and ground...

I also agree.  But you know I am no expert with an o-scope.  Still, it showed me what I was looking for.  Sorry for hooking it up wrong.

My build is sailing along with 3 pairs of mono-filer coils at 120 degrees.  No noticeable harmonic /resonance now on the acoustic side.  Very smooth.  But I have the coils far enough away that I only have 6 V ptp on each single coil.  After the FWBR and with all three in parallel it can raise the unloaded cap to 5.16V.  Not too bad overall IMHO.

I swept a load from 390 down to 50 Ohms in the increments that I could make with the resistors I had at hand.  I noticed an anomaly when I graphed it and double checked a specific resistance range.  The first pass I was only recording the resistor's stated value, but on the recheck pass I put them on the meter.  After a bit of double checking I found that the results in the narrow resistance band (130~140 Ohm) that I was checking was not repeatable.  So I assume this anomaly was just due to a vibratory resonance in the system that I cannot hear or that my bearings truly have a problem.

Anomaly aside, the graphs of resistance vs. RPM and resistance vs. o/p V are NOT linear.  I'm not sure about the relationship of rotational inertia and output V (no I measured) on this type of system, so I welcome any analysis from the group.

Still thinking about the next test.  Any input is appreciated.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on July 09, 2011, 02:09:10 PM
hi mondrasek. i hope you don't take this as any criticism because you are first rate on the mechanical physics of things. your input on this thread is greatly appreciated.

it's just that out of all of the scope shots yours appears to be the closest match to romerouk's.

can you please double check how you have your full wave bridge connected to your circuit.


take care.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 02:13:04 PM
Quote from: slapper on July 09, 2011, 02:09:10 PM
hi mondrasek. i hope you don't take this as any criticism because you are first rate on the mechanical physics of things. your input on this thread is greatly appreciated.

it's just that out of all of the scope shots yours appears to be the closest match to romerouk's.

can you please double check how you have your full wave bridge connected to your circuit.


take care.


No problem at all.  I have 3 hooked up identical right now and paralleled.  How would you like me to double check?  Would a picture be best?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 09, 2011, 02:18:18 PM
Hi everyone, been following this thread for some time. Also trying to replicate. Thanks to everyone for contributing and sharing the experience. (new at this but learned alot already!)

Here is something interesting. Made three scopeshots.

1. is no load, just loading cap.
2. is running a small motor from the cap. Rotor doesn't slow down sigificantly. When the wave is going down you can see it's sawtoothed. Hint to resonance?
3. is shorting the coil by reed switch. Coil is ringing, resonance waveform is displayed. (There are two images overlapping cam is too slow, repainted the interesting part below.) Rotor slows down. Voltage peaks over 200V on meter if measured w/o cap connected. If connected, cap voltage goes down.  :o

I am putting in 6V and there is only one generator coil connected. Fills the cap to +7V. With small motor (as load) running still 3.5V in cap. When holding the shaft (increasing the load) of the small load motor amp draw goes up and cap empties. When it's empty the rotor slows down.

Is this good? Am I on to something here?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on July 09, 2011, 02:26:55 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 02:13:04 PM
No problem at all.  I have 3 hooked up identical right now and paralleled.  How would you like me to double check?  Would a picture be best?


ok thanks. in your schematic, reply #4134, your bridge is not connected to the circuit correctly, conventionally speaking. :)

your output(?) cap is connected across what normally would be the ac input and your coils are connected as the dc output.

thanks again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 09, 2011, 02:33:30 PM

Don't take this the wrong way, but I see nothing extraordinary in those scope shots. They are typical of what we've been seeing. Are you going through a FWBR?

It is apparent from the second and third scope shots that only the positive excursion is seeing a load. Is the FWBR connected properly?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 02:39:47 PM
Quote from: slapper on July 09, 2011, 02:26:55 PM
ok thanks. in your schematic, reply #4134, your bridge is not connected to the circuit correctly, conventionally speaking. :)

your output(?) cap is connected across what normally would be the ac input and your coils are connected as the dc output.

thanks again.


Slapper, you are correct.  I have made another mistake.

Sorry, I am not an EE.  It has been a long time since I have been demanded to draw a circuit diagram and I totally blew the FWBR.  I hope this forum will let me edit to remove the incorrect one. 

Corrected schematic for the scope shots is also below.

Thank you very much for pointing out my mistake.  I would hate to be giving out disinformation.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 09, 2011, 02:42:48 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on July 09, 2011, 02:33:30 PM

Don't take this the wrong way, but I see nothing extraordinary in those scope shots. They are typical of what we've been seeing. Are you going through a FWBR?

It is apparent from the second and third scope shots that only the positive excursion is seeing a load. Is the FWBR connected properly?


No problem. I am really no electrical engineer (more on the digital side of life), so I just want to make sure I am not missing something important here. No FWBR, was just trying the sonedi circuit. Half load is ok.

Coil is bifilar, by the way.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on July 09, 2011, 04:02:46 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 02:39:47 PM
[snip]Corrected schematic for the scope shots is also below.[\snip]

thank you mondrasek.

so probe 1 ground is connected as you show in your schematic. is your probe 2 ground connected to anything?

i'm not saying both grounds need to be connected, if the probes are connected to non-isolated channels.

take care.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 04:10:55 PM
@pointy...erh, uhm, poynt99,

I was wondering if your simulation specialties could be requested for this latest RomeroUK Muller idea?  I know you have electrical circuits mastered in simulations.  But can you do these moving EM interactions?  I mean, particularly this case:  WTF is happening when we place a backing magnet?  The only theory that I have now is @Hoptoads explanation of the shift of the Bloch wall.  But one thing that is lacking from his explanation is the mathematical predictability of how much Gauss at what distance (and maybe offset relative to coil center?) makes what difference.

Poynt99, do you have the facilities to investigate these variables?  And, if not, do you know who does?

Et al, if you can support the above questions, please let us all know.

@Hoptoad, your Adam's work and writeup are excellent.  Thank you very much for that amazing effort.  I was directed to your site from this RomeroUK thread several weeks ago and was inspired. I have planning to research the Adam's motor further.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 04:15:58 PM
Quote from: slapper on July 09, 2011, 04:02:46 PM
so probe 1 ground is connected as you show in your schematic. is your probe 2 ground connected to anything?

Probe 2 ground is not connected.

This is probably irrelevant, but whenever I tried to connect the second probe ground I would draw on the dynamo.  I guess this is because I was reading the current and voltage 180 degrees out of phase.  But that is what a simple ME would do, neh?

Let me know if you need any other testing or clarifications.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 09, 2011, 04:43:32 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 04:10:55 PM
@pointy...erh, uhm, poynt99,

I was wondering if your simulation specialties could be requested for this latest RomeroUK Muller idea?  I know you heave electrical circuits mastered in simulations.  But can you do these moving EM interactions?
Which idea in particular? SPICE can handle non-linear cores and the flux changes going on in them. It is not a good simulator for pure magnetics and magnetic field interactions though.

I mean, particularly this case:  WTF is happening when we place a backing magnet?  The only theory that I have now is @Hoptoads explanation of the shift of the Bloch wall.  But one thing that is lacking from his explanation is the mathematical predictability of how much Gauss at what distance (and maybe offset relative to coil center?) makes what difference.
Do you have a link to Hoptoad's explanation?

A backing magnet pre-polarizes the coil cores, and this is the reason doing so increases the generated output. Without the pre-bias, very few of the core's domains are pre-aligned with each other. With core pre-bias, the core's domains are mostly aligned, and when influenced by a passing rotor magnet, they all rotate (or re-polarize in a different direction) in unison, thus generating a stronger flux change and hence stronger E-field build-up around the coils.

btw, there is no Bloch wall associated with a standard two-pole magnet like the types we are using here. There will be some Bloch walls in an un-biased core, but applying a pre-bias largely removes them.

Poynt99, do you have the facilities to investigate these variables?
With SPICE, not really.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on July 09, 2011, 04:58:48 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 04:15:58 PM

Probe 2 ground is not connected.

This is probably irrelevant, but whenever I tried to connect the second probe ground I would draw on the dynamo. 

Hi Mondrasek,

For most scopes with dual (or more) input channels the grounds normally are common grounds both at the body of the scope BNC sockets and at the crocodil grounds clips of the probes.  You can check this by a simple Ohm meter: you would find a short circuit between the ground clips.
So this is the reason why a certain (circuit) setup changes its operation  when you clip two probe grounds to two differrent points in it, you may simply short out a component.

In your corrected schematic (Reply #4150) you may wish to connect the ground crocodil clips of both probes to the right hand side of the 0.1 Ohm resistor (upper AC input point of the diode bridge) and probe 2 would connect to say the left hand side of the 0.1 Ohm and probe 1 would connect to the lower AC input point of the diode bridge.
This way when measuring points are chosen strategically the ground clips would not short out any two points or components where there is a voltage difference by the normal operation of a circuit.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on July 09, 2011, 05:01:30 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 04:15:58 PM
Probe 2 ground is not connected.

This is probably irrelevant, but whenever I tried to connect the second probe ground I would draw on the dynamo.  I guess this is because I was reading the current and voltage 180 degrees out of phase.  But that is what a simple ME would do, neh?

Let me know if you need any other testing or clarifications.


i'm going to go on a few assumptions. you being simple ain't one of them.  ;D

your inputs are non-isolated and your scope is performing a math function for the channel that displays voltage across the current sense resistor.
depending on what polarity the math is presented with (input 1 summed with inverted input 2; etc) is how it appears as if the scope was connected '180 degrees'.

if you tried to place probe 2 ground on the other side of your current sense resister while leaving probe 1 where it is in the schematic you would have, effectively shorted out the ac input side of your bridge and and probe 1 would see no voltage.

edit: (gyulasun beat me to it)

if these assumptions are correct we can move. :)

i wanted to highlight something you brought up earlier about core placement being very important.

the sim's that teslaalset did in his thread pretty much confirms this to me:
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10841.0 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10841.0)

my testing confirms this as well. core location, and most likely the length, is important. and a pain in the a$$.



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 05:13:36 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on July 09, 2011, 04:43:32 PM
Which idea in particular? SPICE can handle non-linear cores and the flux changes going on in them. It is not a good simulator for pure magnetics and magnetic field interactions though.
Do you have a link to Hoptoad's explanation?

A backing magnet pre-polarizes the coil cores, and this is the reason doing so increases the generated output. Without the pre-bias, very few of the core's domains are pre-aligned with each other. With core pre-bias, the core's domains are mostly aligned, and when influenced by a passing rotor magnet, they all rotate (or re-polarize in a different direction) in unison, thus generating a stronger flux change and hence stronger E-field build-up around the coils.

btw, there is no Bloch wall associated with a standard two-pole magnet like the types we are using here. There will be some Bloch walls in an un-biased core, but applying a pre-bias largely removes them.
With SPICE, not really.


Excuse me Poynt99.  I presumed too much.  I believe the Bloch wall theory is on Page 5 here:  http://www.totallyamped.net/adams/

The "idea" that I was hoping you could simulate (or help facilitate) was why I saw an increase in V when a  PM was introduced at the correct, specific, distance, behind  the cores on my RomeroUK/Muller replication (w/rotor spinning).

Any "theories" are always welcome.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 05:25:57 PM
Quote from: slapper on July 09, 2011, 05:01:30 PM
your inputs are non-isolated and your scope is performing a math function for the channel that displays voltage across the current sense resistor.
depending on what polarity the math is presented with (input 1 summed with inverted input 2; etc) is how it appears as if the scope was connected '180 degrees'.

if you tried to place probe 2 ground on the other side of your current sense resister while leaving probe 1 where it is in the schematic you would have, effectively shorted out the ac input side of your bridge and and probe 1 would see no voltage.

edit: (gyulasun beat me to it)

if these assumptions are correct we can move. :)

Again, I agree.

Let me know:  Should I re-do the scope shots with the proper probe placement?  Or are you guys comfortable with the explanation of my "scopocrafcy" (meaning f*-up)  and okay to move on?

I've got no more specific testing in mind for today so I am fine to undo the current set up and retest one or more coils.  Just let me know if it is important to you all to see that test or if you are comfortable with the explanations for my probe placement errors.



PS.  I miss TK.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 09, 2011, 05:26:59 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 09, 2011, 05:13:36 PM
Excuse me Poynt99.  I presumed too much.  I believe the Bloch wall theory is on Page 5 here:  http://www.totallyamped.net/adams/
Technically-speaking, there is no Bloch wall in Hoptoad's scenarios on page 5. Also as I mentioned above, standard magnets don't exhibit a Bloch wall in their interior.

The "idea" that I was hoping you could simulate (or help facilitate) was why I saw an increase in V when a  PM was introduced at the correct, specific, distance, behind  the cores on my RomeroUK/Muller replication (w/rotor spinning).

Any "theories" are always welcome.
I've provided the explanation for the increased output voltage in the above post. Without pre-bias, the coil core has essentially no net magnetic moment, whereas with pre-bias, it does. That's what makes the difference.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on July 09, 2011, 05:29:24 PM


i personally don't think Romero used any sort of resonance in his coils (he would of told us, right?).
The one waveform published by Romero does not resemble a coil in resonance ( = pure sine wave).
And my tests with resonance does not show any real surprises.
I think the enormous dampening effect a very large (40uF) capacitor (which i use to get into resonance) has on the circuit
prohibits any such surprises.

I am still trying to wrap my head around the statements "Bolt" made about 90 degrees phase shift and "Standing waves" (VSWR).
Normally in a LCR circuit, the currents are 90 degrees shifted to the voltage (ICap before, Iinductance later, totaling 180 degrees among both currents).
Only in resonance they are equal in strength and canceling each other out, but they are still present.
But still these 90 degrees phase shifts (with or without resonance) do NOT beat Lenz.

According to this: http://www.teslatechnologyresearch.com/corum/   it is not possible to get standing waves in a
lumped-element circuit we are using, so also the voltage magnification caused by Standing waves should be impossible.

But i am still researching into this "VSWR in a coil" thingy......

Regards itsu
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 09, 2011, 08:12:44 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on July 09, 2011, 08:39:24 PM
Plengo that's a rather interesting video on standing waves bud first time I've ever seen that one do you know what type of devices they are using to create the waves? To me a standing wave would only be good for short distance by looking at this because it would take lots of energy to slosh the ocean back and forth like that a small tank or cup of water sure there are also rouge waves in the ocean that people have be studying recently I wonder if there is any relation. I see where you might be going with the standing waves for the muller device but it is tough to say for sure you would think somehow we could find a way to see them.

Thanks for the video...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 09, 2011, 09:01:51 PM
Quote from: infringer on July 09, 2011, 08:39:24 PM
Plengo that's a rather interesting video on standing waves bud first time I've ever seen that one do you know what type of devices they are using to create the waves? To me a standing wave would only be good for short distance by looking at this because it would take lots of energy to slosh the ocean back and forth like that a small tank or cup of water sure there are also rouge waves in the ocean that people have be studying recently I wonder if there is any relation. I see where you might be going with the standing waves for the muller device but it is tough to say for sure you would think somehow we could find a way to see them.

Thanks for the video...


The nodes in a high voltage coil can be "seen" with a neon bulb placed at the nodal points along the coil.
The voltage in the Muller coil is too low for the neon, but if you see a frequency-selective voltage maximum on your oscilloscope, you can be sure you have resonance (which is basically the condition that forms standing waves).
Like Itsu said, there might be a lumped element too much in the circuit (rectifier)
for this to work.
Gotoluc has shown generator coil resonance with just a cap added though.
The question is, if standing waves across the coil only happen when the wavelength of the generator frequency corresponds with the coil length (e.g. 1/4 lambda etc.) or if with an added capacitance in series LC resonance the coil/circuit also exhibits standing waves somehow.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on July 10, 2011, 01:14:50 AM
Quote from: infringer on July 09, 2011, 08:39:24 PM
Plengo that's a rather interesting video on standing waves bud first time I've ever seen that one do you know what type of devices they are using to create the waves? To me a standing wave would only be good for short distance by looking at this because it would take lots of energy to slosh the ocean back and forth like that a small tank or cup of water sure there are also rouge waves in the ocean that people have be studying recently I wonder if there is any relation. I see where you might be going with the standing waves for the muller device but it is tough to say for sure you would think somehow we could find a way to see them.

Thanks for the video...

Electric current generator including torque reducing countermagnetic field James W. German
"When you put the load on, the rotation speed of the device increases, while the drive-power (motor) decreases"

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on July 10, 2011, 02:07:44 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on July 09, 2011, 05:26:59 PM

standard magnets don't exhibit a Bloch wall in their interior.


LOL ... define a "standard magnet"

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 10, 2011, 08:32:54 AM
Quote from: hoptoad on July 10, 2011, 02:07:44 AM
LOL ... define a "standard magnet"

A standard magnet is any magnet that is magnetized to exhibit a single magnetic moment (a macro-domain if you like). That covers 99.99% of the magnets used by "consumers" and FE researchers.

A "Bloch wall" is a transition region which exists between any two magnetic domains which are not oriented in the same direction. The most common type of Bloch wall is the 180º wall separating regions of opposite magnetization and found in many ferromagnetic materials (eg. thin films).

Attached is an example of a block of ferromagnetic material magnetized with two opposing magnetic domains. The "Bloch Wall Region" is clearly evident.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on July 10, 2011, 08:58:40 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on July 10, 2011, 08:32:54 AM
A standard magnet is any magnet that is magnetized to exhibit a single magnetic moment (a macro-domain if you like). That covers 99.99% of the magnets used by "consumers" and FE researchers.

A "Bloch wall" is a transition region which exists between any two magnetic domains which are not oriented in the same direction. The most common type of Bloch wall is the 180º wall separating regions of opposite magnetization and found in many ferromagnetic materials (eg. thin films).

Attached is an example of a block of ferromagnetic material magnetized with two opposing magnetic domains. The "Bloch Wall Region" is clearly evident.


LOL, I knew you'd respond post haste, being the stickler for technicalities that you are. Good on you by the way. And yes technically you are right.

The "bloch wall" is actually a microscopic "entity" with it's description rooted in the world of magnetic domain theory.

In the real macroscopic world, where EE's design and make things, and theorists take a back seat, the term, bloch wall, is readily accepted as referring to the "null magnetic region" in a magnet where N + S vectors are equal, and cancel out. Also often referred to as the magnet's neutral region.

The term bloch wall is not restricted to just magnetic theory, it also appears in optical theory.

It's a bit like the abbreviated term: BEMF, which in conventional electric theory is a term often  used within the same document to describe two different things. That's why some people say Flyback or CEMF (collapsing field events) or Counter EMF (motors) to differentiate the type of BEMF they are referring to.

On my site I describe the bloch wall as the magnet neutral zone to make this distinction.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 10, 2011, 09:17:41 AM
Although, I am no expert in the field of magnetism, if you'll pardon the pun...the diagram submitted by @poynty appears to indicate a torque/action/energy/ potential within the 'bloch wall.'

I could be wrong like Bill tho...just tossing things out there, you just never know, it may be a ball someone can run with.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 09:31:29 AM
Here is some data for anyone interested.  It is input and output measurements on the 3 single filer coil pairs run in parallel to the dump cap with various loads.  All measurements were taken with the same DMM.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 10, 2011, 09:38:20 AM
Quote from: hoptoad on July 10, 2011, 08:58:40 AM
In the real macroscopic world, where EE's design and make things, and theorists take a back seat, the term, bloch wall, is readily accepted as referring to the "null magnetic region" in a magnet where N + S vectors are equal, and cancel out. Also often referred to as the magnet's neutral region.
This is a misnomer all too many believe. There is only one macroscopic vector inside a standard magnet.

The magnetic field measured outside a magnet in the center may appear weak compared to the end-pole locations, but this is not because of any vector cancellation or equality. This area does not constitute a "Bloch Wall Region", despite any general misuse of the term.

It would be a true shame if "real-world" EE's contributed to this misnomer. But, as most may not be well trained in magnetics, this is a possibility. Don't take this the wrong way, but I would expect (and hope) that anyone working in magnetics as a profession, or as a serious researcher using magnets and ferromagnetic materials, would be better informed.

On my site I describe the bloch wall as the magnet neutral zone to make this distinction.
Call it a "neutral zone" if you wish, but it should not be called a "Bloch Wall". This only perpetuates the misnomer, and facilitates a misunderstanding of the magnetic field in and around a magnet.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 10, 2011, 09:42:01 AM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 10, 2011, 09:17:41 AM
Although, I am no expert in the field of magnetism, if you'll pardon the pun...the diagram submitted by @poynty appears to indicate a torque/action/energy/ potential within the 'block wall.'

I could be wrong like Bill tho...just tossing things out there, you just never know, it may be a ball someone can run with.


It's quantum mechanics, the magnetic neutral region does not exert a net outside force to let's say a piece of metal, but the magnetic domains re-align there.
The process of "pumping" the Bloch wall (or however you wanna call it) is assumed to create negative entropy however. Example : "Kromrey Converter"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 10, 2011, 09:48:18 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 10, 2011, 09:42:01 AM
It's quantum mechanics, the magnetic neutral region does not exert a net outside force to let's say a piece of metal, but the magnetic domains re-align there.
The process of "pumping" the Bloch wall is assumed to create negative entropy however.

To me it seems there is a little twist in there that needs to be explored by someone with more experience and instrumentation than I currently possess.

Thanks for acknowledging that aspect...it may possibly lead somewhere.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 10, 2011, 09:51:16 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 09:31:29 AM
Here is some data for anyone interested.  It is input and output measurements on the 3 single filer coil pairs run in parallel to the dump cap with various loads.  All measurements were taken with the same DMM.

Your output is really low compared to input... Maybe that's because of the motor you're using. It's in the center of the rotor. So the force applied by your motor at the center is not strong enough to beat generator coils bemf.That's why it can draw more power.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on July 10, 2011, 09:52:05 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on July 10, 2011, 09:38:20 AM
There is only one macroscopic vector inside a standard magnet.

The magnetic field measured outside a magnet in the center may appear weak compared to the end-pole locations, but this is not because of any vector cancellation or equality. This area does not constitute a "Bloch Wall Region", despite any general misuse of the term.

It would be a true shame if "real-world" EE's contributed to this misnomer. But, as most may not be well trained in magnetics, this is a possibility. Don't take this the wrong way, but I would expect (and hope) that anyone working in magnetics as a profession, or as a serious researcher using magnets and ferromagnetic materials, would be better informed.
Call it a "neutral zone" if you wish, but it should not be called a "Bloch Wall". This only perpetuates the misnomer, and facilitates a misunderstanding of the magnetic field in and around a magnet.


Put simply, I disagree. Mostly. LOL

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 10, 2011, 09:54:51 AM
Quote from: hoptoad on July 10, 2011, 09:52:05 AM
Put simply, I disagree.

Do you disagree with the fact that there is one vector (one magnetic moment) inside a standard magnet?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on July 10, 2011, 10:22:15 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on July 10, 2011, 09:54:51 AM
You disagree with the fact that there is one vector (one magnetic moment) inside a standard magnet?

The homogenous vector within a magnet that is not interacting with anything is of no consequence.

It's not doing anything, when it's all alone  :-[

But as soon as you tap into its field for whatever your purpose, you are introducing an external parameter, that introduces added vectors.

It is precisely how the magnets external field reacts to and influences this external parameter that is of significance.

Once an external element is added, it may be nearer or farther or equal distance from N or S and the vector between that element and either pole will determine whether it is attracted to one greater than the other or experience a net pull by neither of them because of their equal attractive force.

It is the vector interaction between the magnet and element that matters when designing something like .... hmnnn a muller generator perhaps.

Simply by putting a core next to a magnet, they will both influence each other in terms of how they will "see" each other.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 10:23:28 AM
Quote from: darkwanderer on July 10, 2011, 09:51:16 AM
Your output is really low compared to input... Maybe that's because of the motor you're using. It's in the center of the rotor. So the force applied by your motor at the center is not strong enough to beat generator coils bemf.That's why it can draw more power.



Right now the coils are quite far from the rotor.  I will begin moving them closer and repeating these tests.

The input I am measuring is to the entire motor drive circuit, not directly to the motor.  That circuit includes a variable regulator to provide 0 to ~14V to the motor drive IC.  The input is also powering a separate 5 V regulator that provides a CTL signal (on signal) to the motor drive IC.  The motor drive IC itself (Mitsubishi M568732AL) is also, of course, in the circuit.  So all these extra devices and their associated peripheral resistors are wasting some of the input energy.

This system is not as input power friendly as those with pulse motors I am sure.  But it gives me good control of the RPM in case that is an important variable.

I am focused on the generator side of RomeroUK's setup only.  I don't believe the drive side is where the OU effect could be found.  Of course the drive side power requirements are important if one hopes to loop.  And I do wish to loop since that is the only proof of OU many could understand.  So I am looking at the relationship of the output to drive circuit input on this system to try and determine if my coils are designed with enough output to even consider moving forward with adding additional coil pairs right now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on July 10, 2011, 11:56:58 AM
Quote from: hoptoad on July 10, 2011, 10:22:15 AM

The homogenous vector within a magnet that is not interacting with anything is of no consequence.

It's not doing anything, when it's all alone  :-[

But as soon as you tap into its field for whatever your purpose, you are introducing an external parameter, that introduces added vectors.

It is precisely how the magnets external field reacts to and influences this external parameter that is of significance.

Once an external element is added, it may be nearer or farther or equal distance from N or S and the vector between that element and either pole will determine whether it is attracted to one greater than the other or experience a net pull by neither of them because of their equal attractive force.

It is the vector interaction between the magnet and element that matters when designing something like .... hmnnn a muller generator perhaps.

Simply by putting a core next to a magnet, they will both influence each other in terms of how they will "see" each other.


I think this is a very important point. Simply by putting a core next to a magnet your not done.
I played with coil in my hand so I can adjust it's position and on scope I can create many different waveforms so I do belief that the position and distance of the coils to the magnets is very important.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hoppy on July 10, 2011, 12:28:03 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 10:23:28 AM

I am focused on the generator side of RomeroUK's setup only.  I don't believe the drive side is where the OU effect could be found.  Of course the drive side power requirements are important if one hopes to loop.  And I do wish to loop since that is the only proof of OU many could understand.  So I am looking at the relationship of the output to drive circuit input on this system to try and determine if my coils are designed with enough output to even consider moving forward with adding additional coil pairs right now.


From what I can gather from Romero's postings about tuning, only when everything is exactly right after carrying out adjustments to wire lengths and spacings, will OU materialise. This suggests that coils could be prematurely discarded as unsuitable when maybe more time and effort spent on tuning could result in success.

There are many variables involved here but the most important thing as I can see is having lots of patience and time available to work through all the permutations. How do we know that the highest voltage is necessarily best when the criteria for tuning is not fully understood. It maybe that number of coil turns is of much less importance than exactly balancing the coils electrically as Romero seems to be suggesting. After all, he is not certain on how many turns he originally wound on each coil, so there is a distinct possibility that they are different and remain different even after meticulous tuning.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 12:51:19 PM
Quote from: Hoppy on July 10, 2011, 12:28:03 PM
There are many variables involved here but the most important thing as I can see is having lots of patience and time available to work through all the permutations. How do we know that the highest voltage is necessarily best when the criteria for tuning is not fully understood. It maybe that number of coil turns is of much less importance than exactly balancing the coils electrically as Romero seems to be suggesting. After all, he is not certain on how many turns he originally wound on each coil, so there is a distinct possibility that they are different and remain different even after meticulous tuning.


I agree.  I am looking at my system from all angles I can imagine and searching for an anomaly and/or a phenomenon that can be usefull.

As DW has indicated, we have too many variables right now.  Hopefully testing can establish the relationships of some of the variables, allow us to determine a correct replacement constant for certain variables in a given design, and ultimately engineer a system for an expected performance.

If not, it's still a cool spinny thing to examine.  I am still learning a lot so not a loss either way (to me).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 10, 2011, 01:03:14 PM
Quote from: Hoppy on July 10, 2011, 12:28:03 PM
From what I can gather from Romero's postings about tuning, only when everything is exactly right after carrying out adjustments to wire lengths and spacings, will OU materialise. This suggests that coils could be prematurely discarded as unsuitable when maybe more time and effort spent on tuning could result in success.

There are many variables involved here but the most important thing as I can see is having lots of patience and time available to work through all the permutations. How do we know that the highest voltage is necessarily best when the criteria for tuning is not fully understood. It maybe that number of coil turns is of much less importance than exactly balancing the coils electrically as Romero seems to be suggesting. After all, he is not certain on how many turns he originally wound on each coil, so there is a distinct possibility that they are different and remain different even after meticulous tuning.


Well you got 2 generator coils (just looking at one pair) that are supposed to deliver approx. 16-20 Volts DC to the dump cap (otherwise you could not even attempt looping).
So it seems highly likely that the voltage IS a tuning criterion.

The big question is how to get that voltage out of 2 tiny coils?
Even with coils 3 times bigger than Romero's i can't reach such voltage.
So there is a process going on that significantly boosts the voltage.
If it's not resonance, then it has to be something else.

Did someone actually try Tesla-style series bifilar generator coils with this?
This might increase the voltage in such a fashion.
(Thread gets too long, not sure if someone did)

Until that is not fully understood, devices will stay underunity.
I am pretty sure that Romero figured out how to do that with a small test unit
until he would fully construct the big unit glueing all the coils in place with confidence that those small coils will deliver the voltage he needs.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 10, 2011, 01:25:53 PM
coil "shorting" is how you get lots more votlage out of genrator coils. maybe romero does it "automatically" witout any swtihcing of coil leads togethar at sinewave peaks, using airgap adjsut between top airgap comapred to bottom arigap and strength of fields of magnets vs coils field being induced by mangets.
If you have the EXACT SAME field, then the fields will collapse at same time, "sort of" a shorting effect this would be... if one field, rather magnet or coil is stronger than other, then it overhwlems and its not a bucking-collapse anymore! Now its however the coil is wired, if repulsive or attracive pull or push but what you are looking for it the perfect smash of fields where each coil collapses the other - fairly easy to do if you have coils vs coils and you wind coils exactly the same difficult to do if you have magnets vs coils on top and bottom.
SO this might be IT - you have to have same field strength to gernator coils vs magnets so coils collapse, not push or pull...
Also I disagree with someones theory a few pages back about how the helper/regauaging magnets at back of cores work and he says it aligns the domains makes the field stronger but I disagree since then it whould work wih magnet in both directions, but the helper magent needs to be certain polarity so I think it is the push it gives to the rotor magnet right at TDC and it is the timing of the "flipover" not added strength or power to the power produced because of aligned domains...so its rotational advanatge, not so much added power - jsut theories again...has anyone got a big advantage from the magents behind genrator coils yet???
I got it to work with motor coils in it has 1/2 draw but nothign with the gernator coils yet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 01:29:25 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 10, 2011, 01:03:14 PM
The big question is how to get that voltage out of 2 tiny coils?
Even with coils 3 times bigger than Romero's i can't reach such voltage.
So there is a process going on that significantly boosts the voltage.
If it's not resonance, then it has to be something else.

Did someone actually try Tesla-style series bifilar generator coils with this?
This might increase the voltage in such a fashion.
(Thread gets too long, not sure if someone did)

I was able to get greater than 16 V out of my coil pairs when they were adjusted as close to the rotor as possible, but only after adding the backing magnets (not touching the ferrite cores!).  Please keep in mind that my rotor is 1/2 inch thick and the magnets are in pockets ~3/8 deep.  The rotor magnets are only 1/4 inch thick and they are a bit below center (I shouldn't have trusted my drill press depth guide).  So I can only bring coils close to the rotor until the top ones begin to hit the rotor.  The bottom ones will still have 1/16 or so inch clearance if properly balanced output wise to the tops.

I have run Tesla bi-fi and single-fi for comparison.  I found no difference when used as output coils.  But I may have seen that bi-fi coils use the backing magnet induced voltage increase to a better effect.  But that is subjective now.  The tests were never apples to apples.

On a side note, now that I am testing with a much lower power o/p (coils much further away from the rotor), I have not yet experienced a voltage increase when adjusting the backing magnets.  So they are not even in place.  Maybe they are only important once the rotor/coil/ferrite cores are in closer proximity?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 10, 2011, 01:42:18 PM
@mondrasek: Do you have a picture of your set-up somewhere in this thread?
You still using "~200 wraps of 24 AWG" as in Reply #4102 ?
Good news that you get 16 V DC out of them ! You measured right across the DC side of the rectifier?
Just looked at an image of Romero's Rotor and his pickup-coil to magnet air gap seems to be 5mm.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 10, 2011, 02:01:05 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 01:29:25 PM
I was able to get greater than 16 V out of my coil pairs

What was your input power and rotor speed?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: powercat on July 10, 2011, 02:03:52 PM
New video from Lidmotor
Muller Dynamo running on homemade battery.ASF
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 03:29:08 PM
Quote from: konehead on July 10, 2011, 01:25:53 PM
has anyone got a big advantage from the magents behind genrator coils yet???
I got it to work with motor coils in it has 1/2 draw but nothign with the gernator coils yet.

Yes, I saw a huge voltage increase earlier.  I also noticed a small rotor RPM decrease while doing so.

When I saw the voltage increase the coil core ferrites were about as close to the rotor as I could move them without crashing.  At that time I saw an increase of approximately .9V by adding the backing magnets to one coil only.  An identical increase occurred when I placed a backing magnet on the opposite side coil of the pair.

My experience with the backing magnets is that they had to be placed with precision at a specific height above the ferrite (mine sticks out about 1x the thickness of my coils).  When moving the backing magnets into place by hand I could initially feel repulsion from the rotor magnets.  When the backing magnet was moved too close to the ferrite it would then begin to be attracted to the ferrite more than being repulsed by the rotor magnets.  But it was apparently exactly at the balance between the rotor magnet repulsion and attraction to the ferrite that I found the greatest voltage increase.

Again, the backing magnet voltage increase phenom also resulted in a slight drop in RPM.

In my recent testing I have moved the coils much further away from the rotor.  In the earlier tests I could achieve nearly 17V on the DC side with the backing magnets.  But now I am only at ~6 to 7V.  At this separation distance I have seen NO increase in V from backing magnets.

Also, placing backing magnets directly against the ferrite caused a huge loss in voltage.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 03:44:17 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 10, 2011, 01:42:18 PM
@mondrasek: Do you have a picture of your set-up somewhere in this thread?
You still using "~200 wraps of 24 AWG" as in Reply #4102 ?
Good news that you get 16 V DC out of them ! You measured right across the DC side of the rectifier?
Just looked at an image of Romero's Rotor and his pickup-coil to magnet air gap seems to be 5mm.

Well, as embarrassing as it looks, here are a couple pics.

Yes, I only have ~200 wraps of 24 AWG on single fi coils right now.

I went back to my notes and found a maximum UNLOADED reading of 16.77V across the dump cap while running 2231 RPM.  This dropped to 8.42V with 70.7 mAmps being drawn by a small bulb.  RPM also dropped to 1675 with the bulb load.

These readings were with just one coil pair.  Those were wired Tesla bi-fi and were as close to the rotor as I could get them without crashing.  So they were ~ 1/8 inch away from the rotor magnets.

I have not seen anything to indicate that bi-fi is better for gen coils in my testing.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 03:50:16 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 10, 2011, 02:01:05 PM
What was your input power and rotor speed?

Sorry, but I had not set up for i/p testing yet.  I tried to switch over, but when using a DMM on the 10A setting (so as not to blow the 250mV fuse on the lower settings) the DMM created an unusably high load on the system.  The readings I have are 14.96 Vin and ~340 mAmps draw, but RPM was dropped from the unloaded (un-metered) 2231 RPM down to 1989.  So I don't know if this data is usefull or comparable to any other.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 04:04:47 PM
Here is some more raw data.

I had to go to the pet store after posting the previous data set at 6V ptp on individual coils (not pairs).  At that time my unloaded values were:

14.96Vin .382Iin 2267RPM 5.13Vout

After returning and getting ready to set up for the new tests I double checked my unloaded condition from before again and found these changes:

14.96Vin .377Iin 2300RPM 5.20Vout

The only explanation I can come up with for this increase in speed and drop in i/p is that some mechanical (bearing) problem worked itself out.  The only other changes should have been from the environment heating up through the day.

Anywho, here is data at 8V ptp for single coils if you are interested.


Edit:  Yikes!  I just looked at the graphs I posted and was amazed!  So I double checked the data I had typed into the spreadsheet and found my error.  Sorry if that caused any confusion.  The corrected spreadsheet and diagram should now be attached.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 10, 2011, 06:05:04 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 03:50:16 PM
The readings I have are 14.96 Vin and ~340 mAmps draw, but RPM was dropped from the unloaded (un-metered) 2231 RPM down to 1989.  So I don't know if this data is usefull or comparable to any other.

Thanks. Rough comparison is useful as a start. Are you driving with only one coilpair? My ampdraw is more than double with the original circuits.

Regarding the slowdown of the rotor when adding magnet to the back of the coil - Maybe those magnets serve a more mechanical purpose: equalling the force of the coils thus eliminating cogging for maximum speed. But it's a pain, everytime you change the distance you have to reapply the magnets. I turn the rotor by hand at slowest speed possible to check for any drag.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 06:32:00 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 10, 2011, 06:05:04 PM
Thanks. Rough comparison is useful as a start. Are you driving with only one coilpair?

Chalamadad, I am not driving with a pulse motor system like RomeroUK presented.  I am driving the rotor with a VCR head motor on a regulated DC supply.  This is so I can change the RPM more easily by adjusting the input voltage/power.  Truth be told, I have not yet found any correlation between increased o/p power and RPM (yet), so the fact that I have easy RPM control might not be a requirement for a self runner.  More testing and time will tell... (I hope)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on July 10, 2011, 06:53:42 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 06:32:00 PM
Chalamadad, I am not driving with a pulse motor system like RomeroUK presented.  I am driving the rotor with a VCR head motor on a regulated DC supply.  This is so I can change the RPM more easily by adjusting the input voltage/power.  Truth be told, I have not yet found any correlation between increased o/p power and RPM (yet), so the fact that I have easy RPM control might not be a requirement for a self runner.  More testing and time will tell... (I hope)

Hey Mond

Have you tried reverse diodes(freewheel diode) across your drive coils?   It will increase your rpm but not your input.  ;]

Just put the diode across the coil in a fashion that it wont conduct when the drive circuit is sending power to the coil.( cathode/silver bar on the +side of coil)  The diode will keep the coil on for a bit longer without drive input. This will give you more rpm.  ;]

Ive said this earlier but nobody listened. It works.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 10, 2011, 07:04:04 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 03:44:17 PM
Well, as embarrassing as it looks, here are a couple pics.

Yes, I only have ~200 wraps of 24 AWG on single fi coils right now.

I went back to my notes and found a maximum UNLOADED reading of 16.77V across the dump cap while running 2231 RPM.  This dropped to 8.42V with 70.7 mAmps being drawn by a small bulb.  RPM also dropped to 1675 with the bulb load.

These readings were with just one coil pair.  Those were wired Tesla bi-fi and were as close to the rotor as I could get them without crashing.  So they were ~ 1/8 inch away from the rotor magnets.

I have not seen anything to indicate that bi-fi is better for gen coils in my testing.


M.   Nice looking rig.   Not ugly at all and thank you for sharing your data.   

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 07:09:44 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on July 10, 2011, 07:04:04 PM
M.   Nice looking rig.   Not ugly at all and thank you for sharing your data.   


I do what I do because I can.

Thanks for the props.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZeroFossilFuel on July 10, 2011, 11:20:08 PM
Hey everyone. Really great work going on here. Sorry I don't participate in this thread much. It just moves so fast I'd have to hire someone to filter out what's relevant for me.  :-\

Anyway, I'm attaching a few pics of where I'm at lately with my build.

And I have a question. Are there any new revisions to the RomeroUK PDF document v1.1 that I have shown at my web site http://www.alt-nrg.org/ ? Please advise so I can keep my site as up to date as possible.

Thank you all.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on July 11, 2011, 12:43:25 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on July 10, 2011, 09:38:20 AM
snip ..
Call it a "neutral zone" if you wish, but it should not be called a "Bloch Wall". This only perpetuates the misnomer, and facilitates a misunderstanding of the magnetic field in and around a magnet.

After re reading your post, I have decided I agree with your stance on definitions, and have edited my site. Actually, it gave me a chance to clarify on page 4 and 5, that the neutral and transition zones only exist when a magnet is interacting with an external element.

Thanks for being a stickler for technicalities.

Cheers and KneeDeep
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on July 11, 2011, 02:13:57 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 09, 2011, 01:35:28 PM

Cool, i had not seen that video before.
If you still have the apparatus, it would be maybe a nice test
to run in serial resonance and measure the voltage/current phase shift.
In series resonance there should be :

I have been trying to verify what Bolt has been suggesting
to create the condition for a power factor of zero with voltage
and current at 90 degrees phase shift by just using capacitors,
because it makes sense to me to as a possible explanation
for a negative entropy.

His suggestion:
He looks at the resonant generator coil with transmission line perspective
where standing waves create an inhomogenous voltage and current distribution.

I did not use bifilar generator coils, i am starting to think that
this is a must to prevent loading the motor.
Thrapps did use caps but his coils might be bifilar too.

Hi xenomorphlabs,

I have a few things to get out of the way so it maybe a few days or more.

I will get to it and post the results and maybe a video if it's needed


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 05:01:53 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 06:32:00 PM
Chalamadad, I am not driving with a pulse motor system like RomeroUK presented.  I am driving the rotor with a VCR head motor on a regulated DC supply.

@Mondrasek: Alright, I wasn't sure as you were showing a driver circuit on your pics. A nicely crafted build you have there.

Quote from: mondrasek on July 10, 2011, 06:32:00 PM
Truth be told, I have not yet found any correlation between increased o/p power and RPM (yet),

That is strange. I havn't made a full series of measurements as you have yet but I can clearly observe o/p voltage increasing if the rotor is spinning faster.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 05:23:02 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on July 10, 2011, 06:53:42 PM
Hey Mond

Have you tried reverse diodes(freewheel diode) across your drive coils?   It will increase your rpm but not your input.  ;]

Just put the diode across the coil in a fashion that it wont conduct when the drive circuit is sending power to the coil.( cathode/silver bar on the +side of coil)  The diode will keep the coil on for a bit longer without drive input. This will give you more rpm.  ;]

Ive said this earlier but nobody listened. It works.


Thanks Mags, will try that.

But I am not sure it is desirable to keep the coil on longer in any case and I will tell you why: I observed Romero's rig once again and I came to the conclusion that he uses one attracting and one repelling driving coil. Remember he is using smaller magnets on the outer edge of the rotor wit one of the halls? That is the one repelling. You can tell that if you see the rotor spinning clockwise. The hall that fires with the side magnets is mounted just a little forward direction of the coil so it must repel. The really interesting thing about this is that he needed the smaller magnets to have a smaller pulse width. Why doing the additional work of mounting all the smaller magnets to the side if he could just use the large neogens as with the other hall? Timing here must be important and in this case the pulse needs to be small.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 11, 2011, 08:21:26 AM
Quote from: hoptoad on July 11, 2011, 12:43:25 AM
After re reading your post, I have decided I agree with your stance on definitions, and have edited my site.

Cheers,  :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on July 11, 2011, 11:11:32 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 05:23:02 AM
Thanks Mags, will try that.

But I am not sure it is desirable to keep the coil on longer in any case and I will tell you why: I observed Romero's rig once again and I came to the conclusion that he uses one attracting and one repelling driving coil. Remember he is using smaller magnets on the outer edge of the rotor wit one of the halls? That is the one repelling. You can tell that if you see the rotor spinning clockwise. The hall that fires with the side magnets is mounted just a little forward direction of the coil so it must repel. The really interesting thing about this is that he needed the smaller magnets to have a smaller pulse width. Why doing the additional work of mounting all the smaller magnets to the side if he could just use the large neogens as with the other hall? Timing here must be important and in this case the pulse needs to be small.

I remember him explaining that at first he wanted to only use the small magnets for the halls but then he used the big magnets on one hall because that worked better.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 11:26:21 AM
Quote from: scratchrobot on July 11, 2011, 11:11:32 AM
I remember him explaining that at first he wanted to only use the small magnets for the halls but then he used the big magnets on one hall because that worked better.

OK, but then he probably also tested using the big neogens only and yet ended up with one attraction coil/long pulse and one repelling coil/short pulse.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 12:05:46 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 05:01:53 AM
That is strange. I havn't made a full series of measurements as you have yet but I can clearly observe o/p voltage increasing if the rotor is spinning faster.

Lol.  The quote from me sounds quite silly when I read it the way you did!  I do definitely see an increase in o/p voltage when the rotor is spinning faster.

What I was trying to convey was that is see no "unusual" relationships between o/p V and RPM.  I originally built this system to purposefully have easy adjustment of RPM because I thought there might be a phenomenon (like phase shift) that caused an increase in o/p V at a specific RPM.  That phenomenon is what I have not witnessed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 12:18:17 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 12:05:46 PM
Lol.  The quote from me sounds quite silly when I read it the way you did!  I do definitely see an increase in o/p voltage when the rotor is spinning faster.

What I was trying to convey was that is see no "unusual" relationships between o/p V and RPM.  I originally built this system to purposefully have easy adjustment of RPM because I thought there might be a phenomenon (like phase shift) that caused an increase in o/p V at a specific RPM.  That phenomenon is what I have not witnessed.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 12:51:38 PM
I can confirm the bifilar coils putting out more than double the voltage compared to unifilars. A cap in series can limit the o/p current so a load doesn't slow down the rotor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 01:06:37 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 12:51:38 PM
I can confirm the bifilar coils putting out more than double the voltage compared to unifilars. A cap in series can limit the o/p current so a load doesn't slow down the rotor.

Can you please confirm the inductance of your tested bifilar and unifilar coils?  Also, do they have the same number of turns and are they the same size?  And finally, were they adjusted to be at equal distances from the rotor?

Edit:  One more question.  How are your bifilar coils wired?  Tesla style (end of one wrap connected to beginning of the other wrap) or something different?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on July 11, 2011, 01:33:26 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 05:23:02 AM
Thanks Mags, will try that.

But I am not sure it is desirable to keep the coil on longer in any case and I will tell you why: I observed Romero's rig once again and I came to the conclusion that he uses one attracting and one repelling driving coil. Remember he is using smaller magnets on the outer edge of the rotor wit one of the halls? That is the one repelling. You can tell that if you see the rotor spinning clockwise. The hall that fires with the side magnets is mounted just a little forward direction of the coil so it must repel. The really interesting thing about this is that he needed the smaller magnets to have a smaller pulse width. Why doing the additional work of mounting all the smaller magnets to the side if he could just use the large neogens as with the other hall? Timing here must be important and in this case the pulse needs to be small.

Hey Chal

Yeah, try it..  And if your concerns on timing are an issue, then shorten the timing.  ;]  less in that way, but the same rpm.  ;]

It could be that the wee mags are for short pulse as it gives a desired input.

The other driver coils?  Romero may be doing something else there. ???

I personally would run the rotor on each coil set alone to see what the difference is.  Should they(the 2 driver sets)both be timed from the perimeter of the rotor? OR, is he shorting the other coil set?  ;)

Running each alone to see how the drive the rotor may be key to finding this out. If the other coil set(the hall triggered by the larger mags) does not drive the rotor as well, or maybe better, what can we think about this? Should we time them both from the perimeter, or from the larger mags..   

See where im going with this?  ;]  Something is not quite right about what we are told, I believe.   Maybe Im wrong. So why the difference in drive conditions?

If your motor setup is like Romeros, as in where the halls are triggered and such, then it is an easy test to try. ;]


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 01:50:30 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 01:06:37 PM
Can you please confirm the inductance of your tested bifilar and unifilar coils?  Also, do they have the same number of turns and are they the same size?  And finally, were they adjusted to be at equal distances from the rotor?

At 12V input (0.8 Amps) I am getting a speed of just below 2500 RPM with one coil attracting and one repelling. Unfortunately I cannot make the repelling pulse smaller since I don't have the smaller magnets mounted.

All coils are made handwound of 15 stranded litz wire, same size, est. same distance, 200 turns for the unifilars. Output: 4.8 Volts.
The bifilars are made of the unifilars, separated into 8/7 strands and interconnected. (Making them 400 turns) Output: 11.61 Volts. That is more than double so even if you calculate in the additional turns there is gain in voltage.

Sorry, I don't have no inductance meter available yet.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on July 11, 2011, 02:02:54 PM
I was staring my Romero replication being short of OU and thinking what i do not do right? (even though romero urged me not replicate his device and wait for others  to come succesful first. No luck so far i guess)

Its is misbuild? Mis tunned? Misfortune?

I was watching news broadcast yesterday, and there was a weird video of a little somewhat fat Italian boy that had the peculiarity his body to attract any ferromagnetic material like a magnet... Particularly, the boy stood up somewhat naive, and a physician put spoons metal paltes, forks and anything ferrous to boys body and those stick like a magnet.

The story goes, scientists are unable to formulate a theory so far and the boy will be further examined...

This put me in considerable thinking. What if Romero's device is just an ordinary device that materializes something else. What if the rotor, stator etc are just the physical things, the body,  whereas the energy that animates the device does not come from magnets , resonance, Bloch walls but from a far more paranormal cause.

Do not exclude anything..

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 11, 2011, 02:10:42 PM
Quote from: baroutologos on July 11, 2011, 02:02:54 PM
I was staring my Romero replication being short of OU and thinking what i do not do right? (even though romero urged me not replicate his device and wait for others  to come succesful first. No luck so far i guess)

Its is misbuild? Mis tunned? Misfortune?

I was watching news broadcast yesterday, and there was a weird video of a little somewhat fat Italian boy that had the peculiarity his body to attract any ferromagnetic material like a magnet... Particularly, the boy stood up somewhat naive, and a physician put spoons metal paltes, forks and anything ferrous to boys body and those stick like a magnet.

The story goes, scientists are unable to formulate a theory so far and the boy will be further examined...

This put me in considerable thinking. What if Romero's device is just an ordinary device that materializes something else. What if the rotor, stator etc are just the physical things, the body,  whereas the energy that animates the device does not come from magnets , resonance, Bloch walls but from a far more paranormal cause.

Do not exclude anything..


I think It's mistuning.Because romero didn't say how to tune anything.We don't know what we have to tune in certain situations.I believe that's the main problem for now...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 11, 2011, 02:10:52 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 01:50:30 PM
At 12V input (0.8 Amps) I am getting a speed of just below 2500 RPM with one coil attracting and one repelling. Unfortunately I cannot make the repelling pulse smaller since I don't have the smaller magnets mounted.

All coils are made handwound of 15 stranded litz wire, same size, est. same distance, 200 turns for the unifilars. Output: 4.8 Volts.
The bifilars are made of the unifilars, separated into 8/7 strands and interconnected. (Making them 400 turns) Output: 11.61 Volts. That is more than double so even if you calculate in the additional turns there is gain in voltage.

Sorry, I don't have no inductance meter available yet.

Did you try to load the coils also behind the rectifier? Like with a resistor or small lamp and measure the current?
I have the feeling that due to the increased capacitance of a Tesla-bifilar coil the relationship between voltage and current is also shifted.
At the least one would have to expect double the DC resistance of the coil due to a doubling in coil length (200->400 turns)
I happen to have the same kind of Litz like you are using and will also do some tests.

The main problem i still see in the current squeezed out of the generator coils.
Romero had 7 pairs of generator coils that had to produce at least the input current of 800mA-1000mA at 15 Volts, for the looping aspect assume 1500 mA.
That would be 214mA per pair or 112mA per individual coil.
I don't recall seeing any (non-telekinetic :D) replicator reaching such current, but i can have easily missed that.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 02:15:24 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 01:50:30 PM
Sorry, I don't have no inductance meter available yet.

That's too bad.  Without knowing the inductance I don't think we can conclude that the bi-fi gives a greater output in general.  Good that it does in your case.  But a difference in inductace can be what is leading to the voltage increase and not the fact that they are bi-fi.

I found that my inductance varied quite a bit depending on the "quality" of the ferrites.  And so I inserted them to the proper location to make the inductance all the same in order to try and isolate variables.  Unfortunately that resulted in the ferrite projecting at slightly different distances out the side of the coils facing the rotors.  Due to the variation in attraction of the rotor mags to the ferrite now at slightly different distances that this inductance matching caused, that ferrite to rotor mag "cogging" vecomes a variable.  But with the slight differences in rotor magnet strength and positioning I think it almost impossible to eliminate all of that cogging and just understand a variable is there.

Last time I needed to purchase a DMM I made sure to get one with L/C measuring capability.  I highly recommend that if anyone is looking for another meter.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 02:16:51 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on July 11, 2011, 01:33:26 PM
Hey Chal

Yeah, try it..  And if your concerns on timing are an issue, then shorten the timing.  ;]  less in that way, but the same rpm.  ;]

It could be that the wee mags are for short pulse as it gives a desired input.

The other driver coils?  Romero may be doing something else there. ???

I personally would run the rotor on each coil set alone to see what the difference is.  Should they(the 2 driver sets)both be timed from the perimeter of the rotor? OR, is he shorting the other coil set?  ;)

Running each alone to see how the drive the rotor may be key to finding this out. If the other coil set(the hall triggered by the larger mags) does not drive the rotor as well, or maybe better, what can we think about this? Should we time them both from the perimeter, or from the larger mags..   

See where im going with this?  ;]  Something is not quite right about what we are told, I believe.   Maybe Im wrong. So why the difference in drive conditions?

If your motor setup is like Romeros, as in where the halls are triggered and such, then it is an easy test to try. ;]


I tried parallelling a diode directly in front of the driving coil pair but no effect. Can you make a drawing if this was wrong?

My theory is that you need both driving coils at the same time and the biasing magnets adjusted with that. Maybe that generates a form of acceleration wave which can help to sustain itself if adjusted properly. It seems to me Romeros rig was running rather slow when selfrunning.

Tuning the halls is a must. But I don't know what for. For speed? For torque? Adjusting each driver coil alone and see what the combined effect is cannot hurt though. In the end you want to keep the draw minimum.

It is rather difficult to make the pulse smaller without additional magnets. Is there an easy way to shield the hall sensors angle? Distance works within a limited range and has noticable effect.

I would like to stick to the original concept first. If we can trust this (really don't wanna start that discussion again, keep the critics out, they are not helpful, and the rebuilding is big fun even if it's never looping) the initial info from Romero is most important since we don't know what happened after he said it's a fake.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 02:26:33 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 11, 2011, 02:10:52 PM
Did you try to load the coils also behind the rectifier? Like with a resistor or small lamp and measure the current?
I have the feeling that due to the increased capacitance of a Tesla-bifilar coil the relationship between voltage and current is also shifted.
At the least one would have to expect double the DC resistance of the coil due to a doubling in coil length (200->400 turns)
I happen to have the same kind of Litz like you are using and will also do some tests.

The main problem i still see in the current squeezed out of the generator coils.
Romero had 7 pairs of generator coils that had to produce at least the input current of 800mA-1000mA at 15 Volts, for the looping aspect assume 1500 mA.
That would be 214mA per pair or 112mA per individual coil.
I don't recall seeing any (non-telekinetic :D) replicator reaching such current, but i can have easily missed that.

Yep, put a 25 watt bulb in place, without cap in series I got 0.4 Amps output but the rotor slows down dramatically.
With a 4.7µF cap added I got 0.1 Amps without slowing down the rotor (maybe a little, but wasn't noticable w/o speedmeter).

If Romero could add a lightbulb he must have achieved way more, you are right. I'd be glad if I could skip the lightbulb. ;-)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bourne on July 11, 2011, 02:30:27 PM
Quote from: baroutologos on July 11, 2011, 02:02:54 PM
I was staring my Romero replication being short of OU and thinking what i do not do right? (even though romero urged me not replicate his device and wait for others  to come succesful first. No luck so far i guess)

Its is misbuild? Mis tunned? Misfortune?

I was watching news broadcast yesterday, and there was a weird video of a little somewhat fat Italian boy that had the peculiarity his body to attract any ferromagnetic material like a magnet... Particularly, the boy stood up somewhat naive, and a physician put spoons metal paltes, forks and anything ferrous to boys body and those stick like a magnet.

The story goes, scientists are unable to formulate a theory so far and the boy will be further examined...

This put me in considerable thinking. What if Romero's device is just an ordinary device that materializes something else. What if the rotor, stator etc are just the physical things, the body,  whereas the energy that animates the device does not come from magnets , resonance, Bloch walls but from a far more paranormal cause.

Do not exclude anything..

Hi Baroutologos

I must say I didn't believe you about the boy!!  Thank you Google for making finding things a breeze. Do you think his class mates take advantage of his condition?!?!

Here is a link to the story: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/video/video-boys-body-acts-like-magnet-attracts-metal/article2092148/ (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/video/video-boys-body-acts-like-magnet-attracts-metal/article2092148/)

are you suggesting RomeroUK is to magnets what green-fingers are to gardening :P

No stone unturned !  :P

So as to give this message a reason for being here.

Here is a link to a short 'virtual pole interaction' video I made last night: http://youtu.be/81OSRjZd-hw (http://youtu.be/81OSRjZd-hw)

Also included is a picture of my build to date.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 11, 2011, 02:41:44 PM
Good video.
About the virtual south pole. I am using a south-pole sensitive Hall sensor with all North pole out-rotor and it triggers nonetheless, so there seems to be a virtual pole.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 02:43:51 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 02:15:24 PM
That's too bad.  Without knowing the inductance I don't think we can conclude that the bi-fi gives a greater output in general.  Good that it does in your case.  But a difference in inductace can be what is leading to the voltage increase and not the fact that they are bi-fi.

I found that my inductance varied quite a bit depending on the "quality" of the ferrites.  And so I inserted them to the proper location to make the inductance all the same in order to try and isolate variables.  Unfortunately that resulted in the ferrite projecting at slightly different distances out the side of the coils facing the rotors.  Due to the variation in attraction of the rotor mags to the ferrite now at slightly different distances that this inductance matching caused, that ferrite to rotor mag "cogging" vecomes a variable.  But with the slight differences in rotor magnet strength and positioning I think it almost impossible to eliminate all of that cogging and just understand a variable is there.

Last time I needed to purchase a DMM I made sure to get one with L/C measuring capability.  I highly recommend that if anyone is looking for another meter.


When I started I didn't know nothing about all this stuff. So I purchased the next cheap meter I could get. Most probably I will get one with L/C caps after my short trip.

But I am aware that the coils are having different inductances. On my second bifilar coilpair the output is a wee bit smaller. I don't think that's a big issue if the variation is small for now. If I should get to the point to be missing 0.1 Volts in the end I will try and rewound my worst pair of coils. For now the next step is to make all generator pairs bifilar and also connect the last two coilpairs which I havn't yet. Then I can compare those as well.

Oh and about your question, I guess it's tesla style. I split both ends into 7/8 strands, and connected the 8 of left side to the 7 of right side.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 03:35:30 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 02:43:51 PM
When I started I didn't know nothing about all this stuff. So I purchased the next cheap meter I could get. Most probably I will get one with L/C caps after my short trip.

I too was fairly ignorant about all this stuff a couple years back.  But following different threads in the forum leads me to useful information as well as forces me to research many subjects just to keep up.

Here is a useful link if you have not already discovered:


I was using it recently to check what inductance I could expect if I went to a smaller gage wire in order to increase the wraps and therefore the output voltage.  Unfortunately the resistance was doubling as well and I am not sure which effect wins out.  So I am continuing to test with what I have and will not order a different size magnet wire until I have convinced myself that I must.

If all of your other variables are the same and you only changed from unifilar to bi-fi I find it very interesting that your output voltage went up so high.  Do you have a way to check the current output to a load on coil pair before and after the change to bi-fi as well?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 11, 2011, 03:44:03 PM
@Baroutologos . Reference the Italian magnet Boy . I know that James Randi is not popular on these forums , but he has investigated and debunked several similar claims . All you do is sprinkle the human magnet with talcum powder and the "magnetism" disappears . The objects are just sticking   to sweat , and possibly some substance smeared on the skin . Notice that some of the attracted objects are non magnetic coins . Come on now , we stopped burning witches some time ago .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 04:18:14 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 03:35:30 PM
I too was fairly ignorant about all this stuff a couple years back.  But following different threads in the forum leads me to useful information as well as forces me to research many subjects just to keep up.

Here is a useful link if you have not already discovered:


I was using it recently to check what inductance I could expect if I went to a smaller gage wire in order to increase the wraps and therefore the output voltage.  Unfortunately the resistance was doubling as well and I am not sure which effect wins out.  So I am continuing to test with what I have and will not order a different size magnet wire until I have convinced myself that I must.

If all of your other variables are the same and you only changed from unifilar to bi-fi I find it very interesting that your output voltage went up so high.  Do you have a way to check the current output to a load on coil pair before and after the change to bi-fi as well?

Thanks for the link. Don't need it right now but bookmarked it.

Yes, I can compare this because I still have the unifilar coils on board. When holding a 25 watts lightbulb to the rectifier output the ampmeter showed 0.4 amps with the bifilar w/o cap. Think the unifilar was at least the same but I'll have to repeat the measurement since I don't remember it exactly. The rotor decelerated quickly @both.

Edit: Quick update, output unifilar is 0.8 Amps peak then goes down with the rotor slowdown to 0.7-0.6 Amps
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 11, 2011, 04:37:19 PM
I managed to build a small  muller generator with 6 magnets on the rotor and 10 coils, 5 on each side.
I am driving it with just one set of coils.the strange thing is that from each set of coils I get about 7.2 volts then if I connect 2 coils together after the bridge I get 9.8 volts and having them all connected I get 14.4 volts with 1k resistor as load.Why is that? I was expected to have the amps increased not the voltage. Normally if we add 2 or more batteries in parallel we always get the same voltage and increasing only the amperage.Each bridge rectifier I built from 12 1n4007, 3 for each side of the bridge.
Any ideea?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 04:40:51 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 11, 2011, 04:37:19 PM
I managed to build a small  muller generator with 6 magnets on the rotor and 10 coils, 5 on each side.
I am driving it with just one set of coils.the strange thing is that from each set of coils I get about 7.2 volts then if I connect 2 coils together after the bridge I get 9.8 volts and having them all connected I get 14.4 volts with 1k resistor as load.Why is that? I was expected to have the amps increased not the voltage. Normally if we add 2 or more batteries in parallel we always get the same voltage and increasing only the amperage.Each bridge rectifier I built from 12 1n4007, 3 for each side of the bridge.
Any ideea?


I have no idea but I can confirm that effect with my build too.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on July 11, 2011, 04:43:49 PM
Ok, here is a strange idea. Romero was somewhat tricky and secretive about winding coils so here is an interesting thought.

Lenz law simply indicates that anytime current flows in a conductor a field will be generated and the direction of the field is whats important here.
AND current is only induced in a coil from a MOVING field.

In this case, the approaching magnet induces the current in a direction that repels the approaching magnet and this is the same field direction as the stationary magnet. If there was another coil, possibly a flat wound, near the stationary magnet that was wound in the opposite direction as the coil near the moving magnet, then with these connected in series, THEN current induced in the coil from the moving magnet would flow also through the flat wound coil to oppose and reduce the field of the stationary magnet (at no extra cost) which would appear to the moving magnet as a reduction in the Lenz force.

On departure, the entire effect would reverse and again Lenz force would be less as the magnet leaves the coil.

Making sense?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 04:46:37 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 04:18:14 PM
Edit: Quick update, output unifilar is 0.8 Amps peak then goes down with the rotor slowdown to 0.7-0.6 Amps

Sorry, I thought you had posted load voltages as well earlier, but I see you only posted the unloaded ones?  Could you check the voltage you have on the bulb after the rotor slowdown with the unifilar and bi-fi?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 04:54:44 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 11, 2011, 04:37:19 PM
I managed to build a small  muller generator with 6 magnets on the rotor and 10 coils, 5 on each side.
I am driving it with just one set of coils.the strange thing is that from each set of coils I get about 7.2 volts then if I connect 2 coils together after the bridge I get 9.8 volts and having them all connected I get 14.4 volts with 1k resistor as load.Why is that? I was expected to have the amps increased not the voltage. Normally if we add 2 or more batteries in parallel we always get the same voltage and increasing only the amperage.Each bridge rectifier I built from 12 1n4007, 3 for each side of the bridge.
Any ideea?


David, what is the resistance of your coil pairs?  Mine are very low and have performed as you describe as "expected".  I am very interested in how the differences in coil resistance effects performance in this system.  I would guess that there is a tradeoff between coil resistance and coil inductance and that an optimal coil would require maximizing inductance while minimizing resistance.  But I am not sure what the best balance would be, or how that is effected by loads, RPM, gaps, etc.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 05:09:18 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 04:46:37 PM
Sorry, I thought you had posted load voltages as well earlier, but I see you only posted the unloaded ones?  Could you check the voltage you have on the bulb after the rotor slowdown with the unifilar and bi-fi?

Sure, voltage meter unifilar shows 0.24V and bifilar 0.12V. Lightbulb is directly connected to rectifier output. But rotor slows down significantly more with the bifilar. Both w/o caps.

I remember that increasing the load should increase the output at a certain range. But above some point everything will slow down. Caps might be needed for that effect.
With 25 watts the lightbulb a rather big load (driving the whole rig with less than 12 watts). Is it a better idea to test with a smaller load?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 11, 2011, 05:26:10 PM
each coil is 3.9ohm, about 8 ohm for a pair.I use 4 fillar connected as tesla style, but I am not sure about the wire type... maybe 26 awg. If I connect a capacitor 10uf AC in series before the bridge then I get speed under load.unfortunately I have only one AC capacitor and I cannot test all coils with a capacitor connected.I tried a 10uf DC capacitor and is not working.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 05:32:35 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 11, 2011, 05:26:10 PM
each coil is 3.9ohm, about 8 ohm for a pair.I use 4 fillar connected as tesla style, but I am not sure about the wire type... maybe 26 awg. If I connect a capacitor 10uf AC in series before the bridge then I get speed under load.unfortunately I have only one AC capacitor and I cannot test all coils with a capacitor connected.I tried a 10uf DC capacitor and is not working.


Is "speed under load" compared to loaded or unloaded?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 11, 2011, 05:42:54 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 05:32:35 PM
Is "speed under load" compared to loaded or unloaded?
i don't have something to measure the rpm but when I connect the 1k resistor i can hear the speed increasing.i  just tried 2 1k resistors in parallel and the speed increases even more and the resistors are getting very hot.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 11, 2011, 05:56:08 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 11, 2011, 04:37:19 PM
I managed to build a small  muller generator with 6 magnets on the rotor and 10 coils, 5 on each side.
I am driving it with just one set of coils.the strange thing is that from each set of coils I get about 7.2 volts then if I connect 2 coils together after the bridge I get 9.8 volts and having them all connected I get 14.4 volts with 1k resistor as load.Why is that? I was expected to have the amps increased not the voltage. Normally if we add 2 or more batteries in parallel we always get the same voltage and increasing only the amperage.Each bridge rectifier I built from 12 1n4007, 3 for each side of the bridge.
Any ideea?

This is not too strange when understood.

First, realize that the load you are decribing is actually a combination of the resistor and output filter capacitor. The output voltage is actually an average of the absolute value of what the coils are putting out. With one coil, or one pair of coils, the average voltage measured post FWBR will be somewhat less than the peak voltage at the coil(s). However, as you add more and more coils in parallel, the average of the post FWBR voltage will increase because you have several more outputs combining to "prop up" the capacitor voltage. It is effectively analogous to lowering the output impedance.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 11, 2011, 06:00:34 PM
Just made a tesla-bifilar out of Litz wire and noticed that the resistance
does not double in comparison to the same coil connected "normally" as i had posted earlier. It shows only a slight increase, which actually makes sense because still the same length of wire is being used no matter how you connect it.
But the inductance has quadrupled (!)

Quote from: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 04:54:44 PMI would guess that there is a tradeoff between coil resistance and coil inductance and that an optimal coil would require maximizing inductance while minimizing resistance.  But

So Mondrasek, this is what you talk about increasing the inductance while minimizing resistance
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 06:03:10 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 11, 2011, 05:42:54 PM
i don't have something to measure the rpm but when I connect the 1k resistor i can hear the speed increasing.i  just tried 2 1k resistors in parallel and the speed increases even more and the resistors are getting very hot.

You should get a speed-o-meter. Measuring by your ears sometimes can give you wrong impressions. At certain speeds I experienced it sounds as if the rotor is slowing down when it's actually increasing and vice versa. Don't get me wrong, I hope it is accelerating. Generally it's good if you can exclude measurement errors that can occur all the time. For instance when you are touching the FWBR legs accidently the output voltage goes up. These small things can easily lead to wrong conclusions and it makes sense to eliminate these sources of error a priori if possible.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 11, 2011, 06:13:34 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 06:03:10 PM
You should get a speed-o-meter. Measuring by your ears sometimes can give you wrong impressions. At certain speeds I experienced it sounds as if the rotor is slowing down when it's actually increasing and vice versa. Don't get me wrong, I hope it is accelerating. Generally it's good if you can exclude measurement errors that can occur all the time. For instance when you are touching the FWBR legs accidently the output voltage goes up. These small things can easily lead to wrong conclusions and it makes sense to eliminate these sources of error a priori if possible.
if I short the output to the bridge that has a capacitor in series the speed goes high up, no confusion even if I am old I can still hear :)
when I have a load ,1k resistor, the speed is not as much increased but still is not decelerating and the resistor is getting hot.
After I had few converstions on the phone with Romero he sugested that first I need to get the speed under short then find the limit on speed under a certain load.
Unfortunately i am always short of money and I need to wait until next week to buy more capacitors.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 06:16:21 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 11, 2011, 06:00:34 PM
Just made a tesla-bifilar out of Litz wire and noticed that the resistance
does not double in comparison to the same coil connected "normally" as i had posted earlier. It shows only a slight increase, which actually makes sense because still the same length of wire is being used no matter how you connect it.
But the inductance has quadrupled (!)

So Mondrasek, this is what you talk about increasing the inductance while minimizing resistance

I've seen a N² in the formula for coil inductance. So if you've doubled the number of turns (N) by interconnecting the splitted unifilar coil strands like I did, it should quadruple.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 06:19:40 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 11, 2011, 06:13:34 PM
even if I am old I can still hear :)

LOL!! That made me laugh!  :D

What did you adjust to achieve speed under short? Just caps in series?

Edit: Also looking forward to your future results!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 11, 2011, 06:30:11 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 11, 2011, 06:19:40 PM
LOL!! That made me laugh!  :D

What did you adjust to achieve speed under short?
not too much, just the distance from the coils to the rotor. I don't have magnets on the back of the coils yet, I tried with ferrite magnets but no difference.
i get the speed under load only if i use the capacitor in series with the bridge.
Romero said that it can be obtained without the capacitors but requires a lot of work but if succeed that way the output will be greater.Having the capacitors in series will reduce the output by half or more but now I am only looking to have a simple and easy to tune generator.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 06:36:17 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 11, 2011, 06:00:34 PM
Just made a tesla-bifilar out of Litz wire and noticed that the resistance
does not double in comparison to the same coil connected "normally" as i had posted earlier. It shows only a slight increase, which actually makes sense because still the same length of wire is being used no matter how you connect it.
But the inductance has quadrupled (!)

So Mondrasek, this is what you talk about increasing the inductance while minimizing resistance

Very interesting! Can you describe exactly the type of Litz you are using?  Exact inductance and resistance measurements before and after?

Anyone else care to reproduce this test?  I have no Litz on hand.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 11, 2011, 06:48:00 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 06:36:17 PM
Very interesting! Can you describe exactly the type of Litz you are using?  Exact inductance and resistance measurements before and after?

Anyone else care to reproduce this test?  I have no Litz on hand.


Like Chalamadad said the number of turns goes into the inductance with a power of 2.
I currently use a big ferrite rod, so my coil proportions differ from the sewing bobbin types.
Unifilar: Resistance: 16 Ohm   Inductance: 1.95mH
Bifilar: Resistance : 17.9 Ohm Inductance : 8.42 mH

Litz wire is 15x 0.1mm Block Trafo CLI 200/15   FA-NR.: 40008

The coil also creates some funny waveforms (Green Voltage Yellow Current) ;)
Edit: That is with caps in the circuit though, just to point that out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 08:25:41 PM

I adjusted my rig again to bring the o/p voltage a little higher by moving the output coils closer to the rotor.  I aimed for 10 V ptp on a single coil.  But I may have over shot a bit.  Unloaded max dump cap voltage was 9.85 V, which is a bit higher than was expected.  But as I moved the coils closer to the rotor I have more variation in the wave forms, and also I had to switch down the V/div seen on the scope, thus lowering my screen "resolution".  So harder to adjust to an exact V o/p.

I began running the same series of output tests by attaching the same resistor loads to the output cap.

When I got to the smallest resistance test (49.1 Ohms), I noticed a curious thing.  I could not get stable readings on the Vout, because every time I would touch the DMM probes to the load I would see a rising voltage.  And then I realized that I was also hearing an increase in RPM!

I confirmed the increase in RPM with the laser tach.

I then wanted to see the wave forms but found that attaching my o-scope ground also caused the RPM to start increasing.

So please let me know what a load "sees" when a DMM set to read voltage is exposing.  Also, what does only the ground from an o-scope probe do to affect anything?

I tired dropping the load Ohmage further and found the usual RPM drop.  But then I added a 1 Ohm precision current shunt (resistor) in series to increase my load by just 1 Ohm and saw an RPM rise.

49.1 Ohm (measured) Load = 1835 RPM (I cannot measure other values without causing the RPM to change)

49.1 + 1 Ohm Load = 1841 RPM  Vin 14.96, Iin .407, Vout 5.22

I am thinking I need more 1 Ohm or less resistors to drill down deeper into this find.

Also, I was about at the limits of my resistor's power capacity.  They are 1/2W units and several combos were quite hot at this o/p power level.  So I need something that can handle higher power output as an adjustable load if I am to continue with this line of testing.

Gyula (or anyone else), do you have any better load suggestions?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 11, 2011, 08:35:04 PM
Slider has advanced the Tesla bifilar to a trifilar now, which should give a 9 times higher inductance even:


I don't know what kind of scope you are using, but if it's a USB-type
DSO scope try disconnecting the AC plug from the PC/laptop.
It can give you funny readings. I had like 20 Volt P2P coil voltage waveforms when i touched the coil physically (groundloop).

You might not need more than 7 Volt per coil.
The voltage might add up when you parallel multiple coils, the effect reported earlier when adding many coils.

When you have your final coil figured out, try Plengo's series cap circuit.
It works, i tested it and the rotor does not slow down when the load gets connected.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 11, 2011, 08:39:56 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 08:25:41 PM

I adjusted my rig again to bring the o/p voltage a little higher by moving the output coils closer to the rotor.  I aimed for 10 V ptp on a single coil.  But I may have over shot a bit.  Unloaded max dump cap voltage was 9.85 V, which is a bit higher than was expected.  But as I moved the coils closer to the rotor I have more variation in the wave forms, and also I had to switch down the V/div seen on the scope, thus lowering my screen "resolution".  So harder to adjust to an exact V o/p.

I began running the same series of output tests by attaching the same resistor loads to the output cap.

When I got to the smallest resistance test (49.1 Ohms), I noticed a curious thing.  I could not get stable readings on the Vout, because every time I would touch the DMM probes to the load I would see a rising voltage.  And then I realized that I was also hearing an increase in RPM!

I confirmed the increase in RPM with the laser tach.

I then wanted to see the wave forms but found that attaching my o-scope ground also caused the RPM to start increasing.

So please let me know what a load "sees" when a DMM set to read voltage is exposing.  Also, what does only the ground from an o-scope probe do to affect anything?

I tired dropping the load Ohmage further and found the usual RPM drop.  But then I added a 1 Ohm precision current shunt (resistor) in series to increase my load by just 1 Ohm and saw an RPM rise.

49.1 Ohm (measured) Load = 1835 RPM (I cannot measure other values without causing the RPM to change)

49.1 + 1 Ohm Load = 1841 RPM  Vin 14.96, Iin .407, Vout 5.22

I am thinking I need more 1 Ohm or less resistors to drill down deeper into this find.

Also, I was about at the limits of my resistor's power capacity.  They are 1/2W units and several combos were quite hot at this o/p power level.  So I need something that can handle higher power output as an adjustable load if I am to continue with this line of testing.

Gyula (or anyone else), do you have any better load suggestions?


can you try to measure if you get any voltage between earth ground and different points from your device?I just remembered now after seeing your post that Romero told me that the ground will have a big influence on the device when tuned properly.Maybe attaching one of the core ends to the ground will show something.At the time I did't pay too much attention but maybe there is something.
I don't get anything in my case maybe you do.
please let me know, this sounds interesting.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: From other Planet on July 11, 2011, 09:10:18 PM
The earth ground thing is something i am also thinking off.
One possibility of function could be the generating coils do not only induce voltage from moving rotor magnet fields, but perhaps also act as very effective radio receivers drawing energy from surrounding em waves.
Only an idea
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on July 12, 2011, 12:32:17 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 08:25:41 PM

I adjusted my rig again to bring the o/p voltage a little higher by moving the output coils closer to the rotor.  I aimed for 10 V ptp on a single coil.  But I may have over shot a bit.  Unloaded max dump cap voltage was 9.85 V, which is a bit higher than was expected.  But as I moved the coils closer to the rotor I have more variation in the wave forms, and also I had to switch down the V/div seen on the scope, thus lowering my screen "resolution".  So harder to adjust to an exact V o/p.

I began running the same series of output tests by attaching the same resistor loads to the output cap.

When I got to the smallest resistance test (49.1 Ohms), I noticed a curious thing.  I could not get stable readings on the Vout, because every time I would touch the DMM probes to the load I would see a rising voltage.  And then I realized that I was also hearing an increase in RPM!

I confirmed the increase in RPM with the laser tach.

I then wanted to see the wave forms but found that attaching my o-scope ground also caused the RPM to start increasing.

So please let me know what a load "sees" when a DMM set to read voltage is exposing.  Also, what does only the ground from an o-scope probe do to affect anything?

I tired dropping the load Ohmage further and found the usual RPM drop.  But then I added a 1 Ohm precision current shunt (resistor) in series to increase my load by just 1 Ohm and saw an RPM rise.

49.1 Ohm (measured) Load = 1835 RPM (I cannot measure other values without causing the RPM to change)

49.1 + 1 Ohm Load = 1841 RPM  Vin 14.96, Iin .407, Vout 5.22

I am thinking I need more 1 Ohm or less resistors to drill down deeper into this find.

Also, I was about at the limits of my resistor's power capacity.  They are 1/2W units and several combos were quite hot at this o/p power level.  So I need something that can handle higher power output as an adjustable load if I am to continue with this line of testing.

Gyula (or anyone else), do you have any better load suggestions?



When using USB scope, you must do two things, first is to float the ground to the computer and power supply. What I do is cut off the ground pin on both cords and use a cap say 10uf from the scope's probes ground ring to project test point or project ground.

If you don't do this you can blow up the USB scope and the USB port on your computer, it happen to me.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 12, 2011, 04:07:11 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 08:25:41 PM
Gyula (or anyone else), do you have any better load suggestions?

I have used a small dc motor as load before. Load curve is probably not linear when speeding up, but you can increase the load by manually creating drag to it.

Edit: What about a poti?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 12, 2011, 04:19:21 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 11, 2011, 08:25:41 PM
When I got to the smallest resistance test (49.1 Ohms), I noticed a curious thing.  I could not get stable readings on the Vout, because every time I would touch the DMM probes to the load I would see a rising voltage.  And then I realized that I was also hearing an increase in RPM!

I had the same effect. Probably the probes are not insulated well enough. Holding them stronger or even holding both probes in one hand can increase the voltage even. We are talking about 2-3 Volts additionally here. I think this is something to avoid and falsifies the record. You're putting body charge in or something alike. You cannot have that later if you want to test your self runner and not be able to have a cup of coffee because it's necessary to holding the probes all of the time. The wife will say "now he's gone completely nuts!". This is literally "freak on a leash"! ;-)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 12, 2011, 05:40:11 AM
@mondrasec . How to make a variable load . Get some Nichrome wire . This is used in the heating elements of electric fires , toasters , dryers , also cooker elements but is harder to get out . Get it from a scrapyard or recycling centre . This wire can run red hot without damage . Now , with a length of this wire and 2 crocodile clips you can fine tune the resistance to within 1 ohm or less . You can add a series resistor to get it into the right range . Mount the nichrome on a fire proof mounting , or use it on its original mounting .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 12, 2011, 05:46:59 AM
Quote from: David70 on July 11, 2011, 06:30:11 PM
I don't have magnets on the back of the coils yet, I tried with ferrite magnets but no difference.

This is exactly why I suppose the magnets are being used for cogging reduction. Equalizing the drag can become more important if you are putting your coils closer to the rotor magnets.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 08:47:54 AM
Quote from: David70 on July 11, 2011, 05:26:10 PM
each coil is 3.9ohm, about 8 ohm for a pair.I use 4 fillar connected as tesla style, but I am not sure about the wire type... maybe 26 awg. If I connect a capacitor 10uf AC in series before the bridge then I get speed under load.unfortunately I have only one AC capacitor and I cannot test all coils with a capacitor connected.I tried a 10uf DC capacitor and is not working.


Are you using a dump cap on the o/p from the FWBRs?  If so, what size?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 08:58:14 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs link=topic=3842.msg294704#msg294704

I don't know what kind of scope you are using, but if it's a USB-type
DSO scope try disconnecting the AC plug from the PC/laptop.
It can give you funny readings. I had like 20 Volt P2P coil voltage waveforms when i touched the coil physically (groundloop).

You might not need more than 7 Volt per coil.
The voltage might add up when you parallel multiple coils, the effect reported earlier when adding many coils.

When you have your final coil figured out, try Plengo's series cap circuit.
It works, i tested it and the rotor does not slow down when the load gets connected.

My o-scope is a stand alone analog CRT type.

I have 3 pairs of coils mounted (so far).  When I hook only one up through the FWBR to the dump cap the cap will charge to a value ~same as the value on the scope across a single coil.  The final voltage is lower by about what you would expect for the drop due to the diodes.  When I hook up the other coils in parallel, the voltage does not go up.  But the cap will achieve it's highest voltage much more quickly after being shorted.  This is as expected if paralleling the outputs is only increasing the current.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 09:32:31 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 12, 2011, 05:46:59 AM
This is exactly why I suppose the magnets are being used for cogging reduction. Equalizing the drag can become more important if you are putting your coils closer to the rotor magnets.

With the rotor and coil spacing getting even closer in my last set of tests I was able to confirm that the coil's reaction to backing magnets has returned.  Since the effect was not evident at the farther spacings, and was definitely very strong when I had preliminary tests with the coils as close as possible, I would say the effect increases as the rotor/coil spacing decreases.

While looking at the voltage wave form while introducing a backing magnet I could see that the wave shape changed slightly, but did not gain appreciably in amplitude.  It appeared that the "flip" portion of the voltage curve that happens when the the rotor magnets passes TDC of the coil becomes steeper.  I was planning to get scope shots but ran out of time yesterday.

As I recall from my previous testing at minimal rotor/coil spacing, the change in the voltage curve begins with that same flip portion of the curve becoming steeper and then the amplitude being increased as the magnets are brought in from far away towards the back of the ferrite cores.  At a critical distance the effect begins to reverse.  At too close, the voltage is even decreased.  If in contact with the ferrite, the voltage is decreased dramatically.

In that previous testing I noticed that the strength of the backing magnets also played a part.  But the distance from the back of the ferrite for maximizing the effect did not appear to change.  Once a magnet was placed at the correct distance, the voltage could be increase further by increasing the strength by adding more magnets to a point of diminishing returns.  But changing the distance at all could not improve the voltage further.

Please note that those preliminary tests were fairly gross and there may be some fine adjustments possible that I did not witness.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 09:34:13 AM
Quote from: neptune on July 12, 2011, 05:40:11 AM
@mondrasec . How to make a variable load . Get some Nichrome wire . This is used in the heating elements of electric fires , toasters , dryers , also cooker elements but is harder to get out . Get it from a scrapyard or recycling centre . This wire can run red hot without damage . Now , with a length of this wire and 2 crocodile clips you can fine tune the resistance to within 1 ohm or less . You can add a series resistor to get it into the right range . Mount the nichrome on a fire proof mounting , or use it on its original mounting .

Excellent.  Now to convince the wife we need a new toaster...  Much appreciated!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 12, 2011, 10:23:53 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 08:47:54 AM
Are you using a dump cap on the o/p from the FWBRs?  If so, what size?
I have no cap after the bridge, only the 1k resistor and I am measuring the voltage across.
If I add a cap the output voltage increase by about 1.5 volts
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on July 12, 2011, 12:16:21 PM
@Baroutologos . Reference the Italian magnet Boy . I know that James Randi is not popular on these forums , but he has investigated and debunked several similar claims . All you do is sprinkle the human magnet with talcum powder and the "magnetism" disappears . The objects are just sticking   to sweat , and possibly some substance smeared on the skin . Notice that some of the attracted objects are non magnetic coins . Come on now , we stopped burning witches some time ago .

hey neptune,

Perhaps you are  right. Perhaps not. Why this boy story or similar all to be fakes? In the same light, what chances has the Romero device to be real?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 12, 2011, 01:02:14 PM
I want to correct something about my calculation on a previous page concerning the add-up of currents from the coil pairs.
It is very likely that the current will show a similar behaviour like the voltages when they are being added behind the rectifiers, meaning that they will get closer to the p2p value due to the phase-shifts between the generator coils being on a circle.

Today i tried to adapt the successful replication of Plengo's cap circuit to smaller coils with lower inductance, but for some reason it did not work.

I got the rotor speeding up under a 1 Ohm load with 3mA of current through it with a microwave oven fan coil (0.75 H or 750 mH) and a 4 uF cap in parallel with the 10 uF caps.
With my smaller coil of 10 mH and a parallel cap of 247 uF i should get the same resonance, but the rotor slows down when adding a load.

Maybe the generator coil itself needs to be already close to the resonance frequency itself for this effect to manifest. So only a small capacitance needs to be charged.
Maybe that's why Romero avoided the use of caps and just tried it with the coils and magnets alone.

If i didn't have an error creep up on me, then i don't support the idea anymore that the mere phase shift between current and voltage is responsible for the speed-up because it was phase-shifted in both experiments.
So no idea why actually the rotor speeds up at all ???

I could try to increase the frequency, but i don't want to risk the rotor becoming unstable or wind coils with thick wire and thousands of turns hehe.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 01:03:41 PM
Quote from: David70 on July 12, 2011, 10:23:53 AM
I have no cap after the bridge, only the 1k resistor and I am measuring the voltage across.
If I add a cap the output voltage increase by about 1.5 volts

This would be why your voltage is not stabilizing and appears to increase as you add in parallel coils.  The output from one FWBR is not DC.  It is rectified AC (somewhat).  If you measure that with an analog meter you would get the average, not the peak.  Adding in more coils overlays similar rectified AC signals at a phase difference equal to the spacing of your coils.  So the voltage you can measure goes up as more peaks per second are being output.

I believe if you measure with a true RMS DMM you should get similar results.  And if you measure without an RMS DMM you may get nothing or garbage as it will likely only be able to look for ~60Hz signals.

You need the dump cap to read across if you want to measure DC.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 12, 2011, 01:10:26 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 09:32:31 AM
With the rotor and coil spacing getting even closer in my last set of tests I was able to confirm that the coil's reaction to backing magnets has returned.  Since the effect was not evident at the farther spacings, and was definitely very strong when I had preliminary tests with the coils as close as possible, I would say the effect increases as the rotor/coil spacing decreases.

While looking at the voltage wave form while introducing a backing magnet I could see that the wave shape changed slightly, but did not gain appreciably in amplitude.  It appeared that the "flip" portion of the voltage curve that happens when the the rotor magnets passes TDC of the coil becomes steeper.  I was planning to get scope shots but ran out of time yesterday.

As I recall from my previous testing at minimal rotor/coil spacing, the change in the voltage curve begins with that same flip portion of the curve becoming steeper and then the amplitude being increased as the magnets are brought in from far away towards the back of the ferrite cores.  At a critical distance the effect begins to reverse.  At too close, the voltage is even decreased.  If in contact with the ferrite, the voltage is decreased dramatically.

In that previous testing I noticed that the strength of the backing magnets also played a part.  But the distance from the back of the ferrite for maximizing the effect did not appear to change.  Once a magnet was placed at the correct distance, the voltage could be increase further by increasing the strength by adding more magnets to a point of diminishing returns.  But changing the distance at all could not improve the voltage further.

Please note that those preliminary tests were fairly gross and there may be some fine adjustments possible that I did not witness.

Nice. Can you estimate the optimal distance?

I played with the halls today. Had two bifilar coilpairs connected into cap and the shorted by ampmeter. I got so far as 0.45 Amps input and 0.15 Amps output. Tested at 9 Volts in. Not concerned about o/p voltage - the bifilar will have enough. The attracting hall pulse had to be long. Speed went up when increasing the distance to the magnets (wide angle - long pulse). The repelling is positioned best near to the magnet (short angle - short pulse) and just at the edge of the coil, draw can be minimized without speed loss.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 01:32:29 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 12, 2011, 01:10:26 PM
Nice. Can you estimate the optimal distance?

It is my belief after testing that the optimal distance can be found by feel if you do not have a scope.  As you move the backing magnet towards the back of the coil ferrite you will initially feel repulsion every time a rotor magnet passes by.  As you move too close to the ferrite, the attraction of the magnet to the ferrite will pull the magnet.  It is where the repulsion and the attraction are equal that I was having the best results.  It is pretty clear to feel when the repulsion changes to attraction as the attraction increases quite strongly and will likely pull the magnet out of your fingers the first time.

My guess is that the actual distance will vary based on your core material and dimensions.  In mine, the best location is ~12mm away from the ferrite cores.  The stronger the backing magnet, the stronger the effect.

I also noted a drop in RPM with the magnets in place.  But I have yet to take the required measurements to see if the additional power out is proportional to the increased power in or if it is a gain.

Keep in mind that having high V output is not the ultimate goal.  You need high output power which is Vout * Iout.  So you will need to measure current.  As you know, in a simple transformer you can raise voltage by dropping current and visa versa.  So if you raise voltage you need to check that you did not drop the current proportionally before determining it is a gain.  You could just be trading one for the other.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 12, 2011, 02:09:27 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 01:32:29 PM
It is my belief after testing that the optimal distance can be found by feel if you do not have a scope.  As you move the backing magnet towards the back of the coil ferrite you will initially feel repulsion every time a rotor magnet passes by.  As you move too close to the ferrite, the attraction of the magnet to the ferrite will pull the magnet.  It is where the repulsion and the attraction are equal that I was having the best results.  It is pretty clear to feel when the repulsion changes to attraction as the attraction increases quite strongly and will likely pull the magnet out of your fingers the first time.

My guess is that the actual distance will vary based on your core material and dimensions.  In mine, the best location is ~12mm away from the ferrite cores.  The stronger the backing magnet, the stronger the effect.

I also noted a drop in RPM with the magnets in place.  But I have yet to take the required measurements to see if the additional power out is proportional to the increased power in or if it is a gain.

Keep in mind that having high V output is not the ultimate goal.  You need high output power which is Vout * Iout.  So you will need to measure current.  As you know, in a simple transformer you can raise voltage by dropping current and visa versa.  So if you raise voltage you need to check that you did not drop the current proportionally before determining it is a gain.  You could just be trading one for the other.

Sorry, I was actually asking for the distance of the coils to the rotor magnets.

Edit: I have not seen ANY effects with added biasing magnets so far.
You are correct, power out is what counts. But the lower the current the less drag you have on the rotor. If you can compensate lower current with higher voltage there is no net gain but you should rather view it as no loss if the rotor speed stays up. If you want to hook up more generating coils then the high current is a speed killer. But there was no transformer in Romeros setup, was there? Remember Thane is speaking of "high voltage coils". Wonder if it is simply multifilar coils he is using.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 12, 2011, 02:50:10 PM
If anyone is close to being in the generated energy range to be at unity or above,
you could try to wind a series bifilar drive coil to bring down the i/p power.
My old coil drew 80mA of current, the series bifilar draws 55mA for the same RPM (!)
That's 70% of the previous i/p power.
You get basically a bigger bang (magnetic flux) out of it to push the magnets. That's why Tesla termed it "Coil for Electromagnets".
This supports also what Slider has been experimenting with.
Hope this helps someone ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 12, 2011, 05:48:44 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 12, 2011, 02:50:10 PM
If anyone is close to being in the generated energy range to be at unity or above,
you could try to wind a series bifilar drive coil to bring down the i/p power.
My old coil drew 80mA of current, the series bifilar draws 55mA for the same RPM (!)
That's 70% of the previous i/p power.
You get basically a bigger bang (magnetic flux) out of it to push the magnets. That's why Tesla termed it "Coil for Electromagnets".
This supports also what Slider has been experimenting with.
Hope this helps someone ;)

What is your input voltage? And have you tested both with the same?

If you really save another 30% amperage at the same voltage we can get somewhere. That would mean it's not a bad idea to wind all coils, generator AND drive, bifilar fashion. More fun fiddling with the strands. See you in a month or two. :-)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 07:18:10 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 12, 2011, 02:09:27 PM
Sorry, I was actually asking for the distance of the coils to the rotor magnets.

Edit: I have not seen ANY effects with added biasing magnets so far.
You are correct, power out is what counts. But the lower the current the less drag you have on the rotor. If you can compensate lower current with higher voltage there is no net gain but you should rather view it as no loss if the rotor speed stays up. If you want to hook up more generating coils then the high current is a speed killer. But there was no transformer in Romeros setup, was there? Remember Thane is speaking of "high voltage coils". Wonder if it is simply multifilar coils he is using.

I have not seen any trend that points towards an optimal distance between coils and rotor magnets.  Still searching for that.

What I have been working towards is finding a distance that shows I have the POWER to self loop, while looking for anomalies along the way.

I agree, low current and high voltage o/p should be optimum.  That is why I think high inductance and low resistance coils are key.

My reference to transformers was only to make sure you understood the relationship of V, I, and power.  I think you will find that your high V coils get dragged down to a much lower V if they are running a load.  So I wanted to make sure you were aware of the voltage drop.  Glad you already knew this.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 07:38:04 PM
I need to share an observation that is more in the physics line than the engineering build focus of this thread.

If the RomeroUK Muller Generator setup is, in fact, OU, then physics will need to explain where the "extra" energy is coming from.  I have now four (subjective) data points that point to an answer:  The energy is coming from the heat of the surrounding environment.

For my first serious low power test I set up in my garage work area in the morning while it was cool outside.  I took all my measurements and then worked on some graphs.  I then ran some errands, maybe had lunch, and thought of the next set of tests I wanted to perform.  I returned to the set up in the garage as I had left it running.  When I tested for stability with no load resistor I immediately noticed a higher RPM.  Checking Vin and Iin for the motor drive circuit showed a small decease in input power.  This was a clear indication of the system running faster (more o/p potential) with slightly less power.  I could only guess that maybe my bearings had freed up a bit and were now causing less drag.  But it was also much warmer that afternoon.

The next evening I came home from work and started testing in an extremely hot garage.  Humidity was also near saturation and resulted in violent storms a bit later.   The system was still running and the no load RPM was much higher again.

This evening the weather is a bit cooler, but still hotter than my first day of testing.  The unloaded RPM is lower than yesterday by a small amount.

So that is four (subjective) data points that show a correlation between increased ambient temperature (or environmental energy) and increased unloaded RPM.

I'll keep "observing" this apparent phenom, but will not test it properly for now as I have other o/p performance tests in mind first.

Now, where's that toaster...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 08:07:54 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 12, 2011, 02:09:27 PM
I have not seen ANY effects with added biasing magnets so far.

This is because you have no load?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on July 12, 2011, 11:46:16 PM
Quote from: lumen on July 11, 2011, 04:43:49 PM
Ok, here is a strange idea. Romero was somewhat tricky and secretive about winding coils so here is an interesting thought.

Lenz law simply indicates that anytime current flows in a conductor a field will be generated and the direction of the field is whats important here.
AND current is only induced in a coil from a MOVING field.

In this case, the approaching magnet induces the current in a direction that repels the approaching magnet and this is the same field direction as the stationary magnet. If there was another coil, possibly a flat wound, near the stationary magnet that was wound in the opposite direction as the coil near the moving magnet, then with these connected in series, THEN current induced in the coil from the moving magnet would flow also through the flat wound coil to oppose and reduce the field of the stationary magnet (at no extra cost) which would appear to the moving magnet as a reduction in the Lenz force.

On departure, the entire effect would reverse and again Lenz force would be less as the magnet leaves the coil.

Making sense?

I Think I see where you are going with this. I think your bi-filer wind would have to be cross-wired, so that half is running clockwise and the other half running counter clockwise. That just might work... Worth a try... Id do it myself but sadly I'm broke and haven't built yet :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 13, 2011, 04:28:14 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 12, 2011, 08:07:54 PM
This is because you have no load?

In any scenario I havn't seen no effect with the biasing magnets yet.

But I observed lower draw and better speed in a hot environment as you did. Maybe heat contributes to zp-oscillations which are the actual source of energy. Prof Turtur has scientifically proven the existance of zp-oscillations and that a huge amount of energy is contained. His next step is building a machine for extraction and guess what - it's build of rotating magnets. But in his current setup, which he is trying to build now, the magnets go directly through the coils. His calculation results are interesting: With the use of physically realistic parts a 1kW ZPE motor the size of a drilling machine would be possible. You should definitely read his publications (skip the ones in popular scientific language) about this:

Have a look:

• http://www.ostfalia.de/cms/de/pws/turtur/FundE/English/
• http://www.ostfalia.de/export/sites/default/de/pws/turtur/FundE/Schrift_03f_englisch.pdf

His theory is based on viewing electric and magnetic fields in a different way than it is done for instance in Classical Electrodynamics by contributing a finite proagation speed to them. This makes a conversion into classical mechanic energy possible. He acknowledged that zpe extraction is nothing new and has been achieved by non-scientific folks around the globe. It just isn't accepted yet in the scientific world. He has a link list to interesting projects on his website. This is actually how I found this thread and started replicating!

And I loved to read this on his website too: "The development should now be continued until a free and inexhaustible energy-source will be possible free from any environmental pollution. By the way: I published all my scientific results for the free benefit of everybody. I did not patent anything. If everybody would do like this, there would not be any fighting for energy any further."
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 13, 2011, 08:51:09 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 13, 2011, 04:28:14 AM
In any scenario I havn't seen no effect with the biasing magnets yet.

What type core material do you have?  Does it protrude from the coil ends at all?

Mine are type 33, 1/4 in dia. x 1 in long.  When inserted into the coils to match them at 1.2 mH they stick out about 1mm on the rotor facing side.  The back end has ~12mm sticking out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on July 13, 2011, 08:56:02 AM
His concept is valid as RLC leads to OU but the ZPE algorithm is over optimistic. It is very unlikely to self run in the manor he describes without an EXCITER.  Like Romero Muller requires pulse drivers to maintain the rpm in narrow band OU. In solid state requires a KICKER coil to maintain oscillations as Kapandze, SR, Ismael MEG, looped Bedini window motors and many others. HV DC pulses can be used as an EXCITER.  Cores of ferrite and iron powder magnify the ZPE by many thousands as core acts as a ZPE  proxy as SR device.  Air cores can work but much lower efficiency as Ismaeal MEG uses two Tesla pancakes wound to cancel out self inductance hit with hundreds of volts pulses then shorted sine peaks and multiplexed. COP 2.7.

Romero Muller must have perfectly NULLED inductance using such method as bifilar wound, out of phase pairs, tuned C's to force into VARS or combination of effects on the generator coils to be discovered on the bench.  Its vital no in phase currents are generated.  System to be tuned into LOAD at required frequency (RPM). Passing neo changes the inductance creates NULL offsets via magnetic modulation to produce a current SPIKES seen as classic romero waveform where most of the energy is compressed as TENSOR along zero point line increases ambient electron Kinetic energy.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 13, 2011, 08:57:34 AM
Another quick and lowtech temperature test this morning.  I checked the RPM of the unloaded (except for dump cap) system in it's most recent configuration first thing this morning.  It had been running all night in the closed garage.  The garage was still quite warm from the day before.  RPM was 2300.

I then opened the main garage door to allow the heat to escape and be replaced by the cool air of the morning while I prepared for work.  Approximately 1 hour later I returned to the garage to check RPM again.  The garage had cooled down by a small albeit noticeable amount.  RPM was checked again on the system that is assumed to have changed in no other ways.  RPM was down to 2280.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on July 13, 2011, 09:11:52 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 13, 2011, 08:57:34 AM
Another quick and lowtech temperature test this morning.  I checked the RPM of the unloaded (except for dump cap) system in it's most recent configuration first thing this morning.  It had been running all night in the closed garage.  The garage was still quite warm from the day before.  RPM was 2300.

I then opened the main garage door to allow the heat to escape and be replaced by the cool air of the morning while I prepared for work.  Approximately 1 hour later I returned to the garage to check RPM again.  The garage had cooled down by a small albeit noticeable amount.  RPM was checked again on the system that is assumed to have changed in no other ways.  RPM was down to 2280.

I think you are putting too much on the effect of heat is not related to ZPE.  You are more likely seeing effects of lose warm bearings and higher current pulses on the drivers due to hot transistors. ZPE ambient electron energy is already infinitely large even down at absolute zero. It certainly doesn't need a warm garage to generate vast amount of power.  While "heat" is taken from ambient and devices over 5kw will cool  noticeable i can not see you will notice anything on a "toy" device of a few watts.  Documented power variations are due to Solar wind, day or night and moon phases not tiny variations in room temperature is too small compared to absolute zero.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 13, 2011, 09:12:54 AM
Data from the last set of tests.  The Excell file has all the previos data included each time.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 13, 2011, 09:31:30 AM
Quote from: bolt on July 13, 2011, 09:11:52 AM
I think you are putting too much on the effect of heat is not related to ZPE.  You are more likely seeing effects of lose warm bearings and higher current pulses on the drivers due to hot transistors. ZPE ambient electron energy is already infinitely large even down at absolute zero. It certainly doesn't need a warm garage to generate vast amount of power.  While "heat" is taken from ambient and devices over 5kw will cool  noticeable i can not see you will notice anything on a "toy" device of a few watts.  Documented power variations are due to Solar wind, day or night and moon phases not tiny variations in room temperature is too small compared to absolute zero.

I agree, but I am not convinced this is a ZPE device (at least at it's current tuning).  Or maybe it has another element right now.  Maybe something along the lines of a Peltier effect? Either way, I am reporting the observation that I make especially when they appear to show an anomaly so that others can benefit and hopefully an explanation can be found.

I have considered the bearings running looser at higher temps and agree that is a potential cause.  Also, less air resistance at higher temps?  Does the Dump Cap load change with temp somewhat?

As for input drive, I am not using the Romero UK pulse drive setup.  My motor is apparently a two phase BLDC.  But the driver IC for it may be affected by heat as you suggest.  If I ever want to examine this phenom further I will definitely isolate the drive circuit from the rest of the system and see how it alone reacts to changes in temperature.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 13, 2011, 11:19:23 AM
Something that has me bugged, why rectify the current
when the ac is run through the bridge you lose half your volts
just doesn't make sense

I was wondering did the old vacuum rectifiers lose half their voltage.

So you make a generator that produces ac rectify the current, lose half what you
produced, put that into a battery, invert that back to ac with more loses  ???
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on July 13, 2011, 11:54:55 AM
Diode bridge only lose about a volt not sure how that translate to half? Tube lose a couple of volts also but who cares when tubes usually rectifying 300v rails. I used to have a lovely pentode i ran it on 55kv size of a pint glass. At 1 Mhz it used to go ultraviolet around the outside for 18 inches with a pink haze between the plates! More radiation came out of that thing than Fukushima. :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on July 13, 2011, 11:57:53 AM
Quote from: bolt on July 13, 2011, 08:56:02 AM
His concept is valid as RLC leads to OU but the ZPE algorithm is over optimistic. It is very unlikely to self run in the manor he describes without an EXCITER.  Like Romero Muller requires pulse drivers to maintain the rpm in narrow band OU. In solid state requires a KICKER coil to maintain oscillations as Kapandze, SR, Ismael MEG, looped Bedini window motors and many others. HV DC pulses can be used as an EXCITER.  Cores of ferrite and iron powder magnify the ZPE by many thousands as core acts as a ZPE  proxy as SR device.  Air cores can work but much lower efficiency as Ismaeal MEG uses two Tesla pancakes wound to cancel out self inductance hit with hundreds of volts pulses then shorted sine peaks and multiplexed. COP 2.7.

Romero Muller must have perfectly NULLED inductance using such method as bifilar wound, out of phase pairs, tuned C's to force into VARS or combination of effects on the generator coils to be discovered on the bench.  Its vital no in phase currents are generated.  System to be tuned into LOAD at required frequency (RPM). Passing neo changes the inductance creates NULL offsets via magnetic modulation to produce a current SPIKES seen as classic romero waveform where most of the energy is compressed as TENSOR along zero point line increases ambient electron Kinetic energy.

Thanks for that explanation, do you think it is possible to create the right conditions only by positioning 2 normal coils at the right position and maybe use extra magnets on the coil to create the out of fase or do you think Romero wound special coils on the muller? And what about the FWBR? Do you think it has something to do with the effect?

I think this even magnet and odd coil setup is also a big leap forward to OU, when perfectly balanced there should be no magnetic drag on the rotor but the magnetic field is moving?
What if you would unbalance the system by switching or putting on a load at the right time, maybe a simple Bedini circuit or some reeds can make it OU. Many things to try!

Bill Muller and also Romero quoted that the Magnets are the motor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on July 13, 2011, 12:10:49 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 13, 2011, 08:51:09 AM
What type core material do you have?  Does it protrude from the coil ends at all?

Mine are type 33, 1/4 in dia. x 1 in long.  When inserted into the coils to match them at 1.2 mH they stick out about 1mm on the rotor facing side.  The back end has ~12mm sticking out.

Romero used cores he took out of PC powersuplies. I have them also but not enough so I bought some but they are different material.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 13, 2011, 05:31:23 PM
I have finished making 10 coils on sewing bobbins to test a whole set up. Eight are identical 200ish turns (28') of 24 ga., The other coil set is made from 5 twisted 36 ga.(60' each) wires. All fill the same amount of area on the bobbins. I have cleaned a batch of magnetite ( a bit of other stuff), and will be mixing again with epoxy. My question is I will be pre polarizing the magnetite while it dries I wounder witch direction I should polarize it (attraction/ repulsion)? I have thought of reasons for either way but wanted to hear what others think.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo magnetic fields
Post by: Dbowling on July 13, 2011, 06:55:13 PM
Just something to share about magnetic fields and coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo magnetic fields
Post by: mariuscivic on July 14, 2011, 04:40:26 AM
Quote from: Dbowling on July 13, 2011, 06:55:13 PM
Just something to share about magnetic fields and coils.


Nice video

It's about changing the polarity of one of your magnet. Howard Johnson did a lot of work on this. He invented an magnetic gate and he sais at one point  "...here we have N atracting N..."

Now, the problem we all have with this muller dynamo is Lenz. How do we eliminate this? no ideea. I made a lot of experiments with mine and don't know how to solve this. I don't have acces to hi-tec equipament so my experiments stops here. I did learn a lot with this project but there is no more fun when you try everything and everything fails. I leave it to you guys and hope someone cracks it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo magnetic fields
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 14, 2011, 07:13:36 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on July 14, 2011, 04:40:26 AM


Nice video

It's about changing the polarity of one of your magnet. Howard Johnson did a lot of work on this. He invented an magnetic gate and he sais at one point  "...here we have N atracting N..."

Now, the problem we all have with this muller dynamo is Lenz. How do we eliminate this? no ideea. I made a lot of experiments with mine and don't know how to solve this. I don't have acces to hi-tec equipament so my experiments stops here. I did learn a lot with this project but there is no more fun when you try everything and everything fails. I leave it to you guys and hope someone cracks it.

Plengo and Itsu have experimentally shown that Lenz can be reversed with parallel resonance. Check their youtube channels for details.
I have also seen a speed-up with a very high impedance coil and a low capacitance cap, but can't get this effect for low impedance coils for some reason which is demoralizing hehe.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 14, 2011, 09:20:53 AM
Okay, @bolt.  I have no conventional explanation for what I am seeing at the moment.  But the ZPE theories that you have kindly explained do fit.

One thing that I think some others may be missing is to match the coils exactly in each pair.  To do this I think you definitely need a scope and inductance meter as a minimum, but just a scope is mandatory.  Without the scope I don't think you can be sure that you have the voltage o/p from the top and bottom coils exactly matched.  And without this matching you will not have the necessary current canceling required.  Without this condition you will have a conventional generator as conventional current is allowed to flow.

I have taken the below readings using the heating element from a sacrificial toaster as the load per @neptune's suggestion (thanks again!).  I started at just around the same load level where I found the anomalies where trying to measure input power or hooking up a ground to the center tap of a coil pair caused weird RPM increases.  I confirmed that those same weird metering conditions appeared again.  I also confirmed that just touching ONE + probe from my DMM to the + Vin to my motor drive circuit would cause this effect.  This would happen regardless of whether the DMM was on or off.  If I unplugged the probe from the DMM it would not have that effect.  Due to this strange measurement problem I suspended taking motor drive circuit input power readings for now.

The data below should speak for itself.  I will take more and reconfirm as time allows.

One other note:  As I tuned down to this interesting RPM range by decreasing the load resistance the system became relatively noisy.  I attribute this to the increased cogging that occurs as the coils are exhibiting increased BEMF as the o/p current increases.  I placed a weight on top of the rig to damp out some of the vibrations as the noise was quite annoying. 

Where is the o/p current coming from?  I'm leaning towards ZPE.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 14, 2011, 10:42:28 AM
@mondrasek .I am pleased you found the toaster element idea useful . There is often much to be gained from using junk for experiments , and much cash to be saved . As my dear departed friend Pete used to say , we must learn to see things not just for what they are , but what they might become . That effect with the switched off DVM is fascinating . It is almost as if the internal circuitry of the DVM acts as some form of antenna  .Try substituting the test lead with a length of wire longer than the test lead , and keep clipping bits off the end , and notice the effect .If you find a certain length gives the effect , That length may be a quarter wave length of the energy being pulled in from the environment .
Just a wild idea . The fact that the machine became noisy at the "sweet spot" speed might be significant .Remember Romero talked about the noise from the machine annoying the neighbours .Maybe that sound could be one of the parameters to look for in tuning . Finally , are you coils connected in series adding ? Could you just remind us of the spec of the coils as in wire size , number of turns , single or multifilar  please?
In the yellow chart above , are you measuring the output of a single coil , a coil pair or all the coils ? As you decrease the load resistance , the output watts increase . But it is evident that you have not yet reached the optimum resistance , which looks like it needs to be still lower . Of course what really matters is the load that gives the best input to output ratio . Excellent work , by the way .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 14, 2011, 10:57:39 AM
Quote from: neptune on July 14, 2011, 10:42:28 AM
Finally , are you coils connected in series adding ? Could you just remind us of the spec of the coils as in wire size , number of turns , single or multifilar  please?

The coils are connected in series bucking.  I had tested with series adding first and saw that I was building a conventional generator.  When I flipped one coil in a pair over to bucking, I was pleased to see that the voltage stayed about the same (edited to add:  Actually, I think it should have doubled and probably did).  But of course no conventional current should flow, right?  But current definitely does flow.

Coils are monofilar, ~200 turns, 24 AWG, wrapped on Singer type 15 sewing bobbins.  I wrapped one coil while trying to count the turns initially.  But I admit that I may have miscounted a bit.  To match the coils I unwrapped that first coil and measured the wire length.  I have measured out that exact length and wrapped all subsequent coils similar wrt to wind direction.

I am still unsure if these coils can be used for looping.  I am testing now to see the maximum power the system can output.  It may be that these coils would need to change to a smaller diameter wire to increase the number of turns.  But since that adds resistance I am not willing to go that route without fully testing what I have first.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 14, 2011, 11:12:47 AM
Quote from: neptune on July 14, 2011, 10:42:28 AM
In the yellow chart above , are you measuring the output of a single coil , a coil pair or all the coils ? As you decrease the load resistance , the output watts increase . But it is evident that you have not yet reached the optimum resistance , which looks like it needs to be still lower . Of course what really matters is the load that gives the best input to output ratio . Excellent work , by the way .

The data presented is from three coil pairs mounted 120 degrees apart and connected parallel after the FWBRs.  The system is currently running while still set up with resistance from the last measurements.  I hope to pick up where I left off later today.  Unfortunately it is not always possible to join separate data sets due to differences related to the temperature of the environment during testing.  But maybe today will be the same as yesterday or weather may not be such a large factor in this testing range.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on July 14, 2011, 12:55:32 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 14, 2011, 11:12:47 AM
The data presented is from three coil pairs mounted 120 degrees apart and connected parallel after the FWBRs.  The system is currently running while still set up with resistance from the last measurements.  I hope to pick up where I left off later today.  Unfortunately it is not always possible to join separate data sets due to differences related to the temperature of the environment during testing.  But maybe today will be the same as yesterday or weather may not be such a large factor in this testing range.

  I'm trying to follow this work, and thank you for all this effort, mondrasek!

Is your "input power" really "0" as shown in your table?  or is this just not measured as yet?  sorry, I think I've missed something important here, so I ask.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 14, 2011, 01:24:35 PM
Quote from: JouleSeeker on July 14, 2011, 12:55:32 PM
Is your "input power" really "0" as shown in your table?  or is this just not measured as yet?  sorry, I think I've missed something important here, so I ask.

It is not zero.  Sorry if this confuses anyone.  The spread sheet is just calculating the value of zero since the equation for input power is Vin * Iin and those values were not measured.  I stopped measuring Vin and Iin because I was getting an RPM increase and input current increase whenever I tried to measure with my DMM.  But I have not confirmed if that happens across the entire resistance range from this test so I will try again.  Input circuit power measurements are necessary to compare to the maximum output of this setup with just three coil pairs to determine if there is enough o/p to try looping by adding the remaining six coil pairs.  If the o/p is not large enough at the optimal load or matched to the load of my drive circuit then I will have to try improving the coil design.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 14, 2011, 05:19:36 PM
here's a coil I made, I havent tried it on a pmotor but if I run current through the coil as shown it cancels the coils field but doesnt short the coil.  if reversed the coil puts out a good field.
just something that might help.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 14, 2011, 05:24:03 PM
Quote from: Dave45 on July 14, 2011, 05:19:36 PM
here's a coil I made, I havent tried it on a pmotor but if I run current through the coil as shown it cancels the coils field but doesnt short the coil.  if reversed the coil puts out a good field.
just something that might help.


Did you line the crossings up in a straight vertical line or are they all over the place? It is basically like a caduceus coil.
What happens with the ends that are not labelled? (You got 4 ends)
How many turns did you wind?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on July 14, 2011, 05:40:41 PM
Ok Ill try to explain not sure about #of winds but
first start at one end wind clockwise cut wire both coming out same side
next start at opposite end wind counterclockwise coming out opposite side
then start at the end you started wind clockwise  coming out the clockwise side take end of that wind and connect to the first wind, you are connecting the winds in series same wind directions
alternate your winds clockwise counter clockwise counter 
only connect ends to the same direction winds

the winds are connected like the pic
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 14, 2011, 05:57:37 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AbbaRue on July 14, 2011, 08:41:50 PM
In the free energy guide from ch.11 pg.32 on it states that the current flow coming from an
air core coil moves the opposite direction from the current in an iron core. 
This principle can be used for the dynamo, and might be worth reading about. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on July 14, 2011, 10:44:43 PM
Sorry for the artwork clipping, but this shows an effect that counters the direction of the opposing Lenz force.

By placing in series, a flat wound coil wound in the opposite direction of the generator coil, near the stator magnets, a field could be generated to oppose the stationary stator magnet.

The stator magnets are in the same direction as the Lenz force from the generator coil so any reduced field from the stator magnet will be seen as a reduction in Lenz force by the rotor magnet.

This is a simple concept because no current is produced from the stationary magnet because it is not moving. The stator magnet can however serve as a direct reduction in Lenz opposition to the rotor magnet.

As current is generated in the primary coils, the current passes through the flat reduction coils creating a field that reduces the opposing stator field, this causes an increase in current in the primary coils that increases the reduction in the stator magnets field that increases the current.

As the load increases the current draw increases and Lenz opposition decreases.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 15, 2011, 09:22:12 AM
Update from yesterday's testing:

Working with load resistances below ~50 Ohms causes some metering issues.  At first I had noticed that placing the meter + probe on the Vin to the motor drive circuit caused an RPM and subsequent Vout increase.  This effect turned to an RPM and Vout decrease at the lowest resistance of 37 Ohms.  I did not check along the way.  But a couple data points before that last 37 Ohm resistance test I began to notice that measuring the Vout across the resistance was also changing the RPM slightly.  So each data point was skewed by how long I let the meter linger before writing down a reading.  At first I thought the RPMs were drifting up and down at each resistance setting being tested, but I confirmed that the RPM was stable if I did not introduce the meter.  The resultant graph of that data is a mess due likely to the unnoticed RPM changes the DMM was inducing.

At 37 Ohms I did my best to "tap" in with the DMM as quickly as I could to get Vin and Iin for another input power data point.  I added it to those data points taken previously from no load down to 50.1 Ohms and like what I see.

The jump in power ratio occurs at around ~1850 RPM and below (how low it may continue is yet unknown).  Since I have RPM control of my drive motor I will test how the system behaves using some higher resistances and adjusting the RPM down to that range by lowering Vin to the motor drive circuit.  Hopefully this will be a way to locate the optimal load as well as see if the effect appears at different RPM for different load.  My instincts tell me that the effect is RPM dependant and not load dependant which would make further tuning easier so I am anxious to find out.  If the effect also stayed at the same RPM when the gap between coils and rotor mags is adjusted that too would be a pleasing find.  That would indicate to me that the effect appears at an RPM that is based on the geometry of the rotor and would be a calculable design feature.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 15, 2011, 01:08:07 PM
This was posted over on Professor Jone's topic.  It was copied and pasted by him from OUR forum.  I thought some folks here might like to see this.


Quote from: romerouk on Today at 05:37:20 AM (http://index.php?topic=827.msg15538#msg15538)@cheappower2012
Please  leave Muller daughter alone, there is no connection at all with her in  what happened, it is only my fault, I should have  kept my mouth shut.
I  respect her for what she does and follow her father work. How many  ladies we have in this field??? very few and that makes her special.
She has also encouraged all to try and replicate the original Muller Dynamo.

The  device I built was not 100% Muller arrangement only even/uneven magnets  and coils, even that was not as Bill Muller sugested, I should I had 8  magnets and 7 coils to keep it to the original.
I will not comment that device anymore, fake is fine if is not is fine too.
I moved away from that device, why don't you all  who believe that is only a simple dynamo move away too?
There are so many other devices that can be replicated, many of them much more easy and cheap to be built.

Best regards,

QuoteRomeroUK today:  @cheappower2012
this was nothing compared with other devices already discovered and presented recently.
The future energy is not going to come from any devices like this, this one had a lot of problems and had a lot of limitations.
If  you consider that me, SM, Kapanadze and others are  betrayers of  mankind what will you do? It is so easy to talk when you are not in my  position.
If you have to chose between you and all others what will  you chose?. In an ideal world 'maybe' will chose the others but this  world is far from ideal, we are all struggling, including me.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 15, 2011, 05:19:02 PM
Well I started putting the motor back together and was able to test run it briefly. The new drive coils are coming in at 2.1 ohms in series and this is causing issues with drive circuit, wants to pull way to many amps. Smoked a tip42 in less then a minuet....lol. Anyway I got to go home early from work today and will be heading to the garage to see if I can get something to work. If all else fails then I will be going to an Arduino controler, to control pulse length and that should cool things off a bit. Will keep yall posted.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on July 15, 2011, 05:30:40 PM

Hi Scratch,

can you tell us more about your latest video?

How were you able to achieve the waveform ?

Is that only one coil?

Is the rotor setup as 2x mag spacing and NSNS or NNNN?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on July 15, 2011, 07:47:01 PM
Quote from: penno64 on July 15, 2011, 05:30:40 PM

Hi Scratch,

can you tell us more about your latest video?

How were you able to achieve the waveform ?

Is that only one coil?

Is the rotor setup as 2x mag spacing and NSNS or NNNN?


Hey Penno, I tested with 2 coils in series, one is mounted under the rotor but I think the distance to the rotor is to big, the other coil I hold in my hand above the other coil.
The circuit is just like in the pdf, 2 coils to a FWBR(I use a KBPC3510) with extra diodes but without a load. When I put a load I get drag but with only the big 5 x 15000uf capacitors in parallel almost no drag, the waveform is taken over an 1ohm resistor between the coils and the FWBR. The 8 magnets on my rotor are very small, 10x5mm and are all NNNN

Maybe the FWBR in combination with the Caps create the switching and because of that there is almost no drag, the Caps absorb and the more they charge the smaller the drag. The drag I get is nothing compared to the normal drag with a load. Maybe the size of the FWBR matters? Maybe it can miss some energy to pulse a coil now and then ;)

Maybe this thread is going in the wrong direction and making things to complex.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on July 15, 2011, 10:54:26 PM
Hi Scratch,

Thanks for that.

Absolutely, the guys are overcomplicating what should be a straightforward build.

I am sure, much can be learned from the adams.rar file posted by romero.

Most importantly, we need to STOP our conventional thinking.

I must tell you that the waveform you replicated, was decribed to me by romero as being
scoped across one only coil from a pair.

From Romero (June 25th) -

"One advice, forget about that wave I posted, that came from only one coil from a pair.Each coil and pair of coils will have a different wave to make them working without affecting the system.You will realize how hard it is no match them... hundreds of hours I spent for that and even if I will be in the position to explain most of the people will giveup shorthly as usual."

Good luck with further experimentation.

Kindest Regards, Penno

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 16, 2011, 12:23:15 AM
Heres the recent quote from Romero:

"Each coil and pair of coils will have a different wave to make them working without affecting the system.You will realize how hard it is "no" (he mean "to" - typo?) match them... hundreds of hours I spent for that and even if I will be in the position to explain most of the people will giveup shorthly as usual."

to me this means the airgap between the top and bottom coils and the rotor magnets needs to be different distances - say for example 2mm airgap at top and 5mm at bottom (a complete made-up guess these numbers are) and I will bet the tolerance is 1/4mm and when you find right ratio of airgap to top and bottom, it takes off in a resonance-gain in voltage wihtout affecting rotor's rotation...then you got to go around and do each pari of coils one by one...hundreds of hours adjusint  means hundreds of hours adjsuting! - it should only take one hour to set the airgap at the usual 1.5mm top and bottom...so anywyas this is my idea/theory of what it is going to take to get one of these machines to loop.

One thing Romero did prove, is that when you make a looping amchine and take it public, all hell breaks loose on you like you cant beleive.
Same thing happened to BrianP and RobertM and Hector (back in 80's)  with their loopers

when I first visited the Mullers around 2001,  they told me there were some creeps who came around one week before me,  to see the big 16 magnet hockey puck size magnets demo machine, and they threatened to kill them if they didnt tell them how to do everything.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on July 16, 2011, 02:25:43 AM
Instead of talking and quotating and theorizing, someone should start posting specific know-how (including Romero) about how to succefully operate this device into the OU region.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on July 16, 2011, 03:01:12 AM
Quote from: baroutologos on July 16, 2011, 02:25:43 AM
Instead of talking and quotating and theorizing, someone should start posting specific know-how (including Romero) about how to succefully operate this device into the OU region.

I agree 100%.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on July 16, 2011, 06:39:57 AM
Quote from: baroutologos on July 16, 2011, 02:25:43 AM
Instead of talking and quotating and theorizing, someone should start posting specific know-how (including Romero) about how to succefully operate this device into the OU region.

No I want to thank Penno and Konehead for that quote, I did not read that before.
Maybe people should experiment more their selves and not give up so quickly.
Maybe all know-how is already posted but people have no patience and give up to soon and blame others because it is not working at the first time.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 07:53:12 AM
The RomeroUK Muller setup is a realization of the concept analyzed by Claus W. Turtur in the paper found here (thanks to @chalamdad):  http://philica.com/display_article.php?article_id=219  In this paper you will find the below picture in section 5.  Turtur was analyzing different embodiments of a device that would be able to convert ZPE into usable electricity.  This particular theoretical device was designed to pulse the inductance of the coil.  The method to do so was by oscillating a magnet within the coil.  Turtur's analysis revealed this concept to be impractical since simulations showed that the magnet would have to be of near zero mass in order to work at the required frequencies to "phase lock" and become a ZPE converter, so he abandoned it.  His next idea appeared to be the most realizable and is what he settled on as a good test build subject.

But the RomeroUK Muller device is actually doing the same thing that is shown below and that Turtur abandoned.  It it pulsing the inductance of the coil.  It is doing so by passing the rotor magnets by the ferrite cores.  Each time a magnet swings by the ferrite it is changing the inductance in an oscillatory fashion just like Turtur believes is necessary for his ZPE converter.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 16, 2011, 10:02:53 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 07:53:12 AM
The RomeroUK Muller setup is a realization of the concept analyzed by Claus W. Turtur in the paper found here (thanks to @chalamdad):  http://philica.com/display_article.php?article_id=219  In this paper you will find the below picture in section 5.  Turtur was analyzing different embodiments of a device that would be able to convert ZPE into usable electricity.  This particular theoretical device was designed to pulse the inductance of the coil.  The method to do so was by oscillating a magnet within the coil.  Turtur's analysis revealed this concept to be impractical since simulations showed that the magnet would have to be of near zero mass in order to work at the required frequencies to "phase lock" and become a ZPE converter, so he abandoned it.  His next idea appeared to be the most realizable and is what he settled on as a good test build subject.

But the RomeroUK Muller device is actually doing the same thing that is shown below and that Turtur abandoned.  It it pulsing the inductance of the coil.  It is doing so by passing the rotor magnets by the ferrite cores.  Each time a magnet swings by the ferrite it is changing the inductance in an oscillatory fashion just like Turtur believes is necessary for his ZPE converter.


Hmm, this inductance change happens in every pulse motor.
Basically whenever you bring a magnet close to a coil with a core.
So the sheer fact of the inductance change alone is certainly not the whole
deal for ZPE. Otherwise any replicator would see OU by simply doing that or maybe i didn't get your complete point, then i kindly ask you to elaborate a bit further.
Keep it up
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on July 16, 2011, 10:36:38 AM
You are absolutely right, Mondrasek. Please also read
Mandelstam, L.I.; and N.D. Papaleksi., "On the parametric excitation of electric oscillations," Zhurnal Teknicheskoy Fiziki, 4(1), 1934, p. 5-29;  available from this website: http://www.cheniere.org/misc/moscowuniv.htm. Everything is explained there, both theoretically and experimentally. You will also need to add a condition that the number of coil pairs (with biasing magnets) equal the number of rotating magnets. But then, it is neither the RomeroUK nor Muller device.
All the best,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 12:11:51 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 16, 2011, 10:02:53 AM
Hmm, this inductance change happens in every pulse motor.
Basically whenever you bring a magnet close to a coil with a core.
So the sheer fact of the inductance change alone is certainly not the whole
deal for ZPE. Otherwise any replicator would see OU by simply doing that or maybe i didn't get your complete point, then i kindly ask you to elaborate a bit further.
Keep it up

Off the top of my head I would think it has something to do with frequency.  As I understand (slightly) Turtur's analysis, the conditions for tapping into ZPE require that we establish a "phase lock" between our system and the frequencies of the ZPE (way out on a limb here).  So the "effect" can only be seen under the correct conditions of (for the RomeroUK setup) specific range values of inherent capacitance, load resistance, and induced inductance value oscillation (due to rotor frequency, gap, core material, number of winds, etc.).

I am testing now with a larger resistance and sweeping the RPM with dirve motor input voltage control but have yet to see any "phase lock" condition.  So the resistance increase may have knocked my system too far away from the conditions necessary to establish the phase lock condition.

I was considering the name of this device a bit while mowing the lawn earlier.  I thought that ZPEC for Zero Point Energy Converter was apropos.  It is easy to say ( z-peck) and easy to type as an acronym.  It also removes reference to Muller and can hopefully ease the pressure on Bill's daughter.  R-ZPEC for the nod to Romero may be appropriate too.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 16, 2011, 12:26:09 PM
We have to think a little bit out of the box for sure. In this picture I am showing the voltage output (red) and current (yellow) of one pair-coil. I have only two pair coil running.

They all go through a FWBR and a big cap on the DC side. One little 100ma / 12v lamp as load. Leds are NOT GOOD loads, they totally change the dynamics.

I am getting in very little rotation about 60ma (don't care about the voltage) output on the lamp. Noticed that there is a point where the voltage on that coil-pair is not in phase at all with the current on the output. The other coil-pair generator is not shown and I will also soon make more pictures.

The point being that if I can get one coil-pair generator totally out of phase of the load it is indeed possible to get this to run OU. I have been only playing with one and two pair coil generator because it is way too difficult to tune with just two, imagine with 19 more?!!!!

Also notice those strange spikes in voltage. I am using a few bias magnets BUT they are not over the coils but in locations on the motor where I have the best output. The dynamics are simply amazing. Faster speeds are not necessarily the best at all. Also when I am getting close to a good output the motor start sounding really like it will fall apart. It is a nasty loud noise of the magnets fighting each other. All vibrate strongly. Very interesting!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 01:02:51 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 16, 2011, 12:26:09 PM
We have to think a little bit out of the box for sure. In this picture I am showing the voltage output (red) and current (yellow) of one pair-coil. I have only two pair coil running.

Where are you taking readings?  Before the FWBRs or after?  Please be as specific as you can so no one makes incorrect assumptions that result in unintentional misinformation.

Quote from: plengo on July 16, 2011, 12:26:09 PM
I am getting in very little rotation about 60ma (don't care about the voltage) output on the lamp.

Sorry, I didn't understand that.  Can you elaborate?

Quote from: plengo on July 16, 2011, 12:26:09 PM
Noticed that there is a point where the voltage on that coil-pair is not in phase at all with the current on the output.

Interesting.  At what "point" do you see this phenom?

Also very interested if you have matched the o/p V of your coils exactly?  Also, are they wound with the exact same length of wire so you are sure the resistance is matched?  If not, check the o/p of each single coil in a pair on your scope and make sure the o/p V is exactly the same.  Adjust the gap between the coils and rotor until they are.  Then check the second pair for the same condition and maybe make sure they have the same ptp o/p as the first pair.

I am very interested in your results.  Please let us know what you learn.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 01:17:26 PM
@neptune (et al)

I think I have solved the strange metering problems I have had recently.  I noticed that the L/C (Inductance and Capacitance) test button on my DMM was ON.  As I understand it, that would generate a low level ~60Hz (or maybe other frequency) signal on the probes for testing inductors and capacitors?  I would think that low level AC signal would not be turned on even if that button was pressed unless the meter was set to read H or C, but I think my meter does not have that fail safe setup.  I believe my weird readings were due to that low level AC signal that was introduced when I touched the + probe to my drive and/or output V.

Chalk another simple electrical measurement mistake up for this ME.

Readings are rock stable again with the L/C button OFF.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 16, 2011, 01:27:21 PM
Ok guys. Do not complicate this really. I am not trying to mislead anyone.

I am today playing with my motor. It is a beautiful day out there and I have the chance of some free time.

My logic goes like this. Romero said this motor is a very efficient motor. The bias magnets are very important. Coils are not that powerful. They are very low inductance, resistance and very small. They are not really capable of running a 2 amp load. They will simply burn. I can already smell my driving coils burning (2 of them) with only less than one amp flowing.

Romero also said he took a long time tuning. What tuning can he possibly do with coils glued to the rotor  and the whole assembly built?? can only be a few things.
- Biasing magnets on top and bottom of rotor.
- Load type , specifically resistance.
- Distance of stator/coils to magnets on the rotor.

With this very little info I built the motor to my best. Coils are around 3 to 4 ohms built on same exact length. Irrelevant how much wire. Just go and fill that little bobbin to its full and repeat the process 19 times. No secret here. No need for bifilar or any secret thingy. One can off course play with it but start with baby steps.

Once all is put together, go slow, start with one one generator coil. Do not focus on the input side of it. Romero IS NOT using bias caps or resonance. I could not see any of the that on the videos. Only one cap after ALL the FWBR connected together. So all coils are connected together at the output after the bridge. If resonance is at play I bet it is just a coincidence and he did not know it (forgive me for judging you Romero).

Put the load and run the beast. Now take all the magnets you have in your hand start putting them on the stator. One magnet at a time. Watch the output current. Use a one ohm resistor in series with the load. Put the probes cross that resistor and watch is wave (current). The other probe put cross the output coil anywhere you want. It does not matter. The whole dynamic is what is important. If the motor start running faster and current goes up, you are probably on the right path, otherwise start again. Take your time to put the magnets. At least 5 minutes each. Listen to the motor sound, watch the speed and the output wave. Let your BRAIN tell you what your intuition is telling you.

Forget about all the math now, it will not help at all. Once the motor is built it is too late for math here. Math is good only before building everything. I past that phase. If you go to crazy about the math you may fall for "analysis paralysis". Just build and play with it.

Your mind will be a better empirical instrument than you could ever imagine. Victorians were right. Today's concept of only quantitative is missing the importance of the qualitative that only our mind/body can measure. A meter will be as good as I can see the differential on the output, not if the math is matching. Every time I see my current meter showing 1 or 2ma more (I don't care the absolute) and can clearly see that moving my magnet by hand only 1/2 of millimeter is doing the right thing. How can one measure that with instruments the correct way?

I am playing the magnets position on the stator and the changes ARE DRAMATIC. Load is brighter, RPM is not that fast and sometimes slow is better. Just playing with for a few hours I already noticed that the motor works in harmonics of its rpm (or kind like of it).

One you have a certain speed and output a little bit of change (with a tiny magnet on the stator using your hand) you will see the motor just jump in speed, passes the barrier and start running faster until it hits another barrier with a speed that is pretty obvious to my ears, eyes and sound. Leave that magnet there. Get another one and start again. You will be surprise how much you can improve just doing that.

Watch the wave of the current versus the voltage dynamics. There are points where you will see spikes and the current gets out of phase of the voltage pretty quick and the RPM increases and so the load.

Whatever you have with your build just follow my steps above. There is no way you will not have an improvement in performance.

I don't have an OU motor yet. But if this is indeed true I will find it just by playing with it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 16, 2011, 01:53:06 PM
@Plengo . "When  I am getting close to a good output , the motor starts to sound like it`s flying apart ." I have said it before and I will say it again . Remember Romero saying he had to turn off the machine after 5 hours in case the noise upset the neighbours ? I think there is a massive clue here . That noise is one of the parameters to listen for when tuning .What might be handy is a short video demonstrating that sound please ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on July 16, 2011, 02:38:12 PM
I agree, Romero did not use caps or resonance to achieve OU. Everyone forgets when he said it was too difficult to wind the coils. I think this is the real clue. I think he may have integrated into his coils something like a few turns in the opposite direction near one end of the coil facing the stator magnet, or possibly the first layer along the core was reversed.
Just a few windings in the opposite direction is known to raise the coils capacitance and possibly result in some of the same effects some have shown by using capacitors but yet further increasing the inductance.
It seems that some type of non symmetrical coil winding might be considered.
If the coil could reject any of the stator magnets forces using energy gained from the rotor magnet passing, then this already would show OU since the Lenz forces would have changed!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 03:00:01 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 16, 2011, 01:27:21 PM
My logic goes like this. Romero said this motor is a very efficient motor. The bias magnets are very important. Coils are not that powerful. They are very low inductance, resistance and very small.

I hope you did not take my previous post as any criticism of your work.  I only wanted some clarification of some of the things you said.

I have found time and time again on these forums that people explain things with the belief that others are already up to speed or on the same train of thought that they are.  That type of communication can lead to the "stupid" follow up questions only because of a communication misunderstanding (not because the questioner is stupid). 

That is why (unfortunately) we must be EXTREMELY specific when communicating by the written word to such a large audience.  For example (not specific to you, @plengo), you cannot reference just "magnet".  You must specify "rotor magnet" or "backing magnet" or any other magnet in your system when referring to this set up.  Without that specificity others might assume (not fault of the poster) something different and then the "information" you intended to convey unfortunately becomes "misinformation".

Back on topic:  I thought Romero said this was an efficient generator, not motor?  He said to focus on the generator output and just drive it with whatever efficient motor is available.  His setup used a pulse motor (which I understand is very efficient but less easy to tune to a specific RPM).

And I agree with your comments about the backing magnets.  They have a huge and amazing effect.  But I do not remember anything abut the coils being low inductance?  I thought they would be high inductance due to the ferrite cores. 

And again I agree that the coils he used should be as low resistance as possible.  Or maybe the correct resistance to cause a "phase lock" with the load?  This I am investigating now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 03:14:16 PM
As far as unusual winding methods, multi-filar windings, etc. are concerned, here is my opinion (just my opinion fwiw):  I saw no evidence of any of that in the videos or subsequent "analysis" of those videos.

Also, if you look at Romero's own forum you can clearly see his latest build.  It appears to be a very similar design to the R-ZPEC he exhibited here.  But it is much larger.  And it appears to me (from Romero's posted pictures) to have monofilar coil windings (of a larger diameter single strand wire than used on the unit he presented here).

Just mho.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 16, 2011, 03:28:58 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 03:00:01 PM
I hope you did not take my previous post as any criticism of your work.  I only wanted some clarification of some of the things you said.

I have found time and time again on these forums that people explain things with the belief that others are already up to speed or on the same train of thought that they are.  That type of communication can lead to the "stupid" follow up questions only because of a communication misunderstanding (not because the questioner is stupid). 

That is why (unfortunately) we must be EXTREMELY specific when communicating by the written word to such a large audience.  For example (not specific to you, @plengo), you cannot reference just "magnet".  You must specify "rotor magnet" or "backing magnet" or any other magnet in your system when referring to this set up.  Without that specificity others might assume (not fault of the poster) something different and then the "information" you intended to convey unfortunately becomes "misinformation".

Back on topic:  I thought Romero said this was an efficient generator, not motor?  He said to focus on the generator output and just drive it with whatever efficient motor is available.  His setup used a pulse motor (which I understand is very efficient but less easy to tune to a specific RPM).

And I agree with your comments about the backing magnets.  They have a huge and amazing effect.  But I do not remember anything abut the coils being low inductance?  I thought they would be high inductance due to the ferrite cores. 

And again I agree that the coils he used should be as low resistance as possible.  Or maybe the correct resistance to cause a "phase lock" with the load?  This I am investigating now.


No problem. Your questions were taken with love my friend. I understand your concerns and you are right. I do mean "bias magnets" on my previous posts and do mean "generator" not motor. Thanks for the clarification.

I can see very easily why Romero said it would be impossible to tell people about this motor. It is impossible. I made a video where It took me a while to get to the max speed I ever achieved with this setup without load and with pretty much the same speed with load.

As I was doing the video my motor broke :(. Oh boy. Have to start again.

I had it to a point where it was running at 900+ rpm with load on 50+ma and 5volts on the lamp.  One little bias magnet in the end was all that it took to "let it free" and get the load to light without affecting the motor (or let's say, it only lost about 200 rpm). So I removed the load, speed went up to 1140rpm and I decided to make a video showing that. Unfortunately as I was doing the video I could not make it stop at 900+rpm as I did. This is one of the things that makes impossible to explain this motor.

IF YOU HAVE IT STABLE WITH LOAD, do not remove the load. It will speed up and when you put the load back it will bounce down and slowly get back up in speed again. Very "vegetative" in nature this motor.

Also hands on top of the motor affects the output tremendously. I don't know why. There is an interesting thing about the bias magnets. They somehow allow the motor to take the energy out without affecting the speed. It is TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON THE LOAD.

I know that because, as I test the motor I start it with its max RPM and no bias magnets. Around 400rpm. Load is on all the time. I take a bias magnet and start positioning it to the stator on the top of the motor. I watch the amp meter until I find a optimal increase in amperage. I leave the magnet there.

Get another bias magnet and start again, watching the meter. By now speed increase to 500 rpm and also the output current. Another 10 minutes later I have a new speed, same input power and higher output: 600rpm and 30ma and so forth.

After 5, 8, 10 bias magnets later (as many as I can until maximum speed) I get it running at 900+ rpm and maximum load output power. That for me tells me everything about this motor that I should know.

ONE can balance it with bias magnets until the output is pretty much the maximum you can take for the same input power and still higher RPM. All this with only 2 coil pairs. Imagine when I turn on ALL 19 coils???!!!!!

It will be a nightmare to tune this all over again for all the coils being on.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on July 16, 2011, 03:30:17 PM

My friend jorge has now a running Muller using coils based on my Starship coil invention. I am building the same unit but much larger in size under contract but I am not allowed to post anything on the project. You can see jorge at the upcoming TeslaTech Expo in late July.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 04:02:05 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 16, 2011, 03:28:58 PM
Also hands on top of the motor affects the output tremendously. I don't know why. There is an interesting thing about the bias magnets. They somehow allow the motor to take the energy out without affecting the speed. It is TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON THE LOAD.

By placing your hand on the unit you are changing the resonant frequency and are probably dampening acoustic vibrations.

These "vibrations" are also of great interest to me.  If you read the postulations of Turtur here: http://philica.com/display_article.php?article_id=219 you can see that a "resonant frequency" is necessary to effectively plug into the ZPE by this (and Turtur's conceived) method.  So vibrations are part of the "phase lock" into ZPE.

What does that mean in layman's terms?  Shit starts to vibrate.  Violently.  And the violence would be proportionate to the amount of ZPE being drawn into the system (or some relation anyway).

With our mechanical builds, is allowing the mechanical vibrations (flexing) good, or do they decrease the performance?  @plengo, as you said, placing your hand on the top of your setup helps, or hurts performance?  If it helps I would assume you are dampening the vibrations caused by the BEMF that is occurring when your coil voltage tensor is required to provide "amps" to your load (right @bolt?).

When your coil/rotor mag combo induces enough voltage to overcome the FWBR voltage plus V already in the dump cap, it finally "sees the load."  When a voltage "sees" a load, it MUST provide current.

Since the conventional electric current (I) direction of our coils are opposing each other in each pair (series, bucking), no conventional current can flow.  But I repeat: When a voltage "sees" a load, it MUST provide current.

And since the R-ZPEC configuration cannot provide a classical electromagnetic theory based current (due to the bucking coil config) it MUST provide a current from another source. 

A totally reactive situation?  Or pulling AMPS from ZPE?

Either way, placing your hand on the unit would dampen the acoustic vibrations that this system generates (noise!).  So if it improves your system performance I would assume that a more ridged system would transfer more ZPE power.

FYI, Romero's current build shows his coils between two thin plastic plates.  When asked why he would use such thin material he answered that they were just forms.  That means they are the outside walls of a mold.  He plans to pour some type of resin into that mold to make his new device very ridged.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 16, 2011, 04:20:05 PM
hands on top of motor increases output current.

Noise is very loud and annoying BUT it does get better as it gets into the correct RPM (resonance???). I listen to the noise level and as it gets louder I KNOW that it is about to break free and increase RPM and stop at the next level.

Sometimes it shows the pulsating effect one sees when modulating sounds with two sine waves, the beating effect. My mind tells me that the bias magnets and the rotor magnets AND the generator coil magnetic field are fighting each other in bucking mode and that's where the energy is definitely coming.

I know that by simply playing with the motor and "feeling" how it reacts to my experimentation. Move a bias magnet here and there and you will see what I mean. Another thing I noticed which is difficult to explain is when it starts vibrating like that the input power current meter start oscillating violently at about 50ma range. Which means that the generator coils are "feeling" the fight and forcing the input power to go down. Very strange.

It only happens when the noise level start getting really high and the vibration is shaking the whole table. There is more to this motor than we can see with our eyes and knowledge.

I can see by just playing with this motor, what Romero means when he says to go away from it. It is a long road here, not logical in terms of EE. For those EE only sitting on the chair, sorry you will never get it.

In my profession, software engineer (SE), there is nothing more scientific than what we do. Everything, I mean, EVERYTHING is measured, calculated and expected to the million of times we make the system run. When the system does not run as expected it is a big surprise. Usually those a know as production bugs, which can kill your job.

We have to look at things in a very scientific manner, study code and correlate action to a source. ALWAYS. So I do understand EEs guys. They work with things that "should" be repeatable and expected BUT , as in software engineering, if our models are wrong things will simply not work and production bugs will kill your job.

Guys like me, with the experience I have in the field of SE (25+ years), get to be valuable at work because of the fact that things "are not logical" most of the time and I find and fix production bugs really easily and fast. Other SE look at me and ask: How can you find those things?

I answer by simply saying that "computers are not logical". I see their faces in puzzlement and disbelief that I would have even the courage to say that, specially after 25+ years of experience. Off course computers are logical, BUT only to what we know. If you keep your mind focused on only what you know you will never fix production bugs. Take my word for it!!!

So I say the same to EEs. Don't look at this motor as something you can simulate and analyse easily, you can but don't start there, start at the experimentation (as if this is a production bug you must fix). You will learn a lot from it and also remodel your models.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2LOSQoZl0I
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 16, 2011, 04:26:44 PM
Quote from: rfmmars on July 16, 2011, 03:30:17 PM

My friend jorge has now a running Muller using coils based on my Starship coil invention. I am building the same unit but much larger in size under contract but I am not allowed to post anything on the project. You can see jorge at the upcoming TeslaTech Expo in late July.


Richard,  thanks for the great post.  I did not know you were the inventor of the Starship coil.  That is great!
Tell us more about it if you can.   No core material?   Inductance high?  Advantages of the coil.  etc.   

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 16, 2011, 05:09:02 PM

Intuition in your work flow has shown you a nice way to get the best out of your device and i think also that if you did that with all the coils you would get close to Romero's performance.

I guess once more people have made working device and someone is willing to have it tested by a high tech lab, only then it can be explained what exactly causes the ZPE addition to the system with inductance measurements during operation etc.
Maybe it's even a combination of multiple factors such as vibrations of the magnets and the bucking coil current inhibition.
Once this is figured out, the principle could be ported to other device types or solid state.

Keep up your work and hopefully you can fix the damaged coil soon )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 05:13:07 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 16, 2011, 04:20:05 PM
Guys like me, with the experience I have in the field of SE (25+ years), get to be valuable at work because of the fact that things "are not logical" most of the time and I find and fix production bugs really easily and fast. Other SE look at me and ask: How can you find those things?

Well said.  And it reminded me of this "urban legend" (from the Engineering world at least):

A senior ME retired.  Shortly after that, his previous employer asked him to help them on a consultant basis.  The previous employer had designed and manufactured a new machine that was not working properly.  They wanted the retired ME to help them determine what was causing the new machine not to operate as expected.

The retired ME agreed and came to examine the newly designed machine.  After examining it for a while he pulled out a marker and placed a big "X" on one of the components.  He then told the new machine Project Engineer that the "X" component was the problem.

Supposedly the problematic machine's "X" component was redesigned and the entire machine made usable for sale to end customers.

But the retired ME then invoiced his previous employer for $50,000!

When presented with this invoice the company's AP department replied with a letter demanding a "break down" (line item description) of the $50,000 charge.

The retired ME replied with a letter that read:

$1 for "X" mark
$49,999 for knowing where to place it."

The retired ME was paid in full.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 16, 2011, 06:47:20 PM
Just got home from work, going to play with my motor in the garage. Last night I was playing around with it and I am having issues with the 2 ohm drive coil pair, they want to much current. But on the flip side I have gained rpm from 2300 (old coils)to over 5000 rpm. I must admit that I get scared running it that fast with no protection from flung magnets.... But the bigger problem is that it is really heating up the transistor. My circuit is similar to what Romero used and his coils were low ohms (2?). Any ideas how to cool this puppy down without a micro controller? Also has it been determined that the bucking coils is the way to go? I have lots of testing to do, but first I must have a stable drive circuit, so that is what I will be working on first.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 07:01:11 PM
Between yard work and family life I was able to record this data.  Unfortunately it does not tell me much.  But I offer it to everyone so they will understand what today's testing results are. 

Even "bad" results are "results" that should be shared.

Also, someone other than I may see something in this data that I don't recognize.

This data was taken with the load resistance constant at ~95 Ohms.  Then the RPM was swept from maxmum to minimum (where the drive motor M56732AL IC drops out) by decreasing the drive motor input V.

Unlike the previous tests, the input power data presented here is not from the input to the entire motor drive circuit.  These are the readings of the input power from the drive circuit to the BLDC drive motor.  This is because at lower input V levels much power is dissipated by the motor drive circuit regulator as heat (the heat sink gets to 50C+ easily).  So these readings are what the drive motor needs to achieve the recorded RPM and therefore o/p power without consideration for the power lost in the circuitry.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 16, 2011, 07:01:37 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 16, 2011, 06:47:20 PM
Just got home from work, going to play with my motor in the garage. Last night I was playing around with it and I am having issues with the 2 ohm drive coil pair, they want to much current. But on the flip side I have gained rpm from 2300 (old coils)to over 5000 rpm. I must admit that I get scared running it that fast with no protection from flung magnets.... But the bigger problem is that it is really heating up the transistor. My circuit is similar to what Romero used and his coils were low ohms (2?). Any ideas how to cool this puppy down without a micro controller? Also has it been determined that the bucking coils is the way to go? I have lots of testing to do, but first I must have a stable drive circuit, so that is what I will be working on first.

Why don't you just slam in a resistor in the base of the transistor?
Start with like 500 Ohm or so, this should bring down the current.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 16, 2011, 07:11:49 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 16, 2011, 06:47:20 PM
Also has it been determined that the bucking coils is the way to go?

Please note that everything below is under the ASSUMPTION that you are asking about gen coils.  If you are asking about pulse motor drive coils then it does not apply and please just ignore this post.

My opinion is that if you have your coils in series adding, you have a conventional generator.  Once you switch to series bucking, well then:  Now you may have a ZPEC if tuned to the correct frequency (RPM to rotor mag spacing to rotor mag location wrt distance from rotational axis).

The stuff in the () is then the challenge.

Oh!  Don't forget the Coil to Rotor Mag gap spacing!  Or the number of turns on the coils.  Or the permeability of your cores.

And then there is the backing magnets.  Those are cool.  But you will have to figure out how they relate to the rest of those other variables.  What I have seen (preliminarily) showed that they can increase Vout (if your coils are matched pretty darn close on top and bottom) to a point (too close starts to decrease the V increase).  BUT, I also noticed an RPM decrease (power out decrease) from the rotor when I used the backing mags. 

I have not tested if the power loss (RPM decrease) due to the introduction of the backing mags (Vout increase) is a net gain or loss or neutral tradeoff.

So many tests.  So little time.

Where is TK!?!?!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 16, 2011, 07:21:47 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 16, 2011, 07:01:37 PM
Why don't you just slam in a resistor in the base of the transistor?
Start with like 500 Ohm or so, this should bring down the current.

You mean in series from the hall to the base?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 16, 2011, 08:07:16 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 16, 2011, 07:21:47 PM
You mean in series from the hall to the base?

Yes, that's how you bring the transistor current down or you put a 10 Ohm Power Resistor in series with your drive coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bolt on July 16, 2011, 10:12:52 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 16, 2011, 06:47:20 PM
Just got home from work, going to play with my motor in the garage. Last night I was playing around with it and I am having issues with the 2 ohm drive coil pair, they want to much current. But on the flip side I have gained rpm from 2300 (old coils)to over 5000 rpm. I must admit that I get scared running it that fast with no protection from flung magnets.... But the bigger problem is that it is really heating up the transistor. My circuit is similar to what Romero used and his coils were low ohms (2?). Any ideas how to cool this puppy down without a micro controller? Also has it been determined that the bucking coils is the way to go? I have lots of testing to do, but first I must have a stable drive circuit, so that is what I will be working on first.

Depends how far you want to go with it. Ideal motor drive is pulse width adjustable trigger AND PWM drive the coils during the ON period. Then you have max effect of control on the drivers while minimal  losses. That said you don't get OU from the drivers they are only a means to provide rotation. This was stated by Romero back on about page 3.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 17, 2011, 01:11:28 AM

In references made in this thread, a bucking coil arrangement as I understand to be is two DC charges bouncing off one another.

Has anyone ever tried bouncing an AC charge off a DC ?

And also maybe tossing in a intermittent  ground connection, just get more bang for the buck, so to speak.

Or wood that be too wacky to try ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on July 17, 2011, 02:10:47 AM
Quote from: webby1 on July 17, 2011, 01:43:24 AM
Star coil is from like 1960 nothing new,, very strange behavior but it has been done, Rodin coil is the same if not older.

In the beginning I asked for help in locating 3 wires that I could not find as well as 2 wires that were not anticipated..... no body followed up until wattsup started carrying on about one of the two wires, BOTH wires from wattsup I found and posted pictures of BEFORE, if wattsup did due diligence he would of found the same info I did, now back to the point.

3 Connections from R's coils are to small to see nicely,, too small on only 3,,, not to mention a few extra diodes that change between videos.

What I have found is that if you take and inject a higher voltage lower amperage signal within a coil connected in series the ball game changes.

P.S. soft metal makes a very good inductor if set up right.


Thank you for your posts and in particular confirming the 2 unanticipated wires. Since this thread is now 290 pages long, can you please tell us the reference to your previous posting of BOTH wires please? I think this will put to the end of the nonsense of Romero connecting the X and Y wires to a battery and maybe we will have a good clue of what Romero did with these extra wiring to make his device work although the design may not be reproducible easily. My appreciation.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on July 17, 2011, 02:11:38 AM
Hi Webby,

Want to tell us more?

Give us something to exp with please?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on July 17, 2011, 03:49:46 AM
Hi Webby,

Thanks for that.

I am sure that many of us looked at the deceptive simplicity of the dynamo and thougt, I can
build that. Well, I gotta tell ya -  It ain't what it seems.

Many of us would jump at the chance to build a device that could either selfrun or
display OU.

A new thread for a new device sounds appropriate to me.


Kindest Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 17, 2011, 08:52:37 AM

Thank you webby1...in furtherance to your comment about magnets and holes, would the way to 'free energy' be in collecting it rather than generating it ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 17, 2011, 09:01:31 AM
QuoteSoft metal is a wonderful inductor, Lenz does not know soft metal in the right configuration

Interesting, so you are saying that an inductor made out of an alumimum conductor for example does not exhibit an opposed current to the induced current, so that Lenz law can not establish?

I would like to kindly ask you to elaborate on how to configure such an inductor to
overcome the Lenz effect.

Thank you
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lumen on July 17, 2011, 11:08:29 AM
I am fairly sure Lenz forces are caused from electron flow and not the conductor used.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 17, 2011, 12:39:48 PM
Quote from: webby1 on July 17, 2011, 03:17:41 AM
Wellllllll, I can't find the thread, nor the posts so here are the pics

I wanted those that are in this to be aware and to be informed.  My comments on the lost wires was way in the beginning and I did not want to distract.

please Webby1, be explicit about this pictures. You mean wires? which one? can you circle with a paint tool and explain explicitly what you mean? Thanks.

Concerning a new device, I would suggest to create a new thread, not only for the benefit of this thread but also for the health of your device. 290+ pages is not a good start for a new device :).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 17, 2011, 12:46:41 PM
Is anyone able to explain those weird spikes I get when running the motor? You can also see them on my video on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2LOSQoZl0I).

There are two very strange things that are happening that seems many have missed. One are those strange spikes. They are there as soon as I start putting bias magnets on the stator.

Second is the flattening of one of the sine wave of the voltage across the generator coil when load is on. There are 2 sine waves, only one is flattened while the other clearly is charging the buffer capacitor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 17, 2011, 01:17:22 PM
I noticed the peculiarity of those spikes also when i watched your video the first time.
Spikes means something has "switched" somehow.
A theory would be that there is maybe really magnetic vortices formed that
act as if an additional magnet passes by and triggers such spike.
Or the biasing magnets somehow flip domains as a consequence of a vibration resonance. Just first thoughts.

No idea about the yellow waveform truncated. Have you tried to go to 10x on the probe and see if there is a difference?
Have your reverse the ground and probe leads to see a difference?
At what points have you connected the probe exactly? You say across the resistor. That's before or after the rectifier?
Really just guessing.

Keep it up
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 17, 2011, 01:18:55 PM

Fausto - that was great post about your testing on the nice day with the backing magnets...I havent got to this stage yet but will be soon...I am wondering:
Do you have same airgap on top as the bottom?

Have you checked this out how it will affect things?
Webby jsut mentioned this too he sees differnt airgaps between top and bottom in romeor rigs...
I disagree with Webby in "reason" Romero abandoned this machine is becasue ists not pratcial - its because dumbass creeps threteened him and his family if he continued with it plain and simple.

Fausto; Is your load only a 1ohm resistor?
do you have this on each coil as you go along with the backing magnet adjust?
Or do you have still 1 ohm resistor across more than one coil as you go along doing more bakcing magent adjsuts?
wouldnt it be better to match the resistance of the motor coils that will be run by the dump cap in looped-mode? say 6 ohm or so total for all the genrator coisl combined lik eit would be?
doesnt Romero leave some of this generator coils "blank" in the looper video?
Seems like only 5 are really filling the cap...
Anyways jsut thinking that he load when you adjsut the backing magnets should be the load that it would be when looped...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 17, 2011, 01:52:28 PM
Quote from: konehead on July 17, 2011, 01:18:55 PM

Fausto - that was great post about your testing on the nice day with the backing magnets...I havent got to this stage yet but will be soon...I am wondering:
Do you have same airgap on top as the bottom?

Have you checked this out how it will affect things?
Webby jsut mentioned this too he sees differnt airgaps between top and bottom in romeor rigs...
I disagree with Webby in "reason" Romero abandoned this machine is becasue ists not pratcial - its because dumbass creeps threteened him and his family if he continued with it plain and simple.

Fausto; Is your load only a 1ohm resistor?
do you have this on each coil as you go along with the backing magnet adjust?
Or do you have still 1 ohm resistor across more than one coil as you go along doing more bakcing magent adjsuts?
wouldnt it be better to match the resistance of the motor coils that will be run by the dump cap in looped-mode? say 6 ohm or so total for all the genrator coisl combined lik eit would be?
doesnt Romero leave some of this generator coils "blank" in the looper video?
Seems like only 5 are really filling the cap...
Anyways jsut thinking that he load when you adjsut the backing magnets should be the load that it would be when looped...

My probes are connected as picture. I only use one ohm for the probe 2 (Yellow). The lamp is around 25ohms which is ALWAYS connected when tuning.

I kept putting bias magnets until maximum speed was reached. May be Romero achieve his OU before even having all bias magnets on. Another thing I noticed is that bias magnets are not really necessary all positioned with the same polarity, let's say North down agains rotor's magnet North up. Sometimes switching makes a huge difference. That's the empirical mind instrument at work here.

I think the load resistance should match the coils series resistance for sure. I unfortunately don't have a good lamp. I stoped using LEDs because I thought they were causing those spikes but they are not, it is indeed there and I can't explain it.

I just purchased the remaining FWBR and connections that I need to finished the motor. Everything is really expensive. I think by now I spent over $500 on this motor alone.

I have been playing with all sorts of gaps. This particular video is 3 mm bottom and 5mm top.

And just my stupid theory: if the first sine wave of the voltage (as on the previous post picture) is "free" than I think when connecting all gen coils one will have 1/2 of the power produced available for "free" while the other 1/2 half is doing work in spinning the rotor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 17, 2011, 02:01:32 PM
Quote from: webby1 on July 17, 2011, 01:41:02 PM
I can't do that, but wires are the same ones that have been posted as X and Y, in the found pic if you look thru the upper stator you will see the cut end of the red wire just under the block that holds the driver circuit.

Not really, nature does what it wishes unless something gets in the way,  the hole or cavity in this sense blocks the advancement of the field, so it goes around the hole, this gives us a point of potential imbalance that we only need to nudge.  I prefer to not force nature so much, but rather give it something first and offer a choice of paths.

I should of said steel or iron but I have to use the soft version so I can hand form the cores.

What does the Lenz reaction look like in just the core, change the angle of the core and the reaction field and such still look the same, now think like an idiot (that would be me) and totally screw with the relationships of core and conductor.

Simple things and Eddy currents

I should have asked you if you actually talk about a driver or a generator coil.
It sounds as if you refer to the driver coil.
I am particularly interested in beating Lenz in a single generator coil.
If in a generator coil i change the angle of the core i also affect the picked up current.

If i change a magnetic/geometric property of the core, in my understanding it will negatively impact on the induced current as well.

The goal is to prevent that opposite current from flowing
If not using coil-shorting, i have found no solution yet that achieves that.
But i'd be more than happy to hear a solution to this problem.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on July 17, 2011, 02:16:33 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 17, 2011, 01:52:28 PM
My probes are connected as picture. I only use one ohm for the probe 2 (Yellow). The lamp is around 25ohms which is ALWAYS connected when tuning.


There is a problem with your scope probes. You are only reading one of the coils voltage, hence the unbalanced scope shot.

To accurately measure different parts of the circuit you need to isolate one channel of the scope.

I addressed some solutions to this in an article in Syscomp...


I hope this link takes you there... if not look under app notes, customer applications and circuits.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 17, 2011, 03:28:28 PM
Quote from: i_ron on July 17, 2011, 02:16:33 PM
There is a problem with your scope probes. You are only reading one of the coils voltage, hence the unbalanced scope shot.

To accurately measure different parts of the circuit you need to isolate one channel of the scope.

I addressed some solutions to this in an article in Syscomp...


I hope this link takes you there... if not look under app notes, customer applications and circuits.


I am measuring the voltage across both coils which is what the FWBR sees it. Please take a look at the picture again (I changed it a few minutes after my first post).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 17, 2011, 03:42:09 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 17, 2011, 01:52:28 PM
I have been playing with all sorts of gaps. This particular video is 3 mm bottom and 5mm top.

Fausto, if you have different gaps (and similar coils) then the voltage out of each coil will be different.  This will cause a conventional "electromagnetic theory" based current to flow as expected since the closest coil will have a larger Vout which will overcome the opposing current of the other coil (which will have a lower Vout) created by the passing rotor magnets.

The condition I described above results in a normal generator.

Only when the voltage of individual coils in each pair are very exactly matched for their individual Vout can they be cancelling normal current flow (if in series, bucking, AND if the resistance in each coil is the same).

If you tune to the above requirements you will not have conventional current flow anymore.  BUT, current WILL flow!  That is what amazed me with my testing!  Because if no conventional current can flow (and yet current DOES flow) the measurable current must be from somewhere other than the understood "classical" electromagnetic based circuit theory.

If you have already tried this and have moved on, I am sorry for interupting.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 17, 2011, 03:54:45 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 17, 2011, 03:42:09 PM
Fausto, if you have different gaps (and similar coils) then the voltage out of each coil will be different.  This will cause a conventional "electromagnetic theory" based current to flow as expected since the closest coil will have a larger Vout which will overcome the opposing current of the other coil (which will have a lower Vout) created by the passing rotor magnets.

The condition I described above results in a normal generator.

Only when the voltage of individual coils in each pair are very exactly matched for their individual Vout can they be cancelling normal current flow (if in series, bucking, AND if the resistance in each coil is the same).

If you tune to the above requirements you will not have conventional current flow anymore.  BUT, current WILL flow!  That is what amazed me with my testing!  Because if no conventional current can flow (and yet current DOES flow) the measurable current must be from somewhere other than the understood "classical" electromagnetic based circuit theory.

If you have already tried this and have moved on, I am sorry for interupting.


If your ampmeter measures it, it IS current.
Only if it would show zero and you could light a lightbulb with it, you would
know that it is time-reversed energy flow/negative energy.

A possible explanation for the yellow waveform could be found in Naudin's bucking coil experiments.
He experimentally found that bucking coils do swallow the ON-time field but for some reason emit an OFF-time field, which cannot be easily explained.

That being said, maybe that strange behaviour is what gives the rotor magnets a push and prevents a TDC pull ...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 17, 2011, 04:18:51 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 17, 2011, 03:54:45 PM
If your ampmeter measures it, it IS current.

I agree 100%.  In this state there is a measureable (scope and DMM) current.  But classical electromagnetic theory does not allow for this, right?

So I believe here in lies the "magic".

The current that should now be "impossible" by everything taught in standard electromagnetics is NOT impossible.  But the electrons that are flowing and are creating this measurable curent must come from somewhere, right?

Personally, I must lean toward ZPE.  Albert Einstein came up with that, btw.  It is a way to correct "classical" electromagnetic theory (everything we are taught in school) for the fact that every electromagnetic wave propagation speed MUST be limited by the Speed Of Light.

Classical EM theory ignores the propagation speed of those fields and says they happen instantaneously.  And that theory works quite well to predict the expected results from circuits that we design.

But classical EM theory does not specify this well enough (imho):  Zero V (ground) is just a reference.  It is not an absolute.  This is easily seen by anyone who recognises that we have + and - voltage wrt ground.  AC proves that every cycle!

So what if what we refere to as "ground" is actually at 1000V above "absolute zero potential V"?

That would mean that the 1000V that is all around us is the ZPE.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 17, 2011, 04:41:19 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 17, 2011, 04:18:51 PM
I agree 100%.  In this state there is a measureable (scope and DMM) current.  But classical electromagnetic theory does not allow for this, right?

So I believe here in lies the "magic".

The current that should now be "impossible" by everything taught in standard electromagnetics is NOT impossible.  But the electrons that cause that current must come from somewhere, right?

Personally, I must lean toward ZPE.  Albert Einstein came up with that, btw.  It is a way to correct "classical" electromagnetic theory (everything we are taught in school) for the fact that every electromagnetic wave propagation speed MUST be limited by the Speed Of Light.

Classical EM theory ignores the propagation speed of those fields and says they happen instantaneously.  And that theory works quite well to predict the expected results from circuits that we design.

But classical EM theory does not specify this well enough (imho):  Zero V (ground) is just a reference.  It is not an absolute.  This is easily seen by anyone who recognises that we have + and - voltage wrt ground.  AC proves that every cycle!

So what if what we refere to as "ground" is actually at 1000V above "absolute zero potential V"?

That would mean that the 1000V that is all around us is the ZPE.


Unfortunately there is no easily accessable literature on bucking coils.
Naudin's experiment shows that bucking coils do not cancel their individual fields like a true bifilar rather they cancel their mutual individual fields to Zero.
So in each individual coil there is current.
Naudin picked up a magnetic field with his pickup coil on the OFF-pulse.
So something obviously happens then that results NOT in a cancellation of the fields, something is biasing the fields in that phase or injects a current into the coils that causes the measured magnetic field. It could be nature's reaction to
something that isn't supposed to be (current cancellation)

It needs to be mentioned that Naudin pulsed the coils and in the Muller generator the coils are magnetically induced though.

I tend to explain (Hypothesis) that with an overshooting of one of the biasing magnets (probably the physically closer or stronger one) after the fields have been compressed, resulting in a net positive current. See Dragone, Kunel,Magnacoaster etc.

The effect needs to be asymmetric to have a current in at least one direction.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: onielsen on July 17, 2011, 05:49:10 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 17, 2011, 04:41:19 PM
Unfortunately there is no easily accessable literature on bucking coils.
There are literature on the internet about bucking coils. If you look up 'linear variable differential transformer (LVDT)'  like here; http://www.rdpe.com/ex/hiw-lvdt.htm you will see that only the difference between the output of each coil will be output. If the coils cancel each other there will be no output voltage. Also the electronic flux gate compass uses the canceling principle.

In Romeo's generator the magnets bring the cores into saturation. This gives a great change in the inductance of the coils. If you use an inductance meter, L-meter, and move the magnets slowly towards the coils, you will see the distance where the coils goes into saturation. Do it slowly as not to induce a too high voltage into the L-meter. By using this principle it should be possible to make a cycle like the Carnot cycle known in heat engines. This is a reversible cycle making it possible to either put in or take out energy.

Ole Nielsen
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 17, 2011, 07:23:51 PM
I'd like to take the opportunity to quote user "Bolt" in regards to the strange spikes in Plengo`s waveform possibly being magnetic ambient spikes:

Quote... so the opposite happens to normal conventional
current in phase induction. This inrush of
ambient energy produces an outward pulse of
magnetic flux
which propels the rotor faster
because it happens to be of the same polarity
of the neo that just passed off Top Dead Centre :) 
So each side of the coil releases a corresponding
magnetic pulse of the same polarity as the magnet
just a moment after the virtual capacitance field
begins to decrease the coil now releases energy
taken into its core from the ambient.

In order to make sure this pulse acts uniform
and equally from both sides the back end magnet
acts as a magnetic bias adjustor to ensure that
the magnetic pulse is equal from both sides will
maximise the pushing effort to accelerate the
rotor under higher loads.

I will asap delete this post, should Bolt disagree with the possible correlation
between what he describes and Plengo's effect.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 17, 2011, 08:21:47 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 17, 2011, 07:23:51 PM
Quote... so the opposite happens to normal conventional
current in phase induction. This inrush of
ambient energy produces an outward pulse of
magnetic flux
which propels the rotor faster
because it happens to be of the same polarity
of the neo that just passed off Top Dead Centre   
So each side of the coil releases a corresponding
magnetic pulse of the same polarity as the magnet
just a moment after the virtual capacitance field
begins to decrease the coil now releases energy
taken into its core from the ambient.

In order to make sure this pulse acts uniform
and equally from both sides the back end magnet
acts as a magnetic bias adjustor to ensure that
the magnetic pulse is equal from both sides will
maximise the pushing effort to accelerate the
rotor under higher loads.

I'd like to take the opportunity to quote user "Bolt" in regards to the strange spikes in Plengo`s waveform possibly being magnetic ambient spikes:

I will asap delete this post, should Bolt disagree with the possible correlation
between what he describes and Plengo's effect.

This could definitely explain why I can without load have a speed of 1100 rpm and with load and lots of bias magnets 900+ rpm which is not much loss in rpm if you think about it.

Without those bias magnets the same load would stop the rotor just like the "Lenz Law" would require.

So those spikes could be the ones that pushes the rotor further the TDC and wins the Lenz's effect.

I wonder what kind of experiment one could do not inline with Muller design to have the same effect.

I have been noticing those spikes for a little while but always thought it may be my "bad" science causing it. Later i had this "voice" telling me to pay attention to that "very constant and properly repetitious spike in the same location" because they may not be an static event but an effect event.

I wonder why so many EEs are so quiet now and not ready to kill my scope shot with trillion of debunking clever solutions :).

I am willing to admit my probes are not "best practices" for measuring the voltage BUT I am not looking for voltages. I am looking for "patterns" that shows where to go.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 17, 2011, 09:26:49 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 17, 2011, 07:23:51 PM
I'd like to take the opportunity to quote user "Bolt" in regards to the strange spikes in Plengo`s waveform possibly being magnetic ambient spikes:

I will asap delete this post, should Bolt disagree with the possible correlation
between what he describes and Plengo's effect.

Absolutely DO NOT DELETE this post!

Shit!  I have not even read it yet!

But the last thing I want is for you to start "censoring" yourself!

FWIW, I just spent the last 4 hours of my life taking my daughter and foster girls to "Grand-ma's" house to swim in her pool.  We also put together a new Bar-B-Que grill (well I did anyway) and then had a great Hot Dog dinner.  (Which was a great escape from the mental torrent that this project creates).

We (meaning us forum geeks) all kinda get overly frustrated while "noodling" and experimenting on this project.  That (I think) is a natural and cyclical thing...

So don't think we all don't appreciate it when it is your time to vent!!!

Let it out!

And then let's all work this out. 



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 17, 2011, 10:00:18 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 17, 2011, 08:21:47 PM
This could definitely explain why I can without load have a speed of 1100 rpm and with load and lots of bias magnets 900+ rpm which is not much loss in rpm if you think about it.

Without those bias magnets the same load would stop the rotor just like the "Lenz Law" would require.
One important question would be: How much power can you transfer to a load without the bias mags compared to with?

Note, you should be able to get a good idea what the output is capable of even though it quickly slows without the bias mags applied. Take note of the brightness of your bulb for the first few seconds after connecting it, then compare that brightness to the same bulb driven off the output with the bias mags applied.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 17, 2011, 10:21:36 PM
FWIW, I started to perform a more accurate testing of the low resistance load range where I thought my set up may have been "phase locking" with ZPE.

When I was in that low Ohmage load range I again noticed that my metering "anomalies" were again present.  And the L/C oscillator button on my DMM was definitely OFF.

So I had to again assume that the fact that I could no longer meter my system (stability) is due to some out of system interactions.

I went back to @neptune's thoughts that I might have an antenna effect from the DMM.  And that effect should be measureable if I changed the effective antenna wire length.

So I tried attaching several different lengths of wire to my drive motor Vin ground line.

The longer the wire that I attached, the lower the RPM of the motor would be dragged.

On a hunch, I ran out a length of magnet wire about 1.5 times as long as the wire that is wrapped on my coils.  With one end of this wire attached to Vin ground of my drive motor I would witness a sever decrease in RPM.

I made sure that the other end of this "antenna" wire was not in contact with ground.

And so I have been testing how my (supposed) ZPEC responds to having this antenna wire on the Vin to it's drive motor.

I was cutting 20cm off of the "antenna" wire, piece by piece, and recording the results.  The data looked to show a cyclical relationship, but I have not finished cutting any shorter than the length that is wrapped on the coils, and so have not decreased the antenna length to under ~ 20 ft.  I plan to do so when I can get back to working on this...

The reaction of the system to this test are very interesting to me.  And so I thank you again @neptune.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on July 18, 2011, 01:56:57 AM
Quote from: plengo on July 16, 2011, 01:27:21 PM
Romero also said he took a long time tuning. What tuning can he possibly do with coils glued to the rotor  and the whole assembly built?? can only be a few things.
- Biasing magnets on top and bottom of rotor.
- Load type , specifically resistance.
- Distance of stator/coils to magnets on the rotor.

Thanks good posts!
Maybe he glued the coils one by one who knows.
What type of FWBR's are you using?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 18, 2011, 06:21:33 AM
@Mondrasek You know , sometimes the world amazes me . There are are guys on here who know ten times as much as me , so it is satisfying when occasionally one of my crazy ideas has some basis in reality . The fact that the effects of cutting your antenna is "cyclic " says to me that there are standing waves on the wire . If you can establish what length of wire corresponds to one cycle , that will represent a quarter wavelength  of the energy that is being received ,. It is also  possible that this wire is a transmitter antenna that is robbing energy from your machine , rather than a receiver antenna .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 08:08:39 AM
Quote from: neptune on July 18, 2011, 06:21:33 AM
It is also  possible that this wire is a transmitter antenna that is robbing energy from your machine , rather than a receiver antenna .

I agree and was initially disappointed that adding the antenna wire caused the RPM to drop.  But I believe that the RPM rose when I first detected this anomaly with the DMM.  But that was also at a different resistance (about 10 Ohms lower).

I am hopeful that as I shorten this "antenna" the rotor behavior will change from an RPM drag to an RPM increase on one of the cycles.

If the resistance is a key to this puzzle it would be unfortunate.  Since I am basically destroying my magnet wire as I cut down this "antenna".  And I am now critically low on magnet wire.  I can buy more, of course.  But "Mr. Westinghouse" is not sponsoring my research so I do not look forward to further expenditures.

As luck would have it, my wife was in a bit of an incident involving her car and some inanimate (hopefully!) object late last night.  No one (that we know of) was injured. I have learned about it from the note she left for me only this morning.  So I will be staying home from work today in the name of "spousal support" and should have time to finish this antenna length investigation.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 18, 2011, 11:16:29 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on July 17, 2011, 10:00:18 PM
One important question would be: How much power can you transfer to a load without the bias mags compared to with?

Note, you should be able to get a good idea what the output is capable of even though it quickly slows without the bias mags applied. Take note of the brightness of your bulb for the first few seconds after connecting it, then compare that brightness to the same bulb driven off the output with the bias mags applied.


without the bias magnets I get about 1/2 of the voltage when with bias magnets.  Same for current.

Also the bias magnets somehow helps in achieving a higher RPM while still getting power out.  It takes forever to find the right places for them and for each one I have to wait for the rotor to accelerate and stabilize so time for the next bias magnet is right.

If I just manage to run without the bias magnets and get the maximum speed, which is about 1200 RPM, than turn on the load it will create around 150ma over 7volts output on the lamp and off course rotor will in few minutes reduce speed to 50rpm or literally stops.

With bias magnets it will not stop but only loose about 200rpm in speed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 18, 2011, 11:27:48 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 08:08:39 AM
I agree and was initially disappointed that adding the antenna wire caused the RPM to drop.  But I believe that the RPM rose when I first detected this anomaly with the DMM.  But that was also at a different resistance (about 10 Ohms lower).

I am hopeful that as I shorten this "antenna" the rotor behavior will change from an RPM drag to an RPM increase on one of the cycles.

If the resistance is a key to this puzzle it would be unfortunate.  Since I am basically destroying my magnet wire as I cut down this "antenna".  And I am now critically low on magnet wire.  I can buy more, of course.  But "Mr. Westinghouse" is not sponsoring my research so I do not look forward to further expenditures.

As luck would have it, my wife was in a bit of an incident involving her car and some inanimate (hopefully!) object late last night.  No one (that we know of) was injured. I have learned about it from the note she left for me only this morning.  So I will be staying home from work today in the name of "spousal support" and should have time to finish this antenna length investigation.


This is amazing. It kind of matches what happens when I hover my hands over the motor while putting bias magnets and the total current to the load changes substantially. I mean, after I live the magnet in place just the hand causes that interference.

Why would ever a motor be sensitive to one's hands??? This is starting to sound like Dr.Stiffler SEC field of a kind.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 18, 2011, 11:29:18 AM
Quote from: plengo on July 18, 2011, 11:16:29 AM
without the bias magnets I get about 1/2 of the voltage when with bias magnets.  Same for current.

Also the bias magnets somehow helps in achieving a higher RPM while still getting power out.  It takes forever to find the right places for them and for each one I have to wait for the rotor to accelerate and stabilize so time for the next bias magnet is right.

If I just manage to run without the bias magnets and get the maximum speed, which is about 1200 RPM, than turn on the load it will create around 150ma over 7volts output on the lamp and off course rotor will in few minutes reduce speed to 50rpm or literally stops.

With bias magnets it will not stop but only loose about 200rpm in speed.

You're getting about 14V @~300mA (4.2W) out with bias magnets, vs. about 2.1W without bias magnets?

I am curious what the difference in INPUT power is for both cases?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on July 18, 2011, 11:41:08 AM
Quote from: plengo on July 18, 2011, 11:16:29 AM
without the bias magnets I get about 1/2 of the voltage when with bias magnets.  Same for current.

Also the bias magnets somehow helps in achieving a higher RPM while still getting power out.  It takes forever to find the right places for them and for each one I have to wait for the rotor to accelerate and stabilize so time for the next bias magnet is right.

If I just manage to run without the bias magnets and get the maximum speed, which is about 1200 RPM, than turn on the load it will create around 150ma over 7volts output on the lamp and off course rotor will in few minutes reduce speed to 50rpm or literally stops.

With bias magnets it will not stop but only loose about 200rpm in speed.


Good job Fausto! Please continue your efforts. Your results are similar to what I've obtained about 4 weeks ago, before I had to be away and still not have time to continue work on this motor. Hopefully I'll get time after August to continue.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 18, 2011, 12:30:52 PM
Re the antenna effect , there are two possibilities here . The wire just might be acting as one plate of a capacitor . with the "cyclic " effect , it is more likely to be acting as an antenna . If from your data you can find the length of a quarter wavelength , that is the length  of wire that will probably give the greatest effect . cut a wire to say 20 cm longer than this length and cut it 1 cm at a time to get best results . Now you can calculate the frequency involved . Determine the wavelength in metres . For example say 30 metres , Now divide 300 by this figure to give you the frequency in Mhz ., so in this case 10Mhz . Does this form a simple ratio to your RPM , or RPMx number of magnets ? This might give us some clues as to what is happening .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 12:54:57 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 18, 2011, 12:30:52 PM
Re the antenna effect , there are two possibilities here . The wire just might be acting as one plate of a capacitor . with the "cyclic " effect , it is more likely to be acting as an antenna . If from your data you can find the length of a quarter wavelength , that is the length  of wire that will probably give the greatest effect . cut a wire to say 20 cm longer than this length and cut it 1 cm at a time to get best results . Now you can calculate the frequency involved . Determine the wavelength in metres . For example say 30 metres , Now divide 300 by this figure to give you the frequency in Mhz ., so in this case 10Mhz . Does this form a simple ratio to your RPM , or RPMx number of magnets ? This might give us some clues as to what is happening .

Working on it.  Taking data now (looooooong process).  I have to wait for the system to settle into a stable RPM after each cut of the length of the antenna wire.

I came down to the computer to start entering the preliminary data.  Probably 60 or 70 data points of RPM vs. "antenna" length so far.

It looks cyclical in numbers, but I am anxious to see what a graph of the data might show.


PS.  @neptune, are you an RF and/or HAM guy?  Also, who is your past friend Bill that you mentioned earlier (my condolences for your loss).  He sounds like an interesting individual.  Was he on these forums?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on July 18, 2011, 12:59:22 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 18, 2011, 12:30:52 PM
Re the antenna effect , there are two possibilities here . The wire just might be acting as one plate of a capacitor . with the "cyclic " effect , it is more likely to be acting as an antenna
Does this form a simple ratio to your RPM , or RPMx number of magnets ? This might give us some clues as to what is happening .

good call on the antenna possibility, neptune!

i'm not sure if the following info has been posted before wrt the MD design...

you might be interested to take a look at the details about the Alexanderson Alternator on Wikipedia

it was a motor generator used to create some of the first AM radio transmissions

it's a reluctance motor-gen, with high number of stator poles, and  a slotted rotor disc (instead of mags) which 'chop' the reluctance of pairs of stator coils as the slots pass between the stator coils

the output was formed by paralleling up all the stator o/ps (sound familiar yet?)

iirc max speed was approx 20,000 RPM and the transmitted frequency was given by RPM * No. stator pairs (so high-end LW, low-end MW bands)

apparently there is still one system operational, in Sweden, which is turned on for an anniversary  transmission (Alexanderson's birthday?)

hmmm - maybe Romero was just picking up a radio transmission from his device's soulmate!  ;)

this has been a public-service announcement on behalf of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 01:10:45 PM
This one is for the RF guys.

These are the preliminary results.  Please note that the "Length" entered for the antenna wire is not absolute!  I did not measure the length of the antenna wire initially (I don't have a tape that long).  I will adjust that number to a specific value once I am done cutting down the antenna and can count all the pieces.

This is WAY out of my realm of "expertise".

So talk to me, Goose.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 18, 2011, 01:34:13 PM
About bucking coils - a FCC engineer told me long ago that if you have two magnetic fields collide or clash, the "big fish" will swallow the "llittle fish" and there will not be two magnetic fields anymore, just the one that overwhelms the other.
So for bucking fields, making hte coils and cores exactly the same is important for instance if you are making a motor that runs on coils vs coils and you want a repulsive smash of the coils and cores to trun the rotor.
If one coil/core is not matched, then what you get is ATTRACTIVE power, not repulsive power...this is interesting since with coil vs manget you have a rotationl-point to pulse coil attractive (leading edge of magnet) and a repulsive (trailing edge of magent)
So, what you can do is pulse coil repulsive point, (talking motor coils now) take out power from JUST ONE coil of the two bucking coils at the attractive point, and during the extraction of power from that single coil there will be a speed-up of rotor, since when you take out power from coil to load, it also adds an attraction-power stroke to the rotor's spin. 
Also with bucking coils, there is "compressed-flux" that shoots out sides of arigap at 90 degrees from the smashing of the two coils/cores togheter...this is wasted power that can be a gain. ("splatter coils" - whole other subject)

In Romero mahicnes I think MAYBE it is important in the gernator coils to match up the smash of fieds of the lower and upper coils and cores to the magnet perfectly with the fields of equal strength (via airgap adjsut) so that you can get the "repulsive" effect in generator coils to happen - and the backing magnets also is an addional push-away too...so the only lenz-lugging to occur is at the approach of magnet to coil and core...core saturates to jsut right level of magnetisim so you get push-away, and then the backing magnet further accelerates the push away and pretty much neutralizes the len-lug of the atracion and if you get it all right there will be acceleration under load.
htis is complate opposite of last lame brain theory to adjsut airgaps so the airgaps jam coils into resonance in place of series caps when you have serei-cancelling mode to coils...but that is "opposite direction" of ways to do it. and why it does it...mabye the two opposites collide so doesnt matter?
Seems to be jsut adjsut tune adjsut tune experiment try not to go crazy or quit before you see it happen.

Great to see Fausto getting twice the amountof power output from the coils with bakcing magnet compared to none at all - this confirms the importance of those...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 18, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on July 18, 2011, 11:29:18 AM
You're getting about 14V @~300mA (4.2W) out with bias magnets, vs. about 2.1W without bias magnets?

I am curious what the difference in INPUT power is for both cases?


Irrelevant now what is the i/p ration .99. I see you drove the questions so that the conclusion is obvious, no OU, YET!!!

I need help here. With your skills I would love to "know" why I have those spikes. Do you? There is nothing special on the circuit or the output circuit. Just magnets passing by a coil with bias magnets behind. One should NEVER have those spikes there, correct?

Now it would be a great moment for us to speculate what could be the reason behind those spikes and ways to test the hypothesis speculated. I still have the motor so good timing now.


ps: .99 forgot to say, thank you for your comments and your inquisitiveness
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 01:54:28 PM
Quote from: konehead on July 18, 2011, 01:34:13 PM
In Romero mahicnes I think MAYBE it is important in the gernator coils to match up the smash of fieds of the lower and upper coils and cores to the magnet perfectly with the fields of equal strength

@Kone, I am sorry that I truncated your post.  But what you said here is exactly what I am finding to be true.

If you have a top and bottom coil that is not exactly matched wrt o/p power then the coil with the greatest o/p power will "win/rule" and push the appropriate conventional current to the load.

If the individual coils in each pair are matched, the conventional current CANNOT FLOW!  This is because each coil will be pushing equal and opposite currents (which = ZERO current).  So the currents from each coil in a pair will effectively cancel themselves.

But (please, please, please) match the individual coils in each pair exactly.  Do this by wrapping the same length of wire into each coil (NOT NUMBER OF TURNS!  Do it by measuring the length).  Do this by inserting the same type of core material into each coil until they read exactly the same on an inductance meter.

And then notice this:  Even though your set up should not be able to provide current (both coils in series, bucking, right?) it WILL provide current.  And that current must come from somewhere other than our EM theory has taught us.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on July 18, 2011, 02:00:52 PM
is it coincidence that Romero called collector that toroid????
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 18, 2011, 02:05:49 PM
@Mondrasek . I can see a rough pattern in your data . It will not be easy to get exact readings as the proximity of your hands and body will effect the results . I am an "A" class radio ham , but am more of a practical guy than a theory man . All my life I have had a powerful short term photographic memory which enabled me to pass exams . But ask me a week later and most of it had gone .If you want mathematical answers there are far better guys on here to give you answers  . As regards my late friend Pete [ not Bill] he was not a computer man , but he was the best mechanic and welder I ever met . It was he who welded my first pyramid frame . We met at primary school and I still miss him every day after two years .. Can you confirm that your measurements are in millimetres , and you are cutting 20 cms off at a time .
   @Nul Points . Yes , the RF alternator could be very relevant here . I had to laugh though , because Pete and I tried to make one back in the 1960s out of a high speed electric motor and a bicycle 12 pole hub dynamo . The dynamo bearings seized , and it disappeared through the shed wall... It would never have had very good frequency stability with a belt drive though .
    Another thing to try is make a RF sniffer [google it] This is just a microamp meter and a germanium diode used to detect radio transmissions . You could also try an antenna matching network between the antenna and the machine to achieve a perfect match , but this would not help you find the frequency . Google Pi network .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 18, 2011, 02:06:18 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 18, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
Irrelevant now what is the i/p ration .99. I see you drove the questions so that the conclusion is obvious, no OU, YET!!!

I need help here. With your skills I would love to "know" why I have those spikes. Do you? There is nothing special on the circuit or the output circuit. Just magnets passing by a coil with bias magnets behind. One should NEVER have those spikes there, correct?

Now it would be a great moment for us to speculate what could be the reason behind those spikes and ways to test the hypothesis speculated. I still have the motor so good timing now.

Remove the FWBR and capacitor, and drive the load bulb directly off the coils. I'm quite certain your spikes will disappear.

I suspect what's causing those spikes is a tiny bit of inductive kickback from the coils, caused by the imperfect switching of the FWBR diodes. The diodes don't switch on and off instantly so there are small breaks in the coil current, and we know how a coil responds when the current is interrupted.

Regarding my curiosity about the INPUT power for both cases, I wasn't driving toward a Pout/Pin computation; what I'm interested in is knowing if the INPUT power is proportionally higher in the case where the bias magnets are applied compared to without them. Determining this is important for understanding certain things.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 18, 2011, 02:12:22 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on July 18, 2011, 02:06:18 PM
Remove the FWBR and capacitor, and drive the load bulb directly off the coils. I'm quite certain your spikes will disappear.

I suspect what's causing those spikes is a tiny bit of inductive kickback from the coils, caused by the imperfect switching of the FWBR diodes. The diodes don't switch on and off instantly so there are small breaks in the coil current, and we know how a coil responds when the current is interrupted.

Regarding my curiosity about the INPUT power for both cases, I wasn't driving toward and Pout/Pin computation; what I'm interested in is knowing if the INPUT power is proportionally higher in the case where the bias magnets are applied compared to without them. Determining this is important for understanding certain things.


Thank you for the answer. I see you looking for patterns too. So, if I put than 10 more diodes on the FWBR would I see more spikes or higher voltage on the same spikes?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 18, 2011, 02:18:43 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 18, 2011, 02:12:22 PM
Thank you for the answer. I see you looking for patterns too. So, if I put than 10 more diodes on the FWBR would I see more spikes or higher voltage on the same spikes?

10 more diodes in parallel with the existing FWBR could result in some changes (higher or lower spikes), then again it may not. It depends on the dynamics going on in the diodes during switching. Your best bet is to just try it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 18, 2011, 02:37:40 PM
Konehead posted something very interesting but I am not sure if I understood clearly.

I will give my "intuition" about how this is working so far. Some facts first:

- in certain points of the RPM I have the input amp meter fluctuating violently around 50ma range, so if it is 800ma input it will vibrate between 775 and 825 ma. This is the same exact moment where the motor is the noisiest and it is about to break the RPM barrier and go to the next RPM higher speed level.

- all my generator coils behave in the same manner with slight differences in output voltage and total current, but basically the same behavior.

- with bias magnets I can get pretty close to no load RPM speed and no bias magnets.

- when bias magnets are well located on the stator I can stop the motor and start from zero RPM to max RPM without intervention where if when the bias magnets are not well located correctly (although still under higher RPM), stopping the motor and starting from zero RPM will NOT go to max RPM. It will stop somewhere about 1/2 way through.

- best location for bias magnets have been when the motor becomes very noisy and still increase RPM.

- ANY change in load will destroy the whole tuning process and one must start from scratch.

- Every time RPM barrier is passed input consumption goes down (I am using Arduino as a controller where I limit the maximum input power and at the same time control the pulsing width and duration so that lower input power is desired for higher RPM).

- Bias magnets DO increase output voltage every time but it is because of increased RPM.

- Most of my bias magnets are over NON-GENERATOR coils (I am using one or two generator coils only so far). So they are working towards a RPM balancing act than increasing voltage on generator coils (everyone is too focus on that one place, i think).

- Most of the Bias magnets are in attraction mode to the rotor magnets. When in repulsion I am not able to increase speed with load.

- I have been putting bias magnets only on the top stator for now.

- Output wave of the voltage on the ends of both generator coils (what is seen by the FWBR) is composed of two humps. One will be swallowed by the consuming current on the output but the other will not. My video shows that (the flattening second wave hump!).

- Bias magnets also helps shaping the output current wave. It makes the Q of it much smaller or sharper.

Based on those observable facts I am felling this to be like a pressure system. When rotor is noisy and wants to pass the RPM barrier the passing rotor magnet are pushing back to the input power some energy that causes the meter to vibrate. Increased pressure on the pipe the input feels it. (I know that is so not EE).

When rotor magnet passes by the two generator coils they both will inevitably generate current and voltage and therefore CEMF will be created fighting the passing magnet (Lenz Law) but each coil is like a pressure valve. They are not equal in strength and one gives up allowing current to pass overall and go to the output. Two things will happen here, one will be the winning current will also be the winning CEMF that the rotor "sees", causing de-acceleration of the rotor but the other "losing" coil will create another -CEMF (negative sign) where it will create a positive torque or acceleration of the rotor. That is the one allowing the rotor to increase RPM and still extract power.

So the two coils act like counter connected pressure valves that balance each other in a perfect act to allow the passing rotor magnet to simply pass unhindered by Lenz law, but since nothing is perfect some RPM is still lost. Perfection, as some have mention already, on the construction of the coils and the magnets on the rotor would allow a zero Lenz "visible" effect. Lots of variable here to make anyone give up this motor.

I do also see the Howard Johnson tri-gate magnet in play here. They are simply dynamic. They happen ONLY when extracting power from the coils. Therefore the load is critical for the proper balancing act of the "pressure pump" of the generator coils.

Input power is pretty constant to a certain range during the whole process of tuning which tells me that the bias magnets are indeed playing with the only thing they have available which is Lenz effect. They are not creating extra power but simply eliminating friction. Now they could be creating power (moving hand on top of stator causes output power increase) but this is not the primary mover. More like a side effect.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 18, 2011, 02:46:13 PM

Mond wrote:

"If you have a top and bottom coil that is not exactly matched wrt o/p power then the coil with the greatest o/p power will "win/rule" and push the appropriate conventional current to the load."

Could that be the reason for the different gaps between the the upper and lower coils ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 02:48:27 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 18, 2011, 02:05:49 PM
@Mondrasek . I can see a rough pattern in your data . It will not be easy to get exact readings as the proximity of your hands and body will effect the results . I am an "A" class radio ham , but am more of a practical guy than a theory man.

I also see that "rough pattern". 

The subsequent data has been taken while reducing the effective "antenna length" by changing the "antenna length" shortening cuts (reduction in overall antenna length) from 20cm to 10cm and then again 5cm (so far) each cut.

Quote from: neptune on July 18, 2011, 02:05:49 PM
As regards my late friend Pete [ not Bill] he was not a computer man , but he was the best mechanic and welder I ever met .

Did we know Pete on-line?

Again, my sincere regret for your loss.  Pete appeared to be an amazing man and an important friend to you.

It is very amusing to me that Pete was the best mechanic and welder that you ever met.  My best friend at work is named Bill (I think that is why I transposed his name for Pete) and is one of the best robotic technicians I have ever met (meaning he can weld, diagnose electronics, AND run down mechanical problems).  Those individuals are hared to come by, but I believe we could label them as "natural physicists".

Glad to have an RF guy like yourself involved with this testing.  This shit is waaaaay over my head.

Lets "get 'er done".


PS.  Call me Mo.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on July 18, 2011, 03:03:26 PM

Quote from: David70 on July 18, 2011, 02:00:52 PM
is it coincidence that Romero called collector that toroid????

hi Dave, yes - interesting idea!  i seem to remember though that someone said that photo dated back to much earlier than when Romero was building the Muller type device?  but he may have had that same basic idea in mind for whichever device he was working on at the time. Thanks for noticing the possible link there!

LOL @ neptune's alternator exiting stage left through the shed wall !

for some strange reason the following Limerick (poem) comes to mind:

"As they fished his new plane from the sea,
the inventor just chuckled with glee.
I shall build - and he laughed -
a submarine craft,
and perhaps it will fly - we shall see"

having seen a cool tail lift invented by someone we both know, i can definitely say that the poem doesn't apply, but hopefully it will bring a smile to one or two faces

PS**  did you hear that rUK faked his Dynamo? 

apparently, it was COP>6, so he connected a resistor across the o/p and hid it down the centre of the table to bring the COP down to a more believable value

no, really - if you look carefully, you can see the wires going down the centre hole to the resistor  ;)

keep on truckin'

(** hopefully, i don't need to say this is intended in good humour!)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on July 18, 2011, 03:28:58 PM
Quote from: nul-points on July 18, 2011, 03:03:26 PM


PS**  did you hear that rUK faked his Dynamo? 

apparently, it was COP>6, so he connected a resistor across the o/p and hid it down the centre of the table to bring the COP down to a more believable value

no, really - if you look carefully, you can see the wires going down the centre hole to the resistor  ;)

keep on truckin'

(** hopefully, i don't need to say this is intended in good humour!)

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

If you asked the PITA Wattsup, he's a 1000% sure the wires through the hole go into a battery. It's all in the mind.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 03:31:34 PM
@neptune, this is for you and Pete.

(Sorry if I have not to replied to anyone else who may have asked something of me.  I am not reading the forum right now as it takes too much time away from the data collection process).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 18, 2011, 03:53:58 PM
@Mondrasek . Hi Mo . I seem to have opened one hell of a can of worms here for sure . Ok ,so I am assuming that the vertical axis of your graph is the RPM of your rotor , which has 8 magnets .And the horizontal axis is antenna length in millimeters . Within the limits of experimental error , the nodes on the antenna are about 200 mm apart . If the nodes are one quarter wavelength apart [ correction invited from more knowlegable persons] that represents a wavelength of 800mm or 0.8 metres . 300 divided by 0.8 =375 Mhz , which seems a fantastically high frequency . At a rpm of 1450 with 8 magnets we get 193 hertz . That is 193 cycles per second as opposed to 375 million cycles/second . No simple ratio here!
Does anyone else have any theories ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 03:54:45 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 18, 2011, 02:05:49 PM
Can you confirm that your measurements are in millimetres , and you are cutting 20 cms off at a time .

My measurements are taken (so far) in a relative fashion.  I am not sure of the exact entire length of all the pieces I have cut off of the antenna wire so far.  I will measure the exact length (somewhat) after the end of these tests.  But I am close enough now (antenna wire less than 6M) to measure a fairly accurate antenna length now if that is important to you.

I started by cutting off 20 cm each time.  Then I changed the cuts to only 10 cm as things began to get interesting in the data.  I then again switched down to cutting off only 5 cm. 

BTW, are you a Brit?  I've sort of got that hunch after the past few posts.  But the timing of those posts makes me think you are either a night owl or a Canadian?

Nevermind answering my questions if that is too personal or not "anonymous" for any reason.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 03:58:47 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 18, 2011, 03:53:58 PM
@Mondrasek . Hi Mo

Your assumptions are correct.  Sorry for not posting the graph's data chart or labelling it properly, but I am again running out of testing time.

(Added later) Sorry to everyone:  I removed some of @neptunes post from my reply as I did not want it to be misinterpreted and become "misinformation".

Please note:  THE "LENGTH" OF MY ANTENNA WIRE IS NOT CORRECT!  I am just using an "assumed" starting length so that I can get graphical data.  I will change that "assumed" length to a real one once I can add up all the 20 cm, 10 cm, 5cm (and whatever is to come) pieces that I am collecting each time I shorten the antenna.

Sorry for any confusion this method is causing.  But I do not have a tape measure long enough for measuring the initial length of the antenna being tested.  So I figured I would approximate the initial length after the end of the test.

But I am now within antenna length range to measure with the tape I have if it is important to anyone.

Just let me know.


(end of edit)

So why are you surprised by the high frequency?

Bring it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on July 18, 2011, 04:04:21 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 01:54:28 PM
If the individual coils in each pair are matched, the conventional current CANNOT FLOW!  This is because each coil will be pushing equal and opposite currents (which = ZERO current).  So the currents from each coil in a pair will effectively cancel themselves.

But (please, please, please) match the individual coils in each pair exactly.  Do this by wrapping the same length of wire into each coil (NOT NUMBER OF TURNS!  Do it by measuring the length).  Do this by inserting the same type of core material into each coil until they read exactly the same on an inductance meter.

And then notice this:  Even though your set up should not be able to provide current (both coils in series, bucking, right?) it WILL provide current.  And that current must come from somewhere other than our EM theory has taught us.


Hi,  There is a problem with your perfectly sounding explanation above IF and WHEN you enter the rotor magnets between the two facing cores and ALSO when you use the backing magnets on the outer side of the core.

The problem can come from the unequal air gaps between a rotor magnet and the lower or upper cores: if the two gaps are not equal the induced voltage in the two coils must be different. 
Supposing you adjust the airgaps to be equal, then the strength of the backing magnets may be different just due to adjusting the magnets position wrt the cores.  This can also alter the coils self-inductance (you do not adjust these backing magnets for equal coil inductances, do you).

A good observation that once you still measure or normally indicate output current with the usual current meter it must be a conventional current.
Unconventional current (some call it 'cold'  current) is not supposed to be measured or even indicated by normal current meters, the presence of such current could be indicated by an incandescent lamp as other stated.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: onielsen on July 18, 2011, 04:06:36 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 18, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
I need help here. With your skills I would love to "know" why I have those spikes. Do you? There is nothing special on the circuit or the output circuit. Just magnets passing by a coil with bias magnets behind. One should NEVER have those spikes there, correct?

Now it would be a great moment for us to speculate what could be the reason behind those spikes and ways to test the hypothesis speculated. I still have the motor so good timing now.

you could try to isolate the origin of the spikes. A suggestion would be, to measure the voltage at both coils simultaneous, by putting the grounds of the probes to the middle point of the coils and the A and B channels to each output end. Then it's possible to see if it's one of the coils, or both, that makes the spike. If you then invert one of the channels and add both channels you will get the signal as measured with one probe only.

Have you made a test to see if the cores becomes saturated when the magnets gets close? If they do you get Ferro resonance. Then the inductance is decreased and the nonlinearity can make the system resonate at lots of different frequencies. This is probably also the source of extra energy output as it is a negative inductance characteristic. Just as in a refrigerator, but with fields instead of a gas/liquid, this will decrease the entropy.

Ole Nielsen
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 04:09:25 PM
Quote from: nul-points on July 18, 2011, 12:59:22 PM

good call on the antenna possibility, neptune!

i'm not sure if the following info has been posted before wrt the MD design...

you might be interested to take a look at the details about the Alexanderson Alternator on Wikipedia

it was a motor generator used to create some of the first AM radio transmissions

it's a reluctance motor-gen, with high number of stator poles, and  a slotted rotor disc (instead of mags) which 'chop' the reluctance of pairs of stator coils as the slots pass between the stator coils

the output was formed by paralleling up all the stator o/ps (sound familiar yet?)

iirc max speed was approx 20,000 RPM and the transmitted frequency was given by RPM * No. stator pairs (so high-end LW, low-end MW bands)

apparently there is still one system operational, in Sweden, which is turned on for an anniversary  transmission (Alexanderson's birthday?)

hmmm - maybe Romero was just picking up a radio transmission from his device's soulmate!  ;)

this has been a public-service announcement on behalf of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)

Lol!  Excellent post!  You had me going right up to your final line and then I LAUGHED!.

Thanks for that. 

Everything in your post is really interesting.  Do you have an references to this that I can read?

Thanks again!


PS.  I too have considered the possibility that I have only an RF receiver.  I guess testing will tell.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 18, 2011, 04:17:17 PM
OK Mo , yes I am A Brit  , East coast of England . Being retired I sometimes keep odd hours . Why I am I surprised by the very high frequencies . Read Nul-points post about the Alexanderson Altenator . This was a mechanical device , state of the art at the time  to produce Radio frequency power . Running at 20,000 RPM , the best it could manage was about 1Mhz [one million cycles per second .]  According to my theory you are producing 375 Mhz ! So things are not adding up . We desperately need input here from someone who has more knowledge than I do . It is important to remember that I am just a retired Truck Driver . But I will always help if I can .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 04:21:15 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 18, 2011, 02:05:49 PM
It will not be easy to get exact readings as the proximity of your hands and body will effect the results .

No shit!  I hold down the "antenna wire" (insulated magnet wire) with my bare foot each time if cut the antenna wire shorter.  And the shorter the antenna wire becomes, the more I can "hear" this feedback from the rotor. 

Every time I step on the antenna wire: The rotor slows down.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 04:28:22 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 18, 2011, 04:17:17 PM
OK Mo , yes I am A Brit  , East coast of England . Being retired I sometimes keep odd hours . Why I am I surprised by the very high frequencies . Read Nul-points post about the Alexanderson Altenator . This was a mechanical device , state of the art at the time  to produce Radio frequency power . Running at 20,000 RPM , the best it could manage was about 1Mhz [one million cycles per second .]  According to my theory you are producing 375 Mhz ! So things are not adding up . We desperately need input here from someone who has more knowledge than I do . It is important to remember that I am just a retired Truck Driver . But I will always help if I can .

What is the expected frequency band of ZPE?  (Trust me, I DON'T KNOW!)

Been a few years since I was back in England.  Beautiful country if not for the rain (and rain, and rain).  But the rain I remember from my last visit might have only been due to the time of year or just a weather pattern.

As a child I remember feeding pigeons in a park in London.  I forget the name of that park right now.

But it never rained.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 04:44:12 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 18, 2011, 04:04:21 PM

Hi,  There is a problem with your perfectly sounding explanation above IF and WHEN you enter the rotor magnets between the two facing cores and ALSO when you use the backing magnets on the outer side of the core.

The problem can come from the unequal air gaps between a rotor magnet and the lower or upper cores: if the two gaps are not equal the induced voltage in the two coils must be different. 
Supposing you adjust the airgaps to be equal, then the strength of the backing magnets may be different just due to adjusting the magnets position wrt the cores.  This can also alter the coils self-inductance (you do not adjust these backing magnets for equal coil inductances, do you).

A good observation that once you still measure or normally indicate output current with the usual current meter it must be a conventional current.
Unconventional current (some call it 'cold'  current) is not supposed to be measured or even indicated by normal current meters, the presence of such current could be indicated by an incandescent lamp as other stated.


Gyula, thanks a hundred times for all your help to me on this project as well as your selfless assistance to all those here who seek knowledge.

I have no backing magnets in place on my current test setup.

Please help me figure out what this phenom is.  I value your input more that I think you know.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 18, 2011, 04:49:08 PM
Hi Mo . I already shut down once tonight , but re-booted to suggest this . You need to find a local Amateur Radio person . There may be an Amateur club local to you . or you may have noticed someone who has loads of big unusual antennas . Such a person will have an RF sniffer [an SWR/power meter would do ] and ideally , a digital frequency counter . He or she will know how to use these to tell you if Radio Frequency power is being radiated , and the exact frequency . Let us know how you get on .Ok , I am shutting down for tonight .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 18, 2011, 04:51:50 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 01:54:28 PM
@Kone, I am sorry that I truncated your post.  But what you said here is exactly what I am finding to be true.

If you have a top and bottom coil that is not exactly matched wrt o/p power then the coil with the greatest o/p power will "win/rule" and push the appropriate conventional current to the load.

If the individual coils in each pair are matched, the conventional current CANNOT FLOW!  This is because each coil will be pushing equal and opposite currents (which = ZERO current).  So the currents from each coil in a pair will effectively cancel themselves.

But (please, please, please) match the individual coils in each pair exactly.  Do this by wrapping the same length of wire into each coil (NOT NUMBER OF TURNS!  Do it by measuring the length).  Do this by inserting the same type of core material into each coil until they read exactly the same on an inductance meter.

And then notice this:  Even though your set up should not be able to provide current (both coils in series, bucking, right?) it WILL provide current.  And that current must come from somewhere other than our EM theory has taught us.


This experiment reveals some interesting qualities of magnetism.
I am experimenting with a single generator coil bifilar connected at one end.
The inductance is zero. It "sees" only a North pole passing by from the rotor.
I can not measure any voltage or current coming out of this coil, also not with series caps.
Technically it is a current cancelling 180 out of phase situation just like with tho
opposed bucking coils, just that those see a North and a South pole "inbetween" them.

I am pretty sure that my coil is close to perfect cancellation where the bucking coils are prone to so many deviations including distance to rotor, slight angle variations and the effects of the magnets.
Maybe the "wanted" effect is really like Kone describes to have still an inequality and the coils struggling with each other until one wins and maybe in a winning wrestling slam it adds a bit extra.

Any thoughts on that?

Looks like a have to construct a different rotor where i can pick up Norths and Souths to continue.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 05:09:56 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 18, 2011, 04:49:08 PM
Hi Mo . I already shut down once tonight , but re-booted to suggest this . You need to find a local Amateur Radio person . There may be an Amateur club local to you . or you may have noticed someone who has loads of big unusual antennas . Such a person will have an RF sniffer [an SWR/power meter would do ] and ideally , a digital frequency counter . He or she will know how to use these to tell you if Radio Frequency power is being radiated , and the exact frequency . Let us know how you get on .Ok , I am shutting down for tonight .

I Hope you have a very refreshing sleep.

Thanks again for all your help.


PS.  Hide Park?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 05:22:34 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 18, 2011, 04:51:50 PM
This experiment reveals some interesting qualities of magnetism.
I am experimenting with a single generator coil bifilar connected at one end.
The inductance is zero. It "sees" only a North pole passing by from the rotor.
I can not measure any voltage or current coming out of this coil, also not with series caps.
Technically it is a current cancelling 180 out of phase situation just like with tho
opposed bucking coils, just that those see a North and a South pole "inbetween" them.

I am pretty sure that my coil is close to perfect cancellation where the bucking coils are prone to so many deviations including distance to rotor, slight angle variations and the effects of the magnets.
Maybe the "wanted" effect is really like Kone describes to have still an inequality and the coils struggling with each other until one wins and maybe in a winning wrestling slam it adds a bit extra.

Any thoughts on that?

Looks like a have to construct a different rotor where i can pick up Norths and Souths to continue.

@X, I am THRILLED to see you going in this direction.

What you are describing is DEFINITELY another way to get a ZPEC set up.

In the R-ZPEC, you have two coils opposing each other so that no conventional current can flow (yet measurable current DOES flow).

Your coil with current cancelling as you describe is THE SAME THING!



PS.  I believe what @X is showing now is the coil config from RomeroUK's "coil shorting causes RPM increase" video.

In that video RomeroUK wound two electrical current cancelling wraps on a single coil.

In the R-ZPEC RomeroUK wound two separate current canceling coils in each pair:  One on top cancelling one on the bottom.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on July 18, 2011, 05:45:08 PM
Just cause I think you guys are on the right track  (from romero's site) -

The real clever man is Vladimir Utkin who explained that for all.
We also need to understand the influence of each turn to the other turn/turns.Constructing  a coil must take into consideration many other aspects, not only the usual standard ones.
In your recent experiment 1+1 does not equals 2 . I have seen 1+1 equals much more and you will see it too with further investigation.The coil can also act as an amplifier when properly built.


Sadly, I have gone back to work (teaching) and will have little if any time for more experiments
till next holidays.

Good luck guys,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 18, 2011, 05:45:44 PM
Quick update:

All my generator coils are bifilar now.

Adding biasing magnets to the drive coils make the input current drop (up to 40% if placed on both sides). But only if they are repelling the rotor magnets.

Didn't observe any effects with the biasing magnets on the generator coils so far.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 18, 2011, 05:49:20 PM
@ M

Well, it is theoretically the same thing, but as i said i can't get any measurable signal out of that coil as can be seen in Plengo`s video.
If i put the scope across one i/p of the coil and the center point that connects the
two coils then i see the in-phase currents from one coil.

I wonder why Plengo sees any currents/voltages at all, because
if he had a mismatch of 0.001H between the 2 coils, he would only see millivolts induced.

It must be about the magnet being inbetween the coils and of course the windings carrying the opposite currents not being physically close.
As i understand it Plengo has his top coil clockwise and his bottom coil counter-clockwise wound. The flux direction that each coil sees is the same (in theory)

One thing is for sure the bucking coils ARE capable of creating a magnetic field individually (as Naudin showed) (during the Lenz establishment for example)
My bifilar coil CANNOT create a magnetic field. That is the major difference that i see.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on July 18, 2011, 06:08:19 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 04:09:25 PM
Lol!  Excellent post!  You had me going right up to your final line and then I LAUGHED!.

Thanks for that. 

Everything in your post is really interesting.  Do you have an references to this that I can read?

Thanks again!


PS.  I too have considered the possibility that I have only an RF receiver.  I guess testing will tell.

hi Mo

thanks for your interest in this info

there's quite a bit about this old system on the web, surprisingly - here's a link to the Wikipedia page:

   link-->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexanderson_alternator (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexanderson_alternator)

from your results, i'd hazard a guess to say that your system is acting more like a transmitter than a receiver, but i have very little HF knowledge, so i'll leave the final analysis to people who know

my guess is based on the data shape - your graph appears to be approaching one half of a resonant system response

however, the 'sharpest' peak (which i think is probably best considered as a 'dip') is now showing as you decrease the 'antenna' and the rotor is slowing

this means that the system is losing more of its energy - and IF that extra energy is NOT transferred to your intentional load then it must be output via the antenna (your other load graphs will show if extra energy is transferred to your intended load at the same rpm)

as you continue to shorten the 'antenna' then the RPM  MAY perhaps reach a minimum value and then start increasing with further reduction in the 'antenna' wire

it will be interesting to see if this happens - if so, you can see if the minimum matches some feature on your other graphs

this will be a natural resonance condition for the whole system

at some point after making these tests, it would be good for you to try using biassing mags (& washers) on your stator cores, like Romero did

i found that just this step increased my single gen coil o/p by 100% under load (my test photos & scope traces way back on the 'M Dynamo for experimentalists' thread)

but what you're doing now is very interesting, please continue what you & neptune have been discussing - it's great to see you all you guys doing some solid testing on your rigs (i've got a little side-tracked with the Prof Jones circuit, so my rig is waiting patiently for some brass rod and some more coils!)

in addition to what neptune recommended about getting the frequency checked by Radio Ham, you could also try placing a domestic radio nearby your 'antenna' wire when the rig is running, and sweep the 'dials' to listen for the loudest interference - if possible use a radio with AM, SW & FM bands (& LW if available) - the volume can be left pretty low so that usual stations are not heard so well - your signal (if present in a band) should be stronger

hope i haven't butted in here - you see i made sure to wait 'til neptune went off to bed!!  ;)

hope this helps - keep up the good work!

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 18, 2011, 06:10:50 PM
If the two gen coils are wired in series-canceling and every coil parameter is perfectly matched between them, there should be perfect cancellation of the two generated emf's.

If any one of the several parameters (coil resistance, no. of turns, bias mag strength, core mu etc.) is not matched, then there will be a net emf across the two coils. The emf amplitude will depend on how great the mismatch is. In an extreme case for example where plengo is using a bias magnet on only one of the two coils, there will be a relatively large measurable emf.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 18, 2011, 06:25:04 PM
Thanks Poynt.
The interesting question is whether in Plengo`s set-up (just regarded from an EMF perspective) the two bucking coils would output more power when just used not cancelling as the net EMF between the coils and magnets would logically be smaller as it is just a difference of the two individual EMFs.
If for some reason it is bigger, then the explanation for more o/p in the muller design is right there.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 18, 2011, 07:28:23 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 18, 2011, 05:49:20 PM
@ M

Well, it is theoretically the same thing, but as i said i can't get any measurable signal out of that coil as can be seen in Plengo`s video.
If i put the scope across one i/p of the coil and the center point that connects the
two coils then i see the in-phase currents from one coil.

I wonder why Plengo sees any currents/voltages at all, because
if he had a mismatch of 0.001H between the 2 coils, he would only see millivolts induced.

It must be about the magnet being inbetween the coils and of course the windings carrying the opposite currents not being physically close.
As i understand it Plengo has his top coil clockwise and his bottom coil counter-clockwise wound. The flux direction that each coil sees is the same (in theory)

One thing is for sure the bucking coils ARE capable of creating a magnetic field individually (as Naudin showed) (during the Lenz establishment for example)
My bifilar coil CANNOT create a magnetic field. That is the major difference that i see.

I will recheck my gen coils and see how  exactly  they are placed. I may say bucking but I could be wrong (i'm not trying to derail anyone here). It is very easy to get confused after hundreds of experimentations.

Have you tried different combinations? What I am doing is just following my instincts and the facts I observe. I think too man people are stuck with theories trying to explain how this works.

I have been thinking today about this a lot. I could not find a conventional explanation for any combination of coils, magnets, rotor magnets and so on to accept an acceleration of the rotor under so little RPM. I also can not clearly see why when placing a bias magnet in ATTRACTION to the rotor magnet would ever accelerate things.

We must get out of the box and start thinking what could possibly be that under those dynamics of this motor one would have acceleration by any means. Even Romero said that. Get the acceleration first (under short coils or whatever). That one is first. So I am focusing in getting the motor to run as fast as it can with a load and I am succeeding. 

It is not logical but it is happening. I have tried many coil configs, bucking, normal, bi-filar and so on but always I get stuck when thinking in conventional ways.

I truly believe the laws we know of today do describe the behaviors we know but they are not complete by any means. They are full of holes where one can explore. I think Romero's motor is one of those cases.

I can not understand why having bias magnets in attraction mode (to the rotor magnet) and only when using a load will accelerate the motor. Can you figure that? If you do I think we are on the right track.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 18, 2011, 08:18:38 PM
Hi plengo.

For now i'm playng with a smal rotor and i'm using diferent types of coils too.

I have the same efect of accelerating the rotor with the bias magnet in atraction and always with the load.In my setup the rotor speeds up but at the same time the gen coil is puting out less until reaches a point when is not accelerating more.At this point the V on my load are the same as before. The only differents is that the rpm is higher. What i belive is that the bias magnet in atraction  is cuting the magnetic field of the coil;doing that, lenz will not be so strong allowing the rotor to speed up. I may be wrong but this is how i see it . Tomorow i'll be winding an metal coil to see how it behaves. I'm doing that becouse i had a ferite coil and before i broke it i could see that the output of it was much hier than a plastic one. I really want to see if the mag field coused by lenz will remain stucked in the metal walls of the coil. And again i may be wrong,very wrong, but  if i don't try it i could never know for sure.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 18, 2011, 08:40:07 PM
I just wanted to confirm that I am also seeing rotor speed up, with load when adding the bias magnets in attraction. When placed in repulsion the rotor speed drops. I didn't have scope hooked up so I don't know if volts/amps were also following the rotor speed but will watch next time.  Also the coils are in series -adding still need to try bucking.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 18, 2011, 08:46:46 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on July 18, 2011, 08:18:38 PM
Hi plengo.

For now i'm playng with a smal rotor and i'm using diferent types of coils too.

I have the same efect of accelerating the rotor with the bias magnet in atraction and always with the load.In my setup the rotor speeds up but at the same time the gen coil is puting out less until reaches a point when is not accelerating more.At this point the V on my load are the same as before. The only differents is that the rpm is higher. What i belive is that the bias magnet in atraction  is cuting the magnetic field of the coil;doing that, lenz will not be so strong allowing the rotor to speed up. I may be wrong but this is how i see it . Tomorow i'll be winding an metal coil to see how it behaves. I'm doing that becouse i had a ferite coil and before i broke it i could see that the output of it was much hier than a plastic one. I really want to see if the mag field coused by lenz will remain stucked in the metal walls of the coil. And again i may be wrong,very wrong, but  if i don't try it i could never know for sure.

That is excellent mariuscivic. I am NOT using bias on the gen coils. Only on all other gen coils but they are not connected to the output. I do have the whole machine assembled so I am only playing, for now, with one pair or two of generating coils. See the difference?

You are playing with the ONLY pair (or not) of generating coils and you will not have a beneficial acceleration.

Those are one of the dynamics I am talking about. When you have the motor spinning really fast that is when you can start playing with bias magnets on the gen coils connected to the load.

I have noticed that when you have ALL other coils balanced and spinning fast, than you can start putting bias magnets on the gen coil connected to the load and still have an acceleration and have an increase in output voltage.

That's why I explained on a previous post that I see those gen coils and bias magnets as pressure valves. It will only work when all the others are playing their first role. Acceleration.

The second role is when you have the speed you can still have Lenz and make it beneficial to the break through net output. At least that's what I hope.

Think for a moment how Romero progressed, as a normal guy, through his experiments: First he noticed the acceleration under load. For that he must have thought about how to increase that. More coils under the same condition. But I guess he also noticed that more coils means more drag and resistance. So he must have isolated the acceleration issue into its components. One is output power versus speed. Second must be limits. How many coils under short and how much to loose in speed.

What is the relationship? Thinking in terms of Lenz being always valid (which I think it is) one must find dynamics that is normally not visible.  Acceleration will produce more power even when Lenz is winning, right? Is it possible to have the Lenz effect (CEMF) being directed to another coil (dynamics)?

The bias magnets must be working as a gate that open and close at very specific times that allows the attraction or repulsion of CEMF to be applied at the right moment. If before TDC will resist motion, if after TDC will resist motion again BUT if polarity of current is not in synch at any point in time, after TDC will will push or before TDC will pull. Lenz is still there but it must be redirected to another coil. This is thinking out of the box with the current parameters of today's science.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 18, 2011, 09:21:49 PM
here is a great video with bias magnets and lenz law. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x46bAPO24I&NR=1

It answers why we see speed up with bias mag in attraction.

after thoughts.. short the coil wire ends.. then position bias magnets to get top speed? Off to the garage
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 18, 2011, 09:55:36 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 18, 2011, 09:21:49 PM
here is a great video with bias magnets and lenz law. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x46bAPO24I&NR=1

It answers why we see speed up with bias mag in attraction.

Thank you. It is very inline with what I have been thinking today.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on July 18, 2011, 10:17:08 PM
hi plengo:

guess i've volunteered to be a scope cop on this thread.

Quote from: i_ron on July 17, 2011, 02:16:33 PM
There is a problem with your scope probes. You are only reading one of the coils voltage, hence the unbalanced scope shot.

To accurately measure different parts of the circuit you need to isolate one channel of the scope.

I addressed some solutions to this in an article in Syscomp...


I hope this link takes you there... if not look under app notes, customer applications and circuits.


Ron has a point. me thinks you've got a ground issue that needs to be resolved.

per your schematic you are fine, however you have several other ground/neutral connections that could cause problems.

your external volt meter across your output load, your external power supply, your arduino eval board through the usb
all could be influencing the scope shot.

you could say that your input drive control hardware and your output circuitry is completely isolated from each other but
that is probably not the case.

the common leads off the 2 probes are most likely connected to your laptop/pc neutral/ground/common. your arduino is
also connected to the same system ground of which your power supply is connected to run your drive coils.

the output from your power supply may or may not be isolated from ground. your voltmeter leads may also not be isolated
from ground as well.

lets start by trying to disconnect the usb and run your controller standalone so, at least, we can get past this part.

thanks for all the good work guys.

take care.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 18, 2011, 10:47:06 PM
I shorted one coil set (series adding) and ran motor to top speed.
768 rpm
added a 3/8 dia neo (same size in rotor) to top coil
955 rpm
added 3/8 neo to bottom coil
1067 rpm

Turned on battery charger to keep battery bank full so i/p was a little higher
shorted coil top speed
910 rpm
added a 1" dia neo and got 1340 rpm
went to add a bottom one and motor stopped. I think the neo was interfearing with the hall switch..lol I will have to try on another set of coils. But I think were on to something here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 11:28:39 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 18, 2011, 05:49:20 PM
@ M

Well, it is theoretically the same thing, but as i said i can't get any measurable signal out of that coil as can be seen in Plengo`s video.
If i put the scope across one i/p of the coil and the center point that connects the
two coils then i see the in-phase currents from one coil.

I wonder why Plengo sees any currents/voltages at all, because
if he had a mismatch of 0.001H between the 2 coils, he would only see millivolts induced.

It must be about the magnet being inbetween the coils and of course the windings carrying the opposite currents not being physically close.
As i understand it Plengo has his top coil clockwise and his bottom coil counter-clockwise wound. The flux direction that each coil sees is the same (in theory)

One thing is for sure the bucking coils ARE capable of creating a magnetic field individually (as Naudin showed) (during the Lenz establishment for example)
My bifilar coil CANNOT create a magnetic field. That is the major difference that i see.

@X,  are you measuring the output of a coil pair after recifying through a FWBR and then into a (VERY LARGE CAPACITY) dump cap?

Those elements are what trigger this system. 

They must be in your circuit or it will not work.


PS. The last few comments were for the benefit of the rest of the audience.  No offence intended toward you, X.  You are obviously doing a great job and I thank you for everything you are adding to our knowledge base.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 19, 2011, 03:02:55 AM
sorry if some of my psots dont make sense so  make more sense of last post, imagine a coil in place of the rotor magnet in a romero machine, and the coil is fed the same current and voltage as the two stator coils at each end of it....
if you want the rotor coil to knock itself away at or after TDC, you would have to have the rotor and stoat fields match perfectly - if the fields dont match, then they ATTRACT...
so perhaps in romero rigs, you want the attraction happen naturally as the rotor magnet pulls itself to coil, and so you jusneed to make sure the "induction" (AKA induced genrator coil power created by passign magnet) will be such that it is absolutely perfectly EQUAL on BOTH SIDES of magnet in the power that is induced into the coils byt the rotor magnet...now you will get a push-away when coils also reach their maximum induced power...pretty simple...dont know if this is key or not but sure sounds good...that helper magnet then jsut gives an "additional' push too, but really the way it was explained to me how they work (actually best term is REGAUAGING magnet) is that the magnet aids in the flip-over of polarity of CORE and actually initiates it..

Fasuto - I think almso for sure mystery-spike  you see on scope IS the flip over of the COIL, which is IMDUCED by the flipover of the CORE (whcih happened just before that spike)
It takes a little bit of time for that coil to react to the filp of the core by the regauaing magnet - thats why its out there in the middle of "nowehere" on the scope.
I had somethign similar on my old konehead motors which had coils vs coil power and regaguing magnet postioned next to stator coil a bit "dwonstream" so that the regauging magnet would react to the rotor coil...so the motor pusled siultaneous  N-N coils for power, and the regauging magnet would flip over jsut the rotor's core, and on appraoch there is FREE power stroke of "Srotor-Nstator" in the coils pretty slick trick it is...

IF you do not have the regauging magnet, the core will retain the polarity it was just energized at...and the core will induce this polartiy to the coils...if you flip polarity of core, you will flip polarity of coils but it doesnt happen "instantly" the flipping of the coils via the core flip....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 19, 2011, 03:53:30 AM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 18, 2011, 10:47:06 PM
I shorted one coil set (series adding) and ran motor to top speed.
768 rpm
added a 3/8 dia neo (same size in rotor) to top coil
955 rpm
added 3/8 neo to bottom coil
1067 rpm

Turned on battery charger to keep battery bank full so i/p was a little higher
shorted coil top speed
910 rpm
added a 1" dia neo and got 1340 rpm
went to add a bottom one and motor stopped. I think the neo was interfearing with the hall switch..lol I will have to try on another set of coils. But I think were on to something here.

@rawbush: Good one. This seems to confirm that the magnets can indeed beat Lenz. Can you also post the unloaded speed? And have you measured the output too?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 19, 2011, 08:03:01 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 18, 2011, 11:28:39 PM
@X,  are you measuring the output of a coil pair after recifying through a FWBR and then into a (VERY LARGE CAPACITY) dump cap?

Those elements are what trigger this system. 

They must be in your circuit or it will not work.


PS. The last few comments were for the benefit of the rest of the audience.  No offence intended toward you, X.  You are obviously doing a great job and I thank you for everything you are adding to our knowledge base.

I don't have a coil pair, it is a single bifilar coil with two output leads.
And scope probes have been placed at any imaginable points.
After all a series cap (before the FWBR) should show a voltage once in resonance when scoped across.
Many capacitances were tried.
The FWBR is shorted on the DC side (as suggested by Bolt)
And Plengo scopes right across the coil pair and sees a significant voltage.

I have the theory that under certain conditions the circuit won't establish standing waves at all even if the conditions are (believed to be) met. The phase shift between currents must maybe be 170 degrees or less or the circuit will be "too lumped". But that can be wrong.

With zero inductance the circuit also isn't at all "reactive", so i don't know where the VARs should come from.

I have best results so far with maximum inductance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on July 19, 2011, 08:27:34 AM


nothing wrong with your RF knowledge as far i can tell.

i agree, a 200mm quarter wavelength (0.8M full wave) is a frequency of 375Mhz.
Even if the 200mm intervals seen are a full wave, this points to 1500Mhz, so in the UHF/SHF range.

No way this can be generated by a slow turning (200 Hz range) rotor.

probably the input (transistor/fet) circuit is  oscillating in that high region and effecting the currentflow through the transistor/fet and coils.

Mondrasek could try to decouple the transistor/fet base/gate in his input circuit with a 100pf capacitor to ground.
Also he could add a 100nf capacitor across his powersuppy leads (+ / -) to get rid of these ghostly fluctuations.

Regards Itsu

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 19, 2011, 09:21:23 AM
Thanks Nul-points and Itsu for helping us out here . Both of you made very useful suggestions . So it is probably parasitic oscillations happening . However , can we be certain that these oscillations are not an essential part of the Muller effect ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 19, 2011, 09:44:52 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 19, 2011, 03:53:30 AM
@rawbush: Good one. This seems to confirm that the magnets can indeed beat Lenz. Can you also post the unloaded speed? And have you measured the output too?

I will run the same test again tonight when I get home from work, but will record un shorted rotor speed first. But I will add that I tried adding the bias mags to an unshorted coil and seen no changes, I also tried shorting the d/c side of the fwbr and adding magnets, this to produced no speed up.  This could be because the rotor/stator distance is not the same for both coils? Well I have to get ready for work, happy building today and will catch up later.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 19, 2011, 10:05:25 AM
Quote from: neptune on July 19, 2011, 09:21:23 AM
Thanks Nul-points and Itsu for helping us out here . Both of you made very useful suggestions . So it is probably parasitic oscillations happening . However , can we be certain that these oscillations are not an essential part of the Muller effect ?

Is this what your spikes look like?  This picture is of a coil pair (series-adding). You can also see some spike energy in between magnet passing. What I found to be the cause of mine was the coil was mounted real close to a drive coil and was picking up on its collapse, once the drive coil was disconnected the spikes went away. Could this also be what your seeing?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 19, 2011, 10:22:52 AM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 18, 2011, 09:21:49 PM
here is a great video with bias magnets and lenz law. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x46bAPO24I&NR=1

It answers why we see speed up with bias mag in attraction.

after thoughts.. short the coil wire ends.. then position bias magnets to get top speed? Off to the garage

Thanks for posting this video link.
It inspired me to try to rewire my single bifilar pickup coil to simulate it seeing a "South".
In the configuration that i have it now, i see for the first time a significant speed-up under load when i attach a neo magnet at the end of the coil.
Also the rotor starts up to speed much faster, which indicates an aid in push.
I believe that this is mainly a magnetic effect to reduce the Lenz effect.
Remarkable is, that i see pretty much the exact same waveform that Romero posted. Maybe the waveform combined with the magnet is doing the trick.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: futuristic on July 19, 2011, 11:25:09 AM
I do not wish to be offensive but you waveform is not like Romero's.

Please see this pic (left waveform is from http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/mromexp.htm ):
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 19, 2011, 11:43:03 AM
@Mondrasek . The brain works slow when you get old . But I just realised something . If your drive circuit is oscillating at 375 Mhz , the frequency will be unstable and will change quits a lot with hand capacitance effects , temperature etc . That is why the pattern in your data is not an exact one . Remember it is an accidentally built oscillator , and is not frequency controlled by a crystal , phase lock loop etc . Fascinating nevertheless .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 19, 2011, 12:42:45 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 19, 2011, 10:22:52 AM
Thanks for posting this video link.
It inspired me to try to rewire my single bifilar pickup coil to simulate it seeing a "South".
In the configuration that i have it now, i see for the first time a significant speed-up under load when i attach a neo magnet at the end of the coil.
Also the rotor starts up to speed much faster, which indicates an aid in push.
I believe that this is mainly a magnetic effect to reduce the Lenz effect.
Remarkable is, that i see pretty much the exact same waveform that Romero posted. Maybe the waveform combined with the magnet is doing the trick.

Great xenomorphlabs,

now you are corroborating some of my findings. The bias magnets do make a huge difference.

Also last night I changed which driving coils I am using and I have a huge surprise on the outcome. I was using two opposing coils (one pair - one on top stator and the other on bottom stator) being driven by one transistor. Than I decided to change the driving coils so that I use one coil on top of the stator and the opposite coil on the other side of the same stator (cross the stator) for the second coil. So both coils are on the same top stator. The difference in speed was dramatic.

I can run this motor for less input power an amazing 1350rpm with the load generating 7v on the cap and 60ma on the lamp. I did not even use another transistor. So one transistor driving two coils of opposing positions (180 degres apart) and still the acceleration was amazing.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: caccr2000 on July 19, 2011, 01:33:38 PM
videos del pasado

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 19, 2011, 05:38:05 PM
Quote from: futuristic on July 19, 2011, 11:25:09 AM
I do not wish to be offensive but you waveform is not like Romero's.

Please see this pic (left waveform is from http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/mromexp.htm ):

Well, take a closer look at the current waveform. Might change your mind.  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 19, 2011, 06:03:28 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 18, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
Irrelevant now what is the i/p ration .99. I see you drove the questions so that the conclusion is obvious, no OU, YET!!!

I need help here. With your skills I would love to "know" why I have those spikes. Do you? There is nothing special on the circuit or the output circuit. Just magnets passing by a coil with bias magnets behind. One should NEVER have those spikes there, correct?

Now it would be a great moment for us to speculate what could be the reason behind those spikes and ways to test the hypothesis speculated. I still have the motor so good timing now.


ps: .99 forgot to say, thank you for your comments and your inquisitiveness

Sorry if this has been covered already.  I am catching up and am still a few pages back from the newest posts.

Could the spikes be when our "virtual switch" of the FWBR voltage drop and Dump Cap voltage does it's switching?  Basically the coils do not see the load until their voltage gets higher than the FWBR V drop plus the V level in the Dump Cap each cycle.  But at the moment the coil o/p V becomes greater than the sum of those two V drops, it immediately "sees" the load and tries to send current.  It is the same reaction as flipping a light switch.  And may result in spikes?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 19, 2011, 06:35:11 PM
Quote from: futuristic on July 19, 2011, 11:25:09 AM
I do not wish to be offensive but you waveform is not like Romero's.

Please see this pic (left waveform is from http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/mromexp.htm ):

Your "Romero's picture" IS NOT Romero's picture. I am confused about your statement. That picture you showed is nothing to do with Romero's.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 19, 2011, 06:39:11 PM
Quote from: nul-points on July 18, 2011, 06:08:19 PM
at some point after making these tests, it would be good for you to try using biassing mags (& washers) on your stator cores, like Romero did

but what you're doing now is very interesting, please continue what you & neptune have been discussing

I tested backing mags early on and did note a HUGE increase in o/p V as well.  This was with my coils as close to the rotor mags as possible.

I then adjusted the coils fairly far from the rotor (matched the distance by scoping voltage on top and bottom coils in each pair and between the 3 pairs I have mounted so far).

With the coils very far from the rotor I could detect no changes when introducing backing magnets.

I have since adjusted my coils closer to the rotor two times.  After the first adjust closer the backing magnets still had no noticeable effect.  After the second adjust closer, I can again notice an o/p V increase when backing magnets are introduced.  You can also see how the o/p V wave form changes as the backing magnets are introduced.

I still have backing magnet testing in mind and just need to finish this intriguing antenna test.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 19, 2011, 08:01:21 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 19, 2011, 06:39:11 PM
I tested backing mags early on and did note a HUGE increase in o/p V as well.  This was with my coils as close to the rotor mags as possible.

I then adjusted the coils fairly far from the rotor (matched the distance by scoping voltage on top and bottom coils in each pair and between the 3 pairs I have mounted so far).

With the coils very far from the rotor I could detect no changes when introducing backing magnets.

I have since adjusted my coils closer to the rotor two times.  After the first adjust closer the backing magnets still had no noticeable effect.  After the second adjust closer, I can again notice an o/p V increase when backing magnets are introduced.  You can also see how the o/p V wave form changes as the backing magnets are introduced.

I still have backing magnet testing in mind and just need to finish this intriguing antenna test.


In what ball park would your now extracted voltage and current be at what RPM (just out of curiosity) ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 19, 2011, 08:26:08 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 19, 2011, 08:01:21 PM
In what ball park would your now extracted voltage and current be at what RPM (just out of curiosity) ?

You would have to specify at what load resistance you want that data (joke).

Here is the data I have at hand.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 19, 2011, 08:39:21 PM
Thanks M.
That gives me an insight.
I am in my tests not yet satisfied with the voltage and current i get out of several individual test coils.
However i assume that the add-up of the differently phased signals
closer to the P2P values and hopefully the non-linear acceleration effect
of the biasing magnets on a full rig will contribute to higher extracted energy.
Therefore, even though i always avoid mechanical builds due to lack of tools and two left hands concerning this, i think i will put together a (probably crappy) bigger system with more o/p coils.

What would be good stator dimensions to go with a 20cm Rotor?
Would 30 cm stator plates be enough?
I think someone even made a nice laser-cutting bmp for the rotor earlier in this thread.
Guess i'll have to re-read it )

Do the shaft and the threaded rods have to be non-magnetic material?
Maybe it doesn't influence the magnets.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JuJu on July 19, 2011, 09:00:00 PM
296 pages in 2 months? uauuuu, quite impressive!! i have been out to much time..

sory, i gave up in the 23 page!!

is there any sucessful replication of romerouk muller device?

colective hug  8)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 19, 2011, 09:03:34 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 19, 2011, 08:39:21 PM
Thanks M.
That gives me an insight.
I am in my tests not yet satisfied with the voltage and current i get out of several individual test coils.
However i assume that the add-up of the differently phased signals
closer to the P2P values and hopefully the non-linear acceleration effect
of the biasing magnets on a full rig will contribute to higher extracted energy.
Therefore, even though i always avoid mechanical builds due to lack of tools and two left hands concerning this, i think i will put together a (probably crappy) bigger system with more o/p coils.

I tested first with a single coil pair too.  I rushed into my tri-coil pair setup much too fast, but there were so many more tests to do.  Unfortunately changing the tri-coil setup does take much more time once you figure out what kind of test you want.  But having multiple coil pairs available at least answered some of my questions and turned some variables to constants in some ways.

Please note that the data I just posted measures the Vin and Iin to my 2-phase BLDC drive motor REGULATOR CIRCUIT.  I can turn down the output V of that circuit that supplies the final BLDC driver circuit with a potentiometer.  But doing so means I am just wasting the unused input V to the regulator circuit as heat (the voltage regulator heat sink gets to 50C+ if Vout is low).

My antenna testing measurement setup has been switched to measure the output of this energy wasting regulator which is also the input to the BLDC motor drive circuit.  I think that the result should be a better Pin to Pout comparison.  I'll post those results as soon as real life let's me complete the testing.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 19, 2011, 09:32:56 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 19, 2011, 08:39:21 PM
Thanks M.
That gives me an insight.
I am in my tests not yet satisfied with the voltage and current i get out of several individual test coils.
However i assume that the add-up of the differently phased signals
closer to the P2P values and hopefully the non-linear acceleration effect
of the biasing magnets on a full rig will contribute to higher extracted energy.
Therefore, even though i always avoid mechanical builds due to lack of tools and two left hands concerning this, i think i will put together a (probably crappy) bigger system with more o/p coils.

Does anyone still have the rotor & stator dimensions of Romero's Build at hand? There was a couple of docs out there, that actually had wrong
dimensions. I think his Rotor was 25cm instead of 20cm.
I think someone even made a nice laser-cutting bmp earlier in this thread.
Guess i'll have to re-read it )

Do the shaft and the threaded rods have to be non-magnetic material?
Maybe it doesn't influence the magnets.

If you use a magnetic material it will become magnetized, also the bearings will too. You can find cheap skate bearings that are ceramic balls in steel case, or full ceramic. The only down side to this is the shaft needs to be 8mm for bearing I.D.

edit: It is better yet to have no shaft as there is no need for shaft power, If you take the shaft away you also take away some friction.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 19, 2011, 10:22:50 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 19, 2011, 09:32:56 PM
If you use a magnetic material it will become magnetized, also the bearings will too. You can find cheap skate bearings that are ceramic balls in steel case, or full ceramic. The only down side to this is the shaft needs to be 8mm for bearing I.D.

edit: It is better yet to have no shaft as there is no need for shaft power, If you take the shaft away you also take away some friction.

Thanks for your answer.
Maybe i used the wrong terms, as i have no mechanic background.
With shaft i was referring to the bar through the center of the rotor/stator connected to the bearing as in


Romero seems to be using steel, not sure if it is non-magnetic or magnetic steel.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 19, 2011, 11:08:31 PM
Yes mild steel is very magnetic. I think any interference would come from the rotor not being large enough diameter for the magnets used in it.  But I have taken apart a few rotors and I can stick needles to the bearings and steel shaft. I don't know how much this effects the bearings?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: futuristic on July 20, 2011, 04:19:47 AM
Quote from: plengo on July 19, 2011, 06:35:11 PM
Your "Romero's picture" IS NOT Romero's picture.
Well I was trying to show the waveform type. I just horizontally flipped the bottom hill of the regular magnet motor waveform.

Quote from: plengo on July 19, 2011, 06:35:11 PM
I am confused about your statement. That picture you showed is nothing to do with Romero's.
Ok.... if that is your opinion.
But please try to be objective as possible while looking at this image below, and tell me which waveform has more similarities with Romero's...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 20, 2011, 07:33:47 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 19, 2011, 08:39:21 PM
What would be good stator dimensions to go with a 20cm Rotor?
Would 30 cm stator plates be enough?

My drive motor and entire system base, and my stator plates are 1/2 in thick plywood and are 1 x 1 foot square.  This was made from what I had at hand since a 1 ft wide strip was left over from a bedding project some time ago.  This size looked about right, if not a bit too big, for my ~18 cm dia. rotor.

Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 19, 2011, 08:39:21 PM
Do the shaft and the threaded rods have to be non-magnetic material?
Maybe it doesn't influence the magnets.

All my threaded rods, washers, and nuts are plain steel from a local hardware store.  I had a good chuckle when the older female clerk asked me what I was building.  I smiled politely and answered, "You don't want to know".

These steel items are not ideal.  But they are mounted as far away from the rotor as I could get them and still have the big washers landing on the boards and not hanging over the edges.  I can detect no ill effects from attraction of the rotor magnets to these items but attributed that to the distance.

Down side to the distance is the center of the stator plates are not as ridged as they could be with more central hardware.  But it is still working, so I think that this set up is a bit more forgiving than to required precision levels of laboratory equipment.

I am not sure how much my bearings are becoming magnetized at all and have no idea what long or short term damage such magnetization would cause.  But there are non-magnetic solutions available as already mentioned should they become a problem.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 20, 2011, 07:49:13 AM

I believe the RomeroUK scope shot you are discussing is from an un-tuned (or poorely) tuned pair of coils.  Here is my breakdown of the wave form:

The long flat sections on each end are simply due to the gap between the rotor magnets.  They occur when the rotor magnets are between coils and not yet influencing the coil where the measurement is being taken.  These flats are therefore NOT desireable if optimizing for power density of the device.  Mine are very small since my magnet spacing is slightly less and my magnets are a bit more powerfull.  But the spacing cannot be too close or you will then decrease the output I think.

As a rotor magnet approaches a coil it pushes voltage high in one direction or another.  As the magnet crosses over that leading group of coil wraps it will enter the "dead" zone at TDC.  So the wave form will be dropping back towards zero.  If the center hole of your coil is large with respect to your rotor magnets you will even get a flat here as well.  But then the magnet begins crossing over the trailing group of coil wraps and will drive the voltage in the opposite direction into a similar rise and then fall sine type wave form.

When you bring a backing magnet towards the back of a coil from far away you can see the wave form change from the RomeroUK wave towards the other:  The center "flip" section straightens out.  After that section straightens out the overall ptp V will begin to grow.

Earlier in these more recent posts (after page 274 for sure) someone said this was because the backing magnet was improving the Q of the coils.  So I believe that explanation deserves more review when trying to understand this phenom.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: poynt99 on July 20, 2011, 08:29:23 AM
Quote from: futuristic on July 20, 2011, 04:19:47 AM
Well I was trying to show the waveform type. I just horizontally flipped the bottom hill of the regular magnet motor waveform.
Ok.... if that is your opinion.
But please try to be objective as possible while looking at this image below, and tell me which waveform has more similarities with Romero's...
When I saw your wave form modification, I agreed. Very insightful. ;)

It is quite possibly what Romero has done. The only way to achieve Romero's wave form is to either add or subtract to the coil pair output from another coil pair as I suggested some time back on OUR, or he is combining the outputs of two half-coils from different angular positions.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 08:44:58 AM

Thanks, i guess in that distance, the steel won't affect the function too much.
Also for a test device it is enough. I just wanna make it spin, minor efficiency issues are irrelevant at the current stage for me.

Concerning the waveform across the coils.
I played with the magnets moving them by hand in different positions and you can clearly see that it narrows the pulse width (or increases the Q).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 20, 2011, 09:13:10 AM
Regarding the addition of biasing magnets - what amount of speed increase are we talking about? I finally observed an increase but that gave me just 10-20 rpm extra per coilpair.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 09:20:33 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 20, 2011, 09:13:10 AM
Regarding the addition of biasing magnets - what amount of speed increase are we talking about? I finally observed an increase but that gave me just 10-20 rpm extra per coilpair.

In my case it was about 150 RPM from 900 to 1050.
Try different strengths/sizes of magnets.
I used a probably 2-4 times stronger magnet than the rotor magnet(s).
Then you can add little ones on top of it. Make sure to use a 1-2mm spacer
between the core and the magnet. Experiment with distances.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: futuristic on July 20, 2011, 09:49:37 AM

I will try to replicate the Romero's waveform today and I will post my results here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 20, 2011, 11:48:32 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 09:20:33 AM
In my case it was about 150 RPM from 900 to 1050.
Try different strengths/sizes of magnets.
I used a probably 2-4 times stronger magnet than the rotor magnet(s).
Then you can add little ones on top of it. Make sure to use a 1-2mm spacer
between the core and the magnet. Experiment with distances.

While running mine last night I found that I didn't need any spacers. I started with a piece of masking tape covering the core (magnetite/epoxy) and can get between 200 to 500 rpm increases (depends on magnet(s)). Then I tried with magnet touching core and seen same results. This could be because of core material?
Also I soldered ends to the 5 wire coil set to test them. One thing I seen before I quit last night is that with the wires in parallel and series - bucking I seen no cogging with load attached, the motor just speed up till I got scared and turned off.  Now same test with single wire coil and I get cogging and I will also see power to the load. There is something happening in the multi filer coil. Will be back in the garage to run more test today.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 12:41:44 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 20, 2011, 11:48:32 AM
While running mine last night I found that I didn't need any spacers. I started with a piece of masking tape covering the core (magnetite/epoxy) and can get between 200 to 500 rpm increases (depends on magnet(s)). Then I tried with magnet touching core and seen same results. This could be because of core material?
Also I soldered ends to the 5 wire coil set to test them. One thing I seen before I quit last night is that with the wires in parallel and series - bucking I seen no cogging with load attached, the motor just speed up till I got scared and turned off.  Now same test with single wire coil and I get cogging and I will also see power to the load. There is something happening in the multi filer coil. Will be back in the garage to run more test today.

What do you mean with 5 wire coil set?
The bucking coil pair normally has two ends and maybe 4 wires alltogether if you count the interconnecting wires.
How is that connected?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 20, 2011, 12:57:53 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 20, 2011, 11:48:32 AM
While running mine last night I found that I didn't need any spacers. I started with a piece of masking tape covering the core (magnetite/epoxy) and can get between 200 to 500 rpm increases (depends on magnet(s)). Then I tried with magnet touching core and seen same results. This could be because of core material?
Also I soldered ends to the 5 wire coil set to test them. One thing I seen before I quit last night is that with the wires in parallel and series - bucking I seen no cogging with load attached, the motor just speed up till I got scared and turned off.  Now same test with single wire coil and I get cogging and I will also see power to the load. There is something happening in the multi filer coil. Will be back in the garage to run more test today.

@rawbush: Excellent!

And you know what? I believe I understand now what it is! The info has been available right from the beginning!!! Forget about the coils for now! What we wants is the core being CLOSE to saturation. That is what the biasing magnets do. In this situation we have the biggest field. The rotor magnet is attracted to the coil (this results in speedup), is being pulled close to the core and now it happens: The core is being saturated with the help of the rotor magnet (see coercivity of coil materials). At this specific point it is killing the magnetic flux, thus no current flow and no lenz drag. The rotor magnet can escape the coil freely and there is (virtually) unlimited acceleration. "Let the magnets do the work" and this is it! We were having it at our fingertips all the time, see image below!

Now if you want to loop you don't want rotor speed alone, but also get some power out. You'll have to find the balance between acceleration coils and power output coils. Of course the power coils will slow down the rotor but the acceleration coils can compensate the drag and keep the system running. Still it is a good idea to generate higher voltage in favor of high current, so using bifilar coils are a good idea anyway to get this looped. But the heart of the system is the timed saturation/coercivity of the coil cores.

P.S.: We're gonna make it!!!  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 01:13:11 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 20, 2011, 12:57:53 PM
@rawbush: Excellent!

And you know what? I believe I understand now what it is! The info has been available right from the beginning!!! Forget about the coils for now! What we wants is the core being CLOSE to saturation. That is what the biasing magnets do. In this situation we have the biggest field. The rotor magnet is attracted to the coil (this results in speedup), is being pulled close to the core and now it happens: The core is being saturated with the help of the rotor magnet (see coercivity of coil materials). At this specific point it is killing the magnetic flux, thus no current flow and no lenz drag. The rotor magnet can escape the coil freely and there is (virtually) unlimited acceleration. "Let the magnets do the work" and this is it! We were having it at our fingertips all the time, see image below!

Now if you want to loop you don't want rotor speed alone, but also get some power out. You'll have to find the balance between acceleration coils and power output coils. Of course the power coils will slow down the rotor but the acceleration coils can compensate the drag and keep the system running. Still it is a good idea to generate higher voltage in favor of high current, so using bifilar coils are a good idea anyway to get this looped. But the heart of the system is the timed saturation/coercivity of the coil cores.

P.S.: We're gonna make it!!!  :)

You might have a point there.
Romero's cores are also remarkably small compared to the big magnets.
I also remember that i haven't been able to understand why his rotor speeded up in the pre-muller video as he didnt seem to have any biasing magnet on his generator coil.
There was i think the info out, that that coil had a mumetal core, a material which saturates pretty easily and would support your theory.

Plus as i mentioned, i saw a speed-up with using a much bigger magnet to bias. For that coil core i also used the small 6mm ferrite.
With my bigger 10mm ferrit core coils, i haven't seen that happen yet. Can maybe mean nothing though.

The question is though if a saturated core, deteriorates the output.
I gotta educate myself on this now.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 20, 2011, 01:23:07 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 12:41:44 PM
What do you mean with 5 wire coil set?
The bucking coil pair normally has two ends and maybe 4 wires alltogether if you count the interconnecting wires.
How is that connected?

It is a penta filler (5 wires in parallel twisted) home made litz.  Hooked up like this - all five wire ends connected at the beginning and ends in parallel, like one thick wire. Then by changing the connections between them adding/bucking. Does this make any sence. I will try to take a video with the phone later today.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 20, 2011, 01:41:13 PM
Also review Romero's waveform. There is a sudden change of direction somewhere in the middle. This must be the point when saturation occurs!

I am not sure about this but with the sudden breakdown of the field what then spikes might be displacement current.

Edit: Remember with displacement current there just change in magnetic flux, no flow of charge and thus no drag. But it's properties are in effect equal to "conventional current". So we can use it!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 20, 2011, 02:10:31 PM
my best theory and explanation on backing "regauging"; magnets is the decription the guy who "discovered" it years ago told me on phone (he gave idea to Bedini too and Bedini has the adjustable magnets on the back of his cores in his motor-patent and JB called him to thnak him too he said)
anyways this guy "John Stout" explained it to me in "repulsive-motor coils" mode but flip everything around if you want for attractive motor coils mode or imagine the induced power caused by magnet as the pulsed power feed to coils in thinking of it in "genrator-coil mode":
so, his explanation was with coil vs coil type of motor and having regauging magnet behind, or next to, the stator coil - this make very dramatic speed up, aroun d X 4 rpm (!!) ...I found this by accident in my small n-n coil "Gray" motors long time ago playing around with magnets....and didnt know WHY the acceleration and increased power - but JS explained it to me couple years later:

coil against coil n-n gives you power obviously to rotate rotor with coils on it...
but on approach of NEXT rotor coil to stator coil, the coils will "STAY" in their polarity they were jsut energized at.
so you get a backwards clash when coils approach, that the momentum of the rotor has to ride right through and you get lots of rotational loss.
IF you put a magnet nest to your stator, it will FLIP the polarity of the rotor-cores, and resulting in the flip of the COILS around it too, a bit later.
One direction of magnet will slow things one will speed up only two choices...

And, not only does the magnet get rid of that hurdle of N-N magnet fields, it also makes fro a FREE power stroke as rotor is flipped over to S and stator remains N
(in this motor design, the regauging magnet flips the ROTOR, not the stator cores as the rotor coils move past the regauaign magnet postioned next to stator coil but not affecting stator coils)
OK so how this applies to Romero is you have the strength of the rotor magnet, and the strength of the stator core after being energized in polarity by rotor magnet, and you have the strength of the bakcing/regauging magnet behind the stator core, so s just find balance between all so that backing/regaiguin magnet does its work correctly.
I think any dramatic speed up anyone finds will be becasue you have added a free power storke in  what was normally a CLASH, or a PULLBACK, has now flipped over to a PULL, or a PUSH...so you get two things good - get rid of the against-rotation "lenz lug" that occurs and made even worse when more and more power is made,,,that is good thing no1 and you also get a free power-pull or push in its place - that is good thing no2
I agree I think we are going to get there now...keep going and dont stop like romeros rig does eh... and especially dont stop to argue - that is what "they" want you to do...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 02:29:07 PM
@Konehead: Thanks for sharing that info

This makes a lot of sense.
I just wonder why some experimenters don't manage to see a speed-up with Bias magnets and some do and i tend to believe that the core saturation can really be an additional factor.
The only time i had seen a slight tiny speed-up on a coil without biasing magnet was with a similar type of coil that Romero used in his pre-Muller video (Micro wave oven fan coil), but mine still had the laminate core inside and measured at 0.75H which is a considerable inductance.

It looks like people will have to take a look at the Hysteresis curve dynamically. Then this speculation will prove either right or wrong.

The positive thing is that the effect can be established by several people, it is secondary now to find an explanation )


This is interesting concerning the core saturation:

In particular this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91WVF3P1c6E&feature=player_embedded

QuoteIt is a penta filler (5 wires in parallel twisted) home made litz.  Hooked up like this - all five wire ends connected at the beginning and ends in parallel, like one thick wire. Then by changing the connections between them adding/bucking. Does this make any sence. I will try to take a video with the phone later today.

Or just draw a connection diagram please.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 20, 2011, 03:13:31 PM
@konehead: I don't think you can flip the coil. Also flipping as you said would take some time. There is no time there at high frequency. Even if you flipped once you'd be so fast in the repelling region region again and that would mean drag again. And if you say you are getting free strokes it sounds like if you could run the rig with magnets alone. That is most probably not the case. I am not saying your explanation doesn't make sense (it does), but it doesn't fit the design.

I'll stick to the core saturation theory because there is more evidence and it is exactly what Romero showed in his early documentation. You save the drag and get some energy out at the same time. Romero referenced Vladimir Utkin. In his documents Maxwell's equations are accounted for energy gain as well. And that is exactly what the displacement current is about. Current without transport of charge. Bolt calls this logitudinal waves or tensors. This is ambient energy! It happens with the breakdown of the magnetic flux.

@Xeno: A reasonable explanation can help pinning things down to the core (literally!). Too many variables to just try getting lucky. You need to think too. Again Romero's words.  ;)

@Xeno #2: Thanks for the video. More evidence. This is it!

One reason I probably didn't see any speed-up with biasing magnets: My cores are made of several small ferrite magnets stacked up. Do you think I'd need one per coil to get with working better? Or maybe I will try and stack up more up to the basing magnets...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 03:25:26 PM
Not sure about magnets as a core. I think you need at least the core to be somewhat magnetisable as in using soft ferrite there and stick a 2x1cm N38/N42 Neo on top of the coil for a start.
But maybe you find something unusual with magnets as cores.

Would it be possible for you to reference the displacement current in relation to core saturation? I wanna try to learn more about that.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 20, 2011, 03:52:28 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 03:25:26 PM
Not sure about magnets as a core. I think you need at least the core to be somewhat magnetisable as in using soft ferrite there and stick a 2x1cm N38/N42 Neo on top of the coil for a start.
But maybe you find something unusual with magnets as cores.

Would it be possible for you to reference the displacement current in relation to core saturation? I wanna try to learn more about that.

Hmm, that makes sense. Nothing really unusual with the magneto cores. Have to do more research about where I can get soft ferrite cores. I am glad I am having new options now as I thought I had tested it all and began to get desperate.  ;) But rawbushs results are tremendous.

Go to wikipedia as a start. The German page has a different text. It states (I copied that over to google translator quickly, but you get the idea):

"Maxwell displacement current is now defined as a change of the electric flux through the given surface. The displacement current is therefore no current where charge is transported. Rather it is a vivid description of just this change of electric flux, since they apparently have the same effect as a real power."

Edit: This is funny too. It is one the same page. How often have we been told that specific effects (which are too complicated or unresolved) can be neglected?

"In the general case, the two material constants of the electrical conductivity and dielectric tensors second Level and also describe non-linear, non-isotropic dependencies of the total electric current of the electric field strength. This fact can be neglected for a basic understanding first and simplifies these two scalars are considered as constants that describe the particular medium of propagation of the respective current component."

Basically you have  I = Ic + Id which means I is consisting of two parts: real current or conducting current Ic which is flow of electrons and Id which is displacement current which is CHANGE of electrical flux. It is to understand as part of the electrical field expressing it's change rate. And there you have it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 20, 2011, 04:15:26 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 02:29:07 PM
It looks like people will have to take a look at the Hysteresis curve dynamically.

If y'all (and I) just had equipment like Naudin's available... ;-)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 04:29:22 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 20, 2011, 03:52:28 PM
Edit: This is funny too. It is one the same page. How often have we been told that specific effects (which are too complicated or unresolved) can be neglected?

"In the general case, the two material constants of the electrical conductivity and dielectric tensors second Level and also describe non-linear, non-isotropic dependencies of the total electric current of the electric field strength. This fact can be neglected for a basic understanding first and simplifies these two scalars are considered as constants that describe the particular medium of propagation of the respective current component."

Basically you have  I = Ic + Id which means I is consisting of two parts: real current or conducting current Ic which is flow of electrons and Id which is displacement current which is CHANGE of electrical flux. It is to understand as part of the electrical field expressing it's change rate. And there you have it.

I think it is normally considered to be neglected, because Id's value is very very low (under "normal" conditions that is)

As described here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htcTz-oFaqw&feature=relmfu

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 20, 2011, 04:58:19 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 04:29:22 PM
I think it is normally considered to be neglected, because Id's value is very very low (under "normal" conditions that is)

As described here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htcTz-oFaqw&feature=relmfu


Yes, that's the point. The formula is assuming the permittivity and permeability of empty space as norm. Change that to higher permeability materials, add capacitance and things change IF there is also flux CHANGE over time. You just cannot neglect such things.

You shouldn't have posted that. I will never get offline now. This stuff is just too interesting. Girl is calling me nerd already.  :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 20, 2011, 05:41:06 PM
I've been out testing the multi filler (5), connecting in different ways. And each way puts out a different wave form. But the most interesting connection was a continuous series connection. It is hard to explaine but I will try.
5 wires on each coil we'll call a-e and T or B for top/bottom coil.
from the fwbr to the coils then back
T/a start
T/a end to B/a end
B/a start to T/b start
T/b end to B/b end
B/b start to T/c start
T/c end to B/c end
B/c start to T/d start
T/d end to B/d end
B/d start to T/e start
T/e end to B/e end
B/e start to FWBR

I am sure that doesn't make much sense, I will try to draw it on something to post it. Any way this configuration seems to fill the cap to highest volts (7.5) and has an odd scope trace, have a look
That picture scope is connected at FWBR dc output to 12leds.
Added a cap
this one I hooked up the load as motor was speeding up and we are seeing the slow down
With no load the voltage was off the screen top and bottom
Also with no load I can get the cap to almost 14 volts.

edit: this configuration does add drag and can be offset by the bias magnets
but also gets the leds the brightest so far.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 20, 2011, 05:58:29 PM
So 7.5 Volts under load for the coil pair? At what RPM and input voltage?

For the people interested in comparing coil output
a small convention would be nice.
Since everybody is using different loads, it`s difficult to
get a quantitative understanding of the power produced when looking
at cap voltages.

For that it is required to know what current is being drawn at what voltage.

Would it be appropriate to maybe just use a 1 Ohm Resistor behind the FWBR and measure the current with a multimeter in series?
The voltage would be measured across the resistor. And the product would give a rough number for the power.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 20, 2011, 06:36:28 PM
 I found the cause of the odd wave form... :D it was a poor connection to one of the coil wires. I was wiggling them and noticed the output go normal then motor started hauling ass as I completely pulled the wire off.
I agree that it would be nice if there were some consistencies between all of us a 1ohm resister as common load sounds like a great place to start.

maybe a common spread sheet too?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 20, 2011, 09:12:38 PM
Hi guys!

Great stuff from everyone!

Just made another video; please take a look  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUcU2vaL77Y
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 21, 2011, 12:28:10 AM
hi all

A very smart guy named "RS" who doesnt like to post on forums himself sent me this info in my email about the core-flipping thing.
He really seems to know what is going on and is very advanced - anyways here is his email to me copied below, and also he drew a diagram underneath chamalad's illustration to explain what he is talking about better.

I dont really get what he is saying right now will have read it a few times and think about if for a day - if anyone wants to translate/explain simple what he is saying that would be good:


chalamadad  posted this BH curve pic,  but he does not have it quite right..............

The Knee of the B/H curve,  real close to saturation,  the Non Linear region  is what they want to tweek the bias magnets strength and distance,  to bias's the core to.   
So that the cores can just make the Polarity flip flop back and forth between stable points before the Knee,  and after the Knee,  between non saturation in one polarity, and  full saturation in the other polarity, Very  Very Fast,  with a certain rotor magnet strength / gap, etc,  to modulate the flip flop between those 2 Polarity's points on the core's BH curve....

This is kind of like a Mag Amp, using magnets to do the BH bias, vs  DC coils on the core to do the BH bias

Very Very Fast Polarity Flipping,  makes for Higher Voltages output too"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 21, 2011, 03:17:20 AM
Quote from: konehead on July 21, 2011, 12:28:10 AM
hi all

A very smart guy named "RS" who doesnt like to post on forums himself sent me this info in my email about the core-flipping thing.
He really seems to know what is going on and is very advanced - anyways here is his email to me copied below, and also he drew a diagram underneath chamalad's illustration to explain what he is talking about better.

I dont really get what he is saying right now will have read it a few times and think about if for a day - if anyone wants to translate/explain simple what he is saying that would be good:


chalamadad  posted this BH curve pic,  but he does not have it quite right..............

The Knee of the B/H curve,  real close to saturation,  the Non Linear region  is what they want to tweek the bias magnets strength and distance,  to bias's the core to.   
So that the cores can just make the Polarity flip flop back and forth between stable points before the Knee,  and after the Knee,  between non saturation in one polarity, and  full saturation in the other polarity, Very  Very Fast,  with a certain rotor magnet strength / gap, etc,  to modulate the flip flop between those 2 Polarity's points on the core's BH curve....

This is kind of like a Mag Amp, using magnets to do the BH bias, vs  DC coils on the core to do the BH bias

Very Very Fast Polarity Flipping,  makes for Higher Voltages output too"

I agree the BH curve might not be 100% exact about at what specific point the reversal is taking place. This is Romero's graph he maybe copied it from somewhere just to get the idea I guess. But to reach saturation the right limit must go even more to the right. Even more as in your sketch. You have to cross the saturation level. This is above the asymptotical top-right.

Then flux density goes down to zero, magnet escapes, core saturation is below saturation again, that means there is flux again, until next magnet is approaching again and saturation occurs again and so on.

I think high voltages occur with the fast switching on/off of magnetic flux generating displacement current.

BH curve is not about polarity. Just about saturation, field strength and flux density. Think about it - if rotor magnet is in attraction is pulled to core at this moment saturation and what we then need is a flip from pull to push. Where should the push come from? Rotor magnet polarizes core to attraction and stator magnets the guys experienced must be in attraction to the rotor magnet. So they are same polarity. In the moment the saturation is lost, the stronger magnets "wins" about the polarity of the core. But how can they flip if they don't oppose? This is controversal. Can you ask "RS" (that's not Romero himself, is it? ;)) to please draw some sketches what exactly happens each step when the rotor magnet is passing by?

@all who experienced speed up, can you confirm the stator magnets being in attraction to rotor magnets?

On the other hand side - Romero's image shows the rotor and the stator magnets opposing indeed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 21, 2011, 03:39:10 AM
This should be how it is:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 21, 2011, 07:42:38 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 21, 2011, 03:17:20 AM

@all who experienced speed up, can you confirm the stator magnets being in attraction to rotor magnets?

In my case it was repulsion, strangely
Attraction slowed the rotor even more down.
Plengo reported that sometimes attraction, sometimes repulsion helped.
The magnetic fields around these things must be OBM (ONE BIG MESS) :D
so that sometimes a different polarity dominates.

We have to keep in mind that the magnet highly skews the hysteresis curve and actually brings together magnetisation and demagnetisation path pretty much on top of each other. (see pic of Naudin experiment)
What does this tell us about the core's remanence? I have to ponder about this more.
At least it seems that the saturation threshold is extremely lowered, so that the core is easily saturated by the passing magnet.
It might be a correct interpretation to have the core just outside of saturation when the rotor magnet is far away by lowering the threshold with the biasing magnet, pushing the operation area into the non-linear region.

Interesting links: http://www.vias.org/matsch_capmag/matsch_caps_magnetics_chap4_08b.html
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 21, 2011, 08:09:45 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 21, 2011, 07:42:38 AM
It might be a correct interpretation to have the core just outside of saturation when the rotor magnet is far away by lowering the threshold with the biasing magnet, pushing the operation area into the non-linear region.

We want two things:

1. At specific timing zero flux for ambient energy extraction (per diplacement current). This is actually WHEN extraction can occur. If we don't have the situation of zero flux, you can have a beer with Mr. Lenz again.
2. Biggest possible CHANGE of flux. That is the delta from just below saturation to zero. This will decide the AMOUNT of energy that can be extracted. This change is achieved most quickly by saturating the core. And we need that happening quickly.

In what direction the change occurs is probably not important. So you can have the situation of having a saturated core and the rotor brings it close below saturation or the other way around, having an almost saturated core that is being driven to saturation by the rotor magnet. Important is the biggest possible oscillation of magnetic flux.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 21, 2011, 08:43:20 AM
Sounds good.
So you see the zero (magnetic) flux condition fulfilled when the 2 biasing magnets, the 2 coils and the rotor magnet all together add up their magnetic fields to zero for a short moment?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 21, 2011, 09:50:22 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 21, 2011, 08:43:20 AM
Sounds good.
So you see the zero (magnetic) flux condition fulfilled when the 2 biasing magnets, the 2 coils and the rotor magnet all together add up their magnetic fields to zero for a short moment?

How many biasing magnets depends on the coercivity of the core material. You can see this independently per coil. I see it fulfilled when the core is driven to saturation with the help of the magnets, yes. But it has to switch back and forth from saturated to almost saturated for constantly repeated flux change.

I called up a guy from a company selling cores. He told me he had hundreds of different materials and options. I guess I will have to try two or three differnt options. Coercivity needs to be low enough to get saturated at all but also you want flux to be large enough, so output will be max. I would think higher permeability is good but that is something we have to try.

Good luck everyone! I so hope this is going to work!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 21, 2011, 10:11:49 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 21, 2011, 09:50:22 AM
How many biasing magnets depends on the coercivity of the core material. You can see this independently per coil. I see it fulfilled when the core is driven to saturation with the help of the magnets, yes. But it has to switch back and forth from saturated to almost saturated for constantly repeated flux change.

I called up a guy from a company selling cores. He told me he had hundreds of different materials and options. I guess I will have to try two or three differnt options. Coercivity needs to be low enough to get saturated at all but also you want flux to be large enough, so output will be max. I would think higher permeability is good but that is something we have to try.

Good luck everyone! I so hope this is going to work!!

Have you considered Mu-Metal?
The effect should however manifest itself with "ordinary" ferrite as Romero did use ferrite and disadvised using steel or laminate.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 21, 2011, 10:38:19 AM
I see a lot of good work had been presented since I last checked!

I was actually on the road the past two days and just got home yesterday with enough time to finish my “antenna” testing.  I had come to realize a couple things while away from testing and think I can explain what I have been seeing.  It may be important for others.

My “antenna” wire was hooked up like a “T” where the wire was the vertical line of the “T” and the horizontal line was going from a regulated DC supply as Vin to a BLDC motor drive circuit.  The center of the horizontal line had my current measurement resistor (.1 Ohm) and is where I attached the antenna.

I am fairly convinced that the antenna was a receiver.  For what would be transmitted by a single DC line?  So what was it receiving?  RF signals being blasted from the coils as they are effectively shorted by the Dump Cap once the virtual switching occurs.  At that moment the magnetic field in the coils should collapse and scatter the RF band.  Please correct me if I am wrong here.

So my antenna wire was picking up all the RF “noise” that was being broadcast by the coils under high load.  It was introducing that noise to my DC Vin to the BLDC drive circuit and effectively making for a very dirty DC supply.  The longer the antenna, the more noise and the slower/worse the motor drive circuit would perform.

So I will now try to shorten all my wires from my DC supply to the BLDC motor drive circuit.  Shielding might be appropriate, but what kind?  Wrapping in aluminum foil enough?  Or do I need coax?  Or ferrite core or toroid chokes?  Maybe just a low pass filter cap?  Any advice would be appreciated.

I believe a pulse motor drive circuit would be less susceptible to this RF noise.  But either way, all should take care to minimize the lead lengths of DC power lines.

When driving with a more conventional DC motor, appropriate motor RF noise shielding may be necessary.  In my case it will unfortunately limit my ability to take readings of input power with my existing equipment.

While cutting down my antenna I never got to an RPM that was as high as or higher than when not using the antenna.  But I distinctly remember noticing an increase in RPM when I first noticed my metering problems.  And I think I found it.  The rotor RPM increases when I meter the output load, not motor drive Vin.  So attaching an antenna to the Vout side may actually be beneficial.  I plan to test that out as well.

I also have an old tube radio.  I want to set it up next to the unit and see if it picks up noise and at what frequencies.

Also wondering if I can put a charge on a cap by wireless transmission if located close enough to the unit and wired to an antenna.  Maybe with a specific load and/or diodes?  Any ideas?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on July 21, 2011, 12:09:07 PM
Quote from: webby1 on July 21, 2011, 11:58:39 AM
A thought experiment,

Imagine you have a core fixed in space, behind one end of that core at some distance you have a magnet with a pole face facing the core, fixed in space as well, now imagine that you have a moveable magnet facing the other end of the core with the same pole face facing the core, now imagine the stress the core sees as the moveable magnet approaches the core,, squish is what comes to mind for me,, now wrap a single layer coil around the core with a non resistive diode connecting the two leads together and imagine what happens to the winding as the moveable magnet approaches the core, as the flux change happens the coil will produce a field that is sync with one magnet and in repulsion to the other, ask yourself when does this induced field collapse.

Now take and wind another coil on top of the first one that is much bigger and goes through a FWBR into a cap.  When does the second coil produce current?  now instead of using a diode in the first coil take a 1\4 tap from the second coil, making sure that the 1\4 tap value is smaller than the first coil, and connect the first coil leads to that section.  Which coil can still produce current? what does the other coil see? when does this collapse?  What is the speed of the propagating magnetic flux that now gets to enter the core?


Thanks for the thought provoking suggestions. I sure would love to experiment, unfortunately won't be able to spend time on the bench until September. I think if we can understand the effects, we will be able to make significant progress. Much appreciate your help. Keep them coming,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 21, 2011, 01:05:42 PM
Quote from: webby1 on July 21, 2011, 11:58:39 AM
A thought experiment,

Imagine you have a core fixed in space, behind one end of that core at some distance you have a magnet with a pole face facing the core, fixed in space as well, now imagine that you have a moveable magnet facing the other end of the core with the same pole face facing the core, now imagine the stress the core sees as the moveable magnet approaches the core,, squish is what comes to mind for me,, now wrap a single layer coil around the core with a non resistive diode connecting the two leads together and imagine what happens to the winding as the moveable magnet approaches the core, as the flux change happens the coil will produce a field that is sync with one magnet and in repulsion to the other, ask yourself when does this induced field collapse.

Now take and wind another coil on top of the first one that is much bigger and goes through a FWBR into a cap.  When does the second coil produce current?  now instead of using a diode in the first coil take a 1\4 tap from the second coil, making sure that the 1\4 tap value is smaller than the first coil, and connect the first coil leads to that section.  Which coil can still produce current? what does the other coil see? when does this collapse?  What is the speed of the propagating magnetic flux that now gets to enter the core?
The bottom coil is effectively shorted
The change of magnetic flux through the windings of the top coil
will induce a current in that coil with different potentials between the tap points and the terminals.
What "out of the ordinary" is in your opinion supposed to happen?

Since the experiments sounds simple, have you built it to look for anything unusual?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nul-points on July 21, 2011, 01:15:51 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 21, 2011, 10:38:19 AM
I see a lot of good work had been presented since I last checked!

I was actually on the road the past two days and just got home yesterday with enough time to finish my “antenna” testing
Also wondering if I can put a charge on a cap by wireless transmission if located close enough to the unit and wired to an antenna.  Maybe with a specific load and/or diodes?  Any ideas?


hi Mo, welcome back!

yes, an 'Avramenko plug' should collect something, if you're radiating reasonably high freq./power energy from the operational motor-gen
(two diodes, A & B, in series, A-anode to B-cathode; connected in parallel with cap, opposite polarity, connect antenna to interconnection between diodes)

could try a few different valued caps (eg. 100uF, 1000uF, 4700uF, etc) - germanium diodes (eg OA93 or equiv.), or schottky diodes (but only if low leakage) would give less losses

try without load first (and only apply DVM to take V reading) to confirm if charging

hope this helps

http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com (http://docsfreelunch.blogspot.com)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 21, 2011, 02:30:17 PM
The backing/helper/regaugin magnets need to be clashing in polarity with the rotor magnet with the rotor magnets for sure otherwise it will slow.
the different facing backing magnets expereiment was with magnets behind cores of MOTOR coils (I think)

think about how the magnacoaster works - iron bar with say 4 or 5 neo ring-magnets stacked around one end, and jsut one magnet on other, so now the iron bar is polarized very-biased to one side, so the line in middle of iron bar where the polarity reverses (the bloch wall) is now shoved way over to one side...so now the polarity of that iron is very easy to flip over once it is polarized....and the flip over makes the extra power...this easy-to-flip-over state is what you want the magnet behind cores to be acheiving (easier said than done)
Just thinking;
remember that the rotor magnet has leading edge, and a trailing edge - even though it is hockey puck shape,
imagine that rotor magnet instead as a square block and FOR SURE there is a polarity to leading edge apporaching core, and trailing edge leaving core...and if you have aircore, you will see two humps of voltage on scope with sag in middle, since right at TDC is like eye of hurrcane from the magnet since flux shoots out at the EDGES (this with either block shaped or hockey puck shape too)

Anyways what I am getting at is that maybe the LEADING edge of magnet saturates the core, one polarity, and so the backing/helper/regauaing magnet is only there to make the "teeter-totter" easy to flip condiion of the core.
and then the TRAILING edge of magnet, is actually what FLIPS the core in polarity, and "normally" this trailing edge of magnet is overhwelmed by the leading edge, and usually will do nothing but if you can CONDITION that core with the backing magnet to be very sensitive and easy to flip you can get that trailing edg of maget to flip core polarity, and if you do this you will get that push-away instead of pull-back since the polarity of core flips. ... from the TRAILING EDGE OF MAGNET this is pretty good theory I think....I know for fact with aircores you can really see the way the trailing and dleading edge of big magnets makes the voltage peaks, not the middle of the magnet...and you know that you can pull-push a single rotor magnet with the motor coils flipping polarity very quick, so that the motor coils pull the leading edge to themselves, then push away the trailing edge so FOR SURE the magnet has oppostie polarities to the edges EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE ROUND HOCKEY PUCK SHAPE....must be that since the dominate field overwhelms, you dont "see" the poles "sideways" in a hockey puck shaped magnet..
I dont think the RS guy is Romero.. that would be too wierd if it was...RS dosent like to post on any forum...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on July 21, 2011, 02:56:07 PM
Today I did try two bifilair coils in bucking and it gave better results than normal coils.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJV3zwtyjq8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJV3zwtyjq8)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 21, 2011, 03:11:06 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on July 21, 2011, 02:56:07 PM
Today I did try two bifilair coils in bucking and it gave better results than normal coils.

How are you comparing the two?  Were they matched by inductance or wire length?  Was the bottom one mounted with the coil exactly the same distance from the rotor or by initial output voltage levels?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on July 21, 2011, 03:39:54 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 21, 2011, 03:11:06 PM
How are you comparing the two?  Were they matched by inductance or wire length?  Was the bottom one mounted with the coil exactly the same distance from the rotor or by initial output voltage levels?

The setup and coils are exactly the same as in my previous test. The coils are made of litz wire so I split the wires and made a bifilar out of them. In essence I doubled the wire length.

Page 300 :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 21, 2011, 03:48:26 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on July 21, 2011, 03:39:54 PM
The setup and coils are exactly the same as in my previous test. The coils are made of litz wire so I split the wires and made a bifilar out of them. In essence I doubled the wire length.


Would you possibly share your measurement data, so that it is possible to get an idea about the amount of improvement?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Arthurs on July 21, 2011, 04:52:17 PM
Quote from: scratchrobot on July 21, 2011, 03:39:54 PM
The setup and coils are exactly the same as in my previous test. The coils are made of litz wire so I split the wires and made a bifilar out of them. In essence I doubled the wire length.

Page 300 :)

Hi scratchrobot
    When you test a longer duration as possible, You will find: When the output voltage rise time, It was short-lived. Because: speed will fall, Continue to maintain,,,,,,, Speed ​​continued to decline, Finally, the output voltage will disappear.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 21, 2011, 07:15:36 PM
Quote from: Arthurs on July 21, 2011, 04:52:17 PM
Hi scratchrobot
    When you test a longer duration as possible, You will find: When the output voltage rise time, It was short-lived. Because: speed will fall, Continue to maintain,,,,,,, Speed ​​continued to decline, Finally, the output voltage will disappear.

This is true only if the coils are regular generator coils. If setup in a matter where it is possible to extract energy by displacement current there will be no speed decline and you get extra power out. Your mind is limited to a certain extent unfortunately that is why you are referencing a conventional generator which is not what we want to achieve.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 21, 2011, 07:18:53 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 21, 2011, 10:11:49 AM
Have you considered Mu-Metal?
The effect should however manifest itself with "ordinary" ferrite as Romero did use ferrite and disadvised using steel or laminate.

No, I havn't and I won't for now because as I've said - I want to stick to the original build as close as possible. And with a higher coercivity you will probably get more power out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 21, 2011, 11:51:59 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 21, 2011, 03:17:20 AM
I agree the BH curve might not be 100% exact about at what specific point the reversal is taking place. This is Romero's graph he maybe copied it from somewhere just to get the idea I guess. But to reach saturation the right limit must go even more to the right. Even more as in your sketch. You have to cross the saturation level. This is above the asymptotical top-right.

Then flux density goes down to zero, magnet escapes, core saturation is below saturation again, that means there is flux again, until next magnet is approaching again and saturation occurs again and so on.

I think high voltages occur with the fast switching on/off of magnetic flux generating displacement current.

BH curve is not about polarity. Just about saturation, field strength and flux density. Think about it - if rotor magnet is in attraction is pulled to core at this moment saturation and what we then need is a flip from pull to push. Where should the push come from? Rotor magnet polarizes core to attraction and stator magnets the guys experienced must be in attraction to the rotor magnet. So they are same polarity. In the moment the saturation is lost, the stronger magnets "wins" about the polarity of the core. But how can they flip if they don't oppose? This is controversal. Can you ask "RS" (that's not Romero himself, is it? ;)) to please draw some sketches what exactly happens each step when the rotor magnet is passing by?

@all who experienced speed up, can you confirm the stator magnets being in attraction to rotor magnets?

On the other hand side - Romero's image shows the rotor and the stator magnets opposing indeed.

Yes, the speed up I get is with bias magnets in attraction. The coils are mounted as close as I can safely (2mm or so). Also this is on a set of gen coils (not drive coils, don't help there). The bigger or more magnets placed would increase speed more, to a point, I have not been able to get it to a no load speed with the magnets.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on July 22, 2011, 03:47:02 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 21, 2011, 07:15:36 PM
This is true only if the coils are regular generator coils. If setup in a matter where it is possible to extract energy by displacement current there will be no speed decline and you get extra power out. Your mind is limited to a certain extent unfortunately that is why you are referencing a conventional generator which is not what we want to achieve.

Exactly, I tried also conventional way and then I get mayor drag and my rotor almost stops, I'm trying to position the coil so I get the best charging and less drag. I'm using only small rotor magnets and I think with bigger magnets I get better results.

My advice for anyone who has a complete generator is:

Put all the coils for example bottom coils in place and then one by one tune the top coils in bukking so you get the best output with load and less drag. Then start playing with the extra magnets on the coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 22, 2011, 10:44:19 AM
Max RPM (w/ ~62 Ohm load) w/ ~80 cm "antenna" on Vin to drive motor circuit = 1802.
Max RPM without "antenna" = 1830.
Max RPM with all unnecessary test leads on Vin side removed = 1901.
Oh, yeah, those DC lines grab noise.  Shorten them up and/or shield them.

I also tried attaching an antenna to the Vout side and did see an RPM increase at one length and then a smaller increase at a longer length.  I may test that better after cleaning up the rest of my wiring.

Testing with the old radio was inconclusive.  No interference on the FM band while at full RPM.  And the AM did not appear to be working properly as I could not find any stations.  It threw static all the time and I thought I had bursts of louder static as the rotor was allowed to spin up and down through certain RPM bands by removing and reinstating drive motor power.  But I didn't test thoroughly.  Way too hot in the garage to work for more than a minute or two at a time.

Also noticed that the radio had solid state tuner.  Only the amp is tube.  Bummer.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 22, 2011, 11:25:24 AM
@Mondrasek .I am not sure where you are , but in Europe , the FM band covers 88 to 108 Mhz . It is unlikely your will radiate at these higher freqencies . Try to borrow another radio that covers Medium and Long wavebands . It does not matter if it is tube or solid state . Long waveband is the lowest frequency band , which is probably still much too high frequency , but you may still hear the harmonics . If the output is due to parasitic oscillation , it could radiate at any frequency .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 22, 2011, 12:30:22 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 22, 2011, 11:25:24 AM
@Mondrasek .I am not sure where you are , but in Europe , the FM band covers 88 to 108 Mhz . It is unlikely your will radiate at these higher freqencies . Try to borrow another radio that covers Medium and Long wavebands . It does not matter if it is tube or solid state . Long waveband is the lowest frequency band , which is probably still much too high frequency , but you may still hear the harmonics . If the output is due to parasitic oscillation , it could radiate at any frequency .

Thanks for the feedback and advice.  I'm not sure where I would come up with a radio like you describe.  If you have any specific ideas let me know.

The whole radio and even antenna test was just a side track to check out something unusual while still aiming to replicate RomeroUK's self looper.  And I am glad I did this since it shows how important the shortest DC input lead lengths are to minimize noise entering there.

I plan to get back to testing RPM vs. the low resistance load relationships once I get my circuit lead lengths tightened up.  But I may still investigate how the "antenna" lead seems to help if on the Vout side and at what lengths the effect is maximized.

I'm in the middle of the heat wave moving across the Midwest US.  On my trip I saw temps of 107F while passing through Cincinnati Ohio!  The heat wave will not break until after the weekend so testing will be limited to short outings in the garage.  Taking an RPM reading and then cutting off some antenna or moving the alegator clip on the resistor wires takes about as long as I can stand in this heat.

BTW, for those who are interested, Dr. Turtur posted his design (with drawings) for a device to test as a ZPEC he has derived from theory and experiments.  It shows striking similarities to the R-ZPEC from a concept point of view, if not physically identical.  It was posted here: http://philica.com/display_article.php?article_id=239 only just July 12!

Hopefully someone here will drill down through all the variables and replicate the selfrunner before Turtur does.  It just seems fitting.  But his testing and data should quickly lead to more optimized designs, imho.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 22, 2011, 12:58:23 PM
@Mondrasek . I would guess that AM radios are not all that common in the USA nowadays . Try Garage sales , charity shops , or maybe ask old people if they have one you could borrow .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on July 22, 2011, 02:37:36 PM
Well,   here is a US$ 20 offer for LW, MW and 9 SW bands plus FM (88-108MHz):


manufacturer site on this type:

image on the set: http://www.cobyusa.com/files/hi_res/CXCB12_HR.jpg

As usual, Amazon has it for almost half price:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 22, 2011, 04:07:43 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 22, 2011, 02:37:36 PM
Well,   here is a US$ 20 offer for LW, MW and 9 SW bands plus FM (88-108MHz):
As usual, Amazon has it for almost half price:

Well that is too cheap to pass up if it can help us learn anything.

On order.

Thanks, Gyula!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 22, 2011, 08:49:19 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on July 22, 2011, 10:14:35 PM
thanks plengo.

i'm curious as to what others have observed concerning the length of exposed
core toward the rotor. all i see is more lugging with exposed core and i don't
think i'm seeing anymore voltage with the extra exposed lengths.

coarse this is fraught with several variables but wondering if there could be
an overall consensus with exposed core lengths.

seems another lug factor is distance of the genset coils from the rotor mags
especially with the back bias mags in place. the closer i get to the rotor i see a
reduction in speed and when turning by hand i feel another set of cogging with
virtual poles.

it appears to me that overall performance is increased when the end of the
genset coils are just out of range from the virtual pole exposure.

just some observations that play a role in determining the exposed core length.

the stability of that limb i'm reaching for depends on what others have observed
with the exposed core lengths.

take care.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on July 22, 2011, 11:49:42 PM
Hi Tom,

Well, spill it out!

Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 23, 2011, 02:11:25 AM

Tom, it appears that you are a being little 'short' of open yourself...so come on now open up.

We are all here for the benefit of humanity aren't we ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on July 23, 2011, 02:55:50 AM

Another way to kick the magnet arund


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 23, 2011, 07:41:11 AM
@Totoalas . Brilliant find . Talk about "Keep It Simple Stupid !" [KISS]
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 23, 2011, 08:39:19 AM
Quote from: totoalas on July 23, 2011, 02:55:50 AM

Another way to kick the magnet arund



Totoalas,  Good find.
I have several of those coils that I took out of some old motion toys like shown. 

They can be used to make a very simple pulse motors and use very little current.  The batteries last a  long time.  One of my simple motors driven by just one of these coils ran for over 2 days on just one  cheap 9 volt battery.  I would say it is not only simple, but very efficient. 

I also tested one of these as a drive coil on my Muller rotor.  Just one coil produced about 270 rpms for several days.   Not very fast but then again very low current usage.  12 milliamps I believe is what I measured but not sure.  Also remember current is pulsed.   

I have not tried two coils yet.   

You can buy one of these for about 9 or 10 dollars from Office Playground.   

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 09:12:13 AM
I played around a bit with backing magnets.

1)  I noticed that my RPM will increase as backing magnets are moved from far away towards the back of the ferrite all the way until the magnets are touching the ferrite.  Mag orientation is always opposing the rotor mags.  However, Vout increases for only the initial portion of the install travel distance, and then begins to decrease as the magnet is pulled by the ferrite and eventually is attached.  So Pout eventually DROPS even though RPM is still increasing.

2)  I changed Rload to get down to the same running "sound" where things get a bit noisy due to load, so keep that in mind if comparing these two sets of data.

3)  I then placed the backing mags on spacers where the voltage is approximately optimized (did not use the o-scope or cut exact thickness spacers: used what I had).  I was only able to place top mags in this experiment but it proves a point:  By tuning with the backing mags to max Vout, and not max RPM, the Pout increases, while RPM still drops.

4)  I played around with placing a vibration dampening weight on top of the unit.  Damping out the vibrations also increases RPM and therefor Pout.  So when this thing gets noisy, that is not good.  The more rigid your build, the better, imho.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 10:47:56 AM
Quote from: slapper on July 22, 2011, 10:14:35 PM
i'm curious as to what others have observed concerning the length of exposed
core toward the rotor. all i see is more lugging with exposed core and i don't
think i'm seeing anymore voltage with the extra exposed lengths.

FWIW, I have not done any exact testing, so this is just conjecture.  I have slightly different ferrite core lengths protruding from my coils.  This was done so that they read exactly the same inductance on a meter.  I also matched the two bifilar coils that I tested to the same inductance as my monofilar coils by the same method and this required that even more ferrite protruded.

I think that having any protrusion of ferrite core (or even the opposite) is another trade off situation.  Extending the core through the coil (assuming your core is longer than the coil) increases the impedance and therefor the Vout.  But extending the core also brings it closer to the rotor magnets which can cause drag in the form of cogging.

If I am to believe Dr. Turtur, we are simply trying to oscillate the impedance of the coil as the L component in an RCL circuit.  So oscillating the impedance by swinging the rotor magnets past the ferrite coil cores would achieve the best results if the impedance change was maximized while the rotor drag was minimized.

In my case, the slightly different ferrite protrusion lengths also causes slightly different cogging effects and therefor vibration, which converts your input power to acoustic vibrations, and not rotor RPM as intended.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on July 23, 2011, 11:13:37 AM
   This soap box mentality is why nothing gets done. If you know then show.  If not then dont tempt.


Quote from: webby1 on July 22, 2011, 11:21:52 PM
This is very much tongue in cheek,  What is a virtual pole????????????? It is another direction of flow, is that virtual???

Franken Motor uses these pole values, many others do as well,,,

Dammed I can't help myself sometimes.

The answer is in front of you, ask the correct question.

I will now stop posting, the new way of making a force is what I need to work on.

Tom Webb

P.S.  Romero was very deceitful, his system may of worked very well but he was not fully open,, or should I say not fully shorted.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 11:48:34 AM
Quote from: Thaelin on July 23, 2011, 11:13:37 AM
If you know then show.  If not then dont tempt.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 12:08:44 PM
I've cleaned up the wiring on my motor circuit input power as much as I can and still allow for measuring Vin and Iin.  Minimizing the wire lengths resulted in the expected improvement in performance of the BLDC drive motor: RPM increased.

I also noticed an RPM increase as I cleaned up the Vout wires as much as possible.  So another area for builders to optimize.

But this problem still remains:  I cannot measure Vin or Iin with my DMM accurately.  Every time I touch either DMM lead to the circuit in order to set up for a reading I will immediately notice an RPM change (audibly).  I believe this is still due to the "antenna" effect from my DMM leads introducing noise to my BLDC motor drive circuit.

Question to the group:  Is there a simple method to eliminate any noise from my DMM probe lead "antennas" from affecting my circuit and therefor readings?

For now I am trying to "tap in" quickly and record the first reading I can get, but this is far less accurate than I would like.  And time consumming since I must allow for the system to stabilize once again between each reading on the Pin side.

Bring it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on July 23, 2011, 12:21:31 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 12:08:44 PM
[snip]Every time I touch either DMM lead to the circuit in order to set up for a reading I will immediately notice an RPM change (audibly).[\snip]

if your dmm is powered via ac power source you may consider running it through a 1:1 isolation transformer.

take care.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 12:32:49 PM
Quote from: slapper on July 23, 2011, 12:21:31 PM
if your dmm is powered via ac power source you may consider running it through a 1:1 isolation transformer.

Unfortunately it is a 9V battery powered device.  Thanks for the input.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on July 23, 2011, 12:37:26 PM
short of running the voltage reading though some sort of high impedance op amp circuit, ya got me.
don't take much though.

do you have model information on your dmm.

thinking your leads/probes may need some attention.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 01:04:40 PM
It's a Mastech MS8201H.  I appreciate the help, nap.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 23, 2011, 01:26:13 PM
Hi Mo . Here is something quick and dirty to try . Get a small cap say 0.1 microfarad . connect one side to The negative power rail and connect the other side to various parts of your circuit . As you connect it to each point in turn , check if the unwanted effect is still there . If this does not work , connect to an earth connection instead of negative rail and repeat tests . If this still does not work , repeat all tests with a 0.01 cap . Let us know if you get results .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 23, 2011, 01:59:14 PM

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 02:10:43 PM
Hyde park!  That is where I would feed pigeons while my Dad was at work when we were in London back in the 70's.  I realized that "Hide" would not be the correct spelling shortly after posting that, but it took me awhile to get around to actually searching for the info.

The .1uF cap from Vout to Vground (I can only assume Earth ground) did not cancel the "antenna" effect of the DMM probes, but it did appear to retard it.  I have a .01uF in now while waiting for the system to stabilize (that is why I am on the computer...waiting...waiting...).

This is low pass filtering?  Effectively killing any AC and/or "noise" frequencies on the Vin to the BLDC drive motor that are oscillating (too fast)?  Only allowing DC to flow?

Funny thing is I only have those caps on hand from working with Gyula to try and figure out my VCR head motor drive circuit.  They were used to tune a 555 circuit to various square pulse frequency bands when we believed that circuit needed that kind of CTL input signal.

FWIW, you are not our "retired truck driver guy".  You are one of our "RF guys".  Thanks for staying close to this thread.  I hate waiting for answers.  And guys like Itsu, Gyula, Nul-Points, etc., have our back.  Fausto, chalamadad, X, etc. are obviously working hard at testing. 

All we have to do is present our data and ask questions when we have them.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 23, 2011, 02:29:24 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 02:10:43 PM
FWIW, you are not our "retired truck driver guy".  You are one of our "RF guys".  Thanks for staying close to this thread.  I hate waiting for answers.  And guys like Itsu, Gyula, Nul-Points, etc., have our back.  Fausto, chalamadad, X, etc. are obviously working hard at testing. 

I'll have to sit and wait until soft ferrite cores arrive. This thing teaches patience! ;-)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 02:41:05 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 23, 2011, 02:29:24 PM
I'll have to sit and wait until soft ferrite cores arrive. This thing teaches patience! ;-)

Lol.  That was one of my last "commit to testing" purchases!  I tore apart many electrical devices in the hopes of finding one or two ferrite rods to test with.  But no luck. 

BTW, my last spare PC PS was "sacrificed" to find a ferrite toroid for testing "something."

But at least that lead me to find the VCR head motor/spindle.

Anyone remember the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind?"  Remember how the Richard Dreyfus character received the mental image of "Devil's Mountain" from the UFO's?  And he couldn't shake that vision?  He started making models of that vision in his mashed potatoes.  Then he built a huge model of that vision in his livingroom (his wife left him, with the kids, at this point).

I kinda feel like that with this.  Just wondering.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on July 23, 2011, 02:43:37 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on July 23, 2011, 08:39:19 AM
Totoalas,  Good find.
I have several of those coils that I took out of some old motion toys like shown. 

They can be used to make a very simple pulse motors and use very little current.  The batteries last a  long time.  One of my simple motors driven by just one of these coils ran for over 2 days on just one  cheap 9 volt battery.  I would say it is not only simple, but very efficient. 

I also tested one of these as a drive coil on my Muller rotor.  Just one coil produced about 270 rpms for several days.   Not very fast but then again very low current usage.  12 milliamps I believe is what I measured but not sure.  Also remember current is pulsed.   

I have not tried two coils yet.   

You can buy one of these for about 9 or 10 dollars from Office Playground.   

Thanks for the result you shared  that saves me time  to  verify the erformance
cheers :D :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 02:58:22 PM
.01uF cap between +Vin and Vground to the BLDC motor drive circuit does not reduce the "antenna" effect of a change in RPM when either DMM lead is touched to the circuit.  I'll try the .001uF I have.

After that I will try those same caps on the motor drive circuit CTL signal (resistance current limited V of ~2V off of a separate 5V regulator).  This is the only other physical connection to the motor drive circuit.  But it must use the same ground as Vin, so maybe this is the "problem?"

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 03:29:33 PM
So the .001uF did not help between Vin and Vground to the motor drive circuit anymore than the .1uF or .01uF did.  So I tried those same values between Vground and Vctl to the BLDC driver circuit.

.1uF killed the motor the fastest.
.01uF killed it too, albeit over a longer time span.
.001uF slowed it down dramatically, but the motor still ran.

Please note that the .1 and .01uF caps are Metal Polyester Film, and the .001uF is a Ceramic Disk type cap.

If anyone would like to explain the characteristic differences between these different types of caps I would appreciated it.  It would save me some "Googleing" time.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 23, 2011, 03:49:06 PM
Quote from: totoalas on July 23, 2011, 02:43:37 PM
Thanks for the result you shared  that saves me time  to  verify the performance
cheers :D :D

Totoalas,  the only problem is when you take the coil out of the plastic base of the kinetic art toy, you need to break the plastic and it is not very usable again for a kinetic art toy.   The coil does have a lot turns of very thin wire. Well over 8000.   It works both directions of the rotor turning.     
The one I use to show my Science class students has been working for over 5 years now.   
No need for an on off switch.   Only uses current when current is generated in the pickup part of the coil.   No need for hall sensors or other switching circuits etc.    However,  I do think it has its limits for switching speed.   So I suspect you would not come even close to double rpms just by adding a second coil.    Need to really test though. 
It really is a fun coil to play with.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 04:16:42 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 23, 2011, 01:26:13 PM
If this does not work , connect to an earth connection instead of negative rail and repeat tests.

What Earth connection are you suggesting?  Should I connect it to the Earth ground of my mains?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 23, 2011, 04:34:55 PM
@Mondrasek . Hi Mo. Well done remembering Hyde Park . From a functional point of view there is not a lot of difference between ceramic disc caps and polyester . They are both suitable for what we are trying to do . Here is another quick and dirty idea . For this , you need a "choke" or coil . For a rough test a spare Muller generator coil would do . Try connecting it between your antenna and the point where your antenna connects to the circuit . If this works , try connecting it between the end of your multimeter test lead and the test point you would normally put your multimeter test lead onto . This will effect any voltage reading you take , but only by a tiny fraction .Try the choke with and without its ferrite core . Remember that in the fight against RF interference , there are only two basic tools , the cap and the choke . The trick is always figuring out where to connect them . We have to be careful with chokes , which pass DC and block AC [ of the right frequency depending on the inductance of the coil] because chokes can cause DC short circuits and" allow the magic smoke to escape" from components .
Only connect to mains earth if you are 100% certain of what you are doing . Alternatives are a metal water pipe that you know goes into the ground , or an earth spike in the garden .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 04:48:48 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 23, 2011, 04:34:55 PM
@Mondrasek . Hi Mo. Well done remembering Hyde Park . From a functional point of view there is not a lot of difference between ceramic disc caps and polyester . They are both suitable for what we are trying to do . Here is another quick and dirty idea . For this , you need a "choke" or coil . For a rough test a spare Muller generator coil would do . Try connecting it between your antenna and the point where your antenna connects to the circuit . If this works , try connecting it between the end of your multimeter test lead and the test point you would normally put your multimeter test lead onto . This will effect any voltage reading you take , but only by a tiny fraction .Try the choke with and without its ferrite core . Remember that in the fight against RF interference , there are only two basic tools , the cap and the choke . The trick is always figuring out where to connect them . We have to be careful with chokes , which pass DC and block AC [ of the right frequency depending on the inductance of the coil] because chokes can cause DC short circuits and" allow the magic smoke to escape" from components .
Only connect to mains earth if you are 100% certain of what you are doing . Alternatives are a metal water pipe that you know goes into the ground , or an earth spike in the garden .

I'll keep pushing forward, and I thank you for these suggestions.

How long until you build/begin to show your build?  Are you going to show it here on OU.com?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 05:00:48 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 23, 2011, 04:34:55 PM
For this , you need a "choke" or coil . For a rough test a spare Muller generator coil would do . Try connecting it between your antenna and the point where your antenna

@neptune, the "antenna" is disconnected now.  To where should I connect the coil you are referring to"?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 23, 2011, 05:01:26 PM
@Mondrasek . Sorry if my suggestions did not work out . They did not take too long and anything is worth a try . I am not doing hardly anything practical in the workshop just now . I lost the sight of my left eye a while back , and close work causes me eyestrain . All I can do for the present is to watch the work of others , and encourage them when I can.
Just connect the coil on the end of your positive multimeter lead when taking voltage readings , end connect the other coil lead to your test point .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 05:07:13 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 23, 2011, 05:01:26 PM
@Mondrasek . Sorry if my suggestions did not work out . They did not take too long and anything is worth a try . I am not doing hardly anything practical in the workshop just now . I lost the sight of my left eye a while back , and close work causes me eyestrain . All I can do for the present is to watch the work of others , and encourage them when I can.

I am sorry to hear about your vision impairment.  I will humbly be your "eyes," on this investigation if you need. 

Please give me coordinates for our next course change.


PS.  What do you think of Dr. Turtur's postulations?

Talk to me , Goose.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 05:47:16 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 23, 2011, 05:01:26 PM
Just connect the coil on the end of your positive multimeter lead when taking voltage readings , [edit] [a]nd connect the other coil lead to your test point .

In series or parallel?  I connected a (bifilar of matched L) coil in series with the Pout coils and cannot remember the results (sorry)!

I am tired.  And need sleep (and time to allow my noodle to do what it does).

I'll probably be up early in the morning.   

Let me know what "pre" testing you would like me to do.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 06:01:20 PM

Until sleep takes me away I am going to queue up "Aliens" on the TV.

Because they mostly come out at night...


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 23, 2011, 06:27:02 PM
Looks like the magnet kicker circuit is working  ;D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 23, 2011, 07:00:37 PM

Mo quote:

" Every time I touch either DMM lead to the circuit in order to set up for a reading I will immediately notice an RPM change (audibly).  I believe this is still due to the "antenna" effect from my DMM leads introducing noise to my BLDC motor drive circuit."

I wonder if would make a difference you added a diode between your DMM probe and the circuit...just in case your DMM is causing a mild short ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 07:26:01 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 23, 2011, 07:00:37 PM
Mo quote:

" Every time I touch either DMM lead to the circuit in order to set up for a reading I will immediately notice an RPM change (audibly).  I believe this is still due to the "antenna" effect from my DMM leads introducing noise to my BLDC motor drive circuit."

I wonder if would make a difference you added a diode between your DMM probe and the circuit...just in case your DMM is causing a mild short ?


Thanks!  I can try that now.  Results in a few...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 07:34:58 PM
The Schottky I used did seem to negate the "load" effect on the readings.

I'll try more tests later.  As I said, I am tired, and need sleep.  But first I will watch a bit more of "Aliens".

Thanks Cap-Z-ro!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 07:45:59 PM
Quote from Cpl. Hicks (Aliens), before his squad gets wiped out.

As he pulls out a pump action shotgun from his backpack:

"I like to keep this handy.  For close encounters..."

I love this movie!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 23, 2011, 07:56:59 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 07:34:58 PM
The Schottky I used did seem to negate the "load" effect on the readings.

I'll try more tests later.  As I said, I am tired, and need sleep.  But first I will watch a bit more of "Aliens".

Thanks Cap-Z-ro!


Most welcome Mo...just happy to contribute in any way I can.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on July 23, 2011, 08:02:58 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on July 23, 2011, 06:27:02 PM
Looks like the magnet kicker circuit is working  ;D

ThaNks for the confirmation



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 08:10:40 PM
Hudson (Aliens) "In case you have not been keeping up on current events:  We just got out ass kicked!"

Hmm.  I would think it is time to fall back and re-group.

I am not talking about this ZPEC project.  Just mussing about this movie.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 23, 2011, 08:57:54 PM
I decided to run some test with the bucking configuration. It doesn't produce as much power, but it also doesn't care about the cap/leds behind it. But as I was trying different ideas, I shorted the top coil at start and in middle while in bucking and lost 150 rpm and gained 2 volts PtoP! I tried many things but that was the only real difference. My thoughts now are that mabey the coil needs to be hooked up more then one way and the use of litz gives many options and tuneability. I will be trying on a 5 wire coil set and see what happens.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 23, 2011, 10:28:08 PM
Alright I think we are really close now. ;D  Results please:
With just one wire of the five in bucking connection I seen 2 volts on the scope
Leave the start connection to the fwbr alone
Take the end wire and go to start of another top coil wire ( series adding)
the end of that wire and go to start of bottom coil (series bucking)!
Each wire added 2 more volts and also powered the 12 leds off a cap

So what this means is you need to know how much one wire gives you in out put and multiply that till you get the volts you need to run the motor.

O yea almost forgot :) the motor stayed around 3400 rpm no matter how many were connected.
Damn now I need some 7 (at least) wire litz.
Have fun with this
this picture is with 2 sets connected
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 23, 2011, 11:22:34 PM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 23, 2011, 10:28:08 PM
Alright I think we are really close now. ;D  Results please:
With just one wire of the five in bucking connection I seen 2 volts on the scope
Leave the start connection to the fwbr alone
Take the end wire and go to start of another top coil wire ( series adding)
the end of that wire and go to start of bottom coil (series bucking)!
Each wire added 2 more volts and also powered the 12 leds off a cap

So what this means is you need to know how much one wire gives you in out put and multiply that till you get the volts you need to run the motor.

O yea almost forgot :) the motor stayed around 3400 rpm no matter how many were connected.
Damn now I need some 7 (at least) wire litz.
Have fun with this
this picture is with 2 sets connected

What were your current measurements between the different connection variants?
More turns gives you more volts but less current because the total coil resistance goes up.
You would be onto something if you observe a non-linear relationship between the measured voltages and currents of the compared coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on July 24, 2011, 01:53:26 AM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 23, 2011, 10:28:08 PM
Alright I think we are really close now. ;D  Results please:
With just one wire of the five in bucking connection I seen 2 volts on the scope
Leave the start connection to the fwbr alone
Take the end wire and go to start of another top coil wire ( series adding)
the end of that wire and go to start of bottom coil (series bucking)!
Each wire added 2 more volts and also powered the 12 leds off a cap

So what this means is you need to know how much one wire gives you in out put and multiply that till you get the volts you need to run the motor.

O yea almost forgot :) the motor stayed around 3400 rpm no matter how many were connected.
Damn now I need some 7 (at least) wire litz.
Have fun with this
this picture is with 2 sets connected

Congrats rawbush  :)

Best regards...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 24, 2011, 05:28:19 AM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 23, 2011, 10:28:08 PM
Alright I think we are really close now. ;D  Results please:
With just one wire of the five in bucking connection I seen 2 volts on the scope
Leave the start connection to the fwbr alone
Take the end wire and go to start of another top coil wire ( series adding)
the end of that wire and go to start of bottom coil (series bucking)!
Each wire added 2 more volts and also powered the 12 leds off a cap

So what this means is you need to know how much one wire gives you in out put and multiply that till you get the volts you need to run the motor.

O yea almost forgot :) the motor stayed around 3400 rpm no matter how many were connected.
Damn now I need some 7 (at least) wire litz.
Have fun with this
this picture is with 2 sets connected

Nice. Can you draw a sketch showing how the wires are connected? Are 'wires' the single strands?

Also current measurements would be interesting to see if there is power gain.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 24, 2011, 06:11:30 AM
REPLIKACION KAPANADZE oil free energy ....



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 24, 2011, 07:56:19 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on July 23, 2011, 06:27:02 PM
Looks like the magnet kicker circuit is working  ;D


Thanks Marius,   What voltage did you use?  Nice demo. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 24, 2011, 08:11:43 AM
Quote from: maw2432 on July 24, 2011, 07:56:19 AM
Thanks Marius,   What voltage did you use?  Nice demo.

Well, i didn't measured but i think it was around 12-15V.The 2n3055 is geting realy hot . In order to get the max rpm i had to change the position of the ''senzor coil''(the square one).If the senzor coil remains fix, it won't get the max rpm
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: maw2432 on July 24, 2011, 08:32:34 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on July 24, 2011, 08:11:43 AM
Well, i didn't measured but i think it was around 12-15V.The 2n3055 is geting realy hot . In order to get the max rpm i had to change the position of the ''senzor coil''(the square one).If the senzor coil remains fix, it won't get the max rpm

The magnets you are using looks like old hard drive magnets.  I suspect your transitor on time is quite long.  Not sure. 
I know the kicker coils and the very small transitor from the Kinetic art toys do not get warm at all.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on July 24, 2011, 08:57:14 AM

I am also following your testing. Of course experimenting is the best method with whatever is the result you learn both ways.

I would like to ask you to possibly try something very simple. Can you measure the inductance of your two series drive coils separately. Then try to find any small AC transformer coil where either the primary or the secondary having equal or more inductance then the drive coils counted together. Put that transformer pri or sec in series with the drive coils but not on the pulsed side. Then try your wheel without loading the gen coils to see if you can notice any changes in rotation speed, torque, stability, etc. Then take the other side of the transformer coil and see which is positive and negative. Via a small diode on the positive connect to a high uF capacitor just to see if it will load.

If it is interesting enough, then connect the capacitor in parallel to your battery and eventually try to remove the battery while the wheel is turning. Do all this without loading the gen coils for now. Output is not important. Only to see if the effect on the drive side and see if some energy can be returned back to the battery. If this shows some promise, then it is only a few steps away from an even better driving method.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 09:55:23 AM
@wattsup, sorry, but I am not driving this system with a pulse motor.  It is driven by a brushless DC motor.  The motor and spindle are from an old SHARP VCR.  The drive circuit has a Mitsubishi M56732AL IC and a hall sensor for sure.  The service schematics (found by Gyula) shows it to be a 2 phase motor with three hall sensors, so the hall I can see might actually be an array of three.  That hall unit has at least 4 connections so I would believe it is more than a single.  I forget the number of stator poles on the actual motor, but Gyula might still have the picture he found on the net.  I have that link archived at work so I cannot get to it from home now.  If it is important to anyone I can post it tomorrow, or Gyula may post it for us.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 24, 2011, 10:25:57 AM
Alright, I am awake and ready to run test. I will be taking numbers this time and compare the difference between series adding and bucking, from one wire to 5 wires. Also I will try to draw a picture of the series adding/bucking for yall. Will post results in a bit.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 11:32:54 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 23, 2011, 07:34:58 PM
The Schottky I used did seem to negate the "load" effect on the readings.

The Schottky's do stabilize the readings.  Unfortunately I only have two left for the Pin circuit and need three.  But they are easy enough to move around on the breadboard.

Problem is:  The diodes have their own voltage drop.  So my readings need to be adjusted for that or I need to just start again looking for "patterns" and not be concerned with the "absolutes".

Either way, I feel I am at a dead end.  I have learned quite a bit and feel there is much more to learn.  But I have not seen any direction towards what I believe is the ultimate goal:  phase lock.

The generator anomalies we are all investigating are very interesting.  But phase lock into ZPE has eluded my testing so far.  I am only sweeping R in an RLC circuit.  That is because it is the easiest to change and test!

So if L and/or C are not anywhere near the values needed for phase lock, I am wasting my time (while still learning...).

L is an oscillator.  It changes based on the distance of the ferrite cores to the rotor magnets (inductance range oscillation change) and speed of the rotor (frequency change).  The range should also change as the gap between the ferrite cores and rotor mags changes as well as when backing magnets are introduced.  Number of turns in each coil will also change L.

WTF is C?  Is it just the Dump Cap C, or is it also the gap between the coils and rotor mags?

If anyone has the skills and desire to try and run a simulation of this system to determine the expected correct range of these variable it would be most helpful.  Turtur published his code for one of his simulations at the end of one of his papers.  Not sure if that would be a good starting point or not.

Of course, just "noodling" about what I have witnessed so far and/or experimenting more might lead me in the correct direction.  But for now I am stumped.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 02:14:54 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 11:32:54 AM
The Schottky's do stabilize the readings.  Unfortunately I only have two left for the Pin circuit and need three.  But they are easy enough to move around on the breadboard.

Problem is:  The diodes have their own voltage drop.  So my readings need to be adjusted for that or I need to just start again looking for "patterns" and not be concerned with the "absolutes".

Either way, I feel I am at a dead end.  I have learned quite a bit and feel there is much more to learn.  But I have not seen any direction towards what I believe is the ultimate goal:  phase lock.

The generator anomalies we are all investigating are very interesting.  But phase lock into ZPE has eluded my testing so far.  I am only sweeping R in an RLC circuit.  That is because it is the easiest to change and test!

So if L and/or C are not anywhere near the values needed for phase lock, I am wasting my time (while still learning...).

L is an oscillator.  It changes based on the distance of the ferrite cores to the rotor magnets (inductance range oscillation change) and speed of the rotor (frequency change).  The range should also change as the gap between the ferrite cores and rotor mags changes as well as when backing magnets are introduced.  Number of turns in each coil will also change L.

WTF is C?  Is it just the Dump Cap C, or is it also the gap between the coils and rotor mags?

If anyone has the skills and desire to try and run a simulation of this system to determine the expected correct range of these variable it would be most helpful.  Turtur published his code for one of his simulations at the end of one of his papers.  Not sure if that would be a good starting point or not.

Of course, just "noodling" about what I have witnessed so far and/or experimenting more might lead me in the correct direction.  But for now I am stumped.


An LCR circuit does not primarily oscillate due to a change in inductance by a rotr magnet.
If you set the LCR circuit up with solid state components with a fixed L, it will also oscillate.
The change in inductance due to the passing rotor magnet is only slight, but it will slightly change the resonance frequency.

C is a series or parallel cap (plus the capacitance of the coil which is usually neglected).

If you are after resonance, then changing the resistance inside the LCR circuit is not the way to go, as you wanna keep that uncompromisingly minimal or you will have a too low "Q".

Simulators won't get you very far, they are not made to compute ZPE entering the system.

What Turtur is trying to do is very viable and has been described by Dollard and originally by Mandelstam and Papalexi.
But Romero did it without spring capacitors or spring coil cores, so it can be done much easier and i personally think that there is no phase-lock condition in Romero's set-up like Turtur is investigating.
EDIT: Just in regards to his spring experiments, his "newer" rotor-based set-up indicates that he expects a phase-lock.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 03:00:29 PM
@X, thanks for the insightful reply.

I think I understand the basic theory of an LCR tank, and calculating those values is pretty straight forward.  But I don't think that electrical "resonance" is what we are looking for.  But maybe it is.

In one of Dr. Turtur's papers from Feb. this year he examined the picture posted below.  In this device he was creating a resonant situation by cycling the inductance of the coil by introducing an oscillating magnet.  He abandoned this idea (in that paper) because his simulations required that the oscillation happen at so high a frequency as to require that the spring and magnet have near zero mass.

But the R-ZPEC accomplishes the same idea:  It oscillates the inductance of the coils.  It does so by passing magnets by the coil cores.  So isn't it another embodiment of the same idea?

In that paper (http://philica.com/display_article.php?article_id=219), Dr. Turtur was writing his own simulation program.  It is what he calls a DFEM-algorithm and is shown on at the bottom of the paper.  If I understand it, it was designed to simulate not only every physical point in the system, but also every point in every field involved in the system, while accounting for the propagation speed of the fields (Introducing Theory of Relativity into classical Electrodynamics).

It is only such a simulation that can predict the LCR values for a ZPEC.  If we are to believe Turtur, that is.

Just looking for ideas.  Hunting and pecking for L and C values without any idea if I am even in the correct order of magnitude is not very efficient use of time.

Might be time to e-mail Turtur?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 03:41:16 PM
It is all laid out here : http://philica.com/display_article.php?article_id=233

He does indeed expect a phase-lock in his rotor set-up.
Since i am not too much a sucker for differential equations :)
i might not clearly see these conditions in the algebra presented.

So experimenting with caps to get to resonance is in line with what he does, so maybe go ahead and do it.
If you make higher inductance coils you can easily match with a low uF range cap or use high number of magnets like he does.

Then use standard non-reflective resonance extraction methods.

Turtur is right on the money when he wants his caps to have a low DC resistance. You want to shoot for highest "Q", that's where the VARs come into your system when you are at resonance peak.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 24, 2011, 03:43:09 PM
So here are the results from serial adding/bucking (like the picture) one wire at a time added. There seems to be a current limit, but plus 2 volts every time. Also I have not tried moving/tuning the coils for best output and will be seeing what happens there. The results:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 03:54:09 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 03:41:16 PM
Since i am not too much a sucker for differential equations :)

Ha!  I think it was right after my difequ class that I switched from EE to ME!  Too much math in EE.  And I can design mechnaical systems in 3D in my head.  So a better fit anyway.

Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 03:41:16 PM
So experimenting with caps to get to resonance is in line with what he does, so maybe go ahead and do it.

But what is the C in an LCR circuit like the R-ZPEC?  I am guessing it must be the C of the coils?  And since RomeroUK used Litz wire, his C would be higher than what I have on my single strand coils.  Probaly by an order of magnitude (crap!)?

Dump cap should not be related to the LCR side of the circuit, right?  It should only be considered as the destination for any extracted power, right?

Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 03:41:16 PM
Then use standard non-reflective resonance extraction methods.

Huh?  What?

Talk to me.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 04:13:06 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 03:54:09 PM

But what is the C in an LCR circuit like the R-ZPEC?  I am guessing it must be the C of the coils?  And since RomeroUK used Litz wire, his C would be higher than what I have on my single strand coils.  Probaly by an order of magnitude (crap!)?

It is unlikely, the C of the coils would have to be in the high uF range (~ 200uF ! ).
His coils had only 2mH inductance and his rotor didn't even seem to be running that fast.
For a coil of Litz wire to have such a capacitance is impossible (at least according to the established science)

Even though i cannot picture that in my mind, in Romero's device the oscillation indeed could have been between ALL coils and the dump cap.
The fact that they are all out of phase to each other doesn't make this more easier to imagine )
So if there is anything standing wave related at hand there, that's probably the only way that it could happen.

Bolt has been referring to the virtual capacitance layer between the rotor magnet and the bucking coils.
He might be able to shed more light onto this. Maybe this capacitance
is being pumped as part of a "virtual" LC circuit here for an oscillation.

EDIT: Why torture the man, a simple quote saves him the re-typing )


Romero coil configuration is VASTLY different as each coil
wire out of phase produces a dipole. In between that dipole
there is a virtual capacitance layer which is charged from
the passing neo magnet between the dipole gap.
When the neo has induced a maximal magnetic flux the electric field
in the virtual capacitor is decaying, because of feeding inductance
with electrical current, external electric field from inductance
tries to recharge charge this capacitor by displacement current.
As a result, capacitor pumps energy from M field, and real JOULES o/p
of the systems rises. We allow this to happen because the coils
are wired out of phase. So self created magnetic flux is
minimal thus the BEMF is made ZERO not NULL. 
The energy does NOT come from the neo magnet directly
it only creates the conditions to allow this to happen more efficiently

QuoteThe OU
all happens within the cores.  They are
inductors which cause the current to lag
in two pulse directions with zero point
in the centre.  There is a moment where
all the coils are sequential setting up
momentary standing waves between the
inductor coils L and the dump cap C
When the current is a max within the coil
the voltage is zero at the dump cap.
However the core itself undergoes
transformation as it is biased into the
non linear region due to the back end
re-gauging magnets. This is the moment
where when the voltage is zero the core
becomes magnetoconstrictive and reverses
entropy. The capacitor sees a real Joule
Charge at this moment.

However this power can not be taken back
to the source directly as it has not
been powered factor corrected. This is
the job of the DC converter is correcting
the PF.  Without this is can not loop.
The backend re-gauging  magnets and
tuning to a specific load is critical.
There is a sweet spot to tune for each
load to correct the core B H bias.

QuoteHuh?  What?

Talk to me.

The extraction cap must stay in resonance.
If you tap it too hard then it will drift out of resonance.
Probably Romero's DC DC Converter was just doing it right.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 24, 2011, 04:29:46 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 03:00:29 PM
Might be time to e-mail Turtur?


Mondrasek: The approaches are not the same. He is busy with his prototype anyway and won't have the time. he sais he couldn't even help all the people trying to help build his own setup. To be honest I'd rather like to surprise him with a running Romero replication. He isn't very far from where I am.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 04:42:10 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 04:13:06 PM
Even though i cannot picture that in my mind, in Romero's device the oscillation indeed could have been between ALL coils and the dump cap.
(The fact that they are all out of phase to each other doesn't make this more easier to imagine )
So if there is anything standing wave related at hand there, that's probably the only way that it could happen.

I too have been pondering the "frequency" of oscillations due to the relationship of the number of rotor mags and coils.  Since I only have 3 coil pairs mounted I thought that I might need to run at 3X the RPM as RomeroUK did to achieve a phase lock (since I have 1/3 the number of gen coil pairs). 

But the problem with that theory is this:  RomeroUK had 2 of 9 coil pairs as drivers.  So his output pulses would have been 3-pause-4-pause-repeat.  Not symmetric. So I still have reservations about a single coil pair or, in my set up, a triple coil pair, affecting the resonance frequency for a phase lock to ZPE (if it exists).

Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 04:13:06 PM
Bolt has been referring to the virtual capacitance layer between the rotor magnet and the bucking coils.

Several times, iirc.  I would welcome more input from @bolt.

If ZPE is able to be tapped:  By theory it should have a (relatively) wide frequency band, right?  But what frequency would be the largest?

What is the most prevalent EM "source" in the Universe?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 04:46:36 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 24, 2011, 04:29:46 PM
Mondrasek: The approaches are not the same. He is busy with his prototype anyway and won't have the time. he sais he couldn't even help all the people trying to help build his own setup. To be honest I'd rather like to surprise him with a running Romero replication. He isn't very far from where I am.

Hmm.  In his last paper it seemed he was turning over his design to others to buld since he said he did not have a lab in which to test right now.

But I agree that geting an R-ZPEC replication running would be a better tribute to all.

Do you know Dr. Turtur and his team?  Are they building?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 04:52:29 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 04:42:10 PM

But the problem with that theory is this:  RomeroUK had 2 of 9 coil pairs as drivers.  So his output pulses would have been 3-pause-4-pause-repeat.  Not symmetric. So I still have reservations about a single coil pair or, in my set up, a triple coil pair, affecting the resonance frequency for a phase lock to ZPE (if it exists).

Well but each of his gen coils sees 8 magnets hammering away at his RPM
The "gap" just occurs if you would look at the phases of all gen coils, there would be one at the rotary position of the drive coils.
So his gen coils get a constant frequency input.

QuoteIf ZPE is able to be tapped:  By theory it should have a wide frequency band, right?  But what frequency would be the largest?

What is the most prevalent EM "source" in the Universe?

I don't think it's about frequency bands
Some people even say RE can be in the VLF range.
If you look at it as simply being negative time charges, then it seems
the frequency can be any.

Well for "us" earthlings it's the sun )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: yfree on July 24, 2011, 05:03:43 PM
Turtur and first of all Mandelshtam - Papaleksi is the right direction. The attached figure is taken from Н.Ð". Папалекси «Эволюция поняÑ,ия резонанса» 31 (4) (1947) (unfortunately in Russian) available from http://ufn.ru/ru/authors/papaleksi_n_d/
There are no magnets and the number of rotating cores is equal to the number of coils (this is a must, so, Romero could not have done it in the Muller type arrangement). This really works. This is what Thrapp is demonstrating in his YouTube video.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 05:28:36 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 04:52:29 PM
Well for "us" earthlings it's the sun.

And what part of the "Sun" is creating EM radiation the most?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 05:34:44 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 05:28:36 PM
And what part of the "Sun" is creating EM radiation the most?

You would wanna put your pickup coils closer to the center of the sun? ;)

Tesla and Don Smith were convinced that Radiant energy comes from the sun.
Can be seen with the elevated plates in Tesla patent.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 05:38:02 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 05:28:36 PM
And what part of the "Sun" is creating EM radiation the most?

Sometimes I crack myself up!


The most abundant element in the Universe.

One Proton.  One ELECTRON.

What is the frequency of the rotation of the electron in a hydrogen atom? (Seriously.  I DON'T KNOW!)

HBO = Help a Brother Out.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 05:47:12 PM
And for all practical purposes I also need to know an appropriate antenna wave length for the Hydrogen atom "frequency".

Harmonics are okay too.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 05:47:46 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 05:38:02 PM
Sometimes I crack myself up!


The most abundant element in the Universe.

One Proton.  One ELECTRON.

What is the frequency of the rotation of the electron in a hydrogen atom? (Seriously.  I DON'T KNOW!)

HBO = Help a Brother Out.


It's around 10 ^15 Hz in that range ;)
What do you wanna build based on that data?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 05:49:01 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 05:47:46 PM
It's around 10 ^15 Hz in that range ;)
What do you wanna build based on that data?


What antenna lengths will bring in that frequency or it's harmonics?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 05:55:08 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 05:47:46 PM
It's around 10 ^15 Hz in that range ;)
What do you wanna build based on that data?

What if we move up the periodic table to find the frequency of the next shells?  What do we get?

X, thanks for keeping with me on this train of thought.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nogarats on July 24, 2011, 06:40:47 PM
Hi, I Amin the process of biuilding a replication,
Can the coils be larger than the magnets and if so, by how much more?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 06:50:34 PM
Quote from: nogarats on July 24, 2011, 06:40:47 PM
Can your coils be larger than your magnets and if so, by how much more?


Until the device is not fully understood, it's hard to say.
In Muller's big device i think to remember that the coil's had nearly the same
dimension as the rotor magnets, same in Romero's device.
It seems more important to not oversaturate the core, so core choice
is probably more critical.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 06:53:03 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 06:50:34 PM
Until the device is [edit] fully understood, it's hard to say.
In Muller's big device i think to remember that the coil's had nearly the same
dimension as the rotor magnets, same in Romero's device.
It seems more important to not oversaturate the core, so core choice
is probably more critical.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nogarats on July 24, 2011, 06:55:19 PM
How do one's know that he over saturated the cores?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 07:17:33 PM
X, can we skip the distractions?

I'm the simple BS in the room.  You have the advanced degrees.

Teach.  I know you want to.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 07:56:25 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 07:17:33 PM
X, can we skip the distractions?

I'm the simple BS in the room.  You have the advanced degrees.

Teach.  I know you want to.

I must disappoint you, not much to "teach".
Maybe i just post here too much (was bored today)
Most things that i talk about are sourced, it`s public knowledge, not mine.

You as well as me learn from the people here willing to share their results.
Building bigger device now to test with 2 physically distant bucking coils.
(Smith,Gray,Tesla etc.)
No effects observed with bifilar cancelling single coil on same core, maybe due to single Biasing magnet or way off cap values. I have the theory that the virtual capacitance layer needs a certain distance, thats why better 2 opposing coils.
Very hard to work with it, if you can't measure anything (due to perfect cancellation), that demands lots of patience hehe.
My tip to you, continue to experiment with RLC and bucking coils.
Good Luck

P.S.: I had the idea to start a new thread that in depth discusses standing waves and their relevance to the Romero Muller device as well as to other devices. That way this thread here would see less theory.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 08:11:49 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 07:56:25 PM
I must disappoint you, not much to "teach".
Maybe i just post here too much (was bored today)
Most things that i talk about are sourced, it`s public knowledge, not mine.

You as well as me learn from the people here willing to share their results.
Building bigger device now to test with 2 physically distant bucking coils.
(Smith,Gray,Tesla etc.)
No effects observed with bifilar cancelling single coil on same core, maybe due to single Biasing magnet or way off cap values.
Very hard to work with it, if you can't measure anything (due to cancellation), that demands lots of patience hehe.
My tip to you, continue to experiment with RLC and bucking coils.
Good Luck

P.S.: I had the idea to start a new thread that in depth discusses standing waves and their relevance to the Romero Muller device as well as to other devices. That way this thread here would see less theory.

Thank you for your timely (and rather well thought out) response!

I am glad you were bored today.

If you ever have a chance to make it to my neck of the woods, I'm buying.

I need some education in electrical measurement techniques, for sure!  Maybe a new forum member can help me?


PS. I'm all for the idea of the new thread, old man ;).  Theory is waaaay boring for many (though I like it!).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 08:28:57 PM
So my testing has pretty much stopped.

I can no longer meter my Pin values (even with the diodes) stably (below ~40 Ohms load).

I see no perceived Pout increase as I sweep through bigger (lower R) loads (wait!  I need to graph that data).

So I am down to changing the L and/or C, right?

That change is a big one with this physical setup.

Any advice is appreciated.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 08:56:48 PM
New topic about Standing waves and resonance in generators here : http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=11253.msg295965#msg295965

Try to make a so-called binary cap bank.
I have gotten myself a couple of bipolar caps.
This is the cheap solution, as their voltage rating
is pretty low, but should be enough to see at least any
effect despite the bucking.

Romero probably avoided caps, because he could reach
a maximal "Q" that way. Rule is that the higher the "Q", the more
VARS you can create and lowest resistance of the coil/cap is a condition for that. In his case he had only the coil DC resistance to limit it.

So i think you need to go high in frequency or double your rotor magnets
as to need having to raise the inductance which would also raise the DC resistance of the coil to reach the correct resonance frequency.

It's all a big interdependence between L C R and the resulting Q.

In simple tests i had better success creating resonance with high inductances and low capacitances.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 09:34:17 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 24, 2011, 09:57:58 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 24, 2011, 08:56:48 PM
So i think you need to go high in frequency or double your rotor magnets
as to need having to raise the inductance which would also raise the DC resistance of the coil to reach the correct resonance frequency.

It's all a big interdependence between L C R and the resulting Q

As far as the interdependence betwen L C R and the resulting Q goes:  Agreed.

As far as going high in frequency... No shit?  Do you think!?! :D

Doubling the rotor mags has the negative effect of cramming the Vout wave forms together, imo.  So you will lose max Vout ptp.  Is that a tradeoff or not imprtant?

This is just conjecture.  Please continue, Professor.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on July 24, 2011, 11:53:15 PM

If you have three gen coil pairs and your wheel is driven by a motor, then all you are really interested in is the output section. Have you tried with your top gen coils in series looped, bottom gen coils in series looped, one wire from each goes to the AC side of only one fwbr. I am very curious for anyone to try this since you will have three series coils in different phases which AC really does not like. That kind of havoc may be very interesting to test.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Super God on July 25, 2011, 12:09:38 AM
So we need to use as many rotor poles as possible to increase the frequency and make a coil to have high impedance at that frequency? Also, do we need to use a capacitor to resonate with the coil at that frequency, thus giving us the out of phase current (vars) that we want? Sounds reasonable to me.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on July 25, 2011, 12:21:28 AM
this coil configuration has occupied my mind for a while.
gonna start coiling a pair (this stuff takes me a while) of these
but i'm afraid the ferrite i have doesn't have the polar domain alignments that may be more desirable.
but maybe this is where the back bias magnets come into play where this presets the domain walls in a more elongated way.

the picture is meant to replace the thousand words but i'm looking at more wraps on the outer core windings.

what i will be looking for is the polarity flipping - similar to bi-metal strips creating a snap action effect.
in this case its 2 types of magnetic materials to create a magnetic snap action.

take care.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 25, 2011, 01:14:52 AM

Those last two posts came along just at the right time, and even make sense to me...and I'm still a long way from the top of the learning curve.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 25, 2011, 08:33:15 AM
Quote from: Super God on July 25, 2011, 12:09:38 AM
Also, do we need to use a capacitor to resonate with the coil at that frequency, thus giving us the out of phase current (vars) that we want? Sounds reasonable to me.

Actually I think the "virtual switch" created by the FWBR and Dump Cap bias voltages is creating the out of phase current condition automatically.  Since the coils do not "see" the load until they have generated a voltage that is higher than the sum of those two bias voltages, we effectively tap into the coil voltage only after it is high.  This, in effect, means "current" cannot flow until Vout is high.  THIS means that current is always forced to lag Vout.  The result:  VARs only.  A completely reactive system.  Zero in phase current.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on July 25, 2011, 09:17:28 AM
Anything happening on each pair of gen coils before the fwbr will never be out of phase with other coil pairs after the fwbr because now it is dc and there is no dc out of phase. In Romeros build, each pair is in phase because they get hit at the same time and their pole switching happens at the same time. But put the top coils in series (then each of the three get hit at different times) and now you will have three out of phase events happening on the top coils and three out of phase events on the bottoms coils now all happening before one fwbr.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 25, 2011, 09:35:09 AM
Actual screen shot of V (large wave) and C (small wave "blips") before the FWBR.  Please note that the probe for the C was not set up correctly so you need to invert that wave form in your mind.

The current does not flow until the V in the coil is greater than the sum of the FWBR diode bias voltage plus the V that exists in the dump cap.  So current does not flow until V is already high.  This creates the same effect as if the current was out of phase with the voltage:  VARs.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 25, 2011, 10:06:46 AM
Quote from: wattsup on July 25, 2011, 09:17:28 AM
Anything happening on each pair of gen coils before the fwbr will never be out of phase with other coil pairs after the fwbr because now it is dc and there is no dc out of phase. In Romeros build, each pair is in phase because they get hit at the same time and their pole switching happens at the same time. But put the top coils in series (then each of the three get hit at different times) and now you will have three out of phase events happening on the top coils and three out of phase events on the bottoms coils now all happening before one fwbr.


You are correct about the fact that the coil pairs under each other are not out of phase.
But since Romero's top and bottom coils (at one pair) are wound in different directions and are therefore in opposing bucking configuration, they are out of phase.

I believe that the standing wave voltage nodes are
establishing across the AC legs of the FWBR in each individual generator coil pair circuit.

Some interesting quotes:
QuoteThere is a moment where
all the coils are sequential setting up
momentary standing waves between the
inductor coils L and the dump cap C.

QuoteBifilar coils create out of phase
condition its the same as cap  tuning
to create a standing wave.  Dump cap
fills near INSTANTLY when hit by
longitudinal waves into the coil there
is a lot of power here when done correctly

QuoteAll this circuit is doing is POWER FACTOR CORRECTION of out of phase signals from coils forming  incremental standing waves hitting the cap. The load is critical tuning will be really twitchy as hell. Your scope shot has rounded loaded tops and bottoms you are not tuned its over coupled. Bottom trace jagged all over the place each coil should be making same size incremental increasing voltages as rising saw tooth.

Anyone interested in experimentally looking into this, please feel free to participate here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=11253.0
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 25, 2011, 10:10:05 AM
Some thoughts after a day of tinkering with my test rig.  Series bucking can make power, the further the top coil was away from the rotor the higher the volts. I was unable to lower the bottom coil much as with both coils having some distance the drive coils were now not as effective. But what I really think is odd, is that in bucking configuration when load is applied rpm loose is minimal and even in dead short the rotor slows no more then if it seen a few leds.  Now short a series adding coil and the rotor wants to come to a halt. This could be because of the larger air gap of the bucking coil?  Then I remembered, Romeros was tuned to a load, if you pulled to much it would stop... makes me think the coils were in adding configuration? Well I have to head to work for the day, happy building and hope to see some good post in 9 hours. :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 25, 2011, 11:02:03 AM
Quote from: Rawbush on July 25, 2011, 10:10:05 AM
Some thoughts after a day of tinkering with my test rig.  Series bucking can make power, the further the top coil was away from the rotor the higher the volts. I was unable to lower the bottom coil much as with both coils having some distance the drive coils were now not as effective. But what I really think is odd, is that in bucking configuration when load is applied rpm loose is minimal and even in dead short the rotor slows no more then if it seen a few leds.  Now short a series adding coil and the rotor wants to come to a halt. This could be because of the larger air gap of the bucking coil?  Then I remembered, Romeros was tuned to a load, if you pulled to much it would stop... makes me think the coils were in adding configuration? Well I have to head to work for the day, happy building and hope to see some good post in 9 hours. :)

In bucking configuration, there is less Lenz effect due to the an effect observed by Naudin.
Romero's motor was self-running, so if he changed the load the system did not exhibit enough energy gain to keep it self-running due to a "detuning" effect.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 25, 2011, 12:08:48 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on July 25, 2011, 11:45:41 AM
Here it is guys. Tell me what you think


Excellent. Is the effect lost if you change the distance of the generator coil? Also can you measure output current?
Let us know what happens after you hooked up more of the generator coils.

The lesser input current is probably just because the rotor is running faster, less mechanical resistance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 25, 2011, 12:11:16 PM
Since there is a controversy about Romero`s coil interconnection, i have analysed his videos and his close-up shots and am pretty convinced that he has it set-up indeed in bucking configuration.
The ends of his coils are connected (via the orange cable) and they are wound CW/CCW. The black wire connects the starts to the FWBR.
Here an image:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on July 25, 2011, 12:20:11 PM
Quote from: slapper on July 25, 2011, 12:21:28 AM
this coil configuration has occupied my mind for a while.
gonna start coiling a pair (this stuff takes me a while) of these
but i'm afraid the ferrite i have doesn't have the polar domain alignments that may be more desirable.
but maybe this is where the back bias magnets come into play where this presets the domain walls in a more elongated way.

the picture is meant to replace the thousand words but i'm looking at more wraps on the outer core windings.

what i will be looking for is the polarity flipping - similar to bi-metal strips creating a snap action effect.
in this case its 2 types of magnetic materials to create a magnetic snap action.

take care.


Hi Nap,

Is the inner coil's winding sense just the opposite to that of the outer coil? This way the inner coil magnetic poles can directly join to the outer coil poles, right?  Is it done on purpose?

Your coil setup reminds me another setup but it embeds a permanent magnet instead of the inner coil and the outer coil make the flux appear as added together at the ends of the sleeve core, see here:

Thanks, Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 25, 2011, 01:35:07 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 25, 2011, 12:11:16 PM
The ends of his coils are connected (via the orange cable) and they are wound CW/CCW.

Just to clarify:  I believe the top and bottom coils are physically wound the same direction.  And then when one it turned over into a "bucking" configuration it would appear to be wound the opposite direction.  At least that is how I have mine now.

If this is not correct, I will have a lot of rebuilding to do.  But I think this is the only way to have bucking, current cancelling coil pairs.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: slapper on July 25, 2011, 01:41:47 PM
hi gyulasun,

muller was quoted saying most of the current comes from the first
1 or 2 layers of coil windings.

so the wire wraps around the center core could be seen as an
auto-transformer primary. the secondary to this 'auto-tranformer'
config will have many wraps where the voltage appears and,
hopefully, induces a reverse polarity that forces the center
core to flip magnetic polarity at the right time to cause a
push or repel action on the rotor magnet.

coil wrap direction plays a roll in this but i'm not real sure as
to how to actually wind the coil config to cause the effects we're
looking to accomplish. some insight would be helpful.



p.s.; like M&M's. soft and chewy in the center, hard and crusty
on the outside. magnetically speaking.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: totoalas on July 25, 2011, 01:46:40 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on July 25, 2011, 11:45:41 AM
Here it is guys. Tell me what you think

another great result :)
Im using hd magnets  from a server  8 on each side of the rotor 28 cm  dia by 10 mm thickness
and your set up fits on mine
  so can you please post your circuit and what kind of hall switch you used  so i can replicate it also the coil  specs
My rotor just sits there  waiting for this kind of developments
hope you can share  with us

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 25, 2011, 01:48:23 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 25, 2011, 01:35:07 PM
Just to clarify:  I believe the top and bottom coils are physically wound the same direction.  And then when one it turned over into a "bucking" configuration it would appear to be wound the opposite direction.  At least that is how I have mine now.

If this is not correct, I will have a lot of rebuilding to do.  But I think this is the only way to have bucking, current cancelling coil pairs.

Didn't wanna confuse you. It indeed is just turned around.
Just checked the suspended video for better view.
Sorry hehe.
Then the connection is depending on how he really connected the coils to the black connector on the bottom stator.
We will never know 100% for sure. Too bad.

EDIT: Just to avoid confusion, Romero has confirmed now the bucking config on his website (See next post)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on July 25, 2011, 02:02:59 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 25, 2011, 12:11:16 PM
Since there is a controversy about Romero`s coil interconnection, i have analysed his videos and his close-up shots and am pretty convinced that he has it set-up indeed in bucking configuration.
The ends of his coils are connected (via the orange cable) and they are wound CW/CCW. The black wire connects the starts to the FWBR.


Read this link: http://underservice.org/index.php?topic=6.30 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 25, 2011, 02:08:22 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 25, 2011, 02:02:59 PM

Read this link: http://underservice.org/index.php?topic=6.30

Doh! Thanks a lot Gyula!
Had i seen that earlier, i could have saved some time hehe.

QuoteOf couse it is bucking, adding will work like a normal coil and mr Lenz will beat us hard.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 25, 2011, 04:56:37 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on July 25, 2011, 11:45:41 AM
Here it is guys. Tell me what you think


mariuscivic !!!

this circuit ist corect ???
MAGNET = ????
COIL = ????
coil turn = ???
coil om  = ???
WIRE = ???  mm

3 , 7 = COIL RUN ?
4 COIL = X
8 , 1 , 2   OR   8 , 2 , 1  = OUTPUT ?????????
conection circuit  output coil ????


THANKS .....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 25, 2011, 06:29:28 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on July 25, 2011, 04:56:37 PM
mariuscivic .

this circuit ist corect ???
MAGNET = ????
COIL = ????
coil turn = ???
coil om  = ???
WIRE = ???  mm

3 , 7 = COIL RUN ?
4 COIL = X
8 , 1 , 2   OR   8 , 2 , 1  = OUTPUT ?????????
conection circuit  output coil ????


THANKS .....


You posted two links to 2 diferent videos.

For the first link (the last video) i found that the capacitor in the driving circuit was doing the all the trick. I removed it and went back to normal. So, false alarm  ;D (i will remove the vid)

The second link is the video just before the last one. That's where you got the picture. There i used  2 coils for driving it and the rest of them were conected in series. In the video i detached only one magnet just to show what happens but the effect is present for all 6 magnets and coils . Also i had cores in the midle of the coils. To get this efect the coils has to be as closer as possible to the magnet rotor, if not,it won't work.

this circuit ist corect ???

MAGNET = ???? stator mag 20mm\5mm     rotor mag 10 mm cube

COIL = ????  ----   sewing bobin
coil turn = ???---300
coil om  = ???---2 ohm
WIRE = ???  ---0.4mm

3 , 7 = COIL RUN ? ---yes
4 COIL = X---the tested coil

5 COL  = NO CONECTED                                |
6 COIL =  VOLTMETER                                  | -the coils nr 1,2,4,5,6,8 are gen coils and are conected in series to FWBR
8 , 1 , 2   OR   8 , 2 , 1  = OUTPUT ?????????   |
conection circuit  output coil ????                  |

In the end i took off the cores becouse they are much more smaller than the holles in the coil ( the morning after, found all of them attached to the mag  ;D )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on July 25, 2011, 07:36:51 PM

Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 25, 2011, 10:06:46 AM
You are correct about the fact that the coil pairs under each other are not out of phase.
But since Romero's top and bottom coils (at one pair) are wound in different directions and are therefore in opposing bucking configuration, they are out of phase.

Yes they could be wired and turned to make out of phase but not out of what I would call TDC phase. Since a coil pair shares the same TDC point, this is 180 degrees out of phase maximum but always sharing the same TDC. That is just a polarity switch you will get with a lot of cancellation potential because each side increases and decreases at the same time so both sides are pushing and pulling. Not much of an out of phase action there. You can call it dual in phase AC or dual inverted phase AC.

But now put the top in series with 8:9 magnet to coil ratio and your staggered TDC hits will create real out of phase because all are subject to all the TDCs on one side of the rotor, so two sides occurring simultaneously in opposing but not interacting manner, each dealing with their own internal havoc. This is real output off phase action that also acts like a mutual voltage regulator so all you need in one FWBR to output the total DC. That's 6 times less diode losses. This would be dual 7 out of phase AC. This can only apply to wheels with odd coil to magnet ratios.

The other technique to simulate this in a cruder model would be if you offset the top plate versus the bottom plate so that the rotor hits the top first then the bottom at a slight delay. This could apply to all types of dual sided wheels.

The idea to try to avoid simultaneous and equal opposing force production is to limit equal and opposing force cancellation potential which I am sure is happening  and amplifying the drag effect when you start to load the gen coils. But if the load drag can be dispersed within all the coils all the time, so the coil getting hit can load up a coil the is in between hits, and so on, the design itself spells a better RMS AC output.

Right now the Romero design had fwbrs on each coil pair. This would be good if you used one fwbr per coil and not per pair of coils. So you would need 14 fwbrs. But that would generate so much diode losses. But once you start to do small tests to see how a hit gen coil can energize another just hit gen coil to produce a repulsion field somewhere else on the wheel at the same time, then you are producing output, plus generating more repulsion to help the wheel turn.

If the build had 9 rotor magnets and 10 coil pairs, 2 for drives, 8 for gens, the 8 could be wired in series per side 2 x 4 or 4 x 2 permitting to jump over one gen coil per series. I think that is where this will be heading. A form of cascading gen coils per side, paralleled, then paralleled again for a final output.

I any case, all this info is just to know how to better build such a wheel, when I am ready. But if some of these questions and more can be answered at this stage with wheels guys already have, then this whole affair may indeed have some positive to it, regardless of how it came to be. lol


Added after GerkOff posted his smart alek remark, like he only does.

Quote from: chrisC on July 25, 2011, 08:04:16 PM

You still talk a lot of trash, especially when you vehemently believed RomeraUK lied about his device and he fAKED it. Why are you still preaching as if you understand electronics or magnetics for that matter? Writing long posts does not mean people will be impressed by what you write. It is what you actually know between your ears that counts.

I am posting this here to not take up another post just for the crap you posted a few posts past this one.

You should take a hint and go blow your nose over a lit blow torch. I know you are feeling bad because you have so much crow to eat these days. Just grow up. Also, you are just a joke because I never said such a wheel is impossible to work. I don't take sides, I only want the truth. I just had the painful task of putting Romeros where it belongs, at the same level as anyone else at this point. Painful because I also had to deal with your pile of junk. I have looked at your posts here on this forum and there is nothing there to envy except if you belong to a brainless convent. You are blind to the facts, blind to ideas, blind to any form of thinking on your damn own. You are only a follower and your posts prove you only have an interest to create commotion where commotion is not required  Just because you built a 2 cent wheel, it does not put you on top of the totem pole. Also building it knowing you will be traveling so much just shows how impulsive and brainless you really are. Big man has a wheel. So keep flying all over the world thinking you are something "special" while the real @members talk about what matters.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 25, 2011, 07:59:31 PM
Quote from: totoalas on July 25, 2011, 01:46:40 PM
another great result :)
Im using hd magnets  from a server  8 on each side of the rotor 28 cm  dia by 10 mm thickness
and your set up fits on mine
  so can you please post your circuit and what kind of hall switch you used  so i can replicate it also the coil  specs
My rotor just sits there  waiting for this kind of developments
hope you can share  with us



Using hdd magnets will limit your experiments. They are powerfull but on the same side we have N and S.
This wown't allow you to play with the bias magnets. The driving circuit that i'm using is the same as romero's. The hall switch i used is BS057 but any kind of hall will do
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on July 25, 2011, 08:04:16 PM
Quote from: wattsup on July 25, 2011, 07:36:51 PM

Yes they could be wired and turned to make out of phase but not out of what I would call TDC phase. Since a coil pair shares the same TDC point, this is 180 degrees out of phase maximum but always sharing the same TDC. That is just a polarity switch you will get with a lot of cancellation potential because each side increases and decreases at the same time so both sides are pushing and pulling. Not much of an out of phase action there. You can call it dual in phase AC or dual inverted phase AC.

But now put the top in series with 8:9 magnet to coil ratio and your staggered TDC hits will create real out of phase because all are subject to all the TDCs on one side of the rotor, so two sides occurring simultaneously in opposing but not interacting manner, each dealing with their own internal havoc. This is real output off phase action that also acts like a mutual voltage regulator so all you need in one FWBR to output the total DC. That's 6 times less diode losses. This would be dual 7 out of phase AC. This can only apply to wheels with odd coil to magnet ratios.

The other technique to simulate this in a cruder model would be if you offset the top plate versus the bottom plate so that the rotor hits the top first then the bottom at a slight delay. This could apply to all types of dual sided wheels.

The idea to try to avoid simultaneous and equal opposing force production is to limit equal and opposing force cancellation potential which I am sure is happening  and amplifying the drag effect when you start to load the gen coils. But if the load drag can be dispersed within all the coils all the time, so the coil getting hit can load up a coil the is in between hits, and so on, the design itself spells a better RMS AC output.

Right now the Romero design had fwbrs on each coil pair. This would be good if you used one fwbr per coil and not per pair of coils. So you would need 14 fwbrs. But that would generate so much diode losses. But once you start to do small tests to see how a hit gen coil can energize another just hit gen coil to produce a repulsion field somewhere else on the wheel at the same time, then you are producing output, plus generating more repulsion to help the wheel turn.

If the build had 9 rotor magnets and 10 coil pairs, 2 for drives, 8 for gens, the 8 could be wired in series per side 2 x 4 or 4 x 2 permitting to jump over one gen coil per series. I think that is where this will be heading. A form of cascading gen coils per side, paralleled, then paralleled again for a final output.

I any case, all this info is just to know how to better build such a wheel, when I am ready. But if some of these questions and more can be answered at this stage with wheels guys already have, then this whole affair may indeed have some positive to it, regardless of how it came to be. lol



You still talk a lot of trash, especially when you vehemently believed RomeraUK lied about his device and he fAKED it. Why are you still preaching as if you understand electronics or magnetics for that matter? Writing long posts does not mean people will be impressed by what you write. It is what you actually know between your ears that counts.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 25, 2011, 08:10:56 PM

Please everybody, can we move back the personal conflicts...no one wants to see the ugly past resurrected, I know I am tired of it.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Title: Vladimir Utkin
Post by: altair on July 25, 2011, 08:38:34 PM
Hi guys,
lately, the topic is turning back to effects of resonance in an effort to explain & solve the romero generator.
About 4 or 5 days ago, someone posted a link to a paper by Vladimir Utkin, that went unnoticed and totally un-commented.
I downloaded that paper and what's in there would explain the theory behind the generators of:
Tesla, Don Smith, Kapanadze, and of course Romero.
This paper is EXTREMELY important, please do a search with the name for the .doc paper.

Basically, it says to use the electric COMPONENT of the E/M field to charge capacitors, instead of "straight" electricity.
This is apparently the key to be able to extract energy from an LC bank in resonance, without destroying the resonance.
I don't follow exactly all that's in there (yet) but it's absolutely convincing.

Romero himself on his web site put that link in his recommended reading list:

This is the solution!  We just have to figure out how to make it work, as Utkin doesn't say exactly and clearly how to do it.

(Why do the ones who know, always have to hide some part of the story?  They always have to go like: "Look, I know how it works, I'm gonna tell you a few things, and if you don't get it, well it's just too bad.")

Title: Re: Vladimir Utkin
Post by: mondrasek on July 25, 2011, 09:02:50 PM
Quote from: altair on July 25, 2011, 08:38:34 PM

(Why do the ones who know, always have to hide some part of the story?  They always have to go like: "Look, I know how it works, I'm gonna tell you a few things, and if you don't get it, well it's just too bad.")


I think it is because, once you know, you know.  And it is very difficult to try and teach what you know from the perspective of someone who does know to someone who does not yet know.

That is why there are teachers.  They specialize in breaking down information for individual who do not yet know.  That is their "gift", their "forte".

The most knowledgeable person on any subject can still be the worst teacher.

They are mutually exclusive talents.

Ever have an extraordinarily smart prof who was a lousy teacher?

I did.


PS.  I have also leared a lot from individuals without much book learning, but who were very good teachers.
Title: Re: Vladimir Utkin
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 25, 2011, 09:22:20 PM
Quote from: altair on July 25, 2011, 08:38:34 PM
Hi guys,
lately, the topic is turning back to effects of resonance in an effort to explain & solve the romero generator.
About 4 or 5 days ago, someone posted a link to a paper by Vladimir Utkin, that went unnoticed and totally un-commented.
I downloaded that paper and what's in there would explain the theory behind the generators of:
Tesla, Don Smith, Kapanadze, and of course Romero.
This paper is EXTREMELY important, please do a search with the name for the .doc paper.

Basically, it says to use the electric COMPONENT of the E/M field to charge capacitors, instead of "straight" electricity.
This is apparently the key to be able to extract energy from an LC bank in resonance, without destroying the resonance.
I don't follow exactly all that's in there (yet) but it's absolutely convincing.

Romero himself on his web site put that link in his recommended reading list:

This is the solution!  We just have to figure out how to make it work, as Utkin doesn't say exactly and clearly how to do it.

(Why do the ones who know, always have to hide some part of the story?  They always have to go like: "Look, I know how it works, I'm gonna tell you a few things, and if you don't get it, well it's just too bad.")


The document did not go unnoticed, it was discussed in the Kapanadze thread, even in this thread some time ago and in the russian forums.
As you said yourself, Utkin vaguely points something out, but shows no supporting benchwork/data for his claims or concrete descriptions under what conditions his theory is supposed to work.

In Romero's generator circuit there is no kicker coil like required by Utkin.
Concerning Kapanadze he most likely goes into the right direction.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 25, 2011, 09:26:39 PM
Moved in the stator plates and am sweeping Rload (yet again).  Nothing remarkable, but a nice smooth graph either way.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 26, 2011, 03:46:45 AM
HI ...
ROTOR =  ????  cm
MAGNET = stator mag 20mm\5mm
MAGNET = rotor mag 10 mm cube
COIL = sewing bobin
coil turn = 300 turn
coil om  = 2 ohm
WIRE = 0.4 mm
3 , 7 = COIL RUN
4 COIL = the tested coil
the coils nr 1,2,4,5,6,8 = are gen coils and are conected in series to FWBR

THANKS .....
Title: Re: Vladimir Utkin
Post by: chalamadad on July 26, 2011, 04:02:43 AM
Quote from: altair on July 25, 2011, 08:38:34 PM
Hi guys,
lately, the topic is turning back to effects of resonance in an effort to explain & solve the romero generator.
About 4 or 5 days ago, someone posted a link to a paper by Vladimir Utkin, that went unnoticed and totally un-commented.
I downloaded that paper and what's in there would explain the theory behind the generators of:
Tesla, Don Smith, Kapanadze, and of course Romero.
This paper is EXTREMELY important, please do a search with the name for the .doc paper.

Basically, it says to use the electric COMPONENT of the E/M field to charge capacitors, instead of "straight" electricity.
This is apparently the key to be able to extract energy from an LC bank in resonance, without destroying the resonance.
I don't follow exactly all that's in there (yet) but it's absolutely convincing.

Romero himself on his web site put that link in his recommended reading list:

This is the solution!  We just have to figure out how to make it work, as Utkin doesn't say exactly and clearly how to do it.

(Why do the ones who know, always have to hide some part of the story?  They always have to go like: "Look, I know how it works, I'm gonna tell you a few things, and if you don't get it, well it's just too bad.")


@Altair: I agree that it is important. Look, I tried to give an explanation about what is happening. The electric component in Maxwell's equation is referred to as displacement current. Displacement current is CHANGE of electric flux. In a capacitor the electric field CHANGES if it's either loading or unloading.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on July 26, 2011, 10:10:36 AM
I'm trying to figure out this displacement current thing...  :-\
I understand that the electric & magnetic fields are orthogonal to each other, and that the relative arrangement of coils might allow us to feedback energy to the input of the system without depleting the source, but I will need time for that to sink in.  :)

For the moment, I'm filling a binder with all sorts of printed documents that might help me understand the theory behind this.

Oh and by the way, I have difficulty with OpenOffice, that doesn't want to print pictures when intermixed with text on a web page.
For example, on Hoptoads' site, this page:
the second pic doesn't print  >:(
Does anyone knows of a way to resolve this issue?

(In case Hoptoad reads this;) Do you have the contents of your site available as a pdf or .doc ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 26, 2011, 10:37:13 AM
Quote from: altair on July 26, 2011, 10:10:36 AM
I'm trying to figure out this displacement current thing...  :-\
I understand that the electric & magnetic fields are orthogonal to each other, and that the relative arrangement of coils might allow us to feedback energy to the input of the system without depleting the source, but I will need time for that to sink in.  :)

For the moment, I'm filling a binder with all sorts of printed documents that might help me understand the theory behind this.

Oh and by the way, I have difficulty with OpenOffice, that doesn't want to print pictures when intermixed with text on a web page.
For example, on Hoptoads' site, this page:
the second pic doesn't print  >:(
Does anyone knows of a way to resolve this issue?

(In case Hoptoad reads this;) Do you have the contents of your site available as a pdf or .doc ?
print cren ,open nev BMP file ,paste print scren ,reziste image ......save nev JPG file ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on July 26, 2011, 12:38:47 PM
Thanks for your help, FEI
What I want to do is not print just one image, I want to print the whole page.
I usually copy the entire page, paste it in OpenOffice Writer, and print.
But sometimes, as in this page, some pictures do not print, even if they show correctly in what I pasted in Writer.  :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on July 26, 2011, 01:04:49 PM
Quote from: chrisC on July 25, 2011, 08:04:16 PM

You still talk a lot of trash, especially when you vehemently believed RomeraUK lied about his device and he fAKED it. Why are you still preaching as if you understand electronics or magnetics for that matter? Writing long posts does not mean people will be impressed by what you write. It is what you actually know between your ears that counts.


What a person believes does not reflect on what he knows. I have at this point downloaded 309 pages of this thread. So much is B.S. I am under contract working on Muller & MEG (TPU) projects. I have solved the anti-coging problem and going in a different direction on the Muller. In doing so, I needed to ask myself...

1. What are the problems that need to be solved?

2. You take the main problem, and that is the coil. Almost no one knows why "Bill Muller" staggered his windings. The clue is here "The field falls off the square of the distance from the core going out radialy and also down the core's lenght. Once you understand this then you know it's the way to get the most current with the smallest length of wire.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 26, 2011, 01:32:37 PM

Hi Richard, would it be possible for you to illustrate staggered winding, for the novices among us...meaning me along with other viewers ?



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on July 26, 2011, 01:51:44 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 26, 2011, 01:32:37 PM
Hi Richard, would it be possible for you to illustrate staggered winding, for the novices among us...meaning me along with other viewers ?



What I am doing is putting a complete video of this matter on my Youtube channel. I hope to have this by the start of this coming weekend. It took me quite a long time to figure this out. It is easy to understand once it is laid for you. This is not part of my paid research so no problem passing it on to everybody. I will let you know when it's up.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 26, 2011, 04:01:04 PM
Quote from: rfmmars on July 26, 2011, 01:51:44 PM
What I am doing is putting a complete video of this matter on my Youtube channel. I hope to have this by the start of this coming weekend. It took me quite a long time to figure this out. It is easy to understand once it is laid for you. This is not part of my paid research so no problem passing it on to everybody. I will let you know when it's up.


Much thanks Richard...please drop us a link when its up.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on July 26, 2011, 04:31:42 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 26, 2011, 04:01:04 PM

Much thanks Richard...please drop us a link when its up.


Had time on my hands so it's up now.


Keep in mind that the Muller coil is using one wire in making up the total coil.

I forgot to mention in the video that his design make the smallest of area coil possible, allowing more coils to be use as pickups.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on July 26, 2011, 05:24:29 PM
Hi Richard,

Thanks for the explanation on the coil.  My question is when you finish the first Layer on the right hand side of the core you simply guide back the wire on the very top of the first layer and start the second Layer from the left side again, working towards the right hand side and so on and so on?  (so any new layer always starts from the left hand side of the core)
And this same valid in case you make the bifilar version of such coil construction, right?
What self inductance do you have for such coils and DC resistance if you don't mind telling.
In case of a bifilar version, you connect the two wires in series or you just use one coil for driving and the other coil from the coil pair for collecting the emf from the collapsing flux?

Thanks,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 26, 2011, 05:40:44 PM
Quick update: Soft ferrite cores arrived today. With biasing magnets on one coilpair speed increased significantly (up to over 200 rpm). Didn't get a speedup like this with every coilpair. Overall speed was lower though as with the core magnets but this might be because the air gap is bigger now. Cores protruding the coil a little.
Had the coils in bucking config but voltage output was quite low (<3V). Having a resistor as load, ampmeter showed 200mA, rotor wasn't slowing down much.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 26, 2011, 06:00:53 PM
@chalamadad, very interesting.  So far every time I introduce backing mags I get an RPM slow down.  But there is also a Pout increase for awhile.

Please let me know the details of your ferrite.  I wonder if I am waaay out of range on the permeability or if my gap is not in the correct range to attempt any tuning right now.

Edited to add:  Wait a minute.  I forgot:  If I brought the backing magnets in too close to the ferrite cores I would still see an RPM drop and Vout increase.  But Pout (now including current) would DROP dramtically.

Please let me know what you are able to measure as far as Pin vs. Pout vs. RPM, etc.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on July 26, 2011, 06:07:14 PM
Quote from: rfmmars on July 26, 2011, 04:31:42 PM
Had time on my hands so it's up now.


Keep in mind that the Muller coil is using one wire in making up the total coil.

I forgot to mention in the video that his design make the smallest of area coil possible, allowing more coils to be use as pickups.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on July 26, 2011, 06:14:16 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 26, 2011, 05:24:29 PM
Hi Richard,

Thanks for the explanation on the coil.  My question is when you finish the first Layer on the right hand side of the core you simply guide back the wire on the very top of the first layer and start the second Layer from the left side again, working towards the right hand side and so on and so on?  (so any new layer always starts from the left hand side of the core)
And this same valid in case you make the bifilar version of such coil construction, right?
What self inductance do you have for such coils and DC resistance if you don't mind telling.
In case of a bifilar version, you connect the two wires in series or you just use one coil for driving and the other coil from the coil pair for collecting the emf from the collapsing flux?

Thanks,  Gyula

I would start winding the first layer from the front to the back then the next two layers from the back to front stopping each time 1/3 from the start of the first layer. Then to the back and wind 4 layers stopping 2/3 from the start of the first winding, you may come up with a better plan.

On any coil using a bifiler, trifiler, etc setup, if you connect in series the next winding, the inductance is multiplied anywhere from 3 to 6 times depending on coil design. In our case, the first wind with ferrite core had an inductance of 1.9 uh. When all winding put in series, the inductance end up at 126 uh, thats a 66.3:1 . If the magnets passed both ends at the same time, the inductance dropped to 18 uh. The placement in series of the first series winding will has the biggest increase, but there is no gauge to go by in this matter.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 26, 2011, 08:15:20 PM
After seeing Romero's comment on bucking coils I think I will try some more test. But first in order to more adjustabilty  up/down I need to modify the rig a bit so that the drive coils always stay in place and don't travel with the gen coils. I would also like to try to make the gen coils adjustable side to side a bit, but that might have to wait till I can rebuild the whole thing. Off to the garage.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on July 26, 2011, 08:19:01 PM
Neogen part 2
Muller Power! ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on July 26, 2011, 08:42:18 PM
Quote from: rfmmars on July 26, 2011, 04:31:42 PM
Had time on my hands so it's up now.


Great video on winding the Muller coil Richard

Not sure why you did not explain about how to align the magnetite cores.

I have not made aligned cores yet but I read about making cores for Muller motors......... I am not sure where I read  it but it said that you poor the epoxy and magnetite into your mold then stick some Neos on the ends ....... I am guessing a layer of tape over the ends to keep it from getting messy as you put the magnets in place
The magnets are placed so that they attract each other.

It makes sense to me ......the flux lines would be mostly straight  through the core......once the core cures the easiest path for the flux should  be along the original flux paths

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on July 26, 2011, 09:39:47 PM
Quote from: rfmmars on July 26, 2011, 06:14:16 PM
I would start winding the first layer from the front to the back then the next two layers from the back to front stopping each time 1/3 from the start of the first layer. Then to the back and wind 4 layers stopping 2/3 from the start of the first winding, you may come up with a better plan.

On any coil using a bifiler, trifiler, etc setup, if you connect in series the next winding, the inductance is multiplied anywhere from 3 to 6 times depending on coil design. In our case, the first wind with ferrite core had an inductance of 1.9 uh. When all winding put in series, the inductance end up at 126 uh, thats a 66.3:1 . If the magnets passed both ends at the same time, the inductance dropped to 18 uh. The placement in series of the first series winding will has the biggest increase, but there is no gauge to go by in this matter.



Thanks for your understanding. Being critical when shown purported working devices does not preclude one from being involved in OU research. I have spent so much money on generator systems to know, so before I get involved in any other magnetic rotary device, I will be looking at all the angles way in advance. lol

Looking at the generator coil in your video, can we also conclude that having the majority of the coil wound further away from the rotor magnets helps in limiting the drag that the rotor/coil would have undergone if it was wound as a full coil since a rotor energized coil also becomes a magnet in its own right while it is under load.

When I say drag, I am not referring to coging since for me coging means how the rotor can free wheel without loading the generator coils. So when you say you have solved the coging problem, for me this does not mean you have solved the drag problem which occurs when the coils are under load, or can you clarify what you mean.

Also as @resonanceman suggests the importance of aligning the core material is an absolute and logical requirement to assist in having the energy reach down the core to the thicker parts of the coil.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hope on July 26, 2011, 09:53:48 PM
I had seen this same coil like design they were used in that Nazi bell saucer   It started with heavy gauge wire and were smaller and smaller gauges as the coil windings were smaller and were thought to be used to bring electrical pressure to a natural building up (like downhill water mining).  I have found a way to also enhance the efficiency of this motor (any motor) by using a Green Camelot magnetic vortex.  I have enhanced the strength and speed of the magnetic vortex by concentrating the focus of the vortex easily done with other magnets.   Glad to share it with any wanting the info.  I believe this is the reason for the difference in magnets on the stators verses the rotor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 27, 2011, 02:07:10 AM
Hey resonanceman:

Bill Muller would always tell me about "random polarities" in the very special black sand material he would use in his cores.
He said the ferrites inside the amorphous black sand particle would have crystalline structures encasing it,
if you looked at it with microscope,
and these crystalline structures were actually lava from volcano that cooled down, "freezing" the ferrites inside of the cooled lava, and so he said what happens is this makes the  the ferrites  all pointing in different directions, randomly, and this is why his big hockey puck neodimium magnets would just glide past them; not as easily as if aircores, but 100 times better than anything like iron....

So I dont know if that idea of sticking magnets on each side of core when the epoxy mixture dries is good idea, since it wouldfor sure align the ferrites in the mixture.

however, it should be advantage if a strong polarity to core is the idea...

anyways I dont know where you heard of making cores like that I am pretty sure bill Muller did not do it like that since he mentioned random polarities in the black sand maybe a dozen times....

also try super glue instead of epoxy in any blacksand/magnetite/iron powder cores - its stronger and easier and quicker to work with...it will dry like rock...


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 27, 2011, 02:33:56 AM
Hey richard

The times I visited BM years ago he never had any coils like as is shown in your video - he told me:
just wind back and forth and make a barrel shape,
make the cores the same width as the magnets,
use the strongest magnets you can get,
have one more, or one less, coil postion for number of magnet in rotor.
He said all-N is OK but you get more power from N-S, and also have width of magnets the same distance as between the magnets in rotor, measured edge to edge......all that said, its all way differnt than what Romero did really....

anyways my question on the new Muller neo-gen, is I see you guys now have the cogging  zero in "rotation" of rotor,
BUT what about the lenz-law "lugging: of coils while coils are under load, such as when coils run lights or other motor or something like resistive load???
does that coil-design get rid of that problem too? Or at least decrease it alot??

...i can see how having the coils much thicker towards backside of core would sort of bias the core to backside, (moving the "bloch wall" back further of core) much like the magnets in Romero;s machine do....I wonder if those stepped-tapered coils in the neo-gen do something like this?
I see real big advantage of coils in the stepped-tapered design to be a very very strong method to mount coils and cores to stator plates, and would make it impossible pull them out from stator if for example holes are drilled into thick stator plates also in the same stepped-tapered dimensions, and so then drop the coils in there, screw on backing plate, and no way would they ever be able to pull out from stator plate...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 27, 2011, 04:30:17 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 26, 2011, 06:00:53 PM
Please let me know the details of your ferrite.  I wonder if I am waaay out of range on the permeability or if my gap is not in the correct range to attempt any tuning right now.

@mondrasek: More info about the cores: They are made of iron powder, M40. Inductivity constant AL is 16. So inductivity of my coils should be 16*400² = 2.56mH. If magnetized they seem to be much more powerful than the hard ferrite I've been using before. They are 26mm long, I might shorten them later if the air gap needs to be smaller or if the distance to biasing magnets need to be greater.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 09:34:36 AM
For your consideration:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on July 27, 2011, 11:17:55 AM
Quote from: wattsup on July 26, 2011, 09:39:47 PM

Thanks for your understanding. Being critical when shown purported working devices does not preclude one from being involved in OU research. I have spent so much money on generator systems to know, so before I get involved in any other magnetic rotary device, I will be looking at all the angles way in advance. lol

Looking at the generator coil in your video, can we also conclude that having the majority of the coil wound further away from the rotor magnets helps in limiting the drag that the rotor/coil would have undergone if it was wound as a full coil since a rotor energized coil also becomes a magnet in its own right while it is under load.

When I say drag, I am not referring to coging since for me coging means how the rotor can free wheel without loading the generator coils. So when you say you have solved the coging problem, for me this does not mean you have solved the drag problem which occurs when the coils are under load, or can you clarify what you mean.

Also as @resonanceman suggests the importance of aligning the core material is an absolute and logical requirement to assist in having the energy reach down the core to the thicker parts of the coil.


You are correct, I first had to solved the coging problem of just letting the (rotor) wheel spin freely. The coging from the load is yet to be addressed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 27, 2011, 11:24:07 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 09:34:36 AM
For your consideration:


@mondrasek: That document looks interesting, thanks.

I've managed to resemble Romero's waveform (see image below). Also I saw an increase or decrease (depending on the direction) of peak-to-peak values of the waveform when biasing magnets were introduced. So it was possible to increase the output with biasing magnets one at a time until there was no further increase possible. Neat. One coilset, simply in bucking configuration. So this (and changing the airgap) is how the tuning works.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 02:16:01 PM
Okay a couple of experimenters see good effects with a pair of generator coils now. Hopefully someones completes the tuning for all gen coils in that way and can report whether or not this is exhibiting a similar COP like Romero's device.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 27, 2011, 04:17:20 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 02:16:01 PM
Okay a couple of experimenters see good effects with a pair of generator coils now. Hopefully someones completes the tuning for all gen coils in that way and can report whether or not this is exhibiting a similar COP like Romero's device.

If the output voltage wasn't so low in bucking configuration. It's just 1 to 1.9 Volts per coilset. Doesn't seem to be enough. Any ideas? Different airgaps can increase it but in Romero's setup there was not too much of a difference there.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 04:34:14 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 27, 2011, 04:17:20 PM
If the output voltage wasn't so low in bucking configuration. It's just 1 to 1.9 Volts per coilset. Doesn't seem to be enough. Any ideas? Different airgaps can increase it but in Romero's setup there was not too much of a difference there.

Really?  I can get 15V+ easy right now (one pair only:  took a step back to check the backing mag effects more thoroughly).  Are you matching the amplitude of the wave form from your upper coil to your bottom coil on a scope to make sure they are equal and therefor should cancel Iout?

What is your gap from coils and/or protruding cores to the rotor mags?

Afterthought:  Are you measuring this Vout with a load?  My 15V+ is without a load.  Finding the proper load resistance is a different adventure, imho.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 27, 2011, 04:47:43 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 04:34:14 PM
Really?  I can get 15V+ easy right now.  Are you matching the amplitude of the wave form from your upper coil to your bottom coil on a scope to make sure they are equal and therefor should cancel Iout?

What is your gap from coils and or protruding cores to the rotor mags?

Afterthought:  Are you measuring this Vout with a load?  My 15V+ is without a load.  Finding the proper load resistance is a different adventure, imho.


Gaps are different and fairly large (around 10 and 20 mm) because the cores were crashing with the rotor magnets. Wanted to be sure that this is not happening. So that must probably be it then, thanks.
But I got decent speed (2300 rpm @ 12V) with larger gap. Switched each of the driving coilsets to bottom coil only.

I've read the document about ferroresonance. Another explanation that hints to core saturation. Has anyone experimented with grounding? Is it possible to get extra potential from earth?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 05:00:43 PM
M are you sure that you have connected it like this?
In the case the bottom coil is wound the same just turned around.

Getting a high voltage from a bucking configuration seems weird, but if you do you are on the right track.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 05:09:21 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 27, 2011, 04:47:43 PM
Gaps are different and fairly large (around 10 and 20 mm) because the cores were crashing with the rotor magnets. Wanted to be sure that this is not happening. So that must probably be it then, thanks.
But I got decent speed (2300 rpm @ 12V) with larger gap. Switched each of the driving coilsets to bottom coil only.

Until you match the output V of the top and bottom coils, whichever is strongest will overcome the other and push regular current.  It is a conventional generator running very inefficiently.

Once they are matched, no conventional current can flow, so I think reactive current must answer natures call to provide I to R when V is already high.

Quote from: chalamadad on July 27, 2011, 04:47:43 PM
I've read the document about ferroresonance. Another explanation that hints to core saturation. Has anyone experimented with grounding? Is it possible to get extra potential from earth?

Not a direct answer to any of your questions, but something I have to consider:  Zero "ground" is ONLY a reference.  It is no more "absolute" than zero degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius.  This is easily observed every AC cycle when we have + and - voltage.

With the concept of ZPE there lies the possibility (I think) that the background energy created by every expanding electromagnetic field ever created or existing today (ZPE) has a potential larger than you can initially think possible.

So, for example (only):  The ZPE from "absolute" zero energy, up to what we call "zero" or "ground" could have a potential of 10,000 Volts.

Neat, huh?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 05:15:47 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 05:00:43 PM
M are you sure that you have connected it like this?
In the case the bottom coil is wound the same just turned around.

Getting a high voltage from a bucking configuration seems weird, but if you do you are on the right track.

Coils are wound exactly the same way with regard to direction of turns and starting location of the wire on the forms.  I have not even tried any other coil wind techniques(except the two bi-filars that are not mounted) so there is no chance I have mistakenly picked up a differnt coil.

Then the bottom coil in each pair is flipped over.  The start of the wire (inside of the wraps) of each coil is joined together.  The end of each wire (outside of the wraps) geso to the FWBR AC inputs.

So no, your diagram is not correct.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 05:30:26 PM
So I am currently only testing ONE coil pair.  I have affixed backing magnets to the top AND bottom coil at a distance where it appeared I was roughly getting the most "bang for the buck", meaning most Pout increase vs. RPM decrease.

I switched the load to a small incandescent lamp.  This was due to reading the "Ferroresonance" paper poster earlier.  I realized I might not see an increase in Iout while sweeping RPM if I did not have this kind of indicator.

I just tried to take a first reading of Vout across the dump cap (before beginning to sweep RPM).

The Vout starts to climb as RPM climbs when the meter probes are reading Vout across the dump cap.

I am waiting for the system to settle down so I can investigate further.  But very interesting.  Maybe I am on the "edge" of finding something.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 27, 2011, 05:36:50 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 05:09:21 PM
Until you match the output V of the top and bottom coils, whichever is strongest will overcome the other and push regular current.  It is a conventional generator running very inefficiently.

Once they are matched, no conventional current can flow, so I think reactive current must answer natures call to provide I to R when V is already high.

That is plausible if you think about how displacement current works.

Quote from: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 05:09:21 PM
Not a direct answer to any of your questions, but something I have to consider:  Zero "ground" is ONLY a reference.  It is no more "absolute" than zero degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius.  This is easily observed every AC cycle when we have + and - voltage.

With the concept of ZPE there lies the possibility (I think) that the background energy created by every expanding electromagnetic field ever created or existing today (ZPE) has a potential larger than you can initially think possible.

So, for example (only):  The ZPE from "absolute" zero energy, up to what we call "zero" or "ground" could have a potential of 10,000 Volts.

Neat, huh?


Quite. And obviously there is more than we can see with our eyes. But wasn't Romero saying something about grounding was important? Ferroresonance should more likely happen if some part is grounded and another is not it says.

Another thing -When I was trying out different connection options I found this: Connecting an additional cable from one AC leg to the middle of both coils resulted in a full sine current wave. Wonder what that does if current cancels out completely.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 05:46:06 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 27, 2011, 05:36:50 PM
Another thing -When I was trying out different connection options I found this: Connecting an additional cable from one AC leg to the middle of both coils resulted in a full sine current wave. Wonder what that does if current cancels out completely.

Watch what happens if you change your test lead lengths and/or interconnecting wire lengths.  If my hunch is right, this thing is throwing off RF signals across the spectrum since we are "virtually" shorting the coils.  That should collapse the magnetic field almost instantaneously and create a lot of RF noise (so I have read).  Also messes with your test readings fairly hard.

I am still waiting on the little radio Gyula turned me on to.  It should arrive by the end of the week.  If that can tell us what "noise" frequencies are most prevalent from this system when under load, maybe we can adjust conductor lengths to minimize their interference.

Where are our RF guys?  I, for one, need theory as well as practical advice!  I never learned Morse and so never became a HAM, okay?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 27, 2011, 05:56:10 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 05:15:47 PM
Coils are wound exactly the same way with regard to direction of turns and starting location of the wire on the forms.  I have not even tried any other coil wind techniques(except the two bi-filars that are not mounted) so there is no chance I have mistakenly picked up a differnt coil.

Then the bottom coil in each pair is flipped over.  The start of the wire (inside of the wraps) of each coil is joined together.  The end of each wire (outside of the wraps) geso to the FWBR AC inputs.

So no, your diagram is not correct.


@Mondrasek: Would you like to try connecting as Xeno suggests and compare?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 06:06:35 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 27, 2011, 05:56:10 PM
@Mondrasek: Would you like to try connecting as Xeno suggests and compare?

That would require a complete tear down.  So I am not inclined, right now.  But I welcome any input from others who can easily test both arrangements.

Right hand rule:  If you grasp one coil so that your fingers wrap in the direction of the coil, the current should flow in the direction of your outstretched thumb.

How do you get current in the second coil going the opposite direction?  You flip the coil/hand.

I am not 100% sure if the fact that the rotor magnet's different N and S poles are facing the different coils in this arrangement makes any difference.  But I don't think it affects current.  Only voltage.

Please let me know if I have gone off track.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 06:12:06 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 05:46:06 PM
Watch what happens if you change your test lead lengths and/or interconnecting wire lengths.  If my hunch is right, this thing is throwing off RF signals across the spectrum since we are "virtually" shorting the coils.  That should collapse the magnetic field almost instantaneously and create a lot of RF noise (so I have read).  Also messes with your test readings fairly hard.

Taking some of my own advice, I noticed that my primary Toshiba laptop PS brick was still attached to my power regulator circuit with 24" alligator clip leads.  Before removing those leads, RPM with the current light bulb load was 1820.  After removing them (connecting the PS brick coax more directly to the circuit), RPM was 1880.

Any wires in the vicinity of this device should be picking up EM noise, AFAIK.  You need to adjust and/or account for this noise.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: futuristic on July 27, 2011, 06:15:38 PM
If you don't mind. Could you please tell me if this is how you have your setup?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 06:33:25 PM
Quote from: futuristic on July 27, 2011, 06:15:38 PM
If you don't mind. Could you please tell me if this is how you have your setup?

I believe so. (ie. absolutely)

PS.  Call me Mo.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 07:41:48 PM
@M: Ah so you got them in parallel bucking, that's interesting.
Romero's diagram showed his coils in series.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 07:45:24 PM
FYI, I don't know what is worse:

The attacks from the "debunkers" (got my e-mail from Milehigh!  So did X).

Or the silence from y'all.

Please let me know if I am off track here.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 07:46:09 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 07:41:48 PM
@M: Ah so you got them in parallel bucking, that's interesting.
Romero's diagram showed his coils in series.

Thanks, X.


PS.  How do you figure "parallel?"
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 07:50:55 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 07:41:48 PM
Romero's diagram showed his coils in series.

To which diagram do you refer?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 08:12:10 PM
To the one from the pdf (first attachment)
You described your coils like in the 2nd attachment.
Identical winding direction just 180 degrees turned around, starts connected with each other.
In futuristic's diagram the two coils are wound in different ways.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on July 27, 2011, 08:30:12 PM
Quote from: konehead on July 27, 2011, 02:07:10 AM
Hey resonanceman:

Bill Muller would always tell me about "random polarities" in the very special black sand material he would use in his cores.
He said the ferrites inside the amorphous black sand particle would have crystalline structures encasing it,
if you looked at it with microscope,
and these crystalline structures were actually lava from volcano that cooled down, "freezing" the ferrites inside of the cooled lava, and so he said what happens is this makes the  the ferrites  all pointing in different directions, randomly, and this is why his big hockey puck neodimium magnets would just glide past them; not as easily as if aircores, but 100 times better than anything like iron....

So I dont know if that idea of sticking magnets on each side of core when the epoxy mixture dries is good idea, since it wouldfor sure align the ferrites in the mixture.

however, it should be advantage if a strong polarity to core is the idea...

anyways I dont know where you heard of making cores like that I am pretty sure bill Muller did not do it like that since he mentioned random polarities in the black sand maybe a dozen times....

also try super glue instead of epoxy in any blacksand/magnetite/iron powder cores - its stronger and easier and quicker to work with...it will dry like rock...



I have no idea what will work best........ but I really like the idea of finding a way to make a core that works that ANYONE can throw together.

I will be testing black iron oxide cores both cured between magnets and  unmagnitized after I finish my driver circuit

In the attachment is the actual comments......... I did not save the information about the thread ...... You will probably recognize the forum..... it is not a forum I usually go to....... I am pretty sure I got there by following links from the Muller website.



Superglue for cores?
sounds like a bad idea to me.
I am not sure what kind of mold release you would need.
Super glue requires water vapor to cure........it is not designed to be poured into a mold.
A catalyst is available but I do not know if it can be added accurately enough to control the cure rate.
If you add to much catalyst it will get VERY hot VERY fast. 
I once burnt my foot when  a drop of super glue landed on my sock
it stuck instantly and almost instantly got hot enough to smoke.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 08:34:38 PM
What @futuristic posted is 100% correct.

How is what he posted showing the coils wound different ways?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 08:53:02 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 08:34:38 PM
What @futuristic posted is 100% correct.

How is what he posted showing the coils wound different ways?

See for yourself.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 09:01:10 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 09:04:22 PM
X, Besides flipping the coil, your diagram also inverts the coil diagram.

That is not (as I believe) what happens when you "flip" a coil.


PS.  Let's rock!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 09:13:31 PM
You might be right. I can not confirm this right now in the literature that mirrored circuit symbols are indicating different winding direction.
Main thing is you got some output on your generator )
Toranorod on the energetic forum has come up with a generator coil that he claims "camouflages" the Lenz effect. This will steal a couple of hours of my sleep tonite pondering hehe.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 09:14:58 PM
Hell, I'm not 100% sure of anything I've posted in this last round of debate, but here is what I cut from my last post while I double checked:

9.18 V on the Dump Cap from ONE coil pair right now.  Load is (I believe) @14.4V 200 mA light bulb.  The bulb is giving off enough light that I can turn off the other lights in the garage and still take DMM readings (completely subjective results!).

I know this is not classical EE theory!  I was classically EE trained for 3.5 years!

But it appears to work.  And I will NOT back down from presenting these measureable results.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 09:29:50 PM
I was lucky enough to visit Garmisch-Partenkirchen several times as a young boy.  Quite breathtaking!  And so close to Austria.  I forget the name of the castle there across the border in Austria.  But I do remember finding and saving Edelweiss (beautiful!).

I am tired and need sleep again.  My girls have been on a mission trip for half a week now.  I will not see them home for a few days.  Unexpectedly stressfull.  I miss them more than I can express.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 09:44:47 PM
Man, this puzzles me.
Such a complex magnetic flux interaction in Toranorod's device.
You got 3 magnets close to each other sitting asymmetrically on the edge of an iron core.
He states that the magnet's exert the same field on the rotor magnet as would the core when Lenz cuts in.
So in case of a All South pole rotor he would have 2 northpoles pointing towards the rotor magnet with a 3rd north pole being the lenz-magnetized core. However i twist it around in my mind, this scenario should lug the rotor.
Also the backsides (S) of the magnets would bias the core strongly into south polarity at the front end.
On top of it he claims 200mA of current under LOAD while doing this.
Lol this is too much for me, i gotta sleep over this. :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 27, 2011, 11:00:22 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 06:12:06 PM
Taking some of my own advice, I noticed that my primary Toshiba laptop PS brick was still attached to my power regulator circuit with 24" alligator clip leads.  Before removing those leads, RPM with the current light bulb load was 1820.  After removing them (connecting the PS brick coax more directly to the circuit), RPM was 1880.

Any wires in the vicinity of this device should be picking up EM noise, AFAIK.  You need to adjust and/or account for this noise.


Just a thought I mentioned many pages back and I believe bolt agreed with me that making sure NOTHING is grounded in your setup may be important in achieving OU.  This has been mentioned in other experiments that found grounding killed any OU.  I'm not saying that will be the case here but it's an easy thing to try by simply using battery only power in your various tests. 

BTW - IMO ignore Milehigh.  I really think he's got a very destructive intent.  If you understand the power of belief (as now proven in the old Pons and Fleischmann cold fusion replication failures) then you will know what I am talking about. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 28, 2011, 01:13:08 AM
hi Resopnanceman

the way to use super glue is get small amount of blacks sand or magnetite, drop it into center of aircoil already wound, and drip super glue in there, saturate the core materil withit making it wet...drop some more blacks sand and drip more super glue and jsut keep building it up unitl through...smash the glue/blacksand mix down with stick or somethign as you go  - squish it in between the winds so you have lots of surface area of the core to the windings... super glue wont stick to most metals very well or teflon ...epoxy gets really hot too when it cures....the type of epoxy they sell for electonic encapsulement has low temperature cure
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 28, 2011, 02:37:17 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 27, 2011, 06:06:35 PM
That would require a complete tear down.  So I am not inclined, right now.  But I welcome any input from others who can easily test both arrangements.

Right hand rule:  If you grasp one coil so that your fingers wrap in the direction of the coil, the current should flow in the direction of your outstretched thumb.

How do you get current in the second coil going the opposite direction?  You flip the coil/hand.

I am not 100% sure if the fact that the rotor magnet's different N and S poles are facing the different coils in this arrangement makes any difference.  But I don't think it affects current.  Only voltage.

Please let me know if I have gone off track.


Don't change the coil direction, just try the cabling. Go from coil #1 - bottom to top and from there to coil #2 top to bottom.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on July 28, 2011, 04:22:52 AM
FYI, I don't know what is worse:
The attacks from the "debunkers" (got my e-mail from Milehigh!  So did X).

Or the silence from y'all.
Please let me know if I am off track here.


I am personally very disatisfied from the stance Romero has kept so far.

Initially he came up with this Muller OU selfrunner device claiming and showing in video how he achieved OU nice and simple. ( i have told before Romero in his old site claimed many times OU in the past but after my replication, inquires and persistance i debunk them and he went silent and eventually he agreed that he miscalculated in most cases. But not a selfrunner ever suggested there just calculations)

when he presented his initial findings clearly suggesting OU, i told him his is clacultaing wrong. Especially the first vid with the heavy battery voltage drop. Then he rushed and assembled the self runner and my hat came off.

In the very first pages of this thread, every aspect of the self runner  (from wire to magnet specs) was thoroughly discussed by Romero and other member's here, and a successful replcation was thought like a more or less simple issue having all info in hand.\
Romero in the begining said people should refrain from much theories and just replicate.

Replications came abudantly, yet one after the other failed to achieve the extraordinary. Now come suggstions from Romero that the initial info is not complete, but instead of series adding voltage coils those should be bucking, etc etc ect.

The story of the life of this forum...

Personally, i give 0 credibility to Romero and his device having failed to be a real world one, and i apologize to prompt anyone at spending resources (e.g. instead of spending them in summer holidays) uless you enjoyed the ride.

Baroutologos... off
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: futuristic on July 28, 2011, 04:51:15 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 27, 2011, 08:12:10 PM
In futuristic's diagram the two coils are wound in different ways.

If it does that it's because my bad drawing skills.
That sketch is from year 2003 when I did Garry Stanley bicycle motor replication.
If you take two identical (floppy drive) coils and flip one around you get lenz-less drive coil.
Due to clever coil setup no current gets induced when magnet approaches so no lenz force...

Keep up the good work, it's really great to see your progression.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hope on July 28, 2011, 05:56:25 AM
Hello all,   The principles here are more important in birthing this device than trial and error.   First the no back emf attraction/repulsion making the motor very efficient then the second principle is the magnetic vortex created LIKE the Green Camelot magnetic ring (minus one magnet).  This is why we have a difference between the stator magnet count and the rotor magnet count.  Please comment on this anyone so I know my posting is happening.  I CAN SHOW YOU ALL how to make this magnet vortex very strong and fast using ONLY magnets  ..... no electronics.  This will DRIVE the rotor BEYOND COP >1.  See page 309 for the diagram, it is simple.  The original magnet would swing a nail only 7 inches away but the focus magnet (same magnet) swings the nail over 7 feet away!!   an array ring of these (less one in a circle) WILL create a fast, strong magnetic vortex AND it has NO CLOGGING.   There are TWO principles at work in this motor.  Lastly USE SLOTTED ferrite cores so you can tune this puppy's coils on the fly.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on July 28, 2011, 06:30:45 AM
Hi Hope,

I can recall from the very beginning, I thought to myself this is big.

I remember when first setting up my magnets and cause I did not have the bobbins or wire, I
placed the 9 ferrite cores in the stator and could not believe this thing would spin with just a slight
push. The guys had a good laugh at my expense, but, that was my own fault. I swear I thought we
had cracked Ed's flywheel.

Anyway, as I am totally pooped out on trying as many things as I could, I would be happy to see
some GOOD come out of this whole excercise.

So please, share what you know and I will give it a go. I must admit that I had trouble comprehending
you drawing back on page 309. Any finer detail would be appreciated.

Kindest Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 28, 2011, 07:34:15 AM
@Mondrasek . Re Amateur Radio License . Here in the UK [ and I suspect almost all other countries ] the morse code requirement has been dropped .Personally I always loved using morse .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 28, 2011, 08:15:14 AM
@Baroutologos: I understand your point.
At least Romero has inspired some users to try something.
Hopefully Toranorod is onto something. So even if Romero's was indeed a fake, he pushed someone else into inventing something that works.

I would interpret it more like Lenz is being used to "distract" the south pole magnets to repulse the rotor magnet, because they will also go in attraction with the north-pole magnetized core due to Lenz.
A simulation of this situation would make it more clear and of course a YT video by Toranorod.
Here a concept drawing of Toranorod's set-up:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 09:31:44 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on July 28, 2011, 02:37:17 AM
Don't change the coil direction, just try the cabling. Go from coil #1 - bottom to top and from there to coil #2 top to bottom.

Changing just the cabling results in a Vout before the FWBR that is just a mess of low voltage fluctuations with a very random pattern.  I believe this is simply due to the mismatch in coil and rotor mags.  The Vout of each coil should be cancelling, but due to the differences mentioned, one or the other can push a bit harder and register on the scope.  The Vout peaks were rarely as high as ~ 1 V.  In the previous bucking config this V would have been >30V ptp.

After the FWBR it was able to charge up the Dump Cap to a bit above .5 V over a long time and with no load.  Adding a load would kill that voltage immediately due to the very low level of current that was able to be pushed from the coils.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 09:40:35 AM
Quote from: neptune on July 28, 2011, 07:34:15 AM
@Mondrasek . Re Amateur Radio License . Here in the UK [ and I suspect almost all other countries ] the morse code requirement has been dropped .Personally I always loved using morse .

I recall hearing that too.  My Uncle is a HAM and was the one who bought me a licensing study guide book for my birthday one year around '78.  He told me later when they dropped the Morse requirement in case I wanted to have another go.  But I had little interest at that time since computers were a more interesting technology to me then.

Funny, I would have guessed you for more of a Semaphore type ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 28, 2011, 09:43:48 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 09:31:44 AM
Changing just the cabling results in a Vout before the FWBR that is just a mess of low voltage fluctuations with a very random pattern.  I believe this is simply due to the mismatch in coil and rotor mags.  The Vout of each coil should be cancelling, but due to the differences mentioned, one or the other can push a bit harder and register on the scope.  The Vout peaks were rarely as high as ~ 1 V.  In the previous bucking config this V would have been >30V ptp.

After the FWBR it was able to charge up the Dump Cap to a bit above .5 V over a long time and with no load.  Adding a load would kill that voltage immediately due to the very low level of current that was able to be pushed from the coils.


This is my observations too so far, but i am no qualified HAM/RF guy to do any fancy tuning other than sweep frequency ranges and using a variety of series caps.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 09:59:31 AM
How does one determine the Power dissipated by an incandescent bulb?  I can measure VDCin, but R changes as the element heats up, right?  Is there some way to capture Iin without placing another current shunt resistor in series?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on July 28, 2011, 10:17:12 AM

Hi Mondrasek,

in your post nbr 4675, you say:

"In the previous bucking config this V would have been >30V ptp."

Well i guess that is when you really are in series or parallel ADDING config, NOT bucking config.

The trick is to get voltage/current out of the "bucking" config, which is the one where you initially will
get no (or as you say "a mess of low voltage fluctuations") voltage and current because they (almost) cancel each other out.

In this "cancel out" config/situation, which also has no cogging from Lenz under load, you need to tune for VARs as "Bolt"
tells us, but how this is done is still a mystery to many of us.

Knowledge of RF to tune the coils does not make sense to me as RF does not come into play here (RE is NO RF).

I am experimenting with (bifilar) pickup coils in all kind of bucking (and adding) modes (series/parallel) with capacitors (1 to 90 uF) in series and parallel, with and without resonance for weeks now, but have not seen any useable voltage/current coming from my coils.

Regards Itsu,   --... ...--

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on July 28, 2011, 11:11:48 AM
Quote from: itsu on July 28, 2011, 10:17:12 AM
Hi Mondrasek,

in your post nbr 4675, you say:

"In the previous bucking config this V would have been >30V ptp."

Well i guess that is when you really are in series or parallel ADDING config, NOT bucking config.

The trick is to get voltage/current out of the "bucking" config, which is the one where you initially will
get no (or as you say "a mess of low voltage fluctuations") voltage and current because they (almost) cancel each other out.

This is what I was thinking. Tell me if I am wrong. In adding config I have seen the output voltage easily surpass the input voltage. In bucking one coilpair was 1 or 2 volts, but only if there was a different spacing between rotor and the coils. Evenly spaced it's getting close to zero.

@mo: If you are in adding config a load will slow down your rotor significantly. In bucking it shouldn't drop or just minimal. Also you can see the current rising if a load is attached, but I guess the latter is standard. But still we should have an eye on that since tuning under load was important.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 11:29:46 AM
Quote from: itsu on July 28, 2011, 10:17:12 AM
Well i guess that is when you really are in series or parallel ADDING config, NOT bucking config.

When I first started testing coil pairs, I built a standard generator config.  The coils added both voltage and current.  Wired in series, with the top and bottom coils in the exact same orientation with regards to top and bottom of the system.

Then I flipped one of the coils in the pair, including how they are wired.  The results are that voltage stays adding and therefore the same as before the flip.  But the current in the flipped coil is now flowing in the opposite direction.  So maybe we need to be even clearer:  The coil pairs are in voltage adding and current bucking configuration.

I believe when changing the wiring as in the most recent testing results in a coil pair that is voltage bucking, and therefor provides nearly zero current (theoretically zero if matched 100%), yet current adding.

Please let me know if I've got this all mucked up.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 28, 2011, 11:54:37 AM
Current flow direction is dependent on the voltage polarity, so you can't add voltages while the currents are subtracted.
I can confirm no voltage and current in perfect cancellation or minimal
in opposed bucking, because you can not get it physically perfectly cancelling.
On a transmission line you can measure at different point and will have maxima/minima of current and voltage at different points, but as i understand it you can measure at any point.
In the case of the out-of-phase generator coils, you have the cancellation at any point in the circuit with a constant phase angle.
So there is something wrong in the hypothesis.

Here a simulation of Toranorod's generator coil set-up WITHOUT the dynamic reaction of the core with an opposing field. (Limitation of used software)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 11:59:32 AM
So physically flipping a coil AND changing the wiring in effect results in no change?

Well I guess that makes sense.  When I initially tried to set up for bucking I had to mock up some paper coils with polarities marked on the edges so I could see which way I needed to arrange things.  This convinced me that I was currently in regular generator series adding mode and showed me that I could achieve the bucking config I wanted to test by physically flipping one coil.  It did not occur to me that by also changing the wiring I was negating the effect of the physical flip.  Hell, I didn't even need to physically flip them, just change the way they were wired.  That could have saved a bit of time.

So I guess I have not been testing a bucking config after all.  I'll have to consider what to do next.  Since others are testing that config right now, I might play around with the conventional generator set up for awhile longer.  The fact that the "virtual switch" created by the FWBR and Dump Cap appears to be "coil shorting" and results in an appearant phase shift between V and I is still something intriguing.

Sorry if I confused anyone.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on July 28, 2011, 02:55:24 PM
@Mondrasek .The resistance of an incandescent lamp changes with temperature, but you sould just put an ampmeter in series with it to measure current , or a multimeter switched to a suitable scale . The meter would have virtually no resistance .Despite my name I was never a seaman , but I laughed at the Semaphore quote !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 03:45:11 PM
Quote from: neptune on July 28, 2011, 02:55:24 PM
Despite my name I was never a seaman , but I laughed at the Semaphore quote !

Good.  That was the intent (actually I was aiming for "coffee all over keyboard", but not maliciously).

I decided to go ahead and put my 1 Ohm precision resistor in series with the tiny incandescent bulb load.  At full RPM the bulb resistance was calculated at ~118 Ohms, so I think it will do for now.

I'm finding interesting results in running this "backing magnet tuned" single generator pair (normal gen mode) through an RPM sweep with the same tiny lamp load.  If what I am measuring is correct, I have a Pout to Pin ratio of ~1.33 through the entire RPM range.  So output V is then simply a function of RPM and can be set wherever you want by changing RPM. 

If this is scalable, then with a total of 9 coil pairs it would bring me to OU of ~1.2. 

I am looking forward to adding the second pair of coils and tuning magnets to test if this scales 1:1.  It might scale even better than that since having only one coil set creates more cogging than having more equally spaced sets I guess.  But the drag on RPM for the increased output from more pairs is still a major concern.

Thanks for the input.  Always appreciated.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 04:18:26 PM
Data for one "backing magnet tuned" gen coil pair (running in normal gen series mode) with a small incandescent lamp load while sweeping RPM via Vin control to the drive motor circuit.

Check out the sweet natural resonance frequencies (of the mechanicals)!  I am very pleased with this graph!

Now to add a second coil pair.

I still had problems taking readings of Vin and Iin when the RPM was high (>1800 RPM) and still think this is due to the DMM probes acting like antennas for RF being tossed by the collapsing coil EM field.  Hopefully this induced "noise" appears only at those higher RPM frequencies and does not appear in lower frequencies as the additional coil pairs are introduced.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 05:45:51 PM
The single coil pair in the previous testing was "tuned" via the addition of backing magnets at the best distance to maximize Pout vs. RPM drop that I could find easily (waaaay more exact testing would be needed in this area).

The unloaded Vout of this single pair into the Dump Cap reads 16.63 V.

Attaching the next "un-tuned" pair in parallel caused no significant improvement in Vout or Pout.  Why?  Because the second "un-tuned" pair was giving out only 13.55V and so would never overcome the Vout provided by coil set number one to the Dump Cap.  If it does not match or exceed the same Vout of the other coil pairs, it can never provide current to the Dump Cap.

So I am trying to tune coil pair No. 2 up to the same 16.63V range.  Unfortunately I am now out of the same types of backing magnets used on the first coil pair.  But I am improvising (as Engineers do) and should be able to get at least some results, if not fully optimized results.

Milehigh has been giving Sage advice via his youtube account route to my email.  He seems to be a very knowledgeable individual who has the understandable (at least to me) frustration of seeing too much mis-measured and misrepresented data presented.  I too have that frustration and that is the reason why I began building this project:  I was not getting the accurate data that I wanted in order to understand this system.

So I think Milehigh and I are at least in agreement that we all need to measure and present data accurately, including testing methodology.  And if we are challenged by others who disagree with our methods and/or findings, we must present more supporting data or agree to correct our erroneous methods.

Edited to add:  With no bruised Egos!  This ain't about you! (kill the Id)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 06:26:24 PM
First attempt at getting the second coil pair up to the same Vout as the first (16.63 V) was not successful.  I was only able to reach 16.03 V on the second pair, no matter what I tried, with the backing magnets that I have on hand.

So I either need to drop ~$80 on backing mags (and wait for delivery), or figure something out. 

I am thinking to de-tune coil pair No. 1 from 16.63V down to the 16.03V range just to compare results.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on July 28, 2011, 07:22:42 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 06:26:24 PM
First attempt at getting the second coil pair up to the same Vout as the first (16.63 V) was not successful.  I was only able to reach 16.03 V on the second pair, no matter what I tried, with the backing magnets that I have on hand.
So I either need to drop ~$80 on backing mags (and wait for delivery), or figure something out. 
I am thinking to de-tune coil pair No. 1 from 16.63V down to the 16.03V range just to compare results.


Even though the second coil does not have the same or higher Vout, it is still adding to the available Iout.

Anyways, maybe try this with your gen coils. No more reasons will be given because the result will say it all either good or bad.

Connect top gen coil1 with bottom coil2 to make pair A. Connect bottom gen coil 1 with top coil 2 to make pair B.

Connect pair A to your dump cap. Connect pair B together in a closed loop. Try it. Then change wires over on pair B. Try it. Then add a diode in the line of pair B. Then turn the diode the other way. Then put the diode on the other wires of pair B. Then turn the diode around. Try all those variables to see if something is out of the ordinary. Could be RPM, could be output.

You can also try this with top coils as Pair A and bottom coils as Pair B. Maybe even add a capacitor on Pair B.

Your set-up is not the classic Romero wheel so it is a little difficult to find experiments that will be relative to other builders. 

You should not worry about how much feed energy is supplied. It does not matter if your device is OU or not. What matters is how much and what you can learn from your trials.

But keep in mind that since your wheel is driven with a dc motor on the shaft, (if I remember correctly) you will never have OU. The laws of leverage will kill it way before any OU will be evident simply because you are turning a wheel from the shaft and breaking it on the rotor edge. A break force of 1 on the wheel edge will feel like 20 on the shaft. That's why having the drive coils on the edge where the gen coils are is a minimal requirement to have a chance. The ideal would be drive on edge and gen coils closer to the shaft. This way leverage will advantage the drive coils. The only natural force that can overcome drag is leverage. One way to electronically fight drag is to pulse the output closed.

You could experiment with this if your dc motor could be used as a generator and your outer coils could be used as drive coils, but then you would need a drive coil circuit.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 28, 2011, 08:56:57 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 28, 2011, 03:45:11 PM
Good.  That was the intent (actually I was aiming for "coffee all over keyboard", but not maliciously).

I decided to go ahead and put my 1 Ohm precision resistor in series with the tiny incandescent bulb load.  At full RPM the bulb resistance was calculated at ~118 Ohms, so I think it will do for now.

I'm finding interesting results in running this "backing magnet tuned" single generator pair (normal gen mode) through an RPM sweep with the same tiny lamp load.  If what I am measuring is correct, I have a Pout to Pin ratio of ~1.33 through the entire RPM range.  So output V is then simply a function of RPM and can be set wherever you want by changing RPM. 

If this is scalable, then with a total of 9 coil pairs it would bring me to OU of ~1.2. 

I am looking forward to adding the second pair of coils and tuning magnets to test if this scales 1:1.  It might scale even better than that since having only one coil set creates more cogging than having more equally spaced sets I guess.  But the drag on RPM for the increased output from more pairs is still a major concern.

Thanks for the input.  Always appreciated.


Great work mondrasek, could you post a picture of your setup so that we can see the distance of your coils, rotor and the backing magnets?

I am able to get to 1300RPM now under same old input power and get 6v and 100ma output one pair of coils. All only by changing the distance of coils to rotor magnets and playing with the backing magnets.

One more observation. With one pair generator coil once I had 80ma output but with 2 pairs I had 130ma. If I used coil pair A only it would be 80ma, the other B pair only also only around 80ma and both A and B pairs a total of 130ma. This made me think why the current was not actually adding up? Very strange.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hope on July 29, 2011, 12:55:17 AM
For what its worth this is the worlds best science using ramped magnetics.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: escalator on July 29, 2011, 06:35:10 AM

Current and voltage have amplitude and phase. You have measured current amplitude so if you dont get 160mA with 2 coils in place maybe you have a current phase shift between the 2 coils. You can check this with one 2-channel scope measuring a low value resistor in series between each coil and load  to get voltage from current reading. You must have 2 coincident waveforms in time, if not you must move one of the coils till you get this , the same applies for output voltage.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 09:00:24 AM
Quote from: wattsup on July 28, 2011, 07:22:42 PM
Even though the second coil does not have the same or higher Vout, it is still adding to the available Iout.

Only if a load is draining your Dump Cap fast enough!

Vout can only send current to your load and/or Dump Cap when it becomes greater than the FWBR diode Vdrop + the V that is in your Dump Cap.  For example, if I have 9 V in the Dump Cap, and 1 V drop due to the FWBR, that is a total of 10 V on the output side of the gen coil circuit.  You cannot charge a 10 V potential unless your Vout from the gen coil reaches > than 10 V.

So if coil pair number 1 is putting out 10V, it will be charging the Dump Cap.  If coil pair number 2 is only putting out 9V it will never be able to send current to the DumpCap and is just wasting that potential.

So I think it is critical to tune each coil pair output to have the same Vout for the most efficient use of two or more coil pairs.

If your load is big enough it may drop your Dump Cap V from that 10V supplied by coil pair 1 down below the 9V threshhold required for coil pair 2 by the time coil pair 2 is pulsed by the next passing magnet and thus allow for coil pair 2 to supply some current.  But the maximum Vout it can supply is now not enough to top off the Dump Cap to the same level as coil pair 1, and so coil pair 1 is still doing most of the work.

This balancing of Vout levels from each coil pair may have been part of the tuning that RomeroUK had to deal with.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on July 29, 2011, 10:12:24 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 09:00:24 AM
Only if a load is draining your Dump Cap fast enough!

Vout can only send current to your load and/or Dump Cap when it becomes greater than the FWBR diode Vdrop + the V that is in your Dump Cap.  For example, if I have 9 V in the Dump Cap, and 1 V drop due to the FWBR, that is a total of 10 V on the output side of the gen coil circuit.  You cannot charge a 10 V potential unless your Vout from the gen coil reaches > than 10 V.

So if coil pair number 1 is putting out 10V, it will be charging the Dump Cap.  If coil pair number 2 is only putting out 9V it will never be able to send current to the DumpCap and is just wasting that potential.

So I think it is critical to tune each coil pair output to have the same Vout for the most efficient use of two or more coil pairs.

If your load is big enough it may drop your Dump Cap V from that 10V supplied by coil pair 1 down below the 9V threshhold required for coil pair 2 by the time coil pair 2 is pulsed by the next passing magnet and thus allow for coil pair 2 to supply some current.  But the maximum Vout it can supply is now not enough to top off the Dump Cap to the same level as coil pair 1, and so coil pair 1 is still doing most of the work.

This balancing of Vout levels from each coil pair may have been part of the tuning that RomeroUK had to deal with.


First off I am glad you did not take my last post in any wrong way as I did not want it to sound negative and was hoping it did not. You are doing some good work and it is very appreciated.

About the output of coil 2, as long as it passes the fwbr it is dc and additive if not in volts, in current. Yes you will not see the voltage rise on the dump cap but if there was a small load, it will have more amperage. Maybe try to put your two fwbr DC outputs in series and you will see the real total voltage rise every time.

Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 11:00:18 AM
@M : Is that RMS Voltages you talk about?
If the peak2peak voltage of the 2nd coil pair is higher than dump camp voltage + FWBR drop then you will have current pulses.
It's actually easiest to observe what is going on if you put a 1 ohm resistor between the 2nd coil pair's FWBR and the dump cap and put the scope across
that way you see the DC current pulses.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 11:09:25 AM
Quote from: plengo on July 28, 2011, 08:56:57 PM
Great work mondrasek, could you post a picture of your setup so that we can see the distance of your coils, rotor and the backing magnets?

Yikes!  The digicam is off with the Mrs. on her trip out West.  Won't be back until Sunday.  But you still wouldn't be able to see much:  My rotor is 1/2 in. thick plywood and the magnets are only 1/4 in. thick.  They sit in equally deep pockets drilled with a Forstner bit.  But they are not centered in the rotor.  They are actually a bit lower than center.

I'm not near the contraption now, but if I had to guess, I would say my ferrite is around 4mm distance to the rotor mags.  The ferrite protrudes ~2mm out of the rotor facing side of the coils (Singer type 15 bobbins).  The ferrite is 1 inch long and sticks out the back side of the coils about 13mm.

The backing mags are separated from the ferrites with pieces of 1/2 in. plywood again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 11:19:51 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 11:00:18 AM
@M : Is that RMS Voltages you talk about?

No.  In that explanation I was describing p2p voltages to illustrate my point.

Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 11:00:18 AM
If the peak2peak voltage of the 2nd coil pair is higher than dump camp voltage + FWBR drop then you will have current pulses.

This is how I see it.  And with any reasonable load, the cap will always be below p2p.  But I don't think the system is optimized/balanced for utilizing all coil pairs equally until the Vout p2p for each coil pair is matched

But what @Wattsup says may be right:  Current will still flow even if Vout from a coil pair is not exceeding the Dump Cap V + FWBR drop.  What do you think?  I'm still noodling on this.  I consider a multi battery device and know all batteries are providing a current even though they are at different voltage levels.  But that is not apples to apples.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 11:49:01 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 11:19:51 AM
No.  In that explanation I was describing p2p voltages to illustrate my point.

This is how I see it.  And with any reasonable load, the cap will always be below p2p.  But I don't think the system is optimized/balanced for utilizing all coil pairs equally until the Vout p2p for each coil pair is matched

But what @Wattsup says may be right:  Current will still flow even if Vout from a coil pair is not exceeding the Dump Cap V + FWBR drop.  What do you think?  I'm still noodling on this.  I consider a multi battery device and know all batteries are providing a current even though they are at different voltage levels.  But that is not apples to apples.


There is hope )
Somewhere in this thread someone (sorry can't recall the name) posted that
he did see an increase of voltage after summing several coils pairs with their FWBRS in parallel, even though the common understanding (which is mainly derived from the simplified 2 branch-only resistor Kirchhoff model) is that a parallel circuit adds the currents and not the voltages.
The reason is that the signals from the individual coil pairs are out of phase to each other at an angle correlative to their angular spacing to each other.
After adding all coils pairs you will see a DC value on the cap that is much closer to the peak value of a coil pair.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 12:35:07 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 11:49:01 AM
There is hope )
Somewhere in this thread someone (sorry can't recall the name) posted that
he did see an increase of voltage after summing several coils pairs with their FWBRS in parallel, even though the common understanding (which is mainly derived from the simplified 2 branch-only resistor Kirchhoff model) is that a parallel circuit adds the currents and not the voltages.
The reason is that the signals from the individual coil pairs are out of phase to each other at an angle correlative to their angular spacing to each other.
After adding all coils pairs you will see a DC value on the cap that is much closer to the p2p value of a coil pair.

Sure, I've seen the Vout to load rise as additional coil pairs are brought on line by paralleling their outputs after the FWBRs.  This is logical since we are just adding more phases of p2p pulses to the Dump Cap.

But what I am still wondering is this:  If coil pair #1 can bring the Dump Cap to say 12 V.  Have a small enough load that in the lag before coil pair #2 can reach full voltage that the Dump Cap V only drops to 11 V.  Now if coil pair #2 can only achieve 10V max to the Dump Cap, is it still able to send some current through to the small load?  Or does the 11 V in the Dump Cap suppress that current?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 29, 2011, 12:43:23 PM

Mo, I wonder what would happen if instead of pair #2 going to a dump cap, you fed it back into pair # 1 or its dump cap, possibly utilizing a pair of diodes ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 12:44:52 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 12:35:07 PM
Sure, I've seen the Vout to load rise as additional coil pairs are brought on line by paralleling their outputs after the FWBRs.  This is logical since we are just adding more phases of p2p pulses to the Dump Cap.

But what I am still wondering is this:  If coil pair #1 can bring the Dump Cap to say 12 V.  Have a small enough load that in the lag before coil pair #2 can reach full voltage that the Dump Cap V only drops to 11 V.  Now if coil pair #2 can only achieve 10V max to the Dump Cap, is it still able to send some current through to the small load?  Or does the 11 V in the Dump Cap suppress that current?


I don't recall if you have access to an oscilloscope. But measuring the current in the path from coil pair 2's FWBR to the dump cap will clearly show. Even an ampmeter should.
Don't forget that you are working with a so-called bus (the rails paralleling the FWBRs) when summing the signals from the FWBRs.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 12:58:53 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 29, 2011, 12:43:23 PM
Mo, I wonder what would happen if instead of pair #2 going to a dump cap, you fed it back into pair # 1 or its dump cap, possibly utilizing a pair of diodes ?

Not quite sure what you are getting at.  There is only one common Dump Cap.  All coil pairs feed that Dump Cap after their independent FWBRs.

The more I think about it I believe @wattsup is correct.  Even if a coil pair has a Vout lower than the V in the Dump Cap, it will still provide current to an attached load along with the current supplied by the Dump Cap.

So slight Vout differences between different coil sets is not a deal breaker.  Just not the most efficient use of the coil pairs since those with higher Vout will lug more than those with lower Vout.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 01:03:51 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 12:44:52 PM
I don't recall if you have access to an oscilloscope. But measuring the current in the path from coil pair 2's FWBR to the dump cap will clearly show. Even an ampmeter should.
Don't forget that you are working with a so-called bus (the rails paralleling the FWBRs) when summing the signals from the FWBRs.

Yeah, I have a couple o-scopes.  But I am convinced that @wattsup is right.  It really is the same as having two batteries in series with one a bit more run down than the other.  Both will still provide current to the load.  The battery with the higher V does not block the current from the one with lower V in anyway.  Which is good overall wrt tuning to match coil pair Vout.  Not critical, just optimal within reason.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on July 29, 2011, 01:28:19 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 12:35:07 PM
Sure, I've seen the Vout to load rise as additional coil pairs are brought on line by paralleling their outputs after the FWBRs.  This is logical since we are just adding more phases of p2p pulses to the Dump Cap.

But what I am still wondering is this:  If coil pair #1 can bring the Dump Cap to say 12 V.  Have a small enough load that in the lag before coil pair #2 can reach full voltage that the Dump Cap V only drops to 11 V.  Now if coil pair #2 can only achieve 10V max to the Dump Cap, is it still able to send some current through to the small load?  Or does the 11 V in the Dump Cap suppress that current?


No both are sending current in their respective percentages and even voltage in their respective percentages given one is higher then the other, just like if you doubled your load, both will still provide the output. Just think of it like you had two batteries. The first one is 11 volts, the second is 10 volts. In parallel, will the first one last longer since the second is also there? Of course it will to the percentage of each ones providing the load. Both will go down together at the same voltage rate.

Another point for guys that see their RPM increase and even drive amperage drop when a small load is applied, this is normal in many cases. The AC side of the fwbr when on an output coil is like applying a passive short circuit. So when the rotor is turning without any load, there is still a certain amount of shorting going on in the gen coils that creates a small level of drag caused by a circulating force in the gen coil via the fwbr. If you do nto realize this, you will simply think that the RPM you have at no load is the maximum the wheel can turn and you make that your base RPM. Now when you apply a small load, this liberates the gen coil on the AC side from its short and looping condition to a forward condition that reduces the drag slightly enough for the wheel to increase in RPM and even drop in amperage. But now just increase the load a little more and you are back to drag condition which is full forward AC moving through the fwbr (still having a level of bottle-necking) and then to the DC side to the load. So increase in RPM and decrease in drive amperage is not such a phenomenon to jump to the roof about. It usually will indicate that the rotor magnet to sensor position needs more fine tuning. Actually you are better to set your hall sensor for the lowest free wheeling rpm possible so that when under load, the hall sensor is still in the best position to keep the wheel turning. You should be able to see this if you put an ammeter in series with the generator coil on the AC side without a load on the DC side.  You should still see some amperage movement even though there is no load. The energy is simply circulating in a loop but also creating some drag on the rotor. 


Added: Geez, I just saw your last post. lol
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 29, 2011, 02:09:47 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on Today at 06:43:23 PM

    Mo, I wonder what would happen if instead of pair #2 going to a dump cap, you fed it back into pair # 1 or its dump cap, possibly utilizing a pair of diodes ?

Quote from Mo:

" Not quite sure what you are getting at.  There is only one common Dump Cap.  All coil pairs feed that Dump Cap after their independent FWBRs."

Disregard the dump cap part then Mo, and try feeding #2 coil back into #1 coil pair, with diodes if necessary...and see if anything good happens.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 03:02:05 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 29, 2011, 02:09:47 PM
Disregard the dump cap part then Mo, and try feeding #2 coil back into #1 coil pair, with diodes if necessary...and see if anything good happens.

What kind of results would you predict?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on July 29, 2011, 03:32:54 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 29, 2011, 02:09:47 PM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on Today at 06:43:23 PM

    Mo, I wonder what would happen if instead of pair #2 going to a dump cap, you fed it back into pair # 1 or its dump cap, possibly utilizing a pair of diodes ?

Quote from Mo:

" Not quite sure what you are getting at.  There is only one common Dump Cap.  All coil pairs feed that Dump Cap after their independent FWBRs."

Disregard the dump cap part then Mo, and try feeding #2 coil back into #1 coil pair, with diodes if necessary...and see if anything good happens.


What @Cap-Z-ro is saying is basically what I tried to explain in my reply #4689 to give you some other ways of testing to see results and effects. You may stumble onto something unexpected. Since you have two pairs, it is easier to see effects and any inter-effects. But don't get too bogged down by input versus output. Since you have already established a comfortable base line with your dump cap, you will see anything out of the ordinary when it occurs so trying to compare input/output is mostly a waste of time unless you have stuck something really special on the output.

Like, call me when the dump cap blows up, or, something like that. lol

Title: Coil Shorting vs Coil UnShorting at sine wave peak
Post by: joefr on July 29, 2011, 04:19:48 PM
Hi all forum members

Please check this video I made about coil shorting:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxh3XnU8lko (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxh3XnU8lko)

Regards JoeFREnergy
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 04:30:41 PM
Quote from: wattsup on July 29, 2011, 03:32:54 PM
What @Cap-Z-ro is saying is basically what I tried to explain in my reply #4689 to give you some other ways of testing to see results and effects. You may stumble onto something unexpected.

I see.  I didn't understand why you would want me to perform the experiments you proposed in reply #4689 either.  So if that is what @Cap-Z-ro is also suggesting, I am not quite ready to look for unusual phenomenon by those methods yet.  I have several interesting phenomenon that I plan to continue testing first.  If these tests convince me that the output is not unusual, then I may have a go before shelving this.

Title: Re: Coil Shorting vs Coil UnShorting at sine wave peak
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 04:42:12 PM
Quote from: joefr on July 29, 2011, 04:19:48 PM
Hi all forum members

Please check this video I made about coil shorting:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxh3XnU8lko (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxh3XnU8lko)

Regards JoeFREnergy

Nice video, good test and satisfying results!
I am experimenting with coil banging too at the moment.
So you control the timing of the shorting/unshorting
with a peak detection circuit or did you couple your drive circuit signals
to the Arduino to time them?
Looks like you generate 4 shorts per peak.
200+ volts is nice,
apart from the fact that you would never reach such cap voltages
without the unshorting, it would have been cool to just compare to
a normal generator operation where the cap is connected all the time and
to see the value it fills up to then and also the RPM.
It can actually be seen in your previous video nicely: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPagVQGfDDU&feature=related

Question: How did you connect your generator coils? Series Adding or bucking?

Keep it up!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on July 29, 2011, 04:58:49 PM
Hi xenomorphlabs

So you control the timing of the shorting/unshorting
with a peak detection circuit or did you couple your drive circuit signals
to the Arduino to time them?

I use Optical switch and big rotor on the left which has 32 trigger points.
The optical switch is connected to arduino input, and with program I controll mosfet driver for coil shorting.

apart from the fact that you would never reach such cap voltages
without the unshorting, it would have been cool to just compare to
a normal generator operation where the cap is connected all the time and
to see the value it fills up to then and also the RPM.

I show this in the first part of the video, the cap is charged to max 38 volts without coil shorting.

Question: How did you connect your generator coils? Series Adding or bucking?
For now Series Adding

Regards JoeFR

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 05:10:25 PM

I have never reached such high voltages, i assume you use 3-4 parallel pairs
(like Aviso suggested) of antiserial MOSFETs to reduce the on resistance low enough  to get such spikes? IRF2807 or different?

My pulses are also too long from just the hall, i need to start using an arduino too for that )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on July 29, 2011, 05:27:43 PM
Hi xenomorphlabs

For now I am using this mosfet model IRFB5620PbF:
http://docs-europe.electrocomponents.com/webdocs/0dcb/0900766b80dcb1ca.pdf (http://docs-europe.electrocomponents.com/webdocs/0dcb/0900766b80dcb1ca.pdf)

2 parallel pairs

The Opto switch is this model OPB460T11

http://docs-europe.electrocomponents.com/webdocs/025c/0900766b8025c2fe.pdf (http://docs-europe.electrocomponents.com/webdocs/025c/0900766b8025c2fe.pdf)

This is the schematic I use for coil shorting but with arduino between opto switch and mosfet driver:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 29, 2011, 05:41:44 PM

In addition to wattsup said Mo...although I am an inventor in other areas of endeavor, I am not experienced enough in this field to make predictions.

However, I have learned that when dealing with unknown values, sometimes unconventional ideas can lead to other areas of success which may lead to results being better than you initially expected.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on July 29, 2011, 06:09:32 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 05:10:25 PM

My pulses are also too long from just the hall, i need to start using an arduino too for that )

Xeno,  you could use two reed switches in series connection to shorten the resultant ON time, of course their position should be found out by watching the scope.  Their ON times can be shifted with respect to each other, from the overlap position towards a non-overlapped one, while finding the smallest ON time just before the non-overlapped ON windows.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 06:12:08 PM
So the little multi band radio arrived.  And as suspected, noise across a broad spectrum.

With the system running only one coil pair I could pick up noise frequency bands as low as on the 19M band at 15.07 as loudest.  Next loudest (and louder) on the 22M band was at 13.22.  By the 25M band all noise frequencies were about the same "volume" as the noise tuned in while cycling through that band.  On the 31M band I started to get the "tuned" lamp on the radio to light around 9.32.  The "tuned" lamp then would turn on at every resonate frequency on 41M and 49M.  I can also back several feet away from the coil and keep the tuned lamp lit while needing to be right on top of the coil to even hear the noise when starting at 19M.

Nothing on FM.

But AM and LW tune in nicely.

Let me know if anyone wants any specific testing.  For me this just confirms that the virtual coil shorting this circuit provides is tossing out RF everywhere.  This caused me a lot of problems on my DC drive circuit lines.  Those problems were mitigated by keeping all input lines as short as possible.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 06:16:55 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 29, 2011, 06:09:32 PM
Xeno,  you could use two reed switches in series connection to shorten the resultant ON time, of course their position should be found out by watching the scope.  Their ON times can be shifted with respect to each other, from the overlap position towards a non-overlapped one, while finding the smallest ON time just before the non-overlapped ON windows.

Gyula, thanks a lot for the tip. That sounds like a good idea.
I wonder if i could interconnect 2 Hall sensors in a way to achieve the same.
I will try to do that until i set-up the Arduino for peak detection somehow
because i wanna keep things simple. Multiple unshorts per peak seem also
to be important with this, ringing the radiant-bell hard hehe.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on July 29, 2011, 06:41:37 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 06:16:55 PM
I wonder if i could interconnect 2 Hall sensors in a way to achieve the same.

I think you can by connecting the second Hall's negative supply pin to the output of the first Hall and the load resistor goes between the second Hall's pin output and supply positive as usual. First Hall's supply pin also goes to positive as usual.

Making two consequtive shorts could basically be done by paralleling two reeds (or Halls) instead of series connection. (of course to complicate things, you can use two series devices in the paralled setup... lol
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 07:40:09 PM
I was able to tune up coil pair #2 to almost the exact Vout levels as coil pair #1 by adjusting the distance of the top coil to rotor.  I scoped them and found the top coil to be slightly lower Vout than the lower.

But when I add both coil pairs in parallel to the Dump Cap, the Pout/Pin ratio does not increase much at all.  I would have predicted it would have nearly doubled!  Pin did not increase much at all!  RPM also didn't drop that much!

So I have been noodling about this.  And here is a theory:  Can the RF noise being introduced by coil pair #1 be negatively affecting the output of coil pair #2 and vise versa?

If so, how did RomeroUK's device work?  Do the parallel, twisted single conductors in Litz wire have an inherent noise cancelling characteristic?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 08:24:56 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 07:40:09 PM
I was able to tune up coil pair #2 to almost the exact Vout levels as coil pair #1 by adjusting the distance of the top coil to rotor.  I scoped them and found the top coil to be slightly lower Vout than the lower.

But when I add both coil pairs in parallel to the Dump Cap, the Pout/Pin ratio does not increase much at all.  I would have predicted it would have nearly doubled!  Pin did not increase much at all!  RPM also didn't drop that much!

So I have been noodling about this.  And here is a theory:  Can the RF noise being introduced by coil pair #1 be negatively affecting the output of coil pair #2 and vise versa?

If so, how did RomeroUK's device work?  Do the parallel, twisted single conductors in Litz wire have an inherent noise cancelling characteristic?


Have you tuned the first coil pair with bias magnets like Romero suggested before adding more coil pairs?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 08:59:35 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 08:24:56 PM
Have you tuned the first coil pair with bias magnets like Romero suggested before adding more coil pairs?

First pair was tuned w/bias magnets first to maximum Pout vs. RPM drop as best I could.

Second pair was also tuned the same way and eventually achieved very similar Pout.

Once combined in parallel into the Dump Cap after the FWBRs the Pout to Pin ratio did not increase much at all.  I would have predicted close to a doubling in the Pout to Pin ratio since Pin was measured to have not increased by very much at all.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 09:09:13 PM
Data for each coil pair tuned with backing mags and finally placed in parallel to the same load incandescent lamp (sorry Milehigh).

Please note that data was taken on several different days under different temperature conditions.  I've been cooling the garage by connecting it to the home AC with forced air, but we are still having miserable temps out here, so I assume temp variations are affecting readings slightly.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 29, 2011, 09:16:38 PM
Ah now i understand your point.
I believe actually that already a single coil pair in Romero's device has already exhibited a COP of very close to 1 and that then adds up with the other coils.
That's why he stressed several times to work on one pair only until you got "it".
So with two pairs you should already be at COP>1.
I mean the guy pulled like 30 Watts out of 7 generator coil pairs where a couple of them didn't even have biasing magnets as to conclude they were not all tuned even.
After building it he reported initial COPs of 1.8, then he spend a lot of effort on tuning and then finally came up with the self-runner.

So it seems to indicate that much more energy must be caught somehow by the system to get there.
Remember Romero suddenly abandoned his coil-shorting set-up with a single generator coil and concentrated on building the bigger Muller.
He found something already in the smaller set-up.
I am not so sure that we have totally understood yet, what that really was.
Just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 09:26:51 PM
Just to follow up on the "RF noise" idea a bit more...  The little 12 band radio appears to tune in best to the noise thrown by this device on the AM band at ~1300kHz.  This was tested by moving the radio further away from the system (noise source) while tuning to keep the radio's little "tuned" indicator LED lit.  So I believe this is the strongest signal.

Is this significant in any way?  If this coil callapse induced noise is interfering with the power transfer of other coils in the system, how should we shield/counter this?

Thanks in advance (need me some RF guys!),

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 29, 2011, 09:34:14 PM
Quote from: escalator on July 29, 2011, 06:35:10 AM

Current and voltage have amplitude and phase. You have measured current amplitude so if you dont get 160mA with 2 coils in place maybe you have a current phase shift between the 2 coils. You can check this with one 2-channel scope measuring a low value resistor in series between each coil and load  to get voltage from current reading. You must have 2 coincident waveforms in time, if not you must move one of the coils till you get this , the same applies for output voltage.

you're correct. I forgot to mention though, I have that voltage on the buffer cap with the load. So the voltage is a stable voltage and a stable current after the cap. So it is what I said indeed. No measurement error from my part.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 29, 2011, 09:41:31 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 11:09:25 AM
Yikes!  The digicam is off with the Mrs. on her trip out West.  Won't be back until Sunday.  But you still wouldn't be able to see much:  My rotor is 1/2 in. thick plywood and the magnets are only 1/4 in. thick.  They sit in equally deep pockets drilled with a Forstner bit.  But they are not centered in the rotor.  They are actually a bit lower than center.

I'm not near the contraption now, but if I had to guess, I would say my ferrite is around 4mm distance to the rotor mags.  The ferrite protrudes ~2mm out of the rotor facing side of the coils (Singer type 15 bobbins).  The ferrite is 1 inch long and sticks out the back side of the coils about 13mm.

The backing mags are separated from the ferrites with pieces of 1/2 in. plywood again.


4 mm does make sense to me in your numbers. I am getting better and better with closer to the rotor magnets. Once I mentioned that closer was not better and I am surprised that NOW I am getting better numbers with smaller gaps to the rotor magnets. I think the biasing magnets and the speed (RPM) of the rotor makes a huge difference.

I see a sine wave pattern in your measured RPM and out power and it is starting to make me think of something none ever thought about really. Magnetic waves. There is a good research about it with T.T. Brown.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 09:42:12 PM
Fuasto, if you don't mind me asking, in what part of the world do you live?  I just realized that your postings do not appear to follow my own normal awake hours.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 09:51:07 PM
FYI, I just checked the gap between my coil ferrite cores and the rotor mags (remember that the mags are embedded in the rotor, so just an approximation).  I would have to say that they are definitely in the 4mm gap range, if not a bit smaller.

I cannot measure this accurately, but several decades of experience has seemed to prove my ability to approximate distances to a fairly high accuracy using only my eyes.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on July 30, 2011, 12:30:49 AM

Quote from X:

" Remember Romero suddenly abandoned his coil-shorting set-up with a single generator coil and concentrated on building the bigger Muller.
He found something already in the smaller set-up.
I am not so sure that we have totally understood yet, what that really was.
Just my 2 cents."

Could it be that he has that single coil tapped at specific intervals, and is shorting various sections, at a tuned rate of time ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on July 30, 2011, 06:18:44 AM

Hi Mo,

its hard to keep track on your postings about the severall items :-)

As i understand you, you have 2 pickup coil pairs, both in serial bucking config, right?
Without (bias magnet) tuning, you have NO (or very little) voltage/current (and drag), right?
Then you tune each coil pair for max. voltage you say, by putting up the bias magnets, right?

As i understand this, what you are doing with the bias magnets is to de-tune the bucking config, so
that it supplies voltage/current again (and drag), which is the same as trying to go back to serial adding config.

Correct me if i am wrong, but i don't think this will be leading you to anything other then learning stuff which is good.

Concerning the RF (1300Khz), it could be that one or more of your coils is oscillating.
Try to measure the inductance of your coils, and use one of the online RLC calculators to calculate the
(self)resonance frequency of your coils.

Further, follow common sense to determine where this RF is coming from.

Almost any scope is capable to measure (see) 1300Khz.
Start by looking at your local environment, are there any RF noise sources around (accesspoints, Mobile phones, laptops with wifi)
Shut down anything not directly needed for your rotor.
If possible, use a battery to run it instead of a (defective?) PS.
Remove or permanently short your pickup coils, does it still shows the RF?
If so, it can come from your drive motor / circuit, use your scope to see where it comes from.
Use decoupling capacitors (ceramic 100pF) to "ground" any voltage lines.
If it comes from your pickup coils, you should be able to see it with your scope.

This way you should be able to pinpoint your RF source.   
Good luck,  regards Itsu
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 30, 2011, 07:23:33 AM

Sorry you missed it, but we determined that I am still running in series adding = normal generator mode.  So I have normal drag with load.  BUT I am still able to increase Pout with the backing (bias) magnets.  Initial testing showed this to increase the Pout/Pin ratio so it does not appear to load the system linearly.

As far as the RF stuff goes, it is a side study right now, unless I determine it is definitely causing Pout interference.  Doing a bit of testing now.

I am pretty sure the RF noise is due to the partial collapse of the EM field in the coils as they breach the "barrier" of the FWBR V drop + V in the Dump Cap.  At that moment the coil pairs appear to initially see the much greater resistance of the attached load.  This results in at least the partial collapse of the EM field as the coils begin to send current to the main load.

I can use the antenna on the little multiband radio kind of like a Geiger counter.  It deffinitely says the noise is radiating from the coils as the noise signals become much larger as I move the antenna closer or direct it to point at the coils.

I would guess that the noise frequencies are related to the length of wire in the coils.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 30, 2011, 09:04:41 AM
Milehigh asked that I should not assume a perfect DC output to the load just due to the big Dump Cap.  He suggested that I check it (w/oscope).  So I did.  AC ripple on top measures maximum of 6mV p2p.  This was with a load and RPM setting that was providing 8.08 Vout and 7.17 mAout to the load.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: itsu on July 30, 2011, 09:20:09 AM

Thanks for the info Mondrasek.

If you are "pretty sure the RF noise is due to the partial collapse of the EM field in the coils etc...",
then everybody having a similar setup should see/hear/detect this RF noise, and i have not yet heard someone else reporting this,
and i am not seeing it on my rig.

If you remove the FWBR/dump cap (open coils), does that stop the RF?
If you put a load (12V lamp) directly on your coils, does that stop the RF?

Regards Itsu 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 30, 2011, 09:20:23 AM
Quote from: itsu on July 30, 2011, 06:18:44 AM
Use decoupling capacitors (ceramic 100pF) to "ground" any voltage lines.

That is exactly the type of practical EE advice I need!

Added 100pF caps to ground the DC from the old Toshiba power brick that supplies my voltage regulator circuit and the regulated DC out of that circuit that powers the BLDC motor drive circuit.  I was not able to measure any change to RPM, Vin or Iin, but still a good addition to the circuit.  I have noticed that my DMM probe "antenna" effect does not appear at the lower RPMs I am currently testing, but maybe those caps will help with that issue at higher RPMs.

No change to the RF noise I can pick up with the radio, but didn't expect that anyways.

Thanks Itsu!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 30, 2011, 09:35:36 AM
Okay, let's eliminate the noise source )
Have your tried getting your rotor up to full speed and then electrically disconnecting the drive motor that you are using to spin it.
That's the only difference between your device and other people's device i can see.
Do you have a university (radio station) near your house or transmission lines in the vicinity or a cellphone antenna station on/near your house?
Lastly if all that is negative, then build a simple faraday cage and whip it over the thing. That way you can eliminate or see a reduction of outside RF noise.
Good Luck
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 30, 2011, 09:43:31 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 30, 2011, 09:35:36 AM
Okay, let's eliminate the noise source )
Have your tried getting your rotor up to full speed and then electrically disconnecting the drive motor that you are using to spin it.
That's the only difference between your device and other people's device i can see.

Bingo!  When I pull the plug for the PS to the entire motor power circuit, the RF stops.  Also, when I reapply input power there is a momentary hesitation (~1 sec) before the RF picks up again.  That is exactly how the motor drive circuit reacts when power is applied.  It hesitates for approximately 1 sec before it begins to drive the motor.

Not sure it matters as the negative effects of the RF seem to be mitigated so long as I keep DC lines short.  But is there a way to suppress them at the source all together?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 30, 2011, 10:30:56 AM
Okay, good that you sourced the noise now )
That motor (not sure what type it exactly is) might use a SMPSU or a PWM method that creates high frequencies. You could try to wrap alumimum foil around the drive circuit of it (more or less a desparation measure hehe) that could reduce it.
In the long run you might wanna replace the motor for the same simple coil driver that most people use, since it doesn't create the noise.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 30, 2011, 12:12:05 PM
Not sure if that was ever focused on, but i just stumbled across a discussion about Tesla expressing

QuoteI recognized that it was of tremendous advantage to break at the peak of the wave.  If I used just an ordinary break, it would make and break the current at low as well as high points of the wave.

If i don't misinterpret it, that is exactly what JoeFr has shown that he gets better results by not shorting but unshorting (breaking) at the peak wave.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 30, 2011, 12:51:14 PM
@X, the transcription that includes that Tesla quote is in the dl section of this site here:


Awesome reading!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 30, 2011, 01:33:07 PM
One test that I wanted to try now with two coil pairs tuned with backing magnets to nearly identical Vout was, what if the Vout after the FWBR was in Series vs. Parallel to the Dump Cap?

In Parallel at max Pin to my motor drive circuit max Vout is 16.72 V.

In Series at same max Pin to my motor drive circuit max Vout is 32.9 V.

Data below for Pout and RPM comparisons with same (overheating) load resistor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 30, 2011, 02:57:15 PM
Thought I would share this correspondence from MileHigh.  It explained many different things to me.  Hopefully others can benefit from it as well:


>>> AC ripple on top measures maximum of 6mV p2p. This was with a load and RPM setting that was providing 8.08 Vout and 7.17 mAout to the load.<<<

Good on you for making the measurement. It's a critical measurement and should be made all the time as you change the load configuration. As you lower the value of the load resistance you will see that the voltage waveform gets more and more ripple in it.

Back to your measurement where the voltage is nearly DC. What's that telling you?

It's telling you that the cap has more than enough storage capacity to discharge into the load resistor before the next "fill up" from a generator coil pair happens. It's also telling you that in this particular example the load resistor is not dissipating that much power in the grand scheme of things because it's not lowering the voltage on the capacitor significantly. When you see the gentle rise in the output voltage waveform that's when the generator coil is pumping current (and energy) into the cap.

We are so close to the question I asked you that we will follow it through.

Assume one pair of coils and the load resistor is dissipating 10 units of energy over a certain time interval as the motor turns. We will use abstract units to keep it simple.

If the resistor is dissipating 10 units of energy then the coil pair is pumping 10 units of energy into the capacitor + resistor. In other words, for every "fill up" or "topping off of the tank" 10 units of energy are being pumped into the capacitor + resistor.

So, you added a second pair of generator coils and almost nothing changed. Why?

The answer is simple. Now you have two coil pairs pumping energy. Now each coil pair does a "fill up" but the load resistance hasn't changed. If the load resistance hasn't changed then it's not going to try to suck more energy, it will suck approximately the same amount of energy if the voltage on the cap is about the same.

We are assuming that the two coil pairs are matched and output the same voltage waveform.

So you went from one "fill up" per cycle to two "fill ups" per cycle. That means that each coil pair will pump five units of energy into the cap + resistor per cycle.

When you add an additional coil pair they now SHARE the workload to keep current flowing through the load resistor. If the resistor discharges 10 units of energy per cycle each coil pair contributes five units of energy each.

It feels to me like you and most of the rest of the group where just blindly assuming that when you add an extra generator coil pair the power output would double. It's not the case, the power that originally provided by a single coil pair is now split between two coil pairs.

So simple and sensible, don't you think? Did I see you post spreadsheet cells where you make measurements for one generator coil pair and then extrapolate what the numbers would be if you had nine generator coil pairs and you see preliminary numbers that show over unity? Well, you now hopefully understand that those extrapolations are nonsense. (for two reasons, as you will see below)

So how do you get twice the output power when you add a second coil pair? Part of the answer is that at the same time you have to LOWER the value of your load resistor to burn off twice the amount of power. Doing that will cause more Lenz drag on the motor, which will lower the voltage output from the two pairs of generator coils. If the output voltage lowers, that means you will have to lower the value of your load resistor even more in an attempt to get twice the power out. Now the light bulb load seems pretty useless don't you think?

When you do all of this you can't forget the other "wall" that you are up against. The other wall is that the pulse motor driving the motor (in your case I think you have a DC motor but let me just talk about a pulse motor) pumps a FINITE amount of mechanical power into the rotor.

That goes right back to your crazy extrapolations where you multiply everything by nine to imagine what kind of output you can get with nine output coil pairs. You are forgetting the fact that on the "drive side" the pulse motor supplies a finite amount of mechanical power to turn the rotor.

That means relative to the "drive side" your output coil pairs are also SHARING the available drive side power.

Now perhaps you understand your motor more than you ever did.


End quote.


PS.  These comments from MH are directed at my current "classical generator" type build only!  Those that may be testing other configurations need not pay attention to them, imho.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 30, 2011, 03:12:57 PM
I went ahead and performed a test with one coil pair to a given load, and then two coil pairs in parallel to double the load (1/2 the resistance) per MH's explanation.  The results do not look promising.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 30, 2011, 04:22:11 PM
I did a test today where I would short the output cross the buffer cap (cross the load) and I noticed that I can double the amount of current without affecting the output voltage and very minimal impact on total RPM.

I am shorting the cap at around 20 times each with a duration of 100 microseconds.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 30, 2011, 04:31:25 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 29, 2011, 09:42:12 PM
Fuasto, if you don't mind me asking, in what part of the world do you live?  I just realized that your postings do not appear to follow my own normal awake hours.


I am close Boston in Massachusetts in USA. I am originally from Brasil but I live here for about 20 years.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 30, 2011, 04:45:48 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 30, 2011, 04:22:11 PM
I did a test today where I would short the output cross the buffer cap (cross the load) and I noticed that I can double the amount of current without affecting the output voltage and very minimal impact on total RPM.

I am shorting the cap at around 20 times each with a duration of 100 microseconds.


Just to be sure, you are actually shorting the DC o/p cap BEHIND the FWBR and the cap voltage does not get affected at all and the current to the load doubles ? You shorted manually?
That's actually the 2 stage extraction strategy that Doug has developed, where he would do it non-reflective to the source with MOSFETs.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 30, 2011, 04:57:27 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 30, 2011, 04:45:48 PM
Just to be sure, you are actually shorting the DC o/p cap BEHIND the FWBR and the cap voltage does not get affected at all and the current to the load doubles ? You shorted manually?
That's actually the 2 stage extraction strategy that Doug has developed, where he would do it non-reflective to the source with MOSFETs.

Correct. Shorting on the DC side of the cap across the load. My test was to see if shorting will create those high voltage spikes and improve anything. I think it is not really improving anything. If it is creating those high spikes they are being absorbed by the cap and used as current. More shorting bigger the load therefore higher current extraction but not necessarily towards the load.

I will be testing more shorting in different points just to see what happens.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on July 30, 2011, 09:41:54 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 30, 2011, 04:22:11 PM
I did a test today where I would short the output cross the buffer cap (cross the load) and I noticed that I can double the amount of current without affecting the output voltage and very minimal impact on total RPM.

I am shorting the cap at around 20 times each with a duration of 100 microseconds.

Are you using an arduino? Is the code available?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mr.uu on July 31, 2011, 05:30:01 AM
Hi Mo.,

first of all, thank you for sharing so much information!

You seem to read a lot of this old, rare EM stuff. Just recently i read "Magnetic Current" by Ed Leedskalnin (again- because of this thread ;) ) and i was wondering if you ever tried to improve the magnetic fields of your coils in covering them with a iron/ferrite pipe (and closing the flux-path between core and pipe with another iron/ferrite ring). Ed wrote, that you almost double the magnetic "particles" (travelling in the iron, activated by the magnetic particles escaping the copper of the coil) in doing so.
I do not know, if it only applies to the motor coils (which you do not have), because it probably does not work "the other way round" with generator coils, when the maximum amount of magnetic particles in the coils are already activated to travel as current out if the winding(s). So no improvement then in trying to increase the amount of magnetic particles in the iron surrounding the copper which push the magnetic particles in the coil.
Just coincidence, that it would be in line with J. Newmans theory, which says, that increasing the mass (turns) of the coil increases the magnetic field of a coil (using same current), according to the formula of the strenght of a magnetic field?

I can imagine, that it is quite difficult to modify the coils. I just want to point you to something which is probably worth a try...

Also i want to point the builders at a statement of Mr. Adams (-Motor): The geometry of the coils (specific width/height ratio) is essential.
Can not recall, but something like 4:3 or 3:4 - which i did not find at any of this (monster-) thread pages...

Kind regards,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 31, 2011, 09:24:25 AM
Quote from: mr.uu on July 31, 2011, 05:30:01 AM
Hi Mo.,

first of all, thank you for sharing so much information!

You seem to read a lot of this old, rare EM stuff. Just recently i read "Magnetic Current" by Ed Leedskalnin (again- because of this thread ;) ) and i was wondering if you ever tried to improve the magnetic fields of your coils in covering them with a iron/ferrite pipe (and closing the flux-path between core and pipe with another iron/ferrite ring). Ed wrote, that you almost double the magnetic "particles" (travelling in the iron, activated by the magnetic particles escaping the copper of the coil) in doing so.
I do not know, if it only applies to the motor coils (which you do not have), because it probably does not work "the other way round" with generator coils, when the maximum amount of magnetic particles in the coils are already activated to travel as current out if the winding(s). So no improvement then in trying to increase the amount of magnetic particles in the iron surrounding the copper which push the magnetic particles in the coil.
Just coincidence, that it would be in line with J. Newmans theory, which says, that increasing the mass (turns) of the coil increases the magnetic field of a coil (using same current), according to the formula of the strenght of a magnetic field?

I can imagine, that it is quite difficult to modify the coils. I just want to point you to something which is probably worth a try...

Also i want to point the builders at a statement of Mr. Adams (-Motor): The geometry of the coils (specific width/height ratio) is essential.
Can not recall, but something like 4:3 or 3:4 - which i did not find at any of this (monster-) thread pages...

Kind regards,


The ratio was 1:4 )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 31, 2011, 09:26:04 AM
Quote from: mr.uu on July 31, 2011, 05:30:01 AM
You seem to read a lot of this old, rare EM stuff. Just recently i read "Magnetic Current" by Ed Leedskalnin (again- because of this thread ;) ) and i was wondering if you ever tried to improve the magnetic fields of your coils in covering them with a iron/ferrite pipe (and closing the flux-path between core and pipe with another iron/ferrite ring).

uu, sorry but I have not read "Magnetic Current".  And I have not really played around much with gen or drive coil design.  I am quite a novice at this.  But others have done such experiments for quite some time and may be able to share some results.

Edited to add:  @Hoptoad comes to mind.  If he hasn't tried it I would bet he knows someone who has!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 31, 2011, 09:36:40 AM
Side notes regarding my RF issue:  I had noticed that it was possible to drag down the drive motor RPM by touching the motor drive circuit voltage regulator's heatsinks by hand, with and without insulating myself from ground.  Same would happen if I attached the ground only from an o-scope probe regardless of whether the o-scope was on or unplugged from mains.  Disconnecting the probe from the o-scope did not have this effect.

Switched over to a 12V battery instead of the Toshiba power brick and bypassed the variable voltage regulator power circuit all together.  Result is no RF noise.  Also, grounding with the probe lead has no effect.

I scoped the Toshiba output while it was unloaded and also found no AC ripple, but that unloaded test probably means nothing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 31, 2011, 11:26:10 AM
I noticed some weird (to me) things while running the set up off of a battery and testing the effects of the backing magnets again.  I eventually stripped it down to only one coil pair into the Dump Cap with no additional load.  I removed the top coil backing magnets and shorted the Dump Cap and let it stabilize.  It reached 1947 RPM with 12.75 on the Dump Cap.  Input battery was reading 12.12.

When I was running it on the Toshiba PS and had the RF issues I would always see an RPM decrease when introducing the backing mags.  But running off the battery when I add the top bias mags it ran up to 1953 RPM (faster than without the top mags) and Vout on the Dump Cap rose over 1 volt to 13.77.  During this settling time the input battery voltage had decreased to 12.08V.  It is a very small 1.2AH battery like those used in emergency exit lighting modules.

So the system is behaving differently when run with a battery.  But I don't have a good, big battery to do any serious testing (I can imagine MH rolling his eyes).  But I think I may have to find one to test this all again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 31, 2011, 11:57:41 AM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 31, 2011, 11:26:10 AM
I noticed some weird (to me) things while running the set up off of a battery and testing the effects of the backing magnets again.  I eventually stripped it down to only one coil pair into the Dump Cap with no additional load.  I removed the top coil backing magnets and shorted the Dump Cap and let it stabilize.  It reached 1947 RPM with 12.75 on the Dump Cap.  Input battery was reading 12.12.

When I was running it on the Toshiba PS and had the RF issues I would always see an RPM decrease when introducing the backing mags.  But running off the battery when I add the top bias mags it ran up to 1953 RPM (faster than without the top mags) and Vout on the Dump Cap rose over 1 volt to 13.77.  During this settling time the input battery voltage had decreased to 12.08V.  It is a very small 1.2AH battery like those used in emergency exit lighting modules.

So the system is behaving differently when run with a battery.  But I don't have a good, big battery to do any serious testing (I can imagine MH rolling his eyes).  But I think I may have to find one to test this all again.


Not weird at all.  Thanks for posting that confirmation of what I've been saying many pages back and user 'bolt' (who I think most people here know has a good handle on energy theory and ZPE and such) confirmed using a battery is a good idea.  More people need to be trying this from a battery.  RomeroUK used a battery.  There are good reasons to be disconnected from ground and the grid for a project like this.   Used or refurbished car batteries are cheap.  Visit your 'You-pullit' style wrecking yards and you can often get good batteries cheap (usually $10 or less)  Just check the date on them and take a voltmeter along.  Don't take anything over 5 years old and the newer the better generally.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on July 31, 2011, 01:45:00 PM
@M: Either get a better PS (but then you could get a battery for the investment) or you could try RF chokes inbetween your circuit and the Toshiba supply.
Is that a Toshiba notebook/labtop supply? I think they are switched-mode most of the times.
You could get a cheap $5 AC/ DC converter @ 2 Amps from Walmart/Shack or something. I use one too and no problems with noise.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: citfta on July 31, 2011, 01:56:33 PM
Another good source of batteries is your local scrap metal salvage yard.  They usually will sell used batteries for so much per pound.  A battery load meter is a better  way to check a battery.  A volt meter will only tell you it has voltage not if it will power a load.  If you don't have a battery load tester then take along a headlamp with some wires attached so you can put a load on any batteries you are interested in.  If it lights the headlamp for a few minutes then you know it is good.  If it only lights it a few seconds then the battery may still be good but need charging or maybe it is badly sulfated (another subject) so you might not want to take a chance with it unless it is real cheap.  An advantage of the pull-it places is that some of them will let you bring a bad battery back and exchange it for another.  Most salvage places will not let you do that.

I also agree that running any alternative energy project off a battery is the best way to do it.  You eliminate a lot of potential problems and measurement errors that way.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 31, 2011, 02:03:06 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on July 31, 2011, 01:45:00 PM
Is that a Toshiba notebook/labtop supply? I think they are switched-mode most of the times.

Yeah, it's a laptop supply.  I thought they were just an AC/DC transformer since the laptop is designed to run off of DC batteries.  But if they are switched-mode, that could explain some issues.

Either way, I am playing with my setup using the tiny 12V DC battery as the drive motor power supply right now.  Neat thing about it is I can connect the Dump Cap directly back to the battery (with a diode) and use it as the load.  So looping, but not in OU range at all.  Right now I am bringing the third coil pair on line with backing mags as I am thinking about what direction to test next.


Ha!  I spell checked and it wanted to change "switched-mode" to "sweetmeat"!  Made me giggle.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 31, 2011, 02:37:12 PM
Thanks @e2matrix and @citfta for the suggestions on where to acquire the best battery for the buck.

I live in a small town (no, my parents don't come from the same small town, you Mellonhead).  There are a couple of auto repair shops, of course.  I bet I could get a used battery for a couple bucks or free if I introduced myself. 

People 'round here take care of their own.

If not, probably plenty of guys at work will have an old battery just taking up space in their garage.  At least I hope so!

Thanks again!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on July 31, 2011, 03:14:37 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on July 31, 2011, 02:37:12 PM
Thanks @e2matrix and @citfta for the suggestions on where to acquire the best battery for the buck.

I live in a small town (no, my parents don't come from the same small town, you Mellonhead).  There are a couple of auto repair shops, of course.  I bet I could get a used battery for a couple bucks or free if I introduced myself. 

People 'round here take care of their own.

If not, probably plenty of guys at work will have an old battery just taking up space in their garage.  At least I hope so!

Thanks again,


When I need batteries I just go around some car fix shops and they usually have many batteries that going to trash via a recycling process. I ask them if I can just take a few and I charge them using Bedini SSGs which works wonders with old batteries. You can find really easy if the battery is damaged once charging a few times and it will not hold voltage.

BUT if they hold charge you got it for free. Some countries they pay the shop for the recycling of the batteries other countries (like US) the shop has to PAY for each one that is recycle (by law) so they are more than happy to give those up for people trying to save the world with free energy research :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on July 31, 2011, 03:54:32 PM
Quote from: plengo on July 31, 2011, 03:14:37 PM
When I need batteries I just go around some car fix shops and they usually have many batteries that going to trash via a recycling process. I ask them if I can just take a few and I charge them using Bedini SSGs which works wonders with old batteries. You can find really easy if the battery is damaged once charging a few times and it will not hold voltage.

BUT if they hold charge you got it for free. Some countries they pay the shop for the recycling of the batteries other countries (like US) the shop has to PAY for each one that is recycle (by law) so they are more than happy to give those up for people trying to save the world with free energy research :)

Exactly!  The little battery I am using now was preconditioned using an Imhotep-Bedini fan to hit it with high voltage spikes.  I purchased two identical batteries for testing.  The "unconditioned" battery will not hold even 8 V now, several years later.  But the "conditioned" one acts like it is brand new.

I believe that the local auto repair places would give away old batteries rather than pay for the mandatory "recycling fee" also.  But I'll see, if and when I go to ask.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on July 31, 2011, 09:05:09 PM
Have a look at what Matt Jones just posted on this page over at EF

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on August 01, 2011, 12:27:01 AM
Quote from: citfta on July 31, 2011, 01:56:33 PM
Another good source of batteries is your local scrap metal salvage yard.  They usually will sell used batteries for so much per pound.  A battery load meter is a better  way to check a battery.  A volt meter will only tell you it has voltage not if it will power a load.  If you don't have a battery load tester then take along a headlamp with some wires attached so you can put a load on any batteries you are interested in.  If it lights the headlamp for a few minutes then you know it is good.  If it only lights it a few seconds then the battery may still be good but need charging or maybe it is badly sulfated (another subject) so you might not want to take a chance with it unless it is real cheap.  An advantage of the pull-it places is that some of them will let you bring a bad battery back and exchange it for another.  Most salvage places will not let you do that.

I also agree that running any alternative energy project off a battery is the best way to do it.  You eliminate a lot of potential problems and measurement errors that way.

I agree a voltmeter won't tell all but for me it works probably 95% of the time.  It depends on the situation you are in though and this is why I don't usually load test them.  If a place sees you load test it or anything other than a quick meter test they may be less likely to let you have it free or cheap.  If you can see a little over 12.0 volts on a battery at least you know none of the cells are dead.  Of course if you can negotiate a price ahead of time then load test away...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on August 01, 2011, 12:29:53 AM
Quote from: Dbowling on July 31, 2011, 09:05:09 PM
Have a look at what Matt Jones just posted on this page over at EF


Yeah I wish Matt was on this project.  He's definitely one of the best builders around and is always coming up with good stuff.  I hope he eventually jumps in on this motor but I think he's occupied now with some other things.  I do think his suggestion is worth looking into for those with builds. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 01, 2011, 03:03:07 AM
Hi Fausto

what do you meant by this quote?

"I am shorting the cap at around 20 times each with a duration of 100 microseconds."

(not sure what you mean by 20 times each)

also I see that you are doing the shorting at the AC side of FWBR (so across coil, and not DC side of FWBR)

this is the way to do it if you want to do it in "swtiched short" method of it only happeing at peaks, and for short duration....

BUT if you have DC capacitor it goes into from FWBR, with any resistance across it, or is dead-shorted out, then this kills everythign and there is no gain at all.

Pretty much the capacitor fills from "pure voltage' when coil-shoritng swtiching OPENS (my theory)

on sidenotes, its maximum current and minimum voltage when swtihc is closed,
plus the shorting it collapwses coil within itself too (for spring-board affect when swticngi opens)
also bunch of oscillaitons are created that can be seen on scope...

For output to a load, the capacitor MUST be disconnected from "source" (coils being shorted is the source) when the capacitor does hit a resistive load, so you would need some extra swtiches and hall effects and some "normally-ON swtiches OFF" type of thing going on too in counjunciotn with the "normally OFF switches ON"  swtihcing such as what is  already being done in the romero machines, such as in the drive circuits.

the mosfets that do coil shorting at peaks must be very very low resistance which means a high amperage rated type and you can put say 5 in paraelll too, like Ismael does too, if you want.
try some solid state relays, or SCRS...they wont work AT ALL - their resistance is too high for coil-shorting to work...but look how good those little reed switches work in all the youtube videos - their resistance is ultra low......(but reeds will blow easy)

Its best to use "bidirectional" mosfets, where two mosfets hookup at the source leads and the gates, and the coil-shorting switching occurs between the two "leftover" drain leads.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 01, 2011, 03:16:19 AM
hey anyone:

I rmember reading about  5 days ago where someone ( ITh ink Mo?) was fooling around with how he hooked up bridge recitifers to is remoero machine's coils an dhe could get a "pure" sinewave by connecting I think two FWBRS, with AC leads topgheter and some point between two coils (not sure)
this is something I would really like to try out but cant finde the original post explainign it - I looked thorugh all of them back to pg 308 jsut now....
does anyone know where to look for the descripition how to get pure sinewave via FWBR hookup?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 01, 2011, 04:39:33 AM
Quote from: konehead on August 01, 2011, 03:16:19 AM
hey anyone:

I rmember reading about  5 days ago where someone ( ITh ink Mo?) was fooling around with how he hooked up bridge recitifers to is remoero machine's coils an dhe could get a "pure" sinewave by connecting I think two FWBRS, with AC leads topgheter and some point between two coils (not sure)
this is something I would really like to try out but cant finde the original post explainign it - I looked thorugh all of them back to pg 308 jsut now....
does anyone know where to look for the descripition how to get pure sinewave via FWBR hookup?

Hey kone, that was me. I shorted from one AC leg to inbetween the two series coils. Let me know what you are trying to do with that. Thanks.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 01, 2011, 01:20:14 PM
Hi Chalamadad

OK thanks - not sure what to do exactly from your description:
"I shorted from one AC leg to inbetween the two series coils"

so do you have a FWBR across both sereis coils (the two AC legs of it at the IN and the OUT of the two series coils connected together)

and then you "short" from just one of those AC legs of the FWBR to the point "in between" where coil A and coilB intersect? (out of coil and IN of coil B so right in between as you say)

So if this is right, you wll be short circuiting just one of the coils, either A or B, and it is done with "half bridge" - so using just two diodes of the FWBR, since you are using just one AC leg connecting to that center-point in between, and the other coil sill nto be shorted, but the FWBR will still be across both?

THis is what I get from it - is this right?
Does the "pure sinewave" happen at only the time you short circuit one of those coils?
Or is it a pure sinewave only when there is no shorting going on?
Or does it make pure sinewave with either short or no shorting going on,
or did you mean that you really didnt short anythign at all, it makes a pure sinewave, but if you were to short somewhere, or put load on it, that part of circuit between AC leg and center point is where it would go...

also where did you put the scope leads to see this pure sinewave happen?

My plans for this are to do a swtiched-short both at pos and neg peaks of this pure sinewave.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 01, 2011, 01:49:39 PM
Hmm, pure sinewave sounds a lot like a resonant condition
Chalamadad did you use any series caps?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 01, 2011, 04:05:27 PM
Quote from: konehead on August 01, 2011, 01:20:14 PM
Hi Chalamadad

OK thanks - not sure what to do exactly from your description:
"I shorted from one AC leg to inbetween the two series coils"

so do you have a FWBR across both sereis coils (the two AC legs of it at the IN and the OUT of the two series coils connected together)

and then you "short" from just one of those AC legs of the FWBR to the point "in between" where coil A and coilB intersect? (out of coil and IN of coil B so right in between as you say)

So if this is right, you wll be short circuiting just one of the coils, either A or B, and it is done with "half bridge" - so using just two diodes of the FWBR, since you are using just one AC leg connecting to that center-point in between, and the other coil sill nto be shorted, but the FWBR will still be across both?

THis is what I get from it - is this right?
Does the "pure sinewave" happen at only the time you short circuit one of those coils?
Or is it a pure sinewave only when there is no shorting going on?
Or does it make pure sinewave with either short or no shorting going on,
or did you mean that you really didnt short anythign at all, it makes a pure sinewave, but if you were to short somewhere, or put load on it, that part of circuit between AC leg and center point is where it would go...

also where did you put the scope leads to see this pure sinewave happen?

My plans for this are to do a swtiched-short both at pos and neg peaks of this pure sinewave.


Hi kone, thought you had peak shorting in mind. ;-) I measured current. See the sketch below. The connection might have been to the other AC leg, don't remember for sure.

Another thing about this: I reread the documents where all the info was collected when Romero disappeared.
Here is what is interesting. Somone was recalling that it was the goal to activate the generator coils at TDC and made a good observation. He noticed that there were just two hall sensors. He asked the following (good) question:

"Quote from: void109 on Today at 06:56:56 PM
Which of those two statements are incorrect? Or both? With a 9/8 ratio of magnets to coils, and
only two hall sensors to set trigger points, I don't see how it is possible for each of the coils to
activate at the same relative position to the nearest approaching magnet. [...]
Wouldn't it be the case that each coil would need its own hall sensor?"

Here is was Romero answered:

"The 2 driving coils are running independently, not activating at the same time, that is what I need, to
have the second coil activating when the other one is completely off."

NOW, when comparing this statement to the actual build (see image below) you will notice that the halls are mounted exactly at the opposite sides to each other. Rotor magnets are symmetrically mounted, this means the halls are firing simultaneously and his statement is not correct. Maybe he thought he would need independently activating the coils for something else. At this stage of development I consider this is key information. What would he need two independent pulses for? Remember this is in the context of TDC coil-shorting. Romero said he found another way of shorting the coils. If you take another look at the top driver circuit you will notice that there is a connection from ground to the FWBR of it's neighbouring coilpair. Question: Is it possible he is using the driver hall sensor in such a way that he can use it for generator shorting as well? Maybe forwarding the BEMF to another coilpair like this? Wonder why the cable goes to the coilpair next to the driving circuits coilpair, TDC at this point would be the coilpair below. Or is he simply grounding the DC side?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 01, 2011, 04:37:19 PM
I thought that's what he had the tiny magnets pointing outward away from the axle and glued into the rotor thickness for in the beginning to use them for coil-shorting, but for some reason abandoned.
Not 100% sure, but i think also Romero mentioned that he did not use coil-shorting at all in this device...
Nonetheless is coil-shorting a very viable approach.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 01, 2011, 04:47:16 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on August 01, 2011, 04:37:19 PM
I thought that's what he had the tiny magnets pointing outward away from the axle and glued into the rotor thickness for in the beginning to use them for coil-shorting, but for some reason abandoned.

Raises another question. Why mounting them in line with the big rotor magnets if - at that time - he thought he would need distinct pulses?

Edit: Okay, this question is bullshit. You can of course choose different reference positions with this setup.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on August 01, 2011, 04:55:14 PM
Quote chalamadad:

" What would he need two independent pulses for? Remember this is in the context of TDC coil-shorting. Romero said he found another way of shorting the coils. If you take another look at the top driver circuit you will notice that there is a connection from ground to the FWBR of it's neighbouring coilpair. "

Doesn't the ground also have a pulse ?

Not sure if there is any significance though.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on August 01, 2011, 05:33:27 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on August 01, 2011, 04:05:27 PM
Hi kone, thought you had peak shorting in mind. ;-) I measured current. See the sketch below. The connection might have been to the other AC leg, don't remember for sure.

Here is was Romero answered:

"The 2 driving coils are running independently, not activating at the same time, that is what I need, to
have the second coil activating when the other one is completely off."

NOW, when comparing this statement to the actual build (see image below) you will notice that the halls are mounted exactly at the opposite sides to each other. Rotor magnets are symmetrically mounted, this means the halls are firing simultaneously and his statement is not correct. ...


Romero is 100% correct. The 2 driving coils are running independently of each other. When the small round magnet is at TDC to one sensor, the other sensor is exactly half way between the rotor magnets and do not come into play. Your perception that the sensors are exactly opposite each other in the image is not entirely correct. Remember there are 9 rotor magnets. I just checked my build I've last worked on 2 months ago but had to 'abandon' experimenting because of another  important project.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 01, 2011, 05:50:14 PM
Quote from: chrisC on August 01, 2011, 05:33:27 PM

Romero is 100% correct. The 2 driving coils are running independently of each other. When the small round magnet is at TDC to one sensor, the other sensor is exactly half way between the rotor magnets and do not come into play. Your perception that the sensors are exactly opposite each other in the image is not entirely correct. Remember there are 9 rotor magnets. I just checked my build I've last worked on 2 months ago but had to 'abandon' experimenting because of another  important project.


Not in his design. There are 8 rotor magnets. (but 9 coilpairs!) And the halls are perfectly opposite. Watch the video. There even is a hole near one of the driving coils, where the hall sensor was positioned earlier. From that position would have been alternating. But has been changed. I tested this in my configuration also and the synchronous firing gives me better speed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 01, 2011, 06:10:33 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on August 01, 2011, 04:47:16 PM
Raises another question. Why mounting them in line with the big rotor magnets if - at that time - he thought he would need distinct pulses?

The smaller diameter  of the small magnets would promise a smaller pulse width. But i think your observation is right that the exact 180 degree
offset of the two halls is of significance.
2 possibilities: He wanted to trigger something  relative to the same magnetic moment or he wanted to offset something in regards to the coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 01, 2011, 06:27:10 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on August 01, 2011, 06:10:33 PM
The smaller diameter  of the small magnets would promise a smaller pulse width. But i think your observation is right that the exact 180 degree
offset of the two halls is of significance.
2 possibilities: He wanted to trigger something  relative to the same magnetic moment or he wanted to offset something in regards to the coils.

Or both. One coil is attracting and one repelling. It's working well.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on August 01, 2011, 06:54:22 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on August 01, 2011, 05:50:14 PM

Not in his design. There are 8 rotor magnets. (but 9 coilpairs!) And the halls are perfectly opposite. Watch the video. There even is a hole near one of the driving coils, where the hall sensor was positioned earlier. From that position would have been alternating. But has been changed. I tested this in my configuration also and the synchronous firing gives me better speed.

My apology on the 9 rotor magnets. I meant to type 8 and also what I wanted to state was that (at least in my build) at no point in the rotation of the rotor are the two hall sensors at TDC together; meaning they never fire together, it's one or the other. I have not looked at the videos at exactly top elevation but it would be difficult to affirm if the halls are 100% indeed 180 degrees apart from just looking at the videos.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on August 01, 2011, 07:39:12 PM
So i was just toying around with my incomplete rig (only three gen pairs complete so far) in bucking config, scope reads about 1.3 volts on gen coil 1(probably due to inconsistent coils) , when shorting the 
two points where top coil meets bottom coil on gen coil 1 and gen coil 2 the scope reads around 12v on coil 1. Actually I did use a diode across the short because a direct short loaded the coil too much. But with the diode it was minimal. Before the short I couldn't get any power for the load in bucking config.. While shorted the load would actually light dim.
I also tried shorting just the one leg of fwbr to center point between coils and that also increased the voltage on that coil but not to 12v, I think it was about 3v.

Something to think about.

Need a way to put all the gen coils in this shorting situation to see if power increases. Or maybe try to retune bias magnets while shorted.

It does do something funky to the waveform with the short. Try shorting two mid points and see the wave form. Back to the lab, just wanted to share. :o
Title: hall magnets
Post by: Rawbush on August 01, 2011, 10:06:32 PM
The picture that was posted must be older, because Romero said that at first he had both halls mounted through using the rotor magnets to switch, but in fine tuning moved one to the outside magnets.
Also I am almost finished with a revamp of the test rig. The drive coil set stays in place, and bottom coil moves up and down, while the whole mount moves in/out of rotor. The gen coils move up/down as usual, but the top coils can also rotate advance/retard a full coil width. I will get some pics as it goes together and post.
Title: Re: hall magnets
Post by: chalamadad on August 02, 2011, 02:36:07 AM
Quote from: Rawbush on August 01, 2011, 10:06:32 PM
The picture that was posted must be older, because Romero said that at first he had both halls mounted through using the rotor magnets to switch, but in fine tuning moved one to the outside magnets.

@rawbush: It is not older. It is grabbed right from the video. In fact one of the halls IS switched by the outside magnets here.
Really looking forward to more results of yours!

@chris: In this case it is not too difficult to ascertain the opposition of the halls. You can see the 9 coils and as you said, with unequal numbers for every coil there is a gap on the other side. Now imagine both halls rotating just a little CCW, so that the upper hall (on the picture) matches the coils position. Then the downside hall will be just in the middle of two coils.

@mondrasek: You posted an output graph that is showing a sinusoidal line. One theory is that due to core desaturation delay at certain frequencies will support acting against Lenz's law. You can compare this to the perception of a turning wheel; At different speeds it will look like the wheel is turning either CW or CCW depending on your eyes frequency. The same could apply if the speed can match the desaturation frequency.
Added: In a range where the speed doubles there should be 8 spikes to be seen because we have 8 rotor magnets. It turns out in your graph that this is possible!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on August 02, 2011, 08:46:03 AM

About the hall alignments, I show it on the image posted here.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 02, 2011, 08:53:18 AM
Quote from: wattsup on August 02, 2011, 08:46:03 AM

About the hall alignments, I show it on the image posted here.


@wattsup: Exactly, thanks!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 02, 2011, 01:08:28 PM
Hey Chalmaladad

I looked at tha drawing you made of the pure-sinewave cirucit, with the two coils cap and 10ohm diode, but dont see how the FWBR goes across everything?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 02, 2011, 01:41:46 PM
Quote from: konehead on August 02, 2011, 01:08:28 PM
Hey Chalmaladad

I looked at tha drawing you made of the pure-sinewave cirucit, with the two coils cap and 10ohm diode, but dont see how the FWBR goes across everything?

No cap, two coils top,  1 ohm resistor to the right and FWBR bottom. Red part are points to measure.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 02, 2011, 05:13:19 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on August 02, 2011, 01:41:46 PM
No cap, two coils top,  1 ohm resistor to the right and FWBR bottom. Red part are points to measure.

Looking at it at first glance, it just looks like you are shorting out the right coil only which would have the same effect for the current flow than using just the left coil (again, in theory). Simulation of this situation is impossible, simulator goes crazy shows 5 kV pulses and 1.5Amps through the 1 ohm resistor.
I will try to test that coil set-up on the bench then and make some measurements.

EDIT: I connected a series bifilar that sits on one coil in the way described and no sine waveform. I compared all situations.
What was your load after the FWBR? I simply shorted the DC side.
When i remove the center tap coil short to AC leg and the left coil interchanging, there is no change in the waveform, indicating that the short completely excludes the right coil (shorted out).
Since i don't have a rotor where i can easily put 2 coils up and down, i can not test the opposing coils situation.
This situation can possibly be different, just reporting what i tested with a series bifilar.
Maybe some more people can test this center tap short to one side of FWBR AC?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 02, 2011, 08:21:57 PM
Hey chamaladad

OK the FWBR was round so thought it was top view of cap at first glance should of looked some more - was wondering about the AC terminals! (duh!)

If there is pure sinewave across that 1 ohm resistor (not 10ohm eh?) then that IS quite remarkable like Xenomorph just said.

Its also nice thing that the simulator goes crazy...whatever circuit works OU and lenz-less in generator coils is not going to function in any simulator that is for sure.

I will try to test this "center tapped" FWBR out in next few days in Romero-like thingies I built and see what happens with it.

Maybe hook up double FWBRS, and the other pulls out from other side too at same time or staggered in time a bit with different resistance or different diodes in caps (??) - seems like the logical next step is a couple FWBRS,,,,interesting that Romero had double FWBRs too, with smaller diodes rimming bigger-amp inner ones.

Did you have the magnets behind the cores in there too when you got the pure sinewave??
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 02, 2011, 09:19:19 PM
Hi all

Here is link to Lasersabers video done June 9 - he has coils in sereis and "bucking" (cancelling) where they make no juice at all, but when he adds magnets behind cores, now he gets 30ma or so in the dead-short condition (I guess the dead-short is thorugh an ammeter)
it has no effect on draw to motorcoils part of it - you can tell by sound of motor stays steady....this is very promising really...I am sure most of you have seen this already but here is re-post:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 03, 2011, 03:30:40 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on August 02, 2011, 05:13:19 PM
Looking at it at first glance, it just looks like you are shorting out the right coil only which would have the same effect for the current flow than using just the left coil (again, in theory). Simulation of this situation is impossible, simulator goes crazy shows 5 kV pulses and 1.5Amps through the 1 ohm resistor.
I will try to test that coil set-up on the bench then and make some measurements.

EDIT: I connected a series bifilar that sits on one coil in the way described and no sine waveform. I compared all situations.
What was your load after the FWBR? I simply shorted the DC side.
When i remove the center tap coil short to AC leg and the left coil interchanging, there is no change in the waveform, indicating that the short completely excludes the right coil (shorted out).
Since i don't have a rotor where i can easily put 2 coils up and down, i can not test the opposing coils situation.
This situation can possibly be different, just reporting what i tested with a series bifilar.
Maybe some more people can test this center tap short to one side of FWBR AC?

Hey Xen:

I don't rememeber exactly which DC side situation I had. But as far as I remember it was not important. Standard setup was one or multiple coilpairs paralleled and going into cap. Eventually connected to a load.
All of my generator coils are bifilar adding. But I wouldn't consider that important either.

I tested this when resembling Romero's waveform. I came to the conclusion that it's showing current because it was matching exactly.

Quote from: konehead on August 02, 2011, 08:21:57 PM
Hey chamaladad

OK the FWBR was round so thought it was top view of cap at first glance should of looked some more - was wondering about the AC terminals! (duh!)

If there is pure sinewave across that 1 ohm resistor (not 10ohm eh?) then that IS quite remarkable like Xenomorph just said.

Its also nice thing that the simulator goes crazy...whatever circuit works OU and lenz-less in generator coils is not going to function in any simulator that is for sure.

I will try to test this "center tapped" FWBR out in next few days in Romero-like thingies I built and see what happens with it.

Maybe hook up double FWBRS, and the other pulls out from other side too at same time or staggered in time a bit with different resistance or different diodes in caps (??) - seems like the logical next step is a couple FWBRS,,,,interesting that Romero had double FWBRs too, with smaller diodes rimming bigger-amp inner ones.

Did you have the magnets behind the cores in there too when you got the pure sinewave??

Hey kone,

It says 1 Ohm on the picture, you must have taken the O for an 0. My BRs are round, don't blame me for that. Glad you've worked it out. ;-)

This was not related to magnets. When I had the hard ferrite cores installed the magnets would not be effective much anyway. I got iron dust cores now and am currently replacing my rotor shaft and bearings so I cannot test right now. But it should be easy to resemble if it isn't core material specific.

In my earlier testings with the hard ferrite I could get over 200V peaks when shorting the coils in a way like this (but maybe not exactly like this). I posted that and it was not considered being unusual. Shorting with a reed switch the voltmeter was showing around 90V constantly. I am not sure if it's core or rotor distance related. My iron powder cores are stronger so I cannot get too close to the cores. That's one reason I am replacing the shaft and bearings.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 03, 2011, 05:59:09 AM
Quote from: wattsup on August 02, 2011, 08:46:03 AM

About the hall alignments, I show it on the image posted here.


@wattsup: Has anyone accomplished to inverting the driving circuit?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on August 03, 2011, 10:01:24 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on August 03, 2011, 05:59:09 AM
@wattsup: Has anyone accomplished to inverting the driving circuit?

Not that I know of. I am still convinced that AOAO will be one of the best ways to provide maximum torque along with cascading coils and will try it myself when I eventually make my own wheel. But not a Romero wheel. It will be my own design with drives on the outside and generator coil on the inside of the wheel. But not yet. Still to many questions to answer.

I posted something that may interest you and others also, here.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 03, 2011, 11:07:44 AM
Rod over at the energetic forum also reports a slight rotor speed increase when he introduces a constantly shorted out generator coil.
What is special in his set-up is that he overspeeds the rotor (>4000 RPM)

@Konehead: You are right, Lasersaber's video went nearly undiscussed.

If the magnets are in a constellation that they reduce the nearby coil's inductance in the same way , so that both coil's still have a nearly equal inductance, then that is indeed strange, since the coil's should still have equal opposed induction qualities.

I tend to believe though that he increased one coil's inductance and reduced the other coil's inductance (the orientation of the magnet dominates that, i tried it).

The effect of the "no-slow-down" is most valuable.
I wonder if he overspeeded his rotor as well ? (>3600 RPM)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on August 03, 2011, 12:39:13 PM
So here are some pics of the modified rig. The drive coil set is separate and adjustable to the rotor, so that they can stay as close as I want and move stator plates out with out moving drive coils. Also the top stator plate coils can rotate advance/retard. I still need to hook up a drive circuit, I used 5 wire twisted for the drive coils so that I can tune impedance for rpm, each wire is about 25 ohms. Any way here is a few links, I will try to post to the main album.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 03, 2011, 01:21:01 PM
Hi Rawbush

very nice work - now you can see if the lower coil being a different distance from rotor magent as compared to upper coil will ignite some big resonate-power while coils are strung together in the cancelling/bucking mode and then you should have it (hopefully)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on August 03, 2011, 06:11:01 PM
Thanks konehead  8)

I measured the two coil sets for documentation. I am using wire found in automotive relays, it measured all the same .005" but I think there are some differences. Next is to get the drive coil hooked up and running, but I am watching kids today so I can't hide in the garage all day. Will keep yall posted.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on August 03, 2011, 09:05:33 PM
I may have missed a discussion about this in earlier replies but just wanted to add my observation:

When I look at the screen captures from Romero's video, it APPEARS that he has one hall sensor being activated by the tiny magnets in the edge of the rotor while the OTHER hall sensor is activated by the larger disk magnets.

If this is the case, then one driver coil is doing something completely different than the other.

On the Energic Forum, Mathew said: Dr Stifler, "For anything to be overunity, you must change the state of energy at least once". Most people relate that Electrical to Mechanical or vice versa. But you can change the state of your electricity as well and this becomes possible if the conversion doesn't cost to much. Forward time energy and reverse time energy are very real entities and allow one to follow the above rule with a near ease.

Did Romero change forward and reverse timing, or otherwise change the state of energy, by placing the sensors in these odd positions resulting in the driving coils behaving quite differently from each other?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: From other Planet on August 04, 2011, 06:34:49 AM
Ya i had those thoughts too about the 2 driving circuits switched different ways.
Probably the driving circuit with hall sensor+ small extra magnets has weaker
force/acceleration (shorter pulse time) than the one with hall+ main rotor magnets.
Perhaps this is an important point to have these 2 different accelerations.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on August 04, 2011, 11:43:58 AM
Quote from: From other Planet on August 04, 2011, 06:34:49 AM
Ya i had those thoughts too about the 2 driving circuits switched different ways.
Probably the driving circuit with hall sensor+ small extra magnets has weaker
force/acceleration (shorter pulse time) than the one with hall+ main rotor magnets.
Perhaps this is an important point to have these 2 different accelerations.

Romero uses two driving circuits, one in attraction (larger rotor magnets), and one in repulsion ( smaller outer magnets).
As far as changing the state of energy, i dont know that.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 04, 2011, 12:20:32 PM
Romero described this himself here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg284851#msg284851
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 04, 2011, 03:23:22 PM
Bought these kind of bearings: http://www.amazon.com/4-Bolt-Flange-Bearings-UCF-201-08/dp/B0045JP60Q
Rotor doesn't spin at all. Not happy!  :(

What's the best way to connect the rotating shaft to the stator plates?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on August 04, 2011, 03:37:05 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on August 04, 2011, 03:23:22 PM
Bought these kind of bearings: http://www.amazon.com/4-Bolt-Flange-Bearings-UCF-201-08/dp/B0045JP60Q
Rotor doesn't spin at all. Not happy!  :(

What's the best way to connect the rotating shaft to the stator plates?

I would rip the seals out of those bearings and clean all the grease out with carb cleaner or something like that. Then just use a drop of good lubricant. Should spin better.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 04, 2011, 04:05:41 PM
Quote from: freenergy850 on August 04, 2011, 03:37:05 PM

I would rip the seals out of those bearings and clean all the grease out with carb cleaner or something like that. Then just use a drop of good lubricant. Should spin better.

Thanks, I will try that. They are really stuffed with shit.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on August 05, 2011, 12:46:29 AM
did anybody happen to catch this from Peter Linderman and record it? I got home from work 2 hours late and missed it :'(

If you are long distance or overseas, you can use SKYPE to call in for free. Add a username: freeconferencing.7124320900

When you call it, you can then user the dial pad and enter 312760#

We're getting started in 30 minutes exactly:

Here's how to listen to the Special Event! Tonight at 7pm PACIFIC TIME ZONE
on August 4th, Thursday:

1. Call this number (712) 432-0900
2. Enter this access code 312760#

Make sure you have a pen and paper handy. Please mute out your phone if you have that
option and keep background noise to a minimum. At the end of the call, you will be given
a web address that will let you download the free bonus!

It is a good idea to have your friends and family over to listen to this on speaker phone -
they will be thanking you for years to come!

We'll send this reminder out a couple more times until the call.

ESM & Energetic Forum

161 Orange Dr, Senatobia, MS 38668, USA

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: citfta on August 05, 2011, 08:50:05 AM
Hi Tektron,

I didn't record it but I did listen to it.  It was about a new dietary supplement that is supposed to work wonders for your body.  Aaron has asked that we not share the info yet, but he will be releasing all the info in the near future.  I know there were several people who have posted they did record it.  You might send one of them a PM and see if they will send you the recording.  It has nothing to do with free energy other than the book you can download which has some info about improving battery performance at the end of it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on August 05, 2011, 09:58:21 AM
It was an hour long infomercial, and the link provided at the end sends you to a page were you can sign up to be a distributor. What a way to get an audiance, I feel like I was conned. Any way the battery trick is to put black carbon inside of batteries.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FatBird on August 05, 2011, 10:08:37 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on August 06, 2011, 06:56:16 AM
Yea, a bunch of bull, just for happy hours
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on August 06, 2011, 09:54:51 AM
For those of you interested in using an Arduino for driver coil control, Zerofossilefuel just announced that the sketch he is using is now open source and can be found at his web site. Here is a link to the video.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on August 07, 2011, 01:01:42 AM
Quote from: citfta on August 05, 2011, 08:50:05 AM
Hi Tektron,

I didn't record it but I did listen to it.  It was about a new dietary supplement that is supposed to work wonders for your body.  Aaron has asked that we not share the info yet, but he will be releasing all the info in the near future.  I know there were several people who have posted they did record it.  You might send one of them a PM and see if they will send you the recording.  It has nothing to do with free energy other than the book you can download which has some info about improving battery performance at the end of it.


Thanks Carroll, Aaron sent me the DL link.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hope on August 07, 2011, 02:43:15 PM
Has anyone experimented with overdriving this motor using a FREE magnetic vortex created using a Greens Camelot ring? 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: CLaNZeR on August 07, 2011, 05:52:17 PM
After a couple of months break from this replication, due to other commitments, I have came back to it like I said I would.
Got another week on my break from normal work, so spending this week catching up with half finished replications.

The Romero/Muller has been sat on the shelf gathering dust and I have been biting at the bit to get the new coils finished.

Well today after a long time in the workshop, they have been finished and will be fixing them to the rig tomorrow.

Have tried to attach some pictures, but these forums jut keep timing out :(

Thread of previous progress is on my forums



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on August 07, 2011, 11:27:07 PM
Very glad to see you can get back into this project Clanzer.  Look forward to any thing you are doing on this one.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 08, 2011, 01:30:59 AM
Hey Chamaladad

I tried out the expeirment you did last week with the FWBR over a pair of coils in series, with the extra wire connecting the midpoint-connection of the two coils on one of the AC pins of the FWBR, and then the 1 ohm resistor off the AC pin, to the IN of one of the coils and then with the scope leads over the resistor to try and get the pure sinewave you reported doing this

What I got was an "AC" sinewave you could say, but not that good of one - it's sort of al slanted to one side, not symmetrical looking phases like a pure sinewave would look like.
I wouldnt think you could run an AC motor off this sinewave for instance...but anyways I gave it a shot...tried it buckig coils and non-bucking coils in series also paralell coils too but sinewave is always slanted...I wonder if this is what you got too?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 08, 2011, 02:12:12 AM
did some backemf/recoil recovery expeirments with my pseudo-romero machine:
(4 neo magnets (tube-shaped not hockey pucks) and 5 coils each side and the coils are wound with 96 feet of 36GA (very thin) 16 strand litz wire ("heavy build varnish"/motor rated wire) coils have ferrite-tube cores
I like to run the coils in paralell (two facing) and have two pairs working as motor coils then the 3 pairs leftover as pure generator coils...
draw to motor is  100ma @ 12V input and it goes 1800rpm...dead short of one coil with ammeter gives 540ma first few seconds and voltage of coil is around 5.2V wiht no resistance so figure with resistive load 1/2 the amps and 1/2 the voltage  you will get so figure that each coil puts out approx 1.2WATTS with resistive loading...all this forgetting about any lenz-lugging of coils under load here, just some numbers on what these coils do at 1800rpm...
pulse width of motor coil is 1.2 milliseconds if anyone wants to know that 4 times a revolution, and two facing pairs of coils are fired as motor coils, so that is 8 times a revolution there is 1.2miilsecond long motor pulse....

anyways there is general description of the motor and coils - the mosfets are NPN type 20A and 500V rated, and what I am writing about after all that actually, is to tell how I pulled out the backemf/recoil into capacitor - its a lot of power - for example 220uf cap fills to 150V in a couple seconds running on that 12V intput...no reflection to motor draw at all with cap that size - -

anyways its pretty simple - using a NPN type of mosfet, you will have to have the mosfet on the ground-side of the motor coil.

so the SOURCE pin of mosfet connects to ground.

connect the negative of a DC cap to the ground too.

put shottky or whatever diode you have handy between the positive lead of the DC cap and the DRAIN pin of the mosfet.
Have the diode facing so that the cap will fill (band towards cap's postiive terminal)

that cap fills up so fast and high in voltage you wont beleive it...this is good thing for the mosfet too, since you are getting rid of that "destructive transient" spike and putting it into external cap...
Be careful of these spikes - if you touch one finger to battery terminal, and the other hand's finger to cap discharge or diode,  the big zappage with now some amps underneath it, will travel right across you chest and through your heart and you might die before you know you are dead from a short-circuit of the heart.

but forget about that; wear rubber gloves and keep one hand in pocket...pain is temporary and disgrace is permanent remember that saying eh (what I tell my dentist), and so experiment with cap UF sizes, going bigger and bigger in UF values, until you notice the motor draw bouncing up when the cap fills up after shorting the cap out to make volts in it near zero...so this will be "somewhere" around the best size of cap to use - where the draw just starts to flinch up... I suspect around 500uf or so you will see the draw go a bit up when cap fills from zero volts in it in a typical romero-machine motor coils (use analog ammeter) - but in the "working system" you might not be discharging that cap to zero, instead mabye down to 12V from 100V or whatever you decide (depends on pulse widht, load, frequency of pulses per rotation, etc etc for how much the cap drops)

What you will find is you want that cap DISCONNECTED from the mtoor coils when it hits load, otherwise, the "event" of the cap-discharge will reflect back to the motor's amp-draw and the amperage will lurch up everytime the cap connects to the load but if it is disconnected form coils, then there is nothing to worry about at all except for the cap filling up in first place, so its all free power to be had which is normally "wasted" doing nothing but shoving spikes back through your mosfet.

Also if any of you want to figure how many watts you have from a cap discharge, here is the formula:

FARADS of capacitor to be discharged / 2

multiplied by:

(voltage of capacitor before discharge SQUARED
minus the voltage of capacitor AFTER the discharge SQUARED)

then this is multiplied by the number (frequency) of discharges PER SECOND

and this give you the WATTS of a cap discharge...
(nice eh)
Thanks to Ronald (from Germany) for this formula...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 08, 2011, 07:10:21 AM
Quote from: konehead on August 08, 2011, 01:30:59 AM
Hey Chamaladad

I tried out the expeirment you did last week with the FWBR over a pair of coils in series, with the extra wire connecting the midpoint-connection of the two coils on one of the AC pins of the FWBR, and then the 1 ohm resistor off the AC pin, to the IN of one of the coils and then with the scope leads over the resistor to try and get the pure sinewave you reported doing this

What I got was an "AC" sinewave you could say, but not that good of one - it's sort of al slanted to one side, not symmetrical looking phases like a pure sinewave would look like.
I wouldnt think you could run an AC motor off this sinewave for instance...but anyways I gave it a shot...tried it buckig coils and non-bucking coils in series also paralell coils too but sinewave is always slanted...I wonder if this is what you got too?

It was noticeable because I had a nice and clean sine wave.

I did another experiment. This time I added a wire from one AC leg to another AC leg of the neighbouring coilset. This gave significant rise in cap voltage.

I was also playing with the biasing magnets when I had a small DC motor connected to the FWBR of one coilset. The interesting thing was that with adding the biasing magnets two spikes were introduced and their position could be controlled by adding more or less magnets. When I tried to bring those spikes to peak level it would start jumping around peak level but would not stay at the top. I did this is in adding configuration and there was also a little increase in voltage and rotor speed. Havn't tested in cancelling mode yet, but that is next to come.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on August 08, 2011, 10:03:15 AM
konehead,  Only got a few minutes this AM but if my quick read is right it sounds like you have OU.  12 volts x 100ma = 1 watt input and output sounds like a lot more than that.  If that's the case congrats!!  I'll re-read later but I have confidence that if anyone can do this you can. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on August 08, 2011, 10:15:54 AM
Quote from: konehead on August 08, 2011, 02:12:12 AM

draw to motor is  100ma @ 12V input and it goes 1800rpm...dead short of one coil with ammeter gives 540ma first few seconds and voltage of coil is around 5.2V wiht no resistance

Hi Kone,

Input 100ma @ 12V = 1.2 Watts

Output 540ma @ 5.2V = 2.8 Watts

If your readings are correct you have OU... is this so?

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 08, 2011, 12:15:19 PM
Hi Gotoluc and EMatrix

I wouldnt say its OU since what I left out is high up the motor goes in amp draw when the coils load (lenz law lugging)
also when the motor lugs RPMS go down, so the generator coils dont put out as much either at lower rpms....romeor got his to SPEED UP under load - thats nice thing to happen eh...

those numbers are how I like to measure how powerful genrtor coils are, or can be, very quickly - that is to measure amperage with direct short with ammeter, and measure voltage maximum with no resistance at all so you have idea of most voltage possible.,,,then general rule of thumb is that when you put resistive load on the coil too, its going to be half the amps and half the voltage with the resistance...

the way (one way) to "make it" OU is switch-short the coils at the peaks, put this into DC capacitor with no resistance on it, then dump cap to load when cap is disconnected from coils...now there is no lenz lugging of coils, and voltage in cap goes way way up very quickly, and the amperage coming from cap to load will be greatly dependent on how high the votlage is in the cap (also the resitance of load, pulse width frequency etc etc)

- for example 100V in 1000uf cap into 10 ohm load will have lots more amperage as compared to 20V in 1000uf cap into 10ohm load with same pulse width and frequency..... 

Title: Beating the rise time of the EMF ...
Post by: DeepCut on August 08, 2011, 05:54:54 PM
I'm pretty sure now that it doesn't matter wether it's a Muller or Romag or Adams or Romero's replication, to me the speeding up under load is happening because the rotational speed of the magnet ensures that, at a critical RPM, the magnet is out-of-the-way quickly enough to beat the rise time of the EMF in the gen coil, there is a certain window of opportunity where the Lenz effect would actually assist the rotation.

My magnetite powder has arrived, tomorrow i'll get the epoxy to make the cores plus the wire for the coils and i'll look into it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on August 08, 2011, 07:05:59 PM
Hi DeepCut,

can you tell me where we can obtain magnetite powder ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TEKTRON on August 08, 2011, 07:17:04 PM
Quote from: altair on August 08, 2011, 07:05:59 PM

can you tell me where we can obtain magnetite powder ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on August 08, 2011, 09:31:49 PM
Thanks Tektron !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on August 09, 2011, 01:45:44 PM
Okay everyone.  I think this is a very BIG hint and it's from someone I highly respect.  If you need more perspective on this you can visit the other energy forum where Mike is (EF).  This is from Michael John Nunnerley 

To create the 3rd dimensional field you have to create an ANTIPHASE in your coils in the case of for example the Muller motor/generator. Your electromagnets are wound from the center of your ferrite rod, two wires connected but wound in opposite directions and terminating at each end.

This will create the 3rd field which is a vortex field and NOTHING ELSE, from this you can design your motor/generator. You will have zero Lenz effect and will only draw current for the driving circuit alone. It is ALL in winding the coils in ANTIPHASE to create a unique vortex field, I will leave the rest of the design of the motor/generator up to you, I will probably get shot for what I have told you.


Mike is onto something really huge in the message thread this came from.  He's not giving the details on his E beam reactor now but the essential concept can be applied to the Muller generator and he's giving that out in hopes it will help those working on this design.  I understand the essence of what he has stated but am not completely clear on the exact winding mentioned.  I'll have to think about that a bit but in the mean time I really believe this may be the secret in this motor gen and we just need to clarify the exact winding instructions with a good diagram. 

   I think his 3D concept (I think you can call it that) may well be the source of nearly all overunity.  In a brief he talks about his "e-beam reactor in so much that the electric field and the magnetic field are created along with a third field "one of current" which does not come from the input power, it is created in free space between the atoms within that free space, hundreds of times more powerful than you could ever put into the input of your system." 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on August 09, 2011, 04:10:02 PM
Very interesting !
From his cryptic phrase, I get that we have to start the wind with 2 wires, at the center of the core, and wind both wires in opposite direction from each other.

If we think about that for a second, this is exactly the same thing as a standard coil that has a center tap.
I wonder if the "center tap" is then used in the connections to the external circuit, or if we have to use only the 2 outer wires...  ???

I'll try to find him on EF to see what he is working on.

Thanks for the heads up !

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: altair on August 09, 2011, 04:20:20 PM
By "opposite direction" from each other, does he really mean what I just pointed out above, or rather :

Wind bifilar, starting from the center of the core, each strand going out away from center...  ???
Mechanically, this would be called "same direction", but electrically (if the center tap is not used) the wires would be in opposite direction.  :o

Something to think about...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 09, 2011, 05:03:38 PM
What about bifilar cancelling?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on August 09, 2011, 05:18:31 PM
I'm waiting at EF for some confirmation from Mike or anyone that may understand this better.  My interpretation is: " it sounds like two sets of wires on one coil (core) with one wound CW and one CCW and the start ends hooked together as one connection point while the ending wires hooked together as the other connection point with everything wound on the same core. I envision this as being a bit time consuming to wind and am not totally clear on how would be best to do this but it sounds possible and once I get it clear I'll give it a try."   If using Litz wire you would have two sets of wires unless you wanted the tedious chore of separating one set into two.  As far as I know I don't believe anyone has wound their coils this way on this motor gen.  I'm wondering if konehead or anyone has tried such a wind on any motors coils. 

   This kind of wind could be very difficult depending on how you go about it.  I can picture one way involving a CW wind for one layer followed by the other wire with CCW wind on top of the first layer and then alternating back and forth until your coil is full.  Or I could see each wire interlacing and alternating for space on the core for each turn of each wind so that each layer would have both CW and CCW interlaced.  That way sounds like a real PITA but if the results are OU certainly worth it. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 09, 2011, 06:01:18 PM
What Mike hasn't revealed yet and being a theoreticist probably won't exactly know, is how to "harvest" something that is antiphase. It is easy enough to create a near perfect antiphase signal.
I have discussed this problem in the "Standing waves in generators" thread.
If it is possible to extract useful huge energies out of antiphase signals, there must be a very special way to do so. Simply sticking a cap in parallel/series won't cut it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on August 09, 2011, 06:36:50 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on August 09, 2011, 06:01:18 PM
What Mike hasn't revealed yet and being a theoreticist probably won't exactly know, is how to "harvest" something that is antiphase. It is easy enough to create a near perfect antiphase signal.
I have discussed this problem in the "Standing waves in generators" thread.
If it is possible to extract useful huge energies out of antiphase signals, there must be a very special way to do so. Simply sticking a cap in parallel/series won't cut it.

I wonder if it might have something to do with the E-H antenna theory they were talking about.  Being a Ham but rather out of touch with Ham radio this was totally new to me.  They apparently are getting huge gains using this new type of antenna (again 3D based I believe) and are getting good signals where none could be received at all before using regular antennae.
    It was my impression that winding a coil in this special way WAS what captured the antiphase energy.  But that might be a big assumption and far from correct. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Overschuss on August 09, 2011, 07:13:28 PM
Quote from: TEKTRON on August 08, 2011, 07:17:04 PM

or here:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 09, 2011, 08:12:39 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on August 09, 2011, 06:36:50 PM
I wonder if it might have something to do with the E-H antenna theory they were talking about.  Being a Ham but rather out of touch with Ham radio this was totally new to me.  They apparently are getting huge gains using this new type of antenna (again 3D based I believe) and are getting good signals where none could be received at all before using regular antennae.
    It was my impression that winding a coil in this special way WAS what captured the antiphase energy.  But that might be a big assumption and far from correct.

While the 3D antenna effect is very interesting, i still don't see it apply to Romero's device since there is no High Voltage (rms) in the coils to create the electric field.
It is the magnet that pulses the bucking coils and the frequency is way below RF even. So for this to be the same effect, also wavelengths must not play any role here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: supersam on August 09, 2011, 10:05:52 PM
at all,

stupid reply of the day.   if you start to wind, and i understand that this is a pain in the ass way to wind, but, if you know how long the wire is when the coil is full, simply start at the center point of the wire length and wind one way starting from the center of the core, and the other way from the center of the core, and you come out with two ends at the end.  maybe this is two bucking coils on each side of the rotor magnets and there in lies the magic. 

maybe someone can try this with one coil pair and see if there is something interesting?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 10, 2011, 11:58:44 AM
Quote from: Loner on August 10, 2011, 12:08:08 AM
I just thought I should mention this, and I'm sure most already know it, but for the newcommers....

This is "Exactly" how a "Real" Tesla Transformer primary is wound....
(Noted in very few places, and listed in a couple patents.  More info from papers published, etc., but this is common knowledge to Tesla studiers.)

I could elaborate, and mention recent papers and patents showing that an "Antiphase" or "Counter-wound" (Many other names, as well.)  is a lot more common than one would think.  Last patent I saw relating to the concept was in mid-late 80's, but I'm not as much of a reader these days.

As long as this is a "Single Layer", the field is easy to visualize, but multi-layer should make you think about winding methods.  I hope this gives a clue, as I'm certainly not the expert.  (And, Yes, I have several transformers wound this way, but never considered what it would mean to take such a coil, magnetically bias it one way with the attached magnets, then reverse this bias with the rotor.  Sure seems simple now, though..)

Oh Well, what do I know....

(Harvesting this is already well-documented in Tesla's Patents, as well, if you can get past the modern day assumptions about electricity.  Most cannot.  Dump Caps are one tough method, but workable.  Remember, resonance of such is not related to standard frequency calcs.  Again, ignore me, as I really don't know that facts any better than the other more-qualified around here.)

If you have something to elaborate on concerning generator coils wound in such fashion, please go ahead )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 10, 2011, 01:59:41 PM
the most super coils possible are like this in my opinion:

get rid of core altogether, in its place wind an inner "pikcup/secondary" coil -
and around this inner "core"-coil, then wind the "primary/motor coil - this the coil that actualy takes a hit of juice.

all around the primary/motor wind another pikcup/secondary coil, it being as big as what distance the flux-field will extend to, when the inner primary/motor coil is energized.

then also, wind more winds BEHIND the primary/motor coil too - that is wasted energy back there doing nothing, so collect it via these pickup secondary winds backe there....the backside of coil has as strong as flux as the frontside so why waste it...

Additinally, wind the primary/motor coil BIFILAR, and energize only one half of this primary/motor bifilar coil, and have the other half become a "pickup/secondary/ coil.

so now you have captured ALL of the "ambient flux" , AROUND, BEHIND, INSIDE and WITHIN the primary coil...this will also catch the backemf recoil, too, because of the tight induction between the bifilar primary and secondary....

so put this ambeint-flux energy you gather into a capacitor, let capacitor loose to load when primar/motor coil is OFF between pulses and also you might want to thave a two stage output circuit too, whereas the capacitor is disconnected from the pickup coils it gathers energy from, when cap hits load.

Under high frequencies, the inner pikcup coil taking place of core, will work like a core does, concentrating the field Ismael tells me, in his high frequency stuff.

Also all those pickup winds will work jsut like regular generator coils with rotor of magnets passing by....so this means you can SWITCH SHORT AT PEAKS all those pickup winds too...and increase power stored into caps huge.

All this describes something I built last winter (still a bit top secret) and also describes the "basics" Ismales MEG technology and how he recycles the power slammed into his coils in his  7500VDC "repelling force" demonstrations where he knocks a 1 kilo weight coil up in air 33fett in less thatn second 16 times with single 9V battery and two small AAs also in siereis for 12V and so only around 300mAH of current available and batteris only drop from 12.4V to 11.8V after 16 hits up in air, with 12 seconds recharge time between blasts. The way he keeps the battery charged-up after each blast is with massive pickup winds collecting the ambeint flux surrounding the primary that gets the jolt of 7500VDC
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 10, 2011, 02:05:29 PM
@Loner: The thing is that a primary is always electrically in phase. You "send" the current through the complete length of wire and get 2 magnetic fields that are said to be cancelling. Even though that only happens during the off time switching phase.
In a generator coil, you will have out-of-phase currents.
Sure your lenz-related currents will also cancel, but so does the induced EMF.
I am very curious how to get those in-phase again for powering a load or doing some magic tuning tricks to fill caps up. Maybe there is no hope and they are already cancelling themselves dead in the coils, something like that is not present in the literature.

Using 2 bucking coils that are themselves bucking coils seem to be behaving the same way. You won't have perfect cancellation because the more remote half of the coil from the magnet will see slightly less flux.
Yet hopefully someone will test that configuration.
Maybe the fact that there is 2 physically distant sources for 1 phase of current will change the outcome, who knows.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on August 10, 2011, 05:17:20 PM
Since I had a spare monofilar and bifilar coil sitting around, I wound a Caduceus coil for comparison.  Trust me, it was not fun nor easy.  I started with the same length of wire used on the other two, but could not get all that wire on the bobbin due to the sloppy nature of overlapping the wires while winding in different directions.

Coils without cores as wound:

Caduceus coil: .171 mH
Monofilar coil:  .396 mH
Bifilar coil:      .376 mH

I then "tuned" all coils to exactly .500 mH (on my meter) by inserting ferrite cores.  The .500 mH value was chosen because it was near exactly where the ferrite would become flush with one end of the Caduceus coil.  The other two needed very little ferrite introduced to obtain the same inductance on the meter.

I then placed each coil over my spinning Muller rotor.  Keep in mind that this means they are relatively very far away from the magnets (>25mm).  This was just a relative test. 

Output voltage results:

Caduceus coil:  .24V p2p
Monofiler coil:  .22V p2p
Bifilar coil:       .18V p2p

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 10, 2011, 05:34:43 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on August 10, 2011, 05:17:20 PM
Since I had a spare monofilar and bifilar coil sitting around, I wound a Caduceus coil for comparison.  Trust me, it was not fun nor easy.  I started with the same length of wire used on the other two, but could not get all that wire on the bobbin due to the sloppy nature of overlapping the wires while winding in different directions.

Coils without cores as wound:

Caduceus coil: .171 mH
Monofilar coil:  .396 mH
Bifilar coil:      .376 mH

I then "tuned" all coils to exactly .500 mH (on my meter) by inserting ferrite cores.  The .500 mH value was chosen because it was near exactly where the ferrite would become flush with one end of the Caduceus coil.  The other two needed very little ferrite introduced to obtain the same inductance on the meter.

I then placed each coil over my spinning Muller rotor.  Keep in mind that this means they are relatively very far away from the magnets (>25mm).  This was just a relative test. 

Output voltage results:

Caduceus coil:  .24V p2p
Monofiler coil:  .22V p2p
Bifilar coil:       .18V p2p


With that inductance value, it is no "real" caduceus ;)
I never managed to make a good one with multiple Layers, it's too tedious.
The nodes must be in one axial-oriented line.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on August 10, 2011, 05:58:51 PM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on August 10, 2011, 05:34:43 PM
With that inductance value, it is no "real" caduceus ;)
I never managed to make a good one with multiple Layers, it's too tedious.
The nodes must be in one axial-oriented line.

I understand.  Sorry if I used the term "Caduceus" out of proper context. 

So what do you call a coil that starts with the middle of the wire at the inside of the coil and then wraps the two ends of the wire in opposite directions, in a haphazard way?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on August 10, 2011, 06:40:41 PM
Quote from: mondrasek on August 10, 2011, 05:58:51 PM
I understand.  Sorry if I used the term "Caduceus" out of proper context. 

So what do you call a coil that starts with the middle of the wire at the inside of the coil and then wraps the two ends of the wire in opposite directions, in a haphazard way?

Isn't that the mo coil...lol
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on August 10, 2011, 07:12:55 PM
Quote from: konehead on August 10, 2011, 01:59:41 PM
the most super coils possible are like this in my opinion:

get rid of core altogether, in its place wind an inner "pikcup/secondary" coil -
and around this inner "core"-coil, then wind the "primary/motor coil - this the coil that actualy takes a hit of juice.

all around the primary/motor wind another pikcup/secondary coil, it being as big as what distance the flux-field will extend to, when the inner primary/motor coil is energized.

then also, wind more winds BEHIND the primary/motor coil too - that is wasted energy back there doing nothing, so collect it via these pickup secondary winds backe there....the backside of coil has as strong as flux as the frontside so why waste it...

Additinally, wind the primary/motor coil BIFILAR, and energize only one half of this primary/motor bifilar coil, and have the other half become a "pickup/secondary/ coil.

so now you have captured ALL of the "ambient flux" , AROUND, BEHIND, INSIDE and WITHIN the primary coil...this will also catch the backemf recoil, too, because of the tight induction between the bifilar primary and secondary....

so put this ambeint-flux energy you gather into a capacitor, let capacitor loose to load when primar/motor coil is OFF between pulses and also you might want to thave a two stage output circuit too, whereas the capacitor is disconnected from the pickup coils it gathers energy from, when cap hits load.

Under high frequencies, the inner pikcup coil taking place of core, will work like a core does, concentrating the field Ismael tells me, in his high frequency stuff.

Also all those pickup winds will work jsut like regular generator coils with rotor of magnets passing by....so this means you can SWITCH SHORT AT PEAKS all those pickup winds too...and increase power stored into caps huge.

All this describes something I built last winter (still a bit top secret) and also describes the "basics" Ismales MEG technology and how he recycles the power slammed into his coils in his  7500VDC "repelling force" demonstrations where he knocks a 1 kilo weight coil up in air 33fett in less thatn second 16 times with single 9V battery and two small AAs also in siereis for 12V and so only around 300mAH of current available and batteris only drop from 12.4V to 11.8V after 16 hits up in air, with 12 seconds recharge time between blasts. The way he keeps the battery charged-up after each blast is with massive pickup winds collecting the ambeint flux surrounding the primary that gets the jolt of 7500VDC

Thanks for your opinion  :)

I'm trying different things...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on August 10, 2011, 08:46:26 PM
Since I still haven't even wound any coils for this project yet I decided to check into what it might cost to have some 1/4 inch diameter Permalloy cores.  Some members here on the Garbriel device thread had mentioned some Permalloy suppliers.  After some fanagling I got a response from one of those suppliers.  I asked for a quote on 1/4" x 20 inches and they sent a quote for 1/4" x 30 inches.  $389.00 !  Even better yet ESPI metals who wouldn't give me a quote initially unless I was a university or a company  sent a quote when I made myself an official company :D.   It was for 1/4" x 20 inches.  $1109.00  - Oh and an $8.00 handling fee.  That's just sick.  Even if place #2 bought it at full retail from place #1 they'd be making over $700 profit on just one little piece of 0.25 inch diameter rod.   And all that for what is primarily nickel and iron.  Most anything else in Permalloy is just impurities.  I've got a document that says 78.5% nickel with 21.5% iron ( = 100%) will give you a permeability of 90,000 and that is essentially Permalloy (with correct heat treating).  WTF does this stuff cost that much?   Or am I just in contact with the wrong sellers?

   Guess I'll stick with ferrite cores from old computer power supplies = FREE.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: supersam on August 10, 2011, 10:28:10 PM
i think they call it a supersam mo called a supersammocoil.  does it really matter maybe just a mo coil for short since mod actually built the first one. 

@at modrasec

i think your numbers are at least interesting,and like i said, this coil has got to be a pain in the ass to build.  you said that you wound it a little haphazardly, do you think it would have better performance if it was wound machine like?  interesting!


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 11, 2011, 03:05:10 AM
Here is a mosfet circuit using a H11D1 opto-isolator and 4422 driver that I am testing out now. The IRFP460 mosfet is rated at 20A and 500V and it has .3 ohms resistance.
So far this circuit works great switching motor coils.
Put 5 of these mosfets in a paralell cluster and it would work well switch-shorting coils at peaks since then the resistance would be really low...
Also put another cluster of 5 in paralell and then hook together the clusters of 5's gates and source leads so that switching then occurs between the "leftover" drain leads; ("bidirectional"mosfet hookup) and now it will switch AC and this is a very good coil-shorting circuit.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on August 11, 2011, 08:32:00 AM
Quote from: konehead on August 11, 2011, 03:05:10 AM
Here is a mosfet circuit using a H11D1 opto-isolator and 4422 driver that I am testing out now. The IRFP460 mosfet is rated at 20A and 500V and it has .3 ohms resistance.
So far this circuit works great switching motor coils.
Put 5 of these mosfets in a paralell cluster and it would work well switch-shorting coils at peaks since then the resistance would be really low...
Also put another cluster of 5 in paralell and then hook together the clusters of 5's gates and source leads so that switching then occurs between the "leftover" drain leads; ("bidirectional"mosfet hookup) and now it will switch AC and this is a very good coil-shorting circuit.

Could you draw in another mosfet in parallel so i know how to connect them in parallel?
I want to try this circuit also... thanks.

regards, scratchrobot
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on August 11, 2011, 09:03:56 AM
Quote from: supersam on August 10, 2011, 10:28:10 PM
i think your numbers are at least interesting,and like i said, this coil has got to be a pain in the ass to build.  you said that you wound it a little haphazardly, do you think it would have better performance if it was wound machine like?  interesting!

Well having a machine wind them would at least allow to maximize the number of turns in a specific coil wind area.  Winding by hand, especially on such a small scale as the sewing machine bobbin, makes poor use of that space.  Much space is wasted as the strands cross over each other and previous wraps creating many gaps.  So I ended up with much wire that I could not get on the coil when compared to the mono and bifilar coils.  Those other two have nearly identical amounts of wire on them.

I'd like to find a way to compare these different coils "apples to apples".  But it is near impossible to get similar number of wraps in the same area with the same size wire in order to achieve the comparable impedance's with the same resistance.

The method I use to match the impedance (inserting ferrite to different locations in each coil until they read the same on a meter) has the draw back that when testing by placing the coils at the same distance from the spinning rotor magnets, the ferrite coils are at different distances from those rotor magnets.

If I insert the ferrite cores to the same location with respect to the coil face and therefore the rotor magnets, then the initial induction values will not be the same.  But is there still a way that V p2p readings of this type of setup can be compared?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 11, 2011, 09:21:00 AM
Quote from: scratchrobot on August 11, 2011, 08:32:00 AM
Could you draw in another mosfet in parallel so i know how to connect them in parallel?
I want to try this circuit also... thanks.

regards, scratchrobot

Gates to Gates, Sources to Sources, Drains to Drains simple )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on August 11, 2011, 09:30:42 AM
Quote from: xenomorphlabs on August 11, 2011, 09:21:00 AM
Gates to Gates, Sources to Sources, Drains to Drains simple )

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 11, 2011, 01:27:48 PM
Hi Scratchrobot

yes its very simple:
gates to gates
sources to sources 
drains to drains I really dont think you need a drawing for it eh

mosfets like to be paralelled they dont mind however if you get up to say 10 in paralell there might be some delicate timing issues occuring so maybe dont do that many...

For "bidirectional" circuit to hookup mosfets so they will switch AC:

- think now of say 5 mofets in paralell as jsut one big mosfet OK?

and now its gate to gate
and still source to souce, 
but NOT drain to drain anymore, - leave the drain leads "open"

and now the switching of the load occurs between drain of  mosfet A, (or "cluster of 5 paralell mosfets "A")
and drain of mosfet B, (or cluste of 5 paralell mosfets "B")

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on August 11, 2011, 04:18:03 PM
Hi Scratch,

Great video,

Want to tell us how you connected the neon and other components.

Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on August 11, 2011, 04:23:17 PM
ЭлекÑ,ричесÑ,во_Калашников_2003 http://depositfiles.com/files/ale4lkelo
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on August 12, 2011, 06:26:52 AM
Quote from: penno64 on August 11, 2011, 04:18:03 PM
Hi Scratch,

Great video,

Want to tell us how you connected the neon and other components.

Regards, Penno

Hi Penno, I just used one coilpair and made a Bedini circuit with them, I used air core, when I use iron as core it gets very hot and burn my coil so I will make another coil with better wire to test again.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on August 12, 2011, 10:48:53 AM
Quote from: konehead on August 11, 2011, 03:05:10 AM
Here is a mosfet circuit using a H11D1 opto-isolator and 4422 driver that I am testing out now. The IRFP460 mosfet is rated at 20A and 500V and it has .3 ohms resistance.
So far this circuit works great switching motor coils.
Put 5 of these mosfets in a paralell cluster and it would work well switch-shorting coils at peaks since then the resistance would be really low...
Also put another cluster of 5 in paralell and then hook together the clusters of 5's gates and source leads so that switching then occurs between the "leftover" drain leads; ("bidirectional"mosfet hookup) and now it will switch AC and this is a very good coil-shorting circuit.


This is not an opto-isolator circuit as the same supply feeds all three components. All you are doing is using the opto as an invertor for the Hall.  That is five extra components when a TC4421 would do the same thing with five less parts. (and with no opto loss)


Edit: R1 can be 20 ohms, R2 can be 6K8, battery can be 12 volts.

Breaking the connection between the 4421 and L1 can then have the hall and 4421 on 12 volts with L1 and FET on 24 volts or higher...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 12, 2011, 01:48:16 PM
Hi Ron

thanks for the help - I was hoping you would take a look at it and give your read on it...

that circuit you have up is exactly what I was doing before throwing in the opto isolator...

wouldnt the H1D11 opto "isolate"the leg 3 of the halleffect (its "output)  to the "intput:" of the 4421 (now 4422) driver via its phototransistor??

I see that it inverts the signal, thats why I changed to 4422 driver from the original 4421 that wa sbeing used before otpo is installed...(jsut like your circuit)

but doesnt it as well as inverting, also isolate the signal form the hall effect to the driver and so it works like and isolated-relay (opto controlled) between the halleffect and the driver???

"RS" who send me these "H1D11 opto between hall effect and driver circuit" a few months ago,  says that it will dampen any ringing occuring form coil-shorting or whatever might cause some ringing....and I used the opto since I was getting "ghost' triggering from adjacent halleffects when I had 5 mosfets firing sequentially, all sharing same ground and source leads....(thatgs reaons for doing this)
I have a RomeroUK-variant machine working and testing that I thought would be fun to fire each coil position, (5 facing coils - so 10 coils total - coils wired in facing-paralell)
and with the 4 all-N rotor magnets, I could actually fire the coils 20 times in one revolution, so it would hav lots of toque plus lowered the pulse widht down to 1/2ms too so it draws hardly anny current (around 50ma shows on analog meter)  then after I got that going reliable, then next step is toshort the coils right after the motor coil swtihc OPENS and that would fill up caps, and caps dump to run cap (or stright to run cap infrist place)  and hopefully this would capture the recoils psike andbackemf too if I can get the coil shorting close enough in time to the switch opens....so idea is it would be "shorting" the actual backemf as ell as the induced power the magnets going past the coils make too upwards in inwards intot the caps and non-reflecitve too.....anyways that the plan but had problems with the motor-coil circuit in first place before moving onto 2nd step becasue of the ghost/bleed-through problem of adjacent halleffects..... this opto seems to fix it - maybe jsut a transistor would too that inverts the signal...maybe its somethign else altogether causing the ghost triggering too

....I worte about this over on EVGRAY - Mike Ross said same as you that its not isolating since its common pos suplly both sides but I am looking at is like its a light-contorlled relay, the light does the isolating, the relay does the "inverting" and switching...

and you do want to have the pos supplies not on different sides of the H1D11. since it being like relay you need to supply both sides anyways...could be all wrong as usual but jsut trying to make it work right.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on August 12, 2011, 11:40:18 PM
Quote from: konehead on August 12, 2011, 01:48:16 PM
Hi Ron

thanks for the help - I was hoping you would take a look at it and give your read on it...

that circuit you have up is exactly what I was doing before throwing in the opto isolator...

wouldnt the H1D11 opto "isolate"the leg 3 of the halleffect (its "output)  to the "intput:" of the 4421 (now 4422) driver via its phototransistor??

I see that it inverts the signal, thats why I changed to 4422 driver from the original 4421 that wa sbeing used before otpo is installed...(jsut like your circuit)

but doesnt it as well as inverting, also isolate the signal form the hall effect to the driver and so it works like and isolated-relay (opto controlled) between the halleffect and the driver???

"RS" who send me these "H1D11 opto between hall effect and driver circuit" a few months ago,  says that it will dampen any ringing occuring form coil-shorting or whatever might cause some ringing....and I used the opto since I was getting "ghost' triggering from adjacent halleffects when I had 5 mosfets firing sequentially, all sharing same ground and source leads....(thatgs reaons for doing this)
I have a RomeroUK-variant machine working and testing that I thought would be fun to fire each coil position, (5 facing coils - so 10 coils total - coils wired in facing-paralell)
and with the 4 all-N rotor magnets, I could actually fire the coils 20 times in one revolution, so it would hav lots of toque plus lowered the pulse widht down to 1/2ms too so it draws hardly anny current (around 50ma shows on analog meter)  then after I got that going reliable, then next step is toshort the coils right after the motor coil swtihc OPENS and that would fill up caps, and caps dump to run cap (or stright to run cap infrist place)  and hopefully this would capture the recoils psike andbackemf too if I can get the coil shorting close enough in time to the switch opens....so idea is it would be "shorting" the actual backemf as ell as the induced power the magnets going past the coils make too upwards in inwards intot the caps and non-reflecitve too.....anyways that the plan but had problems with the motor-coil circuit in first place before moving onto 2nd step becasue of the ghost/bleed-through problem of adjacent halleffects..... this opto seems to fix it - maybe jsut a transistor would too that inverts the signal...maybe its somethign else altogether causing the ghost triggering too

....I worte about this over on EVGRAY - Mike Ross said same as you that its not isolating since its common pos suplly both sides but I am looking at is like its a light-contorlled relay, the light does the isolating, the relay does the "inverting" and switching...

and you do want to have the pos supplies not on different sides of the H1D11. since it being like relay you need to supply both sides anyways...could be all wrong as usual but jsut trying to make it work right.


It is good to see you using a proper gate driver after the hall. Kudos

The A1120 is a robust little unit with its own voltage regulator and good clean output with Schmitt trigger, so no problem there.

What can cause ghost triggering is if the hall 'sees' the coil firing but if you have a separate mag wheel for the hall(s) then the firing should be clean.

This only leaves the gate driver as a source. Note on the spec sheet there is a 4uF7 cap common to pin 1 and 8 and a .1uF on each  pin 1 and 8. So if the supply to the gate driver is clean then there should be no problem. It is always best to run your logic chips on there own supply. Using the coil plus rail is not a good idea because of the spikes and weird voltages present when the thing is running and generating as well as being pulsed.

So if you can use a separate supply for the hall and gate driver?  9 volts incidentally is just borderline for the 44XX, the suggested gate voltage for the IRFP460 is 10 volts so a 12 volt supply would be the ticket.

Note that the max rating on this fet is 220 watts, not the 500 X18 (9000 watts) Also watch the build, the all plastic encapsulated fets are usually much harder to cool so are de-rated

The problem with opto's is their slowness and the ugly wave shape out of the transistor when you try and run them fast. The 44xx's are 'sort of' a Schmitt trigger input, so take this and clean it up a bit, like they switch around 2.5 volts to make the 12 volt output pulse.

If you are still getting false pulsing change the resistor between pins one and three on the hall. It will work anywhere from 3k to 20K but the lower values might be cleaner.


Edit:Most opto-isolator datasheets quote the rise and fall tmes of the opto-isolator outputs rather than a maxmum frequency. How can we use these values? The diagram below shows a more realistic signal from an opto-isolator.

In this diagram, the rise and fall times are shown equal, but they are often not - especially with open-collector or open-drain type optos where an external pull-up resistor controls the rise time.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 13, 2011, 03:54:03 AM
You should read this interesting article about how to build a negative inductance and a time reversed magnetic field. Please give comments.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 13, 2011, 03:55:49 PM
Hi all forum members

Please check bottom video I made about Pulse motor speedUP with BEMF recovery to Light Bulb:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C65JJg2bacA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C65JJg2bacA)

This is the schematic I used:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mondrasek on August 13, 2011, 04:17:01 PM
A note about rotor aerodynamics:  I recently took off the top stator coil mounting plate from my rig in order to make another one to mount some test coils.  While that stator plate was off and the rotor was exposed I went ahead and made some adjustments for better aerodynamics.

My rotor is a 1/2 in thick piece of plywood.  I created rotor magnet "pockets" with a flat bottom only 3/8 into the rotor with a Forstner bit.  So the bottom of my rotor is all wood and smooth.

The magnets I placed in the "pockets' are only 1/4 inch thick.  So that left an unfilled pocket of approximately 1/8 inch deep above each rotor magnet on the top side.  Those pockets would be causing drag on the rotor due to the turbulence they create in the surrounding atmosphere.

So while the rotor top was exposed during the disassembly I covered all the exposed magnet pockets with cellophane tape.

The results?  Before taping over the pockets the max RPM for a specific input power was ~2330.  After covering the pockets the RPM at the same input power is ~2850.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on August 13, 2011, 08:41:56 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on August 10, 2011, 08:46:26 PM
Since I still haven't even wound any coils for this project yet I decided to check into what it might cost to have some 1/4 inch diameter Permalloy cores.  Some members here on the Garbriel device thread had mentioned some Permalloy suppliers.  After some fanagling I got a response from one of those suppliers.  I asked for a quote on 1/4" x 20 inches and they sent a quote for 1/4" x 30 inches.  $389.00 !

E2M -- was this Magnetec?  I've also found their prices TOO high.  Does anyone have a better supplier of HIGH PERMEABILITY material?

I'm interested in how much TIME it takes for the magnetic re-alignment in the material...  I think this is important, allowing us to challenge Lenz by taking advantage of the LAG TIME...  at certain speeds of the rotor (or frequencies, in a transformer like the Gabriel or earlier (Turtur/Horvath/Schnelzer) ). 

You see, it may be that "tuning for OU" involves getting Lenz to HELP rather than hinder the EM effects... by taking into account the magnetic TIME LAG in the core material. Something that others may have stumbled onto "accidently", then found frustratingly hard to reproduce.

  At least, the time-lag effect makes some sense to me...

Sorry if this is obtuse; will return to this "magnetic lag-time" point if there is interest. (I've been discussing this on other threads...)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on August 13, 2011, 08:49:53 PM
A cordial invitation to an OU unveiling in Oregon By Bill Mehess in 2 wks
Details Here



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 14, 2011, 01:28:58 AM
hi JoeFR

nice work you did there - one thing I see problem with is your ammeter is pegged all the way over to the right and if there was any increase in current to the motor, you probably wouldnt be able to see it - it looks like the needle is still floating there a bit, and maybe isnt pegged to right, but having a 200ma or 500ma analog ammeter instead would be better to see if that increase in speed also means a bit more amps too...

you can calculate the watts coming out of that backemf circuit by this formula:

farads of cap / 2   (if 680uf cap that would be .00068 farads for example)

multiply this by the voltage of cap before discharge SQUARED
minus the voltage of cap after discharge SQUARED (use scope to see this voltage drop during discharge)

then multiply this by discharge events of cap to load per second..so if once a revolution at 2400rpn, that is 2400/60=40 times a second for example....

How are you timing the "cap discharge to light"? with a 555 timer or something?

What sort of SSR (solid state relay) are you using?

How are you timing the "two stage" alternating SSR output circuit?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 14, 2011, 03:17:52 AM
Hi Kone Thanks

I am on holidays far away from home, so the problem is that I dont have all equipment with me here.

nice work you did there - one thing I see problem with is your ammeter is pegged all the way over to the right and if there was any increase in current to the motor, you probably wouldnt be able to see it - it looks like the needle is still floating there a bit, and maybe isnt pegged to right, but having a 200ma or 500ma analog ammeter instead would be better to see if that increase in speed also means a bit more amps too...

I connected Digital Amp meter and it reads:
No BEMF recovery just driving the motor: 101mA
With BEMF recovery to Light Bulb 24V 1.2W: 105.6mA

you can calculate the watts coming out of that backemf circuit by this formula:
farads of cap / 2   (if 680uf cap that would be .00068 farads for example)
multiply this by the voltage of cap before discharge SQUARED
minus the voltage of cap after discharge SQUARED (use scope to see this voltage drop during discharge)
then multiply this by discharge events of cap to load per second..so if once a revolution at 2400rpm, that is 2400/60=40 times a second for example....

Can you please help me calculate wats out for the first time. I post scope shot from probe connected to C2 680uF 200V cap?

How are you timing the "cap discharge to light"? with a 555 timer or something?
Arduino Uno

What sort of SSR (solid state relay) are you using?
The SSR are a bit overkill for this setup but this is what I have with me on holidays :)
The SSR model is YHD2280D ( 220V 80A DC )

How are you timing the "two stage" alternating SSR output circuit?
With Arduino

At the bottom are Scope shoots from Arduino SSR1 and SSR2 timing


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: desa on August 14, 2011, 10:49:09 AM

I am very much interested in your Audrino setup. Is it possible to post your source code and hookup to it. I am presently  in one of many upgrades to latest Konehead opto setup marveling on his constant ingenuity I  hope to  have it running soon. I am yet to grasp his 5 fets AC setup without schematics,, LOL,, I recently purchased Audrino  duemilanove and would like to start using it. I see great potential and versatility in using the Audrino.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on August 14, 2011, 12:09:50 PM
Quote from: desa on August 14, 2011, 10:49:09 AM

I am very much interested in your Audrino setup. Is it possible to post your source code and hookup to it. I am presently  in one of many upgrades to latest Konehead opto setup marveling on his constant ingenuity I  hope to  have it running soon. I am yet to grasp his 5 fets AC setup without schematics,, LOL,, I recently purchased Audrino  duemilanove and would like to start using it. I see great potential and versatility in using the Audrino.

It is great to see so many going to arduino control, I have a mega and do plan on using it on my replication as well. Zerofossilefuel is also using his arduino and just yesterday posted the latest version of the sketch he is using. It can be found at alt-nrg.org look for the muller link. Also another person has been working on another sketch (pulsefire) it is also an open source project sketch. If you are interested in it I would be happy to find link or send code directly to you?
I hope to be in the garage all day working, I really need to make a video of my rig working and the different results of different coil connections and positions, as it is to hard to explain in words.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 14, 2011, 12:28:12 PM
Hi Desa and Rawbush

Here is my Arduino code I am using to control the coil shorting - unshorting and controlling SSR relays to dump cap voltage to load.
The code is far from optimal ( i am beginner in programing) and I hope that we have some Arduino guru here on overunity forum?

Desa in my video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxh3XnU8lko (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxh3XnU8lko) I showed that coil unshorting at top sine wave is better at charging a Cap 680uF 200V.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 14, 2011, 12:53:13 PM
Hi JoeFR

all you really eed to figure is what is the voltage drop of that cap - jsut scope that 680uf cap, see what the peak volts is, before the discharge to light, and what it drops too at the lowest voltage level you see... then times each numbe by themselves (squared) and minus the square of one from the other and there is your middle number in the equation - the  farads of your cap / 2 is easy, so is the rate per second...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on August 14, 2011, 01:33:34 PM
Looking at the development of Power GAP and his latest updates I just realized that this RomeroUK is very, very similar to his setup if you use your imagination.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on August 14, 2011, 01:45:02 PM
Quote from: desa on August 14, 2011, 10:49:09 AM

I am very much interested in your Audrino setup. Is it possible to post your source code and hookup to it. I am presently  in one of many upgrades to latest Konehead opto setup marveling on his constant ingenuity I  hope to  have it running soon. I am yet to grasp his 5 fets AC setup without schematics,, LOL,, I recently purchased Audrino  duemilanove and would like to start using it. I see great potential and versatility in using the Audrino.
I was hoping some here would go with the Texas Instruments Launchpad which is very much like the Arduino but practically being given away by TI at only $4.30 each.  Even comes with cables and you can get the software free as well as lots of support on forums.  Heck it comes with a temperature sensor and program to display it as well as an extra chip so it's worth it just for that alone.  Slightly slower processor than the Arduino but I'm sure it would work for the motor control here.  Someone here in the early pages of this thread mentioned it and I think he was planning on using it for the motor but I haven't seen him around for a long while. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 14, 2011, 03:57:30 PM
Hi JoeFR again

I see that scope shot you put up, but cant tell what the voltage is - but you can see it drops "6 dots" so whatever that top voltage is, square it, and whatever the bottom voltage is, square that, and so justt subtract the bottom boltage squared  from the top voltage squared .....then multiply this number by the farads of the cap /2 
your cap size in farads is  .00068 and so divide that by 2 = .000034

looks like your discharge is around twice a second, whatever that is exacltyshould be easy to find, so all you need to know is that voltage drop and you have it...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on August 14, 2011, 04:03:18 PM
What can you guys make from this -

What is this extra component that provides coil shorting?

with -

the shorting component I discovered initialy was replaced by the way the coil pairs are constructed

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 14, 2011, 04:49:19 PM
Hi Kone

I made excell file to calculate power from cap discharge

Data from my scope shot:
V1 (Max) = 40V  squared=1600V
V2 (PK-PK) = 5,8V 40V-5,8V=34,2V squared=1168,64V
C=680uf 0,00068F/2=0,00034F

0,00034 * (1600-1168,64) * 0,560 = 0,0819W

Is this correct?

So I am getting 0,0819W out every 0,560Seconds ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: desa on August 14, 2011, 10:13:24 PM

Here is my Arduino code I am using to control the coil shorting - unshorting and controlling SSR relays to dump cap voltage to load.
The code is far from optimal ( i am beginner in programing) and I hope that we have some Arduino guru here on overunity forum?

Desa in my video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxh3XnU8lko (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxh3XnU8lko) I showed that coil unshorting at top sine wave is better at charging a Cap 680uF 200V.

Thank  you Joefr I am going to input it and see how it performs. Your setup looks great. It is nice to have equipped shop t play around.
@ e2matrix fill free to post it I would definitely look at it. Many times new information that is not relevant suddenly gets great potential when we take good look at it.
@Fausto great info you defiantly took care of my afternoon.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 14, 2011, 11:59:44 PM
Hi Joe

sorry I made mistake saying .00068/2 =  .000034 (its .00034 with three zeros) but you got it right with the farads in your formula

in the voltage-drop part of formula, you are supposed square the high V, and then square the low V ,
then subtract the lowV squared value from the highV squared value.

looks like you sutracted the voltage numbers first, then squared that result -this isnt right

also the final thing you mulitply by, is the "rate per second" so if it is 20 times a second, then times it all by 20, and in your case you have a pulse-rate of .5 seconds thereabouts so that means twice a second and you get to mulitply it all by 2 so you see the pulse-rate makes lots of difference in the final WATTS calcutaion - so three factors really: cap size, votlage drop and rate of discharge per second....

ANyways here is all your numbers in the formula:

.00068farad / 2 = .00034

40V in cap before discharge so 40 X 40 = 1600

5.8V it drops down to from the cap discharge to load so:

5.8 X 5.8 = 33.64

now you subtract the 33.6 from the 1600:

1600 - 33.4 = 1566.4

and then finally you pulse cap 2 times per second so final numbers are:

.00034  X  1566.4  X  2 = 1.065 WATTS

not bad eh!
especially  considering you are only running aon around 1.2 watts!! (100ma X12VDC)

Maybe try a bunch of different cap sizes, and different pulse rates see if you can get up to or above 100% recovery.

Maybe try SHORTING the coil right after the swtich-off of the primary in near future...try and "short" the backemf into caps rather than jsut swtihci it out....by shorting I mean to connect the two leads of the coil together very briefly during sinewave peakl-period, and in your case right when motor coil switch OPENS - which is an event that occurs during the sinewave peak period if looking at the sinewave the rotor magnets-only create...
the put FWBR AC legs across the coil ;eads being shorted, with DC side of FWBR into capacitor...use your arduino timing to dump this cap to load but have no load on this cap when it fills..

Use high amperage mosfets to coil-short, (so very low resistance ) - paralell some if you want to...and use mosfets with high voltage  rated to them too - at least 300V for your 12V powered motor, and 500 or 600V would be better...
Hookup mosfets "bidirectional" usig two mosfets, in that the gates and sources connect between two mosfets and then swtiching occurs between the two leftover drains...
so for coil-shorting, the coil leads would go onto the drain leads of mosfet A and mosfet B....if you "short" coils with single mosfet, you are only catching half of it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 15, 2011, 03:54:59 AM
Hi Kone thanks for clarification

This is much better calculated BEMF output

Maybe try SHORTING the coil right after the swtich-off of the primary in near future...try and "short" the backemf into caps rather than jsut swtihci it out....by shorting I mean to connect the two leads of the coil together very briefly during sinewave peakl-period, and in your case right when motor coil switch OPENS - which is an event that occurs during the sinewave peak period if looking at the sinewave the rotor magnets-only create...
the put FWBR AC legs across the coil ;eads being shorted, with DC side of FWBR into capacitor...use your arduino timing to dump this cap to load but have no load on this cap when it fills..

Kone at bottom is circuit schematic I draw to control drive coil shorting

Please check if this is what you suggested for drive coil shorting?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 15, 2011, 01:40:43 PM
Hi Joe

It might be redundant to have both the backemf/recoil-collecting diode circuit, and the coil shorting circuti across the same motor coils, (might not be too) as the coil shorting should pull out as well, and switch-short too, the backemf/recoil into cap - only difference is swtich short will collapse the coil (big difference)...

so idea is to actually be shorting the backemf/recoil and then you wouldnt need that first circuit with the single diode made especially fro the backef/recoil...thats working pretty good already - its a shame to ditch it but it will be interesting to see what happens if you combine the two extraciton methods - swtich short and steering diode -

however it might be better to send backemf/recoil into one cap, and then after that "settles down" then swithc-short the same motor/drive coil into a 2nd cap, before the rotor-magnet induced sinewave of it starts to drop.
I dont know which will be better - two caps or one combine the backemf with swithc-short or not...a few experiments should tell story...

Other thing I did in thing I built for someone last year, somethig similar to Romeros rig but much larger with huge magnets,  is to dump the backemf from a motor/drive coil ,first into capacitor, then after that event, then swtich short a generator coil into same capacitor, so the backemf/recoil-collectiing event sort of primes the cpaacitor to some good voltage, sthen when the swtich short occurs, the cap is already filled up fairly well and it has lower resistance, so the swtich-short works better into same cap.
this is with using two coils- a drive/notor coil for the bakcemr/recoil. and a seperate gernator coil for the switche-short....so anyways with the same drive coil like you have, it seems like you could first fill the cap with the backemf/recoil then after that, swtich short the same coil into cap too....probalby no overlap should happen in the timing but that is a big probably, since maybe you can combine the two maybe not....You might want  to SWTICH out the backemf by a swtihc between the coil and that diode....so you can control when it happens - right now it is sort of doing it all the time but when you throw in the swtich-shorting you might want them to not overlap but then again mabye this will be good so you will see...

Anyways you got the bidireectional mosfets right, and coil leads on the drains of the two mosfets right, so its going to work now you just have to get teh timing of it all right and pulse width and cap sizes too...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 15, 2011, 02:10:47 PM
Hi Kone thanks again

Could you please draw simplified schematic what will you correct in my schematic or make different to get the best result out of it ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 16, 2011, 12:45:05 AM
hI JoeFR

I think your schematic looks great as is really...I was jsut rambling on about maybe this maybe that...that FWBR should pull out the backrmf spikes fine - but I dont know if the coil-shorting will snuff out the spikes, or make them fill cap even greater...seems like good idea is to fist take out spikes jsut like you did before, then after that do this coil-short cirucit to it...one after the other keep them seperate....but I might be totally wrong and it will work great as is wtih it all combined..

Mabye you shouldnt step into the coil-shorting right now, mabyeit wil be dsitraciton since you did super great with the backemf/recoil being pulsed out into light bulb...maybe you should refine that some more and make it over 100% via the formula for watts-out....  jsut do some preliminary fiddling with those numbers in the cap-discharge formula and it really has some high hopes  - like for instance if you go with 2000uf cap instead of 680, and everythign else reamins same now you have 3 watts out, or do 4 pulses a second insted of two now you have 2 watts out....pulse width of the SSR willd ecide the votlage-drop alot too...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 16, 2011, 01:03:11 AM
Ran my 2nd RomeroUK "variant" today - 10V and 190ma input and it went 950rpm...added the magnets behind the cores, now it went 1510rpm at 10V and 150ma so quite a difference with magnets back there.

It is fring 20 times revolution as it has 5 mosfets, one from each coil-position ( five pairsof "facing" paralell coils) and 4 trigger-magnets in the timing disc, since it has 4 rotor magnets (allN) sp this is pure-motor, but when motor coil switch turns off, its going to be pure "switch-shorted at peaks" generator is idea...I made two identical motors so plan is one is going to run other and vice versa for looper that way.

i plan on shorting the coils right after the motor coil swtich closes, like what I suggested to JoeFR but havent got that far yet - here are some pictures:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 16, 2011, 02:56:00 AM
Hi Kone

You have nice setup I am looking forward what is capable of  ;D

I will post new video today with interesting stuff I just have to put it together.

Kone I like to make my Arduino controlled circuit better. I am looking in way how to measure cap ( the one I am charging with BEMF ) voltage with arduino.

I like to do that SSR triggers dump to load when cap voltage is 100V and then SSR disconnects the cap from load when cap voltage falls to let say 50V.

The analog read input pin of Arduino is limited to 5V. It would be nice if measuring cap voltage with Arduino would be optical isolated.

Regards JoeFR
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 16, 2011, 04:18:09 AM
Quote from: joefr on August 16, 2011, 02:56:00 AM
Hi Kone

You have nice setup I am looking forward what is capable of  ;D

I will post new video today with interesting stuff I just have to put it together.

Kone I like to make my Arduino controlled circuit better. I am looking in way how to measure cap ( the one I am charging with BEMF ) voltage with arduino.

I like to do that SSR triggers dump to load when cap voltage is 100V and then SSR disconnects the cap from load when cap voltage falls to let say 50V.

The analog read input pin of Arduino is limited to 5V. It would be nice if measuring cap voltage with Arduino would be optical isolated.

Regards JoeFR

Hey Joe, that is a good idea. You could use a voltage divider. All you need is two resistors of the right value. Here is a thread about how it's done with Arduino: http://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=18804
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 16, 2011, 04:43:04 AM
Hi chalamadad

Thanks for the link. The voltage divider is the easiest solution, but I like to have optical isolated input so that I dont burn arduino if I make some programming error.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 16, 2011, 05:25:40 AM
Quote from: joefr on August 16, 2011, 04:43:04 AM
Hi chalamadad

Thanks for the link. The voltage divider is the easiest solution, but I like to have optical isolated input so that I dont burn arduino if I make some programming error.


I'd use an additional 5V zener diode for protection.

Edit: If opto isolation is a must I can imagine that you could get it done with some kind of voltage to frequency converter somehow.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 16, 2011, 12:24:31 PM
Hi Joe

More on the coil-shorting of the motor coils - in the scope shot of most anyones RomeroUK machine with the magnets back there and the rotor magnets being attracted in the pulse to the motor coils, the motor coil looking with scope at it will show that the motor pulse will be right at TDC of the sinewave created by the rotor magnets give or take a few degrees, and then the sinewave plunges down and then you have a negative-peak phase - and this neg phase has "nothing" happening to it....this would be ideal place to do the coil shorting at peaks - at only the neg phase peak -  and let the  pos phase peak where the motor pulse occurs have a backemf/recoil diode-collections circuit on it. Anyways thats what I am thinking to do right now in how I am going to position the new hall effects to control and time the coil shorting - maybe will have two caps one for the backemf/recoil and one to collect from the coil shorting maybe not...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 16, 2011, 12:39:42 PM
Hi JoeFR

I looked again at your original arduino-timed circuit with jsut the backemf/recoil into capand noticed that mosfet right off of the pins 6 and 7 of the driver - whats this switch there for? Are you "switching" in the backemf to that cap then?
If so when is this timed and whats the pulse width?
Is there overlap in time with the motor coil pulse or is it right after?  Does it turn ON simulataneous to motor coil pulse being turned ON?

Also in your SSR 1 and SSR 2, when SSR 2 dumps cap to load, (ON) SSR will be OFF - but what is the pulse width of each compared to other?
Are they simulatenous or do you have a longer OFF pulse to SSR 1 as compared to SSR2 ON pulse to make sure it is totally OFF when SSR 2 turns ON such as to allow for switching time-lag?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 16, 2011, 02:11:36 PM
Hi Kone

This is my new setup on which I am working all day. I am still optimizing Arduino code.

In Arduino code I can now set CAP C1 max charge voltage and minimum discharge voltage to load.

I am still working on optimizing the timing but it is working 80%

I will post short video of CAP C1 charging speed diference with different Arduino code.

Bottom is current schematic and current setup.
Higher resolution picture is in zip format


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on August 16, 2011, 02:24:22 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on August 16, 2011, 02:29:58 PM
Quote from: desa on August 14, 2011, 10:13:24 PM
Here is my Arduino code I am using to control the coil shorting - unshorting and controlling SSR relays to dump cap voltage to load.
The code is far from optimal ( i am beginner in programing) and I hope that we have some Arduino guru here on overunity forum?

Desa in my video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxh3XnU8lko (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxh3XnU8lko) I showed that coil unshorting at top sine wave is better at charging a Cap 680uF 200V.

Thank  you Joefr I am going to input it and see how it performs. Your setup looks great. It is nice to have equipped shop t play around.
@ e2matrix fill free to post it I would definitely look at it. Many times new information that is not relevant suddenly gets great potential when we take good look at it.
@Fausto great info you defiantly took care of my afternoon.


Very nice video and excellent job on showing the big difference with controlled coil shorting.  Looking at your spikes when spread  out looks like you are doing multiple coil shorts at the peak?  I've been absent lately in following this thread so not sure if that was mentioned.  Also not sure what you were asking me to post unless it's about the TI launchpad - here's a page on it :  http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/MSP430_LaunchPad_(MSP-EXP430G2)

Google TI Launchpad MSP430 for lots of info.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 16, 2011, 04:30:42 PM
Quote from: joefr on August 16, 2011, 02:11:36 PM
This is my new setup on which I am working all day. I am still optimizing Arduino code.
In Arduino code I can now set CAP C1 max charge voltage and minimum discharge voltage to load.

Hey Joe, nice work!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 16, 2011, 06:29:32 PM
Hi Kone

I looked again at your original arduino-timed circuit with jsut the backemf/recoil into capand noticed that mosfet right off of the pins 6 and 7 of the driver - whats this switch there for? Are you "switching" in the backemf to that cap then?
Kone I used this circuit from web page http://www.totallyamped.net/adams/ (http://www.totallyamped.net/adams/) Page 3 Fig. 8
I just upgraded this circuit to use Mosfet TC4421 driver and later add Opto isolator to control circuit with arduino.

If so when is this timed and whats the pulse width?
The Hall1 goes to Arduino input and is timed 1 to 1
Is there overlap in time with the motor coil pulse or is it right after?  Does it turn ON simulataneous to motor coil pulse being turned ON?
When South pole of passing magnet turns on Hall sensor, the Arduino output turns on TC4421 driver and Q1 Mosfet turns on and engage the drive Coil L1
So it is working the same if I have Hall sensor directly connected to TC4421 driver pin 2.

Also in your SSR 1 and SSR 2, when SSR 2 dumps cap to load, (ON) SSR will be OFF - but what is the pulse width of each compared to other?
Are they simulatenous or do you have a longer OFF pulse to SSR 1 as compared to SSR2 ON pulse to make sure it is totally OFF when SSR 2 turns ON such as to allow for switching time-lag?
This is what I am working on now. I am controlling SSR1 and SSR2 depending on voltage in CAP C1 .
When lets say voltage on CAP reaches 100V, SSR1 disconnects C1 from D1 and SSR2 connects CAP C1 to load.
When voltage on CAP C1 decreases to 50V, SSR2 disconnects load from C1 and SSR2 connects CAP to D1.
I can set voltages for CAP C1 from 0-200V in arduino code.
I have to refine the code so that the SSR1 stays off longer when SSR1 is dumping voltage from CAP C1 to load.

Regards JoeFR
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 17, 2011, 09:26:25 AM
Hi All

I posted new video on youtube about different speed of charging 680uF 200V Cap with BEMF from Pulse motor

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I94JezZkul4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I94JezZkul4)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 17, 2011, 01:57:42 PM
Hi Joe

I saw yor newest video - cant see the votlage and amps input on that blue screen at but nice video and setup and experiment....

9 times at a peak might be too many times for the coil shorting, not really permitting the coil to collapse, plus all those shorts make for long time to be lurking over the peak period too...

I think you need to have "fairly" larger pulse width to the coil-short event, in order for the coil to collapse all the way down to nothing (and beyond)  so it springs back stronger with really strong kick to fill caps....

Ismael does 5 times at the peaks and from what I understand from him,  there is a single intial coil short that creates those ringing oscillations, and then the next 4 shorts actually are timed to occur at the peaks (both pos and neg peaks) of the actual oscillations themselves - if you can do that, then you wil really be in fat city is what I think.
If this is right, then the first coil short would have different pulse width to it, then the next four... and timing too would be different - not just 50-50 all the way across.
The whole idea is for the ringing osciallitons to EXPAND IN VOLTAGE , not decay...when they decay as they will do,  only the first couple will actually fill the cap up - and the rest is wasted doing nothing in way of filling cap since cap voltage is already higher than they are from the first coouple oscillations.

Anyways I think from your new video demo, you are getting twice the power out now compared to no coil shoritng of the backemf - as the cap fills twice as fast, so that means you could have twice the pulse rate from it to load, so you would have twice the power...

I used that cap-discharge formula calcutaitng the INPUT of my RomeorUKvariant motor yesterday - I was using drained down car battery as the power feed and it reads only 10.25VDC

What I did was install another halleffect that turns on a 1405 mosfet right inbetween the motor coil pulses, never at the same time, and this 1405 mosfet turns on only ONCE a revolution, and its purpose is to connect that battery to a capacitor (6800uf 50V) and fill up the capacitor with a quick pulse once a revolution from the motor.

This way the batteyr never actually powers the motor coils, the capacitor does. I call this a cap tank-circuit but dont know if that is good term for it.

So the cap has only 8.7VDC in it (a voltameter across cap says anyways) while it runs the motor at 1440rpm...
Analog ammeter says 150ma from battery to cap...

so now the motor runs on cap-discharge, so I wanted to verify that the cap discharge formula matches up with what the meters say ( meters say from battery it draws 150ma using analog meter and 1.6VDC for:
1.59 WATTS INPUT at 1440rpm)

put scope across cap and first calibrated scope with 9VDC battery to see where that "fixed" voltage lined up too - anyways I figure its 9.2VDC in cap when cap fills from battery (pulse widht to fill cap from battery through the 1405 mosfet is very fast - more pulses or longer ones could have the votlage higher but its not right now - jsut 9.2V in cap reading with scope)

And this drops to 7.6VDC the scope says...and there are 24 of these cap-fillign pulses per revoltuion of motor per seocnd too ( 1440rpm / 60 = 24)

cap is 6800uf so now got all the numbers for that formula:

9.2 x 9.2 = 84.64
7.6 X 7.6 = 57.76
84.64 - 57.76 = 26.88

.0068 / 2 = .0034  X  26.88 X  24 = 2.193 WATTS input

so its pretty close to what the meters say...maybe digital ammter would show more than the analog type so it's very near the same thing...anywas I woudl say that formula is fairly accurate from this....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 18, 2011, 10:56:02 AM
Hi Kone

Nice post

I have managed decrease time to charge Cap C1 680uF to 200V in 10seconds (15 seconds less that I show in last video ) the pulse motor is running on 12V 200mA input 2.4Wats.

I have another problem to solve. Because I am now controlling CAP charge and discharge to load depend on voltage ( reading with Arduino analog port ).

The problem is that the SSR relays are to slow at turn OFF. They need 10miliSeconds to turn OFF. This is too much time and I have problem when I put load with less resistance ( 1 - 10 ohm ) the CAP discharges bellow voltage I set in Arduino ( and kills my Light bulbs  >:( ).

I have to replace SSR1 and SSR2 with Mosfets to see if this will solve the problem with turn OFF speed.

Regards JoeFR
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 18, 2011, 11:11:16 AM
Quote from: joefr on August 18, 2011, 10:56:02 AM
( and kills my Light bulbs  >:( ).

LOL! Sorry for that.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 18, 2011, 01:30:33 PM
Hi Joe

Yes those SSRs are slow plus they have huge resistance - you cant short coils wtih them at all becaseu of the huge resitance to them -but they work good for some things as long as its not too fast.

I am confused as what you do when you short the coils 9 times at peaks in your video - are you actually shorting/"unshorting" them as you call it?
Or is this a 9times-discharge to load thing??  I dont see the coil-shorting schematic in your video, jsut the backemf-collection one at the very first....then yo go to test 2 and are now doing t he 9 "shorts" but is this a different circuit and is it really shorting?

Also if it is shoring 9 times a peaks, are you then abandoinng the backemf circuit that you use originally, or combining the two types, and/or have you replaced the backemf/colleciton circuit with the coil shorign one, so that you are coil-shorting the backemf "out"??

IF so, what is the timing of the coil-shorting in the sinewave and compared to motor coil pulse???
Is there some overlap in ON-TIME with the motor coil pulse being on? Is it right afterwards with no overlap?

Or is your 9 times thing jsut doing the cap disccharge to load 9 times really quick is all it is going on?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 18, 2011, 01:46:09 PM
hi joe

one more thing, is that lets say you are running looper by way of you fill caps with swithcing, and run motor off caps with swtiching...the motor will be like constant pulsed-resistance across that "RUN" cap so you dont have to worry about going tto too high of voltage in cap and blow it, the motor coils will always be dragging down the cap voltage as motor runs...for instance run 2nd motor off the caps you ar filling right now as experiment - so what I am saying is taking cap up to 200V isnt probably a good test to be doing in real world conditions - more like double the voltage that you are unning motor on would be betteris all yo uwant to go to - the discharge cap - final "step" will probalby be to dump what you make in caps into cap running motor and if you have double votlage, then when you dump cap into other "RUN" cap you will split votlage levels.... so anyways if you do what I jsut did and run motor off cap, and once a revolution dump battery into cap, this will tell you the size of cap you need to run motor (1300uf wonrun mine at good seppe 2000uf is OK buta bit slow and  3500uf is good I figure) ....so now if I can jsut fill up that size cap up once a revolution to twice the votlage of what it takes to run my motor (10V to run so 20V in cap) I should have looper...and it at least gives me a target to acheive in what size cap and how fast to fill...

also when cap fill up the resitance to fill them is way less - so everythign changes as caps fill up ....also much much easier to fill cap to 100V if there is already 20V in it or so as compared to zero volts...and same if you see no "speed reduction" in rotor when cap is finally at 200V - that doesnt really matter - -  if you get speed reduciton when you fill cap to 10V to 50V for example is what matters- or if you dont get speed reduction when cap fills up from low voltage after cap discharge is what really matters.....so anyways the cap fillign and discharging is what you want to be "checking" the rest of the system "during" - not so much the cap at a high voltage not pulsing out to anything....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 18, 2011, 02:41:38 PM
Hi Kone

I will explain what I am doing in the video. First look at the schematic. I am not using coil shorting. I am doing everything with Q1 Mosfet ( 2 in parallel ) and drive coils L1 and L2 ( no generator coils used ).

When rotor magnet ( all south pole oriented ) passes across hall sensor I turn Q1 and coils OFF for 10uS then ON for 400us and again OFF for 10us ...... 5 times during the time magnet passes Hall sensor.

When magnet is OFF the hall sensor I turn the Q1 ON and coils ON.

This config now works the best at charging C1 680uF CAP to 200V in 10 seconds.

Look at the scope shots

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: geotrouvetout on August 18, 2011, 04:06:29 PM
Hi joe,

great, it depend at what frequency max can switch the arduino's ports, 4N38, and TC 4421, the more ON-OFF that can be doing in the small time off of the hall sensor the less impedance of the generator coils is, then less time to charge the capacitor.

Geo :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on August 18, 2011, 08:02:57 PM
Hi guys!  :)

Nice work everyone!!!

I try to keep it simple: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL90Nmea0Mk
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on August 18, 2011, 10:07:36 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on August 18, 2011, 08:02:57 PM
Hi guys!  :)

Nice work everyone!!!

I try to keep it simple: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL90Nmea0Mk

Hey Marius

If you remove the bolt away from the rotor, does it speed up also?

Just thinking.

The bolt could be adding drag, and the coil helps to reverse the drag situation. As in making the rotors attraction to the bolt(core) go away.  Not that im finding fault. I like what you have shown. But, is it the drag situation that I described?
And is there a difference in speedup if the bolt is removed as compared to shorting the coil?

Also, ;]  is what we are seeing speed(freq) dependent?

Very cool stuff.  There is another vid you did a bit ago that I have to go and see it again to remember the question I had for you , but didnt get to it then. 

As it seems that the coil needs near 1 ohm or lower, maybe try a small dc motor. Coil to bridge, bridge to cap, cap to motor.  The low ohm of the motor will keep the cap low enough to be seen as a load(near empty) and the cap will help to drive the motor.  You can try the bridge direct to the motor(pulsy) but the cap will help.

Awesome work.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on August 18, 2011, 10:12:34 PM
Hmm,   wonder if it need to be shorted continuously?   Like the orbo, rotor magnet attracted to stator core (bolt), then short the coil just before or at tdc.  Will it run without the other drive coils?  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DimaWari on August 18, 2011, 10:34:52 PM
Thanks for sharing this effect.. It is very similar to Adams Motor.
Page 8

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on August 18, 2011, 10:58:16 PM
Quote from: DimaWari on August 18, 2011, 10:34:52 PM
Thanks for sharing this effect.. It is very similar to Adams Motor.
http://www.totallyamped.net/adams/... page 8

Very cool Dim.   ;]

Ive never seen this.  But it answers most of my previous questions.  Hmmm  I gotta try this.

Thanks   ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on August 18, 2011, 11:01:07 PM
Here is the correction to Dim's link


Then click page 8

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on August 18, 2011, 11:07:34 PM
On page 8  it shows 2 dc motors shaft to shaft to demonstrate Lenz at work.

Then i got to thinkin,  are these motors brush timing proper for generating vs being a motor?  Just wondering if different timing  would make for a better gen.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on August 19, 2011, 12:39:21 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on August 18, 2011, 11:07:34 PM
On page 8  it shows 2 dc motors shaft to shaft to demonstrate Lenz at work.

Then i got to thinkin,  are these motors brush timing proper for generating vs being a motor?  Just wondering if different timing  would make for a better gen.


The experiment is merely to show Lenz's drag in a conventional system. You can spend more money on a single DC motor for Driver and a Single DC Dynamo (or AC alternator) for the Generator - but the result will be identical. It's simply cheaper to use 2 DC motors, as it is not the efficiency of the motors or generator that is under scrutiny in the experiment, but rather, how much Lenz's Law affects conventional closed system generators.

Cheers and KneeDeep
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on August 19, 2011, 12:55:15 AM
Hey Hop

It was just a thought as to if there is a difference if brush timing were different using one of the motors(as prescribed) as a gen. Would the drag(Lenz) be different.

Also, shaft timing from motor to gen may make some differences.

I dont believe that it will work, unless 1 or both are modified in some way.

See, my Grand father told me that his Dad had it. 2 motors at the shaft, all wires to a box with a switch. Flip the switch and give it a whirl by hand and it went. He was threatened for showing it, back in the 1910s.

This is the only reason that I still ponder how.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on August 19, 2011, 01:01:07 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on August 19, 2011, 12:55:15 AM
Hey Hop

It was just a thought as to if there is a difference if brush timing were different using one of the motors(as prescribed) as a gen. Would the drag(Lenz) be different.

Also, shaft timing from motor to gen may make some differences.

I dont believe that it will work, unless 1 or both are modified in some way.

See, my Grand father told me that hid Dad had it. 2 motors at the shaft, all wires to a box with a switch. Flip the switch and give it a whirl by hand and it went. He was threatened for showing it, back in the 1910s.

This is the only reason that I still ponder how.  ;]

Indeed, from what you've just said, I'd be pondering too.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on August 19, 2011, 07:05:24 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on August 18, 2011, 10:07:36 PM
Hey Marius

If you remove the bolt away from the rotor, does it speed up also?

Just thinking.

The bolt could be adding drag, and the coil helps to reverse the drag situation. As in making the rotors attraction to the bolt(core) go away.  Not that im finding fault. I like what you have shown. But, is it the drag situation that I described?
And is there a difference in speedup if the bolt is removed as compared to shorting the coil?

Also, ;]  is what we are seeing speed(freq) dependent?

Very cool stuff.  There is another vid you did a bit ago that I have to go and see it again to remember the question I had for you , but didnt get to it then. 

As it seems that the coil needs near 1 ohm or lower, maybe try a small dc motor. Coil to bridge, bridge to cap, cap to motor.  The low ohm of the motor will keep the cap low enough to be seen as a load(near empty) and the cap will help to drive the motor.  You can try the bridge direct to the motor(pulsy) but the cap will help.

Awesome work.  ;]


Hi Magluvin!

If i remove the bolt it doesn't speed up, and yes,The bolt alone ads drag to the rotor. A cuple of weeks ago i made a video were the rotor speeded up  under a load; it turned out that a capacitor was doing the whole trick and there were no magic there so i removed the video. Now i found myself very busy this days with no free time al all.But it will end soon and then i'll have time to play with my rotor. Keep up the good work guys! Work in progres!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Zooty on August 19, 2011, 07:50:10 AM
Hi mariuscivic. Is there any chance i could have some info on your latest video dated 18/08/2011?

How many magnets and what type
Orientation of magnets (nsns, etc)
Generator coil wire thickness, how many strands, resistance.
Bolt size.
Wheel diameter.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on August 19, 2011, 08:29:02 AM
Quote from: Zooty on August 19, 2011, 07:50:10 AM
Hi mariuscivic. Is there any chance i could have some info on your latest video dated 18/08/2011?

How many magnets and what type
Orientation of magnets (nsns, etc)
Generator coil wire thickness, how many strands, resistance.
Bolt size.
Wheel diameter.


Hi zooty

the disk is 95 mm diameter
8 neodinium mag ; all poiting N outside
romero's driving circuit
sewing bobin coil about 300 turns with 0.4 mm wire (around 2 ohm)
the bolt is 10cm long and 6mm thick
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Zooty on August 19, 2011, 09:30:59 AM
Thanks for the reply. I have 10mm x 10mm neodymium rod magnets. There are a few people trying to get this effect over at the energetic forum. By the way, is the RPM shown on the meter the real RPM or just an indication? Some people are also suggesting a bifilar wind connected in parallel to reduce the coil resistance but keep the same inductance. Also, a DC to DC converter on the output of the gen coil to boost voltage and draw more current to simulate a useful short across the coil. Great work, keep it up.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 19, 2011, 06:48:24 PM
Hi Mariuscivic

That is great video you did with the rotor going up in speed dramatically when coil is shorted, or 1 ohm resistor is across it.

What is the distance of the coil from the end of the core facing the rotor?

Is this distance important for the speed up effect to happen?

Can coil be closer or further awasy or does it have to be right where it is?

Seems like good next step is to substitute large DC cap for that 1 ohm resistor, and see if you can get speed up while filling up a cap...

the resistance of the cap will change, as it fills, so the cap at zero volts might speed up very nice, jsut like the 1ohm resistor does, but then a few seconds later, when cap gets filled up somewhat, the resistance will be higher then - and now I bet the effect wont work because of the resistance chagne of the cap when it is higher in voltage.

So what you could do is knock that cap into load like once a revolution or something -  so you keep that cap down in voltage level and it will have that low resistance most all the time, which seems to be necessary for the speed up to occur as your video shows.

Also try a fWBR, and a half-bridge, and a single diode too, on the col before that 1 ohm resistor too - as it would be good to see if diodes will still make this work or not matter (then substitute large DC cap for the resistor)

If you can fill up big DC cap, and the rotor speeds up, and also you can pulse that large DC cap into a motor coil, you should only be a few steps aways from a looper with what you have going. so keep up the great work and dont get distracted from this - try to look at every angle of it possible like differnt rpms and whatever you can think of...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on August 19, 2011, 07:22:03 PM
Quote from: konehead on August 19, 2011, 06:48:24 PM

Also try a fWBR, and a half-bridge, and a single diode too, on the col before that 1 ohm resistor too - as it would be good to see if diodes will still make this work or not matter (then substitute large DC cap for the resistor)

If you can fill up big DC cap, and the rotor speeds up, and also you can pulse that large DC cap into a motor coil, you should only be a few steps aways from a looper with what you have going. so keep up the great work and dont get distracted from this - try to look at every angle of it possible like differnt rpms and whatever you can think of...

I like the idea of testing diodes before the load to see the difference if any. ;]

As for charging a cap, as it fills the effect will go away. Once filled, the effect is gone, til discharged. Like the light bulb test in the vid, when the filament got hot, the load was weaker than when the filament was cold. 

Im thinking to connect the coil to a low impedance primary of a transformer.  With a load on the sec(step up) the primary should keep the effect going well. And with higher voltage on the sec(step up) you can discharge the cap at lower useful voltages, or just load it, say with a regulator IC, light bulb, motor, what ever.

The great thing is, you can aim for a load, without worry of increasing the input, due to the heavier the load, the better the effect. ;]

Sorry, Im editing to add my words as I posted by accident after quoting.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on August 19, 2011, 07:43:51 PM
Im very impressed at this thread this late in the no go yet game, as far as Romeros device goes. Over 1250 reads since I first posted last night.  Im glad things seem to be progressing with these ideas.  ;]

Im working on testing Marius's setup tonight.  Its as simple as it gets.  ;]

Hey Marius, what were you thinking when you came up with this?  Its very good.  So simple, no bias mags, single strand wire on the coil.  Maybe there is room for improvements.
But I need to try it, and get the feel for it.
After im aiming for a no input orbo effect. This could not be done with the orbo toroid as there is no generation happening as the rotor passes.

Thanks Marius.  Very cool.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on August 19, 2011, 07:50:51 PM
Thanks for sharing.

Is the bolt aluminium ?

I wonder what the results would be with a mild steel or soft iron bolt ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 20, 2011, 12:17:37 AM
Hi Magluvin

Maybe a super cap like they use for car stereos would be somethign good to fill up - their "ESR" (equivalent series resistance) is usually around .004 ohms or somethign like that - so if dead short speeds up,
and 1 ohm speeds up too, then maybe when these type of caps get filled up to say 12V, then at 12V they might then have an ESR of around 1ohms (guessing) which means the whole process fo filling them from zero to some decent volts should have the speed-up effect throughout.
I really want to try the experiment too - seems like he has 4 magnet rotor, and it happens around 1650rpm so anyone with a romeroUK rotor of 8 magnets should get  same effect at around 825rpm with same sort of core and coil...
I wonder if the spacing of that coil back from rotor on the core is the "reason" it works so well...maybe the coil back there polarizes the core back away from rotor magnet jsut right so that the tip of the core next to magnet becomes opposite polarity for one thing, and also this happens a little bit later in time too, than when the coil polarizes, and this oppostie polariztion of tip of core, flings the rotor magnet with push instead of the lenz-lug pull-back..
anyways have fun and let us know what happens.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on August 20, 2011, 12:40:06 AM
Hi guys!

It's early morning here and i will be gone for 2 days.
The rotor has 8 magnets 10/10mm.
The distance is critical between the the mags and the bolt and also the coil.
I haven't got time to test a shorter bolt but i think it's important to try diferent materials. With ferite does't work.
The numbers on the metter doesn't show the real rpm. Just reads the voltage variation acros another coil (1.658V-1.887V). I dont have an rpm metter and those  wich seem cheap end up 3-4 times more expensive.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on August 20, 2011, 01:21:31 AM
Hey Kone

Well, we dont know what voltage potential the coil has yet.  12v seems a bit high from my experience, and looking at what is presented..   I was a bit impressed that the light bulb filament got to a visible glow. So maybe there , a couple volts. But the rotor slows when glowing, due to higher resistance, not enough load. ;] 
This is why my thoughts resort to an application that can take advantage of lower voltages and provide the effect effectively.
Using a transformer, low ohm primary, might affect the effect. lol   Some way to convert the output so that we can get 12v or whatever needed. ;] 

I have more to do tomorrow on this and hopefully it is not too beyond the simplicity we have witnessed.

Im thinking that a high ohm coil can have effect with higher resistance loads than a lower ohm coil. Im going to see if its true. The effect is the focus here, and getting a feel for it and the limitations with different coils is valuable. Output should be secondary focus.  ;]   Imagine getting 8 coils with no drag.  If what we have seen in Marius vid is as we see it, then maybe Romero added a bit of confusion along the way, for what ever reasons.  ;]  No disrespect intended.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Shadesz on August 20, 2011, 02:08:06 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on August 20, 2011, 01:21:31 AM
This is why my thoughts resort to an application that can take advantage of lower voltages and provide the effect effectively.
Using a transformer, low ohm primary, might affect the effect. lol   Some way to convert the output so that we can get 12v or whatever needed. ;] 

I was thinking along the same lines, as this would theoretically be a way to transfer the energy to a line that can handle more resistance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on August 20, 2011, 10:27:47 AM
Has anyone tried a thane heins regenerative acceleration coil setup? on a romero-muller device? where as he load the generator coil acceleration happens rather than decelerate.... just a thought..... ::)

(learning more from you all) keep it up guys!  :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Overschuss on August 20, 2011, 08:16:03 PM
Hi folks,

i've just achieved speed-up with shorted coil and also with a 'normal' (light bulb) load, at relativ low RPM (~ 1200, sorry no tacho :( ). And no Lenz, if no acceleration occurs !

That's absolutely cooool ! I've never seen this before.

My setup:
A rotor (12 cm dia.) with 7 NEOs, 20 mm (dia.) x 5 mm thick (N52), NN Arrangement.
6 Coils (1 Motor-Coil, 5 Pick-up Coils)

I've achieved this with a Steel (V2A ?) screw, 45 mm long, 10 mm dia.
3 mm Distance to the Rotor. The speed-up effect occurs with both low inductance, as well with high inductance.
The higher the inductance - the better the acceleration, though.

The Dimensions of my coil bobbins: 36 mm (dia.) x 11 mm (thick), with a 10 mm hole (for audio crossover applications).

(Test) Coil Inductance, Resistance: from 470 uH, 0.8 Ohm (0.6 mm Gauge) to 2.55 mH, 6.55 Ohm (0.3 mm Gauge).

The coil to rotor distance is ~ 25 mm to end of the screw (head).

The solution to achieve OU is (most likely): A Iron Laminat Core !!!

I think, we are very, very close to OU !


Sorry for my lousy english, this is not my native language.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 21, 2011, 11:28:02 AM
Hey all,

I can confirm speedup under load (shorted coil) when using a steel screw similar to what mariuscivic did.

BUT, adding magnets on top of the screw would speed up the rotor even more. And unfortunately this speedup occurs only, if the pickup coil is 40 to 50 mm away from the rotor. At this distance the output is very, very small.

@marius & overschuss: Have you measured generator coil output?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on August 21, 2011, 11:58:14 AM
Just some info on a place where you can order mumetal to your specifications.


I thought some of you might be interested

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on August 21, 2011, 12:32:38 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on August 20, 2011, 12:40:06 AM
Hi guys!

It's early morning here and i will be gone for 2 days.


Keep it up and keep in mind about magnets as infinite energy source to harness. In my opinion, after balancing pull and push of forces you may overcome Lenz law and take energy out of oscillating magnetic current while feeding it back to mechanical rotation with very short electromagnetic pulses(see Bedini self running motor).

P.S> Shame for such negative statement from RomeoUK account, the Muller dynamo was already replicated by others and his statement makes no sense at all after all.. Keep replicating!

P.S.S> What happens when using dual winding on same cores while 1 coil is for generator and other is for driving? Did anyone tried in that way (including dual bifilar coils)?  ::)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on August 21, 2011, 03:28:36 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 21, 2011, 04:42:58 PM
hi Labas

Yes I have done that alot- using "bifilar" (two wires paralell) wound coils, and use one wire as "primary" and other as secondary - it works fine and this is actually way to collect the backemf spikes too, as the very tight induction of the two paralell wires throughout the whole coil, makes it so the secondary-side will pickup those backemf spikes if these coils are used as motor/drive coils, and so is another way to harness the backemf/recoil besides the "normal" steering-diode method.
what you do is pulse out the secondary into caps when the primary is OFF so as to not affect draw to the primary when you tap the secondary into caps...

Hey everyone-
Looks like the coil pulled back aways on the core is working good at speed up event under shorted or heavy load - already three guys have done it -

and just want to point out that RomeroUK did have his ferrite core's tip jutting out a bit from the coil, and also was using those plastic sewing bobbins to contain the coils, and so you could say that he had maybe a total of 6mm "recess" to the coil on the core as measured from tip of core facing the rotor magnets to the face of the coil...
and Marusivic was saying a ferrtie core didnt work in his experiments - but maybe ferrite would and did work for romeroUK because it happened to be his postioning of the coils on the cores,
in combination with the magnet behind core,
and in combination with arigap between the rotor magnet and core -  came out to be just right to get a speed up with the core-type and coils and magnets and rpms and airgap he happened to have found worked out right -

and if you times that speed up by the 14 genrator coils total with each producing a speed-up,
and the small volts and amps produced by one coil, and then this X 14,
and fact that when rotor does speed up you get even more volts and amps (for free) produced from the higher rpms,
and fact that when it keeps speeding up with nothing to stop it like lenz law and so just friction of bearings and wind resistance, it will go into runaway-mode; this also what romeorUK reported which was solved by the DC to DC convertor...so just thought I would point all that out in case somebody thinks romeroUK made it all up for some reason.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 21, 2011, 05:14:58 PM
Hi all

Here is a jpg picture of the core design a guy in Norway did in his Muller-gernator (16 magnets and 15 coils each side driven by AC rotovertor motor) that looped itself, and he had leftover power to run TV and lights in mountain cabin (he eventually sold it to someone secret and he also got threatened a few times too but told them all to get screwed)

anways the core material is of very expensive hiperco 50 material, and in fact the the total cost of his cores in this single machine was around $3000 USD so it was cost-was-no-object project, and he did find the objective you could say.

Anways in this JPG, the needle-point faces the rotor magnets, and the coils dont wind around directly over that needle point, he had nylon spacer up there that the needl-point inserted into - I assume the nylon spacer was the same width as the backend of the coils so coils wound easy across.

This is interesting since it is similar to pulling back the coil from tip of core - as the core is going to be induced into its polarity more "heavily" towards back of coil as compared to the front (needle point end) of coil...

this guy didnt have magnets at back of cores as far as I know...

I dont want to give his name, since whoever or whomever threatened romeroUK a few months ago is still probably hanging around and reading this waiting for something else to happen that he or they think deserves another threat.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on August 21, 2011, 05:58:10 PM
Hi JoeFR,

Here is your modified schematic where I omitted the SS Relays and drew MOSFETs instead.  Unfortunately, this time I drew one P channel MOSFET in series with the flyback diode, I know you asked for N channel due to the much better ON resistances but I can consider it only later. Perhaps this P channel type, using 3 or 4 of them in parallel could bring down the resultant channel resistance under 0.2 Ohm when they are ON:
http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/mosfet/6504895/   I know this is only 200V drain source voltage rated, maybe a bit risky to use.

The NPN high voltage transistor could be this type:

I show the n channel MOSFET switch of the load triggered by the charging voltage of the 680uF when it reaches near to 100V DC, the series connected Zener diodes start to conduct and the MOSFET switches on, you can control its ON time a little by the 22kOhm potmeter. IF you wish to control this switch also from the Arduino, then I will draw it also.

Regarding the ZD1 and ZD2, I indicated them to be 10V zeners but you can use 15V or even 18V types, because the higher gate-source voltage yields lower ON resistance.

I will try to come up with some better schematic where both MOSFETs are of N channel types...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on August 21, 2011, 07:04:11 PM
Thanks Gyula

I will wait for your dual N-channel mosfet config. I like to control both mosfet switches with arduino so no need for zener diodes.
It would be nice if control for mosfets would be optical isolated (4N25 or similar ) so I dont burn arduino if I make some programming mistake.

Regards JoeFR
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Overschuss on August 21, 2011, 07:23:00 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on August 21, 2011, 11:28:02 AM
Hey all,

I can confirm speedup under load (shorted coil) when using a steel screw similar to what mariuscivic did.

BUT, adding magnets on top of the screw would speed up the rotor even more. And unfortunately this speedup occurs only, if the pickup coil is 40 to 50 mm away from the rotor. At this distance the output is very, very small.

@marius & overschuss: Have you measured generator coil output?

@chalamadad & all

Yes, i did.  I've wound a new coil, directly on the screw (or bolt) on the upper half (see pic below - my ugly 'proof of concept' rig). The output with this steel screw coil is 1.72 V and 57 mA (after a FWBR), not much power yet. But it's enough to light up a small light bulb. And don't forget, steel has only 1/8 the Permeability of Iron (Laminate). With a Iron-Laminate (in the case that Iron works as well as steel) we could maybe harvest more Energy.

My next step is to wind a new Coil, bi-filar with thinner wire (0.3 mm Gauge), more windings, and thus more Inductance.

The funny thing that i've found out, is when i draw power from a normal Pick-up Coil (with a light bulb), and i short the screw coil, the RPM goes up noticeably, and the Power of the Pick-up Coil also. From 4.78 V, 205 mA to 5.03 V, 210 mA.

Yes, the shorted Screw-Coil acts as a Driver-Coil. Interesting, isn't it ?
(or in German: Geile Sache, das) !
I'm curious what happens, if i hook up 5 of these shorted screw-coils to my rig.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 22, 2011, 01:20:32 AM
Hi Overshuss

really great work!

some decent laminate cores can be made from chopped-apart microwave oven-transformer cores - they will end up square shaped however probalby wont matter too much at all....

another idea (from Phil Wood) is to get some "florist wire" that is usually green-collored soft-steel wire, and they have a coat of some sort of green varnish on them already - they use this wire for flower-arrangements...hobby stores and flower shops should have it.

Anyways you can bunch together a bunch of lengths of this varnish-coated florist-wire into a rod-shape, and there is nice laminate core too...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on August 22, 2011, 11:13:07 AM
Free energy , no coment ....




Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on August 22, 2011, 01:17:27 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on August 22, 2011, 11:13:07 AM
Free energy , no coment ....


I watched the video -- very intriguing; but short on words and details.
"Generador", so evidently not in English.  But the YT title is "100% Free Energy Generator" -- that is a provocative claim!

  It looks like a Muller-style generator...  Any details on the build anywhere?  and is this really a "self-runner"? The second part of the video shows battery, but the first part seems to run a long time on a small capacitor ("condenser").
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DreamThinkBuild on August 22, 2011, 02:07:51 PM
Hi Prof. Jones,

It looks almost like a flywheel based system, using a gyroscope rotor(?) for the mass. Much like the compensated pulsed alternators NASA is working with.


It is going to cost initial energy to get it up to speed, which he uses a Dremel,  but once started all you need is little kicks on the diametric magnet to keep the flywheel going.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on August 22, 2011, 02:30:46 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on August 22, 2011, 11:13:07 AM


On 6:10 instead of battery it needs to put DC/DC converter then see if closed loop system can at least sustain itself after kick in... ;)

In another hand, the very short pulse coming into driving coil and long pulse coming out of generator coil ->looped into input is most interesting part on this type of motor/generator...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on August 22, 2011, 02:35:47 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on August 22, 2011, 02:30:46 PM
On 6:10 instead of battery it needs to put DC/DC converter then see if closed loop system can at least sustain itself after kick in... ;)

In another hand, the very short pulse coming into driving coil and long pulse coming out of generator coil ->looped into input is most interesting part on this type of motor/generator...

VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8AC8T5cvm4 ==VIDEO1 + VIDEO2
ORGYNAL VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gECwKzRw-gs + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Awqk9zOjw === MY VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8AC8T5cvm4
On 6:10 instead == 2 VIDEO .....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on August 22, 2011, 02:41:16 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on August 22, 2011, 02:35:47 PM
VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8AC8T5cvm4 ==VIDEO1 + VIDEO2
ORGYNAL VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gECwKzRw-gs + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Awqk9zOjw

Your compilation creates some confusion as motor/generator looks almost same in both videos :) in 1st as far as it show, doesn't run on battery on second - battery is  inside of motor...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on August 22, 2011, 03:03:04 PM
Something interesting?...

Today i attempted to use the bemf from the drive coil to try and reduce input current as described on totallyamped.net. The drive circuit i'm using is the one from that site, page 3 fig. 7. I hooked up the fly back path as shown but it really didn't reduce the input current. It does fill the cap to 110v. So i decided to also hook up a small bulb across the cap and it caused the motor to accellerate with no increase in input current, bulb fully lit. Current went down due to the speed increase. The bulb is a small led bulb that contains 4 leds. I did the same to the second drive coil and it also caused accelleration. 

I don't understand why, can anyone explain this for me? I was just attempting to use the back emf and end up with accelleration!????
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on August 22, 2011, 03:44:18 PM
Quote from: freenergy850 on August 22, 2011, 03:03:04 PM
Something interesting?...

Today i attempted to use the bemf from the drive coil to try and reduce input current as described on totallyamped.net. The drive circuit i'm using is the one from that site, page 3 fig. 7. I hooked up the fly back path as shown but it really didn't reduce the input current. It does fill the cap to 110v. So i decided to also hook up a small bulb across the cap and it caused the motor to accellerate with no increase in input current, bulb fully lit. Current went down due to the speed increase. The bulb is a small led bulb that contains 4 leds. I did the same to the second drive coil and it also caused accelleration. 

I don't understand why, can anyone explain this for me? I was just attempting to use the back emf and end up with accelleration!????

BEMF under load creates electromagnetic field on coil what matches magnet polarity and gives mechanical kick needed for driving motor... :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Danas on August 22, 2011, 05:30:32 PM

I used this circuit and unfortunately was unable to get hall to switch on.  What is the Hall part number you used if I may ask? The problem I encountered is that hall would give negative to ground and this circuit needs positive output. I hope my interpretation make sense.  I used US5781EUR. I could use signal inverter, then again you managed to make it work hence the query.

Quote from: freenergy850 on August 22, 2011, 03:03:04 PM
Something interesting?...

Today i attempted to use the bemf from the drive coil to try and reduce input current as described on totallyamped.net. The drive circuit i'm using is the one from that site, page 3 fig. 7. I hooked up the fly back path as shown but it really didn't reduce the input current. It does fill the cap to 110v. So i decided to also hook up a small bulb across the cap and it caused the motor to accellerate with no increase in input current, bulb fully lit. Current went down due to the speed increase. The bulb is a small led bulb that contains 4 leds. I did the same to the second drive coil and it also caused accelleration. 

I don't understand why, can anyone explain this for me? I was just attempting to use the back emf and end up with accelleration!????
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on August 22, 2011, 05:46:47 PM
Quote from: Danas on August 22, 2011, 05:30:32 PM

I used this circuit and unfortunately was unable to get hall to switch on.  What is the Hall part number you used if I may ask? The problem I encountered is that hall would give negative to ground and this circuit needs positive output. I hope my interpretation make sense.  I used US5781EUR. I could use signal inverter, then again you managed to make it work hence the query.


The one difference in my circuit is i used a mosfet driver(inverting type) because in my initial test of the circuit, i had the same problem. The hall i used is a3144 like romero. Tc4422 mosfet driver.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Overschuss on August 22, 2011, 09:46:11 PM
Quote from: konehead on August 22, 2011, 01:20:32 AM
Hi Overshuss

really great work!

some decent laminate cores can be made from chopped-apart microwave oven-transformer cores - they will end up square shaped however probalby wont matter too much at all....

another idea (from Phil Wood) is to get some "florist wire" that is usually green-collored soft-steel wire, and they have a coat of some sort of green varnish on them already - they use this wire for flower-arrangements...hobby stores and flower shops should have it.

Anyways you can bunch together a bunch of lengths of this varnish-coated florist-wire into a rod-shape, and there is nice laminate core too...

Hi konehead,

thanks a lot for this good suggestions, i will give it a try. I guess i can find this florist-wire in our local hardware store. But a microwave oven-transformer, mmhhh..., i have to look.

I've ordered yesterday some Permalloy I-Cores, 5 x 10 x 35 mm, those with relatively low Permeability, although cheap. I'm curious to see how they behave.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on August 23, 2011, 12:17:26 AM
Yesterday I finished my new rotor: 6 x N52 Neos NN. Now the tricky part: generator coils. I am going to go with 50/50 magnetite powder/pure iron dust mixed with resin for the cores and see what happens...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 23, 2011, 01:12:08 AM
Hi all

I am pretty sure the small motor video thing runs on batteries. when he takes it apart in 2nd half of video you can clearly see the two springs with white wires, and the thing he puts in between it is two magnets, with a small disc type lithium battery in between the two magnets....

also the same thing in first part of video look at 3:42 to 3:44 and you can see the shape of that "cap" at bottom of motor - looks like small disc magnet in middle too there....

so its battery powered, and because he has 60V in a small cap, (probably the backemf of mosfet) he is making people think it is free-energy but cap is under no load, its just votlage in cap and then its battery powered so "forget about it" eh
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on August 23, 2011, 02:15:33 AM
Quote from: freenergy850 on August 22, 2011, 03:03:04 PM

So i decided to also hook up a small bulb across the cap and it caused the motor to accellerate with no increase in input current, bulb fully lit. Current went down due to the speed increase. The bulb is a small led bulb that contains 4 leds. I did the same to the second drive coil and it also caused accelleration. 

I don't understand why, can anyone explain this for me? I was just attempting to use the back emf and end up with accelleration!????

Read the last part of page 7 (visit the links),  regarding time constants, then read the first half of page 9 regarding the importance of the effect that times constants (in the recirculating current path) and duty cycle have on motor torque.



Any circuits on my site are guidelines only, to explain principles - That's why I don't really specify components. Any drive circuit you design simply needs to give a good clean on/off signal to the main switching component, at the correct duty cycle. Never more than 50%, preferably only 20%-30% if you are going to harness BEMF, for reasons which are determined by time constants.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on August 23, 2011, 05:32:42 AM
Quote from: hoptoad on August 23, 2011, 02:15:33 AM
Read the last part of page 7 (visit the links),  regarding time constants, then read the first half of page 9 regarding the importance of the effect that times constants (in the recirculating current path) and duty cycle have on motor torque.


Thanks hoptoad,
i will read up on time constants to get a good understanding. And thanks for all the info on your site, great info!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: JouleSeeker on August 23, 2011, 08:35:15 AM
Quote from: konehead on August 23, 2011, 01:12:08 AM
Hi all
I am pretty sure the small motor video thing runs on batteries.
when he takes it apart in 2nd half of video you can clearly see the two springs with white wires, and the thing he puts in between it is two magnets, with a small disc type lithium battery in between the two magnets....

also the same thing in first part of video look at 3:42 to 3:44 and you can see the shape of that "cap" at bottom of motor - looks like small disc magnet in middle too there....

so its battery powered, and because he has 60V in a small cap, (probably the backemf of mosfet) he is making people think it is free-energy but cap is under no load, its just votlage in cap and then its battery powered so "forget about it" eh

Thanks, Konehead -- I just wish "FreeEnergyInfo" or someone would provide WRITTEN detail about this build -- as so many of you "open source" researchers DO provide written details.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on August 23, 2011, 09:53:36 AM
a core you may be interested in
Quote from: the bob;153100Quote:
Originally Posted by vrand 
Hi Zilano,

Is there any benefits to copper coated welding rods vs non copper coated?

Cheers Mike

Hi Mike!

To provide a low reluctance path that increases the magnetic flux through the coil.
Low reluctance, high permeability magnetic material: Welding rod; 0.042" inch diameter copper coated steel


zilano zeis zane!

I wasn't talking about his L1 and L2 coils,those coils are ok if tuned right.
thread 14
post 409

He is using copper coated welding rods ( he calls ferrite rod/cu) in his step down to 60 hz transformer. Read above MAGNETIC MATERIAL. His transformer for getting 230 volts 60 hz is magnetic. If you don't believe me, get some copper coated welding rod, make a bundle and put 10 turns of wire on it, put 20 turns beside of the 10 turns. apply 10 volts to the 10 turn coil and you can measure close to 20 volts on the 20 turn coil.
When he said look at the crystal radio, I knew he was going to modulate the system with 60 hz but didn't know where.
Tesla coils are turns ratio tuned with caps.
Zilano even says he uses induction method in his ferrite transformer.
Maybe MR. LTBOLO you should read my last post again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on August 23, 2011, 09:57:35 AM
Quote from: konehead on August 23, 2011, 01:12:08 AM
also the same thing in first part of video look at 3:42 to 3:44 and you can see the shape of that "cap" at bottom of motor - looks like small disc magnet in middle too there....

Actually it can be verified using circuit as in Muller dynamo being used:

Also, the main idea of this motor/generator most likely came from John Bedini's School Boy Motor and Battery Energizer Self-Runner:

It is worth replicating and confirming with video and full measurements with oscilloscope (conventional volt/ampmeters fail due high frequencies)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on August 23, 2011, 11:10:23 AM
checks in with a Comment at "Toranarad"s" place here


Below is the latest comment from romero it may be of interest to you all 

Hi all,
After reading some recent posts on different forums I decided to clarify some points.
The core used to obtain speed under load can be most of the metals, laminated or not, ferrite, irondust or mumetal .
I have obtained the effect even without core just air, but that is another thing and very tricky.
I have tested all metals and got the effect but as we all know mumetal is the best because of many factors.
The biggest problem with soft metal, steel or normal lamination is the heat acumulated in the core after short period of time.
With ferrite, irondust or mumetal we don't have this problem. Ferrite is not as good as steel for the effect but because it stays almost cold is the advantage and the relative cheap price to buy it.
If someone will get the effect with steel core then replace the core with something else the effect will vanish.
Many parameters must be accounted and only after playing a lot with simple arrangements will understand every step.
After playing with all of them I decided to continue working with irondust cores.They work much better than ferrite and cheap to obtain.
When we are talking about speed under load we must understand that the load must be controlled all the time.
The resistance of the load must be maintained in the limits but that is not limiting our posibilities to use it.
Another thing I saw recently on the forums is the fact that the gain is shared to the numbers of the coils,... in my opinion is not true.
Example: having multiple coils that are never in line with another is like we have one coil only and we are moving that coil in multiple points. Multiple coils means less rpm too.We can have the same thing with only one coil but at very high speed.
We are aiming to keep the speed low.In my experiments until now high speed did not help a lot.
This effect is not enough to get much OU unless we learn how to convert or transform the energy.

Best regards,

« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 11:50:52 PM by Romero »
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on August 23, 2011, 08:32:43 PM
VidBid Posted this REMEROGEN ? Replication at Toranarads

From Here


CORRECTION This Man Vidbid [posted the vid and PDF] has started a new thread Here
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: xenomorphlabs on August 23, 2011, 09:04:23 PM
The link you posted is exactly the same video from Stefan's OU Youtube channel : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KVU3ZM14rw&feature=channel_video_title

Or have i missed something new in that video?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on August 23, 2011, 09:36:23 PM

Yes Vidbid seems to have started a new thread using the old vid and PDF?
With a proposal?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on August 24, 2011, 06:22:59 PM
Hi everyone!

The more i play with the rotor , more things i discover  ;D .

Tell me what you think:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmNuZ0UIk5Q
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on August 24, 2011, 06:35:40 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on August 24, 2011, 06:22:59 PM
Hi everyone!

The more i play with the rotor , more things i discover  ;D .

Tell me what you think:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmNuZ0UIk5Q
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mikestocks2006 on August 24, 2011, 10:23:06 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on August 24, 2011, 06:22:59 PM
Hi everyone!

The more i play with the rotor , more things i discover  ;D .

Tell me what you think:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmNuZ0UIk5Q
Hi, mariuscivic
In this video, it shows a speed measurement indication of over 1800 after the coil/bolt is shorted.

What is the rotor speed indication without the coil/bolt?

Just the rotor, the driving coil(s) and the same power input settings.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on August 25, 2011, 04:21:17 AM
Quote from: mikestocks2006 on August 24, 2011, 10:23:06 PM
Hi, mariuscivic
In this video, it shows a speed measurement indication of over 1800 after the coil/bolt is shorted.

What is the rotor speed indication without the coil/bolt?

Just the rotor, the driving coil(s) and the same power input settings.


Hi Mike!
In this experiment i didn't short the coil. The led lights only from the BEMF and couses de increase of rpm. Becouse I'm using a reed switch i can't measure the input power( my metter goes crazy).If i remove the bolt, the rotor doesn't want to spin(maybe becouse the coil is to far from the rotor. I have noticed that when the led is conected the spark in the reed diseppears. I know that this is not the romero setup but with this rotor i can do more experiments that leads me to the understanding of his muller dynamo
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on August 25, 2011, 06:07:28 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on August 25, 2011, 04:21:17 AM
Becouse I'm using a reed switch i can't measure the input power( my metter goes crazy).


If you attach precise 1 Ohm resistor and oscilloscope over it, it will be easy to measure input power (by Ohms law).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mikestocks2006 on August 25, 2011, 11:24:01 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on August 25, 2011, 04:21:17 AM
Hi Mike!
In this experiment i didn't short the coil. The led lights only from the BEMF and couses de increase of rpm. Becouse I'm using a reed switch i can't measure the input power( my metter goes crazy).If i remove the bolt, the rotor doesn't want to spin(maybe becouse the coil is to far from the rotor. I have noticed that when the led is conected the spark in the reed diseppears. I know that this is not the romero setup but with this rotor i can do more experiments that leads me to the understanding of his muller dynamo
Hi mariuscivic,
In your video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmNuZ0UIk5Q
It appears the prime mover (driver) are the black appearing coil(s) on the left.
Is that correct?

If yes, then, there should be a rotational speed without the “red” coil/bolt in place.
I’m only  inquiring about the rotational speed indication on your meter, without the red coil/bolt in place..
I’m not asking for power numbers.
So whatever the setup is in this video, just let it spin, and remove completely the red coil/bolt away from the rotor. Then what is the speed indication on your meter?
Thanks again
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 25, 2011, 02:43:39 PM
Hi Marisuvisic

those reed switches will crate sort of a double-pulse, like a "bipolar" hall effect as compared to a "unipolar" one, in that the leading edg of the trigger-magnet will trigger the reed, and then the trailing-edge too, so you get a quick double pulse (usually)

anyways the speed up from the backemf into that LED could be that the pulse-width is greater, and sort of now it has two motor-pulses, instead of one - this caused somehow by that LED (?) - and if so, then your draw would go up too, and so that speed up would be caused simply by more amps-draw from longer or double pulsing so nothing amazing "if so"

however if there is no extra amp draw to motor coil whern that speed upoccurs, and in fact shold be less amp draw if you have got the "backwards forces" of the backemf/recoil out of the motor coil circuit and into that light out of the way of things, then this would be really great thing so you need to know if the motor coils acclerate rotor because of more amp draw, or fact  the backemf doesnt hinder rotation anymore and all you need to know is what is the amp draw wiht LED light with backemf into and without...seems like yoru genrator coil with steel bolt is not "involved" right now, even though it might be shorted, and makeing some extra rpms like it does?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on August 25, 2011, 03:10:09 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on August 24, 2011, 06:22:59 PM
Hi everyone!

The more i play with the rotor , more things i discover  ;D .

Tell me what you think:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmNuZ0UIk5Q

Hi mariuscivic,

use you meter on AC to measure the current between the 220vac and you transformer. First measure how much current the transformer uses or wastes (not connected to motor) then start motor to calculate how much it uses and then connect LED and diode to see if current goes down. Please also remove all the other coils so we know they are not being used. We don't need to see if the motor accelerates since we can hear it.

Please also tell us the DC output voltage from your transformer when the motor is operating.

Please do this new test; remove the LED and see if you get even more acceleration using only the Diode. I believe you will as I have also found 2 year ago that if you recirculate the flyback (BEMF) back in the coil there's a better push on the magnet.

Please make a video of the new tests.

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on August 25, 2011, 07:09:20 PM
Hi guys!   :)

Thanks a lot for your comments. Tomorow morning i will try to measure the input power of the transformer with and without the LED; also i'll remove the coils that are not used becouse it creates some confusion. Next week i'll rebuild my rotor; i'm going to put 10 magnets on the same rotor size and the coils will be bigger. I have a theory that is being in my head for a while and i have to try it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mikestocks2006 on August 25, 2011, 09:14:48 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on August 25, 2011, 07:09:20 PM
Hi guys!   :)

Thanks a lot for your comments. Tomorow morning i will try to measure the input power of the transformer with and without the LED; also i'll remove the coils that are not used becouse it creates some confusion. Next week i'll rebuild my rotor; i'm going to put 10 magnets on the same rotor size and the coils will be bigger. I have a theory that is being in my head for a while and i have to try it.
Hi mariouscivic,
Ok, this is really a very simple thing to do.
In this video

You have a meter that measures the RPM. You have red coil/bolt that is not connected to the driving coils, and also you have the driving coils.

What I’m asking is very simple:
Just remove the red coil/bolt completely away from the rotor and tell us what the RPM readout is.
That’s all.  No power measuremets or added components needed etc.

Thanks again
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on August 26, 2011, 05:13:37 AM
Hi Mike!

I can't do that experiment becouse i have changed my setup once again. The bolt ads drag to the rotor and the rpm will be much more hyer without the bolt.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on August 26, 2011, 05:19:34 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on August 25, 2011, 03:10:09 PM
Hi mariuscivic,

use you meter on AC to measure the current between the 220vac and you transformer. First measure how much current the transformer uses or wastes (not connected to motor) then start motor to calculate how much it uses and then connect LED and diode to see if current goes down. Please also remove all the other coils so we know they are not being used. We don't need to see if the motor accelerates since we can hear it.

Please also tell us the DC output voltage from your transformer when the motor is operating.

Please do this new test; remove the LED and see if you get even more acceleration using only the Diode. I believe you will as I have also found 2 year ago that if you recirculate the flyback (BEMF) back in the coil there's a better push on the magnet.

Please make a video of the new tests.

Thanks for sharing


Hi gotoluc!

I made another video . I measured the input curent of the transformer with and without the LED conected to the BEMF.

GREAT SUCCES!!!    ;D   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuE3p8gUFMA
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on August 27, 2011, 12:41:06 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on August 26, 2011, 05:19:34 AM
Hi gotoluc!

I made another video . I measured the input curent of the transformer with and without the LED conected to the BEMF.

GREAT SUCCES!!!    ;D   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuE3p8gUFMA

Thank you mariuscivic for making a new video.

Interesting that if you remove the LED but keep only the diode connected you lose the effect. I would of liked to see that as it's hard to understand why it would do that.

Can you measure the DC voltage used to the motor and let us know. Also, maybe you can give some details on your coil. You said it is an air core but how many turns, wire size, length and resistance.

Does your meter have a Freq. setting?... if so you could measure and give us the number and the amount of magnets on your rotor so we could calculate the RPM.

Current (when diode Led added)  of 8mA @ 220v = to about 1.75 watts.  Did you measure how much current is used when the motor is not connected?  since all transformers use current even if nothing is connected to the secondary.

Thanks for making this new video and sharing your findings.

Great job ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on August 27, 2011, 01:00:55 AM
Hey Marius

Did you say in the vid that when adding the diode alone, without the led, that the speedup didnt happen?  Seems odd.

Maybe the diode is bad. Shorted?  And the led was the only diode in the circuit.  Have you tried with just the led?

Having had my share of pulse motor projects, I believe the current going lower at higher speeds is due to the shorter pulses to the coil. The longer the coil is energized the more current till peak as time goes by. If you could run your setup again, measuring the same current, add another motor coil separately on the other side of the rotor to make the rotor go faster than the original coil could and see if the current goes down even further without the diode.

Seems as though if we add more coils....

Say 1 coil is 5v 100ma  example.
And if we speed up the rotor say 10% and the current reduces to 90ma..

Now 2 coils will be at 5v 90ma    tot 180ma but a lot faster.

4 coils will be at 5v 81ma  tot 360ma   way faster..

And add the diodes  even faster..  And it should be putting out more rotation energy per power in as compared to just one.

Here is an experiment.  Test rpm/ voltage(say 10v) / current with 1 stator, then use 2 coils(stators) and give each half the power(half the voltage 5v) each and input tot will be the same as was used in the first test by putting them in series and align them with the rotor. I bet the rotor goes faster using the same total input, where the 2 coil version uses only half each. It works with speaker systems also.  ;]

Sorta shows how inefficient using 1 stator can be. but 2, 4, 8, 16 32 64?  How much can we save like this and does it approach OU ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on August 27, 2011, 01:17:03 AM

Say if 1 coil has 10v  coil 10 ohm(pete sake) is 1 amp = 10w

We want 10 watts with 2 coils  so each coil will consume 5watts at the same time.

10/1.414(constant) =7.072v for each coil   

7.072 / 10ohm = .7072A    7.072v x .7072A= 5w each  tot 10w   ;]

sorry bout that.   now me sleeps. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 27, 2011, 01:52:39 PM
hi mariusivic

I will bet alot of this effects you are gtting is because of the reed swtich doing the swtiching - they are fickle little guys, and they blow up easily as you probably know, and for instance when you disconnect that LED the draw to the motor coil goes WAY up on the video - for awhile - and that is probably the bakcemf arcing and so forth inside the reed since it was running smoothly when LED was lit, but suddenly return the backemf to the swtich and its arcing inside there - there is jsut small bit of ferrous metal vibrating back and forth in that reed inside nitiogen filled glass tube and when it gets out of synch in the vibrations, like from some backemf/opposite magnetic field/arcing/plasma/carbon deposits/etc etc in that reed it creates false-triggerings and all that - besides the fact there are actually TWO triggers per magnet-pass with a reed...
anywasy you've done good so far that is for sure but I dont think those reeds are too practical since they dont last very long if you leave it running day and night probalby a week or so it will blow up - and if you DONT have any way for the back emf to exit - like your LED they proalby will last only couple days at best if running it like that...I would swtichover to mosfet-swtiching at this point - you've proven the point that when take out backemf, you can make motor run faster and better with reeds now try and doit with some reliable swtiching...but maybe not - my advice might not be good on this subject your doning good but its jsut that I have blown up probalby 200 reed swtiches if not more, over the years and jsut dont use them anymore got tired of it -
so maybe better to jsut stick with what you got and cover ervey angle you possible can and then move on into somethign practical from what you gathered...

I know for fact from FCC engineer that the US govenment has reed swtiches that will work up to 400amps input (!)but they are not allowed to be sold to, or seen by. the public...interesting eh....mabye in nukes or flying saucers they use them who knows...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Overschuss on August 27, 2011, 03:56:42 PM
Hi All,

i can't get the speed-up with loaded BEMF effect, as described by MariusCivic, perhaps because i'm using a Hall-Sensor and a MOS-FET, don't know. But when i hook up the BEMF from my Motor-Circuit (with a Diode) to the loaded Output from my Pick-up Coils (after FWBRs), the Rotor-Speed goes up drastically and the Input-Power goes slightly down.

Nice Effect - and brings a lot of Power. :)
It seems, the BEMF is pretty obstructive for the Motor-Puls Control.

BTW: If anyone is searching for good Iron-Powder- or Ferrite-Cores, try this Website:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on August 27, 2011, 05:41:33 PM
Quote from: Overschuss on August 27, 2011, 03:56:42 PM
Hi All,

i can't get the speed-up with loaded BEMF effect, as described by MariusCivic, perhaps because i'm using a Hall-Sensor and a MOS-FET, don't know. But when i hook up the BEMF from my Motor-Circuit (with a Diode) to the loaded Output from my Pick-up Coils (after FWBRs), the Rotor-Speed goes up drastically and the Input-Power goes slightly down.

Nice Effect - and brings a lot of Power. :)
It seems, the BEMF is pretty obstructive for the Motor-Puls Control.

BTW: If anyone is searching for good Iron-Powder- or Ferrite-Cores, try this Website:



Nice Overschuss,

this is what is needed. Play around with diodes as Romero said you can do amazing things with diodes.

Your generator coil is now assisting in driving the rotor. Try moving its position to see if there's a better timing position. Also, bring it closer or away from the rotor to see what that does.

Please do a video if you can and thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: sinergicus on August 28, 2011, 03:46:09 PM
I think will be a good ideea to implement in moto generators design , some discoveries that are around on the internet ,to eliminate the lenz effect completely...more cheap and easy to construct  the device...

In this direction I want to bring in your attention the reardon lenzless generator..
http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/Appendix1.pdf  at page 196....

Because my first language is not english ,I have difficulty  to understand  all the patent.... :-[

Regarding red switches that burning out, is possible to self made  robust red switches that will not burning out easy ....
Another idea what I want to suggest is Ossie callanan oscillator principle;when magnet pas over power coil, this will oscillate in conjunction with red switch,fragmenting the impulse in many little impulses  returning  huge amount of radiant energy ;If you do it just right ,you will have all energy you need to charge back the power source ,the battery,so the rest of the coils will producing energy for what you want...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on August 29, 2011, 12:15:35 AM
Hi folks, Hi sinergicus, thanks for posting that pdf, i have seen that invention before, though never built any test model.
I happen to have a muller type setup im finishing now that i could use to test this principle.
I will modify another rotor magnet shaft i have and make the diameter larger with a stack of neo magnets on each end that will pass my 5 coil/cores, this way, like mullers setup, one magnet will be in front of core/coil while other rotor magnet stack that is 180 degrees opposite on rotor will be attracting towards another coil/core.
When I get to the point of testing, I will let folks know how it works.
peace love light
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 29, 2011, 01:38:13 AM
Hi all

Here is a backemf-recoil "recovery" circuit that I've been testing and improving the last few days. I am running a 4-magnet rotor 5 coil-postion romeroUK "variant" on this circuit using two 470uf 450V caps, and a 40V 3A shottky diode...I let it run today for about 4hrs and the car battery went up from 10.00 to 10.05VDC after that amount of time not that this is great indicator of anything being how low batteris are very fickle...
I figure there is a "recovery" of .7W, and the motor runs on 150ma and 10V so thats not bad.
figuring the recovery-watts based on that formula to figure watts from cap discharge knowing the max volts and minim umvolts in cap during the cap discharge , size of cap,  and rate per second...
I tested it fr that 4hours with the cap #2 rignt back into the run-battery....as the motor runs; cap #2 reads 11.03V across it, cap #1 has 17.1V across it and battery is very low voltage at only 10V but like I said it rose to .10.05
If I just let cap #1 (the "collector" cap) fill with it not discharging to 2nd cap or any load, it will climb to 53Vdc and stay there.

speed of motor is 1620rpm.
also interesting is without that cap #1 recovering the backemf/recoil, the motor goes only 1450rpm so that is good increase in speed from taking the backemf/recoil out of the motor coil circuit and putting it into cap #1...then this cap #1 swtiches into cap #2 and cap #2 hits load as shown.
adjustments to what you want in voltage in the caps can be done by changing the cap sizes - such as 100uf instead of 450uf will have much higher voltages since smaller caps fill faster.
pulse width of motor coil pulse is vry short at about .5ms, and its  about 2ms for the caps dumping to load or into each other.
timing for caps dumping into each other, or into load is once per revolution which is 27 times a second. There are 5 motor pulses per revolution of motor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 29, 2011, 05:12:56 AM
Quote from: sinergicus on August 28, 2011, 03:46:09 PM
Regarding red switches that burning out, is possible to self made  robust red switches that will not burning out easy ....
Another idea what I want to suggest is Ossie callanan oscillator principle;when magnet pas over power coil, this will oscillate in conjunction with red switch,fragmenting the impulse in many little impulses  returning  huge amount of radiant energy ;If you do it just right ,you will have all energy you need to charge back the power source ,the battery,so the rest of the coils will producing energy for what you want...


@sinergicus: Thanks, these information might become very useful! Callanan states he hasn't achieved good results with electronic switching so far. I wonder if we can replicate the effect with arduino. That would be fantastic. joefre has shown nice results. (Maybe @joefre: Have you tried fast un-/shorting repeatedly over the active time? This might be a way to go. I am still waiting for components for my circuit (got the wrong mosfet driver) but this is definitely something I wanna try. Originally the idea was just to tune the on-off timing of the motor coils because with the halls alone it is impossible to set the exact pulse durations and overlapping timing. Now I want to have just one hall for triggering and compute the rest with arduino. Also that will give a nice RPM display without the use of laser tacho. Then next plan is to add some code that will self-adjust the pulse widths while running in order to let the system find the optimal settings by itself.)

Sinergicus, do you want to share how those custom reed switches can be made?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 29, 2011, 05:33:17 AM
The cap-into-cap circuit I put up before this one is for motor/drive -coils....this is a really nice one for GENERATOR COILS its called a "non-reflective diode-plug circuit"

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: freenergy850 on August 29, 2011, 05:34:26 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on August 29, 2011, 05:12:56 AM
@sinergicus: Thanks, these information might become very useful! Callanan states he hasn't achieved good results with electronic switching so far. I wonder if we can replicate the effect with arduino. That would be fantastic. joefre has shown nice results. (Maybe @joefre: Have you tried fast un-/shorting repeatedly over the active time? This might be a way to go. I am still waiting for components for my circuit (got the wrong mosfet driver) but this is definitely something I wanna try. Originally the idea was just to tune the on-off timing of the motor coils because with the halls alone it is impossible to set the exact pulse durations and overlapping timing. Now I want to have just one hall for triggering and compute the rest with arduino. Also that will give a nice RPM display without the use of laser tacho. Then next plan is to add some code that will self-adjust the pulse widths while running in order to let the system find the optimal settings by itself.)

Sinergicus, do you want to share how those custom reed switches can be made?

Zerofossilfuel has posted some Arduino code on his site that should make it easy for you adjust all parameters...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on August 29, 2011, 10:15:06 AM
Hello everyone,

Regarding Lenz law: because it happens not instantly and lags behind it is possible to make it usefull work when it kicks back in simple way: It should be enough of speed for another magnet for approach to make BEMF(and Lenz law due of it) attract second magnet so instead of wasting energy you would convert that stuff into usefull work.

It's easy to check what frequency and RPM are needed when attached oscilloscope shows how many nano/miliseconds are available to match... In my own case, I already tried to play with pulses on transformer coils and match beginning of next pulse with kicking BEMF cycle beginning, it spiked voltage much more then.

The timing and resonanse is everything... :)

P.S> Adter visiting RomeoUK private forum I did dig out where whole idea of his motor came out - he posted some important docs what lead to this:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: sinergicus on August 29, 2011, 11:19:13 AM
Thank you Konehead for posting your ideas ;I knew  about them but didn't tried yet.
Anyway is a little tricky and complicate stuff to using switching transistors to dump the energy in capacitors and after that to dumping that energy in second  cap and after to load...

Why to not using easy and simple method  to avoid lenz drag?

You are more experienced than me or others...please consider the reardon lenz less generator what I posted in previous post  and try  to understand it ,and if you consider to replicate...and tell us how to make it;

I tried to understand the differences between his generator and common generators configuration (interaction between coils and magnets) but cannot see any difference ;maybe you will make light in our understanding .So please help  ...I think that patent is a valuable one and must be  taken in consideration....

Now;another ideea what I found and  I have read in some books few time ago, is ,to discharging the source power (battery or big capacitor) through the load ( in our case through the motor) in 2 capacitors connected in paralel and after that ,connecting them in series and dump the charge back in the battery...

If I remember, Bedini did this in his earlier experiments...

At this page http://www.free-energy-info.com/Chapt5.html you will find a US20080030165 patent
regarding what I mentioned ..

If we collect the radiant energy from the coils too and dumped  back in the battery ,I think ,we will have an over unity device...will power itself

Another thing about I want to mention, are the cores of the coils...from my readings, the common core will create drag on the rotor ;the pipe type core will create less drag on the rotor and the generator/power coils will have the same power   like the common coils with common cores...seems,the electromagnetic energy travel at the outside of the corers like electrons in conductors ,the middle of the cores will have no beneficial effect so is a waste material and create drag on the rotor..More about cores you can read here:http://www.totallyamped.net/adams/   page 4

Another thing to consider is the voltage/amp used in power coils...at the higher voltage you will have higher efficiency ;high voltage,low amp ,less heat in the cores,more power in the rotor.

Ismael Aviso used high voltage electromagnets,fragmented pulses ( Osiie Callanan  did the same technique but using simplest method -red switch in the base of the transistor ,oscillating in conjunction with power coils  ).

Regarding  high voltage electromagnets and high voltage motors you can take inspiration from these:

About  home made red switches I will make some pictures  and will post them for your inspiration, when I will have the time  ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 29, 2011, 02:52:47 PM
Quote from: freenergy850 on August 29, 2011, 05:34:26 AM

Zerofossilfuel has posted some Arduino code on his site that should make it easy for you adjust all parameters...

Thanks, I have seen that. The code isn't very difficult to write so it's ok to write from scratch. I don't think his code covers all parameters because as I've said, want to check for example rapid shorting/unshorting at different frequencies. By auto-adjusting I want to either sweep a range of frequencies and then analyze output maxima or let an algorithm change parameters step-by-step in order to optimize output.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on August 29, 2011, 11:57:57 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on August 29, 2011, 05:12:56 AM
@sinergicus: Thanks, these information might become very useful! Callanan states he hasn't achieved good results with electronic switching so far. I wonder if we can replicate the effect with arduino. That would be fantastic. joefre has shown nice results. (Maybe @joefre: Have you tried fast un-/shorting repeatedly over the active time? This might be a way to go. I am still waiting for components for my circuit (got the wrong mosfet driver) but this is definitely something I wanna try. Originally the idea was just to tune the on-off timing of the motor coils because with the halls alone it is impossible to set the exact pulse durations and overlapping timing. Now I want to have just one hall for triggering and compute the rest with arduino. Also that will give a nice RPM display without the use of laser tacho. Then next plan is to add some code that will self-adjust the pulse widths while running in order to let the system find the optimal settings by itself.)

Sinergicus, do you want to share how those custom reed switches can be made?

You need to visit alt-nrg.org and look for the muller page...There is a really nice sketch that allows on the fly adjustment of dutycycle and were to start the pulse. There have been a few versions now is 1.3 with keyboard input added. This is the sketch I am starting with.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 30, 2011, 12:01:43 AM
Hi all

messed around with magnets behind cores - got it up to 2020rpm now - it was 1620 yesterday. there seems to be no "logic" to those magnets behind cores...I had one magnet for each core before - it looked "right" at least  and that was the 1620rpm...but turns out this particular motor wants only 3 cores of the 5 cores on top plate to  have backing magnets, and on bottom plate its just two magnets....there are doubled up magnets (thicker) on top and just one magnet per core on bottom too...adding a magnet on a core that "doesnt want one" slows it very noticeably so I spent an hour  or so replacing and playing with the magnet possibilties unitl I found what the motor likes...
I made a identical motor too - now this one likes 4 (not 3) doubled-up magnets on top plate, and then one single magnet too so all 5 cores are "covered" on top-plate with this motor...bottom-plate likes only 3 magnets on cores down there and also just single magnet per core too like the other motor - they both seem to like "weaker" magnets on bottom plate ...again, adding a magnet to any core that "doesnt like it" slows motor pretty bad...very interesting that even identical-as-you-can-get made motor/gens will want different magnet arrays behind the cores -
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 30, 2011, 05:06:36 AM
Here is a tutorial about how to make custom reed switches: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC8-o1jm5Zo
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on August 30, 2011, 09:21:07 AM
Quote from: konehead on August 30, 2011, 12:01:43 AM
Hi all

messed around with magnets behind cores - got it up to 2020rpm now - it was 1620 yesterday. there seems to be no "logic" to those magnets behind cores...I had one magnet for each core before - it looked "right" at least  and that was the 1620rpm...but turns out this particular motor wants only 3 cores of the 5 cores on top plate to  have backing magnets, and on bottom plate its just two magnets....there are doubled up magnets (thicker) on top and just one magnet per core on bottom too...adding a magnet on a core that "doesnt want one" slows it very noticeably so I spent an hour  or so replacing and playing with the magnet possibilties unitl I found what the motor likes...
I made a identical motor too - now this one likes 4 (not 3) doubled-up magnets on top plate, and then one single magnet too so all 5 cores are "covered" on top-plate with this motor...bottom-plate likes only 3 magnets on cores down there and also just single magnet per core too like the other motor - they both seem to like "weaker" magnets on bottom plate ...again, adding a magnet to any core that "doesnt like it" slows motor pretty bad...very interesting that even identical-as-you-can-get made motor/gens will want different magnet arrays behind the cores -

Kone, if you transferred or swapped the magnets from one set up over to the other, you would be able to determine if it is the magnets themselves, or whether seemingly identical motors want different magnet arrangements.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Pirate88179 on August 30, 2011, 09:32:42 AM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on August 30, 2011, 09:21:07 AM

Kone, if you transferred or swapped the magnets from one set up over to the other, you would be able to determine if it is the magnets themselves, or whether seemingly identical motors want different magnet arrangements.


I agree 100%.  As we have seen in other research areas, "identical" magnets are far from that.  Even if purchased in the same lot.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 30, 2011, 10:55:58 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on August 30, 2011, 05:06:36 AM
Here is a tutorial about how to make custom reed switches: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC8-o1jm5Zo

Rebuild one. Works like a charm!!! Far better than standard reed switches.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dbowling on August 30, 2011, 11:13:22 AM
Except that ....are any two cores with coils EXACTLY the same? It is more likely that it is as Kone has described. You have to "synch" individual core/coils separately, and there may be a "formula" for this, but without enough data, we are not even close to making a guess as to what it is. The process Kone has gone through is probably one of the main reasons we have not seen a replication yet. Because every core/coil on every motor has to be treated according to what the motor "likes" as Kone put it. And just replicating the physical structure of Romero's motor is not enough. It takes the time and the minute adjustments to get it to work, and too many people want to slap something together and get it to work. At least here we have some folks who are willing to take the time to painstakingly make those little adjustments and document it for the rest of us who are still working on our builds. I salute you all. Your tireless efforts are much appreciated.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on August 30, 2011, 12:53:53 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on August 30, 2011, 10:55:58 AM
Rebuild one. Works like a charm!!! Far better than standard reed switches.

I hooked this up to one coilpair in adding configuration and measured voltage on DC side of FWBR. Without the reed I have 3V (which is not much, got a fairly large gap between rotor and coils). With the reed and after finding the best spot I can get up to 60V on the meter. Waveform is going crazy, lots of spikes, and it seems to be shorting many times per cycle. This will slow down the rotor though.

And one more thing: That coil I prepared the way mariuscivic did, I moved that on top of the stator plate and the bolt goes down to the rotor where the coil was before, with this one shorted the rotor will speed up a little instead of slowing down. Now I have taken a look at the waveform and I've got a fairly nice sine wave here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 30, 2011, 01:46:42 PM
Hi all

Here is a very interesting farily long 1/2hr video showing "diode plug" circuit in a transvertor (here he is using using as a nice HF panasonic microwave over transfomer in this one and you get the core of it to resonate, "stochastic resonance" its called, and then you have excess power (OU) on the secondary side of the transformer, in a nutshell here, but then how do you EXTRACT it without killing it into resistance??
He shows here how to do it - VERY similar to the diode plug circuit I put up two days ago that can be used for genrnator coils like in a RomeorUK machine.. - 4 diodes, 4 swtiches, two caps, and one genrator coil in what I showed....because in the RomeroUK rep machines, there are permanent magnets indcuing the coils, I dont thing youhave to worry about the "AC slip" making things go un-synchonized like the video shows at end of it...

my similar diode plug circuit to use for genrator coils again:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 30, 2011, 02:08:40 PM
Hi all

hers a one minute long video you should all see to confirm the importance of those magnets behind the cores - speed of DC motor goes up huge, and draw goes down, with magnet on back of transformer runnign small DC motor...reverse polarity of magnet and draw increaes horrible and speed goes way down.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: nvisser on August 31, 2011, 04:32:34 AM
Faulty post from me
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on August 31, 2011, 04:59:49 AM
Quote from: konehead on August 30, 2011, 02:08:40 PM
Hi all

hers a one minute long video you should all see to confirm the importance of those magnets behind the cores - speed of DC motor goes up huge, and draw goes down, with magnet on back of transformer runnign small DC motor...reverse polarity of magnet and draw increaes horrible and speed goes way down.



In case of magnet near transformer - one polarity side increases inductance (and active resistance) with relation of current polarity and flipped side polarity decreases it so you need more current to keep it up.
You can easily measure inductance when attaching multimeter instead of powering up circuit and see how it's affected.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on August 31, 2011, 11:32:48 AM
Quote from: konehead on August 30, 2011, 01:46:42 PM
Hi all

my similar diode plug circuit to use for genrator coils again:

Doug, I believe your sine wave depiction is incorrectly drawn

Here is a scope shot of a single magnet passing a single coil...

Your plug concept is valid, just there should be zero induction at TDC.

It is the DIRECTION of MOTION that determines the polarity. As the magnet approaches it generates one half of the sine... and as it leaves it generates the opposite.



First pic...correct

Second pic...wrong

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on August 31, 2011, 01:02:33 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on August 31, 2011, 01:57:33 PM
Hi Ron

thanks for taking a look - not really big deal but I think I am right about the peak if the socpe is showing voltage, not current (maybe not)
I base this on fact if making an AC-signal run motor out of a flat rotor with hockey puck magnets in it, you would space the magnets measured edge-edge, the same distance as the width of magnets (so if 2" wide magnets there is 2" in between the magnets too) and then magnets need to be all-N  or all-S facing...then the AC signal rides right on the EDGES of the magnets and it goes great jsut running off a transformer from the grid or whatever no switching needed..

Anyways in rellation to this, when I check out the positioning of where the very best timing is in DC-pulsed low voltage motor, its the same thing sort of  -  if attraction-mode; the front-edge of the magnet approching to coil is centered on the center of coil for best power and speed - this is AIRCORE - and if repulsing, the back edge of magnet is centered on center of coil (however in high speed repulsing mode you want timing of pulse  with more cenetering of coil to magnet - right over it more...)

and where you pulse a coil against rotor magnets again in DC looking with scope (IN VOLTAGE), its at the sinewave peaks, slightly before or after, created by rotor magnets to coils is place where the motor-pulse occurs so that is why I think that is right what I showed. Maybe its diferent with cores compared to aircores maybe is different at fast rpms compared to very low rpms maybe is different with coil size compared to magnets where the coil is large enough so it reacts to next approachine manget...anyways I think eveyrone "gets the picture" how to do the non-refelcive diode plug swtiching from this regardless.

Jsut read you post again ...and came back to add this - I think your are right if cores in the coil, I am right if large aircore....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on August 31, 2011, 03:42:27 PM
Quote from: konehead on August 31, 2011, 01:57:33 PM
Hi Ron

thanks for taking a look - not really big deal snip

Jsut read you post again ...and came back to add this - I think your are right if cores in the coil, I am right if large aircore....

Well as this list is about the cored coil romero Muller and everyone is using cored coils but you, then it could lend a point of confusion, so it is important.

Besides, if you understand what I am saying then it will help to see how air coils work.

My scope shot is correct for a single wire, a bundle of wires or a cored coil.

As a magnet approaches a single wire it induces a pulse just as the scope shot shows. When it is centered over the wire the MOTION is about to change from approach to retreat. At this precise moment (TDC) flux is at a maximum but there is no motion, the induced voltage is zero. As the magnet goes into retreat then the induced voltage is of the opposite polarity.

Now what happens with an air core, if the geometry is correct, that is the coil should be bigger than the magnet, then when the magnet is centered over the coil the leading edge is approaching the farside of the winding while the back edge of the magnet is retreating from the nearside yielding a pulse of the same polarity overall. Because the winding is circular one could say that one wire is going up and the otherside going down thus an automatic polarity changer.

An air core is not very efficient because the the top and bottom are just along for the ride and a better air cored coil will have this portion out of the path of the magnet...in other words a square coil. Just the two vertical sections generate... think of the window motor coil.

So you are right... but only if all the right conditions are met. Magnet to coil size, polarity of the magnets, and spacing of the magnets. If any of these are not met then you end up with an "M wave"... or worse.

Whereas what I show is the basic theory for all, from a single wire, to cored, to how each side of an air cored coil works. Is the edge of the magnet approaching or retreating from the conductor(s)...?




Here is an example of air cored coils and the shape I was indicating...six coils and 12 magnets on the rotor. It is only the straight sections in the path of the magnet that generate.

Oh, here is a vid of it running


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on August 31, 2011, 05:25:55 PM
Quote from: konehead on August 31, 2011, 01:57:33 PM
Hi Ron

Jsut read you post again ...and came back to add this - I think your are right if cores in the coil, I am right if large aircore....



Nope, not so... got me curious so went and did a test...

Single ! inch magnet, coil out of the drawer that had a 1 inch plus hole in it


The inversion should have been corrected to be a rising sine as per the first example but is just the random connection I made and didn't notice until I posted...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mex on August 31, 2011, 05:27:58 PM
  "M wave"...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on August 31, 2011, 09:05:43 PM
Quote from: mex on August 31, 2011, 05:27:58 PM
  "M wave"...

Good example Mex. Generally each magnet will make a full sine as posted above, but if the following magnets spacing is not right then the two don't synchronize and so don't add up. If the following magnets sine overlays the leading sine then the two products add and also show a nice sine pattern.

In the romero muller this is not a problem because of the 2 1/2 times magnet spacing and each coil to its own FWB. However when you add the two top and bottom coils then you get a more than twice addition! (but zero in bucking mode.)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 01, 2011, 01:05:11 AM
Hi ron

I am using ferrite cores, with magnets behind them too in romeorUK variant things testing out now.
Jsut got the speed up to 2150rpm with 200ma input and 8.4V input by playhing with the magnets behind cores...
backemf into cap speeds it up anohter 200rpm or so...going to short the coils soon at the "neg peak"

form what I see, if aircores,  at the "TDC" positioning, with magnet centered right over coil, makes sort of eye of hurricane effect and voltage drops right there, like the scope shot mex jsut put up.  (tne M peaks)
aircores size and width should be so they are "centered" on the rim-edge of the magnet so if 40mm  wide magnet forexample, have coils
ID about 36mm and OD about 44mm

you can get all sorts of funny scope shots with aircores, depending on rpms, coil size compared to magnet size, and spacing of magnets to coils too....you have to really play around alot with spacing and size ie of coils and rpms when using aricores to get a decent sinewave if using N-S magnets for example ..

if all-N magnets and looking for the PERFECT AC sincewave, you should have pairs of air coils next to each other hooked together "backwards", and in series,
and twice as many coils as magnets, so one magnet passes by two coils in series - so its two coils working as one coil sort of....this will DOUBLE the frequency too, as compared to having 4 magets against 4 coils...and makes super-perfect sinewave with aircores.
it is very cool and also validates what I am saying about the front leading edge and the back trailing edge of magnet actually creating the peaks, and NOT the "TDC" of magnet over coil (in aircores).

Way I see it, the scope shot mex shows is the edge of the front of the magnet making the first of the double peaks, and the back of the magnet making the second of the double peaks. I dont know if these are aircores, but will assume so...

magnets dont have just the face N and face S there is the leading edge and the trailing edge too...even if hockey pucks...it actually makes no logical sense how the round hickey puck magnets would do that - block or rectangular magnets it makes sense but round magnets you would assume the flat  N and S face of magnet would overwhelm any sort of poles on the "edges" but example below next paragraph I describe of 4 coils on plate 90 degrees apart, vs two all N magnets at 180 degrees apart in rotor does just what it should be doing if what I am saying is true and I've done this alot and it works great for very nice AC generator with aircores...

the example is:
normally if you want 60hz AC, you would spin 4  N-S magnets at 1800 rpm against a coil(s) (all coils in phase) and with aricores if you get the size and shape good, you should get at least "flat tops" to the peaks - where it doesnt dip into the M peak syndrome....

but if you have 2 N-only magnets against same
number and spacing of coils
(so coils at 12 3 6 and 9 oclock and magnets jsut 12 and 6 oclock in rotor)
and then hook up the adjacent pairs of coils in series ( 12oclock coil connects to 3 oclock only, and  6 oclock connects to 9 oclok coil only) and run these adjacent coils "backwards" too, now you will get 60hz at 900rpm (!) and that perfect sinewave too...so how could this be?
you have half the number of magnets now, but have doubled the frequency, you would think the frequency would be halved....

plus have now made perfect AC sine??

Its becasue its the leading and trailing edges of those magnets doing the "inducing of peaks": now... and so of the 2 magnets, the is actually "4 poles" and then those 4 poles go past two paris of coils having the 2nd coil of pair wired backwards and series is the trick to make the ncie sinewave.

whats important about that diode plug circuit I put up is that it is way to take out power NON REFLECTIVE from generator coils,

"where" the sinewave peak is in relation to magnet postiioning relavie to coils, and where you want to switch caps out within sinewave and the duration, the loading  and all the technical bench testing stuff  is up to the guy looking at scope and meters and the particular system being tested,,,in romeorUK rigs, the sinewave is not symmeterical; it plunges fast becasue of the magnets so the timing of any sinewave-peak switching of caps to load or coils to caps would have to be be done to match-up with this particular shape  ...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mex on September 01, 2011, 03:19:10 AM
Hello to everyone!
Ron! Sincerely attention creations, really nice work. I'm just a man I'm experimenting in his spare time, who is interested in free energy. The waveform shown a pair of coils and two magnetic interactions. The cube-shaped magnets, coil and toroidal core.
The distance between the magnets in determining the correct setting, it arises in the waveform. The polarity of the magnets in a uniform, NN, but it can also SS.
More good work everyone!

ps: Sorry, I do not know English, you have to use the google translator ....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on September 01, 2011, 11:32:59 AM
Quote from: konehead on September 01, 2011, 01:05:11 AM
Hi ron

I am using ferrite cores, with magnets behind them too in romeorUK variant

Its becasue its the leading and trailing edges of those magnets doing the "inducing of peaks": now... and so of the 2 magnets, the is actually "4 poles" and then those 4 poles go past two paris of coils having the 2nd coil of pair wired backwards and series is the trick to make the ncie sinewave.

whats important about that diode plug circuit I put up is that it is way to take out power NON REFLECTIVE from generator coils,

"where" the sinewave peak is in relation to magnet postiioning relavie to coils, and where you want to switch caps out within sinewave and the duration, the loading  and all the technical bench testing stuff  is up to the guy looking at scope and meters and the particular system being tested,,,in romeorUK rigs, the sinewave is not symmeterical; it plunges fast becasue of the magnets so the timing of any sinewave-peak switching of caps to load or coils to caps would have to be be done to match-up with this particular shape  ...

Hi Doug,

Then the sine depiction is incorrect in your drawing.

The 'field' around the edge of the magnet is the strongest so that is where most of the action takes place, yes.

But basically it is really simple. The induced voltage is the product of direction and speed (velocity) As the magnet approaches, one half of the sine is produced and as the magnet retreats, the opposite sine is produced. Always has... always will be. See my two scope shots, very clear. There is a peak as it approaches and the opposite peak as it retreats, NOT a double negative peak as you indicate in your drawing.

Admittedly as RPM goes up the zero crossing line will be offset somewhat from the actual magnet center line in a cored coil but in an air core this will be practically a non-event.

For clarity and as a teaching aid to the newbies it would be best to redraw your drawing to correctly show the one peak on approach and the opposite peak on retreat.



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 01, 2011, 12:15:39 PM
hi Ron

That is what I am showing, a peak on approach and a peak on retreat with a single magnet going past a single coil.
and didoe plug circut should be in-synch with the peaks created.
where exactly the peak is going to be in relation to manget and coil postion -is dependent on the size of magnet vs coil rpms and if aircore or cored coil and ths proportions of those.
try my experiment with the 4 coils vs 2 N magnets with adjacent coil paris wired series-backwards and you will see why I drew that like I did.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 01, 2011, 12:42:09 PM
Here is video by guy in Sweden who gets a good speed up of shorted coil - I think these are aircores, not totally sure but assume so...he explains it very simple at end:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 01, 2011, 02:10:37 PM
Quote from: konehead on September 01, 2011, 12:42:09 PM
Here is video by guy in Sweden who gets a good speed up of shorted coil - I think these are aircores, not totally sure but assume so...he explains it very simple at end:


The explanation in the end of this video might be a key to http://www.alexpetty.com/2009/11/24/the-secrets-of-edward-leedskalnin/ generator when lagging Lenz law is used to make usefull work! (the chained bottom looks like Leedskalnin PMH coil)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on September 01, 2011, 02:54:00 PM
Quote from: konehead on September 01, 2011, 12:15:39 PM
hi Ron

That is what I am showing, a peak on approach and a peak on retreat with a single magnet going past a single coil.
and didoe plug circut should be in-synch with the peaks created.
where exactly the peak is going to be in relation to manget and coil postion -is dependent on the size of magnet vs coil rpms and if aircore or cored coil and ths proportions of those.
try my experiment with the 4 coils vs 2 N magnets with adjacent coil paris wired series-backwards and you will see why I drew that like I did.

Doug, that merely confuses the issue. No one here is using four coils and two magnets.

The way you have it drawn is wrong.

So no need to argue, just correct your drawing.

You have drawn a single magnet and a single coil yet put a wrong sinewave over it. Either put in the right sinewave or draw a single magnet passing over TWO adjacent coils reverse wired.

Regardless of which, they still obey Faraday's Law, as I have repeatedly stated.

This is just basic electrical theory (Faraday) and is your basic building block.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 02, 2011, 12:37:42 AM
Hi Ron

I think you are looking at the sinewave sketch I drew above the magnet and coil, and you mentioned someting about the drawing has  "two neg peaks" next to the coils - maybe this is the confusion - that sinewave has nothing to do with anything really - it could be twice as big twice as small in realtion to coils and magents...

I just wanted to "show" a AC sinewave and then show there wil be a pos peak when magnet is in that entering-position in drawing, (approx) and there will be neg peak when magnet in is exiting-postion of 2nd drawing (approx) - and also when magnet is squared-up over the coil at TDC, that will be the 0 line. Thats how it works we are saying the same thing lets leave it be eh.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on September 02, 2011, 01:22:39 PM
Quote from: konehead on September 02, 2011, 12:37:42 AM
Hi Ron

I think you are looking at the sinewave sketch I drew above the magnet and coil, and you mentioned someting about the drawing has  "two neg peaks" next to the coils - maybe this is the confusion - that sinewave has nothing to do with anything really - it could be twice as big twice as small in realtion to coils and magents...

I just wanted to "show" a AC sinewave and then show there wil be a pos peak when magnet is in that entering-position in drawing, (approx) and there will be neg peak when magnet in is exiting-postion of 2nd drawing (approx) - and also when magnet is squared-up over the coil at TDC, that will be the 0 line. Thats how it works we are saying the same thing lets leave it be eh.

Yes, why could you not have said that in the beginning? Why did I have to waste my time and that of all the other viewers?

What you have drawn is two same polarity peaks on each side of the coil and an opposite peak at TDC. This is deception. It matters.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on September 02, 2011, 01:58:27 PM
Take a look at this video. It show the use of 18 compressed Starship coils and 9 magnets in a tight pattern to cancel cogging. Watch as he takes out one coil and the cogging increases, then the second opposite coil is removed and it is almost impossible to turn the rotor. This is without bias magnets. The problem with bias magnets is they drop the inductance of the coils


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on September 02, 2011, 02:30:16 PM
Quote from: rfmmars on September 02, 2011, 01:58:27 PM
Take a look at this video. It show the use of 18 compressed Starship coils and 9 magnets in a tight pattern to cancel cogging. Watch as he takes out one coil and the cogging increases, then the second opposite coil is removed and it is almost impossible to turn the rotor. This is without bias magnets. The problem with bias magnets is they drop the inductance of the coils


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on September 02, 2011, 04:25:54 PM

[IMG=http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/4762/largeappeture.jpg]http://[/img] (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/217/largeappeture.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://im
[IMG=http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/4319/smperfect.png][/IMG] (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/854/smperfect.png/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

This matter of aperture/vortex size seems to say, smaller the better for pick up of perfect sine wave output. Here's the results of my two types of Starship coils with different aperture sizes mounted on my Muller work platform. Richard
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on September 02, 2011, 05:27:17 PM
Quote from: rfmmars on September 02, 2011, 01:58:27 PM
The problem with bias magnets is they drop the inductance of the coils

Hi Richard,

By the use of small sized ceramic (ferrite) magnets for biasing purposes can help minimize the drop in coils inductance.  (Strong Neos saturate cores more 'readily'.)
By playing with the biasing, you can minimize cogging even better than as shown in your video link. It needs patience and time of course.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on September 02, 2011, 06:05:56 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on September 02, 2011, 05:27:17 PM
Hi Richard,

By the use of small sized ceramic (ferrite) magnets for biasing purposes can help minimize the drop in coils inductance.  (Strong Neos saturate cores more 'readily'.)
By playing with the biasing, you can minimize cogging even better than as shown in your video link. It needs patience and time of course.


Yes that's true. what I have posted is information that my fundings partners said is ok to release. However in our model, we have complete cancellation of cogging by two different methods. These I can't disclose but simply think outside the box, the key is having the highest inductance with the smallest size of coil. With my two postings 1. Cogging  2. Perfect Sine wave recovery, we hope to move this forum off dead center.........it has been stalled for quite awhile.

Best of luck to all. Please don't give up and keep your B.S. filter tunned.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 03, 2011, 01:19:01 AM
Hi Ron

sorry dude didnt try and decieve you or anyone else just wanted people with magnet-rotors to know how the non-reflective diode plug circuit will work for them and where the timing of the peaks is via the dotted line "mechanically" so they can set up some halls and mosfets to do it.

Title: Favor from the builders
Post by: Shadesz on September 03, 2011, 03:50:23 AM
As I am waiting for my build skills to increase I can't test this on my own, so I hope some of you would be willing to try and test something for me.

This is for those who have a pulse motor and have seen a generator coil load cause acceleration to the motor. Can you do a simple test and report the results please?

Flip the connecting wires to the generator coil and re-test. Record and post the change in RPM vs the change in RPM in the original design.

My guessing is that you will not see an increase in RPM. Perhaps even a slowing down. If I am right I would love to share my theory why. This may help others achieve the acceleration effect that haven't been able to do so yet. As for now I don't want to crowd peoples minds with a theory without data.

Note: remember that if your generator circuit has diodes or led's you will need to flip those as well. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on September 03, 2011, 12:18:50 PM
Hi Gyula and Richard,

Gyula, do you remember a researcher (during the Orbo thing) demonstrated in a video that a coil wound on a certain kind of toroid cores would actually increase Inductance as a magnet is approached to the core. I remember saying that this could be useful for certain applications.

Richard, in the past my tests have shown that a coil at a certain value of Inductance and Frequency (amount of magnet on rotor) can give out a sine wave output. Also, if one can further decrease wire length without loosing Inductance this would give out more current. Do you agree?... is this what your tests are showing?

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on September 03, 2011, 01:41:30 PM
Quote from: gotoluc on September 03, 2011, 12:18:50 PM
Hi Gyula and Richard,

Richard, in the past my tests have shown that a coil at a certain value of Inductance and Frequency (amount of magnet on rotor) can give out a sine wave output. Also, if one can further decrease wire length without loosing Inductance this would give out more current. Do you agree?... is this what your tests are showing?

Thanks for sharing


No I haven't seen that myself. The posted photos were taken at 400 RPM. The sine wave remains the same shape with RPM  from start up to 400 RPM and beyond to a max of 1200 RPM, the limit of my Muller test platform.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on September 03, 2011, 03:30:25 PM
Quote from: gotoluc on September 03, 2011, 12:18:50 PM
Gyula, do you remember a researcher (during the Orbo thing) demonstrated in a video that a coil wound on a certain kind of toroid cores would actually increase Inductance as a magnet is approached to the core. I remember saying that this could be useful for certain applications.

Hi Luc,

Now that you mention this, I very faintly recall it but at the moment I have no idea who did it.  Will do some search and come back when I find him.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on September 03, 2011, 07:02:36 PM
Quote from: konehead on September 03, 2011, 01:19:01 AM
Hi Ron

sorry dude didnt try and decieve you or anyone else just wanted people with magnet-rotors to know how the non-reflective diode plug circuit will work for them and where the timing of the peaks is via the dotted line "mechanically" so they can set up some halls and mosfets to do it.

Hi Doug,

Well all you had to do was change the drawing so that it was right.

No hard feelings

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on September 03, 2011, 07:54:01 PM
Quote from: rfmmars on September 03, 2011, 01:41:30 PM
No I haven't seen that myself. The posted photos were taken at 400 RPM. The sine wave remains the same shape with RPM  from start up to 400 RPM and beyond to a max of 1200 RPM, the limit of my Muller test platform.


Thanks for the reply Richard

My tests were not using your coil configuration.

Interesting setup you have. Please keep us up to date or post a link to your topic.

Thanks for sharing

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on September 03, 2011, 08:00:17 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on September 03, 2011, 03:30:25 PM
Hi Luc,

Now that you mention this, I very faintly recall it but at the moment I have no idea who did it.  Will do some search and come back when I find him.


Thanks for looking into this Gyula

You see the reason and value to why I mention this now?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: futuristic on September 04, 2011, 02:14:24 AM
Perhaps J.L.Naudin?
He made some great experiments with orbo design:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on September 04, 2011, 06:37:21 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on September 03, 2011, 08:00:17 PM
Thanks for looking into this Gyula

You see the reason and value to why I mention this now?


Hi Luc,

I found him, he is Eric and his video is here:

Eric put questions on the unusual increase in inductance on physicsforum.com but the "big boys" answered 'blabla' I think... The only thing I would agree there is to check the inductance increase not only with an L meter but in an oscillator where you can check the frequency decrease when the core is approached to the magnet by an oscilloscope or a frequency meter.  Your earlier oscillator tests can be nicely applied here!

Nevertheless, it is worth reading Eric findings there:

So it needs nanocrystaline type (tapewound) cores (he mentioned Finemet in the video) to see the inductance increase. IF you mean the value and reason of mentioning this due to this thread topic, then I need some further explanation from you... IF you mean otherwise, well, it needs much testing...  lol ;)

Quote from: futuristic

Perhaps J.L.Naudin?
He made some great experiments with orbo design

Yes, thank you, I thought of him too but he showed decrease in inductance, has not shown any increase in L value that goes higher than the magnetless inductance value.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: muzzz on September 04, 2011, 12:24:16 PM
hi has anyone seen this video from peter lindemann on the design of the muller coils and specifically the core material used , Bill claimed that the black magnetite sand used as a by product of gold mining was better than metglas ,it also shows a good cross section of the windings showing his stepped design.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on September 04, 2011, 12:37:07 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on September 04, 2011, 06:37:21 AM
Hi Luc,

I found him, he is Eric and his video is here:

Eric put questions on the unusual increase in inductance on physicsforum.com but the "big boys" answered 'blabla' I think... The only thing I would agree there is to check the inductance increase not only with an L meter but in an oscillator where you can check the frequency decrease when the core is approached to the magnet by an oscilloscope or a frequency meter.  Your earlier oscillator tests can be nicely applied here!

Nevertheless, it is worth reading Eric findings there:

So it needs nanocrystaline type (tapewound) cores (he mentioned Finemet in the video) to see the inductance increase. IF you mean the value and reason of mentioning this due to this thread topic, then I need some further explanation from you... IF you mean otherwise, well, it needs much testing...  lol ;)

Yes, thank you, I thought of him too but he showed decrease in inductance, has not shown any increase in L value that goes higher than the magnetless inductance value.


Thanks Gyula,

you always come through ;)... this is exactly what I was referring to.

What made me think of this is because of Richard's post http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg299387#msg299387 of a YouTube video of a generator that has next to no cogging. Link to YT video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nf4OJJuEiQ&feature=email

If we can build a generator that has next to or no cogging, then I quite sure we have OU.

I worked with Thane Heins for some months on his generator coils and I'm quite sure he would have OU if he could of only removed the cogging from his generator coils since when the generator coils were under load or shorted they had no Lenz drag on the prime mover.

To get Thane's effect a coil must be wound with many turns like a high voltage coil. So high Inductance is the main key. Later as Thane experimented with heavier wire he got more current out of his coils but he never got to the point of removing most of the magnet to core cogging. Now if we join or efforts, experience and knowledge we may get to an OU Lenz and Cogg free Generator.

If we use YouTube user llewgnal (Gary) minimal cogging design or maybe just biassing magnets if you think it's just as good. However, the big difference would be that if we use Finemet (nanocrystaline) cores instead of Ferrite since Ferrite has Inductance losses as the magnet approach it we may have a winner!... as the Finemet core may have an Inductance increase as the magnet approaches it as Eric has found. So if we wind the coils like Thane's Lenz free style (high Inductance) then the bonus maybe that we may need much less turns (wire) as the Inductance could be boosted by the Finemet core and magnet combination. In this case we would win big time as the coils would output much more current and have no Lenz effect under load.

What do you think?

Thanks for your time


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on September 04, 2011, 05:19:41 PM
Hi Luc,

I have never figured out how Thane claimed any gain in output with respect to input power...   
I mean for instance this simply question member teslaalset asked from member Overunityguide here:

(member Overunityguide wrote in his first post of his thread he confirmed Thane's accelerating generator which is fine but at what input power price?)

So in case the high impedance coil with its own core is completely removed from the setup, what is the input power and how does it compare to all the other measured data when you place that coil back and check input power when the coil is unshorted and shorted?

If I missed something with Thane's finding in any respect and what worries me is just due to my lack of seeing some relevant data from him, then please try to tell.


EDIT:  In the meantime I found Overunityguide's all relevant data on input power when he removed the output coil with its core and he just gave the link to his latest video in which the regenerating acceleration effect is nicely demonstrated above the needed RPM.  As he wrote here:
http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=11350.msg299270#msg299270 this is not overunity.  The mere placement of the core material with the unloaded coil on it introduces loss and this is not by cogging in his setup but by eddy current loss in his core material I think.

So you think that minimizing the cogging in such setups AND using some tricks like inductance increase etc you could get more output than input.  Well,  all I can say is it would be worth testing it in practice...  Important details like utilizing inductance increase etc is to be figured out.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on September 04, 2011, 09:07:20 PM
Hi Gyula,

thanks for the reply.

I don't see things the same way as Thane does so I'm not about to try to explain his views on his research.

I personally built my own secure test box to test his findings. I built a thick plywood box with a Lexan window so the induction motor (prime mover) could be brought to the full the 3,300 RPM or so if I wanted. I did not publish my results as I have known Thane for a long time and did not want to cause a dispute.

I would agree that Eddy losses are present but the coil is Lenzless when loaded with a 1 Ohm or less Resistor. Unfortunately at that time I didn't know about biasing magnets, so I didn't test that. I tested with the coil loaded and then with the coil completely removed. There was always a small loss but I contributed it more to the magnet to core drag.

Is there such a loss?.. or is there only Eddy losses that exists when a magnet is attracted to a ferrous core and not 100% repelled?

I was hoping you would mention a little on biasing magnets compared to YouTube user llewgnal's methode.

Thanks for your time and advice


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on September 05, 2011, 09:09:56 AM
Hi Luc,

Ok on Thane I understand what you meant.
I mentioned the small biasing magnets to member rfmmars with respect to the llewgnal video because he (rfmmars) noticed the inductance decrease as a problem when using biasing magnets against cogging. Most people use Neo magnets for biasing and perhaps the smaller strength from ceramic magnets would just be enough to compensate for the strength differences in the original Neo rotor magnets. Cogging comes from these Neo magnet differences, even if you buy many Neos from the same grade, shape and size, they are never uniform and then the differences in the cores permeabilities add to the differences, hence to cogging.
What I got from the llewgnal video on cogging, he minimized it by choosing the 8 coil pair - 12 magnet combination and used no biasing magnets. I believe that in his setup a smoother rotation could be achieved by compensating the strength differences of the rotor magnets with attaching small ceramic magnets on the outside end of the cores and individually adjust the distance between the core and ceramic magnet by non magnetic spacers of different thicknesses -a long and patience demanding job...
Using the biasing magnets can have another beneficial effect what Doug Konzen calls regauging, see this on his site:

I do not think a direct loss in the output electric power comes from cogging, it may cause quicker mechanical wear for the ball bearings.
Eddy current induced in the core does cause loss in the output, this is why core material is important, bolts or non-laminated iron or steel cores etc are a direct candidate for eddy current losses.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 05, 2011, 03:52:53 PM
Hi everyone!
As i continue  experimenting with my rotor i found this strange phenomenon that i will try to describe.

The rotor spins freelly around 3000rpm

I connect a load (12V light bulb) and the rpm goes down around 1800rpm

Then, with the load connected i short the gen coil ( light bulb turns off ) and the rpm goes up around 2600.

This phenomenon happens only around 1500-2500 rpm and only with the load connected. I didn't use any capacitors like before;just the coil the light bulb and a simple cable to short the coil.
Does anyone have any ideea what is going on here??
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on September 05, 2011, 04:14:47 PM
Hi Mariuscivic,

Have you seen this video referred to here:

You may get some answers.  Please try to read through all that thread.

Sorry for keeping this short, I have to finish now and leave.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 05, 2011, 05:07:39 PM

Thanks for the quick reply.As i said on the energetic forum, I didn't expected this efect from the ferite
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 05, 2011, 07:21:06 PM
Hey Marius

Are you saying that if you dont have the light bulb on as a load first, then the shorting has bad effect, no speed up?

Is the bulb lighting as a load?

Have you tried adding more bulbs in parallel?  Maybe as you add more bulbs the speed will go up.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: llewgnal on September 05, 2011, 07:52:07 PM
Quote from: gotoluc on September 04, 2011, 12:37:07 PM
Thanks Gyula,

you always come through ;)... this is exactly what I was referring to.

What made me think of this is because of Richard's post http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg299387#msg299387 of a YouTube video of a generator that has next to no cogging. Link to YT video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nf4OJJuEiQ&feature=email

If we can build a generator that has next to or no cogging, then I quite sure we have OU.

I worked with Thane Heins for some months on his generator coils and I'm quite sure he would have OU if he could of only removed the cogging from his generator coils since when the generator coils were under load or shorted they had no Lenz drag on the prime mover.

To get Thane's effect a coil must be wound with many turns like a high voltage coil. So high Inductance is the main key. Later as Thane experimented with heavier wire he got more current out of his coils but he never got to the point of removing most of the magnet to core cogging. Now if we join or efforts, experience and knowledge we may get to an OU Lenz and Cogg free Generator.

If we use YouTube user llewgnal (Gary) minimal cogging design or maybe just biassing magnets if you think it's just as good. However, the big difference would be that if we use Finemet (nanocrystaline) cores instead of Ferrite since Ferrite has Inductance losses as the magnet approach it we may have a winner!... as the Finemet core may have an Inductance increase as the magnet approaches it as Eric has found. So if we wind the coils like Thane's Lenz free style (high Inductance) then the bonus maybe that we may need much less turns (wire) as the Inductance could be boosted by the Finemet core and magnet combination. In this case we would win big time as the coils would output much more current and have no Lenz effect under load.

What do you think?

Thanks for your time

   Just wanted to say the configuration of my Muller is  9 coils sets and 12 magnets.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on September 05, 2011, 08:54:47 PM
Lovely to see that the "Delayed Lenz Law" is indeed very repeatable and relevant to Romero's motor.

Funny I mention that since the beginning and many think it is not relevant. I think now we should also think about the next piece of the puzzle (that at least I think it is), which is the Howard Johnson gate effect caused by the coil, biasing magnets (plural) where there will be a point when the right combination of the poles of magnetic fields on coils, and bias magnets will create a "tri-gate" where it will push the rotor even further.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 06, 2011, 05:31:23 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 05, 2011, 07:21:06 PM
Hey Marius

Are you saying that if you dont have the light bulb on as a load first, then the shorting has bad effect, no speed up?

Is the bulb lighting as a load?

Have you tried adding more bulbs in parallel?  Maybe as you add more bulbs the speed will go up.

Hi Magluvin

What I trying to say is that with a load(12V light bulb) the rpm goes from 3000 to 1800.
In dead short the rpm goes from 3000 to 2600.
In dead short the rpm shouldn't decrease even more below 1800?
In theory, the dead short should produce highest lens force that will bring the rotor almost to a stop.For some reason (that I don't know) is not happening like that
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Poit on September 06, 2011, 07:34:14 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on September 06, 2011, 05:31:23 AM
Hi Magluvin

What I trying to say is that with a load(12V light bulb) the rpm goes from 3000 to 1800.
In dead short the rpm goes from 3000 to 2600.
In dead short the rpm shouldn't decrease even more below 1800?
In theory, the dead short should produce highest lens force that will bring the rotor almost to a stop.For some reason (that I don't know) is not happening like that

maybe theres a negative lenz law effect happening... see the thread about it http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=11350.msg299600#new
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 06, 2011, 07:50:10 AM
Quote from: Poit on September 06, 2011, 07:34:14 AM
maybe theres a negative lenz law effect happening... see the thread about it http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=11350.msg299600#new


Plug oscilloscope to one of your driving/generator coils, see when and where BEMF occurs - adjust the magnets rotation speed while changing frequency to pass over that kick delay timeframe before it occurs and you have it... :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Poit on September 06, 2011, 12:38:25 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on September 06, 2011, 07:50:10 AM

Plug oscilloscope to one of your driving/generator coils, see when and where BEMF occurs - adjust the magnets rotation speed while changing frequency to pass over that kick delay timeframe before it occurs and you have it... :)


huh? I'm not the one doing the experiments... (I wish :( lack of money)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: pinkyjee on September 06, 2011, 09:39:24 PM
I’ll definitely be updating the forum with any news on the outcome.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 07, 2011, 01:58:29 PM
Hi guys!
I made another video; maybe someone has a better explanation for this
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on September 07, 2011, 05:07:12 PM
Hey everyone,

I've been experimenting with driver coil shorting lately. In my current setup I have just one driver coil hooked up to my arduino controlled mosfet driving circuit. In a range between 11 and 14 volts I can remove the hall sensor completely and the driving coil would oscillate rapidly on it's own continuously without being pulsed. It makes a high and loud beeping/ringing sound (almost crying), indicating the audible oscillation frequency.

The input amps is rising and the coil is getting really hot. I just hooked up a diode to the coil and almost burned it up. It seems to be pulling a lot of current in this state.

Reducing input voltage below 11 volts and the effect is gone. My strong guess is that this is ferroresonance. Core material is iron powder.

Here is a (bad) screenshot showing the continuous oscillation:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 07, 2011, 06:32:24 PM
Hey Marius

Very cool on adding the second bulb and getting the increase.

Here is a question most should want an answer too....

Set it up the way you have in the video, where it speeds up very high when shorted.....

Measure the starting speed (no short)

Measure the top speed (coil shorted)

Then while at high speed, and coil is shorted, physically remove the shorted coil away from the rotor.

If when you do this, the speed goes down, then you have something big.  ;]

This will show if the coil helps the rotor achieve a higher speed than when the coil is not present.

So if its faster with the shorted coil than without the coil being near the rotor, then you need to add more shorted coils around the rotor.
Will it go faster?
Will there be a point that you can remove the drive coil and the rotor goes on by itself?  ;]

Good work your doing and thanks for showing.  I have not been able to get the shorted speedup yet.  Im hitting the rpms that you guys are, but maybe I need more for my particular setup and Im missing out on all the fun.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 07, 2011, 06:38:43 PM
Was just looking at my rotor.   I have 8 mags, but 16 holes. Maybe if I load them all up, I wont have to get the rpms too high because of more pulses per rotation. Higher freq to the coil but less rotation.  ;]

Just something to think about.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 07, 2011, 06:55:20 PM
I had written the previous post to Marius with the vid about 3/4 finished(waiting for it to finish download) and after, I finished the vid and I see that the rotor speeds up considerably more with no load than with the short.

Well it seems you are hitting a resonant point in freq of the coil. If it is just a lower harmonic, then higher pulse rate (more mags or higher rpm) would be needed to to get there.

So if you double the number of magnets, at the same speed, you will be near the next octave.

From what I understand, a single strand coil has low capacitance. Low.  So the freq of resonance could be much higher than what we are witnessing and we are seeing a lower harmonic.  Maybe.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 07, 2011, 06:55:52 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 07, 2011, 06:32:24 PM
Hey Marius

Very cool on adding the second bulb and getting the increase.

Here is a question most should want an answer too....

Set it up the way you have in the video, where it speeds up very high when shorted.....

Measure the starting speed (no short)

Measure the top speed (coil shorted)

Then while at high speed, and coil is shorted, physically remove the shorted coil away from the rotor.

If when you do this, the speed goes down, then you have something big.  ;]

This will show if the coil helps the rotor achieve a higher speed than when the coil is not present.

So if its faster with the shorted coil than without the coil being near the rotor, then you need to add more shorted coils around the rotor.
Will it go faster?
Will there be a point that you can remove the drive coil and the rotor goes on by itself?  ;]

Good work your doing and thanks for showing.  I have not been able to get the shorted speedup yet.  Im hitting the rpms that you guys are, but maybe I need more for my particular setup and Im missing out on all the fun.  ;]

Hi Magluvin!

In the video I short the coil witch has a load connected.

If i short the coil WITHOUT the load, the rpm goes down. It does NOT ''overspeed''

What i don't understand is why instead of decresing more the rpm, it allowes the rotor to speed up
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 07, 2011, 08:15:35 PM
Timing.   ;]

Like if you take a quality lead crystal wine glass and wet your finger, then rub your finger slowly on the rim of the glass, at the right speed, it will sing.   ;]  tiny vibrations(you can feel) cause the glass to vibrate at a particular freq(rpm)

So this is what you are doing to the coil. It sings its way past the magnets. The coil oscillates in time with the rotor magnet passings at these rpms(freq). So the coil is in a swing(very fast) back and forth, in time with the rotor, and allowing the rotor to rotate more efficiently(less drag).  Still we have dome drag on the rotor as compared to no load.

I had explained this earlier that the coil may only oscillate for 1 cycle with a load to kill it, but with the rotor pulsing it at the freq of the coils resonance, the coil just may be leading the magnet pass due to the rotor hasnt gotten to the freq the coil wants to vibrate at yet. So this is where I see the long range speedup. The rotor speed catching up to the coils vibration speed. I believe anyway.  ;]

Do you have an oscilloscope?

Since you are at this point, have you tried fine tuning a bias magnet on the coil? This may help.

Also, I would love to see you output the coil to a bridge rectifier, then the dc to a cap, then see if both bulbs together are brighter than the bulbs directly on the coil. I think they will be brighter.  ;]  But will the rotor be faster also.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gotoluc on September 08, 2011, 01:10:51 AM
Quote from: gotoluc on September 04, 2011, 12:37:07 PM
Thanks Gyula,

you always come through ;)... this is exactly what I was referring to.

What made me think of this is because of Richard's post http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg299387#msg299387 of a YouTube video of a generator that has next to no cogging. Link to YT video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nf4OJJuEiQ&feature=email

If we can build a generator that has next to or no cogging, then I quite sure we have OU.

I worked with Thane Heins for some months on his generator coils and I'm quite sure he would have OU if he could of only removed the cogging from his generator coils since when the generator coils were under load or shorted they had no Lenz drag on the prime mover.

To get Thane's effect a coil must be wound with many turns like a high voltage coil. So high Inductance is the main key. Later as Thane experimented with heavier wire he got more current out of his coils but he never got to the point of removing most of the magnet to core cogging. Now if we join or efforts, experience and knowledge we may get to an OU Lenz and Cogg free Generator.

If we use YouTube user llewgnal (Gary) minimal cogging design or maybe just biassing magnets if you think it's just as good. However, the big difference would be that if we use Finemet (nanocrystaline) cores instead of Ferrite since Ferrite has Inductance losses as the magnet approach it we may have a winner!... as the Finemet core may have an Inductance increase as the magnet approaches it as Eric has found. So if we wind the coils like Thane's Lenz free style (high Inductance) then the bonus maybe that we may need much less turns (wire) as the Inductance could be boosted by the Finemet core and magnet combination. In this case we would win big time as the coils would output much more current and have no Lenz effect under load.

What do you think?

Thanks for your time


Hi everyone,

for anyone is interested, I started a topic with a video demo on testing cores that increase Inductance from a PM field.

Link to topic: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=11377.new#new

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 08, 2011, 01:35:15 AM
Hi mariusivic

thats a great video with very dramatic speedup too -

can you convert the output of the generator coil being shorted into DC with a single diode, and also try a half-bridge (two didoes) and also a FWBR too,  then try it into a heavy resistive load simulating a shorted-conditon, and see if you can get speed up when its rectified to DC? 
also, can you try a transformer into a heavy load, both AC load and a DC load too? and see it that gives the speed up too....seem seems like looper isnt too far away if you can convert a lot of these coils to DC and fill big DC cap that runs the motor...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 08, 2011, 01:50:55 AM
Hi Chalmalad

Are you shorting the coil too, when it oscillates? Is it being pulsed at a specific frequency too if being shorted?
i dont know if it is ferroresonance, since the input amps seems to go way up - I would think the input would go down if core is in some resonant state like if coil is in resonance but maybe there is a clash between the coil and core causing the increase but dont know just a guess.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on September 08, 2011, 03:08:06 AM
Quote from: konehead on September 08, 2011, 01:50:55 AM
Hi Chalmalad

Are you shorting the coil too, when it oscillates? Is it being pulsed at a specific frequency too if being shorted?
i dont know if it is ferroresonance, since the input amps seems to go way up - I would think the input would go down if core is in some resonant state like if coil is in resonance but maybe there is a clash between the coil and core causing the increase but dont know just a guess.

Hey kone,

The effect stops after shorting. What I can do is hook up a diode the way you would catch the BEMF and put that into DC cap and then back to the positive coil. That almost killed the diode.

Once excited I can stop the rotor and it would continue oscillating. The oscillation is very rapid, very uniform and the frequency can be changed by regulating the input voltage to a certain degree.

Interestingly a frequency change is also audible if you move a magnet closer to the coil while it is ringing. So you can hear a change in the coil by introducing magnets.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on September 08, 2011, 03:31:32 AM
Someone asked me where I bought the iron powder cores so I am sharing the link with ya'll.

http://www.spulen.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=747 (it's a German shop though)

I understand now that heat is a big problem. In this resonant state (whatever it's cause) you can easily melt your coil. That's probably why Romero chose the soft ferrite (like he says, heat is a problem). So I am not sure if these iron powder cores are the final way to go, but for testing and gaining experience it might be helpful.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: firlight on September 08, 2011, 06:43:45 AM
Hi Luc
               With regards to the increase of core inductance,This is quit normal.as these
  cores are "Square Loop" .Bringing the core close to a bias magnet will push it into
a high permeability zone of the core.For your interest this effect will also occur  in other non tape wound cores ,but are Square Loop..i know this having worked with square loop cores in the construction computer memory stores in the 1950`s.
You will find the toroid's make really good pulse motor drivers.
also check this out.


Best Regards Dave
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on September 09, 2011, 01:43:57 PM
This video from you mariuscivic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naXG9M_qld4 is screaming to us the path we should go.

You demonstrated on this one video the acceleration (delayed Lenz) under load using a transformer as a "decoupling" mechanism, the biasing magnet effective use and the necessary speed to "break through the Lenz barrier".

That explains why so many can not achieve anything so far, including me. In my case I have way too little rpm.

Also it corroborates once again with Romero assertions. More we progress more I see ourselves getting closer to OU.

Thank you and great work.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on September 09, 2011, 06:02:03 PM
Hey Plengo:
   Many thanks for shareing that. I made a comment elsewhere to the effect that can the load produce the extra rpm needed to sustain the load. You just proved that. The transformer is another key to the puzzle. I remember the original muller system has transformers off the coils and not directly to the bridges.
   I finally got everything together today and ordered the endpices and rotor for my next build. These are +- .oo5 tolerances. Next build is 8 1" mags and 10 coils each side. Without a doubt, I will need transformers on the output with matching caps to tune into the rpm factor.

   All along, I did believe the original performed as stated. Just got tired of the bs and left. Now we shall see. Rock the house with the house mouse. Amps up full.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chrisC on September 09, 2011, 06:32:32 PM
Quote from: plengo on September 09, 2011, 01:43:57 PM
This video from you mariuscivic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naXG9M_qld4 is screaming to us the path we should go.

You demonstrated on this one video the acceleration (delayed Lenz) under load using a transformer as a "decoupling" mechanism, the biasing magnet effective use and the necessary speed to "break through the Lenz barrier".

That explains why so many can not achieve anything so far, including me. In my case I have way too little rpm.

Also it corroborates once again with Romero assertions. More we progress more I see ourselves getting closer to OU.

Thank you and great work.


Many thanks for following this thread and keeping up and especially for updating us. I've been out of the loop for several months and won't have time for another few months. But this is very interesting. Hopefully Thay and others can follow up on the wonderful experiments of Mariuscivic.
Keep it up! Soon we'll get to Romero's self runner.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on September 09, 2011, 07:18:18 PM
Sorry guys am I missing here something..?

Generating coil conditions:

1. Open coil    = SEVERE drag (not sure why - to the point where heat melted coil wire coating and shorted out - in my own personal project!)
2. Closed coil  = huge drag relief (obvious driver acceleration)
3. Loaded coil = light drag relief (light acceleration)

Sounds like Thein Heins stuff again... doesnt it?  ;)
Thank You for sharing.

Best of luck
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on September 09, 2011, 10:19:44 PM
Quote from: minde4000 on September 09, 2011, 07:18:18 PM

2. Closed coil  = huge drag relief (obvious driver acceleration)


Not true acceleration due to do increase in available power, just massive reduction in coil/core breaking effect.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: onthecuttingedge2005 on September 09, 2011, 10:24:46 PM
you want my time, go nuclear or above, you r wasting our time.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on September 09, 2011, 10:35:39 PM
Quote from: hoptoad on September 09, 2011, 10:19:44 PM
Not true acceleration due to do increase in available power, just massive reduction in coil/core breaking effect.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on September 10, 2011, 12:37:52 AM
Has anyone ever tired rolling a core, instead of using straight laminates


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on September 10, 2011, 11:54:53 AM
It is funny experience to watch this forum..
Some prick shows up claiming he has free energy - throw a little bone name "free energy" and a couple of lines in here to fuel the flames - and all these people go off the hook.. wasting their time and money on something fake.
If inventor comes here and does not disclose his "invention" in full - hes a SCAM - PERIOD. (I am yet to see a single case otherwise)
It was so OBVIOUS this guy was a scam from day one solely because he showed up and dissapeared. Inventor willing to help others and disclose his info would never do that. I have seen that before and this is just another case lol.

But then these newbies come in a start blessing useless crap (since they are new and dont have much understanding)  and silence or call trolls all the ones who try to expose this scam.

And this is repeating pattern. Even the projects. Most of them repeat again and again...

Like TC heins "acceleration" crap - this thing started years ago - has been debunked and EXPLAINED before - and yet it appearently still going on. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on September 10, 2011, 12:17:29 PM

it could be true what you are saying but this single thread and some other ones are showing great progress. Who would even imagine that Lenz law can be delayed? Do they teach that in academia? I know some one shown a video from MIT that can explain this but this is not really thought.

It is thought a immutable law which we are proving to be incomplete. More we work on this more we will crack this.

Saying it does not work or it is impossible is useless and easy. So, let's get our hands dutty.

And BTW, this thread is still monitored by me and I will still change unrelated or negative comments.


ps: great video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QziS_o6gSnQ&feature=uploademail
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on September 10, 2011, 01:21:19 PM
Quote from: plengo on September 10, 2011, 12:17:29 PM

And BTW, this thread is still monitored by me and I will still change unrelated or negative comments.
ps: great video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QziS_o6gSnQ&feature=uploademail

Ya I guess you do that..
I admit my expression in previous post was harsh but its truth. I am in no way trying  discourage anyones research  . Just trying to point out the facts maybe mistakes observed in person and by several other here. Not everybody likes that obviously.

When it comes to that video what I see he is explaining LCR reactances and different frequencies there (creates acceleration - there is no acceleration!! - isnt this stuff getting too old?). Its LC theories and equations. Of course inductor reacts differently to different frequency strength and duration of the signal. YES you can create resonant circuit with PM motor coils and caps wich will obey all rules the regular LC would obey driven by solid state driver. I have created parallel LC using 2H coil with 0.2uf cap. Upon reaching resonance coil+cap impedance became so high that heavy rotor almost jammed in place thus lifting one side of the setup like 10 inches. I became convinced that magnetic field amplification in PM motor LC system is very real.

I am all for discoveries and research. But I believe we should learn from mistakes and implement what we learn into our and other people feature projects. I believe that by pointing out certain facts however dissapointing they are is the right thing to do and should not be considered as a  "negative comments". These are facts from personal experience - not a crappy opinion or a scam.

With respect


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on September 10, 2011, 01:26:10 PM
Quote from: plengo on September 10, 2011, 12:17:29 PM

it could be true what you are saying but this single thread and some other ones are showing great progress. Who would even imagine that Lenz law can be delayed? Do they teach that in academia? I know some one shown a video from MIT that can explain this but this is not really thought.

It is thought a immutable law which we are proving to be incomplete. More we work on this more we will crack this.

Saying it does not work or it is impossible is useless and easy. So, let's get our hands dutty.

And BTW, this thread is still monitored by me and I will still change unrelated or negative comments.


ps: great video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QziS_o6gSnQ&feature=uploademail

The (motor) rotor speed, combined with the number of magnets on the rotor, determines coil current frequency, and plays a very important initial role, because the inductive reactance (XL) of the generating coil increases with frequency. As a consequence, the current phase angle will be greater for a higher frequency coil output than a lower frequency coil output, into the same given load. The acceleration effect will occur at a lower rotor rpm when using high impedance pick up coils than the rpm required when using low impedance pick up coils."


from page 11



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 10, 2011, 01:47:25 PM
the accleration of rotor with load you can "debunk" by saying you already have a great loss in rpms because of the ferrous core in the single generator coil,
and all that you have done is cancel-out or reduce the cogging of the cores against the rotor magnets so its a "no-gainer"
but it certainly is good way to put the output of the generator coils into a load as compared to the normal ultra-lugging method of jsut jamming the generator coils into load and making rotor rotor slow horrible...
what do you think the effeciency of normal way is in Mariusivics video jsut as example? comparing the input watts to output watts with no speed up? probalby around 10% effeciency - say 2 watts out and 20 watts in when it rotates very slow becaseu of the extreme lugging? (just guessing but somethign like this I bet)

Whats the effeciency with the speed up happenieng? mabye 5 watts out and 10 watts in? 50% or so (jsut guessing) but this is GOOD is it not...over double the effeciency so why complain.

And no reason you wont get same acceleratio say with 9 exaclty the same  high impedance "accelerating" coils against those same 8 magnets.. and it will make the acceleration effect  X 9 too - and because its a SPINNING GENRATOR, when you get more rpms you get more power....

with the 9coils vs 8 mags, you now have no "inital cogging" too to debunk with - this is the point I want to make that others are making too - single coil testing, or non-cogging coils vs mag setup you get a lot of cogging to "overcome" and so any accelration under load or short will be "attributed" to cancelling this cogging - and no gain/overuinty  too....

BUT step up into the odd vs even no-cogging configuration and and whole new ball game and its all good.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 11, 2011, 09:20:18 AM
Hi guys!
I found an usefull thing (maybe you did too so if you did please ignore this)
Every time i connect i diferent load to the same gen coil, i have to adjust the position of the hall sensor for best output under load
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on September 11, 2011, 09:59:32 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on September 11, 2011, 09:20:18 AM
Hi guys!
I found an usefull thing (maybe you did too so if you did please ignore this)
Every time i connect i diferent load to the same gen coil, i have to adjust the position of the hall sensor for best output under load

Great observation. I noticed that in my setup too, but in my case I had too many parameters changing so I could not relate the effect. I think you are correct and Romero also said he had some magnets on the perimeter of the rotor for timing and later stopped using. I guess it has to do with the load being different.

Great finding.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on September 11, 2011, 10:02:24 AM
Two very good post at the EF: http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/7982-muller-generator-replication-romerouk-54.html#post156278



copy below:

QuoteToranarod said:
I took some data yesterday of a basic setup. I will use that.

I recorded a speed of 4728 RPM and some lenz drag efficacy was present at that velocity.

At 4728 RPM and a rotor diameter of 200 millimeters. We have a surface tip speed. of 178 Kmh. this then calculates to 49511 mm a second. the Magnets are closer in but for now leave it at that.

My hole coil had a Diameter of 50mm. How long did it take for the coil to pass the magnet? There are other factors here to, how far is it before it's out of range of the magnetic fields effect.

pass speed 1.01 milliseconds do we agree?

If you get different figures Please correct me.

using the LR time constant L= 3.94mH / 1.32 Ohm = 2.98 milliseconds to 63%
magnetic field.

this seem to be right because there was a reduction of Lenz at this RPM

Now what about the core?


Elias said:


I think that I found out another secret to this machine.

The first secret is to take advantage of the time lag of current inside the coil.
The second secret is to take advantage of the time lag of the voltage rising on the charging capacitor.

The generator voltage on the coils is perfect for charging capacitors, because it rises like a sine slope. See this paper: http://www.overunity.de/index.php?ac...downfile&id=70, There is a time delay for a capactor to charge namely R*C, if you respect that slope, then you have charged your capacitor with minimum current, if you try to charge the capacitor faster than that rate you will only use up current as wasted energy. It is that simple.

The best design would be to choose a capacitor that can be charged faster than the rise of the sine wave. Lets see if Romeros design fits this analogy:

The resistance of one coil ~ 0.7 ohms
The total resistance ~ 0.7*2/7 = 0.2 ohms
The capacitor ~ 47000 uF

time delay for charging the capacitor = RC = 47000 * 0.2 = 9.4 msec

One RC is the time that is required for the voltage to rise up to about 60%.

Now Romero has 8 magnets on his rotor, each magnet passes the coil at about 6.25 msec, So as you can see the capacitor can charge with 1 or 2 magnets passing by, also it takes advantage of the coil time lag, because charging a capacitor with low voltage is approximately like shorting the coils.

I think that the DC-DC converter acts like a pulsing mechanism for the cap. Normally DC- DC converters operate by a buck-boost method, in which an inductor is pulsed, to raise the voltage level.

With these concepts in mind, it is becoming obvious how this device operates.


EDIT: Found a perfect analogy for this: consider that you are watching a youtube video that is loading slower than the rate of the video, then you will encounter resistance, and waste of time and choppy video, but If the video loads faster than the rate of it, then you can watch it smoothly, without any "resistance".
That is exactly how we should charge capacitors, we must respect the rate at which it wants to charge, then it will charge with no current. If we charge it too fast we will waste energy, and if we charge too slow, we do not use the full potential of the system.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on September 11, 2011, 10:31:57 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on September 11, 2011, 09:20:18 AM
Hi guys!
I found an usefull thing (maybe you did too so if you did please ignore this)
Every time i connect i diferent load to the same gen coil, i have to adjust the position of the hall sensor for best output under load

"if the load is increased then all setup must be changed."

Romero uk

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 12, 2011, 07:57:25 AM
Hi everyone!

I have something that should interes all of us

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: stAtrill on September 12, 2011, 12:08:26 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on September 12, 2011, 07:57:25 AM
Hi everyone!

I have something that should interes all of us


This is crazy, you know your getting close when you're starting to play with strange runaway effects.

I seriously wish you had a full battery of decent scopes and measuring equipment, it may be that your voltage isn't dropping, but that your meter is having trouble measuring the VAC in the coil accurately.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 12, 2011, 01:42:46 PM
hi Mariusivic

I assume your meter is reading voltage in AC setting (DC is not going to work at all) and assume also your 8 rotor magnets are all facing same polarity too....so the meter isnt really reading a "pure sinewave AC"  it is reading the slanted and askew and choppy "AC" wave that the all N rotor magnets make and at certain speeds and rpms it will be sampling this or that volts that happen to "resemble" a standard AC pure sinewave that the meter has the time and possiblility of actually sampling...
thats why when you slowed it way down with a load, the voltage went up  - which you know "isnt right" - the meter now had much more time to make its what-it-thinks-is-AC voltage samples since the rpms slowed so much.
If you had rotor magnets that were N-S-N-S-N-S-N-S then you meter would see a much better AC signal and reading in AC  would be closer to what is real just this as an example - (but I'm not suggesting you change yor rotor magnets at all - it works great as is)
So with all-N magnet in rotor the meter just cant read it correctly and does all sorts of confusing things according to what it can be sampling for those short bits of time it does its sampling.
If you really want to see what the voltage coming out from generator coil really is, during loading and all that, put a FWBR on the output of the genrator coils to rectify to DC, and a DC cap too across the DC out of the FWBR too, now you meter in DC setting should behave in a predictable way and be fairly accurate...

however the diodes in the FWBR might mess up the behavior of the speed-up event you get when shorting and loading - which is the great thing you have done -

so use that meter and FWBR and DC cap just to get an indication of voltage you have coming out of coil for general knowledge, or if you want to do some lump-resistive load tests to figure watts using ohms law, but dont use the bridge if it messes up the speed-up event you got a couple videos back...

I see that a "regauging" magnet behind your motor coil really drops the input amps of the motor-coil input in your first video ( I get same thing too) - Have you got any good results with regauging magnet behind the cores of the generator coils yet?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 12, 2011, 06:01:39 PM
Quote from: konehead on September 12, 2011, 01:42:46 PM
hi Mariusivic

If you really want to see what the voltage coming out from generator coil really is, during loading and all that, put a FWBR on the output of the genrator coils to rectify to DC, and a DC cap too across the DC out of the FWBR too, now you meter in DC setting should behave in a predictable way and be fairly accurate...

however the diodes in the FWBR might mess up the behavior of the speed-up event you get when shorting and loading - which is the great thing you have done -

so use that meter and FWBR and DC cap just to get an indication of voltage you have coming out of coil for general knowledge, or if you want to do some lump-resistive load tests to figure watts using ohms law, but dont use the bridge if it messes up the speed-up event you got a couple videos back...

I see that a "regauging" magnet behind your motor coil really drops the input amps of the motor-coil input in your first video ( I get same thing too) - Have you got any good results with regauging magnet behind the cores of the generator coils yet?

Hi Konehead!

I've just finished doing the measurements. With my metter on DC i could see exactly what's going on. And guess what? The voltage behavied exactly like in the video , only this time in DC. Also i connected an analog metter and the readings were the same as the digital one.(so my ultra-supa-cheap metter is right  ;D )
From what i observed about the biasing mags; sure there will be a point were i could use the mags behind the gen coils but for now i stoped using them. Yes, they increase the output but in the end , the input power increases too.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 12, 2011, 06:33:16 PM
Hey Marius

Well I finally got the speedup effect.  Actually, I was working on 3 projects this weekend, and I found it while doing some other tests.  I found it when slowing down with a cap. The rotor was going too fast and the cap/coil resonance was lower than the running speed of the rotor.

When it(rotor) gets down to the resonant freq, the rpms rest at one point, lock in. Like it is regulating the rotor speed.

Will have a vid in a little while. Ya might think it funny how big the coil I am testing is.  ;]  But it is the only one I have that works so far, or at least one that I have found the freq of, with caps. 

When the rotor is at full unloaded speed, shorting the coil has no effect at all, but with a 1uf cap, badabing , slows to res freq and holds.  If I start with the rotor slower than holding speed, it rises when the cap is connected.

Then I added a 4.7uf and the resonant freq goes down even more and locks in to that freq(rpm).

At full rpm, no cap, open coil, I get about 8v. With the cap and rpm locked, about 49v.   Nice.  Like shorting without switches.  ;]

Will be working on the setup for a vid right now, be back in a bit.

I have an rpm meter and all, and will show measurements.

I have never gotten a coil/cap to do this ever before. Its refreshing to experience.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 12, 2011, 06:48:05 PM
Any chance to attach oscilloscope and post screnshots here? Would be nice to see behaviours without cap and with cap :) (I suspect very similar waves with resonant frequency drop because of capacitor in addition to internal coils capacitance).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 12, 2011, 07:05:32 PM
Hey T

I have a ProbeScope from Radshack.  Only 1 trace and tiny screen, but  Ill rig it up.  ;]

Yeh, Im surprised that this coil im running doesnt have the capacitance to be a shorter at the rpms Im running.

I tell ya, once you get to this point, things feel good. Its only resonance, but I can see that it only wants to run at that freq(rpm).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Shadesz on September 12, 2011, 07:16:53 PM
Not to burst bubbles but I think you guys should read some info here if you haven't. It relates to loading a coil and seeing acceleration due to the position of the timing switch, not due to lenz avoidance.

Start at post 1626
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 12, 2011, 08:37:37 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 12, 2011, 06:33:16 PM
Hey Marius

Well I finally got the speedup effect.  Actually, I was working on 3 projects this weekend, and I found it while doing some other tests.  I found it when slowing down with a cap. The rotor was going too fast and the cap/coil resonance was lower than the running speed of the rotor.
When it(rotor) gets down to the resonant freq, the rpms rest at one point, lock in. Like it is regulating the rotor speed.
Will have a vid in a little while. Ya might think it funny how big the coil I am testing is.  ;]  But it is the only one I have that works so far, or at least one that I have found the freq of, with caps. 
When the rotor is at full unloaded speed, shorting the coil has no effect at all, but with a 1uf cap, badabing , slows to res freq and holds.  If I start with the rotor slower than holding speed, it rises when the cap is connected.
Then I added a 4.7uf and the resonant freq goes down even more and locks in to that freq(rpm).
At full rpm, no cap, open coil, I get about 8v. With the cap and rpm locked, about 49v.   Nice.  Like shorting without switches.  ;]
Will be working on the setup for a vid right now, be back in a bit.
I have an rpm meter and all, and will show measurements.
I have never gotten a coil/cap to do this ever before. Its refreshing to experience.  ;]


Hi Mags

Glad to hear you got the effect too. Now lets hope we can do something with it.
I'm waiting for some video  ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 12, 2011, 08:47:42 PM
Quote from: Shadesz on September 12, 2011, 07:16:53 PM
It relates to loading a coil and seeing acceleration due to the position of the timing switch, not due to lenz avoidance.

Exactly - correct resonant frequency and correct phase... :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 12, 2011, 09:48:38 PM
Well, Ive been messing with this to get things right for a vid and I have to let my AA batts charge a bit.

Its funny, Im not getting speed up like I was last night. Im using all the same caps. Maybe the batteries being low is causing issues with where the rpms get to.  But I am getting the lockup at freq. Bigger cap lower freq.  And much higher voltages at freq.

Will make a vid in about half hour, the batts will have enough to show by then. We will see if the speed up comes back.  ;]

After the vid Im gunna have to play some more to get the speed up goin again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 13, 2011, 12:09:09 AM
Well  its gunna be about 120 min according to youtube. =[


It wont show till fully uploaded and process.

It got cut a little short. My camera stopped reccording at just under 10 min, but the only thing missing is "ok Im finished"  ;]

Couldnt get the speedup.  Now Ill be up all night figuring it out.  But interesting stuff.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 13, 2011, 05:12:26 AM
@ Magz,

Really, really interesting how the rotor 'wants' to stay there. Do you think the reason the magnets stop jumping is because, without the caps, the gen coil has a lot less parasitic capacitance ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 13, 2011, 06:49:37 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 13, 2011, 12:09:09 AM
Well  its gunna be about 120 min according to youtube. =[


It wont show till fully uploaded and process.

It got cut a little short. My camera stopped reccording at just under 10 min, but the only thing missing is "ok Im finished"  ;]

Couldnt get the speedup.  Now Ill be up all night figuring it out.  But interesting stuff.

Hi Mags!

Nice video! I had the same problem too: one time worked, 5 min after didn't worked. Interesting fact showing the little magnet jumping around the coil while in resonance. I'm in love with your coils; i wish i would have something like that; all my wires are from old transformers witch takes me a lot of time  to reuse them.
Now i'm searching for someone or some company to do me some custom made coils but so far nothing.

I found something interesting in your video: the poles of your magnets are up and down,right?
If yes, than you should put your coils up or down for better results
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 13, 2011, 07:52:11 AM
Hi Marius, i am qvision over at energetic :)

@ Magz,

Why are your magnet faces not facing the coil ends ?

*EDIT* Just saw Marius has asked seen the same thing *EDIT*
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 13, 2011, 08:00:26 AM
Marius i don't know where you live but there are nice coils here (UK company):

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 13, 2011, 09:58:47 AM
Quote from: DeepCut on September 13, 2011, 08:00:26 AM
Marius i don't know where you live but there are nice coils here (UK company):


Thanks for the link!
Yes,they are verry nice;i'm in east europe but unfortunatly i can not affort  them
Thanks again!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 13, 2011, 10:54:32 AM
10 min ago i withness something that didn't belived is posible.

I have the gen coil with 3uF in paralel
The rpm arrives at around 4000rpm and stays there.
I conect the light bulb and the rmp begins to accelerate slowly with the load connected.
Around 6000 rpm i disconnect the load and the rpm starts to  increas again with an constant acceleration.
After 5-10 seconds i connect the load again and the rpm begibs to ACCELERATE LIKE NEVER BEFORE. I think i hit 9000 rpm in an matter of seconds. That realy scared me and i disconected the input power.
When i first tested the rotor(rpm without any gen coils around) I hit 9500rpm but after 7000 rpm the acceleration was really slow.
My conclusion? The 3 uF cap and the load helped in increasing the rpm
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 13, 2011, 12:23:19 PM
Hey Marius and Deep

Thanks.   The magnets are N48 1/2in x 1/8 diametric.  Magnetized at the rim of the dia.    N facing out.

I have had this rotor for a couple years, and has done good work for me.

Marius,  I would love to see a vid on the post you just wrote.  ;]

Actually Im jealous of your coils Marius.  ;]  you get lots of bang for your buck with those things.

You can order rolls of wire on ebay for a good price to roll your own.  ;]  The 3 drivers coils are old crossover coils for speakers to cut out the high freq, subwoofer.  The large coil is one that I had wound with wire from ebay.  I believe it was 2700ft for $35 if I recall.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 13, 2011, 02:26:01 PM
Hi Magz, Marius :)

Marius that sounds pretty crazy ! Strange things were happening with Magz' setup as well with caps inline.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 13, 2011, 04:23:46 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 13, 2011, 12:23:19 PM
Hey Marius and Deep

Marius,  I would love to see a vid on the post you just wrote.  ;]


Hi Mags

Well, bad news.
9000 rpm was a little too much for my rotor. I dont want to destroy anything around
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 13, 2011, 05:34:01 PM
Hey Marius

You can fix that.  If you have access to fiberglass, thin "cloth" as in woven not "mat" that is random fibers.  4oz cloth is thin.
Use a thin superglue. 2 wraps around the edge should do. Superglue is about as strong as resin, but its the glass that has the strength. If done neatly, it will add only less than 1/8 in to the diameter. Superglue the cracks also before applying the glass.

Very nice mold of your rotor by the way. ;] Did you use tabletop resin?  Great balancing job also.  ;]

You could glass the top and bottom surface also. This should solidify your rotor well. Use resin.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 13, 2011, 06:24:23 PM

What you could do to prevent that breaking is a slightly different rotor design.

Use two, thinner, discs and superglue the magnets in between them.

Then again, i haven't used that design at 9,000 RPM !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 13, 2011, 07:32:47 PM
Quote from: DeepCut on September 13, 2011, 06:24:23 PM

What you could do to prevent that breaking is a slightly different rotor design.

Or wind more thin wire to make coils with more inductance - that drops resonant frequency as well but raises operational voltage.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Poit on September 14, 2011, 03:06:54 AM
Hi everyone... great work!!

I haven't read all 339 pages :O

could someone that's been following this from the start tell me if they (or any one else) has confirmed OU?

much appreciated...

Pete (Poit)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 14, 2011, 08:46:48 AM
Hi guys

About the post 5075; i can't get that effect again . The rottor is holding on. I tooked it again to 9500 rpm to see if it holds. So far so good.
But i can not get the effect again(this puts me in a bad position). I tryed every thing and nothing.
Anyway, this is the coil witch works best so far for the acceleration under load.
The core is from 8 pieces of laminated iron from an old and little transformer.(5 mm/35mm).
I did not counted the turns but sould be 800-900
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on September 14, 2011, 09:14:08 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on September 14, 2011, 08:46:48 AM
Hi guys

About the post 5075; i can't get that effect again . The rottor is holding on. I tooked it again to 9500 rpm to see if it holds. So far so good.
But i can not get the effect again(this puts me in a bad position). I tryed every thing and nothing.
Anyway, this is the coil witch works best so far for the acceleration under load.
The core is from 8 pieces of laminated iron from an old and little transformer.(5 mm/35mm).
I did not counted the turns but sould be 800-900
If the magnets are not in place like before it will never work and you might need to make another rotor. Small differences in the magnets alignment will prevent the rotor to speedup. Check the distance from the coil to the rotor, that is critical too.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on September 14, 2011, 11:52:53 AM
Quote from: romerouk on September 14, 2011, 09:14:08 AM
If the magnets are not in place like before it will never work and you might need to make another rotor. Small differences in the magnets alignment will prevent the rotor to speedup. Check the distance from the coil to the rotor, that is critical too.


Hey Romero!  Thanks for dropping in.  Do you think we are we getting any closer with this delayed Lenz effect?  Possibly just one part of the puzzle.  Who would you say here or on Energeticforum is getting close if anyone? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cherryman on September 14, 2011, 11:52:59 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on September 14, 2011, 08:46:48 AM
Hi guys

About the post 5075; i can't get that effect again . The rottor is holding on. I tooked it again to 9500 rpm to see if it holds. So far so good.
But i can not get the effect again(this puts me in a bad position). I tryed every thing and nothing.
Anyway, this is the coil witch works best so far for the acceleration under load.
The core is from 8 pieces of laminated iron from an old and little transformer.(5 mm/35mm).
I did not counted the turns but sould be 800-900

Maybe if you have the time; try sticking out the core, out of the coil a little.

As soft iron is very good in collecting magnet particles, it might be worth a try if it will help picking up more floating particles at the part where it sticks out of the coil, and transport them along the iron and finally the coils picks them up.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on September 14, 2011, 11:59:14 AM
mariuscivic,  I am reminded here since Romero showed up he said his best effect was somewhere between 1000 and 2000 RPM.  I don't recall exactly but seems it was around 1350 RPM.  I think you are testing luck by running such a rotor at over 9000 RPM.  Those magnets would become bullets at that speed if they break loose.  Take care. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 14, 2011, 12:53:16 PM
Played around with this last night and couldnt get speedup again yet.  Thought about it today, and I did do some adjustments the other day to the core( in/ out ) and I will try that tonight.

Im also going to try a reed switch to the gumbo.  There lots to do. There's possibilities of not switching on the reed till the mag is at tdc of the coil, giving the rotor a chance to speed up using the attraction to the core , orbo like. 

And my coil is large. It could be an issue when compared to the gaps between the magnet being small. When one mag is at the incoming edge of the coil, another mag is just leaving the other side. So getting very similar results to smaller coils is probably difficult. Maybe its why I get lockup sync and not speedup quite as easily.  I need to try all my other coils with caps to see if I missed something there.

Im also going to try filling all 16 holes in the rotor, along with trying alternate poles out. I can get speeds of over 5000 rpm being that the driver coils get to push and pull the rotor for each pulse.   The reed has to be biased with a tiny mag to only allow the reed to close with one field polarity of a rotor magnet and not the other.  ;]

I had some doubts for a while on this with a lot of failed testings before now. I feel a lot better about it all now. ;]

If any have tried and failed to get any results, try some caps and see what ya get...   


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 14, 2011, 01:00:12 PM
Hey Marius

There is also packaging tape that has fiberglass strands lengthwise.  2 to 4 wraps around the rotors edge should hold things together for further testing for now, and shouldnt add much to the diameter of the rotor.   ;]

It would be interesting to calculate the speed that the magnets are traveling at 9500 rpm, using the circumference to calculate.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on September 14, 2011, 01:13:36 PM
Quote from: e2matrix on September 14, 2011, 11:52:53 AM
Hey Romero!  Thanks for dropping in.  Do you think we are we getting any closer with this delayed Lenz effect?  Possibly just one part of the puzzle.  Who would you say here or on Energeticforum is getting close if anyone?
Mariuscivic and toranarod  are close enough.Both will have to concentrate to get the effect at lower speed. After a certain rpm you will have no gain then again at the next step will have again and so on...

Example: if starting the effect at 1000 rpm then the gain is going to vanish at 1600rpm then we can get it again starting at 2000rpm... at one point in every cycle voltage drops down even if the rpm is going high.We are getting multiple resonance points and not all are the seme, some are better than others. This is only one example, don't take for real and start looking to have 1000rpm...
Now I am not looking to get the speedup too much, I want the rpm to stay stable at any load or short. I am going to have it confirmed when I will finish my new generator, towards the end of this month.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lanenal on September 16, 2011, 02:25:08 AM
Quote from: romerouk on September 14, 2011, 01:13:36 PM
Mariuscivic and toranarod  are close enough.Both will have to concentrate to get the effect at lower speed. After a certain rpm you will have no gain then again at the next step will have again and so on...

Example: if starting the effect at 1000 rpm then the gain is going to vanish at 1600rpm then we can get it again starting at 2000rpm... at one point in every cycle voltage drops down even if the rpm is going high.We are getting multiple resonance points and not all are the seme, some are better than others. This is only one example, don't take for real and start looking to have 1000rpm...
Now I am not looking to get the speedup too much, I want the rpm to stay stable at any load or short. I am going to have it confirmed when I will finish my new generator, towards the end of this month.


Hi Romero, good to read you again. I wonder if the input current is important too? Many here are trying to keep the input current at minimum, while I noticed in your self-running video you showed us 1 Amp! Aren't we heading in the wrong direction?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on September 16, 2011, 06:53:18 AM
Quote from: lanenal on September 16, 2011, 02:25:08 AM
Hi Romero, good to read you again. I wonder if the input current is important too? Many here are trying to keep the input current at minimum, while I noticed in your self-running video you showed us 1 Amp! Aren't we heading in the wrong direction?
I would like not to reffer to that muller device I had. What I am talking is about speed under load or short. I read on the forums people saying that we cannot have any benefit from this effect and we will never have higher speed than without the generator coil in place. I don't wanna start another conflict with some of the clever brains and because of that I am not insisting to prove they are wrong.
It will be easy for the people who managed to have acceleration under load/short to measure the rpm before adding the generator coil and again after the generator coil is in place.The only important thing is  to  use the right sequence, as I said before, the effect will take place at more than one place and the right core material is of a great importance.
Lately i discovered that the shape of the magnets and the shape of the core are very important too. Cube is better than round for the magnets. If the core has the end facing the rotor in a conical shape it is better too.
Just having the edge of the core polished a bit will make a difference, more sharp that cone will be even better.
Unfortunately I discovered some of this recently and I built my new generator with round magnets but the cores I managed to improve. It will not make a huge difference but sometimes little things counts.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: futuristic on September 16, 2011, 07:40:22 AM
Thank you for sharing that.
Would you be so kind to share if you have found any relation between magnet size and core size.

I'm in the process of ordering the parts and I would really like to know which works best?

Thank you and best regards.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on September 16, 2011, 08:02:03 AM
Quote from: futuristic on September 16, 2011, 07:40:22 AM
Thank you for sharing that.
Would you be so kind to share if you have found any relation between magnet size and core size.

I'm in the process of ordering the parts and I would really like to know which works best?

Thank you and best regards.
There are advantages in both cases, having the core smaller than the magnet and having the magnet the same size with the core. In the current setup I have, the core is 19mm dia and the magnet is 30mm dia. I do have rotors with 20mm dia magnets too  but i have not tried them yet. I also have 2 rotors where I have magnets 30mm and a 20mm on top, making it look like a mushroom or cone.
I am waiting next week to get few more components then I will start testing.
Answering your question is difficult as I am in testing stage too.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energia9 on September 16, 2011, 08:40:13 AM
Quote from: romerouk on September 16, 2011, 08:02:03 AM
There are advantages in both cases, having the core smaller than the magnet and having the magnet the same size with the core. In the current setup I have, the core is 19mm dia and the magnet is 30mm dia. I do have rotors with 20mm dia magnets too  but i have not tried them yet. I also have 2 rotors where I have magnets 30mm and a 20mm on top, making it look like a mushroom or cone.
I am waiting next week to get few more components then I will start testing.
Answering your question is difficult as I am in testing stage too.

dear romero,
Just 1 simple question, and i need 1 simple answer.
I think people should work things out in small scale 1st.
will it work in any size?  iam thinking about micro sizes,  micro magnets and mini rotor and mini coils...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on September 16, 2011, 10:17:45 AM
Quote from: energia9 on September 16, 2011, 08:40:13 AM
dear romero,
Just 1 simple question, and i need 1 simple answer.
I think people should work things out in small scale 1st.
will it work in any size?  iam thinking about micro sizes,  micro magnets and mini rotor and mini coils...
I have tested 3mm dia magnets with small coils and worked too. I am not suggesting anyone to follow my way and spend lots of money, I have been wrong many times and I had to buy new stuff and start again. Small is always good and cheap.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Shadesz on September 16, 2011, 11:01:02 AM
Quote from: romerouk on September 16, 2011, 06:53:18 AM
I would like not to reffer to that muller device I had. What I am talking is about speed under load or short. I read on the forums people saying that we cannot have any benefit from this effect and we will never have higher speed than without the generator coil in place. I don't wanna start another conflict with some of the clever brains and because of that I am not insisting to prove they are wrong.
It will be easy for the people who managed to have acceleration under load/short to measure the rpm before adding the generator coil and again after the generator coil is in place.The only important thing is  to  use the right sequence, as I said before, the effect will take place at more than one place and the right core material is of a great importance.
Lately i discovered that the shape of the magnets and the shape of the core are very important too. Cube is better than round for the magnets. If the core has the end facing the rotor in a conical shape it is better too.
Just having the edge of the core polished a bit will make a difference, more sharp that cone will be even better.
Unfortunately I discovered some of this recently and I built my new generator with round magnets but the cores I managed to improve. It will not make a huge difference but sometimes little things counts.


I am glad you are back in participation! Thanks for all the information and for starting us on this quest. I have a question...

How did you come to realize square magnets were better? Also, why do you think they are better? How would you suggest aligning them (squarely or at a 45 degree angle?)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energia9 on September 16, 2011, 11:22:32 AM
Quote from: romerouk on September 16, 2011, 10:17:45 AM
I have tested 3mm dia magnets with small coils and worked too. I am not suggesting anyone to follow my way and spend lots of money, I have been wrong many times and I had to buy new stuff and start again. Small is always good and cheap.

Thanks for honesty.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 16, 2011, 12:11:19 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 16, 2011, 12:49:52 PM
Hi guys!

I have 6 coils speeding under short. But if i put the bridge rectifier they are not speeding.
Any sugestions? (i can make a video)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 16, 2011, 01:15:55 PM
Hey Romero

Glad to see you around.  ;]

Have you tried sphere mags?  They seem to have an unusually powerfull field that seem to reach out far from the poles outward. Like it is beaming.  Just wondered if you have experienced this.

Also, have you tried alternating mag poles on the rotor N and S? This would not allow for a bias mag, UNLESS, it were spinning also.  ;] 

Ya know, most manufactured motors/gens (alternators particularly) have cores that bring the back side of the coils into action, but we are not doing that here.  Not that manufactures are going for what were looking for, but many are very efficient.

Maybe 2 rotors/mags and the coil in between.    ;]

Ive also thought about rectangular cores. Like the ones that are used for IDE hard drive cables, that have a slot to slide the ribbon cable into.   Its simple enough. And it allows you to try flat sides outward,left and right, or up and down, to see if there are advantages. If the sides are L and R the rotor mag field has more area of attraction and maybe cutting more copper, and a short transition. And then vice verse, Up and Down, the core is denser, left to right, but a higher concentration at the edge of the core.

Just thoughts.  ;]

Thanks for the insights.. Your a good man.  And God has your back. Keep the faith.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 16, 2011, 01:19:49 PM
Hey Marius

Are you shorting or loading after the rectifier?  Have you tried the bridge on just 1 coil?  Maybe each needs its own as Romero did.  ;]

Hows the rotor holding up?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 16, 2011, 01:24:17 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 16, 2011, 01:15:55 PM


Also, have you tried alternating mag poles on the rotor N and S? This would not allow for a bias mag, UNLESS, it were spinning also.  ;] 


Just thoughts.  ;]

Thanks for the insights.. Your a good man.  And God has your back. Keep the faith.  ;]


Nice idea Mags, a diametrically magnetised cylinder biasing magnet on it's own little bearings ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 16, 2011, 01:59:09 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 16, 2011, 01:19:49 PM
Hey Marius

Are you shorting or loading after the rectifier?  Have you tried the bridge on just 1 coil?  Maybe each needs its own as Romero did.  ;]

Hows the rotor holding up?
Hy Mags!

I tooked out the magnets from that rotor and i made another with 10 mags.
After the bridge , shorting or loading brings down the rpm.
I tryed a bridge for each coil.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 16, 2011, 02:10:34 PM
hi Mariusivic

Maybe try two caps for each coil, and single diode on each cap facing opposite, (like diode plug circuit iput up a couple weeks ago)

or  half-bridge of two diodes into single cap instead of the 4 diodes in a FWBR might help...plus try the double-ringed FWBR trick Romero did...

mabye the load or cap size should be adjusted way different when diodes are used...

It could be (lame brain theory here) is that the speed-up is caused by the generator coil working as a "motor coil" with the AC it makes "riding" on the front edge, then the back edge, of the rotor magnet...this like fact if you have rotor of equally spaced magnets same distance apart measured edge-edge as the diameter of the magnets themselves, this rotor will spin nicley on an AC signal in a coil facing against this rotor  -

as the coil with the AC signal will first PULL the front-edge of the rotor magnet to itself on the POS phase, and then PUSH the trailing-edge of the rotor magnet away from itself on the NEG phase...I've done his alot it works very great and easy way to have a "permanent magnet AC motor" ...

anyways maybe what is going on with the speedup effect is that you get just the right flux-field strength and "strech" to the genrator coils (via the power supply and the ohms and induction and winds of coil etc) vs the rotor magnets spacing, size, stength, and distance between one another so that the gernator coil while producing power, also gives the rotor magnet that induces that power to also be powered itself in rotation....

Also maybe now is good time to experiment with the backing-magnets behind the cores - maybe putting them on there now will sort of bias the core, so that those diodes wont muck-up the speed up effect.....

anyways keep pluggin away keep going and dont stop...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on September 16, 2011, 02:16:11 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on September 16, 2011, 12:49:52 PM
Hi guys!

I have 6 coils speeding under short. But if i put the bridge rectifier they are not speeding.
Any sugestions? (i can make a video)


The diodes have an active resistance when they conduct and this resistance adds to the coil resistance. Suppose the current via the diodes is a steady 0.5 Amper, and assuming Si diode with 0.7V forward voltage, the diode resistance in this operating point is 0.7/0.5=1.4 Ohm and this counts twice due to the 4 diodes in the bridge. 
Maybe you could reduce the DC resistance of a coil by 2 x 1.4 Ohms.  Somehow the L/R ratio should be maintained when the diodes are included to the case without the diodes.
Further choice is to parallel the diodes to reduce their series resistance but it has a limit after a certain number.


EDIT: Of course the 1.4 Ohm was an arbitrary number, came from the 0.5 Amper I supposed as an example. 
To reduce the DC resistance of a coil, you may use Litz wire that has a resultant DC resistance higher than your present wire in the coils has. Or simply double or triple the cross section area of the wires by paralleling two or three wires for making a coil.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on September 16, 2011, 02:47:41 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 16, 2011, 01:15:55 PM
Hey Romero

Glad to see you around.  ;]

Have you tried sphere mags?  They seem to have an unusually powerfull field that seem to reach out far from the poles outward. Like it is beaming.  Just wondered if you have experienced this.

Also, have you tried alternating mag poles on the rotor N and S? This would not allow for a bias mag, UNLESS, it were spinning also.  ;] 

Ya know, most manufactured motors/gens (alternators particularly) have cores that bring the back side of the coils into action, but we are not doing that here.  Not that manufactures are going for what were looking for, but many are very efficient.

Maybe 2 rotors/mags and the coil in between.    ;]

Ive also thought about rectangular cores. Like the ones that are used for IDE hard drive cables, that have a slot to slide the ribbon cable into.   Its simple enough. And it allows you to try flat sides outward,left and right, or up and down, to see if there are advantages. If the sides are L and R the rotor mag field has more area of attraction and maybe cutting more copper, and a short transition. And then vice verse, Up and Down, the core is denser, left to right, but a higher concentration at the edge of the core.

Just thoughts.  ;]

Thanks for the insights.. Your a good man.  And God has your back. Keep the faith.  ;]

I have never tried sphere mags, I might try them too when I will have some spare time.
The new generator is exactly the way you describe it, 2 rotors/mags and the coil in between.

Can you please add more bridges in parallel or make a bridge from normal diodes and use as many you can in parallel... Try first with one bridge and check the rpm then double the bridge and check again... You can also add capacitors for each side of the bridge.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 16, 2011, 04:25:40 PM
Quote from: romerouk on September 16, 2011, 02:47:41 PM

Can you please add more bridges in parallel or make a bridge from normal diodes and use as many you can in parallel... Try first with one bridge and check the rpm then double the bridge and check again... You can also add capacitors for each side of the bridge.


Hi Romero!

I did try a bridge made with 3 diods in paralel and still nothing. Now i'll try  more. I'll also try with caps.
Thank you!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on September 17, 2011, 03:45:30 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on September 16, 2011, 04:25:40 PM
Hi Romero!

I did try a bridge made with 3 diods in paralel and still nothing. Now i'll try  more. I'll also try with caps.
Thank you!

Can you please consider the Alternate FWBR I show here.......

I don't know if this would be a good strategy also.

So, instead of an FWBR, you use a voltage multiplier strategy similar to this...............

It takes in AC and dishes out much higher DC. Maybe a two stage or three stage could get the juice out of the coils fast enough to fall to null drag or near null drag. 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 18, 2011, 06:29:48 PM
In regards of motorogen acceleration, I just stumbled upon NASA research done 3 years ago:

If applied to Muller Dynamo, it may have amazing results after tuning generator coils and see if driving coils could be replaced with HV gen coils after rotor spins up... :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on September 18, 2011, 07:45:11 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on September 18, 2011, 06:29:48 PM
In regards of motorogen acceleration, I just stumbled upon NASA research done 3 years ago:

If applied to Muller Dynamo, it may have amazing results after tuning generator coils and see if driving coils could be replaced with HV gen coils after rotor spins up... :)

Yep that's Thane Heins user 'Crankypants' here on OU.  IMO he knows his stuff and has some fascinating work. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Hope on September 19, 2011, 02:44:56 AM
Hi all,

Just reviewed a Tom Bearden certified "WORKING" motor that was taken from the world   here is the concept (working)  we should just use a timing wheel and log rhythm in a chip controlling delay or advance firing to keep tuned as speed increases.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Shadesz on September 19, 2011, 03:42:22 AM
Hey guys! I thought you may want to consider this connection I made. Here is the link...

And here is a text copy for backup...

QuoteSo tonight as I am laying in bed I realized something you guys probably already know. But for those who haven't made the connection yet I figured I will post it.

I was laying there trying to go to sleep and it 'clicked'. I finally understand what we are trying to do when we delay lenz and what we need to focus on to do so.

Essentially, when we are trying to delay lenz what are we really trying to do?

Well we know that lenz law says that if we induce a current in a coil of wire, the coil of wire will create a magnetic field that is opposite our initial force. So what does that mean? That means this...

Say you have a south face side of a magnet approaching and leaving a coil as Rod does in his setup. This motion will create two currents in the coil wire. One current as it approaches the coil and another current as it retreats from the coil. (This is basic stuff)

Now lets take it step deeper...
Remember, our magnet face S is approaching the coil. The current that we produce in the coil is in such a direction that the side of the coil facing the magnet is now also a South pole. These two poles push against each other and what does that cause? Lenz law.

Now we switch direction and your magnet starts to leave the coil. As your magnet leaves the coil it creates a current in the coil wire in the opposite direction. This then creates a North pole on the coil side facing the S face of the magnet. This creates an attraction force and what do we have again? Lenz law.

So now we can see that lenz shows up twice per cycle. Once on approach (as a repulsive force) and once on retreat (as an attractive force)

Ok, still kinda basic level stuff, but maybe that's all we need....

What do we need to do to get Lenz to work with/for us?...

Ideally, if we delay lenz by just over half a cycle we get a driving force. Why? Because when lenz finally creates the S pole on the coil face, the magnet will already be on its way away from the coil, hence we get propulsion. Make sense so far? It does to me. But it gets more exciting!...

Is this possible? YES!

What is this called? Phase shifting!

Does phase shifting happen? YES!

Where? In transformers.

How do pulse generators relate to Transformers? They ARE transformers! The primary coil isn't a coil though, it's your rotor magnet. The secondary coil is a coil; you know it as your generator coil. Again, the primary coil is your rotor magnet, the secondary coil is your generator coil.

Now when we phase shift our 'transformers' just right, that phase shift can potentially DRIVE our transformers!

Here, check out this quick video to get the image in your head before you read on...
Phase shift differences under variable loads. - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hBC56sOWE8)

Did the video make sense? Did you catch the cool part at the end? It explains why we are seeing acceleration with coil shorting! From 1:15 he explains...

"Depending on the size of load will determine how big of a phase shift there is.  I am going to hook it up to a load with even less resistance here. ...??... Ok, I hooked it up to an even bigger load this time. So [now] you can see how the phase shift is even more pronounced when you have a bigger load on the secondary side of the transformer. [which in are case means the generator coil]"

This not only tells us that we can achieve a lenz driven dynamo (or at least lenz assisted), it tells us that we can control the speed of it to a certain extent!

Freaking cool if you ask me! Note: this also may explain those generators that were seeing more acceleration under a medium load than a full short. Their particular phase shift timing required a resistance that was a little higher than a shorted coil. Perhaps their shorted coil produced a phase shift that was too pronounced, and a less dramatic phase shift is what their design needed? More testing needed, but I feel this concept can help us focus on the right question...

How can we maximize and/or gain better control of phase shifting?

I haven't studied phase shifting yet so I have some basic questions. Do any applications encourage phase shifting? If so, what are they? How do they do it? How can we replicate the effect? Personally I think these questions are going to be the key to these generators going OU.

We already know one way, and that is to decrease the cycle time by increasing the RPM. IMO this would also explain why Romero says this...

QuoteMariuscivic and toranarod  are close enough.Both will have to concentrate to get the effect at lower speed. After a certain rpm you will have no gain then again at the next step will have again and so on...

Example: if starting the effect at 1000 rpm then the gain is going to vanish at 1600rpm then we can get it again starting at 2000rpm... at one point in every cycle voltage drops down even if the rpm is going high.We are getting multiple resonance points and not all are the seme, some are better than others. This is only one example, don't take for real and start looking to have 1000rpm...
Now I am not looking to get the speedup too much, I want the rpm to stay stable at any load or short. I am going to have it confirmed when I will finish my new generator, towards the end of this month.


The multiple resonance points may be explained by a static phase delay in our core/coil coming in and out of optimum phase shifts due to our changing the cycle time (RPM). Pretty cool! Although if this is the case, I don't see him getting a constant RPM with varying loads.

So the question remains... What other ways can we maximize and/or control phase shifting? What ways can we do it that won't require us to change the RPM? :thinking:

Man I wont be able to sleep for a while now! lol

Disclaimer: The above principles and concepts are released open source to the world free of charge by David Sphar on Sept 19, 2011. Please make a copy of this post as a backup record of this release. (Just in case the idea actually proves to work and the $$ folks try to steal it)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 19, 2011, 10:19:41 AM
@ Hope,

what is the device, that picture doesn't tell us very much ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: From other Planet on September 19, 2011, 02:48:39 PM
i had a thought today...
if tito is right (dont want to discuss his credibility here!), and many famous solid state (bearden,bedini, kapanadze, muller) devices work tesla radiant energy collecting like(think of any coils used as the secondary=long one of tesla coil), perhaps we can improve the efficiency of our zpe tapping generator coils easily somehow.
Perhaps with a long wire connection to ground on one side, and long wire with isolated metall sphere at end on other side, like Tesla use in some devices. Like boosting Muller/Romerogenerator  ;D
But could bring RF Problems.
Just a thought, i didnt try it yet, but i will these days
Sorry for bad english^^

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on September 19, 2011, 04:55:12 PM
The wild goose hunt goes on... amusing at least.
On the bottom line, nice to tinker ,expensive though.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 19, 2011, 05:10:15 PM
Neither Bearden nor Bedini have built any OU devices.

I seriously doubt you will get OU from anything based on simple induction.

But yes it's fun tinkering ;+}
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 20, 2011, 12:38:03 PM
Didnt have time lately to play, but tonight Im going to try some things that may get me the speedup.

Im convinced that my magnets on the rotor are too close to the coil, the ones approaching and leaving the coil at the same time. One side is producing pos output and the other negative at the same time. Bad Bad Bad.   ;]

So the first test will be to use larger mags(large coil) and instead of 8, stepping down to 4 for more spacing.

If, in my old 8 mag setup, the approaching pass creates lets say a positive swing and the departure produces a negative, then in my shown setup there may be some canceling out of sorts, causing maybe more drag and never speedup. So I am very positive that I will get much more out when going with the 4 mag setup.   Will try the existing mags when trying 4 first, then step up to the large. 1/2in dia x 1/2in width diametric N48 mags.  More drive force, more gen and more speed to test the outer reaches.

The other test is to see if I can get the coil/cap to resonate using the bemf to pulse the coil/cap(LC) when the rotor is at speed to do so.   Ill use a cap in series with a diode to send the pulse from the drive coils to the coil/cap. Adding the input cap will allow the coil/cap to be freer to resonate.

These are just strong thoughts over the time I havnt been working on it.

If the spacing gives me speedup, then we will have learned something. If not(with this coil) then my alternative would be to try to get the LC to ring via the bemf pulses at the freq(rotor speed) and try to regulate the speed to get the LC to peak and see what comes of it.  As it were before, the speed was regulated due to lenz getting stronger near resonance(magnet spacing). Trying the bemf pulse, I wont have restriction of the rotor not getting up to a speed that lets the LC peak, as we saw in my vid, just a little hand helped speedup increased the output quite a bit.  ;]

It will all be interesting.. Im also going to try 16 mags alternating N and S out, being that if we have a N approaching and S departing, the co-op effort will be an increase through each phase being both sides of the coil are generating the same phase in the coil.

Cant wait till after work...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 20, 2011, 02:14:40 PM
hi Magnluvin

yes if two magnets at once are inducing themselves at same upon a single core/coil then you would expect some cancellazations happening - maybe however the stronger-force of the two will dominate, and over-ride the other weaker force, which is a bit different than cancelling but does seem like a lot of waste at least (just talking while I write)
As for the back-emf from drive coil back into caps running the drive coil - I am  working on that now and have always been working on this really -

anyways I dont think your idea of the series-cap "to resonate" is going to work (you will find out) since if you "directly" steer the recovered-backemf/recoil back "into itself" it will cause  severe lugging - even if you have that series cap -  it needs to be isolated totally -

one way is to fill up cap no#1 with backefm with diode off the DRAIN of mosfet, and then dump this cap no#1 into a cap no#2 in-between motor coil pulsing, in its timing.
you will lose some energy here, as dumping cap into other makes the voltage of caps even out (so if 24V in cap no#1 and you dump into empty cap no#2, now you get 12V in both caps - if cap#2 is already half full or 3/4 full then of course it will fill higher, and also will fill faster, since the cap has less resistance against if filling up when already somewhat filled)

OK that is called the bucket-brigade approach as its like passing buckets of water with line of people in old days during fighting a fire...your backemf should really rocket the first  cap up in volts very fast - wiht larger UF cap it fills slower... 

Other approach is to not dump one cap into other, but simply to have a normally-ON switches OFF switch (mosfet) on one leg of the cap, to DISCONNECT it form its "source" (motor coil) whenever that cap hits a load (such as filling up the drive-coil cap)

for filling up the drive-coil cap ( I call it the RUN cap) what I do is connect the cap directly to the drive-coils, as if the cap is going to run the whole thing by itself - then periodically, (say once per revolution of motor is easy to do)  the battery, or whatever power supply you have, is swtiched-INTO to this RUN cap....and this is done IN BETWEEN motor coil pulses.
you will have to experiment with cap size to see what can sustain your motor with the particular pulsing you choose from the power supply....

this is nice to do now you can see a looper is only some means to keep that RUN cap filled up (and BETWEEN motor coil pulses)

What I do for a "normally-ON switches OFF" mosfet is to simply change the driver from a 4421 to a 4422 - also a hall effect change to one that is "opposite" will do this too.

right now I have a single halleffect doing timing of the driver/mosfet meant particular for the dumping of backemf cap into load, (this has 4421 driver so its "normally OFF swtiches ON")

and on "eadh side" of this single halleffect I put two halleffects (so one halleffect touching each side of middle halleffect) and these two halleffects connect paralell (pin 1 to 1 2 to 2 3 to 3) and these two halleffects "togethrer" trigger a 4422 driver, so now it will be thee two paralell-halls will be swtiching a  nomrally-ON and swtiches OFF mosfet-switch of longer pulse width than the middle halleffect that controls the dump of cap to LOAD itself.......so I have the two hallefects on each side of the single halleffect to "make sure" that cap is fully-disconnected when the middle halleffect triggers the dump to the load...

one other way (third) to do this bakcemf-emf steered-"back" into a drive coil cap (this might be simplest) is to simply split two motor coil circuits up into two differnet circuits.....with different power supplys - such as runnig one motor coil off battery no 1 and other motor coil off battery no 2...(simple) with both motor coils never being turned on simultaneous too...

now for sure you motor coils are isolated from one another - now do the RUN cap approach for each motor motor coil- where a RUN cap actually hits the coils, but this run cap is periodically filled up by the power supply (battery)  - say once per revolution as already descirbe....so now two run caps will be needed....

now fill up the opposite run cap no#2  from the backemf-diode of motor coils no#1, and run cap no#1 fills up from the backemf-diode of motor coil no#2

now additionally "switch-short" (not contiuous dead-short)  the remaining pure-generator coils at their peaks and guide the power collected from the quick-collapsing coil shorting (power comes from when shorting-switch OPENS after switch has closed and collapsed coil) and put this power into the also into the same caps that were jsut filled up with the backemf ("should" loop) - the caps will fill easier and quicker form the swtihced-coilshorting if they have been alredy "primed" up in voltage  with the backemf diode....but you can have seperate caps if you want...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 20, 2011, 06:44:54 PM
Hey Kone

I wrote that post at lunch, and back at work I thought of the diode would just load the cap that I suggested.  Then nada. lol
But What I meant to convey was some type of coupling, which may not be needed, as I will probably be taking what ever out of the LC for storage(cap). Will try some things.

Im reed switching at the moment.   I can reed switch the bemf from the drive coil to the LC being the timing on the rotor is good.  Even 2 reeds in series to get shorter timing if need be. 

I have some hall sensors. I ordered 3 for replacements in my ebike hub motor. Guess what? 1 went bad. lol Wasnt eazy digging the old one from the motor core, but worked.
So Ill have to try them here soon also.
I also have one from a hard drive motor, i believe it was, but some type of servo, anyway, it has 2 outputs that respond to N or S and outputs to the corresponding wire out.  So it could control a single phase or 2.  Found the data sheet for it.  Havnt used it yet.

Ok, bench time.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 20, 2011, 11:44:55 PM
well, no speedup yet. Drives me nuts.  ;]  Maybe with this coil the window is very small.

But with 4 of the larger mags, Im getting more torque and speed on the rotor, at no extra expense. Bigger is better. ;]

Now im getting some good charge from the LC with a lamp in series.  120v 4w candle flame shape bulb. Without the cap the charge is dull.  With the cap, LCR, the cap seems to bring things to life. Upward of 130v on the coil while lighting the bulb about half brightness through the cap 1uf.

At such high voltages, charging a 1 farad cap to say 12v, will always seem like a load to the coil/cap. 

And, when the rotor is in lock with the LC just below resonance(peak), with the coil very close to the rotor, say the coil voltage is 20v, and peak of say 80v if the rotor had a bit more power in to peak, then I move the coil a bit away from the rotor. Coil voltage drops, but the rotor speeds up, bringing the voltage back up . Pull away a bit more and the voltage drops, the rotor speeds up and voltage on the coil is back again, but a bit more(closer to resonance peak).

So, going with bigger stronger mags helped efficiency. Same coils, same 5v 4 AA nimh, same reed switch.

Moving the coil away from the rotor allows for more efficiency at the motor end while output is increased. 
So I see we can build for the minimum input to provide good peak output.   Its like at a distance its easy to get the LC to ring.

Its going to be an interesting week.

The rotor can get above 3000 rpm now. A bit scary let alone 9000 rpm.  ;]  From what im getting, my working peak states are only under 200hz.  big coil.  Higher(smaller cap) speeds(freq) dont provide much, so I doubt that speedup with just "this" coil alone without a cap will happen. When it happened it was with a cap. I like low freq though.

More tomorrow...


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 21, 2011, 07:37:40 AM
I'm getting frustrated not being able to get 'The Effect'.

I messaged Thane Heins on youtoob he wrote back this :

"Dear Gary,

A video would be good - however a coil resistance of 19.2 ohms is NOT enough, overunityguide shows 385 ohms or so with an inductance of 2.18 Henries. A 3 k ohm coil is way TOO HIGH and will most likely consume any delayed current in the internal resistance of the coil...

My motor professor in college had a saying which said, "if first you don't succeed - go back and follow the instructions."

Why not make a 385 ohm coil with an inductance of 2 Henries and see what happens?


Now i have to wait until the right size of wire is in stock that will get (close to) those two values.

I did a spreadshet where you input all your details and it outputs the minimum RPM needed to achieve the effect but i'm not sure how it fits with reality !


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 21, 2011, 01:50:13 PM
Hi Magluvin

reed swtiches usually will make double-pulse trigger, as the front ege of magnet, then back edge will trip it...(not always - if small mangets, and fast speed, then reed doesnt have time for the double-clicks)

also reed swtiches will sometimes bounce around a bit too...they are nice to use for coil-shorting because their resistance is ultra-low but it doesnt take much in a HV backspike to blow them up.

If you use hall effect, the type that are bipolar will simulate what the reed does better - but you will get better control and shorter pulse width if you use unipolar type hall effects...

when you say your magnets are diametric - does this mean for example they are small hockey puck shape  the "dominate" N-S poles are not on the flat-face, but on the rounded edge facing "sideways" ??
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neptune on September 21, 2011, 01:57:56 PM
when it comes to discussion of switching methods , there is very little mention of the use of opto methods . Is this perhaps because they are too slow ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: desa on September 21, 2011, 02:58:35 PM
@ DeepCut
Ok that is nice info from Thane HeinsI. I guess I could wind it now having many sizes of the wire in my tool box.  What would be dimensions we are looking for regarding size of the coil and wire used to arrive at recommended parameters?
I spent some time looking at the different type of the material for the cores. I came to conclusion that for drive coil I better stick with laminated metal core having the best acceleration and lowest milliamps draw. I know laminates are out than again all the speed ups are happening with metal. Someone correct me if I am in error. Regarding generator coils I settled at most unusual source of the material. Mind you I worked with the ferrite, graphite, laminated cores, magnetite and many more like nickel and copper or more exotic like mining industry byproducts. Material I am referring is deflector cone in older stile TV tubes. After reusing some wire from it I had some lying around. I decided to neatly smash them in powder and recast it in the core size I needed. If used as the generator cores to my surprise output was superior by minimum of 25 to 35%. I would like if someone could try it to confirm my findings. You don’t need to recast it, simply pulverize the cones and put it in the coil with the tape on two side and try. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: desa on September 21, 2011, 03:31:04 PM
This is so beautiful have a look. Rotating plasma it does tickle imagination doesn’t it..

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on September 21, 2011, 07:16:15 PM
Quote from: DeepCut on September 21, 2011, 07:37:40 AM
I'm getting frustrated not being able to get 'The Effect'.

I messaged Thane Heins on youtoob he wrote back this :

"Dear Gary,

A video would be good - however a coil resistance of 19.2 ohms is NOT enough, overunityguide shows 385 ohms or so with an inductance of 2.18 Henries. A 3 k ohm coil is way TOO HIGH and will most likely consume any delayed current in the internal resistance of the coil...

My motor professor in college had a saying which said, "if first you don't succeed - go back and follow the instructions."

Why not make a 385 ohm coil with an inductance of 2 Henries and see what happens?


Now i have to wait until the right size of wire is in stock that will get (close to) those two values.

I did a spreadshet where you input all your details and it outputs the minimum RPM needed to achieve the effect but i'm not sure how it fits with reality !

Hi DeepCut,
check the pictures below to see the values of one of my coils who are working good for the speen under load. Maybe that helps...
38.1 mH
21.2 Ohms


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 21, 2011, 08:28:28 PM
Hi everyone!

I finaly figured out how to speed with the bridge rectifier.
I'm shorting one coil with a reed before the BR and the rpm goes up and charges the cap(22000uF). But i need some electronic circuit to do that.The metal from the reed ads drag to the rotor and at 5000 rpm it doesn't behaves soo good.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AlphaTech on September 21, 2011, 09:45:31 PM
Hi RomeroUK and Konehead,

RomeroUK: Hector told that your looper was working because of the driving coil and not because of the generator coil. The fact that you saw the effect appears, disappears, appears, etc. while the RPM goes up comfirms his theory. This is because of the ferro-resonance of your ferrite core so you step in a subharmonic, then goes out of this harmonic and then step in the next subharmonic of the core as the speed inscrease. Your capacitor acts as a pulser and as a receiver. The reverse diode acts to collect the radiant energy. So this extra energy is what drive your rotor while your generator coils are collecting this transformed energy (from radiant energy-->kinetic energy-->electricity from generator coils). This kind of circuit is more known as Coil Banger.

If you want to verify it yourself and for me (and everyone else): take the exact drive circuit you had (100uF cap, PNP bipolar transitor, reverse diode (1N4007), coils with ferrite core and hall effect sensor) but this time, don't put the reverse diode (1N4007). You should now see the effect disappears at any speed if I'm right. No extra energy without reverse diode. If you CAN make a looper WITHOUT reverse diode, well, I'm wrong.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on September 21, 2011, 10:32:30 PM
Quote from: AlphaTech on September 21, 2011, 09:45:31 PM
This is because of the ferro-resonance of your ferrite core so you step in a subharmonic, then goes out of this harmonic and then step in the next subharmonic of the core as the speed inscrease.

I really dont think this is because of ferro resonance.  Ferrite resonates close to and at MHz range. Here they work with ~100 < 1000 Hz.
Looks like charge(drive)/discharge(generate) timing and these biasing magnets. But then what do I know..

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 22, 2011, 01:11:42 AM
hi Mariusivic

I am not sure what you mean - are you shorting the coil "with a reed" before the bridge rectifirer?

This would mean that you are "swtich-shorting" the generator coil??? and not continuous short???

If so, I bet also the timing of your reed swiych when things speed up  happens at peaks of sinewave too - if not, try that, and I will bet you will get best results...

IF you want to do this solid state, use high-amperage rated mosfets that have very low resistance to them...maybe put 4 or 5 in paralell to lower resistance even if you want to spend a few more bucks.
I have best results "swtich-shorting" with bidirectionally hooked up mosfets (gates and source of two mosfets connect, and swtichign happens betweeen the two drains)
Bidirectional mosfets are for AC switching - which I will guess is what you have going, since you are switching "before" the bridge rectifier...(if this is what you are doing?)
try some IRFP460 NPN mosfets (20A and 500V rated) - put a couple of these together bidirectional and it should be good to short coils....things like solid state relays, some transistors, SCRs wont work AT ALL shorting coils since their resistance is so high - reeds work great for shorting coils but they arent very reliable and things arent so perfect with them as you know.
Use a 4421 driver with the P460 mosfets is good if you want to try that..let me know if you want a complete circuit to short coils at peaks with hall effects and mosfets....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 22, 2011, 01:13:26 AM
hi Minde

the ferro-RESONANCE might be that high speed, but HARMONICS and SUB HARMONICS are much slower speed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on September 22, 2011, 01:56:40 AM

Thanks. I just have never been able to witness anything more or less than 3rd subharmonic down or 3 harmonics up so I figured it might have not been the case..

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 22, 2011, 02:24:23 AM
hi all

here is halleffect/mosfet and driver coil-shorting circuit that I am using right now. no output-to-load cirucit is shown jsut how to fill up the DC cap from switch-shorting the coils at sinewave peak-periods...the 9v battery and/or the "supply coil" powers the mosfet gates and driver....this circuit will swtich AC since it has bidirectionally connected mosfets.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DimaWari on September 22, 2011, 04:25:38 AM
Thanks Kone this circuit is what I need...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 22, 2011, 11:15:00 AM
Quote from: konehead on September 22, 2011, 01:11:42 AM
hi Mariuscivic

I am not sure what you mean - are you shorting the coil "with a reed" before the bridge rectifirer?

This would mean that you are "swtich-shorting" the generator coil??? and not continuous short???

If so, I bet also the timing of your reed swiych when things speed up  happens at peaks of sinewave too - if not, try that, and I will bet you will get best results...

IF you want to do this solid state, use high-amperage rated mosfets that have very low resistance to them...maybe put 4 or 5 in paralell to lower resistance even if you want to spend a few more bucks.
I have best results "swtich-shorting" with bidirectionally hooked up mosfets (gates and source of two mosfets connect, and swtichign happens betweeen the two drains)
Bidirectional mosfets are for AC switching - which I will guess is what you have going, since you are switching "before" the bridge rectifier...(if this is what you are doing?)
try some IRFP460 NPN mosfets (20A and 500V rated) - put a couple of these together bidirectional and it should be good to short coils....things like solid state relays, some transistors, SCRs wont work AT ALL shorting coils since their resistance is so high - reeds work great for shorting coils but they arent very reliable and things arent so perfect with them as you know.
Use a 4421 driver with the P460 mosfets is good if you want to try that..let me know if you want a complete circuit to short coils at peaks with hall effects and mosfets....

Hi Konehead

Yes, i'm shorting the gen coil before the bridge rectifier but as you seen my setup is quite small and its very hard to find the sweat spot. If you have some circuit that will short the coil i'll be glad to use it( but keep it simple please; i'm no good with components)
Today, whille playing with the rotor , i connected the gen coils(before the bridge rectifier) for the best output underload.I ended up with the duble voltaje and some more rpm. Then i realized that with those connections , the rotor speeds up when i short the  output. Does anyone had this effect before? Anyway i still can't get the speeding with a load;only in deadshort.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 22, 2011, 02:21:03 PM
hi Mariusivic

I put the coil-shorting circuit up above - its not that hard to wire up - ...maybe $15 to $20USD in parts - the halleffect is a A 1120LUA-T whihc you can find on digi-key and order online...
....IRFP460 mosfets are nice ones since they handle 20A and 500V and should short coils fine no problem...
You sill need a circuit for each coil being shorted actually, so its maybe going to be too expensive...dont let me distract you - you are doing fine as is!
Still not sure of when you short your coils before the bridge "with the reed swtihc" - is this a conditunous dead short, or is the reed swtich being triggered by the rotor mangets?
you might need another disc on your motor/generator, that is made specifically to control the timing, with some very small magnets doing the triggering so you can fine-tune better...it would have to be fairly far away from your rotor magnets somehow so they dont interfere...
Title: I've got the acceleration under load effect ...
Post by: DeepCut on September 23, 2011, 12:04:31 PM
About bloody time.

After days of testing (and far too much money spent on various gauges of wire !) i have a result :

Speed Under Load Test.


24 SWG (0.56mm, 23 AWG is closest at 0.573mm)

L = 53 mH
R = 60 Ohms

55mm long and 37mm wide.

Coil former barrel diameter is 15mm.

Unsure of number of turns since shop bought.


VHS motor.

Diameter : 60mm


8 x 10mm diameter x 5mm height disc magnets, grade N42.
Magnets arranged N/S.


Standard SSG drive circuit with charging diode removed.


At 1100 RPM, shorting the coil increased the RPM to 1290

The input current went up from 115 mA to 120 mA

I will now do more testing and post results.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 23, 2011, 12:15:21 PM
hi Deepcut

What kind of cores do you have and their size?
is it aircore?
Whats the voltage input?
Interesting you have N-S mangets and got speed up...
I assume no backing magnets behind cores too?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 23, 2011, 02:06:00 PM
Quote from: konehead on September 23, 2011, 12:15:21 PM
hi Deepcut

What kind of cores do you have and their size?
is it aircore?
Whats the voltage input?
Interesting you have N-S mangets and got speed up...
I assume no backing magnets behind cores too?

Hi Kone, the core is a bolt from a masonry anchor shield, it is 8mm in diameter and 70mm long, i have put the 'head' end of the bolt at the back of the gen coil.

Those figures in my above post were for a 5 volt input and, yes, there are no biasing magnets.

I have been testing it all the way through it's RPM's and i have found a few spots where the RPM goes up and the current draw remains the same and i have just found my first spot where the RPM goes up and the current draw goes down :)

I will post the results as soon as i have tested with the full range of my little DC bench PSU, it only does 18 VDC @ 2 Amps max so it won't take long, i just have to convince my girlfriend that the noise is worth it because she wants to watch TV !

BTW i have no idea what material these cores are made from but i have emailed the manufacturer so should get a reply by Monday.

It's a really interesting phenomenon and i can't wait to see how it responds to 'real world' loads.

My camera battery is charging and i will do a video of the most impressive current-down/RPM-up sweet spot i find, as well as posting results in a spreadsheet.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on September 23, 2011, 06:13:43 PM
Hi DeepCut,
check the pictures below to see the values of one of my coils who are working good for the speen under load. Maybe that helps...
38.1 mH
21.2 Ohms


THANKS RomeroUK .....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 23, 2011, 07:12:02 PM
Thanks freeenergyinfo yes i'd already seen that post.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 24, 2011, 01:42:12 AM
Hi all
I heard on the grapevine that zerofossilfuels dude who made a really super nice RomeroUK replication, with step by step videos through whole thing is getting hassled by some company now (Magna motors??? not sure the name of them) who say that they have the "patent pending" on that "Muller generator' design, and ZFfuels put up a video blasting these guys for doing this....I havent seen the video....
I wonder if any connection to same people who threatened Romero?

looking "sort of" on the bright side of things, when you DO get a patent, no matter what it is for - and what I have heard anyways -  is that you then are almost REQUIRED to "threaten with infringement lawsuit" anything and everything related that pops up in public because you got that patent....

if you dont do this, and just let things slide by, then it creates a "precedent" to be used in court later on that "you didnt do anything bu knwe about it",

so part of the "just reward" OF getting a patent (on anything), is that you have to stay sharp and immediately contact and hassle anybody with anything similar that might possibly be an infringement right when it appears...and even if you probalby dont have a case in the first place - its jsut what you do because thats all a patent is - the "right" to sue in court the particular whatever it is....so hopefully these guys hassling ZFfuels maybe arent really serious - they jsut feel that they have to make note and contact and threaten this person just for these "precedent" reasons...and if they dont, then it will mean the fact that they didnt do anything while having knowledge of it,  will this might make their patent-claims moot...blahblahblah....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Lakes on September 24, 2011, 06:02:06 AM

That video has been made private by ZFF.

I think a lot of swearing could be involved... :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 24, 2011, 08:20:10 AM
This is interesting

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 24, 2011, 11:23:55 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on September 24, 2011, 08:20:10 AM
This is interesting


Actually this is what you need when making motors - use counter forces instead of fighting them! :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on September 24, 2011, 11:44:30 AM
Quote from: konehead on September 24, 2011, 01:42:12 AM
Hi all
I heard on the gvine that zerofossilfuels dude who made a really super nice RomeroUK replication, with step by step videos through whole thing is getting hassled by some company now (Magna motors??? not sure the name of them) who say that they have the "patent pending" on that "Muller generator' design, and ZFfuels put up a video blasting these guys for doing this....I havent seen the video....
I wonder if any connection to same people who threatened Romero?

Hi Doug,

Zero put up the video in which Phil Woods name was rather prominently mentioned and as he had nothing to do with Warren Williams, the perpetrator of the threat, he took the video down.

If you check out Warren's site...


You will see all he has up is Phil's "BECs" device. This is all stuff stolen from Phil but not patent-able as Phil made this all open source a few years back on your EV Gray site.

So the 'threats' to zero were just BS, hot air, another 90 day wonder!

Take Care

Ron P
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on September 24, 2011, 11:38:28 PM
Extremely important experiment:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on September 25, 2011, 04:43:00 AM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Lakes on September 25, 2011, 05:33:13 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on September 25, 2011, 04:43:00 AM
Brilliant video, thanks to ZFF for making it public.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on September 25, 2011, 12:07:35 PM
Really sweet, removed by user. Why do peeps put them up
just to take them down again. Pointless move.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Poit on September 25, 2011, 12:12:50 PM
Quote from: Thaelin on September 25, 2011, 12:07:35 PM
Really sweet, removed by user. Why do peeps put them up
just to take them down again. Pointless move.

I saw it before it got removed. I think he removed it because his fan base made some comments about not liking him being mad, they prefer a "pleasant" "happy" ZeroFossilFuel
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on September 25, 2011, 12:30:44 PM
The fact that high impedance open coil has more parasitic drag/back EMF than same coil loaded with certain resistance at higher frequencies. This open coil drag apears as stronger and stronger opposition as RPM/frequency continue to increase. (in form of heat up to the point of molten dielectric). Once you load this coil - you have a few full power blasting bulbs AND parasitic drag appears to be reduced as well as result of obvious RPM increase and lesser input power. However strong back EMF still remains there burning watts from the source.. Why does high impedance open coil produce high resistance to magnetic field at higer frequencies - thats a question to ask.

  People seems to miss all this and just go by the evidence: that if unloaded system takes more power than a loaded one - it must be something really special (because this effect does look pretty interesting).. BUT noone seem to dig deeper to understand why and whats exectly going on in this particular case.  "delayed lenz effect" - I would believe there is such a thing but not here  8)

Please let me know if I am wrong.

With respect

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Lakes on September 25, 2011, 12:45:29 PM
Quote from: Poit on September 25, 2011, 12:12:50 PM
I saw it before it got removed. I think he removed it because his fan base made some comments about not liking him being mad, they prefer a "pleasant" "happy" ZeroFossilFuel
I thought that might happen so I grabbed a copy... :)

I`m not upping it elsewhere out of respect to ZFF.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on September 25, 2011, 01:37:19 PM
and again a nice continuation of this excellent experiment:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on September 25, 2011, 03:33:43 PM
Quote from: Lakes on September 25, 2011, 12:45:29 PM
I thought that might happen so I grabbed a copy... :)

I`m not upping it elsewhere out of respect to ZFF.

Lakes, Poit, Thaelin,

He took it down out of respect for Phil Wood. Lets all have Respect for Phil Wood at this time!  He is not associated with Warren Williams

Zero took it down as he is subject to libel. You can not post Libelous videos on youtube. To post Phil's name with no evidence other than Warren William's word was a gross mistake on zero's part. 1400 people saw this lie.

I repeat, Warren Wiliams lied about the patent and about partnership with Phil Wood. Puting out Phil's name as a williams partner is libelous.

You can not defame people without being subject to the law.

There is no patent on this motor as Williams stated. It is all open source as Phil posted both pat pends open source on EV Gray a couple of years ago.

Watch for zero's next vid where he will explain all of this


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on September 25, 2011, 04:40:58 PM

And here is Zerofossilfuel's video, making Phil clear:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 25, 2011, 05:00:58 PM
I've been experimenting with the effect, results attached.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on September 25, 2011, 05:02:51 PM
   For what its worth, 2 cents?  I do apologize  over the comment.
Just wish tho that more would leave them up. In this case, it was
the right thing to do.
   My bad for not realizing who put it. Now I know its ZFF.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: i_ron on September 25, 2011, 05:50:25 PM
Quote from: Thaelin on September 25, 2011, 05:02:51 PM
   For what its worth, 2 cents?  I do apologize  over the comment.
Just wish tho that more would leave them up. In this case, it was
the right thing to do.
   My bad for not realizing who put it. Now I know its ZFF.


Not a problem Thaelin, it is human nature to make a full coat out of a few threads. But oft times when you learn the real story things change dramatically!

Take Care,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 26, 2011, 06:29:07 PM

This setup gave me lenz too  :( .I think everyone thought about it. Maybe if i change the bolts with ferite i will not get lenz but i'm not sure.
One of my experiment still raises me some questions: Why the rotor spins faster with the coil in deadshort than with a load on the coil? I think i will find my answer after my 15 mags rotor will be done. With that rotor i will be able to get the same rpm's but with duble frequency. Now I have to wait 2 more weeks.
Keep up the good work!
Never slow down!!!  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on September 27, 2011, 02:30:12 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on September 26, 2011, 06:29:07 PM

This setup gave me lenz too  :( .I think everyone thought about it. Maybe if i change the bolts with ferite i will not get lenz but i'm not sure.
One of my experiment still raises me some questions: Why the rotor spins faster with the coil in deadshort than with a load on the coil? I think i will find my answer after my 15 mags rotor will be done. With that rotor i will be able to get the same rpm's but with duble frequency. Now I have to wait 2 more weeks.
Keep up the good work!
Never slow down!!!  ;)

Hi Mariuscivic,

dead short is lowest resistance possible. So L/R will be greater than with a load connected. Remember R total is composed of R of your coil plus R of your load (Rtotal = Rcoil + Rload). L/R is the time constant you can determine the frequency that is needed from. The higher it is, the lower your rotor can spin to get the acceleration effect.

See this video for an explanation: http://www.youtube.com/user/overunityguide#p/a/u/2/QziS_o6gSnQ

About your setup above: I think strong magnets inducing the coils are needed for this to work. We need to trigger the coils at a certain frequency and maybe at a certain strength too. There is at least one spot where this is working best. So most probably the magnetic field can be well or poorly designed. RomeroUK also found out that it is important to have a minimum gap space between adjacent rotor magnets (at least 1.2 times the magnets diameter but also depending on NNN or NSN configuration).

You were on the right track before, so keep it up!
Title: Video: Speedup under short
Post by: chalamadad on September 27, 2011, 07:26:45 AM
Hi everyone! I have made a video demonstrating the speedup effect I got when shorting one generator coil behind the FWBR.

Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxKOzgbR4xQ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxKOzgbR4xQ)

Nice! :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Poit on September 27, 2011, 08:07:42 AM
Please don't shoot me, what I am about to say isn't as bad as it might first appear. I mean it in the best possible way.

Why is it that every thread I have ever visited on this forum has people perpetually working on (unfinished) devices, and not one has a finished working device (working in the sense of 'to spec' regardless if it is OU or not).??

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact people are replicating, building, designing and inventing machines to do wonderful and fantastic things..... but seriously, where are the finished products? it is rather annoying lol.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MasterPlaster on September 27, 2011, 08:11:00 AM
May be they are replicating something that didn't exist in the first place.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 27, 2011, 08:31:12 AM
Hey Poit, if it's that annoying why don't you go home and build something yourself ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alan on September 27, 2011, 09:22:22 AM
With respect to the builders, but this is 345 pages of fail.
Romero said himself it won't work, accept that it won't, he is a hoaxer.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on September 27, 2011, 11:35:02 AM
you're sure about that alan? I'd say just tired of the harassment recieved. Now he can be left to work.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on September 27, 2011, 01:05:26 PM
Below I am showing two waveforms of the generator coil that is causing speedup when shorted. First image is unshorted, second image is shorted.

Note that it is possible to fine tune the part of the wave which stays intact and which is getting distorted by the reed switch with the help of a backing magnet. Alternatively the reed switch can be moved too.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 27, 2011, 01:51:06 PM
Hi Chalamadad

OK let me get this straight - first you "swtich short" the coil with that reed swtich under the black tape that you repaired - so this is what I call "shorting at sinewave peaks"....you see all that extra voltage it makes plus it doesnt effect draw - you cant go wrong with this.
If you want to replace that reed swtich with halleffect, mosfet and driver circuit I put up a good "solid state" coil shorting circuit here in attachment...this circuit works very good I was testing it jsut yesterday - this time actually shorting the MOTOR COIL itself (not just the genrator coil) this worked very good...

I dont see a capacitor in your circuit - you shoudl substitue a very large DC cap at end of it "for" the continuous-coil-short at DC side of FWBR that gives the speed up - if you can fill a large cap with that FWBR AND get speed up now you are in Romero-looping territory - I dont know why you wont be able to - you have successfully shorted the DC SIDE of a FWBR and got good speed up - most people, like Thane too, isually short the coils themselves and diodes ruin everything (at tleast that is what I have seem maybe not)

What is the resistance of that coil you are shorting in ohms?? jsut wondering...

To INCREASE the power you make even more (double it) - look at that scope shot you have of the coil shorting, and that "unaffected" negative peak down there.......right at that "flipover" point, thats where you do ANOTHER coil short (switched-short and probably you will use another reed switch)...I just did this yesterday in a drive/motor coil - the coil only fires atractive-pulse (which is also point in the coil's sinewave induced by rotor magnets that is also the  positive peak on scope)
and since I dont fire the coil repulsive as well, there is the same  "unaffected" negative peak that you see too (flipover point in negative voltage) - this is just sitting down there waiting to be shorted!!....I did this with the circuit posted here, (except PNP mosfets) now the 3500uf cap fills up to 24V very fast climbs to 60V and higher and higher...(runniing on 60ma and 12V at 950rpm)...most imoprtatn, filing up this cap with peak-coilshorting off the motor coil, DOESNT AFFECT DRAW - you HAVE TO have it happen right at the peak, or it DOES affect draw.

I have FWBR over the motor coil leads, and use a double PNP mosfet "bidirectional" set-up, so am shorting the motor coil on the POS (high) side....then the motor coil itself gets itself chopped to power the rotor around, via a single NPN mosfet on the NEG (low) side....

so if you are using Romeros motor/drive circuit he uses a PNP mosfet/transisitor on the high side, and if you want to coil-short you motor coil like I did, then you would use two NPNs hooked bidirectional on the NEG side (low)

you dont have to worry about all this NPN or PNP and lo and high stuff with reed switches they dont care....

anyways very good work this is great what you did really...add another reed swtich and short that "pickup" (AKA generator) coil AGAIN it wont mind...pickup coils to me are when you wrap a whole lot of extra winds around, and behind, a motor coil to pickup all the "ambient flux" going nowhere -  but this ambient flux will induce lots of normally wasted power into these pickup winds everytime the motor coil is pulsed. (another story) but I think proper term for the coil you are shorting is a generator coil....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on September 27, 2011, 03:24:54 PM
Hey Kone, thanks for your feedback. I am really happy to see this effect.

Before I tested with the reed (which broke unfortunately, but still kinda works) I was trying to short at sinewave with the arduino controlled mosfet circuit. It is very similar to what Joefre has shown before. I tested several pieces of code, shorting at peak from 1 to 128 times at intervals of few microseconds. After all I didn't get any speedup effect like I am having with the reed. (I have one coil which I can get into self oscillation with the circuit as long as the input voltage is above 10V. I can even remove the hall sensor and it would continue oscillating. But don't know what to do with that.)

With the reed I can short out completely different parts of the waveform. I figured out that the waveform that I've shown is working very well and gives the most voltage so far. I am not sure if we want to short the complete waveform, because there is a time when the rotor magnets are not affected by the coil anyway. I would think the core wants a relaxation too. But I am unsure yet what the best waveform really would look like. For now I stick with what's working best experimentally. I will have to order a few more reeds if I want to add more generator coils trying to scale this up. I will try to connect a second one then as you suggested. But it might be the case that a second one isn't even necessary. The backing magnets can really help setting the shorting durations.

Coil resistance is 7.1 Ohm. Inductivity I cannot tell yet, ordered an LC meter but it was broken so I am waiting for replacement.

As far as I know those transistors are in fact NPNs (TIP42C). But as of now I am not playing on the driving side yet. I am not even recovering back emf from the driving side yet. I'd rather like to see what the best way is to fill a DC cap with the voltage that is coming from the generator coil first. Romero has hinted to try different caps. That's what I will do next and see what happens. The output voltage is nice but the cap I have doesn't fill fast enough yet. Need to order some caps.

I hope I can scale this effect up with more coils. If I am getting more and more voltage and the speed rises or even if it stays high under load that would be fantastic.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Poit on September 27, 2011, 04:42:55 PM
Quote from: DeepCut on September 27, 2011, 08:31:12 AM
Hey Poit, if it's that annoying why don't you go home and build something yourself ?

I'm not sure how to respond to that... if I be honest (Again) will you tare me down (Again)? .... or am I being too sensitive? Ok ill be honest any ways...

The truth is, I am not that skilled TO finish a device. The best I can (technically) "do" is the joul theif... the basic joul theif... well there it is...

Now do you understand my annoyance? because I can't do it, all I see is everyone else not doing it either... there is people out there a lot smarter than me (where is the question)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on September 27, 2011, 06:07:41 PM
Well i'm sorry to sound like i was tearing you down, you just sounded flippant in the face of all the work people are doing.

Hopefully, maybe in less than a year, some good results will be had.

I wish you well :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 28, 2011, 01:15:17 PM
Hi Chalamadad

i made triple-555 timer circuit board that can do multiple shorts by it first sensing the sinewave peak with first pot, then 2nd pot decides the capture-width during the sinewave peak period, and 3rd pot chops up the captured-peak period into hwatever frequency of chops you want it to be - I didnt see any improvement in power output than jsut a single short of fairly wide pulse width, and my conclusion was that you have to at least let the coil COLLAPSE which is going to take some amount of  time, the pulse widthdepending on coil and everything else, but if you jsut hit the coil with a rapid succession of shorting-bursts, it jsut doesnt let the coil collapse fully and you dont get the best rebound of voltage into the cap form the compressed and collapsed coil - so maybe that is why yoru arduino experiments dindt work so well.
also the mosfets need to be ultra-low reistance, like a reed switch is.. and you might even need a few mosfets in paralell to make that low resisance...finally you should have bidirectional mosfets, otherwise you catch only half of the evenrgy from the shorted coil....maybe if you did all this it would of worked better and gi ven you some sort of speed up I dont know but sooner or later you are going to have to ditch the reed swtiches since they are so unreliable long term plus they cannot handle much power being zapped through them too. 

What Ismael does with his multiple-shorts at peaks is different sort of  thing (at least this is how I understand it told by him) - he has an "initial" coil-short first (that collapses coil) and then this short puts the coil into HV and HF oscillations upon swtich opening...

now the remaining 4 coil-shorts from his switch-timing is timed to occur right at the PEAKS OF THE OSCILLATIONS so this means very fast and very accurate swtiching for these 5-total coil shorts per peak period....I havent got to this stage yet but this is the very basic "secret" for the huge power-gains in the MEG and his repelling force tech....it makes the osicalltions created EXPAND rather than DECAY
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on September 28, 2011, 01:28:30 PM
Hi Kone,

yes, they brake easily. This is an expensive 1000V high voltage reed. Glad I can still use it. I must admit that the current mosfet driver circuit I have actually is designed to drive a coil, not to just short it. So I will get back what you presented on your diagram. Parts will be different but the most important information is how to connect those two mosfets to catch both halves of the cake. Still wondering how the switching can be done without reeds and mosfets at all. That would save a few things on the shopping list considering you need one of those circuits per coil or coilpair.

For now I want to see if I can make use of the higher output voltage, it doesn't fill the cap fast enough.

Thanks kone, your are an experienced builder, appreciate your sharings!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Shadesz on September 28, 2011, 01:32:27 PM

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: muzzz on September 28, 2011, 05:35:36 PM
 ;D looks like we have a working replication of sorts ,very good video on glass table ,requires spun up to 1100 rpm before it will self run and accelerate

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Rawbush on September 28, 2011, 07:18:41 PM
And he doesn't want to disclose any info! :( :( :( :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 29, 2011, 12:06:18 AM
is that a "selfrunner" or not in the video by Mark of energetic forum?

he doesnt say it is anytime in the video...

looks like button-battery on it in front of bottom coil??

just wondering - I dont doubt it is a looper - but he doesnt say it is which is wierd  and everyone is assuming it is....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 29, 2011, 12:22:55 AM
Hi chalamdad

For a bidirectional mofset, all you got to do is connect the gates, and the source leads of two mosfets, then swtiching occurs betweent he two "leftover" drains leads...the peak period is sort of a "no-mans land" which way current flows, so thats why its best to have bidirectional mosfets - reed switches dont worry about which way current flows either - thats why they work well shorting coils, plus fact their resistance is ultra low...

Also you mentioned a couple posts ago that you thought it would be good to give some "relaxation" time to the coil as a sort of reason why not to short the coil a second time at that negative peak you see in the scope shot you put up...

Just wanted to say that there is no relaxation to the coil or core when if flips polarity!   thats the point of least-relaxation really....

So that negative peak is where you could install another reed swtich to short the coil...I know that I was doing this with a motor coil, and the pos peak is already "spoken for" in that it is what is pulsing the rotor magnet around (plus I pull out the backemf/recoil right after swtich closes up there at pos peak I didnt mention but that  is other story) , but a motor coil is really no different than a generator coil - except there is 1ms point in time where it recieves a pulse - all the rest of the time its a generator coil, induced by those rotor magnets....and the time to short it is at sinewave peaks, and there is one un-used peak sitting down there waiting to be shorted 

it will double the output of your generator coil no problem (will make your cap fill twice as fast in way of "output") and who knows maybe it will cause your beuatiful speed-up effect to be speeding up faster too

I noticed also the sound of the motor changes too, when that negative peak is shorted - sounds more "relaxed" (ha!) as some of the Phfffft sound vanishes - a little similar to when you do pull out the backemf too right after motor coil turn off the mtoor runs quieter as no backspike of flux fighting the rotor magnet...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on September 29, 2011, 12:58:04 PM
This my brand new 24 pole rotor 110 mm in diameter with four 5x10x2mm Neos stacked at one pole. The poles are facing outwards.
I used billboard type of sheets (2x3mm) to make it. It is pretty strong an easy to cut.
A small outrunner motor is driving it pretty well. Arduino uC is just for controlling the ECS. I get 1300 Hz at generator coil which is around 6500 RPM.
I don't want to test higher speeds at this stage. It is pretty stable although I 'carved' the holes with just a knife :D using a printed template.
There are several layers of tape around the edge to make it stronger. There are going to be 20 generator coils around. I can't wait to make
a complete setup for the tests to begin...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on September 30, 2011, 01:18:40 PM
I just got 2000 Volt peaks showing on the meter without any caps connected. Bit scary...   :o

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on September 30, 2011, 02:02:29 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on September 30, 2011, 04:05:15 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on September 30, 2011, 01:18:40 PM
I just got 2000 Volt peaks showing on the meter without any caps connected. Bit scary...   :o

Made a short video:



Normally,  most digital multimeters go crazy when used in pulsed or sparked enviroment or pulsing voltage is measured. I suggest first to place any resistor between 10k to 47k across the diode bridge output as a load and also a few uF puffer capacitor would be good for filtering the fluctuations. Notice the capacitor voltage rating, should be in the 250-300V DC rating range, even when you have some 10k load in parallel with it, to be on the safe side.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on September 30, 2011, 05:02:33 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on September 30, 2011, 04:05:15 PM

Normally,  most digital multimeters go crazy when used in pulsed or sparked enviroment or pulsing voltage is measured. I suggest first to place any resistor between 10k to 47k across the diode bridge output as a load and also a few uF puffer capacitor would be good for filtering the fluctuations. Notice the capacitor voltage rating, should be in the 250-300V DC rating range, even when you have some 10k load in parallel with it, to be on the safe side.


Yes, probably something like that. But still I can get about 72 Volts w/o caps with the new reed. Need to play with the caps a little to see if I can make use of that. Small 0.22µF cap fills very quickly to 250V but there is not enough punch in such a small one.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 01, 2011, 01:06:14 AM
Hi Chamaladad

it could be your voltage is even higher than 2000V since backemf/recoil recovery makes for generally X20 volts in cap and coil-shorting of gernator coil also makes for about X20 volts into cap too, so those reed swtiches being such ultra low ressitance, and also the sort of quick double-pulse they do (ront then back edge of rotor magnet will close them in doublepulse)
so you might be actually shorting the "backemf" created by a generator coil being shut-off real quick turned on, and shut off again, dont know it this is the case, but it could be - coil shorting at peaks has amazing voltage-gain in caps that is for sure...mabye you really have 4000V spikes but your meter and scope cant show this....

Besides Gyulla's resistor idea, also you can control the voltage into cap, and also any lugging you might get, with a AC type cap in series on one leg of DC cap, this working liike "high bypass filter" letting the high end stuff go through and blocking th low end...big uf like 100uf will let lots of power go through, small uf like 6uf will block lots of power and cap will fill much slower so find good size for whatever you are doing and you cna control the rate-of-charge in cap this way.

Easiest thing to do is fill up larger size capacitor like 500uf or 1000uf instead of very small one - now the reisstance of bigger cap will slow down the cap-charge rate, and also dampen those high voltage spikes too....

try and find DC cap size that will sustain your motor with it having powersupply/battery runnig your motor swtiched into this DC cap say for example once a revolution timed in-between motor coil pulses. then if you can fill up that cap wihtin one revolution of motor, it will run by itself...I bet 1500uf would be good size for your motor for having it pulsed by power supply once per revolution to keep it going...you dont have to do it once a reolution that is just idea to make it simple to do.

You can "split" the motor coil pulse supply - like running it on two batteries with the two motor coil circuits totally isolated from one another - then fill up 1500uf cap A with the coil shorting, and cap A runs motor coil circuit B and 1500uf cap B is filled by coil shorting , and cap B runs motor coil circuit A

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 01, 2011, 02:26:10 AM
Hi Kone,

thanks, I have made a short video. You are saying this could be real voltage so I am posting the link again:


It seems possible that the coil is indeed acting like a capacitor too: Before I had a cap on the output the o/p voltage was lower, I then charged a cap. The interesting thing, after removing that cap again the voltage remained higher than before.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on October 01, 2011, 04:43:51 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on October 01, 2011, 02:26:10 AM

Put meter away from sparks and coil, that's making all electronics crazy behaviour in field... :)
Also if you put bridge made from fast switching diodes then charge capacitor from BEMF, expect high voltages there.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 02, 2011, 04:26:49 PM
Could not get the high voltage effect again today. Max DC voltage w/o cap I can get is 82V on the meter. I can flat out the voltage on DC side with caps. But it still doesn't seem to be enough to fill a 1000µF cap fast enough. Tried to connect another coil as a generator like the one I have, output was just 10V.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 02, 2011, 05:01:52 PM
Hi Chalamadad

I bet the reed switch is already worn out from those HV spikes and short-created oscillations -  a bit of carbon has already covered the contact points and it doesnt work like it did anymore.....shorting coils at peaks does the same thing to coils as a Tesla HV spark-gap does - they both will collapse the coil, and when switch or gap "opens" the coil goes into highe frequency oscillations...
anyways try my idea of shorting the "other' peak that you see on scope then maybe you can fill up 1000uf cap quick..

other idea is to chop up your input-pulse whatever it is, into cluster of five or so on-off pulses that overall cover the same pulse width as the existing one fairly large pulse and short each of those pulses...

other idea is to short once very quick then short the oscillation-peaks created from the the intial short...

or combine the two ideas, chop the intial pulse up into 5 or so, and then each pulse has its oscillations created from short have those oscillations themselves shorted at peaks... this is Ismael's MEG more or less as far as I understand it...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 03, 2011, 10:37:44 AM
Hey Kone,

I can short both peaks with the reed, that's when I get about 80V. Although it does sound promising this still ain't enough. At least I don't know how to deal with it yet. I have the same DC converter that Romero had. When I hook that up to the output I am having just 2-3 Volts again. After all those small bipolar caps are filling to 250V almost instantly. But 4.7 or 22 µF won't do it.

Remember I am playing just with a generator coil. No input pulse. That is yet to come when I'm gonna try your coil-shorting circuit.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 03, 2011, 12:27:46 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on October 03, 2011, 10:37:44 AM
Hey Kone,

I can short both peaks with the reed, that's when I get about 80V. Although it does sound promising this still ain't enough. At least I don't know how to deal with it yet. I have the same DC converter that Romero had. When I hook that up to the output I am having just 2-3 Volts again. After all those small bipolar caps are filling to 250V almost instantly. But 4.7 or 22 µF won't do it.

Remember I am playing just with a generator coil. No input pulse. That is yet to come when I'm gonna try your coil-shorting circuit.

Actually the 4.7uf (or more ) at 250v can discharge a lot of power into a drive coil(lower ohm preferably). Its just getting the reed not to stick is the big problem. Transistor time.  One that can handle the voltage and peak amperage. And the trans can be driven by a reed.   ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 03, 2011, 01:42:43 PM
Hi Chalamadad

You wrote that the "small bipolar caps" go up to 240V but to me, bipolar caps mean AC-type caps, with no pos and neg leads to them.
If this is so, they dont work with "holding" the power you make from coil-shorting at peaks - they will only show that high voltage but it "evaporates" very quick and will vanish for some reaon that I dont know why for sure - AC type caps are not what you want to capture the power - they need to be DC type, and the coil-shorting needs to be rectified first too - I use a FWBR of high voltage rating...now the voltage will "stick" in those caps....
Also important that you cannot at this "1st stage" of filling the caps, to simply hit a load with them in a continuous-fashion,

or put any sort of resistance across the caps throughout the coil-short filling process of coil  - any bit of resistance kills the whole effect - so I am guessing that DC to DC convertor is killing the effect of filling caps from the resistance of it... 

you need to do something to isolate those caps from the source (source is coils being shorted) whenever the caps do hit a load ("2nd stage")...

this isnt the same thing as what Romero had happen where the rotor wants to speed up like crazy when that big cap running motor is filled up by all the gernator coils thorugh the bridges - and why he had to use the DC to DC convertor just to control the runaway-speedup....

this is a different thing where caps fill up fast and with high volts without reflecing as extra motor draw, and maybe some slower-style speed up too like you got, but the caps being filled must be disconnected from the source (coils) whenever they hit load 
otherwise they will just make extra draw to motor coils or the motor spinning the rotor happen for whatever power is being taken out("reflection")
other alternative is to fill caps A with coil shoritng  and these dump into caps B and only caps B hit load when cap A is disconnected from caps B .....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 06, 2011, 03:07:00 PM
Hey everyone,

made another video. One of my driving coils has started singing.  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on October 06, 2011, 04:03:43 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on October 06, 2011, 03:07:00 PM
Hey everyone,

made another video. One of my driving coils has started singing.  ;)


Good stuff :)

And congratz, you got excited environment just like in Joule Ringer or Tesla Coil!
Now pick up all those free oscillations back to capacitors and see if you can power motor itself.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 06, 2011, 04:21:32 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on October 06, 2011, 04:03:43 PM
Good stuff :)

And congratz, you got excited environment just like in Joule Ringer or Tesla Coil!
Now pick up all those free oscillations back to capacitors and see if you can power motor itself.

Thanks, T.

I am excited too. :D Hope this the effect we are looking for.

I was trying it with a battery a minute ago, dunno what happened but the cap (think it was the cap) of my driving circuit blew up. Luckily not the one with the ringing coil. Better be hooking up one or two diodes when feeding back to the battery.

From what I've measured at DC converter output I am OU: 12V x 4Amps = 48 Watts. Not putting in more than 16-20 Watts max. But I will probably not be able to use all the output without destroying the resonance or rotor stopping completely.

Wonder if the induced spikes can be shorted at peak as Kone suggests. This could really lead to an enormous power increase.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energia9 on October 06, 2011, 06:36:02 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on October 06, 2011, 04:21:32 PM
Thanks, T.

I am excited too. :D Hope this the effect we are looking for.

I was trying it with a battery a minute ago, dunno what happened but the cap (think it was the cap) of my driving circuit blew up. Luckily not the one with the ringing coil. Better be hooking up one or two diodes when feeding back to the battery.

From what I've measured at DC converter output I am OU: 12V x 4Amps = 48 Watts. Not putting in more than 16-20 Watts max. But I will probably not be able to use all the output without destroying the resonance or rotor stopping completely.

Wonder if the induced spikes can be shorted at peak as Kone suggests. This could really lead to an enormous power increase.

well done
keep up the nice exploration!
Happy experimenting!!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 06, 2011, 11:32:25 PM
Hi Chanaladad

wow who knows what you are going to discover next  - great work -

I have question - at around 30 seconds into video, you point to the drive-coil that is powering the rotor, which is making the bird-noise, and then you say you have two coils that are working as generator coils, and then you point to the coil next to the drive coil, and the same drive coil...I assume this was just a mistake, as later on you show the coil with the probes on it being a generator coil...

so there is no electrical-connection (as in wires) between the singing drive coil and either of the two gernator coils? the only "connection" would be some sort of RF coupling from the spikes thorugh the ambient??
is this what you are thinking is happening? This is what it looks like...

Does the generator coil not make as much power into cap and load when the drive coil is not in the singing-resonance???

does the rpms change when drive coil is in resonance?

does the amps input to the drive coil go down when it is in resonance?

Are the two generator coils connected? 

Do they both fill the cap seperatley with FWBR on each??

I am trying to think of something to "debunk" what you see, since it seems so crazy, but cant think of anything!!
All I can think of is that bird noise is the bearing squeaking, but I am sure that is not it...

I wonder if you take out the backemf/recoil of that drive coil what it looks like in power going into a cap while its resonating and what it is compared to when drive coil is not resonating.

I will guess that sound you hear is the collapse of the coil at turn-off hitting the edge of the magnet and pushing it...or maybe hitting magnet dead-on squared up so the feilds smash into one another makeing the high ptich squeak (just guessing)

whats your rpms?
it doesnt seem very fast but must be the video-frames slowing it all down...

OU X 2 is very great - keep going and dont stop eh

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 07, 2011, 01:00:26 AM
Hey Chal

What size is that cap?  Seems large for how fast it got to 12v with a couple spins of the rotor.  ;]

Have you posted the details on that coil and the driver?

Good work.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 07, 2011, 01:05:01 AM
One more thing.

Can you try to see if the driver coil sings if you just hold the rotor in the right position? Be interesting to see if it sings continuously and see what haps on thos other coils without the rotor spinning..  ;] Gotluc had a setup that oscillated, no rotor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 07, 2011, 01:08:52 AM
Just thought of it, if the hall sensor is near the drive coil, this may be the cause of the singing. Rotor mag turns on the hall, and the pulse from the drive coil turns off the hall, thus drive coil off, magnet on, repeat. oscillator.

Maybe this thing can go solid state.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: garrypm on October 07, 2011, 01:23:42 AM
Hi Chalam,

I think you've created a magnacoster

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 07, 2011, 03:19:49 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on October 07, 2011, 01:05:01 AM
One more thing.

Can you try to see if the driver coil sings if you just hold the rotor in the right position? Be interesting to see if it sings continuously and see what haps on thos other coils without the rotor spinning..  ;] Gotluc had a setup that oscillated, no rotor.


Yes Mags, it does oscillate continuously. I had this tested. The rotor magnet needs to be over the coil and it keeps going.

The output is definitely higher when the coil sings. You can see that in the video, when I was trying to hook up the load the voltage went down, but that is because the hall sensor has moved a millimeter and the coild stopped singing. Then I position it back to the sweet spot and voltage goes up again (est. double).

Cap size is 47K, 40V.

This particular driver circuit is exactly what Romeros contraption was using.

Kone, about your questions:

The coil where the probes are connected to first is completely disconnected from everything except the scope. The one next to it is a generator/driver coil but I can have it as generator only as well. It also receives the spikes. Then I have the singing driver coil and another coil behind it as a generator. These three go through bridges and into cap.

Again, voltage is higher when the coil sings.

The rpm does change when the coils sings. It is getting slower but can be tuned so it keeps going and still keeps singing.
Also RPM is as slow as you see it. Very slow.

Input amps is fluctuating but it does that anyway and the measuring frequency is bad so that needs further testing.

Each coil has its own FWBR.

The sound you are hearing is the oscillation of the coil. When the rotor magnet is ontop of the coil it keeps singing continuously and the scope shows continuous oscillations.

Oh, and this time I got 2 dislikes on youtube too. That's definitely showing that I am on to something.  :D

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 07, 2011, 06:40:41 AM
Hi chalamadad!

I remember i had the same singing driving coils in one of my previous setup,but for now i can't replicate it. I've changed my setup so many times that i don't remenber how i did it.
Waiting for some new details.
Good luck!

For now i'm stuck with my new 15 mags rotor witch didn't gave me the results that i was expecting
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 07:52:56 AM
If you connected the rotor ends like Ed Leedskalnin's pmh you would only have to charge the coils one time, as long as the magnetic field was connected the E field would replenish itself, energy for free, free E field.
Saturn's E field.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 07:56:18 AM
With the rotor running in the E field the magnets become supercharged it should blast any pickup coil around the rotor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 08:01:27 AM
The Testica electrostatic device works the same way there is a high voltage coil around the axial of the wheel that is being pulsed with high voltage, it needs to be pulsed but

the magnet motor can run and work in a static E field, the magnets cause a bubble in the E field, therefore when they pass the coil you have a varying field.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 08:04:16 AM
This is all theory I have not tested this and do not have a working device, but if you really want free energy here it is.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 08:29:46 AM

Tell the World
God's creation is the model
Look at the galaxy
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 08:57:22 AM
I have been posting on this forum in several threads, look at the models, and how a galaxy works.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on October 07, 2011, 09:09:01 AM
Quote from: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 08:29:46 AM
If something happens to me or my family please

As long as you keep it open source, nothing will stop the progress... ;)

P.S> never leave your details on forums, keep it in PMs for friends..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 09:24:15 AM
I surely did not want to, but I had too.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 09:26:04 AM
I will be removing that post in a few hours please copy it and save it, and tell the World, only if you have to.
I want to be left alone, I want no attention, I am pretty much an antisocial person, I dont mean to be, I just dont seem to get on with most people, Im not rude, Im not sure what it is.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on October 07, 2011, 09:44:35 AM
Quote from: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 09:26:04 AM
I will be removing that post in a few hours please copy it and save it, and tell the World, only if you have to.

By the way, most people even do not try to understand how Mother Nature works at least within our solar system and this is where they're wrong... :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 09:50:25 AM
Yes, If we cant model the theory in creation its probably wrong.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: scratchrobot on October 07, 2011, 10:38:59 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on October 06, 2011, 03:07:00 PM
Hey everyone,

made another video. One of my driving coils has started singing.  ;)


I also have had the singing drive coils, at that time I thought my drive coils were no good because of heat and I replaced them. I also had the hall close to the drive coil so maybe that is the cause of the singing. I will try to get that effect again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energia9 on October 07, 2011, 11:39:41 AM
i think that the singing coil effect is the cause of the transistor being triggered to send frequency of several kilohertz to the coil, would it be that it needs a certain leght of the wire to trigger this ?  this might bring the current down from the input side. when you raise pulse frequency to an input coil, there are going to be higher voltage spikes on the output side as both the magnets add to the voltage and the sound frequency pulses , much like a flyback transformer which from several kilohertz to more than 30 khz,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 12:13:28 PM
I wonder is the hall sensor picking up the E field of the coil, it looks to be in the right position.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 12:21:29 PM
The position of the E field is the same as in a magnet unless altered by the core or an outside influence.
I started calling it the E field instead of the A vector because its the electric field of a magnet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 07, 2011, 12:26:40 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 07, 2011, 01:05:44 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on October 07, 2011, 03:19:49 AM
Yes Mags, it does oscillate continuously. I had this tested. The rotor magnet needs to be over the coil and it keeps going.

The output is definitely higher when the coil sings. You can see that in the video, when I was trying to hook up the load the voltage went down, but that is because the hall sensor has moved a millimeter and the coild stopped singing. Then I position it back to the sweet spot and voltage goes up again (est. double).

Cap size is 47K, 40V.

This particular driver circuit is exactly what Romeros contraption was using.

Hey Chal

This is very interesting stuff.   So, when it is singing, the other coils around the rotor are receiving and putting out current?  The other coils are identical to the driver?

If so, I wonder if you removed all the magnets from the rotor except the 1 driver magnet(stationary), if the other coils would get the same output as they do when all mags are present on the rotor.  Just wondering if the rotor mags make up a link with everything.   If there is a difference with only the 1 mag vs all in place, would there be a difference if the other mags were on top of the other coils like the driver, giving the other coils similar tensions to allow them to ring also.  ;]  I believe the magnet over the coil changes the inductance, so the others will need to be matched to the driver, then all of them may sing...  :0 

I would put some fuses in line on the coils, just in case getting all of them singing may multiply what is happening.  ;]

Good stuff..    :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 07, 2011, 06:36:39 PM
Been thinking on it today....

When the magnet turns on the hall, sending current to the drive coil, the coils polarity is opposing the magnet, same pole. And as the coil field rises over a period of time(dependent on the coil), it will cause a change in the field that is turning the hall on, and causes it to turn off, then the cycle continues..

So, is the rise time of the coil at the same freq as the resonant freq of the coil? Is the singing freq the same as the speedup freq? Close? If so, then this is an easy way to get the coil to go into resonance. It will just happen.  I would say the magnet will adjust the inductance up(lower freq), I believe that is what Luc had shown. And I imagine a bit of freq change with adjustment to the hall position.

And we can definitely say the other coils are loosely coupled(Tesla) to the drive coil. More than I would imagine from reading of it.  ;]

Dont remember, are any of Romeros halls near a drive coil?
Maybe he was doing this with one of the drive coils while the other was a driver. Just thoughts, due to the differences from 1 hall to the other in Romeros config.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 07, 2011, 06:38:30 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on October 07, 2011, 01:05:44 PM
I would put some fuses in line on the coils, just in case getting all of them singing may multiply what is happening.  ;]

This IS good stuff. Blew up another 1000µF this time on the output side. Mags, why do I want to have all the coils singing if they are listening already?  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 07, 2011, 06:44:58 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on October 07, 2011, 06:36:39 PM
Been thinking on it today....

When the magnet turns on the hall, sending current to the drive coil, the coils polarity is opposing the magnet, same pole. And as the coil field rises over a period of time(dependent on the coil), it will cause a change in the field that is turning the hall on, and causes it to turn off, then the cycle continues..

So, is the rise time of the coil at the same freq as the resonant freq of the coil? Is the singing freq the same as the speedup freq? Close? If so, then this is an easy way to get the coil to go into resonance. It will just happen.  I would say the magnet will adjust the inductance up(lower freq), I believe that is what Luc had shown. And I imagine a bit of freq change with adjustment to the hall position.

And we can definitely say the other coils are loosely coupled(Tesla) to the drive coil. More than I would imagine from reading of it.  ;]

Dont remember, are any of Romeros halls near a drive coil?
Maybe he was doing this with one of the drive coils while the other was a driver. Just thoughts, due to the differences from 1 hall to the other in Romeros config.


Clever thinking again, Mags! Remember he always said that he didn't wanted the halls firing at the same time. Now you understand also, why one of the halls was positioned to the small magnets facing outwards of the rotor. That will give a smaller time to fire. When I was hooking up another driving coil this was destroying the resonance if being pulsed too long! He always said the load cannot be exceeded! It is true if you want to maintain resonance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 07, 2011, 07:45:19 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on October 07, 2011, 06:38:30 PM
This IS good stuff. Blew up another 1000µF this time on the output side. Mags, why do I want to have all the coils singing if they are listening already?  ;)



Why just listen when you can join the band.  ;]

If they sing, I think the output would be more.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 07, 2011, 07:51:12 PM
Quote from: chalamadad on October 07, 2011, 06:44:58 PM
Clever thinking again, Mags! Remember he always said that he didn't wanted the halls firing at the same time. Now you understand also, why one of the halls was positioned to the small magnets facing outwards of the rotor. That will give a smaller time to fire. When I was hooking up another driving coil this was destroying the resonance if being pulsed too long! He always said the load cannot be exceeded! It is true if you want to maintain resonance.

Yep, so true.

Maybe this is the importance of Tesla quenching his sparks.   To stop the continuity across the gap so the resonating object coil doesnt get damped by flowing back through the gap.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 07, 2011, 10:32:41 PM
Hey Loner

Well, I did have "ifs" and "maybes"   ;]

Can resonance be of a higher freq than the rise time of the coil? Lower? 
Could it be that the coil is singing near resonance in Chals setup?

I think he is getting a very quick charge to the 47,000uf cap with the flick of the rotor..

Would it be easier or better to do this out of range of resonance?  Any advantages?

I dont think it would be easy to get these kind of outputs on the gen coils being that far away from the driver coil unless they were in tune of some sorts with each other.

The gen coils may not be tuned yet like the drive due to magnet position when the drive coil sings. If the drive coil is in resonance when it sings, then the posibility of it being able to react with the gen coils from a far is a much better chance than not in resonance.  A scope shot can show good reason as to why.  ;]

There is no real reason why more cant be had by trying things.

Good to see your still around Lone.  Any more work on those cap discharge experiments?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 08, 2011, 03:13:55 AM
Well, i got my driving coil singing again and it gets realy hot.Not becouse it's singing, but becouse it's sucking a lot of current. In my case, the hall sits far way from the driving coil and the rotor must spin realy slow (15-20rpm).If i stop it completly the coil sings continuisly when the magnet faces the hall sensor.
I had 3 coils in my setup: one drivind and two pickup coils with no core.
I removed the two pickup coils and replace them with one coil with ferite core. In this case i couldn't make the driving coil sing again. I'll dig deeper
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on October 08, 2011, 08:42:37 AM
If i turn on my bench PSU the coil sings straight away and starts sucking 15 Watts or more, i'm not sure if this behaviour means anything useful.

After spending £30 trying different coils to get acceleration-under-load, i can now get the effect with any old coil ! I think it's important that the core is longer than the coil-former, with the extra length being rotor-side.

I'm also thinking that, although my diametric setup is good for high frequencies, it's bad when it comes to cogging, because there is always a core being attracted to the magnet.

We live and learn, don't we !


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on October 08, 2011, 11:53:24 AM
Great work Chal,

I would think that the rotor magnets are forming a "blanket magentic skin" that propagates the magnetic wave to the other gen coils. The flux change per time is huge which would explain the high voltage generated.

I dont think you even need a spining rotor.

Can you test with the rotor positioned to a fix place without spining and still have that effect with the load connected?

It would be very important now to measure better the input energy.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on October 08, 2011, 12:11:22 PM
Watched the video Chal, very impressive for such a low-speed !

Can anyone explain how OverUnityGuide managed to wind a coil that is :

L : 8.2 Henries
R : 383 Ohms

in this video :



I can't imagine which gauge wire would enable such a ratio, especially on a coil former that size.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 08, 2011, 05:07:17 PM
Quote from: plengo on October 08, 2011, 11:53:24 AM
I dont think you even need a spining rotor.

Can you test with the rotor positioned to a fix place without spining and still have that effect with the load connected?

It would be very important now to measure better the input energy.

Hey Fausto,

yes, the oscillation occurs also when the rotor is standing still and one of it's magnets is above the coil. And yes, the effect is still there with a load connected.

So it might be possible to remove the rotor. But you know how sensitive these setups are. Once you lose a specific effect it can be impossible to restore it again if you don't remember the exact setup you had. As long as you don't know what is causing these effects you have to stay where you are and keep testing small things. And BTW - if it should really work one day it's half the show if there is no rotor spinning.  :D

Now if my theory is right, that the extra oscillations are induced into the other coils then it might be possible that we can hook them up in bucking mode and actually can pull power without slowing the rotor down. We had the discussion before but with this theory it is making sense logically.

Right now the oscillation effect does slow the rotor. But with a slower rotor the magnet is for a longer time above the coil so the oscillation pulses are longer also and there is hence more output. I think having it pulsed with a slow rotor is better than having it oscillate continuously because I imagine it to be more efficient on the input side. Of course for a practical use a solid state version would be gorgeous. But we are not anywhere close there yet.

My primary goal is a proof of concept demonstrator, showing the rotor turning and keeping the battery charged. Theoretically calculating the input and output power will not work. See, where I am now I am putting in about 16-20 Watts max (it's less but I am calculating worst case). Shorting the DC converter output is showing 4Amps times 12V is ~48 Watts. It sounds like COP>1 but that's not true because if I kept the output shorted the resonance effect vanishes. (Anybody - would it work to limit the output current by simply hooking up a resistor/pot in series?)

I'd be really happy to achieve a long-runner that is keeping the battery charged. Rotor speed I don't care. I tried the battery loop test today, also in solid state mode. 12V battery running the setup. Output was slightly lower. Maybe 10%. But the voltage of the battery was dropping quickly. We are close it seems but not quite there. When running with 16V it looks like the output is 40-50% higher but I just have a 12 battery. I might wanna try to repeat this time charge up the battery completely first.

Thanks for all the input, everyone! It's appreciated. Romero suggested to watch again his speed under load video and learn from that. And Fausto, thanks for keeping the forum clean every now and then.  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 08, 2011, 05:19:51 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on October 08, 2011, 03:13:55 AM
Well, i got my driving coil singing again and it gets realy hot.Not becouse it's singing, but becouse it's sucking a lot of current. In my case, the hall sits far way from the driving coil and the rotor must spin realy slow (15-20rpm).If i stop it completly the coil sings continuisly when the magnet faces the hall sensor.
I had 3 coils in my setup: one drivind and two pickup coils with no core.
I removed the two pickup coils and replace them with one coil with ferite core. In this case i couldn't make the driving coil sing again. I'll dig deeper

Hey marius,

wish I could help more on this but I don't exactly know why my setup does what it does. A few things:

- a backing magnet can change the sweet spot where the hall needs to be positioned, I have one under the singing coil
- I think we want to get the COIL to fire/unfire the hall. That will pulse it in it's own natural frequency. my guess is that this is the reason why the oscillations are so powerful that I can measure them without probes connected
- keep going, experimenting is the way to go!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on October 08, 2011, 07:03:59 PM
If it's of any consequence biasing/backing/helper magnets work with my two setups (one is a rotor, the other is a single diametrically magnetised cylinder magnet) even though they are in a N/S configuration.

I find this surprising and don't have the knowledge to explain it ...

OUG replied and he is using 21 AWG on the primary and 30 AWG on the secondary.

All the best,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: geotrouvetout on October 08, 2011, 07:29:33 PM
Hi all,

i am not a great writer on this forum and topic and did not post a lot, i follow all progress from the begining, trying some test without positives results, i have to test coil made of iron isolated wire (trying a mix between magnetic and electric field to get something different from a copper wired coil.)

@ chalamadad

nice and great work, but i think there is an error in the measurement interpretation

Quote from: chalamadad on October 08, 2011, 05:07:17 PM
Shorting the DC converter output is showing 4Amps times 12V is ~48 Watts.

how can you get 12V if you short the output, maybe few mV (from the resistance of the short circuit and the shunt resistor of the ammeter) that give some mWatts instead of Watts !!!
May be i am wrong and i forgot something from your setup.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 09, 2011, 03:05:03 AM
Quote from: geotrouvetout on October 08, 2011, 07:29:33 PM
Hi all,

i am not a great writer on this forum and topic and did not post a lot, i follow all progress from the begining, trying some test without positives results, i have to test coil made of iron isolated wire (trying a mix between magnetic and electric field to get something different from a copper wired coil.)

@ chalamadad

nice and great work, but i think there is an error in the measurement interpretation

how can you get 12V if you short the output, maybe few mV (from the resistance of the short circuit and the shunt resistor of the ammeter) that give some mWatts instead of Watts !!!
May be i am wrong and i forgot something from your setup.


Yes I think you are correct, that's why I don't trust these calculations. Will have to measure over a resistor or something.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on October 09, 2011, 07:35:22 AM
My device is almost done for testing. My configuration allows 4 poles to work at the same time, yet there is almost no cogging. In this config I can connect all 8 coils in parallel to get very high L/R ratio. Imagine it to be one very long coil. There are 5 phases with 8 coils each. I don't have all the coils yet... I'll try to make some tests tomorrow... Don't laugh at my filthy rotor :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on October 09, 2011, 08:33:16 AM
That looks really nice. Filthy ? I can't see a mark on it !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: geotrouvetout on October 09, 2011, 08:38:31 AM
Thx chalamadad for your answer, i think you are on the right track, your coil singing make ringing your setup or system and open a new door with the HF or harmonics spikes that can be an answer for more output than input where conventionnal calculations can't be done to have COP > 1, and then it's why you blew up some capacitors.
Changing a current and voltage state to another with an excess of energy ??? spikes, pulses etc have to be interpreted differently.
Testing on a setup like yours or many others on this topic gives more than claculations or formulas

Regards Geo.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: RAD-HHO on October 09, 2011, 11:33:05 AM
I think this has been posted already, but this looks like the same thing Chalamadad is doing........

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 09, 2011, 12:57:51 PM
Quote from: RAD-HHO on October 09, 2011, 11:33:05 AM
I think this has been posted already, but this looks like the same thing Chalamadad is doing........


Thanks for bringing that up again. Some thoughts:
- Wonder if the capacitor does the same already as the battery bank. It is needed to catch the extra output and it does so very much in the same manner.
- What would happen if I added a second cap?
- Are two batteries needed (switching mode) or can this setup run in a looped fashion?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 09, 2011, 03:55:43 PM
Was just reading this on wikipedia:

"Resonant circuits exhibit ringing and can generate higher voltages and currents than are fed into them."
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 09, 2011, 04:27:13 PM
hi all i read the pdf by Ossie Callahan that was just posted - very interesting - I would suggest simply filling a cap of say 450uf 450VDC rated from any ringing you might find happening in a motor coil, rather than the 5  dead batteries in series like he does.
try differnet cap sizes to find what will work best for you...

SWITCH-OUT the backemf into the cap - one way is FWBR AC legs across your motor coil, and/or switching for motor coil, and then DC side of FWBR into cap.
Then put a switch somewhere on this FWBR - for examnple in series on one of hte AC legs (would need to be bidirectional here since its AC being switched) or you cna bput swtihc on DC side of FWBR too...

Time this backemf swtich to turn ON just AFTER the motor coil switch turns on and time the backemf swtich to turn OFF just AFTER the motor coil swtich turns OFFf- say a 5 degree delay....

now whenever this backemf swtich is OFF, and hte motor coil swtich is OFF too,  that is good time to dump the cap into a load, since it will be totally isolated then.

Now there is another collapsiing-negatieve peak that occurs too, after the motor coil pulse, and after the backemf swtiched-pulse to fill cap, and also will be after the cap discharged-to load pulse too....

this is that neg peak I was telling Chamalad a couple weeks ago he should SHORT at this neg-peak seen in his scope shot, and this neg-peak short will  fill up cap even more - and this shorting-at-peak short will create oscillations/rings  that resemble what Osside does with reed swtich is what I am getting at.

Short-at-peak this neg peak by having AC legs of another FWBR across the motor coil leads, which then  has its AC legs SHORTED straight across with bidirectional mosfet switch  (not a swtich in series like the backemf swich is on one AC leg) ... DC side of FWBR goes into same cap, or 2nd cap if you want.

s mentioned, the shorting-event of this neg peak will send that coil into ringing osicllations, similar to what Ossie does with his "hyper-ringing" reed swtich...

so you have done four things, fire the motor coil with a pulse to move rotor around, recover the backemf/recoil of the coil into DC cap, and also have shorted the coil at a "sinewave" (negative) peak into DC cap too, and finally have knocked this cap into load when everything is turned OFF/disconnected too, so the cap hittling load will not reflect back as additional draw (non reflective)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 11, 2011, 05:35:03 PM
Hi all

After playing a lot with my gen coil i finally got it in resonance. The coil screams when i put a 0,22uF cap in paralel. The rpm is around 3400 and gets down with no more than 10 rpm when in resonance.
I did another test too. 
I tooked another coil (smaller) and moved it around the rotor to see if i can get some mV. Above the gen coil i picked around 2V unloaded. I connected a small led and it got lit.
Then i connected the cap to the gen coil.
With the gen coil in resonance i picked 0.5V more in the coil above witch had the led connected.(led lit a litlle more)

In my current setup i have 6 driving coils and (for now) 2 gen coils( i must make other 18 gen coils) . These 2 gen coils sits one in top of the other. When i put one coil in resonance , the voltage of the other coil increases too. Then the coil allready in resonance increases voltage when i put the other coil in resonance.
So it's seems that if i could have all 18 coils (ready and mounted in resonance) the ''resonance effect'' could do something interesting. For now i'll go back and try to make some other coil.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on October 12, 2011, 01:22:48 PM
   I am in the process of wiring up my ten coiler. A bit of a variant but the nine/eight showed a lot of promise so added one more coil. This way I can trigger off one source and eliminate the cross wires. Each half will be independant of the other and linked by the mounting rods.
   I have decided to use bifilar coils that can be used any way I choose. Glue takes so long to set up good but have to wait for it. More later

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 12, 2011, 02:16:30 PM
LC meter replacement finally arrived. The resonating coil is 0.88mH. Unifilar.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on October 12, 2011, 06:31:51 PM
Marius/Chal et al, this is sounding really interesting.

Marius is that the soundcard scope software you are using, looks like the same one i have ?

I've spent £90 on wire in the past 2 weeks testing different coils with my diametric setup.

I've definitely confirmed that higher impedance coils amplify the Heins effect, but it's looking like it may take a lot of wire for the effect to overcome the drag of the core. Now i understand why Thane has such big, fat coils, i'm thinking it may take 2 pounds of 0.4mm wire for a coil to do that on my setup.

I'm writing a program to tell me how much wire of a certain gauge i will need to achieve a certain inductance, it should be finished by tomorrow.

One drawback of a single-magnet setup is that there is always core drag, it's not like the even/odd setup where there is only one core dragging at a time, with my setup, each additional gen coil introduces more drag which is why i have to make a coil that overcomes the drag once the effect has kicked in.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 12, 2011, 07:11:37 PM
Hi DeepCut

This is the program that i'm using: soundcard oszilloscope.
I made other 2 coils tonight (800 turns 0.4mm 20mm/8mm ferite); i'm running out of wire  :D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on October 12, 2011, 07:25:35 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on October 12, 2011, 08:00:54 PM
Hi Marius, yes that's the one i am using :)

This is a good probe for it :


I've made so many coils i've run out of money !

I plan to buy this :


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on October 13, 2011, 02:58:26 AM
FREE program for sound card

VA is a real time program which simulates a set of electronic instruments, such as:

Oscilloscope (dual channel, xy, time division, trigger);

Spectrum Analyzer with amplitude and phase display (linear, log, lines, bar, octaves band analysis 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 1/12, 1/24);

Wave-form generator with "custom functions", triangular, square, sinusoidal (all with NO ALIASING and smooth transition), white/pink noise, pulse generation, DC generation;

Frequency meter (in time and frequency domain) and counter; in time domain by means of a real time zero crossing algorithm;

Volt meter with DC, true RMS, peak to peak and mean display plus resolution calculus;

Filtering (low pass, hi pass, band pass, band reject, notch, "diode", DC removal);

Memo windows (data log) for analysis and storage of time series, spectrum and phase  with "triggering" events; THD and Impedance data logging with spline interpolation; possibility to save the graphics in various format (.tee, .txt, .wmf) )and display them with an internal viewer;

Screenshot of Spectrum and Scope window;

A TRUE software digital analog conversion (for complete signal reconstruction using Nyquist theorem) ;

Frequency compensation: possibility to create/edit a custom frequency response and  add it to the spectrum analyzer computed spectrum; added standard weighting curves A,B,C in parallel with custom frequency response;

Support for 8/16/24 bit soundcard by means of API calls;

Internal 80 bit IEEE floating point variables for minimum rounding error;

Unlimited frequency sampling (depend from the capabilities of your soundcard/acquisition device);

Cepstrum analysis;

Cross Correlation;

Extended THD measurements, with automatic sweep, compensation, data log;

ZRLC-meter with Vector scope, automatic sweep in time and frequency for automatic measurement;

Calibration mechanism (you can calibrate the VA scales directly in VOLT or dB or percent full scale) ;

Set of values computed in real time (peak to peak, peak, crest factor, form factor, true rms, mean, frequency with zero-crossing algorithm).


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on October 13, 2011, 05:01:06 AM
interesting documents:

Increased voltage phenomenon in resonance circuit of unconventional magnetic configuration.

clean energy laboratory natural group corporation Japan


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on October 13, 2011, 06:48:48 AM
Wings, thankyou very much :)
Title: Resonance/Heins Effect is standard science !!!
Post by: DeepCut on October 13, 2011, 07:08:45 AM
I was looking for a sophisticated inductance calculator (there are many unsophisticated ones out there !) when i came across this article, read the section 'Stray Capacitance And Self-Resonance', i was surprised to see it mentioned as standard knowledge !

*** EDIT ADD ***

Ooops ! forgot link :



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 13, 2011, 11:39:44 AM
Guys who are using soundcard oscilloscopes be careful when measuring resonant circuits. Resonating coils might exhibit higher voltages than a soundcards input can handle and might emit EMF that can also damage all kinds of electronic devices in the vicinity.

@deepcut: Yes it is known, but usually resonance is something to be avoided in electronic circuits. Also for the reasons above.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wings on October 13, 2011, 11:53:03 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on October 13, 2011, 11:39:44 AM
Guys who are using soundcard oscilloscopes be careful when measuring resonant circuits. Resonating coils might exhibit higher voltages than a soundcards input can handle and might emit EMF that can also damage all kinds of electronic devices in the vicinity.

@deepcut: Yes it is known, but usually resonance is something to be avoided in electronic circuits. Also for the reasons above.

for dangerous test use USB sound cards 1.5 $


galvanic 1000v usb isolator
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 13, 2011, 01:10:56 PM
Ooops! i did it again.  >:(

I mounted other 2 coils today. Doing that i had to take apart the sistem and then put it back togheter. Now can't find the sweat spot for the coils to ring.They still produce around 40V each but yesterday, when i had only 2 coils, one of them produced 76V and the other one 65 vhen ringing. Also , the dso nano arived today with a small problem; the on-off button doesn't work(it stays always on)  >:(. I talked to the guy and said that he will send me another one next week.
I'm going back to wound some other coils
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on October 13, 2011, 03:44:08 PM
@ Chal and wings, thanks for advice and links :)

@ Marius, hope you find the sweetspots again ! Those nanos look really nice.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on October 13, 2011, 03:52:27 PM
I've been looking at the isolator, which is great for protecting the PC.

But what about something in between a home-made scope probe and a USB sound module, so that i could measure higher voltages without blowing the USB sound module ?

Or is it just a question of how the scope probe is made ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 13, 2011, 07:15:58 PM
Hi DeepCut

Wanna see my old probe that i used for pc? Don't laugh too hard... :D  looks like from the stone age anyway
I also set the mic to level 1 of 100

Found a nice shot above the driving coil. I connected the nano's probe to an another coil and then i put it above the driving coil.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on October 13, 2011, 09:11:55 PM
Man i'm jealous ! That nano looks sweeeet :)

I've made my probes out of multimeter probes and put them both in a box, the red is the new HV probe i just finished after three hours and the black is the low-voltage one.

Here is a shot of it in action, the red square wave is my LV probe and the green is the HV one.

My sine-wave looks a bit dirty, though. Marius, is that the old probe you used on the shots you posted before you got the nano ? If so please tell me the circuit because you had nice, clean shots, thanks :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 14, 2011, 05:14:58 AM
I used no circuit at all; just the cable with a 820Kohm resistor on one probe.Then the mic level set to 1 of 100
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on October 14, 2011, 05:25:27 AM

It looks like the red trace is influencing the green one through induction. The problem probably is in unshielded multimeter leads. I might be wrong though...
You might want to try different ratio of resistance and capacitance (smaller cap and bigger resistor). If your potentiometer is wirewound then it has got some inductance and with a capacitor it acts as LC tank causing those oscillations... Just thinking aloud...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on October 14, 2011, 06:31:16 AM
Thanks Marius and keyho. ION at overunityresearch.com has given me a much better circuit for HV use with clipping diodes.

I will look into shielding.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on October 14, 2011, 01:33:56 PM
@ Mari:
   Was looking at your build and realized you have air core choke coils coming out of your main coils. This cant be much of a hindrance , but then due to an AC signal, it may be  a lot. Then it may also be helpful. Just a thought.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on October 18, 2011, 05:48:45 PM
My new setup:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ5SkvBBYC8&hd=1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ5SkvBBYC8&hd=1)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 18, 2011, 06:16:42 PM
Nice setup Keh.  ;]

How eff is that drive motor?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on October 18, 2011, 10:23:24 PM
I couldn't find in the specs how efficient the motor is but at this stage it doesn't matter much. I think it is in the 85-90% range.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: From other Planet on October 22, 2011, 06:04:59 PM
hm not many news here last days..
so I'm telling u my experiences with my Muller generator setup i built. When i have money, i need to build a new, better one
I am sad to say, i had no speed up effects or singing coils ;D, but learned some other things:
-my generator is made out of wood + acryl for rotor (company who made it drilled center hole half or 1/3 mm bigger then 20mm) so it vibrates very much couldn't try rpm about 1000
   ----> don't use wood its not unflexible enough, search for good craftsmanship if u cant make parts urself
-didn't finish it yet with all 9 coilpairs, maximum i used was 10 coils (rotor is 8 magnets)
-adjusting and playing around with positions off hallsensors, backing magnets, coils themselves, driving voltages,cap sizes, cores and Load resistance can increase efficiency huge
-i use BEMF from driving circuits, most testruns bemf was more then 50% of complete output energy(didn't try shorting BEMF yet)
-best efficiency i achieved was close to 50%
-mainly used single driving coils, as this gave much better results (single generator coil on the opposite side)
-Shorting single generator coils: This is cool. 8)
This improved output from a single coil (only had 1 shorting circuit, so only could short one coil at a time, 3+3 N-MOSFET parallel) very much. Biggest improvement was like 0,0x Watt up to more then 2 W. There are sweet spots, i need better control of shorting rhythm in further experiments. And better driving pulse control.
BUT,  shorting slowed rotor, ~5-15%, which means little higher input current (also depends on shorting frequency
-my input voltage and power ranged between 6-24 Volt and 3-30 Watt
-shorting generator coils opposite to a driving coil not work good

Kind regards
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 23, 2011, 11:56:40 AM
Hi from other planet dude

you need to really control the coil-shorting at peak pulse very accurate or it will slow rotor like you say. When you short at sinewave peak and of just enough pulse width so it doesnt want to pull rotor backwards to rotation any, then it will not slow rotor.
It is good to use mosfets in paralell for lower resistance, but also they should be "bidirectional" in that you you have a pair of mosfets with gates and source leads connected, and swtihcing happens between the drain leads.
That peak-period has no real polarity to it is idea - so you want to catch a bit of the rise and a bit of the fall, so AC switching (bidirectional mosfets do this) is needed to catch all you can of the HV and HF oscillations the coil short causes when switch OPENS...have FWBR AC legs across coil, and DC into DC type cap.

Dont put resistance on the cap that fills from coil shorting to "check power" in conventional way...this will kill the effect and is also how engineers will "hide" any free energy-gains in power....("lump resistive load" testing for watts)
INSTEAD, fill caps with the coil shorting with no resistance at all in cap - then disconnect cap from coil in some way, and dump CAP ONLY to resistive load while cap is disconnected from "source" (coils being shorted)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 27, 2011, 06:33:21 AM
I am back from vacation. We also were at Niagara Falls. Took a picture of the Tesla statue and the old powerhouse. Except that there is not much information about that ingenious man there.  :-\
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AlphaTech on October 27, 2011, 07:43:07 PM
Hi Chalamadad,

I am happy that people are starting to realize that the secret of RomeroUK are the drive coils! Maybe RomeroUK didn't even realise it yet. Please read my only other post on OU.com as I explained what should happen with the drive coils. You are on the track. It's easy to check if I'm right or not; just put off the diode over the diodeless transistor and you should see the effect disapears. Then apply Coil Shorting Technique on the generator coil and you should have 2 source of OU. I ordered ferrite core to replicate what you have done.

Good luck

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: garrypm on October 28, 2011, 03:18:13 AM
Quote from: penno64 on June 23, 2011, 08:14:59 AM

A couple of things of interest -

I can generate over 200v DC from the output by using a series cap, 0.47uf, with the 21 watt bulb (about 1 ohm) and quickly shorting across the cap. Do not use the buffer cap - many uf, high volts.

Its weird to note where this voltage is stored and eventually drains down. I can tell you that it packs
a punch.

Has anyone else noticed the generating capablities of the "DRIVE" circuit. Simply connect a voltmeter
across the input wires to drive circuit without power and rotate rotor by hand.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 28, 2011, 02:36:43 PM
Hi Gerry

Yes the "drive coils" are generator coils in two ways: whenever motor coil circuit is OFF, then its a generator coil, just like all the rest,
and also right at moment of turn off of motor coil circuit, there is huge backflash of "BEMF" that can be collected into caps pretty easily by simply putting single diode going to neg of cap coming off the source-lead of the mosfet into this DC cap, with cap and mosfet sharing common pos leads

(this if NPN mosfet - if PNP mosfet then share common neg leads and diode hits pos of cap)

additionally, if you wait during the period just after the bemf-capture event which occurs right at the shut-off of motor coil circuit,

and let the coil collapse all the way down to its "negative-peak", (can be seen on scope) that is great place to SHORT the drive coil's leads together for jsut a very short time, and put AC legs of FWBR acorss the drive coil, with DC into cap too....you cna sue the same cap alredy filled by backemf, or use 2nd cap....

always dump caps to load when caps are disconnected from whatever just filled them. ("two stage" output circuit)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on October 28, 2011, 04:21:01 PM
Quote from: AlphaTech on October 27, 2011, 07:43:07 PM
Hi Chalamadad,

I am happy that people are starting to realize that the secret of RomeroUK are the drive coils! Maybe RomeroUK didn't even realise it yet. Please read my only other post on OU.com as I explained what should happen with the drive coils. You are on the track. It's easy to check if I'm right or not; just put off the diode over the diodeless transistor and you should see the effect disapears. Then apply Coil Shorting Technique on the generator coil and you should have 2 source of OU. I ordered ferrite core to replicate what you have done.

How about a link to that other post?


Good luck

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AlphaTech on October 28, 2011, 05:47:55 PM
Hi Richard,

see what I wrote on september 22 in this subject. Konehead should know that I am maybe right. But the RomeroUK drive coils and Konehead Coil Shorting Technique are 2 separate thing. I don't know which one is the easiest way but Konehead is here and said everything you should know... I least I think.


Hi RomeroUK and Konehead,

RomeroUK: Hector told that your looper was working because of the driving coil and not because of the generator coil. The fact that you saw the effect appears, disappears, appears, etc. while the RPM goes up comfirms his theory. This is because of the ferro-resonance of your ferrite core so you step in a subharmonic, then goes out of this harmonic and then step in the next subharmonic of the core as the speed inscrease. Your capacitor acts as a pulser and as a receiver. The reverse diode acts to collect the radiant energy. So this extra energy is what drive your rotor while your generator coils are collecting this transformed energy (from radiant energy-->kinetic energy-->electricity from generator coils). This kind of circuit is more known as Coil Banger.

If you want to verify it yourself and for me (and everyone else): take the exact drive circuit you had (100uF cap, PNP bipolar transitor, reverse diode (1N4007), coils with ferrite core and hall effect sensor) but this time, don't put the reverse diode (1N4007). You should now see the effect disappears at any speed if I'm right. No extra energy without reverse diode. If you CAN make a looper WITHOUT reverse diode, well, I'm wrong.



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 28, 2011, 07:38:38 PM
Hi At

yes the way RomeroUKs mullergen rig speeds up under "contiuous" shorrt, or heavy load, is not the same thing as doing a quick short at sinewave peak, and collecting power that way into caps, then releasing caps to load when coils are disconnected from the cap itself...

I dont think Hector's assesment of the drive coil being the looping-reaon is correct - not to put down Hector however in any way - but Romeor has his generator coils and the drive coils as totally seperate circuits (as far as we know at least) and its the generator coils hitting load that makes for the speed up, and its nothing really to do with the drive coils here but its easier for them to puish that rotor around when te rotor speeds up under load that is for sure...however, if RomeorUK "secretly" did something with the backemf in the drive.motor coils and recycled it through the genrator coils and this gave a motor effect to genrator coils when under load, then that is something else again altogether -

I dont see any backemf recovery sort of circuit going on at all in the RomeorUK machine's drive/motor coils - so there could be one if anyone who has replicated it wantd to.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AlphaTech on October 28, 2011, 10:40:29 PM
Hi Konehead,

Yes RomeroUK had 2 separate circuit like you said. I was sceptic with Hector theory first but by experimenting, I learnt more things and I concluded that Hector must be right.

By putting a small load on the generator coils, there is less drag (interaction) on the rotor (magnets) and the acceleration comes from this effect, nothing OU here. If you short the generator coil, you should have a better acceleration because the magnet has less interaction with the coil, nothing OU again here. If there is a too much big load on the generator coil, the interaction magnet-coil is big so there is deceleration and/or bigger input power (nothing OU). When there is no load, there is a strong drag. Remenber, RomeroUK said that the load was important too.

Then by putting magnets on the back of the coils, there is less drag from the rotor magnet and it help to presaturate the core (ferroresonance).

So the acceleration effect is normal (conventionnal). When there is no load on the generator coil, the drag is huge (idle power). Then by having the tuned load (only a slight acceleration as RomeroUK did) on the generator current, there is less drag and you can take power at the same time. This is where almost everyone get trapped.

During this time, the driver coils are doing the magic! It's possible to capture the extra energy (ferroresonance) because of the reverse diode. The extra energy is used to drive the rotor so it now becomes extra inertia (kinetic energy). This extra inertia is converted into electricity by the tuned generator coil. This is the way I see the system.

But I think it is easier to use your method (sinewave peak shorting) because RomeroUK had to tune the RPM to fit with subharmonic of the core ferroresonance. The best would be to use both for sur!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on October 28, 2011, 10:47:57 PM
Just consider for a moment the position of the hall sensors

One triggers from above and the other triggers from the side.

Lets look at the one on the side (small magnets placed into edge of rotor). How much on time do you
believe you are using when triggered by these side mags compared to the generation time of the main
magnets going by?

The hall sitting above the rotor. This should be switching on the EDGE ???????

Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 28, 2011, 10:56:30 PM

OK I think I see what you are getting at - I describe it as exponential power increase, as when you load rotor and it spins faster, and when it spins faster it makes more power too into the cap that runs the motor, so it runs faster and faster as you load it "with itself", so that is why Romeor needed that DC to DC convertor, as he reported at first.....
anyways that reverse diode - I dont think Romeor has one in his circuit as he does "nothing" with the backemf/recoil of the pulsed motor/drive coil 9at lest I thought so - maybe I am wrong) -
but if he DOES run that diode coming off the mosret right back into the motor coil itself, then mabye that is what you mean here....lots of times you buy a off-shelf solenoid coil or something, and they will have diode already in there as standard procedure - it connects the "out" lead of coil right back to to "in" lead and will sometimes make a coil much more effecient - maybe sometimes possible to save 30% in draw doing this however half of the time this will work doing no good at all as all the reverse-spike energy is cancelled out immmediately by the ohms resistance of hte coil's resistance (depends on coils resistance and input etc).....anyways if this is the "reverse diode" you are talking about, then perhaps this is what you (and Hector) mean and that this diode really does its job AND MORE; cutting draw down and down and increasing power into the RUN CAP as the rotor accelerates.....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AlphaTech on October 28, 2011, 11:31:42 PM
Hi Penno,

I don't think the ON time and the frequency of the trigger is what it appears to be. We should always look on a scope before. If RomeroUK had taken a scope shot of his driver coil, it could all be verified....
Just look at Chalamadad and his signing coils (KHz!!!). Almost nothing to do with the RPM. But RomeroUK trigger was more controlled than Chalamadad (at least it seems more controlled as the RPM was not affected).


Yes I mean the reverse diode. So the drive circuit need some power to drive the coil but with this reverse diode, some of the energy is going back into the cap and the other part of the energy is used to drive the rotor.

I'm going to bed.
Good luck


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on October 30, 2011, 05:32:52 AM
In some of the 'acceleration under load' videos Romero showed this attached circuit to be responsible for the speedup effect.
I did a simulation of that replacing Hall sensor with a zener diode.
The result is blinking led with power disipation shown on the right graph and on the left we've got power taken from the rotor...

Generator Coil Speedup Circuit Simulation (http://www.falstad.com/circuit/#%24+1+5.0E-6+20.712724888983452+47+5.0+50%0Av+144+320+144+192+0+1+100.0+10.0+0.0+0.0+0.5%0AT+240+240+320+240+0+100.0+1.0+-2.458856236047474+2.4624258819749305+0.999%0Aw+240+240+240+192+0%0Aw+240+272+240+320+0%0Ar+240+192+144+192+0+0.1%0At+304+160+304+208+0+-1+-4.9819908104487E-6+0.8284334583868054+100.0%0Aw+320+240+320+208+0%0Ac+320+272+448+272+0+8.999999999999999E-5+20.073435937681964%0Aw+448+208+448+272+0%0Ad+448+208+320+208+1+0.805904783%0Aw+288+208+256+208+0%0Aw+256+208+256+128+0%0Aw+256+128+480+128+0%0Aw+448+272+480+272+0%0Aw+448+160+448+208+0%0Ar+448+160+368+160+0+100.0%0Az+368+160+304+160+1+0.805904783+10.0%0Aw+480+128+528+128+0%0Aw+480+272+528+272+0%0Ac+144+320+240+320+0+1.4999999999999999E-5+7.574303202723141%0A162+528+128+528+272+1+10.0+1.0+1.0+1.0%0Ao+0+64+1+35+40.0+9.765625E-5+0+-1%0Ao+20+64+1+35+40.0+9.765625E-5+1+-1%0A)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 30, 2011, 09:27:19 PM
Hi guys!

Seems like everyone is stucked again with the acceleration on the load.
Meanwhile, i've been playing again with the shorted coils and seems that the hall is affected some how.
I made a small video too   http://youtu.be/F1WX2WMLzkM
I found it interesting becouse no one has mentioned about this effect
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 31, 2011, 12:45:09 AM
Hi Mariusivic

I dont know if it is Hall Effect being influenced by that reed swtich "swtich-shoring" the coil - the rotor speed up is like a speed up you got already with continuous short sort ot but now a swtihc-short,
and the slow-down is a lenz-law type of slow down and all depens on timing at least that is what i see...

also the rotor magnets trigger your reed and you have no real adjsutment to make pulsewidth smaller....but you do have good adjstument of the timing of the switch-short...you  should look with scope to see where those different shorting-effects happen and the pulse width and the ringing is a beautiful thing to see too...

also you should have a FWBR across those coils and fill a capacitor with that reed swtich rather than jsut see afect of rotor speed.....-  that is great plasma you get in that "middle" position - I bet that position wil fill a cap so fast and high you wont beleive it - plus that position seems to cut draw to motor coils too - so its a double bonus there...

What you can do is have two reed swtiches in series, and have another one triggered at same time from another one of the "magnet positions" and then "drift" timing of one to the other and its simple way to control pulse width....you could leave one reed stationary, and just drift the other one a millimeter at a time this way and that way to adjust...

I made timing-disc with very small neo magnets in it - only about 1/16" wide ones (mabye 1.5mm) and use these to trigger my hall effects - and if I want wider pulse width I put a couple or three or four magnets close

anyways I dont see how the motor/drive coil's hall effect is being affected by the coil -shroting
seems to me its the shorted coils thenselves causing the slow down or speed up the timing of the short that affect the rotor speed, and the rotor draw too....

that is unless you are shorting a motor/drive coil??  doesnt look like it but if so, then try bidirectional mosfets, use a driver chip too like a 4422 or 4421, and short the motor/dirve coil down there at the negative peak after the coil has turned off and fully collapsed down below zero voltage and has jsut flipped back over and voltage is just starting to climb back up (the "negaive peak"  - thats where you want to short a motor/drive coil....

the positive peak is the actual drive/motor coil pulse of current itself going into it - and at moment of turn off up there at the positive peak-period is where you want to take out the backemf/recoil of the coil with single diode into cap too....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 31, 2011, 06:30:39 AM
Hi konehead!

I did try to fill a cap. The voltage vent up to more than 100V but in the same time there were lenz.The high spikes produced by the shorted coil gave me lenz. If i applied this to all the gen coils then we would have nothing but lenz drag.
Now about the video; i said that the hall is affected couse as you can see when the rotor slows down it takes less current and this is not how it should behave.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 31, 2011, 01:48:21 PM
Hi Mariusivic

you need to have a short pulse width if you dont want rotor to slow - only the PEAK must be shorted.

If you short  before or after the peak, then the shorted coil will slow rotor... but at peak, there is no real polarity to the sinewave sort of as way to explain it - it is when the magnet is right at a point where idoesnt care if it goes forward or backward is maybe a better way to look at it - whrre magnet "rocks".... at that point, and that point ONLY, you can take out power without slowing rotor since the rotor doesnt care at all what happens at that point.
There should be two peaks to short per magnet pass too...

reeds have that double-pulse to them too lots of times so reeds are not very accurate swtiching method.

also it is maximum voltage at peak, so the voltage shorted into the cap will be highest.

because you are using rotor magnet to trip reed swtich your pulsewidth of the short is quite a long period if you looked with scope, and streches before and beyond the peak period that you do want to capture...so using a reed swtich against rotor magnets you should always be getting some lug happening.

Also, the cap you fill up if it is very large UF value it will be hard for the coil-short to fill - so find a good size that goes up quick in volts but still pretty good capacity to it too so you will have some power when it discharges.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on October 31, 2011, 01:56:26 PM
Hi Mariusivic

Also I still dont think it is hall effect being affected - but I do see your reasoning on that now that you mention the draw goeds down when rotor slows...
but this could be that the point you short the coil when draw goes down, and rotor slows, is also a point where you are cancelling the pull-back of lenz law out a bit by the coil short - the coil does not have as much "strength" to it when it is shorted, so the generator coil doesnt want to pull-back the rotor "as much", so its easier for the motor coils to push it around, so AMP draw goes down from less rotational-resistance....but at same time you lose some rpms too, since the coil short is too long of period, and so the short itself slows rotor abit....and the two effects created togheter gives you both lower amp draw and lower rpms at same time...anyways this is how I see it - I could be wrong ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on October 31, 2011, 03:14:19 PM

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 31, 2011, 03:46:46 PM

Ok man, you got me going on this one. I'll put a small magnet on the edge just like in the romero's dynamo and try to short the coil with another hall sensor. I dont think is going to work but i want to try it  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on October 31, 2011, 06:57:49 PM
Got the second driver coil singing as well. Same as with the first one, when the rotor magnet is on top it rings. Can make both driving coils sing alternating. But no significant gain or anything so far.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 31, 2011, 08:35:49 PM
Shorting the coil with the hall sensor gave me nothing. Went back to reed . These are the spikes, and yes there are 2 per peak
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 01, 2011, 01:22:22 AM
Hi Mariusivic

Hope I am not bugging you too much but will keep at it!

Anyways I couldnt get a decent HV coil short event into caps to happen for YEARS since the only way I could get it to work in dramatic fashion was through a REED SWITCH - just like you are doing...

A transistor would not work at all - Solid State mosfet relays would not work at all...never tried an SCR but figured that was never going to work either (it wont) so was very discouraged and gave up on it and could only demonstrate it with a reed switch if anyone would want to see this "very interesting" way to take power out of coils....

Then Ismael Aviso told me two summers ago that I need to have very very low resistance swtiching - the coil short oscillations created that fill up the cap so fast is VERY SENSITIVE to any resistance and any regular transistor will have TOO MUCH resistance and solid state relays are even worse....

you need to have  high amperage swtiching, and have it it like .1 or .05 ohms resistance to the swtiching when OFF (open)....the coil-shorting voltage-blast occurs at the TURN OFF of the switching so if swtihc has too much resistanc it kills it and there is nothing happening - like you jsut got.

so, you need to use mosfets - they have very lowest off-resistance possible you can buy plus they dont mind being in paralell either, so you can paralell 4 or 5 mosfets now you should have really good low resistance and high amperage swtitching
You will also need HV mosfets too like 500V or so...anyways when you do that now you can really blast some power into caps - with Reed switches,, they do have that ultra-low resistance, and thats why they work so good, but the power you can put through them is not very much at all and they are very unreliable over any long term testing...
(that said a FCC engineer told me that the US governmetn has 400Amp rated reed switches but the public is not allowed to use them!)

So anyways thats what you need to do if you want a hall effect to to trigger switching to short coils at peaks...

use say 500V mosfets, get some 8 to 10A rated ones and put 4 or 5 in paralell...this will work great.......IRF740s will work for small coil power like you are doing now - say 4 of these in paralell they dont cost that much....remember to have a "pull-down" 10K resistor across the gate and source streching all the way across the entire string of paralell mosfets or they wont shut off properly...I like to also put a 10K resistor across each gate and source of each mosfet as well as one all the way acorss just to make sure it turns off very quick and reliable....

is that double-peak  in scope shot of what the reed switch itself looks like with scope leads across it?
And so reed switch is also across the coil too , shorting it?

Here is what I get with scope leads across a capacitor, this is 60hz sinewave on mullergenrator with huge neomagnets and big aircoils , this has  "too big" of pulsewidth to it, but it looks good for photo of scope-form of all the  oscillations created..not that first half of oscillations are high votlage, 2nd half has decayed into much lesser voltage...making the 2nd half be of HIGHER voltage is what Ismael does in his very advanced coil shorting stuff like his MEG - he shorts the PEAKS of the oscillations createed so power expands in votlage....( I cant do this yet but working on it)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 01, 2011, 01:39:09 AM
Hi Marisuvic

once again sorry to keep bugging as usual you but looked at your scope shot again jsut now and have to say something more about it -

what you want is just one of the "coil-short voltage peaks" you see happening a bit to the left, so you catch the positive peak right at the peak and not a bit after it like is shown - this shouldnt lug rotor at all...

its that 2nd peak in scope that will lug rotor badly but that is nature of reed switches ("double hits" to them like hall effects that will trigger both n and s of a trigger magnet)

then also you see that smooth looking negative-peak "turnaround" point down there below zero line doing "nothing"

THAT is place you want the 2nd coil-short to happen...so two coil shorts per magnet-pass of coil.......
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 01, 2011, 02:37:42 PM
Today i tested the device with mutiple (3) coils.

In these tests the coils are not connected together, they are short-circuited individually.

All coils are bifilar-wound and individually serially-connected, here are their properties :


L : 20 Henries +, more than my meter can read.
R : 406


L : 20 +
R : 402


L : 13.2
R : 390

Coils 1 and 2 were placed opposite each other, North and South of the rotor magnet, so-to-speak, and the third coil was placed in between them, at the East position.

Results of multi-coil tests :

No coils present.

hz : 502

ma : 452

1 coil present open circuit.

hz : 417
ma : 472

1 coil present short circuit.

hz : 505
ma : 445

2 coils present, both open circuit.

hz : 393
ma : 475

2 coils present, both short circuited.

hz : 514
ma : 438

3 coils present, open circuit.

hz : 388
ma : 474

3 coils present, all short-circuited

hz : 511
ma : 440

I think i understand why two coils outperformed three with my setup.

Because it is a single-magnet rotor, the two coils on opposite sides of the magnet are synchronised in the sense that they both experience the flux change at the same time, whereas the third coil, which is in the middle of the other two, experiences flux-change after the first coil and before the second of the other two coils, so the timing is wrong and possibly fights against the effect from the other two.

I confirmed this by moving the third coil closer to one of the others and performance goes up.

Also, coil three's inductance is 13 Henries vs 20+ Henries and that may contribute to the lack of additional performance benefits.

Obviously the single-magnet design has it's limitations, the physical space required for many coils isn't available and the timing problem, if i'm right about that.

Thane's idea is that, with multiple short-circuited coils, any loaded generator coils that are introduced to the system will have a minimum detrimental effect.

I did a small test with a high current coil in place with two acceleration coils and it accelerated the rotor under load, helping the effect while powering a small light bulb.

I'll be making a multi-magnet rotor now but in the meantime i'll experiment with getting power out of this device, time to order some more high-current wire ;+}

All the best,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AlphaTech on November 02, 2011, 07:07:48 PM
Hi Chalamadad and Deepcut,

Try to stabilise your singing coils (with RomeroUK exact drive circuit) so the rotor is at over 2000 rpm and just do exactly what RomeroUK did with the generator coils. You should be surprised. If you know how to apply coil shorting, then do it also!

Nice experiment! Now you should know that the phase between each generator coils is important too. The best generator you can build must have even/uneven (uneven/even) magnets/coils. So your experiment with only 1 coil showed 2 things : 1) with this coil open, there is more drag than without any 2) With this coil shorted, there is less drag
Then depending on how many magnets you have on your rotor, you'll see that the number of coils must be even (uneven magnets) or uneven (even magnets). This is Muller basic principle. The drive coil should be included with the total number of coils. Play with phase relationship too (angle between each coils) and you'll be better than Thane Heins because you'll know that there is no overunity there instead of posting disinfo like he does. At least Thane's Bitt is working so he is not total disinfo guy.

Once you have built the ¨perfect¨ setup, now you'll want OU so apply coil shorting and/or RomeroUK/(maybe Chalamadad) OU drive coils and you'll be pretty happy.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 02, 2011, 07:14:03 PM
Thanks Alpha for the comments.

Everything i've done over the past month or so just confirms Thane's theory as to how his devices work.

The BiTT is just a logical extension of the same principle.

I'm moving away from my old setup :


It's a single, diametrically-magnetised magnet.

Now to go Muller Style !
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AlphaTech on November 02, 2011, 09:33:16 PM
Hi Deepcut,

I know it is hard for you to believe that Thane generator is not OU. I've believed in his theory for months! It is very attractive to see acceleration on coil shorting but it is nothing more than eleminating the drag from the magnets... Did he ever showed OU generator? NO! Did he ever showed OU with his BITT? Yes.

Keep your focus on Konehead sinewave shorting Technique or RomeroUK drive circuit and you'll save time for sure. If you don't believe me, well do your experiment and at least remember my suggestions for the future.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rfmmars on November 04, 2011, 02:54:41 PM
It's time to call it.

The death of RomeroUK Muller is

11-4-2011   11:55am MST Time

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 04, 2011, 04:24:07 PM
Well, i'm enjoying exploring it, i don't believe it's OU, but it's certainly interesting, as you say.

I've got a coil that speeds the rotor faster than the rotor speed with no coil/core present, that's really interesting.

Two of these coils enhance the effect, and connecting a load coil also accelerated it a little more.

All the best,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on November 05, 2011, 11:04:40 AM
Quote from: rfmmars on November 04, 2011, 02:54:41 PM
It's time to call it.

The death of RomeroUK Muller is

11-4-2011   11:55am MST Time


It was time to call this on page 3 when "inventor" dropped a ton of excuses and dissapeared. But then all these noobs would start screaming if you say something against the topic or "inventor". Start bullying start calling you a troll and etc..
Its simple math. If inventor has something and wants to help he comes and discloses 100% of the info.  If inventor comes and starts spoon feeding public and then dissapear and reapears just to spark the flame that mean him and his projects is total fake and he is here for monetary or another interest and should be banned immediately.

   Wtf is "thane effect"or "delayed lenz"?? There is no thane effect no delayed lenz - there is only LC impedance to magnetic field wich excerts a different magnetic resistance at different rotor speed wich directly converts to different frequency of course. How difficult is understand that?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 05, 2011, 12:44:06 PM
hi all
in first drawing is very simple backemf/recoil recovery circuit with a NPN mosfet pulsing a motor coil.
for PNP mosfet,  switch it around so cap fills from diode on the other terminal of cap and there is common ground instead of common positive ...and postive of power-supply goes to source of mosfet in PNP mosfet instead of the ground like it does with a NPN mosfet (see third drawing about this too)....

There is problem with this simple backemf/recoil circuit however since when SW1 OPENS going to cap when cap hits load, at that time no backemf is taken out of circuit so this is moment for backemf backspikes to fry a mosfet or driver chip if it is high enough voltage...

so that is one advantage of the second drawing, the "diode plug" circuit filling two caps in alternating fashion but I want to post this first circuit so everyone sees simply how the diode works coming off the motor/drive mosfet to recover backemf/recoil into cap.
the sinewaves shown in the diode plug circuit are not "in synch" with the size/spacing of magnets its just meant to show one thing happens at pos peak, other thing at neg peak.

Third circuit is another way to take backemf/recoil power out of a motor coil and put it into a load without it affecting draw - this circuit works very good for GENERATOR COILS too - "swtich-short-at-peaks" the power into 1st cap, then dump 1st cap into 2nd cap and when 2nd cap hits load it doesnt lug the generator rotor a bit.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 05, 2011, 07:59:07 PM
I find it's best to experiment rather than believe, and i have no giood groudning in eletronics, IT is my bread and butter.

I don't like the fact that people saw RomeroUK's video and just instantly 'believed' "Just Add Faith !".

But the effect that was present in Adam's Motor, Muller Device and certain of Tesla's transformers and Thane Heins devices, it's a natural 'aberation' (spelling ?) that can be contributed to parasitic capacitance, as far as my meagre understanding will allow ...

This effect is real, i have a coil that runs the rotor faster than it goes without a coil/core assembly present.

That's interesting enough to merit further experimetation.

All the best,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on November 05, 2011, 08:44:07 PM
Quote from: DeepCut on November 05, 2011, 07:59:07 PM

This effect is real, i have a coil that runs the rotor faster than it goes without a coil/core assembly present.
That's interesting enough to merit further experimetation.

I hate to post "negative" comments here but I hope you understand what I was trying to say. Someone needs to analyze this as simple LC: timing, frequency, pulse width, voltage and magnet distance... watch phasing versus magnet position and etc....  instead of shrouding such an event into other names.

Now if you saying that for exemple your rotor is free wheeling at 1800rpm and once you add one coil it accelerates to lets say 1810rpm this means that after you add several more coils and you should get selfrunner. This must happen is your observations are correct. This means every coil would contribute to some sort of acceleration effect would be additive and at some point must overhelm bearing and rotor resistance. I just nave never heard about someone achieving such a feat like you just did. Good job.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 06, 2011, 07:51:36 PM
From "Harnessing the wheelwork of nature - Tesla's science of energy". It incorporates the topic "beats" which can be referred to as Interference Patterns created by two oscillation sources which frequencies are varying slightly from each other. It reads:

QuoteWhen both spatially separated sources and different spectra are employed, the resulting interference pattern can result in slowly propagating envelopes and in stationary (standing) waves, i.e. waves for which the envelope velocity is zero, just as Tesla said.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on November 07, 2011, 12:57:39 PM
   As always, 13 posts and this poster has the right to determine the outcome. Just another opinion, opinions are like arse holes, everyone has one.


time shall tell. I do still remember a vid of him walking around the house with it running. No wires there.

Quote from: rfmmars on November 04, 2011, 02:54:41 PM
It's time to call it.

The death of RomeroUK Muller is

11-4-2011   11:55am MST Time

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: minde4000 on November 07, 2011, 05:09:38 PM

Wires? Who cares about wires... who cares that he is walking with it even in a middle of no mans land... today's batterys are so small they could fit almost anywehere and easily run demo device for the duration of demonstration. Such a device requires multiple reliable witnesses/examination present nearby or multiple independant successful replications.

Stuff on videos can be faked easily - no telling if its genuine or not - too many ways to run wires too many ways to put batteries or run wirelessly. What matters is correct information diagrams principles in other words full disclosure. When this does not happen - video creator and his project does not mean much...  because intentions were obviously different...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 08, 2011, 12:35:42 PM
The new test-bed for a multi-magnet setup is now ready :


24 neos 10x10mm, N42, 0.52 Tesla going North/South around the rotor.

Same drive coil/circuitry before, a-la-Bedini SSG with the charging component removed.

Wil post results,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: AlphaTech on November 12, 2011, 12:02:46 PM

why don't you put RomeroUK drive circuit?
If you want to replicate Romero stuff, use HIS circuit, no?
I'm not the only one that thinks the extra energy comes from there.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 12, 2011, 07:30:56 PM
Hi Alpha, i'm not replicating Romero but the acceleration-under-load effect is common to this thread and what i'm doing, plus 7 other threads i post to on various forums !

All the best,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: highrollerscorp on November 12, 2011, 09:47:43 PM
why does he have two hall sensors. one on top and one on the side?wi dont understand y if he only has two run coils and why are they in different places. ive got a simalar setup up and i cant figure out how he is avoiding lenz. even with the offset of the coils to magnets two run coil cant over come 6 or more generator coils. could he be useing one of the hall sensors to turn on the generator coils?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on November 12, 2011, 10:54:19 PM
I think Romero was using 2 driving circuits but only one for driving and the other one for collecting energy with the acceleration effect. He demonstrated already on separate occasion the ability of his driving circuit to do so...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 12, 2011, 11:15:30 PM
Hi Keyo77

so you think only one motor coil position gets pulsed, and the other halleffect and transistor are doing something else altogether??
Perhaps "recycling" the backemf of the motor/drive coils through the gernator coils in a "timed' fashion that makes it accelerate if you find the right timing(???)
What is your theory here... can you explain again simpler?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on November 13, 2011, 01:59:05 AM
Using Romero's driving circuit for a generator coil half the cycle, when a magnet is approaching a core, the capacitor, of a 'right' value is being charged due to attraction and then at the right moment we use that charge to repel the magnet and power a load. Like in his video here: Speed under load! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGT4ML4m8i4) I think that this mechanism was some how incorporated in his device.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: highrollerscorp on November 13, 2011, 10:28:36 AM
 yes in remeros  videos i watched (speed under load) he drives a small rotor with one coil and then with a totaly different circuit and coil he collects and helps push the rotor. i cant tell really whats all in the circuit but it has a hall sensor and i think a transistor. i also think its a bi filar coil. theres something going on with the generator coil that he is getting some kind of push pull effect or he is generating and pulsing at the same time. either way i think the timeing for it is done with that extra hall sensor
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 13, 2011, 01:18:52 PM
Hi Keyoh

OK thanks for the explanation its very interesting and makes lots of sense.

That 100uf capacitor - in "regular" motor coil circuit, why have one of these?...maybe a much smaller one to smooth the DC or somethign but 100uf is fairly large capacitor so that is somethign interesting right there -

and then that single diode is there too, so it collects "half" the sinewave of the magnet-sweep past the coil through that single diode and plops it into that 100uf cap....just as a generator coil would do with single diode into cap...

then when mosfet turns on to pulse the coil with some juice, it takes the power it needs if from that 100uf cap.

ITs totally possible to string all "odd number" of  coils together (like romero does) and pulse this whole string of coils against a rotor of even-number of magnets - I have done this a lot actually - and you will have a decent motor running like this....

so your theory seems to be then;  that romero pulses his whole string of gernator coils at once from that  "2nd" halleffect-transistor coil circuit....it only collects from half of the sinewave too - via that single diode - and the other half of sinewave becaomes a free-push too, since it has those "regauaging/backing" magnets behind the cores....

so there is "no lenz" since the gernator coils are busy getting pulsed in a motor-mode on both sides of sinewave that the magnet sweeping past the coil creates (one side pulsed in motor-mode from cap and mosfet,other side from "pulsed" from backing magnet)

the only time has to do any work that could possibly create a slow-down  is the filling of that 100uf DC cap and that is fairly easy if  you find good size cap that fills up non-reflective and also has enough oomph at discharge to move the magnet (100uf)....

this also backs up Hector's theory that is "all"  from the "reverse diode" in the motor coil circuit, the looping result..... 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 13, 2011, 05:42:21 PM
Quote from: highrollerscorp on November 13, 2011, 10:28:36 AM
yes in remeros  videos i watched (speed under load) he drives a small rotor with one coil and then with a totaly different circuit and coil he collects and helps push the rotor. i cant tell really whats all in the circuit but it has a hall sensor and i think a transistor. i also think its a bi filar coil. theres something going on with the generator coil that he is getting some kind of push pull effect or he is generating and pulsing at the same time. either way i think the timeing for it is done with that extra hall sensor
Hi highrollerscorp!

The circuit that romero used to speed up and powering the leds is the same as the driving one. The key is to make the ''right'' coil with the ''right'' capacitor. The coil is not bifilar. The trick is done mostly by the cap. I also done the same experiment back in august but after a while i removed the video becouse there is no gain there. Anyway, i found my video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpTw_Hf_CHo

In romero video there are two driving circuits. One is pulsed by the big magnets and the second one is pulsed by the smaller magnets. In my opinion, the second circuit is NOT used for driving the rotor. The small magnet is weaker and that means that the hall sensor will stay open a shorter period of time. I have seen this in my experiments with my scope.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: highrollerscorp on November 13, 2011, 09:09:45 PM
cool video i just replicated a circuit kinda of like what remero has but i just used a trigger coil with kind of a bedini set up. it works good speeds right back up when i find that right spot.your video amazed me though cause u had no circuit when u were shorting out the small red coil. this is the first day ive looked into this and i think its awsome. so one of u guys said somethin about the right capacitor being needed to catch half wave stuff. how would u pick what size a capcitor to use. would u kind of be looking for resonance or something?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on November 13, 2011, 10:15:03 PM
Hi highrollerscorp
Here is a quote from Romero about this circuit and a value of the capacitor:

QuoteThe circuit does a bit more... it can be replaced even with a simple bedini circuit and the right value capacitor, very simple..

QuoteAdd a capacitor 220-470uf/16v from plus to the minus, no battery required.This capacitor will self charge then discharge cousing acceleration, half cycle charge the other discharge, actually is a bit more that half cycle charge.  Because the magnet is attracted to the core freely that part requires no power but we endup with charge in the capacitor. That charge is enough to push the magnet away and accelerate. With more of them properly set you can have a self runner.
This is the easy option, without having a proper coil made.
Must work, I have tested it in many  toys.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 13, 2011, 11:18:32 PM
hi Kehyo

That 2nd quote is very good -

I have question about it - he says to put capacitor 220uf-470uf 16V "from plus to the minus" and this capacitor will self-charge and discharge, giving the rotor some acceleration.

When he says "plus to minus" this to me, means its a "series capacitor" but maybe its not and its paralell across the coil or the mosfet?

Also I assume this capacitor is a DC type (polarized) but maybe for some reaons it is AC type  - it does show an AC type in the romero drive circuit drawing....

So is the 100uf cap in the Romero drive circuit drawing doing what he describes here?

And could you say that 100uf capacitor is hooked "plus to minus" or is this quote about a different circuit than romero's motor/drive coil circuit with the 100uf cap in it?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 13, 2011, 11:40:54 PM
looking at the romero drive coil circuit again, does it work so that it needs no 15VDC "power supply" for the transistor or mosfet as you would normally do, and normally also having a driver-chip in the circuit too that also needs a power supply?

And that 100uf capacitor being charged -  this IS the power supply for the transistor/mosfet to be feeding the gate/base???

Is this what Romero means by "needs no batteries?" in that quote?

So, the magnet-sweep past the coil charges the 100uf cap.

The 100uf cap works as thebase/gate power supply to swtich the transistor/mosfet ON
and when the 100uf cap drops down in voltage upon discharge, it turns OFF the transistor mosfet.
This is why the size of cap is so important?
So that the cap has enough juice in it to turn ON the transistor/mosfet, and the juice drops just enough upon discharge to turn OFF the transistor/mosfet at just the right time....

so seems like the duty cyle of the pulse could be adjusted through the cap's uf value???

AND, this 100uf cap has another purpose, as it also feeds current to the generator coils, in a pulse, at just the right time to accelerate the rotor by making the generator coil work as a motor-coil...

and if the cap is feeding the generator coil, and not jsut supply the dc voltage to the gate/base....then the uf value of the capacitor must be adjusted for this dual purpose...

do I have this right??

mabye all Romero did to make a looper is have his motor coil circuit with the hall effects induced by the ROTOR magnets run through the generator coils???

And the generator coils fill up that very large DC cap in a "pulsed-mode", controlled by the timing of the motor-coil circuit induced by rotor magnets???

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on November 14, 2011, 03:44:56 AM
Hi konehead

The circuit is exactly the same as in the picture in my previous post. It is the same as the original driving circuit, I just removed the battery.
The capacitor is a DC electrolytic type hence + and - in the quote from Romero (referring to the battery terminals). The cap value must be selected to get several volts, around 5 to 15V maybe, just from the magnet attraction to the core so that the hall sensor works correctly and the PNP transistor opens.
So 100uf cap from the pic is the one to be experimentally selected depending on your setup and the RPM.

I also think that in his case he was using generator coils in this fashion as to pulse-charge the big cap.. seems logical and simple.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 14, 2011, 06:42:00 AM
Hi everyone!

I just want to share this information to you. In the picture below there are some of my coils that i've been playing with. The coils 2,3,4,5 are giving me around the same power output when i tested them as gen coils.
I just put one driving coil and then tested the coils one by one. They all are giving me around 3W output but the driving coil sucks in 7W.
The coil nr.1 is giving me a little more than 4W with the same 7W input. It is the only coil that i have that gives me a little more power out regard the other coils. I can not understand why couse i did nothing special to that coil
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 14, 2011, 06:58:18 AM
Hi Marius,

i think coil number one works best because :

1. The coil's width is roughly the same as it's height, square cross-section is best for power generation.
2. The wire is fairly thick (0.5 mm ?), so good for current.

All the best,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 14, 2011, 07:07:01 AM
Hi Gary!

You may be right! But i tried to replicate  coil 1 with no succes. More current means more lens and this means more drag. For now is a little mistery why is working better
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 14, 2011, 09:56:42 PM
Hi Mairusivic

The video of the speed up from the aircores I havent seen yet - thanks for reposting this it is great to watch..

a few questions:

How many magnets in the rotor of that?

Are the magnets arranged N-S or all-N??

It is very interesting the way it doesnt work unless the motor-circuit spins the rotor clockwise
and at same time if you use the gernator-coil pulse circuit as motor-circuit,
it would be spinning the rotor counter-clockwise - and this relation in spin directions if both circuits happened to be used as motor coiol circuit is how it must be to get the speed up with the aircores. (thats how I understand it in  what you said in video)

Did you just swtich the polarity of the motor coil circuit to reverse direction??
and same for the gernator coil circuit "if" it was to work as motor coill circuit?

Or to change the rotation direciton, did you actually adjsut the timing itself??

If you change the polarity of the motor coil is all you did, with no timing-adjsutment to reverse direction;
then that means alot as to why it works as it does - since lets say the motor coil is attractive-pulse.....then the genrator coil circuit "if" working as motor coil circuit in the mode where it gets speed up - would be in "repulsive" mode of the coil to the rotor magnet...

In repulsive-mode to motor coils, and with aircores, having the magnet directly acrss the coil lined up "square" to it, is the most speed and power with least draw for the pulse-timing to be at...but for attracive pulse with aircores, having the rotor magnet OFFSET with center of rotor magnet near edge of coil gives the best speed and power and least draw so ther eis some time to pull the rotor magnet to the coil......

so knowing this, you could estimate the timing of that generator coil circuit pulsed into load that gives the speed up - in relation to the timing of the motor coil circuit......

(this means the time to pulse the gernator coil circuit is when a rotor magnet is directly across the coil with no offset at all...this makes sense, since that is when the coil could b pulsed "either way" and the rotor magnet wouldnt care which way to move if is perfectly squared up...so no lenz since lenz doesnt know which way to lug it)

In the mystery-5W coil, that works better than the others - is that and aircore or does it have a core when you test it?
Is that 5W in a "pulsed test" into a load, or is is a "lump resistive load" across it??

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 15, 2011, 04:54:46 AM
Hi konehead!

In the speed up video i think i just switch the polarity of the coil but i'm not sure( i have to do that test again). What i think is happening is that the cap is beeing
charged and this creates lenz. By apllying a load , the cap eliminates some energy alowing the rotor to speed up until it hits another equilibrium point. I also remembered
that when i took out the cap, the rotor speeded up normaly and the LED was even brighter. So, the cap is doing the trick and there is nothing extra here. Is just fun to see it accelerate under load.

My mistery coil has  10mm/20mm ferite core and is giving power with just a load across it. I'll make a video and show the differences between different coils.
I have another coil that produces even more power ''unloaded'' and when i short it , lenz is not so powerfull
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 15, 2011, 07:56:07 AM
this  is my new vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxSe5yg0eW0
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on November 15, 2011, 08:56:54 AM
Hi mariuscivic.
From your video I can see the difference between the coils as this:
The long coil has more turns and gives you higher voltage but not higher power because of longer wire used and higher resistance of this wire.
The 'fat' coil next to it that gives the most power has smaller resistance so less power is wasted on heating the wire, low losses = higher power output.
The Lenz reaction is more visible with this 'fat' coil because of lower inductance in comparison to the long coil and lower resistance too.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on November 15, 2011, 10:47:25 AM
OK thanks for the explanation its very interesting and makes lots of sense.

That 100uf capacitor - in "regular" motor coil circuit, why have one of these?...maybe a much smaller one to smooth the DC or somethign but 100uf is fairly large capacitor so that is somethign interesting right there -

and then that single diode is there too, so it collects "half" the sinewave of the magnet-sweep past the coil through that single diode and plops it into that 100uf cap....just as a generator coil would do with single diode into cap...

then when mosfet turns on to pulse the coil with some juice, it takes the power it needs if from that 100uf cap.

ITs totally possible to string all "odd number" of  coils together (like romero does) and pulse this whole string of coils against a rotor of even-number of magnets - I have done this a lot actually - and you will have a decent motor running like this....

so your theory seems to be then;  that romero pulses his whole string of gernator coils at once from that  "2nd" halleffect-transistor coil circuit....it only collects from half of the sinewave too - via that single diode - and the other half of sinewave becaomes a free-push too, since it has those "regauaging/backing" magnets behind the cores....

so there is "no lenz" since the gernator coils are busy getting pulsed in a motor-mode on both sides of sinewave that the magnet sweeping past the coil creates (one side pulsed in motor-mode from cap and mosfet,other side from "pulsed" from backing magnet)

the only time has to do any work that could possibly create a slow-down  is the filling of that 100uf DC cap and that is fairly easy if  you find good size cap that fills up non-reflective and also has enough oomph at discharge to move the magnet (100uf)....

this also backs up Hector's theory that is "all"  from the "reverse diode" in the motor coil circuit, the looping result.....

Hi all,

Thanks for the good explanation Dougk!

I beleive that the small magnets on the side of the rotor is placed in line with the big magnets, so that every time the big magnets are passing the generator coils at the same time the small magnets triggering the mosfets to short the coil, thus lenzless and a speed up effect pushing the rotor away from the coils, plus more voltage from the generator output!!!  :o clever! has anyone tried this? or can confirm if this is really the secret of romero's looping?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 15, 2011, 05:31:14 PM
Hey Kone,

take another look at the driver circuit in Romeros video. I think it might be a little different from the schematic. There is this yellow thing there which I think might be an AC cap. From the coil shorting thread I think it's 0.47µF, 200 and then some Volts. You guys were talking about AC cap acting as high pass filter to catch the spikes w/o affecting the rotor speed. How and where would that cap have to be connected?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 16, 2011, 01:17:48 AM
Hi Chal

in that schematic drawing it shows the cap to be an AC type, as it is drawn wiht two striaght lines and DC type has curved line under straight line...But Marisuivic says its a DC type he used in his video (Marisuvics)....

I'm not sure where to look for the "yellow thing" you noticed that might be an AC cap in Romero's video and which video to look at ... but like I mentioned, he does have an AC cap in his schematic, not a DC one.

An AC cap "in series" will cut lenz law lugging of rotor down to nothing, but it will also make the large DC cap (connects to load DC cap)  fill very very slow too so you have to find right uf value that cuts down the lenz lugging somewhat but still lets the DC cap fill fairly quick.

Ron P did a whole bunch of tests a few months ago here, and he found that for what he was testing out, there was a very particular UF value that worked way better than the rest...so this is something that will need to be tuned/expereimented with for whatever is happening....

Basically you hook up the AC cap with one lead on one of the coil leads, and other lead to one of the AC legs of FWBR like that;

or if single diode is being used to rectify coil into DC cap, then the AC cap goes between a coil-lead and that diode...

you can put the AC cap on one lead of the coil all on "its own" too if you want to do it like that, so that the other lead of the coil goes to the diode

also you can use two AC caps in series also, and have each lead of the coil have an AC cap on it - this makes things look better on scope I remember for coil shorting but doesnt seem to realy help performance that much ("performance" being how fast a cap fills up)
- but then again that test was peak coil-shorting coils, and for just taking power out "straight" from coil into cap, then maybe two in-series AC caps, one on each coil-lead would be better than just one it would be simple to try all three ways...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on November 16, 2011, 02:41:57 AM
Here is a picture of this circuit from the video.
http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/2901/circuitk.jpg (http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/2901/circuitk.jpg)

Title: Romero circuit
Post by: chalamadad on November 16, 2011, 04:08:33 AM
Thanks key for posting that image.

Kone, I have marked the caps on the picture. Yellow AC cap seems to be in parallel just like the schematic. (I put a 100µF,35V DC cap here in my circuit. Think that's wrong.) But then he has this DC cap and I cannot see a diode.

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/207/circuit.jpg (Why is attachment not working?)

The cap must work like a spring that is being compressed (filling up) when the magnet gets attracted and then releases its power in the opposite direction (empties in the other direction) thus pushing away the magnet. This is the principle Romero said was "easy" and shown in his speed under load video. With this principle it should be possible to achieve speed under load at any speed. For this to achive I believe we must have the circuit right.

The next thing is very imortant. Romero repeatedly stated that the two coils must work together and they should not fire a the same time. There must be a way that each of the two coils fill a cap without seeing a load. I think this is the reason why the coils must not fire at the same time.

This is one option of getting this to work. The other one, which is probably more difficult to achieve might involve mixing of frequencies just like kapanadze.

When my coils are singing this basically works like shorting many times but without a reed. I am getting many large spikes and can fill an output cap fast to double the input voltage (which coincidently is about the voltage my DC driver caps are). I think this is what Romero achieved back in the coil shorting thread just before he came up with the muller device.
I am at the point that I can drive the second coil from the first one at a higher voltage. But the pulse must not be too long or the voltage will drop. Now if I don't have the circuits right I might be missing something important. Romero said I was on the right track but could not go into details for his personal reasons which I respect.


edit: wrote mF - it's 100 µF
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on November 16, 2011, 04:14:27 AM
Hi Chal

The diode is there, if you look closely, up from the dc cap and a bit to the right there is a wire reflection of that diode mounted vertically. That is why it is hard to see it from the top view.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skaarj on November 16, 2011, 06:07:21 AM
Replicated and made it work.
My english is not so good so I will try to use the most simple words I can. These are the things I followed:

1. The original coils were made with  "Lytz" copper wire - which consists of multiple wires. I used 4 copper wires, 0.1mm from 4 individual bobbins. After finished the coil, the end of a wire goes to the beginning of the next wire (on the same coil) - like the tesla patent - until there are only two wires left (begin and end). This boosts the voltage sky-high.

2. The original rectifying diodes are not designed for high frequencies. Two choices:  either special switching diodes like in the PC switching power supplies... or vacuum tube rectifiers. RV12P2000 - my favourites. I suggest to all people that do experiments: as soon as you have a stable version of something - try to replicate using vacuum tubes (triodes) as active elements. That device would be imortal, as vacuum tubes can be made using any technology (even medieval technology)

3. Don't go to "small voltage, high amps" concept. Use "small amps, high voltage". tesla did this. There's a formula with heat depending of volts and amps.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 16, 2011, 06:44:50 AM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on November 16, 2011, 04:14:27 AM
The diode is there, if you look closely, up from the dc cap and a bit to the right there is a wire reflection of that diode mounted vertically. That is why it is hard to see it from the top view.

Key, ok, good. How would the DC cap be connected then?

QuoteReplicated and made it work.
My english is not so good so I will try to use the most simple words I can. These are the things I followed:

1. The original coils were made with  "Lytz" copper wire - which consists of multiple wires. I used 4 copper wires, 0.1mm from 4 individual bobbins. After finished the coil, the end of a wire goes to the beginning of the next wire (on the same coil) - like the tesla patent - until there are only two wires left (begin and end). This boosts the voltage sky-high.

2. The original rectifying diodes are not designed for high frequencies. Two choices:  either special switching diodes like in the PC switching power supplies... or vacuum tube rectifiers. RV12P2000 - my favourites. I suggest to all people that do experiments: as soon as you have a stable version of something - try to replicate using vacuum tubes (triodes) as active elements. That device would be imortal, as vacuum tubes can be made using any technology (even medieval technology)

3. Don't go to "small voltage, high amps" concept. Use "small amps, high voltage". tesla did this. There's a formula with heat depending of volts and amps.

Hey skaarj, can you show a video of what you replicated? Thanks.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 16, 2011, 06:47:56 AM
Don't trust the Skaarj, they will cut you down with their space-swords just as soon as look at you.

"To win ... The Tournament"

Unreal Tournament. 1999.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on November 16, 2011, 07:06:50 AM
The DC cap is connected as in the original driving circuit 100uF cap is: parallel to the battery + to + and - to -  but there is no battery. The small AC cap is connected in some way that I haven't figured out yet.
It is parallel to the load for sure. I have to study closely the connections on both sides of the board. I think that its purpose is to catch the BEMF from the coil when the transistor closes and push this charge to the load as well.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 16, 2011, 08:46:55 AM
Quote from: kEhYo77 on November 16, 2011, 07:06:50 AM
The DC cap is connected as in the original driving circuit 100uF cap is: parallel to the battery + to + and - to -  but there is no battery. The small AC cap is connected in some way that I haven't figured out yet.
It is parallel to the load for sure. I have to study closely the connections on both sides of the board. I think that its purpose is to catch the BEMF from the coil when the transistor closes and push this charge to the load as well.

Hey key, lets be sure not to confuse anything here. To me it seems that the yellow one is the AC cap and that seems to be connected in parallel as shown in the original schematic. The DC (vertically standing) has this white stripe on one side indicating the negative lead. Please confirm. Thanks.

Edit: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/210/dccap.jpg/

There might be diodes on the back side which I am not sure about. Need to review the Muller videos once again too. Those are more important as a reference than the speedup under load video.

Edit: Cannot confirm a diode on the back side. There might be one but probably is not. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/809/diode.jpg/

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on November 16, 2011, 10:41:25 AM
There is only one diode and two capacitors DC+AC are connected in parallel most certainly...
a hint from Romero:
Quotethe other yellow capacitor 0.1uf/400v is in parallel with the 100uf, it helps in capturing the high spikes
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 16, 2011, 12:32:09 PM
That's good to know.

I think I knew something was wrong with the caps. But it was actually my caps. I had them plugged in the wrong direction (Doh!  ::) ). Now I am getting a pulse on one of the driving coils even if the hall is away from the magnets. So it must come from the other driving coil which is what we want, I think. Anyways, new options!  :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 16, 2011, 02:18:38 PM
Hi all

Looks now like the AC yellow cap is in paralell with the DC cap seen from top, and also there is a diode there too, in the RomeroUK drive circuit...

to fill up a DC cap with the backemf/recoil of coil,  NPN mosfet or transistor, you have the single diode come off the SOURCE lead of mosfet (not the DRAIN) and then you have common connection of other lead (pos) of cap and the coil lead that connects to positive of battery-supply...

for PNP jsut flip all this around (common grounds then and source-lead is positive)

this fills up cap NON REFLECTIVE for sure, unles syou dump into too-big of cap...

I like to SWTICH the backemf into cap...not jsut let the diode work "all the time" but have the circuit connect only during the time the recoil and backemf occur during the turn-off period of the motor coil.....so what you do is put 2nd swtich on the backemf circuit (which is jsut a diode and DC cap!)
put this switch on coil-leg, or on cap doestn matter that much just make it so it disconnects the coil somehow from the cap....

if using a fWBR to capture the backemf, then on one of the AC legs is nice place to put this 2nd "backemf" switch.
Now time this swtihc to have same pulsewidth as motor coil switching, but delay it about 5 degrees retarded to motor coil swtich....find sweet spot and motor will go down in draw and up in speed when large-size cap fills up - you have to experiment with cap size....sometimes load right over cap is good thing...also you can skip teh caps altotherter and run on 24VDC from two batteris in seires and dump DC side of FWBR into 12V battery stack "direct" this is very fun to do - find sweet spot and motor races up in speed when DC side of FWBR hits battery load (sometimes)...going off subject here but its something related...

I think maybe Romero has his two motor circuits (that are out of phase) connected in the manner that the "steering diode" off the source-lead of one mosfet/transistor
fills up the DC cap in the "other" motor/drive circuti and vice versa so the backemf has somewhere to go that is "external" to the motor/drive circuit that the backemf is taken out of in first place...normally you fill up DC cap, then pulse cap to load when coil is disconnected from cap so that the event of hittling load doesnt lug anything.
but with that other "out of phase" motor coils circuit, the DC cap in there is ideal to pop the backemf into.....
anyways more theory on what he did....maybe he ALSO strings all those generator ocils together, and blasts the backefm THROUGH THEM all at once, on its "way" or "from"  that DC cap in the other motor coil circuit??? theres another idea/experimet to try  too...

all that I wrote about the the AC cap inseries a few posts back is whole other subject - I dont htink Formereo did this, if he says hsi AC cap is in paraell with the DC one.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 16, 2011, 08:50:49 PM
Hi everyone!

Just want to throw in an ideea.
We know that a permanent connected load is giving the coil lenz.
What if we connect the load only in the top of the sinewave? ( for a short period of time). Connecting a load only at the peak of the sinewave should give us lenz too BUT for a very short period of time  lenz will not affect the rotor speed  becouse the magnet will be in TDC.
Now, the magnet moves from left to right.
When connecting the load only at TDC , the magnet should be pushed or attracted up or down not left or right (depending by the polarity of the magnet)

I came up with this ideea watching the small magnets on romero's rotor.
I also put on my rotor small mags to trigger another sensor from another driving circuit. I replaced the battery with the output of a gen coil. And where should be the driving coil i put a load. Using the scope i could trigger the circuit at the peak of the sinewave . The problem is that the sensor is ON too long and this gave me lenz again.

Please tell me what you think about this and of course... why shouldn't work  ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 16, 2011, 11:34:42 PM
Hi Marisuvic

If you think about it, a capacitor is not going to fill up a speck more in voltage than whatever that peak in voltage is at the peak of the sinewave - so WHY leave the cap connected to the diodes and coil during the time the sinewave dips after the peak??

Only reason is to get more LENZ LUG happening if you want a gernator that works as a brake to the axle it spins on....

the other reason, is this is how most engineers were taught  to test power from a generator since they dont want to fool with capacitor discharge formulas; (put a resistor right across the coil or phase and measure power they will say..."lump resistive load")

But its the FILLING OF CAPS that is the concern and objective of generator coils really - how fast and how high can it be done with largest cap possible....

Having a cap across the load at same time it is tested with the lump resistive load will help output a bit,  but thats not how to do it - the way to do it is:
fill caps, dump caps to load and have caps disconnected from coils when they do hit load...(two stage output)

If you do take out power at the sinewave peaks-only, which is good idea for sure, while "you are there" at the sinewave peak, you might as well SHORT that coil at that peak-period....now you will get HUGE power into the caps....just dont have resistance across the caps when they fill...do that in "2nd stage" where cap disconnects from coils when cap hits load....

one thing nice about the sinewave peak no matter what is being done, is it a "no-mans land" sort of thing to the rotor magnets...the magnet doesnt care which way to move; forwards or backwards when a coil is energized at just the peak-only period....sort of a teeter-totter point...so lenz law has no jursidiction there....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 17, 2011, 03:14:43 PM
Hi konehead

Thank you for the time spent by explaining this once again. I'm trying every method that cames into my mind but for now all i get is lenz.
Taking power(or shorting) only at the peak of the sinewave should be working but we need some serious electronics here. From what i saw , we need to control the time period that the sensor will be ON. The faster the rotor spins, the shorter will be the sensor ON.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on November 17, 2011, 03:33:58 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on November 15, 2011, 07:56:07 AM
this  is my new vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxSe5yg0eW0


I have been following silently for a while now since I have been  busy on some other projects. In the above video, can you please try something because you have the perfect set-up to see any differences.

Let's say in your drive coil case, the transistor is switching the negative side of the power supply to make the drive connect and turn. That is the pulsed feed side (PF) of the drive coil. On the other side of the drive coil is the permanently connected (PC) side that has no switching with wire going to the positive of the feed supply. So you have a circuit that could be summed up as follows;

positive ---- PC ----- Drive coil ----- PF ----- negative

What I would like you to try is to add a second coil in series with the drive coil but without that new coil being used to turn the wheel. Just leave it near the drive coil. The new set-up would look as follows.

positive ---- added coil ----  PC ----- Drive coil ----- PF ----- negative

So the added coil is on the side of the drive coil that never pulses.

Please try this and maybe find other coils to replace this new one to see the difference and if you can for yourself see the effect it has on your wheel, the heat from the drive coil, increase/decrease of power consumption, etc.


About the idea of bleeding the generator coils at peak, this has been tried so many times by others. The fact remains that the gen coil still has to produce the peak you want to cut so there is no hiding from Lenz there. I had discussed about this somewhere else but cannot remember where to point you.

But in a nutshell, let's say the gencoil goes from 0 - 10 (peak) in 1 second, so you want to take out the peak, you will open a transistor for a fraction of that second when it is at peak. This does nothing to save Lenz. But what you can do is this. Do not let the gen coil reach the peak. Instead when the gen coil goes from 0-5, you take the 5 and the gen coil falls to 0 again then goes back up to 5 again that you take again, and so on. So instead of taking the peak at every one second, you take two halves twice per second into two individual caps, then parallel them or series them as you want to discharge. Whatever you decide to do with the caps will not effect the gen coil because from now on it would be going from 0-5 instead of 0-10 thus cutting the Lenz in  half while still producing the same (or near same) wattage equivalence. Just a thought. Maybe try to find a 12v and a 6v zenor diode that feed the light bulb and try each one to see the effects of bleeding the output at 12v or at 6v. If with the 6v, the bulb is half lit, then a small circuit to switch the 6v output into 2 channels that then discharge as one should do it. In terms of the formal circuit, that I cannot help with - sorry about that.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 17, 2011, 06:49:36 PM
Hi wattsup
Are you suggesting to connect another coil in series with the drive coil and keep it away from the rotor?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on November 17, 2011, 07:19:51 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on November 17, 2011, 06:49:36 PM
Hi wattsup
Are you suggesting to connect another coil in series with the drive coil and keep it away from the rotor?

Yes, that's it. The added coil is not there to push anything. Just beside or near the drive coil so the pulse goes through the drive coil and will land inside the added coil. Hopefully the added coil will have the same or more winds, or inductance then the drive coil. You can even use the secondary of a small transformer or even the primary if the inductance is high enough.

Keep well.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 18, 2011, 01:20:24 AM
Hi Mariusivic

you need very short pulse width for sure. I use very very small neo magnet in a timing disc and if I want more pulse width I simply but some more side by side in the timing disc.
I get 1ms pulse width in what I am doing right now with approx 7 inch wide timing disc if using only one small magnet against a halleffect.

These small timing magnets are 1/16th inch wide and 1/4 inch long - so about 1.5mm wide approx and about 6mm long.

Shorting coils is good thing to do at the peaks since it makes for a big expolsion of power in very brief time (when switch opens) similar to backemf/recoil filling caps....so this is something that needs very short pulse width in first place, and the "teeter totter" peak period only gives you a very short pulse width to play with.

Also putting two swtiches in series, and you can control pulse width that way...fairly far apart would be very short pulse width - closer together would be larger pulse width...

reed switches are no good for any precise timing - they have that double pulse from the timing magnet's front and back edges as you saw in that scope shot you put up a couple weeks ago....you need to use unipolar halleffect that only trips from only N or only S side of timing magnets....

thats a neat idea Wattsup has in dividing up the period before the peak into 2 caps but dont know if it will work or not.....
All you want to do with a generator coil is FILL A CAP.

A coil filling up a cap-only IS non-reflective, (no lenz law lugging)  just as long as your UF value of cap isnt too large.

put a 1uf DC cap across a generator coil after a FWBR...filling it up is not going to affect draw a single bit, so you could say "no lenz" if you want....

try a 10uf...probably still wont affect draw too...try a 50uf,,,maybe slight bit of extra draw no (maybe) ... then try 100uf - now probably some extra draw happens...etc etc etc...find biggest size possible that coil will fill up without affecting draw to motor and that is what you want to "work with"

ONce you find that cap size, then short the coil at that peak period, and fill up that cap 20 times faster and higher in voltage.

Taking power OUT of caps filled by coils is easy squeezy - (disconnect cap from coil when cap hits load)

What Wattsup mentioned about nothing great in sinewave peak chopping is true, IF you have resistance across your cap at same time as it fills up....but dont do that eh.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 18, 2011, 01:57:08 AM
Hi all

I drew up some circuit drawings again, showing how to take backemf/recoil out of a pulsed DC coil using NPN mosfet and single diode

(if PNP have instead ground of cap and drain of mosfet connect and diode then goes other way to positive of cap
plus source of mosfet goes to postive instead of ground)

the 2nd drawing shows how to do the same thing, but this SWITCHES the diode into the cap in this circuit - I get "speed up "of motor from 840rpm to 1000rpm with also 6 ohm "optional" resistor directly across cap as shown which is interesting thing - and next step is to get rid of that resistor, and fill very large uf DC cap, that is running another 2nd pulsed-DC motor circuit....then the 2nd motor circuit also has this "switched" backemf/recoil recovery circuit on it too, and the power recovered from that dumps back into a large DC cap that is running the motor coil circuit #1 for a looped system
RomeroUK machines with their two out-of-phase motor coil circuits is ideal for this...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 19, 2011, 12:18:31 AM
Hey Wattsup

here is your quote:

"But in a nutshell, let's say the gencoil goes from 0 - 10 (peak) in 1 second, so you want to take out the peak, you will open a transistor for a fraction of that second when it is at peak. "

No, you dont want  "take out" the peak, that is when you want to capture voltage into cap!

So you CLOSE a transistor only at the peak-period (not open it)...but leave transistor open (OFF) rest of time.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 19, 2011, 08:15:18 AM
Battery loop running test:


(Unsuccessful. Battery loses charge after a while.)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 19, 2011, 08:59:48 AM
Hi chalamadad!
Nice video. I'm trying more to ''use'' only the peaks of the sinewave.Here is the sine wave with a small load (3 leds with a resistor) . I'm connecting the load with another  romero driving circuit but instead of the battery i put the FWBR from a gen coil and instead of the driving coil , i connected the load.  The hall is triggered by the small mags
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 19, 2011, 02:02:06 PM
Hi Chal

maybe if you had areound 23V in that cap when it hits battery, you could keep the run-battery up in voltage all the time....someone told me that is the "target voltage" you want in a cap when it hits a battery to charge in pulse-charge mode...

If you go with much smaller uf value of the DC cap, you might be able to have voltage that high in using evetyhting else the same as you have it "as is"

If you were to measure the current going into battery, the voltage level of the cap before discharge has a lot to do with the current output at discharge...

here is that formula again, how to calculate the watts output from a pulsed capacitor:

(FARAD size  of capacitor / 2)
(voltage in cap before discharge SQUARED minus the voltage in cap after discharge SQUARED)
cap discharge events PER SECOND  =  WATTS

so lets say you have 12V battery being charged, and you look with scope at 23V voltage in 1,000uf cap charging it ten times a second...

1,000uf = .001 farads /2 = .0005

23 X 23 = 529   12 X 12 = 144   529-144 = 385

(assuming the cap will dishcharge to 12V battery level and "stay there" in case of battery-charging work being done by cap)

.0005 X 385 X 10 = 1.925 watts

in battery charging there is always grey-area of how much of a charge in the watts calcualted  does the battery accept and state of charge of battery and how much it really does it charge over long period etc etc.... but its fun to do the formula to check for watts anyways while testing...

as usual as I always write, you can short that coil into the cpaacitor, (at sinwevavepeak) by shorting leads of coil togheter  and put FWBR AC legs across coil, with DC side of FWBR into DC cap...then knock DC cap into battery to charge and have DC cap disconnected from coil when this cap-charge to battery happens........
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 19, 2011, 03:29:43 PM
Thanks Kone,

a smaller cap gives a higher voltage indeed. But it is not possible to use the reed then. It will get stuck at voltages above 14V. Maybe I want to test the discharge with a mosfet, maybe arduino controlled like what joefre did before. I wonder if the existing circuit could be used for cap discharging as well?

But see where it goes. In principle you want two of those coils feeding each other and it maybe might go without a battery.  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 19, 2011, 03:40:25 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on November 19, 2011, 08:59:48 AM
Hi chalamadad!
Nice video. I'm trying more to ''use'' only the peaks of the sinewave.Here is the sine wave with a small load (3 leds with a resistor) . I'm connecting the load with another  romero driving circuit but instead of the battery i put the FWBR from a gen coil and instead of the driving coil , i connected the load.  The hall is triggered by the small mags

Hi marius, why not continuously short the coils? You will hit the peak region as well. If I remember correctly Romero said he was continuously shorting his coils as well before he came up with muller device.
As far as I can tell the ringing state is like shorting the coil continuously for the time the magnet is above the coil. It can even be adjusted in such a ways that it rings ALL the time with the rotor spinning. But since it's drawing more current and it does not go with the alternating firing idea I don't know if we want that though.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 19, 2011, 03:54:23 PM
Hi Chamalad

I attached the schematic I made with help of Gyula for Arduino controlled BEMF Cap charge and discharge circuit, it works very good, much better than with SSR solid state relays before. The Cap you charge and discharge in the schematic is C1. The only bad thing is that we need separate battery to power driver for mosfets. But we can solve this with little generator coil like Kone did in his circuits.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 19, 2011, 07:20:19 PM
Hi Chal

Your machine is so cool with the singing coil every pass of the magnet - it is shame to be using reed switch with it since you know how they burn out and get stuck (literally welded  closed) so easily and if you cant go above 14V forget about them eh!
Anyways there are lots of mosfets pretty cheap that will do 20 or 40 amps and 500V which should be very reliable for you -the IRF460 is good one - an "NPN" type this is,  and lots of others too you cn find in google search in PNP or NPN...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 19, 2011, 07:29:23 PM
Hi Chal and Marius

Just because I always talk about shorting ath the peaks please dont take my advice and abandone all the good work you guys  are doing with the continuous-short speed up effect and all.....it could be that Romero did used the continuous short as sort of "test" to see if he "got it" ...
then in actual looper or OU rig he did pulse-out peak power into that big DC cap but I dont know jsut another theory but still look at everything under the sun every which way while you "are there" -
In theory no reason to leave a generator coil "ON" into cap or load after the peak since voltage is never any higher - BUT maybe with continuous-short it oscillates/rings the coil so actually you should leave it ON after peak - same with the ringing/singing coil that rings with no shroting going on - maybe since its ringing, you want to let it ring after the peak....dont know for sure and dont let me confuse or distract or send you down any sort of backwards road when you are already going forward jsut fine.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 20, 2011, 01:33:41 AM
Hi all

Another circuit below I just drew up to show how to pulse a motor coil with a capacitor only, and the capacitor is charged up by the battery and battery never "sees" the load -only the cap does....
the battery/power source could be instead rectified generator coils, or backemf/recoil from 2nd motor coil circuit or both...
I tested this circuit tonight to make sure everything is correct....
This I have always considered the "first step" for a looping motor-generator, since if you have enough power to fill up that RUN CAP so it can run the motor and get rid of the battery, it will loop and run by itself...
Note how the source leads and the drain leads of the two mosfets go in their directions and  connections to the coil, battery/power source and the run cap...it has to be like this, using NPN mosfets at least...

It takes a 1000uf run cap to run my small 4 magnet RomeroUK variant  which runs on around 70ma and 12V at around 800rpm on singel motor coil circuit....so if I can fillup a 1000uf run cap from the backemf/recoil of 2nd motor coil circuit, and also some of the generator coils, all without it making motor-draw go up in consequence ("non-reflective") then it should loop and self sustain....(should)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 20, 2011, 04:39:10 PM
I think it can be done without the reed or mosfet. I can have a constant output of +1V above input when feeding back to battery constantly without the reed or any switching at all. This requires some hardcore tuning. The input to the driver coil must be absolutely minimum so the battery can stay charged. The biasing magnets can help adjusting the rotor speed. A lower rotor speed can be beneficial as the battery will have more time to refill between the pulses. I will get back to this in a few days when I have some more time.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: highrollerscorp on November 20, 2011, 04:50:59 PM
hi im wondering about remeros generator coils. i think he has two pair in series then he run all pairs in parallel right? at each pair he also has bridge rectifiers? does the bridge rectifiers allow each pair of coils to make his ohms run in parallel or does the bridge rectifier only allow each pair to have their own ohms? reason im ask is im wondering if all the coils react to the delayed lenz at the same time  or do they all react seperatly the each pair of coils?
let me know if u dont understand what im talkin about and ill try to explain better


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 20, 2011, 04:58:12 PM
Hi all

Today I was optimizing No Hall Pulse motor Mosfet driver. You just need drive coil and magnets on the rotor, spin the rotor with hand and adjust the potentiometers for best efficiency. I get 270Volts BEMF spikes from drive coil.

Here is the driver schematic:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mex on November 20, 2011, 05:32:19 PM
Hello. Check out my version of my board and try it.
(Sorry, I do not speak English, this text was translated by Google).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 21, 2011, 05:00:49 AM
Hi guys!
Hopping that i'm not boring you too much with my videos, i made another one.  ;D
I this one, i'm recycling the bemf. For the first time I've been able  to ''steal'' the bemf and used it to spin the rotor.
Since is't the first time that i could rise the rpm with less current imput, i will go deeper into this

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 21, 2011, 08:22:07 AM
Hi Mariuscivic

Good work and you are not boring at all with your videos :).
It would be very good if you could draw a simple schematic how you have everything connected. The motor is loud and I dont hear your explanation very good.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 21, 2011, 09:01:14 AM
Hi Joefr!

This is how i connected everything. One question: is it posible feeding the first driving circuit with the output from the leds without shorting or burning anything?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 21, 2011, 09:51:27 AM
Hi Mariuscivic

Thanks for schematic. I will try today the same as you did with mosfet driver and we will see if I get similar results.

One question: is it posible feeding the first driving circuit with the output from the leds without shorting or burning anything?
Good question. I think here on the forum  are more experienced electronic gurus which will help you with this question.
This is something we all want lopping output to input and running without battery :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 21, 2011, 02:34:37 PM
Hi Joe and Mariu

Joe - I dont get how the circuit with "no hall" works (?) I was thinking it must be like the Bedini schoolgirl motor, with a trigger-wind for the gate/base of transistor, but I dont see one in your schematic so cant figure out how it works??


I wouldnt stuff that HV backemf/recoil lighting up the LEDs right back into the 1st drive circuit as is since for sure the voltage spikes will blow up something...have it hit a DC cap first, the cap will catch and absorb all the destrucitve stuff....Bedini calls it to "condition" the backemfspikes first... (I think)

The last drawing I put up here should be perfect for what you want to do - the schematic with the "RUN CAP" that is pulsed-charged by a 12V battery.

Seems all you would have to do is take the LEDs out of circuit, and put a fairly HV size DC capacitor there instead.

Then have the 1st drive circuit pull power from this DC capacitor to pulse the motor coil......maybe have this capacitor in paralell with a battery that is running the whole show.  Later on, take the battery out of the picture and loop it!

Probably the way you would want to do it is have the backemf/recoil of the 1st dirve coil circuit fill up "cap A"...

and cap A supplys power to the 2nd drive coil circuit...(maybe have 2nd battery here at beginning of experient too, in paralell with cap A then take it out later to loop it too)
then, have the 2nd drive coil circuit's backemf/recoil fill up cap B - - and cap B supplys power to the 1st drive coil circuit - and also mabye again, have a battery in paralell with that cap B too.....so two batteries, two caps, two motorcoil/drive circuits, two backemf/recoil circuits.....

you might have problems "returning" power back to those caps with transistor and mosfets because of that problem of the "source" lead of mosfet will connect to ground in NPN (and connects to positive in PNP) so that is one reason for SWITCHING out the backemf - which I also drew up circuit for a few days back, with one circuit taking out backemf with single diode, and similar circuit doing same thing, but there is 2nd swtich that connects the backemf about 5 degrees retarded......this caused speed up wiht 6ohm resistor straight across DC cap but that is other subject.

Anyways what I am always talking about with two-stage output circuit :"fill up cap with no resistance on it (stage one) then disconnect cap from coil and pulse cap to load with coil disconnected (stage two)
....is accomplished in simple fashion when you "SWITCH-OUT" the backemf/recoil into that cap - since the 2nd swithc when it turns it OFF has disconnected the backemf/recoil circuit to the cap from coil,
so anytime that 2nd is OFF is a good time to pulse that cap into a load, which can be the 2nd drive circuit.

You only need the backemf/recoil circuit ON during the short time (a bit during and abit after) the motor/drive switch turns OFF - since that is when the backwards expolsion of spikes and backemf occurs.  Thats why I say about 5 degrees retarded....

All this said, it might work out to be very very simple for you, and no need for any switch-out backemf/recoil circuit, jsut dump into cap that runs the "other" drive circuit, and vice versa....the RomeroUK design is like two motors in one, both isolated from one antoher just as long as you use seperate batteries (or caps eh)  to run each drive circuit....

I have small RomeroUK 4 magnet variant and using the RUN CAP circuit, I have a 1000uf cap that runs a single motor coil circuit in testing, and this 1000uf cap is pulsed charged by a 12V battery 4 times a revolution- so I jsut added another halleffect before the hall effect that does the motor coil-pulsing......
so same pulse width and same halleffect as drive/motor circuit has, for the RUN CAP to be charged by battery....this motor runs at around 840rpm on 70ma and 12V....RPMS drop a bit when the run cap is working, but it also drops draw abit less too so no loss is going on....if you go with a 500uf cap RPMS drop mabye down to 400rpm....400uf  even less rpms  and so on - you could make a speed controller for pulsed DC motors with a row of caps and run cap circuit swtiching in caps of different UF values - jsut paralell them in or out but that is other subject too...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 21, 2011, 03:49:05 PM
Hi Kone

Joe - I dont get how the circuit with "no hall" works (?)
Kone that is the best of this circuit you dont need hall or trigger coil. You just need drive coil and magnets on the rotor. I have tried this circuit with all different drive coils I have with core without core and it works very efficient.

Today I have tried the same as Mariuscivic, drive one coil from battery and then use BEMF from this drive coil to charge a CAP and drive second coil energy stored in CAP.
It works very good the CAP fils to 18volts and stay there. And now I have to use BEMF from second drive coil. For drive circuit I used no hall mosfet driver posted earlier.

Here is the scope shot of no hall driver:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 21, 2011, 04:57:19 PM
Quote from: mex on November 20, 2011, 05:32:19 PM
Hello. Check out my version of my board and try it.
(Sorry, I do not speak English, this text was translated by Google).

Hello mex,

I think your schematic seems ok and the good thing is you use a switch at both ends of the coil, this isolates the coil completely from the rest of the circuit when the coil is switched off.
Thanks for your efforts.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 21, 2011, 05:14:00 PM
Hi Gyula

As you can see your no hall mosfet pulse motor circuit suggestion works very good, so thanks again. I just needed to tweak some components with different values.
I will try mex circuit and see which works better for BEMF recovery, but I need to order P channel mosfets first.

Just one question for you Gyula, will mosfets in mex circuit survive 270volts spikes from drive coil or I need higher voltage rating mosfets?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 21, 2011, 05:37:13 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on November 21, 2011, 09:01:14 AM
Hi Joefr!

This is how i connected everything. One question: is it posible feeding the first driving circuit with the output from the leds without shorting or burning anything?

Hi Marius,

The answer to your question is the same I gave to Romero back then: you need to use a DC/DC converter (a switch-mode power supply with isolated input and output grounds).  Such converters insure a stabilized DC output voltage which is important if you wish to avoid a run-away situation: without a stabilized output voltage the full setup can distroy itself very easily, unless you are fast to use a 'safety switch' built in advance to interrupt current the moment a run-away starts developing.

On isolated input and output grounds I mean that there is no galvanic connection between say the negative input and output pins of the DC/DC converter.  This is a must in your case because your puffer capacitors within each stage do not share a common connection (either positive or negative) with each other, so an isolated converter insures the proper operation (it prevents the short circuits between circuit points that should not be connected but they do get unwantedly connected when no isolation means is introduced).
Unfortunately, the number of 'isolating solutions' depends on how many stages you wish to run: at the moment you have two stages so one 'isolating means' in the form of such a converter is needed. If you use 3 stages than two 'isolating means' are needed but the second 'isolating means' need not be a DC/DC converter like the first one: it could be an 1:1 AC transformer for instance (able to work as a normal transformer at the rotor's rpm frequency), connected in parallel with the second driver coil, this would give the galvanic isolation.  Of course the AC transformer could be substituted by the driver coil you make with two parallel guided wire instead of a single wire, to get the 1:1 transformer in the driver coil itself.  Tomorrow I can draw how I mean if this is not clear yet.

I would invite everybody here to solve this 'isolating and stabilizing problem', including our new member, mex too.

However, I believe you need to build some more driving stages than just the two you have showed because probably this present two driving stages would not be enough as yet to maintain a looped situation,  I just guessing here now. 

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mex on November 21, 2011, 05:55:47 PM
Hi Gyula!

Muller is not exactly the device I made the circuit, other settings I'm using magnets, coils and other seeds as well.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mex on November 21, 2011, 05:57:16 PM
Hi Gyula!
This is the circuit I'm using it right back so I can control the energy of the BEMF 4700uF capacitors. An oscilloscope can be easily measured in a series of low-value resistor, the voltage, the BEMF during the period covered, and the calculated efficiency. RESISTOR and D4 of the anode must be connected between the negative pole.
The coils used depends on the setting of the potentiometer can be adjusted.


BEMF will not be large, because the capacitor absorbs enough of the IRF and 9530 as we
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 21, 2011, 06:11:32 PM
Hi Joe,

Pleased the circuit operates well. 
Regarding the IRF9530 p channel and IRF530 n-channel types in mex's schematics, they are both 100V devices only, and while they are in series connection, the combined 200V reverse voltage sounds less than your 270V recovered voltage.    BUT  mex's circuit directly connects the recovered energy in parallel with the input DC voltage and IF there is no any external DC supply input, the circuit generates it when the rotor is speeded up.  If there is a battery as an starting input supply in parallel with the 4700uF cap, then the low inner impedance of this battery keeps the peak voltages at low level as a load that is being charged but in case there is no battery then the DC voltage can go up to pretty high so a load should be used, otherwise the BC328, BC338 transistors would be damaged if you would let the voltage in the puffer cap go up to above 30-40V in the unloaded case.
So this is a bit different circuit from the one you use to get the 270V DC in your 660uF cap, ok?
(EDIT: maybe I am mistaken and you do not get such a high DC in the 660uF cap, only the spikes have 270V peak values, ok? )

Otherwise You can use your 300V p-channel type you used earlier  (you uploaded it in the previous page I think) and also you need at least a 300V n-channel MOSFET too, BUT then the original FET types are good when an input battery is used to run the setup and being charged from the captured energy.


Quote from: joefr on November 21, 2011, 05:14:00 PM
Hi Gyula

As you can see your no hall mosfet pulse motor circuit suggestion works very good, so thanks again. I just needed to tweak some components with different values.
I will try mex circuit and see which works better for BEMF recovery, but I need to order P channel mosfets first.

Just one question for you Gyula, will mosfets in mex circuit survive 270volts spikes from drive coil or I need higher voltage rating mosfets?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 21, 2011, 06:24:48 PM
Hi mex,

Ok, so you keep the voltage in the puffer capacitor within limits by adjusting the potmeters,  so the DC voltage would not go very high to damage the pnp-npn input transistors (because these transistors are also run from the puffer capacitor).

If you could suggest an isolating DC/DC converter circuit to Marius for looping his shown setup (the simpler and cheaper the better)  :D

Thanks,  Gyula

Quote from: mex on November 21, 2011, 05:57:16 PM
Hi Gyula!
This is the circuit I'm using it right back so I can control the energy of the BEMF 4700uF capacitors. An oscilloscope can be easily measured in a series of low-value resistor, the voltage, the BEMF during the period covered, and the calculated efficiency. RESISTOR and D4 of the anode must be connected between the negative pole.
The coils used depends on the setting of the potentiometer can be adjusted.


BEMF will not be large, because the capacitor absorbs enough of the IRF and 9530 as we
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 21, 2011, 08:21:52 PM
 Hi Gyula!
Thanks for the reply!
I have a DC/DC converter and i'll try it as soon as possible.
I'll post the results

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on November 21, 2011, 08:54:03 PM
Hi Gyula!

Nice circuit, unlike the bedini drive circuit that uses a bifillar coil, your circuit is much simpler, and more adjustable by the 2 pots...

Hi Joefr!

if you put a load on the BEMF Recovery output would this affect the speed of the rotor beiing driven?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: highrollerscorp on November 22, 2011, 01:36:53 AM
k well i tried posting my own topic but couldnt figure it out so everone on this link i need your help.ill try to upload my video let me know if it dont show up. (link to youtube)http://www.youtube.com/user/TheHighrollerscorp

ive been fightin lenz law for two years now and finaly i listened to thane heinz and his acceleration under load. i tried it and i think i got it to work using bedini motor im using 24 volt at 3 amps and hittin 2100 to 2200 rpm. then i have two generator coils in series with mu metal cores recieving 500 + volts at .8 amps.check out what i got and let me know if everything is good  and what i should do next .thank you
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 22, 2011, 02:52:03 AM
Hi Crazycut06

If you put a load on the BEMF Recovery output would this affect the speed of the rotor beiing driven?
I finished optimizing this circuit on Sunday and I didnt have time to make more tests jet.

I will do some test regards speed under load today and post a video.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 22, 2011, 04:56:21 AM
Hi guys!
I have a good news and a bad news.
The good news is that i have succesfull looped the bemf with the help of the DC/DC convertor without shorting or burning anything (thanks Gyula!)
The bad news is that the DC/DC convertor acts as a load and consumes power too.
I have to dig deeper
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 22, 2011, 06:35:03 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on November 22, 2011, 04:56:21 AM
Hi guys!
I have a good news and a bad news.
The good news is that i have succesfull looped the bemf with the help of the DC/DC convertor without shorting or burning anything (thanks Gyula!)
The bad news is that the DC/DC convertor acts as a load and consumes power too.
I have to dig deeper

Hi Marius,

Yes, a DC/DC converter does have a "built-in" efficiency, the best circuits have over 95-96% efficiency, most simpler converters have a decent 75-80%, depending on loading current too (there is a maximum efficiency at a certain current value in the designed load current range for each individual converter).

So the "task" is to furnish in some extra output in your setup  8)   to accomodate the self consumption of your converter. Suppose your converter efficiency  is 80% [this is a COP of 0.8] then your setup's output/input ratio should be at least 1.2 (COP=1.2) to reach any possible self-running situation by the looping.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on November 22, 2011, 06:51:52 AM
Hi joefr!

before I've tried the bedini as my drive ciruit, it ran great but when i connect a load or battery at the BEMF output or try looping, the rotor slows down...

I'll wait for your test results...

Good day! thanks...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on November 22, 2011, 06:58:59 AM
Hi Gyula,

what do you think is the effciency of a simple transistor, zenerdiode and a resistor to make a dc to dc converter?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 22, 2011, 07:24:03 AM
Quote from: highrollerscorp on November 22, 2011, 01:36:53 AM
k well i tried posting my own topic but couldnt figure it out so everone on this link i need your help.ill try to upload my video let me know if it dont show up. (link to youtube)http://www.youtube.com/user/TheHighrollerscorp

ive been fightin lenz law for two years now and finaly i listened to thane heinz and his acceleration under load. i tried it and i think i got it to work using bedini motor im using 24 volt at 3 amps and hittin 2100 to 2200 rpm. then i have two generator coils in series with mu metal cores recieving 500 + volts at .8 amps.check out what i got and let me know if everything is good  and what i should do next .thank you

Hi Roller (haha), good work man, you definitely have the effect. You said in the post 0.8 Amps, but in the video you said milliamps. I hope its amps !

Would be good if you could buy a cheap multimeter so you can measure amps and voltage at the same time. Maybe get an analogue meter for measuring the current.

Also, what is the inductance of your gen coils or do you know how many turns and what gauge ?

I've been doing Heins' stuff for a few months now and got good results, using a single magnet on a shaft as a rotor i get up to 30,000 RPM which is good for the effect, as you know it needs high frequency and high-voltage coils. The videos that are called 'OUG whatever' are not mine i am archiving them :


I'm now doing a multi-magnet motor like Thane's, and i'm switching over to a small electric motor instead of Bedini drive circuitry.

If you are having trouble starting your own thread do this, at the top of this page you have the Overunity banner, under that you have 'Home', 'Community' etc ..., under that you have the location on the website that you're reading "overunity.com > Community, blah blah blah, click on Community and that will show you the subject areas, once you click on one of those you will be able to start a nerw thread.

Would be good if you and i kept in touch as we are on the same path so i will definitely be active on your thread with my results and we can compare shit.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 22, 2011, 07:39:48 AM

Quote from: crazycut06 on November 22, 2011, 06:58:59 AM
Hi Gyula,

what do you think is the effciency of a simple transistor, zenerdiode and a resistor to make a dc to dc converter?

Hi crazycut,

Unfortunately,  it is the worst case situation here, can be anything from 10 to 90% depends on the voltage drop across the pass transistor and the load current. Just consider the voltage difference between the input and output and this defines the efficiency with the load current.

Only Switch-mode DC/DC converters can be considered for the higher load currents if you need efficient convertion.  The simple transistor, zener and resistor (i.e a linear regulator) can only be efficient, if their input-output voltage difference is only 0.5-1V DC, this means your recovered (and loaded)voltage as an input to the linear regulator is 0.5-1V higher only with respect to its needed output voltage (this output voltage then serves as the input supply voltage for your setup).  Just figure you have a linear regulator with say 5V voltage difference between its input-output and the load current is say 1 Amper, then the pass transistor dissipates 5W power on its heat sink and you have to make up for this loss in your setup.  (If you can manage the voltage difference to be only say 0.9V, then the dissipation reduces to 0.9W)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 22, 2011, 08:05:51 AM
Hi Gyula

Which DC-DC converter would you choose to be good for looping BEMF output to source:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-DC-Converter-Regulator-Step-up-Step-down-2-1-/370538642812?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5645d2fd7c#ht_1990wt_914 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-DC-Converter-Regulator-Step-up-Step-down-2-1-/370538642812?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5645d2fd7c#ht_1990wt_914)

or this one:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-Converter-Isolated-Power-Supply-In18V-75V-Out-12V-6W-/350287013003?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item518ebba48b#ht_953wt_1396 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-Converter-Isolated-Power-Supply-In18V-75V-Out-12V-6W-/350287013003?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item518ebba48b#ht_953wt_1396)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 22, 2011, 08:19:27 AM
Hi Joe, DeepCut here from overunity.org.uk.

Gyula originally recommended this one to Romero :


Not sure how that compares to your two options.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on November 22, 2011, 08:39:56 AM
Hi Gyula,

Thanks for the reply, I'd rather not use that ciruit, co'z im generating more heat and more input power, poor efficiency... :(

can you suggest a dc to dc converter ciruit that maybe a much better design to bulid? from where i live it's hard to find a ready made high efficiency converter...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 22, 2011, 08:41:50 AM
CrazyCut look at the two posts above yours, ebay is the best place for cheap dc-dc converters.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 22, 2011, 09:10:10 AM
Quote from: joefr on November 22, 2011, 08:05:51 AM
Hi Gyula

Which DC-DC converter would you choose to be good for looping BEMF output to source:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-DC-Converter-Regulator-Step-up-Step-down-2-1-/370538642812?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5645d2fd7c#ht_1990wt_914 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-DC-Converter-Regulator-Step-up-Step-down-2-1-/370538642812?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5645d2fd7c#ht_1990wt_914)

or this one:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-Converter-Isolated-Power-Supply-In18V-75V-Out-12V-6W-/350287013003?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item518ebba48b#ht_953wt_1396 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-Converter-Isolated-Power-Supply-In18V-75V-Out-12V-6W-/350287013003?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item518ebba48b#ht_953wt_1396)


Hi Joe,

Both could be a good choice...   if you need only a fixed 12V output at 0.5A max, then the second one is ok,, here is its data sheet:
http://www.szfore-sight.com/pic/p/20107920417271.pdf (http://www.szfore-sight.com/pic/p/20107920417271.pdf) 
so it has a 81% efficiency and 17mA idle current. This idle current is not known for the first converter, also it does not turn out if it is isolated or not.  Probably not because otherwise it would mentioned.  But this first one has a wide input range and adjustable output voltage range, with 2A current load possibility, claimed efficiency also sounds good. The missing idle current data and if it is isolated or not could be asked from the seller or from the Asia Engineer on ebay.

The Maplin choice Deepcut has just mentioned has a 3A current load possibity, with step-switchable output voltages, though it needs higher than 12V input to get the max allowable 12V output. Its input voltage range may extend to 15-16V only, designed for cars. I have not noticed efficiency claims for this, I assume at least over 80%...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 22, 2011, 09:17:36 AM
Quote from: crazycut06 on November 22, 2011, 08:39:56 AM
Hi Gyula,

Thanks for the reply, I'd rather not use that ciruit, co'z im generating more heat and more input power, poor efficiency... :(

can you suggest a dc to dc converter ciruit that maybe a much better design to bulid? from where i live it's hard to find a ready made high efficiency converter...


If you mean you would build one from components then the first thing to define is the input voltage range and output current needs.  Then comes the component costs and you may end up with similar prices like ebay offers... lol  though postage cost may make the ebay choice more expensive than building from components. 
So I suggest to define your specs and we may find a schematic and the needed components.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: highrollerscorp on November 22, 2011, 12:16:28 PM
so i just need to hook up two meters in series then short one to amps and let the other meter read the volts?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 22, 2011, 03:39:03 PM
I have trouble with it sometimes and i'm not sure why.

But you're meant to measure the amps in series with a load on the gen coils, the load can just be a resistor, and the voltage in parallel with the load.

I just tried it just now to video it for ya but i can't measure the current :(

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 22, 2011, 04:27:35 PM
Hi all

Here is my new video after long time where I am testing the No Hall Pulse Motor Mosfet driver and BEMF CAP Charge and Discharge to load ( light bulb ) circuit Arduino controlled.
I am using the principle which Kone is saying is good to capture and use BEMF from drive coils:
Charge CAP from BEMF -> Disconnect CAP from drive coil -> Dump stored energy from CAP to load -> Disconnect CAP from load and repeat the cycle.
In my test the motor RPM drops a little but I have to find a sweet spot and the right CAP size to speed up the rotor while using the BEMF.

OK here is the video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a75Gf7yrCCA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a75Gf7yrCCA)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 22, 2011, 05:52:54 PM
Hi Joe,

I think you have done an excellent test and although you have not reached extra output over the input the results are good for a single drive coil. NOTICE: I did not consider the mechanical energy of the rotor, only the recovered electrical energy and the bulb does not fully discharge the capacitor.
You let the 330uF cap charge up under about 125ms to 43.6V and the 24V bulb discharges it in about 75ms to 28.4V if I can see it correctly.  So if I am not mistaken,  you charge and discharge the cap 5 times per second (125+75=200ms,  1/200ms=5Hz) so the bulb takes out about  0.18*5=0.9W power in any second.  I hope I am correct with the calcs, see Doug's example on such calcs here: http://www.overunity.com/3842/muller-dynamo/msg306002/#msg306002 

Keep up the good work.


Quote from: joefr on November 22, 2011, 04:27:35 PM
Hi all

Here is my new video after long time where I am testing the No Hall Pulse Motor Mosfet driver and BEMF CAP Charge and Discharge to load ( light bulb ) circuit Arduino controlled.
I am using the principle which Kone is saying is good to capture and use BEMF from drive coils:
Charge CAP from BEMF -> Disconnect CAP from drive coil -> Dump stored energy from CAP to load -> Disconnect CAP from load and repeat the cycle.
In my test the motor RPM drops a little but I have to find a sweet spot and the right CAP size to speed up the rotor while using the BEMF.

OK here is the video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a75Gf7yrCCA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a75Gf7yrCCA)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 22, 2011, 06:11:15 PM
Hi Gyula Thanks for calculation

I get the same results so you made correct calculation. I will try different CAP size and different voltages tomorrow to see if I can get better output.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on November 22, 2011, 07:07:38 PM
Hi Gyula,

If you mean you would build one from components then the first thing to define is the input voltage range and output current needs.  Then comes the component costs and you may end up with similar prices like ebay offers... lol  though postage cost may make the ebay choice more expensive than building from components.  So I suggest to define your specs and we may find a schematic and the needed components. Gyula

Yes that's what i mean, anyway my rig is dismantled right now, im still working on my rotor, lot's of wobbling, and also i'm going to wind some new coils, after that i'll see what my generator output is, will be posting soon....

@ Deepcut

Thank's for the suggestion, I live in a poor man's land so i can't afford and don't have the capability to buy online... :'(
im just trying to use what is available here.

Thank's Guys! ;)  regards Cc

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 22, 2011, 07:38:17 PM
Hi guys
Earlier i said that i looped bemf back into the battery.Obviosly i didn't connected right couse now when i try  to loop again it gives me lots of sparks on the both wires( just like shorting). The negative wire from DC/DC conv. i managed to connect it to the battery negative by puting one diode. But it doesn't work with the positive one.
Anyway, i built 5 romero driving circuits (need to do 3 more) and i colect the bemf from all 5. The 22000uF/35V cap is filling up in 5-6 seconds and all this with less curent consumed  and a gain in rpm
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 23, 2011, 06:16:01 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on November 22, 2011, 07:38:17 PM
Hi guys
Earlier i said that i looped bemf back into the battery.Obviosly i didn't connected right couse now when i try  to loop again it gives me lots of sparks on the both wires( just like shorting). The negative wire from DC/DC conv. i managed to connect it to the battery negative by puting one diode. But it doesn't work with the positive one.
Anyway, i built 5 romero driving circuits (need to do 3 more) and i colect the bemf from all 5. The 22000uF/35V cap is filling up in 5-6 seconds and all this with less curent consumed  and a gain in rpm

Hi Marius,

I would suggest to wind a 1:1 transformer onto ferrite pot core, hopefully you can obtain pot cores with a diameter of at least 23-25mm in your country, see here what I mean:
The higher the so-called AL value for the pot core, the better for you because the less number of turns is needed:  L=N^2*AL  so if you have AL=4700  (this is in nH/N^2), then for say N=50 turns, L=50^2*4700=2500*4700nH=11.75mH 
If you could make 5 such 1:1 pot cored transformers then relatively cheaply you could solve the correct 'chain-connection' of the 5 stages, I edited your earlier schematic to show for two such stages how I mean.  Principle: By connecting one of the coils of the 1:1 transformer in parallel with the driving coil, the back emf spike would be transformed to the the other, galvanically isolated coil of the transformer.   To make such transformer, you could wind two wires guided close to each other as if you were making a bifilar coil onto the bobbin.  It is important that the transformer coil which is connected in parallel with the driving coil, should have 8 to 10 times as high L inductance than the driving coil has.  So if your driving coil has 1-2mH inductance, your transformer coil should have 15-20mH, this is why high AL value pot cores are needed. 
(Notice: perhaps the use of diode bridges instead of the single diode rectifiers at the output of the 1:1 transformers could be better?)

What do you think of this pot core suggestion?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 23, 2011, 10:53:12 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on November 22, 2011, 07:38:17 PM
Anyway, i built 5 romero driving circuits (need to do 3 more) and i collect the bemf from all 5. The 22000uF/35V cap is filling up in 5-6 seconds and all this with less curent consumed  and a gain in rpm

Hi Marius,

Just realized that you do not need 5 isolating transformers but one.  It is just enough to use one such 1:1 transformer to feed the DC/DC converter to insure there can be no short circuit between the rest of the stages when you close the loop.  (The supply wires of the in-between stages do not disturb each other in any way till looping so you can wire the stages as you showed in your schematic yesterday and use a 1:1 transformer in the last driving stage to feed the DC/DC converter fully isolated from the other stages.)  What do you think?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 23, 2011, 11:43:20 AM
Hi Gyula

I have tryed one transformer but is not working.I have almost nothing in the other coil.It behaves just like an resistor. In my curent setup i'm not recycling the bemf but, i store it into this large new cap(47000 uF) from all 5 driving circuits.The cap charges up to 50V  and  discharge it with no drag. But the voltage must be always over 15V in order to see no drag. 
This is my new video where you can see that the super cap is being charged with no drag
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 23, 2011, 12:23:02 PM
Hi Marius,

Now I think I understand your setup and how you collect back emf from each coil pair into a common puffer cap via individual rectifier diodes.  At the moment all I can suggest is to use an isolating type of DC/DC converter like joefr showed yesterday in an ebay link, maybe you can obtain such or similar in your country too. 
I will think on this setup how the isolation of the input supply pins from the puffer cap supply pins could be achieved. 
Do you happen to have an L meter? It would make things easier a bit   :) 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 23, 2011, 12:36:24 PM
Hi Gyula

For now i'll try to adapt this circuit.The secondary of transformer should go to the battery
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 23, 2011, 01:54:15 PM
Hi Joe

Nice experiments - easy to see everything going on in your video too...

My two cents worth are first your "primary" pulse width seems sort of wide to your motor coil - it looks around 50/50 on off duty cycle too...and the pulse "flat tops" for awhile too - I think you will get better perecentat of power recvoered vs power spent in backemf/recoil recovery if you dont let those motor coils "saturate" like they do (as soon as that voltage-peak starts to go horizontal it is sort of saturated   I mean by thiis)
Someone told me long ago that the primary pulse will work like big snowball rolling down the hill if it stays on too long - and it will snowball that backwards spike and backwards bemf into going the way the primary wants to go wheich is backwards to the way the bemf stuff wants to go - so anyways if you can somehow clip that morot-pulse much shorter pulse width I think it will really help....if you want the same amount of power and rpm as you have now, then do a cluster of pulses say 4 or 5, and pull out bemf/recoil after each one too (!) Last thing bill Muller told me is you wouldnt beleive the power you get when you do a cluster of 4 or 5 pulses...

OK there is that - also I think that when you do disconnect cap from "source" during that time the bemf/recoil circuit is not connected so you aremt gathering anything during that time and it is also time for spikes to squeak through blow up a diode or swtichg, or maybe cause some lugging to the rotor since they oppose direction of rotor...

This is one reaosn you want to use diode-plug circuit where you use single diode into cap A other diode into cap B and cap A discharges to load when cap B fills up...

All that said, what I like to do with BEMF/recoil is SWITCH it out - put a 2nd swtich that connects the coil to the "steering diode" or AC leg of FWBR if you are doing it like that....so you can "turn on and off" the recovery circuit.
you will need bidirectional mosfets if you put swtihc on AC side of things coming off coil...
The only time recovery-circuit needs to be ON is right when that motor coil switch turns OFF - that is when everything happens - other time is at that negative spike flipover point at bottom of scope shot (SHORT IT THERE INTO CAPS !...other subject)

Anyways if you swtich-out your backemf do the same pulse widht as your motor coil pulse width, and delay it about 5 degrees....put a resistor (6ohm say) across the cap being filled and adjust that delayed timing until you get a good speed up effect (I thnk it wants to work like an electronic ECHO) ...substitute the resistor with a huge DC cap....run 2nd mmotor coil circuit with huge cap....recover eveything off 2nd motor coil circuit too, and run back into 1st motor coil circuit and loop it see if it will run forever eh...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 23, 2011, 02:02:02 PM
Hi Marisuvic

Follow Gyuala's advice for sure - he is doing what I suggest in isolating the backem/recoil when it hits load via transformer is how I see it...I am doing it by isolating via dumping into caps and load with the timing when they are on or off in relation to the other - all the different components and events....

anyways that problem you got wtih the pos lugs and sparks and neg side doesnt (other way around?) I got that happening too - I traced it to the way transistors or mosfets always have that source lead connected to either pos or neg of circuit if NPN or PNP and you dont get that problem with solid state relays or reed swtiches or mechanical timing.....
keep going and dont stop
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 23, 2011, 02:20:05 PM
Hi Kone Thanks

.if you want the same amount of power and rpm as you have now, then do a cluster of pulses say 4 or 5, and pull out bemf/recoil after each one too (!) Last thing bill Muller told me is you wouldnt beleive the power you get when you do a cluster of 4 or 5 pulses...

You mean something like in this scope shot. I made this with Arduino controlled pulse motor coil driver:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on November 23, 2011, 02:35:41 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on November 23, 2011, 12:36:24 PM
Hi Gyula

For now i'll try to adapt this circuit.The secondary of transformer should go to the battery

Hi Marius,

Ok but you need to feedback to the 555 some sample from the output to make it stabil, otherwise the whole setup can slowly run away when looping.  See this link how it could be solved for the 555 by a transistor between on pin 5 and ground BUT you need to use here an opto coupler to maintain isolation the transformer would insure. The input diode in the opto coupler would be driven from the secondary coil's rectified DC ouput via a resistive divider and the output photo thransistor of the coupler would ge to pin 5 of the 555 and its ground. See this link for the principle, without the opto what you would need to adopt into the circuit: http://www.dos4ever.com/flyback/flyback.html (http://www.dos4ever.com/flyback/flyback.html)  and go down to 1/3 of the long page "A simple boost converter high voltage supply for NIXIEs"

Good luck,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 23, 2011, 04:29:19 PM
Quote from: joefr on November 22, 2011, 04:27:35 PM
Here is my new video after long time where I am testing the No Hall Pulse Motor Mosfet driver and BEMF CAP Charge and Discharge to load ( light bulb ) circuit Arduino controlled.

Joe, good work. See if you can drive a second driving coil from the output and measure power ratio in/out again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: joefr on November 23, 2011, 04:50:24 PM
Hi chalamadad

Yes this is the next step.
Today I made a little modification and I get 1,27Wats out from BEMF.
I will post new video soon and I hope to show better results.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 23, 2011, 06:54:44 PM
I have finished testing the circuit and works fine. The transformer has 3 secondars windings , all the same. One of them i'll be using it as primary and the other two i'll put them in series or parallel( i have to see wich method is better). In this video i'm pulling only 9V from the battery becouse the 555 is geting more than warm at 12V.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: highrollerscorp on November 23, 2011, 09:26:00 PM
i dont know my inductance but my coils are wrapped over 2000 times i have a one inch core of mu metal in them. systems works great at 2000 rmp

now im running into problems. when i short my coils out im gaining acceleration. i then tried to put a 60 watt light bulb on and it lights the bulb but slowes down the rotor. i guess the bulb is changing the inductance or ohms of the coils.then i tried rectifing the ac to dc and running a 12 volt bulb dint get anything not even deceleration. then i tried putting a 120  v to 12 v transformer on and goin to the 12 volt bulb.it lights the bulb but again slows down. i then tried using transformer into battery and again slows down. so i thought the transformer was changing the inductance or ohms of my coils but funny thing is when i short the 12 v side of the transformer  i get acceleration.            any suggestions?
i will make a couple videos and post them tonight.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on November 23, 2011, 10:13:59 PM
Quote from: highrollerscorp on November 23, 2011, 09:26:00 PM
i dont know my inductance but my coils are wrapped over 2000 times i have a one inch core of mu metal in them. systems works great at 2000 rmp

now im running into problems. when i short my coils out im gaining acceleration. i then tried to put a 60 watt light bulb on and it lights the bulb but slowes down the rotor. i guess the bulb is changing the inductance or ohms of the coils.then i tried rectifing the ac to dc and running a 12 volt bulb dint get anything not even deceleration. then i tried putting a 120  v to 12 v transformer on and goin to the 12 volt bulb.it lights the bulb but again slows down. i then tried using transformer into battery and again slows down. so i thought the transformer was changing the inductance or ohms of my coils but funny thing is when i short the 12 v side of the transformer  i get acceleration.            any suggestions?
i will make a couple videos and post them tonight.

It seems as though you can add more light bulbs in parallel till you get acceleration, as adding them will be getting closer to having a short.

Will the bulbs light when enough are in parallel for acceleration? Dunno. And no sense in using "light" bulbs this way if they dont light. ;] 

But, you may need to go to lower voltage bulbs, as they will light at low (loaded) voltage.   Ive had setups that would light a 120v bulb, but not a 12v. And I have had it where a 2v bulb lights but the 14v wont.

Open output could be 200v, but load a 12v bulb and output could be 5v, not enough.

As you add bulbs in parallel, more current flows. Closer to being an acceleration short. But like anything, the voltage will be lower as the load becomes closer to being a short.

So the best chance to get acceleration using "lights" as loads in the setup you described, is to use low voltage bulbs.  In my funky opinion.  ;]  Also try different wattages. More watts, closer to being a short. ;]  Finding the right bulb(s) for the desired effect will be part of tunning.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: highrollerscorp on November 24, 2011, 12:32:03 AM
 thanks mag
ill give it a try.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 24, 2011, 07:33:09 AM
Hi, my system hard-drive crashed so been restoring.

Roller, i found that the effect only happens within a certain load range and of course it's gonna vary between different people's setups.

Don't know what's going on with mine, i can simultaneously measure the current and voltage of a little DC motor, but i can't do it with the rectified output of one of my gen coils !

But then, i had the AC output from the coil stepped down then rectified and i COULD read the current with only attaching one wire to the meter !?

I make sure my meters are far away from the mag fields but i'm not sure what's going on here but it's very annoying.

Best to all,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 24, 2011, 05:29:08 PM
Hi all
Last night i charged my car battery until morning. When i started again the experiments, the effect was gone : the rpm was much higher, the large cap produced a little drag when connected even when fully charged.
Now i put a 10ohm/5W resistor in series with the sistem and the effect seems to came back.
This is another thing that we should take care of: always maintain the same imput power
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: highrollerscorp on November 24, 2011, 05:31:43 PM
so hope everyone is havin a good thanksgiving.

id like to figure out more about remeros stuuf if some one could help me understand.in remeros motor im pretty sure all of his generator coils are producing the speed under load effect but in his videos speed under load he has a circuit hooked up with out a pawer source. im guessing the circuit it just timing the short with the hall sensor . what i dont under stand is that on his self running motor he has what likes like the same circiut  just his driving circiut. and i cant tell if he has his generator coils hooked up to it in any way. if his speed under load videos has that single coil hooked up to the circiut  could he have his gernerator coils hooked up to it somehow?

also would anyone want to try some type of video chat or skype  like once a week on progress on thier motor and discusion on ideas?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on November 24, 2011, 07:37:02 PM
Quote from: highrollerscorp on November 24, 2011, 05:31:43 PM
so hope everyone is havin a good thanksgiving.

id like to figure out more about remeros stuuf if some one could help me understand.in remeros motor im pretty sure all of his generator coils are producing the speed under load effect but in his videos speed under load he has a circuit hooked up with out a pawer source. im guessing the circuit it just timing the short with the hall sensor . what i dont under stand is that on his self running motor he has what likes like the same circiut  just his driving circiut. and i cant tell if he has his generator coils hooked up to it in any way. if his speed under load videos has that single coil hooked up to the circiut  could he have his gernerator coils hooked up to it somehow?

also would anyone want to try some type of video chat or skype  like once a week on progress on thier motor and discusion on ideas?
Hi highrollerscorp!

Take a good look at romero's coils from his selfrunning dynamo. They are bifilar and wider(fat) than taller. With this coils,sommehow he manadged to avoid lenz. This is a sentence from a document that you can fing on his website:   

''Now, it is clear why Tesla said always: bifilar pancake coil is energy amplifying coil!!!
REMARK[/font][/color] for the best charging the parasitic capacitance of the coil, you have to use as short as possible electric pulses, because displacement current in Maxwell equation depends on the speed of the magnetic field changes.[/font][/color]''

I can take out somme power from my coil without ''seeing' it too, but this is not the way romero did it
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on November 24, 2011, 09:08:43 PM
Quote from: highrollerscorp on November 24, 2011, 05:31:43 PM
so hope everyone is havin a good thanksgiving.

id like to figure out more about remeros stuuf if some one could help me understand.in remeros motor im pretty sure all of his generator coils are producing the speed under load effect but in his videos speed under load he has a circuit hooked up with out a pawer source. im guessing the circuit it just timing the short with the hall sensor . what i dont under stand is that on his self running motor he has what likes like the same circiut  just his driving circiut. and i cant tell if he has his generator coils hooked up to it in any way. if his speed under load videos has that single coil hooked up to the circiut  could he have his gernerator coils hooked up to it somehow?

also would anyone want to try some type of video chat or skype  like once a week on progress on thier motor and discusion on ideas?

Hi Roller,

i've attached a schematic of the circuit i think you mean. Romero's driving circuitry is separate from this. This circuit is used to get additional RPM from the rotor and nothing else.

You're right it's the same circuit as his original drive circuit but with a capacitor and some changes.

I'm up for a Skype chat sometime. You should join Romero's forum, loads of good reading there :




Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: highrollerscorp on November 25, 2011, 01:40:28 PM
Quote from: DeepCut on November 24, 2011, 09:08:43 PM
Hi Roller,

i've attached a schematic of the circuit i think you mean. Romero's driving circuitry is separate from this. This circuit is used to get additional RPM from the rotor and nothing else.

You're right it's the same circuit as his original drive circuit but with a capacitor and some changes.

I'm up for a Skype chat sometime. You should join Romero's forum, loads of good reading there :

http://www.underservice.org (http://www.underservice.org/)



thanks dc
i will give it a try. my phone number is 1970-201-1772. ive never used skype before so i dont know how to use it. i think all you need is someones number and thats all you use.  deepcut go head any time and give me a shout. anyone else feel free as well
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 28, 2011, 09:43:01 AM
Hey everyone,

in my current setup - when trying to recharging the running battery (12.3 Volts) via backloop through caps with the output constantly connected to the battery (cap voltage is 13.1 Volts) the battery voltage will drop. So this is not working.

In principle, is pulsed mode charging superior to a constant connection and will pulsed mode charging allow the battery to recharge? If pulsed charging at a higher voltage is better I just might want to try that.

Also, what is the best desirable output voltage we want to charge a (for instance 12V) battery with? ( I read somewhere that we don't want to charge above 5 times the battery voltage for security reasons).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 28, 2011, 02:36:39 PM
Hi Chalamada

I think if you have only 13.2 voltage in cap on a meter as cap charges baattery, this will do some charge, but there is problem of the cap dropping down below the voltage of the battery itself during the discharge event,
if there is long-enough pulse width to the discharge,
and there probably is too, since caps discharge very fast, and it needs to drop only about a volt.... and now the cap is BELOW the battery voltage (at least the "wants" to be below battery voltage - but battery might "Stop" the voltage drop dead in its tracks - but you dont want this to happen is my point here...)

The cap can actually DISCHARGE the battery for awhile, right after the CHARGE pulse happens if you dont keep that cap up in voltage above the battery voltage all the time.
When the guy who worked with Bedini told me that 23V is the "target voltage" in cap charging battery,  I think he meant this is the voltage you want to SEE on meter WHILE the 12V battery charges...dependng on pulse width and cap uf value of the cap, you might have actually say as example, 45V or 35V (whatever it is)  in cap before cap discharge (have to look on scope) and the cap drops down to only 23V and not below that...
Its OK as long as it is lead-acid type battery to be charging battery with lots of voltage - the lead acids will "Absorb" it....but not with nicads or lithiums -  that is whole differnt battery chaging method and they will blow up easy too if you dont do it right.
Measuring the amount of current going into the battery has a whole lot to do withthe voltage in cap - if you have 50V in cap, compared to 13.2V in cap, there is a HUGE amount of current flow happening at 50V compared to 13.2 into 12V battery (try it by waitnig a couple seconds for cap to fill way up).......
cap discharge isnt like a car-alternator charging where it "needs" to be no more than 14.2V or so maximum volts, or regular home battery chargers working off grid sinewave with transformere and couple of diodes...also these "need" to be no more than 14.2V or so maximum...but chargeing with pulsed capactiors is different thing...

Someone told me that you will get better results with a choke inductor in between the cap the battery too...it slows down the cap discharge abit, and also will make it so some backemf is "included" in the charge he said....I have never tried this however dont even know where to start with choke/inductor size and turns etc....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on November 28, 2011, 03:52:27 PM
Hey Kone,

thanks. In fact the cap voltage does not drop below battery voltage. It stays at 13V even if its connected all the time. If it's not connected it goes up to 34V in a few seconds. So the question is, since the 13V charging does not work, would pulsed discharge to battery, maybe at 24V, work even if it happens just every second or so?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: energy1234hope on November 30, 2011, 01:22:09 AM
Hey guys take a look at muller replication video from member at energetic forum

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn2Z_Tp0cw0         :) :) :) :)

Title: T-Sport
Post by: kida on November 30, 2011, 02:54:27 AM
ugg (http://www.schneetanz.com/) "How abounding T-Sport (http://www.tuhren.org/) deaths do we accept When you attending for designs,the account will accumulate extending as you can acquisition immense collections of designs alignment from affected to classical designs
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on November 30, 2011, 12:49:09 PM
Hi Chalamadad

Yes it should work better, charge the battery faster and also use less power to do it too if you discharge cap at 24V say every half second (whatever) as compared to a capacitor "continuoulsy" at 13V across battery....there jsut wont be much current-punch to a cap with 13V in it, as same cap compared to 24V in it...also batteris like to breath a bit in between pulses - thats why off-shelf battery chargers you plug into wall rectify the AC grid power, but dont use both peaks; just the pos peak or jsut the neg peak, so there is a blank-area of nothing happening in between the pulses of charging current - the batteis charge better like that besides it uses less current too...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 01, 2011, 12:24:48 AM
Hi Chalamadad

Couldnt figure out how to reply to your personal message, so posting here in order to reply to  your message I just got:

to dump cap into battery, using PNP mosfet, have battery and cap share common ground and so switch cap into battery on the positive side...

I think you will want to put the cap POS to the SOURCE of the mosfet, and then the DRAIN of the mosfet goes to the battery POS.....

however I might have that backwards, (very likely)  and if so,  then the  POS of the cap goes to the DRAIN of the mosfet, and the SOURCE of the mosfet goes to the battery pos....if it is the wrong way to do it, the mosfet will stay ON (closed) all the time...

Yes I knew Bill Muller and visited him quite a few times up there in BC Canada and learned a lot from him that is for sure. Here is video of him lighting 300W bulb with single coil held in hand next to rotor of his demo mahcine of 16 large hockey puck size magnets - that is me in the T-shirt in the video...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2fF9aSEeVo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2fF9aSEeVo)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on December 03, 2011, 07:16:34 PM
Everyone should read the document Combine.pdf (http://www.free-energy-info.com/Combine.pdf) again closely. A lot of info in this document that is matching quite closely what Romero did in his build. Very helpful to understand different techniques of energy extraction and how to apply them.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 04, 2011, 01:11:37 AM
hi all

Its interesting what Nolan has done with his Muller motor-gernator here - It got some details from him what it does which is hard to see in the video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn2Z_Tp0cw0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn2Z_Tp0cw0)

Input is 22VDC and 3.8A so around 80W or so input...he uses a variac rectified for the DC input - but he could use two 12V  batteins in series too...

the output is 1A and 120V going into a light bulb fully lit as shown (so its overunity)

what he does to spin his rotor (N-S magnets) is to fire just 4 times a revolution, so only the N or only the S magnets in the rotor gets pulsed by the input current.

He has blacksand cores, which he got from ebay ("oregon beach blacksand") its the type of blacksand that has some trace bits of gold in it, Bill Muller used to get his blacksand from some gold mine operation too...

He has 9 coils on each side of the rotor, so 18 coils in all and so 9 coil "sets"

Just two of his coil "sets" are pulsed REPULSIVE to the rotor magnets, and this is what gives the input current and voltage - the coil facing-pairs/sets are wired in series...the coils are series-adding bifilar wound too...not sure of his wire gauge but I think around 22GA or mabye 18GA thickness

the remaining 6 coils sets are just there, but not hooked up at all.

Interesting he gets only 18V or so if he puts FWBR on a generator coil set and fedds a cap (two coils facing each other in series)...whicn is about normal - plus if he puts a light on it, or shorts it out, it lugs the rotor badly - also something normal too....

He said he "stumbled upon" the idea to PULSE a third set of coils (again, jsut two coils, facing one antoher and in series) but wired ATTRACTIVE to the rotor magnets for the "pulsed generator coil-set"....

So two coil sets, recieve juice, and push the rotor around repulsive firing...
and just ONE coil set is the generator coil that lights up that bulb at 120V and 1A (!!!)

Thats pretty good jump in power - from 18V from one coil set, to 120V with light bulb...he says testing with cap unloaded across  that generator coil, he will have 300V in it (!!!)

THE TRICK is he finds the sweet spot WHEN EXACLTY in the rotationto pulse that generator coil attracive with a halleffect - just moving it around, wathcing input and output at same time as way to find the sweet spot.

He says it actually brakes the rotor somewhat, so no "speed up" BUT the power is huge increase on the output when you find sweetspot to get all the power output.

The voltage, via timing adjustmen with the halleffect, can go up to 170V with the light bulb, but he says at that voltage output and that particular timing-point, the motor part of it really lugs up badly in watts input, and its not OU duing the "highest voltage possible" so that doesnt happen to be the sweet spot you are looking for - its when it is at 120V and one amp into the light bulb where the timing is in this paritcular machine...

He thinks the attracive pulse is working like some sort of "switched short" or bucking sort of thing going on and I bet it is - since you can expect X20 voltage when you short a coil at its peak - however Nolan is hitting the load of lights directly; so with his method, he isnt filling a cap "unloaded", then having cap hit load afterwards when cap is also disconnected from coils at same time like I always write about (the two stage output circuit) ....Nolan has only one "stage"reallu: pulse that "coil-set" attractive, (and 4 times a revolution if 8 magnet N-S rotor), and and then he puts a FWBR AC legs across the coil-set's leads, and DC side into cap, and light bulb right over the cap....I am not positive he has a cap over the DC side of the fWBR but most probably does....anyway - its very simple thing really - should work on any RomeroUK machine all the people here have built too - so what you want to do is run the power feed that runs the motor/drive coils, ALSO into a generator coil set too...wire it attractive and look for sweet spot thats about it...

All pulsing is sequential - nothing happens same time - so its first, a repulsive firing into coil set A to spin rotor, then another repulsive pulse to coil set B , and then the attracive-pulse to the generator coil set C; then FWBR over coil-set C, and DC side into cap and load at same time and thats it....only thing is to find the sweet spot and thats easy with halleffect...

Lots of possiblilites for this - like runnign your backemf from mtoor/drive coils into the pulsed-attractive genrator coil, instead of the power feed itself, also in case of RomeroUk machines, you could "Strign" all your gernator coil in series on the DC side of FWBRs over each coil set, (like Romeor did) then, pulse that whole string of genrator coils at once, also "attractive"...Mabye you want the rotor to actually pull its elf backwards is the idea, durign that gernator-coil pulse, so the mechanical-lug/brake of that pulse though all the coils collapses all the coils at once and when swtihc opens it slams huge voltage out (dont know just made that up)

I bet this is what Romero did now - thats why he got such a huge "impossible" increase in voltage from his generator coils, and also why his input draw was quite high, when it looped....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Danas on December 06, 2011, 03:56:23 PM
Oh man this really makes sense. Thank you conehead and Nolan.  The little magnets on the side are actually to hit the generator coils with opposing signal of the same magnitude. If that is indeed what is going on here I see it is same as shorting only it is not dead short it is shorting with opposing current head on. This method of short creates spring action that multiplies on rebound. The clue is marginal slowdown of the rotor on triggering additional set of coils. I also suspect RomeroUK was kicking all the sets of generator coils as conehed suggested. This is wonderful news. I see we need new schematics so to get better understanding.  I hope Nolan steps up to the plate and provides us prcise instructions so we can finaly make some use of the setups we built so far.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 07, 2011, 01:18:59 PM
Hi david

Nolan got some new inline meters to test with, instead of clamp-meters, and his input went down alittle, but his output with the inline meters dropped way down, so now he has about 90% effeicency, not lots of OU like before, but whos to say if the inline meters are working right too, since his output into the light is a combination of a pulse throught the gernator coil of 22VDC, just like the mtoor coil, and also the backemf/recoil of that pulse hits the light, plus the bucking/shorting effect of the pulse against the magnets creating some ringing like yo mention, plus the rotor-magent sweeping by the generator coil too,,, so thats lots of "outputs" and what a meter sees is what a meter sees....anyways he can get 300V into a cap from single gernator coil-set, (two coils facing in series) and normally the coil will only put out 18V so its all good...theres nothign too fancy about his circuit - just a 9 coil position vs 8 N-S magnet Muller genrator with two of the 9 coil-sets  fired repulsive as the motor part of it, then another coil fired attractive which doubles as the generator coil and is the output into the light...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 08, 2011, 08:49:16 AM
I've been testing the new setup, with occasional pauses for sleep and food ;+}

It seems that it generates more power than it uses but i will have to wait until i get a scope (new year).

Here's a vid :


Thanks for reading,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: From other Planet on December 08, 2011, 10:49:12 AM
@Deepcut  Wow, very nice setup u have there  ;)
I'm curious for more results and measurements.
Could you share technical data or link of the driving motor u use?

kind regards,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 08, 2011, 10:55:53 AM
Glad you like it :)

Link to driving motor is in video description.

Each coil is 500 grammes of 0.25mm wire, bifilar-wound and serially-connected, the three coils are then connected in series.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: RAD-HHO on December 08, 2011, 11:34:46 AM
Quote from: DeepCut on December 08, 2011, 08:49:16 AM
I've been testing the new setup, with occasional pauses for sleep and food ;+}

It seems that it generates more power than it uses but i will have to wait until i get a scope (new year).

Here's a vid :


Thanks for reading,


How did you measure current? Did you place the amp meter directly across the output?
If so, then you had mA across a short with no voltage, or very little voltage.
What did your volt meter read when you took the current reading?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 08, 2011, 11:44:40 AM
Quote from: RAD-HHO on December 08, 2011, 11:34:46 AM
How did you measure current? Did you place the amp meter directly across the output?
If so, then you had mA across a short with no voltage, or very little voltage.
What did your volt meter read when you took the current reading?

Yes directly across output so DMM voltage reading drops to zero or near zero.
But when i measure the current the rotor speeds up and the current draw for the drive motor goes down (acceleration under load) and when i stop measuring the current the voltage reading is higher than it was at the start but then slowly drops down again.

It's about 5.9 watts output according to the meters, but of course i have to measure the power properly with a scope, which i won't have until the new year.

I also tried putting a resistor across the FWBR output and measuring the voltage there so i could use Power=Voltage squared / resistance, but when i do that i get a zero voltage reading ?

I need help here because i've not reached this point before and it's unknown territory for me.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: RAD-HHO on December 08, 2011, 12:36:17 PM
Quote from: DeepCut on December 08, 2011, 11:44:40 AM
Yes directly across output so DMM voltage reading drops to zero or near zero.
But when i measure the current the rotor speeds up and the current draw for the drive motor goes down (acceleration under load) and when i stop measuring the current the voltage reading is higher than it was at the start but then slowly drops down again.

It's about 5.9 watts output according to the meters, but of course i have to measure the power properly with a scope, which i won't have until the new year.

I also tried putting a resistor across the FWBR output and measuring the voltage there so i could use Power=Voltage squared / resistance, but when i do that i get a zero voltage reading ?

I need help here because i've not reached this point before and it's unknown territory for me.



Sorry :-(
But power = voltage X current
If the voltage is near zero when the current is 13mA,
Then your power is near zero.
When your volt meter is reading 455v, you don't have any current, therefore no power.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 08, 2011, 01:41:40 PM
Yes p=vi but p also = v squared / i.

Any ohms law chart will tell you that :



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: RAD-HHO on December 08, 2011, 02:45:12 PM
Quote from: DeepCut on December 08, 2011, 01:41:40 PM
Yes p=vi but p also = v squared / i.

Any ohms law chart will tell you that :




P=E squared/R not I
P=I squared X R

Rick :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 08, 2011, 02:51:02 PM
Oops !

Yes i meant R, as i said originally :

"Power=Voltage squared / resistance,"

So how do i measure both simultaneoulsy ?

I know there is current there because i can light CFL's.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: RAD-HHO on December 08, 2011, 02:54:53 PM
Quote from: DeepCut on December 08, 2011, 02:51:02 PM
Oops !

Yes i meant R, as i said originally :

"Power=Voltage squared / resistance,"

So how do i measure both simultaneoulsy ?

I know there is current there because i can light CFL's.

You don't! You measure Voltage and current. You have to have both to have power.
The cfl is high frequency, and as you stated before, you need a scope for that.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 08, 2011, 03:10:42 PM
Quote from: RAD-HHO on December 08, 2011, 02:54:53 PM
You don't! You measure Voltage and current. You have to have both to have power.
The cfl is high frequency, and as you stated before, you need a scope for that.

I don't what, measure them both simultaneously or i don't have current ?

I know i have current because i can also light incandescent bulbs and drive small motors.

How do you measure both of them simultaneously when you're doing your HHO stuff ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 09, 2011, 02:01:16 AM
Hi Deep cut

convert it to DC first with 4 high voltage diodes arranged as fullwave bridge rectifier, or jsut use a FWBR of around 600V rating...

then put a HV DC cap across the DC output of the FWBR...say 10uf or so....

then put a resistor across the the DC cap (also is the DC output of the FWBR too)

Experiment with resistor values...probably something like 100ohm might work for you with the high voltage of around 400V and small amps you have from those thin-wire coils....try to make the voltage drop around halfway down with the resistor value you choose...its nice to use a potentiometer here to easliy adjust resistance for a good value to find.

so you need to measure voltage ACROSS that resistor, and SIMULTANEOUSLY measure the  current going TO the resistor too - so you will need two meters, one measuring votlage, one measuring current.
You will find that ohms law will fit things nice doing this "lump resistive load" testing.. - such as, if you know the resistance and voltage, you can calculate the amps is going to be... but its good to measure voltage and current same time with a resistor like described to make sure what things are...

doing it as an estimation, quick and dirty, (like you did already) look at the maximum amps possible across the coils, I call this "crowbarring" the coil with an ammeter - voltage will be near zero doing this, but dont worry about it for now...

then see what you get in voltage across the coils with no resistance at all across it - I see you got around 400V I think....

so if you know the "maximum voltage unloaded" and also know the "maximum crobarred amps" across a coil then the "general rule of thumb estimation" is that you will get HALF the voltage with a resistive load, and you will get HALF the amps with a resistive load....so times (max volts/2)  X  (max amps/2) and that is approximatly what to expect....the BIG DEAL is what happens to the motor-draw in amps when you apply the resistive load.............proabaly whatever you make in watts, is going to be what the motor goes up in watts too - depends on how effecient things are....

but you got a SPEED UP with the coils crowbarred with AMMETER...thats VERY GOOD

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: garrypm on December 09, 2011, 03:28:37 AM

You can also do the measurement with only one meter.

Measure and record the voltage across your appropriately found resistor - per Kone.

Then disconnect the resistor and check it's actual resistance.

Using OHMS law V=I x R   - 

you now know V - volts
             also  R - resistance

then I - current must equal V divided by R.

too easy

1 + 1 = ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 09, 2011, 05:30:08 AM
OK thanks you two that's all very helpful :)

Thane Heins told me i should ahve the coils connected in parallel so i wil try that later also.

Unfortunately, shorting the output results in normal generator action, i'm not sure what ohmage resistor is used to measure in the 50 mA range on an analogue meter but it must be fairly low, so i think there's a tight load range that this nconfig can support.

Last night i tried a single, small coil on it's own, a 2 oz coil (the ones in the previous post are 1 lb), the accelerative rate of the speedup was ridiculous and the drop in mA was the best i've ever seen too. If it doesn't work out with these big coils i may wind them into lots of small ones, looks like it may be heading more and more toward a Muller-style setup.



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: RAD-HHO on December 09, 2011, 08:14:27 AM
Quote from: DeepCut on December 08, 2011, 03:10:42 PM
I don't what, measure them both simultaneously or i don't have current ?

I know i have current because i can also light incandescent bulbs and drive small motors.

How do you measure both of them simultaneously when you're doing your HHO stuff ?



Your statement was "power=voltage squared/resistance"
"how do you measure both simultaneously?"

I answered your question. "You don't!"

You don't measure voltage and resistance simultaneously.

I measure voltage and current simultaneously.
I use a fluke true rms meter.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 09, 2011, 08:46:17 AM
Rick, we seem to be at cross-purposes.

I'm fully-aware that p=vi and i thought i made it clear i was asking how to measure voltage and current at the same time.

The other two posters knew what i was asking.

Let's stop wasting both our valuable time :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: RAD-HHO on December 09, 2011, 10:24:24 AM
Quote from: DeepCut on December 09, 2011, 08:46:17 AM
Let's stop wasting both our valuable time :)


Just trying to help......

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 09, 2011, 01:03:11 PM
Sorry i didn't mean to sound ungrateful :(

I'm just frustrated at my lack of knowledge.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 09, 2011, 02:43:09 PM
H Deepcut

one more thing, since you are getting the speed-up effect with a short-circuit of the coils, a resistive load that would "simulate" a direct continuous short circuit of the coils would need to be very low resistance - like 1 or 2 ohm resistor.....this will cut down the votlage big time in the "lump resistive load" tests, but you will show lots of amps however....the thing that is good with rotating generators, is if you do have speed up under a heavy resistive load, the votlage you are producing goes up, because of the speed up of the rotor in rpms goes up.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: From other Planet on December 09, 2011, 06:02:43 PM
@ Deepcut

Thx, was too blind to look at video description
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on December 09, 2011, 11:23:36 PM
Well, if you are measuring the voltage across the resistor, as long as the capacitor is large enough to keep the voltage across the resistor stable, then you can simply calculate the current in the resistor. No need for second meter to measure current.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 10, 2011, 12:43:35 AM
hi Mags and Deepcut

Yes if you know the resistance and voltage, its easy to caculate the amps too, in order to figure watts,
but 99 percent of average people dont "get" for example, that you need a resistive load in order to calculate power/watts output,
and maybe 90 percent of people dont know what ohms law is either and how it works, but maybe 70 percent of people understand that volts X amps equals watts, (maybe) ....so when showing some sort of system to average joe, you can explain things better with two meters, one current, one volts, and leave out the ohms law - it all comes out the same anyways...
Title: Parallel sine wave
Post by: chalamadad on December 10, 2011, 01:26:01 PM
Do you remember Romero stating he is getting a parallel sinewave back in the coil shorting thread? I put a small AC cap in parallel to the singing driving coil. Now I can also see that parallel sine wave. With the DC converter ( and a few LEDs) connected to the output set to 12V the output cap fills to 38V. When I short the DC converters output the output caps voltage drops just a little to 35V.


Update: I just switched the rig on again. Now it fills the 40V cap to 50V almost instantly... even with shorted output... But this is just because battery of the meter is empty. Other one shows 35V with or without shorted output.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 10, 2011, 01:50:09 PM
Hi chal

When you short the output of the DC convertor into cap, try shorting the cap out first to zero volts, and then have the DC converted shorted into the zero-volts cap, in order to bring up the voltage from zero volts in cap  - see if then, the cap goes to 35V - that would be something if that happens.

I think right now, the cap is "already filled" up to 38V, and it drops to 35V but that is because the DC convertor stopped putting out any juice to fill it since it was shorted...but I dont know I might be wrong as usual -

maybe the AC cap in paralell is making a seperate "echo" like power source? 
Does this "35V into cap with DC convertor shorted" thing only work with AC cap in paralell??
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on December 10, 2011, 02:10:17 PM
Kone, I am not shorting into cap (yet). I was just shorting the DC converters output to see if voltage of the OUTPUT cap drops.

I think those parallel lines are actually the peaks of fast oscillation. Without the AC cap the lines are not so close to each other.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on December 10, 2011, 05:59:00 PM
Quote from: konehead on December 10, 2011, 01:50:09 PM
but I dont know I might be wrong as usual -

Kone, you know more than the most of us here. Much more than I do. Keep up the good work!  ;)
Title: Re: Parallel sine wave
Post by: avalon on December 11, 2011, 07:34:40 PM
I can't believe you guys still trying to replicate RomeroUK's setup. The guy is a fraud. He's just a Romanian immigrant living in the UK (yes, I do know his name/phone numbers/where he works/where he lives etc. etc). He's someone who has, most likely, came across PJKbook and decided that being an free energy 'authority' on the Net is much more fun that sweating in a computer repair shop.
After making some waves with his videos he has now started his own forum (underservice.org) where his loyal followers asking him to 'lead-on' while his feeding them bullshit stories about 'man in black' and '..I don't know where my prototype is - they took it away'.

I would normally ignore guys like him but just too many people falling into his trap. Come on! Be real. In the quest for free energy there won't any shortcuts. Just hard work.

moderation note: Please, do not use this forum to publish private information of other members. It is unpolite and dangerous. Take this as a warning.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 11, 2011, 10:41:39 PM

Should anybody care that you know where he works and have his phone number and address?
Does this make you special?
Should we take serious note of  this fact?
What exactly is wrong with being a Romanian immigrant living in the UK?
Are you yourself of superior intelligence and national heritage to him?
Do you have a more fulfilling and higher pay occupation than he does ?
Are your children smarter than his too?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skaarj on December 12, 2011, 07:56:11 AM

...how much are they paying you to write crap? Nikola (Nicolae) Tesla was also born from romanian parents in a neighbor contry at south-west of Romania. Of course, for writing more crap you will get some more hundreds of dollars, which you will spend to buy gasoline and pay the electricity bills, then more crap, then more money, and you have the illusion that you live for free. Open your eyes and your mind you poor slave.

   Like you and many other people here, Romero has some issues with mathematics and physics - he can feel something but he cannot fully understand. He modified a single variable in the Lenz law - the magnetic flux - using those additional ferrite magnets. Device works if another variable is modified - the intensity in the coils. Then you get acceleration under load and no need for months of work to do the adjustments. Sounds familiar? High voltage poly-phased generator? Why no huge amps and low voltage 100 years ago, like we are used today? Go back to high school and try to pass math and physics exams on you own brains, then pay the poor professors for enlighting your mind, not for ignoring your stupidity. We all learn this at school then we are educated - by your kind - that overunity.com is spreading crap all over the world. To make sure nobody wakes up, your kind slowly replaces the science in schools with other kind of crap - for example the newspapers report blowjob courses in several schools and universities in UK and USA - to keep the minds busy with crap.

  The replica of Romero's work is now heating my home and runs my Trabi (http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/26/67/3f/trabi-in-the-neighbourhood.jpg). Pictures and plans when I get it to run stable, without any additional batteries. I don't have money to buy all components instantly.

Also - for all "Romero followers" -  watch this: 


It's the key component for gaining a lot of speed when pulsing the muller dynamo coils (only if you're too lazy to pulse muller-dynamo with high-voltage, low amps coils using vacuum tubes). A little difficult to calibrate (requires three signal generators for both primary windings and spark gap) - work in progress, unstable. Coils have the same winding sense. Spark gap will push kilowatts at output.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on December 12, 2011, 12:29:16 PM
RomeroUK is not another Tesla. Just a little liar. And so are you. You have the unit powering your home and your car? Bullshit!
Here is the main problem. There are too many people like you and that ROM(anian h)ERO UK are about. You may have (originally) good intentions but decided on the way that a little lie would not hurt anyone, but will keep everybody going. Guess what? I doesn't work that way.

BTW, I was not attacking his heritage. I am an Easter European myself and my comments were all about his credibility. So, don't just mix up everything in one pot.

If you're trying to convince me that free energy is real you are talking to a preacher. I know it is and I know that it will require a lot of work and honest results.
For now, though, we simply surrounded by morons who misinterpret results and then try to educate us all. You heat your house...your car is run by it... but it's not stable...? I write this to get hundreds of dollars?

Are you completely delusional and even try to lie to yourself? Lay off whatever you are taking now and seek medical help pronto.

Also, please let stay focus to technical aspects. Feel like ranting - there is Facebook and Twitter for that.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tak22 on December 12, 2011, 12:50:30 PM
Hey avalon,
Your 2 posts fit your own peeve:
Quote from: avalon on December 12, 2011, 12:29:16 PM

Feel like ranting - there is Facebook and Twitter for that.
Please keep it civil if you want any respect or future assistance.  8)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 12, 2011, 02:04:18 PM
Hey hHAVALONgone

you've made your point now you can leave for good

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on December 12, 2011, 06:17:32 PM
Tried to sustain battery power by switching output cap back into battery with a mosfet today. Didn't get it to work with a mosfet driver so in the end I triggered the mosfet directly from arduino. That worked (thanks, Kone) but overall the test was not successful as the battery could not maintain its charge. Tried different duty cycles also. I guess the input current to the singing coil is just too high. It can be adjusted with the bias magnets but then the output will drop as well. Dunno if there is a sweet i/o ratio where it might be working. Will repeat this one more time with the battery 100% charged from the start.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 13, 2011, 12:30:26 AM
Hi chal

Charging batteries is really fickle thing - if you have too much of a charge in the battery, (like 100% or 90% )then when you try and charge it up, it doesnt take a charge like you hope it will, since the battery doesnt want or need much of a charge anymore....

if battery is discharged "too much" then battery can have lots of resistance to it, so in the act of charging it up, and it will affect the draw of the "primary" part of it excessively....or if battery is way way low, or badly discharged battery, then the reistance in it may become very very light instead - someone was saying that dead batteries are good to slam backemf spikes into as a "resevoir" to collect it into vs capacitors as is normally done.....

So there will be some perfect discharge-level to a battery in order for the charge into it to really make it climb dramatically, so it at least "looks successful" for some time period at least...but then when it does charge, now you lose that perfect discharge level to charge the battery at....so its like you can never "win" with batteries in way of finding the perfect circuit and timing and pulse widht and caps etc etc since the battery is never "the same" its always charging or discharging...

Its lots easier to charge 2nd battery up, and then swap run-battery with the charge battery like every 4hrs or 24hrs or whatever....

Also, in what you are doing now, (dumping a cap into run battery to charge it while motor runs), mabye instead try putting it into cap, and cap runs 2nd motor coil circuit that is never ON at same time as 1st motor coil circuit,,,,then 2nd motor coil circuit dumps its stuff into another cap that runs the 1st motor coil circuit...this is good way to go with backemf caps, and/or generator coil-filled caps....also this is first step to doing a looper too...romeroUK had two "out of phase" motor coil circuits....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on December 13, 2011, 12:37:40 PM
Hey Kone,

I have not much experience with how batteries behave. I figured out that what the meter displays as batteries voltage is always just relative. Depends on the load and will change with increased or decreased load. So a short moment where batteries voltage is increasing temporarily does not prove much. Also when I was charging the battery while running the motor from grid the voltage went up quite quickly. But when running from battery after that it was dropping quickly again as well. To be sure you have to run it for a long time I guess. Then you might cross the perfect level as you described it as well.

The latter you are saying is what Romero has hinted to is one way to go. But as I see it and as you are saying, we need a second cap for that. How did he do that with just one?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 13, 2011, 01:53:10 PM
Hi Chal

Well its another way to go for looper with two caps as I described - but romero "could of" done this if he wanted to...he had enough power to dump anywhere...
I think he pulsed what he put into into his motor coils (and/or what he took out of his motor coils via backemf/recoil) THROUGH the string of generator coils like described about a week ago which is what Nolan in video is doing - this is why Romerp had such high draw going into its motor-coil circuit when operaiong OU, and why he had such high votlage coming out of those little coils....anywasy thats my theory for now on it...

anyways I was just saying you might want to instead of charging batery, put that power into cap, and run 2nd motor coil circuit as another way to go if you get discouraged charging batteries - only good way to tell charge on batteris (lead acids) is to use a hydrometer with the floating balls to check actual charge...or else long-term tests with load which take forever to do....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on December 14, 2011, 04:29:52 PM
Today I turned the rotor of my contraption upside down. The singing coil is still oscillating when the rotor magnet (north down, was south down before) passes by.

The other news which I am excited about is that I wound another coil and I got a second ringing coil now. It behaves like the first one but a little better. It is is bifilar coil that can be used unifilar or bifilar. It seems that it is oscillating at a higher frequency above the audible range. When it is oscillating like that it does consume considerably less current (just 0.15A, even when constantly oscillating by placing the hall above the coil) than the first coil (1-2A) but at more than 60V peak to peak . Now when I add a parallel cap, the frequency drops (like I have learned from the first coil) into the audible range and then the coil sucks a lot more current (2A). Have to see how quick it is at charging a cap.

Update: Just measured the voltage DC through FWBR: 40V! 60V is what scope shows AC side. So I wonder if this could be optimized with better diodes.

Update#2: Unfortunately the amp draw increases with a load and the oscillations will be audible as well.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on December 18, 2011, 06:09:31 PM
Hi all!

Not much happening here so i want to share this with you. I'm still playing with bemf and constanly improving efficency (i think). I'm not trying to generate power but making the driving unit more efficent. My testing rotor is made from 8 HD one in top of another with really small magnets that are placed at the edge of the disks.
In the picture below there are 3 cases:
1- normal driving
2- driving circuit with recycling bemf
3- driving circuit with recycling bemf but different connection

In the right side there is the curent consumed from a car battery
Those 3 little black-white coils are in parallel and spin the disk from bemf.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on December 18, 2011, 06:22:28 PM
Hey Marius

I had done the same thing a while back, using the discharge of the first drive coil to run a second and collected from that into a battery.  ;]  Cool stuff.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on December 18, 2011, 06:52:14 PM
Hi Mags!. Nice video.
Do you have any ideea why the cap is charging to 20V while still pumping juice to the coils?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on December 18, 2011, 07:11:35 PM
Do you mean in my vid?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on December 18, 2011, 07:15:26 PM
No Mags.
In my case nr 3.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on December 18, 2011, 07:24:59 PM
I see it in the drawing now. 

Your first coil is acting like an inductor in a boost power supply.  If you increase the cap value, your cap voltage will go down. Smaller cap, voltage will be up from 20v.

Depending on if your switch can handle it, you might get better results with a small cap at higher voltage.  Or, if the second drive circuit is triggered long enough, longer that it takes to empty the cap, then you might benefit from a larger cap at a lower voltage.

Try some different ones to see.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on December 18, 2011, 07:30:33 PM
Thanks mags!
I'll try different caps.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on December 18, 2011, 07:47:35 PM
Your welcome.

One thing that really needs to be addressed is the energy involved with the rotor spinning.

Lets say that your setup were solid state and used just electronic triggers, no rotor, and you got the same results. Now factor in the rotor. Did we get the rotor to spin for free?  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on December 18, 2011, 07:54:56 PM
That's why i made this rotor with little magnets.  I want to ''explore'' the bemf to see how much can i pull out from the same coil
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 19, 2011, 01:04:21 AM
Hi Mariusivic
Looks really good to me - more speed with less draw and you are doing something with that backemf now it wont wear out the switching with its "destructive transients' as some engineers call backemf spikes...obviously in the RomeroUK machines, you could slam that backemf into that opposite motor coil circuit tha could be runnig off a cap too...and then the oppostive motor coil circuit goes back into the "first" motor coil circuti too....maybe you can try this out with your test rig - so pull off backemf from the three small black coils an put it back into the "primary coil'....you might need to SWITCH OUT your backemf in order to do this (see below).
One way to swithc-out backemf/recoil is to take out the powerr from that first drive coil circuit (and 2nd too if you want as mentioned) with a FWBR having tis AC legs on the source and drain of the mosfet/transistor...then DC of FWBR into 12V battery (a battery her eas example fro easy experiment to be used as the load if you want to charge battery) .
run the motor on 24V....so you dump twice the voltage (plus backemf spikes) into 2nd 12V battery...this is fun to do as it does a hefty charge to battery, and can make the motor really race up in speed when you find sweet stop in timing - - -
for "timing" that is, put a AC-switching "bidirectional mosfet" (two mosfets connected at gate and source) on just one AC leg of the FWBR - so this bidirecitonal mosfet SWITCHES OUT the backemf into that battery - and you can play with the timing to find the really good sweet spot where it speeds up while hitting that battery...
substitute very large cap with that 12V battery to charge, or some sort of resistive load too like a light or something...(something like 2nd motor coil circuit like you are doing already eh!...)
OK there is something to try someday - other thing hate to say like broken record, is SHORT AT PEAK that drive coil after you do the switch-out FWBR AC leg style recovery...you dont have to use a FWBR - you could swtihc out with singel diode too...
On scope you will see the drive pulse, you'll see the spike dissapear when the backemf circuit works, you will see the turn-off point of the backemf switching too.....then along comes that NEGATIVE FLIP OVER peak period (not really a spike but when the coil reaches maximum negative voltage, then starts to climb back up to zero volts before next motor-coil pulse)...that is a perfect point to SHORT the motor/drive coil into caps....
anyways backe to subject of switching-out the backemf:
look for timing of around 5 degrees retarded for the "FWBR backemf swtich-out" to get a dramatic speed up - it works like an echo I think is what it does not sure why for sure though...you dont necessarily need to use a FWBR - just switch-out the backemf "somehow" into caps or load or 2nd motor coil circuit - dont just leave in "ON" all the time is idea here ....turn it ON only when needed, and/or when it causes a speed up...
also other reason for swtiching-out backemf, is that when you loop circuit back to another, you can do it wihtout everythign blowing up, since when the swtihc is OFF that circuit is isolated from the circuit that is ON so its a poor-mans way to do a "two stage output circuit'
swtihcing single backemf "steering" diodes will probably work bettter for looping one circuit back to another thant a fwbr but both ways might work fine depending on this and that...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on December 19, 2011, 03:16:22 PM
Hi konehead!
Those 3 little coils produce little bemf...i can't use it. If i change them with another coil ( like the primary coil ) will affect the input current and less rpm.
I'm still trying to loop bemf from the primary into the battery with a simple circuit. The only way i can think of it is by using a solid state relay but again , i dont have one and they are expensive. Also dont know how fast they can switch on off.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 20, 2011, 02:28:05 PM
hi Mariu
Maybe if you fill up a DC cap first, before pulsing your three small coils, there will be more power from them happening, plus you would get some decent bemf from them then too...(fill cap then pulse cap but dont fill cap same time as the pulse hits the coils - such as coil paralell to cap "all the time")
those three small coils must be wiping out the backemfspikes really quick with their resistance - there should be some really good uf value in cap to fill from the backemf/recoil of your primary that will not affect load and recieve/store practically all of the backemf/recoil....just guessing maye 220uf (pure guess)...then the size and ohms of the three small coils (or just one you would wind to accept this pulse from cap that size (somehow
also when charging RUN battery, or 2nd battery - fill cap first, and discharge cap to battery and ldook for arond 23V in cap on meter across it while it is doing its charge if chargne 12V battery (also dont forget  cap is disconnected from coils that filled them up in first place when the caps discharge to battery)
o in your circuits you tested, maybe try filling cap "in-between" the motor/drive pulse cirucit and the output circuit...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on December 27, 2011, 02:58:03 PM
If the AC voltage of my oscillating coil is 30% higher than the rectified DC, how would I get closer to the AC voltage? Is it just a switching/frequency limitation and will schottky diodes perform better?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skaarj on December 27, 2011, 04:25:55 PM
switching diodes work better than traditional diodes. I don't know about Shotky diodes, I never had the chance to work with them - I usualy prefer vacuum tubes in this situations - but rectifying diodes from switching power supplies will do their job and never get hot. In the power supply modules from PC computers, there are some diodes with three connectors (common anode I think) which have the maximum of around 50 volts and around 20 amps - at least this is what their datasheet say. They look like a big transistor. Those are the diodes you should try. If you use high-frequency switching diodes, they will never get hot as the traditional rectifying bridges - or the 1N4007. Romero did a great thing by connecting many diodes in parallel (or rectifying bridge with diodes in parallel) but there was a lot of loss due to the incorrect diode type. The problem with heat is the switching frequency - inapropriate for traditional diodes.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on December 27, 2011, 09:19:10 PM
hi all
Shottky diodes work really well with backemf/recoil since it is really really fast reaction of the votlage spikes....however they dont make that high of voltage ones....for genrator coils, they dont make much difference.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on December 28, 2011, 06:53:54 AM
Quote from: romerouk on May 09, 2011, 10:38:51 AM
I have lots of them, a big box full of S30D45CS ; SBL1640CT; STPS3045CW; STPR1620CT,SB3045ST; S20C10CC,....
I have tested those and performance was lower than existing ones 1n4001. Maybe they do work good but at higher frequency BUT not in my current setup.
Maybe someone can explain and help me decide what to use in the next setup.

Romero has tried those rectifiers from the power supplies. (S20C... are in fact Schottky rectifiers: http://html.alldatasheet.com/html-pdf/141510/MOSPEC/S20C40CE/217/1/S20C40CE.html (http://html.alldatasheet.com/html-pdf/141510/MOSPEC/S20C40CE/217/1/S20C40CE.html)) But they did not perform better in HIS setup. I am using 1N4007 in parallel to FWBR. But in fact he was using 1N4001.

I found out that it is possible to get every coil into self oscillation mode even without the rotor attached using his driver circuit. The hall sensor has to be placed somewhere near the coil, sometimes beneath, sometimes on top, depending on the inductance and the distance of the biasing magnets. It is important to have the right amount of magnets at the right distance under the coil and to match the direction of current flow through the coil. So if the connections are reversed it won't work. This works with a steel core as well. When driving with 15V I have the AC voltage between 40V and 60V. Unifilar connection seems to give higher voltage compared to bifilar.

So I still wonder if these high frequency oscillations are key. His statement from above indicates that this was not necessarily the case. I wish he had shown a scope shot of one of the driving coils too.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 06, 2012, 03:58:39 PM
Hello here!

I see you all very busy about Bill's Dynamo :)

May I ask you if someone has achieved too, like RemeroUK, a COP 2.0, or at least > 1.0? I've read elsewhere that it was fake but I've seen the vids and I seen nothing wrong with his experiment :/ but any way, if someone else have done too, so that it was good, at least on the basics ;)

So, could let me know about your own achievements here?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 07, 2012, 01:53:41 PM
I've got an interesting scopeshot today. The waveform seems to go back in time and there is a loop there.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 07, 2012, 04:27:47 PM
hi! about replication of Muller's dynamo, how succeed in it, and if someone have done same than RomeoUK or even more?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 08, 2012, 12:29:44 AM
Hi all

I made a mistake in my drawing I put up mabye month ago of way to recover backemf/recoil from a NPNmosfet motor/drive coil pulsed DC circuit. and so have re-drawn the circuit wtih steering diode in proper place, plus added the two stage output circuit to it too:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 08, 2012, 04:31:58 AM
Hi konehead!

I went ''back'' at shorting the coil at the peak of the sine.I got  a solid state relay but was very disappointed couse it does not work as i though it would( also paid a lot of money).It works good only in AC
With my stone age components i did short the coil at peak . i used extra energy for this but for now this is not impotant . I got huge spikes when shorting even at 100rpm.  The spikes lights 100 leds at 100rpm. I still get lenz couse i cant control the time that the coil is being shorted.( in my case that is 2mS and is too much).
We need some electronic module that shorts the coil at peak but also with variable time short. I belive that the less time the coil is shorted, the bigger the spike an of course less lenz

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 08, 2012, 07:31:28 AM
hey marius, you should try connecting the negative out to the negative in and compare the output...

killed my arduino yesterday, trying to dump many small output caps in parallel back to the battery with a transformer. that didn't happen with just one bigger cap.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 08, 2012, 07:47:59 AM
I'll try that; meanwhile i just burned another hall sensor  >:(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 08, 2012, 08:05:57 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 08, 2012, 07:47:59 AM
I'll try that

It doubles my output voltage
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on January 08, 2012, 08:18:00 AM
   For the hall users. There was a non-hall circuit floating around that used
just the main coil to trigger it and then pulsed the coil with the fet. This will
bypass that finicky little devil. Something you should look into doing. That
is where I went and I see a lot of room to use what ever you have in the box
under the bench for parts. N-channel fet and pnp trigger transistor. Worth
the look see.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on January 08, 2012, 01:03:39 PM
                        @Khwartz (http://www.overunity.com/../../../../../../profile/khwartz.32841/)
I am also working on my version of Kapanadze replica but it is nothing in common with Dynatron.
It happends all the time, while I am working on something I get new ideas and I must try and see if is worth investigating more.
I have many projects in progress and I jump from one to another while I get stuck on one I will continue working on another...

Regarding Muller generator: I stopped that experiment and not willing to continue, I know what is the best way to have it working and in my variant we don't need more than 2 pair of coils to drive it.Of course we can have more than that as driver coils but to get it selfrun two pair of coils are enough.All coils are becoming driver coils while in operation but without external power applied to them.... this subject is closed.

I continue investigating all other experiments inclusive the RG1, the one with magnets on two rotors but for now Kapanadze replica and the newest one where I am trying to utilise particles in the air are my priority.

The schematic I posted recently works fine in selfloop but for now with no significant load. That was confirmed by few other forum members too.The problem there is that the batteries will be destroyed after a period of time and I am working to eliminate them.

Best regards,
for more information you need to go to Romero's site:
Title: @tysb3 - Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 08, 2012, 03:44:17 PM
Hi tysb3! Very thanks for these materials  :D

But if I understand well, we are still far form having any self-running generator able to provide enough power to feed any significant load?  :-\
Title: Re: @tysb3 - Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 08, 2012, 04:23:09 PM
Quote from: Khwartz on January 08, 2012, 03:44:17 PM
Hi tysb3! Very thanks for these materials  :D

But if I understand well, we are still far form having any self-running generator able to provide enough power to feed any significant load?  :-\
Yes Khwartz, we are miles away from a self running wheel
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 08, 2012, 04:47:16 PM
Hi Mariusivic and all
Those solid state relays are nice to use, IF they could/will work, since they are so easy to hook up and are isolated too, so you dont need different 9v-15V power supply for each of  the gates like you do with mosfets, but PROBLEM IS, the AC type of solid state relays always have a built-in "schmidt trigger" circuit that senses the AC's sinewave's zero-line, and will only switch on the zero-line of voltage (!)  - this to prevent big flashes of voltage, which can destoryinternals, but this is what you want to CAPTURE..
So this  is totally opposite of what you want to do with coil-shorting where you want to do it at peaks, and the zero line is last place you want it to happen, since nothing will really happen there..
Also they have very high internal resistance, the solid state relays, if DC or AC, and the resistance of them kills the shorting effect too so they are just no good at all for coil shorting at peaks.
As for pulse width, you should be able to use two halleffects, and two mosfets and have them inseries, so you can adjsut pulse width by moving the halls closer, or further apart...
I make it even simpler, and use very small trigger neodimmium magnets, only 1/16th inch wide and 1/4" long (1.5mm X 5mm approx?) to trigger my halls, and line up a few to make longer pulse widht if I want it...
Also the "lenz-lug effect" is controlled also by the UF value you choose for the cap that is filled up by the coil-short...What you can do is run your generator rotor with ONLY a FWBR off the coil, or coils, into a DC cap, and try different UF values of DC capacitors to fill from the DC side of the FWBR...find a UF value that doesnt lug the motor when it fills cap from say 0V or 5V to say 10V or 20V - or whatever it is that your coils happen to make at whatever rpm etc you are running...
there will be "too big" size of cap where just filling it up, even with no resitance on it,, will lug motor - so go down in UF value until you get a good size that your coils can fill without any lugging.
Then use that cap size, or somewhere around that UFcap size, as the caps that fill up from coil shorting...what should happen is the coils will fill up about 3 times faster, and higher over time too, but the much faster-rate of charging the caps is what you want to see.

Also if all else fails, you can put an AC type cap in series on one leg of the FWBR that is across the coil being shorted....you will have to play with values of this too, as small UF like 6 uf will make cap fill slow but will negate all lenz lugging, while higher uf value like 50 ur or 100uf will not negate lenz lugging much, but will let cap fill much faster.
All other variables change when you go this route; the cap size, and the pulse width should be adjusted again if you go with the AC series cap method to cut lenz - you will find a very particular UF value that works best...both in the DC "capture" cap and the AC "seires cap on the FWBR.
ALSO, just want to requote this qoute by Romero, taken from post above:

"All coils are becoming driver coils while in operation but without external power applied to them.... this subject is closed."

OK!!! this means to me he is driving the backemf/recoil of the motor coils into his generator coils, and they all become "pulsed" by this "non-external"  DC source, and so the generator coils, all in a "long string" connected on DC side of the FWBR over each, become like one big hotdog to the rotor magnets and they are PULSED at paritcular timing  too.........this is similar to what Nolan discovered recently in his Muller machine, where he pulsed a single generator coil "facing-pair" attractive, from his power source of 22VDC, and the power from just those two generator coils could light up a 100W bulb doing this .....

Title: Re: @tysb3 - Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 08, 2012, 07:08:11 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 08, 2012, 04:23:09 PM
Yes Khwartz, we are miles away from a self running wheel
ok, wish that theoretical discussions could help too: http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/10291-attempting-use-classic-theory-overunity-explanation.html#post174847

Any way, the principle of the device look simple, but the technics wow! I wish you all to succeed  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 08, 2012, 08:41:55 PM
Hi Konehead and all!
Just made a new small vid about shorting the coil; its interesting when the rpm begins to rise (the core of the coil is ferite)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 09, 2012, 12:32:42 AM
Hi Mariuscivic
Nice video of the coil-shorting at peaks - thanks for doing that...
The voltage should climb much faster - It looks like you are using a single transistor to do the short - a transistor has way too much internal resistance, it will kill the effect, thats why the voltage climb is so slow...you need to try high-amperage MOSFETS and HV ones too....plus you should try TWO Mosfets, connected at their gates and their source leads, then the col-short swithicng occurs between the two "leftover" drain leads ("bidirectional mosfets" Gyula gave me this way to hook up mosfets about a years ago) - and this is best way to swithc AC in most anytning -
the coil-short rings are definelty an AC oscillation, so you need to switch it with AC switching in order to catch all of it - so right now you are doing good, but you could be making much faster voltage rise;  plus you are only catchig "half" of it, using the transistor and not bidirecitonal mosfets....look into tryin IRFP460 NPN Mosfets - there are lots for sale fairly cheap on ebay...these mosfets are rated at 500V and 20A
I bet the reason it "stops" at around 50V is an internal zerner diode inside that transistor you are using...or it could be the diodes that rectify the "rings" into the caps arent high enough in voltage....
Also you might want to try smaller caps to fill - like 200uf r 100uf to see some more dramatic voltage rise too...
That is very cool where you get the rpm increase - you discovered somethign there - I cant explain it either can only guess its this or that and I dont know what this or that could be...but mabye it has to do with the UF value of the cap? Or fact you ave transistor, and only one half of rings get swtihced so it runs into DC-rings, and this speeds up rotor? (pure guess) Mabye its fact that motor slowed in first place, so its trying to return to its perivous state, and does so, when caps fill.....lots different resistance to caps when at zero or low ovltas compared to when they are almost filled....its always changing...
Anyways great job its only going to get better...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 09, 2012, 12:39:46 AM
Hi Mariuscivic again:
Here is my coil-shorting circuit again if you want to try it....I am working on not using a FWBR and instead using a "diode plug" method to extract the power, into two seperate cap banks, and the cap banks fire alternating, into load but forget about that for now...
I dont show how to knock caps into load in this circuit, jsut how to fill them up...the backemf'recoil circuit I put up yesterday is way to do it , with SW1 and SW2 as shown in that cirucit, but also the diode plug is other way...
you dont necessarily need the driver in the circuit if you want to make it easier - but its always reccomended to have a driver-chip with mosfets

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 09, 2012, 12:52:09 AM
Hi Mariuscivic and all
HEre is the diode-plug circuit again, ( an "invention/discovery" from Hector) that will extract power from caps into load, without affecting draw to the "primary" or lug the motor (prime mover) down in extra draw.
the sinewaves drawn above the circuits are just meant to show that one diode catches the  pos peak, and other the neg peak, and is not meant to show the relationship of sinewave shape to the positioning of the magnet to the coil...(got blasted for that last time I posted this here a few months ago)

Anywas future project is to incorporate the diode plug circui tinto the coil-shorting circuit...might not need bidirectional mosfet then, and would use single diodes instead of the FWBR used in the coil-shorting circuit above that feeds the cap ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 09, 2012, 04:23:59 AM
Hi Konehead
I will try your circuit but there is something i dont quite understand. In your drawing there is ''gate supply coil''.
Is this this coil identical to the gen coil?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 09, 2012, 05:42:59 AM
this is the circuit that i used in the vid
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on January 09, 2012, 05:44:04 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 09, 2012, 04:23:59 AM
Hi Konehead
I will try your circuit but there is something i dont quite understand. In your drawing there is ''gate supply coil''.
Is this this coil identical to the gen coil?

Hi Marius,

Yes, it can be similar to a generator coil, a simple multiturn coil to pick up induced voltage from the rotor magnets to feed the Hall and MOSFET driver IC.  Of course this coil is 'dead' at startup, and can give correct power only after a certain RPM.  For temporarily tests you could use a 9V alkaline battery too as a substitute (as shown also in Doug's diagram).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on January 09, 2012, 05:51:57 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 09, 2012, 05:42:59 AM
this is the circuit that i used in the vid

This means you feed induced AC to the Hall and the pnp transistor.  Possible the Hall is protected inside against reverse voltage (many types have a built-in series diode in their inner supply line).   And whenever the induced voltage has positive peaks the Hall is able to trigger the transistor which shorts then the coil.  You show in the video this can also work.  (A circuit design engineer would have a face like this:  :o )

Gyula    ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 09, 2012, 08:11:50 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on January 09, 2012, 05:51:57 AM
This means you feed induced AC to the Hall and the pnp transistor.  Possible the Hall is protected inside against reverse voltage (many types have a built-in series diode in their inner supply line).   And whenever the induced voltage has positive peaks the Hall is able to trigger the transistor which shorts then the coil.  You show in the video this can also work.  (A circuit design engineer would have a face like this:  :o )

Gyula    ;)
Good point Gyula! Thanks!
I have attached a diode to protect the sensor and the transistor. I have also connected another transistor of the same type in paralel to the other one. This gave me another 2V more.
I have forget to show and to say that when i connect this ''shorting circuit'' the rotor slows down a bit; but still, the output is more than double with the shorting method
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 09, 2012, 02:41:07 PM
Hi Mariu
Its as Gyula explained, the coil on far upper left is a small aircore generator coil, also induced by rotor magnets....and this supplys the DC power to the gate and driver and halleffect, instead of the 9V battery, which is used jsut for start up.
Optimal voltage is 14 to 15V for the gate,driver, and hall, and maximum is 15V and higher than that, something will blow so it would be good idea to put a 14V voltage-regulator in circuit too, and also maybe as well a 14V zener since that small generator coil is going to make in voltage whatever the rpms are....I use jsut 9V battery for testing, and put in the generator coils when finally decide whatrpms is going to be, then wind coils for that.

you should really try high amperage, HV mosfets hooked up bidirectionally in you coils shorting cirucit - the votlage should rise at  unbeleivably fast rate, and unbeleiveably high voltage - if "starting out" at 20V, there should be 400V in cap after a minute or so and plan on X3 voltage near instantly when you get it to work right.
That transistor is snuffing out alot of the rings from their fairly high internal resistance I beleive.....plus I thing it has some sort of limiting diode in it too....all that said, that speed-up you got is really interesting - you might want to keep everything "as-is" and explore what is going on there - mabye you need the resistance of the transistors for the speed up I dont know.... dont abandon what you discover thorugh your tests with my advice as to what I do....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 09, 2012, 04:00:18 PM
Hi Konehead

I must thank you for the time spent on explaining your circuit. Tomorow i'll go hunting for some mosfets and other components and i'll try to build it. Can you tell me your results with this circuit?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 09, 2012, 11:46:08 PM
Hi Mariu
you should get X3 the voltage in cap "instantly" and X20 over say a minute as compared to what the "base" voltagte is that the magnets induce into the coil withour coil shorting...it shouldnt make draw go up to motor spinning the generator rotor -  I;ve never had a
speed up" happen however thats why I really want to see what you can do using your own intuition and ideas...
the peak-timing you seem to have under control, but you should try differnt cap sizes to be filling up,
also the output of cap to load requires lots more swtihcing, as cap needs to be disconnected from the coils when the cap hits load....wish it was as easy as put a load on it, and it speeds up.
I made something for someone two summers ago using the coil-shorting circuit that was OU - however in that thing, I put AC caps in series one of the  FWBR's  AC legs - it was around 80uf size to cut the lenz that way and didnt have the two-stage output circuit in it...you might want to look into that too, its alot easier that the two-stage circuit or diode plug...there will specific size of uf that is best compromise in cutting lenz and still letting caps fill fast...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 10, 2012, 04:04:37 AM
Hi konehead
can you give me some more info about the 4421 driver?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 10, 2012, 06:18:06 AM
It looks good news to me.
i couldn't find the 4421 driver but i've adapted the romero's driving circuit to those mosfets and this is the result:
- The coil without shorting  is giving me around 24V
- when the shorts occurs the rpm drops a bit but it gives me instant 70V and rises around 200V
- free spining rotor 1513 rpm
-spining rotor with shorting without charging cap 1345rpm
-spining rotor with charging cap connected 1433 rpm  ( i've tryed 56....330uF/400V)

The spikes are going off the scale of my small scope
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on January 10, 2012, 08:51:46 AM

Hi Marius, nice videos,

Have you tried putting a load or a bulb at the output to see how much power you can actually use?

And how will the rotors rpm be, when loaded?

Good day!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 10, 2012, 02:04:27 PM
Hi Mariu
Thats much better - still quite a slow-down in rpms but not too bad...try smaller caps around 100uf or so...also if try different pulse widhts if that is possible and adjsut timing a bit before and a bit after the peak, and right on top of it...
Dont do idea Crazycut jsut menitoned unless you want to see it getting snuffed out - putting resistance directly on cap being shorted into will KILL IT - this coil-shorting thing doesnt like resistance in or on the cap, or in the switching either.
You MUST discharge cap into load when also at same time cap is DISCONNECTED from the "source" which happens to be the coils being shorted. (Two stage output circuit)
I think when you get it to go to 120V instantly then you will be feeling really good - best to use real MOSFETS they dont have the high internal resistance like transistors have, and hook them up bidirectionally....put a few in paralell too for ultra-low resistance...
Also its going to be hard to measure watts-output from the cap, when you cant jsut do a lump reistive load on it, like what Crazycut, and most any engineer would want to see.
So you need to calculate watts-out from this cap-discharge formula which any EE worth their salt will agree with:
FARADS of cap /2
(Cap voltage before discharge SQUARED  minus the cap voltage after discharge SQUARED)
cap-discharge events per second
100uf cap, that has 200V in it before discharge, and 100V in it after discharge, pulsing to load 4 times per second...
100uf = .0001uf
.0001uf / 2 = .00005
200 X 200 = 40,000
100 X 100 = 10,000
40,000 - 10,000 = 30,000
so put those numbers in the formula to find watts:
.00005 X 30,000 X 4 = 6 watts

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 10, 2012, 02:17:10 PM
Hi Mariu
here is data sheet on the 4421 driver:
http://www.micrel.com/_PDF/mic4421.pdf (http://www.micrel.com/_PDF/mic4421.pdf)
most any online electronics store should have them like digikey Newark, Mouser etc...
also sometimes on ebay they have some cheap -
I like the style of ones like shown in the PDF above - fairly large chips, that pop into a a 8pin socket that is soldered to circuitboard before you pop chip in,,,,

- its also nice that by using  a 4422 instead of 4421, it turns the mosfets into a normally ON switches OFF type of switch, while with 4421 driver, it is normally OFF and switches ON, so this is one way to do a two-stage output circuit; where the cap disconnects from the coils or FWBR whenever the cap hits a load.
Also interesting is that I noticed you get 100rpms more when coils short INTO cap, as compared to no cap and just coil shorting going on...this to me means if you use an even smaller uf size cap, it will work better for you...
Try mosfets bidirectional like in my circuit. because  you are switching AC oscillations....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 10, 2012, 03:14:13 PM
Hi konehead!

Thanks again for all the info  :)
Right now the results are a bit different. The speed up effect is gone; it was the FWBR that was not working soo well( it doesn't like HV). After replacing it i got better results:
-the 330uF cap goes to 300V  in less than 60 sec without droping rpm and still rising. The driving coil sucks only 15 mA more when shorting the gen coil
-12V 55mA rotor spining free
-12V 70mA rotor spining with shorting the gen coil
I have used IRFP460 just like you said and they work great! Now i have to find this MIC4421 driver and see if there is any difference in everything.
For now i want to get to the point where there is no droping in rpm when shoring the coil
Konehead what was your result with this circuit?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 11, 2012, 01:40:28 AM
Hi Mariu
Sounds good glad you like the IRFP460s...are there two bidirectional now too with gates and source leads connected?.....
try 4 in paralell, and annother 4 in paralell with the two clusters of 4 hooked bidirectional....this would be ultra low resistance this way...they have some 40A 500Vmosfets about same price as the IRFP460s cant remember the number for them but you can google "40A 500V NPN mosfets" and find them...
I dont think the driver will make that much difference for you right now actually its just something that you "should" have whenever working with mosfets - the driver will make for a very very fast cut-off and turn-on, and they can make it so the mosfets will do high frequencies without any glitches too,
Basically you are supposed to use a driver with mosfets or the engineers will scream at you is real reason!  (Romero didnt use them either)
I cant say the difference with driver and no driver really - it seemed pretty much the same to me with or without like I did two summers ago without them, but I will say the driver improves performance 15% but this is sort of imaginary since I never did side by side tests to check...I am sticking with always drivers with mosfets in future so that is all I can say...
you might want to try a 80uf or 60uf or 40uf AC type cap IN SERIES on one of your AC legs of the FWBR.....a "high bypass filter" is official designation of this cap....Tesla used to do this with his spark-gaps too....shorting coils is very similar to spark gap stuff since they both create the ringing...When you use one of those AC caps in series, they also "Absorb" the backemf/lenzlugging too on the output to a load,  so they serve a dual-purpose....
this means you can get by with NO "two-stage output circuit" by using the AC cap and just plug in your load on the DC side output of the FWBR...I sort of consider this cheating nowadays, and the two-stage or diode plug is much better way to go but you might want to check it out maybe you can really nail it down better than I ever did using the AC caps - its basically a matter of trying lots of UF sizes in the AC cap and see what doesnt affect the speed of filling the cap, and also makes it so the load doesnt affect draw so its a balancing act of finding the best compromise of speed of cap filling up and no lenz lugging at same time.....
for examples: 6uf will make absolutely no lenz lugging (and now you cna go with wide pusle width too) but the cap will fill up slow...
100uf will let lots of power go through to fill cap very fast, but you will get some lenz lugging probably - so now you would want to change pulse width....it goes like that....

I cant really say what the results are but you will get 3 times the votlage instantly and 20times the votlage in cap over time when it is working good - seems like you are already there......so your results right now are pretty mcuh what I get too
There really are two sides to this: filling the cap without affecting draw, or affecting it very little --- and then there is discharging caps to load without affecting draw, or affecting draw very little....
try AC cap in series on AC leg of FWBR maybe is good next step for you since then you can start testing with a load too..
You might not want to worry too much about any small amount of extra draw when shorting you get - the extra power made is worth it.... to make it totally lenz-free, you are probably going to have to have a finite adjust to the pulse width...and cap size will always be different for the different pulse widths too....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 11, 2012, 05:12:25 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 10, 2012, 06:18:06 AM
It looks good news to me.
i couldn't find the 4421 driver but i've adapted the romero's driving circuit to those mosfets and this is the result:
- The coil without shorting  is giving me around 24V
- when the shorts occurs the rpm drops a bit but it gives me instant 70V and rises around 200V
- free spining rotor 1513 rpm
-spining rotor with shorting without charging cap 1345rpm
-spining rotor with charging cap connected 1433 rpm  ( i've tryed 56....330uF/400V)

The spikes are going off the scale of my small scope
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 11, 2012, 05:21:47 PM
Quote from: konehead on January 10, 2012, 02:04:27 PM
Also its going to be hard to measure watts-output from the cap, when you cant jsut do a lump reistive load on it, like what Crazycut, and most any engineer would want to see.
So you need to calculate watts-out from this cap-discharge formula which any EE worth their salt will agree with:
FARADS of cap /2
(Cap voltage before discharge SQUARED  minus the cap voltage after discharge SQUARED)
cap-discharge events per second

100uf cap, that has 200V in it before discharge, and 100V in it after discharge, pulsing to load 4 times per second...
100uf = .0001f
.0001f / 2 = .00005
Quote200 X 200 = 40,000
100 X 100 = 10,000
40,000 - 10,000 = 30,000
so put those numbers in the formula to find watts:
.00005 X 30,000 X 4 = 6 watts
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 12, 2012, 12:51:37 AM
Hi Mariu
I did some coil shorting tonight with a new big Muller-type generator I built recently and its going around 275rpm with 8 farily large magnets in rotor - the thick-wire genrator coils dont make much voltage at all on purpose since I want to coil short them for the voltage, instead of speeding up rotor to get more voltage...this particular generator makes 60hz at 275 rpm so am trynig to keep the rpms at that speed..
anyways it wasnt so impressive until I went down to a 22uf "capture" cap then the voltage really zings right up to 100V near instantly from only 10V being made without shorting  - and climbs to 300V over some time....all with no effect at all to motor coil draw...
I was usng 1000uf and also470uf  before and the volts-clmb was pretty slow....anyways besides low resistance in the swtiching, and no resistance across cap when it fills, the size of the cap is very important for good results I think too... can you try a 22uf cap or 10uf and see what happens for you with cap that size?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 12, 2012, 03:10:20 AM
Hey Kone & Marius - and then test a few more of those small caps in parallel too!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 12, 2012, 04:46:22 AM
Hi Kone and Chalamadad

I'm still shorting the coil and trying different coils and caps. What i want to do is filling a my big cap 47000uF/50V. First i was using a 800 turns coil with 0.4mm wire and this was very good only for small size caps. Now i have a small coil 200 turns/0.8mm wire (sewing spol). The small coil produces a little less voltage than the big one but it is charging my big cap. It takes some time to arive at 30V but this is real power since the big cap has also more current in it.
-small coil is generating 3V with no cap and no coil shorting
-small coil is filling the big cap until 9V with no coil shorting
-small coil fills the cap at 9V to 30V in around 1 minute but it doesn't stop there; the cap is still charging but slowly .

The bad thing about big caps is that when connected (even charged to 30V) it creates aditional drag to the rotor.The small size cap (56uF/400V) doesn't create aditional drag. For now i'm shorting only half of sine wave becouse of my magnets from the rotor( the AC sine wawe is a bit different than the clasical AC wave.) I must make another rotor , and the distance betwwen the gen magnets and triggering magnets must be bigger than my curent rotor in order to do the shorting for a smaller period of time
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wattsup on January 12, 2012, 09:05:32 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 12, 2012, 04:46:22 AM
Hi Kone and Chalamadad

I'm still shorting the coil and trying different coils and caps. What i want to do is filling a my big cap 47000uF/50V. First i was using a 800 turns coil with 0.4mm wire and this was very good only for small size caps. Now i have a small coil 200 turns/0.8mm wire (sewing spol). The small coil produces a little less voltage than the big one but it is charging my big cap. It takes some time to arive at 30V but this is real power since the big cap has also more current in it.
-small coil is generating 3V with no cap and no coil shorting
-small coil is filling the big cap until 9V with no coil shorting
-small coil fills the cap at 9V to 30V in around 1 minute but it doesn't stop there; the cap is still charging but slowly .

The bad thing about big caps is that when connected (even charged to 30V) it creates aditional drag to the rotor.The small size cap (56uF/400V) doesn't create aditional drag. For now i'm shorting only half of sine wave becouse of my magnets from the rotor( the AC sine wawe is a bit different than the clasical AC wave.) I must make another rotor , and the distance betwwen the gen magnets and triggering magnets must be bigger than my curent rotor in order to do the shorting for a smaller period of time


Instead of 200 turns, what would happen if you started to play the numbers and the layers. Here are two examples.

1) Take 10 wire lengths bunched together and wind 20 turns.
2) Take one wire and wind layer 1, then another wire and wind layer two but in the other direction. Then layer #3 wound as #1. Then layer #4 as #2. Put the evens numbers in parallel or series and put to one tank cap. Do the same for the odds numbers on another cap.

The other thing I was thinking about lately was this.

Let's say you keep your set-up as is. But now you get 4 or 5 very small N/O reed contacts that are positioned anywhere convenient around the wheel so that each one gets latched one after the other. So you put each fill up reed to one each capacitor and all connected in parallel to the output coil. On that same parallel you put a last N/O reed that goes to load and that reed is positioned so it always latches after the 4 or 5 fill up reeds. This will permit to charge 4 or 5 capacitors and discharge them at once without using electronics. This is just a rough description. Anyways, I think you get the idea.

Keep up the good work.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 12, 2012, 02:09:48 PM
Hi Mariu
In that cap discharge formula, you can see the factors of how much power you get out of the cap are:  the size of the cap, the voltage drop of cap (depends on reisvive load and also pulse width too) and also the RATE of the discharges per second....
For sure a small cap fills way faster, and doesnt affect draw like a big cap will in peak coil shorting as you mention too,  but in consequence, you dont have as much power stored in cap since cap is so small - so to compensate for this, make the discharge-rate much faster....cap is filling faster, so you can then get more discharges out from it too....
you can get a pure sinewave with all-N magnet rotor - have twice as many aircored coils in stator plates as you have rotor magnets - for example if your rotor is 6 magnets at 12, 2, 4, 6 and  8 o'clock,
then have 12 aircoils at 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, and12 oclock in the stator plate.
connect coils 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and8, 9 and 10, 11 and 12 IN SERIES....connect the OUT of the coil A to the OUT of the coil B....sinewave shows up on the IN of coil A and the IN of Coil B
I call this "backwards adjacent series"
This will give you perfect AC sinewave, also doubles the frequency too which is really cool - now you have 4 sinewaves per magnet-sweep of the two coils to short.....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 12, 2012, 03:38:25 PM
Hi Wattsup!
I would like to try your ideea but unfortunatlly for me is difficult to build multifillar coils. It takes a lot of time and work since i dont have any "hi-tech equipment" for winding coils. I might try what you described but not now. Thanks!  :)

For now i'm not going to do any calculation about in and out.
I was going to build another rotor with 16 mags N-S  but your ideea is good.
I'm a bit disapointed about the drag when i short the coil. Is not much but is there slowing the rotor. Do you have any drag when shorting? My shorts are around 200-300uSeconds.
Also you said to use aircore coil; do you use aircore coils? Is this the way to avoid drag?
When i spin the rotor around 3000rpm the shorting gen coil produces a lot of juice; is this only becouse the coil produces more or becouse is beeing shoeted for less period of time?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 13, 2012, 02:32:18 AM
Marius, you will find that there is a sweet spot when to short your coil for highest output. When I was shorting with the reed switch I got best results positioning it somewhere between two coilsets and not necessarily exactly next to the coil. This was dragging the rotor but when I was shortin the output behind the FW bridge DC side the rotor would speed up and sort of make up for the drag.

What happens is that the reed shorting produces those large spikes on the scope. These create drag. But when the output side is shorted or connected to a load (which is not too big) or a cap the spikes will disappear because what you do is you take the energy out of the system and get a clean AC wave again that won't slow down you rotor but you get the extra energy out. But you cannot take more out than the spikes allow you to or your rotor will slow down quickly.

With the reed you can sort of shape the coils waveform on the scope. What you want to do I guess is to NULL OUT the part when the rotor magnet wants to escape the coil. So what you get is something like this:  --´\,--´\,--´\,-- And the spikes will be where the peaks of the wave are.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 14, 2012, 02:53:32 AM
hi Marius and Chal and all
Had something successful tonight - made a adjustable-pulse width circuit using two pairs of bidirectional mosfets hooked up in series and each pair of bidiretional mosfets has its own halleffect.
One bidirectional mosfet pair has a 4421 driver, so it is normally-OFF and switches-ON
the other bidirectional mosfet pair has a 4422 driver, so it is normally-ON switches-OFF
The distance between the two hall effects, with each tripped by the same trigger-magnet, will determine the PULSE WIDTH of the coil-shorting event...
It is very important for a short pulse width to prevent lugging of rotor.
At around 60hz, I got the pulse width between 1/2ms and 1ms and the 22uf cap filled up like crazy -up to 300V and the rotor did not lug down in speed...in fact after the cap filled up some, it started to speed up a bit.
Last night I had 3.5ms p[ulse width at the same 60hz...and it LUGGED....
So figure 60hz has 8.3ms in one phase, from zero point to zero point, so in one phase of a sinewave, whatever the speed it is happening, you would want the coil-shorting pulse width to be about 1/8th to 16th of the length of one phase - so that is how much of the "peak period" the bidirectional mosfets should turn on.
Here is the circuit I tested out tonight that has adjsutable pulse width:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 14, 2012, 03:05:10 AM
Hi all
One more thing, is that the coil short must be on the PEAK of the sinewave, not at the "zero line area" like Chal's drawing shows.....doing it at zeroline area makes very meager voltage rise in the cap - it doesnt lug being shorted in that area of sinewave since no real power is being pushed into the cap....
imagine a motor coil pulsing a magnet repulsive - there is a spot in timing at TDC where very slightly to the left of TDC will push the rotormagnet to the right, and very slightly to the right of TDC will push the rotormagent to the left...and there is a spot in timing at exactly TDC, that will not propel the rotormagnets to the left or to the right....that is the point you want to find when coil shorting and thats why you need the short pulse width, to capture only that exact TDC point where the rotor magnet does not care which way it moves from its reaction to the coil being shorted....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 14, 2012, 04:09:52 AM
Hi Konehead!
I did filled the cap without any drag from the rotor but is important not to lug the rotor when starting shorting. My new rotor will be ready next week and i'll begin experimenting with only 8 magnets all N or S. I will try your new circuit. I get the same results ( for now) with IRF840 wich is much more cheaper.
About the speed up effect: in my case it was the FWBR that wasn't working soo good when high spikes occured. Now i have a FWBR from a copmuter power source and the cap is filling faster without the speed up
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 14, 2012, 04:31:43 AM
Hey Kone, good work, interesting concept using the non-inverting and inverting driver. It could be useful as two-stage circuit as well using just one hall.

With a scope you can optimize the best points to short and unshort at both peaks of the wave. You just want the wave to either go up OR down (depending on the polarity) like a vertically stretched 'S'. You cut off one half of the wave but the amplitude (voltage) will stay high PLUS the spikes amplifications which fill your high voltage caps. (see below) Now one thing to try is adding more small caps in parallel to your first cap and see how they all fill at the same speed. This is not possible with just one big cap! After that discharge the caps to a load at the time when they are currently not being filled. It might be helpful to use a 1:1 transformer between the caps and the load.

Rotate this 90°:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 14, 2012, 02:07:05 PM
hi Chal
Thats what I did last night, used scope to really see where the best points to short are at, (its the very peak of the sinewave) and also with the new pulsewidth adjsut circuit, also played around with pulse width too, using the scope. all the while watched the ammeter, and checked rpms with rpm meter.
What happens is if the pulse width is too wide, (or doubled -up) then you have "no choice" but to short down there at zero-line area, and leave the peaks "blank" as you describe... and yes, this will make it no-lugging but I didnt get the immediate huge voltage increase, and eventually voltage around 300V - from a "base" voltage of 10V.
Shorting coils down there in non-peak areas is around 6 times less voltage increase into cap - so there is some, and its slow to fill cap too...
I dont agree with your idea to short the peak as it descends or ascends, and to cutoff one-half of the wave....you posted a few days ago about this and that is why I did all this - to confirm its the PEAKS where you want to short and I havent been leading everyone astray down road to ruin and lugging of rotor too......
I will suspect that your reed switches have a duoble-pulse from the front and back edge of magnet tripping them - this especially happens if using  farily large rotor magnets to trip reed switches, and becasue you cant really nail the peak-period right in the midde, with a single quick very narrow pulse -  that is why your theory of shorting at the rise and fall and not the peak works best for you - thats all I can think of...
HOWEVER,  all this said, why not pulse sinewave  at the "ascension", and the "descension" and fill seperate caps (maybe) with those and at same time hit that peak period with the very short pulse width too....Ismael Aviso always talks about shorting five times per peak period - so combining your method, with mine, it would then be: twice at ascension, once at top of peak and antoher two times at descenision - this might really be something...just as long as it doesnt lug it could be great.
I agree with you that you wont be able to put this into one big UF cap - that big cap will have too much resistance and block most of the ringing (unless it is already 3/4 full or something like that) so better to do it into smaller caps....also once a cap reaches a level of volts, it does no good to put "lesser" jolts of voltage into it - its not going to fill any higher if the cap is already at 100V and you inject a pulse of 95V into it as example...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on January 14, 2012, 02:27:58 PM
On reed switches

If you only apply the magnet to 1 end of the reed, it wont double latch.


And you can bias the reed with a small magnet or even adjust the sesitivity using magnetic objects


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 15, 2012, 04:32:28 AM
Quote from: konehead on January 14, 2012, 02:07:05 PM
hi Chal
Thats what I did last night, used scope to really see where the best points to short are at, (its the very peak of the sinewave) and also with the new pulsewidth adjsut circuit, also played around with pulse width too, using the scope. all the while watched the ammeter, and checked rpms with rpm meter.
What happens is if the pulse width is too wide, (or doubled -up) then you have "no choice" but to short down there at zero-line area, and leave the peaks "blank" as you describe... and yes, this will make it no-lugging but I didnt get the immediate huge voltage increase, and eventually voltage around 300V - from a "base" voltage of 10V.
Shorting coils down there in non-peak areas is around 6 times less voltage increase into cap - so there is some, and its slow to fill cap too...
I dont agree with your idea to short the peak as it descends or ascends, and to cutoff one-half of the wave....you posted a few days ago about this and that is why I did all this - to confirm its the PEAKS where you want to short and I havent been leading everyone astray down road to ruin and lugging of rotor too......
I will suspect that your reed switches have a duoble-pulse from the front and back edge of magnet tripping them - this especially happens if using  farily large rotor magnets to trip reed switches, and becasue you cant really nail the peak-period right in the midde, with a single quick very narrow pulse -  that is why your theory of shorting at the rise and fall and not the peak works best for you - thats all I can think of...
HOWEVER,  all this said, why not pulse sinewave  at the "ascension", and the "descension" and fill seperate caps (maybe) with those and at same time hit that peak period with the very short pulse width too....Ismael Aviso always talks about shorting five times per peak period - so combining your method, with mine, it would then be: twice at ascension, once at top of peak and antoher two times at descenision - this might really be something...just as long as it doesnt lug it could be great.
I agree with you that you wont be able to put this into one big UF cap - that big cap will have too much resistance and block most of the ringing (unless it is already 3/4 full or something like that) so better to do it into smaller caps....also once a cap reaches a level of volts, it does no good to put "lesser" jolts of voltage into it - its not going to fill any higher if the cap is already at 100V and you inject a pulse of 95V into it as example...

Hey Kone,

I think you misunderstood me or maybe I did not make myself clear enough. I agree the shorting must happen at the peaks of the wave and NOT when the wave is ascending or descending. Only this will give highest voltage spikes. My idea is to leave the waveform intact only when it either ascends or when it descends. I made a drawing to make it clearer what I said about cutting off one half of the wave. See below.

About the reeds: I think it is not shorting twice. It is shorting at one peak and unshorting at the other peak. Both shorting and unshorting at the peaks of the wave will create high voltage spikes.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 15, 2012, 03:35:42 PM
Hi guys!
Just a small video with shorting at both peaks
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 15, 2012, 10:26:32 PM
Hi Mariu

Really nice simple video to see again -

If you put another coil spaced on stator plate exactly "in between" the rotor magnets, with your existing coil right underneath one of the rotor magnets as the spacing of the two coils, you will get a perfect AC sinewave if you want to try it.

If the coils is wound LeftHandRule, for example, then have the 2nd coil also LHR, but connect the OUT of coil A to the OUT of coil B - and connect in series too...so "ADJACENT PAIRS OF COIL CONNECTED IN BACKWARDS SERIES" is what I call it... the AC signal comes from the two leads of the IN of coil A and the IN of coil B...sort of treats the two coils liek one big long one sort of...

So if 8 magnet rotor, you could eventually pack the stator plates with 16 coils in the same spacing as described above too...but they better be aricores, since everythign is "inphase" and ferrous cores will cause bad rotational-lugging.... unless you did the odd number of coils vs even number of magnets Muller-thing....

Doing these two coils in backwards sereis, should double yoru power, since now you have twice as many peaks to short at...its what I am doing now in thing working on - I have 32 peaks to short per revolution since 16 coil -postions on stator plate in mine...

I got my pulse widht down to only .75 millisecond and cap fills just as fast as if it was 2 or 3 milliseconds - but you get rotor-lugging at 2 or 3 milliseconds, but none at all at .75 millisecond short
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 15, 2012, 10:34:55 PM
Hi Chal

Yes I am still a bit confused still - you are saying to short at one peaks but "unshort" at other?
How can it unshort if its already been shorted at other peak??

do yoy mean to leave ON (closed)  the short for the whole sinewave??? 

then un-short at next sinewave peak??

sorry I ams ure it is simple I just dont get it...I guess not sure exactly what it means to "unshort"

Maybe you mean have the timing of the openinig of the swtihc be at one peak?
and the closing of the switch at the other peak,
but still wiht very short pulse width;
so one peak is slightly advanced (unshorted-switch opened) to TDC and other is slightly retarded to TDC (shorted- swithclosed)???

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 16, 2012, 03:03:06 AM
Hi Kone,

I am not sure if it double latches or shorts and unshorts at the peaks of the wave. I was thinking it was shorting at the lower peak and unshorting at the upper peak because of the flattened out part inbetween. I had the high voltage spikes exactly at the upper and lower peak of the wave. It is more important to interpret or resemble the waveform I posted in the drawing above: one half from peak to peak is flat and the other one is near sine wave. I had exactly this waveform when I had best output using a reed switch. This was also when I had the speedup by shortin the DC output. If we can interpret the flat part as that there is then no magnetic field then there will be no drag at that point. If this is happening when the rotor magnet wants to escape I think this is what we want.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 16, 2012, 04:02:15 AM
Hi Konehead
0.75 miliseconds=750microseconds right?
i still get drag for 200-150 microseconds. Also noticed that the spikes are not so high when shorting for 200 microseconds
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 16, 2012, 03:10:21 PM
Hi Chal

OK that is what I got when I tested your idea too, with a long pulse widht, you dont have the swtich closed at the peaks, shorting the coil, instead you have it start to OPEN there....(and close on the toehr too is your idea) and I see what you mean now - but I dont think this is good way to do it.
You should in konehead-logic and method,, have ultra-short puulse widht that just shorts at both the neg and pos peaks - all the rest of the time the switch is open..
Now, if you had a coil and motor for it that ACCELERATESS under a shorted load, then that is whole different ball game for sure! - in that case it is probably better to do as you did, leave the coil shorted for very long period, and find good spot to open swithc, if at all, such as filling a huge UF cap which works like a shorted-condition
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 16, 2012, 03:16:22 PM
Hi Mariu
1 second = 1000 milliseconds...microseconds is one-millionth of second (10 to the 6th):
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsecond (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsecond)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 16, 2012, 03:34:29 PM
Hi Mariu
Looked at your video again - are you using "bidirecitonal mosfets"  - two at once, connected at the gates and source, with switching happeing between the two drains? With 10K "turn off" resistor across the double-gate over to the double-source leads? Cant tell from the video what yoru swithcing is...
also, what I am testing with the series-pairs of coils is a 60hz AC sinewave and the big 16" wide rotor with 8 wide spaced magnets only goes  250rpm, so when you only do .75millisecond pulse widht to coil-short it,  the percentage of the phase for the short is fairly low (one phase zero line to zero line at 60hz is 8.3milliseconds)..so figure I am around 11 or 10% "duty cycle" to a phase in how long to do the coil-short at peak.
But you are goig near 2000rpm, and with 8 magnets in small rotor that is much faster speed - not sure exactly right now but counting both pos and neg peaks you might have near 140hz (?) and your overall phase-lenght of a peak-period migh be only 3 or 4 milliseoncs not sure.... so the percentage of time to have coil short happen within the oveall phase-length would/could need to be shorter still, to be same proportion/ratio as the 10 to 11%..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 16, 2012, 06:20:46 PM
Hi konehead
-picture with the shorting circuit (hope the ingeniers will not scream at me)
-picture with scope while shorting at peak. One square has 200uS so this means that my short is a little longer that 200uS
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 18, 2012, 01:47:01 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 16, 2012, 06:20:46 PM
Hi konehead
-picture with the shorting circuit (hope the ingeniers will not scream at me)
Hi Maruiscivic,
I don't see any driver in your schematic for the MOFSETs, is that's normal? don't you use a 4421 or a 4422?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 18, 2012, 03:03:16 PM
Quote from: Khwartz on January 18, 2012, 01:47:01 PM
Hi Maruiscivic,
I don't see any driver in your schematic for the MOFSETs, is that's normal? don't you use a 4421 or a 4422?
No driver Khwartz ; (i couldn't find any of 4421 or 4422) and it works fine just like that
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 19, 2012, 04:19:20 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 18, 2012, 03:03:16 PM
No driver Khwartz ; (i couldn't find any of 4421 or 4422) and it works fine just like that
hehe, cool cause cheaper and easier  8) Very thanks for having specified.
I'm not yet ready to replicate the devise but very interested to see where you'll go with, trying to understand what is going on before could be to try myself  ;) So thanks for sharing  :D (even it's hard sometimes for not english tongue  :-\ )

Here is a link about a vid, but it's about a part of the written comment that makes me much think to what Kone said about "TDC". Hope it could help :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 19, 2012, 07:52:46 PM
Hi guys
Been playing with coil shorthing technik and lenz is working 100%. Got 6 coils that are shorting at both peaks and the output is not so great.  The 22000uF cap goes to 20V in around 30 seconds. This cap has a lot of juice but still...there is lenz and the input power is bigger.
Anyway...i just looove spining disks. In this new vid we can see how can we gain more than 1000rpm with a small cap
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 19, 2012, 10:48:48 PM
Hi Mariu
In the new video, I  will bet you are giving the backemf/recoil of the motor/drive coil "somewhere to go", besides backing itself up on the current pulsed into the motor coil, so it makes for that increased RPM...
Better to put it into DC cap, with a "Steering diode" off the source lead of the mosfet, since then you can pulse that cap out into a DC load (like a battery), to gain additional "normally wasted" power besides also helping the motor coil run better and faster like the AC does....
sothe AC cap makes it run better but i dont know what you can do with it when it fills up...T
That 220000uf cap is WAY too big...Mr Lenz's ghost is enjoying watching you suffer....
its like having a resistance across a small up cap while you try and fill it up and it doesnt work since the coil shorting event MUST  see no resistancw, or very very small resistance,  And the sistanc of cap that size is huge....he effect is snuffed-out like what is happening now when you try and fill a 22000uf cap......I know Romero could fill up cap like that, but he was doing a whole other thing! (not sure what still but it for sure wasnt coil shorting at peaks - if so, he would of told us the 8 days he was posting after it looped before he got threatened...his circuit have nothing to do with it that is for sure)
For the particular coil you are shorting, you need to find a good size cap that fills up fast, doesnt lug rotor and then after finding that out,  go higher and higher in uf value until you see the cap is too big and lugging and/or slow filling time starts to happen....then that is the limits of cap size you will have to work with...
Additional step you need to move up to, is to dump cap to a load while cap is disconnected from the coils (two stage circuit)
that big cap is like having a load on the shorting circuit, on the DC side of the FWBR, all the time, and its not going to work like that....tyr small uf caps on each of yoru 6 coils being shoted, then run them all in paralell to output, after they fill u[, when you get to stage of "two stage output circuit" if you want lots of power happening....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on January 20, 2012, 09:55:20 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 19, 2012, 07:52:46 PM
Hi guys
Been playing with coil shorthing technik and lenz is working 100%. Got 6 coils that are shorting at both peaks and the output is not so great.  The 22000uF cap goes to 20V in around 30 seconds. This cap has a lot of juice but still...there is lenz and the input power is bigger.
Anyway...i just looove spining disks. In this new vid we can see how can we gain more than 1000rpm with a small cap
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXJw3vOaA80&list=UU9tULTcP96I5ZdBmoH0gL_w&index=1&feature=plcp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXJw3vOaA80&list=UU9tULTcP96I5ZdBmoH0gL_w&index=1&feature=plcp)

plyz posted  shematic circuit ...
thanks video...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 20, 2012, 12:49:16 PM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on January 20, 2012, 09:55:20 AM
plyz posted  shematic circuit ...
thanks video...
is the romero driving circuit without the 1n4007.Then you have to find the right capacitor to put in paralel with the coil.
Today i have replaced the transistor with two mosfets. The bemf is so high that i can smell the ozone from the coil's wires and i'm not joking. The caps are charging like never before with the rising rpm and less curent consumed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on January 20, 2012, 02:30:25 PM
OK ,
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 20, 2012, 03:53:33 PM
Hi Mariu
Are you pulsing your single motor coil with the two "bidirectional" connected mosfets?
they work great to pulse motor coils with too....I think high internal resistance of transistors kills lots of the bemf you can capture, jsut like with coil shorting its a similar thing.
can you try this out?
put a 2nd bidirectional mosfet switch onto just one of the AC legs of FWBR, the connects-disconnects tha tAC leg between the coil, and the FWBR - and with AC legs of this FWBR across the two DRAIN (switching) leads of the motor coil bidiretional mosfets...
Now fill up a big uf cap with DC out of FWBR....
thne find sweet spot in timing of that new 2nd switch on the FWBR so that it turns on-off about 5 degrees RETARDED as compared to the motor coil pulse....(like and ECHO).....have a bit of overlap in the ON-TIME of this 2nd swtich, with the ON-TIME of the motor coil pulse, jsut "BEFORE", and right "AT", and then jsut a bit "AFTER" the time the motor coil swtich OPENS (turns OFF)....so this 2nd swtich is times to catch the backemf RECOIL SPIKE for sure.... add another hall effect to controls this 2nd switch and drift it around abit until you find that sweet spot....this is the best way to take backemf out I think you will see dramatic speed up when you find sweet spot, and you are now filling "larger size" uf size cap without any lugging, and instead speed up.
Also another good thing about this technique, is that it becaomes very simple "two stage" output circuit for the backemf cap...since when that 2nd swtich is OFF, the backemf-cap is also now disconnected from the motor coil circuit...so anytime during the OFF period of the new 2nd swtihc, is when you can dump the cap to a load....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 21, 2012, 04:30:03 AM
Quote from: FreeEnergyInfo on January 20, 2012, 02:30:25 PM
OK ,
This is the circuit. Now you have to try different cap size to see wich works best
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 21, 2012, 04:36:17 AM
Quote from: konehead on January 20, 2012, 03:53:33 PM
Hi Mariu
Are you pulsing your single motor coil with the two "bidirectional" connected mosfets?
they work great to pulse motor coils with too....I think high internal resistance of transistors kills lots of the bemf you can capture, jsut like with coil shorting its a similar thing.
can you try this out?
put a 2nd bidirectional mosfet switch onto just one of the AC legs of FWBR, the connects-disconnects tha tAC leg between the coil, and the FWBR - and with AC legs of this FWBR across the two DRAIN (switching) leads of the motor coil bidiretional mosfets...
Now fill up a big uf cap with DC out of FWBR....
thne find sweet spot in timing of that new 2nd switch on the FWBR so that it turns on-off about 5 degrees RETARDED as compared to the motor coil pulse....(like and ECHO).....have a bit of overlap in the ON-TIME of this 2nd swtich, with the ON-TIME of the motor coil pulse, jsut "BEFORE", and right "AT", and then jsut a bit "AFTER" the time the motor coil swtich OPENS (turns OFF)....so this 2nd swtich is times to catch the backemf RECOIL SPIKE for sure.... add another hall effect to controls this 2nd switch and drift it around abit until you find that sweet spot....this is the best way to take backemf out I think you will see dramatic speed up when you find sweet spot, and you are now filling "larger size" uf size cap without any lugging, and instead speed up.
Also another good thing about this technique, is that it becaomes very simple "two stage" output circuit for the backemf cap...since when that 2nd swtich is OFF, the backemf-cap is also now disconnected from the motor coil circuit...so anytime during the OFF period of the new 2nd swtihc, is when you can dump the cap to a load....

Hi konehead
right now i'm pulsing the coil with the two bidirectional mosfets. Is hard to me to visualize what you just asked me to try.Can you draw a circuit?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: FreeEnergyInfo on January 21, 2012, 07:17:08 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 21, 2012, 04:30:03 AM
This is the circuit. Now you have to try different cap size to see wich works best

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 21, 2012, 02:05:45 PM
Hi Mariu
In the top picture on this page from my site, is the circuit wtih a "AC leg of FWBR 2nd swtich"
http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/pulsed-dc-backemf-recoil-recovery-circuits (http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/pulsed-dc-backemf-recoil-recovery-circuits)
in the photo below it, you see 4 brushes, but  this a double-pulse thing going on, you only need 2 brushes really to show concept....this is a bit confusing with the 4 brushes...also circuit of it is underneath photo.
simple experiment I like to do for fun sometimes is run DC pulse motor on 24V and dump DC side of FWBR directly into battery bank of 12V batteries in paralell - no caps at all...batteries for sure get a good charge, and you can get a speed up if you find timing sweet spot, with that AC LEG 2nd switch...
This particular circuit shown at top of page has the AC legs of the FWBR across the motor coil swtihcing itself...not across the motor coils, but sometimes the AC legs work a little better across the coils, rather than the motor coil switching as shown, so experiment with where to stick the AC legs of the FWBR.
functions of S1 and S2 in this simple drawing is what I was trying to explain...S1 is your switch that drives the motor coil pulsing, and S2 is the swtich that connects the backemf/recoil into a cap...
the timing of it is S2 is about 5 degrees retarded to S1 - like an "echo"
since S2 is on AC leg of FWBR, you should use a bidirectional mosfet there, if using mosfets, since it is switching a spikey AC (sort of)  as this switch connects the FWBR..

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 21, 2012, 03:09:35 PM
I would like to try one of those 3-pin Schottky diodes from a power supply to rectify my driving coils output. Anybody knows how I would have to connect it?
I have got two of those: http://www.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets_pdf/S/T/P/S/STPS2045CT.shtml (http://www.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets_pdf/S/T/P/S/STPS2045CT.shtml)
Thanks, Chal
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on January 21, 2012, 05:49:41 PM
Just connect A1 and A2 pins together to have the two diodes in parallel and use it as if it were a single diode.
(You cannot make a diode bridge from  your two such diodes because both have their cathodes connected inside the casing.)

MAke sure the AC peak voltage from the coils do not exceed 35-40V , to reach the maximum 45V reverse voltage rating.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 21, 2012, 07:15:43 PM
Hey everybody. Finally doing some more work on this project.
I've been waiting to see what ZFF is building but I have not seen any new videos or updates to his page in 3 months so I am just going to go ahead and build something.

I am building coils that are a little larger than the original sewing bobbins.
I already have, on hand, a bag of ferrite rods (from another project) that measure 10mm diameter X 20mm long and are grade 4B1.
And I found some off-the-shelf fiber washers ( www.amzn/B000FMWTNE ) that are suitable for bobbin ends and easy to glue to the ferrite rods with regular acrylic adhesive which will also work well to glue the coils directly to an acrylic frame.

I now have all my bobbins, plus a few spares, assembled for the first prototype and just need to start winding. (See attached)
I do have a spool of Litz wire, as was described earlier in this thread, although not sure if Litz wire really makes a difference at these lower frequencies.

I do wonder; has anybody ever considered using the best of two worlds to build a new design?
I propose using the magnetic vortex of the Marko Rodin / Randy Powell coil as the primary mover to drive the cogless alternator of the Bill Muller/Phil Wood Dynamo.
Does the image of this mock-up spark any new ideas? (See attached)
If one was to build such a thing, what might be the effects, of the magnetic vortex, on the Muller rotor and coils?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 21, 2012, 07:26:55 PM
Quote from: konehead on January 21, 2012, 02:05:45 PM
Hi Mariu
In the top picture on this page from my site, is the circuit wtih a "AC leg of FWBR 2nd swtich"
http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/pulsed-dc-backemf-recoil-recovery-circuits (http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/pulsed-dc-backemf-recoil-recovery-circuits)
in the photo below it, you see 4 brushes, but  this a double-pulse thing going on, you only need 2 brushes really to show concept....this is a bit confusing with the 4 brushes...also circuit of it is underneath photo.
simple experiment I like to do for fun sometimes is run DC pulse motor on 24V and dump DC side of FWBR directly into battery bank of 12V batteries in paralell - no caps at all...batteries for sure get a good charge, and you can get a speed up if you find timing sweet spot, with that AC LEG 2nd switch...
This particular circuit shown at top of page has the AC legs of the FWBR across the motor coil swtihcing itself...not across the motor coils, but sometimes the AC legs work a little better across the coils, rather than the motor coil switching as shown, so experiment with where to stick the AC legs of the FWBR.
functions of S1 and S2 in this simple drawing is what I was trying to explain...S1 is your switch that drives the motor coil pulsing, and S2 is the swtich that connects the backemf/recoil into a cap...
the timing of it is S2 is about 5 degrees retarded to S1 - like an "echo"
since S2 is on AC leg of FWBR, you should use a bidirectional mosfet there, if using mosfets, since it is switching a spikey AC (sort of)  as this switch connects the FWBR..
Hi Konehead!
I've tried to modify the schematic you've already posted here "PULSEWDITHADJUSTCOILSHORT.jpg", taking care of your directives and "BACKEFM/RECOIL RECOVERY BATTERY CHARGER". Would you say it's what you wanted to advise Mariuscivic to do? or do I have to make corrections?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 21, 2012, 09:45:22 PM
hi Khwartz
No it doesnt look right - modifying that double-bidirectional pulse-width adjstument cirucit makes it more difficult to figure out what is going on  too...
think like this:
SW1 connects 12V battery to motor coil and it is timed to pulse the rotor around, just like any DC pulse motor coil...the SW1  can be anything you want; transistor, mechanical brush-commutator, mosfets...
that SW1 will have "two sides" to it;  the "in" and "out", you can call them, just like any switch will have.
Now take the AC LEGS of a FWBR, and put one AC leg on IN of the switch, and the other AC LEG on the OUT of the switch....this is pretty easy to follow so far eh...
Put the DC side of the FWBR onto a DC capacitor, or a DC load like a 6V battery...(something)
still easy to follow I hope...
Now on JUST ONE AC LEG of the FWBR, put a 2nd switch , which connects the AC leg of the FWBR to "one side" of that motor coil switch (remember you have two AC legs across that motor coil swtich already and so now you want to have a switch on jsut one of the two AC legs)
The 2nd swtihc turns ON about 5 degrees retarded, to the timing of the motor coil switch, and when it turns ON (closes) it connects the backemf/recoil of the motor coil's collapse at its turn-off to that DC cap, and does this only during the time the 2nd swtich is ON
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 21, 2012, 10:42:00 PM
Understand Kone, and very thanks for your reply. I think what you explain fit exactly with the schematic of your web-site you gave just up to here the link to.

But for me, it's exactly the same, just I have replaced swicht 2 by the Bid ;) You think it couldn't work or work lesser? Cause I've read you many times advising for MOFSETs and bidMOFSETs, so now i'm very surprised that you tell me "no"! lol ;)

Could you tell me more why you would not see Bid here?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 22, 2012, 05:34:04 AM
Quote from: gyulasun on January 21, 2012, 05:49:41 PM
Just connect A1 and A2 pins together to have the two diodes in parallel and use it as if it were a single diode.
(You cannot make a diode bridge from  your two such diodes because both have their cathodes connected inside the casing.)
MAke sure the AC peak voltage from the coils do not exceed 35-40V , to reach the maximum 45V reverse voltage rating.


Thanks, gyula. So to make a FWBR I would need three of those, I see. That voltage limitation is a shame because the coil puts out up to more than 50 Volts AC. Wish I could make use of the full potential. Currently I manage to rectify maybe 50% of it which is enough to drive a second driving coil.

@Scorch: Just proceed with the original design, use original driver circuit, no special extras needed (unifilar coils is good enough), is my advice. The motor is already a mixture of different earlier devices, such as muller motor and adams motor. Do not tune for speed, rather for minimal input with max output. Good luck and keep us updated how things are developing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 22, 2012, 08:46:29 AM
I almost forgot to mention - I can give an update about the oscillating coil configuration: So far I could only get it into oscillation/singing mode if the wiring was attractive and the backing magnets repelling. Yesterday I found out it works in repelling wiring is as well. The hall had to be placed differently, in my case turned upside down facing the rotor magnets, the hall itself was above the coil. But the conclusion is that it is working with an attracting or a repelling wired coil and that means that polarity does not matter at all.

I was testing for while now with single driving coil only. Today I installed a second coil to make the driving coil a coilpair again. A first test shows that the oscillation remains but the driving force, torque and possible speed improves well compared to the single coil. The AC cap value (20nF) parallel to the coilpair did not have to be changed to get minimal current draw.

Below is a scopeshot of the oscillation waveform. Division is 1µs so one cycle takes less than 3 µs. This is above the audible range. Does anybody know typical self resonant frequency of iron powder cores? Just wonder if this might match.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 22, 2012, 09:09:20 AM
Quote from: chalamadad on January 22, 2012, 08:46:29 AM
But the conclusion is that it is working with an attracting or a repelling wired coil and that means that polarity does not matter at all.
Many "halls" are just contacts: one fixed the other moving and attracted or repealed under magnetic fields which comes in contact or not; nothing to have with the "hall effect"! ;) but to know how they are exactly conceived could help sometimes to avoid double-swichings and so on :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 22, 2012, 01:39:31 PM
Hi Khwartz
The switch coming off the coil is not right - it disconnects the coil.
That is what the motor-coil switch is supposed to be doing.,. the FWBR
"2nd switch" only connects the backemf/recoil circuit to fill cap or hit load...
that circuit is for pulse widht adjsutment for coil-shorting at peaks, not for a motor coil pulse....they are different - you modified a coil-shorting cirucit, instead you should modify a motor coil pulsing circuit wiht the FWBR and 2nd swiitch...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 22, 2012, 04:17:19 PM
hi all
I got some info from secret source who got it from a secret source who heard from someone else secret that got that from someone else secret that what R did with his looper is run facing coils in series, but "cancelling" series, so that when you short, or heavily load, the two facing coils connected in series, it doesnt lug at all with Lenz law  -
BUT the trick,  is to MISALIGN the top core/coil to the bottom core/coil, and this misalignment pulls them sort of 90 degrees out of phase to the sweep of the rotor magnet.
so I tried this out in my 4 magnet rotor, 5 coils each side w/backing magnets R-"variant" ....the misalignment I had set up is:
when the bottom CORE is perfeclty centered to the rotormagnet,,  the top facing CORE,  is NOT centered to the rotor magnet, rather it has it's "trailing edge" centered to the rotor magnet...so in my R-variant test machine, the way it looks from looking from the side at it, as the rotor spins counter-clockwise,  is that the top coil is about 6mm to the right, of the bottom coil  and they are not perfectly lined up anymore....you cant really see it at first glance - you have to really look for the misalingment - maybe R did this in his videos and photos, but you coulndt tell through the videos and photos...
The way I did this was to just shift the whole upper plate over a little bit so the whole stator plate of coils becomes misaligned.....then I just ran one or two  of the lower-plate coils as motor coils to spin it.
It wasnt  going too fast, was running on only 9VDC, but there was 3V into 850uf cap is what I got, no loading at all to shaft rotation, didnt get any speed up mabye with more RPMS it would... didnt work on it that long of time but it looks really promising, since I chould fill large-size cap without lugging motor to 3V and there are 4 pairs of coils so that is around 12V with no lugging into 4 of these 850uf caps and that is enough power to run it by itself since it can run on a 850uf "run cap" that gets the battery swtiched into it everytime...

anyways maybe someone else here can give it a try- just shift the top plate over a little bit figuring to make 90 degree phase difference from magnet sweep past top core as compared to bottom core is idea - and then have the coils wired series-cancelling too...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 22, 2012, 08:09:34 PM
Hi Konehead
I  tryed this my self and spent a lot of time with this missalligment of the two coils. If you do it with only one pair of coils you  will get something without lenz but then when you will put all the pair coils you'll get something more but then lenz appears too. Please try it too with all the coils ; maybe you will find something new.
Today i have build a new coil. This one has 11 layers of wire all winded in the same direction (it tooked me half a day to make it).with this coil i tooked my litlle hdd rotor up to 2230rpm with only 24.1mA/12.5V.( with a 1uF cap accros the coil).I think this is a good result
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 22, 2012, 10:26:05 PM
hi Mariu
those are called "directional" wound coils - I assume you wind layer from back to front, and then grab the end of the layer that comes out at the front, and pull it all the way straight-back to the back of it, and start next layer and again, winding from back to front, then pull back to the back again and do it again....so all the layers of vinds "go" the same direction like you say...
What I do is pull it straight back "on top" of the layer, BUT before pulling back. put a layer of telfon plumbing tap over the whole layer, then after that, pull wire straight  back, and lay it on top of the teflon tape-covered layer, then after it is back at the back again, lay another layer of teflon tape over it again, this time covering that pulled straight back portion too....so the straight-back portion of the winds is sandwiched between the teflon to prevent chaffing of the enamel......this however makes not a perfect round  tight looking  coil like yours came out to...I never pullback on top of another pullbacked portion of winds to prevent bulges in final coil shape...
also I made coils before where the "straight back portion" is acutally a thin round tube of tin, and I solder the wire to the tin, so you can make a "capacitor coil" like that, if you also sandwich the tin-tube between some thin tubes of mylar or something similar....these were lots of hassle to wind but they were powerful and worked like caps at same time they were coils...
Acually just last night coincidently, I replaced a couple of the motor-coils in my Romero-variant with some directional coils like this..(not the cap-coils, just regular direcitonals with the teflon tape).
I notice they do help when you have a core - someone else I know confimred it too with tests long ago.... the flux is concentrated, with more of a cannon-like effect so it pushes the rotor magnet harder and faster with less draw like you just got....with aircores, I couldnt find much difference but maybe there is.
I like to tell people it is like the difference between an omni-directional microphone, which picks up sound in the entire room, and a uni-directional microphone, whic picks up only a singers voice, directed right at the microphone....so the directional-winds in amotor coil,  is like the winds in a uni-directional microphone...
As for the series-cancelling idea, so far it looks good for me at least - next step I want to do is the double-FWBRs over each facing pair,,,I have idea that the two FWBRs are of different diodes, so they will also take out more power since they each pick up a little more of each out-of-phase coil....Romero said it made one more volt per coil pair...
Also want to try this series cancelling misalignment thing with some aircores....I have rotovertor AC motor spinning a failry large Mullergen with aircores, and 8 fairly large neomangets in rotor (soon to be only 4 all-N) with 8 aircoils each side of the rotor on stator plates...what I want to do is the outside stator plate is going to have some slots cut into it, were the mounting-bolts go through - so I can rotate the single outside stator plate a bit so its out of alignment while it is actually running, and watch the voltmeter over a big UF cap as it fills, while also watching the ammeter to the rotovertor motor...all this of course with the coils connected series-cancelling...the idea is to really nail the sweet-spot of misalingment where the coils are actually 90 degrees out of phase....also can have dual trace-scope on each coil and see if 90 degrees is really the best out of phase angle to be at or that is jsut theory about 90 degrees,,,,,,
also while testing the series-cancelling misalignment confiuration last night, as you would expect,  I looked at shorting thosecoils, by quick and dirty test of  just touching the two leads of series-connected coils together, so was shorting them at a very random timing........did this with a deadshort over the DC side of the FWBR, and alsw without dead short on DC side of FWBR...
It knocked the voltage up in the 850uf cap both ways - going from 3V to 12V after a few of them...so looks like the peak coil shorting thing can be combined with the misaligned series connection method too....this might be really something, as then it is possible to fill very large caps with coil shorting at peaks, without lenz lugging because of the big cap...
When you got the lenz with lots of coils, did you have FWBRs over each, and they connect at the DC side, in paralell, or did you connect them all first, then put into single FWBR?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 23, 2012, 07:36:30 AM
Quote from: konehead on January 22, 2012, 01:39:31 PM
Hi Khwartz
Hi! thanks for replying  :)

QuoteThe switch coming off the coil is not right
Do you mean "S1"?

Quote- it disconnects the coil.
Yes, it connects it to the first battery, right? it's like in your "BackEFM/Recoil recovery battery charger", so i don't see the problem here; I've checked my schematic: it's exactly the same wiring... :/

QuoteThat is what the motor-coil switch is supposed to be doing.,.

Quotethe FWBR "2nd switch" only connects the backemf/recoil circuit to fill cap or hit load...
ok, thanks having specified for "2nd switch" only function :)

Quotethat circuit is for pulse widht adjsutment for coil-shorting at peaks, not for a motor coil pulse....they are different
Ok, understand.

Quote- you modified a coil-shorting cirucit, instead you should modify a motor coil pulsing circuit wiht the FWBR and 2nd swiitch...
Indeed, I had taken your motor coil pulsing circuit and just replace the "2nd switch" by the BidMOFSET circuit, but I understand now that useless because no need of width adjustment ?
but can't we replace each time each switch by 1 Hall and 1 Bid, I mean theoretically?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 23, 2012, 08:11:53 AM
Quote from: konehead on January 22, 2012, 04:17:19 PM
hi all
I got some info from secret source who got it from a secret source who heard from someone else secret that got that from someone else secret
Hi again Kone, and thanks for the "secret source who got it from a secret source who heard from someone else secret that got that from someone else secret"-secret ;)

Quotew/backing magnets R-"variant"
Sorry, what means "w/backing"? is that wiring backward like counter-clock the down-coil, when the up-coil is clock wired?

Quote....the misalignment I had set up is:
when the bottom CORE is perfeclty centered to the rotormagnet,,  the top facing CORE,  is NOT centered to the rotor magnet, rather it has it's "trailing edge" centered to the rotor magnet...so in my R-variant test machine, the way it looks from looking from the side at it, as the rotor spins counter-clockwise,  is that the top coil is about 6mm to the right, of the bottom coil  and they are not perfectly lined up anymore....you cant really see it at first glance - you have to really look for the misalingment - maybe R did this in his videos and photos, but you coulndt tell through the videos and photos...
Wow! what a breakthrough if it works! :D Very well see :)

QuoteThe way I did this was to just shift the whole upper plate over a little bit so the whole stator plate of coils becomes misaligned.....then I just ran one or two  of the lower-plate coils as motor coils to spin it.
It wasnt  going too fast, was running on only 9VDC, but there was 3V into 850uf cap is what I got, no loading at all to shaft rotation, didnt get any speed up mabye with more RPMS it would... didnt work on it that long of time but it looks really promising, since I chould fill large-size cap without lugging motor to 3V and there are 4 pairs of coils so that is around 12V with no lugging into 4 of these 850uf caps and that is enough power to run it by itself since it can run on a 850uf "run cap" that gets the battery swtiched into it everytime...
Wish that you're right!! :)
Could you tell me the frequency of filling/empty cap cycle?
Am I correct to calculate this way: 1/2 * (4*850*10^(-6)[F]) * 12^2[V] =~ 0.252[J] by cycle ?
or voltage doesn't drop to zero Volt I supposed... so from which voltage to which voltage it oscillates by each cycle please?
It will train me to calculate an estimation of the outpower.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 23, 2012, 02:55:41 PM
Hi Khwartz
the circuit of mine you chose to modify doesnt pulse a coil like a  motor coil pulsing cirucit would do, it is a coil-shorting circuit, made for generator coils induced by magnets sweeping by the generator coil, the generator coil never disconnects.....
the FWBR in it, collects power into a cap "continuoulsy" and then when those mosfets trigger ON, it then shorts the coil leads together which increases the voltage feeding the cap.....
the circuit you chose to modify does not connect or disconnect the coil to a battery or power supply then, like a pulsed motor coil circuit would do...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 23, 2012, 03:03:16 PM
Hi Khwartz
"Backing magnets" mean there are magnets stuck to the backside of the cores, like what Romero did...these magnets dont rotate lile the rotor magnets, they are on the backs of the cores of the coils, stationary...
I dont know if that formula you have  will work or not.
the formula for cap discharge converted to watts is:
FARAD value of capacitor being discharged  / 2
(volts in cap before discharge SQUARED minus the volts in cap after discharge SQUARED)
discharge events per second  = WATTS
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 23, 2012, 04:34:56 PM
Hi Konehead
I don't remember the connections i made between the coils and FWBR.All i remember is that i tryed everything i know without any success.
Yesterday i was running my litlle rotor with a transistor.
Today i put back the mosfets as driver and the rotor went to the same 2230rpm but this time with 16.8mA.The ''directional canon-coil'' really makes a big diference.I think every one should try these type of coil. Also today i have made another coil bifilar but with the wires twisted just like the bedini coil type.With this one i was able to take out most of the bemf and put it back to the same battery.But still there were 70mA less to make it self run.
I have said before that i could smell ozone from coil's wires; I was surprised when i could smell it from the second bifilar bedini type coil
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on January 23, 2012, 08:11:16 PM
Hi all,

     I've watched again the romerouk muller motor, and guess what i found? i don't want to discourage everyone replicating this as i myself replicated this but no luck, [size=78%] but still finding ways, like others replicated this with their rig almost identical to romero's spec's were dissapointed with the results, here's the video please watch it carefully and give attention to the driving circuit to the right near the red screw driver, pls pause video to see clearly, near 10 sec.
     1'st there is a negative wire (black) from the driving circuit going to the bridge rectifier beside it,(which woopyjump saw)
     2nd is the (red wire) to the right of the circuit soldered to the diode bridge's positive, connecting the positive rail of the generator output going to the battery (hiden under the multimeter),
     This explains why the voltage of the battery drops down as he connects the load (bulb) i was hoping that im wrong, not to give false accusations, but can someone explain this pls. for the sake of others trying to replicate that would cost their time and money....

God Bless Us All!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 23, 2012, 09:56:05 PM
Hi Crazycut

I dont see any battery hidden under the multimeter but maybe there is one inside of it, and the DC to DC comvertor too so its all fake so why continue eh??

this list has been through already what you just discovered:

look at posts #703, #705. #707

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on January 24, 2012, 04:06:48 AM
Romero posted a new video. This is very, very identical to what my singing driver coils waveform looks like:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on January 24, 2012, 07:05:39 AM
Hi all,
    Sorry, din't mean to distract everybody here, and thanks konehead for reminding me those post, haven't read that.
Back to work.... ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 24, 2012, 08:01:06 AM
Quote from: konehead on January 23, 2012, 02:55:41 PM
Hi Khwartz
the circuit of mine you chose to modify doesnt pulse a coil like a  motor coil pulsing cirucit would do, it is a coil-shorting circuit, made for generator coils induced by magnets sweeping by the generator coil, the generator coil never disconnects.....
Thanks to tell me that, I clearely see this different now :)

Quotethe FWBR in it, collects power into a cap "continuoulsy" and then when those mosfets trigger ON, it then shorts the coil leads together which increases the voltage feeding the cap.....
Sorry, I think I see the MOSETs can fill the cap, but I don't see on the orginal schematic, how they can short the coils :/ i can only see the blue circuit coming from the coil to the FWBR feeding, or not feeding the cap if the MOSETs circuit in "open", but I can't see how the coil(s) is/are shorted if the blue circuit open as I don't see any return path :/

Quotethe circuit you chose to modify does not connect or disconnect the coil to a battery or power supply then, like a pulsed motor coil circuit would do...
Do you mean that when the MOSFET circuit is closed, it fills the cap, but when it is opened, there is a kind of time that made hight voltage in the coils using bacEFM, and when we get it we close again the circuit to feed the cap with this higher voltage?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 24, 2012, 08:08:28 AM
Quote from: konehead on January 23, 2012, 03:03:16 PM
Hi Khwartz
"Backing magnets" mean there are magnets stuck to the backside of the cores, like what Romero did...these magnets dont rotate lile the rotor magnets, they are on the backs of the cores of the coils, stationary...
Yes, you're true, I remember having seen them :)

QuoteI dont know if that formula you have  will work or not.
the formula for cap discharge converted to watts is:
FARAD value of capacitor being discharged  / 2
(volts in cap before discharge SQUARED minus the volts in cap after discharge SQUARED)
discharge events per second  = WATTS
Hehe, it is the one have used, but to complete the calculation, I need to know the frequency of the cycle charge/discharge of the capacitor while connected to a load, and from which voltage he start to fill to which one he stops. (Frequency <=> "discharge events per second ").
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 24, 2012, 02:35:59 PM
Hi Khwartz
that cap discharge formula works pretty much perfect - try it out, use scope to make sure you get the voltages in cap right...
that coil-shorting circuit works first by the FWBR converting the AC induced by the rotor magnet sweep into DC and into cap...jsut a very nomal way to take out power from a genrator coil....
when that coil-shorting circuit turns ON (closes) it connects  the two leads of the coil together very quick and it collapses the coil and it starts an oscillation (ringing) and this fills up cap much quicker and much higher in volts....all the while the FWBR and cap are still connected as is "normal"
"musts" with this circuit are a very short pulse width to the coil-short event,  so that the coil short doesnt make for extra draw to the motor....  the coil short msut be happening at sinewave peak..... and also "collector" cap that fills up discharges to load while at same time the cap is disconnected from the "source" (the coil) that filled it up in first place...("two stage" output circuit)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 25, 2012, 05:19:31 PM
Quote from: konehead on January 24, 2012, 02:35:59 PM
Hi Khwartz
Hi Kone, thanks for reply :)

Quotethat cap discharge formula works pretty much perfect
Nice to know that  8)

Quote- try it out, use scope to make sure you get the voltages in cap right...
I haven't, sorry   :-[

Quotethat coil-shorting circuit works first by the FWBR converting the AC induced by the rotor magnet sweep into DC and into cap...jsut a very nomal way to take out power from a genrator coil....
Yeh, this I knew and fully understand :)

Quotewhen that coil-shorting circuit turns ON (closes)
Do you means S1 or S2? and could you use the letters in the schematic I joint to help to follow you, cause again english is not my birth tongue and I'm not familiar with all these terminology, so hard to follow you otherwise  :-\

Quoteit connects  the two leads of the coil together
But through the run battery with S2 and FWBR or directly to the battery by S1?

Quotevery quick and it collapses the coil and it starts an oscillation (ringing) and this fills up cap much quicker and much higher in volts....all the while the FWBR and cap are still connected as is "normal"
Sorry, but unless you name the portion of circuit you mention, I'm just lost: for you it's surely evident what you talking about, but not for me. I would very better prefer if you could say like: the circuit A to E, S2, G to J is the .... circuit, and it is "on/closed" when and for ...

Quote"musts" with this circuit are a very short pulse width to the coil-short event,
Yes, this I know too that sharp voltage chocks are good to impede oscillations in coils :)

Quoteso that the coil short doesnt make for extra draw to the motor....
Do you mean that is about to connect the run-battery directly to the coils, so that if it's too long it takes too much power and so drop de power to the motor-coils, and so drop the speed of?

Quotethe coil short msut be happening at sinewave peak.....
Understood :)

Quoteand also "collector" cap that fills up discharges to load while at same time the cap is disconnected from the "source" (the coil) that filled it up in first place...("two stage" output circuit)
Kone, could you do something like that:
Time 1: duration ~ ...[ms]
State S1 : Open/close
State S2 : Open/close
State S3 : Open/close
Time 2: duration ~ ...[ms]
State S1 : Open/close
State S2 : Open/close
State S3 : Open/close
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 25, 2012, 06:46:16 PM
this one is boring  but you get the ideea  ;D
Title: @Koenhaed and all
Post by: Khwartz on January 25, 2012, 07:12:09 PM
Hi again Kone! Overunity.com put a new vid on Youtube about an interesting device that use capacitors and looks like to self-run because increasing itself its speed and filing its own caps (WITHOUT ANY POWER SUPPLY OR BATTERY!!!). But I give you this link because for the few I can understand here about caps, the experimentation says something that could help everybody here. It's about having a set that combine both relatively high voltage but little capacitance cap with low voltage but large capacitance. I let you see that ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 25, 2012, 07:28:18 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 25, 2012, 06:46:16 PM
this one is boring  but you get the ideea  ;D
Hi Marius, thanks for your new vid about the directive coil you talk about :)

Is that the cap you connect with the black wire that makes increasing the speed and decreasing the amps? but what about the blue thing on your black wire? we see it near the meter and it makes like a loop... and with that loop, I was not sure if it was the wire connected to the cap :/

Have you an idea why the diode on the battery increases the efficiency?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 26, 2012, 05:13:15 AM
Hi Khwarts
The speed up is there becouse of the cap in paralel with the coil. The cap captures the bemf and discharges it back in to the coil. The blue thing on the cable is just a plastic isolation . The black wires are looped couse they are a bit long. The diode on the battery does not increase efficiency.With the diode connected you can see  there is no curent returning to the battery
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 26, 2012, 05:30:20 AM
Hi Marius! thanks for your reply and the details I wanted to know :)
So good run to your crazy speed-motor!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on January 26, 2012, 06:09:15 AM
Hi Marius,
    Can you pls. post a schematic for your driving circuit, its hard to see in the video's what parts you have used, as im planning to use it as my driving circuit for my muller project... with your circuit using less amps we might have a higher chance for a looper... ::)
     Thanks in advance...

Regards crazycut06
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 26, 2012, 09:47:53 AM
Title: Fundamental lows for overuntiy, by Patrick J. Kelly
Post by: Khwartz on January 26, 2012, 10:01:31 AM
For Kone, Marius and all:

"The number of times that an electron is cycled, sets the collective energy potential present. The electrical equivalent of E = mC2 is E = (Volts x Amperes) x (Cycles Per Second)2."

"In resonant air-core coil energy transfer, the increase in flux lines present disturbs more electrons than previously, resulting in over-unity energy being present and available.
Energy stored, times the cycles per second, represents the energy being pumped by the system. Capacitors and inductors store electrons temporarily.

Capacitor formula: W = 0.5 x C x E x Cycles per second where:

W = energy in Joules (Watt Seconds )
C = capacitance in farads
E = applied potential in volts squared.

Inductor (Coil) formula: W = 0.5 x L x I x Cycles per second where:

W = energy in Joules (Watt Seconds )
L = inductance in henrys
I = current in amperes squared

Both one henry, and one farad, equal one volt. The higher the cycles per second, including the squaring of the flux lines, cause a large increase in the amount of energy being produced.

The above combined with a resonant energy induction system (where all electrons are moving in the same direction at the same time), make the next move into over-unity practical"


As I could understand researches in non-linear effect, leads to the fact that would be in plasma or even a ordinary gravitational pendulum, there is a threshold of "tension" (voltage) under which a pendulum always need to be sustain by more energy to be maintained its level of energy, but up to this threshold, the movement can increase infinitely when reach a phenomenon of self-resonance.


Looks Don Smith said that when resonance is reached it's like superconductance phenomenon and inductance become zero.

For me, I suppose that the high frequencies makes in addition to the last point, a Venturi like effect, but with particles around the wires and coils, that make the same as vacuum-pumps, but with EM fields and waves.

So I would say that more the rotor speed-up, as we increase the frequency of the pics and feeds cycles of caps, more we have chances to reach that point where self-resonnance could be achieved, and so, overunity too.

Wishing it could help :)


This I think is to compare with 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 26, 2012, 02:41:12 PM
hi Mariu
thats not a boring video I think - it is great to watch...
what size is that AC cap that you put into circuit via black alligator clip that makes it run much lower in draw?
Does this AC cap go across the coil, or the swithicng?
When you run it back to the big battery, I notice draw does go up a little, but it seems to "sound" better however...
Can you check the amperage going into that big battery with an ammeter in line?
It could be that the same amount of amps going into the battery is also what the small amount of draw increase to the motor coil is, so there might or might not be a "gain".
Those directionals are fun to use as motor coil pulsers arent they - it could be since that way is meant to swtich AC, when you switch DC with them, their ability to swtich AC realy helps in pulling out all of the backemf/recoil of the motor coil...
I think you can improve this even more if you "switch-out" the backemf/recoil, especially what fills up the big battery at particular points in the rotation - try about 5 degrees retarded to the motor coil pulse and overlapping a bit, so you  make sure the backemf switch is ON, and is connecting the diode(s) (or FWBR) to the battery (or cap) at instant motor coil switch opens...
For "backemf switch" put another bidirection mosfets like you have already (IRFP460) on that diode that hits battery would be good place for it in what you have - so that this 2nd backemf swtich connects the battery to charge only when this 2nd swtihc is ON....have same type hall effect and same way to trip hall effect as your motor coil circuit is already so it would be easy to do..

when using bidirectional mosfets for motor coil switching, I like to use a FWBR to pull out the backemf/recoil power - put one AC leg of bridge on DRAIN #1 and other AC leg on DRAIN #2 - then DC into DC type capapcitor (this would "replace" you AC cap more or less but maybe leaving the AC cap in place as is will make it better)

wiht coil shorting, (other subject) you should have some of those IRFP460s in paralell - so maybe 4 or 5 in paraell on each side of bidirectional mosfets so 8 or 10 total number of mosfets you would need......having very low resistance and high amperage ability to the coil-shorting event is super important - this is my latest theory why your coil shorting had lenz lugging to it last time you tested it out....when you put mosfets bidiretional, it makes resistance higher too, so have at least a couple of those IRRP460s paralell on "each side" of the bidirecitonal mosfets...
Also I got my pulse width (at 60hz sinewave to coils) to be only .25 milliseconds or mabye even less, so the coil-short is jsut a very narrow slit on the scope - and caps fill up just as fast if not faster as 1ms or 2 ms, (which at that pulse width does cause some lenz lugging)
With your  high rpm motor, you are going to probably need very very very narrow pulse width to coil shorting....I could never of got down to .25ms unless I did the pulsewidth adjust method with the bidirectional mosfets using one into another - one bidimosfet normally-OFF switches-ON and other bidimosfet normally ON switches OFF and connect them ins series  and each with own hall effect and distance between hall effects will determine pulse width...for this I needed the 4421 and the 4422 drivers so one can normally ON and other normally OFF....
I think also what you have now will be improved if you use a driver chip - it will slam off much faster, and harder, the mosfet, and you will catch more backemf it iwll also turn ON quicker, and harder too, so a little more punch to the pulse....that is what they say anyways! There are 4421 and 4422 drivers on EBAY if you can't find any....sooner or later you should start using them - it would be nice to leave everything as is in your present motor coil pulsing circuit and put in a driver, and see if there really is any dramatic difference....they arent hard to hook up - jsut a couple resistors and couple of caps and power supply for halls also powers the driver...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 26, 2012, 03:02:06 PM
Hi Mariu
One more thing, in your circuit you drew up for Khwartz, where and what is that "100ohms"...is that a resistor across the source and gate of 2nd mosfet??
OR is that typo and you meant to say 100uf, and that is the AC cap??
do you  have only one 10K resistor across only the first mosfet as the pull-down resistor??

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 26, 2012, 03:12:43 PM
Hi Khwartz

here is the simple coil-shorting circuit below for a rotor-magnet induced generator coil, this doesnot have the pulse-width adjust to it either to make it simple)  this is not a motor/coil drive circuit....I do not have an output-cirucit for the cap in this, 
but look at the 2nd drawing - this is a backemf/recoil circuit, (also without any pulse-width adjsut to make simple)  for a motor/drive coil  (NOT a coil-shorting cirucit)
and it shows a simple "two stage" output circuit for it to the right in the drawing...same sort of thing should be done with the coil-shorting circuit too - idea is to have capacitor after it fills, be disconnected from the coil when the cap hits load....jsut be sure one is disconnected when other connects and vice versa so cap discharge does not effect anything else in circuit and it is completley isolated....timing and duration are things adjsutable to particular loads and speeds cap sizes, power needed etc etc jsut make sure one part is ON when other is OFF is important thing in the two-stage output circuit...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 26, 2012, 05:12:28 PM
Hi Konehead!
I have deleted my latest post couse the cap accross the coil was missing. Now is there.
In my present circuit (just like the diagram) i have only 2 resistors: 10K and 100 ohm . Replacing the 10K with 100ohm i have gained more rpm, less current drain and much higher bemf.The cap accross the coil is one from a computer power source and has this written: 684j 250V; this must be 0.68uF.
In the video you can see that when i connect the positive wire to the diode, the curent drain goes up a bit just like the rpm.In this moment the returning charging current is blocked. Now, why is the rotor speeding up? first there is no lenz from those few mA that were going back into the battery and second, this little charge stayes in the AC cap and ''fights'' with the next impulse from the battery. Maybe i am totally wrong but this is how i see it.
When the rotor starts to spin with the AC cap already connected i can see the current drain oscillating 3-4 times up and down until its a constant drop

Now that i have acces to the layers of the coil i've been pumping current to the first 3 layers of the coil( around 0.4A/12V). The other 8 layers were behaving just like the secondary of a transforner. The bemf was so high that i could get a plasma arc around 3mm. But in the end,(since there is no insulation between the layers) the plasma began to discharge between the layers. It was interesting couse i could get 12V 5W light bulb lit about half brightnes with the usual less current drain from the battery. I can not do that any more couse i have no wire left to build another coil with insulation between the layers.

Today i have reduced the current drain to 15.5mA without any change in rpm. I've done this by connecting my big cap(47 000uF) in parralel with the battery. Adding other big caps in paralel tooked the current drain again to 16.5-17mA.(i'm fighting with mA again :) )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 27, 2012, 12:54:10 AM
Hi Mariu
OK thanks for the new circuit showing the AC cap...that is crazy with that 100ohm resistor across the 2nd mosfet I dont know how you came up with that idea to put a 100ohm resistaor over there!...if draw goes down and it speeds up and more bemf then nobody can complain about iit eh - but its not nomal the engineers will scream...(ha).....
Few more questions - what is that long black core-thing in your directional coil? Is that long piece of ferrite or iron?
Or it is plastic rod that you wound coil on so your coil is essentially an aircored coil?
Tos stop the burn-out, try some teflon plumbing tape wrapped really tight over each layer of winds....maybe couple layers of it - tis very thin and has very high melting temperature of around 42O farenheit dont know what celsius is....that tape is really cheap any hardware store has it. I figure it also adds in cooling of the coil too like heatsink sort of but that is something I made up...
Also next logical step with the  very nice performance motor coils you have now (besides a driver chip) is to wind them bifilar, or quadfilar, or "septfilar" (6 wires paralella nd connected series-adding) and do this as well as your difrecitonal winds too...
couple other things - Ismael Avioso gve me the idea in aircores, to wind a coil inside the primary/motor/driver coil...and this coil goes in place of where a core would normally be...thats wasted "ambient flux" inside your coil if you have no core...so you may as well pack some winds in there and collect it...Also besides this,  wrap what I call "pickup winds" (secondaries like you did with only using 4 layers as primary) all around the coil too - and dont forget the back-end of the coil;  it should have just as strong as flux as the end hitting the rotor magnets, and this is wasted energy back there so there is another place to wrap some more pikcups/secondaries....
also if wind bifilar, you can make "half" of the bifilar as
secondary too - talk about some tight induciton there eh - maybe trifilars, is better idea (three wires paralell wound) since then you can use two wire sto be the normal series-adding bifilar - which everyone knows to create a stronger magnetic field in a coil - then use the third wire as a pikcup secondary "within" the bifilar...all that done and you pretty much have no wasted energy anywhere - eveything that goes into the coil you get back out and then some.....

finally,  as usual like I always say' "short at peaks" all those pikcup/secondaries for very short instant, and amplify all that power you collect some more...put it all into caps, and pulse caps to a "secondary load"..... 
I got a string of 6 motor coils in series in 3-neo magnet rotor to go negative amps on the meter a few years ago - the coils were some surplus solenoid coils (aircoils - the  cores in them were taken out) these solenoids were made for HV work, and I put 6 of these 49ohm coils in series so the ratio of the voltage input compared to the impedance of the drive coils was something like 25 times...(if 12V input, then around 160ohm coils)...I dont know what happened it seemed the kickback was stronger than the intial  impulse combined with the inudtio of the rotor magnets and the kickback sort of dominated the situation - when the ammtere went negative .02Amps,  the timing of it  wasnt where the motor went the fastest - it was where the motor as a bit slower than where  you would think it should be at....I used commutator of brush and roller-bearings packed with bit electrical grease....so the commutator was super low friciton... anywasy the shaft had hardly any power but it was something to see not that exciting it was really slow...here is link of photos about this motor:
http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/negative-current-small-pulse-motor (http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/negative-current-small-pulse-motor)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 27, 2012, 02:09:39 AM
Hi konehead
The long core behind the driving coil is ferite. The longer the core, (the higher the inductance ) more curent returning to the battery but this creates drag too. This little toy is very sensitive to anything that i might change. Just by adding another coil with ferite will slow down a bit the rotor.
Now i have found some more pieces of wire and i'll try to make another coil with insulation bettwen the layers.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 27, 2012, 02:33:01 PM
Hi Mariu
OK thanks  - thats a very long piece of ferrite...also maybe magnet stuck on back end too is something to try if you havent done that already. 
try the Teflon plumbing tape you are going to like it...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 27, 2012, 07:08:19 PM
Quote from: konehead on January 26, 2012, 03:12:43 PM
Hi Khwartz

here is the simple coil-shorting circuit below for a rotor-magnet induced generator coil, this doesnot have the pulse-width adjust to it either to make it simple)  this is not a motor/coil drive circuit....I do not have an output-cirucit for the cap in this, 
but look at the 2nd drawing - this is a backemf/recoil circuit, (also without any pulse-width adjsut to make simple)  for a motor/drive coil  (NOT a coil-shorting cirucit)
and it shows a simple "two stage" output circuit for it to the right in the drawing...same sort of thing should be done with the coil-shorting circuit too - idea is to have capacitor after it fills, be disconnected from the coil when the cap hits load....jsut be sure one is disconnected when other connects and vice versa so cap discharge does not effect anything else in circuit and it is completley isolated....timing and duration are things adjsutable to particular loads and speeds cap sizes, power needed etc etc jsut make sure one part is ON when other is OFF is important thing in the two-stage output circuit...
Hi Kone! Thanks for your reply and help.
Great materials! I've get I think very clearly now that 2 stages you spoke about and its function: to not perturb the rest of the circuit while we discharge the cap in the load :)
Is that with the position of the hall or the little magnet that we set the pulse-width adjustment in pulsing motor? or it has others uses?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 27, 2012, 07:28:22 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on January 26, 2012, 05:12:28 PM
Hi Konehead!
I have deleted my latest post couse the cap accross the coil was missing. Now is there.
In my present circuit (just like the diagram) i have only 2 resistors: 10K and 100 ohm . Replacing the 10K with 100ohm i have gained more rpm, less current drain and much higher bemf.The cap accross the coil is one from a computer power source and has this written: 684j 250V; this must be 0.68uF.
In the video you can see that when i connect the positive wire to the diode, the curent drain goes up a bit just like the rpm.In this moment the returning charging current is blocked. Now, why is the rotor speeding up? first there is no lenz from those few mA that were going back into the battery and second, this little charge stayes in the AC cap and ''fights'' with the next impulse from the battery. Maybe i am totally wrong but this is how i see it.
When the rotor starts to spin with the AC cap already connected i can see the current drain oscillating 3-4 times up and down until its a constant drop

Now that i have acces to the layers of the coil i've been pumping current to the first 3 layers of the coil( around 0.4A/12V). The other 8 layers were behaving just like the secondary of a transforner. The bemf was so high that i could get a plasma arc around 3mm. But in the end,(since there is no insulation between the layers) the plasma began to discharge between the layers. It was interesting couse i could get 12V 5W light bulb lit about half brightnes with the usual less current drain from the battery. I can not do that any more couse i have no wire left to build another coil with insulation between the layers.

Today i have reduced the current drain to 15.5mA without any change in rpm. I've done this by connecting my big cap(47 000uF) in parralel with the battery. Adding other big caps in paralel tooked the current drain again to 16.5-17mA.(i'm fighting with mA again :) )
Hi Marius! Thanks for the news corrected schematic :)
A bit like you that you use external layers as secondary, i thought it could be useful to have extra winding layers around the coils to collect all the energy that could have around and see how it could be possible to inject it in the circuit until the furthers one from the axis collects no more significant power. You know like a Faraday cage that stop all the EM-RadioWaves, but the extra-surrounding coils, could collect in forms of electrical flux.
For now, you have no coil around your motor to feed a battery or caps or load, will you do that then? I would be surprised that you get more out-power even it the state of your motor than you use to turn it...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 27, 2012, 07:35:02 PM
hi Khwartz
Is that with the position of the hall or the little magnet that we set the pulse-width adjustment in pulsing motor? or it has others uses?"
Not sure what you mean here - yes that is the position "in the circuit" where the hall effect goes...in an actual generator, or a motor, you would have some sort of spinning disc in synch with the motor's rotor, and have hall effects be adjsutable in their postion for best timing....adjusting the position, while the motor or generator is running is best way to go.
for pulse-width adjstument, then there are two halleffects, a mosfet (or bidirectional mosfet) connect to each...it is then not only the postion in rotational timing to adjust, but also there is the distamce between the two halleffects to adjust too, which would be the pulse width adjustment.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 27, 2012, 08:40:36 PM
Quote from: konehead on January 27, 2012, 07:35:02 PM
hi Khwartz
Is that with the position of the hall or the little magnet that we set the pulse-width adjustment in pulsing motor? or it has others uses?"
Not sure what you mean here - yes that is the position "in the circuit" where the hall effect goes...
Hi Kone! thanks for reply :)
It was the actual position around the motor (or the other disc as you said).

Quotein an actual generator, or a motor, you would have some sort of spinning disc in synch with the motor's rotor, and have hall effects be adjsutable in their postion for best timing....adjusting the position, while the motor or generator is running is best way to go.
for pulse-width adjstument, then there are two halleffects, a mosfet (or bidirectional mosfet) connect to each...it is then not only the postion in rotational timing to adjust, but also there is the distamce between the two halleffects to adjust too, which would be the pulse width adjustment.
Ok I got it for one timing for motor-generator and having a second if pulse-width adjustment. Thanks! (I start to have the big smug I had in my mind about all this starting to clear! ;) ).
Title: @Koenhaed and all - Taking at the top of the sinus versus ZPE node point
Post by: Khwartz on January 28, 2012, 11:00:01 AM
Hi Kone!

I've just read something that make me think about what you advise to take the power to feed the cap in Muller's type dynamo:
"Zero Point Energy?

    Such a "sink" has to be at a lower energy state than the surrounding medium and, for the energy to continually flow into it, the energy must be continually pumped out of it. Additionally, this "sink" must maintain a lower energy state while meeting the power requirements of the load attached to it. Electrical energy-watt-seconds-is a product of volts x amps x seconds. Because the period of oscillation does not change, either voltage or current has to be the variable in this system's energy equation. Bifilar wound coils are used in the system because a bifilar wound coil maximizes the voltage difference between its turns, the current is then minimized.

    A coil in our system, then, will be set into oscillation at its resonant frequency by an external power source. During the "zero-point" portion of its cycle the coil will appear as one plate of a capacitor. As the voltage across the coil increases, the amount of charge it can siphon will increase. The energy that is taken into the coil through the small energy window (zero-point), call it what you will, appears to be the key to the success of this system.

    It is at this zero-point where energy is condensed into positive and negative components of current. When energy escapes from the "sink" the magnetic field collapses and a strong magnetic quake is created in it's wake. A properly tuned system can capture and convert radiant energy in such a prescribed arrangement."

Ref.: http://www.teslatech.info/ttstore/report/articles/v2n2art/radiant.htm

And yes, at top of sinus waves (but like at the bottom :/ ) were are at the limit of "the tow components of current" and you do look for BEFM, "the magnetic field collapsing and a strong magnetic quake".

What do you think?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 28, 2012, 02:47:17 PM
Hi Khwartz
Well there is the exttaction, of power from a cap, and there is the filling up of the cap in voltage, so it has some power to extract.
then power in the extraction of the cap is how fast it can discharge to load such as how many discharge-events per second, and what the cap size is in UF, and what is the voltage in cap before discharge, and after discharge.
the power you will have in cap in first place depends upon how quickly the particula size of cap will fill up to whatever voltage you want it to be at...
sinewave peaks at least for coil shorting, is where you want to fill up a cap since you get most voltage in cap and at the fastest rate so you have most  power in cap.
the "zero line" they talk about can be two things - the zero point of current, or the zero point of voltage,  as seen on a scope  -  the sero-point will be the point exactly inbetween the pos peak and neg peak if thinking voltage with typical AC sinewave as an example....
When you create oscillations/reinging with a coil short, or a spark gap, then you make another mini-AC sinewave of oscillaitons, also with their own peaks and zero points to consider in sort of a hyper-frequency....tapping into that is where you get to exponential power increase - this is what Ismael Aviso does in his MEG and other techs....
Title: @Koenhaed and all - Power and frenquency of extraction cycle
Post by: Khwartz on January 29, 2012, 05:33:43 AM
Quote from: konehead on January 28, 2012, 02:47:17 PM
Hi Khwartz
Hi Kone

QuoteWell there is the exttaction, of power from a cap, and there is the filling up of the cap in voltage, so it has some power to extract.
I got that, thanks, "the 2 stages" :)

Quotethen power in the extraction of the cap is how fast it can discharge to load such as how many discharge-events per second, and what the cap size is in UF, and what is the voltage in cap before discharge, and after discharge.
ok, so are you ok with that formula:

P = 0.5 * C * E² * f²
P: power [Watts, or Joules/sencond],
C: capacitance [Farad],
E: voltage [Volts],
f: frequency of the charging-discharging cycles [Hertz]?

Quotethe power you will have in cap in first place depends upon how quickly the particula size of cap will fill up to whatever voltage you want it to be at...
Understand that. But you didn't answer me about the link I've shared to you about the nice effect one have had while adding a relative big cap in term of voltage, but not in terms of capacitance, to a set of existing cap of lower voltage (6 times less around) but of higher capacitance. While doing this, his motor speeded-up without any power supply while it was not the case before he made this change. His theory on this is that the high voltage cap pumps faster the BEMF and help the set of less voltage but higher capacitance to feed faster, something like that. What do you think? Does it fit with the experiment you had with you replications? and was it what Romero did?

Quotesinewave peaks at least for coil shorting, is where you want to fill up a cap since you get most voltage in cap and at the fastest rate so you have most  power in cap.
Would verify the theory of having high voltage cap could pump faster the high voltage produced at the peaks?

Quotethe "zero line" they talk about can be two things - the zero point of current, or the zero point of voltage,
Do you mean that current-phase in not late to voltage phase, while a out-put of coil is concerned?  ??? I mean you look to say the nodes are in same phase... what says the scope usually?

Quoteas seen on a scope  -  the sero-point will be the point exactly inbetween the pos peak and neg peak if thinking voltage with typical AC sinewave as an example....
Looks logic, but what about the current-zero-point, is that really same time? wouldn't depend on the Henry value of the coil and even of the value of the cap which is shorten with when charging stage?

QuoteWhen you create oscillations/reinging with a coil short, or a spark gap, then you make another mini-AC sinewave of oscillaitons, also with their own peaks and zero points to consider in sort of a hyper-frequency....tapping into that is where you get to exponential power increase - this is what Ismael Aviso does in his MEG and other techs....
Thanks to precise that Kone :)
Would you say it's like in my attachment?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 29, 2012, 05:34:47 PM
Hi Khwartz
answers within:
ok, so are you ok with that formula:

P = 0.5 * C * E² * f²
P: power [Watts, or Joules/sencond],
C: capacitance [Farad],
E: voltage [Volts],
f: frequency of the charging-discharging cycles [Hertz]?

DK: In very very general terms it is "ok", but you need to use all this in that formula I put up:
1) the farad value of capacitor is divided by two
2) the voltage is not some "straight" voltage figure, but is what the SQUARE of the maximum volts MINUS the SQUARE of the minium volts is, so its the voltage-drop you look at, not just the voltage
3).and also the frequency is the frequency of discharge-events PER SECOND....all this stuff I mention that needs to be included is meant to properly convert JOULES release of capacitor into WATTS .
the power you will have in cap in first place depends upon how quickly the particula size of cap will fill up to whatever voltage you want it to be at..
Understand that. But you didn't answer me about the link I've shared to you about the nice effect one have had while adding a relative big cap in term of voltage, but not in terms of capacitance, to a set of existing cap of lower voltage (6 times less around) but of higher capacitance. While doing this, his motor speeded-up without any power supply while it was not the case before he made this change. His theory on this is that the high voltage cap pumps faster the BEMF and help the set of less voltage but higher capacitance to feed faster, something like that. What do you think? Does it fit with the experiment you had with you replications? and was it what Romero did?

DK: I did not read the link and am not going to either, since I think that author is completely full of crap which is only my personal opinion (I know him and have bad stories about cant be repeated here)
but it is true the the UF value of cap is very important in whatever you are doing, especially since small UF value has very little resistance, while big UF has lots of resistance and the resistnace changes too, as the cap fills also...and spikes and oscliiations can be of such huge voltages, (off the scale) that you must always use HV caps and diodes too, even when you dont think they could help
sinewave peaks at least for coil shorting, is where you want to fill up a cap since you get most voltage in cap and at the fastest rate so you have most  power in cap.
Would verify the theory of having high voltage cap could pump faster the high voltage produced at the peaks?
DK: Its not a matter of pumping "faster" with HV cap, you jsut NEEDthem  to be of a HV level high enough to  contain all the HV stuff...pumping faster is alot to do with the UF value of the cap - at least in coil shorting...romero didnt use coil shorting remember...he did something different...not sure exaclty what it was and I dont know if he does either! it just worked...

the "zero line" they talk about can be two things - the zero point of current, or the zero point of voltage,
Do you mean that current-phase in not late to voltage phase, while a out-put of coil is concerned?  (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/huh.gif) I mean you look to say the nodes are in same phase... what says the scope usually?DK: the zero points and peaks of voltage and current are not "usually" in the "same place" and the current-shape is not "usually" going to resemble exactly the voltage shape either....depends on so many things what the scope-form is going to look like - so I cant say what it is going to look like as depends on cores, magnet strength, postitioning, rpms, caps pulsewidths magnet-coil configuration, what you are doing in first place..... etc etc etc - important thing is to know what it looks like with scope so you can record it for later testing and teaching of what you did to others...

  as seen on a scope  -  the zero-point will be the point exactly in between the pos peak and neg peak if thinking voltage with typical AC sinewave as an example....
Looks logic, but what about the current-zero-point, is that really same time? wouldn't depend on the Henry value of the coil and even of the value of the cap which is shorten with when charging stage?

DK: the "zero point" with the usual-looking AC sinewave CURRENT is actually same thing - right at midpoint between pos peak and neg peak but if DC, not AC , then its wherever zero current is on scope.
Zero point with either current or voltage is. is just where the scope reads zero there - no big deal really about it - some make "zero point" to mean something special and mysterious but to me that is all it means...but it is special to time things properly, using the zero-point as reference that is for sure.
When you create oscillations/reinging with a coil short, or a spark gap, then you make another mini-AC sinewave of oscillaitons, also with their own peaks and zero points to consider in sort of a hyper-frequency....tapping into that is where you get to exponential power increase - this is what Ismael Aviso does in his MEG and other techs....

Thanks to precise that Kone (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/smiley.gif)
Would you say it's like in my attachment?

DK: I dont know where this attachment is...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 30, 2012, 02:55:53 PM
Hi Mariu
I was looking at your recent bidirecitonal driver circuit with the AC cap and the single diode - and noticed that your have NPN mosfets listed, but the mosfets are placed "positive biased" between the positive of the power supply, and the coil, when NPN mosfets are "supposed" to go between the coil and ground, not the coil and the positive....
I dont knwo if this is mistake or not in your drawing - if it does work like this it is pretty amazing and creative that is for sure.
Also the halleffects have their positive lead go to the source of the mosfet and being an NPN mosfet, that source should connect to ground of halleffect
maybe because of the bidirectional-nature of the mosfets everythign gets flipped around and it is working off the "backwards" energies???? I dont know but it looks more crazy the more I look at it....
also, what is the model number of the hall effect yoru are using?
mabye that ozone you smell is the diodes in  mosfets or halls getting toasty as they work backwards??
Mabye the backemf is so strong since it IS "running" off the backemf forces???
Maybe the majority of the power is actually coming from the 9V battery???? when you are runing at only 16ma, then mabye the circuit says lets take power from the 9V?...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 30, 2012, 09:12:44 PM
Quote from: konehead on January 30, 2012, 02:55:53 PM
Hi Mariu
I was looking at your recent bidirecitonal driver circuit with the AC cap and the single diode - and noticed that your have NPN mosfets listed, but the mosfets are placed "positive biased" between the positive of the power supply, and the coil, when NPN mosfets are "supposed" to go between the coil and ground, not the coil and the positive....
I dont knwo if this is mistake or not in your drawing - if it does work like this it is pretty amazing and creative that is for sure.
Also the halleffects have their positive lead go to the source of the mosfet and being an NPN mosfet, that source should connect to ground of halleffect
maybe because of the bidirectional-nature of the mosfets everythign gets flipped around and it is working off the "backwards" energies? ??? I dont know but it looks more crazy the more I look at it....
also, what is the model number of the hall effect yoru are using?
mabye that ozone you smell is the diodes in  mosfets or halls getting toasty as they work backwards??
Mabye the backemf is so strong since it IS "running" off the backemf forces???
Maybe the majority of the power is actually coming from the 9V battery? ??? when you are runing at only 16ma, then mabye the circuit says lets take power from the 9V?...
Hi Konehead
I have checked again and everything is like in the drawing.I dont know much about electronics but works just like this.
I realy dont think that the extra power comes fron the 9V battery since i power the hall with 4xAA 1.2V 650mA recharcable battery. They discharge faster when i connect the 100ohm resistor. If i dont use the 100ohm and use the 10K the batteries lasts a week.The ozone smell is gone couse when high bemf spikes occurs it shorts the turns on my coil. I had two coils that produced ozone and both are damaged(no teflon in there). There is nothing heating in this circuit; the 100 ohm resistor gets a bit warm but only worm; not hot ( that is becouse it shorts the signal from the hall with positive).
The hall sensor comes from a very old computer keyboard ; it has a hall for every button; on it has written BS 057 (B-from Beta) .
Please try this circuit and see how it works.
Today i have made another rotor with 24 NSNS. There is something that i dont quitte understand:
-when the rotor is spining it takes 70mA.
-when i disconnect the hall, the power is cutoff
-in this moment the ampmetter shows ''minus'' 160mA returning curent to the battery and the rpm drops faster (lens)
I never had this result before .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 31, 2012, 02:11:48 AM
Hi Mariu
OK thanks for the answers...that has to be craziest drive coil circuit in the world....I dont think the halls I have will work so I'll look around for the type you have... I tried tonight to get speed up with AC cap in circuit across drive coil but it didnt work....going to try the 10K and 100ohm trick next time with bidirectionals..
I did check bidirectionals vs regular single mosfet in side-by-side test as drive coils -  and there was 100rpms more with bidirectionals (IRFP460mosfets) and the backemf/recoil that I pull out into DC cap with single diode is very good and this does speed up the motor about 50rpms as the backemf is taken out.
Also played with the magnets behind the cores, and got from with no magnets 380rpm - up to 970rpm....then I messed with it some more and got it up to 1200rpm I think tommorow its going to be at 1500rpm I predict since I jsut got somr new magnets in mail today and I need some more for rest of coils on bottom plate....
still same draw of 100ma and 12V at either 380rpm or 1200rpm...
try magnets behind the cores in your machine now - couldnt hurt -
your new machine looks really good...
Maybe you should  disconnect the halleffect right after the motor pulse - all those magnets must make more power than the drive coil takes in so who knows you might be able to loop it with see-saw circuit where you use the two motor coils seperately:
drive coil A connects to cap A and knocks rotor around, while at same time drive coil B works as generator (hall effect disconnected) and  fills cap B
then drive coil B connects to cap B and knocks rotor around, while at same drive coil A works as generator  coil (now its hall effect disconnected) and so drive coil A fills cap A and so on over and over....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on January 31, 2012, 04:20:50 AM
Hi Konehead
One small corection: is not 160mA, is 120mA charging current when disconecting the hall.
This mosfet driving circuit works perfect even if you change the polarity of the driving battery but you must invert the diode too or remove it. It will also spin in the other way too.
I'm still trying to feed the hall from the drive battery but no succes so far.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on January 31, 2012, 02:46:57 PM
Quote from: konehead on January 29, 2012, 05:34:47 PM
Hi Khwartz
Hi Kone
Quoteanswers within:
Quoteok, so are you ok with that formula:

P = 0.5 * C * E² * f²
P: power [Watts, or Joules/second],
C: capacitance [Farad],
E: voltage [Volts],
f: frequency of the charging-discharging cycles [Hertz]?

DK: In very very general terms it is "ok", but you need to use all this in that formula I put up:
1) the farad value of capacitor is divided by two
2) the voltage is not some "straight" voltage figure, but is what the SQUARE of the maximum volts MINUS the SQUARE of the minium volts is, so its the voltage-drop you look at, not just the voltage
3).and also the frequency is the frequency of discharge-events PER SECOND....all this stuff I mention that needs to be included is meant to properly convert JOULES release of capacitor into WATTS .
Ok, so the "practical" formula becomes:

P = 0.5 * C/2 * (Vmax - Vmin)² * f²
P: power [Watts = Joules/second],
C: capacitance [Farad],
V: voltage [Volts],
f: frequency of the charging-discharging cycles [Hertz = cycle per second]?

And thanks for precise the difference here in theory and the praxis.

Quote"the power you will have in cap in first place depends upon how quickly the particula size of cap will fill up to whatever voltage you want it to be at..
Understand that. But you didn't answer me about the link I've shared to you about the nice effect one have had while adding a relative big cap in term of voltage, but not in terms of capacitance, to a set of existing cap of lower voltage (6 times less around) but of higher capacitance. While doing this, his motor speeded-up without any power supply while it was not the case before he made this change. His theory on this is that the high voltage cap pumps faster the BEMF and help the set of less voltage but higher capacitance to feed faster, something like that. What do you think? Does it fit with the experiment you had with you replications? and was it what Romero did?

DK: I did not read the link and am not going to either, since I think that author is completely full of crap which is only my personal opinion (I know him and have bad stories about cant be repeated here)
:-\ so, I'm confused because I've just posted you the ref of a post of Stephan on his work. I'm sorry, my intention was not to remember a bad story.

Quotebut it is true the the UF value of cap is very important in whatever you are doing, especially since small UF value has very little resistance, while big UF has lots of resistance and the resistnace changes too, as the cap fills also...
Very nice to know that too! :) So would you say that is better to have ten cap of 10 µF in parallel than 1 of 100 µF?

Quoteand spikes and oscliiations can be of such huge voltages, (off the scale) that you must always use HV caps and diodes too, even when you dont think they could help

Quotesinewave peaks at least for coil shorting, is where you want to fill up a cap since you get most voltage in cap and at the fastest rate so you have most  power in cap.
Would verify the theory of having high voltage cap could pump faster the high voltage produced at the peaks?
DK: Its not a matter of pumping "faster" with HV cap, you jsut NEEDthem  to be of a HV level high enough to  contain all the HV stuff...pumping faster is alot to do with the UF value of the capMany of little µF but for largest cumulative capacitance? (and highest voltage?)

Quote- at least in coil shorting...romero didnt use coil shorting remember...he did something different...not sure exaclty what it was and I dont know if he does either! it just worked...
I do remember his vids, I've seen several times, but I didn't the details of what he did!   :-[

the "zero line" they talk about can be two things - the zero point of current, or the zero point of voltage,
Do you mean that current-phase in not late to voltage phase, while a out-put of coil is concerned?  (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/huh.gif) I mean you look to say the nodes are in same phase... what says the scope usually?DK: the zero points and peaks of voltage and current are not "usually" in the "same place" and the current-shape is not "usually" going to resemble exactly the voltage shape either....depends on so many things what the scope-form is going to look like - so I cant say what it is going to look like as depends on cores, magnet strength, postitioning, rpms, caps pulsewidths magnet-coil configuration, what you are doing in first place..... etc etc etc - important thing is to know what it looks like with scope so you can record it for later testing and teaching of what you did to others...
Ok, but normally, the current is late-phased compared to the voltage; isn't it what you read on your scope? (what ever form it could have), but phased with the BEMF? and when current is shifted of 90° we are even supposed to have no "active power" but only "VAR"?

  as seen on a scope  -  the zero-point will be the point exactly in between the pos peak and neg peak if thinking voltage with typical AC sinewave as an example....
Looks logic, but what about the current-zero-point, is that really same time? wouldn't depend on the Henry value of the coil and even of the value of the cap which is shorten with when charging stage?

DK: the "zero point" with the usual-looking AC sinewave CURRENT is actually same thing - right at midpoint between pos peak and neg peak but if DC, not AC , then its wherever zero current is on scope.
Yes, of course, I didn't express myself well enough, sorry. I mean compare to "zero-point" of the voltage curve on the scope. Needs so to have both on scope to read the possibility of the phase-shifting...

QuoteZero point with either current or voltage is. is just where the scope reads zero there - no big deal really about it - some make "zero point" to mean something special and mysterious but to me that is all it means...but it is special to time things properly, using the zero-point as reference that is for sure.
Very understand that.

When you create oscillations/reinging with a coil short, or a spark gap, then you make another mini-AC sinewave of oscillaitons, also with their own peaks and zero points to consider in sort of a hyper-frequency....tapping into that is where you get to exponential power increase - this is what Ismael Aviso does in his MEG and other techs....

Thanks to precise that Kone (http://www.overunity.com/Smileys/default/smiley.gif)
Would you say it's like in my attachment?

DK: I dont know where this attachment is...
It was supposed to be with the post! lol I'll try again; it's supposed to be a link. (I've checked, that attachment is just here below "MULLER_DYNAMO 120128-1416...")
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 01, 2012, 01:42:09 PM
Hi Khwartz
You got the cap discharge formula wrong.
Farad size of cap / 2
(max voltage before discharge SQUARED)   MINUS  (minumum voltage in cap SQUARED)
this is what you got wrong - you need to square them FIRST, before subtracting the minimum from the maximum voltage.
discharge events PER SECOND = WATTS
that attachment doesnt really have any meaning as far as the way to do peak coil shorting, since you load caps first, with NO RESISTANCE from the coil-shrot ringing, then hit load with caps when caps are disconnected from the coils,,,so coils NEVER see any resistance, except for the cap's resistance itself,  the swtiching resistance, and the diode's resistance.
The only time you "see" any current is when caps finally hit load... - there are two seperate events - 1; fill cap and  2; discharge cap.....filling cap has no resitance in fact it can be a "resonate condition" with right size cap too (!!) ...so you arent going to see any "current" on a scope while filling a cap (as long as cap has no resitanc across it)
Where you will see current on a scope is only when cap hits the load - and during this time the coils are disconnected, so it puts all the engineers in a fuddy since they cant do the normal "lump resistive load" to check for power output with resitacne across the cap "all the time"....the engineers  will have to figure the power from the joules-release from the cap into the load...(what that formula is for)

ten 10uf caps are same as one 100uf one really no difference howeve you could do somthign trick like fil caps in series and unload in paralell or vice versa thats somethign to think about...as when in series they are less resistance....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 01, 2012, 02:00:54 PM
Hi Mariu
I experimetned with my bidirecitonal mosfet circuit; (two IRFP460s and a 4421 driver chip and halleffect etc...)
And tried to put an AC cap in the same size as you how in your video, across the coil hoping for a speed-up and less draw but this didnt work at all...it did nothing.
Also tried the 10K resistor on the left mosfet, and 100ohm on right - this did nothing at all....no effect (testing 3ohm coil pulsing around 4 magnet rotor in attractive mode)
tried the diode off only the right side mosfet, back into battery or cap - this kills everything...so no good either...
what does work good for me anyways, is a single steering diode into DC cap to catch the backemf/recoil, with the diode coming off the "non-ground" DRAIN lead of the bidirectional mosfets (the swithing is between the coil and the ground, so one of the drain leads is on the ground of the circuit)
This makes the motor run alittle faster and I get huge voltage in 750uf cap very fast...so its a "pure gain" situation.
anyways looks like the driver chip really makes things complicated if trying to replicate your circuit and its performance so I think driver chip will need to be left out in order to do it....

my theory on your circuit (just theory) is that you have shortened the pulse widht with the two differnt size resistors across the gates and source leads.....probably the one ont the right with the 100ohm resistor turns off first, and  that is why that is the one with that diode attaching to it...and probably you had a too-long pulse width before, and when you do your tricks, the pulse widht is much shorter to where it "should be", so it runs much better faster with less draw.......
I also think (theory) that the AC cap would be better off to be some steering-diodes off the coil into caps then caps into load...so you could still get speed up, and less draw, like the AC cap does, but instead of getting "only' speed up and less draw, you could get speed up, less draw AND have some power sitting in a DC cap, ready to hit a load with so you have a power-output too as added bonus...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 01, 2012, 03:24:42 PM
Hi Konehead
With the 100ohm resistor the pulse is shorter but as i see it works only in driving the coil. When shorting the coil, the 100ohm resistor has the same effect as 10k.
With  my new 24mags rotor i could not have the speed up effect with a cap attached to the coil.This effect is present only on my small hdd rotor.
Still playing with coil shorting; i have this bifilar twisted wire coil that gives me coll wave on the scope. No other normal coil gave me this long oscilation. There is 150-160V out on the FWBR but when connecting a cap , it fills up to 300V. In this present setup, shorting brakes the rotor with 10mA (12V;55mA - 1550rpm)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 02, 2012, 02:03:34 PM
hi Mariu

If you go to ebay type in 44A 500V mosfet and you will find these:
http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?rawquery=ebay&sig=%7bmsdigsig%7d&MT_ID=8&crlp=363453572_23400&seg_id=0&tt_encode=raw&its=%7bmsimpts%7d&geo_id=1&keyword=ebay&clk_rvr_id=312167239788&ssPageName=ADME:B:TB1:US:1&_nkw=44A+500V+mosfet+&_trksid=p5197.c0.m627 (http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?rawquery=ebay&sig=%7bmsdigsig%7d&MT_ID=8&crlp=363453572_23400&seg_id=0&tt_encode=raw&its=%7bmsimpts%7d&geo_id=1&keyword=ebay&clk_rvr_id=312167239788&ssPageName=ADME:B:TB1:US:1&_nkw=44A+500V+mosfet+&_trksid=p5197.c0.m627)On
thats a really good price for them - try 4 or 5 in paralell to improve your coil shorting performance.....complete lack of any lenz law lugging I am convinced now is from very very short pulse width - .25 millisecond or less at 60hz sinewave - a ratio of somehting like that will have no effect at all on the rotor speed; i tested this recently.
those mosfets listed above have a resistance rated at only .12 ohms - just think what it wold be with a few in paralell....
When you have that very short pulse width, also now you dont have much time for the coil shorting effect to happen....so you dont want to lose anything with any resistance in the swtihcing...
Aircoils work best with coil shorting too - are you using ferrite cores in your coil short experiments that lug abit?
The ferrite even though it is fast core material will cause some harmonics bouncing against the coil that gets shorted - its best to use aircored coils, so the coil-ringing only is all that will fill caps....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on February 02, 2012, 03:43:45 PM
Quote from: konehead on February 01, 2012, 01:42:09 PM
Hi Khwartz
Hi Kone

QuoteYou got the cap discharge formula wrong.
Farad size of cap / 2
(max voltage before discharge SQUARED)   MINUS  (minumum voltage in cap SQUARED)
this is what you got wrong - you need to square them FIRST, before subtracting the minimum from the maximum voltage.
discharge events PER SECOND = WATTS
:D Very thanks for having corrected me  :D
so, I correct it with ma own writing:

P = 0.5 * C * (Vmax² - Vmin²) * f²
P: power [Watts = Joules/second],
C: capacitance [Farad],
V: voltage [Volts],
f: frequency of the charging-discharging cycles [Hertz = cycle per second]

Is that right now?

Quotethat attachment doesnt really have any meaning as far as the way to do peak coil shorting, since you load caps first, with NO RESISTANCE from the coil-shrot ringing, then hit load with caps when caps are disconnected from the coils,,,so coils NEVER see any resistance, except for the cap's resistance itself,  the swtiching resistance, and the diode's resistance.
The only time you "see" any current is when caps finally hit load... - there are two seperate events - 1; fill cap and  2; discharge cap.....filling cap has no resitance in fact it can be a "resonate condition" with right size cap too (!!) ...so you arent going to see any "current" on a scope while filling a cap (as long as cap has no resitanc across it)
Where you will see current on a scope is only when cap hits the load - and during this time the coils are disconnected, so it puts all the engineers in a fuddy since they cant do the normal "lump resistive load" to check for power output with resitacne across the cap "all the time"....the engineers  will have to figure the power from the joules-release from the cap into the load...(what that formula is for)
Looks to me that is a QUIETE AMAZING statement and principle de know! It's making thinking to what Tom Bearden said about is solid state device, that he loads the cap without any current, and even cut the load duration to avoid any creation of current, saying that has a relapse time, a very short time but depending of the nature of the conductor, when "virtual electrons", "outside of the wire" and "at the speed of light", fill the cap. Did you know that? Because could make a difference to use this datum about the material, cause he said that copper was abut the worst for this, and if better material for the conductors, I should say "the managers of the virtual electrons" (for me would have something with the "vector-potential" of Richard Feynman) could multiply its efficiency. What do You think?

For the attachment, even if doesn't fit with the Muller's Dynamo way, would you agree on the statement I made on, about the respective power of each?

A conjecture : WE DON'T READ ANY CURRENT ONLY BECAUSE THE ELECTRONS MOVE FORWARD AND BACK TOO FAST, AND THAT THE RESULTING CURRENT LOOKS ZERO; like if such measurement instruments couldn't read so fast a displacement of charges...


ten 10uf caps are same as one 100uf one really no difference howeve you could do somthign trick like fil caps in series and unload in paralell or vice versa thats somethign to think about...as when in series they are less resistance....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on February 02, 2012, 04:28:13 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on February 01, 2012, 03:24:42 PM
Hi Konehead
With the 100ohm resistor the pulse is shorter but as i see it works only in driving the coil. When shorting the coil, the 100ohm resistor has the same effect as 10k.
With  my new 24mags rotor i could not have the speed up effect with a cap attached to the coil.This effect is present only on my small hdd rotor.
Still playing with coil shorting; i have this bifilar twisted wire coil that gives me coll wave on the scope. No other normal coil gave me this long oscilation. There is 150-160V out on the FWBR but when connecting a cap , it fills up to 300V. In this present setup, shorting brakes the rotor with 10mA (12V;55mA - 1550rpm)
Hi Marius

So you mean that you don't need in your system to have 2 kinds of coils: driving and generator coils, but only 1 that you could multiply around the disk; am I right?

How does it takes to feel you cap to 300V and from which voltage it starts at first to go up to 300V, are they 0V at start to fill?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 02, 2012, 05:21:34 PM
Hi konhead
I have tested IRFS640.  They are rated 0.18ohm but only 200V. The gen coil was ringing more but the output was much lower: 60V. My ''shorting are around 0.4 miliseconds and they are too wide. When searching for best output (under shorting) i have found that releasing the short at the peak  is best but maybe couse the shorting pulse is too wide.Right now the width is dictated by the rpm. The faster spins, the shorter are the pulses. How do we make this pulses shorter?
I'm using ferite couse is boosting the output. I'll try the no core coils

Hi Khwartz

For now let's play with a driving coil and gen coil. I did tryed to short the driving coil when is not pushing the rotor but nothing intresting so far. Just more current drawn.
The caps are filling like this:
- 56uF goes to 300V in 20 sec.
- 22uF goes to 200V in 5 sec

Another directional coil in progress with teflon insulation between the layers (once again ran out of wire)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 02, 2012, 07:01:51 PM
Just finished testing parallel mosfets.I'm usingIRF840 wich have 0.8ohm(400V / 8A). I put 10 of them and the result was not good.The voltage droped from 150 to 60V.Just like the IRFS640 wich have 0.18 ohm.(200V / 9.8A). Maybe i must change the coil...thicker wire....i dont know.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 03, 2012, 01:39:58 AM
Hi Khwartz

you almost got the formula right - but at the very end of it you have f  2  - (cant make a small 2 on this keyboard like you wrote)...but anyways it is how many discharges within one second that you times it all by at the end of the formula - you dont square the freqpencuy or anything like that jsut times it all by discharges per second..
You cant measure current without resistance...if you have no resistance across a cap, then the cap fills up without current really - only resistance really is the cap itself then -
good thing is, to make anything resonate you need a cap, just like you need a violin body to resonate the vibrations of the strings...without a violin body, there would be no resonance, without a cap you cant resonate anything electically....so having a cap in system is good, filling it without any resistance is good, and when you hit aload with cap, disconnect the cap from its "source" when the cap hits load pretty simple eh - this way the "source" never sees the load.
I cannot  understand a single sentence that Tom Beardan writes sorry.....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 03, 2012, 02:28:47 AM
Hi Mariu
Cant say for sure why those paralell mosfets dont work right -  one thing is the turn-off might not be like it should, since you have that crazy 100ohm resistor on one bank of mosfets and the 10K on other (I assume you are doing it like your drive coil circuit)...and you arent using a driver chip too.
I will bet you are going to eventually need to use a driver chip for paralell mosfets and to improve your system and make it reliable.......
500V rated mosfets are proabably the minimum voltage you should use.
Maybe those paralell mosfets you used are  have some internal diode that restricts them (dont know)
If you voltage drops like that I assume its a diode problem but dont know...other thing is the timing is way off, and you arent at the peak when you short...
mabye there is timing issues with so many mosfets in paralell - they are all doing their "own thing"
That pull-down resistor across the gate is very important in most any mosfet so that the internal cap quickly drains, and the mosfet turns off properly, and very quickly....when you have a lot in paralell, then what I do is each mosfet in the bunch has a 10K resistor from its gate to its source, plus there is another single 10K resistor that streches across the whole cluster too from the paralell-gates to the paralell-sources - so for sure paralell mosfets should turn off correctly this way..
The way I do pulse-width adjustment with hall effects and mosfets is to use a 4421 driver chip on one mosfet, (or cluster of paralell mosfets) and this will be normally OFF, swithces ON and this has its own halleffect too.
Then I have another mosfet (or cluster of paralell mosfets) with a 4422 driver chip, instead of the 4421....now this makes this mosfet (or cluster of paralell mosfets) become normally ON, and switches OFF, and this has its own hall effect too...(same type of hall effect as other)
Then the two mosfets (or cluster of paralell mosfets)  hook together in series...
now put the hall effects very close together, and have them drift apart or get closer....to make it easier you can have a halleffect trigger by another "in phase" trigger magnet so you dont have to have them right together....
theres no way I could do the 100% no lenz coil shorting without the super narrow pulse width...on the scope, it is just a narrow slit no real "pulse" to it...at 60hz it is .25 millisecond or less....
I made a couple directional drive coils today and instead of doing a wrap of telfon over the whole layer, instead I just wrapped the "pull back" portion of the wire that streches from the front back to the back with that teflon plumbers tape - so no "external" wires this way - its all inside, between each layer and the teflon tape prevents chaffing...with two layers of teflon tape per layer, it made the coil fairly fat looking - I wanted the layers to be  tighter, and closer to the ferrite cores....
Played with magnets behind the cores today in my Romeor variant machine - that is really amazing and makes no sense at all in how they improve the perfoormance and rpms....having the magnet behind the GENERATOR coils is super important, when pulsing with the drive coil...(why???) I just had single dirve coil on bottom plate as experiment - and ALL the generator coils on top plate need magnets behind them - but why is this? makes no sense, but it triples.quadruples the rpm with less draw ....
on bottom plate I have core-backing-magnets on only two of the 5 coils in the bottom plate...also this makes no sense whatsoever - why 5 magnets on top plate and only 2 on bottom?? seems logically there should be 5 on each coil on bottom plate too,  but if you put magnet on the other 3,  it slows badly....very strange...I've gone through the possiblities over an over it always comes out this way on this particular  machine - very strange but it really works great...I think this is the greatest "discovery" Romero made - the backing magnets and nowadays I am thinking this is why his machine looped itself too - and why he cant really explain "how" it did since the backing magnets are going to be very particluar and peculiar to each machine in how they make the rotor race up in speed.....
anyways I bet you could double your speed with same draw if you could get some backing magnets to work on those long ferrite cores - mabye ring-shaped neo magnets...this is what magnacoaster has - ring shaped neos on end of core...
I have  stack ring shaped magnets for my backing-magnets behind the cores, since I have a SS mounting-bolt jutting out the back that they slip around....sometimes it likes 3 stacked, and with some coils,  4 stacked for longer stronger magnet...that is the other variable with the backing magnets- how strong they are, and I control this with how many are stacked....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 03, 2012, 05:20:44 AM
Hi Konehead

That's pretty amazing what you just described about your Romero's variant. Any chance doing some video about it? My rotors are all NSNS and adding magnets behind the core of driving coil increase the rpm but with huge amount of current drain. Not efficient. I think that every setup has it's own rulles
Played again with mosfets in parallel and just dont work better; at least in my case.
Now, here is something that i'll let you really scream at me  ;D : only the 100ohm resistor; no 10K resistors, the same voltage in output.
The rpm was around 5500 and the pulse width was just a little more than 0.1 miliseconds (only half wave shorting;ran out of triggering magnets).Lenz is still there doing his job  >:(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 03, 2012, 07:42:21 AM
I think i got something here.
FINALLY i managed to charge a cap with no lenz at all :) . The gen coil is not affecting the rpm. i  tooked out the hall and connected a signal generator that gives pulses every 5 microseconds.This way the sine wave is shorted every time, not only at the peak. ISN'T THAT CRAZY??? The cap that i charged is 22uF and and not to fast too. 20V in 10 sec. But i'm sure that after i'll tune this circuit there wiil be much  more power out
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 03, 2012, 08:12:25 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on February 02, 2012, 07:01:51 PM
Just finished testing parallel mosfets.I'm usingIRF840 wich have 0.8ohm(400V / 8A). I put 10 of them and the result was not good.The voltage droped from 150 to 60V.Just like the IRFS640 wich have 0.18 ohm.(200V / 9.8A). Maybe i must change the coil...thicker wire....i dont know.

Hi Marius,

When you connect MOSFETs in parallel, their input and output capacitances also add up, in case of IRF840, Cin=1300pF  from data sheet when drain-source voltage is 25V and this is voltage dependent and increases when you use 12V drain-source voltage ( http://www.datasheetcatalog.org/datasheet/stmicroelectronics/3013.pdf )  and when you parallel 10 IRF840s, the input capacitance increases tenfold too, to 13 - 14nF  so I believe you need to use dedicated driver IC (TC4421 or 4422 etc) to control the FETs.  (Doug has mentioned this too.)  Because the tenfold increase in input capacitance makes the ON and OFF switching times much longer than in the case of a single FET and the induced voltage at flux collapse is inversely proportional to the switching time:  Vinduced =L*dI/dt  where L=your coil inductance, I= the current at the moment of switch-off and t= switch off time.  The "secret" to switch MOSFETs on and off very fast is to be able to charge and discharge their input gate-source capacitance and this needs strong current source and current sinking capability from the driver, this is what the dedicated driver ICs are designed for.
So the slow switch off time explains  why you get only 60V with your 10 paralelled MOSFET assembly.  When you can obtain / use such driver ICs, you can compare the results in the recovered bemf voltages.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 03, 2012, 02:48:28 PM
Hi Mariu
have you seen the video of the "stargate" motor - its a conventional DC motor and he stacks neomagnets around it, and it goes super super fast (but I bet the cores get hot, besides the bearing-sleeves):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xv-req4U8U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xv-req4U8U)

Anyways, I'll take some pictures of my romero-variant machine, with all the magnets in place - I'm not so good with videos right now...
basically now that I installed two facing coils in series for about 6.4ohms in coils resistance, the motor goes around 250-300rpm wihtout any magnets and with magnets, it now goes 960rpm which is huge difference -  only magnets doing this increase in speed!....draw to motor while it goes 960rpm is 60ma and 12V ...which is really low draw plus I have 5 coils on each plate, with ferrite cores too...Ihave only 4 magnets in rotor, going to put in 4 more for 8.....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 03, 2012, 02:53:49 PM
Hi Mariu
Looks great, the signal-generated shorting...this is all new territory so whatever you can come up with is great......that is very small cap at 22uf if you can do this with say 500uf or 1000uf or 22,000uf cap then it will really be dramatic.
What Gyula jsut said about your paralell-mosfets must be what it is!  (try some drivers!!)
you can get the 4421 chips on ebay really cheap - about 1/2 the price of getting them through digekey or newark or mouser...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 03, 2012, 06:15:51 PM
Hi Gyula!
Thanks for the info on the mosfets. As i said before i'm no good with electonics;especially with details, so any info is welcome!
Still playing with coils and shorting. The gen coil in the picture produces 3V at 3500rpm.(the magnets are very weak). With this kind of shorting , voltage rises much more than i expected. I have connected to the mosfets a simple flyback driver circuit. Now lenz is here again but not so strong. Pulses are around 5 microseconds .If i could give only one short pulse per sine wave i'm conviced that we could charge caps, large caps, with allmost no lenz
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on February 04, 2012, 12:25:28 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on February 02, 2012, 05:21:34 PM
Hi Khwartz
Hi Marius

QuoteFor now let's play with a driving coil and gen coil. I did tryed to short the driving coil when is not pushing the rotor but nothing intresting so far. Just more current drawn.
I see, you prefer to divide in 2 parts for now, and then se for harder stuff, right? ;)

QuoteThe caps are filling like this:
- 56uF goes to 300V in 20 sec.
- 22uF goes to 200V in 5 sec
Thanks, but did they start to fill at 0V to go to 300 and 200V?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on February 04, 2012, 01:46:21 AM
Quote from: konehead on February 03, 2012, 01:39:58 AM
Hi Khwartz
Hi Kone

Quoteyou almost got the formula right - but at the very end of it you have f  2  - (cant make a small 2 on this keyboard like you wrote)

Quote...but anyways it is how many discharges within one second that you times it all by at the end of the formula - you dont square the freqpencuy or anything like that jsut times it all by discharges per second..
Ok, if you say so Kone, I believe you! ;) more seriously, you were right I was wrong indeed! I've checked the dimensional equation I didn't checked before and it fits perfectly without squaring the frequency because P [W] = 0.5 * C [F = A*T/V] * (Vmax²-Vmin²) [V²] * f [Hz = cycles per second = T^-1], when simplified gives: V * I = P :)

QuoteYou cant measure current without resistance...if you have no resistance across a cap, then the cap fills up without current really - only resistance really is the cap itself then -
good thing is, to make anything resonate you need a cap, just like you need a violin body to resonate the vibrations of the strings...without a violin body, there would be no resonance, without a cap you cant resonate anything electically....so having a cap in system is good, filling it without any resistance is good, and when you hit aload with cap, disconnect the cap from its "source" when the cap hits load pretty simple eh - this way the "source" never sees the load.
I knew for needing of cap for resonating, but now, it's even clearer to me for what we try to do :) and yes, i'll remember that the load must not meet the coil at any time ;)

QuoteI cannot  understand a single sentence that Tom Beardan writes sorry.....
hehe, it's ok! for me too, his language doesn't look to me very academic, and I'm surprised not having been able to find any true mathematical formula as any true scientist would be able to produce to make any other experimentator to replicate and even predict the results expected. but I didn't have so much read from him, ans surely with bad translations too, so... I don't know if he knew exactly what he was doing, but I think he has kind of "physicist intuition" about what's going on, that he express could be to simpler to realise he is right in his way ;)
Did you see this vid: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-988496603742502119 ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on February 04, 2012, 02:22:49 AM
Quote from: konehead on February 03, 2012, 02:48:28 PM
Hi Mariu
have you seen the video of the "stargate" motor - its a conventional DC motor and he stacks neomagnets around it, and it goes super super fast (but I bet the cores get hot, besides the bearing-sleeves):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xv-req4U8U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xv-req4U8U)

Anyways, I'll take some pictures of my romero-variant machine, with all the magnets in place - I'm not so good with videos right now...
basically now that I installed two facing coils in series for about 6.4ohms in coils resistance, the motor goes around 250-300rpm wihtout any magnets and with magnets, it now goes 960rpm which is huge difference -  only magnets doing this increase in speed!....draw to motor while it goes 960rpm is 60ma and 12V ...which is really low draw plus I have 5 coils on each plate, with ferrite cores too...Ihave only 4 magnets in rotor, going to put in 4 more for 8.....
The theory about the magnets in his StarGet-Motor, is to place them in a way that the magnetic field of the motor is not allowed to get out so that it stay concentrated within the motor, while the power comes from this intensity of flux.
Other sources says that the magnetic field of his magnet could even add to the existent one of the basic motor, but M. says it more about to avoid leaking of magnetic-flux.
Thane HAINS has a similar result but not with the stator but the rotor, not with magnets, but just with steal looped paths, steal like used in transformers, still to concentrate and amplifier the flux by this loop.
If it could help you Kone...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mr.uu on February 06, 2012, 04:59:08 PM
Many pages ago, someone (i think konehead) described what happens in the coil at magnet flyby. Scope shots helped in understanding at which moment the electrons (officially ;) ) are pushed inside the coil.
Let me recall (for a magnet travelling over a coil from left to right, magnet and coil diameter similar):
The first peak (let us assume a positive one) happens, when the right end of the magnet hits the left side of the coil windings. =>The electrons in the left windings are pushed and can travel without counterforce in the coil.
When the magnet is in the center position, the scope shows a "zero". =>The electrons in both sides of the coil are pushed in opposite directions (right and left end of the magnet pushing electrons in the coil against each other.
The second peak then happens, mirroring the first one, when the left side of the magnet pushes electrons in the right side of the coil windings.

Therefore it is a clue for me, why most of the builders use same width (diameter) for magnets and coils.

The obvious point: if the width of the magnet is smaller (lets say minimum half) than the width of the coil, you will have four instead of two peaks, because the magnet is not able to push the electrons in the coil against each other at the same time. =>double amount of electrons are pushed by changing geometry alone...

Please let me know your opinions.

Thank you,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 07, 2012, 02:05:07 AM
Hi all
here are some photos of backing-magnets behind the cores in a "Romero-variant" machine I built...it had 4 magnet rotor, but added 4 more magnets for 8 magnet rotor in some of the photos....the configuration and strength of the magnets behind the cores is very hands-on in way to find what gives the best performance, and is very sensitive and touchy - as removing one magnet or adding one too many will kill the whole speed up effect...sometimes bring the motor to a stop.  Before the magnets, the motors went around 300rpm , after the magnets, it goes 1200rpm which is really dramatic difference and the draw remains the same too....you need to spend hours trying different numbers of magnets in the stacks, using an rpm meter to gauge any speed up to find the best configuration,,there is no rhyme or reason as to why the stacks look as they do for the particular motor you have to experiment with all the possibilities and find what the motor likes.
3 of the photos are of an 8 magnet-rotor version, 3 of them are for the 4 magnet rotor version...this is why some of the bottom and top plates show totally different stacks of magnets
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 07, 2012, 02:15:42 AM
Hi Mr uu

It depends on lots of things besides the widths of coil and widths of magnets - such as aircoil, or coil with core in it - when you have core, then the core gets the "brunt" of the magnet, and the core is what gives the "signal shape" to the coil, and its not a direct magnet-coil thing going on, like in an aircoil.
yes I agree its the edges of the rotor magnets are what induce the peaks in an aircoil...But wha is interesting to me at least, is  it makes no sense when using hockey-puck shaped magnet that there are two "edges" to magnet, since you can twist the rotor-magnet around, and it doesnt make any difference to the signal-shape(this makes no sense to me at least!)
While, if you use a rectangular shaped brick or block shaped magnet, then theer is an obvious N-S polarity to the ends of the magnets, the sides, and the faces.....(why Beardon alsways calls magent "dipoles" since there are 6 sides to dice, and 6 sides to magnets)
Also the speed in rpms of the rotor makes a difference in the signal-shape too in how huch time the magnet gets to react to the coil...
I personally like to string two "adjacent" coils on a coil-plate  connected together  "backwards in polarity" and in series too, and then have one magnet in rotor pass by each, and so not have a single magnet for each coil, ( this is with aircoils) this gives a perfect AC sinewave as shown....this means explained in another way, if 8 magnet rotor, you would have 16 coils on coil plates each side,  (this mullergen style sort of ) wiht 8 of those coils face-on with the magnets to get the perfect sinewave shown here with photo of AC signal from coils indeuced rotor of 8 all-N magnets and it has 16 aircoil positioned each side:
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 07, 2012, 03:53:08 AM
Hi Konehead
Thank you for sharing your Romero muller variant photos.
You have a strong magnetic field there from all those backing magnets. If the rotor is driven by a hall sensor; are you sure that is not affected by the backing magnets? If is not affected then you might not want to touch it and leave it like this for further experiments.
Still shorting the full wave and having fun with this. I tryed a lot of different coils and every one behavies differently.
There is one partycullar coil(directional) that i can short it at very high frequency with all most no lenz (only 2mA more at 1800rpm).The bad thing is that when i try to charge a cap (doesn't matter the value) it makes huge lenz, more than normaly).
I'm shorting the coil with mosfets that are driven by a flyback circuit were i can adjust pulse width and frequency(http://www.eleccircuit.com/efficient-flyback-driver-circuit-by-ic-555-irf510/).
This circuit is ok but is not giving me the signal that i want: it can not make the ''pulse'' shorter than ''no pulse''
Can any one help me with a better circuit? 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 07, 2012, 07:22:28 AM
Hi Marius,

Here is a 555 timer circuit with independly variable duty cycle and frequency adjusting possibility:

http://www.overunity.com/8597/solid-state-orbo-system/msg234095/#msg234095 (http://www.overunity.com/8597/solid-state-orbo-system/msg234095/#msg234095) 

The output of this can go directly to the MOSFET gate as shown in your above link or if you could use a MOSFET driver like TC4422 or 4421 etc it would give a faster switch.   Also if you could obtain the CMOS version of the NE555 like LMC555CN from National Semiconductor or TLC555CP from Texas Instruments, then these types have much less fall and rise time output pulses then the old NE555 bipolar process type have, so they are able to switch faster (you could omit the 2N2222 driver but just test this, it is better to have an "isolating" stage between the MOSFET and the output pin of the 555.  And the CMOS version is fully pin compatible with the old NE555.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 07, 2012, 07:51:34 AM
Thanks Gyula!
I'll try it presto  :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 07, 2012, 08:11:12 AM
Hi Gyula,
    Nice simple circuit, what cap value connected to pins 2&6 would generate a 2mhz frequency, would it be a higher or lower value? sorry for the dumb question, i don't have an ocilloscope to check.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 07, 2012, 10:49:53 AM

Well,  you have consider the frequency adjust potmeter as an R1 resistor value, besides the capacitor.   Generally an RC time constant is to be considered, the smaller the R  or/and the C, the higher their (1/R*C) value i.e. the frequency. For the 555 timer there are equations to determine the output frequency or there are charts to figure out the approximate frequency. 
Here is some charts to see some R and C values: http://www.williamson-labs.com/555-tmg-charts.htm (http://www.williamson-labs.com/555-tmg-charts.htm)  There is a tutorial on the 555 in their pages too.

IF you really need 2MHz frequency, then you have to use the CMOS types, like LMC555C or TLC555C because the old NE555 can run up to 120-150kHz only.   Here is a data sheet for a CMOS type, LMC555 and it turns out this type can run up to 3MHz in the astable mode and the capacitor is 200pF (minimum recommended value) and the R1 or R2 resistors are some hundred Ohms only.
see Page 5, maximum frequency test circuit:   http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lmc555.pdf (http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lmc555.pdf)   

IF you happen to have a digital multimeter which is able to measure frequency directly, you may use such instead of a scope's frequency check.


EDIT:  here is an online circuit simulator, showing a low duty cycle 555 circuit, slightly different than what I showed above but still practical and you can check the frequency too.  And if you edit the circuit resistor or capacitor values inside the Java applet, you can see immediately their effect ( just right-click on the component you wish to adjust).
http://www.indiabix.com/electronics-circuits/555-low-duty-cycle-oscillator/ (http://www.indiabix.com/electronics-circuits/555-low-duty-cycle-oscillator/)

Notice:  in this latter circuit when you vary the duty cycle or the frequency, then BOTH the duty cycle and the frequency changes.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on February 07, 2012, 01:26:22 PM
Sorry, my comment was not pertinent after well experience speaking of you, Kone  :-[
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on February 07, 2012, 01:33:08 PM
Quote from: konehead on February 07, 2012, 02:05:07 AM
Hi all
here are some photos of backing-magnets behind the cores in a "Romero-variant" machine I built...it had 4 magnet rotor, but added 4 more magnets for 8 magnet rotor in some of the photos....the configuration and strength of the magnets behind the cores is very hands-on in way to find what gives the best performance, and is very sensitive and touchy - as removing one magnet or adding one too many will kill the whole speed up effect...sometimes bring the motor to a stop.  Before the magnets, the motors went around 300rpm , after the magnets, it goes 1200rpm which is really dramatic difference and the draw remains the same too....you need to spend hours trying different numbers of magnets in the stacks, using an rpm meter to gauge any speed up to find the best configuration,,there is no rhyme or reason as to why the stacks look as they do for the particular motor you have to experiment with all the possibilities and find what the motor likes.
3 of the photos are of an 8 magnet-rotor version, 3 of them are for the 4 magnet rotor version...this is why some of the bottom and top plates show totally different stacks of magnets
Hi Kone!

Thanks for the pics, they give good reality about your motor and magnets configurations 8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 07, 2012, 01:58:13 PM
hi Mariu
here is my pulsewidth adjsutment circuit again: (you need driver chips with it)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 07, 2012, 05:27:38 PM
Thanks Konehead! i'll save it this time on my pc.
Have you cheked if your backing magnets are influencing the hall on your dynamo?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 07, 2012, 07:25:06 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on February 07, 2012, 10:49:53 AM

Well,  you have consider the frequency adjust potmeter as an R1 resistor value, besides the capacitor.   Generally an RC time constant is to be considered, the smaller the R  or/and the C, the higher their (1/R*C) value i.e. the frequency. For the 555 timer there are equations to determine the output frequency or there are charts to figure out the approximate frequency. 
Here is some charts to see some R and C values: http://www.williamson-labs.com/555-tmg-charts.htm (http://www.williamson-labs.com/555-tmg-charts.htm)  There is a tutorial on the 555 in their pages too.

IF you really need 2MHz frequency, then you have to use the CMOS types, like LMC555C or TLC555C because the old NE555 can run up to 120-150kHz only.   Here is a data sheet for a CMOS type, LMC555 and it turns out this type can run up to 3MHz in the astable mode and the capacitor is 200pF (minimum recommended value) and the R1 or R2 resistors are some hundred Ohms only.
see Page 5, maximum frequency test circuit:   http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lmc555.pdf (http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lmc555.pdf)   

IF you happen to have a digital multimeter which is able to measure frequency directly, you may use such instead of a scope's frequency check.


EDIT:  here is an online circuit simulator, showing a low duty cycle 555 circuit, slightly different than what I showed above but still practical and you can check the frequency too.  And if you edit the circuit resistor or capacitor values inside the Java applet, you can see immediately their effect ( just right-click on the component you wish to adjust).
http://www.indiabix.com/electronics-circuits/555-low-duty-cycle-oscillator/ (http://www.indiabix.com/electronics-circuits/555-low-duty-cycle-oscillator/)

Notice:  in this latter circuit when you vary the duty cycle or the frequency, then BOTH the duty cycle and the frequency changes.
Hi Gyula,
    Thank you for the reply, and this info surely helps alot....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 08, 2012, 01:06:26 AM
Hi Mariu
I double checked today to see if the bakcing magnets were affecting the halls, and they are not affecting them.
Also fooled around with the backing magnets again, and now the 12-Magnet rotor motorgen has stacks of five  1/4" thick magnets in the stacks all around it now, except for the bottom-plate motor coil, and that has 6 magnets in its stack.....so it looks more "normal" now with long stacks of magnet coming out of the back of each coil's backside.... but what happened is that one of the generator coils should have its backing magnet-stacks on each side of it of the opposite polarity of the rest of the genrator coils. I remember Romero saying that not all his backing magnet faced the same way on his machine too - I will guess this is because of the odd vs even thing going on (12 N rotor magnets and 5 coil positions)
By retarding the timing, I can get it to go 1140rpm, and it draws 55ma and 12V....if I advance the timing, it will go 1320rpm but then it draws 90ma and 12V not sure which is better but it seems like the lower draw 1140rpm handles a load on the shaft better.....and I doubt the genrator coils make that much more power with with 180 rpm more...that is increase in draw of .42 watts for the 1320rpm, as it draws only .66 watts at the slower speed and 1.08 watts at higher speed....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 08, 2012, 06:01:51 AM
OK Konehead; that is  interesting what's going on there...
Lets say that you are running your dynamo without the backing magnets. When you start adding them, does the input power goes up and then stabilise or stays always the same?
If the input power stays the same then you really have something there( i dont think anyone  had this effect before) (then I'll kindly ask you ALL the detaills of your dynamo  :) )

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 08, 2012, 08:37:24 AM
Hi Konehead,
     I beleive that romero did a reversed or vice versa polarity backing magnets (or maybe not), to compensate the cogging, im thinki'n lets say coil set#1 has a north polarity on top & south below, (N-NS-S), as the rotors magnet aproaches the coil with core, the attraction is nullyfied (with correct adjustment) then coil set#2 has a south polarity on top & north below, (S-NS-N), as the rotor approaches it is being attracted towards the coil with core (again with correct adjustment) experiment this all around the coils to get best performance in rpm and power in vs power out, my point is its making a push and pull action thus helping the rotor to spin more freely, and maybe this confirms your findings on your motorgen. don't know if it would be the same when the coils are loaded.
     Romero did mention (don't remember what post is it) that faster does not mean its better! what do you think kone?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on February 08, 2012, 11:18:50 AM
Quote from: crazycut06 on February 08, 2012, 08:37:24 AM
Hi Konehead,
     I beleive that romero did a reversed or vice versa polarity backing magnets (or maybe not), to compensate the cogging, im thinki'n lets say coil set#1 has a north polarity on top & south below, (N-NS-S), as the rotors magnet aproaches the coil with core, the attraction is nullyfied (with correct adjustment) then coil set#2 has a south polarity on top & north below, (S-NS-N), as the rotor approaches it is being attracted towards the coil with core (again with correct adjustment) experiment this all around the coils to get best performance in rpm and power in vs power out, my point is its making a push and pull action thus helping the rotor to spin more freely, and maybe this confirms your findings on your motorgen. don't know if it would be the same when the coils are loaded.
     Romero did mention (don't remember what post is it) that faster does not mean its better! what do you think kone?
Hi Crazycut!
Thanks for sharing your ideas.
May I ask you what means "cogging" here. i've checked in translation dictionaries on web and they say it's about "teeth-wheel", there is no here, so could you help me to understand in which mean you were using it please?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 08, 2012, 02:11:10 PM
HI Mariu
I figure its X4 or X5 in rpm gain - and NO EXTRA DRAW AT ALL
this with all the generator coils and their cores in place on top and bottom plates - probably much better gain in rpm if I had only the motor/drive coils in place and no generator coils which is something I want to try.
Like those pictures show and I explained when generator coilks are in place, the mangets behind the generator coil's cores too is very important or you wont get the really dramatic speed up...it doestn seem to me logically that magnets behind the generator coils would help at all, but they really do make a huge difference and are
"required" - I am at early stage of testing the generator coils without any loading to them too....I remember Romero saying that you should have a load on the generator coils,  then add the magnets behind them and play around with "stack size" and orientation and positions of the backing magnets WHILE the generator coils are loaded...so I figure all this will have to be done over again and again soon....everyday I try it out, and start from scratch, there is new and better  way to put the magnets behind the cores it seems...what is consistent is the long stack of magnets behind the motor drive coils that is for sure...
The draw actually goes DOWN at the high speeds,  since at low rpms like 200 or 300rpm, the pulse widht is sort of too long, so your amp draw is more down there, but when you get the huge speed-up occuring draw goes down a bit - depends on how much of "too much" pulse width you have in the first place, at the low rpms, in how much improvement you get with the speed up......
right now, with advanced timing I have 90 ma draw at around 1300rpm or 55ma draw at around 1100rpm with the retarded timing (I think the retarded timing is better effeciency wise  pretty sure) and at the low rpms with NO magnets, the draw is THE SAME as the draw when it is going 1300 or 1100rpm -  a bit more draw actually at low rpms as explained becasue of pulse width - so its a "pure-gain" situation with those backing magnets - plus very important you need the backing magnet sbehind the generator coils, as well as the motor/drive coils.....
I am sure you would get lots of speed up too, if you had some grade 42 "ring" magnets to slip around the long ferrite core in your test-machine...
then when you add generator coils and their cores, you will need magnets behind each of those too...if unloaded, or loaded generator coils......and this will be a very experimental, hands-on (time consuming) way to determine their positions and strengths, and polarities....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 08, 2012, 02:18:13 PM
Hi Crazycut
From what I read the backing magnets in Romeros machine were "haphazard" in that it also didnt make sense which way they were oriented, and how they were placed, and their strenghts (adjsutsed by distance from core or number of magnets in stack) He jsut had to experiment alot and come up with the best way to put them.  I am sure he didnt have N-S magnets all logically in a string on the backing magnets that is for sure.....
Yes top speed is not the best thing as far as best effeicency and finding some sort of resonance or harmonic happening goes too...but HP (and so also the watts and power)  from a motor's shaft is function of troque and speed combined so always more speed is better, but you might go too fast and need to backup when you shoot past some sweet spot...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 08, 2012, 06:40:59 PM
Quote from: Khwartz on February 08, 2012, 11:18:50 AM
Hi Crazycut!
Thanks for sharing your ideas.
May I ask you what means "cogging" here. i've checked in translation dictionaries on web and they say it's about "teeth-wheel", there is no here, so could you help me to understand in which mean you were using it please?

Hi Khwartz,

Cogging torque
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cogging torque of electrical motors is the torque due to the interaction between the permanent magnets of the rotor and the stator slots of a Permanent Magnet (PM) machine. It is also known as detent or 'no-current' torque. This torque is position dependent and its periodicity per revolution depends on the number of magnetic poles and the number of teeth on the stator. Cogging torque is an undesirable component for the operation of such a motor. It is especially prominent at lower speeds, with the symptom of jerkiness. Cogging torque results in torque as well as speed ripple; however, at high speed the motor moment of inertia filters out the effect of cogging torque.

Hope this helps... Good day  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 08, 2012, 08:22:18 PM
Quote from: konehead on February 08, 2012, 02:18:13 PM
Hi Crazycut
From what I read the backing magnets in Romeros machine were "haphazard" in that it also didnt make sense which way they were oriented, and how they were placed, and their strenghts (adjsutsed by distance from core or number of magnets in stack) He jsut had to experiment alot and come up with the best way to put them.  I am sure he didnt have N-S magnets all logically in a string on the backing magnets that is for sure.....
Yes top speed is not the best thing as far as best effeicency and finding some sort of resonance or harmonic happening goes too...but HP (and so also the watts and power)  from a motor's shaft is function of troque and speed combined so always more speed is better, but you might go too fast and need to backup when you shoot past some sweet spot...

Hi Konehead,
Hi All,
    Thanks for the reply, What would you think about cores and coils? Im trying to understand the relationship of coils to cores,
My first rig has a 1"x 1/2" hockey puck neos, my coils are double the size of the neos, 2", the core is solid soft iron same size of neos, i think i have too much cogging because of the cores, i try to set them far from rotor to reduce cogging, but the voltage in my coil drops, then when i try some backing magnets, it help ease the cogging but no voltage gain, nor voltage drop
    Then i made a second rig same magnets but my coils are romero's specs, coil is same size of the magnets (not litz wire), core is ferrite from computer pow. supply, (testing the voltage is done with one coil only) rotor is hand spin only, i got 1.5v ac, when i put some backing magnets (repelling) the voltage somehow rises a bit adding .2-.4 volts, then when i reverse the backing magnet (attracting) somehow reduces the voltage .2-.4 volts. hmmmm....what do you think is happening?
    Do you think we should concentrate on the coils and cores? in respect with the magnet size? here's the link to my video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=g-VD7C8cviY

Regards Crazycut
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 09, 2012, 01:43:00 AM
hi Crazycut
forget about solid iron cores against neodimium magnets its jsut too slow to change polarity and theywill get hot and have extreme latching... for cores, sommething low-hysterisis, like metglas, or special amorphous blacksand that lets the magnets glide by instead of latching up like iron does is good for cores- ferrite is OK tppp thats whay romero used - at least it is very fast to swtihc polarity type of stuff...you can always go with aircores too, in your coils and replace the core with another coil inside of it (a "pikcup coil" I call them) then also more secondary/p[ikcup wrap winds around the primary too. and behind it too if you want....with aircores you should short the coils at their sinewave peaks into caps.
As far as I know, the regauging/backing magnets behind the core isnt going to work with aircores since you need a core in there for the bakcing magnets to do something to. However someone said if you have a thick flat ferrous steel washer behind the cores, "maybe" aircores would work but I dont know.
Bill Muller told me if using cores, make the core the same width as the magnet is...this makes sense to me....
For the length of a coil, whatever the field-strength of the rotor \streches out to, and it becomes so weak it seems senseless to make core any longer than that, make the coil that long... same wiht cores I would guess...anyways this is all my opinions on coil/ core subject not absolute fact or anything...

the core should be the same
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 09, 2012, 02:11:07 AM
Something I discussed with Tito the other day..

Has anyone tried winding a normal coil on a core, then winding a bifi on top of the first winding? Im under the assumption that the bifi might be connected in series and the 2 ends left are connected together also, to make a shorted bifi.

That might be what Romero had done, Remember the solder joints on the coils windings.

A shorted bifi is an LC that will resonate.  More turns on the bifi, the lower the resonant freq/rpms of the rotor, as the more turns, the higher the inductance and capacitance, lower freq.

The regular coil under the bifi is the pickup coil.

As long as this has gone on, it may be worth a try.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on February 09, 2012, 06:21:17 AM
Quote from: crazycut06 on February 08, 2012, 06:40:59 PM

Hi Khwartz,

Cogging torque
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cogging torque of electrical motors is the torque due to the interaction between the permanent magnets of the rotor and the stator slots of a Permanent Magnet (PM) machine. It is also known as detent or 'no-current' torque. This torque is position dependent and its periodicity per revolution depends on the number of magnetic poles and the number of teeth on the stator. Cogging torque is an undesirable component for the operation of such a motor. It is especially prominent at lower speeds, with the symptom of jerkiness. Cogging torque results in torque as well as speed ripple; however, at high speed the motor moment of inertia filters out the effect of cogging torque.

Hope this helps... Good day  ;)
Hi Crazycut!  I knew this phenomenon but didn't know this idea of "teeth" english, I didn't relate too. So Very Thanks for having clear-up to me   :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 09, 2012, 07:26:29 AM
Quote from: konehead on February 09, 2012, 01:43:00 AM
hi Crazycut
forget about solid iron cores against neodimium magnets its jsut too slow to change polarity and theywill get hot and have extreme latching... for cores, sommething low-hysterisis, like metglas, or special amorphous blacksand that lets the magnets glide by instead of latching up like iron does is good for cores- ferrite is OK tppp thats whay romero used - at least it is very fast to swtihc polarity type of stuff...you can always go with aircores too, in your coils and replace the core with another coil inside of it (a "pikcup coil" I call them) then also more secondary/p[ikcup wrap winds around the primary too. and behind it too if you want....with aircores you should short the coils at their sinewave peaks into caps.
As far as I know, the regauging/backing magnets behind the core isnt going to work with aircores since you need a core in there for the bakcing magnets to do something to. However someone said if you have a thick flat ferrous steel washer behind the cores, "maybe" aircores would work but I dont know.
Bill Muller told me if using cores, make the core the same width as the magnet is...this makes sense to me....
For the length of a coil, whatever the field-strength of the rotor \streches out to, and it becomes so weak it seems senseless to make core any longer than that, make the coil that long... same wiht cores I would guess...anyways this is all my opinions on coil/ core subject not absolute fact or anything...

the core should be the same

Hi Konehead,
    Thanks for the info, i'll will try it someothertime, Maybe an iron core is not good with same size of magnets, but with metglass or amorphus blacksand much better,
I've tried a long coil 2"in lenght, the voltage is high but amperage is low, then i re-wound the same wire to a shorter bobbin 1" in lenght, the voltage decreased half in voltage but amperage almost doubled, so its best for coil to be a pancake type, so it receives most of the magnetic flux.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 09, 2012, 07:27:52 AM
Hi Khwartz,
    Im glad that helps... ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 09, 2012, 07:37:32 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on February 09, 2012, 02:11:07 AM
Something I discussed with Tito the other day..

Has anyone tried winding a normal coil on a core, then winding a bifi on top of the first winding? Im under the assumption that the bifi might be connected in series and the 2 ends left are connected together also, to make a shorted bifi.

That might be what Romero had done, Remember the solder joints on the coils windings.

A shorted bifi is an LC that will resonate.  More turns on the bifi, the lower the resonant freq/rpms of the rotor, as the more turns, the higher the inductance and capacitance, lower freq.

The regular coil under the bifi is the pickup coil.

As long as this has gone on, it may be worth a try.  ;]

Hi Mags,
     Are the coils you are reffering to is a multifillar winds, not only bifillar, where romero uses litz wire 7 strands? would it be a shorted coil alltogether?  ::) :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 09, 2012, 08:44:24 AM
I dont think Romero separated the strands. A lot of trouble and an odd number.

Use litz to make a regular wound coil on the first half of spool, then wind a bifilar on the second half. Connect the 2 coils of the bifi in series and then short the ends, like a bifi loop  LC.  ;]

Mags   gota git to work.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on February 10, 2012, 02:20:21 AM
Quote from: crazycut06 on February 09, 2012, 07:27:52 AM
Hi Khwartz,
    Im glad that helps... ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 10, 2012, 08:04:47 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on February 09, 2012, 08:44:24 AM
I dont think Romero separated the strands. A lot of trouble and an odd number.

Use litz to make a regular wound coil on the first half of spool, then wind a bifilar on the second half. Connect the 2 coils of the bifi in series and then short the ends, like a bifi loop  LC.  ;]

Mags   gota git to work.
Hi Mags,
    How's our coil doi'n? any update?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 10, 2012, 10:23:42 PM
Quote from: crazycut06 on February 10, 2012, 08:04:47 AM
Hi Mags,
    How's our coil doi'n? any update?

Workin on the details. ;]

I will be making mine the same as described in my post above, but will be winding 3 strands trifi, using one as my input(solid state , no rotor) and the other 2 as a series bifi shorted.

From what I read, on a straight core, not a boxed in transformer core, that the secondary, output coil, should be close to the core and the primary(shorted bifi) wound on top of the secondary after the primary is wound.

This way the secondary gets denser flux crossings from the primary because the primary flux is attracted to the core.  It has been tested that if you have the primary wound first and the secondary on top, the primary to secondary transfer is weaker.

Will be winding tomorrow. ;]  I get chills thinking about it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 10, 2012, 11:57:24 PM
     Hi Mags,
         I got your point, Secondary close to core to receive more flux, but don't know the effects of that shorted bifi, i made a coil before, primary first single wound, then secondary quad fillar, but didn't have much time to experiment, still busy with my motorgen.
         can't wait to see the results on your coil... btw aren't we mixing up here with tito's?... ;D
Good day!  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 11, 2012, 12:21:47 AM
From what Im beginning to understand is the shorted bifi coil, if you kick it, pulse, it will oscillate and we collect output via the secondary. Im thinking that if we used just a single strand coil with a capacitor, we are missing the shorted effect of the shorted bifi. What ever that effect may be. ;]

So it is not a typical LC. Ive never tried it, let alone think of such a thing till here recently. Titos clues have been much better lately.  A couple things he said the other day, just clicked.

Just gotta try.

You said that your primary was near the core and the secondary is wound on the outer part of the coil?  You can always just hook it up so that your input (primary) is the outer coil and use the inner coil as the sec. ;]  If the primary turns and the sec turns are the same number, your transformer/coil should work better as intended.

Thats a nice, big coil. ;]


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 11, 2012, 01:18:21 AM
Hi all
So far, I am getting very good speed up with backing magnets behind the motor coils (X2 rpms) then I put bakcing magnets behind the generator coils and their cores and now get speed uip X 4 or X5 with those having the backing magnets there. (reported on this few days and put up those pictures too of the test machine - the "Romero variant") So thats all good I guess...
I rebuilt the ugly and cracked rotor seen in those pictures with much better new one ....and so while putting it all back together, I was testing the same Romero-variant, with JUST the motor coils, which are two facing coils in series, with ferrite cores, and 3 ohm litz-wire coils in each wound "directional"....
so just wanted  to see what it was like just testing the motor coils-only - it was going fine, and found a stack of 7 backing magnets behind bottom motor coil and stack of 5 backing magents behind top motor coil gave best rpms and power... each magnet is 1" wide and 1/4" thick so "stack" of 5 magnets is 1 1/4" long...
ANYWAYS - here is what is cool thing just disconvered - with motor running around 1400rpm, I put another stack of 5 magnets on flat steel washer, and moved it around the stator plate that is normally holding in the genrator coils and does have motor coil(s) mounted ...(one top plate and one bottom plate of course with rotor magnets between like Muller stuff is )
So there are NO genrator coils, or anything else mouned on etiher stator plate while doing this experiment - and putting the "Backing magnets" - and ONLY the baking magnets, in their previous-positions I had them before,  (but NOT behind any genrator coils and thier cores so now backing magnets not backing anything)
this gives HUGE speed up happeing - now pushing 1900 rpm with only one "backing" magnet in place.....this is crazy since the only thing that the backing magnet can possiblereact to, is the rotor magnets underneath or above them...the bakcing magnets are on far side of stator plate as the motor coils too, so for sure they are not reacting to the motor coils...
.its very insane - I thought it was nuts that the bakcing magnets on the unloaded gernator coils would give all the additional speed up I had before, now they do it without the gernator coils, or their cores in place....(!!)
draw stays "near the same" but goes up some with the big speed up I thiknk this is becasue the pusle width to the motor coils needs to be shorter once you start having rpms go up X4 or X5 and you keep same pulse width as slow speeds so will have to get some adjsutment for that soon too....tried do do video on it today but failed will try agin next few days...its VERY dramatic speed up and no reason "why"  which is really great actually...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 11, 2012, 08:14:30 AM
Hi Konehead
From what you are saying I understand that the backing magnets are helping spining the rotor. Your are saying that you got the speed up even without the gen coils and without affecting the input power. This is a first for all the replicators so you must a make a video  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 11, 2012, 09:15:03 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on February 11, 2012, 12:21:47 AM
From what Im beginning to understand is the shorted bifi coil, if you kick it, pulse, it will oscillate and we collect output via the secondary. Im thinking that if we used just a single strand coil with a capacitor, we are missing the shorted effect of the shorted bifi. What ever that effect may be. ;]

So it is not a typical LC. Ive never tried it, let alone think of such a thing till here recently. Titos clues have been much better lately.  A couple things he said the other day, just clicked.

Just gotta try.

You said that your primary was near the core and the secondary is wound on the outer part of the coil?  You can always just hook it up so that your input (primary) is the outer coil and use the inner coil as the sec. ;]  If the primary turns and the sec turns are the same number, your transformer/coil should work better as intended.

Thats a nice, big coil. ;]

Hi Mags,
      Hehe...tnx ;D  Hard to wind though, yeah my primary is near the core, I don't think my primary winding is the same as my sec. but maybe i can try that shorted bifi, just need to find my pulser...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 11, 2012, 09:46:00 AM
Hi Konehead,
    Good to hear that your motorgen speeds up 4x -5x without extra draw, i think you've just discoverd something like the stargate motor with your magnets finding a position around the stator where the motor spees up, whats the orientation of your backing magnets? repelling or attracting? have you checked your generator coils voltage when adding backing magnets?
    As im playing with backing magnets i found that with repelling backing magnets, voltage output of coil increases (with load connected) but rotor slightly slows down with extra draw on input, then i tried attracting, voltage output decreases dramatically (with load connected) but rotor speeds up, also decreased draw on input. what do you think is happening here?
    Repelling backing magnets more voltage=more lenz   ???
    Attracting backing magnets less voltage=less lenz  ???
This was done with 1 coil pair in series.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 11, 2012, 02:08:00 PM
Hi Mariu
Yes what you wrote describes all I wrote very well and much more simple...I am trying to get a video up it might take a bit of time - my rpm meter went bad while filming last one I think it is becasue the rotor is white plastic and was reflecting so am going to paint it flat black then put reflective tape on it.
Hi CrazyCut
the backing magnets behind my motor coils have alwasy giving me twice the speed at same draw since I built the two Romeor variants maybe 6 months ago...now its the backing mangets behind generator coils doubling speed and just discovered you dont need the generator coils or cores to get the big speed up this has lots of ramifications in future experiments and ideas such as air cores as genrator coils and the postioning of the backing mangets can be totally indipendent of the postioning of the cores of aircores of the generator coils too - they dont necessarliy have to be right behind all of them...I havent done loaded-genrator coils yet with backing magnets behnid them, as jsut "backed up" (pun) to testing motor coils only and influence of all the backing magnets on jsut the motoring-part of it...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 12, 2012, 01:18:59 PM
Hey everybody; just thought I would go ahead and upload another progress photo.
High resolution image here:

I did change my plans for the coil bobbins.
Was originally going to use 10X20MM ferrite rods with off-the-shelf, fiber, washers but decided to go with 10X25MM rods and custom made washers, cut from acrylic, which resulted in a slightly longer and significantly stronger bobbin.

I am straying away from Romero's original, sewing bobbin, design in several ways including larger coils wound with single conductor, Schottky diodes, different switching, timing capability through adjustable stator plate, etc.

My goal is to be able to use just one coil as the primary mover and the rest as alternator coils.
I do like the idea of off-setting the alternator coils to reduce cogging and provide a wider sine wave from each alternator coil pair.
But not sure how this might effect the motor coil pair. And will attempt to use just one coil as a monopole motor or maybe two operating independently.

I do have 14 of the 18 coils built and hope to do final assembly over the next few weeks.

There are definitely some workmanship issues with the laser cut rotor disks that I had made locally.
Every hole, for the magnets and hub, is not quite square so the magnets are not perfectly straight and I will use a couple modified appliance parts (idler pulleys) to help square the rotor on the shaft.
Apparently; trying to cut acrylic with a laser is not real practical because the acrylic diffuses the laser resulting in widening holes, and changing angles, as the laser cuts deeper.

This may be a vibration and alignment issue and I still may be inclined to machine a new rotor from the phenolic board I have on hand.
Or find somebody with a CNC machine who can do the same cuts with greater precision.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 12, 2012, 02:11:29 PM
Hi Scorch and all
Very nice toy you got there. I also cutting my disks with a laser cutting machine and they are not perfect. I just found a CNC machine in the other side of my country and tomorow I'll make a call to ask some prices. I want to stay at the romero design but i just cant find the ferrite cores (6mm/15mm) that fits into the sewing bobbins.
There is something that keeps ringing in my head: the washer between the coil and the backing magnet. It supposse to make a shield at the backing magnet.
This can make sense : the N of the magnet is shielded and it uses lenz as the N (and this only half wave)
What do you think?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 12, 2012, 03:39:45 PM
I believe the washers are kind of like a "shield" or maybe more like a "focusing aperture" that also helps to hold the magnets.

There will also be a 1/4" of acrylic between my coils, and the washers with biasing magnets, which is also how I think Romero's was set up.
The space between the ferrite rods and the biasing magnets is, probably, not very significant.
More space just means you might need a stronger magnet or different position.

On the other hand, the size of the hole in the washer MIGHT be significant just depending on the individual build and size of ferrite rods.
I used ferrite rods from Newark (Stock No: 63R5821 Manufacturer Part No: ROD10/25-4B1) and will start with 3/8" ID X 1" OD steel washers.

I also used 1/16 acrylic and a 1 3/8" hole saw, to make the coil ends, which resulted in a finished washer around 1 1/4 OD which was then drilled to tightly fit the rods and fastened with cyanoacrylate adhesive.

I did discover some minor discrepancies in the consistency of size of these ferrite rods.
The 25mm long rods are actually a little smaller diameter than the 20mm long rods and, sometimes, there is even a few thousandths of an inch difference just from one end to the other.

I do my best to fabricate parts to properly FIT but, THEN, the MANUFACTURER, with their "PRECISION MACHINE", screws it up!


Quote from: mariuscivic on February 12, 2012, 02:11:29 PM
Hi Scorch and all
Very nice toy you got there. I also cutting my disks with a laser cutting machine and they are not perfect. I just found a CNC machine in the other side of my country and tomorow I'll make a call to ask some prices. I want to stay at the romero design but i just cant find the ferrite cores (6mm/15mm) that fits into the sewing bobbins.
There is something that keeps ringing in my head: the washer between the coil and the backing magnet. It supposse to make a shield at the backing magnet.
This can make sense : the N of the magnet is shielded and it uses lenz as the N (and this only half wave)
What do you think?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 12, 2012, 05:09:28 PM
Hi Scorch
My theory is the flat washer between core and backing magnets behind the cores, works as way to concentrate the flux of  the magnet uch more onto the backside of the core, so that the core will become very easily "flippable" in its polarity, and for the backing magnet not to affect the core so much it becomes sort of solid-polarity throughout;  so that it would be clashing on the rotor magnets as they approach, which would slow the rotor or even bring it to halt.
the "bloch wall" in a core is the point near the center of core, which is point where the core changes its polarity so it has N one side and S other as the core will be when polarized.....idea is to pull that bloch wall way back near the back-end of core with the backing magnets, so that the core will still attract rotor magnet, then repel with some good force instantly since the core's polarity is sort of on a teeter-totter from the backing magnets and the repel from polarity-flip happens right when rotor magnet moves past so this is a positon for roto magnet to get shoved, and not pullsed back, slowing the rotor, which is what lenz-law lugging does.....(theory anyways)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 12, 2012, 09:12:51 PM
Hi Scorch, hi marius, hi konehead, hi all,
    @ Scorch
        I see you are planning to adjust one side of your stator plate, as kone suggest, pls. post future developments, keep it up! ;)
    @ Marius
        Have you tried looking at your lokal junkshop? as romero said he got his cores from scrap computer power supply (choke coils) luckily i got some, but not all pow supply have it, so good luck on your find...
       @ All
         My rig now have 6 generator coil pairs, 1 drive coil pairs, still making coils, making bobbins is time consuming, and ferrite cores hard to find, trying to look for some, still playing with backing magnets, voltage out vs drag...
        Good day! Crazycut

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 13, 2012, 04:45:37 PM
hi all

I made a short one minute video that shows speed up with me holding a stack of magnets near the rotor of 8 all-N magnets....this gives  200rpm more, and  also lowers draw 20ma...I did lots more experiments of this not shown in video - there are 4 different postions cut out of stator plates to put those backing magnets in, on the top and bottom plates , and every time there are more bakcing magnets, it speeds up rotor even more - in a position much closer to motor coil as shown in video, gave 300rpm more, but thants not in video...what is interesting is that there are no cores, no coils nothing but backing magnets vs rotor magnet giving the speed up.. (and lower draw) ...maybe similar to howard johnson PMM is what the effect is doing - its certainly not fillipping cores since there are no cores to flip!
(except for the backing magnet sbehind the motor coils installed already in video)
the mtoor coils have bakcing magnets behind them too in the video - they give about 200rpm more speed too, and lower draw 20ma in process...I wrote a bunch of info on the video in description box if you want more info.
http://youtu.be/lRCdPqxleJQ (http://youtu.be/lRCdPqxleJQ)

If this doesnt go through, type in MrDKONZEN on youtube and you can see it for sure that way  in the title there of "magnet speed up" also are some videos of music from my band the Fuckedtones, (we are all fucked) plus my elelctirc car project with 12yrold kid driving it...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 13, 2012, 06:52:16 PM
One thing to consider is: Proper position for the type of bearings used.

While typical ball bearings will handle "thrust" loads; they will still tend to perform better in a "radial" load configuration and you may see an increase in RPM simply by changing the position from vertical shaft to horizontal shaft.
So, unless you are using bearings engineered for "thrust" loads, might want to consider doing all testing and adjustments with shaft in horizontal position.

Otherwise the loading on your typical ball bearing will be against the sides of the inner and outer races instead of down in the groove where there is less surface contact area and less friction. When on it's side, ALL the balls are in contact with the race (due to gravity), when upright only a few balls are in contact with the race.


Quote from: konehead on February 13, 2012, 04:45:37 PM
hi all

I made a short one minute video that shows speed up with me holding a stack of magnets near the rotor of 8 all-N magnets....this gives  200rpm more, and  also lowers draw 20ma...I did lots more experiments of this not shown in video - there are 4 different postions cut out of stator plates to put those backing magnets in, on the top and bottom plates , and every time there are more bakcing magnets, it speeds up rotor even more - in a position much closer to motor coil as shown in video, gave 300rpm more, but thants not in video...what is interesting is that there are no cores, no coils nothing but backing magnets vs rotor magnet giving the speed up.. (and lower draw) ...maybe similar to howard johnson PMM is what the effect is doing - its certainly not fillipping cores since there are no cores to flip!
(except for the backing magnet sbehind the motor coils installed already in video)
the mtoor coils have bakcing magnets behind them too in the video - they give about 200rpm more speed too, and lower draw 20ma in process...I wrote a bunch of info on the video in description box if you want more info.
http://youtu.be/lRCdPqxleJQ (http://youtu.be/lRCdPqxleJQ)

If this doesnt go through, type in MrDKONZEN on youtube and you can see it for sure that way  in the title there of "magnet speed up" also are some videos of music from my band the Fuckedtones, (we are all fucked) plus my elelctirc car project with 12yrold kid driving it...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 13, 2012, 10:21:03 PM
Dont know if I had posted this here before. But concerning bearings....  My vids

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSTfFIetYPY    Using graphite

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiGjK3P7JBY    Rotor rundown pt1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVXtRSxm73g    Rotor rundown pt2

The second and third vids are 2 parts of a rotor rundown from 1200 rpm. Took longer than 10min, which YT had that time limit on the vids back then.

Notice the time it takes the rotor to slow down in the last few min of pt2..   
Sick slickness.  :o

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 14, 2012, 01:45:53 AM
Hi Scorch
I'm not big fan of thrust-beaings on vertical rotating stuff  unless there is quite a bit  of weight to the the rotor, then for sure  thrust bearings should be used... 
There are skateboard/rollerblade bearings in the test machine I put videos up of, and didnt crack open the seals and put in any special lube in these like I normally will do.
The clacking noise is the threaded SS axle not tight with the bearing on top and so the slop is making the noise.
Skateboard beaing are made to handle extreme lateral pressures, since skateboarders and rollerbladers are always doing turns so they work very well in vertical fairly lightweight machines like this, infact probably better than most thrust bearing designs of similar size. (my opinion only not fact)
Best lube in the world is "protecta" (fact not opinon) - its teflon-based works super great:
https://www.sfrcorp.com/product/protecta-precision-oiler/ (https://www.sfrcorp.com/product/protecta-precision-oiler/)
they sell it in spray cans too
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 14, 2012, 01:58:39 AM
Hi all
I finally got video of  speed up from the MOTOR/DRIVE coils having backing magnets behind them - it goes  from 610rpm without, to 1500rpm with...draw goes up a bit but adjusting the pulse width would fix that easy and make it run with less draw too.
Marisuvic - this is what I mean to slip a stack of ring-magnets on those long ferrite cores in your test machine to at least double the speed of it
please ignore stupid advertising banner it goes away then comes back later..this  was filmed over a vdieo tape of  high school soccer game (football to some of you)  already in the videocamera - the game creeps in from camera glitch, but you can still see the ammeter at around 130ma
http://youtu.be/jlgEaZ8Ppc0 (http://youtu.be/jlgEaZ8Ppc0)
type in MrDKONZEN on youtube if this doesnt work and it is on list there

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 14, 2012, 08:52:40 AM
Quote from: konehead on February 14, 2012, 01:58:39 AM
Hi all
I finally got video of  speed up from the MOTOR/DRIVE coils having backing magnets behind them - it goes  from 610rpm without, to 1500rpm with...draw goes up a bit but adjusting the pulse width would fix that easy and make it run with less draw too.
Marisuvic - this is what I mean to slip a stack of ring-magnets on those long ferrite cores in your test machine to at least double the speed of it
please ignore stupid advertising banner it goes away then comes back later..this  was filmed over a vdieo tape of  high school soccer game (football to some of you)  already in the videocamera - the game creeps in from camera glitch, but you can still see the ammeter at around 130ma
http://youtu.be/jlgEaZ8Ppc0 (http://youtu.be/jlgEaZ8Ppc0)
type in MrDKONZEN on youtube if this doesnt work and it is on list there
Hi konehead,
        Nice video showing huge speed up, with backing magnets, are you using hall circuit for your timing, and why is your amp draw so low? is this because of your coil? creepy glitch you got there... ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 14, 2012, 09:03:25 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on February 13, 2012, 10:21:03 PM
Dont know if I had posted this here before. But concerning bearings....  My vids

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSTfFIetYPY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSTfFIetYPY)    Using graphite

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiGjK3P7JBY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiGjK3P7JBY)    Rotor rundown pt1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVXtRSxm73g (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVXtRSxm73g)    Rotor rundown pt2

The second and third vids are 2 parts of a rotor rundown from 1200 rpm. Took longer than 10min, which YT had that time limit on the vids back then.

Notice the time it takes the rotor to slow down in the last few min of pt2..   
Sick slickness.  :o

Hi Mags,
         Love to have those graphite bearings sooo slick! makes me cry! :'(  lol...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 14, 2012, 09:11:49 AM
Interesting video Konehead!
I tryed this with my setup but wherever i put the magnets, they affect the hall sensor. It doesnt apply to your setup couse you have the sensor above.
I have also tryed to see if there is some gain in the gen coil with the backing magnet without affecting the rpm or input power. I have discovered that when the washers are ALL in place , there seems to be some small gain in output and rpm with a load connected. I have tryed this only on one single coil. Without the all washers in place, the hall is affected. I'm bulding new coils (300 turns 0.3mm wire) to put them to work together as they should
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 14, 2012, 01:30:08 PM
I'm not a big fan of thrust bearings either, for this type of application, so I will simply run in an upright position with horizontal shaft.
And, yes, depending on what I'm doing I might be inclined to change the lube in the bearings.
And my lube of choice would be "Lubrilon" see: www.lubrilon.com

It's the same formula that USED to be in "Slick 50" before there was a controversy between the manufacturer and the inventor of the formula.
This is the same stuff that has been tested by treating the engine then draining the oil and continuing to run the engine on the road.
It actually creates a molecular bonded layer on steel parts that can only be removed by grinding it off.


Quote from: konehead on February 14, 2012, 01:45:53 AM
Hi Scorch
I'm not big fan of thrust-beaings on vertical rotating stuff  unless there is quite a bit  of weight to the the rotor, then for sure  thrust bearings should be used... 
There are skateboard/rollerblade bearings in the test machine I put videos up of, and didnt crack open the seals and put in any special lube in these like I normally will do.
The clacking noise is the threaded SS axle not tight with the bearing on top and so the slop is making the noise.
Skateboard beaing are made to handle extreme lateral pressures, since skateboarders and rollerbladers are always doing turns so they work very well in vertical fairly lightweight machines like this, infact probably better than most thrust bearing designs of similar size. (my opinion only not fact)
Best lube in the world is "protecta" (fact not opinon) - its teflon-based works super great:
https://www.sfrcorp.com/product/protecta-precision-oiler/ (https://www.sfrcorp.com/product/protecta-precision-oiler/)
they sell it in spray cans too
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 14, 2012, 02:13:11 PM
Hi crazycut
Amp draw is so low becasue of the litz-wire "directionally" wound coil, the bidirectional mosfets using drivers doing the swithcing plus the halleffects have their own timing disc, and the rotor magnets do not do the timing against the halleffects - there is timing disc way up on top out of the way of the fields with the halleffects on an adjusable rotating plate.... the small magnets in the timing disc that trip the halleffects are only 1/16th" wide - which is like 1.5mm or so...so pulse widht is narrow but Iwant it to be even narrower eventually to lower draw more...I had this machine down to 60ma last week when I had all generator coils in place and each had backing magnets...the backimng magnet behind generator coils speed up motor too...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 14, 2012, 02:16:33 PM
Hi Mariusivic
Thats messed up your halls get affected by backing magnets wherever you put them...you should have a seperate timing disc for the halls, or even better some light-triggered timing method they use all the time with a dsc wiht slots cut in it would be ideal really...pulse widht could be adjusted easily by width of the slit in disc...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 14, 2012, 07:26:04 PM
Hi Konehead,
    Ok, thats how you get so low amp draw, we don't have available litz wire here, maybe i'll make  my own, and your pulse width determined by the smaller magnets, you get shorter pulses, im confirming Marius saying the hall sensor are affected when a backing magnet is near, orientation of magnets makes the amp draw high or low. so a separate timing is a must.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 17, 2012, 12:32:14 PM
Hi guys!

Whille cutting my cores to my new setup i have observed this cool effect with the feritte powder on top of the rotor. It goes in the oposite way of the spinining rotor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 17, 2012, 05:23:00 PM
Great news guys!
My new setup is allmost finished and ran it quilly just to see how it behavies. I have connected only one set of driving coils:
-free spining 128mA 1140rpm
-free spining with magnets behind the driving coils 80mA 1220rpm. This is a good sign; never had it before
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 18, 2012, 02:35:53 PM
hi all
Last night I was holding a stack of seven 1/4" thick 1" wide grade 42 ring- magnets in my left hand, and putting them in place behind a motor coil in my "Romero-vairant" machine that has the big speed up when it has magnets behind the cores same machine same setup and same stack of magnets like shown in this video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlgEaZ8Ppc0&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlgEaZ8Ppc0&feature=related)
There is flat ferrous-steel washer behind the motor coil too..
draw was about 200ma and 12V to the motor....was using jsut one motor coil to power it to see what happens like that instead of two facing it, sodraw was higher than usual and the other motor coil facing it on other plate became a genrator-coil for some testing...
anyways I got a big sharp spike of voltage that went up my left arm when I touched to magnet-stack to the flat washer behind the motor coils (ferrite core inside motor coil)...It "felt" like a backemf-spike which some of you know can give you quite a jolt if you touch mosfets at certin points even if running on only 12V and 100ma or so...
but here I was was only touching the long stack magnets to flat washer...so it could of only been a "magnetic-spike" - perhaps with a "voltage-carrier to it ""?? (my theory)
I dont know - it happened to me twice really hurt the 2nd time too...somthign is going on here I dont know about - so its rubber gloves from now on....
someone told me once that it is "inherent" that whenever you have magnetic field you have elelctical field, and some sort of heat too...or cold if negative?)..and whenver you have electrical field you have an inherent magnetic field and heat,
anand henever you have heat, you have an inherent electical field and its magnetic field, so maybe the very strong magnetic field situated behind the coil is pikcup up the backemf spikes to be runnnign through it?
And "these" backemf spike dont need any wires to carry it along - just the magnetic field to carry it?
and the nickel plating of the magnets becomes a wire attached to my arm??
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 18, 2012, 02:39:23 PM
Hi Mariu
that is great that you got some speed up and much less draw with backing magnets behind the MOTOR coils.....you should try more and more stacked there on top for stronger field until the field is too strong an dit slows (find the balance)  - If those are weak ferrites, you should not affect your halls...I had sort of breakthrough on backing magnets behind genrator coils - read post below I put up on it..I think you should short each of your gernator coils one by one, and put same backing-magnet "strength" to them, as what yoru motor coils like too, and then hopefully shorting your generator coils leads together in dead short wont slow the rotor - maybe will give it some exponential speed up at higher rpms if lucky...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 18, 2012, 02:58:59 PM
hi all
with same motor as seen in video, and same stack of seven magnets as shown (same ones that gave me shock behind motor coil)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlgEaZ8Ppc0&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlgEaZ8Ppc0&feature=related)
I was pulsing jsut one of the motor coils, the bottom one, and using the top facing one as a generator coil as simple experiment.
Motor was only going a slow 550rpm...draw to the single motor was around 250ma and 12V this time - sort of high draw but not worried about it just testing..

Anyways, I shorted the genrator coil's leads together in a dead-short....rotor slows down in dramatic LUGGING...as you would expect...this with NO magnets behind the gernator coil...
then I stacked one magnet at a time behind the generator as a test, to see what magnets to the generator-coil part of it - the magnets are sitting on top of the flat steel washer behind the core and coil...
When I got to 3 or 4 magnet stacked up, I noticed that the motor didnt lug as much when coil was dead-shorted - when I finally reached point of 7 magnets stacked behind the generator coils (also what the motor coils seem to like - the length of 7 magnets stacked) then there was NO lug to the spin of rotor, and no extra amperage either to the draw (so NO LENZ)
I checked the voltage into a 220uf DC cap after FWBR off generator coil - and in three seconds, WITHOUT magnet behind core of generator coil, it fills to 4.4 VDC...WITH magnet behind core, it fills slower, now to 3.5VDC in three seconds, BUT: NO LENZ LUGGING with magnets in place....if I wait tens seconds or so for cap to fill up as high as possible, without magnet is was 10V with NO magnet, and  it was 5V WITH magnet, so there is drop in total voltage using magnet behind core, but when looking at the speed of filling the cap its not so signifigant drop of voltage...
SO - conclusion is you cna really cut lenz lugging down by putting magnets bheind the cores....you need to find proper strength of magnets however to really "null" (?) the core...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 18, 2012, 05:43:59 PM
Quote from: konehead on February 18, 2012, 02:58:59 PM
SO - conclusion is you cna really cut lenz lugging down by putting magnets bheind the cores....you need to find proper strength of magnets however to really "null" (?) the core...

Hi Doug,

well,  Putting the magnets behind the cores their effect is bringing the cores gradually towards the saturation region, effectively reducing the coil's original self inductance.  Induced voltage is proportional to coil's L inductance, if you experienced half as many induced voltage from it vs the no magnet case, then the coil's L value got reduced to half of its original value too. 
And if this is true (very likely), then this could explain the reduced Lenz effect too, unfortunately...  I think  because those strong magnets may make the gen coil eventually look like almost an air cored coil  but you know, even an air cored coil has Lenz effect, but due to its much less self inductance the drag is also less.   Perhaps connecting more gen coils into your setup and also using magnets behind their cores, the overall drag effect even if it is small could be seen more pronounced, and the eventual benefit of using magnets behind the cores in this setup as shown may turn out.  (I do not doubt there may be any advantage, only I say conventional physics can explain the less Lenz drag, unfortunately.)

Greetings, Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 18, 2012, 06:13:52 PM
Just another minor update.

I keep making changes as I progress on this work in progress.

I decided to start with bifiler coils first because these give more options so, rather than build another set of bobbins, I made a simple jig to unwind the existing coils then simply doubled the wire, twisted them together and rewound the coils. Actually easier to wind because it's half as many turns and can only fit about 21 feet of wire on each coil.

Also going to try working with regular switching versus solid state devices.

And I have compiled what I THINK I know about this Bill Muller/Phil Wood/RomeroUK device-

-Using offset number of coils, to rotor magnets, helps to significantly reduce cogging.
-Using both, North & South, sides of the magnets doubles number of coils that may be used.
-Using Bias magnets also helps to reduce cogging.
-Bias magnets change position of magnetic “blok wall” and significantly change the conductance of the coil.
-May not be necessary to operate as a high speed, “resonant” system.
-Coil cores should be constructed of high permeability, low hysteresis, materials such as ferrite or iron dust.
-Coil cores should be well insulated from windings.
-High current-low voltage may be preferred over low current-high voltage.
-Both Carmen Muller and RomeroUK demonstrated different, self-running, closed loop systems.
-Youtube also user-PMMG4HYBRID also demonstrates a self-running, closed-loop, system based on a combination of Howard Johnson style magnetic gates, super-efficient PM motor, high & low microfarad capacitors, low, or no, cogging alternator, and Back Electro-Magnetic Field (BEMF) coil and switching.
-There may be an advantage, such as less cogging and stronger AC currents, by off-setting stator plates.
-Bias magnet washers may serve to “focus” magnetic flux on the coil core therefore different size ID washers may have different effects.
-Bifiler wound coils offer many advantages including options to wire for high current or high voltage or collection of BEMF energy.
-Twisted or “Litz” wire increases exposure of surface areas to magnetic vortexes and keeps conductors extremely close to each other which may be beneficial for BEMF systems.
-BEMF recovery is best with “hard” switching, such as a straight switch, as opposed to solid state systems.
-A common ignition system switch known as “Breaker Points” or “Contact Points”, such as part #2-2008, is specifically designed to operate in high load, high temperature, high speed conditions and may have a convenient adjustment for “dwell” or length of “on time”. And I prefer the name “Breaker points” because that is where the work is accomplished, not when the switch closes but when the switch OPENS and BREAKS the circuit resulting in a collapse of the magnetic field.
-A 0.25 electrolytic capacitor, such as an old-school “condenser”, such as part #2-2203, aids in a “rapid collapse” of the magnetic field in a coil and significantly reduces arcing and deterioration of the breaker points.
-Typical ball bearings have less friction, and chatter, when used for horizontal shaft versus vertical shaft.
-Storage capacitors and energy converters, such as a DC-DC converter may be necessary to accomplish self-running configuration and protect motor-generator coils.
-Laser cut rotors are not perfect.
-My rotor is eight magnets therefore an eight lobe, ignition distributor, cam will work perfectly to operate my switching.
-Use non-ferrous materials such as plastics, brass, and 316 stainless steel, for the primary structure.
-My current coils are bifilar wound, #20 AWG, twisted to 4-5 turns per inch. Approximately 21 feet wound into 10mm ferrite bobbins with 1 3/16” OD and 3/4” inside width.
-My bearings are cheap, flange mount, sealed ball bearings with 5/8” OD X 1/4” ID.

And here is the latest photograph of the frame with switch plate and mock-up cam.
High resolution version is here:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 19, 2012, 12:47:00 AM
Stator pictures.
Used mounting tape to mount the coils.
Actually a very strong method if installed correctly with the proper materials, temperatures, and clean surfaces.
Only took a few minutes to mount 9 coils.
In fact the build is coming together rapidly.
Seems like anybody who can build stuff should be able to to throw one of these together.

Getting it to run the way I plan may be another challenge altogether.

High resolution images:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 19, 2012, 01:39:50 AM
hi all
I made a new video of some speed up and some reduced draw when coils are inserted into stator plates..its only 3 minutes to watch:
http://youtu.be/uaaEdGPO7C8 (http://youtu.be/uaaEdGPO7C8)
didnt really spend time tuning the gernator coil with proper size magnet stack on it - just went for 3 magnets since that is what is on the back of the lower motor coil too....probably whatever the resisitive load is going to be in first place should be applied to coil, then distance from rotor magnets and strength of magnets behind cores adjusted...in the case of this video, its a dead-short the "load" to the coil...
Gyula - I know what you mean, I got half the voltage, so also got half the lenz-effect more or less you are saying...but if coils is shorted, and there is a speed-up from magnets behind cores. and drop in draw to motor too, then thats all good...there are many things going on at once: airgap, rpms, load to coil, strength of backing magnets, also the postioning of hte magnets too, not so much directly behind cores, but a few millimeters this way and that way make for more and more speed up when you find sweet spot.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 19, 2012, 01:44:21 AM
Hi Scorch
where did yo see or hear of a closed-loop system that Carmen Muller demonstrated??
Is there a video somewhere of it? 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 19, 2012, 02:18:02 AM
I was writing about her MEMCA presentation.
It's linked at the top of the mullerpower.com page.

Part of her presentation is a video showing the newer prototype running in different configurations.
Including the one configuration where the dynamo is running on just one coil while the rest is output to a light bulb at about 54:35 into the video.

Not sure if that's totally "closed loop".
His explanation is something like this: 'Shutting off all but one channel then drawing off excess energy to power a 100 watt bulb'.
Do not know if any of that 100 watts of energy was used to run that one channel of the motor-generator.
Which is also demonstrated to run on as little as one volt...

RomeroUK's video, on the other hand, was a different system, with bias magnets and litz wound coils, that did appear to be a closed loop, self running, system.

The only other video I have seen, lately, apparently demonstrating a closed loop system is this:

Which I believe is a really good example of a self runner that doesn't require any sophisticated, solid state, controls or a resonant system.
And I believe it demonstrates other ways in which this desktop, Muller, Dynamo may work such as low loss switching and combinations of capacitors.

It is my intention to get my replication to operate on just one (or one pair) motor coil. Then I will see where I can go from there.
Hope to have something interesting to demonstrate some day.


Quote from: konehead on February 19, 2012, 01:44:21 AM
Hi Scorch
where did yo see or hear of a closed-loop system that Carmen Muller demonstrated??
Is there a video somewhere of it?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 19, 2012, 04:25:44 AM
Quote from: konehead on February 19, 2012, 01:39:50 AM
hi all
I made a new video of some speed up and some reduced draw when coils are inserted into stator plates..its only 3 minutes to watch:
http://youtu.be/uaaEdGPO7C8 (http://youtu.be/uaaEdGPO7C8)
didnt really spend time tuning the gernator coil with proper size magnet stack on it - just went for 3 magnets since that is what is on the back of the lower motor coil too....probably whatever the resisitive load is going to be in first place should be applied to coil, then distance from rotor magnets and strength of magnets behind cores adjusted...in the case of this video, its a dead-short the "load" to the coil...
Gyula - I know what you mean, I got half the voltage, so also got half the lenz-effect more or less you are saying...but if coils is shorted, and there is a speed-up from magnets behind cores. and drop in draw to motor too, then thats all good...there are many things going on at once: airgap, rpms, load to coil, strength of backing magnets, also the postioning of hte magnets too, not so much directly behind cores, but a few millimeters this way and that way make for more and more speed up when you find sweet spot.
Hi Konehead,
     Nice video again, i see your coil's wire is shorted on your backing magnets, maybe that's why you got shocked, i also got shocked a few times, when connecting a load (bulb) while holding the output leads, sometimes the connection gets loose, then there goes the bemf spike, sure is a wakeup call when a little bit sleepy lol... ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 19, 2012, 11:35:32 AM
Quote from: konehead on February 19, 2012, 01:39:50 AM
hi all
I made a new video of some speed up and some reduced draw when coils are inserted into stator plates..its only 3 minutes to watch:
http://youtu.be/uaaEdGPO7C8 (http://youtu.be/uaaEdGPO7C8)
didnt really spend time tuning the gernator coil with proper size magnet stack on it - just went for 3 magnets since that is what is on the back of the lower motor coil too....probably whatever the resisitive load is going to be in first place should be applied to coil, then distance from rotor magnets and strength of magnets behind cores adjusted...in the case of this video, its a dead-short the "load" to the coil...
Gyula - I know what you mean, I got half the voltage, so also got half the lenz-effect more or less you are saying...but if coils is shorted, and there is a speed-up from magnets behind cores. and drop in draw to motor too, then thats all good...there are many things going on at once: airgap, rpms, load to coil, strength of backing magnets, also the postioning of hte magnets too, not so much directly behind cores, but a few millimeters this way and that way make for more and more speed up when you find sweet spot.

Hi Doug,

Your new video is 'right on the money'  i.e.  you show input current and add the shorted coil with core and back magnets, very good,  thank you.  Now things can get exciting because of the many questions like how much power you can get from the coil when you remove the short, also you may apply the bidirectional MOSFET switch for shorting this coil at the peaks to enhance output,  how many more such gen coils could be used in this setup with the same lack of the drag etc etc.  Keep up the great work.

Greetings,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 19, 2012, 01:09:12 PM
Hi Crazycut
I got shocked while installing one of those stacks of magnets.
The coil it was placed behind was the motor coil in top plate, and it wasnt shorted either - it was a motor coil that was being pulsed and motor was running, so it must have something to do with the backspike, maybe a "neutral spike' that is funciton of the core, and the steel washer, and I was the conduit to ground....
When I touched the magnet to the flat steel washer, I got a HV sort of shock going up my left arm as I was holding magnets in left hand - it happened to me twice...I didnt make any contact with the coil wires or switching or anything but for the flat washer while holding magnets is interesting thing.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 19, 2012, 01:25:47 PM
Hi Gyula
Its very interesting since nothign makes sense with the magnets behind cores. I can see why Romero said he really couldnt explain it in black and white terms and its jsut alot of adjustments and time spent testing to get it right....
I get a big speed up with no cores underneath the magnets, and no coils  - just magnets postioned in their postiions where eventually they speed up the rotor
the strength of the magnets (stack size) is veyr important for the maximum speed up - probably just like resonance, you can go too far with the strengh of thsoe magnets, and it slows so what I do is build up the stacks magnet by magnets unitl I get maximum speed, then when I add one magnet too many in the stack, it will slow so that is as far as I can go....also eveything is related to - as if you have jsut one stack or when you start adding  a set of 4 stacks in their positions on the plates....
anyways the speed up in the video - I can get that WITHOUT generator coils there without cores, without cores being shorted - its a "function" of the "backing magnet" stacks against the rotor magnets....and you have to spend time in placement of the backing magnets and their strength, also sometimes you dont want them all facing same way (Romero reported this too)
so you could say that video is a little deceptive - since the lenz-effect is "still there" but being cancelled-out or "dominated" by the strengthof the speed-up caused by the backing magnets...at least that is how I see it...could be wrong...
what I want to try pretty soon is aircoils and no cores in coils  - then I will have a little better idea in what relationship the cores are to any speed up going on.
Talking generator coils now - but in the MOTOR coils, I think cores are necessary for the big speed up you get with magnets behind them....but could be wrong it might work out aircores work better in motor coils but doubt it right now.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 19, 2012, 02:35:55 PM
I recently wrote some things that I THINK I know about this device including what appears to be a self runner in Carmen Miller's MEMCA presentation video.
Where, at around 54:35 into the video, the dynamo is configured to have all except one channel "off" while using the "excess energy" to power a 120v, 100 watt bulb.

The question in my mind is: When he says 15 of 16 channels "OFF", are these 15 channels completely off and NOT used at all?!?
Or are they merely off as motor channels and only used as generator channels?

IF they are completely "OFF"; does this imply the system may be configured to produce enough "excess energy" to power 15 more 120v, 100 watt, bulbs?

In the photos of Bill Muller's earlier prototype; there are at least 5 bulbs on one side.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 20, 2012, 03:15:46 AM
Hi Konehead,
    Ok, its from the hv spike from the motor coil, do you have a shunt diode in your circuit that limits bemf? is it possible that the bemf is huge that it jumps to the core through your hand and your body as a potential ground?
    From what i see in your videos its really possible to have a looper... ;)  can't wait to see... keep it comming! and thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on February 20, 2012, 12:42:07 PM
Quote from: konehead on February 19, 2012, 01:25:47 PM
I get a big speed up with no cores underneath the magnets, and no coils  - just magnets postioned in their postiions where eventually they speed up the rotor

Hey Kone, I can confirm this. I once attached a magnet to one side of the bearings housing and the rotor speed would climb. When I added more magnets the speed would increase further up to a certain amount.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 20, 2012, 02:22:09 PM
Hi guys
I have speedup with the magnets around the rotor  but in my case , the magnets are reducing a lot the vibrations and this is why i got speedup Isn't this your case too?
I'm exploring the potential of my new build and all i get is lenz from the gen coils  ;D .
But the interesting thing is happening with the magnets behind the driving coils. It speeds up with a load on the gen coil.
Below are shots of the signal over the driving coil with and without magnets
I also remember that Romero said  all the gen coil are becoming driving coils and that only two pairs of driving coils is enough to make it self run.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 20, 2012, 02:26:28 PM
Hi Crazycut
For sure it felt like a backemf/recoil spike, BUT there was no "electircal" connection between me and the coil, or the switching...so seems like it came from the CORE which is interesting thing.
I didnt have a backemf "steering" diode connected -  so the spike was there, ready to go somewhere - I guess it took a route through the core (ferrite and its non-conductive so tha tis interesting) then it hit a conductive-route of going through the flat steel washer. through the nickel plating of the neomagnet stack, into my hand and up my arm until my heart worked like a capacitor (just kidding but then again probably where it ended up)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 20, 2012, 03:38:46 PM
Hi Mariu
Yes when it speeds up there is lots less "vibrations" and also sounds better but I dont think getting rid of vibrations is what the "speed up" magnets do - its more of fact that is what happens "from" the speed up - its not the cause of the speed up.
My romero-variants sounded super-sweet and smooth and quiet when I finally got it to reach 1800rpm @ 200ma draw but didnt film that...this was with all coils and magnets in place and it was very touchy moving a magnet a1mm this way would make the rpms drop...
I dont think there is need to put magnets "directly" behind the generator coils - but do think there is need for putting them directly behind the MOTOR coils, since this works as "regauging" the cores of the motor coil's core...so motor ocil and gernator coils are seperate things and behaviors to backing magnets and cores etc...
Seems to me the placement of the GENRATOR coils is one "entity" and the placement of the "stator speed up magnets" is seperate entity. (on generator-coil subject, not drive-coil subject) 
I got message from the mr R yesterday who said that he got speed up with AIRCORES, and flat washer only (no cores) on the generator side of it too...so this means the STATOR MAGNETS "behind" the generator coils, dont really react to the cores there, maybe not to the coils either, (!)  is my theory - it is sort of  a huge speed up you get when you put in place all the stator magnets, then the genrator coils go in "afterwards" and just dont put them in so close to the rotor magnets so that the lenz-effect will dominate - make the stator-magmet speed effect "dominate" (!) keep the genrator ocils and the power they make WITHIN the domination and "rule" of the speed up magnets....that last video I show, if I stick that genrator coil to close to rotor magnets, then lenz "takes over" but keep them a bit further away , and the speed up of the stator magnets dominates...
So maybe that statement by romeor was a bit confusing, saying the generator coils will "work" as drive coils....I bet actually the generator coils jsut generated power, but the MAGNETS that HAPPENED TO BE behind those generator coils is the "DRIVE" part of it - and because of fact Romeor "happened to have" his magnets behind each of his genrator coils,  he was assuming thats where they needed to be, to "react" to their ferrite cores....but in fact I bet if he had more time to experiment he could of got lots more power with new placements and strengths to those "backing magnets" behind the generator coils on the stator plates and in fact didnt even need the cores there, in the generator coils too,.....
motor coils is other story - I think cores needed there, and magnet right behind too...maybe magnet abit this way or that way too...
try taking out all your generator coils, get it to run on the motor coils only - use backing magnets on the motor coils too as you have now...
Then take a bunch of  magnets, and start sticking them on top of flat steel washers around you stator plates, in general vicinity of where the gernator coils were....stack the magnets up, to make more strength to them....somewhere you will find a speed -up point on stoator plate  - then stack more magnets on that stack, unti lit speeds up more and so stack more and more on that one point.....keep stacking until it slows and that is far as you can go, in THAT position...
then do it again - now using same stack size as you just found worked best jsut to give yourself somewhere to start at in "stack-size"... move this 2nd stack of magnets around stator plate until THEY give more speed up too...then jsut keep going like that - think of yourself as being taken over by ghost of Howard Johnson....1mm this way or that way can give dramatic speed up, or nothing at all...
what you are trying to create is a "hybrid"  Permanent Magnet Motor, with all the stator magnets you put down,  reacting to the rotor magnets and finve the huge speed up....but using the drive coil as means to keep it going while you discover where to put the stator magnets (the hybrid part of it)...
then put genrator coils in afterward, and dont let their lenz effect dominate - let them be under the dominion of the PMM forces....this is what I am seeing right now....impossible to say put the magnets here and there on stator plates of this and that strength and polarity too,  you have to experiment adjust and test but that is fun eh..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 20, 2012, 07:32:27 PM
Hi Konehead
I still cant ''see'' how the backing magnets would help spin the rotor. Anyway, I'll remove the gen coils and cores and try to get some more speed with the magnets. I'm also interested about the  strange spikes in the midle of the pulse that occourse only with the magnets behind. It's not bemf couse this spike is in the midle of the pulse. Now i'm running the rotor  with romero's driving circuit couse is simple  but i'll try the  mosfets circuit.The driving circuit has a diode that recovers some power and send it back to the battery. I have disconnected the diode and connected a 4700uF cap and filled up to 20V. This is strange couse the pulse is only 12.5V
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on February 20, 2012, 11:25:48 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on February 20, 2012, 07:32:27 PM
Hi Konehead
I still cant ''see'' how the backing magnets would help spin the rotor. Anyway, I'll remove the gen coils and cores and try to get some more speed with the magnets. I'm also interested about the  strange spikes in the midle of the pulse that occourse only with the magnets behind. It's not bemf couse this spike is in the midle of the pulse. Now i'm running the rotor  with romero's driving circuit couse is simple  but i'll try the  mosfets circuit.The driving circuit has a diode that recovers some power and send it back to the battery. I have disconnected the diode and connected a 4700uF cap and filled up to 20V. This is strange couse the pulse is only 12.5V


A long time ago on this thread I mentioned what were the components that were necessary (at least I believe it to be) to make this motor happen.

One was what I called that "tri-gate" or Howard Johnson gate that attracts the train and repels it at the other side and Howard explained that the magnet gives a PULSE when that happens.

I think you are finding the PULSE now and somehow the disposition of your magnets (back and rotor) plust the dynamic magnetic field of the coil at that moment is creating this "tri-gate" phenomena and giving this extra pulse on your scope.

It is very difficult to explain what I am saying so my advice is to look into Howard Johnson magnetic motor and his explanations about it so that you can understand and hopefully improve your replication motor.

Great work and persistance my friend.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 21, 2012, 02:01:11 PM
Hi Plengo and all

Nice to hear from you again. I know about the magnetic gate that Howard Jonson invented but i dont think that this is the case. He was using lots more magnets and they were not all neos. Some of the magnets were from rubber and they had the possibillity to flip the polarity or something like that.
I think i know from were do those little pulses came from. They are from the magnet of the rotor but is amplified by the backing magnets of the driving coil. It is the peak from the sine wave that is created by the driving coil. With the diode we send it back to the battery. When the peak is higher than the pulse then the driving coil becomes a gen coil too but only half sine. This is another reason why the rpm doesn't go so high.

I have removed all the gen coils from the stator plates and the vibrations are allmost zero. Also the speedup effect with the magnets is gone too. As i susppected ( in my case) the magnets were reducing the vibration allowing the rotor to spin free. I'm using  a VCR head as bearing wich is verry precise; the vibrations came from the stator plates wich are only 6mm thick.

From my point of view, we need some kind of ''divine intervention'' to give us a kick in the ass to go further

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 21, 2012, 02:46:05 PM
Hi Marisivic
Best way for some divine intervention I can recommend besides prayers is to get handfuls of thin neo magnets - and put them behind your motor coil, one by one.....wait a minute or so after putting them on the back of the motor coil, since the "act" of placing them there will slow the rotor and you might not think they do anything good.,,,but if you wait and IF they are going to do good, you will get an increase in speed...ammeter wont show the speed-up. as less draw, but the rpm meter will....so let it speed up until it settles...then add another magnet stacked on top of that one...again just the act of putting it there might slow it, but wait awhile wihtout touching anythin...see if it really helps....once you get some speed up then adjsut timing a bit more advanced...you will get more speed up...then go back and stack magnets again on bottom motor coil or top motor coil again...
when it starts to slow when you pop another magnet on top and you have let it settle with "hands off", then that is far as you can go wiith the motor coils...
now whatever size stack worked with the motor coils, then use same size stack to affect the rotor magnets in other places on the stator PLATE (this now gets into mysterious "who knows" Howard Johnson territory) - start at 180 degrees off from motor coils, and adjust 1mm this way and that way - again, just grabbing the magnet stack to adjsut, and putting pressure on it will casue it to slow!
So what I do is keep pressure on that magnet stack, and move it in very slow spiraling circles outward (1/2mm changes)and keep eyes on the rpm meter.....you might get it to go up 20rpm is all but that is good - you found something that causes speed up.....now take hands off everything and let it speed up for a minute or so utnil it settles....now you might get 80rpm or 200rpm even, increase in speed after you let it settle hands-off eveything....so now you have that one working....now try another stack - probably in a nearby-potisions of where your odd-number of generator coils would be...do same thing again - go ahead and let it slow when you put pressure on magnet and spiral it around slowly in very small steps until you find a minor speed up, then take hands off let it speed up if it does ...pretty soon you will have doubled your speed...now go and adjsut the timing again...a bit more advanced again - very slightly - sometimes the timing adjust will raise rpms again anohter 200rpm...
Once you get the stack "positions" then experiment with the stack "length" or the strength of the magnets.....again by plopping on one magnet at a time, let it settle to see if any good is being done and look with rpm meter for any minor speed up - if you see somethign good them stack another until you can see the stack is as high as you can go and the rpoms drop wiht any further magnet strength.
the eventual timing you will have at the high speed will nor even run it at start up!!! it will sit there trying to go but timing is way off for start up or slow speeds  - so to get it going, spin the rotor somehow pretty fast and let it take over...
anyways you are looking at 2 or 3 hr session to get somethign good happening, and lots of magnets needed too...excpect some pain from getting fingers pinched...
could be your hall effects are affected by the backing and stator magnets and you might have to swtich to opto-interuppters...I ordered some last week since my halls occaisonal will stick ON from certain magnet postions and polarities even though I made the timning disc even further away so its now on a very high tower away from the rotor and stator plates and magnets...to be 100% reliable and to have complete freedom of stack size and postions and polarities, it might need to be 3 feet away or in other room even...so going to use optos once they come in...I've never used them before, but doesnt look that hard - just need a disc on shaft with slots in it basically to let the light through, then two optos with one disc, and the optos in series - then I can adjsut pulse width while it runs too...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 21, 2012, 03:12:58 PM
Another minor update.

Got all coils completed and mounted on the 1/4" acrylic stator plates and assembled the stator plates with rotor which is currently supported by just a 1/4" stainless all thread and 1/4" ball bearings.
Can already see some interesting characteristics of this set up where the rotor has a "sweet spot" where it just kind of 'floats' between the stator plates.
And when I rotate one stator plate there are different positions where the rotor might have more than one 'home' position.
And, even though I have not yet installed any bias magnets, its quite easy to spin the rotor by hand.

BUT, as I had already suspected, the small 1/4" shaft and ball bearings are totally insufficient to handle the forces and even the 1/4" acrylic stator plates might be a little weak.
And I decided to upgrade to a 3/8" precision shaft with 3/8" precision bronze bearings to be mounted in 1/2" thick stator plates.

SO; I am now waiting for parts again. . .

And, of course, after building that again; will probably still want to build a better rotor because the holes in this laser cut rotor are not completely square and each magnet is at a slight angle. . .

SO, apparently, if you want it done CORRECTLY; do NOT rely on the professional 'perfection' of a 'precision', high end, laser cutter and do it by HAND!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 22, 2012, 04:33:03 PM
Hi Scorch and all
Your rotor looks just like mine; the same laser cut not perfect vertical.


I went back to my 24 mags NSNS to find some sweat spot there and after all I got some overspeed. The only thing i can think is that the ferrite bar is creating some drag and the magnet neutralise it. I have tried different magnets but the effect is always the same. Is not gaining much : 15-20rpm but is happening only when the magnet is attached to the ferrite. In any other possition the hall is affected. Behind the coil(wich is not connected) seems not.
The video is 8 min of borring rotating disk  but the effect is there.
The disk spins free; the ampmetter shows 22-33mA(12V) to get it at 1200-1400rpm.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 22, 2012, 07:46:17 PM
Yes, well, not good enough for me.
And it turns out the same company ( www.plasticareinc.com ), and local store, DOES have a CNC machine.
So I ordered three more rotors; cut from 1/2" lexan instead of acrylic.
I ordered three because most of the cost is for set-up and just a little more for the extra materials.
Going to cost $100 for three precision rotors.

On a side note:
As I disassembled my 1/4" stator plates I discovered that a few of the 3m mounting tapes were not holding very well.
The rest were pretty solid but I do have a concern these mounting tapes are just not sufficient; especially since the rotor magnets are constantly pulling on them.
So the new, 1/2", stator plates will have the coils glued/welded directly to the plates.
Which will be stronger, safer, and not have any foam "cushion" or movement under the coils.

Guess I'll just have to fabricate new stator plates if I want to try a different coil configuration.

That is all for now.


Quote from: mariuscivic on February 22, 2012, 04:33:03 PM
Hi Scorch and all
Your rotor looks just like mine; the same laser cut not perfect vertical.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 22, 2012, 08:30:16 PM
Hey Scorch

may be better to glue the coils to small thin plexy plates that can be then attached to the larger mounting plates. Its cheaper and easier if you have to make changes. Coil modules. ;]  Plastic/nylon screws/bolts from home depot or lowes to attach the modules.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 23, 2012, 02:59:14 AM
Hi guys

I have removed the coil from the rotor and the rpm went higher than before. So the magnet was just neutralising the litlle drag produced by the core. I'm removing the video
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 23, 2012, 05:30:31 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on February 22, 2012, 08:30:16 PM
Hey Scorch

may be better to glue the coils to small thin plexy plates that can be then attached to the larger mounting plates. Its cheaper and easier if you have to make changes. Coil modules. ;]  Plastic/nylon screws/bolts from home depot or lowes to attach the modules.

Hi Scorch,
    I agree with mags, also we need to have an adjustable coil, so we can easily adjust the distance of each coil.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 23, 2012, 09:56:23 AM
Hi all

I have seen in mr. R videos a type of bifilar coil that cancels eachother the output. But when adding a magnet behind the coil there is output. i have found a sweat spot that doesn't affect the rpm when the leds are lit. The coils in the video are using this principle but i'll make one for further experiments.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 23, 2012, 03:38:28 PM
Hi Mariu
I assume the coil then is series-adding bifilar, and series "Cancelling" too? Then when you add magnet, it then makes voltage?
the quesiton is, is the magnet ITSELF causing the speed up, reacting to the rotor magnets?
And is the cancelling of lenz affect in the coil under load becasue of the magnet making rotor go up in speed.
But, lenz is sort of still there but is being "cancelled-out" by the speed up instead of slow-down as is usual - all because of those magnets....
try to get that magnet to speed up rotor all on its own, no coil in front of it, no core in front of it...I can do this all the time lately big time speed up too...
Also dont forget the flat steel washer back there - I think that has alot do do with it not sure why though.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 23, 2012, 04:01:44 PM
Hi Doug,

What I see from the latest video from Marius the rpm of the rotor does not change when he places the magnet stack behind the coil.  And this seems to be a good direction, especially if he connected the bifilar coil in series cancelling direction where the output voltage is less than half a volt unloaded and without the backing magnets and nearly 1.9V loaded by the leds with the backing magnets and 3V unloaded and with the backing magnets in place:  during all this the rpm stays.
I think what may happen here is that the Bloch wall is "marching" in the core in a dircetion lengthwise when the backing magnets are in place and any one rotor magnet passes the core, this is the flux change causing unbalance in the bifilar induction. 
Perhaps using some further similar cores with the same number of bifilar coils with backing and connecting them both first parallel (as Romero did via the diode bridges) and in series too to see if rpm is affected or not. What do you think (if you consider the bifilar in series cancel mode)?
Yes, the washers effect is also important.

Thanks,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 23, 2012, 04:06:36 PM
Interesting proposal. Not sure if this may be 'better'.

May I analyze this?

As it is now; the current stator plates are just plain, acrylic disks, that each have 4 mounting holes and 1 bearing hole therefore only takes a few minutes to fabricate then use acrylic weld cement to attach the coils.
And, if current coils are unsatisfactory, have to set that aside and build a new pair of stator plates complete with coils.

Am I to understand the new proposal is as such?
Build the same plates, but also use additional materials to fabricate 18 acrylic mounts, drill 72 additional holes, tap 36 holes to accept nylon, machine thread, screws, cement coils to said mounts, install mounts with screws, while, at the same time, making sure everything is still perfectly aligned and no gaps under mounts, or movement around screws,.
And, if coils are unsatisfactory, have to either re-wind or install new coils onto 18 new acrylic mounts, complete with 36 new holes and reinstall 36 screws.

This is cheaper and easier?!?

Interesting plan, for additional fabrication and versatility, and I will certainly consider this proposal in the future.
But, for right now, my plan is to make my current creation actually work and won't need to replace the stator, EVER.

It WILL work!!! :)

The opinions, and positions, of the persona 'Scorch' are not, necessarily, the opinions, or positions, of this Creator.


Who says coils have to have round ends?
If I am going to fabricate acrylic mounting plates; why not just make oval, or rectangular, coil ends with mounting holes and completely eliminate glue?

Now THIS may actually be easier!
Instead of cutting circles; can simply cut strips and cut the strips, to the desired length, and drill the same hole, for the ferrite rod, plus mounting holes.
This would also provide an easy way to mount coil bobbins (with no center hole) onto a winding jig.

Quote from: Magluvin on February 22, 2012, 08:30:16 PM
Hey Scorch

may be better to glue the coils to small thin plexy plates that can be then attached to the larger mounting plates. Its cheaper and easier if you have to make changes. Coil modules. ;]  Plastic/nylon screws/bolts from home depot or lowes to attach the modules.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 23, 2012, 04:35:08 PM

The distance of each coil?
Is this in reference to the distance BETWEEN coils?

I think ZFF had mentioned the capability to adjust individual coils in relation to the rotor.
Not sure if this would be a great advantage.

If coils are consistently wound there should be no need to adjust one closer, or further away, from the rotor.
And the bias magnet position, or size, is just as good for adjustments of individual coils.

One of the biggest issues I see is the consistency of the magnets in the rotor.
I think that if their magnetic strength, or flux pattern, are not all within 5-10% of each other this may have a substantial effect on performance.


Quote from: crazycut06 on February 23, 2012, 05:30:31 AM
Hi Scorch,
    I agree with mags, also we need to have an adjustable coil, so we can easily adjust the distance of each coil.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 23, 2012, 05:30:25 PM
Hi Marius,

I assume the scope shows the induced voltage waveforms and when you connect the 24 leds and place the backing magnets behind the core, the waveform peaks seems to be cut only a little which means about  1.1 Volt from the positive and the negative peaks each (3-1.9=1.1 if I consider the DVM values, on the scope this seems less difference if we consider the full peak to peak value). 
So what I mean with this is that the led diodes as a load do not behave as real loads like a resistor would,  below the leds forward voltage there is no load current and over the forward voltage there is load current.  Understand this?   
Let's say one full waveform is 2 millisec long in time and the loading current can only flow for much less than 2ms, just during the positive and the negative voltage peaks whose time length is say only 2 x 200 microsecond=400us=0.4ms  this is 20% of the 2ms waveform one full period in this example and there is no any load for the rest of the waveform period of 80%.  This means Lenz if is present at all, it can only be present for 20% not for 100%.
So you may want to repeat the test with a resistor load which is surely present as a load for 100% of the waveform time period and then see the rpm change if there is any Lenz drag at all in this present setup.
(In this example I assume 12 led diodes load the positive half of the  induced voltage and 12 led diodes load the negative one, is this correct?)

Thanks,  Gyula

PS Please confirm if you connected the bifilar coils in series cancel direction?  (i.e.  one end of a coil is connected to also the end of the other coil and the output is taken from the two start wires?  or vice versa)

Quote from: mariuscivic on February 23, 2012, 09:56:23 AM
Hi all

I have seen in mr. R videos a type of bifilar coil that cancels eachother the output. But when adding a magnet behind the coil there is output. i have found a sweat spot that doesn't affect the rpm when the leds are lit. The coils in the video are using this principle but i'll make one for further experiments.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocrpEpL-D9M&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocrpEpL-D9M&feature=youtu.be)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 24, 2012, 01:48:21 AM
Hi Gyula and Mariu
So the LEDs might not be such a good load to test if Lenz has vanished or not, since they work like diodes so they are not offically a resistive load?
Also Mariu, do you have that larger coil you stick magnets behind, in bifilar-wind? And, it is series-cancelling, so you get practically nothing from it in voltage, but when you add the magnets then is sort of jams the bloch wall forward like Gyual mentions with it "marching",  and this upsets the balance of  the coil (sort of) so that then the magnet behind the core, make the coil make some decent voltage - all the while no extra draw...
One thing is, what is the amperage created when the LEDs light up? It could be such low amperage that that is reason there is no lenz effect seen by ammeter....mabye rpm meter will show drop of 10 or 20 rpms that you can't really "see" with ammeter or scope showing the shapes...
Also Gyula mentions somehting about a diode bridge, across each coil, (I assume he means the bifilar) and then also the coil is connected series-adding and canceling-seires too...this would be neat thing if it is that easy to  take power out of coils lenz-free.,...
so: bifilar series cancelling winds, magnet of proper strength and distance behind core, and power comes out from both halves of bifilar at once into load using two diode bridges...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 24, 2012, 07:48:20 AM
Hi guys

Yes, it is a lenz coil too. I have built other 3 to make sure of that. But anyway it is interesting  how it works. The rotor is NSNS; haven't tested yet on NNNN.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 24, 2012, 12:32:24 PM
Quote from: konehead on February 24, 2012, 01:48:21 AM
Hi Gyula and Mariu
So the LEDs might not be such a good load to test if Lenz has vanished or not, since they work like diodes so they are not offically a resistive load? 

Hi Doug,

I agree, the strange thing is that LEDs behave as a load only when the AC peak voltage is higher across them then their forward voltage (3.1V for a single white LED) and when the AC voltage goes below that, then the LED behaves as open circuit just like an Si diode below 0.7V.  I attached a picture which includes a single cycle of an AC sine wave with 8V peak to peak amplitude and I show a LED pair connected in antiparallel.  The so called current 'caps' or 'hats' shown below the sine wave are meant to represent current and the horizontal width of these 'hats' indicate the time when the LEDs are able to conduct within a single AC cycle.  When the LEDs can conduct the current is limited by the R series resistor.
IF you connect all the LEDs uniformly i.e. all the anodes are joined and all the cathodes are joined to form a 'single big'  LED and then you connect this 'big' LED to such an AC voltage as shown then the real loading effect from this big LED would further be restricted to only a single current 'hat' within one AC cycle instead of the antiparallel case with the two current 'hats'.
(By the way those current 'caps or hats' waveforms I show in the picture could be seen by a scope across the resistor R.)

One more thing: if you use a full wave diode bridge without a puffer cap, then the rectified waveform looks like as two (positive) half sinewaves within one cycle and if you now load the bridge output with LEDs (uniformly connected of course, not antiparallel) then these LEDs still do NOT represent a full load on the original AC waveform because the half sinewaves will have amplitudes which will be below the LEDs forward voltage threshold, just like in the non-rectified case.  This is why a puffer capacitor is needed at the bridge output to store energy when the AC half waveforms are near the zero line or are less than the LEDs forward voltage.  So with the puffer capacitor in place the (uniformly) connected LEDs now represent a full load to the original AC waveform, in every single moment within a full cycle, as if they were a resistor.
I uploaded a second picture to show this diode bridge situation, substitute LEDs in place of the load resistor  (nothing special of course).


Thanks for showing your coil style, this is not what I imagined yesterday, :)   I show in a picture below what I meant but probably in that case the induced voltage in your setup shown would be much less than what you find with your shown coils arrangement.
I assume you already tested a bifilar coil (as I show the bifilar coil with guiding two wires in parallel close to each other, the start of both wires are joined and left floating and the end of the wires are the output points) and maybe you found they give output but it is rather small, much less than what you have shown in the video yesterday?

Perhaps you may wish to test your LED array as a load with a diode bridge and a puffer capacitor  OR just use a single resistor instead of the LED array: the value of this resistor would be approximately  3V/(12*10mA)= 25 Ohm  try using any value between 22 to 47 Ohm and place the scope across it like you placed it across the LEDs in the video.

Thanks,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 24, 2012, 02:07:53 PM
Hi Gyula
Thank you for the detailed explanation.
A normal bifilar series canceling curent is giving me nothing on the output. This new coil I saw it first in one of Mr. R videos and he put a document on his site about this bifilar mirror image coil. This is just a picture from the patent; i cant upload it here.  I was going to look for it in the site but:
Connection Problems Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database.  This may be caused by the server being busy.  Please try again later. Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 24, 2012, 03:06:27 PM
Hi Mariu
What do you mean by "its a lenz coil too" - is this a typo, and you mean that it is a "no-lenz coil too"
or do you mean it does suffer from lenz?
That is interesting idea, to wind a coil in opposite directions on the core with it attached in middle seems like it should do some crazy things for sure - do you take out power through two FWBRS or diode bridges at once, one on one half, and other on other half?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 24, 2012, 03:20:25 PM
Hi Konhead

It suffers from lenz too. It slows down the rotor. Also the output is given by the strenght of the backing magnet. It is interesting when putting behind the core only a washer: lenz is 2-3 times bigger and the output is half with the leds connected
I have tried FWBRS, and 1,2,3,4 diodes. In the vid is only a normal FWBR.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 24, 2012, 04:46:02 PM
Hi Marius,

I knew about the patent you show a Figure from on the coil winding, it is US4806834 and if you copy and past the number 4806834 into this link http://www.pat2pdf.org/ (http://www.pat2pdf.org/)  you can freely download it in PDF file format.

Ok on you bifilar coils test with giving no or very little output when the windings use parallel guided wires, I expected it because my L inductance measurements on such bifilar coils in the past showed a few microHenry resultant inductance in series opposing connection when each of the coils alone were in the milliHenry range
The winding style the patent above suggests do not fully cancel the self inductance as much as the parallel guided wires in the bifilar do but as you found it suffers from Lenz too, this is what you mean above to Doug I think.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 25, 2012, 04:08:58 AM
Hi all
I wanted to see how to collect the backemf/recoil with a bidirectional mosfet circuit that also has pulswidth control to it too, this circuit using two pairs of bidirectional mosfets, and one pair is normallyOFF switchesON and the other is normallyON switchesOFF and each pair has its own halleffect, so the pulse widht is adjsuted by distance between halleffects...
Anyways I was wondering how to take the  backemf/recoil out when using this circuit - there being 4 seperate mosfets in it.... and turns out the only way to collect it, is through the mosfet "C" as shown in this drawing....logically you would think mosfet "D" being the last in line would be the one to "tap" but that one puts out nothing, and the diode and cap need to connect to mosfet "C" then the cap fills up super fast and the "fzzzzzt" sound from the motor coil dissapears too.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on February 25, 2012, 07:46:59 AM
Hi Marius, Kone and Guyla!

Very very thanks for your draws and schematics in the previous posts, it's very help when not english tongue to understand, especially for such difference like Guyla's "Bifilard Cancelling coil" and Marius "Normal Series Cancelling Coils" :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 25, 2012, 08:03:10 PM
Hi guys

Today i have build a new rotor NNNN to test the new coil.
Playing with it, i have found some some anomaly about the sinewave.The coil is connected is series adding.
When the coil is under load, half sine doesn't ''bend'' like the other one or like in any normal coil. To make sure of that i have placed only one diode and to use only half sine.

1- new rotor hand made NNNN ( came out pretty good)

2- sine wave of the coil with no load

3- sine wave form with 4W light bulb connected (see the difference between positive and negative  sine?)

4- sine wave with FWBR and 4W light bulb

5- sine wave after the the FWBR and 4W light bulb

6- connection of the coils

When loading only the negative sine, there is allmost no difference in the sinewave.If you dont look clossly to the scope, you dont see it. The bad thing  is that lens is bigger (than loading only positive sine) and the output is less too.
I think that every one should build this type of coil for testing. There is one more cool thing about this coil but must do more tests to bee sure of it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 25, 2012, 08:46:10 PM
Nice Marius

Do you have a separator between coils front and back, or is it one coil on top of another?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 26, 2012, 02:02:28 AM
HI Mags

No separator; the coils are not one in top of the other; they are placed one in back of the other. It is the right coil from picture 1
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 26, 2012, 02:38:08 AM
Hi Mariu
IF you place another gernator coil like one you have now, right exactly in beween the two rotor magnets, while the existing genrator coil is lined up like in photo (as is shown with it directly facing the rotor magnet) you should get a really nice perfect AC sinewave when the two generator coils are connected in series (paralell doesnt work for some reason) and also connect the coils in "backwards" series too...
in other words if both coils are wound same direction such as  left hand rule, have the OUT of coil A connect to the OUT of coil B then the two output wires are the IN of coil A and the IN of coil B and this is where you see the AC sinewave...it also doubles the frequency too...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on February 26, 2012, 05:09:46 AM
Here it is the other cool effect of the coil. With a small drop in rpm ( less than 30rpms) the coil rises the voltage on the light bulb from 0.92 to 1.26 and stays there.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH7YQ_gOWAY&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH7YQ_gOWAY&feature=youtu.be)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 26, 2012, 08:45:33 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on February 25, 2012, 08:03:10 PM
Hi guys

Today i have build a new rotor NNNN to test the new coil.
Playing with it, i have found some some anomaly about the sinewave.The coil is connected is series adding.
When the coil is under load, half sine doesn't ''bend'' like the other one or like in any normal coil. To make sure of that i have placed only one diode and to use only half sine.

1- new rotor hand made NNNN ( came out pretty good)

2- sine wave of the coil with no load

3- sine wave form with 4W light bulb connected (see the difference between positive and negative  sine?)

4- sine wave with FWBR and 4W light bulb

5- sine wave after the the FWBR and 4W light bulb

6- connection of the coils

When loading only the negative sine, there is allmost no difference in the sinewave.If you dont look clossly to the scope, you dont see it. The bad thing  is that lens is bigger (than loading only positive sine) and the output is less too.
I think that every one should build this type of coil for testing. There is one more cool thing about this coil but must do more tests to bee sure of it.

Hi Marius,

The difference between the two half waves within a single cycle can be due to the bigger physical distance of the coil on the outside wrt the inside coil  (less flux can it reach from the rotor magnet.  Also the core for the coils is very long to the outside, I think this also contributes to the difference because the other magnetic pole of the core gets far out and the flux- change at the end is lost from the coils point of view.
Lenz effect can manifest better in the inner side coil where the induced voltage is higher.
Re on the sinewave shape: the distances between the magnets are too big,  (Doug explained it) but this is no problem for such tests.
On your latest video: did you connect the coils as you show in Picture 6 above?  I think in this case the mutual coupling and inductance is bigger than it was when you connected the coils as you showed yesterday Reply #5726  If you have an L meter, you can check it but just testing it at the same rpm can also show it (higher L --> higher induced voltage).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 26, 2012, 09:15:07 AM
Quote from: konehead on February 25, 2012, 04:08:58 AM
Hi all
I wanted to see how to collect the backemf/recoil with a bidirectional mosfet circuit that also has pulswidth control to it too, this circuit using two pairs of bidirectional mosfets, and one pair is normallyOFF switchesON and the other is normallyON switchesOFF and each pair has its own halleffect, so the pulse widht is adjsuted by distance between halleffects...
Anyways I was wondering how to take the  backemf/recoil out when using this circuit - there being 4 seperate mosfets in it.... and turns out the only way to collect it, is through the mosfet "C" as shown in this drawing....logically you would think mosfet "D" being the last in line would be the one to "tap" but that one puts out nothing, and the diode and cap need to connect to mosfet "C" then the cap fills up super fast and the "fzzzzzt" sound from the motor coil dissapears too.

Hi Doug,

You show an interesting schematic.  Lets consider MOSFET A&B as a single switch and also MOSFET C&D as another single switch: it is sure that in order to connect the 12V battery to the motor coil, both switches should be closed and then to break the motor coil current one of switches must open, i.e. the switch MOSFET C&D must be opened once you connected the recovery diode and the puffer cap into the C&D switch.  In this moment the MOSFET A&B switch must still remain closed, otherwise the backemf cannot get to the recovery diode in this schematic and also it is interesting that you drive the backemf current through the 12V battery too while some part of it goes to the recovery capacitor too. (One should ponder on the polarities of the battery and that of the backemf if the driving-through of the backemf current gives any advantage or not...)
Now the question is how the circuit is still closed when MOSFET switch C&D should be open during the backemf collection?  Well, it is the built-in body diode in MOSFET D (between its drain and source pins) which closes the circuit and makes the backemf capture possible at all in this schematic and you found it as the only way, which is correct of course.  The body diode of MOSFET D represents a forward diode for the backemf voltage (hence current) coming from the coil via the closed MOSFET A&B because the blue wire of motor coil will become positive polarity (due to the backemf) the moment the 12V battery voltage is switched OFF.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 26, 2012, 12:34:43 PM
Hi Gyula
I didnt realize that the backemf is going back through the 12V battery too, besides filling up the capapcitor in  that circuit - can you explain this again? Is it from mosfets Aand B??
Is it reason of mosfets being bidirectional  instead of two single mosfets to do the pulse width contorl?
I would rather put all the backemf power go into the cpa if possible since I dont thing the backemf spikes going back to battery si going to really help charge it up very well - maybe desulphate or raise volts is all .... so if it can fill cap a little faster that would be better - maybe solutions like diode somewhere?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 26, 2012, 03:58:02 PM
Quote from: konehead on February 26, 2012, 12:34:43 PM
Hi Gyula
I didnt realize that the backemf is going back through the 12V battery too, besides filling up the capapcitor in  that circuit - can you explain this again? Is it from mosfets Aand B??
Is it reason of mosfets being bidirectional  instead of two single mosfets to do the pulse width contorl?
I would rather put all the backemf power go into the cpa if possible since I dont thing the backemf spikes going back to battery si going to really help charge it up very well - maybe desulphate or raise volts is all .... so if it can fill cap a little faster that would be better - maybe solutions like diode somewhere?

Hi Doug,

I edited your schematic drawing to show the relevant circuit.  So it can be seen the 12V battery is in series with the motor coil, whatever direction you consider the current flow, meaning both the emf and the backemf current directions.  And when the motor coil current is switched OFF, the coil will behave as a second 'battery' in series with the 12V battery as if you had connected a second source polarity-wise correctly in series with it (the two sources add like two 'batteries' in series, + - + -),  this means the current driven by this second source i.e. the backemf current goes through also via the 12V battery when it also charges up the recovery capacitor and this charging current lasts till the backemf (voltage-wise) reduces to the 12V level .
I indicated in blue arrow the backemf (voltage) direction and in red arrow the normal 12V emf.   I am uncertain if the backemf current has a real charging effect for the 12V battery, (remember: the coil current does not change direction when you switch it OFF, only its amplitude start decreasing towards zero),  it would be good to see the current waveforms by a scope across a series 1 Ohm or 0.1 Ohm 'shunt' resistor to study the ON-OFF process.

The 'classical' backemf capture in your original schematic would include a diode bridge placed directly across the motor coil with its AC input side and the recovery capacitor would be connected to its DC output.  This way the two bidirectional switches would clearly serve as a variable duty cycle ON-OFF switch (but the 12V emf would be also as an input to the recovery cap, so you would not want to discharge it lower than 10-12V when utilizing the captured energy from it.  And if you do not wish the 12V input would be also pumped into the recovery capacitor at the motor coil switch-on time, then you may wish to use a single recovery diode with a capacitor as you drew the steering diode above but not at the MOSFET C drain of course but at the blue motor coil wire and the capacitor negative point would be connected to the red motor coil wire.

To answer your direct questions: yes, backemf current has a low resistance path via MOSFET switch A&B, of course this switch must be kept ON during the capture process;  and no it is not a reason the MOSFET switches are bidirectional when they control pulse width (the bidirectional MOSFET switch 'only' improves upon the single MOSFET switch by mutually 'neutralizing' the body diodes in the two MOSFETs, the two diodes connected oppositely facing each other,  in a single MOSFET switch the body diode is perpetually included between the drain and source legs, this way the diode is in parallel with the two points to be closed or opened and this maybe a big problem when the current direction changes in the switched circuit).

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 26, 2012, 06:29:58 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on February 26, 2012, 05:09:46 AM
Here it is the other cool effect of the coil. With a small drop in rpm ( less than 30rpms) the coil rises the voltage on the light bulb from 0.92 to 1.26 and stays there.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH7YQ_gOWAY&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH7YQ_gOWAY&feature=youtu.be)

Hi Marius,
    Have you tried using a short ferrite core, and what would the effect be? also try shorting the output coil see what will happen.

keep it up!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 27, 2012, 03:05:13 AM
Hi Gyula
Thanks alot for all t hat and the drawing let me read througit 4 or 4 times until it all sinks in and I willget back to you on it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 28, 2012, 02:51:15 PM
Hi Gyula
OK pretty much understand what you are saying now - the first pair of bidirecitonal diodes, when they turn off, send a back spike into the battery, and this can be gathered,  by having cap with its neg on the positive-rail....and then steering diode from drain to pos lead of this cap.
I dont know if this backspike will amount to much, since that mosfet-pair (AB)
is still ON when the other mosfet (CD) pair acutlly shuts off the circuit so I assume the "brunt" of the backemf/recoil exits through the mosfet C but I dont know that is just assumption...
I didnt try the other diode on cap over AB out like that,  out so thanks for the tip - I thought here must be some other way for backemf/recoil to "sneak" out of there - as you say the classical way is put AC legs of FWBR across the whole mess of mosfets and this should catch everything going which way...
having single diodes is better I think since then making it work in "diode plug" manner is possible plus less resistance/loss (perhaps) using single diodes also I bet the circuit is heavily biased backemf-wise on mosfet CD side of it, rather than mosfet AB side, so perhaps different caps and different diodes will work better for one side as compared to other side.
this might work out for bettew way to take out power from coil-shorting at peaks too with genrtor coils, since I use FWBR in  that, but maybe singel diodes situated like thiswould work better for that...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 28, 2012, 06:53:39 PM
Hi Doug,

I have made another schematics from your original schematic to make it clearer for everyone.  Consider the first circuit on the left.  The two switches (each is a bidirectional MOSFET pair) are in series with each other so they both must be ON whenever you wish for any emf current flow in the motor coil i.e. you wish to use the coil as an electromagnet.  This is how you drew your circuit in your original backemfdirectional.jpg picture, which I simplified as you can see on the left, ok? (without the bemf recovery) 
IF you disagree with this simplification, please tell.
Now if you wish to switch the current OFF in the coil at a certain moment (duty cycle point of view) and capture the bemf  i.e. the collapsing energy of the motor coil,  you have to switch OFF the second series switch (consisting of MOSFET C&D) because you assigned Hall B to control duty cycle and Hall B drives MOSFET switch C&D.
BUT the moment you place the recovery diode to the drain electrode of MOSFET C (and it is exactly the connecting wire between the two switch symbols in my simplified drawing) and you connect recovery capacitor negative to the common source electrodes of MOSFETs C&D as you showed in your original drawing,  THEN you have to keep MOSFET switch A&B still ON while you switched C&D OFF to insure closed current path for the energy flow coming from the blue wire of the coil due to the collapsing field because  the voltage spike developes across the coil at switch OFF of course (I indicated its polarity in my yesterday drawing wrt the emf polarity) and the circuit from bemf point of view is closing via the 12V battery and drain-source body diode of the MOSFET D and meeting on the common source with recovery cap negative pole.  IS this ok?  Because this is how your original circuit works.

Now to reflect on your present post, I refer to my second drawing where I meant the recovery diode + capacitor yesterday and you got it correctly.  And the amount of the backspike can be high if you interrupt the motor coil current fast (and you do it fast by the 4421-22 chips)  no need to worry about the still ON A&B switch because the C&D switch in series with it is already an open circuit (this latter is which interrupted the motor coil current) so no any current can develop via C and/or D.

IF you were to use diode bridge across the motor coil then it would be worth thinking on whether the induced voltage by the approaching and leaving rotor magnets (which induction is interrupted by the ON time of the motor coil of course) could give any extra into the recovery capacitor,  I forgot to mention this yesterday.  This should be tested if induction really can give useful extra, justifying the bridge usage.
I do not see as you say "the circuit is heavily biased backemf-wise on mosfet CD side of it, rather than mosfet AB side, so perhaps different caps and different diodes will work better for one side as compared to other side"  because everything is in series from the motor coil point of view: the 12V battery, MOSFET D&C, MOSFET B&A (and the source of the voltage spike is the motor coil);  the 12V battery is a short circuit from AC (and DC) point of view, and D&C is OFF and B&A is ON.
Hope this helps those who may still have had some problem with my earlier post.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on February 29, 2012, 03:36:38 AM
Hi Gyula
I'm a little bit confused now - the simplified circuit you show now has only one cap, and over on the "other side' of the circuit - it is what I didnt have in my original circuit - which is that diode and cap off the pos feed to coil (high side recovery circuit you could call it?)
So are you saying that this is "better" than the low-side recovery circuit, which I showed in my orignal circuit (with diode and cap coming off the C mosfet)
Or is it better to have BOTH what I had before, plus this cap and diode too??? Thats what I thought you were saying in your drawing before this one...
anyways I will have to try both ways - and see if they both will work at same time - -  is that what you are thinking? 
So for that pulse-width adjsut circuit with the two pairs of mosfets in series, there should be two caps and two diodes total - one diode and cap coming off the ground (low) side, and one diode and cap coming off the pos side as shown in this new simplofoed drawing?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 29, 2012, 03:58:09 AM
Hi Doug,

Sorry for this, I did not mean using recovery circuit at two places,  only I meant across the motor coil.

When you use recovery diode + cap across MOSFET C as you showed originally then the current from the spike is directed through the 12V battery too and when the recovery circuit is across the coil only, this current goes directly into the recovery cap only.

I cannot tell you which method is better, it should be tested, I only analyzed your original circuit. 

I do not see much sense in using a diode + a cap across BOTH MOSFET pairs, if the the 'lower side' recovery turns out to be better vs the-across-the coil-recovery then the circuit you originally showed is ok,  because MOSFET switch A&B should be kept closed while you open MOSFET C@D  and by the time the collapse rings down and you open switch A&B there is no current in motor coil to interrupt.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on March 01, 2012, 04:21:35 PM
So... I'm still waiting for parts and building this Muller dynamo thing to include bifilar coils and mechanical switching and I am just wondering-

Has anybody considered all the different possibilities that can be done with all these outputs?

For example; might it be possible to configure this dynamo in a "progressive" mode?
In other words, as each coil 'fires' the resulting generator output, or the BEMF energy, be fed to the next coil in line so it's already being 'charged' as the magnet approaches?

Or how about a 'cumulative' mode where BEMF energy is, somehow, collected from EVERY coil and stored in capacitor?

Or how about a combination series/parallel mode with some coils in series then sets of series coils wired in parallel?

Can one simply short one side of the bifilar to get a strong BEMF back out?
And would this require additional switching?

With 18 coils, each having 2 'input/output', and 72 wires to play with, which may be configured in MANY different ways in relation to each other, I am surprised some of these other configurations have not yet been attempted here. . .

Start with step one: First coil, or coil pair, to spin the rotor.
Step two: What should be done with the BEMF energy OUT from the first coil or coil pair?
Should it go to the next coil in line? A capacitor? Additional switching? Should other coils operate independently? Or another combination of things?
How many combinations might be accomplished with 72 wires and lots of BEMF potentialities?

And one thing I THINK I know about this device; it should be built as a complete unit to take full advantage of the off-set between 8 magnets and 9 poles.
If all your poles are not in place; will you obtain the same cogless effect?
And if all coils are not configured to operate in unison, or are complimentary to each other, what would this accomplish?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 01, 2012, 06:10:29 PM
Hi Scorch

I have tried to use all the 9 pairs of coils as driver coils and to colect the bmf from all. With the first 5 pairs of coils everything was ok ; the imput was not so high and the 47000uF cap was filling fast. When finally made the connection to the rest of the coils, everything went crazy , the halls were on too much time; when touching the negative, rpm begun to rise, and there was not a fixed rpm; i stayed 2 weeks trying to find out whats going on but nothing. I have change 2 times the cables; lots oh halls and i couldn't get it to spin normaly without any strange effect. In the end  i begun to take out the coils one pair at the time. After removing coil paires 9 8 7 6 everything went back to normal.

I saw some video and info about the orbo steorn. Made a little replica of the driving coil wich is a toroid filled with turns. Didn't came out so efficient but the principle is working.
We know that the orbo driving coil is not kicking the magnet when current is sent to the toroid. The magnet from the rotor is atracted by the toroid and when it's energysed the toroid is not atracted any more by the magnet and this is giving free spin to the rotor.
The thing that i observed is that the input power stays allmost the same at high and low rpm.( just like in romero's video.)

Now the big question: is it possible that romero used this principle?

Let's imagine that the driving coil is not kicking the rotor magnets but  it is shielding the rotor magnet and the backing magnet. Then after TDC the coil is not energysed anymore  and the magnetic field from the rotor magnet and backing magnet are in repulsion. We all know how strong are these magnets; this would have a huge torque.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on March 01, 2012, 06:44:41 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on March 01, 2012, 06:10:29 PM
Hi Scorch

I have tried to use all the 9 pairs of coils as driver coils and to colect the bmf from all. With the first 5 pairs of coils everything was ok ; the imput was not so high and the 47000uF cap was filling fast. When finally made the connection to the rest of the coils, everything went crazy , the halls were on too much time; when touching the negative, rpm begun to rise, and there was not a fixed rpm; i stayed 2 weeks trying to find out whats going on but nothing. I have change 2 times the cables; lots oh halls and i couldn't get it to spin normaly without any strange effect. In the end  i begun to take out the coils one pair at the time. After removing coil paires 9 8 7 6 everything went back to normal.

Hi Marius,

MAybe your rotor disk diameter is too small for the many and strong magnets, there must be some narrow relationship in diameter vs number of magnet and their strength,  otherwise the fields can get interfere negatively

I am not sure the Orbo principle has ever been shown to be giving more output than input? BUT you think combining it with this Muller-Romero setup as you wrote in the last sentence, it sounds interesting.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 01, 2012, 07:05:39 PM
Hi Gyula

Just make a small test: take a bifilar coil and connect is in series canceling. Then use it as driving coil. The rotor will not spin. Leave it connected and turn the rotor by hand as fast as you can. You will see that the input curent will be allmost the same.  This is what i found interesting here. Just like the orbo.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on March 01, 2012, 07:54:31 PM
What I think I know about mechanical engine ignition timing systems is that, in addition to a vacuum advance of timing to compensate for acceleration, there is also a centrifugal advance of the timing to compensate for both electricity, and magnetic, 'lag' inside the wiring, and coil, during higher RPM and switching frequencies which can have a dramatic effect on the delivery of the current to the coil as well as the collapse of the magnetic field at the proper time.

And there are typically THREE different adjustments that can be made to these systems. #1 Point Gap. #2 Dwell (on time) #3 Spring tension on the centrifugal advance plate below the switch (points).

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignition_timing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignition_timing)

And if you are using a fixed position hall sensor you may run into problems when RPM changes requiring more sophisticated logic to compensate.

But today's electronic ignition systems do it all automatically and one of these systems may actually be the answer these problems and they are very commonplace; even in small engines like lawnmowers and chain saws.

See history:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignition_system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignition_system)

It all about obtaining the collapse of the magnetic field EXACTLY when you want it but RPM effects the timing of the switching which is probably why "everything went crazy".

If you have a rotor that has 8 magnets then a common electronic ignition system for any 8 cylinder engine should suffice.
Either salvaged or new such as this kit that includes the 8 position rotor and switching.
http://www.hot-spark.com/ (http://www.hot-spark.com/)

BUT, be aware, most of these retro-fit kits are designed to be installed into a distributor that already has the centrifugal advance built below the cam/rotor.

And, as near as I can tell, even the latest, greatest, technology and billet distributors STILL use an RPM sensitive, mechanical, centrifugal advance mechanism.
http://www.pertronix.com (http://www.pertronix.com)
(includes videos and documents)
Detail of centrifugal adjustments-
www.pertronix.com/support/manuals/pdf/billet.pdf (http://www.pertronix.com/support/manuals/pdf/billet.pdf)

It's amazing how much technology goes into the simple goal of generating a BEMF spark at exactly the right time at any particular rpm!

And what I want to know is THIS:

Is it absolutely necessary that my Muller Dynamo rotor shaft has to be non-ferrous?
Or can I simply cannibalize an old automotive distributor, complete with bearings, shaft, switching, and timing already built in; and simply build my dynamo around THAT?


Quote from: mariuscivic on March 01, 2012, 06:10:29 PM
Hi Scorch

I have tried to use all the 9 pairs of coils as driver coils and to colect the bmf from all. With the first 5 pairs of coils everything was ok ; the imput was not so high and the 47000uF cap was filling fast. When finally made the connection to the rest of the coils, everything went crazy , the halls were on too much time; when touching the negative, rpm begun to rise, and there was not a fixed rpm; i stayed 2 weeks trying to find out whats going on but nothing.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on March 02, 2012, 05:41:56 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on March 01, 2012, 07:05:39 PM
Hi Gyula

Just make a small test: take a bifilar coil and connect is in series canceling. Then use it as driving coil. The rotor will not spin. Leave it connected and turn the rotor by hand as fast as you can. You will see that the input curent will be allmost the same.  This is what i found interesting here. Just like the orbo.

Hi Marius,

And what are your thoughts on utilizing the lack of induction in the bifilar coil from the rotor magnets?

Thanks,  Gyula
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 02, 2012, 06:09:27 PM
Hi Gyula and all

I was trying to cancel the mag field from the backing magnet but didnt worked. Thinking more about the magnet neutralisation and orbo i had this briliant ideea to put in serie the small toroid with the driving coil. The result is succesfull: with a gen coil shorted(maximum lenz)  i have raised the rpm with 20 rpm's and also less curent input. This is good.
While uploading this video i had another briliant ideea : to put the toroid in serie with the gen coil and a small light bulb; the result also succesfull : 10 more rpm's when finding the sweet spot near the rotor  ;D .
Here is the video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_opz9_AHUo&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_opz9_AHUo&feature=youtu.be)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 03, 2012, 02:45:12 AM
HI all
Just finished testing the NSNS config rotor. It works too but the effect is bigger in NNNN config.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on March 03, 2012, 12:31:10 PM
Hi Marius,

Very good results!   Have you tried putting a small cylinder magnet to the back of the toroid, and also changing the number of turns on the toroid, these are "fine tuning" possibilities.


Quote from: mariuscivic on March 02, 2012, 06:09:27 PM
Hi Gyula and all

I was trying to cancel the mag field from the backing magnet but didnt worked. Thinking more about the magnet neutralisation and orbo i had this briliant ideea to put in serie the small toroid with the driving coil. The result is succesfull: with a gen coil shorted(maximum lenz)  i have raised the rpm with 20 rpm's and also less curent input. This is good.
While uploading this video i had another briliant ideea : to put the toroid in serie with the gen coil and a small light bulb; the result also succesfull : 10 more rpm's when finding the sweet spot near the rotor  ;D .
Here is the video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_opz9_AHUo&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_opz9_AHUo&feature=youtu.be)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 06, 2012, 06:51:36 PM
Hi guys

This is my test setup for now. I dont like couse is taking to much power: 6V, 300mA= 1000 rpm.
The litlle toroids are from CFLs ; the ones from computer power suply are too big and needs much more current.
I'm not looking to gain power from the toroids but to see if i can gain something from a gen coil.
With very small magnet, at a critical distance from the toroid i have gained some more rpm's and this is what i want.
The scopeshot is from all 5 toroids in series. There is bemf on positive and negative driving impulse.


The setup before didn't gave me acceleration with the magnet behind the toroid. This one does.
I'm using 1m of 0.3 wire to stitch the toroids. There is space left for one more that i have to put near the hall. I have started with one toroid and each one gave more rpms. I'm  also thinking about puting 14 toroids on my other rotor ( 7 up and 7 down). More test to be done
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on March 07, 2012, 03:27:50 AM
Hi Mariu
A guy named Kevin in Vancouver BC Canada ("Journey") is testing a small orbo-type motor very similar to what you are doing and he has some ferrite magnets at 90 degrees to his torroid coils, postioned at the sides of the torroids.....
here is his youtube channel with videos of it:
http://www.youtube.com/user/XoFFoX777?feature=mhee (http://www.youtube.com/user/XoFFoX777?feature=mhee)

he says these magnets makes the thing really race up huge in rpms -
I think it is around 70ma draw at 12V and 3000rpm he is gettig which is pretty good performance
.he has the magnets inside a  "T-shaped" PVC pipe that is positoned to the sides of the torroids...
Here is his description of his "helper magnets" setup: (taken from EVGRAY yahoo group from a few days ago message #59996)
EVGRAY discussion board link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVGRAY/ (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVGRAY/)

here is Kevin's quote about the magnets beside the torroids;
"About the mags in the tubes ...
The ones in there right now are just plain old weak ferrite mags that
were cheap as Borscht so I grabbed a whole shit load of em. 3/4" and 1"
ferrites that I think are very low grade. So the tubes are just a
plumbing T with a 3/4" inner diameter which the 3/4" mags fit nicely in
there. Unfortunately, I can only get about 18 of those mags to fit in
there due to the other end of the T narrowing slightly. I will just have
to hone that other side out to get more mags in there. The more mags the
faster it goes. You can use just one stack on one drive coil but works
even better when using two on opposite towers. At first you have to find
out which pole of one stack makes the motor speed up. One pole will
speed it up the other will slow it down. So lets say just for example,
the north pole makes it go faster on the 1st tower, then you use the
north pole for the opposite tower. I'm not sure yet just exactly what
is going on but I do know that the inductance value of the coils changes
quit a bit when a magnet is close to the core. With the coil out of the
tower and not connected and a magnet stuck right against the coil, the L
value goes down a lot.
My ferrite cores have an Al value of 18,000 in case anyone is wondering.
The toroids inductance values are very high, 2 are at about 1.1 H and
the 3rd is 1.26 H and the 4th is 1.35 H. I also observed when they are
in circuit and the rotor is spun by hand with the inductance meter
measuring one or all coils L value changes up and down as well. Patrick
told me that this is a problem with the meter ... I'm not convinced tho.
So I have added on occasion a 3rd stack of magnets on the other open
tower #2 where there is still room and it speeds up yet some more. If my
silly pick up coil is moved I can add a 4th stack as well for more speed
I would assume. They also change the current draw. When I was using only
2 drive coils when the mags were applied the current draw would go down
quite considerably. I haven't checked lately what it's doing now that
there are 4 coils. I would imagine its the same.
Using very strong Noe mags produces a more speed but depends on the
diameter of those neos. The same 3/4" neos work better than the ferrites
but need a slightly different placement further away from the towers.
We have to realize that these fields from the external mags are
interacting with the rotor mags as well which could be adding
torque/speed. Cuz whenI use large stronger mags, you can really feel
and hear the extra energy ... it starts to vibrate and shudder, makes
more noise. So I'm sure there is an optimal field shape and strength
that works best for a given coil size and rotor mags size ... all a
balancing act."
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 07, 2012, 03:46:07 PM
Thanks for the info Konehead; i'm having some trouble with efficiency; to much current imput
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on March 07, 2012, 04:21:44 PM
Hi Marius,

I would suggest you reduce the 12V battery voltage for reducing input current, perhaps a variable voltage source like an LM317 linear regulator could be useful during the tests.  I know this regulator has a low efficiency but you can always consider real efficiency of a motor setup by considering such voltage regulator always has a stabil voltage output and you can surely measure the current as you have done so far.  This way, by sweeping the output from say 3V to 12V with a normal 5kOhm linear potmeter you can have a good test range for seeing how rpm, current, etc  changes.  Use some heat sink for the LM317 if there is a big difference between the input and output voltage, it has an 1 Amper max output current rating.
Here is a schematic but you surely know this regulator: http://www.electronics-lab.com/articles/LM317/   

Title: Re: A novel pulsed motor circuit.
Post by: hoptoad on March 09, 2012, 01:32:41 AM
I have recently performed some experiments involving counter emf in a pulsed motor and logged the data. For those of you who are playing with switched mosfets for use in pulsed motor circuits, the information I present may be relevant to you and your own experiments.

Go to this site   www.totallyamped.net/adams (http://www.totallyamped.net/adams) and read pages 12 to 14.

I hope the information contained therein is of some help.

Here's a new thread for anyone who wishes to further explore the experiments I've outlined and post their own results.


Cheers from Hoptoad   .... KneeDeep
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on March 09, 2012, 09:08:24 AM
Hi hoptoad,
    Thanks for sharing! its very informative...
Title: Re: A novel pulsed motor circuit.
Post by: Khwartz on March 09, 2012, 10:38:55 PM
Hi Kone!
Very thanks for the Canadian data on orbo-motor :)

Quote from: hoptoad on March 09, 2012, 01:32:41 AM
I have recently performed some experiments involving counter emf in a pulsed motor and logged the data. For those of you who are playing with switched mosfets for use in pulsed motor circuits, the information I present may be relevant to you and your own experiments.

Go to this site   www.totallyamped.net/adams (http://www.totallyamped.net/adams) and read pages 12 to 14.

I hope the information contained therein is of some help.

Here's a new thread for anyone who wishes to further explore the experiments I've outlined and post their own results.


Cheers from Hoptoad   .... KneeDeep
Hi too hoptoad!
Very thanks for your sharing! :)
Very well done too for your web-site, I very like that way you have to put data on tables, would just miss graphs to be perfect ;) But really, I very like your way to explain everything, every detail with much schematics, pictures and labels for each steps :D <3 <3 <3 <3

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on March 11, 2012, 06:01:12 AM
Hi all
Here is very latest pulsed-DC motor coil circuit, with bidirectional mosfets, and pulse-width control too,  plus look at the backemf/recoil collected with the steering-diodes going into 6 caps all at once - next step not shown is to pulse all those caps to a load when caps are disconnected from the drains of the mosfets whenever they hit a load in order to isolate them during the loading event of the caps
- the load could be a run-cap running the motor in first place....
thanks to Gyula for this, since he told me to try and put the caps neg leg on positive feed to coil and diode to drain...already I had caps neg leg on negative/source, and diode to drain, so this is now doing it both sides of mosfet at once and it doubles the output  - this looks "redundant" but splitting up the caps like this in to six fairly small ones makes it so if all caps hit load in paralell that is 1320uf worth of cap hitiing a load and the caps of this size fill up to 100VDC in a few seconds...already if I pulse a battery into a run cap before every pulse, the run cap needs to be around 850uf at only 12V to run the motor at near same rpms as compared to drawing directly feom battery, so this means it should be possible to loop the motor itself just from the backemf/recoil (!?!!)
here is circuit tested it tonight it works doesnt affect draw to motor while caps fill up.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 11, 2012, 02:23:51 PM
Hi Konehead

Thank you for your latest pulsed-DC motor coil circuit.
The orbo's driving principle is taking too much power; 10 times more than a normal driving circuit. Tried lots of toroids and it is much less efficient.
You know when searching for the hat and find the shoes? Thats what happened today. Got the speed up effect with a ferrite bifilar coil.
Short one winding and at the other one put a load. In my case, connecting 50 leds  is not affecting the rpm. When connecting  12V/5W light bulb rpm goes up and the filament starts to glow
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on March 11, 2012, 02:44:05 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on March 11, 2012, 02:23:51 PM
Hi Konehead

Thank you for your latest pulsed-DC motor coil circuit.
The orbo's driving principle is taking too much power; 10 times more than a normal driving circuit. Tried lots of toroids and it is much less efficient.
You know when searching for the hat and find the shoes? Thats what happened today. Got the speed up effect with a ferrite bifilar coil.
Short one winding and at the other one put a load. In my case, connecting 50 leds  is not affecting the rpm. When connecting  12V/5W light bulb rpm goes up and the filament starts to glow

Hey Marius

Is the bifi 2 strands wound together in the same direction, or 2 coils wound in opposite directions? 

Is it speed dependent as to when speedup happens?

Good job! ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 11, 2012, 03:04:00 PM
Hi Magluvin
The bifi is 2 strands wound together in the same direction and also the wires are twisted together. Now i'm waiting for the glue to dry as  i put others different type of bifi.
For now it does not seem to have much potential but must do other tests
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on March 11, 2012, 03:38:22 PM
Hi Mariu

Is that bifi coil that got the speed up, iis it a orbo torroid? I dont think so but just asking I assume it is a regular back and forth wound coil that works as gernator coil...
What is driving the rotor that spins past this bifi gencoil? Is it the orbo torroids?? I wonder if the ineffeciency is sort of being compensated for and that accouts for the speed up? (not likely but idea anyways)
So the bifilar - let me get this straight - one half of the bifilar is "dead" shorted with its leads together, and other half is the load? and loading this other half gives speed up?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on March 11, 2012, 03:57:05 PM
Hi Mariu and everyone
here is webpage with lots of pictures of my orbo motor I made a couple years ago:http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/orbo-design-motor (http://sites.google.com/site/alternativeworldenergy/orbo-design-motor)its s sitting on shelf but still runs fine - it ran great and worked fine first try very speedy and good torque - the cores are ferrite tubes and coils wound like torroids through them...I am going to try and stick magnets behind cores next thing, see if it increases speed like Kevin in Canada was reporting.
I dont like the round-ring torroid approach, with things positioned sideways, like Kevin and Mariu and some guys on Naudins site did, since there jsut seems to be so much airgap, between cores and magnets, I cant see how it could be an effecient motor as far as shaft-torque goes, no matter what - in the design  shown here, the magnets are very close to the rotor magnets and airgap make all the difference between good and bad performance....note the worlds simplest commutator - a copper commutaor and brush - this works pretty good too..
newest idea and I have already wound 20 new coils for it, is to make torroids like this with tube-ferrites, then wrap over the torroids and their cores, regular generator winds wound in typical fashion back and forth 90 degrees to the torroids, right on top of the torroids...so it would be combination gernator coil with torroid inside.....could even use both as motoring coils if you want - the orbo torroid pulls, the regular back anf forth wind wound 90 degrees to torroid pushes.....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 11, 2012, 03:58:44 PM
Hi konehead

I have abandoned the orbo principal; it is not efficient.
The speed up bifi coil is like you said: one half of the bifilar is "dead" shorted with its leads together, and other half is the load. It is the only one that gives this effect. The other bifi coils that i tested, have not twisted wire like this one. I'll start to twist more wire.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on March 11, 2012, 05:01:37 PM
Well done Marius,

Now, if you carefully place a biasing magnet behind the core (not directly touching the core) you will also
get an increase in output voltage from the coil. Your 5w lamp will glow brighter.

Regards, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 11, 2012, 05:18:17 PM
Hi Penno

In the vid the rotor is NS and when placing a magnet behind, rpm goes up but the voltage accros the load goes down. I must make another rotor NN that supports 3-4000 rpm.
Anyway, I think that with a NN rotor, when placing the magnet behind, voltage will rise over the load but also the rpm will go down.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on March 11, 2012, 06:22:16 PM
I have not kept up with this thread for some time.  I don't know if this has been mentioned but I'm going to throw it out there based on some things I read recently that just clicked.  I think the magnets in Romero's rotor were placed so that the poles facing up alternated North and South.  I.E. every other magnet had a North pole facing up with magnets in between them a South pole facing up.   This ties in with some things from Dan Quale's Lenzless motor and would also be why the steel or iron washers were important to have on top of the coils.   This would also help explain the noise and roughness of operation that Romero mentioned.  I was reading a thread on EF where Armagdn03, John Bedini and Peter Lindermann as well as a number of others have started discussing an idea Armagdn03 brought up.  I haven't seen these guys get this interested in something recently and it seems this 'Peg motor' being discussed has some similarities to the mentioned Quale Lenzless motor gen.   I found some references and diagrams on Quale's web site here ( http://www.overunitybuilder.com/lenzlessquale.html ) that jumped out at me as being nearly identical to the Romero/Muller gen.  I just don't think Romero ever gave all the info to us and it suddenly hit me that maybe this was one of the things he alluded to that he said few would figure out.   While I think this could be important I'll add I'm really just shooting in the dark on this but wanted to share the idea in case any of the more brilliant minds here thinks it might have merit to check out.   Since I mostly  quit following this thread many months ago I apologize if this has already been tried or considered.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on March 11, 2012, 08:59:52 PM
Hi Marius,
    What is the inductance and resistance of your coil?

@ All   
    I think speed up occurs only on a NS magnet configuration, but in an all NN or SS, magnet spacing is important so that in the middle of the magnets we will have a strong virtual field N-(S)-N-(S)-N.
    In my case i have a rotor all NN, magnet is (25mm x 13mm), spacing between magnets 3 times the size of magnets, im having a hardtime finding the speed up effect,  i think my spacing is too wide, and my virtual south is weak, need to change the rotor and see what happens...

Regards Cc
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on March 12, 2012, 12:31:52 AM
hi Mariu
In your twisted bifilar one half shorted other half to load video, what is the draw to the motor part of it spinnig the rotor, wihtout that coil being shorted  out next to the rotor magnets?
Just thinking maybe the coil short in first place makes for more draw to motor in first place, then when the load is applied and the speed goes up plus draw is lowered during the load to the other half of bifilar,
the rpms go up to where they would be when no shorted coil-half is presented to the rotor magnets...but if it makes it so the draw is less and rpm more than when the motor's rotor is spinning free with no hinderance of ferrite cores, or shorted coils, or loaded coils, then that would be a really great thing...
Also, is that speed-up under load affect limited to a particular rpm range??
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on March 12, 2012, 04:36:19 AM
Quote from: mariuscivic on March 11, 2012, 02:23:51 PM
You know when searching for the hat and find the shoes? Thats what happened today. Got the speed up effect with a ferrite bifilar coil.
Short one winding and at the other one put a load. In my case, connecting 50 leds  is not affecting the rpm. When connecting  12V/5W light bulb rpm goes up and the filament starts to glow

Excellent work, Marius!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 12, 2012, 04:30:29 PM
Hi Konehead and all you guys!

My rpm metter doesnt want to function tonight; have no ideea why.
When the rotor is spinning free with no shorted coil it takes 70mA.
When shorting one wound of the coil, rpm goes way down and the driving coil is taking now 250mA.
When shorting the second wound of the coil rpm goes up until the driving coil takes 150mA and rpm stays there.
So there are 80mA losts . That's why i said before that i dont see how we can use this effect since there are 80 mA lost.

On the other hand, if we can take that output and put it in another driving coil, this should rise the rpm reducing the 80mA lost. (i think).And the first wound of the coil can have a low resistance load, not necesary dead short.( i think)
I have tried this but the output is too small.
I forgot to say that i have build other bifi coils with twisted wires on sewing bobins and non of them had the speed-up.
Seems like if I want another , must replicate the existing one.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on March 12, 2012, 05:14:11 PM
Quote from: konehead on March 11, 2012, 06:01:12 AM
Hi all
Here is very latest pulsed-DC motor coil circuit, with bidirectional mosfets, and pulse-width control too,  plus look at the backemf/recoil collected with the steering-diodes going into 6 caps all at once - next step not shown is to pulse all those caps to a load when caps are disconnected from the drains of the mosfets whenever they hit a load in order to isolate them during the loading event of the caps
- the load could be a run-cap running the motor in first place....
thanks to Gyula for this, since he told me to try and put the caps neg leg on positive feed to coil and diode to drain...already I had caps neg leg on negative/source, and diode to drain, so this is now doing it both sides of mosfet at once and it doubles the output  - this looks "redundant" but splitting up the caps like this in to six fairly small ones makes it so if all caps hit load in paralell that is 1320uf worth of cap hitiing a load and the caps of this size fill up to 100VDC in a few seconds...already if I pulse a battery into a run cap before every pulse, the run cap needs to be around 850uf at only 12V to run the motor at near same rpms as compared to drawing directly feom battery, so this means it should be possible to loop the motor itself just from the backemf/recoil (!?!!)
here is circuit tested it tonight it works doesnt affect draw to motor while caps fill up.
Hi Keno! Looks good for the very close future!  8)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on March 12, 2012, 05:22:34 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on March 11, 2012, 02:23:51 PM
Hi Konehead

Thank you for your latest pulsed-DC motor coil circuit.
The orbo's driving principle is taking too much power; 10 times more than a normal driving circuit. Tried lots of toroids and it is much less efficient.
You know when searching for the hat and find the shoes? Thats what happened today. Got the speed up effect with a ferrite bifilar coil.
Short one winding and at the other one put a load. In my case, connecting 50 leds  is not affecting the rpm. When connecting  12V/5W light bulb rpm goes up and the filament starts to glow
Hi Marius! I saw that on your vid: very well done! :-bd
Could you try same but with multistranded wire, twisted and then untwisted? like in the Bruce's TPU: looks untwisted multistranded is sucessful action bringing near no resistance in the wires at high frequencies ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on March 12, 2012, 05:36:47 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on March 11, 2012, 03:58:44 PM
Hi konehead

I have abandoned the orbo principal; it is not efficient.
The speed up bifi coil is like you said: one half of the bifilar is "dead" shorted with its leads together, and other half is the load. It is the only one that gives this effect. The other bifi coils that i tested, have not twisted wire like this one. I'll start to twist more wire.
I don't understand "the bifilar is "dead" shorted with its leads together", could you make a draw, please Marius :/ even with the whole connection: gen-wiring + load-wiring?

Ok for twisted working better here. But looks to me you took single wire for one and single wire for the other, and you twisted them both together. But what about 5 strands for each, something like that? could be too big coil? :/
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on March 12, 2012, 08:21:09 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on March 12, 2012, 04:30:29 PM
Hi Konehead and all you guys!

My rpm metter doesnt want to function tonight; have no ideea why.
When the rotor is spinning free with no shorted coil it takes 70mA.
When shorting one wound of the coil, rpm goes way down and the driving coil is taking now 250mA.
When shorting the second wound of the coil rpm goes up until the driving coil takes 150mA and rpm stays there.
So there are 80mA losts . That's why i said before that i dont see how we can use this effect since there are 80 mA lost.

On the other hand, if we can take that output and put it in another driving coil, this should rise the rpm reducing the 80mA lost. (i think).And the first wound of the coil can have a low resistance load, not necesary dead short.( i think)
I have tried this but the output is too small.
I forgot to say that i have build other bifi coils with twisted wires on sewing bobins and non of them had the speed-up.
Seems like if I want another , must replicate the existing one.

Hi marius,
    Good thinking, if you load the first coil with a bulb what would be the amp draw? does it still take 250ma? then load the second coil with a bulb, check again the amp draw? is it still 150ma? does it speed up? then try the coils in parallel is the effect still there? if you can make use of the power of the first coil not affecting the speed up then the lost 80ma is put into use... just thinking? ::) thanks for sharing... :o keep it up!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on March 13, 2012, 03:46:54 PM
Hi Mariu
Actually I wouldnt be discouraged since as you say it is an actual 'loss" of 80ma having the coil next to rotor, even if you get the speed up effect, since the simple solution is have an odd number of those twistedBIFIs with ferrite cores arranged around the rotor - with jsut one, sure it will cause some rpm loss, but with the right number of coils in an odd number of postions (usually one less or one more than the even muber of rotor magnets just like the 8 vs 9 romeoro machine)
then when you get to adding magnets behind those cores too, now you will get a speed up from  from that so when you add the speed up from the load like you have, now you got a looper...
I am finding out the magnet-postions behind the gernator cores is INDEPENDENT of the gernator-coil's cores positioning...in other words, place magnets around stator plates to get maximum speed up (Howard Johnson effect) then remember where the magnet sgo and theri strengths (how many in stack) then add the gernator coils with  their cores and rearrange abit to compensate for cores-reaciton too...have loads on coils when you adjsut the backign magnets like romeoro said to do....you have kind of skpped-over the backing magnets part of it - but have jumped on top of the speed-up effect under load to a coil! so maybe just make alot of them, place them in odd numnber of postions, then add magnets behind t hem all and you are there...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on March 13, 2012, 06:08:58 PM
Hi Konehead and all

The long expected ''divine intervention" is here:

Hi marius,
more hints for you to try...

1- At certain speed the shorted coil will self oscillate... check here to get more info http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJsVSMQqCOM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJsVSMQqCOM)
2- A bifillar coil where one of the coils is not equal in lenght to the other one is another thing that you need to start to investigate now
3- A multifillar coil where each one of the coils is not equal in lenght to another one.
4- I have originally started exploring this in solid state version, with the help of the oscilloscope
5 - Difference of one cm in lenght can make a big difference  -  this is one of the reasons it took me very long time to get it right.
6 - The other things about the split core I told you before... make sure you can adjust the 2 split core pieces.
7- Distance between the magnets not less than 1.1% the magnet size but not more that 1.5%, you need to visualize the existance of the virtual pole in between the magnets.
8- This info can be used in other experiments, you can also have a look at Dave45 suggestions
9- Start the easy way, simple is better.
10- short at the peak of the wave without any aditional component, just the right lenght of a shorted coil

I hope this info will bring some light to some open mind people.

Best regards,

These are new things to try. I can not get more rpm's with only the magnets behind. Tried this for allmost a week changing magnets and rotors.
For now i cant replicate the speed up bifi coil on sewing bobin, so i must make other identical to the one that works (this will take time due to my new job that takes me all the free time).
What i want to try ( once i will replicate the bifi coil) is to make a bifi coil that gives at one side 12V with the other side shorted. This way i can loop back to the driving circuit or put all that power to another driving circuit.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on March 13, 2012, 06:46:48 PM
Wow! Great news to have all these directives, and thanks to Romeo to help back  8)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skaarj on March 15, 2012, 03:52:28 PM

Go get some automobile induction coils. Also you will need some ferrite cores from MW radio receivers. And you will get high RPM under load. Discharge those coils via spark gaps to the secondary part (2000 volts) of some microwave owen transformers. In the primary connect a voltmeter and a load (bulb light).
At this time I cannot do this experiment (school problems) although I already have 7 pairs (14 pieces) of those induction coils and a complete romero/muller setup.
PM me if you need more details. If you like the idea and you are interested in experimenting, please document it and post here.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on March 15, 2012, 04:10:39 PM
hi Skaarj
What do you mean by auto induction coils?
The regular common type of ignition coil in older type cars with ignition points in the distributor caps?
Or mabye do yo mean the more modern type, like in say newer VWs with a "coil" for each sparkplug?
Right now, I will assume yo mean to take the coils running off a Muller/romero mahcine, and run them to the LV side one of those ignition coils, the older type (also these are oil-filled too)
then on the HV side of the ignition coil, you make this HV output tto go into spark-gap that discharges to a MOT at "secondary" (HV side) of it, then the MOT kicks down voltage and you put load across the LV side...
Not exactly sure about the spark-gap method here - should it include a diode?
also not sure how to hook up the generator coils in a Muller/Romero up to the ingngiton coil exactly but it couldnt be too hard I would expect....can you upload a schematic when you have some free time???  Thanks
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skaarj on March 16, 2012, 04:53:10 AM
I am talking about old type ignition coils from cars with distribution caps. See the picture.

I did not think about your approach, to use the low voltage winding for moving the rotor and high voltage winding to collect the high voltage. I do not know if it works. Please take a look at the circuit in the attached picture. It is based on the pictures uploaded by mr. Marius.

My english sucks but I will try to explain as simple as possible. I also advice you to take a pen, a paper, to read this at least three times and to write down everything in your way, or else you will not understand everything 100%. You have to understand that this is not a child play.  If you think like a child and you do not take this serious, there will be no success and we will all keep spinning around our tails for years, like cats and dogs often do.

Now let's push the science. Here's what you have to do:

->  You move your rotor in your usual way - the same system you are using now. Hall sensors or bedini styles, whatever you use. One or two coils, does not matter. What is important - to make that rotor spin as fast as you can.  Please draw your rotor on paper with your system for spinning it. Do not add anything yet.

-> to collect the output voltage, you use two additional coils from automobiles. Or only one coil. Experiments will reveal the mistery.  Anyway, you will get A LOT OF HIGH VOLTS so watch your hands, it really hurts.  Those high voltages are of no use because it's low amps, but we must remember the formula:  P = U x I. P = power in watts, U = the voltage, I = intensity (amps).  You get some watts but the voltage is high. So we have to reduce this high voltage. 

-> Also, in all your experiment you noticed that when connecting a load, the RPM goes low. That is because of the Lenz force, which is B x I x L.   B is the magnetic flux between the magnets and the ferrite cores.  I is the intensity in the coils (how much energy is sucked by the load).  L is the induction value of the coil (in Henry).  I understand this sounds like "chinese language" but this is needed in order to get the things done. Romero found something he called "sweet spot". He added some magnets on top of his coils, to reduce that force. And he managed to influence the "B" (magnetic flux) in the coils,  in such a way that the value of the formula (B x I x L) got closer to zero.  Hard work to do that. I had a lot of talks with him and he agreed that mathematics is not his close friend.
   So we need to play smart. Modifying the flux in the coil is hard stuff. We need that "L" (induction value of the coil) because this is how the coil is made. What we can EASY modify is the "I" (intensity). 
We have big flux (B) - because of strong magnets, and we need that. Weak magnets sucks, no help here. We have big "L" (a lot of copper wire turns in the automobile induction coil - to get high voltage) and we don't want to change that. We have a small intensity (amps) because the copper wire is extremely thin (thicker wire = more amps and bigger coil, thin wire = less amps but smaller coil) - less than 1 amp, let's say 0.000y (we don't know the value of y).  We multiply something hign (B x L) with 0.00....   and what do we get? a small result. Which means a small Lenz force for "slowing" the rotor.
How do we calculate the power (watts) the coil provides?  P = U x I      P(watts) = 10000V x 0.000y(amps). Some of those "zeros" from the kilovolts will go away. More induction coils adds more to the output power in watts.
Please add one (or two) automobile coils on your drawing.

->  If you connect the output dirrectly to a load (bulb lights) you high chances of burning the induction coils. They don't like that. Also you cannot connect any electronics. Bad idea. We have to transform the power - same watts but with low voltage, so we can make good use of it. This is where the microwave transformers come to help.
   More mathematics. I know, f**k maths, numbers and formulas, but that's the best friend we have right now, and in schools they do their best efforts to make us hate it, to keep us stupid slaves who fill their bank accounts.
   Once upon a time there was a smart man called Nicolae Teslaru (best known as Nikola Tesla) who was born from romanian-origin parents (I'll smash your face if you say it's not correct  ;) ) and he invented the transformer. He also said that in ideal conditions, the same watts you put in the transformer in one side, are extracted on the other side. We do this using the microwave transformers like in the picture below.
If you connect the ignition coils dirrectly to the transformers, you will have a high chance of burning the induction coils, so you have to discharge that voltage using a spark gap. At this time I cannot tell how many transformers are needed. One, two, maybe three. You have to expect for the coils to burn so be careful.  At the output you will get the same watts, but they are made from a different I (amps) and different volts (V), but the output P (watts) is almost the same as the input power (you have some losses in the transformers and some influence from the distance in the spark gap).
Please add the spark gap and the transformers to your drawing.

Please take a look at the picture.
You connect the high voltage sides of the transformers in series, that's because you need to collect as much voltage as possible. Intensity (amps) in series circuit stays the same, and we need to keep it low or the coils will burn - that is because the heating is U (voltage) x square I (amps) x t (time). 
You connect the low voltage (220V) sides of the transformers in parallel, that's because you need to collect as much amps as possible. And here is where you connect your load. The induction coils will do their job, low lenz force, maybe acceleration under load, high voltage so watch your hands. The transformers will transfer the precious watts to your load. As soon as you get acceleration under load, you can start thinking romero style:  measure the output volage, reduce it again ( let's say a modern PC AT/ATX power supply which supports input voltages between 100 and 230V) and use this to power the system.

Also, in the picture I draw the magnets like crap.  You use your own magnets setup (please draw it on your paper). Test with same poles or different poles orientation. Be careful how you connect the coils. If you have the same orientation, the beginning of one coil goes to the end of the other. Also be careful how you connect the microwave oven (MwOwTraf) transformers.  The beginning of each coil is marked with a thick dot in the schematic.

Question:  have you ever play, or seen someone playing with a gasoline electric generator?  if you connect load, the RPM of the gasoline engine goes lower. That's because the generator inside has low voltage and high amps (after reading this carefully, you will understand there's a high lenz force).  I wonder what happens if the generator inside has high voltage, low amps, and the output energy is reduced with transformers?  First thing I am thinking is a very expansive generator (extremely dangerous if it comes from a chinese manufacturer), which... does not go low in RPM if a lot of energy is sucked out of it.

My project consists of 14 car induction coils (for collecting voltage) and 4 car induction coils for moving the rotor. The entire electronics consists of vacuum tubes, to work with very high voltages (and low amps,  so low lenz forces on the rotor moving circuit, and also low heat losses). The project is divided between papers and some boxes with parts, ignition coils, vacuum tubes, microwave transformers... and school sucks. Don't try this idea (yet), please use your own rotor-moving-system. Pictures after the weekend.

Warning: high voltages. Use some thick rubber gloves if you want to touch the monster while powered,  and be extremely careful. Nobody you love have a wish for the priest to come to your home.

If you guys need more details please let me know. I will do my best for help.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mr.uu on March 17, 2012, 03:39:33 AM
Hi skaarj,

and where is the resonant part of your circuit? Shouldn't we see such on the secondary side of the transformers?

I doubt OU without resonance somewhere (at least once) in the circuit is possible...

And: do the ignition coils really work in series? Can the second one handle the output of the first one? No suprise, that you warn us of burnt coils ;). Solution might be to have an individual path (coil/spark plug/transformer(s)/secondary resonant circuit/dump into caps) for every coil. Hopefully there is an easier solution. Would be best if i am wrong and they can easily handle the voltage...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on March 17, 2012, 06:52:03 PM
Hey everyone,

I've got my motor running very efficiently. Maybe just a little more than 1 watt input. I am using two fast switching Schottky diodes to collect the oscillation output. I connected the diodes like shown in this thread (http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/10529-my-motors-got-me-tap-into-radiant-energy.html) (thanks to ufopolitics). I am feeding the output to a second driving coil which is creating one spike to just overcome the drag. The second coil is also catching some of the oscillations from the first coil.

Happy with the result. I've made a short video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsCWkK3gUF4).

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skaarj on March 18, 2012, 03:50:57 AM
@Mr_uu:   I am proposing a system with little heat losses to analyse the "speed under load" effect. This should work. Also, I am very curious if any of the guys decide to combine my method with additional magnets like Romero did. You are right, the next step after finishing the test is the resonance part.

Also - the "single induction coil" per microwave transformer(s group) is safer for the coil. Especially if the coil is made in the Eastern Europe ex-communist block. I draw that picture in a hurry. Thanks for pointing me this. I will remember that when I will start assembling my motor. Anyway, I am afraid my setup will look like a monster generator.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skaarj on March 19, 2012, 12:45:11 PM

Please watch this documentation carefully. That guy explains the setup I am proposing - the high impedance coil (high voltage). There are a lot of formulas on that board, and a lot of different coils are presented - so you do not have to do all the tests by yourself. Please notice the different coils. Here is what you need to have in mind:  high impedance (=high voltage output) coils do not decelerate the rotor. The video is in 5 parts + final setup.

1.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czXmazZ4obs
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXKO8r-3xrw
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ9KLfusQPg
4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7s4q5LdJJw
5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYC0X5AP5Y4
6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_UXcNMBGTA  (the video was shot on April 1st, they say this is the joke of God - we know it, we see it but we are told by all energy providers not to believe it)

high voltage to low voltage reducing transformer with a "gain factor" (for @mr_uu - can this be the resonant stage you asked me to think of?):   Microwave transformers are built in conventional way, and I already pointed that there are some losses inside. Here is the setup I am thinking - I will build it after I finish all my school problems and my induction coils modifications on the dynamo.

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cka7qb0zoc8
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYYfGwU60_0
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbRPCt1-WwQ
10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQq1-J8SOtc
11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eiu-dCe8bnA

Marius, leave this part (transformers) for me. I am not sure about what they say (yet). First I need to study some scientific publications from that PhD guy to get an idea of what he is talking about. You go and prove the speed under load theory - that is the most important part. If you need car induction coils just PM me, but don't try any high voltage coils from TVs or monitors - they are part of special resonating circuits that work with parameters different than a Muller dynamo - extremely high frequencies (kHz). To achieve those many thousands of pulses per second (15625 Hz for the standard television system, higher for video monitors), it means extremely high (and dangerous) thousand of rotations per SECOND in your rotor. You can't do that. Just for curiosity, I managed to push my muller setup to 6000RPM - 100 rotations per second (48 volts for the FET pulsing transistors, 4 pulsing coils, one FET per coil, one Hall sensor per FET and a lot of hall sensor positions tuning). My rotor has 9 magnets, so I got 900 pulses per one collector coil in one second. For those monitor/TV high voltage coils, you need almost to double that speed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on March 19, 2012, 02:24:27 PM
Hi Skaarj

Seemns like lots easier when someone builds a Romero/Muller machine to simply wind the coils with very very thin winds, and lots of turns, so they are HV coils in first place...then run them in series, so even more voltage....then run through spark gap, MOT etc eventually to the load....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skaarj on March 19, 2012, 03:04:08 PM
Not really. Just to simply wind lots of turns on coils without separating the layers with insulating greasy paper - it's not enough. Voltage discharges between the layers will happen for sure if you aim to work with tens of thousands of volts. And old automobile coils were manufactured by following all these details. That Tesla guy did not chose to work with high amps and apparently his name is linked with a lot of legends. Since then, everyone avoided high voltage and embraced high amps (and money started to flow). I hope this setup will work.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on March 19, 2012, 03:32:18 PM
Hi Skaarj
the sell very high voltage insulated magnet wire made for HV use and also you can insulate the layers with teflon pluminb tape too
when you hook coils in series, then each coil needs to make only "so much" high voltage but the overall votlage is very high then because they are in series.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on March 20, 2012, 08:46:39 AM
Hi skaarj,
    What is your target input of your device? i don't think our romero muller replication cannot output such high voltages, thane hein's system is a bit different regarding coil construction...

Goodluck on your device! pls. post videos for us to see!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: thevoice4you on April 17, 2012, 03:11:22 PM
Hi all,  ;) first post here, please to meet you all, this seems to be a good place to ask some opinions and a few questions. I made a resume on the following link about free energy not really being the main problem but storing it so take a look and your opinions are certainly appreciated.
As I am in the process of building a system on the NEOGEN DYNAMO ! Question, how many watt is the DYNAMO able to produce at velocities between 500-1000 and 2000-3000 RPM or more ? That's it for now, another thing I just read somewhere that Bill his daughter died but is this true ? Best regard. Gery
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: truesearch on April 17, 2012, 03:48:15 PM

Can you post photos of your build and the progress you are making? Also what difficulties and problems you have?

Best of luck!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: thevoice4you on April 17, 2012, 04:51:03 PM
Quote from: truesearch on April 17, 2012, 03:48:15 PM

Can you post photos of your build and the progress you are making? Also what difficulties and problems you have?

Best of luck!


Well nothing for the moment as I am accumulating the info for a proposal that I have to do for the investors. The pilot project would be build a small container as it is going to be used to power a beach restaurant. http://www.claytonpower.com/products/lithium-ion-battery/ The container will house Compressor, tanks and a lithium battery power supply that will be used to make compressed air.   This power supply is charged by 2 wind generators and solar-panels.  Outside wind generators and solar-panels with micro inverters. energy.http://enecsys.com/products/installation_video_en.php http://vengerwind.com/v1turbine/
The idea is to use the MULLER DYNAMO only as the output power supply keeping it on a steady rpm with a regulated airstream depending on the load. Anyway will be posting the project when it progresses. thanks for your reply. ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: neogen on April 23, 2012, 07:04:19 AM
RomeoUK: I salute you and I am replicating too... I wish to bring this knowledge to our children and next generation. This is how we let our next generation better....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on April 23, 2012, 06:18:01 PM

Finally got around to completing some more work on my build.

This is an upgrade from what had originally started.

-Stator plates from 1/4" acrylic to 1/2" acrylic.
-Rotor from 7" diameter, 1/2" acrylic to 8" diameter, 1/2" Lexan.
-Cheap ball bearings to precision, bronze, motor bearings.
-Shaft from 1/4" all thread to 3/8" stainless axle shaft.
-Coils now firmly attached with acrylic weld instead of mounting tape.

My current goal is to use a separate, super efficient, 'stargate' style motor as the primary mover.
See: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xv-req4U8U


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on April 28, 2012, 01:00:35 PM
Just another progress photo.

Going to try the direct drive approach first, with a motor, in order to get some idea of performance before even attempting to use alternator coils as motor coils.
And, of course, this motor can be modified to substantially increase its own efficiency. (see previous video link)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on April 28, 2012, 02:56:58 PM
Quote from: Scorch on April 23, 2012, 06:18:01 PM

Finally got around to completing some more work on my build.

This is an upgrade from what had originally started.

-Stator plates from 1/4" acrylic to 1/2" acrylic.
-Rotor from 7" diameter, 1/2" acrylic to 8" diameter, 1/2" Lexan.
-Cheap ball bearings to precision, bronze, motor bearings.
-Shaft from 1/4" all thread to 3/8" stainless axle shaft.
-Coils now firmly attached with acrylic weld instead of mounting tape.

My current goal is to use a separate, super efficient, 'stargate' style motor as the primary mover.
See: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xv-req4U8U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xv-req4U8U)


Stargate. hmm.  I did this back a couple years ago. I had a small toy motor and when you add 2 small neos to each side ( in the right position) it was faster and more current needed.
I was thinking, well, it is just more power out and more power in. But, there is more to it . I didnt realize that I could reduce my input to get back to the normal operating rpm, thus using less input to get the normal output.

Thanks for showing that. ;] I believe  it 100%.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on May 14, 2012, 04:57:56 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on April 28, 2012, 02:56:58 PM
Stargate. hmm.  I did this back a couple years ago. I had a small toy motor and when you add 2 small neos to each side ( in the right position) it was faster and more current needed.
I was thinking, well, it is just more power out and more power in. But, there is more to it . I didnt realize that I could reduce my input to get back to the normal operating rpm, thus using less input to get the normal output.

Thanks for showing that. ;] I believe  it 100%.

I Magluvin!

You've very get the point!  :D :bd
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: jiga on May 16, 2012, 09:38:19 AM
Hi Guys!

Im new in this forum. First of all sorry for moving your focus away from your very interesting works.  And also sorry for my bad english.

Does anybody made a replication of RomeroUK's engine? I've read a lot of posts for the TT Pyramid and spent hours there, and in last pages of the topic I discovered very disappointed that it was a fraud, as no one could replicate it working and Trawoger disappeared.

So I'm a bit more skeptic now! (Skeptic in the good sense, I'm still open minded, but I have to prove it because there are lots of disinformers) I read first pages of this topic, and it looks very interesting, but I really have no time for reading all 300+ pages. So this started 01/01/2008, after 4 years did anybody could replicate it?

Thanks a lot!!!

Juan from Argentina.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on May 16, 2012, 07:31:19 PM
Hi Juan,
    There are many replicators that tried, but i'm sorry to disappoint you again, that no one has finished replicating, but some are still trying, who knows that someday someone will show a working device,
    let's not loose hope, anyways building and replicating devices is fun together with the frustrations  ;D , but we will learn something from it...
Regards Cc
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: jiga on May 21, 2012, 10:27:36 AM
Quote from: crazycut06 on May 16, 2012, 07:31:19 PM
Hi Juan,
    There are many replicators that tried, but i'm sorry to disappoint you again, that no one has finished replicating, but some are still trying, who knows that someday someone will show a working device,
    let's not loose hope, anyways building and replicating devices is fun together with the frustrations  ;D , but we will learn something from it...
Regards Cc
Its not about hope, at least for me. I have a friend (who is not interested in OU, and also has no beliefs in anything special, he is a photographer and a traveller) that charged his cellphone from a pyramid a few months ago, in a self-sustaining  community of people living near a mountain. Because he is not interested, he didn't asked how to build one, and nothing. He told me and that bring me to this place. I understand that i have no proofs, so you don't have to believe me. I will try to find how to build it, next time I travel to the place where it is.

I think the following: Imagine you are someone powerful, and there are rumors of something that is not convenient for you. In a place like internet, that is still free and anybody can post something. The most effective way to kill that rumor is filling the space with tons of false information who disappoint everyone. This is not something minor, this technology is not simply something for disconnecting from grid or stop paying for electricity! (thats a very selfish way of seeing this). If something like this would be known worldwide, and I'm sure it will happen if it gets really replicated, science would have to give answers, and "they" don't want to. The place where science meets religion is very inconvenient for the status quo, I think. One century ago, the entire physics fell because ONE SINGLE EXPERIMENT. A Single experiment is the way science goes forward.

I'm suspecting this forum is not a secure place. Maybe I'm wrong, and in that case I apologize the owner, its my opinion. But there are lot of people claiming about deleted messages... I'm a software developer, I know what is possible and what not, and there can be failed connections to database (not so many!), but deleted messages?? That is made manually.
And also the Reward of EUR 15000 for someone who makes a OU machine... Thats not right in my opinion! because the effect of that politic is that if someone finds a machine, he will not share it, instead he will keep it and send it only to the forum owner (in order to win himself the prize), and even will not discuss details openly. The forum owner will then decide himself (with other two persons HE decided) if its OU or not. The prize also converts this forum into a competition! And this technology will be found in a collaborative way, not competitive. I really think its possible to find a new technology. Who cares about 15000 euros or 1 million?? That prize is trying to monetize something that should not be monetized, what moves me (and I think many) cannot be bought, its about knowing the Truth and helping peoples life in a disinterested way. So, what Is that prize about? I don't need it, I will share results publicly anyway. I'm a bit confused, am I too idealist? I don't know people in this forum, am I wrong? You really will do more efforts if there is money there? Where would we be now If Tesla or any other grand scientific would move just for money?
That's my thoughts, sorry If I'm wrong, I don't want to despite anyone.

Sorry for OT and bad english :(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: truesearch on May 21, 2012, 11:20:29 AM

I respect your approach and logic! If you move forward in discovery of the "pyramid-power" that your friend encountered please share the information with us.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lhakvoort on May 22, 2012, 05:28:08 PM
i search all the internet for a good muller design and i can not find a single one :(
the only thing i read is that no one uses magnets as coil cores and in the papers a found on the internet i read about alnoco magnets wich bill muller used as coil cores for the stator and neodynium magnets for the rotor so my question is why did no one tried this ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on May 22, 2012, 09:25:21 PM
Quote from: jiga on May 21, 2012, 10:27:36 AM
Its not about hope, at least for me. I have a friend (who is not interested in OU, and also has no beliefs in anything special, he is a photographer and a traveller) that charged his cellphone from a pyramid a few months ago, in a self-sustaining  community of people living near a mountain. Because he is not interested, he didn't asked how to build one, and nothing. He told me and that bring me to this place. I understand that i have no proofs, so you don't have to believe me. I will try to find how to build it, next time I travel to the place where it is.

I think the following: Imagine you are someone powerful, and there are rumors of something that is not convenient for you. In a place like internet, that is still free and anybody can post something. The most effective way to kill that rumor is filling the space with tons of false information who disappoint everyone. This is not something minor, this technology is not simply something for disconnecting from grid or stop paying for electricity! (thats a very selfish way of seeing this). If something like this would be known worldwide, and I'm sure it will happen if it gets really replicated, science would have to give answers, and "they" don't want to. The place where science meets religion is very inconvenient for the status quo, I think. One century ago, the entire physics fell because ONE SINGLE EXPERIMENT. A Single experiment is the way science goes forward.

I'm suspecting this forum is not a secure place. Maybe I'm wrong, and in that case I apologize the owner, its my opinion. But there are lot of people claiming about deleted messages... I'm a software developer, I know what is possible and what not, and there can be failed connections to database (not so many!), but deleted messages?? That is made manually.
And also the Reward of EUR 15000 for someone who makes a OU machine... Thats not right in my opinion! because the effect of that politic is that if someone finds a machine, he will not share it, instead he will keep it and send it only to the forum owner (in order to win himself the prize), and even will not discuss details openly. The forum owner will then decide himself (with other two persons HE decided) if its OU or not. The prize also converts this forum into a competition! And this technology will be found in a collaborative way, not competitive. I really think its possible to find a new technology. Who cares about 15000 euros or 1 million?? That prize is trying to monetize something that should not be monetized, what moves me (and I think many) cannot be bought, its about knowing the Truth and helping peoples life in a disinterested way. So, what Is that prize about? I don't need it, I will share results publicly anyway. I'm a bit confused, am I too idealist? I don't know people in this forum, am I wrong? You really will do more efforts if there is money there? Where would we be now If Tesla or any other grand scientific would move just for money?
That's my thoughts, sorry If I'm wrong, I don't want to despite anyone.

Sorry for OT and bad english :(


I see you are new here.

You might want to read a little bit more before you pass judgement on this site.

As far as the prize ...... it has been years sense I read the requirements ......but I am pretty sure that one of the requirements of winning the prize is full disclosure
ANother requirement is it has to be replicated successfully.

If you wonder about teamwork on projects ........just pick a thread and read a few dozen pages.

Yes there are a bunch of people here that are clearly trying to stop any progress in the most promising ......if you want to see who they are just find a topic where someone claimed OU.....they rush in like a flock  of starving vultures.

What I find most troubling about this site and all other OU sites that I know about is that the skeptics can make wild claims with no proof but if someone claims OU they have to prove every detail .......and on top of that they are expected to show how the device does not break any of the so called laws of physics.
It is very clear to me that our education system is part of the problem...... sense at least Teslas time our schools have actively taught that OU is impossible ..... The so called laws of physics have been tweaked to eliminate any possibility  of OU.

The job of the expermenter is to make things that work .
It is not the job of the expermenter to prove that no laws of physics are violated  ........if the process works and the laws of physics are violated the laws of physics need to be rewritten.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: jiga on May 23, 2012, 11:00:52 AM
Quote from: resonanceman on May 22, 2012, 09:25:21 PM

I see you are new here.

You might want to read a little bit more before you pass judgement on this site.

As far as the prize ...... it has been years sense I read the requirements ......but I am pretty sure that one of the requirements of winning the prize is full disclosure
ANother requirement is it has to be replicated successfully.

If you wonder about teamwork on projects ........just pick a thread and read a few dozen pages.

Yes there are a bunch of people here that are clearly trying to stop any progress in the most promising ......if you want to see who they are just find a topic where someone claimed OU.....they rush in like a flock  of starving vultures.

What I find most troubling about this site and all other OU sites that I know about is that the skeptics can make wild claims with no proof but if someone claims OU they have to prove every detail .......and on top of that they are expected to show how the device does not break any of the so called laws of physics.
It is very clear to me that our education system is part of the problem...... sense at least Teslas time our schools have actively taught that OU is impossible ..... The so called laws of physics have been tweaked to eliminate any possibility  of OU.

The job of the expermenter is to make things that work .
It is not the job of the expermenter to prove that no laws of physics are violated  ........if the process works and the laws of physics are violated the laws of physics need to be rewritten.
Hi Gary!

Yes I'm new posting here! But I have been silently reading lots of posts here. Of course I saw people collaborating, but I also saw people keeping secrets... and talking about the prize.

I don't want to lost focus of this thread... of course I'm a newbie in this page (and also in OU devices), and my opinion should be treated as that! :)  Thanks for answering to me!

And Physics, can be wrong, but I don't think it can be wrong in a general way... there are lots of very intelligent people learning Physics, I don't despite them, nor their matter. I believe (Well I'm SURE, but still no proofs) some border conditions can be wrong in some of the current physics laws (that also happened with Plank experiments before physics revolution in last century).

I'm investigating some stuff right now. :-X I will share if a find something useful...  (In a new thread)

Have a nice day good people!!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: resonanceman on May 23, 2012, 08:45:03 PM
Quote from: jiga on May 23, 2012, 11:00:52 AM
Hi Gary!

Yes I'm new posting here! But I have been silently reading lots of posts here. Of course I saw people collaborating, but I also saw people keeping secrets... and talking about the prize.

I don't want to lost focus of this thread... of course I'm a newbie in this page (and also in OU devices), and my opinion should be treated as that! :)  Thanks for answering to me!

And Physics, can be wrong, but I don't think it can be wrong in a general way... there are lots of very intelligent people learning Physics, I don't despite them, nor their matter. I believe (Well I'm SURE, but still no proofs) some border conditions can be wrong in some of the current physics laws (that also happened with Plank experiments before physics revolution in last century).

I'm investigating some stuff right now. :-X I will share if a find something useful...  (In a new thread)

Have a nice day good people!!

I dont think physics is wrong in a general way either .......but it is wrong in some very specific ways.
As long as you try to follow all the laws of physics you cant achieve OU.
There are some quirks that people are taught to work around .....there may be OU in some of them . One example is back emf pulses.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on June 15, 2012, 10:14:54 AM
Hi everyone,

One thing nobody still tried - duality on magnets.
Because in nature we always have two not oneI got idea: Instead of single magnet pole passing through coil, the 2 magnets should be joined together and their junction forming bloch wall should pass through coils. And generator coils themselves should be high voltage so Lenz force can be lagged. At certain speeds it should be much greater effect when dual pole magnets pass through those coils.
My suggestion is to have coil arranged in way where dual pole magnets edges touch U shape core edges and one dual pole magnet should be in center of that core. I made quick sketch trying to show how it should look like. Would be great if someone would actually try to make it... :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: thevoice4you on July 08, 2012, 09:27:23 AM
Quote from: jiga on May 16, 2012, 09:38:19 AM
Hi Guys!

Im new in this forum. First of all sorry for moving your focus away from your very interesting ..... So this started 01/01/2008, after 4 years did anybody could replicate it?

Thanks a lot!!!

Juan from Argentina.
Hi Juan, please to meet you, if you find the time and take a look at my MULLER solution as I am sure it will enlighten you  ;)
some parts photos...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 08, 2012, 01:51:11 PM
Quote from: jiga on May 16, 2012, 09:38:19 AM
Hi Guys!

Im new in this forum. First of all sorry for moving your focus away from your very interesting works.  And also sorry for my bad english.

Does anybody made a replication of RomeroUK's engine? I've read a lot of posts for the TT Pyramid and spent hours there, and in last pages of the topic I discovered very disappointed that it was a fraud, as no one could replicate it working and Trawoger disappeared.

So I'm a bit more skeptic now! (Skeptic in the good sense, I'm still open minded, but I have to prove it because there are lots of disinformers) I read first pages of this topic, and it looks very interesting, but I really have no time for reading all 300+ pages. So this started 01/01/2008, after 4 years did anybody could replicate it?

Thanks a lot!!!

Juan from Argentina.

The reason as to why no one has been able to replicate the Romero's setup is very simple. Romero's setup was a fake and he admitted it himself. Nevertheless, I still believe that Bill Muller's setup is a useful design which can be adapted to other projects.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: thevoice4you on July 09, 2012, 07:33:20 AM
Hi all can anybody here PLEASE tell me their take on my project ''MULLER & COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM'' ! ?  :-\
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DimaWari on July 09, 2012, 10:02:18 AM
Its not fake my friend avalon... have you tried all your magnet in your rotor all south up? i guess nobody suggest that it might be SNNS instead of SNSN. bucking configuration like Tesla patent 382,282 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DimaWari on July 09, 2012, 11:33:34 AM
One more thing my friend, all Switching Power Supply operate at high frequency but it doesn't mean that we cannot transfer stored energy in inductor with 90% - 100% efficiency at lower frequency. How about your driver is 90% on and 10% off time. Thus it matter?   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 09, 2012, 01:36:23 PM
Quote from: thevoice4you on July 09, 2012, 07:33:20 AM
Hi all can anybody here PLEASE tell me their take on my project ''MULLER & COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM'' ! ?  :-\

I would start by disagreeing with the statement (from the site - link above) "it seems the B.Muller dynamo (NEOGEN) is the most efficient electricity generator out there". It is not correct.

Let's back up a little.
A lot of people trying Muller's setup simply misunderstood the basic principle. Yes, they do use non-cogging magnets placement in their's designs but also fail to notice that in B. Muller's case the 2 part coils (with rotating magnets going between them) are in-line with the output.

In other words, a typical design is a pulse driver circuit connected to a pair of coils and the rest of the pairs are used as generators (connected either serially or in parallel). This design is usually followed by an endless discussion of how to place the magnets in the rotor (all poles the same or any available combination under the sun) and how efficient the pulse driver is, and so no. The end result is the same,- no OU. No-one has so far been able to self-sustain the rotation (excluding well known fakes), let alone generate useful power. I did spend some time experimenting with the design as well. The best achieved results were about 30 ma (12v) power consumption (approx. 2500 RPM, 9 magnets N42) and about 36V DC power generation. However, I have been unable to self-sustain the rotation.

After re-reading all available documents I have re-designed the setup according to B. Muller. My gen coils were then connected in parallel and serially with the output. There was a power supply (12V DC) as well. I have then been able to register an increased power output.

Which brings me back to the beginning.  B.Muller dynamo (NEOGEN) is not the most efficient electricity generator out there. It is, nevertheless, a power amplifier of sort. Careful studying reveals striking similarities between B.Muller's approach and Kunel's. As well as R. Willis's and many others. It is a joint reaction of magnets and inductance that is the core of all of these setups.

Tesla's turbine is not the most efficient turbine out there either. By combining the two you are not going to achieve any unusual results.

it seems that the old saying is right. You can't pull yourself up in the air regardless of how strong your arms are. You can, however, lift a very heavy object by using levers or rope blocks.

The same applies to electricity. I have tried some setups where the output is greater than the input. I have never seen or tried anything which would generate power indefinitely with no external source.

It doesn't mean at all that it is not possible. It only means that a totally new approach is needed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 09, 2012, 01:48:00 PM
Hey Avalon
go back to the first 100 pages or so of this thread and read all about it - Romero gets it "overunity" at first...and thats pretty good in itself - loading coils makes the rotor spin faster - also very good in itself...none of that is fake - he just loads the coils and measures power compared to input power and takes video of it too...
But Romero cant loop it, since the speed-up effect under load, means more power is made from the faster and faster rotation of the rotor magnets so it becomes sort of exponential-type power increase (how its supposed to be when working in overunity-mode)
Gyula steps in, and helps him out with the great DC-to-DC controller idea in order to control the output of Romeros machine ... Romero tries this out, and IT LOOPS...
he then continues to report about it,  and EVERYTIME anyone loops a self-sustaining anything, they get the VISIT...exaclty what happens to Romero - it took 8 days however in his case ( a little slow over there in England to respond?)....
Romeor only said it was fake ONCE, and this right after the visit from MIB agents whoever they were and that is statndard practice, to say its fake when its not -  it could save your life and Romeore was obviously scared you-know-what by the visit...also saying its fake when its not is perfect for the MIB agenda - this discredits all free erngy researchers in process (ss this guy is fake so they must all be)
and also discredits all the techinical iformation released to public (so we should ignore it eh!)...but really Romefo had no choice but to say that unless he wants to catch the bullet sure to come....i would too, if someon held gun next to me and my family...so would anybody uless they have some sort of acute martyr-syndrome peculiar to free energy.

the speed-up under load of the generator coils IS the effect that is most-important and many people have replecated it...inclulding me..."my take" is that it is the backing-magnets behind the coils and cores that cause the speed up under loading of coils, and the bakcing-magnets dont and shouldnt necesarrily be directly behind the cores of the coils.... I get speed up with loaded coils with the bakcing magnets in crazy and illogical positioning and strenghts to the gernator coils and cores....
If Romeore had never done it, I never would, 9the speed up under loading of genrator coils because of bakcing magnets) nore would anyone else most probably...so Romero is the pioneer here and give him all the credit and respect in the world for that ...
I think why people cannot easily replicate the looping -is that  eveyone assumes the magnet should go right behind the cores, but instead it is a "separate" effect going on, with the backing magnets actually reacting to the ROTOR magents, with the cores-reactions to backign magnets being a  secondary-force (my theory not necessarily fact just what I think is going on)...I call it Howard-Johnson effect because to get maximum speed up unler loading of coils, the backing-magnets behind the cores and coils will have a completley lillogical and very-different-for every-motor postioning (like how Howard Johnsons stator magnets look)
...so its lots of trial and error testing, to get the pseed up with the backing magnets....most people understandably, will  plop the backing-magnet right behind the cores, and call it "good"...but actually the backing-magnets have no logical potsitiong and is only found though lots of bench work...
the fact that this particular  technique of building a no-lenz generator (actually speed-up under load type of genrator, even better!)
has been "revealed" is more important than fact Romero made it run itself in video demonstration......making it run itself is really a good demo of overunity mostly is all it is and cant be argued since it runs itself  (unless you say it is fake! ha)
- and loopin always seems to get people in trouble from those other people who just dont want the world's economy flipped-over right now and want to continue status quo of oil, coal, nuclear. wind, solar means of making power....(too many jobs lost I guess)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 09, 2012, 01:49:02 PM
Quote from: thevoice4you on July 08, 2012, 09:27:23 AM
Hi Juan, please to meet you, if you find the time and take a look at my MULLER solution as I am sure it will enlighten you  ;)
some parts photos...

Very nice build!   I hope you got something that works for all your effort.   Are you able to get excess power or self run?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 09, 2012, 03:15:54 PM
Quote from: konehead on July 09, 2012, 01:48:00 PM
Hey Avalon
go back to the first 100 pages or so of this thread and read all about it - Romero gets it "overunity" at first...and thats pretty good in itself - loading coils makes the rotor spin faster - also very good in itself...none of that is fake - he just loads the coils and measures power compared to input power and takes video of it too...
But Romero cant loop it, since the speed-up effect under load, means more power is made from the faster and faster rotation of the rotor magnets so it becomes sort of exponential-type power increase (how its supposed to be when working in overunity-mode)
Gyula steps in, and helps him out with the great DC-to-DC controller idea in order to control the output of Romeros machine ... Romero tries this out, and IT LOOPS...
he then continues to report about it,  and EVERYTIME anyone loops a self-sustaining anything, they get the VISIT...exaclty what happens to Romero - it took 8 days however in his case ( a little slow over there in England to respond?)....
Romeor only said it was fake ONCE, and this right after the visit from MIB agents whoever they were and that is statndard practice, to say its fake when its not -  it could save your life and Romeore was obviously scared you-know-what by the visit...also saying its fake when its not is perfect for the MIB agenda - this discredits all free erngy researchers in process (ss this guy is fake so they must all be)
and also discredits all the techinical iformation released to public (so we should ignore it eh!)...but really Romefo had no choice but to say that unless he wants to catch the bullet sure to come....i would too, if someon held gun next to me and my family...so would anybody uless they have some sort of acute martyr-syndrome peculiar to free energy.

the speed-up under load of the generator coils IS the effect that is most-important and many people have replecated it...inclulding me..."my take" is that it is the backing-magnets behind the coils and cores that cause the speed up under loading of coils, and the bakcing-magnets dont and shouldnt necesarrily be directly behind the cores of the coils.... I get speed up with loaded coils with the bakcing magnets in crazy and illogical positioning and strenghts to the gernator coils and cores....
If Romeore had never done it, I never would, 9the speed up under loading of genrator coils because of bakcing magnets) nore would anyone else most probably...so Romero is the pioneer here and give him all the credit and respect in the world for that ...
I think why people cannot easily replicate the looping -is that  eveyone assumes the magnet should go right behind the cores, but instead it is a "separate" effect going on, with the backing magnets actually reacting to the ROTOR magents, with the cores-reactions to backign magnets being a  secondary-force (my theory not necessarily fact just what I think is going on)...I call it Howard-Johnson effect because to get maximum speed up unler loading of coils, the backing-magnets behind the cores and coils will have a completley lillogical and very-different-for every-motor postioning (like how Howard Johnsons stator magnets look)
...so its lots of trial and error testing, to get the pseed up with the backing magnets....most people understandably, will  plop the backing-magnet right behind the cores, and call it "good"...but actually the backing-magnets have no logical potsitiong and is only found though lots of bench work...
the fact that this particular  technique of building a no-lenz generator (actually speed-up under load type of genrator, even better!)
has been "revealed" is more important than fact Romero made it run itself in video demonstration......making it run itself is really a good demo of overunity mostly is all it is and cant be argued since it runs itself  (unless you say it is fake! ha)
- and loopin always seems to get people in trouble from those other people who just dont want the world's economy flipped-over right now and want to continue status quo of oil, coal, nuclear. wind, solar means of making power....(too many jobs lost I guess)

This is simply unintelligible gibberish. I've read a lot of posts like this one on Romero's site. Someone was even telling me that he was using the setup to 'power my car and heat up my house".

Let's not start an empty discussion. There is a simple way to prove that you are right. Have someone to examine and replicate the setup independently. I don't care which colour suits they will be wearing as long as we have published verifiable results.
Something tells me that will not be possible for a multitude of b/s reasons.

Anyway, I will be to first one to applaud to a successful design. So don't be shy.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 10, 2012, 01:38:07 AM
Hey Avalon
No its not intelligable giberish  - unless you do not understand what Romero did, or have not done a replication that gets speed up under loading of coils.
what I worte is how it is and i dont care what you applaud.
people do use mullergenerator designs as motors, and do power cars with them, and power homes too.
what are you doing on Romero's site if you think he is a fake?
What are you doing HERE if you think he is fake? trying to enlightnen us with your keen perception ? (NOT)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DimaWari on July 10, 2012, 08:04:42 AM
This is what I mean guys.. SNNS magnet. Thus anyone tried this configuration?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 10, 2012, 12:37:55 PM
Quote from: konehead on July 10, 2012, 01:38:07 AM
people do use mullergenerator designs as motors, and do power cars with them, and power homes too.

Plain lie.
This is precisely what I don't like about people like you. In an effort to win an argument you are prepared to lie and make false statements.

Back to Muller's dynamo. 
DimaWari, I have not tried your SNNS setup but I do not think it's going to make any difference. A quick simulation shows that the resulting magnetic field (@coils core) will be the same as with a single magnet.
I still have my old Muller's setup and can easily try it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 10, 2012, 03:26:51 PM
Hey Avalon
I have seen pictures that Bill Muller showed me in person of an Alfa-Romero Montreal converted to run on a Muller motor/generator...so there is a car. 
A guy in Norway named robert I know presonally ran his mountain cabin on a rotovertor-Mullergen so there is the house.
Can you make list of the other poeple you know "like me" who lie to help win an argument with you?  Sounds like a personal problem you have, all those people lying to you! - maybe you should change your medications - try not taking the stupid pills in the morning eh.
How about a list of people who slander by calling people liars and fakes to start arguments and  for purpose to  make those people angry with you? 
You would be on top of list for that wouldnt you?.
I presonally got speed up under loading of genrator coils with a RomeroUK replication/variant,  becasue of the backing magnets behind the core.
so have others got speed up under loading of coils...that means Romero is not a fake, his information and design of Muller generator with backing magnets was honest. and good.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 10, 2012, 09:35:10 PM
Quote from: konehead on July 10, 2012, 03:26:51 PM

I have seen pictures that Bill Muller showed me in person of an Alfa-Romero Montreal converted to run on a Muller motor/generator...so there is a car. 
A guy in Norway named robert I know presonally ran his mountain cabin on a rotovertor-Mullergen so there is the house.Can you make list of the other poeple you know "like me" who lie to help win an argument with you?

... and I know a guy named konehead who can't even spell 'people', let alone tell the difference between something real and fake.
Try using words with fewer syllables.

There is no car that runs on Muller's dynamo like there is no car that runs on EV Grey's motor. There were once promises to build them but it never happened .

There is (I am sure) a guy in Norway named Robert but I really doubt that he has a working power source of any kind. Rotoverters so far have failed to show any OU. It is simply an efficient way for running a motor (by trading off the shaft power). No-one (not even the hypothetical Robert) has a self-looping setup. It is always <-> this close but no-one can get there.

I tried RVs. I still have them in my garage. A couple of Baldors 5hp motors coupled together. A prime mover and an alternator setup which only requires 74W to run. It can even generate electricity very efficiently. Just not enough to self-sustain and hooking it up to Muller's dynamo only decreases its efficiency.  Hell, even hooking it up to a zero-cogging (supposedely Lenz-less) generator had no desired effect.

I am sure that we all would like to see anything real. I know I would. The trouble is that, sadly, it is not available. Not yet.
Ask yourself a question: why is it that after all this years we still do not have anything real that we all can replicate and use? Is it all because of the 'men in black' like your lying friend tells everybody, or is it because simply there isn't anything available?

Surely, if we have FBI's files on Tesla and MI-5's files on Hans Coller available to us nowadays than anything real, despite any opposition from anyone, would find its way to us by now as well. Or it will be available as a product (like Andrea Rossi's E-Cat).

You ask me why I keep on checking various sites? I hope to see something real for once. Call me an optimist but I am convinced that sooner or later someone will come up with something real and I would like to be present that day. I do not know when and who. I just know that it will not be someone who thinks that a little lie doesn't hurt anybody and, certainly, not someone who fakes results.

We do not need a prettier picture. We all need a real one. I hope you too.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on July 11, 2012, 12:04:03 AM
Hi folks, Romeros device worked as he showed in his self running video.
As far as bullets and being a martyr, I can assure you folks, that fear is the only thing that will cause such.
Stay in the love vibration and nothing can harm one.
The outer so called reality, only exists, because many people feed it with their fear.
Though one being can alter their reality to one of unconditional love, though understand, you may still have other ones (MIB, etc.) trying to pull you back into their reality of fear, though once one sees the power one has to create their immediate reality in the now moment, these attempts will fade away.
Ironically, this information I share is of infinitely more value than any technology, because the natural creative power to manifest the reality one chooses, is the ultimate technology of the universe. ;)
peace love light and much wisdom on your journeys.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 11, 2012, 12:56:45 AM

No, the fact is that Romero's Mueller replication did not work as he showed in his self-running video.  People were way too gullible and the first question that they should have asked was to see a scope trace of the output of the common FWBR bus.  Why people were so gullible and jumped on the replication bandwagon without getting more data is beyond me.  If they had seen the scope trace of the output of the FWBR bus for the different speeds that Romero demoed his motor, it would have busted him right then and there.

The only reasonable explanation for how the motor was ostensibly driving the DC-to-DC converter from the output of the FWBR bus, even when the motor RPM was quite low, was that Romero was cheating and jacking extra power into the FWBR bus.  Note the output of the DC-to-DC converter was connected back to the power input of the motor to create the alleged "self looping."

Then Wattsup analyzed the video, starting with a lead from Woopy, and found the frames in the video that clearly showed that Romero was indeed jacking extra power into the FWBR bus.

Several months later on OUR I had the debate with Romero and he admitted that he cheated.

Quite honestly, the truth is more important than your idealism in this particular case.  Collective self-deception must be avoided at all costs.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 11, 2012, 01:22:57 AM
Hey Avalon
I really dont care how badly the stuff you build works thats your personal problem.
Certainly I will not help you in anyway.
good luck lurking and insulting people on the forums!...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 11, 2012, 01:25:41 AM
Quote from: MileHigh on July 11, 2012, 12:56:45 AM
Several months later on OUR I had the debate with Romero and he admitted that he cheated.

Quite honestly, the truth is more important than your idealism in this particular case.  Collective self-deception must be avoided at all costs.

Ditto. Right and to the point.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DimaWari on July 11, 2012, 08:22:15 AM
Thanks Avalon, Ive tried so many different configuration and coil windings style but lately i look again the kromrey generator waveform provided by romero and found out its the same with asymmetrical transformer with two opposite windings but the other one is shorted. Ive tried also to increase the duty cycle of my driver which gave me a better result. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on July 11, 2012, 01:40:10 PM
Avalon and other clueless people insulting konehead - you obviously don't know him and what he has done or why he might mispell things.   I'll just say this isn't a book here for publishing and some people don't take the time to correct typos.  I've met konehead and he runs at about double the speed most people do so I can see him flying along typing out all the info he shares and not wanting to take time to make it all pretty for some anal retentive types that have to have everything spelled perfect.  Insulting someone on a forum for typos is nonsense.  We are here to share info and it has been well proven that even when letters are totally scrambled people can still read it:


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 12, 2012, 10:20:55 PM

No-one is trying to insult anyone. The points we were making still stands.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 13, 2012, 02:03:53 PM
Hey Avabaloney
I suppose next you will classify your insults as observations, or slander as opinion
All the points about Romeros videos being fakes have been 100% refuted  in the past posts around 100-200pg region of this thread with explanations of the "red wire" and the FWBR and such... a special thread has been made especially for those who thinks those videos are fakes, so you can blow off there.
The speed up under-load with backing-magnets behind the stator cores and coils is feature that works, as proven now by replications, so maybe you should do the experiements, get the speed up under load yourself, and see it works then come back and thank Romero for coming up with this idea and a method to make lenz-less generators.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 13, 2012, 03:29:43 PM

There is a perfectly logical explanation for the speed-up under load.

When you power the motor with your battery the power gets split into waste heat from resistive losses and power that spins the rotor.  The power that spins the rotor becomes waste heat in the friction losses in the bearings and air friction.  When you add a load you just change the power split.

Hypothetical example #1:

No load:
Power consumption:  10 watts
Resistive losses:  7 watts
Rotor power:  3 watts
RPM:  600

With a load:
Power consumption:  10 watts
Resistive losses:  6 watts
Rotor power:  4 watts
RPM:  700

So, as you can see, "speeding up under load" means almost nothing.  It just means that more of the available power went into the rotor.  There is no indication of a trend towards possible over unity there.

In addition, I am pretty sure that when most experimenters observed the speed-up under load they did not check if the power consumption of the motor changed:

Hypothetical example #2:

No load:
Power consumption:  10 watts
Resistive losses:  7 watts
Rotor power:  3 watts
RPM:  600

With a load:
Power consumption:  12 watts
Resistive losses:  8 watts
Rotor power:  4 watts
RPM:  700

So just observing "speeding up under load" means nothing.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 13, 2012, 03:46:03 PM

QuoteAll the points about Romeros videos being fakes have been 100% refuted  in the past posts around 100-200pg region of this thread with explanations of the "red wire" and the FWBR and such...

In all of Romero's videos there was never a scope display of the output of the FWBR bus.   In Romero's video where he switches the voltage output of the DC-to-DC converter we observe that the rotor is getting slower and slower as the voltage is decreased.  We know when this is happening that the output from the FWBR bus ls lowering in voltage and available power.  That means that you are providing the DC-to-DC converter with a lower voltage, therefore it has to demand higher current from the FWBR bus.

At the lowest RPM of the rotor it was obvious that the output power and voltage from the FWBR bus would never in a million years be able to power the DC-to-DC converter to keep the self-looping going.

The proof for the above statement would have been to see the scope trace of the FWBR bus as Romero lowered the output voltage from the DC-to-DC converter but that wasn't done.  Or at least have a multimeter displaying the average DC voltage on the FWBR bus but that wasn't done either.

The supply battery was covertly connected to the FWBR bus and that's why the motor ran.  That's why the output of the FWBR bus was never shown in his clips.  Nobody ever made a successful replication.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 14, 2012, 12:30:00 PM
Mile way-too high
I dont read your posts at all so its much better this way isnt it
you can never win an argument with a fool, and you think I am foolish to believe something you dont, and I think your are foolish being the idiot you are, so thats where we stand and its not going to change.
so go over to the other thread where its OK to attack romero and call him a fake there all you want... you are wasting everyones time here and you should be banned from this thread if the moderator is active here.....
the FACT is, the discovery Romero made, of speed-up under load with magnets behind the cores/coil of the mullergen Romeor built DOES work, as I did it, took videos of it too..
SO this means what Romeor did IS true no matter what you say or think or argue.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 14, 2012, 12:52:37 PM

Enough of the bashing, ok?  I am not impressed with your little freak-outs.  Be a man and just debate like a civil person.  Stop acting like an untamed shrew.  In my opinion you are deluded about Romero's Muller replication.

Also stop acting like you can just suppress other people's opinions that you don't care for.  Shame on you for acting like that.

QuoteSO this means what Romeor did IS true no matter what you say or think or argue.

Burying your head in the sand is not going to get you anywhere.

The speed-up under load means nothing because no one ever factored in the fact that some waste heat could be redirected to the rotor or the power consumption could change like I explained.  All "speed up under load" empirical observations are inconclusive.  You want to prove me wrong?  Then go ahead and do a new round of experiments were you account for possible power consumption changes and resistive loss changes.  Good luck.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 14, 2012, 01:03:12 PM
Hi all
yesterday I was testing a smaller-size  "Mullergen" I built with aircores, using a 7.5HP size "rotovertored" 3ph AC motor to spin it at 1795rpm (.14Aac at 120VAC inputbut but did have it down to .08Aac for a time - bearings a little dirty I think..I bet with slim-design ceramic bearings it would be around .05A input but those are expensive)
I wanted some more output from a single coil in this machine  (a quick power measurement is 700maDC "crowbarred" with ammeter, and 22VDC after FWBR and smallcap...so figure about 11VDC X 350ma w/resistive load...around 12W per coil,  figuring very approx watts)
Anyways I put a big oil-filled AC cap of 40uf across the coil leads, before the FWBR....now I have 68VDC into a large size 2200uf 350V DC cap...thats pretty good really....draw to the rotovertor mtoor spinnig it doesnt go up  when filling up that 2200uf cap even from zero volts...so this is very good also....
to discharge cap without affecting draw, thats why you would use the diode-plug or "two stage" output, where you fill up cap unloaded, then dump cap to the load, only when cap is also disconnected from the genrator coils during the time period of the cap-discharge to load...so this means not only is the filling of cap not affecting draw to the "prime mover" (the motor spinnign the generator rotor) but also the discharge of the cap to load will not affect draw, so ipso fatso, lenz-less generator...
Interesting thing is, when looking at scope of affect of that 40uf cap, it causes the coil's waveform to RING a few oscillations more than what is normal without that 40uf cap, this besides increasing the votlage-peaks...so this is good thing eh....Hector has been telling me that you can get coils to RING/SHORT without any swtihcing-at peaks, via a large AC cap stuck onto them, so that is what just happened and has confirmed what H has been saying....
now next step is to ALSO short this coil at the peaks TOO, with mosfet swtihcing, along with this AC cap in circuit...(dont knwo if this will improve it even more but should)
The rings that occur are not a "flurry" of HF rings, like what happens with coil-shorting at peaks with mosfet swtiching,
more a smooth-looking heavy signal of extra-ringing going on, with the 40uf AC cap.....so this will be much easier to short at peaks, as compared to trying to short at peaks the hihg-frequency flurrry of peaks that the shorting-switch method causes.
Anyways any of you out there with any sort of mullergen-like thing going on (basically neodimium  magnets past coils to make power!) ....put a large size  AC cap across the coil FIRST before you put that FWBR across it going into DC cap....dont put any load on it at "first"too - "wait" for that, in next-stage (two) where cap discharges to load when cap is disconnenect from coils....
I saw that a 6 uf, a 10 uf, AC cap really had no effect in this particular coil (240ft totlalength bifilar 22GA wire aircore) ....a 75uf cap did have the effect, but was more "sunken" looking voltage on scope....so the 40uf cap worked best so far...I bet that there will be a very specific AC cap uf value that will work the very best like 36uf or 32uf or something but havent gong through all the cap sizes yet....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 14, 2012, 02:34:50 PM
Quote from: MileHigh on July 14, 2012, 12:52:37 PM

The speed-up under load means nothing because no one ever factored in the fact that some waste heat could be redirected to the rotor or the power consumption could change like I explained.  All "speed up under load" empirical observations are inconclusive.

Completely true. In fact, speed up under load for years has been something electrical engineers have been trying to avoid (specifically asynchronous motors speed up phenomenon).

You probably have seen this link (http://www.totallyamped.net/adams/index.html (http://www.totallyamped.net/adams/index.html)) but here it is just in case. The guy has done a good job studying the effect back in 2007.

I have seen a ton of other info on the subject and everyone has concluded that practical applications are very limited at best. There are no known (and verified) power generating setups based on the effect.

Recently I found a video on Youtube where a guy (I presume from the Ukraine as the domain is .ua) goes through steps of building and testing a dual-rotor planetary type generator free of Lenz effect. Although not in English the video is self explanatory. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krgc-pQ-siw&feature=player_embedded#! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krgc-pQ-siw&feature=player_embedded#!)

I was completely fascinated by the design and thought that the guy had a very good chance to actually build a working prototype. Sadly, the end result is negative and the project (as far as I know) has been abandoned.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on July 14, 2012, 04:02:55 PM
Quote from: avalon on July 14, 2012, 02:34:50 PM

Recently I found a video on Youtube where a guy (I presume from the Ukraine as the domain is .ua) goes through steps of building and testing a dual-rotor planetary type generator free of Lenz effect. Although not in English the video is self explanatory. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krgc-pQ-siw&feature=player_embedded#! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krgc-pQ-siw&feature=player_embedded#%21)

I was completely fascinated by the design and thought that the guy had a very good chance to actually build a working prototype. Sadly, the end result is negative and the project (as far as I know) has been abandoned.

Hi avalon,

On the domain site http://tet.in.ua (http://tet.in.ua) (shown in the video) they do not claim the end result is negative, they claim just the opposite...   
See here the Russian text: http://tet.in.ua/?page_id=435 (http://tet.in.ua/?page_id=435) I quote:

ЭлекÑ,рогенераÑ,ор планеÑ,арного Ñ,ипа
ЭксперименÑ,Ñ‹ показали, чÑ,о самовращение генераÑ,ора возможно при условии использования эÑ,,Ñ,,екÑ,а Ð"убера. Ð'озникновения движущей силы данного эÑ,,Ñ,,екÑ,а наблюдаеÑ,ся при определенной скоросÑ,и вращения.

Google translates this as:

Generator planetary
Experiments have shown that self-rotation of the generator is possible if the effect of Huber. Occurrence of the driving forces of this effect is observed at a certain speed.

So what do you think?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on July 15, 2012, 06:45:30 AM
Quote from: avalon on July 14, 2012, 02:34:50 PM
Completely true. In fact, speed up under load for years has been something electrical engineers have been trying to avoid (specifically asynchronous motors speed up phenomenon).

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B750RHM9hTc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B750RHM9hTc)

I think this is what Muller originaly had in his dynamo. Grab RomeoUK circuit and build instructions and just change generator coils to high voltage and high induction coils then add step down high frequency transformer and have fun!

The conventional physics have formula for Lenz law but do not have formula to calculate timing of it. The higher induction on generator coil the later response of Lenz force on it. So at certain frequency the prime mover cycle can be finished already before Lenz force becomes into action!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 15, 2012, 09:52:04 AM

QuoteThe conventional physics have formula for Lenz law but do not have formula to calculate timing of it. The higher induction on generator coil the later response of Lenz force on it. So at certain frequency the prime mover cycle can be finished already before Lenz force becomes into action!

The formulas exist and there is no magic frequency that allows you to avoid the Lenz force.  The clip was a variation on what was already discussed about speed up under load.  The data from the experiment is inconclusive.  The motor controller consumes most of the power and you have no idea how it behaves beyond just what you observe.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on July 15, 2012, 10:17:56 AM
Quote from: MileHigh on July 15, 2012, 09:52:04 AM

The formulas exist and there is no magic frequency that allows you to avoid the Lenz force.

Ok so what is the formula when Lenz force happens inside of coil when you have driving frequency and coil inductance?
For example, what is Lenz t=dt? is when you have f=1kHz frequency and L=100H inductance? The coil would be shorted for this case.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 15, 2012, 10:36:16 AM

The way you posed the question, it's not logical so there is no answer.   The real example you want to look at is when you move a magnet past a coil and the wires of the coil are connected to a resistor.  When the magnet moves past the coil, the coil generates EMF, and that causes power to be burnt off in the resistor.  As power is being burnt off in the resistor, current is flowing through the coil, and that current flowing through the coil causes a Lenz drag on the moving magnet.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on July 15, 2012, 10:48:03 AM
Quote from: MileHigh on July 15, 2012, 10:36:16 AM

The way you posed the question, it's not logical so there is no answer.   The real example you want to look at is when you move a magnet past a coil and the wires of the coil are connected to a resistor.

To understand my question more easily lets assume your example and when you got a magnet passing generator coil 1000 times per second. The generator coil would be high voltage coil with internal inductance of 100 Henries.

My question is: What is time difference between magnet approaching coil and reactive Lenz force happening on coil to create drag on magnet? Would be magnet already approached coil or still on move towards coil on that moment? This is 1 million dollar question :)

P.S> Thane and others practically showed that effect by experiments but never related time of Lenz force happening with generator coil inductance and frequency for calculations...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 15, 2012, 10:55:04 AM

QuoteMy question is: What is time difference between magnet approaching coil and reactive Lenz force happening on coil to create drag on magnet? Would be magnet already approached coil or still on move towards coil on that moment? This is 1 million dollar question

The Lenz force reaction happens at the speed of light.  So the time difference is essentially zero.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on July 15, 2012, 10:58:57 AM
Quote from: MileHigh on July 15, 2012, 10:55:04 AM

The Lenz force reaction happens at the speed of light.  So the time difference is essentially zero.


That is incorrect.

Please see very closely http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B750RHM9hTc (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B750RHM9hTc) when frequency is increased and what happened to motor consuming power.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 15, 2012, 11:07:34 AM

I already discussed that clip but let me add some more thoughts.

It's possible for the power consumption of the motor controller to go down under load:

No load:
Motor controller:  75 watts
Load:  0 watts

With load:
Motor controller:  50 watts
Load:  10 watts

It may look impressive but it doesn't mean anything.   The empirical observation is that the motor controller is more efficient in terms of its own power-in vs. power-out when you attach a load to the motor.   Yes, the total power consumption of the motor controller dropped by 25 watts when you attached a load - but it still doesn't mean anything.

Again, sorry but that clip is inconclusive.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on July 15, 2012, 11:12:21 AM
Quote from: MileHigh on July 15, 2012, 11:07:34 AM

It may look impressive but it doesn't mean anything.   The empirical observation is that the motor controller is more efficient in terms of its own power-in vs. power out when you attach a load to the motor.   Yes, the total power consumption of the motor controller dropped by 25 watts when you attached a load - but it still doesn't mean anything.

There are lots of other videos with same efffect. For example, another one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpTw_Hf_CHo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpTw_Hf_CHo)

If you still do not see what I am talking about, I cannot help you, heh...

The time is variable in case of Lenz law with different induction coils. I learned that in hard way.

P.S> One of good sources with info: http://www.classicenergyvideos.com/brucedepalma.wmv
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 15, 2012, 02:27:22 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on July 14, 2012, 04:02:55 PM
Hi avalon,

On the domain site http://tet.in.ua (http://tet.in.ua) (shown in the video) they do not claim the end result is negative, they claim just the opposite...   

...Experiments have shown that self-rotation of the generator is possible if the effect of Huber. Occurrence of the driving forces of this effect is observed at a certain speed.

So what do you think?

My information doesn't come from the Web site. I have been in touch with the author directly. He wrote to me that

.... using all 6 rotors installed slowed down the rotation. I was disappointed...
All experiments have been put on hold for now but I would like you view on the mathematical model of the setup or your vision on Tomlin's process..

Also, the the author admitted that using the Guber effect in the current setup lowered the efficiency considerably.

So I think that a pulse driver should have been used instead. I have also suggested a different approach to the magnet holders to get rid of (or, at least to minimize) the eddy currents.

Overall, I am as disappointed with the results as the author.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on July 15, 2012, 03:18:32 PM
Quote from: avalon on July 15, 2012, 02:27:22 PM
My information doesn't come from the Web site. I have been in touch with the author directly. He wrote to me that

Also, the the author admitted that using the Guber effect in the current setup lowered the efficiency considerably.

So I think that a pulse driver should have been used instead. I have also suggested a different approach to the magnet holders to get rid of (or, at least to minimize) the eddy currents.

Overall, I am as disappointed with the results as the author.

http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffiz.1september.ru%2Fview_article.php%3FID%3D200902308&act=url is not the case for Muller dynamo.

You might ask your guy to swap generator coils into high voltage ones and try again.. ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 15, 2012, 03:18:53 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on July 15, 2012, 10:58:57 AM
That is incorrect.

It is correct (to a degree). The magnetic side of the effect is instantaneous. It is the electrical component that brings in the variations.

Using high inductance coils to delay the Lenz effect is a well known technique. The delayed reaction is not due to a delay in the Lenz effect but a simple effect of an inductor in a circuit. So, for the time-varying voltage: v(t)=L*(di(t)/dt) and the currect: i(t)=I*e^-(R/l)t.

In other words you can create a delay line (of sort) in an electrical circuit but it won't remove the Lenz effect.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 15, 2012, 03:23:04 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on July 15, 2012, 03:18:32 PM
You might ask your guy to swap generator coils into high voltage ones and try again.. ;)

That will achieve no desired effect.
BTW, as far as I know, the author had tried different coils during his experiments with no positive effect.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on July 15, 2012, 03:26:42 PM
Quote from: avalon on July 15, 2012, 03:18:53 PM
It is correct (to a degree). The magnetic side of the effect is instantaneous. It is the electrical component that brings in the variations.

Using high inductance coils to delay the Lenz effect is a well known technique. The delayed reaction is not due to a delay in the Lenz effect but a simple effect of an inductor in a circuit. So, for the time-varying voltage: v(t)=L*(di(t)/dt) and the currect: i(t)=I*e^-(R/l)t.

In other words you can create a delay line (of sort) in an electrical circuit but it won't remove the Lenz effect.

You do not need to remove Lenz effect. Only it is needed to be delayed enough for magnet to pass coil then do useful work instead of creating drag of magnet. So when it is repulsion the magnet will get to another coil and where is attraction it would drag second magnet into coil ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 15, 2012, 03:50:10 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on July 15, 2012, 03:26:42 PM
You do not need to remove Lenz effect. Only it is needed to be delayed enough for magnet to pass coil then do useful work instead of creating drag of magnet. So when it is repulsion the magnet will get to another coil and where is attraction it would drag second magnet into coil ...

It is obvious but still won't work. You can get a speed up under load effect rather easily but creating a self-sustaining generator would be a different matter.

I personally know a lot of people who have been playing with the effect for years. I can assure you that they have tried everything possible under the sun and yet no breakthrough results. It doesn't mean that we have to stop trying, only that a fresh approach is needed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 15, 2012, 05:20:24 PM
RomeroUK IS the one who made the "breakthrough results" as first he had a Muller motor/generator with his novel an unique idea of MAGNETS BEHIND THE CORES....and was testing this and making video of it with 11W in and 24W output - its all on this thread at beginning of the long list of posts (NO FAKE)...
then he LOOPED it, with the help of Gyula's idea of DC to DC convertor to control the speed up...Romero took video of this too, and in 8 days someone came by and threatened him and his family and Romero pretty much shut down the project after that.
THAT is the story, all of it still fully documented on this thread too...all other versions of this story are fake and made-up garbage.
IF you do not beleive me, read all early posts from Romero and everyone else.
Romero's discovery of putting magnets behind cores - both in themotor coils and genrator coils it works - has been replicated by dozens getting speed up under load of the gernator coils and doubling speed and power placed behind the motor coils....
jsut type in "speed up under load": on youtube look at who many people replicated it.
here is my video of speed up of motor coils with ferrite cores and "backing magnets' behind the MOTOR COILS  showing dramatic speed up:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlgEaZ8Ppc0&feature=context-cha (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlgEaZ8Ppc0&feature=context-cha)

here is my video of speed up with a shorted-out generator coil and at a certain distance from rotor magnets making gives some good speed up:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaaEdGPO7C8&feature=plcp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaaEdGPO7C8&feature=plcp)

here is my video of getting speed up with stator magnets on other side of rotor than the motor coils (NOT behind any generator coils or behind any motor coils! so different than what Romero did in that you "dont need" the genrator coils or any cores and you still get speed up jsut from the startor- magent positioning- why I call it the Howard Johnson effect)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRCdPqxleJQ&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRCdPqxleJQ&feature=related)

when you build muller generators, more is better, so if you get speed up with one coil, guess what happens when you have 15, or 50 or 60 or 120 coils instead...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 15, 2012, 07:45:39 PM

Yes, when you add extra magnets to a pulse motor it may speed up or it may slow down.  The current draw may increase or it may decrease.  You are changing the configuration of the motor so it is not surprising that the behaviour changes also.

The real question is is this change in configuration and resulting change in behaviour significant in any way?  The answer to that question is no, it's not significant.  By changing the configuration of the motor you change the electro-mechanical impedance of the motor and as a result it behaves differently.

The lesson here is that when you first have results that look exciting, you then need to take a second more thoughtful and more balanced look at your data to see if there really is something there.  The reality is that all RomeroUK replications are under unity, only a fraction of the available battery power becomes rotor power.  The fact that changing the configuration of the motor can change the balance between waste heat power and rotor power is not significant.

The MIB story is just a tall tale as far as I am concerned.  There have been no positive results and nobody ever made a self-runner like they were hoping.  There is nothing special about the RomeroUK Muller motor configuration.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on July 16, 2012, 06:08:12 AM
Hi avalon,

Thanks for the info.  If you are still in contact with the author, please tell him to change the text that says the experiments show the Huber effect makes the self rotation of a generator possible. It is rather misleading, to say the least.


Quote from: avalon on July 15, 2012, 02:27:22 PM
My information doesn't come from the Web site. I have been in touch with the author directly. He wrote to me that

Also, the the author admitted that using the Guber effect in the current setup lowered the efficiency considerably.

So I think that a pulse driver should have been used instead. I have also suggested a different approach to the magnet holders to get rid of (or, at least to minimize) the eddy currents.

Overall, I am as disappointed with the results as the author.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 16, 2012, 11:05:20 AM

Technically, it does make the rotation possible (provided that the initial rotation comes from somewhere else). However, you are right, it is somewhat misleading and I will let him know your comments.

IMHO, the Huber effect might be very useful in conjunction with unipolar generators where produced voltages are low but currents are huge. For instance, a GEC generator produces 45V and 1000 KA. That is 1,000,000 A!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Khwartz on July 19, 2012, 10:48:23 PM
Quote from: MileHigh on July 15, 2012, 07:45:39 PM

Yes, when you add extra magnets to a pulse motor it may speed up or it may slow down.  The current draw may increase or it may decrease.  You are changing the configuration of the motor so it is not surprising that the behaviour changes also.

The real question is is this change in configuration and resulting change in behaviour significant in any way?  The answer to that question is no, it's not significant.  By changing the configuration of the motor you change the electro-mechanical impedance of the motor and as a result it behaves differently.

The lesson here is that when you first have results that look exciting, you then need to take a second more thoughtful and more balanced look at your data to see if there really is something there.  The reality is that all RomeroUK replications are under unity, only a fraction of the available battery power becomes rotor power.  The fact that changing the configuration of the motor can change the balance between waste heat power and rotor power is not significant.

The MIB story is just a tall tale as far as I am concerned.  There have been no positive results and nobody ever made a self-runner like they were hoping.  There is nothing special about the RomeroUK Muller motor configuration.

Hi MileHigh!

I hear well your objections on RomeroUK Muller replication, but may I ask you something:

If in a unplug system, I mean off the grid, we have 2 batteries, 1 to feed the motor side of the motor-generator, and the number 2 been feed by the generator side.

Assuming the batteries identical, if the voltage of the number 2 feed grows faster than the voltage drop in the number 1, would you recognize an overunity in the system?

Regards, Khwartz.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 20, 2012, 10:00:52 PM

The answer to your question is no.  Battery voltages have very little meaning and comparing the rate of change of two battery voltages means nothing.

You measure the power being fed to the motor side by the source battery.  You measure the the power that the generator side is feeding to the charge battery.  Then you compare the two.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on July 21, 2012, 09:02:01 AM
Hi Guys,
How about this?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 21, 2012, 11:04:54 AM

The same principles apply.  Even if you see what appears to be an increase in efficiency, if you measure the power being provided to the motor and the output power from the generator coils going to the battery bank, the power going to the motor is always greater than the output power from the generator coils.

That YouTube page and associated web site appear to be set up by some guy out of his home.  I checked out his house.  He makes a few slick videos and has a nice friendly sounding voice.  Then he crosses his fingers and waits for the orders to start coming in.

Hacking into a real electric motor to make a "rotoverter" might be interesting for want of one thing.  Have you ever seen any performance graphs for the original unmodified electric motor compared to the performance graphs for the modified "rotoverter."  Things like electrical input power vs. mechanical output power?   As you increase the mechanical load on the motor the RPMs will tend to drop and at each instance the mechanical output power will be the RPM x the torque.

Without those comparative performance curves for an unmodified motor vs. the same motor modified to become a "rotoverter" we don't have much to go on.  And yes, I understand that a "rotoverter" outputs a current spike.  You can measure that too and include it in the data.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 21, 2012, 03:06:22 PM
Quote from: crazycut06 on July 21, 2012, 09:02:01 AM
Hi Guys,
How about this?


I am afraid I have to agree with MileHigh.
I have been playing a lot with rotoverters. In fact I have a pair of the very same motor (Baldor E-Series) so I do know the effect.
It is fairly normal for a rotoverter to lower current draw with load if you have tuned it first. I have a battery of capacitors and can find an even more pronounced drop for a particular load. The problem is that the current will go back up if the load changes in any way.

As far as the dual battery approach is concerned, I do not see higher charging battery voltage as overunity. A while back I've produced a dual battery push-pull inverter (a Ossie Callanan flavour) which works (with a 220VAC 15 W load) for nearly 2 days on a pair of freshly charged 12V 7Ah batteries. On one hand it seems like an overunity setup with higher charging voltages but I can assure you that, sadly, it is not.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on July 21, 2012, 06:06:53 PM
Quote from: crazycut06 on July 21, 2012, 09:02:01 AM
Hi Guys,
How about this?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZDBtFLotbg&feature=player_detailpage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZDBtFLotbg&feature=player_detailpage)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B750RHM9hTc&feature=plcp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B750RHM9hTc&feature=plcp) has same effect and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9bCAMWetL8&feature=plcp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9bCAMWetL8&feature=plcp) has explanation.

So who will be first to figure out formula on Lenz force timing???  Then we can go straight to the point with correct frequency :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 21, 2012, 08:55:36 PM

I doubt that my comments will resonate with you because you dismissed them once before but here goes.

Thane called the first clip, "PART 1 "Thane Heins" ReGenX Generator Replication by Independent Dutch Engineer."  That guy is not an engineer, he is a beginning experimenter.

I already stated that there is nothing of merit in the first clip, you can see my earlier comments.  Note that he is using a pulse-width-modulator to simulate a sine wave to drive the motor.  That's actually a nightmare if you want to make some measurements on the motor itself, which he does in some other clips.

The second clip is completely wrong.  He discusses the time constant for energizing a coil which is L/R.  That has nothing to do with using a coil in a generator configuration.   When a magnet passes a coil as in a generator, what you have is EMF induced in the coil and that drives the load, which consists of the coil resistance and the load resistance.  In this case Lenz drag acts at the speed of light because magnetic fields interact at the speed of light.

Any serious attempt at explaining any observed generator effects would require the development of a timing diagram.

QuoteThen we can go straight to the point with correct frequency

There is no such thing as a "correct frequency," I can feel you wishing that was true.  The faster the rotor magnets pass the generator coils the higher the EMF generated in the coils and the higher the power transferred into the load and the higher the Lenz drag.  That's simply the way it works.  There are no "timing tricks" or special formulas for the "correct" frequency.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Liberty on July 21, 2012, 09:28:38 PM
Quote from: MileHigh on July 21, 2012, 08:55:36 PM

I doubt that my comments will resonate with you because you dismissed them once before but here goes.

Thane called the first clip, "PART 1 "Thane Heins" ReGenX Generator Replication by Independent Dutch Engineer."  That guy is not an engineer, he is a beginning experimenter.

I already stated that there is nothing of merit in the first clip, you can see my earlier comments.  Note that he is using a pulse-width-modulator to simulate a sine wave to drive the motor.  That's actually a nightmare if you want to make some measurements on the motor itself, which he does in some other clips.

The second clip is completely wrong.  He discusses the time constant for energizing a coil which is L/R.  That has nothing to do with using a coil in a generator configuration.   When a magnet passes a coil as in a generator, what you have is EMF induced in the coil and that drives the load, which consists of the coil resistance and the load resistance.  In this case Lenz drag acts at the speed of light because magnetic fields interact at the speed of light.

Any serious attempt at explaining any observed generator effects would require the development of a timing diagram.

There is no such thing as a "correct frequency," I can feel you wishing that was true.  The faster the rotor magnets pass the generator coils the higher the EMF generated in the coils and the higher the power transferred into the load and the higher the Lenz drag.  That's simply the way it works.  There are no "timing tricks" or special formulas for the "correct" frequency.


" In this case Lenz drag acts at the speed of light because magnetic fields interact at the speed of light."

Thumbs up, agreed.  If you are going to have an affect, you have to be quicker than the speed of light.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on July 21, 2012, 09:48:01 PM
Quote from: MileHigh on July 21, 2012, 08:55:36 PM

I doubt that my comments will resonate with you because you dismissed them once before but here goes.

Thane called the first clip, "PART 1 "Thane Heins" ReGenX Generator Replication by Independent Dutch Engineer."  That guy is not an engineer, he is a beginning experimenter.

I already stated that there is nothing of merit in the first clip, you can see my earlier comments.  Note that he is using a pulse-width-modulator to simulate a sine wave to drive the motor.  That's actually a nightmare if you want to make some measurements on the motor itself, which he does in some other clips.

The second clip is completely wrong.  He discusses the time constant for energizing a coil which is L/R.  That has nothing to do with using a coil in a generator configuration.   When a magnet passes a coil as in a generator, what you have is EMF induced in the coil and that drives the load, which consists of the coil resistance and the load resistance.  In this case Lenz drag acts at the speed of light because magnetic fields interact at the speed of light.

Any serious attempt at explaining any observed generator effects would require the development of a timing diagram.

There is no such thing as a "correct frequency," I can feel you wishing that was true.  The faster the rotor magnets pass the generator coils the higher the EMF generated in the coils and the higher the power transferred into the load and the higher the Lenz drag.  That's simply the way it works.  There are no "timing tricks" or special formulas for the "correct" frequency.


Actually, although I agree with most of your statement, I also have to disagree with you to some extent. Whilst I agree that no OU will ever come from simply running a generator at a higher frequency (rpm) than is the norm, the frequency of rotation does indeed have a great impact on the output characteristics of the coil. If inductors were perfect then the reaction between them and a changing rotating magnetic field would be instantaneous. But inductors are not perfect. There is a lag between changes in an inductors core induced field and that of the changing magnetic field from the rotating magnet.

On top of that, when a coil is shorted, if the inductive reactance (at the frequency of rotation ) is greater than the resistance of the coil, then a current lag within the coil will occur, further compounding the lag in the change of the inductor core's induced field.
The combination of the magnetic (change) lag caused by core material/s properties, and the lag in current induced in the coil by the reactance/resistance ratio, will cause the core's induced magnetic field to lag to such a degree, that the core effectively becomes magnetically 'masked' to the magnetic field of the passing magnets.

This will cause the rotor to seemingly accelerate. It is not true acceleration, because the cores are not adding torque to the system, but instead, their magnetic drag is neutralised, thus reducing the braking effect of the cores, which in turn allows the rotor to turn faster.

Thane refuses to acknowledge that his cores are acting as a breaking mechanism due to drag, until they are placed under heavy load or short circuit.

He also seems to think he is the great discoverer of this effect, which has actually been known since Tesla. He also insists that you need high inductance (lots of turns) to make this happen. This is not the case. I (and many others) have achieved this sort of acceleration using coils comprising of only a 100 or so turns, with a resistance of less than 0.5 ohms.

Thane was repeatedly asked to perform a baseline experiment where the power input to his motor that drives his rotor was measured while no cores were present, so that a comparison can be made between the power consumed when running his rotor with no load, then when he has a short circuit on the coils, and when the coils were not present at all. This he refused to do. He claimed that when the coils were present and shorted, the motor/rotor assembly ran faster with less power than when there were no coils present at all, but he refused to actually show this comparison.

Members such as I_ron and Baratolougas reproduced his version of device and did run the comparison tests, which showed conclusively that no extra energy was being generated by the output coils, and that the 'acceleration' under heavy load is an illusion caused by the negation of the core drag of the output coils. I_ron in particular did an experiment which showed that, at the threshold frequency (and beyond), the induced magnetic field of the generator coils actually reverse polarity when the generator coil is shorted, compared to the polarity of field when the coil is only bearing a small electrical load.

Cheers from Hoptoad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Liberty on July 21, 2012, 10:24:35 PM
If in a typical generator and the magnetic coupling is good, you will have a definite drag increase (input source will greatly increase power consumption) when you short the coils out on the generator.  On a real, true drag reducing generator, it would show less drag (less increase in power consumption on input side) in this situation as a comparison. 
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 22, 2012, 01:55:31 AM
hi all
Everyone can see and agree that a single iron core causes lots of rotational-drag in first place against a rotor of many neodimum mangets, and then Thane's approach (or anything similar) make it so the cores dont cause this rotational-drag anymore from that ferrous core against the rotor magnets, and something very interesting is this neutralization of the core's rotational-drag only occurs when there is a very heavy load applied on the coils too -  so nothing wrong with that is there?  Why all the complaints?
If he didnt invent it, or it is already known doesnt matter - it works  or it doesnt work, and it does work since lots of people have replicated it.
...any "extra power" is from the extra RPMS making some extra power, since this whole effect is dealing with a rotating generator rotor stuffed with magnets spinning past coils with ferrous cores...and power produced is very much dependent on the RPMS of the rotor...
the fact it doesnt SLOW under load (as "it should") is one very good thing - as that rotor slowing under a resistive load, as it normally in textbook-fashion will do,  and this also means you lose LOTS of power that "could be" generated by the spinning rotor when it slows down under a resitive load to the coil(s)
and its another very good thing if rotor speeds up - now you dont get the loss of power from the slower RPM rotor from that first obvious good thing happening,
and NOW you get some extra power too, from the increased RPMS...
I dont see what all the complaints are about - its all good... all good that is if if for some reason you were forced to make a generator with a single iron core inside a singel coil against a rotor of many neodimium magnets...

What I would like to see someone do as experiment some day, is a Muller-type generator, with for example 16 neo magnets in flat rotor, and 15 or 17 coils (not 16!) with ferrous cores ((ferrite probably) on each side of this rotor...have the coils wound around the cores be in Thane-fashion, (high impedance or whatever works already for you with a single core and coil in a previous experiment) - where the core's rotational-drag are nuetralized at a certain rpm of the rotor with that heavy load applied ...
for example Woopy did a good video with a single 37.5ohm coil, with iron core, and rotor of 16 magnets whirls past at the 1500rpm-range and he gets some dramatic speed up when coil is shorted-out continuously....SO,  make a mullergen, just like this, same ohms to the coils, same number of magnets in rotor, and make it go same rpms...BUT have either 15 or 17 of these coils with cores on each side of the rotor of 16 magnets.
If things go well, theoretically you should get a huge speed up, under a heavy load on each of the coils, with the resulting huge increase in power from the much higher RPMs... (what happened with Romero too)
..of course the "rotational latching" of all those iron cores, has already been "nuetralized' quite a bit by the odd vs even Mullergen design too........ (everyone by now on this Muller-thread knows how well this works to cut down on rotational-drag)
Actually this is all that "bugs me" about Thane - in his video demos, he always shows just one coil, one core, and rotor of around 16 magnets....why doesnt he step it up to multiple cores and magnets in the Muller odd vs even design  ???  Seems the obvious next step to try.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on July 22, 2012, 02:05:45 AM
Quote from: Liberty on July 21, 2012, 10:24:35 PM
If in a typical generator and the magnetic coupling is good, you will have a definite drag increase (input source will greatly increase power consumption) when you short the coils out on the generator.  On a real, true drag reducing generator, it would show less drag (less increase in power consumption on input side) in this situation as a comparison.

In both cases however the end result is still the same. No power out. The useful purpose of a generator is to deliver electricity into a useful load. If the addition of a generator onto the drive load of a motor, which, when shorted out, actually increased the torque of the motor to greater than that without the addition of the generator, then it would a great and wonderful thing. It would be considered a useful purpose, if the point was to drive the motor with a greater torque availability than it had without the generator. But the addition of the generator (conventional) onto the drive motor immediately causes more power in the drive motor to be consumed, as it makes it's mechanical inertial demands upon the torque available, with or without an electrical load on the generator output.

The additon of generator coils (with cores - air cores do not exhibit drag) in the alternative generator design (muller, adams, bedini) puts demands on the drive rotor torque by way of drag, until such time as the electrical load is high enough to negate the drag. But the shift in current/voltage phase, when loads are very high or even short circuited, means that the power factor decreases with the increasing load. So while you may get the benefit of reduced drag at higher load, the effective power out is diminishing.

The power factor in a shorted coil is effectively zero, as there is no power out. That doesn't mean that power isn't being dissipated within the coil, it simply means that for useful external purposes, there is no power out to be used. Power factor is considered when measuring (AC) power available/dissipated to a load. But in the presence of short circuit, an external load sees nothing.

The rotor speed up in some generator configurations is merely the negation of the core/s drag. This drag would not exist if they simply were not present in the first place. In other words, the generator is acting as a slight brake to start with, and when the output is shorted the brake is released.

Having said all the above, this doesn't mean that I think there is no benefit from certain alternative generator designs. On the contrary.
Many years of experimenting with open magnetic system motors and generators shows (to me, at least, LOL) that it is easy to achieve a greater power output over a wider range of loads with an open system, as compared to a similar power rated conventional closed system.

But OU is a very different proposition altogether. I haven't witnessed true OU from any motor or generator system yet. Who knows, I've been searching for over thirty years, maybe if I live another 30, someone might crack it.  :-\

I actually like the original muller design in terms of its anti cogging attributes, because most open systems exhibit very high cogging. I built a few mullers in the 1990's along with every possible variation of Adam's motor/generators. Lots of fun, but no elusive OU.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 22, 2012, 03:01:51 AM
Hi Hoptoad
To make a  resisitive load (not shorted-out coil) resemble or mimic the heavy-handed "usually-lugging" effects of a shorted coil, you would need a resistive load of around 1 or 2 ohms - so a very heavy resistive load....
There have been a few people who have substituted a heavy resistive load like that in their Thane or Romero replications, for the "the shorted coil" effect, and it gives the same speed-up effect as a short, so this again is ALL GOOD...
yes a shorted coil is not making any power at all, but a 1ohm load means alot of power is being made (lots of amps not so much voltage)
And one thing that resembles/mimics a load of around 1 or 2 ohms is a very big UF value capacitor.....so you know where I am going with this eh!
Disconnect that capacitor from the "source" when it hits a load too (two-stage or diode plug type output circuit) ....so the only thing that causes worry (and/or lugging) when load is applied to a discharging capacitor, is the next stage, (or the previous stage) of the "filling-up" of the capacitor...
and if the rotor speeds up when a very big capacitor is filled, then once again, its ALL GOOD...
have the load be a motor, or motor coils, that is spinning the generator rotor..
have two motors run by cap-discharge, and two generators that "speed up" while filling up caps.... fill one with the other...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on July 22, 2012, 03:21:37 AM
Quote from: konehead on July 22, 2012, 03:01:51 AM
Hi Hoptoad
To make a  resisitive load (not shorted-out coil) resemble or mimic the heavy-handed "usually-lugging" effects of a shorted coil, you would need a resistive load of around 1 or 2 ohms - so a very heavy resistive load....
There have been a few people who have substituted a heavy resistive load like that in their Thane or Romero replications, for the "the shorted coil" effect, and it gives the same speed-up effect as a short, so this again is ALL GOOD...
yes a shorted coil is not making any power at all, but a 1ohm load means alot of power is being made (lots of amps not so much voltage)
And one thing that resembles/mimics a load of around 1 or 2 ohms is a very big UF value capacitor.....so you know where I am going with this eh!
Disconnect that capacitor from the "source" when it hits a load too (two-stage or diode plug type output circuit) ....so the only thing that causes worry (and/or lugging) when load is applied to a discharging capacitor, is the next stage, (or the previous stage) of the "filling-up" of the capacitor...
and if the rotor speeds up when a very big capacitor is filled, then once again, its ALL GOOD...
have the load be a motor, or motor coils, that is spinning the generator rotor..
have two motors run by cap-discharge, and two generators that "speed up" while filling up caps.... fill one with the other...

I have in the past, designed very low impedance adams motors (.2 ohm bifilar coils x 8 core) which returned 30% of the input current to source, or off loaded the same into a useful (12W auto light globe) load, whilst dramatically speeding up and consuming less input in the process. All without any separate generator coils at all. Have fun doing what you're doing, but I think KISS is still the best principle.

Cheers .. keep on motoring.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on July 22, 2012, 04:17:27 AM
Hi guys @MileHigh @avalon,
So do you think that this guy is  showing OU in his video (which you said is not) only for promotional purposes? So that he could get more attention to sell his kits?  :'(  Business as usual?  ???

Have a nice day!  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Liberty on July 22, 2012, 11:28:16 AM
Quote from: hoptoad on July 22, 2012, 02:05:45 AM
In both cases however the end result is still the same. No power out. The useful purpose of a generator is to deliver electricity into a useful load. If the addition of a generator onto the drive load of a motor, which, when shorted out, actually increased the torque of the motor to greater than that without the addition of the generator, then it would a great and wonderful thing. It would be considered a useful purpose, if the point was to drive the motor with a greater torque availability than it had without the generator. But the addition of the generator (conventional) onto the drive motor immediately causes more power in the drive motor to be consumed, as it makes it's mechanical inertial demands upon the torque available, with or without an electrical load on the generator output.

The additon of generator coils (with cores - air cores do not exhibit drag) in the alternative generator design (muller, adams, bedini) puts demands on the drive rotor torque by way of drag, until such time as the electrical load is high enough to negate the drag. But the shift in current/voltage phase, when loads are very high or even short circuited, means that the power factor decreases with the increasing load. So while you may get the benefit of reduced drag at higher load, the effective power out is diminishing.

The power factor in a shorted coil is effectively zero, as there is no power out. That doesn't mean that power isn't being dissipated within the coil, it simply means that for useful external purposes, there is no power out to be used. Power factor is considered when measuring (AC) power available/dissipated to a load. But in the presence of short circuit, an external load sees nothing.

The rotor speed up in some generator configurations is merely the negation of the core/s drag. This drag would not exist if they simply were not present in the first place. In other words, the generator is acting as a slight brake to start with, and when the output is shorted the brake is released.

Having said all the above, this doesn't mean that I think there is no benefit from certain alternative generator designs. On the contrary.
Many years of experimenting with open magnetic system motors and generators shows (to me, at least, LOL) that it is easy to achieve a greater power output over a wider range of loads with an open system, as compared to a similar power rated conventional closed system.

But OU is a very different proposition altogether. I haven't witnessed true OU from any motor or generator system yet. Who knows, I've been searching for over thirty years, maybe if I live another 30, someone might crack it.  :-\

I actually like the original muller design in terms of its anti cogging attributes, because most open systems exhibit very high cogging. I built a few mullers in the 1990's along with every possible variation of Adam's motor/generators. Lots of fun, but no elusive OU.


"But OU is a very different proposition altogether. I haven't witnessed true OU from any motor or generator system yet. Who knows, I've been searching for over thirty years, maybe if I live another 30, someone might crack it.  :-\ "

I agree with you that OU is difficult to achieve.  My magnetic motor design if built the right way, may be a method to achieve this goal.  It would make a model size motor at small fractional horsepower.  So hopefully we will not have to wait 30 years to see an example.  I think the generator project shows great potential that I am working on.  I think I have found a way that will reduce magnetic drag due to Lenz while still producing power (and cogging is reduced too) .  I am making changes from things I have learned through experimentation, to try to correct known limiting loss issues, or at least eliminate known possibilities in order to further extend it's ability.  It is not a normal standard generator, but of a special design of my own.  I may consider making the magnet motor information somewhat more available in the future, to help fund the generator project.  Any new device of this type will not be successful if not funded adequately.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MileHigh on July 22, 2012, 12:08:36 PM

Thanks for your comments and I can tell that you have a lot of expertise.  I am sure that you are right about the inductance of the coil coming into play at higher speeds and changing the power factor, etc.  It sounds like you have done some pretty exhaustive analysis over the years.

Just to reiterate some themes, if you get a speed up "under load" you have to check how much real power is going into the load.  A hypothetical example might be that the speed up means less Lenz drag - and the reduced Lenz drag when fully investigated may be due to less power going into the load itself which may seem counter-intuitive.

Konehead, note that the impedance matching load for a generator coil is the resistance of the generator coil itself.  So if your generator coil is say 100 ohms, when you put a load resistor of one ohm then much less power is going into the load.

I think it's fair to state that the "speed up under load" craze was simply not a phenomenon that was properly investigated.  It all goes back to my comments about changing the electro-mechanical impedance of the motor/generator/load combination.  These things have to be analyzed in detail, and simply seeing the rotor speed up does not tell you much.

Crazycut06, it is indeed business as usual.  That guy is selling stuff that does nothing significant.  In addition, I have never seen any serious analysis done of a window motor.  My gut feeling is that it has very little torque because you are taking a "real" motor and turning it into a pulse motor.  The fact that a window motor under no load might consume less current than a standard motor under no load at a certain speed means nothing.  It's what happens when you add a mechanical load that counts.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 22, 2012, 01:27:28 PM
Hi Hoptoad

In Thane's latest long video done at some Universsty in Canada, he does not short the coils, he puts some lights as a load on them to cause the speed up - similar to what I mentioned with the 1 or 2ohm resistive load.

Probably you would "start" at the load, in designing the system backwards-fashion,  to get a speed up effect under loading of coils...what might get speedup with particular amount of  lights might not get speed up with a shorted coil for an example.

Also to everyone:
that video of the rotovertor motor and the "quanta" generator is pretty meak and mild really...no matter the excitement in the speakers voice....I see nothing OU there and he doesnt claim any either actually - but the fact he is trying to sell the generator for $2000 USD makes it worse than just a demonstation that could be improved....he does do really good consturciton and his "stargate motor" is pretty awesome construction too, and performance...
That generator will for sure lug terrible under load, (unless he has it rigged up for some sort of Thane speed-up effect OR he can short the coils at peaks into caps, and let caps hit load in two-stage output circuit with coils discoonected from caps when caps hit load OR he manages to find perfect postioning and strenghts to "backing magnets" behind the coils, that give a speed up like Romeror did..sort of "overwhelming" the lenz-lugging like that)
the battery charging is only voltage-rise too...he needs to put a five-dollar hydrometer into battery to check REAL CHARGE via specific gravity it is the only good way...
the rotovertor motor shown in video draws a huge amount of power and it is not very good really to anyone who has made some decent rotovertor systems work - my latest is 7.5hp Baldor, it runs on .08A at 120V at idle - about 9.6W at idle...later on next day, it went up to .12A I figure bearings bit gritty -need ceramic bearings and/or support in air with magnetic bearing while unit is upright
this low draw too, while spinning a small aircored flat-rotor gemerator I built for it especially - spiinning this rotor with its aircores unloaded,(very well balanced I spent a day balancing it) the draw does not go up at all...
this quanta-G guy has his RV motor up to around a huge 100W And I dont see any load but for slamming some voltage into a battery not necessarily charging it too....

Also that magnetic-coupler is not good idea - he should have that generator direct on the shaft of themotor, and will save lots of bearing loss in the watts input...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 22, 2012, 06:24:30 PM
Hi Guys!  :)

Nice seeing you here again.
Still playing with coils and magnets learning from my own experiments.
Just made a small vid with a small toy that i'm playing these days.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on July 22, 2012, 08:51:58 PM
Hey Marius

Nice setup. ;]

So you use the magnets at 12 oclock as bumpers and the rotor magnet is attracted to the toroid, forcing more pressure into the bumper mags, then you pulse the toroid to release.

Now, i wonder if you connect that output to the leds to the battery if the battery voltage will climb. ;]


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 23, 2012, 02:24:56 AM
Hi Mariu
Nice to see you around still kicking - thats a neat little toy you built...
try an AC cap across that torroid, then AC legs of FWBR across the torroid and AC cap then DC out of FWBR into run battery (maybe it will work going to that), or 2nd battery or DC cap......experiment with AC cap size I bet 6uf will work good for you ...look with scope at what the AC cap "does" to the torroids ringing at switch shut-off...this is something I do with my orbo torroid motor coils.......without AC cap there isnt much at all to capture in the ringing of it...wiht AC cap it is huge power created that feeds the FWBR...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 23, 2012, 07:54:33 AM
Hi Guys!

Glad you like my litlle toy!  ;D
At 8:30 in the morning  went out for work and  and let my toy doing its thing.  I connected the output to the battery .The battery showed 1,305V while working and droping very slowly.
At 14:30 went back from work and the battery is showing 1,274V.
While i'm writting this the time is 14:50. There are 20 minutes since i'm watching the input voltage and it doesn't change: 1.1274V.
I'll let it run until tonight to see how much the battery will drop, then i'll make some other improvments.

Thanks Konehead for the ideeas; i'll try that but also i have to improve the triggering sistem.
I'm sure that with a different triggering sistem I can make it consume half of what is taking right now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on July 23, 2012, 01:30:50 PM
Quote from: crazycut06 on July 22, 2012, 04:17:27 AM
Hi guys @MileHigh @avalon,
So do you think that this guy is  showing OU in his video (which you said is not) only for promotional purposes? So that he could get more attention to sell his kits?  :'(  Business as usual?  ???

Have a nice day!  ;)

I can only speculate as to what are the true motives behind Romero's fake.
He produced the videos and when the community got really interested and started digging in deeper he'd got scared. So a quick note saying "... I am sorry... blah, blah, blah..it's a fake...don't waste you time..blah,blah blah.." was produced.

Later an addition to it saying "...I am so scared...blah, blah...men-in-black got me...blah, blah..I don't know where it is now-they took it... blah, blah". He deleted the notes later but nothing is lost if once published on the Net.

And so, the OU community was split into those who believed that it was a fake and those who believed that he was visited by 'men-in-black' and they silenced him on behalf of the oil producers and/or masonic lobby and/or aliens (no, seriously - there was a whole discussion thread).

The rest have decided that there was something there for them to try and replicate it, this time for real. "Of course...", they thought,  "I only need to add something to it (like rotoverter, zero-cogging generator, speed-up-under-load generator etc.) and, presto, I have an OU setup".

In the meantime Romero started his own discussion board (underservice.org) where he boldly leads a horde of faithful followers to where no OU is in sight.

Personally I do not think that there has been any monetary interest behind his actions - just an undying appetite for self-admiration. He is trying every OU setup known to men on his board and every single one he claims for himself. Everything that is, except the original Muller setup ("....because I am still scared...."). So that subject is taboo on the OU messiah's board.

It was fascinating to follow a discussion thread on his board (now deleted) where trace_ru accused Romero of laying and presented a very strong case. Clearly he knew him well as he produced every intimate detail about Romero - his real name, where he lived, where he worked etc. He even published Romero's picture (now deleted from the board) with 'LIAR' plastered over it . Romero's only response was to delete the thread, close new users registration on the board and refuse to discuss it any further.

Do I think it was a fake? Undoubtedly.
Was it all bad? Not at all.

IMHO, he inadvertently helped the OU community to re-new the interest to Bill Muller's work. For many who tried to replicate Romero's setup it would be a painful lesson. A few will give up on OU. Many more would carry on trying and, who knows, maybe succeed. If they  study the subject and work hard that is. OU will not be accidentally googled on the Net.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 23, 2012, 02:23:53 PM
Hey Hava lotta baloney
I will ignore all your posts on this thread for your information and peace of mind.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 24, 2012, 08:06:18 PM
Hi guys!
The voltage on the battery is droping very slowly. Did tryed different caps across the toroid coil but nothing.
Made some small improvments on my toy. Now running on lower voltage with better output. The bemf is very strong; when i put my hands on the wires i can realy feel it good on my fingers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VyEEnDmUes&feature=youtu.be
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 25, 2012, 12:38:43 AM
hi Mariu
Shoot - i was hoping a cap across yoru torroid would really amplify and help the backemf to become a big power increase when you recover the backemf/recoil ...
here in these photos you see "why" I was hoping for this - these scope shots are of my orbo motor, with it running on 12V and around 300ma or so it going around 1000rpm approx...
all I did was put a 2uf oil-filled AC cap across the torroids and look at the difference....before, without the AC cap, there is practically nothing, jsut some DC "block"-pulsing and a bit of spike at end of it.,.., but look at the ringing with that AC cap - its a huge dramatic increase  - now its instantly 67V DC recoverd  into a DC cap (1000uf or so) - this after a FWBR with AC legs across the torroids...also a guy in Canada named Journey put magnets behind/next to the torroid coils in an orbo motor and he gets a big rpm and power increase - this might help your performance too not sure how to point them in your single torroid but you'll figure it out so give that a try too if you want...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on July 25, 2012, 04:53:09 AM
Nice shoots Konehead!

I get the same result with higher voltage too but i want to stay at low voltage.
The key to my toy is to trigger the toroid only when the magnets are leaving away from the toroid and not when they are aprocing it like it does right now
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on July 25, 2012, 01:06:24 PM
hi Mariu
OK at least you see the same thing as I showed in those photos if you go higher voltages....maybe if that torroid was much thinnner wire to the winds and resistance of the torroid  just "barely" enough to push that magnet away from the 1.5V or so you have as the power input...
this way it might work at low voltages, or maybe litz wire would work for it to happen (maybe) but I dont know dont let me distract you too much eh
also if your goal is to have the torroid pulse on the "push-away", then maybe a magnet repelling underneath the torroid's core will help this to happen,,,maybe thinking "backwards-logically" it would be attractive?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on August 14, 2012, 04:42:53 PM
Hi Kone and all!

Been a bit busy experimenting and learning the UFO's new motor design but after watching the 2h 30min video from Peter Lindeman , I moved on bulding an attraction motor.
From my point of view thsi motor has big potential if build right.
This is my replica and tell me what you think

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: woopy on August 14, 2012, 05:33:01 PM
Hi Marius

thank's very much for sharing your great work. :)

Just a question

are the cylinders attached to the rotor magnetised ?? (i mean are these  cylinders  ,neomag or other kind of magnets )

because if they are. the motor is no more a pure attraction motor, as the rotor is somehow magnetised and of course produces a counter electrical motive force (CEMF ) or other sayd BEMF.

That came to me when you brake your motor with your fingers ,  it seems that the amp draw increases, which should not be the case in a pure attraction motor as P. Lindemann.

And bravo to link this motor to UFOpolitics by utilising the Flyback spike to light the incandecsent bulb

Thank's for answer

and Bravo for your great experiment

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on August 14, 2012, 06:02:39 PM
Hi woopy!  :)

The bars on the rotor are pure steel; I put them there to increase the attraction between the armature and the stator coils.
NO magnets on the rotor ( except  for the small ones that triggers the hall).If were any magnets on the rotor then it would have the coging effect ; it would not spin so smouth.

The reason that the motor draw increases when breaking is that at low rpm the triggering magnets are staying a bit longer in front of the hall sensor; this charges the stator coils even more and when the field colapses the output is greater.
In other words, the slower it spins, the higher the output.
English is not my first language so if I did not expres myself to good please tell me.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 11, 2012, 11:11:02 AM
Just a quick update.
Haven't done a lot with my muller dynamo lately.
Did try the stargate motor as the primary mover but didn't do much after I wasn't immediately blown away by the performance.
And already decided I am taking the wrong approach and now selling the complete stargate conversion on Ebay. (see: www.ebay.com/itm/150894442898 )
I was far more impressed by the performance of using one coil pair as the driver controlled by a mechanical switch and cam. (see photo)
(Cam is simply a cam cannibalized from a GM V-8 distributor and switch is a modified defrost timer.)
BUT I am not happy with my construction, or my coil windings, and continuing to have issues with coils coming loose from the stator plates and, luckily, this has never happened while the unit was running. They just keep coming loose when I am working on it. (see photo)

SO; it's back to the drawing board for another build.
Going back to the basics with smaller coils, without cores, in an attempt to build a system similar to the QC motor/generator at www.quantamagnetics.com
Or, if I ever have the funds, would actually like to purchase one of his kits.

That is all for now.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 11, 2012, 11:50:27 AM
Not quite sure what advantages might be of a rotoverter but I did find some of his other videos to be very interesting including the magnet only linear motor as well as his hybrid combination of "stargate motor", Howard Johnson ramp, and Pulsed coil that appears to be running on capacitors only.
See:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoLbphJkxMM

And now he is offering the "QC motor/generator" which has one interesting feature in that his switching circuit charges itself therefore no outside energy needed to power the electronics.
See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnGBSil-2Rs

Sure would love to see some specifics on this setup including diagrams and schematics.


Quote from: crazycut06 on July 21, 2012, 09:02:01 AM
Hi Guys,
How about this?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZDBtFLotbg&feature=player_detailpage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZDBtFLotbg&feature=player_detailpage)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: phoneboy on September 11, 2012, 07:02:10 PM
Just a suggestion, the problem with any gen is induced drag, right?? Check out JNaudin's site,  ref the miniromag gen (for coil orientation) and the bucking coil tests he performed.  You should be able to convert your Muller's into virtually dragless back emf gens by turning the coils sideways and connecting the coil pairs with two diodes so they buck as the rotor magnets approach or leave, and collect the bemf when the magnets pass the center.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on September 11, 2012, 07:08:05 PM
Quote from: Scorch on September 11, 2012, 11:50:27 AM
Not quite sure what advantages might be of a rotoverter but I did find some of his other videos to be very interesting including the magnet only linear motor as well as his hybrid combination of "stargate motor", Howard Johnson ramp, and Pulsed coil that appears to be running on capacitors only.
See:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoLbphJkxMM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoLbphJkxMM)

And now he is offering the "QC motor/generator" which has one interesting feature in that his switching circuit charges itself therefore no outside energy needed to power the electronics.
See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnGBSil-2Rs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnGBSil-2Rs)

Sure would love to see some specifics on this setup including diagrams and schematics.


His builds are nice looking but i don't see real work done from his kits (actual loads)...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 11, 2012, 09:36:59 PM
Quote from: crazycut06 on September 11, 2012, 07:08:05 PM

His builds are nice looking but i don't see real work done from his kits (actual loads)...

I don't know about his retail kits, which appear to still be works in progress, and I expect to see more videos in the future.
But the hybrid unit does appear to demonstrate an increasing voltage in the capacitors which could easily power a light.

The one video that appears to demonstrate real work accomplished is the linear motor.

With permanent magnets being the only force; he demonstrates a capacity to do work by way of a load being accelerated, and moved, from one location to another.
(force = mass x acceleration or f=ma)) Including the conversion of energy from magnetic force to accelerated motion.

It appears this can be demonstrated over and over with his modern version of Howard Johnson's linear motor.
And I see no reason why it could not be accomplished over a much longer, or circular, distance and could include a tiny alternator, on the wheels, powering a light.

Part 1
Part 2

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 14, 2012, 10:33:43 PM
Some new hardware.
Most is just off-the-shelf stuff from www.servocity.com including 1/2" X 8" stainless shaft, aluminum hubs, aluminum collars and precision bearings.
Shaft shims are from clothes dryer drum supports.
Cam is just Chevy V-8 cam.
Switch is just cannibalized defrost timer.
Will use original 8 magnets and 9 smaller, air core, coils on sewing bobbins.
High resolution image here: www.rodscontracts.com/images/projects/muller/NewHardware.png


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 15, 2012, 11:49:02 AM
New stator and rotor.

Stator is 10" dia. X .500" thick acrylic with 9 coil pairs mounted at 40°.
Rotor is 8" dia. X .500" thick lexan with 8 magnets mounted at 45°.
Mounting bolts, washers, and nuts are all 316 stainless steel.
Main bolts are .375"dia.
Secondary bolts (for timing plate) are .250" dia.
Coil bolts, and nuts, will be nylon at .250" dia.
Bearing hole is 1.250" and discovered that a common step drill bit works very well to form tight fit for flanged bearing.
Magnet holes are .750".
Need to obtain 316 stainless, or brass, screws for rotor hub.

Wish I could I could find same size, mounting, and precision bearings in 316 stainless steel. . .

High resolution image here-

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 15, 2012, 12:33:29 PM
Hi Skorch
I dont know if your switching idea is going to work very well (chevy V8 cam and mechanical switch from defroster) probably the swtich will be too slow, and also will break down from problems with backemf/recoil arcing in it, since you are going to be swithcing an inductor (coils) on off very fast and everytime it truns OFF there is big voltage kickback that will fry the contatcts - so you would need to have some diodes ont he switch to gather this "dextructive transident" *backemf/recoil spike" into DC caps...
also the mechanical swtich and cam will cause some mechanical-loss in the friction required...you really should go with hall effects or optic -timed switching, and have the swtichign be mosfets - its not that hard to do it "solid state"...
also the backemf/recoil can be steered out using mosfets easily into caps....But go ahead with what you are doing I might be worng and it will work fine (but I doubt it..its going to be slow and burn up the contacts)
it is very simple way to go that is for sure...
Other thing you can do is make your own copper-commutator like you see in DC motors all the time, with spring-loaded carbon brushes....vacuum cleaner brushes are good ones, you can get them at vacuum clenaer repair places or maybe take apart an old DC motor and use the brushes from that. You should have pulse-width adjustment too, of some sort wtih your brush-commutator as too wide of pulse widht and the coils are going to get hot and its ineffecient, and narrower the pulse widht the better for less draw...
The most  unique thing about the Romero UK design is those magnets on the back of the cores.
These in my mind is how Romero got his machine to go OU and eventually loop....What I found from doing lots of tests, is that you dont want or need to have these "backing"- magnets "directly" behind the stator coil cores as romero shows in his video and photos...this jsut happened to be how his worked.... 

You want a flat surface back there, and  be able to push the backing-magnets around as the rotor spins, and also be able to stack these backing magnets higher or less high, to give them more or less strength too...itts all going to be a lot of hours of experimnting with the rotor spinning to be done - its something you cant describe how to do exacltly with every particular motor everyone makes.....
also it will be some magnet are facing N some might be S...some postions you dont want any magnets there at all...
anyways when you mounts your coils in stators make the backside of the stator have lots of room, flat-surface to move and poistion those backing magnets however they might happen to work best - not necessarily right behind the stator-cores is where they are going to end up is what I am saying in nutshell
...anyways looks like really good construciton so far hope you have some fun with it....the goal is to have the generator loaded with some resistive load worth a lot of watts, and it speeds up in rpms....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 15, 2012, 05:44:29 PM
Hey Konehead, thank you for the input, right now I am just sticking to, or going back to, the basics.

Have already had my previous build running with mechanical switching and using much larger coils with much larger wire.
But that build had it's own issues including coils wound with wire so heavy they measured less than .5 ohm and was actually over-heating a 40 amp SSR (no heat sink)
Coils coming un-glued, washers coming unglued, bearing problems, alignment problems, etc. And it was just a disaster waiting to happen so I am building a new, and improved, prototype.

I do intend to use an SSR, to handle the load, if I do manage to keep burning up switches even with these lighter duty bobbin coils.  And this build will be without cores or backing magnets.

Keeping it simple, for now, and will be a lot more like the QC motor generator demonstrated here:

Yes, I understand this is straying away from Romero's build but I am still learning and this is still totally experimental.
And I do appreciate the input as your comments do give me new ideas to try.

Thank you very much.


Quote from: konehead on September 15, 2012, 12:33:29 PM
Hi Skorch
I dont know if your switching idea is going to work very well (chevy V8 cam and mechanical switch from defroster) probably the swtich will be too slow, and also will break down from problems with backemf/recoil arcing in it, since you are going to be swithcing an inductor (coils) on off very fast and everytime it truns OFF there is big voltage kickback that will fry the contatcts - so you would need to have some diodes ont he switch to gather this "dextructive transident" *backemf/recoil spike" into DC caps...
also the mechanical swtich and cam will cause some mechanical-loss in the friction required...you really should go with hall effects or optic -timed switching, and have the swtichign be mosfets - its not that hard to do it "solid state"...
also the backemf/recoil can be steered out using mosfets easily into caps....But go ahead with what you are doing I might be worng and it will work fine (but I doubt it..its going to be slow and burn up the contacts)
it is very simple way to go that is for sure...
Other thing you can do is make your own copper-commutator like you see in DC motors all the time, with spring-loaded carbon brushes....vacuum cleaner brushes are good ones, you can get them at vacuum clenaer repair places or maybe take apart an old DC motor and use the brushes from that. You should have pulse-width adjustment too, of some sort wtih your brush-commutator as too wide of pulse widht and the coils are going to get hot and its ineffecient, and narrower the pulse widht the better for less draw...
The most  unique thing about the Romero UK design is those magnets on the back of the cores.
These in my mind is how Romero got his machine to go OU and eventually loop....What I found from doing lots of tests, is that you dont want or need to have these "backing"- magnets "directly" behind the stator coil cores as romero shows in his video and photos...this jsut happened to be how his worked.... 

You want a flat surface back there, and  be able to push the backing-magnets around as the rotor spins, and also be able to stack these backing magnets higher or less high, to give them more or less strength too...itts all going to be a lot of hours of experimnting with the rotor spinning to be done - its something you cant describe how to do exacltly with every particular motor everyone makes.....
also it will be some magnet are facing N some might be S...some postions you dont want any magnets there at all...
anyways when you mounts your coils in stators make the backside of the stator have lots of room, flat-surface to move and poistion those backing magnets however they might happen to work best - not necessarily right behind the stator-cores is where they are going to end up is what I am saying in nutshell
...anyways looks like really good construciton so far hope you have some fun with it....the goal is to have the generator loaded with some resistive load worth a lot of watts, and it speeds up in rpms....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 23, 2012, 09:13:17 PM
Just another build photo.
Finished all the main mechanical stuff today including the stator plates, rotor, and coil mounting.

High resolution image here:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 23, 2012, 09:57:48 PM
Quote from: Scorch on September 23, 2012, 09:13:17 PM
Just another build photo.
Finished all the main mechanical stuff today including the stator plates, rotor, and coil mounting.

High resolution image here:
http://www.rodscontracts.com/images/projects/muller/NewBuildMechanicals.png (http://www.rodscontracts.com/images/projects/muller/NewBuildMechanicals.png)


nice vertical setup. ;]

Are your coils any special wound or just normal?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 23, 2012, 10:12:15 PM
Coils, for now, are going to be litz wire, 8-36 AWG, utilized as a single conductor, similar to what Romero had used.
No bifilar or anything like that. Keeping it simple for now and currently waiting for the longer, SA156, bobbins to arrive and plan to use a sewing machine to wind the coils.


Quote from: Magluvin on September 23, 2012, 09:57:48 PM
nice vertical setup. ;]

Are your coils any special wound or just normal?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 23, 2012, 11:00:35 PM
Romero said that others needed more capacitance in their coils. One way is bifi. I posted that after romero's post and he verified that fact. True or not, I cannot say.

Are your coils easily removable as to change up later?  If so, good.

Some suggest that he may have had shorted coils involved as his experiments just before this motor were involved with shorting coils and increased distance from the rotor magnets.

So if after testing with what you have, try a couple turns of shorted windings on top of the existing coils to see what happens. With only few turns of shorted windings the drag should not be much as compared to shorting the larger winding with a magnet pass, but might influence the larger winding in a good way.

Just some things that I remember from back then. ;]

Good luck. Will be watching. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on September 24, 2012, 12:26:15 AM
Hi Scorch
It looks good so far -
It is good idea to have multifilar winds since you can run them in paralell or series later on to adjust your impedance (and "capacitance" of coil) and also the voltage out and amps out from your coils after you get it going......
Also it looks like the bolts sticking out the back of your stator plate are going to get in the way of the where the backing magnets will position best. 
You will probably have to use ring-type magnets for your backing magnets that go around those bolts so they sit right behind the stator cores....this is what I had to do in my first Romeor-variant project since I already had a lot of litz coils wound from earlier project and they were mounted with bolt and nut  through stator plate.....
However, what I learned was right behind the stator cores might not be at all where those backing magnets should be postiioned - maybe they should be 10mm or 2mm this way or that way so that you get the "speed up under loaded coils" condition happening because of how the backing-rmatnets react to the rotor magnets at certain rotor-speeds,
and strengths, (via how high of a stack of backing magnets)
and also the distance between the rotor magnets and backing magnets,
plus the distance between backing magnets stator cores,
plus finally the distance between rotor magnets and stator cores.... so there is quite a few variables right there eh  - forgot to mention a few others you will find when you start testing
....so anyways its good idea in my book to have perfecly flat surface on the back of  your stator plate so the backimg magnets can go anywhere they need to go....
anyways good luck have some fun with it,...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on September 24, 2012, 04:13:19 AM
Does anybody have the scope shot of the drive coil ? (romero's)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 24, 2012, 02:02:51 PM
Guys, I would like to play around with N-N--S-S magnets on rotor but have no time nor tools to build it. If anyone could do this build for me, please PM. We can discuss about details later then.


P.S. it might sound off topic but E. Leedskalnin flywheel is very related to original Muller build... :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on September 24, 2012, 07:12:23 PM
Quote from: Scorch on September 23, 2012, 09:13:17 PM
Just another build photo.
Finished all the main mechanical stuff today including the stator plates, rotor, and coil mounting.

High resolution image here:
http://www.rodscontracts.com/images/projects/muller/NewBuildMechanicals.png (http://www.rodscontracts.com/images/projects/muller/NewBuildMechanicals.png)


Nice  setup!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on September 24, 2012, 08:04:06 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on September 24, 2012, 04:13:19 AM
Does anybody have the scope shot of the drive coil ? (romero's)

Hi darkwanderer,
Do not think much on the driver side, concentrate on the generator coil which is most important...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on September 25, 2012, 02:18:38 AM
Quote from: crazycut06 on September 24, 2012, 08:04:06 PM

Hi darkwanderer,
Do not think much on the driver side, concentrate on the generator coil which is most important...


I'm about to make my own test system. But if you have already made the system you can try the idea below. We can have the results faster.

I was thinking about the magnetic flux changes on the coils here's my last idea about it. Look the drawing in the attachment. On the left the drive side coil flux change been drawn. The right side is the generator side.

I think romero's drive coils are producing the same amount of flux when the magnet and coil is aligned each other. Unfortunately we don't have scope shot of the drive coil to prove it. When the magnets and the drive coil flux is equal each other, the force generated between the coil and the magnet is equal to the square of the flux.

Don't have idea about generator side if we can produce more energy with the flux change shown on drawing.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_between_magnets#Force_between_two_magnetic_poles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_between_magnets#Force_between_two_magnetic_poles)

We are gonna need some calculations here...

By the way the drawing is not exactly the same as the flux change in real. But I hope this will give you some idea about romero's device...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 25, 2012, 01:46:42 PM
My coils are easily removable, for now, because they are just air core coils fastened by plastic bolts.
Might still go back to magnetic cores later but, for now, trying to keep it simple, and cheap, and reduce Lenz effects.

With regards to shorting; I wonder if anybody has tried just shorting one, or more, conductors of the litz wire?


Quote from: Magluvin on September 23, 2012, 11:00:35 PM
Romero said that others needed more capacitance in their coils. One way is bifi. I posted that after romero's post and he verified that fact. True or not, I cannot say.

Are your coils easily removable as to change up later?  If so, good.

Some suggest that he may have had shorted coils involved as his experiments just before this motor were involved with shorting coils and increased distance from the rotor magnets.

So if after testing with what you have, try a couple turns of shorted windings on top of the existing coils to see what happens. With only few turns of shorted windings the drag should not be much as compared to shorting the larger winding with a magnet pass, but might influence the larger winding in a good way.

Just some things that I remember from back then. ;]

Good luck. Will be watching. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 25, 2012, 02:51:22 PM
Hey Konehead. Thanks for the input.  :)

Have decided to go ahead and wind bifilar coils.
I have plenty of Litz wire and these coils are easy to wind and easy to change since they are just air coils on plastic bolts and I already have terminal strips ready for bifilar circuits.
And, yes, the bolts are sticking out and do not plan to use any bias (backing) magnets at this time.
For now, just keeping it simple and cheap.

But still might go back to magnetic cores, as I had in the earlier build, some time in the future.
Might also try a different rotor, or stator, with same number of magnets to coils as found on the QC motor-generator which, also, just uses air cores in that design.
And if I had that kind of money to spend on an experimental device I would buy one.

And, BTW, the manufacturer (www.quantamagnetics.com (http://www.quantamagnetics.com)) does sell the coil bobbins separately which do appear to be a custom part, with "quanta magnetics" and "Made in the USA" printed on it.
And is about the size of a VHS tape spool (3" diameter X .75" thick with 1" hub and .375" mounting hole) ready for a plastic bolt and nut. (see image)

And, yeah, lots of variables.
I would also love to find 1/4" diameter ferrite, or better, cores that are around 1" long that I might be able to just stick in the holes where the plastic bolts currently are.
As it is; I might also just try iron cores or even just steel bolts in place of the plastic bolts. At which point I could try some different things with bias magnets.
Many . . .Many variables. . .


Quote from: konehead on September 24, 2012, 12:26:15 AM
Hi Scorch
It looks good so far -
It is good idea to have multifilar winds since you can run them in paralell or series later on to adjust your impedance (and "capacitance" of coil) and also the voltage out and amps out from your coils after you get it going......
Also it looks like the bolts sticking out the back of your stator plate are going to get in the way of the where the backing magnets will position best. 
You will probably have to use ring-type magnets for your backing magnets that go around those bolts so they sit right behind the stator cores....this is what I had to do in my first Romeor-variant project since I already had a lot of litz coils wound from earlier project and they were mounted with bolt and nut  through stator plate.....
However, what I learned was right behind the stator cores might not be at all where those backing magnets should be postiioned - maybe they should be 10mm or 2mm this way or that way so that you get the "speed up under loaded coils" condition happening because of how the backing-rmatnets react to the rotor magnets at certain rotor-speeds,
and strengths, (via how high of a stack of backing magnets)
and also the distance between the rotor magnets and backing magnets,
plus the distance between backing magnets stator cores,
plus finally the distance between rotor magnets and stator cores.... so there is quite a few variables right there eh  - forgot to mention a few others you will find when you start testing
....so anyways its good idea in my book to have perfecly flat surface on the back of  your stator plate so the backimg magnets can go anywhere they need to go....
anyways good luck have some fun with it,...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on September 25, 2012, 07:41:40 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on September 25, 2012, 02:18:38 AM

I'm about to make my own test system. But if you have already made the system you can try the idea below. We can have the results faster.

I was thinking about the magnetic flux changes on the coils here's my last idea about it. Look the drawing in the attachment. On the left the drive side coil flux change been drawn. The right side is the generator side.

I think romero's drive coils are producing the same amount of flux when the magnet and coil is aligned each other. Unfortunately we don't have scope shot of the drive coil to prove it. When the magnets and the drive coil flux is equal each other, the force generated between the coil and the magnet is equal to the square of the flux.

Don't have idea about generator side if we can produce more energy with the flux change shown on drawing.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_between_magnets#Force_between_two_magnetic_poles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_between_magnets#Force_between_two_magnetic_poles)

We are gonna need some calculations here...

By the way the drawing is not exactly the same as the flux change in real. But I hope this will give you some idea about romero's device...

Do you mean that the flux generated by the drive coil has the same force (or greater) taken by or generated by the gen. Coil? Hmmm...? Does it explain the no drag on gen coils when loaded?  ???


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on September 25, 2012, 07:49:56 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 23, 2012, 11:00:35 PM
Romero said that others needed more capacitance in their coils. One way is bifi. I posted that after romero's post and he verified that fact. True or not, I cannot say.

Are your coils easily removable as to change up later?  If so, good.

Some suggest that he may have had shorted coils involved as his experiments just before this motor were involved with shorting coils and increased distance from the rotor magnets.

So if after testing with what you have, try a couple turns of shorted windings on top of the existing coils to see what happens. With only few turns of shorted windings the drag should not be much as compared to shorting the larger winding with a magnet pass, but might influence the larger winding in a good way.

Just some things that I remember from back then. ;]

Good luck. Will be watching. ;]


Hi Mags,
I've been doin this for the past few months still no results so far but I'm still trying  ;D  I'm not doin any other project just concentrating on this one until my patience leaves me lol!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 25, 2012, 08:28:20 PM
Quote from: Scorch on September 25, 2012, 01:46:42 PM
My coils are easily removable, for now, because they are just air core coils fastened by plastic bolts.
Might still go back to magnetic cores later but, for now, trying to keep it simple, and cheap, and reduce Lenz effects.

With regards to shorting; I wonder if anybody has tried just shorting one, or more, conductors of the litz wire?


Hey Scorch

Romero used cores and did it work?  ;] The core attracts and concentrates the moving field on the approach to that side of the coil only and then the same but reverse order as the mag is leaving the core and heavily 'cutting the other side of the coil.

Air core works to an extent, but is weaker and no control over the density of flux on 1 particular side of the coil at a time.

At high speeds, the advantages of output should exceed the drag of the cores.  ;]

Look at the wave forms. Up coming in and down going out( or down then up depending on polarities), one side produces current in one direction in the coil that the other, the opposite. Air core is better if the 'sides' of the windings are separated more, like a window motor. When wound in tight diameter, the air core will allow a lot of flux from the mag to be 'cutting' both sides of the coil during most of the pass, causing less resultant output. The magnetic core is a barrier of sorts to isolate the left side of the winding from the right side, and thats why we get more from a coil with a metallic core. ;]

Wont hurt to just add a couple turns shorted on the top of the existing winding to see what happens. ;] Take it off if no go. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 25, 2012, 08:31:27 PM
Quote from: crazycut06 on September 25, 2012, 07:49:56 PM

Hi Mags,
I've been doin this for the past few months still no results so far but I'm still trying  ;D  I'm not doin any other project just concentrating on this one until my patience leaves me lol!


Bah,  you guys are champions. ;]  I wish I had the time and less existing projects so that I could do many other things. This is just not one of them yet. ;] Its on the list. That big ole list.  Ugh.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 25, 2012, 08:39:30 PM
Imagine a few or more turns wound then shorted on top of the many regular windings. As the mag passes, the shorted coil will have much more current flowing than the regular winding. It should act as a primary of a step up transformer and produce higher voltage in the regular winding. Just theory. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: infringer on September 25, 2012, 09:18:20 PM
excellent thinking mags I recall the videos about shorting the coils that people were trying to do to see certain effects but I think this has yet to be attempted nice outside of the box comment +1 ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 25, 2012, 09:54:52 PM
Quote from: infringer on September 25, 2012, 09:18:20 PM
excellent thinking mags I recall the videos about shorting the coils that people were trying to do to see certain effects but I think this has yet to be attempted nice outside of the box comment +1 ;)

Thanks. If Romero was using this method, we could not tell. Except for those lil solder points on the circumference of the coils. Not a normal thing seen on the outer surface of  coil windings. ;]

He either used bifi to increase capacitance, or shorted coils, just not necessarily the 'whole coil' being shorted. Or even both. The working coil bifi and shorted turns on top. We dont know for sure, but I dont think he had reed switches or any shorting circuitry, at least none seen. And constantly shorting the working coil would do us no good. Always shorted = no output ever. So it would make sense to have separate shorted windings with the working coil open to the load circuit.

I dont remember Romero making a big deal about bifi coils , at least not as much as shorting and putting some distance between the rotor and the pickup coils to reduce drag while still getting great outputs finally with bias mags. All before his Muller mod.  ;]

I always saw the Muller version was just what he believed would work with all that he was working on just before that build. And look what happened. Others were trolling him and he said, "Oh yeah, well here it is bitches!! BAAAHAHAHAHAaaa" ;]  lol  But things happened. Sold it, got mib'd, what ever. Its gone. But a lot of info and legacy still exists.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on September 25, 2012, 11:44:29 PM

You are pretty close.

I'll dig up the exact post from him that describes the coil and post it here.

Back soon

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 25, 2012, 11:56:00 PM
Thanks Penn

Also, if you have any scope shots. I have an inkling of something I remember, but not sure.  ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 26, 2012, 12:56:50 AM
Hey Loner

Im thinking that maybe 1 layer of maybe the same litz. Or few turns. If that causes any drag, i dont believe too much, its possible the benefits are greater. ;]  Also Ive read that if it is a transformer on a straight core, not a closed core, that the 'primary should be on top of the secondary as the flux of the primary will be attracted to the core, through the secondary windings. Having the primary under the secondary, the field that expands outward is not as dense. So this position of the winding on top is great for you guys as you dont have to make new coils. And it should work by the book.

As for the transformer action, I dont know how that plays out with the magnet passing also. But it does seem like Romero was get 'high' voltage compared to others. What was it 23v, 24v?  I dont remember exactly, but did he have scope shots of coils loaded and unloaded? I would go look, but if you guys got them on hand, that would be cool.

From what I understand on bifi coils is, take for example the wind some wire on a nail, 100 turns, and also a nail with 50 and 50 in series bifi, and the bifi should pick up more paper clips with the same input. I never did the experiment. One guy said he did but said there is no difference. But I think I know what is wrong there...

Any advantages or differences are going to be during the time of reactance, not once currents are flowing as free as they can and the magnetic field is no longer expanding.

So the nail trick should be done with the coiled nail already in contact with the paper clips, then apply power, then lift to count the amount picket up.  The field builds much faster in a bifi due to the capacitance between windings overcomes inductive reactance and allows the field to build quickly. Im sure most have heard this, that when a magnet is attached to a magnetic metal, the bond becomes greater over time. Well, if the nail is 'in the paper clip pile when the bifi is fired, as the pulse of the field spreads through the pile, it is making links to more clips and building that bond quicker than the normal coil. So now, the bifi should pick up more clips. than powering the bifi first and then trying to pick up clips. Doing it like that will be equal to the single 100 turn nail.

That reactance of the bifi is at or I should say near the freq of the magnets passing the coil in time. So we have speedup in this range. Or maybe even a harmonic of the actual freq, which is what I lean towards, not sure, but just thinking here.

The outer shorted coils should be tried as I dont think anyone has so far. Even to test one coil with several different no. of turns and wire wouldnt be too much of a burden at this point. ;]

I would try it on normal wound coils first since most have them that way. Then make 1 bifi and test it, also with shorted coils after.

Sounds like a plan. ;]


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 26, 2012, 01:02:31 AM
Thanks Loner

I gota get some zzzs  ill be back tomorrow.

Ya know what would be great. At the bottom of every page, thumb nails of all pics with links once clicked from the thread, for easy access. ;] 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on September 26, 2012, 01:56:04 AM
Quote from: crazycut06 on September 25, 2012, 07:41:40 PM

Do you mean that the flux generated by the drive coil has the same force (or greater) taken by or generated by the gen. Coil? Hmmm...? Does it explain the no drag on gen coils when loaded?  ???


No, the drag always exist. Because when you draw current from the coil, that produce a counter flux in the core.And that force the rotor to stop.

I think romero beat that drag force with a good drive coil adjustment. We should check that. When we look the video that he uploaded we can see clearly that he didn't put magnets behind the drive coils. And also he is using little cores too(not big as magnets...).

So here we can think that romero is saturating the drive coil when the magnet approach to the coil.That's one of the ideas. Another question that comes to mind is that when a magnet approach to the saturated coil, does it produce back emf ? Can anyone try this or are there any information about the saturated coils ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 26, 2012, 02:09:58 AM
Quote from: darkwanderer on September 26, 2012, 01:56:04 AM

No, the drag always exist. Because when you draw current from the coil, that produce a counter flux in the core.And that force the rotor to stop.

I think romero beat that drag force with a good drive coil adjustment. We should check that. When we look the video that he uploaded we can see clearly that he didn't put magnets behind the drive coils. And also he is using little cores too(not big as magnets...).

So here we can think that romero is saturating the drive coil when the magnet approach to the coil.That's one of the ideas. Another question that comes to mind is that when a magnet approach to the saturated coil, does it produce back emf ? Can anyone try this or are there any information about the saturated coils ?

I dont think so on the drive coils beating the drag.

He beat the drag with increased spacing between the rotor and the coils, while improving things further with the bias mags. This is all stuff he was working on just before he made the muller version.  Sure the drive coils do something well, but he always said there was nothing special there as to making it a runner.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on September 26, 2012, 02:31:47 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 26, 2012, 02:09:58 AM
I dont think so on the drive coils beating the drag.

He beat the drag with increased spacing between the rotor and the coils, while improving things further with the bias mags. This is all stuff he was working on just before he made the muller version.  Sure the drive coils do something well, but he always said there was nothing special there as to making it a runner.


A year ago I asked romero on youtube if he started the generator manually. He said "yes but it was really hard to make it start"(something like that). If there's less drag why would he say that ? It should be easy to start generator manually ?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 26, 2012, 02:48:17 AM
Quote from: darkwanderer on September 26, 2012, 02:31:47 AM

A year ago I asked romero on youtube if he started the generator manually. He said "yes but it was really hard to make it start"(something like that). If there's less drag why would he say that ? It should be easy to start generator manually ?

Oh, I see what you saying.  Sure there is drag. But once the rotor gets up past I think it was 1200 or 1400 rpms, there was a speed up zone where lenz lets go. Thats what I believe was meant by lenz delay and all that.   And at those upper rpms is where the thing was able to run by itself. Not at other rpm ranges.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on September 26, 2012, 02:59:50 AM
Quote from: romerouk on March 06, 2011, 07:33:21 PM
Personally I do the shorting at the sine peak just because I can get the maximum power, but you are right, I have tested with 3 reed switches positioned differently and I do get more spikes.
The reed switching is good enough for testing only but for a long lasting device must use solid state components.
I have also tried to short the wave all the way,multiple times, positive and negative using a 555  driver and i've got nice results.
I am working on a different setup too where one coil(few turns) is shorting the main coil and I get power from it plus extra flux to accelerate the rotor. Syncronising the 2 coils is a very important factor.
I will talk about this ideea once I finish the other things on my list.
I am close to have it running just with a capacitor, time is the only problem I have... but soon

There is so much more - just dig and you will find.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on September 26, 2012, 03:05:32 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on September 26, 2012, 02:48:17 AM
Oh, I see what you saying.  Sure there is drag. But once the rotor gets up past I think it was 1200 or 1400 rpms, there was a speed up zone where lenz lets go. Thats what I believe was meant by lenz delay and all that.   And at those upper rpms is where the thing was able to run by itself. Not at other rpm ranges.


Yes you're right. Without speed it's not possible to make this thing run...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on September 26, 2012, 07:00:01 AM
And this -

Quote from: romerouk on February 26, 2011, 10:25:37 AM
The coil resistance is 286 Ohms. My L meter is broken and I cannot give u more details about it.
The yellow capacitor is 0.47uf/275volts, connected in series with the reed switch.
Having the coil closer will slow down the speed of the rotor.
I don't see much difference if using a full wave rectifier.
In the latest videos I did't have the recovery diode connected to the battery.

I have tried a solid state switching but it is not working as the reed does.
I have discovered a new way to do the switching without the reed, it is with only one extra component that does the switching... it is amazing... I have to understand it a bit more then I will talk abut it more.
I am also working to get the same effect from a AC source, no more rotor and magnets, it looks good already.
My time is not allowing more testing today but maybe tommorow

What would you give to know the "one extra component" ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on September 26, 2012, 07:23:28 AM
@penno64 (http://www.overunity.com/profile/penno64.21995/) "one extra component" ?

I will answer that question before people will go crazy again... that experiment was done before the muller experiment while I was posting under a shorting coil tread, somewhere here on this forum.
Actually you had the answer more than one year ago but who really cares?

The component is a diode, what diode or what type you will have to find out, I will not go again thru all pain I had before.
Here on this forum and other forums too, are many smart people that can understand and take this further.
I am a practical person not that good to elaborate formulas, theories and so many calculations that most of the time are done considering existing or known laws of physics.

Best regards to all,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on September 26, 2012, 07:33:59 AM
 Here's something that may or may not have any bearing on what you guys are trying to do, notice in this vid it seems a magnet has (for lack of a better word)a gate, notice as he moves the magnet around the toroid he marks the small magnet and it always attracts at the same spot on the small magnet and seems to repel everywhere else.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oek9_6IF8hA&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oek9_6IF8hA&feature=related)
Not sure if its relevant but thought I would bring it to your attention.


Good to see you around Romero
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on September 26, 2012, 08:07:52 AM
Thank you Romero,

Nice to know you still pop in.

Don't suppose youd care to elaborate on -

Quote from: romerouk on March 06, 2011, 07:33:21 PM
Personally I do the shorting at the sine peak just because I can get the maximum power, but you are right, I have tested with 3 reed switches positioned differently and I do get more spikes.
The reed switching is good enough for testing only but for a long lasting device must use solid state components.
I have also tried to short the wave all the way,multiple times, positive and negative using a 555  driver and i've got nice results.
I am working on a different setup too where one coil(few turns) is shorting the main coil and I get power from it plus extra flux to accelerate the rotor. Syncronising the 2 coils is a very important factor.
I will talk about this ideea once I finish the other things on my list.
I am close to have it running just with a capacitor, time is the only problem I have... but soon

Kind Regards and keep well, Penno

p.s. again, thanks for the previous answer and yes, you did tell us - "diodes are wonderful things"!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on September 26, 2012, 08:15:23 AM
@penno64 (http://www.overunity.com/profile/penno64.21995/)

good you remembered that...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on September 26, 2012, 08:24:43 AM
Quote from: romerouk on September 26, 2012, 07:23:28 AM
@penno64 (http://www.overunity.com/profile/penno64.21995/) "one extra component" ?

I will answer that question before people will go crazy again... that experiment was done before the muller experiment while I was posting under a shorting coil tread, somewhere here on this forum.
Actually you had the answer more than one year ago but who really cares?

The component is a diode, what diode or what type you will have to find out, I will not go again thru all pain I had before.
Here on this forum and other forums too, are many smart people that can understand and take this further.
I am a practical person not that good to elaborate formulas, theories and so many calculations that most of the time are done considering existing or known laws of physics.

Best regards to all,

Is it a Zener diode? Just thinking?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on September 26, 2012, 08:26:17 AM
Quote from: romerouk on September 26, 2012, 07:23:28 AM
@penno64 (http://www.overunity.com/profile/penno64.21995/) "one extra component" ?

I will answer that question before people will go crazy again... that experiment was done before the muller experiment while I was posting under a shorting coil tread, somewhere here on this forum.
Actually you had the answer more than one year ago but who really cares?

The component is a diode, what diode or what type you will have to find out, I will not go again thru all pain I had before.
Here on this forum and other forums too, are many smart people that can understand and take this further.
I am a practical person not that good to elaborate formulas, theories and so many calculations that most of the time are done considering existing or known laws of physics.

Best regards to all,

I am so glad you asked that question - who really cares ?

Let me tell you -

You cannot image how much I have wanted to crack this. My drive to have this work was solely to be able to
create a post that would vindicate your claims and silence and embarass the naysayers. My belief in your
ability comes from deeper than my knowledge, for I am sure you and others can see, I am STILL a NEWB.

I never had and never will have aspirations to set the world on fire. This is not me.

Faith, above all else, is a sense one knows that one can rely on.

No more shall I say.

Again, Thanks for your reply, Penno
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 26, 2012, 02:25:49 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on September 26, 2012, 01:56:04 AM

No, the drag always exist. Because when you draw current from the coil, that produce a counter flux in the core.And that force the rotor to stop.

I think romero beat that drag force with a good drive coil adjustment. We should check that. When we look the video that he uploaded we can see clearly that he didn't put magnets behind the drive coils. And also he is using little cores too(not big as magnets...).

So here we can think that romero is saturating the drive coil when the magnet approach to the coil.That's one of the ideas. Another question that comes to mind is that when a magnet approach to the saturated coil, does it produce back emf ? Can anyone try this or are there any information about the saturated coils ?

You should check how much time you got before the drag happens. With high inductance coils it is enough for magnet to be away from coil already. The oscilloscope is you friend to find timing...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on September 26, 2012, 02:53:23 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on September 26, 2012, 02:25:49 PM
You should check how much time you got before the drag happens. With high inductance coils it is enough for magnet to be away from coil already. The oscilloscope is you friend to find timing...

That's not quiet possible. Because when the magnet is away, produced voltage will be different. If the voltage difference between the coil and the capacitor isn't big enough the diodes will open the circuit. And when the circuit is open you can't draw current from the coil. So: no current, no drag...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on September 26, 2012, 03:16:46 PM
Quote from: crazycut06 on September 26, 2012, 08:24:43 AM

Is it a Zener diode? Just thinking?

I've been thinking along those lines as well. A Zener diode would fit the bill but you would have to match the brakedown voltage to the sine's peak voltage to 'catch' the tip only and it would work well at certain RPM range.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 26, 2012, 03:38:41 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on September 26, 2012, 02:53:23 PM

That's not quiet possible. Because when the magnet is away, produced voltage will be different. If the voltage difference between the coil and the capacitor isn't big enough the diodes will open the circuit. And when the circuit is open you can't draw current from the coil. So: no current, no drag...

Please study http://pesn.com/2011/08/28/9501905_Thane_Heins_Regenerative_Acceleration_Generator/

Also without sitting down and doing actual work it is hard to understand how coil reaction time relates to inductance and passing magnet and when high inductance coil has peak on sine wave where magnet will be when magnet is faster then Lenz force reaction time.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on September 26, 2012, 04:35:04 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on September 26, 2012, 03:38:41 PM
Please study http://pesn.com/2011/08/28/9501905_Thane_Heins_Regenerative_Acceleration_Generator/ (http://pesn.com/2011/08/28/9501905_Thane_Heins_Regenerative_Acceleration_Generator/)

Also without sitting down and doing actual work it is hard to understand how coil reaction time relates to inductance and passing magnet and when high inductance coil has peak on sine wave where magnet will be when magnet is faster then Lenz force reaction time.

Thank you but I already did speed under load experiment... Sadly I lost the rotor it was turning a little bit fast...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 26, 2012, 06:12:55 PM
lol, heck, maybe speed up happens when the normal generation reaches the breakover voltage of the zener.  :o :o :o ;D   This is a lot of good thoughts put together in a couple days. ;]  Its good to have 'some' direction and new things to try.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on September 26, 2012, 06:28:02 PM

My grandmother once made me what she called a 'buzzy'...a button strung through both holes on a closed loop of string.

With the loop strung on the middle finger of both hands and the button in the middle, she then wound it up in a skipping rope manner until the wind began to twist, drawing her hands closer together.

She then pulled her hands farther apart, unwinding the button in the process...once it unwound it rewound itself bringing her hands closer together again.

As she increased the speed she no longer had to pull her hands apart, the button and string were now moving her hands without her effort.

Kind of sounds like the same principle may be at work in Romero's build.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on September 26, 2012, 06:49:18 PM

Quote from: crazycut06 on September 26, 2012, 02:24:43 PM (http://www.overunity.com/3842/muller-dynamo/msg337839/#msg337839)
Is it a Zener diode? Just thinking?

I've been thinking along those lines as well. A Zener diode would fit the bill but you would have to match the brakedown voltage to the sine's peak voltage to 'catch' the tip only and it would work well at certain RPM range.

Quote from: Magluvin on September 26, 2012, 06:12:55 PM
lol, heck, maybe speed up happens when the normal generation reaches the breakover voltage of the zener.  :o :o :o ;D   This is a lot of good thoughts put together in a couple days. ;]  Its good to have 'some' direction and new things to try.


I'm thinking if this diode has a relevance in this thread, or this is only for the speed under load thread?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 26, 2012, 10:10:50 PM
Im going to try a few things with a single coil n rotor. Been thinking about it.

I generally approach a device that lays a claim, with the assumption that it does work and try to come up with reasons why it might work, instead of how it might be faked before I build it.

Was thinking about if the zener holds the peak for any period of time, and I think probably not long at all. Dont think there would be multiple shortings but more like a zener doing its job. But who knows. ;]  Ive been surprised many times.  maybe thats the 'advantage. over other types of switching tried. ;]

Now I suppose the first thing to do is try zeners across the working coils, as it is one possibility, and the simplest next step. Now if we used the zener on our outer winding used for shorting, the voltage generated across that coil will be much lower than the working coil, so low voltage zeners. But once shorted im sure good current would flow.

As someone stated earlier, zeners conduct both directions, one direction like a diode and the other at the zener voltage. So shorting in one phase of the magnet pass at what .7v and at the zener voltage in the other phase. This might be a very good assumption Im making here. ;]  Which way do we connect the diode?

My first idea is to have the .7v shorting in the first phase possibly to get the coil going and zener short the second phase.  But there may be a better reason for going the other way with it. Simple to try either way.

One thing I think is important is to be able to drive the rotor beyond any recommended speed up speeds so no body misses anything by not hitting an rpm level that may be higher for different builds.

Dunno if the speedup is due to the low and high shortings or resonance or what now. lol

The scope shot doesnt really indicate the shortings really. hmm. So I might doubt shorting of the working coil as spikes would be evident I might think. So possibly shorting an outer winding with fewer turns is, well, a possibility. lol

I wonder if a zener could be seen on any of the coil pics? 


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 26, 2012, 11:07:17 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on September 26, 2012, 04:35:04 PM

Thank you but I already did speed under load experiment... Sadly I lost the rotor it was turning a little bit fast...

If you swap generator coils from high current to high voltage in Mulller dynamo, the effect can be used straight away. Only one thing you need there - the step down high frequency transformers for getting low voltage and high current back.
Also if you change magnets from single to diual N+N-S+S setup (same poles of 2 magnets forced together) there will be even better effect.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on September 27, 2012, 03:18:13 AM
Quote from: T-1000 on September 26, 2012, 11:07:17 PM
If you swap generator coils from high current to high voltage in Mulller dynamo, the effect can be used straight away. Only one thing you need there - the step down high frequency transformers for getting low voltage and high current back.
Also if you change magnets from single to diual N+N-S+S setup (same poles of 2 magnets forced together) there will be even better effect.

Good luck!

Yes that's right if you open the circuit quickly you'll get high voltage. But generator coils are not working like that in romero's setup because he's not using switching components at output. Only drive coils are working as you say. Also his drive coils can be upgraded for better performance...

For you N+N-S+S setup how will you drive the coils ? you must detect the north and south...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 27, 2012, 03:40:59 AM
Quote from: darkwanderer on September 27, 2012, 03:18:13 AM

Yes that's right if you open the circuit quickly you'll get high voltage. But generator coils are not working like that in romero's setup because he's not using switching components at output. Only drive coils are working as you say. Also his drive coils can be upgraded for better performance...

For you N+N-S+S setup how will you drive the coils ? you must detect the north and south...

Flip-flop driving circuit will do fine with hall sensors and diodes for driver feedback. Also this type of assembly will have conventional N-S type magnetic poles in result jus with one difference - the magnetic field will rise and fall with sharp triangle waveform.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 27, 2012, 11:05:40 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVT5ZleK5rY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVT5ZleK5rY)

Ok, so once again, I am taking a step back and will work with single filar coils for now.
Keep it simple!


Quote from: Loner on September 26, 2012, 12:54:51 AM
I recommend Post #2729 of this thread.  Read for a couple pages and listen to Bolt and Romero.  (Page 182?)

It might help, or maybe not.  (Now 2717 on page 181)

Too Cryptic?  I hope not...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 27, 2012, 02:47:39 PM
Hello guys!

So happy to see this thread back to life!
I'm not going to start playing again with shorted coils unless there will be some breakthrough. Tomorow my small gen will be finished and will be attached to my attraction motor. There will be 8 mags and 16 normal coils. The motor has no coils or magnets on the rotor and the  bemf is only from the colapsing field of the two coils from the stator. Also the motor has a huge torque.
I dont expect much from this but maybe there is something more.....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on September 27, 2012, 03:14:38 PM

Wow great combine, nice...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on September 27, 2012, 03:26:30 PM
Quote from: darkwanderer on September 27, 2012, 03:14:38 PM

Wow great combine, nice...

Thanks darkwanderer but first lets see the results.
As I remember, my best efficiency was 50% with one driving coil and one normal gen coil (10W in to fully lit 5W light bulb).
I'm curios to see if there will be more from this setup
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 27, 2012, 04:24:04 PM
Anyone tried this magnetic configuration in Muller Dynamo setup? http://www.alexpetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/flywheel-1.png (http://www.alexpetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/flywheel-1.png)

Shorted coils possibly will make this flywheel to fly from themselves without driving coils :)

My last posts are all about that... ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on September 27, 2012, 06:54:39 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on September 27, 2012, 04:24:04 PM
Anyone tried this magnetic configuration in Muller Dynamo setup? http://www.alexpetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/flywheel-1.png (http://www.alexpetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/flywheel-1.png)

Shorted coils possibly will make this flywheel to fly from themselves without driving coils :)

My last posts are all about that... ;)

Is this Ed leedskalnin device? Where are the shorted coils?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 27, 2012, 09:09:37 PM
Putting 2 zeners in series, just not in the same direction, gets you zener voltage+the other diodes forward bias voltage, in either direction So now it can short at the peaks of both phases of generation.  ;]

Ill do some tests this weekend.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 28, 2012, 03:39:45 AM
Quote from: crazycut06 on September 27, 2012, 06:54:39 PM

Is this Ed leedskalnin device? Where are the shorted coils?
The flywheel only. Eds PMH in generator mode was on side.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: magneto_DC on September 28, 2012, 06:41:54 AM
Quote from: T-1000 on September 27, 2012, 04:24:04 PM
http://www.alexpetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/flywheel-1.png (http://www.alexpetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/flywheel-1.png)

Hi T-1000,

some questions regarding ED L-device.

The pic above shows (mainly) the stator of the device?
What is the active side of the stator?
Is it outer ring (area) NN-SS-NN-S...? (I would say: No).
Is it inner ring (area), the Bloch Wall? (I would say: Yes). But I am asking YOU.

And the rotor is mostly gone?
It was in inside area? And had a (one or more) radial, iron-core, high-impedance coil? Going from Bloch wall to bloch wall?
Or was the rotor outside? What design?

Thanks in advance.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on September 28, 2012, 10:40:51 AM
Cheapest DC-DC converter ever...

http://www.ebay.com/itm/LM2596-DC-DC-adjustable-power-step-down-module-NEW-/130729707683?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e701908a3 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/LM2596-DC-DC-adjustable-power-step-down-module-NEW-/130729707683?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e701908a3)

It takes some time to come from asia but very cheap...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: darkwanderer on September 28, 2012, 11:33:33 AM
It looks like romero's using saturated driving coils like I tried to explain in my previous post...

With saturated driving coil, back emf can not be produced by the magnet. In theory that's right and in real, very little back emf is produced. You can check the calculations and the explanation from the link...

http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/11855-eric-dollard-8.html (http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/11855-eric-dollard-8.html)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on September 29, 2012, 07:29:36 AM
Quote from: magneto_DC on September 28, 2012, 06:41:54 AM

Hi T-1000,

some questions regarding ED L-device.

The pic above shows (mainly) the stator of the device?
What is the active side of the stator?
Is it outer ring (area) NN-SS-NN-S...? (I would say: No).
Is it inner ring (area), the Bloch Wall? (I would say: Yes). But I am asking YOU.

And the rotor is mostly gone?
It was in inside area? And had a (one or more) radial, iron-core, high-impedance coil? Going from Bloch wall to bloch wall?
Or was the rotor outside? What design?

Thanks in advance.


The flywheel in one of many videos:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_X17dEI1J8 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_X17dEI1J8)

Magnetic polarity: http://www.alexpetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/flywheel-1.png (http://www.alexpetty.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/flywheel-1.png)

All magnets are "V" phorm, the bloch wall is inside of rotor. They are 24, phorming "VV" connections with N+N-S+S (same poles from 2 magnets forced together) combination.

The PMH is missing there. The only one place where you can see it attached to flywheel is in this photo: http://www.leedskalnin.com/Generator.jpg (http://www.leedskalnin.com/Generator.jpg) ( http://www.leedskalnin.com/LeedskalninImageArchive.html (http://www.leedskalnin.com/LeedskalninImageArchive.html) )
Also people are playing with it:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFcd_QCLK5w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFcd_QCLK5w)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on October 01, 2012, 01:39:20 PM
Finished winding coils last night. (See image)
Made both single and bifilar coils.
Didn't worry about specific number of turns and merely wound them, until full, on my sewing machine.
High resolution image here-
http://www.rodscontracts.com/images/projects/muller/NewBobbinCoilsLG.png (http://www.rodscontracts.com/images/projects/muller/NewBobbinCoilsLG.png)

Have ordered some ferrite cores but probably won't try them right away.
Still want to play with air cores.

And, speaking of saturated coils, have you seen the latest video from Quanta Magnetics?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUMEAMdwb8c (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUMEAMdwb8c)

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 05, 2012, 07:39:13 PM
Hello guys

Sometimes I have crasy ideeas that i must try them.
This is one of them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H55vrAfmMNQ&feature=youtu.be
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 05, 2012, 08:21:20 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on October 05, 2012, 07:39:13 PM
Hello guys

Sometimes I have crasy ideeas that i must try them.
This is one of them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H55vrAfmMNQ&feature=youtu.be (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H55vrAfmMNQ&feature=youtu.be)

Very cool Marius. ;]  I see that one side pushes and one side pulls, helping to negate cogging. ;] 

Ya know, those plastic bending arms with the mags, if the rotor hits the right speed, those arms will go into resonance, and really start swinging. ;] Would be interesting what effect that would have on the rotor at and around those speeds. ;]

Very nice. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on October 05, 2012, 10:57:18 PM

Got some more work done this evening.

Completed the new stators with timing plates.
Was able to keep timing plates very simple.
Just more circles, 1/4" thick, with holes that fit right over the flanges of the bearings then 1/2" thick blocks to support the switches.
Timing plate bolts are just 1/4" nylon with nuts recessed in forstner holes.
With a timing plate on each side; I can control two separate run circuits independently.

Going to start with air cores, and single filar coils, for now.
Which is the simplest, cheapest, way that I see to build this thing.
May need to use solid state relays if the switches fail to hold up.

I am of the opinion this a better, simpler, more direct, approach than playing with hall effect transistors dependent on 'squishy' magnetic fields which may fluctuate, or change, at different RPM.
And if precision, electronic, timing is desired; probably better to use optical sensors as Muller did.

High resolution version here:

That is all for this evening.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: mariuscivic on October 06, 2012, 10:37:04 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on October 05, 2012, 08:21:20 PM
Very cool Marius. ;]  I see that one side pushes and one side pulls, helping to negate cogging. ;] 

Ya know, those plastic bending arms with the mags, if the rotor hits the right speed, those arms will go into resonance, and really start swinging. ;] Would be interesting what effect that would have on the rotor at and around those speeds. ;]

Very nice. ;]

Hi Mags!
You are right! At higher rpm the plastic arms go into resonance but there is no magic there. The rotor breaks faster; just doesnt like it.
My ideea with this setup was that to build a sistem that is unbalanced. Then, in a way or another, balancing the sistem with the help of lenz.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 06, 2012, 07:15:58 PM
Quote from: mariuscivic on October 06, 2012, 10:37:04 AM
Hi Mags!
You are right! At higher rpm the plastic arms go into resonance but there is no magic there. The rotor breaks faster; just doesnt like it.
My ideea with this setup was that to build a sistem that is unbalanced. Then, in a way or another, balancing the sistem with the help of lenz.

Well this may be a good mechanical example of what Romero did with spacing.

I see you have a certain distance between the rotor and the fingers. Well, if you bring the rotor up to the speed that gets the fingers moving the most, now you increase the distance from the rotor till the fingers are moving only so far like shown in your vid to reduce the drag but get the same output. Now since you said that during resonance rpm's that there is more drag, what will need to be tested a comparison of drags. ;] There must have been an advantage to the 'distance' because most gens have very close proximity, and none of them are OU.

To add many fingers, have the base that the fingers are anchored above or below the rotor. ;]  Could put leds on each moving end to see the wave. Might have an interesting visual.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 06, 2012, 07:29:27 PM
Come to think of it, put another magnet in the finger, closer to the base it is attached to, as a magnet on the finger for the rotor to interact with while the original just generates into the pickup coil.. The finger will have lower freq of resonance, but should still resonate by having the input lower on the totem pole so to speak. Might work even very close to the base, causing the outer gen mag end to swing.

Now since the new magnet placement on the finger wont be moving as far as your example when in resonance, so the rotor drag wont be as much at  resonance, yet the mag on the far end of the finger will be a swingin, generating in the coil. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on October 07, 2012, 11:29:43 AM
The unit is fully assembled and have done a preliminary test run and already discovering several issues that need to be addressed.
High resolution image here:

#1 Rotor is pretty wobbly (not flat) and will probably have to be replaced.
This has always been an issue for me. Not sure why the material always seems to be a little warped and may need to upgrade to a laminate.

#2 Cam is not perfectly true so not 'firing' consistently.

#3 Switch contacts are actually holding up pretty well but there appears to be an issue with 'bounce'.
The ignition cam is actually designed to use ignition points which utilize a very strong spring and my idea of using such a cam, and simple switch, may not be as easy as I had hoped.

#4 While running on just one coil pair, at 12 volts, current draw is pretty high, around 700ma, this is not good and coils getting hot.
Still need to see how this might change with ferrite cores.

I may decide to abandon mechanical switching and move to hall effect or optical sensors.
I was trying to avoid this, and keep it simple, but it may, actually, become simpler to use electronics versus all the physical challenges such as the need for an absolutely perfect cam and specialized switch or commutator.

It may be awhile before I have anything else to report.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on October 07, 2012, 08:48:11 PM
Quote from: Scorch on October 07, 2012, 11:29:43 AM
The unit is fully assembled and have done a preliminary test run and already discovering several issues that need to be addressed.
High resolution image here:
http://www.rodscontracts.ws/images/projects/muller/NewDynamoBuilt.png (http://www.rodscontracts.ws/images/projects/muller/NewDynamoBuilt.png)

#1 Rotor is pretty wobbly (not flat) and will probably have to be replaced.
This has always been an issue for me. Not sure why the material always seems to be a little warped and may need to upgrade to a laminate.

#2 Cam is not perfectly true so not 'firing' consistently.

#3 Switch contacts are actually holding up pretty well but there appears to be an issue with 'bounce'.
The ignition cam is actually designed to use ignition points which utilize a very strong spring and my idea of using such a cam, and simple switch, may not be as easy as I had hoped.

#4 While running on just one coil pair, at 12 volts, current draw is pretty high, around 700ma, this is not good and coils getting hot.
Still need to see how this might change with ferrite cores.

I may decide to abandon mechanical switching and move to hall effect or optical sensors.
I was trying to avoid this, and keep it simple, but it may, actually, become simpler to use electronics versus all the physical challenges such as the need for an absolutely perfect cam and specialized switch or commutator.

It may be awhile before I have anything else to report.


Hi Scorch,
Imho, Better to use electronic switching using optical or hall sensors, much more efficient than mechanical switching, also much easier to get perfect adjustments, check out how konehead mounts his timing disc... Keep it up!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on October 07, 2012, 09:22:12 PM
Quote from: Scorch on October 07, 2012, 11:29:43 AM
The unit is fully assembled and have done a preliminary test run and already discovering several issues that need to be addressed.
High resolution image here:
http://www.rodscontracts.ws/images/projects/muller/NewDynamoBuilt.png (http://www.rodscontracts.ws/images/projects/muller/NewDynamoBuilt.png)

#1 Rotor is pretty wobbly (not flat) and will probably have to be replaced.
This has always been an issue for me. Not sure why the material always seems to be a little warped and may need to upgrade to a laminate.

#2 Cam is not perfectly true so not 'firing' consistently.

#3 Switch contacts are actually holding up pretty well but there appears to be an issue with 'bounce'.
The ignition cam is actually designed to use ignition points which utilize a very strong spring and my idea of using such a cam, and simple switch, may not be as easy as I had hoped.

#4 While running on just one coil pair, at 12 volts, current draw is pretty high, around 700ma, this is not good and coils getting hot.
Still need to see how this might change with ferrite cores.

I may decide to abandon mechanical switching and move to hall effect or optical sensors.
I was trying to avoid this, and keep it simple, but it may, actually, become simpler to use electronics versus all the physical challenges such as the need for an absolutely perfect cam and specialized switch or commutator.

It may be awhile before I have anything else to report.


Beautiful work. Good job.

I highly advice you (since you are doing such an amazing work) to switch using hall sensors and Arduino. I can make for you (for free) a switching program for Arduino. It is much easier to test the timing and play with it.

In your case your coils are heating up because the time ON of the coils are too long and too much power is wasted into heat and locking the speed of rotation.

It is a little intimidating with Arduino at first but it is just an illusion. You can get it running in a night easily by just reading the manual that comes with it, build a pulser using the hall sensor and get this motor spinning very fast.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on October 21, 2012, 05:34:48 PM
Thank you, Plengo, for the offer to donate your services. I just might have to accept your offer and maybe donate something in return.
I am hoping to help ZFF by offering a donation to him and, hopefully, he might be willing to donate one, or two, replications of his Arduino controller with analog adjustment pots.
But he hasn't been responding to my email, or YT message, so I may accept your offer to help me build my own.
I can build them but could use the extra assistance. And I may consider using them in conjunction with optical sensors versus hall sensors.

I do understand what you mean regarding to much on time.
And if I had a PROPER mechanical switch, for the job, I could adjust this.
But I am reaching the conclusion that, sometimes, more complicated is simpler . . .

The 6mm ferrite cores have arrived and I also obtained some more stator plate disks.
So I plan to set aside the air core assemblies and drill a new set of stator plates with ferrite cores.
This is becoming easier to build and more professional looking with each replication.
Probably take less than an hour to set up and drill another set of stator plates once I get around to it.
And if I don't hear from ZFF soon; I will enlist your help with Arduino controllers and would sure like to set them up with analog adjusting screws.
Do I even need two controllers? Can one controller be configured for two coil pairs?

This is just one of many projects I have on my table including major over-haul work on a diesel step van, GEET fuel processor, other hobbies and, of course, regular job work and house work. . .

Already had another, minor, issue with the current build.
The double sided mounting tape not holding the terminal blocks very well because that particular terminal block brand (WECO) is not flat on the bottom ("standoff" style) therefore not much contact area for the mounting tape.
But I did obtain a different brand (Altech), which is flat on the bottom, and will use these for the next build.

That is all for now.

Thank you again.


Quote from: plengo on October 07, 2012, 09:22:12 PM

Beautiful work. Good job.

I highly advice you (since you are doing such an amazing work) to switch using hall sensors and Arduino. I can make for you (for free) a switching program for Arduino. It is much easier to test the timing and play with it.

In your case your coils are heating up because the time ON of the coils are too long and too much power is wasted into heat and locking the speed of rotation.

It is a little intimidating with Arduino at first but it is just an illusion. You can get it running in a night easily by just reading the manual that comes with it, build a pulser using the hall sensor and get this motor spinning very fast.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on October 22, 2012, 11:04:39 AM
Quote from: Scorch on October 21, 2012, 05:34:48 PM
Thank you, Plengo, for the offer to donate your services. I just might have to accept your offer and maybe donate something in return.
I am hoping to help ZFF by offering a donation to him and, hopefully, he might be willing to donate one, or two, replications of his Arduino controller with analog adjustment pots.
But he hasn't been responding to my email, or YT message, so I may accept your offer to help me build my own.
I can build them but could use the extra assistance. And I may consider using them in conjunction with optical sensors versus hall sensors.

I do understand what you mean regarding to much on time.
And if I had a PROPER mechanical switch, for the job, I could adjust this.
But I am reaching the conclusion that, sometimes, more complicated is simpler . . .

The 6mm ferrite cores have arrived and I also obtained some more stator plate disks.
So I plan to set aside the air core assemblies and drill a new set of stator plates with ferrite cores.
This is becoming easier to build and more professional looking with each replication.
Probably take less than an hour to set up and drill another set of stator plates once I get around to it.
And if I don't hear from ZFF soon; I will enlist your help with Arduino controllers and would sure like to set them up with analog adjusting screws.
Do I even need two controllers? Can one controller be configured for two coil pairs?

This is just one of many projects I have on my table including major over-haul work on a diesel step van, GEET fuel processor, other hobbies and, of course, regular job work and house work. . .

Already had another, minor, issue with the current build.
The double sided mounting tape not holding the terminal blocks very well because that particular terminal block brand (WECO) is not flat on the bottom ("standoff" style) therefore not much contact area for the mounting tape.
But I did obtain a different brand (Altech), which is flat on the bottom, and will use these for the next build.

That is all for now.

Thank you again.


Sure no problem. I am not an expert in Arduino but one can become one in no time. I am a good programmer and there is lots of info on the net on how to do things with it.

You only need ONE arduino to control many things. It comes with I think 8 ports so that one can connect 8 things to it plus the other ports that are analog so we could control voltage/current readings and do things.

I highly advice you to buy two videos from Peter Lindenman ([size=78%]http://advancedmotorsecrets.com/ (http://advancedmotorsecrets.com/)[/size]  and [size=78%]http://magneticenergysecrets.com/ (http://magneticenergysecrets.com/)[/size]). They are very cheap ($17) and they will teach you a lot about this particular motor you are building. They are not talking about Muller but about the interaction of Magnetic fields and the energy that can be harnessed.

I have not been working with my RomeroUK/Muller for a little while but still have my motor. I have been thinking a lot about what should be my next step in to this motor with those new understandings from those two videos.

Actually they led me to studying very carefully works from Eric Dollar, Tesla (off course) and Charles Steinmetz ([size=78%]https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz_Elementary_lectures_on_e?id=PgQ_AAAAYAAJ&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImJvb2stUGdRX0FBQUFZQUFKIl0. (https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz_Elementary_lectures_on_e?id=PgQ_AAAAYAAJ&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImJvb2stUGdRX0FBQUFZQUFKIl0.)[/size]).

It is very interesting to see that one can understand how possibly RomeroUK motor worked (if it worked in reality). A good build is a must and you already have it.

Arduino will give you the power to control many other things that, if done mechanically, would take you years.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on October 22, 2012, 11:34:03 AM
Thank you for the update and the video links. I will take this into consideration.

I think the next step is obvious; build another layer with another rotor and two more stator plates.

If it's already already possible to operate this, at high rpm, on just one, or two, coil pairs, with little, or no, Lenz effect, then go ahead and throw in another rotor on the same shaft and two more stator plates with 18 more generator coils.

For those of you who are close to a self runner, this may be all that is needed to obtain the desired effect.
Should be able to do it with the same two bearings and just a longer shaft.


Quote from: plengo on October 22, 2012, 11:04:39 AM

Sure no problem. I am not an expert in Arduino but one can become one in no time. I am a good programmer and there is lots of info on the net on how to do things with it.

You only need ONE arduino to control many things. It comes with I think 8 ports so that one can connect 8 things to it plus the other ports that are analog so we could control voltage/current readings and do things.

I highly advice you to buy two videos from Peter Lindenman ([size=78%]http://advancedmotorsecrets.com/ (http://advancedmotorsecrets.com/)[/size]  and [size=78%]http://magneticenergysecrets.com/ (http://magneticenergysecrets.com/)[/size]). They are very cheap ($17) and they will teach you a lot about this particular motor you are building. They are not talking about Muller but about the interaction of Magnetic fields and the energy that can be harnessed.

I have not been working with my RomeroUK/Muller for a little while but still have my motor. I have been thinking a lot about what should be my next step in to this motor with those new understandings from those two videos.

Actually they led me to studying very carefully works from Eric Dollar, Tesla (off course) and Charles Steinmetz ([size=78%]https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz_Elementary_lectures_on_e?id=PgQ_AAAAYAAJ&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImJvb2stUGdRX0FBQUFZQUFKIl0. (https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz_Elementary_lectures_on_e?id=PgQ_AAAAYAAJ&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImJvb2stUGdRX0FBQUFZQUFKIl0.)[/size]).

It is very interesting to see that one can understand how possibly RomeroUK motor worked (if it worked in reality). A good build is a must and you already have it.

Arduino will give you the power to control many other things that, if done mechanically, would take you years.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: plengo on October 22, 2012, 10:13:39 PM
Sometimes I forget how great this forum really is.  This one thread in particular is my best favorite. Great names here, some guys I even known them by talking in the phone, but the best is the innovation, new comers very interested in the project.

I am dying to put my little muller/romero back in to the table shop but I am really stuck with crystal cells research, they are indeed a mind bending exercise.

Guys quick question and some sharing that I hope to bring in light of more learning about electricity and its parts.

In this thread a long time back we were playing with the "delay Lenz" or whatever was the name when our next barriers were our RPMs reducing when extracting energy from the coils.  Than quickly came the idea that it was possible and possible only when extracting the energy from the coils.

Many guys even replicated the effect when under load but then it was all.

Is it all so far or I am missing a lot? (please forgive my absence in this particular thread for a long time).

If I am missing a lot, please forgive me for what my latest thoughts are:

It is indeed true that the size of the magnetic field we can create is not proportional to the amount power input.
Mathematically is correct and normal engineering classes.

Joseph Newman has said it, shown it but never mathematically explained it, only via analogies (good ones).

This one new understand does vindicate the possibility of making this motor really spinning fast has nothing to do with the input power we put in.  Try that speed with an induction motor and that little power that we use here, 12v and few hundreds of mili-amps.

Delay Lenzs does sound like an explanation for this effect under another theory name, although, showing that we do indeed have a delayed Lenz and Lenzsless motor is difficult to believe. Magnetic field disproportional to the input power and therefore one can have a much more effective powerful magnetic field, small coils, moving the rotor very fast.

We have seen this kind of spinning speeds in Bedini's motors, this motor of this thread, and many others (youtube search motors). So certainly evidence we have that agrees with that statement in bold above.

In this video of Eric Dollard ([size=78%]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CZQI8xQFvo&NR=1&feature=endscreen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CZQI8xQFvo&NR=1&feature=endscreen)[/size]) at around 4:15 will show a discharge of a CAPACITOR after an INDUCTOR producing (what he said) 200 to 1000 amps on the spark.

Can you imagine with that amount of amps, how powerful an induction motor can be? It would certainly not be just 200 horse power motor, it would be much more. The input power of his aparatus were regular house hold electricity, Dollard said it was conventional electricity from power companies. Dollard's also said he was inputting around 150v at 300 mili-amps or less.

I think this video of Dollard does show the possibilities we have when building a Muller/RomeroUK motor utilizing his coils techniques and his understandings which are all publicly available on the net, specially youtube.

The two videos I mention on my previous post, do go in details about this disconnection of Magnetism and input power. Think just for a moment on this formula: w = Li (flux of magnetic field or magnetic field is proportional to current (i) and magnetic induction (L) or inductance of the circuit. No need for voltage - Steinmetz ([size=78%]https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=79W0wXz6_ZEC&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&authuser=0&hl=en&pg=GBS.PA11 (https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=79W0wXz6_ZEC&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&authuser=0&hl=en&pg=GBS.PA11)[/size])[size=78%].[/size]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on October 23, 2012, 01:36:40 PM
Remember what ZFF had said in one of his last Muller videos regarding resonance?
"unlocking Muller motor secrets"-

To use his words: "Something quite extraordinary happened; it resonated and the voltage spiked!"
And: "once this baby hits 88 miles per hour; you're going to see some serious stuff!"

This video was produced well over a year ago. . .
I had been paying really close attention to what ZFF was doing and was very disappointed when he seemed to just, suddenly, stop working on this after he first appeared to be very enthusiastic about it and was already working on a new & improved version. I waited many months for him to produce another update and still waiting and wondering why?!?

At any rate he does talk about RPM, and resonant frequencies, and I also wonder: What is the possibility there is actually a magnetic vortex being developed by the spinning rotor?
A torus which will draw in extra energy from the surrounding environment. . .
And, also, regarding resonance, this can happen at different RPMs.
There may even be many different frequencies at which a resonance may develop so a high RPM may not be required and RomeroUK appeared to operate his device at a low RPM. . .
It will all depend on the individual build and resonant frequencies of a particular device.

My challenge is that I don't have all the know-how, or even the instruments required to measure inductance of my coils, in order to make an educated guess with regards to what capacitors, diodes, RPM, and frequencies may achieve resonance in my particular device.
Best I can do is trial, and error, which is why I would like to have simple adjusting screws on my controller circuit versus constantly entering numbers by way of keyboard input.
And if somebody can provide the method, and schematics, etc. to implement potentiometer controls, for an arduino controller, this would certianly be appreciated.
I think ZFF had built one but I cannot seem to find where he had demonstrated this in his videos.


Quote from: plengo on October 22, 2012, 10:13:39 PM
It is indeed true that the size of the magnetic field we can create is not proportional to the amount power input.
Mathematically is correct and normal engineering classes.

Joseph Newman has said it, shown it but never mathematically explained it, only via analogies (good ones).

This one new understand does vindicate the possibility of making this motor really spinning fast has nothing to do with the input power we put in.  Try that speed with an induction motor and that little power that we use here, 12v and few hundreds of mili-amps.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: David70 on October 23, 2012, 07:21:26 PM
Quote from: Scorch on October 23, 2012, 01:36:40 PM
Remember what ZFF had said in one of his last Muller videos regarding resonance?
"unlocking Muller motor secrets"-
www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoXZHdiMCKE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoXZHdiMCKE)

To use his words: "Something quite extraordinary happened; it resonated and the voltage spiked!"
And: "once this baby hits 88 miles per hour; you're going to see some serious stuff!"

This video was produced well over a year ago. . .
I had been paying really close attention to what ZFF was doing and was very disappointed when he seemed to just, suddenly, stop working on this after he first appeared to be very enthusiastic about it and was already working on a new & improved version. I waited many months for him to produce another update and still waiting and wondering why?!?

At any rate he does talk about RPM, and resonant frequencies, and I also wonder: What is the possibility there is actually a magnetic vortex being developed by the spinning rotor?
A torus which will draw in extra energy from the surrounding environment. . .
And, also, regarding resonance, this can happen at different RPMs.
There may even be many different frequencies at which a resonance may develop so a high RPM may not be required and RomeroUK appeared to operate his device at a low RPM. . .
It will all depend on the individual build and resonant frequencies of a particular device.

My challenge is that I don't have all the know-how, or even the instruments required to measure inductance of my coils, in order to make an educated guess with regards to what capacitors, diodes, RPM, and frequencies may achieve resonance in my particular device.
Best I can do is trial, and error, which is why I would like to have simple adjusting screws on my controller circuit versus constantly entering numbers by way of keyboard input.
And if somebody can provide the method, and schematics, etc. to implement potentiometer controls, for an arduino controller, this would certianly be appreciated.
I think ZFF had built one but I cannot seem to find where he had demonstrated this in his videos.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Lakes on October 24, 2012, 05:32:12 AM
I was also disappointed that ZFF stop working on this, but hey, its his time and money he`s spending and maybe he decided he was flogging a dead horse?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on October 24, 2012, 10:59:35 AM

Its all speculation at this point.
There has been no new updates, at his site, regarding this project.
And his video at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYXv9vAPK5Q
"Download the new sketch at http://alt-nrg.org/Muller.html (http://alt-nrg.org/Muller.html) .
There's a bug with analog adjustment inputs with v1.2b.
Please do not use analog inputs until a fix is released in v1.2c. Thanks."

Still waiting for v1.2c, and other details for analog, or I am just not finding it at his site for some reason.

The story appears to go something like this:
'Eureka! I've discovered some very interesting things regarding inductance effects of the ferrite cores and balancing magnets, resonance of the system, seeing huge voltage spike, now building a new system, working on v1.2c, but haven't done a thing in over a year while pursuing other projects such as Kapandadze experiments and pulsed motors. . . .

Like I wrote; it's all speculation until such time ZFF comes in here and gives us an update.
And one, POSSIBLE, speculation is: He reached an agreement, with somebody, to NOT build it.

So I am still trying to keep this simple at this point.
My next step is, probably, to simply build it like Romero did for now and, maybe, I can figure out a way to provide some adjustments with that set-up.
Can always add more sophisticated controls later.


Quote from: Lakes on October 24, 2012, 05:32:12 AM
I was also disappointed that ZFF stop working on this, but hey, its his time and money he`s spending and maybe he decided he was flogging a dead horse?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on October 24, 2012, 07:44:16 PM
Hey Scorch

Do you have the motor running yet?  Just wondering if you are in the same range of rpm as Romero had with your build.

Nice work. ;]  Eagerly waiting for running vids and results. ;]

Again, love the horizontal axis. Both sides are always available for making changes and adjustments. No flipping it over, well you know. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on October 25, 2012, 12:38:28 PM

I did have it running including my original build which used the stargate motor as the primary mover.
As well as this build with air cores and mechanical switching.

The stator plates on this build have 1/4" holes which are a little to big for my ferrite cores.
SO; I am back to starting over again because I am being a perfectionist and want holes that are a nice, tight, fit for my cores.
And need to throw together another rotor because this one is slightly wobbly even with the dual, aluminum, hub mount. . .
And, of course, other projects with higher priorities so not sure when I will have this built and running again.
I still have the coils, and all the hardware, and I think I even have everything I need to build the hall senor circuits; but it's going to be awhile until I get this going again.

BTW: I don't know what range of RPM Romero had.
Just know that it appeared to not be very fast in the video.

When I was running it, with mechanical switching, I was getting about 800 rpm but was having problems with the wafer switch 'bouncing' on the 8 lobe cam.
Wish I had a had a switch similar to regular ignition points, with large spring and proper cam follower, that is normally open instead of normally closed.
BUT also still had a problem with the cam not being perfectly centered on the shaft. The hole in the middle is just, very slightly, off center resulting in uneven switching.
I just don't have the facilities to do it right. Need a lathe or machine shop to perfect it.

And, in my case, more complicated (electronic controls) is turning out to be simpler.

But I am still thinking in terms of automotive ignition controls such as these. (see images of two different types of systems)
Which are readily available, cheap, already built, don't require physical contact, and are designed to be very precision switching; versus a hall sensor next to spinning magnets of undetermined dimensions and strength.
And some even have 'timing advance' and 'dwell' which might help to compensate for different RPM and generator loads and maintain the resonance we seek.


Quote from: Magluvin on October 24, 2012, 07:44:16 PM
Hey Scorch

Do you have the motor running yet?  Just wondering if you are in the same range of rpm as Romero had with your build.

Nice work. ;]  Eagerly waiting for running vids and results. ;]

Again, love the horizontal axis. Both sides are always available for making changes and adjustments. No flipping it over, well you know. ;]

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ekomotor on October 25, 2012, 01:30:10 PM

Hi ,
regards to all
I'm a Time studied motor / generator by RomeroUK, my results have been getting better and better but once I'd got excellent results with the gap of the magnet coil and the golden spot disapared, .This days i  again played withI this beautiful motor/ generators.Sorry in my  English (google traslator).I am from Croatia

My youtube chanal
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Doug1 on October 26, 2012, 07:14:12 AM
Here is a good book for you to read about dynomo's. Maybe it will provide you with some insite.
http://www.openisbn.com/preview/0964107015/ (http://www.openisbn.com/preview/0964107015/)
  The Muller dyno does not seam as finished as one might like.So you can always design one of your own with as much gathered info as you can find. Im kind of partial to finding why or how Tesla's improvements worked. If the breaking effect can not be turned into an additive motive source then chances are it will never get to cop1 much less anything above that.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Doug1 on October 26, 2012, 07:49:38 AM
 The sears patent mentioned in the book gives refference to the spiral plate improvement as a squeezing of the electrons to outer ring as they become narrow at the ends. That doesnt really work that way in my mind. Considering static surface charges on a capacitor plate would then act in the same way which would have been disovered by now if that was true. So that notion is wrong. It could follow along the line of thought to act like a pancake coil though or to take a small radious and stretch it so it acts like a much larger diameter disk.
  There is also mention of how back in the early days someone glued the magnets to a disk and spun the entire outfit and it still worked. That really screwed with their theories.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Doug1 on October 26, 2012, 08:15:15 AM
I will even take a wild shot in the dark and state there is a relationship between the spiral disc and ED Leedskinin's device. Only he set his up to either produce ac or used the reverse directed spriral as the motor and ran the load back to the disc through the motor section and did get the snake to eat it's own tail. The spiral Ed used is on the cover of his book.
  Hidden right in everyones face. Always the best place to hide something after all.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ekomotor on October 26, 2012, 12:57:54 PM
Thanks Doug1 on information.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on October 26, 2012, 02:19:01 PM
Quote from: Doug1 on October 26, 2012, 08:15:15 AM
I will even take a wild shot in the dark and state there is a relationship between the spiral disc and ED Leedskinin's device. Only he set his up to either produce ac or used the reverse directed spriral as the motor and ran the load back to the disc through the motor section and did get the snake to eat it's own tail. The spiral Ed used is on the cover of his book.
  Hidden right in everyones face. Always the best place to hide something after all.
E. Leedskalnin... :)  He used N+N / S+S magnetic poles configuration with magnets and coils everywhere and nobody did not tried to replicate that until today... Also his PMH was holding 3 magnetic poles of magnets in generator not 2 like conventional engineers are doing.
So nothing deeper to realize than what I just explained... ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Doug1 on October 27, 2012, 08:02:44 AM
   The muller version is quite complex and the parts count is a bit high. The princable to which it is based belongs to Tesla on a basic level. The coil design is a little bit bendin'ish. There is no way to tell how many ways there could be to achieve the samething. I personally favor simplicity is all. Dynomo's seem to be overlooked for the most part. Inspite of the simplicity of the original designs. The amount of collective knowlege and advancements in all fields of study hold little tricks which no one has applied to the lowly dynomo. The Muller dyno is admirable but probably would have evolved into a simpler design given the time and resources. Time is the most important thing of all the things that are.
  I guess I will have to start a generallized dynomo thread when the time comes. Maybe after I figure out what Einstien ment by it's realative.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZoRG on November 03, 2012, 10:26:06 AM
http://freeenergylt.narod2.ru/muller_dynamo/ (http://freeenergylt.narod2.ru/muller_dynamo/)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TinselKoala on November 03, 2012, 01:25:49 PM
So that's the secret to OU performance in the Muller Dynamo, a 2-dollar P-channel mosfet?

Right. Thanks, that makes it easy enough. I'm sure we'll all be running our houses on the Muller Dynamo by evening.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on November 03, 2012, 02:44:00 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 03, 2012, 01:25:49 PM
So that's the secret to OU performance in the Muller Dynamo, a 2-dollar P-channel mosfet?

Right. Thanks, that makes it easy enough. I'm sure we'll all be running our houses on the Muller Dynamo by evening.

Won't be running without general understanding what condition needs to be on what point of time :)

My suggestion is to read all about http://pesn.com/2011/08/28/9501905_Thane_Heins_Regenerative_Acceleration_Generator/ (http://pesn.com/2011/08/28/9501905_Thane_Heins_Regenerative_Acceleration_Generator/) first then try to understand how Muller was defeating Lenz drag and using it for acceleration instead.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on November 03, 2012, 06:39:17 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on November 03, 2012, 02:44:00 PM
Won't be running without general understanding what condition needs to be on what point of time :)

My suggestion is to read all about http://pesn.com/2011/08/28/9501905_Thane_Heins_Regenerative_Acceleration_Generator/ (http://pesn.com/2011/08/28/9501905_Thane_Heins_Regenerative_Acceleration_Generator/) first then try to understand how Muller was defeating Lenz drag and using it for acceleration instead.

Ignore the pseudo science of Thane Heins, he's a perpetrator of misinformation. The apparent acceleration is due to nothing more than a reduction of drag at high load or short circuit.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on November 03, 2012, 08:11:28 PM
Quote from: hoptoad on November 03, 2012, 06:39:17 PM
Ignore the pseudo science of Thane Heins, he's a perpetrator of misinformation. The apparent acceleration is due to nothing more than a reduction of drag at high load or short circuit.

Then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSSOI6Yep_U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSSOI6Yep_U) did not happen in your world.. :)
Apparently there is zero point for Lenz force resistance when frequency increases then goes negative and Thane Heins, Bruce Depalma was right about same principle observed in different models.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on November 03, 2012, 08:24:36 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on November 03, 2012, 08:11:28 PM
Then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSSOI6Yep_U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSSOI6Yep_U) did not happen in your world.. :)
Apparently there is zero point for Lenz force resistance when frequency increases then goes negative and Thane Heins, Bruce Depalma was right about same principle observed in different models.

http://www.totallyamped.net/adams (http://www.totallyamped.net/adams)

Read all, you might learn something. Thane refused to acknowledge that this effect is easy to achieve and does not need "High voltage" coils or any interwinding capacitance. The drag reduction effect has been known since Tesla's days, and in fact Tesla utilised it in one of his many induction motor patents.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on November 03, 2012, 08:41:42 PM
Quote from: hoptoad on November 03, 2012, 08:24:36 PM
http://www.totallyamped.net/adams (http://www.totallyamped.net/adams)

Read all, you might learn something. Thane refused to acknowledge that this effect is easy to achieve and does not need "High voltage" coils or any interwinding capacitance. The drag reduction effect has been known since Tesla's days, and in fact Tesla utilised it in one of his many induction motor patents.
Thane's aproach was to magnetically couple 2 coils with high and low inductance making passing magnet as catalyst of (ringing?) process.
Adams approach was to introduce opposite force for short period of time so Lenz force was nullified and rotor's magnet passed through.
Bruce Depalma's approach was to overcome constant mechanic resistance then self run by introducion of Faraday's rotoverter principle where Faraday Generator was power source for Faraday motor and after passing zero point it generated mechanical energy for conventional generator.

All they share same basics - the frequency and time on when it happens.

P.S> The missunderstanding does not mean thing does not work ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on November 03, 2012, 08:50:34 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on November 03, 2012, 08:41:42 PM
Thane's aproach was to magnetically couple 2 coils with high and low inductance making passing magnet as catalyst of (ringing?) process.
Adams approach was to introduce opposite force for short period of time so Lenz force was nullified and rotor's magnet passed through.
Bruce Depalma's approach was to overcome constant mechanic resistance then self run by introducion of Faraday's rotoverter principe where Faraday Generator was power source for Faraday motor and after passing zero point it generated mechanical energy for conventional generator.

All they share same basics - the frequency and time on when it happens.

P.S> The missunderstanding does not mean thing does not work ;)

So, do you want to understand what is actually happening or don't you? If you don't, then be prepared for endless disappointment in your quest for OU when trying to use this effect to achieve it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ZoRG on November 06, 2012, 12:10:19 PM
Hello guys , who be not tried to put power MOSFET in the device? My researches move very slowly. Very much it would be desirable to own information. Who can already repeated the scheme of a drive of coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TinselKoala on November 06, 2012, 01:38:13 PM
Quote from: ZoRG on November 06, 2012, 12:10:19 PM
Hello guys , who be not tried to put power MOSFET in the device? My researches move very slowly. Very much it would be desirable to own information. Who can already repeated the scheme of a drive of coils.

ZoRG, the diagram you posted earlier will work and is basically the same scheme I use to drive my Marinov Slab motor. I use an N-channel mosfet, though, connected as inverter, with coil load on high side. It might be a good idea to put a diode across the coil connections to protect the delicate P-channel mosfet from the spikes that result when the coils are turned off, and a tiny 0,1 uF 50V ceramic bypass capacitor on the power lead of the Hall sensor, to ground. These inductive collapse spikes can also be "siphoned" off using the diode to charge up external capacitors or batteries. Make the positioning of the Hall sensor adjustable radially and circumferentially with respect to the rotor: the radial in-out distance will control your duty cycle or "dwell" and the circumferential position controls the "timing" or the place in the cycle where the mosfet turns on/off. Depending on your mechanical setup, it may be possible to use a single mosfet/Hall sensor to pulse all the coils at the proper time, or you could use individual switch circuits for each coil pair and adjust them all separately for timing and dwell.
The Allegro Microsystems Hall sensors are great, they are cheap and reliable and easy to interface. Good Luck!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on November 10, 2012, 05:51:50 PM

Hello everybody.
I haven't been getting any work done on my latest build as I am wrapping up some other projects including a major over-haul of a diesel powered step van I am trying to get done before winter grips this area.

I'm writing, today, because I just discovered this new video from Quanta Magnetics.
Apparently they are going to offer their own version of an Arduino controller complete with analog adjustments . . .

I've really been looking forward to what these guys are building but also feeling like I am behind the curve.
They did some really interesting demonstrations with mechanical switching so I was interested in trying that.
Only to discover there are several, difficult, challenges for using mechanical switching.
Especially when attempting to switch 8 times per revolution.

But, NOW, they come out with THIS . . .


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrMeyS332Rw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrMeyS332Rw)

Live and learn.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on December 14, 2012, 01:54:01 PM
there is from little bit different context, but maybe we are there too:

Now, one important thing that I will mention AGAIN, is that NEVER turn OFF prime mover while Generator have the Loads ON, NEVER!!
As also never turn Prime Mover ON while Generator have Loads connected and ON...It needs to run for a bit, reaching normal working spec's before turning all loads ON!

(https://overunityarchives.com/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.energeticforum.com%2Fcustomavatars%2Favatar83697_3.gif&hash=3204c02eb09dc1816011264f25abb9cc048804ed) (http://www.energeticforum.com/members/ufopolitics.html) Ufopolitics (http://www.energeticforum.com/members/ufopolitics.html)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 14, 2012, 02:24:37 PM
I've been mostly off the forums for the past year, i recently got back into experimenting.

I only experiment with the AUL effect, as hoptoad says i don't think it can be OU but i know it can save energy, a simple thought experiment proves this.

Imagine a simple, standard generator, with it's high current coils. We know that motor/generator theory says that when a load is attached, this requires more work on the part of the generator to keep up the needed supply current, and therefore input power draw goes up.

Imagine the same generator with high-impedance coils that exhibit the AUL effect at or above a certain frequency. We attach our load, the rotor speed goes up, and the input current draw goes down.

I know very little theory or maths so i can only go on bench results.

I'm spending my money and time on this because i enjoy it and i think it can be made useful.

In the future i hope to have something proveably energy-saving and useful. Right now i only have devices that exhibit the effect, for testing.

Here is my pulse motor version :


Here is a multi-magnet rotor version, driven by a motor :


Here is a simple transformer version :


The next device is a so-called hybrid coil.

It combines okay current (0.5 amps) with high inductance, making a coil of 0.5mm wire of many turns.

The hybrid coil negates the downfall of seperate HV coils, because each additional HV coil introduces core-drag.

The next step after that device is to do a complete generator.

All the best,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on December 14, 2012, 02:49:22 PM

             I call the effect of the rotor speeding up accompanied by input drop "Lenz Propulsion". Here's the central fallacy of the Muller Dynamo. Multiple output coils divide and share rotor output, they don't multiply it. The same goes for the propulsion effect. When you add a second, identical, equally spaced high inductance output coil, both the output and the "Lenz Propulson" effect drop in half in each of the output coils. Thinik about what I'm saying. These findings came off my test bench. There's only one "X" amount of Lenz reversal effect for any given magnet rotor. This "X" factor has an upward limit that's constant in every system, regardless of how many, one or any number output coils are added.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 14, 2012, 03:11:50 PM
Thanks synchro, you've obviously gone further with this than myself.

What are your thoughts on the effect within a transformer ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on December 14, 2012, 03:19:38 PM

             The effect with the transformer is marvelous! I would imagine though, that you'll run into the same constant limitations I encountered with the multiple output coils if you try to increase the advantage.   
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 14, 2012, 03:22:42 PM
Do you have a youtube channel ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on December 14, 2012, 03:27:03 PM

              Yes, "Zebok3".

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 14, 2012, 03:29:37 PM
Oh, i'm already a subscriber :)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on December 14, 2012, 04:04:04 PM

              Likewise! Your latest pulse motor and transformer videos are really outstanding. Thanks. I'm also Allen Burgess over at Energetic forum. Most of my contribution in this area was on the "Single magnet bearingless Bedini spinner" thread hosted by jonnydavro.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 14, 2012, 04:06:12 PM
Thanks Zebok, i admire your work too, i didn't realise it was you i've been away for a while !

What are the details of the system you used to test multiple HV coils ?

I'd like to know coil inductances, resistances, core material, number of coils/magnets etc ...



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on December 14, 2012, 07:57:33 PM

              The output coils were two air core Radio Shack 24 gauge bifilar speaker wire coils wired Tesla series, different near to far end. The spinner was a 1" neo sphere with a strip of reflective tape seated in a hard plastic holding cup. The power coil was a spiral bifilar of the same gauge speaker wire driven by a 12 volt battery with a Bedini SSG circuit and charge battery. I laser tached the neo sphere and measured the voltages of both coils along with the RPM. The inductance on the output coils was around 850 Ohms apiece as I remember. I picked the spin rate up around 30K with the coil shorted, then tried the two and measured half the output voltage on each along with the same rate of spin increase on the neo sphere. Try it on yours and double check to see if our results match.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on December 14, 2012, 08:44:09 PM
Quote from: synchro1 on December 14, 2012, 07:57:33 PM
I laser tached the neo sphere and measured the voltages of both coils along with the RPM. The inductance on the output coils was around 850 Ohms apiece as I remember. I picked the spin rate up around 30K with the coil shorted, then tried the two and measured half the output voltage on each along with the same rate of spin increase on the neo sphere.

This is same fact everyone encounters..  http://www.energeticforum.com/218531-post8285.html

If your rotor momentum reistance is not too big, the speed up effect would actually make driving coils from generator coils ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 14, 2012, 11:21:25 PM
I think Zebok's (synchro1's) mention of the fact that the effect is shared between coils is an important design point.

This evening i did a quick test using two coils with the diametric magnet setup. (Bearing in mind that everyone's experience is different, ambient temperature, tightness of winding (resistance-stretch) etc)

So, the challenge is, multiple coils share the effect so it is factored between them.

I'm glad to say this small, two coil, experiment contradicted that result.

The open rotor speed, with no coils/cores present, was 28,000 RPM.

When i shorted both coils, ie, they are not at all connected, but individually shorted (just being clear !), the rotor got up to 25,000 RPM.

When i serially-connected both coils, then shorted them, the RPM was 27,950.

I think there's room for improvement.

Zebok i would also ask, were your coils bifilar, because that gave me a 400% increase in the effect ?

Here's to lightweight appliances of the future :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 14, 2012, 11:31:21 PM
I forgot to highlight the obvious advantage here.

I was only a few tens of RPM short of the open rotor speed with two coils/cores present.

More turns means a stronger AUL effect because CEMF has a direct relation to inductance.

I've ordered some materials in order to make my custom coil-formers.

Early next week i hope to make a hybrid coil that will overspeed the rotor.

In one of my early attempts i thought i'd done this, but it turned out the weight of the coil pressed on the rotor base, thus lessening the pressure on the bearing so the rotor went faster.

Now i have a fat, wooden base that stops the perspex from bending, so that's one fault negated.

I will do a video of the two coil demo tomorrow, it's 4:30 here and i am VERY drunk, had a very nice day today :)

All the best,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on December 15, 2012, 07:47:19 AM

             Yes my output coils were bifilar. Your test results don't add up because both shorted coil speeds are less then the open rotor speed.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 15, 2012, 08:07:47 AM
Quote from: synchro1 on December 15, 2012, 07:47:19 AM

             Yes my output coils were bifilar. Your test results don't add up because both shorted coil speeds are less then the open rotor speed.

The results do add up, i didn't claim they oversped the rotor, i was showing that the effect isn't equally shared among the coils in my setup, the effect is additive, two coils are better than one.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on December 15, 2012, 08:18:28 AM

              Two coils are worse then no coils.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 15, 2012, 08:20:02 AM
Yes, obviously.

The simple point i'm trying to make is that what you observed about the effect being equally shared isn't happening with my setup.

That's something we should be happy about :)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: synchro1 on December 15, 2012, 08:51:59 AM

              You're below the "Lenz Propulsion" threshold. Two coils create less Lenz drag then one in your setup. It's wrong to infer that two coils will create more "Lenz Propulsion" then one based on your experiment. Two shorted coils do not generate enough propulsion to exceed the open rotor speed, which shows they're still creating Lenz "drag", but add advantage over one. That's significant in itself, but I don't think it's fair to extrapolate based on that data. The two coils have not yet maximized the propulsion potential. My results indicate the potential's limited. Maybe you could repeat the experiment to see if the second coil accelerates the rotor over the threshold. That's the result we're interested in.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on December 15, 2012, 10:01:37 AM
Hi syncrho1,  & DC,

Should the coils be at different ohmage, like stepping it up, lets say the first coil 800 ohms the second 1000 ohms, etc, not all equal? It will be frequency dependent on how much each coil will accelerate within their max speed tresholds... Have you tried this?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on December 15, 2012, 10:28:57 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=971tWhaY2R8 - this is where conventional scientist says "it is impossible". The same effect was used to turn Faraday motor+generator into self running machine plus giving mechanical power to run conventional generator..

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 15, 2012, 11:20:54 AM
Quote from: synchro1 on December 15, 2012, 08:51:59 AM

              You're below the "Lenz Propulsion" threshold. Two coils create less Lenz drag then one in your setup. It's wrong to infer that two coils will create more "Lenz Propulsion" then one based on your experiment. Two shorted coils do not generate enough propulsion to exceed the open rotor speed, which shows they're still creating Lenz "drag", but add advantage over one. That's significant in itself, but I don't think it's fair to extrapolate based on that data. The two coils have not yet maximized the propulsion potential. My results indicate the potential's limited. Maybe you could repeat the experiment to see if the second coil accelerates the rotor over the threshold. That's the result we're interested in.

Yes, it's the fact that it's an advantage over one that i was emphasising, but you're right, it's unfair to extrapolate further.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on December 16, 2012, 06:33:16 PM

Just stepping for a quick update.
Haven't done anything in a while.

My current direction-
-Going to fabricate a new rotor with goal to be less wobbly and will use N45 magnets, instead of N42, and magnets are on order.
-Going to fabricate a magnetic timing rotor for use with hall sensor. Will be 1/4" thick acrylic disk with 1/8' X 1/8" neo disks.
-Will first try simple hall circuit then, maybe, graduate to an arduino controller. Want analog controls like quanta magnetics has.
-Going to stick with air coil stators, for now, but do have the materials to build new stators with ferrite cores.

That is all for now.
Hope to get some work done within the next few weeks.

Happy holidays.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on December 23, 2012, 05:48:59 PM

Completed some more fabrication this weekend.

Built a new rotor with significantly less wobble and stronger magnets.
Replaced the terminal blocks in favor of flat bottom terminal blocks which work better with mounting tape.

And fabricated a new timing disk.
The plan is to just use the original hall circuit, as per beginning of this thread, but will have the ability to adjust timing while running and can also try different sized magnets in different timing disks to change parameters such as "on time".

But; I am wondering, short of upgrading to an Arduino controller, and trying to keep it as simple as possible, isn't it possible to add a "time delay" to the TIP42C in order to change 'on' time? Needs to stay simple such as a capacitor and potentiometer or some such thing.

PS: Timing magnets are 1/8" diameter X 1/8" high in this particular disk.
Which is just another 1/4" Thick X 4" Diameter acrylic disk with 1/2" hub.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on December 23, 2012, 10:08:04 PM
Quote from: Scorch on December 23, 2012, 05:48:59 PM
The plan is to just use the original hall circuit, as per beginning of this thread, but will have the ability to adjust timing while running and can also try different sized magnets in different timing disks to change parameters such as "on time".

You might check on Time Delay Circuits in http://home.cogeco.ca/~rpaisley4/Comparators.html for ideas ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on December 24, 2012, 01:09:58 AM
Quote from: Scorch on December 23, 2012, 05:48:59 PM

Completed some more fabrication this weekend.

Built a new rotor with significantly less wobble and stronger magnets.
Replaced the terminal blocks in favor of flat bottom terminal blocks which work better with mounting tape.

And fabricated a new timing disk.
The plan is to just use the original hall circuit, as per beginning of this thread, but will have the ability to adjust timing while running and can also try different sized magnets in different timing disks to change parameters such as "on time".

But; I am wondering, short of upgrading to an Arduino controller, and trying to keep it as simple as possible, isn't it possible to add a "time delay" to the TIP42C in order to change 'on' time? Needs to stay simple such as a capacitor and potentiometer or some such thing.

PS: Timing magnets are 1/8" diameter X 1/8" high in this particular disk.
Which is just another 1/4" Thick X 4" Diameter acrylic disk with 1/2" hub.


Hi scorch,

If you want to adjust on time with a hall sensor, and stay simple, the magnets on your timing disk will dictate your on & off time, if your magnets are short or small you will have short on time, if your magnets are long or bigger, your on time will be longer, thats why romero used the magnets on the rotor for the first motor coil for longer pulse and he used the small magnets on the side for the second motor coil for short pulse....

Regards and a happy holidays to all....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on December 24, 2012, 11:22:13 AM
This; I am already aware of.
But wish this could be adjusted, on the fly, with a simple turn of a potentiometer shaft or swap a capacitor.
I will, more than likely, upgrade to an arduino controller eventually.

This because this is a dynamic system.
Even if I do manage to discover a resonating 'sweet spot'; this may change under different load conditions, rpm, and even environmental conditions such as temperature.
And may want to automatically change pulse width or 'advance timing' directly proportional to rpm. . .

Can an arduino be programed for inversely proportional pulse width, and/or timing based, on RPM?
IE: Twice the rpm = 4 times as much advance and/or 4 times less pulse width etc.

I imagine a system, if working properly, should NOT increase RPM under load but, merely, use less energy from a battery as it uses more energy from the vacuum.


Quote from: crazycut06 on December 24, 2012, 01:09:58 AM

Hi scorch,

If you want to adjust on time with a hall sensor, and stay simple, the magnets on your timing disk will dictate your on & off time, if your magnets are short or small you will have short on time, if your magnets are long or bigger, your on time will be longer, thats why romero used the magnets on the rotor for the first motor coil for longer pulse and he used the small magnets on the side for the second motor coil for short pulse....

Regards and a happy holidays to all....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on December 24, 2012, 11:25:45 AM
oh, geez, I penned: "simple" :)
1-3 components into existing hall circuit.

If I am going to build something like those; I might as well just buy an arduino controller. . .


Quote from: T-1000 on December 23, 2012, 10:08:04 PM
You might check on Time Delay Circuits in http://home.cogeco.ca/~rpaisley4/Comparators.html (http://home.cogeco.ca/~rpaisley4/Comparators.html) for ideas ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on December 24, 2012, 11:31:43 AM
Well if you really want to do a more fine adjustments, Check out quanta magetics pulse motor controller, maybe it will suit your needs...

Happy experimenting!  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on December 24, 2012, 03:15:12 PM
Quote from: Scorch on December 24, 2012, 11:25:45 AM
oh, geez, I penned: "simple" :)
1-3 components into existing hall circuit.

If I am going to build something like those; I might as well just buy an arduino controller. . .


If you are going to build al thos on transistors it will be almost like simple microchip ;)
Also you can still have single transistor with capacitor and resitor to do delay line.

Merry Christmas everyone! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouMBcIN4MoQ

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 25, 2012, 06:29:06 AM
Quote from: Scorch on December 24, 2012, 11:22:13 AM
This; I am already aware of.

... .

Can an arduino be programed for inversely proportional pulse width, and/or timing based, on RPM?
IE: Twice the rpm = 4 times as much advance and/or 4 times less pulse width etc.

I imagine a system, if working properly, should NOT increase RPM under load but, merely, use less energy from a battery as it uses more energy from the vacuum.


Yes, the arduino is easily programmed to do that. There's a PWM library and a frequency library, so you could measure the length of your trigger and adjust pulse-width accordingly.

You can do what you like - it's a programming language :)

Your rotor is looking lovely, by the way, nice build.

All the best,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on December 26, 2012, 05:36:44 PM
Thank you for the compliment on my build.
This device, to me, is actually pretty easy to build.
It's mostly just circles, and holes, and I actually did use my sewing machine to wind coils. . .
And already have timing plates from the mechanical switching setup so this will work well for the hall sensor.

Thinking about making one, or two, more magnetic timing disks.
One disk could actually have more than one size set of magnets.
For example I could make a 4" disk with 1/2" magnets near the edge and 1/4" magnets, further in, for two different pulse width choices.
Which is good for experiments but I will, more than likely, graduate to an arduino controller.

I did discover an entire tutorial video series for arduino controllers; which do appear to be very useful for many things.
And I, really, should learn how to use them! :)

Part one:

All the best to you; as well.


Quote from: DeepCut on December 25, 2012, 06:29:06 AM
Yes, the arduino is easily programmed to do that. There's a PWM library and a frequency library, so you could measure the length of your trigger and adjust pulse-width accordingly.

You can do what you like - it's a programming language :)

Your rotor is looking lovely, by the way, nice build.

All the best,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on December 28, 2012, 04:36:48 PM
A sewing machine to wind coils - excellent :)

Thanks for the youtube link, i'm fairly new to the arduino.

Happy new year,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 12, 2013, 04:58:29 PM
Another minor update.
I managed to spend another hour working on this project today.

I finally got fed up with the mounting tape for the terminal blocks.
The stuff sticks very well to the acrylic but I have had ongoing issues with the terminal blocks just not adhering well even with high end mounting tape and clamping pressure.

SO, today, I spent an hour drilling 36 holes and installing nylon cap screws to secure all the terminal blocks.
So, now, it's a lot more reliable and looks better.
Also found some knurled, nylon, thumbnuts for the timing disks.

At this point all the hardware is complete and I have no more excuses not to start throwing together some electronics and, hopefully, will have it actually running within the next few weeks.

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on January 12, 2013, 05:01:06 PM
Looking good scorch, it's important to have that stable test-bed and it looks like you have.

Looking forward to your experiments :)

All the best,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 17, 2013, 07:19:51 PM
Have you guys seen Rick's "new mini 4 dualpole motor"?

It appears he has built his own version of the Muller Dynamo.

Do not know what, if any, advantage there is using two rotors with one set of coils.
Seems like a waste of magnets to me. He could cut his coils in half and accomplish the same thing with half as many magnets and save lots of money.
It doesn't appear, to me, he is trying to accomplish any resonance or is demonstrating anything significant.

Is it just me?
Or does it seem like he always has dead batteries?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on January 17, 2013, 08:20:27 PM

I think they just like selling stuff ;+}


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 20, 2013, 05:35:49 PM
Spent a couple more hours throwing together the simple hall circuit.
Tried to keep it as compact as I could squeeze onto the proto board.
Might try to get it running, soon, after I spend time staring at my work.
I am proud of the things I build and, sometimes, I like to just sit back and admire my work after I build something.  8)

I did ask ZFF if he thinks it might be possible to achieve a resonant system without cores or bias magnets.
He thinks it can be done but it would, likely, be at a significantly higher frequency.
Don't know if that's possible, or even wise, to attempt such high RPM from an experimental device like this.
I believe anything above 10,000 RPM would REALLY be pushing the risk envelope for catastrophic failure.
But I am of the belief a resonant system may work at more than one resonant, or sympathetic, frequency.
Therefore it may be just a matter of the proper tuning with the right diode/capacitor configuration.

Wish I knew more about how to tune such things.
And these sewing machine coils are not perfectly matched, I don't have an inductance meter, and wouldn't know what to do even if I do establish the inductance values of these coils.
I do have a scope, which helps, but the best I can do is trial & error without more knowledge and test equipment.

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on January 20, 2013, 07:45:08 PM
I know what you mean about admiring the things we build :)

Looking good there Scorch, nice soldering, i am crap at soldering but i do have a rubbish iron that takes ages to melt the solder, so hopefully things ill improve when i get a higher quality iron.

I got a cheap inductance meter from ebay that i've tested against a friends good quality one and the difference is less than 0.25%.

It's useful to ensure that all your coils' properties are as close as you can get them.

What scope do you have ?

I was using my soundcard and a DIY probe, then i ordered one of those 2-channel/8KHz cheapies from China.

Turns out it doesn't do negative voltages, just goes from 0-5V, and it doesn't even zoom in on the waveform !

Guess i should have read the manual ;+}

All the best,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on January 20, 2013, 07:47:33 PM
Here's the LCR meter i bought :



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 20, 2013, 09:35:52 PM
Thank you for the compliment.
Soldering is a skill that can be improved over time.
I learned to solder when I was just 6 years old in 1969.
And, a few years later, I helped my dad build a heathkit GR-2000 color TV that had lots of circuit boards.
Just like this monster-

So keep practicing.
Building an old school color TV, from a kit, might help.  :)

I recently discovered a much better method for cleaning the iron.
Look for a tip cleaner that looks like a pot scrubber.
This is far superior to the old wet sponge.

And, yes, you definitely need a good iron.
I am currently using a weller WLC100.

Check the security of your tip. If its not screwed in tight, or the set screw, or nut, is loose, it won't reach proper temperature. And you may need to clean the tip with a file or sand paper.

I do intend to get an inductance meter eventually.

The scope I have is an Instek GDS-1042 like this-
It's discontinued but there are plenty of good deals out there.


Quote from: DeepCut on January 20, 2013, 07:45:08 PM
I know what you mean about admiring the things we build :)

Looking good there Scorch, nice soldering, i am crap at soldering but i do have a rubbish iron that takes ages to melt the solder, so hopefully things ill improve when i get a higher quality iron.

I got a cheap inductance meter from ebay that i've tested against a friends good quality one and the difference is less than 0.25%.

It's useful to ensure that all your coils' properties are as close as you can get them.

What scope do you have ?

I was using my soundcard and a DIY probe, then i ordered one of those 2-channel/8KHz cheapies from China.

Turns out it doesn't do negative voltages, just goes from 0-5V, and it doesn't even zoom in on the waveform !

Guess i should have read the manual ;+}

All the best,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 22, 2013, 07:05:10 PM
Decided to try actually running it today.
It does run so my build of the hall switch actually works.

But, as expected, not getting much RPM on just one coil pair and very small magnets in the timing disk.
I actually had it running much faster with the mechanical switch.

So I am still working on that and think I am just going to have to learn more about arduino controllers.
It's either that or spend a lot of time, and money, on trial and error attempts with different hall, and timing disk configurations.
It's going to be best just to have a programmable controller for this thing.

And I do have an arduino kit, and book, on the way.
I found an arduino "starter kit" with LOTS of interesting extras including digital displays, servos, sensors, etc. and even a remote control; so I ordered that just to have lots of stuff to experiment with.
See: www.amzn.com/B009OVKUII/
Amazon shows it as "unavailable", right now, but you should be able to find elsewhere for around $60.
Should be here tomorrow. Hope it is as described.

I did go ahead and produce a new video of my new work space and this device running.
See: http://youtu.be/hOlOxohhnJE

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on January 22, 2013, 08:03:41 PM
Hey Scorch

Nice.  ;D

Just because it doesnt go faster, yet, doesnt mean the same amount of input power was used. Yet. ;)

The mechanical switching may have had a longer on time. So try to get the hall closer to the trigger mags to see if you get a longer on time.

It would be good to have a scope. Ive found that not all mags are the same. I have some N52 1/2x3/8 round that have stronger fields on one side than the other. Like they were not magnetized perfectly center. I had to turn measure, tune measure, mark and match sets to get things close. PM motor project.


Still had problems getting equality all the way around.

So if you have a scope, you will be able to see any differences in time on and off for each mag and adjust them.  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on January 23, 2013, 06:49:54 AM
Scorch, you should return that Arduino and buy the new Arduino Leonardo, the price is only a little more but it logs data to the PC without any extras and it is a proper USB device not USB pretending to be old serial connection.

Believe me, it's well worth it just for the data-logging but there are other enhancements too :


All the best,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on January 23, 2013, 06:52:31 AM
Scorch, i forgot to say, about driving the rotor, why don't you drive it with an inductor, like Robert Adams used too and John Bedini copied in the SSG ?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on January 23, 2013, 09:04:56 AM
Nice & neat workshop you got there, hope to see more updates...keep it up!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 23, 2013, 11:23:59 AM

I have considered that.
I certainly have plenty of SSG parts laying around here.
Would be really easy to convert the driver coil pair to work that way.
Although I had always built it as a monopole.
Would have to experiment with polarity to get it to run with two coils facing both north and south poles.

And speaking of N-S; I don't remember where I found this image (see attached) but this proposes an alternating N-S configuration on the rotor.
Seems to me like this would not be the correct configuration.
If we are trying to achieve any type of resonance, or there is some type of torsion physics at work, alternating N-S probably isn't going to work.
Or is this a poor assumption?

What do you guys think about this version?


Quote from: DeepCut on January 23, 2013, 06:52:31 AM
Scorch, i forgot to say, about driving the rotor, why don't you drive it with an inductor, like Robert Adams used too and John Bedini copied in the SSG ?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on January 23, 2013, 12:09:29 PM
Going NS-SN around the rotor will lower the maximum output power, i don't know what other effects it could have.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on January 23, 2013, 10:08:00 PM
N/S wont work with the driver coil only putting out just N or S polarity. Unless the lil trigger magnets only fire the driver coil on the N or S mags. So only half as many drive pulses per rotation. I would just stick to all the same as Romero did. ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on January 24, 2013, 04:30:00 AM
So an inductive driver coil is a good idea because it naturally switches polarity depending on the poleface of the magnet that triggered it.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: colzilla on January 24, 2013, 09:29:27 AM
Scorch did u just follow the hall circuit in the pdf? Im struggling
I had a idea. A normal three pin hall switch only pulses one pole. Ive seen latched halls that pulse both poles
Anyone have a schematic on how you wire a four pin hall for pulsing both poles for higher rpm. Ive read that a trigger coil works best for top rpm? Romero said before lower rpm is good so not sure what direction to go!
Still wsiting on parts. God damn snow...
Has anyone managed to close the loop yet?? Or just romero? Can someone help me with the hall circuit- I have a lil secret about this device :p
Just wanna build this thing lol
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 24, 2013, 09:50:05 PM

Just another quick update.
I have been thinking about this, all along, and deepcut recently suggested using an inductance driver as per Adams/Bedini.
So I will try this since I already have bifilar coils ready and the SSG is the the most efficient driver I know how to build.
I went ahead and installed one bifilar coil pair and will use my regular SSG circuit to run it.
This should provide higher RPM which is easy to control.
Also decided to try and get the rotor as close to the coils as possible so I used a disk sander to reduce the nylon screw heads.
This allows me to move the coils a lot closer and to where they should be.
And, also, removed the timing plates so the assembly now appears a lot cleaner and simpler.

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on January 24, 2013, 10:50:54 PM
Quote from: DeepCut on January 24, 2013, 04:30:00 AM
So an inductive driver coil is a good idea because it naturally switches polarity depending on the poleface of the magnet that triggered it.


Well, if we look at the 'prescribed' drive circuit from Romero, it only pulses the drive coil with one polarity. The same N, or S, field for each pulse. So if we alternated the magnets on the rotor, every other pulse would be a push on the rotor and every other a pull or drag on the rotor.

There are solutions. Position the trigger mags offset so that for the opposite poled mags get pushed, and the others get pulled. All just working with the original drive circuit. I would rather have consistent timely pulses. When the drive coil is on, the other rotor mags are not directly on any particular gen coil. Odd no. coils, even no. mags  ;) So the offset would change that, possibly pulsing the drive coil while a gen coil is being induced by a rotor mag, affecting that gen coils results compared to the others.

Or, 2 separate drive circuits with the same coil a the drive coil, and just have the second circuit throw opposite polarity to the coil. This might require 2 trigger magnet wheels, one for each circuit so each circuit knows which magnets to provide the correct polarity to the coil.

For me, there isnt much sense in changing what Romero had shown. The space between pulses,magnet spacing/coil spacing, I dont believe things will be any better.

Using very low ohm mosfets would ensure good switching. Also paralleling them decreases that 'on time' resistance, applying more voltage to the drive coil.

Probably the best way to go is to just do as the doctor ordered 'first'  ;) Then modify from there if no good results.

You have the hard part done. How did Romero have his hall sensor? ;) Its the little things, that mean a lot.  ;)

I think if you just use 1 winding of the coil for drive and the other for sense, that you might lose drive power to the rotor, being that the windings are not as dense as if you used them both. Like a coil made with thick insulation, where here we have the sense winding taking up space instead.  ;) If the sense winding were very thin wire compared to the drive winding, it would be better as the sense winding wont be taking up space and might just fit between the drive wires without making the coil wider in diameter, as if you just wound 1 winding.

How about this. Wind a top layer to the coil and babam, sense coil.  ;D

If you have the drive coil windings in series, try them in parallel. Ya might get a 4 fold speed increase, by the coils ability to consume more current from the drive circuit. Like this, if each winding were say 1 ohm for example. In series, say 10v divided by 2 ohms  is 5A. But in parallel the coil will be 1/2 ohm. 10v divided by .5ohm is 20A. Big speed increase.

Dont worry about drive consumption yet, just get the motor up to speed first, then work on getting better eff. by tuning.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on January 24, 2013, 10:58:11 PM
As for other things to get the rotor spinning faster.....


14+ min rundown  on the rotor with those bearings starting at 1200 rpm

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 25, 2013, 12:14:08 PM

Back, in the early 70's, when I was a young man participating in something called "Pinewood Derby" the rules said "No oil allowed" on the wheels, or axles, of the wooden cars.
BUT, at that time, powdered graphite lubricant was a fairly new thing in the hardware store and I believe I was only one in the race who used the stuff and I definitely had an advantage while staying within the rules.  :) Of course, as news of this 'new' lubricant spread, they changed the rules.

And this has not been the first time people have the changed their rules after I arrived in the scene, on this stage, some call 'reality' . . .  8)

Not sure how well it may work, in a ball bearing, over time.
I think it will have a tendency to disperse, loose effectiveness, and is more suitable for less active environments such as the pins in a door lock.

Have you considered trying lubrilon?

It's a lubricant specifically formulated to create it's own surface on finished, metal, surfaces such as those found on rod journals of a crankshaft and cylinder walls.
A 'slick', chemically bonded, surface develops, that is so hard, it can only be removed by grinding it off.
And has been tested by using lubrilon in an engine then completely drain the oil then continue using the engine without damaging it.

A couple drops of lubrilon, in your ball bearings, may be desired.


Quote from: Magluvin on January 24, 2013, 10:58:11 PM
As for other things to get the rotor spinning faster.....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSTfFIetYPY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSTfFIetYPY)

14+ min rundown  on the rotor with those bearings starting at 1200 rpm

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 25, 2013, 02:33:59 PM

In terms of a regular rotor with all magnets facing the same direction-
Should timing, or pulse width, of the driver coil even be a consideration with regards to the rest of the system?

Considering that when the driver coil 'fires', on one magnet, all the other magnets are in different positions approaching, or leaving, their respective coils.
So, other than trying to make the driver coil as efficient as possible, I don't think timing, or pulse width, is critical to the rest of the function of the generator coils or accomplishing a resonance in said coils.

In this offset system; the driver coil pair is completely independent of what other coils are doing.
So timing, or pulse width, of the driver coil might only have an effect on ONE of the generator coil pairs at best.
And timing might only be a factor with regards to operating TWO driver coil pairs as you may want one to compliment the other.

But even with two driver coil pairs; it may be best to just make them operate as efficient as possible including BEMF recovery.
Therefore something like an SSG driver circuit may be all that is needed to accomplish desired efficiency, RPM, and resonance in the generator coils.

Or am I totally off track here?


Quote from: Magluvin on January 24, 2013, 10:50:54 PM

Probably the best way to go is to just do as the doctor ordered 'first'  ;) Then modify from there if no good results.

You have the hard part done. How did Romero have his hall sensor? ;) Its the little things, that mean a lot.  ;)
Dont worry about drive consumption yet, just get the motor up to speed first, then work on getting better eff. by tuning.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 25, 2013, 05:18:10 PM

I didn't have to run any service calls today so I managed to throw together a new SSG driver circuit for the dynamo.
And I actually still have a few 2N3055 transistors so I used that, instead of MJL21194, because it looks cool and might actually perform a little better.
Hope I don't need to run a second driver coil therefor would have to build another. . .

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 27, 2013, 07:29:59 PM
Had it running today.

Was able to obtain 2,500 RPM without any major vibration issues.
Which is kind of surprising to me because this rotor is not nearly as true, and balanced, as it should be and the center hub is even a little bit offset so it's possible to see the rotor moving up, and down, a little bit when it's turning slowly. And even with the original, grease, lubrication in the bearings, it always stops in the same spot with the heavy side down.
So, this is the first time I have seen this run high at a high RPM and I pretty impressed with the mechanical performance even with all the defects and lack of proper balancing.

As it is, right now, I have to push the coils pretty hard to obtain this RPM and I still intend to continue making improvements.
The alignment of the rotor magnets is a little off as well. I must have screwed up a measurement somewhere because the magnets are not, quite, centered in relation to the coils.
I can see that I do want to go back to ferrite cores, with bias magnets, which is what this whole project is all about.
I can get get a few volts at higher RPM but there is still significant slowing under load.
And considering my current configuration is using well over two amps, just to maintain that RPM, this is not likely to get far with just air cores.

And I am questioning- Is litz wire even needed? I keep hearing this really isn't an advantage unless operating at high frequencies.
And ZFF said he managed to obtain resonance with his device which just had regular magnet wire.

So I am still trying to keep it as simplified as possible and I will, likely, just use regular magnet wire for another coil set.

The SSG drivers actually seem to work pretty good, are easy to build, and I have a full range of RPM control with the benefit of BEMF recovery which could go to a capacitor to supplement the generator output.
There is still a LOT I want to do with this. Including a better rotor, ferrite cores, improved coils, arduino control, etc, etc.

But I did produce a short video of this thing actually running.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPVzV5Ewj8Q (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPVzV5Ewj8Q)

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on January 27, 2013, 10:13:41 PM
Hey Scorch

Do you have cores in the coils, or just the nylon hardware?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 28, 2013, 12:09:58 AM
Hi Scorch
looks pretty good to me - good job so far...
you should have ferrite cores, or you probably arent going to get things happening with those backing- magnets behind the cores which is the really unique thing about the RomeroUK machines.
I think keeping the coils wound with litz wire is very good idea myself.   Litz wire is a must with anything high-frequency, and you can think of high frequency not just in HF pulsing-events or AC signal, but also flip-over events like quick  change of core polarity too, and backemfrecoil spikes too
start taking power out of your generator coils see what happens -  whole idea is to get that speed-up under load. and no braking under generator coil load, when pulling power out of the generator coils - this is done by positioning the backing magnets,  and these backing magnets not necessarily "directly" behind the generator coils, and not necessarily all facing same polarity too - only way to find out how and where to place your  backing magnets is when motor runs at certain rpm you finally choose to run it at, with all those generator coils hitting load...also stack the backing magnets up higher or lower in height to make them more or less strength too - this is other variable with the backing magnets besides the placement and the polarity they will face.
Try to take power out all at once, in all generator coils at once into same resistive load - this way its possible for the 9coils/cores vs 8 rotor magnets anti-rotational latching effect to influence the generator coils too, while they are loaded,,,there will be probably an rpm to not go past, as where the anti-latching effect of the odd vs even configuration will have no effect at higher rpms while at lower rpms it will help.
Its good to have the steel washers on back of your generator coils too, so the magnets will stick to it as you expereiment plus theu might help in the way the backing magnets affect the cores.
You should balance your rotor - its not that hard, just pound small pieces of lead into small rod-shapes, and drill hole in rotor and glue them in....use some bearings with all grease cleaned out so you have very little resistance when balancing rotor - I like to use very small tiny bearings when balancing.  Have the rotor horizontal, spin it amd see where it stops at, and so stick the lead-bits on rotor with masking tape until  your get if pretty close so it never settles same spot, spins for long time, and when it  doesnt have any "pull back" reverse rotation is good sign you have it balanced....once you get if balanced with the masking tape holding on the lead, then drill the holes and glue in the lead....you can use old battery terninals from cars for the lead. Its going to take 2 or 3 hrs to do good job balacing it but its worth it.
You should be able to make your motor coils about three times better (same rpms with less draw or same draw but more rpms however you want to look at it) when you put backing magnets behind the cores in the motor coils too...
you might be able to get the speed-up effects with aircores, but its going to be lots harder to do...its probably possible, but I havent seen or heard of it being done yet with aircores and magnets behind aircored coils..

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on January 28, 2013, 05:13:55 AM
colzilla, you should join Romero's forum :



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DeepCut on January 28, 2013, 05:26:51 AM
It's running really nicely scorch. As far as power input to the SSG driver, i have run multiple coils from one SSG and got more RPM for less input when you get the timing between coils right.

All the best,


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: wasabi on January 28, 2013, 06:06:13 AM
Wouldn't there be an advantage to closing the magnetic circuit paths?
As they are configured now, the air provides a lot of resistance to the magnetic flux (reluctance) decreasing the efficiency of the whole system.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 28, 2013, 07:07:56 PM
Just another quick update.
Was able to get the current draw down quite a bit as the lubricant in the new bearings started to loosen up and 'break in'.
Now able to maintain 2,000 rpm, with coils only getting a little warm, and current draw down around 600ma. per SSG.
Of course some of that current is going back to the destination battery.

And, in response to Konehead, I have already completed some basic balancing.
At first I didn't think it was vibrating much because I couldn't really feel it by holding onto the dynamo at my work station.
But, then, I moved it to another room and started noticing that while the dynamo doesn't really shake, or walk across the table, the entire table, and floor, was amplifying the vibration.
So I did some balancing, not by adding weight but by merely drilling shallow holes, into the edge of the rotor, wherever it settles at it's low spot.
And this has helped significantly.

The best way to balance something like this is to use a pair of straight edges, on a level surface, then set the rotor, with shaft, across the straight edges.
The heavy side will always roll to the bottom. Then just mark it and drill, or grind, away some material. And I will do this the next time I take it apart.

I am most definitely going to want to upgrade to ferrite cores.
At 2,000 RPM I am only getting about 5.5VAC from one generator coil pair.
And I was surprised that, without cores, a backing magnet does nothing at all.
My first build (with larger coils that liked to fall off) had almost double the voltage just by adding one backing magnet. . .

So back to the workshop I go.
Have ordered some 1/4" X 10" Lexan disks to build new stator plates.
1/4" thick stator plate will allow my ferrite cores to be flush on the back of the stator plate and about 1/16" protruding from the coil faces.
5/16" acrylic, or Lexan, stator plates would be perfect but nearly impossible to find. . .

Will stick with litz wire, for now, since I have lots of it.
Plan to wind a whole new set of coils and will be a lot more precise this time versus just filling them up on the sewing machine.

Question: What is preferred for matched coil winding? Exact length of wire? Or exact number of turns?
Most coil specifications call for a number of turns but, unless using a precision coil winding machine, hand winding is not always layered perfectly.
So, it seems to me, the best way to ensure matched inductance is to make sure all coils have the exact, same, length of wire versus number of turns.

What do you think?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 28, 2013, 07:15:59 PM
I have run multiple coils, or even multiple windings, on one SSG.
With one trigger and separate transistors for each coil, or winding, but those always had an alignment, with the rotor, so everything triggered, at the same time, with each passing magnet.

In this case the timing is different. . .
If there is a way to operate two driver coils, triggering at different times, on a single SGG, do tell more!
Can you provide a schematic? How do you adjust the timing, between coils, on a single SSG?


Quote from: DeepCut on January 28, 2013, 05:26:51 AM
It's running really nicely scorch. As far as power input to the SSG driver, i have run multiple coils from one SSG and got more RPM for less input when you get the timing between coils right.

All the best,

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: konehead on January 29, 2013, 02:21:22 AM
Hi Scorch
I would think exact length of wire would be what you should do but turns will work too probably doesnt matter too much.
Dont have the bearings have any"outside" pressure on them - if the stator plates squeeze the bearing too tight, or at all, it really affects the performance...
spray a bit of carb leacner into those beaings and loosen up the grease...you should clean them out totally clean and relube with somethign hi tech - jsut a few drops...this might get your input down to 400ma each side...invest in some ceramic bearings if you can afford it - those things work amazing...
when you install the ferrite cores, try to make the back surface where the backing-magnets go be totally flat, (with some flat farily wid metal washers to stick magnets onto)  so that you can put the magnets in any position you want, and not be so that you  "have to" put the magnets directly behind the generator coil cores....
in the MOTOR coils, directly behind cores is definetly where you want to put backing magnets (this can really help like X3 rpms with no extra draw!)

BUT for the generator coils, not necessarily AT ALL should the backing magnets be "dictated" by the already-positioned  generator coils and their cores ...what I found is that you might want the backing magnet  be 5 or 10 or 20 mm to the left or right of the center of the generator coils core...and when you add addional backing magnets around the stator, the next one added influences where you just postitioned the previous one, so you have to go back wna reposition what just worked" again.... plus the STRENGTH too, (how high is the stack)  of  each of the backing-magnet posutions influences what you just accomplished too, so you need to have the machine running, with load to coils hooked up, then spend hours and hours trying all different strenghts and positions to the backing magnets...I call it the Howrad Johnson effect when you get some good speed up under a  loaded coils situation, since there is no logical pattern or preconceived way the magnets are going to look and be at, and  the backing mangets will look like the stonehendge ruins in how they are stacked and postioned when you reach that final straw...what will happen is the backing-magnets will dominate and overhwhelm the "standard" magnetic forces of the cores against the ROTOR magnets, and the lenz-lugging normal stuff will dissapear since the backing magnets have "taken over" the dynamics of it all (my lame brain theory as to why anyways)
glad you tried the backing magnets with the aircores - it "might" work but you wil have to really spend some time with it...coils should be loaded, and magnets strong enough to barely knock themselves abit on the rotor magnets probably...just go with the ferrite cores and have some fun
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 29, 2013, 12:01:32 PM
There is no side pressure.
And I have modified bearings in this way before, by cleaning them out and using a lighter lubricant, but I am of the opinion this requires a lot more maintenance because I have to make sure they stay lubricated as the oil is dispersed or becomes dirty. I am also of the opinion that the light grease, installed by the manufacture, actually serves the same purpose.
Yes, at first, the bearings are a little 'stiff', due to fresh grease, but the way this works is that the balls tend to displace most of the grease leaving only a light oil residue from the grease. And as time goes on, or the bearing starts to heat up, the grease melts and provides more light oil as needed.
And I can see this happening. These bearings always 'loosen up', over time, and become free as long as they are not rubber sealed bearings.

As it is; the rotor does spin easily and freely.
Is the saving of a couple tenths, of an amp, that critical?
I would think that, if yes, then there is not enough useful, surplus, power worth pursuing.

Yes; ferrite cores will be completely flush, on the back of the stator plate, and really looking forward to getting those built now that I have a plan and won't have to worry about coils falling off as I did with my first attempt.
And, rather than build a winding jig, with turn counter, and tediously wind them by hand, I think I will simply measure exact lengths of wire and wind them on the sewing machine again. Which works well and gets it done quickly.

And your theories are as good as any other.
I think in terms of attempting to use a spinning, magnetic, field to create a larger torsion field or a doughnut shaped torus with the goal of 'pulling' in additional energy, into the center of a vortex at the middle of the torus while, at the same time, there are many other 'mini' torus fields at work around, or in, the respective coils all the way down to the sub-atomic level. And the goal is to get them all working, in unison, with each other.
But there is a lot of 'stuff' around this device including the coils, hardware, imperfect windings, mismatched magnets, ferrite cores that are not absolutely, perfectly uniform, location, and alignment, with respect to the planet, etc, etc, etc.

So, GOOD LUCK, getting it all lined up, and 'tuned', properly without use of 'magic glasses' or elaborate test equipment to visualize all the spinning, magnetic, fields at work.
Some large but most operating at an atomic, electron, level that many, in the scientific field, have yet to discover. . .
And, when working properly, some of the outer fields probably look like some kind of misshaped 'star' with rounded points focusing in, or out, near each coil.

And, yes, 'fun' if you are into that sort of thing of attempting to 'tune' invisible, difficult to measure, forces that most, in science, label: "pseudo" (Greek for: False, Fraudulent, or Pretend)
Apparently the science is SO suppressed the SAME energy has MANY different names. But it's ALL the SAME, spiral, or torus, shaped stuff. . .


Quote from: konehead on January 29, 2013, 02:21:22 AM
Hi Scorch
I would think exact length of wire would be what you should do but turns will work too probably doesnt matter too much.
Dont have the bearings have any"outside" pressure on them - if the stator plates squeeze the bearing too tight, or at all, it really affects the performance...
spray a bit of carb leacner into those beaings and loosen up the grease...you should clean them out totally clean and relube with somethign hi tech - jsut a few drops...this might get your input down to 400ma each side...invest in some ceramic bearings if you can afford it - those things work amazing...
when you install the ferrite cores, try to make the back surface where the backing-magnets go be totally flat, (with some flat farily wid metal washers to stick magnets onto)  so that you can put the magnets in any position you want, and not be so that you  "have to" put the magnets directly behind the generator coil cores....
in the MOTOR coils, directly behind cores is definetly where you want to put backing magnets (this can really help like X3 rpms with no extra draw!)

BUT for the generator coils, not necessarily AT ALL should the backing magnets be "dictated" by the already-positioned  generator coils and their cores ...what I found is that you might want the backing magnet  be 5 or 10 or 20 mm to the left or right of the center of the generator coils core...and when you add addional backing magnets around the stator, the next one added influences where you just postitioned the previous one, so you have to go back wna reposition what just worked" again.... plus the STRENGTH too, (how high is the stack)  of  each of the backing-magnet posutions influences what you just accomplished too, so you need to have the machine running, with load to coils hooked up, then spend hours and hours trying all different strenghts and positions to the backing magnets...I call it the Howrad Johnson effect when you get some good speed up under a  loaded coils situation, since there is no logical pattern or preconceived way the magnets are going to look and be at, and  the backing mangets will look like the stonehendge ruins in how they are stacked and postioned when you reach that final straw...what will happen is the backing-magnets will dominate and overhwhelm the "standard" magnetic forces of the cores against the ROTOR magnets, and the lenz-lugging normal stuff will dissapear since the backing magnets have "taken over" the dynamics of it all (my lame brain theory as to why anyways)
glad you tried the backing magnets with the aircores - it "might" work but you wil have to really spend some time with it...coils should be loaded, and magnets strong enough to barely knock themselves abit on the rotor magnets probably...just go with the ferrite cores and have some fun
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on January 31, 2013, 02:40:35 PM
Preliminary testing of the system as it is, with just air cores and SSG driver, looks really good mechanically but it's clear this will need to be a more advanced build if I am to obtain anything near the desired output.

One experiment, I tried, was to simply replace the nylon screws in favor of steel screws.
The difference is clear. Using cores, and back magnets, results in a significant increase of generator output.

And because the holes in my current stator plate are too big for my cores, and the plates are too thick for the cores to reach the back, I am going to build new stator plates from 1/4" thick, 10" diameter, polycarbonate disks. Which do flex just a little bit but I am hoping they will stiffen up with the mounting bolts, and washers, in place.
Polycarbonate is very strong stuff but 1/4" is only half the thickness of the previous acrylic.
If these new plates are not rigid enough; I will have to either find longer ferrite cores or simply counter-sink the coils, with a forstner bit, into thicker plates. Which I do have on hand.

Have also decided that since the SSG is better suited for BEMF recovery versus producing useable torque; it just isn't going to be acceptable therefore a better controller is called for.
Also plan to wind a new set of coils.

So it may be a while before I have anything new to show.

That is all for now.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 03, 2013, 05:50:52 PM
I just produced another, more detailed, video of the current experiment.


This is still a work in progress. Not sure how far I might get with air core coils.
And already working on another build to be more like RomeroUK's version.

Just need time, and motivation, to get it done.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: cubalibre on February 04, 2013, 06:00:07 PM

Very nice clip in good quality. I am very keen to see more from your work and wish a positive progress.
Hope this helps to support your motivation.

Best regards, cubalibre
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 05, 2013, 04:03:05 PM
Just a minor progress report.

Went ahead and modified the bearings by way of cleaning out manufacturer's grease and using light oil.
In terms of a long lasting device, performing daily work, I prefer not to do this because grease is the long lasting lubricant that slowly melts, and releases oil, as needed.
But in terms of an experimental device, and attempting to eliminate as much friction as possible, this is preferred and ok for short term use.

Also went ahead and performed a more precision balancing of the rotor.

Accomplished by setting up a pair of perfectly level straight edges then watching how the 'heavy' end of rotor always settles in one spot.
Then remove material from that spot by drilling.
Then repeat this trial, and error, process until rotor no longer stops at same spot each time.
Then entire length of rotor edge can be covered with tape, if so desired, to eliminate air resistance from drilled holes.

Then, of course, make better rotor next time that is properly centered and doesn't need so much balancing procedures.  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 10, 2013, 04:56:14 PM
So, I took my current build, as it is, (see image) over to a meeting with some friends and those who are technically minded are showing a lot of interest.
But as it stands, right now, while it may impress some of them, I am not impressed.
It's really cool and a relatively well built design.
And I can see that it does have a lot of potential if I were to go ahead and proceed with attempts to actually replicate the device, this forum is all about, with cores, and backing magnets, and fine tuning to achieve a resonant system.

BUT, once again, I find myself very impressed with what quanta magnetics has just produced.
Using nothing more than a pulsed DC motor/generator consisting of rotors containing six magnets and stators containing six coil pairs, and simple switching to harvest the peaks of the sine wave, he is once again demonstrating a very impressive unit as featured in these two new videos I just discovered yesterday.

Part one-

Part two-

And if I had an extra $3,500.00 to purchase the kit, and needed extras, I would do it right now.

But I also wish to replicate a smaller, desktop, demonstration unit that I can take to meetings and encourage others to investigate these things.

And, eventually, have a device useful for home power such as the devices offered by quanta magnetics.

In the meantime, I am very inclined to steer away from the offset design, drill my next set of stators to have eight coil pairs for my eight magnet rotor already built, mounted, and balanced.
And with another pair of rotors on the way, along with stator plates already on hand, I have enough materials to build a dual rotor system with sixteen coil motor and sixteen coil generator. Or, a single rotor system with four motor and four generator coil pairs.
And this saves money on ferrite cores, additional magnets, elaborate controls, tedious mathematics, tuning, etc. in favor of a desktop version of the Q2 dynamo what uses simple switching, and capacitors, to capture voltage peaks without slowing the rotors.

I already have most of the materials to do this BUT this is straying completely away from what RomeroUK built.
And I'm not sure if this the right place to keep providing updates for a build that will be completely different. . .

That is all, for now, as I continue to contemplate all the possibilities while staring at, and admiring, what just PMMG4HYBRID built.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on February 10, 2013, 06:44:56 PM
Quote from: Scorch on February 10, 2013, 04:56:14 PM
I already have most of the materials to do this BUT this is straying completely away from what RomeroUK built.

Since RomeroUK's self running dynamo was a fraud, then straying away from his build can only be beneficial.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 10, 2013, 09:18:17 PM

Without the knowledge, of first hand experience, I cannot take the position RomeroUK's device is a fraud or not.
But I do have the experience of watching, and hearing, Zero Fossil Fuel's video regarding the potential resonance possibilities of this device.
See his video #285 titled: "Unlocking Muller Motor Secrets" in which he has been heard to say such things as "quite extraordinary", "it resonated", "the voltage spiked" and "I believe once this baby hits 88mph; you're going to see some serious stuff.".

And, to the best of my knowledge, ZFF appears to know what he is talking about and has never lied to me.

Whether, or not, an offset odd/even combination of magnets, to coils, would be required is an entirely different question.
But is, still, a very unique configuration which may have certain advantages. Just depends on what you want to do.


Quote from: hoptoad on February 10, 2013, 06:44:56 PM
Since RomeroUK's self running dynamo was a fraud, then straying away from his build can only be beneficial.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on February 12, 2013, 01:15:19 PM
Here we come again... new year, same old scam.

This guy is a known fake. He produced his first (fake) videos a few years back.
Subsequently he started his forum [underservice.org] where he leads his faithful followers to where no free energy is in sight. [This is not mine - I've borrowed it from another post].

As far as I remember, last year user 'trace_ru' offered RomeroUK to come out clean. When RomeroUK refused and kept on mumbling  'the men in black took my dynamo', 'trace_ru' published an entire dossier of the guy on RomeroUK's forum (which was deleted pretty quickly), including RomeroUK's background and his photos etc. etc.  Having said 'deleted', nothing gets deleted on the Net - I've seen posts re-published on other forums.

So I wonder how RomeroUK plans to dazzle us this time...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 12, 2013, 02:27:37 PM
What is the motive for the alleged 'scam'?
How much money was the alleged scammer attempting to gain?
Is hearsay, of an alleged scam, relevant to my pursuit of happiness by way of hands on experience and learning about these very different systems and wide ranging designs?
Was there ever a claim of being "real" such as: "This is a documentary video production"?
Is it possible some video productions are merely a fictional representation of what is POSSIBLE?
Do such productions encourage me to maintain an open mind and TRY by way of building a device labeled: "Testing the 'impossible"?
Do I need to be 'dazzled', by the possibilities, in order to be encouraged?
Or are the much louder yells of "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE a far STRONGER encouragement?

Are you of the position this is "bad"?
What if closed minds also came with closed mouths? Would this actually result in LESS encouragement for me to TRY?
Could it be said: "those who say it's impossible to do; should make way for those actually doing it"?

Is mere asking, of questions, an argument or a particular position?


Quote from: avalon on February 12, 2013, 01:15:19 PM
Here we come again... new year, same old scam.

This guy is a known fake. He produced his first (fake) videos a few years back.
Subsequently he started his forum [underservice.org] where he leads his faithful followers to where no free energy is in sight. [This is not mine - I've borrowed it from another post].

As far as I remember, last year user 'trace_ru' offered RomeroUK to come out clean. When RomeroUK refused and kept on mumbling  'the men in black took my dynamo', 'trace_ru' published an entire dossier of the guy on RomeroUK's forum (which was deleted pretty quickly), including RomeroUK's background and his photos etc. etc.  Having said 'deleted', nothing gets deleted on the Net - I've seen posts re-published on other forums.

So I wonder how RomeroUK plans to dazzle us this time...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: avalon on February 13, 2013, 12:24:27 PM

No one is stopping you. Frankly, I'd be the first to congratulate you when (if) you'd achieved a self-sustained rotation with a load.
By all means do go ahead and try.

I also appreciate that once you have started a project you'd need to maintain a positive attitude.  We are all for it and nobody's going to tell you otherwise. However, there are some people here who, for one reason or another, falsify their results. RomeroUK's self-sustaining unit is one of the known fakes.

My point is that it is not helping anyone to post false statements and videos even if the reason is to encourage new research.
I have read a few posts where authors confessed that they were lured into the project by false videos. (The thinking behind being: ' I can take the idea but will do it better and - presto! - free energy). The end result was always a huge disappointment.
We need new people and new ideas but starting with a lie is not going to help.

So, please, go ahead and finish you project and do tell us the results. Just don't tell us humbugs or equivocations.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on February 13, 2013, 05:51:51 PM
Quote from: avalon on February 13, 2013, 12:24:27 PM

So, please, go ahead and finish you project and do tell us the results. Just don't tell us humbugs or equivocations.

I love people when they only tell you about the problem, but never any type of solutions or possible solutions...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 14, 2013, 12:41:54 PM
With regards to the original video, containing no dialog, or claims, I see no evidence of any Scam, Fake, or Fraud, and I believe no such evidence exists.

With regards to internet postings of false statements, retractions, corrections, 'truth', etc. I have seen no evidence that ANY posted statements, or claims, including mine or YOURS, posted in any VIRTUAL REALITY (internet forum) may EVER be considered as 100% "True" without required verifiable certification, sworn under oath, signed under penalty of perjury, documented EVIDENCE; shall be considered as anything other than 'questionable' or 'hearsay'; and I believe no such evidence exists.

With regards to use of the term 'free energy'; for the context of my personal use of the term: 'free energy' is that for which does not come with a utility bill.
And my goal is merely the CONVERSION of existing energy, from the surrounding environment, converted into a more useful form such as a conversion of heat energy into electrical energy.
Or the conversion of torsion fields* into electrical energy.

As such-

*See: "torsion Physics" or "quantum Physics" or "ether energy" or "energy from the vacuum" or "vortex math" or any OTHER terms used to describe the SAME energy found in the orbits, and rotations, of all mater from the spin of the universe, galaxies, solar systems, planets, etc, all the way down to the atomic level electron orbits of atoms and molecules.

And if the electron orbits, in all matter, is not 'perpetual motion' then what is?!?
How about if I simply agree with those, who claim there is no such thing as 'perpetual', and use the term: Millions of years?
What care I, in terms of my short life, if it only runs for 100 years?

With regards to a self sustained rotation, under a load, I intend to purchase this experimental kit within a few days-

The following is a substantial multitude of possible configurations, experiments, replications of the main experiment as smaller, desktop, versions and a completely unknown future at this point in time.

SO, how can I, POSSIBLY, take ANY position EVER?


Quote from: avalon on February 13, 2013, 12:24:27 PM

No one is stopping you. Frankly, I'd be the first to congratulate you when (if) you'd achieved a self-sustained rotation with a load.
By all means do go ahead and try.

I also appreciate that once you have started a project you'd need to maintain a positive attitude.  We are all for it and nobody's going to tell you otherwise. However, there are some people here who, for one reason or another, falsify their results. RomeroUK's self-sustaining unit is one of the known fakes.

My point is that it is not helping anyone to post false statements and videos even if the reason is to encourage new research.
I have read a few posts where authors confessed that they were lured into the project by false videos. (The thinking behind being: ' I can take the idea but will do it better and - presto! - free energy). The end result was always a huge disappointment.
We need new people and new ideas but starting with a lie is not going to help.

So, please, go ahead and finish you project and do tell us the results. Just don't tell us humbugs or equivocations.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on February 14, 2013, 02:02:02 PM
Quote from: Scorch on February 14, 2013, 12:41:54 PM
... With regards to a self sustained rotation, under a load, I intend to purchase this experimental kit within a few days-

I am thinking to buy the same kit, but I not convince that is worth it, as it is very expensive and does not comes with the capacitors, or magnets....

The other thing I noticed is the coils, have one wire... I dont see much gain with single thread wires....  :-\

Have anyone here in the forum have bought one of these, and can provide good feedback? thanks.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 14, 2013, 02:40:17 PM
Ok; back to the drawing board for me.
If saturated coils, possibly resulting in acceleration under load, or, at least, no deceleration under load, is the goal; then the position of the sewing bobbin coils must be a lot closer together so the magnetic fields never completely leave the coils.
See image.

Based on other designs; here is the current direction I intend to take this:
Going to try six coils with six magnets spaced so that magnets always over-lap the coils.
Will be a compact, dual rotor, design with one 'motor' section and one 'alternator' section.
Will use the absolute cheapest, and simplest, methods in terms of air cores and basic switching such as brushes, commutators, and solid state relays to capture BEMF and sine wave peaks.

This will be a very compact design intended to be easy to transport and present in classrooms or meetings.
Dimensions will probably be that of a cube of approximately six inches and four inch rotors.

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Lakes on February 14, 2013, 03:16:55 PM
You can download that degree wheel from

I`ll modify it for 360 deg and print onto a (scrap) CD :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 17, 2013, 03:05:48 AM
Was able to cut, and drill, 4 stator plates, and cut two rotors, in about one hour including mapping out template on grid paper.
Stator plates are 1/4" polycarbonate. Rotors are 1/2" polycarbonate.
Used hole saw, band saw, and drill press. No CNC.

This is going to be a pretty cool, 'pocket', sized dynamo.
Might be a challenge to fabricate other components to size.
Will have to fabricate small timing plates and switches as well as acquire other, smaller, components such as SSRs, rectifiers, and capacitors.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: shinz62 on February 17, 2013, 01:47:22 PM

Have you seen this?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJl0TO_aR6M (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJl0TO_aR6M)

It looks very interesting.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 17, 2013, 02:58:39 PM
Quote from: shinz62 on February 17, 2013, 01:47:22 PM

Have you seen this?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJl0TO_aR6M (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJl0TO_aR6M)

It looks very interesting.

Nice demonstration. ;]

But this is where things get sticky.  I would say that he needs to show the 12v motor driving the wheel, without 'any' pickup coils or cores near the rotor. The pickup coils, unloaded, the cores cause a drag on the wheel.

Soo, if the rpm goes up and amps in goes down if we remove the cores and the wheel is spinning alone, would those rpms and input amps be lower than what he has shown with the U shaped core pickup coils loaded?  If so, then that difference is where the energy comes from to run the loads, and there is no free lunch.

We have to remember that those cores, along with the ones on the bottom, all cause drag. Wasted energy if the coils are not loaded. In his test, while loading the U coils and showing speed up and input decline, if he removed the 2 bottom coils/cores, the speedup would be more and the input would decrease again!  ;) His numbers would be better due to eliminating waste.

So the final approach would be, does the wheel running on the 12v motor 'alone', no cores/coils in place, spin faster along with less input than with the U coils mounted and loaded as shown. Simple. If so, then one could measure and calculate the power used in the loads to see if it all just adds up. ;) And if it comes up even steven, that is pretty good efficiency for all the things going on there, and would be quite an accomplishment.  ;)

Maybe the guy would be willing to do these things to come up with a stronger conclusion as to what is really happening.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 17, 2013, 03:05:08 PM
But, if the free wheeling rotor is not faster than the U coils loaded, of which I believe he intends to be showing, then there is something to it.

For example, if we added 2 more U core/coils loaded, while it was running introduce the core/coils loaded and we get further speedup, this is a good thing.  ;)

But that would have to be tested also. But firstly the freewheel test would be worth a 1000 words.  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on February 17, 2013, 03:31:59 PM
Hi Mags,

I agree with you on both of your posts.

I do think that in his U shape iron rods eddy currents are induced as the rotor magnets go across the prongs and the coils on the rods are unloaded.  And when these coils are loaded, the flux from the coil (Lenz effect) reduces the magnetization in the iron so eddy losses become less, the prime mover DC motor "sees" less drag, so RPM can go up, toghether with an input current reducement.  The builder of this setup should indeed remove the two U shaped iron rods and show the RPM and input current in that case too.
Unfortunately, several tests have been shown "as rotor speeds up under load" but the same problem may hamper those tests too.  More careful tests are needed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 17, 2013, 03:57:12 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on February 17, 2013, 03:31:59 PM
Hi Mags,

I agree with you on both of your posts.

I do think that in his U shape iron rods eddy currents are induced as the rotor magnets go across the prongs and the coils on the rods are unloaded.  And when these coils are loaded, the flux from the coil (Lenz effect) reduces the magnetization in the iron so eddy losses become less, the prime mover DC motor "sees" less drag, so RPM can go up, toghether with an input current reducement.  The builder of this setup should indeed remove the two U shaped iron rods and show the RPM and input current in that case too.
Unfortunately, several tests have been shown "as rotor speeds up under load" but the same problem may hamper those tests too.  More careful tests are needed.

Hey Gyula

Thanks.  Its easy to overlook some things, if they havnt 'seen' them before.  ;)

I was thinking the same on the eddies. Or even maybe like the Orbo. But then there is still the loaded coils, as they should have provided drag. Or was he getting delayed lenz.
The coils are big, and 2 of them(in series?) is large inductance compared to the 2 lil buggers below. Or are they a special winding? 

Lots of unknowns.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 17, 2013, 04:57:43 PM
Thought you guys might be interested in this-

I am selling a huge lot alternative energy stuff including a couple SSGs, Muller style dynamo, Ed Leedskanlin's perpetual motion holder and LOTS of extra components, and hardware, on Ebay-

Hopefully this stuff will sell, soon, so I can buy more stuff. . .

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 17, 2013, 05:14:41 PM
I just reviewed this video.
It does appear to be a very interesting demonstration of what Ed Leedskanlin called 'dual magnetic currents'

Just more evidence the current state of the art, including motors, transformers, and measuring devices, are totally one sided, 50%, or less, efficient than they should be and our meters are not telling us the whole story. . .


Quote from: shinz62 on February 17, 2013, 01:47:22 PM

Have you seen this?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJl0TO_aR6M (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJl0TO_aR6M)

It looks very interesting.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: baroutologos on February 17, 2013, 05:25:54 PM
I was reviewing my "stock" of free energy concepts and devices build, that due to lack of room most of them are dismantled, so the bizzare parts lying around are witnesses of a past passion (madness?) to achieve that supposed supressed overunity.

I desparately needed a miracle back then, a miracle to save me and my loved ones from the economic chaos that Greece is plunged 3 years now.
Having spend more that 4000 euros or 5000 usd, endless time of thinking and reading, experiencing small oasis of joy and endless hot deserts of frustration, i ended up with the ability to undestand basic electronics, repair electrical devices and creating electronics for hobby and a small income.


ps:take a look  www.rechargeable-led-lantern.com
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 19, 2013, 02:14:44 AM
Mini Dynamo initial mockup.

Interesting what I can build with just a few dollars worth of plastic and steel.

Still waiting on bearings, hubs, and shaft which should arrive soon.
Now I just need to motivate myself to get off my lazy tail and wind 24 coils . . .
Pretty easy to do, with measured wire and a sewing machine, but is time consuming.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 20, 2013, 05:54:51 PM
Questions with regards to what you might suggest for coil configurations to be installed in the mini dynamo. (See previous images)

I have two styles of bobbins and three choices for wire.
See image of bobbins.

With regards to bobbins-
One has an outside diameter of .800 and the inside space, for wire, is .350.
While, on the other claw, the lower profile bobbin has an outside diameter slightly larger at .860 then inside space is .250 and has an appearance closer to scale of what the Q2 uses.

Rotor magnets will be .750 diameter X .50 thick N45 magnets and there may not, really, be much of a difference in terms of magnetic field penetration of the two different coil heights.

Then I have three different magnet wires on the shelf.

20,23,26 AWG

What might you suggest with these choices of bobbins and wire?
I am pretty sure 20AWG is not going to be very many turns on these small bobbins. . .

The intention is a 12 volt system but 24 volt would also be fine.
My preference would be 26AWG as it's the smallest single conductor available and the most wire in the coil.

And if the most wire is the goal then the wider bobbin may be preferred but, then again, maybe not preferred as a shorter coil might have better saturation but, then again, maybe the difference is negligible compared to the size of the magnet and more wire is preferred or, then again, maybe the wider bobbin is preferred but use next size larger wire for better current or, maybe, one wire size for motor, and another size for alternator, and would these two different sizes also include different size bobbins?

Bleh.  :-\

I am open to suggestions.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 27, 2013, 10:17:12 PM
Managed to spend some more time fabricating stuff.
Got all 24 coils wound, bearings mounted, coil fasteners machined and rotors assembled.
And performed an initial assembly of the primary unit.

Still waiting on some electronic parts and different switching options are under consideration.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Floor on February 28, 2013, 12:45:45 PM
Please view the 5 brief attachments, they are of a related, but new design of a motor / generator, I have filed  a provisional patent, my intention is to insure that the device gets into the public domain as quickly, and widely as possible. After you have viewed the documents,
And if you agree, that sharing the documents is a "good" idea please do so, as quickly and widely as you can.  I think it a possibility that the integration of this design into an already high efficiency electric motor or generator could push it over unity.  Please discuss, publish, experiment with, build, use or sell or whatever you wish to do with the concept / design as long as it makes the design available to anyone.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Floor on February 28, 2013, 05:32:10 PM
Explanation of the principle:

An all permanent magnet motor would be a simple thing to design, if there was a way to rapidly, turn permanent magnets on and off as desired. And if this could be done with out spending too much energy in doing so.  Note, that sometimes electromagnets are used to counter act permanent magnets.  The electromagnet is magnetically polarized opposite to the permanent magnet. This (in effect), turns off the permanent magnet, but not without expending too much energy for it to be useful as a way of "turning off" the permanent magnets in an all permanent magnet motor. (Google search electro permanent magnet).  Since the discovery of "super magnets" this combination is sometimes used in lifting cranes. If power fails the crane does not drop it's pay load, an no power is consumed, except when releasing the pay load.

Similarly, the strength of an electromagnet and a permanent magnet can be combined, if their polarities are in the same direction.  In the DC motor design presented. The permanent magnets are always off, (in effect) because of their distance from the shell and each other.

If one were to remove the permanent magnets from the device presented, it would be, essentially a simple,  and conventional DC motor with electromagnet field and armature windings. Such motors sometimes perform at greater than 90% efficiency. The magnetic fields produced in the presented design, (with the permanent magnets in place) will be greater than the electrical wattage that goes into them, because those fields will also have a percentage of the permanent magnet field added to them when the electromagnets are energized.

If they can contribute, say 10 % to a 91% efficiency, it will be O U.

       Thank you again for your time
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 28, 2013, 06:19:19 PM
I do find this to be a very interesting design indeed.
And, yes, I agree it should be shared.

And here is a single file, of all five pages, easier to share.


Quote from: Floor on February 28, 2013, 05:32:10 PM
Explanation of the principle:

An all permanent magnet motor would be a simple thing to design, if there was a way to rapidly, turn permanent magnets on and off as desired. And if this could be done with out spending too much energy in doing so.  Note, that sometimes electromagnets are used to counter act permanent magnets.  The electromagnet is magnetically polarized opposite to the permanent magnet. This (in effect), turns off the permanent magnet, but not without expending too much energy for it to be useful as a way of "turning off" the permanent magnets in an all permanent magnet motor. (Google search electro permanent magnet).  Since the discovery of "super magnets" this combination is sometimes used in lifting cranes. If power fails the crane does not drop it's pay load, an no power is consumed, except when releasing the pay load.

Similarly, the strength of an electromagnet and a permanent magnet can be combined, if their polarities are in the same direction.  In the DC motor design presented. The permanent magnets are always off, (in effect) because of their distance from the shell and each other.

If one were to remove the permanent magnets from the device presented, it would be, essentially a simple,  and conventional DC motor with electromagnet field and armature windings. Such motors sometimes perform at greater than 90% efficiency. The magnetic fields produced in the presented design, (with the permanent magnets in place) will be greater than the electrical wattage that goes into them, because those fields will also have a percentage of the permanent magnet field added to them when the electromagnets are energized.

If they can contribute, say 10 % to a 91% efficiency, it will be O U.

       Thank you again for your time
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: shinz62 on March 01, 2013, 08:12:35 PM


Here is couple of other videos showing acceleration of a generator under load. And 4 points regarding this.

1. Hains makes the point that it is the use of a "High Voltage" coil that gives the acceleration.

Originally by Thane Heins: [size=78%]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TGJKrDpuAg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TGJKrDpuAg)[/size]

2. Notice this guy has "High Voltage" coils too.

This one by "YouRogga": [size=78%]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZM76OUle-A (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZM76OUle-A)[/size]

3. Looking at the first video I linked for you by Mr2Tuff2, look carefully and you will see that his coils that give the acceleration are "High Voltage" also.
([size=78%]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJl0TO_aR6M (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJl0TO_aR6M)[/size]) (as posted above)

4. This is also what Joseph Newman claimed about his Big Eureka, motor, was that it didn't use "Amperage", that it runs on "High Voltage".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMYo1QlvK5g (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMYo1QlvK5g)

Are these guys on to something?

Hope this is enlightening.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on March 02, 2013, 04:00:39 PM
First video link is not working.
In fact I had noticed, a few months ago, that ALL of Thane Haines stuff seems to have disappeared.
Any idea what is going on with that?

The other videos are very interesting.
The acceleration under full, shorted, load is very interesting then the RPM appears to remain after return to partial load.
I do wonder: How much is the 'shorted' load? Does current actually increase as RPM increases? Would be interesting to see an amp meter on his dead short.

The Newman Device video is also very interesting.
I am almost 50 years old and I find it very frustrating to know these things have been around for this long but have been completely suppressed.
And, yes, his system is using pretty high voltages. And the demonstrations of the Q2 also mentions how the system 'loves high voltage' and also runs on a stack of nine volt batteries.

This is why I decided to use the 26AWG I had on the shelf, for my mini dynamo, because this will give me the most turns that will fit on these mini bobbins.
I also decided to use the wider, lower profile, bobbins because these give better 'over-lap' as the magnet passes from one coil to the next and, in general, just provides a better appearance of a 'scaled down' version.

I have received the magnets, and capacitors, for the Q2.
Just waiting for them to catch up, with their back orders, and ship the main kit out to me.


Quote from: shinz62 on March 01, 2013, 08:12:35 PM

Here is couple of other videos showing acceleration of a generator under load. And 4 points regarding this.

1. Hains makes the point that it is the use of a "High Voltage" coil that gives the acceleration.

Originally by Thane Heins: [size=78%]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TGJKrDpuAg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TGJKrDpuAg)[/size]

2. Notice this guy has "High Voltage" coils too.

This one by "YouRogga": [size=78%]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZM76OUle-A (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZM76OUle-A)[/size]

3. Looking at the first video I linked for you by Mr2Tuff2, look carefully and you will see that his coils that give the acceleration are "High Voltage" also.
([size=78%]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJl0TO_aR6M (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJl0TO_aR6M)[/size]) (as posted above)

4. This is also what Joseph Newman claimed about his Big Eureka, motor, was that it didn't use "Amperage", that it runs on "High Voltage".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMYo1QlvK5g (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMYo1QlvK5g)

Are these guys on to something?

Hope this is enlightening.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: shinz62 on March 03, 2013, 01:34:47 AM


That is a very nice looking build you have going there.

I should not be surprised about that link, but I am, it literally worked yesterday. Now I wish I had downloaded it. The suppression is obviously severe. I guess Thane must have sold out (or was coerced) and so apparently all his stuff, even the mirrors are being removed.

You will be pleased to know that one of his high voltage coils was also AWG 26 (I think). But it looked like he had iron cores too. And his were larger, like the size of a half spool. He claimed the size of the wire didn't really matter, it was the number of winds or amount of wire that mattered.. And bottom line, he said the secret is there is no secrete, simply use a high voltage winding.

[size=78%]Here is a very recent JNL labs full confirmation of the Heins high voltage Acceleration effect under load.However, JNL Labs called it "High Inductance".[/size]

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJuwj8RhYHY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJuwj8RhYHY)

But maybe it is not simply related to the voltage/Inductance, there seems to be a resonance effect related to the inductance of the coils and the RPM or switching speed.

This shows another JNL labs reproduction of the Heins acceleration effect but here he shows how it is dependent on the RPM. At low RPM it slowed down, but at a high RPM it accelerated. And from his data you can see that the RPM needed to be above 350 to see the acceleration effect.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW-y1yKG36U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oW-y1yKG36U)

It makes me think that is very much like the LC circuit resonance effect. And that would make this more difficult to tune because the resonant (RPM of the speedup) point would depend on the load.

When the load changes so does the resonate frequency in a resonate LC circuit.

These links can be found from the JNL home page: [size=78%]http://jnaudin.free.fr/ (http://jnaudin.free.fr/)[/size]

Hopes this helps.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: shinz62 on March 05, 2013, 02:24:56 AM
I found another Thane Heins youtube video showing "High Voltage" acceleration.

This one is older, but shows the effects, and it is quite impressive. Thane has to shut it down as it seems to continue accelerating without end.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YCvhxHh_ctE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YCvhxHh_ctE)

I downloaded this one.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on March 05, 2013, 02:14:41 PM
In order for the mini dynamo to run, including sine wave peak switching, I must provide some type of commutator which can be magnets, reed switches, hall switches, Arduino controllers, etc.

I haven't actually completed this, yet, but the immediate plan is to keep it simple and merely fabricate commutator (switching) plates from 2 ounce copper clad boards.
Which can be found from various sources, including Ebay, for reasonable prices.

And it's very easy to simply create a pie chart in a word processor then adjust the width of the borders (to provide different pulse widths) to customize.
This can then be printed from a laser printer, transferred to the board, then etched as described in this video-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vlui7s4lj7g (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vlui7s4lj7g)

It might even be possible to create an adjustable commutator, with 'wedge' shaped contacts, so different pulse widths may be accomplished by simply moving the 'brushes' to different parts of the wedge shaped contacts.

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hoptoad on March 05, 2013, 08:30:44 PM
Quote from: Scorch on March 05, 2013, 02:14:41 PM
It might even be possible to create an adjustable commutator, with 'wedge' shaped contacts, so different pulse widths may be accomplished by simply moving the 'brushes' to different parts of the wedge shaped contacts.

Not only is it possible, it was the preferred method (and patented) switching system, devised by Robert Adams in the 1970's.

For more info go to : http://www.totallyamped.net/adams

Visit Page 9

Cheers from Hoptoad
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: shinz62 on March 07, 2013, 12:42:31 AM

Here is an excellent explanation on the Heins Acceleration Effect. This guy shows the timing formula and calculations to explain how the High Impedance (High Voltage) Generator Coils cause the Acceleration. There are several videos by this person on this archive demonstrating the effect with both a generator and a transformer. But this link in particular explains how the High Impedance Coil under load has enough of a delay in the Lenz effect to create the acceleration.

Not sure exactly who did this originally, this is an archive:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OufL9ssiyjM&list=UUDz1_S1kOhi9nYZB0KV7znA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OufL9ssiyjM&list=UUDz1_S1kOhi9nYZB0KV7znA)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on March 11, 2013, 11:54:15 AM
I recently sent an email over to Sterling Allen to investigate if he knew anything about why Thane Hains Youtube account, and .ca web site, had disappeared.
But, at that time, he didn't know why.

Then, just this morning, it appears there is an answer, from Thane Heins himself, as I have now received a three part email, with no less than 8 attachments, explaining, with great detail, what is going on. (apparently I was included as one of the CCs in Thane's reply back to Sterling.)

It would appear there has been some type of controversy with the Canadian National Research Counsil (NRC) including a letter, from Thane to the secretary general, detailing a "Conflict of Interest Allegations which our company is levying against three NRC employees in the enclosed letter which you will most likely find are shared by everyone at the NRC"

This letter is 13 pages and is in response to a department of justice-NRC 'cease and desist' request regarding the Thane's use of the NRC name and/or NRC employee names.

I haven't read through all the details but I am relieved to see Thane has not, in fact, disappeared. And it would appear that, once again, powers that be are attempting to impede progress of alternative energy systems.

Thane does have another youtube account at:

And other sources such these:
(Which has replaced potentialdifference.ca)

And I imagine Sterling will, eventually, include all the details, of this three part email, at PESN.

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on March 11, 2013, 07:36:10 PM
Quote from: Scorch on March 11, 2013, 11:54:15 AM
I recently sent an email over to Sterling Allen to investigate if he knew anything about why Thane Hains Youtube account, and .ca web site, had disappeared.
But, at that time, he didn't know why.

Then, just this morning, it appears there is an answer, from Thane Heins himself, as I have now received a three part email, with no less than 8 attachments, explaining, with great detail, what is going on. (apparently I was included as one of the CCs in Thane's reply back to Sterling.)

It would appear there has been some type of controversy with the Canadian National Research Counsil (NRC) including a letter, from Thane to the secretary general, detailing a "Conflict of Interest Allegations which our company is levying against three NRC employees in the enclosed letter which you will most likely find are shared by everyone at the NRC"

This letter is 13 pages and is in response to a department of justice-NRC 'cease and desist' request regarding the Thane's use of the NRC name and/or NRC employee names.

I haven't read through all the details but I am relieved to see Thane has not, in fact, disappeared. And it would appear that, once again, powers that be are attempting to impede progress of alternative energy systems.

Thane does have another youtube account at:
www.youtube.com/user/PDiCanada1 (http://www.youtube.com/user/PDiCanada1)

And other sources such these:
http://www.slideshare.net/ThaneCHeins/120607-bmw-re-gen-x-experiment-aufbau-mg (http://www.slideshare.net/ThaneCHeins/120607-bmw-re-gen-x-experiment-aufbau-mg)
http://about.me/thaneheins (http://about.me/thaneheins)
http://potentialdifference.com (http://potentialdifference.com)
(Which has replaced potentialdifference.ca)

And I imagine Sterling will, eventually, include all the details, of this three part email, at PESN.

That is all for now.


Hi Scorch,
Thank you for looking up on this, many are puzzled on why thane heins YT account deleted, now others will know that hes still here with us....

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: shinz62 on March 11, 2013, 09:05:20 PM
I agree,

Thanks Scorch, that is a good find.

Glad to see Thane is still is still pushing ahead.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on April 05, 2013, 07:07:13 PM
My new experimental kit has arrived.
The over-all appearance of the kit, and documentation, looks really good and does appear to be high quality including a substantial number of custom engineered, precision machined, components.

Some assembly required. . .

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Lakes on April 06, 2013, 05:34:36 AM
OMG, they`ve sent you the parts to build an Interocitor!! :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: chalamadad on April 08, 2013, 03:14:14 PM
JL Naudin did some experiments trying to explore the delayed lenz effect:


(There is also an old but very interesting AT&T video there explaining wave transmission too.)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on April 11, 2013, 08:48:53 PM
Completed building one of the main sub-assemblies.
Decided not to use hot melt glue, as suggested by the manufacturer, because the capacitors kept coming loose.
I secured capacitors simply by bending the tabs over; resulting in a much stronger attachment to the mounting plate.
Also decided to hard solder the connections versus the twisted/crimped version as suggested by the instructions.

That is all.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on April 24, 2013, 10:30:41 AM
hello Scorch,
do you can check your's MP, thank you, Marc
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on April 28, 2013, 01:18:28 PM
Hey all. I haven't been doing much lately due to other distractions.
But still moving forward with the current two projects of the Q2 kit and mini dynamo.
Word has it there is about to a 'Q3' but I don't know what that is going to be.

And I have, recently, discovered jnaudin's Arduino Pulsed Motor Controller.
Which could be very useful considering it does appear to have parameters for changing pulse width, and/or timing, based on rpm.

(includes download link for the controller sketch)

Regenerative Charging Video:

That is all for now.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on April 28, 2013, 05:57:57 PM
Now that, is a very nice video. ;D ;)

I just picked up a Mega board the other day. They dont carry the lcd with the buttons in the store, just checked, but they will order it for you.

Radioshack is not going to carry this stuff any longer. The guy says nobody is buying. You can order, but it was convenient to get 'today' when you need something. So all the stuff on the shelf is all there will be in the stores.

The stores do carry the 2.8 color touchscreen. Just under $50. Just picked one up. ;) Maybe I can substitute it for the lcd/button board. The touch screen module stacks on the platform the same way. Picked up an SD card module and a Arduino Micro for other things. And finally the ARDX kit. It shows basics, but it has some useful parts and wires with encased ends and seem of decent quality. It has a clear case proto board that glows when the Arduino Micro is mounted in as the blue led is in the bottom and a small green led on the top.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on April 28, 2013, 06:04:03 PM
Quote from: Magluvin on April 28, 2013, 05:57:57 PM

The stores do carry the 2.8 color touchscreen. Just under $50. Just picked one up. ;) Maybe I can substitute it for the lcd/button board.

Not saying it will just work as a substitute. Programming will need to be adapted. ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on April 29, 2013, 06:11:31 PM
Spent the day yesterday figuring out the 2.8 touchscreen functionality. Was having trouble getting the examples to work for the tft. Finally found the issue on a forum where I had to change a parameter in the H file for the arduino to recognize it. Works fine now.

In Naudins circuit, I have some questions.

The diode across the coil. It is set up to freewheel the inductor after the fet releases it. If thats the case, how does anything get back to the battery? The buz11 has an internal diode, that is in the proper direction to send current back to the battery. But does the bemf go to the battery via the internal diode, or does it just loop through the coil and D1?

I copied the circuit to show what I mean.

The one with the red lines show the current when the transistor is on and it flows clockwise, - to +, if we follow electron flow. Then typically when the coil collapses when the fet turns off, the coil current should still flow forward and through D1(blue lines counterclockwise) till dissipated into the coil. Hmm.

Will have to try it to see. Im going to use a coil that is in the 2mh range so I will have to shorten the on times as compared to the 5mh used by Naudin. I could use 2 in series, using the 2 to drive the rotor to get closer to 5mh. Will try some things.

Looks like adapting the touchscreen can be integrated to work in place of the lcd/button shield board. Might take a bit of time getting the program sorted out, but should work.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: dtard on April 29, 2013, 08:14:32 PM
@Mag if you can walk into a radio shack buy all you can they are going to close around 200 places I have seen higher. Just saying ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on April 29, 2013, 09:09:25 PM
Quote from: dtard on April 29, 2013, 08:14:32 PM
@Mag if you can walk into a radio shack buy all you can they are going to close around 200 places I have seen higher. Just saying ;)
Yeah, I know. :'( When I was a kid, RS was my candy store. I quit candy for RS!!!  ;D

Now what?  lol   Eh, it was just convenient to go now and get what you need, when you need it. As for me, I always want it now when it comes to this stuff. Also Just wanted to let the people here know if they were interested in this stuff it could be had locally for about the same price as online. ;) While it lasts.

I should have gotten into these things way back. I learned machine and assembler, self taught, back with the TRS80 Color computer. 0.88mhz(1.69mhz with a POKE).  ;) MC6809 processor 4k ram expanded to 64kb.  :o :o lol Like 1980 or so. This stuff is very similar so it isnt a problem getting used to.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on April 29, 2013, 09:50:07 PM
Ok, I see what I was missing. The 'other' schematic is on another page.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on May 01, 2013, 04:47:37 AM
Quote from: Scorch on April 05, 2013, 07:07:13 PM
My new experimental kit has arrived.
The over-all appearance of the kit, and documentation, looks really good and does appear to be high quality including a substantial number of custom engineered, precision machined, components.

Some assembly required. . .


I got the same kit, but as you, I think the instruction are very vague, there is not theory of operation, there is no schematic, there is no instructions of how to orient the coils with respect to the magnets... etc etc etc..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on May 01, 2013, 04:53:43 AM
Quote from: Scorch on April 05, 2013, 07:07:13 PM
My new experimental kit has arrived.
The over-all appearance of the kit, and documentation, looks really good and does appear to be high quality including a substantial number of custom engineered, precision machined, components.

Some assembly required. . .


Maybe we can share notes.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on May 01, 2013, 07:15:02 AM
Hello The stone, the Q2 is two machines in one, the motor and the alternator.
For the motor all the magnets are on the same way, all north on the same side N/N/N/N/N/N.
for the atternator ....N/S/N/S/N/S.
What part of the schematic you don't understand ?

PS: Sorry for my enghish, I am french it is not to easy for me
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on May 01, 2013, 10:27:55 AM
Quote from: marcx41 on May 01, 2013, 07:15:02 AM
Hello The stone, the Q2 is two machines in one, the motor and the alternator.
For the motor all the magnets are on the same way, all north on the same side N/N/N/N/N/N.
for the atternator ....N/S/N/S/N/S.
What part of the schematic you don't understand ?

PS: Sorry for my enghish, I am french it is not to easy for me

Hello!! thanks for the message, I get the polarity of the magnets, and that it is a two part machine, Motor/Generator, but what I am having problems is with the motor, I cant get it to work. I guess I cant get the coils polarity with magnets correct...
He connects every two coils in parallel but in series at the same time, I made a schematic of it, I will posted next as I can only upload one photo file.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on May 01, 2013, 10:35:04 AM
Quote from: marcx41 on May 01, 2013, 07:15:02 AM
Hello The stone, the Q2 is two machines in one, the motor and the alternator.
For the motor all the magnets are on the same way, all north on the same side N/N/N/N/N/N.
for the atternator ....N/S/N/S/N/S.
What part of the schematic you don't understand ?

PS: Sorry for my enghish, I am french it is not to easy for me

Besides I had to replace the main central bar, as it did not fit the magnet weel, plus, the screws one one side dont fit, I will have to find some...

Here is the schematic I made trying to make sense of what these people did... I wonder if it works at all... there it goes 5 K USD...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on May 01, 2013, 12:24:37 PM
ok, good resolution on this forum...I check it and reply here
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on May 01, 2013, 01:50:27 PM
Oscar, I send to you a email, give a confirmation if you receive it, marc
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on May 01, 2013, 04:13:37 PM
you have a new email
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 01, 2013, 08:16:20 PM

Just finished some more assembly work on the Q2.

I have been waiting for a while because the kit was supposed to include 24 paper spacers, for the magnet retainer cups, but there was an error in the specifications and it was shipped with only 8 paper spacers. And after multiple inquiries to company to find out when the paper spacers may arrive; there has been no response to this particular question.

So I decided to use thin, #10, rubber bands which work well as they do fill gaps where needed and spread out where not needed. And I even used the same rubber bands inside the magnet retainers to keep magnets from rattling around.

And, with regards to assembling rotors like these, there are a few assembly tips to consider-
-Make sure shaft fits, easily, through polycarbonate holes.
May have to sand this area otherwise a rotor, that is too tight on the shaft, is going to difficult to work with and adjust during final assembly.
-Assemble hub so that set screws 'point' between magnets.
Otherwise you will always be fighting magnets with ferrous hex wrenches.
-Assemble hubs with shaft in place, to ensure proper alignment of all four shaft holes, in rotor halves and hubs, before tightening bolts and screws.

And, oh yeah, the bolt holes in the hubs were not tapped all the way through and had to finish all those with my own tap.  The manufacturer is aware of this but I never saw any 'follow-up' email regarding this issue. So I hope other builders are not forcing the bolts, and chewing up hubs, possibly resulting in seized parts. . .

That is all for now with regards to this build.
Still need to install all the pigtail wiring on the stator plates.
And still haven't ordered the terminal strip or extra diodes needed to actually finish this thing as it is in the pictures.

Constructive criticisms-

-I am of the opinion all the extra flat washers, and lock washers, are not necessary when using steel cap screws which tend to 'lock' in place anyway when used on aluminum hubs. I did not use all these extra washers and would actually prefer to just install 8 bolts, of correct length, versus just four bolts and all the extra washers including flat washers that 'hang' over the edges of the hubs.

-I am also of the opinion I can do without the feet kit (and lack of holes to mount the feet) and would prefer other parts to actually be included such as the diodes and alternator terminal block needed to finish as pictured.

-I also wish I didn't have to go on a scavenger hunt to locate a spray can top and construct the switching commutator. I think this critical, precision, part of a commutator should already be fabricated and ready to use.

-Not sure why all the parts, including 24 magnet holders, and 24 paper shims, are needed to mount magnets in rotors. Seems, to me, that magnet openings could simply be machined into thicker, polycarbonate, disks and save on all this complication. Sometimes simpler IS better.

-Should be a better way to mount capacitors. Hot melt glue just didn't work well for me.

-Instructions mention: 'If no oscilloscope is available to locate sine wave peak, use an analog volt meter on coil output to detect general location of positive & negative peaks when SSR's light and adjust accordingly'.

But, if I DO have a scope, there is no suggestions, in the instructions, where the test points might be for alternator, and relay, signals nor is there any oscilloscope screen shot to indicate what 'optimum' signal might look like.  In other words, there is a BIG assumption everybody attempting to build the kit will know what to connect to and look for on their scope.

-There is no mention of rotor alignment with respect to motor rotor versus alternator rotor. Should the magnets all be aligned or offset from each other? These are very powerful magnets with very larger fields. So is there any specific concerns regarding these alignments?


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on May 02, 2013, 08:46:35 AM
Well I found that after mounting all my coils and magnets for the motor part, did not worked... I was assuming that all the coils where wound in the same way, but found 3 of the coils wound with opposite force field, I had to turn the coils around to see if this will fix this, other wise, I will have to unwound each coil and make sure is wound the correct way. The only think I dont understand if you pay so much money for this kit, there is not instructions of any kind of how to assemble the coils with respect to magnets... and no support.

I think it will be better to machine cut the parts your self and go from there, will be much shipper and faster... I had to wait two months for the kid, there is no support, no one answer your questions, etc... just follow Scorth posting and you will get something similar or better.  >:(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on May 03, 2013, 11:58:34 AM
Well after so many problems, I sold my kit as it is, in eBay for 1/2 the price... I will stick with Bedini Stuff. >:( this shit does not works.


Conclusion : no support, not good documentation, no schematics, Lenz law everywhere, and no torque... hahaha what a waste of money....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 07, 2013, 02:59:07 PM
I do not understand. What is MP? Can you rephrase this question?
Thank you.


Quote from: marcx41 on April 24, 2013, 10:30:41 AM
hello Scorch,
do you can check your's MP, thank you, Marc
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 07, 2013, 03:45:16 PM
Am I to understand your conclusion is: "Give up" before trying anything else?
Such as a more precise motor controller and sine wave peak alternator, complete with capacitor bank, which does not appear in your video therefore is NOT the Q2.

And if you tried this experiment without a schematic, or documentation, how do you know if you built it correctly?

Not sure what you expect without a schematic or documentation.
Not sure there was ever any claim of any significant torque capabilities from what is only offered as a purely experimental device.

I do know I didn't have much interest in the QC until the incorporation of the sine wave peak alternator, and capacitor bank, as this is where most of the advantage is by way of an alternator that requires very little torque and a motor that requires very little amperage for the Q2.

As far as the documentation, including schematics, is concerned; this is the second time I saw somebody write they do not have these documents.
I do have a PDF (image scans) of the assembly manual and will post it here if I can obtain permission to share this document which does bear the word, or symbol, "copyright" in several places.

Other than that, I am sure the company can provide the information needed.
But they are probably pretty busy with orders, and even another design, so it may make take some persistence to get it done.


Quote from: Thestone on May 03, 2013, 11:58:34 AM
Well after so many problems, I sold my kit as it is, in eBay for 1/2 the price... I will stick with Bedini Stuff. >:( this shit does not works.

http://youtu.be/FenTcWVAtyA (http://youtu.be/FenTcWVAtyA)

Conclusion : no support, not good documentation, no schematics, Lenz law everywhere, and no torque... hahaha what a waste of money....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on May 07, 2013, 07:00:49 PM
Quote from: Scorch on May 07, 2013, 02:59:07 PM
I do not understand. What is MP? Can you rephrase this question?
Thank you.


Hi Scorch,

MP is the mixed up characters of PM  i.e. Personal Meassage I think. So when you log in, you may see your PM messages by clicking on the "Personal Messages" line under the User Menu at the left hand side column of the forum pages.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 08, 2013, 11:22:31 AM
I received word back from the two companies, involved with the Q2, regarding the sharing of information.

Both www.quantamagnetics.com and http://partdaddy.com have said that, no, they do not allow the internet upload of the assembly manual, drawings, or schematics or, otherwise, allow the sharing of said information here.

And there does not appear to be any 'support' sections, at either site, where you can download product documentation as is provided at many other companies.

So I suggest that if anybody needs this information, such as a schematic, or drawings, for your quanta magnetics product, then simply use regular contact channels through www.quantamagnetics.com or http://partdaddy.com or youtube user http://www.youtube.com/user/PMMG4HYBRID

In the meantime I am continuing, when I have the time, to assemble what I have here.
And also, when I have the time, continue working on my mini dynamo which will use the same principle (sine wave peak alternator) and I will, more than likely, author my own schematic for that and, if I get that done, I will share it here.

That is all.

Have fun experimenting.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on May 08, 2013, 05:23:16 PM
Quote from: Scorch on May 07, 2013, 03:45:16 PM
And if you tried this experiment without a schematic, or documentation, how do you know if you built it correctly?

http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/selfrunning_free_energy_device_muller_motor_generator_romerouk_version1_1.pdf (http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/selfrunning_free_energy_device_muller_motor_generator_romerouk_version1_1.pdf) contains schematics and assembly instructions.
Also you all can ignore RomeoUK "fake" statements because of that in http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/ (http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/) :
"I had the impression that I live in a free country but it was demonstrated that anything is possible, we will never move forward.
I am an IT guy and I thought that I have a good brain but now after that I even forgot simple passwords and things I use every day, this is how scared I am", "All I had I posted free and it is better to be considered as not working." - for his own and his family safety because he was treatened.

So if you got your time and got stubborn wish to replicate Muller dynamo, everything is there. And that pdf caught my attention with squared sine wave oscillogram in not loaded generator coils which probably is the key to weakening Lenz forces. In conventional generators you always see pure sine wave just for comparison how different it is.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 08, 2013, 07:09:40 PM
I am of the opinion Romero's design does have a lot of potential.
BUT I also believe chances of success are going to be a lot better if we try bringing the coils closer together or use larger diameter magnets.
This should improve 'coil saturation' and I think I had my coils way to far apart in my previous builds.

If I am going to use the same .750" diameter magnets, the coils do need to be a lot closer like they are in my mini dynamo build.

I imagine a similar design, with the same 10" stator plates and 8" rotor, but the magnets, and coils, are a lot closer together which would provide a far better better '"flywheel" for kinetic energy and also mechanical advantages (leverage) with a large disk but magnets near center.

Just my thoughts anyway.
And, maybe someday, I might try that again.
I never have, really, tested all the possibilities of this thing.

Yes, I am guilty of being very lazy and not, always, motivated to face the challenges of all the different configurations, materials, experiments and unknowns. . .
I want somebody to provide a clear, and concise, plan complete with specific drawings, parts list, and schematic for a complete system that actually has been replicated a few times. . .

Please forgive my lazy tail.


Quote from: T-1000 on May 08, 2013, 05:23:16 PM
http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/selfrunning_free_energy_device_muller_motor_generator_romerouk_version1_1.pdf (http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/selfrunning_free_energy_device_muller_motor_generator_romerouk_version1_1.pdf) contains schematics and assembly instructions.
Also you all can ignore RomeoUK "fake" statements because of that in http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/ (http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/) :
"I had the impression that I live in a free country but it was demonstrated that anything is possible, we will never move forward.
I am an IT guy and I thought that I have a good brain but now after that I even forgot simple passwords and things I use every day, this is how scared I am", "All I had I posted free and it is better to be considered as not working." - for his own and his family safety because he was treatened.

So if you got your time and got stubborn wish to replicate Muller dynamo, everything is there. And that pdf caught my attention with squared sine wave oscillogram in not loaded generator coils which probably is the key to weakening Lenz forces. In conventional generators you always see pure sine wave just for comparison how different it is.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 08, 2013, 07:17:14 PM

Regarding sine wave; if I build a switching system that merely 'clips' the peaks off a conventional sine wave, from a conventional PM alternator, and store those peaks in a capacitor bank, with the intention of leaving the coils mostly saturated, therefore reducing Lenz, what might the sine wave look like?

Would the positive, and negative, peaks actually have 'flat tops' giving the appearance of a square wave from a pure sine alternator?

Just wondering anyway.


Quote from: T-1000 on May 08, 2013, 05:23:16 PM

So if you got your time and got stubborn wish to replicate Muller dynamo, everything is there. And that pdf caught my attention with squared sine wave oscillogram in not loaded generator coils which probably is the key to weakening Lenz forces. In conventional generators you always see pure sine wave just for comparison how different it is.

Good luck!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on May 08, 2013, 11:14:33 PM
Quote from: Scorch on May 08, 2013, 07:17:14 PM
Regarding sine wave; if I build a switching system that merely 'clips' the peaks off a conventional sine wave, from a conventional PM alternator, and store those peaks in a capacitor bank, with the intention of leaving the coils mostly saturated, therefore reducing Lenz, what might the sine wave look like?

Would the positive, and negative, peaks actually have 'flat tops' giving the appearance of a square wave from a pure sine alternator?

Just wondering anyway.


The squared sine wave on generator coils can appear only with one condition:
When magnetic field is non-linear in regards to coils there are steep angles where induction occurs. What I did find out on E. Leedskalnin generator topic - when 2 neodyium magnets are forced together with same poles they are making such non-linear magnetic field strength - the most powerfull on the junction of 2 magnets and very weak from the edge of each magnet...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 19, 2013, 05:39:42 PM
Managed to complete some more Q2 assembly this weekend.
Both pulse motor stator plates are now ready.
Did not use any super glue, or heat shrink, as suggested by the instructions or pictures.
I just used the holes provided to tie everything and maintained all solder connections next to coils on rotor side instead of back side.

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 20, 2013, 11:55:32 AM
Was preparing to attempt assembly of main bearing, and stator, plates and discovered that, once again, have run into a problem with incomplete machine work.
I already had problems with missing rotor shims as well as other incomplete machine work, on the rotor hubs, in which most of the bolt holes were not tapped all the way through.
I was able to use my own shims and finish that machine work, on the hubs, with my own tap.

But, now, I've discovered that eleven of the aluminum 'adjusting nuts' are also not tapped all the way through or not chased properly.
These nuts are a much larger size, and fine thread, and I do not have a tap to finish these.

Almost two months later and I have yet to receive the replacement shims.
Hope the company will deliver replacement nuts a little sooner.
Otherwise I will be inclined to special order the correct the tool to finish THEIR job for which I paid for and expected to be complete. . .

On another note-
These adjusting nuts have tapped holes and set screws to 'lock' the nuts in place.
Don't know why. Do not expect any vibration issues that may loosen hardware including these large nuts.
The set screws are nylon. Don't know how effective they may be or if there might be issues with plastic set screws getting stripped or rounded out.
Don't know if the nylon has been annealed, or tempered, which can make a difference in performance and hardness.

There are no details regarding this in the assembly instructions.
In fact; there is not any specifications at all regarding these 'adjustments' such as desired clearance between rotor and coils.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 21, 2013, 07:50:21 PM
Ok; so I thought I would go ahead and attempt to assemble one end of this machine while I am still waiting for a reply regarding the incomplete machine work on the aluminum nuts.
Only to discover that both bearing plates have incomplete machine work as well. . .
The outer bolt holes, for the 10-32 cap screws are not tapped all the way through.

And I now have the impression that the machine shop ( www.partdaddy.com (http://www.partdaddy.com) ) is really doing a disservice to this product.
In fact I have yet to hear back from this third party regarding the missing shims discovered nearly two months ago which have not be delivered yet.
Nor have I heard back regarding the issue, with the nuts, discovered yesterday.

On another note; I see the bearings are installed on the inside which must rely on the rotor hubs to keep bearings in place without any shaft collars.
This may be an issue because my home made shims, and spacers, are causing the magnet cups to 'bulge' just a little bit and these clearances are going to be very close.

In my opinion; the bearings should be mounted on the outside of the bearing support plate.
With shims, and shaft collars, which can easily be adjusted from the outside and would leave a lot more option to adjust things in, or out, as needed.
Which is how I am building my mini dynamo.

As it is; there really is no 'adjustment'. It has to be assembled so that bearing plates are close enough to the rotor hubs, to eliminate end play and keep bearings in place.
And this places the rotor magnet cups pretty close to the coils.
So if there is any discrepancy with magnet cups bulging, or loose, or stator plate wiring sticking up, or coils bulging out, there could be a clearance problem.
At which point, I would, STILL, be waiting for the proper shims to help eliminate any issues with assembling rotor using my own, makeshift, shims already installed at my own, out of pocket, expense.

And I still have no idea why they used magnet retainer cups, and shims, versus merely machining 'magnet pockets' directly into the rotor clam shell.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 23, 2013, 07:19:12 PM
Ok, I went ahead and tapped all 18 of the outer holes on the bearing plates and was able to assemble one end of this machine.
And have determined that there should not be any clearance issues even though some of magnet cups do have a little bit of a 'bulge' due to my makeshift, rubber band, spacers.

I did discover even more machining issues.
The support posts have drilled, and tapped, holes so they can be 'stacked' together or finished off with cap screws.

What is weird is that the 3/8" - 16 aluminum post, on one end of the support post threads into the next end of the next support post without any problem.
BUT, the 3/8" -16 black steel caps screws do NOT thread in very easily.
In fact they only thread in about one turn then become VERY tight, requiring a wrench, and are picking up aluminum deposits when I back them out.
So I am concerned these black steel screws are going to seize in the aluminum holes.
Don't know why this is but it does appear the threads are not tapped very well in the aluminum holes.
This was confirmed by using a new, 3/8" - 16, tap which is cutting more aluminum out and leaving a much better looking set of threads and the cap screw now threads right in without having to using a wrench.

One thing I do find curious; pretty much everything in this machine is non-ferrous EXCEPT these cap screws.
Which are a common, black steel, alloy. Don't know why they provided these magnetic cap screws instead of aluminum, or stainless steel, like everything else is. . .

This thing is finally starting to take shape.
And, as near as I can tell, the threads for the adjusting nuts are 3/4" - 20 and I have ordered a new tap ($22.72 delivered) so I can fix the threads on those.

On another note, I did discover that the bearings are not a tight fit in the acrylic bearing plates.
The bearings actually slide right in and one even fell right, back, out when I turned the plate over.
I have now built many acrylic, bearing, plates and I always try to make it a much tighter, 'interference', fit.
I hope these bearings don't start spinning inside the plastic.
They really should be a lot tighter than this.  .  . Especially if this system is to be used for an extended period of experimental testing.

That is all for now. Still need to finish wiring the alternator stators and still need to order some parts that didn't come with the kit including diodes and a terminal block.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on May 25, 2013, 02:19:11 AM
Quote from: Scorch on May 23, 2013, 07:19:12 PM
Ok, I went ahead and tapped all 18 of the outer holes on the bearing plates and was able to assemble one end of this machine.
And have determined that there should not be any clearance issues even though some of magnet cups do have a little bit of a 'bulge' due to my makeshift, rubber band, spacers.

I did discover even more machining issues.
The support posts have drilled, and tapped, holes so they can be 'stacked' together or finished off with cap screws.

What is weird is that the 3/8" - 16 aluminum post, on one end of the support post threads into the next end of the next support post without any problem.
BUT, the 3/8" -16 black steel caps screws do NOT thread in very easily.
In fact they only thread in about one turn then become VERY tight, requiring a wrench, and are picking up aluminum deposits when I back them out.
So I am concerned these black steel screws are going to seize in the aluminum holes.
Don't know why this is but it does appear the threads are not tapped very well in the aluminum holes.
This was confirmed by using a new, 3/8" - 16, tap which is cutting more aluminum out and leaving a much better looking set of threads and the cap screw now threads right in without having to using a wrench.

One thing I do find curious; pretty much everything in this machine is non-ferrous EXCEPT these cap screws.
Which are a common, black steel, alloy. Don't know why they provided these magnetic cap screws instead of aluminum, or stainless steel, like everything else is. . .

This thing is finally starting to take shape.
And, as near as I can tell, the threads for the adjusting nuts are 3/4" - 20 and I have ordered a new tap ($22.72 delivered) so I can fix the threads on those.

On another note, I did discover that the bearings are not a tight fit in the acrylic bearing plates.
The bearings actually slide right in and one even fell right, back, out when I turned the plate over.
I have now built many acrylic, bearing, plates and I always try to make it a much tighter, 'interference', fit.
I hope these bearings don't start spinning inside the plastic.
They really should be a lot tighter than this.  .  . Especially if this system is to be used for an extended period of experimental testing.

That is all for now. Still need to finish wiring the alternator stators and still need to order some parts that didn't come with the kit including diodes and a terminal block.


I can see you are having a lot more issues than me putting this thing together... Like I said before for the money is not worth it.... very irresponsible from these people to charge so much money and to get something with so many issues...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 25, 2013, 12:29:00 PM
I am not taking any position, on this, as of yet and the build is still moving forward.
I just mounted the pulse motor rectifier/relay panel last night and intend to complete a lot of the wiring today.

This is a totally experimental device, people do make mistakes, and I am very forgiving.
Any new product will tend to have 'bugs' and part vendors, or machine shops, may have their own issues such as not discovering a tap is very worn out or an employee who fails to chase threads or the engineering specifications only specified 4 shims per rotor when it should have been 12. . .
These are merely quality control issues that will improve, over time, as production increases and improvements are implemented.

My profession is major appliance repair.
And, every year, manufacturers try something new.
Then, every year, manufactures have to clean up their mess.  :)
Like back in the mid 80's when GE refrigerators had compressor issues.
The company had to replace almost ALL the compressors under warranty which nearly put the company out of business.
Same goes for cars. There always seems to be a recall of some type for some issue or other.

The question is:
Will the company fix their problems, handle customer complaints, and back their products?
I have no problem with companies making mistakes. But a failure to communicate can be a big issue.
The question is: Will they answer to complaints and correct their errors including reimbursement, for customer damages, when the customer incurs out of pocket expenses fixing their (the company) errors.
So far; I am up to about $30, for a tap and makeshift shims, but I get to keep the tap (which I may never use again) so not sure what the actual damages are.
And this is forgiven, anyway, because these are merely incidentals for building a totally experimental device.

But there does appear to be some communications issues between www.quantamagnetics.com and www.partdaddy.com
For example: The guy at quanta magnetics keeps forwarding customer email to partdaddy but there is little, or no, follow up.
Plus I sent two more messages, recently, regarding the adjusting nuts; but have yet to receive any follow up for that either. (communications issues)
I did, finally, try calling part daddy on the phone but the outgoing message said something about being on the road for a manufacturer's fair or convention.

So, for the remainder of this holiday weekend, I give them the benefit of the doubt.
But, if it starts to become clear this company is NOT communicating, backing up their products, or correcting errors then, yes, I will take the position this is the case.
Until then; I just want to build stuff. And, yes, I think it IS a little expensive, for what it is, and I could probably build it cheaper including taking shortcuts such as mounting coils on same plate as bearings, using off-the shelf hardware in lieu of custom machined hardware, two piece rotors that don't need magnet retainers, etc. It wouldn't look as pretty, and might be a little harder to service, but would, still, be the same functionality for less expense.

But, then again, it is a brand new, custom, product which typically IS expensive until mass production ramps up and designs are streamlined.
My first, four function, LED pocket calculator cost over $120, in 1970's money and ate lots of batteries, while these days promotional, credit card sized, calculators are now free. . . .

So; are manufacturers 'irresponsible' or is it merely 'growing pains'?


Quote from: Thestone on May 25, 2013, 02:19:11 AM
I can see you are having a lot more issues than me putting this thing together... Like I said before for the money is not worth it.... very irresponsible from these people to charge so much money and to get something with so many issues...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on June 01, 2013, 12:59:43 PM
Good morning Thestone and Scorch........Q3 is born. I am working on my replication of Q2, that take a lot of time, I am late .....step by step.....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 01, 2013, 01:54:18 PM
You beat me to it.
I just watched the video.
See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu4pzvkSkzo

I am encouraged to see another configuration besides sine wave peak alternator.
In this new configuration he is no longer using a sine wave peak commutator and relays.
I would like to learn more about the differences, the pros & cons, of sine wave peak versus toroid generator.

I do intend to get more assembly work done soon.


Quote from: marcx41 on June 01, 2013, 12:59:43 PM
Good morning Thestone and Scorch........Q3 is born. I am working on my replication of Q2, that take a lot of time, I am late .....step by step.....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 03, 2013, 08:04:39 PM
Just a quick follow-up.
I was not able to get the work done, this weekend, as I had intended.

But I have heard back from the manufacturer so no worries there.
They are simply doing their own thing and they are still in touch and offering to fix problems.
And, to me, this is really what counts. Just being able to communicate.
So I see no problems there. Just a few delays for various reasons.

SO all is good at this point and I still have a deep appreciation for what I have and what we are all trying to accomplish.

Just need to get off my lazy tail, worry less, and build more.  :)

That is all for now.


There is, apparently, a very fine line between constructive criticism and complaining. . .

Quote from: Scorch on May 25, 2013, 12:29:00 PM

.....  So, for the remainder of this holiday weekend, I give them the benefit of the doubt.
But, if it starts to become clear this company is NOT communicating, backing up their products, or correcting errors then, yes, I will take the position this is the case. . . .


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on June 04, 2013, 12:55:00 AM
Quote from: Scorch on June 01, 2013, 01:54:18 PM
See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu4pzvkSkzo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu4pzvkSkzo)

12:10 there is the bingo moment. Shorting of toroidal generator did not afected much pulse motor but when vacuum pump was attached its motor was running. The toroidal generator smells on what N. Tesla was doing... :) Someone need to pick this up and see if more energy can be generated than energy was needed to rotate magnet inside of ring. The most important bit there are coils arrangement to 90 degrees than you expect on conventional generator and plenty of iron to weaken Lenz force.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 06, 2013, 06:38:15 PM
Just a minor progress report of minor progress.

I managed to spend an hour wiring the alternator stators, and cutting threads, so these parts are all ready.

The company is still in communications and has promised to send more adjustment nuts, as well as additional magnet retainer shims, but I went ahead and finished cutting the nuts I have on hand.
It does appear that 3/4"-20 was the correct tap so that worked well and I was able to mount the alternator section for an initial mock-up.

But I can now see my rubber band solution (to replace missing shims) just isn't working as well as I had thought because I couldn't find rubber bands that are thin enough.
Now that the rotors have been assembled, for awhile, not only am I seeing a 'bulge' in some of the magnet cups; I am now seeing a slight gap, between the rotor halves, in some areas near the magnet cups.  So; I would really like for those replacement shims to arrive soon. . .

Another thing, I noticed, is that the plastic coil bolts are really close in the middle.
Wouldn't hurt for the manufacturer to go the next size, shorter, bolts.

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 07, 2013, 06:47:28 PM
Just a side note-

Quanta Magnetics did send replacements for the missing shims, and adjustment nuts that weren't threaded all the way through, which have arrived today.
So all is good.  :)

And there is a new video that shows a very interesting effect.
Depending on where he moves the 'timing' of his switch, there appears to be a significant increase, or "Toroidal Power Amplification", in power output from the toroidal generator.

I sure would like to learn more about toroidal generators and these switching effects.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kEhYo77 on June 08, 2013, 01:34:50 AM
Hi Scorch.
In the video of QM with a toroid generator, coil unshorting takes place.
While two wires are in contact with the conducting surface of the bushing the coils are dead shorted.When the wire tips encounter a hole in the bushing they loose the contact and the circuit is opened.
The strongest sparks are when the induced current is at max and the coils are being unshorted.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on June 08, 2013, 10:15:40 AM
Quote from: Scorch on June 07, 2013, 06:47:28 PM
And there is a new video that shows a very interesting effect.
Depending on where he moves the 'timing' of his switch, there appears to be a significant increase, or "Toroidal Power Amplification", in power output from the toroidal generator.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3b3h2cEbHw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3b3h2cEbHw)
Coil shorting was explained by Ismael Aviso very well - http://youtu.be/rv7C7YOetDY?t=29m26s (http://youtu.be/rv7C7YOetDY?t=29m26s)
Also in regards to toroidal generator seems nobody pay attention to what it does when generator coils are shorted for longer time... The conventional generator would be dead stopped already while toroidal generator gets only small fraction of Lenz force back to magnet there - http://youtu.be/Zu4pzvkSkzo?t=12m10s (http://youtu.be/Zu4pzvkSkzo?t=12m10s)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 08, 2013, 10:59:17 AM
Yes. It appears the strongest sparks are actually at certain points in time with the rotor.
Presumably at the peak of the sine or maximum, induced, current.

And there is a claim of 'power amplification' by providing the switching at the right time during this peak.
The system is running at only 360 ma. which, in itself, is pretty impressive to me considering the mass of copper coils, spinning rotors, air resistance and large, grease packed, bearings, but it appears these sparks may be significantly more power than a few hundred milliamps.  But, then, I can't tell just by looking at sparks on a video and have no idea what the duty cycle is or how this might work with a good capacitor bank.

Would love to see a better switch installed and some power output measurements.
But also know there is a history of the corporation removing, or banning, videos that reveal anything too 'controversial'. . .
So there is this 'self induced suppression' because we know these things therefore desire to NOT reveal to much at one time.
If there is a video clearly revealing more power out, than in, how long would it stay and would the user account remain?

I don't know if you have noticed, in these video demonstrations, he is not actually using the BEMF output from the motor section. . . .
Is it possible the BEMF output is already near, or greater than, 360 milliamp?

Maybe I should build one of these things and find out. . . .


Quote from: kEhYo77 on June 08, 2013, 01:34:50 AM
Hi Scorch.
In the video of QM with a toroid generator, coil unshorting takes place.
While two wires are in contact with the conducting surface of the bushing the coils are dead shorted.When the wire tips encounter a hole in the bushing they loose the contact and the circuit is opened.
The strongest sparks are when the induced current is at max and the coils are being unshorted.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 13, 2013, 08:34:07 PM
I replaced the black, ferrous, cap screws, in favor of stainless steel studs and nuts, so both ends of the assembly now look uniform.
Also completed a major portion of the wiring.

I decided to solder all connectors because, sometimes, crimp-on connectors do not, always, work well on solid wire when using a typical hand crimp tool.
Even my compound crimp tool tends to leave them a little loose sometimes.
Solid wire just doesn't like to be crimped. Too tight may cut into the wire; not tight enough and the wire may become loose resulting in intermittent connections.

Also drilled, and tapped, a couple new holes in the bracket and installed a terminal strip.

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 16, 2013, 03:09:11 PM
Looky what I bought!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 16, 2013, 08:04:14 PM
Completed the timing disk and reed switch.
Some of the cap screws, which are supposed to be stainless steel, turned out to be regular steel.
Suspect they got mixed up in the bin, or box, before parts kit was assembled at the manufacturer.

Fabricated a mount for an ammeter.
First test of pulse motor section - Running at around 400 RPM at 300 ma. and 24.9 vdc.

Still need to build other stuff but first test run looking really good and seeing around 27.5 vdc at the BEMF output with no load and meter measurement only.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on June 16, 2013, 09:08:48 PM
Hi Scorth,
Do you can say where you find thr toroid core, please.
I think finish the mecanical support for my replication of the Q serie the next week, like you can see on the pictures I have somme work before the first test.
Thank again to share and put somme life in this topic, Marc
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 16, 2013, 09:30:38 PM
See part number: T650-52

They make larger cores but they do get pretty expensive.


Quote from: marcx41 on June 16, 2013, 09:08:48 PM
Hi Scorth,
Do you can say where you find thr toroid core, please.
I think finish the mecanical support for my replication of the Q serie the next week, like you can see on the pictures I have somme work before the first test.
Thank again to share and put somme life in this topic, Marc
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on June 16, 2013, 09:49:30 PM
thank you for your quick answer
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 24, 2013, 07:07:06 PM
Ran into another fit issue today which has brought assembly progress to halt.

The kit did not include a critical part needed for sine wave peak switching.
The commutator required to accomplish this is to be fabricated, from local materials, including the insulator and copper contacts.
This part is based on an aluminum hub (included) to be used as the base, and mount, for a commutator which is supposed to be built from a spray can lid and copper strip contacts.
I did order some copper tape from amazon.com and, hopefully, that will work ok.

But what has become a big fit issue is the insulator which should have a smooth surface, fit the hub tightly and evenly, and be able to fasten the copper contacts to it.
The instructions read: "A common spray paint cap (smooth) works well as an insulator for the 2.48" diameter hub. . ."
But this is where the problem is. I have LOTS of cans but none of the caps actually fit including paint caps.
Most are too small; others are to big and none 'work well' . . .

Have already destroyed several caps tying to make them fit.
Have tried heating them so they might stretch a little but this merely caused deformations instead of a uniform 'stretch'.

At this point I am stuck until I can find something that actually fits and, hopefully, has a half way decent, smooth, surface for the copper tape and brushes.
I will go ahead and send a request, to quanta magnetics, for a solution and, hopefully, they will have some suggestions, or materials, I can use to move forward.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on June 24, 2013, 08:18:44 PM
hi Scorch,
what do you think ? Maybe you can put some optosensors to remplace the brosses for your generator.
It is my choise for my replication. To day I have a very bad connection , I try to send a picture this week to show the disks on the hub and the type for opto. Regard, Marc
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 25, 2013, 07:17:10 PM
I did get a fast response from the representative at quanta magnetics.
He wrote: "I pulled a bunch of spray cans off my shelf and true to fact, they were all nearly identical to each other and the hub fit easily inside all. You can even notice in the attached photo that the gold cap has a little extra room where you could wrap a couple of winds of electrical tape for a snug fit, or simply push in further as the cap is very slightly tapered."

I think what I ran into is that the majority of cans, in my garage, are at least 8 years old and many are well over 20 years old.
So I went to the store and did find that most of the new paint cans do have a slightly different cap which 'fit', loosely, around the hub.
And, as per his suggestion, tape installed around the hub would make a pretty good fit. (see his image "perfect fit")(image posted with permission from quanta magnetics)

But I am somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to a proper fit on a rotating part and question the use of the term "perfect fit" if it has to be adjusted, or modified, with tape. . .
Any wobble, or up & down, movement just annoys me, to no end, when it comes to precision parts that are supposed to be a 'perfect fit'.

So; I searched around some more and discovered that "NOW" brand supplement bottles have a very nice, shiny surface, made of a slightly 'stretchier' plastic that is not as thin*, and doesn't split as easily, as a spray can cap, and actually IS the right size and 'perfect fit' which is tight and no tape, or glue, required. (see my image "PerfectedFit")

And, yes, I did spend an hour walking through the grocery store, with my calipers, measuring round caps, containers, and bottles. . . .  8)

*Now bottle = 0.040" wall thickness versus spray cap at around 0.025".

The bottle we seek is any shiny supplement bottle that measures around 2.505" OD which is around 2.430 ID and fits tightly onto a hub at 2.478 OD (0.048 interference fit)
And some 'goof off' solvent will take the label off without damaging the shiny surface.

So, as soon as I have more time and the copper tape arrives, I should be able to move forward again.

And thank you, to quanta magnetics, for the fast, customer service, response.   :)


PS: I tapped on the hub with my hammer so those are my tool marks and not from the manufacturer.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alan on June 26, 2013, 06:17:33 PM
I'm surprised people are still working at this. RomeroUK was a scam artist.
The future is in energy from water, no one will create a motor to run their car or home appliances with..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on June 26, 2013, 07:02:53 PM
Quote from: alan on June 26, 2013, 06:17:33 PM
I'm surprised people are still working at this. RomeroUK was a scam artist.

Just personal opinion - when reading http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/ (http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/) I can't agree with this statement as it clearly showed distress call to save himself and family in his personal letter to Sterling D. Allan (http://pureenergysystems.com/about/personnel/SterlingDAllan/index.html)
And http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/selfrunning_free_energy_device_muller_motor_generator_romerouk_version1_1.pdf (http://pesn.com/2011/05/11/9501823_Romeros_Self-Sustaining_Muller_Dynamo_Drama/selfrunning_free_energy_device_muller_motor_generator_romerouk_version1_1.pdf) contains oscillogram from open ended generator coil what appears to be not pure sine but sin^2 wave which leads to the realm of E. Leedskalnin magnets arrangement in his generator...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alan on June 27, 2013, 08:37:33 AM
I remember that letter, I think it was posted on this forum.
It's all part of the show, to get attention and to mislead, imho
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on June 27, 2013, 11:53:26 AM
Quote from: alan on June 27, 2013, 08:37:33 AM
I remember that letter, I think it was posted on this forum.
It's all part of the show, to get attention and to mislead, imho

"Not guilty until proven" - it is better to follow instructions and build to what was intended there then say that lol.
While people are wasting time on speculations and accusions the actual build would judge who was right and who was wrong.
Bill Muller was not scam artist and nor E. Leedskalnin was, the energy of magnets can be utilized and that's the point. :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 27, 2013, 01:01:00 PM
I see no evidence the Q2 pulse motor, sine wave peak alternator system*, or other variations such as the addition of the toroidal generator**, is the same as the RomeroUK design, and I believe no such evidence exists.

When somebody claims ". . .no one will create. . ."; is this a claim to know or, otherwise, predict the future?

* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5Ln5hogw6Q (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5Ln5hogw6Q)
(Power Transfer, Energy Conversion & Load Behavior. Q2 Motor Generator.)

** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8kTzzAf_dw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8kTzzAf_dw)
(New Q3 generator configuration showing a 600% Voltage Amplification factor from integrated Toroidal Power Amplifier TPA.) 

When someone claims I cannot do it; this only encourages me to try harder!  ;D
Didn't somebody once say something to the extent of: "Those who claim it cannot be done should not interrupt those doing it."?

BTW; here is a minor progress report of what I am doing-
Changed the amp meter to a smaller meter just because I think it looks better.
Did manage to find an insulator that should work well for the sine wave peak switching.
Mounted the relays, assembled the contact block, and installed another terminal block for the alternator section.
Still need to mount the capacitor bank, fabricate the switch contacts, and complete final assembly and wiring.

To the best of my knowledge, this system is not, in any theory, the same as the system presented by RomeroUK.
And, maybe, I am in the wrong place to share this?
Is there an overunity.com forum dedicated to the replications, and testing, of the quanta magnetics Q2 or Q3 experiments?

I am sharing here because the topic is "muller-dynamo" and the Q2, like many others, is similar to Muller's design.
Also; I have not seen any posts here, in a long time, for anymore RomeroUK replications so not sure if the statement "I'm surprised people are still working at this" is even applicable at this point in time.

And I am not even sure who is the original inventor of the spinning disk motor/alternator? Is it Wood? Adams? Muller? Grey? Bedini? Romero?
Considering all the possible variations, many which have not been presented here, does it even matter?  *shrugs*


Quote from: alan on June 26, 2013, 06:17:33 PM
I'm surprised people are still working at this. RomeroUK was a scam artist.
The future is in energy from water, no one will create a motor to run their car or home appliances with..
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alan on June 27, 2013, 01:08:20 PM
Quote from: T-1000 on June 27, 2013, 11:53:26 AM
"Not guilty until proven" - it is better to follow instructions and build to what was intended there then say that lol.
While people are wasting time on speculations and accusions the actual build would judge who was right and who was wrong.
Bill Muller was not scam artist and nor E. Leedskalnin was, the energy of magnets can be utilized and that's the point. :)
Leedskalnin wasn't a scam artist, look what he's built, that's proof for me  :)
People keep building the romerouk motor/generator and keep failing at replicating the effects, but they'll continue because they think it's real, but won't succeed, on the way, one will succeed but everyone fails to replicate what he did, same with the rosemary ainsley (or what her name was), they just want attention imho.

But I won't say to stop, I hope I'm wrong. Free energy exists, because spirits (=demons) exist, according to my experience
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on June 27, 2013, 11:43:57 PM
i think I have to wait one week, my 24 spool for the coils are on transit and the shipping can take more than 3 week for the Martinique..... :-( ...                                                                                                                                            Rotors are ready for the magnets, all the hubs are in place.
I am looking for the optosensors to command the 4 static relays of the generator:
     EE-SX1041 /  EE-SG3 ( OMRON )
or  LTH 301-07   I have to make a choise . If somebody have some idea....

Alan, please , check the PMMG4HYBRID channel on youtube, and share what you think of it. It is all time interresting to speak about it.

Some pictures for waiting with detail of the two disks who must work with two sensor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on June 29, 2013, 07:20:37 PM
The support for the two opto ( with fine setting timing )
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on June 30, 2013, 08:28:11 PM
Tried finishing up the sine wave peak switch block today.
But I did find this to be very challenging.

Without a proper assembly jig; it can be very challenging to attempt to make sure all the copper switch contacts are even and uniform.
Add to this a 3D printed part that has not been "faced" requiring a lot of time trimming and leveling channels, and surfaces, just so the copper contact strips will actually fit and, after several hours, I was not very satisfied with my humble, hand worked, attempt at trying to fabricate uniform parts that actually match and ride evenly on the rotor/commutator.
In fact, after just a few revolutions, by hand, I can see these uneven contacts are just going to cut right through the thin copper strips on the rotor.

SO I grabbed some of the switches, I plan to use on my mini dynamo, which are just salvaged parts from an old washing machine timer.
And, to my amazement, the spacing of these timer contacts are actually the same as the Q2 contact block.
And they do have very nice, smooth faced, contacts which should be a lot friendlier to the thin, copper, contacts on the rotor.

So I tossed out my original, hand made, attempt and worked with these machine made contact strips which actually worked out quite well and I am very satisfied with the end result.

So, 4+ hours later, I was finally able to install two more bolts.   :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on July 02, 2013, 05:02:42 PM
The instructions say something to the extent of 'drill hole for Allen wrench'.
This because the set screws are actually located in the main body of the hub, versus in the flange, which is directly below the insulator.

But cutting a hole, anywhere near the path of the switch contacts, fails to appeal to my common sense logic.
So I removed the hole then drilled, and tapped, a 10-32 hole in a different location and installed my own stainless steel set screw.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on July 12, 2013, 08:00:29 PM
Ok; I was looking at this switching setup again and still not real satisfied with the way the insulator turned out.

It does fit nice and tight on the hub, and does work ok, but the PETE supplement bottle I used does have some very minor irregularities.
It does have a very slight seam and there does appear to be some inconsistencies in the thickness of the material resulting in just a very slight (maybe a few thousandths of an inch) of 'up & down' movement of the switch contacts. . . .

These types of bottles probably come from a blow mould, or some such thing, which has pretty loose tolerances and I had noticed some thickness differences from one bottle, to the next, of the same product.
And, the sad thing is, I am kind of a perfectionist when it comes to these moving parts. Any irregularities, or wobbles, just annoys me, to no end, even though I am sure it will work just fine. . .

So I spent a little more time looking around and discovered that "Great Stuff" can caps actually work a lot better than any other spray can caps, or bottles, that I could find at this point.
Unlike a lot of paint, or other, spray can caps, this HDPE cap actually fits snug on the hub, does not have any taper, has no visible mould seams, appears to be a more consistent thickness, and a more suitable material for the job.   :)

Guess I just had to look in the right place for the "Great Stuff" which has been probably been using the same cap for many years and is not likely to change any time soon.

And I do hope to get some more work done this weekend.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on July 13, 2013, 11:29:16 AM
And here is how it looks with the right, great, stuff installed.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on July 13, 2013, 04:24:31 PM
I have just receive the spools...The shipping take 6 weeks, and for the moment I can't share anything...only some pictures of the stators with emply spools...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on July 20, 2013, 01:42:11 PM
Hi, I find some time to finish all stators......
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on August 01, 2013, 12:08:47 PM
juste some pictures
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on August 06, 2013, 03:28:16 PM
Quote from: marcx41 on August 01, 2013, 12:08:47 PM
juste some pictures

I see you are moving forward on this full steam! I am back on track soon I will start again.  :)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on August 15, 2013, 07:24:04 PM
A no update update.

Just chiming in to say I haven't gone anywhere since my last post over a month ago.
Life has been distracting me with various things and I haven't completed anymore construction of the Q2 project other than a little bit of wiring for the relays.
Hope to get more completed soon.
BTW quanta magnetics is now offering a Q3 upgrade kit to upgrade the Q2 to the Q3 toroidal generator and I did order one of those kits but sill intend to work with the sine wave peak alternator first.

That is all for now.

PS: The "Breakthrough Energy Movement" is offering a conference, here in Colorado, in about two months.
See: http://globalbem.com/conference

Looks like there will be a lot of interesting presentations and people there.
Not sure if I will attend.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on August 17, 2013, 08:09:29 PM
Managed to complete some more fabrication including overcoming more build challenges.

The first thing I needed to do was simply adjust an inner stator plate out a little more so gap is equal on both sides of rotor but the coil bolts where interfering so I just cut those off as they are all about a half inch longer than they need to be.

Then when I attempted to mount the capacitor bank I ran into a couple other issues.
Using the hardware as per the instructions and drawings; the cap screws that hold the bracket to the cap bank are to long and preventing the bracket from lining up with the holes in the main frame.

Also, unlike the prototype in the original videos which has the cap bank solidly mounted, this version just has one bracket at one end and the cap bank merely sits on a couple acrylic brackets that just snap into the bottom of the cap bank and these two parts have some very thin sections cut into the acrylic.
In fact they seemed a little unstable and when I tried to uninstall them, for closer examination, they both broke. . .

I am not sure why the design used these 'glides'.
The assumption is there may be some differences in over-all length so glides would compensate for this.
Of course, if this is the case, it seems the use of simple elongated bolt holes would solve that.
But the fact is that the end plates are solidly mounted at the exact length of the mounting posts so there should be very little variances.

And, of course, the issue I see with using just one mount is that if the motor tips over or somebody tries to lift it, by the top plate of the cap bank, this is going to cause a lot of stress and possibly break the acrylic at that end.

So I merely fabricated a couple new brackets, with tapped holes, so the cap bank is now solidly mounted and can be easily removed at any time by removing four screws.
BTW: The company logo is JUST below the brackets and being on the INSIDE of the frame; cannot be seen unless you kneel down and look straight at it.
They may wish to place the logo lower, maybe on the outside, or some other solution such as a different cap mount solution.

That is all for now.
Hope to complete more fabrication soon.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tinman on August 18, 2013, 04:08:30 AM
Mighty fine build you have going there Scorch.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on August 20, 2013, 08:46:49 PM
hi guys,
there is my nasty coils motor project :)


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on September 02, 2013, 09:29:21 PM
hi, guys,
there is another my test:

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 15, 2013, 05:41:00 PM
Hey everybody; I finally got around to completing the wiring and commutator for the Q2 configuration and do have it up and running.

Preliminary testing is pretty interesting. Without any precision tuning of the motor, or alternator, timing it appears to be really close to being a self running system.
In this configuration; the first two capacitor banks are being charged and alternately providing a pulse DC output from 350 farad capacitors out to the 24 volt battery.
Section three of the capacitor bank is running the motor section.

With the main pulsed DC output connected to the battery which is also connected to section three of the capacitor bank and the pulsed motor, I am seeing very little, if any, voltage drop from the battery. But have only run this for a couple hours and I am already preparing to tear it back down in favor of the more advanced "Q3" configuration which eliminates all this annoying mechanical switching and adds a toroidal generator for a third output.

Which also has some very interesting capabilities including 'side stepping' the effects of Lenz's law and with the addition of other switching that uses just one relay and a reed switch instead of direct contacts, may actually produce even more power out.
For more details on this view these videos:

And, BTW, I did produce a short video documenting my project, actually operating, before I tear it down again.

When I first started the video; the battery was at 25.0vdc and climbing towards 25.1.
After only 4 minutes of video it was already climbing towards 25.2 . . .

So I am really looking forward to whatever may be accomplished with the toroidal generator configuration.
The alternator rotor, and coils, are configured totally different for the Q3.
So it will require removal of the entire sine wave peak relay section, as well as the alternator rotor and stators, then build it all back up again.  .  .

That is all for now.


PS: I bought a new camera.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 18, 2013, 06:13:53 PM
Just a note regarding reed switch timing of the Q2.
I am not a fan of this type of system due to wear of mechanical switches including reed switches.
As well as the differences between individual magnets that can have an effect even when a hall sensor is used.

Case in point-
Every since I completed the Q2 motor section, and got it running, I observed a pulsing irregularity.
I can hear it, I can feel it, and I can see it on the amp meter which throbs up and down versus a steady vibration of six firings per revolution.

So I connected an audible continuity tester to the reed switch and simply mapped the positions, on the timing disk with a pen, where the switch opens and closes.
At which point this became very clear there are different pulse widths for every magnet.
Four of the magnets are "average" but two are pretty short.
This is why the motor has a very uneven sound when it's running and I assume this also effects performance.

And the Q3 also uses the same type of timing while also adding a second reed switch.
I am now very motivated to attempt use of optical sensor(s) and a motor controller such as an Arduino. . .
Hope I can figure that out.

Somebody here had suggested I use an Arduino Leonardo for some other thing I was working on.
But I have no experience with such things and it will take some learning, on my part, including finding and building the optical sensor to work with the Arduino.

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on September 18, 2013, 07:17:24 PM
Hi Scorch,

Congratulations!! you have done a great job!!! it looks super nice, I havent worked in mine anymore, but all your work has encourage me to pickup the work again soon after I done with something else I doing (iOS GameDevelopment).

I was wondering what do you think about having the motor running day and night, and the Electromagnetic radiations. ?

And with the Q3 add-on what do you think it will be the best way in use that output?


by the way, I have write couple of email to the Q2 team, and they always answer right a way now, so I am very happy about it.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 18, 2013, 07:51:04 PM
One thing I have observed-
While the motor was running on the bench; there was a 'misfire'.
Something caused the reed switch to stick, or some such thing, which caused the motor to suddenly stop and the relay to stay on and powering the coils at full power.

I think what happened is that when the reed switch, or relay, 'misfired' this resulted in the magnetic field, from the motor coil, to go "full on" and this was a large enough magnetic field to cause the reed switch to stay closed and keep the relay energized.
If left in this condition; it could cause some damage including, but not limited to, burned wiring and coils and maybe even a fire.

So common sense applies.
If you intend to leave an experimental device running, long term and unattended, it is strongly recommended that protections be used including over-load and/or fuse protection.

I, personally, am not concerned about EMF from this device.

Not sure what all can be done with the Q3 and have not even built it yet.
But there is a really good set up using a solar charge controller as demonstrated here-


Quote from: Thestone on September 18, 2013, 07:17:24 PM
Hi Scorch,

Congratulations!! you have done a great job!!! it looks super nice, I havent worked in mine anymore, but all your work has encourage me to pickup the work again soon after I done with something else I doing (iOS GameDevelopment).

I was wondering what do you think about having the motor running day and night, and the Electromagnetic radiations. ?

And with the Q3 add-on what do you think it will be the best way in use that output?


by the way, I have write couple of email to the Q2 team, and they always answer right a way now, so I am very happy about it.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 18, 2013, 08:15:41 PM
Quote from: Scorch on September 18, 2013, 06:13:53 PM
Just a note regarding reed switch timing of the Q2.
I am not a fan of this type of system due to wear of mechanical switches including reed switches.
As well as the differences between individual magnets that can have an effect even when a hall sensor is used.

Case in point-
Every since I completed the Q2 motor section, and got it running, I observed a pulsing irregularity.
I can hear it, I can feel it, and I can see it on the amp meter which throbs up and down versus a steady vibration of six firings per revolution.

So I connected an audible continuity tester to the reed switch and simply mapped the positions, on the timing disk with a pen, where the switch opens and closes.
At which point this became very clear there are different pulse widths for every magnet.
Four of the magnets are "average" but two are pretty short.
This is why the motor has a very uneven sound when it's running and I assume this also effects performance.

And the Q3 also uses the same type of timing while also adding a second reed switch.
I am now very motivated to attempt use of optical sensor(s) and a motor controller such as an Arduino. . .
Hope I can figure that out.

Somebody here had suggested I use an Arduino Leonardo for some other thing I was working on.
But I have no experience with such things and it will take some learning, on my part, including finding and building the optical sensor to work with the Arduino.

That is all for now.


Hey Scorch

I know 'exactly' what your dealing with. Ive dealt with it also on a mag motor build.

I suppose there are mags made to specific qualities and some not. 

Try this. Remove the problematic magnets and rotate them some and reinstall. What I found is some are not magnetically centered, so rotating them 90% at first will give you a clue it it is an off centered issue or just a field strength issue.  And if it is a field strength issue, too strong, using thin iron wire or thin sheet metal, foil if can be had and apply a bit at a time to the sides of the magnet, around the circumference to shunt the field enough to lessen the field a bit or even to balance out a strong side if off center.

If the few problem mags are showing weaker then maybe get some mags for replacement and see if any 'match' the good ones you have. Or just position them out of their base closer to the sensor, be it reed or hall. And if too strong, push them in a bit, away from the sensor. If possible. ;)

In my opinion, when someone tries to sell a 'good' kit or product, that they would have 'matched sets' when it comes to magnets, just like in a quality audio amplifier, they will use matched sets for output transistors, a some other components.  ;) Thats is the best option and maybe a good recommendation for the company you got the kit from to think about producing matched sets for each kit. I believe Steorn has a magnet mapper for sale. ;D Are they still around? Just a computer tracked rotating device with a hall sensor for mapping the flux densities outside the mag.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on September 18, 2013, 09:27:43 PM
Hi everybody, a special salutation for your job Scorch, nice original Q2. In a same time I hope TheStone can finish his Q2 also ...quickly.
My view of the Q2 is now ready, I am waiting for the ultracapacitors now.
The motor run  with a hall sensor,and a small coil with rectifier and capacitor give the power for the SSR. The SSR generator works with two optosensors.I send some pictures tomorow.
I think I have to wait more than one week before work with ultracapacitor

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thestone on September 18, 2013, 09:44:17 PM
Hi Marcx41,

Did you get the magnets from the guy I gave you the info from ? Yes I am unpacking everything and I have everything ready to start working again, Scorch work will help me a lot on somethings I did not know how to put together....

But I got new hopes now that I see Scorch work and that these people are responding to emails and willing to help.

Next month for sure, I will start working on mine again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 19, 2013, 04:08:12 PM
Quanta Magnetics suggested I check to make sure the timing magnets are not sitting at an angle.
And, yes, I discovered that some of the magnets were just not sitting square compared to the surface of the disk.
Not sure why as they do appear to be bottomed out in their respective holes.

So I figure; "easy fix", simply uninstall the timing disk and use an arbor press to attempt to square up the magnets" . . .
Of course this was a mistake; never assume that any 'five minute' job will only take five minutes!  :o

The aluminum hub was seized on the steel shaft because the shaft does not have a flat to accommodate the set screw nor does the hub have any cut out to make way for any burrs that a set screw typically cuts into the shaft.

After completely removing the set screw this timing disk did not want to move at all.
Even with larger tools including vise grips, channel locks, and pry bars; the hub just kept getting tighter and tighter as I tried to remove it due to displaced aluminum between the shaft and hub.   >:(

I finally had to resort to power tools and ended up cutting the hub, and disk, off which, of course, was a pain in the tail. . .  :(

Time to order parts and clean all the aluminum, burrs, and tool marks off both ends of the shaft. . .   :P

Oh well.

Hope I don't run into a similar problem when I need to re-configure the rotor for Q3 operation. . . .

I am off the opinion the shaft should have a flat or the aluminum hubs should have a slight cut out where the set screw is.
I used to build medical equipment on an assembly line. The compressor had a cooling fan. One vender provided fans that had this cut out and I never had any problem removing those fans from the compressor shaft. The other vendor fan did not have any such cut out and it was always a pain in the tail to remove those fans. . .


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 19, 2013, 04:23:12 PM
Well I did discover there was one, or two, magnets sitting at an angle.
Not sure why, I thought I made sure those were all bottomed in their holes.
Of course that turned into a major pain in the tail just trying to fix that. (see above)

I would still like to use an optical sensor to control the SSR but desire something simpler than an Arduino controller.
Seems to me like it should be pretty straightforward to create a basic circuit that uses a sensor such as this-
http://www.mpja.com/download/18028op.pdf (http://www.mpja.com/download/18028op.pdf)
To simply pulse the relay whenever it sees a gap in the disk.
And should be possible to include a simple pulse width control by way of a pot and capacitor or timer to control 'on time'.

Wish I could find such a circuit - schematic on the net somewhere. . .

BTW: The magnets are set in holes that do not go all the way through the disk therefore not easily removed. . . .


Quote from: Magluvin on September 18, 2013, 08:15:41 PM
Hey Scorch

I know 'exactly' what your dealing with. Ive dealt with it also on a mag motor build.

I suppose there are mags made to specific qualities and some not. 

Try this. Remove the problematic magnets and rotate them some and reinstall. What I found is some are not magnetically centered, so rotating them 90% at first will give you a clue it it is an off centered issue or just a field strength issue.  And if it is a field strength issue, too strong, using thin iron wire or thin sheet metal, foil if can be had and apply a bit at a time to the sides of the magnet, around the circumference to shunt the field enough to lessen the field a bit or even to balance out a strong side if off center.

If the few problem mags are showing weaker then maybe get some mags for replacement and see if any 'match' the good ones you have. Or just position them out of their base closer to the sensor, be it reed or hall. And if too strong, push them in a bit, away from the sensor. If possible. ;)

In my opinion, when someone tries to sell a 'good' kit or product, that they would have 'matched sets' when it comes to magnets, just like in a quality audio amplifier, they will use matched sets for output transistors, a some other components.  ;) Thats is the best option and maybe a good recommendation for the company you got the kit from to think about producing matched sets for each kit. I believe Steorn has a magnet mapper for sale. ;D Are they still around? Just a computer tracked rotating device with a hall sensor for mapping the flux densities outside the mag.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 19, 2013, 04:24:15 PM
These magnets where included with the kit.


Quote from: Thestone on September 18, 2013, 09:44:17 PM
Hi Marcx41,

Did you get the magnets from the guy I gave you the info from ? Yes I am unpacking everything and I have everything ready to start working again, Scorch work will help me a lot on somethings I did not know how to put together....

But I got new hopes now that I see Scorch work and that these people are responding to emails and willing to help.

Next month for sure, I will start working on mine again.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on September 19, 2013, 05:58:41 PM
Some pictures for waiting.....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on September 19, 2013, 08:09:13 PM
 Hi Scorch, ( sorry again for my enghish )
if I can help you, I read and see your problem on your post.
An hall sensor control the SSR for the motor without arduino controler on my machine.
It is a TLE 4905 ( Vs max 32v / I output 100 mA ), the SSR take maximum 20 mA and you can connect it directly without pot and additional electronic.... Vs is +24 V, GND is -24v and Q is the + output direct on the SSR ( +3 ) and of course - 24V on ( 4- ).

I think that isn't a bad idea. For the gap, more it is small, less amperes the motor eat, and for the timing it is easy with your original timing disk.

Regard, Marcx41
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 19, 2013, 08:57:39 PM
I prefer optical for strict precision. Didnt know if you wanted to go that direction.

What is it that the reeds switch  on and off? Coils? How much current, voltage would the optical have to handle?

Below is a typical optical wheel sensor circuit. These can operate reed relays easily, which would bring the motors circuit back to the way it is intended using reeds as the actual switch. ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on September 19, 2013, 09:20:45 PM
Hi Maggluvin,
Thank for your post, it is all time interresting to look for strict precision.
I am not a electronic specialist, if you have some idea to connect some opto to control the SSR. the Q2 run under 24 VDC and the SSR take  maximum 20 mA under 3.5 to 32 VDC. If I am wright this sort of opto works under 1.2 VDC. I try to know the best way for the circuit.

Regard, Marcx41

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 19, 2013, 09:52:36 PM
Hey Marc

The sensor I posted uses 5v and switches to ground when light is passes to the optic sensor from the led. If you can give me a part number on the ssr, I can look up a data sheet and try to work something out for ya. ;)   Shouldnt be that hard to do and not expensive. ;) The sensors dont have to be as I have shown. They can be individual led's and optic sensors.  Just off the top of my head, if the input is not that much to the ssr to trigger it, the sensor shown could possibly work as shown ans just apply power to one terminal of the ssr input and the sensor will ground the other terminal when light hits the optic sensor.

Then for the actual trigger wheel with holes or slots can be made with black plexy 1/8 in.  If you have 2 discs, you can make them so that one is adjustable on the other to make the holes or slots larger or smaller for shorter and longer durations of on time, without having to try and remake new timing wheels. ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on September 19, 2013, 10:23:54 PM
Hi Magluvin, thank for your time, you can find some specifications on the attach piece, I hope you find what you need.
I have no problem for the disk, I use two opu200 for the 4 SSR to run the generator stage but they run under 10 to 35 VDC, eat 200 mA and are realy expencive ( I have it and I use it ).....

Thank again, Marc
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 19, 2013, 10:53:59 PM
From the looks of it, the optical sensor shown would drive the relay on its own as shown. Just apply 5v to one side of the relay control and the same circuit I posted, connect the output of it to the other control line of the relay. 5 to 30ma is fine I believe.  I dont have an ssr to try.

But if you have a Radioshack near by.......

It should work the same as the circuit device I posted, just separate parts, led and photo transistor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: marcx41 on September 19, 2013, 11:12:13 PM
Magluvin, I keep it in mind for the next modification, i am waiting for the ultra capacitors and run my view of the Q2 in actual configuration first.
modifications are all time on the way, thank again, Marc
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 20, 2013, 11:01:37 AM
Yes; the optical sensor could run the SSR on its own but here is the challenge-
With a reed switch; pulse width is easily adjusted by changing the distance between the reed and magnets.

The optical sensor will need a pulse width adjustment.
In layman's terms:
A knob that makes the optical gap (in disk) to appear 'bigger' and, if possible, also 'smaller'.

And I believe this would just be a timing capacitor or 555 timer or, maybe, just a resistance in the right place.
The Q2 uses a couple 22k resistors, before the relay, to change pulse time.
Instructions say- "(2) 2200 ohm resistors in series are used to provide the option of jumping one, or both, for an extended pulse time."
Although I believe this would also be effected by voltage and would prefer something more stable.

Or maybe some way to incorporate the optical sensor into an existing PWM such as this motor controller I have on my shelf-


Quote from: Magluvin on September 19, 2013, 10:53:59 PM
From the looks of it, the optical sensor shown would drive the relay on its own as shown. Just apply 5v to one side of the relay control and the same circuit I posted, connect the output of it to the other control line of the relay. 5 to 30ma is fine I believe.  I dont have an ssr to try.

But if you have a Radioshack near by.......
http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2049723&locale=en_US (http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2049723&locale=en_US)

It should work the same as the circuit device I posted, just separate parts, led and photo transistor.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 20, 2013, 11:11:29 PM
Quote from: Scorch on September 20, 2013, 11:01:37 AM
Yes; the optical sensor could run the SSR on its own but here is the challenge-
With a reed switch; pulse width is easily adjusted by changing the distance between the reed and magnets.

The optical sensor will need a pulse width adjustment.
In layman's terms:
A knob that makes the optical gap (in disk) to appear 'bigger' and, if possible, also 'smaller'.

And I believe this would just be a timing capacitor or 555 timer or, maybe, just a resistance in the right place.
The Q2 uses a couple 22k resistors, before the relay, to change pulse time.
Instructions say- "(2) 2200 ohm resistors in series are used to provide the option of jumping one, or both, for an extended pulse time."
Although I believe this would also be effected by voltage and would prefer something more stable.

Or maybe some way to incorporate the optical sensor into an existing PWM such as this motor controller I have on my shelf-
http://www.ebay.com/itm/12V-14V-10A-Pulse-Width-Modulation-PWM-DC-Motor-Speed-Control-Switch-/271218590923 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/12V-14V-10A-Pulse-Width-Modulation-PWM-DC-Motor-Speed-Control-Switch-/271218590923)


I think I mentioned to use 2 black plastic disks with holes or slots sandwiched together so that one could be adjusted to make the slot or holes smaller or larger.  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 21, 2013, 11:28:31 AM
This is a really good concept. Thank you.  :)

Reliable and elegant in its simplicity.
Easy to implement although not adjustable while running.
And may incorporate reference marks on the disk to indicate whatever the current gap is.

So; is there a schematic for the simplest way to operate the SSR directly from a basic, four wire, optical sensor?


Quote from: Magluvin on September 20, 2013, 11:11:29 PM
I think I mentioned to use 2 black plastic disks with holes or slots sandwiched together so that one could be adjusted to make the slot or holes smaller or larger.  ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on September 21, 2013, 03:20:11 PM
Quote from: Scorch on September 21, 2013, 11:28:31 AM
This is a really good concept. Thank you.  :)

Reliable and elegant in its simplicity.
Easy to implement although not adjustable while running.
And may incorporate reference marks on the disk to indicate whatever the current gap is.

So; is there a schematic for the simplest way to operate the SSR directly from a basic, four wire, optical sensor?



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on September 21, 2013, 06:09:16 PM
Thank you.

I already saw this and was hoping somebody would actually pencil in the SSR.
But, . . . . I suppose,. . .  I should just get off my lazy tail and build it.   8)

And, in reality, don't even need an SSR which, BTW, does have some speed limitations with these particular relays.
This could also be done with just another transistor such as the MJL21194.

I did manage to conceive how an optical timing disk should look.
I doubt if this is an original thought.
I probably saw something like it somewhere, sometime, in my past.
Looks like a shutter in a motion picture projector.

Two identical disks, cut from thin material, with tabs and not holes or slots.
And disk color probably doesn't matter much with an infrared sensor.  Uh.... except, maybe, clear. . .  acrylic is probably not a good choice. . .
For a six coil machine; can be adjusted from zero gap to a full sixty degrees wide gap.
And could actually be a pretty lightweight material including plain card stock.

But, still, need to get off my lazy tail and actually build it. . . .


Quote from: Magluvin on September 21, 2013, 03:20:11 PM
http://www.overunity.com/3842/muller-dynamo/msg371187/#msg371187 (http://www.overunity.com/3842/muller-dynamo/msg371187/#msg371187)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kalkaska on October 04, 2013, 02:31:41 PM
What is the best performance anyone has so far. I mean in percentage, has anyone got OU yet? or maybe 95% Thank Jerry
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on October 14, 2013, 06:43:29 PM
I finally got off my lazy tail long enough to clean up the mess I made when attempting to uninstall the timing disk.
Quanta magnetics performed very well providing the new parts in a timely manor. Thank you quanta magnetics!

But these parts have been sitting on my bench waiting for me to get it done.
I did use a dremel sanding drum to create a 'notch' or relief in the hub in order to clear any new burs that may occur from the set screw in contact with the round shaft.
And that did work well. (see images) I just hope I don't run into a similar problem when I remove one of the rotors to be reconfigured for the Q3.

So it is nice to have this machine back up and running . . . so I can play with it and . . . tear it all back apart again. . .  ;)

And it does appear to be running in a substantially more stable condition with the new timing disk and magnets.
The old disk did have a couple magnets that were not, quite, seated squarely in the holes, and sitting at a slight angle, which was causing a noticeable 'throbbing' or 'pulsing' in the motor that could be clearly seen on the amp meter.
Which is, now, almost completely gone. In the video; the meter movement is almost stationary now.

So now that I have it up and running again; I am going to start tearing it back down in favor of converting to a Q3. . .
But did produce another quick video before I begin tear-down.

I wanted to see how the alternator performs without any load or switching and I was impressed by producing over 200VAC out from just 25VDC in at around 200ma and under 500RPM.
And here is the video demonstration- http://youtu.be/iWMzBv3xCL4

I realize I have been pretty lazy and not really getting as much done as I could but, after all, this is still just an experiment for me to play with at this point.
Although the eventual goal is a system that may actually be practical and able to perform in a long term application similar to what has been demonstrated here-

That is all, for now, and I hope to accomplish more over the next few weeks.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on October 20, 2013, 06:38:51 PM
Completed some more fabrication this weekend.
Made a jig for winding the toroidal stator and completed winding the coils.

Winding 250 feet of 16AWG magnet wire around a toroid core was a big pain in my tail.
Somebody should make an automatic machine to perform this task! . . .   :)

That is all for now.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on October 27, 2013, 06:07:03 PM
Hello all; I tried assembling the toroidal generator bracket kit this weekend but was unable to complete due to some missing parts.

Also discovered that the larger through bolts and washers are so close to the smaller, corner, bolts that the washers are actually on top of each other. . .

Just some constructive criticism-
Not only should parts not interfere with each other; I think the corner bolts are pretty redundant.

With the two, large, through bolts and the correct spacers, shouldn't need the other, smaller, bolts, spacers, washers, and nuts right next to the large bolts. (Ten additional parts and expenses not really needed.)

Quanta magnetics has been pretty good providing solutions to problems and sending any parts I need so; I am just waiting for more parts to complete this bracket and get it mounted on the main assembly.

Looks like I may not need to convert the alternator rotors, and stators, for Q3 operation.

In the original Q3; the "alternator" section is just being as another pulse motor but this may not be necessary and, maybe, the alternator output could be useful for something else.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: TinselKoala on October 27, 2013, 08:17:45 PM
Shafts being nicked by setscrews is a common problem. The burrs make it very hard to slide bearings or collars on and off the shaft.
A better way to deal with it is to modify the shaft itself rather than the objects that must slide onto it. A flat spot filed or milled onto the shaft will allow the setscrew to bear hard on the shaft without leaving burrs that get in the way; it will also prevent the setscrewed piece from rotating at all, even if the screw gets a little loose.
Another way is to machine a smaller-diameter groove or "land" all around the shaft where the setscrew contacts it. This is good if you know just where the secured bit needs to go along the shaft.
These methods have the advantage of being easier to do than the relief in the secured piece, and you only need to do the one place on the shaft, no matter how many things need to slide over it.

The "extra" bolts might be to make an assembly that doesn't need to come apart, and is separately attached to the other stuff by the longer bolts. The overlapping washers are harder to explain....

In the image below you can see the groove or land in the middle of the shafts; this is where the setscrew for the collar goes. This shaft slips through a couple of bearings so it can't have burrs on it anywhere except inside that relief area.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: DomiChi on November 03, 2013, 01:28:06 AM
It seems that it is a pulse principle. The one that I want to test is fully DC, avoiding foucault. And the FCEM is kept in a torus, then no FCEM lowing the COP.
I willl build the first one at minimum cost, the second one at maximum COP and the las one at industrial faisability level (maximum standard part and standard matérials).
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on November 03, 2013, 05:30:21 PM
Not much to add this weekend.
I did decide to remove the vinyl tape from the toroidal coils, in favor of clear adhesive, in order to clean up the appearance.

So I am watching glue set at this point. . .

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on November 05, 2013, 08:00:48 AM
Hi everyone,
This topic even haunts me at night.
I read almost all the posts and this morning I am very tired.
In conclusion, I ask you to be honest before I started to build this machine:
Who among you have built and managed to make the generator RomeroUK / Muller work?
I'm retired electronics with few resources and the expenditure must be justified in my budget.
I have an oscilloscope and low voltage more power tools.
Thank you for your confidence.

PS English is not my native language, excuse me for the mistakes. (French)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on November 05, 2013, 09:23:16 AM
Quote from: captainfletcher on November 05, 2013, 08:00:48 AM
Hi everyone,
This topic even haunts me at night.
I read almost all the posts and this morning I am very tired.
In conclusion, I ask you to be honest before I started to build this machine:
Who among you have built and managed to make the generator RomeroUK / Muller work?
I'm retired electronics with few resources and the expenditure must be justified in my budget.
I have an oscilloscope and low voltage more power tools.
Thank you for your confidence.

PS English is not my native language, excuse me for the mistakes. (French)

Hi captainfletcher,
No one up to this date have replicated this device succesfuly
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tagor on November 05, 2013, 11:48:06 AM
Quote from: captainfletcher on November 05, 2013, 08:00:48 AM

PS English is not my native language, excuse me for the mistakes. (French)

personne n'a jamais reproduit le generateur , meme romeouk n'a pas reussit
a reproduire sa propre machine !!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on November 05, 2013, 12:07:24 PM
What haunts me is:
Zero Fossil Fuel appeared to make a substantial discovery but, then, has done little more to follow up on that.

He had a very nice system up and running, he discovered that it's possible to develop a resonance which resulted in a voltage spike, then he began building another unit.
But, to date, has not completed it, sold the original, then proceeded to work on other projects. . .

"Unlocking Muller Motor Secrets" By Zerro Fossil Fuel-

And to quote from this video:
"Something quite extraordinary happened when I placed the 25mfd cap across the coil; it resonated and the voltage spiked when I did that."
And: "I am 99.9 percent certain . .  . to make it a self runner . . . it should be designed as a resonant electro-mechanical assembly".
And: "When this baby hits 88MPH; you're going to see some serious stuff."

That was video #285.
Which was followed by 8 more videos and the construction of another unit.
Why did he start building another unit when the existing unit appeared to do something special? I have no idea. . .
Then video #295 titled "The plot thickens over sparten1114, Muller motor update" which details some controversy regarding the rights to the invention.
Two more videos followed detailing the beginings of building the new unit then . . . Nothing more than a few comments, here and there, about the Muller project as he continues to build OTHER things. . . .

So, yes, I, a mere bench jockey who knows very little about inductance, resonance, or sophisticated control systems; am still waiting and very haunted by this. . .


Quote from: captainfletcher on November 05, 2013, 08:00:48 AM
Hi everyone,
This topic even haunts me at night.
I read almost all the posts and this morning I am very tired.
In conclusion, I ask you to be honest before I started to build this machine:
Who among you have built and managed to make the generator RomeroUK / Muller work?
I'm retired electronics with few resources and the expenditure must be justified in my budget.
I have an oscilloscope and low voltage more power tools.
Thank you for your confidence.

PS English is not my native language, excuse me for the mistakes. (French)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on November 05, 2013, 01:39:43 PM
Since I am interested in the free energy , the same scenario appears whenever an inventor is willing to make public his system.
Remember Steorn ! and many others who resigned just before !
I can not believe that it is every time a Fake , no.
These people get enormous pressure if it is not death.
Zero Fossil Fuel did not escape the rule. My knowledge of the English language is not sufficient to understand everything .
Our forums are monitored on LENR as Wikipedia . Additions for LENR is removed within a few hours after the posting .
I hate these people who act only for their own interests .
I am also surprised that eg topics related to MULLER are not deleted .
Then we can ask whether these " stakeholders " as " sparten1114 " really have the powers they claim ?
What do the English members of this video ?
For my part I bought today plywood cut and I intend to make a replica of the first machine RomeroUK and give here the results.
I'm 70 and I 'm not afraid of dying from a bullet, then whoever wants to scare me I expect . My family is assured....
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on November 05, 2013, 07:32:00 PM
I removed the ugly, black, tape then used slightly less ugly general purpose adhesive and installed it in the bracket.
Quantamagnetics did mention that the reason they include all the extra hardware is because some people may want to experiment with this generator coil without actually mounting it to a Q2 or Q3 motor.
This way they can just use the bracket as a stand alone unit or mount it to something else.

I probably won't be using the extra corner bolts in favor of just using main mounting bolts in the same corners.

That is all for now and hope to get it mounted to the main assembly soon.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on November 09, 2013, 06:18:54 PM
More assembly headaches for me this week. . .

When I wound the toroid; I found very little specifications from the manufacturer with regards to actual coil dimensions or any notes pointing out possible clearance issues to beware of.
I just knew the specification called for 125 feet of 16AWG wire per side and the videos, and photos, appear to show a coil that takes up a little under 1/4 of the toroid per side.
So this is how I fabricated the jig and wound the coils.

But, when I attempted to mount this assembly to the main unit, I discovered that the 'feet' which are part of the mount actually hit the coils.

Argh!  :P

Please forgive me for not doing more engineering and checking exact fit of the toroid ring in an assembled mock up just to check exact position of these mounts. . .
And even in the manufacturer's video image; it does appear the coil is REALLY close, or even touching, this mount on at least one side.

I am not even sure if I could wind the coils any shorter.
They are already very close to the rotor and winding them shorter would make them thicker and reduce inside diameter.
So I made a compromise and instead of mounting these 'feet' per the original drawing, and images, I mounted them in the same position of the other brackets.

Whether or not my slightly longer, slightly less thick, coils might have any performance issues is unknown because this is an experimental device without any performance specifications so this is just . . . unknown. . .
Therefore I assume a slight difference in coil width will have negligible affect on performance. . . I hope.
Otherwise I will be winding these pain in the tail coils again. . .

That is all for now.


PS: Side note-
The main support bolts, at the bottom, only thread into the plastic nuts about 2-3 turns.
Wish these bolts were a little longer. . .
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on November 13, 2013, 03:42:51 PM
I gather the material for the construction of a / RomeroUK Muller replica.
I'm looking for ferrite coil. Several Russian sites offer ferrites with permeability 400. Do you think it is appropriate for my line? RomeroUK coils are very small, I can not find the same.
Thank you for your help.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on November 14, 2013, 11:08:10 AM
Romero fabricated his own coils from sewing machine bobbins and used ferrite rods similar to these-

And his wire was 7 strand, 36awg, litz wire.

But Zero Fossil Fuel built larger coils with regular, single conductor, magnet wire and still managed to achieve a resonant system.


Quote from: captainfletcher on November 13, 2013, 03:42:51 PM
I gather the material for the construction of a / RomeroUK Muller replica.
I'm looking for ferrite coil. Several Russian sites offer ferrites with permeability 400. Do you think it is appropriate for my line? RomeroUK coils are very small, I can not find the same.
Thank you for your help.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: lancaIV on November 14, 2013, 03:20:49 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on November 21, 2013, 10:40:25 PM
uh... Ok. I guess I am just going to set this project aside, for now, to see where THIS goes.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on November 24, 2013, 02:54:44 AM
Hello all,
After seeing on Youtube romeroUK, I realized that two Hall sensors are not positioned the same way relative to the coil.
One is a little before the coil and the other recess closer to the edge of the stator.
Must pass and repass the film.
On the other hand looking for a supplier of Hall sensors and correspondence, I learned that there are other models and unipolar bipolar. So you have to buy unipolar otherwise nothing will work.
These are very small important details.
Someone of you may have succeeded?
I am somewhat blocked by my budget and I still have about 130 Euros for equipment to buy.
I found the supplier "Mouser" in UK because I order from France and here everything is more expensive.
Do you know of another supplier in UK?
A soon.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on November 24, 2013, 01:29:24 PM
Quote from: captainfletcher on November 24, 2013, 02:54:44 AM
Hello all,
After seeing on Youtube romeroUK, I realized that two Hall sensors are not positioned the same way relative to the coil.
One is a little before the coil and the other recess closer to the edge of the stator.
Must pass and repass the film.
On the other hand looking for a supplier of Hall sensors and correspondence, I learned that there are other models and unipolar bipolar. So you have to buy unipolar otherwise nothing will work.
These are very small important details.
Someone of you may have succeeded?
I am somewhat blocked by my budget and I still have about 130 Euros for equipment to buy.
I found the supplier "Mouser" in UK because I order from France and here everything is more expensive.
Do you know of another supplier in UK?
A soon.

Check Ebay for hall sensors. I got some from China, 10 linear hall sensors, total about $8 shipped. :) ;)

And if you dont have an ebay acct, Im sure someone you know can help with that.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on December 20, 2013, 07:38:11 PM
Check it out.
Quanta magnetics now has it's own PESN page-


And in the second sentence; the question is asked: "What if bifilar coils and toroids where combined?"

Interesting question and exactly my thoughts for a very long time. . .
One of quanta magnetics videos is a combined system with not only a pulsed motor but, also, a Howard Johnson Ramp, as well as a super efficient alternator plus a modified drive motor called a "stargate" motor along with some timed switching and a combination of different capacitors . . .

Bedini always said the trick is to convert from one type of system, and/or energy, to another.
Such as using an pulsed system to charge batteries then an inverter versus trying to use the same batteries to run the pulsed system.
And this Russian Qmogen, currently on the market, does the same thing.

So; does anybody here remember the simple mockup image I submitted well over two years ago depicting a Muller style coil frame mechanically coupled to a toroidal coil?-
That image, which was merely an idea in my head, is very similar to the Q3 now available. . .

In the grand scale of the universe; is there such a thing as an "original idea"?

Kindest regards; Scorch.

Title: My adams motor(Pickup coil short circuit, drive coil input reduction)
Post by: foufos2012 on January 05, 2014, 10:57:15 PM

look  this Website http://www.energysea.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1405&extra=page%3D1 (http://www.energysea.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1405&extra=page%3D1) at test 2,Pickup coil short circuit, drive coil input reduction.

To greet everyone
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 17, 2014, 07:00:04 PM
Thought I would go ahead and throw in this video link for quanta magnetics which just released a new kit called the "T-2".
It appears he is demonstrating a resonate system.

Doesn't look like much is happening here at this forum. . .

I have not done anything with the Q3 because I have been waiting to see what happens with this new "T-2" kit.
It does appear the T-2 may be doing some interesting things and I do intend to start working towards converting my Q3 to the T-2 configuration.
I already have most of the materials on hand but do not know when I might get around to starting work on that project.

I am currently working on replicating the permanent magnet linear motor as demonstrated here-

I am not aware of any forum where I might be able to share the progress of this particular experiment.
To the best of my knowledge, nobody has even tried to replicate the experiment and effects that PMM4GHYBRID has produced.
I may be the only one trying to replicate it the same, exact, way he built it.
The only thing I am doing different is to use a better, scale model, train versus his toy.
And I am trying to see if I can get it to complete a loop back to the pulse gate without the use of a second pulse gate.

That is all for now.
Kindest regards;

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 17, 2014, 08:13:02 PM
I saw that vid of the new model. Does yours have bifi coils?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 17, 2014, 08:22:12 PM
No. The Q3 was not a bifiler configuration.
This will be part of the conversion; to rewind the original coils as bifiler.
This may not be very difficult. Provided he is using the same gauge wire; I should be able to simply unwind the coil then rewind it with the same wire doubled.

It will be half the length and turns with two conductors that still fill the spool without need to use any new wire.


Quote from: Magluvin on February 17, 2014, 08:13:02 PM
I saw that vid of the new model. Does yours have bifi coils?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 18, 2014, 07:16:06 AM
I believe doug konzen uses this kind of bifi on his run coils, to pickup induced magnetic field from primary, then secondary coil goes to cap.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 18, 2014, 07:23:51 AM
@ schorch,
Feel free to create another thread for your experiments, this may help others in the future if they want to replicate things, right now i'm interested on replicating the toroid gen. Of the T2, if you have time pls. Post your findings on this, i will be following, thanks...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: e2matrix on February 18, 2014, 03:06:36 PM
Nice work Scorch - I check in here once in a while.   The T2 video - LOL - no drama there .... but that guy really is an incredible builder.   Just wish I had the $$ to buy one of his units to play with.   One thing came to mind in looking at your challenges with the toroid - do you think the (aluminum ?) bracket you added may effect the magnetic field with that?   That setup does look like a real challenge to get together properly.   BTW do you know what the big green toroid material is made from and the permeability of it?    Best of luck with your build.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on February 18, 2014, 04:48:32 PM
Yeah, no drama, at all.
I think I can hear his frustration as he tries to demonstrate that, yes, in fact; the battery IS charging. . .  :D
A charging battery simply is not a dramatic, action packed, scene for any video production.
No; I don't believe the aluminum brackets have any detrimental affect and these are the brackets that came with the kit and not something I added.

And here are the details for the core part #T650-52-
http://www.micrometals.com/pcparts/torcore7.html?zoom_highlight=T650-52 (http://www.micrometals.com/pcparts/torcore7.html?zoom_highlight=T650-52)

PS: Once again; it appears that PMM4GHYBRID is holding back.
If you review the video; you will notice that, again, he is not actually demonstrating ALL the potential charging outputs of the device.
At 21:40 into the video; he points out that he is not even using one of the outputs which may be used for additional charging.


Quote from: e2matrix on February 18, 2014, 03:06:36 PM
Nice work Scorch - I check in here once in a while.   The T2 video - LOL - no drama there .... but that guy really is an incredible builder.   Just wish I had the $$ to buy one of his units to play with.   One thing came to mind in looking at your challenges with the toroid - do you think the (aluminum ?) bracket you added may effect the magnetic field with that?   That setup does look like a real challenge to get together properly.   BTW do you know what the big green toroid material is made from and the permeability of it?    Best of luck with your build.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: PiCéd on February 18, 2014, 04:54:13 PM
This has nothing to do with the topic but it is interesting.
Well, I done some tests and it apear that a DC motor and a capacitance acts like two batteries in parallel, in fact the more you turn the motor to charging sens the more easier you can charge the cap.
For exemple, I have try with a monopolare chemical capacitance of 0,0047 farad, it apear that the turn of the motor is as easy (maybe more) than if the motor turn with no short_circuit and the cap is perfectly charged, aproximately to the same voltage than the rotation of the motor (1.5 or 1.9 volt). It work well if you remove faster the cap befor the motor begin to move more slowely or if you have a diode blocking the charge returning to the motor.
I don't think we can do that with an alternator.
With my other tests, first I just connect a battery of 1.5 volt to each side of my motor, it turn on one sens, then if you replace the battery by a multimeter on each side of the motor and turn to the same sens like the prevous test (with the battery) with you hand, you can see that your motor produce the same charge in the same side than the battery, the motor must only be DC.
It is two tests realy easy to done.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on February 18, 2014, 07:06:55 PM
He's holding back the potential of the toroid, like he said in the video, he removed the coil shorting circuit as not to shock the user, maybe for safety reasons, he doesn't want his machine to be a shocker!  :o Haha.. But for advance user it will be favorable, in battery charging, imagine a more powerful bedini charger many times more bemf! As an intro for his machine not bad, no drama at all  ;D ...
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on March 03, 2014, 09:19:07 PM
Im posting this here because some parts are related, such as speed up under load.

It was presented at Peswiki. A few guy from the Ukraine worked this out, and seems good. Very interesting demo. ;)


I had tried something similar with an air core, as a motor, not a gen, and had some weird results.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on March 04, 2014, 05:57:05 AM
Quote from: Magluvin on March 03, 2014, 09:19:07 PM
Im posting this here because some parts are related, such as speed up under load.

It was presented at Peswiki. A few guy from the Ukraine worked this out, and seems good. Very interesting demo. ;)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c0X6nSsj7w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c0X6nSsj7w)

I had tried something similar with an air core, as a motor, not a gen, and had some weird results.


Well i think this is not new, i've  seen an old video before with this kind of setup, only his core are shaped C but with same effect, also others experimenting with ed leedskalnin perpetual motion holder, U core same effect also, speed under load, might be related with the T2 gen. Worth experimenting with.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: gyulasun on March 04, 2014, 06:48:06 AM
Hi Folks,

Recently a new member Miroslav13 started a new thread on that setup at energetic forum:

He is willing to answer any technical questions... 

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: crazycut06 on March 04, 2014, 07:00:33 PM
Quote from: gyulasun on March 04, 2014, 06:48:06 AM
Hi Folks,

Recently a new member Miroslav13 started a new thread on that setup at energetic forum:
http://www.energeticforum.com/energetic-science-ministries/16629-motor-generator.html#post251601 (http://www.energeticforum.com/energetic-science-ministries/16629-motor-generator.html#post251601)

He is willing to answer any technical questions... 


He also posted it here, (motor generator) but no one is interested. :-[
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on April 17, 2014, 06:41:32 AM
From your experience, what can be the value of M henrys self with 300 turns of wire Dia approximately 0.7 m / m in several layers on a ferrite core 5 m / m in diameter.
I did not really want to wind 16 small coils 300 turns each one.
There are indeed all coils made ​​with a lot of available values.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on April 17, 2014, 08:30:17 PM
Some of you may be interested in this.
Remember the "WITTS ministries" video featuring a self powered motor/generator powering a bank of lights?

Apparently they stopped charging for the plans which have been released as 'open source' including drawings, images, and schematics.

Looks really interesting but could be pretty challenging to fabricate the laminated core plates then winding 3,000+ turns around a toroid. . .

Wish somebody would mass produce the core unit already wound or, at least, the basic parts.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on May 02, 2014, 05:18:57 AM
Do you know PMMG4HYBRID ?
Back EMF is the base of all system like wheels RomeroUK.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: rc3po on May 02, 2014, 10:14:05 AM
Quote from: captainfletcher on May 02, 2014, 05:18:57 AM
Do you know PMMG4HYBRID ?
Back EMF is the base of all system like wheels RomeroUK.
Thanks man, I like that guy!! Great videos and good presentation. I wish I could afford to build stuff like he can. :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on May 04, 2014, 04:19:34 AM
I would like to submit my problem:
I began to replicate a wheel as shown PMMG4HYBRID .
Therefore the wheel 8 is in place with magnets 2 cm in diameter, the wheel diameter is 25 cm .
At first I placed a single coil , it weighs 450 grams with 0.5 mm wire and I wanted to do a test.
By turning the wheel with a screwdriver at about 800 revolutions per minute , there is 4.5 volts vacuum across the coil.
There is no core in the coil to avoid cogging .
If I put two coils in series there should be 9 volts, this is not enough. What should I do?
For the purchase of copper wire is expensive especially for a possible failure.
What is the architecture of this system is the best for a good performance?
The answer is important because of PMMG4HYBRID my future project will be to build a machine of 10 Kilowatts for home .
Our friend had a lot of thinking on all these systems and it would be a shame to reinvent the wheel is the case to say it.
PMMG4HYBRID thank you for helping us , all comments are welcome.
Captainfletcher .
Sorry for my English.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 04, 2014, 12:12:27 PM
It's my understanding his system is still in development and the current, "T2", model is still being improved.
My impression is that these systems will be more efficient operating at high voltage but he may be a little hesitant to release a high voltage version to the public as a mere experimental kit.
There are certainly safety issues to take into consideration with these things before just selling them to any Joe on the street.

I would like to convert my Q3 to a T2 so I am just waiting to see what the next generation of the T2 might evolve into.
So my Q3 project is on standby while waiting for these future developments and other possibilities such as the QEG.


Kindest regards;

Quote from: captainfletcher on May 04, 2014, 04:19:34 AM
I would like to submit my problem:
I began to replicate a wheel as shown PMMG4HYBRID .
Therefore the wheel 8 is in place with magnets 2 cm in diameter, the wheel diameter is 25 cm .
At first I placed a single coil , it weighs 450 grams with 0.5 mm wire and I wanted to do a test.
By turning the wheel with a screwdriver at about 800 revolutions per minute , there is 4.5 volts vacuum across the coil.
There is no core in the coil to avoid cogging .
If I put two coils in series there should be 9 volts, this is not enough. What should I do?
For the purchase of copper wire is expensive especially for a possible failure.
What is the architecture of this system is the best for a good performance?
The answer is important because of PMMG4HYBRID my future project will be to build a machine of 10 Kilowatts for home .
Our friend had a lot of thinking on all these systems and it would be a shame to reinvent the wheel is the case to say it.
PMMG4HYBRID thank you for helping us , all comments are welcome.
Captainfletcher .
Sorry for my English.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on May 05, 2014, 05:07:05 AM
Thank you very much for your response Scorch.
I continue my investigations generators Coreless and browsing the web, I came across the bike engines and wind turbine engines.
Some motors or generators are much like generators or PMMG4HYBRID Muller.
There is no core so no cogging and performance are very good from the PDF.
The architecture is quite different, there is a coil but two magnets on each side of the coil.
So the mechanical assembly is different. I am researching to find a small wind engine cheap to change.
axial flow type coreless motor
What do you think?
What is amazing is the power delivery at low revs.
There are also less copper so the generator will be cheaper too.
All comments are welcome.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 05, 2014, 10:11:30 AM
I think there are many designs out there and I have no idea which is best and probably depends on application.
Are you aware there is a huge, 2,600 page, book called "Practical Guide To Free Energy Systems"?
This book is updated pretty regularly, will probably keep you busy for quite some time, and is available for viewing or download here-

It's my belief there is something like 5,000 known patents, for alternative energy devices and systems, that are not available for public scrutiny under guise of 'national security'.
Any system that threatens 'our oil interests' (including profit margins) is a threat to national security which will be defended to the death and many have either died, been discredited, or financially assassinated for attempting to bring such systems to the public.

As long as people silently consent and not object to such laws, defending profit margins of energy companies, they will remain. . .


Quote from: captainfletcher on May 05, 2014, 05:07:05 AM
Thank you very much for your response Scorch.
I continue my investigations generators Coreless and browsing the web, I came across the bike engines and wind turbine engines.
Some motors or generators are much like generators or PMMG4HYBRID Muller.
There is no core so no cogging and performance are very good from the PDF.
The architecture is quite different, there is a coil but two magnets on each side of the coil.
So the mechanical assembly is different. I am researching to find a small wind engine cheap to change.
axial flow type coreless motor
What do you think?
What is amazing is the power delivery at low revs.
There are also less copper so the generator will be cheaper too.
All comments are welcome.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: fabioharry on May 05, 2014, 10:32:55 AM
Good morning!

I'm new to the forum, but I've been watching this and other threads a while ago.

I'm building something like the Q3 Quanta Magnet, but I'm with some doubts about the basic operation of the generator.

1 - How is the push to spin the rotor?
As I understand it one of the coils is transformed into an electromagnet, correct?

2 - The same coil that is shifted toward the electromagnet also captures energy?

3 - If one of the coils is shifted toward the electromagnet it will be different from the others, but the generator to work properly it is necessary that all coils are equal, this thought is correct?

4 - Does anyone have a tip for building this magnet / coil?

I'm racking my brains to unravel these issues.

Sorry my English, because I do not write very well.

Thank you all.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on May 07, 2014, 02:32:34 PM
Are you french ?
si oui je voudrais vous répondre, ce sera plus facile.
Je suis à fond sur le QC et j'ai commencé à construire  2 roues avec 8 aimants chacune.
Le générateur est différent du QC car je vais mettre les 2 roues avec un espace entre les 2 pour mettre le stator équipé de bobines.
Cela va ressembler à un moteur électrique de vélo.( axial flux )
Je ne comprends pas bien la description de vos questions, avez vous fait des photos ?
Pour la théorie de fonctionnement, allez visionner la vidéo de PMMG4HYBRID :
Bien écouter les explications, l'auteur articule très bien et ce n'est pas trop difficile pour un non anglais.
Ce qui est important c'est le concept de la Back EMF.
Si vous avez compris cela plus de problèmes pour construire quelque chose.
J'espère vous lire très bientôt et suivre votre progression.
Je vous tiendrai au courant de mes essais.
A bientôt.

Are you french?
whether I would like to meet, it will be easier.
I am fully on the QC and I started to build 2 wheels with 8 magnets each.
The generator is different from the QC because I put 2 wheels with a space between 2 to put the stator with coils.
It will look like a motor bike. (Axial flow)
I do not understand the description of your questions, have you been taking photos?
For the theory of operation, go watch the video PMMG4HYBRID:
Listen to the explanations, the author articulates very well and it is not too difficult for a non-English.
What is important is the concept of the Back EMF.
If you understand that most problems to build something.
I hope to see you very soon and track your progress.
I'll let you know of my trials.
A soon.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: fabioharry on May 08, 2014, 10:21:52 AM
Quote from: captainfletcher on May 07, 2014, 02:32:34 PM
Are you french ?
si oui je voudrais vous répondre, ce sera plus facile.
Je suis à fond sur le QC et j'ai commencé à construire  2 roues avec 8 aimants chacune.
Le générateur est différent du QC car je vais mettre les 2 roues avec un espace entre les 2 pour mettre le stator équipé de bobines.
Cela va ressembler à un moteur électrique de vélo.( axial flux )
Je ne comprends pas bien la description de vos questions, avez vous fait des photos ?
Pour la théorie de fonctionnement, allez visionner la vidéo de PMMG4HYBRID :
Bien écouter les explications, l'auteur articule très bien et ce n'est pas trop difficile pour un non anglais.
Ce qui est important c'est le concept de la Back EMF.
Si vous avez compris cela plus de problèmes pour construire quelque chose.
J'espère vous lire très bientôt et suivre votre progression.
Je vous tiendrai au courant de mes essais.
A bientôt.

Are you french?
whether I would like to meet, it will be easier.
I am fully on the QC and I started to build 2 wheels with 8 magnets each.
The generator is different from the QC because I put 2 wheels with a space between 2 to put the stator with coils.
It will look like a motor bike. (Axial flow)
I do not understand the description of your questions, have you been taking photos?
For the theory of operation, go watch the video PMMG4HYBRID:
Listen to the explanations, the author articulates very well and it is not too difficult for a non-English.
What is important is the concept of the Back EMF.
If you understand that most problems to build something.
I hope to see you very soon and track your progress.
I'll let you know of my trials.
A soon.

Hello, I'm Brazilian.

I had seen the video "How Magnet Motor Generator Hybrid_Part1 and 2" did the operation, is the same principle this video "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQG4YDqwWD0", but not in QC and Q3 saw no electromagnet equal the "Generator Hybrid_Part1 and 2".

The question is: In Q3 generator QC and how is the scheme to spin the rotor?

I found only the device image in QC, but did not understand how it's done and how it really works.

I did not find the same device in other generators Quanta Magnet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 08, 2014, 12:13:56 PM
I believe what you are looking at is a small generator coil mounted near main coil, and coupled with a 9V battery, that was being used to power the relay/switching circuit in an earlier version.
This earlier version also used mechanical switch versus reed switch.
This was all eliminated and relay now powered from main generator, capacitors, or primary battery in later versions.


Quote from: fabioharry on May 08, 2014, 10:21:52 AM
Hello, I'm Brazilian.

I had seen the video "How Magnet Motor Generator Hybrid_Part1 and 2" did the operation, is the same principle this video "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQG4YDqwWD0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQG4YDqwWD0)", but not in QC and Q3 saw no electromagnet equal the "Generator Hybrid_Part1 and 2".

The question is: In Q3 generator QC and how is the scheme to spin the rotor?

I found only the device image in QC, but did not understand how it's done and how it really works.

I did not find the same device in other generators Quanta Magnet.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on May 08, 2014, 03:11:06 PM
Boa dia Fabio,

Response to Question 1:
Yes 2 coils become electromagnets to approach the magnet.
Response to question 2:
When powering the 2 coils store energy .
Provided that the coil has a capacitor across . ( LC circuit)
At top dead center , the power is off , so the LC circuit will restore energy and repel the magnet.
It appears that the energy released is greater than the energy supplied to the attraction of the magnet.
Otherwise the system can not function .
It also requires that the LC resonance is related to the speed of movement of the magnet in front of the reels.
Experimenters have neglected this very important condition and have experienced failure.
Moreover notice that the machines to stabilize 700 to 800 revolutions per minute .
I do not understand the question 3
Response to Question 4:
I myself work on this project at this time.
I crafted 2 wheels 25 cm in diameter with 8 magnets each. ( Magnet 2 cm by 1 cm. )
Today I made a coil which shall be fixed between the two wheels.
If I have time tomorrow , I'll put it all together and make voltage measurements on the coil.
I will turn the wheels with an electric screwdriver .
Até logo. ( Vôce es de que citade ?  ja fui no Brazil mas ja qualquer annos , gosto bem, desculpe me para as faltas. -) 

@ Scorch
I do not know why, sometimes I thought it was you ... PMMG4HYBRID
Do you know if it works on this forum?
Best regard.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 09, 2014, 10:54:02 AM
Not sure if I understand your question.
Can't say I have ever observed PMMG4HYBRID post anything on this forum.
And it does appear his designs are developed independently from Muller and RomeroUK.


Quote from: captainfletcher on May 08, 2014, 03:11:06 PM

@ Scorch
I do not know why, sometimes I thought it was you ... PMMG4HYBRID
Do you know if it works on this forum?
Best regard.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: fabioharry on May 10, 2014, 11:51:08 AM
Quote from: captainfletcher on May 08, 2014, 03:11:06 PM
Boa dia Fabio,

Response to Question 1:
Yes 2 coils become electromagnets to approach the magnet.
Response to question 2:
When powering the 2 coils store energy .
Provided that the coil has a capacitor across . ( LC circuit)
At top dead center , the power is off , so the LC circuit will restore energy and repel the magnet.
It appears that the energy released is greater than the energy supplied to the attraction of the magnet.
Otherwise the system can not function .
It also requires that the LC resonance is related to the speed of movement of the magnet in front of the reels.
Experimenters have neglected this very important condition and have experienced failure.
Moreover notice that the machines to stabilize 700 to 800 revolutions per minute .
I do not understand the question 3
Response to Question 4:
I myself work on this project at this time.
I crafted 2 wheels 25 cm in diameter with 8 magnets each. ( Magnet 2 cm by 1 cm. )
Today I made a coil which shall be fixed between the two wheels.
If I have time tomorrow , I'll put it all together and make voltage measurements on the coil.
I will turn the wheels with an electric screwdriver .
Até logo. ( Vôce es de que citade ?  ja fui no Brazil mas ja qualquer annos , gosto bem, desculpe me para as faltas. -) 

@ Scorch
I do not know why, sometimes I thought it was you ... PMMG4HYBRID
Do you know if it works on this forum?
Best regard.

Lets get this straight, the 9v battery powers the relay, the relay in turn feeds a coil, the coil in turn behaves as an electromagnet that causes the rotor to rotate.

Summary: 9v battery> Relay> coil> spinning rotor

By Lenz's law, when approaching a magnet in a coil causes the coil to be equal to the polarity of the magnet polarity.

The coil which is used to rotate the rotor core has?

In a coreless coil the magnetic fields are not aligned, but when there is an iron core the magnetic fields are aligned.

It is possible to rotate the rotor with a coreless coil?

The system of Q3 or QC equals the RomeroUK?

Thanks Scorch and captainfletcher the answer.

Captainfletcher, cool, live in Florianopolis, State of Santa Catarina.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 10, 2014, 01:01:15 PM
Q3 is not the same as the RomeroUK design which has odd number of stator coils to rotor magnets, such as 8 magnets for 9 coil pairs, and does have ferrite coil cores as well as 'bias" magnets on coil cores.
The Q3 is equal number of stator coils to rotor magnets at 6 magnets for 6 coil pairs and coils do not have cores or bias magnets.
And, yes, very easy to rotate the Q3 rotor with its coreless design.

The extra 'pickup' coil was merely an extra generator coil to keep 9v battery charged to power relay switching.

In my opinion; the RomeroUK design is very unique and does have potential to operate as a resonate system and should be pursued further.

In fact Zero Fossil Fuel appeared to discover some very interesting test results from the RomeroUK design including achieving a resonance and voltage spike from his system.
Then . . . he has done nothing more since this apparent discovery and "unlocking the secrets" and I have no idea why.

I do find it very difficult to believe his explanation of: "life happened" from a man allegedly dedicated to exploring these alternative energy systems and who had an "extraordinary" effect from the working system on his bench.

To Quote from his video: "Something quite extraordinary happened . . . it resonated and the voltage spiked . . . once this baby hits 88 mph; you're going to see some serious stuff."
This was three years ago and he has done absolutely nothing more with this system since then and I have no idea why.

So, at this point, I wish somebody else with more knowledge, than me, of inductance, reactance, capacitance and resonance would continue this work and build the resonant system that Zero apparently built but, then, disassembled it and sold the component parts. . .

Why did Zero build a system he claimed was producing an extraordinary effect then simply discard it and spend 3 more years building many other things that have not produced an extraordinary effect that he already had in a working model on his bench?


Quote from: fabioharry on May 10, 2014, 11:51:08 AM
Lets get this straight, the 9v battery powers the relay, the relay in turn feeds a coil, the coil in turn behaves as an electromagnet that causes the rotor to rotate.

Summary: 9v battery> Relay> coil> spinning rotor

By Lenz's law, when approaching a magnet in a coil causes the coil to be equal to the polarity of the magnet polarity.

The coil which is used to rotate the rotor core has?

In a coreless coil the magnetic fields are not aligned, but when there is an iron core the magnetic fields are aligned.

It is possible to rotate the rotor with a coreless coil?

The system of Q3 or QC equals the RomeroUK?

Thanks Scorch and captainfletcher the answer.

Captainfletcher, cool, live in Florianopolis, State of Santa Catarina.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: fabioharry on May 11, 2014, 10:45:51 AM
Quote from: Scorch on May 10, 2014, 01:01:15 PM
Q3 is not the same as the RomeroUK design which has odd number of stator coils to rotor magnets, such as 8 magnets for 9 coil pairs, and does have ferrite coil cores as well as 'bias" magnets on coil cores.
The Q3 is equal number of stator coils to rotor magnets at 6 magnets for 6 coil pairs and coils do not have cores or bias magnets.
And, yes, very easy to rotate the Q3 rotor with its coreless design.

The extra 'pickup' coil was merely an extra generator coil to keep 9v battery charged to power relay switching.

In my opinion; the RomeroUK design is very unique and does have potential to operate as a resonate system and should be pursued further.

In fact Zero Fossil Fuel appeared to discover some very interesting test results from the RomeroUK design including achieving a resonance and voltage spike from his system.
Then . . . he has done nothing more since this apparent discovery and "unlocking the secrets" and I have no idea why.

I do find it very difficult to believe his explanation of: "life happened" from a man allegedly dedicated to exploring these alternative energy systems and who had an "extraordinary" effect from the working system on his bench.

To Quote from his video: "Something quite extraordinary happened . . . it resonated and the voltage spiked . . . once this baby hits 88 mph; you're going to see some serious stuff."
This was three years ago and he has done absolutely nothing more with this system since then and I have no idea why.

So, at this point, I wish somebody else with more knowledge, than me, of inductance, reactance, capacitance and resonance would continue this work and build the resonant system that Zero apparently built but, then, disassembled it and sold the component parts. . .

Why did Zero build a system he claimed was producing an extraordinary effect then simply discard it and spend 3 more years building many other things that have not produced an extraordinary effect that he already had in a working model on his bench?


This system has great potential!

You can not intender because he is giving up on your system.

I have some magnets and coils will ride some for testing, I intend to build a rotor diameter of 40 cm.

I'll try to build a generator in the style of Q3.

When I have put on the new forum.

Thanks for the information!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on May 11, 2014, 02:09:07 PM
Hello Fabio and Scorch,

You can see my post and photos on this forum in French
This week-end the  Timing's disc is finished.
I have to fixe the coil between the rotor's flasques ( I can not translate in english  )
I hope  mesure, tune  the machine this week. ( capacity on coil )

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on May 12, 2014, 08:03:16 AM

Do you think it is possible to be controlled 'remotely' on what to do or what not to do, most of the time without even realizing?
Do you think that you can be disturbed, distracted or even killed without being in direct contact with someone looking to keep you silent?

If you play nice within the limits you might still have a chance if not you will start feeling bad, ill and blame some health condition you might have, in fact all you are under a strict control.

This is not fiction.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: fabioharry on May 12, 2014, 10:05:34 AM
Quote from: captainfletcher on May 11, 2014, 02:09:07 PM
Hello Fabio and Scorch,

You can see my post and photos on this forum in French
This week-end the  Timing's disc is finished.
I have to fixe the coil between the rotor's flasques ( I can not translate in english  )
I hope  mesure, tune  the machine this week. ( capacity on coil )


Hello Captainfletcher,

You will put the coils in the middle of the disc with magnets?

What size rotor?

What size of magnets and coils in your system?

I want to use magnets with 50 mm diameter and 20 mm thick, with a coil of 50 mm or 60 mm diameter and 40 mm thick.

Another thing that can make a difference in the power generated are the number of poles of the coils and connecting them. Have an explanation of how to make the connections between the coils, is a Brazilian forum (Portuguese) on wind power. http://www.novaenergia.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8273

Depending how is the connection of the coils, you can generate more power with less RPM.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: SkyWatcher123 on May 12, 2014, 12:26:33 PM
Hi romerouk, thanks for sharing one aspect of the truth.
Never forget though, that there also exists a benevolent power, which is actually the real power, which is a consciousness based in unconditional love and these beings, including human beings, are by far the majority in the universes, the 99% we would say.
Don't let these few minor groups of sociopaths on this planet, cause you to believe they rule the roost, they do not and never will.
If it appears that way, that is only because they are allowed to do so, for various reasons.
At the core, they use the age old divide and conquer method.
Though the benevolent powers, use the unify and win win for all method, as can be seen by the simple sun shining upon all, without conditions.
peace love light
:) ;) ;D
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on May 12, 2014, 02:25:23 PM
Quote from: fabioharry on May 12, 2014, 10:05:34 AM
Hello Captainfletcher,

You will put the coils in the middle of the disc with magnets?

What size rotor?

What size of magnets and coils in your system?

I want to use magnets with 50 mm diameter and 20 mm thick, with a coil of 50 mm or 60 mm diameter and 40 mm thick.

Another thing that can make a difference in the power generated are the number of poles of the coils and connecting them. Have an explanation of how to make the connections between the coils, is a Brazilian forum (Portuguese) on wind power. http://www.novaenergia.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8273

Depending how is the connection of the coils, you can generate more power with less RPM.

Be very careful with the magnets, it can be dangerous.
My 2 rotors are about 30 centimeters in diameter with 8 magnets. Distance from the center is 11 centimètres
Between the two rotors there 8 fixed coils.
It was my job today but not completed.
I also put the switch that will be used to send the pulse when the magnet is very close to the coil.
I chose to keep it simple as PMMG
Please watch the video QC PMMG4, it may help you to understand the principle of operation.

@ RomeroUK
I do not understand the purpose of your message??
My life is in danger? by whom, I know from reading this forum that you had problems, it is not a 25 watt machine that will change the world.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 12, 2014, 06:36:25 PM

Yes, indeed, I do believe these things are, in fact, entirely possible (if not likely) and probably involves technologies that have already been around for many decades.
And other technologies, such as hypnotic suggestion, have been around for many millenia.

The brain is a biological computer capable of receiving and operating various programs. Some, of which, have been operating since before birth.
And, just like any computer, may be susceptible to break down, interference, viruses, trojans, hacks, power fluctuations, takeovers and etcetera. . .
And, of course, chemical influences.

So . . . , to anybody actually paying attention, when was the last time you deleted those obsolete programs, updated the current programs, and defragmented your data storage?

Kindest regards from this particular reality and jurisdiction;


Quote from: romerouk on May 12, 2014, 08:03:16 AM

Do you think it is possible to be controlled 'remotely' on what to do or what not to do, most of the time without even realizing?
Do you think that you can be disturbed, distracted or even killed without being in direct contact with someone looking to keep you silent?

If you play nice within the limits you might still have a chance if not you will start feeling bad, ill and blame some health condition you might have, in fact all you are under a strict control.

This is not fiction.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainfletcher on May 16, 2014, 11:03:01 AM
Last news about my proto and lasts pictures on this forum french.
Bests regards.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 11, 2014, 01:12:27 PM
Iv been doing research on wind turbines and thought of a design I dont think I have seen anywhere.
Romero used and even and odd number of magnet to coil ratio
What if  ::) each magnet was on its own rotor fixed to a shaft
six rotors spiraling like a screw
seven coils each on thier own stator
everthing offset to cut down on cogging
The magnetic field would be shaped like a screw along the shaft
I tried to draw it up but ms paint is very limited.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 11, 2014, 02:59:51 PM
Rotors shown without stators
If this was spun up think about the field that would be created.
There would be a stator assembly in between each rotor.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 11, 2014, 03:13:55 PM
Actually the stator assembly could have multiple coils around the circumference as long as the magnets never lined up on all the stators.
You could have six magnets each on its own rotor with seven stator coils on each stator.
The ratio(magnet to coil) could be any odd even combination, I used six to seven as an example.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 11, 2014, 03:38:01 PM
A four to five ratio, just an example
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 11, 2014, 03:54:11 PM
four magnets, twenty five coils
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 11, 2014, 04:06:54 PM
Would a magnetic vortex be created?
The coils would be in that vortex path.
very interesting.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 11, 2014, 04:26:04 PM
The rotors could have all the magnets installed say six magnets on the rotors seven coils on the stators then each could be twisted along the shaft to create the spiraled vortex.
If enough stators and rotors were installed along the shaft cogging would be eliminated completely, yet each coil would catch the full impact of the passing magnet.
Something to think about.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 11, 2014, 04:58:39 PM
You could have six magnets on the rotor six coils on the stators and offset each along the shaft
When any magnet rotor and stator were aligned there would be others that were leading away, cogging would be eliminated.
I may build a wind turbine and twist it a little  ;D
fun pun

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 13, 2014, 07:34:45 AM
eliminate cogging
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on December 13, 2014, 08:01:24 AM

The 8/9 combination is most close for cogging elimination (the balancing of magnetic forces) and also I took that Muller arrangement to my design:
http://overunity.com/15083/the-new-generator-no-effect-counter-b-emf-part-2-selfrunning/msg426062/#msg426062 (http://overunity.com/15083/the-new-generator-no-effect-counter-b-emf-part-2-selfrunning/msg426062/#msg426062)
That setup was built and is being tested, no drag from Lenz and the rotor can be turned by hand easily so far..

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 13, 2014, 09:34:01 AM
We should be able to eliminate cogging even in alternators by coupling and offsetting the shafts.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 13, 2014, 10:25:53 AM
Quote from: T-1000 on December 13, 2014, 08:01:24 AM

The 8/9 combination is most close for cogging elimination (the balancing of magnetic forces) and also I took that Muller arrangement to my design:
http://overunity.com/15083/the-new-generator-no-effect-counter-b-emf-part-2-selfrunning/msg426062/#msg426062 (http://overunity.com/15083/the-new-generator-no-effect-counter-b-emf-part-2-selfrunning/msg426062/#msg426062)
That setup was built and is being tested, no drag from Lenz and the rotor can be turned by hand easily so far..

Nice setup T
Alternators could be setup 1st aligned, 2nd 1/8, 3rd 1/4, 4th 3/8, 5th !/2, ect. ect.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 13, 2014, 12:11:46 PM
Hook four of these together  ;D
Wind gen or  ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Dave45 on December 13, 2014, 12:51:29 PM
I usually get flack from the bigwigs around here.
Can someone give a reason why this wont work.
Mark? TK?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: alex1234 on January 30, 2015, 06:25:38 AM
Hey guys,

i would like to build an Muller Motor with the instructions fom RomeroUK.
Is this device already working? I mean is the setup of the coils and magnets providing an OU run?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Tiamon on February 10, 2015, 08:49:35 AM

Scorch or marcx41

You can give a detailed wiring diagram and connect the relay coil?
Please.  :'(
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on April 17, 2015, 02:27:01 PM
Hello all.  :)

I don't know if anybody is actually paying attention to this thread anymore but I have decided to sell the Q3 as I move on to other projects.

Here is the listing-

Kindest regards;
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on April 17, 2015, 02:40:16 PM
Quote from: Scorch on April 17, 2015, 02:27:01 PM
Hello all.  :)

I don't know if anybody is actually paying attention to this thread anymore but I have decided to sell the Q3 as I move on to other projects.

Still having thread in the updates here ;)
And actually you had your "Aha" moment already just not sure why you are not pursuing for getting full potential out of it - https://youtu.be/Zu4pzvkSkzo?t=12m7s ...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 05, 2015, 09:41:32 PM
Believe it or not; I've actually conducted those experiments. Been there, done that.  ;)

Still looking for just a LITTLE more potential to actually be able to impress others.

BTW: The Q3 did sell. It was delivered to an Ebay buyer in Hawaii, he/she ran it for a couple hours then declared 'I am disappointed that it's not an off-grid power system'. Then, two days later it seemed to have developed a serious case of 'shipping damage' that looks like somebody hit the toroid with a hammer....

There is a possibility I may be bringing that Q3 back for repairs and either hold onto it or sell it again.

Out of the three quanta magnetics devices I have built, it did seem to have the best promise in terms of ACTUALLY accelerating battery charging. :)

Kindest regards;

Quote from: T-1000 on April 17, 2015, 02:40:16 PM
Still having thread in the updates here ;)
And actually you had your "Aha" moment already just not sure why you are not pursuing for getting full potential out of it - https://youtu.be/Zu4pzvkSkzo?t=12m7s (https://youtu.be/Zu4pzvkSkzo?t=12m7s) ...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on May 06, 2015, 05:39:14 AM
Quote from: Scorch on May 05, 2015, 09:41:32 PM
Believe it or not; I've actually conducted those experiments. Been there, done that.  ;)

Still looking for just a LITTLE more potential to actually be able to impress others.

The Lenz-less reaction is what you need for taking it to the next level. Multiply output by amount of coils/more toroidal generators and eventually you might overcome pulse motor energy consumption...

Good luck!
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Scorch on May 06, 2015, 10:29:38 AM
Hello all. :)

So... I built it. I tested it and just like many other things I've had over the years; I eventually lost interest in it as I continue to walk this path for discovery of even greater things.  8)

For those who might be interested in such cool looking things, here is your opportunity to grab it for a fraction of the cost and time it would require for you to buy and build it.
And would certainly make a very interesting conversation piece next to all the other parts, equipment and devices on the shelves of your lab or workshop.

And who knows? Might be a collector's item some day!  ;D

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Quanta-Magnetics-G1-Gyro-Inetia-Genset-with-Regenerative-3-Phase-and-Upgrades-/151671636142? (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Quanta-Magnetics-G1-Gyro-Inetia-Genset-with-Regenerative-3-Phase-and-Upgrades-/151671636142?)

Kindest regards;
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: k4zep on January 01, 2016, 11:04:31 PM
Does anyone know Ossie Callahan's email in AU?  Haven't talked with him in over a year and all my addresses bounce.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: penno64 on April 04, 2017, 08:51:51 AM
Look at who is having a crack at this -


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: hacko on October 16, 2019, 11:02:03 AM

I think Infinity SAV are using advanced Muller dynamo motor in his motor:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB8M9WFxzGE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB8M9WFxzGE)

What you think? Is there a connection?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on February 09, 2021, 08:40:04 PM
Just heard that Romero posted on YouTube again https://m.youtube.com/c/RomeroUK/videos?disable_polymer=true&itct=CBIQ8JMBGAEiEwjbruS1lN7uAhWPscEKHTnHAVA%3D (https://m.youtube.com/c/RomeroUK/videos?disable_polymer=true&itct=CBIQ8JMBGAEiEwjbruS1lN7uAhWPscEKHTnHAVA%3D)

Some interesting reboots or ?
Perhaps some hope ??
Or a new twist

Thx to member poynt99 for posting at overunityresearch

I hope for the best!

Chet K
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on February 09, 2021, 10:13:37 PM
That self charge torrid will bring a lot of interest for sure. Has SM wrote all over it.
Hope he decides to share some.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on February 11, 2021, 03:11:38 AM
damn, did I kill another thread cause I posted in it? :o
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on February 11, 2021, 04:04:38 AM
Quote from: Thaelin on February 11, 2021, 03:11:38 AM
damn, did I kill another thread cause I posted in it? :o

It was dead for long time already. Time to give spark for new replication?

As for replication, any wind turbine generator experts still around with access to machining and making modified version of it?

Two main mods go there:
1) The balancing of magnetic forces with uneven count of magnets and even count of magnetic coupling to coils from Muller original design.
2) The induction is on 90 degrees between magnetic forces from magnet and generator coil. Accomplished by introducing third element - the transformer core on rotor for switching magnetic poles between stationary magnets and coil. See pictures attached for explanation.

My take on this back in 2014-2015 with help of Grumage:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9STbGa5zvpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9STbGa5zvpg) (4 videos)

With right practical expert hands the COP of electricity generation can be achieved to high values on this setup. And because the geometry of magnetic forces are placed on 90 degrees there are no counter-forces on torque when coils are loaded up. Also the output of generator coils is not pure sine wave and need to go DC->AC transformation.

Now lets see if someone will find my shared information useful and will build one of these generators. Then show results in here...

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 11, 2021, 09:15:09 PM
Romeros design was a bit different. He used asymetrical number of rotor mags vs coils. So if say he had 9 coils and 10 mags, there would be only 1 tdc occurrence  at any time. There would be 90 tdc crossings in 1 revolution.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 14, 2021, 03:28:39 PM
If it were symmetrical, all charge coils would be loading the rotor at the same time the single drive coil fires. Asymmetrical all charge coils step charge the cap and then the drive coil fires, repeat. would be interesting to compare the 2 charging methods. Would the step charging(asymmetrical), charge the cap higher before firing the driver coil as compared to all charge coils charging the cap while firing the drive coil?
Ive tried many different configurations of symmetrical cap charging with my Lasersaber ezspin version. Now thinking I have to remake my stator ring to mount an odd number of coils, asymmetrical, and test the difference.
Just thinking about it, asymmetrical, the first charge coil will have the most rotor drag as the cap may be at 0v after the drive coil, then each successive charge coil magnet crossing will have less drag on the rotor as the cap is no longer at 0v.  Symetrical. all charge coils will have full drag initially.  Dunno. just thinkin
Also, if the cap is never heavily discharged by the drive coil because of a large cap, and the cap voltage remains reasonably high, the charge coils will have little drag on the rotor while they top it off. ;)

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on February 14, 2021, 04:20:39 PM
  Fire it through a small choke coil to slow the rate down and have a short discharge on time.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 14, 2021, 05:54:29 PM
a series choke would kill off any impact of the drive pulse. needs the impact to speed up enough to keep the rotor ability to spin through the charge cogging and able to replace charge given to the drive pulse.
Per rotation there will be 80 individual charge cycles and 10 drive pulses.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: ramset on February 17, 2021, 07:55:06 PM
Seems a new vid
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WdYQ9wEnfmQ (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WdYQ9wEnfmQ)

( thanks to Mags for the heads up)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Magluvin on February 19, 2021, 09:07:02 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on August 08, 2021, 09:52:39 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MagnaProp on August 10, 2021, 01:03:43 AM
I'm on page 20 of this 400+ thread. Was anyone other than romerouk able to loop a version?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LMC on August 12, 2021, 08:56:15 AM
 :D ;D ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LMC on August 13, 2021, 10:05:30 PM
 :D ;D ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on August 14, 2021, 06:30:16 PM
Quote from: MagnaProp on August 10, 2021, 01:03:43 AM
I'm on page 20 of this 400+ thread. Was anyone other than romerouk able to loop a version?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: MagnaProp on August 15, 2021, 12:11:13 AM
Quote from: tysb3 on August 14, 2021, 06:30:16 PM
Dang. Looks like lasersaber and a couple others were getting close to finding some cool stuff with this one. Oh well, the search for UberUnity continues.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: LMC on August 15, 2021, 10:15:02 AM
Sir Stefan Hartmann, Please approve my post... If it violate any forum's rule please let me know... :)
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: kolbacict on August 15, 2021, 02:31:59 PM
Quote from: tysb3 on August 14, 2021, 06:30:16 PM
Why is that ?
Is it possible ?
So that one can do it and the rest do not.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: norman6538 on August 18, 2021, 06:16:06 PM
The muller generator odd/even coils is a great idea to reduce cogging but you still have Lenz counter to motion preventing OU. If that were overcome then we could run a 25KW generator just for the power of rotation.... then cascade that to another one and on and on and we would ultimately free power.

Don Smith had a field blocking method that would reach OU. The coil did not move but the mag shield did. But he is gone and like .... Morray his sons did not pick up the idea.

I saw a wave energy idea that could power the entire world after all these years of wave energy promises...

I can't put the url up because it was an email attachment.

And China is building a throium reactor - that has the most promise to me.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on August 19, 2021, 08:13:41 AM
Quote from: norman6538 on August 18, 2021, 06:16:06 PM
The muller generator odd/even coils is a great idea to reduce cogging but you still have Lenz counter to motion preventing OU. If that were overcome then we could run a 25KW generator just for the power of rotation.... then cascade that to another one and on and on and we would ultimately free power.
It all depends on magnetic coupling arrangement with coils.

Traditional arrangement is magnetic poles facing coils directly and it is cause of cogging because magnets cannot flip poles while passing coil while moving.

If you introduce dynamic element such as non magnetic material like iron to bridge magnetic field coupling in between on 90 degrees there will be whole different story. It would flip from one magnet pole to another to the coil as it moves. And there will be no more cogging because magnetic attraction / repulsion forces would be on 90 degrees to the movement of active element.

My research on that is getting old already and surprisingly no one actually picked it up over last 6 years. If you are interested, take a look and do experiment to see effect:


All it takes is just wind turbine dynamo engineering skills, the will to do experiment and design of generator on this magnetic configuration arrangement.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: norman6538 on August 19, 2021, 09:34:13 AM
Very interesting T-1000 - glad see some activity after some years on Muller.

I assume the Gruamge videos are yours but they are back in 2015. Have you make
more progress lately?

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on August 19, 2021, 09:53:00 AM
Quote from: norman6538 on August 19, 2021, 09:34:13 AM
Very interesting T-1000 - glad see some activity after some years on Muller.

I assume the Gruamge videos are yours but they are back in 2015. Have you make
more progress lately?


Not much progress after that due life things / funding / etc.

There is also challenge presented on the rotor due Eddy currents on the rotor plates. Which is causing heat losses and need to be approached like in transformer.

That research is all open so anyone can pick up where it was left at and come up with actual generator design. The core working principles was tested and are all good in the model. And it needs someone with time / money / machine shop to come up with more finalised and optimised generator design.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: norman6538 on August 19, 2021, 11:00:42 AM
Thanks T-1000 for your quick reply and status of your work.

here is the wave energy url that I tracked down.

https://vimeo.com/21026974?from=outro-embed best



Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: skaarj on August 19, 2021, 04:41:09 PM
If you wish to get more efficiency, there is a little math and a little logic to follow:
The braking force value is:

Fb = B x I x L.   (1)

B is the magnetic flux (Tesla). I is the current (Ampers). L is the inductance (Henry). We see there is only the current involved, not the voltage - so we can work with as many volts as possible just like Tesla did. We have to learn from the best. So when I is high - meaning there is a big load connected to the output - then the rotor will slow if the output coils are the same as in the original schematic.

We must also remember the following formula:

P = U x I   (2)

P is the power in Watts, U is voltage, I is ampers. 

In his working experiment - back in 2011 he said he had some unfortunate encounter with some people dressed in black suits - he put some magnets on top of the coils and made a lot of adjustments before he managed to run the system... suspended in the air with no battery connected at all.  He modified the value of B in such a way that Fb became very very small and - according to that video which is no longer available - the system became self-running. In a private conversation with RomeroUK he stated that the rotor should be as heavy as possible to compensate any disturbances caused by improper pulse timings and any existing braking forces. I told him about this method, I think these details are here on the thread.

Now: if anyone wants to do this properly, the braking force must be canceled. RomeroUK did it by modifying the magnetic flux. We can not modify the inductance, but we can play with the current: 
If the copper wire is thick, then there is big current.  If copper wire is thin (let's say 0.1 or 0.05mm) then there is very very very small current, less than 1 amp.

So if we analyse equation (1)    then  we see the Fb becomes smaller if we multiply (B*L) with something smaller than 1 (I mean 0.00.... amps).
But if we increase the voltage to... let's say a few (tens of) thousands of volts, the available power value (watts) will still be big - look at relation (2).

So:  install 6 x automobile induction coils/ high voltage secondary CRT TV flyback transformer windings  and experiment with both original ferromagnetic cores and AM-radio coil cores  (for the automobile coils). 3 coils on top, 3 coils on bottom. They have the same diameter. And install 4 x pulse coils built according to RomeroUK schematics:  two on top, two on bottom, the TIP-series transistors and so on.  Three-phased system. Keep as many magnets on the rotor as you want. 

If no automobile coils are available, then old B&W CRT TV high voltage secondary winding from flyback transformers are also good.

Do not use rectifiers on these high voltage coils. They become hot, which means there is power loss. We don't want that in the high voltage section.

Connect the output high voltage coils in a multiphased star connection.  Get 3 x microwave oven transformers. Connect one of each ~2kV winding terminal to the neutral. Use 3 spark gaps (automobile spark plugs) to discharge each phase to the remaining free terminals of each microwave oven transformer.

Now - here comes the tricky part:  install the rectifiers on the ~220V windings of each transformer, THEN connect all the direct current outputs in parallel (same voltage, three times the current).  The ~220V winding wire is thick, which means the current is higher.
We need the same power in Watts but transported at a lower voltage, so the step-down transformers are doing a great job. Same as long-range electricity transport: it is done at high voltages and low amps so power loss through heat is kept at minimum.

The two equations say that (1) the Fb is very very very small when some load is connected, and (2) there will be enough power (watts) left to do the job.

Start the system and see what happens. There will be sparks and discharges. There will be some voltage output on the step-down side, with bigger amps. Available power output will be something like 80...90% of power input. Transformer is not perfect and it is designed to work at 50....60 cycles per second.

Adjustments:  distance between the electrodes of spark plugs should be tuned. Distance between ferromagnetic cores and the rotor magnets needs to be adjusted. RomeroUK's method with additional magnets is also very very important, it should never be ignored and it is one-of-a-kind: impossible to replace with any microcontroller+software. Some capacitors connected in parallel with the high voltage coils, or in parallel with spark plugs may help get more energy output ("resonance").  Later - move the three pairs of high voltage coils such as the angle between each two of them is 120 degrees and probably a re-design an 'all-in-one' step-down transformer will be necessary.

First experiment should be performed with three phases just like Tesla did with his generators. Three phases keep the rotating system stable. More phases complicate the system. Less than three phases will cause vibrations. First test is:  how much power gets in, how much power gets out.

This is a rather radical approach with great help from Mathematics - and many experimenting people ignore its great help. Now when energy prices are getting sky high, mathematics may help. I tested Math and it did help me get access to lots of boobs after repairing old, vacuum-tube-based CRT TVs decades ago.

Also - I think a microcontroller will do a better job than those magnetic proximity sensors. Some timing curve can be adjusted in software - just like automobile computer controllers for injection-based engines.

This is my idea from many years ago. Is there any way to improve it?

Is there anyone capable to draw a 3-D representation of such a 3-phased muller generator system - 4x pulse coils, 6x high voltage automobile induction coils, three spark plugs, three microwave oven transformers, the wiring (same as romeroUK schematics) and the mechanical part?
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: stiplanet on August 19, 2021, 04:48:33 PM
thanks T-1000 thanks for sharing, i'm willing to try, i have some knowledge in electronics, and some tools, but i need some assistance, if you will have time to guide me okay, i'm ready to try
best regard
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: T-1000 on August 19, 2021, 09:52:10 PM
Quote from: skaarj on August 19, 2021, 04:41:09 PM
This is my idea from many years ago. Is there any way to improve it?
You have to throw away current conventional generator design out of the window then approach new design with thinking out of the box.

Questions to answer for ourselves to everyone:

1) Which way the opposing and repelling magnets have least resistance when moving them around?
2) What you can do with magnets to cause least resistance when the magnetic polarity of the coil changes every time when magnets approach and leave shorted coil (worst case scenario)?
3) What happens when you introduce long enough iron chunk between two repelling magnets?

I will give a hint for the first question and the for the remaining two you will need to find answers yourselves with hands-on experimenting. Answering to all three questions correctly will lead to similar generator design approach I just shared before.

When you want to separate two very strong magnets you do not use force to unstick them directly. Much less force is required when you slide them to the sides. Apply that in generator design.

And sorry, no existing theory will lead you to simple geometric force vectors solution for making Lenz effect to work for you and not against you.


Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: stiplanet on August 21, 2021, 01:35:04 PM
thank you T-1000 for the clues, it also gives me some idea, I will put all the equipment in place, and I will come back to share the results
best regards stiplanet
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on August 23, 2021, 11:21:55 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: tysb3 on August 23, 2021, 11:25:44 PM
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: romerouk on August 25, 2021, 02:14:21 PM
Hi all,

Cogging can be used in your favor to overcome lenz.

The right speed and position of the coils is very important.

When you get the right speed the cogging will work for you otherwise no gain. This takes a lot of time to get it right.

I was expecting that some people will realise that the top coils are not perfectly inline with the bottom coils.

When built, the top or the bottom coils disc holder should be able to rotate slightly to each side.

Some coils are top and bottom in series while other are oposing fileds.

I hope this helps with future research.

Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: stiplanet on August 26, 2021, 01:55:43 PM
thank  you Romero for the information, if you could illustrate with a small diagram for us the new ones who have just started on the subject
thanks best regard Stiplanet
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: captainpecan on September 18, 2021, 07:34:16 PM
I just returned after quite a few years. Still catching up on the builds I was so interested in before. So forgive me if these questions have been answered already. This post has a massive amount of messages to go through.

First off, i found this nice little wind turbine generator for sale that claims of no cogging. Any idea the general design they are using to do this? Is it similar idea to the offset number of magnets amd coils like Muller dynamo uses or is there another way they are doing it? Here is the generator I'm referring to. Nothing special, just a no cog wind turbine generator being sold.

Next question. Seems there hasnt really been any steps forward in over 10 yrs from RomeroUK design and videos. Have I missed something? Also, I haven't found the specs for coil builds and magnets he used. I have built quite a few pulse motor and ideas I've had in the past, and I would like to work on a few ideas I've had kicking around in the old noodle for years. If anyone can point me to the specs if things have changed I would appreciate it. I cant wait to begin another build! Also... special thanks to RomeroUK for sharing your build.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: Thaelin on September 20, 2021, 11:16:10 PM
   On the no cogging / little cogging part, I am doing a gen head with twin rotors NSNSNS each and offset by one. 12 coil, 10 magnet so as to have only the two opposite coils in line at any time. Tune it to rpm for best output.
thay  hopes that is of help
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: stiplanet on September 21, 2021, 09:05:58 AM
 helll all what is the best shape the coil should have, triangular, circular, square, i need to start building my coils
thanks best regards STIPLANET
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: bistander on September 21, 2021, 10:07:31 AM
Quote from: skaarj on August 19, 2021, 04:41:09 PM
If you wish to get more efficiency, there is a little math and a little logic to follow:
The braking force value is:

Fb = B x I x L.   (1)

B is the magnetic flux (Tesla). I is the current (Ampers). L is the inductance (Henry).

Hello skaarj,
I offer a correction to your #1 equation, which is simplified Lorentz law. The symbol 'L' refers to Length, not inductance.
Title: Re: Muller Dynamo
Post by: stiplanet on September 21, 2021, 10:49:41 AM
hello Bistander your answer is related to my question on the shape of the coil
thanks best regards STIPLANET